IRC log for #asterisk on 20090619

00:02.45*** join/#asterisk thehar (
00:03.20Corydon76-digbuttons840: a T2?
00:03.45buttons840well, i don't know really, i thought that's what it would be, i have 96 lines
00:03.51buttons840could be a few t1's
00:03.58Corydon76-digbuttons840: more like 4 T1s
00:04.24Corydon76-digIt's up to you
00:04.40Corydon76-digThey both accomplish the same task with the same APIs
00:04.56tompawif (ast_cdr_disposition(chan->cdr,chan->hangupcause)) ast_cdr_failed(chan->cdr); << maybe here?
00:05.22*** join/#asterisk qdk (
00:06.15buttons840with the spool files, must i use a specific extension, or is there a way to say, in essence "just make this call on any available line"
00:06.15*** join/#asterisk xzcvczx (n=simon@gentoo/user/xzcvczx)
00:06.56xzcvczxhas anyone got the asterisk book in pdf? seems to be giving a bad pdf file
00:07.26buttons840i have it
00:07.42Corydon76-digtompaw: what version?
00:07.43buttons840 ?
00:07.48buttons840that doesn't work?
00:08.09xzcvczxnope, i click on the pdf file link and adobe reader just keeps saying bad dilw
00:08.48Corydon76-digtompaw: how are you generating this call?
00:09.16buttons840i will try download
00:09.37tompawCorydon76-dig: I read some data from Mysql, close the Mysql link and simply Dial(..., timeout, M(foo))
00:09.59tompawfoo doesn't do anything special, it just uses the data read from Mysql on the channel
00:10.16xzcvczxah, i didnt realise it was so big, i will try downloading it as well, it may have just been corrupting due to my incredibly slow connection to that server
00:10.18tompawand the whole thing is about marking this channel free when the call ends, for whatever reason.
00:10.26Corydon76-digtompaw: no, I meant, how is the originating channel occurring?
00:10.37buttons840xzcvczx, i downloaded it again and it works
00:10.46Corydon76-digtompaw: Incoming SIP?  Call file?  How?
00:10.52tompawCorydon76-dig: incoming sip peer call.
00:10.57xzcvczxi am only getting 9kb/s so it will take me a while to check it
00:11.17buttons840your connection slow, or just that server?
00:11.24xzcvczxbuttons840: just to that server
00:11.39xzcvczxi can get 1.5MB/s from some servers
00:12.23xzcvczxbuttons840: you wouldn't be able to email it to me by any chance could you
00:12.34*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=blkry@
00:12.52Corydon76-digtompaw: Are you getting anything on the console at verbose level 2 that indicates that "h" ran, but exited early?
00:13.23Corydon76-digtompaw: i.e. "Spawn extension (foo, h, 1) exited non-zero on '...'"
00:13.55tompawCorydon76-dig: no, only s extensions are mentioned. h isn't even touched.
00:14.28Corydon76-digtompaw: do you have ANY "Spawn extension... exited non-zero" messages?
00:16.20tompawCorydon76-dig: yes, one for the context defined as incoming sip peer's context, and the other one for the macro that's being used to wrap this all up.
00:16.51Corydon76-digtompaw: Is this in a Macro?
00:17.21Corydon76-digtompaw: and your "h" extension is in that Macro?
00:17.37tompawCorydon76-dig: yes and yes.
00:18.32Corydon76-digtompaw: Please upgrade to SVN 1.6.1
00:18.52buttons840Corydon76-dig, can you create a spool file that will chose from a number of open lines, or do you have to specify a single specific line?
00:19.20Corydon76-digtompaw: Already fixed in SVN, just not in a release yet
00:19.40tompawCorydon76-dig: really? trying now.
00:23.30tompawCorydon76-dig: will this work with addons?
00:24.46Corydon76-digtompaw: Yes, the APIs don't change in the middle of the 1.6.1.x release series
00:25.21Corydon76-digWell, not without a REALLY good reason that we would state in the UPGRADE.txt file
00:25.53Corydon76-digDoes not appear to be one in that file
00:28.24tompawCorydon76-dig: installed svn, but it didn't help.
00:28.35tompawstill nothing about "h" mentioned in the console.
00:28.37Corydon76-digtompaw: really?  That's odd
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00:29.12Corydon76-digtompaw: if you move the "h" extension to the context from which the macro was called, does it execute then?
00:29.42tompawlet me try.
00:30.22tompawwell, that might be my answer then
00:30.36tompawI will create an exclusive context for this sip peer
00:30.40tompawand move it all one level up.
00:31.01tompawCorydon76-dig: was I supposed to expect it to work as a Macro's "h"?
00:31.11tompawor is it all my misunderstanding of how things work?
00:31.51Corydon76-digtompaw: No, it's another bug
00:32.13Corydon76-digtompaw: It probably used to work, but we fixed another bug
00:32.45Corydon76-digHaving "h" in a Macro was never supposed to work, but it did for awhile and got documented that way
00:33.04tompawCorydon76-dig: so just for the record, this problem of ignoring "h" occurs every time a caller hangs up (don't know about calee) when a call is not in an established state.
00:33.22tompawCorydon76-dig: it's not only the initial set up of the call, but for example SendDTMF(), too.
00:33.39tompawHanging up during SendDTMF results in the same problem - no "h".
00:33.53tompawIf the call is established, "h" gets parsed perfectly.
00:34.42tompawCorydon76-dig: thank you very much for your time and help.
00:35.02tompawI'm gonna get some sleep now, almost 3 AM here, and in the morning I will finish my code.
00:35.19tompawTake care.
00:35.35Corydon76-digtompaw: update to SVN and restore your dialplan
00:35.44Corydon76-digI just committed the fix.
00:35.46tompawCorydon76-dig: ok
00:40.25*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
00:41.48tompawCorydon76-dig: sorry, still no luck :(
00:42.17tompawit only parses the main extension's h.
00:42.56Corydon76-digHuh, okay
00:43.50tompawI'll keep my original dialplan, so if you feel like fixing it tomorrow I'll be here to test it.
00:45.09Corydon76-digtompaw: when you did a 'svn update', did it say that any files were updated?
00:45.25tompawno, I removed the old dir...
00:45.46Corydon76-digtompaw: what does it say when you do an 'svn info' as to the revision?
00:46.17tompawLast Changed Author: tilghman
00:46.17tompawLast Changed Rev: 201827
00:46.18tompawLast Changed Date: 2009-06-18 20:35:18 -0400 (Thu, 18 Jun 2009)
00:46.38Corydon76-digtompaw: Try again on the svn update
00:46.38Corydon76-digYou need revision 201828
00:47.00tompawAt revision 201831.
00:47.26Corydon76-digOh, nevermind
00:47.44Corydon76-digtompaw: I'll look to see if I can find another culprit
00:47.47tompawstrange, svn info first said 201827
00:47.59tompawthen svn update increased that to 201831
00:48.02tompawbut no files were changes
00:48.19tompawthanks and see you tomorrow.
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02:07.03blaxthosanyone have idea what could cause me to be able to dial internal and external numbers from an extension, but i can't dial to it from any other extension ?
02:07.33*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=blkry@
02:08.01blaxthosfrom 201 to 103
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02:15.51superbeefblaxthos: hmm all calls from the same asterisk pbx?
02:19.19*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
02:21.31superbeefblaxthos: i sometimes get that, where the pbx thinks the extension is busy
02:21.51superbeefblaxthos: the lazy move is restart asterisk..
02:22.06superbeefblaxthos: you might be able to unregister hte extension, shut it down and reconnect
02:22.33*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:23.01jplankhow can I confirm if I'm using my HW echo can, and not software? It almost sounds like echo training is going on at the beginning of the call, and then the echo never clears, but I thought * wouldn't use echo training if HW echo can was working?
02:23.21jplankHW echo can was available*
02:37.40*** join/#asterisk SomethingIsodd (n=dan@
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03:01.56*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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03:02.25scooby2weird music on hold works when a caller is first put in the queue but when an agent puts them on hold it goes to the default moh
03:03.35*** join/#asterisk joobie (
03:04.20joobieTK, you alive?
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03:16.11jplankwhat would cause echo on a card with HW echo can?
03:26.16ectospasmjplank: echo that's so bad it can't be canceled
03:26.32ectospasm...or maybe out of date drivers/firmware for the echo can
03:26.49ectospasm...or the echo can isn't activated.
03:27.04ectospasm...or even the echo can being faulty
03:27.53ectospasm...or the base card is faulty
03:28.13ectospasm...or simply the two cards (base and module) need to be reseated.
03:28.23ectospasmjplank: are you getting all of this?
03:31.42*** join/#asterisk jicksta_ (
03:39.21jplankgot them all
03:40.22jplankcould a card that was pulled out of the slot a little cause echo?
03:45.31ectospasmjplank: it's counterintuitive, but yes that's possible.
03:46.05jplankthe only reason I ask is this customer has been known to knock the amphenol cable out a bit
03:47.14jplankand when I think about it, the echo started when he said he "found a way to secure the amhenol cable"
03:47.14ectospasmjplank: yeah, a card that becomes partially unseated can exhibit all sorts of weird behavior.
03:47.58jplankif he "secured" the amphenol cable, but knocked into it, I'm sure theres a good chance it could of been pulled from the PCI slot a bit
03:53.34*** join/#asterisk jake[work] (
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04:10.59Nugget  <-- heh
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04:15.01carrarSure your floor is clean?
04:23.41*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-54488b1f0a903783)
04:25.11scooby2is it music= or musiconhold= in queues.conf to specify the music on hold for each queue?
04:25.24*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
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04:41.36coolthreadsjust brought a voxzone x100p cards, trying to install zaptel
04:41.49coolthreadsgets so far and then gives up
04:42.48coolthreads/usr/src/zaptel- error: ‘struct hrtimer’ has no member named ‘expires’
04:44.11coolthreadsis anyone able to give me any walkthroughs
04:59.47coolthreadsany help in here that can point me to success
05:00.01*** join/#asterisk hohum (n=dcorbe@
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05:28.11coolthreadsalgood, i solved my problem
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06:58.28prxtien[Jun 19 16:25:21] WARNING[1774]: app_dial.c:1502 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'IAX2' (cause 20 - Unknown)... i cant find much details on this error message, im running
07:03.55*** part/#asterisk jake[work] (
07:05.03kaldemarprxtien: pastebin a full CLI output of the failed call with iax2 set debug on, and then maybe someone will be able to help you. that warning is quite uninformative on its own.
07:05.08infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
07:05.08*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
07:05.52prxtienokay thanks
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07:21.55Ryan09Hello, I'm just wondering if there's any way to get asterisk to start 'on hold' music from a random point in a file (as opposed to a random file in a folder)
07:22.44Ryan09(asterisk 1.4 that is)
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07:40.53dougis there a way to display callerid to asterisk console via extensions.conf?
07:41.25douglike, after the connection messages
07:41.54dougverbose view
07:42.16doughm, guess it'll do that if i just set a variable
07:42.25casixdoug: NoOp(The caller id is: ${CALLERID(all)})
07:43.31dougcool, thanks.
07:45.14doughm, is there a good way to have a log file of calls?  audit trail or somethin..
07:46.24casixyou can use the cdr
07:46.35casixvia file or via mysql
07:48.11*** join/#asterisk devyll (n=email@
07:49.48doughuh, is it possible to do sms via asterisk in the us?
07:50.05dougi.e. is there an service provider for landline sms?
07:51.21devyllcan anyone tell me where is the link from the pri trunk name and the dahdi configuration ? . For example, when I call Dial(DAHDI/g1/telnumber,150) will asterisk know to use a free channel from the Digium TE220 card ? or does DAHDI/g1 has to be defined somewhere in the confs for dahdi ? Everything is working perfectly inbound, but I can't seem to place any outbound calls.
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07:52.24kaldemardevyll: it has to be define with "group => 1". all channels below that line belong to g1 unless otherwise defined.
07:53.04kaldemardevyll: and yes, asterisk will pick a free channel from the channel group if any exist.
07:53.10devyllin chan_dahdi.conf right ?
07:54.01kaldemaryes. look at the sample config file for examples. and don't mix this up with the trunkgroup parameter.
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08:07.32cfhhi all , where can i find an example of configuration of asterisk with polycom (kirk)  dect phone ?
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08:10.47und3rhello, anyone have a configuration template for Patton SN4634 -> Asterisk ?
08:11.14cfhthe kirk server is registered to asterisk but when i try to dial one desct on the asterisk-console I see :  Got SIP response 603 "Decline" back from ...
08:12.00cfhund3r : try this
08:21.14devyllkaldemar: does this say anything to you: ? can you tell me if the configuration is still wrong or it's something with my provider ?
08:21.30devylland more important, is there a list with the description of the "hugup causes" ?
08:21.37*** join/#asterisk Enkhmunkh (n=Enkhmunk@
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08:23.07EnkhmunkhHello Guys! I am having CallerID problem
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08:23.22Enkhmunkhon my * cli, WARNING[14315]: callerid.c:607 callerid_feed: Caller ID too long???
08:23.23EnkhmunkhWARNING[14315]: chan_zap.c:6626 ss_thread: CallerID feed failed: Success
08:23.23EnkhmunkhWARNING[14315]: chan_zap.c:6726 ss_thread: CallerID returned with error on channel 'Zap/3-1'
08:23.57EnkhmunkhI don't know What is happening... Please help me
08:24.11*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
08:24.30EnkhmunkhSome FXO lines are detecting CallerID
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08:26.41EnkhmunkhHelp please, any suggestions!
