IRC log for #asterisk on 20090706

00:00.33JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: sorry, just figured out what PB means
00:00.54[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: Just fixed it anyway... was only 1 line that really mattered
00:01.39JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: so what was I doing wrong?
00:02.54[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: The function returns nothing apparently when the conf doesn't exist therefor breaking your expression.  You need something on each side of the operator
00:03.41[TK]D-Fendermaybe I didn't read fully into that...
00:04.15JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: I'm thinking it'd be nice if the function returned *something* if the conference doesn't exist
00:05.05JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: of the top of my head, I can't see why '0' wouldn't work, certainly for the 'parties' keyword
00:05.41[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: PB the failed attempt
00:08.32JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: my sense is that since the conference doesn't exist yet, the function can't find it, and thus complains
00:09.09[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: I think the function is returning a literal statement, which is the problem.  Assign it to a var before calling your GotoIf to see
00:10.42*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=blkry@
00:12.09JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: yep, that's the problem --
00:12.24JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: a wee little bug, methinks?
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00:17.14[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: If not  "tragic conceptual flaw"
00:17.53JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: well, I wouldn't call it 'tragic'. The dialplan keeps on going, so it's just a little verbiage tweak, really.
00:18.15[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: Where's your sense of drama?!
00:19.04JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: See July 24th --
00:19.07WindowsUserwhy is a Wait() needed before I Background() or Playback() something remotely? is there a DynamicWait that I can use that waits until the audio connection is ready?
00:20.32JimVanMWindowsUser:Do you have an Answer() in there? That can help
00:22.33WindowsUseryea I got an answer in there
00:23.13[TK]D-FenderWindowsUser: No.
00:24.14*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
00:24.44[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: With some more work you may even be able to charge admission ;)
00:25.23JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: I wouldn't pay to see me!
00:26.17JimVanMwe need a func_dramatic_pause
00:27.02[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: It was deprecated in lieu of res_uncomfortable_silence
00:28.08JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: that's unfortunate. The caller is much more likely to hang up with an uncomfortable silence, but if we can give 'em a dramatic pause, they'll just be aching to know what happens next!
00:29.02[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: Ok, there is the third-party app_suspense....
00:31.17JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: hmmm. that could work for some folks, but there's something creepy about it. Might scare some away. Mess up the stats.
00:31.47JimVanMhow about: app_omg_this_is_gonna_be_awesome
00:32.32[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: Planned for * 1.vapor.ware
00:33.10JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: oh yeah! that's the one where *everything* is gonna be in there. it's gonna be great!
00:53.46*** join/#asterisk sebbl (
00:54.03sebbli search a wakeup dialplan
00:58.07sebblfor asterisk
00:58.45*** join/#asterisk eppigy (
00:58.51eppigyI am dave
00:59.04[TK]D-Fendereppigy: We saw that :)
00:59.28eppigyhow was your 4th of july [TK]D-Fender
00:59.36eppigydid you detonate obsolete hardware
00:59.46[TK]D-Fender<- Canuckian
00:59.52eppigyor possibly discharge small arms in to the air
00:59.58eppigyala hood rat
01:00.05eppigyoh canuckistan native
01:00.09eppigywell that is ok
01:00.31eppigyknow you are canadian I now think there may be some hope for the canuck geen pool
01:00.31*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-91e0444fe8022912)
01:00.37eppigyplease start sowing wild oats
01:01.15[TK]D-FenderFor instance I have that totally awesome head start on spelling ;)
01:05.06*** join/#asterisk carrar (
01:09.13sebbli have found this: but it dont work
01:13.40*** join/#asterisk QaDeS_ (
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01:49.18WindowsUsersebbl: so uh what doesn't work?
01:49.29AlmightyOatmealeyeballs WindowsUser
01:49.49AlmightyOatmealat least your nick isn't AOLuser :P
01:50.47WindowsUserif i did that people would question the lack of an hostname
01:50.57sebblthe asterisk hang up
01:50.58AlmightyOatmealgood point
01:50.59sebbl[Jul 6 03:49:10] ERROR[4436]: sccp_actions.c:1700 sccp_handle_open_receive_channel_ack: SEP0018181587DF: No channel with this PassThruId!
01:51.11AlmightyOatmealWindowsUser: i admire the size of your testicles for having a nick like that
01:51.31AlmightyOatmealfor *willfully*
01:52.05WindowsUsersebbl: so the call file doesn't work? or it fails during the commands to make it?
01:53.21sebbli dont have a call file... only the dialplan
01:53.32WindowsUsersebbl: that thingy makes a call file
01:53.39AlmightyOatmealWindowsUser: please don't tell me you're a grrl or i might feel a little embarassed for that last comment
01:53.42WindowsUserecho -e "stuffs " > callfile
01:53.52WindowsUserhaha no im a duder
01:53.58AlmightyOatmealhah k
01:55.51sebblI call on the extension of the asterisk and submit immediately to
01:55.53rob0I have a feeling that this channel has a lot of Windows users in it, so it's probably not as hostile as some others might be. But, it seems odd that someone would want to draw attention to themselves specifically as a Windows user.
01:56.16eppigyIM A PC
01:56.24rob0OTOH, it's odd that someone would call himself rob0 ...
01:56.27eppigyAND I AM THIS MANY
01:56.52rob0This little eppigy went to market. This little eppigy stayed home ...
01:56.56WindowsUsersebbl: you're kinda screwed if you cant realize that what you pasted makes a callfile :)
01:58.50*** join/#asterisk dshap (n=dshap@216-165-39-50.DYNAPOOL.NYU.EDU)
01:58.54sebblok ... but the asterisk would have to wait times yes, at least till I tell him what time he should create a file
01:59.14dshaphey does anyone here know if i should be able to use the MYSQL() application to select multiple values from the DB in a single query?
01:59.26dshapor if i want to get 3 fields
01:59.31dshapdo i have to do 3 seperate queries
01:59.38WindowsUsersebbl: it makes a callfile and then sets the modified time with that touch -t command
01:59.44WindowsUsersebbl: do you speak german?
02:00.07eppigyUND KEINER EIR
02:00.26WindowsUserthats good
02:00.52eppigyHow do you say "Please butter the platypus" in german?
02:01.04sebblI can now write German? :)
02:01.13AlmightyOatmealrofl eppigy
02:01.29rob0mmmm some nice Deutsche buttered platypus!
02:02.14*** join/#asterisk mrichman (
02:02.31mrichmanI've got a Cisco IP Phone 7940, which I now have at home and have factory reset. Anything cool I can do with it using Asterisk?
02:02.46AlmightyOatmealsebbl: pozhalujjsta namazh'te maslom platypus in russian :P
02:02.52AlmightyOatmealmrichman: yeah, call people
02:03.01mrichmanAlmightyOatmeal: like free VoIP?
02:03.23AlmightyOatmealAlmightyOatmeal: same with any other phone that can do sip or iax.. depends on your provider and what your phone can do
02:03.25sebblmrichman yes
02:03.45mrichmansebbl: sweet...I definitely have to d/l it now ;)
02:04.13AlmightyOatmealmrichman: you can use that particular phone with sip without having to use asterisk as well, depends on how you configure the phone
02:04.20dshapanyone here have expierience with the MYSQL app?
02:04.25WindowsUsernot i
02:04.30rob0I got a wrong number on my ipkall, someone local in Seattle, and she started speaking Russian to me! "Ya ne goboriu po-russkie," I said. She was amazed that I knew even that much. :)
02:04.38sebblmrichman you can user asterisk and chan_sccp V3.1
02:04.39mrichmanAlmightyOatmeal: yes i've seen that, i think its SCCP right now...i would have to find the SIP firmware somewhere
02:05.02sebblWindowsUserwhat name should the call file have?
02:05.10sebblWindowsUser what name should the call file have?
02:05.16florzeppigy: "Bitte bestreichen Sie das Schnabeltier mit Butter." - anything else we can help you with? =:-)
02:05.31AlmightyOatmealmrichman: not only will you need the sip firmware, but you will need a tftp server for it, the phone config files, and make a special dialplan for that phone to work with asterisk... i did the cisco 7911G ip phone and i realized, i dont like cisco IP phones
02:05.39WindowsUsersebbl: look in /tmp and /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
02:05.47mrichmanAlmightyOatmeal: what is a dialplan?
02:05.53eppigyflorz: maybe a nice massage?
02:06.15rob0And some oatmeal with the platypus!
02:06.24AlmightyOatmealmrichman: the phone itself has a specific dialplan that you will need to pause a specific amount of time befoe pushing the dial to asterisk or you will dial nothing but extensions
02:06.30infobotdialplan is probably the thing configured in extensions.conf
02:06.37AlmightyOatmealmrichman: the cisco ip phones themselves have a dialplan as well as asterisk
02:07.15AlmightyOatmealspeaking of that, i sold my 7911G on ebay and i need to email the buyer my config files
02:07.19mrichmanI should probably start reading some docs
02:07.33AlmightyOatmealmrichman: yes.
