IRC log for #asterisk on 20090703

00:00.11WindowsUser;exten => 123,1,Answer() ; having a priority 1 is more important than Answer() call :)
00:00.37ajmcelloah hmm
00:00.47*** join/#asterisk joobie (
00:01.44dshapWindowsUser: do you know how to get "asterisk -r" to pull up the CLI on an already-running asterisk server and get it to retain the colors that it has when you start with "asterisk -c" ?
00:02.01*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
00:02.43WindowsUseri dont actually use the colors  :)
00:04.10jayteethey're pretty! I'm a big fan of magenta
00:04.18*** join/#asterisk buttons840 (
00:04.54dshaponce you're in the Asterisk CLI
00:04.56dshaphow do you get out of it
00:04.56buttons840if i put myfile.blah into the /var/spool/asterisk/outbound will it be parsed and sent out?  or does it have to be a *.call file?
00:05.00dshapwithout stopping the server?
00:05.18dshapbuttons840: pretty easy to test, lol
00:06.02buttons840dshap, true...
00:06.22joatyou can also mess with the timestamp and cause the call to be made some time in the future
00:07.32buttons840joat, i know but thanks, and for the record, it will parse any text file, regardless of it's name or extension, i just tested it
00:08.34dshapok i have an interesting problem...i have an extension that lets a user record an audio file and then when they press pound it triggers an AGI script which creates a call file that calls some other phone and attempts to play the audio file that the user just recorded
00:08.42dshapthe issue is that there is some processing time necessary
00:08.54dshapafter the user records and presses pound, the file does not immediately appear in the directory
00:09.03dshapand so the extension that tries to play it can't find it
00:09.24dshapwhat do you guys recommend i do?
00:09.52buttons840so the user presses pound and the file doesn't immediately appear?  where is it being created at?
00:09.56dshapsomehow get the length of the recording and pass that as a variable to the AGI script so that it can tell the extension (via a call file variable) to wait a proportional amount of time?
00:10.03dshapbuttons840: sounds/myrecordings
00:10.15dshapbuttons840: if it's like a 15 sec recording, it takes some time for it to appear (slow server)
00:10.31buttons840the agi script creates the call file?
00:11.18buttons840will Wait(2) solve your problems? ;)
00:12.12joatif the filename is known, pass it to a script which waits for the file to appear in the appropriate directory before creating the call file
00:13.28buttons840^^ good idea, just wait in the script, that would ensure the fast processing possible, you have to wait for the file to appear no matter what
00:14.18joator just set wait high enough (i.e., limit the length of the call and set wait high)
00:14.26joateither way should work
00:14.39joaterr... sorry... Wait()
00:14.42joatvice wait
00:15.35joati think dshap answered his own question though
00:16.50buttons840indeed, i find asking in irc always helps me to answer my own questions.
00:18.02dshapwaiting until the file exists could be risky
00:18.07dshapwhat if for some reason the recording fails
00:18.10dshapthen it'll be stuck
00:18.12*** join/#asterisk Joelito (n=joel@
00:18.22dshapwell i guess i could juts set some upper limit on the wait time
00:18.26joatyeah, then you'd have to add a timeout to the script
00:18.34dshaphow do u wait until a file exists?
00:18.37buttons840what if the recording fails?   better code some error handling into that script
00:18.47dshapa Goto loop?
00:18.51joatcheck for file, sleep, loop
00:19.01dshapis there an asterisk app to check for file?
00:19.34*** part/#asterisk Joelito (n=joel@
00:19.37buttons840i don't know
00:19.39joatyou're already using an AGI, right?
00:19.48joaterr... script?
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00:23.53dshapsounds like a pain
00:23.54dshapbut ok
00:24.01dshapwell actually
00:24.06dshapthis is going to happen once the user has hung up
00:24.14dshapand DeadAGI is deprecated in 1.6
00:24.17dshapso i dunno what i do then
00:24.44Qwelldshap: it's only deprecated because AGI can act in that mode now
00:25.45dshapoh so i can call AGI() and send commands to Asterisk even on a hung up channel then?
00:25.48dshapit would only be a Set() command anyways
00:28.06*** join/#asterisk s14ck (
00:28.10dshapanyone here have any experience with audio detection?  i'd like to have asterisk call someone's voicemail (it will know that it is a voicemail) and wait for the "beep" before it starts to use Playback() to play a message.
00:28.18dshaphow would i make asterisk wait for the beep?
00:29.03jayteedshap, use AMD()
00:29.55dshapisn't that for detecting if the audio on the line is human or a machine?
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00:30.09dshapi'm not interested in that distinction because i *know* it will be the answering machine
00:30.19dshapi'm just interested in waiting until the beep
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00:32.00outtoluncsilence and non-silence
00:32.13pagechey what is the comment to get dahdi to install the base files in /etc?
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00:32.57WindowsUserdshap: making a service to break up with people via voicemail?
00:33.33pagecs/comment/make command
00:33.49WindowsUsermake help?
00:33.51dshapWindowsUser: haha nah
00:34.24pagecno such target
00:34.25voxterany of you guys have a working OSX asterisk dialer?
00:34.28dshapouttolunc: not a bad idea but it's a bit more complicated...i'm calling an IVR and sending DTMF to get to the correct mailbox
00:34.52dshapouttolunc: so basically i get some non-silence, then i sendDTMF, then some silence, then some talking, then beep
00:35.13dshapouttolunc: maybe i could figure out how many periods of silence there are and do it that way
00:36.40WindowsUseris it dialing beyond stuff like "please enter mailbox number"
00:37.28WindowsUserI think the hardest part will be waiting for the beep, figuring out the different tones used by different systems
00:37.43dshapWindowsUser: nope, that's it really
00:37.55dshapWindowsUser: and im basically programming each system it will call on a 1-by-1 basis
00:38.13dshapWindowsUser: i guess the takeaway here is that i should learn how to use silence detection in asterisk
00:38.15*** join/#asterisk denesh (n=chatzill@
00:38.20deneshhi all...
00:39.19deneshi have incoming calls through an SIP trunk working fine... but outgoing calls have no sound... i have get these warnings Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 1024 (read/write = 4/4)
00:42.04deneshJul  2 20:35:34 WARNING[10398]: chan_sip.c:2608 sip_write: Asked to transmit frame type 4, while native formats is 1024 (read/write = 4/4)
00:42.59dshapdenesh: u behind a NAT?
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00:43.33deneshdshap: yes i am.. but i have the ports forwarded 5060-5061 and 10000-20000 UDP
00:44.08WindowsUserasterisk might need to be told its IP address
00:44.28dshapdenesh: you MUST have externip set under [general] in sip.conf
00:44.28deneshits public IP ?
00:44.40dshapthere's another thing
00:44.42dshapi had your exact issue
00:44.51dshapand once everything else was fixed in my sip.conf
00:45.13dshapadding "fromdomain=yourSIPhost" underneath the particular trunk that was giving me issues
00:45.17dshapfixed it
00:45.27dshapso my SIP host is
00:45.36deneshdshap: good... i'll give it ago...
00:45.57dshapyea try that
00:46.04dshapbut obviously u could have other issues w/ur sip.conf
00:46.07dshapbut that one seemed to be the least trivial
00:46.12dshapi literally spent hours trying to get my shit to work
00:46.17dshapso annoying
00:46.27dshapall because i had a dumbass router
00:52.05*** part/#asterisk buttons840 (
00:52.32deneshhmm i guess i am going to run into the dynamic dns issue... does asterisk take domain names instead of ip addresses
00:55.12joatuse externhost instead of externip
01:05.21*** join/#asterisk cusco (n=tralala@2001:0:53aa:64c:28ba:2a54:b2c9:9de6)
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01:38.34*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
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01:47.05implicitdshap, adding caused an issue or fixed one?
01:48.37*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
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02:17.25*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma|AFK (n=SaiSoma@
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02:18.45pagecwhy would the asterisk 1.6.0 setup say Notice: Configuration file is /etc/zaptel.conf when i am modprobing wct4xxp?  aka what do i need to change in /etc to change that behavior
02:19.03kb3ienis there or is there not support for multiple parking lots at this time in the default trunk?
02:20.21kb3ienthere is an esoteric mention of parkinglot=plaza in sip.conf but no clues as to in which contexts one may override the defualt vales.
02:24.24*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
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02:58.07vegboxHello All
03:02.15*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-1e4d9aded66f02d4)
03:10.17vegboxI just got an FXO card but I am having a hard time getting it to work, it works on the default option
03:10.35vegboxlike in the default plan, exten => s,1,VoiceMail
03:11.28vegboxbut I want my asterisk box to pick up calls, know which ext is calling and do our night time/day time messages
03:32.36*** join/#asterisk andresmujica1 (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
03:39.53vegboxWho has the best rates for outgoing calls?
03:45.35*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
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03:53.38*** join/#asterisk dshap (n=dshap@216-165-39-50.DYNAPOOL.NYU.EDU)
03:54.05dshaphey is there anyone here who knows how to get the current dialplan that asterisk is running?  i have no idea how this happened, but i think my FTP client deleted my current extensions.conf
03:54.19dshapbut when i do "dialplan show", it shows me everything
03:54.25dshapis there any way to get the dialplan-formatted dialplan?
