IRC log for #asterisk on 20090530

00:02.50seb-[TK]D-Fender: still there?
00:17.26*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:18.19seb-[TK]D-Fender: ping? sorry i missed you by 30min!
00:25.09*** join/#asterisk qdk (
00:33.31*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
01:14.24*** part/#asterisk seb- (
01:16.48*** join/#asterisk farkus (
01:18.34*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
01:25.41*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
01:28.09*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
01:49.18*** join/#asterisk moy (
02:07.01luckyabais there a way to log a user into a queue via the AMI ?
02:08.53*** join/#asterisk siera08 (n=chatzill@
02:10.45siera08hi, does anyone tell me about any IPPBX supporting bugging?
02:21.46BeeBuuluckyaba: maybe use "command" for that
02:27.21luckyabaLooking through the command info BeeBuu but not having a lot of lucj
02:27.41luckyabaDid however come across some other useful things while reading through this!
02:33.54ManxPowerthere is no such thing as a user, you should be able to add a device to a queue using AMI.
02:34.21*** join/#asterisk heison (n=heison@
02:35.35heisondoes anyone know if asterlink is still in business?
02:36.06luckyabaMaximo, Sorry.. I meant log an extension into a queue.
02:36.15luckyabaerr ManxPower
02:36.54luckyabaI have a queue with 2 people in it and I want to auto login a couple other users if the queue hits say 5 users in it
02:37.07luckyabaor 5 customers calling in
02:37.23luckyabaqueue with 2 extensions logged into it
02:37.49luckyabaand log a couple other extensions into it
02:47.17*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
02:49.08*** join/#asterisk yacc_ (
02:50.02*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
03:07.45*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
03:08.04*** part/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
03:19.18*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
03:19.18*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
03:19.55*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
03:20.00*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (n=w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
03:22.48infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
03:25.36*** join/#asterisk pawz (
03:30.56*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
03:42.54rue_mohrcan anyone tell me what happens when you put too many analog sets on a pots line at once (off hook)
03:42.54BeeBuuluckyaba: i think the "redirect" in AMI is what you need
03:53.10luckyabaBeeBuu, Yeah I think that may be what I am looking for... I could redirect the call to an overflow queue
03:53.32luckyabathat would allow the folks who normally don't take the queue calls to only get them when its busy.....
03:55.37*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=alex@
03:57.37*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
03:57.49*** join/#asterisk farkus (
04:01.08BeeBuuluckyaba: i can help people is happy
04:01.47BeeBuuin fact ,that command is someone told me in here~~~~ :-P
04:03.28*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (n=mrnaz@
04:03.48luckyabahaha, right on
04:09.05infobotACTION takes out a revolver and shoots drmessano in the head three times.
04:09.19infobotACTION lets a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh eat drmessano.
04:09.27infobotYou know, this got old a long time ago.
04:09.35infobotI'm ignoring you now.
04:10.00drmessanoI killed him
04:10.11infobotaw, gee, jaytee
04:11.03*** join/#asterisk elitecoder (
04:12.22elitecoderHi all. I'm trying to pass variables to an AGI script:
04:12.29elitecoderI passed it but it's not showing up in the variable list
04:12.55elitecoderthis is what I get:
04:13.52elitecoderI'm guessing I should use some other application like set maybe
04:19.28Miccanyone know why a linux firewall would only allow one ip phone to register but the second always fails?
04:19.49MiccIts like it doesn't know where to send the udp packets to for the second registration.
04:20.18elitecoderMicc: I'm going to take a guess here and say that because it's trying to use a different (random?) port that you're not allowing on your firewall.
04:20.49Miccelitecoder, both phones work fine if they are the first one.
04:21.12Miccelitecoder, all phones have to register on the 5060 port first, right?
04:21.22elitecoderoh register
04:21.23Miccthen they negotiate a port after that.
04:21.25elitecoderok nevermind
04:21.26drmessanoNot necessarily
04:21.38MiccI'm only listening on 5060
04:21.47Miccas far as I know asterisk can only listen to one port.
04:21.48drmessanoThey can use whatever SOURCE port they want
04:22.06drmessanoThey all register TO 5060 on asterisk
04:22.50drmessanoSounds like the firewall is misconfigured
04:26.07rue_mohrRTP = "Really?! that port!?"
04:26.16rue_mohrwhich is 10000
04:26.38rue_mohrmaybe I missed the point, by
04:26.57drmessanoRTP isnt just 10000
04:27.06Miccdrmessano, I'm having them open up ports below 5060 from 1024 to 5061
04:27.09drmessanoand its registration
04:27.21rue_mohrgoes up from there
04:27.26drmessanomicc: Opening ports is not the issue
04:28.04Miccdrmessano, it seems like a solution. It might not be the issue.
04:28.17drmessanoIts NOT a solution
04:28.22drmessanoIt will NOT work
04:28.41Miccdrmessano, then what will?
04:28.56drmessanoYour firewall does not need ports forwarded to the inside for SIP CLIENTS
04:29.03drmessanoIt needs to handle SIP properly
04:29.29Miccdrmessano, right, but if it doesn't know how to handle sip properly, wouldn't it help to open some ports?
04:30.13Miccdrmessano, is there some iptables document that shows how to setup iptables to handle SIP properly?
04:30.35drmessanoWhat are you gonna open ports to?
04:30.57drmessanoJust open a bunch of ports, hope for the best?
04:31.13Miccfrom our asterisk server to the phone.
04:32.03Miccdrmessano, If you watch the udp traffic hitting the firewall it tries a bunch of ports. But this phone in particular has a pattern and it usually will register the next phone down around 1027.
04:34.06*** join/#asterisk TiPsC (
04:37.10Miccwhy does it show Nat N for all my clients when I do sip show peers?
04:37.15MiccIn my sip.conf all of them have nat=yes
04:37.35Miccdoes N mean nat=ys?
04:37.41Miccand blank means nat=no?
04:40.09carrarGOOD TIMES
04:40.49carrarWhast the FIRST line you see when you do a sip show peers
04:41.18carrarwell I guess you said that above
04:41.41drmessanoThis is where the whole "If you had all the answers, then why don't you have it working" comes in.  I hate people that tell you how to fix something they just asked for help with.
04:43.50drmessanoI would open ports 1 to 79, and 81 to 65534
04:44.01drmessanoLeave 80 closed, dont want to get hacked
04:44.08carrarTRUE DAT
04:45.23MiccI still think under Nat it should show Y instead of N
04:45.36Miccthat page still doesn't make it clear.
04:46.00carrarasterisk -rx "sip show nat" | sed "s/ N / Y /"
04:46.14carrarasterisk -rx "sip show peers" | sed "s/ N / Y /"
04:46.16drmessano[00:46] <Micc> I still think under Nat it should show Y instead of N <-- FAIL
04:46.35carrarall your N's are now Y's!!
04:47.13carrarPlease submit that code change to digium
04:47.16infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
04:47.29rue_mohrbetter take a closer look and remove it from the list
04:49.32Miccmaybe the other letters are reserved for other things, so N = Nat=yes, R = nat=route, blank = nat=no, hmm what would nat=never be then?
04:58.17*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
04:58.54*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
05:04.19*** join/#asterisk jthurman42 (
05:07.59*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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05:28.01*** part/#asterisk gladier (
05:39.56*** join/#asterisk j_kroon (
06:09.24*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
06:16.31*** join/#asterisk b14ck (
06:16.44b14ckhi all
06:18.42*** join/#asterisk dshap (
06:20.35*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
06:21.04*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:23.07dshapcan someone here help me out with the originate CLI command?
06:23.18dshapi'm not sure what to put for the channel argument
06:24.21b14ckfor the channel, you specify a channel like: SIP/1111
06:24.21b14ckeg: Channel: SIP/1111
06:24.21dshapand what is the 1111?
06:24.21dshapis that the number i want to call?
06:24.21b14ckin this case, 1111 is an extension
06:24.30dshapokay so if i want to dial a PSTN number
06:24.31dshapi just do
06:24.35dshapChannel: SIP/thatnumber
06:24.50dshapokay and "trunkname"
06:24.53[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Same way you do for Dial()
06:24.53dshapthat's defined in my sip.conf?
06:25.05dshap[TK]D-Fender: never got Dial() to work
06:25.16b14ckif you look in your sip.conf for your trunk name eg: [flowroute] or something
06:25.18b14ckthen you would do
06:25.23[TK]D-Fenderdshap: then what HAVE you done?
06:25.30b14ckChannel: SIP/8882221111@flowroute
06:25.46dshap[TK]D-Fender: receive incoming calls, basic dial plan menu & applications
06:25.55dshapthanks b14ck i'm going to try it now
06:26.06[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Thats a start I guess..
