IRC log for #asterisk on 20090704

00:10.06hamushi have a very simple sip only setup.  i want to be able to have two sip phones call each other.  to do this, i understand i need to define two extensions in the dialplan.  how should these extensions be defined? Answer(),Dial(),Hangup()? where does Ringing() fit in?
00:10.23[TK]D-Fenderhamush: All you really need is Dial
00:12.22hamush[TK]D-Fender: i tried just using Dial, but my voip phone immediately disconnects... only by putting Answer() in the mix was i able to get a call established
00:13.26[TK]D-Fenderhamush: Show us the problem an maybe we can do something about it
00:21.00hamush[TK]D-Fender: it looks like i'm getting a 404 unless i put Answer in the dialplan
00:21.40[TK]D-Fenderhamush: That isn't the problem, pastebin the dialplan without it
00:22.49[TK]D-Fenderhamush: Problem is you have no **1** priority
00:22.59hamush[TK]D-Fender: doh!
00:23.01[TK]D-Fenderhamush: You can't just have "n" like that, you need a "step 1"
00:25.04hamush[TK]D-Fender: thanks, that did it. i should have caught that :-/
00:25.22[TK]D-Fenderhamush: You seem to be learning.  Keep it up
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00:37.34[T]ankis there a way in extensions.conf to dial a sip channel using the peer username and pass instead of having to have a user set up in the sip.conf?
00:37.58[T]anksomething like dial(SIP/user:pass@host/${EXTEN})
00:38.50*** join/#asterisk dshap (n=dshap@216-165-38-43.DYNAPOOL.NYU.EDU)
00:39.01[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Exactly like that
00:39.16dshaphey all im trying to use pattern matching to allow a user to enter a time of day
00:39.22dshapso they would type "230" for 2:30
00:39.23[T]ankhmmm. i must be doing something wrong then... gotta double check... thanks TK
00:39.29dshapor "1258" for 12:58
00:39.41dshapi have pattern matching extensions for both 3 and 4 number inputs
00:40.04dshapbut the issue is that if someone is slow typing in a 3 digit time
00:40.08dshapi mean a 4 digit time
00:40.13dshapthen the 3 digit extension will kick in
00:40.18dshapso if someone SLOWLY types "1258"
00:40.28dshapit will go to the 3-digit "125"
00:40.29dshapget it?
00:40.32dshapwhat should ido?
00:41.24[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Not accept 3-digit time
00:41.43dshapi dont wanna make people type "0230" for 2:30 though :-\
00:42.25dshapi was thinking about using a wildcard, but then there are issues with the allowed digit
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00:42.52dshapthe 2nd to last digit can only be [1-5]
00:43.05dshapthe 2nd to last digit can only be [1-5]
00:43.19dshapso i cant just tack on a wildcard since the last digit can be [1-9]
00:43.26dshap(woah wtf sry dunno why i double posted that)
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00:46.19dshapmaybe i could use the wait for digit AGI command
00:46.26dshapalthough that sounds like it will probably be more of a hassle than it is worth
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00:49.39[T]ankdshap: I missed what you were asking... are you trying to do pattern matching?
00:51.22[TK]D-Fenderdshap: what is someone who wants to enter1:25 supposed to do in your mind?
00:51.42dshap[T]ank: yea just to accept time inputs
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00:52.07dshapif it's 11 AM, for example, someone who enters 125 would be specifying 1:25 PM that day
00:52.18dshap(i'm writing AGI logic that will handle this part of it, right now i'm just working on getting the input)
00:52.39dshapif it's 1:30 PM, then 125 would mean 1:25 AM later that night/next day
00:53.36dshapi don't think there is any good way to do this with pattern matching
00:53.47dshapsince the first 3 digits of a 4-digit input are valid also for a 3-digit input
00:53.52dshapi.e. 1250 and 125
00:54.22[TK]D-Fenderdshap: So you're saying that it should take the 125 as 1:25 immediately?
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00:55.13[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Because how long SHOULD * wait for a 4th digit?
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00:55.48BoraiHello, anyone using lumenvox on 64bit os?
00:56.16dshap[TK]D-Fender: well what if i want them to press pound when they are done?
00:56.24dshapenter time and press #
00:56.30dshapcan i put # in the extension?
00:56.57[TK]D-Fenderdshap: yes
00:57.03dshapi think that would solve my problem
00:57.09dshapi could put the rules for 3-digit followed by #
00:57.20dshapand the same for 4
00:57.22dshapok this is cool
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00:58.11[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Only problems you have are the ones you're creating
00:58.20dshapstory of my life
00:58.32dshapmy project is gonna be sweet when it's done though
00:58.33dshaptrust me
00:58.53dshapi think ppl are really gonna use it
01:00.27dshap[TK]D-Fender: is there any way to increase the amount of time asterisk waits before it goes to the invalid extension?
