IRC log for #asterisk on 20090807

00:04.46aluncaman, after I reboot, it not saved my setting
00:05.24Psychobillyreboot what?
00:05.33Psychobillyur pc/server?
00:05.52Psychobillyhow is ur network configured? u use dhcp?
00:05.55aluncaI saved, then type "reboot"
00:06.09Psychobillythere was no need for reboot
00:06.14aluncastatic local ip, but something wrong with dns
00:07.41aluncaPsychobilly if I don't reboot, which command should I use to load the new setting of dns?
00:08.39Psychobillythers no need for any comamnd, since u got resolv.conf right name resolution should work
00:08.59*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
00:09.11aluncanot working for me, cannot ping nor nslookup
00:18.47aluncanot sure, it works off and on hehe
00:19.11aluncaanyway, which software voIP client should I use to test out my asterisk + gv ?
00:19.33alunca3cx voip client always no reponding ...
00:21.40Psychobillyekiga, xlite , kphone, zoiper
00:21.59Psychobillythere are lots of soft phone (all bad quality)
00:22.12*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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01:07.04manxpowerAll softphones suck.  xlite seems to suck less.
01:11.39*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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01:20.29*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (n=Jim@
01:20.53drfreezeI'm building an 1.4.26 version of asterisk using a Digium TE121 card
01:21.10drfreezeDo I need to install asterisk with the TE card installed in the system, or can I add that later?
01:21.23*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:36.34*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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01:38.09manxpoweras long as you install Zaptel/DAHDI and (if using a PRI) libpri before you build Asterisk, you should fine.
01:52.02*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
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02:06.52drfreezemanxpower: thanks
02:07.10*** join/#asterisk Alfio (
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02:10.35drfreezemanxpower: I'm using 1.4.26
02:10.47drfreezeshould I install zaptel 1.4 or dahdi 2.0.0
02:12.36thansenhow can I send multiple options to the EXEC command in AGI?  instructions from here don't work..
02:17.18*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
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02:33.42manxpowerdrfreeze: that is totally up to you
02:34.42lmadsenuse DAHDI
02:34.50lmadsenzaptel isn't updated anymore, and you might as well just do it now
02:34.56lmadseninstead of having to learn how to convert later
02:44.31drfreezelmadsen: I assume it is stable
02:45.03drfreezeI don't understand why they had to rewrite zaptel. Couldn't they have just changed the name?
02:46.02lmadsendrfreeze: it's not entirely re-written. The configuration files look almost the same.
02:48.17lmadsensvn co ; cd 2.2.0+ ; make all ; make install ; make config
02:56.49drfreezelmadsen: was the make config meant to be literal or is it a function of getting dahdi from svn: make: *** No rule to make target `config'.  Stop.
02:57.20lmadsenmake config is just the same as asterisk -- installs the init script if you are running a system that supports that
02:57.54lmadsenhmmm.... thought dahdi had a make config as well... has been a while
02:58.09lmadsenmy svn link may be wrong too -- it could be dahdi-linux-complete -- I can't remember. Checking
02:58.16lmadsen(I just did all that from memory)
02:58.24drfreezeI pulled the complete down
02:58.35drfreezecurrent, I mean
02:58.56lmadsenworking link:
02:58.57*** join/#asterisk alrs (
02:59.24drfreezelmadsen: make config works with the dahdi tools
03:00.05lmadsenget both at the same time with dahdi-linux-complete
03:00.42lmadsenanyways, I'm done working now. I was just killing time here while I was waiting for things to install and complete. Peas out.
03:07.46*** join/#asterisk M-I-A (n=chacha@
03:08.38M-I-AAnyone know of any conflicts with a Rhino R1T1 and a Sangoma A102 in the same system?
03:10.54jayteeno, but it wouldn't be surprising since they are bitter enemies
03:12.09*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
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03:17.15M-I-AThe thing I thought was weird was that I couldn't find any error messages and ztcfg configured all the spans
03:18.02shinao1hi i was wondering.. i want to be able to setup dundi between several xorcom units, all running elastix.. is it possible to setup dundi between several elastix/asterisk boxes all having the same extension type number plan? i have one particular site that will have 300+ extensions, and i have about 12 sites to setup. i'm hoping to have the same extension plan (1XX) at all sites to simplify things. how can i go about it?
03:20.54shinao1is it even possible?
03:23.28M-I-Ashinao1 your light years beyond my scope :)
03:24.08shinao1more fool me then.. dabbling into things "beyond" my ken
03:31.05*** join/#asterisk geneticx (
03:31.27geneticxsup you all.
03:32.46M-I-Ageneticx not much just trying to get a rhino and sangoma to play nice together
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03:33.40geneticxM-I-A: hummm...interesting.
03:34.47drfreezeWhat's the make command to install asterisk as a service?
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03:40.03aluncawhenever I start up my AsteriskNow, it won't access to online until I typed "system-config-network" and change something, and saved it. Is there anyway to fix this issue?
03:40.37spiriIm going to ask a weak question.. maybe someone can tell me what I should be searching for in google.. Im trying to accept incoming calls to however Its not finding any extensions.. Im sure its something basic. any hints?
03:52.15*** join/#asterisk justdave (n=dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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04:30.23drfreezeDoes Asterisk work well with an AMD chip/mb?
04:30.45drfreezeI usually buy Intel, but am looking to save a bit of money on a new system
04:42.42manxpoweralunca: ask on #AsteriskNOW
04:42.56manxpowerdrfreeze: Modern AMD should work just fine
04:45.06aluncamy /etc/resolv.conf << alwasys reset when network restart ... please help
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05:55.59shinao1hi i was wondering.. i want to be able to setup dundi between several xorcom units, all running elastix.. is it possible to setup dundi between several elastix/asterisk boxes all having the same extension type number plan? i have one particular site that will have 300+ extensions, and i have about 12 sites to setup. i'm hoping to have the same extension plan (1XX) at all sites to simplify things. how can i go about it? is it even posssible?
06:05.38aluncaanyone using 3cx voip client?
06:05.47aluncasomehow, my incoming call stop show up ...
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07:27.39aluncawhich voip software is good to use with computer to test out/in calling? thank you!
07:30.53kron4egany softphone?
07:33.07aluncayeah, i failed to use 3cx voip, only can dial out, however, when I have a call in, it not show oup (or pop-up) ... but the asterisk GUI show incoming call active
07:33.19aluncaso I want to try other sip softphone
07:34.58TommyBottenWhich operating system are you using=?
07:35.05aluncawinxp pro
07:35.22TommyBottenFor linux Ekiga, sflphone and wengophone are good alternatives
07:35.34WindowsUserekiga, x-lite?
07:36.16aluncajust un-install x-lite.
07:37.01aluncasomehow, I cannot received incoming call even the asterisk web GUI shows that incoming is calling in ... any help please?
07:38.17WindowsUserdoes asterisk web gui mean theres a bunch of messy includes in your configuration?
07:38.59kaldemaralunca: your soft phone cannot reveice a call or asterisk cannot receive a call?
07:39.16WindowsUsermaybe you didn't set up incoming calls correctly? asterisk has to know to send calls to your softphone or wherever
07:42.23*** join/#asterisk Psychobilly (
07:43.38aluncaI don't know what is going on; it was working hehehe then I lost the incoming call
07:45.52dandreI have a problem with queues, see here please:
07:49.31*** join/#asterisk Hatrix (
07:54.01kaldemardandre: you don't have a single line in default context. macro calls in from-internal have erroneous syntax. those are your first problems. please be more specific on the "steps" you refer to.
