IRC log for #asterisk on 20090616

00:02.44jksanyone know of an API for the jabra pc suite?
00:03.00jks(looking to get the soft buttons working with asterisk)
00:03.13BenBhey... I'd like to install asterisk for me at home. I'm a sw developer myself, but I don't really care to learn much about it (no time), and I have no idea about the concepts used... is there some easily installed GUI (including webbased) which allows me to click my configuration together? I use ubuntu. I tried asteriskNow and Freepbx/trixbox, but neither of them really guide me with the installation (admin password, "dial plan",
00:03.13BenBSIP registration etc.pp.)
00:03.45BenBis there a nice GUI which is packaged for ubuntu which allows me to use asterisk without learning for hours?
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00:03.57jksconsidered hiring a consultant? ;-)
00:04.10BenBjks: "at home"
00:04.40ChainsawYou hire electricians at home, don't you?
00:05.19BenBChainsaw: actually, no, I don't. I didn't ask for consultants, I asked for a GUI.
00:05.22ChainsawYou want Asterisk but you don't want to do the work. Either you want a GUI tool like AsteriskNow, or a consultant so you can just say "make it so".
00:05.43BenBChainsaw: I want a GUI, but more GUI than AsteriskNOW
00:06.17BenBfor starters, I can't even log in to the astNOw GUI, because nothing told me the admin password.
00:06.31BenBthat's the kind of thing I expect to be guided through.
00:06.41ChainsawTry trixbox in that case.
00:06.48BenBChainsaw: I did, same thing.
00:06.51Chainsaw(It even used to be called Asterisk@home)
00:07.12ChainsawThey sell ready-made boxes if you want.
00:07.54BenBI don't want. I want a free software GUI which does not require me to get a telephone technician expert
00:08.15ChainsawThey exist, I just named two.
00:08.36BenBChainsaw: and I told one problem I have with them.
00:08.48ChainsawWhich can be solved by reading the provided documentation.
00:09.09BenBChainsaw: which fails my requirement: not needing to read manuals.
00:09.31BenB(BTW, I can't find the documentation either)
00:09.38ChainsawThen you win BenB. Asterisk isn't suitable for you in any way, shape or form.
00:10.17BenBtoo bad. it seems to be a nice software. I'd like to make secure phone calls between two of my sites, without having to spend a week or day on it.
00:10.29BenBA proper GUI would really do good.
00:10.42ChainsawIf you write one, there's probably money in it.
00:10.45ivanvujisicBenB: There is app Visual Dialplan for *, google is your friend
00:12.10BenBwonders why Firefox trunk Linux crashes, and remembers that he enabled Flash for Asterisk OpPanel
00:13.04BenBlanning: costs more than $50?
00:13.19lanningthe labor comes from somewhere...
00:13.35lanningfree = some assembly required
00:13.46BenByup, from people like me who write free software, for fun and free
00:14.20srf21cBenB: have you tried PBX in a flash?
00:15.38srf21cBenB: Also, if you want to pony up some money, the switchvox product is super easy to use.
00:15.58BenBsrf21c: looking at
00:16.03srf21cBenB: is a great resource for newbs getting an asterisk box going.
00:16.29srf21cTons of articles there.  although I'm afraid it might be tough to get asterisk going without doing a little reading along the way.
00:19.10BenBsrf21c: I'm most scared about all the concepts I don't know (and don't want to learn), like "dial plan", "trunk" etc.
00:21.09BenBall I know is that I got a few SIP accounts with phone numbers, a few SIP hardware phones, and want 2 asterisks at 2 sites of mine, connected via VPN.
00:21.34lanningunfortunately, you will have to learn how to design a "dial plan"
00:21.37BenBshould be as easy as point and click, as far as I'm concerned :)
00:22.33BenBis there maybe some other free software which is better suited for my needs?
00:23.04lanningno matter what you get, you will still need to design a dial plan.
00:23.18*** join/#asterisk JueLopi (
00:23.35JueLopiI don't know if someone have an answer but I would like to know if there's a way to have a sort of gateway that will have a sip soft phone as an input and connect to a iax2 termination?
00:24.00srf21cBenB: Hard for me to say, I'm more a command line type of guy.  Haven't messed with the GUI versions other than Switchvox, which will set you back $800 or more.
00:24.22BenBok, thanks all for your help
00:24.30srf21cBenB: anytime.
00:24.31lanningyou can download switchvox free edition
00:24.32srf21cgood luck.
00:24.38BenBI'll check out the stuff you pointed me at
00:24.52srf21clanning: really?  cool, wasn't aware of the free version.
00:25.20srf21cJueLopi: I am running a setup that is probably very similar to what you describe.
00:25.53lanningtrial is not time limited, just feature/size limited.
00:25.58srf21cI have IP SIP hard phones, connecting to a colocation server running asterisk, which connects to my service provider via IAX.
00:26.53JueLopisrf21c: What kind of software are you using?
00:27.21srf21cJueLopi: OpenBSD 4.4 w/Asterisk 1.4.21
00:27.32srf21cand Snom IP phones.
00:27.37srf21cwhich run linux.
00:27.48JueLopisrf21c: Asterisk can do that?
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00:28.12srf21casterisk can connect many different communication technologies together, yes.
00:29.15Dovidon sending a Fax asterisk does not re-invite T.38. on incoming when I get a fax Asterisk gets the re-invite and it works. anything that I need to do so that asterisk will request t.38 ?
00:29.17JueLopisrf21c: Great! I'm going to install it to see what it is. Look a pretty big piece of software
00:29.48srf21cJueLopi: yes, it's extensive.
00:30.27JueLopisrf21c: How hard is it to configure?
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00:37.05srf21cJueLopi: It can be challenging for a new user.
00:37.23srf21cI would recommend trying out trixbox or PBX in a flash for a new user.
00:37.37srf21cUnless you are comfortable at the command line and have sys admin experience.
00:38.10ivanvujisicnot too hard
00:38.59JueLopisrf21c: I'm confortable with linux. The only problem is all the terminology
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00:39.12srf21cJueLopi: I guess what I meant to say is that setting up a real working dialplan can be challenging.  the iax.conf and sip.conf files are relatively easy.
00:39.45ivanvujisicJueLopi: trixbox is to hard if you want to learn *
00:39.59srf21cDownload the free PDFMake sure to download the free O'Reilly book
00:40.18srf21coops.  Try this:
00:40.29srf21cthat's will be a good starting point.
00:41.28ivanvujisicno, starting point is /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf and sip.conf
00:41.56ivanvujisicthere is description for meny dalplans
00:43.03JueLopiThanks for the link! I'll do a quick check of trixbox and asterisk
00:44.34Dovidon sending a Fax asterisk does not re-invite T.38. on incoming when I get a fax Asterisk gets the re-invite and it works. anything that I need to do so that asterisk will request t.38 ?
00:52.43srf21cDovid: No experience with T.38 here, sorry.
00:54.28Dovidok. thanks
00:57.24srf21cI'm having the wierd problem whereby when I set the Dial timeout of an incoming call to 25 seconds or more, the call will bail with a == Spawn extension (inbound-context, <number>, 2) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/trunk-15380'   -- Hungup 'IAX2/teliaxtrunk-15380'
00:57.36srf21cinstead of going to voicemail like it should.
00:57.47srf21cThen it will ring another 25 seconds, and *then* go to voicemail.
00:58.04srf21cIf I set the dial timeout to 24 seconds, the problem goes away.
00:58.16srf21cWhat the eff is going on?
00:59.06*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
01:00.13srf21cdialplan snippet
01:00.47srf21cSIP busy signal sends the call immediately to voicemail as it should.
01:03.09drmessanoAm I missing something about using allow lines with & in them?
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01:05.50JueLopisrf21c, ivanvujisic: Thanks for your help! Now going to read a bit
01:06.58*** join/#asterisk ccoenen (
01:07.37ccoenenI have a peculiar problem with my asterisk installation
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01:07.49ccoenenmaybe anyone of you has an idea...
01:07.59ccoeneni can't make internal calls.
01:08.31ccoenenthey always go outside via ISDN and then fail as number incomplete
01:08.46*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:09.26*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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01:09.28ccoenenmy problem is, that i am still fairly new to asterisk, and i don't even really know where i should start
01:10.35srf21cccesario_: shoot.
01:11.13srf21cccoenen: start with the most basic dialplan possible.... two internal extensions.
01:11.18srf21cand then build from there.
01:11.59srf21cCheck out the Asterisk TFOT Book PDF download.
01:12.18ccoenenthanks, i'll have a look
01:12.20srf21cmake sure to back up your existing dialplan of course.
01:12.51ccoenenthat dialplan has been generated by FreePbx/Trixbox
01:13.16ccoenenbut the web-interface is not really helping in determining the problem, either
01:13.29srf21calso check out
01:14.17srf21cccoenen: yes, web interface can hide a lot of under the hood action that makes it bewildering to troubleshoot when it doesn't work.
01:14.41srf21calso bare bones voip example:
01:14.58srf21cA bit dated, but the basic concepts are the same .
01:15.28*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
01:15.41ccoenenah the systm video! That's really good to get started
01:16.13srf21cnot bad, John Todd does a pretty good job of explaining things.
01:16.22srf21cat least he speaks slow a measured. ;)
01:17.42BenBsrf21c: the oreilly-book you posted is good, thank!
01:18.06srf21cBenB: cool, glad it's helping out.
01:18.33srf21cpretty awesome of them to make it available for free in PDF, IMHO.
01:19.57*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
01:20.52BenBsrf21c: indeed.
01:21.09BenBsrf21c: I'm trying out switchvox atm, but again am stuck at the admin password.
01:21.44ccoenenhmm from what i read, if all my SIP phones have the context from-internal, then this should take precedence over dialing out via the landline?
01:21.51BenBthe console menu (which comes up after install) has an "Set Admin Password", I set one, I go to the webbased admin tool, enter "admin" as username and the password, and it rejects me.
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01:23.50srf21cBenB: hmm. that's what the docs say.
01:24.09srf21cadmin/admin is the default user/pass.
01:24.13srf21cdid you enter something else?
01:24.28KyleKhey if i was going to go from 1.4 to 1.6 with a very simple sip only setup, what version should I grab and wrestle with?, or svn?
01:24.35srf21cccesario_: well, hard to say withou seeing your dialplan.
01:24.45BenBsrf21c: I did what I said above
01:24.47srf21cCan you post to
01:24.52BenBthe console menu (which comes up after install) has an "Set Admin Password", I set one, I go to the webbased admin tool, enter "admin" as username and the password, and it rejects me.
01:25.28BenBI just rebooted, in case asterisk doesn't notice the password change, but same problem. admin/admin doesn't work either
01:25.33srf21cBenB: The way it reads to me, you set a password...but not necessarily a password with the characters "admin"
01:25.52srf21cdid you set "admin" as the password when you were given the choice?
01:25.58BenBsrf21c: no, of couse I don't use "admin" as password
01:26.10srf21cBenB: well try that and see what happens.
01:26.12BenBdo I look like a moron? :)
01:26.17srf21cJust to keep things simple.
01:26.26srf21cwell no, just trying to eliminate possibilities.
01:27.26BenBFWIW, I tried to log in with user:"admin", password: "admin" now, and it doesn't work either.
01:27.37BenB(I refuse to *set* to password to "admin", though)
01:28.06BenBusername: "admin", password: (what I entered at the console menu) doesn't work either
01:29.41BenBit's forcing https, with a broken certificate, BTW. it all looks fairly buggy and rough to me.
01:30.15BenB(the other distros were even worse, not even offering to set the admin password)
01:31.49rob0I'm not a moron, but I play one on TV.
01:32.30blaxthosquestion about time conditions
01:33.02blaxthosanyone know if it's possible to give a specific CID inbound two different days of the week allowed for inbound, otherwise just ring forever ?
01:33.07blaxthosi can do it with one time condition
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01:33.20blaxthosbut i need to specify two non-consecutive day/times to allow in
01:33.23blaxthosotherwise not
01:33.55infobotsomebody said cid was CallerID, or a TCP client/server Caller-ID system, including server and Tk GUI client.. URL:
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01:34.56srf21cBenB: try setting the password to admin just this once, in order to trouble shoot.
01:35.03*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:35.41srf21cblaxthos: don't know, although that'd be an interesting application.
01:35.57riddleboxis there any command to type in the cli, to see which stations are in use at that time?
01:36.00BenBsrf21c: what is this supposed to gain? if I set the pw to "abc" and can't log in with username "admin", pw "abc", I won't be able to set to "admin" and log in with pw "admin"
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01:40.51srf21criddlebox: have you tried "sip show peers"
01:40.59srf21cnot sure if that show real time use.