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05:07.28kb3ienanyone else noticed that udpbindaddr=
05:07.39kb3iendoesnt do what you'd expect?
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05:53.59ajmcellois it possible to customize the voicemail system prompts and greetings?
05:54.11*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
05:54.31joakoajmcello: Sure but what exactly do you mean?
05:55.01ajmcelloi want to change the number options, 1 for busy, 2 for unavailable, 4 to manage folders, etc..
05:55.18joakoajmcello: Yes but you have to edit the code and recompile
06:04.39joakoajmcello: Yes
06:04.46joakoReally I don't see the purpose
06:05.14joakoI thought about it a while back but determined the asterisk voicemail wasn't as bad as I made it out to be... it's actually rather easy to use
06:05.24ajmcellominivm might work
06:05.30ajmcellobut it has been stripped of odbc/sql
06:16.04WindowsUserwhats the difference between voicemail and minivm?
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06:32.14*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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07:07.38trnzmetaguys: for asterisk behind firewall, I need to portforward the rtp ports
07:08.01trnzmetartp is tcp or udp?
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07:13.50tokozedghi, does asterisk have built in conference call function, i mean call someone and automatically add in a conference?
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08:02.24*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
08:04.07JackTheNippletokozedg: for this question you registered with
08:04.16*** join/#asterisk pif (
08:05.14JackTheNippletokozedg: did you ask your favorite search engine? May I suggest some keywords to search for?
08:07.15*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:11.41*** join/#asterisk Cyorxamp (n=Cyorxamp@
08:11.53CyorxampHey is there a way of clearing the Asterisk CLI history?
08:12.30jblackClear the screen? ctrl-l
08:12.41Cyorxampno the history of entered commands
08:13.08JackTheNippleanalog to .bash_history
08:13.21Cyorxampbut it would require an asterisk restart to take effect?
08:13.29JackTheNippletest it
08:13.32JackTheNipplenot sure....
08:13.54JackTheNippleyes, but quite reasonable ;-) as bash does the same
08:14.07JackTheNipplereading history for the session and re-writing it afterwards
08:14.10ickmund'sip show peers' tells me that all my peers are unmonitored. How do I turn on monitoring?
08:14.31JackTheNipplewhat shall this monitoring do?
08:14.35JackTheNipple...for you?
08:15.08CyorxampJackTheNipple, it works, just get rid of the commands you don't want in there and they don't show when pressing up in the console any more - no asterisk restart needed
08:15.09Cyorxampthanks :D
08:15.29JackTheNipplewelcome ;-)
08:16.00ickmundJackTheNipple: I'm guessing asterisk sends out a ping of some sort, maybe an option, to see what peers are still there?
08:17.00ickmundJackTheNipple: In the end I want to be able to get this data via AGI to be able to parse which peers are there (for a simple directory service)
08:19.40JackTheNippleickmund: try to use "qualify=200" in sip.con
08:20.39ickmundJackTheNipple: exactly what I was looking for, many thanks
08:21.49JackTheNippleyou might need to adopt value of qualify to something thats fits your needs, but normaly 200 is quite fine.
08:24.15*** join/#asterisk iupax (
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08:30.52yidiyuehanhi, guys, i want to send the extension status to windows OS like DOS or, anybody has any cue or any reference page on this?
08:32.40JackTheNippleyidiyuehan: you are looking for AMI, asterisk manager interface.
08:33.19JackTheNippleyidiyuehan: can be used with VB, perl, java and even assembler, if you're hard enough
08:34.47JackTheNippleyidiyuehan: good point to start:
08:35.35JackTheNippleand follow the white rabbit!
08:37.38ISO9001lol assembler AMI
08:38.13ISO9001yidiyuehan: you should totally go the assembler route. You'll never get the raw AMI performance with anything but hand-tuned asm.
08:38.20JackTheNippleyeah, give a shit on all this overhead - who need tcp/ip & http-libs!
08:42.50yidiyuehanhi Jackthenipple,
08:43.22ISO9001incidentally, if you need any help with the asm, just ask jack. He's like a god among men.
08:44.07yidiyuehanI have viewd the AMI and it seems that it's only one-way communication to asterisk, now I am wondering how to send back something from linux to windows to update asterisk status.
08:45.29JackTheNippleno, its two-way
08:45.57JackTheNippleyidiyuehan: you will receive "events" on AMI as well
08:46.12*** join/#asterisk guaxinim (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
08:46.19JackTheNippleotherwise you could do status-polling to stay informed.
08:47.01JackTheNippleAGI & AMI are the only way (beside retrieving infos from a DBMS) how to get information from asterisk to external systems
08:55.36ISO9001only info in the db is cdr, no?
08:55.39yidiyuehanHi, Jack, that's it. AGI
08:56.01yidiyuehanI guess I need to focus on these two parts: AGI and AMI. thanks a  lot bro
09:01.59*** join/#asterisk merlin8282 (
09:03.51merlin8282Hi. I want to compile the AGX addons (enabling rxfax) for my asterisk 1.4.22 installation, but the AGX README says I need * 1.4.17 (for the "OLD" version of AGX) or * 1.4.24 (for the "NEW" version).
09:04.13merlin8282Can I keep my 1.4.22 installation anyway ?
09:06.15JackTheNippleyidiyuehan: welcome ;-) Maybe sometimes someone will be able to help me with my problem as well ;-)
09:13.27*** join/#asterisk daelf (
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09:19.28*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:21.22yidiyuehanHi, Jack, Certainly I am willing if I know the solution:-)
09:27.51*** join/#asterisk Borai (
09:28.20BoraiHello, if i have a server that I want to run asterisk on but have no hardware cards on it do i still need the dahdi?
09:34.03*** join/#asterisk drazhar007 (
09:34.56drazhar007I try to find the solution for this message : [Jul 3 09:30:38] WARNING[3759]: chan_iax2.c:7312 socket_process: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
09:35.43drazhar007I have make a post on the forum with my configuration and some network statistique. Somebody can help me ? Thanks
09:40.14*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-207ed7853c5329b6)
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09:52.59thomashave a extention: _59XXX  <<but no match when i dial "59001728210852"
09:53.05thomaswhat is wrong here?
09:54.30yidiyuehanthomas, it should be _59XXX.
09:54.35merlin8282you miss a dot: _59XXX.
09:54.36yidiyuehanthere is a dot behind it
09:54.50thomasoh ok
09:54.58thomasemm what is "." ?
09:55.24yidiyuehanhi borai, you still need zaptel or dahdi even without any interface card, however you don't need to install the driver.
09:56.01yidiyuehanthomas, _59XXX. means anything with at least 5 digits and match first two as 59
10:01.15thomasyidiyuehan: ah ok. thank you!  :-)
10:02.06*** join/#asterisk guaxinim (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
10:04.46drazhar007I try to find the solution for this message : [Jul 3 09:30:38] WARNING[3759]: chan_iax2.c:7312 socket_process: Received trunked frame before first full voice frame
10:12.24drazhar007In the same time the user complain of the telephony quality.
10:18.03*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
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10:27.22thomasa good web-gui for administrate asterisk, voipphones (snom with config (xmll).. easy create dialplans and macros.. ?
10:27.26thomasonly freepbx?
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10:32.48StdhthI all
10:33.17SAT1Hi all
10:33.28SAT1i am getting this error while installing DADHI WARNING: could not find /usr/src/dahdi-trunk/drivers/dahdi/vpmadt032_loader/.vpmadt032_x86_32.o.cmd for /usr/src/dahdi-trunk/drivers/dahdi/vpmadt032_loader/vp madt032_x86_32.o
10:33.34SAT1on CentOS
10:33.35StdhtIam trying SIP -> Asterisk -> GSMgatway -> ASSA
10:33.52Stdhthow to cacel echo
10:35.39ZhadIs anyone here using chan_mobile?
10:36.47StdhtI use chan_celliax
10:37.36Zhadcoo. not seen that before, looks pretty good.
10:38.00Zhadshame the website is down.
10:39.08iksikdamn, disconnected
10:39.10iksikany one have seen my question?
10:39.42Zhadwas trying to get chan_mobile working again, but is getting no audio and calls not hanging up.
10:39.55*** join/#asterisk lanman__ (
10:40.07iksik<iksik> What could be a reason of dropping incoming connection with: "Number is not in service" ?
10:40.11iksik<iksik> i'm sure that extension exists... outgoing calls from this extension works fine, but i'm not sure if something is not missconfigured to handle incoming calls
10:42.39Stdhtiksik try asterisk -rvvvvvddddddddddddddddd
10:42.56Stdhtyou''ll see debug
10:44.53Zhador core set debug 12
10:45.19iksikStdht - can You tell me something about that ?
10:48.50*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
10:48.55thomasa good web-gui for administrate asterisk, voipphones (snom with config (xmll).. easy create dialplans and macros.. ?
10:48.58thomasonly freepbx?
