IRC log for #asterisk on 20090529

00:00.10*** part/#asterisk danielqb2 (n=danielqb@
00:04.05*** join/#asterisk ctp (
00:05.41kn0xmy client needs capacity for 12 channels origination... any suggestions for SIP trunking?
00:05.52kn0xI was looking into SIP
00:06.00kn0xtrunking from
00:06.23leifmadsenkn0x: I've used, they are ok
00:06.43kn0xleifmadsen: do they offer inbound-only channels, and how much/ channel?
00:06.45pauliuskn0x: I fell in love with
00:06.53kn0xpaulius: are the reliable>?
00:07.01leifmadsenkn0x: I have no idea. I just implemented them, I didn't deal with them directly.
00:07.09pauliuskn0x: So far, oh yes. And they have two different tiers.
00:07.25pauliusAnd they actually have multiple SIP locations which I found great for latency.
00:07.38pauliusThey don't look like a fly by night company like most SIP trunk providers do.
00:08.20kn0xyeah thats what im affraid of
00:08.42kn0xif i port the clients phone number that they have for 25 years and leave it in the hands of some fucktards
00:08.43pauliusApparently they've been doing vo-ip since 2004 and they actually have offices, lol.
00:08.56kn0xyeah i l;ike the fact they have an address
00:09.00pauliusAND their website doesn't look like some spyware site template taken from templatemonster.
00:10.43pauliusI think their DIDs aren't too bad. Usually a few bucks per month for just the DID. And $5 for 2 channel unlimited.
00:10.56kn0xpaulius: they dont seem to offer inbound trunking tho... just 2channel or per-minute billling
00:11.05kn0xi need at least 10 channels
00:11.18pauliusEmail their sales?
00:11.28pauliusI'm sure they're more than willing to work with you if you're actually interested.
00:11.43pauliusMore $$$ = people usually willing to work
00:12.14*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (
00:12.59kn0xthats the problem, client is a jew... i would reccommend vitelity's virtual pri
00:13.06kn0xbut they dont like $20/channel
00:13.45pauliusWell if it's $5 for 2 channels, maybe they'll give it at 5 or less per channel.
00:14.11pauliusAnd that's quite a not nice prejudice that you said.
00:18.07*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
00:39.49KyleKhehe I love south park
00:40.32*** join/#asterisk jbjapan (
00:44.57KyleKUnlimited channels DID numbers from $0.99 per month <-- wouldn't that be more than 10 incoming calls?
00:46.12*** join/#asterisk Shinu (n=goodbyef@unaffiliated/shinu)
00:48.39KyleKwhats meant by "premium tier-1" for calling people?
00:49.41dshapkn0x: is a crazy-good deal, i just signed up for their services and have been using them to test my Asterisk box
00:50.12dshapkn0x: unfortunately for me they don't support a particular feature that I need and i've searched far and wide (well, not really) and have only found to support the feature that i need
00:50.21dshapbut wants $30 PER CHANNEL for unlimited
00:50.33dshapor $17.50 PER CHANNEL + metered rate
00:50.52dshapi really don't get how can offer $1 per DID + metered rate and give you UNLIMITED channels
00:50.54dshapbut they say they can
00:50.57KyleKILEC voip?
00:51.42KyleKa high price like that sounds like its a voip company ran by an incombent carrier somewhere
00:52.18dshapwell i can say that i'm a huge n00b with this stuff and have consequently had to deal with's support over the past couple days
00:52.20dshapand they are great, how ironic
00:52.41dshapfor the tiny amount of money i've given them, they've given me a great deal of attention and decent support
00:52.49dshapbut i can't stay with them
00:52.54*** join/#asterisk wwalker (
00:53.15wwalkeris there a debug option that will show me when asterisk sees DTMF?
00:54.14pauliusdshap: I've seen waaaaaay cheaper pricing man.
00:54.27dshappaulius: cheaper than is quite expensive compared to the other providers.
00:54.41dshappaulius: they have a 6-second billing increment on $0.01 per minute
00:54.45pauliusBut at least they have a decent website and are reliable.
00:54.53pauliusdshap: Try 0.003 per minute.
00:55.06pauliusthey're not hard to find
00:55.22pauliusI saw tons of them when trying to find a provider. But I wouldn't recommend using those.
00:55.26dshapi am going to send e-mails to every VOIP provider I can find until i find an affordable one that offers the feature i need
00:55.38dshapyea honestly i thought prices were a steal
00:55.46dshapi would be glad to pay them for a long time
00:55.53pauliusThey're great for the quality that you get.
00:55.59pauliusI won't switch providers for a long while now.
00:56.18KyleKdshap: what are you using rdnis for?
00:56.55dshapKyleK: haha some people in here such as drmessano are going to get annoyed by me vaguely explaining this again...
00:57.01dshapbut okay
00:57.14dshapi essentially want to duplicate a service that i currently use
00:57.29dshapthey serve as an alternative to your major mobile carrier voicemail (i.e. AT&T voicemail)
00:57.39dshapyou set your phone to forward missed calls to their PBX
00:57.40*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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00:58.00dshapwhen people call you and you don't pick up, it goes to them and they are able to determine both who is calling AND which mailbox to deliver to (i.e. rdnis)
00:58.12dshapi would think that many more people would need this feature
00:58.13dshapbut i guess not
00:58.18paulius*caugh* Cisco CallManager had that for years *caugh*
00:58.31dshapstill has to use RDNIS doesn't pass the CID of the forwarding phone in the SIP headers claims they do
00:59.13dshapbut they charge more than i can afford right now
00:59.16dshaphence i will continue to search
00:59.16pauliusAnd their support said they can't do it?
00:59.17KyleKhuh, what are you going to use for transcriptioning of the messages?
00:59.18dshapand chat
00:59.36dshappaulius: yes, they flat out told me that they do not support it
00:59.48KyleKdshap: how many people are you planning on doing this for? if its less than 30 just get 30 dids ;)
00:59.58drmessanoWhat does CCM supporting a feature have to do with a provider not supporting it?
01:00.25pauliusdrmessano: Just trying to irritate you... As usual :-P
01:00.28dshapKyleK: you're probably going to laugh just like everyone else did, but i actually have something else in mind.
01:00.43pauliusdshap: Microsoft Bob?
01:00.45dshapit's kind of thing that i'll want to send invites to everyone on my facebook list to test it out
01:00.51dshap~500 people or so
01:01.19*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
01:01.25drmessanopaulius: You're not clever enough to irritate me.  It takes someone truly gifted to get to that point.  But I admire your false sense of self worth.
01:01.27dshapi just need 1 DID with multiple channels and with RDNIS
01:01.41dshapi don't know any other way of doing it other than getting DIDs for every user which is too complicate
01:01.54KyleKso whats the idea everyones laughed at?
01:02.46dshapit's more the fact that i'd rather not share my specific/full-detailed idea in a public place at this point
01:03.14dshapand i understand the fact that i'm new to all of this and maybe if i told you guys everything about it you could come up with some other way that i'm not thinking about to implement it
01:03.34dshapbut it will definitely involve doing what Youmail does
01:03.39dshapand for that i need RDNIS
01:03.44dshapmy first obstacle
01:03.47pauliusIt's a good idea. Google Voice has that, I think, but it's a very limited beta/invite system.
01:04.02dshapGoogle Voice gives you a DID
01:04.13dshapand is way more complicated than what i plan to do
01:04.26KyleKwell google could pay $30 for a DID with RDNIS
01:04.32KyleKbut thats besides the point
01:05.05dshapi just wish there was some setting on my phone that would change the call forwarding CID
01:05.11dshapbut that would be too simple
01:05.35KyleKbbiab dinner time
01:05.36dshapPOTS lines cost a lot, don't they?
01:05.48KyleKyou'd need like isdn or something
01:05.53pauliuswhich is why vo-ip is such a big deal lol
01:06.07dshapi know if i got a PRI i could use RDNIS
01:06.27dshapbut's whole story is that they provide you with everything a PRI does and more, for cheaper
01:06.32KyleKso how many places have you emailed yet?
01:06.32dshapso that's out of the question
01:06.39dshapabout 12
01:06.44dshapthere are probably a lot more huh
01:06.58dshapthere ARE a lot of sketchy ones though
01:07.19*** join/#asterisk leif[mobile] (n=leifmads@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
01:07.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o leif[mobile]] by ChanServ
01:07.32KyleKdshap: I'm interested in the voice to text stuff
01:07.38dshaptotally unrelated to my idea
01:07.42dshapbut yes it is interesting
01:07.45dshapi sent one to vitelity
01:07.51dshapstill waiting on respone
01:08.02dshapnot les
01:08.06dshapi do remember hearing about them
01:08.12dshapwill add it to my e-mail list
01:08.26dshapi'm basically copying/pasting a "prospective customer" e-mail and changing the company name lol
01:09.57*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@ charges $10 per month for each additional channel
01:10.56dshapstill a steal compared to
01:11.05dshapand i have heard they are reliable even though their website sucks
01:11.07*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:11.15dshap*sends e-mail*
01:11.26KyleKmy asterisk has been bitching about lag but that might be the router its behind
01:11.45pauliuslol it's not too bad of a site
01:11.47pauliusjust random
01:11.55KyleKspikes between 3000ms and 40ms for the SIP registers
01:11.56pauliuslike some shitty building on the front page
01:12.12KyleKthats oddly enough marketing related
01:12.33KyleKbut yea I lol'd
01:12.59pauliusspeaking of marketing, this thing is pretty cool:
01:14.38*** join/#asterisk dshap (
01:15.03dshappaulius: i blindly clicked that link and it took me out of the channel
01:15.06dshaphaha wtf
01:15.11pauliuswow how
01:15.16pauliusirc in browser? lol
01:15.23pauliusIt's like this virtual reality thing.
01:15.29pauliusOh okay, not familiar with that one.
01:15.33dshapneither am i
01:15.37KyleKdshap: hopefully its not a socially distributed answering service ;)
01:15.38pauliusI meant IceChat
01:15.49dshapKyleK: what's that?
01:16.14KyleKrefering to your idea
01:16.24dshapi don't know what you mean by that
01:16.29dshap"socially distributed answering service"
01:17.53dshapbut it sounds like it could be :-p
01:18.31leif[mobile]sounds like a call centre
01:18.48dshapokay guys
01:18.53dshap1 of 2 things will happen in the future
01:19.03pauliusalright, go ahead with crazy predictions.
01:19.03leif[mobile]But thats what i'm calling them from now on!
01:19.09pauliusWe'll all have jet packs?
01:19.22dshap1: i will implement my idea, come back here and show you guys
01:19.30leif[mobile]Either the future will exist, or it won't.
01:19.41dshap2: i will never find an affordable service that has RDNIS, and thus i will come here and tell you guys my idea
01:19.47pauliuslol okay
01:19.54drmessano3. You will end up an entry on newbipedia
01:20.05pauliusdshap: If it's some game changing idea, try to form a company around it or something.
01:20.12leif[mobile]3! 3! 3!
01:20.17pauliusGet some VC money, move to san francisco, and live like a king...
01:20.20dshappaulius: i don't think it's HUGE
01:20.21pauliusuntil the bubble bursts.
01:20.29dshapi just know it's something i would use every day
01:20.33dshapand some friends have told me they would as well
01:20.37dshapit's definitely a new-gen kind of idea
01:20.47*** join/#asterisk juanIMP (n=Juancho@
01:20.47KyleKevery day? wow
01:20.59pauliusKyleK: We all use voice mail every day.
01:21.11pauliusFrom all he has told, it's an extension to voice mail or call receival
01:21.11dshapmy parents would probably never use it
01:21.25drmessanoYes, you will raise $1000 in VC before your mom realizes she gave you $1000 to invent voicemail, after which she will beat your ass and send you back to your basement apartment
01:22.28dshapit's also not a 100% original idea (but then again what is)
01:22.36dshapi've seen it thrown out there on a few blogs
01:22.43jayteevoicemail has already been invented. the man who invented it is named Scott Jones and he lives here in Indianapolis.
01:22.54dshappeople with no technical background come out and say "wouldn't it be cool if...._____"
01:23.00*** join/#asterisk securevoip (
01:23.01pauliusdshap: Then continue your search for providers and try doing it.
01:23.10dshapi'm the guy who comes and says "yea, that would be fuckin awesome.  also im gonna make it"
01:23.12pauliusMaybe at least you can make some extra beer money with it by selling your service.
01:23.20dshapvery true
01:23.25dshapim a 21 year old college student
01:23.29dshapat this point i have very little to lose
01:23.43paulius<5 weeks later>
01:23.54dshaponly time will tell
01:24.07paulius<dshap> I'm trapped on a deserted island with sharks with friggin' lasers all around me.
01:24.27dshapi guess i have more to lose than i initially thought
01:24.34pauliusjust like thisL
01:24.43Qwellwait, wait...  is your idea to be the next Vonage?
01:24.47Qwellplease say it is
01:25.13dshapQwell: haha i can't remember, but it was either drmessano or carrar who beat you to that one last night
01:25.15securevoipanybody monkied with the Citel IP-Phone 4110 yet?  IAX codec negotiation doesn't work
01:25.31Qwelldshap: I *invented* that one.
01:25.37Qwellokay, I didn't really, but you get the idea
01:25.39dshaphaha ok u got me there
01:27.12Qwellpaulius: a classic
01:28.24dshapQwell: i'm not the kind of guy who wastes his time.  if i didn't think this could be worth my time i wouldn't be on here every day asking people about RDNIS and Asterisk
01:28.41Qwellneither would lots of people
01:29.07pauliusHahah. I just discovered uhhm nevermind.
01:29.28dshapi've had nothing better to do for the past 2 weeks and still nothing to do for the next week until i start my summer internship
01:29.37dshappaulius: i've heard of that before
01:29.47pauliusdshap: Except now it's getting strange.
01:29.56KyleKStranger: hello
01:29.56dshapyea weird ass people go on there
01:30.09pauliusI think I just discovered the to find a predator stinger...
01:30.09KyleKdid it get goonswarmed yet?
01:30.27pauliuswhat's that?
01:31.09*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
01:31.28pauliusYou'd think there could be some moderation going on.
01:38.32KyleKpaulius: something awful forum members refer to themselves as goons
01:38.46pauliusKyleK: I still think 4chan is probably worse.