06:26.16dshap[TK]D-Fender: u gotta start somewhere hah
06:26.27[TK]D-Fenderdshap: rare to take a call in and never call out to anything else...
06:26.30KyleKI've got SIP/trunk/xxxxxx and SIP/xxxxxxx@trunk in my dialplan
06:26.55dshapdo i NEED to set callerID?
06:27.02b14ckanyone in here interested in working on a project with me? i am writing a new web interface for asterisk based pbx systems. a freepbx alternative
06:27.07dshapor could i just make a .call file with 3 lines: channel, application, and data
06:27.08[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Usually no
06:27.22KyleKdshap: only if you care what the caller id says
06:27.26dshapgot it
06:27.37dshapalso this book i'm reading says that i should worry about how the call file is moved into the directory
06:27.42dshapit says there is a difference between cp and mv
06:27.47dshapwhat if i'm uploading via FTP
06:27.48dshapis that okay?
06:27.54b14ckdshap, do a mv only
06:27.55[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Horribly worse
06:27.57KyleKyou can move from ftp
06:27.58b14ckdo not ftp it to the directory
06:28.14dshapok so i can FTP it to the parent directory
06:28.17dshapthen mv into outgoing
06:28.24b14ckftp it to like /tmp, then just mv it to outgoing, ya
06:28.28[TK]D-Fenderdshap: AMI Originate <--
06:28.45b14ckdont forget to: chmod 755 && chown asterisk:asterisk it before the mv!
06:29.00b14ckwell i guess the chmod isnt important, actually
06:29.01KyleKwhy does it need execute permissions?
06:29.04b14ckbut the chown is
06:29.12dshapnot sure what chown is
06:29.19b14ckchown changes the file's permissions
06:29.28b14ckso that asterisk can read/write to the file and own it
06:29.28KyleKdshap: just needs to be readable and deletable by asterisk
06:29.31dshapo i thought that was chmod
06:30.52dshap"chown asterisk:asterisk" ?
06:31.28dshapit says invalid user
06:31.53[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Did you create that user?
06:32.03[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Is that the user you believe * runs as?
06:32.13dshapi tried it anyways
06:32.16dshapand it worked!
06:32.28dshapmy asterisk server just called my cell phone
06:32.30dshapthis is awesome
06:32.33[TK]D-Fenderdshap: probably because * is running a ROOT.
06:32.38dshapthat is true
06:32.40dshapim running as root
06:32.48dshapso chown asterisk:root
06:32.51dshapor the other way around
06:33.00dshapor it's not even necessary because it just worked
06:33.01[TK]D-Fenderdshap: No need
06:33.02drmessano[02:25] <dshap> [TK]D-Fender: never got Dial() to work <-- WIN
06:33.05KyleKroot doesn't care about permissions
06:33.44dshapso what's so bad about FTP'ing the call file?
06:33.47b14ckdshap, it is fun when you get your first call working :)
06:33.57dshapit gets part of it before it gets all of it?
06:34.00KyleKdshap: wrong question
06:34.15KyleK"whats wrong about copying the file?" cos ftping and them moving is fine :)
06:34.21dshapgot it
06:34.27dshapso copying the file it has to make a whole new file
06:34.34dshapso it writes it a little bit at a time
06:34.36dshapand that'sthe problem
06:34.44[TK]D-Fenderdshap: File locking <-
06:34.51b14ckbascailly, dshap, asterisk will look for the files you put into outgoing at an extremely aggressive rate
06:35.01[TK]D-Fenderdshap: The very instant * sees it, * gets "grabby" and FUBAR's
06:35.06b14ckso if you are slowly copying a file into the directory, asterisk will see what is there and try to use the partial file to make the call
06:35.17dshapgot it
06:35.18b14ckand when asterisk does that, nobody wins
06:35.36dshapwhat if i want to have dynamically generated call files though
06:35.44dshaplike from a PHP script
06:36.02dshapi have to do the PHP commands for creating a file and then moving it?
06:37.34b14ckbut there's an alternative: use the asterisk ami!
06:37.45b14ckusing the asterisk AMI is like doing call files through sockets (like networking)
06:38.13b14ckyou send asterisk commands in the form of strings (just like a call file), and asterisk reads them in through a socket, and then executes them when you are finished writing
06:38.21[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: Funny I said that 10 minutes ago...
06:38.35b14ck[TK]D-Fender, I was just answering his question.
06:38.41dshapthank you both
06:38.50dshapi am adding Asterisk AMI to my list of stuff to read and learn about
06:40.44drmessanoTry Dial() first
06:41.00drmessanoJust sayin..
06:41.02dshapand the correct syntax for caller ID in a call file is "CallerID: WhateverName 111-111-1111"
06:41.24KyleKName <Number> i thought
06:42.05[TK]D-Fenderdshap: CallerID: "John Doe" <999>
06:42.23drmessanoCallerID: Name <number> Caller ID, please note that it may not work if you do not respect the format: CallerID: Some Name <1234>
06:42.48drmessanoI found that on Google
06:42.51dshapk got confused since the book im reading had a different format than on voip-info
06:43.02dshapi should probably trust voip-info over anything
06:43.10drmessanoWhich book?
06:43.13KyleKis it
06:43.17infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
06:43.23dshapthat one
06:43.33dshapNext, we set the Caller ID of the outgoing call:
06:43.33dshapCallerID: Asterisk 800-555-1212
06:43.37dshapthat's what it says in the book
06:45.14dshapbut it doesn't seem like the provider i'm using right now allows me to set caller id anyways
06:45.57drmessanoMost don't, except for the ones that do
06:46.15*** join/#asterisk stijnbe (
06:46.22KyleKwhat provider?
06:46.36*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
06:46.39dshapthey have a "value" and a "premium" route
06:46.49dshapi just changed my route to premium which they say caller ID passes better on
06:46.54dshapand they charge u a little more per minute
06:47.02dshapapparently i can change back and forth through their web app
06:47.02[TK]D-Fenderdshap: "better"?  Crock of shit
06:47.42dshapbut it actually worked
06:47.52KyleK[TK]D-Fender: somehow it happens in practice, skype is occasionally iffy on caller id i thought
06:48.12[TK]D-Fenderdshap: It either does, or it doesn't, or should but doesn't and are incompetant to fix.  The 3rd is good reason to look elsewhere
06:48.47[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Just for saying "Skype" should get you a whallop with a ClueBat (tm) :)
06:49.02dshap"On our premium route, most if not all destinations will receive proper callerid. On the value route, we can not guarantee callerid will pass but it should on a certain number of destinations"
06:49.15drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Better meaning "We throw your calls at a different group of wholesale routes, and rather than NONE of the routes allowid CID, 20% of the "premium" do.."
06:49.57dshapalthough "most if not all" is not really good enough for putting something into production
06:50.38[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Skype is not PSTN, and to be somewhat less that gentle "That POS bastard-child of 'telephony' has precisely NO respect except from tech wannabe's and idiot kiddies"
06:50.50drmessanoQ: Do you allow CallerID info passed on your network?  A: Probably
06:51.14[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
06:51.18*** part/#asterisk elitecoder (
06:51.29[TK]D-Fender~clubat SkypeUser
06:51.30dshapdrmessano: in case you were wondering, i pretty much gave up on my RDNIS search after some providers e-mailed me back and said "i've looked for this myself, no one supports it"
06:51.33[TK]D-Fender~cluebat SkypeUser
06:51.34infobotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps SkypeUser.
06:51.42dshapi'm looking into a DID-per-user business model
06:51.53drmessanoDID per business?
06:52.06dshapevery user gets their own DID
06:52.16SkypeUserdshap: even
06:52.16dshapthis is what does
06:52.21*** join/#asterisk vi390 (n=fc@unaffiliated/vi390)
06:52.24SkypeUserhrm is the guy who told me to give it up
06:52.37dshapi was e-mailing Les himself back and forth
06:52.54dshaphe told me RDNIS exists but no VoIP providers support it
06:53.31drmessanodshap: Every user getting their own DID is the OLD model of telephony.. You should google for "PBX"
06:54.04dshapright right, but we've already been over why i need a DID per user
06:54.07[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Not entirely.. its good for direct-access numbers, fax, etc
06:54.49dshapit just only seems affordable if you buy enough of them
06:54.51vi390does someone have a sample of an outbound extension, where no predial number is necessary (every number dialed is used as outbound)
06:54.54drmessano[TK]D-Fender: He didn't say "DID's for users"  He said EVERY
06:55.23SkypeUserdshap: maybe theres a market for RDNIS and VoIP?
