IRC log for #asterisk on 20090622

00:05.52*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=Administ@
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00:37.32brunner1does anyone know roughly how much a PRI might cost from AT&T?
00:41.30*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
00:42.51russellbbrunner: somewhere between $10 and $10000 a month, I would guess
00:43.00*** join/#asterisk SlipperyChicken (
00:43.08brunnerrussellb: well thanks a lot.
00:43.33russellbI have no idea.  I just write code...
00:43.34brunnerrussellb: have you ever heard of someone paying $10 or $10000 for a PRI from AT&T?
00:43.48russellbnope, usually somewhere in the middle
00:44.27coppice$4995 sounds a lot
00:45.17*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-84dca7051446539b)
00:45.41russellbwaves to coppice
00:47.12russellbhm, didn't mean to scare him off.
00:53.39brunnerhow long does it take for CNAM to come through on a PRI?
01:15.57*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
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01:24.17vousbmorning folks
01:25.36javbIs it true that there are rumors that Cisco have showed some kind of interest on doing business with Digium?
01:28.28hardwireres_odbc preconnects fine.. using config name asterisk.. dsn liberty
01:28.44hardwireI can do realtime update name george port 666 and have it update the database
01:28.56hardwireiaxpeers and iaxusers should be set up fine.. but I can't seem to pull up a specific peer from the db
01:29.01hardwireit doesn't even query the db.
01:29.20hardwireanybody have this problem with debian lenny + 1.4.21 packages with ODBC?
01:32.07*** join/#asterisk joobie (
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01:47.56*** join/#asterisk acone_ (n=acone@
01:48.39acone_can anyone recommend any software for parsing the CDR table in mysql? i am trying to generate statistics about calls. any help is appreciated.
01:51.32*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
01:52.06ISO9001dunno, most people I know who have that need have just hacked together something with perl to handle reporting.
01:53.35acone_ISO9001: thanks. i would be happy to write something myself, but i can't for the life of me find anywhere the cdr table is documented
01:53.55acone_i am new to asterisk, and i really dont know which end it up. i just want to generate call stats for my company.
01:54.59[TK]D-Fenderacone_: funny there are plenty of obvious docs in the source tarball....
01:55.16acone_of asterisk?
01:55.28[TK]D-Fenderacone_: What else do you think?
01:55.30joobieTK.. duno if you recall about a week ago I floated a question about if the AMI can report on the longest holdtime for an agent
01:55.40joobie-agent +queuemember
01:55.56joobieis this only possible to do via editing the app_queue.c code?
01:55.57acone_i would expect to find such documentation online. i'm happy to look in the asterisk source tarball
01:56.17[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Queue members don't have hld times.  Queue CALLERS have hold time
01:56.45joobieyer sry, queue callers
01:56.57joobiecurrently it only reports the average holdtime
02:00.42[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: "queue show" <- parse it
02:01.11hardwirebangs head against wall with odbc and iaxpeers/users
02:01.16hardwireit's not even querying the db!
02:01.29ISO9001acone_: presumably you could just look at the table schema.
02:01.55acone_ISO9001: i have looked at it, but i dont understand what is going on
02:01.55hardwireit connects when res_odbc loads.. then just sorta forgets to do anything else.  cdr_odbc working fine of course.. res_config_odbc/res_odbc being preloaded as well.
02:01.58hardwirewants to die
02:02.46ISO9001acone_: which part?
02:03.03acone_ISO9001: well, how, for example, would i calculate average hold time
02:03.35acone_ISO9001: I want to reconstruct what happened for each call: first he called, then he dialed 3, then he got transferred to tech support, then he held for 2 minutes, etc
02:03.40[TK]D-Fenderacone_: there is no hold time for **CDR**
02:03.52acone_TK: where would I find this information
02:04.00[TK]D-Fenderacone_: And there is typically 1 line per CALL, not "pre transaction"
02:04.18[TK]D-Fenderacone_: What you are looking for does not exist <--
02:04.36ISO9001you might be able to piece that together from the management interface, maybe, but I don't see that being pretty.
02:04.52acone_TK: I see. i have seen multiple lines in the DB that seem to be for the same call, though. any idea what that is?  i can give you an example if you like
02:05.04[TK]D-Fenderacone_: Might help
02:05.11acone_1 sec lemme dig it up
02:06.19acone_ok, i have it, but it's a lot of text (3 records, 20ish columns); is it ok  if i paste it here
02:06.27*** join/#asterisk buttons840 (
02:06.38infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
02:06.53buttons840would it be possible (and has anyone achieved) a voip phone which supports and unlimited number of lines?
02:07.10buttons840a softphone i mean
02:07.13Doctehhardware or software?
02:08.02buttons840Docteh, software
02:08.14[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: Functionally sure.  Whats your point?
02:08.43joobieTK, what about from AMI?
02:08.51joobietrying to avoid asterisk CLI to pull this out..
02:09.00buttons840well, i'm just looking for a sip softphone which support many lines, i have tried one called twinkle that supports two lines, but the more the better
02:09.44[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: how many?
02:09.56[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: You can get CLI from AMI
02:10.30[TK]D-Fenderacone_: those all look like separate calls
02:10.49[TK]D-Fenderacone_: Spawned from a multi-dial perhaps
02:10.50buttons840[TK]D-Fender, what's the most lines your aware of?
02:11.25[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: 6 w/ eyebeam
02:11.32buttons840with the scalability of softphones, I'm supprised nobody has implemented unlimited line support; of course bandwith would impose a limit, but the software itself wouldn't
02:11.38acone_TK: i see. thanks. you mentioned earlier that what i was looking for didn't exist. what is the best way to get as much of that as possible
02:11.44[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: How many do you need, and why do you believe you need so many?
02:12.37[TK]D-Fenderacone_: Your inbound channel calling outbound channels each generate their own CDR.  1 record per "dial"-generated call.  Thre is no transactional tracking.
02:13.03[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: Who needs 500 accounts on a stupid soft-phone?  Whats the point?
02:13.26acone_TK: so there is no way, say, to determine avg hold time?
02:13.29*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
02:14.11[TK]D-Fenderacone_: There is absolutely NO 'hold-time" concept in CDR <-
02:14.13buttons840not accounts, lines, (is there a difference?)   what i'm trying to do is stress test my asterisk box by opening and many active calls as possible, I don't have a large number of computers (just 1, maybe 2) to receive the calls
02:14.23buttons840thus, 2 active calls max is hardly a test
02:14.40acone_TK: i understand that there is no such thing in CDR, but is there any way i can get that information... perhaps through some other DB or log
02:14.48[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: not "lines", but rather "SIMULTANEOUS CALLS"
02:15.07[TK]D-Fenderacone_: The information does not exist.  Anywhere.
02:15.48Doctehacone_: add timestamps to debug information? ;)
02:16.12acone_TK: fair enough. is there an API by which i could write something to track it? or would that require completely rewriting asterisk? i'm pretty comfortable in C, and i'm willing to invest some time in this
02:17.00acone_i suspect this functionality would be useful to many asterisk users, not just my company. every service-oriented company should want to know stats about its hold times
02:17.01[TK]D-Fenderacone_: There is nothing to track.  This iformation DOES NOT EXIST.  There is NOWHERE to look for it.  *'s ability to track ANYTHING sucks as it is, and this aspect does not exist anywhere.
02:17.25joobieTK, which Action lets you access the CLI from AMI? Cheers man.. good idea
02:17.57[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: get off your ass and read the damn Action: list :p
02:18.12Doctehacone_: so you're trying to track basically how long someones in moh while waiting to talk to a person?
02:19.12Doctehsounds like the moh system is where to start then
02:19.19*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:19.23acone_do you think i will have to edit the c code?
02:19.44Doctehwell based soley on Fender saying the functionality doesn't exist, yes
02:20.08buttons840[TK]D-Fender, can you point me in the right direction, is it possible to set up a simulation of a large phone system, without actually having a large phone system?
