IRC log for #asterisk on 20090714

00:00.00Rob3Rt[TK]D-Fender, of course i am following the instructions, issue is my provider only supports g729, they say you might not be able to hear the caller if you use ulaw
00:00.17Rob3Rtim allowing all 3, but theres some other issue, and im not an aster pro yet
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00:09.39GnewtI'd like to set up line 2 for extension 6000 to set the caller ID to the same as the number being dialed before dialing out
00:10.04Gnewteg if I dial 5552021010, it sets the caller ID to 5552021010 and then places the call
00:10.22GnewtIs there a way to do that?
00:18.31Rob3Rtquestion on g729, if i receive a call and make a call at the same time over g729, how many channels or licenses do i need
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00:32.54seanbrightRob3Rt: 2
00:33.18seanbrightevery concurrent channel needs a license
00:33.31seanbrightif you are going to have 10 g729 calls going on at the same time, you need 10 licenses.
00:34.21Rob3Rtthanks :)
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00:34.25Rob3Rtive got 4 licenses
00:34.38Rob3Rtbut i cant hear the other party
00:34.46seanbrightsounds like nat issue
00:34.51Rob3Rtim going out of my mind, this stuff isnt so hard surely
00:34.58Rob3Rtive go 5060 cleared and pointing to aster
00:35.06seanbrightthere is an article out there
00:35.08Rob3Rtno firewalls etc.
00:35.10infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
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00:35.13seanbrightthat one
00:35.20Rob3Rtya read them both this morning and last nite
00:35.34seanbrighti gotta run.  watching the home run derby.
00:35.57Rob3Rtmight be rtp
00:36.02Rob3Rtnpz see ya later :)
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01:12.13Rob3Rteverything else is fine
01:12.16Rob3Rtoutgoing calls
01:12.18Rob3Rtsoz caps
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01:22.46{Sean}is there anyway to set the SIP to header when calling a peer?
01:22.46{Sean}or user
01:23.53*** join/#asterisk voip_troll (n=voip_tro@
01:25.17voip_trollWhat is the best way to configure asterisk as a fax server for multiple users?  (Sales team each needs their own DID for faxing, but as the team grows, multiple instances of faxgetty probably isn't the most efficient method)
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01:26.48coppiceif you use app_fax or iaxmodem + hylafax the calling and called numbers are both available at the end of the call
01:28.36GnewtCan I set line 2 to have a different dialplan than line 1?
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01:29.26a2_Anyone have a 1800 DID i can use that will connect me for free?
01:30.09voip_trollcoppice: Do you know where the app_fax documentation can be found?  So far Google has not been playing nicely:(
01:30.09GnewtYou're asking for a completely free 1800 DID?
01:30.28a2_Im asking for a 1800 DID that is setup so i can call it, give it a number and it will connect me
01:30.36a2_Im trying to get around payphone toll fees
01:30.40seanbright{Sean}: core show application SIPAddHeader
01:30.44GnewtSet up your own ;)
01:30.58GnewtI don't actually know how much 1800 DIDs cost
01:30.59a2_I dont have the resources :(
01:31.02Gnewtwhat're the prices like?
01:31.14a2_idk, i hear they are cheap but im an amatuer
01:31.21MikeJtoll free from payphones is more expensive
01:31.29MikeJthey get charged a premium
01:31.38a2_You guys might be able to answer this then
01:32.02a2_I need to call a landline phone from a payphone. I just need the payphones caller id to showup on the landlines caller id, for free
01:32.04a2_any suggestions?
01:32.18a2_I was thinking of just depositing 50 cents and calling and not answering, and then calling the payphone back
01:32.45GnewtDo you just need the payphone's number?
01:32.49GnewtWhat is the projected goal?
01:32.50a2_Kind of
01:32.55voip_trolla2_: Most payphones don't allow inbound dialing....
01:33.12a2_the ones where i live all have #'s and accept inbound
01:33.15voip_trollHollywood has lied to you.
01:33.58{Sean}can you replace the To header usisg SIPAddHeader
01:34.26{Sean}didn't see your msg Sean
01:34.43{Sean}slaps MikeJ with a large trout
01:35.34{Sean}You can not replace SIP headers with this function, only add new ones.
01:35.42{Sean}says Voipinfo
01:36.19Gnewta2_: What, in the end, is your expected outcome?
01:36.24GnewtDo you need the payphone's #?
01:36.28GnewtDo you need free calls?
01:37.06a2_Gnewt: I need to get a payphone number to show up on a landline number without depositing any money, the landline phone is local to the payphone
01:37.47a2_I would imagine that would be easy with the right knowledge
01:41.12GnewtYou get your money back if the other end doesn't answer right?
01:41.51a2_lol yea
01:41.53a2_thats what i was thinking
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01:42.17a2_I was just curious if there was a 1800 number i could dial or something that would show the payphones number without depositing anything
01:42.28a2_i guess not
01:43.01GnewtThere may be
01:43.03Gnewtbut I don't know of one
01:43.05Gnewtsorry man
01:43.29a2_thanks for the help Gnewt
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01:44.14GnewtI just looked at the Flowroute inbound rates page
01:44.27GnewtYou get charged 95c every time someone calls your toll-free from a payphone >_>
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01:45.08a2_ok lol, thansk
01:56.07ifluxis there anything like SIPStripHeader?
01:57.36Rob3Rteveythings sorted cept when I call into the pbx two lines ring on the sipphone
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02:22.14voip_trollAnyone configured hylafax and iaxmodem to support multiple DIDs with a single hylafax/iaxmodem instance?
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02:32.10DarthPointera2_ ; the payphone is probably from one of hte major LECs (ILECs); most LECs do implement a set of testing #'s for techs to use while out in the field; they do things like speak the # back to you, call you back, etc.  Who's the LEC (or CLEC)
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02:43.02Jumpieanybody know when i do a sip show peers, all my aastra are like 30-40ms response, but my polycom (only have 1) is always under 8
02:43.09Jumpieis this just an issue with the aastra's nic?
02:43.22Jumpieand its consistant
02:44.45ifluxis it possible to use SIPAddHeader to overwrite a header that would have been there?
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02:47.01[TK]D-Fendervoip_troll: Single IAXmodem = single IAX modem.  1 identity.  All you can pass on to HylaFax is the CallerID for routing the e-mail
02:47.14[TK]D-Fenderiflux: No, you can only add headers
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02:48.23[TK]D-FenderJumpie: that is not a ping time, that is a SIP stack response time to an Options packet.  The phone can choose to prioritize that lower and the score will look worse.  It is not a generally valid test of latency
02:48.37ifluxfender: but you should be able to accept a call, then dial another call and set whatever headers you want, correct?
02:50.07[TK]D-Fenderiflux: Wrong order.  Receive a call.  Add headers.  Dial.  That Dialed call will have the added headers
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02:50.59ifluxfender: yeah exactly what I mean..
02:51.24ifluxand the 2nd call could just be between the pbx and any extension, right?
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02:52.06[TK]D-Fenderiflux: * and a SIP device
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02:52.50ifluxok.. thanks
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02:56.45c4t3lhowdy gang
02:58.19c4t3ln00b question here, but I'll ask anywayz... I've set up agents and a call queue in 1.4 and everytime my agent logs in I get hold music.  When I hang up the receiver, the agent gets logged out.
02:58.33c4t3li havn't played with * much since 1.2.16-ish
02:58.42Jumpiefender..ah ok makes sense..especially since its in line with all aastras show the same, so it shows i guess its a config difference
03:00.00[TK]D-Fenderiflux: No way to strip the existing header AFAIK
03:00.08c4t3li dont remember this being the default behavior
03:01.12[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: depends what your agent is doing by way of "logging in"
03:02.12c4t3lhmm.  you mean what I'm passing via agentlogin app?
03:03.07ifluxd-fender: hmmph :)
03:03.13c4t3lexten => *28,1,AgentLogin(${CALLERID(num)}) is what I'm sending
03:03.26[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: That cofirms it period.  AgentLogin forces yuo to stay on that call and SIT THERE
03:03.45c4t3lwhich app should I be using?
03:03.46[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: You are "logged in" until you hangup
03:03.55[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: Depends what you want to do
03:04.41c4t3lI want 3 sip phones to log into a queue and have calls routed to them in round-robin fashion
03:05.14c4t3lI dont need them to have to be "off-hook" the entire time tho
03:05.44[TK]D-Fenderc4t3l: for 1.4 (forget this for 1.6+) "core show application AgentCallbackLogin"
03:06.20c4t3l[TK]D-Fender: you have never steered me wrong.  thanks man
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03:19.52Rob3Rthey so if u include a different dial plan
03:20.02Rob3Rtand that plan has the same extension as the current dialplan
03:20.10Rob3Rtwill it call the extension twice ?
03:20.36b14ckit'll add onto it
03:20.39Rob3Rtlet me show u something
03:22.47b14ckwhy are you surprised?
03:23.17b14cknever have outbound contexts where inbound contexts should be
03:23.22b14ckyou leave yourself open for haxing D:
03:23.42[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: You have 2 priority 1's
03:25.06Rob3Rti took out the outbound context and i only get the call on the correct (single) line now ;)
03:25.14Rob3Rtoh lol priority 1 i see
03:25.23Rob3Rti changed that but mustnt have saved.
03:25.42Rob3Rt[TK]D-Fender ty too for all the help lately
03:25.52Rob3Rtturns out speedtouch blocked stuff internally.
03:26.28Rob3Rtso how owuld you guys set up that specific plan ?
03:26.41Rob3Rtif im gonna do this i want to do it the bet way
03:26.42[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: Yeah, its called NAT... the reason that that guide was written <-
03:27.26Rob3Rtnah nat was fine, internally the speedie blocks SIP 5060 even if you add the nat rule, you need to remove the rule
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03:59.40voip_troll[TK]D-Fender: Would it be correct to assume I should define the same number of iaxmodems as I have channels for inbound faxing?
04:08.59[TK]D-Fendervoip_troll: How many channels are dedicated to it?
04:10.47mmlj4realistically speaking, how much would a non-* conference bridge cost? this would hook into an existing avaya switch? ballpark figure?
04:11.04mmlj4I've googled, but don't really know what I'm looking at
04:13.01[TK]D-Fendermmlj4: Novel idea : Call a reseller of one
04:13.05voip_troll[TK]D-Fender: 23 (full PRI)
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04:14.04[TK]D-Fendervoip_troll: Well if you expect taht kind of concurrency, then that answers itself
04:14.29voip_trollheh... ok :)
04:15.06voip_trollOther question... do you know if there's really any benefit to using hylafax/iaxmodem as opposed to app_rxfax/app_txfax?