08:26.56AlmightyOatmealbea it with a sharp stick
08:40.39coolthreadsanyone  here familiar with x100p
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09:09.34linastThereis a way for don't allow an user of a manager to send the UserEvents ?
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11:00.16ludanhi guys
11:00.17ludanis it possible to record a meetme conference??
11:00.17ludanon a file
11:05.32ludancasix: AHAHHAHAHAHAH
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11:27.18devyllcan I make a dialplan where the pbx will initiate multiple outgoing calls and every call to be added to a confrence (meetme) ? . Like, a conference which invites (initates the calls) others to join there.
11:32.52devyllimagine that you call extension 1111 and that extension puts you in conference number 22 and initiates 5 predefined numbers and when each answeares it adds them in conference 22.
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12:28.35jeff_phillipsI'm trying to setup an extension number I can dial that will just beep and record whatever I say, and then stop recording when I hang up. I want to adjust the levels so I'm trying to use MixMonitor() instead of Record(). How do I tell it to wait until I hang up?
12:30.28[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: Wait(50000) should do.
12:31.21jeff_phillipsOh, so if I just tell it to wait a long long long amount of time, it will terminate early upon hangup anyway?
12:31.57jeff_phillipscool. I guess for some reason I had just assumed it would leave it open to the posibility of recording silence after hanging up by doing that
12:32.26*** part/#asterisk cfh (
12:32.31[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: No, when you hangup its game-over and * hits "h"
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12:36.04gr0mitanyone used xorcom astribank interfaces?
12:37.25[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: What about them?
12:38.18gr0mitam working on a proposal toi pull out a nortel option 11
12:38.28gr0mit100 extens, 1 x pri
12:38.39gr0mitwas thinking about using xorcom kit
12:39.03gr0mitany advice?
12:39.16gr0mitlike 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOO' ?
12:39.17[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: I have never seen Xorcom anywhere near competitively priced for mass-analog
12:39.41[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: And I have personal issues against the though of usb, but others may differ on that.
12:39.58gr0mitam nervous - site is 250 acres
12:39.59[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: AudioCodes or Mediatrix SIP gateways.
12:40.06gr0mitlots of underground cables
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12:41.49gr0mitneed to make sure lightening protection etc
12:43.50jeff_phillipsgr0mit: I have an AudioCodes SIP gateway. Works pretty well but is a pain to configure
12:43.56eppigyi am dave
12:44.25jeff_phillipsi still haven't figured out how to get distinctive ring to work on it
12:47.37jeff_phillipsYou have to make a config file from scratch specifying the number of milliseconds of each ring burst in the ring patterns, and define all the regional tones yourself, then compile the file down into some proprietary binary format using a compiler / conversion utility they provide, and then upload that to the device's firmware, and then scratch your head wondering why it still behaves the same as it did previously
12:48.23jeff_phillipsbut aside from that it works quite well. Even have one of the 24 extensions ran half a mile away
12:57.46*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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13:10.10ZeeekIt's FRIDAY!!
13:10.52jayteeyippie!!! wahoo!!!
13:11.12eppigyi am only working a half day today
13:11.18mort_gibWhat's up with you two blabbing idiots!
13:11.39mort_gibYippie?? Grmpf
13:11.45ZeeekFriday is the day of the ...
13:12.00beekwait for it...
13:12.20Zeeekand since every cloud has a silver lining
13:12.30Zeeektoday asterisk has one too
13:12.54ZeeekKatty: is here
13:13.01Zeeekbut where?
13:13.07Zeeeksniff, no hug?
13:14.21gr0mitwonder if vegastream is better?
13:14.45gr0mitis scared. taking my sone driving for the first time
13:15.11*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:15.19Kattypizza was a bad idea for breakfast.
13:16.23Kattyhugs Zeeek
13:16.51Kattyso groggy.
13:16.55Zeeekwere you able to remove the cigarette butts before eating it?
13:16.55Kattyso unfocusued
13:17.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: c'mon... cold pizza & warm beer : breakfast of CHAMPIONS!
13:17.08Kattywhat? eww.
13:17.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: i'm giving up caffeine for a few weeks.
13:17.19Zeeekbutts in the beer cans too
13:17.31Kattybut i dont think i'm going to make it
13:18.01Kattyeppigy: YOUR FAULT
13:18.12Zeeekget a room
13:18.16Zeeeka chat room
13:18.21Kattywe have one.
13:18.28Kattyand you're in it.
13:18.34Zeeekoh. Oooooohhhhh
13:18.42Zeeek(I'll have what she's having)
13:18.44gr0mithad pizza for breakfast once in USA
13:18.58ZeeekPizza for breakfast is ONLY good cold
13:19.03Kattygr0mit: it wasn't breakfast pizza, just leftovers from last night.
13:19.06gr0mitat 4am - when he was jetlagged
13:19.18Zeeekbecause there is such a thing as breakfast pizza?
13:19.23KattyZeeek: yes.
13:19.26Zeeekno way
13:19.28KattyZeeek: and it's yummy.
13:19.34Zeeekthat's like breakfast G722
13:19.37gr0mitsighs. Only in America!
13:20.05Zeeekalthough... there is a pizza here with foie gras on it. Have you any idea how rich that is?
13:20.18Zeeekand Katty that has every possible substance you hate in it
13:20.28ZeeekPLUS cruelty to animals
13:20.59Kattythey care orly at sally hansen by the way
13:21.03Zeeekso today at 12 Noon EDT, Asterisk in an EC2 instance
13:21.22ZeeekOrly? That's the Paris airport, the little one near town
13:21.34ZeeekAsterisk in Orly
13:21.34gr0mitsouth of paris
13:21.35KattyOrly is a brand of polish.
13:21.44Zeeekjust a few miles south, yes
13:21.45Kattywith an awesome rubberized bonding base coat.
13:22.01ZeeekWHy do the Poles want runner?
13:22.20Zeeekwhy would you want to run asterisk in the cloud?
13:22.38Zeeekfind the answers out soon enough
13:22.48Kattywill there be caffeinated refreshments?
13:22.55eppigyI am listening to the eastern promises soundtrack
13:22.59eppigyit makes my heart hurt
13:23.02Kattyoh this isn't going to happen today.
13:23.05Kattyeppigy: link.
13:23.15Zeeekthere are always refreshments, attutidu adjusting substances
13:23.24Zeeekah, the plumber is coming I think
13:23.34Kattywith caffeinated refreshments?
13:24.01ZeeekHoward Stern
13:24.10Kattywhich track
13:24.19ZeeekKatty #voip-users-conference
13:24.26Zeeeksee you there
13:24.30Zeeekand here
13:24.34Zeeekand everywhere
13:24.35Kattyjust here
13:24.58Zeeekthat pizza thing made me hungry
13:25.00Kattyunless i can get caffeinated refreshments. then i might have the focus to multitask
13:25.06gr0mitmmmmmh pizza
13:25.29eppigyKatty: eastern promises
13:25.37eppigybut pretty much all of them
13:26.32Kattyoh no
13:26.34Kattysleepy musics
13:27.20Kattylistens to something else.
13:27.30Kattyeppigy: mymymymy
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13:29.31Pan3Dqueues up Marching Band music
13:30.15Blackvelhi all
13:30.48KattyPan3D: that's good stuff too
13:30.59Blackvelwhen I use a dial command with DIAL(Local/tech1&Local/tech2) what happens when the Local channel answers (Answer())
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13:31.36djMaxIs there a way to stop a "denial of service" attack from a phone number via caller id?
13:31.47djMaxBlacklisting doesn't truly work because it still takes up a channel
13:32.07djMaxget them to block you mean?
13:32.13eppigynot get thej
13:32.18eppigyto go to their house
13:32.25eppigyand beat them within an inch of their life
13:32.27djMaxgiven how slow they are with everything else, this'll be fun. :)
13:32.29Kattygoes to eppigy's house.
13:32.36eppigyI mean what coudl they do but block it
13:32.41eppigyKatty: come one over
13:32.50djMaxyeah, it's a very strange one because it's an inbound fax but there's no damn fax.  Lots of people complaining about them apparently
13:32.55eppigyit is nice and comfy
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13:32.58djMaxnot sure what they're gaining
13:33.15Kattywho knows.
13:33.15djMaxmakes me want to DOS them right back. :)
13:33.21Kattyi'm sure people have done more, for less.
13:33.31djMaxso true.
13:33.46Kattypavarotti is so relaxing.
13:33.52Kattyalmost too relaxing.
13:34.04gr0mitdoes nortel support SMDI for MWI ?
13:34.17Kattywhy don't you call them and ask.
13:34.27Kattythat's what i'd do.
13:34.54gr0mitcalling Nortel is like calling my employer- get passed from pillar to post
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13:35.03Blackvelwill there be some briding (the inbound channel of the IVR is already answered). how many channels are active? 1? 2? what about the dailplan? is there some way to hangup the local channel or send busy back, and jump back to BUSY state of outer DIAL(Local/tech1&Local/tech2) and continue with the outer ivr dialplan? it looks to me that once the local channel is answered, I have to use GOTO for subsequent ivr-dialplan flows as th
13:35.59KattyBlackvel: you lost me at briding.
13:36.11KattyBlackvel: let's back up a step. what are you attempting to accomplish.
13:36.31gr0mitPlease hold the line whilst we triy to find an employee who still works for Nortel...'
13:36.36Blackvelsorry to many msg in between ;)
13:36.37eppigyI might go get breakfast
13:36.44Blackvelwhen I use a dial command with DIAL(Local/tech1&Local/tech2) what happens when the Local channel answers (Answer())
13:36.47Kattyeppigy: and caffeinated refreshment?
13:37.04eppigybreakfast burritoes
13:37.10Blackvelthe thing is that
13:37.15Kattyfrom Regan county
13:37.16BlackvelDIAL statement never gets busy
13:37.25Blackvelonly for one phone
13:37.57Blackvelbut when calling 2-3 phones (& syntax), even when the 1st phone is in BUSY state, the others keep ringing
13:38.13Blackvelthere is one statement: pickup "wins"
13:38.32Blackvelwhen i pickup any one (of 2-3), the others stop and dial ends
13:38.51Blackvelwell yes
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13:39.04Blackvelthen it tries 15 seconds the other phones even i am talking one the 1st
13:39.17Blackveli like to have : busy "wins"
13:39.29gr0mitthen you need clever dialplan
13:39.45Blackveli would like that the dial ends on first busy and goes to other busy handling
13:39.53BlackvelDial(local/whoever&local/whoever,15) -> DIALSTATUS = BUSY
13:39.59gr0mitso check channel state
13:40.03gr0miton all phones
13:40.10Blackveli have that in my dailplan, but it is not used
13:40.11gr0mitbefore the Dial
13:41.11*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
13:41.20gr0mituse logic like if SIP/a is available then ifd SIP/B is available then if SIP/c is available goto (ringall phones) else busy
13:41.22Blackvelleifmadsen gave me the tipp: let the Local channel answer
13:41.31Blackvelthen it will stop ringing the other phones
13:41.31Blackvel---incoming---> Answer() ---> Asterisk ---> Local ----> Answer()
13:41.38Blackveland it does
13:41.49gr0mitnever answer a channel unless you need to
13:41.49KavanSBlackvel, I do something similar....if it's busy on the first SIP dial, then go to voicemail....if not ring other SIP extensions and cell phone
13:41.55KavanSthe regular follow me function wasn't good enough
13:42.11Blackvelbut i do not understand what is going on behind the scenes. will the two channels (inbound ivr already answer, local channel) be bridged?
13:42.23Blackvelwhat about the dialplan? will it continue in the inner local channel context?
13:42.40Blackvelhow do I get back to outer Dial(local/whoever&local/whoever,15) statement and busy extension?
13:42.43jeff_phillipsi can't seem to get this mixmonitor command to actually record anything, but it pretends it is
13:42.43[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: 1st answer stops dialing all of the rest.
13:42.56Blackveland i love that
13:43.04KavanSjeff_phillips, try the monitor command....and then using a post processing script
13:43.14Blackvelbut i am too un-clevel to understand what to do with my ivr dialplan
13:43.20gr0mitso check exten status of all 3 before you execute dial
13:43.30jeff_phillipsKavanS: But shouldn't mixmonitor at least record something?!
13:43.39Blackveli mean there is no way to let the Dial(local/whoever&local/whoever,15) statement go into BUSY handling?
13:43.54Blackvelthere is "no return" from local channel?
13:44.04[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: What defiens a bunch of people as "busy" if they aren't ALL busy?
13:44.12gr0mitnot uness all chas are busy, but ia m guessing here
13:44.20Blackvelwould I have to continue coding my dialplan in the local channel context / GOTO to my other ivr dialplan?
13:44.20KavanSjeff_phillips, probably...I had good luck with monitor, not sure about mixmonitor
13:44.24[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Thats the point of dialing multiple people, so SOMEONE can answer, not jsut so yuo have more reasons to GIVE UP
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13:44.50Blackveli see
13:44.51gr0mit[TK]D-Fender, i think i see where he is coming from.
13:44.59[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: Wish i could.
13:45.01KavanSBlackvel, no, I have a setup similar to that...
13:45.09KavanSBlackvel, sometimes it is nice to evaluate if someone is on the phone or not
13:45.09Blackvelso its about 3 ppl sitting in my company, not just me alone
13:45.11[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: Try 10 people and give up because of the 1st...
13:45.16gr0mitso if i am at home, and I am on the phone, i don't want a second call to ring the other phones
13:45.27gr0miti want it to go to VM 'gr0m is on the phone'
13:45.40KavanSgr0mit, exactly!