01:38.57dshapi'm an SA forum member
01:39.01pauliusAt least some of those awful forums members are intelligent.
01:39.04pauliusYeah, case in point.
01:39.29dshapi even made a post about my RDNIS bullshit
01:39.30KyleKso 4chan is the new SA because the goons grew up? :)
01:39.31dshapno respone yet though
01:39.38dshap4chan is just a mess
01:39.48dshapthere's some really interesting stuff that people post on SA
01:39.49dshapin the right forum
01:53.53dshapprobably a dumb question: when I call tech support for some product/service and they put me on hold beause all of their agents are helping other customers...i'm using one of their channels/concurrent calls, right?
01:54.10dshapif a company wants to be able to have 5 people on the line with agents and 10 people waiting in a queue, they need 15 channels
01:55.07dshapso i bet some of these companies have expensive phone bills
01:56.21pauliusThat's why companies have something called a profit margin.
01:56.26dshapdoes anyone here know anything about in-call advertising? like if you want to make money by playing advertisements to people waiting on hold?
01:56.29dshapis that feasible?
01:56.48*** join/#asterisk classicmac (
01:56.53pauliusI think some startups tried that.
01:56.55Qwelldshap: is your customer calling to complain about something?
01:57.03*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
01:57.09Qwelldshap: is your customer calling to buy something?
01:57.09dshapit's actually part of the service that they'll be using
01:57.20dshapand the free service is ad-supported
01:57.24dshapbut they can pay to remove the ads
01:57.28dshapa small subscription fee
01:57.42dshapim just wondering how hard it is to find advertisers willing to pay for that
01:58.22dshapand what the payment structure is
01:58.36dshapby the minute?  by the # of plays?
01:58.39classicmacI'm using trixbox with an X100P but keep getting an error when the kernel module is being loaded saying NOTICE-wcfxo: WCFXO/0: Unknown DAA chip revision: REVB=0.  Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix it?
02:02.26infobotit has been said that cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
02:02.27Qwellclassicmac: ^^^
02:03.04QwellYou bought a clone of a crappy (to begin with) card, that isn't compatible with the real drivers.
02:03.24classicmacI understand that the card isn't the greatest
02:03.37QwellIt isn't supported.  Talk to the manufacturer if you can find them.
02:03.47classicmacI have it though so if it is possible I would like to try to get it working.
02:04.01classicmacI did actually get the digium card though.  Not a clone.
02:04.15QwellDid you buy it 6 years ago?
02:04.21classicmacA few weeks ago.
02:04.26QwellWas it $10?
02:04.42pauliusWhta is that card supposed to do?
02:04.45Qwell(and you
02:04.52classicmacYeah I understand that it is unsupported and junk.
02:04.59classicmacJust one FXO port.
02:05.03QwellThen why are you still asking?
02:05.12pauliuswow that's cheap for FXO
02:05.19Qwellpaulius: no, it's just cheap.
02:05.22classicmacI would still like to try to get it working.  Because it replaced a generic X100P that was working but unstable.
02:05.26Qwell(expensive for that card though)
02:05.32Qwellclassicmac: I told you what you need to do.
02:05.59classicmacok, thanks
02:06.27Qwellactually, you know what..  you bought it off ebay, right?
02:06.33*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
02:06.34Qwellgot the link?
02:06.40classicmacLet me see if I still have it.
02:06.57pauliusQwell: What'cha gonna do? Those clones are illegal?
02:07.02Qwellpaulius: :)
02:07.10classicmacAlso I bought two cards from the same auction and the other one works fine on another system.
02:08.36*** join/#asterisk s14ck (
02:09.24classicmacThe item number on ebay was 120404635229
02:09.54*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
02:10.10Qwellyou, not them
02:10.18classicmacOh yes I am in the US.
02:11.16Qwellebay's URLs are neat..
02:11.42paulius"The X100P SE is The Defacto Standard Single Port FXO Interface for Asterisk"
02:13.06pauliusQwell: They keep putting emphasis that the card is authentic.
02:13.09pauliusBut it's not, right?
02:13.11dshapanyone here ever used Vonage as a SIP provider?
02:13.15Qwellno, it's not.
02:13.36classicmacHow can you tell it is not authentic?
02:13.44pauliusclassicmac: Price. Location.
02:13.45Qwellhow can I tell?
02:13.54QwellThe fact that it hasn't been made/sold in...6 years?
02:14.09*** join/#asterisk moy (
02:14.29Qwellthe fact that it *never once* says that it's made by Digium?
02:14.38Qwell(learn to read auctions, people)
02:15.20Qwellto be honest, I can't believe you paid $80 incl shipping for 1 working FXO
02:15.21classicmacAll it said was authentic X100p
02:15.25classicmacNot authentic digium.
02:15.28Qwellfor...that, anyhow
02:15.47Qwell<classicmac> I did actually get the digium card though.  Not a clone.
02:15.49ricko73Qwell: funny they don't don't claim it was made by Digum or some other spelling variation on Digium
02:15.49classicmacIt is a lot better than the other cheap X100P card.
02:16.03Qwellclassicmac: ...IT'S A CLONE *OF THE CRAP ONE*
02:16.10pauliusgotta love that.
02:16.11ricko73"Reel card made bi Deegium"
02:16.21classicmacOk that was my mistake.
02:16.29classicmacI was misled by the auction.
02:16.32*** part/#asterisk classicmac (
02:16.40*** join/#asterisk classicmac (
02:17.04classicmacBut aside from that does anyone have any constructive suggestions.
02:17.27classicmacI hate to put the other card back in.  The other card is even worse.
02:17.28QwellI told you what to do.
02:17.35classicmacContact the manufacturer?
02:17.44QwellThat would be a good start.
02:18.15classicmacok, thanks
02:19.08pauliusYeah, getting part of your money back would be the best start.
02:19.15classicmacNah, the other one works.
02:19.39classicmacI'm not running a business with it.
02:19.45classicmacIt is just to experiment with.
02:20.13classicmacI'd definitely get a better card if I needed it to be reliable.
02:20.19ricko73an empty Campbell's soup can might be more reliable
02:20.19classicmacThe PC it is in isn't the greatest either.
02:20.57classicmacIf I could use a soup can I would try it.  This is just to experiment.
02:21.03bkw_Qwell: my man how are you doing?
02:21.17Qwellbkw_: got fillings today, and my jaw is f'ing killing me..
02:21.27Qwellother than that...  not bad :D
02:22.12*** join/#asterisk ctp (
02:22.12bkw_Qwell: I got all four of my wisdom teeth cut out in one day.... and I was AWAKE when they did it... top that!
02:22.12Qwellbkw_: my appointment was Tuesday
02:22.12bkw_I almost beat the shit out of the lady at walmart
02:22.12bkw_she wouldn't let greg pick up my pain killers
02:22.13bkw_so it was 4 hours after the fact when I finally got them
02:22.18bkw_I was in so much pain I thought I was gonna die
02:22.27Qwellbkw_: just recently?
02:22.31bkw_it was a few years ago
02:22.42Qwellbkw_: I went and saw the surgeon the other day to talk about getting mine out
02:22.50bkw_Qwell: just do them all at the same time
02:22.53bkw_don't pussy foot it
02:22.55Qwellcan't ;/
02:23.04bkw_don't wanna look like a chimpmunk?
02:23.09bkw_cuz I sure as hell did
02:23.21Qwellinsurance stuffs..  meh.  rather not get into it
02:23.35ricko73bkw_: I ate steak the same night they took out my wisdom teeth
02:23.45bkw_Qwell: chances are the fillings are hitting your upper or lower teeth
02:24.01ricko73I didn't have much swelling though so I feel lucky.
02:24.38Qwellthe fillings were on the back side of the last teeth.  there was some stretching involved.  that's why the jaw hurts
02:24.57Qwellit was just this morning, so..
02:25.16bkw_bet they need some shaving
02:25.31bkw_that is where mine was when they didn't do it right and it caused my jaw to be out of whack by about a mm
02:25.36bkw_which hurts liek a bitch
02:25.44*** join/#asterisk orpheee (
02:25.46bkw_just get the dremel tool out and do it yourself
02:25.57Qwellhe said to expect it, and give it a few days.  if it still hurts, I'm gonna go back
02:26.12bkw_sounds like an asshat to me if it hurts something is wrong
02:26.38ricko73sounds like something fun for Astricon
02:26.51ricko73drill Qwell's teeth for fun a profit
02:26.57*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
02:27.02Qwellit's all just pressure pain.  feels like it's on muscle or something where it's hurting
02:27.24*** join/#asterisk orpheee (
02:27.40*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
02:29.03*** join/#asterisk nephfl (
02:29.19nephflanyone have a link to a reference for off-hook auto-dial for polycom phones?
02:29.56drmessanoQwell: Never use "stretching" and "jaw hurts" in the same sentence
02:30.21drmessanoTechnically, that was two sentences.  Fine.
02:34.39*** join/#asterisk bryanfe2 (
02:35.45bryanfe2I have a small asterisk module I wrote for my SIP clients. Most of them are fine, but one SIP client when it hits my app, asterisk sends me tens of thousands of frames of type 5 ("An empty, useless frame"). Does anyone have any idea why that would be? My CPU is pegged having to process them all.
02:36.06bkw_bryanfe2: sounds like you need to yield somewhere
02:36.09bryanfe2whats frame type 5 for and why would asterisk send me 150,000 of them?
02:36.21bkw_bryanfe2: what are yo doing exatly?
02:36.29bryanfe2waiting for a frame type of DTMF
02:36.38bkw_then doing?
02:37.03bryanfe2I'm just calling ast_waitfor, then ast_read, and looping forever until the frame which ast_read returns is DTMF
02:37.16bkw_did you check out app_read does it?
02:37.23bryanfe2or until frame type of AST_FRAME_CONTROL (hangup)
02:37.45bryanfe2or until it returns null
02:37.51bryanfe2I guess I should look at app_read then
02:55.04*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-2114bd2d109f368f)
02:58.26bryanfe2I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do with AST_FRAME_NULL
02:58.52bryanfe2so on bkw's idea, I'm going to try to yield with ast_safe_sleep(chan, 100) whenever I get a AST_FRAME_NULL and see if that helps.
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03:42.51Aiatekhi, im having a little issue with an analog card configuration
03:43.12Aiateki will give you the paste bi
03:45.11*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
03:47.27Aiatekhere it is i can get tone from my fxs station, i got the molex cable conected
03:48.08Aiatekyesterday i was in asterisk 1.4 with zaptel and all worked fine
03:48.39Aiatekright now im in asterisk 1.6.0 and dahdi
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05:11.22dshapanyone here ever heard aanything about NexVortex?
05:15.16*** join/#asterisk rashed2020 (n=asda@
05:15.41rashed2020What's up guys. I'm writing an article, I'm trying to get a sense of what the asterisk community thinks of freeswitch. Anyone care to comment?
05:17.09dshapi've been working with asterisk for about 1 week.  when i started looking into open source PBX options, asterisk was the only thing i ever came across.  i have never even heard of freeswitch.
05:17.11dshapthat is my 2 cents
05:17.13ricko73rashed2020: probably not the best place to ask
05:17.33rashed2020ricko73: Suggestions?
05:18.10rashed2020dshap: You should look into it. From what I get so far is that it's better when it comes to performance. But I could completely wrong, I'm not sure.
05:18.21infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
05:18.35dshapi'm pretty impressed with how configurable Asterisk is once you set it up
05:19.00ricko73rashed2020: perhaps a location that's more neutral
05:19.20rashed2020ricko73: I'm not trying to figure out the techincal side of stuff ATM. Just what the communities think of each other. Or is there no connection at all?
05:19.22ricko73something like #voip-users-conference
05:19.33rashed2020Oh, gotcha
05:19.41ricko73but that channel is mostly only active on Fridays
05:19.47ricko73in about 10 hrs
05:20.06ricko73there's a weekly conference call
05:20.16rashed2020Cool. Thank you.
05:20.24dshapricko73: do you know of a channel where people discuss different SIP providers?
05:20.45ricko73not off hand
05:20.57dshapdo you use a SIP provider yourself
05:21.32ricko73yes, I use one myself and have experience using a few others with my clients
05:21.41ricko73all of them have their pluses and minuses
05:21.53ricko73I don't believe there is one perfect provider
05:22.04ricko73some are better than others
05:22.39dshapwhat's the deal with some that charge like 20 times as much as others for seemingly the same service? vs.
05:22.59ricko73never heard of
05:23.16dshapwell charges $30 per month PER CHANNEL
05:23.26dshapit seems like any other providers offer more channels per month for a fraction of that
05:23.28ricko73no they don't
05:23.29dshapjust trying to understand it
05:23.37ricko73well they might if you have a short term contract
05:23.59dshapon their pricing PDF it says a 1,2,or 3 year contract is necessary for $30/month for unlimited calling
05:24.02ricko73You also don't get charged for incoming or local calls with
05:24.02dshapfor a single channel
05:24.14dshapunlimited inbound/outbound ^
05:24.27ricko73you also can pick up the phone and talk to an engineer pretty much 24/7
05:24.43ricko73so you get what you pay for
05:24.54dshapas of now, is the only provider i've found that supports RDNIS
05:25.04ricko73right now I'm using the voip carrier who is going to carry me to my bed
05:25.04dshapbut im still looking for a cheaper one
05:25.15dshapand who might that be?
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06:55.20*** join/#asterisk ck_28 (n=CK@
06:55.27ck_28Morning All
06:55.53ck_28i have a problem with GOTOIF condition
06:55.58ck_28exten => h,n,GotoIf($["${FAXOPT(status)}}" = "SUCCESS"]?success:failed)
06:55.59ck_28exten => h,n(success),Goto(mysqlcal,555,1)
06:55.59ck_28exten=> h,n(failed),Goto(mysqlcal2,666,1)
06:57.06ck_28the debug is at
06:57.54ck_28why when "${FAXOPT(status)} ="SUCCESS" it goes to  h,n(failed), ??????