07:54.41Hatrixhi guys, i have lot's of troubles with a medium (or rather small) sized call-center (around 50-70 agents). The asterisk system is either dead-locking or segfaulting on a regular base and my client is not happy about this. We used 1.4.21*, had problems, swiched hardware, then used 1.4.26-rc*, 1.4.26 to no avail, segfaults and dead-locks ... we kill asterisk once in the night, we use caches to reduce manager access from scripts, i think
07:55.05Hatrix(i forgot to mention that I try to reproduce those problems in the lab but it's rather difficult)
07:56.18dandrekaldemar: sorry for the erroneous syntax,
07:56.31*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
07:56.44kaldemardandre: and show a failed call show we know what really happens
07:58.32*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=krawlng@
07:58.57MACscr1wow, I swear, all the softphones out there are junk
07:59.50*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
08:00.12dandrethe problem is that the Dial(Local/950@from-internal/n) seems to be answered even if the queue timesout  so the next step isn't reached
08:00.31*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:02.40xrmx__Hatrix, not specific sorry, but as a general rule if you backtraces of segfaults looks for similar issues in the bug tracker
08:03.04kaldemardandre: well.. "exten = 950,n,Answer()"
08:04.05Hatrixxrmx__: my problem is, i'l tried this, but at times tha crashes are to random to relate, the only one which is actually being discussed in 1.4.26 right now is the crash with app_queue, which versions of asterisk are in production use out there for call-centers, anybody knows?
08:06.37dandreok kaldemar I will try without it but I am afraid the queue won't be played.
08:07.35kaldemardandre: you could replace the whole [app-queues] with three lines that are called with GoSub from [kwin-100007]
08:10.02kaldemardandre: or a single three line extension that matches all your queues if you want to use dial
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08:11.15dandreI don't understand all what you mean
08:14.48dandrethe problem if I don't answer the call before the queue cmd is that if called from a Zap line the queue MOH isn't played
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08:49.41TSMIAX2 from what i can see possably suffers from one thing, because it runs all over one port it cant utilise muliple paths over the ISP to increase bandwidth when running over long hauls US-UK, but on the otherhand as its all UDP i guess thats not an issue whereas TCP traffic gets realy realy slow
08:50.28*** join/#asterisk redax (
08:50.51*** join/#asterisk Pouet78 (i=56dcdc7b@gateway/web/freenode/x-e57c7b145133217a)
08:51.34redaxhow can I specify the reregistration time on a sip trunk (type=peer) ?   registerseconds and defaultexpirey seems to be not working
08:51.51Pouet78I have a problem with MGCP.
08:52.16Pouet78I have a box registering as MGCP client
08:53.12*** join/#asterisk MACscr (n=Mark@
08:53.12Pouet78Asterisk is replying a 200 OK but I have no tone :(
08:53.20MACscrhow do I empty my voicemail box?
08:53.33Pouet78any suggestion?
08:53.44TSMPouet79: over WAN or LAN?
08:54.11Pouet78I have to test this box
08:54.13TSMhave you opened the RTP ports
08:54.15WindowsUserMACscr: delete the files in it? rm /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/context/mailbox/*/*
08:54.23Pouet78I have a DSLAM and an asterisk behind
08:54.40TSMyou mean you have a firewall and asterisk behind?
08:55.14Pouet78no I don't have any firewall
08:56.15TSMok so asterisk is directly on the WAN, are you running IPTables?
08:56.27Pouet78I have : Phone -> FXS BOX FXO -> DSLAM -> Asterisk
08:57.07TSMso where is the WAN Internet Cloud in this?
08:57.40TSManyway have you checked that IPTables is not blocking the RTP ports, usualy 10000-20000
08:58.21Pouet78When I do tcpdump, I have : "MGCPRSIP 804289384 aaln/*@NDITEST199.IZP.DGP.NEUF.COM MGCP 1.0"
08:58.32Pouet78and the answer : "200 804289384 OK"
08:58.41Pouet78But then nothing else.
08:59.13TSMim not to up on MGCP over ASterisk, im all SIP, easier
08:59.13Pouet78the "VoIP" LED on the BOX is on but I have no tone
08:59.38Pouet78I have no choice, I have to test this box doing MGCP
09:00.20Pouet78My Asterisk is already ok with SIP and H323 (through gnugk)
09:01.13Pouet78It could help me if I can have some traces of a correct MGCP traffic...
09:02.28*** join/#asterisk stephan_n (
09:03.53stephan_nich suche Hilfe bei einem Problem mit Asterisk. Es geht um die Anbindung einer MySQL-Datenbank zur Speicherung der sip.conf Einträge
09:04.46stephan_nich habe in der extconfig.conf folgende Zeile eingetragen:
09:04.50stephan_nsip.conf => mysql,asterisk,ast_config
09:05.17stephan_nbeim Einloggen in der Konsole steht dort auch: == Binding sip.conf to mysql/asterisk/ast_config
09:05.41stephan_nich habe die Einträge bindaddr und port in die Tabelle ast_config eingetragen
09:06.13stephan_noh, i'm sorry
09:06.43stephan_ni tried to use mysql instead of sip.conf
09:07.28stephan_nbut asterisk does not load the entries from my table
09:08.24stephan_nwhere can i find the table schema?
09:08.35stephan_nfor the configuration tables
09:09.11stephan_nin the docs i only found examples for sip_users and the cdr-stuff
09:09.37stephan_nbut i want to store the [general]-stuff from sip.conf in the database
09:10.09stephan_nmy table looks like
09:10.10stephan_nid, cat_metric, var_metric, commented, filename, category, var_name, var_val
09:10.10stephan_nright now
09:10.54TSMdid you setup cdr_mysql.conf?
09:11.02stephan_nand my entries are
09:11.02stephan_n1, 0, 0, 0, sip.conf, general, port, 5060
09:11.02stephan_n2, 0, 1, 0, sip.conf, general, bindaddr,
09:11.19*** join/#asterisk Breaking_Pitt (n=pgarcia@
09:11.23TSMdid you follow
09:11.25stephan_ni setup cdr_mysql_conf and res_mysql.conf
09:11.31stephan_ncdr works fine
09:11.44stephan_nand also the sip users are loaded from database
09:12.35stephan_nextconfig.conf: "sipusers => mysql,asterisk,sip_users" works fine
09:12.54stephan_nextconfig.conf: "extensions => mysql,asterisk,extensions" works fine
09:13.11stephan_nextconfig.conf: "sip.conf => mysql,asterisk,ast_config" doesnt work
09:13.28TSMmabey it does not do it
09:13.29infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
09:13.30stephan_nbut i get "== Binding sip.conf to mysql/asterisk/ast_config" on console
09:13.32kaldemarstephan_n: ^^
09:14.25TSMi gave wrong link. look at
09:14.27stephan_ni have this book already opened ;-)
09:14.49stephan_nyes i read this link on voip-info too
09:15.05TSMdid you read this one specificly for sip  i guess you did
09:15.24stephan_nsip works
09:15.37stephan_nbut the stuff here: doesnt
09:16.04stephan_ni created my table with the table-structure listed there
09:16.48stephan_nsadly the link to the doesn't work
09:16.58TSM"NOTE: If you store sip.conf in the RealTime database, you need to rename/remove the text file otherwise the text file will superceed RealTime. "
09:17.07stephan_nso i inserted the rows for sip.conf at my own
09:17.21stephan_ni renamed the sip.conf to sip.conf.bak already
09:17.29TSMgood boy :)
09:17.42kaldemarTSM: that note is inaccurate
09:17.50TSMgood girl :)
09:17.56kaldemaror even plain wrong
09:19.17kaldemarat least with 1.6 and odbc it doesn't apply. if sip.conf is defined in extconfig.conf, the text file is always ignored.