13:45.46[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: then he should check the before dialing.
13:45.53KavanSI don't want my cell phone to start ringing while I'm already dealing with another person
13:45.57gr0mitwhich is what I said!!!
13:45.57KavanSit just adds to the drama
13:45.58jeff_phillipsif you are on phone A, you aren't going to answer phones B, C, or D, so eventually those will go to voice mail anyway.  :)
13:46.03Blackvellooks like that it is not that too much clever to use Dial(local/whoever&local/whoever,15) or Dial(local/whoever&local/whoever&local/xlite,15) when its about 1 person
13:46.06[TK]D-Fendergr0mit: And jsut because someone is on the phone doesn't make them busy or return a "busy" status.
13:46.14KavanSjeff_phillips, but it sounds really lame if it's ringing in the background :)
13:46.30KavanSone sec blackvel, I'll share some snippets
13:46.42Blackvelso i have to code my own dailing of 3 devices
13:46.48[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: "core show application chanisavail" <---
13:46.48Blackveland not use Dial(local/whoever&local/whoever,15)....
13:46.58[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: No.
13:47.14[TK]D-FenderblackBecause I highly doubt any device will report as "busy" to your Dial()
13:47.49Blackveli "think" (could not verify) it does only , when ALL are busy
13:47.59Blackvelthat would make sense
13:48.20Blackveli read about chanisavail and also read it MUST not be used for BUSY checking
13:48.39Blackveli really hate to say i am on 1.2 (because had problems with segfaults on 1.4 with patton media gw)
13:48.46Blackvelno devstate
13:48.50*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
13:48.56[TK]D-Fender[09:48]<Blackvel>i read about chanisavail and also read it MUST not be used for BUSY checking <- Incorrect
13:49.07Blackvelothers programmed with devstate (and it works) and probably would in my situation
13:49.10KavanSblackvel: check pm, I pasted my setup
13:49.20Blackvelprobably there is something available like using GROUP()
13:49.26BlackvelI hate to overcomplicate things ;)
13:49.47Blackvelsome more ppl need stuff like me hehe
13:50.03Blackvela simple option to Dial(local/whoever&local/whoever,15) would have been the solution for me
13:50.09[TK]D-Fender[09:49]<Blackvel>I hate to overcomplicate things ;) <- But you're so good at it!
13:50.39[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Again the odds of your devices actually returning "busy" are pretty low.
13:50.47KavanSblackvel: my situation is complicated that I have a single PSTN, so I have to include an local context to execute and evaluate if Zap is congested
13:51.16Blackvel[TK]D-Fender maybe, but I try not to be
13:52.56Blackvelsaw it
13:53.01Kattyeppigy: i gave in. headaches started.
13:53.03Blackveldont get it
13:53.09Kattyeppigy: must ween self back, it seems.
13:53.17Blackvelyou are still ringing three devices in one dial :)
13:53.30KavanSblackvel: it evaluates dial status at step 7 -9
13:53.34KavanSdials first extension for 5 secs
13:53.40KavanSif it's busy, then goto vm
13:53.47KavanSif not, continue on....and ring the fuck out of everyone
13:54.30BlackvelhanIsAvail is not a solution to tell you conclusively whether the channel is busy or not, it is primarily to tell you whether it would be possible to send a call there
13:54.49KavanSblackvel: try dialstatus :)
13:55.15eppigyKatty: yesh
13:56.45Blackvelsorry i understand nada
13:57.08Blackvelif that is busy (you check for it)
13:57.11Blackvelyou do this: Dial(LOCAL/1@kavandial&SIP/201&SIP/401,30,${DIALOPTIONS}m)
13:57.25Blackvelwhat are these devices?
13:57.38KavanSLOCAL/1@kavandial is the [kavandial] context
13:57.48KavanSthat dials my cell phone ;)
13:58.01KavanSalso included on pastie...
13:58.02Blackveland hwat is 401?
13:58.16KavanSno, 201 and 401 are SIP extensions of mine
13:58.30KavanSso it rings 3 phones if the primary SIP line (201) is not busy
13:58.36KavanSincluding 201...
13:58.51Blackvelbut 201 was busy, so you ring it again?
13:59.11KavanSexten => s,9,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY"]?11:10)
13:59.22KavanS^^^ if it's busy, goto 11
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13:59.31KavanSthen goto s-BUSY at the bottom
13:59.33KavanSi.e. voicemail
13:59.58Blackvelnow i got it
14:00.29KavanSyeah it's hard to read through, [TK]D-Fender is right about making things simple....but I needed something that checked, because I don't like a bunch of phones ringing at once unless it's necessary :P
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14:00.43Blackvelyou ring it, if you do not pickup you ring cellphone + main phone + 401. if the first dial on mainphone gets busy, you forward to voicemail :P
14:00.56KavanSyep, that's how it works
14:01.08KavanSat the bottom you'll also notice the hangup definition....
14:01.16KavanSin case someone hangs up during this process
14:01.20KavanSI get a notification via email :)
14:01.34Blackvelbut still that gets my back to my question
14:01.46Blackvelwhen the local channel answers (even on busy state)
14:01.53Blackvelwhat happens with the outer channel? bridged?
14:02.02Blackvelwill there be only one active inbound (ivr) channel?
14:02.03KavanSBlackvel, that's a question for someone l33ter than I...
14:02.14[TK]D-FenderWith multi-dial you aren't going to get a BUSY back because SOMEONE is not going to report "busy".
14:02.23[TK]D-FenderYou are running around in circles
14:02.50Blackvelcorrect , no busy
14:03.01KavanS[TK]D-Fender, I had to get around that by executing the "local" dial, then you can evaluate with multi-dial
14:03.03Blackvellets say the multi-dial dails local channel
14:03.09Blackveland that local dial aborts with busy
14:03.13Blackveland that local channel answers
14:03.29[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: You can't abort busy & answer.
14:03.54[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: either / or
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14:10.26Blackvelso probably the best way is not to use the multi-dial .... or
14:11.16Blackvelstay in the local context (which got answered), play the busy-prompt stuff to the user and continue with IVR stuff (like choose from the menu what you want: callback, voicemail, forwading to mobile phone)
14:11.59Blackveland i have that already coded in the ivr (BUSY handling for multi-dial - which the flow can't get back to as simple "return")
14:12.23[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: I've told you repeatedly this method is not going to work....
14:12.36[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: "core show application chanisavail" <--- pay attention when I hand you the answer.
14:13.14jeff_phillipsWell this is strange. I have MixMonitor with the command option specified. I call, it records silence (don't know why it isn't recording me talking). Then when I hang up, the command executes as it should. But, why isn't it actually recording?
14:13.16Blackvelok, i acept and give up
14:14.03Blackvelwhy did ppl invent devstate when chanisavail is sufficent? and why is wiki wrong again
14:14.06KavanSBlackvel, use my works and does roughly the same thing
14:14.31KavanSi evaluate dialstatus during a multidial
14:14.37KavanSby executing a "local" dial command
14:14.46KavanSand then in that context, EVALUATE your dialstatus :)
14:14.52BlackvelKavanS: can you tell me what it is a VERY BAD idea to answer the local channel and continue with my ivr local (using GOTO()) on pastebin line #14?
14:15.14KavanSWhy would you not answer the call earlier?
14:15.20Blackveli do the same, already (well not exactly the same way) :)
14:15.48KavanSI don't understand why you wouldn't just answer, play music etc.
14:15.59KavanSI guess I was under a different assumption as to your goal
14:16.23[TK]D-Fender[10:13]<Blackvel>why did ppl invent devstate when chanisavail is sufficent? and why is wiki wrong again <- devstate has NOTHING to do with ChanIsAvail.  next the WIKI gets contributions from many well-meaning but incompetent schmucks
14:16.46[TK]D-FenderblackAND... I don't know what page specifically you are referring to so I'll defer passing judgement on them for the moment
14:17.43Blackvelone user had the problem and used devstate for busy checking
14:17.51Blackvelmaybe its the wrong way, as you tell me
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14:19.00BlackvelChanIsAvail is not a solution to tell you conclusively whether the channel is busy or not
14:19.06Blackveldoes my English suxx?
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14:19.17[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: That too...
14:19.27Blackvelwhat does this sentence mean?
14:19.28[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: And that one stupid forum post means nothing
14:19.46[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: CHANISAVAIL <- It works.  Read the instructions and go DO IT
14:20.00Blackveli's just a solution from someone else (and i can not/will not use it anyways)
14:20.40Blackvelok [TK]D-Fender, before getting you mad..... i will follow your suggestion and programm using it
14:21.44eppigybreakfast burritoes ^_______________^
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14:22.07Blackvelsorry to ask, has one answerd my question already how the dialplan logic would flow if a local channel has answered with "ANSWER"? code the logic into the context of the local channel?
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14:22.23Blackveli really just want to UNDERSTAND it :)
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14:23.13Blackveli am using database put whitelist extensivley
14:23.31Blackvelhave versions 1.4/1.6 introduced the features of comments?
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14:23.56Blackveli do not know the (temporary or sometimes permanent) whitelisted numbers after 1-2 weeks anymore
14:24.12Blackvelwould love to be able to see a comment...
14:24.14[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Multi-device dial only cares if 1 device answeres the call.  Any kind of failure from any 1 member it does not give a rat's ass about.  So nothing you do in the local channel means shit.
14:24.41[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: there is no "return a give up all other attempts" flag.  This is a dead issue.
14:25.15Blackvelyes I understand
14:25.16[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: If you answer then then think you're going to ahng up then you are killing the call.  Again a dead issue.  Its as easy as it appears.  your determination of status must happen before the call.
14:25.55Blackvelexten => s,n,Answer()
14:26.05Blackvelif the local channel does this manually (maybe it should not)
14:26.17Blackvelwhat happens spoken from a technical side
14:26.25Blackvelbriding two channels into one?
14:27.01[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: huh?
14:27.19Blackvelarent there two channels? the pstn sip channel and the local channel?
14:27.50[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Typically whatever endpoints were involved break out of local unless you use the "/n" option.
14:28.22Blackveli tried playback(mymessage)
14:28.25Blackveland it worked :)
14:28.53Blackvelso the local gets somehow "merged" into the outer / exisisting channel (had no /n option)?
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14:30.19[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Yes, it will do that, i'm referring to if you Dial() within your local channel
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14:30.49[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Normall once tha answers the local is broken off and the interior Dial merges back to the oter
14:31.31josemslopesi am getting the following error to access snmp module:  ASTERISK-MIB::astVersionString.0 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID
14:31.51josemslopesi use snmpget -v 2c -c private localhost ASTERISK-MIB::astVersionString.0
14:31.57Blackveland the dialplan logic continues in the local context...
14:32.28Blackvelwas /n option only about variables or was it also about how the local channel gets merged into the existing ivr channel?
14:32.40Blackveldidn't understand that completely from docs
14:32.42jeff_phillipsCould anyone help me understand what is happening here?
14:33.22jeff_phillipsI'm trying to do airport style paging. You would dial 3205, and speak after the beep and hang up. Then the PA loud speakers would play your announcement twice preceeded by a little alert jingle to get people's attention.
14:34.01jeff_phillipsit goes through the motions, but the mixmonitor just creates a wav file of silence that is oddly longer than I would have expected, and its playback is skipped (very quickly repeats the alert tones)
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14:35.24Deeewaynehugs Katty
14:35.34Deeewaynehello :-)
14:36.17jeff_phillipsi'm not seeing a reason for it to record silence instead of my voice.
14:37.50jeff_phillipsThe record() function worked as a substitute to mixmonitor, but I would like to increase the volume levels
14:39.39KavanSjeff_phillips, post processing script :)
14:39.55Kattyhugs on Deeewayne
14:40.30Deeewayneputs Katty on a Ferris Wheel
14:40.58jeff_phillipsKavanS: Well okay, I guess I could change my approach, but ... is MixMonitor suppose to be non-functional? lol
14:41.28KavanSjeff_phillips, I killed a portion of my life trying to get monitoring to work for all incoming/outgoing calls, from my experience monitor + post processing = the way to go
14:41.38KavanSin the end I have my calls (including conferences) recorded in .ogg format
14:42.11KattyDeeewayne: :<
14:42.32jeff_phillipsI had started with having found some bits of code someone posted that used the record() function but required you to press the # key when done recording, otherwise hanging up would just omit the recording entirely
14:43.02jeff_phillipsI switched to mixmonitor in hopes of increasing the volume level of the recording, and to have the recording end upon hanging up automatically
14:43.17jeff_phillipsunfortunately it seems to have reduced my volume to zero
14:45.43jeff_phillipsalright well... what can I use to amplify the recorded file after it has been created?
14:47.07KavanSI use a simple script to mix and convert
14:47.15KavanSyou could modify that a little bit (ffmpeg) and increase volume
14:47.22KavanSor maybe sox has such options built in, I am not sure
14:49.10*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
14:50.20Zeeekso we'll be starting in about an hour. Want to test your g722 SIP client? Join us #voip-users-conference any time and on the conference bridge an hour from now
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15:05.22rue_mohrall refs to the hwec say its 1024 taps, but dosn't say if thats fixed or a max, yesterday they say there was terrible echo
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15:06.27Kattyjaytee: !
15:06.39Kattyjaytee: we'v enot hugged today :<
15:06.42Kattyhugs jaytee
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15:07.43ZeeekKatty, by hugging others you have devalued my hugs
15:08.04ZeeekI can't cherish them as much now
15:08.05flujanhello guys, I have a sip trunk connecting two asterisk boxes... Call arrive on the machine 2 but is not transfered to the machine one.