02:20.30[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: sipp <-
02:20.52[TK]D-Fenderacone_: You'll have to rewrite *
02:21.21joobiefuk TK.. what is the world coming to.. all this "self-help" crap
02:21.26*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
02:21.28acone_could i put something in
02:21.53acone_i'm thinking that one way to do this is to use the command invoked to play the music
02:22.16joobieTK one more Q.. im trying to find a way to clear stats in call queues (specially the AMI QueueStatus Action) .. it tends to build up the stats over a period of itme.. if i do a reload of the module, it flushes it, but sounds harsh.. even asterisk -rx reload flushes it.. but sounds harsh too.. any clean way you can see to do it in 1.4 ?
02:22.25joobiething like "Abanonded calls" for example...
02:22.28Doctehacone_: well how does the moh stop? is the process brutally killed by asterisk, or something nicer?
02:22.34[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Can't help you on that one...
02:22.57acone_i'm really not sure. if it's SIGKILLED, then i could do something silly with tracking process numbers
02:23.06*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:23.08acone_but presumably it's SIGHUPed
02:23.19joobieahh k.. thanks neawy.. from what i've read so far 1.6 has a stats reset cmd that you can run.. 1.4 looks like a relaod .. ergh - will let you know if i come across anything
02:25.17[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Anything in particular holding you back from 1.6?
02:26.52joobiejust the hassle of a rebuild
02:27.20joobiei'm happy with 1.4 overall.. dont really have much pushing to go to 1.6 at the moment.. this is kinda the first issue i've hit
02:27.45[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: rebuild?most key configs port over pretty driect
02:29.05joobiei cbf to be honest... have customized my app_queue.c a little which would need to be ported, need to setup my isdn card again too.. and schedule downtime, etc etc.. all the effort to do it doesn't outweigh the beneifits (which for now is just this clear stats)
02:29.16joobieim thinking ill just crontab a reload at midnight or something..
02:30.33[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Sounds like a good reason.;  Are your mods in C too personal to propose as permanent patches?
02:33.56joobieNot really.. It's just a custom action that gives me a refined result for waht i want to report against.. Didn't think it would be that useful to post because all the info is accessible in existing Actions, just spread across multiple actions...
02:39.11[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: So you AMI broadcast a status update instead of making a client poll for it?
02:44.38*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
02:46.42*** join/#asterisk OrNix (
02:48.07joobieyea.. and also refine the data coming back from the braodcast to be just waht i need for my app
03:00.09*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
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05:07.41VaGoNeTaShi everybody
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05:14.22*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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05:17.53DovidGood morning ev1
05:19.44*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
05:21.28*** join/#asterisk [acer]lanman (
05:35.51acone_hi. i'm trying to get asterisk to use a custom app for musiconhold
05:36.16acone_i am trying to use musiconhold.conf , but i cant get it to invoke the application
05:36.34acone_any suggestions?
05:37.03*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
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05:58.38aksynmorning :)
06:00.53aksynmy company is releasing a (fully indemnified) g729 codec tomorrow for Asterisk & FreeSWITCH (30-50% more channels than Digium, cheaper and more flexible licensing) - if anyone has some spare time, i'd love you to grab a trial copy from and give it a spin (let us know if you have any problems with it, of course!)
06:01.43*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
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06:12.05acone_any help is appreciated
06:21.35*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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07:07.25*** join/#asterisk WeazelON (
07:07.56*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=Administ@
07:08.50WeazelONhey guys, does anyone know how to get rid of the annoying "    -- Remote UNIX connection    -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected " Messages when I activate the Verbose ?
07:09.20*** join/#asterisk icyValk77 (
07:12.50*** join/#asterisk Kumba_ (
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07:13.03Kumba_Anyone ever configured Asterisk with CBeyond's new SBC?
07:22.35*** join/#asterisk [acer]lanman (
07:24.47*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=piper69@unaffiliated/dacs)
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07:41.48dacsall sleepy or what? :)
07:42.24dacsyeah just been here for a bit and its quite
07:42.59angryuserWeazelON, i dont think so
07:43.42angryuserdacs, well most of ppls here are from usa i think so they are sleepeing now
07:44.09dacsangryuser: am from USA and i am not sleeping
07:44.22dacs:P just working a stupid night shift lol
07:44.28angryuserdacs, coz you are geek xD
07:44.55dacsangryuser: nope
07:45.01angryuserdacs, at least they are paying you more ?
07:45.56dacsangryuser: yep 15% more , hell i will take that
07:46.10dacsangryuser: you at work
07:46.25angryuserdacs, i europe its +25% i think (fr)
07:46.48angryuserdacs, yes, but day shift
07:47.32dacsaha , where u from
07:47.54angryuserdacs, so what are you doing at night ?
07:48.28dacspretty girls eh
07:48.53dacsi work for a mobile company.
07:49.29angryuserdacs, pretty girls, bad caracters, yes
07:49.33*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
07:50.01angryuserdacs, well not bad but capricious
07:50.38dacsangryuser: we call it here in USA PMSing
07:51.34angryuserdacs, PMsing, i will google that
07:51.54dacsPMS - a syndrome that occurs in many women from 2 to 14 days before the onset of menstruation
07:52.26dacsthey will be in a really bad mode
07:52.41angryuserdacs, xD
07:53.02dacscan't watch that here at work
07:53.57angryuserdacs, why is that ?
07:54.19dacsits blocked
07:56.10*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
07:56.11creativxclassic pms
07:56.15creativxthat girl is stable.
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08:10.05angryuserdacs, have you tryed cgi proxies ?
08:10.23dacsangryuser: no
08:13.57*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
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08:23.30Kumba_Does the asterisk mysql-cdr need select,insert priviledges?
08:23.54barbachaKumba_: how would it store your CDR into the DB without it ?
08:23.58barbachaKumba_: so YES
08:24.16*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
08:24.18Kumba_well, it might use update or lock tables depending upon how the CDR mechanism works
08:24.46Kumba_So, I figured i'd ask incase someone was more familiar with it then I
08:25.18barbachain that case my answer is "i don't know". I grant ALL to * on the CDR
08:25.20barbachawhy bother
08:26.26Kumba_Why give more access then needed...
08:27.35*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
08:27.50barbacha(the last line was my cat typing)
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08:47.18*** join/#asterisk Silicium (n=Silicium@2001:bf0:c080:200:0:0:0:23)
08:47.20Siliciumhi there
08:47.44Siliciumiam searching for a small tapi linux client, for Asterisk or Snom Phones
08:49.22*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-d6730efd1364aea3)
08:49.56ISO9001barbacha: if you're using the cdr for billing you might not want the asterisk user to be able to delete lines...
08:59.34Kumba_And it makes injection attacks harder if all they can do is inserts
09:17.33*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (n=crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
09:25.19*** join/#asterisk AlmightyOatmeal (
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09:35.01AlmightyOatmealgrrr, * refuses to register with my sip provider
09:35.33AlmightyOatmealit keeps timing out and doesn't even try to hit my sip provider's proxy
09:35.54AlmightyOatmealand it _just_ started happening when i switched proxies
09:36.18AlmightyOatmealeven when i switched back to the old one it still failed and i've reset every network device between my asterisk box and the net
09:37.05AlmightyOatmealmy sip provider did see me getting 401 errors for some reason, but my register syntax is spot on and so is my username/password which support verified and tested..
09:37.31AlmightyOatmeali can register manually from a softphone on my laptop but asterisk refuses to register.. _any_ help would be appreciated
10:01.41*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=Administ@
10:04.06dacswhere can i locate doc/sip-retransmit.txt
10:04.07ickmundif I do a Dial(IAX2/trunkname/extension), how do asterisk know where to send this?
10:05.04AlmightyOatmealdacs: find / -name sip-retransmit.txt
10:05.13ickmundIn iax.conf, I have a [trunkname], but this doesn't specify an IP?
10:05.31dacsshouldn't you define it in your extension.conf and iax.conf ickmund
10:07.21ickmunddacs, in extensions.conf I have something like exten => _123,1,Dial(IAX2/trunkname/extension)
10:07.53AlmightyOatmealwhere you defined 'trunkname' should be where the host/ip address settings are
10:09.12ickmundAlmightyOatmeal: I'm looking at the Asterisk book. host is defined as dynamic. Still it works? :P
10:09.38AlmightyOatmealmy hosts are dynamic as well and i still work
10:09.42ickmundAlmightyOatmeal: I'm trying to figure out why it works...