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01:41.27srf21cBenB: Just trying to see if somethin might be broken with password setting.
01:41.40srf21cwhen it doubt, use all defaults, is my take.
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01:42.56riddleboxsrf21c, yeah, but it doesnt show if the peer is in use
01:43.02srf21criddlebox: aye.
01:44.43BenBsrf21c: I have a guess: it only allows authentication from localhost, or something.
01:44.58srf21cBenB: that might be it, yes.
01:45.09BenBand comes back with a wrong error message "Username or password incorrect"
01:45.19srf21cI'm just taking shots in the dark, since I've never used any of these producks.
01:45.33blaxthoslnk ?
01:45.43BenBsrf21c: that'd be a misconfiguration, though, as I'll hardly run the webbrowser on the asterisk server console.
01:46.06BenBsrf21c: ah, ok, you seemed so cheery about switchvox that I thought you know it.
01:46.13blaxthosmy trixbox is a headless VM in my vista x64 desktop
01:46.14blaxthosworks great
01:46.29blaxthosexcept for that timecode routing problem :(
01:47.41blaxthosoh snap
01:47.50blaxthosyou can put more than one time period
01:47.52blaxthosthat's awesome
01:56.56KyleKI guess the imap voicemail stuff is written with the assumption that the imap server is local?
02:02.49leifmadsenKyleK: I think you can specify it...
02:07.37e0n`man this sucks
02:08.13e0n`So polycom phone I got, used of course, got it all factory reset passwords and all, had an extension of 223, i have cleared out everything I could find on this thing and it's still passing the digest of 223
02:09.37Talkradiomaybe the builtin dial plan on the phone
02:10.07e0n`it is the digest authentication i know that much
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02:12.00seanbrighti hate that guy.
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02:15.27rob0Sounds like it's mutual! Or, an inside joke.
02:16.32*** part/#asterisk phr3ak (
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02:21.28ccoenenaww man
02:21.34*** part/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
02:21.34ccoeneni found the error
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02:45.32e0n`Anyone have a polycom soundstation ip 4000
02:45.50e0n`or similar
02:45.55e0n`ip 5000/6000
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02:52.08blkrye0n': 6000
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03:31.48*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
03:35.04BeeBuu"originate zap/128 application playback demo-instruct" got nothing,why?
03:39.10[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: Because.
03:40.05BeeBuucause what?
03:40.16BeeBuu[TK]D-Fender: please
03:41.00[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: You're showing us nothing.
03:41.11[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: Show us the attempt at CLI with full core and verbsoe debug, show us your zaptel configs.
03:41.12BeeBuuand the channel 128 is meeting, and i run that command under CLI
03:41.28[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: "meeting"?!
03:41.50BeeBuuyes, in a meet room
03:42.07[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: I don't follow you...
03:43.07[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: it CALLS that device, and if it answers THEN it will do the rest of what you tell it
03:43.23[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: Go provide the complete debug for your attempt
03:43.45BeeBuui want to play some sound to a member of a meet room
03:43.55BeeBuuplease wait
03:43.58infobotpaste is, like,, or see also pb, or
03:50.55BeeBuuis this problem? "chan_zap.c: Failed to read gains: Invalid argument" ?
03:52.14[TK]D-FenderBeeBuu: Maybe something
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04:10.19KyleKhrm i finally got chan_mobile to dial but didn't get audio
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05:05.15[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
05:06.06e0n`Ok a Polycom how can I flush the SIP config completely off the phone and clear this thing 100% no config to factory preset
05:06.16e0n`i did the factory reset but the SIP options were still there
05:07.17ricko73format the phone
05:07.42e0n`ricko73: hmm, time for google
05:07.59ricko73yeah , look for the e4voip link
05:08.08ricko73if you type in 'how to format polyom' it's one of the top links
05:08.25e0n`got it
05:11.13*** join/#asterisk AlmightyOatmeal (
05:11.41AlmightyOatmealsay i want someone to hit an extension, but i want it to ring to multiple phones and/or users... how would i go about doing that?
05:12.21e0n`ricko73 beat me to it
05:12.24JennaAny can suggest which path to take in setting up heavy duty VoIP service. i.e. asterisk + kamelio ooorrr asterisk + Openser ?
05:13.21AlmightyOatmealricko73: and the first person to answer gets the call?
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05:13.29AlmightyOatmealthats hot! :D
05:13.44AlmightyOatmealthanks :D
05:13.47e0n`AlmightyOatmeal: yeah, it's extremely simple :)
05:13.49e0n`Makes life easy
05:13.56AlmightyOatmeallol it sure does
05:16.44e0n`all my new polycom desk phones work like a champ my old cisco ip 7960's just don't work for what they're worth
05:17.05kaldemarJenna: openser doesn't really exist anymore. it was forked into kamailio and opensips. they're probably not so different (yet) by implementation, you better get to know each project and decide yourself.
05:18.14AlmightyOatmealheh, i think i @#%$&'d my cisco 7911G ip phone
05:18.26Jennayeah that much I did gather. I just wanted to know about ur experiences etc.. i.e. which one is stabler, scalable, easy of management etc..
05:18.32AlmightyOatmealcan't find a clear way to get it working plus i reset it to defaults and i dont think its pulling a new firmware
05:19.01AlmightyOatmeale0n`: you wouldn't happen to be able to get cisco ip phone firmware's off ciscos site would you? my user account doesn't have the privvies to
05:23.22AlmightyOatmealwants to find a cheap voip phone or two :'(
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05:37.20b14ckhi all
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07:25.26BeeBuui had ran "testv=1" command before running asterisk, but ${ENV(testv)} got nothing~~~~,why?
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08:12.52WeazelONcan anyone explain to me how do i check why my asterisk is crashing every few minutes ?
08:14.32joobiecheck ur log files
08:14.38joobiebound to have something in there
08:14.59WeazelONi'm trying the /var/log/asterisk/full   not sure what exactly i need to look for
08:15.08WeazelONi mean how do i know how to find the crash point in the logs
08:15.28joobiego into /var/log/asterisk
08:15.37joobieand do.. tail -f * &
08:15.43joobiethen get it to crash
08:15.46joobieand watch the pretty colors
08:16.19*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (n=pirch@
08:17.56WeazelONit shows me all the logs at the same tail?
08:18.49joobiethen press enter a few times
08:18.54joobieand maek asterisk crash
08:19.19WeazelONhow do i stop it btw ?
08:20.25joobietype fg
08:20.28joobiethen press ctrl-c
08:20.41WeazelONawesome thanks
08:20.55joobieno worries
08:21.17WeazelONis there a specific line that is echoed right when asterisk crashes ?
08:21.39*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
08:24.18joobiei dont know
08:24.21joobiemake it crash
08:24.27joobiethen see what logs spit out as it crashes
08:24.32joobieit will give you info as to what is going on
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09:01.36geninmornin folks
09:03.49geninanyone know how may simulatneous calls are recommended when using adsl?
09:03.55geninusing g729
09:06.02geninouch i just found an article called ADSL - the voip killer :/
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09:51.00Router222hi all
09:51.30Router222kindly ihave a serious bug with asterisk fax ,they said that i should refer to digium support
09:51.55Router222any one nows there address ,
09:52.00Router222mail address
09:52.23AlmightyOatmealcheck their website
09:54.25*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
09:56.36Router222i check is prepaidsupport
10:08.07yangRouter222: you can explain the bug here, someone might help you
10:14.00*** join/#asterisk ivanvujisic (n=ivanvuji@
10:14.08Router222russell said  Please contact Digium technical support.
10:14.15Router222is it free ?
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10:44.57gr0mitgenin, depends on your adsl znd the codec
10:46.20geninbut i just read it isnt actually 8kb for a 729 call but can be closer to 39kb with the rtp overhead etc
10:47.07geninand when i test the adsl connect i see near 500 kb up BUT when i force 200kb up on my network and then use an online voip quality test
10:47.11geninit says there is too much jitter
10:47.30geninmayeb i should use dd-wrt and a linksys to prioritize the traffic for my gateway
10:51.29*** join/#asterisk razu (
10:52.29razumorning ... can tell me what is causing such alarm on SS7 link using libss7 ? >>> WARNING[7932]: chan_dahdi.c:9897 ss7_linkset: GRS on unconfigured CIC 1
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11:12.44WeazelONdoes anyone familier with this error in 1.4 ? --- > rc_avpair_new:  unknown attribute 1490026597
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12:03.42madduckis there a command to show details about existing calls bridged through the asterisk?
12:07.52madduckcore show channelstats and core show channel
12:08.01*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:28.28plundraHmm, what would an Answer(); Dial(...); do different then just an Dial(...)? (Dial is supposed to Answer() on the call who initiates the call, when the other channel picks up, right?)
12:29.00plundraBecause in some situations, I get no audio through what so ever, without doing an Answer() first.
12:30.19plundraBoth with: [SIP w/outgoing proxy + NAT] -> [IAX2 behind NAT], and [SIP w/outgoing proxy + NAT] -> [SIP w/outgoing proxy + NAT]
12:31.31*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
12:35.21[TK]D-Fenderplundra: Perhaps its changing the reinvite status as * answering the call should force it to initially exchange RTP with the calling device first as opposed to only negociating it upon remote answer.
12:35.49[TK]D-Fenderplundra: then again NAT setting may be incorrect anywhay and be an issue here
12:36.08plundra[TK]D-Fender: I tried changing the global canreinvite=no in sip.conf, with the same results.
12:36.57[TK]D-Fenderplundra: Describe *'s networking, and that of your remote client
12:37.13plundraCalling out via my provider is no problem at all, but then there is no NAT involved of course. (No Answer needed before I Dial out)
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12:38.43plundra[TK]D-Fender: In all cases there is an OpenBSD-box nating the clients. And with the SIP-clients, I've got siproxd running, which both clients use.
12:39.09[TK]D-Fenderplundra: You should not need a SIP proxy for remote devices.
12:39.56plundra[TK]D-Fender: Ever since I've used it, I have had no problems calling in etc. so it feels like they are helping :)
12:40.20plundraAnd it makes sense that the Via header is added.
12:40.37[TK]D-Fenderplundra: Well things aren't always working so you should be removing the unnecessary bits
12:40.52*** join/#asterisk JayTee52 (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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12:41.46plundraAs soon as I remove the outgoing proxies, things break, so surely it can't be unnecessary?
12:41.53*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
12:42.13plundraAnd I have no "sometimes"-behaviour currently, which is good :-P
12:42.31plundra(I got through to the remote clients behind nat SOMETIMES, when not using the proxy)
12:43.51[TK]D-Fenderplundra: Maybe it breaks because you didn't set the rest of it up right
12:44.42plundra[TK]D-Fender: Yes, that is very possible :-)
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13:01.26mcargileOne of my clients installed the g729 codec on their server but the build does not look correct for their processor. They have 2 quad core 2.6 Ghz Xeons (family 6 model 23) and it had them install the pentium3m_32 build.
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13:17.03[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
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13:18.47JayTee52mornin Katty *hugs*
13:19.14fbntshi, in my dialplan I am calling an AGI script but when called the CLI is outputting: ERROR[8712]: utils.c:966 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe
13:19.21JayTee52darn, I left myself logged in at home
13:19.30Kattyhugs [TK]D-Fender and JayTee52
13:19.35*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
13:20.00Kattyi can't believe this morning. i had an apt scheduled that i was dreading. absolutely dreading. so all last night was dread, and all this morning was dread.
13:20.10Kattygot in this morning, they canceled.
13:21.01Kattyalso my favorite eyeshadow brush is missing.
13:21.10Kattyblames pippin.
13:21.54fbntsfrom googling it suggests that my script is cutting the connection before asterisk was expecting it to, however I have checked the script and it all appears ok.  Any ideas?
13:24.38Kattyit's too early for asterisk stuff.
13:25.20*** join/#asterisk lucidsmog (
13:26.14[TK]D-Fenderfbnts: SHOW US.
13:26.57lucidsmogWhat seems wrong with this line, in Asterisk  I want to prepend a '1' onto every incoming number which doesn't already have it (as my SIP inbound provider doesn't put one): Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF(${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} == 11 ? ${CALLERID(num)}: 1${CALLERID(num)})})
13:27.29[TK]D-Fendereppigy: YOU ARE DAVE
13:27.30Kattyuses eppigy's shoulder as a pillow.
13:28.55[TK]D-Fenderlucidsmog: extra whitespace = bad, "==" is not the "equals" operator, and you did not use the proper format for an "Asterisk Expression" inside your "IF"
13:29.39*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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13:31.07lucidsmog[TK]D-Fender: Thank you for the information.  I'll go read the documentation on Asterisk Expressions again.  (is the semi-official place for this stuff really I keep finding errors in what is there; I ought to correct a few)
13:31.43[TK]D-Fenderlucidsmog: Variabel & expression basics are a constant, or you can refer to the CHANNELVARIABLES doc that came with your source tarball
13:31.57*** join/#asterisk phurl (n=mdupont@
13:33.36lucidsmog[TK]D-Fender: So the 'IF' function ins't even necessary if you use the $[] syntax it seems?
