IRC log for #asterisk on 20090606

00:01.13cvneti have to install a vpn client correct?
00:06.37ricko73cvnet: racoon does ipsec
00:06.47ricko73google has information on racoon
00:07.03infobotfrom memory, google is
00:11.31*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
00:16.14cvneti have installed ipsec-tools and racoon, now do i change the racoon.conf or leave it as is?
00:19.46*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
00:26.17*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
00:27.48[T]ankdoes anyone else ever have the issue of a 10-15 second delay before your outbound call is really placed? I have this on a few different asterisk servers. Some are on T1, SIP or IAX2. Not sure what it is. The call ALWAYS is successful, but there is always a delay before the call is actually placed. Wondering if anyone else has had that issue or knows how to correct it.
00:27.54[T]ankjust a general annoyance.
00:30.44[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Yes you are, but we forgive you ;)
00:31.01[T]anklol... sorry.
00:31.23[T]ankever seen that before?
00:31.37[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Now try DETAILS.  Show us debug, tell us what version.  Describe the networking, etc
00:31.52infobot[~wmmfpb] WHERE'S MY MOTHER-^%#ING PASTEBIN?!?
00:32.17Qwell[TK]D-Fender: it's on the plane with the snakes.
00:32.37[TK]D-Fenderfetches Samuel L. Jackson .... FOR GREAT JUSTICE!
00:34.42jayteeyou people are sick! I knew there was a reason I felt at home here :-)
00:34.42*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma|AFK (n=SaiSoma@
00:35.32[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm not sick... but I'm not well ;)
00:38.49justdaveI'm trying to set up a T1/PRI and still not used to the dahdi stuff, is there a way I can tell if the link is up on the T1 line from the shell on the machine?
00:39.07justdave(this is my first time touching a PRI before, too)
00:39.08SaiSoma|AFKtry service dahdi status
00:39.29justdaveshowing RED all the way down
00:39.39SaiSoma|AFKi would guess that it's not up then
00:39.40justdavewhich I already knew from the asterisk log. :)  trying to figure out why
00:40.06SaiSoma|AFKi haven't setup a PRI with asterisk yet tho.  i use the 8 port analog and red means not functional
00:40.37SaiSoma|AFKthis is the only dahdi card in the box?
00:41.04SaiSoma|AFKmmmm . is it the local carrier on the other end i guess?
00:41.40SaiSoma|AFKmeaning you aren't connecting to another phone system of your own?
00:41.54justdaveI'm on the phone with them, they're saying there's no link :|
00:41.59justdaveit's between us and the phone company
00:42.52SaiSoma|AFK*nod*  so, can they loop the smartjack at your location?
00:43.27justdaveaha, found it.
00:43.33SaiSoma|AFKawesome, what was it?
00:43.39justdavemy network guy says they punched it down in the wrong port
00:43.43SaiSoma|AFK(i ask because i'll be doing this in about two weeks, heh)
00:43.46SaiSoma|AFKahhh, awesome
00:43.46justdavehe just swapped it over, alarm went away
00:43.53SaiSoma|AFKexcellent.  good luck!
00:44.37[TK]D-FenderOff for a while, BBL
00:45.57*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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01:22.34*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (n=munoz@
01:31.01*** join/#asterisk paulius (n=paulius@unaffiliated/paulius)
01:31.11pauliusOkay so people will kill me here for this but...
01:31.21pauliusIs there anyone here familiar with Cisco IP phones with SIP firmware?
01:31.59*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
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01:39.03ke5ejuis anyone in here an app_rpt guru?
01:39.26Qwellke5eju: it would surprise me very little if nobody in here had ever used it.
01:40.03ke5ejuwow... well.. ok where would i go if i'm having trouble tuning the radio with app rpt
01:40.35QwellI'm sure there are people who use it, but I don't know where they are
01:40.56ke5ejuokay thanks
01:45.02jksit's possible to pause/unpause an interface in regards to queues using the manager interface - is there any way to read out the current pause status for an interface?
01:46.57*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
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01:50.05Qwelljks: there should be a PauseQueueMember (and one for unpause..) event
01:51.14*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
01:51.14*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:54.08johnakabeanhey everyone; I had a problem with centos and asterisk was automatically restarting every 10 or 15 minutes; it turned out to be bad memory. I have put the hard drives in another, much newer, computer (to my surprise I didn't even have to recompile centos). Asterisk is still having the same problem but It ONLY restarts automatically a few minutes after using freepbx to reload it
01:54.44johnakabeanThe queues have stopped working; If I make freepbx reload asterisk, the queues will work again for a few minutes until asterisk automatically restarts
01:55.01johnakabeanI have reinstalled freepbx, recompiled asterisk (after make clean and ./configure) and its addons.
01:57.43johnakabeanany suggestions?
02:06.04jksQwell, hmm, yes but I'm trying to just do a "check" to see the status
02:06.36jksQwell, i.e. in the case the client hasn't been connected to the manager interface before, it then connects... and I want to be able to tell if the interfaces are paused or unpaused
02:07.31*** join/#asterisk TJNII (n=TJNII@
02:08.05Qwellthere should be a way to get the status...  have you looked at the list of manager events?
02:08.24jksQwell, yes, I don't see how events will help me?
02:08.37jksQwell, I mean, it should be some kind of command that will list the statuses I guess?
02:08.37*** join/#asterisk johnakabean (
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02:08.41Qwellactions, sorry
02:09.03jksI have looked at them yes, but haven't found anything that worked
02:09.10johnakabeanqwell, you know how to wipe asterisk and freepbx completely (minus config /etc/asterisk)?
02:09.55jksQwell, I can use the Command to do a queue show command and then checked for (paused)... but it will only display pause status for the individual queues - I cannot tell if the interface as such is paused
02:10.04*** join/#asterisk aliverius (
02:12.46johnakabean[Jun  5 18:58:36] VERBOSE[20633] logger.c:   == Manager unregistered action QueueStatus
02:12.46johnakabean[Jun  5 18:58:36] VERBOSE[20633] logger.c:   == Manager unregistered action Queues
02:12.46johnakabean[Jun  5 18:58:36] VERBOSE[20633] logger.c:   == Manager unregistered action QueueAdd
02:12.46johnakabean[Jun  5 18:58:36] VERBOSE[20633] logger.c:   == Manager unregistered action QueueRemove
02:12.46johnakabean[Jun  5 18:58:36] VERBOSE[20633] logger.c:   == Manager unregistered action QueuePause
02:12.49johnakabeanwhat is that?
