IRC log for #asterisk on 20090722

00:01.52*** join/#asterisk Magicblaze0071 (
00:02.14*** join/#asterisk Alfio (n=Amunoz@
00:03.29LemensTSamd opteron 246 2ghz, 2gb ram
00:05.13citywoksingle core 2gb proc?
00:05.21citywokgood luck with 500 calls on that
00:05.50*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
00:06.13citywokand 100mbit may not actually be 100mbit at serverbeach, hosting facilities like that like to worse than comcast
00:06.23citywoklike to oversell* worse than comcast
00:26.09radenbesides the oreilly asterisk book is there any good documentation ?
00:27.15beekraden: What's wrong with the oreilly book?
00:27.35radeni have the first version :(
00:27.53beekDownload the second, then purchase a copy of it.
00:27.53LemensTScitywok...what is an ideal processor?
00:28.01infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
00:28.02LemensTSi can have them switch servers
00:29.21*** join/#asterisk exsync (n=UserNick@pdpc/supporter/active/exsync)
00:29.32beekinfobot: tell raden about book
00:29.57radenyeah which means i have to order it no book store around has it soo far by having this up by weekend
00:30.11beekraden: DOWNLOAD THE PDF
00:31.45radenim confussed i just downlaoded the entire book from for FREE ?????????
00:31.56*** join/#asterisk s14ck (
00:31.57*** join/#asterisk howie (
00:32.19beekNow do the right thing and purchase a copy of it so you don't have to hover over your monitor to read it.
00:32.26beekBut that'll get you rolling before the weekend.
00:32.41radenbeek, i going to buy a used one for 3.99 from amazon
00:32.52beekEnsure it's the second edition.
00:32.53radenwhy do they let u download it for free ????
00:33.02radenyeah it is i called the place as well
00:33.06beekBecause this is opensource...
00:33.16beek.. and the authors are doing a great service.
00:33.42beekUsed books don't, however, provide any revenue for the authors.
00:33.43radenjust weird the publisher would allow it thanks :)
00:34.04beekoreilly doesn't give 'em all away... this one, however...
00:40.03joatthey've been giving this one away forever
00:40.18*** join/#asterisk Orbixx (
00:40.52OrbixxHow can I set up a call queue to ring one extension, then if said extension doesn't pick up in X seconds, it defers to another extension?
00:41.11beekOrbixx: in the same queue?
00:41.36beekDo you have a specific order?
00:42.13OrbixxYes, one must definitely ring first, then another if no answer.
00:42.28joatwhy not ring 'em all?
00:42.33beekGive them an order of priority...
00:42.41beekAre these agents or members?
00:43.00Orbixxbeek: Having read up on agents, members seems a better option for me.
00:43.11Orbixxjoat: Because I want to have a chance to answer before anybody else does.
00:43.25beekThen just put a number after the member:     member => DAHDI/1,1
00:43.31beekThen DAHDI/2,2
00:43.34OrbixxAnd if I'm not around, I want it to defer to somebody else.
00:43.48beekOrbixx: I just went through this.
00:43.57Orbixxbeek: I was explaining to joat.
00:44.17beekOrbixx: .... no, I meant the *I* just went through the same requirement.
00:44.24OrbixxOh right.
00:44.33radenanyone recommend good origination provider ?
00:44.48beekinfobot: tell raden about itsp
00:45.55Orbixxbeek: Would you mind sharing your queue config files?
00:46.02Alfiohe can use strategy=linear
00:46.26Alfioand put in configuration the extensions in order to ring
00:46.57beekAlfio: If he wants them one at a time... otherwise he needs to number them.
00:47.44beekOrbixx: Are you going to have them ring in order, or you first and then everyone else?
00:47.56AlfioOrbixx> Yes, one must definitely ring first, then another if no answer.
00:48.10*** join/#asterisk dug (
00:48.16dugwhy are my sip calls ringing busy? is says busy congested but the line is free
00:48.16Alfioif he always will have that order he can use it as startegy
00:48.16OrbixxEither works really, it's just two members.
00:48.49beekOrbixx: then Alfio is correct.   Use strategy=linear, and put the member entries in the order in which you want them to rung.
00:49.09dugI am using pstn with digium tdm400 and inbound calls work fine
00:49.32Alfiodug those are not sip calls you are having trouble placing calls outbound
00:49.39Alfionot sip problems
00:50.14dugAlfio:  I understand its not sip problems but I dont know why my outbound route rings busy
00:57.50*** join/#asterisk coppice (
01:01.15beekGN All
01:01.20jayteenite beek
01:01.27beekCU jaytee
01:13.15infoboti guess itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
01:13.59*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
01:14.21*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
01:15.24*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-96ff06a2048359d6)
01:16.41*** join/#asterisk haryv (
01:17.15haryvEvening or morning depending where you are at.
01:17.42haryvAnyone know of a virtual secretary service that can represent two or more business using voip technoligy?
01:18.07drmessanovirtual secretary?
01:18.23Alfioyou mean digital recepcionist
01:18.31haryvyes, some one who is not on a per hour or salery basis.
01:18.40haryvnot digital
01:18.43haryvlive person.
01:18.50drmessanoAccurate Messages
01:19.17haryvI cannot afford the rates a one person secretary would require and my startup calls are not often enough.
01:19.42drmessanoI just gave you a name
01:21.01[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: back
01:21.07*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
01:21.08haryvnot really a answetring serive but somone who can take the customers contact,finacial and other details. Answering service is just that. Take name and number
01:21.25drmessanoharyv: NEGATIVE.. Read the website
01:21.56[TK]D-Fenderharyv: "Outsourced Inbound Call-center" <- no-one said they had to be too smart
01:22.23drmessanoAccurate Messages will even take customer ORDERS
01:22.26[TK]D-Fenderharyv: <-
01:22.51drmessanoThey're also very reliable
01:22.51[TK]D-Fenderharyv: And they are a Digium training partner as well as a call-center  ( w/ )
01:23.29haryvGood to know.
01:24.12haryvwoman some times get skittish when I need physical address or contact information. Probebly would be better to forward that call to that service.
01:24.34drmessano[TK]D-Fender: rue_mohr can suck the big one, BTW.. his own DMM shows he's got a -11db on the damn line.. as well as his tests in dahdi, which he claims are false due to bug/errors
01:24.41*** join/#asterisk xp_prg (n=xp_prg3@
01:24.45xp_prganyone use drbd here?
01:25.12[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: He provided the info that shoots him down?
01:25.31[TK]D-Fenderlooks around for his ClueBat...
01:26.09drmessanoHe states the .25 is DB... for some fucking reason.. thats the AC VOLTS reading at the top.. the -10.17 is the calculated DBM reading, which VERIFIES what DAHDI has been telling him ALL ALONG
01:26.28*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
01:26.41[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: We hide it in the "big print" ;)
01:26.50drmessanoDahdi isn't off by -11db.. HE IS
01:26.58drmessanoand his OWN DMM PROVES IT
01:27.26Alfioxp_prg i do but if you want some info about it you can go to drbd channel
01:27.36xp_prgI did nobody is talking in there
01:27.38drmessanoFor months hes been bitching about phones, Digium, the cards, how everyone is so stupid in here.. that we know nothing about how to take a reading, line current/voltage, etc
01:27.47drmessanoAnd his own fucking meter showed how dumb he is
01:28.18*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
01:28.20drmessano"At least I got mah chicken"
01:28.21[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Actually.... *I* know nothing about that :P
01:28.34[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Then again.. I keep nice & queit on those points :)
01:29.05haryvNow I need to market a better way.
01:29.10[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: You've got a natural edge with your ham and electrical background
01:29.11OrbixxI love big rage-rants on idiots.
01:29.27[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: This one is about 8 months in the making.
01:29.29haryvIm also a ham and FCC licenced
01:29.32drmessanoThis is like piper69 finding out his parents are brother and sister, and him ignoring it
01:29.54*** join/#asterisk mascool (
01:30.05OrbixxAn idiocy beyond belief case, eh?
01:30.17[TK]D-Fenderhears "Dueling Banjos" playing in the distance...
01:30.42haryvdrmessano what level are you
01:30.59[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Sometimes fairly smart people are capable of being the most hard-nosed morons.  He out-thought himself into a corner.
01:31.09drmessanoOrbixx: You can google rue_mohr and select terms for zaptel, dahdi, bugs, 11db, tdm800, etc.. and hes all about how Digiums card sucks, theres bugs in dahdi_monitor, how no one in here knows shit about electronics and how to test a line with a meter
01:31.20drmessanoharyv: General
01:31.25haryvTK, you mean those who are not open minded
01:31.31haryvTech+ here
01:31.47[TK]D-Fender<- 2-Bit hack
01:31.52haryvBut need to upgrade...just the motivation and time is a issue.
01:32.15drmessanoharyv: If it wasnt for the BS about the bands and the ionosphere, I would have my extra.. The technical stuff is second nature..
01:32.18haryvplus need to get my canadian licence out of the way.
01:33.29haryvI had to obtain my FCC radio Telephone repair and operators licence year ago as a requirment to repair Avionics equipment. The proggram was very tough. Down to the componet level analog/digital troubelshooting.
01:34.27haryvAgain, blame it on the US goverment for deregulating the big three industries in the late 80s for aviation falling on its face in 93.
01:35.18drmessanoYou've not lived until you've spark tested a tube-type AM broadcast transmitter and its bridge rectifier boards by tapping them with a screwdriver
01:35.36*** join/#asterisk bluecrow76 (
01:35.52haryvmmm those crystal sets were very cool
01:35.52drmessanoThe "Kapow" means youre close
01:35.59haryvthat goes a LONG way back
01:36.13haryvBuilt a 300kv tesla coil once.
01:36.16drmessanoIm talking about 5000 watt transmitters..
01:36.27haryvrealy rf power
01:37.08drmessanoLargest I had the benefit of were 20,000 watt FM transmitters
01:37.16drmessanoThose are the ones that make you pee a little
01:37.36haryvyou have your FCC licence?
01:38.21drmessanoNo, you dont need a GROL or an operator license for commercial broadcast anymore
01:39.21drmessanoI dont think using a spare teflon spacer from a piece of 3 inch copper line to hold down the failsafe on a transmitter so you can keep the door open during testing is an answer you would see on the test anyway
01:42.05haryvFCC is more in line with band limits, transmission types for that band, bandwith and other laws. This is more aimed for the technician. I could have taken the radar endorsment part of the test but did not.
01:42.36*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
01:42.57drmessanoFCC is more concerned about compliance.. They dont care how you stay compliant, but they demand that it be done
01:44.22drmessanoI was the Chief Operator for 5 FMs and 2 AMs for a number of years and it was interesting how rule changes seemed to move more and more towards "We're not going to tell you how to monitor, or how to document.. but we expect to get the info we need, if/when we need it..period"
01:45.49drmessanoWent from checking meter readings on transmitters every 2 hours, then 3 hours, then to "However long it takes to maintain compliance and to ensure if you do fall out of tolerance, the condition is addressed or corrected within 3 hours of it occuring"
01:46.23drmessanoand also being able to turn said transmitter completely on and off remotely, within 3 hours of a notification from the FCC that you were out of tolerance
01:47.16haryvIs that still the case today?
01:47.26drmessanoThe beauty part is.. in order to catch the intolerance in a 3 hour window, you either need 24/7 automatic monitoring with notification, or you need manual monitoring every 2 hours, 59 mins, and 59 seconds to ensure you can meet the 3 hour window
01:48.25haryvProbebly in most cases, its automatic right?
01:48.26*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:48.54haryvDont want spurious harmonics to interfear with the frequency of another station :)
01:49.18drmessanoYoure required to run a test of the Emergency Alert System once a week, document it.. along with a test recieved from all the sources you are required to monitor for EAS, along with the monthly tests, and any emergency messages retransmitted
01:49.50*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
01:49.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:50.08drmessanoSpurs are not really much of a problem.. the problems are things like power going high or low by 8%, and modulation/tower current readings in the case of AM's
01:50.30drmessanoMost monitoring is remote, but only some is automatic
01:51.05drmessanoIt also requires contact to the outside, which is often in the form of a phone line which is suseptible to being taken out by lightning and going unnoticed for hours or days
01:51.08haryvRight. AES is interesting. I volinteered for a ARES unit and the main county emergency ops showed me the equipment and how it worked.
01:52.03haryvEAS system I mean
01:52.09drmessanoEAS is horrible abomination.. Designed from the start as complete crap.. the whole topology model is flawed, and even 12 years into it, most emergency managers are clueless on how its works and how to use it
01:52.48drmessanoThe new version is coming out here soon.. lot more based on internet standards..
01:52.53haryvours was very knowlagable. Former B52 officer who was in charge of the center.
01:53.08drmessanoMost of the boxes will use Web based interfaces and the new protocol is XML based
01:53.56drmessanoIts still gonna sound like shit being mistuned into the airchain of a 75 yr old AM station
01:54.06drmessanoBut its progress, nonetheless
01:55.14haryvI could have still volinteered for ARES but work was interfering with the times I wanted to attend.
01:55.32drmessanoIve actually been giving some though to being able to parse the new EAS in asterisk and use TTS to generate calls in asterisk to alert staff or in use for an alerting system in itself
01:56.45haryvyou trust asterisk for that role?
01:57.17drmessanoI trust Asterisk more than the sources of the information
01:57.35drmessanoHave you ever seen the movie Wargames?
01:58.23drmessanoWhole premise of the movie.. Cant trust the men in the silo's.. Need to get the men out of the silo's so we build this supercomputer that gets a mind of its own, right..
01:58.43drmessanoThe biggest problem with EAS is the men in the silo's
01:58.49drmessanoTURN YOUR KEY SIR
01:58.52drmessanoTURN YOUR KEY
01:59.03drmessanoEAS fails due to humans..