09:19.20stephan_nmh, i think my configuration should be ok, because of the "  == Binding sip.conf to mysql/asterisk/ast_config" at console
09:19.34stephan_ni use 1.4 from debian lenny
09:19.57stephan_nbut maybe the table-structure isn't right
09:20.09stephan_nbut i didn't find anything in the official docs
09:20.26stephan_nfrom the packet asterisk-doc from the debian repository
09:20.53stephan_nthere are only examples for the sip-users and extensions-table
09:21.44kaldemari use and it works fine.
09:22.18stephan_nok, thanks. i will try this right now
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09:26.29stephan_nok, now i'm using your table structure with the following inserts
09:26.29stephan_nINSERT  INTO  `asterisk`.`ast_config` ( `id` ,
09:26.38stephan_nVALUES ( NULL ,  '0',  '0',  'sip.conf',  'general',  'bindaddr',  '',  '0'), ( NULL ,  '0',  '1',  'sip.conf',  'general',  'port',  '5060',  '0');
09:26.41stephan_nbut it doesn't work
09:26.57stephan_nbut i switched on mysql-logging
09:27.24stephan_nand looked at "tail -f /var/log/mysql/mysql.log" while i'm restarting the asterisk
09:27.58stephan_nan there are only two connections withour any queries!
09:28.25stephan_ni would expact, that asterisk should load the ast_config after restart
09:28.35stephan_nsomething like "SELECT * FROM ast_config"
09:28.39stephan_nbut nothing!
09:30.00*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:30.04stephan_nso, why did asterisk no single query to the database table "ast_config" at startup?
09:30.16stephan_nis there any configuration-line missing anywhere? ;-)
09:31.05stephan_ni'm still wondering about the console, because it says: "  == Binding sip.conf to mysql/asterisk/ast_config"
09:33.20stephan_ncan i get more debug messages from res_config_mysql.c anyhow?
09:36.20stephan_n@kaldemar: what asterisk-version are you using? where did you change the configuation for mysql? I only changed extconfig.conf, res_mysql.conf and cdr_mysql.conf (and of course the rename of sip.conf)
09:36.55dandrehow can I know, from my dialplan, if a particular extension exists in a given context?
09:42.46dandreI have found this:
09:43.09dandrebut is there any way to do the same in asterisk 1.4?
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09:49.08HenrikBeHi, I have some problems with AJAM/Rawman, I can login via an http-request but cannot do any commands after that. The response is "Authentication required". There is a valid cookie created from the login so it shouldn't be any problem. Anyone have any ideas?
09:50.06*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
09:52.48stephan_nwhen i execute "realtime load sip.conf filename sip.conf" at console, asterisk does "SELECT * FROM ast_config WHERE filename = 'sip.conf'"
09:55.09czindyHello. I have a problem with 2 asterisks interconnection via iax. Here is a detailed desc:      (when dial server 2 from 1 it is ok but when dial 1 from 2,  1 writes out: Host failed to authenticate as 230)  Could you help please. thank you.
09:59.35*** join/#asterisk mchou_ (n=quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
10:05.07czindyNos :( I removed the line and the result is the same
10:05.13czindyHost failed to authenticate as 233
10:06.01czindyon server1:
10:06.01czindySENDOUT     (S)  4569          OK (5 ms)
10:06.01czindyon server2:
10:06.01czindySENDOUT     (S)  4569 (T)      OK (24 ms)
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10:24.18WindowsUser(T) means it still sees itself as a trunk
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10:26.28czindyhmm I restated the servers
10:26.51czindynow they are nottrunk and the authentication is still failed
10:28.57czindyNow I tried an other way (user and peer) and with the same result:
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10:47.16zeeeshcan we make gtalk realtime like sip and extensions and voicemail already in a state of realtime ?
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12:24.21jkroonwhat's the chances that SendFAX and ReceiveFAX can detect rotated pages and handle them?
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12:29.37[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: Zero
12:30.14[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: What are you going to do to accomplish this?  You'd need something like OCR.  That that comes included in that puny receive app?
12:30.32jkroonreturns to trying to detect it beforehand in the tiff and pre-rotating.
12:32.06jkroon[TK]D-Fender, no, page resultion.
12:32.06jkroonidentify picks out the per-page resolution out  of a tiff file.
12:32.06jkroonif x > y then it's landscape, so rotate.
12:32.09dandreis there any way to know if the stack used by gosub/return is empty?
12:32.20jkroonwhat typically happens at the moment is that I use openoffice to convert documents to pdf, and impress stuff ends up being landscape.  the output resolution from gs command is correct, but it's rotated.
12:33.00[TK]D-Fenderdandre: highly doubt it.  why would you need to?
12:34.13dandrestill with my queue problem I told you yesterday
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12:34.44[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Which?
12:39.24[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Where do I see your macro?  Or the CLI output?  Testing the var?
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13:14.31dandre[TK]D-Fender: ok this was some cleanup of my whole testing conf. I am posting more complete informations
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13:27.45[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Where is MyDial?
13:27.56[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You just showed me 2 completely different things
13:28.03[TK]D-Fenderdandre: And took 3/4h to do it
13:28.31ceegeehello there
13:28.53dandrethe first was some sumary with things that didn't work
13:29.00[TK]D-Fenderdandre: AND... exten = 0979949719,1,Set(__NOHANGUP="1")
13:29.10[TK]D-FenderdarYou don't put quotes on vars like that.
13:29.16[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You don't put quotes on vars like that.
13:29.36dandrethe second is the full working version on my sys with stuff that is not directly related to my problem
13:29.48[TK]D-Fenderdandre: exten => s,n(next)  ,GotoIf($["${NOHANGUP}"="1"]?exit) <--- if the quotes are PART of it like that you get DOUBLE QUOTEs
13:30.25[TK]D-Fenderdandre: It becomes part of the content
13:31.08ceegeewe have a problem with call transfer after pickup. we user asterisk and snom320 with firmware 7.3.23. key is programmed as blf, e.g. 21|*8. if I do a call pickup and then want to transfer the call to another phone, the call hangs on hold after hook up, if I do the transfer without a pickup first this works. I dont know why it doesnt work with a pickup first.
13:32.28dandreok I'll removes quotes, do you think this can hangup the call prematurally?
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13:34.16czindyHello again, I still have problem with connect 2 asterisk (   if I dial Server 2 from 1 it is ok, but reverse there is an error: Host failed to authenticate as 231. Could you help please, you can find the config in the pastebin. thank you
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13:35.26czindyWhy it is trying authenticating as 231?