02:12.52johnakabeansorry for flood
02:13.13jksjohnakabean, what is what?
02:13.20johnakabeanManager unregistered action Queue
02:13.31johnakabeanmy queues aren't working
02:13.43*** join/#asterisk jicksta (n=jicksta@
02:14.17drmessanoAsterisk 1.6?
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02:15.41johnakabean1.4 DR messano
02:16.10johnakabeanDR messano, I figured out what was causing that segmentation fault
02:16.12johnakabeanBAD MEMORY
02:16.51johnakabeanI'm running the same install/setup on a completely different, newer machine
02:16.56drmessanoI bet that got rid of those segmentation fault messages too
02:17.06johnakabeanasterisk is still restarting itself but NOT as frequently
02:17.19johnakabeanit only does it ONCE after I use freepbx to reload it
02:17.56johnakabeanwhat makes me use freepbx to reload it is so my queues will prevail to work for only 10 minutes
02:18.01johnakabeanthen asterisk restarts itself
02:18.37johnakabeanI am following a forum suggestion to start asterisk in the console
02:18.38drmessanoAre you running zaptel/dahdi?
02:18.48drmessanoDid you recompile it?
02:18.55*** join/#asterisk sehro (
02:19.04johnakabeananyway, DR, I'm starting asterisk in the console so that when it crashes it will create a dumb
02:19.12drmessanoDid you recompile it?
02:19.29infobot[drmessano] the leading cause of censorship in #asterisk, maybe a Doctor, not really a mess um a no..... The Doctor is accepting new patients, <drmessano> I am not a OB/GYN but I'll have a look anyway, and is earning his reputation daily
02:21.11johnakabeanI will try that
02:21.24johnakabeanI did recompile asterisk and reinstalled freepbx
02:21.41johnakabeanmy next thing was to check the mysql tables for corruption
02:21.48drmessanoZaptel I would think would be sensitive to moving to different hardware
02:22.03johnakabeanI don't use any hardware other than the dummy
02:22.16johnakabeanI'm all SIP/IAX2
02:22.26drmessanoYou have a CPU and a motherboard, dont you?
02:22.43johnakabeanok whatever recompiling
02:22.56johnakabeanwould you recommend dahdi over zaptel
02:23.13drmessanoZaptel is old and busted
02:23.19drmessanoDahdi is the new hotness
02:23.25johnakabeando i just compile it instead of zaptel without having to change configs for asterisk?
02:23.47johnakabeanof course I recompile zaptel just to do a make uninstall
02:23.59drmessanoNo, use Dahdi to uninstall zaptel
02:24.14drmessanoDahdi installer removes zaptel where zaptel doesnt remove itself
02:24.14johnakabeanit will give me an option or does it just overwrite it?
02:24.32drmessanoNot sure.. I did mine the hard way, and found out later I wasted time
02:25.11*** join/#asterisk qdk (
02:25.15johnakabeanI'm tempted to recompile ALL of centos in 64 bit
02:25.19johnakabeanbut this pc is a loaner
02:25.57johnakabeanusually takes 5 minutes on my machine to just compile asterisk
02:26.01johnakabeanthis machine took 20 seconds
02:26.06johnakabeanin 32 bit
02:26.37*** join/#asterisk bbryant1 (
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02:27.07johnakabeando I need dahdi tools?
02:27.15johnakabeansince I have no hardware
02:28.15drmessanoI just get the whole package..
02:28.47johnakabeanwell, there are two listed; one is dahdi and the other is tools for it
02:28.48drmessanoBut probably not
02:29.14drmessanoI download the dahdi+tools
02:30.15*** join/#asterisk maximo (
02:30.19drmessanoThen I have it if I need it later
02:32.17aliveriusmy distro was comming with a very bloated buildscript
02:32.33johnakabeanNo hardware timing source found in /proc/dahdi, loading dahdi_dummy
02:32.39johnakabeanthat looks familiar
02:32.43aliveriusi guess it is for a full server but it took me much time to realise what i need and what not
02:33.26johnakabeanok queues still not working
02:36.04johnakabeanJun  5 22:34:44] WARNING[11481] acl.c: all is not a valid IP
02:36.20johnakabeanthats in the console
02:36.33johnakabeanhow do I set the ips to listen on?
02:40.21*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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02:50.51luckyabaanyone have a recommendation on a firewall appliance that does a good job with QOS?
02:53.55johnakabeanyour own centos
02:53.59johnakabeanor linux
02:54.28johnakabeanlucky, go here
02:54.29luckyabaWell I would rather not have the box wide open to the web
02:54.42luckyabaand the Sonicwall in place at the moment does a poor job at QOS
02:54.54johnakabeanif you do iptables right, it will be the best firewall you have ever had
02:55.02johnakabeanyou use iptables, snort, and ctshaper
02:55.52johnakabeanI have 733 rules in my iptables
02:56.00johnakabeanit is STRICT
02:56.18johnakabeanthe chinese have been trying to hack me for months
02:56.37jayteethe chinese suck
02:56.45luckyabawhat if any are you doing for intrusion prevention/detection
02:56.48johnakabeani was giving an example
02:56.55johnakabeanfail2ban and snort
02:57.07johnakabeanfail2ban takes care of brute forcwe
02:57.12johnakabeansnort does the other
02:57.27johnakabeaniptables also takes care of syn flood and other things
02:57.32luckyabaok, given that sounds like a pretty locked down box
02:57.38luckyabahow much setup are we looking at :P
02:57.50johnakabeango install snort
02:57.56johnakabeanthat will take the longest
02:58.09luckyabaI am looking for a solution for not only our network but for clients as well
02:58.21johnakabeanahh but I have a network of 12
02:58.37johnakabeanbehind this one box
02:58.49smpsluckyaba, depens how much money you would like to invest
02:59.04smpsluckyaba, imho i would use linux for stuff in my company
02:59.21smpsluckyaba, for clients i use juniper and cisco
02:59.34luckyabano, I mean we are going to be deploying VOIP servers in the coming months to clients who are almost all running Sonicwalls and Windows
02:59.59johnakabeangood luck with SIP on sonic
03:00.58johnakabeanI use a utility that helps me with iptables
03:01.07johnakabeani will help you with that after you install snort
03:01.30johnakabeani type about 50 lines and it generates a sound firewall for iptables
03:02.03johnakabeanabout 733 from me ranging to internal network servers to quality of service for voip to securing the box itself
03:02.33johnakabeanif you don't want problems with nat traversal, you need to have the asterisk box public
03:02.47johnakabeanONLY my interal clients can connect to the asterisk box
03:03.01johnakabeanasterisk is allowed to accessing the trunks
03:03.05luckyabaWell there are appliances that deal with that problem which is what I was leaning towards since its a solution we are providing to clients
03:03.06johnakabeanand they are limited by ip
03:03.29johnakabeanasterisk can only communicate with my trunks
03:03.35johnakabeanand is open to the internal network
03:03.36luckyabaI am all for linux and if it was my network I would totally do it
03:03.55johnakabeanwell, I invite you to test my network setup
03:04.10johnakabean173.50.101.10 - 15
03:04.12luckyabaIt took me almost a year to get them to accept an open source solution for VOIP installs!