01:59.35coppicemany would consider that a success
01:59.53*** join/#asterisk Alfio (
02:00.17haryvdr, ever been in a silo?
02:00.31drmessanoSadly, no..
02:00.49jayteeIf John Spencer hadn't have been smoking dope with his buddhist girlfriend before the missile exercise he would've turned the key.
02:00.59coppiceI had a picture of the inside of a silo, but it was very grainy
02:01.07haryvClosest I have been to nukes was 1/4 mile away. 1/2 of the countries spare nukes stored on my base..just a guess :)
02:01.21drmessanoJaytee: Maybe Michael Madsen wouldn't have been so pissed
02:01.22jayteeI go to tour one back in the 70's when I was in the USAF
02:01.48haryvGot caught up in a nuke transport. So the armed SP said no, you cannot go back on the road :)
02:01.52drmessanoJaytee: Stupid trivia.. that was his first movie role.. and he's completely uncredited
02:02.13jayteeI loved the guy as Leo on West Wing
02:02.57haryvI had a option to work in the space defence command.
02:02.57drmessanoI still use that line as an inside joke.. even though I find myself explaining it more and more to these young whippersnappers
02:02.58jayteekind of oddly prophetic that in the last season his character has a heart attack and survives and several months later he has a real one and doesn't
02:03.06drmessanoTURN YOUR KEY SIR
02:03.09drmessanoTURN YOUR KEY
02:03.29haryvAre silos still manned
02:03.40drmessanoThey are?
02:03.43drmessanoNo WOPR?
02:03.54jayteestill the old two man rule in silos and on subs
02:04.10haryvI wonder how many today vs the height of the cold war
02:04.12[TK]D-FenderNo, due to political-correctness they are now "personned" :p
02:04.13drmessanowants one of the plastic snappy things with the launch codes inside
02:04.36drmessanoCPE1704TKS == WIN
02:06.01jayteeand back when the movie was new all the geeks envied Matthew Brodrick's rig with the dual IMSAI 8" floppy drives and 64K 8-bit CPM cpu.
02:06.36drmessanoChristy Swanson FTW
02:06.44jaytee"That's right, I'm Abe Froman, the sausage king of Chicago"
02:07.16haryvI once walked up to one of the three fences that were the perimiter to the nuclear warhead storage for the country. Very quick way to die if you start to climb it. I think one had 50,000 volt going though it. Heard a story of a procupine walking into it. Set off alarms ect. For some reason, first jolt did not kill it. Second one did when it walked into it again.
02:07.52jayteewhere was this? Holloman AFB in New Mexico?
02:08.29haryvnow this is good. Big ballon festival going on 10 miles to the NW. One of them decended behind the fence. With 10 MPS holding there M-16s at them :)
02:08.57drmessano"Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious."
02:09.08drmessanoYay, found it
02:09.24haryvAF stories are great :)
02:11.31haryvnot that some one dieing is. guy disolved in a C-130 herk fuel tank once. Pilots and crew chiefs could not figure why the engines were flaming out.
02:29.22*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
02:32.08*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
02:32.16leifmadsenomg sjobeck
02:32.35leifmadsendrmessano: yoink!
02:38.52sjobeckleifmadsen: word up
02:39.12sjobeckleif: how things? good to see you.
02:39.34leifmadsenoh not bad -- just working on getting a PHP SOAP interface working...
02:43.16*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
02:46.25*** join/#asterisk darkmadda (
02:51.30darkmaddadoes any one have  method of dialing out via gizmo->googlevoice->PTSN ... Inbond is working, and i thought there was a way to do it. (Possibly via having GV dialback(using http request) to gizmo->Asterisk and then connecting the dialback to the outgoing call)... I think that should work i just don't know how to do it. Anyone already doing this? Or know how to do it?
02:54.55*** join/#asterisk dongs (
02:55.03dongswhats _X in context?
02:55.30*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
02:57.42leifmadsendongs: pattern match
03:06.28[TK]D-Fenderdongs: Agains any single digit
03:09.37drmessanoAnyone know of a specific issue where MWI works on 1.6 after a reload, but then stop after some period of time.. even with the poll mailboxes set to yes?
03:11.42*** join/#asterisk ricko73 (n=dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
03:16.28*** join/#asterisk Rob3Rt (
03:16.43*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
03:20.34darkmaddaany good forums for asterisk?
03:31.10*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
03:31.31*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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03:59.39*** join/#asterisk jplank (
04:01.46*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba (
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04:07.53jplankEvery box I upgraded from zaptel to dahdi, have all got echo after the upgrade. Not one of them had echo with zaptel. All digium hardware (mostly 2400Ps and TE122s). The echo module shows booted in dmesg, as well as theirs no errors. Could I be doing something wrong?
04:13.16[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Distinctive lack of PASTEBIN is one....
04:18.07jplankkeep in mind this is an upgrade from zaptel to dahdi, so there is still some zaptel references I need to clean up (like context names)
04:18.44jplankwould a dmesg help also?
04:21.07*** join/#asterisk ArchGT (n=ArchGT@
04:22.04*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
04:24.55jplankshould I just downgrade the boxes to zaptel?
04:28.11[TK]D-Fenderjplank: echocanceller=mg2,1-23 <-- doesn't sound like HWEC to me.
04:29.21jplankThats the default that dahdi_genconfig puts in, but digium told me that if I have hardware echo can, it over-rides any software provisioned
04:30.00jplankand dmesg shows the hw echo can working - VPMADT032: Present and operational (Firmware version 117)
04:30.34jplankI have no problem removing that from system.conf though
04:33.10jplankcommented them all out, still the same
04:33.32citywokdoes anybody know how to configure Bria's dhcp options?
04:34.37[TK]D-Fendercitywok: Bria is a soft-phone last I cheked... when would a SF ever have anything to do with controlling DHCP?
04:34.55citywokit uses DHCP to discover the SIP URL it uses to provision itself
04:35.26citywokthey say to use option 120, but i havent found much documentation on it
04:41.09jplankwould downgrading from dahdi to zaptel be as easy as removing,  then recompiling zaptel and then asterisk?
04:42.37[TK]D-Fenderjplank: I'd advise you to use Digium support to figure this bit out.
04:43.04[TK]D-Fenderjplank: DAHDI should work just fine.  Its basically a rename + more features which you don't use anyway
04:43.26jplankthey couldn't, they said they had to escalate it to their developers, and I haven't heard back
04:45.29jplankyea, thats what I don't get. If it worked with zaptel before upgrading, I don't see why it wouldn't work with dahdi. Whats weird is its across the board, I see this behavior on 3 different boxes, all running current 1.4 and dahdi
04:46.47jplanknice 1.4.12 version of zaptel automatically removes dahdi, might be worth trying
04:54.42*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
04:56.34[TK]D-Fendercitywok: maybe it has access to the host's options sonhow...
04:57.31jplanksome trade off. Its either half duplex audio because of HWEC on zaptel, or echo on dahdi :(
04:59.28jplankeither that or I ditch digium and just get a sangoma and try with that
04:59.59*** join/#asterisk OrNix (n=ornix@
05:21.12[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later
05:28.19*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
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05:54.31*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
05:54.34joelsolankihey guys.
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05:54.49joelsolankiwe have a running asterisk setup with zyxel ip dslams.
05:55.23joelsolankithe problem is when customer press flash key on their telephone lines which are connected to ip dslams and ip dslams connected to asterisk it doesnt work
05:55.53joelsolankimeans when there is 2nd call on their line they try to press flash to accept that call but the current call disconnects
05:56.09joelsolankiso is there any configuration for flash or dtmf on asterisk side ?
05:56.28AlmightyOatmealdid you check the ip phone dialplan?
05:56.41AlmightyOatmeali assume you're using ip phones right?
05:57.16*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
05:58.11joelsolankino it is analog phone connected to ip dslams thru copper line
05:58.27joelsolankiif i tested with softphone and ipphone it works
05:58.40joelsolankibut things behind ip dslams with analog phone doesnt work :(
05:59.14*** join/#asterisk plundra (
05:59.39AlmightyOatmealanalog phones using ata adapters?
06:00.47joelsolankisome thing link linksys pap2 which gives out 2 analog lines
06:00.49AlmightyOatmeali guess i don't know that much about dslams but it doesn't make much sense that a dslam would be causing such an issue
06:00.54joelsolankiso ip dslam is samme type
06:01.20AlmightyOatmeali would check the dialplan config of the pap2 adapters for switching lines
06:01.41AlmightyOatmealthere should be a config option for switching lines and you need to figure out what your phone sense the pap2 adapter to switch
06:01.55AlmightyOatmealif i understand your setup right
06:03.05jplankjoelsolanki: I assume the dslam and * are connected with an IP connection?
06:03.37jplankif so, the dslam would have to be doing the flashhook, not asterisk, you can't really do a flash hook over an SIP (or whatever) trunk
06:06.19joelsolankiyes it is connected with ip connetiont
06:06.38jplankis the second call just ringing?
06:06.53jplankand the enduser off the dslam here the call waiting tone?
06:07.05joelsolankiyes it will ring and as soon as the we press flash the current call disconnects
06:07.32jplankthat would be an issue with the dslam, maybe theres a call waiting setting inside it?'
06:07.32joelsolankiyes he listens it
06:07.49joelsolankiyes we activated it but nothing yet :(
06:07.56jplankwhat do you see at the CLI?
06:07.57joelsolankiso u think it must be on dslam side ?
06:08.03jplankwould have to be
06:08.11joelsolankion cli it just says hangup
06:08.14*** join/#asterisk Kihote (n=Kihote@
06:08.18joelsolankilet me see dslam setting
06:08.18jplank* doesn't know anything about the flashhook on the dslam side of the call
06:09.10jplankjust to confirm    (PSTN)----Asterisk----[ip connection]----DSLAM----[POTS]----enduser?
06:10.30joelsolankiyes corrects
06:11.36jplankthe flashhook is on the DSLAM side, if the call is ringing, the asterisk side is done, if the enduser is hearing a call waiting tone, you seem to be half way there with dslam
06:12.50joelsolankiyes agre
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06:37.11WindowsUserdhcp option 120 is apparently just a sip server
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07:45.34pifhi, is it possible to have a different voicemail message depending on the time of  day?
07:45.53pif(without creating a new voicemail account)
07:47.06tzafrir_laptopa cron to modify the file itself in the voicemail box?
07:48.24pifnot bad :)
07:48.47pifor use the 'b'usy message (which is never used otherwise)
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08:00.15piftzafrir_laptop: do you have good feedback on your 1.6.1.x debian package in large production settings?
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08:06.33tzafrir_laptoppif, not much
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08:13.18tamielhello, is there a way to limit sip registering on a sip account ?
08:13.40tamiel(no call limit but register limit)
08:32.09pifwhen using labels with a Goto, is there a fallthrough after the label?
08:34.07*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:f552:cc04:2162:3074)
08:39.54pifto test the existence of ${ARG3} in a macro should I simply test its emptiness?
08:57.40*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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09:14.31seggieif anyone has documentation about implenting TLS for Asterisk I'd be interested
09:14.56seggiegoogle wasnt my friend on this one :-/
09:21.32tzafrir_laptopThread-Level Socket?
09:22.01tzafrir_laptop(the one that is an improvement over the Single-Socket-Level interface?)
09:22.03seggienop, the security protocol
09:22.37seggieyes the SSLv3 if I remind correctly
09:23.49tzafrir_laptopanyway, if Google fails, try Yahoo?
09:23.50*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:24.04seggietransport layer security
09:24.07seggiehaha will do
09:24.21tzafrir_laptopah, not Thread Local Storage, then
09:25.57seggieguess I'm not good enough in English to get the jokes at first :P
09:27.04*** join/#asterisk datacompboy (n=datacomp@
09:27.50datacompboyHi all! Anybody knows what to do with g729? i have setup driver OK, core show transition are OK, voice ok, but console flooded with [Jul 22 09:25:42] WARNING[18017]: chan_sip.c:3707 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 64, while native formats is 0x100 (g729)(256) read/write = 0x100 (g729)(256)/0x100 (g729)(256)
09:29.27datacompboyHave tried several different codecs -- all provide same result. call are bridged via app_conference.
09:31.02seggieanyway if anyone has successfully implemented TLS on an Asterisk system, I am  interested as there is not a HOWTO on the net, just forums with unresolved problems :)
09:37.08*** join/#asterisk Micc (
09:37.19MiccI'm going nuts trying to figure out a way to check if an extension exists.
09:38.04MiccI'm trying to goto a local dial if it is a call to a number in our system.
09:38.21MiccI have been using Dial(Local/${EXTEN}@inbound)
09:39.05Miccbut it doesn't work well, some phones get garbled audio through the local channel.
09:39.06MiccI just want a way to see if the extension exists then goto it.
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10:18.20WeazelONhey guys, I got some mind bugling crazy question !    whenever i'm dialing Queue, and the calee hits * the call is being disconnected, and its not Feature related since its only for incoming queue calls i can't see the * being pressed in either of the logs nor the verbose anyone has an idea how I find what is causing * to disconnect ?  (its not Hh in the Queue()  )
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10:23.18WeazelONkaii: no answer :( pretty dead here
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10:41.58seggie"SSL cert error", if it rings a bell... My asterisk.pem is the concatenation of key.pem and certificate.pem
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10:45.51AlmightyOatmealfrom the united states, calling canada shouldn't require a different dialplan, right?
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11:15.53kaiiWeazelON: i joined bit late, i dont have your pastebin in the backlog.  can you give the url again pls ?
11:25.23AlmightyOatmeali keep getting the error that the device is not registered to place calls on the network (x-lite softphone) :(
11:25.33AlmightyOatmealit was working before i restarted the asterisk daemon
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11:38.06ttl-are numbers allowed in the sip.conf headings?
