IRC log for #asterisk on 20090531

00:00.10clickName/username              Host            Dyn Nat ACL Port     Status
00:00.11click0 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 0 online, 0 offline]
00:01.29ectospasmyou may need to adjust asterisk.conf appropriately for GUI use.  I dunno, I've never installed them as separate packages.
00:01.31ectospasmGotta go.
00:03.15clickwell, as far as i understood it, users.conf should be loaded by default, and end in the 'default' group
00:03.36clicki'll snoop around a bit more - i'm most probably missing something simply :)
00:05.36*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
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00:38.33jayteeoh, fer fucks sake, farkus. just log off already
00:40.31drmessano~kick farkus
00:40.32infobotACTION kicks farkus
00:40.36drmessano~ban farkus
00:42.36*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
00:48.18*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (n=munoz@
00:49.58*** kick/#asterisk [farkus!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Qwell)
00:49.58*** join/#asterisk farkus (
00:50.06*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!i=chatzill@*] by Qwell
00:50.06*** kick/#asterisk [farkus!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (msg me when you fix your connection)
00:50.41Qwellyou know you guys could have just said my name :p
00:51.55jayteeah, hell, you've got plenty to keep you busy. didn't want to pester ya. besides, it was actually kind of amusing and lame at the same time watching his connection bounce.
00:51.56*** join/#asterisk elitecoder (
00:52.03elitecoderWhat variable holds the number currently being dialed?
00:52.21elitecoderI'm using a call file t.. ok
00:52.37jayteeI think there's a book out there about Asterisk that mentions it :-)
00:53.03elitecoderyeah i'l read a few and see if it comes up
00:55.34clickok, this makes my head spin :P
00:57.34clickhow does the webgui handle/create extensions? created 6001 as an extension/user, and it stuffs that into users.conf - for some reason asterix doesn't read it, nor do i get the extension to work... :P
00:58.13clickworks if i stuff the same thing into sip.conf and extensions.conf - it just doesn't use users.conf for anything it seems :P
00:59.23KyleKits possible that webgui doesn't match the version of asterisk you're running
01:00.02clickhm, might be - running svn of asterisk-gui, and of asterisk
01:00.35clickstill doesn't explain how users.conf comes into play, shouldn't it do that automagically?
01:03.00*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-b161ef0b0b25b4d3)
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01:17.06hohumclick: ?
01:17.12*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:18.55clickoh, haha - didn't see that someone had that nick :) my apologies
01:19.12clickit was "hohum" as in thinking :)
01:21.24elitecoderHey guys, is there a way to get the number being dialed in the 'failed' extension? {EXTEN} == failed, in there.
01:22.56jayteeare you trying to set the value of "failed" to whatever is in ${EXTEN}  ?
01:23.15elitecoderNah, I'm trying to pass the number being dialed to an AGI script
01:23.25elitecoderso it can update something in a database, based on the phone number dialed
01:25.07jayteewell, does your AGI script support arguments? you can pass arguements to an AGI script using the AGI() command in the dialplan.
01:25.28elitecoderI can PASS variables fine
01:25.32elitecoderbut first I need to know what the variable is
01:25.38elitecoderI tried EXTEN and that's not the right one :)
01:25.45jayteeit's not EXTEN
01:26.42jayteeit's ${EXTEN} and if you want to pass something try setting another variable to whatever the current value of ${EXTEN} is with the Set() app. like Set(somedamnVAR=${EXTEN}
01:26.50jayteeoops, forgot the closing )
01:27.08elitecoderexten => failed, n, AGI(/var/www/autodialer/log_failure.php, ${EXTEN}, ${REASON})
01:27.57elitecoderexten wont be what was dialed, I'm doing this with call files and it goes to [autodialer] s, 1
01:28.33jayteeyeah, sorry but I haven't worked much with call files and AGI scripts, especially ones written in PHP.
01:28.43elitecoderlang doesn't matter
01:28.56elitecoderthx for trying... hmm
01:29.02jayteeit does to me! I'm having enough trouble with perl and I'm already suicidal
01:30.21elitecoderyeah not fun if you don't already know the language
01:30.26elitecoderplus learning asterisk is a bit of a bitch at first
01:30.38elitecoderthe style of programming is sooooo different
01:30.39jayteethat's where the book comes in handy
01:35.20mmlj4if you know PHO, then use PHP
01:35.37mmlj4no way I'd struggle with a language I didn't know
01:35.46mmlj4PHP works, there's a page for that on the wiki
01:35.50mmlj4and it's in the book
01:36.20elitecoderhmm damn channgel gives me OutgoingSpoolFailed
01:37.01*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
01:37.37elitecoderok the wiki explains how to do what i need
01:37.44elitecoderI have to pass the number in the call file in a variable
01:41.24*** join/#asterisk fskie (
01:44.46b14ckwriting code in any language to make use of asterisk is easy
01:44.59b14ckyou are basically just printing to the command line
01:45.13b14ckAGI scripts do that :)
01:46.13elitecoderbut I'm avoiding that crap
01:46.22b14ckwhat are you doing exactly?
01:47.57elitecoderMakin an autodialer
01:48.06elitecoderphp throws a bunch of .call files into the outgoing folder
01:48.20elitecoderif the call fails it goes to the failed extn buttttt i need the $
01:48.29elitecoderI found info on it in the wiki
01:48.30b14ckwhat do you mean?
01:48.43elitecoderyou'll have to be more specific im tired
01:48.47elitecoderand my eyes bug me cause of the fan
01:48.48b14ckThe easiest way to direct it to an extension is to use the Context: filed in the call file
01:49.07elitecoderI use it
01:49.15elitecodernot sure what you're getting at buddyboo
01:49.33b14ckI'm not sure either, I thought you were having a problem with the code or something.
01:49.55elitecodernuh uh
01:50.01elitecoderthat was osmoene else
01:57.01*** join/#asterisk fskie (
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02:04.40elitecodereh what's the right way to do this? exten => s, 1, Verbose(1|Dialing ${PassedNumber})
02:04.54elitecoderI'm trying to get it to print the passed number
02:05.00elitecoderand th eline... doesn't appear to be printed
02:06.55*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
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02:36.30KyleKelitecoder: PassedNumber?
02:45.21*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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03:37.13heisonhave anyone heard of Vercom?
03:46.36[TK]D-Fenderelitecoder: First you should be using "," as a separator, no "|", next you need to be at verbos 1 or higher to see that
03:49.47*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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03:59.36*** join/#asterisk dshap (
04:00.59dshaphey would anyone be willing to help me figure out why my outgoing calls aren't working anymore?  they were working and then i tried to add a new SIP trunk to my sip.conf file and then neither of my 2 trunks worked.  at this point i'm just trying to get my original one to work again.  sip.conf is at and SIP DEBUG of the call attempt is at
04:01.41dshapi'm successfully registering with the SIP provider
04:02.13dshapim pretty sure my IP did change but i changed sip.conf externip to reflect that
04:03.50dshapand incoming calls work fine
04:06.34drmessanoWhere is extensions.conf?