13:34.42[TK]D-Fenderlucidsmog: An expression evaluates math or does a boolean comparison.  This is required, as well as a variable ACTION to take place based on that comparison, so yes, an IF is called for here.
13:35.53fbntsFender: I have commented out the whole PHP script so it doesn't do anything but when I call I still get: [Jun 16 14:37:48] ERROR[8783]: utils.c:966 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe about 20 times
13:36.14fbntsdo you want me to get the extension call plan or the PHP code?
13:37.28Katty[TK]D-Fender: too early for this.
13:38.29[TK]D-Fenderfbnts: this is clearly a problem once you get to your AGI....
13:40.42lucidsmog[TK]D-Fender: Seems to have worked. Thanks for your time dealing with a newbie question/mistake.
13:41.58[TK]D-Fenderlucidsmog: Quite welcome, and glad you seem to have fixed it all in one pass.  the read-over will do you good.
13:42.09fbntsThanks Fender - It was the #! at the top of the script
13:42.21fbntswas calling PHP with an invalid argument
13:45.45lucidsmog[TK]D-Fender: I must admit I can find no file called CHANNELVARIABLES in my source tarball, or that string in any of the files in the tarball. Any other hints?
13:46.59beeklucidsmog: It's in the doc/tex subdirectory
13:47.52beeklucidsmog: It becomes part of tex/asterisk.pdf
13:48.54lucidsmogbeek: Ahh, case sensitivity and POSIX ;)  Thanks!
13:49.24beeklucidsmog: Definitely print the asterisk.pdf doc... it contains all of the goodies related to your version.
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13:51.49lucidsmogbeek: Oh wow, this is quite helpful. This is the document I have been looking for!
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13:56.50eppigyKatty: :>
13:57.33eppigyI am hungry
13:57.39Kattyimagine that.
13:57.41eppigyI need to start eating breakfast
13:58.49Kattystash granola bars at work.
13:59.01eppigyyes that is also a very good option
13:59.56*** join/#asterisk jplank (
14:02.08eppigyi am poorly organized
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14:04.28Kattyyou need a girlfriend.
14:04.58Kattyto stash granola bars in your pockets before you leave for work.
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14:06.05lirakis_does asterisk support multiple choice redirect messages?  I've set promiscredir on my peer and it follows the first choice in the redirect it recieves, but it seems to continue to the next priority if recieves a non "ANSWER" status
14:06.29IBC_jkenneyusing vicidial and getting this error utils.c:966 ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe is anyone else getting it?
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14:19.08eppigyKatty: that is for certain
14:19.26eppigyor pack left overs for me to eat at 10am
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14:27.48obscure1hey guys, any idea why i would keep getting a "handle_response_register: Failed to authenticate on REGISTER to..." message?
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14:30.41obscure1nm, forgot to pay my bill lol
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14:41.58leifmadsenKatty: YOU!
14:42.21leifmadsenhi :)
14:42.26Kattyhi :>
14:42.30Kattyhugs leifmadsen
14:42.54leifmadsenre-hugs Katty
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14:44.14Kattyeppigy: lunch?
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14:47.59michael-ihi all, I'm running 1.4.25 on a custom embedded distro. My problem is that Asterisk does not give me back the console after I execute it. Has anyone seen that before?
14:48.33michael-iThis is a VERY stripped down system (no syslogd, minimal users/groups, etc...) so anything is possible but perhaps someone has seen this.
14:49.33*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
14:50.48russellbmichael-i: how are you executing asterisk?
14:50.51russellbwhat command?
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14:52.21michael-ifrom my php script: /usr/sbin/asterisk
14:53.55michael-iI added a bunch of -v flags to see how far it was getting. It turns out that it does completely load but isn't able to give back the console for some reason
14:54.15russellbWell, the -v option will do that
14:54.23russellbmake sure you do _not_ give v's
14:55.31russellbasterisk with no args should fork away
14:55.31*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (
14:55.31csiadminmichael-i, is it started in the background and therefore won't run in the foreground?
14:56.28michael-iexecuting it with no args (as my script attempts to do) leaves me with a console waiting for it to finish execution. Running PS on another tty shows about a dozen asterisks running
14:57.39michael-iIt is also entirely possible that my environment is completely insane...I'm setting this up from scratch.
15:00.28csiadminmichael-i, did you run 'make config' after you installed asterisk?
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15:00.44JayTee52wish this damn rain would let up
15:01.15killfillhey, all my agents are in state pause.
15:01.18killfillHow to i unpause them?
15:01.41michael-icsiadmin: my scripts also generate a sane set of default configs (hopefully). Those scripts are pretty much platform independent and should still be working
15:04.31*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
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15:06.47csiadminmichael-i, have you tried to run it with the -r option?
15:07.23csiadminmichael-i, or else edit logger.conf and set verbose to /var/log/asterisk/messages
15:10.05michael-ia ha...
15:10.36michael-icsiadmin: my asterisk database is not present and cannot be created because of a ro file system
15:10.48michael-itime to move that to a little more sensical location
15:11.47csiadminmichael-i, that'll do it
15:12.11*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
15:12.53killfillall my agents are in pause: Agent/6003 (paused) (Not in use) has taken no calls yet
15:12.57killfillhow do i unpause them?...
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15:21.46michael-ican I override just the database's location? astdbdir used to be an option but I don't see it in
15:24.43*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
15:25.12batphonedumb question: does not having /dev/dsp (i.e., no sound card) affect asterisk's functionality?
15:25.25mltlnxhello, How can I set the channel variable for the called channel? I am able to set the calling channels variables
15:25.47mltlnxbatphone: nope
15:26.24JayTee52michael-i, the default directory for the astdb is /var/lib/asterisk and is set in asterisk.conf using the astdatadir= line in the [general] section
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15:27.26batphonemltlnx: i see lots of references to "DSP" in TFOT book, especially regarding transcoding
15:27.47batphonemltlnx: i take it that they are referring to some software running on the CPU instead of a physical DSP?
15:28.21batphone"Generally speaking, the more compression
15:28.23batphonethat's required, the more workthe DSP must do to code or decode the signal."
15:28.27*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
15:28.50mltlnxi believe digium makes a transcoding card
15:28.54michael-iJayTee52: thanks! I was looking for the wrong name
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15:31.20michael-iJayTee52: actually it looks like the database under astvarlibdir (make_defaults.h:18)
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15:35.48eppigyKatty: LETS GO
15:36.16*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
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15:40.14docelmoAnyone know if you can get DID's from Afghanistan?
15:40.20docelmoIf so..  Where?
15:43.30docelmoYou are kidding right?
15:45.49docelmosigh..  I hate dealing with the middle east..  They are a pain in the arse to get anything done's still not giving me back my console
15:49.14michael-i(...and at 5:50pm I'm really not caring anymore!)
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15:51.27russellbmichael-i: I don't know what to tell you, unless the Asterisk build system determined that there was not a working fork() available
15:51.32russellbyou can look in include/asterisk/autoconfig.h
15:51.36russellbfor something like HAVE_WORKING_FORK
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15:52.50rue_mohrso the svn version of hte dahdi drivers was only allowing audio for outgoing calls, incomming calls (from co) had no audio at all either way
15:53.06rue_mohrthats why I dropped to the lastest stable dahdi drivers
15:53.15*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
15:53.26rue_mohrand the dahdi_monitor in the latest stable is 'broken'
15:53.50michael-irussellb, hmmm :
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15:55.59russellbmichael-i: ah, uclibc probably?
15:56.25michael-irussellb: yessir...I'm looking for any flags which may not be set correctly
15:57.09russellbit looks like we will not even attempt to daemonize without HAVE_WORKING_FORK
15:57.17russellband your output shows that as not defined
15:57.25russellbYou're seeing expected behavior unfortunately
15:57.56michael-iwell that would explain it :) now to top off my day, I'll go poke around here to see why that's being set
15:58.02russellbHowever, you can try hacking the source.
15:58.37russellbEdit main/asterisk.c ... find the line ... if (daemon(1, 0) < 0) {
15:58.48russellba few lines above, you'll see #if HAVE_WORKING_FORK
15:58.57russellbchange that to HAVE_WORKING_VFORK (since you have that)
15:59.13russellbIt's sort of an odd check there, anyway, since we're using the daemon() system call there, not fork() or vfork()
15:59.41michael-iI'll try to do-it-right(tm) for now since this is a cross-compiling environment. Hacks will probably come back to haunt me!
15:59.57russellbWell, that may actually be the right thing, though ...
16:00.08russellbI'm pretty sure we have all this WORKING_FORK crap in there because of uclibc
16:00.37michael-iThanks a ton for pointing me in the right direction. But my uclibc does have a working fork :( It's quite angry about the non-recognition
16:00.42russellbthe question is, does HAVE_WORKING_FORK not being defined (even though HAVE_WORKING_VFORK is there) actually imply that daemon() isn't going to work
16:00.57russellbWell, it has vfork(), anyway
16:01.22mltlnxhow can i set the channel variable parkinglot on the called channel?
16:01.36michael-iwhen the blackfin port of my project starts in a few weeks, I can see how cool that vfork() is :)
16:01.55russellbah yes ...
16:02.28russellbmichael-i: anyway, good luck to you.  If you _really_ want to get dirty, see autoconf/ast_func_fork.m4
16:02.31russellbthat's where we're checking for it
16:03.02michael-irussellb: thanks! I'll take a peek there...
16:03.02mltlnxrussellb: Do have a multi parkinglot example for the dialplan?
16:03.32russellbmichael-i: just to make sure my memory isn't crazy, you do askozia, right?
16:03.50russellbmltlnx: i do not have an example.  multiple parking lots are supported in 1.6, but that's the only info i have
16:04.23*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
16:04.28mltlnxok thanks....I just cant get the the parkinglot chan variable noticed.
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16:06.13michael-irussellb: yeah, that's me....I was trying to save face by not stating that here in asterisk-users while I ask questions ;)
16:06.31iratikHi... Is there a way to trigger a reregister for a specific entry in sip show registry ?
16:06.32*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
16:06.42iratikBesides reloading which would reregister everything in the registry
16:06.46russellbmichael-i: lol, well i called you out!
16:06.55russellbmichael-i: good luck, take it easy ..
16:07.19michael-iwill do :) I like being 7+hrs ahead, my day's done!
16:10.01*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (i=3fd6eca9@gateway/web/ajax/
16:11.28iratikSo ... at somepoint (june 09th) the sip.conf needed for magicjack changed .... anyone know what changes they made to how we need to register to magicjack talk4free servers ?
16:12.16kaldemarhow about asking magicjack?
16:12.30Kattyeppigy: i'm plotting BBQ for lunch
16:13.23eppigySO AM I
16:13.26eppigyHICKORY HOUSE
16:13.32eppigythat is uncanny
16:14.20Kattyeppigy: i'm going to the Branding Iron
16:14.56*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@unaffiliated/sherif)
16:15.08ariel_is just sitting at his desk eating the sandwich he made last night.... and a banana.
16:15.33eppigyovernight sammich?
16:16.53ariel_I am poor and don't have enough cash to go out for lunch
16:18.28*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
16:19.19drfreezeIs it possible to have two phones with the same extension, but on different networks, to be controlled by the same asterisk box?
16:19.44InfoNutzhello all!! anyone have an idea what would be the best way to setup the ivr to promt a user dialing zero that the service is unavailable?
16:20.59[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: You can have the same extension dial 2 DEVICES, but you cannot have 2 devices register to the same SIP account
16:21.30[TK]D-FenderInfoNutz: exten => 0,1,Playback(GTFO)
16:21.49Kattyeppigy: time to goooooooooooooooooooooooo
16:22.08*** join/#asterisk qdk (
16:22.10InfoNutzyou for real?
16:22.16michael-iHow can I check which "host" string was used to compile asterisk with?
16:22.54Kattyeppigy: bbq sauce.
16:23.01Kattyeppigy: pulled pork sammich yumminess
16:23.11[TK]D-FenderInfoNutz: Taht is perfectly valid... assuming you have a recording named "GTFO" with an appropriate extension in a format * can play
16:23.16iratikHow is the "Contact: " part of the sip register packet configured from sip.conf ?
16:23.18Kattyeppigy: do you have a bib?
