IRC log for #asterisk on 20090721

00:00.41jayteevegbox, you need an ATA with FXS ports
00:01.01vegboxeither that or buy ip phones right?
00:01.09jayteeor a tdm card with fxs modules from a company like Digium or Sangoma
00:02.04jayteeyes, if you don't want to buy new phones you'll need either the ATA which connects via ethernet to * using SIP or a card in the server.
00:02.35vegboxwell the * box is colocated, so i want something that doesnt require another computer running in the house
00:02.50vegboxi was tinking a linksys  phone adapter?
00:02.59jayteethe Linksys Sipura SPA-2102 comes with 2 FXS ports so you could have two seperate extensions.
00:03.27vegboxyeah i like that
00:03.55vegboxand i just tell that thing to connect to *
00:04.00vegboxvia an extension and secret code?
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00:10.26vegboxwhats a cheap joint to get a DID and unlimited incoming calls?
00:21.22jayteevegbox, you need to read the part of the book about connecting to a SIP provider and probably read more if you're going to do any administration on the colo * box.
00:21.28infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
00:22.26vegboxwell i know how to use ip phones and soft phones in general
00:22.30vegboxbut i dont want to spend 50 bucks online
00:22.33*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
00:22.36jblackAbout the lynksys'... I have an 8K, and I think it sucks energy
00:22.40vegboxto find out this linksys sipura doesnt do what i need to do
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00:41.01pheller_anyone have any hints for how to deal with out-of-order RTP frames carrying rfc2833 dtmf data?
00:41.16jblackthe spec doesn't say?
00:42.09pheller_jblack: was that in response to me?
00:47.25*** join/#asterisk farkus (
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00:57.12jblackpheller: yeah
00:58.41phellerjblack: well, the general idea would be to do some sort of out of order compensation with a buffer on the asterisk side.  there seems to be a facility to do this (jitterbuffer), but it doesn't seem to apply to rtp type 101
01:03.35*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba (
01:06.06jblackI don't know what the spec calls for
01:07.34*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:08.34*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
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02:00.10*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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02:01.01trix123hey guys
02:01.16*** join/#asterisk ricko73 (n=dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
02:02.25trix123im using trixbox at the moment and im having a problem where when i ring phone1 there is a 15 second delay between dialing and phone2 ringing
02:03.24trix123any ideas?
02:05.19leifmadsentrix123: see #trixbox
02:05.38trix123im in there too :)
02:06.18eppigythat is the only place you should be
02:06.33jayteeunless you are dave
02:06.55eppigythen you do what you want
02:07.29jayteedave is like the kwisatz haderach of IRC channels, he can be many places at once
02:07.53*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
02:10.29trix123yeh ok its quiet in there lol
02:11.03trix123we also run a plain asterisk and it works fine
02:11.22trix123just thought there might be some simple configuration we missed in this testing
02:11.30trix123stupid trixbox
02:14.52*** join/#asterisk Beirdo (n=gjhurlbu@unaffiliated/beirdo)
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03:10.37toughmarketing[TK]D-Fender: Last night you said something about using time within an extension but I still cannot find anything like that. Maybe I misunderstood? I am trying to put time based calls inside of my database for extensions.
03:29.01*** join/#asterisk ArchGT2 (n=ArchGT@
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03:30.23vegboxHello, anyone know of good cheap providers for outgoing calls?
03:35.12FaizHey everyone, any ideas where I can find a beginners guide on setting up Fax with Asterisk?
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03:52.42*** part/#asterisk hesco (n=hesco@
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04:03.39*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
04:03.55joelsolankiHi all
04:04.15joelsolankianybody recommend canada DID provider. need hunting group facility from them too.
04:04.22joelsolankimaybe someone is here ?
04:04.34joelsolankiNeed DIDs for toronto
04:08.10*** join/#asterisk Orbixx (
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04:43.04mike345hi guys. after my asterisk came up from a power outage zttool shows all my T1s as RED.  All the other non-Asterisk T1's look good, is this a ztcfg problem?
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04:48.49s14cksomebody can make calls with letters extension at polycom 330 ip phone?
04:51.37*** join/#asterisk darkmadda (
04:56.06darkmaddaAnyone worked with asterisk-perl for interfacing programs with asterisk.
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06:03.49k4mi1hi all
06:04.00k4mi1I have a question about '+' character in number e.g. +49 71 123 456
06:04.07k4mi1do You think that this character is double-zero: 00
06:04.14k4mi1and after this my CO will receive number 0049 71 123 456
06:16.48*** join/#asterisk scardinal (
06:18.37WindowsUserif you're asking asterisk for +49 71 etc you might have to convert it to 004971 etc in the dialplan
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06:44.23*** join/#asterisk AlmightyOatmeal (
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06:51.03AlmightyOatmealhas anyone had any dial lag with a spa1001 ata adapter?
06:51.18AlmightyOatmealits like i dial the number and wait another 20 seconds before i hear ringing/call connects
06:51.21AlmightyOatmealsometimes it doesn't at all
07:04.57*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
07:07.21Dovidwhen do you see the call in the asterisk CLI ?
07:07.30Dovidand on a sip debug when does the call come in ?
07:09.02AlmightyOatmealnext time i make a call (or when i get home), i'll time when i dial on the spa adapter to when i see it in the cli
07:09.34AlmightyOatmeali just hope its not my dialplan or the CoS settings in my switch
07:09.46AlmightyOatmeala softphone over vpn has no dial lag so i couldn't imagine it would be the dialplan
07:11.21Dovidprob. the device
07:11.23Dovidr u using IP or DNS ?
07:12.50AlmightyOatmealits on the local network of course
07:19.23WindowsUserits probably a problem with the dialplan in the spa device
07:19.48AlmightyOatmealin the spa device itself and not my asterisk dialplan?
07:20.03WindowsUserwell yea
07:20.18WindowsUserwhen you pick up the phone and dial, its the spa handling that
07:20.21AlmightyOatmealcan't really configure much of the spa itself as far as dialplans, the web UI is rather limited in that way
07:20.30WindowsUseryou dial some digits, and usually that goes to the asterisk
07:22.08AlmightyOatmeal  <-- thats my asterisk outbound dialplan
07:22.13WindowsUserthe S0's mean that if it matches those options, it doesn't wait
07:22.30AlmightyOatmealand thats a spa dialplan?
07:23.06*** join/#asterisk tamiel (n=tamiel@
07:25.54AlmightyOatmealthats what i have right now
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07:26.24WindowsUserso if you dial 16085551212 it should immediately go out
07:27.10AlmightyOatmealbut if i dial 5551212 it needs to check with the asterisk dialplan?
07:27.34WindowsUserwell all calls go to asterisk in your case
07:27.40AlmightyOatmealwell yeah
07:27.53AlmightyOatmeali'm just trying to figure if dialing the number without the +1608 has any affect
07:28.28WindowsUserwell with the SPA dial plan you can modify what gets dialed if you want
07:29.12WindowsUserie <:1608>xxxxxxx to add the 1608 in front of a 7 digit number
07:29.38AlmightyOatmeali want people to be able to dial 16085551212, 6085551212 (and add the +1), or 5551212 (add the +1608)
07:29.51AlmightyOatmealcan that be done from one line with the spa dialplan?
07:32.06*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
07:32.36AlmightyOatmeal(*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx|1608xxxxxxx.)  <-- like that?
07:32.40*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
07:33.58WindowsUserno, dont take the dot
07:34.17AlmightyOatmeal(*xx|[3469]11|0|00|[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx|1608xxxxxxx)  <-- like that then?
07:34.24*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-ed28ecc147be0e01)
07:34.37WindowsUseralso 1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0 matches any 1608xxxxxxx calls
07:35.05AlmightyOatmealah, i want an automatic addition of 1608 on dialing a 7 digit number so i would probably take that rule out
07:35.30WindowsUser(*xx|[3469]11|0|00|<:1608>[2-9]xxxxxx|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.) then
07:37.20WindowsUser(*xx|[3469]11|0|00|<:1608>[2-9]xxxxxxS3|[2-9]xxxxxxxxxxS0|1xxx[2-9]xxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.) <-- I'm curious if this'd work
07:37.50WindowsUserAlmightyOatmeal: 2-9 aka not a 1
07:38.17AlmightyOatmealwould that prevent a 1 or 0 from being dialed in the rest of the number?
07:38.36AlmightyOatmealor am i not understanding that right
07:38.43WindowsUserits a regex
07:39.04WindowsUserso if you dial 1 first, it will skip that rule
07:41.39WindowsUserone problem with doing 7 digit dialing like that is 310xxxx calling wont work :)
07:42.06AlmightyOatmealwell i only want 7 digit dialing to prefix a 1608 to it, thats all
07:42.18AlmightyOatmealotherwise 10 digit dialing would audomatically prefix a 1
07:42.27AlmightyOatmealand 11 digit dialing goes through like it should
07:43.09WindowsUsertest the rule with S3 like dial 7 digits, then try 10 digits
07:43.23AlmightyOatmealso like <:1608>xxxxxxxS3|<:1>xxxxxxxxxxS3|xxxxxxxxxxxS3
07:43.25AlmightyOatmealwhy S3?
07:43.48WindowsUserI had [2-9]xxxxxxxS0 (7digits) on mine and I wasn't able to dial 10 digit number
07:44.27AlmightyOatmealor like like <:1608>[2-9]xxxxxxxS3|<:1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxxxS3|xxxxxxxxxxxS3
07:44.43AlmightyOatmealthat looks like a winner to me, though I don't get the S0/S3 thing
07:44.46WindowsUserjust S3 on 7 digits
07:45.00*** join/#asterisk caraconan (n=caracona@
07:45.14AlmightyOatmeallike <:1608>[2-9]xxxxxxxS3|<:1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxxxS0|xxxxxxxxxxxS0 ?
07:45.42AlmightyOatmealwhat does S3 do?
07:45.45AlmightyOatmealvs S0
07:45.55WindowsUserS0 is wait for zero seconds after a match
07:46.08WindowsUserso im hoping that S3 is a 3 second time out
07:46.17AlmightyOatmealwhy would i want that?
07:46.33WindowsUserI had [2-9]xxxxxxxS0 (7digits) on mine and I wasn't able to dial 10 digit number <-- this is why
07:46.52AlmightyOatmealoh heh
07:46.57WindowsUser6042809000 and it'd dial 6042809
07:47.13AlmightyOatmealaah lol makes sense
07:47.25AlmightyOatmealnow i can't wait to go home and try out that dialplan hehe
07:47.51AlmightyOatmealhopefully that takes care of that lag oddity
07:47.53caraconanHi. I would do a hylafax question: I have '/etc/hylafax/config.ttyS0' with 'LogFileMode: 0666', but '/varspool/hylafax/xferfaxlog' are 0600. Some help?