13:35.35[TK]D-Fenderdandre: and you should have a single underscore, not a double
13:35.44[TK]D-Fenderdandre: "_" not "__"
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13:38.07[TK]D-Fenderczindy: When you call from 1 to the other, your peer names & usernames don't match <-
13:38.20[TK]D-Fenderczindy: You use 6 the 6 peer and there is no 6 on the receiving side
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13:41.41czindyI register Server2 As Asterisk8 on register => Asterisk8:Sattaratta@
13:41.53czindyand there is an Asterisk8 context
13:42.12[TK]D-Fenderczindy: But the PEer you call with is important.
13:42.16czindyCould you explain please a little more detailed.
13:42.36[TK]D-Fenderczindy: iJust because you register properly is irrelevent.  Registration does not AUTH your calls
13:42.48dandreif I don't put two underscore, the variables are not set in stdexten
13:43.04[TK]D-Fenderczindy: Use a peer named [fred] and there had BETTER be a[fred] on the other side to match it
13:43.23dandreI still have my call being prematurally hungup
13:44.35[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Executing [s@macro-stdexten:1] NoOp("Local/50@from-internal-1f05,2", "1") in new stack
13:44.46[TK]D-Fenderdandre: exten => s,1,Noop(${FROMQUEUE})
13:44.54[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Ok, seems to match
13:44.54czindyMay I ask you to correct please my config in pastebin please. It would be a great help.
13:45.15[TK]D-Fenderczindy: You need the same user on both systems <----
13:46.23*** part/#asterisk rseste (i=c93f9ac2@gateway/web/freenode/x-iwmephmpgvmcrwzj)
13:47.30dandreyes that match but there is a double undercore in exten = 950,1,Set(__FROMQUEUE=1)
13:48.36jkroon__ indicates inheritance to spawned channels.
13:49.04jkroonread core show application Set
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13:49.48dandremy problem is that I must answer the chanel for the music on hold in queue to be eared by the caller and if so, the dial(Local/queue/n) doesnt go further
13:50.37dandreyes but I think I am spawning channels as I use the Local channel
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13:55.11[TK]D-Fenderdandre: -- Executing [950@from-internal:2] Answer("Local/950@from-internal-0743,2", "") in new stack
13:55.59[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You're wondering why "exten = 0979949719,n,Dial(Local/42@from-internal/n" <- this never gets called?
13:56.03dandrethat's true
13:56.41[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You are ANSERING the damn channel
13:56.55[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You are never getting out of that Dial.
13:57.09czindyD-Fender: Okay I think I understand. when I call 2 from 1 it is a SoftPhone registered in server1. But when I call server1 from 2 I accept calls from a PRI card (PRI GSM gateway), what are arriving to my dialplan.
13:57.30dandreok but if I don't answer  it the music is never heard by the caller
13:57.39dandreso how could I do?
13:57.57czindythis is my problem, that this PRI calls has no registered user?
13:59.00[TK]D-Fender[09:55]<[TK]D-Fender>dandre: -- Executing [950@from-internal:2] Answer("Local/950@from-internal-0743,2", "") in new stack <-- this is an EXPLICIT answer.  You have jsut shot yourself in the head.  And Queue alon answers the call.
13:59.26[TK]D-Fenderczindy: taht made no sense.
13:59.44dandreso there isn't any way?
14:00.07[TK]D-Fenderczindy: You have 1 peer named [asterisk6] and on the other side an [asterisk8]  the names are not the same.  When you use [asterisk6] to call the other side there is no [asterisk6] there to MATCH IT
14:00.20[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Yuo FUCKING ANSWERED the call.  ****DEAD***
14:00.36[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
14:00.46[TK]D-Fenderdandre: And Queue alon answers the call <------
14:01.22[TK]D-Fenderdandre: your outer local channel call will fail no matter what.
14:01.36dandreok I'll try without answering the call
14:01.43[TK]D-Fenderdandre: you need to fix the outer dial to continue if it has been answered <------
14:01.58[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Which is what I told you yesterday
14:02.06[TK]D-Fenderdandre: "core show application dial" <-
14:05.09_Raptor_what happens when there is no priority for an extension any more? in 1.2 asterisk was waiting for some input but in 1.6 i have so add an waitexten(123) extension otherwies asterisk hangs up and says  Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/cipphone-082d8dc8' status is 'UNKNOWN. is there anything so set for the whole channel (at the beginning) which tells asterisk to wait for input? Set(TIMEOUT(response)=123) didn't work TIMEOUT(digit) ne
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14:06.30timeshell_atwork[TK]D-Fender Hey, did you read what happened yesterday?
14:06.40[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: LOTS of things happened yesterday...
14:06.53timeshell_atworkI discovered if I called INTO the line first it would init the channel and afterward I could make outgoing
14:07.14coppiceI lived what happened yesterday
14:07.21timeshell_atworkWhen I restart my server, no outgoing calls work until I call into the lines first.
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14:08.10[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: unless you set "autofallthrough=no" in [general] or set it in the dialplan the "running out of 's' to start IVR" has not worked since 1.4 <---
14:08.31[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: what "line"?
14:08.42[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: and I have heard of bugs sounding like this before...
14:08.45timeshell_atworkAnalog channels on my TDM4
14:08.59[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: time to read the upgrade docs <-
14:09.18timeshell_atworkA while back I remember reading about this too.  I thought it would have been fixed by now.
14:09.21dandreI have read core "show application dial" but don't see how to fix the outer dial to continue if it has been answered
14:09.21czindyD-Fender Could you check it please: there are users created for each register.
14:09.28_Raptor_[TK]D-Fender: thx. i think you won't believe me, but i did :-)
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14:10.13czindyAnd the dial from server 1 to 2 is working, but reverse is not
14:12.28[TK]D-Fenderczindy: there is no [asterisk8] on server 2 <----
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14:13.45rue_mohris it suggested to turn echo suppression off on a polycom phone when using it witha  digium card that also has echo suppression?
14:14.07[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No.  handset EC is AEC, not far-end
14:14.16rue_mohrhmm k
14:14.20[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: All handsets should be doing this
14:14.40coppiceunfortunately a lot of them don't
14:14.44rue_mohrstill fighting a volume control
14:15.08[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: 3/4 of a year and going strong!
14:15.14rue_mohrwe got the pots calls up enough, but calls from the aastra phones almost blow their ear off
14:15.40rue_mohryea, I'm still beating the polycom tech support trying to get any support
14:16.18rue_mohrI give them 1/10 for answering atleast every 5th email with more than 20 words
14:16.38rue_mohr0/10 for technical knowledge
14:17.21rue_mohraastra support gets 9/10, only cause I'm reserved about saying anything perfect
14:17.33rue_mohrdigiums responce is always regarding a new version
14:18.00rue_mohreven when I had the newest versions they seems to have asked my to try an upgrade
14:18.33rue_mohrthey still get atleast 7/10 or so
14:19.38[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: So far all the "answering" hasn't led to "solving"
14:19.55[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: So your scores are little more than "feel good" ratios
14:20.11[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Keep fighting that card Ahab.....
14:21.01jayteesounds like Sisyphus
14:21.13coppicebeing nice but giving no useful info seems to score better marks in CS than being a little sharp but solving the problem
14:21.39[TK]D-Fenderis well trained in things 'sharp'
14:21.51jayteeand pointy
14:22.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: YUP!
14:23.11czindyD-Fender yes there is no user Asterisk8, but on server 1 there is no user Asterisk6 also.... so why it is working in this direction?
14:23.36jayteehi dave
14:24.17dandreok I have found the g option in dial
14:24.46[TK]D-Fenderdandre: WOW
14:25.18dandreis there any parameter in queue definition in queue.conf that is equivalent to the timeout parameter in queue cmd?