01:00.46[TK]D-Fenderdshap: "core show function TIMEOUT"
01:00.46dshapright now if i press SLOWLY 1250#, then it will think i'm just pressing 1250 which is invalid
01:00.58dshapit's not the timout extension though, it's the invalid extension
01:01.00Boraidshap: what are you creating?
01:01.07dshapBorai: secret :)
01:01.34Borailol then nobody will use it
01:02.00BoraiWARNING[19762]: loader.c:375 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module 'res_speech_lumenvox': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 - what can I do about this?
01:02.01dshapBorai: well it won't be secret once it's done, obviously lol
01:02.13dshapBorai: i just don't want to give anyone else the idea
01:02.30dshapBorai: i'm a huge asterisk n00b and so if someone actually knows what they are doing and got the idea, they could easily beat me to the chase
01:02.59dshapBorai: but the basic plan is that i develop an amateur yet functional prototype and if it gets popular then i hire a pro to make it legit
01:03.07dshapand scalable
01:04.16dshap[TK]D-Fender: is there any way to have a different timeout for different contexts?
01:05.36BoraiIs there a way to make asterisk that is compiled on a 64bit os as a 64bit binary, load a 32bit module?
01:06.32dshapthis is working fine
01:07.33[TK]D-Fenderdshap: it isn't context based
01:09.42dshap[TK]D-Fender: got it
01:10.45dshap[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks for the help.  im goin out to a bar with some kids to party - it's the eve of the 4th of july!
01:13.44Boraithere must be a way, other than recompiling asterisk :(
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01:44.52Olobolaafter installing speex via yum and asterisk make install, isn't anywhere to be found. I found codec_speex.c in /codecs, no .so. Where do I go from here?
01:50.46Boraimake menuconfig have you selected it there?
01:52.21Olobolaunder 12. Core Sound Packages ?
01:52.40OlobolaI don't see it in there anywhere
01:52.46jayteeI'd look under codecs since it's not a sound package
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01:54.25Olobolaohh.. XXX Depends on: speex(E), speex_preprocess(E) ?
01:54.30Olobolacan't select it
01:54.36Boraiinstall the libs
01:54.59Boraidoesn't anyone know a workaround for my issue?
02:01.19OlobolaBorai: do you mean speex devel?
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02:21.50Boraiyes u need the devel and lib packages
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02:25.33OlobolaI yum installed speex and speex-devel, still not building for some reason
02:31.58drmessanolibvorbis and libvorbis-devel
02:31.58drmessanobrb, dinner
02:36.38russellbmake sure you re-run configure after installing the packages
02:36.49russellbalso, check to see if there is a separate speexdsp and speexdsp-devel package.
02:40.22Olobola@russellb: I did not run ./configure several times while trying to get it to install.. just make clean, make, make install.
02:40.42OlobolaI will try again
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02:44.05Boraiwhat should I do? I couldn't figure out a way to get it running
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02:55.55kyoshiIf anyone can help with an ENUM problem with asterisk, I would deeply appreciate it...
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02:57.22Boraiwhy is it that asterisk cant cant load a 32 bit module when it runs as 64bit
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03:01.08Olobola@russellb: wahoo! I removed my yum installation of speex and built from source, it's working now. Thanks to all :)
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03:17.25dwschoolanyone here familier with faxmail script
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03:32.11dwschoolis there a way to get the subject value from faxmail for faxing?
03:38.24[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: "The problem is that it checks"
03:38.36[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: [Jul  3 17:35:59] DEBUG[23514]: enum.c:426 ast_get_enum: ast_get_enum(): n='+13015611020,sip,,1,', tech='sip', suffix='', options='0', record='1'
03:38.47[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: That isn't ARPA, thats the FIRST one.
03:39.23[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: And of course it isn't going to look at another
03:40.26[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: exten => _X.,2,GotoIf($["${eres}"=""]?11:14) <-- you immeditely SKIP looking up any of the others with this (probably sloppy copy&pasted) GTOT
03:40.54[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: 3-10 will never get executed
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03:49.48kyoshitkd fender, even if only 1 was in there, it fails.  i tried building it step by step still it tries to check and thats the problem im having
03:50.40kyoshiso even if i specify which registrar to us and i only have 1 line, it still checks and not the registrar specified
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03:50.56kyoshilemme show ya something else i tried
03:52.35kyoshisame results, it tries to connect with not
03:54.51kyoshii love coconut
03:57.34kyoshi[23:38] <[TK]D-Fender> kyoshi: exten => _X.,2,GotoIf($["${eres}"=""]?11:14) <-- you immeditely SKIP looking up any of the others with this (probably sloppy copy&pasted)
03:57.58kyoshiactually thats very good coding, minimizes having tons of DIAL commands in there and wraps it together in a single "sub" if you will
03:58.21kyoshithey all use 11:14 cause 11 if true, 14 if false.
