IRC log for #asterisk on 20090720

00:03.26shmaltzrhombus, thats a good question, it's 2.6.27
00:03.42shmaltzI downloaded 1.4 now, ant it works, but I reaaly want 1.2
00:04.10rhombusshmaltz: I'd be willing to bet that kernel is not supported in 1.2.
00:04.16rhombusshmaltz: Why do you want 1.2?
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00:07.01shmaltzrhombus, because I'm comfortable with it.
00:07.43rhombusshmaltz: It might actually be time to contemplate getting comfortable with 1.4. I am still running 1.2 myself, but I think 1.4 is now stable enough that it merits switching, unless you have a specific issue with 1.4.
00:08.49rhombusshmaltz: Have you had problems with SIP with 1.4 recently?
00:08.56shmaltzand when it does it will be simple SIP between PRI only, no fancy stuff like AMI or any app integration
00:09.08shmaltzrhombus, never tried 1.4 before
00:09.26shmaltztoday was the first day that I tried 1.4
00:09.29shmaltzworks so far
00:09.31rhombusshmaltz: let me know how it goes :)
00:09.46shmaltzI was able to complet 2 calls in differnt direction
00:09.53shmaltzusing the same PRI
00:10.02shmaltzevantualy it's going to use 7 PRIs
00:10.09shmaltzhopefully one day this week
00:11.38shmaltzdoes 1.4 support B channel transfer?
00:15.28*** join/#asterisk ArchGT (n=ArchGT@
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01:02.22*** join/#asterisk Alfio (
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01:56.20jplankis it possible to get the current date/time from inside the dial plan? Something like ${DATE} or something like that?
02:01.09jplankthanks I'm looking at STRFTIME insdie the wiki right now
02:01.14jplankseems to be exactly what I'm looking for
02:01.26carraranything else I can google for you?
02:02.39*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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02:07.47jplankanyone have a fax machine near them?
02:09.14riddleboxsorry nope
02:09.23Alfiojplank me
02:09.40jplankcan you try faxing something to 3472731219 ?
02:09.50jplankI want to see if it properly emails me
02:09.57Alfioits long distance for me, sorry
02:10.11jplankI think I found a free one online
02:10.36Alfioits long distance for me
02:10.46Alfioi cant dial that number
02:13.07jplankhmm lets see if this free online site actually sends the fax
02:13.55carrarinstall halifax
02:14.05jplankI'm using fax for asterisk
02:14.25jplankI got it working, I just wrote a little script to forward the faxes to my email when they arrive
02:15.00andresmujicaanyone knows where can i find the 2008 astricon pdf files for downlad?
02:15.15jplankthat was a pain to find
02:15.58jplankI have a bunch of the PPT's downloaded if your looking for something specific
02:16.50jplankgrrrr the fax from this free website didn't go through, surprise surprise
02:17.04jplankha I have it
02:17.08jplankthe pdf
02:17.17jplankits about 5 mb
02:17.26andresmujicajust found it
02:17.29andresmujicaat sokoll
02:17.44jplankdont need it?
02:17.59andresmujicagive me a sec.. it seems to be at sokoll's site..
02:18.40andresmujicathanks jplank !!
02:18.44andresmujicai've got it now
02:19.03jplankdont thank me, I didn't do anything
02:19.16*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:19.18andresmujicagive me luck ;)
02:19.25jplankgood luck!
02:29.30S2AnGeL[TK]D-Fender:  So making a custom extention that dials custom-call_cell,wwwwtheNumberIamTryingToGetItToDial,1 looks about right
02:30.02*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:37.10stopejplank, what are you using to do the actual emailing? mutt?
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03:25.12jplankstope: yea, mut
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03:26.41vegboxi love asterisk
03:26.49vegboxlets make bumper stickers that say that
03:32.11[TK]D-FenderSlogan : "There's more than one way to crash Asterisk!"
03:32.21stopeare you running mutt from a cronjob?
03:32.23[TK]D-Fenderor "One more way!"
03:34.15rob0I tried installing Halifax, but I ended up with too many Nova Scotians.
03:35.01[TK]D-Fenderrob0: That definitely necessitates an Echo Canceller :p
03:35.45rob0On the plus side, there were more of them than there were Newfies.
03:45.52[TK]D-Fenderrob0: There was this Torontonian who wanted to become a Newfie and finally foudn a doctor that had a procedure for it.  He warned the man that it was risky and involved removing 80% of his brain.  The man agreed and awoke 3 days after the operation. Still groggy he heard the doctor say "I'm so terribly sorry, but there was an accident and we accidentally removed 95% of your brain".  The man...
03:45.54[TK]D-Fender...looked up and said "C'est rien, c'est pas grave!". :D
03:46.14rob0haha yes I know that one
03:46.19jplankstope: I was using System to call it directly from asterisk
03:46.52stopecool, I'll give it a whirl
03:47.57rob0BTW I'm down here in the deep South, Digium land. But it gets old joking about rednecks all the time, so I figured I'd pick on Canada.
03:49.02[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Oh we're plenty capable of laughing at ourselves...
03:49.36[TK]D-Fenderrob0: You're in a war with the Newfies and there are explosions all around.  They're throwing grenades at you, what do you do?
03:49.53[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Pull the pins out and throw them back!
03:50.22*** join/#asterisk AussieGuy (
03:50.58AussieGuyI can connect a netcomm v300 directly into an ethernet adsl2+ modem, then connect the netcomm to my linux machine for internet access right?
03:51.29S2AnGeL   ugh I seem to be going no where..   It just hangs up on me. I have some thing terribly wrong I am sure.  I wish I understood zap flash better..
03:52.03AussieGuyits a 3 port voip router one port to connect to the modem, one to the pc and one to the analog phone line
03:52.57S2AnGeLHey I'm up in canada got my snow vehicle and my gun for them pesky polar bears
03:54.56S2AnGeLHas anyone done a zap  flash transfer of a call before using the telco  transfer option
03:56.02S2AnGeLif somene has a moment and could look over maybe give me a tip on what I am doing wrong   or has done it and could show me how..
03:56.52[TK]D-FenderS2AnGeL: First are you SURE your telco supports flash TRANSFERS?  This is extremely rare
03:57.01S2AnGeLOh yes
03:57.09S2AnGeLwith a manual phone I can do one
03:57.15[TK]D-FenderS2AnGeL: And noramlly you need a SECOND flash to confirm the tranfer much lie an Attended transfer
03:57.41S2AnGeLyou got something there.. I need to flash again don't I
03:58.36[TK]D-FenderS2AnGeL: You should know the answer to that...
03:58.41S2AnGeLoh G wait a min..   no  I though the hangup did  but no you have something there..
03:58.57S2AnGeLlemmie try that
04:13.27S2AnGeLhow do I read or see whats  going on..  the error tells me crap
04:13.51S2AnGeLor the cli and logs just sorta that its hungup..
04:14.30S2AnGeLdoes how I pass it look right its almost as if it sorta ignors it then heads to the net piority and hangs up
04:14.44S2AnGeLnext not net
04:15.28S2AnGeLI added a exten => s,4,Flash() and increased the hangup to 5
04:17.07[TK]D-FenderS2AnGeL: perhaps you should WAIT.
04:17.16[TK]D-FenderS2AnGeL: And perhaps even TEST this process by hand.
04:17.32S2AnGeLmaybe a wait of some sort  after the flash.. but flash is set in my zapata.conf rxwink=300 flash=750 wink=150 prewink=50 preflash=50 debounce=600 rxflash=1250
04:17.32[TK]D-FenderS2AnGeL: `I might recommend doing each didig separately
04:17.51vegboxMan a four port FXO card is 120 bucks
04:17.55vegboxthats straight cash
04:18.57S2AnGeLdoes thous for zapata.config look about right for canada toronto Bell Canada
04:19.13S2AnGeLvegbox: sounds like a good deal
04:19.28S2AnGeLbut I ask whats wrong with it
04:19.32[TK]D-Fendervegbox: 120 for a 4-port card?  Which?
04:19.41[TK]D-Fendervegbox: thats WAY too cheap
04:19.54vegboxor something, a cheapie off ebay
04:20.01[TK]D-Fendervegbox: an EMPTY TDM400p perhaps
04:20.03rob0that's what I was thinking, cheap
04:20.35rob0modules are still running ~$70-80 last I saw
04:21.54AussieGuythe Linksys SPA3102 voip router has a lan port to connect to the pc and a wan port to connect to the modem, does that mean it will send internet access to the PC? or will I need to buy a router with multiple ports?
04:22.05[TK]D-Fenderrob0: 41/44
04:22.27[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: It can act like a router if you want it to.
04:22.32rob0oh is that all? Damn, my TDM400P was stolen. :(
04:22.41AussieGuyah k cool, that saves alot of trouble in buying a router
04:22.47AussieGuysince I only have one pc
04:22.58[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: Not necessarily
04:23.09*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
04:23.32[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: Unless you can configure it to keep off 5060 for both ports so * can work behind it
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04:24.17AussieGuydhcp port?
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04:24.38[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: SIP <-
04:25.20[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: Actually worse still.... that device only speaks SIP on its WAN jack
04:25.30[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: No, I think you're pretty much going to need a router
04:26.10AussieGuymainly I just want to forward all incoming calls to an overseas mobile number
04:26.33AussieGuyand have internet on my pc
04:27.00[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: And where does * come into play?
04:27.31[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: Do you not know where you are?
04:27.53AussieGuywell asterisk is one possible solution
04:27.58*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m]1 (
04:28.18AussieGuyso basically your saying I cant put asterisk with that router
04:28.40[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: Not in that combination.
04:28.55AussieGuyIm likely to set up an asterisk server later
04:29.09AussieGuyfor more advanced things
04:29.37CrazyTux[m]1Hey guys -- quick question.  I've a simple dial plan I'm working on, and I'm using MixMonitor to record the call, after a successful channel open/close (i.e. on hangup of the actual call) -- I want to do some database operations, can I simply do this after the Dial() application?
04:29.37CrazyTux[m]1i.e. exten => x,1,MixMonitor() ---- exten => x,2,Dial() ---- exten => x,3,MYSQL stuff here...............
04:29.41[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: You might be able to get the SPA to do that for you....
