IRC log for #asterisk on 20090806

00:00.11[TK]D-FenderFaiz: Do yourself a favour and just re-dl and compile the complete one
00:00.18SaiSomayea, what fender said
00:00.24Faizok, should i uninstall my current version?
00:00.25SaiSomait won't overwrite your config
00:00.29svm_invictvsWhat's everybody's thoughs on Teliax?
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00:00.54Faizside question:
00:01.02SaiSomaBene Tleilax?
00:01.19Faizsay i wanted to downgrade to, how would i go about doing this?
00:01.24SaiSomasame thing
00:01.25Faizsvn the version tag?
00:01.27[TK]D-Fendersvm_invictvs: they're OK.  Sometimes spotty, but a good dead for a bunch of things
00:01.38SaiSomaFaiz: compile, shutdown asterisk, install, start asterisk
00:01.44svm_invictvs[TK]D-Fender: Their prices are good.
00:01.49Faizah, ok, cool.
00:01.50[TK]D-FenderFaiz: Just go onto the digium server and download that specific version
00:01.56*** part/#asterisk nixer (n=nixer@
00:01.57Faizgotcha, thanks :)
00:02.11SaiSomaFaiz:  how's yoru project coming?  Your prof happy with it so far?
00:02.24Faizagh, things were fairly good, but i have to implement fax right now
00:02.44Faizand the latest versions of asterisk, 1.6.1 onward are terrible with it
00:03.06Faizi'm just worried about what i'll be doing next since i'm already overwhelmed
00:03.26Faizc'est la vie
00:03.46SaiSomaFaiz:  how are they terrible with it?  I'm using and a handytone 486 ATA with no problems?
00:03.52Faizand women! agh, women women women women women, a never ending tale of ambivalence
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00:03.59SaiSomanot using t.38, just passthrough and no problems at all
00:04.06Faizfor some reason, doesn't seem to be registering the fax modules
00:04.24SaiSomaand did?
00:04.24Faizwhen i downloaded the specific ones from the digium server and put them in the modules directory
00:04.40Faizsomeone earlier in here said it worked with, so i was going to try that
00:04.42SaiSomaoh, you're doing something fancy, not normal analog fax machine stuff:)
00:04.43Faizbut my internet died
00:05.03Faizoh no, its analog fax
00:06.15SaiSomareally?  Are you using a sip ata adapter or something else?
00:06.38Faizas of right now, i don't have a fax machine set up, since i wanted to make sure the fax modules were read by asterisk before i proceeded
00:06.50Faizbut it would be a standard fax machine hooked into the PCI card
00:07.02Faizusing "fax over asterisk"
00:07.07SaiSomayou know, maybe I'm doing it wrong, but I treat my fax like an analog extension
00:07.14SaiSomaand it's worked perfectly for a few months now
00:08.00Faizthat's great, hopefully i'll be able to make some progress by the end of tonight
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00:09.25buttons840in the dialplan, can i reference multiple variable in the same line IE.  someapp(${var1}{var2})       what is the syntax?
00:10.23buttons840reads the book
00:10.33SaiSomabuttons840:  I've done this like somaapp(${var1}${var2})
00:10.42SaiSomamay not be the only way, but it has worked for me in macros
00:10.50buttons840i'll try it
00:23.33Faizi ran "make" under, and I get the following output:
00:23.59Faizerm, i get an error as it compiles app_dahdiras.o
00:24.12Faiz"/usr/include/dahdi/user.h:766: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before â__s32â"
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00:26.59SaiSomathis a fresh download of
00:28.13Faizyes, but forget it, i'm going to try since it seemed to be an issue with that branch and was resolved in a later release
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01:04.06*** join/#asterisk metfan2007 (n=metfan@
01:04.21metfan2007hi all
01:08.14metfan2007i have a question, i want to do an IAX trunk between 2 ast boxes, but in one side I cannot forward any ports to the ast box, and the ISP does not provides any special IP to that router, is a shared external IP, how can I get around this? I can make calls form ast box A to box B, (box B with no problems, fixed external IP and port forwarded) but no in the other direction
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01:14.00thansendoes not set the RECORDED_FILE variable?
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01:35.15[TK]D-Fendermetfan2007: run a vpn between them originated & maintained by the troublesome side
01:37.14[TK]D-Fenderthansen: What variable?  That page makes no such reference
01:38.37thansen[TK]D-Fender: the RECORDED_FILE variable like Record() would do
01:39.01metfan2007[TK]D-Fender: OK, I can try that, does the register => line helps? maybe register the trouble side to the "good" one?
01:40.36*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=lebah@
01:42.49KavanSI have call forwarding setup...but sometimes it would be nice to know who is calling...does anyone have a suggestion to change the outgoing callerid to the number that's calling me?
01:42.55KavanSby legal means of course...
01:43.11KavanSaren't their some voip services that you can specify something like that?
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01:56.06ethicxHei folks. I'm having this interesting problem. Asterisk Server is behind NAT (port forwarding), client sip is outside behind another NAT. The client successfully registers with the server. When I make a call from client side it rings on the other end but I don't get audio. Just when Im placed on hold Im able to hear something. does this sound like a NAT problem to you guys?
01:56.17*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
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02:14.50[TK]D-Fenderthansen: Well it doesn't say it does that.  So it won't.  Besides YOU named the file when you started the recording.  You should already know it
02:15.03[TK]D-Fenderethicx: READ :
02:15.06infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
02:15.22[TK]D-Fenderethicx: And yes, it certainly does.
02:17.01ethicxI think I've read those guides like 3 times by now =D but still breaking my head over it...thx though
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02:21.16thansen[TK]D-Fender: yes, thanks...I just wanted to access that variable POST execution of the script, but I'll just have to set another variable in the script with file name
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03:30.02joakoHow can my system uptime be 20 hours but asterisk claim it is up 1 day 5 hours?
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03:40.48infobotpbx is probably a Private Branch eXchange
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04:37.07zchaosTime is 12:36am, computer has been up for 1w 4d 1h 3m 10s
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05:13.27K3rN3Lgood night from Mèxico everybody
05:13.32K3rN3Lsome body help me?
05:13.55K3rN3Lhow i can do a message repeat and repeat and repet in asterisk?
05:14.00K3rN3Lfor example
05:14.07K3rN3LHello Hello Hello Hello Hello
05:15.05denonshow application goto
05:15.05denon(that's for you, K3rN3L)
05:16.50K3rN3Lcheck denon
05:18.42[TK]D-Fenderdenon only accepts CASH
05:19.32K3rN3Lse [TK]D-Fender hi dude
05:30.36denonor paypal!
05:32.27*** join/#asterisk Rob3Rt (
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05:33.06Rob3RtThu Aug 06 15:32:53 2009
05:33.25denongday mate
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06:03.46fiddurHi.  Anyone here uses php for AMI?  The AsteriskManager package on pear doesn't handle events, and the link to StarAstAPI (from ) is broken.  I finally found the package on, and it's very much better... but I don't know how to contact the author, since the domain obviously is dropped and he had his email address there...    Anyone knows of S. A. Kamran?
06:06.06*** join/#asterisk J4zen (
06:07.52J4zenHi there, i've got a simpel question.. im pretty sure this isn't possible but here goes anyway: Is it possible to send an incoming fax to two addresses, for example; It first goes to Hylafax and then has to go to an actual faxmachine. This way you should get a digital log of the fax as well as a hardcopy at the faxmachine.
06:07.55J4zenAny way to achieve this?
06:09.52fiddurJ4zen: shouldn't be any problem..  One solution would be to recieve it in asterisk, and then send it to the two destinations...
06:10.36fiddurotoh, if you recieve it in asterisk, you probably wouldn't need hylafax; just copy the recieved file
06:13.13*** join/#asterisk TimRiker (i=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
06:14.06TimRikerwhat's the status on ipv6 with asterisk? (sip in particular)
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06:15.00manxpowerTimRiker: it should be listed in the UPGRADE file in the 1.6.x source directory
06:15.54TimRikerk. currently on 1.4.x, reading the changelogs on the web site and didn't see it mentioned there. perhaps I just have not found it yet. :)
06:18.12manxpowerTimRiker: I doubt 1.4 has any of that support.  1.6 is what you want to look at
06:18.29manxpowerIf it's not listed there then it's not there.
06:18.47J4zenfiddur: If you sent it to two destinations, will it actually open two channels for the incoming/outgoing audio?
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06:38.30TimRikerI can't seem to find anything that says that ipv6 is supported. :( I see on the asterisk-video list that various things with video are broken in 1.6 too.
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06:39.53QwellTimRiker: there is a branch with support for IPv6, but it's rather out of date
06:40.50QwellTimRiker: That's something I'm personally really interested in it, but haven't been able to find the time to look at it at all...  I want it to be on the top of my list. ;/
06:40.53TimRikerQwell: you mean the stuff, yes?
06:41.38Qwellthere's a branch in the asterisk svn though
06:41.59TimRikerwould seem that with linphone and a few others supporting ipv6, sip support should not be all that hard to do.
06:42.47TimRikeris the branch in svn still at 1.4 or as someone updated it?
06:42.54Qwellit would be trunk
06:43.09QwellI have no idea how far out of date it is though
06:43.40Qwell  maybe?
06:44.42fiddurJ4zen: If you first recieve it with RecieveFax, and then send it with SendFax twice, yes. T.38 course, that's easiest if you're using a 1.6.X asterisk
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06:50.12J4zenfiddur: Thanks
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07:15.54agxi've a Digium TE card PRI at span 2 the timing value in zaptel.conf should be 1 or 2 ? i mean: span=2,1,0 or span=2,2,0 ? span=1 is an FXO card instead
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08:05.15ascentif I have two SIP (hard)phones behind (different) nats, trying to call eachother, and asterisk on a non-natted internet host, what do I need to do to make it work over NAT ?
08:05.43ascentDo I need configchanges for asterisk, on the phone, on the nat routers?
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08:50.35ZylogueI am a bit confused on what hardware I need for asterisk.  I am only wanting to set up a  basic SOHO solution to provide a few extensions (only two phones in the house), and voicemail for 5 people.  At this time I have one POTS line into the house.  Is it needed?
08:52.18*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
08:56.32kaldemarZylogue: only if you want PSTN connection using the line
08:58.02Zylogueat this time, I can only get one POTS line into the house, but I would really like to have the ability to support two seperate phone numbers for the house.  One for business and one for family/personal.
08:58.34Zyloguewhat is a good way to handle that?  I'm in Oklahoma, US, so providers may be different.