02:07.34mrichmanWhat can a 7940 fetch on ebay?
02:07.42florzeppigy: I think that really would be a bit too off-topic in here.
02:07.42AlmightyOatmealmrichman: why don't you check and see?
02:09.33AlmightyOatmealtime to get baby ready for bed.. big day tomorrow, little surgery for her
02:09.36AlmightyOatmealgood luck mrichman
02:09.40AlmightyOatmealyou're going to need it
02:09.43mrichmanAlmightyOatmeal: thanks lol
02:09.49AlmightyOatmealis afk(babies,sleep,spandex);
02:09.53rob0good luck to the poor baby!
02:12.10sebblWindowsUser i dont understand what i to do. Ich have added the dialplan
02:13.19sebbltoll... jetzt versteh ich nix mehr
02:15.23*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (n=yogurt2u@
02:16.30sebbli need a wakeup call who can i aktivate from my phone
02:22.10WindowsUserthat looks like a pain to use
02:23.05*** join/#asterisk serph (n=serph@
02:23.10WindowsUsergotta punch in like *77*200907060700 for a 7am call tomorrow
02:23.44[TK]D-FenderWindowsUser: depends on your point of view.  Coding wise its the simplest.  No need for multiple prompts, validation, etc
02:25.22[TK]D-FenderAnd like usual we keep getting people who say "it doesn't work" without APSTEBIN-ing the attempt & failure for us to examine.
02:28.33sebbltommorow? here is 04:28 at night :)
02:32.52sebblwith touch -t *2000*200907060428 the server say wrong time format and with touch *2000*200907060428 the asterisk dont call the extension 2000
02:33.41WindowsUserthe touch is a timestamp
02:33.48WindowsUserthe person to call is inside the file
02:33.54WindowsUserread the english docs on call files
02:36.19[TK]D-Fender[22:32]<sebbl>with touch -t *2000*200907060428 the server say wrong time format and with touch *2000*200907060428 the asterisk dont call the extension 2000 <-- you don't put a "*" after the 2000
02:43.16*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
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03:19.44sebblit works... but who can i used this with the dialplan.
03:24.04[TK]D-Fendersebbl: ?
03:24.47sebbli have this added to my extension.conf
03:26.29sebblthen i dial *77*200907060526 but the asterisk dont "wake me up"
03:28.46[TK]D-Fendersebbl: And I don't see you showing the failed attempt or the call file that got created, or your configs.
03:31.56*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
03:32.16xpotanyone have any ideas about implementing an outbound rule that looks up the area-code/country code of dialed number, checks the current time at the dialed location and plays an alert if you are calling that area too early or too late??
03:33.37*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-223fdf1c34bbd6d3)
03:33.59rob0oh my, that sounds too smart
03:34.32[TK]D-Fenderxpot :Looks up in what?
03:34.54eppigyxpot: god I have to do that here shortly
03:35.20sebbl[TK]D-Fender thank you :) i have found the error. the problem was that i dont use sccp
03:35.22xpot?? maybe an internet engine somewhere? ;) I could probably find a timezone offset table somewhere and import it into a MySql table?
03:36.25*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
03:36.43[TK]D-FenderxpotWell thats the only bit of code to do.  1 little lookup and a comparison on the time
03:37.56xpot[TK]D-Fender: was thinking someone might have had a quicker fix already -=0)  I will get working on it then. Thanks
03:39.00[TK]D-Fenderxpot : Quick fix?  You don't have a target resource yet.
03:39.13[TK]D-Fenderxpot : Clues are in the bin to the left of the door....
03:40.03xpot[TK]D-Fender: nope.  ... I don't see the bin, I only see the water filtration device...
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04:04.27_pepo_hi friends
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05:51.25rob0I need to disable voicemail, copying a config over from a system which has voicemail to a temporary one, no more than 2 days. Is there a quick-n-easy solution, or do I just change the dialplan to bypass the voicemail()?
05:52.19*** join/#asterisk Chris-NB (
06:04.56carrarunload the voicemail mdule
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06:13.42infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
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07:01.02zeeeshlike asterisk speaks with gtalk.. is there any plugin or way to speak with skype or yahoo ?
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07:33.36tzafrir_laptopDoesn't yahoo use sip?
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07:53.08zeeeshthere are some forums i red ,,,  yahoo uses sip over TCP ...
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08:16.31defsworkhas a vodafone femtocell and would like to hack it
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09:30.51viraptordo I need to enable some specific option to make rtpkeepalive work? I set it to 2 seconds, but nothing is sent when the call is on hold :/
09:39.10viraptorok.... did anyone get rtpkeepalive to work?
09:55.15*** join/#asterisk Ex_peter (n=peter@unaffiliated/expeter/x-019426)
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10:30.05arossouwhi, what are the techniques for troubleshooting inbound calls to a asterisk server ?
10:30.32arossouwi set the asterisk to debug and verbose. The problem experienced is that ocassionally calls do not even get picked up by asterisk
10:31.07*** join/#asterisk Faustov (i=user@gentoo/user/faustov)
10:31.27arossouwthe ISDN hardware is Junghanns with 3 ISDN box'es connected to it
10:32.28Faustovhi, I'm seeing "ERROR[4987]: cdr_sqlite.c:160 sqlite_log: cdr_sqlite: attempt to write a readonly database" lines in the CLI each time a call is made - I checked /var/log/asterisk and the permissions are fine (asterisk is the owner of all files and dirs there) - what could be the reason?
10:33.37arossouwFaustov: is asterisk being run as the same user that owns the database file?
10:35.10Faustovthat is, if the /var/log/asterisk/* contains the database file
10:35.14Faustovbut i think it does
10:35.45Faustov-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 64512 Jul  6 10:08 cdr.db
10:35.51Faustovthis is the file, right?
10:36.14*** join/#asterisk XiXaQ (
10:36.31arossouwif you try chmod 664 /var/log/asterisk/cdr.db and restart asterisk, see what happens
10:37.40arossouwif that doesn't work start asterisk in debug mode,kill all asterisk instances first then execute asterisk -gvvvvvvvcd
10:38.11Faustovlooks like it's gone
10:38.16Faustovbut it's weird, since owner had read and write
10:38.28Faustovmaybe it's a false warning?
10:38.48arossouwnah, i think you need -rw-rw-r-- on that file
10:39.05arossouwyou had -rw-r--r--
10:39.08Faustovso sometimes it uses user rights, sometimes group? doesn't make sense...
10:39.11Faustovwell ok
10:39.28Faustovlet me just observe it for a while if it doesn't reappear
10:40.25arossouwit should give you warnings if you start calling, if something is wrong
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11:01.35Faustovarossouw: ok thanks, all is ok
11:17.27*** join/#asterisk Borai (
11:18.46BoraiI cant pass CFLAGS to make while compiling asterisk, the makefile will overwrite my CFLAG entry any idea on what to do ?
11:18.53Boraiim trying to compile -m32
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11:24.38tzafrir_laptopOT: anybody elase having problems reaching ? (as a name server)
11:25.12coppiceI'd be afraid to even try
11:25.27tzafrir_laptopBorai, which makefile? main one? menuselect?
11:27.03JTtzafrir_laptop: i'm afraid i had no luck
11:27.35tzafrir_laptopit's the name server for
11:27.44coppicetzafrir_laptop: unknown host
11:34.27Boraithe main one
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11:50.23lenne_dkHi. I want to add an external number to a queue. In 1.2 I had a queue member SIP/12345@voisp
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11:50.49lenne_dkIn 1.4 the number is flagged as (Invalid) in show queue
11:51.14lenne_dkIs it not possible anymore, or is syntax changed?
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11:52.23lenne_dkI have local queue members as SIP/10 but they are registered. the external number is not.
11:52.49lenne_dkAnybody here?
11:53.41lenne_dkJust say no, if you are not here :-)
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12:05.36lenne_dkAny guru here?
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12:22.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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13:22.18beekmorning jaytee
13:22.35jayteemorning beek
13:25.03*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
13:25.36telnettechAll....need some assistance    what does the following error mean? chan_dahdi.c:8703 pri_dchannel: PRI got event: HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1
13:26.27telnettechI am unable to make outbound calls on the PRI and it was working before....trying to figure out if it is a Asterisk problem or Telco..... Im leaning Telco but the dynamic spans show ok
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13:28.49[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: used to get those on the old revision PCI cards with IRQ misses, etc.  "cat /proc/interrupts"
13:28.49Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
13:30.05telnettechTK. Im not using a PCI card.....using redfone devic.....I know yuck!!!!!