03:04.52johnakabeanyou can't spoof your mac to me or your ip address......a bunch of things this neat script secures
03:05.52luckyabaI will setup a test lab and check it out though. If I can script most of it and get the install fairly automated and quick I could probably get the big guys on board
03:07.14johnakabeanso dahdi did fix that
03:07.45luckyabaYou have any alerting setup on your network?
03:07.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:10.52smpsjohnakabean, you can use sip nat helper for iptables to address nat traversal issues
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04:58.31AlmightyOatmeali'm getting really poor quality music on hold and i get this in the console: [Jun  5 23:54:39] NOTICE[65484]: rtp.c:1280 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received from '...'
04:58.40AlmightyOatmealdoes that mean there is a codec issue with MOH?
05:04.47*** join/#asterisk DarthPointer (n=no@
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05:17.01dpreacheris it possible to check with the asterisk command when the last iax2 reload was performed. I'm monitoring IP changes and I'm keeping a log of IP changes and also issuing a reload. Although I know when the reload is being triggered I have no way to check if actually the reload took place. is there a return code or a log that I can check to see if the reload had failed due to any circumstances?
05:17.09dpreacherthank you in advance
05:19.06dpreacherif people aren't responding in this room, can i ask in a related channel or will there be useless blah blah about cross posting even if no one helps me here
05:19.33*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
05:28.17AlmightyOatmealor maybe no one is available currently and someone will get back to you once they 1) are available 2) know an answer
05:30.03dpreacherAlmightyOatmeal, can i ask in asterisknow...coz i've seen some people unnecessarily using foul language, just coz they see the question posted in another channel they are in
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05:31.51AlmightyOatmealdpreacher: whatever floats your boat
05:32.13dpreacherok i asked there
05:32.22dpreacheralso...trying google
05:35.02*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
05:39.57dpreacherAlmightyOatmeal, do you use any certain Asterisk specific distribution?
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06:07.20dpreacherplease note sfire on asterisknow has helped me in asterisknow, so thanks for looking at the question and dreaming
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06:16.46*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
06:22.15*** join/#asterisk rajmohan (n=rajmohan@
06:23.37rajmohanhi, iam getting this error when i use asterisk -r, Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?) any help pls?
06:25.18*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
07:12.55AlmightyOatmealrajmohan: your current user doesn't have access to asterisk.ctl, if your asterisk is running as root, then su or sudo and run asterisk -r
07:14.54rajmohanAlmighty: now i got is working it seems it says Connected to Asterisk 1.4.25 currently running on ubuntu
07:15.18rajmohancan you guide me now how can i open up the amportal?
07:15.26rajmohanit gives 404 error
07:15.42rajmohanbut the folder is there and iam not able to view the files in it
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08:06.29iksikis there any nice opensource billing system for asterisk?
08:13.44*** join/#asterisk rethus (n=rethus@
08:13.53rethusHi There,
08:14.14rethusi have * 1.4 in use. what is the difference to 1.6.... many things are changed?
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08:35.46rethusif i start asterisk 1.4 my cpu usage jumpo to 100% whats going on... how can i check what the problem is?
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08:55.26rethushello... nobody active? 258 Persons and no traffic here? Or is my messenger broken?
09:09.58*** join/#asterisk jgoo (
09:12.40jgoohrm - what the hell. So I have an asterisk box and 20 grandstream 201s - set them up, all registering - I move them, reconnect them, they are all online, I can ping all devices from the pbx, but none are registering - what can cause that?
09:16.54rethusdoes asterisk 1.4 has no dial() function on cmd anymore?
09:35.31iksikasterisk is locking CDR csv files while running?
10:28.24*** join/#asterisk BlackSlik (n=james@
10:40.52BlackSliklogin as: root
10:40.52BlackSlikroot@'s password:
10:40.52BlackSlikLast login: Sat Jun  6 11:35:48 2009 from
10:40.52BlackSlik[root@nextdreamnet ~]# cd /usr/src/
10:40.52BlackSlik[root@nextdreamnet src]# dir
10:40.53BlackSlikasterisk-1.4.26-rc1                          dahdi-linux-2.2.0-rc5
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13:04.59smacehello. Could anybody suggest me one free sip client for windows that has no problems with queue? Currently i'm using Zoiper but it rins in all phones when a new call is received.
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13:11.34*** join/#asterisk PseudoNim (
13:11.54PseudoNimhi all
13:12.33PseudoNimin my dialplan, i have this string: exten => _011.,1,Dial(sip/voipprovider/${EXTEN}). i would like, however, to strip "011" from the numbers sent by my client ........ because my client sends it twice (011011xxxxxx). how can i just strip the first 4 digits say?
13:12.45PseudoNimdo i just say 4|_011?
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13:14.53smpsPseudoNim, in that case it will strip number 4 from digits
13:15.13PseudoNimoops heh
13:15.14smpsPseudoNim, as if you were dialing 401234 it will strip 4 and dial 01234
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13:17.40PseudoNimhmm, changing it to 011|_011.,1,.......etc didn't work, gave an 'extension not found'
13:18.08PseudoNimsorry, noob
13:19.09barbachaPseudoNim: did you try exten => _011.,1,Dial(sip/voipprovider/${EXTEN:3}) ?
13:19.21PseudoNimooh, nope
13:19.22PseudoNimlet me try
13:22.07smaceI need one good SIP client, any suggestion?
13:22.12smpssmace, x-lite
13:23.42*** join/#asterisk dnikulin (
13:23.46barbachasmps: twinkle under linux
13:24.11smpsbarbacha, he was asking for windows sip client
13:24.31dnikulinhow can I make work two clients from 1 IP address without error "check_auth: username mismatch, have <111>, digest has <222>
13:26.07aliveriushi! i am new to asterisk and i downloaded the oreilly book. would it help me with asterisk 1.6?