14:25.31[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Now if the Queue side is the one that hangs up, then you're still in trouble.
14:26.06[TK]D-Fenderdandre: And I told you before that you should not be using a local channel to call Queue
14:26.22dandrei remember
14:26.32[TK]D-Fenderdandre: [10:25]<dandre>is there any parameter in queue definition in queue.conf that is equivalent to the timeout parameter in queue cmd? <-- no, that would be redundant
14:28.07dandrewith my use of local channel, i had setup the queue timeout once. If i call queue ... everywher I must call that queue I must set that timeout everywhere
14:28.41*** part/#asterisk RoyCrowder (
14:28.52[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You are causing yourself a ton of pain with this approach
14:29.50leifmadsendandre: timeout in queue.conf is typically different than the timeout argument to Queue() anyways... timeout in queue.conf is how long to ring a member for, and timeout in queue is total time to be in the queue I believe
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14:30.34dandreyes the timeout in queue.conf is 'round trip' period
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14:31.55[TK]D-Fenderdandre: No, its the AGENT ring.
14:31.59[TK]D-Fenderdandre: nothing round about it
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14:32.55ariel_Hello everyone
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14:37.50mweichertI have one pbx connecting to another as a trunk. After 10 simultaneous calls, I can no longer route calls over the trunk as I get congestion. Is there a setting that I can change to allow more than 10 open channels to a trunk?
14:38.44[TK]D-Fendermweichert: * has no such restriction.
14:38.55[TK]D-Fendermweichert: Something else is wrong.
14:40.52TSMis there a way to make asterisk order the codecs
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14:41.39[TK]D-FenderTSM: Yes, the order you mention them in your peer config <-
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14:43.46TSMahh so i cant do it globaly
14:44.09[TK]D-FenderTSM: [general] might propagate the order.... but that is sloppy
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14:54.27TSMgrr ive set g729 and g722 as passthru, but now my phones wont go to voicemail, is there a special setting to make voicemail work
14:55.42[TK]D-FenderTSM: If the call is accepted as one of those, then VOICEMAIL is NOT passthrough unless you are recording in those codecs and your prompts are already in them as well <-
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14:57.14TSMis there no way to make voicemail tell the phone it will only accept ulaw?
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14:58.02TSMi set the phone to allow g729&ulaw but when it goes to vm it selects g729, i would have thought there was a way to deny g729 for vm
14:58.27grandpapadotTSM: You can't change codecs mid-call.
14:58.36grandpapadotTSM: The call has to be established with ulaw.
14:58.42[TK]D-FenderTSM: problem is the codec has ALREADY been agreed upon
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14:58.49grandpapadotTSM: or make sure you have prompts for all your codecs
15:00.59TSMthats just plain annoying that you cant set ulaw before the Answer command
15:01.27grandpapadotTSM: No it's not, that just doesn't make sense.  The codec is established by the channel driver.
15:02.14grandpapadotTSM: You "set" ulaw by establishing a call with the ulaw codec.
15:02.24[TK]D-FenderTSM: Depends when it has been set.
15:02.36grandpapadotTSM: or just download all of the other prompts or record your custom prompt in all supported formats with Record()
15:02.37[TK]D-FenderTSM: go read the CHANNEL VARIABLES doc.
15:02.37TSMgrandpapadot: as with extentions, its possable to set allow and deny codecs, it would be good if the voicemail could do this, because if it did then it could correctly establish what the phone offers and what vm can do
15:02.53czindyD-Fender please help me... I created a user [Asterisk8] on server2, then I tried to call this user as well, but still does not work.
15:03.07grandpapadotTSM: No it wouldn't, VoiceMail() is an application just like any other.
15:03.19grandpapadotTSM: And you don't set codecs for extensions, ever.
15:03.24grandpapadotTSM: You set codecs for SIP peers
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15:03.40grandpapadotTSM: Rather, you *can't* set codecs for extensions, not possible.
15:04.55czindyCould you correct my settings please.
15:05.19TSMgrandpapadot: co currently this is a small limitation when using phones which have HD codecs and the voicemail system unless you convert all the audio files
15:05.39grandpapadotTSM: It's not a limitation, it's part of the very logical design of Asterisk.
15:06.16leifmadsenextensions are assigned to devices, which have certain configuration options, such as the codecs that device supports
15:06.45grandpapadotTSM: Asterisk either has to transcode the audio ("core show translation" to see what transcoding is supported in your deployment) or play a compatable format.
15:07.09TSMgrandpapadot: it may  be logical but its not good, you have a phone that can do g722,ulaw,alaw it should be able to negotiate down to the correct codec thats allowed before the application starts
15:07.38TSMif phones have to negotiate their codec then so should the apps if we want them to
15:07.45leifmadseneh? codec negotiation is a channel thing -- not a dialplan layer thing
15:07.57leifmadsensounds like you want a SIP proxy, not a B2BUA
15:08.07grandpapadotTSM: It's great, I would recommend learning a bit more about the Asterisk architecture and SIP in general.
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15:08.35leifmadsencodec negotiation is done before the call gets to the dialplan
15:08.42grandpapadotTSM: So in your design, codecs would just change mid stream, not very optimal and impossible to manage the related SIP traffic.
15:09.42grandpapadotTSM: Just use codecs that will transcode, problem solved.  Or get prompts in the correct formats, problem also solved.
15:10.44*** join/#asterisk gramulhao (
15:10.47gramulhaohey Guys
15:10.53gramulhaoanybody having trouble with Vonage today ?
15:12.57TSMno not midstream, i make call from my phone, its g722/g729/ulaw/alaw capable, it gets to the application and sees that it will only take ulaw, i cant see it being much diffrent from calling peer to peer, but mabey my understanding of the internals of asterisk is off
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15:13.33grandpapadotTSM: But the codec is *already* established before the dialplan step and the VoiceMail application are executed.
15:14.01TSMahh well thats a bugger
15:14.18grandpapadotTSM: You're not calling an application, you're calling the sip channel driver and then the call is passed to the dial plan and then the application VoiceMail() is called.
15:14.41grandpapadotTSM: So in computer time, it's been years since the codec has been negotiated and forgot about.
15:14.42[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Not entirely accurate
15:15.07grandpapadotTK: I was going for concept, but please ellaborate if I botched it.
15:15.12[TK]D-FenderTSM: Look throgh the CHANNELVARIABLES doc like I told you and look VERY closely at the actions your call is taking along with the SIP negotiation
15:16.02TSMis there a simple way i can convert all my wavs to g722 and g729?
15:17.30grandpapadotTSM: Not sure about the transcoding capabilities with g722, but if you get g729 codec licensing you wouldn't have to convert anything.
15:18.03grandpapadotTSM: What version of Asterisk? Looks like no g722 transcoding in 1.4, but in 1.6 it may be there.
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15:18.33[TK]D-Fenderswears nobody reads the docs...
15:18.39TSMi have enough WAN bandwidth for g711u for loads of channels anyway
15:18.51TSMg722 is just nice for the polycom HD codecs
15:19.15grandpapadotTSM: Frankly, your users won't care or notice a big difference if you just use ulaw vs the HD codecs.