04:29.52AussieGuyso if I wanted to set up an asterisk server with that, id need to get a router as well as the SPA
04:30.03[TK]D-FenderAussieGuy: Yes
04:31.14AussieGuywell its more a question of when rather than if, but the spa will do fine for now just giving my pc internet and forwarding off calls to a single mobile number
04:32.16CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: sorry to bug you -- but any input on my question all mighty?
04:32.22AussieGuyasterik will come in later when I start forwarding to multiple mobiles off a single line
04:32.45[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]1: Do you not know how Dial works?
04:33.05CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: refresh my memory
04:34.23[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]1: Go place some calls and relearn
04:35.05CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: I have no one to call at 11:34pm :P -- (totally kidding) ... ok let me go back to the drawing boards.
04:35.40CrazyTux[m]1actually, let me do a quick test with noOp
04:37.59CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: looks like I want option g
04:38.52CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: perhaps not....
04:40.58S2AnGeLugh I am done
04:41.02S2AnGeLfor the nite
04:41.25S2AnGeLmaybe some chance It will come to me when I sleep
04:41.51*** part/#asterisk S2AnGeL (n=S2AnGeL@
04:47.08jplankanyone with a fax near them?
04:53.00*** join/#asterisk Topdeck (
05:04.09vegboxCan I post a link here?
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05:04.44vegboxThats 100 bucks plus 20 bones for shipping
05:04.48vegboxcomes with four fxo ports
05:07.19[TK]D-Fendervegbox: Chinese knock-off
05:11.34vegboxthat means nothign to me
05:12.00[TK]D-Fendervegbox: Also means that support is non-existant
05:12.19vegboxi did okay with the chinese knock off of the 100p card
05:12.23[TK]D-Fendervegbox: Go for it, good luck and if you get burned, consider this a pre-emptive "We ttold you so"
05:14.17*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
05:14.29rob0Bastards even went so far as to put an Asterisk logo on the card!
05:14.58vegboxwell given this card/box is used for VOICEMAIL only
05:15.05vegboxi think i can win on this knock off
05:15.23vegboxif i was using it was a switch for both calls and voicemail id be cautious in getting this
05:15.36CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: I'm sincerely still unsure on how to do this, just spent some time googling, not coming up with much.
05:15.41[TK]D-Fenderrob0: I've already notified the PTB's
05:15.43CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: and any of the asterisk flags im trying arent working
05:17.17vegboxI wanted to start a business that offers unlimited calls to vietnam, but how would do that on the cheap.  I would have to get a server and adapters in vietnam.  Have customers connect to a tunnel here in the USA to server in vietnam.  Then from there use the local lines to translate the calls.
05:19.24*** join/#asterisk toughmarketing (
05:19.51toughmarketingHey guys I am using odbc with mysql and storing the extensions in my database in the format of: id,context,exten,priority,app,appdata and this is working great! The only issue is at the top of my context for my ivr I have include => ivr1-day,09:00-16:59,mon-fri,*,* and if it is during those hours and days it goes to ivr1-day context...  Is there a way I can include this in the database as well?
05:23.01*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
05:33.27[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
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06:47.19orangeservicehello all - quick CDR question "${CDR(channel)}" returns "SIP/blucows_hk-08f22350" - is the last bit of hex the actual number that was called? (I am trying to get a list of destination telephone numbers out of CDR)
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06:57.35creativxorangeservice: no
07:00.39orangeserviceanybody know an easy to extract the number dialed in a channel from the logs?
07:01.29mbrevdaorangeservice: its not hex, most likely a randome id
07:02.12creativxorangeservice: if its not part of the logs columns.. then probably not easy
07:06.33*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
07:07.45padoes anyone have a thomson telecom 3s55 voip phone?
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07:34.58trymi1hi all
07:35.17trymi1how to asterisk to Mediant 2000?
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07:44.50trymi1hi all
07:45.44trymi1everybody there?
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07:50.53trymi1hi all
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08:59.05*** join/#asterisk devyll (n=paul@
08:59.31devyllis there anyway to adjusting the music on hold volume ? (without editing the wav files)
09:01.05*** join/#asterisk aurax (
09:01.27auraxhi folks
09:01.40auraxshort question, can canreinvite=yes may cause one way audio ?
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09:15.53yahhI am having some issue with RTP
09:20.22kaldemaraurax: yes, depending on network setup
09:26.41tzafrir_laptopaurax, it can change the way rtp flows, so the answer is: "yes, it can"
09:27.01auraxhmm, because i have random one way audio issue (on outgoing audio)
09:27.50*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (
09:28.01yahhwell i am seding garbage RTP packet from asterisk1 to asterisk2 in between of Actual RTP flow
09:28.12auraxmy nat is very simple, i configured nat with externip=... localnet=... and port forwarding (dnat) 5060-65384 on my SIP IP to my asterisk server.
09:28.58skirmishawhy insecure=invite is not working correctly
09:29.16auraxbtw, i'm using 1.4.25
09:29.33skirmishacould it be something related to asterisk realtime?
09:29.38yahhnot sure about  insecure=invite
09:29.48yahhbut  insecure=port is working for me
09:30.24skirmishacould it be that username has priority over ip
09:30.59skirmishaas call is coming from peer that is set with insecure=invite, but user already exist in system
09:31.50skirmishaso it just ingnore it
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09:42.50skirmishaany ideas
09:50.47*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:52.14tzafrir_laptopskirmisha, how can you tell it is not working properly?
09:54.26skirmishaok i set on my peer insecure invite
09:54.34skirmishaand asterisk still wants to auth the invite
09:54.41skirmishaand send 407 first
09:55.05*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-74cb29f838ef4bd2)
09:55.33yahhIf you do not set "secret="
09:55.52yahhthen it wont send 407
09:59.00yahhskirmisha are you there?
09:59.25skirmishathere is no secret
09:59.31skirmishai have host
09:59.44skirmishaand that is
10:00.13skirmishaand still i see asterisk answer with 407 first
10:01.59skirmishai tried everything and i think that this option does not work properly
10:20.55*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
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10:23.32prouteI work on * 1.4.25. Sometimes, When I have a call with somebody, I can hear "beep" like I push a button.... but I don't push button....
10:24.03prouteI think that is a dtmf problem
10:24.15proutemy setting about dtmf is rfc2833
10:24.41prouteDoes anyone have already meet this problem?
10:24.49prouteand How can I fixe it?
10:25.38prouteThis problem appear, with voip (sip) via Internet or with PRI or isdn connection
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10:31.40auraxI'm having this weird one way audio again, an anyone assist?
10:31.50jgoocan I get a call group to call all phones in the list AND let them all answer / conference, rather than hangup the ones that aren't first to answeR?
10:32.34kaldemarjgoo: what version of asterisk are you using?
10:32.36jgooI also have a question similar to the esteemed gentleman above
10:33.58jgootrixbox1*CLI> core show version
10:33.58jgooAsterisk 1.4.22-2 RPM by built by root @ on a i686 running Linux on 2008-12-04 05:36:44 UTC
10:33.58jgootrixbox1*CLI> core show version
10:33.58jgooAsterisk 1.4.22-2 RPM by built by root @ on a i686 running Linux on 2008-12-04 05:36:44 UTC
10:33.59jgootrixbox1*CLI> core show version
10:34.01jgooAsterisk 1.4.22-2 RPM by built by root @ on a i686 running Linux on 2008-12-04 05:36:44 UTC
10:34.04jgootrixbox1*CLI> core show version
10:34.06jgooAsterisk 1.4.22-2 RPM by built by root @ on a i686 running Linux on 2008-12-04 05:36:44 UTC
10:34.14jgooffffffffffs fucking lag
10:34.48kaldemarcore show application Page <-- use option d for two-way audio
10:36.15*** join/#asterisk Router222 (n=CK@
10:36.18Router222hi ppl
10:36.42Router222i an trying to load module
10:36.56Router222but its fails with Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ao2_lock
10:38.46*** join/#asterisk pif (
10:40.06Router222what do it means
10:42.17ChainsawRouter222: It suggests that is required but not loaded.
10:42.55ChainsawRouter222: Make sure you haven't prevented it from loading. If you haven't, try to preload it.
10:45.26*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
10:47.22Router222Chainsaw i will check
10:48.52pawhy my asterisk was working. now i rebooted the server and i keep getting
10:48.55paapp_dial.c:1210 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
10:50.06kaldemarpa: you don't have loaded for some reason.
10:50.14auraxI don't get it... for 10 minutes i have no outgoing audio and then suddently it's back to normal... like nothing happend...
10:50.47pai loaded zaphfc and zaptel modules
10:50.54paam i missing something else?
10:52.45kaldemaryes, chan_zap. the asterisk module.
10:54.00paah ok
10:54.07pabut that is not a kernel module
10:55.37auraxcan anyone help me debug and find the cause for this problem ?
10:57.36pai get this:
10:57.39pa[Jul 20 12:56:52] WARNING[12362]: chan_zap.c:1082 zt_open: Unable to specify channel 1: No such device or address
10:58.06kaldemarpa: it is an asterisk module.
10:59.06*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
10:59.31pamby my hardware is fucked up?
11:01.18pabut when i modprobe zaphfc, i get the card recognized, in /var/LOG/messages
11:01.23pamaybe it's misconfigured?
11:03.00kaldemarprobably. compare the contents of /proc/zaptel/* (those files tell you how the card(s) are configured) to zapata.conf channel definitions.
11:03.28*** join/#asterisk lou_gr (
11:03.31paok thank
11:04.23pakaldemar, it seems to be configured in master mode
11:04.36paand i modprobed zaphfc, and dmesg showed:
11:04.37pa[ 3948.625627] zaphfc: Card 0 configured for TE mode
11:04.37pa[ 3948.625632] zaphfc: Card 0 configured for master mode
11:04.45paseemingly it changed the mode
11:05.21*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
11:15.48auraxdoes rtp.conf relates to incoming or outgoing rtp ?
11:18.21kaldemarpa: the opposite of TE mode would be NT mode, not master mode. channel numbering seems to be your problem, not the mode.
11:18.53pai see..
11:21.53pakaldemar, ok. apparently it now works. i havent changed anything tho..
11:22.14pais it possible that channel numbering varies randomly when i load the module?
11:35.20*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (
11:35.32skirmishacan someone explain me how insecure works
11:36.18kaldemarpa: no, it takes the numbering for zaptel from /etc/zaptel.conf.
11:38.27*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
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11:52.25pakaldemar, then there must be something strange if just rerunning asterisk makes it work
11:59.25redaxwhere can I find libpri-1.6.* ?