08:59.01defsdoorZylogue: IVR
08:59.16box2you wouldn't need much in the way of powerful computer for a setup like that
08:59.27Zyloguedefsdoor, yes, an IVR is one of the items I will want to set up.
08:59.37box2you could use a Linksys router to handle it
08:59.57box2except for your line cards
09:00.02Zyloguebox2, great.  From what I have been reading I will need IP phones?
09:00.32box2you can use analog phones if you get a card with FXS slots
09:00.44Zyloguebox2, 'line cards'?  are those used to interface the computer with physical phones?
09:01.01ZylogueFXS jacks, OK.
09:01.51box2if you want IP phones, they just connect them to your network, no extra hardware needed on your * server end
09:02.17Zyloguebox2, that is good to hear.  That will let me add phones in other rooms, as needed.
09:02.19mort_gibPlus, they give much more functionality
09:02.50Zyloguenow for a hard question: who do I get phone numbers from?  Especially if I am wanting to escape the local telco?
09:03.14mort_gibWhere are you based??
09:03.29Zylogue$55.00/month to a single phone line with no 'features' is way too expensive.
09:03.33ZylogueOklahoma, US
09:04.06Zyloguebut I have cable internet at 20Mb down, 2Mb up
09:04.09mort_gibYou can get DDI's from a lot of providers, meaning that no phone line is required...
09:04.38ZylogueDDI's, OK.  I will look that up...
09:04.38mort_gibYou have to play around with a NAT a bit as SIP generally don't like NAT
09:04.40infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
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09:05.13box2voip phone providers are ok, i havn't used one that was super great though
09:05.22mort_gibThat way, you can use an Alix board with a 4gb Sandisk III card and get Snom 300 or Polycom 330's
09:05.29box2you should look for comparisons of the providers online somewhere
09:05.42ZylogueI've got a linksys router running dd-wrt.
09:05.47Zyloguewill that help?
09:05.55mort_gibbox2: True, but there is a price/quality balance to explore
09:06.08box2yea, that's not something i've explored much heh
09:06.10mort_gibZylogue: Whatever you are comfortable with
09:06.25Zyloguemort_gib, that price/quality quoteint is why I'm wanting to tell the local telco to 'get off'
09:06.57mort_gibbox2: I have been looking into this and have found decent enough providers, though NOT to all destinations.
09:07.16Zyloguemort_gib, like who?
09:07.49mort_gibI use for European calls...
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09:08.59mort_gibThey suck for calls to Spanish mobiles
09:09.21mort_gibUK calls are great, Germany is ok, Switzerland not
09:09.43mort_gibbox2: Is right when he says that it differs....
09:10.24ZylogueI appreciate the details.  I will have to look into this deeper.
09:10.36Zylogueyou guys have been great.
09:11.41Zylogueto summarize:  If possible go with IP phones, so I can avoid specialized hardware in the server, and I need to locate VOIP service providers to compare/contrast service quality/price for my needs
09:12.03agxhello,  i've a Digium TE card PRI at span 2 the timing value in zaptel.conf should be 1 or 2 ? i mean: span=2,1,0 or span=2,2,0 ? span=1 is an FXO card instead.
09:12.14ascentDoes asterisk support messaging, and if so, from what version?
09:12.42box2Zylogue: sounds about right
09:12.59box2i like the Polycom phones
09:13.47mort_gibPolycoms are nice, I can't decide between Polycoms and Snoms
09:13.54tzafrir_laptopagx, 1
09:14.21agxtzafrir_laptop: ty mate!! i own you 3 beers at least so far :-P
09:14.50agxmort_gib: Polycom is the best, Snom was good before they starting putting "made in china" on their product
09:15.33agxascent: MESSAGE header can be sent directly using sipsak utility; asterisk 1.4 does not route message: there is a patch for it too somewhere; dunno about 1.6
09:15.44mort_gibagx: Yeah, I had to return a few with faults, but lusers like them better....
09:16.00Zyloguebox2, mort_gib, thansk again for your answers.
09:16.14mort_gibZylogue: np
09:16.30ascentagx: ok, thanks. Let me check the changelog for 1.6
09:16.31Zylogueat work (Dell computers) we use Avaya IP phones.
09:16.42agxmort_gib: i'm fine with IP310 POE, my coworkers like Snom320
09:17.29mort_gibagx: See I have done both Polycom and Snom installs, but with the Snoms users get into the project faster... They simply like the website
09:17.53mort_gibThat said, the Polycoms are better quality, and sound is simply just a little bit better
09:18.51mort_gib-And don't get me started on handsfree....
09:18.58agxmort_gib: you can have better quality on Snom using the Klarvoice handset :) the problem now i think they put too much things in firmware
09:19.10defsdooruses aastra almost exclusively
09:19.17agxi like that handset
09:19.35defsdoorhave one polycom conference station and it was a bitch
09:19.51mort_gibI haven't tried the "Klearvoice" yet
09:20.12box2"kan joo heer mi nao?"
09:21.33mort_gibdefsdoor: How come??
09:21.53mort_gibI have 8 of them things running, just fine
09:22.00defsdoormort_gib: stupid web configuration with "obscure" fields
09:22.18mort_gibmind you, DON'T use the webinterface for configuration
09:22.42defsdoorthis was a single handset on a site full of aastras - I didnt want to get into provisioning it properly
09:22.56defsdoorespecially as there was little help on how to do it on line
09:22.59mort_gibPity, you really should have
09:23.16agxbox2: ROFL
09:23.17Zylogueas I look for IP phones, what features should I be looking for?  The Polycom 320 is one I found on ebay.  Does SIP matter with asterisk?
09:23.20mort_gibOr paid someone in  here to help out...
09:23.49*** join/#asterisk Rob3Rt (
09:23.59mort_gibZylogue: ANY sip compliant IP handset will do, you choice is how much to spend
09:24.15mort_gibZylogue: Remember never be cheap :-)
09:25.46Zyloguemort_gib, define 'cheap'
09:25.58*** part/#asterisk agx (
09:25.59viraptorZylogue: stay away from grandstreams ;)
09:26.16infobotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
09:26.32mort_gibviraptor: I fully agree
09:26.50mort_gibHow are the Astras these days??
09:26.57ascentHm let's drop the messaging idea for a while :)
09:27.13defsdoormort_gib: I can't fault the aastras I have used
09:27.30defsdoor9133i, 480i, 57i etc.. so far
09:27.38mort_gibdefsdoor: Ok, never gave them a fair chance :-)
09:27.55mort_gibAnyway, gottago
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09:52.07TSMhas anyone had to work out disconnect tone sequences for SPA adapters?
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11:46.25TSMcan asterisk send back the display name of a number that you are calling, our polycom phones only show the extention and not the name when we call out
11:48.44syntheticover isdn or pots line
11:48.49syntheticor to outher voip phone
11:49.53TSMinternal voip phone to asterisk, calling internal extention and send back the name
11:50.43*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
11:57.25syntheticwhat do you have set in sip.conf
11:57.33syntheticyou can used callerid=asreceived
11:59.16jkroonis it possible to make voicemail* apps auth against some key in the astdb?
11:59.28jkrooni see stuff for odbc based auth, but not astdb.
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12:08.21ascentyoe: Are you the same Wouter Verhelst that posts to :)
12:08.27Yoeascent: yes :-)
12:08.29ascentfun :)
12:08.54ascentYour posts keep hilighting because we share first names and I have an irc bot that aggegates RSSfeeds :)
12:09.20YoeI was going to ask: I'm currently having issues with a Linksys SPA3102 connected to an asterisk box
12:10.12Yoeit works when calling; but when the system needs to go to voicemail, the caller will hear dialtones for a very short moment, and the recording does not contain any voice; instead, it contains 'occupied' beeps
12:10.23Yoeany hints?
12:12.08box2up up down down left right left right b a b a select start
12:12.41Yoebox2: er, if you need more information, I'm happy to provide it, but this is less than useful...
12:12.50box2heh sorry, i couldn't resist
12:12.59box2i have no helpful information for you
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12:16.21tzafrir_laptopYoe, I figure you could start with a dialplan trace of things
12:16.28tzafrir_laptopcore set verbose 3
12:16.45tzafrir_laptopand then look at the CLI
12:19.53Yoeit could of course be that I did something wrong; the setup is that we have a exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/201&SIP/202&SIP/203,30)
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12:20.56Yoeafter that it does a "Voicemail(800,u)"
12:21.28TSMsynthetic: at the moment each extention has callerid=device <2200> depending on extention
12:21.51Yoeso there's just one voicemail box for everyone, which makes more sense than having one per person (there are only three extensions, and they're sitting at the same 3-sided desk...)
12:22.30synthetici beleive you needs quotes for "device"
12:22.38tzafrir_laptopYoe, well, I don't clearly understand what you try to do. Maybe start by a pastebin of the relevant dialplan?
12:22.49Yoetzafrir_laptop: sure, hang on
12:23.27ariel_has found that people don't like sharing vm accounts in the long term.....
12:24.23Yoethe voicemail setup could probably be easier, since "busy" is never going to happen anyway and we don't really handle anything else
12:24.51YoeI copied this from somewhere, not sure where exactly
12:25.31TSMsynthetic: i still dont understand how that would return the name of the phone i am calling if its in the extentions list, the called party see my extention name fine, i want to see who i am calling and not just the number i dialed
12:26.02tzafrir_laptopYoe, for starters, it is recommended not to use 'default'
12:26.23Yoeoh? why's that?
12:26.43tzafrir_laptopthat is: leave it for non-functional incoming calls and such
12:26.44ariel_it's open
12:27.01tzafrir_laptopbut that's really a minor point
12:27.31tzafrir_laptopnext step would be to see what actually happens
12:27.57tzafrir_laptopin the CLI (asterisk -r) -
12:28.02tzafrir_laptopcore set verbose 3
12:28.04Yoeah, with the verbose thing?
12:28.07Yoeright, hang on
12:28.13tzafrir_laptopand then you should be able to see a trace of the call
12:28.46Yoebut there's nothing that jumps out to you as stupid or the cause of this problem, I take it?
12:29.23ariel_basic ring group, leave message setup, just inbound rule should be more like exten => X.,goto(blah) to catch numbers in the default
12:29.50tzafrir_laptops/X./_X./ , of course
12:30.19Yoeright, though since it's coming from an ATA with no DID setup, that shouldn't be a problem
12:31.40Yoemm, that can't happen right now. It's at a customer, and they tell me they'd rather I wait a bit, since they're expecting some rather important phone
12:31.44Yoewill try in half an hour or so
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12:34.03ariel_your trying this on the actual customer? wow, vm on your desktop and try it out for yourself....testing lab...hint...