04:15.54[TK]D-Fendervoip_troll: IAXModem is more reliable and Hylafax more configurable and usable for real outgoing
04:16.35voip_trollah, can I still use the built-ins for getting the file location of an inbound fax?
04:19.38empiricguys when i dial any no it says
04:19.41empiricany idea
04:20.51[TK]D-Fendervoip_troll: empiric Says what?
04:20.56[TK]D-Fenderempiric Says what?
04:25.56empiricFender any idea?
04:27.47[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Idea about what?  You haven't decribe what is "bad" about what you have shown us.
04:28.04[TK]D-Fenderempiric: described*
04:28.36kb3ieni've found hylafax buggy i use efax with my iaxmodem.
04:35.43empiricok wait
04:36.51voip_troll[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to figure out how to get the name of the file that the fax is stored in during/after transmission, so I can trigger additional logic.
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04:37.53[TK]D-Fendervoip_troll: well that has nothing to do with * with HylaFAX doing it
04:38.21empirichere is my dail plan
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04:41.48empiricFender when i dial why it says Spawn extension (default, 03122201455, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/205-0825ce40'
04:41.51empiricand hung up
04:41.55empiricit wont call
04:42.36[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Won't call what? <-- I see it placing a call
04:42.49[TK]D-Fenderempiric: You seem to have a real issue describing WHAT IS BAD.
04:43.06empiricyes true
04:43.21empiricit seems calling my on other end i wont recieve call
04:43.34[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Passes back progress which is presumably "ringing" and then gets answered.
04:43.40empiricand after 25 sec its says exited non zero
04:44.28[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Says it answered.  Maybe you should give us some sort of useful description about what you are calling exactly.  MAYBE even place another callw ith SIP DEBUG enabled so we can see the comunication attempt
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04:46.26empiricit was all working last night
04:47.21[TK]D-Fenderempiric: You have still not described anything useful about what is wrong.  You haven't shown SIP debug for the call.  And you haven't even described what you are doing.
04:48.34empiricwait doing
04:50.20empiricfender ill let u kn later sorry
04:50.23empirici have to leave
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04:55.46Rob3Rti dont understand
04:55.58Rob3Rtif i ring into my DID i get two calls on my sipphone
04:56.07Rob3Rtwhat a freakin mess who coded this sh1t?
04:57.33velxundussaHey peoples, i'm completly new to Asterisk, i've begun reading some docs and got this channel, i'd just like to know if asterisk's the good thing for what I wish to do: i'd like to call up my PC with a cell-phone and get the call routed somewhere else with some voip. Is asterisk able to do that? Thanks for the answer :)
04:58.11Rob3Rtyeah but youll be charged for both calls u know that right ?
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04:58.40velxundussayup, it's for avoiding some extra with long-distances call :)
04:58.56Rob3Rti thought mobile was more expensive lol
04:59.01Rob3Rtbut whatever works
04:59.41velxundussaKay :)  (i've got 5 unlimited numbers on my mobile.. so if i get my asterisk box on them, all my call'll be unlimited :-) )
05:00.02velxundussathanks for the answer! =D
05:00.30[TK]D-Fendervelxundussa: You can do whatever you want with calls in to your system
05:02.22Sargun#  'T' ? set talker detection (sent to manager interface and meetme list)
05:02.33SargunWhat does that do?
05:03.14[TK]D-FenderSargun: Means that it sends out messages when it detects a caller speaking
05:03.24SargunOh, neat.
05:04.33SargunHm, I'm implementing a Omegle for phones, I'm curious as to how asterisk scales, or to handle a lot of the complexity outside of asterisk
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05:08.02[TK]D-FenderSargun: meaning?
05:08.14Sargun[TK]D-Fender, do you know what omegle is?
05:08.34[TK]D-FenderSargun: No
05:08.45SargunIt's a way to chat with strangers over the internet
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05:08.58SargunI basically want to do the same thing for phones
05:09.42SargunThe way I'm thinking of implementing is by having people call in, have an extension that just Wait()s. Then I have an AMI program which manages each call
05:09.54Sargunand when two calls are free, it creates a conference, and then the users join
05:10.04Sargunbasically, as much sits outside of asterisk as possible
05:10.17SargunI'm wondering if it might be wise to put more into the dial plan
05:10.43*** join/#asterisk AlmightyOatmeal (
05:11.00AlmightyOatmealdo polycom phones require a constant tftp connection like cisco phones do?
05:12.39[TK]D-FenderAlmightyOatmeal: No
05:12.56AlmightyOatmealthank god
05:13.23AlmightyOatmealany recomendations on a particular polycom with basic functionality? one or two lines, CID, hold, transfer, etc?
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05:13.51AlmightyOatmeali don't need a huge conference setup or video
05:15.58[TK]D-FenderAlmightyOatmeal: Any will do.  IP 321/331
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05:30.53TrentCreekanyone know of a ATA to USB to connect to * without the need for drivers for a computer that may be locked down?
05:31.36[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: No such thing
05:31.41AlmightyOatmeali've never heard of such a device
05:31.56[TK]D-FenderAnd this is a conversation I've had before.
05:32.02TrentCreekwell, one can wish
05:32.08AlmightyOatmealTrentCreek: make one
05:32.29[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Or invent it yourself.  Frankly noone has seen a market enough to waste dev time making it
05:32.39TrentCreekproblem is is needs to share the IP socket
05:32.57[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Oh yeah, like there wouldn't be problems ;)
05:33.20[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Like WTF does it become a packet interface with NO DRIVERS.  and the have the right to route....
05:33.42TrentCreekI had a relative that was using a company owned laptop and restricted from putting softwar eon it. Wanted to use it to cal home. No doing
05:34.20[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Can he run an app?
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05:34.41TrentCreekrun, yes, but not install
05:34.45[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Then have him run Zoiper and get a hedset and he's done
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05:35.39TrentCreekOkay, I never knew that one did nto need install. I used another one, and it really sucks on sound quality
05:37.58TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: It seems to have a install package. Is there another version, or does it auto-detect?
05:38.59[TK]D-Fenderlook around.  I know it doesn't require installation
05:39.20[TK]D-FenderCheckout time.  LAter all
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05:39.49somanHi, I would like to test basic call setup from VOIP to PSTN, and i have ordered TE122P T1/E1 card from digium. And I have an ISDN phone. Can i connect ISDN phone to TE122p and test the same.
05:44.40Rob3Rtwoulda investigated that prior to purchase
05:44.43Rob3Rtsorry i cant
05:45.49somanRob3Rt: means will it not work if i connect TE122p to ISDN phone
05:46.17Rob3Rti dont know, does it have any isdn/bri ports/sockets/trunks ?
05:46.53somanMy ISDN phone has WAN interface,
05:47.19somanand TE122p is with PRI interface
05:47.38somanCan you please suggest me, how can i proceed.
05:48.40somanCan i connect T1/E1 card to my ISDN phone
05:49.50Rob3Rti cant no, i havent used ISDN ... EVER
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05:51.02somanRob3Rt, My requirement is that i would like to develop supplementary applications over PSTN->VOIP and vice versa.
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05:52.09somanRob3Rt, i am following the link , and would like to use chan_ss7 solution for that.
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05:53.01somanRob3Rt, instead of using two TE110P cards on two machines, I wanted to use one card and at the other end ISDN phone.
05:54.28somanRob3Rt, Can you tell me how can i proceed.
05:54.44somanRob3Rt, I appreciate any help on this.
05:56.36somanCan i use TE122p T1/E1 card to connect with the ISDN phone which has WAN interface
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06:14.10Rob3Rt<Rob3Rt> i cant no, i havent used ISDN ... EVER
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06:56.46Rob3RtJul 14 16:54:52 WARNING[2772] chan_sip.c: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 256 (read/write = 256/256)
06:56.51Rob3Rtanyone know what gives?
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06:57.09Rob3RtThat when I call the pizza place and the call cant be heard, IM HUNGRY !!!
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07:07.16merlin8282If I have understood it right, mISDN and DAHDI are both a driver for HFC4/8S hardware, and can't be used at the same time. Am I right ?
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07:21.40lftsyRob3Rt: Hello, I'm interested in your question, I has the same warning lines yesterday
07:22.26lftsyRob3Rt: But I suppose it was when I was sending g729 to be transcoded when the transcoding card was fully occupied
07:33.44WindowsUsermerlin8282: cant use two drivers for one device, but i dont know anything about your specific hardware :)
07:40.47*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
07:43.54merlin8282WindowsUser: ok, thanks.
07:45.38merlin8282In fact I just tried this: adding hisax, isdn, hfc4s8s_l1, slhc and crc_ccitt to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist (like on my production asterisk 1.4.22 server) and rebooted, but it keeps unsuccessful, the driver seems to crash //
07:45.50merlin8282I've a junghanns QuadBRI ISDN PCI.
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07:49.54tzafrir_laptopmerlin8282, what do you want to use? misdn? zaptel? dahdi?
07:51.16merlin8282tzafrir_laptop: at least something that works ^^
07:51.29merlin8282What are the big differences ?
07:51.36merlin8282I'm using *
07:52.02tzafrir_laptopmerlin8282, I'm not familiar with misdn
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08:03.06Rob3Rti still have absolutley nfi why,
08:03.39Rob3Rtwhen i dialin to my stupid pbx(exetel voip DID), it rings 3cx via 1000 (great), and then calls the sipphone twice.
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08:11.37merlin8282Ok, so I think I would use DAHDI.
08:11.56merlin8282Does it include the qozap driver ?
08:14.20tzafrir_laptopwhat version of dahdi-linux ?
08:25.02supa_diskoguys: on my internal firewall, I've let rtp/sip from networks to any, and any back
08:25.19supa_diskohowever I don't get incomding audio, anything I should be looking at?
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08:33.06tzafrir_laptopmerlin8282, that version still does not include support for that card (it exists as a patch, and was commited into dahdi a bit after that)
08:34.05merlin8282Oh ok. So I should use the svn version of dahdi ?
08:34.37tzafrir_laptophmm, I believe it should work
08:37.55merlin8282ok thanks, i'll try this.
08:39.33Rob3Rtwhen i dialin to my stupid pbx(exetel voip DID), it rings 3cx via 1000 (great), and then calls the sipphone twice.
08:39.54Rob3Rtwhat can i look for to fix?