12:00.30*** join/#asterisk Alfio (
12:01.10beekIt would be quite a trick as libpri is at
12:01.55kaii"We are not planning on releasing a 1.6 version of libpri, but instead you need to use the recently released version 1.4.4 of libpri with Asterisk 1.6. There were not big enough changes for Asterisk 1.6 to require a major ABI change release of libpri, so instead most of the 1.6 specific functions were back ported to the 1.4 branch of libpri"
12:04.40redaxI've interconnected an * using digium te122 (E1) and a siemens Hicom 300
12:04.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:05.06beek[TK]D-Fender is in the room.
12:05.26beeknotes the sounds of thunder
12:05.47[TK]D-FenderCan you hear, can you hear the thunder!
12:06.12beek[TK]D-Fender: Good morning.
12:06.21redaxhicom calls -> asterisk OK
12:06.28[TK]D-Fenderbeek: y0
12:06.30redaxasterisk -> hicom  [ no sound]
12:06.45redaxif I press a '4' on the telephone the sound arrives :D
12:06.49redaxwhat the hell is it?
12:07.10*** join/#asterisk Dksaarth (
12:07.25redax[TK]D-Fender: do you rememeber this hicom vs asterisk problem from the last week, I had?
12:07.40[TK]D-FenderrebOnly that you had one
12:07.49DksaarthHi guys - I am currently developing a sip phone, and am running into the problem of asterisk stopping to send rtp packets to my sip phone ?
12:08.01[TK]D-FenderredThere is an RC that addresses a "no audio until DTMF bug" <----
12:08.02redaxseems like when I press the digit '4' nothing transmitted at pri debug level, but the voice goes ok
12:08.08[TK]D-Fenderredax: There is an RC that addresses a "no audio until DTMF bug" <----
12:08.33[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: and that's a QUESTION?
12:08.59DksaarthOkay, my question would be what is causing asterisk to stop sending rtp packets ?
12:09.11[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: MoH <-
12:09.40[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: Or more specifically.... to the person PUTTING someone on hold.
12:10.15redax[TK]D-Fender: hm. what does 'RC' really means btw?
12:10.32[TK]D-Fenderredax: Release Candidate
12:10.47DksaarthI call my test phone phone (A) from another soft phone (phone B). A answers immediatly, and I can hear the audio from A to B, but the audio from B to A never arrives (only between 37 and 64 packets are sent)
12:11.07DksaarthNobody has put anybody on hold yet ?
12:11.38[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: That isn't RTP stopping, that's RTP **FAILING** to start in the first place.
12:12.02Dksaarthokay - I saw a couple of rtp packets so I thought it was started okay
12:12.31[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: And don't end statements with a "?".  And you haven't described the working envirenment or pastebin-d a failed call with SIP dubeg for us to examine.
12:12.34infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
12:12.55redax[TK]D-Fender: found a bug #15420 which is addressed for * v1.4.25.1, but I'm using * v1.6.1.1
12:16.31aurax[TK]D-Fender, mind helping me out with my random outgoing oneway audio problem ?!, i got all sip & rtp debugs.
12:17.53*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (n=yogurt2u@
12:18.57[TK]D-Fenderredax: Below others with possibly related issues, that I'm very sure this will fix, including my bug 0015389, but this bug report has progressed further. Fixed 0015420 asterisk -> Nortel reported by scottbmilne, tested by scottbmilne       Fixed 0015416 asterisk -> Avaya reported by avinoash, tested by avinoash       Fixed 0015389 asterisk -> Fujitsu, reported bu...
12:18.59[TK]D-Fender...alecdavis, tested by alecdavis     0015205 awaiting response.     This patch is confirmed to fix the NoAudio problem, by both ScottMilne and myself.
12:19.17[TK]D-Fenderredax: applicable to 1.6.1
12:19.35prouteI work on * 1.4.25. Sometimes, When I have a call with somebody, I can hear "beep" like I pressing a button.... but I don't press button....
12:19.43[TK]D-Fenderaurax: ...
12:19.46infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
12:20.17prouteI think that is a dtmf problem, my setting for dtmf is rfc 2833 and this problem appear randomly
12:20.25redax[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
12:20.33aurax[TK]D-Fender, loosing my hair here.. HELP!
12:20.52[TK]D-Fenderaurax: You enabled SIP debug too late.  do another call.
12:20.56prouteand How can I fixe it? (I think that is dtmf problem) But Why I hear a press touch without to push a touch?
12:21.02*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
12:21.08auraxi did called after enabling sip debug
12:21.15auraxi got another debug, i will upload it to pb
12:21.47auraxthink that the second one is better.
12:22.11*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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12:23.31auraxsup dovid
12:26.25*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
12:30.12Dksaarth[TK]D-Fender: I have pasted the sip debug log at - it is (Asterisk 1.4.22-4 RPM)
12:30.18DksaarthIs there anything else I can tell you that might help ?
12:30.23[TK]D-Fenderaurax: And there are 2 sides to this call and you only bothered showing me the second.  And no configs.
12:31.01Dksaarth(the RTP to destination port 9898 is the one that doesn't arrive)
12:31.27[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: Do another call.  No RTP debug, just verbose 10, SIP debug enabled.
12:31.34[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: No core debug
12:31.45[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: And check your firewalls
12:35.20auraxi don't have access to the other side
12:35.23auraxit's my provider
12:37.00aurax[TK]D-Fender - my isp conf
12:47.21[TK]D-FenderauurYes you di.. the end that is STARTING THE CALL
12:47.58*** join/#asterisk malaiwah (n=mbelleau@
12:48.10[TK]D-Fenderaurax: And providers should never be "nat=yes"
12:50.18Dksaarth[TK]D-Fender: I turned off my firewall, did core set verbose 0, then asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvr (to set it to 10) - new log is at
12:50.40DksaarthI'm very new to asterisk, so maybe I'm not setting the debug level's correctly.
12:52.10[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: ENTIRE CALL, disable your core dbug "debug 0"
12:52.15[TK]D-Fender"set debug 0"
12:53.29*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
12:57.22DksaarthI did core set debug 0
12:57.26Dksaarthand then the log is at
12:57.36Dksaarthfrom the invite to the bye/200 ok
12:57.47DksaarthIs there something else I am leaving out ?
12:57.52aurax[TK]D-Fender even if the server is behind NAT?
12:59.27[TK]D-FenderaurThe other side should take care of itself <-
12:59.32*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
12:59.32*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
13:00.34auraxah ok
13:02.02[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: [Jul 20 14:54:12] VERBOSE[2790] logger.c: Retransmitting #1 (NAT) to <-- shouldn't be NAT on a private IP, and I said THE ENTIRE DAMN CALL.that includes the CALLING PHONE's debug.  and your configs.
13:04.39ice_crofthi mates
13:04.53ice_croftanybody usin thomson st 2030 ipphone?
13:04.55*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
13:05.52*** join/#asterisk KavanS (n=KavanS@
13:08.04*** join/#asterisk s14ck (
13:08.36*** join/#asterisk afink (n=afink@
13:09.20*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
13:10.27*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
13:11.16DelphiWorldPlease give me the SVN Checkout URL to checkout asterisk 1.6.X
13:11.17*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
13:11.21DelphiWorldlatest please
13:11.29Dksaarth[TK]D-Fender - Would the calling phone's debug be in the asterisk log file ? That is where i am pulling this information from, and hence thought I was giving you the entire call - the phone I am using is sitting on my desk, ip phone - I can give you a wireshark dump of the sip traffic from my soft phone on my laptop if required.
13:12.56[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: <-- I want to see the debug from with SIP/100 started the damn call.
13:13.28[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: YES Asterisk sees this.  Please wake up.  this is PART of the equation.  You are only focussing on * -> YOUR new SIP phone.
13:13.39[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: The OTHER phone may be part of the problem.
13:14.42afinkIs there any way to show what time asterisk thinks it is?
13:15.29DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: SVN URL for asterisk 1.6.X please
13:16.23afinkI am having a problem with the GotoIfTime application.  It is 8:17 where I am and it still goes on to the next priority
13:16.28[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Go search yourself, and don't target pople for support like that.
13:17.34DksaarthAs far as I understand, that log is from when the SIP/100 starts the call - it has the invite from 100 (normal phone) to 150 (test phone). there is nothing above it that is related to these two phones except for the register and option messages.
13:17.53*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=porteb1@p3m/member/x86)
13:17.55[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: No, it isn't Where si the SIP debug for the call as it arrives to *?
13:18.08DelphiWorldkaldemar: thanks
13:18.25*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:20.25*** join/#asterisk eliyahu (n=eliyahu@
13:21.57DksaarthDoes it matter that these are both local phones behind asterisk ? as far as I can see there is no INVITE message above what I have pasted - Executing [150@from-internal:1] Macro("SIP/100-08a39478", "exten-vm|novm|150") in new stack seems to be the start from what I understand
13:22.07Dksaarthall on one network.
13:23.23[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: then you didn't enable GLOBAL SIP debug and only targeted your peer. and I STILL don't see your configs.
13:24.01DksaarthTrue - that is my mistake: i only am debugging for the one ip. My apologies.
13:24.24DksaarthWhich config files are relevant for me to pastebin ?
13:25.28*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
13:25.46*** join/#asterisk ricko73 (n=dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
13:25.50[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: Just get the call debug to start
13:27.18*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:36.34afinkwould anybody please be willing to take a look at these GotoIfTime statements and tell me if there is something that I am missing?
13:37.12*** join/#asterisk Anth8708 (
13:37.54Anth8708morning everybody
13:40.17Anth8708I have a question that I think is fairly simple and common.  We currently have a Nortel CS1000M.  I need to setup secretary/boss relationships in asterisk.
13:40.35Anth8708Example: Boss is ext 1000, Secretary is 1001.  I need to have 1000 appear as a separate line on Secretary's phone (fake label is fine, easy enough).
13:41.54Anth8708Both can ring at the same time (easy enough).  Secretary needs to be able to put 1000 on hold and have Boss pick up ext 1000 to get the call.  Should I be attempting to use SLA, meetme or something else?
13:43.19*** join/#asterisk gigman (
13:43.41gigmanHello, is anyone in here?
13:43.58_ShrikEAnth8708: call park?
13:44.51Anth8708_ShrikE:  hmm.  that makes sense I suppose.  Can there be a visible indicator that a call is parked?