10:09.46AlmightyOatmealwell did until last night :P
10:10.02dacsickmund: i am not an expert in * , _123 means anything [0-9]123 extension show be Dial using IAX.. no!
10:10.04ickmundAlmightyOatmeal: The question is, if the host is dynamic, how does * know where to send the call?
10:10.33AlmightyOatmealickmund: you must have some kind of hostname or ip address setup unless you have some magick going on
10:10.56ickmundAlmightyOatmeal: Exactly! So, what is it that defines that hostname/IP?
10:11.10ickmundIs it the register line I have right above [trunkname]?
10:11.15dacsickmund: what is the question again please
10:11.38*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
10:11.50ickmunddacs, When defining a IAX trunk, what is the directive to define the hostname/IP that the calls should be forwarded to?
10:12.52*** join/#asterisk KnowWhat (n=KnowWhat@
10:12.53AlmightyOatmealickmund: the directives themselves are in the book, as per your question of why is it working when you haven't configured those, its probably relying on data from when you registered
10:13.29KnowWhati want some agi programming tutorials in php
10:13.45UQlevickmund: there must be 2 records: 1 for trunk and 2 for registry
10:14.54AlmightyOatmealKnowWhat: meet my friend google! :D
10:14.56ickmundUQlev: Ok. Think I got it
10:15.15KnowWhatAlmightyOatmeal: hmm i met him thats why i came here
10:15.18KnowWhati need something in detail
10:15.25ickmundUQlev: I define the [trunkname] on ServerA, then have ServerB register to ServerA, and thus ServerA know the IP?
10:15.29AlmightyOatmealKnowWhat: meet my friend, a book!
10:15.42KnowWhatspecially in writing to database, CDR
10:15.46dacsKnowWhat: here you go
10:15.55AlmightyOatmealKnowWhat: actually i dont know of many good websites, you would probably need an ebook or purchase a book from a bookstore/amazon/barnes and noble
10:16.17UQlevickmund: can you pastebin it w/o passwords?
10:16.21dacsAlmightyOatmeal: they should add this to the bot me think
10:16.36AlmightyOatmealdacs: me agrees
10:16.54ickmundUQlev: I don't have a specific case, I'm trying to understand how it works...
10:17.28dacsickmund: have you gave the book a slight thought!?
10:18.12ickmunddacs, c'mon man... I've already said I'm looking at the book and it's examples, and I don't get the underlying parts...
10:18.38ickmundI know how to copy / paste already ;)
10:18.39wdoekeswouldn't that mean you have too little knowlegde of php?
10:18.48*** join/#asterisk CodeWork (
10:19.25AlmightyOatmealwhat can cause asterisk to attempt to register with an invalid username/passwd even though the register syntax is perfect with the correct information?
10:20.04dacsthink he should continue reading the book
10:20.19dacsAlmightyOatmeal: might be behind NAT?
10:20.35ickmundWhat I really want to do right now is to have a one way trunk. On the caller side, I'll set up a [trunk] with all the bells and whistles. On the callee side, I do a register => trunk:pass@caller_sides_IP
10:20.39AlmightyOatmealdacs: yes, but it literally suddenly stopped working for some reason
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10:21.52dacsAlmightyOatmeal: maybe its right in your sip but wrong in your extention.conf
10:22.16AlmightyOatmealdacs: would that have an effect on initial registration?
10:23.02dacsAlmightyOatmeal: i am not sure i am just brain storming with you!
10:23.17AlmightyOatmealoh, well extensions.conf is setup just fine, it doesn't reach that point yet
10:23.41*** join/#asterisk crazybyte (n=crzp@unaffiliated/crazypenguin/x-000001)
10:23.44AlmightyOatmeali have a dynamic host setup for my ip address in sip.conf, specified nat=yes, and my local subnet
10:24.09AlmightyOatmealall i did was change proxies last night and hell broke loose.. all i changed was /etc/hosts heh
10:24.58dacsdid you do /init.d/networking restart
10:25.40AlmightyOatmealmy sip provider is telling me i'm getting 401 errors, and i'm saying that my register syntax is using the same credentials as my peer context, and i verified it with a softphone on my laptop... the softphone works flawlessly
10:25.57AlmightyOatmealdacs: if i do that i will disconnect from here i'm sure
10:26.07AlmightyOatmeali can give that a try, i'll be back
10:26.30AlmightyOatmealand done
10:26.40dacsAlmightyOatmeal: do it, because i think it is still caching the old hosts
10:26.55dacsand that proves it because your internal network is working
10:27.40AlmightyOatmeali dont see how that proves it, but i verified that /etc/hosts is working by pinging the host in there
10:28.08AlmightyOatmealdacs: i think i'm in love with you
10:28.17AlmightyOatmeali think it registered on the first try
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10:29.07dacsAlmightyOatmeal: well i think i am as dumb as it gets when it come to * But me think i am go with networking
10:29.26dacsthink when ever you hear BUT , that means you are FUCKED!!
10:29.35AlmightyOatmealdacs: i've been known to miss the most incredibly simple steps o:)
10:29.47dacsyou are doing and great BUT
10:30.49dacsglad i was able to help AlmightyOatmeal ... may i suggest an advice?
10:31.01AlmightyOatmeali'm always looking for advice
10:31.34dacswhen ever you ever work with networking , always start at L1 and work your way up <- AlmightyOatmeal
10:32.34acone_i've asked this a few times; i dont want to spam the channel. is tehre any more precise information i can give?
10:32.42AlmightyOatmealdacs: i never would have thought that would cache stale data, i was going above and beyond :(
10:34.30AlmightyOatmealRTP is 10000-20000 right?
10:34.48dacsAlmightyOatmeal: you can check that rtp.conf
10:34.52dacsbut yes
10:35.13dacsman where is [T]afender , i want to thank him so much
10:36.05dacshe forced me to read the book and i can see it already start benefiting me :)
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10:41.58milouxhow come my trunk = $AGI->get_variable('trunk_out'); doesnt return anything when i have trunk_out  = SIP/test_1000 in dialplan (Its a global)
10:42.28AlmightyOatmealdid you sacrifice the required number of kittens first?
10:42.40Kumba_crap, I used puppies...
10:43.09milouxmy $trunk
10:43.22milouxAlmightyOatmeal: yes :/
10:43.42milouxIt should work...atleast thats what ive understod from the docs..
10:44.30milouxits actually returning as undef
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11:47.18ircnickiuseis there a mirror for the latest celliax live cd that wasa released?
12:04.53ircnickiuse^^ celliac / skypiax live cd? (any live cd with skypiax / skype integration built in)
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12:06.04BoardyA few days ago I was helped with setting up my MOH. It is working, but not when I call from an external line.
12:06.18BoardyDoes anybody have a clue what can be the cause?
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12:06.32dandreI am trying to use immediate=yes in zapata.conf
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12:07.22dandrehow can I determine wich extension or device is using that feature in my dialplan?
12:08.17dandreor must I define a new context for each device usising immediate=yes?
12:08.52dandrethe target usage is to predefine a dialed number for thos devices
12:09.17[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You can do whatever you want.
12:09.44dandrehow can I know the device then?
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12:10.05[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Considered looking at the CHANNEL?
12:11.01dandreI have tried this in the context:
12:11.17dandreexten => s/DID,1,...
12:11.39dandreexten => s/CID,1,...
12:11.52[TK]D-Fenderdandre: That works if you have a unique CID per
12:11.53dandrebut that doesn't do what I want
12:12.14[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Have you already pastebinned your code & failed attempts?
12:13.36[TK]D-Fenderdandre: We'll never know what little part you did wrong then
12:13.48[TK]D-Fenderdandre: "it didn't work" doesn't tell us what your mistake was
12:14.05[TK]D-Fenderdandre: And guessing is a waste of time.  Go try something and show us
12:14.14*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
12:14.17[TK]D-Fenderdandre: You should know better...
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12:16.42[TK]D-Fenderdandre: and the reason I don't see your zapata.conf in there is...?
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12:18.17s14ckGood morning *
12:18.32[TK]D-Fenderdandre: And get rid of that white-space
12:19.02coppiceisn't space generally black?
12:19.58[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Yes, it tends to get whiter the dumber the occupant is ;)
12:20.30coppiceis that the hot heads creating thermal noise?