13:32.11Poincarehou can I limit ONLY the incomming calls to a sip-phone without limiting out-going calls from that sip-phone? call-limit seems to work in both directions..
13:32.45telnettechok I did the interrupts and this is what i see
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13:35.31telnettechi dont see anything ot of the ordinary from what i know
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13:37.49[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Was only relevant to a Digium PCI card... no diea at this point.
13:37.58telnettechok thanks
13:37.59[TK]D-FenderPoincare: What do you want to limit inbound to?
13:38.37telnettechI am thinking it is a Telco issue as the redfone device was working just 2 hours ago and we are not doing anything with the * server
13:40.31Poincare[TK]D-Fender: to one call
13:43.05[TK]D-FenderPoincare: You can use GROUP() in your dialplan to limit that.  Do you want to not call in if they are on ANY call, or only 1 INBOUND?
13:43.23PoincareANY call
13:43.23[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: That is a very open-ended write-off....
13:43.32[TK]D-FenderPoincare: then ChanIsAvail() <-
13:43.59*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ErMeS@
13:44.35telnettechTK: I know but that is the last thing i have to go on. I am checking the mailing list for anything else...i am reading about the interrupts but there also seems to be a thing about graphics so im looking into that as well
13:44.36*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
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13:45.23Poincare[TK]D-Fender: thanks
13:51.11*** join/#asterisk qdk (
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14:12.51JackTheNipple[TK]D-Fender: do you know how to statically switch of the callerid presentation in chan_dahdi.conf?
14:13.26[TK]D-FenderJackNot offhand if possible
14:13.54JackTheNipple[TK]D-Fender: srry
14:14.03JackTheNipple[TK]D-Fender: understand....
14:16.03*** join/#asterisk moy (
14:18.33rob0hmmm, why I am getting "Seattle      WA" <2062040232> as my callerID, and not what I set90 ?
14:19.10rob0when I call with cell, the caller ID is right.
14:19.17JackTheNipplerob0: you have the otherside of my problem ;-)
14:21.56rob0no time today, oh well
14:22.02JackTheNipplerob0: me; i can suppress the number on DAHDI,
14:22.18JackTheNipplerob0: okay - else let me know if you're on DAHDI as well....
14:23.16rob0set() was working for my Sipura ATA. In fact it seems to work fine here, but not at the place where I am moving it to.
14:24.17rob0when this * server gets there, I should be able to plug it in and have it work.
14:24.37rob0anyway, gtg, bye.
14:24.40*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
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14:58.43brahCan I run Zaptel instead of DAHDI on 1.4?
15:00.11*** join/#asterisk nkohh (n=justin@unaffiliated/kohh)
15:01.00Joelsure, just use a version of 1.4 that still supports zap
15:02.48*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
15:04.55viraptordo I need to enable some specific option to make rtpkeepalive work? I set it to 2 seconds, but nothing is sent when the call is on hold :/ (only sometimes, it works for one phone, but not the other and I don't see any difference in traces)
15:05.13brahAlright, so asterisk 1.6 doesn't work on FreeBSD
15:05.32eppigyDONDE ESTA
15:06.39*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
15:06.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
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15:08.31[TK]D-Fenderbrah: Begs to differ
15:08.54brahI should have been clearer.
15:08.59brahNo DAHDI in FreeBSD
15:11.53Joelwho knows, not a BlowSD user :D
15:13.24brahbee ass dee
15:13.30viraptoror maybe someone knows how to send rtcp responses while I'm on hold?
15:15.53*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
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15:23.24ramindia[TK]D-Fender: Hi
15:25.33*** join/#asterisk pierrelux (
15:26.05*** join/#asterisk paramobile (
15:26.13*** join/#asterisk markbest (
15:26.25paramobileприветствую. кодировка норм ?
15:27.34russellbenglish, please :-)
15:27.47HeXiLeDнорм ?
15:27.50*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
15:27.54*** join/#asterisk mechbangirc (n=mechbang@
15:28.03paramobileany russian guy here ?
15:28.57mechbangircis there a way to specify subnet 200.xx.xx.0/24 in host field instead of single IP??
15:29.13[TK]D-Fendermechbangirc: No.
15:29.29[TK]D-Fendermechbangirc: You can use the permit/deny to restrict connections though
15:29.48mechbangirc[TK]D-Fender: so if i have to allow some subnet what is the best approach
15:30.00paramobilewho use skypiax for work with Skype via Asterisk ?
15:30.25mechbangirc[TK]D-Fender: ok and host field should be set to dynamic right?
15:31.00[TK]D-Fendermechbangirc: yes
15:32.19paramobilehow to tell asterisk to hangup skypecall with "skypiax_hangup" command but not with "hangup" command when user hangs up?
15:33.24mechbangirc[TK]D-Fender: what if i have two subnets can I put two permit rules next to each other or do i have to write another sip context for next permit
15:34.36[TK]D-Fendermechbangirc: I believe you can issue multiple permit
15:35.07mechbangirc[TK]D-Fender: ok
15:35.58mort_gibWould a firewall not be better for restricting access??
15:36.44[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: Not for just a given entry
15:37.18mort_gibMm, But you WOULD have your FW configured regardless -Right??
15:37.24markbestDoes anyone know how to 'delay' the PAGE() or MEETME() commands? I need to conference in several phones, but the phones I'm using (Ascom i75 wifi phones) need two rings instead of just one - for autopickup.
15:38.05[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: Sorry, could you be a little MORE generic please? ;)
15:38.18[TK]D-Fendermarkbest: I already answered you
15:38.24[TK]D-Fendermarkbest: And it isn't changing....
15:38.39*** join/#asterisk PTorres (n=PTorres@
15:38.42mort_gibSure How about your old favorite?? -Will a server be good enough for asterisk??
15:38.48markbestI'm sorry i must have miss your answer...
15:39.28[TK]D-Fendermarkbest: Yeah, It was only the line immediately following your question and prefixed with your name ;)
15:39.39wmfgHi everyone.  Let me know if this is not the place to ask...
15:39.44[TK]D-Fenderlooks for a glowing neon sign....
15:39.50wmfgWe want to put an Asterisk server between our pre-PRI (CAS) Sprint PBX, and our Cbeyond T1 (which we will shortly switch to SIP trunking.)
15:40.01wmfgCurrently testing hardware (Digium TE1100P) and trying to get a handle on CAS, E&M Wink, Direct Inward Dial.
15:40.29*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:40.41wmfgTemporarily connected Asterisk to the T1.  Asterisk Dial out fine.  Dial In...cannot figure out how to tell Asterisk to expect and wait for 4 Direct Inward Dial digits:  If dial in to DID 3250 asterisk tries extension "25".  Dial in to 3260 asterisk tries extention "260".  Again this is temporary, trying to figure things out.
15:40.52*** join/#asterisk jamesh1 (
15:40.56wmfgConnected Asterisk to the PBX.  Dial PBX to Asterisk ok (except works and immediately accepts dial digits even though doesn't provide dial tone until about 4-5 seconds.)  Dial Asterisk to PBX not work at all...I don't know how to provide the 4 Direct Inward Dial digits that the PBX is expecting.
15:41.01markbestI'm sorry but its not on my history list. Could you please re post as I didn't receive your response. (Although I assume the answer is no)
15:41.20wmfg?comma pause?"w" pause?D() dial option?
15:42.50Joelwmfg so are you looking for a consultant, or are you going to ask a detailed question at some point?
15:42.58[TK]D-Fender[11:12]<markbest>Does anyone know how to 'delay' the PAGE() or MEETME() commands? I need to conference in several phones but the phones I'm using (Ascom i75) need two rings instead of just one - for autopickup.
15:42.59[TK]D-Fender[11:24]<[TK]D-Fender>markbest: Sit back and wait a few seconds.
15:43.01wmfgWhen I say "Asterisk to PBX not work at all" I mean it just rings and rings.
15:43.11[TK]D-Fendermarkbest: Only *6* lines happend since <-
15:43.37wmfgIf I must hire a consultant, I'm willing, but I've gotten quite far on my own so far.
15:43.55[TK]D-Fenderwmfg: PASTEBIN is your friend... show us yuor configs and failed call attempts
15:44.24jamesh1anyone have trouble with certain cell phones and dtmf?
15:44.33markbestRoger. *Sits back and waiting*
15:44.44*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
15:44.48jamesh1been knocking my head against the wall
15:44.48*** part/#asterisk PTorres (n=PTorres@
15:44.55wmfgSpecific question: How to tell Asterisk to push DID digits during DIAL.
15:45.05wmfg...On a CAS T1
15:45.10Joelwmfg Specific answer: what?
15:45.32Joelwmfg when asterisk calls out, it dials a number, that number is the did.
15:46.01Joelthere is no way to "fake" the number you've dialed....