10:49.49Stdhtthomas asterisk-gui
10:50.08*** join/#asterisk yang (i=yang@freenode/sponsor/cacert.assurer.yang)
10:50.10iksiktrixbox ?
10:50.26thomasis trixbox better as freepbx?
10:50.30Stdhtiksik could you pastebin your dialplan
10:50.33thomasiksik: but trixbox is a complete distri or?
10:50.43iksikyeap, centos based distro
10:50.47thomasmh ok
10:50.50iksikit includes freepbx afaik
10:50.54thomasthen i think frepbx...
10:51.04thomashave a exist installed debian :/
10:51.22iksikStdht, can I display it from asterisk console?
10:51.54iksikFor now I have no idea where that dialplan (in plain text) is... oO
10:53.07Stdhtdialplan show
10:53.42iksikoh damn, it's a looooot of informations ;/
10:54.13*** join/#asterisk guaxinim (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
10:55.49Stdht* etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
10:57.02iksiknope. there is no dialplans for this extension in /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf :)
11:02.09Stdhthm I do not understand.. but there no commands in dialplan like gotoif
11:02.27*** join/#asterisk callenb (
11:03.00iksikStdht it's generated with some script I think... I'm setting it up via web interface
11:03.29Stdhtthat is why I do not use .. asterisk-gui for instance..
11:04.03Stdhtbecause I am newb too...
11:05.10StdhtGotoIf("SIP/arek-0a176138", "0?from-trunk|717180310|1") in new stack
11:05.37StdhtI think here call is rerouted to ss-noservice
11:07.40iksikany ideas how to fix this? :/
11:09.20*** join/#asterisk joat (
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11:10.12Stdhtat his line some var is compared to 0 as I understand and ... if yes goes from-trunk|717180310|1
11:10.33*** join/#asterisk arpu (
11:10.38Stdhtotherwise goes the next line
11:11.24Stdhtunfortunatelly asterisk do not writes what variable ....
11:11.36Stdhtis compared
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11:27.33maxxerhi. i tried asterisk-gui branches/2.0  on debian (asterisk 1.4), but when I try to go to web config page says there's nothing
11:29.51ZhadIt's a shame ther eisn't a softATA from symbian
11:32.06Stdhtmaxxer try inec again
11:32.14Stdhtyesterday there was commit
11:32.20Stdhtmake update
11:32.39maxxerStdht, inec? i checked out 5 minutes ago
11:34.15Stdhtyes ..
11:34.17maxxermake checkconfig says everything ok
11:34.51maxxerStdht, says not found
11:35.38maxxerStdht, exactly
11:35.54Stdhthm. I am not at 4962 may be there new errors...
11:36.05maxxerwhat r are you?
11:36.05Stdhtgoto channel asterik-gui
11:36.25Stdhtsorry mistake..I am at 4962
11:36.47maxxerasterisk version?
11:37.25Stdhtat asterisk-gui channel ..there is one an who can help you ... But I do not remember nick .. awkR.. or something like that
11:37.32Stdht>asterisk version? 1.4
11:38.31maxxerso the same...
11:39.05StdhtI tried this morning make update .. but thre R is still 4962
11:39.18Stdhton my asterisk.. I don;t wkonw why
11:39.36Stdhtand it still working
11:39.52Stdhtbut I made decision not to use it
11:40.01StdhtI prefer direct extension.conf
11:40.12maxxerI was trying to use voiceone but had troubles with that as well
11:40.18maxxeralso they only support asterisk 1.2
11:40.25Stdhtasterisk-gui bugzzz)
11:40.36Stdhtbut gui is lovely
11:41.02Stdhtmaxxer: where are you from?
11:43.39maxxeralso, make samples doesn't work. is it right?
11:43.43maxxerStdht, italy
11:45.00*** join/#asterisk ramindia (n=balajibh@
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11:54.10iksikok, I've got it... ALLOW_SIP_ANON = yes - fix the problem, then there is another one... why I can't get the incoming call ID from SIP :|
11:56.02Pan3Diksik: please provide DETAILS
11:59.06*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
12:02.48*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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12:16.36iksikPan3D I don't know how to set it up in freepbx, to pass this caller ID. It should be configured in trunk?
12:22.39ramindiaHi can some one tell me how can record voice ( when the calling card says you have 50$ balance)
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12:46.38leifmadsenOMG VACATION!
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13:03.48ZeeekFriday, it's VUC day
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13:06.55[TK]D-Fenderramindia: huh?
13:07.46ZeeekWhere's my girl? Eh? Where is she?
13:07.59Zeeekreflects 10 seconds on remaining PC
13:08.41ZeeekTwo protocols walk into a bar, SIP and IAX2...
13:09.06ZeeekThe bartender asks, "what'll it be, fellows?"
13:09.32*** join/#asterisk devyll (n=email@
13:09.42Zeeek[TK]D-Fender :
13:09.52ZeeekThe bartender asks, "what'll it be, fellows?"
13:10.37devyllcan anybody tell me why do I get this warning message ? :  format_ogg_vorbis.c:535 ogg_vorbis_seek: Seeking is not supported on OGG/Vorbis streams! . i use mixmonitor app to record every queue conversation, and I don't need to seek the recorded call. I'm a little confused. I would appreciate any help.
13:10.40[TK]D-FenderZeeek: .... Don't quit your "day job" :p
13:11.00ZeeekI'm hooking up the drum sounds as we speak
13:11.48[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: Last I checked you can't write to a format you don't have a "codec" module for.  the "format" modules are for playback only.
13:11.53ZeeekI guess you could continue: SIP says "tell me all the drinks you serve" and IAX2 says ...
13:13.11*** join/#asterisk Heretic (n=BuRn@
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13:17.00devyll[TK]D-Fender , but everything works. the call is recorded in .ogg format and I can listen to it. The only problem is the warning message which appears right when I hungup.
13:18.05[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: Hrm... no idea...
13:35.27*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
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13:39.44Zhadokay, a few small changes in audio.conf, still can't answer phone, there is a longer fdelay before deskphone rings and I get 1-way audio (yay), spooky thing is, the mobile handset has 2-way audio.
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13:57.59sysreqhi! i have a sangoma a200 (4 fxo ports) card in an asterisk server, installed with the latest beta wanpipe drivers.. my problem seems to be with the ulaw codec on dahdi channels; playing wav files works as asterisk plays them as slin, but as soon as i try to play a ulaw file, or call a SIP user (they all use ulaw as their codec), i have no audio whatsoever
13:58.59sysreqcalls between SIP users using the ulaw codec works fine
13:59.43Zhaddo you get transcode.c errors in the console?
13:59.45*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
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14:02.27sysreqZhad: no, the only thing i get from the console is channel.c setting time ticks (ie. "channel.c:2308 ast_settimeout: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second")
14:02.57Zhadthought it was worth asking, because I get transcode.c errors with quite a bit.
14:03.06Zhadcoupled with no audio.
14:03.50*** join/#asterisk thansen (n=thansen@
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14:07.48sysreqhere's the cli output, if anyone wants to take a look at it:
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14:15.51sysreqin fact, i just tested and if i play another wav file.. it doesn't work either, only the first wav file works, then as soon as it switches to using ulaw.. it ends; no matter if you play wav or ulaw files beyond that point, you don't hear anything.
14:20.57defsworkI have a sangoma a200 at home
14:21.07defsworknot on dahdi though
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14:30.59sysreqi'll try with
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14:35.59Zeeekconference today in 90: come by #voip-users-conference anytime and join us at 12 Noon EDT for the live conf
14:36.33wchance_worktrying to figure out why my digium board is not working.   Seems that after reboot the drivers did not load.   When I do a lspci I see the board
14:36.49wchance_workwhat can I do next to check further using ZAPTEL
14:37.36[TK]D-FenderWhhe caps-day!
14:37.37*** join/#asterisk andres833 (n=andres83@
14:37.49brah"It's just you. is up."
14:38.09brahI'm raging here, trying to install * but some route seems to be down
14:38.24wchance_workI am using a TC400B card with Freeswitch and when I run FS it does not load because it does not find the dev
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14:38.52wchance_workaccording to FS it is a driver issue
14:39.17[TK]D-Fenderwchance_work: "ztcfg -vvvv" <- what does it give you?
14:39.55wchance_workline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl'
14:40.12defsworkmoudles loaded ?
14:40.16defsworkmoudles ?
14:40.22defsworkpatents new word
14:40.55wchance_workhow do I check if modules loaded ?
14:41.28*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
14:41.59defsworkwchance_work: have you built/installed them ?
14:42.16wchance_workdefswork oh yes it was working previously
14:42.25defsworkprevious to ?
14:42.35wchance_workprevious to rebooting the server
14:43.20defsworkyou done a kernel upgrade by any chance ?
14:43.34wchance_workyum update (YES)
14:45.26*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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14:45.40Zhadlo coppice
14:45.51[TK]D-Fenderwchance_work: Then you need to recompile the kernel modules <-
14:46.05wchance_workah ok
14:46.23wchance_worklets see if I can figure that out
14:47.08wchance_workI am in "/usr/src/zaptel-"
14:47.31wchance_workthat is where I recompilre right?