13:26.20smacewhen using x-lite with ilbc the voices sounds like robots. this is the why i was using zoiper instead. but zoiper rings when there is a new call in queue.
13:27.35drmessanoiLbc is horrid though
13:28.02drmessanoWay too much CPU overhead for the gain
13:28.21drmessanoMaybe its better than it sounds so bad :)
13:30.21*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (n=_ShrikE@
13:32.50smacedrmessano: which codec do you suggest?
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13:42.29PseudoNimbarbacha: nice, that worked. thanks!
13:43.25PseudoNima harder question though... how can i do string manipulation?
13:43.39PseudoNimbasically... the standalone phone i'm using sends EVERYTHING as 011xxxxxxxxx
13:44.02PseudoNimoh .... wait
13:44.04PseudoNimi think i know.
13:44.17PseudoNimi just need to fix the rule that says _1NXXNXXXXXX
13:46.24PseudoNimyep, that worked. cool
13:53.17*** join/#asterisk rethus (n=rethus@
13:54.08rethusanyone know how can i use a dial() into cli via "manager show commands Command"?
13:54.46rethusbefore i used phpagi with: $as->Command('dial 100@phones'); and it workt, but for now it doesn't work anymore... i don't know why
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14:09.52iksikasterisk should listen on 1720 port for h323 ?
14:13.56kaldemariksik: it listens to the port you tell it to.
14:14.07iksikyeah I know...
14:14.12iksikbut it doesn't listen :P
14:14.26kaldemardo you have the module loaded?
14:14.26iksikoh damn ;/ cannot open shared object file
14:14.40iksikno such file or directory
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14:36.57aliveriusdoes chan_misdn require libpri?
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14:55.30spiriHi, can I put a forieng sip extension in a call file?  the examples I have seen seem to be local
15:02.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
15:03.23jayteemorning [TK]D-Fender
15:04.16jayteehands [TK]D-Fender a cup of fresh brewed Columbian "half & half, sugar?"
15:05.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: That works...
15:05.28[TK]D-Fendergonna go boil a pot for it now...
15:05.33jaytee[TK]D-Fender, late night?
15:06.01[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Not so much, but slept funny.
15:06.10drmessanoHe feels numb.. maybe something with lemon.. shouldn't taste too bad
15:06.18drmessanoYay.. U2 triple play
15:06.44jayteeputs on "Where the streets have no name"
15:06.53jayteemorning drmessano
15:07.06drmessanoI just finished listening to Numb, Lemon, and now Bad.. and that worked out well
15:08.00jayteehahah, anyone been to Google today? Tetris FTW!
15:08.24drmessanoThat was cool
15:12.31*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (n=munoz@
15:13.17spirihi, can someone recomend some docs.. Im trying to place outbound sip calls with asterisk.. but they are failing..   I can easily place these calls with ekiga I am wondering what I am missing
15:14.36infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:18.27*** join/#asterisk timeshell (n=timeshel@
15:20.45spirithanks.. drmessano I have this book in front of me
15:21.52spiristill cant place out going sip calls w/ a call file from asterisk
15:23.49[TK]D-Fenderspiri: And you aren't showing us your failed attempt with SIP DEBUG from CLI
15:23.54infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
15:27.38*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
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15:28.10spiri[TK]D-Fender: this is my call file
15:28.36[TK]D-Fenderspiri: Extension: SIP/ <- not valid
15:28.49[TK]D-Fenderspiri: You seem to have understood this process backwards
15:28.53spirithis is the output
15:29.04spirioh.. likely
15:29.08chendydoes anybody working on porting asterisk to opensolaris ?
15:29.12[TK]D-Fenderspiri: "Extension" is the extension in your dialplan that the "Channel" will go to one answered
15:29.25*** join/#asterisk mltlnx (
15:30.29mltlnxIs there any possibility of retrieving  the email address that is in Voicemail.conf through the manager interface?
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15:31.57spiri[TK]D-Fender: ahhh cool it seems to have connected
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15:47.16leifmadsenFor anyone who is interested in the new Asterisk release process, and would like more information about how it works, I've just written a post about it:
15:47.36jayteecool! thanks, leif
15:47.42leifmadsenI'd appreciate any feedback you can give, and let me know if any parts are confusing
15:48.12leifmadsenI'll try to address your comments as best I can -- leave the comments on the blog if you can so my site looks busy, lol
15:48.23jayteewill do
15:53.35kaldemarleifmadsen: "Within the 1.6.1 branch, we'll have tags just like all our other branches;,,, etc."
15:54.04leifmadsenkaldemar: aha, thank you
15:55.02leifmadsendrmessano: yes
15:55.16seanbrightleave leif ALONE!!!
15:55.21leifmadsen(I didn't proof read this article as I'm in a rush to get out of here, and down to the brewery tour :))
15:55.24seanbrighthe's doing gawd's work
15:55.34drmessanoIm trying to help him not sound like a douche
15:55.39drmessanoSorry :(
15:55.49seanbrightdrmessano: that's a full time job
15:55.49jayteeit's excellent
15:55.57seanbrightleifmadsen <3
15:56.08drmessanoOtherwise, thats a great post
15:56.15leifmadsendrmessano: thanks!  changes made
15:57.16leifmadsenthanks everyone!
15:57.19leifmadsenmuch appreciated
15:57.23leifmadsenI put in a comment to thank you :)
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15:57.58jayteeone thing I'd like to see that's not actually related to the process but I think would be really helpful to people considering Asterisk or already using it but considering upgrading is a document that all the features available in all releases and next to each feature the branch of Asterisk that the feature was first included.
15:58.33seanbrightyou should be able to compile that from CHANGES and UPGRADE-* relatively easily
15:58.37jayteeumm, should have said "with all the features" not that all the features
15:58.44seanbrightit wouldn't be exhaustive by any means, but it would be a start.
15:59.04jayteeseanbright, yeah, I'll get right on that cuz all I have to do is housecleaning :-)
15:59.11kaldemarare all 1.6 branches going to be supported equally?
15:59.28seanbrightkaldemar: until otherwise announced, yes.
15:59.57seanbrightactually, that's a lie
16:00.04seanbright3 branches
16:00.10drmessanoIts noted in the post
16:00.11seanbright1.6.0, 1.6.1, and 1.6.2
16:00.18seanbright1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.6.3
16:00.19drmessanoand my paste
16:00.21seanbrightetc, etc,.
16:01.10drmessanoseanbright I do have one question
16:01.30seanbrightdrmessano: i most likely do not have the answer, but shoot.