16:23.32batphonenewer kernels fail the RTC support test
16:23.33InfoNutzlol k cause the GTFO was throwing me off.  Thanks Fender
16:23.42batphoneRTC is now used as /dev/rtcN
16:23.55batphoneand is not natively configured as CONFIG_RTC=yes anymore
16:23.56eppigyKatty: I do not but I didnt wear an expensive shirt today
16:24.01[TK]D-FenderInfoNutz: I'd like to think you know how the Playback() app works already....
16:24.03batphoneits CONFIG_RTC_BLAH depending on the type
16:25.52*** join/#asterisk srf21c (
16:26.56srf21canybody happen to know what the maximum level of verboseness is for the asterisk console?
16:27.16srf21cI've set mine to 22, but not sure if it makes much difference that say, 10.
16:27.22[TK]D-Fendersrf21c: 4 IIRC, but I like 10.  It feels "important"
16:28.10[TK]D-FenderBBIAB, lunch time...
16:28.28srf21c[TK]D-Fender: thx.  You wouldn't happen to know where this particular limit is documented, would you?
16:29.00drfreezeI've been searching out wireless phones for use in an office setting. I have found the Polycom SpectraLink and the D-Link DPH-540 (looks like a cell phone)
16:29.02batphone-vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv is usually what i set mine to
16:29.18drfreezeDoes anyone have a wireless voip phone they use and like?
16:29.30batphonedrfreeze: we have some spectralinks that work well
16:29.41drfreezeI'm guessing the SpectraLink's will auto provision like the soundpoints
16:29.44batphonedrfreeze: just be sure to order the one that does not require the stupid polycom server
16:29.46JayTee52srf21c, if you set it to anything higher than 6 it usually doesn't change anything unless you go to 99 and from what I understand then it will show mysql debug info
16:30.13drfreezebatphone: I see a lot of different versions of spectralinks - I haven't dug in to find out what the differences are
16:30.24drfreezeThey can get expensive, but go as low as $259
16:30.31srf21cdrfreeze: I had my eye on the Nokia 6300i, but they are impossible to find.
16:31.04drfreezesrf21c: hmmm
16:31.08Chainsawdrfreeze: Do they handle WPA2 PSK (CCMP)?
16:31.23drfreezebatphone: you know which ones require the server?
16:31.26Chainsawdrfreeze: That's one thing to look out for, when we wanted VoIP handsets it all fell down on WiFi security.
16:31.29srf21cbatphone: re: mega v's....seriously?
16:31.31ariel_drfreeze: we use the spectralink 8020 and 8030's and polycom just released a sip update that no longer needs there svp box
16:31.46ariel_but there not fully autoprovision phone
16:32.22srf21cdrfreeze: I missed the part about "an office setting"  I was looking at Cell phones with wifi and sip clients for home office use.
16:32.43Chainsawdrfreeze: 802.11B
16:33.06srf21cJayTee52: interesting, how did you figure out that level 6 verbosity was the limit?
16:33.08drfreezewhat does that imply?
16:33.09Chainsawdrfreeze: I'm concerned about support of even WEP, as it's not mentioned I wouldn't assume it does.
16:33.23Chainsawdrfreeze: 802.11B is the older 11mbit 2.4GHz WiFi standard.
16:33.26*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
16:33.48Chainsawdrfreeze: Likely WEP 128-bit was the highest available WiFi security measure at the time.
16:34.03drfreezeChainsaw: what, this doesn't make you feel warm and fuzzy: Using the Wi-Fi Alliance’s WMM QoS standard, the SpectraLink 8002 Wireless Telephone interoperates with most consumer-grade and SMB access point infrastructure devices, alleviating the need to install and maintain additional hardware while still providing enterprise-level security and quality voice
16:34.15srf21cJayTee52: I'm having a hard time finding out where this documented.  It's not in the man page for the OpenBSD port of asterisk.
16:34.32srf21cgoogle didn't seem to turn up much either.
16:34.34drfreeze'enterprise-level security'. You can now shut your brain off and open your checkbook. ;)
16:34.46srf21cdrfreeze: lulz
16:34.54JayTee52srf21c, it's not the "limit" it's just that there isn't much that shows up above that level. If I want full verbose I usually never go above 10. I've never seen anything "new" show up and I'm just passing on what I learned in class.
16:35.07srf21cah, ok.
16:36.14Chainsawdrfreeze: But yes, this WI FI <whisper>802.11</whisper> problem is common.
16:37.01drfreezeariel_: not seeing the 8020 or 8030, just the 8002
16:37.22ariel_the 8020 and 8030 are the more expensive ones
16:37.31ariel_the 8030 even has push to talk
16:37.35drfreezethe k series for cisco?
16:38.13drfreezegotta go eat
16:39.55ChainsawPush to talk is nice, but 802.11b is still a dealbreaker.
16:40.23batphonedrfreeze: hang on a sec
16:40.26ChainsawI'd much prefer 802.11a; the 2.4GHz spectrum is generally way too crowded where we are.
16:40.47ChainsawYes. Something like that.
16:40.58*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
16:43.02rue_mohrso if you who have been following might be amused to hear, the phone system here with all the lines for all the businesses has been having fun cause of their dial out on any available line, cause prople are using call display info to return calls, which means now all the incomming calls are all mixed up on all the lines
16:43.16rue_mohrwhich was simply a matter of fate and time
16:43.25ChainsawShame about the "must be sold with expensive proprietary QoS box".
16:44.06ariel_mixed up lines?
16:44.33batphonedrfreeze: we are using the spectralink 8002
16:44.40batphonedrfreeze: works like a champ. roams and everything.
16:44.46batphonedrfreeze: aes encryption
16:45.10ariel_that is the best part of the spectralink's there able to move between access points without dropping your calls.
16:45.29batphoneariel_: as long as your APs are configured on different channels
16:45.46*** join/#asterisk jeffik (
16:46.15ariel_hehe, we set them up for curise lines deck phones and they transfer between 5 to 10 access points. So yes really on how you set the access points up as.
16:47.25*** join/#asterisk csiadmin (
16:47.43csiadminhi all
16:48.16batphoneso these TDM cards can get fried if you plug the wrong FX port into the telco?
16:48.34ariel_batphone: it could happen
16:48.39batphoneone would think there would be some hardware logic thrown at that ;[
16:48.47tzafrir_laptopbatphone, which TDM cards?
16:48.56batphonei have seen the copper lines curl up on them before
16:49.00batphonei was just hoping for some change
16:49.03tzafrir_laptop(if they are, they are sub-standard. by definition)
16:49.31csiadmincan anyone know how to do an OR conditional in a GoSubIf?
16:49.34batphoneim using my old tdm card stocks to build some voip systems for my new employer
16:49.46batphonei built about 120 asterisk pbxs in Houston in 2005
16:49.51batphonekinda fun now that i get to go back at it ;D
16:50.00tzafrir_laptopthat said, it is pointless to plug an FXS port to the telco
16:50.01batphonerusty though so forgive me if i start asking dumb questions
16:50.45batphoneanyone have luck getting asterisk to work in a production env. on a dell 1750?
16:51.01batphonei am having to purchase some 12v dc power dongles for the TDM cards
16:51.28batphoneright now the dev box's TDM card is being powered by an external ATX PS.
16:51.32batphonefunny looking ;)
16:52.20ariel_the fxo don't need the power cable but the fxs do.
16:54.33batphoneariel_: i never could get zaptel to actually start unless the card had power, regardless of what was in it
16:54.49batphonei can see where fxs wouldnt need the power, but still
16:58.38*** join/#asterisk jaguiar (n=jaguiar@
17:02.57*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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17:10.03*** join/#asterisk nny_2 (n=scott@
17:10.16nny_2how could I have screwed that up heh
17:11.17nny_2just updating to latest, but not sure what crappened there heh
17:17.50*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
17:22.06iratikAnyone using magicjack as their itsp here?
17:23.10srf21ciratik: negative.
17:23.28iratikrats .... they are always finding a way to keep asterisk users from using their service
17:23.51srf21ciratik: I don't imagine that asterisk is part of the business model.
17:24.18iratikdoesn't matter ... i'd feel bad if they were really doing advertising through their client software but they arent ... besides low rates to india
17:24.37nny_2didn't work
17:24.40nny_2ast_func_write: Function Timeout not registered
17:24.52nny_2fresh comile
17:24.56nny_2er compile*
17:25.12*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
17:25.34[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Yes, because using 3rd party stuff with their server VIOLATES their terms of service and I hope you don't care about them kicking you off for trying, but it'd be in the "get what you deserve" category
17:25.47[TK]D-Fendernny_2: real pastebin would help.
17:25.48Kattyeppigy: oh the pain.
17:26.02eppigyKatty: :D
17:26.14Kattywhat did you have
17:26.41eppigyi had bbq beef plate
17:26.48eppigywith green beens and tatoe salad
17:27.04Kattyjust loose pulled pork?
17:27.05nny_2[TK]D-Fender: i just did a recompile of 1.4.25, the second error is from adding load => in modules.conf
17:27.08Kattyerr beef
17:27.10[TK]D-Fendernny_2: because functiosn are CASE SENSITIVE
17:27.19[TK]D-Fendernny_2: TIMEOUT()
17:27.27[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
17:27.39eppigyKatty: sliced
17:27.39Kattydistracts [TK]D-Fender with a cookie.
17:27.46Kattyeppigy: nummies.
17:27.54Kattyeppigy: i had pulled pork sammich, with salad, and bacon cheddary fries.
17:27.54nny_2hey that was old code, I thought it was a proper noun :P
17:28.08Kattybut the cheddar tasted funny. so i only had a few fries around the corners with minimal cheese
17:28.17Kattysalad was yummy
17:28.28eppigyyeah I love pulled pork sammiches
17:28.40Kattyyou know what else i like
17:28.43Kattymy mac 182 brush
17:29.13nny_2[TK]D-Fender: thanks :P
17:29.23nny_2[TK]D-Fender: you have earned your help a moron badge, grats!
17:30.29srf21cthis talk of food is making concentration difficult...
17:30.39*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
17:31.16Kattysrf21c: we can talk about makeup instead, if you like.
17:31.25srf21cinstead of bits and bytes, I'm thinking BBQ and bites.
17:31.44KyleKnny_2: haha he could cover himself in such badges if he wanted to
17:31.49Kattysmokey eye technique.
17:32.24Kattyeppigy: i did a very cool smokey eye today
17:32.37Kattyeppigy: smokey pink and charcoal look.
17:32.55eppigyoh nice
17:32.59nny_2KyleK: hehehe
17:33.15*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
17:33.32Kattylocates camera, brb
17:33.37eppigybee arr bee
17:34.43Kattythe focus sucks.
17:34.57KyleKtheres no flower mode?
17:35.13KyleKtry yelling flower power before you take the photo
17:35.19Kattyit's kinda hard to takea  picture of your EYE
17:35.32Katty <- that's what i copied tho
17:36.01Kattyi don't have as much black under the waterline
17:36.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: .... Stop channeling Tammy-Fae Baker.....
17:37.29*** join/#asterisk tobias (n=tobias@
17:37.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: you keep talking, and i'm going to do your hair like hers.
17:37.54comradeb14ckhi all
17:38.08[TK]D-FenderKatty: Consider me duly terrified ;)
17:38.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: And don't ask what's due :p
17:39.17[TK]D-Fendergoes off to hone Mr. Pointy
17:39.39*** join/#asterisk evildan7 (n=werdan7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
17:40.07*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
17:40.08Kattyeppigy should be my makeup artist.
17:40.25eppigythat is pretty
17:40.30eppigyI am not good with stuff liek that
17:40.37*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
17:40.41eppigyI am very left brained
17:40.42Kattyi can't imagine why not.
17:40.59Kattyyou could start with something simpler, and more manly.
17:41.04Kattylike paint swatches.
17:42.12*** join/#asterisk buttons840 (
17:42.54Kattyeppigy: conviently, most have 3 shades. like eyeshadow trios.
17:43.15buttons840I'm reading the book, and I have some questions about codecs and protocals?  Can I use any codec for any purpose?  For example, can I use any codec to make a call over the pstn?
17:43.47Kattysome codecs require licensing.
17:43.56Kattysome codecs are not supported.
17:44.09Kattyinfobot: codecs?
17:44.09infobotit has been said that codecs is  If you have audio/codec problems, first try to 'disallow=all' and 'allow=ulaw' and see if that works. Anyone that tells you to use 'allow=all' is an idiot as it usually causes audio problems, or  Number/Name: 1/g723, 2/gsm, 4/ulaw, 8/alaw, 16/g726, 32/adpcm, 64/slin, 128/lpc10, 256/g729, 512/speex, 1024/ilibc
17:47.12buttons840I'll look into the wiki and come back if i have more q's, thanks.