11:45.24tzafrir_laptopsection headings? [123456] ?
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11:55.09drmessanoSo who can tell me from 1.2 or 1.4 > 1.6, what changes do I need to make for MWI to work, in general..
11:55.36drmessanoI know the pollmailboxes and pollfreq in voicemail.conf.. Any device changes.. anything else?
11:56.14drmessanoand actually.. if my messages are not being modified outside of Asterisk, pollmailboxes is irrelevant
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12:06.27markwatersI am trying to run a shell script in the dialplan , it reports that its called correctly but doesn't seem to work
12:06.42markwatersI can run the script from the console via ! script and it works fine
12:06.45markwatersany ideas ?>
12:06.48*** join/#asterisk Lyma (n=Lyma@unaffiliated/lyma)
12:07.25markwatersscript is in /usr/bin and is chmodded wit +x
12:09.14[TK]D-Fendermarkwaters: How does it report that it is called correctly?  What user is * running as? (common mistake).  SHOW US.
12:09.17infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
12:10.55markwatersthanks [TK]D-Fender , asterisk is running as a user called asterisk who has a valid login and a shell set to /bin/sh
12:11.10markwatersI can su asterisk and run the script without a problem
12:11.13[TK]D-Fendermarkwaters: And what about your SCRIPT?
12:11.21[TK]D-Fendermarkwaters: Show us <-
12:12.30markwatersthe script contains just "ssh mark@core3 nzbget -R 100" , I have also tried executing that command direct like system(ssh mark@core3 nzbget -R 100)
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12:13.30markwatersin the dialplan as it executes I see 'Executing [s@macro-out-uri:2] TrySystem("SIP/mark-085b89c0", "remote_control_core3-slow") in new stack'
12:14.27markwatersI have tried putting just the script name and including the full path to /usr/bin too
12:14.43markwatersits flummoxed me now
12:17.12kaiimarkwaters: try    TrySystem("/usr/bin/remote_control_core3-slow >/tmp/remotecontrol.out 2>&1"), then make a call, and provide a pastebin with the contents of /tmp/remotecontrol.out please
12:17.39markwatersok , now I have run it as the asterisk user from the shell I am being asked about the ssh keys so I guess its working now
12:17.59markwaterskaii: ahh , that's a good idea , then I can see the logs
12:18.03markwatersok , brb
12:18.11drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I have a transcendental asterisk question for ya
12:19.26kaiimarkwaters: if you can run the command with ! this doesnt mean anything, as your remote CLI (asterisk -r) must not run as the same user as asterisk does.
12:19.47kaiimarkwaters: and absolute pathes are always a good thing
12:20.30[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Any time now... :p
12:20.32drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Going from a working 1.4 system to a 1.6 system.. and ignoring all else.. If I told you my MWI on my phones worked great.. Now when I start/reload asterisk, I get an MWI.. but it times out after x number of minutes and stays in that state until I reload/restart
12:20.45markwaterskaii: [TK]D-Fender - its working now , thanks guys
12:21.23drmessanoSo the lights go out.. I call Alison and I have 8 new messages.. i reload and it picks right up that I have the new messages waiting
12:21.25markwaterskaii: try , I am running the asterisk console as root and not asterisk user , thanks for pointing that out
12:21.41[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Not a permissions thing?
12:22.12[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Otherwise i might suspect a bug in the specific vour you're moving to
12:23.03drmessanoWell, not sure.. there is an initial detection of the new messages on reload/restart.. but then I guess theres supposed to be a repetitive notification.. or perhaps asterisk suddenly decides there are no new messages
12:23.48drmessanoAll I know is reload/restart.. that process detects.. the phones get a light.. and its correct for the ones that have new messages.. some magic doesnt happen from there
12:24.13drmessanoWhat is this bug you speak of?
12:24.27drmessanoor are you saying it sounds like it could be of that line?
12:25.37[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Could be a VM MWI issue with your .6 ver.  I don't know anything specific, just a thought
12:25.56*** join/#asterisk Alfio (
12:26.39drmessanoYou know.. whats funny..
12:27.03*** part/#asterisk w3wt (
12:27.23[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: a poodle with an angora sweater & a mohawk?
12:28.12drmessanoWhen I tried IMAP Storage for VM.. I had recompile and go back to file based because ALL my phones were getting constant notifications of new messages.. and in the case of the ATA's that had dumb(er) POTS phones, they had studder tones every 60 seconds.. no decay, no timeout
12:28.29drmessanoEven phones NOT CONFIGURED for VM
12:28.46drmessanoI wrote it off as an IMAP Storage problem
12:28.52drmessanoBut this seems fishy and maybe related
12:29.00drmessanoLike MWI is the issue
12:30.10drmessanoCome to think of it, 60 secs was my pollfreq I had set
12:34.05*** part/#asterisk dongs (
12:37.54maxagazi have a strange problem with asterisk in china, when i make long distance call, as soon as the person i'm calling picks up the phone after some tonalities, i get nothing, it doesn't work
12:38.01maxagazdoes someone have an idea ?
12:38.33maxagazdrmessano, the problem is definitely technical
12:39.05maxagazdrmessano, i don't have this problem for short distance call
12:39.23maxagazneither when calling abroad
12:39.24drmessanoSame provider?
12:39.46maxagazdrmessano, yes
12:39.53maxagazdrmessano, called CNC
12:40.15maxagazdrmessano, they say everything is fine from their side
12:40.20drmessanoIf you can call local, and call abroad, but long distance doesnt work, take it up with them.. its not a PBX problem
12:40.29drmessanoThey're wrong
12:40.39drmessanoAll you are doing is sending them calls.. they handle the switching
12:41.07drmessanoCalls are being sent in the proper format?
12:41.17drmessanoAs in, the formatting of the number
12:43.15*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
12:43.48maxagazdrmessano, ok, then i'll call them back for the nth time tomorrow
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12:44.13maxagazdrmessano, today they told me very few people use our system, that's why it could come from it!
12:44.26jayteejust read an interesting article about Nortel selling off it's Enterprise Solutions Business to Avaya for $745 million
12:44.27maxagazbut it used to work before
12:45.27drmessanomaxagaz: it worked before, and you changed nothing on your end?
12:46.35maxagazdrmessano, i can't be sure
12:46.49maxagazdrmessano, but our install is quite basic
12:47.08maxagazdrmessano, i mean, we have a dedicated server for that
12:47.25maxagazdrmessano, with asterisk 1.4
12:48.00drmessanoIf you feel confident youre sending the calls correctly.. and whatever changes you made wouldnt affect that.. and with local and abroad working, and LD being the issue.. I would suspect provider, provider, provider
12:48.05afinkcan an extension be a variable?
12:48.49maxagazdrmessano, ok thanks for your help, i'll bother them again and again tomorrow
12:49.12afinkfor instance exten => ${userexten},1,Dial(${userexten},20)
12:49.56maxagazdrmessano, today i also recompiled libpri to make some tests (get rid of a patch), but unsuccessfully
12:51.41[TK]D-Fenderafink: No
12:52.45afinkyep just tried no go
12:53.07afinkwishful thinking
12:54.11*** join/#asterisk shazaum (n=889uJWER@unaffiliated/shazaum)
12:54.12[TK]D-Fenderafink: Really?  Where to do you think that variable comes from?  Variables exist during the call.
12:56.11afinkvariables that I previously assigned
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12:59.40jayteedrmessano, shouldn't you be doing your up-to-the-minute live on scene morning traffic report?
13:00.33drmessanoIm supposed to be at work.. I played hookie because I wanted to wake up with difficulty breathing and to have to go to the doctor.. It was my master plan
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13:00.54drmessanoI was in bed thinking, I want to wake up gasping for air and in pain.. and BAM
13:00.58jayteecould be the swine flu
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13:02.35drmessanoCould be
13:02.59drmessanoCould be I sucked in 2 gallons of dust in the last two days installing workstations
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13:13.03[TK]D-Fenderafink: Variables die at the end of a call and are local to just that call.
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13:18.31Kattyit's going to be a beautiful day
13:18.38Kattyfull of bunnies, and sunshine.
13:18.39Kattyand hugs.
13:18.41Kattyhugs [intra]lanman
13:18.56[intra]lanmanhugs Katty back
13:18.58[intra]lanmanhi Katty
13:19.09coppicetoday started with limited sunshine - an eclipse
13:20.09Kattybetter limited sunshine than moonshine
13:20.17[intra]lanmansays who!!
13:23.47guaxany ultimate guide for sip trunking between asterisk servers? im getting general problems with autentication and cache in astdb. It seems that asterisk is ignoring the peer configuration in favour of a deprecated config thats out of sip.conf but is in astdb
13:25.52afink[TK]D-Fender: globals
13:26.04Kattyguax: i handed out my last copy 5 minutes ago.
13:26.33[TK]D-Fenderafink: You'll still hve to come up with something else...
13:27.18afinkI did.  it was pointless anyways.
13:27.34Kattydo something not pointless!
13:27.49Kattygo have a walk.
13:31.13leifmadseninfobot: lbnc is "luser brain not connected"
13:31.14infobotleifmadsen: okay
13:31.26leifmadsen(not in reference to anyone here -- just found it online :))
13:32.18coppiceand PBD == post brain death
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13:35.11Xetrov`What is a good bluetooth headset for use with softphone?
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13:50.12FreakGuardwhat's the avantage over specifing the priority over just follow by order in the file?
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13:52.05leifmadsenFreakGuard: you mean 1,2,3,4 vs. 1,n,n,n ?
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13:52.33leifmadsenFreakGuard: or do you mean, "why is there priority numbers at all?"
13:52.35FreakGuardleifmadsen: I'm more like wondering why they even exist
13:52.45leifmadsenFreakGuard: how would you go to a particular line?
13:53.03FreakGuardleifmadsen: specify labels?
13:53.04leifmadsenlets say I wanted to jump to the 5th priority... how would i get there without it?
13:53.11leifmadsenFreakGuard: labels exist, yes.
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13:53.31leifmadsenexten => extension,n(label),Application(argument)
13:54.00[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: How would you store your dialplan in a DB if it didn't know the order of the instructions?
13:54.52FreakGuard[TK]D-Fender: just ordered by lines?
13:55.05[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: DB's don't have an "order"
13:55.29[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: FreakGuard Unless the order IS a field, hence "priorities"
13:56.28FreakGuardSo why do we need them explicitly in the files? The order is given by following \n
13:57.05leifmadsenFreakGuard: probably the most logical reason is because there used to be priority numbers, and then we got rid of them in the dialplan, but asterisk still had the concept of a list of lines, so we just created the placeholder 'n' and added labels. Otherwise you'd have a totally different format to "upgrade" to, and using the format I just specified allowed the dialplan formatting to change very little
13:57.36*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
13:57.43FreakGuardoke, accepted ;-)
13:57.50leifmadsenFreakGuard: you probably would be more comfortable with AEL if the priority labeling stuff really bothers you that much
13:58.09FreakGuardleifmadsen: doesn't bother me. I just want to know why
13:58.10leifmadsenpriority numbers are a relic of asterisk history
13:58.17FreakGuardtought so
13:58.37[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: A constant fact more like ;)
13:58.48[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: AEL is a hack :p
13:58.59leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: and so are you!
13:59.03FreakGuard[TK]D-Fender: it's good enough?
13:59.17[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: thats 2-BIT hack to YOU sir!
13:59.32[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: AEL is a fake-out over extensions.conf
13:59.36leifmadsenFreakGuard: it is just a dialplan abstraction that gives you a different format, but converts back to "dialplan" internally
13:59.42*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
13:59.48leifmadsenFreakGuard: it's an alternative format for the same subsystem
13:59.50*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
14:00.15[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: 1 more layer susceptable to failure and while it makes some things cleaner it makes debugging more difficult and functionally limits you vs straight dialplan.
14:00.45*** join/#asterisk academy (n=adam@unaffilated/academy)
14:00.56FreakGuard[TK]D-Fender: I'm pretty aware of the impacts of abstraction layers, thanks ;-)
14:00.57leifmadsenFreakGuard: although lots of people do like to use it, so if you end up liking it, go for it
14:01.26*** join/#asterisk thegoat (
14:01.30academyIf I take a DID from a wholesale voip provider, do I need to maintain a trunk to the provider or do I give the provider my sip address and they connect as needed?
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14:01.59leifmadsenacademy: if just taking incoming you need to define a [peer] and register => to the provider
14:02.02[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: Just be aware that syntax on that layer is more likely to change/break/etc so you'll have to be even more careful when upgrading.
14:02.11leifmadsenthe register tells them where you are, the peer will authenticate the incoming call
14:02.24academyleifmadsen: I thought register was only needed behind nat
14:02.25leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: I think he gets it
14:02.45[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I like the look of my own typeface ;)
14:02.48leifmadsenacademy: register is always needed unless you have a static IP, and the provider has configured it at their end to always send to that IP
14:02.55[TK]D-Fenderuses Comic--Sans
14:03.05leifmadsenacademy: register == "telling the other end where I am"
14:03.10*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
14:03.14thegoathas anyone integrated asterisk with skype?
14:03.27academyleifmadsen: I do have a static IP.  Is it normal procedure not to register in this case?
14:03.53academyok, thanks
14:04.05leifmadsenwell, not uncommon anyways
14:04.10tamielIs there a way to limit number of registered sessions on same sip account ?
14:04.18leifmadsenthegoat: yes, Digium has with SFA
14:04.31leifmadsentamiel: you can only have 1 registered session per account
14:04.39leifmadsenasterisk is a B2BUA, not a proxy
14:04.48[TK]D-Fenderthegoat: ...