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12:37.04Yoethe setup was done yesterday, so it's okay if there are a few kinks in the thing still.
12:37.49Yoeand it's only the voicemail that's broken at this point, anyway.
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12:44.48infobot[~cpid] Called-Party ID is possible with * using patches on Mantis.  See :
12:52.45jkroonhi all - is it possible to store VM passwords in astdb?
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13:02.32box2does anyone have experience playing music through a softphone?
13:03.18Yoebox2: er, you just add an extension that says "MusicOnHold()" when you dial it. Then you dial that extension from your softphone. Done.
13:03.36Yoe(of course, that does require you to set up a working MOH setup, but other than that...)
13:03.41box2i mean the other way around
13:03.59box2from the softphone to *
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13:05.36leifmadsenjkroon: not without hacking the voicemail code I don't think
13:05.52ascentyoe: sounds like fun, let's try.
13:06.21leifmadsenit'll sound better if you can use G.722
13:06.28leifmadsenotherwise, stick to G.711
13:07.25[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: You can bypass *'s use of PW's and auth entry to it yourself.
13:07.52[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: There are other options depending on what you intend to actually DO with it...
13:09.09[TK]D-Fenderbox2: Whats there to know?  Set your recording source to something thats outputting music.
13:09.28jkroonleifmadsen, thanks for the book btw.
13:09.40[TK]D-Fenderbox2: on Creative Labs cards you have a "What U Hear" mixer source you can use as "Mic"
13:10.15jkroonok, so what are my options?  basically I want to allow a user to change his/her password but I from time to time regenerate voicemail.conf and don't want to reset all the passwords when I do.
13:10.22leifmadsenjkroon: glad you enjoy it!
13:10.27jkroonI also use #include in voicemail.conf which doesn't do so well.
13:10.36box2[TK]D-Fender: hmmm
13:10.54box2none of my softphones give me options for anything other than my HDA-Intel mic port
13:11.22leifmadsenjkroon: check voicemail.conf.sample
13:11.25leifmadsen; If you need to have an external program, i.e. /usr/bin/myapp
13:11.25leifmadsen; called when a voicemail password is changed, uncomment this:
13:12.00jkroonleifmadsen, i was hoping to avoid external programs.
13:12.13leifmadsenjkroon: sorry -- those are your options
13:12.17jkroonhow do i make voicemail auth against the astdb to being with?
13:12.24[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: Maybe you should make your "recreation" script smarter <-
13:12.24leifmadsenyou don't
13:12.32jkroonleifmadsen, that's cool: _hoping_ to avoid :)
13:12.54[TK]D-Fenderjkroon: and as I said you can do your OWN auth OUTSIDE of Voicemail()
13:12.54leifmadsenit either auths against voicemail.conf (non-included file) or it auths against IMAP or ODBC
13:13.01leifmadsenor that
13:13.24leifmadsenplay the prompts and authentication outside of Voicemail()
13:13.34leifmadsenin the dialplan, as [TK]D-Fender is suggesting
13:13.37jkroon[TK]D-Fender, before passing into VoiceMail() ... Mr [TK]D-Fender - I do believe you are the most creative person here.  thanks.
13:13.41leifmadsen(which allows you to use astDB)
13:14.00leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: you should write a book or something
13:14.28[TK]D-Fenderis Zen Master of "Or Something".
13:14.34infobot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
13:14.37[TK]D-FenderAnd that :)
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13:19.14coppicewriting books is easy..... until someone mentions plagarism
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13:19.27jkrooneither way [TK]D-Fender - what is blatantly obvious to you takes some of us weeks.
13:21.11[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Stealing material from one person = plagiarism.  Stealing from 100 people = research :p
13:21.52leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: amen!
13:22.00leifmadsen...errr. Wait.
13:22.56[TK]D-FenderRamen!  Ancient prayer of the noodle!
13:25.09coppiceRamen is just a Japanese ripoff of something from a place that would never copy
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13:40.28bochhi all
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13:45.35bochis it possible to list a db family through the AMI ?
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13:47.42[TK]D-Fenderboch: Yes
13:48.10boch[TK]D-Fender, what command? cause there is a DBGet and DBPut, but nothing like DBShow
13:49.35[TK]D-Fenderboch: COMMAND <-
13:50.29bochok im gonna try, thanks
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13:58.44ariel_is it not database show
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14:03.50LemensTShey guys. any reason wouldnt work on calling hundreds of people and playing pre recorded messages in g729 format (handing off to itsp in g729 also)
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14:06.11YoeLemensTS: if it's pre-recorded in the correct format, then you have almost no processing power requirements
14:07.56LemensTSYea i pre-record it. But didnt know if how many simultaneous calls i could do on the server with these specs
14:08.18ariel_LemensTS: issue is how many calls per sec your going to be doing, how manny channels and license for g729 are you going to run, then next is your handing it off via sip? with canreinvite=yes ?
14:08.26LemensTS   they got one with a xeon not much of a hardware guy
14:08.48LemensTSariel_: we will pass it off to itsp via g729 so we wont need licenses
14:09.01ariel_you will to play the message
14:09.13LemensTSyes handing off sip, what difference will canreinvite=yess make?
14:09.39Yoeif you're going to be playing prerecorded messages on a quadcore, I'm pretty sure your network is going to be the bottleneck, not the processor
14:09.45LemensTSariel_: i got a couple g729 licenses to record the messages in g729 format
14:09.56Yoecompare it to a webserver serving static pages -- that's pretty much the same thing
14:10.18ariel_does not matter each channel is going to be connected to the asterisk system while playing the message
14:10.29[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Reinvite does not exist, you have no transcode load, you could probably pass a hundred or few calls at a time on it.
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14:10.54[TK]D-Fender[10:10]<ariel_>does not matter each channel is going to be connected to the asterisk system while playing the message <- way off base here...
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14:11.17ascentWhat does "rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597" mean ?
14:11.29ascentGoogle doesn't show too much. Something about cdr.conf but that's commented out
14:11.53LemensTStkd-fender: what does reinvite matter
14:13.27LemensTStkd-fender && ariel_: so is ariel wrong? i talked to a digium tech and they said if i recorded the message in g729 i could pass it off to the itsp in g729 without needing a im not sure now...
14:13.44[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: it DOESN'T.  there is no reinvite, there is no bridged call.
14:14.05LemensTSok gotcha.
14:14.06[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: And there is no licensing issue or load while running.
14:14.09ariel_LemensTS: it appears that I am wrong
14:14.12[TK]D-FenderCRAZY PEOPLE
14:14.23LemensTSgod is great, beer is good, and people are crazy
14:15.39LemensTSLast question. opteron or xeon
14:15.55JTc2d ;)
14:16.45[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: YES
14:16.57[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: C2Q <-
14:17.21[TK]D-Fender(until the six-core's get released)
14:17.22JTxeon probably has a slight performance edge on opteron, but a major fail on power use
14:17.26*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=MWoodJ@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
14:17.41JTuntil they get rid of FBDIMM in their xeon chipsets, they will always be at a disadvantage
14:17.48JTFBDIMM uses like 70W alone
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14:20.58LemensTSc2d is that a xeon quadcore x2 ?
14:21.36JTcore 2 duo
14:21.48JTdesktop cpu
14:22.09LemensTSyou reccomend that over a xeon?
14:22.33JTdepends what you're doing
14:22.43[TK]D-FenderJT: ... Oh shit, RUN!!
14:23.04LemensTSjust want to play a message to as many people as possible. no transcoding. handing off via si to itsp
14:23.04JTi like to think more about doing things in clusters of cheap power efficient commodity hardware these days
14:23.28ascent[tk]d-fender: nice link :)
14:23.49LemensTSjt: i dont have to pay the bill
14:25.11JTa bit short sighted but ok ;)
14:25.23JTdon't get me wrong, big expensive servers could be the answer
14:29.59box2[TK]D-Fender: aaahhh i see now what you meant before
14:30.12box2the capture port in alsamixer does what i think you were saying
14:30.32box2you have led me to the most awesome and sometimes slightly evil of revelations
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14:52.16Naikrovekhey dudes; i have two offices, workers in remote office connect to asterisk server in our office; i want to put a server in their office and have their server serve their phones.  any clue how that would be configured?
14:52.40[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: * there is the same as anywhere else.
14:52.49Naikroveki'm guessing that there would be a trunk set up between the servers, with some routing between to direct calls to the appropriate server
14:53.05[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: You've apparently already done it once...
14:53.21[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: for that, yes, 1 peer/side could o.
14:53.31Naikrovekwell i inherited this asterisk server, but i love it
14:54.49Naikrovekso i came into an already-working asterisk config, but need to put a server at the remote office
14:55.20Naikrovekthen connect the two so when i dial an extension over there, it goes through my pbx, into theirs, then to whatever extension
14:55.35Naikrovekthink i've figured it out in my head but need to try it with some virtual machines to make sure.
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15:08.02Naikrovekforgive the stupid question here but what would the requirements be for an asterisk box serving about 60 phones, with possibly about 20-30 simultaneous calls (between extensions) at any time
15:08.21Naikrovekpolycom phones, I assume you won't need much if the phones are configured correctly and no transcoding is required
15:08.22[TK]D-FenderNaikrovek: Any P4 could do this easy
15:08.36Naikrovekthanks again
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15:09.11Naikrovekneed to find a voip provider for that office, too...
15:09.21Naikrovekso they don't suck up our bandwidth anymore
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15:12.59nauticalthinkerhey guys!  I'm in the middle of trying to get asterisk to connect to an f9600 system via a t1 (TE121) card.  Alarm stays on red no matter what config I put in
15:13.30nauticalthinkerDoes anyone have any infput on getting these two systems working together?
15:13.32*** join/#asterisk bhodder (n=blake@
15:13.44[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: T1 is T1... so your settings are wrong...
15:13.57[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: Would be nice to know what the F9600 is expecting and seeing your configs...
15:14.00infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or apt-get install pastebinit
15:14.07[TK]D-Fendernauticalthinker: PASTEBIN is your friend...
15:14.41bhodderhi I am trying to set an IVR that I have pre-recorded on my laptop and sent to the asterisk server but it will not play the file. can anyone help?
15:21.02bhodderI have done it once but am failing to do it the second time. I have tried to take the .wav and convert it to .ulaw or .gsm but it still will not work.
15:22.37[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: PB the attempt.
15:24.23bhodderoh sorry, must clearify that the conversion worked but would not play on the IVR
15:26.00bhodder<[TK]D-Fender>: do you want me to PB the conversion attempt?