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07:22.31milouxck_28: Print the FAXOPT(status) var to confirm its set to SUCCESS...Noop(${FAXOPT(status)})
07:23.36ck_28miloux     -- Executing [h@fax-tx:15] NoOp("SIP/msx-09b3aa88", "---------------------------SUCCESS----------------------") in new stack
07:29.15ck_28miloux any idea
07:29.24milouxck_28: can you paste more of the dialplan?
07:29.27milouxthis part:
07:29.32miloux-- Executing [h@fax-tx:11] NoOp("SIP/msx-09b3aa88", "FAXOPT(status) : SUCCESS") in new stack
07:29.39infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
07:30.28kaldemarck_28: "${FAXOPT(status)}}" should be "${FAXOPT(status)}"
07:31.12ck_28kaldemar thanks i will try that :)
07:37.11ck_28kaldemar thanks for your accurency :)
07:38.50kaldemarnp, those brackets own everyone at some point. :)
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07:58.45CrashSysAnyone ever gotten cause code 99 if you attempt to place a call on a PRI with caller-id-name preasent?
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08:38.54dandreHow can I display a short message on my sip phone while it is called?
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08:42.01kaldemardepends on the phone, but for example sipsak can be used to send messages to some phones.
08:42.37dandreI am using thomson st2060
08:44.06CrashSysI've got an NI2 PRI and get cause code 99 if anything is defined in callerid(name)... is there anyway to tell zaptel to NOT send out callerid(name) other then within extensions.conf?
08:46.25dandreI have tried to send Alert-Info: sometext header but it doesn't work
08:49.18kaldemarhave you asked thomson? i recall snom people being very helpful with that when i asked about it years ago.
08:50.45*** join/#asterisk cool^tom (n=thomas@
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08:53.50cool^tomI have a Digium TE121B Pri Card.  It used to work properly however now the booting the OS stops at udev.  Is there a problem with the card?
08:54.02cool^tomHi DelphiWorld.
08:55.31ectospasmcool^tom: you should call Digium tech support to troubleshoot that further
09:00.07Kevin`would an ambient md5628d-based modem work as an fxo port for asterisk? I also have an agre, lucent, and conexant card
09:06.24ZhadJust as a curiousity, has a channel driver been written that allows you to use a mobile as an FXO device using a datacable?
09:07.11Kevin`hm, i'm just gonna stick them all in and see if any drivers pick them up
09:07.21ZhadI know it can be done using bluetooth (Which I played with in callweaver).
09:08.01ZhadKevin> afaik the only modem that can be used is the X100/X101 (which iirc is a motorola).
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09:08.11Zhad(which I probably don't).
09:08.28Zhadif you look at the sources, you will see the PCI IDs.
09:09.11\void\cool^tom, do you see any comment when udev stops loading?
09:09.37\void\cool^tom, comment=system message*
09:09.54*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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09:10.21dinhtrunghi all
09:10.34dinhtrungi'm testing OpenVOX 400
09:10.37dinhtrungusing dahdi
09:10.46dinhtrungand i can't manage to get the caller ID from PSTN
09:10.54dinhtrungi'm from vietnam
09:11.37dinhtrungin my country, telco send DTMF Caller ID, then a reversal polarity, then ringing
09:11.53dinhtrungis there any patch or some configuration i could use to get caller ID?
09:12.33dinhtrungi read about zaptel's patch for uk, and DTMF callerID without reversal polarity for brazil and costa rica, but can't find one to handle my situation
09:12.37dinhtrungplz help :(
09:14.35*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
09:14.37tzafrir_laptopdinhtrung, do you actually get a polarity reversal event?
09:14.57dinhtrungI'll pastebin some from full log
09:15.48tzafrir_laptopdtmf and only then polarity reversal? that good does that do?
09:15.58Zhaddin> I don't know if it's the same, but on the 800P cards and the 1200P cards callerid only works through dtmf and then that's only if you have their very latest patches.
09:16.10dinhtrungthe last warning message is something like DTMF CID Timed Out
09:16.22Zhadalthough the 400P cards may just be TDP400P clones.
09:16.44tzafrir_laptopthere's a patch to try to listen all the time for dtmfs and then fake a polarity reversal event up
09:16.59dinhtrungyep, it's the patch for brazil telco
09:17.14dinhtrungi tried that, and the card can receive DTMF CID
09:17.25dinhtrungbut after the polarity, it timeout waiting for ringing
09:17.29dinhtrungso it hangup the channel
09:17.34dinhtrungand start a new one
09:17.43dinhtrungthe dialplan works here, not the first one
09:17.59dinhtrunge.g 2 calls for just 1 call from PSTN
09:18.52dinhtrunghere is the patch that help recognize DTMF
09:18.54Zhadtakes it that there isn't a channel driver that works using mobiles as premicells then.
09:19.31Zhadvaguely remembers reading something years ago, probably wasn't finished/started.
09:28.22*** join/#asterisk mahiti-irc (n=mahiti@
09:28.34mahiti-irchas anyone here configured asterisk and freepbx for a hypermedia gsm gateway?
09:28.42mahiti-irci require some help with that
09:34.21*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (n=mrnaz@
09:38.22mahiti-irci am actually using asterisknow with ooh323 addon
09:40.30kaldemar#asterisknow could be more helpful
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09:56.41defsworkwants asterisktomorrow
09:56.56defsworkor is it asterisdontknow
10:03.13Zhadhomes chan_mobile is as simple(ish) to set up as chan_bluetooth was.
10:04.23Zhadwonders if dahdi will ever make it into the mainline kernel.
10:06.14dandreWhat is the meaning of CALLERID type? I understand "name" and  "num" but not  "ANI", "DNID", "RDNIS".
10:07.06*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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10:18.10xrmx__hi, how do you use qos? do you mangle dscp with iptables on the asterisk machine or let routers / firewall do the job?
10:19.05andresmujicaasterisk server must mark the packets
10:19.36andresmujicaif asterisk is compiled with libpcap support it would do it by itself with the corresponding confs at iax and sip.conf
10:19.44andresmujicaif not you must mark those packets at iptables
10:20.17xrmx__andresmujica, thanks for the answer, will check that
10:23.27xrmx__andresmujica, do you kinow if it /usr/bin/asterisk linked against libpcap or is a particular module?
10:23.38Zhadwould be nice to not need to recompile dahdi every time I make a small chanhe to the kernel.
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10:26.14brunnerIsn't there a way to allow queue agents to acknowledge a call before they're automatically connected to the next person in a queue?
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10:27.46andresmujicaxrmx: it depends a lot on distribution, and it's after an asterisk version i don't recall which one... check your logs and if you find some error about asterisk couldn't set the dscp something you'll have to go iptables route
10:29.45xrmx__andresmujica, yeah, my asterisk is older than that so i have to do with iptables
10:32.05phixlets asterisk
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10:39.21phixuluatu: you like to asterisk?
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10:49.52brunnerwhat's the cheapest sip phone on the market?
10:50.27JurianHi, I need some help finding what I messed up in my asterisk config; I have several SIP phones, they can call each other just fine, they can also call out over several SIP trunks. The problem is with incoming calls over those same SIP trunks, I can hear the caller, but they cannot hear me.
10:50.32JurianThe server is not behind any NAT or firewall. allowreinvite is off, and tcpdump shows RTP traffic is in fact flowing both ways.
10:50.34Chainsawbrunner: You're probably going to end up with some nasty GrandStream then. Please reconsider.
10:50.59brunnerit's not for me, so no, I won't be using it
10:51.09Jurianthe problem occurs both on 1.4 and 1.6 so I'm sure it's a config problem on my end :|
10:51.39Juriananyone have any idea what could be wrong?
10:51.45phixbrunner: asterisk
10:51.59Jurianthe phones all have nat=yes and host=dynamic
10:52.11phixJurian: firewall
10:52.13*** join/#asterisk intralanman (
10:52.17phixman rtp
10:52.21Jurianno firewall on the server
10:52.25phixman rtp
10:52.35phixNAT == firewall
10:52.44Jurianthere is only nat on the client side
10:52.49phixyou need to map port
10:52.56phixyou setup a proxy on the server
10:53.26infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
10:53.59Jurianweird, the same phones work fine with my other asterisk 1.2 server without any special nat settings
10:54.33Jurianbut I'll forward the ports just to be sure
11:00.44Jurianforwarding the rtp ports to my phone doesn't change anything; the rtp traffic goes to and from the phone just fine
11:04.03phixJurian: cunt
11:04.19Jurianagain, the server is NOT behind nat
11:04.25Jurianonly the phones are
11:06.20phixJurian: that is your problem
11:06.34phixlets talk about vagina
11:06.42phixNAT is boring me
11:06.43Jurian ; 9: Asterisk as a SIP server outside nat, clients on the inside connecting to Asterisk
11:06.46Jurian#9 is solved with nat=yes and qualify=xxx in sip.conf for the client in most cases. Some clients (X-lite) assist themselves by using STUN and sending UDP keep-alive packets. Qualify sends keep-alive packets from Asterisk to the client on the inside.
11:06.48JurianI have that
11:06.53phixno, URLs are boring me too
11:06.55Jurianand it doesn't help
11:07.05phixJurian: you don't help
11:07.13Jurianneither do you, obviously
11:07.15phixwhere is your sisteR?
11:07.26phixshe can help me more
11:07.28Jurianshe's been dead for a few weeks, you can have her
11:07.37Jurianif you're into that sort of thing
11:07.42JurianI have some sheep for you as well
11:07.46phixI respect if you want a few weeks with her first
11:07.53phixshe doesn't haveb to be freah
11:08.00phixI can compansate
11:08.13phixJurian: oh no, I am not from NZ, I dont require sheep
11:08.35phixI am from AU
11:08.39phixI like black cunts
11:08.47Jurianso, is there anyone with a clue here? :|
11:09.48kaldemarthis is the moment when you should be pasting configurations and a cli output of a failed call. :P
11:10.03phixJurian: I has one
11:10.11phixonly one clue though
11:11.41phixthat you are still aive
11:11.45phixalive tat is
11:11.53phixI will retify this mistake soon
11:11.58Juriankaldemar: well, the CLI doesn't show any problems with the calls, the phones ring and when I pick up: SIP/1002-007686c0 answered SIP/31<number>
11:12.01phixwhere do you live again btw ?
11:12.10phixI want ti give you lots of money
11:14.23kaldemarJurian: sure the CLI doesn't say anything, but the sip debug might give hints.
11:17.48Juriankaldemar: here's the relevant parts of my sip.conf and extensions.conf :
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11:24.31Jurianadded sip debug from the phone and tcpdump of the rtp stream taken at my asterisk server
11:31.15Juriankaldemar: do you see anything wrong with my config so far? :|
11:39.58kaldemarsip debug from asterisk is the interesting part.
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12:00.25dinhtrungokay, i 've got how to get callerid from PSTN telco in Vietnam
12:00.46Jurianwtf.. with my old (working on another server) asterisk 1.2 config, I have the same problem on this 1.4 :o
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12:01.40dinhtrungin my country, the telco gave us DTMF CID
12:01.50dinhtrungthen a reverse polarity
12:01.58dinhtrunglater, a ringing signal
12:02.12dinhtrungI changed the wait time between DTMF CID and ring signal
12:02.17dinhtrungbut this is hard coded
12:02.41dinhtrungis there anyway to configure chan_dahdi to wait a bit longer before decide the channel is hang up?
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12:46.27ZhadI wonder if there's a symbian app that'll let me use my spare handset as an ATA.
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12:58.06lftsyYello, I'm using the Application ForkCDR to try to save rtcp stats from 2 bridged channels in CDR
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12:58.47jayteemornin [TK]D-Fender
12:59.03lftsyso on the first channel at Hungup, I add a Set(CDR(userfield)=${CDR(userfield)}${CHANNEL(rtpqos|audio|all)}\;)
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12:59.25lftsybut I yould like to do it on the bridged channels too
12:59.37lftsyhave you got any idea how to do it please?
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13:04.30prxtienhey all... im having an issue where sometimes people i am calling OR people that call me (including when i call into my menu system) are recieving really bad quality calls... the next call will be perfect, im not sure where to start with the troubleshooting
13:05.25[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: mornin'
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13:52.23stope   line 91, any reason why the sip header is being refused?  It's causing the caller id not to show up
13:52.39rue_mohris there a sip_monitor equiv to the dahdi_monitor ?
13:53.24iratikI need a little help. I have a client who has about 16 users on asterisk, they are getting intermittent hangups mid-call. Using the CLI and pri debug i've collected some debug information out of the output -- can you guys see anything that jumps out at you as odd out of the lines I have chosen?
13:53.30KavanSrue_mohr, chanspy
13:53.58rue_mohrI recall this problem...
13:54.40rue_mohrits something about signaling and the co not understanding that you picked up the call, so they cut if after an expiry time
13:54.41iratikCan you provide any insight?
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13:55.17iratikThat is something I have not heard about before , what can I do to confirm this is the issue and if I confirm it .. how can I troubleshoot this?
13:55.30rue_mohrI'm tryingto remember anything about it
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13:55.39rue_mohrits happening on a T1 right?
13:55.59rue_mohrwith some calls and not others or all calls?
13:56.05iratikDo you remember some key words from the issue that I can use to seek out the issue on my own? Is there a name for this phenomena ?
13:56.09iratikIts some calls
13:56.22rue_mohrok, are they long distance calls?
13:56.35iratikMaybe 8-10 out of 100-150 calls/hour and they are long distance calls throughout the US
13:56.45rue_mohrcause i recalls the story goes it was a fault with particular long distance carriers
13:57.21rue_mohrbut honestly I'm having a really hard time remembering the details
13:57.22iratikThat may explain why it happens in spurts ... more in certain areas of the country than others
13:57.56iratikThe clients call geographic regions sequentially, they will call southern florida ... then east north carolina ... so on..  there are periods of time when it constantly happens
13:58.27rue_mohrnow you know I dont want to help you if your running a call shop right? :)
13:58.40iratikDoes anyone else in the room know what he is talking about? About the carrier not receiving acknowledgement that the call has been picked up.