14:47.42[TK]D-Fenderwchance_work: Same place you did it the first time
14:49.07*** part/#asterisk callenb (
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14:50.10Zeeekhow are we doing in here?
14:50.16Zeeekeverything ok?
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14:55.56devyllpri_dchannel: Ring requested on unconfigured channel 0/31 span 1 ?! who is responsable for the channel request ? I configured 1 to 30 channels . (16 is the D channel)
14:58.02*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (n=tim@2001:8b0:3d9:0:ed7e:4424:4cd0:d836)
14:59.44[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: I'm not seeing your configs, and CLI status dumps for your channels
14:59.47infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
14:59.48*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (n=ccesario@
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15:10.23iksik[Jun 28 11:27:32]   dialparties.agi: Caller ID name is 'unknown' number is 'my_sip_peer_username'
15:10.37iksikany ideas why?
15:10.44infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
15:10.48*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
15:12.35devyll[TK]D-Fender ,
15:12.35devyll"dahdi show channels" shows "dahdi show status" shows  "system.conf" shows
15:12.35devylland from chan_dahdi.conf
15:14.15*** join/#asterisk ccesario_ (n=ccesario@
15:14.36[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: I'm worndering if span 1 = port1 with the other being port 0.
15:14.54*** join/#asterisk |Rain| (
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15:15.57devyll[TK]D-Fender : dahdi_scan shows:
15:16.03|Rain|is there a way to jump back to the start of a macro (gosub now, I guess) in AEL in 1.6?  I want to restart a macro from within a catch{} block, and it was easy enough in 1.4...
15:16.13*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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15:16.28[TK]D-Fender|Rain|: Goto <---
15:16.30devyllso, my understanding is that Span 1 is Port 0
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15:17.52devyll[TK]D-Fender and i only have e1 cable in Port 0 , and only Span 1 has green led light, Port 1 has no cable and therefore Span 2 has RED alarm.
15:19.16[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: Hrm... does LOOK OK.
15:19.29[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: Restart * and see if it repeats
15:20.13*** join/#asterisk ccesario (n=ccesario@
15:22.18JoelQwell ping - questions for you about the rpms up on digium
15:22.34JoelQwell what's the difference between asterisk16- and asterisk16-core- ?
15:23.20*** join/#asterisk callenb (
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15:24.03devyll[TK]D-Fender , the error said:  Ring requested on unconfigured channel 0/31 span 1. That happend when I tried calling from outside. My question is: who decides which free channel to choose when recieving a call ? And if it picks randomly somehow ? Because I could restart everything (already did that actually) and try calling 15 times with dahdi choosing 15 diffrent open channels.
15:24.05devyllThat won't prove the problem is fixed
15:25.05ramindia[TK]D-Fender: Hi
15:25.22[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: I think I head of a different issue between who is using a 0-based vs 1-based port # sequence on the dchan...
15:25.25*** join/#asterisk ccesario (n=ccesario@
15:26.18DeeewayneJoel, my bet is the non-core rpm is a metapackage
15:26.52ramindia[TK]D-Fender:  how can i record Voice when i call calling card and send DTMF PIN and ( it says card balance is 50$)...i want to record this 50$ .. any suggestions
15:27.13[TK]D-Fenderramindia: How are you calling?
15:27.55ramindia[TK]D-Fender: iam calling from Asterisk Dial plan picking up from Database and sending the call to Calling card provider
15:28.02*** join/#asterisk jerryeguru (n=Administ@
15:28.10[TK]D-Fenderramindia: "core show application monitor" <-
15:28.49jerryegurui am trying to identify my interface card, when i lspci i see >>Communication controller: Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
15:29.24jerryeguruwhat kind of card is this, digital or analog, E1...?
15:30.08[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: How is it you don't know what card you have?
15:30.43ramindia[TK]D-Fender:  how can i integrate same to my dial plan and store in a path and file
15:30.49*** join/#asterisk ccesario (n=ccesario@
15:30.55[TK]D-Fenderramindia: "core show application monitor" <-
15:31.55*** join/#asterisk ccesario (n=ccesario@
15:32.08ramindia[TK]D-Fender:  yes i excuted command.. in the * cli.... how can i automate in the Dial plan record and hangup///
15:32.22jerryeguru[TK]D-Fender:  someone handed me this card to test and give back incase it doesnt suit my needs, there was absolutely no words to indentify the name or type of card
15:32.38[TK]D-Fenderramindia: I asked you how you CALL THEM.
15:33.29[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: You sure he didn't ahnd you a loaded pistol?  If you see something that looks like a loop for your finger Put it through and try pulling!
15:33.49[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: And that should be a TDM400P, and it would depend on what modules are on it as to if it suits your needs
15:36.04*** join/#asterisk decimalz (n=pbxk1064@
15:36.13ramindia[TK]D-Fender:  its auto process.. using my own code of dialplan.. .. is i answered correct.. ?
15:36.26jerryeguru[TK]D-Fender: it didnt scare me so i thght it wldnt kill me either, u are saying this is TDM400P? and how come it is showing me Tiger Jet Network Inc. Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface
15:36.42[TK]D-Fenderramindia: doesn't describe WHAT is initiating the call out.
15:37.05[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: Because thats the chipset its based on.  Do you have the card in hand?
15:37.42ramindia[TK]D-Fender: hmm then ?
15:37.54*** join/#asterisk moa_ (
15:37.58jerryeguru[TK]D-Fender:  i have put the card into  the server but not setup/installed asterisk yet
15:38.33[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: this card has 4 ports on the side of it for little daughter-card modules, correct?
15:38.55jerryeguru[TK]D-Fender: exactly
15:39.19[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: Indeed a TDM400P type card.  what COLOURS were the modules, and how many of the 4?
15:39.21jerryeguru[TK]D-Fender: i wonder if it is an E1 card though, i am not so well versed with asterisk
15:39.39[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: It is not an E1 card, it is an ANALOG card
15:40.48jerryeguruso this is not what i am looking for :(
15:40.50[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: Well that isn't an E1 card.
15:41.22*** join/#asterisk |Rain| (
15:42.07|Rain|[TK]D-Fender: that's the logical answer, but goto says it can't find s|1 (even though it's visible in dialplah show if I remove the goto so that the AEL compiles)
15:42.22*** join/#asterisk joat (
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15:43.30[TK]D-Fender|Rain|: pastebin your code and the failed attempt, and a CLI dump of that dialplan context
15:43.39[TK]D-Fender|and quick, I'm off in 4 mins
15:44.11*** join/#asterisk martyn-job (i=be18869a@gateway/web/freenode/x-41fbf818381de492)
15:44.19martyn-jobHi Asterisk Users...
15:44.39[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: E1 is a digital trunk to the telco, analog is analog.  you don't need one for the other
15:44.44[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: Totally separate techs
15:45.13[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: And you haven't confirmed the COLOUR of the modules on that card.  RED is for pluggin in LINES, GREEN is for plugging in PHONES.
15:45.27[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: If you have the wrong kind well... do the math
15:45.35martyn-jobI have in my musiconhold random=yes and in my directory i have 10 gsm files ..but always play the same gsm file :S
15:45.45[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: The telco doesn't care what you have on your line so long as it picks up, dials, etc
15:45.50martyn-jobWhat can i do to play random...?
15:46.34[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: DON'T
15:47.00[TK]D-Fenderjerryeguru: Go confirmt he colour, because the wrong module will FRY if a call comes in and its not the right one.
15:47.28[TK]D-FenderLunch time, BBIAB
15:48.42*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
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15:51.25jerryeguru[TK]D-Fender: ok let me first identify the colors and revert back
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15:54.15devyllwhat does it mean when after a 6 label the next one is 102 .. (like here: ) . I'm trying to understand the Goto(7) after seting those variables and I can't seem to understand the logic behind that dialplan.
15:54.42Joeldevyll huh? where do you see 102?
15:54.57devyllsorry Joel
15:55.03Joel2 fails, so it adds 101
15:55.11devyllok, so in case of fail
15:55.25devyllwhy whouldn't you use 50 ?
15:55.39devyllinstead of 103. or closer.
15:56.26jerryeguru[TK]D-Fender: still here
15:56.39*** join/#asterisk ccesario (n=ccesario@
15:56.39devyllyou can see there . s,7,blabla1 and the next one s,103,SetVar(blabla).  and .. I was trying to understand why "103" and not "8" for example.  ?!
15:56.58jerryeguru[TK]D-Fender: there seem to be no colors displayed on the card modules, its hard to identify which is which!
15:58.31*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
15:58.53ajmcelloi have nat=yes in my sip.conf and am able to register my phone and call extensions, but dtmf isn't working. anybody have any ideas?
15:59.21ajmcellothe phone is on an inside nat network and the asterisk server is at a remote location on an internal ip
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15:59.51ajmcelloi opened up UDP 10000 to 20000 on the router side of the asterisk server but still have no luck
16:01.53CryWolfajmcello: is "internal ip" a public or private ip?
16:02.02drmessanojerryeguru: The PC boards are all translucent?
16:02.24CryWolfajmcello: So you have: phone - nat - internet - nat - pbx ?