15:26.13[TK]D-Fenderbhodder: both
15:27.45*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=ZenBSDi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
15:35.40Psychobillymodprobe -r zaptel
15:35.40Psychobillyzaptel: Device or resource busy
15:35.51[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly: Might want to stop *...
15:35.53Psychobillyany ideas to unload zaptel module without rebooting?
15:35.54bhodder<[TK]D-Fender>: I was about to PB it however I just got it to work thanks anyways
15:36.07Psychobilly[TK]D-Fender it is stopped and all other modules are unloaded
15:36.30Psychobillynothing is running and lsof doesnt return anything * or zaptel related
15:36.42[TK]D-FenderPsychobilly: Ok, outside of my scope then...
15:36.52*** join/#asterisk ddickenson_ (
15:37.18tzafrir_laptopPsychobilly, you can't unload zaptel if one of the dependent module uses it
15:37.24tzafrir_laptopor if Asterisk keeps it open
15:37.31Psychobillyno other module is loaded
15:37.37tzafrir_laptopstop asterisk
15:37.46tzafrir_laptopbtw: /etc/init.d/asterisk stop
15:37.47Psychobillyit is stopped, just told it
15:37.54tzafrir_laptopbtw: /etc/init.d/zaptel stop
15:38.02tzafrir_laptopunloads all dependning modules
15:38.16Psychobillyi did
15:38.20tzafrir_laptopdo you have zttest or whatever running ?
15:38.45ddickenson_exten => s,n, Set(VMStatus=$["${DB(users/${UserID}/vm)}" = "1"])
15:38.50tzafrir_laptoplsmod | grep ^zaptel
15:39.04ddickenson_crap.. if I used that in a macro how do I get VMstatus in ASTDB?
15:39.37Psychobillylsmod | grep ^zaptel
15:39.37Psychobillyzaptel                236768   2
15:39.55tzafrir_laptopPsychobilly, ok. so the reference count is 2
15:40.07tzafrir_laptopls /dev/zap
15:40.30Psychobillylost of nodes there
15:40.44Psychobillyits an old slack machine with static dev nodes
15:41.03tzafrir_laptopWhat version of zaptel is it?
15:41.05*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
15:41.08[TK]D-Fenderddickenson_: VM status isn't in AstDB <-
15:41.43ddickenson_oh... well what sets that variable?
15:42.24[TK]D-Fenderddickenson_: "core show functions like VM"
15:42.39ddickenson_The idea of this large macro (that I clearly didn't write) is partially to send calls to voicemail only if they are subscriber
15:43.34[TK]D-Fenderddickenson_: You seem dangerously ignorant of your own operating environment...
15:43.57box2danger is a sexy middle name
15:44.10ddickenson_valid observation... I've been kinda thrown into this and having to learn as I go on soon to be production systems
15:45.08ddickenson_why do you think I'm on here so much!  once I figure out what I'm doing a bit better I'll try to contribute
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15:47.29box2softphone soundboard, success
15:47.41box2chun li victory pose
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15:52.26Psychobillyim rebooting, i hope this old shit boots up again :<
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15:56.15muirodoes anyone here use any software to analyze CDRs?
15:56.32Psychobillyit did
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16:09.12ascentCan anyone quicly try to see if rings at my phone please ?:)
16:10.05box2yep it works
16:10.14ascentthanks for testing mate.
16:11.11ascentI just lost my voip virginity because of you ;-)
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16:14.09bsilbermanquestion re adding to the mysql db in asterisk 1.4
16:14.21bsilbermanwhat do I need to do to get the call-limit parameter added?
16:14.36bsilbermankeeps choking on it... the rest of the line inserts just fine.
16:14.50box2ascent: lol
16:15.11bsilbermanmysql> INSERT INTO sip (name,host,nat,type,cancallforward,canreinvite,context,secret,disallow,allow,username) VALUES ("6533934","dynamic","no","friend","yes","yes","collectors","6533934","all","g729","6533934");
16:15.37*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
16:15.41DelphiWorldhello all
16:15.54DelphiWorldplease could anyone point me to any SIP Provider that use TLS?
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16:16.47_Raptor_i have a register entry (register =
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16:17.39_Raptor_sry. i have a register entry (register => 091XXXX800@arcor) and a section named [arcor] with all details. everything works fine but the console shows [Aug  6 18:10:36] WARNING[3400]: acl.c:376 ast_get_ip_or_srv: Unable to lookup 'arcor'
16:17.45_Raptor_any ideas?
16:20.19WindowsUserregister => you need full host
16:22.20bsilbermananyone re the mysql query?
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16:25.40muirodoes anyone know of any CDR analysis tools?
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16:28.07_Raptor_WindowsUser: but the example does not say so: ;register => 2345:password@sip_proxy/1234
16:29.14WindowsUserWhat works > the comments ;)
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16:35.14styelzits just a warning, wouldnt worry about it
16:35.44styelzmaybe you have srvlookup=yes
16:42.22bpgoldsbI'm trying to use ParkAndAnnounce.  When I specify the return context, I get 'Warning: Return Context Invalid, call will return to default|s'.  But when I setup a test exten and go to that context directly, it works fine.  Anyone have any ideas why?
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16:55.27_Raptor_styelz: yes i have. but this is only the name, not the host. there is also a host entry in the [xxxxx] section
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16:57.59[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: PASTEBIN <-
16:58.12[TK]D-Fendermuiro: Asterisk-stat
16:58.44[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: Register statement has precised NOTHING to do with your peer entry
16:59.23[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: register => user:pass@serveriporfqdn/extentodial
16:59.34_Raptor_[TK]D-Fender: so how can i set options like canreinvite and so on and trigger a register
16:59.47lmadsenI really wish Asterisk-stat would let you filter or sort on LastApp or LastData
16:59.51muiro[TK]D-Fender: does that have to plug into the management interface or can I feed it a custom CDR from a database?
17:00.00[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: reinvite is a peer option, nothing to do with registering
17:00.04infobot[~sipregister] SIP Registration is to tell your provider as to what IP address & EXTEN to send INCOMING calls to. Some ITSP's let you use a fixed IP or host rather that register.  Registration is NOT normally needed to PLACE a call, as those are typically auth'd independently.  Others accept UN-AUTH'D calls once you are registered (saves on negotiation BW)
17:00.23[TK]D-Fendermuiro: I runs off MySQL, and optionally PG as well
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17:00.59[TK]D-Fender_Raptor_: and you don't trigger a register.  * jsut does it.  and does it on expiry
17:01.36Kobazif you do a sip reload, i think it forces a register
17:01.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Normally, yes
17:01.48_Raptor_yes it does
17:02.07DigitalDaz21Hi all, I have a provider where on a hardware phone Proxy Server Address:=A Registrar Server Address:=A and Outbound Proxy:=B. Everything works fine. Unfortunately "A" does not resolve by DNS and this seems to cause a problem for asterisk, does anyone know how to create a register string that works for this scenario?
17:02.07Kobazwhat about abnormally?
17:02.10dandreI have an extension that calls queue application. If I use Dial (Local/thatextension/n) I never go to the next step in my dialplan
17:02.12_Raptor_thx for your help, i have to leave now, i will try again later
17:03.08Kobazdandre: queue will hijack the call until it meats the conditions to come out of the queue
17:03.44dandreyes but the queue timesout and the call is hungup
17:04.09[TK]D-Fenderdandre: And the queue plays music, etc which means the call is ANSWERED
17:04.21Kobazdandre: send the Queue application the 'c' option
17:04.29[TK]D-Fenderdandre: And what did you do taht would make a Dial that is ANSWERED continue after it terminates?
17:05.11[TK]D-FenderKobaz: CLOSE
17:05.25[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Nifty idea, but not where he wants to continue.
17:06.02Kobazhold on... so he wants to go into a queue and dial a phone?
17:06.36[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Read it a few more times :)
17:07.11dandreI want to continue the dialplan if nobody answered the call
17:07.43Kobazthat's what queue does
17:08.15dandreyes but in that case i use dial(Local/queueextension/n)
17:08.26dandreso must be impossible
17:08.33Kobaznothing is impossible
17:08.38[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Standard TIMEOUT parm does that already
17:08.40dandreas [TK]D-Fender said
17:08.58[TK]D-Fenderdandre: if you want to continue WITHING the local channel.
17:09.09Kobazyou don't need a local channel
17:09.12Kobazyou can use one if you want
17:09.16[TK]D-Fenderdandre: If you want to continue on the outer, look at your Dial()
17:09.27[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Of course I see no point to the local channel yet...
17:09.34BlargMaN00if i use 'include => xxxx' in a context does it get evaluated before or after the dialplan in the context??
17:09.50KobazBlargMaN00: after
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17:14.03dandreok here is what I am trying to do
17:14.20brimstonehas anyone seen polycoms cutting off the time when using the idledisplay microbrowser?
17:14.53dandreif the queue timesout I never reach the netx Dial(Local/456/n) step
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17:16.10dandreok so it is not possible to use dial(Local...) is that case
17:16.28[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Sure it is... its also a complete waste of time, effort, and CRD records.
17:16.38Kobazdandre: yeah it's an unneeded step
17:17.37dandrein the real situation I use the dial(local...) because à have set some vaariables that I need
17:18.18[TK]D-Fenderdandre: So set them there...
17:19.52dandrecan I use a macro for instance my-queue instead of queue cmd?
17:20.16[TK]D-Fenderdandre: HUH?!
17:20.48[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Macro is jsut a way to get more dialplan.  Again you keep adding useless steps in
17:21.31dandrethat macro could set those variables so I don't have to duplicate there setting
17:22.04[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You are tripping through Hypothetical Land.  Show us something concrete
17:23.33Kobazmore cowbell
17:23.36dandreok unfortunatly I must go, will show you more details tomorow
17:24.07[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I'm already on guitar & keys...
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17:24.39Kobazdo de do
17:28.32jayteeI went to see Crosby, Still and Nash last night. It was excellent
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17:29.04Kobaz[Aug  6 13:21:26] WARNING[31243]: ael/pval.c:2521 check_pval_item: Warning: file /etc/asterisk/ael/hosted_dnc.ael, line 104-104: application call to GoSub affects flow of control, and needs to be re-written using AEL if, while, goto, etc. keywords instead!
17:29.12beekhi jaytee -- I'm envious
17:29.14Kobazi've been ignoring that error for the most part, but
17:29.29jayteebeek, be more envious. I won the tickets, box seats
17:29.43beekjaytee: Okay... now I'm GREEN with envy.
17:29.45Kobazgosub *is* the intended behavior... unless there is a gosub in ael... hmm, lemme look
17:30.10jayteebeek, and envriromentalists the world over are thankful to you!