06:55.41dshapi doubt a very big one
06:55.51dshapso few search results for RDNIS
06:55.51drmessanoSeriously, why did we ever come down from the trees and give up key systems
06:55.58dshapa lot of providers i e-mailed didn't even know what it was
06:56.00drmessanoLets go back to 50 line ATT phones
06:56.23drmessano"Joe, call on Line 30"
06:57.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: So you can't have every user have their own DID?  I did for my company.... 2 in fact :)
06:57.24SkypeUserdshap: well how badly do you want rdnis? :)
06:57.56dshapSkypeUser: for my application, i can acheive the same functionality by assigning each of my users their own DID
06:57.59SkypeUserdances around Fender
06:58.13dshapwhich would be cheaper than getting a PRI
06:58.18dshapor many PRI's
06:58.20KyleKits more fun being WindowsUser and answering ubuntu questions
06:58.24dshapthat would support actual RDNIS
06:58.47[TK]D-Fenderdshap: What is you application?
06:59.00dshapsame thing as &
06:59.11dshapmobile voicemail alternative
06:59.27dshapalthough it's clear that Youmail uses a PRI or something fancy
06:59.31dshapsince they have RDNIS
06:59.32drmessanoNow you found another service youre trying to be the same as?
06:59.38drmessanoWhy dont you just SIGN UP
06:59.56dshapobviously i have plans to distinguish my service
07:00.05dshapbut they'll need the same functionality as those 2
07:00.14dshapit will need*
07:00.21drmessanodshap: Big plans, and you cant even Dial().. You have messed up priorities
07:00.35dshapmy goals are long-term
07:00.48dshap1st priority is learning how to use Asterisk
07:00.49drmessanoYes, very long term
07:01.05dshapalthough i'm not going to be doing any rocket science
07:01.27KyleKdshap: the lack of RDNIS might be a software problem, you could pick a voip provider, ask them what equipment they use, add the necessary support and wait for it to be in production :)
07:01.28drmessanoYou're a Little Prince sort of Asterisk guy
07:01.42dshapi could probably pay an expert to have a functional system up and running in days
07:01.52dshapbut then i won't have the satisfaction of having made it myself
07:02.03[TK]D-Fenderdshap: And actually have a viable competitive business?
07:02.06KyleKalso you'd be dependant on that guy :)
07:02.49dshap[TK]D-Fender: i've started to think about the business model but my first priority is developing the product
07:02.56dshapobviously without a product i can have no business
07:03.20KyleKdshap: make a note of my RDNIS support idea :)
07:03.26[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Step one : Spend life working on Project X.  Step 2 : Consider if it'll actually be worth it.
07:03.43dshapKyleK: from what i understand, the RDNIS information is provided in normal SS7 signaling.  when the upstream carriers convert from PSTN to SIP, they can choose to include a special header with RDNIS info or they can choose not to
07:04.08dshapevidntly they choose not to :-\
07:04.34dshap[TK]D-Fender: at the very least, I know *I* will get a lot of use out of my product.  so i know it will be worth it
07:04.46KyleKdshap: most people are lazy, if asterisk doesn't support it on thier hardware, and thats the PSTN to SIP software they use, they wont bother
07:05.18dshapthese major SIP providers use Asterisk to convert from PSTN to SIP?
07:05.24infobotA Little Prince is a newb who flies in every 6 months, as if brought in by a comet, who asks the same basic "first day" questions, gets the same answers, and flies off again.  (Borrowed from the book "The Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
07:05.26KyleKwell i dont know
07:06.01drmessano[TK]D-Fender ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
07:06.18dshapi managed to find the CTO of YouMail on LinkedIn
07:06.21dshapi sent him a friend request
07:06.34dshapalong with a little message about how i want to ask him some questions about his business
07:06.36KyleKWhat kind of equipment do you use?
07:06.38KyleKClustered SER/Asterisk
07:07.14dshapso i just need to get the asterisk dev community to make SIP diversion headers a default and once everyone upgrades i'm good
07:07.16dshapto go
07:07.19[TK]D-Fenderdshap: What about their service implies any use of VoIP?
07:07.43[TK]D-Fenderdshap: What does * have to do with that?
07:07.44dshap[TK]D-Fender: nothing at all.
07:08.02drmessano<dshap> so i just need to get the asterisk dev community to make SIP diversion headers a default and once everyone upgrades i'm good  <----- WHAT????
07:08.05dshapbut im curious how it works
07:08.24dshapwell that was in response to what KyleK said
07:08.25[TK]D-Fenderdshap: You can't make THEM send headers they don't want to.  Doesn't matter in the slightest what * supports whent he other guy decides not to both
07:08.58dshapKyleK made it sound like they aren't going to go out of their way to send the headers
07:09.08dshapbut if it's built into Asterisk by default, then why wouldn't they?
07:09.08[TK]D-Fenderdshap: And * can pull whatever retarded header you want anyways.
07:09.24[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Because they don't give a flying fuck about Asterisk?
07:09.42[TK]D-Fenderdshap: You don'[t seem to understand the order of things.
07:09.53carrarwatches out for flying stuff
07:09.53dshaphe said they USE asterisk to convert PSTN to SIP
07:10.27dshapthe major VoIP providers
07:10.35KyleKwell, says they do, dunno about anything beyond that
07:10.37dshapit's a moot point really
07:10.55dshappretty sure is a reseller, KyleK
07:11.14dshapthey can't send me headers if their upstream carrier doesn't send THEM the headers
07:11.14drmessanoSo youre expecting everyone implementing Asterisk to configure things the way YOU want?
07:11.25dshapsorry i mentioned it
07:11.26KyleKgod fucking damnit
07:12.02dshapi'm stoked about my call files working, i think im gonna call it a night and quit while i'm ahead
07:12.06drmessano<dshap> so i just need to get the asterisk dev community to make SIP diversion headers a default and once everyone upgrades i'm good  <-- Fuck you, I dont WANT Diversion set.. but if I choose to, then good for me
07:12.07[TK]D-Fenderdshap: if they use * to actually convert to PSTN that implies they use Zaptel/DAHDI and have access to RDNIS and are also capable of setting custom headers
07:12.09jqlI love me some proprietary headers
07:12.29dshapi get it
07:12.33dshapthey don't want to send the headers
07:12.35dshapthey can
07:12.37dshapbut they dont want to
07:12.41dshapbut i want them to
07:12.41drmessanoI think all of you should be using DNS SRV records
07:12.44dshapand therefore i am a douchebag
07:12.49drmessanoMatter of fact, I demand it
07:12.57[TK]D-Fenderdshap: dspOr they are lying to you to tell you what you want to hear.
07:12.58dshapim not demanding anything haha
07:13.08dshapi'm just saying that it would be nice to have for my application
07:13.17dshapsince it would prevent me from having to get a ton of DID's
07:13.18KyleK[TK]D-Fender, drmessano: I threw out the idea that maybe if people are using asterisk to go from PSTN to VoIP, checking up on RDNIS support for different hardware would be an idea
07:13.20jqlmost everyone is getting their PSTN access via Sonus, and I *know* Sonus offers the awesomeness of Diversion:
07:13.27[TK]D-Fenderdshap: No, your being a douchebag is a functionally independent trait ;)
07:13.51KyleKi hate it how you both take anything i say and iterate until you find a problem
07:14.09dshapthis channel rocks
07:14.12dshapi'll be back another time
07:14.14dshapgood night
07:14.21*** part/#asterisk dshap (
07:14.33[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Yes, but its a considerably quicker path than "6 Degrees Of Separation" :p
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07:42.12pawzi have my asterisk box on my lan but in a DMZ. i can successfully register to an extension from outside on the internet, but when i make calls from outside i get no audio in either direction. what's likely to be wrong ?
07:42.58[TK]D-Fenderpawz: the complete lack of all of the actually settings you need to do.
07:43.02infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
07:43.11pawzcool thanks i'll read that
07:48.40pawzwow, that was easy :") it works great now
07:53.35[TK]D-Fenderpawz: You're welcome
07:54.32vi390can there maybe someone help. I think I did not quite get the conzept of outbound connection. Here is what I have =>
07:55.22vi390I want that any outbound connection , hmm the best would be, any connection which can not be catched localy, should be dialed outbound. How can I do this?
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07:57.55ectospasmvi390: use dialplan logic to determine if this call can be caught locally.  If not, send it to wherever with a Dial() string.  Of course, Asterisk will still be in the middle of a call.
07:58.57vi390ectospasm: you mean in the internal_call part of extensions.conf after the local handling ?
07:59.27ectospasmvi390: that's how it generally should work.  I haven't looked at your dialplan
07:59.28[TK]D-Fendervi390: because your [200] peer says "context=main" and [main] only includes [internal_call] and that only contains exten => _[1-5]XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60)
08:00.37vi390[TK]D-Fender: aah, okey this gives me the hint.. thanks
08:02.13vi390so I just put something after the main internal. But how can I determin if the dail can be done internally or not. Does it automtically execute things after exten => _[1-5]XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},60) if they can not be caught by that ?