16:01.31kaldemarthe post says at least 3 branches, not 3 explicitly.
16:02.14drmessanoRight now, 1.2 = Security fixes (EOL), 1.4 = Bugfixes, any 1.6 is fully supported
16:02.18kaldemarbugfixing effort may grow quite a bit if a lot of refactoring is made and there are many branches.
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16:02.31seanbrightkaldemar: yes, we're already experiencing that.
16:03.19seanbrightdrmessano: what is the difference between "bug fixes" and "fully supported"
16:03.23drmessanoMoving to 1.6.3.x, does that put 1.6.0.x at EOL/Security fixes ?
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16:03.54drmessanoWell, seems some distinction is noted between 1.4's support and 1.6.x support
16:03.58leifmadsendrmessano: not necessarily
16:04.12leifmadsendrmessano: there is no difference between 1.4 and a 1.6 branch
16:04.19drmessanoI see
16:04.20leifmadsensame methodology
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16:04.29seanbrightwhile getting the 1.6 releases polished is the focus, 1.4 is still getting bug fixes and is supported.
16:04.34leifmadsenbug fixes, security fixes -- no new features
16:04.45leifmadsen1.4 is not going away anytime soon
16:04.47seanbrightright.  all release branches are feature frozen.
16:04.54leifmadsenno discussions to move it to EOL have been discussed
16:05.09leifmadsenand if such a time comes that 1.4 is EOL'd, you'll be given plenty of notice
16:05.17leifmadseni.e. several months to a year most likely
16:05.18seanbrightat least a week
16:05.20drmessanoI'm past 1.4.. so not worried about
16:05.23leifmadsen(that is my interpretation anyways :))
16:05.26MT`AwAyhello, is there any change to the sip (sippeers, sipusers) realtime database between 1.4 and 1.6, and where can I find the changes if any?
16:05.30leifmadsendrmessano: but many would be :)
16:05.43leifmadsenMT`AwAy: I'd check UPGRADE-1.6.txt
16:05.44rob0Let's discuss a discussion right now, he said, disgusted.
16:05.45drmessanoJust curious how future was going to play out when say 1.6.0 is the 4th or 5th branch behind
16:05.55leifmadsenrob0: that's disgusting!
16:05.57MT`AwAyleifmadsen> already done, it doesn't speak much about realtime
16:06.09leifmadsenMT`AwAy: CHANGES ?
16:06.26leifmadsendrmessano: that has not been decided yet since we don't have a 4th branch yet
16:06.41seanbrightgod... that's going to be a total pain in the ass.
16:06.42leifmadsenI suppose it comes down to how much effort is required to maintain X number of branches
16:06.52leifmadsenseanbright: we need a better way of merging....
16:07.05leifmadsenmergetrunk6 1.6.0 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3
16:07.07seanbrightleifmadsen: i already use shell scripts :)
16:07.21leifmadsenseanbright: hawt :)  share them with the world! :)
16:07.22MT`AwAyI'm currently trying to update to 1.6, but I became unable to call a user (behaviour looks like bug 13121)
16:07.45seanbrightfor x in 0 1 2; do pushd "1.6.${x}"; mergetrunk6 123456; svn resolve . ; svn commit -F ../merge.msg; popd; done
16:07.48leifmadsenok, gotta go!  thanks for all the feedback on the post everyone!  next week will probably be something to do with Queue's per seanbright's suggestion
16:08.02leifmadsenseanbright: that's hawt
16:08.09madfactorCan ne1 direct me to any decent resources on meridianopt11-asterisk interop... besides what is available on
16:08.12seanbrightassuming there are are no conflicts, yes :)
16:08.16seanbrightok, go away
16:08.19seanbrightright now
16:08.39aliveriusi  shall ask once more, do i still have to get the chan_misdn module from beronet?
16:08.40leifmadsenbeer me! (several times!)
16:09.35seanbrightaliverius: for which version of asterisk?
16:10.22drmessanoIMHO, it shouldnt be that big of a deal.. Even though each release in 1.6 could/can/will be a leap from the previous, as you said, it's not like the 2 years between, and it should be easier to migrate up in a timely manner, much like (dare I say) service packs on M$ systems introduce some big changes, but really, it's not a giant leap
16:10.56seanbrightnot to mention - new features get out more quickly and have the kinks worked out
16:11.11*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
16:11.23seanbrighti sometimes feel like the .0 releases are public QA releases... so....
16:11.26seanbrightthanks everybody!
16:12.20drmessanoThis release cycle is really much more down to earth than it's been before.. more inline with other applications where upgrading from 2.4 to 2.7 shouldnt kill any kittens
16:12.48seanbrighti still would like to convince the other devs to do a 2.0 release
16:12.57seanbrightwhich is a release where we really right all of the wrongs
16:13.03seanbrightand the community will actually let us break BC
16:13.33seanbrightaliverius: i shall ask once more, what version of asterisk?
16:14.19drmessanoReally, this release cycle leaves a lot of room to stop babysitting those on 4 year old code... Its going to be as lot easier to tell someone "1.6.0.x is unsupported, please migrate to a newer release" than telling someone "1.2 is old, you need to be on 1.6" where a giant f*ck you was in order.
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16:14.57seanbrightdrmessano: i wish that were true
16:15.19seanbrightthere are those that think the dialplan they wrote in 1.0 should work in 1.6.2
16:15.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Better answered as "1.2 is broken?  Well it isn't going to get fixed, so pick your poison"
16:15.28seanbrightand we are a bunch of idiots for not being able to make that work.
16:15.29aliveriusseanbright: sorry for delaying i am messing in menus and docs and and :)
16:15.51seanbrightaliverius: well you seemed impatient, i was just responding in kind.
16:15.58[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: Well with the deprecation cycle, so many users of 1.2 are using 1.0 dialplan and expecting it to work even in 1.4
16:16.30seanbrightaliverius: i see chan_misdn.c in the release... so what are you asking?
16:16.43aliveriusi see it there in menulist but then it seems it asks for some deps marked with (E) which should mean external i suppose?
16:17.09drmessanoseanbright: I think the team should really consider that stance on supporting and endorsing the older code.. While I do think its unreasonable to tell someone they need to hurry up and move their 1.2 systems to 1.6.1.x tomorrow, it shouldnt/wont be to tell them the same for moving from the future unsupported 1.6.0.x to say 1.6.5.x
16:17.19aliveriusit lists three deps
16:17.42drmessanoWhich will help the perception when it comes to deprecation and attrition
16:17.43aliveriusisdnnet(E), misdn(E), suppserv(E)
16:17.56aliveriusnow i need to locate 2 of them...