17:30.35codefreeze-lapKobaz: dep. on version, macro calls are done with gosub.
17:30.57beekreaches over and powers down his unused PC
17:31.10Kobazcodefreeze-lap: yeah... but macros are suppposed to be depricated in 1.6
17:31.40*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:31.43Kobazdoes Macro in 1.6 actually use a gosub internally?
17:31.49Kobazor is it still the same behavior
17:31.59*** join/#asterisk Psychobilly (n=moi@
17:32.16[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Same.  Deprecation means it should jsut be GONE in the next
17:33.19Kobazjust making sure
17:33.36Kobazso what should i use instead of GoSub in ael (since it complains)
17:33.50Kobazeven the wiki says to use gosub in ael
17:34.22lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: incorrect -- we don't remove functionality from Asterisk anymore, even if it is deprecated.
17:34.30lmadsenMacro == Macro
17:34.42lmadsenKobaz: ^^
17:35.00lmadsen(AEL is a different beast)
17:35.07[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: "Issues with commitment" :p
17:35.16Kobazmaybe i should just switch to lua
17:35.20codefreeze-lapKobaz: AEL used Macro() to implement AEL macros in 1.4; in 1.6, AEL uses gosub underneath
17:35.35[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: I presume you trash things that dies when the core falls out from under it, right?
17:35.47lmadsenI don't know what that means
17:36.00Kobazso like, it's old, rotting, and falling apart
17:36.04Kobazwould you still keep it?
17:36.25lmadsenjust because you provide the functionality doesn't mean it is maintained, or even enabled by default
17:36.29[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: Well sure some apps can remain, but if the underlying bits change, that could break things.  In those cases would it not be normal to drop it entirely?
17:36.37lmadsenit just means it exists for people for backwards compatibility reasons
17:36.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:38.03Naikrovekif i have two asterisk servers that i want to serve different extensions within the same phone system, do i use a trunk to connect them or something else?
17:38.20Kobazso if i change a GoSub to Macro in ael.. the generated dialplan is Macro)
17:38.32Kobaz13:35 <codefreeze-lap> Kobaz: AEL used Macro() to implement AEL macros in 1.4; in 1.6, AEL uses gosub underneath
17:38.41Kobazso now, I'm not sure what you mean by that
17:38.59lmadsenit means if you do 'gosub' in AEL in 1.4, it is using Macro(). In 1.6, it uses GoSub()
17:39.02lmadsen(dialplan applications)
17:39.14lmadsenAEL gets "compiled" down into dialplan when it is loaded into memory
17:39.18Kobazyeah i know
17:39.22Kobazi'm looking at the resulting dialplan
17:39.35Kobazand using Macro() in ael, in makes a Macro() in the dialplan
17:39.38Kobaznot a gosub
17:39.46lmadsenthat's odd
17:39.52lmadsenit should be using GoSub()
17:39.57Kobazwell it's not, heh
17:40.15lmadsenI don't use AEL
17:40.21lmadsenI just use dialplan
17:40.36Kobazcontext foo {  _X! => { Macro(dialOut,foo); } }
17:40.52Kobazso you like pain and suffering then?
17:41.00lmadsenKobaz: sounds like you do -- my stuff works
17:41.04KobazI got annoyed with dialplan after using it for 15 minutes
17:41.12lmadsenI've used it for 6 years. I'm good.
17:41.13codefreeze-lapuh, AEL has only one func def/call mech, macro(), and &macroname() --- it compiles these into Macro() defs and calls. Case is important in the keywords.
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17:41.21Kobazlmadsen: oh no, there's no issues at all
17:41.36Kobazlmadsen: i'm just wondering how to fix some warnings
17:41.38lmadsenuse what works. I'll stick with dialplan.
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17:42.01Kobazlmadsen: it's like going back to qbasic... so... heh
17:42.03Kobazoh well
17:42.03*** join/#asterisk EiNSTeiN_ (n=einstein@unaffiliated/einstein/x-615171)
17:42.14lmadsenlike I said, just use whatever you want
17:42.19ariel_likes dial plan, as he is not a programmer...
17:43.01Kobazi see what you mean now
17:43.06[TK]D-Fenderis a programmer and realizes that AEL only takes AWAY control from him....
17:43.32Kobaz&macro() calls, are converted into GoSub()'s instead of Macro()
17:43.42NuggetI write my dialplans in Lua so that I can maximize the code sharing in between my phone system and my world of warcraft addons.
17:43.57Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: how does ael take away control? you can still use all the constructs you can in dialplan, it's just more like a structured programming langauge than dialplan is
17:44.05Kobazif (foo) { do stuff }
17:44.11Kobazis *much* easier to read than
17:44.27Kobazexten => 123123,GotoIf(1>5:4:8)
17:44.51Kobazor whatever the syntax is, haven't used it in a while
17:44.56lmadsenwho uses numbers anymore?
17:45.01ariel_I do
17:45.03lmadsenpriority labels ftw
17:45.08Kobazeven if you use labels
17:45.19Kobazit's still. exten => 123123,GotoIf(1>5:dostuff:dootherstuff)
17:45.37lmadsenI'm still a masochist and have adapted to reading dialplan quite quickly
17:45.39Kobazand then you have linear blocks of code that are not always straightforward to follow
17:45.40ariel_still has many 1.09 and 1.2's out there that need them.... but slowly moving off them...
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17:46.18Kobazbut yeah... whatever works... but... heh
17:46.26lmadsencan't believe he's still having this conversation
17:47.02Kobazso how bout that <insert sports team>
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17:47.41[TK]D-FenderKobaz>is *much* easier to read than <- not for me.  And it wastes gusub nesting levels, adds bloat, another layer that can have bugs, etc.  Adds nothing.  I don't care how it renames the way I get places.
17:47.43ariel_football starts this weekend....
17:48.03neurosyssorry, this may be a dumb question, but on the digium site, I tell if Asterisk is GPL v2 or v3. The fact that it doesnt state it, would that mean its v3?
17:48.12[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You'll run into possble things like AEL delimiters preventing you from doing stuff you could do directly in extensions.conf
17:48.20lmadsenneurosys: check the code
17:48.26[TK]D-FenderKobaz: ALSO, good luck with AEL in a DB :p
17:48.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yeah i mean... there are some weird things here and there
17:48.49neurosyslmadsen, thanks :)
17:48.53Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yeah I don't use ael from a db... i do generate dialplan from postgres.. but the dialplan that gets made is generally a bunch of gosubs
17:48.57[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Adds nothing I care about.  All it can do is fake out things.  And debugging it is a bitch because of the back-compiling.
17:49.20bpgoldsb[TK]D-Fender, What parts would you like me to Pastebin?  My ParkAndAnnounce call?
17:49.36Kobazi've written some big stuff in ael, and haven't had any trouble debugging
17:49.44lmadsenthis is a dumb conversation
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17:50.05bpgoldsb(sorry it's a bit late, was eating some delicious mexican food)
17:50.08lmadsenKobaz likes AEL, and I respect his decision. EOL.
17:50.10[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: the call, dialplan, configs, etc
17:50.35[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: I respect Kobaz, but his decisions still suck :p
17:51.15lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: so does your mom
17:51.43[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: but.... I just want...
17:51.43lmadsendecides to interject some immaturity into the room
17:53.02lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: ! ! !
17:53.02[TK]D-Fenderwaits for the rest
17:55.26bpgoldsb[TK]D-Fender, (added the error message)
17:56.58[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: And quite true, the context you see listed in the error does NOT exist....
17:57.07[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: look at it VERY CLOSELY
17:58.50bpgoldsbI give up.  I don't see any typos etc
17:58.57bpgoldsbGot a hint?
17:58.59[TK]D-Fender-- Return Context: (parkedcallstimeout,0,0) ID: 112 <--- what context do you see?
17:59.12[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Hint.... its between the brackets <-
17:59.48[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Do you see a context in your dialplan whit COMMAS in it?
18:00.15[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb:  ParkAndAnnounce(announce:template|timeout|dial|[return_context]) <--- HMMMM
18:00.20bpgoldsbI did try that.
18:00.25bpgoldsbEr, wait.
18:01.02bpgoldsbThats what I have for core show application parkandannounce
18:01.04[TK]D-FenderActually reading instructions!
18:01.24[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Yes... do YOU see it asking for an EXTENSION, or PRIORITY?
18:01.45[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: :p
18:01.53bpgoldsbI guess I just assumed context would allow for context + priority
18:01.56bpgoldsb+ exten
18:01.59[TK]D-Fenderloves wathing people invent syntax...
18:02.52bpgoldsbHeh, everyone's a noob at some point
18:03.25[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Well there is a difference between not knowing things exist, and having the instructions, and adding parameters that clearly aren't listed ;)
18:03.47bpgoldsbunless you misunderstand the definition of a context ;)
18:03.47[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Big Print wins this fight, time for the war!!!!
18:04.00[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: Not going there!
18:04.38bpgoldsb[TK]D-Fender, Thanks for the help :)
18:05.59[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: You're welcome
18:06.57[TK]D-Fender"Vonage Announces First Profit Ever" ---,2817,2351215,00.asp
18:07.17lmadsenwow... they finally made money>
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18:13.39ariel_wow vonage head office is in NJ HolmDel......
18:18.01nauticalthinkerI've made progress...current I can call from the f9600 to Asterisk, the phone rings, but hear static and then it drops
18:18.29nauticalthinkerI get this in the cli:  Ring/Off-hook in strange state 6 on channel 1
18:22.28*** join/#asterisk Mango (
18:23.03MangoHello.  I'm still pondering the idea of MWI propagation.
18:23.20MangoI've been a programmer for years but I have never written an Asterisk module.
18:23.34MangoHow easy would it be to write a module that captured SIP NOTIFY messages so I could parse them?
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18:24.42bpgoldsb[TK]D-Fender, return_context:    The goto-style label to jump the call back into after timeout.  Default <priority+1>.  This doesn't say it has to be a context.  And in fact, the examples on show you should be able to do context+exten+priority
18:25.22bpgoldsbI could be misunderstanding it, but I would like to be sure.
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18:27.01timeshell_atworkWhat's better on a TDM analog card?  Hardware or software echo cancellation?
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18:30.15[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: WIKI = LOL
18:35.20ethicxanyone has a Linksys WIP330 with asterisk? I'm thinking of buying one..
18:35.38[TK]D-Fenderethicx: EW!!!!!!!