13:59.37rue_mohrthis is a guess, their end dosn't tell your end the call was picked up, asterisk defaults and hangs up. thats a guess, kb1 is the one who experianceed the issue and I dont remember the solution
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14:00.58iratik~seen kb1Kanobe
14:01.00infoboti haven't seen 'kb1kanobe', iratik
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14:01.17rue_mohr~seen kb1canobe
14:01.17infobotrue_mohr: i haven't seen 'kb1canobe'
14:01.23rue_mohrbots too new
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14:02.08rue_mohrKavanS, no I need a realtime level monitor
14:03.00rue_mohrunless maybe I record to /dev/dsp and use an analog meter
14:03.13rue_mohrno I need to know the audio levels going ina nd out of the sip phones
14:03.54rue_mohrI'm working on a pile of problems
14:04.47[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: SIP is expected to be normalized by endpoints so there is no reason for * to do this
14:05.13rue_mohrAND what if the phone ISN"T sending the levels it shoudl!?
14:05.21rue_mohrhow the heck am I to know
14:05.39rue_mohrsymptom: users complain they cant hear the other end.
14:06.10rue_mohrso I dial up gains, and have all sorts of hwec issues, including it CLIPPING OUT ACTIVE AUDIO
14:06.23anonymouz666rue_mohr: use func_volume and be happy. the end.
14:07.09rue_mohrwhats this!?
14:07.53anonymouz666I use it in 1.4.
14:08.06iratikWow i've never seen kb1kanobe in the irclogs, you are always talking about him .. for the last few years... but have never seen him actually in the logs
14:08.36rue_mohrhe wrote a good part the wiki article on echo
14:08.54rue_mohrhe "wrote" the kb1 echo module
14:09.14rue_mohr(he fixed some major oversights)
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14:10.26rue_mohrI suspect he's still subscribed to some of the mailing lists
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14:11.14rue_mohrok, you know, being able to adjust gains is great and all, BUT I need to know what the level IS to adjust it properly
14:11.32rue_mohrif you go out to your co too loud on a pots line, you are gonna have major pain
14:11.58rue_mohrI wouldn't be hounding this if I wasn't having a legit issue
14:12.45rue_mohrwith a registered tdm800P card, I presume I can call digium and have them help address any audio issues?
14:13.51rue_mohrand having it take over * and # is a problem, I have to use those as keys to control flashing the dahdi channel to get the call waiting calls
14:14.22rue_mohrfunny enough, it seems to me that voip is not fit for telephony
14:15.18rue_mohrI dont know one voip set that will show you digits you have dailed while a call is established
14:16.38rue_mohrbut in th meantime there are a few basics I have to work out, like levels
14:17.23rue_mohrI'm gonna take in my meter, its got dbm on it, have asterisk send a 1mw to the co's dead end and see what the line levels look like
14:17.24mort_gibrue_mohr: "voip is not ready for telephony" ?? You are having issues with your connection to an Telco, not voip
14:18.04rue_mohrthe abscence of a means to 'flash' your call I can understand
14:18.23spcki'm having a helluva time with sip registration
14:18.26spckthis is getting annoying
14:18.39rue_mohrthe way all the sets and applications I'v seen do not show you digiits you dial after a call has been established is REALLY annoying
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14:18.58rue_mohrspck, sip show peers
14:19.07rue_mohrsee if they have ip addresses beside them
14:19.23rue_mohrif they dont, thats your problem, settings on the phone not registering it right
14:20.01rue_mohrif their aastra phones, the labels on all the settings are effectivly 'random' they mean nothing
14:20.50rue_mohrlogin name might be call display info, password might be login name, and call display name might be used as host ip
14:20.57rue_mohras a random example
14:21.21rue_mohrdunno what kinda whackos made the labels on those settings
14:21.58rue_mohrI ended up puting a   b   c  d   e f... in for each setting and looking at how the phone tried to register with asterisk
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14:22.24rue_mohrand the polycom manual sucks
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14:23.08rue_mohr"this is our phone, these are things that could be changed, dont touch them"
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14:24.03[TK]D-Fender[10:05]<rue_mohr>AND what if the phone ISN"T sending the levels it shoudl!? <- very low odds
14:24.03[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Whats ont he OTHER side of the call?
14:24.03rue_mohrI think their high odds, did you know that a number of remote ivr's cant make out our dtmf
14:24.22rue_mohrI THINK I should move the dtmf generation from cahnnel to info and have asterisk generate it
14:24.30rue_mohror have it let the card generate it
14:24.43[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You mean with the fact you've have psycho gains since forever and jsut can't get over the mental block that that card is a flaming piece of crap and just replace it?
14:24.43rue_mohron a nortel phone, you just hear "blip" when you dial
14:25.08rue_mohryou dont eralize why I have those gains
14:25.08[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You spend all your time compensating for it
14:25.23[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: does a normal phone work on their lines?
14:25.26rue_mohrand their more reasonable now, 9db and -9db (which is still stupid)
14:25.42rue_mohryes, standard phones work fine
14:25.49rue_mohrthey can hear and dtmf works
14:25.58[TK]D-Fender"more reasonable" = "TRAGIC - 5%"
14:26.16rue_mohrand I can send faxes to associated telephones inc
14:26.16[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: if normal phones work on the lines then your card is GARBAGE.  Deal with it
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14:26.31[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Look at what this is causing.  Its ridiculous.
14:26.32rue_mohrdo I really shoudl call digium on this re the card
14:27.15rue_mohrbesides, if it wasn't the card, how the hell would I know, I have no way to know if its calibrated properly
14:27.32rue_mohrcause dahdi_monitor has no real units
14:27.35[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: We KNOW your card is crap.
14:27.48rue_mohrso all TDM800P cards are crap?
14:27.48[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: This has been established for what, almost a year now?
14:27.57[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Yours at the very least
14:28.39rue_mohrok, what if the problem is the polycom phones, if you search you WILL find a PILE of people compaining about the audio being too quiet on the 601's
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14:29.16rue_mohrI need to know more about "chassis gain" on the polycoms
14:29.30rue_mohrI think its the dtmf/busy etc
14:29.37rue_mohrbut the manual dosn't say
14:29.45[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: this is just wrong.  We've known the culpit and you are desperately trying to poitn the finger everywhere else.
14:29.54rue_mohrthey dont say anything about the gains on the phone at all
14:30.02[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And yes... they do.
14:30.19[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: the gains are prtty evident in the provisioning.
14:30.46rue_mohrno, there is analog and digital for transmitt and recieve, and theirs chassis
14:31.00jayteepersonally I enjoy watching a dead horse being beaten repeatedly :-)
14:31.02rue_mohrthat dosn't form a picture in my mind thats verry clear
14:31.05[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And the only time things like side-tone have acted up (was the IP 430), new defaults & firmware came corrected stock from the provisioning
14:31.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: unload
14:31.46rue_mohri9f it worked I wouldnt be here
14:32.01rue_mohrif I could diagnose it using whats available I wouldn't be there
14:32.03rue_mohror here
14:32.24[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: I've never heard any complain on IP 601's ever.  Your card is faulty.  Please get some "help" and replace it.
14:32.40rue_mohrI cant say what eh levels are comming off the adc of that card
14:32.52rue_mohrI cant say what the levels are comming out the hwec on the card
14:33.01rue_mohrI cant say what the levels are comming from the sip phones
14:33.23rue_mohrI cant be sure the level comming out of the hwec of the card is the same as the level going to the sip phone
14:33.29[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You admit the gains are still nuts.  What is it going to take?  A giant flashing neon sign?
14:33.37rue_mohrI cant say what hte level is going out the card to the pots
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14:33.47rue_mohrI want to know how to fix it
14:33.51coppice[TK]D-Fender: nah. the big grey things are clouds. we've had them all week
14:33.57jayteegiant flashing neon sign? hmmmmm.....brb
14:33.58rue_mohrthe gains are 'educated guesses'
14:34.21coppiceactually, the educated wouldn't be guessing
14:34.22rue_mohrI want to know what number relates to 0dbm on the dahdi_monitor
14:34.52rue_mohrI could dial the pots 1mw and see if the level is right
14:35.39rue_mohrI can hook my meter to the telco line and know how far off the 1mw is comming in
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14:35.55rue_mohrin my house its out by about 2dbm
14:36.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: How much anguish is that busted-up card worth?
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14:37.06[TK]D-FenderWhats your "pay-tp-self" value for time you throw away futilely trying to make it work?
14:37.11coppice2dB is what's technically known as bugger all
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14:37.28rue_mohryup, and at my house it is
14:37.54rue_mohrI also know I have a bit of loss, casue my house is all analog and when bridged the signal at the set is a little lower than the signal on the pots
14:39.11rue_mohrmy house is another story though, its problems aren't * at all
14:40.18rue_mohrin chan_dahdi, the gains are not done within asterisk are they, their passed on to the interface, T1 card, or tdm card yes?
14:40.28wpbrownI have a quick question.  I have a asterisk box with a Sangoma PRI card.  Using 23b and a d for signaling.  I am seeing a problem with cell users.  It is like Asterisk isn't reconizing the touch tone from cell phones.  Especially Blackberry and Iphone.  Anyone else had any experience with this?
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14:40.57rue_mohraka, if the gain in asterisk are all set to 0db and there is no volume() used, asterisks gain in 0db right?
14:41.09wpbrownThink it could be weak cell signal?  It isn't this wall ALL of the time but I would say 50/50
14:41.25rue_mohrhehe level problems
14:41.30rue_mohrwpbrown, sip phones?
14:41.33rue_mohrwith agc?
14:41.50rue_mohruse dahdi_monitor to see what your incomming levels are like
14:42.06wpbrownI am running SIP internal yes.. but I am refering to cell phone users calling in across the PRI
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14:42.33rue_mohrdont ask what is quiet and what isn't, casue there is really no way to know
14:42.33wpbrownwhen they dial a extension Asterisk says invalid extention or transfers to zero by default
14:42.50rue_mohrbut it gives you a vu meter you can get an idea from
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14:43.02rue_mohrall cell phones
14:43.04[TK]D-Fenderwpbrown: What do you see on core debug for their entries?
14:43.38wpbrownI haven't ran it in a while.  As of now debugging is disabled.  In the past everything seems normal.
14:43.49wpbrownin the debug logs
14:44.31wpbrownDo you think it could be a issue with the PRI itself?
14:45.19[TK]D-Fenderwpbrown: It hink there is a certain bare minimum you could do to see how many digits on a call get lost
14:45.57[TK]D-Fenderwpbrown: Very easy to make a test IVR that reads back DTMF as entered so you can collect stats and test.  Maybe your telco is running hot/cold....
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14:48.09afinkhello everyone, I have a strange problem.  Every time I reboot asterisk the T1 doesn't come back online.  The light on the card shows green but I always get circuit channel congestion.  I am using asterisk-gui, and it seems deleting re-adding works sometimes.  Output from the cli ->
14:49.07afinkI have asked in #asterisk-gui already and am waiting for an answer, but if someone here knows a quick fix it would be appreciated since I have a phone server that is currently not working.
14:49.35[TK]D-Fenderafink: I've seen several PRI's return ISDN 34 when the number you are calling is busy
14:49.42[TK]D-Fenderafink: Could be perfectly normal
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14:50.24eppigyIt can also be a capacity issue
14:50.29eppigyon the telco end
14:50.45afinkwow....I restarted dahdi and it started working.
14:50.48eppigyI had that happen using GC ld in St Louis
14:52.41afinkthanks everybody.
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15:19.16nephflwhich is  better cisco/linksys ata or grandstream?
15:19.58bmoracais it possible to have multiple SIP peers register with the same credentials?  which value under that sip peer would I use for that?
15:20.40srf21cnephfl: hard to make a blanket statement like that. I think it would depend somewhat on the models being compared and what criteria are most important to you.
15:21.02srf21cI would imagine a top of the line cisco, will be "better" than a top of the line grandstream.
15:21.25srf21cbut how much is the price premium worth to you?  That's in individual decision.
15:21.29bmoracabottom of the barrel Cisco is superior to top of the line grandstream
15:22.01ChainsawLinksys is being included here.
15:22.15ChainsawNote that. Actual Cisco will be better then Grandstream for sure. Linksys, not so sure.
15:22.33nephfli need autodial on pickup as well, dont know if one is better than the other in any applicaton
15:22.52[TK]D-Fender[11:19]<bmoraca>is it possible to have multiple SIP peers register with the same credentials? which value under that sip peer would I use for that? <- yes, but the last one to reg "wins"
15:23.00rbdhey guys... having problems playing mp3s in asterisk via AGI STREAM FILE, GET DATA, etc.... via Playback in the dial plan it works fine though.... anyone had this problem?
15:23.06srf21cnephfl: my personal favorite brand of IP phone is Snom.
15:23.09[TK]D-FenderLinksys is a ton better than GS
15:23.10rbdseems like format_mp3 is broken in some regards
15:23.15[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
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15:24.18bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: I have a SIP client that needs to register to multiple peers, but I can only specify a single username and password without jumping through hoops.  is there no way to have all of those peers register with those same username and password?  looking at the "username" attribute with the type set to friend or user seems like it might work...
15:24.51bmoracareason i ask is because there could potentially be hundreds of peers
15:24.52[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: you can't have devices finght over a registration.  * Will not track multiple enpoints.
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15:25.11[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: I think I've heard SEr doing this
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15:25.33bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: I don't want multiple devices to register to the same peer.  I want a single device to register to multiple peers with a single username and password.
15:25.34[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: At which point you could use that in front
15:25.42bmoracayeah...i was afraid i might have to do that
15:25.59[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Umm.. single device tor eg to multiple peers?  Like what kind of device?
15:26.09bmoracait's an Adtran media gateway
15:26.37[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: I am confused.... if you what THAT to reg to multiple devices.. well then read its damn manual :)
15:26.58[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: this has nothing to do with *
15:27.12bmoracait's strange the way it works...every phone number you configure it with registers as a peer to the SIP gateway, but you can only specify a single username and password for ALL registrations
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15:28.10bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: it's not the device that I'm having problems with.  it's Asterisk's configuration that I'm not sure of.  I've got the Adtran configured fine, but I cannot figure out how to get asterisk to accept a username that's not the peer name
15:28.17bmoracalet me pastebin an example
15:29.22nephflanybody know the difference betwen spa2102 and pap2t-na?
15:29.38CrashSysI'm having an issue with Asterisk 1.4 where if I have anything set in caller-id-name when I try to dial out my PRI is returning cause code 99 which causes asterisk to hang-up... Is there any way to configure the PRI to just not sent caller-ID-name without blanking that variable in the dialplan?