17:47.41Kattyeppigy: after it loads, click Explore Colors at top right, then interior
17:48.16iratikIn the authorization header of the sip register packet ... I need to change the uri value without changing the register string?  e.g.  register =>  ... but i need the uri: part of the register packet to just say, i can do this if i change the register string ... but then its not contacting the proxy - though the uri part will then be correct ... how can i do this?
17:48.40[jmc]hi guys, I have a question for you
17:48.41Kattyeppigy: like a baby pink
17:48.47*** join/#asterisk kalib (n=kalib@
17:48.50[jmc]well, it maybe just a curiosity
17:48.58[jmc]since Asterisk seems to be working fine
17:49.01Kattyeppigy: and TADA
17:49.02kalibHi guys. in my asterisk CLI I did type: sip debug
17:49.08kalibhow can I disable the sip debug?
17:49.08[jmc]but I'm using Twinkle
17:49.19[jmc]kalib: sip set debug off
17:49.23eppigyKatty: this is intense
17:49.25kalibthanks. ;]
17:49.27[jmc]I was saying
17:49.36[jmc]Twinkle connects to the Asterisk account
17:49.39*** part/#asterisk srf21c (
17:49.42[jmc]but in the account list
17:49.48[jmc]it shows a red error sign
17:49.51[jmc]and it says
17:50.04[jmc]“Availability: 501 Method Not Implemented”
17:50.20[jmc]does someone know what can be the cause, or if it normal?
17:50.38buttons840I must be confused, is the compressed codec data sent out using my home telephone line?  or is it decompressed on my end and then sent?  what codecs (if any) are supported by my telephone line?
17:50.51*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
17:50.54[jmc]oh, sorry I wrote it wrong
17:51.06[jmc]it says “Availability: falied to publish (501 Method Not Implemented)”
17:54.01Kattyeppigy: 6572 Ruby Shade
17:54.04*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
17:54.29Kattyhi sean
17:54.43*** join/#asterisk arpu (
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17:56.32eppigyI like the camping chair living room
17:58.03Kattyapply that 6572 to it
17:58.33[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: "telephone lines" don't ahve a codec per-se.  Once converted from analog to digital at the telco switch it is compantded to G.711 typically.
17:58.46[TK]D-Fender[jmc]: Depends what that is in response TO
17:59.04*** join/#asterisk Zathara (n=georgesi@
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17:59.42buttons840[TK]D-Fender, so I could use any codec, and it will be decompressed before it is sent over the pstn?
17:59.58buttons840and codecs are only used for digital connections, like voip?
18:00.05[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: Correct
18:00.07Kattyeppigy: what, you don't like it? :P
18:00.11buttons840ok, thanks
18:00.28[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: It is advised to use G.711 though if you can afford it
18:00.48buttons840afford?   meaning i have enough bandwidth?
18:01.47[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: yes
18:03.05*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
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18:07.08eppigyKatty: I mean
18:07.13eppigyi dont know if not like
18:07.18eppigyis the right phrase
18:08.13[jmc][TK]D-Fender: in response to this:
18:09.27*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
18:12.40*** join/#asterisk profXavier (n=MyNick@unaffiliated/neverblue)
18:12.52[TK]D-Fender[jmc]: Looks like a presence notification.  Indeed * does not care about that... you can safely ignore it knowing this
18:12.54profXavierguys, im trying to setup a Polycom IP601 phone
18:13.05profXavierit really hangs, almost 5 minutes, on startup
18:13.21profXaviercan I do anything to get the phone to boot, working, quicker ?
18:15.11*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
18:15.18[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: You mean jsut slow to boot?
18:15.23*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
18:15.31[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Not that it hangs as in "crashing"?
18:15.40profXavierFender, slow to boot
18:16.14profXavieri am trying to setup tftpboot on a server, so I can update firmware, configure the phone
18:16.18profXavierits not working too hot..
18:16.35[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Use the latest firmware and provision it to use the model-specific firmware and not the composite "sip.ld"
18:16.38*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
18:16.39profXavierbut the wait between boots is ridiculious
18:16.42ariel_not working too hot?  Hum polycoms take for ever to boot
18:16.56[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Mine take 2 mins tops...
18:17.00profXavierariel_: sometimes over 5 minutes ?
18:17.13profXavieri see its using the sip.ld
18:17.14[TK]D-Fenderariel_: then again... if you do it right the first time you only have to boot them once anyway ;)
18:17.17ariel_[TK]D-Fender: mine as well about 2 minutes or less
18:17.18profXavierwhere do I change that ?
18:17.29[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: in the ,mac>.cfg
18:17.36[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: in the <mac>.cfg
18:17.44ariel_but still seems like a life time when your waiting for them... and talk about updating them when you move to a new firmware...
18:17.47[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Thats in the admin guide
18:18.25[jmc]another question...
18:18.42[TK]D-Fenderariel_: I suppose if you're changing them that often.  I tend to batch mine so I just down the switch and they all update at once.  5 minutes every couple of months hardly matters to me...
18:18.50profXavierok, spoonfeed please
18:19.05profXavierin the <mac>.cfg, I will see a reference to sip.ld
18:19.16profXavierand I need to change that to something else, or just remove ?
18:19.18[jmc]when I call myself on Twiknle (yes, I do that, don't ask me why, I need to do that)
18:19.25[jmc]the phone rings
18:19.28[jmc]but when I answer
18:19.33[jmc]it hangs up
18:19.39[jmc]here's my extensions.conf:
18:19.43[TK]D-Fender[jmc]: Probably trying to reinvite to itself...
18:19.48ariel_[TK]D-Fender: it only seems slow when your doing the first 1 or 2 in the lab to make sure they don't work....but we do them over night as well.
18:19.50[jmc]and the debug is:
18:19.53[TK]D-Fender[jmc]: You can't talk to yourself on the same device..
18:20.20[TK]D-Fender[jmc]: PASTEBIN... please stop spamming
18:20.24[jmc][TK]D-Fender: I don't know, it seemed to work earlier
18:20.36[TK]D-Fender[jmc]: I highly recommend you come up with another test
18:20.37[jmc]I'm not "spamming"
18:20.46profXavieroh oh
18:20.51[jmc]maybe "flooding" would be a better term :D
18:21.26[TK]D-Fender[jmc]: Yes is would. So don't do that EITHER :p
18:21.46[jmc][TK]D-Fender: don't get me wrong
18:22.11[jmc]I thought that pastebin-ning *four* lines would be even less comfortable for you
18:22.27[jmc]to open up a new page every time
18:22.42[jmc]I'll stop it if it's disturbing. :)
18:22.58profXavierso I remove that entirely? replace it?
18:22.59[TK]D-Fender[jmc]: No.  I read pastebins.  If fact if someone has an issue and were nice enough to put it in one and I wasn't even following that conversation I'd look anyway and be more inclined to help
18:23.05jjshoesssh fonality is coming
18:23.12[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Looks like a clear "replace"
18:23.29profXavierwith ?
18:23.41profXavieri see
18:23.43[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: the firmware for your specific model.
18:23.50profXaviersorry, for my ignorance
18:23.59[jmc][TK]D-Fender: then I'll do that, I'm sorry ;)
18:24.03ruben23hi anyone can suggest how do i execute this setting on my dial plan so that my voip trunk would work
18:24.07[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: b14ck is alrady here ;)
18:24.51*** join/#asterisk saxa (
18:24.54[TK]D-Fenderruben23: exten => _Z.,1,Dial(SIP/SIPtrunk/9900131501${EXTEN})
18:25.03[TK]D-Fenderruben23: And fix the "}" at the end of it
18:25.26[TK]D-Fender(the sip.conf entry)
18:25.26jjshoe[TK]D-Fender I was reffering to samy :P the one from fonality that's actually someone worthwhile watching
18:25.37jjshoeif history has anything to teach us, the ce guy won't be around for much more then a year
18:26.05saxahi ppl
18:26.10[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: I admire your optimism :)
18:26.50saxais there any site out there, where are some templates of the extensions.conf file, something like a menu
18:27.04[jmc]saxa: oh yes there is
18:27.08saxaor do i need to do one myself ?
18:27.24[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Fix the peer name, you have bad braces.
18:27.32saxa[jmc]: coll, may i get the link ?
18:27.37profXavierthanks again Fender
18:27.40ariel_saxa: have you seen the sample files
18:27.42[TK]D-Fendersaxa: Yes, you have to do it yourself
18:27.44[jmc]saxa: oh actually I read the wrong thing
18:27.54[TK]D-FenderprooGone though a reboot cycle with it?
18:28.00[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Gone though a reboot cycle with it?
18:28.10[jmc]I did never search for templates
18:28.18[jmc]but you can find good examples
18:28.19JayTee52saxa, are you aware of the book?
18:28.24[jmc]and start making you menu from there
18:28.26[TK]D-Fendersaxa: for that link keep in mind the WIKI has a lot of 1.0 code that needs adjusting.
18:28.30saxawould be good to have some templates in various languages
18:28.34infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:28.49saxaJayTee52: yes, i'm reading the book
18:29.13saxaactually the book is also 1.4
18:29.23JayTee52I think the book was released in a Spanish version but not sure if there's a PDF available.
18:29.34saxai mean some thing doesnt work exactly the same way in * 1.6
18:30.00saxait a nice book, well written,
18:30.07JayTee52true and the authors are hard at work (kicks leif to wake him up from his nap) on a 1.6 version
18:30.46saxayes, i just tought maybe there is a site with varuos configs already pre-configured
18:31.03saxaanyway, will construct it by myself
18:31.24JayTee52saxa, as far as other language examples of dialplan examples or configs I'd say your best bet is finding a local Asterisk group in your country if one exists.
18:31.24leifmadsenJayTee52: heh... ya ya ya :)
18:31.54JayTee52saxa, what language in particular?
18:33.36*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
18:36.26JayTee52I now have a copy of MS Press Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 which I now have to read to get up to speed on to make sure that the MCSE (Must Call Someone Else) that was directed to deploy it did a proper job because he screws up everything else.
18:37.11JayTee52fortunately I already knew SMS 2003 and took a class in it and used it alot so I don't need a large dose (fatal) of sleeping pills or a gun :-)
18:37.41JayTee52but the pills do seem tempting
18:39.16[TK]D-Fenderhands JayTee52 a bottle of Troika
18:39.20*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
18:39.24[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: A little something to wash that down with ;)
18:39.59JayTee52good russian vodka. hard to come by here. better than Stoli
18:40.34drfreezeHello, Got a situation where a caller gets 1 ring and then gets disconnected
18:41.04[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: Smirnoff = uneducated choice :)
18:41.29*** join/#asterisk arpu (
18:41.35drfreezeIt's a digital PRI setup
18:41.44JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, Smirnoff is just one level above Gordon's and both of those are made from squeezing the socks of cadavers in Russian morgues.
18:43.20iratikThe sip registration header on the "From" line needs to say "something" <>;tag=sometag          How do you configure sip.conf to do the "something" part ?
18:44.36*** join/#asterisk tfrew (
18:45.02[TK]D-FenderdrLooks like a forwarding issue
18:45.06[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: Looks like a forwarding issue
18:45.31JayTee52drfreeze, would appear one or more of the SIP phones is set to Do Not Disturb or forwarded OR you have a call limit set and it's exceeded it.
18:45.44[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: No, its a forward...
18:45.53[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: otherwise ti'd be a straight reject
18:46.00drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: yes, it's national set-your-phone-to-forwarding-or-do-not-disturbt day
18:46.10JayTee52[TK]D-Fender, yeah, just reread through it. SIP/721
18:46.22[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: good... under 24h to auto-resolution ;)
18:46.42[TK]D-FenderJayTeethe issue there is 721 was in the initial call list as well
18:47.04[TK]D-Fenderiratik: "core show applications like sip"
18:47.41iratikSIPAddHeader can it modify sip headers?
18:47.41*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@nat/yahoo/x-8cb30392865ca404)
18:48.15iratikit cannot modify sip headers
18:48.16[TK]D-Fenderiratik: No.
18:48.33[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Ah I missed that.  No, what you see is what you get
18:48.55[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Anything like this will require modding chan_sip.c
18:49.16iratikOr writing a proxy
18:49.58[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Well yeah if you want to go the MIM route
18:52.15drfreezeJayTee52: [TK]D-Fender thanks
19:01.17profXavierwhen the phone is parked, I can dial just fine, but when i have a dialtone, and I attempt to dial, what do I need to change in the dialplan, for the phone to work the same as parked ?
19:02.00*** part/#asterisk icyValk77 (
19:04.21[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: "phone is parked"?  You mean dialing on-hook vs off-hook?