15:19.55leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: amen
15:20.21coppicewell, the nearly deaf ones might not notice the difference :-)
15:20.38TSMgrandpapadot: this is true, it sounds good enough, i played with g722 and it did sound better at the higher freqs but nothing thats an issue
15:20.39[TK]D-Fendercoppice: WHAT YOU SAY?
15:24.41Maxxedyou guys know of a way to log an agent in via the CLI or manager api?
15:24.50Maxxedi see agentlogoff
15:24.54Maxxedbut no, agentlogon :/
15:28.04[TK]D-FenderMaxxed: I answered this the other day.  Make an exten to do the logoff using channel variables, and Originate a call against it
15:29.01Maxxedoh yeah
15:29.07Maxxednot sure what that means :p
15:29.19Maxxedil have to spend a lil time foolin with it i guess
15:29.22Maxxedthx again ;)
15:29.48[TK]D-FenderMaxxed: What part don't you understand?
15:30.56Maxxedwell, im not trying to logoff an agent, im trying to login/logon an agent, the chan variable i dont quite follow in relation to sourcing a call from it
15:31.16[TK]D-FenderMaxxed: AMI Originate <--- Make * call out to itself with 2 local channels.  "Channel:" side answers and waits 5 seconds.  the "Exten:" side logs off the device using VARIABLES you set in your originate
15:31.42[TK]D-Fendersame thing
15:32.40Maxxedsounds like what im after
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15:33.11[TK]D-FenderMaxxed: Yeah, its almost like I answered this... twice :)
15:33.19Maxxedhey now ;)
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15:34.23Maxxedooh! i get it now!
15:34.33Maxxeddamn thats easy :p
15:36.47Maxxedafter checking that out, it makes a lil more sense now
15:37.24*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
15:42.34NickRios05hello can anyone give me a hand I have a E1 PRI comming to my digium te120p card i see the calls comming in but i get this message
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15:48.35NickRios05ok but i ve setup the extension on extensions.conf
15:52.46leifmadsenNickRios05: missing an _
15:52.53leifmadsenpattern matches need _ in the front
15:53.00leifmadsenright now you have literal extension 34XX
15:53.04citywokyea, either do 3400, or _34XX
15:53.13leifmadsenand don't use priority numbers!
15:53.20citywok1,n,n :)
15:53.20NickRios05ok let me try that
15:53.29leifmadsencitywok: amen
15:54.22*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:57.25NickRios05hey another question what would be the best context to work with, right now am using vicidial to answer those calls and i want them to be redirected to an DID with a default context, cuz this configuration worked before with sip but this is the first time i work with a digium card
15:58.04NickRios05i mean that in the DID tool of vicidial i have the default DID to redirect all calls to my in_group
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16:07.18JDanyone had much experience of Cisco ATA 186 devices?
16:07.45JDI've got a device set up to receive calls, but I get an engaged tone whenever I try to dial a number
16:08.06Carlos_PHXWhat do you see on the CLI?
16:08.18JD-- MGCP mgcp_new(MGCP/1@715-1) created in state: Down
16:12.26*** join/#asterisk afink (n=chatzill@
16:13.17JDCarlos_PHX: okay, I think I worked out what was wrong. my mgcp.conf had the wrong context set in it
16:13.23JDsorry for the noise :)
16:16.01NickRios05ok never mind ive already fixed it worked very well thnx so much citywork and leifmadsen
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16:35.20xa0zCan anyone tell me if using a Cisco 79xx series phone if there is a way to handle call-waiting without using another line?
16:35.52xa0zFor instance the 7940, a 2 line phone... could I receive call-waiting on line 1, if using line 1, and not disturb line 2 ?
16:36.29thansenis there any way that I can limit how long Dial() tries a specific number?
16:36.46thansenI'm trying to prevent a cellphone vm from picking up
16:37.00*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (
16:37.05thansenWindowsUser: yeah, but I have mutliple endpoints getting hit :(
16:37.31thansenie, somebody&somebody2
16:37.38WindowsUserso go via a local channel
16:38.11thansenWindowsUser: I'm a little noob at this stuff, can you give me a litter more explanation?
16:38.37*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
16:39.54WindowsUserhrm my use of it isn't the best
16:40.48WindowsUserbut you tell your multiple Dial to Dial(somebody&local/cellphone)
16:41.10WindowsUserexten => cellphone,1,Dial(cellphone,45)
16:43.13NickRios05hey another question am trying to get calls out from my E1 line but am getting this error on asterisk
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16:46.06thansenWindowsUser:  in this example would it ever reach .. exten => 200,102,VoiceMail(${EXTEN}@default)
16:46.41NickRios05sorry ive already corrected the extensions.conf dial plan, but now am getting this
16:46.46NickRios05any ideas?'
16:48.16*** join/#asterisk profxavier (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/neverblue)
16:48.50profxaviercan I release a phone, from the * console?  two IPs are being used on one account...
16:49.05profxavierso when I dial that extension, both phones will ring
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17:32.05jplankwow everyone is pretty quite today
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17:33.10jplankseems like everyone is recovering from a netsplit
17:33.24b14ckmy auto-identify failed :(
17:33.31b14ckso i couldnt join, just realized this channel was dead
17:34.09jplankvery possible that we are the only ones effected by the netsplit, and we are actually in here alone
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17:35.27[TK]D-Fendervery few people split
17:35.58jplankit looked like everyone split to me, thats why I thought I was on the losing end
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17:37.50jplanki remember a time where netsplits were unheard of on freenode, only on the evil efnet
17:41.58errrjplank: how long ago was that? Its been a pretty regular thing for the last 4 or so years
17:43.33jplank4 years sounds long
17:43.52coppiceI remember a time when there were no netsplits on freenode. No internet, either
17:44.36*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
17:46.23TSMwhats the dig string to check an ENUM number?
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18:09.36darkdrgn2k3Hey, i have a VOIP provider who's backend is a NORTEL MCS
18:09.43darkdrgn2k3how can i figure out what settings i need to use it?
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18:12.24WindowsUserany VOIP provider should willingly tell if you SIP credentials if they want you to connect to them
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18:24.10b14ckuse flowroute :)
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18:26.15lesouvageA call file geerated call is going fine but I have this message in the cli "Call failed to go through, reason (0) Call Failure (not BUSY, and not NO_ANSWER, maybe Circuit busy or down?"  after a recorded message is played.
18:28.25lesouvageSo I just have a kind of worrying error message while the sip conection with my sip provider keeps working without problem.
18:28.41shido6look away
18:28.47shido6and make calls -
18:30.04b14ckcrontab -e | echo "* * * * * rm -f /var/log/asterisk/full*"
18:30.25b14ckjust echo it to the crontab urself!
18:30.44lesouvageIt is just kind of strange and perhaps someone has a suggestion how to fix this.
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18:40.25eppigylivin a lie
18:40.30eppigyLIVIN A LIE
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19:18.46K3rN3Lsomebody know how i can know the number that i am dial from a .call file?
19:19.18K3rN3Li need pass this to a agi script
19:19.52WindowsUsertry asking for the EXTENSION variable
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19:23.29[TK]D-Fenderlol, not implicit...
19:23.36[TK]D-Fendersilly wabbits
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19:27.18czindyHello again, D-Fender, are you there? I think I not understand you. I connected the two asterisk box exacty that the 2nd edition asterisk book writes.
19:27.38czindyCould you help me how can I connect those 2 asterisk servers please.