04:07.38*** join/#asterisk pfn (
04:08.14dshapsorry i forgot to mention, i'm using a very simple call file that just uses Playback() with one of the stock audio files
04:08.21dshapnot using any extensions
04:08.58dshaphere's the call file:
04:09.27dshapthis was working no prob until i decided to fuck with sip.conf to try to add another provider
04:09.36dshapi have no idea what changed
04:14.00*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
04:14.21dshapgod this is so frustrating
04:17.13elitecoderKyleK: It's a variable I set from a call file. I have it all worked out now.
04:17.21dshapis this a problem on my provider's end?
04:27.12dshapdrmessano: any ideas?
04:30.20KyleKcheck the non voipms section for "voipms"?
04:34.49dshapthat's my entire sip.conf
04:34.54dshapi took the non-voipms section out
04:34.59dshapdunno why it stopped working
04:40.10*** part/#asterisk srf21c (
05:02.11elitecoderIn asterisk 1.4, how does one go about getting AMD installed?
05:02.22elitecoderhave to do this?
05:02.23elitecoderInstall and load app_amd.c via '/usr/src/asterisk/contrib/scripts/astxs -install -autoload app_amd.c
05:03.02elitecoderhmm i don't appear to have astxs
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05:09.18elitecoderhmm nevermind. apparently it's already setup for mine
05:09.20elitecoderin ubuntu
05:11.26*** join/#asterisk xpot (
05:12.22*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
05:12.27joelsolankiHi friends
05:12.59joelsolankican anyone recommend the solutions for doing fax when asterisk is in between. i want to use T38.
05:13.33joelsolankii tried pass thru using asterisk 1.4 but didnt work
05:13.42joelsolankiso wanted to test some working deployement
05:17.39*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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05:35.57*** part/#asterisk elitecoder (
05:38.09*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
05:43.24rue_moreasterisk isn't picking up on the call features I programmed at work, *0 is supposed to wink the dahdi channel
05:43.35rue_moreideas on switches I might have missed?
05:45.32*** join/#asterisk Shinu (n=Shinu@unaffiliated/shinu)
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06:33.43sprite--What's the minimum digits for a phone number including country code? 10?
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07:13.31Qwellsprite--: minimum?  2?
07:13.57Qwellit's not that easy
07:22.59*** join/#asterisk XiXaQ (n=jes@
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07:24.44XiXaQis it possible to setup a reliable push-to-talk feature for Nokia phones using Asterisk yet? I've been searching for this on Google, but all results seem quite old.
07:36.35*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
07:39.11sprite--Qwell: I mean for regular numbers, not special ones....
07:41.36*** join/#asterisk JW|AFK (n=Jake_War@wikipedia/jake-wartenberg)
07:43.21the_5th_wheelHi. I have a Zplex channel bank connected to a digium t1 card. I have made a crossover cable, but as soon as I conect it, I get HDLC aborts for africa. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?
07:44.01the_5th_wheelI have tried this with two seperate channelbanks, with no avail
07:53.20*** join/#asterisk af_ (
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08:36.08*** join/#asterisk brunner (
08:36.19brunnerwhat's the most common ISDN switch type in the US?
08:36.53brunner4ess? 5ess? dms100? ni?
08:36.59brunnerI somehow doubt it's dms100
08:40.55SwKbrunner, roll the dice on the carrier you are using... but ni is getting more and more common with ni2 right behind due to the added features
08:41.41brunnerhmm down ?
08:41.52brunnerany given switch can only support one "switch type", right?
08:42.18brunnerI mean, it's not possible that a telephone switch would support 5ess *and* ni, right?
08:43.45SwKwell that all depends on what switch the end office is using and what software load they have on it but PRIs are software running on top of a T1 or E!
08:44.31SwKbut its not uncommon to see them support 2 or 3 protocols
08:44.46*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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08:47.53*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (n=davidvos@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel) seems to be back on-line
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09:00.31brunnerSwK: if I'm concerned about receiving the ANI as well as the CID, are all of the ISDN protocols equally suited to passing that data?
09:04.41SwKwhen you say CID are you refering to the number or the name?
09:04.55SwKthen any of them should work
09:05.20SwKif you want name for instance you would want NI2 over NI
09:06.10SwKbut then again it really depends on what ${crappy_clec} or ${crappy_rboc} whats to give you
09:07.35brunnergot it
09:18.50*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
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11:59.43the_5th_wheelHi. I have a Zplex channel bank connected to a digium t1 card. I have made a crossover cable, but as soon as I conect it, I get HDLC aborts for africa. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?
11:59.48the_5th_wheelI have tried this with two seperate channelbanks, with no avail
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13:27.54sHoZaIbhello there .. can any 1 help me out with this ....
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13:49.15Kevin`how can I get asterisk to report the number of voicemails to an sip based phone?
13:52.38[TK]D-FenderKevin`: normal VMI does this already
13:55.55Kevin`well that helped for google at least, apparently need mailbox= in sip config
13:56.14[TK]D-FenderKevin`: Indeed you do so * knows what box to monitor
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14:45.10*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb *!i=chatzill@* farkas!*@* farkhus_!*@* *!*] by leifmadsen
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14:45.11*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb *!* *!* *!n=c0ldk1ll@*.com *!*@gateway/web/ajax/] by leifmadsen
14:45.11*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb *!n=chatzill@* *!*i=pato@* *!*@ *!i=MICHOFR@*] by leifmadsen
14:45.11*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb *!michofr@* *!*n=_freq@210.213.198.* Zylkron!*@* *!n=logger@] by leifmadsen
14:45.13*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb *!i=Zorkmid2@* Bobthehunter!*@* seanwg!*@* *!*n=fbffff@*] by leifmadsen
14:45.15*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb *!*n=s1d_@62.244.178.* *!*i=elf@* *!*n=adib@* *!*n=jsuter@*] by leifmadsen
14:45.17*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb *!n=lanwifie@* *!*n=diego@* *!* *!*n=scud@*] by leifmadsen
14:45.20*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb *!*n=diego@* %ertfyguhijop!*@* %c0ldk1ll3r!*@* %Trifixxx!*@*] by leifmadsen
14:45.22*** mode/#asterisk [-bbbb %dbrummer!*@* %VijayG!*@* %stansmith!*@* %diegoviola!*@*] by leifmadsen
14:45.30leifmadsenummmm..... cap
14:47.04*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*] by leifmadsen
14:50.50*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:50.55jayteewhoa! what'd I miss?
14:51.41jaytee.crap is awesome! I used to code in .net but since I switched to .crap coding has never been easier!
14:56.28[TK]D-FenderWHO LET THE DOGS OUT?!
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15:42.01xphreeanyone here has experience with a2billing? i'm having a problem.. when a sip client hang up the call the system doesnt charge, but when the other side hang up the call the system charges the rate.. anyone has any idea about this problem?
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15:48.49wwalkerI am originating calls via the AMI and need to log the number called via NoOp or Verbose and can't find the right var or func (tried CDR(dst) and CDR(channel) got s and the SIP channel ID)
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16:44.48martyn-devHellooo asterisk users :)
16:45.49martyn-devdo you know something about ast_carefulwrite: write() returned error: Broken pipe ERROR in Agi execution on Asterisk 1.4.24 ?