12:20.33[TK]D-Fenderdandre: Speaking of "not-bright" you didn't bother settings the callerID <-
12:31.58dandreok now with callerid defined in users.conf it is ok
12:34.05*** join/#asterisk Enkhmunkh (n=Enkhmunk@
12:36.03EnkhmunkhHi guys, How do i do the measurement of the POTS line on the *?
12:36.20Enkhmunkhring, busy etc cadence
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13:01.14beekmorning jaytee
13:01.25*** join/#asterisk Morghus (
13:01.40MorghusGood afternoon guys. Mind if I ask you for some help? =)
13:01.56infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:02.17*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:02.58MorghusAllright. Got an asterisk set up. All my phones receive the Caller ID and see the number of the caller, but my E51's don't for some reason. Is there some setting I'm missing on the server, or possibly the phones, to make it show up?
13:03.24jayteemorning beek
13:03.28[TK]D-FenderMorghus: pastebin your E51's sip peer masking only passwords.
13:03.31infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
13:04.41MorghusI have no idea what you mean by "E51's sip peer"
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13:05.26[TK]D-FenderMorghus: Well how else did you set up your E51 with *?
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13:05.36[TK]D-FenderMorghus: You ARE using its SIP client, no?
13:06.42MorghusYes, but I don't understand the question :)
13:06.49Morghus*the request
13:07.38[TK]D-FenderMorghus: I asked you to pastebin your CONFIG for this sip peer.
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13:08.28MorghusYou mean the settings on the phone, or the settings on the asterisk server?
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13:08.56[TK]D-FenderMorghus: * server ........
13:09.14MorghusAllright, hold on
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13:51.46j_kroonhi, is there anybody here who would be able to assist me with mISDN stuff?
13:51.50ivanvujisi1what's going on with DIALSTATUS variable?
13:52.12j_krooni'm having trouble compiling asterisk with misdn support on asterisk
13:52.21j_kroonand misdn v2 (in-kernel stuff)
13:52.53ivanvujisi1${DIALSTATUS} don't work in any idea?
13:53.42j_kroonthat's a strange one.
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14:03.54[TK]D-FenderivanvujisiPASteBIN is your friend <-  show us the problme.
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14:06.36Morghus[TK]D-Fender, sorry, stuff happened. Found the problem. Some dipshit had been clever with things... fixed now :)
14:10.28ivanvujisi1anybody to help me with ${DIALSTATUS} ?
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14:15.38kaldemarivanvujisi1: how does it not work? show the problem.
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14:18.19talirk81is there  a  equivenlant to php's is_set($ChanVarName)   in an asterisk Dial plan
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14:19.57tomodachihow does ip telephony generally play with international country codes?
14:20.18tomodachifor example dialing numbers that actually start with a + for example
14:20.27tomodachi+46 (for sweden, in my example)
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14:24.29mort_gibtomodachi: What do you mean?? That you can't call Sweden from Asterisk :-)
14:24.38tomodachimort_gib:  i know that :)
14:24.58tomodachiwell we have active directory (a ldap server with all of our data) including telephone numbers
14:25.06mort_gibtomodachi: Yeah....
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14:25.12tomodachithese numbers are stored in the format of +46 XXXXXX
14:25.16creativx+ is really 00
14:25.29tomodachiits + really just the same as 00?
14:25.37tomodachiin gsm networks
14:25.51tomodachi(phones sync this list through active sync)
14:26.07[TK]D-Fender[10:19]<tomodachi>how does ip telephony generally play with international country codes? <- no such thing
14:26.22tomodachi[TK]D-Fender: allow me to try to explain
14:26.36[TK]D-Fendertomodachi: How does my satellite TV receiver interact with peanut butter?
14:26.42tomodachiwe have softphones that we also want to sync with this ldap service (a corporate phone directory)
14:26.53tomodachibut trying to call +46 doesent really work well from a softphone
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14:27.10[TK]D-Fendertomodachi: What you dial on your softphone depends on the server it passes calls to.
14:27.41tomodachiguess im wonderig if its possible to let asterisk interpret + as 00 for example
14:27.45[TK]D-Fendertomodachi: * can handle a "+" in the pattern.  Now once you're talking about a ITSP, the format they require can differ as well
14:28.13[TK]D-Fendertomodachi: No, * interprets "+" as a "+".  What you DO with it it is up to YOU.  this is dialplan...
14:28.37tomodachiok so its possible if i just fiddle with my dialplan
14:29.11tomodachithat was an anwer that will keep me looking
14:29.14tomodachithanks for your input
14:29.26j_kroontomodachi, yes, like this:  exten => _+.,1,Goto(00${EXTEN:1},1)
14:30.23tomodachiok great, ill dig into it thnx for your quick answers
14:31.00[TK]D-Fendertomodachi: j_kroon's sample should tell you all you need to start mangling whatever was dialied into whatever form it needs to be.
14:31.42tomodachii saw no refrence to + in the asterisk manual i found so i was unsure, ive done some dialplan editing so i've gotten what i need to get started, thnx again
14:31.43j_kroonyes, funny thing is i wrote that prolly just 5 minutes ago before reading this...
14:31.55tomodachij_kroon: ok :) good timing then
14:32.35j_kroonyes, some client of mine is clearly insisting on passing +27 instead of 0 ... already had a rewrite for 0027 -> 0 so the logical thing was to rewrite + to 00
14:33.43tomodachithe reason we do it is that actve sync (and gsm phones that inherit this global adressbook, plays nicely with it , possibly your customer is in a similar situation
14:34.56j_kroonnow i just need to get misdn working.
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14:48.11arsenick-Hi all, we was trying to mark packet comming from our asterisk server to send it via one of our both cable connection
14:48.51arsenick-everything we tried failed, so we put things back to normal and now we are unable to make any external call
14:49.03arsenick-WARNING[18308]: channel.c:3210 ast_request: No channel type registered for ''
14:49.04arsenick-[Jun 22 10:47:06] WARNING[18308]: app_dial.c:1272 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type '' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
14:49.24arsenick-the weird part is that there is not channel type, just ' '
14:50.22arsenick-anyone understand this ??????
14:50.30[TK]D-Fenderarsenick-: And the reason you aren't shoing us the command that CAUSED the error is?
14:50.51[TK]D-Fenderarsenick-: You have clearly screwed up your DIAL command and what's missing is no doubt completely obvious
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14:54.32arsenick-[TK]D-Fender, here it is
14:55.32[TK]D-Fenderarsenick-: -- Executing [94189302424@DLPN_DialPlan1:1] Macro("SIP/124-b2f15dc8", "trunkdial-failover-0.3|/4189302424||xxxxxxxxxx|trunk_1") <- look what this macro is being passed
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14:55.58[TK]D-Fenderarsenick-: -- Executing [1-dial@macro-trunkdial-failover-0.3:1] Dial("SIP/124-b2f15dc8", "/4189302424") in new stack ,-- and here you can see that it doesn't add any tech to it
14:56.06[TK]D-Fenderarsenick-: Nor any peer, etc
14:57.43arsenick-u mean we're supposed to see something like IAX2/3646324/4189302424 ? or ZAP ?
14:59.32[TK]D-Fenderarsenick-: Clearly.
14:59.47arsenick-all my trunk still in the gui and in the user.conf plus I deleted the outgoing rule and reinsert it without success...
15:00.53arsenick-I'm not sure if this is related to our modification on the firewall, we just got another connection, so we wanted to forward all the udp 4569 comming from our asterisk server to out voip provider
15:01.20[TK]D-Fenderarsenick-: This is a config error straight up
15:01.31arsenick-but we had few problem and nothing worked.. so we removed ou modification and rebooted both server just to be sure.. and now it's broken :P
15:02.07kaldemarsounds like a GUI bug, report it to whom it concerns.
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15:03.44adr3nalin3Could someone please give me a hand with Call Recording, I am using snom320's. I enabled automon in features.conf, put DYNAMIC_FEATURES = automon in extensions.conf and put wW in the DIALOPTIONS global variable I am using.  I also changed the record button on the snom320 to DTMF with *1 as the snom wiki stated.
15:04.09[TK]D-FenderCould be a GUI bug, could be user error....