07:48.37WindowsUserAlmightyOatmeal: just the S3 and S0 parts should take care of it, the <:1> stuff just rewrites what goes out
07:48.57AlmightyOatmealWindowsUser: good to know, i feel more productive this morning hehe :)
07:49.02WindowsUserall your calls will match the _1NXXNXXXXXX rule btw
07:49.25CrazyTux[m]AlmightyOatmeal: thats because you ate your oats :)
07:49.29AlmightyOatmealyeah, but i have the other outbound rules just incase i'm using a softphone
07:49.31AlmightyOatmealCrazyTux[m]: lol
07:50.06WindowsUsersome of the rules are @ivr and not sure if they're =
07:50.35AlmightyOatmealivr is my dialplan context and is my sip provider context
07:51.10WindowsUseroh, thats an odd way of doing it
07:51.27AlmightyOatmealit takes the number to be re-written and re-passes it to the ivr context to pass to the first rule to be passed to my sip provider
07:51.36AlmightyOatmealat least that was the theory, and odd is how i do things hehe
07:51.44WindowsUserbut it works?
07:51.54AlmightyOatmealstrangely enough yes
07:52.24AlmightyOatmeali probably don't need to set caller id so many times though, plus my sip provider doesn't do ss7 or subscribe to any outbound cname databases so i could probably just drop those alltogether
07:55.27*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
07:55.41AlmightyOatmealtime for me to earn my $7/hr and do the night audit
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08:21.12*** join/#asterisk proute (
08:21.22*** join/#asterisk mileslai (n=miles@
08:22.58prouteI have troubles with dtmf on sip. For example on my * 1.4.25, I have a DID number to an ivr. if this DID number is received by patton on BRI connection, it's work. the caller push 1 or 2 and the IVR work.
08:23.17prouteIf I receive a call via SIP to ivr, the dtmf don't work...
08:23.26proutemy dtmfmode is rfc2833
08:23.43prouteI tried with inband and info, but nothing change
08:23.54prouteany idea about this?
08:24.32*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
08:30.42mileslaiDo you have enabled videosupport?
08:33.45pifanyone else is having trouble with 1.6.1.x and iaxmodem faxing?
08:39.22pifwhat fax options do I have besides iaxmodem with asterisk 1.6 ?
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08:45.14*** join/#asterisk Dovid[Laptop] (n=chatzill@
08:45.56mileslaitry dtmfmode to auto, maybe the SIP client only support inband
08:46.36proutemileslai: I just try .... but the problem is the same :(
08:46.55prouteI tried auto, info, inband, rfc2833
08:47.04*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
08:47.14prouteand When a call come from SIP via Internet.. dtmf not work
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08:54.03mileslaiasterisk -rx "sip show peer xxxxx" , xxxxx is your sip client , and show the DTMFmode information
08:59.09proutemileslai: For my trunk I have : DTMFmode     : rfc2833
09:00.52proutemileslai: For my Patton, I have no information about dtmf
09:01.11prouteoups sorry
09:01.14prouteI have DTMFmode     : auto
09:06.13*** join/#asterisk cjk_ (
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09:10.56cjk_hi, has anyone used externalIVR? i am not able to get it working, maybe someone has a mini example
09:16.09Dovidwhat issue r u having ?
09:16.13*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
09:16.44Dovidin logger.conf under full put in dtmf
09:16.46Dovidthen have a look at the log. see if your dtmf is coming in
09:17.33*** join/#asterisk razu (
09:20.30prouteDovid: I put dtmf under full in logger.conf.
09:21.08Dovidok now: asterisk -rx 'logger reload' ; tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full
09:21.21Dovidand see if when you press some keys if you see it there
09:21.38prouteok thanks, I try now
09:21.45*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:23.27prouteDovid: Nothing about DTMF. After, I try call via Patton and I saw dtmf...
09:24.22Dovidproute: so if you have carreir->Asterisk no dtmf and if you have carrier->patton->Asterisk then it does work ?
09:25.18prouteDovid: call from Internet (SIP) -> Asterisk dtmf not work | Call from Patton -> Asterisk, dtmf is ok
09:25.31Dovidthen its prob. ur carrier ;)
09:25.41Dovidtry dtmfmode=info
09:25.44Dovidsee if that works
09:25.53prouteDovid What is carrier?
09:25.54Dovidif not set the codec to ulaw and then set dtmfmode=inband
09:26.11Dovidthis part: call from Internet (SIP) -> Asterisk
09:26.14Dovidhow are you testing that ?
09:26.24prouteI try inband, info, auto, rfc2833... with alaw for inband...
09:28.26prouteDovid, the thing is strange . So When I call IVR via SIP dtmf work | Phone -> Asterisk -> SIP (Internet) dtmf is ok
09:29.11Dovidhow are you trying from the internet ? you have an ITSP that you are using?
09:30.15prouteSo, On my asterisk, I put DID number to IVR. I call this DID number via my mobile phone....
09:30.36proute(With Patton I put a DID number to the same IVR=
09:30.57prouteand yes
09:31.02prouteI have an ITSP
09:41.33prouteBut, with my Patton, there is a "sip connection" like my ITSP... and my dtmf work...
09:41.49prouteDovid: Do you think that my problem come from my ITSP?
09:51.03*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (n=crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
09:52.27prouteDovid: I try witj
09:52.53prouteI try with other ITSP (dtmf rfc2833) and it works...
09:53.14Dovidso it is your ITSP. you need to speak to him
09:53.27prouteyes, thanks for your help :)
09:55.00*** join/#asterisk mileslai (n=mileslai@
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10:07.51drmayI want my asterisk to ring my mobile telephone, anyopne know a good n cheap VoIP company?
10:09.44dweryit's normal that "queue show xxx" always shows the members as "Not in use" ?
10:21.06*** join/#asterisk troubled_ (n=troubled@unaffiliated/troubled)
10:25.52*** join/#asterisk justfahdi (n=fahad@
10:26.07justfahdiI'm very newbie in asterisk
10:26.37justfahdiMy teacher assigned me a task to create pc 2 phone service. from asterisk
10:27.03Chainsawjustfahdi: So you have joined today because you would like us to do your homework.
10:27.09justfahdiplease tell me what I need to do after installing asterisk
10:27.19Chainsawjustfahdi: You will need to configure it.
10:28.08ChainsawFrom any text editor you like.
10:28.14ChainsawThe configuration files are in /etc/asterisk on most systems.
10:28.46justfahdiok which files I need to edit?
10:29.07*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
10:29.24Chainsawjustfahdi: I am sure that part of doing homework involves showing some initiative.
10:29.44Chainsawjustfahdi: Open a few configuration files, look at the comments inside and check whether it seems relevant to what you are doing. If not, move on to the next one.
10:31.11justfahdiChainsaw: yeah u are right but after wasting my 2 days. My friend suggested me to join IRC channel and get help from there
10:31.45Chainsawjustfahdi: You spent 48 hours on this, but the notion of editing configuration files in /etc/asterisk was new to you?
10:33.18justfahdino it wasn't. I was trying to do it with A2billing. So I made conf. files and dialled plan from there. But didn't get any luck. So now I decided to leave a2billing and do it simple way
10:33.50Chainsawjustfahdi: If you want a "simple way" that does not involve configuration files, plain Asterisk is not what you want.
10:36.28justfahdiohh really. :S that's why I'm here. I just want to know what steps I should follow. like first I've to edit conf. file. then should I need to add any carrier to make outgoing calls for USA? definitely yes. But how I don't know :( I'm absolute beginner. Please just give me the outline
10:36.57Chainsawjustfahdi: What you still haven't done is ask a clear question.
10:37.31Chainsawjustfahdi: "My name is justfahdi, and today I want to do X with Asterisk, it needs to be able to do Y and I'm comfortable using Z to configure it"
10:38.24*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
10:40.08*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
10:41.10justfahdiok. My name is Fahdi, and today I want to do PC2Phone service with Asterisk, I don't know how I can do it. I tried to do it with A2Billing. Am I going on the right way. Can I create a PC2Phone service with A2billing?
10:41.39Chainsawjustfahdi: "PC2Phone" doesn't mean anything to me. Tell me what you want to do.
10:42.37justfahdiI want to call at a USA number using Asterisk
10:42.55justfahdinow is it clear question?
10:43.19Chainsawjustfahdi: It's getting better.
10:43.35Chainsawjustfahdi: Will this PC be running Asterisk? What software will you be using the make the actual call?
10:46.24Chainsawjustfahdi: You can see Asterisk like a phone exchange in software. It can connect an incoming call to an external number (and that can be a USA number).
10:47.21Chainsawjustfahdi: If you want to make a phone call with the microphone and speakers of a PC, you'll need "soft phone" software.
10:48.18Chainsawjustfahdi: You can connect the soft-phone to Asterisk and then connect to a USA number (using a VoIP telephony provider or a telephony card that you connect to an ISDN line or regular phone line).
10:48.39*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (n=crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
10:48.39Chainsawjustfahdi: I can't see your assignment from here, but a soft-phone might be all you need. You may not need Asterisk at all.
10:49.26Chainsawjustfahdi: Unless of course you have multiple PCs with multiple soft-phones and your Asterisk is not running on those PCs, but on a central server somewhere.
10:51.52justfahdiI've a seperate central server. I want to make calls from this server to any usa number usin softphone on my pc. I've already asterisk there. Already registered the extensions. Now what I need to make calls
10:52.25Chainsawjustfahdi: Either a telephony card and a phone line, or a VoIP telephony provider.
10:52.32Chainsawjustfahdi: Both will cost money.
10:53.22*** join/#asterisk pepe (i=kvirc@
10:53.45justfahdiOk. How Can I do it. Money doesn't metter. But I want to do calls from my server. Don't want to use their server.
10:54.16Chainsawjustfahdi: Do you have a phone line near your server that you can use?
10:54.51Chainsawjustfahdi: Are you planning to offer multiple simultaneous calls?
10:54.51justfahdiNo i dont have
10:54.51*** join/#asterisk asasas (
10:55.02Chainsawjustfahdi: Okay, so adding a telephony adapter to the server is not an option, because you have nothing to connect it to.
10:55.16Chainsawjustfahdi: So you'll need to open an account with a VoIP telephony provider. You'll likely talk to it over SIP.
10:55.33justfahdihmm then...
10:55.49Chainsawsprays water on justfahdi
10:55.52ChainsawThe power of google compels you!
10:56.05justfahdi:) ok.
10:59.11pepeHello, I'm using Asterisk with asterisk-addons- to write cdr into mysql. I followed, and it is mostly working however CLID is not written to mysql, although it appears in Master.csv.  What do I possibly missing? TIA
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11:04.21pepeare there somewhere archives of the asterisk irc channel ?