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17:04.09*** part/#asterisk martyn-dev (i=be1b3046@gateway/web/ajax/
17:06.57leifmadsenif I have something like this:  NoOp($[$[1] & $[1]]) should that not return 1?
17:07.06ctooleyI can't get cdr's out of Asterisk from calls that are started via Manager Originate
17:07.29leifmadsenhmmmm and it does
17:07.41Qwellleifmadsen: break it down - does $[1 & 1] return 1?
17:07.42leifmadsenI must have a typo in this line somewhere....
17:07.56Qwellor that :D
17:08.01leifmadsenQwell: yes it does -- the line is more complicated than the example I showed, but both independently show '1'
17:08.27leifmadsenexten => check_status,n,NoOp($[$["${Q_LOGGED_IN}" = "" | "${Q_LOGGED_IN}" = "0"] & $["${Q_EXTEN}" = "all]])
17:08.49leifmadsenreturns 0, even though if I break out the two inside ones separately, they return 1 each
17:09.15Qwell"all] ?
17:09.40leifmadsenyep, I just saw that too
17:09.56leifmadsenI just removed the outer braces to see which one was wrong
17:10.02leifmadsenthat should fix it
17:10.04leifmadsenstupid typos
17:11.38leifmadsenI think:  ${FIELDQTY(myVar,^)} should still return 1 even if it doesn't find 2 fields (i.e. foo^var) and as long as myVar isn't NULL
17:11.49leifmadsennot 0
17:11.52leifmadsenbecause there is a field
17:11.53leifmadsenjust not 2
17:12.07leifmadsenI think I'll file a bug
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17:15.26Corydon76-digleifmadsen: it should already do that.  What version are you using?
17:15.37leifmadsen1.6.2 branch
17:15.58leifmadsenit seems to return 0
17:17.04*** join/#asterisk miller7 (n=mirc@unaffiliated/miller7)
17:17.18Corydon76-digIt should only return 0 if the value of the string is blank
17:17.41miller7is there a specific channel for bristuff and junghanns cards?
17:18.35leifmadsenSet("SIP/00085D182ACF-017cf7a0", "Q_AVAIL=7000") in new stack
17:18.36leifmadsen3. Set(NUMBER_OF_QUEUES=${FIELDQTY(${Q_AVAIL},^)}) [pbx_config]
17:18.56leifmadsenSet("SIP/00085D182ACF-017cf7a0", "NUMBER_OF_QUEUES=0")
17:21.08leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: let me do some more digging to make sure I'm not using it wrong
17:21.16miller7I have asterisk 1.4 compiled with quadbri support (bristuff). "dahdi show status" shows "quadBRI PCI ISDN Card 1 Span 1 [TE] (ca  OK". I call my box and demo extensions.conf does not fire up. Should it answer and at least show the call coming in at CLI interface?
17:21.55Corydon76-digleifmadsen: on trunk, it returns 1.
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17:23.22leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: with this?
17:23.23leifmadsenexten => 9999,1,Set(Q_AVAIL=7000^70001)
17:23.24leifmadsenexten => 9999,n,Set(NUMBER_OF_QUEUES=${FIELDQTY(${Q_AVAIL},^)})
17:24.14leifmadsenoh I think I see what's wrong
17:24.30leifmadsenfound it
17:24.33leifmadsenbad documentation
17:24.52Corydon76-dig${7000} is blank, so fieldqty is 0
17:24.56leifmadsenExample: ${FIELDQTY(ex-amp-le,-)} returns 3
17:25.07leifmadsenex-amp-le would have to be the variable name
17:25.16leifmadsenBAD example
17:25.29Corydon76-digWhere's that documentation?
17:25.36leifmadsencore show function FIELDQTY
17:26.02Corydon76-digshoots whoever made that up
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17:27.38hardwiredigium people.. talking.. there must be a conference somewhere.
17:27.55leifmadsenjust sunday afternoon and no one has anything better to do :)
17:28.01leifmadsenI'm working on dialplan stuff
17:28.01hardwireI do.
17:28.10leifmadsenI'm going golfing in a bit
17:28.14hardwireI'm working on a 4 way failover cluster.
17:28.16leifmadsenand gonna go open a corona now
17:28.22leifmadsenhardwire: good times...
17:28.32leifmadsenI'm working on a hot-desking dialplan for a call centre
17:28.34hardwireI've resolved to having one machine be the "proxy"
17:28.45hardwireleifmadsen: is that a Digium TM solution?
17:29.08hardwirehas a few call cent'er' friends.
17:29.28hardwireI'm recording all their calls at this point.. but will be doing more later.
17:30.26hardwiremy method of using /usr/bin/buffer to rate limit transcoding speed and speexenc seems to be working pretty well.
17:30.39leifmadsenhardwire: do you have permissions so that certain calls are not recorded?
17:30.52hardwireI can handle around 46 calls at a time at a 0.9ish cpu load.
17:30.56leifmadsenor is it just all calls?
17:31.10hardwireleifmadsen: depends on the desk.. they have a physical switch.
17:31.15leifmadsenI see
17:31.21hardwirerecorded campaigns go through my hardware.
17:31.42hardwiremakes it simple for now.  only around 50 seats in the call center.
17:32.01leifmadsenbecause there is a thing where in the dialplan, you can't control when to start/stop recordings on attended transfers, so if you're recording on one side, and don't want the other side recorded, you can't really control that with SIP atxfers
17:32.10leifmadsenjust be aware -- I got burned by that a bit
17:32.27hardwireI *am* developing a system called callistopbx.
17:32.31hardwireand i had thought about that a bit.
17:32.48hardwiresince I always have some sort of manager interface running and doing things, it could be said that I could turn off recording based on events.
17:32.51leifmadsensince when they do the atxfer, there is no association in the dialplan with the other call
17:32.57hardwiregood idea.
17:33.00leifmadsenyes, that'd be what you'd have to do
17:33.08leifmadsensome sort of state machine
17:33.20hardwireleifmadsen: or you can just throw away audio too.
17:33.22Corydon76-digleifmadsen: russell committed that documentation change
17:33.29leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: when?
17:33.41Corydon76-dig6 months ago
17:33.52Corydon76-digappdocsxml branch
17:33.53leifmadsenhardwire: the problem we had was that we needed all the audio up to the point of the transfers
17:34.07leifmadsenhardwire: so we couldn't just throw it away at the end
17:34.11hardwireit's hard to do that to the frame.. but to the second might be easy.
17:34.25leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: and that branch isn't merged yet?
17:34.37hardwireleifmadsen: ah.. I would have just used an audio manipulation tool like sox.
17:34.38leifmadsenI'm running 1.6.2 as of yesterday
17:35.12leifmadsenhardwire: ya... I'm sure it could be done, but this project was going on for over a year, and the contract wasn't well defined, so there is scope creep all over the place
17:35.27leifmadsen(I didn't make the initial contract, I was just told to build it :))
17:35.27hardwirefeature creep is a pain
17:35.30leifmadsenoh ya
17:35.32hardwirebut it appends well to resumes.