16:18.26seanbrightISDN4Linux Library
16:18.34seanbrightmISDN User Library
16:18.55seanbrightmISDN Supplemental Services
16:19.02seanbrightsearch for those on the interwebs
16:19.09seanbrightwhat distro are you on?
16:20.26drmessanoGoing back to what I brought up before.. Telling someone to upgrade from Windows 2000 server to Windows 2003 server to fix an issue is nuts.. but it's perfectly reasonable to tell someone they're on SP0 and need to go ahead and upgrade to SP2.. With that mindset, I think folks will migrate faster to 1.6 knowing it will be easier to keep up
16:20.42seanbrighti agree with you.
16:20.46*** join/#asterisk haikiro (
16:20.56aliveriusseanbright: archlinux
16:21.04seanbrightaliverius: seriously?  why god, why??
16:21.11aliveriusi installed misdn userscpace i thought those whwere enough
16:21.32haikirohi all any italian user here ?
16:21.33aliveriusfor a fine control over my system ;)
16:21.59aliveriusio non sono italiano haikiro, ma lo parlo
16:22.13drmessanoBut really.. thats NOT a technical issue... thats a perception issue that needs to be brought up over and over and over by the devs until its just "fact" amongst the users and admins out there..
16:22.19seanbrightaliverius: well you need those three packages.  i don't know where you find them for your distro.
16:22.40haikiroaliverrius posso disturbarti in pvt?
16:22.42seanbrightdrmessano: well the third-party module issue always plays into that.  and *is* a technical issue.
16:22.43smpsseanbright, i use slackware , whats wrong with archlinux ?
16:22.53aliveriussi haikiro
16:23.02seanbrightnot getting into a religious distro discussion
16:23.08seanbrighti retract my statement about archlinux
16:23.10seanbrightit's wonderful
16:23.17seanbrighti use it myself
16:23.37drmessanoseanbright: Of course.. and in my scenario, SP2 didn't play well with every app that worked on Server 2003 release.. so they plan a little, upgrade, no sweat.. not like 1.2 to 1.6 or even 1.2 to 1.4
16:23.42seanbrightlong story short: deprecation is now a dirty word.
16:24.00aliveriushahaha, distro religion!
16:24.18aliveriusok i can make my packages nice and easy IF i find their source
16:25.19smpsaliverius, why dont you check misdn site you will find there explanations what all do you need for it to work ...
16:25.29drmessanoBut see, I think where there's been a BIG perception failure is that I have seen little to encourage the leap from 1.2/1.4 to 1.6 based on what the future will bring.. I think like Leif's post, there are good explanations how the new release cycle works, but nothing where its said "If you move to 1.6 now, it will be EASIER to keep up"
16:26.26seanbrightbut some would respond "i don't want to keep up!  digium is a company with a product and should support it for all of us forever!"
16:26.33seanbrightand my FAVORITE illogical argument:
16:26.50drmessanoI see time and time again, the perception is "1.2 is fine.. if I go to 1.4 or 1.6.. I am going to have to redo everything.. why bother, i'll just have to do it again for the next release"
16:26.57seanbright"i am building a system that is supposed to run for 10+ years!"
16:27.01seanbright"... and i want to upgrade"
16:27.13haikiroaliverius leggi i miei mess in pvt?
16:27.26seanbrightpeople are only encouraged to move off of older versions if they have a need
16:27.31seanbrightrun 1.2, i don't care
16:27.43seanbrightbut if you run into a bug, you either have to fix it, pay someone to fix it, or upgrade
16:28.04seanbrighteveryone is lazy
16:28.08drmessanoI don't think thats the majority at all.. Everyone wants to keep up, but they dont want to WORK to do it.. and if they do need to rewrite their diaplans everytime they upgrade, they wont.. ever.. If its a sed now and then as they move up, or a minor change here and there, they will love it
16:28.40seanbright"vocal minority"
16:28.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Well in 1.2 you could use 1.0 dialplan that was being deprecated.  By moving to 1.4 even though 1.6 is out there, at least you'll have access to 1.4 stuff (mostly) when you move to 1.6
16:28.49*** join/#asterisk andrewn (n=andrew@
16:29.58smpsdrmessano, i dont think its dialplan rewrite problem, it is problem when you have to test it all , and dont have that much resources or you have to implement that "test" system wihin clients and when something goes wrong you are then loosing clients ....
16:30.12seanbrightwell then you shouldn't be upgrading
16:30.51smpsseanbright, its not problem , i can keep with that at home
16:31.05drmessanoI think thats a bit illogical..
16:31.13smpsseanbright, but within job where i implement something like that i cant come and say wait i need something to test
16:31.20[TK]D-Fendersmps: and you just said "test with clients".  Thats like "cleaning loaded guns"
16:31.39seanbrightyou can't afford to test?
16:31.42smps[TK]D-Fender, thats what i mean
16:31.48seanbrightnote to self: don't contract with smps
16:31.55drmessanoI think the biggest lure of the 1.6 release cycle is being missed in how it's being promoted..
16:32.11smpsseanbright, yeah i cant pay bunch of isdn hardware and isdn line @home to test all of that stuff
16:32.13smpsits insane
16:32.49seanbrightasterisk is infinitely configurable, which makes it infinitely difficult to test during development, unfortunately.
16:33.04seanbrightbut that *is* being addressed.
16:33.37seanbrightsmps: run 1.0
16:33.40seanbrightthat shit is rock solid
16:33.47smpsseanbright, i do run 1.4
16:33.49seanbrightor run trunk with your hair on fire
16:34.29*** join/#asterisk WebMaxtor (
16:34.30seanbrighti really need to buy a couple new boxes
16:34.36seanbrightanyone want to sponsor asterisk dev?
16:34.47smpsseanbright, where do you live
16:35.04seanbrightbaltimore, maryland, usa
16:35.08seanbright'the old line state'
16:35.12seanbrightdon't ask me.
16:35.30smpshuh a bit away from here
16:35.33[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: Nothing so stable as a dead-stop :p
16:36.01seanbright[TK]D-Fender: feature creep is not a concern.
16:37.54seanbrightsome of the GSoC projects going on are going to make integrating with asterisk a treat
16:38.14seanbrightdata get, followed by data put
16:38.41seanbrightsomeone has to come up with some kind of real-time instrumentation and tuning application
16:39.06seanbrightand the event stuff russellb has been working on is pretty hot, too.
16:40.30seanbrightoh, and we're rewriting the whole thing in python.