19:28.27czindyYour advice would be very appreciated
19:33.10[TK]D-Fenderczindy: Go read the WIKI's page on "asterisk dual servers"
19:34.14czindyok thank you
19:34.21*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:35.17czindydo you think I need the Peer-User configuration?
19:36.02[TK]D-Fenderczindy: you never had matching peers int he first place.  You seem to be missing some basic common logic.  Maybe reading that WIKI page a few times will let it sink in.
19:36.18*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:38.23czindyOk I trust you. Do you think that this page is good:
19:38.24czindyI configured exactly my servers what is the 2nd example say
19:39.05[TK]D-Fenderczindy: PB your configs
19:39.31[TK]D-Fenderauto-complete FAIL
19:40.54*** part/#asterisk MACscr (n=Mark@
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19:42.36ethicxIm trying to stream an online radio station for my music on hold but I get this error on Asterisk's CLI: [Aug  7 15:38:35] NOTICE[2112]: res_musiconhold.c:556 monmp3thread: Request to schedule in the past?!?! this is my musiconhold.conf what could be going on?
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19:43.39czindyHere it is
19:45.48Corydon76-digethicx: is this a virtual box or are you running other services on your machine?
19:46.11ethicxnope its an asterisk dedi server i got running at home
19:46.57Corydon76-digethicx: if you're getting that message, then something else is eating CPU
19:47.38ethicxyou think overheating would spit out these messages cause I do admit the server runs a bit hot
19:47.56ethicxworking on better ventilation at the moment =D
19:48.16Corydon76-digOnly if the OS is sending the CPU into low-power mode in order to allow the CPU to cool
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19:48.26[TK]D-Fenderczindy: You have not done it accoring to that guide
19:49.03ethicxyeah, but otherwise it shouldnt be a config error on my end hu?
19:49.11*** part/#asterisk LarsN (n=lars@unaffiliated/w9zeb-lars)
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19:49.57jayteeEstoy intentando muy difícilmente no perder mi genio.
19:50.00czindyOk I check it again, here is my config files more detailed and the errors
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19:52.04czindyDo you mean the declaration of iax2 user and peer?
19:55.06[TK]D-Fenderczindy: You did not specify a USERNAME
19:55.22[TK]D-Fenderczindy: so the peername is what thigns fall back to.
19:56.02eppigyjaytee: you have exceeded my linguistics ability
19:56.55jayteeeppigy, it should translate as: I am trying very hard not to lose my temper.
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20:00.53czindyI added this on each side user=MyCrossAs  but the same error
20:00.54czindyWhy server 2 recognize server 1 as 123:
20:01.18[TK]D-Fenderczindy: yOUR peer DOES NOT SPECIFY THE remote ACCONT TO AUTH AS.
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20:01.56darksmurfWhen I 'reload' from the asterisk CLI it tells me about contexts it is loading, files it is parsing, etc. I need to verify that a context I have created is actually getting loaded. I have tried to save the output from the reload command and grep it, but I do not find what I am looking for.
20:02.32[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: "dialplan sho thecontextname"
20:02.36[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: "dialplan show thecontextname"
20:02.41darksmurfahh, thanks
20:02.54NickRios05hey one question on the extensions.conf file if I have a zap trunk how can i select the channel the call will go out??
20:04.46[TK]D-FenderNickRios05: Dial(Zap/channelorgrouphere/numbertodial)
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20:08.33czindyok I tried to dial: Dial(IAX2/MyCrossAs:Sattaratta@Asterisk8/${EXTEN:1},60,Tr); but the same result.
20:08.34czindyDo you think I'm very blond?
20:10.09czindyI stuck on this... really
20:10.20NickRios05thnx [TK]D-Fender , but for instance with the zap trunk defined as 1 works but when i define it like this 3, i get the following message
20:11.06[TK]D-Fenderczindy: EW
20:11.28[TK]D-Fenderczindy: and I don't see a user specified in your peers
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20:13.31czindySorry I'm trying to concentrate but.... Could you please make some correction in my DP?
20:13.35czindyor in my brain :)
20:14.02eppigyhans czindy some lsd
20:14.06eppigythere you go
20:14.33czindyThanks it was great ...
20:15.21*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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20:17.27[TK]D-FenderNickRios05: "zap show status", "zap show channels"
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20:17.55czindyUSER do you mean an iax user what I  use to connect to asterisk with my softphone?
20:18.23*** part/#asterisk Shotygun (
20:18.59ruben23hi im using asterisk Asterisk and set all calls be recorded..problem is suddenly my recordings are getting 0 bytes.
20:19.17ruben23almost all records are 0 bytes.
20:21.14czindyHmm... so may I need [Asterisk8] type=user?
20:22.33[TK]D-Fenderczindy: So you read the WIKi example 2 a few times, right?
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20:22.56[TK]D-Fenderczindy: And that's what you based yours on?
20:25.32NickRios05[TK]D-Fender,  ok I managed to use the rest of the channels, where can i put the caller id i wanna send through my E1?
20:26.04[TK]D-FenderNickRios05: "core show function CALLERID"
20:28.10*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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20:31.32[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
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21:04.48darksmurfI have a script that needs access to a MySQL database. It does not seem to be connecting, and there is not much for diag information. how can I tell if a mysql(connect...) command worked or not?
21:05.23leifmadsendarksmurf: which language? (although this doesn't seem like an asterisk question...)
21:05.37darksmurfin an asterisk dialplan
21:05.40leifmadsenI'd enabled the logging in mysql and check there
21:05.43leifmadsenusing what?
21:06.04leifmadsenuse res_odbc instead of the MYSQL() dialplan command
21:06.11leifmadsenway better to use func_odbc instead
21:06.15darksmurfexten => _s,1,MYSQL(Connect connid localhost user password timeclock
21:07.06leifmadsen1) you don't need the _ in that scenario, 2) is that the whole thing?, you're missing a closing )
21:07.14darksmurfleifmadsen, if I were developing this myself I would consider that, but this is supposed to work already. It dies  on a MYSQL(query line
21:07.16leifmadsensorry, can't help much more now, working on dinner
21:07.50darksmurfI omited the last ) so that my screwy copy/paste thing would not send the line before I changed the user/pass.
21:08.08darksmurfthanks anyway. Have a good dinner.
21:08.26darksmurfI will look at the _ bit...
21:11.17*** join/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
21:11.53nextimehello all. I need to do a dialout from an external daemon, i use a callfile with Channel: Zap/g1/number...
21:12.09nextimeand i redirect the call to a context/extension where i have a playback()
21:12.35nextimeis there a way to intercept the ${DIALSTATUS} of the call after is end?
21:13.54nextimeok, found the way to do it
21:13.54*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
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21:21.20darksmurfshould arguments in MYSQL() be
21:21.28darksmurf"quoted" ?
21:23.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:26.17ruben23anyone have idea--my asterisk are set for all calls record but its can see threcorded file in 0 bytes.
21:29.36NickRios05[TK]D-Fender, Thx it worked really well
21:32.27[TK]D-FenderNickRios05: You're welcome
21:34.24darksmurfis there anyway to see WHY a MYSQL() command failed in an asterisk dialplan? It seems to be failing on the Connect. I am not able to see any connection attempts in my mysql log, but I suspect it is not logging everything I need.
21:45.24[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: I don't see dialplan messages, check CLi for this
21:45.32[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: core debug should highlight it
21:46.19darksmurfcore debug?