15:08.11rue_mohrso digium says "risk free garuntee" all over it, if I cant get the volume and echo issues sorted, wonder if I should call them on that
15:08.17flujanany ideas?
15:08.42Zeeekrue_mohr: have you contacted support? Yes, if there's a guarantee, by all means you should call them
15:08.58rue_mohrits getting pretty frustrating
15:10.06rue_mohrI'm wondering if I should go with an ethernet channelbank
15:10.29[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: How many lines?
15:10.52rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, I dont mean to sound like a broken record, 4fxo and 2 fxs
15:11.01rue_mohras per the tdm800 I have now
15:12.17[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Get an ATA for the remaining port if you really need it
15:12.25rue_mohrno I can get ethernet devices for a fraction of that
15:12.49[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: PCI with EC for < $500 USD?
15:12.53rue_mohrfor under $600 I can get a 4 fxo to ethernet and a 2 fxs from ethernet
15:12.53[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Really...
15:13.00jayteehugs Katty
15:13.02[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: What moddel?
15:13.04KattyZeeek: you're weird.
15:13.07rue_mohrnot pci, ethernet apliances
15:13.17[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Ok, What model?
15:13.19rue_mohrI wont be abel to find it fast enough
15:13.32rue_mohrI found it yesterday, a few of them
15:13.35ZeeekKatty: why?
15:13.38rue_mohriirc made by cisco
15:13.43jeff_phillipsI got a 24 FXS channel audiocodes MP124 ethernet gateway for $220 on ebay
15:13.45ZeeekGirls used to say that in high school
15:13.55[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Linksys for FXO?  Which?
15:14.03rue_mohrsomething 400
15:14.17[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: I wouldn't put SPA-3XXX into production mainline business use...
15:14.20rue_mohrnot spa, where are my notes
15:14.24[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: OMG, the 400?!?! EWW!!!!
15:14.31[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: DUMB POS device
15:14.36rue_mohrhey, this tdm800 is killing me
15:14.45rue_mohrnobody even knows how to properly adjust the gains
15:14.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You can't separately address the ports on it and other craziness.
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15:15.00rue_mohrand today I'm trying to reverse engineer it to figure it out
15:15.16[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You know my verdict on it, I've said it for months.
15:15.25KattyZeeek: i wonder why....
15:15.29rue_mohryea you said go buy a sagnoma
15:15.29Kattyeppigy: did you have breakfast?
15:15.36Kattyeppigy: burritos?
15:15.37jeff_phillipsreverse engineering a backwards-engineered device ......hmm...  wouldn't that make it forwards again?
15:15.41[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Why you haven't returned it for a refund I jsut don't know...
15:15.56Kattyfrom where
15:16.12rue_mohrjeff_phillips, nothing seems to say what the adc resolution is on the tdm800
15:16.15eppigyI already had a drink
15:16.29eppigyi have removed my flip flops
15:16.32rue_mohrI think its 12 bit, and that the ulaw codec expects 16 bit, which causes a 12db loss
15:16.45eppigyfuji water
15:16.49Kattyoooh :>
15:16.54rue_mohrbut ofcourse nobody seems to know this stuff
15:16.56Kattyi can't wear flipflops to work :<
15:17.11Kattygots to look all schnazzy
15:17.14rue_mohroffers Katty some shift registers
15:17.21eppigyI can only wear them on friday
15:17.30Kattywhat's a shift register
15:17.36eppigyall other days I am max_pimpin
15:18.19BlargMaN00does anyone know if it is normal on a call file, when you place the call to the Channel: XXXX, and you answer it, then when it dials out to the connecting extension, you get no audio until the call is actually connected...  any ideas??
15:18.20Kattyyou so are.
15:18.34ZeeekKatty:  you'd know why only if we could go back in time 50 years to when I was in high school
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15:18.59Zeeekok, not quite 50 but nearly
15:19.05KattyZeeek: i'm sure all of them would be weird.
15:19.07KattyZeeek: and sexist.
15:19.12KattyZeeek: i wouldn't fit in very well.
15:19.19Katty50 years ago peoples.
15:19.31jeff_phillipsBlargMaN00: How would you have audio *before* the call is connected anyway???
15:19.36Katty1 sexist comment and i'd go on a killing spree.
15:19.46Zeeekwe smoked, we drank, we *****
15:19.46BlargMaN00it's almost like the audio is not bridging until almost 1000ms after the two channels are answered, and audio is established...
15:20.04BlargMaN00jeff_phillips: audio => ringing...
15:20.09eppigyPUPRLE DRANK
15:21.09Kattyhighly inappropriate.
15:21.42eppigyDONDE ESTA
15:21.49Kattyel gato con queso
15:22.01Kattyel bano
15:22.02BlargMaN00jeff_phillips: my employees are not going to want to here silence, and then all of a sudden, half of a "Hello..."
15:22.25eppigySI ME GUSTA
15:22.29jeff_phillipsi don't like silence either. it is making me crazy
15:23.21eppigylift off in t minus twenty-seven minutes and counting
15:23.25rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, would you say the majority of sucessfull installations use the sangoma and not digium cards?
15:23.32eppigyhow dare you
15:23.53russellbthat is not true at all.
15:23.57Kattyi would say the majority of successfull installation use smart people.
15:24.02russellbKatty: +1
15:24.04ZeeekKatty +1
15:24.16rue_mohrthe lines are quiet by 11db
15:24.21jeff_phillipssmart people use the majority of installations
15:24.25Kattywhat's with the +1? are we keeping score now?
15:24.29[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: 100%  success 90% of my clients with other cards had issues.  Replacement = 100% happy instantly.
15:24.29ZeeekKatty +Russellb 1
15:25.33Kattythat does not parse.
15:25.35Kattybut thanks, i think.
15:25.47Kattyeppigy: t MINUS 29 minutes!
15:26.07russellbuntil WHAT
15:26.22leifmadsenmore like 34 mins
15:26.28russellbare we going out to lunch?!  ^_^
15:26.30Kattyleifmadsen: you're not helping.
15:26.36leifmadsenKatty: I thought I was!
15:26.57Kattyleifmadsen: :P
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15:28.04Katty <- oh that is NOT cool.
15:28.45Zeeeklunch it's almost dinner here
15:29.07Kattywell you live in your own little world.
15:29.10Kattythat's to be expected.
15:29.16Zeeekand more importantly, #voip-users-conference in 1/2 hour
15:29.16jeff_phillipsI'm the only one in the office today so if I want lunch I guess I get to forward the incomming calls to my cell phone
15:29.24KattyZeeek: LUNCH! in half an hour.
15:29.34Kattyjeff_phillips: order in? (=
15:29.38rue_mohrsee, tk also uses polycom phones, which also means, if Im right about the problem I'm having, he would have experianced volume problems with the diguim cards that caused echo on attempt of fix
15:29.49rue_mohrcause nobody ever changes the gain on the phone
15:29.52Kattyalso uses polycoms.
15:29.58Kattywe have.
15:30.00Kattyon occasion.
15:30.04Zeeekno gain without the pain
15:30.05rue_mohrdo you use them with a digium card?
15:30.09Kattyno. sangoma.
15:30.15Zeeek see you there in 30
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15:30.28rue_mohrI had to dial the gain on the polycom up __11db__ for people to hear properly
15:30.32rue_mohrthats 4 bits
15:30.50bijitrue_mohr: the gain affects all phones...we had the same problem with aastra.
15:31.01rue_mohrwhich is why I think that the tdm800 has a 12bit adc and the ulaw codec expects 16
15:31.07Kattyeppigy: 24 :>
15:31.08bijithad to change default gain so it works good
15:31.16Kattyeppigy: where are we goign?!
15:31.19rue_mohrbijit, digium card?
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15:31.35bijitrue_mohr: both digium and sangoma
15:31.48eppigyKatty: I am going home :D
15:31.59Kattyeppigy: WHAT?!
15:32.11rue_mohrbijit, please tell more
15:32.45eppigyI have a half day :D
15:33.00Kattyhates you.
15:33.02eppigyHALF DIZZLE
15:33.04rue_mohrfyi, the number "14844" that all reference pages use with dahdi_monitor to calibrate gains came from kb1 watching the signal on a pri
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15:33.56rue_mohrI'v got an opportunity with my T1 channelbank to do a test, I can loop back a channel with 0db and read astersisk against its own 1mw
15:34.00bijitwe had to change gain to -10
15:34.07rue_mohrjust though of that on the way to work today
15:34.16rue_mohrbijit, for rx or tx?
15:34.28rue_mohrI had to dial the tx down by almost that much
15:35.05rue_mohrI also, using the calibration pages, had to dial the rx to 1.9
15:36.10bijitwe only used tx and it worked fine
15:36.21rue_mohrdid putting tx to that help with echo?
15:36.48Kattyjust upped outgoing audio
15:37.03Kattyi just upped the default audio of the polycom phones
15:37.08rue_mohrI know there is about 11db loss somethere, I'v had to dial up the incomming gain by the same amount on the card and the phones, right now I do it on the phones
15:37.09Kattyand left the server alone
15:37.19bijitrue_mohr: yes
15:37.43bijitrue_mohr: our tx default was tx gain: 0 so we had to change it to tx gain: -10
15:38.15bijitand had to set phones to Use Basic Codecs
15:38.24rue_mohrI just use ulaw
15:38.44rue_mohr  <- there is the log of the things I'v tried
15:39.10rue_mohr-10 is crazy, BUT now I know its not me being crazy
15:39.14bijitrue_mohr: that is what we use also
15:39.37rue_mohr-9 is 1/8
15:40.07[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Personal account : I had a customer in a similar boat.  I swapped for an A200d and got to set 0/0 on them
15:41.20Kattythis base coat smells like pineapple.
15:41.48jayteeif the next coat smells like coconut then you're in business
15:42.00Kattythe color is called Polo Princess
15:42.03Kattyand it's like a ...hmm.
15:42.08Kattybaby pink color
15:42.18Kattypink frosting color
15:42.47Katty <- that color
15:42.56*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
15:43.05Kattyi need a server case in that color.
15:43.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: O RLY?
15:43.17Katty[TK]D-Fender: yesrly
15:47.39Kattyfirst coat is streaky and uneven :<
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15:56.00Kattyit took 3 coats :<
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15:58.25Kattyeppigy: BYE
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16:18.15rue_mohrok, for an extra $50 I can go to a sangoma A200 or for $-220 I can go to the sangoma B600 both with echo cans
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16:19.18Kattyhoray! (=
16:19.42rue_mohrthe thought still scares me
16:19.51[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: The B600d is really an awesome deal for 4 FXO.
16:20.07[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And 1 FXS timing-linked for fax reliability
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16:20.27[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: makes the A200d really hard to suggest unless you need 8+
16:20.30rue_mohrif I'm doing larger installs, the A200 is a good card to be familiar with
16:20.55rue_mohrI could use a pap2 for the other analog I need
16:21.00Kattyquick! where am i going for lunch!
16:21.04[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Kinda like Polycom putting out phones that completely devalidate other models while considering both "current"
16:21.12[TK]D-FenderKatty: OUT!
16:21.35Kattyugah, hello breakout.
16:21.50Kattyi might as well buy an acne wash while i'm out
16:21.53rue_mohrok, so
16:21.53Kattyas like a side.
16:22.11rue_mohryou really think I should chase after digium to gimme da money back
16:22.20Kattycan i get a number one, with a bottled water and an acne wash.
16:22.39Kattythat'll be 5.29, please pull around!
16:22.55rue_mohrI thiught it was $1 now
16:22.59rue_mohracross the board
16:23.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Draw a line somewhere.  My point is you always seem unwilling to.
16:23.24rue_mohryea I'm kinda an overly stubborn determined type
16:23.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: If you say "one more month" well at least that means you aren't stuck on one path
16:23.37[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: I prefer the term "masochistic" :p
16:23.46rue_mohrI'm waitng for a reply email from digium
16:24.01Kattywhen you could just call them
16:24.04Kattyand have an answer immediately
16:24.05rue_mohrfunny, your not the first person to say that in context of me AND this phonesystem
16:24.36[TK]D-FenderKatty: So far answer != solution
16:24.48Katty[TK]D-Fender: i meant about the refund.
16:24.48[TK]D-FenderKatty: Nor has it been for.... well ... months
16:24.58[TK]D-FenderKatty: that is another matter :)
16:25.08[TK]D-Fenderok, lunch time... out for Indian....
16:25.11Kattyyou're another matter.
16:25.42rue_mohrwell the tech I talked to last time downloaded me the svn drivers, which we couldn't install right there cause the office was using the phonesystem
16:26.04rue_mohrwhen I did install them, there was audio for outgoing calls, and no audio at all for incomming calls (co)
16:26.24rue_mohrI had to revert the drives back
16:26.58rue_mohrI didn't even have a clue where to start on that
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16:28.07Kattyyou know, mcdonalds does have some pretty nice salads.
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16:28.22Kattymaybe i will go there (=
16:28.25rue_mohrand our vendor just told me how to get ahold of their polycom support properly, so that might be solved
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16:35.17rue_mohrI might have screwed this up, I dont know if I registered the tdm800 in time
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16:43.54SuPrSluGcoppice: you around? i have a fax question
16:44.45devyllcan I make a dialplan where the pbx will initiate multiple outgoing calls and every call to be added to a confrence (meetme) ? . Like, a conference which invites (initates the calls) others to join there.
16:49.59theharapprox how much is a cab per mile in huntsville? anyone know?
16:55.09jplankis digium support serious?