03:58.24[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: The priorities 3-10 will never get called.
03:58.40[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: Su unless you intentially crippled them I don't see the point
03:58.42kyoshino need to if ENUM worked :-p
03:58.56[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: You jump away from those other extens REGARDLESS
03:59.00kyoshii dont want it to go thru each one, i wanted to know WHY enum was not using what I wanted
03:59.04kyoshii know what you're saying
03:59.08[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: Doesn't matter what, 3-10 will never get called
03:59.15kyoshiit should be 11:3 then 11:5 and so on
03:59.30kyoshibut for testing why its not calling i rewrote it
04:00.00kyoshias i said... is the simpler version and it still calls not
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04:08.25[TK]D-Fenderkyoshi: Ok, not having used ENUM myself I have hit the limits of what I can advise based on a read of the docs & configs & your dialplan
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04:14.02kyoshiits ok, i tried.  you've always been good with helping me.  i know that dialplan i showed you was messy thats why i showed you the one im using for testing.  i appreciate the effort though.
04:14.30kyoshienum "would be" cool if providers actually registered their DID's with ripe but of course, they dont cause they want everyone to use their pstn's
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04:35.13dwschoolanyone out there that uses hylafax-could you give me a hint on how i could setup my email to fax gateway so that the dest fax number is retrieved from the subject line in the email?
04:37.16[TK]D-Fenderdwschool: This isn't #hylafax.
04:37.52dwschooli know i thought maybe someone here could help me
04:38.20dwschoolmaybe you know where is should be looking/what docs i should be reading :D
04:38.31coppicedon't be sorry. be bloody bold and resolute
04:39.29dwschoolcan't hurt to try
04:40.02dwschool[TK]D-Fender - been over and over it
04:40.26dwschooli just need a way to get the subject line of the email to pass to sendfax or faxmail
04:40.33kyoshidwschool, the problem with open source is that most of the time is spendt coding, not documenting :(
04:40.53dwschoolwell that's why i'm asking
04:41.07kyoshicheck to see if there is a #hylafax
04:41.37dwschoolthere is - i'm on it but no one's every there - there are 10 members
04:42.07dwschoolthere where a few members here yesterdau who said they where running hylafax
04:43.40[TK]D-Fenderdwschool: Yes and just because I use FireFox doesn't make this a FireFox support channel.
04:44.07dwschoolok point taken
04:44.38coppiceasterisk + iaxmodem + hylafax is a very popular combination. saying questions related to setting that up are inappropriate is dumb
04:46.22dwschoolwell that's why i figured someone would help me
04:47.01dwschoolmy setup is working awesome is just a final touch i'm missing
04:47.11[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Yes, but this takes "transitive" well outside the scope of *'s involvelemnt.
04:48.24dwschoolyeaj but considerins asterisks broad usage and open sources huge envelope one could argue relevance.
04:54.54[TK]D-Fenderdwschool: And apparently one could parkan 18 wheeler in your envelope...
04:56.09dwschoolyup - i can back a super-c tractor trailer into a envelope - had to back one for a mile yesterday
04:57.49coppiceanyone who drives an artic backwards for a mile lacks a sense of direction
05:10.37Olobolaafter installing speex: "Unable to find a codec translation path from 0x200 (speex) to 0x2 (gsm)". This happens after calling voicemail.
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05:16.22dwschoolwell u've never been in tight corners with a big rig
05:22.28[TK]D-FenderOlobola: Did you recompile & install *?
05:22.44Jumpiedwschool ugh f that
05:22.49Jumpiei'd hate driving trucks that long
05:23.02Jumpiei was a nervous wreck even in the military in drivers school with the hitch trailer on the hummer
05:23.21Jumpieand now i see these truckers with 2, sometimes 3 trailers on it..ffs thats skill
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05:41.03kyoshitkd-fender, i found out why it wasnt working and i aint gonna fix it
05:41.57kyoshienum.c is written half ass and its gonna be hell figuring out why the functions werent written complete
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06:21.57Boraiugh ugh ugh
06:25.02Boraiso I have to recompile in 32bit mode :S
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08:06.23Borai:S cool now cflags=-m32 doesnt work :S
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09:39.37b14ckon a clean asterisk 1.6 install, there is no mysql db dependencies, correct?
09:40.13russellbunless you want to use some of the mysql addons :-)
09:40.20russellbor mysql via odbc
09:41.29b14ckI'm still such an asterisk noob =p
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09:41.40russellbit's all good
09:41.43russellbeveryone starts there.