14:04.51infobot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol. Only commercial channel drivers exist, with most solutions being complex, complicated, and hack-ish . Digium's SkypeForAsterisk (see ~SkypeForAsterisk) is a new solution that is a cleaner non-dependent option.
14:05.08[TK]D-Fenderthegoat: SkypeForAsterisk is not available yet, no ETA
14:05.19leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: soon
14:07.13[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Next spring... SHARP!
14:07.29tamielleifmadsen: yes but for example, if I have on session and register a second session, the second session overwrite the first one
14:07.43leifmadsentamiel: huh?
14:07.52leifmadsentamiel: that just sounds like a re-REGISTER
14:07.59coppicesoon on a geological scale
14:08.12*** join/#asterisk pawpro (n=pawpro@
14:08.42thegoati've been trying to get on the skype sip beta program, but that is like pulling teeth
14:09.03pawproHello everybody! I'm using autodialout in 1.6.1 is it possible to "SIPAddHeader" while using autodialout in Asterisk?
14:09.10leifmadsenthegoat: there are already enough people in the closed beta program. You'll probably have to wait for the open beta program.
14:09.28leifmadsenwonders what "autodialout" is
14:09.37jayteewas just wondering the same thing :-) files
14:10.53pawproactually i dont use the file extension but I ment putting a file into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing with the callstring inside
14:12.22[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: Yes... but not when using a SIP "Channel:".  Go stare at the list of * channel types funny till it hits you...
14:12.50leifmadsenpawpro: use Local channels to do some dialplan logic before dialing the SIP channel
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14:14.27leifmadsenruns off to do some issue tracker work
14:15.34tamielleifmadsen: I use a sip softphone, register with it and 1 min after, register with sip hard phone on same account : hard phone overwrite soft phone registering .
14:16.00leifmadsentamiel: exactly -- you can't register two devices to the same peer definition
14:16.04leifmadsenlike I said earlier
14:16.07leifmadsenthey need to be separate peers
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14:18.46TommyBJIs it possible to gain information about which queue agent that the caller got assigned to?
14:19.26TommyBJInformation that can be used in the dialplan.
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14:23.05[TK]D-FenderTommyBJ: Make it par of the exten you have it dial in the dialplan to reach them.
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14:26.08tamielleifmadsen: yes  I agree with you. Thanks
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14:27.42angryuserHello, i am looking for a voip solution carrier grade, something like Any advices ? Thank you.
14:27.52TommyBJ[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure I understood that. A end user enters the queue without knowledge to any of the extension for the queues agents.
14:27.54*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
14:28.16kaiiangryuser: you might try yate or freeswitch on this.  hopefully i wont be kickbanned now.  :-)
14:28.21[TK]D-FenderTommyBJ: And how is your agent called?
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14:28.36leifmadseneyes the kickban button
14:28.37ntboureyMorning everyone
14:29.20ntboureyHas anyone ever had an issue with SMC Cable Modems/Routers?
14:29.34angryuserkaii, i need somthing with billing & ready to go, load balancing with failover , biz is not a problem
14:29.50TommyBJ[TK]D-Fender: The agent is a member in the queue. Static
14:29.52kaiiangryuser: why not buy mera systems then?
14:30.02[TK]D-FenderTommyBJ: what KIND of member?
14:30.37angryuserfor around 1000 calls simultanious maximum to start, for mera, i just never heard about them, i wonder if there are any alternatives
14:31.03[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Looked at SER?
14:31.04angryuserkaii, ^
14:32.03TommyBJ[TK]D-Fender: Not sure what you mean by what kind of member. The members are defined in agents.conf and associated in queues.conf .
14:32.20[TK]D-FenderTommyBJ: "member =>" <---
14:32.28jplankdoubt you want to do IP Centrix with SER alone
14:32.45jplankunless SER implemented class 5 features....?
14:32.49kaiiangryuser: of course there are alternatives .. nortel for example.  but i dont have a good overview of carrier market
14:33.00angryuser[TK]D-Fender, yea, cdrtool + mediaproxy stuff, i took them also into consideration, but the billing system they provide is somehow ugly xD
14:33.47jplankangryuser: metaswitch, coppercom, nextone (if you only need routing capabilities), ser+*
14:33.48TommyBJ[TK]D-Fender: member => SIP/Tommy for instnace
14:34.01angryuserjplank, thank i will google that
14:34.11coppiceIts a bit late to buy coppercom :-)
14:34.13[TK]D-FenderTommyBJ: that is not an "Agent" then. and I don't believe there is anything yuo can do for that.
14:34.25jplankFYI - I also posted it by cost, starting from high to low
14:34.43jplanka good metaswitch can cost you 200k +
14:35.44jplankIf you aren't already well versed in VOIP and * and or SER, I really advise against trying to run a service based business with it
14:36.03jplankit sure is powerfull enough, but one typo could take out all your clients
14:36.14jplankand there wont be anyone to troubleshoot it for you
14:36.42Kobazit's like starting a construction company without knowing how to use a hammer
14:36.46angryuserjplank, i am used to ser(opensips) and asterisk
14:36.52TommyBJ[TK]D-Fender: If I change it then.. does it matter?
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14:37.46kaii[TK]D-Fender, TommyBJ: would be possible to dial the agents via local channel (e.g. Local/Tommy@agent-dispatcher) and do a Dial() with M() answering macro.
14:37.47jplankif your well versed in ser and *, then why say "i need somthing with billing & ready to go, load balancing with failover"
14:37.57jplankthats not the opensource way of life
14:38.09kaiiTommyBJ: depends on where/when in your dialplan you need the information "who" answered the call.  and what you want to do with it.
14:38.10[TK]D-FenderTommyBJ: If it goes via dialplan you can make it part of the extension you process.
14:38.12jplankthats the go spend 200k+ on a softswitch way of life
14:38.53Kobazasterisk can function as a switch, it can function as a pbx... one of the best uses of it, is as an application server
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14:38.56coppicehey, what's $200k these days? a politician's annual bill for hookers?
14:39.04TommyBJWhat I'd like to achieve is execute a external script ... or even a func_curl with a DTMF and the one who answered the call.
14:39.20tokozedghi, if i sent fax over sip trunk, and on the other side i redirect incoming call to fxs gateway connected to fax, will it receive fax?
14:39.21angryusercoppice, haha
14:39.22Kobazit does make a pretty good pbx/switch
14:39.38Kobazyou just have to test everything, to make sure the config and setup fits your needs
14:39.55TommyBJtokozedg: Yes.. just be sure that the codec is not some crappy GSM :)
14:40.49angryuserthank you for help everyone have a nice day
14:40.54kaiiTommyBJ: as said, you could dial your "agent" (aka static queue member, not agent) via a local channel ... in this local channel you dial your static queue member (SIP/Tommy) and use Dial option M to execute an answering macro.  in this macro you have access to the information WHO answered the call. you can execute your script there.
14:40.59ketemahello all...I have been trying to get a handle on CallerPres with an analog handset.  I have usecallingpres=yes in my chan_dahdi.conf file and when I dial *67 on my analog handset I see Disabling Caller*ID on DAHDI/4-1 but when the call is then forwarded to my outbound SIP provider the RPID header is not correct privacy=off;screen=no instead of full and yes how can I correct this?
14:41.15kaiiTommyBJ: its possible but ugly as hell, believe me.
14:41.16tokozedgTommyBJ, ok  and as i saw there is way to look if it`s fax send to another client, and if its not sent to another?
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14:41.56jplankkobaz I have an * box on the back end of our VOIP network using it as a feature server. built and maintained right, it works great. I haven't broke the 500 concurrent call mark yet, but I dont see it being a problem (all media reinvited out of the way unless needed)
14:42.01TommyBJkaii: True enough.. but then I'd circumvent the queue functionality as such. And I don't want that. I wat the caller to stay in queue and be automatically assigned an agent.
14:42.12kaiiTommyBJ, tokozedg: you will possibly loose some data (lines) in the fax due to timing issues.
14:42.43kaiifax over SIP is not performing well without the help of T.38
14:43.05kaiiTommyBJ: it wont affect how your queue works
14:43.40kaiiTommyBJ: caller will hear music and will be automatically assigned .. just like normal
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14:44.11TommyBJkaii: Ah... NOW I understand you ... and yes.. that's genius.. almost ;)
14:44.20kaiiTommyBJ: with this local construct you can do a lot of other very cool things. for example print the callers wait time in the callerid display of your agent.
14:44.34TommyBJHmm... cool.
14:44.40TommyBJDefinetly a way to go.
14:44.45kaiii did that for a call center few month ago.  with asterisk 1.2 :PÜ
14:44.55TommyBJWill probably spawn A LOT of local channels from time to time.. but that's worth it
14:44.57*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
14:45.06TommyBJI have 1.4.21 to work with :)
14:45.09TommyBJLucky me
14:45.16kaiilucky you.
14:46.26TommyBJThanks alot for the tips. That saved me from using my head.
14:47.19kaiiand it saved me from continuing work on my ugly 200+ lines sql queries
14:47.50TommyBJIn that case.. You're welcome ;)
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14:52.28encbladexpanybody here who uses Asterisk 1.4 and chan_capi?
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14:54.18tokozedgis it enough to set t38pt_udptl = yes  in sip.conf for user and enable T.38 in fxs to enable T.38 for fax?
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14:55.23tokozedgis it enough to set t38pt_udptl = yes  in sip.conf for user and enable T.38 in fxs to enable use T.38?
14:56.26ntboureyHas anyone ran into issues with AGI not getting correct DTMF tones when executing a "wait for digit"?
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14:58.04ariel_tokozedg: have you read this?
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14:59.50kaiiencbladexp: that was a metaquestion. i assume lot of people do.  just ask your question.
15:00.09encbladexpok, i live in Germany
15:00.16encbladexpwhen i vall a Handy which is not reachable
15:00.26tokozedgariel_, yes but there is not what i actually want, as i guess
15:00.29encbladexpi get an Error Answer "Called Party balbalba"....
15:00.42Chainsawencbladexp: Best use cellphone instead of "Handy".
15:00.44encbladexpwhen i call with Dial(.../b) i hear this Message
15:01.01Chainsawencbladexp: That word isn't used outside of Germany, no matter how english you guys make it sound when you say it :)
15:01.28encbladexpChainsaw, Handy feels like an english Word to us :-D
15:01.38Chainsawencbladexp: But your telco is playing a voice announcement instead of giving a proper signalling tone, basically?
15:01.57encbladexpthat is okay for me
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15:02.19ariel_thinks Handy was a name, I would have never think it was a cell phone.
15:02.22encbladexpbut, if i call without /b, i get a ring Signal Indication on the calling party
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15:02.41encbladexpups, wrong
15:02.48encbladexpi get NOTHING on the calling party
15:02.56encbladexpno noise, no ringing, nothing
15:03.09encbladexpbut i know that i should get such Voicemessage
15:03.11Chainsawariel_: Yeah, one of those things you just have to know :)
15:03.38encbladexpanotherproblem ist a 1-2 Seconds Delay if i answer a call
15:03.48encbladexpor a call i make gets answered
15:04.09encbladexpi call 0164648468 an dont hear the "Hello" from the Other side :-(
15:04.32encbladexpbut, if i enable the Dial() m-Flag, it works (i hear the Hello)
15:04.49encbladexpbut, in this case i dont hear the "Phone not reachable" Message :-(
15:04.56ariel_So you have 2 issues, one when you dial out to that service that has a cell on it, you don't hear the ringing.  But does the cell phone actually ring?
15:05.02kaiiencbladexp: what are your options for Dial() ? could you provide the full extension?
15:05.23encbladexpariel_, the Cellphone is switched off
15:05.25tokozedgthanks guys for your attention
15:05.43encbladexpi want to hear the "Not reachable Message", or a Busy Tone, or Something else
15:06.48encbladexp this is the related part for calling out of my Asterisk Box
15:07.07encbladexp(Hardware ISDN is a AVM B1 PCI 4.0 Controller with latest chan_capi 1.1.2)
15:07.20encbladexptakes some food, i am Back in 5 Minutes
15:08.25kaiias i'm not using CAPI i dont know what /b means
15:08.55*** join/#asterisk scruz (n=scruz@
15:08.59scruzhey everyone
15:10.35scruzis there a place where you can modify where asterisk picks up call files from? i have asterisk running, but it isn't processing my call files. i've even rebooted, and the file's still there
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15:12.43scruzany ideas?
15:13.13[TK]D-Fenderscruz: Could be timestamp, file locking when it got there, rights, etc
15:15.27encbladexpkaii, /b means "Early B3"
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15:16.10encbladexpalso known as "inband call progress"
15:16.37encbladexpyou get the Ringing Indication and much more from the Telco, and not from Asterisk
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15:16.56encbladexpso the "The called number is unavliable at the moment" Messages work
15:17.06LemensTScan sox do g729 to wav, and wav to g729? google is giving me mixed answers
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15:17.32encbladexpthe biggest Problem is the 1-2 Second Delay for Calls (inbound, outbound)
15:17.47encbladexpthe first 1-2 Seconds are Missing, not more, not less
15:17.58afinkhow can I make it so that a caller can tell if the person they called is on the other line?
15:19.36scruz[TK]D-Fender: ok. will run it live from the server and see how that goes
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15:25.52QwellLemensTS: essentially no
15:26.21QwellLemensTS: even if you had a codec and could convince it do couldn't legally use it (unless you licensed said codec)
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15:28.29coppicethe wonderful things about googling is some deranged idiot will have posted a comment somewhere in some forum saying practically anything. You'll even find comments that "Microsoft Works"
15:29.28voipheroesf*ck*ng heretik.
15:29.31ariel_lol, almost makes you think that bing will work... but not.
15:29.49[TK]D-Fenderariel_: It'll work.  Will anyone CARE?