11:06.23pepe:| ok
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11:35.13afinkZhad: a few
11:41.24*** join/#asterisk Orbixx (
11:42.27OrbixxI'm creating a user extension for a SIP softphone, what details do I use in order to register with the pbx?
11:43.05*** join/#asterisk justfahdi (n=fahad@
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11:49.49infobotAll conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged.
11:49.58tzafrir_laptoppepe, ==^
11:51.36*** join/#asterisk jgoo (
11:52.05jgooI was asking about autoconferencing ring groups - is this possible? I want to dial 10 numbers, and as they pickup, to be added to a conference
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11:53.01jgoosomeone got as far as asking me my asterisk version, which is possible the most annoying thing ever, I can tell you my gimp, ff, thunderbird, pidgin, xchat or almost any other version, but there is something inherently idiotic about the asterisk version numbers that make them forgettable
11:53.46bminishWith Asterisk 1.4 and up one can set DTMF lenght value (via RFC2833), how do I do this ?
11:55.20pepetzafrir_laptop: thanks
12:01.29*** join/#asterisk mbrevda (n=mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
12:03.10mbrevda.ç ùãà÷øïãì-ïê
12:05.09tzafrir_laptopwell, at least it was UTF-8
12:05.36mbrevdait was?? that weird
12:06.33tzafrir_laptopI think it was
12:06.51mbrevdaif it was, its soem sort of windows bug :)
12:06.54tzafrir_laptopI can't read it anyway.
12:07.49tzafrir_laptopactually, no. I guess my client shows random non-UTF-8 bytes as ISO-8859-1 characters
12:08.01*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
12:15.41jgooI am grepping the grandstream 201 user guide - I can't find a way of setting a dial plan... wtf
12:16.12jgooI know they support early dialing, but do they also support dialplans? I've seen people showing examples, but the user guide and the interface don't show how to set it...
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12:24.23Dovidi forgot which sip is rining
12:24.27Dovid183 or 180 ?
12:25.17Dovidwhich one tells me to generate one and which one which one tells me to pass audio ?
12:27.27mbrevda180 is ringing
12:29.01Dovidand 183 says i will pass the early media ?
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12:33.29mbrevdasomething like that
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12:34.39Dovidor is it the opposite ?
12:35.25mbrevda180 Ringing
12:35.29mbrevda183 Session Progress
12:35.52Dovidwhere did u see that ?
12:36.03mbrevdaGoogle, where else?
12:36.03*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:d420:f99e:15a5:c4a9)
12:38.04Dovidi suck at googling
12:38.19mbrevdasuck at googling=suck
12:39.08auraxsup Dovid
12:39.17dweryjgoo: on my bt 100 there's no dialplan that I can see
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13:03.08Anth8708morning guys.  I'm looking to see if there is a dialplan variable that will give hint status.  Anyone know?  I've found variables to give listing of devices with hints, but nothing to get the actual hint status
13:03.15*** join/#asterisk Von_Lorenz (
13:03.23Von_LorenzHi to all!
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13:05.09Von_LorenzI have a little question, how can i set default language for all channels end all users in asterisk 1.6.0 ?
13:06.54ChainsawAnth8708: The door's over there *points*
13:07.08Anth8708heh.  oops.  sorry, typing without looking after alt-tabbing
13:08.12*** join/#asterisk awk_r (n=awk@nat/digium/x-4541873b2870d7bf)
13:08.39[TK]D-FenderVon_Lorenz: You don't, its per channel driver
13:09.05dwerymm asterisk 1.6.0. was using 70% of the CPU.. I had to restart it.. there's no indication on the cause in the logs.  I'll have to program an extension to restart it so the user can do on its own :(
13:10.06Von_LorenzI must use language = xx for all kind of config files? True?
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13:12.38Von_LorenzIf i want to change default language entries in pbx core settings, i need to edit asterisk.conf, its that true?
13:13.58[TK]D-FenderVon_Lorenz: No such thing there
13:16.29Von_Lorenzthanks D-fender
13:19.26*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:21.04[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
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13:28.06Kattyi wish it was christmas time.
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13:30.35FaustovI'm having a problem dialing from a lan via asterisk to fring on a mobile - does anyone have a working example?
13:30.56Kattyi don't
13:30.56Faustovi've set it up similarly to a lan phone, but with host=dynamic
13:31.12FaustovWARNING[17363]: app_dial.c:1242 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
13:31.15Faustovthis is what im getting
13:31.27Faustovcause could be more descriptive ;)
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13:32.12Kattymakes a note to find some construction paper fall leaves cutouts to hang around her office.
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13:37.47eppigyKatty: D:
13:37.47Kattyeppigy: let's go out for breakfast and get pumpkin bagels.
13:37.51eppigyoh dude I am down
13:38.18Kattyi'm starving for real :< brb
13:38.30eppigyyeah dude Im going to hit mcdonalds
13:38.37eppigyin about 20 minutes won't load, error message -->   Error loading module '': /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: t30_set_header_info
13:40.14stopeis there a quick fix for it?
13:40.21stopeasterisk 1.4.25
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13:45.10Kattyeppigy: thats bad for you
13:45.54tzafrir_laptopstope, that symbol should come from spandsp
13:46.19tzafrir_laptopwhat do you get from:  ldd  /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/
13:46.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:47.27Kattyeppigy: of course i got a soda this morning too from the vending machine :< and that's bad for me.
13:49.39stopemaybe I'll go to an older version of spandsp
13:49.43stopedown to 4.x
13:49.46stopefrom 5.x
13:50.19coppicewhy does going backwards sound like a good idea? whatever happened to progress?
13:51.04Kattysometimes going backwards is a good idea.
13:51.09Kattymaybe we'd all be healthier.
13:51.18Kattymaybe our lives would be more simple.
13:51.33coppicenot very often though, especially when you are already starting out with something ancient
13:51.46Kattyi wasn't talking about asterisk there.
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13:54.36leifmadsenKatty: I've quit drinking pop
13:55.30Faustovlooks like the id for frings needs to be ID@IP_of_my_asterisk to dial it
13:55.47Faustovcould that be the casE?
13:55.51tzafrir_laptop<stope> won't load, error message -->   Error loading module '': /usr/lib64/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: t30_set_header_info
13:56.30tzafrir_laptopstope, how is spandsp installed? from source? from a binary package?
13:56.37stopefrom an rpm
13:56.45stopebut I've got the src and will compile
13:56.51stopethen try to reload the little bugger
13:56.52tzafrir_laptoprpm -qa | grep spandsp
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13:57.28tzafrir_laptopstope, no -devel package?
13:57.35Kattyleifmadsen: yeah so did i, for the most part. it's been several weeks. now that i have the soda, i took a couple sips and don't really want it.
13:57.47coppiceinteresting they put 2009 into such an old version's name :-\
13:57.47stopeI'll put the devel pkg in the system
13:57.48leifmadsenKatty: ya, I never get that feeling though :)
13:57.49tzafrir_laptopHow about asterisk?
13:58.06stopeoh, I can't admit that I have the rpm for * installed as well
13:58.16tzafrir_laptophmm... is app_fax.c a backport from 1.6.0? your backport?
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13:58.40stopeits from the rpm for my distro
13:59.20dwerystope: you might want to try iaxmodem with hylafax. it's easy to setup and can be built with all the libs static
13:59.46stopeok, I'll try it....   :)
14:00.00tzafrir_laptophmm... so that package was built vs. (spandsp 0.0.5 -something)
14:00.36stopeI went and got spandsp 4 pre 16
14:00.50stopeas it apparently had no rxfax txfax issues
14:00.57coppicebad direction. 0.0.6pre12 is the right thing to use these days
14:01.05tzafrir_laptopstope, that is wrong
14:01.21stopehmm, ok, I'll use 6 pre12
14:01.33stopei was just reading the docs on the spandsp site
14:02.49tzafrir_laptopcoppice, btw: spandsp 0.0.6 also resolves :-)
14:03.01dwerycoppice: I've been told by the iaxmodem author that the are no particular improvements on the fax side of libspandsp in the latest version wrt 0.5
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14:03.47coppiceno particular improvements in the T.31 FAX modem part. massive improvements elsewhere, though
14:04.21stopeok, I'll try it later on tonight...  tx for the suggestions!
14:04.52dweryT.38 and T.30 I've been told
14:06.10ariel_is having a very hard time configuring a audioCodes MP-112. There are so many settings for h323 that just don't make Sense.... argh why are people out there still using h323? Why?
14:06.18coppicetzafrir_laptop: people actually build this for the AVR32? :-\
14:06.37mbrevdaariel_: why are you?
14:07.09tzafrir_laptopcoppice, they build the whole Debian archive
14:07.27tzafrir_laptopNow whether or not the code gets run is a different story
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14:10.14coppicetzafrir_laptop: the AVR32 doesn't have an FPU so it must be seriously slow running this stuff
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14:16.36nemsterhow can  i call a sip extension and then playback a file if that extension answers?
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14:17.19[TK]D-Fendernemster: "core show application dial" <- A()
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14:18.14ickmundIf I have the following in the dialplan, "exten => _1XX,1,ChanSpy(${EXTEN:1}|q)", and later wants to do a ChanSpy(...|qw) if * is pressed, how could I let asterisk know which extension it's on?
14:21.30nemster[TK]D-Fender:  completely overseen A() thanks
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14:26.02jayteeI hate the fact that if I want to use tail on a file on a Windows machine I have to install the Win2K3 Server Resource Kit tools to get tail for Windows. Gaaah!!!!
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14:27.11nemsterjaytee: afair there is tail32
14:27.38Kattyjaytee: we need a vacation. let's go camping.
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14:28.04Kattyjaytee: a cooler full of alcamahols sounds exciting
14:29.00mphilldoes anyone know off hand if aastra config files support an include syntax so you can include other external config files?
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14:29.21coppicestope: what did you see on the spandsp site that lead you to try ancient versions?
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14:29.32jayteeKatty, sounds like fun
14:29.56Kattyjaytee: yesh
14:30.01jayteegotta go test a POS credit card transaction, bbiab
14:30.03afinkis this the correct syntax?  exten => _3100,1,SetVar(cidnumber=${CALLERID(num))
14:30.31Kattyi think you're missing a }
14:30.33nemstermphill: yes
14:30.50mphillnemster: thank you, do you know what it is?
14:31.08afinkoh yeah duh, do I need " " around the ${CALLERID(num)} to evaluate it?
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14:31.38nemstermphill: err, i might be wrong. we just have the global file which then includes the mac-specific files
14:32.38mphillnemster: i think you are right. i searched the admin documentation.  What a bummer.