15:46.41*** join/#asterisk pmhaddad-lappy (
15:46.49wmfgThat makes sense.
15:47.09Joeltelcom 101 here :)
15:47.10wmfgBut I thought I tried that with no result.
15:47.18Joelyou thought you tried calling a number? :P
15:47.51Joelif you're doing sip->asterisk->legacy then good luck, you're probably not doing something your legacy expects
15:48.00wmfgI thought I had already tried a 4 digit DID number known to work...still rings and rings.  Timing issue?
15:48.03JoelI would make sure your legacy is looking for 10 digits of the dialed number
15:48.15Joeland I would pass 10 digits
15:48.30Joeland if your legacy doesn't answer, then ask someone who's familiar with the legacy to take a look and tell you why
15:48.57[TK]D-Fenderwmfg: Its all part of your dial
15:49.38jamesh1Question: Anyone know of the problem/fix for certain cell phones not being recognized in asterisk1.4 in the ivr? (dtmf)
15:49.41wmfgLegacy is currently expecting 4, should be changable.  Plan to hire with legacy telcom guy later this week, but was hoping to be well versed beforehand.
15:50.07Joeljamesh1 relaxdtmf=1
15:50.33jamesh1place that in chan_dahdi?
15:51.11[TK]D-Fenderwmfg: Ask your telco the signalling order & # of digits expected
15:52.55wmfgd-fender: telco currently provides and PBX currently expects four DID digits. What would be the menu for signalling order? Is E&M Wink what you mean?
15:52.58*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
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15:53.48[TK]D-Fenderwmfg: do they expect a wink between DID and the target #?  A pause?   Continuous digits?
15:54.01jamesh1joel: sorry wrong rebuttal. if I place that in the config is a restart or reload needed?
15:55.24ayesoHow do I compare with an &?  like this: GotoIf($["${CALLERID(ani)}" = "123456789" & "${CALLERID(DNIS)}" = "987654321"]?wherever,1,1) or like this: GotoIf($["${CALLERID(ani)}" = "123456789"] & ["${CALLERID(DNIS)}" = "987654321"]?wherever,1,1)
15:57.24ayesobasicly does the and go in 1 bracket or between 2 brackets? [var = val & var = val] or is it [var =val] & [var = val]?
15:57.58[TK]D-Fenderayeso: Go read the CHANNELVARIABLES doc again
16:00.55ayeso[TK]D-Fender: no luck, but I think i found my answer on the expressions page
16:01.11[TK]D-Fenderayeso: Its in the doc as well.
16:01.13[TK]D-Fender&& <-
16:01.19ayesoits [val = var & val =var]
16:04.51*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (n=chatzill@
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16:08.42ariel_Hello folks
16:09.20wmfgjoel, d-fender: Thanks for saying "dial IS did."  I was being _that_ stupid.  4 digit Asterisk dial string works perfectly to PBX.
16:10.46*** join/#asterisk kombi (
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16:13.03kombitrying to connect to asterisk with x-lite on mac but no answer on udp 5060, even when nmap'ed locally, what might be wrong?
16:18.19angryuserKobaz, firewall, do a tcpdump on port 5060 locally
16:19.04angryuserKobaz, >> kombi
16:19.11moa_Anyone have some insight on solving this? It's causing choppy call quality every time this happens.
16:21.35kombiangryuser: firewall is completely off... I'll try tcpdump (if that exists on mac..)
16:22.08angryuserkombi, try to do a dum on the target machine *
16:22.27angryusermoa_, do you use asterisk 1.4.11 ?
16:23.09*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
16:23.27moa_It's actually older, 1.4.4.  I'm in the process of upgrading to the latest, I've never had a problem until now for some strange reason.
16:24.25angryusermoa_, and next time google first
16:24.33Qwellno, next time *upgrade* first.
16:25.22moa_I did google, and I am upgrading.  Just thought I'd ask :)
16:25.45QwellChanges since asterisk Version 1.4.4/ - svn revision 62252
16:26.22Qwellso...2000 or so bugs fixed
16:28.45*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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16:38.26jeffQwell: bad metric, since the revisions between would include work being done on trunk/HEAD and other branches, etc.
16:41.31Qwelljeff: No it doesn't
16:42.07jeffQwell: ah, i misunderstood, then.
16:42.38jeffah, i see. yep, my mistake. sorry. :)
16:46.03*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
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16:51.07Joelpets Qwell
16:52.45*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
16:54.43*** join/#asterisk JackTheNipple (
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16:56.09*** join/#asterisk k3rn3l (
16:56.19k3rn3lgood morning
16:56.29k3rn3lsomebody speak spanish?
16:57.30voipheroesn0t m3
16:57.38k3rn3li need some help
16:57.44k3rn3li have a old panasonic pbx
16:57.46[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: #drphil
16:57.59k3rn3land i have a new pbx asterisk
16:58.48k3rn3lin my old pbx i need digit #*3225 to can cal to the cell phones
16:59.11k3rn3land i want to send the #*3225 from asterisk to can have a dialtone
16:59.35[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: So Dial that.
17:01.19*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (n=chatzill@
17:01.42k3rn3li have the next dialplan
17:01.52*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
17:02.02k3rn3lexten => _9044XXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(Zap/5/#*3525,30,D(${EXTEN:1}),,To)
17:06.42*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@nat/yahoo/x-21aa73d36af8bce7)
17:09.14[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3 : exten => _9044XXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(Zap/5/#*3525wwww${EXTEN:1}),30,To)
17:09.24[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: w = .5 second wait
17:09.44k3rn3l:o trying
17:09.46[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: just to give the other PBX a chance to ACk the code & provide the second tone if required
17:11.15*** join/#asterisk Whitor (n=Whitor@
17:11.36k3rn3l- Executing Dial("SIP/200-08264780", "Zap/5/#*3525wwww0449982126568|30|To") in new stack -- Called 5/#*3525wwww0449982126568
17:11.52k3rn3l"The numbers is not in the dialplan"
17:12.48k3rn3lexten => _9044XXXXXXXXXX,2,Dial(Zap/5/#*3525wwww${EXTEN:1},30,To)
17:16.19*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
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17:17.03cuscowhat sip client (softphone) would you recomend to test an asterisk server? I could use a command line one that I could run several instances
17:17.06cuscofor linux
17:17.38*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
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17:18.49ruben23hi, i have asterisk-getting low volume on clients voice in calls, all the volume adjustment of the headset is on high level.
17:18.57[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: What interface are you using?
17:19.03ruben23what could be causing it...?
17:19.23k3rn3lthks [TK]D-Fender
17:19.32k3rn3l[TK]D-Fender: zap
17:19.40[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: What card & signalling?
17:22.08eppigyDONDE ESTA CPE
17:22.45*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
17:24.01ruben23im using voip. with leased line 1 Mbps
17:25.10[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Internet connection doesn't make the fixed sound in your VoIP traffic low.
17:25.13JackTheNippleruben23: on E1 there is a parameter called rxgain & txgain
17:25.25[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Its either the fault of the sender, or the receiver
17:25.29*** join/#asterisk kombi (
17:25.43errrif I have 2 aastra 55i phones, is it possible to direct sip dial from 1 phone to the other with out the call going though asterisk?
17:25.54JackTheNippleruben23: maybe there is something on the client side like this?
17:26.10*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
17:26.22k3rn3l[TK]D-Fender: solved thnks:D
17:26.27JackTheNippleruben23: as D-Fender says - VoIP does not have this kind of parameters...
17:26.27k3rn3lother question
17:26.52kombitrouble connecting with x-lite, keep getting 408. Works fine otherwise, just not with remote connection over port forward. What must I do?
17:26.56*** join/#asterisk Winkie (
17:27.23k3rn3li need to make some app, that be like a bot, this bot have to call some numbers in different hours of the day and say "Hello you are {CustomerName} and you have to pay ${moneymount}"
17:27.29[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You have a networking / firewall / NAT issue
17:27.39k3rn3lWith what technology or commands i can do that?
17:28.10[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: Read up on AGI in THE BOOK, and the mecahnism to call out will either be an AMI Originate, or "call-files"
17:28.12infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:28.13JackTheNipplek3rn3l: you want to look out for ".callfiles"
17:28.19[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: All of this can be found in the book.
17:29.04[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: Actually AGI probably isn't needed for this.
17:29.14[TK]D-Fenderk3rn3l: Just a process to prepare the out-calls
17:29.17k3rn3l:o thanks soo much i have the first edition i download right now the second edition :D
17:30.15kombibetter said: asterisk box is connected via port forwarding, x-lite can connect but not register. What might be wrong?
17:30.45[TK]D-Fenderkombi: I don't see you showing us SIP DEBUG from *'s side showing the reg attempt and response...
17:30.48infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
17:31.14kombifender: ;) coming up!