08:02.50ectospasmvi390: you'll need a catchall, like _X. or i
08:02.53[TK]D-Fendervi390: there is no such thing as "dial internally"  Your device can only dial extens you point it to
08:03.28[TK]D-Fenderectospasm: No.
08:03.47[TK]D-Fendervi390: If you wanted them to be able to dial more things, then INCLUDE THEM
08:04.43vi390[TK]D-Fender: hmm, yes. Ok shure. What I meant is. If something can not be dialed, because there is no attached number 300, will it automticaly jump to the next entry in the line?
08:05.03ectospasmvi390: it will jump to the i extension, if one exists
08:05.10[TK]D-Fendervi390: No.
08:05.21[TK]D-Fenderectospasm: SIP calls will not hit "i"
08:05.42ectospasmnews to me
08:05.53vi390hmm I think I do not get the part with the "i" extension
08:06.15vi390shure is , that I need sort of a "catchall"
08:06.33vi390where it can Fallback, if numbers are not dailable internaly
08:06.49ectospasm_X., will catch any number not caught by what's above
08:07.16vi390ectospasm: ok, doing a test with that :)
08:07.22ectospasmAnd you can take whatever they dialed, and send it out any trunk with Dial()
08:07.51vi390if so, it would be easy to do what I need :)
08:08.12ectospasm[TK]D-Fender: I'd still like to hear your explanation for why SIP calls don't hit "i"
08:08.36[TK]D-Fenderectospasm: 404 <-
08:08.44vi390hmm, And I would be intrested what "i" means
08:08.48[TK]D-Fenderectospasm: Feel free to show me otherwise
08:09.05[TK]D-Fendervi390: Go read *'s list of Standard Extensions.  This is dialplan 101
08:09.26ectospasmvi390: "invalid"
08:09.37[TK]D-Fenderectospasm: "assumed functioning"
08:09.52vi390[TK]D-Fender: where do I find that, sounds I really want to read that
08:10.02infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
08:10.20infobot[thebook] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
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08:28.10canburakhi, I am trying to setup audiocodes such that I would be able to route to landlines based on extensions, which route should I follow?  I  can do roundrobin routing, ignoring the extensions but I want to route outgoing calls based on extensons.  I would appreciate any pointers
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08:43.34jgoohi, using asterisk 1.4.22-2 and call pickup doesn't work, is this a known version? pickup groups are set to 1, and *8 is enabled in the application features page (freepbx)
08:45.15sfirejgoo, wrong time of day to ask... hhehehhe
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08:53.44jgooYeah, I figured. Damn you all .GMT is the most awesome timezone
08:53.54jgooyou should all adhere to it, or perish.
08:54.09pawzswatch internet time ftw !
08:54.10jplanktechnically we all do
08:54.13pawzj/k not really
08:54.30jplankI live by GMT -5 :)
08:55.12plqquoting "while virtual functions are dispatched dynamically in C++, function overloading is done statically."   my question is: why?
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09:02.42pawzi want to create a dial rule that matches all numbers except an 04 prefix. I'm trying [0][1-3,5-9]. but it says it's not valid. how should i write this instead ?
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09:25.10Kevin`has anyone used a sound card as an fxo port? is there an easy (software) interface I can use for ringing, hangup, hook control?
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09:31.31drmessanoYou cant use a sound card for an FXO port
09:31.44Kevin`says whowhy?
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09:32.32drmessanoThere really needs to be a wiki page on hardware and why shit wont work
09:32.54Kevin`humor me?
09:32.54drmessanoRather than the weekly three hour "Why doesnt my video card make a good FXS" convo
09:33.39Miladis any way queue_member_count  just count available  member in queue ?
09:34.43Kevin`drmessano: - some reference, THEN humor me?
09:37.10Kevin`my time isn't worth $200/hour, and I don't have any more money left to blow on interface hardware this month =p
09:37.45tokozedgfxo is used to plug analog rj-11 line in it comming from PSTN
09:38.09tokozedgand can you plug RJ-11 in your sound card?
09:38.32Kevin`maybe I should ask in ##electronics, but I doubt many people there know the asterisk software interface :(
09:40.10drmessano$90 for a single port FXO card that works without software being written
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09:40.44Kevin`$80 for fxs AND fxo via ip that works without software bieng written
09:40.52Kevin`as I said, no money left this month =p
09:41.13drmessano$80 for what?
09:41.58drmessanoAn SPA-3102?
09:42.12Kevin`ah yeah, that
09:42.42drmessanoYou sure do youve your arguments well planned
09:42.54drmessanoBrain melt..
09:44.54Kevin`how is the quality of that vs the cheapish supported fxo cards btw?
09:45.20drmessanoThe cheapish cards are complete and total crap
09:45.30drmessanoNot even worth using or mentioning
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09:48.14Kevin` - this kind
09:48.36drmessanoI just told you about it 10 mins ago
09:48.45drmessano[05:40] <drmessano> $90 for a single port FXO card that works without software being written
09:49.07Kevin`so those type of cards you would recommend, because you did mention them?
09:49.34drmessanoThey work.. Not sure about heavy load production use
09:49.44jgoousing asterisk 1.4.22-2 and call pickup doesn't work, is this a known problem? pickup groups are set to 1, and *8 is enabled in the application features page (freepbx)
09:50.24Kevin`how do they perform vs one of those linksys devices
09:51.12drmessanoI would say better
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09:51.50Kevin`# /etc/init.d/dahdi restart
09:51.50Kevin`/etc/init.d/dahdi: line 50: /etc/init.d/functions: No such file or directory
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10:12.16jgoohey - so, call pickup - what is the problem with it? I swear, you google it and you find just pages of people with problems and no solutions
10:12.29jgooasterisk 1.4.22-2
10:13.31jgoowhich asterisk live cd is best, trix, now or that other one, what is it called?
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10:15.43jgooanyone using call pickup? *8 or something similar? what is it working on?
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11:26.16master_of_masterhi, how can I dial from the CLI to a certain number (via ISDN@capi)?
11:27.49Kevin`channel originate proto/channel application dial whatever
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11:42.38Simon-is anyone use res_jabber with a large roster? I'm getting XML parse errors reading the roster with 249 contacts
11:44.19Kevin` - asterisk doesn't like me doing this, although it appears to work so far. why is it discouraged? what's an equivalent? (X doesn't match letters)
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12:36.21Yurikhi, anybody uses asterisk 1.6.2 beta?
12:36.39leifmadsenYurik: I was just using the 1.6.2 branch yesterday in development
12:36.49Yurikhow stable is it?
12:36.55leifmadsenYurik: it's in beta...
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12:37.23Yurikjust needs siren14 very much, for some reason
12:37.25leifmadsenexpect to find at least one issue, and the need to report it and help debug and find the issue
12:37.46leifmadsenYurik: all you can do is give it a shot and test the heck out of all the things you need it to do
12:37.59Yuriknot in production, though :)
12:38.15leifmadsenwell ya... you need to test prior to production
12:38.21leifmadsenjust like all applications
12:38.23Yurikit's scary as hell :)
12:38.41Yurikwishes there was a backport of siren14, but that's only dreams :D
12:38.43leifmadsenit shouldn't be IF YOU TEST
12:39.01leifmadsenand disable everything you don't need
12:40.07Yurikis thinking, whether there is any other way to get siren14... hmm
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12:44.22vi390Iam trying since hours now to configure outbound Sip to Sip. I allways get "Failed to authenticate on INVITE" My Provider is "sipgate" is there any weird setting, Or handling, that I dont know? I tried with so many possible configs now, and it seems Iam sort of stucked. Can Someone help out?
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12:45.32vi390I send the CallerId before the Dial with: exten => _X.,1,SET(CALLERID(all)=sipID)
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12:48.05IPGHOSTany one can help me on database CFIM ?
12:48.23IPGHOSThow i can forward IAX directly to next asterisk box
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13:12.18prxtienhey all, hope everyone is well
13:12.37prxtienin 1.6.0.X how do i identify what codec both parties negociate to use?
13:14.08kaldemareither from the call setup debug or by core show channel <channel>
13:17.28prxtienokay thanks
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13:21.00prxtienwhen i dial into my system from a mobile, i am getting alot of bad static 50% of the time, the other 50% i am getting perfect quality... can maybe anyone suggest where to start troubleshooting
13:21.41prxtienpeople ringing me report this bad quality aswell, but i never hear it on my end, its only if i dial into my system myself... my incoming calls are coming via my isps pstn>sip gateway and then into my asterisk box..