14:33.25nemsterso you might need to generate the files if you want to include which would be simple toughy
14:34.17[TK]D-Fenderafink: No, that is still 1.0 crap
14:34.31[TK]D-Fenderafink: Mixed 1.0 / 1.2
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14:36.02leifmadsenafink: you don't need " " to evaluate
14:36.22leifmadsenafink: exten => 3100,1,Set(cidnumber=${CALLERID(number)})
14:36.22stopecoppice, I just went with the rpm that was readily available.... but I'll upgrade to the latest
14:36.26leifmadsen(num or number both work)
14:36.40leifmadsenafink: additionally -- you only need to prefix your extension with _ when you are doing a pattern match
14:37.29coppicestope:ah, OK. I just checked through the site, and found a typo that says 0.0.6pre2 rather than 12 is current, but I can't see any references to 0.0.5 or 0.0.4
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14:38.50[TK]D-Fenderafink: And what are you going to do with that var that you couldn't with the function istelf?
14:39.24afink[TK]D-Fender: passing it to a macro
14:39.57[TK]D-Fenderafink: You could pass it directly in the call
14:40.16FreakGuardwhat's a good introduction into the whole VOIP stuff?
14:40.59afink[TK]D-Fender: how so?
14:42.56*** join/#asterisk Orbixx (
14:44.10[TK]D-Fenderafink: Pass it jsut like anything else...
14:44.27[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: "the whole VOIP stuff"?  Huh?
14:46.11FreakGuard[TK]D-Fender: hm. sorry, I'm trying to configure an asterisk server using adhearsion, but I doubt I'll get far by just trying things out, I'm looking for some founding knowledge
14:47.50[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: GUI's aren't supported here, and "founding knowledge... for that your question is entirely too vague
14:48.13spackleFreakGuard: go check out the book (or download) Asterisk: the future of IP Telephony
14:48.32OrbixxThe book is seriously comprehensive.
14:48.35OrbixxPack some patience.
14:49.41*** join/#asterisk Joel (
14:50.10spackleAnybody have experience registering an Adtran 712/706 phone to Asterisk?
14:50.15FreakGuardOrbixx: that's not problem there
14:50.25[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: What is your reason for choosing Adhearsion?
14:51.07*** join/#asterisk Joel (
14:51.09FreakGuard[TK]D-Fender: I was looking for something to cleanly configure asterisk
14:51.12OrbixxCan somebody explain how I can pipe incoming calls from an IAX * pbx to an extension?
14:51.26Orbixx(and outgoing)
14:51.28FreakGuardwell, sure, you can use the default asterisk configs, but they're a bit... unreadable
14:51.41[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: Poor choice
14:51.51[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: All it is is another layer like AEL
14:52.25[TK]D-FenderFreakGuard: And putting one shaky surface on another won't make your long-term experience too stable
14:52.45[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: "core show application dial"
14:53.39FreakGuard[TK]D-Fender: Well, let's see what the other guys are doing
14:55.01afinkWould making a macro for the first 4 lines of  this: be the best way to do this?  I have these 4 lines repeated lots of places in my dialplan
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14:59.39[TK]D-Fenderafink: Sure.  first, make it a GOSUB that sets a variable for whether or not it is bad and not a MACRO, and call that.
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15:02.41afink[TK]D-Fender: ok makes sense thanks
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15:05.23Von_Lorenzsee you
15:05.40spackleAnybody have experience registering an Adtran 712/706 phone to Asterisk?
15:06.44[TK]D-Fenderspackle: About as many as 15 minutes ago
15:07.22spackleD-Fender, indeed, but people come and people go.
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15:08.01[TK]D-Fenderspackle: Oh look, another!
15:09.18[TK]D-Fenderspackle: And I've only heard someone even ask about those products once, not even owning one.
15:10.58spackleD-Fender, I've registered dozens of freaky phones from Grandstream, Hitachi, Uniden, Sipura and Polycom and have not had the problems with these.  It may be time to call Adtran.
15:13.52[TK]D-Fenderspackle: Quite possibly.
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15:35.42bmoracaMitel makes a really cool VoIP phone that has a SunRocket thin client built in to it.  too bad it's a proprietary protocol
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15:42.38Kattyi'm thinking about getting a camcorder. to take videos of the pup.
15:42.45Kattywhat should i get.
15:43.29Kattythinking something with a harddrive in it.
15:44.01Katty <- like that.
15:44.45bmoracaWith an SPA3102, I can have the FXO port associated with a SIP peer on my PBX, correct?  Basically, what needs to happen is when a call comes in on that particular analog line, I need it to ring a certain number of phones.  I shouldn't have an issue doing that, correct?
15:46.12[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Correct, and no.
15:46.23bmoracagood to hear.
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15:50.50bmoracacompletely unfamiliar with those devices...i know the concept, but the manual is rather unclear.
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16:05.19synapseattackAnyone ever try setting very low RTP ports? We are trying to set rtpstart=100 and rtpstop=1000 but it doesn't seem to be following this as the ports are still high after restarting the asterisk process. I know this isn't exactly the best way to go about this but we are trying to get past some blocking. I didn't see anything in related to this.
16:07.30afinkwith gui:  without gui: plus this one has the users in it!  what a difference
16:08.01leifmadsensynapseattack: you can't use ports below 1024
16:08.18leifmadsensynapseattack: it's a linux thing -- they are restricted ports
16:08.25leifmadsen(not an asterisk problem)
16:08.32synapseattackthats what i figured
16:08.33leifmadsensynapseattack: is asterisk running as root?
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16:09.08synapseattack@leifmadsen: yes
16:09.31leifmadsensynapseattack: ya, I think you're outta luck from using those ports then
16:09.36synapseattack@leifmadsen: it's cool we will find a different way to go about it.
16:09.43synapseattack@leifmadsen: thanks
16:09.46dwerytho those who like to play with the Siemens C470IP I just found that it can be auto provisioned. The problem is that it can be easily crippled as I did with my own :D you will find several clues using "strings" on the firmware or on the binary modules distributed with the source code. there's an hidden page to send a dump of your configuration to Siemens and another one to probably st a remote source for the phonebook.
16:10.35*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
16:10.58spackleAnybody have experience registering an Adtran 712/706 phone to Asterisk?
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16:11.53bmoracaspackle: maybe if you detailed the issue you're having (sip debugs, etc), someone might be able to steer you in the right direction...SIP is SIP is SIP, so it's likely someone's had the same problem with a different phone before.
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16:13.54spacklebmoraca: I forgot about the debug commands.  But I'm not sure the phone is sending anything.  IT supports several lines and has options for registrars and proxies.  I have a call in to Adtran, but it seemed some more phone-savvy people were about just now.
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16:14.15spacklebmoraca: thanks for your suggestion, I will give it a try.
16:14.28pawproHello everybody. Is there a way to access a peer/friend name or defaultuser in dialplan (extensions.conf)? The peers are set in realtime. Thank you.
16:14.32bmoracaspackle: if you haven't done a sip debug, how can you know whether or not the phone is attempting to register?
16:15.07leifmadsenpawpro: eh? what do you mean?
16:15.35pawproleifmadsen: the sipphone is making a call and it's put into certain context. can i get the it in there?
16:15.56leifmadsenpawpro: I don't understand what you're trying to do...
16:16.07leifmadsenthe question doesn't make sense to me
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16:16.36pawproleifmadsen: I need to pass distinct reference to this peers account to another asterisk using custom sip header...
16:16.43bmoracai think he's looking for a dialplan variable that will give him the name of the sip peer
16:16.55pawprobmoraca: exactly!
16:17.11leifmadsenpawpro: ${CHANNEL}
16:17.41pawproleifmadsen: ill this not give me a bit more that i need? :)
16:17.46leifmadsenexten => start,n,Set(peername=${CUT(CUT(CHANNEL,-,1),/,2)})
16:18.02spacklebmoraca: good, call, I'm missing a config option somewhere on the phone.  It does nt seem to be poking at Asterisk at all.   hmmm.
16:18.02leifmadsenpawpro: your questions confuse me greatly...
16:18.24leifmadsenpawpro: just strip off the parts you don't need
16:19.24pawproleifmadsen: peer is authenticated on sip gateway (asterisk) and then call goes to siptrunk app (asterisk) via openser. I need the siptrunk app to know the peers name so i'll use custom header to pass it to him. App is written in PHP AGI.
16:19.59pawproleifmadsen: This will be sufficient. Thank you leifmadsen!
16:20.00Qwell<3 TCPA
16:20.06leifmadsenpawpro: ok, so go ahead ;)   Set(SIP_HEADER(X-origpeer)=${CUT.........})
16:20.16Qwellat this rate, Chase is going to be paying off my car for me.
16:20.47bmoracatcpa is the devil
16:21.02Qwellbmoraca: only if you violate it :p
16:21.38jameswfQwell: your being hurassed by a blogger?
16:21.42bmoracapawpro: this page might be useful to you in the future:
16:21.49Qwelljameswf: is @chase just a blogger?  well, whatever
16:21.51pawproThank you!
16:22.00Qwellpeople get the idea :P
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16:22.21jameswf@chase will be like wait wtf did I do
16:22.29Qwelljameswf: he's used to it I'm sure
16:22.54jameswfthat is what he gets for name squatting on twitter
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16:32.49ocnarfDoes anyone know what this error means, ERROR[27295] astobj2.c: refcount -1 on object 0xb2b47408?
16:33.18ocnarfWhen asterisk crash, i always see that on the /log/asterisk/messages
16:33.30Qwellocnarf: it's a "Bad Thing".  what version of Asterisk?
16:33.59ocnarfDo i need to change version?
16:34.25ocnarfASterisk crashes almost 2-3x a week
16:34.30Qwellyou could try the latest 1.4.26 RC (or wait a bit and 1.4.26 will be released)
16:35.01ocnarfany suggestion?
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16:35.15ocnarfany other version i could try?
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16:35.23QwellI just said...
16:36.36ocnarfhmmm.. is it logical to downgrade?
16:37.20Qwellyou may end up running into different (fixed..) bugs instead
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16:40.03jaytee"Forward!!! Into the past!!! Tally ho, men!"
16:40.30ocnarfthanks Qwell
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16:41.41pawproleifmadsen: What am I missing "/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_get_encoded_str"?
16:42.40leifmadsenpawpro: I have no idea -- please just ask the room generally
16:45.18pawproHello everybody. When i run "exten => _X.,1,SIPAddHeader(X-SIPTrunkID: ${CUT(CUT(CHANNEL,-,1),/,2)})" asterisk crashes with " undefined symbol: ast_get_encoded_str". Can anyboduy help please?
16:46.32Qwellpawpro: what version of Asterisk?
16:46.39pawprobtw. i have autoload=yes. Asterisk compiled on FC8
16:48.32Qwellsounds like you're using a module that wasn't compiled against/with that version of Asterisk
16:48.54pawproQwell: i'll compile 1.6.1 do you agree?