13:45.03*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
13:45.25Dksaarth[TK]D-Fender: I am having trouble seperating out the sip we are interested in from the other traffic on this network - there are a number of phones in use here. That is why I was only logging traffic from ip. Do you know of a way to use sip set debug ip with more than one ip address ?
13:45.39[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: There is none.
13:46.02Dksaarthouch okay thanks
13:46.07[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: Test another soft-phone on that PC.  If that works, then its yours
13:46.08*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
13:47.05gigmanHi everyone, Im a pretty big novice when it comes to * but I am having an issue starting it
13:47.07DksaarthI have tested with a soft phone on the same pc as my test phone, same result. Double checking it now.
13:47.32_ShrikEAnth8708: I have never done it personally, but there is a good bit written up on subscribing to parking lots.
13:47.44gigmanwhenever I attempt to start * I get "unable to connect to remote asterisk"
13:47.49gigmancan anyone help me?
13:48.06Anth8708_ShrikE:  rgr.  Thanks.  Trying to narrow down my reading a bit.  Thanks again.
13:48.17Anth8708gigman:  are you using the command asterisk -r?
13:48.22_ShrikEAnth8708: np
13:48.55gigman@ Anth8708 Yes, I am, and Im still getting this error, any ideas?
13:49.07Anth8708gigman:  That reconnects to a running * console.  Try running the command "asterisk" (without quotes) first, THEN running asterisk -r
13:49.37Anth8708gigman: The -r is "reconnect to console" basically
13:49.40gigman@ Anth8708  I just tried that... no dice..
13:49.53gigmanoh, good to know
13:50.05Anth8708gigman:  What happens when you run the command asterisk without the -r?  What output do you get?
13:50.32gigmanthe full error is "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
13:51.21gigmanAnth8708, if I run just asterisk the console just returns a new line
13:51.31gigmananything else I should try?
13:51.47yahhI am having some issue with RTP
13:51.56Anth8708gigman:  First, check to see if * is running.  Some variation of ps ax |grep asterisk
13:52.13yahhNormal rtp is being sent from asterisk1 to asterisk2
13:52.41yahhfrom asterisk1 to asterisk2
13:53.12yahhthat's why voice on asterisk2 's connnected phone is not coming proper
13:53.21*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
13:53.24gigmanAnth8708, grep asterisk is returning nothing
13:53.36Anth8708gigman:  WHen you run asterisk without the -r, you should be getting no output and just the next line.  This is what starts *.  After you run that command, you should be able to run asterisk -r and get a console.  However, if "asterisk" without -r is having a problem, then your "asterisk -r" will continue having problems
13:53.41Anth8708gigman:  Try asterisk -c
13:53.46*** join/#asterisk jy (
13:54.26Anth8708gigman:  That will start * in the foreground I think ..  and you will be in the console.
13:54.54gigmanok I just ran that "asterisk -c"
13:55.01gigmanit did not return an error
13:55.06yahhcan someone help in this
13:55.21gigmanis it now started?
13:55.53gigmanAnth8708, if I run asterisk -r after I run asterisk -c I still get this same error
13:56.09jyHi guys, anyone has any idea how to do dual forking of calls on Asterisk? (Each extension has a soft client + hard ip phone registered)
13:56.25ariel_gigman: what is the error your getting
13:56.35Anth8708gigman:  If you run asterisk -c and don't get straight to the console, you likely have some sort of configuration problem.
13:56.37ariel_yahh: did you ask a quetion
13:56.55yahhlet me come again
13:57.05gigmanariel_,  Ithe full error is "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl
13:57.14Anth8708gigman:  is this a new installation?  do you know what version you have installed?
13:57.22yahhNormal rtp is being sent from asterisk1 to asterisk2
13:57.24gigmanyes, I have the latest version
13:57.30ariel_gigman: that means it 's not running
13:57.33yahhnow i have modified and sent some garbage udp packets in between
13:57.40yahhfrom asterisk1 to asterisk2
13:57.53yahhthat's why voice on asterisk2 's connnected phone is not coming proper
13:57.54gigmanthere is a file in that dir however
13:58.02ariel_gigman: do asterisk -vvvgc and see what error it fails on
13:58.17yahhasterisk should ignore those dummy packets
13:58.29yahhbut it is not happning
13:59.59yahhhow can i ignore those packets?
14:00.35gigmanariel_, I just lost my connection.. But I ran the command you said, no errors, just multiple entries of Managed Service Stared
14:00.52Dksaarth[TK]D-Fender - I am still sifting apart his call log, but it doesn't seem to be a problem here as it is the same with other phones - i ran a wireshark trace, and found that there are actually 5 rtp legs instead of 4.
14:01.26*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
14:01.49gigmanariel_, is this where I would find errors?  In that command?
14:01.58[TK]D-FenderDksaarth: This is beyond my ability to assist you further, sorry.
14:02.54afinkAlfio: yes?
14:04.08Alfiowhy do you have a "_" in the extensions
14:04.36auraxCan i limit the rtp port range that i'm sending with to my provider?
14:04.47auraxlike rtp range per sip trunk
14:04.48*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:04.59gigmanariel_, Im back in my server, any more ideas?
14:05.02Alfioaurax YES
14:05.06auraxAlfio, how ?
14:05.08Alfiosorry about caps
14:05.12auraxnp :)
14:05.36[TK]D-Fenderaurax: No.
14:05.42*** join/#asterisk moy (
14:06.04auraxso what happend if i have two providers one that uses 10k-20k and another one that uses 16k-65k ?
14:06.09Alfioi think you could in rtp.conf
14:06.21Alfiodosent work i really never try it
14:07.08[TK]D-Fenderaurax: Thats not how it works
14:07.29[TK]D-Fenderaurax: * has no control over what port THEY use, only of what * itself uses for inbound
14:07.53auraxyes of course..
14:08.09auraxi just thuoght that there's might be a chance that i'm sending data to provider on wrong port
14:11.08jplankis there any harm in moving back from dadhi to zaptel?
14:11.56jplankessentially "downgrading" back to zaptel
14:13.14*** join/#asterisk moy (
14:15.48afinkwould you guys/girls take a look at this and tell me if I have something screwed up?
14:16.39*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:18.32paulgmLast try :)   Anyone have any config files for Cisco 7941G-GE phones?
14:19.09[TK]D-Fenderafink: That isn't your problem.
14:19.40*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
14:20.11afink[TK]D-Fender: When I change that one line it works.  What else could it be?
14:20.38[TK]D-Fenderafink: You show us 1 puny little line.  no sense of context, no failed call to examine.  Seriosly...
14:20.58afinkI showed the entire dialplan earlier.
14:21.17[TK]D-Fenderafink: I don't see the failed CALL
14:21.36[TK]D-Fenderafink: Who says that dialplan means anything at all?  How do I know what * and your call is looking for?
14:21.48Kobazepic fail
14:22.19[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Not yet... plenty of room to dig though ;)
14:22.46afinkfailed call:
14:23.21DelphiWorldthanks, i'm building my asterisk 1.6 now
14:24.33[TK]D-Fenderafink: I sure don't see "This one says 'all circuits busy' when I call"
14:24.59DelphiWorldasterisk 1.6 support SIP over TCP?
14:25.05[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: Yes
14:25.14afink[TK]D-Fender: on the phone a recording
14:25.18*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
14:25.36[TK]D-Fenderafink: What do we care about a phone talking to you?  We see what * is doing.
14:25.54[TK]D-Fenderafink: Your gotoif did not match and you ran out of priorities to execute
14:26.32DelphiWorldand what about GTalk integration?
14:26.45afink[TK]D-Fender: I see what your saying but it should match.  Asterisk goes off of system time correct?
14:27.20[TK]D-Fenderafink: I also don't see any attempt from you to show your system time, have * output it so you can see, etc
14:28.02*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:28.47Anth8708Hey guys, everytime I call extension 7611 (while it is in use), it rings directly to extension 7611 as a second call on the same line and doesn't ring to 76112?  extension config:
14:31.10*** join/#asterisk gigman (
14:32.11DelphiWorld~pb 9785
14:32.33afink[TK]D-Fender:     -- Executing [3100@default:1] NoOp("DAHDI/1-1", "20090720-073042") in new stack  : so my * thinks it is 7:30:42?
14:32.55[TK]D-FenderAnthPriority jumping?  Holy shit, this isn't 2004...
14:33.02[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: Priority jumping?  Holy shit, this isn't 2004...
14:33.38[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: That was toast in 1.2....
14:34.01Anth8708[TK]D-Fender:  sorry.  The wiki talks about priority jumping.  I'll dig into the book then.  It should have current info, right?
14:34.04*** join/#asterisk Airozi (
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14:34.11[TK]D-FenderAnthBook is for 1.4
14:34.44CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: ok so I figured out how to get it working last night, I'm still using MixMonitor, but it seems to not record the entire duration of the call, only about 30-40 seconds, of i.e. 5 minutes or whatever, is there a maxduration setting or default?
14:34.52CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: if I dont "specify" one
14:34.54[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: And 16.0 replaced it.  And you're on 1.6.1.  Congratulations on umping 2 major releases
14:35.26[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: This doesn't sound right...
14:35.38Anth8708[TK]D-Fender:  well, I'm a new install and just reading what I can find:).  Wiki doesn't always specific what version the documentation is for and makes for some confusion.
14:35.38CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: whys that lol
14:35.42[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: 1.4 had this.... go look.
14:36.01Anth8708[TK]D-Fender:  Thanks though.  I'll keep reading and see what I can find.
14:36.05[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: WIKi has a lot of 1.0 and 1.2 stuff and is seriously outdateed
14:36.19[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: "core show application dial" <-
14:36.31Anth8708[TK]D-Fender:  Rgr, thanks again:).
14:36.42[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: There are some rather obvious channel variables to look at...
14:37.21CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: perhaps I'm using the wrong application?
14:37.44[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: It should work.  Perhaps you should be showing something.
14:38.01Anth8708[TK]D-Fender:  Got it.  Copied out and documented as 1.6 extension basic info.  As always, thanks a million.
14:40.41*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
14:41.15[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: CALL <-
14:42.22*** join/#asterisk delphus (n=delphus@unaffiliated/delphus)
14:43.31delphus(cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion) asterisk / dahdi / pri / sangoma 3.5.4 with a104  euroisdn link status OK any ideas ?