15:06.11kaldemarcould be anything, but based on  the current information they only played with the firewall by hand, not asterisk configuration.
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15:11.37arsenick-[TK]D-Fender, the version of asterisk-gui is the last tarball from digium ftp
15:11.46arsenick-is it safe to try updating from svn ?
15:12.00[TK]D-Fenderarsenick-: GUI's are not supported here, go check out their channel.
15:12.47*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (
15:14.12Joelarsenick- try it?
15:14.39arsenick-it's weird the error don't show any type of channel, iax, sip zap or anything else it's just ' '
15:14.52Joelarsenick- bugs do exist in software.
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15:24.23arsenick-ok so I got the last version of gui and asterisk 1.4, got the same error so it should be an error somewhere in the config..
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16:01.30WildPikachuevening guys
16:03.22KavanS<adr3nalin3>: do you want to monitor every call?
16:03.28KavanSadr3nalin3: do you want to monitor every call? err :P
16:03.34KavanSnot sure how the < >'s got in there
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16:07.14carrarpretty sure if you leave the  "<>" in there they will have no idea who you are talking too :)
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16:13.44InfoNutzHello all!... i'm hoping someone has some guru advice on upgrading a production version of asterisk 1.2.0 to the latest version... what is involved in the upgrading taking in considerations that would impact customer service... is it possible to jump from 1.2.0 to say 1.6 or 1.4.  Is the most stable version at the moment?
16:14.51russellb1.4 is more mature than 1.6
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16:15.02russellbfor upgrade information, please please please read UPGRADE.txt
16:15.21enzomy asterisk opens port 2000, but i don't use this port, how can i ask him to shut it down ?
16:16.13InfoNutzthanks russellb!
16:17.04enzoskinny.conf opens this port indeed, any idea to close it ?
16:17.07WildPikachuso zaptel was replaced in 1.6 with dahdi?
16:17.40russellbenzo: don't load chan_skinny
16:17.44enzozaptel until asterisk 1.4
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16:17.47russellbnoload => in modules.conf
16:17.52WildPikachuis there a doc describing the changes?  :)  so i don't waste you guys time
16:18.00russellbWildPikachu: and dahdi should be used in 1.4 as well, though 1.4 will support both
16:18.05russellbbut zaptel is no longer maintained
16:18.13e0n`so i am playing with some call files in the outgoing queue (spool files), how do I make the phone ring as well so that when I specify an outgoing call that I create the desk phone rings
16:18.18enzook thanks russellb
16:18.21russellbin asterisk 1.4 - see Zaptel-to-DAHDI.txt
16:18.28russellbsimilar files are also in the DAHDI releases
16:18.44WildPikachuthanks russellb
16:19.49adr3nalin3KavanS: I would like monitor on demand with the record button on my snom 320s
16:20.01WildPikachugoogles for where speex went to
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16:21.24HorizonXPin my dialplan, how can I execute a bash script?
16:21.49HorizonXPright now I have exten => _<mynum>,n,System(bash /var/spool/asterisk/
16:22.34adr3nalin3KavanS: You from Omaha?
16:22.54e0n`Anyone have any further documentation, the call file *should* have the SIP phone right yes? Or does it just dial outbound mindlessly?
16:23.41enzoi see that asterisk opens 5038 port  for Asterisk Call Manager, you know good soft using this feature ?
16:24.36joakoHorizonXP: Exec can execute your script, but will not return any values expect perhaps 0, -1, etc. If you need to pass variables you need to write an AGI script
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16:29.09e0n`hmm, so call files do not allow the desk phone to ring as well as calling outbound?
16:29.41kaldemarjoako: what happened to System(/path/to/script ${VAR1}) ?
16:30.29kaldemaryou don't need AGI to pass variables, getting variable values to the script is another thing.
16:30.39KavanSadr3nalin3, ok...I've got some good work for monitoring on my side...took me awhile
16:30.50e0n`Just hangs up the instant I answer
16:30.53KavanSadr3nalin3, but mine is automatic....takes place during every phone call
16:30.56*** part/#asterisk xheliox (
16:31.21enzowell now, i see port 2727 udp open port by asterisk, but i do't see this port in a conf file in /etc/asterisk, any idea what it is ?
16:31.58kaldemarenzo: MGCP
16:32.19enzobut i've added noload=> and restarted but still there
16:33.06enzoah it has disappeared now, weird...
16:33.12joakokaldemar: You can run it but you won't get back any variables the script generates
16:33.51HorizonXPjoako: that only executes Dialplan applications
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16:34.31joakoHorizonXP: System executes a unix command...
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16:35.20HorizonXPjoako: right, which is what I want. I want to execute a bash script that I have to modify the time of an outgoing call
16:35.20joakokaldemar: Here's a REALLY simple AGI script, maybe it helps you:
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16:35.43HorizonXPjoako: i want to schedule the call for a minute into the future
16:36.42kaldemarjoako: to be accurate, you can get back any variable that a script generates. thanks for the example, but i don't really need it. :)
16:37.35joakoHorizonXP: In that case if you don't need any value return from the script System() will work fine
16:38.02HorizonXPjoako: is there anything special i need to do to have it actually execute? because it's not working right now..
16:38.14joakoHorizonXP: Check permissions?
16:38.23HorizonXPjoako: it's owned by asterisk
16:38.29joakoMake sure you are using absolute paths, etc
16:39.07joakoHorizonXP: Is it chmod +x?
16:39.18kaldemaryou don't need the bash part in front of the script name. if the .sh is executable, it will run. and joako is right about the path, it won't work without a path.
16:39.24HorizonXPjoako: System(/bin/bash -c /var/spool/asterisk/
16:39.31HorizonXPjoako: it is +x
16:39.58enzoasterisk opens 5038, i can unload a module, or i need to put enabled = false in manager.conf?
16:40.28joakoHorizonXP: Try just System(/var/spool/asterisk/ and personally even though it doesn't affect much I would put either in a bin/ directory or your agi-bin directory
16:41.33joakoHorizonXP: I assume /var/spool/asterisk/ at a command prompt works BTW, if it doesn't you need to sort that out first.
16:42.07HorizonXPjoako: still same thing
16:43.16rob0Environment could also be an issue.
16:46.43HorizonXPjoako: it does
16:46.46HorizonXProb0: how so?
16:47.07*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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16:48.39HorizonXPi can't figure out why this isn't working
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16:53.28rob0"How so?" What are you asking? Even if I was qualified and inclined to explain all the details of shell command execution to you, it could not be done in IRC.
16:54.13rob0I scrolled up to see where you pastebinned the script, did not see it. You want wild guesses?
16:54.20infobotfrom memory, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
16:56.05*** part/#asterisk scooby2 (n=scooby2@pdpc/supporter/active/scooby2)
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16:57.19HorizonXProb0: well I can pastebin the script if you like :)
16:58.09Joeluse the full path to date
16:58.16Joeland touch
16:58.35Joeland the voip call file
16:59.07*** join/#asterisk jshriver (n=jshriver@
16:59.16jshriveranyone recommend easyAsterisk?
16:59.31Joeljshriver yes, I recommend asterisk.
16:59.44ariel_what is easyAsterisk?
16:59.46jshriverwhat about easyAsterisk for use as a server/asterisk
16:59.51Joeljshriver yes, I recommend asterisk.
16:59.52HorizonXPJoel: that was perfect, thank you.
16:59.53jshriverCentOS 5 based distro I think
17:00.02jshriverwith web GUI for configuring asterisk
17:00.11JoelHorizonXP it's because $PATH isn't what you expect.
17:00.21Joeljshriver try #easyAsterisk ?
17:01.05jshriverjust didnt know if anyone here had tried it or recommended it
17:01.25jshriverhaving a problem with my new box, was on the phone with digium for over an hour and they couldnt figure it out and never had a call back
17:01.32ariel_argh easyAsterisk is a limited system which you then need to go to the pro
17:01.59Joeljshriver try the freepbx comercial support
17:02.07ariel_jshriver: try asteriskNow it's an ISO, Elastix or PBX in a Flash
17:02.36jshriverthanks will give it a try. Using asterisk 1.4 now with CentOS 5, works mostly but doesnt do pots calls.