16:49.37Qwellpawpro: yes
16:49.45Qwell1.6.1.1 anyways
16:49.48[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: Don't run a nested CUT
16:50.04Qwell[TK]D-Fender: as written, that actually should work
16:50.14pawpro[TK]D-Fender: on the console it looks like its doing the right thing
16:50.28QwellYou'll note he didn't use ${CUT()} for the inner one - which is correct
16:51.00pawpro-- Executing [078675768@from-sip:1] SIPAddHeader("SIP/officetrixbox-09a8b730", "X-SIPTrunkID: officetrixbox") in new stack
16:51.11Qwelltrixbox.  there's your problem
16:51.24pawproQwell trisbox is just peer
16:51.59[TK]D-FenderQwell: I noticed.
16:52.15[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: remove the nesting
16:52.43pawpro[TK]D-Fender: Could you assist me with extracting peername from CHANNEL then? Please
16:53.04[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: I just said don't STACK THEM.  Split it into 2 lines.
16:53.17pawpro[TK]D-Fender: ok thank you
17:00.40Kattyhas cheddar tomato dumplings cooking.
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17:04.21[TK]D-Fenderpawpro: and?
17:06.17OrbixxCan anybody either explain or direct me to a guide that explains how to set up IVR, queues and other stuff a callcenter would be expected to have?
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17:07.03[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: "core show function TIMEOUT", "core show application waitexten"
17:09.43Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: So instead of directing an incoming call to an extension, how do I get waitexten to execute immediately when somebody dials?
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17:12.36[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: .... call comes in.  It lands on an extension.  Jump to "s" in a new context and set up your timeouts, Background() some prompts and await input
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17:26.05pathhow can I forward all my incoming calls to an analog or cellphone phone number ?
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17:26.29Kattypath: call your telco
17:26.31OrbixxHow do I invoke an audio message to play back?
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17:26.36Kattypath: and tell them to put a temporary forward on your pri/lines
17:26.42WindowsUserOrbixx: Playback()?
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17:27.11Kattypath: we do that here in case of extended power outages and so forth
17:27.23pathso far I've got this
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17:27.55hmmhesayswhats going on guys?
17:28.06Kattyhi matt
17:28.19pathKatty: telco == my SIP provider ?
17:28.20Kattypath: you do not get a gold star for not listening.
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17:28.57hmmhesaysyou're stuck with a mr yuck sticker
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17:29.46marthaanyone currently in canada here who could do me a very quick favor?  I need to see if a toll-free number reaches my asterisk server or not....
17:30.01pathKatty: so that means I need permission from my local company to forward calls ?
17:30.02WindowsUserwhats the number
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17:30.49WindowsUserpath: if you want ALL calls forwarded the suggestion was to do it before calls get to asterisk, be it at telus or your sip provider
17:31.16pathok I get it now
17:31.27[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Blackground() <---
17:31.41hmmhesaysthats not marthag is it?
17:31.51pathWindowsUser: just for curiosity, why should it be before ?
17:31.59pathperformance issues?
17:32.07WindowsUserwhy bother looping?
17:32.26Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: What format does that accept and where does it look for it?
17:32.26paththanks :-)
17:33.54p4tr0p1hi, I have a queue with MusicOnHold, I need to put another audio when the call is not answered yet informing that soon somebody will answer the call, anybody knows how?
17:34.12Kattyp4tr0p1: play them the audio file, then put them on hold.
17:34.13WindowsUserOrbixx: it'll take files that asterisk will play, like .wav (8000hz) ulaw g729 etc etc, and you can give it a full path
17:34.23Kattyp4tr0p1: and setup an extension that records it, then dial the extension and record what you want.
17:35.23[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: it will play any of the formats that * can read.  "core show modules like format"
17:35.33OrbixxWindowsUser: If I'm receiving a call from PSTN which uses alaw codec (UK) and I have different codecs to that, what happens?
17:35.46OrbixxI don't seem able to play any messages back.
17:35.52[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: And without an absolute path it looks in 'sounds" in the Lib folder listed in asterisk.conf
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17:36.11[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: * will transcode as needed / able
17:36.53OrbixxWhatever I'm playing (default sounds) seems to come out as a garble.
17:37.10p4tr0p1Katty, I guess I'll mix the files =)
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17:39.21WindowsUserdefault sounds as in stuff included with asterisk?
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17:39.26Orbixxit seems to be playing back but it's incredibly stuttery
17:39.27Kattyp4tr0p1: oh you mean like you want it randomized in there?
17:39.27OrbixxWindowsUser: Yes.
17:39.27Kattydoes the musiconhold() have a time on it?
17:39.47[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Bandwidth, jitter, CPU (VM) may all contribute to this as well as :
17:39.48infobot[~gsmbug] there is a bug compiling Asterisk with GCC 4.2 where optimization errors cause GSM transcoding to distort heavily. Compile with GCC 4.1 or lower, or follow this patch : Also please read :
17:39.48Katty1,1,playback(KEEPYOURPANTSON) 1,2,musiconhold(default) <- with a time of 60 seconds, 1,3,Playback(KEEPYOURPANTSON)
17:39.48WindowsUserewww I only get stutter when my router is crashing
17:39.50[TK]D-Fenderdarn, infobot is out.
17:40.15Orbixx[root@r26209 en]# gcc --version
17:40.15Orbixxgcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)
17:40.55[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Describe the rest of your scenario.
17:41.17OrbixxWell at the moment, I'm just messing around, it's just literally playing back a file when somebody dials in and that's it.
17:41.29Orbixxexten => 03333408856,1,Playback(vm-tooshort)
17:41.45OrbixxPlus does that bug exist in
17:42.12p4tr0p1Katty, yes. I want to play something with a 20 seconds interval while the music on hold it playing
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17:42.42Kattyp4tr0p1: check out the music on hold application and see if that's an option. i think it is.
17:42.53Kattyp4tr0p1: or you can do what we do.
17:43.15Kattyp4tr0p1: and record averts, with music on hold, and make the moh go in order rather than randomized.
17:43.34Kattyp4tr0p1: then every 20 seconds insert the appropriate file. 01 02 03 04 etc
17:44.08*** join/#asterisk Strale (n=sk@
17:44.10StraleHow many channels are occupied by this dialplan : exten -> answer() | exten -> Set(something)=$channel | exten -> dial(12345)
17:44.38p4tr0p1Katty, hummm, i'll read about that! Tks =)
17:44.54Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: Happening with alaw too, not just gsm.
17:44.59Kattyp4tr0p1: 2
17:45.11Kattyp4tr0p1: incoming line is held open when you dial OUT
17:45.18Kattyp4tr0p1: unless that's an internal sip call.
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17:45.24[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Really... what format is your SOURCE recording in?
17:45.27Kattyp4tr0p1: in which case just your incoming line/channel is held open
17:45.43Kattyp4tr0p1: if you do a blind transfer out the building, it will hold open both channels until the cellphone hangs up
17:45.53[TK]D-FenderStrale: 2
17:45.57Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: Sorry, I don't quite understand.
17:46.08WindowsUserOrbixx: what are you playing back
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17:46.13Kattyoops. s / p4tr0p1 / Strale :P
17:46.19WindowsUser.gsm? .alaw? ;)
17:46.30Kattyulaw, he she or itlaw
17:46.36Strale[TK]D-Fender : how to set channel variable of dialed number, I like to hangup from asterisk manager interface
17:46.43[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Then its one of the other reasons I told you
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17:46.59Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: I just tested it over IP only, it works fine.
17:47.05OrbixxIt just screws up when calling from a PSTN.
17:47.23[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: that is a really hollow and meaningless answer..
17:47.31[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: DETAILS
17:47.41OrbixxI'm not sure what to tell you.
17:47.42Strale[TK]D-Fender : or maybe it's ok to hangup the channel that I have alredy setup like that dialplan ??
17:48.05[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Gee, i dunno.. how the hell do you GET to the PSTN?
17:48.20Anth8708hey guys, quick question on comedian mail.  can you "skip" the message envelope (not have to listen to the intro who/when info) with a key?
17:48.32Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: IAX to the PBX of a provider who has PSTN access.
17:48.33[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: "#"
17:48.42Anth8708[TK]D-Fender  thanks man
17:48.55[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: Then they (or your connection to them) has issues
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17:49.29Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: But I'm making incoming and outgoing calls using alaw codec through them and they're fine.
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17:50.52Strale[TK]D-Fender if I hangup something will the second channel be automatically hangup ?? : exten -> answer() | exten -> Set(something)=$channel | exten -> dial(12345)
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17:51.26[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: you still didn't specify codecs, etc...  Where did your recording come from....
17:51.38Anth8708[TK]D-Fender, can that key be customized in voicemail.conf?  I see a few customizations there?  Trying to mimic callpilot as best I can.
17:51.48[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: No
17:51.50OrbixxThe recordings came from digium [TK]D-Fender, I've tried gsm and alaw playback.
17:51.59Anth8708[TK]D-Fender: rgr.  no biggie then.
17:53.58Anth8708[TK]D-Fender:  ahh . I didn't state clearly.  When logged into a voicemail box and listening to messages, can the listener skip the introductory who/when of the voicemail with a key?
17:54.38[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: Not afaik.  Stop playing them all the time and let them coose to play it
17:55.14Anth8708[TK]D-Fender:  Roger.  Will ask the user their preference as we setup voicemail boxes.  Sounds like a winner.  Thanks.
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17:56.08*** topic/#asterisk by leifmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/06/05), Asterisk (2009/06/05), 1.4.26 (2009/07/21), *-Addons (2009/04/28), (2009/05/21), 1.4.8 (2009/04/28), dahdi-linux (2009/06/30), dahdi-tools 2.2.0 (2009/06/24), Libpri 1.4.10 (2009/04/18) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev #asteris
17:56.36leifmadsenAsterisk 1.4.26 has been released! For more information see the release announcement at Thank you for your continued support of Asterisk!
17:59.15Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: A friend suspects an echo cancellation problem.
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18:04.36raden_workI have my DSL modem bridged to my router is there a way to create a route in my router via the wan to access the modem control panel @
18:04.45raden_workor is this not possible because of the bridge
18:05.52[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Bounce it off a *NIX box
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18:09.16[intra]lanmananyone gonne be here except jtodd?
18:09.21raden[TK]D-Fender, how so ?
18:09.51[TK]D-Fenderraden : SSH tunnel, etc
18:10.13Qwell[intra]lanman: Please don't advertise here.
18:10.27[intra]lanmanQwell: are you kidding me?
18:10.31[intra]lanmanit's on digium's site
18:10.41QwellWhat's your point?
18:10.56raden[TK]D-Fender, modem connected to Wan on Netgear router  how would i SSH to modem if i cant get a route to it ?