15:31.01[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Accept un-authed calls, and validate that its from your gateway in dialplan.  Or auth by IP only.
15:31.19[TK]D-Fendernephfl: The featuts list is pretty clear
15:31.34nephfli dont see the difference
15:32.22CrashSysWould calling SetCallerPres(allowed) before the dial do what I need?
15:32.31[TK]D-Fendernephfl: then either you're not looking at a good list or you're jsut not looking...
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15:32.40coppicenephfl: T.38 support and a router are the key differences
15:32.54[TK]D-Fendernephfl: T.38 support, Acts as router, bgiger CPU, etc...
15:33.45nephflif im not using it as a router is there any advantage to the spa?
15:34.20coppicelet's see. T38 + router - router => ???
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15:34.44[TK]D-Fendernephfl: If I'm not driving 200mph on the autobahn in my Ferrari is it still a better choice to use for my grocery runs?
15:35.15coppiceFerraris suck for grocery shopping. no luggage space
15:35.15[TK]D-Fendernephfl: I think you need to be able to look at the fature list and make up your own mind
15:35.37[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Yes, but at 200mph think about how many trips you could do :)
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15:37.25CrashSysI find going 140 in my 4-door family sedan on the interstate to be much more effective
15:37.45CrashSyscomfortable seats, gentle ride, and cops are never looking for you to be speeding in that kind of car :)
15:38.22CrashSysThey're usually looking for the ferrari's
15:38.26mnicholsonsome ferraris have luggage space
15:38.43coppiceyou mean their station wagons?
15:39.26CrashSysThe passenger seat is nog luggage space
15:39.31mnicholsonthe 612 scaglietti, 599 fiorano, and the ferrari california all have some luggage space
15:39.37iratikCan anyone help me figure out this pri debug information, it is at the end of the pastie and it is a disconnect message - i cannot tell if it is incoming or outgoing and i am having trouble understanding what it means... (Selected debug lines , with the pri packet at the end)
15:40.30CrashSysCause code 16, normal cleaning
15:40.37CrashSysTypically means the remote end hung up
15:40.45CrashSysas in went on-hook
15:41.17iratikFor sure? "Private network serving the local user" .. that couldn't mean that the hangup was caused by a local netork disruption?
15:41.23bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: here's a PB: .  If I send the credentials for 2095545245, that peer registers, but 2095545246 also attempts to register with those credentials and gives me back a "SIP/2.0 403 Authentication user name does not match account name".
15:41.28iratik> Call Ref: len= 2 (reference 104/0x68) (Originator)
15:42.04iratikDoes that mean that the remote end hung up for sure ? Or is there any other possibilities, ... this is the greatest amount of debug i can do for the dropped calls
15:42.08CrashSysAhhh, Vicidial :)
15:42.37iratikYou saw the "Local/8600052"
15:42.43CrashSyswell, maybe not, but something similar
15:42.57iratikAny help , ideas? directions to explore?
15:43.09[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Inded the name does NOT match in their own register.  Look at it.
15:43.18[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Looks like the gateways is configured wrong
15:43.35[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: 19 vs 30
15:44.01CrashSysthat's the whole d-channel debug?
15:44.32iratikThe whole d-channel debug would be 20+ pages for the length of the entire call as this is happening during 12-16 simultaneous calls
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15:44.42bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: this is the only way to configure the gateway.  what I need asterisk to do is allow me to specify a different auth name from the peer name...
15:44.55CrashSysYeah, but the PRI debug looks truncated
15:45.17bmoracaif asterisk can't do that, I'll use SER in front of it...but I'd prefer not to do that
15:45.37[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: I can't really advise on any way for * to do this.
15:45.38iratikCrashSys: I have another PRI debug set, let me paste it
15:45.49CrashSysWhat version of stuff is this?
15:46.38*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:46.45[TK]D-Fender[11:39]<CrashSys>The passenger seat is nog luggage space <- transporter 3 begs to differ ;)
15:47.14CrashSysOk, if you are Jason Stratham then yes, it's a viable option...
15:47.16*** join/#asterisk b14ck (n=comradeb@
15:47.17b14ckhi all :)
15:47.25CrashSysBTW, go see crank 2... the godzilla scene is worth the money...
15:47.43luckyabaHas anyone had any trouble hooking Nortel phones up with Asterisk?
15:48.07CrashSysiratik: All the messages that have a > as the first character in a debug means that message is being delivered to the asterisk server...
15:48.19luckyabaspecifically the Nortel 1140E
15:48.21[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: a match for #1's "Chinatown" scene? ;)
15:48.38CrashSysAnd inversely, all messages that have a < as the first character in a debug are messages going out from asterisk
15:49.00CrashSysD-Fender: Better in my opinion...
15:49.01*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
15:49.14[TK]D-Fenderluckyaba: Never heard of anyone with those loking to use *
15:49.20CrashSysAlthough, they duplicate the chinatown scene at a horse race track :)
15:49.21*** join/#asterisk jnfuller (n=jnfuller@
15:49.30CrashSysThe movie makes fun of how ridiculous it is...
15:49.33[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: I'm sure its craptastic, but hopefully not overly painful to watch
15:50.13CrashSysIt was seriously pretty funny... the first one attempted to be somewhat serious... the second one gives up and just makes fun of itself the whole time...
15:50.18iratikHere is the _full_ cli output , the sections involving the progress of the call that dropped are marked (where the line numbers reset)
15:50.24jnfullerare the dahdi-$foo-current.tar.gz on being refreshed right now? the tarballs seem to be hosed/
15:50.45iratik(The call starts on 269/1)
15:52.39*** join/#asterisk JackEStorm (
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15:53.26CrashSysSo what asterisk version is this?
15:53.33iratik1.2.0.3 ?
15:53.41Black_LCan i install Asterisk under Ubuntu?
15:53.51CrashSysohh, ok, I was about to say
15:54.07jayteeBlack_L, no but you can install Asterisk on top of Ubuntu
15:54.19Black_Ljattee : Expalin
15:54.29bmoracadamnit...i didn't want to have to dedicate another server to this, but it looks like I don't have a choice
15:54.38jnfullerthey are hosed. asterisk-dev says someone is fixing them
15:54.43Black_Lbmoraca : Virtualize it
15:54.46bmoracatoo difficult to maintain otherwise
15:55.07bmoracaBlack_L: probably not going to be a possibility with how much traffic I hope to have on it
15:55.10jayteeBlack_L, just a figure of speech, yes you can run Asterisk ON ubuntu OR under it it if you prefer :-)
15:55.19CrashSyslooks like it hangs-up when it tries to bridge it to the local channel
15:55.22CrashSysis meetme working?
15:55.27Black_Ljaytee : Thank you
15:55.33iratikBut the call is already in progress
15:55.59jayteelunchtime, bbiab
15:56.12CrashSysYou can dial 8600051 on a phone and get into a conference with no issues?
15:57.19CrashSysThis a new issue?
15:57.21iratikI mean there are 1,000s of calls takign places over 20+ conferences every day
15:57.27CrashSysor you just setting the system up?
15:57.34iratikits been a persistent issue since the beginning
15:57.47CrashSysVerified PRI protocol with carrier?
15:58.03*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
15:58.12iratik8-10 calls out of 100 calls/hour get "dropped" like this.. but from the pri debug it looks like a remote hangup
15:58.19*** part/#asterisk jnfuller (n=jnfuller@
15:58.21iratikthats why i was verifying if you are sure it was a remote hangup
15:58.38iratikAT&T is the carrier
15:58.50*** join/#asterisk mchou_ (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
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16:00.09iratikAT&T has never had an open-source friendly tone when we've brought up asterisk. They wwill basically only talk to us about their certified telephony solutions .. avaya, cisco etc...
16:00.26CrashSysIs switchvox certified?
16:00.28CrashSysor trixbox?
16:00.31CrashSysif so, say it's that
16:00.42CrashSysvolunteering information willingly is never a good idea :)
16:00.56*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
16:01.10JackEStormhey how do I turn on sql tracing for res_odbc? it keeps crashing here randomly once a week (with a stuid sql error:: ERROR: value "<CID NUMBER>" is out of range for type integer;)
16:01.23*** join/#asterisk Joe_CoT (n=joecot@ubuntu/member/pdpc.bronze.joeterranova)
16:01.36Joe_CoTok. So yesterday, the power went out. Today, meetme won't work
16:01.57Joe_CoTi have ztdummy loaded into the kernel, and I just recompiled asterisk. no dice
16:02.52Black_LOk i could use some help here.
16:03.18Black_LI have no idea how to use Linux. Downloaded Asterisk in my virtualized Ubuntu box and now i would like to know how to install the app.
16:03.32*** join/#asterisk timeshell_atwork (
16:03.41Black_LAlso is there any way to replace this horrific GUI Ubuntu has going on by default?
16:04.38timeshell_atworkUse Fedora
16:05.04Joe_CoTyou can stop before the setup freepbx part if you're just doing asterisk
16:05.20Joe_CoTBlack_L, if you don't want a gui, you probably wanted ubuntu server
16:05.40Black_LI wanted a GUI
16:05.43Black_LBut i want it to not suck
16:06.03Joe_CoTBlack_L, well what do you want? KDE? XFCE?
16:06.20Black_LI know very little about Linux. But i am quite partial to the Vista or 7 theme.
16:06.32Black_LBlack glass is something i wish the entire world was made of lol.
16:06.55Joe_CoTlook at screenshots of Kubuntu and Xubuntu. Let me know if either of those look better to you
16:07.03Black_LI've used Kubuntu
16:07.09Black_LBut i'll look at Xubuntu
16:07.45Black_LThey all look the same except Kubuntu
16:08.30CrashSysiratik: Which call should I be looking at?
16:08.37CrashSysthe one for conference 8600051?
16:09.10*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
16:09.15Joe_CoTBlack_L, ok. Kubuntu and Xubuntu are the supported ones. If neither of those work for you, there are others, mostly minimalist ones. Regarding guis, you should probably PM me, it's not an asterisk thing
16:09.33Black_LBack to Asterisk then
16:09.47Black_LTo install it i would use what command now?
16:10.09Black_L"sudo make samples"
16:10.43Joe_CoTBlack_L, there's a package built in to Ubuntu, but it's not kept up to date. To compile it from source, run through everything here:
16:11.05Joe_CoTif you want to have a go with the package, sudo apt-get install asterisk
16:11.38Black_LWhere do i download the latest package? I think i have source.
16:12.07*** join/#asterisk youngproguru (n=mm@
16:12.16Black_LAlso, i am curious. Why doesn't Linux adopt an installer system utilizing executables like Windows?
16:12.32nephfllike rpms?
16:12.39youngproguruI have such a quick question I hope someone can help with
16:12.46*** join/#asterisk Anth8708 (
16:12.57youngproguruI have installed Asterisk Now 1.5 and Asterisk doesn't seem to start at system boot?
16:13.19youngproguruand I am not using the Gui's in any way.
16:13.28Joe_CoTBlack_L, what I just gave you is the equivalent of an install. If you want to install the latest package on Ubuntu:
16:13.31Joe_CoTsudo apt-get update
16:13.35Joe_CoTthen, sudo apt-get install asterisk
16:13.37Joe_CoTthat's it
16:14.03youngproguruOf Course, I could add the init myself, but I have to assume that Asterisk Now would start asterisk at boot?
16:14.06*** join/#asterisk mog (
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16:14.15youngproguruAt least It did in the past
16:14.25Black_L...How do i open the command window?
16:14.59Joe_CoTBlack_L, Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal
16:15.10Black_LThank you very much
16:16.34*** join/#asterisk smultron (
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16:17.35Black_LIs there a way to have Ubuntu automatically download the driver for my GPU?
16:18.20nkohhthat question might be better placed in a channel that is NOT #asterisk
16:18.46Joe_CoTBlack_L, you can try #ubuntu. Or I can help you in PM, or in #ubuntu-us-nj
16:19.21Joe_CoT#asterisk is about asterisk. Speaking of which, any help with my meetme problem would be appreciated
16:19.27nkohhwhats your meetme problem
16:20.28Joe_CoTpower went out last night, now meetme won't work at all. I just get kicked out (or disconnected) as soon as I call it. usually I know this is a zaptel problem, but I have ztdummy loaded, and I just recompiled asterisk, but no dice
16:20.49*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
16:22.34Black_LOk i used the command "sudo apt-get install asterisk"
16:22.52Black_LIs it installed? How do i access it?
16:22.54nkohhJoe_CoT: any logged messages?
16:24.31Joe_CoTBlack_L, yes it should be installed, it should even be running
16:24.36Joe_CoTyou can access it with sudo asterisk -r
16:24.46Joe_CoTmy question is, do you know what do to with it
16:25.13nkohhJoe_CoT: thanks, I'll take a look
16:25.23Black_LUnable to connect to remote asteris
16:25.28Black_LI know little
16:25.32[TK]D-FenderJoe_CoT: Since not knowing how to even open a terminal window or start it... I'd bet on "no"
16:25.41Joe_CoTBlack_L, try sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk start
16:26.01Joe_CoT[TK]D-Fender, yeah. So he'd probably be better suited with one of the specialized graphical setups
16:26.07Joe_CoTor reading, a lot
16:26.12Black_LSays it is already running
16:27.54*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=scott@
16:27.58Joe_CoTnkohh, think I found it in the full log: app_meetme.c: Unable to open pseudo device
16:28.56nny_1still working on possible creative solutions to my experimental personal macro for calling my desk/cell phone. Right now I mangle the CID to be a specific number before using Dial to diall my deskphone&cellphone@SIPProvider.
16:29.25nny_1wondering if there is a way to only set the CID for the cellphone part
16:29.39nny_1VaGoNeTaS: me?
16:30.12VaGoNeTaSshit still got the same issue
16:30.26VaGoNeTaSmaybe you could help me
16:30.38nny_1possible but not likely, i burn toast, but shoot
16:30.46VaGoNeTaShahaha, k
16:31.09VaGoNeTaSi got an asterisk server running on the ip address , and for the people on the same subnet, it works properly
16:31.17VaGoNeTaS(with wired connection)
16:31.34Joe_CoTVaGoNeTaS, but outside that it can't get the public ip address?