19:08.33[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: On-hook you can whatever you want.  Off-hook you are controlled byt he phone's local dialplan which follows the MGCP RFC and is well documented in the admin guide
19:08.48profXavieri think its the ordering of my context
19:09.10profXavierif I pass a 9+7 digit #
19:09.20profXaviervs. 9 + 10 digit #
19:09.46profXavierit might match in the context, but will the order matter ?
19:09.58*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
19:10.28profXavierwhen I dial 92504247896
19:10.40profXavierit dials just 9+ the first 7 digits
19:12.19profXavier*this is when the headset is picked up, and I have a dialtone*
19:14.10[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Well you do have a 9250xxxxxxx pattern so you might think that it'd force you to wait.  perhaps the order does matter
19:14.41*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
19:17.43KyleKwhats the T mean
19:17.51carrar2504247896 will match 9[2-9]xxxxxx
19:17.57carrar92504247896 will match 9[2-9]xxxxxx
19:18.17*** join/#asterisk unasi7 (n=unasi7@
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19:20.24brunnerdoes Caller ID come through on a BRI faster than it does on a POTS line?
19:22.58*** part/#asterisk green-monkey (n=ericshel@
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19:24.52KyleKthat depends on how a bri works, does it have a separate data channel?
19:26.33*** join/#asterisk Pwn-BoFH (
19:29.00[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Yes
19:29.27[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: BRI = ISDN = D-Channel signalling and thus instant.  Analog = FSK inter-ring delay
19:29.55[TK]D-Fender(depending on regional style.  DTMF CID = worse)
19:33.48batphonersa keys are not shown when i type 'reload'
19:33.54*** part/#asterisk juanIMP (n=juan@
19:34.00batphonewhy this is?
19:34.36saxaJayTee52: i need brazilian language, russian, english and italian
19:34.37*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
19:37.20*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
19:37.37JayTee52saxa, I know you won't find dialplan examples on the WIKI in those languages. As for the book you might check O'Reilly's website to see what other languages it's been translated to.
19:39.17KyleKdialplan in different languages? as in Zifferblatt(SIP/.....?
19:41.00*** join/#asterisk _Sam-- (n=sam@unaffiliated/sam--/x-573746)
19:41.15_Sam--what controls which users can issue the command from a unix shell 'asterisk -rx'  ?
19:41.27saxaJayTee52: ok, i maybe rcord my own voice in that case :)
19:41.28_Sam--i can run it fine as root, but want to run something as the same user as our webserver to get some queue statuses
19:41.32[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: rights to the binary
19:41.38_Sam--the binary is chmod fine
19:41.52_Sam---rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 10615030 2008-08-08 10:50 /usr/sbin/asterisk
19:42.12JayTee52saxa, record? you mean voice prompt files?
19:42.16[jmc]_Sam--: anyone can launch that
19:42.24[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: May have to tweak the rightst o the PID, configs, etc
19:42.31[jmc]if /usr/sbin is in the PATH
19:42.33_Sam--only the user root can get results returned for the command asterisk -rx 'show queues'
19:42.47_Sam--even when the full path is in the command.
19:42.56saxaJayTee52: yes
19:43.04[jmc]that's because of effective rights
19:43.14*** join/#asterisk Sajam (n=chatzill@
19:43.21[jmc]a program is launched with the rights of the launched user
19:43.23[jmc]* launcher
19:43.23_Sam--[jmc] :  i dont understand your point -- the binary is exectuable by anyone.
19:43.32[jmc]_Sam--: wait...
19:43.34_Sam--but the command isnt returning restuls for anyone but root.
19:44.13_Sam--[TK]D-Fender :  could you tell me any tips or clues wher ei would look first?
19:44.26_Sam--i really dont want to use sockets and the manager interface.
19:44.43[jmc]_Sam--: is it returning errors either?
19:45.05[jmc]if user X can't access something, neither 'asterisk' launched by X will
19:45.20_Sam--it does return an error, something along the lines of cant connect to /var/run/asterisk.ctl, even though asterisk is running and that ctl file exists.
19:45.46[jmc]ooh ç=
19:45.55[jmc]check the permissions on /var/run
19:46.06[jmc]and on asterisk.ctl as well
19:46.19[TK]D-Fender_Sam--: I told you... rights to the PID as well
19:46.22eppigyKatty: hungry
19:46.33[jmc]yeah, they're called effective rights
19:47.07[jmc]what about asterisk.ctl?
19:47.20[jmc]as a last resort, you could setgid the binary
19:47.21_Sam--this is likely the cause?   -rw-r--r-- 1 root     root        5 2009-06-02 17:04
19:47.35[jmc]no, asterisk.ctl?
19:47.41_Sam--asterisk.ctl is ther,e and fine.
19:47.50_Sam--srwxr-xr-x 1 root     root        0 2009-06-02 17:04 asterisk.ctl
19:47.55JayTee52saxa, sorry but afaik the sound prompt files are available only in english, spanish and french
19:48.00[jmc]_Sam: see
19:48.07[jmc]users can't write to it
19:48.18_Sam--why would you need to write to it to get the queue status?
19:48.18[jmc]they can only read and (wtf?) execute it
19:48.32*** join/#asterisk juanIMP (n=juan@
19:48.45saxaJayTee52: so I say, I will record my own ones.
19:48.49[jmc]to communicate with asterisk I guess?
19:49.20_Sam--what are the proper perms on the ctl file?
19:49.20JayTee52saxa, guess so.
19:49.26_Sam--and thank you, both.
19:49.42[jmc]_Sam: I think the ones you need most
19:49.53[jmc]if I were in you, I'd add a new "asterisk" group
19:49.53[TK]D-Fendersaxa: the WIKI lists many other packs already created in other languages and accents
19:50.01[jmc]which has access to the control files
19:50.08[jmc]and only add the interested users to it
19:50.14[jmc]you're welcome
19:50.25[TK]D-Fendersaxa: I've seen Canadian vs Parisian French, UK & AU English vs USA
19:50.33saxa[TK]D-Fender: thx, will look if something suits me
19:50.43_Sam--thanks again, and even yet again.
19:50.51_Sam--sorry for being confrontational -- you were 100% right.
19:50.55_Sam--working fine.
19:51.35[jmc]nice to hear that, Sam ^^
19:54.18_Sam--good day.
20:01.32JayTee52Isn't Canadian French just Parisian French minus the aloof intonation?
20:02.17beekAfternoon JayTee52
20:02.36*** join/#asterisk srf21c (
20:03.31[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: terminolgy is different as well, "diaise" vs "carre" for #.  Once you learn one, the other stands out like a sore thumb
20:04.57*** part/#asterisk nny_2 (n=scott@
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20:16.16scalex000I need suggestion
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20:17.42srf21ccan you be more specific please?
20:17.43Aiatek<scalex000> why dont you ask?
20:17.49tfrewscalex200: sounds like you ned a shrink
20:17.49scalex000thank you
20:18.37scalex000well I need to install a PBX so, I dont know what kind ot switch a need can you recommend some one,
20:18.48scalex000I will going to install a VOip
20:19.03tfrewdell 24 port web managed switchs work
20:19.23tfrewyou can setup qos on voip, and put the sip phones on thier own vlan
20:19.32srf21cscalex000: you might want to consider a switch that has PoE so you can power your IP phones via the network cable.
20:19.45tfrewdouble the cost to get that feature
20:20.04tfrewbut yes, that is good, and run the switch on a 1500va ups
20:20.38tfrewhow many phones are you going to get?
20:20.45tfrewor will need to expand to?
20:20.58scalex000well from begin about 8
20:21.10*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
20:21.38tfrewthat's cheap for the features
20:22.27scalex000thanks a lot
20:22.27tfrewdown to
20:22.30tfrewfor 16 port
20:22.35tfrewno poe
20:22.56tfrewbut you can still do vlan's on that 16 port model and tag your sip packets
20:22.59batphoneanyone using RSA authentication on their IAX trunks?
20:23.33scalex000the function of PoE this depend of what kind of phone I use or every IP phone have this option
20:23.48JayTee52beek, afternoon! sorry, but I was AFK
20:24.41tfrewif it sais its supported on the the box....
20:24.49tfrewpolycoms and grandstreams come to mind
20:24.59tfrew$120-$300 per phone depending on features
20:26.10*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk (
20:27.15scalex000thanks anyway
20:28.18mltlnxWhat would be the correct way to configure variables on the CALLED channel?
20:29.31*** join/#asterisk kuku1 (
20:30.36srf21cbatphone: not using RSA on IAX trunks, but was curious if you've used encryption w/IAX trunks
20:32.27kuku1I have a queue, and wish to dial an outside extension ( cell phone via sip ), so in 1.2 I created an entry in that same context, and it worked, but in 1.6, I get an error. [Jun 16 15:32:18] WARNING[13877]: chan_sip.c:4526 create_addr: No such host: 111
20:35.10profXaviersorry, went for lunch
20:35.16profXavierso you think the order doesnt matter
20:35.32bmoracahas anyone used the Linksys SPA8000 media gateway?  Any input on pros/cons/stability?
20:35.59profXavierso I must have to add something else to the context (digimap)
20:36.31batphonesrf21c: i have used openvpn SSL tunnels for it in the past
20:36.35batphonesrf21c: not much to it
20:36.59srf21cdo you know any ITSPs that support OpenVPN tunnels?
20:37.05srf21cRight now I'm using teliax.
20:37.12profXaviercarrar, you replied too, I would love to hear anything you would like to add
20:37.33srf21cBuilt-in encryption support for IAX at present seems poorly documented and not well tested.
20:38.00batphonesrf21c: doubtful that Teliax does but I think CBeyond will set up an IPSec VPN for you
20:38.18batphonesrf21c: but they install a cisco IAD for CPE
20:40.05srf21cok, thanks.
20:42.44*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
20:50.45JayTee52quittin time, bbiab
20:57.48*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
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21:03.06Kattyeppigy: ATTENTION
21:03.10Kattyeppigy: SERIOUS QUESTION
21:03.13Kattyeppigy: SRSLY
21:04.25eppigyKatty: HY
21:04.31Kattyeppigy: do i want a KFC honey bbq snacker with green beans and corn. OR
21:04.42Kattyeppigy: so i want a 6 inch sub, of some sort.
21:04.47Kattyeppigy: from subway
21:07.25drmessanothinks you can't ever go wrong with 6 inches
21:08.40Kattyeppigy: or possibly the bob evans heratige chef salad.
21:08.52Kattyeppigy: which also sounds absolutely amazing right now
21:11.27*** join/#asterisk jaguiar (n=jaguiar@
21:13.33comradeb14ckhey--im using asteirsk 1.6 AGI. it looks as if CHANNEL STATUS "" and CHANNEL STATUS both work
21:13.40comradeb14ckin 1.6 are the ""s optional?
21:17.13*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
21:19.27*** join/#asterisk Blackvel (
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21:20.34vAd0rhow do i use sercure sip
21:20.38Kattyeppigy: IT HAS BEEN DECIDED
21:20.57*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:21.23KattyGET OUT
21:21.35[TK]D-FenderKatty: Already did... I'm back now :p
21:21.47Kattyi guess that is acceptable.
21:21.55[TK]D-FenderKatty: No, not well.. but not sick ;)
21:22.53carrarThis looks orange, wonder if Digium makes it:
21:23.26saxaif I see the following
21:23.29saxaquadserv*CLI> iax2 show peers
21:23.29saxaName/Username    Host                 Mask             Port          Status
21:23.32saxabrastrak/brastr  (Unspecified)   (D)  0             Unmonitored
21:23.35saxa1 iax2 peers [0 online, 0 offline, 1 unmonitored]
21:23.44saxait means that the other box is connected or not ?
21:24.25saxaI have 2 boxes, one in brazil, another one in italy
21:24.55saxaso the call from Brazil were working, but now if I try to call it says that the it box is congested
21:25.06saxai dont know why, maybe a router problem ?
21:25.18saxai have port 4569 open
21:25.24[TK]D-Fendersaxa: Means you didn't specify a host, and the other side didn't register and * has nowhere to contect to reach them
21:25.46Katty[TK]D-Fender: tummyache
21:25.55saxaI have the brazil box on a dynamic ip
21:26.06saxaand the it box on a static
21:26.25saxaI put the italy ip in the iax.conf on the brazil box
21:26.34saxaso it were connecting before
21:26.52*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
21:28.49profXavierhelp ?
21:29.02BlackvelHi guys, I have patton gw and snom 370
21:29.04profXaviertrying to setup my digitmap on my Polycom phone
21:29.13KyleKhelp me obiwan kenobi, you're my only hope
21:29.13saxa[TK]D-Fender: this is what i see in the console
21:29.29Blackvelwhen I use the DIAL command, how shall I check for busy status? Shall ) use Playback(busy) or use the Busy command?