08:40.03supa_diskogo go exetel
08:40.12supa_diskocomplete @#$@#ers if you ask me
08:41.12Rob3Rtwhy ?
08:41.28Rob3Rtexetel aint the problem
08:41.36Rob3Rtand thier irc channel is cool
08:41.53Rob3Rtmy F*&^*&^(* sipphone getting called twice IS a problem.
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08:45.09tzafrir_laptopnotes that if you remove that 3cx that problem will go away
08:45.52Rob3Rtnot removing it
08:46.05Rob3Rtextension plan
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09:35.07a2__Whats the best per minute DID service?
09:35.40a2__I found a service thats offering $1 a pop per DID and like $0.6c-$0.30c per that the cheapest? Im pretty sure you can get them for cheaper
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10:23.17maxagazwhen i call an external number using an SIP phone, and that they ask me to choose for a language, the digits don't work, can someone help me to solve this problem ?
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10:34.45ernetasHi guys.
10:34.50ernetasI'm using ArchLinux.
10:34.54ernetasAnd just installed Asterisk.
10:35.15ernetasAnd after I start /etc/rc.d/asterisk - there's nothing changeing in nmap -sS localhost output.
10:35.19ernetasAny ideas why?
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10:42.28tzafrir_laptopernetas, for starters, 'netstat -lntup' is probably more handy
10:42.48tzafrir_laptopand then again, start with the logs under /var/log/asterisk
10:43.11ernetasOh. I've totally forgot about those... :D
10:43.40ernetasThey're empty.
10:43.56ernetasOnly the queue_log contains some lines of this: 1247501428|NONE|NONE|NONE|QUEUESTART|
10:44.08ernetasAnd netstat doesn't see any asterisk.
10:44.28ernetasAlthough, ps aux | grep asterisk does see:
10:44.34ernetasasterisk 14201  0.0  0.2   4152  1168 ?        Ssl  13:41   0:00 /usr/sbin/asterisk -G asterisk -U asterisk
10:45.43ernetasAny ideas what's wrong? :)
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10:47.13tzafrir_laptopthe process started, but failed to bind to ports for whatever reason?
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10:51.02maxagazcould someone help me to formulate better my question ?
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10:55.14tzafrir_laptopernetas, does asterisk run as its own user? if so: does it have write permissions to /var/log/asterisk ?
10:56.23ernetastzafrir_laptop: how do I check if it's being run as its own user? :) Ain't that shown in ps aux?
10:56.48ernetasYeah, it does have writing permissions.
10:56.50J4zenHi there, i'd like to replace my incoming Callerid(name) by the output that an external PHP script will give me. The script accepts a parameter $cid and will echo a name if it's found in our database. How would i do so? Can i do "exten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(name=System(curl [url]?cid=${CALLERID(num)})))
10:57.00J4zenI dont think thats the proper way of doing it
10:57.31tzafrir_laptopendemic, it does run as user 'asterisk' (from the output of ps)
10:58.56J4zenIn short, i'd like to put the output of CURL into CALLERID(name)
10:59.33tzafrir_laptopJ4zen, there's a function called SHELL() in later versions of Asterisk
10:59.52tzafrir_laptophmm.... sorry. CURL is a function of its own right
11:00.03J4zenit is?
11:00.17J4zeni was refering to the unix curl
11:00.35J4zenah, thanks tzafrir_laptop. I had no idea
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11:00.50mvanbaakheya all
11:01.12mvanbaakanyone know about a spanish or mexican ITSP ?
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11:18.03J4zenDoes anyone see anything wrong with this syntax:
11:18.03J4zenexten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(name)=${CURL(https://mydomain.tld/setcid?password=mypassword&cid=${CALLERID(num))}})
11:18.25J4zenit should put the output of CURL into variable CALLERID(name)
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11:23.41mvanbaakJ4zen: make sure you have a valid cert on mydomain.tld or import the cert into your local keyring
11:23.54J4zenits a valid cert
11:24.04mvanbaakI have seen a lot of stuff fall apart when moving from testing to production because of wrong ssl certs
11:24.11mvanbaakah, then I said nothing
11:26.38J4zenIs there anyone that knows how to put the output of an external PHP script into a local asterisk variable?
11:29.13creativxusing set() and curl() ..
11:29.53creativxexten => s,n,set(url=
11:30.07creativxexten => s,n,set(qstr=?param1=1)
11:30.37creativxexten => s,n,set(foo=${CURL(${url}${qstr})})
11:30.52creativxURI split to 2 vars for readability..
11:31.28J4zenand that should work equally well for set(callerid(name)${CURL(${url}${qstr})}) ?
11:31.36J4zencallerid(name)= *
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11:42.20maxagazstill nobody to help me for my problem ?
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11:43.20tompawIs there a way for Asterisk to send a custom SIP error message?
11:43.29tompawlike SIP(error_code, error_text)
11:45.54tompawis there a way to send 503 / Service unavailable?
11:46.25kaiitompaw: you can do this with hangup causes ..  Hangup(17) for example is "normal call clearing"
11:46.57kaii(or was it busy?)  have a look at
11:48.23kaiimaxagaz: possibly your SIP phone and the SIP peer setting in asterisk do not match with the right DMTF settings
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11:49.37stixHi guys. I am placing calls from telnet via AMI. Can anyone tell me if I can use a command to record the calls to a wav?
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11:52.47tompawkaii: checking Hangup, thx
11:53.07kaiistix: see manager command "Monitor"
11:53.19stixthanks :)
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12:17.39ThoMeis it posible with AEL when I use "if" with if (${BLA} = 'ups' && <<the AND ?
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12:20.47[TK]D-FenderThoMe: I'm pretty certain it is
12:22.00ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: ok.. i try it. have a asterisk book and is not written in my book
12:22.04ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: i think, the best> test .-)
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12:22.36[TK]D-FenderThoMe: I think limiting yourself to 1 book and ignoring all the basic docs * even comes with is a big mistake
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12:27.23J4zencreativx: Thanks, works like a charm
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12:32.13ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: is it posible with asterisk,
12:32.27ThoMewhen i try to dial a ext.. play music?
12:32.58ThoMelike dial(sip/me); but with music.. and when connected then music stop
12:33.21stixWhat is the command "show channels" replaced with in 1.6.x ?
12:33.21kaiioption "m" = "m"usic on hold
12:33.27ThoMeajo.. ok :-)
12:33.33guaxstix, core show channels
12:33.36[TK]D-FenderThoMe: "core show application" <--- read the instructions first
12:33.46ThoMekaii: kaii and the music on hold, i can set this? i have a default music...
12:33.56guaxstix, as well in 1.4, but it still works for compactibility
12:33.56ThoMekaii: but i can change it for this call?
12:34.07kaiiThoMe: read instructions ... Dial(SIP/me,,m(class))
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12:38.06stixHow can I monitor channel SIP/100 when the channel is called something like: SIP/100-0954e8d0? and 0954e8d0 seems to be a new random number on the next call.
12:39.22ThoMeon my asterisk console i have message like
12:39.23ThoMeReally destroying SIP dialog '0648b98d0792870f481db915047047e3@' Method: REGISTER
12:39.26ThoMe[Jul 14 14:38:16] NOTICE[17949]: chan_sip.c:15769 handle_request_subscribe: Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: 53066
12:39.32ThoMeis it posible set verbose none?
12:39.39ThoMehave set verbose 0 and sip no debug
12:39.45[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Of course
12:40.05ThoMei try core set debug
12:40.11[TK]D-FenderThoMe: "set debug 0
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12:40.15ThoMeah ok
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12:40.19ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: mh. ok. :-)
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12:51.07stixHow can I monitor channel SIP/100 when the channel is called something like: SIP/100-0954e8d0? and 0954e8d0 seems to be a new random number on the next call.
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12:53.29[TK]D-Fenderstix: monitor how?
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12:54.46stix[TK]D-Fender: I have a php-script which sends commands via telnet to the AMI. It should send the "Monitor"-command but my script doesn't know this random peer-id which is suffixed on the channel-name
12:55.09[TK]D-Fenderstix: Well use AMI to get a LIST of the channels
12:55.28Rob3Rt[TK]D-Fender, my aster-bible. Sir, what other directive are imperative to sip.conf and extensions.conf, id like to clear the default junk out of my configs so i see better.
12:55.36stixI guess I could do that
12:56.12[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: only [general] and [globals] are "standard"
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12:56.33Rob3RtThank you - looking into it :)
12:58.07mazpeI keep getting the following error "rtp.c:1010 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX"
12:58.18mazpethe client ip is the ip of my voip provider.
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12:58.47mazpeit seems to come on when i first press a number on the IVR
12:58.50Rob3Rt[TK]D-Fender, Globals is in sip.conf too ? or is that just in Extensions.conf ?
12:59.19[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: extensions.conf.  in sip.conf, only [general] is standard and required
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12:59.45Rob3RtGreat thanks man.
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13:03.49stix[TK]D-Fender: how would you return the channel-name of SIP/100? If I use CoreShowChannels, it shows all of them.
13:04.44[TK]D-Fenderstix: If it returns a whole bunch, are you telling me you can't parse out the names for the one that starts with SIP/100 ?
13:05.21stixsure I can do it by grep'ing - but maybe there was an asterisk-command which could do it
13:07.37Rob3Rt[TK]D-Fender, started afresh, i now have 'sip show peers' showing as one extension (good) and one inbound and one outbound extension via my voip provider, is this correct?
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13:08.59[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: I don't know... is it?
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13:12.22Rob3RtProbably not..
13:12.49Rob3Rtgot this since i cleared the conf, Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to slin
13:12.54Rob3Rton incoming calls
13:12.56Rob3Rti hate life.
13:15.30mvanbaakRob3Rt: looks like you dont have the g729 codec installed
13:15.47[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: I'm largely doubting that you purchased G729 licenses and set them up
13:16.24Rob3Rtworks as pass thru doesnt it
13:16.48[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: More specifically I'm betting you did not bother to specify your codecs under [general] and for each of your peers
13:16.50mazpealso.. what causes the following error: chan_sip.c:2686 ast_sip_ouraddrfor: stun failed
13:16.59[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: Whatever you're doing isn't passthrough
13:17.05Rob3Rtyeah i did specify all three codecs under peers
13:17.39[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: I'm not going to validate what I can't see
13:17.42Rob3Rt[TK]D-Fender, it is passthrough, when the asterisk answers incoming calls for an internal pbx, and passes them on
13:17.44Rob3Rtyeah ok
13:18.05[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: yeah... and I trust you did it right... suuuurrrreee
13:18.07Rob3Rtim on vista running win32 in console mode, but it wont let me right click and mark for paste, I jsut cant win lol.