14:44.01afinkthanks [TK]D-Fender
14:46.04[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: I don't see a bridge notice there.
14:47.35CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: well its definitely recording? just like 30 seconds of the call however.
14:47.45[TK]D-Fenderdelphus: Some switches throw back 34 for when the target # is busy.  You should be looking at a complete failed call with PRI debug
14:47.49CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: should not the tg <- bridge the call
14:48.33[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: I don't see the file either...
14:49.51CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: ah left that bit out, but there is no bridge
14:50.15[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: You do get audio and the call seems normal minus the recording?
14:50.16CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: it does show this: -- Executing [call-record-8005558355@default:2] MixMonitor("SIP/SIP_PROXY-8000a5e0", "/home/storage/PHONE_NUMBER/8005558355_20090720-144704.wav") in new stack
14:50.30CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: correct, it records both ways... just not the whole duration
14:50.39*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
14:51.24[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: Also, stop masking things... makes me not trust whats being passed.
14:51.33[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: Things like ILLEGAL CHARS, etc...
14:51.46CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: alrighty
14:54.37*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
14:54.37Anth8708ok, what would the DIALSTATUS be of an idle phone?  core show application dial doesn't tell me that.:(  More detail:
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14:54.58delphus[TK]D-Fender: thanks, wiil check.
14:56.02[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: there is no DIALSTATUS of an idle phone.  This is the result of your CALL
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14:58.04Anth8708[TK]D-Fender - rgr.  looking for more documentation on manipulating extensions.  Thanks
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15:00.51CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: so very odd right --- look like anything I'm doing wrong?
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15:05.14[TK]D-FenderAnthAnd go look at CrazyTux[m] Not sure.  test straing Monitor + M
15:05.19[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: ^^
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15:08.27CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: will do
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15:14.14encbladexpi have some Problem with Audio Quality and Asterisk :-(
15:14.58encbladexpExample: I call my Extension 50 (Playback demo-echotest) from my Ekiga Phone with GSM Codec » All Fine
15:15.24encbladexpBut, if i use PCMA (alaw) Codecs to call this extension the sound qualitiy ist ... horrible :-(
15:15.39*** join/#asterisk qdk (
15:16.26infobot[~gsmbug] there is a bug compiling Asterisk with GCC 4.2 where optimization errors cause GSM transcoding to distort heavily. Compile with GCC 4.1 or lower, or follow this patch : Also please read :
15:16.28[TK]D-Fenderencbladexp: ^^^^^^^^^6
15:16.33*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
15:16.55[TK]D-Fenderencbladexp: GSM transcoding optimization issue
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15:17.11coppice[TK]D-Fender: you got that backwards
15:17.22[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Ok/fine/sure :)
15:17.38[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Right idea, presented the other way.
15:17.45coppicehe said GSM is OK, and A-law is bad
15:17.47[TK]D-Fenderor right pieces anyway
15:17.56encbladexplol, i need only set DONT_OPTIMIZE with GCC 4.2 and all get okay?
15:18.07encbladexpalaw ist ok if i call to another alaw Target
15:18.22[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Playback demo-echotest <--- he's transcoding the GSM recording back to ALAW.
15:18.25encbladexpbut whenever Asterisk must Transcoding » Sound ist bad
15:18.33encbladexp[TK]D-Fender: exactly
15:18.35[TK]D-Fenderencbladexp: How does your actual "echo " test sound?
15:18.37encbladexpbut the same on speex
15:18.48yahhI am having some issue with RTP
15:18.50encbladexp[TK]D-Fender: i have a file for you if you want?
15:18.59coppicejust apply the patch that fixes the GSM codec. its very small
15:19.49yahhfrom asterisk1 to asterisk2
15:19.56[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Sure, if you can advise on some smaller-scale fix for this I'm sure he'd appreciate.  I'm jsut aware of the issue mor gloablly.
15:19.59yahhso voice on asterisk2 's connnected phone is not coming proper
15:20.07encbladexpehm, it alow happens from e.g. SPEEX»GSM as i know
15:20.16yahhbut asterisk should ignore those dummy packets
15:20.17encbladexpi never tried SPEEX»ALAW
15:20.25encbladexpi will try it
15:20.28encbladexphope these helps
15:21.01yahhplease advise
15:21.01encbladexp5 Hours google » no resolution, 1 Minute #asterisk » an (hopely) helpfull link :-D
15:21.08coppice[TK]D-Fender there's nothing very global about it. there was an incorrect constraint on some embedded assembly language, that didn't cause problems until the more aggressive optimisation in 4.<something>
15:21.21[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I'm talking about my awareness of this.
15:21.59CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: ok im an idiot
15:22.04CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: :)
15:22.12[TK]D-Fendercoppice: that I know there is an issue witht he way GSM may be compiled that leads to this result when transcoding.  I'm by no means even decently versed in compiling 9or optimization) or the down & dirty bits about codecs
15:22.30CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: my script is emailing these wav files prematurely -- before the call is "over"
15:22.36CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: thus the reason for the short durations.
15:22.41[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: SMRT :p
15:23.22CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: so now I have two questions..... A) How can I make it so it runs my macro AFTER the call is over? B) Which one is better to use Monitor() with m or MixMonitor()
15:24.24[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Believe me, on just about anything everything telephony related you have any firm advice on you can expect that I'd defer to you
15:24.51[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: ..M() is when the call CONNECTS.  You should already know what bits of dialplan can execute after a call...
15:25.28coppice[TK]D-Fender: well, the * fanboys used to get very abusive when it was pointed out that this was a bug in *
15:25.37Katty <- lunch.
15:26.07[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Think I'm going to argue about DSP's and Codecs with YOU?  That's insane :P
15:26.35CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: I dont use asterisk day to day
15:26.46CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: so I kind of relearn it everytime I touch it
15:27.52[TK]D-FenderKatty: nomNOMnomNOMnomNOMnomNOMnomNOMnomNOMnomNOM
15:27.54carrarsounds HOT
15:28.11jayteemmmm, that sounds yummy
15:29.15CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: so are you essentially telling me its not possible?  Without something like an AGI per say
15:30.08[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: No I'm saying that you should already know what happens to calls after a Dial ends....
15:30.25carrargoes to heaven?
15:30.32CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: well, I see the variable ${DIALSTATUS} so I would assume.... something / some call back method
15:30.58[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Yup, with a minor pit-stop ;)
15:31.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm making a double tomatoey are welcome to join me
15:31.34CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: Also still any word on MixMonitor() vs Monitor w/ m option
15:32.44[TK]D-FenderKatty: I would, but I'm afraid it'd be SENTIENT by the time I got there :p
15:32.50Kattythere is a conspiracy with my voss water. it will not open.
15:33.23[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]: Answer : YES
15:33.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: load
15:34.41jayteehmmm, is part of the 1.6 addons? I'm not seeing it in 1.4
15:34.47CrazyTux[m][TK]D-Fender: I've had 2 hours of sleep last night due to extreme insomnia so bare with me if I still am confused.
15:35.15[TK]D-FenderjayyIts an add-on (and a hack-off, conveniently)
15:35.26jayteeit's bear with me, not bare with me. if you really got bare [TK]D-Fender would have to hit you with a ClueBat for nudity in chat
15:35.43*** join/#asterisk Joel (
15:36.10ChainsawWait what?
15:36.21Anth8708I HATE to even ask, but I'm stuck and not finding anything.  If an extension's ${DIALSTATUS} doesn't return BUSY when it is (happening on both test phones), any idea what it could be?
15:36.58[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: O RLY?  What is it returning?
15:37.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: keys worked.
15:37.22*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m]1 (
15:37.29[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: And you may want to reconsider what you believe a state is and how its reported... that's an awefully small box you're in...
15:37.31Katty[TK]D-Fender: just twist does NOT work :<
15:37.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: Suck-cess!
15:37.48CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: accidentally hit the wifi button, so if you sent me anything I didnt get it
15:37.53Katty[TK]D-Fender: well i don't have a chainsaw sitting around here at work!
15:38.17CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: since your last "YES" response.
15:38.21ChainsawYou should really. Preparation is everything these days.
15:38.25[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]that was it.
15:38.37Anth8708[TK]D-Fender - ok . you got me. Let me see if I can figure out how to see the ${DIALSTATUS}
15:38.43Kattyjaytee: bear wwith you.
15:38.48Kattyjaytee: is it a black bear or a brown bear
15:38.58Kattyjaytee: i'll bring salmon.
15:41.37jayteeKatty, well if it's this zoo then we're talking Alaskan brown bears. We used to have 2 Kodiak bears we got as cubs but they were about 23 years old and both died within a year of each other.
15:41.43infobot[~asterisktrademark] See for Digium's trademark policy.
15:42.17encbladexp[TK]D-Fender: recompiling Asterisk fixes my Problem with alaw»gsm
15:42.30[TK]D-Fenderencbladexp: You're welcome...
15:42.33Kattyjaytee: :<
15:42.46Kattyjaytee: i bet that was a sad sad day.
15:42.47encbladexpso, next Problem speex»alaw is also a Problem, but dont works after recompiling
15:43.02Jumpieanybody have any idea why my dnd.php script works for everybody's extension except for just one person? and says not authorized to use this application
15:43.06encbladexpmaybe, it is also a 4.2 Bug
15:43.09Jumpiewhen its the exact same application/syntax as all others
15:43.59[TK]D-FenderJumpie: We don't see anything, and its your script, how should we know?
15:44.15Jumpieits aastra's script :P
15:44.19jayteenot as sad as when Amali passed. She was a baby African elephant born in 2000, The very first African Elephant born from artificial insemination. Our zoo was the first and since then we've had 3 more and another's on it's way in about 22 months
15:45.00[TK]D-FenderJumpie: Yeah, that makes us care SO much more :)
15:45.12*** join/#asterisk Woody2143 (
15:45.22Jumpiehehe lemme try to get more info
15:45.49[TK]D-FenderJumpie: s/more/any/
15:46.40Jumpiei have aastra 55is, great phones so far
15:46.53Jumpieon their website there is a slew of standard php scripts, visual voicemail, call parking, etc
15:46.56[TK]D-FenderAastra 5i = meh...
15:46.58Jumpieone of them is DND..its a toggle function
15:47.01CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: mind pointing me in the right direction for what im trying to do...