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18:36.38infobot[~wifivoip] Wi-Fi (802.11a/b/g) VoIP phones on the market may possess any of the following drawbacks : poor battery life, limited range, lack of call features (many lack transfer, etc), poor or no NAT traversal, shoddy construction, etc. Because of this they are usually not recommended.  Some alternatives are : VoIP ATA + cordless, DECT w/ VoIP base, etc
18:36.46ethicxgood to know.. before spending bucks =D
18:37.21defsdoorgets on fine with a nokia n95 with voip over wifi
18:38.21timeshell_atworkariel_ Problem is we're experiencing what sounds like vox issues with our polycoms.  When we talk on our side, it's like those push to talk thingies where you then can't hear the other side until you stop talking
18:39.24timeshell_atworkethicx I"m using a Snom M3 DECT w/VoIP base..  Not too bad.
18:39.26[TK]D-Fenderethicx: Note "Notice" that... and Linsys SPA / PAP2 series is fine
18:39.41citywokhas anybody played with asterisk in Hyper-v?
18:40.12ethicxur tha MAN
18:40.23ariel_Polycom 8020/8030 are good wifi phones but they require an SVP server...
18:40.43Elwellneeds to find the correct settings for SPA3102 and his local telco
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18:45.29[TK]D-FenderIf you're cordless itdoesn't matter where the base is.  Of course you might want a phone with an extra charging stand
18:45.41[TK]D-Fenderethicx: and stop using IRC NOTICEs for this
18:46.43ethicxgot it.
18:47.30ariel_Elwell: at home I am using an SPA3102 with a Vtech wireless phones. 3 phones one main base and 2 remote charging base, And I know it's working great due to wife does not know she is on voip service for 90% of her calls..
18:48.21Elwellariel_: yeah I had it set fine for UK but I havent seen swiss settings yet
18:48.54ariel_can't help you there, I am in the US and it's very much default settings...
18:50.11*** part/#asterisk brimstone (n=brimston@pdpc/sponsor/digium/brimstone)
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18:55.00box2sip over wifi is a sad thing :(
18:55.26box2i'm getting huge amount of packetloss
18:55.32box2can't get a DTMF tone through
18:56.48ariel_ahh, We have installed some really nice Wifi phones on 3 ships now, We have 7 more ships with orders to do... All on Polycom 8020 with an SVP. 80 to 150 phones per ship depending on size, works really well......
18:58.31box2you don't get radio collision with lots of phones on at once?
18:58.45TSMis anyone up on UK PRI settings in *, having issue with correct CLI
18:59.02ariel_no we move between 8 to 20 AP's around the ship without issues.
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19:00.15ariel_got to go, bbl
19:03.15ethicxariel_ what model of vtech phones you got at home?
19:07.14*** join/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
19:12.12generalhanhey guys, quick question ... can i use priority labels in a GoTo() from a different context? like Goto(context,s,n(start)), i use them in the same context all the time with just Goto(start), but never tried from a different context
19:14.04*** join/#asterisk btsteve (n=tstevens@
19:14.37timeshell_atworkIs there a way to disable hardware echo cancellation without removing the echo cancellation module from the TDM card?
19:14.45Naikrovekcitywok: i have in vmware
19:15.03Naikrovekhave a hyper-v server, but it's just about out of memory
19:15.17timeshell_atworkIn favor of using software cancellation.
19:15.26kaldemargeneralhan: you can use goto like Goto(context,extension,label)
19:15.54generalhankaldemar: perfect, thats what i needed to know !
19:15.56kaldemargeneralhan: using your example, Goto(context,s,start)
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19:37.11MACscr1ok, so digium is beta testing a skype addon, its free for now, but the question is, how much on Sept 1st?
19:38.28Psychobillyi dont think ti will be ready to be sold on sept 1 :P
19:38.44Corydon76-digMACscr1: Nobody who knows is actually here
19:38.46MACscr1well, I more meant after the beta period
19:38.51MACscr1yeah, figured
19:39.00Corydon76-digMACscr1: for that matter, we don't even know if it's set in stone yet
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19:39.24Corydon76-digWhatever the price currently is upstairs, it could still change
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19:40.06MACscr1of course, was more just hoping for an idea
19:40.37tharrisonAnyone ever have a Polycom 4000 conf phone flake out on them?
19:41.37tharrisonThe polycom just immedately flashes lights when I power it on.  not the normal boot sequence I expect from a polycom
19:41.58Corydon76-digMACscr1: you could try calling Digium sales
19:42.12*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
19:44.05TSMthe the polycom show any boot screen?
19:45.24tharrisonTSM: nope.  Just immedately starts flashing red lights.
19:45.53tharrisonTSM: I've handled plenty of 500's before.  This is my first 4000.  I think its dead, but I'm not sure.
19:46.22tharrison(immedately == 0 seconds after power)
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19:46.42TSMtharrison: weird, prolly dead then, was it working before?
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19:47.18TSMtharrison: usualy they should show up a booting screen after flashing lights, but you know that from past poly experiance
19:47.34tharrisonIt was a few weeks ago (in a under-used conf room).  When I went to check it recently, it was doing this fast flashing light thing, so I unplugged it until I I had time to look at it .
19:48.17tharrisonyeah, but with the boot stuff, you get status on the lcd screen ususally.
19:49.04tharrisonNothing is showing on this phone's lcd.
19:49.41tharrisonI was kinda holding out hope that maybe there was a firmware reset or something I could do.
19:53.47MACscr1uh, is it me or is the "voice of asterisk" just sound like its digitally created. Is it?
19:54.26kaldemarno, it's not.
19:56.30*** join/#asterisk rgsteele||work (n=rgsteele@
19:56.52rgsteele||workCan you designate a zaptel card interface (for POTS lines) as an 'outbound' interface only?
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19:57.10infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
19:58.17[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Calls get processed in your dialplan however you tell them to.
19:58.34jayteergsteele||work, not really. you'd have to tell your telco you don't want calls incoming to that line. you could set the incoming context to just hangup andy incoming calls but that wouldn't block it from recieving them
19:58.58[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: YES, see above
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19:59.45[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: SILLY GOOSE
20:00.13ariel_tharrison: there is a setting you can do on that phone to reset to factory default.  you might have to get that from Polycom. We had one do the same thing many years ago.
20:00.20jaytee[TK]D-Fender, you know what I meant
20:00.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Who said he had to hangup? :)
20:01.09tharrisonariel_: usually those depend on the phone working enough so you can do a special keystroke or three finger salute.
20:01.41tharrisonTSM: ariel_: I just found someone else that described the same problem... of course, there was no solution listed:
20:01.55ariel_tharrison: if it's the same 4000 no there is a way to hold some of the keys down together on power up for it.
20:02.03jaytee[TK]D-Fender, well he doesn't but you don't want any incoming call attempts if  you want dedicated outbound only trunks so the best thing is to order a plain POTS line that is non-DID.
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20:02.34tharrisonariel_: ok.... I'll go see if the polycom 4000 manual has anything.
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20:08.49dustybinare there any bsd alternatives to asterisk?
20:10.52Nuggetor do you mean licensing?
20:11.59dustybinnope its ok
20:12.32Nuggetasterisk will run fine on bsd as long as you don't care (much) about hardware support for stuff like PRI cards.
20:13.03NuggetI prefer to just suck it up and deal with linux crappiness just because it's the path of least resistance, but you can go the bsd route and it'll work mostly well
20:13.24dustybinif i use asterisk at home, could i put on some of my favourite tracks while my friends are on hold?
20:13.32Nuggetfor a strictly voip task it's fine
20:14.02Nuggetor if you opt for external hardware (like a linksys pap for pots connectivity, instead of a card)
20:14.39dustybinalso, does asterisk support conference calls, ie. could 3 of my friends call me at the same time, and we all speak together?
20:14.45Nuggetyes on both.
20:14.51dustybinbloody heck :D
20:15.15dustybinis asterisk CPU hungry?
20:15.16Nuggetassuming voip.  obviously if you're talking about plugging asterisk into a phone line then that phone line isn't going to be able to do two calls at once.
20:15.27dustybinyes VOIP
20:15.48afinkno not cpu hungry
20:15.57dustybindouble ace :D
20:16.15dustybini am going to setup a small part-time business, i will need some kind of system to record calls
20:16.24dustybinthis sounds perfect
20:16.31afinkit does that too
20:16.37dustybinace :D
20:17.20dustybini wonder if there is some kind of 'pay as you go' VOIP service for UK users
20:17.20generalhannow that i have my GotoIfTime stuff all setup, i had a different thought ... is there a way to run a macro under time contraints ? like MacroIfTime LOL
20:18.23infobotfrom memory, itsplist-uk is UK based ITSps include and a few other tinpot companies you can dig up with google.
20:18.25[TK]D-Fenderdustybin: ^^^^^
20:18.34dustybinthanks :D
20:18.51[TK]D-Fendergeneralhan: No.
20:19.42dustybinfeels excited
20:19.44generalhan:( im trying to shorten up my holiday time check context. instead of having a context for each holiday i wanted to do a generic holiday context using variables for which holiday it is.
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20:20.32kaldemargeneralhan: core show application ExecIfTime
20:21.05[TK]D-FenderHrm.... overlooked one...
20:21.25generalhankaldemar: looking at it now, thanks !
20:22.04citywokWhat is the recommendation for a cordless phone?  I see that aastra is high on the list of recommendations, and they have their 480i CT which you can use a cordless handset with -- what kind of coverage does it get? 200' from the base station through a handful of hollow walls okay?
20:23.26[TK]D-Fendercitywok: More than... just remember that the handset is married to the base.  BOTH will ring
20:24.03citywokthat's not an issue, as long as the volume on the base can be turned down so as to not annoy people there if the receptionist has walked off and isn't answering
20:24.27citywokif we married two handsets (says it supports 4?) would they all then be the same as well? so all 4 would ring?
20:24.44dustybincan some cellphones connect into a wireless network and communicate with asterisk?
20:24.48generalhankaldemar: what is an example of an 'application' that would run if the designated time is a match ?
20:25.05Chainsawdustybin: I've seen some cellphone/DECT hybrids, but they're rare.
20:25.44Chainsawdustybin: Some cellphones have WiFi however, and I suppose you could install a SIP application on them.
20:25.57dustybinaye ok
20:26.06[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
20:26.39rgsteele||workLater TK
20:26.40ariel_tzafrir_laptop: how much ram does the new liveCD 2.0 require?
20:27.07kaldemargeneralhan: any dialplan application, such as Macro
20:27.19generalhanariel_: thanks for the heads up on those Xorcom devices! mine should be here on monday for initial testing !
20:27.50ariel_Nice, I just got a 2 PRI/8 FXO unit for testing...