16:55.34jplankThey guy on the phone was telling me things in DIRECT contradiction with the comments in asterisk source
16:56.35mogwhats the prob jplank
16:57.20jplankI'm having echo on a 2400p with hw echo can ever since I (was told) to up grade to and Dahdi 2.2.0RC5 to get rid of a half duplex issue
16:57.46jplanknow the guy is telling me to set echocan=256, turn echo training on, and use fxotune
16:58.03jplankisn't that all irrelevant with a HW echo can?
16:58.21jplankhe also wants me to install HPEC
16:58.50malcolmdfxotune isn't irrelevant because it modifies registers on the modules themselves.  the value set in echocan for number of taps is irrelevant, as is echo training
16:59.06jplankso fxotune will work with a HW echo can?
17:02.10malcolmdthe only thing it has to do w/ the hw echo can is that its use modifies the hw level gains of the daa in order to minimize any mismatch against your lines.  so, running it will have some impact, whether you're using a hardware-based ec or a software-based one
17:02.27malcolmdthe hw level gains as well as some other stuffs...
17:04.56malcolmdwhat support's trying to do by suggesting hpec is trying to characterize whether or not your issue is specific to the version of the echo can code that runs in hardware on the vpm vs. the echo can that runs in software in hpec.  they're from the same vendor, but produced in one form for the dsp on the vpm and the other in c for x86 platforms.  so, if support has to kick it back up to the dsp vendor they can characterize it as a fault i
17:04.56malcolmdn one, the other, or both
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17:05.17techie33anyone available for a codec question?
17:07.00jplankI dont mind trying HPEC, but from what I understand since this is a 2400p, I can't get it on all the channels
17:07.10jplankjust about 1 module or something like that
17:07.19malcolmdthey'll give you a key for 24 channels
17:07.56malcolmdyou can run it on all of the channels at 128ms (1024 taps), but it's going to crush your cpu to do so.  the lower the taps count the less it's going to annihilate the processor
17:08.10jplanknever have that many calls up
17:08.32jplanknever seen more then 5, and only 1 or 2 tops being a dahdi channel
17:09.44malcolmd24 channels @ 128ms will burn an entire core of a xeon 5160.  there are certainly heftier processors out there now, but the software echo cancellers run on a single core, so you can't take advantage of multi-cores to spread the load
17:10.22jplankis there any way I can pull the serial number of the card from the CLI? I don't see it in dmidecode
17:10.57malcolmdnegative.  if you know who you bought it from they may be able to give it to you though
17:11.12jplankgrrr, I've purchased so many of these
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17:16.16mechbangirchi any priority in dialplan to jump to when "DIALSTATUS" is "CONGESTION", like n+101 or something
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17:17.40tzafrir_laptop1024 taps? sounds like a gross overkill
17:22.04techie33I'm trying to get calls to be send from our cisco router to our asterisk box in g729 format when the call comes in in fails. However if I make an outbound call I see the calls go out as g729 without an issue. Why would this be?
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17:24.20ariel_hello folks
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17:25.51timeshell_atworkHappy Fivesday!
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17:27.42ariel_anyone have any good instructions to upgrade from Zap drivers to Dahdi when your also using libpri ?
17:28.17mechbangirci am trying to implement LCR in portech mv-378, totally lost. any idea how to deal with sip responses???
17:28.31mechbangircin dialplan
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17:33.36jeff_phillipsOkay, MixMonitor() doesn't seem to work so I'm using Monitor() instead. Problem is, I need to record until the call has been hung up and THEN launch another command. MixMonitor() has an option to specify another command to launch upon termination, which worked except that it only recorded silence.
17:33.46jeff_phillipsSo how can I run something else at the end of the call with Monitor()?
17:34.58*** part/#asterisk mechbangirc (
17:35.18tzafrir_laptopariel_, hmm.. how about UPDATE.txt in the dahdi-tools directory?
17:35.33tzafrir_laptoplibpri is irrelevant to zaptel vs. dahdi
17:36.23jeff_phillipsIn other words, how can I insert some code that will launch upon the channel hanging up?
17:37.12ariel_tzafrir_laptop, read that file but it does not really talk about libpri, I am upgrading a server that is already running on zaptel, with libpri installed.
17:37.41ariel_tzafrir_laptop, It says to setup libpri first which I did, then dahdi
17:37.52ariel_but it seems to have ignored the libpri
17:38.41tzafrir_laptopif you want to build chan_dahdi (of asterisk) with pri support, you need to have libpri installed
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17:38.57ariel_yes which I did
17:39.28tzafrir_laptopSo all's well
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17:40.48ariel_except my pri spans are not working
17:50.20tzafrir_laptopdo you see the PRI channels in 'dahdi show channels'? the spans in 'pri show spans'?
17:50.51ariel_argh can't believe it, I found that if you follow the directions the dahdi_conf mess's up your settings.
17:51.06ariel_tzafrir_laptop, I got it working,
17:52.04tzafrir_laptopariel_, which directions? which dahdi_conf? what needs fixing?
17:53.14ariel_it did not pickup correctly the E1's
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17:53.31sumaWhat is the best answering machine detection solution for asterisk ?
17:53.37ariel_it added crc4 to the mix and setup echocancel=mg2 when it had hardware ec
17:53.50Kattyi'm gettin tired :<
17:55.39*** join/#asterisk layne (
17:55.56jeff_phillipsif MixMonitor() replaces Monitor() then how come they are so vastly different?
17:56.43*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=RPL@
17:57.10sumajeff_phillips: Monitor generates two files
17:57.19sumaMix Monitor generate a single for a call
17:57.19jeff_phillipsi get that
17:57.27jeff_phillipsbut MixMonitor doesn't seem to work at all
17:57.46jeff_phillipsbut has the nice bonus of being able to run a command after it has finished recording
17:57.53sumaWorks fine for us.
17:58.12jeff_phillipsI can't get MixMonitor to record anything but silence, I can record fine with Monitor() but it doesn't allow me to run a command when it's done
17:58.25sumajeff_phillips: you should be able to do that via management interface as of now
17:58.50sumajeff_phillips: what is your asterisk version ?
17:58.58*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
17:59.13jeff_phillipsWell what I'm trying to do is simply create an extension that when called will beep and record whatever you say until you hang up. Then I want to run a command after the call has disconnected
17:59.36xhelioxjeff_phillips: Use the m option for Monitor()
17:59.53xhelioxshow application Monitor
18:00.44jeff_phillipssuma: 1.4.20-1
18:01.17jeff_phillipsI only need one leg of the call
18:01.28jeff_phillipsbut I need to launch a different command upon hang-up
18:01.41sumajeff_phillips: You can do that with the vartiable MONITOR_EXEC
18:01.53sumaread the application description
18:03.03jeff_phillipsI'll try that
18:03.11jeff_phillips.. still don't understand why mixmonitor didn't work
18:04.47xhelioxMe either. But that should be a work around.
18:06.04jeff_phillipswhen I tried MixMonitor, with WAV as the format, it would create a wav file with about 5 seconds of silence and if I selected MP3 it would not create a file at all. Nothing was ever recorded either way
18:06.07ruben23hi how do i remove this error log on my asterisk CLI
18:06.47rue_mohrsounds like your phone is asking for comfort noise
18:07.16ruben23rue_mohr: how do i correct that..?
18:07.19rue_mohrwhat kinda phone you using?
18:07.25jeff_phillipscomfort noise?
18:07.41rue_mohrits background static to give you the impression the other side didn't hang up
18:07.45ruben23im using eyebeam softphones
18:08.00rue_mohrwell, look for a comfort noise setting
18:08.08rue_mohrturn it to whatever it isn't
18:08.59rue_mohr(when you have a problem, try things that are different then when you had the problem)
18:09.16rue_mohresp in abscence of proper support
18:09.35rue_mohrif you paid for that program I'd expect you can call them up and complain
18:09.45jeff_phillipsoh yeah
18:10.31xhelioxrue_mohr: And I expect you'd find out what sort of support a company has before paying for their software.
18:10.53jeff_phillipsthere were a few episodes of murder she wrote where between each word/phrase the audio track was made to go completely silent. couldn't even watch it because it was so annoying to hear the trailing hiss and then a sharp drop to silence after every bit of dialog
18:12.31*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:12.40rue_mohrso to work out tx level setting I'd need to loop an fxo to an fxs, call it with a 1mw and adjust
18:13.10rue_mohrright now, if I do that through the co, I get incredible loss, over 15dbm of gain dosn't come close to fixing it
18:14.33*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
18:15.20rue_mohrxheliox, heh, thats halarous in context of microsoft
18:16.10jeff_phillipswoot it works
18:16.33rue_mohryou got your channels to play murder she wrote?
18:17.56rue_mohranyone know how I can get the serial number of the tdm card from the console?
18:18.22*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
18:19.18[T]ankIm looking for something similar to snmp monitoring of things like sip registry and sip peer connections, etc. Does anything like that exist?
18:19.23rue_mohrhow can I measure the time of the polarity reversal from the co after a calls hing up
18:19.47rue_mohr[T]ank, hmm
18:20.06[T]ankI see things like argus and hobbit. But I am not sure they will really do what I am after.
18:20.07rue_mohryou want events?
18:20.18rue_mohror you polling?
18:20.22[T]ankI think that is more to make sure that the safe_asterisk processes are running.
18:20.39rue_mohrah YOU also need a heartbeat
18:20.42[T]ankI simply want to see if sip peers are registered, or unknown for example
18:20.51rue_mohryour the 3rd person to ask for it latley,
18:20.55rue_mohrI'z the first
18:21.12[T]ankif peers go "UNKNOWN" I would want a notification
18:21.30rue_mohraside form a log file processor I dont know how you might do that
18:21.37rue_mohrwell C coding aside
18:22.10rue_mohrit would be good for asterisk to have an snmp module, create heartbeat events and stuff
18:22.42rue_mohrI need to know if asterisk goes down so i can flip a relay and switch lines over to backup phones
18:22.48*** part/#asterisk icyValk77 (
18:22.58[T]ankyours you should be able to do...
18:23.02[T]ankI do that using hobbit
18:23.14rue_mohrmaybe I should look up hobbit
18:23.41rue_mohris wating for a call back from digium tech support re his bad audio levels and echo problems
18:23.48[T]ankcheck those links out. There are more than just hobbit
18:25.21Joelrue_mohr there are devices which will automatically flip lines for you
18:25.35rue_mohryes relays, but triggering the relay is the trick
18:25.53Joelrue_mohr did you see the word "automatically" in my sentence?
18:25.55rue_mohrthe alarm signal on the t1 is messed up, idiot engineer
18:26.53rue_mohrwhen the channelbank is powered up, it signals ok half way thru the boot it says alarm, after booting it says ok again
18:27.13rue_mohryou get ok if the channelbank has no power at all, or is ok
18:27.41rue_mohrbut thats another site
18:28.06rue_mohrI think my plywood paint is dry, I'm gonna go screw equipment to it
18:29.18Kattythere are 4 people in our office
18:29.19Kattyout of 30
18:29.24Kattymaybe i should go home
18:29.58rue_mohryou want to help me dig thru asterisk source?
18:30.11beekKatty: Only 4/30 people?  That, to me, sounds like an excellent situation.
18:33.06*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:33.32rue_mohrplaytones, are the paramiters freq and amplitiude?
18:34.10rue_mohrman it would really help to be able to monitor levels on the ulaw stream
18:34.15ariel_argh my system is still not able to detect fax's,
18:34.31rue_mohrdo this
18:34.52rue_mohrdial yourself on the line, and hit dtmf keys, see if you get the dtmf properly
18:35.09rue_mohrif its all messed up, might indicate where you have problems
18:35.19rue_mohrariel_, digium card?
18:35.29rue_mohranalog? digital?
18:35.33ariel_yes TE220b
18:35.47rue_mohrthats a 2 channel T1 yes?
18:36.07rue_mohrer E1?
18:36.08ariel_yes, setup as 2 span E1, euruISDN
18:36.25rue_mohryour using in it europe, right?
18:36.34ariel_rue_mohr, no
18:36.45ariel_out in the open seas....
18:37.01rue_mohrwhat are you using it with? eupoean equipt?
18:37.36ariel_depends, but this case it's Cisco 3745 to E1's on Asterisk to E1's on a Mitel pbx
18:37.55rue_mohrok, so your all matched up in that sense
18:38.35rue_mohrwho does the clocking?
18:38.41ariel_our setup was working with asterisk 1.2 and 1.09, We have upgraded one to 1.4.25 with Dahdi and pri and it's not detecting the faxes
18:39.00rue_mohrI think they have a gain problem
18:39.03ariel_we do the clocking but I have tried it with the cisco and with the mitel
18:39.10rue_mohrI been bashing my head agaisnt it for days now
18:39.27rue_mohrmy suggestion is to not let asterisk do the clocking
18:39.32ariel_faxdetect ?
18:39.39rue_mohrlet the mitel do the E1 clocking
18:39.52ariel_well right now I have it in our lab
18:40.17ariel_connected to a Cisco 3645
18:40.19rue_mohrI'm betting its a gain problem
18:40.27ariel_E1 which is giving me the clocking
18:40.31*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
18:40.46rue_mohryea, but hte clock source shoudl be the mitel, as in, its the master
18:40.55rue_mohrthe card is the slave
18:40.57Blackvelwhat can I do that ChanIsAvail does not give me back 0 AST_DEVICE_UNKNOWN as ${AVAILSTATUS}. I have to check for BUSY / INUSE
18:41.05ariel_In this case it's not, it's the Cisco
18:41.16rue_mohrok, that shoudl be ok
18:41.27rue_mohrBlackvel, dunno
18:41.58rue_mohrariel_, do you have any means of loss testing?