13:18.28Rob3Rtit was working fine just i was getting the sipphone called twice for some reason
13:18.34[TK]D-FenderRob3Rt: You've PB'd this stuff before.
13:18.40Rob3Rtbrb configuring stuff
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13:21.16[TK]D-Fender"Everything is right, except that it needs configuring"
13:25.11Rob3RtErr no
13:25.18Rob3Rtstarted from scratch.
13:25.21Rob3Rtits working now .
13:25.34Rob3Rtfew things to sort through but from-scratch is much better.
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13:38.46jayteeanyone know of a website where I can input my area code and get a list of all nxx exchange numbers for that area code?
13:39.55ifluxjaytee: there's one off
13:40.08stixIs the sip-peer-id, displayed after the channel-name, always 8 characters long?
13:41.31[TK]D-Fenderstix: If youre referring to the "-" + 8 digit hex, is jsut a random sequence soo that the channel name is "unique" (or more).
13:42.37ifluxfender: I've almost got this stuff I've been working on fixed now.. just a couple more gotoif's and some parsing tricks and I'm done..
13:43.50ifluxthen I just gotta ask my work if I can release it and hope they don't claim ownership :(
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13:46.31stix[TK]D-Fender: yes that is what I mean - called peer-id on As long as it is always 8 characters I am happy.
13:46.54[TK]D-Fenderstix: Parse backwards until a "-"
13:47.59stixWhich means that it is not always 8?
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13:48.21[TK]D-Fenderstix: Which means it certainly should be... for SIP.  not Zap, etc
13:48.32[TK]D-Fenderstix: So use a more generalized method
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13:49.12stixit is always SIP, so I can match it with /SIP/100-[0-9a-f]{8}
13:49.38shazaum100/100                  D          5061     OK (1372 ms)   <----- :D
13:50.00ifluxso I have this annoying neighbor's grandson that's 10.. his folks drop him off at his grandparents for a week in the summer and they just tell him to go do something outside but he's not allowed to go anywhere out of the neighborhood. He keeps coming over to my house and knocking on the door wanting to see if our nanny and my daughter (who's 3) want to go outside. I've told him not to knock on my door or ring my doorbell or go in my garage (caught him
13:51.24ifluxI should go put a computer outside.. hook it up to the net.. and let the kid vegetate all day..
13:52.15KavanSiflux, I'd hang out with him and teach him how to be a man
13:52.36KavanSone of the coolest things you get to do as an adult is mold the future generations...
13:53.58ifluxkavan: that's true.. but my idea of being a man and his father's seem to be very different.
13:54.31KavanSiflux, yeah you can't do much about that
13:54.59ifluxyesterday the kid was over at my house talking about how his father doesn't help his mom out whatsoever with money and they had to move out of their house because his dad wouldn't pay for it anymore
13:55.09Kattyleifmadsen: the building is 70F :<
13:55.21leifmadsenKatty: mine is about 74F and I'm just wearing shorts
13:55.26Kattyleifmadsen: >.<
13:55.30Kattywe need blankets.
13:55.41leifmadsenI generate a lot of heat
13:55.53Kattyleifmadsen: can i borrow you?
13:55.53leifmadsenI'm almost always hot
13:56.00ifluxkavan: so I had to explain to him that if his dad did help his mom pay for that house he probably couldn't afford a place of his own and that's not fair to expect his dad to be homeless
13:56.03leifmadsensure! I'm like a heating blanket
13:56.17ifluxyou could tell his mom has been filling his head with stupid crap
13:56.34leifmadsenpeople suck
13:56.36leifmadsenthat is all.
13:56.44ifluxwell said leifmadsen
13:57.26ifluxon another note.. I need a thermostat that I can get onto my network in some way so I can tell what time of day someone changed the temperature
13:57.38[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I BLAME YOU!  Yesterday we lost power, got hit was torrential rainfall (45 deg incline), and HAIL!
13:57.46ifluxI have a suspicion that our nanny keeps turning the temp down to 70 degrees but I can't prove it right now
13:57.52leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: mwahahaha... I did it on purpose
13:57.56leifmadsenjust to screw with you
13:58.04ifluxfender: how big was the hail?
13:58.05[TK]D-FenderKNEW it...
13:58.23leifmadseniflux: a plastic cover with a lock should solve that problem
13:58.37[TK]D-Fenderiflux: dime-sized at largest thankfully
13:58.39leifmadsencan't wait for his tee-time at the virtual golf in his condo tonight
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13:59.04Kattywhy on earth do you have a nanny.
13:59.15file[TK]D-Fender: that rain was fun.
13:59.22ifluxleifmadsen: true.. but I want a fancy networked thermostat and those covers have zero wife acceptance factor
13:59.26Katty[TK]D-Fender: file:
13:59.35ifluxkatty: 2 parents that work and need a flexible schedule
13:59.39leifmadseniflux: hehe... true :)  plus the networked one is way cooler
13:59.42[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I got fubar'd on one of those.  Stupid Pebble Beach with a huge crevasse they won't let you shout AROUND.  I swear the specks at the bottom weren't sand, they were the 30 stroke wasted FILLING  IT
13:59.46ifluxleif: exactly
13:59.53fileKatty: can't watch, in a presentation
13:59.54Kattyiflux: your child is going to turn out like your nanny, and not like you.
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14:00.17Kattyiflux: i would put your flexibilities and priorities to favor your child.
14:00.28Kattyfile: watch it later (=
14:00.39Kattyiflux: you will never get that time back.
14:00.41leifmadsenso... asterisk rocks!
14:01.02ifluxkatty: that's wonderful to say but unfortunately we live in the real world where we bought a house at the peak of the market and are now upside down by 200k
14:01.13Katty[TK]D-Fender: aye, i saw that several months ago :>
14:01.26Kattyiflux: adjust.
14:01.30ifluxhell.. it wasn't even more house than we could afford.. but it unfortunately means we have to keep working
14:01.36Kattyiflux: it is your CHILD
14:01.38[TK]D-FenderKatty: I know, I sent it to you ;)
14:01.42Katty[TK]D-Fender: oh ;)
14:02.05ifluxkatty: true.. and she gets to see us for more time each day than she spends with her nanny..
14:02.33Kattyiflux: how old is your child?
14:02.53ifluxkatty: 3
14:03.03Kattyiflux: why don't you ask her if she's happy.
14:03.15leifmadsenKatty: enough please
14:03.36ifluxthanks leif..
14:04.10*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
14:05.28Kattyleifmadsen: as you wish.
14:05.42Kattybut i am still disgruntled.
14:06.07Kattyand i am filing an official report with star fleet.
14:06.10leifmadsenregardless,this is not the forum to discuss how to raise children.
14:07.58[TK]D-Fender"Beam me up Scotty.. there's no intelligent life down here"
14:08.13*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
14:08.22coppicethere's none up there, either
14:08.58*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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14:11.23ifluxis there any way to do pcre regex's in dialplans?
14:11.42ifluxcause that'd really be handy and spare me 4-5 lines
14:11.51Kattyhi Deeewayne!
14:12.13DeeewayneKatty, good morning!
14:12.28leifmadseniflux: REGEX()
14:12.55[TK]D-Fenderiflux: "core show function REGEX"
14:12.58ifluxleif: but regex just allows you to check if a regex matches
14:13.07[TK]D-Fenderiflux: then no.
14:13.10ifluxit doesn't allow you to select text out of a regex and return it
14:13.19leifmadsenI don't think you can do that...
14:13.32ifluxyeah I don't think so either but it sure would be handy
14:13.39leifmadsenpotentially :)
14:13.55leifmadsenyou could create an AGI() to pass the text and return it in a variable
14:14.11leifmadsenthen you could pass the values to your perl script, and return the result
14:14.46ifluxleif: yeah.. I just didn't want to introduce an agi into this..
14:17.02eppigyI am dave
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14:23.47[TK]D-Fenderiflux: Feel free to write out your own app/function then :)
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14:31.15ifluxfender: I can do it without that.. i was just wondering if it existed..
14:31.39ifluxmaybe sometime I'll see about hooking up the pcre libs
14:32.32*** part/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
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14:49.10kaiiiflux, [TK]D-Fender:  an interface to real pcre (not only match) would indeed be handy
14:49.19*** part/#asterisk GameGamer43 (n=GameGame@
14:50.00[TK]D-Fenderkaii: Ok, I'm sold.  I support your decision to volunteer to code it ;)
14:52.46*** join/#asterisk moy (
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14:56.48Kobazhow do i tell if a call is on hold, with something like show channels... i don't see any info whatsoever in the show channels or show channel output, to indicate on-hold
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14:59.42kaii[TK]D-Fender: will do as soon as i updated our codebase from 1.2-patched-from-bristuff to trunk :-P
15:01.09*** join/#asterisk ctp_ (
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15:05.04maverickgetting this on log : interface.c: Junk at the beginning of frame
15:05.18maverickdoes anybody knows the meaning ?
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15:13.58rudeboy_xixhi!, how to auto answer a channel, im using manager api, and whenever i run a command 'originate', i have to answer the call first before the number is being dialed. is there a way to automatically answer the call, then dial the number?
15:14.45[TK]D-Fenderrudeboy_xix: What if you never answer?
15:15.25Alfiohehehehehe good one
15:15.31rudeboy_xixit will not continuew
15:16.02*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
15:16.31kombifrom *1.6.1 CALLERID(num) seems to drop leading zeroes. Couldn't find anything neither on voip-info nor guru. Would someone know of a fix/switch/workaround?
15:16.36ariel_Hello everyone
15:16.47[TK]D-Fenderrudeboy_xix: How do you figure.. the other side has been called.  They ansewr before you do.  What happens until then?
15:17.10[TK]D-Fenderkombi: That functions does not drop digits
15:17.19[TK]D-Fenderkombi: PAStebIN.
15:17.24rudeboy_xixim calling my mobile number, thats y i know
15:17.36Kobazthere needs to be a sip show channels consise
15:17.39[TK]D-Fenderrudeboy_xix: Doesn't answer my second question
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15:18.08rudeboy_xixno, i have to answer first before my mobile will ring
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15:18.40kombifender: hmm, it's only one line that resolves caller numbers agains a database, worked until I put on 1.6.1 yesterday: exten => _XXXXXXXX,3,AGI(get_callername.php,${CALLERID(num)})
15:18.49[TK]D-Fenderrudeboy_xix: I'm not getting what it you want here... Originate calls your "Channel" first, then dumps them into the dialplan.