16:48.37aliverius"mISDN Supplemental Services"
16:48.45aliveriusnow wehat the hell are those?
16:51.43seanbrightspecifically, configure is looking for mISDNuser/suppserv.h
16:51.50seanbrightso whichever package has that is the one you want
16:56.45aliveriusit seems i will have to download from beronet even with asterisk 1.6?
16:56.50aliveriusthanks a lot!
16:56.58aliveriusi will try later again, gtg for now
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17:06.10metfan2007Hi all! after implementing some macros in my dialplan I'm getting the "h" extensions in all my dst cdr field, the agents dials a number, I don't have any Set(CDR(dst)) in my dialplan, I need the number dialed
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19:33.10rjuneI am trying to setup direct dial for a particular line on a Digium card. Is there anything specific telco needs to support for this to work? or should I simply attach a particular port to that extension?
19:36.53[TK]D-Fenderrjune: meaning?
19:37.28rjuneMeaning I want to dial a number and always have a particular extension ring
19:38.00[TK]D-Fenderrjune: well if you can dial a specific # to call that analog line, the * can process the call any which way you want.
19:38.11[TK]D-Fenderrjune: The telco is not incontrol of how you want to treat your calls
19:38.58rjuneNo but I keep seeing a reference to a DID from the trunk, I wasn't sure if the digium card provided information on the number being called vs the number calling in or not
19:39.25rjuneaka, I'm not 100% sure where the DID comes from.
19:39.31[TK]D-Fenderrjune: Well you haven't told us what card you are using, or what signalling on it
19:40.41rjuneit's a digium wildcard tdm800p
19:40.54rjuneFXS signalling
19:41.11[TK]D-Fenderrjune: Analog does not have the concept of DIDs
19:41.19[TK]D-Fenderrjune: Its just a dumb ringing line
19:41.36rjuneok. so I have to bind a given port on the card to the extension
19:42.01[TK]D-Fenderrjune: You could tell your telco 3 different #'s or reasons you might want  a call to land on it, but no device will have any clue which.
19:42.18[TK]D-Fenderrjune: And I'd avoid terms like "bind" you seem to throw around
19:42.33rjunewhat term would you prefer?
19:42.39[TK]D-Fenderrjune: Makes things sound like there is some magical jack for things.
19:42.45[TK]D-Fenderrjune: Its all just dialplan.
19:43.13[TK]D-Fenderrjune: Nothing requires you to have a call coming in on any one interface to be treated like any other
19:44.28rjuneI have the dialplan configured so that generically if a call comes in, it rings extension X
19:44.51rjuneI have a phone line I want all calls on that line to ring extension Y instead of X
19:45.33[TK]D-Fenderrjune: You control where every port on your card goes in the dialplan.
19:45.56rjuneit's a different dialplan to do that, and I have to set the dialplan up such that it uses a particular port on the card, yes?
19:46.27rjuneThere's nothing magical about it, bind or tie just seemed to accurately describe what I need to do.
19:46.28[TK]D-Fenderrjune: Dialplan using a port on the card?  thats OUTBOUND <-
19:46.53rjuneI can't setup an inbound dialplan for a particular port?
19:47.19[TK]D-Fenderrjune: ... each port can be pointed to whatever context you want.  Whatever is waiting in there is up to you
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19:59.38sfireI am trying to configure asterisk without using a GUI.  I get the SIP clients registered and I get the trunk registered but it spits out errors on incoming calls that it cannot find my extension and errors on outgoing calls saying that it cannot find the extension (it thinks the phone number is an extension)
19:59.56sfireanyone have a link to a good guide or something that could help me to fix this?
20:01.07[TK]D-Fendersfire: If you've already read the book and looked around then the docs aren't going to fix your misconceptions.
20:01.22[TK]D-Fendersfire: Pastebin your failed call and your dialplan and we'll show you where you went wrong.
20:01.30[TK]D-Fendersfire: make sure SIP DEBUG is enabled
20:01.37infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
20:02.33[TK]D-Fendersfire: And an extension IS a phone number. or better worded a number dialed on a phone.  What it does is unimportant
20:10.30*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
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20:14.30rjune[TK]D-Fender, Thanks, you clarified where I needed to look and it's working.
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20:24.53iksikh323 and SIP can run together?
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20:34.57[TK]D-Fenderiksik: They have nothing to do with each other
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20:45.53buttons840I get a segmentation fault when starting asterisk i don't even know where to begin troubleshooting...
20:48.16iksik[TK]D-Fender, hmm, damn it :/
20:48.20iksikdamn debian ;/
20:51.11Maliutaiksik: how so?
20:51.43Maliutaiksik: and I think tzafrir_laptop might have something to say about that statement, since he is partially responsible for the packaging
20:52.06*** join/#asterisk bbryant1 (
20:53.14tzafrir_laptophmm... what's the problem exactly?
20:53.46tzafrir_laptop(asterisk-h323 is in a separate package because it pulls the extra big openh323 dependency)
20:53.53buttons840is dahdi-linux a distro or a driver?
21:00.30*** join/#asterisk SlipperyChicken (
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21:03.44iksiktzafrir_laptop, ok, how can I make it works "out of the box" together ?
21:04.08tzafrir_laptopjust install asterisk-h323 in addition to asterisk
21:04.19tzafrir_laptop(which is a dependency of asterisk-h323 anyway)
21:07.18*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
21:07.21[TK]D-Fenderbuttons840: the kernel driver for DAHDI
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21:19.05buttons840so, this segementation fault in asterisk, could it be cause by outdated zaptel drivers?
21:25.23wdoekesbuttons840: attaching a backtrace helps
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21:26.17wdoekes(gdb /my/asterisk <enter> run my-argument-list <enter> <segfault> bt <enter>)
21:26.35iksiktzafrir_laptop - asterisk: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_pickup_ext
21:26.40iksikasterisk from package :|
21:26.55tzafrir_laptopwhat package is it? what version?
21:27.42tzafrir_laptopthis is a symbol that should come from asterisk itself
21:27.42iksikhow can I check it ?
21:28.04tzafrir_laptopwhat package is it? what version?
21:28.04iksik(this is not mine :D)
21:28.04iksikpackage: asterisk ;>
21:28.04tzafrir_laptopdpkg -l asterisk\* | grep ^i
21:28.18iksikii  asterisk                            1:
21:31.53buttons840wdoekes, what is gdb?
21:32.04*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:32.11wdoekesgnu debugger
21:34.47buttons840let me install and try it
21:35.08wdoekesiksik: do you have a features.conf ?