18:42.20ariel_Blackvel, what is it giving you? have you tried it with core set debug 99
18:42.27ariel_it displays allot of info that way.
18:42.28rue_mohras in, if you had 11db loss somewhere in asterisk, could you tell?
18:43.10ariel_with PRI E1 we normally don't have to play with the gains at all.
18:43.19ariel_sound is great for normal calls
18:43.21*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=cmr@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
18:43.27rue_mohrI know
18:43.36rue_mohrcould you tell
18:43.36ariel_And it's able to go through our ivr and also pin code aceptance
18:44.06rue_mohryea, my system was ont he virdge or working, some things did, some things didn't, and alot of stuff was intermittent
18:44.50Blackvelariel: trying to check if I am talking already on the phone. need to use multi-dial. if phone is busy I need to skip the multi-dial
18:45.22*** join/#asterisk teknoprep (n=cmr@unaffiliated/teknoprep)
18:45.37Blackvelyes i know, wiki says that this is not possible. should be using devstate. but [TK]D-Fender want me to do it that way (i am on 1.2 anyways and cant use devstate).
18:46.59Blackveljust need to test ....
18:47.18ariel_so your trying to call the phone but it's not telling you it's busy or any other state? What does the phone do?
18:48.14Blackvelnot yet
18:48.21Blackveltrying to get status BEFORE the dial
18:48.26rue_mohrso milliwatt isn't neccissarily 1mw, the level isn't specifically set
18:49.10Blackvelif its busy I won't dial / use the multi-dial DIAL(SIP/tech1&SIP/tech2).
18:49.11ariel_Blackvel for some our queues and agents we use a macro that goes out to the mysql and checks to see if there busy
18:49.27ariel_we post to the mysql when they make or get a call
18:49.38Blackvelthe multi-dial doesn't get me busy state and let's ring tech2, even I am talking on tech1. so I need to check tech1 channel on BUSY/INUSE first
18:49.58Blackveloh interesting...
18:50.12[TK]D-Fenderwasteful overkill.
18:50.16Blackvelso you do it manually for incoming and outgoing calls
18:50.31[TK]D-Fenderthis is about as bad as taht GROUP() idea
18:50.42[TK]D-FenderActually WORSE
18:51.05BlackvelI believe asterisk has to get that on-the-fly (internally)
18:51.59Blackvelchecked sip.conf peer
18:52.06Blackvelit is host=dynamic, qualify=yes
18:52.10rue_mohrasterisk supports midi!?
18:52.33sumaWhat is the best answering machine detection solution for asterisk ?
18:52.44rue_mohramd ?
18:52.48rue_mohraka amd.conf?
18:52.53Blackvelany more options to set to go for some different result as ChanIsAvail: 0 AST_DEVICE_UNKNOWN
18:52.57rue_mohraka /etc/asterisk/amd.conf?
18:54.05sumaAre the commercial ones detects more thant what is with amd ?
18:54.43sumaI was in an assumption what asterisk has is a basic one
18:55.50Blackvelfound posting
18:56.39BlackvelAndrew says ChanIsAvail supports [TK]D-Fender idea in >=1.4. looks like it does not do in V1.2 what it is supposed to do
18:58.01[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: .... stop "looking" and get off your ass.  You've been handed this and you aren't DOING IT
18:58.17[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Stop waiting for 100 different accounts of success before getting off your ass.
18:58.56[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: And you will find all sort of people who can't get things to work.  They are often twits who can't follow directions.
18:58.59Blackvelit is NOT working on V1.2 [TK]D-Fender
18:59.03Blackvel0 AST_DEVICE_UNKNOWN
18:59.06[TK]D-FenderAnd we never see THEIR kind in here, do we?
18:59.16Blackvelresult is always: 0 AST_DEVICE_UNKNOWN instead of BUSY/INUSE
18:59.23[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: ...
18:59.36infobot[~wmmfpb] WHERE'S MY MOTHER-^%#ING PASTEBIN?!?
18:59.56techie33[TK]Defender: I have a question about g729 codec, do you know much about this? I'm trying to get incoming calls to use the g729 codec but the calls fail. They all want to come in ulaw, however I can make calls outbound from the 7960 handsets and they work fine. I've forced the g729 code on the router, but it still wants to pass ulaw. Any ideas?
19:00.05[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Do not get it in your head for even 1 second that I trust you did this properly
19:00.59BlackvelI feel that
19:01.29*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
19:01.44[TK]D-Fendertechie33: Learn for Blackvel 's example...
19:01.45batphonewhenever i am having a bad day, all i have to do is look in here or in #cisco to find someone having a worse time
19:03.19ariel_I am hungry,,, humm let me go see what the Vending Machines have for snack's.....
19:03.45*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
19:05.54hardwireleifmadsen: poke.. played with clusterip?
19:05.57Blackvelmaybe some more config stuff needs to be improved to get it working
19:06.16leifmadsenhardwire: never heard of it
19:07.18hardwireleifmadsen: based on a source ip, source ip + source port, or source ip + port + dest port you can tell a group of machines to share an IP and only answer based on the result of a hash
19:07.20Blackveltechie33: he has no good day with me as I asked too many questions the last days ;)
19:07.21leifmadsenbad day? try importing several megs of data into mysql cluster -- node go boom
19:07.36leifmadsenhardwire: I have no use for that :)
19:07.40[TK]D-Fender[10:19]<[TK]D-Fender>Blackvel: CHANISAVAIL <- It works. Read the instructions and go DO IT
19:07.40hardwireso I have 4 asterisk servers sharing an IP.  one can take over for another
19:07.51[TK]D-Fender[09:46]<[TK]D-Fender>Blackvel: "core show application chanisavail" <---
19:07.51hardwireleifmadsen: you're hip to clusters.. thought I'd ask.
19:07.54Blackveltechie33: therefore he didn't believe I was actually going for it
19:08.03leifmadsenhardwire: no sure what the question was :)
19:08.10hardwireleifmadsen: no question.. just talk.
19:08.12BlackvelI can really understand him (a bit)
19:08.17[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: almost 5 HOURS later you seem incapable of reading its instructions
19:08.36[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: And if that isn't clear enough : THAT APP HAS OPTIONS.  READ THEM
19:09.10hardwireis sharing the reg contexts between a cluster of servers, using cluster ip, and it seems to work very well.
19:09.29hardwireat least for transparency to the end user.
19:09.29Blackvels flag?
19:09.36hardwirejeff_phillips: :)
19:09.41[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: What does it SAY?
19:09.56Blackvels - Consider the channel unavailable if the channel is in use at all
19:10.21hardwireleifmadsen: you're mysql cluster go boom?
19:10.28hardwireor somebody elses.. I just joined.. sucks if it happened.
19:11.02hardwirespeaking of which.. cluster ip and mysql-ndb go hand in hand :P
19:11.04hardwire-> worky worky.
19:12.40[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: A phone isn't "busy" unless it CANNOT take another call.  Yuo are working with multi-line phones!  Thats what call-waiting is for!
19:13.01[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: so for most purposes, "busy" = doesn't exist
19:14.42hardwireI believe I've only encountered it on some SIP phones when DND is on
19:14.55[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Yeah, some return that status.
19:15.39*** join/#asterisk DSpair (
19:15.56DSpairGood afternoon all (or whatever it is where you are!).
19:17.16*** join/#asterisk hugorebelo (
19:17.39leifmadsenhardwire: ya... on certain tables
19:18.17hardwireleifmadsen: it's difficult to stop split brains and keep all tables uncorrupted in a cluster.
19:18.26hardwireI don't envy you.
19:18.38hardwireI use master-master and put each master on a beefy serv when I can.
19:18.42leifmadsenhardwire: well... it's just an initial import -- only fails with certain tables
19:18.51leifmadsenbrand new servers -- quite beefy
19:18.52hardwirethen use pen locally to distributed the load (pen is awesome)
19:19.10leifmadsenI haven't gotten to the distribution part yet
19:19.17Blackvel[TK]D-Fender CW is turned off
19:19.17leifmadsenI'm just leaving out the big tables for now
19:19.23hardwireleifmadsen: ndb or master/master or master/slave ?
19:19.34hardwire5.1+ mysql?
19:19.41[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: Either way, go call it properly
19:19.43leifmadsen5.1.32 + 6.3.24 I think
19:19.57hardwireah.. I haven't gotten to play with ndb that recent.
19:20.11hardwireI can't wait to try it/break it.
19:20.19hardwirebut I have other priorities :)
19:20.20leifmadsenpretty good so far other than it kills the ndb daemon on my non-master data node
19:20.32leifmadsen(when I import certain large tables)
19:20.44hardwireif it's only 2 servers I'd of course recommend master/master and using pen to handle failover.
19:20.58leifmadsenwell, it's 3 mysqld's at the moment
19:21.19hardwireI never understood the need for a single server to run ndb_mgmr
19:21.20leifmadsengot a tutorial?
19:21.48leifmadsenactually good turned up lots of info
19:22.16hardwireleifmadsen: install mysql, set up initial privileges, set up a replication account on both machines, set the server id's, set the replication params in mysql.conf, start slave on both. :)  There's lots of tutorials for master/master off of google.
19:22.21hardwireit's quick to set up
19:22.33leifmadsenwhat does pen do then?
19:22.34hardwirethen using pen is easy.. it's a generic tcp load balancer/failover
19:22.36leifmadsenif it's master/master?
19:22.46hardwirepen -f 3306 server1 server2
19:22.57leifmadsenvirtual IP?
19:23.00hardwirethat will foreground pen for testing and use either of the servers.. depending on tcp state.
19:23.02hardwireno virtual IP
19:23.08hardwirejust run pen on the client systems
19:23.16hardwirethen connect to it's local IP vs the servers.
19:23.19leifmadsenwhat do scripts connect to then?
19:23.22hardwirepen gives good info about failovers.
19:23.37hardwireyou can even make it round robin between each server for every new connection.
19:23.52leifmadsenlink to pen?
19:23.53hardwireI use it for mysql, and some other socket services.
19:24.01hardwireleifmadsen: apt-get install pen is all I got.
19:24.10leifmadsen<-- yum
19:24.15Blackvelwow...tested it out
19:24.19leifmadsenhardwire: I'll google
19:24.20hardwireit's based off of the "balance" program.
19:24.24hardwirewhich is very similar.
19:24.26Blackvelit seems now really working
19:24.31hardwirepen however can dump out HTML details on load distribution
19:24.38hardwirebalance on the other hand can fail over between server groups.
19:24.48*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
19:25.17hardwireanyhoot.. tootles.  thought I'd put a bug in your ear about it.. if you wanna dick around with clusterip at some point let me know.. I have the goods.
19:25.26hardwireI never knew 802.3 had a multicast mac specification.
19:25.28hardwirebut it does.
19:25.41leifmadsenhardwire: coolio -- if I ever find some free time... (not gonna happen)
19:25.45leifmadsenmaybe at astricon
19:25.46Blackveli dont care about status 0-5 and AVAILSTATUS. it's okay that ChanIsAvail routes into the proper direction
19:26.08hardwireleifmadsen: word.
19:26.14Blackveli still can't believe that :) need to try with snom m3 immediately
19:28.06*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
19:28.16hardwireBlackvel: send me your m3 when you get bored with it.
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19:36.37Blackvelhardwire: why? are you going for one? on xing voip forum ppl discussed that m3 is not the way to go
19:36.45Blackvelbut well....i am not talking too much on it
19:36.49Blackvelits ok for me
19:38.05*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=piper69@unaffiliated/dacs)
19:38.10dacsHowdy folks
19:40.29dacsi figure out for fully to benefit from the book and * i will need to get a real SIP account instead of free one. what do you guys recommended
19:42.39jeff_phillipsdacs: depends on what you want to do with it
19:43.08jeff_phillipsI use for my inbound and for outbound.
19:43.28dacsjeff_phillips: just to make and receive calls here in cali
19:43.47Blackvelhardwire: do you guys use any better dect voip phone than snom m3? siemens gigaset?
19:44.19hardwireI don't have squat.
19:44.35dacsjeff_phillips: i have a free SIP inbound with my area code
19:44.54dajhorndacs: The bot that watches this channel keeps a list of recommended providers.  (Who is the bot?)
19:45.18infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
19:45.30infobotfrom memory, itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
19:46.18ariel_wow what a list.
19:46.25infobotrumour has it, itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
19:50.58*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure_ (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
19:51.40infobot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
19:51.53Doctehtalk about a shortlist
19:53.12dajhornI'll plug Unlimitel (which is on the list) and (which isn't).
19:53.40dajhornBoth are based out of somewhere near Ottawa.
19:53.52rue_mohreast, bad
19:53.55rue_mohrwest good!
19:53.59Doctehah, I'm using les since I'm west coast
19:54.56rue_mohrTelless - "Naaa, You don't need a phone..."
19:55.10Doctehdissing telus or...?
19:55.15jplankanyone ever work with a two-way overhead paging system?
19:55.26rue_mohrtwo way?
19:55.27[TK]D-Fender[15:40]<dacs>i figure out for fully to benefit from the book and * i will need to get a real SIP account instead of free one. what do you guys recommended <- price doesn't mean anything
19:55.48jplanktalk back I guess yiou could call it
19:55.50[TK]D-Fenderdacs: What you get out of * depends on what you want to do, and how you choose to do it.