09:41.57infobotextra, extra, read all about it, thebook is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
09:42.00russellbhave that?
09:42.07b14ckyea, read through it fully
09:42.31b14ckim just getting into the internals more now, and learning a lotta nwe things
09:42.43russellbhaving fun?  :-)
09:42.49b14ckmy first experience with asterisk was through trixbox. so i missed out on a lot
09:42.58b14ckoh ya, <3 asterisk, you guys did a great job ^^
09:43.48b14ckatm i have a 64 bit centos box with asterisk 1.6 installed
09:43.59b14ckand im writing my own dialplans, configuring everything from scratch
09:44.16b14cktrying to get the AMI up and running using tls
09:48.04Boraii have a question
09:48.16BoraiI am trying to compile 32bit asterisk in 64bit everything went fine with dahdi and stuff
09:48.18russellbi have an answer
09:48.44Boraibut when i run CFLAGS="-m32" make i get this
09:48.58BoraiCC="cc" CXX="g++" LD="" AR="" RANLIB="" CFLAGS="" make -C menuselect CONFIGURE_SILENT="--silent" makeopts
09:49.07Boraithe CFLAGS does not append to it
09:49.16russellbthat's just menuselect though
09:49.20Boraiand doesnt compile
09:50.08russellbASTCFLAGS="-m32" make
09:50.09russellbtry that
09:50.12Boraithat one was just a make try without the CFLAGS but its the same output
09:50.24Borairussellb: same
09:50.31BoraiI even tried CFLAGS and ASTCFLAGS
09:50.43russellbASTCFLAGS="-m32" make NOISY_BUILD=yes
09:50.46russellband see if -m32 is in there
09:51.07Boraino its still not there :S
09:51.15russellbk, let me look ...
09:51.47russellbmake COPTS="-m32" NOISY_BUILD=yes
09:51.51russellbsee if that does it ...
09:52.49russellbi hate build system stuff
09:53.02Boraiim going through this just because lumenvox techs are lazy bums
09:53.05Boraiand dont create a 64bit connector
09:53.20russellbor you could install a 32-bit OS
09:53.29russellband then this problem goes away ^_^
09:53.53Boraihow about 128bit? lol
09:54.04russellbwhat version btw ...
09:54.13russellbmeh, should be the same regardless
09:54.24russellbi give up for now.
09:54.25Boraii think
09:54.29Boraicentos 5.3 final
09:55.13russellbwell, try just hacking the top level Makefile
09:55.20russellbfind an ASTCFLAGS+= line
09:55.22russellband add it there
09:55.32russellbmaybe we're doing something that is messing up passing in those values ...
09:55.41russellb(and do a make clean btw)
09:56.07Boraimake clean doesnt clean the menuselect
09:56.16russellbwho cares about menuselect
09:56.17Boraii figured that out recently
09:56.20russellbyou just need 32 bit asterisk
09:56.20Boraioh just saying
09:56.26russellbit should ...
09:56.36russellbit does, i see it!
09:56.40russellbor at least it tries.
09:57.04Boraiok lets try
09:57.48Boraiomg am i stupid
09:58.22russellbno, just special
09:58.36Boraiok i did that too and its not working either im really stupid or
09:58.39Boraireally special :P
09:59.03russellbIt's not there in the NOISY_BUILD output?
09:59.17BoraiNOISY_BUILD output?
09:59.25russellbmake NOISY_BUILD=ye
09:59.32russellbso you can see if your CFLAG is being used
10:00.30russellbis surprised how many vendors still haven't gotten with the program on 64-bit support ...
10:00.41russellbit's not like 64-bit is brand new anymore
10:01.47Boraiand im mad
10:01.47Boraibecause today I paid my reneweal fees
10:02.03Borainwhat does make NOISY_BUILD=ye actually do?
10:02.08Boraithats =yes i think
10:02.21russellbsame thing actually
10:02.24russellbjust needs to be non-empty
10:02.38russellbthat works, too
10:04.03russellbpastebin "svn diff" or something that shows where you put -m32
10:04.08russellband also some of the build output
10:04.32Boraisvn diff its not svn
10:04.44russellbok, just copy a few lines from the Makefile where you put it
10:07.20Borai thats the CFLAGS="-m32" ./configure
10:09.42BoraiASTCFLAGS+=$(COPTS) I change this line to
10:09.52BoraiASTCFLAGS+="-m32" right?
10:11.49Boraithen I run CFLAGS="-m32" make right
10:11.58russellbor just "make"
10:12.07russellband preferably "make NOISY_BUILD=yes" so we can see what is happening
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10:17.05wdoekesCXXFLAGS="-m32" ?
10:17.38Boraishould I add that too?