17:35.43hardwireyou can throw "dynamic responsibilities" in
17:35.46leifmadsenI don't have a resume other than my linked in profile
17:36.12drmessanoleifmadsen: I jumped through hoops getting IMAP 2007e installed on a test box.. same issue with all phones (even those without VM boxes) getting bombed with MWI on reload
17:36.16drmessanoSo still digging..
17:36.20hardwireso.. I have 4 machines with asterisk running on them.. they are running an openvz kernel and have asterirk running in containers as well
17:36.35hardwireand I'm attempting to make the hosts asterisk proxy in and transcode on behalf of the container instances.
17:36.41hardwireso this should be interesting
17:37.06leifmadsenquite :)
17:37.12hardwireI assume that if I only allow ulaw between the host asterisk and the openvz instance of asterisk and make sure some Dial flag is present.. that it will just work
17:37.12leifmadsenyou should come to astricon and we should play around with it
17:37.23leifmadsenhardwire: I love when stuff "just works"
17:37.30hardwireI doubt it will
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17:37.42leifmadsendrmessano: coolio, keep at it -- I haven't had a chance to go back to IMAP testing recently
17:37.59hardwireleifmadsen: I went last year.. planning on going again if I still have a job that pays for it.
17:38.00leifmadsendrmessano: I'm holding off until the developer who does the IMAP stuff is available again
17:38.09leifmadsenhardwire: what is your real name? did we meet?
17:38.10Corydon76-digleifmadsen: and looking back at the commits, eliel committed it, crediting snuffy for the patch
17:38.24leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: hmmmm.... wonder why it's not in the 1.6.2 branch then
17:38.27hardwireleifmadsen: Shane Spencer.. I farted around a bit in the code zone.
17:38.44leifmadsenhardwire: hmmmm.... I can't put a name to the face (and I don't recognize the name :))
17:38.46hardwireWe met but you were a busy boy.. no time to chat.
17:38.52Corydon76-digleifmadsen: the broken documentation IS in 1.6.2
17:39.14leifmadsenhardwire: that sucks.... hopefully this year I can still go, and when I go, it won't be so busy for me
17:39.18drmessanoleifmadsen: Documenting it all.. and taking pics of my hair before/after being pulled out.. Hoping I can just diff it back in later
17:39.20leifmadsenI'd love to actually do some real work
17:39.33hardwireyou *were*!
17:39.46leifmadsenheh... I meant not helping run a conference :)
17:40.07hardwireyeh.. this time I'd like some entertainment of some kind.. like fire jugglers.
17:40.32hardwireand we should just park a red bull van outside the hotel.
17:41.52leifmadsenhardwire: greens+ extra energy is actually much more effective I find
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17:41.54drmessanoI was thinking about having a convention around the Augusta, GA area.. just need to find out how to keep everyone from bringing their CB radios and weapons
17:42.10leifmadsendrmessano: what would you try to stop that?
17:42.11drmessanoTelephony != CB Radio
17:42.12hardwiremeh.. coffee works well for me as well.
17:42.28drmessanoleifmadsen: Easy.. "No sisters allowed"
17:42.52drmessanooh heh
17:42.56leifmadsenhardwire: ya... I've started to try and be a bit healthier lately, trying to cut out all the junk (other than alcohol). Alcohol is next on the list though.
17:43.17leifmadsenand it won't be cut out... just limited :)
17:43.21leifmadsenis currently enjoying his corona though
17:43.22drmessanoSeems everyone "convention" around here involving electronics somehow turns into CB Radios and guns too
17:43.30drmessanoto everyone*
17:43.38hardwireleifmadsen: don't bother.. you end up replacing alchohol with sushi and really expensive french steaks.
17:44.04hardwiredrmessano: trade shows != conventions
17:44.17drmessanohardwire: Its all the same in Augusta
17:44.24hardwiredrmessano: but I agree.. even gun shows up here in Alaska are a bit over the top
17:44.34hardwireI've been to a few.. I forgot you can buy swords at gun shows.
17:44.54hardwireBut they sold all sorts of crap
17:45.04hardwirelul.. there was an "arts and crafts" show in Wasilla.
17:45.10hardwireI went.. looked like fun
17:45.25drmessanoWhether its a trade show or a convention, it WILL be held at the civic center, it will involve CB'ers, and someone will be selling beanie babies
17:45.28hardwirearts and crafts where in one area of the convention center.. and mixed arts crafts and guns in another.
17:45.32leifmadsenhardwire: haha, I already eat that stuff :)
17:45.57drmessanoNow, a Beanie Baby VoIP phone.. that could be cool
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17:46.23hardwiredrmessano: a plush DECT handset would be pimp
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17:46.41leifmadsenawesome, I almost have this dialplan done
17:46.52leifmadsenand I think it is general enough that I'm going to ask the client if I can use it for documentation
17:47.05hardwireI think my biggest issue with having one external IP for a bunch of asterisk clusters is where sip registrations go
17:47.12drmessanohardwire: I am picturing a dog laying on its back, with the keypad on its belly that you "rub" when you dial, and a bone handset that fits in its mouth, with the tongue being the hookswitch
17:47.20drmessanopatents that idea
17:47.21hardwireand for that, I think I need to have my public IP (I have many, but I want to use less) be some SER deriv.
17:47.37leifmadsenhardwire: ya... distribution_module
17:47.43hardwireala openser?
17:47.50hardwireI haaven't hopped on the SER bus yet.
17:47.54leifmadsenme either
17:48.00leifmadsenwe built a system that used that though
17:48.04hardwireI'm still confused on which to use
17:48.05leifmadsenbut I didn't build the SER part of it
17:48.10hardwirethe kamino or whatever or openser..
17:48.11leifmadsenya, I have zero idea
17:48.19leifmadsenfork of a fork I think :)
17:48.32hardwirewhich one has the most support.. and it seems that ser has the least.
17:48.34leifmadsenSER forked to OpenSER forked to Kamino (I think?)
17:48.51hardwireopenser/opensips has the most.  and kamino is party party fun time whee! look at us.
17:49.04drmessanoCan SER or any of its forks be used without a SQL db?
17:49.14hardwiredrmessano: bdb
17:49.44hardwireI thought you could run w/o it all the way.. it seems pretty simple when you just want to route calls.
17:50.03hardwireI love debian - and I'm digging the pkg-voip tree.
17:50.25hardwireI used sbuild to compile opensips, and made some packages available
17:50.42hardwirefor lenny i386/amd64
17:50.54hardwireasterisk 1.6.1 and dahdi are in there too
17:51.28hardwiredangit.. I do NOT want to learn SER today.
17:52.32hardwireif anybody wants anything compiled from pkg-voip for amd64.. just let me know
17:53.04hardwiretzafrir pointed out a pool for 32 bit builds a while ago.. I forgot where it was.
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17:53.40leifmadsenhardwire: ya, I've been using Ubuntu desktop on my MacBook Pro the last week, and really enjoying it
17:53.50Corydon76-digleifmadsen: Update 1.6.2 branch
17:53.52leifmadsen(and this comes from someone who absolutely despised any sort of debian distribution)
17:54.51hardwireleifmadsen: you were obviously tortured, mind wiped, and then brought back up as a redhat user in some sort of remote convent.