19:55.53jplankfully duplex
19:56.03jplankspeak into the speaker ;)
19:56.18rue_mohrfor $30/mo I'll give you an account with a number on the westcoast
19:56.38rue_mohryou just have to put up with a little CBC1 in the background
19:56.42jplankI'll do it for $29
19:56.52[TK]D-Fenderdacs: And the book is there to give a brief overview of most of * and telecom in general
19:57.04*** join/#asterisk SomethingIsodd (n=dan@
19:57.12SomethingIsoddHEllo all anyone here use freeradius
19:57.13Doctehmy apartments intercom gives me CBC1 stronger than the people calling up
19:57.26DoctehSomethingIsodd: I use it for  PPPoE but not asterisk
19:57.33rue_mohrOOooo I'm not hte only one with a cbc problem?
19:57.35superbeefIf I loop my t1 card with zttool, and stick a loop plug in the back of hte card, I should see some TX and RX activity on here shouldn't i?
19:57.43rue_mohrwonder if they have their transmitters dialed up too much
19:58.02SomethingIsoddDocteh maybe you can still help i am reporting the cdr`s to a mysql database. and its putting everything in the database twice. i can not figure out how to stop it from dupilicating eveything
19:58.06rue_mohryou wouldn't have a red alarm
19:58.14rue_mohryou know how to make a t1 loopback?
19:58.41jplank1-4, 2-5
19:58.54jplankis right
19:59.00superbeefrue_mohr: well the gu on the site is gonna stick a plug in
19:59.08DoctehSomethingIsodd: thats odd, is it doing a radius account packet when the call starts and when it ends?
19:59.32SomethingIsoddDocteh it was i have removed that entry so it only does it at he end of the call.
19:59.38BlargMaN00technically you are both wrong...  it's 1-5, 2-4
19:59.38SomethingIsoddbut it still puts the end of the call in twice
20:00.10rue_mohrthats a T1 loopback
20:00.36BlargMaN00rue_mohr: that's what i said...
20:00.36DoctehSomethingIsodd: run the radius in debug mode, figure out if asterisk is sending two packets or if radius is writing twice for no real reason
20:00.49SomethingIsoddi already did and its not.
20:01.26SomethingIsoddits almost like i have a second spot in my config. on radius thats telling it to add it the second time. but i have been all over sql.conf and there is only the one entry
20:02.10Doctehif you raise the debug on free radius high enough i think it'll print out both sql queries
20:02.14Doctehwell, inserts
20:03.25superbeefrue_mohr: my guy onsite was supposed to have a loopback plug but doesnt lol
20:03.34*** join/#asterisk Knoxville (
20:04.18SomethingIsoddlet me check
20:04.20[TK]D-Fender1 minute job with a crimp tool
20:04.27Knoxvillehey I have a new phone for the office.  I edited sip.conf and voicemail.conf.  reloaded the modules, and the phone now has voicemail and an externsion, however if anyone calls the phone it gives a busy tone, any ideas?
20:04.29dacswell Price does matter , but i want to experience with setting up * to originate call as well as terminating them!
20:04.31superbeeffor some reason my boss doesn't have a loopback plug, but has a smartjack key
20:05.18SomethingIsoddDocteh it only shows one insert let me try a call
20:06.29SomethingIsoddDocteh it shows it being inserted twice.
20:06.34[TK]D-Fenderdacs: Typcially there is nothing to "set up" for this really.
20:06.36dacsmy main use for * right now, is that i want to have it setup for our church, where the church preist could open his softphone and leave a message " Mass service is canceled for Monday" and * will dial a list of all members phone leaving that message
20:06.36SomethingIsoddit wasnt ealier
20:06.40*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
20:07.00[TK]D-Fenderdacs: Your same peer authing incoming calls you jsut do Dial(SIP/mypeer/18005551212,30) and you're done.
20:07.14[TK]D-Fenderdacs: I wouldn't really call this an "acheivement"
20:07.44dacs[TK]D-Fender: maybe for you, but for me its really big
20:07.51[TK]D-Fenderdacs: Now implementing realtime SIP peers, ODBC VM storage, writing an AGI or AMI application.  These would be milestones to look at
20:07.59[TK]D-Fenderdacs: Ok, well, its 1 dial command....
20:08.22[TK]D-Fenderdacs: You could get the same level of acheivement jsut by setting yourself up with and calling someone on there.
20:08.34dacs[TK]D-Fender: don't compare me to have what maybe +5yrs exp with * so for you it a cake :)
20:08.37[TK]D-Fenderdacs: Same functional difference as far as process goes, but at no cost.
20:09.10[TK]D-Fenderdacs: I jsut showed you a single Dial line.  How many guides out there for "how to setup broadvoice", etc all do this?  DOZENS.
20:09.22[TK]D-Fenderdacs: If you hve a peer entry for incoming, dialing = 1 line.
20:09.27*** join/#asterisk juanIMP (n=juan@
20:09.39[TK]D-Fenderdacs: Trust me... it really doesn't qualify.
20:10.18[TK]D-Fenderdacs: Heck, using AstDB to hold DND status and checking on extens used to dial local phones would be considerably more involving yet still rather petty
20:10.28Doctehmmmmm cake
20:11.01dacs[TK]D-Fender: ok, but i really want to digest * so i can understand whats going on.
20:11.31dacsbut for me to make an outbound i will need a place to terminate my calls right
20:11.39Doctehdrink plenty of milk, it'll help your body process the vitamin c
20:12.20Doctehyea you will
20:18.37[TK]D-Fenderdacs: Of course
20:20.18Knoxvilleafter you create a mac.cfg file do you need to reload any modules?
20:21.11[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
20:21.45SomethingIsoddDocteh ok i was wrong asterisk is not sending the entry twice only the once. i have double checked that
20:22.03ariel_Knoxville, are you talking about setting up polycom phones.  If your only editing the mac.cfg and not having to touch anything in asterisk like the sip.conf, then you don't have to do anything else.
20:22.41Knoxvilleyes it is polycom, I have edited voicemail.conf and sip.conf, everything works bu when calling the extension it gives busy tone
20:22.50KnoxvilleI figure I need to create a .cfg file?
20:23.43e0n`hmmm, so I figured out the outgoing queue but how do I (when a user picks up) attach it to a phone call
20:26.56Kattywtb pink blackberry case.
20:27.01*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
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20:28.53KavanSBig KATO!
20:33.00BlargMaN00Knoxville: i'm assuming that this is your first run-in with asterisk??  You didn't create an extension for the phone, you just created a sip device...  you have to edit extensions.conf to tell the dialplan how to contact the device...
20:33.24BlargMaN00Knoxville: i.e. exten => 200,1,dial(sip/200)
20:33.38Knoxvilledo I also need to make the mac.cfg file?
20:34.06ariel_Knoxville, the mac.cfg are for setting up your polycom's there downloaded from either ftp,tftp or a html server
20:34.22BlargMaN00Knoxville: yes...  you need to make a mac.cfg for the device, and you also need to create a custom <extension>.cfg file for the phone as well...
20:34.25ariel_Knoxville, but you need more then just the mac.cfg
20:35.09BlargMaN00Knoxville: otherwise, your phone won't know how to talk to *, and * won't even know your phone exists...
20:35.27KnoxvilleThe phone can dial out and such, works fine
20:35.43*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
20:36.33BlargMaN00Knoxville: ok, then don't touch your .cfg files for the phone...  you need to add the line that i previously showed you to your extensions.conf file, so that * will know how to contact your phone...
20:39.42Knoxvilleafter I edit the extensions.conf do I need to reload the module, and if so how?
20:40.53e0n`extensions reload
20:40.56e0n`from the asterisk console
20:41.27BlargMaN00dialplan reload
20:41.31BlargMaN00from the CLI
20:45.34rue_mohrhowcome the asterisk book dosn't say anything about the format for the playtones app?
20:47.20infobotextra, extra, read all about it, itsplist-us is Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
20:48.01KnoxvilleI need to reload both modules?
20:49.43Doctehodd, voicemailmain() exits if it fails to find an audio file
20:50.40rue_mohrin the source there are about 11 formats for playtones(), but there is no mention of them in the manuals
20:51.46rue_mohrhmm suppose I'll have to add it
20:51.55*** join/#asterisk ecret (
20:53.12rue_mohroh thats well hidden
20:53.33*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
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20:54.56rue_mohr"Asterisk does not have a parameter to specify the modulation depth and uses 90% by default"
20:55.47rue_mohrwhere does that put the 1mw signal, 0db isn't 0.9
20:56.26rue_mohrultimitly, its what comes out of the codec thats important
20:56.56Kattygoes through purse.
20:57.10Kattyleifmadsen: youowuld not believe what all is in here.
20:57.45rue_mohr0db is .707v
20:58.03leifmadsenKatty: I have a g/f -- I would believe nearly anything
20:58.08rue_mohrits the 6th point from the middle on the graph
20:58.31Blackvelwhat mobile voip devices do you use with wlan/asterisk? pda with windows mobile, iphone, blackberry, Nokia Exx series mobile phone?
20:58.57Kattyleifmadsen: yeah and it's a big bag too.
20:59.24leifmadsenKatty: always are... all the more space for you girls to carry my stuff in!
20:59.25Kattyleifmadsen: payment for my hospital bill and rent.
20:59.42Kattyleifmadsen: pink checkbook, with license and cards and what not.
21:00.10Kattyleifmadsen: two sets of keys... on those really long uhmm... go around your neck thingies.
21:00.25Blackvelleifmadsen: have no a working multi-dial solution, thanks to [TK]D-fender :)
21:01.00Kattyleifmadsen: mp3 player, allergy medication, hand sanitizer, psudeophed, eyedrops.
21:01.15Kattyleifmadsen: hair clips!
21:01.40Kattyleifmadsen: chapstick type gel stuff.
21:02.28Kattyleifmadsen: coinpurse. blackberry, sunglasses.
21:02.40Kattya lighter...
21:02.45Kattyi don't smoke tho. it's to light candles at work
21:03.15Kattyso that's where my thingy went to rip cable out of 66 blocks
21:03.35Katty3 pens, another lighter.
21:03.50Kattyit was a pretty rainbow one from spencers, but it's empty now :<
21:03.59rue_mohrcan I run dahdi_test while a system is in use?
21:04.52Doctehwell it wont grab the hardware if its in use
21:04.57Kattyleifmadsen: spritsy bottle of nail polish remover and cotton balls.
21:05.44Kattyleifmadsen: makeup bag. i won't share what all is in that thing.
21:06.03Doctehwoah dude wall of text
21:06.18Kattyleifmadsen: flash drive.
21:06.48Blackvelhave a good evening....bye
21:07.08rue_mohrwell dahdi_test scores Average: 99.989038
21:07.16rue_mohrwhich I think is pretty good
21:07.25Kattyleifmadsen: VS perfume.
21:07.50Kattyleifmadsen: and some lip gloss.
21:08.08infobotdid is, like, Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
21:10.25Doctehheh heh heh
21:11.02eppigyDONDE ESTA
21:14.38Kattyeppigy: what are you making me for dinner.
21:15.02theharrussellb: !!
21:15.22*** join/#asterisk smps (n=smps@
21:15.53eppigyKatty: linguine with red clam sauce?
21:16.03eppigyit is kind of spicey
21:16.32russellbohai thehar
21:17.05theharrussellb: i will bez in huntsville next month
21:17.27russellbwhat's the occasion
21:17.41thehardcap/you digium people i pretend to like
21:17.46thehartee hee
21:17.54russellbcool :-)
21:17.55thehari joke..
21:18.09theharsomethin like the 19-24th
21:18.12russellbtell Jan that you want me to join the class for lunch one day :-)
21:18.31russellband then i get free foodz
21:18.32Kattyeppigy: linguine sounds good. not so much clams.
21:18.42Kattyeppigy: idont' think i've ever had clam sauce :<
21:18.58thehari'll be like "jan, can you invite aaron, matt and russellb to class today?"
21:19.18eppigyred clam sause is delish
21:19.21eppigyjusta  little spicey
21:19.27eppigywhite cam sauce is really good
21:19.36Kattywhitecam sauce.
21:19.40Kattynow with extra pixels.
21:19.51eppigycreamy pixels
21:20.00russellbthehar: yessssssss
21:20.01Kattyyou are.
21:20.10eppigyyour face is dirty
21:20.15Kattyyour mom's face is dirty.
21:20.29eppigyyour elected offical's face is dirty
21:20.33theharrussellb: is the class all yawns? =|
21:20.44russellbthehar: do you know who is teaching?
21:20.46Kattyeppigy: that's not all that's dirty!
21:20.59theharrussellb: not yet.. haven't registered but submited budget today
21:21.12eppigypossible illegal campagn contributions
21:21.38Kattyhe published an internal document to the police department saying people who are liberals, or libertarians, or carrying libretarian items should be arrested for 24 hours on suspicion of terrorism.
21:21.45theharluckily there are deals goin on with flight/hotel in hsv right now or i'd be stuck in vegas in august
21:21.45russellbthehar: i don't know who all teachers ... Jared usually does, and he's amazing
21:21.56eppigyoh dang
21:22.13theharthat will be funny to be in jared's class if that's the case
21:22.19Kattyalso that ron paul supports are grouped into that thing.
21:22.22Kattyalong with Bob Barr
21:22.52Kattyfinds reddit article.
21:23.17theharrussellb: i'm out but i'll let you know 100% if i'm coming.
21:23.32*** join/#asterisk [netman] (n=netman@
21:23.34russellbk, have a nice evening
21:23.37theharyou as well
21:23.44theharhave 50+ phones to flash at 3 am tonight! can't wait!