17:03.00Joeljshriver like I said, try the freepbx commercial support.
17:03.47jshriverhow much is that?
17:03.50ariel_jshriver: the ones I posted are based on Freepbx and don't have any limits on extensions, pots lines or anything like that
17:03.57Joeljshriver google?
17:04.03jshriverhrm ok
17:04.12ariel_jshriver: ones I posted are free
17:04.29jshriverty will look into asteriskNow as well
17:13.55*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
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17:28.13Kattyfinally gets to sit down for a minute.
17:28.49[TK]D-Fendergives Katty a standing ovation
17:28.56*** join/#asterisk BobPierce (n=BobPierc@
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17:30.10Kattyeyes [TK]D-Fender
17:30.22*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:30.35rob0has had all he can standsk and can standsk no more! <toot, toot>
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17:43.52Kattyso... where's everyone at
17:44.16Kattyhugs jaytee
17:44.36jayteehugs Katty
17:45.09*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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17:50.58ariel_jaytee: I guess your working like most of us.
17:52.04alrsThis channel is much quieter than I remember it being a couple of years ago.
17:52.11*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (
17:52.45ariel_alrs: yes it is
17:54.03alrsIs it the global economy?  Is everyone over in #freeswitch?
17:54.44coppiceits the economy. the channel needs a bailout
17:54.59*** join/#asterisk louben (
17:55.15ariel_bailout, argh just think of our kids, kids will be paying for all of these bailouts.
17:55.50alrsThey'll have devalued the dollar by then, don't sweat it
17:56.16coppiceariel_: heh neat. I can get the kids to pay for *my* telecoms for a change
18:00.35ariel_just seems our kids expect us to give them more, every year they just want more....
18:02.52lanningPlease sir.  Can I have some more?
18:06.10ariel_is having fun configuring yet another 976 number......;-)
18:08.58*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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18:13.41leifmadsenhardwire: ping?
18:14.01hardwireyou rang?
18:14.08leifmadsencan I pm you? :)
18:14.14hardwirepm away.
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18:24.50*** join/#asterisk AiZ (n=AiZ@
18:25.50AiZhello, i need some help to compile app_switch... it should be easy but i'm getting tons of errors like
18:27.27AiZ' /usr/include/string.h:59: error: declaration for parameter âmemsetâ but no such parameter
18:27.32AiZ' /usr/include/string.h:59: error: declaration for parameter âmemsetâ but no such parameter
18:27.59*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:30.05tzafrir_laptopAiZ, what version of asterisk?
18:30.31AiZAsterisk 1.4.17~dfsg-2ubuntu1
18:30.49tzafrir_laptopapp_switch from where exactly?
18:31.13tzafrir_laptopdo you rebuild the source of that package?
18:31.25AiZapp_swift, sorry
18:32.32AiZthe module that is used in order to interact with cepstral voices... got it from
18:34.32AiZtzafrir_laptop come back :)
18:36.10jplankdoes nat=yes when type=peer work?
18:38.34DefrazI have a new PRI coming in what is the best card to use for that. Should I go Digium or Sangoma
18:38.42DefrazAny ideas?
18:42.25*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
18:43.29*** join/#asterisk madduck (n=madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
18:43.50madduckit should be fairly trivial to Set(Language(),...) based on the first few digits of the caller ID, right?
18:43.57madduckI cannot find any recipes though
18:44.18madducke.g. my default language is German, and if an Irish lad calls from a +353... number, I want language==en
18:45.24leifmadsenmadduck: Set(LANGUAGE()=${IF($[${CALLERID(num):0:3} = 123]?fr:en)})
18:45.27leifmadsenmadduck: something like that
18:45.52leifmadsenexact syntax for LANGUAGE() function (does that exist?) unknown
18:46.22madduckah, and use GotoIf to prevent overriding the default
18:46.41madduckwill try thanks
18:46.58*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
18:49.21madduck is the standard, I think
18:50.37AiZcan anyone help me with app_swift? ... perhaps it doesn`t work on 64bits
18:51.32QwellAiZ: The author needs to update it for the version of Asterisk you're building against.
18:53.51AiZQwell: thanks :)
18:55.48*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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19:00.10madduck[Jun 22 20:57:48] ERROR[24846]: pbx.c:3368 ast_func_write: Function LANGUAGE not registered
19:00.13madduckis a bit disconcerting
19:04.32putnopvutmadduck: Set(CHANNEL(language)=en)
19:04.55madducki *just* found it too. ;)
19:05.36*** join/#asterisk arpu (
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19:44.43bryanfe2can anyone tell me how to determine for absolutely certain, if "internal_timing=yes" in asterisk.conf really is working?
19:44.51rue_mohrso can bugs be filed on stables or only on the latest release?
19:45.27rue_mohrbryanfe2, which timing is that for?
19:45.58bryanfe2yes exactly
19:46.38rue_mohrmay I ask you what makes you suspect its not?
19:47.00rue_mohrwhat makes you suspect its not?
19:47.03tompaw2 quick questions:
19:47.12bryanfe2I have SIP clients with "silence suppression" enabled. Asterisk isn't sending them any audio while the listener is silent.
19:47.22bryanfe2I believe that a switch to "internal_timing" is supposed to alleviate this.
19:47.41bryanfe2but I'm not observing that, even though I think I have internal_timing set up correctly.
19:47.44rue_mohrbryanfe2, tdm800 with hwec?
19:47.51tompaw1) Is there a way to delay the answer of a call in Asterisk? Let's say I want to perform some DB actions that take 5 second and I don't want the remote party to be billed for that (FAS)?
19:48.03bryanfe2i have no actual telephony cards installed, I"m just using dahdi_dummy (I believe)
19:48.12tompaw2) Are there any tools for sound detection? Like the ringback sound for example?
19:48.19rue_mohrthere is a flag to not send data when you just have silence
19:48.28rue_mohr:/ I cant remember where
19:48.30bryanfe2that flag == bad
19:48.35rue_mohrits called someting like discontinious
19:48.50bryanfe2sip flag?
19:49.17rue_mohrtompaw, asterisk asnwers when you do answer()
19:49.38rue_mohrtompaw, maybe, check the stuff that TAD uses
19:49.46bryanfe2i just found something... codecs.conf "discontinuous transmission" - stops transmitting completely when silence is detected. I have the default setting of "dtx => false"
19:49.48rue_mohrbryanfe2, maybe, not sure
19:49.55rue_mohrthats it
19:49.57*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
19:50.04bryanfe2i guess maybe I want to try "true"?
19:50.17rue_mohrno I think you want it flase...
19:50.38tompawrue_mohr: let me pastebin you the scenario.
19:51.22rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, you just gonna sit there or help me out here?
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19:51.30tompawrue_mohr: TAD?
19:51.41rue_mohrer, uh
19:51.46rue_mohranswering machine detection
19:51.52rue_mohrso I guess its AMD
19:52.04tompawsounds like something perfect!
19:52.16*** join/#asterisk mesfet (
19:53.17bryanfe2rue_mohr are you talking to me? AMD?
19:53.43rue_mohrno state retention, I have no idea what I was talking baout
19:53.59madducklikes the result:
19:54.09madduckleifmadsen, putnopvut: fyi ^^
19:54.30tompawrue_mohr: if you'd be kind enough to have a look at
19:55.06*** join/#asterisk arpu (
19:55.56tompawrue_mohr: in that scenario, when a remote party calls the [cont_project] content, the call will be answered as soon as the far end from 2nd step answers (Dial)
19:56.27tompawrue_mohr: I want to delay this moment so I can perform some extra actions in 3rd step and only THEN signal the call as answered
19:56.53tompawrue_mohr: what I already found out is this...
19:57.29leifmadsenmadduck: nice
19:58.01tompawin this case SOME of the Macro actions can delay the Answer, for example SendDTMF()
19:58.21tompaw(the call will be signalled as answered to a caller only after SendDTMF() finished sending everything)
19:58.26tompawthat's it
19:58.34tompawI can simply send enough "w"s to make it wait
20:00.19*** join/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
20:00.43alonzohow long it wait if you send "w"?
20:01.05leifmadsen500ms I think
20:01.36leifmadsenbecause that's how it's programmed?