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13:22.05Yurikis there any way to switch telephone-event payload from a specific call?
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13:51.13Yurikok, even more generic question — is there anyway to control media attributes in rtp in asterisk?
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13:59.03leifmadsenYurik: what you're looking to do is more a function of a proxy server, and not asterisk
13:59.22Yurikor some hacking in chan_sip.. :)
14:00.44oejyurik: Media attributes - which one do you mean?
14:00.55oejYou can control codecs and packetization
14:01.03YurikI need to inject custom media attribtues into INVITE
14:01.16oejJust curious
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14:01.38Yurikthere is some sip proxy that seemingly does not work without them
14:01.39oejWe have no setting for telephone-event currently, but that should be easy
14:01.47oejAnd no, leif, a proxy is not involved in media :-)
14:02.06oejA Sip proxy that bothers with SDP? That's weird.
14:02.10leifmadsenoej: unless your proxy can handle it through a media proxy :)
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14:02.27oejleifmadsen: That's a media proxy then, not a SIP proxy...
14:02.33Yurikso I am hacking chan_sip to inject those attrs
14:02.47oejOk, so you're solving your problem. The power of Open Source
14:02.48leifmadsenugh.... TFoT needs a complete re-write...
14:02.53Yurikand as far as I can understand there is no easy way to do it in another way
14:03.03oejleifmadsen: WHy? Spanish?
14:03.13leifmadsenoej: too many things have changed since 1.4.0
14:03.16oejyurik: No, there has been no demands for it up to now
14:03.26YurikI am creating a person demand :-P
14:03.26leifmadsenI'm reading through chapter 3 to try and update it, and this is really quite fruitless
14:03.37oejleifmadsen: yes, and which version will you cover now? 1.6.0, 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 are all very different
14:03.59oejThis release plan creates a mess for training material, support and books
14:04.27leifmadsenwhat is the alternative? wait several years for new features?
14:04.36leifmadsenI'm in favour of it
14:04.47leifmadseneven if it will cause books to be constantly updated
14:05.13oejThe alternative is locking the core and merging new functions, but not changing stuff between releases
14:05.35oejAnd allowing changing stuff between "major" releases
14:05.48oejAsterisk depends more and more on a third party market that we need to acknowledge
14:06.06oejBut I've been fighting this fruitlessly for far too long ;-)
14:06.48oejThe Asterisk project lacks a product manager...
14:06.54leifmadsenI'm not getting into this
14:07.18leifmadsendecides to put down the book and work on dialplan for a customer instead
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14:07.36oejI thought you where working fully for Digium now, Leif
14:09.12[TK]D-Fenderoej: Doesn't need one really :)
14:09.35oejneed what? A Leif?
14:09.37leifmadsenoej: no, I always have been, and always will be a consultant
14:09.44[TK]D-Fenderoej: See Digium really sells hardware and Asterisk is more like a marketing strategy :)
14:10.02oejleifmadsen: Sorry, my misunderstanding then. Good to know. I subcontract more and more.
14:10.24leifmadsenoej: I've been subcontracting out to other consultants lately because they keep coming to me to try and get work
14:10.37[TK]D-Fenderoej: So what they're really doing is "marketing to agile (bleeding-edge) users"!
14:10.57oejI can't agree with what you're saying about Digium.
14:11.09oejThere's more and more services and software, look at Switchvox.
14:11.22*** part/#asterisk leifmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
14:11.27oejAnd they're investing heavily in Asterisk
14:13.00[TK]D-Fenderoej: Yes, Switchvox also uses * and lets them sell servers & cards... all around their software :)
14:13.53[TK]D-Fenderoej: GUI users often don't know or care so much about whats underneath since the GUI tells them what they can and can't do.
14:14.21[TK]D-Fenderoej: "I don't wannt code, why can't I mjust make it do XYZ?!"
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14:18.31[TK]D-Fenderoej: IIRC Switchvox systems lock you out of just about everything else on the box.
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14:18.59oejI see that you have a lot of opinions... :-)
14:19.20oejI still don't think that Digium is only targeting the hardware market
14:19.32[TK]D-Fenderoej: Yup.. everybody is entitled to my own opinion ;)
14:19.41oejhe he
14:20.15[TK]D-Fenderoej: Consider how much the ABE division factors into their net profits.
14:21.20[TK]D-Fenderoej: They do seem to be a common OSS business model.  Giving away free milk to sell milk pitchers.
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14:21.45oejAnd I earn money on selling their free milk :-)
14:23.15rjune_isn't it more you earn money delivering their free milk?
14:23.44[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: I'd say more like for "pasteurizing" ;)
14:26.17rjune_I'm having voicemail issues, I have them configured, but nothing happens. I *THINK* it's voicemail has not been setup.
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14:28.34[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: pastebin your voicemail.conf
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14:31.24[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: .... AND the files it INCLUDES..
14:32.22[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: nvm.. whats that [] before your actual entry?  that KILLS [default]
14:32.36[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: Which is the origin of your failure
14:33.00rjune_I pasted them all. :-)
14:33.06rjune_thanks, I'll check into that
14:33.22[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: Took me a second to notice the order was reversed
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14:35.47rjune_iusing freepbx, if I putdefault into the voicemail context, it generates [], otherwise, it generates the proper context
14:38.53rjune_what does [] actually indicate?
14:39.07[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: another vm context
14:39.18[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: If you actually put something in it.
14:40.07rjune_voicmeail.conf is where all of that is located, correct?
14:40.41[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: Normally.  As you see with FreePBX, they try to break it into separate files and "include" them
14:41.05rjune_which is fine, I'm just trying to understand why what was done got done
14:41.16rjune_and #freepbx is silent
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14:42.10rjune_but when I change the config file, it works properly
14:42.59[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: Feel free to complain to them :)
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14:47.27rjune_[TK]D-Fender, You make it sound futiel
14:47.30rjune_futile even
14:48.32[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: Well pretty much the rest of FreePBX users don't seem to have your problem so I'll give a fair bet that you've done something wrong with it
14:48.56rjune_I'm quite sure I have.
14:49.05rjune_don't know how it happened, but at least I know how to fix it
14:49.13rjune_I removed [] manually, and presto chango, it works
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14:52.55Yurikokay, not meda attributes..
14:53.09Yurikcan I change headers without hacking? I need to add Subject:
14:53.40l2trace99does anyone have issues with calls created via an originate not showing up in the logs ?
14:54.12[TK]D-FenderYurik: "core show functions like SIP" <-
14:55.00YurikSet(SIP_HEADER()=..) is supposed to work, I guess?
14:56.58[TK]D-FenderYurik: Function is there for a reason...
14:57.23*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
14:58.47l2trace99or even when where is just a hi volume of calls not hitting the logs
14:58.48YurikContrary to previously claimed,SIP_HEADER is read-only.
14:58.49YurikThis example does "not" work!
14:59.18Yurikhere we go
14:59.19[TK]D-FenderYurik: Show me a complete attempt
14:59.34[TK]D-FenderYurik: Yup, that app too
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15:06.03Yuriksigh, playing with custom blackbox sip proxy is exhausting
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15:13.25YurikI will dream about 400 Bad SDP -- unsupported payload type tonight
15:13.30Yurikerr, this morning
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15:30.13leifmadsenoej: quick question -- are 'urgent' messages kept in an 'urgent' folder? (i.e. I get their count with ${VMCOUNT(urgent@context)}
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15:34.18rjune_How do I assign an extension to dial an external number such as a cell  phone?
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15:41.17leifmadsenrjune_: exten => 9999,1,Dial(SIP/myProvider/18002223334)
15:41.31infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:42.08rjune_I have it, haven't read it all the way.
15:42.17leifmadsenyou need to read about dialplans
15:42.47leifmadsenyour question was one of the most basic of functionalities in the dialplan
15:44.08[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: And he has to get his ass out of GUI-Land :)
15:44.25leifmadsenthere is nothing wrong with GUI land
15:44.27leifmadsenthey have their place
15:44.53leifmadsenhowever, the dialplan is ridiculously more powerful without the GUI :)
15:45.07*** join/#asterisk kaptengu (n=kaptengu@unaffiliated/kaptengu)
15:45.16[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Yes, I believe Dante describe their circle in Hell as being just below that of the one reserved for child molesterers and people who talk in theaters ;)
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16:49.51leifmadsenfarkus: you need to fix your IRC client
16:49.55leifmadsenfarkus: or network connection
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17:00.27srf21cI'm looking for some inexpensive DID and custom toll free number termination on a pay as you go basis.  So far I've identified Vitelity and Teliax as front runners.
17:00.45srf21cTeliax has DIDs for $5/mo.  Vitelity $1.50/mo.