15:18.58[TK]D-Fenderkombi: PASTEBIN <-------
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15:23.45ian__hi everyone, Im looking to install Asterisk in my office.  It will be used on Polycom 320 sip phones and I need to have the ability to get calls from outside into my office, then route the calls to different phones and have the ability to do things such as conference calling
15:24.11ian__can someone  recommend a good OS to use for these purposes ?
15:24.28[TK]D-Fenderian__: Any you can install * and its dependencies on.
15:24.33[TK]D-Fenderian__: And manage of course.
15:25.00*** join/#asterisk ramindia (n=balajibh@
15:25.08ian__right, I am right now looking at a freshly installed CentOS 5.3 terminal
15:25.16ian__will that be sufficient?
15:25.20[TK]D-Fenderian__: As far as getting support from others, CentOS is probably the best choice, with debian, Slackware, FC, etc also having a decent following.
15:25.30[TK]D-Fenderian__: Certainly
15:25.37*** join/#asterisk errotan (n=errotan@
15:26.05ian__ok cool, is there any place that you can direct me that would help me install */make sure I have the correct dependencies?
15:26.33bmoracadigium's website?  asterisk the future of telephony book?
15:28.17[TK]D-Fenderian__: Go on the WIKI and search for CentOS and you'll see some decent guides.
15:28.19infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
15:28.56ian__Very cool, thank you guys
15:28.57*** join/#asterisk astswan (
15:30.39astswansenddtmf action or redirect action in an extension who answer ?
15:32.01[TK]D-Fenderkombi: ....... are you that slow?
15:32.27[TK]D-Fenderkombi: what good does that PB do?
15:32.38[TK]D-Fenderkombi: You give a story, and no backup
15:33.06*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
15:33.13astswanNo one has done this trick ???
15:34.19[TK]D-Fenderastswan: AMI Redirect <-
15:34.54astswan[TK]D-Fender: yes
15:35.05astswan[TK]D-Fender : i try this
15:35.24astswanbut i can t find the good channel
15:35.40astswanincomming calls are from a queue
15:35.52maverickgetting this on log : interface.c: Junk at the beginning of frame
15:35.54maverickdoes anybody knows the meaning ?
15:36.49[TK]D-Fendermaverick: Have you considered actually PASTEBINNING the complete failure from just before, through the end so we have a sense of CONTEXT?
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15:37.20[TK]D-Fenderastswan: I guess you'd better find your target before you worry about redirecting it.
15:37.34[TK]D-Fenderastswan: Go look at the active channels.
15:39.08kombifender: with all due respect I am busy here... However, if I error_logged the content of CALLERID(num) and prooved to you that it does not contain leading zeros anymore, what would you say?
15:39.27astswan[TK]D-Fender: SIP/666-099dc398     666@default:1        Ringing AppDial((Outgoing Line))
15:39.27astswanAgent/666            112@default:1        Down    AppQueue((Outgoing Line))
15:39.27astswanLocal/666@default-65 666@default:1        Ring    Dial(SIP/666)
15:39.27astswanLocal/666@default-65 666@default:1        Down    (None)
15:39.27astswanSIP/200-b7a09038     112@default:1        Ring    Queue(5017|tHh|||100)
15:39.27astswan5 active channels
15:39.29astswan2 active calls
15:39.38infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
15:39.40astswanwhre is the actice channel ??
15:40.19*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (n=timr@
15:40.44[TK]D-Fenderastswan: PASTEBIN, do not spam in here
15:40.46infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
15:41.03[TK]D-Fenderastswan: Local/666@default-65 <- channel.....
15:41.17[TK]D-Fenderastswan: and that's only PART of the channel name... its getting cut off.
15:41.26[TK]D-Fenderastswan: "core show channels concise"
15:41.40Kattycore show katty's lunch
15:41.43astswani know this
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15:43.47ariel_Katty: your already thinking of lunch?  Wow,
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15:47.46Kattyariel_: it's nearly lunchtime here.
15:48.21ariel_Katty: figured that, I am on the west coast today so it's not even 9 am yet
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15:51.19ariel_StarBucks in Downtown Vancouver is expensive, there small cup of coffee is over 2 dollars...
15:52.35Kattythat's starbucks for you
15:53.37leifmadsenAsterisk-Addons 1.4.9-rc1,,, and are now available for your testing pleasure!  Please see for more information. Thank you for your continued support of Asterisk!
15:54.11leifmadsenAsterisk 1.4.26-rc6 is now available for your testing pleasure! Please see for more information.
15:56.21ariel_argh going to see if I can vpn into my asterisk system this hotel is blocking sip channels....
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16:05.42[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Still not any brighter....
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16:09.27maverickgetting this ( ) on logs
16:09.29maverickdoes anybody knows the meaning ?
16:10.26kombifender: how's this
16:12.45bmoracakombi: why don't you just use a PHP function to pad the input with as many zeros as to make it the length that you want?
16:12.59bmoracait's like 2 lines of code
16:13.31kombibmoraca: that's correct, but how do I guess the amount of zeros taken away?
16:14.00kombitwo for international calls, one for domestic..
16:14.04*** join/#asterisk bbryant ( designed the database. aren't all of the callerid numbers the same length in it?
16:15.37kombinope.. two leading zeros for international, one for domestic. As I said, one could just change every record no problem. I would just like some hint that it will stay this way from now on..
16:16.39maverickgetting this ( ) on logs
16:16.40maverickdoes anybody knows the meaning ?
16:17.06bmoracakombi:  i'm not aware that leading zeros were ever a "feature".  sounds more like your provider changes the way they send you callerid info.
16:18.29kombibmoraca: that is of course possible, but very unlikely. The change occured right after I installed * 1.6.1. How do those numbers arrive in your *?
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16:23.25kombiI'll check with the telco anyway, but I guess changing the data in the db is the way to go here.
16:26.37[TK]D-Fenderkombi: the function works.  It does not modify anything. the CHANNEL DRIVER sends it in.
16:26.54[TK]D-Fenderkombi: And you are not debunnging your DAHDI/CAPI call.
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16:27.27[TK]D-Fendermaverick: that log is worthless
16:27.37[TK]D-Fendermaverick: We don't see what caused it.
16:27.50kombiahh.... that might be it! changed from misdn to dahdi. Who would have guessed that... Thanks fender! Always a pleasure
16:29.02maverickFender: but are the possible causes of this ?
16:29.43[TK]D-Fendermaverick: Go google, and start guessing.  because thats all you'll be able to do.
16:30.02[TK]D-Fendermaverick: I see several MP3 references which might mean a bad MP3 used as MoH, etc
16:30.08*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
16:30.12[TK]D-Fendermaverick: But then again yuo don't ahve a live sample to show us
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16:33.19jayteemaverick? what'd your mother not like you as a child or something? :-)
16:34.08Rob3Rthey dont be mean
16:34.17Rob3Rtits not his fault his mother didnt like him
16:34.33Rob3Rtoh wait
16:35.56*** join/#asterisk NERvOus (
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16:37.08NERvOushi, I recently upgraded from asterisk 1.2 (sic!) to and now I have a problem with calls coming from my DID. I always get: [Jul 14 18:29:54] NOTICE[29639]: chan_sip.c:18160 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '7067054022' rejected because extension not found.
16:37.30dovidNERvOus: looks more like a configuration issue
16:37.32NERvOushowever, the DID has the "did-private" context and the did-private context does have the 7067054022 extension
16:37.40NERvOusthe same configuration was working on asterisk 1.2
16:37.46[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: Clearly there is no exten to match that # in the context the call is landing on
16:37.48jayteei was just's a line from the movie Top Gun
16:37.55rob0did you read the release notes? Syntax and behaviors have changed.
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16:38.17dovidrob0: If it was syntax he wouldnt get a 404 error
16:38.27dovidmost likely some kind of include
16:38.28[TK]D-Fenderyeah, because there were only 2 major versions BETWEEn them...
16:38.44[TK]D-Fenderdovid: Syntax can cause a 404.
16:38.45NERvOusthis is an excerpt from my config:
16:38.50[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: PASTEBIN~!
16:38.55[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: Do not spma.
16:39.03infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
16:40.06dovid[TK]D-Fender: Like what ? Exten => 7067054022..... has not
16:40.20[TK]D-Fenderdovid: "Has not" what?
16:40.42dovidunless he has more like includes
16:40.52[TK]D-Fenderdovid: I don't SEE anything.  Guess how much I trust.
16:41.08[TK]D-Fenderdovid: Give you a hint, sounds like "zero"
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16:41.32dovid[TK]D-Fender: I am bad at hints. u should know that by now
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16:44.18[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: ever considered looking at the SIP debug for your failed attempts?
16:44.18dovidbroadvice is sending the call to  7067054022@your_IP
16:44.39dovidall you have in did-private is the s extension
16:44.45*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
16:44.54[TK]D-Fenderdovid: FAIL
16:45.04[TK]D-Fenderdovid: Look aagin
16:45.04NERvOusdovid: no, I have 7067054022 too
16:45.13[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: ever considered looking at the SIP debug for your failed attempts? <----------
16:45.18NERvOus[TK]D-Fender: checking
16:45.21dovidops. i missed that
16:46.59dovidcan you post a SIP debug ?
16:47.14*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
16:47.25[TK]D-Fenderdovid: Mised my asking him TWicE for it, and then his :checking" too?
16:47.45dovidok. i quit
16:48.09[TK]D-Fenderdovid: Go caffeinate!
16:48.17dovidim outa red bull
16:48.43NERvOusandrew*CLI> sip show registry
16:48.43NERvOusHost                           dnsmgr Username       Refresh State                Reg.Time        N      7067054022@s        23 Request Sent         Tue, 14 Jul 2009 18:48:03
16:48.46NERvOusI just noticed this
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16:48.53NERvOusit looks like it's not registered yet
16:49.08NERvOusin fact, I see a lot of SIP REGISTER packets, in sip debug
16:49.09dovidwell the call is coming to you
16:49.11Qwelldovid: redbull...  good idea
16:49.25dovidQwell: I hear the digium staff lives off of it
16:49.56[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: Know what I don't see?  SIP debug...
16:49.58seanbrightdoes the attended transfer feature built in to asterisk allow for a 'conference' before the transferer hangs up?
16:50.14seanbrighti guess you would call it a 'warm transfer'
16:50.41dovidseanbright: wouldn't that be called an attended transfer ?