20:28.11generalhanariel_: lol, just got the 2PRI/8FXS model
20:28.37jayteegeneralhan, there is also GotoIfTime for time based decisions in your dialplan
20:29.22ariel_I have a 8 FXO and a 24 FXS unit already in production, They work
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20:29.56generalhanjaytee: i cant pass variables down to another context with GotoIfTime
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20:31.11generalhankaldemar: so, ExecIf(*|*|*|*?Macro(whatever,Variable1,Variable2) <-- just like that ? that seems to simple, like i should have been using this ages ago
20:31.33generalhanopos, ExecIfTime, rather than ExecIf - sorry
20:31.44jayteegeneralhan, ah ok. didn't see that requirement further back. you can pass variable values to another context or channel by prefacing them with an underscore when you set their value or reset their value and a double underscore will inherit until the call is terminated regardless of what context it goes to.
20:33.12kaldemargeneralhan: yes, just like that. add another ) in the end to correct the syntax.
20:33.35generalhankaldemar: wow, i really cant believe i didnt find out about this sooner. anyway thanks for the help !
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20:42.46talntidis ChanSpy included by default on Asterisk? or do I need to configure it?
20:44.00kaldemartalntid: yes it is included by default and yes you need to configure it.
20:44.55talntidokies :)
20:45.12talntidcan you point me in the right direction? I added "exten => 556,1,ChanSpy(scan) " to my extensions.conf
20:46.13talntidthen, it just does a lot of beeps
20:46.23Carlos_PHXAccording to the (very old) Wiki entry, chanspy is not included by default in versions after 8/2004.
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20:47.55dandate2if i'm going to create my pbx to record calls for a call-center will it require a raid array?
20:47.55kaldemartalntid: "core show application ChanSpy" in CLI will show you the syntax and options
20:48.14Carlos_PHXdandate2: How many concurrent calls?
20:48.21dandate2up to 30 channels at a time
20:48.23Carlos_PHXAnd what CODEC?
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20:48.24dandate2so 15
20:48.28dandate2g729 or gsm
20:48.39Carlos_PHXThat's no problem on a single SATA drive.
20:49.02Carlos_PHXI do 60+ GSM like that.
20:49.06talntidextenspy is more useful i think
20:49.12dandate2do you prefer GSM to g729?
20:49.22dandate2i didn't pay for the license yet so mabyei should switch heh
20:49.27Carlos_PHXI have no preference other than no license for GSM.
20:49.33Carlos_PHX729 sounds better.
20:49.35Carlos_PHXIs smaller.
20:49.52dandate2hard for me to tell my reps are in the phillipines they all sound like hell anyway
20:49.57dandate2were powering this on a comcast cable modem...
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20:50.08dandate2anyone know where i can rent a pbx hooked up to t1?
20:50.13Carlos_PHXWell then, just use 8k....  :-p
20:50.25Carlos_PHXRent a PBX...??
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20:50.41kaldemarCarlos_PHX: the wiki is wrong on that one then
20:50.41dandate2yeah noone rents em out?
20:50.55dandate2i know like a pbx in a data center hooked up to t1
20:50.58Carlos_PHXWhat do you mean by rent?  Move it to your location?
20:51.02[TK]D-FenderWhy does it require T1?  Voice?  Data?
20:51.04Carlos_PHXOh, you want a SIP provider?
20:51.15dandate2its voice for call center, 20 agents
20:51.23dandate2currently using comcast but its crap
20:51.26Carlos_PHXSo like we have Asterisk boxes with PRIs in data centers and we sell minutes.
20:51.37dandate2i like the way the ebay and paypal customer support reps sound tho heh
20:51.50Carlos_PHXOr you saying you want to rent a dedicated Asterisk server?
20:51.59dandate2yes thats correct, i wouldn't want to pay for minutes i have DID already
20:52.19Carlos_PHXWTF?  So you're going to point the DID at a TDM phone?
20:52.34dandate2sorry TDM?
20:52.44Carlos_PHXRegular digital line.  PRI/T1
20:53.06dandate2is that not advisable? its cheap did thats for sure
20:53.14Carlos_PHXHow cheap?
20:53.23dandate2$8/mo for unlimmited miniutes 20 channels
20:53.25dandate2HELLLLLA cheap
20:53.30dandate2i couldn't even get that price at didx
20:53.44Carlos_PHXSo you just need a server to point them to?
20:53.48Carlos_PHXThen you don't need T1.
20:53.56dandate2well wait heres the thing
20:53.59dandate2all my reps are remote
20:54.01dandate2theres no local office
20:54.08Carlos_PHXAh, see.
20:54.17Carlos_PHXAnd all your time is inbound?
20:54.25dandate2unless they have to call back a declined sale
20:55.07Carlos_PHX$8/mo for 20 concurrent unlimited you say.
20:55.12dandate2hellllla cheap
20:55.16Carlos_PHXNot possible.
20:55.20dandate2i'm serious
20:55.24dandate2theres a $5 setup charge
20:55.26Carlos_PHXI mean, sure, they will sell it, but not possible to make money at it.
20:55.40dandate2these guys making no money
20:55.57Carlos_PHXThey're charging a fraction of what we pay our wholesale carriers.
20:56.25dandate2the 1800 # is $5/mo + 3 cents a min
20:56.35Carlos_PHXThat's normal.
20:56.39Carlos_PHXWe pay way less.
20:56.54Carlos_PHXNobody can do 20 concurrent for $8/mo.
20:57.01dandate2no no not concurrent
20:57.04dandate220 channels
20:57.07dandate2u get 10 concurrent i believe
20:57.10Carlos_PHXThe difference is?
20:57.23dandate2just look at their website
20:57.30dandate2no money
20:57.56Carlos_PHXI don't dispute that they advertise it, but it's not possible to deliver that profitably.
20:58.58Carlos_PHXI could switch a few thousand numbers to them and make a killing, but then I'd be screwed when they go under.
20:59.14dandate2mabye they make money off blackbilling
20:59.23dandate2they are just waiting to find out that i am using the service for business use
20:59.28dandate2i don't even know if that is against the TOS
20:59.41dandate2i didn't see anything about it but i did see it in other providers
20:59.46Carlos_PHXMust be ok, what residential customer could have 10 calls?
20:59.50dandate2they siad they would bill u $100 per day lol
21:00.17dandate2they've been nice to me, they saw my 1000 calls per day and told me i was popular
21:03.17Carlos_PHXSo anyway you need a server with a static IP.  You can buy a server and send it to colo, or rent a server in colo, or get a "virtual" server.  The latter option only works if they can give you real-time performance.
21:03.45Carlos_PHXOr just buy minute usage from a provider like us or thousands of others.
21:07.12talntidanyone here interested in helping me get chanspy or extenspy working? it's a call center environment, and I'm just not sure what I'm doing wrong
21:08.01Carlos_PHXAre the channels SIP, or Zap, or...?  And what's the error or result?
21:08.28talntidI am not getting an error, or I do not know how to read it. When I dial the exension, it just beeps, like it's scanning around
21:08.35talntidthey are SIP phones
21:08.42talntidbut they go out over a zaptel card
21:08.52talntidsangoma, to be exact
21:09.05Carlos_PHXHave you tried a specific SIP and/or Zap channel?
21:09.21talntidi tried SIP/htdsk5001
21:09.27Carlos_PHXexten => _*XXX,1,ChanSpy(DAHDI/${EXTEN:2},q)
21:09.29talntidbut, not sure if that's what it needs
21:10.09Carlos_PHXhtdsk5001 is the SIP registration name?
21:10.37talntidhere's an example: htdsk5015/htdsk5015      D          5060     OK (54 ms)
21:10.45talntidfrom sip show peers
21:11.42talntidthis * server, is linked to a dedicated * server, that interfaces with the sangoma
21:11.50Carlos_PHXYou probably want extenspy.  I've only used Chanspy on Zap/DAHDI channels.
21:12.03talntidah, ok :)
21:12.12talntidi'v been googling both, just been trying to figure out what's possible
21:12.20Carlos_PHXIn theory chanspy should work, but it's poorly documented from what I've seen.
21:12.30talntidi concur with that. heh
21:12.40dandate2carlos when you said colo did you mean colorado?
21:12.59Carlos_PHXYes, the servers stay nice and cool there.
21:13.00talntidno, he meant colocation
21:13.05Carlos_PHXIt's really the only place to run server.
21:13.18dandate2yes that is what i was looking for
21:13.23dandate2a static ip server for rent colo
21:13.40Carlos_PHXColocation is where you can send a server to live in a facility with dedicated power, bandwidth, etc.
21:13.52dandate2where do i find that? are any of them specifically geared for voip?
21:13.54Carlos_PHXYou can often rent the server itsefl too.
21:14.12*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
21:14.13dandate2yes i may need a colo
21:14.14Carlos_PHXWe are, but we're not cheap, and I get the impression you're trying to do this cheap.
21:14.28dandate2no this is like emergency backup or full on upgrade
21:14.41dandate2see my current system is alright but i'm moving to phillipines on the 14th and leaving my wife here to guard the server
21:14.51dandate2once she finds out i got 3 more wives she might try to shut my business down in revenge
21:14.53talntidCarlos_PHX: extenspy isn't very well documented very well either, it seems
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21:15.03talntidunless you know something I don't :)
21:15.04dandate2so imma need a colo ready at any given moment to just swithc my DID over to
21:15.12*** join/#asterisk EiNSTeiN_ (n=einstein@unaffiliated/einstein/x-615171)
21:15.21dandate2but if the price is right i'll replace my pbx with a colo just for the t1
21:15.32Carlos_PHXOk, now I feel like I'm being trolled.
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21:15.40talntidby me?
21:15.42Carlos_PHXFour wives?
21:15.52dandate2yeah thats how u run a business in todays market
21:15.53*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
21:15.59dandate2u get wives cuz they work for free
21:16.10dandate2check out what happened to british airways, they told all their workers they are gunna work for free for 1 month lol
21:16.29Carlos_PHXWell, thanks for the amusement, gotta go see a customer.
21:16.52Carlos_PHXAnyway if you want to drop me a line for a quote,
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21:28.59Defrazseem to be seeing this a lot " channel.c: Didn't get a frame from channel" and I am getting some dropped calls.
21:29.56DefrazAny ideas where to look, it isn't every call just started happening more lately.
21:42.07timeshell_atworkWhy does DAHDI say that  == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1) when the lines are not in use!?
21:44.29TSM2wat type of lines
21:46.09[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: Would be nice to see your configs and the SOURCE of that error...
21:46.25timeshell_atworkjust a sec
21:46.39timeshell_atworkIt's the same problem I had that I thought I had fixed.