15:30.27*** join/#asterisk pmhaddad-lappy (
15:30.31coppiceI wonder what you get if you look up White Christmas on Bing?
15:30.33ariel_at least there ads are dead on
15:30.47pmhaddad-lappyhi all. i am having an issue with connecting 2 pbx
15:30.49[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Funneh
15:31.10ariel_2 pbx connections are fairly easy
15:31.27pmhaddad-lappyariel_, hang on i hit enter too fast ;)
15:31.36ariel_plug one in to the other either via E1 or T1,,, or are you doing this via sip.h323, or iax2
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15:33.15ariel_funny, asterisk is and isnot a pbx, it can be a g/w, and be both or many things in one. There is no end to what you can do with it...almost makes coffee.
15:33.41Qwellariel_: s/almost// - it's been done.
15:34.10ariel_Qwell: it can start a coffee maker, but it actually can't make the coffee....;-)
15:34.32[TK]D-FenderAsterisk is a Telephony & PBX toolkit.
15:34.46[TK]D-Fenderariel_: And there are plenty of things you can't do with it...
15:34.51ariel_Qwell: your support department takes forever to reply to email....argh
15:35.04Aw0Lis the only real requirement for asterisk (aside from hardware) a voip service?
15:35.23pmhaddad-lappyhi all. i am having an issue with connecting 2 pbx's via SIP. The relevant portions of sip.conf and the errors are posted here:
15:35.25ariel_[TK]D-Fender: there are always things you can't do...with or without.... just depends on time, money and know-how...
15:35.31pmhaddad-lappyariel_, ^^
15:35.45ariel_Aw0L: no
15:35.53[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Thats like saying "yes your car can fly, you just need to build a plane around it".
15:36.07ariel_[TK]D-Fender: yep
15:36.12[TK]D-Fenderariel_: * isn't a SIP proxy.  What would it take to make it one?  Answer : complete rebuild.
15:37.02[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Just like the car, it wouldn't be "asterisk" any more unless Digium took those changes internally.  For which anything remotely sizable is a major undertaking and of course quite possibly refused.
15:37.10Aw0Lariel_: is there a specific doc to read that would give me a good conceptual understanding of everything that's needed?
15:37.31infoboti guess docs is for basic documentation of Asterisk ask see (~voip-info) and TheBook (~book)
15:37.34[TK]D-FenderAw0L: Who said you needed a VoIP service?
15:38.05Aw0L[TK]D-Fender: no one, I just made an assumption....I really am clueless with any phone-related techs
15:38.25*** part/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
15:38.33[TK]D-FenderAw0L: What do you actually want to do?
15:38.41ariel_pmhaddad-lappy: you should not have put your pw in the pastbin
15:38.56[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: And you DIDN'T put the failed call in there.
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15:39.14ariel_[TK]D-Fender: you beat me to that post
15:39.17pmhaddad-lappyoooh crap
15:39.19pmhaddad-lappysorry hang on
15:39.21[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Saw a nifty multimeter reading pic yesterday....
15:39.24rue_mohr[Jul 22 08:36:31] ERROR[30498]: pbx.c:1565 ast_func_write: Function VOLUME not registered ???
15:39.42Aw0L[TK]D-Fender: just a soho phone system - something with caller menus and redirects to my cell...I was considering a paid virtual pbx service (they're cheap)
15:39.44rue_mohryou saw mine I think
15:39.47[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: What ver?
15:39.49ariel_Aw0L: you can setup asterisk with E1, PSTN's, hard lines and many other things not using voip
15:39.51[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Yes, that'd be the one...
15:40.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: that indicates your line is bad...
15:40.04Aw0Lariel_: aaaah....
15:40.23[TK]D-FenderAw0L: What do you want calls to come IN on?
15:40.31[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: func_volueme = 1.6+
15:40.40rue_mohrno, what you saw was the milliwatt app from out the channelbank
15:41.05rue_mohrthe milliwatt app (the new one) is out by -11db
15:41.06pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, ariel_ the passwords are there...
15:41.13[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Well you might want to clarify that with drmessano
15:41.14rue_mohrmilliwatt(o) works fine
15:41.15Aw0L[TK]D-Fender: that's what I'm not sure of - for some of the paid services, I would need no physical phone lines or service, which I don't have now side from a cell
15:41.27rue_mohrthere is no point, me and russel are fixing it
15:41.54rue_mohrmy line was out by 3.5db, I called the telco and had them adjust it
15:42.02pmhaddad-lappythat has the cli output
15:42.22rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, but I'm glad you saw the pic :)
15:43.27[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Well I personally didn't have any context from it, but it doesn't say much to me anyway
15:43.35ariel_pmhaddad-lappy: failed message tells you why it's not working.  How are you sending the calls between them?
15:43.35rue_mohrthats ok
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15:43.59[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: And we don't see your dial.  Also note the call is from 1191 <-- not the right user name
15:44.01rue_mohrI'm glad to see someone ack'ing that I can read analog levels
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15:44.16[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Oh, that pic doesn't prove what I'm looking at ;)
15:44.30[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And I wouldn't know what means what there anyway :)
15:44.34[TK]D-Fender<- not an electrician
15:44.56rue_mohrits the little dbm reading at the bottom of the lcd that important
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15:45.10ariel_I want Pizza....
15:45.18ariel_ops wrong window.....
15:45.32coppice[TK]D-Fender all it takes is a screwdriver, and a pair of wire cutters
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15:46.12Qwellrue_mohr: should show the picture to coppice and see about getting his opinion of it :p
15:46.13[TK]D-Fendercoppice: An axe will do just fine :)
15:46.14rue_mohrthats ok, I'm just trying to trace down where my various problems are, the office is really hard for me, cause its all sip, I cant meter anything, I dont know if the volume problem I'm having is the card, asterisk, or the polycom set, I have have no idea,
15:46.23pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, i know - thats the issue... I'm not sure what else you need to see.. uh this is the dial:  -- Executing [s@macro-outbound:2] Dial("SIP/1191-00162c10", "SIP/LakeLinden_                                                                                                                               REMC/92311001") in new stack
15:46.41pmhaddad-lappy:( sorry didn't think it was going to do that
15:46.48coppice[TK]D-Fender you play guitar, so you must already have one of those
15:47.05timeshell_atworkIs there a way to get the directory function to use festival to say the name rather than spell it out?
15:47.18ariel_pmhaddad-lappy: are you using freepbx or something like that?
15:47.23pmhaddad-lappyariel_, nope
15:47.29pmhaddad-lappythis is just asterisk
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15:47.48Aw0Lariel_: [TK]D-Fender thanks, I'll do some more reading
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15:47.49rue_mohrI should make a text clip for that image
15:47.51ariel_so your using a macro what is the actual exten => command you have for your dial?
15:47.53pmhaddad-lappyand basically i just need to send calls from remote extensions from the remote pbx out to the local one
15:47.56[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: And timeshell_atwork get them to RECORD their name
15:48.01[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork get them to RECORD their name
15:48.17pmhaddad-lappyariel_, oh one sec
15:48.31[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: SMRT :p
15:48.33timeshell_atworkHaven't tried that yet.
15:48.46rue_mohrthe top row is my co line, the meter is on the 2nd channelbank line, the line is dialed into the new milliwatt signal, note is says -10.17dbm
15:48.47ariel_I need to move to the lab, hope not to get desconnected but brb
15:49.07pmhaddad-lappyariel_, exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/LakeLinden_REMC/${MACRO_EXTEN})
15:50.35drmessanorue_mohr: Your meter reading says it all
15:50.47pmhaddad-lappyariel_, that's the dial command in the macro
15:51.18[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: when you use [LakeLinden_REMC] to call the other side.. that's the username it should be looking for.  there is no entry with that name on the other side
15:51.42pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, you mean in sip.conf?
15:51.50[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: Yes.
15:52.05rue_mohrat hte office what I really need, softphone or not is a way to know that signal is getting to the phones properly
15:52.08pmhaddad-lappyso i should have a [LakeLindenREMC] context on the remote pbx's sip.conf
15:52.27pmhaddad-lappyits there
15:52.33*** join/#asterisk mattbUK (
15:52.42rue_mohrI have the tdm800 properly adjusted for line volume, (needs to be set to 1.9db) but my receptionsts still cant properly hear callers
15:52.48drmessanorue_mohr: Your own meter is showing your line level at -10.17dbm
15:52.51pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, its also in the pastebin
15:53.09rue_mohrdrmessano, thats the signal from milliwatt
15:53.22pmhaddad-lappyunless i'm missing what you're saying
15:53.39rue_mohrif I do milliwatt(o) I get about the 0dbm I should
15:54.00[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: You are missing it.  the name is not the SAME
15:54.06rue_mohrnobody checked to make sure the new milliwatt signal code generated the proper amplitude
15:54.21rue_mohrI beleive its actaully been wrong for years now..
15:54.24pmhaddad-lappy... but they are different boxes...
15:54.53drmessanoThis is pointless
15:54.58pmhaddad-lappymy register string shouldn't look like LakeLinden_REMC:REM906!@
15:55.04[TK]D-Fenderphix: You can't have 1 peer saying "I''m FRED" and the other side having a peer saying "FRED1"
15:55.08[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: ^^^
15:55.16rue_mohrthe old code was replaced cause it generated 1Khz, which isn't used becuase you can get an alias with the 8khz sampling
15:55.20pmhaddad-lappyhmmm ok so that register string is wrong then?
15:55.31[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: Register means NOTHING.  it does not auth calls
15:55.31rue_mohrdrmessano, getting tired of this sircle?
15:55.45pmhaddad-lappybasically do i need to change both contexts to be the same?
15:55.46[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: Your PEER entries auth calls
15:56.01pmhaddad-lappylike they should both be LakeLinden_REMC
15:56.05rue_mohrdrmessano, my line is fine, your seeing the output of a T1 channelbank with its gains all set to 0db
15:56.13[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: If I say I'm FRED, then there better be a FRED entry on the other side to match
15:56.17pmhaddad-lappyhm ok
15:56.40pmhaddad-lappyi'm just confused then... do i need a seperate LakeLinden context too?
15:56.50drmessano0db, AKA -10.17dbm?
15:56.51pmhaddad-lappyi'm pretty much copying this out of the book here
15:57.12drmessanoThats what your meter reads
15:57.15rue_mohrthe milliwatt() generates a signal that is -10.17 dbm
15:57.33rue_mohrif I use milliwatt(o) the meter shows about 0dbm
15:57.57ruben23hi, having errors like this, on my asterisk cli--->
15:59.00*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
15:59.02rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, I'm sorry dude, I'm having a problem here with the func_volume you mentioned, I cant find it anywhere on the system, is it a seperate patch?
15:59.25pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, now i get this:  Registration from '<sip:LakeLinden@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
15:59.34pmhaddad-lappyafter changing both contexts to be the same...
15:59.48[TK]D-Fender[11:40]<[TK]D-Fender>rue_mohr: func_volueme = 1.6+ <------------
15:59.49*** join/#asterisk many (
16:00.06rue_mohrthat IS a typo, right!?
16:00.13[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: duh :p
16:00.19[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: I make plenty
16:00.22*** part/#asterisk mattbUK (
16:00.24ariel_pmhaddad-lappy: keep it simple, call one system1 2nd system2 no registration needed between
16:00.41rue_mohrgood, cause I been grepping and googling for func_volume
16:00.41pmhaddad-lappyis now totally lost
16:01.15pmhaddad-lappycan someone show me an example sip.conf with something like this working?
16:01.27pmhaddad-lappybecause i'm now throughly confused
16:01.54[TK]D-FenderLunch time...
16:02.27*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
16:02.57ruben23hi, having errors like this, on my asterisk cli--->
16:03.11rue_mohrk, I'm gonna assume its a line for the gloabl section of extensions.conf
16:03.17rue_mohrpmhaddad-lappy, just a sec
16:03.44drmessanorue_mohr: WTF.. I googled and first hit got me this -->
16:03.52pmhaddad-lappyrue_mohr, ok
16:04.27ariel_keep it simple for testing and working your way through the dial plan
16:04.57rue_mohraha, new in 1.6
16:05.09drmessano[TK]D-Fender SAID it was
16:05.14rue_mohrOH thats what he meant
16:05.17drmessano[12:00] <[TK]D-Fender> [11:40]<[TK]D-Fender>rue_mohr: func_volueme = 1.6+ <------------
16:05.26rue_mohrlooks like a config line
16:05.37rue_mohrI was gonna ask why it disn't specify rx or tx
16:05.45drmessanoit does
16:05.56ariel_ruben23: not enough info there, but it's just saying it's busy.
16:05.57pmhaddad-lappyariel_, don't want to use IAX...
16:06.10rue_mohrno, there isn't an rx and tx release of asterisk 1.6
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16:06.47rue_mohrI thought tk was giving me a config line, not a applicable asterisk version
16:06.48ariel_pmhaddad-lappy: works same with sip
16:07.20ariel_pmhaddad-lappy: you can even send calls to the box just with it's IP and setting up proper rules in the default context
16:07.31ruben23ariel_: whats the internal server error..?
16:08.00ariel_ruben23: you did not post enough info on what is going on, use set verbose 99 and get more info
16:08.04pmhaddad-lappyariel_, i dont see how this is really differnet from what i'm doing :(
16:08.16ariel_keep it simple
16:08.54rue_mohrso its been backported but I'v have to patch
16:09.10timeshell_atwork[TK]D-Fender : Ok.  I have a question for you about configuring the Polycom phones for call parking with asterisk.  I want to have one of the buttons configured such that when someone is on a call and presses it, it transfers it to the main parking lot extension whereby asterisk will then return the assigned parking lot number.
16:09.45timeshell_atworkWhere I see in the SIP info that call parking can be enabled on the polycom phones, I don't see where to configure it to work this way.