15:47.13Jumpieyou press it...says dnd activated, press again, says dnd deactivated
15:47.15CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: I need to execute this AFTER hangup of the call
15:47.24[TK]D-FenderCrazyTux[m]1: "Asterisk Standard Extensions" <- JFGI
15:47.37CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: JFGI ?
15:47.52Jumpieand this extension has no other issues with authentication, registration, calling, etc
15:48.11Jumpieso im not sure if this is just a gremlin or not..because i see nothing in my logs/debugs to narrow this down maybe ill have to look harder
15:49.06[TK]D-FenderJumpie: What does some random PHP not even called by * mean here?
15:49.18CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: ah h =>
15:49.22[TK]D-FenderJumpie: And I'm not seeing what it DOES not sure if it is a phone/script thing, or somethin funky on the server
15:49.33Jumpielol ya..i know what you mean
15:49.42Jumpiejust wondering if this flagged any prior issue you may have seen tucked into your brain
15:50.35[TK]D-FenderI don't really deal with Aastra.  the only SIP phone from them I have from them (57i CT, deluxe even) sits in my warehouse collecting dust and I touch it as little as possible.
15:50.45Jumpiewell so far..all i can see is on the phone screen "not authorized to use this application' yet other php scripts work fine
15:50.53CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: thanks! :)
15:50.54Jumpiefender..why not an aastra fan on purpose?
15:51.00Jumpiei like the polycoms..but they are more of a pain to setup
15:51.02CrazyTux[m]1[TK]D-Fender: totally flew over my head forgot about those
15:51.41[TK]D-FenderJumpie: Setup doesn't slow me down in the slightest.  More complex yes, but more stable and a better physical phone.
15:51.59Jumpiethe ip 6000 i have seems to strugle tremendously on any extended time off the network
15:52.00[TK]D-FenderJumpie: I have half a dozen or more real gripes about Aastra's
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15:52.36Jumpiewhen i do network maintenance it just will not work or synch back up or anything unless i reboot the phone, and even sometimes it takes 2 or 3 times
15:52.44Jumpiebut other than that its great hehe
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16:06.27Anth8708OK Fender.  I'm not getting BUSY from the extension while it's off hook (at least as far as I can tell), but I don't know why.
16:07.16Anth8708line 44 in the pastebin is really where I'm looking and saying that there is no BUSY
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16:10.09*** part/#asterisk delphus (n=delphus@unaffiliated/delphus)
16:11.49pifhi, can I reboot a polycom phone from its web interface?
16:12.34Anth8708pif, you can also do that from the * console
16:13.05leifmadsensip notify
16:13.11pifjust that?
16:13.23leifmadsenhelp sip notify
16:13.38leifmadsenor, sip notify <TAB><TAB>
16:13.57pifok what <type> should I use?
16:14.17*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
16:14.21leifmadsenuse the <TAB> trick to see the format
16:14.29Anth8708biggest thing when doing this is that you will want to increment the revision number in one of the files the phone pulls:
16:14.43pifleifmadsen: polycom-check-cfg ?
16:15.01*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
16:15.13leifmadsenpif: please use some common sense... of all the options, which one is the most closely related to what you're doing?
16:15.14Anth8708pif:  that's it
16:15.36*** part/#asterisk kiwi_uk (
16:17.27timeshell_atworkIs there any gizmo that can play flash based radio stream for moh?
16:19.48Joeltimeshell_atwork anything that utilizes the soundcard
16:19.57Joeltimeshell_atwork however seems far easier to rip the flash and convert it to mp3
16:20.03timeshell_atworklive stream
16:20.16timeshell_atworkplay mpg123
16:20.25timeshell_atworkExcept some stations are switching to flash players
16:20.32timeshell_atworkAnd aren't providing URL's for the stream.
16:20.37Joelso configure asterisk to use the sound card
16:20.44Joelrun line in to a box with a browser playing your audio
16:20.46timeshell_atworkDon't have a sound card
16:20.54Joelgood luck!
16:21.19Joellet me know when you finish your real time flash audio ripper and the module to hook it into asterisk.
16:21.43timeshell_atworkMy original question was does such a gizmo exist.
16:21.52timeshell_atworkBy your answer, I can assume you really meant no.
16:22.34Joeltimeshell_atwork what does your google searching reveal?
16:22.55timeshell_atworkNot much.  But I may just be searching with the wrong search words
16:23.02timeshell_atworkThat's why I'm asking
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16:24.28Joelnot in real time, no.
16:26.56prouteduring a call, sometimes I can hear a beep like a dtmf but I don't press any touch
16:27.10proutein my sip debug when the "beep" appear I have this:
16:27.11prouteSIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized^M
16:27.11prouteVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK312846b4c5f5a621f;received=^M
16:27.11prouteFrom: <sip:55@>;tag=d3a263eeba^M
16:27.11prouteTo: <sip:55@>;tag=as5ab8b218^M
16:27.11prouteCall-ID: deff8a8c19518953^M
16:28.01prouteWhy this problem appear.?
16:28.06Alfio~ pastebin
16:28.06infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
16:28.17Alfioproute thats fro you
16:28.29prouteyes ok thanks
16:28.37prouteI post my log ....
16:29.23prouteMy log is here:
16:29.49prouteWhen the call is answered, I have a beep . this beep appear randomly in call...
16:30.14prouteAnd I saw an "401 Unauthorized" in my log when i'm in call...
16:31.01prouteSomeone can help me about this "beep" :@
16:32.10[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: the phone is not busy because it can accept the call.  Also it is psycho to dial the phone for only 2 SECONDS.
16:32.55[TK]D-Fenderproute: that's a register failure, not a call failure
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16:34.18proute[TK]D-Fender: yes, but this failure is my phone that I use during call. When this failure appear (may be is a coincidence) but I hear a beep :(
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16:34.39[TK]D-FenderproIt is.
16:34.46[TK]D-Fenderproute: It is.
16:37.10prouteyes it is...
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16:47.11zr0off topic: is there a term used to describe a pots line that can only receive incoming calls, not make outgoing calls besides 911?
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16:50.34[TK]D-Fenderzr0: No
16:50.47jetsnoca sort-of bat phone
16:50.56jetsnocbut that term usually means it auto answers
16:51.20[TK]D-Fender"batphone"'s don't auto answer... they auto DIAL
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17:12.17hescowhat, pray tell, does this mean?  And what should I / could I do about this?
17:12.19hescopbx.c:2055 pbx_find_extension: Maximum PBX stack exceeded
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17:12.35hescoI see this on a `dialplan reload`
17:15.11Anth8708[TK]D-Fender just fyi, 2 seconds was for testing:)  might be a "call waiting" type thing on the polycom?  looking
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17:28.09*** join/#asterisk luismm75 (
17:29.31[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: Typically a phone won't return BUSY unless its incapable of accepting a call or was told to refuse it
17:31.27luismm75Hello, I want to know if its posible to use a panasonic tx-tes824 with asterisk. thanks
17:31.45Anth8708[TK]D-Fender so I'm guessing.  Must be something I changed on the Polycom config since they used to return BUSY when the line was off hook.  Rethinking that this could be a good thing however.
17:32.29[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: Nope.
17:33.31[TK]D-Fenderluismm75: Its an analog phone system.  What would this have to do with *?
17:34.34luismm75i hoped i could at least record incoming calls
17:35.57luismm75thank you very much [TK]D-Fender
17:36.09[TK]D-Fenderluismm75: this will add answering delay and an odd double-ring for your callers, but its possblie.
17:36.16[TK]D-Fenderluismm75: How many lies do you have on it?
17:36.41*** join/#asterisk Keizer (n=Keizer@
17:37.26beekHmmmm.... Freudian slip [TK]D-Fender ?
17:37.43luismm754 lines
17:39.34*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
17:39.45[TK]D-Fenderluismm75: OK, well this also increases the cost of your setup as you'll need 8 FXo on your server for this.
17:39.51[TK]D-Fenderluismm75: How many phones does it have?
17:42.13luismm75i see. i'm not sure how many phones.. about 15..maybe
17:42.37*** part/#asterisk kaii (
17:43.19[TK]D-Fenderluismm75: I might very likely consider replacing the entire system with *...
17:44.10*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
17:44.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
17:44.26luismm75You are right. Thank you very much [TK]D-Fender
17:45.49*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
17:53.17brahDoes hangup() terminate only the call, or the whole extension script?
17:57.26gigmanmaybe someone can help me
17:58.11leifmadsenbrah: dialplan execution always stops after a call is hung up, other than in the 'h' extensions
18:01.33*** join/#asterisk Defraz (n=T0tal@
18:03.21brahok, cool
18:05.03Kattymy brain hurts.
18:09.03*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (n=chatzill@
18:09.09*** join/#asterisk bhodder (n=blake@
18:09.54gigmanim getting this error
18:09.56gigmanunable to access the running directory (Permission dined).  Changing to / for compatibility
18:09.56gigmanunable to open pid file '/var/run/' : permission denied
18:10.11brahWhich user are you running asterisk as?
18:10.32brahIt should have permission
18:10.35brahBut double check, anyway
18:10.41bhodderHi, I am trying to record a message using audacity and then place it on the asterisk server for use, but asterisk will not play the file? anyone have suggestions on the best method of doing this
18:11.26leifmadsenbhodder: make sure it is 8khz, 8bit, mono
18:12.07*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
18:12.44*** join/#asterisk kiwi_ (
18:13.00bhodderIn audacity what would be the extension type for that
18:13.03[TK]D-Fendergigman: really?  that may be the user starting a daemon, but it doesn't mean thats the user it runs as...
18:13.05*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
18:13.48gigmancan I change the user that runs it to root?
18:13.58gigmanThat would avoid all these problems correct?
18:14.37[TK]D-Fendergigman: You could.  not suggesting this is what you want to do...
18:15.05gigmanthere are adverse effects running * as root?
18:15.35[TK]D-Fendergigman: Yes, if * is comprimised then they can execute things as root.
18:15.52bhodderI am trying to record it from my laptop and I try saving as GSM 6.10 WAV (mobile) but it will not play back when I copy it to the server
18:16.36beekgigman: Google 'run asterisk as non-root' andyou'll see lots of recipes to ensure that your permissions are correct.
18:17.41hescoI'm getting an 'extension not found' error which defies what dialplan show context shows me, as in:
18:17.51hescoCan anyone here please help me understand this?