17:56.38leifmadsenhardwire: exactly :)
17:56.42leifmadsencentos <3
17:57.15leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: doing so now
17:57.51leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: and that doesn't have to be fixed for 1.4, 1.6.0, or 1.6.1 ?
17:59.18hardwireok well.. distribution ala SER may do the trick.. I'll just need to share the sip registration contexts between the load balanced hosts via "magic".
17:59.23hardwireor dundi.. one or the other.
17:59.45miller7how can I turn echo cancel off? I get tons of warnings that I don't know how to disable. I use v1.4 and chan_dandi.conf has echocancel=no -> chan_dahdi.c:1886 dahdi_disable_ec: Unable to disable echo cancellation on channel 1: Invalid argument
17:59.55miller7can someone help?
18:00.06hardwireor simply make a brute force macro to try to send a call out through all registration servers one after the other.
18:00.07Corydon76-digleifmadsen: The example didn't exist prior to xml documentation
18:01.03Corydon76-digleifmadsen: only with the advent of XML did somebody (improperly) encode an example
18:04.38tzafrir_laptopmiller7, what echo canceller do you have there?
18:04.47tzafrir_laptopwhat version of dahdi?
18:04.57miller7tzafrir_laptop: how do I check it?
18:05.20tzafrir_laptopbuilt it yourself? from a package?
18:05.25miller7from bristuff
18:05.31miller7automated install
18:05.38miller7it's asterisk 1.4
18:05.39hardwiretzafrir_laptop: oh.. repo-amd64
18:05.42hardwireI totally  missed that
18:06.21hardwirehugs tzafrir_laptop
18:06.57miller7chan_dahdi.conf is the successor of zapata.conf?
18:07.06miller7or both should coexist?
18:07.08tzafrir_laptopmiller7, yes
18:07.15tzafrir_laptopthe successor
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18:08.18tzafrir_laptopmaybe you use dahdi and simply didn't set the echocancel line for the channel?
18:08.55hardwiretzafrir_laptop: I fell off the internet wagon a while ago.. did you get all your perl dependency fixups taken care of on the few packages that were being a pain?
18:09.43hardwiremy life exploded with busybusy work about the same time we talked about it.
18:09.55miller7tzafrir_laptop: I set that line to off. But even when I remove all lines from dahdi, and use zapata.conf this warning still shows
18:10.18miller7I tried to set dahdi.conf file but I couldn't make it work (yet)
18:10.19tzafrir_laptophardwire, hmm... I didn't have time to pursue that
18:10.44hardwireme neither.
18:11.08tzafrir_laptopmiller7, dahdi.conf? /etc/dahdi/system.conf or /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf ?
18:11.11hardwireI don't know any perlistas that work on deb packages either.
18:11.59miller7I don't have /etc/dahdi dir structure
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18:14.41tzafrir_laptophardwire, :-)
18:15.10tzafrir_laptopI'm busy beating up Asterisk::config at the moment
18:15.59tzafrir_laptopmiller7, do you have dahdi or zaptel?
18:16.16tzafrir_laptopls -d /proc/dahdi /proc/zaptel
18:16.34miller7ls: cannot access /proc/dahdi: No such file or directory
18:16.42miller7-> proc/zaptel
18:17.05miller7so I guess I need to disable dahdi altogether?
18:17.44hardwiretzafrir_laptop: those are suggested packages?
18:18.23tzafrir_laptopmiller7, with that version, chan_dahdi can be used with either dahdi or zaptel (set at configure time)
18:19.28tzafrir_laptoplibasterisk-perl is in Debian
18:19.36tzafrir_laptopThe rest are in CPAN
18:20.51hardwireI had no idea
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18:21.01hardwireahha.. libasterisk-agi-perl
18:21.13hardwireI'm a pythonist.
18:21.18hardwireI love me the snake.
18:21.33miller7tzafrir_laptop: I guess I will try to modify the line in the source file and recompile. Thanks a lot
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18:35.01hardwireand postgres cluster masters in the house?
18:35.10hardwireI just need to set up hot standby masters
18:35.28hardwireI have a shared fs...
18:35.37hardwireshould probably just use mysql-ndb
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18:55.20miller7can sms work with v1.4? Anyone tried?
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18:59.32hardwiresms always seems like more trouble than it's worth ... esp if you're in the US
19:01.09hardwirewhat kind of data are you wanting to deal with?
19:01.23hardwirethere are a lot of programs designed to deal with SMS through web gateways instead of PSTN
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19:03.26miller7I just want to activate my landline SMS service, sending 1 SMS using my SMS centre
19:10.05b14ckyou should look for a email->sms gateway
19:12.36hardwiremiller7: I canna hep ya.
19:14.52tzafrir_laptop"centre" implies europe.
19:14.58miller7well, for the time being I'm simply trying to use smsq and see how I can make it work (?). This is the intended way, right?
19:15.57tzafrir_laptoplandline app_sms works somewhat in 1.4, but has been improved in 1.6.0 . I think the 1.4 version is worth a shot, though
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19:16.56hardwiretzafrir_laptop: alas.. leif used centre earlier.
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20:05.15twanny796what is dnsmgr?
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21:03.54DarthPointerI've got a Dedicated Long Distance T1 and am having a little trouble getting my zaptel.conf and zapata.conf
21:04.24DarthPointerI know that the the T1 is set for b8zs/esf; but am not sure how to bring up all 24 channels
21:05.13DarthPointerI also have a couple of PRI's and they are up correctly using a Digium T4XXP
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21:18.45dshap[TK]D-Fender: are you here?
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21:27.31[TK]D-FenderShould have waited :)
21:28.01jayteeyou just would have stalled longer :-)
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21:28.53pauliusHas anyone successfully setup a SPA-3102 without an echo in here? What website/tutorial have you used for all the telephony settings to eliminate the echo?
21:31.28KyleKthat reminds me i need to raise the gain on this one
21:32.15pauliusI wish my problem was as simple as that.
21:32.56KyleKwheres the echo come in to play? I've been using my SPA3102's as mainly FXS
21:33.08jayteepaulius, echo on the PSTN (FXO) line or on the Phone1 (FXS) line?
21:33.20pauliusjaytee: On the PSTN
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21:33.34pauliusIf I call from a SIP phone to a normal phone, the quality is great and no echo.
21:33.34KyleKI haven't had echo for FXS -> or FXS -> FXO or FXS -> asterisk -> FXO
21:34.05pauliusI meant, to a normal phone connected to my 3102
21:34.07jayteehave you tried "playing" with the settings for echo cancellation on the tab for the PSTN line in the web interface?
21:34.07jgoohej people - wtf is up with SIP - I have two main providers I am using - one doesn't pass me the hangup (I get a 603 instead) and the other gives me random hangups about every 2 minutes... Seriously, what is the difficulty here?
21:34.16pauliusjaytee: Yeah, tons.
21:34.38jgooAlso, what is the problem and story behind call pickup? why have so many versions of asterisk got broken implementations?
21:35.00pauliusjaytee: In fact, I came in here and complained about it and people told me that the spa-3102 is amazing and that I'm configuring it wrong.