16:09.47rue_mohrso the only way I can dial the volume up for the receptionist is to increase the volume on the polycom over the 12db I already have it set to
16:10.12ariel_bbl I need to run errands during lunch.
16:10.43pmhaddad-lappyrue_mohr, ya that just confused me even more :(
16:11.18rue_mohrthats a working sip.conf file
16:13.07pmhaddad-lappyfor what?
16:13.13pmhaddad-lappyit makes no sense to me lol
16:14.42rue_mohrfor my office
16:14.49rue_mohrwhat do you need to know
16:18.08pmhaddad-lappyok. how do i connect a remote pbx to another pbx with sip? i dont want each ext from the remote box authenticating. the remote pbx should auth with the local one
16:18.13pmhaddad-lappywithout having to auth each ext
16:18.19pmhaddad-lappyyour sip.conf made no sense to me
16:19.14pmhaddad-lappyit just shows a sip user
16:20.12rue_mohrgo read up on IAX
16:20.34rue_mohrits forf connecting phone systems
16:20.58pmhaddad-lappyi thought you could do this with sip
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16:22.45[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: Not supported.
16:23.27[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: You can.
16:23.33[TK]D-FenderNo need for IAX.
16:23.36*** part/#asterisk HeXiLeD (n=H3X@unaffiliated/hexiled)
16:23.58pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, ok... then can you please showing me an example of how to do it?
16:24.50[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: only 1 side should register, if at all.
16:25.00*** join/#asterisk Maximo (
16:25.05[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: fix this and PB what you've got
16:25.20pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, so how am i supposed to send traffic back and forth?
16:25.33pmhaddad-lappymaybe i'm not being clear about how this needs to work...
16:25.46[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: .... Does * have to register to a SIP PHONE for it to work?  NO.
16:26.22pmhaddad-lappywhat does that have to do with anything?
16:26.33pmhaddad-lappyyou are only succeeding in confusing the hell out of me
16:26.55[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: SIP is SIP.  Doesn't matter that it's between 2 PBX's.
16:27.10[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: ITSP's don't have to register to you... you register to THEM.
16:27.14[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: ONE SIDE.
16:27.23[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: Capice?
16:28.10[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: And registration is not even required.
16:28.20pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, so should I delete the register statement from one of the boxes?
16:28.36[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: Thats what I just told you
16:29.01[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: And the side that registers should have the HOST filled into their peer entry
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16:32.14pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, ok i removed the register string from one of the boxes and im still getting the username mismatch
16:32.40[TK]D-Fender[12:25]<[TK]D-Fender>pmhaddad-lappy: fix this and PB what you've got
16:33.35pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, all  i did was comment out the register => string
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16:34.34pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, the boxes are registered if i do a sip show registry
16:35.09pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, i get the mismatch when i try to place a call across the two boxes
16:35.31[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: because the peer names don't match
16:35.55pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, because its trying to use the phones user id instead of the boxes registration
16:36.09[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: No, the peers don't match ANYWAYS.
16:37.08pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, the peers do match with there respective sides thats how the boxes are registered
16:37.43[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: Ok.  I'm going to say this again.  Please try to follow.  Registration has NOTHING to do with authing calls.
16:38.32pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, ok fine but i dont want to have all of the phones registrations on both boxes
16:38.52[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: And you don't have to.
16:39.14pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, okay im sry im not getting this im really trying to understand this over here
16:39.44pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, so do you want me to remove both of the register strings from both boxes?
16:39.54[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: You just brought up a point that isn't required and are only confusing yourself and are not paying attention
16:40.09[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: I said ONE.
16:40.09*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
16:40.19drmessanoYou set a peer up and all youve done is connect the boxes.. youve not set anything up for calls to pass from box to box.. Get the peers correct FIRST
16:40.29[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: You seem to have far too much difficulty with simple instructions.
16:40.41drmessanoNot rocket science
16:41.14[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Raw-Cat Sigh Hence
16:41.14pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, ok but i removed the register string from one box like you said and i still ahve the same problem
16:41.32[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: I've said it.  TWICE even...
16:41.43infobot[~wmmfpb] WHERE'S MY MOTHER-^%#ING PASTEBIN?!?
16:42.41jayteehands [TK]D-Fender some Xanax in the giant economy size bottle
16:43.31[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No... Richard Dreyfuss said it best "Its a new technique Bob, its called 'Death therapy'!"
16:44.44ariel_pmhaddad-lappy: you have 2 boxes you know where there at via IP address, so you don't need to register them to talk with each other. That's the first step.
16:45.38*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (n=some@
16:45.54jasonwootIf I run safe_asterisk manually from command line, will it restart asterisk?
16:46.16[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: When?  Why?
16:46.43[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: What state is the server is before you do this?  How exactly are you calling it?
16:46.53[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: Who killed J.R>?
16:47.05leifmadsenjasonwoot: hey! just the man I was looking for :)
16:48.52[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: I still see 2 registers and you did not follow my instructs to set the host.
16:49.29[TK]D-Fenderis probably just wasting his time....
16:49.34kaii[TK]D-Fender: if you look deeper at character 1 of line 5, you will only see one register.
16:49.40pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, i commented out one of the register statement what do you mean host
16:50.09pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, do you want me to set the host= to the ip address
16:50.34kaiion the side which registers, yes
16:50.45ariel_don't need to register
16:50.54[TK]D-Fender[12:29]<[TK]D-Fender>pmhaddad-lappy: And the side that registers should have the HOST filled into their peer entry
16:50.57pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, did you want me to remove one of the [LakeLinden] or [LakeLinden_REMC]
16:51.02carrarNo one. The shots just wounded him (It was the Kristin Shepard character)
16:51.02carrarAnswer originally posted in response to Who killed JR on Dallas?
16:51.04ariel_host=pbx1 on pbx2 and host=pbx2 on pbx1
16:51.13carrardamns paste
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16:51.57kaiiariel_: but need to know the ip requests should be send to
16:51.58kaiipmhaddad-lappy: set "host=" in "[LakeLinden_REMC]"  .. this is what d-fender wanted to tell you.
16:52.32ariel_in his post he has both boxes IP address
16:52.44kaiiariel_: very safe if someone else gains control of your IP
16:53.00kaiiregistering with credentials is safer and should be done
16:53.06ariel_yes but lets get him started basic
16:53.13ariel_work security from there
16:53.33kaiiif he does what d-fender and i say, it should work too
16:54.02kaiianyway.. im gonna knock off
16:54.08ariel_fine but registration is only needed if the other end does not know your IP
16:54.57*** part/#asterisk encbladexp (
16:54.58pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, okay i have set my host like you wanted
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16:59.17jasonwootFender, everyone has to go tinkle sometime... I just choose to post a very important question in freenode first
16:59.22jasonwootit's like an OCD thing
17:01.08jasonwootI stopped asterisk but didn't restart it from the init script, so I'd like to start safe_asterisk without restarting asterisk and dropping my calls
17:01.29[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: You need to develop ADD to keep the OCD in check
17:02.06[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: Well if it didn't restart, what would safe_asterisk be restarting?  You've just alluded that it isn't even running.
17:03.42pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, ok i copied what you had im not longer getting user mismatch im now getting failed to authenticate user
17:04.30*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
17:04.32[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: And I don't see your failed call with SIP debug
17:04.47[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: ALL of it.
17:05.04jasonwoot[TK]D-Fender: asterisk was started manually.  If I run safe_asterisk will it stop/restart asterisk?
17:05.16ariel_jasonwoot: no
17:05.19[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: No, it will simply fail
17:05.25pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, do you want it just for the peer Lakelinden
17:05.33[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: calling side only is fine
17:05.42[TK]D-Fenderfor now)
17:08.43Alfiohi, i wanna know if i can hang up all my calls in a queue at 5:00 pm for example
17:09.50[TK]D-FenderAlfio: You can do it whenever and why ever you want
17:10.24Alfio[TK]D-Fender what option should i use ?
17:10.46[TK]D-FenderAlfio: "soft hangup [channel]"
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17:12.47[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: Sync the PW's, I missed fixing that
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17:17.58pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, OMG  it works thanks a bunch I really appreciate your help
17:18.49[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: Good.  Next time please pay attention when people ask your for things when trying to help you.
17:19.34*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
17:19.35pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, i will do my best sometimes you guys arent the clearest on what your asking for
17:20.05[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: I was blatantly clear on mine.  Repetitively.
17:20.42[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-lappy: Either way calls should flow smooth from one to the other including whatever ext # and CID either side wants to present
17:20.48pmhaddad-lappy[TK]D-Fender, ok well might have been clear to you but I wasnt getting it. But I really appreciate you sticking with me on this
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17:23.53xp_prgjblack you here, I have a question for you
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17:42.40vicscandlgreetings asterisk folks; my boss wants to setup a calling-card type system using asterisk. Any thoughts on the available plug-ins for this?
17:44.14*** join/#asterisk Mehh (
17:47.50[TK]D-Fendervicscandl: Go lookup
17:49.33Mehhi hope someone can help me, im really a n00b with this but i managed to get SIP working behind NAT etc... now i can call to others with 3CX... but now i want to able to use an anlogue line to call "outside" is this possible with the phone.conf?
17:50.18*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
17:50.31[TK]D-FenderMehh: phone.conf is deprecated junk.  Go geta supported FXO interface.
17:51.00Mehhi dont want to buy some expensive stuff... im just doing this for testing etc
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17:51.51leifmadsenif you want to call out on an analog line, you need some decent hardware, like an FXO-to-SIP converter from linksys or something
17:51.59sumasumaHow can I log asterisk events to flat file without connecting to AMI
17:52.04leifmadsenMehh: if you really have no money, get a cheap pre-paid SIP ITSP
17:52.13sumasumaIs there is anything i can enable in asterisk to store it to a specific location ?
17:52.15leifmadsensumasuma: logger.conf
17:52.23sumasumaleifmadsen: thanks.
17:52.44vicscandl[TK]D-Fender: much <3 man; researching now.
17:53.30Mehhbut i connected an old modem on /dev/ttyS0 and it looks like asterisk did something with it
17:53.47Mehhbecause more leds came on when i placed the device in phone.conf
17:54.24leifmadsenMehh: that will not work -- just stop bothering. Everyone comes in here thinking they can get it to work, and it won't.
17:54.52leifmadsenthat is a very old module, and is not maintained
17:55.16leifmadsenjust get a cheap ITSP and be done with it
17:55.22*** join/#asterisk s14ck (
17:56.01infoboti heard modem is (Modulator/Demodulator) A device to turn digital signals to analog ones and back again, so they can be transmitted and translated back to digital at another modem without loss. Used for communication through means of audio, telephone, CB, etc.  Random disconnects? S10=255 sure to do the trick!
17:56.47Mehhhmm what about pci ISDN cards? does those work?
17:57.27WindowsUseri think some of them do
17:58.29Mehhwhat i just wanted... was to be able to call with my mobile phone (with wifi) to phone numbers using the voip server on my work
17:58.41coppiceMehh:  Several cheap ISDN cards work with *. A modem won't
18:01.49[TK]D-FenderMehh: "just for testing"?  O RLY.  What will this "testing" prove?
18:33.11*** join/#asterisk jamicque (
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18:33.54Alfio[TK]D-Fender how i can use the "soft hangup" in my dialplan
18:34.46jamicqueHi can anyone help me, I'm having problems with asterisk 1.6.x t38 pass-thru (namly faxes). I've reacently swiche'd to 1.6.x from 1.4. On 1.4 the problems dosen't exist.
18:35.17[TK]D-FenderAlfio: System()
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18:37.41Alfio[TK]D-Fender i can use it with an schedule to run at 5pm for example with the proper sentences right?
18:37.53jamicquet38 is negotiated, however it can't complete the training. The situation occur on Linksys VoIP gateways as on Commetrex Server. There must be something wrong with my settings (any help would be aprriciated.
18:38.20[TK]D-FenderAlfio: What would dialplan have to do with executing things on a schedule?
18:38.48Alfioi want to hang up all the calls in one queue at 5:00pm
18:39.06[TK]D-FenderAlfio: This command isn;t normally inteded to be called via dialplan anyway,
18:39.22[TK]D-FenderAlfio: So maybe you should think about what is going to handle your scheduling.
18:39.43Alfioyes i mean i can use a cron
18:40.17[TK]D-FenderAlfio: Then by all means...
18:41.12Alfio[TK]D-Fender thx i will try some test
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18:53.50jamicqueanyone has any expiriance with t38 on asterisk 1.6?
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19:05.33howieHow do i check what version im running in asterisk?
19:06.28jamicquehowie: show version
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19:12.34leifmadsenhowie: core show version
19:12.45leifmadsen(show version works in 1.2, and is deprecated, but works in 1.4)
19:14.17*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
19:16.43jamicqueI'm having problems with asterisk 1.6.x t38 pass-thru (t38 negotiated by re-invite). I've recently switched to 1.6.x from 1.4. On 1.4 the problems doesnÂ’t exist. T38 is negotiated, however it can't complete the training. any help would be appreciated...
19:19.09*** join/#asterisk tfrew|afk (
19:22.04*** join/#asterisk JohnTeddy (i=unstable@tor/regular/sid)
19:22.17guaxincominglimit and call-limit in sip.conf are the same thing in 1.4?
19:23.08JohnTeddyI have broadvoice, I use the analog<>digital box, and I have some crappy analog phone. I only have one phone right now. This isn't an asterisk question, but this channel is probably the best place to ask. At some point there will be 4 more people in my office, and not just me so I will have asterisk, but not yet. What is a good SIP phone base and headset combo to buy, that will eventually work well with asterisk/trixbox one day?