18:18.41beekhesco: Yeah, the extension is there.  How about the context?
18:18.46gigmanthanks you guys
18:19.02beekAfternoon jaytee
18:19.12hescobeek: the dialplan show <tab> reveals the context
18:19.19jayteehesco, where are you located?
18:19.40jayteeafternoon, beek
18:19.59hescoDecatur Ga, at my desk in the dining room
18:20.05*** join/#asterisk darkmadda (
18:20.12beekhesco: Are your SIP entries pointed to that context?   We're not seeing enough here to tell.
18:20.20jayteejust wondering, I know a Richard Searcy that used to work here
18:20.33hescoan oracle DBA ???
18:20.44hescowhere is here?
18:20.53jayteeno, a zookeeper who now works for an emergency animal hospital
18:21.03hescodifferent guy then
18:21.30hescomy Richard is from Detroit, transplanted to Atlanta about 8 or 10 years ago
18:22.20jayteeanyways, we can't tell why the extension isn't found since we don't see your dialplan, i.e. extensions.conf and sip.conf but the most likely cause is neither context can "see" the other
18:22.29hescomy extensions.conf includes: '#include ymd.conf' and that file includes this context.
18:22.38hescowhat does sip.conf have to do with it?
18:22.41bhodderwhat is a good software for recording the sound files for an IVR
18:22.47jayteeis it a sip phone?
18:23.11hescoyes, I'm using an HT-486 (sip based)
18:23.19jayteewell, there ya go!
18:23.23hescobhodder: use asterisk
18:23.31beeksip.conf tells asterisk what context to start with.  It's probably in the default context right now.
18:23.38hescocheck out the Record() app
18:23.58hescooh yeah, let me take a look then
18:24.08bhodderdo I have to setup an extension for that
18:24.31bhodderor is it possible to use that from the console
18:25.25jayteehesco, instead of you taking a look how about we take a look? that way we don't have to waste time going back and forth with questions.
18:26.46gigmanbeek, is there a way that I can run * as root just for now, I see the config stuff online (thanks) but I want to test one quick thing first, how do I set it to run as root in the config files?
18:30.29beekgigman: I don't know where you have asterisk located but just log on as root and use   asterisk -c to run it.
18:31.09gigmanok thanks
18:31.29beekIt'll run from the console that you've signed into.
18:31.56[TK]D-Fendergigman: Go look at how your start * in the first place
18:32.43beekOf course, any files (such as logs) that are created will be owned by root, thus making the conversion to non-root all that much more difficult for a non Unix user.
18:39.14*** join/#asterisk bwat (
18:44.28hescosorry, jaytee, on phone, will be with you in a moment
18:44.56jayteewanders off to write his memoirs
18:50.07*** join/#asterisk mgroman (n=miles@unaffiliated/mgroman)
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18:52.36bhodderIs there any way to record IVR prompts on a laptop then copy them to the asterisk server that will work?
18:53.23KavanSbhodder, yes
18:53.42KavanSbhodder, you need to convert to the correct format....I recorded in wav, then converted to gsm
18:54.17bhodderok, what did you use to convert it to gsm
18:55.27KavanSbhodder, asterisk will work
18:55.46KavanSbhodder, google it can use asterisk to perform sound file conversions
18:56.11bhodderoh ok thanks.
18:56.11jayteebhodder type help file convert at the CLI
18:57.25*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
18:57.28DelphiWorldhello all
18:57.41timeshell_atworkHello.  Does mpg123 play wma streams?
18:57.46DelphiWorldplease, how i can enable AMI to listen to all Interface using Asterisk consol no file edition?
19:02.00DelphiWorlddebian users, welcome to #debian-voip
19:02.11*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
19:03.10[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: AMi listens on all interfaces with the sample configs.
19:04.46bhodderwhen trying to convert a .wav to .ulaw I get an error cannot open .wav and fails.convert it
19:04.58bhodderany ideas anyone?
19:05.00*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
19:05.55beekbhodder: it's 8Khz, mono?
19:06.24beeke.g.   Asterisk can play the .wav file, right?
19:06.57bhodderno it will not play the file and I'm recording it with audacity
19:07.28beekIt has to meet the specs for Asterisk.   8Khz, mono.
19:07.47leifmadsenbhodder: I had already mentioned the above earlier
19:08.18beekleifmadsen: He didn't like that answer.
19:08.26leifmadsenbeek: sounds right
19:08.55leifmadsenbhodder: or use 'sox' to convert the wav file to the appropriate format
19:09.01leifmadsen(again, google will help you get the answer)
19:09.27beekIt's in that thread that I just sent to you.
19:10.06bhodderI was using google but the sites were directing me to use the record() app in asterisk
19:11.14beekbhodder: That does have the advantages of 1) Already in the correct format and 2) Phone will filter out superfluous grap.
19:11.33[TK]D-Fendergraps of wrath!
19:11.40Kattyoh man
19:11.44Kattyi just did, 162 squats
19:12.04beekcraps of wrath?
19:12.06[TK]D-FenderKatty: I do squat all day :p
19:12.21Kattythat's *pantpant* nice *pantpant*
19:12.29[TK]D-Fendermmmmmm pnats
19:12.47Kattyyes they are.
19:12.57Kattyespecially if they're lose rise, flare leg, faded denim
19:13.11bhoddertrue the only thing is I would like to be able to record several prompts on my on computer and load them to the server after
19:14.03bhodderusing sox gave me this error: sox soxio: Failed reading `/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/intro.wav': unknown file type `auto'
19:14.49Kattysytax error
19:15.15Kattyyou snickerdoodled something up
19:16.05beeksnickerdoodled?  That's a new one on me.
19:16.38Kattyit's a very common phrase at my house.
19:16.46Kattyit'd be a good cream colored ferret name.
19:16.56Kattycinnamon colored.
19:16.57beekI used the shorter, more direct Four letter word.
19:17.13*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:294d:6b9:3fce:625e)
19:18.18*** join/#asterisk Breyer (
19:18.30infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
19:18.40infobotsomebody said itsplist-us was Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
19:20.03leifmadsenBreyer: next time, just do,  "infobot tell breyer about itsp"
19:20.21Breyerok, thanks, sorry about that
19:20.25leifmadsennp, fyi
19:21.06leifmadsenyou can do that for anyone
19:21.15leifmadsenyou don't always have to flood the channel
19:21.16*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:21.20beekCool!  I didn't know about that one.
19:21.26leifmadseninfobot: tell beek about asteriskversioning
19:21.39beekVery nice.
19:22.16Alfioinfobot tell Alfio about itsp
19:22.27Alfionice :)
19:22.29beekI'd be REALLY impressed if I could use 'me' instead of 'beek'
19:22.56leifmadseninfobot: tell me about stuff
19:23.12leifmadsenbeek: funny enough -- it DOES work
19:23.21beekno shit?   That's really great.
19:23.21leifmadsenACTION is stuffing George*
19:23.30leifmadseninfobot: tell me about beek
19:23.40leifmadseni dunno what is 'beek'.
19:23.52*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:24.15leifmadseninfobot: tell me about thebirdsandthebees
19:30.12*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
19:33.11beekleifmadsen: Are you still waiting for your answer or is infobot that long-winded
19:33.32leifmadsennope, it doesn't know anything about sex
19:33.35leifmadsenit's a bot...
19:33.52leifmadsenI got an answer long ago
19:33.56leifmadsenit just msg's it to me
19:34.24beekI just wondered if it had some sage advice.
19:36.10*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (n=malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
19:39.40*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
19:42.37infobotmethinks sex is alias sex "updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip
19:42.47[TK]D-FenderSures eems to ;)
19:43.06beek[TK]D-Fender: That was yours, I presume.
19:44.02[TK]D-Fenderfixed now :)
19:44.05infobot[~sex] updatedb; locate; talk; date; cd; strip; look; touch; finger; unzip; uptime; gawk; head; emerge --oneshot condom; mount; fsck; gasp; more; yes; yes; yes; more; umount; emerge -C condom; make clean; sleep
19:44.08*** join/#asterisk Dickie_Workie (i=cf6fa01c@gateway/web/freenode/x-70a16f4c0e589c39)
19:44.23Dickie_WorkieMust've taken a wrong turn in Albequerque
19:44.34[TK]D-FenderSilly wabbit
19:48.42howieis there a way to connect a cell phone to my asterisk box?
19:49.08[TK]D-Fenderhowie: Duct tape.
19:49.14[TK]D-Fenderhowie: LOTS of duct tape
19:49.46howieduck tape is the cure all isnt it
19:50.56[TK]D-Fenderhowie: That and WD-40
19:51.20[TK]D-Fenderhowie: If it moves and shouldn't = duct tape.  If it should and doesn't = WD-40
19:51.26howie[TK]D-Fender: any way to get my box to recieve make calls with a cell?
19:52.06[TK]D-Fenderhowie: Google : chan_mobile
19:52.53*** join/#asterisk jicksta_ (
19:54.47afinkAnyone know where I can find a good tutorial on how to block 000-000-0000 numbers from coming in?
19:55.24hescojaytee, off the phone now.  Thanks.  that was the ticket.  I added 'include => ymd_partners' to the default context listed in sip.conf and my missing extension started working (though its giving me a funky callerID, but I have other priority issues before I get to that).  Thanks for the pointer.
19:57.00dwerywith * 1.6.0. I've got 'iax2_trunk_queue: Maximum data space exceeded ...' . There were only one or two calls on the trunk at that time. I did a bit of research and found an old bug report thats closed. Any suggestion? thanks.
19:58.05*** join/#asterisk howie (
19:59.12*** join/#asterisk batphone (n=wclayton@
19:59.14[TK]D-Fenderafink: "core show application gotoif" <-
19:59.19batphonewhy dont i have a 'sip debug' command?
19:59.32[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: Checked to see it chan_sip even loaded?
19:59.39dwerybatphone: sip set debug
19:59.52[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: Syntax helps too...
20:02.04*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
20:02.40afinkShould I be getting these if i have hard echo can? Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 20 (No such device)
20:06.57*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (
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20:07.11[TK]D-Fenderafink: .... "no such device".....
20:07.20[TK]D-Fenderafink: Can't EC a port you don't have.