16:02.41drmessanojerryeguru: What color are the BOARDS
16:02.48ajmcellocrywolf: yup
16:02.59CryWolfajmcello: Ouch.
16:03.39carrarwhat, no double natting?
16:03.49ajmcelloeverything works fine from the pbx inside nat network
16:04.13ajmcelloit seemed to all work fine using asterisk 1.4.x
16:04.34drmessanoI regularly run nat'ed phones to my boxes, which are all behind NAT
16:05.40jerryegurudrmessano: i wanted to indentify the module on the card, from some research off googling i am told module 1 is a green FXS module, and module 2 is an orange-red FXO module on the TDM400P card
16:05.59jerryegurudrmessano: got it here >>
16:08.29ajmcellooh maybe that is the problem
16:08.34ajmcellosip show peers shows port 1060 instead of 5060
16:09.44Zeeek#voip-users-conference and  with Twilio live
16:09.48Zeeekbye for now
16:09.54*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
16:12.30*** part/#asterisk jerryeguru (n=Administ@
16:16.26dwschooli have two modem devices, i want to be able to choose on which device faxmail sends out a fax - is this possible?
16:16.30|Rain|[TK]D-Fender (or anyone else):
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16:27.15martyndevHi . :D I have in my musiconhold random=yes and in my directory i have 10 gsm files ..but always play the same gsm file :S
16:28.24*** join/#asterisk ghento (
16:29.04martyndevhey, sorry, now the problem is solved :D
16:29.12martyndevthanks. just moh reload and it's works..
16:29.50martyndevi dont know why with reload dont work.-.
16:29.57martyndevbut, anyway, thank you ;)
16:32.10*** join/#asterisk JonCup (n=JonCup@
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16:33.06asaleemI recording calls from queue. It works fine but at the end I have all A's part of conversation and when it is finished, then B's part. Is that normal
16:33.19asaleemI am using AsteriskNOW
16:33.45Joelsounds like a bad mix
16:34.23*** part/#asterisk martyndev (i=be18869a@gateway/web/freenode/x-9eea3f691fbff186)
16:34.29asaleemJoel, so it is not the normal behavior
16:34.50asaleemThe system used sox with m
16:34.53asaleemto mix
16:35.53*** join/#asterisk gscmans (
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16:36.24ramindia[TK]D-Fender:  i lost connection
16:39.00ramindiaregarding recording you are suggesting something
16:40.28asaleemIs there any way I can fix that?
16:43.25|Rain|is sox installed and working?  asterisk isn't very noisy if the mix fails for some reason
16:44.00*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
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16:49.44Shazaumis possible set acl "permit" in configuration default of sip?
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17:01.31|Rain|make that permit=
17:01.31asaleem|Rain|, yes, sox is installed, as it joins the in-out
17:01.32Shazaum|Rain|: u sure?
17:02.06Shazaumthis is a peers? or type a call from guest?
17:04.27|Rain|Shazaum: nope!  I'm pretty sure there's no ACL by default, though
17:04.36|Rain|asaleem: oh, so it concatenated the inside and outside halves instead of mixing them?
17:05.16asaleem|Rain|, exactly
17:05.23Shazaum|Rain|: ok
17:05.33asaleem|Rain|, how do I resolve that?
17:07.57devyllwhere is the apps directory defined ?
17:07.58bongyHi *, someone know if for default the SIP connections from the same host where asterisk is installed are forbidden ?
17:08.01|Rain|good question, I've never heard of that happening before.  what version of sox?
17:09.31ramindia[TK]D-Fender:  are u around
17:11.16JonCupany body have any expierience with grandstream ata 502 or simular, ive got one setup, incoming calls ring in, but I get one way audio, they can hear me, but I cant hear them, AND i cant make any outgoing calls
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17:19.20ramindia[TK]D-Fender: hi
17:19.23devyllI'm trying to install spandsp with Asterisk but I can't seem to find the Asterisk apps folder. More then that there is no "asterisk" folder in /usr/src/ . also no apps folder in any asterisk directory.  Can anybody help me understand what I'm doing wrong ?
17:19.57[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: Well where DID you extract your source?
17:20.22ramindia[TK]D-Fender: i lost connection.. u were suggesting me for that recordings
17:20.47[TK]D-Fenderramindia: You call MONITOR before you dial and it will record the call.
17:22.35ramindia[TK]D-Fender: let me try that
17:23.37devyll[TK]D-Fender Asterisk is installed from a pre-built package (i'm tied to that package, can't use anything else.. company policy) ..
17:24.12[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: Go look for a prepackaged set of apps then.
17:24.23[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: And good luck with that
17:24.47devyll[TK]D-Fender , ok . got the ideea. thanks.
17:33.12*** join/#asterisk ghento (
17:37.44JonCupHey guys, need help with this grandstream handytone 502, i cannot make any outgoing calls, I just get a fast busy, and I dont see anything on the CLI, and on incoming calls, i I cant hear anything, but the caller can hear me, any ideas here anything anybody?
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17:38.49JonCupserver and ATA are on the same LAN
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17:46.44ramindia[TK]D-Fender:  i have used "Monitor(wav,${CALLFILENAME},m)" ......... is this ends after the call  hangups ?
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18:02.02ramindiahow can convert Speech conversation of wav file to Text ?
18:03.35joakoThere is lumenvox...
18:04.16KavanSramindia, use a hangup at the end
18:04.25KavanSand monitor will end
18:04.54ramindiaKavanS:  if i dont mention at the end it keep recording the same file ?
18:05.25ramindiajoako:  any open source to test.. not for commercial use
18:08.10joakoBest I know is they offer a single channel license for $50 or $99
18:10.14*** join/#asterisk cusco_ (n=pcmedic@
18:10.48cusco_is there a compilling option that makes somehow asterisk go extra verbose
18:11.12cusco_so we know for example the source files that are doing what and the lines in the source files etc
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18:11.45Corydon76-digcusco_: no, but there is "core set debug 15"
18:11.56cusco_I know that
18:12.07cusco_tho that does not tell me when asterisk process is just "killed"
18:12.13Corydon76-digcusco_: and "core set verbose 15"
18:12.40Corydon76-digHeh, if the Asterisk process is killed, then it received a signal that it could not ignore
18:12.41cusco_any other extra verbose options you may indicate?
18:12.56Corydon76-digcusco_: So the Asterisk process is showing "Killed"?
18:13.02cusco_not now
18:13.03cusco_it happened
18:13.15Corydon76-digcusco_: How much memory do you have in the machine?
18:13.18cusco_we are having one queue only that stops reaching extentions
18:13.21cusco_let me check
18:13.28WindowsUsercheck /var/log/messages it'll tell you if it gets killed due to sucking up all the rams
18:13.39cusco_2 gigs
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18:13.43cusco_only running asterisk
18:13.48cusco_and mysql
18:13.55Corydon76-digcusco_: Likely a memory leak, then.  Are you running the latest version?
18:14.33Corydon76-digcusco_: in make menuselect, Compiler Options, turn on MALLOC_DEBUG
18:14.38cusco_what could cause one queue only to stop reaching the extentions, when all other go thru
18:15.04cusco_is that in ./configure (if I do not use menuselect)
18:15.14Corydon76-digcusco_: turns on memory tracking with 'core show memory allocations' and 'core show memory summary'
18:15.18Corydon76-digIt is only in menuselect
18:16.19cusco_ok let me check
18:16.49Corydon76-digcusco_: how are you connecting to mysql?
18:17.08Corydon76-digcusco_: res_config_mysql or res_config_odbc?
18:17.45cusco_im in menuselect for the first time
18:17.45Corydon76-digcusco_: There's a deadlock in the current release of res_config_mysql for 1.6.1
18:18.00cusco_really? :-|
18:18.05cusco_is it documented?
18:18.13cusco_anywhere on the web?
18:18.19*** part/#asterisk Shazaum (n=shazaum@unaffiliated/shazaum)
18:18.20Corydon76-digcusco_: yeah, there's a release candidate for addons- about to go out on Monday
18:18.38Corydon76-digcusco_: The fix is already in SVN... You'd just need to do a checkout
18:18.41cusco_so I could take note and pass it on the the propper local technitian
18:18.55cusco_we are in a production place
18:19.02cusco_I don't think svn is recommended
18:19.14Corydon76-digcusco_: if you like, you can checkout the patch directly from SVN and apply it
18:19.17cusco_my boss says that 1.4 was stable comparing to 1.6
18:19.22Corydon76-digcusco_: SVN branch, not SVN trunk
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18:19.39|Rain|is it possible to jump to the start of an AEL macro in  I want to restart a macro in a catch{} block, but I haven't been able to make the parser cooperate:
18:19.43cusco_(sorry but what is the difference bwtween branch and trunk)
18:20.05Corydon76-digcusco_: trunk is the bleeding edge.  A branch is the location from which releases are tagged
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18:20.21cusco_so in branch there are the releases candidates etc
18:20.40Corydon76-digFrom the branch, release candidates are made, yes
18:20.53Corydon76-digand the final release candidate is the release
18:21.01cusco_are they stable?