17:31.24ruben23[TK]D-Fender:what would be my steps to follow the root of the problem
17:31.58[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Test with another phone.  If its better, then your headset rig is to blame.  If its the same, then its your termination provider
17:32.34[TK]D-Fendercans ee a lot of people who wouldn't know the scientific process if it ran up and bit them in the face...
17:43.14*** part/#asterisk icyValk77 (
17:43.40kombix-lite connection trouble: <- is it just wrong credentials?
17:46.56[TK]D-Fenderkombi: <--- Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
17:47.04[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Bad NAT setup.  go read the guide :
17:47.07infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:47.19*** join/#asterisk BuSyAnToS (
17:47.36kombifender: bad NAT on server or client?
17:47.50kombi..I'm reading..
17:47.56[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Server.
17:48.45*** join/#asterisk errotan (
17:55.53markbest[TK]D-Fender: Could you provide assistance with the PAGE() command?
17:59.21*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
18:00.19eon`[TK]D-Fender: What model polycom would you recommend to replace some Cisco 7960 IP Phones?
18:01.13jamesh1Cisco stopped making IP phones, correct?
18:01.36eon`I have a whole load of Cisco 7960's causing me A LOT of grief.
18:01.54jamesh1Those are all I use.
18:02.10eon` these be ok?
18:07.11*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:08.03kombifender: ;) Sometimes things can be as easy as "nat = yes" in sip.conf.. thanks fender!
18:09.11*** join/#asterisk [8none1] (n=[8none1]
18:09.34cuscowhat sip client (softphone) would you recomend to test an asterisk server? I could use a command line one that I could run several instances for linux?
18:10.00cuscocan I lauch several?
18:10.18jamesh1not in windows I don't believe so
18:10.28cuscoin linux
18:11.06jamesh1I have used ekiga and you can't open multiple with that.
18:11.25ISO9001I don't think many will let you open multiple instances.
18:12.44cuscoI need to test a big amount of calls with asterisk
18:13.41KavanScusco, use ekiga
18:13.51KavanSand then use another box, to call with...
18:14.10jamesh1ekiga won't let you open multiple clients
18:14.22KavanSsounds like an issue that is easily solved
18:14.25KavanSi.e. get another system
18:14.45KavanSif it was me, I'd not want to run two clients from the same system...
18:15.09jamesh1same ip.
18:15.10KavanSuhm...isn't the idea to connect two remote end points to one another?
18:15.33jamesh1functionality tests though.
18:15.36cuscoI can configure several ip's on this machine, if the client has the option to select the interface
18:15.38KavanSI'd want to test it as close to real world...
18:15.46KavanScusco, you can get a sip adapter for 50$ shipped
18:15.52KavanSpretty cheap
18:15.55cuscosip adapter?
18:17.28infobotmethinks ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
18:17.50[TK]D-FenderAnd don't call it a "SIP adapter"
18:18.14bmoracawhat's a good TDMoE device with 2 FXO ports?
18:21.08*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:22.10ariel_TDMoE with 2 FXO I have not seen any, only ones with PRI/T1/E1's's not going to work anyway
18:23.25*** join/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
18:23.59eon`my terminal just flipped out
18:25.43ariel_tzafrir_laptop: you around?  I need some xorcom help if you can or able too
18:26.26rene-cusco: what about sipp
18:26.48rene-i believe sipp is exactly what u are looking fo
18:27.16rene-it is command line, it acts as a user agent, it can generate tons of calls to your system with audio
18:27.33*** part/#asterisk GreyFoxx (
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18:28.22cuscorene-: idt does not have voice
18:28.56[TK]D-Fendercusco: Why are you looking to push multiple voice calls off 1 box?
18:29.22rene-it has some audio samples you can use to test, and they explain how to create your own (it is complex)
18:30.08*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (n=kvirc@
18:31.50cuscobecause all the other boxes are being used
18:31.55cuscoonly have 2 or 3 available
18:32.07cuscoand I would like to produce loads of calls
18:32.20cuscorene-: they do have audio samples?
18:32.22cuscothats great
18:32.29cuscoonly there is no man page for sip-test
18:32.32cuscoonly there is no man page for sip-tester
18:32.33rene-it does
18:33.06rene-i havent figured out what in the world the voice in the audio file says, or what language is at least
18:35.03cuscoI never used sip-tester I will try now
18:35.29pmhaddad-lappyanyone in here played with twilio yet?
18:38.24rene-nope,  but adhearsion lets you do it in your own box
18:38.30*** join/#asterisk korcan (n=korcan@
18:39.19[TK]D-Fendercusco: sipp or use another * box.
18:39.22cuscorene-: any tips in how to use sipp?
18:39.29[TK]D-Fendercusco: The multiple softphone idea is crazy
18:39.48rene-sipp can run in your same box,
18:40.17[TK]D-Fenderrene-: Not a fair load tst since the tester and testee are on the SAME BOX.
18:40.24[TK]D-Fenderrene-: Horrible "test"
18:40.38rene-cusco, i dont have my notes handy, read the manual
18:40.52rene-D-Fender:  I agree
18:41.10[TK]D-Fendercusco: What is your planned load?
18:41.32cuscoas much as I could lol
18:41.44cuscoif I could get to 100 simultaneous calls, great
18:42.07[TK]D-Fendercusco: 100 calls doing what?  What hardware?
18:42.08cuscorene-: it does not bring a man page lol!
18:42.24cuscobut yea there is the docs that it sends to stoud
18:42.45*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
18:42.47rene-go to the website
18:42.56[TK]D-Fendercusco: You know Digium has been selling 4-port E1 cards for about almost a decade now.... thats 120 channels <-
18:42.57cuscoI don't really know the specs but it is a rack server from intel that can have 2 primary connections.. lol
18:43.05cuscoI can tell you the processor and the memory..
18:43.06*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
18:43.19[TK]D-Fendercusco: So just spit out what you are expecting to do during those calls
18:43.21cuscoeach port has 60 channels
18:43.25cuscoso we can handle 120
18:43.32*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
18:43.53mltlnxHello? In 1.6 what is the best way to detect a fax?
18:43.55cuscoasterisk has some odd behaviours from time to time and we have to test a massive load of calls on it
18:44.02cuscosuddenly one queue stops ringing
18:44.03[TK]D-Fendercusco: So what will the box be DOING?  And transcoding?  Recording?  All VoIP?  Any TDM hardware?
18:44.12rene-download sipp, build it, then you would want to use the UAC with media scenario, learn how to tweak the amount of calls, and how to set your asterisk ip address and user using sipp command line switches
18:44.29rene-D-Fender: is right again
18:44.38[TK]D-Fendercusco: 60 != massive.
18:44.40cuscoonly queueign and we may answer only 2 or 3 calls at a time
18:45.11cusco[TK]D-Fender: well, it suits our needs, our tops reach 60 calls queueing at the same time
18:45.12[TK]D-Fendercusco: And Queue-ing calls isn't anything special as load goes.
18:45.20cuscoyes I know
18:45.26cuscoits not about the load
18:45.30[TK]D-Fendercusco: So answer my other questions.
18:45.38cuscoits about one of the queses that stops ringing
18:45.48cuscoI don't have the answers, I don't know :(
18:46.02cuscowhat is tdm hardware?
18:46.23[TK]D-Fendercusco: Telephony cards.  E1, T1, POTS, etc
18:46.52cuscolspci returns: 02:01.0 Communication controller: Digium, Inc. Wildcard TE210P dual-span T1/E1/J1 card 3.3V (rev 02)
18:47.02[TK]D-Fender[14:45]<cusco>I don't have the answers, I don't know :( <-- You don't know how your calls will come in?  You don't know if you'll be doing recording?  Open ass, remove head :)
18:47.12rene-mltnx: you have spandsp rx_fax family, you can use hylafax with iax_modem, and you can use digium t.38 implementation, i have never used digium's, and spandsp rx_fax tends to be flaky, hylafax with iax_modem works ok for me
18:47.16cuscowe are recording them, yes
18:47.21[TK]D-Fendercusco: And tahts what your calls will come in under?
18:47.26cuscoIm new in the asterisk world, sorry
18:48.18cuscowell.. for now I only want to test a big amount of calls queuing
18:48.45cuscoso I will be looking at sipp... if any of you could point me to some examples on usage.. thanks
18:48.49[TK]D-Fendercusco: And only 3 people actaully talking?  A single P3 can do this
18:49.32[TK]D-Fendercusco: though not to look like a cheap-ass idiot I'd say a semi-decent C2D these days.
18:49.38cuscoit could be more... depending on the machines available or the calls going in our production system
18:49.54[TK]D-Fendercusco: "Machines available"?  As in...?
18:50.02cuscopeople answering calls or not
18:50.08cuscomany calls at this time
18:50.14cuscoor not
18:50.15[TK]D-Fendercusco: You only have about 4 people so far.