21:35.02jayteepaulius, have you tried reducing the gain a little?
21:35.12pauliusjaytee: The gain on what.
21:35.22pauliusIn the pstn tab?
21:35.23KyleKthe Line 1
21:35.26KyleKerr nm
21:35.33pauliusBut line 1 doesn't matter, does it
21:35.33jayteethe gain on the PSTN (FXO) port
21:35.54paulius"SPA To PSTN Gain:" that stuff?
21:36.12jayteeyeah, "that stuff"
21:36.23pauliusthat one is at -1
21:36.31pauliusand the pstn to spa is at 1
21:36.41pauliusAnd before it was at like 14 and 1, as per a tutorial.
21:36.48KyleKodd theres no gain setting on Line 1?
21:36.59pauliusyeah there is, it's in the regional tab.
21:37.11pauliusBut I'm now testing with a real SIP phone to isolate the issue.
21:37.23DarthPointerOn a standard LD T1 (not a PRI) what type of channel should be specified in /etc/zaptel.conf
21:37.25pauliusSo that I'm only playing with the pstn settings rather than having to deal with the local line 1 settings too.
21:37.32KyleKmakes sense
21:37.38pauliusYeah but ot
21:37.46paulius*it's driving people in my household nuts.
21:37.56KyleK-3 input -3 output on mine, no wonder my dad said its quiet
21:38.10jayteedon't know what to tell ya then. I have about 8 SPA2102's and 6 SPA-8000's and I've never had anyone complain about echo on them. Only have 1 SPA3102 and I don't use the PSTN port on it at the moment.
21:38.47pauliusjaytee: Well exactly. The fxs works perfectly, but the pstn is the issue.
21:39.10pauliusI'm at a point that I would be ready to pay someone to get this configured right,
21:39.16pauliusI just don't know what to do.
21:39.33KyleKhey if i have a phone that sucks too much power for transmitting, would I be able to put a booster between an FXS ata and the phone?
21:39.41KyleKpaulius: did you try 0/0?
21:40.09pauliusKyleK: Trying right now.
21:40.24pauliustons of echo
21:40.30pauliusI hear myself clear as day.
21:40.39jayteepaulius, yeah, what KyleK said. Try setting everything flat and start incrementing or decrementing from there to see if the echo improves or gets worse.
21:41.03KyleKpaulius: like you hear yourself speaking live or with a delay?
21:41.26pauliusKyleK: Well obviously a slight delay, otherwise I wouldn't define it as an echo.
21:41.36pauliusProbably half a second or less of delay.
21:42.30KyleKjust checking :) I used a payphone recently without the live echo effect it was weird
21:42.51pauliusyeah my SIP phone doesn't have any live echo thing either.
21:42.58pauliusNot sure if all SIP phones do that.
21:43.08pauliusI always thought that the echo is somewhat of a feature inserted by the phone itself.
21:43.18pauliusNow I'm understanding that it's just a byproduct of crappy telco wiring.
21:43.54jayteeecho is mostly experienced on analog telephone lines that are improperly balanced, not on the phone itself.
21:44.34pauliusjaytee: But in my case, the spa3102 is right near the demark.
21:44.46pauliusIn fact I've rewired it today just to make sure my wiring is not the problem.
21:45.09pauliusAnd I'm also kinda confused that the telco's wiring is bad. They recently replaced tons of the telephone wiring in my neighborhood.
21:45.21pauliusHey guys, to be honest, the gain barely does any difference.
21:45.28pauliusI just tried 100/0 and 0/100 as the gain.
21:45.37jayteeand if you plug a butt set or analog phone into the line bypassing the SPA3102 do you still get echo?
21:49.29pauliusjaytee: I get the normal phone echo thing that we're all used to.
21:49.43pauliuswell not really echo, there's no delay.
21:50.52KyleKwe need a term for that
21:51.17KyleKlocal echo?
21:52.11pauliusIt's like monitoring yourself if you're doing voice-overs or radio
21:52.42pauliusKyleK: So you're using a 3102 for fxs and fxo?
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21:53.03wackyplhi all
21:53.14drmessanoIts called talkback
21:53.19pauliusKyleK: Getting no echo?
21:53.22KyleKdont talkback! ;)
21:53.32pauliusdrmessano: Would you have any advice to offer?
21:53.48drmessanoor "sidetone"
21:54.41KyleKpaulius: I've only had small amounts of echo from calling my sister, annoyingly there appears to be a difference in settings from when you buy the thing vs after doing the ****,,,,RESET#,,,,,1 thing
21:55.06pauliusKyleK: Well I meant in general. I get echo when calling anyone.
21:55.14wackyplI'm looking for a modul CLICK2DIAL for asterisk. CLICK2DIAL.
21:55.15wackyplDoes anyone else have such a module can
21:55.21KyleKoh no, its been good to me
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21:55.27pauliusKyleK: Would you mind screenshotting your settings (that is, the important parts like the gains and stuff)
21:55.59drmessanopaulius: My setup is factory reset, the few settings I showed you, and then the gain and impedence settings
21:56.16pauliusdrmessano: From the voxzilla forums?
21:56.29drmessanoNo, from my wiki page
21:56.41KyleKbugger i thought i had screenshots
21:56.44DarthPointerwackypl PBX in a Flash has a module that supports click to dial called AstriDex
21:56.46drmessanoThe one I use to set up all the SPA-3102's I have put in service
21:56.46pauliusdrmessano: The polish one?
21:56.57drmessanoI give up
21:56.59pauliusThe Polish wiki?
21:57.07KyleKpaulius: im not at home right now so screenshotting it is a pain
21:57.19pauliusdrmessano: Would you please mind linking then. ;)
21:58.09wackyplDarthPointer: thank you
21:58.22pauliusdrmessano: That's the first time I've seen this link
21:58.32drmessanoI have given it to you twice
21:58.51drmessanoThats MY GUIDE and I know 100% I linked you to it
21:58.57drmessanoTold you to follow it PRECISELY
21:59.02KyleKyou didn't link me to it :(
21:59.42jayteeyeah, he linked it to you the other night. I was in here
22:01.00pauliusAlright well I'll follow that one now.
22:01.20drmessanobangs head on desk
22:01.30pauliusI'm sorry dude, I don't have that one bookmarked.
22:01.39pauliusI thought I had bookmarked everything that mentionned the spa-3102
22:01.50pauliusI even have a spa-3102 fetish site in my bookmarks!
22:02.33drmessanoIt probably got lost in the 4 or 5 "SPA-3102 sucks" rants
22:02.40jayteeif drmessano can't make a Linksys ATA work right, then it's frikken broken trash.
22:03.29pauliusdrmessano: Well I've promised not to bash it more until I've had sufficient time to play with it.
22:04.44drmessanoOh, another awesome Goodwill find
22:05.01drmessanoFound some shit Motorola wireless 4 port router for $4
22:05.08drmessanoTurns out I can load DD-WRT on it
22:05.24wackyplDarthPointer: where is it CLICK2CALL module in Flash-PBX. What is module name?