17:00.46ManxPowersrf21c: Those would be my picks
17:01.00srf21cVitelity seems to have lower in and outbound rates as well.
17:01.18srf21cManxPower: ok, thx.  Hopefully I'm on the right track then.
17:01.44srf21cI did check out, but they have a $10/mo minimum.
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17:02.52srf21cVitelity however has a $35 minimun, whereas $10 gets you "in the door" at Teliax.
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17:12.50oejleifmadsen: Sorry, was out in the garden
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17:45.39FSB_1Anyone who knows how to reset Cisco ATA 188 if you don't hear the IVR-prompt?
17:46.35tzafrir_laptopthere are simple ways to do that. But do you want to it to still be functional afterwards?
17:47.22tzafrir_laptopI guess that application of the hammer method will not do, then
17:47.29FSB_1Probably not
17:48.08mattbUKAnyone on here use voiptalk and can tell me what IP ranges their IAX2 service operates on  - their website doesn't seem to say and I want to add rules to my firewall
17:48.10tzafrir_laptopdo you get a web interface?
17:48.24tzafrir_laptopthat was for FSB_1
17:48.34FSB_1tzafrir_laptop: Yup, locked down though.
17:49.23*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
17:49.49mattbUKDoes anyone here use a UK IAX2 service that allows connections over openVPN or similar?
17:49.51tzafrir_laptopsuspecst farkus isn't really here
17:50.13tzafrir_laptopwhy would you need openvpn with iax2?
17:50.27tzafrir_laptopare there places that block it?
17:51.04ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: Maybe his conversations are so important that someone would spend the required time to eavesdrop
17:51.32mattbUKtzafrir_laptop: as ManxPower says
17:51.57tzafrir_laptopthere's actually encrypted iax2. Not sure if it leaves the call setup unencrypted
17:52.14ManxPowermattbUK: Use burner cell phones, it's much easier and cheaper
17:52.41ManxPowertzafrir_laptop: I don't think I'd trust any encryption Digium wrote 8-|
17:52.49mattbUKtzafrir_laptop: I was looking at that just now - I couldn't decide if it was up to the task
17:53.01tzafrir_laptopManxPower, it's an IETF standard
17:53.31tzafrir_laptop(which, IIRC, originally differed slightly from what was implemented in Asterisk...)
17:53.39ManxPowertzafrir_laptop:  Look at the history of security bugs in Asterisk
17:53.46mattbUKManxPower: we're looking (prototype) outbound payment collection calls so ideally needed to IVR it but I'm not convinced asterisk is properly up to the job)
17:54.08leifmadsenoej: no problem
17:54.50tzafrir_laptopbtw: which other programs implement IAX2 encryption? IAX2 rsa key authentication?
17:55.22mattbUKManxPower: the history is exactly the reason I'm a bit reluctant - but if it were VPN'd and the firewall locked down to a specific inbound service provider IP range I would be (slightly) more confident that we're not wasting out time even looking at this
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17:59.14ManxPowermattbUK: if you are trying to encrypt collection calls you are already wasting your time.
18:00.00ManxPowerPeople worry so much about VoIP security and then totally ignore the box outside the building where anyone could tap into the lines.
18:00.33ManxPower("the lines" == traditional telephony lines)
18:00.48coppicenobody worries about VoIP security. that's why TLS for SIP and SRTP have taken so long to start moving
18:01.01ManxPowercoppice: nobody but mattbUK 8-)
18:02.02mattbUKManxPower: very true, but the payment card industry requires we have to at least make sure our gear is secure - to be honest I wish we'd never even got started looking into this - it's a total waste of resource and we should just out source it to someone who knows better - but management is management
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18:03.29jqlmeh, PCI compliance
18:04.05drmessanoWe're not even ISA compliant
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18:05.36srf21cthese guys offer encrypted voip termination
18:06.02srf21cmattbUK: maybe you could outsource it to them.
18:06.17mattbUKsrf21c: cheers I'll take a look
18:06.35srf21cI believe they are using OpenVPN and IPSec to secure the calls.
18:06.43srf21cnot IAX.  If that matters.
18:07.22mattbUKsrd21c: that's all good - thanks for digging them up
18:08.42srf21cmattbUK: np, hope it helps.
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18:11.30srf21cbtw, anyone here happen to know what the three most popular asterisk/voip web forums are?  I'm new to the scene trying to find out where the action is.
18:12.13srf21cThis channel is a nice resource, but I'm also looking for a less ephemeral source of asterisk info.
18:13.04KyleKasterisk-users mailing list?
18:13.09infobot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
18:13.21jqlvoip-info wiki, digium forums, asteriskguru
18:13.46KyleKasking for top three just sounds like we're helping you write a blog post
18:14.07jqlat least offer attribution in your post. :)
18:14.17srf21cKyleK: thanks, not a big fan of the mailing format myself, much prefer web forums
18:14.31srf21cjql: thanks
18:14.44leifmadsenI hate web forums
18:14.58srf21cleifmadsen: why is that?
18:15.00*** part/#asterisk mattbUK (
18:15.07leifmadsenso little control of what I'm seeing, and web forums are SLOW
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18:17.10jayteenotfarkus_ is now known as notfarkus
18:18.21KyleKsrf21c: If the mailing lists are more read than the web forums (if there is any) you may just have to suck it up :)
18:18.50srf21cKyleK: ok, well I did ask what was most popular, and if the mailing lists are, then so be it.
18:19.01leifmadsenya, the web forums are barely read at all -- and even more rarely by people who actually know something
18:19.14srf21cleifmadsen: good to know, thanks.
18:19.29leifmadsenasterisk-users is pretty much the defacto location for help
18:20.43KyleKI probably should subscribe to it
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18:21.35srf21con another topic, does anybody have experience with voxalot?
18:22.49srf21cI'm researching methods for having an asterisk server automatically select a free or least cost route for outgoing calls.
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18:23.43carrarthats a fun task
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18:24.55carrarsrf21c, writting that will sharpen your programing and dba skills
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18:25.48carrarassuming they aren't already sharp!
18:26.16lirakishey d/
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18:26.41lirakishey guys
18:26.49lirakisive setup asteris realtime for peers
18:26.54lirakisand it looks like its loaded
18:26.59lirakisbut when i do sip show peers
18:27.05lirakisit doesnt show the peer i have in my database
18:27.34lirakiswhen i do a reload, i see "Binding sippeers to mysql/asterisk/sip"
18:28.17lirakisdo i have to do some thing to make extconfig understand that it is sip peer stuff? or does asterisk figure that out automatically from the table?
18:28.28srf21ccarrar: Aye, sounds like I might be biting off more than I can chew, so to speak.
18:28.28carrarenable realtime caching in sip.conf?
18:28.52lirakiscarrar i didnt do that ...
18:29.08carrarsrf21c, if you aren't biting off more, then you're nor learning!
18:29.21carrarlirakis, enable it
18:29.56carrarI'm speaking to 2 poeple
18:30.01carrarcommon in here
18:30.15srf21chah, sorry, missed the username.
18:30.38lirakiscarrar: is there only a rtcachefriends or is there are rtcachepeers as well?
18:30.45srf21cdidn't see the colon after the name
18:31.30lirakiscarrar: hmm so it has to be of type friend
18:31.37carrarjsut add it
18:31.48carrarthen ask questions
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18:33.03lirakiscarrar: i added it and did a reload - i still dont see my peer
18:33.18carrarwhere did you add it
18:33.37carrarI don't see it
18:34.22lirakiscarrar: in the general section of my sip.conf
18:34.53carrarand you're peers re-resgistered?
18:35.05lirakisits not a registering peer - it is static
18:35.47carrarsip prune realtime PEERNAME
18:35.51carrarsip show peer PEERNAME load
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18:47.08CrazyTux[m]Hey guys; is there a command in asterisk to only show the "current active channels / active calls" and not each individual channel being listed? i.e. "core show channels"
18:48.00greyAnyone using Link2VoIP with Asterisk? I want to setup a system so that my family can make calls to Zambia for fairly cheap, and according to l2v's rates here  it would be a good price,
18:48.04carrarparse it out
18:48.18greybut the minimum payment they allow is $50USD, which kind of sucks,
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18:51.32Maliutagrey: you looked at pennytel (
18:52.06Maliutagrey: not sure if zambia is on the $0.08AU untimed list ... but it's a good bet
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19:00.05greyMaliuta: I'll take a look, Thanks
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19:05.42greyMaliuta: where the heck can I get an actual list of countries their plan lets me call to?
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19:06.40greyMaliuta: ah found it, and it does look good, Thanks very much for the pointer :)
19:07.50Maliutagrey: it's not the $0.08 untimed I get to canadia,us,uk ....