19:23.40infobotWhile personal preference will dictate which phone works best for you, general consensus on a rough order of quality and suggestibility is as follows: Polycom (any), Aastra 480i, Aastra 5i Series, Cisco 7940+, Linksys SPA-9XX, Snom, and finally everything else.  Do not consider Grandstream phones.  Ever.
19:23.45*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
19:25.05QwellJohnTeddy: as for headsets, the only real contender afaik is Plantronics
19:25.05JohnTeddyI think I almost bought an Aastra 480i last year when I had vonage, but I figured out vonage does mac address restricting, so they support SIP, but only on phone manufacturers that pay them money.
19:25.15JohnTeddyHence I got rid of vonage, and bought a broadvoice account.
19:25.38[TK]D-FenderJohnTeddy: Polycom > All
19:26.10JohnTeddyI need to do a physical conference, so a nice speaker phone, but I also am mobile in the office, so I need a headset.
19:26.16JohnTeddyWhich polycom is good for that?
19:26.37*** join/#asterisk mattbUK (
19:26.37Qwellany, heh
19:26.50QwellI think all the current models have speakerphone, don't they?
19:27.00Qwellmaybe not the 3xx
19:28.04JohnTeddy ?
19:28.29Qwellgeneric much?
19:29.02JohnTeddyI have no idea which one to get, hehe. That's why I came in here.
19:29.08JohnTeddylink me to a good one, I'll likely buy that one.
19:29.09Qwellthe 301 is...err...old
19:29.33Qwell(or 321/331 - I seem to recall those existing now)
19:29.40kmemcan i build just the agi portion of 1.6 from source if i installed 1.6 via a package?
19:30.23*** join/#asterisk Whitor (n=Whitor@
19:30.24mattbUKany one able to offer some suggestions to help me figure out why my cisco 7960 won't accept inbound calls from my externally hosted asterisk box?  Cisco is behind not RTP ports and SIP port open.  Outbound calls are fine, inbound doesn't ring and just shows congested:
19:30.45Kattyhas oreos and milk!
19:30.45*** join/#asterisk vgster (
19:31.07Qwell[TK]D-Fender: You seen the SE-22x? O.o
19:31.39KattyJohnTeddy: i'd consider the 330s to be a standard user phone.
19:31.57KattyJohnTeddy: the 501 is bigger, has more buttons. bigger display.
19:32.45KattyJohnTeddy: the 320 and 330 is basically the same, except the 330 has another network jack if you have two network devices and only one drop.
19:32.48JohnTeddyThere are no prices listed. That is always bad.
19:32.59QwellJohnTeddy: They don't sell to end-users directly
19:33.04JohnTeddyI see, ok.
19:33.23Kattythe 330s were around 100ish last time i checked
19:33.35kmemcan i build just the agi portion of 1.6 from source if i installed 1.6 via a package?
19:33.49*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
19:34.33KattyJohnTeddy: if you're going to be having a receptionist transfering around calls, i'd go with the 501
19:34.52[TK]D-FenderQwell: Analog?  GAH :p
19:34.52KattyJohnTeddy: the 320/330 display is so small you won't be able to see more than 1 call at a glance without scrolling down.
19:35.04Qwelloh it's analog?
19:35.44Qwellthat looks too fancy to be analog.
19:35.45KattyJohnTeddy: we use bluetooth headsets around here by platronics.
19:35.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'f Qwell Yup
19:35.56Kattycomforts [TK]D-Fender
19:36.01JohnTeddyok, I will buy this base.
19:36.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: IP 501 = disco
19:36.22Katty550 now?
19:36.26JohnTeddyAnd the headset shouldn't aslo be from polycom, it should be from Plantronics?
19:36.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: 450 more likely.
19:36.35QwellKatty: the whole 5xx series is hard to justify
19:36.45KattyJohnTeddy: dont' forget the ac adaptor.
19:36.49[TK]D-FenderJohnTeddy: Back that train up and proper describe your working environment
19:37.01KattyQwell: we have all 501s here.
19:37.03[TK]D-FenderQwell: Indeed
19:37.09[TK]D-FenderKatty: Decrepit!
19:37.11Kattywell some are 500
19:37.18Kattyfrom eleventybillion years ago
19:37.20[TK]D-FenderKatty: WORSE!
19:37.31Kattydoes the 450 look like the 501?
19:37.39JohnTeddy[TK]D-Fender: It's me in an office by myself. I have broadvoice. I'd like to get a phone that works with broadvoice(SIP?) and a head set.
19:38.00JohnTeddyKatty: wtf, they don't give me the ac adapter when I buy the phone?
19:38.33[TK]D-FenderJohnTeddy: What kind of volume?  For you.  for them?
19:38.36KattyJohnTeddy: it's listed on the page.
19:39.45Kattywe should just buy all 650s with color lcd
19:40.06KattyJohnTeddy: if you get more than one call at a time, i'd steer clear of the 300 series.
19:40.12KattyJohnTeddy: you'll just be annoyed.
19:41.47*** join/#asterisk kuku1 (
19:41.50Kattywirelsss phones
19:42.08kuku1On 1.6, with monitor, I get stuck with two wav files after the conversation, they do not get merged
19:44.28WindowsUserkuku1: monitor(something.wav,m) or monitor(something.wav)?
19:45.08WindowsUseris sox installed?
19:45.11kuku1I didnt have sox installed :)
19:45.17kuku1Thank you !
19:45.31kuku1Now, I just need to join the other recorded converstations into one file somehow
19:45.38*** join/#asterisk G_ERWIN (
19:45.43Kattymani need one of these now
19:46.04WindowsUsersox -m a.wav b.wav out.wav
19:46.11*** join/#asterisk stix (
19:46.31stixIs it possible to put a call on hold via Asterisk manager?
19:47.45kuku1sox: invalid option -- m
19:48.01Kattykuku1: see blogspot post.
19:48.11Kattykuku1: and use mixmonitor for that
19:48.30*** join/#asterisk Whitor (n=Whitor@
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19:50.49jamicqueAnyone run t38 passthru on asterisk 1.6.x ?
19:51.20*** join/#asterisk fish-bulb (n=cstewart@nat/digium/x-ab939fe9bd4940e3)
19:54.36mmatticeanybody tried setting up 1.6 on debian lenny with dahdi?
19:55.40*** join/#asterisk De_Mon (
19:55.58mmatticeI'm getting odd errors, like dahdi-source is out of sync with dahdi-linux, but they're both 1:2.2.0~dfsg~rc5
19:56.22xp_prghi all, I need to test bandwidth on a server, anyone know a good way to do that with linux on the command line?
19:57.42afinkok I have to ask.  Anybody want rickroll.gsm?
19:57.48*** join/#asterisk howie (
19:58.19[TK]D-Fenderafink: Sounds like it comes with
19:58.21Xetrov`that just gave me an awesome idea
19:58.45afink[TK]D-Fender: didn't think about that...
19:59.05afink[TK]D-Fender: it is for testing and educational purposes only
20:00.02Alfioafink tell that to the FBI
20:00.14[TK]D-Fenderafink: So its legal if I shoot you in the hed jsut to learn how fast your brain will empty onto the floor for "educational purposes'?
20:06.14jamicqueAnyone uses t38 on asterisk 1.6 ?? :)
20:07.45*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
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20:13.41[TK]D-Fenderjamicque: No more that when you asked 15 minutes ago, or a few before that...
20:16.08jamicqueok I'll wait patiently...
20:16.55spackleD-fender waits vigilantly, I was his victim yesterday
20:19.44*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
20:19.55spacklexp_prg: what kind of bandwidth test, throughput?
20:20.03Kattyfender's just bored easily.
20:20.12spacklehi Katty!
20:20.18Kattyhi spackle (=
20:20.18*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima)
20:20.22kuku1Katty: I don't have soxmixer
20:20.58spackleawkwardly hugs Katty
20:21.00putnopvutI cannot seem to find in the Polycom Administrator's guide for an IP 430 how to change the Expires header for presence-related SUBSCRIBE requests. Does anyone know if there is a way to change it from the default value of 3600 seconds? And if so, could you please share such info? Thanks.
20:22.01Kattyhugs on spackle
20:22.08Kattykuku1: whatabout a sock sorter
20:22.29Kattyputnopvut: personally, i'd just call polycom for that one.
20:22.41Kattyputnopvut: put in a ticket requesting inflimation
20:22.48kuku1Katty: nvm , I have soxmix :)
20:22.52spackleputnopvut: what about one of their other phone manuals?
20:22.55putnopvutKatty: thanks. Never hurts to ask in here first, though :)
20:23.17putnopvutspackle: You mean for something other than a 430?
20:23.25putnopvutspackle: I could check it out, I s'pose.
20:23.39spackleputnopvut: they have oodles of parameters to change on their phones once you are in the XML or the web interface.
20:24.10putnopvutspackle: yeah, I was specifically looking for an xml parameter to place in the <pres/> element.
20:25.12spackleputnopvut: can you change it on the web interface, export the config and check for the diff?
20:25.15putnopvutIt kind of sucks when the test I need to run involves having to restart Asterisk every few minutes. I also need to reboot the phone so that it will hurry up and send the SUBSCRIBE.
20:25.31putnopvutspackle: Good idea. I haven't even looked at the web interface.
20:25.37spackleputnopvut: you probably know polycoms take forever to cycle.
20:25.57putnopvutspackle: yep.
20:26.16[TK]D-Fenderpeople ho use Polycom's web interface to configure phones should be dragged out and shot
20:26.22[TK]D-FenderSurvivors should be shot AGAIN.
20:26.38*** part/#asterisk vicscandl (
20:26.40spackleputnopvut: it has been a long time since I looked at polycom configs.
20:32.41OrbixxHow can I allow a caller to dial an internal extension?
20:34.14*** join/#asterisk Whitor (n=Whitor@
20:34.56WindowsUseror maybe background(dialtoooooonnnnnnnne)
20:36.30[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Put an exten in the context they're dialing in
20:36.42[TK]D-FenderWindowsUser: CRAZY-PERSON
20:37.30[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: And there is no such thing as an "internal extension"
20:37.35OrbixxOk, an extension.
20:38.07howiehow do i get the ztdummy driver?
20:40.06[TK]D-Fenderhowie: Install Zaptel and modprobe ztdummy
20:40.13beek[TK]D-Fender: Using polycom's web interface is its own punishment.
20:40.18xp_prgspackle in particular transfer speed
20:40.50[TK]D-Fenderbeek: No, it then spreads to our hearing about it...
20:41.03[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, heading home, BBIAB
20:41.52spacklexp_prg: ftp transfer might give you a ballpark idea?
20:42.21xp_prgspackle unfortunately I am trying to verify the bandwidth performance of a server, that is all I know how to tell you what I am doing :(
20:43.45N3tw0rkxp_prg: try jperf
20:44.35spacklexp_prg: on local network or accross a WAN or VPN connection?
20:45.55N3tw0rkxp_prg: will work either its runs  on two machines and you point one at the other and it will measure useable bandwitdh
20:46.36spackleN3tw0rk: Thanks for the tip, I'll have a look at that
20:47.50N3tw0rkits is java and requires gui...i m trying to find one that will work all cli
20:49.16xp_prgwell, the server exists on the internet, I am trying to figure out its max bandwidth ability
20:49.31xp_prgmust I have another side to test that on?
20:52.41spacklexp_prg: xp_prg if you are trying to test the network bandwith, and not the disk bandwidth or anything else, you need to have two sides.
20:53.20N3tw0rkxp_prg: if you wnt to see the avail bandwidth to the inet then use somthing like or somthing of that nature
20:53.21xp_prgoh ok
20:53.36xp_prgyes that is exactly what I am doing cool N3tw0rk
20:53.47spackleor you can use wget to see how fast a file can download
20:54.10N3tw0rki use jperf before i install new voip clients between our colo and the new clients
20:55.10xp_prgI heart you N3tw0rk
20:55.23N3tw0rkxp_prg: lol
20:56.16*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
20:59.25*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=zsirc@
21:00.08[TK]D-Fender\o/ Cell IRC
21:01.20*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
21:04.00Qwell[TK]D-Fender: oh my...
21:05.09[TK]D-Fenderjust sitting down for dinner @ indian restaurant
21:05.22Qwell[TK]D-Fender: get the lamb
21:05.57[TK]D-Fendervegitarian place... chaat papri & bhatura
21:06.43*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
21:09.37[TK]D-Fenderoh I'm a full-blooded carnivore, don't get me wrong, but the fodd is awesome and dirt cheap
21:10.03ariel_wonders what he missed....
21:10.31Qwellariel_: he's having salad or something
21:10.54ariel_oh on a diet
21:10.59[TK]D-Fendersalad? hell no...
21:11.21QwellI dunno - I heard "vegetables" and my eyes glazed over
21:11.22[TK]D-FenderIndian vegitaria != lad
21:11.50*** join/#asterisk Laureano (n=Laureano@
21:11.55*** part/#asterisk Laureano (n=Laureano@
21:12.21filesends [TK]D-Fender to Schwartz's
21:13.53beekArrgh!  Why do my queue members continue to go (paused)?
21:14.00[TK]D-Fenderfile: you missed my pi for last wed before you left!
21:14.13file[TK]D-Fender: yeah, I was incredibly busy
21:14.41filehad an awesome time though
21:15.31spacklefile: greetings
21:15.37filewaves to spackle
21:17.08[TK]D-Fenderall done,paid&out!
21:17.11*** join/#asterisk Slade- (
21:18.17Slade-hey this isnt exactly related, but has anyone here heard of something that will allow a normal phonecall to execute an app on someones cellphone?
21:18.52Slade-delta apparently has a service like this
21:19.01stopeany recommendations for a good QOS router for an office setting so the phone aren't choppy? Or is there a better way to do QOS?
21:19.09timeshell_atworkanyone know if mpg123 can play wma streams?