18:21.16Corydon76-digYes, especially when you're talking about -addons
18:21.24Corydon76-digAddons hardly ever changes
18:22.26cusco_can you point me to a place on teh web that talks about the mysql deadlock?
18:23.21cusco_and where is that mallock option in menuselect?
18:23.36Corydon76-digcusco_: MALLOC_DEBUG is under Compiler Options
18:23.47[TK]D-Fender|Rain|: In your code it looks like everything in Catch 1 is CoMMENTEd OUT
18:24.05|Rain|that's because it won't compile to get the dialplan show... unless I comment it
18:24.13Corydon76-digcusco_: "Compiler Flags - Development"
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18:25.08cusco_thanks a lot for your tips Corydon76-dig
18:25.16[TK]D-Fender|Rain|: Well if its commented out then you haven't DONE anything
18:25.23Corydon76-digcusco_: You can get the patch with this command:  svn diff -c913
18:25.29|Rain|the compile errors are after each line
18:25.31cusco_My boss wants me to reproduce them problems before I update anything
18:25.51cusco_ok let me check that too
18:26.18dwschoolanyone here running hylafax?
18:26.21cusco_Modified: trunk-merged
18:26.24cusco_thanks Corydon76-dig
18:27.17cusco_there is a error now building asterisk-addons lol
18:28.33cusco_with res_config_mysql
18:29.16*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
18:29.26Corydon76-digcusco_: Dunno why that would be, if you're running 1.6.1
18:29.40Corydon76-digcusco_: perhaps you were mistaken about the version you're running?
18:29.57Corydon76-digcusco_: or at least about the version that is installed?
18:30.29cusco_I will download again asterisk-addons
18:30.33Corydon76-digasterisk -rx 'core show version'
18:31.04*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
18:31.23cusco_Asterisk built by root @ perfpbxr on a x86_64 running Linux on 2009-06-15 15:48:54 UTC
18:31.30*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
18:31.38Corydon76-digcusco_: Ah, appears you downloaded the wrong version of addons
18:31.54cusco_could be, hold
18:32.01Corydon76-digProbably trunk or 1.6.2, not 1.6.1
18:32.09cusco_(it was not installed by me, rather by my boss)
18:32.25cusco_that means that that mysql thingie should be fix
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18:33.15Corydon76-digThe issue is in the released version of 1.6.1
18:33.31cusco_ok I qill have to ask my boss about that
18:33.40cusco_thank you once again Corydon76-dig
18:33.43Corydon76-digThere are two possible ways around:  install the patch or use res_config_odbc
18:33.57cusco_I will patch it up later
18:34.43cusco_do you reckon that one queue only stops getting to our softphones, could be related with that mysql issue?
18:35.18Corydon76-digIt's possible
18:35.43cusco_ok mate
18:35.48cusco_I have to go now
18:36.08cusco_I will be bugging you guys later. Thank you for your tips
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18:43.57JimVanMquestion about EVAL() and variable names within variables
18:44.08JimVanMI have a base variable name VALUE_
18:44.17JimVanMI want to iterate through several of them
18:44.27JimVanMso VALUE_1, VALUE_2, VALUE_3, etc
18:44.40JimVanMthe actual integer will be contained in another variable
18:44.48JimVanMI'm trying to refer to something like
18:45.12JimVanMnaturally this doesn't work
18:45.27JimVanMI've been messing around with EVAL()
18:45.32JimVanMand quotes of all kinds
18:45.38JimVanMand can't get the syntaxt right
18:45.48JimVanMany advice would be appreciated
18:47.11Corydon76-digJimVanM: AEL or dialplan?
18:47.35Corydon76-digThen what you have should work fine
18:48.50Corydon76-digEVAL doesn't come into it unless you have the literal characters '${' WITHIN a variable
18:49.34Corydon76-digEVAL allows you to evaluate the CONTENTS of a variable
18:50.10Corydon76-dignormally the dialplan only evaluates literal variables
18:50.48[TK]D-Fender|Rain|: "A catch block can be specified to catch special extensions. " <- you are trying "catch" against a boring number.  I suspect this is illegal like that instruction implied
18:51.01[TK]D-Fender|Rain|: Yuo do NOR make IVR's in macros
18:51.37JimVanMCorydon76-dig: OK, thanks for that. I think I may have a logic problem somewhere else.
18:53.15|Rain|[TK]D-Fender: I wasn't, originally...  I originally had this stuff in a gosub, but 1.6 whined about it so I tried converting it to a macro
18:53.19JimVanMCorydon76-dig: found it. I wasn't assigning the value properly, so the variable wasn't even getting created
18:53.33Corydon76-digJimVanM: EVAL is all explained in TFOT... you should read it sometime.  ;-)
18:53.35JimVanMCorydon76-dig: keyboard-chair interface problem
18:53.39[TK]D-Fender|Rain|: And figured you could be the rules?
18:53.49JimVanMCorydon76-dig: LOL! touche
18:54.01infobot[~osmosis] Osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ... or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
18:54.03[TK]D-FenderJimVanM: ;)
18:54.21|Rain|[TK]D-Fender: it wouldn't be the first time (and I suspect it would work if I did it in extensions.conf)
18:54.25[TK]D-Fender.. Just sayin'!
18:54.54JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: oh believe me, that book has caused me my fair share of head trauma
18:54.57|Rain|I guess I'll just go back to a regular context with gosub and ignore the AEL parser's whining
18:55.40[TK]D-Fender|Rain|: AEL = means wel, but can only do less that you can do yourself in dialplan and creates extra greif while saving little
18:55.54JimVanMCorydon76-dig: the first (and only) programming language I ever learned really well was REXX
18:56.16JimVanMCorydon76-dig: if dialplan is a language (and I tend to think it is), then it is the second
18:56.25JimVanMCorydon76-dig: so I'm sorta damaged goods
18:57.23[TK]D-Fenderputs JimVanM up for sale on eBay with an "as-is / caveat emptor" label
18:57.30|Rain|oh well, thanks
18:57.57JimVanM[TK]D-Fender: make sure it includes a picture that clearly shows the damage
18:58.38[TK]D-Fender"Cat scan not included"
18:59.31coppiceis a PET scan a more generic form of cat scan? :-\
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19:42.44jayteeactually a PET scan uses radioactive tracers to map active regions of the brain using a similar tomographic technique of mapping 2D slices into a 3D image. CAT is just 2D xray slices composed into a 3D image but doesn't register active vs inactive regions of the brain.
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19:44.29The_TiKis there a way to set the volume for cepstral using the swift.conf file or another way? I am trying using the ssml tags but it is not working
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20:14.41StdhtHi all
20:14.47StdhtWhere could I find asterisk svn
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20:15.29StdhtMay be anyone tried celliax under asterisk 1.6 also??
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20:18.48mchouanyone here notice that google voice now seems to accept DTMF "1" from * now on inbound calls?
20:19.25mchouI dunno what happened but it now all seems to work
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20:20.28degradeI'm trying Asterisk with a 128 thread server.
20:22.59Stdhtcelliax??? is there anybody out there?)
20:25.08dwschoolWARNING[14411]: chan_iax2.c:2309 __attempt_transmit: Max retries exceeded to host on IAX2/school_iaxmodem-6837 (type = 6, subclass = 11, ts=50379, seqno=15)
20:25.13dwschoolwhat does this mean?
20:26.35[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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20:29.05asaleemI recording calls from queue. It works fine but at the end I have all A's part of conversation and when it is finished, then B's part. Is that normal
20:29.50WindowsUsertheres an M flag for the monitor app that triggers a merge when the call is complete
20:29.58WindowsUserlower case m i think
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20:34.36hamushdoes anyone know of a nice and verbose sip phone for linux that can be used for testing asterisk sip setup?
20:37.27WindowsUserekiga + wireshark :)
20:38.46hamushthat's a good idea... i've been frowning in ekiga's general direction because of its lack of verbosity, but maybe if i throw wireshark up, too, i can get an idea of what's going on
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20:44.58dwschoolfor some reason, my iax modems stop sending fax signal, like when i call them sometimes they pick up right away with a fax tone - but other times i get nothing and cannot use the fax
20:45.40dwschoolhas anyone else experienced this?
20:46.57dwschoolafter a restart everything is fine again
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20:58.07hamushi am following the o'reilly book
20:58.56WindowsUserI'm going to ~ask and then run away :)
20:58.58infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:00.06hamush's echo test example, but i can't get the echo test to answer... does anyone know a good way that i tell if i'm experiencing a nat issue or asterisk config issue? (short of getting rid of nat, which isn't an option)
21:01.11hamushthose were supposed to be one message, but i have butter fingers
21:11.38Joeldoes anyone have a nifty tool to take dialplan and turn it into something pretty? like a graph?
21:13.32joakoJoel: asterisk -rx "show dialplan"
21:16.51Joeljoako that's a graph to you? O.o
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21:17.06StdhtHow Could I get * version from CLI?