16:31.38VaGoNeTaSbut i also have an wireless running on the subnet 192.168.2.xx
16:31.47VaGoNeTaSat the same office
16:31.51Joe_CoToh, nm
16:31.59VaGoNeTaSand when they try to talk, people cant listen them
16:32.14nny_1how are you routing the two subnets together?
16:32.18nny_1at the gateway?
16:32.31VaGoNeTaSwhat u mean?
16:32.40VaGoNeTaSwanna see my SIP.conf file ?
16:32.42VaGoNeTaSjust a sec
16:32.47VaGoNeTaSim gonna pb it
16:32.48Joe_CoTVaGoNeTaS, so it connects, but voice doesn't happen? The connection is through SIP, the voice is through RTP. The RTP packets probably aren't making it through
16:32.56VaGoNeTaSJoe_CoT : they can listen
16:33.00nny_1VaGoNeTaS: are you using the wireless as a router?
16:33.04VaGoNeTaSbut people at the other side cant listen them
16:33.22nny_1VaGoNeTaS: cause if you have ROUTER --> ASTERISK --> ROUTER WITH WIFI --> CLIENT< it's a NAT issue
16:33.29VaGoNeTaSor if they do, people listen them breaking up
16:33.41nny_1VaGoNeTaS: why do you have a diff subnet for wifi?
16:33.44VaGoNeTaSwe have, a fw, then a switch
16:33.56VaGoNeTaSok, 24 ports switch (subnet 192.168.1.xx)
16:34.01nny_1ok but how is the 2.X subnet talking to the .1 subnet?
16:34.11VaGoNeTaSand coming out of that router we have connected to, the wireless router
16:34.16nny_1bad juju
16:34.24nny_1is the wireless router routing?
16:34.31VaGoNeTaSi've tried to change the subnet of that router but it doesnt works
16:34.38nny_1as in did you plug the 1.X network into the WAN port!?:
16:34.43nny_1do this:
16:35.02VaGoNeTaSthe worse part of this story is that i have to fix it TODAY
16:35.08VaGoNeTaSor my ass will be burned slowly
16:35.14nny_1VaGoNeTaS: if you listen it will work
16:35.23VaGoNeTaSk, im listening
16:35.35nny_1VaGoNeTaS: first of all the NAT --> NAT thing is never a good idea really
16:35.51*** join/#asterisk viraptor (
16:35.54nny_1VaGoNeTaS: right now you have a NAT routrer behind a NAT router
16:35.56VaGoNeTaSi know, but is the boss requirement
16:36.11nny_1VaGoNeTaS: so you have to seperate the wireless from the main network?
16:36.12VaGoNeTaSnat router behind a nat switch
16:36.22nny_1yeah thats not a good idea, but eh
16:36.46VaGoNeTaSif i were the boss, ill have it different but im not
16:37.27Black_LOk i have Asterisk running under Ubuntu. How do i access Asterisk?
16:37.35nny_1VaGoNeTaS: well. you can try to forward the RTP ports on the wireless AP
16:37.42nny_1VaGoNeTaS: it may work, but not sure
16:38.03nny_1VaGoNeTaS: but if you have more than one client on the second NAT router, it wont work
16:38.12nny_1VaGoNeTaS: tell your boss this setup isn't correct
16:38.26nny_1VaGoNeTaS: the issue isn't asteriskl
16:38.43VaGoNeTaSthe issue is the NAT  i know that
16:38.43nny_1VaGoNeTaS: the issue is the incoming RTP packets aren't making it across NAT to the sip client
16:38.54JackEStormVaGoNeTaS: turn reinvites off
16:39.08VaGoNeTaSJackEStorm : what reinvites?
16:39.34nny_1so think of it logically, if you cant mangle the packets to their destination(s) you won't get two way audio
16:39.49nny_1VaGoNeTaS: and having local=192.168.2.X is pointless
16:39.50JackEStormVaGoNeTaS: in sip.conf
16:40.10viraptoris there a way to jump to a context only if it exists? I mean something like GotoIfExists(context-if-exists,context-else,${EXTEN},1) ?
16:40.12nny_1since all packets from the wireless router are forwarded as the single IP the router  has as a WAN address
16:40.15nny_1gives up
16:40.22nny_1have fun with that
16:40.29JackEStormVaGoNeTaS: canreinvite=no
16:40.38VaGoNeTaSnny_1 : belive me im having fun with this since 1 week and a half
16:40.48VaGoNeTaSand my ass is getting burned really really painfully
16:40.53nny_1VaGoNeTaS: your issue is a bad network setup
16:41.14nny_1VaGoNeTaS: deal with that and you have your solution. I might add you may wanna read up on how a NAT network works
16:41.17VaGoNeTaSJackEStorm : what's that for?
16:41.35Joe_CoTnny_1, if i'm not mistaken, isn't it 1 rtp port per stream? If he has 100 ports, I don't see the problem
16:41.56JackEStormVaGoNeTaS: tells the phone and asterisk not to try a direct connection between the two peers
16:41.57Joe_CoThe could just need to configure his sip nat settings
16:42.07nny_1Joe_CoT: he did
16:42.10*** join/#asterisk dbcooper1 (n=User@
16:42.13JackEStorm(look in the sample for sip.conf, it's well documented)
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16:43.38Joe_CoTnny_1, so he set up the rtp ports, and set an externip in sip.conf, and it isn't working still?
16:43.48nny_1Joe_CoT: you would think that 192.168.1.(WIRELESS):RTPPORT would get NAT'd to the right client behind the router, but not the case it seems
16:44.23nny_1Joe_CoT: he has asterisk on the first NAT network, and the client behind a router with NAT within that network
16:44.30VaGoNeTaSsomebody told me something about using IAX instead of SIP
16:44.35VaGoNeTaSfor the wireless connections
16:44.47VaGoNeTaSwhat about that?
16:44.48nny_1i dunno off the shelf hardware does strange things when the WAN is a PFC
16:46.13Joe_CoTVaGoNeTaS, AIX is a special protocol for asterisk that works better over NAT setups, but is rarely supported by phone hardware, and has few soft clients. Don't know if that would fix your rtp issue or not
16:46.37VaGoNeTaSwe dont need it to be working under phone harware
16:46.48VaGoNeTaSwe need it working under wi fi with laptops and softphones
16:47.05Joe_CoTok, well you'd need a soft client that supports AIX. there aren't very many
16:47.25Joe_CoTand you could give that a shot, i guess? I've never used it, i don't know if it would solve your rtp problem
16:48.42*** join/#asterisk Alborracho (n=chatzill@
16:48.43nny_1VaGoNeTaS: so your issue is that the client on the wifi can't hear the other party?
16:49.00viraptorwhat is the best way to jump to a context that may or may not exist? (and recover properly)
16:49.01Alborrachohi everyone
16:49.27Alborrachoi need to chance asterisk so it can accept rcf2833 inband, any pointers i should look for?
16:49.32Black_LHow do i access Asterisk inside Ubuntu?
16:49.56nny_1Black_L: google for the Asterisk book
16:50.04infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:50.10Joe_CoTBlack_L, it should just be sudo asterisk -r
16:50.27*** join/#asterisk jplank (
16:50.28Black_LJoe : Says unable to connect to remote asterisk
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16:50.57jplankanyone know of a good wholesale SIP provider that could provide INTL origination? (INTL as in not the US)
16:51.19nny_1Joe_CoT: tbh if one party can't hear the other, it's normally a network issue. The rtp packets just aren't making it across whatever hardware is in the way
16:51.39nny_1Joe_CoT: this is based on my experience setting up funky things, so eh
16:51.49viraptorSuPrSluG: I meant when I don't have any more information about the current situation... there might be a context and if there is, I want to jump there - I can't query any variable to get that info
16:52.01nny_1Black_L: than asterisk is not running
16:52.04VaGoNeTaSi did the change u told me
16:52.08VaGoNeTaSand we made a test
16:52.11Black_LHow do i run it then?
16:52.25VaGoNeTaSand the phone call went through properly
16:52.47SuPrSluGBlack_L:asterisk -vvvc
16:52.54nny_1Black_L: in Ubuntu it would be /etc/init.d/asterisk start
16:53.02Joe_CoThe already did that
16:53.12Joe_CoTBlack_L, do this please: ps aux | grep asterisk
16:53.14Joe_CoTdo you see it running?
16:53.19tokozedghi, i`m trying to configure call forwarding and is this enought for that, it didn`t worked, can anyone give me a little manual?
16:53.53Black_LJoe : a bunch of text came up
16:54.05nny_1Joe_CoT: awesome, you must be clarivoyant
16:54.17*** join/#asterisk ctp (
16:54.36Joe_CoTnny_1, ? I told him to do that previous, he said the output was asterisk already started
16:54.58Black_LSo why can't i access it then?
16:55.22SuPrSluGBlack_L:it's not a GUI
16:55.45Black_LSuPrSluG : What about it?
16:57.00Joe_CoTBlack_L, can you pastebin the output of "ps aux | grep asterisk" and "sudo asterisk -r" ?
16:57.27Black_LIt just connected
16:57.58Joe_CoTare you sure you were doing sudo asterisk -r before, and not asterisk -r ?
16:58.12Black_LI was probably typing sudo
16:58.50Black_LNow my line says vUbuntu*CLI?
16:58.58Black_LvUbuntu is the virtualized machine's name
16:59.00nny_1VaGoNeTaS: so your problem is solved?
16:59.20[TK]D-Fendernny_1: For your cell question, dial a local channel to place that out-call and set the CID in there
16:59.21nny_1VaGoNeTaS: sounds like the router was breaking the peer to peer rtp stuff.
16:59.38*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
16:59.41nny_1[TK]D-Fender: hmm gotcha
17:00.16nny_1[TK]D-Fender: that's genius ha
17:05.46tokozedganyone help :|
17:06.37VaGoNeTaSnny_1 : yep, my problem is solved
17:06.41nny_1tokozedg: i would try but i seem to be zero for two ha
17:06.54VaGoNeTaSnow, i have to cancel the echo , coz at the office with the SIP Phones, they sometimes have echo
17:07.02VaGoNeTaSi have an Redfone Quad as PRI Device
17:07.17nny_1VaGoNeTaS: ha cool. Not sure why peer to peer would break though. Maybe the router is confused as to who the originating IP is sending the packets
17:07.20VaGoNeTaSdo you know if that device has an hardware echo cancel or i have to set it up ?
17:07.26nny_1VaGoNeTaS: guess PFM
17:07.32nny_1VaGoNeTaS: not sure
17:07.34VaGoNeTaSwtf is that
17:07.39nny_1VaGoNeTaS: Pure F-ing Magic
17:07.56nny_1VaGoNeTaS: it's the source of 90% of my success. The other 10% is dumb luck
17:07.59tokozedgVaGoNeTaS: for what?
17:08.16VaGoNeTaSnny_1 hahahah
17:08.23VaGoNeTaStokozedg Redfone Quad
17:09.08nny_1here someone have a laugh at my avoid the cost if incoming cell phone smilu ring
17:09.23nny_1i am testing now so any glaring errors shall be fixed
17:10.43VaGoNeTaSnow i have
17:10.53VaGoNeTaSsome static calling from softphone to softphone
17:11.05VaGoNeTaSbut, im in another place
17:11.12VaGoNeTaSconnecting to with a VPN
17:11.24VaGoNeTaSit might be coz of that
17:12.31*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
17:13.38bmoracai can't believe that asterisk does not have a way to specify a different auth name than the peer name for incoming registrations...that seems like a big shortcoming!
17:14.07neurosysbmorac: wanna use encrypted keys?
17:14.19bmoracano, just a different auth name
17:14.46neurosysHmm yeah i never noticed that
17:15.39nkohhfeel free to implement it yourself and submit the patch
17:18.02nny_1hmm is it just me or does using Local not pass the ARG variables passed to the macro?
17:18.57[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Local is a completely separate channel... they MIGHT be inherited
17:19.36nny_1I guess I can set a global long enough to do it, although it would barf it happened at the same time
17:20.53[TK]D-Fendernny_1: How so?
17:22.09nny_1[TK]D-Fender: actually ha I can pull the channel info to do what I want, since the Local channel it is sent to can be used to invoke the global variable. Um I'll post it in pastebin when I get it working and you can tell me how I could have done it easier hehe
17:23.01[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Wait.. I said inhereited, I did not say "use a global variable"
17:23.20[TK]D-Fendernny_1: and yes, that is a race-condition disaster waiting to happen
17:23.48nny_1[TK]D-Fender: it doesn't appear that a macro argument is inherited
17:24.06[TK]D-Fendernny_1: which is why i said to allocate another var prior to the call.
17:24.37nny_1[TK]D-Fender: yeah that's what I meant by setting a global, my bad
17:28.07*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
17:30.35nny_1[TK]D-Fender: behold the monster
17:31.32nny_1[TK]D-Fender: changed the 190 exten to a 3 digit wildcard, but other than that it works
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17:36.36nny_1[TK]D-Fender: hmm it works, but the latency from when it says dialing cell@sipprovider to when the cell phone rings changes. Not sure why, it consistently takes a bit longer, so may have to scrap it anyways
17:39.44[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Local should not take more than an extra second to do the dial.  For the cell to actually start ringing is a telco/antenna issue
17:40.13*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
17:41.10nny_1[TK]D-Fender: yeah i figured as much, I suspect something with the sip provider, although the extra 10 seconds (so far) only manifest themselves when I call the provider from the local channel. I changed it back and consistently got less latency. I am gonna look more, just think it's odd
17:41.46[TK]D-Fendernny_1: makes no sense to be an * issue
17:42.29tokozedgas i guessed i was searching another function and this one is for another one, i want when A answers call from B, A dial a number and conncet B to C, any ideas?
17:43.01nny_1[TK]D-Fender: i don't think so either, i think it's an issue with the sip provider, since the cell phone normally takes 35 seconds except when this happens. I am gonna keep trying to reproduce the issue and do a sip debug on the provider. It take slonger to "make progress/ pass the call" it seems, i'll let ya know what it ends up being
17:43.37*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
17:44.13Zeeekyou should join us at #voip-users-conference for an intercontinental discussion
17:44.37*** join/#asterisk WHYS (n=drumm@
17:44.59Zeeek to call in and join the VoIP Users Conference discussion
17:45.37timeshell_atworkAnyone here familiar with customizing polycom's sip.cfg file?  I'm looking at A-76 in the Admin Guide for customizing a key and where it refers to attribute key.x.y.function.prim, can someone tell me what prim represents?