19:08.00Maliutagrey: remember the prices are $AU
19:08.14Maliutawhich if you're in the US makes them cheaper
19:09.18greywell, I'm in Canada
19:09.36greybut I think I can figure it out from here
19:11.13Maliutastill cheaper
19:11.34carrarWhy not set your family up with sip devices
19:11.42carrarthen it's FREE
19:11.46Maliutamy 'rents are in Ft MacMurray (AB) ... they make a killing transferrring monies home
19:12.17Maliutacarrar: I think the point is they want to call PSTN numbers in zambia
19:12.42Maliutacarrar: and it's not "free", it still costs bandwidth
19:13.05carrarI consider bw a necessity
19:13.09carrarso calls are free!
19:13.57Maliutayeah, go somewhere that bw is charged at stupid rates (like Telstra do here)
19:14.06greyI have no one technical over there who could set up a sip phone anyways,
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19:14.49MaliutaI have similar issues in .ca ... if I had been able to get my hands on the right router it wouldn't have been an issue
19:14.50greyso yes, calling PSTN is the best bet, and it's only got to be setup for about a month anyways
19:15.25Maliutahmm, should call mum before I go to beds
19:16.03carrarSounds like you only have 1 choice
19:16.08carrareveryone is going to have to move
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19:25.38srf21cI'm having problem with a Snom SIP IP phone dropping into "Unreachable" SIP peer status.   Asterisk server is a colo box, IP phone is at home behind a firewall running PAT.
19:26.04srf21cIf I force the phone to reregister, that will temporarily "solve" the problem.
19:26.29srf21cWhat I'm thinking about doing is setting up another asterisk server on my home LAN, then using IAX to trunk to my colo asterisk server.
19:26.48Maliutasounds like something on the firewall is screwey ... but you provide no evidence
19:26.59srf21cRunning pf on OpenBSD 4.4
19:27.11srf21cas well as the colo box.
19:27.14Maliutagoes for cigarmarette before calling 'rents over his working SIP
19:27.38srf21cI was getting some blocked udp packets from IP phone to colo'd ast* server.
19:28.02srf21cBut opening up inbound udp ports above 8000 on asterisk server seems to solve that.
19:29.14drmessanoDid you open ANY ports for RTP prior?
19:30.16srf21coh yeah.
19:30.28srf21cI opened everything above 10000
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19:30.43srf21cbut apparently the Snom was trying to hit the server with upd in the 8000 range.
19:30.44drmessanoDid you match whats defined in rtp.conf?
19:31.04srf21chaven't even looked at my rtp.conf yet, hold on and I'll check.
19:31.05drmessanoThe SNOM is only going to hit whats negotiated
19:31.58srf21cHmph.   I don't even have an rtp.conf file in /etc/asterisk.
19:32.06drmessanoum yeah
19:32.13infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:32.17drmessanoThat may help
19:32.30srf21cdrmessano: gracias.
19:33.08*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
19:33.10srf21cYou wouldn't happen to know what ast* 1.4 defaults to for udp ports, would you?
19:34.27srf21cBtw, case #9 in the 2nd link you send me, sez it's solved with nat=yes and qualify=yes in sip.conf,  Which is what I have configured.
19:34.44drmessanoudp is a transport.. youre asking about about specific protocols
19:34.54drmessanoDefine SOMETHING in rtp.conf
19:34.58drmessano10000 to 20000 perhaps
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19:36.20srf21cgot.  Btw rtp.conf sez that default range is ; Defaults are rtpstart=5000 and rtpend=31000
19:36.21lirakishey guys - sorry my computer totally froze before
19:36.41srf21cI think I'll reign it in to 10000-200000
19:36.52drmessanoDefault is 10000 to 20000.. You dont need 20000 ports
19:37.00drmessanoAsterisk ONLY uses what you DEFINE
19:37.08lirakisso ... ive got realtime peers setup, mysql realtime status shows it is connected and i have realtime caching enabled in sip.conf
19:37.11FSB_1lirakis: TOTALLY?
19:37.13lirakiswhen i do sip show peers
19:37.13drmessanoThere is no WRONG answer unless you run out of ports
19:37.14FSB_1Like ice?
19:37.34drmessanoYou are telling Asterisk what ports it is allowed to use
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19:37.38lirakisFSB_1: yeah like my cpu overheated and just stopped processing anything
19:37.39srf21cer, I don't believe the statement that "Asterisk ONLY uses what you DEFINE"  is entirely correct
19:37.45drmessanoYes, it is
19:37.56lirakisany how ... sip show peers  it does not show the peer i have defined in the mysql table
19:37.59drmessanoThats why you SET it
19:38.05srf21cBecause it has been using rtp ports on it's own, without any /etc/asterisk/rtp.conf file present.
19:38.33srf21cfurthermore, the example rtp.conf file itself states that the default range is rtpstart=5000 and rtpend=31000
19:39.05srf21cI can understand why it would be beneficial to define a range.
19:39.22drmessanoIf you define NOTHING, then YES, it will use some internal default.. But when it comes to what SHOULD I DEFINE, the answer is ASTERISK ONLY USES WHAT YOU DEFINE and therefore there is NO WRONG ANSWER..
19:39.48srf21chey, no need to shout, I hear ya screaming.  ;)
19:40.17drmessanoNo need to nitpick through something when someone is trying to help you with something..
19:40.29srf21cI appreciate the help.
19:40.40srf21cJust striving for accuracy, that's all.
19:40.52srf21ccomplete understanding.
19:41.08lirakisso - is there anything i need to do to "map" the extconfig binding to sip peers ? or is it automatically figured out by the fields in the table?
19:41.19srf21cSo I'm curious how small I can shrink that rtp range down to.
19:41.28srf21ca hundred ports maybe?
19:41.31drmessano2 ports per call
19:41.39MaliutaI use 10 ports
19:41.40drmessanoSo work out how many calls you plan concurrently
19:41.48Maliutadon't expect that many concurrent calls here
19:42.00KyleKcalls Maliuta 6 times in a row
19:42.06srf21cdrmessano: no more than 5 calls at a time.
19:42.12KyleKsurround sound voicemail ;)
19:42.16drmessanoThat would be 10.. make it 20
19:42.31MaliutaKyleK: I think your host is on the firewall blacklist ;P
19:42.35KyleKactually tbat'd be pretty neat
19:42.38drmessanoThat way you can be lazy and forget about only having 10 ports open
19:43.23MaliutaI even only allow SIP/RTP from the hosts at my VTSP's
19:43.40srf21cis is possible to have asterisk load the rtp.conf file from the asterisk console?
19:43.45greyWhat kind of pattern would I use, to match any numeric number dialed that doesn't start with a *?
19:43.52drmessanoMaliuta: Just because youre paranoid doesnt mean we're not out to get you
19:43.56greysomething like [0-9]+ in perl
19:44.14drmessanosrf21c: asterisk -rx reload from the cli
19:44.15Maliutadrmessano: I'm aware everone is out to get me, I have the logs to prove it
19:44.34Maliutadrmessano: they can't get past my tin foil hat though ;P
19:44.36leifmadsengrey: uhhh..... _X. ?
19:44.48greythat's probably it
19:44.56leifmadsenjust don't match for *....
19:45.13greyI'm reading the asterisk docs and stuff, but am still pretty out of touch with everything it...
19:45.22srf21cMaliuta: are you running encryption between your IP handsets and your asterisk server?  That's next on my todo list.
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19:45.46drmessanoYoure gonna use app_unicorn?
19:45.51Juggiehmmm [TK]D-Fender, you there?
19:46.22Maliutasrf21c: not sure my cisco can handle the encryption ... in anycase being on the same LAN segment makes it bit of a waste of effort
19:47.01[TK]D-FenderJuggie: Just got in
19:48.35Juggie[TK]D-Fender, anything special i have to do to get cdr userfield to work? i have it enabled in cdr_mysql.conf and i'm doing a set(CDR(userfield)=blah)
19:48.59Juggiebut its not making it into the Master.csv or mysql and yes userfield=1 is set in the mysql config
19:49.15[TK]D-FenderJuggie: Never played with that...
19:49.30Maliutaright, bed for me
19:49.50seanbrightJuggie: what version of asterisk?
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19:53.46lirakiswtf doest atfot mention switch => Realtime/@extensions
19:54.00leifmadsenlirakis: because we didn't do a lot of realtime stuff?
19:54.12leifmadsenlirakis: because it's not "Asterisk: The Definitive Guide"?
19:54.37leifmadsenisn't laughing.
19:54.37seanbrightcuz leifmadsen is the freakin' man, maybe?