21:29.38profXavierwhen the call is hung up, I can dial 9+10 digit numbers
21:30.03profXavierbut when the receiver is off, I cannot, it just dials when I hit 9+7 digits
21:30.11Blackvelonce when I was playing around with zaptel/bristuff, BUSY cmd could not be used and a special ZAP variable had to be set
21:30.28Blackvelhow do you guys handle busy state on snoms to play a busy tone signal to the caller?
21:31.32[TK]D-Fendersaxa: You should not be putting auth into your DIAL statement, and that does not tell my why you set up a peer and aren't REGISTERING to it like you're supposed to
21:32.15saxaok, I have the auth also in the iax.conf
21:32.28[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Did you try changing the order?
21:32.54saxaregister =>
21:32.56[TK]D-FenderBlackWaht you show is not checking for status, its playing indication back to the caller.
21:33.07[TK]D-Fendersaxa: It isn't registered
21:33.20[TK]D-Fendersaxa: [17:23]<saxa>brastrak/brastr  (Unspecified)  (D) 0  Unmonitored <----- not registered
21:34.14ariel_it's that time, time to go home.... good night folks
21:34.26profXavierFender, yes, hasn't worked
21:34.30Blackvelcu ariel
21:34.39saxaso this means the br box doesnt get in touch with the it box correct ?
21:34.45profXavieri can dial 912503425876
21:34.55profXavierbut not 92503425876
21:35.39[TK]D-Fendersaxa: It means the other side has not registered against that peer entry
21:36.01profXavieri need to review the contexts, I guess
21:36.01infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:36.15[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: No, your problem is a Polycom problem, not an * one.
21:37.36profXavieri thought the contexts where closely intertwined
21:37.48[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: You did say that it was cutting you from dialing the full number therefore its teh phone that needs adjustment
21:38.13[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: * only comes into play once the phone decides to hand off the * and that is what is cutting you off short
21:38.16profXavierright, but doesnt the logic//syntax of the Polycom match that of * ?
21:38.18tfrewprofXavier: look at the polycom rpm from the trixbox distro
21:38.23saxa[TK]D-Fender: so my register => line should have only the host in it ? without the user:password@host part ?
21:38.30tfrewthe xml file has the polycom dialplan set correctly
21:38.38[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: No.  Polycom follows MGCP RFC, * is its own
21:38.47profXavierwell, that helps to know
21:39.25[pnp]tomasIs anyone using Fax For Asterisk to do outbound faxing from workstations?
21:39.33[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: I did tell you that a few hours ago ;)
21:39.44*** join/#asterisk chandoo (
21:39.48profXaviersorry tfrew, I am not sure I understand what your talking about
21:40.01profXavierFender, sometimes I chose not to listen to you :D
21:40.16[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: No reason not to have today...
21:40.36tfrewprofXavier: that's an understatement
21:41.45j_kroonwhen using asterisk -rx "file convert ..." I seem to be getting my shell back before asterisk has finished the transcoding - is this intended behaviour?
21:42.18Blackvel[TK]D-Fender: do you use then s,n,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY"]?.... , in combination of ....Playback(Busy) even? wiki suggests to add 3rd s,n,Busy (after Playback(Busy)
21:42.34[TK]D-Fenderj_kroon: * likely spawns that as a secondary process so that it doesn't jam things up
21:42.52Blackvelnow I can remember pri stuff. I set PRI_CAUSE before with bristuff (which I dropped for patton media gateway)
21:43.17[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: You're asking that on the assumption that I know what the rest of your exten looks like, does, or should do.
21:43.35*** join/#asterisk tobias (
21:44.16[TK]D-FenderBlackvel: You first asked about checking status.  So if you want to react accordingly, thats a separate thing
21:44.30*** join/#asterisk jmatthies (n=talaena@
21:44.33j_kroon[TK]D-Fender, doesn't look like it from res/res_convert.c
21:45.02j_kroonat least, not for anyway, I'm quickly checking older ( version of code too.
21:45.12[TK]D-Fenderj_kroon: I don't know the specifics, was offering a plausible reasoning for it...
21:45.47j_kroon[TK]D-Fender, ta, your reasoning makes sense, but doesn't match my understanding of the code (my understanding is probably incorrect)
21:46.23[TK]D-Fenderj_kroon: Who can tell with that spaghetti ;)
21:46.41[TK]D-Fendergoes for more meatballs & parmesan
21:46.54*** join/#asterisk freenose (n=freenose@
21:47.03saxa[TK]D-Fender: where are you from ?
21:47.08j_kroonwell, looking just at res/res_convert.c the handle_cli_file_convert call doesn't look to be dealing with threads in any way.
21:47.22saxalikes too meatballs
21:47.52srf21cgnaws on a slice of pumpernickel bread
21:48.09[jmc]try lasagne :P
21:49.03saxaparmigiana is even better for my taste :)
21:49.05[TK]D-Fendersaxa: Sol3, nothern hemisphere, close to the water.  and you?
21:49.26saxaslovenija, but leave in Italian city Gorizia
21:49.44[jmc]Italy ftw
21:49.59[jmc][TK]: lol for the Sol3 :P
21:50.11saxaanyway I need to review the book example, why this thing stopped to connect
21:50.24batphoneTexas rules the planet.
21:50.45saxatexas music is ok :)
21:51.44[jmc]saxa: "Texas" like the state, not the band :D
21:54.25saxa[jmc]: heheh
21:54.38saxaanyway, let me understand one thing
21:55.00[jmc]about Texas?
21:55.16saxain the iax.conf on my brazilian box, I need to specify the [context] of the Italian box ?
21:55.35tompawIs there a way to debug dialplan application?
21:55.40saxaI mean, I have a register => statement in it
21:55.56saxathen I have a [context]
21:56.13saxawhich should have data of the italian box correct ?
21:56.35[jmc]well, the 'register', mainly
21:56.50profXaviertfrew: how do you add trixbox into the discussion?
21:56.53[jmc]no wait
21:57.02[jmc]saxa: can you show the configuration file?
21:57.12[jmc]I'm not sure about that
21:58.28tfrewnot trixbox itself, the rpm package they provide for polycom sip phones
21:58.40tfrewi was refering to a "working example" of the xml files
21:58.52profXaviersure, ok
21:58.58profXavierthanks for your input/help
21:59.06tfrewyour not welcome
21:59.08tfrewhave a cupcake
21:59.32tfrewand a glass of chloroform
22:00.03[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Wow... and you thought I used to fly off on a bender ;)
22:00.15j_kroonugly.  there has to be an easier (better) way than to do while ls -l /proc/$(</var/run/asterisk/ | grep -q "${filename}$"; do sleep 0.1; done
22:01.34[jmc]j_kroon: what are you trying to do?
22:02.07*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
22:03.04BlackvelI am bit confused about Dial and & syntax. I use it to call snom 370 and snom m3 (the 2nd with Local and & syntax.
22:03.20Blackvelwhat happens: when snom 370 is busy, it says, busy and stops ringing (hangup)
22:03.40Blackvelbut the 2nd channel keeps starts ringing
22:05.01Blackvelchecking with ,GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY" seems not to help to stop ringing the 2nd device
22:05.15saxa[jmc]: of course I can
22:05.21saxalet me paste it
22:05.23Blackvelwhen i am talking on my desktop phone snom 370, i dont need to have my mobile M3 ring
22:05.55j_kroon[jmc], issue an asterisk -rx "file convert infile outfile" and then wait for outfile to be complete.
22:05.55tfrewgives profXavier a hug
22:06.03*** part/#asterisk tfrew (
22:06.17[TK]D-FenderOk, off to martial arts, back in a few....
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22:07.57saxa[TK]D-Fender: enjoy
22:08.33rednulcould someone recommend a way of adjusting the volume/gain of an audio stream (for use as hold music?)  it looks like mpg123 use to support that, but not anymore...
22:09.27saxa[jmc]: this is on my brazilian box
22:09.51saxaon the italian one I have only few lines which I will paste now, please wait
22:10.02tompawNo application 'MYSQL' for extension... :-(
22:10.12tompawHm... doesn't it get automatically installed with asterisk-addons?
22:11.31saxa[jmc]: <- this is on my italian box
22:12.00kuku1I have a queue, and wish to dial an outside extension ( cell phone via sip ), so in 1.2 I created an entry in that same context, and it worked, but in 1.6, I get an error. [Jun 16 15:32:18] WARNING[13877]: chan_sip.c:4526 create_addr: No such host: 111
22:12.20kuku1[TK]D-Fender: are you around ?
22:12.31[jmc]kuku1: no he's not
22:12.45pfnugh, why doesn't app_voicemail delete empty/silent messages by default, annoying
22:12.53[jmc]saxa: let me see that
22:13.14tompawGuys? How do I install MYSQL application? I have *-addons installed.
22:13.23KyleKpfn: nobody has coded up a good way to identify the empty/silent messages?
22:15.16[jmc]saxa: nothing, I'm not able to help you... sorry :)
22:15.20saxa[jmc]: strangely that thing was working
22:15.51saxa[jmc]: its ok, I will re-read the chapter in the book
22:16.59pfnKyleK, well, I wrote a patch for it a long time ago, but I didn't forward-fit it to 1.0 at the time
22:17.10pfnI swear, I need to turn off voicemail
22:17.20pfnbecause I get too many silent messages making it worthless
22:17.55*** join/#asterisk profXavier (n=MyNick@unaffiliated/neverblue)
22:18.52KyleKare you using the patch yourself?
22:19.45pfnKyleK, my patch was pre-1.0, 2004
22:19.53pfnI've been using 1.4 recently
22:20.04pfnand I haven't had time to update the patch, previously, yes, I used that patch
22:20.16pfnneeds to get around to re-implementing it
22:20.26pfnI don't see how anyone can stand using app_voicemail in its default state
22:20.33pfngets a lot of assholes calling...
22:20.54pfnmorons sit on the phone thinking that a human is screening their call or something and then hang up after some amount of time
22:21.23KyleKwhats your voicemail greeting? is there
22:21.35tompawwhy isn't the MYSQL application available?
22:21.41tompawdo I have to enable it somehow in the confs?
22:21.49pfnKyleK, just the default, iirc
22:22.01KyleKpfn: change it to "please breathe heavily into the phone so I can justify not listening to my voicemail you dork"
22:23.05*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (n=jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504:0:0:0:0:1)
22:23.43tompawa ha!
22:23.44tompawModule '' was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this v
22:23.47tompawersion of Asterisk.
22:24.16tompawdoes Asterisk store its compile-time options anywhere?
22:24.27pfnKyleK, not really practically
22:25.12russellbtompaw: yes.  include/asterisk/buildopts.h
22:25.23*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
22:25.43tompawrussellb: thank you. just to be 100% sure - what version of addons should I use with
22:25.55tompawI'm using 1.6.0 at the moment
22:26.24russellbthere is a out
22:26.30russellbi always say latest with the latest
22:26.45tompawok, will give it a try, thank you.
22:26.50KyleKpfn: if people were leaving me blank messages I'd either sass them with the greeting or call them up and ask about it
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22:28.28pfnKyleK, they're people I don't care to talk to if they can't be bothered to leave a message
22:28.47KyleKso sass them in the greeting?
22:28.56pfnthen it affects legitimate callers
22:29.24pfnthe "correct" solution is just to drop empty messages
22:29.32pfnbut * doesn't do it for whatever reason
22:29.50talirk81From AGI im sending "EXEC SET VARIABLE __CallID 25" but that variable is not showing up when i use  ${__CallID} or ${CallID} any ideas what im doing wrong?
22:30.01KyleKargh, i'm having nothing but trouble with alsa today
22:30.26Blackvelexten => s,1,Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201&LOCAL/90015300)
22:30.31Blackveli am using something like that
22:30.40seanbrighttalirk81: not sure what your specific problem is, but you never access variables with an underscore in the front
22:30.42Blackvelto make the 2nd tech call delayed
22:31.04seanbrighttalirk81: the underscores "go away" after you call Set()
22:31.15talirk81ok well i tried both ways
22:31.17kuku1[TK]D-Fender: are you around ?
22:31.19kuku1I have a queue, and wish to dial an outside extension ( cell phone via sip ), so in 1.2 I created an entry in that same context, and it worked, but in 1.6, I get an error. [Jun 16 15:32:18] WARNING[13877]: chan_sip.c:4526 create_addr: No such host: 111
22:31.27seanbrightjust letting you know that the underscore version will never work
22:31.32talirk81but it seems the EXEC SET VARIABLE isnt really setting it.
22:31.42*** join/#asterisk jjshoe (
22:31.45Blackvelwhen the 1st tech is busy, dial does not stop the 2nd. i really want to abort the whole dial and go to BUSY handling
22:32.02seanbrighttalirk81: why are you using EXEC?