21:17.27[TK]D-FenderStdht: "show version"
21:17.40Stdhtdo not work
21:17.45StdhtI am on >1.4
21:17.47terr_I'm considering installing asterisk.  Can someone breif me on what it can do relative to SKYPE or commercial VoIP products like something offered by
21:17.48jayteeJoel, check out
21:18.09Joeljaytee <3
21:18.26ISO9001terr_: what do you want it to do? heh.
21:18.41[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Not comperable.  Skype is a SOFT-PHONE.  MajicJack is the same, and specifically tied to their service.  * is a PBX & telephony TOOLKIT
21:18.51JonCupHey guys, need help with this grandstream handytone 502, i cannot make any outgoing calls, I just get a fast busy, and I dont see anything on the CLI, and on incoming calls, i I cant hear anything, but the caller can hear me, any ideas here anything anybody?
21:19.12jayteeJoel, it's not that fancy. just shows relationships between contexts. you might also google Visual Dialplan but I'm not sure if that's open source or not
21:20.02joakoJoel: It's "pretty" imo
21:20.54terr_[TK]D-Fender: yes I know what asterix is.
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21:21.27[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Then why are you asking for a comparison between apples & oranges?
21:21.46*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:21.51terr_[TK]D-Fender: I want to set up VoIP for my home office & mobile office.  I'll want to interface somehow to POTS in order to allow people to dial in.  I'll also probably want an 800 number if possible
21:21.55*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
21:21.57[TK]D-FenderAnd I know what "asterix" is too... a CARTOON
21:22.24terr_[TK]D-Fender: because they are both fruit.  For $20 per year I have VoIP with magicJack.  I also get a 1-408 number if I like
21:22.34[TK]D-Fenderterr_: So... can Skype or MajigJack take in your analog to do something rpductive?
21:22.43terr_[TK]D-Fender: nope.
21:23.27terr_Its a interface via USB and this means we need to install a deamon in order to handle it.  Asterisk will allow me to actually plug in an analog or digital phone.  Asterik is a PBX
21:23.41[TK]D-Fenderif they can't do what you want, what is the point of comparing with them?
21:23.48terr_[TK]D-Fender: so now way out of asterisk into POTS?
21:23.50Joeljoako might want to look up the definition of a graph!
21:24.00[TK]D-Fenderterr_: a TDM card
21:24.30terr_[TK]D-Fender: TDM - then what?  I call my telco and ask for a PRI interface to their system?
21:25.13[TK]D-Fenderterr_: I said TDM expecting your needs to be small.  maybe you should define those first
21:25.48terr_[TK]D-Fender: I _might_ look at becomming a full ISP.  Currently I do the web hosting part
21:26.52[TK]D-Fenderterr_: before dreaming of that go look at who allows you to RESELL their service
21:26.58terr_[TK]D-Fender: so I'm looking into VoIP as well.  At this point - I've know about asterisk for quite a while but I've not fully researched how it can be interfaced to the POTS system.  I know if I set up two asterisk boxes I can have free calls between these boxes regardless where on the net they might be located.
21:27.13[TK]D-Fenderterr_: As forupstream interface, yes, PRI is the entry point
21:27.25terr_[TK]D-Fender: my Telco is required to do this.  But its expensive.
21:28.40terr_[TK]D-Fender: what I think I'm reading from you is that if I have two businesses which might have offices at a distance from each other - then installing a pair of asterisk servers is a perfect fit for them.
21:29.05[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Sure...
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21:29.58terr_[TK]D-Fender: what I think I'm also reading is that for a simple home office wanting a local number that something like MagicJack might be simpler.
21:30.36[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Except that attempting to use it with * is a violation of their TOS
21:32.04terr_Oh - no - I wasn't thinking of trying to use MagicJack and Asterisk together.
21:32.04ISO9001lol caps.
21:32.33terr_[TK]D-Fender: I was wondering if we have asterisk tied into the POTS phone numbers at this time.
21:32.53[TK]D-Fenderterr_: huh?
21:32.58terr_[TK]D-Fender: I might be interested in setting up asterisk and actually interfacing with Pots in this city.
21:34.29terr_[TK]D-Fender: skype for instance has skypeout.  If we want we _can_ set up an asterisk server in each city in the world and provide our own services - but the issue is how to get people who currently have POTS service interfaced with a new VoIP service.
21:34.49Stdhthow to decde SVN-trunk-r204919  to version
21:34.54terr_[TK]D-Fender: I suspect MagicJack is simply doing this.  For all I know they run asterisk!
21:35.05[TK]D-Fenderterr_extremely unlikely
21:35.10Stdhtunder 1.6  must type in cli // core show version
21:35.44terr_[TK]D-Fender: well - whatever they run its pretty simnple.  They need 128kb/sec.  I beleive asterisk will compress - am I right?
21:36.23[TK]D-Fenderterr_: How do you get someone with POTS over to VoIP?  Repleace their PBX or put an analog gateway in front of their existing hardware
21:37.10[TK]D-Fenderterr_: go read up on CODECS, bandwidth requirements, etc...
21:37.12terr_[TK]D-Fender: simple way is with a dilogic card
21:37.56terr_[TK]D-Fender: only good way is to interface to the existing POTS system... a T1 interface will do it for instance.
21:38.30terr_[TK]D-Fender: T1 will support 24 lines in/out.
21:38.31[TK]D-Fenderterr_ Interfce to POTS... T1 Interface.... Dialogic... WTF?
21:39.00terr_Dilogic makes a card that interfaces T1 to a PC.  Been there for more than 10 years.
21:39.35terr_Pri is even better.  But I need to check details on PRI - since I don't need it I never checked.
21:39.39[TK]D-Fenderterr_ I know who they are, you are throw little bits of ideas out in an incoherent manner that does not properly express the implementation you have in mind.
21:40.06[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Akin to Star Trek "Techno-babble" being spewed out
21:40.38terr_[TK]D-Fender: I wasn't looking at _any_ specific implementation.  I mearly asked if there are people who provide connectivity between POTS and a system running over asterisk servers.
21:40.54[TK]D-Fenderterr_: and how does a "T1 interface" interface with "the existing POTS system"?
21:41.26terr_[TK]D-Fender: I gather perhaps not - this means asterisk is only suitable for a private set of numbers amoung a group of people which might be larger or small.
21:41.39[TK]D-Fenderterr_: POTS = analog copper.  Using someone to reach regular boring copper means that they are an ITSP for you like MajigJack, etc
21:42.01terr_[TK]D-Fender: T1 is interfaced by the telco - this is how they provide business class services
21:42.12[TK]D-Fenderterr_: PSTN, not POTS.
21:42.19[TK]D-Fenderterr_: watch your terminology
21:42.40[TK]D-FenderPOTS = dumb analog.
21:43.05terr_POTS - Plain old telephone service... its analoge typically to a CO and then is digitized adn runs over the ATM system.  DSL is flipped into the ATM system at the CO as well.
21:43.44ISO9001good thing you explained that, I'm not sure [TK]D-Fender knew what it was...
21:43.56terr_At the Co it runs over ATM to another CO where it might get flipped back to analogue if its going to a home to might stay digital if its going to a buisness
21:43.57_ShrikEpatience grasshopper
21:44.04[TK]D-Fenderterr_: I shudder to think of a service that terminates you to POTS <-
21:44.28*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
21:44.32terr_[TK]D-Fender: yes... but I actually run this way.
21:44.48terr_[TK]D-Fender: adn I am tired of paying phone companies
21:45.05[TK]D-Fenderterr_: You pay somone to dump a call onto a BORING ANALOG line that your provider has?
21:45.32terr_[TK]D-Fender: yes - It will cost me much much more to get digital service here.
21:45.35[TK]D-Fenderterr_: I'd love to know what termination provider uses POTS.
21:45.48terr_in Alberta
21:46.07[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Unless you are referring to providing YOURSELF service between multiple system you run
21:46.14terr_my phone is analogue and it runs about 15000 feet to their CO.
21:46.43terr_[TK]D-Fender: no - I have been considering cancelling my analogue service and using stricktly VoIP.
21:47.46terr_[TK]D-Fender: in fact I had to build a TDM - shoot the phone comapnies lines - find their problems and they wanted to charge me $1400 for 1HOUR of work to snip off their stray wires... after I told them were they were
21:48.17terr_[TK]D-Fender: THEN - after I got my DSL service working - then they wanted me to provide FREE consulting so they could get everyone else running.
21:48.47terr_[TK]D-Fender: THEN they over billed me more than $3000.  So I have ZERO love for them.  I want to replace them.
21:49.12terr_MagicJack will do this for Long Distance out.  I'm wondering about if I can do local service in as well.
21:49.19*** join/#asterisk taxilian (n=richard@
21:49.21terr_MagicJack is $20 per year.
21:49.46terr_My ISp uplink wants $20/m for the same thing.
21:50.04[TK]D-Fenderterr_: For as long as they exist and you follow their TOS
21:50.19[TK]D-Fenderterr_: And don't change their terms on you
21:50.22terr_However - a for instance is that I can set up asterisk in my kids places and then I don't even need the telco in order to call them.
21:50.43terr_[TK]D-Fender: they MIGHT change the terms.  I suspect they will.