10:17.43Boraiin the command line or makefile?
10:17.58wdoekesbefore configure
10:19.53Boraiagain at dahdi its exitintg
10:20.09Borai/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/ when searching for -ltonezone
10:22.32russellbmaybe -m32 is supposed to go in ASTLDFLAGS, too
10:22.33russellbprobably is
10:23.35BoraiASTCFLAGS="-m32" ASTLDFLAGS="-m32" CXXFLAGS="-m32" CFLAGS="-m32" make?
10:26.34Boraisame warnings appeared again
10:26.59russellbcan you paste the output again?
10:27.46Boraiops nevermind :S I accidentally wrote make cleean thats why it happened i think its compiling
10:28.03Boraiif i dont do menuselect will it compile everything?
10:28.09BoraiI wanted to enable gtalk
10:28.30russellbit will compile everything that dependencies were met for (and is set to build by default)
10:28.35russellbvery few things are not set to build by default
10:28.46Boraiusr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib64/ when searching for -lgssapi_krb5
10:28.53Boraii think krb5 32bit libraries are missing
10:29.28russellb/usr/bin/ld: warning: i386 architecture of input file `md5.o' is incompatible with i386:x86-64 output
10:29.33russellbare you still getting those warnings, though?
10:29.47russellbhopefully not, and you're incredibly close.
10:30.02Boraino i dont think so
10:30.15Boraiill post the log once done
10:33.44BoraiError: Missing Dependency: krb5-libs = 1.6.1-31.el5 is needed by package krb5-devel-1.6.1-31.el5.i386 (base) ...... Package krb5-libs-1.6.1-31.el5_3.3.i386 already installed and latest version
10:33.54Borainever seen a el5_3.3 :D
10:34.53russellbenterprise linux 5.3
10:35.18Boraiso i remove that package and install el5.i386? rather than el5_3.3
10:35.19russellbi need to try to get some sleep ...
10:35.25Boraithanks russellb
10:35.32russellbyou're welcome
10:35.36russellbgood luck to you
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10:38.28*** part/#asterisk phurl (n=mdupont@
10:48.31Boraierm it wont like the libs that are installed
10:57.30Boraiits looking for /lib64 first how can i change that
11:01.39*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
11:18.09joakoBorai: If you are trying to compile 32-bit dahdi on 64-bit system you need 32-bit devel/source packages
11:18.57Boraii have all packages
11:18.59Boraiits not dahdi
11:19.02Boraiits the asterisk
11:19.11Boraiand i got everything to work the files are there
11:19.22Boraithe dev packages are installed but it searches /usr/lib64 first
11:23.53tzafrir_laptopBorai, what exactly are you trying to do?
11:24.28Boraicompile asterisk in 32bit mode on a 64bit system
11:24.33Boraiso that I can use lumenvox
11:24.41Borailumenvox doesnt have a 64bit connector :(
11:25.10tzafrir_laptopthat system is centos?
11:25.20Boraiyes 5.3 64bit
11:36.03coppicethe lack of 64 bit libraries for various things is weird. who runs 32 bit on a server these days?
11:36.19Boraistupid people
11:36.28Boraior those who still have old hardware
11:36.31Boraithat doesnt support 64
11:37.07Boraijust because I Want speech recognition i have to compile 32bit version of asterisk how fun eh
11:39.33Boraibah need to sleep
11:39.33joakoBorai: Have you tried a 32-bit RPM of Asterisk?
11:39.50Boraii will try that in the worst case
11:39.57Boraibut i need some sleep or i will do a rm -rf /
11:40.10joakocat /dev/zero > /dev/sda is funner
11:40.30Boraiis that the 2k10 version of rm -rf /
11:40.46joakoit wipes your partition table too
11:41.03Borainot really
11:41.06Boraii still have IDE :P
11:41.29Boraigood luck trying to wipe /dev/sda i think thats my sata cdrom drive :P
11:41.43Boraiwriting all zeroes to a drive thats fun
11:42.33*** join/#asterisk degrade (n=degrade@unaffiliated/degrade)
11:43.06Borainight/morning whatever;wherever you guys are
11:43.11Boraithanks for all the help
11:45.27tzafrir_laptopcoppice, 32bit libraries take less download space :-)
11:49.35coppicebut they run slower
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13:36.20joakoAnyone know how I can set a hostname for Polycom IP phones to better manage on the DHCP server? Right now they send DHCP no hostname
13:38.20[TK]D-Fenderjoako: MAC not good enough?
13:40.42*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
13:40.53joako[TK]D-Fender: It would be nice to set the hostname e.g to extension Nr.
13:41.09joakoPolycom-501-EXT300 or something like that...