18:11.05[intra]lanmanQwell: well... it's not me that's advertising
18:11.22[TK]D-Fender[intra]lanman: No, it'll only be jtodd.  He'll be so lonely... also it'll be hard to explain to his boss about the cost effectiveness of sitting in an empty room having wasted airfare, lodging, etc....
18:11.34*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
18:11.35leifmadsenwon't be there.
18:12.26[TK]D-Fenderraden : go read your router's manual.
18:13.03radenbeen doing that  guess ill keep doing that
18:13.38[intra]lanman[TK]D-Fender: haha, that's grade A humour... so i'm guessing you won't be attending, huh?
18:14.15[TK]D-Fender[intra]lanman: Nope.  I can chat with jtodd any time... far cheaper too :p
18:15.05*** part/#asterisk Strale (n=sk@
18:15.06[intra]lanmanyeah, that's how i feel about most conferences... most are more of a commercial to buy stuff than informative
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18:22.33radenis it even possible to create a route to a bridged modem since the router has an external IP from the ISP ? \
18:22.42*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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18:23.07[TK]D-Fenderraden: how does the router talk to the modem?
18:26.17*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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18:27.12mercutiovizhas anybody been working on the S-prize?
18:29.47[TK]D-Fendermercutioviz: You mean the X-Prize wasn't enough?  What would you give for an "H"?
18:30.10[TK]D-Fenderinflates the market
18:30.22*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
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18:33.29bmoracaraden: no.
18:33.49*** join/#asterisk Dibbler ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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18:34.16raden[TK]D-Fender, the modem is set as bridged, the modem ethernet port is connected to wan the router does all the authentication with the ISP
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18:34.55bmoracaraden: by virtue of being a bridge, that modem is completely invisible to your router.
18:35.07radeni figured that
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18:37.30hmmhesaysthat blog link broken for anyone else?
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18:38.10mercutiovizhmm, strange. it isn't responding for me even though I just copied it...
18:38.32Qwellwe're apparently having internet difficulties atm...
18:38.46mercutiovizquick! blame n. korea
18:38.57hmmhesaysapache must be avoiding deadlock
18:39.01Qwellthough...I'm still here.  wtf
18:39.34[intra]lanmanhmmhesays: :-D
18:39.57*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
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18:41.51hmmhesays[intra]lanman, thats quite the smile [intra]lanman
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18:42.14[intra]lanmanhmmhesays: sorry... forgot to brush... :-|
18:42.46hmmhesaysyeah that happens
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18:53.19mercutiovizokay, seems to be back:
18:53.38*** part/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
18:53.39mercutiovizanyway, I was just curious if anybody was working for that steak dinner. :P
18:54.54[TK]D-Fendermercutioviz: Yeah... I'm seeing all sorts of "curious" folk around here today...
18:55.23mercutiovizis curious
18:57.04OlobolaI can't get DTMF tones to pass to Verizon Wireless' phone maze. DTMF works elsewhere. Where should I start?
18:58.22*** join/#asterisk Sincan2 (n=sincan@
18:58.30Sincan2hi hello
18:58.43Sincan2can you help me about install asterisk
18:58.45pepeHello, I'm using Asterisk with asterisk-addons- to write cdr into mysql. I followed, and it is mostly working however CLID is not written to mysql, although it appears in Master.csv.  What do I possibly missing? TIA
19:00.06*** join/#asterisk TheOpenSourcerer (
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19:00.48[TK]D-FenderSincan2: Instructions are in the tarball
19:00.57[TK]D-FenderSiwith the giant title "README"
19:01.03[TK]D-FenderSincan2: with the giant title "README"
19:01.21Sincan2Connected to Asterisk 1.4.24 currently running on localhost (pid = 2537)
19:01.21Sincan2Verbosity was 3 and is now 7
19:01.35Sincan2this found
19:01.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o [TK]D-Fender] by ChanServ
19:01.37Sincan2why ?
19:01.46[TK]D-FenderSincan2: do NOT spam in here again.  Use a PASTEBIN
19:01.49infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
19:01.59*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
19:02.00Sincan2ok so sory
19:02.16[TK]D-FenderSargunAlso GUI's are not supported in this channel.  Please refer to #freepbx
19:02.17Sargunit's two "R"s
19:02.27Sargun[TK]D-Fender, eh?
19:02.31[TK]D-FenderSargunBad aim
19:02.40*** join/#asterisk seeker2921 (
19:02.46[TK]D-FenderSincan2: Also GUI's are not supported in this channel.  Please refer to #freepbx
19:02.52infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:03.13Sincan2woek thanks about this
19:03.42Sincan2woke thanks
19:04.27*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
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19:09.59seeker2921Hello, I'm looking for assistance in configuaring a recent asterisk install.
19:10.14infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:10.16*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
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19:13.20seeker2921I have two sip trunks setup and registered. I have the inboud and outboud routes configured and I have a softphone installted and registered to the system. Problem is when placing a call to one of the sip numbers the system kicks it back and the voice mail from the provider picks up. also when dialing a number using the softphone I get a recording saying there was a error and to try again.
19:14.10[TK]D-Fenderseeker2921: Go look at SIP debug for the inbound call attempt and see what's going on
19:15.42*** join/#asterisk blazon (n=blazon@unaffiliated/blazon)
19:16.07*** join/#asterisk raden (
19:16.36radenwhich version of asterisk would be considered stable ?
19:17.23[TK]D-Fenderraden: Best choice for now is 1.6.0.latest full release
19:17.41[TK]D-Fenderraden: 1.6.1 branch is still a little too new.
19:18.15[TK]D-Fenderraden: I'd give it another release or two to get a better impression that its stable 9although it might be now)
19:19.20seeker2921In CLI I enabled sip debug but I'm not sure where the logs would be to view them?
19:21.45[TK]D-Fenderseeker2921: No logs, just local CLI
19:22.45seeker2921I'm getting alot displaying there. heres one of it
19:22.46seeker2921Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '2b8b46ff2d76173433896d636ac5f6bb@' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER)
19:22.47seeker2921<--- SIP read from --->
19:22.47seeker2921SIP/2.0 200 OK
19:22.47seeker2921Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK5b913109;rport
19:22.48seeker2921From: <>;tag=as7784146d
19:22.50seeker2921To: <>
19:22.52seeker2921Call-ID: 62ce33ce2e36fad8757e041016eb514f@
19:22.54seeker2921CSeq: 123 REGISTER
19:22.56seeker2921Contact: <sip:s@>;expires=20
19:22.58seeker2921Content-Length: 0
19:23.06*** kick/#asterisk [seeker2921!n=joe@] by [TK]D-Fender ([TK]D-Fender)
19:23.35*** join/#asterisk seeker2921 (
19:23.42[TK]D-Fenderseeker2921: do NOT spam in here :
19:23.44infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
19:24.07mercutiovizflooding the channel is a no-no
19:24.25jayteealmost as big a no-no as flooding New Orleans
19:24.27seeker2921Sorry, didn't realise I was flooding.
19:24.44OrbixxThat generally happens when you paste lots of stuff into IRC.
19:24.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And I don't wanna swim!
19:25.03mercutiovizrule of thumb: don't paste more than 2 lines into the channel
19:25.22seeker2921Will keep that in mind, Again sorry.
19:26.12beekDon't worry -- if you forget [TK]D-Fender will remind you... ;-)
19:26.18mercutiovizit's all good.
19:26.49*** mode/#asterisk [-o [TK]D-Fender] by [TK]D-Fender
19:27.41*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
19:27.46seeker2921So as for my problem, The main thing I'm seeing is "distruction of SIP dialog"
19:28.55radenis there a online howto on isntall and setup of asterisk , my first time
19:29.21infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:29.24*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
19:29.27[TK]D-Fenderseeker2921: Place an incoming call.  If yousee nothing then they either aren't sending the call to you or you have a networking problem
19:29.35radenQwell, i have that so i guess im good
19:31.04radenjust wish it was more step by step seems like the book skips around a lil maybe it is just me
19:31.41peperaden: - if you don't mind reading german
19:31.42radeni downloaded Asterisk do i need to download zaptel from somewhere ?
19:31.46jayteeraden, what distro are you running?
19:31.52radenopensuse 11
19:32.03jayteeraden, 1.6 does not use zaptel, it uses dahdi
19:32.09jayteewhich replaced zaptel
19:32.41radenjackal, thank you thats why i was asking for a howto
19:32.56radenso i can skip the zaptel chapter
19:34.33jayteethere have been issues with running * on Suse 10, not sure if they were fixed in 11. Not much in the way of how-to's for Suse. mostly Debian and CentOS (RedHat without the branding)
19:35.11radeni knew i should have installed debian
19:35.32seeker2921[TK]D-Fender: I placed the call and it displayed alot of information regarding the call but doesnt list why it was droped. What should I be looking for in the output?
19:36.35jayteeraden, try googling for asterisk suse and install as keywords. there's not much for Suse on the wiki at but you might find another site where someone's posted a walkthrough or howto
19:36.47radenyeah been trying :(
19:37.09*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
19:37.15jayteemyself, I prefer CentOS as it seems to have attracted the largest base of followers.
19:37.54jayteebut there are many debian afficionados that run * and the wiki has a few good howtos for that distro also.
19:39.01*** join/#asterisk Talirk81 (
19:39.04jayteeword of advice, avoid precompiled packages for Asterisk as if they were the Black Death.
19:39.22OrbixxWhat's the reason for that?
19:39.24beek... and AIDs combined.
19:39.32Talirk81in 1.6 is it  possible to merge 2  ConfBridge's?
19:40.17*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
19:40.17jayteeOrbixx, you talkin to me? (best NY mafia wiseguy accent)
19:40.28jayteeafternoon, beek
19:40.48beekHi jaytee
19:41.04Orbixxjaytee: What if I am?
19:41.08Orbixxhurr, yes, I am
19:41.13jayteejust wondering dude
19:41.22Orbixx(I was playing along :>)
19:41.47OrbixxYes, why should one avoid packaged Asterisk?
19:41.49WindowsUserprecompiled is probably fine for sip only
19:42.29jayteebut if you were askin why packages are a bad idea then it's because with asterisk there is just too many factors to take into consideration and too much potential of missing dependencies.
19:43.07OrbixxI suppose it's not so bad anyway, because Asterisk is the sort of thing you reserve an entire box for, really.
19:43.11jayteeWindowsUser, agreed and usually only if your hardware is close to what the package builder was using to build the package on.
19:43.16radenlinux-lms2:/usr/src/asterisk- # make clean
19:43.16radenmake: -F.: Command not found
19:44.22radenconfigure: error: *** termcap support not found
19:44.31*** part/#asterisk seeker2921 (
19:44.42jayteeyum install libtermcaps libtermcaps-devel
19:45.24[TK]D-FenderAh if only he waited a minute more..