21:51.26*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
21:51.31terr_[TK]D-Fender: I see MagicJack wants 2.7 cents per minuet into Australia.  I can just mail one to a friend in Australia and then its free.
21:51.41[TK]D-Fenderterr_: You don't need * there to call them....
21:52.00terr_[TK]D-Fender: hmm - how else?
21:52.18[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Soft-phone or any other VoIP hardware
21:52.46terr_[TK]D-Fender: what would you suggest as the cheapest / best VoIP hardware?
21:53.23[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Small stuff = Linksys ATA's
21:53.51terr_[TK]D-Fender: you see - one solution is to set up an asterisk server on a tiny box PC and sell it to people who want to eliminate the telcos of the world.
21:53.53*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:54.09terr_[TK]D-Fender: I'll look into that solution.
21:54.19*** part/#asterisk taxilian (n=richard@
21:54.39[TK]D-Fenderterr_: * itself doesn't do any of this...
21:54.53[TK]D-Fenderterr_: * just sits BETWEEN services & hardware you already have <-
21:55.25terr_[TK]D-Fender: I'm not surprised.  I just barely began to check into *.  But I've looked into asterisk a couple years ago... just never set it up
21:55.43*** join/#asterisk taxilian (n=richard@
21:58.18*** join/#asterisk taxilian (n=richard@
21:59.02taxilianWindowsUser: do you remember talking to me the other day about doing weird incoming call routing with conferences?
22:00.25hamushi am very new to asterisk and am trying to set up a sip phone.  i've followed the echo test example in the o'reilly book, but can't get it to pick up.  should i be able to dial the echo test extension in the dialplan with my sip phone and have it pick up? or do dialplan extensions not correspond to dialed sip numbers?
22:01.51[TK]D-Fenderhamush: what does "not pick up" mean?
22:02.21hamushi get a "100 Trying" from asterisk, but nothing else (besides keepalives) until my sip phone cancels the call
22:03.11[TK]D-Fenderhamush: pastebin the complete failed call attempt from beginning to end with SIP debug enabeld
22:03.14infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,, or apt-get install pastebinit
22:03.25*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma|AFK (n=SaiSoma@
22:05.21terr_[TK]D-Fender: If I get something like a Linksys SPA2100 (not through reading what it can do) then can I interface this into an asterisk server?
22:06.44[TK]D-Fenderterr_: 2100 = old discontinued...
22:06.46*** join/#asterisk dwayne (n=dwayne@
22:06.59terr_[TK]D-Fender: google came up with it first - that's all.
22:07.06[TK]D-Fenderterr_: its a SIP ATA, you can set it up with anything that talks SIP.
22:07.21terr_SIP =?
22:07.54infobotwell, ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
22:08.01terr_[TK]D-Fender: thanx
22:09.39terr_[TK]D-Fender: ok.  So this runs analog into a chip which digitizes it and then I presume SIP is an protocol which probably runs over UDP
22:10.27[TK]D-Fenderhamush: Verbose 10, we can't see what the DIALPLAN is doing <-
22:10.40terr_~fx0 terr_
22:10.47[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Go read the book....
22:10.50infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:10.58terr__terr  ~fx0
22:11.16terr_[TK]D-Fender: how to I access the bot?
22:11.40[TK]D-Fenderterr_: You don't seem to understand the basic hardware that Joe Blow using Vonage uses to interact with his ITSP yet you want to become one yourself...
22:12.05[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Ask the bot about something it KNOWS.
22:12.14hamush[TK]D-Fender: is setting the debug verbosity a command in the command line program? i'm not familiar with how to do it
22:12.29[TK]D-Fenderhamush: "core set verbose 10"
22:12.31terr_[TK]D-Fender: ya gotta start somewhere
22:12.49[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Yes, but you could do better than "nowhere" :p
22:13.06terr_[TK]D-Fender: when I set up the webservers I had never run Linux or OpenBSD so I hired a consultant.  That was more than 10 years ago and my servers have been lit since then
22:13.28[TK]D-Fenderterr_: So basically even the job you have now you oursourced....
22:14.00[TK]D-FenderterrGuess you should go hire tha consultant now and save yourself being the poor repeater of information when you go ask them to set things up ;)
22:14.28terr_[TK]D-Fender: no - I outsourced it 10 years ago.  I took it over aboout 9.9 years ago.
22:14.32hamush[TK]D-Fender: i'm getting "No such command 'core' (type 'help' for help)".  is the verbosity command something that goes in the config file or in the cli?
22:14.52[TK]D-Fenderhamush: "set verbose 10"
22:14.56terr_[TK]D-Fender: He's in Chilie in his VW westy...
22:15.12[TK]D-Fenderhamush: What version are you on anyway?  Looks like 1.2-
22:15.34hamush[TK]D-Fender: yeah,
22:15.44terr_[TK]D-Fender: ok - with an FXO I can set up my computer as an answering service!  Nice.
22:16.07infobotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
22:18.16terr_[TK]D-Fender: as I understand it now - the ATA is an ethernet to analog interface.  I called a supplier and they usually handle analog to USB.  So we have both options.
22:18.46[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Analog to USB huh.... what device?
22:18.57terr_hang on.
22:21.13[TK]D-Fenderhamush: Ok, do an "Answer()" first, then "Playback(silence/1)", then start the echo test
22:23.54*** join/#asterisk bijit (i=1000@
22:26.15hamush[TK]D-Fender: it worked! thank you! i have been pulling my hair out!
22:27.38*** join/#asterisk Olobola (
22:28.52hamush[TK]D-Fender: i guess it makes sense that i'd need to tell asterisk to answer :)
22:29.12Olobolahowdy.trying to get speex up and running.. yum install worked fined, rebuilt asterisk but doesn't seem to be anywhere.  ?
22:32.22*** part/#asterisk callenb (
22:33.28terr_[TK]D-Fender: Headset-USB: Logitech Clearchat Pro USB    Phone-USB:  Sony VN-CX1A
22:33.40[TK]D-FenderOlobola: You must have missed the clear warnings in menuconfig that you were missing prerequisites
22:33.54[TK]D-Fenderterr_: that is not an FXO
22:33.57*** join/#asterisk implicit- (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
22:34.08terr_[TK]D-Fender: no its not
22:34.34[TK]D-Fenderterr_: And that only lets you use a boring phone ALONG with a softphone.  By itself its worthless
22:35.24Olobola[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I'll reinstall
22:35.40terr_[TK]D-Fender: actually I think what I'm looking for is a boring phone (for now)
22:37.26Olobolacan anyone recommend a good ip phone? utstarcom F3000 maybe?
22:38.09joakoAnyone know for Polycom how I can use a plantronics headset WITHOUT lifter?
22:38.39terr_Keyspan VP-24A Cordless VoIP Phone  ???
22:38.43[TK]D-FenderOlobola: UTS = garbage
22:38.48terr_Never used it - and I know little about it.
22:39.14[TK]D-Fender[18:38]<terr_>Keyspan VP-24A Cordless VoIP Phone ??? <_  where ARE you finding all these garbage "VoIP Products"?
22:39.51terr_[TK]D-Fender: I said I know little about it.
22:39.52[TK]D-FenderOlobola: Polycom > All
22:40.09[TK]D-Fenderterr_: Yeah, but you offered it as a possible suggestion.
22:40.48[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Who says a headset needs a lifter?
22:40.49terr_[TK]D-Fender: nobody else offered anything
22:41.16[TK]D-Fenderterr_ : BRILLIANT reaswon to offer up random crap to confuse him!  I should have thought of that!
22:41.55terr_[TK]D-Fender: you're right.  Sorry
22:42.07joako[TK]D-Fender: I know it doesn't.... but how to answer/hangup without being at the phone? All the ones I see have both headset and lifter, e.g.:
22:43.05[TK]D-Fenderjoako: That is another matter.  Get an new series (555/650/maybe 450) which supports the Jabra wireless lifter protocol.
22:43.31[netman]is there any way of replacing patterns on strings into the dialplan?
22:44.02[TK]D-Fenderjoako: that signals the phone to answer electronically over the connector wire rather than physical hook-switch manipulation.  These tend to be BT headsets
22:44.21[TK]D-Fender[netman]: "core show function REGEX"
22:44.36Olobola[TK]D-Fender: thank you
22:45.45[netman]thx [TK]D-Fender
22:46.30[netman][TK]D-Fender: it's only for matching, not for replacing
22:46.37joako[TK]D-Fender: Do you know anything that will work with a Polycom 501?
22:46.46[TK]D-Fenderjoako: There is non
22:47.06[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Mechanical lifter or replace the phone
22:47.57*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=beige@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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22:49.00*** part/#asterisk ghento (
22:51.33joakoAnd actually if I use a lifter that wouldn't work either...
23:04.30[TK]D-FenderjoaWhy not?
23:05.01*** join/#asterisk qdk (
23:05.46b14ckhi all
23:05.48b14ckhows it goin
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23:25.05dwschooli have two iax modems answering for an incoming sip trunk, one or them answers about 85% of the time and the other one answers about 50% of the time - asterisk says its ringing the modem, the line rings but the modem never picks up
23:49.55*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)

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