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15:02.29StdhtDoes SVN corresponds to Asterisk 1.4.26-rc5 released??
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15:24.46LemensTSif someone calls my att cell phone from spain, would that cost me international rates for receiving it?
15:25.02LemensTSIt is a weekend of course for me
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15:45.57beekDoes anyone have a clever way to tell if a device exists?  e.g.  If someone dials 5555 how can I tell if 5555 exists without dialing?  DEVICE_STATE returns NOT_INUSE for an invalid device.
15:48.24beekAhhh... just found ChanIsAvail.... testing now.
15:49.40jayteethat's what I was thinking but since it's the channel and not specifically the device I wasn't sure if it would give you what you need
15:53.26*** join/#asterisk s14ck (
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16:04.47beekHi jaytee ...
16:04.58Olobolaage old question: no dtmf tones when calling real numbers. Is this a provider issue?
16:05.37russellbmaybe.  :-)
16:17.16dweryAnyone found a way to programmatically load a phonebook to a Siemens C470IP?
16:18.24*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
16:19.47*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
16:20.13Kobazevery time i have nameserver issues, asterisk completely freaks out and drops local phone registrations
16:20.30Kobazeven though all the phones aren't set up to even use dns
16:23.32russellbit's because Asterisk will hang on a DNS lookup
16:23.52russellbthat situation has been improved in 1.6
16:27.09*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (n=pirch@
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16:30.08Kobazyeah i'm running
16:32.58*** join/#asterisk moy (
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16:41.27russellbKobaz: do you have the dns manager enabled?  /etc/asterisk/dnsmgr.conf
16:44.12Kobazprobalby not
16:45.22Kobazwill this also fix timing issues on dns lookups?
16:45.29russellbtiming issues?
16:45.38Kobazie: system starts, and asterisk starts up, and can't look up hosts with dns
16:45.55russellbwell.  for some modules it will, yes
16:45.57Kobazand it will never retry, so all your hosts by dns are unreachable
16:46.01russellbnot all of asterisk uses it today
16:46.07russellbsip/iax both use it
16:46.30Kobazbut if asterisk was started like, a minute later, it would have worked fine, since dns was up and going
16:46.49russellbthough both still have to do direct lookups at times, but during call processing i think
16:47.14Kobazi start my nameserver before asterisk, but half the time the first several queries will time out
16:47.58Kobazwe lost internet for a bit the other day, and all the phones lost their registrations
16:49.00russellbhopefully this will improve that ..
16:49.04*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
16:49.06Kobazah yeah, i see.. the dns manager does periodic refreshes
16:49.51Kobazso if the dns lookup fails at first, it should theoretically look it up again
16:50.52*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
16:52.05Kobazi've always set up a script in cron to run every so often to do an iax/sip reload
16:52.09Kobazto fix any dns issues
16:54.14*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
16:57.26rob0speaking of DNS, I'm seeing a lot of strange queries being rejected, which I think came from my new * system. I thought I disabled dundi, not sure where else to look.
16:58.25rob0The reason I suspect asterisk, apart from it being the only thing running, is that queries seem to be associated with Mark/Digium.
16:58.37rob0( being one)
16:59.30lesouvageI'm looking for sip eneabled hardware not being a phone to experiment with devstate to switch f.i.  lights by dialing a number . Can somebody please point me to info  about the hardware needed for this.
17:00.19*** join/#asterisk tAnk (
17:00.51russellbrob0: grep /etc/asterisk
17:01.52rob0voicemail.conf:;4310 => -5432,Sales,
17:02.23rob0that was the only *.conf I hadn't gotten to yet
17:02.52russellbthat's still weird though, a commented out line shouldn't do a lookup of
17:03.02russellbfurther, isn't in the code anywhere
17:04.01rob0oh hmm, I missed the ; on that
17:04.34rob0I have a feeling it might be some NS queries, those would be hard to find.
17:08.31*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
17:13.12rob0other suspicious queries look like they're to alabama.{edu,gov} sites. I might have inadvertently left a browser running, but I don't remember using it to go to Digium. I will kill the browser and see if the queries stop.
17:17.18*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
17:37.26*** join/#asterisk ghatak (
17:37.30ghatakHi, I need little bit of help with SIP trunk and Conferencing
17:37.32ghatakI want an incomming call to be forwarded to a conference room that I have setup, the bit that works is = 1. Trunk is registered and calls come in fine, the conference room works for locally registered users. I want to forward all call coming in on the SIP trunk to conference room. That bit does not work
17:38.49ghatakHow do I achieve this, ?
17:39.12*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
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17:49.12tarapuez1Hey everybody
17:49.15*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
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17:52.40tarapuez1hey we made a asterisk - panasonic integration - we are connecting panasonic and asterisk using a digium te110p card.