16:51.14seanbrightcustomer (A) calls company (B)
16:51.17[TK]D-FenderAttended transfers don't confrernce.
16:51.45[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: And no, I'm prety sure *'s handling does not allow this.  Polycom's handling can
16:52.06seanbrighti can hack something together with chanspy/meetme/whatever
16:52.20seanbrightjust wanted to know if i was going to need to do something that wasn't ootb
16:52.58[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: Just depends whose box ;)
16:53.14seanbrightthat almost sounds dirty
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16:54.21[TK]D-Fenderspins up some Corey Hart
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16:55.00NERvOusbtw sip show registry now show "Registered" in the status column
16:55.08[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: No matching peer for '+39333749177' from '' <-------
16:55.26NERvOusthat's the caller's id
16:55.34[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: Looking for 7067054022 in default (domain SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
16:55.43NERvOusah ok
16:55.45[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: * can't ID the systems ending the call
16:55.57[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: So its landing in the context under [general]
16:55.58NERvOusso it's looking in the 'default' context?
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16:56.54[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: nat=yes <- Should be "no" for your peer
16:57.11[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: And instead of "friend" should be "peer" as well
16:57.44[TK]D-FenderNERvOus: ALSO... insecure=very < - s/b port,invite
16:59.11dovidthe issue is that goes to and as TK pointed out the call is coming from
16:59.59NERvOus <-- this my current config
17:00.04NERvOusreloading, and retrying
17:00.49NERvOussame error, re-enabling sip debug
17:01.14dovidone sec. i am writing something for u
17:02.05dovidtry this:
17:03.17*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
17:03.20dovidyou can take out user=phone from sip.broadvoice.com2
17:04.23NERvOus (updated sip debug, similar to previous one)
17:04.27NERvOusdovid: ok
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17:07.17NERvOusdovid: thank you so much :)
17:07.23NERvOus[TK]D-Fender: thank you for your help too
17:07.32dovidNERvOus: do you understand what the issue was ?
17:07.40dovidTK: Seee. I can think some times ;)
17:07.51NERvOusasterisk is expecting broadvoice to send packets from a certain ip
17:07.57NERvOusbut broadvoice is sending packets from another ip
17:08.03NERvOusand * doesn't know how to treat them?
17:08.18dovidwell no because all you have for broadvice is the one domain
17:08.21NERvOusso we tell asterisk that that certain ip belongs to bv
17:08.37dovidif any other IP comes to your server it goes to the default context in sip.conf
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17:09.01dovidwhen you added the second IP it knew to go to the did-private context
17:09.11NERvOusmakes sense
17:09.52NERvOusI got the config entry directly from broadvoice, guess they should update their website ;)
17:11.08dovidNERvOus: The issue is more by them. why arent they sending you the call from the same IP that you  registerd to. that is "standard" with most carriers (atleast from what I have seen) unless its complex and they are not dialing via the proxy
17:13.23beekWhat should a carrier expect on an NI2 PRI for 911?   Just the digits, 911 or 0000000911?
17:13.42[TK]D-Fenderbeek: 911
17:13.51beek[TK]D-Fender: That's too easy!  Thanks
17:14.16dovidi would just test it. you want to make sure either way that they have the right address
17:14.36beekdovid: Absolutely will.
17:14.52*** join/#asterisk vgster (
17:15.00dovid[TK]D-Fender: what is the sagnifigance of NI2 ?
17:15.38[TK]D-Fenderits a signaling standard.
17:16.00dovidis that the US standard ?
17:16.06dovidi know. google
17:23.51leifmadsendovid: there are several "standards" depending on who you connect to
17:24.08dovidoh ok. like euroisdn etc. ?
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17:33.20buttons840Corydon76-dig, (or anyone) you helped me much with the call spool some time ago, i was wondering if you knew much about the AMI Originate command?  when used with async: yes it creates a originateresponse, but i cannot find documentation on what the response numbers mean, i've keep receiving response 3 and 5 and don't know their meanings.     do you know of any documentation on this?
17:34.17[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: I strongly suspect these are the status codes as defiened for channels.  IE 3 = rining IIRC
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17:34.43oglynntrying to use the record_out parameter on an extension in sip.conf do i need to have some particular flags on the Dial in the extensions.conf?
17:34.59|Rain|is GOSUB_RETVAL a stack?
17:36.11[TK]D-Fenderoglynn: Dial option required for on-demand, or Monitor call before
17:36.18buttons840where can i learn more about these channel codes [TK]D-Fender ?
17:36.37buttons840i've read the book, but don't remember seeing anything about this
17:36.49[TK]D-Fenderoglynn: That value you mentioned does not exist
17:37.09|Rain|oh, no it's not, I'm just a dumbass.  \o/  if you're using a macro for logging....
17:37.16[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: Its either in the docs int he tarball, or decodable in source.  I know I passed by it once before, but couldn't say where
17:37.18dweryIf someone wants to buy the C470 please note that doing call transfers is absolutely ugly with it!
17:37.28*** part/#asterisk |Rain| (
17:38.09oglynn[TK]D-Fender If I want to record the outbound calls of only a couple of extensions (always) how is that best acheived?
17:40.08[TK]D-Fenderoglynn: this is all dialplan....
17:41.38Kattysome gotoifs based on callerid information would probably work.
17:42.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'd SetVar them....
17:42.14Kattythat'd also work.
17:42.21dovidi would just break up the contexts so you dont have a string of them
17:42.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: Makes it more trackable to the peer
17:42.40[TK]D-Fenderdovid: Code duplication FTL!
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17:44.30oglynnKatty/[TK]D-Fender. I understand the GotoIf option how would i use Set/SetVar for just a couple of extensions outbound.  I am guessing I would Set(recordthiscall=1) or some such but how to only do this for the 2/3 exts outbound is not clear to me
17:44.57[TK]D-Fenderoglynn: Setvar <- sip.conf peer parameter
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17:48.07chrisbanyone from xmission here?
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17:48.57Kattynever heard of it.
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17:50.25Corydon76-digchrisb: try thehar
17:50.31ThatKidKelwhat's the current status of Faxing with Asterisk?
17:50.42KavanSThatKidKel, use hylafax
17:50.50KavanSrxfax and txfax caused me headaches...
17:50.57KavanShylafax is quite reliable for production in my use
17:51.07Corydon76-digThatKidKel: or use the commercial solution
17:51.26KavanSthat too :) support digium! :)
17:51.27dovidwhat is better about the commercial solution ?
17:51.38KavanSdovid, it's more reliable
17:51.56dovidin what sense ?
17:52.06Corydon76-digmega mega tested
17:52.18Alfiodovid and if you have problems you only need a call
17:52.19dovidis there support for 1.4.X ?
17:52.39dovidi use straight voip/ulaw which works for me but i wouldnt mind paying so i can complain ;)
17:52.44Alfio* 1.4 just passthrought of t38
17:52.46Qwelldovid: yes, but no T.38
17:53.04Alfio1.6 fully supported
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17:53.47Alfioif you want to test you can get one free license from digium
17:53.51Alfiofor one channel
17:53.54dovidQell: would help if I had jitter ?
18:00.29*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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18:13.36empiricguys i want to set a conference room
18:13.40empirichow i do it
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18:14.51teknoprephi all.. i have a polycom ip 650
18:15.02[TK]D-Fenderempiric: "core show application meetme"
18:15.09chrisbCorydon76-dig: thanks
18:15.33empiricwhat i have to do in meetme.conf
18:15.48[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Go read the instructions.
18:16.02[TK]D-Fenderempiric: This should also be int he boko and on the WIKI
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18:19.20teknoprepnvm fixed it
18:19.40[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: Funny, we never knew you had a problem with it...
18:19.56teknoprepyeah i know but i joined the channel saying... hi all.. i have a polycom ip 650
18:20.01teknoprepsounds stupid unless i finish it
18:20.07teknoprepor boastfull
18:20.24elgueroCan anyone tell me if Asterisk 1.4 supports B-channel service messaging?  I have been troubleshooting a problem with our PRI lines and the switch technician is trying to tell me that this needs to be turned on
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18:21.16Deeewayneelguero, no it doesn't
18:21.54elguerohe mentioned that it is supposed to be the standard for NI2
18:22.16elgueroDeeewayne: any idea if that is being worked on at present?
18:22.30Deeewayneits in trunk and possibly in the latest 1.6.x branch
18:23.09bmoracaelguero:  what's the issue you're having?
18:23.15elgueroDeeewayne: oh really!... I have no problem running trunk... we are having a major issue with the increase in call volume and this is what the switch technician is trying to point to
18:23.36elguerobmoraca: I am having the D-channel restart, resulting in dropped calls
18:23.46Deeewayneelguero, don't forget to upgrade libpri as well
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18:24.10elgueroDeeewayne: right, I have the latest release but I will probably need the trunk version of libpri, right?
18:24.36DeeewayneI don't think there is a trunk version of libpri.  I think all libpri development is in the 1.4 branch
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18:25.01elguerobmoraca: I am seeing in the intense debugging that they send a SABME, we respond with UA, and then it does this for a little bit until the t200 timer expires resulting in a PRI restart
18:25.18elgueroDeeewayne: I think you are right... thanks for the help
18:26.15empirici Fender in meetme.conf i add conf => 1000
18:26.20bmoracaelguero: i can safely say that i've never had that issue, and I can't count the number of Asterisk installs I've done on NI2 PRIs...don't you just love telco fingerpointing?
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18:26.33empiricwhen i dial 1000 it give me hold music
18:26.43empiricis this ok?
18:27.24elguerobmoraca: right, we have had this setup running for a good while now.... in fact I hadn't upgraded in about a year since we have had other projects going.... so when this all started I upgraded one of the machines... but this was running perfect for a good while... I don't know why all of a sudden it would cause problems
18:28.25[TK]D-Fenderempiric: No idea... how should I know what you configured "1000" to do in your dialplan?
18:28.36elguerobmoraca: the tech is trying to tell me that it is due to the increase in volume... we have 4 pri lines and they hunt to each other... he is trying to say that we need this b channel service messaging turned on... he says that it just probably built up to this and started to have problems now with the increase in call volume
18:28.40empiricno no
18:28.48empirici want to setup conferenceing
18:28.51[TK]D-Fenderempiric: though it is common for MeetMe to provide MoH while there is only 1 caller in the room
18:29.09empiricin meetme i add 1000 so that when user dials it connects to conference
18:29.29empiricwhen another user comes in then
18:29.32empiricsame MOH
18:29.55elguerobmoraca: I am going to check into 1.6 and trunk and see when it was added and give this a try... we have been dealing with this for over 3 weeks and it is starting to impact our service a great deal... thanks for the help
18:29.59bmoracaelguero: that doesn't make a whole lot of sense...course, i once had to replace an entire PBX in order to satisfy a telco that the issue was not on our end (ended up being an upstream OC3 that was having issues)
18:30.43[TK]D-Fenderempiric: I don't see you showing me anything.