20:02.13alonzoit's phone function, or asterisk parameter?
20:02.53*** part/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
20:03.19rue_mohrso just dont put in an answer()
20:03.36tompawit would be super amazing if I could do something like this:
20:03.38rue_mohrit wont answer till either you do answer() or dial passes it to someone who does
20:04.01tompawrue_mohr: that's it! I don't WANT it to do that automated answer() when the dial()'ed party answers.
20:04.41rue_mohrso have it give them playtones, set up the other side, and give them to each other using a meetme or soemthing
20:05.20rue_mohrused "or somthing" this means he dosn't really know, and thats not surprising cause he isn't an asterisk pro
20:05.31bryanfe2rue any other ideas? :(
20:05.57bryanfe2as far as I can tell I have internal_timing set up correctly, but my SIP clients with silence suppression still aren't working correctly.
20:06.10bryanfe2Maybe I'm mistaken in my assumption that internal_timing is supposed to fix SIP silence suppression in the first place.
20:07.38rue_mohrbryanfe2, AGI
20:07.41[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, bbiabv
20:08.25bryanfe2rue what about AGI?
20:08.27jayteesip silence suppression should be turned off on phone
20:08.38rue_mohryour just annoyed cause I pointed out asterisk has a 10db loss in its slinear <-> ulaw converter
20:08.40bryanfe2jaytee we really want to support that feature, to conserve bandwidth
20:09.18rue_mohrjaytee, is it worth me filing a bug about the 1mw being 10db out?
20:10.15bryanfe2jaytee can you pls explain, are you suggesting I turn off silence suppression because no matter what I do, Asterisk won't handle it correctly?
20:11.35jayteebryanfe2, just that having silence suppression turned on can cause issues with MOH audio dropping out, disconnects etc.
20:12.06bryanfe2jaytee yes that's the kind of problem I'm having, which I was led to believe that proper use of internal_timing (via dahdi_dummy) would fix.
20:12.37jayteedahdi_dummy would never come into play in a SIP to SIP call unless you used MeetMe or Page.
20:12.51bryanfe2it's sip to our application
20:12.53bryanfe2not sip to sip
20:12.55*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
20:13.57bryanfe2is there any way to fix, for example, MOH to a SIP client with silence suppression enabled, other than by turning off silence suppression? (our goal is to keep it on)
20:14.55jayteeplay a message to the person being put on hold that they need to continuously blow into the microphone :-)
20:15.08bryanfe2any alternative to that? ;)
20:15.31bryanfe2our app basically has the caller on mute (more or less), and we have to play stuff out to them.
20:15.45bryanfe2we really want to enable silence suppression, to conserve bandwidth
20:15.58bryanfe2but our apps seem to break (no audio being sent to the SIP client) under those conditions
20:16.12bryanfe2is there any way under the sun that this can be made to work other than having them blow into the mic or disabling silence suppression?
20:20.00bryanfe2I guess that's a "no"
20:26.23*** part/#asterisk ivanvujisic (n=ivanvuji@
20:27.26rue_mohrbryanfe2, you have checked all the nlp settings to make sure their off?
20:27.32rue_mohr(I dont know wher they are)
20:27.39rue_mohroh you want it on thoguh
20:27.59rue_mohrbryanfe2, sorry, that discontinious mode, you do want it true
20:28.08bryanfe2in codecs.conf?
20:28.22rue_mohrsorry, I got mixed up, most people want it off cause the silence makes them think the calls been dropped
20:28.24bryanfe2it's under the [speex] section, and I'm not using speex for far as I know
20:28.50bryanfe2there is no discontinuous option in sip.conf as far as I can see
20:29.55rue_mohroh turn on nlp...
20:30.30tompawGuys, that AMD is amazing.
20:30.30bryanfe2i dont know what that is, nor see an option for it
20:30.34tompawI just need some help with it
20:30.55bryanfe2rue whats nlp?
20:31.17tompawAMD says:  Changed state to STATE_IN_SILENCE, Too long...
20:31.24tompawWhich variable defines that "too long" period?
20:31.33tompawI went through all of them in amd.conf and noone seems to match.
20:33.01bryanfe2rue what's nlp?
20:34.02*** join/#asterisk jpcansa (
20:34.46rue_mohrnot sure
20:34.52rue_mohrsomething to do with silence muting
20:36.52jpcansadoes anybody know how to set far end disconnect on a digium card?
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20:48.04Nox93If I have a sip peer named "xyz" and I want to dial phone number 1112223333 through them is it proper to use Dial(SIP/1112223333@xyz,30) ?
20:48.18Nox93I get the same thing(a generic message) as if I use no extension.
20:50.41autojackNox93: the syntax I use is Dial(SIP/xyz/111222333,30)
21:03.51autojackI have a setup with a DID calling in over SIP, taking a phone number input from the caller, and then dialing out over SIP via my VOIP termination provider. on answer, my system bridges the calls so they can talk. pretty simple.
21:04.08autojackI'm having occasional issues with calls being answered at the other end, but no audio passing.
21:04.38autojackit's intermittent and usually works after a couple of tries if it doesn't work on the first one.
21:05.38autojackI'm not using NAT or any firewall on the Asterisk end, and I tried switching to packet2packet bridging instead of using SIP reinvite on my calls.
21:06.00autojackmy termination provider thinks my config is OK, so I guess maybe this is a problem with one of their routes.
21:06.07autojackany thoughts?
21:09.11*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
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21:11.21ariel_autojack: how are your did's coming into your pbx?
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21:25.42autojackariel_: the DID is set up to connect over SIP.
21:26.28ariel_So your sip provider is giving you the did and are you also using them for your termination?
21:27.34*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
21:27.35autojackwell, I bought the DID through my termination provider, and I know they get it from didx.
21:27.45*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
21:27.45autojackI'm not sure if that means the DID is fully controlled by them or not.
21:27.55autojackI use their site to configure what the DID does.
21:28.04*** join/#asterisk xphree (n=seele@unaffiliated/xpider)
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21:28.50xphreeHello, i'm having a problem with the dialcommand params... i have the following dialcommand param |60|HLC(%timeout%:61000:00000)
21:29.18xphreewhere %timeout% is the duration of the call... but the system never hangup the call when achieve the timeout
21:29.57xphreeonly if i remove the C the system hangup the call.. but i need to keep the C param because i need that the call be billed when the party answer the call
21:30.02xphreeanyone can help me with this?
21:33.58*** join/#asterisk scalex000 (
21:34.29scalex000Hi everyone
21:35.22*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
21:37.39xphreehello all
21:37.50blaxthoslots of questioners, very few answers today :(
21:38.05*** join/#asterisk j_kroon (
21:38.09blaxthosso i added a new extension today (x103), polycom 501 SIP, trixbox/latest
21:38.25blaxthoscan dial from it to any internal extension (10x), or out a trunk no problem
21:38.36blaxthosbut can't dial into that extension (103) from anywhere
21:39.23ariel_autojack: I would have to say that it could be your reinvite, since you don't know where your provider is behind the read did, you might be having issues as to where there being setup from.
21:39.43blaxthosall other extensions work perfectly, always have
21:39.45blaxthosany ideas ?
21:40.08ariel_it's pass 5:30 pm and I need to head home.  See you guys I hope tomorrow.
21:42.44j_kroonhi all.  i'm looking to make a choice based on whether a certain "sound" exists or not, eg, if foo/bar can be played, play it, otherwize play some other default.  I've seen the EXISTS function, but I suspect this more tests for existence of variables, not for existence of files.  alternative ideas?
21:45.20e0n`So how can I track with asterisk to see if a phone number has been disconnected if I am using /outgoing spool files
21:46.06j_kroonor do you want to keep a certain concurrency?
21:46.26e0n`Just a way to retrieve the info back from asterisk and store into a file or database of sorts
21:46.30e0n`so I can track it on my own
21:46.41j_kroonCDRs is the way to go imho.
21:46.57j_krooncdr_custom is a good choice imho.
21:47.31e0n`can cdr_custom interact with postgres or only mysql
21:48.23j_kroonit dumps you a text file.
21:48.41*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (n=rue@
21:48.46j_kroonfor mysql you can use cdr_mysql (asterisk-addons), and for postgres I believe cdr_odbc should work.