17:55.16tarapuez1asterisk connect to pstn using a sip trunk. the problem is that dtmf tones in outgoing calls   from panasonic no arriving to the sip chanel
17:55.54*** join/#asterisk errotan (
17:57.00tarapuez1we made a debug and we can see  received dtmf tones from panasonic in Dahdi channel but we dont see dtmf tones in the Sip trunk.
17:58.41*** join/#asterisk selinuxium (n=james@unaffiliated/selinuxium)
18:00.07selinuxiumHi all, I am new to asterisk and would just like to ask some questions... Firstly... 1.4 or 1.6... I use ubuntu and 1.4 is in the repo, though I don't mind compiling...
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18:06.49tarapuez1any suggestions?
18:08.02*** join/#asterisk mgarfias (
18:09.23rob0selinuxium might want to look at the release notes and see if any new 1.6 features sound appealing. Generally it's probably best to start out with the newer version, that way when you get up to speed on what you're doing, you're not stuck with ancient software.
18:09.52rob0otoh, there's also appeal in apt-get(8)
18:10.45selinuxiumrob0: Cheers! ok... next as a complete newbie with asterisk, should I go down the AsteriskNow route? Again, I don't mind taking the leap...
18:11.54tarapuez1any suggestions?
18:12.14rob0I think AsteriskNow and others are more targeted at Linux/Unix beginners, not * beginners. You will learn more about * and have more configurability by using * on your preferred distro.
18:12.23tarapuez1hey we made a asterisk - panasonic integration - we are connecting panasonic and asterisk using a digium te110p card. asterisk connect to pstn using a sip trunk. the problem is that dtmf tones in outgoing calls   from panasonic no arriving to the sip chanel.we made a debug and we can see  received dtmf tones from panasonic in Dahdi channel but we dont see dtmf tones in the Sip trunk.
18:13.17selinuxiumrob0: Thanks for this! :)
18:13.44selinuxiumrob0: OK, final one... I am thinking of running it in a virtual machine... is this an issue?
18:15.23rob0If you need hardware like DAHDI (called zaptel for 1.4), sure, it's an issue, unless your VM has some workaround. Otherwise it probably only introduces a tiny amount of latency.
18:22.36*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
18:25.21tarapuez1hey we made a asterisk - panasonic integration - we are connecting panasonic and asterisk using a digium te110p card. asterisk connect to pstn using a sip trunk. the problem is that dtmf tones in outgoing calls   from panasonic no arriving to the sip chanel.we made a debug and we can see  received dtmf tones from panasonic in Dahdi channel but we dont see dtmf tones in the Sip trunk.
18:25.24*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:25.27tarapuez1Any sugggesions?
18:30.33rob0Yes. Learn IRC etiquette. There were two /joins before your first repeat, and only one before the second. Do some debugging yourself, don't expect to be spoonfed with questions, "did you check $FOO". Check it on your own. Make a pastebin with debugging AND a complete problem description, so your repeats are not as obnoxious.
18:30.36*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
18:32.29rob0Also, your issue seems to fail on the "smart questions" tests,
18:33.21rob0I use a Panasonic phone on my own ATA, formerly used it on a Digium TDM400 FXS. Nothing unusual about it.
18:36.32rob0So long, and thanks for all the coffee.
18:37.30ISO9001I don't think he appreciated your constructive criticism ;)
18:38.15rob0Hey, it WAS constructive. I didn't call him names, gave good advice.
18:40.33ISO9001I know. I'm just amused by the fleeing.
18:41.50rob0Perhaps he didn't even see it. A lot of them expect to be highlighted on all replies.
18:43.55dwschooli have PSTN -> Callmanager -> ATA -> FXO -> asterisk. is there any way i can improve dtmp recognition on incoming calls
18:44.39selinuxiumrob0: Sorry, had to start the dinner... Thank you for all your help.  :)
18:45.38rob0np. You asked questions I could answer, so I did. It's nothing personal against Colombians and other LACNIC folk. :)
18:55.18degradeDoes anybody using sipp with uac_pcap?
19:00.47*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
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19:20.11drmessanoSo what is the standard softphone for linux?
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19:23.06mchoudrmessano: so you heard?  Google voice is going wide :)
19:23.50mchouit happened last week, I think
19:24.23mchouno longer need to be a member of Grand Central.....
19:24.35drmessanoIts still invite only
19:25.06mchoubut I think that's supposed to change soon
19:26.18mchouand something got fixed so they can accept programmatic DTMF "1" (from *) when you pick up an inbound call
19:26.36mchouit's all gravy now
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20:41.22JackTheNipplegood evening!
20:41.46JackTheNipplemchou: do you know anything about google voice comming to europe?