19:45.27jayteeyou're just starting to get an idea about how much preparation it takes
19:45.43jayteewith Suse
19:46.14howiedoes anyone know if sprint still offers the unlimited cell to home calling?
19:46.34WindowsUsermost companys offer a top 5 friends package
19:46.48*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
19:46.48radenjaytee, you for real ?
19:46.52raden[TK]D-Fender, ?
19:47.24[TK]D-Fenderraden: He might be...
19:48.02[TK]D-Fenderraden: I'd pinch him to be sure, but that'd mean he's real, and I'm possibly gay.  Can't have that...
19:48.54radenis a week enough to get asterisk working ?
19:49.23[TK]D-Fenderraden: In my world, about 30 mins.
19:49.31Alfioraden its depend i know a guy who has two years working on it
19:49.35[TK]D-Fenderraden: and "working" depends on specific goals
19:49.45[TK]D-FenderAlI know even more twits..
19:49.55radenconfigure: error: *** termcap support not found
19:50.03radeni installed termcap package :(
19:50.17Corydon76-digraden: and the -dev package
19:50.27radennot showing up in yast :(
19:50.31Corydon76-digraden: really, ncurses-devel
19:50.44Corydon76-digor libncurses5-devel
19:51.01radenhave ncurses ill install that
19:51.52radeninstead of novell partnering with ms they should be putting efforts to more practical things like making it work with other software
19:51.58radenthings were so simple when i used debian
19:53.14beekraden -- for the time it takes to do it, why not shitcan your SuSE installation and put Debian (or CentOS5) on instead?
19:53.46mercutiovizis your pbx going to be on a dedicated machine? (correct answer is yes, btw)
19:53.57Orbixx[TK]D-Fender: It may interest you that using the same config files, my stuttering audio problem was solved by installing the latest SVN of Asterisk.
19:54.00*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
19:54.05mercutiovizif so, pick a distro that lends itself to a pbx
19:54.07radenmercutioviz, unfortunately not
19:54.52radenPBX using .711 w/ 5 users / file server / sftp for remote sales reps / web server for company customer management
19:55.21radeni hope 3 ghz dual core w/ 4 gb ram  enough
19:55.38*** join/#asterisk kmem (
19:56.02radenoh and groupwise and e-directory
19:56.03radeni hate budgets
19:56.12mercutiovizhehe, good luck with all that
19:56.13[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: ok/fine/sure :)
19:56.41OrbixxNo idea what the problem was, but that fixed it.
19:57.11radenI don't believe it will hold up to the load its going to experiance
19:57.14radenI could be wrong
19:57.29radenhow long does make usually take >
19:57.55radenthat didnt take long
19:58.32radenhow would i go about uninstalling asterisk if i have to  dow the road
19:59.30radenok asterisk is installed
20:01.40[TK]D-FenderOrbixx: My ability to worry about the origin of a problem is inversely proportionate to how simple the "fix" seems to be
20:02.05[TK]D-Fenderraden: "there is no exit strategy" - G.W.B.
20:02.06OrbixxMakes sense I suppose.
20:03.01*** part/#asterisk awk_r (n=awk@nat/digium/x-4541873b2870d7bf)
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20:05.56radenis it normal for /etc/asterisk to be empty ?
20:06.09*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
20:06.18Alfiodid you make samples after install?
20:06.33radenno i did not
20:07.33Alfiothat command will create samples files
20:08.38Alfioyou have to type it in your asterisk files folder,
20:09.13Alfiothe one you uncompresed (if you downloaded a compresed files)
20:10.01radenyeah i understand
20:12.50*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
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20:15.39trumeeguys, anybody from the UK?
20:16.08trumeei have setup callback in freepbx and today tried it from a BT booth. I did get a ring back with a dial tone but the booth didnot accept any input. I was wondering if dtmf is intentionally disabled
20:24.29jamesh1how do I turn off fax?
20:24.34*** join/#asterisk mbrevda (n=mbrevda@unaffiliated/mbrevda)
20:26.07*** join/#asterisk ntbourey (
20:26.20ntboureyHello everyone
20:27.24jamesh1-- Executing [h@ext-fax:1] System("DAHDI/1-1", "/var/lib/asterisk/bin/ --to --from --dest "2147201442" --subject "Fax from 9722989370 hostglobe9722989370" --attachment fax_9722989370.pdf --type application/pdf --file
20:27.30jamesh1how do I turn this off?
20:28.24[TK]D-Fenderjamesh1: You ask in #freepbx because it isn't supported here <-
20:28.34jamesh1oh sorry wrong window
20:29.02ntboureyHas anyone ever run into an issues where an Perl AGI script gives you back incorrect digits when executing wait for digit?
20:29.13*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:31.16[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:31.27*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:36.05SargunWould anyone be interested in my Erlang AGI/AMI handlers?
20:36.20Qwellchecks the date
20:46.32*** join/#asterisk lcuevas (
20:47.04jamesh1is there a legend of reason calls get dropped or hungup?
20:47.07jamesh1like cause 16 or cause 32
20:47.10jamesh1or cause 31
20:48.56lcuevasgoogle ISDN Disconnection Cause Codes or ICCs
20:49.09jayteenew vulnerability was just announced in dd-wrt firmware
20:49.36leifmadsenhave they done a release since last December?
20:49.53jayteehaven't been to their site in ages.
20:50.26jayteetime to go home and cook tamales :-) be back later
20:50.27OrbixxDoes waitexten accept 3 digit extensions?
20:50.34OrbixxBecause it only seems to be catching 1 or 2 digits.
20:53.08*** part/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
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21:02.06*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:07.23bmoracajamesh1: ISDN Cause Codes:
21:10.39*** join/#asterisk idc-dutch (
21:11.27telnettechTK: do you know anything about SIPX?
21:11.38idc-dutchHi, is video (h264) working on asterisk between SIP and IAX clients?
21:13.53idc-dutchI want to make this videosupport work: SipPhone -> Asterisk ---IAX-Trunk--->Asterisk----> SipPhone. Anyone can tell me if this can work on asterisk?
21:20.41carrarwould work just like you show
21:21.02carrarand yes, it can work
21:23.01*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=zeeesh@
21:23.54[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Yeah, its its ow SIP stack of services
21:23.55Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
21:24.35telnettechwhat is the difference between it and asterisk. And is it all based on the SIP protocol
21:25.01*** join/#asterisk afink (n=afink@
21:25.03[TK]D-FenderSPIX = only SIP.  * = everything + kitchen sink.
21:25.23[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Go look at the actual project for yourself.
21:25.31telnettechso it is like calling IP to IP without * as a gateway
21:26.13[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: it IS a gateway.  And app server.  And registrar, etc.  its modular last I checked
21:26.26carrarwhich one is it
21:26.32telnettechok thanks....i am going to check out the wiki
21:27.00*** join/#asterisk buttons840 (
21:27.29buttons840my asterisk server is behind a router, what ports do i need to forward so i could log into the asterisk server over the internet?
21:27.48carrarlog in via SSH?
21:29.10buttons8405060 is port for sip i guess
21:29.10buttons840so 5060 would be one, (my softphone i login with is sip)
21:29.14*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
21:29.16infobotfrom memory, nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
21:30.06spackleD-fender, not that you care but I got the Adtran phones to register.  Adtran support was no help.  I will write it up when I figure out exactly what is required.
21:31.30carrarperhaps UDP 5060,16348-32768
21:32.46ariel_those ports appear to be ones from Cisco, you should set them up with your rtp.conf settings as those are what asterisk normally uses.
21:32.56infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
21:32.58[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: ^^^^^^^^^^
21:33.27[TK]D-Fenderspackle: Was it actually complex enough to warrant writing up?
21:33.41[TK]D-Fenderspackle: And I do care though somewhat passively.
21:38.18OrbixxWhat's the best way to play a menu and wait for input?
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22:06.05citywokWhat is the recommended cordless phone to use as a receptionist phone?
22:07.29bmoracaon an SPA3102, how do I direct it to automatically dial an extension on the SIP proxy when a call comes in on the FXO port?
22:16.08*** join/#asterisk Rob3Rt (
22:16.47*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grant@
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22:27.52_ShrikEHas anyone ever seen an odbc function append a \ to the query result?
22:31.36*** join/#asterisk jong2 (n=chatzill@
22:31.44*** join/#asterisk luca`gervasi (
22:32.05OrbixxAnybody know the correct format to include asterisk variables in exten commands?
22:32.06_ShrikEActually it only appends the \ to the CLI output.  It is not in the database record.
22:32.12luca`gervasiis there any working / free skype solution?
22:32.36_ShrikEOrbixx: ${VARIABLE}
22:32.47Orbixxexten => 4,n,Record(/temp/${CALLERID(num).wav)
22:32.59OrbixxWorks, but .wav doesn't get included for some peculiar reason.
22:33.10OrbixxThen Asterisk throws
22:33.15OrbixxI'm an idiot.
22:36.54*** join/#asterisk dug (
22:39.59luca`gervasiis there any working / free skype solution?
22:40.59dugI have my dahdi-channels.conf set correctly and added the include for dahdi-channels.conf in my chan_dahdi.conf but I still dont see it ring?  I have also check dahdi_monitor and see it as ringing
22:41.29*** part/#asterisk CryWolf (
22:41.38timeshell_atworkOnly works with 1.4 thogh
22:42.16FreakGuardluca`gervasi: isn't 100% free (as in speech)
22:42.19luca`gervasii'm using 1.6 trunk
22:42.30luca`gervasii already get there
22:42.39luca`gervasi19$ is not too much
22:42.54luca`gervasibut there is no documentation at all
22:43.01luca`gervasiit's like a blind jump
22:45.24luca`gervasiit needs vnc...
22:45.29luca`gervasinot quite a solution...
22:45.51luca`gervasiseems like a workaround...
23:02.11*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (n=Dennis@
23:02.30rue_mohrhey, anyone know whats up with digium support? it just rings and rings
23:03.58rue_mohrhey anuyone know whats up with #asterisk? its like the channel is dead
23:05.03telnettechim here
23:05.19rue_mohryou know why digium sorrort isn't asnwering?
23:05.25telnettechno clue
23:05.34telnettechit is 6pm there
23:05.47telnettechdo they do 24/7 support>
23:06.00rue_mohrI thought so, international and all
23:06.44rue_mohrwell, how about if I say this, anyone know why nomatter what I do I cant get enough volume out of the phones?