20:09.54batphonemy phone rebooted over the weekend and now it wont register
20:10.01batphonei cant see why
20:10.13*** join/#asterisk kmem (
20:10.18batphoneit would appear that the phone is not responing to registration request acks from the pbx
20:10.29batphoneusername and password are fine
20:10.33batphonethe phone's config file hasnt change
20:11.38*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
20:17.03*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
20:17.42batphonei used sipsak to test the connectivity
20:17.50batphonethe phone returns sip stuff
20:17.58[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: And we see precisely nothing...
20:20.00batphonethats the debug
20:20.01batphonehere is the config
20:20.33beekIs there a quick way to see what meetme conferences Page() has created?
20:20.37batphoneasterisk shows the phoen as being registered
20:20.46batphonethe phone does not think it is registered
20:20.49*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
20:20.59[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: I don't think i'm seeing global SIP debug there..
20:21.04*** part/#asterisk sjobeck (
20:21.22[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: * isn't retransmitting and wouldn't spit out 200's constantly.  there is no need for the remote end to respond.
20:21.41*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=MWoodJ@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
20:21.50[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: You should be showing us the phone attempting to register
20:22.26*** join/#asterisk kotis (n=kotis@
20:22.38*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
20:22.49kotiswhat OS is used for development of asterisk?
20:23.09*** join/#asterisk TheOpenSourcerer (
20:23.13batphoneprobably linux
20:23.20Qwellkotis: many different OSes.  Linux is considered the "most" supported though
20:23.28kotisI know it's linux, but which one?
20:23.33[TK]D-Fenderkotis: Any
20:23.43QwellLinux is Linux is Linux (unless it's SUSE)
20:23.57Qwell((I'll just bite my tongue now))
20:24.07*** part/#asterisk TheOpenSourcerer (
20:24.14batphone!pants Qwell
20:24.16[TK]D-Fenderkotis: Linux is a KERNEL, who cares that distro XYZ includes VLC and not Totem?
20:24.32Alfioyou can use asterlinuxdevelopment 5.0
20:24.50kotisI normally use Solaris, but asterisk doesn't play well on it, no dahdi drivers :(
20:25.17batphonei removed all other peers and reset the phone
20:25.24batphoneso this is a clean 'sip set debug on'
20:26.17*** part/#asterisk encbladexp (
20:26.33batphonejust keeps on going like that
20:26.42[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: what frequency?
20:26.54*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
20:27.21[TK]D-Fenderkotis: Well go pick some distro you're capable of managing (except SUSE, Qwell's tonge is swollen enough).
20:27.46batphone[TK]D-Fender: doesnt seem to be much of a pattern to it
20:28.03batphonemay 3 messages in 10 seconds at irregular intervals
20:28.09batphonethen three or four in a row
20:28.47batphoneargh. some asshole upgraded the firmware on my cisco phone
20:28.52batphoneim just finding this out...
20:31.27batphonethis is load file SIP75.8-5-2S for the cisco 7975
20:31.33batphoneand asterisk
20:31.55batphoneanyone know of reports regarding newer cisco SIP firmware causing problems?
20:32.36[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: Plenty of history on old ones doing that...
20:32.43[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: but at least they're consistent!
20:32.49[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time, BBIAB
20:33.29batphonethanks man
20:34.57batphoneRx frames are not incrementing on my phone
20:35.09batphonethe phone isnt seeing anything from the PBX
20:37.18dwerymmm udev does not load the firmware in my astribank. xpp.rules is present... any clue?
20:37.47batphonedwery: im fresh out of clues today man
20:50.28*** join/#asterisk TheOpenSourcerer (
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20:56.38*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
20:56.42howieis the asterisk-addons folder in etc/asterisk by default or do i need to create one?
20:57.03leifmadsenhowie: it's a separate checkout
20:57.16leifmadsenwhat do you mean in /etc/asterisk/ ?
20:57.29leifmadsenthere is no asterisk-addons subdir for configuration in /etc/asterisk
20:57.41howieis there one somewhere else?
20:57.55leifmadsenthe configs just go in /etc/asterisk
20:58.34*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
20:59.18howiealso this patch im adding for bluetooth it text on a webpage so nano paster and save as what?
20:59.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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21:04.44*** join/#asterisk jong2 (n=chatzill@
21:06.38batphoneanyone know what "processNodeName" is used for in the XML config for a SIP loaded Cisco phone?
21:07.00batphonei am seeing documentation on voip-info indicating that this is where the PBX ip can go
21:07.04batphonebut there are other places for that
21:08.17batphoneit looks to be for skinny only
21:08.23morko757I am wondering, in Asterisk, if there are no NAT issues, do RTP packets travel through the asterisk server
21:08.31leifmadsenXML config for Cisco phone? I've never had great luck using any of the 79x1 series phones on Asterisk -- the XML configs are cryptic at best
21:08.38leifmadsenmorko757: potentially
21:08.51leifmadsenmorko757: see "canreinvite" in sip.conf
21:08.57morko757or do they bypass the server and both sip clients send to each other
21:09.08morko757ok, I'll have a look
21:09.15*** part/#asterisk Breyer (
21:09.23leifmadsenmorko757: both scenarios can happen depending on configuration
21:09.28leifmadsen(and scenario)
21:09.47morko757the reason why I ask is that I have a SIP client inside a network that has different routing rules than the asterisk server connecting to it
21:10.10leifmadsenrouting is not asterisk's issue :)
21:10.31morko757accordingly, if the client is sending back RTPs to the asterisk server, all is good, but if sending directly to the originating client, packets may be taking a different direction
21:11.04morko757to make things more clear, the client has two internet connections: a slow one for surfing and another for Voip
21:11.17morko757the Voip connection attaches directly to an asterisk server
21:11.42*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:15.23*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba (
21:16.20batphoneno more dial command in 1.6?
21:16.24batphonechan_oss is loaded
21:17.49*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
21:19.13*** join/#asterisk howie (
21:22.53hescoany ideas how to configure audacity to handle .gsm files?
21:23.19*** join/#asterisk jdnWEST (
21:24.17[TK]D-Fenderbatphone: console dial <--- read the UPGRADE docs
21:28.57aurax[TK]D-Fender, what's up ?
21:30.40auraxCan anyone tell me please if nat=yes in sip trunk can cause broken connect string in sip header?
21:31.03auraxi was debugging my sip trunk and i saw that it sending internal ip in connect string (instead of externip)
21:31.08[TK]D-Fenderaurax: You might want to consider looking.  If not perhaps showing.
21:34.07aurax212.199.157.154 is the rtp server.
21:36.02auraxsee, Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to <- this is wrong, transmitting nat to external ip ?
21:37.09*** join/#asterisk tripps (n=tripps@
21:37.42*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
21:38.44trippsI have some 7960 cisco phones with recent SCCP firmware and can't get them to load SIP on them no matter what I try. I've done this many times without problems, but these never load the code or even attempt to download the OS79XX.TXT file, etc. Even on a standalone network with my laptop as DHCP/TFTP and the phone as the only other node. ideas?.
21:39.30[TK]D-FenderaurProbably.  Whats at that IP?
21:40.05[TK]D-Fenderaurax: Looks like an ITSP at which point yes, it IS bad to have that reporting NAT
21:41.05auraxThis is my isp's IP. (Sip)
21:41.33auraxit means that my server sends to this ip invite with NAT information instead of the internal ip?
21:41.38auraxexternal ip*
21:41.43[TK]D-FenderauxaSo go fix your configs
21:42.34auraxI'm asking if i'm right
21:42.44auraxthat might be the reason why i cannot send audio ?
21:42.57[TK]D-Fender[17:40]<[TK]D-Fender>aurax: Looks like an ITSP at which point yes, it IS bad to have that reporting NAT <--------------------
21:43.02auraxok !
21:43.03auraxthx mate
21:43.04[TK]D-Fender[17:41]<[TK]D-Fender>auxaSo go fix your configs <-----------
21:43.14[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
21:43.32auraxso just nat=no will fix me up?
21:43.57[TK]D-Fenderaurax: At least that part
21:44.38auraxbeside that canreinvite=no, any other configuration that i have to consider?
21:45.29*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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21:49.36[TK]D-Fenderaurax: Go fix all that and come back
21:49.47howieanyone advise me on installing chan_mobile for asterisk?
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21:53.53aurax[TK]D-Fender fixed :)
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22:11.44hescoany ideas how to configure audacity to handle .gsm files?  I used the Record() app to record some ivr clips which I'd like to trim and save back as gsm.  I found some advice to use File->Import->RawData in audacity, but I'm not sure what format I should use on the import.
22:12.13beekhesco: If nothing else, use sox to convert it to wav, edit in audacity, then convert it back.
22:12.31hescook, trying that, then
22:14.54hescoI'm getting: 'sox soxio: Can't open input file `asterisk-recording23.gsm': unknown file type `gsm''
22:15.00hescoany ideas?
22:16.45auraxhesco, sound forge?
22:17.20beekhesco: show me the command line you typed
22:21.25*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:22.07leifmadsenhesco: sox probably needs to be compiled to support the GSM format
22:26.30KavanShesco, use wave with audacity....then use asterisk to convert from wav to gsm
22:26.34KavanShesco, that's what I used...and it worked fine
22:27.00KavanSI got the wav files from a friend who recorded them for me....then I cleaned them up a little bit in audacity...then when I was ready I performed the final conversion with asterisk
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22:32.52phelleranyone have any hints for how to deal with out-of-order RTP frames carrying rfc2833 dtmf data?
22:33.54hescook, I'm now working my way through the ./configure --help to compile sox from source.
22:34.15hescoI tried sox my_file.gsm my_file.wav
22:34.23beekhesco what distribution?
22:34.26hescojust guessing on that one,
22:34.30hescodebian Lenny
22:35.20beekI find that hard to believe that they don't have gsm enabled.   CentOS5 does.
22:35.30beek(the package I got from CentOS does)
22:36.19hescodid I misuse the command?  I did not really fully read the man page, just tried it from memory
22:36.51*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
22:38.13beekthat looks fine.
22:38.47beekhesco: want to email me one of the files and I can see if it converts here?
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22:39.54hescosure, share an email addr and I'll send it your way
22:48.14FreakGuardI suppose pbxes is running asterisk too, so I may ask SIP questions here too - I'm trying to phone an external SIP via my extention, but I just get a small tone and nothing else
22:49.00FreakGuardand a hangup afterwards
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23:58.11vegboxif i wanted to use the same house phones i am using now, what kind of an adapter can i use to hook up to a asterisk box
23:58.27*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (

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