21:46.24darksmurf'no such command'
21:47.00darksmurfnor 'help core debug'
21:47.02darksmurfcore set debug
21:47.45darksmurfhigher level = more data?
21:48.37russellbyes, but you also have to enable it in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf for it to show up
21:49.31dustybindarksmurf: what happened to lightsmurf?
21:49.43darksmurfI got hungry :)
21:50.46darksmurfrussellb, in that file I have a few comments, and a line that starts 'full' that is not commented. I take it that means full logging is enabled?
21:50.59darksmurfI tried core set debug 100 (was 0) and I do not see any more information.
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21:55.17strehisomebody arround with experiance in connecting interal s2m devices on a Wildcard TE405P/TE410P (1st gen)?
21:56.20*** join/#asterisk acxty (n=acxty@
21:56.21acxtyhi guys, does someone had integrate a meridian pbx with asterisk?
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21:57.37acxtyis it possible to use does meridian phones, with asterisk
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22:04.42[TK]D-Fenderacxty: Only with expensive gateways, and is model-dependent
22:09.57lesouvageI have  "app_dial.c:1638 dial_exec_full: Could not stop autoservice on calling channel" and some strange cdr date with dcontext = inbound while I'm only making call file generated outbound calls and inbound isn't part of the dialplan scheme. Can there be a relation between the two?
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22:20.04acxtyA small problem. I have a centos running asterisk on panama. It have a ip line connected to it. I have a differente centos on el salvador also running asterisk. What I want to is that sip accounts on el salvador call panama phones using the ip line on the panama box
22:21.54acxtyMy idea is to add a new sip account on panama and register el salvador asterisk with that account, and use that line to make the calls on panama
22:22.28acxtyis that the correct way of doing it, or is there a better way to have does 2 asterisk connected even if they are on different countries
22:22.43[TK]D-Fenderacxty: huh?
22:22.50andresmujicaacxty : iax trunking is the better way
22:23.51acxtyhuh iax?
22:25.27acxtywhen using iax, do I need to physically connect something to the asterisk, or will it work similiar as sip?
22:26.09andresmujicasimilar like sip, but signalling and media use the same udp port, so no hassle with nat/networking at all.
22:26.37acxtywill read about that thanks
22:28.11[TK]D-Fenderacxty: SIP, IAX.  Hardly makes a difference
22:28.24[TK]D-Fenderacxty: And you can pass calls between *'s any way you want
22:28.35[TK]D-Fenderandresmujica: ALMOST.
22:29.34acxtyI make a test connecting on panama to el salvador using a softphone on my computer, and the sound quality was good. I was using a sip account during that test
22:29.49andresmujicayeap. almost no hassle with networking and that... :)
22:30.26andresmujicaacxty: with IAX2 you can save a little bit of bandwidth because of trunking. so go explore that route
22:30.53acxtywill give it a try
22:31.04acxtyI have 1mbps pure on both computers
22:31.15acxtydo you think it is enough or need to upgrade it
22:31.41andresmujicait depends on your needs.  simultaneous calls, codec used, headers, etc, etc ,etc
22:42.03darksmurfmysql access from an Asterisk Dialplan has to be compiled into asterisk, correct? Is there any way I can verify it is?
22:43.56russellbdarksmurf: there are multiple methods for achieving that.  You can verify any of them with "module show ..."
22:44.03russellbto verify that the module you expect to be there is there
22:46.27*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:47.05darksmurfrussellb, thanks. That explains why the MYSQL() command does not work. No module installed. Damn
22:47.19russellbthat'll do it
22:47.55russellbBy the way, the most supported way of doing that is by using func_odbc
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22:48.04russellbbut, of course, it's up to you
22:53.25darksmurfI think I am going to have to convert AsteriskPHPTimeClock to
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23:01.18[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: Or you could show us the CLI output of your failed attempt to see if what you think is wrong is actually wrong
23:01.46[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: Because by default I wouldn't trust the diagnosis of a person who doesn't know the other signs
23:02.35drmessanothinks ODBC in Asterisk is the func
23:05.54darksmurf[TK]D-Fender, when the dialplan reaches a MYSQL function it dies. a 'modules show' does not list anything related to MySQL or anything SQL. It does show a few other DB types, including ODBC.
23:06.13darksmurfby 'it dies' I mean it jumps to hanging up the call.
23:08.23[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: "dies"  how descriptive....
23:08.40[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: SHOW ME THE DEAD BODY
23:09.54darksmurfstand by. I will add a few NoOps so it is a little more obvious..
23:09.59*** join/#asterisk vcampos (n=huwaei@
23:16.02[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: O RLY
23:16.12[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: -- Executing [s@from-internal:1] Macro("SIP/2111-b73cf6b8", "hangupcall") in new stack <-- this is a DIALPLAN APP EXECUTING
23:16.20[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: this is NOT eve YOUR code.
23:16.35[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: INCLUDE fail <-
23:17.00darksmurfcorrect, that is why my questions have been limited to how to verify MYSQL support in asterisk, not how to fix it.
23:17.09[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: You don't get it...
23:17.31[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: Your DIALPLAN failed <-  It isnsn't RUNNING the app because you don't have stuff in the right place
23:17.44darksmurfIf I omit the MYSQL lines, the rest of the dialplan works fine. I get asked for an employee ID, it reads it back, etc.
23:17.46[TK]D-FenderDarkIt isn't calling YOUR "s,1" you showed.
23:18.15darksmurfI disagree. I will demonstrate. A few moments please.
23:18.22[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: You have a DIALPLAN problem with your code overlapping with another context
23:18.32[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: nothing to show.  You've already shown enough
23:18.48[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: This evidence shoots you clean out of the water
23:20.07darksmurfSo, options are...?
23:20.39[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: -- Executing [25625@from-internal:2] Goto("SIP/2111-b73cf6b8", "s,1") in new stack <-- this is calling [from-internal].  Your shit isn't in that context, and if you were expecting it to be acessible, then INCLUDE prioritization KILLS IT
23:21.11*** join/#asterisk rvhi (n=chatzill@
23:21.29rvhihi, how do you find if a sip channel is busy or not?
23:21.33darksmurfIf I change the GoTo to S,2 (skipping the MYSQL line), it continues the app. So If I were to ..
23:21.35darksmurfsip show inuse
23:22.09[TK]D-FenderDarkbecause your context includes OVERLAP
23:22.11darksmurfCan I use something different than s?
23:22.14rvhihow about in dialplan?
23:22.28[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: s,1 EXISTS in [from-internal] already and screws you
23:22.29rvhiso if it is busy, i will send calls to voicemail directly
23:23.01[TK]D-FenderThis is what happens when FreePBX users who have no clue about the dialplan try writing scripts around the GUI
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23:24.24[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: <---------------
23:24.53*** join/#asterisk mumtazah (
23:25.38darksmurfAh. Very good.
23:30.12[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
23:33.21darksmurffender, thanks for the help. I do not expect help at all, much less so due to the fact I am using FreePBX. That said, I am still having the same problem. See the update dialplan and output:
23:35.26darksmurfI think there have been two problems, my attempt at verifying the MySQL problem hid the context scope problem. Maybe I am still missing something.
23:36.06*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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23:48.47[TK]D-Fenderdarksmurf: Add some more noop's before the MYSQL.
23:48.55[TK]D-FenderAlso in CLI do "core show application MYSQL
23:49.19*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (

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