18:50.25cuscowe are about 30 right now
18:50.27[TK]D-Fendercusco: this wasn't considered a load 5 years ago
18:50.31cuscobut we are aswering calls
18:50.46[TK]D-Fendercusco: And in your "new plan"?
18:50.52cuscobrb, 10 min.
19:04.08*** join/#asterisk JackTheNipple (
19:07.36cusco[TK]D-Fender: it is the same. tho when these problemas happen we just restart asterisk .. so now I would like to make it happen in our redundancy test server
19:07.43cuscoanyway I will now look into sipp
19:08.29[TK]D-Fendercusco: What "problem"?
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19:16.12*** join/#asterisk raden (
19:17.45radenanyone recomend a good voip provider
19:20.23infobot[itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
19:20.43ariel_raden: what is good for me might not be for you, but I have been using voip pulse for over 4 years and have been happy with them.
19:21.56radenis there a program to measure a connection to test how many voip channels would be supported
19:23.14*** join/#asterisk WhIteSidE (n=chatzill@
19:24.51WhIteSidEJust a quick question for the community: For installing a new asterisk server, 1.6 branch, what's the preferred version? Or is there a more stable version?
19:25.22[TK]D-Fenderraden: Its called a "caculator". I recommend Texas Instruments.
19:25.47ariel_is still running on the 1.4.2X, have not moved up to 1.6
19:26.08[TK]D-FenderWhIteSidE: 1.6.0 branch is more mature.  1.6.1 I'd wait on for another release or two just out of habit.
19:26.09raden[TK]D-Fender: calculator going to calculate my packet jitter or latency or how amny hops to specific call centeres >?
19:26.54[TK]D-Fenderraden: hops = traceroute, jitter = you'd have to actually place calls, latency = ping
19:27.06beekWhIteSidE: has been rock-solid for me.
19:27.07WhIteSidEOk, thanks, I want to go with 1.6, as this will be a brand new dialplan, but I have been having a bit of trouble with, so I think I'll re-install.
19:27.17radenthere are programs out there that calculate jitter
19:28.36[TK]D-Fenderraden: Yes, but as I mentioned, that should require you to actually place calls.  That is a "I'm already dealing with provider XYZ" test
19:31.05*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
19:32.26TrentCreekWhy would the dialparties.agi override CID of what is seup for each extension?
19:32.39[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Wrong channel...
19:32.45infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
19:34.13TrentCreekdarn it...I dont want to go to that channel.
19:34.43TrentCreektoo many back-stabbing jerks there
19:34.51QwellTrentCreek: then...don't use freepbx?
19:34.54[TK]D-Fenderstabs TrentCreek in the front...
19:35.19bmoracaTrentCreek: freepbx lets you set multiple CIDs for each extension and trunk...there's 50 places you could have inadvertantly told it to use a different callerid
19:35.24TrentCreekQwell: I mean't the people on the channel, not the FPBX community
19:35.36Qwellthey are one in the same
19:35.47[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: they are the "community", just on a different media
19:35.49QwellAre people in #asterisk not "the Asterisk community"?
19:36.23TrentCreekno....they talk about FPBX issues
19:36.55TrentCreekbmoraca: yes I am aware of that, and been using it for almost 2 years, but all of a sudden the dialparties.agi is sending out its own CID
19:37.17*** join/#asterisk Zuchmir2 (
19:37.27TrentCreekGuess I will head over to the PBX forum...thanks
19:37.49JoelTrentCreek back stabbing jerks?
19:38.01JoelTrentCreek you realize most of the #freepbx folks are also in here? lol
19:38.13TrentCreeknot the ones I am referring to
19:38.19Joeland thanks for calling me a back stabbing jerk, way to motivate me to help, the newest freepbx developer :\
19:38.49[TK]D-Fenderjabs Joel with a hot poker
19:38.57bmoracavomits like in the Microsoft commercial
19:38.59[TK]D-FenderJoel: I got 'yer "motivation" RIGHT HERE!
19:39.11JoelSignal To Noise ratio is so incredibly lousy in forums, and now it's getting to forum point on irc. yay.
19:39.14[TK]D-Fenderjabs Joel with a hot poker again
19:40.16TrentCreekSomeone over in the FPBX channel started some crap, and I had no idea what was going I told this one person to f**k off and some other expletives, and have not been back since
19:40.34bmoracagood way to make friends
19:41.03[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: "No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent"
19:41.24outtoluncbut you can try, right fender <G>
19:41.25[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: And you could have just "/ignored" them if it was that bad.
19:41.26TrentCreekwell when you are accused of soemthing and you dont know what they are talking about, but yet they take sides, what else can one do?
19:41.44TrentCreekWell they went to one of the channel ops, to "complain"
19:42.09[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: find a spine and stand up for yourself.
19:42.32TrentCreekhard to stand up when one wants to keep kicking you off
19:43.01[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: As in kicking you out of the channel?
19:43.03bmoracaTrentCreek: if you can't provide logs of a call (freepbx and dialparties are fairly verbose in their logging), no one can help why don't you start there.
19:43.31[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Ah yes... i see how
19:43.58[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Yup, piss off an op and you in for trouble
19:44.02TrentCreek[TK]D-Fender: yes...I was trying to ask what the channel op what they were talking about, and he says "I believe someone I know for 3 years, over you"
19:44.20[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: get another op to back you
19:45.05TrentCreekyeah I can do that, but I messaged him a bad message meant to be private, and I accidently sent it on the open channel, so that did not go over well
19:45.33*** join/#asterisk iratik (
19:45.59[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Speak your mind to another op, be honest and see what happens.
19:46.12*** join/#asterisk cervi (n=Iulia@
19:46.17iratikcan you guys make any recommendations for a high-volume sip trunk provider (with no contracts involved, priced per channel/month) ?
19:46.24*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
19:46.33[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: And passing off a bad message even in private is still a bad idea regardless.
19:46.57[TK]D-Fenderiratik: shop through the usuals
19:47.02infobotitsplist-us is probably Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
19:47.34TrentCreekyeah I can do that. Someome said I was threatening I showed the chat logs where he insults me and I reply with <PLONK> then I put him on ignore. Next think you know he is telling channel ops I "threatened" him.
19:48.08TrentCreekso one channel ops does not care because it's him "buddy"
19:48.19[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Ok, so it wasn't an OP you pissed off then... well go talk to them about it
19:49.18*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
19:49.28TrentCreekOh it was....It was a channel op that asked me about this "threat." Actually was not aking me but rather, "why are yoy threatening my friend" attitude
19:50.08TrentCreekanyway this was months ago
19:50.15TrentCreekwell..back in May
19:51.36TrentCreekHe was taking sides even though I could show my log, and he did not want to hear it so I told him off
19:51.39Zuchmir2having trouble with SIP+DTMF
19:52.08Zuchmir2when client presses keys (using X-Lite) not seeing it on server
19:52.43*** join/#asterisk knipster (n=knipster@
19:53.15JoelTrentCreek this entire thing sounds extremely childish to me, sounds like you need to use ignore.
19:53.15TrentCreekbmoraca: dialparties.agi: Caller ID name is 'Name Unavailabl' number is '9999999999'
19:53.26[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Ah... from that chapter from "How to Not Win friends or Influence People (positively)"
19:53.47bmoracaTrentCreek: that doesn't tell me anything as it's out of context.
19:53.48telnettechhave a question. I need to setup an operator option for people to be able to zero out of voicemail application. Where is that done in freepbx
19:54.04[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: WRONG CHANNEL!
19:54.13[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: You already asked there, now sit on it!
19:54.34TrentCreekJoel: I did use ignore after I was insulted by this troll, and so days later he telling a channel op I was threatening him.
19:54.43[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: And don't get all fidgety jsut because no-one answers in 5 minutes!
19:54.56TrentCreekbmoraca: you want to see the whole call progress?
19:55.00telnettechim sorry....i will show more patience
19:55.06bmoracaTrentCreek: that's what I would need, yes.
19:57.50*** join/#asterisk ehsjoar (
20:00.52*** join/#asterisk linu1 (
20:01.06bmoracaTrentCreek: uhm, Dialparties isn't causing that.  THat's the CID info it's getting from SIP/
20:01.34bmoracaor that's what CID is being forced from that inbound trunk
20:01.48Zuchmir2any ideas why DTMF would not work w/SIP? (it works fine with PRI)
20:01.48bmoracabut that's happening before dialparties is executed
20:02.01JoelZuchmir2 wrong dtmf mode
20:02.18JoelTrentCreek still sounds childish to me!