17:46.28WHYShas anyone successfully ordered ABE? - having vendor problem - they can't seem to deliver a downloadable product
17:47.14WHYSI have to order through state contract, and the vendor had to buy from a distributor who says digium is laying off people and can't deliver
17:50.13timeshell_atworknm... this isn't what I'm looking for.
17:50.17WHYSNo one at Digium to answer?  :)  I would have thought someone would have balked.
17:51.36coppiceWHYS: well, if they've all been laid off.........
17:53.56Corydon76-digWHYS: what distributor is saying that?
17:54.05nny_1is there a way to put timestamps in console?
17:54.12nny_1nm heh
17:54.14nny_1ignore me
17:55.07WHYSVendor doesn't say.  I've asked under threat of recalling the order. It's been over a week now with no download info
17:55.36Corydon76-digWHYS:  then it's probably your vendor that is laying off people and can't deliver, not Digium or the distributor
17:55.58Corydon76-digShifting blame is the oldest trick in the book
17:56.14WHYSI'd guessed that.  Just thought I would check.
17:56.17nny_1[TK]D-Fender: yeah this is just irregular network time from the cell provider, off to figure out how to lower the ring to VM on the cell from the provider
17:57.15[TK]D-Fendernudges the blame over 3" with his foot and whistles innocently
17:58.10Corydon76-digWHYS:  if you find out who, let me know.  I can push back on the other end.
17:58.19nny_1[TK]D-Fender: heh
17:58.37WHYSwill do.  thanks.
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18:01.07leifmadsenanyone know if there is a dialplan application or function that will send a voicemail notification? (i.e. MWI)
18:01.25leifmadsen(any version of asterisk, currently on 1.6.0 branch)
18:03.02juanIMPleifmadsen: voicemail ( voicemail at voicemail.conf )
18:03.14leifmadsenjuanIMP: no, from the dialplan
18:03.21leifmadsenI realize I can use mailbox= in sip.conf
18:03.31leifmadsenbut it doesn't work well if you're creating a hot-desking feature
18:03.40leifmadsensince the user is not tied to the device
18:04.49[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Scripts are in order.  Would ahve to parse out sip.conf, etc and edit the box & apply
18:05.00Aiatekanyone knows if there is a problems with DAHDI Linux 2.1.0, asterisk 1.6.1 and the openvox a400p pci cards
18:05.06leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: I will figure out something better
18:05.22leifmadsenopenvox is a clone card if I remember right
18:06.14[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: leifmadsen Sure they are.. jsut not by Digium :)
18:06.36leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: you find me someone actually supporting those clone cards, and then I'll believe that is a true statement
18:06.44Aiatekbecause they used to work with zaptel
18:07.02[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: guess ti depends what kind of "support" is needed.
18:07.15leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: btw -- file just told me minivm has what I need in 1.6.2 and trunk
18:07.16coppiceleifmadsen: openvox make somewhat original cards, and support them with their own drivers
18:07.28leifmadsencoppice: ah, gotcha
18:07.32leifmadsenAiatek: there ya go :)
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18:16.45vi390hej, how can I catch outgoing connections? (need a working concept) I get that the extension with outgoing number is not found. It should not look for the number as extension, but dial out
18:17.15vi390thats what I have in the outgoing: exten => _0.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@10)
18:17.38vi390incoming is working, thats where "10" points
18:17.54[TK]D-Fenderviwhat do you mean "10" "points there"?  Huh?
18:18.19vi390the context 10 is defined in sip.conf
18:18.24[TK]D-Fendervi390: Do you have a SIP peer named [10]?
18:18.52[TK]D-Fenderv3Show us the failed call with SIP debug, and the sip.conf
18:18.55infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
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18:21.48Zeeekoh, am I still here?
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18:36.25spckanyone have any docs on configuring * with ldirectord to do the load balancing?
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18:39.45nny_1adding 2 g729 codec channels to my dev box here. Stupid question, but if a third sip channel opens to the sip provider will it fallback if i run out of licenses or just complain the codec conversion won't happen (assuming my sip.conf has the codecs listed in order)
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18:40.14[TK]D-Fendernny_1: run out = DOA
18:40.14seb-[TK]D-Fender: ping
18:40.22[TK]D-Fenderseb-: y0
18:40.35seb-[TK]D-Fender: can you try to chat w/ me one more time?
18:40.45seb-[TK]D-Fender: just for a minute
18:41.13[TK]D-Fenderseb-: @work.  nope
18:41.52seb-[TK]D-Fender: any hope you'll be @home in next 6 hours?
18:41.52nny_1[TK]D-Fender: lame
18:42.05nny_1[TK]D-Fender: so if the licenses get used up, it won't drop back to GSM?
18:42.09nny_1(or w/e i use)
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18:51.41[TK]D-Fenderseb-: yup
18:51.50[TK]D-Fendernny_1: DOA <-
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18:59.44nny_1[TK]D-Fender: nice. Wonderful limitation. I assume I can just have the outbound channel set to a call limit and write failover in the dialplan, but sounds like garbage. Nice of them to not give me a reason to use it.
19:00.50*** join/#asterisk jnfuller (n=jnfuller@
19:00.57nny_1from what I just read this is a limitation in the codec itself
19:01.15jnfullerdoes anyone know if the syntax for include => context changed in 1.6.0?
19:02.18ectospasmnny_1: it should fall back to any secondary codecs you have set up.
19:02.38ectospasmjnfuller: to my  knowledge it hasn't
19:03.23nny_1ectospasm: from what I read, it's the codec stopping it. It basically sends the conversion to the codec, and the codec fails because of licensing, as opposed to asterisk itself having knowledge of the limit
19:03.27jnfullerI'm trying to include a context and instead of showing up in the dialplan the include statement looks like an extension
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19:05.28ectospasmnny_1: so you're saying it's not falling back?  You should probably call Digium about that...
19:06.15ectospasmjnfuller: that's what "dialplan show <context>" does, it doesn't "dereference" or follow the includes...
19:11.43jnfullerok so then the include is not actually including the context info
19:12.18jnfullersomething is broken
19:15.52nny_1ectospasm: nm i lied
19:16.10nny_1ectospasm: [TK]D-Fender i get an error in console, but it falls back to ulaw (or gsm) after
19:17.08b14ckhey guys, anyone here using cepstral?
19:17.41b14cki'm having a bit of an issue getting the app_swift program to work with asterisk 1.6, im following some nerd vittles instructions that i found here:
19:17.57b14ckwhen I get to the part where I download and make app_swift, i get compile errors, i'll paste them in a moment
19:18.01nny_1 (this is from my sip client (ulaw) to the server and then from server to vitelity
19:18.10b14cki'm using app_swift.1.6.2
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19:22.11nny_1ectospasm: it is possible once the codec is installed though it can still fail, installing it now fwiw
19:23.09nny_1ectospasm: it is so rare [TK]D-Fender is wrong. Last time he was wrong the world fell into the Dark Ages and havoc ensued
19:23.20leifmadsenwhats a dialplan variable/application/function to get the VM pin?
19:23.26[TK]D-Fendernny_1: Or they fixed it.  It used to jsut bomb
19:23.38[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: vmauthenticate
19:23.46nny_1[TK]D-Fender: yeah going to test now
19:23.47edibraci had some dropped calls on a conference line this morning - asterisk logs mention "span 1 got hangup request, cause 16" - though, those have showed up for months and we haven't had dropped calls until now's my logs w/ full debugging enabled:
19:23.52[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Well doesn't GET it, just auths by it
19:24.07leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: that might work... let me see....
19:24.47leifmadsenaha, for this application, yes, it will work
19:25.00edibracif the cause of a dropped call was the other side's pbx, what would show up on my end in the logs?
19:25.05leifmadsen(I was searching for 'like VM' in functions, and didn't try that with applications)
19:25.46[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: np
19:26.25[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: IMO there should be a function for this.  it the natural way
19:26.44leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: I would agree
19:26.58leifmadsenfunny such a thing doesn't exist actually
19:27.01leifmadsenI'm even using 1.6.2 right now
19:29.19leifmadsenmaybe I'll look at the code for VMauthenticate one of these days and see if I can figure out how to make that function
19:30.44leifmadsenseems like it should be pretty simple task -- will be a good homework assignment to learn some C
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19:41.28edibracare "chan_dahdi.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call" normal?
19:41.43edibraci don't have a h exten defined
19:42.03edibrac..seems like they might be related?
19:42.11[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: nope.
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19:44.44edibraci guess it's a dahdi thing that happens when there's a (intentional or unintentional) hangup
19:44.52edibracwhen it talks about "icause"
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19:49.28[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: Go lok at the debug for your channel
19:50.09dshapdoes anyone know of any Level3 SIP Trunking resellers to use with Asterisk?
19:51.10*** join/#asterisk Marquis42 (
19:51.13leifmadsenMarquis42: yo :)
19:51.16leifmadsenMarquis42: so this is my idea
19:51.17Marquis42hi! :)
19:51.29ajohnsonAsterisk is stopping dialplan execution in the middle of a context unexpectedly.  Was wondering if anyone else could take a look?
19:52.23leifmadsenMarquis42: I'm building a hot-desking feature, so the user is not tied to a device. Thus my MWI must follow the user around, not the device. What I'm thinking of doing is making a separate <mac>@mwi context in voicemail.conf for those devices, then modifying the MWI based on the users actual mailbox of <extension>@company_context
19:52.41ajohnsonThere's a GotoIfTime and it appears that whether the applications matches the time requirements or not, it stops at that line
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19:53.11Marquis42leifmadsen: Oooh... Clever.  I think that would work well.
19:53.28leifmadsenajohnson: try $[   ] around the statement in GotoIfTime....
19:53.34leifmadsenMarquis42: ok, I'm going to try it
19:54.23Marquis42leifmadsen: Good deal, let me know how you get on with it.
19:54.29barbachais it possible to make it that every extention is abble to receive voice AND fax calls and to diverts faxes to hylafax or similar while letting the voice ones through ?
19:54.33leifmadsenMarquis42: will do!
19:54.45edibrac[TK]D-Fender: are you talking about the PRI debug or DEBUG entries in my /var/log/asterisk/full ?
19:55.31ajohnsonleifmadsen: Not working, and core show application gotoiftime shows it being used without $[] as well as voip-info and the same line works in 1.4
19:55.39edibrac[TK]D-Fender: wait i think not "pri debug span" because you're talking about loooking at the channel.
19:55.46leifmadsenajohnson: gotcha..t hen I'm not sure
19:55.53ajohnsoncool, thanks
19:56.18ajohnsonAnd since it's stopping in the middle of a context and not following either path and not showing an error, I'm assuming it's a bug
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19:59.44leifmadsenMarquis42: wow, that totally worked :)
20:01.01*** part/#asterisk youngproguru (n=mm@
20:03.49Marquis42leifmadsen: Excellent!
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20:09.50leifmadsenMarquis42: ya, was pretty surprised when it worked :)
20:15.39Marquis42leifmadsen: I can imagine.  It works well for my uses, but that's a creative way to use the app.  Definitely follows the Asterisk spirit there. :)
20:16.25leifmadsenMarquis42: ya, I find all sorts of ways to use apps the developers never imagined :)
20:16.47leifmadsenMarquis42: I tried using Originate() along with the Calender API stuff to create an auto-dialer for meetings :)
20:16.56leifmadsenAlmost worked too.... damn you Local channels
20:17.02leifmadsen*shaky fist*
20:17.53Marquis42lol...  I've been poking around the Calender API since it was merged (well, since this morning since I was off for a couple of days).  Not to come up with my own nefarious uses.... Mwahahaha ;)
20:18.21leifmadsenMarquis42: ya, I was testing it when it was in a branch. I showed it off at IT360 in April
20:19.02ajohnsonleifmadsen: The reason it is failing is because 1.6.2 considers sunday the beginning of the week, not monday
20:19.16leifmadsenajohnson: neato
20:19.26ajohnsonhowever any invalid gotoif time criteria will cause asterisk to just stop handling the call
20:19.51Marquis42leifmadsen: Excellent.  It definitely looks cool.  I have some of the basic stuff going (calling me when I have a meeting, etc.).
20:19.52leifmadsenheads home
20:20.06leifmadsenMarquis42: ya, it is really quite cool -- I need to get my PBX at home running trunk or something :)
20:20.16leifmadsenwell, I'm outta here for the day, peas out!
20:20.18Marquis42leifmadsen: Definitely, that's what I try to do.
20:20.21Marquis42OK, see you later!
20:20.37*** part/#asterisk Marquis42 (
20:22.43VaGoNeTaSdoes anyone have an Redfone here'
20:22.48VaGoNeTaSRedfone Quad box
20:25.44jameswfI have a phone that is red !
20:26.11VaGoNeTaSi have echo on a device with "Hardware Echo Cancellation"
20:26.23VaGoNeTaScalling from softphone to local
20:26.33VaGoNeTaSand sometimes calling from SIP Phones to Local
20:26.59*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
20:28.48VaGoNeTaShow do i cancel the echo ?
20:28.56VaGoNeTaSechocancel=yes on sip.conf =?
20:29.20nny_1anyone know if the polycom 330 supports distinctive ring?
20:29.37nny_1found docs that say you can do it with the 501/601 configs, nothing yet on the 330
20:30.56nny_1nm found my info
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20:33.18VaGoNeTaSi need your 90% lucky here
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20:38.47nny_1VaGoNeTaS: echo?
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20:49.41SuPrSluGVaGoNeTaS:EC should be done on the redphone box not in sip.conf
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20:52.37justdaveis there a way to tell from a dialplan if MeetMeCount() crashes?
20:55.38justdavemeetme bailed for lack of a timing source because I didn't have dahdi loaded
20:57.08justdaveand of course the dialplan following that wound up telling the users confusing things. :)  trying to figure out how to get it to cluefully tell the user it's broken instead of telling them the conference number is invalid
20:57.27SuPrSluGapparently with 1.6 you don't need it anymore
20:58.47justdavehmm, actually, looks like it didn't get that far.  the "conference number is invalid" appears to have come from MeetMe before it crashed, and it hung up and never returned to my dialplan.