19:54.44leifmadsenseanbright: well fuckin' duh
19:54.55[TK]D-Fenderlirakis: more like "OMG my highschool physics book doesn't ahve advanced string theory?!?! WHAT A RIP-OFF!!!!!"
19:55.25Juggieseanbright, 1.4
19:55.43lirakisleifmadsen: i know, but it does go through a basic setup - its just incomplete. broken examples arent fun for the reader, just like ungrateful annoying readers are annoying for you
19:56.14leifmadsenlirakis: you're always welcome to file an errata
19:56.40lirakisleifmadsen: thanks for the work on the book  though - its a great reference.  i will put in errata req.  is there another edition in planning/works?
19:56.48seanbrightJuggie: pastebin your cdr_mysql.conf
19:56.51leifmadsenlirakis: in planning, yes
19:56.56seanbrightJuggie: unless you want to figure it out yourself
19:57.04leifmadsenlirakis: needs a major rewrite though, so will be about a year from now
19:57.13seanbrightleifmadsen: want some help?
19:57.19Juggieseanbright, ok but its pretty simple.
19:57.20seanbrighti'll except wads of cash, of course.
19:57.35leifmadsenseanbright: perhaps! First thing I want to do is figure out a good outline
19:57.38seanbrightJuggie: you can paste to PM if you want
19:57.52leifmadsenone of these days I'll setup a conference call, and anyone who wants to participate can
19:58.02lirakisargh.  i still cant get my dynamic realtime peer to show up in sip show peers
19:58.20Juggienot much to see really, it works fine i've setup mysql a 100 times
19:58.24Juggiejust not writing the user field
19:58.26leifmadsenlirakis: it doesn't show up until it is used
19:58.32leifmadsenlirakis: and only when it is cached
19:58.37leifmadsenlirakis: it won't just "show up"
19:58.44leifmadsenthere is no pre-caching in asterisk realtime
19:58.45seanbrightJuggie: yeah, that looks good.
19:58.47lirakisleifmadsen: okay - even if its static and not a registering host
19:58.53leifmadsenlirakis: yes
19:59.05leifmadsenand it won't ever show up without caching
19:59.14lirakisleifmadsen: great thanks. i do have caching setup
19:59.27seanbrightJuggie: asterisk 1.4 svn?  or a release?
20:00.03*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
20:00.13Juggielatest release
20:00.21Juggiethe dialplan looks like this when executing: Set("DAHDI/1-1", "CDR(userfield)=type=rentalproductpickup#facility=324#distributor=uhs#po=#machine=0#status=hungup") in new stack
20:00.28Juggienot sure maybe my formatting messed it up
20:00.41srf21cok cool, have the new rtp port range setup.  Hopefully this will solve my unreachable sip extension issue.
20:01.06seanbrightJuggie: what does the Set look like in extensions.conf?
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20:01.31seanbrightnevermind, misread you.
20:01.38seanbrighthow big is the userfield column in your table?
20:01.50Juggiebig enough
20:01.55Juggiemysql would trunecate it
20:02.02Juggiebut its 100% empty
20:02.06Juggieits also empty in Master.csv
20:02.11Juggieand its enabled in cdr.conf
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20:03.45Juggieseanbright, here is what the DP says, i'm nooping it back out and it looks ok.
20:04.35seanbrightJuggie: pb cdr.conf por favor?
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20:10.11lirakisthanks leif, ill have to mess around more at home later
20:12.11seanbrightJuggie: that is weird.
20:12.22seanbrightthat is my technical assessment.
20:12.39Juggiegreat, i dont think i can tell that to my client :)
20:12.40seanbrighti would test a very simple dialplan
20:12.49seanbrightanswer(), set userfield, hangup()
20:13.31Juggiei will try a restart
20:13.38Juggiesince i compiled cdr_Addon and loaded it in
20:14.33seanbrightwell, cdr_csv should still work.
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20:17.00Juggieseanbright, alas it does not
20:17.12Juggieit has "" in place of the user field
20:17.13Juggiequite odd eh
20:18.03Juggieit may possibly be because of the action:originate i suppose
20:19.15seanbrightdon't want to try the simple test dialplan idea?
20:21.13Juggiewell i dont know the # to dial into the system to be honest
20:21.20Juggieall the calls are originated
20:21.26Juggie(using ami)
20:21.38Juggiei changed the set to set(CDR(userfield)=test)
20:21.43Juggieso we'll see if it makes any difference
20:22.22Juggiejust have to wait for a call to happen now
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20:26.22The_TiKi am trying to get an agi-script to call a number, right now, i call in, it executes the script but i get a congestion error.. any ideas?
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20:27.52SparFuxHello all. I wan tto connect a sip client to my asterisk and it is set up and can be pinged. I installed the authentication stuff and used host=<ip> annd asterisk shows me Zyxel1/Zyxel1                  5062     UNREACHABLE  Why is it unreachable, I can ping it! ?
20:28.28The_TiKthe script just has print exec dial iax2
20:30.04SparFuxAnd there is no firewall issue.
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20:30.55SparFuxI use this configuration in sip.conf:
20:31.34seanbrightThe_TiK: pastebin your script
20:31.37infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
20:31.56seanbrightbut someone else will have to look at it since i am about to shower
20:32.00The_TiKits just the one line
20:32.23The_TiKprint "EXEC DIAL IAX2/user@service/111111111\n"
20:34.08The_TiKit works if I set the dial line in the extensions.conf...but doesn't work when i doing it through the script
20:36.01Juggieseanbright: ping
20:36.29Juggiew/ Set(CDR(userfield)=test) it still logs nothing..
20:37.13Juggiewait a minute
20:37.17Juggieits not generating a cdr at all
20:37.36Juggieits only generating a CDR for one side of the originate
20:37.38Juggienot both
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20:39.30Simon-for some reason I'm getting extremely long delays in Playback of a gsm file with, but only with IAX2... is a recording of it playing you-have-these-options
20:39.34Yurikanybody know a voice changer for asterisk except ?
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20:55.16seanbrightThe_TiK: just that one line?  that's not even an executable under linux...
20:59.09The_TiKits perl
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21:03.19seanbrightThe_TiK: i just put that one line in a file, chmod 755 file, and ./file and got an error
21:03.31seanbrightso do me a favor
21:03.35seanbrightpastebin your script
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21:07.30The_TiKi also put the asterisk output
21:08.40seanbrightprint "EXEC DIAL IAX2/user\@service/111111111\n"
21:08.57seanbrightor \@outbound
21:09.05seanbrightor whatever your actual script is since you refuse to pastebin it
21:09.41seanbright(the relavent addition is the \ in front of the @)
21:09.59The_TiKi did pastbin it...thats all i  have in the the #!/usr/bin/perl and the print line
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21:10.31seanbrightfarkus_: you're KILLING me
21:11.15seanbrightThe_TiK: have you added the \ and tested?
21:11.25The_TiKheh, thanks seanbright, i don't know why i was overlooking escaping the @ sign
21:11.33The_TiKyeah, it works, ty
21:12.35srf21cso the rtp.conf changes did not solve my intermittment sip peer unreachable problem. :(
21:13.06srf21cSnom 370 still waffles back and forth betwixt OK status and unreachable.
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21:34.56xphreeHello, anyone can help me with a problem in a2billing?
21:35.05xphreeor there is a support channel about a2billing?
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21:50.39[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: jsut do it against that specific host.  Odds are its dynamic and his resetting it  might correct the problem AND let him back in.
21:51.23leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: he can just change his name when he gets back
21:51.39[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Except he needs to be ID'd for the chan to let him in
21:51.51leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: if you know how to do it better, go nuts
21:52.02leifmadsenyou have ops access
21:52.20[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: True, but I reserve them for real trouble-makers :)
21:52.34[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: With great power comes.... awesomeness ;)
21:52.37leifmadsenhe can register farkas2 or something
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22:58.44rjune_I'm trying to get all page working with some polycom phones. I'm not sure what feature I need to look for in the manual
22:59.07rjune_I have the all page working, but the phones don't all pickup automatically
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23:16.15sprite--Does anyone have a good query for matching a number to most specific prefix for rates?
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23:36.00clickevening - i've got asterisk- with asterisk-gui (SVN-branch-2.0-r4809) installed, though creation of users doesn't seem to be accepted, ie. new extensions are placed in users.conf as it should but when trying to log in the user, it doesn't accept it (not logging him/her in) - what is the proper method to get asterisk to use users.conf for new users and creating extensions? (i might be doing something wrong here, obviously) :)
23:36.38click(and yes, the user is made through the gui)
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23:55.04ectospasmclick: what type of users are you adding?  SIP, IAX, analog, etc?  If you add them in AsteriskGUI, do they show up in "sip show peers" or whatever?
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23:59.52clickectospasm: sip, and not showing when doing sip show peers

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