18:31.05elguerobmoraca: I have two pbx on site, and tried switching the lines around to try and prove to them that it wasn't the equipment... that is why he is narrowing it down to this b-channel servicing
18:31.05empiricshould i show u logs
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18:31.47[TK]D-Fenderempiric: CLI output and configs
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18:36.56[TK]D-Fenderempiric: that is a QUEUE, not a CONFERENCE (MeetMe)
18:38.13empiricso what should i do
18:38.55[TK]D-Fenderempiric: call MEETME, not QUEUE.
18:39.39empirici add this line
18:39.40empiricexten => 1000,1,Meetme(1000)
18:39.50empiricshould wor
18:40.39Alfioempiric use a "d" to used dynamic
18:41.18empiricAlfio where i use d
18:41.32Alfioexten => 1000,1,Meetme(1000,d)
18:44.25empiricwhat abt my dial plan
18:44.28empiricis that ok
18:44.38empiricshould i  disable testq
18:45.09empiricExecuting [1000@default:1] Queue("SIP/205-0825d028", "testq") in new stac
18:45.18empiricits going in queue
18:45.25empiricnot in meetme
18:45.49[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Why do you ahve that exten in there with that number still?
18:46.14jkroondialplan reload perhaps?
18:46.18[TK]D-Fenderempiric: IN YOUR DIALPLAN!
18:46.34empirici did reload
18:46.41empiricsorry i wont understand
18:47.34[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Its calling that because it is in your dialplan.
18:48.09bmoracaempiric: line 21 of your already have an extension 1000, and it's not going to a meetme
18:48.39empiric[Jul 12 17:37:30] WARNING[6278]: pbx.c:3082 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Meetme' for extension (default, 1000, 1)
18:48.46empiricyes i remove that
18:48.50empiricstill same issue
18:49.15*** part/#asterisk tfrew (
18:49.49[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Because meetme never got compiled because it was missing Zaptel/DAHDI support <-
18:50.06*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
18:50.08empirichow i compile
18:50.42[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Go install Zaptel/DAHDI, then recompile * from scratch
18:52.44empirichow i install Zaptel.DAHDI
18:53.07KavanSempiric, not sure your platform....but this covers this for centos:
18:53.15empiricits debain
18:53.16[TK]D-Fenderempiric: Go download it and follow the instructions.
18:53.30empiricmy astersk in
18:53.34KavanSempiric, there's a good howto for debian on howtoforge....walks you through compilation/dependency install
18:53.53KavanSempiric, listen to [TK]D-Fender he has good advice...
18:55.26tzafrir_laptopthere are also debs for Debian :-)
18:55.44empirichey should i downlaod DHADI linux or DHADI tools
18:55.58Alfioempiric both
18:56.31empiricdoes it works for asterik
18:56.32Corydon76-digor just dahdi-linux-complete
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18:56.53Corydon76-digsince -complete contains both
18:57.15Alfiolook an install guide for debian
19:01.14bmoracaoff to go find an aram sandwich...woo!
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19:26.42Kobazthe polycom 321 and 331 are out
19:27.12QwellKobaz: what changed?
19:27.45[TK]D-FenderQwell: Only more memory to support custom apps, etc
19:27.59Qwellmakes sense
19:28.00[TK]D-FenderQwell: much like the 300/500/600 _. +1
19:28.05Qwellsame price?
19:28.14Qwell(I would sure hope so..)
19:28.15[TK]D-FenderQwell: Logically, currently a few $ here or there
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19:32.47ifluxre fender
19:36.39NuggetA SQL query walks up to two tables in a restaurant and says: "Mind if I join you?"
19:38.52ifluxplays the trombone for Nugget
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19:41.12cribobI am trying to use a call file to place an automated outbound call via a SIP trunk to a PBX which in turn is connected to the PSTN. The problem I have is that I need to outpulse an auth code once the PBX dials the call but before the connect is signaled on the PRI and as a result befor the call is completed via SIP and before the call is delivered to the context and extension specified in the call file. Can anyone help with this?
19:45.19*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
19:45.35[TK]D-Fendercribob: dial a local channel to do your dialout via SIP and use D() <-
19:46.10sah-worki am on my new system. yah
19:46.41sah-workis there an easyway to set the outbound callerid to be the sip phone number vs having to cfg it on every user
19:47.02[TK]D-Fendersah-work: Set it in the dialplan.
19:48.24leifmadsencribob: use 'w' (or multiples) to add a pause before dialing
19:48.30leifmadsenD(www1234) for example
19:48.58leifmadsensah-work: core show function CALLERID
19:49.24[TK]D-Fendercribob: for your Channel: use a LOCAL CHANNEL, not SIP and do the dial in your dialplan using the D() option to pass DTMF for the auth code
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19:54.36cribobD-Fender: how do I avoid blocking the futher execution of my dialplan (delivery of a notification message and some other processing) when usign the dial commend in my dialplan?
19:56.02cribobD-Fender: disregard that last question. I think I've got it. Thanks.
19:56.24[TK]D-Fendercribob: Good... i was about to reach for my ClueBat (tm) :d
19:57.25cribobD-Fender: Sorry. Had a bad case of tunnel vision there for a few min. The ClueBat (tm) might have actually helped.
19:59.12[TK]D-FenderSpare the clueBat (tm), spoil the newb...
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20:00.45Kattyi think my vendor is drunk.
20:00.46Kattyor twinked
20:00.47Kattyor something
20:00.55Kattyhe doesn't seem right :<
20:01.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: Could be a Mormon ;)
20:03.34Kattyin north carolina?!
20:03.38[TK]D-Fenderfetches an asbestos suit
20:04.00[TK]D-FenderKatty: Just like Great Whites, they show up where you leaast expect them!
20:05.26Kobazmy patch has been rejected :(
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20:07.58elgueroDeeewayne: On the b channel service messaging, the CHANGES file says: "Added service message support for 4ESS/5ESS switches", the telco says they don't support 5ess; I was trying to look at the code, if I turn service messaging on even though switchtype is ni2, do you think asterisk will try try to use service messages?  If you don't know off the top of your head, that is fine... I don't mind experimenting this evening... I just don't want to upgrad
20:08.04elgueroe to only find out that it isn't going to work with NI2... thanks
20:09.14Katty[TK]D-Fender: good use of the photoshop extract filter
20:10.02Deeewayneelguero, you would be the first to my knowledge to try service messages w/ NI2, although that doesn't mean someone hasn't already tried it.
20:11.32elgueroDeeewayne: I was looking at the bug tracker and it looked like it was only tested on those other switches... I figured that is why it said it only supported those switches... I guess I can give it a try and see what happens... the telco switch tech was trying to tell me that it was part of ni2 standard and that I have to turn that on... so I guess I will try it and maybe report back
20:12.32Deeewayneelguero, I'd be interested in hearing about your results
20:12.45elgueroDeeewayne: it looks like there is nothing limiting service messages to just 4ess/5ess, so I will give it a whirl
20:13.05elgueroDeeewayne: Sure, I will be glad to share the results
20:13.10elgueroDeeewayne: thanks for the help
20:13.17Deeewayneelguero, if you have a problem, show me a pri trace
20:13.26elgueroDeeewayne: okay... will do
20:13.35elgueroDeeewayne: intense debug?
20:13.46elgueroDeeewayne: okay, great
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20:21.40Maxxedhey'a fellas, im trying to get the Message Center on a polycom IP330 to dial my voicemail context. Right now, it just dials the extension that the phone is. Is there a way to change what the phone dials when the Message Center is selected?
20:22.33Maxxedphone is registerd as 2600, when a voice mail is left, i can navigate the phone menue to the Message Center, when I select it, it just dials 2600
20:22.49Maxxedi guess i could do some kinda stuff with the dialplan, but i much rather do it on the phones
20:23.08Maxxedanyone know off hand? i havent had much luck googling.. i may be asking the wrong question
20:23.33eppigyI am dave
20:23.47Maxxedguess i can do a cmd_gotoif :/
20:25.28[TK]D-FenderMaxxed: Look at the "contact" tag under mwi in your provisioning
20:26.06[TK]D-FenderMaxxed: It should be "contact" instead of "registration" and the contact updated...
20:26.09[TK]D-FenderMaxxed: and go read the Admin guide.
20:26.12Maxxed[TK]D-Fender: ah hah!
20:26.33Maxxed[TK]D-Fender: thanks! yeah i was looking thru the guide but i guess i wasnt reading it :p
20:27.11kn0xanyone familair with SIPP
20:27.18kn0xi can't get it to send RTP
20:27.28kn0xso asterisk won't actually send any media
20:28.39eppigykn0x: are you testing it in a local LAN envoriment with no blocked port?
20:29.21Maxxed[TK]D-Fender: where does one update the contact info?
20:29.32kn0xyes, but I'm not sure if im using the right syntx
20:29.45Maxxedil hit the manul if you dont know off hand
20:29.58[TK]D-FenderMaxxed: I gave you enough keywords for a FIND.
20:30.08Maxxed[TK]D-Fender: haha, right on buddy ;)
20:30.15[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, BBIAB
20:30.44eppigythere he goes
20:30.50eppigyone of gods own creatures
20:31.12Kobazanyone know of a digit map tester script
20:31.31Kobazi hate having to reboot the polycoms i have to try out a digit map, it takes like 2 minutes to boot each time
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20:32.30timeshellHappy Twosday!
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20:34.49cribob[TK]D-Fender: I tried having my call file go to a local channel in which I'm usign the dial command with the D option with my auth code in (), but the auth code is not outpulsed because the servicing telco is trying to collect the digits before they signal the call as connected and as such the call SIP leg also occurs pre-connect and the D() option does not seem to process untill connect. Is there a way to modify this behavior?
20:35.37kn0xeppigy: what is the correct sipp syntax?
20:36.23cribobAll: I trying to place an outbound call via a call file and need to dial a DTMF auth code during a preconnect state. Any suggestions?