22:05.38pauliusOkay well I've tried rigging my 3102 with the settings from the wiki and the echo is worse.
22:05.42pauliusBut I'm gonna try the factory reset route.
22:05.51drmessanoThose are a starting point
22:06.16pauliusSo which value should I play with first?
22:06.29drmessanoI would go with impedence
22:06.39pauliusAnd what am I looking for? Less echo?
22:06.59pauliusAnd all of the values are potential candidates?
22:07.05DarthPointerYMMV; I've never followed that faq; but it does support click-to-dial
22:07.16wackyplDarthPointer: thx
22:07.36KyleKwhats click to dial? you fill out a form and an agent calls you?
22:07.38drmessanopaulius: Some are going to better matches for other countries, but potentially anything in the area of 600ohms could work if the line is fucked
22:08.04pauliusdrmessano: I'm in Canada so something tells me that it would be 600, but as always, I've had lots of echo with that one.
22:10.22carrar600 HOMES
22:10.40carrarAsterisk can support that
22:12.59carrar600 ohms, 48 volts, you got yourself 3.84 Watts!!!
22:13.26drmessano-3.84 watts
22:13.56drmessanoYou forgot to carry the negative
22:13.58pauliusdrmessano: So just go and test the impedence values one by one?
22:14.06carrarI'm a positive person
22:14.08drmessanopaulius: yep
22:14.10carrarI don't deal in negatives
22:14.24carrarNot about keepin it REAL
22:14.43drmessanopaulius: There is no "right answer".. you need to match the box to the line.. period
22:15.16pauliusdrmessano: And when it is matched, what am I gonna notice?
22:15.19carrarwell first
22:15.23carraryou need to ask yourself
22:15.24pauliusJust a bit less echo or should it be almost gone or something?
22:15.26carrardo you have a soldering gun
22:15.27KyleKit must come defaulted to a setting for the telco being 1.01 miles away
22:15.51carrarYou can fix echo
22:16.48carrar1.01 miles away?
22:16.58carrarand the speed if electricy is what?
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22:17.56pauliuscarrar: No, but hopefully I can get it echo-free like the people who say that they've had zero issues with their spa-3102
22:18.02pauliusI doubt I have a worse line than drmessano
22:18.39pauliusAnd there was this other guy saying that he used the spa-3102 with no issues on terrible lines.
22:20.27carrarThat question you should be asking yourself is
22:20.33carraris for that 1.01 miles
22:20.53carrarif you had dominos lined up that distance, how long would it take for them to fall over and reach the end
22:22.06pauliusno idea
22:22.28DarthPointeranyone had any trouble getting zttool to display LIVE data on PRI / T1s?
22:26.33KyleKcarrar: well hes having a problem and im not, im saying maybe its due to distance as the default ohms setting has to be something
22:27.09carrarpaulius, are you using a Digium FXS/FXO Card?
22:29.07carrarHow many google links related to Asterisk and crappy sippura have you found?
22:29.29pauliustons but drmessano and others say that it's me that is bad, and not the sipura.
22:30.06carrarthats very well possible
22:30.19carrarAnalog is the SUCK
22:32.11pauliusI'm almost at the end of the impedence list.
22:32.15pauliusIt's been worse and worser.
22:33.05carrarpaulius, did you do any sort of factory reset 1st?
22:33.18carrarmaybe ensure you are running cirrent firmware
22:33.21pauliusA number of times, but not before starting tese tests.
22:33.24pauliusYeah I've updated it.
22:33.43carrarmaybe downgrade just to rule current bugs out?
22:34.10pauliusBut I had this echo with old firmware too
22:34.13smpspaulius, whats your gain ?
22:34.23paulius5 and 5
22:34.26pauliusper drmessano's wiki
22:34.31carrarwhat about 0
22:34.42carrar0 & 0
22:34.46smpspaulius, what about 0 or - values ?
22:34.52pauliusno noticeable difference
22:35.02smpspaulius, with negative too ?
22:35.05pauliusI mean, I've played a lot with the gains and can't say that they change much.
22:35.10pauliusWhich one should be negative.
22:35.21pauliusSo that's the problem... How does one troubleshoot this.
22:35.23smpspaulius, both
22:35.24carrarWhat else is plugged into the same analog phone wires besides the SPA?
22:35.36carrarhome phones?
22:35.36pauliuscarrar: DSL modem.
22:35.43carrarpull it
22:35.45pauliusAnd the SPA is plugged in with the adsl filter thingy.
22:35.48carrarremove everything
22:35.50pauliusIt'll pull my interwebs.
22:35.56pauliusAnd there's nothing else connected to it.
22:35.59carrardon't need interweb for testing
22:36.04pauliusyeah, but for tlaking with you.
22:36.11carrarwe're worthless
22:36.23carrarrule out anything on your line
22:36.58carrarperhaps it's the FBI monitorning your line
22:37.15pauliusI don't think the FBI does those things in Canada.
22:37.32carrarjust under a different name
22:38.12carrarbeing in Canada could be the issue :)
22:38.14jayteethey just call it something different but it's all just branches of the same organization that report to thier Illuminati masters
22:38.59pauliusSo I doubt that Cisco ADSL WIC is so shitty that it introduces echo.
22:39.10pauliusBut if it were the case, I guess I'd need a POTS splitter.
22:39.31carrarI use tones of cisco ADSL wics
22:39.37carrarMLPPP MASTAH
22:39.49carrarnever tried with a CRAPURA
22:39.50pauliusYou think it is the issue for my echo?
22:40.09carrardoubt it
22:40.21carrarrule stuff out
22:40.28carrarcould be a Asteirsk config ssue
22:40.30pauliusI'm thinking maybe the filter.
22:40.38pauliuscarrar: But my other SIP trunks work fine.
22:40.53carrarWhat sip trunks
22:40.54pauliusAnd I've already deleted this local trunk and tried a bunch of different settings.
22:40.56carrarI don't see any
22:41.05pauliusTo vo-ip providers.
22:41.13pauliusGot one to tollfreesomething and to
22:41.18pauliusAnd they have no echo.
22:41.19carraryou have more then 1 SPA?
22:41.40carrarSIP is not analog
22:41.45pauliusno it's not.
22:41.56pauliusBut you said Asterisk config.
22:42.00carraryes I did
22:42.03pauliusI'm just saying that I'm using this Asterisk for other stuff.
22:42.06pauliusAnd it works fine.
22:42.29carrarhave many analog devices you have plugged into it?
22:42.33carrarthat are working great?
22:42.38pauliusno, only the WIC.
22:42.53pauliusI'm also using the FXS port on the SPA.
22:43.05pauliusAnd that works well without echo if I call to it from a SIP phone.
22:43.12carrarYou have any other analog ATA's you can try?
22:43.47carrarLets see your configs
22:43.58pauliusfor what exactly.
22:44.02pauliusThe ATA trunk?
22:44.04carrarfor the Asterisk side of the ATA
22:45.08carrarkeep in mind to tossed out anything to do with Sipara years afo
22:46.15carraryeah thats nothing special
22:47.00carrarIs this for a biz?