22:32.05*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (n=munoz@
22:32.07talirk81its in an AGI
22:32.10seanbrighttalirk81: you should just call SET VARIABLE
22:32.15seanbright(without the EXEC)
22:32.21Blackvelinstead of it dails the 2nd phone which is useless when i am talking on the 1st phon
22:32.40KyleKwhy bother calling the 2nd phone then?
22:33.17Blackvelis there any way to tell the DIAL command to hangup both call legs and switch to DIALSTATUS BUSY handling`?
22:33.31BlackvelKyleK: it is a delayed calling of m3
22:33.41Blackvelif i pickup on the 1st phone, it stops
22:33.59Blackvelif i dont pickup, snom m3 will ring after 10-15 seconds (when i am not on my desk)
22:34.04Blackvelat my desk
22:34.32talirk81seanbright,  thanks that did it, wierd that EXEC wouldnt also do  it, had to make a new myAGI::SetVariable() function in my php classes
22:34.39Blackveli even wonder that it hangs up the 2nd tech
22:34.44KyleKwhy dont you dial the first phone for 10-15 seconds, then if its busy go to somewhere else, but if its just ignored rin the snom
22:34.46Blackvelwhen i pickup the first
22:34.55seanbrighttalirk81: EXEC calls applications
22:34.59seanbrighttalirk81: so you'd have to do:
22:35.14seanbrighttalirk81: EXEC Set __CallId 25
22:35.15seanbrighti think
22:35.22KyleKlike 1,Dial(me,15)  2,Dial(me2,10) 101,Dial(someoneelse)
22:36.16*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (n=rue@
22:36.16seanbrighttalirk81: but best to just use SET VARIABLE anyway
22:37.06BlackvelKyleK: good question. I think I did that in october 2008 just because I wanted to prevent displaying too many "missed calls"
22:37.34Blackvelwhen both phones ring (they will after 10 secs) and I pickup any of them, no missed calls will be displayed (I think)
22:37.58KyleKdisplaying missed calls where? on these phones?
22:38.33Blackvelwell i have to check
22:38.51Blackvellong time ago
22:43.12BlackvelKyleK: funny I can not tell the benefit anymore
22:43.35Blackvelthe calls always show on 1st snom as missed (no matter if I pick the call on the 2nd)
22:44.07Blackvelon the 2nd it only shows as missed when I do not pickup the call within ~10 secs on the 1st (as the 2nd starts ringing after 10)
22:44.41Blackvelso there seems not to be much difference i use 2x dial in sequence
22:44.49Blackvelif I
22:45.04*** join/#asterisk aliverius (
22:45.36Blackvelthe negativ effect stays
22:45.49BlackvelIf I choose to add xlite (3rd)
22:46.08BlackvelI want to get BUSY for the whole dial if any of the three techs run into BUSY
22:46.54BlackvelI just think I used dial with the & techs as I had three before (and removed xlite in the meantime)
22:47.04Blackvelbut probably want to add it back at some time
22:47.19*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
22:47.34[jmc]see you tomorrow guys
22:47.36pfnlooks at how to re-integrate his silent voicemail patch
22:47.41[jmc]happy *
22:47.45*** part/#asterisk [jmc] (n=[jmc]
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22:48.29*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/dacs)
22:48.37dacshowdy folks
22:49.11dacsi have a question, am sure you guys are familiar with magic jack?
22:49.37*** join/#asterisk joobie (
22:50.10pfnsounds neat, a usb-based ata
22:50.14pfn+ service
22:50.31dacsit connect thru usb and you can use it to call out! is there is anyway can config my * to use that
22:51.36dacsi think it is only a 1 channel thu
22:53.01pfndid app_voicemail change from 1.4 to 1.6?
22:53.18pfnI don't want to have to re-submit a patch for 1.6 since I'm running 1.4...
22:53.58Blackvelfound a reasonable explanation: answer "wins", busy on 1st "wins" over others:
22:54.12Blackvelseems that it didn't exist before and that this features is not SLA
22:54.23Blackvelwill search around if its in 1.4/1.6
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22:56.19KyleKi guess i could diff my 1.4 and 1.6 copys
22:56.20*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
22:56.46KyleKyea its different
22:57.33pfnKyleK, how different is it?
22:59.02*** join/#asterisk bijit (i=1000@
22:59.32KyleKthey renamed some variables like message_exists to msg_exists, not sure which is which as the diff is 8809 lines
22:59.41pfnugh, too big
22:59.57bijitis it possible to connect a LG Nortel IPLDK 300/300E with asterisk?
23:00.05bijitanyone done this before?
23:00.41Blackvelkylek: is there any way to check if a call is ongoing and a device (2nd dial) is busy?
23:01.00Blackvelif I am going your way with two sequential DIAL commands it stays the same
23:01.08KyleKi dunno im kind of noobtastic here ;)
23:01.28KyleKwell doesn't a busy increment it by 100? so 1, 101 in the uh
23:01.35Blackvelif I use the 2nd phone for a ongoing call, the first dial to 1st snom phone is free
23:01.37Aiatek<bijit> which protocol support?
23:01.57Blackvelso it rings my first phone even i am busy on the 2nd
23:02.05Blackvelnot a very optimal solution either
23:02.09KyleKBlackvel: so what you really want is a function to check the status of your phones
23:02.34Blackvelis there something like a callgroup?
23:02.53Blackvelif all phones in the group are not busy let it ring
23:03.04Blackvelif any of them is busy signal BUSY?
23:03.21bijitAiatek: I am looking @ the nortel page to see if it supports sip
23:04.08Aiatekbijit you can do it with pri too
23:04.30kuku1where can I find info on queues and version 1.6, seems a lot has changed since 1.2 and I can't get the right syntax/functions. Please provide a link to some docs....
23:05.16Aiatekbijit or with fxs/fxo ports it depends what you really want
23:05.32bijitAiatek: I am looking for all the possible ways..and asterisk will connect to it remotely..(VPN, Dedicated Line)
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23:06.46dacsso can i use * with magic jack to dial out ? did anyone tried that
23:08.34dacsbijit: 5E support SIP :)
23:09.56bijitdacs: 300E/300?
23:11.18Aiatek<bijit> you need at least firmware
23:11.27bijitso I can connect 300 with * via sip?
23:11.30dacsbijit: but if you can afford to buy a 5ESS , then you don't belong here :)
23:12.07pfnKyleK, are you running 1.4 or 1.6?
23:12.12Aiatekit supports sip in tha version of firmware for ipLDK-20/50/100/300
23:12.20pfnKyleK, if 1.4, would you like to try out my silent vm removal patch?
23:12.23Aiatekand h323 too
23:12.40bijitdacs: its a client that has multiple 300 and now want * and the want to interconnect
23:13.00bijitguess they couldn't afford 5ESS
23:13.07Aiatek<bijit> check the firmware version
23:13.15bijitAiatek: sure
23:14.38Aiatekright now im working in integration with asterisk and  3com nbx5000
23:16.31KyleKpfn: I'm actually swapping back and forth, I had hacked 1.4's app_voicemail to email me an mp3, but today I'm using chan_mobile on 1.6
23:16.42KyleKso hopefully nothing important comes in for voicemail ;)
23:17.09pfnKyleK, didn't like the .wav it emailed you?
23:17.50KyleKcant play them in gmail
23:18.27pfnoh, gmail has a flash component for playing mp3?
23:18.32KyleKif i email myself a .mp3 i can use the flash player thing, yea
23:18.48KyleK11.025 khz btw
23:19.13pfnKyleK, couldn't you specify format in voicemail.conf?
23:19.33KyleKnot in the version of 1.4 i was using
23:19.54*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
23:20.22pfnwhat'd it do you said format=mp3?
23:21.25sah-workquestion. we have an asterisk box with a pri however we are thinking we would like to outsource the phone system and all that goes with it. i need to have access for our current sip phones as well as 800 numbers and numbers in the uk. anyone have any recomendations on providers
23:21.38pfnhmm, chan_mobile sounds interesting, too bad my * box since in a cabinet in the garage
23:21.56KyleKpfn: it fell back on whatever the default is/was
23:22.11pfnKyleK, funky
23:22.29KyleKi'll try with 1.6 really quickly
23:23.23lanningpfn, you could run a second asterisk instance on a quiet machine in the house...
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23:23.41pfnlanning, nah
23:23.56pfnthere's my diff
23:24.04pfnseems too easy...
23:24.13pfntwiddles thumbs while * rebuilds
23:24.37KyleKhrm my voicemail is configured wrong for 1.6, i'll have to look later
23:26.25pfntries out silent vm drop
23:26.36KyleK[Jun 16 16:28:13] WARNING[24430]: file.c:1131 ast_writefile: No such format 'mp3'
23:26.39KyleK[Jun 16 16:28:13] WARNING[24430]: app.c:809 __ast_play_and_record: Error creating writestream '/home/asterisk/var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/condo/1000/tmp/KN4Cxc', format 'mp3'
23:26.47KyleKi dont think i've seen that error before
23:27.01KyleKso you might be on to somethng
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23:28.00pfnprobably just updated to not silently fall back to default
23:28.20pfnthere's no format_mp3 ...
23:28.33pfngoogle's pretty stupid if it only supports mp3 and not wav though
23:28.58KyleKwell they'd have to encode wav -> mp3 on the fly
23:29.17pfnwhy?  the control should just support wav
23:29.27pfnor if not, the control should support transcoding it on the fly
23:29.42KyleKwell its using the flash thing, not requesting a real control
23:29.53pfnwell, "the control" = flash in this case
23:30.00pfnand flash should readily support most wav formats
23:30.40KyleKwell even then, the khz isn't right
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23:32.04pfnthat should be handled by a player naturally
23:33.36pfntwiddles thumbs while the 1.6.2 branch syncs down
23:35.40leifmadsenyay 1.6.2 testing! :)
23:36.12pfntesting?  I just want to make sure my patch merges cleanly  :p
23:36.48leifmadsen\o/ yay patches!
23:37.04pfnI'm reviving this old ass bug
23:38.06KyleKastspooldir => /var/spool/asterisk <-- is this as close as I get to specifying where the spool/voicemail dir is?
23:39.16leifmadsenI have a script that is running on a dir containing (originally) 63GB worth of recordings -- I'm deleting everything older than 90 days. It has been running since about 11:30am (it is now 7:39pm)
23:39.25leifmadsenI had no idea it was going to take several HOURS
23:39.35KyleKmust be a lot of files
23:39.38leifmadsencurrently at 36GB
23:39.43leifmadsenya -- a lot of small files it seems
23:39.53pfndamn, it doesn't merge cleanly into 1.6  :(
23:40.00leifmadsenpfn: not surprised :)
23:44.26KyleKI'm not sure if its good or bad that I can find answers to what im looking for by looking through thousands of lines of code faster than i can google up something
23:46.28pfndepends on what you're looking for
23:46.35pfnit's good that you're skilled enough...
23:47.15KyleKsnprintf(VM_SPOOL_DIR, sizeof(VM_SPOOL_DIR), "%s/voicemail/", ast_config_AST_SPOOL_DIR);
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23:47.37dacsi have a question, since x-lite has 2 lines, why i can't add another account in x-lite?!
23:48.21KyleKits the free version
23:48.41pfnleifmadsen, looks like it was minor things that made it not patch cleanly
23:49.00KyleKdacs: they gotta get people to give them money somehow ;)
23:49.12dacsKyleK: i am using 3.0 47546
23:49.56drmessanodacs: Always worked for me
23:50.21dacsdrmessano: you have 2 account on the free version
23:51.05pfnKyleK, so... can you try it out my patch against 1.6?  :)
23:51.37KyleKhrm my copy of x-lite only allows 1 sip registration
23:52.24laynethe new version of x-lite restricts free users to 1 acct
23:52.54drmessanoit does?
23:53.04dacslayne: its okay, i am booting my laptop and i will use Eikga
23:53.05KyleKi knew i should have kept the copy i downloaded like 5 years ago ;)
23:53.10mmlj4who uses proprietary crap? go get something else, man
23:54.09dacsmmlj4: yeah, as soon as i get better in *. i finally got the hard copy of the book
23:56.23laynedrmessano, yes it does
23:56.34laynethe old one let you have a few iirc
23:57.25dacs[Jun 15 23:59:09] NOTICE[3109]: chan_sip.c:14703 handle_request_invite: Call from '2000' to extension '1000' rejected because extension not found.
23:57.37dacs^^ but i have extention 2000
23:58.18drmessanoextension 1000 is not found
23:58.28drmessanofrom _ to
23:58.51dacsdrmessano: its there
23:59.12dacsam not arguing , but based on my understanding

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