23:09.14*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
23:09.22drmessanoMaybe your number drops directly in the janitorial queue and they're out unplugging a shitter
23:09.54rue_mohrsounds like I good reason to insist on a refund
23:10.29telnettechRue: check the TX and RX of the phone if you can
23:11.02rue_mohrits an ip set, how am I supposed to do that
23:11.09rue_mohrI have the recieve set properly as per 1mw from the CO
23:11.12drmessanoYour sense of entitlement amuses me
23:11.32rue_mohrI'm REALLY frustrated
23:12.13rue_mohrI'd be less frustrated if I'd not followed advise to go with polycom sets instead of using aastra's all thru
23:14.07*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
23:14.41drmessanoMaybe you should turn this whole project over to someone with some asterisk knowledge.. With the time you put into this X standard hourly wages, you could have flown in most of Digium to fix it onsite.
23:15.20rue_mohryou in north america?
23:15.35drmessanoI am
23:16.00rue_mohryou think you could make it work?
23:16.53*** join/#asterisk tfrew (
23:17.59drmessanoWithout a doubt.. All your problems as you have described them, endlessly, should have been resolved long ago when the time spent on each individual issue became inversely proportional to a resolution involving replace or repair of key components
23:19.22*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
23:20.10drmessanoA $400 card isn't worth 6 months of anyones time.. if you think the card is bad, buy a new damn card.. If you think theres a problem with the lines, MAKE the telco come out and prove to YOU the line is ok.
23:20.46rue_mohrhow am I gonna tell the boss the brand new $1400 card is no good?
23:21.00drmessanoIf its brand new, RMA it..
23:21.08rue_mohrI checked the lines, their 0db within .3db
23:21.22rue_mohrok, so your saying I shoudl RMA the card
23:21.48bmoracaman, working with that fxo port on the SPA3102 is freaking obtuse as heck
23:21.54rue_mohris that what you would do if you were here?
23:22.11*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma (n=SaiSoma@
23:22.14drmessanoYou're also putting way too much time in overly trivial line measurements when the other 99.9999% set a card up, screw with the levels a little til "it works" and move on.. If theres that much of a problem, microanalyzing it wont help
23:22.29drmessanoIf you suspect the card is bad, RMA IT
23:22.45rue_mohrevery 3 days the secretary comes to me and says she cant hear the people on the other end
23:23.02rue_mohrI'v dialed the polycoms gain up to something like 12db
23:23.28rue_mohrI cant dial the digium card past the 2db that made it recieve the 1mw properly or I get echo city
23:23.45*** join/#asterisk howie (
23:23.49drmessanoSo every 3 days the POLYCOMS... ALL decide to drop by x db to the point you need to jack them up?  Wouldnt you suspect something a little easier to believe?
23:24.15rue_mohrI suspect the card is doing exactly what its designed to do, which is not working
23:24.41rue_mohrno, the gain on the poly comes stays the same
23:25.00rue_mohrit takes 3 days for the secretary to get frustrated enough to phone me
23:25.02Sargun_ScreenWhat's a good softphone for Linux? What's a low-bandwidth, crappy quality codec?
23:25.11drmessanoHave the telco test the line and if the line checks fine, call support.. Let them have their way with it.. and if you cant prove the card is a problem and cant prove its not, RMA
23:25.57rue_mohri already said twice that the 1mw on the lines is within 0.3db
23:26.42mercutiovizSargun_Screen: g729 is low bandwidth and crappy. :)
23:26.55rue_mohryou also have to pay for it
23:27.10drmessanoYou've been complaining about this line for 6 months.. or is it longer?
23:27.12mercutiovizif you're not unscrupulous, of course.
23:27.33Sargun_Screenmercutioviz: free.
23:27.38mercutiovizwhich card is it? i was afk and I don't want to scroll back
23:27.47rue_mohrTDM800 with an echo can
23:27.50drmessanoApparently something is broken here.. The line, the card, or you.. Check/replace all 3..
23:28.01mercutiovizugh, analog
23:28.07rue_mohri already said 3 times that the 1mw on the lines is within 0.3db
23:28.35rue_mohrits not possable for me to check the levels on the sip connection
23:28.42mercutiovizdo all ports on the card exhibit the same behavior
23:28.54drmessanoI dont give a shit about your measurements.. Ive been hearing about your measurements for months.. youve not shown me any real reference except what is gained from questionable cards and questionable software along with a questionable line
23:29.37rue_mohr"yes" but when I use an analog line with that the cordless is on and I have local bridging turned on that phone is fine
23:29.52drmessanoSo RMA the card.. what are you waiting for?
23:30.11rue_mohrwould you like a picture of the meter showing you 0.25db from the COs milliwatt?
23:30.27OrbixxFaulty cards can play havoc with things, ESPECIALLY if they're analogous.
23:30.30drmessanoWhich meter would this be?
23:30.46Orbixx(the "things" being analogues, not the card - lol)
23:31.10*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
23:31.41rue_mohrsame meter I used to tell that the milliwatt() is out by -11db compared to the milliwatt(o)
23:31.54rue_mohrdid you know the new milliwatt source is out by -11db!?
23:32.18rue_mohrI have to leave work now, talk to you all later
23:32.37SaiSomaspeaking of weird things with digium cards . . . ..
23:32.43rue_mohr(at the bottom of the meter screen is the signal strength in dbm)
23:34.31drmessano.25db sure looks a lot like 250 millivolt to me
23:35.25SaiSomaI have a TDM800P and a TE122 in the same box.  Randomly, they stop functioning.  Asterisk shows the TE122 is working and the TDM800P having all channels red, but the Nortel CS1000M shows the connection down on the PRI and all analog extensions hooked to the TDM800P idle.  I suspected the CS1000 for the last few weeks, but I'm starting to suspect the bus on the PC.    Sound like I'm on the...
23:35.26SaiSoma...right track?
23:35.47SaiSomaThe only thing that fixes the issue is a reboot of the PC.
23:36.03LemensTSdoes it take anymore resources to play a wav file than it does a gsm?
23:36.05bmoraca1.21 gigawats?
23:36.13drmessanoSounds to me like rue_mohr needs to learn how to read a fucking DMM
23:36.23LemensTS*gonna be playing 500 concurrently is why im askiung
23:36.43citywokLemensTS: depends what codec the channel is in
23:37.14bmoracaLemensTS: if you're playing a sound file that differs in codec from your channel, it's all bad news.
23:37.26citywokLemensTS: if asterisk has to do any transcoding, it's going to take CPU. therefore if the channel is a SIP GSM stream, wav will be more.  if it's a g729 stream, it has to transcode either way, and at that point the wav may be faster than the gsm version
23:37.54citywokthe goal is to encode your audio files in the codec that gets used most commonly
23:39.44LemensTScitywok: ok im passing it off to a sip provider so i guess gsm would be what i want
23:39.58bmoracaLemensTS: again, that depends.
23:39.59citywokLemensTS: if GSM is the codec your SIP provider uses, then yes
23:40.16citywokLemensTS: if you are using G711, G729, ilbc, or something else, you will have a headache
23:40.49bmoracaand why are you going to be playing 500 concurrently to an ITSP?
23:41.07citywokyea, that's a lot of concurrent calls
23:41.32citywokyou better make sure the provider doesnt shut you down for slamming their systems with a huge burst of traffic
23:41.38bmoracathat's a lot of bandwidth
23:42.10citywok6K/s * 500... 30mbit give or take?
23:42.18LemensTScitywok: g711 and g729 is what i can use. just looked it up
23:42.35bmoracai'd expect g711 to be about double that
23:42.39citywokthen you need licensing for g729 @ $10/channel, or use g711 which is about 10 calls per 1.5mbit of bandwidth
23:42.47bmoracaor $5k capital to do g729 :P
23:42.59citywok50 * 1.5 is 75mbit of bandwidth for g711
23:43.10LemensTSso with those 2 codecs, it doesnt matter wav or gsm?
23:43.18QwellLemensTS: it matters a great deal
23:43.19bmoracawith those two, use wav
23:43.21citywoki've found 10-12 calls is the max a t1 can do
23:43.34Qwelluse *neither*.  if you doing anywhere near that many calls, you want zero transcoding.
23:43.48citywokyea, you need it encoded in the codec the channel is using
23:43.55citywokthat much transcoding would crush a major system
23:44.05LemensTSso i can record in g711 codec?
23:44.23LemensTSusing the Record cmd
23:44.33bmoracaor at least you can transcode to it after you record
23:45.21drmessano[TK]D-Fender: You around?
23:45.26*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
23:46.18LemensTSahh ok thats why i was confused, i didnt know I could do that. transcoding it after i record, you mean if i recorded it in wav but wanted it in g729 i could do it after i recorded it?
23:47.00drmessanoQwell: You see this pic from Rue_mohr?
23:47.14LemensTSbmoraca: is there a dial plan cmd to do that?
23:47.20LemensTSor do i have to use sox
23:47.30bmoracaLemensTS: no, but you can issue system commands from the dialplan
23:47.40bmoracai lied
23:47.47bmoracathere is an asterisk command for recoding files
23:47.51bmoracai don't remember it though
23:48.00LemensTSoh recoding
23:48.02LemensTSok cool ill search
23:48.20bmoracadrmessano: definitely measuring volts there
23:48.32mercutiovizsox is your best buddy for resampling/recoding sound files
23:49.26LemensTSAlright im gonna record in g711 and recode to wav file (they need to hear it in a web browser so i need it in both formats)
23:49.38drmessanobmoraca: Hes a dumbass.. The TOP scale he claims proves that he has 0.25db of signal and Dahdi's reference is off by 11db is disputed by the ACTUAL DBM scale on HIS METER showing -10.17 which is EXACTLY what Dahdi is telling him!!!
23:49.42Qwellbmoraca: more importantly - volts *AC*
23:50.17QwellI tried pointing that flaw out before :p
23:50.39drmessanoHe says DAHDI is off by -11dbm because he knows he has .025 "db" on the line.. and his OWN DMM is showing him -10.17
23:51.15bmoracawell, he's in the fucking back country...he wonders why there's going to be issues on the line
23:51.42drmessanoHe needs to replace either the line, the card, or himself.. I vote for himself
23:51.53bmoracai just installed a system in Fairbanks, Alaska with analog lines...every time the wind blows, they get static or echo...and they call me to bitch about it...bugs me
23:51.54citywokLemensTS: how much bandwidth do you have to your provider?
23:52.14LemensTSIf i encoded in g729, and passed it off to an itsp in g729 via sip, would i need any licenses besides when initially doing the recordings?
23:52.34drmessanobmoraca: Ironically.. the one who had a bug showing an improper reading skewed by 11db was rue_mohr himself
23:52.41bmoracaLemensTS: no, Asterisk doesn't require licenses for passthrough of g729
23:54.47LemensTScitywok: im told 100mb's
23:55.05citywokand what is the hardware of the box doign the 500 calls?
23:55.09bmoracayou have a 100mb/s internet connection?  do want
23:55.22*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
23:56.12LemensTSbmoraca: lol yea thats what i thought
23:56.34LemensTSso im not sure what it actually is. its server beach

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