22:47.23pauliusBelieve me, I'd go with something from Cisco if this were for a biz
22:47.43carrarI wouldn't
22:47.47carrarand I love Cisco
22:47.53pauliusI just couldn't justify spending about a grand on an ATA thing (roughly how much it would cost for the Cisco voice VMs)
22:48.18carrarget that
22:48.29pauliusI already wasted $80 on the spa-3102
22:48.39carrarnot my fault :)
22:48.55pauliuspeople in this channel swear by it
22:48.57carrarnever by anything again that starts with SPA
22:49.39carraractually the SPA-942 work ok, feel like crap
22:49.43carrarbut they work
22:50.26carrarI use digium boards and ADIC's for anything analog
22:50.34carrarand AudioCodes
22:51.29carrarsorry ADIT
22:52.46KyleKcarrar: whats on that ebay item? 1 lan port and 4 fxo ports?
22:53.04carrartheir small series are nice
22:53.10carrar4, 8 & 16 FXO or FXO ports
22:53.17carrarthey have one that is 2 FXO 2 FSX
22:53.31carrar4, 8 & 16 FXO or FXS ports
22:53.55carrarsync all 4 as 1 registrataion or
22:54.08carrarpretty rich features set
22:55.55carrarI did interoperability testing for the MP-114 for our company
23:04.33carrarfalling domino averages between 80-140 cm/s
23:04.54carrarthere is a lot of data about that on the internet
23:05.02carraroddly enough
23:05.33carrar.2 (domino spacing) distance is about 100 cm/s
23:05.53carrarWhere as 1 domnio space distance is about 80 cm/s speed
23:06.13KyleKI'd be surprised if there wasn't domino speed data on the internet
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23:06.31carrarI'm pretty sure I need to verify this data
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23:21.20jblackI can remember how things were before there was an internet to get an answer to every question out there, silly or not... but I can't imagine ever living that way again.
23:21.41carrarPirates of Pugest Sound PPS
23:21.45carrarthat was the before the internet
23:21.51carrarNow on 300 baud!
23:22.26jblackgoogles for hummingbird humps per second
23:22.42carrarplease, we need stats
23:22.47carrarnot guesses
23:23.11carrarat least 14 univerisies have stats on that
23:23.17carrarphear my spelling
23:26.16jblackcan't be much. Apparently, the actual act lasts for about 4 seconds.
23:26.39carraryeah but having to deal with air cant be easy
23:26.49jblackThey land for the act.
23:27.02jblackThe court in air, perch for mounting.. all 4 secs of it.
23:27.09carrarAre you in Reston?
23:27.20carrarI've seen them flair their feathers
23:27.27carrarread nad all colors
23:27.31carraryeah VA
23:28.03carrargranma use to do the humming bird feeder thing
23:28.25jblackNo. I'm in northeastern PA, though I grew up not too far from Reston
23:29.07carrarWhat kind of magic are you doing with asterisk?
23:29.19jblackOh gross. Hummingbirds don't mate midair, but... great gray garden slugs do.
23:30.31jblackI don't do really special stuff at home, though I've done some neat stuff for clients.
23:31.21carrarclients are demanding
23:31.24carrardamn them!!
23:31.28jblackI'm thinking about making a  project to lock/unlock my door via the phone, except i don't have a cell phone, making it pointless.
23:31.43carrarmake it web via wifi
23:31.52carrarvia ssl
23:32.10carrarget the wifi ipod thing
23:32.14jblackusually custom hotdesking stuff, with data analysis.
23:32.31carrarwhat db do you use>
23:32.57carraryou use the asterisk db
23:33.10carrar8.4 is almost out!!!
23:33.35carrarI'm a postgres advicator
23:33.56jblackI'll typically perform the agi logic with perl, the frontend with php, and when I can come up with a suitable excuse, which isn't often, I'll sneak some C++ in.
23:34.26carrarI haven't seen too much C or C++ in *
23:34.36carrarshould post that shit
23:34.52carrarshare the goodness!!!
23:35.29carrarmost all my crap is perl/AGI/postgres
23:35.44carrarworks well
23:36.36carraryou on 1.4
23:36.40carraror 1.6
23:38.16jblackYou ask a lot of questions. 1.4, since that's where distros are still at.
23:38.34carrarshould I can it?
23:38.42carrarI'm random
23:39.02jblackNah. But why don't you ask drmessano why he's gay.
23:39.03carrarI have a newboarn sleeping on my chest while a type
23:39.12carrarso I have time :)
23:39.23carrarnot like I can go anywhere
23:39.28jblackWell, I'm going to be killing zombies presently.
23:40.00carrardrmessano like other are full of sarcasim
23:40.07carrarit's expected here
23:40.17carrarI got the same shit
23:40.24jblackand bile, and anger. He didn't listen to Yoda either.
23:40.40jblackget me in the right mood, and I'll bite ya too. :)
23:40.50carrarit's all good
23:41.06jblackhave headphones? Do some youtube.
23:41.13carraroh hyyeah
23:41.42jblackfailing that, catch up on the news and figure out how you're going to feed you kid in 18 months, when milk costs $14 a gallon.
23:41.42carrarspace oddesy is only fun soo long
23:42.00carrarno milk xost
23:42.12jblackfine. Look up 'snowball' and 'another one bites the dust'
23:42.16carrarwife is breast feeding
23:42.17jblackyou'll love it. seriously.
23:42.22carrar(is that allowed here)
23:43.05carrarI've been reading SQL commads every night as bedtime stores
23:43.20carrarit works!
23:44.46carrartonights bed time topics, JOINING accountcodes with incoming calls so that you can bill on them, Agelevel 2 monts
23:45.45carrarI'm guessing she is going to fall sleep before I finish
23:47.32carrarthinking I should mix in some Low frequency RF theory
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23:50.30fskieHello guys, i've not really kept up to date with SIP hardphone technology what would be the most opensource friendly product on the market at the moment?
23:51.33jblackpolycom, I suppose
23:51.36carrarhave you tried soft phones?
23:51.43carrarPolycom is the best
23:51.49carrarfor physical phones
23:52.14fskieis it Polycom opensource?
23:52.33carrarwhy does it need to be?
23:52.38jblackI don't know what "open source" means for hardware
23:52.39carrarit's a phone
23:52.51carrartheir config is "open"
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23:52.58fskieit keeping a common them :)
23:53.33carrargo polycom
23:53.39carrarconfigs are OPEN
23:53.49carraryou will be very happy
23:53.50fskiejblack: the source code can be read and altered
23:53.54jblackthere is firmware, which probably is proprietary.
23:54.06jblackbut my microwave has firmware too. I don't care about that
23:54.34fskiejust trying to vote with my money
23:54.45carrarMicrowaves are soo hackable
23:55.07carrarpolycom is the best
23:55.13carrarhands down
23:55.19carrarbest configs
23:55.22fskieanyway thank you guys, if this channel doesn't know nobody does
23:55.27carrarbest functionality
23:55.52carrarobama uses polycom at home
23:56.10carrarthast classified, as there are no photos of that
23:56.31fskieok i'm sold
23:58.18carraryeah you will be very happen with polycom quality
23:58.55fskiethanks carrar i'm going to have a look at their web page
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