21:49.15e0n`Ok i'll look into it
21:50.44blaxthosTwo D.C. Metro trains collided during rush hour Monday, CNN reports.
21:53.05ajohnsonI think it's funny how the whole headline doesn't fit inside of the box on my machine
21:53.17ajohnsonWatch Now is half cut off
21:54.41Deeewaynemog, ping
21:55.35*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
21:55.50rue_mohrwho here has system running a dahdi card?
21:56.22Aiatekyou mean dahdi modules
21:56.43rue_mohrdahdi drivers for whatever hardware they have
21:56.47drmessanohas a zaptel card, not a dahdi card.. :(
21:57.00rue_mohrso your using the old drivers
21:57.04Aiateki have a card running with dahdi
21:57.19drmessanothrows it in a box with his windows video card
21:57.21rue_mohrAiatek, ever had any volume complaints?
21:57.45rue_mohrwhat version of the drivers/asterisk are you using?
21:58.27AiatekDAHDI Linux
21:59.00rue_mohrwhat asterisk ver?
22:01.18rue_mohrcould you do me a favor, dial into a miliwatt() app, run dahdi_monitor -vv on the channel and tell me the level it says?
22:01.20rue_mohrI want to confirm its about 4600
22:01.59Aiatekwell i need to turn on my lab pc, because the one that it is in production its in my job
22:02.15rue_mohrit wont interrupt anything
22:02.29rue_mohryou can do it completely safely live
22:02.39Aiatekim not in my job
22:02.59rue_mohrif you get a chance, I'd really like to know
22:10.25rue_mohrnobody else running digium hardware?
22:10.27talirk81In AGI is the  a way i can set the CallerID Name,   using Set CallerID  sets the number and name both the the number, but i would like to do a nice name, without having to  do it in the actual dial plan
22:11.27rue_mohrcant help there
22:12.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:12.58russellbset CALLERID(name)
22:13.32russellbexec Set CALLERID(name)=newname
22:13.35russellbor whatever the syntax is
22:33.26*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
22:36.48*** join/#asterisk xphree (n=seele@unaffiliated/xpider)
22:36.58xphreeHello people, i need help with the dialcommand params
22:37.53xphreewhen i made a call with the param |60|HCL(60000:610000:30000), the system don't hangup the call when the timeout is achieved
22:41.11xphreeanyone has an idea about my problem?
22:43.14*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
22:44.17j_kroonxphree, which timeout?
22:44.34j_kroonand why are you using | compared to , ?
22:44.47xphreein the dialcommand param
22:45.52j_kroonthe L() one?
22:46.13xphreeDIAL DAHDI/g2/xxxxx:xxxx@server/number|60|HCL(60000:61000:30000)
22:46.16xphreethes, the L one
22:46.23j_kroondoes it make a diff at all if you use , instead of | ?
22:46.57j_kroonwtf?!?  that DAHDI doesn't look right ... but it could just be me that doesn't know that syntax.
22:47.13*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
22:47.28j_kroonalso, i'd wager the fact that y is larger than x might throw L() a bit.
22:47.57j_kroonL(x[:y][:z]) <- x is the limit, y is the warn time, thus I'd assume that y needs to be less than x.
22:48.18j_kroonso what happens if you have L(60000:30000:10000) ?
22:48.53xphreeif i use , the system don't call
22:49.01j_kroonasterisk version?
22:49.40j_kroonok, i'm using 1.6 generally.
22:50.01xphreeno, if i use the other conf my system hangup the call inmediatly
22:50.09j_kroonextensions.conf:exten => _X.,n,Dial(${ARG1}/${EXTEN},,${trdialopts}) <-- what I use generally.
22:50.21*** join/#asterisk bryanfe2 (
22:50.36j_kroonso with the 60000:30000:10000 you get immediate hangup?
22:50.58xphreelet me check
22:51.19j_kroonthat sounds severely wierd.
22:51.44j_kroonfinally.  after about a week i finally got misdn running on a kernel.
22:52.09j_kroonwell, compiled at least.
22:52.28xphreei'm checking with your suggestion
22:53.42[TK]D-Fenderxphree: xxxxx:xxxx@server/number <--- this is VOIP FORMATTING, not DAHDI
22:54.44xphree[TK]D-Fender: ok my mistake, i confused SIP with DAHDI, sorry
22:54.51[TK]D-FenderCRAZY TALK
22:55.14*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:55.23xphreei have this: DIAL DAHDI/g1/3006557385|60|HLC(60000:30000:10000)
22:56.05xphreebut the call don't hangup on timeout
22:56.37xphreeand this is causing problems on my billing system
22:57.15seanbrightis that being called from an AGI?
22:57.20seanbrightor from extensions.conf?
22:57.34[TK]D-Fenderxphree: Since when does the "C" option take the timeout parms?
22:57.37xphreefrom an AGI (a2billing.php)
22:57.47seanbrightgood eyes, TK
22:57.54[TK]D-Fenderxphree: Get your order right and go read the instrucitons
22:58.45xphreeok, rearrange the dialcomman param to HCL(60000:30000:10000)
22:58.57xphreei'm checking.. wait me a minute :)
22:59.26*** part/#asterisk bryanfe2 (
23:00.31xphreeis working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
23:01.11xphreei was confused by an online tutorial... i will send an email to the author
23:01.30j_kroonshees, well spotted [TK]D-Fender ... i would have stared a while.
23:01.56[TK]D-Fenderxphree: Don't blame him that you aren't even reading the instructions.
23:02.08xphreethanks to j_kroon seanbright and [TK]D-Fender and all the Staff for helping us
23:02.27seanbrightthat's what we get paid the big bucks for
23:02.40j_kroonspeak for yourself :p
23:02.59seanbrighti'm here for free, too :)
23:03.12infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
23:03.17Qwellthe latter part :p
23:05.17xphreei'm breathing again... but i lost like 200 usd that i owe my customer because of the timeout.. lol
23:06.20xphreeyes, ups!
23:08.56*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@unaffiliated/troubled)
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23:11.34*** join/#asterisk bryanfe2 (
23:13.36bryanfe2does anyone here know if there is some flag I have to set, other than internal_timing = yes, to make sure that RTP uses the internal timer for outbound audio?
23:18.50*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:20.42*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (n=digitali@shellium/member/digitalirony)
23:24.12j_kroonbryanfe2, i always play it safe and pass -I in addition to settong internal_timing=yes ... when i set it up there were some conflicting reports as to whether setting internal_timing had any effect,
23:24.37bryanfe2j_kroon I am passing -I as well
23:24.53bryanfe2my SIP audio behavior is acting as if internal timing is not being used (no audio sent to client, when client is silent)
23:25.09bryanfe2but as far as I can tell, I have everything set up correctly for the internal timer to exist.
23:25.58*** join/#asterisk denesh (n=chatzill@
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23:27.01deneshHi everyone... I am new to Asterisk and I need some one to help me understand the possibilities with asterisk
23:27.58deneshI have an office in which an analog phone line needs to be answered by an answering system and route the calls to different rooms based on extension number
23:28.04deneshis this possible with asterisk ?
23:28.40[TK]D-Fenderdenesh: easily
23:28.48deneshgood awesome....
23:28.59deneshnow how do i go about it... hardware requirements ?
23:29.39*** join/#asterisk gunter (n=user@
23:30.17deneshdo i need any special cards to hook up the phones to the system ?
23:31.44*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
23:33.08[TK]D-Fenderdenesh: depends what kind of phones
23:33.49deneshregular analog phones
23:34.28Pan3Ddenesh: you
23:34.54Pan3Dwill need a small device that converts your regular phone connection to a network connection
23:35.30*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
23:36.01deneshhmm if someone could point me to a howto or tutorial...
23:36.17Pan3Dis psychic
23:36.29Pan3Dgood luck
23:36.58infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:37.01Pan3Dyou might also want to look at the relevant sections of the * book
23:37.09Pan3Dis psychic
23:37.11deneshgood... i have those... i'll give them a shot
23:43.22*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
23:50.50*** join/#asterisk HeXiLeD (n=H3X@unaffiliated/hexiled)
23:56.42*** part/#asterisk denesh (n=chatzill@
23:58.59*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@

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