20:02.22TrentCreekbmoraca: This shows CID is correct, if I am not mistaken
20:03.00TrentCreekJoel: well it is human nature to respond in kind when being attacked
20:03.16bmoracaTrentCreek: you're looking at two different calls.  the one with the wrong CID is an inbound call, this call is an outbound call.
20:03.32Zuchmir2joel: which dtmf should i be using?
20:03.34JoelTrentCreek your human nature, you mean.
20:03.39JoelZuchmir2 which dtmf mode is your provider using?
20:03.55TrentCreekbmoraca: first case.. I called my cell phone...second case... I called a number pointing on my system,
20:04.05Zuchmir2i'm trying to configure server against X-Lite
20:04.19TrentCreekJoel: so if someone come swinging a bat at you, you will just ignore them?
20:04.26JoelTrentCreek yup.
20:04.32JoelTrentCreek it's irc, not life, grow up.
20:05.04*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
20:05.17bmoracaTrentCreek: in what circumstances, and on what phones, are you getting the incorrect callerid?
20:05.19TrentCreekwell it is life, because I did talk to that channel op in real life on many occasions
20:05.31Joellike right now, I'm adding an ignore rule :D
20:05.39Zuchmir2joel: in [general] i have dtmfmode=rfc2833
20:05.49TrentCreekbmoraca: it seems all but, internal calls
20:05.50[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: You like another shovel?
20:05.53JoelZuchmir2 which dtmfmode does your provider use?
20:06.05TrentCreekno need
20:06.05Zuchmir2joel: i'm testing X-Lite
20:06.12JoelZuchmir2 oh sorry, make sure it matches on both sides
20:06.33[TK]D-FenderTrentCreek: Also I don't see you debugging the actual call coming in...
20:06.37bmoracaTrentCreek: what does "all" mean?  When you dial out, do you get that incorrect callerid on the destination phone?  when someone dials in, do you get incorrect callerid?
20:07.07TrentCreekoutgoing calls via trunk ...
20:07.09Zuchmir2joel: i don't see that option in X-Lite
20:07.23JoelZuchmir2 neither do I, you'll need to hit the x-lite website and research I guess
20:07.34*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott@
20:07.54bmoracaTrentCreek: That's the second call log you gave which I do not see any wrong callerid information, meaning that if callerid info is wrong, it's because of SIP/5060
20:07.59[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: it may not be an "option" in X-Lite.  set * accordingly
20:08.03*** part/#asterisk cervi (n=Iulia@
20:08.20Zuchmir2joel: i have the exact same DTMF setting on another server, and X-Lite can do DTMF w/it
20:08.35TrentCreekbmoraca: Okay...I will check that part..thanks
20:08.55nny_1noob question: Normally I can use the inbound number as an exten prefix like _XXXXXXXXXX,1,Goto(blah). On this one system everything dumps to s,1. Is this an issue with the way the telco is setup? (Using a series of FXO ports, I assume this isn't meant for such a setup)
20:09.27[TK]D-Fendernny_1: FXO = analog = "s"
20:09.35nny_1[TK]D-Fender: roger
20:09.39[TK]D-Fendernny_1: there is no targeted number on analog
20:09.56nny_1heh too bad they share roll over lines with other internal companies.. sounds like an issue for the telco to change
20:10.27bmoracanny_1: that's not going to work
20:10.30[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Sounds like the USER shouldn't be using analog any more
20:14.11nny_1[TK]D-Fender: heh yeah. They either need dedicated rollover lines or a PRI. they only have like 6 lines, just called and found out the hunt group shares the extra lines :\
20:15.07TrentCreekbmoraca: I just sent my provider a new ticket to verify their equipment. Thanks again, and [TK]D-Fender:
20:15.13Zuchmir2tried dtmfmode=rfc2833, inband, info, and auto (with an asterisk -rx "sip reload" between each), none of them worked
20:16.10JoelZuchmir2 some other problem maybe?
20:16.28[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: I don't see you showing us your configs or the problem.
20:16.34infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
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20:25.52nny_1curses at Ubuntu
20:26.08nny_1need to find a good solid distro that doesn't break everything trying to be helpful
20:26.14asaleemIf I change the default sip port to 5061, how can I register x-lite using the thsi port?
20:26.36asaleemI need to change the port because 5060 is blocked by my ISP
20:27.37Aiatekasaleem change the default listen port of your xlite
20:28.00asaleemAiatek, how?
20:28.31asaleemAiatek, I did not find something related to that?
20:28.55Aiatekit has an option
20:29.03AiatekSip Listen port
20:29.04asaleemAiatek, are the one under topolgy need to be changed?
20:29.18nny_1asaleem: i think thats the rtp ports
20:29.25nny_1asaleem: did you try domain:port?
20:29.41asaleemAiatek, ohh, ok so I need to change the config file
20:29.48asaleemnny_1, I think so
20:30.01asaleemnny_1, yes  I did
20:30.11Aiatekyou asked how you connect your xlite if you change your sip default port
20:30.12asaleemnny_1, did not seem to work
20:30.32Aiateki answered that
20:30.41nny_1asaleem: there is suppose to be a network option, somewhere heh
20:30.59asaleemnny_1, there's none
20:31.12nny_1asaleem: yeah updating mine to latest to see if I can find it
20:31.17asaleemnny_1, maybe, there is a config file, I will look for it
20:31.29[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: I don't see anything in there that requires DTMF, you aren't using rfc2833 as you were told it should be, you didn't set codecs for your peers.
20:31.34*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:31.39nny_1asaleem: ahh
20:31.45nny_1asaleem: click advanced at the bottom
20:31.49nny_1asaleem: of the options menu
20:31.51[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:32.01asaleemI will have to check it on my windows box
20:32.12nny_1asaleem: yeah right click xlite -> options, advanced
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20:33.14asaleemnny_1, let me check, I fired up my window vm
20:33.28nny_1asaleem: yeah looking too, using older version
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20:34.23nny_1asaleem: hmm not under network tab either :\
20:34.34asaleemnny_1, oops
20:36.00nny_1asaleem: dunno, each piece of info i find may or may not refer to an outdated version. Another says set the outbound proxy to domain:port, but that wouldn't do much for incoming
20:36.22asaleemnny_1, yep
20:36.24nny_1although i guess that doesn't matter
20:36.34nny_1for registering though it should
20:36.38asaleemdid you find a config file for it?
20:38.03nny_1asaleem: no
20:38.26asaleemnny_1, hmmm, no luck
20:38.31nny_1asaleem: reading the fm right now
20:38.40asaleemnny_1, ok
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20:42.02nny_1asaleem: gah ha
20:42.09nny_1asaleem: 3.0 manual is useless
20:42.33nny_1asaleem: says you need the port* with an asterisk as if to say (read below, some kind of condition exists) but then nothing below :\
20:43.55nny_1asaleem: according to this support forum it's the port range on the topology page
20:44.11nny_1If you have to specify the internal port (and you shouldn't) you can specify a range of 5060-5061 on the topology page of your SIP account.
20:44.15nny_1from the forum
20:44.18asaleemnny_1, No idea how people do that with sip because firewalls are everywhere these day (fire is inexpensive,I guess to build walls from)
20:44.33nny_1asaleem: feel free to try that, but just put 5061-5061 or w/e
20:44.36nny_1asaleem: heh yeah
20:44.52nny_1asaleem: i think asterisk tells the client which rtp ports to use after it registers, so that field makes sense
20:45.03asaleemnny_1, will give it a shot
20:46.46bmoracaI'd wager that if an ISP is going to go to the trouble of blocking SIP traffic on 5060, they'll probably block it on 5061, too
20:46.46*** part/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott@
20:47.13Zuchmir2<[TK]D-Fender>: i changed it to all ways in [general] section
20:47.28Zuchmir2<[TK]D-Fender>: i left it by auto now
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21:03.05kn0xI keep getting a lot of HANGUPCAUSE 0's on SIP
21:03.19kn0xany idea how I can troubleshoot this?
21:08.03RoyCrowderanyone had a problem with the webvmail CGI having a file permissions problem? I've gone as far as 777 and chown'ing apache.apache still not working.
21:08.09*** join/#asterisk Maximo (
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21:33.03JoelRoyCrowder sounds like a non asterisk issue really...
21:33.38Zuchmir2joel: any clues re: DTMF q. above ( )
21:33.51*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
21:37.05cuscono reply to our critical packet (see doc/sip-retransmit.txt)
21:37.11cuscoIm trying to use sipp to test
21:37.14cuscowhat is missing?
21:38.01[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: I already told you 3 things that were wrong there, and I don't see you showing the PROBLEM
21:38.29[TK]D-Fendercusco: Networking issue (routing/firewall/NAT, etc)
21:38.44kn0x[TK]D-Fender: how can I troubleshoot HANGUPCAUSE 0 on SIP Dialing
21:39.03[TK]D-Fenderkn0x: Look at the SIP debug and see whats really happening.