21:19.37Corydon76-digtimeshell_atwork: it definitely cannot
21:20.01timeshell_atworkanything that can play wma stream as moh in linux?
21:20.22Corydon76-digHighly doubtful
21:20.50Corydon76-digYou have to realize that streaming is only half of it.  It must also be able to resample to 8000Hz
21:21.21Corydon76-digand while there are streamers for wma on Linux, they typically interface directly to audio hardware and don't resample
21:24.05beekGuys... what conditions cause Asterisk to pause members of a queue?    I have the queues defined as 'autopause=no', I've tried five minute timeouts... nothing seems to stop various queue members ending up as paused.
21:24.33Corydon76-digbeek: have you checked the queue.log ?
21:25.17beekCorydon76-dig: All I see is an entry that states 'PAUSE'
21:26.38*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=zsirc@
21:26.54beekCorydon76-dig: that is to say, I see an entry that shows each of the extensions set for PAUSE, just not a reason why that would be.
21:27.24beekMy configs (and queue show output) is at
21:27.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:28.35beek[TK]D-Fender: IRC on your cell phone?  That's decadent.
21:28.36Corydon76-digbeek: could be because somebody paused via the manager interface
21:28.45Corydon76-digbeek: or because of a ring-no-answer
21:29.08[TK]D-Fenderdarn caps :p
21:29.22beekCorydon76-dig: Doesn't  'autopause=no' override the 'ring-no-answer'?
21:29.34Corydon76-digbeek: not according to the code, no
21:29.49beekI'm using these queues to ring a group of phones, some of which are unoccupied at times.
21:29.49[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Do you have a dialplan option to pause?
21:29.52[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Mine do
21:30.03OrbixxHow can I get Record(...) and whatever follows the respective extension to continue to execute even after the caller hangs up mid-recording?
21:30.17beek[TK]D-Fender: Queue(OPERATOR1,t,,,20)  is how I typically use it.
21:30.56[TK]D-Fenderbeek: I mean a dialplan ext to LET them pause themselves
21:31.29beek[TK]D-Fender: No, I don't.     I'm just using a queue to hold calls while one or more manned phones ring.
21:32.04beekIt is possible for a member to not take a call for a long time, yet I want it rung everytime.   Queue apparently won't let me get away with that.
21:32.49Corydon76-digbeek: so either somebody is pausing the member through the manager interface or they're running PauseQueueMember through the dialplan
21:34.40beekCorydon76-dig: Hmmm... the only MI code is from Openfire's plugin module, and it's not tracking most of those members.   And I know that PauseQueueMember isn't in the dialplan anywhere.
21:36.33beekIs my understanding of Queue correct?    I have three phones (members) in a queue that may or may not have someone at that desk at that time.   I'm using the ringall strategy so that they all ring.  I thought that autopause=no would ensure that Asterisk wouldn't pause them, but perhaps my understanding is incorrect?
21:36.40Corydon76-digbeek: Note that if it calls the AMI with a blank queue name, it pauses all members of all queues
21:37.30*** join/#asterisk RoyCrowder (
21:38.14beekCorydon76-dig: Openfire is being used to track the 'On Phone' status of the individuals, so its getting events from the AMI.  I don't think it's issuing any commands.
21:38.47Corydon76-digbeek: you could add additional debugging to confirm WHAT is pausing your members
21:39.12beekCorydon76-dig: What do I need to do to enable that additional debugging?
21:41.39*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
21:42.48beekCorydon76-dig: This is for
21:43.00Corydon76-dig1.4, but should be similar enough
21:43.16beekI'll give it a try and see how it works.  Thanks!
21:49.17_ShrikEI am running asterisk and am having a problem accessing CDR(billsec) from the h extension in the dialplan.  I have endbeforehexten=yes in cdr.conf, but billsec still returns 0 in the dialplan. It is storing the proper time in the cdr however.  Any suggestions?
21:49.52*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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22:47.19[TK]D-Fender\o/ Timmeh
22:49.32bmoracawhy would Asterisk not be able to send the qualify messages to a SIP phone, and yet be able to communicate with it in every other aspect (i.e. the SIP phone can make calls and receive calls if qualify is turned off)?
22:49.50sumasumawhat is the maximum size of the each asterisk variable?
22:49.59sumasumawhat is the maximum size of the each asterisk variable can hold?
22:49.59*** join/#asterisk Orbixx (
22:50.02OrbixxWhen WaitExten() is called, how can I accept any input to dial extensions 200 thru 299, even if only some exist?
22:50.23[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: You can't.  Go make a pattern that can match
22:50.30leifmadsenpattern matches ftw
22:50.41[TK]D-FenderDialplan basics <-
22:51.26OrbixxNot familiar with patterns.
22:51.49[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Go read Chapter 5 a few dozen times.
22:52.15[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: this is beyond "bread & butter".
22:54.11[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Not knowing dialplan patterns is like preparing to take a Ferrari out on a test drive and asking "what's a clutch?"
22:55.12beekHello jaytee
22:55.17OrbixxIs there an example I can see of a pattern?
22:55.27jayteehi beek
22:55.39jayteethere's a bunch of them in the book
22:55.42[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: CHAPTER 5
22:55.46infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:55.50beek[TK]D-Fender: Your Pause/Unpause dialplan instruction... do you give any visual notification that they're 'paused?'
22:56.22[TK]D-Fenderbeek: aside from seeing the command execute?  not AFAIK
22:56.48beekI'm interested in how you report that to the user... do you say "Paused" or anything to them?
22:57.14beekThe reason I ask is that our propietary PBX has ACD and has a N/A button for not available, which shows that status.
22:59.06*** join/#asterisk vicscandl (
22:59.28beekAnyway, I've cranked up verbosity and debug output and now capturing AMI events to a log.  By damned I'll find out how these bastards are getting paused.
22:59.41bmoracaSo...asterisk cannot communicate with my peer as shown here: and yet I can ping the peer from the asterisk box and receive calls as long as qualify=no and place calls regardless...what would cause these "OPTIONS" messages from not reaching the peer?
23:02.40[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: What are you using?  Where is it located
23:03.02bmoracait's a Cisco 7940 and it's located across a VPN
23:04.13[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: I'd wonder about your routing
23:05.05bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: as I stated, as well, I can verify connectivity in both directions via ping and other SIP messages transfer just fine
23:05.38bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: i get 2-way audio when placing calls out the trunk and I can call extension to extension if I set qualify=no
23:05.42bmoracai'm baffled at this one
23:06.42[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: test with a softphone at that site
23:07.26bmoracawhy would a softphone make any difference?  the condition exists with all 28 cisco phones there...phones which I know work, as I've used them in other implementations
23:08.08[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Isolate if the phones are any issue here
23:08.10bmoracain fact, i set this up as a test yesterday and had no problems.  yet I can't find a difference between my config now and my config then
23:08.13[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Sanity check
23:09.04*** join/#asterisk demiv (n=demiv@
23:09.18LymaHi! i'm looking for an eclipse plugin to write the dialplan (syntax highlighting only would be ok)... anyone knows?
23:10.02vicscandlis there a hardware compatability chart for AsteriskNOW? (having issues getting the ISO to boot up on a Dell PE2650 [test machine, not production])
23:11.18*** join/#asterisk K3rN3L (
23:11.32K3rN3Lsomebody help me?
23:11.41K3rN3Lim making a bot in AGI + asterisk
23:11.50K3rN3Li use php like a script language
23:12.07K3rN3Li dial to a extension on my pbx an this call other phone
23:12.26K3rN3Li need can call to phone a play a welcome sound
23:12.54K3rN3Lhow i can do this?
23:13.12*** join/#asterisk demiv (n=demiv@
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23:16.14[TK]D-Fendervicscandl: Its basically CentOS 5.2(+/-) + *
23:17.25vicscandlyea, thats what i thought it was, just odd that this "bonus" server that i have is being like "Rolling Stone", too many issues....
23:17.29bmoracauhg this is infuriating!  the phone receives the messages, but asterisk doesn't get anything back from the phone...trying a firmware flash
23:17.48vicscandlthanks [TK]D-Fender. :)
23:18.02[TK]D-Fendervicscandl: Just roll your own
23:18.40vicscandlyea, thats what tomorrow is going to bring... was hoping for the easy way out.. :)
23:18.50*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (n=SaiSoma@
23:18.52vicscandlputs on his digital waders and dives in...
23:21.26bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: do you think this might have something to do with the fact that i have two NICs in the asterisk server and both are on separate networks?  does asterisk have issues handling that?
23:22.59[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: GAH
23:26.34*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
23:27.00bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: although, if i disable the second nic, the issue still persists
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23:30.05[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Go prove its not the phones
23:31.42bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: telnetting into the phone and issuing a debug shows the OPTIONS messages being received by the phone and shows the attempt to send an OK back.  the OK never gets there, yet connectivity (again) is verified on the phone.  additionally, the phones can place and receive calls.
23:31.42Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
23:32.51[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: you've got routing & firewalls to be checking...
23:32.59[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Trace those packets...
23:33.06[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: And go do the sanity check
23:33.09bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: connectivity is not an issue.
23:33.43Alfiobmoraca i had an issue like you have and was my ips in the firewall
23:33.54bmoracathere are no firewalls in between.  the VPN connection is not firewalled on either side
23:34.55[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: These are all dodgy non-test based answers
23:35.13bmoracanon-test based answers?  do you want me to pastebin my traceroutes and pings for you?
23:35.13*** part/#asterisk vicscandl (
23:35.15[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Its called a sanity check because you do them even when you don't have a specific reason to.
23:35.25[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Stop short-changing the debugging process
23:35.35[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: People miss stuff because of assumptions.
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23:39.37bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: I've done every test that I can think of to verify that connectivity exists between the two.  the fact that I can MAKE PHONE CALLS ensures that I have connectivity.  what else is there for me to check?  if the issue was a phone issue, it would not be happening to 28 different phones.
23:42.30[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: So there are 27 other identical models on that same side of the VPN that are good?
23:42.59bmoracano, there are 27 other phones which exhibit the exact same symptoms
23:43.36[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: So far it sounds pretty global on that subnet to me...
23:45.01field64good evening all
23:45.50bmoracaright...and what are the common elements?  connectivity (which can be ruled out) and asterisk.  asterisk is not receiving or acknowledging the OKs from my phones.  tomorrow I can attempt to set up another VPN to a test bench and test other phones, but I suspect the issue will persist because this is not a connectivity problem.
23:45.51field64wondering about DAHDI dummy that shows results of "dahdi_test" 4.6777%
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23:46.24[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Rule out NOTHING
23:46.37SkramXcan anyone recommend a good 'ol SIP softphone? I don't need to register with someone else's service, just want to be able to call out to SIP URIs
23:46.43SkramXd'oh - for iPhone
23:46.44bmoracawhy would I continue to test something I know and have already verified to be correct?
23:47.10[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: verified correct?  As in how?  What alternative tests have you done besides those phones/
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23:47.57bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: connectivity is an all or nothing kind of thing...either it's there or it's not.  it's there.  end of story.
23:48.28bmoracaaside from that, i know that my phones are sending and receiving all applicable messages.  asterisk is simply not receiving them.  why, i can't say.
23:48.37[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Ok that is a very hollow statement that I would never ever take at face value and tends to make stuff get over-looked.
23:49.16[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: And every time I hear you give more empty reinforcement to it I trust it even LESS
23:49.28[TK]D-Fender(Yes, I go negative)
23:51.55*** join/#asterisk Micc (
23:52.05MiccIs there anyway to check if an extension exists?
23:52.07bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: for fuck's sake, do I need to teach you networking 101?  i've been a cisco network technician for a long time.  i know 100%, without question, that this VPN is set up correctly and WORKING.  my issue is asterisk.  end of story.  it is not receiving certain messages.  it does receive some (INVITES and registration requests), but it does not receive others.  that's not a...
23:52.09MiccSo I can goto it if it does?
23:52.10bmoraca...connectivity issue.  that's an asterisk issue.  whether it's not actually listening on all IPs like I've configure it to or whether it's just fundamentally useless, the problem is with asterisk.
23:52.17MiccFrom the dialplan that is.
23:54.03*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
23:55.03field64@bmoraca - just jumped in here, apologies if im missing the topic - but did you take a sniffer trace at the asterisk interface ? presume you've checked the ethernet stats, and ensured there are no errors, etc...perhaps a clever filter on wireshark would enable to you prove/disprove if the frames are arriving-sending/not, if you're correct, this would cut the circuit in half - sounds like you've already gone that far though.
23:55.32[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: * can't make SIP packets fail to arrive back.  THAT is insanity
23:56.21[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: And I've had plenty of people tell me "I've been doing this for 20 years".  Congratulations for them, 20 years and they still couldn't do it right.
23:56.32field64@bmoraca - do the VPN GW have SIP ALGs  active ?
23:56.43[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: you are putting yourself in front of a 2 minute test.
23:56.54bmoracafield64: there is no NAT on the VPN, so no, there are no ALGs.
23:57.40field64@bmoraca - you can make calls both ways, just lose the keepalives ?
23:58.13KavanSdefine: cisco network technician
23:58.32KavanSheh, I work with cisco developers...
23:58.44field64do tell..KavanS
23:58.46KavanSand they aren't always the sharpest tools in the shead ;)
23:58.54Miccbmoraca, did you say you configured asterisk to listen on multiple ports? Last I checked it can't listen on multiple ports.
23:59.00KavanSso...such things are to be taken worth a grain of salt/sand :)
23:59.10bmoracamultiple IPs.
23:59.13*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=MWoodJ@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
23:59.30field64multiple ip/multiple MAC ?
23:59.36KavanSanyways...time for me to call it a day
23:59.40Miccok, thats different then. So do you receive all invites from some IP's and not others?
23:59.53Alfiowell i think you will need cisco call manager 4  :)

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