21:46.44timeshell_atworkI'm investigating another option
21:47.26timeshell_atworkNow I'm panicking
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21:54.10timeshell_atworkHere's the interesting thing [TK]D-Fender.  I haven't changed the configuration.  I just rebooted the server.
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21:54.48timeshell_atworkIt's the same configuration
21:55.04drmessanoYou need to rebuild DAHDI
21:55.14timeshell_atworkdrmessano I did
21:55.16timeshell_atwork4 times
21:55.37timeshell_atworkI tried rebuilding twice and twice
21:55.43drmessanoWhat Distro?
21:56.02timeshell_atwork64 bit
21:56.23drmessanorpm -q kernel
21:56.26drmessanorpm -q kernel-devel
21:56.30drmessanouname -r
21:56.41drmessanorpm -e your old kernel and kernel-devel
21:56.50drmessanomake sure you have the new kernel-devel
21:56.55drmessanoand rebuild DAHDI
21:57.48drmessanoWhat about it?
21:58.00drmessanowhich -devel do you have?
21:58.04timeshell_atworkI have 2
21:58.24timeshell_atworkSo, it's confusing dahdi?
21:58.28timeshell_atworkThat's really scarry
21:58.29drmessanorpm -e kernel-2.6.18-53.el5
21:58.50drmessanorpm -e kernel-devel-2.6.18-53.el5
21:59.07drmessanomake sure you ./configure dahdi
21:59.34drmessanoThen you'll be fine
21:59.55timeshell_atworkno ./configure for dahdi-linux
21:59.57drmessanoUndo anything you tried to fix in your panix
21:59.58timeshell_atworkjust dahdi-tools
22:00.06timeshell_atworkHaven't done nothing
22:00.10drmessanoI use the bundle
22:00.37timeshell_atworkBUt I have a back up of my last good config anyway
22:02.15*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
22:02.15*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
22:02.36timeshell_atworkdrmessano No joy  :(
22:02.59manxpowerIt's pretty easy to think you applied a change, but discover the next time you reboot that the change did not apply until the reboot and then you realize you screwed something up.
22:03.36manxpowerI had that happen recently with a customer.  He realized the wrong IP address was in the boot scripts.
22:04.06manxpowerAfter he had to drive 15 miles into the office to figure out why the server did not come back online.
22:04.26timeshell_atworkSo, you're telling me to reboot first?
22:05.15manxpowerno, reboot last, after you 've made all other changes, just to make sure.
22:05.21timeshell_atworkStopping the dahdi and asterisk services not good enough?
22:07.31manxpowerYou sure have a lot of faith in being able to REALLY TEST it without a reboot.
22:08.11timeshell_atworkWhat do you make of that?
22:08.34timeshell_atworkHow about power off the machine for good measure?
22:08.58manxpowerlooks to me like dahdi is not starting on boot
22:09.09timeshell_atworkIt starts
22:09.38drmessano"This looks like a support request. Please use the asterisk-users mailing list for this kind of support. Thanks!"
22:09.51manxpowertimeshell_atwork: I've seen issues that happen only during a cold boot and issues that happen only during a warm boot.
22:10.35manxpowerMostly with older cards and older drivers.  Sangoma drivers are known to under some situations cause a kernel panic when you try to warm boot.
22:10.54drmessanoYou could always wipe the source directory for DAHDI, download and install again
22:11.40timeshell_atworkDahdi status after boot
22:11.46manxpowerTimeshell call me!  I want to make free phone calls thru your system.  Can you see the security issue in the dialplan you attached to your bug?
22:12.17manxpowerexten => _X.,1,Dial(dahdi/1/${EXTEN},10,tTm)  T + t = allow either side to do a transfer using #
22:12.21timeshell_atworkThat wasn't my bug
22:12.46timeshell_atworkI was referring to the timing issue that guy was bringing up
22:12.51timeshell_atworkThat's not me.
22:13.45timeshell_atworkSo, in my pastebin, is it normal for it to show the channels "In Use"
22:14.39manxpowerIn use means "Used by asterisk, can't be used by anything else"
22:14.52manxpowerIt does not mean "off hook or on a call"
22:15.02timeshell_atworkstill have the same issue however.
22:15.11timeshell_atworkSays  everyone busy/congested
22:15.14timeshell_atworkLines aren't in use
22:16.43timeshell_atworkIt's the same bloody config as 7 days ago that worked!
22:16.46manxpowerWhat is the value of HANGUPCAUSE and DIALSTATUS
22:16.53timeshell_atworkjust a sec
22:21.08timeshell_atworkBack.  Where do I find those vars?
22:23.38manxpowerNoop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE} and DIALSTATUS is ${DIALSTATUS}) as the priority after the dial.  See channelvariables.txt in the Asterisk souce directory for information on all channel variables
22:25.16*** join/#asterisk Psychobilly (
22:37.28manxpowerThat is what I would expect with "unable to create channel DAHDI"
22:37.51timeshell_atworkWHy can't it create channel DAHDI?
22:38.18manxpowerwhat happens when you do a "module unload" and then "load module"
22:39.15manxpowersorry, "module load"
22:39.36timeshell_atworksame thing
22:40.34manxpowerSame thing as what?
22:40.36timeshell_atworkIs or better than the other?
22:40.49timeshell_atworkI don't get a message when I do that and calls still fail with the same error
22:41.09manxpowerYou should get a message about reading chan_dhadi.conf or something like that
22:41.09timeshell_atworkAll the status messages seem to suggest that the dahdi drivers are available.
22:41.15timeshell_atworkIncoming calls appear to work.
22:41.56timeshell_atworkIt's only outgoing calls that don't work
22:43.36timeshell_atworkOddly enough 1 of the lines has just started working
22:43.40timeshell_atworkonly 1
22:43.59*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:45.30timeshell_atworkNo, I didn't get a message like that, but when I tried to load it again it said it was already loaded.
22:46.52timeshell_atworkThat's really strange.  The second channel in the group of 3 is now accepting outbound calls whereas the other 2 channels are still reporting busy
22:47.35timeshell_atworkHold on
22:47.52timeshell_atworkI called it from outside
22:47.57timeshell_atworkAnd THEN it started working
22:48.20timeshell_atworkI'm gonna try calling them all and see what that does
22:48.44timeshell_atworkThat's it!!
22:49.01*** part/#asterisk manxpower (n=eric@
22:49.12timeshell_atworkAfter an incoming call comes on the channel in question it's working!!
22:49.18timeshell_atworkmanxpower ^^^^
22:49.40timeshell_atworkWhat's that all about?
22:52.00timeshell_atwork[TK]D-Fender HEY  ^^^^  I need input on 4 lines above.
22:52.52timeshell_atworkThe dahdi channel isn't init'ing for outgoing calls until a call comes IN on it.
23:06.57*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
23:12.34*** part/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
23:12.49*** join/#asterisk Faiz (
23:15.24FaizAfter downgrading Asterisk to version, the fax modules now load properly, but for some reason.. I can't receive or make outgoing calls from my analog phone
23:15.27Faizi get the message: WARNING[3235]: app_dial.c:1518 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 0 - Unknown)
23:15.54timeshell_atworkThat's what I was just working on
23:16.06Faizsame branch version?
23:16.25timeshell_atworkMy problem was I couldn't make outgoing calls
23:16.44timeshell_atworkI discovered if I called INTO the line first it would init the channel and afterward I could make outgoing
23:16.56timeshell_atworkAre you using 64 bit?
23:17.01Faizno, 32 bit
23:17.22Faizit worked fine before, with my current extensions.conf setting
23:17.33timeshell_atworkYah, I had the same issue too
23:17.41timeshell_atworkWhich dahdi version are you using?
23:18.01Faiztools 2.2.0, dahdi version
23:18.06timeshell_atworkDId you change your chan_dahdi.conf or your dahdi/system.conf or anything else dahdi?
23:18.33timeshell_atworkWhat happens for incoming calls?
23:18.38Faizit doesn't recognize them either
23:18.44Faizas if the line doesn't exist
23:18.57Faizfor outgoing, it also displays "status = "CHANUNAVAIL"
23:19.48Faizis it related to the channels? or the TRUNK variable in extensions?
23:20.14timeshell_atworkI can't help much today, but I'm gonna be investigating this more tomorrow.  I think it may be a dahdi bug
23:20.22timeshell_atworkdahdi driver
23:20.31Faizthis is interesting because
23:20.41Faiz1.6.1.1 works fine with incoming/outgoing, but doesn't support fax properly
23:20.52Faizso i downgraded to, fax works, calls dont.. heh
23:21.05timeshell_atworkStill works if you upgrade back to
23:21.07Faiz(my .conf files were configured with respect to
23:21.23Faizshould i try
23:21.33timeshell_atworkI don't know.  I haven't used 1.6.1.x series yet
23:22.13timeshell_atworkI'm trying to stabilize my current production server.  I've had hard enough time doing it with 1.6.0's
23:23.00timeshell_atworkAnyway, I'm sorry, but I have to go.  I have a prior engagement otherwise I'd help further.
23:23.03Faizheheh, completely understandable
23:23.16timeshell_atwork(limited as that may be) :p\
23:23.23Faizno problem good sir
23:23.34Faizif you come to a general conclusion, please let me know?
23:23.44Faizor if i do, i will let you know as well
23:23.46timeshell_atworkFor certain.
23:23.51timeshell_atworkI'm on daily.
23:24.01Faizgreat, i'll be on all night after 10 pm
23:24.03timeshell_atworkUsually in the #asterisk-gui channel though
23:24.15Faiznice meeting you, have a great day :)
23:24.21timeshell_atworklater.... afk
23:28.05*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
23:32.06*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
23:32.52svm_invictvsIs "fax" a special extension?
23:32.57*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (
23:32.59svm_invictvsLike, for fax detect?
23:42.36*** join/#asterisk alunca (
23:43.12aluncaMy Aserisk cannot ping ... and nslookup not working. please help
23:44.43Psychobillyedit your /etc/resolv.conf
23:46.47aluncaPsychobilly I just changed dns1 and dns2, do I need to change domain?
23:47.04thansenis it possible to have a shared voicemail box?
23:51.56*** join/#asterisk manxpower (n=EWieling@
23:53.41*** join/#asterisk Xetrov` (n=xetrov@unaffiliated/xetrov/x-827361)
23:55.48*** join/#asterisk LiNeTuX (
23:58.05LiNeTuXHey, any Aastra folks in here?  I'm trying to find how complex the SIP secret can be... my searches are coming up dead, and trial & error isn't going so well either...
23:59.20aluncaPsychobilly  after edit the file, resolv.conf, is there anyother command to reboot asterisk without reboot?
23:59.48Psychobillyreload or restart now in asterisk cli

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