21:24.19Kattyeppigy: something similiar happened in alabama too, i believe.
21:24.47Kattyeppigy: there were a few arrests in KC
21:25.09Kattyeppigy: and at least 1 person with fund raising material stopped at an airport, i forget which one.
21:26.18theharactually russellb is michelle in the office?
21:27.22russellbthehar: no
21:27.33Kattythat's your mom.
21:28.01eppigyKatty: thats a shame
21:28.30Kattyeppigy: yes. it was fixed tho.
21:28.39Kattyeppigy: and a formal appology issued from the governor
21:29.23eppigybee rr bee
21:30.47Kattyhi ruben23
21:30.54Kattywhat's up with the 23
21:31.04Kattydid your first 22 clones fail?
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21:31.11ruben23asterisk error logs during calls
21:31.31bryanfe2is there a way I can have my asterisk send a SIP client a message (during a call), to basically mute the call so that the SIP client doesn't send any audio?
21:33.50ruben23hi katty: :)
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21:47.47rue_mohrI want to transfer a 1mw to my telco's silent termination, how do i break that call after I do my tests?
21:47.54Kattyoh hey
21:47.56Kattyit's almost time to leaf.
21:48.04rue_mohrmae like a tree?
21:48.13Kattysomething like that
21:51.50rue_mohrk, so recording the local 1mw to a fxs shows a peak of -3.8db... not close enough to the 0db it should be
21:52.02rue_mohrthis is just all so wrong
21:57.02rue_mohrok, I think what I need to do here is the following
21:57.07bryanfe2Question -- Does Asterisk 1.6.1 still not work correctly when SIP clients have silence suppression enabled? I know this was a problem with prior versions. Is it still?
21:57.44rue_mohrget dahdi_monitor working on my channelbank, set all the gains to 0 on the bank and on asterisk, put a meter on an fxs channel is get a properly calibrated 0db signal level
21:57.58rue_mohrnote what it is on dahdi_monitor
21:58.14rue_mohrdo an analog loopback and get more numbers
21:58.48rue_mohruse that to adjust the tdm800 card I have here aginst the co 1mw
21:59.13rue_mohrphone my home system sending a 1mw and calibrate our transmit levels
22:05.55ehsjoarI am going through all sip.conf paremeters. It seems the is severely outdated. I am looking at the sample sip.conf in * The problem is that not all parameters are described and their default values are not specified. Does anybody know a good place to find this info? I am looking for
22:05.55ehsjoar1. What parameters are valid for a User, Peer and in the general section
22:05.55ehsjoar2. What are their default values
22:05.55ehsjoarI am working on a database schema that covers all parameters. Ultimately I will hook it up to an app server that will feed a Web based GUI
22:08.44Doctehpeer/user specific settings overrite whatever is set in general
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22:10.14Doctehany setting thats specific to the asterisk server itself, like a bind port, etc wouldn't be usable in a user spot
22:10.26ehsjoarDocteh: Thanks. I got that part. Some parameters are only in the general section though (like bindport) and some are only in the peer/user. I guess I can go through them all by trying to set them and see where they are valid.
22:11.05ehsjoarDocteh: Yes, some of them are easy to understand. Not all though. For instance the directrtpsetup one
22:11.28ehsjoarWhy is that guy not valid in a peer/user section? It seems that it should be
22:12.39ehsjoarI have tried to put it there but a sip show peer <peer> doesn't list it
22:13.34ehsjoarDocteh: Thanks, that explained that parameter really well
22:14.37ehsjoarThe reason I am looking for good explanations and where a parameter belongs is that I want to have a "help" button in the Web GUI that would explain it. I guess I just have to go through them one by one. Thanks for your help though
22:15.25rue_mohr"Usage: dahdi_monitor <channel num> [-v[v]] [-m] [-o] [-p] [-l li...."   >dahdi_monitor 2 -vv -p     dahdi_monitor: invalid option -- p  ?????
22:16.00*** part/#asterisk ehsjoar (
22:19.51comradeb14ckhey all--anyone know about the RECEIVE CHAR AGI command?
22:20.08comradeb14cki've been playing with it, and it appears that regardless of what happens, when i use that command it auto-kills my channel
22:20.11*** part/#asterisk bryanfe2 (
22:20.23comradeb14ckso all agi commands i use after calling RECEIVE CHAR cannot execute unless they run dead
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22:21.00rue_mohrdoes anyone here know anything about telephony audio?
22:21.16*** part/#asterisk swiftkick (
22:22.28*** join/#asterisk ISO9001 (
22:22.44Doctehrue_mohr: might want to ask a more specific question
22:23.13rue_mohrlike what value on dahdi_monitor represents 0db
22:23.24rue_mohrI'v been asking for days,nobody knows
22:23.57ISO9001I'm using FollowMe, but I'd like something like Playtones(ring) instead of musiconhold while it's trying to find an extension that answers. Is that possible?
22:24.22rue_mohrI think it might be about 11000, based on the level readings from recordings made with dadhi_monitor
22:25.22DoctehISO9001: whats wrong with playing the ringing sound with moh?
22:25.43ISO9001Docteh: nothing, can I? I thought I was limited to playing mp3s and whatnot.
22:26.56ISO9001or are you suggesting an mp3 of the ring tone?
22:27.06rue_mohruse playtones
22:28.10ISO9001rue_mohr: how?
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22:28.44rue_mohrread the wiki pages for playtones and the tone definitions
22:29.10ISO9001heh. Playtones(ring) gives the sounds I want. I'm not sure how it works with FollowMe though.
22:29.34rue_mohrit'll do it till you say to stop
22:34.21ISO9001I'm not sure if that's possible here.
22:35.05ISO9001followme only returns if it can't reach anyone. Maybe if it stops tones if it finds someone... will have to experiment I guess.
22:35.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:37.36ISO9001rue_mohr: yeah that doesn't work. Thanks for the suggestion though.
22:46.29rue_mohrok off with all the echo suppression
22:53.45rue_mohr1mw from the co is spilling into the fxo tx REALLY badly
22:54.12rue_mohrtry a sip set
22:54.35rue_mohroh thats better
22:59.57*** join/#asterisk juanIMP (n=juan@
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23:05.15drmessanorue_mohr: Is this the same problem you had 4 months ago?
23:06.16rue_mohrI'm really working hard to resolve this, but its really hard when nobody here knows anything about audio
23:06.23rue_mohror so it seems
23:06.40drmessanoWhat is the issue?
23:07.30rue_mohra) echo   b) volume  c) audio muting (fixed by adjusting vmnlpthresh to 4)  d) ... what was d
23:07.37rue_mohrlet me go get my book
23:08.21drmessanoWhat kind of card are you using?
23:08.39lanning3) PROFIT!
23:09.14drmessanolanning: Thats always 4
23:10.00lanningdamn, I will have to remember that... :)
23:10.10drmessano1. Do something, 2. Do something else (which is the nonsensical bit you are mocking), 3. ??????, 4. Profit
23:10.18rue_mohrtdm800 with echo can
23:10.23drmessano1. Install Asterisk <-- Good start
23:10.44rue_mohroh we had an issue where the card wouldn't pick up the line, but I think that was our telco
23:10.58drmessano2. Install ClamAV
23:11.01drmessano3. ???????
23:11.05drmessano4. Profit!!!
23:11.23rue_mohrand the svn driver caused us to have no audio for inbound calls
23:11.33rue_mohrso I'm using the newest stable
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23:12.07rue_mohrI have a call into digium right now, been waiting all day for the tech to return the call
23:12.09drmessanoThere is no such thing as an "svn driver".. SVN is a conduit, it does not represent a version
23:12.14rue_mohrdont think its gonna happen today
23:12.30rue_mohrvsn head as I understand
23:12.56rue_mohrbasically, any calls from the co had no audio, so I worked as quick as I could to get the old drivers back and played with it more later
23:13.26rue_mohrright now, I'm trying to get hte volume levels right, but nobody here seems to know anything about 0db calibration
23:14.15drmessanoWell, head means little more than the most recent revision.. that could be across any number of branches..
23:14.40rue_mohrI know, I dont know how to find out what it was, thats why I fell back on the latest stable
23:14.51rue_mohrwhich I'd like to point out stil has the broken dahdi_monitor
23:15.40rue_mohrI'm finding I have to adjust gains ont eh dahdi card by like 10db to get proper results
23:16.03rue_mohrand I'm not ht only one, turns out that a few have had to put tx on the fxo to -10db to get it to work right
23:16.18rue_mohras was the conversation this morning with a few toher tdm800 users
23:17.12drmessanoSo I always pull latest from the most recent branch.. I avoid trunk
23:17.16tompawThat's strange, I got my context with 8 priorities and 4 "h"s.
23:17.43lanninguh, 4h club is a bit different... :)
23:17.43tompawNow, after I hang up, those 4 "h"s are executed and then it executes "h"s 5-8 that do not exist!
23:17.52[TK]D-Fendertompaw: contexts don't have priorities.
23:18.05[TK]D-Fendertompaw: PASTEBIN is your friend.
23:18.34rue_mohrdrmessano, like I say, I'm not sure what it was the digium tech downloaded for me, but when I finally installed it, there was no audio for incomming co calls
23:19.14rue_mohrthe gains are odd, as you dial them up, they get louder, but at a point they just start spilling into the opposite path
23:19.57lanningthat's normal.
23:20.13rue_mohrand it conflicts, I cant seem to get the proper levels out of it before it spills over
23:20.30lanningat a certain point they are too loud and you get bleed over.
23:20.45rue_mohryea, but that shoudln't happen till way over 0dbm
23:20.50rue_mohrway over
23:20.57lanningit's a hardware thing, with amplification and close circuits.
23:21.03rue_mohrI'm not getting to 0 and I'm spilling over
23:21.38rue_mohrthen again, I'm having to guess where 0db is on the dahdi_monitor cause nobody knows
23:22.09rue_mohrI dont know enough about the audio format conversions going on in asterisk
23:22.18rue_mohrI know where 0db is in a ulaw stream
23:22.45engienI know absolutely nothing about asterisk.. just bought two cisco 7912g ip phones, would like to make them talk to each other - just for a learning experience.  Any suggestions on where to start ?
23:22.55rue_mohr its at the 700mv mark
23:23.04rue_mohrwhich is the 6th point from the middle
23:23.08[TK]D-Fenderengien: ...
23:23.09drmessanoengien: Putting them on ebay and getting some polycoms is a good start
23:23.09infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:23.26rue_mohrI do not advise polycom phones
23:23.36*** join/#asterisk datafirm (
23:23.37engiendrmessano: why?
23:23.45rue_mohryou can get and look at the manual for them, you wont see whats missing
23:24.04[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Everyone else is fine, you card is fucked.  Please accept the obvious before passing the buck.
23:24.16datafirmIm getting a _NODEST when trying to use direct dial from our IVR.. can someone help me with a few quick debug techniques?
23:24.23rue_mohrthey wont show dialed digits during a call
23:24.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Its not the phone... its your card
23:24.33rue_mohrthey lack a descent number of buttons
23:24.48rue_mohrI'm not talking about the volume levels, I'm happy to say thats the card
23:25.13rue_mohrbesides there is no sip stream monitor and tools that I can tell if the rtp steams have the amplitude they should
23:25.15[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Well few have your insistance on *'s broken SLA so the buttons are just fine.
23:25.33*** join/#asterisk secgod (
23:25.40rue_mohrthere are not enough buttons
23:25.53rue_mohraastra comes with 8
23:26.00secgodwhat distro seems to be full and features and stable these days ?
23:26.04rue_mohrpolycom comes with basically none
23:26.19rue_mohrbut go guiless
23:26.38rue_mohrok, this day is over
23:27.15rue_mohrI learned nobody here knows anything abotu audio, somehow I have to prove to digium that there are fundamental flaws in the tdm800
23:27.17drmessanothinks SLA ranks up there with dinosaurs and key systems in the list of "Top 10 things people see when having sepia flashbacks"
23:27.31rue_mohrI dont have a sla system
23:27.58drmessanoYou also dont have a working tdm800 card
23:30.55rue_mohrwere using it
23:31.32rue_mohrbut I have to dial the fxo tx to -10db and I have to dial the polycom handset volume (earpiece) to 11db
23:31.51rue_mohrotherwise the echo can goes balistic
23:33.02rue_mohrwe have a supplier with a toshiba keyed system that we get a LOT of echo from, I suspect is has alot of reflection but it shoudlnt be an issue
23:33.21rue_mohrand i have no way to measure or confirm any of this
23:33.43rue_mohrhell I cant even tell if the levels at the ulaw streams are even close
23:34.31rue_mohrat -10db on the fxo tx, I'm surprised that there is any audio left to come back
23:35.00rue_mohrand the day is over, I ahve to go home
23:35.26rue_mohrI'm gonna upgrade my system at home and play with it, it uses a T1 channelbank that I can do some loop tests on
23:35.55rue_mohrdrmessano, thanks for the intelectual conversation
23:36.40[TK]D-Fendertompaw: because "_," matches ANY exten with 1 or more character INCLUDING "h"
23:36.52tompawa HA!
23:37.05tompawme stupid.
23:37.13drmessanoWho the hell spends 5 months on a TDM card?
23:37.18[TK]D-Fendertompaw: And "_." is an incredibly stupid and dangerous pattern for reasons just like this
23:37.33[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I can give you a nick or two :)
23:39.06drmessanoalways assumed that was just a rue_mohr
23:45.02hardwirewtf is that?
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23:58.17misyelcan someone tell me about asterisk?

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