21:35.32buttons840wdoekes, what is "gnu debugger"
21:35.59iksikwdoekes no
21:37.10wdoekesast_pickup_ext is defined in, make sure it's loaded
21:38.01iksikhum, ok
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21:40.01wdoekesI'm off, good luck all
21:41.35iksikok, pbx.c:2981 ast_register_application: Already have an application 'Directory'
21:42.23iksikhow to fix it ?
21:43.06barbacha[TK]D-Fender: ok, I finished reading "* the future of VoIP" and I'm still not quite sure on how you would bridge a T2. Chapter 15 seems to say it's possible / working but I found no details on *how*
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21:44.27barbacha[TK]D-Fender: would this be simply some rules in the dialplan (extensions) ?
21:45.32buttons840speaking of asterisk the future of voip, would you suggest i read the whole book through once first, or should i try to fallow along the first read?
21:45.33[TK]D-Fenderbarbacha: T2.... sure you're not meaning T1 ?
21:45.43barbacha[TK]D-Fender: I am
21:46.03[TK]D-Fenderbarbacha: And I explained this already, there is no miracle "bridge".  Call comes in A.  your dialplan will simply DIAL out B
21:46.21MT`AwAyanyone knows where output of ast_debug(1, "text", ...) is sent (asterisk ? I tried to logger set level debug on but got nothing
21:46.33[TK]D-Fenderbarbacha: "am" what?  Meaning T1?  Or that you actually have a T2.  I've never seen anyone with a circuit like that here
21:47.08*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
21:47.14RyanRRI think you're wrong
21:47.19RyanRRmaybe you're thinking of two t1's bonded
21:47.26iksikdamn it, i've added noload => app_directory, and now i've got 4 other errors - with VoiceMail, VoiceMailMain, MailboxExists and VMAuthenticate
21:48.10barbachawhy should I be wrong ? T2 exists right ?  What do you plug on a Digium TE220B ?
21:48.19RyanRRbecause nobody uses t2
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21:48.45barbachaI have to admin I'm not quite familiar with all those terms yet
21:48.50[TK]D-Fenderbarbacha: You pluge T1's into Digium cards
21:48.57barbachaok my bad then
21:49.16[TK]D-Fenderbarbacha: So I've answered this about 3 times now, and the answer isn't changing.
21:49.33barbacha[TK]D-Fender: so this is all about dialplan then
21:49.54barbacha[TK]D-Fender: setting up extensions that Diall($OLDNUM)
21:51.57[TK]D-Fenderbarbacha: go install * and a softphone and actually try using it.
21:52.27barbachaI did
21:52.49[TK]D-Fenderbarbacha: Dial() <- thats almost all you have to do to spit a call in from A out to B
21:52.52barbachaand actualy maintain the *s at my company (5 of them with IAX and the whole shit)
21:53.13barbachabut I'm new to * I admin
21:53.16[TK]D-Fenderbarbacha: Then you should already know that every call is just a stupid call.  In or out makes no difference
21:59.42*** join/#asterisk nextime (n=nextime@unaffiliated/nextime)
22:00.55nextimehello all. On a little atom 1.6 gigs dual core cpu with only 512 megs of ram, with * 1.6 latest, how many users can i expect as limit for a meetme conference givin that i have enough bandwidth?
22:02.39*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
22:07.28buttons840wdoekes, I can't figure out how to use gdb.  I've installed it, but how to I use it to run asterisk?
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22:12.15iksikERROR[3720]: chan_h323.c:3186 load_module: Gatekeeper registration failed.
22:12.31iksikhow should looks like working entry of GK user ? :|
22:13.05*** join/#asterisk wwalker (
22:13.48buttons840 - ok wdoekes this is the back trace.
22:16.01iksikanyone can help me with GK settings? :(
22:16.36Maliutado we have a trigger for that?
22:16.40infobotextra, extra, read all about it, google is
22:19.21RyanRRman you guys are fucking dicks
22:19.28RyanRRdo you get off on being here or something lol
22:20.12MT`AwAyI'm trying to get video working with asterisk 1.6 - when I was on 1.4 running the "echo test" was also displaying video as echo, is it still the case on 1.6 ?
22:20.51MT`AwAyseems that it should still be the case
22:21.02iksikMaliuta, what exactly on google? ;>
22:23.21*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
22:24.32wwalkerfor best performance nad audio quality, if I use g711u, I want all my recordings in .ul format, right?
22:24.35wwalkeror wrong?
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22:27.44MT`AwAy <- is it normal that "Video Support" is displayed as "no" when format includes h263p and h264 ?
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22:30.57rue_mohrhmm so phone audio works ok ulaw at 64K
22:31.09rue_mohra serial port can do 115K
22:32.41rue_mohrata can equiv do 2.1Gbigs
22:33.12rue_mohrGbits :)
22:33.44[TK]D-FenderMT`AwAy: did you put "videosupport=yes" in [general]?
22:33.55rue_mohrso its totally possable to make a single port card that runs on a serial port, or run more than a whole channelbank off an ata port
22:34.28rue_mohrso I could make a ulaw channelbank that runs on an ide port
22:35.06MT`AwAy[TK]D-Fender> I did
22:35.19MT`AwAyeven restarted asterisk as I wasn't sure "reload" had been effective
22:35.45[TK]D-FenderMT`AwAy: pastebin the complete call with SIP debug, and your configs
22:36.27buttons840anyone familiar with libvpb0 ?   having this installed causes a seg fault when starting asterisk, so i removed it, but what does it do?
22:36.56rue_mohrI shoudl be darring and totally upgrade my home install
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22:42.25[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: go WILD...
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22:51.38C4colocan asterisk play a file from an http stream?
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22:52.29C4coloPlayback(http://server/script?tts=something+needs+to+be+said+using+tts) ... or something like that
22:52.46C4coloor is there an RPC playback function that I don't know about?
22:53.48C4coloor can I do this using AGI or AMI?
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23:14.18wwalkerI've got ulaw sound files and I'm talking g711u to my provider, but asterisk says it can't find my sound files.  show file formats doesn't show ulaw, what do I need to load for it to support ulaw (trying to decrease the transcoding)?
23:15.06*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
23:17.12[TK]D-Fenderwwalker: Show us the call with SIP debug enabled, and an "ls -la" of your sounds folders
23:19.12wwalker[TK]D-Fender: I just needed to know whether it was the codec for ulaw or which format file (since there is no format  for ulaw
23:19.26wwalkerturns out includes ulaw
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