21:39.36RoyCrowderJoel: yea figured it out... was an SELinux issue....
21:43.28*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (n=james@
21:45.07*** join/#asterisk ccesario (
21:46.07MiccWouldn't it be possible to simulate multiple parking lots with ChannelRedirect?
21:46.28MiccI can't get multiple parking lots to work in
21:46.48MiccSo I figured I could do it myself with some dialplan magic.
21:47.12[TK]D-FenderMicc: that + dynamic conferences sure.... messy, but doable
21:48.25MiccTKD-Fender, why would I need dynamic conferences? Isn't there a way to just connect the two lines?
21:48.47Micchmmm, I'm not sure how that work work I guess.
21:49.16MiccI could have it dial back the previous channel but thats not the same.
21:49.19Zuchmir2<[TK]D-Fender>: the problem is DTMF not working
21:50.00[TK]D-FenderMicc: the redirect only points to dialplan last I checked so there was no way to really target another device on pickup...
21:50.20[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: And I asked you to show a FAILED CALL
21:50.50[TK]D-FenderMicc: I suppose you could do a forced call-back method for it.
21:50.52MiccTKD-Fender, is there a way to bridge two channels?
21:51.12[TK]D-FenderMicc: Call exten that hangs up on you and then redirects to an exten that dials that same device back
21:51.15MiccTKD-Fender, but then the phone would ring.
21:51.34[TK]D-FenderMicc: 1.6's bridge might do it... never triend any of these methods personally.
21:52.25MiccTKD-Fender, I'll have to try that. Otherwise I think a dynamic conference would be ok.
21:52.38MiccExcept last time I tried conferencing on my current server it crashed
21:52.47MiccBut I think that was because of something else.
21:53.03*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (
21:53.23[TK]D-FenderMicc: Doesn't 1.6.0 offer multiple lots?
21:54.05kombion to the next issue: no sound.. Setup: xlite - dmz - internet - port forward(3478,4050,8000,8001) - asterisk. Must I forward 10000-20000 too?
21:54.43[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Apparently you aren't forwarding SIP or IAX to your server either...
21:54.54[TK]D-Fenderkombi: READ THE GUIDE
21:54.57infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
21:54.58drmessanoWTF are those ports?
21:55.17[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Twit(ter) ;)
21:55.52kombiwill do..;)
21:56.24MiccTKD-Fender, yes it does offer multiple lots, but I can't figure out how to make it work. It seems broken to me. I can see the multiple lots, but using them only assigns from the main lot even though I have the correct parkinglot defined.
21:56.35MiccAnd the config settings don't seem to change the parkexten.
21:56.37*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
21:58.58[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: I see SIP messages for DTMF, **no** RFC2833 which is carried over **RTP**
21:59.18cusco[TK]D-Fender: thanks that could be it as running from localhost resolved it
21:59.30cusconow its not getting to my extention - Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown
21:59.39cuscowhat could it be ?
21:59.51[TK]D-Fendercusco: "sip show peer [thepeernamewithoutbraces]"
22:00.25Zuchmir2<[TK]D-Fender>: so shouldn't dtmfmode=info work?
22:01.15[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: You just showed me a config that specified rfc2833.  I'm actually a little gray as to whether or not that is actually SIP INFO, or an "IM"
22:01.47[TK]D-Fendercusco:   Addr->IP     : (Unspecified) Port 5060 <--- your device has not registered and * has no idea how to contact it
22:01.54cuscolet me check that
22:02.46*** part/#asterisk zeroHalo (n=zeroHalo@
22:03.55[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: And I don't see at what point * should care what DTMF you enter.
22:04.09kombifender: did everything as advertised, still no sound.. how do I best troubleshoot?
22:04.32*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
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22:06.02[TK]D-Fenderkombi: And the reason I should trust that is....?
22:06.17kombifrom the manual: "Our * server will need the port range specified in rtp.conf forwarded to it (typically 10000 - 20000)" <- that being not the case might be the reason...
22:06.43kombifender: pb coming up..
22:07.04*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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22:09.08[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
22:09.14drmessanopoints and snickers
22:11.00kombi <- this time...
22:11.49Zuchmir2<[TK]D-Fender>: here's a phone call on a DID
22:12.27drmessanonat = no?
22:13.01kombithat's for the phones within the network
22:13.02[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: Found no matching peer or user for 'voip.providers.public.ip:5060' <--- your call isn't matching a peer so it uses the mode from [general]
22:13.23[TK]D-Fenderkombi: Wheres the failed call?
22:13.51kombifender: call goes through fine, just no sound, neither tx or rx
22:13.56Zuchmir2<[TK]D-Fender>: the dialplan is a very complex one, what i pasted was the "entry", there's a whole gosub...
22:14.09drmessanoIf youre going to misuse a directive, at least misuse it properly and use "never", damnit
22:14.30[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: Nothing in what you PB'd before showed me that * cared about DTMF.  Forget about receiving it... I don't see * CARING.
22:14.36kombidrmessano: was that for me?
22:14.58drmessanokombi: Youre a little slow, i take it?
22:15.45Zuchmir2<[TK]D-Fender>: why would it not care?
22:16.41kombidrmessano: hmm..
22:17.14drmessanokombi: Do you have SIP and RTP ports open or not?
22:17.17*** join/#asterisk SkramX (
22:19.02kombidrmessano: might have mentioned it, got udp 3478, 5040, 8000 and 8001 open, but not 10000 - 20000. Is that simply it?
22:19.33[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: I don't see any commands being issued that listen for DTMF and act upon it
22:19.43drmessanoWTF are 3478, 5040, 8000, and 8001?????????
22:19.55drmessanoSIP is 5060 and RTP is 10000-20000 by default
22:20.02drmessanoGo forward those ports
22:21.01kombidrmessano: ok..
22:21.46infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
22:22.08drmessanoOur Asterisk server will also have to have ports 5060 (UDP), and the port range specified in “rtp.conf” (typically 10000-20000 UDP) forwarded to it.
22:22.17Zuchmir2<[TK]D-Fender>: the line saying: Playing '/voice/cvt/menu/brooklyn/langmenu' is from a custom app which calls ast_control_streamfile()
22:22.54kombiok,ok... i'll do it,)
22:23.25[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: Tell you what.  Do a real test with normal apps who's actions I can trust.  DON'T mask anything except passwords, and maybe we'll get somewhere
22:24.49*** join/#asterisk DeVilSoulBlacK (
22:25.21kombiI think x-lite pointed me to those other weired ports... isp won't let me change a thing before tomorrow though, off to the grill then. Thanks people!
22:25.24DeVilSoulBlacKhi any one know where can get download this type of graphic for asterisk
22:26.10JoelDeVilSoulBlacK some sort of graphing package, personally I like using ofc2 for my charting needs
22:26.15JoelDeVilSoulBlacK look at the source code.
22:27.08DeVilSoulBlacKi dont use elastix , but i see interest that type of graphic
22:28.08DeVilSoulBlacKJoel: what ist ofc2 ??
22:28.27DeVilSoulBlacKOpen Flash Chart ?
22:28.28[TK]D-Fenderkombi: ISP?  What does your ISP have to do with this?
22:30.45drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Who cares?
22:34.32*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
22:40.39[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2 : New configs please...
22:52.03*** join/#asterisk double_cheesebur (
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22:53.25double_cheeseburI just came across documentation that states the asterisk sms command only works in 6 countries...of which the US is not included. Can anyone recommend documentation that speaks to Asterisk SMS capabilities that have been developed for US markets?
22:54.47*** join/#asterisk coppice (
22:56.05[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2: Ok, I'm not sure whats going on at this point... what is the call coming in from?
22:58.07Zuchmir2i recentrly installed the g729 codec, and that's when the trouble began :-(
23:00.53*** join/#asterisk shazaum (n=98u89weu@unaffiliated/shazaum)
23:03.30[TK]D-FenderZuchmir2:, what SIP service is sending you that call....
23:06.10SkramXwhat app (if any) do you all use to map out db model structures and/or call flow? :) thanks
23:06.34WindowsUservisio? ^_^
23:06.43SkramXim on a mac :\
23:06.49SkramXbut I have heard visio is pretty swell
23:07.07WindowsUseriWork should have something
23:07.13[TK]D-FenderSkramX: Dia
23:07.17coppicevisio used to be good. the MS bought it :-(
23:07.51WindowsUsermicrosoft needs to be more secretive about buying people
23:08.04WindowsUserlike buy them but dont let them know they've been bougt
23:08.13WindowsUserdouble secret probation
23:08.15coppicethe need to stop wrecking what they bought
23:09.20WindowsUserbrb, might be awhile if i killed this ubuntu install finally
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23:32.49Zuchmir2<[TK]D-Fender>: newtel
23:34.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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