20:47.27*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
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21:03.45JackTheNipplelooks really interesting, I wonder if they use asterisks in background ;-)
21:04.47JackTheNippleI like the hand-over feature and the mailbox stuff. pretty nice :-)
21:05.02JackTheNipplenice ideas for *projects!
21:05.32lesouvageDoes any of you know of sip devices that can be used for houshold automation, f.i.  for switching light or turn on the heating by picking the proper choice from a voicemenu.
21:05.52tzafrir_laptopany idea why is called that way?
21:06.16[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: SIP no, ->
21:06.23tzafrir_laptopseems basically like reinventing the wheel of res_lua
21:17.16lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: This really surprises me, I think using SIP for controlling all kind of devices should be very useful.
21:18.15[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: And what gives you the impression that SIP is a "do anything at all" communication protocol?
21:21.26carrarHappy Independence Day!!
21:23.26lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I have done some reading and I think I understand the concept of SIP as a protocol that triggers sessions (not only phonecalls but all kind of sessions) But I might be wrong.
21:23.35jblackI read the sip standard once. It has the potential to do that sort of thing
21:26.41jblackI don't know of a single device that talks sip though...
21:28.09lesouvageI have this ehternet over power devices at home and they work pretty well. It must technically be possible to add SIP support.
21:30.45jblackTheoretically possible, at least. Like I said, I don't know of any equipment that uses the sip protocol. It's a bit heavy of a protocol for that sort of thing
21:31.45jblackA couple more standards, someone willing to sell for chips $0.50 that talk the right protocols, and customer demand, and you'd be set.
21:32.48jblackA billionaire could make it happen.
21:33.01*** join/#asterisk Olobola (
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21:38.02lesouvagejblack: I had this vision of asterisk calling me with the pre recorded message that my orange tree is in need of water because the zigbee/sip device in the pot of this tree sends this status to my asterisk server.
21:46.59jblackOk. Get on it. ;)
21:52.00lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: What x10 software should I install to make it work. I did some googling but still didn't find the answer. On I come the closest to what I think is the answer.
21:53.34*** join/#asterisk hfb (
21:56.45JackTheNipplejblack: why not use nagios for this?
21:57.16JackTheNipplejblack: was ment for lesouvage: ;-)
21:58.04*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
21:58.36JackTheNipplelesouvage: your can use nagios for checking your enviroment/information sources and  than have asterisk notify you
22:01.01lesouvageJackTheNipple: Thanks, I'm in reading phaseand you give me more to read :-)
22:02.18JackTheNipplelesouvage: oif you don't know Nagios and you want to do things like described, this might be something you want to know about ;-)
22:03.07*** join/#asterisk serph (n=serph@
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22:16.25lesouvageJackTheNipple: Isn't Nagios a little bit overdone for switching a handful of devices like lamps. Nagios seems to be a very interesting project. The example I found was just exten => _2XX,1,System(/usr/local/bin/x10 off ${EXTEN:1}) and with x10 in place that seems pretty simple.
22:28.02JackTheNipplemaybe you're right. I know nagios quite well and I agree, it complex. But for a whole house-automation I'd use it in my own house ;-)
22:37.44carrarlesouvage, You can use x10 with Asterisk using BottleRocket & X10 FireCracker kit
22:38.35carrargo forth and teach thyself
22:38.45lesouvagecarrar: thanks for the info. I look into it.
22:39.10lesouvageJackTheNipple: installing nagios from soure at this moment.
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23:14.09SkramXanyone familiar with downgrading a Cisco 7940 from a SIP firmware to a Cisco-supplied SCCP firmware?
23:22.01*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
23:23.26[T]ankjust picked up a grandstream handytone 286. I have it connected to a host over the internet. I have other ATAs that are connected, but do not experience issues... this one I must have a setting wrong. I have hearing about every 1 second where the sound cuts in and out. Very regular interval. any ideas?
23:23.34[T]ankusing ulaw
23:23.41[T]ankover sip
23:24.41mgarfiasIs there any thing out there that'll give me pointers on debugging dahdi?  I'm having problems, and the logs aren't saying anything but 'unable to request channel'
23:24.59*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
23:25.25b14cksup everyone
23:26.24[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: I use heyu2
23:31.17[T]ankanyone know why the sound on my sip peer would cut out at a random 1 second interval
23:31.31b14cknat maybe?
23:31.44[T]ankit is behind nat... i do have it set to take care of it.
23:31.44b14ckdo you have nat configured?
23:32.01b14ckcan you turn on sip debugging for that extensions?
23:32.08b14ckand then get a sip log and it
23:32.13b14ckthen we can check it out in detail
23:32.28b14cksip set debug ip <iphere>
23:37.42*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
23:50.31*** join/#asterisk vegbox (

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