20:39.54dovidhave it go to a context where you use senddtmf
20:40.15dnihell all,..  I;m getting some odd error,. from two particular PHONES  i get one way audio dialing another number thats behind  3com V3000 switch,..  these two particular phones are th eonly ones having the issue,.   can someone provide some insight as to waht it may be,.  here is a global debug
20:41.05Kattyanyone know what the -av switches are for rsync off the top of their head?
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20:43.04cribobdavid: The problem is that the auth code collection is happening in a preconenct state. As such I can figure a way to get call control into the dialplan in such a way to use SendDTMF. Am I misising somehting?
20:43.32kn0xis SIPP not supposed to receive any RTP unless it sebnds?
20:45.11leifmadsenasterisk needs to receive RTP in order to know where to send it back
20:45.46leifmadsenat least that's how I understand it, and is the reason for no-way audio in some NAT cases
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20:50.35jayteeKatty, a is archive and v is verbose
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20:52.24rob0Both are like cp's a and v; rsync tries to stay close to cp(1) and ssh(1) options.
20:54.16[8none1]Is there a reason to use 1.6.0 over 1.6.1? Is 1.6.1 the latest stable 1.6 release?
20:55.35[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: No.  1.6.0 and 1.6.1 are different branches like 1.4 to 1.6.0
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20:56.08[8none1]Where can I find what the differences are?
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20:56.55cribob[TK]D-Fender: I tried having my call file go to a local channel in which I'm usign the dial command with the D option with my auth code in (), but the auth code is not outpulsed because the servicing telco is trying to collect the digits before they signal the call as connected and as such the call SIP leg also occurs pre-connect and the D() option does not seem to process untill connect. Is there a way to modify this behavior?
20:56.59[TK]D-Fender[8none1]: upgrade.txt <-
20:57.10[8none1]thx, I'll check it out
20:57.30[TK]D-Fendercribob: If its not actually answered I don't see how to do it...
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21:02.52jayteequittin time, bbl
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21:18.12infobotasteriskversioning is, like, Information about the new Asterisk versioning method with the 1.6.x series is available here:
21:18.22leifmadsen[8none1]: see above
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21:21.32dweryHi. I would like to limit the calls to a sip device using a variable configured in its entry in sip.conf as the maximum number of accepted calls . however in the dialplan I get, obviously, the variable of the calling device . Is there a way to handle this situaztion?
21:22.23[TK]D-Fenderdwery: What "situation"?  You don't seem to be DOING anything with your variable so far...
21:23.49dwery[TK]D-Fender:  I'm trying this: exten => _2XX,n,GotoIf($[${GROUP_COUNT(OUTBOUND_GROUP@${EXTEN})}>${MAXCALLS}]?busy)
21:23.49dwerythat MAXCALLS should be related to the called device
21:23.49[TK]D-Fenderdwery: Ok.... and?
21:24.01dwery[TK]D-Fender: I'd like to configure MAXCALL in sip.conf
21:24.15[TK]D-Fenderdwery: You have our permission.
21:24.21[TK]D-Fenderdwery: Go for it
21:24.38dweryhoweverm I get the MAXCALL of the alling device instead of the one of the called device
21:26.20[TK]D-Fenderdwery: Well I guess you should reconsider where your count information is stored & retreived from
21:27.01dwery[TK]D-Fender: well, it was handy to have it in sip.conf, just like the deprecated call-limit
21:27.21[TK]D-Fenderdwery: Well that clearly won't do, so time for "plan B"
21:27.33dwery[TK]D-Fender: what could be a suitable place?
21:28.01[TK]D-Fenderdwery: AstDB.  Dialplan Global, etc
21:29.15*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (
21:29.20dweryI'll have to check astdb. the variable is different based on the type of the called phones. On more simper phones I want to limit to one call
21:30.24WindowsUserdont want them to refuse thier own calls?
21:32.02dweryWindowsUser: I have two handsets connected on the C470IP dect base, I one handset receives two calls the second handset will get none. So I have to limit to on call per device
21:35.46*** part/#asterisk mphill_ (n=mphill@
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21:38.45[TK]D-Fenderdwery: Glorious piece of crap :)
21:38.55dwery[TK]D-Fender:  yeah :(
21:40.17*** join/#asterisk loos (
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21:41.36WindowsUserah, my spa3102 doesn't seem to support a second call
21:44.46dwerythe C470 is almost crap but dirt cheap and the only one within th ebudget
21:47.53Kattyit's time to go home.
21:49.05beekgood night Katty
21:51.24WindowsUserI was seriously thinking of an IP DECT phone until i saw that all the cordless phones for sale are like 3-5 handsets and "DECT 6.0"
21:51.44*** part/#asterisk dwery (n=dwery@nslu2-linux/dwery)
21:51.53*** join/#asterisk dwery (n=dwery@nslu2-linux/dwery)
21:52.17dweryWindowsUser: you might try Siemens OptiPoint series, they should be more professional
21:54.01*** join/#asterisk noisewaterphd (
21:56.27dwery[TK]D-Fender: Is DEVICE_STATE(SIP/xxx) known to work on ? It seems I'm always getting NOT_INUSE
21:57.08*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
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21:59.30Maxxedmmm.. i cant seam to get the key.IP_330.10.function.prim = “Messages” soft button to work right on a IP330..
21:59.49Maxxediv got it set just like the admin guide says, yet it dont do anything
22:00.00Maxxederum.. does the line2 have to be registered or something?
22:00.32Maxxedil give it a shot for giggles
22:00.43*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:01.57[TK]D-Fenderdwery: "core show application chanisavail" <--
22:02.25[TK]D-Fenderdwery: Yes, this is the answer, if it doesn't work, keep beating yourself over the ehad with it till ti does or I return from martial arts :)
22:02.30[TK]D-FenderCHOP CHOP peopl!
22:02.43dwery[TK]D-Fender: chanisavail will do just fine ;)
22:03.12dweryI hate practising kung fu while doing * dialplans ;)
22:04.33[TK]D-Fenderdwery: Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto <- look it up
22:05.07jdnWESThmmmm, as long as no nunchuks are involved, those should be illigal...
22:05.47dwery[TK]D-Fender: Japanese! seems nice. I practice Hung gar
22:07.58dwerywell, I'll call it a day. Good night and ty
22:12.45*** join/#asterisk Rob3Rt (
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22:22.20molnarpHi! Could anyone please help me setting up a TDM410P card with Asterisk?
22:23.33molnarpWhen I try to dial out through the Zap line, I get:
22:23.38molnarpExecuting [06702457022@voip-univ-local-dist-mobil:1] Dial("SIP/203-00bdd720", "ZAP/g1/w0w06702457022|30") in new stack
22:23.39molnarp[Jul 15 00:14:16] WARNING[8975]: app_dial.c:1202 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
22:24.22infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
22:24.25Maxxeddamnit this messages button is pissing me off!
22:24.35Maxxedi have to be missing something simple..
22:24.44molnarpAt the Zap incoming dialplan, I have set: Answer(), then Echo(), but if calling from outside, I can't hear anything
22:24.54Maxxedbeh, il just jack with it another day when im thinking stright
22:25.29molnarpalso, if I hang up the phone, Echo() remains running forever
22:25.49molnarpuh, sorry for flooding guys
22:26.59molnarpmy zap channel seems to be up:
22:27.09*** join/#asterisk codestr0m (n=cbergstr@unaffiliated/codestr0m)
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22:27.33*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
22:28.19molnarpzapata.conf I have:
22:28.20codestr0mis there a definitive guide to why sip sucks?  I'm looking for some opinions which are backed by facts that would help shed some light on this
22:28.57infoboti guess sip is  X11 PPP dialer interface written in gtk+. URL:  Session Initiation Protocol (see RFC 3261)
22:29.16*** part/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
22:29.31jameswfcodestr0m: there are no bad protocals only idiot users who don't understand them
22:30.18codestr0mok .thanks guy
22:30.23*** part/#asterisk codestr0m (n=cbergstr@unaffiliated/codestr0m)
22:31.14jameswfguys? did he just call me fat WTF?
22:31.53WindowsUserdoes it matter?
22:32.50Rob3Rtjameswf, you're just _larger_ than most ppl. God loves u.
22:33.26*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:33.36WindowsUserim still not sure if being chubby will be an advantage or disadvantage for the apocolapyse
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22:42.34*** join/#asterisk ntbourey (
22:42.39ntboureyHey Everyone
22:43.33*** join/#asterisk Jumpie (
22:46.22ntboureyCan any one help me resolve an issue getting asterisk to start via /etc/init.d/asterisk start?
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22:48.35jameswfntbourey: probably
22:48.50bmoracajameswf: i don't think so
22:49.02ntboureyI am getting a complaint about: "Cannot find specified TTY"
22:49.04jameswfbmoraca: Im an optimist
22:49.33jameswfntbourey: probably cant find the specified tty
22:49.44ntboureyYeah I figured as much how do I fix it?
22:49.58jameswfperhaps asterisk.conf
22:50.05*** part/#asterisk molnarp (
22:50.15ntboureyNaw its in /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk
22:50.44jameswfwell if you know why you asking?
22:51.47ntboureyBecause I'm not sure what the heck it means I hacked the script and made it work with what I think is how the box is configured
22:52.06ntboureybut then it complains even more with Input/Output errors
22:52.07jameswfntbourey: look what i found
22:52.31ntboureyI've already been there
22:52.48ntboureyI wouldn't be asking if I hadn't tried that
22:52.52jameswfcan you start asterisk outside the init script
22:53.34jameswfwhy not write your own init script or pull the one from trunk
22:53.51ntboureyThat is the one from trunk
22:54.04ntboureyIts a fresh install of
22:54.16ntboureyI downloaded it today and compiled it myself
22:54.46leifmadsentry 1.6.1 branch from SVN to see if it was a problem in that release
22:55.05infobotOh a sarcasm detector, that's a *really* useful invention!
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22:58.11ntboureyAny other thoughts
22:58.50jameswflot's none related to your issue... perhaps a pastebin of the output...
22:59.01leifmadsenI was being serious... for some reason I think I heard something about that, which may be fixed now. No idea, but it sounded familiar, and is pretty old now.
22:59.12leifmadsenheads off to try out some virtual golf
23:00.21ntboureympg123: no process killed
23:00.22ntboureyAsterisk ended with exit status 1
23:00.22ntboureyAsterisk died with code 1.
23:00.22ntboureyAutomatically restarting Asterisk.
23:03.16Kobazyou deaded it
23:05.44ntboureyand I have the same problem in
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