20:58.52justdavethat complicates things
20:59.21justdaveah well, people knew something wasn't right anyway, since it was supposed to be a valid conf number :)
21:08.08VaGoNeTaSSuPrSluG , so i have to disable the echocancel=yes on the sip.conf and the echocancel=yes on zapata.conf file?
21:08.20VaGoNeTaSi have on zapata, echocancel=yes and echocancelwhenbridge=yes
21:08.36VaGoNeTaSand on the sip.conf file i have echocancel=yes under each SIP/Acc
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21:11.33timeshell_atworkIs there any way to monitor what res_phoneprov is doing when a phone asks for files?
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21:40.46ZockI am doing some dialplan-magic today and i am wondering how to achieve that during a call a certain "check" is done.... 2 Parties talk, and every minute a database-check should be done to look if there is enough credit for the call...if not, the call should be disconnected.
21:40.55ZockWhat command should i take a closer look at?
21:43.53_ShrikEZock: I would calculate the available credit or time available for the call via func_odbc adn then limit the call accordingly with the L option in dial.
21:44.19Zock_ShrikE: I cant do that because the credits can be decreased by other sources.
21:44.30Zock_ShrikE: So a pre-calculation of time is not the answer.
21:44.39_ShrikEZock: I see
21:44.44Zock_ShrikE: AbsoluteTimeout() ?
21:44.54Zock_ShrikE: Or does this disconnect in case of the timeout?
21:45.18ZockWhops...removed in 1.4 :D
21:45.34ZockBut TIMEOUT(absolute) seems to be the follow-up.
21:46.12_ShrikEBut im not sure that will do what you are looking for either.
21:46.58ZockHm, in my Mind i have this idea..... TIMEOUT(absolute) / Dial() .... at priority t i do the db-checks..
21:47.49Zock_ShrikE: Do you know if at the time the timeout is hit, is the Timout discarded or keeps running again?
21:47.54hardwireanybody got an XO sales contact for me?
21:49.17Zock"The absolute maximum amount of time permitted for a call." sounds quite wrong for my needs :-/
21:50.05profXavierguys, I have to edit the Polycoms to use 9250*******, for local #s
21:50.37profXavieri -believe- asterisk manages any call that is 9******* and local, by adding on the 250
21:51.24profXavierbut when I use the Polycom, I have to dial 9*******, whereas the 9250******* doesn't work (which is what people are used to dialing
21:51.28KyleKasterisk will do whatever you configure it for
21:51.41KyleKcheck the polycoms dialplan?
21:51.54profXavieri want to edit the Polycom to handle it using the Degitmap
21:52.08ZockG(context^exten^pri) of Dial could be an idea.
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21:52.18KyleKI recently set my SPA3102 to try dialing after only 7 digits ;)
21:52.47profXavierso if I want it to handle 9250******* numebrs...
21:53.17profXavierthen I need to add that exactly, in the Digitmap ?
21:53.23KyleKprofXavier: is asterisk bitching about a lack of an extension for like 92506355428?
21:53.45profXavieri cannot see the output from * atm
21:53.52KyleKoh is this a case where you cant just edit the asterisk box?
21:53.54profXavierthe room that the phone is in, is in use
21:53.58[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Doesn't have to be exact, jsut has to match
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21:54.45profXavierso if user does 92505551234, and I have 9250xxxxxxx in the phone's Digitmap, then the calls should complete?
21:55.35KyleKif its what i think it is, yes
21:55.45profXavierok, let me try that
21:55.54profXavieri just wasnt sure how it would be handled
21:56.12profXavieras * manages to add on the 250 to all the numbers, when 9 + 7 digits are dialed
21:56.48profXavierim a little rusty on contexts :D
21:57.35KyleKah, my personal asterisk box doesn't do 7 digit dialing, but my itsp supports it, I'd just have to fill the default area code on thier website
21:57.58profXavierwe have our own box, locally
21:58.11profXavieri personally think its more of a hassel
21:58.23profXavierbut it saves us money *rolls eyes*
21:58.31hardwirehmm.. anybody have PRI with XO in Cali??
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22:01.10rue_mohrif I have a T1 card, using a zaptel driver, if I specify a gain, is that a digital gain between the pcm and the T1?
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22:09.05*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
22:09.37VaGoNeTaShave any1 installed FreePBX?
22:13.53VaGoNeTaSi dont understand coz im doing the installation as root
22:14.08QwellVaGoNeTaS: This is #asterisk.  Try elsewhere, like #freepbx.
22:14.23VaGoNeTaSshit dude, it have to do with asterisk
22:14.39*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
22:15.06VaGoNeTaSit has*
22:15.49VaGoNeTaSforget it, u wont understand ure never useful for noone, i've neever seen u helping ppl
22:16.13timeshell_atworkboots VaGoNeTaS into next week (and #freepbx)
22:16.18VaGoNeTaSbut telling Get outta here, or go find help somewhere else
22:16.38florzputs up a large "don't feed the trolls" sign
22:17.04*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*@fine.] by Qwell
22:17.19*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*@fine.] by Qwell
22:17.25*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*n=debian@*] by Qwell
22:17.25*** kick/#asterisk [VaGoNeTaS!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (fine. bye.)
22:18.14timeshell_atworkgives Qwell a standing ovation
22:18.28jayteeway to go, ace!
22:18.39*** part/#asterisk bionoid (
22:18.48QwellI fail at bans occasionally.  Don't tell anybody.
22:19.27drmessanofuk u gyus i wil set halp somewear else!!$
22:19.37timeshell_atworkI gotta learn how to use if statements in *
22:19.42*** join/#asterisk my007ms (
22:20.08[TK]D-FenderQwell: S'ok, a few more swings and I might have helped your aim :)
22:20.14jayteeI've got the If statements down pat, it's the Maybe statements that keep tripping me up
22:20.19drmessanopart #akerisk u r suk so bed i hat u all
22:20.20Davieytimeshell_atwork: for dialplan, a nice example is the time condition
22:20.21[TK]D-FenderQwell: He's really more clueless and frustrated than troll.
22:20.30drmessano\part #akerisk u r suk so bed i hat u all
22:20.43*** mode/#asterisk [-b *!*n=debian@*] by Qwell
22:21.19*** join/#asterisk brookshire (
22:21.32*** part/#asterisk my007ms (
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22:26.29[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: there is absolutely nothing to "if statements"
22:26.41timeshell_atworkI know
22:26.46timeshell_atworkI just haven't looked at em yet
22:27.25timeshell_atworkwas thinking out loud when he said that
22:27.30drmessanoIF you do THEN you will know
22:27.46jayteeELSE you will forever remain ignorant
22:27.58drmessanoELSEIF <---
22:28.34timeshell_atworkIt wasn't really a request for help in other words
22:28.43jayteeoh thank god!
22:28.52jayteecuz I really suck at that
22:29.09drmessanoWe dont do that here:
22:29.10drmessano[18:16] <VaGoNeTaS> forget it, u wont understand ure never useful for noone, i've neever seen u helping ppl
22:29.12rue_mohrwhat data rate does the isdn run at on nortel sets?
22:30.02KyleKare enum lookups used in practise? like dundi/
22:30.11infobot<VaGoNeTaS> forget it, u wont understand ure never useful for noone, i've neever seen u helping ppl
22:30.13rue_mohrdid you know nortel digital sets use isdn?
22:30.37jayteelike the M3900 series phones?
22:30.51rue_mohrlike the M7208 phones
22:31.06KyleKso from the pbx to the handset is an isdn line of sorts?
22:31.08timeshell_atworkWhy isn't it picking up my entries when I have it sitting in WaitExten(3)?
22:31.15profXavierok, that didnt work
22:31.15timeshell_atworkKeeps timing out
22:31.19jayteerue_mohr, most like 64kbps
22:31.34profXavierI did this --> so if user does 92505551234, and I have 9250xxxxxxx in the phone's Digitmap, then the calls should complete?
22:31.50[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: its an ISDN influenced protocol, but no actual telcom standard
22:32.13[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: From the phone, yes. Whether * accepts the call is another matter entirely
22:32.16rue_mohrI have a digital card for my channelbank, and they dont say much that makes it sound like, i could plug one of them in
22:32.24profXaviertried to do 9xxxxxxx
22:32.32profXavierwhere its 9250xxxx
22:32.53profXavierso I need to adjust the context on *, not on the phone then ?
22:33.12[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Don't know.  I don't see you  showing us any SIP debug for the attempt.
22:33.32profXavieru mean, from asterisk -r ?
22:33.41[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: As always
22:33.52[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: and with SIP DEBUG enabled
22:35.31[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Looks like its executing dialplan if I'm to take that line at face value
22:35.35jayteerue_mohr, I connected M2616 phones via channel banks to a couple of remote Nortel Meridian Option 11C PBX systems but that was back in 1994-1995. I can't even remember the equipment brand I used.
22:35.40profXavierExecuting [9*******@pbxinternal-zap:1] Set("SIP/boardroom.waikik1-c40b166                                                                             0", "CALLERID(all)=Neverblue Media<250*******>") in new stack
22:35.52profXavierthe first: when I place the numbers in, before I hit dial
22:36.09profXavierthe second: when I press dial, have a dial tone, then enter the #
22:36.12rue_mohrjaytee, ah, to interconnect systems?
22:36.21jayteerue_mohr, yes
22:37.01[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: those are 2 different lengths.  What are we supposed to be seeing here?
22:38.15rue_mohrmy channelbank co card picks up radio stations, sorta, I ran a rf jammer thru its paces in the telco closet and wasn't able to block out the main station comming in, so its not being picked up locally, I just tried an old nortel 616 on my line and cant hear it, I dont hear much of anything with a standad phone
22:38.39rue_mohrI'm still confused about what causes the radio station to come up,
22:39.05rue_mohrthe channelbank has a solid state line interface that I'm suspicious of
22:39.26drmessanoPut a few ferrite chokes on the lines coming in
22:39.29drmessanoSee what happens
22:39.32rue_mohrI know its got a perculier impedence
22:39.54rue_mohrI tried a crude choke, about 20 turns on a 1"^3 core, didn't change anything
22:40.26rue_mohrI'v got trying a 1:1 600R:600R transformer in series with the line on my list
22:40.37rue_mohryou use it as a balanced choke
22:40.57drmessanoIve used something similar
22:40.58rue_mohrdrmessano, have you ever had such an encounter?
22:41.06rue_mohrradio station?
22:41.17drmessanoI worked in radio engineering and IT for 12 years
22:41.43jayteehe's seen it all
22:41.57[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: If you see him around, talk to tzanger about the Nortel protocol, he's done a lot of work with them
22:42.04drmessanoI had a server room 100ft from a 4000watt AM tower
22:42.14rue_mohryou know, if it wasn't CBC, I woldn't even mind
22:42.15[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Or do yourself a favor and forget Nortel tech altogether
22:42.34drmessanoSo yeah.. Dealt a LITTLE with RFI
22:42.57rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, I just used the 616 to see if it also picked up the radio station, with the volume all the way up I cant hear it
22:43.03jayteeI don't miss my Nortel switch. it's been gone since end of February. Everyone loves Asterisk with Exchange UM so much more than the old system.
22:43.15drmessanoGround the everloving shit out of everything.. Bond it all to one ground.. Put chokes on whatever is being most annoying
22:43.17[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I love the grand irony that FCC approval hinges on devices' ability to be disrupted ;)
22:43.27rue_mohrI wish my users loved the asterisk system
22:44.00drmessanoGood grounding rivals chokes any day
22:44.15drmessanoBut chokes can supplant where ground has no place
22:44.23rue_mohrI'v grounded it every way east west and south, no change at all
22:44.56drmessanoThen it may be induced inside the equipment itself... is it shielded?
22:44.58rue_mohrI put two meters on it and can confirm the tip and ring currents are pretty close, within .1ma
22:45.09jayteewe had such bad grounding at one facility in Oklahoma we had to drive copper stakes into the ground and add quicklime for some reason, not sure what the chemisty was all about there.
22:45.43rue_mohrBUT I ran a rf gentorator in the room and swept the stations, it didn't block it, and it would have, so I really dont think its being picked up locally
22:46.20rue_mohrbut it only seems to occur when the channelbank is on there
22:46.28drmessanorue_mohr: What sort of RF generator?
22:46.38rue_mohrI know I'm behind a few chokes on the lines
22:46.54rue_mohra nice big old tube one, its great for silencing neighbours radios
22:47.28profXavierhad a few talkers
22:47.55profXavierFender, I want to do the following: allow 9******* and 9250******* to work on the Polycom phones
22:48.03rue_mohrI'm also heavily considering, because I only have 1 line, to get a usb pots interface
22:48.19profXaviercurrently, from the previous output I showed, the 9******* works
22:48.49drmessanoThat really doesnt tell me a whole lot about its effectiveness.. A wideband noise generator is only going to silence a device intending proper reception of an RF signal.. Incidental oscillation, by its very nature, may not be affected at all by the same device
22:48.54profXavierwhereas, the 9250******* fails, when I enter the digits, as it only reads 9 + 7_digits
22:49.20rue_mohrO/C on my pots line is 55v!
22:49.30rue_mohrthought its supposed to top out at 48...
22:50.15rue_mohrruns about 25mA which, looking it up, seems a little high, 20 sounds like the proper current
22:50.24seb-[TK]D-Fender: @home yet? :)
22:50.48drmessanoIf you had access to an optillator, you could isolate the line
22:50.58drmessanoThat would be interesting
22:51.40[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Show a complete dialplan sample and SIP debug for each attempt
22:51.50[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Including the actual number dialed.
22:51.55rue_mohryea, its been a thought, how to try isolating it
22:52.11[TK]D-Fenderseb-: yup
22:52.16rue_mohrI'm sure if the pots interface wasnt solid state, this woulnd't be an issue
22:52.22drmessanoThey make lightning protectors that have a fiber optic link inside them
22:52.28[TK]D-Fenderseb-: I'm in
22:52.30rue_mohrgive me relays and transformers any day
22:52.33drmessanoThat would isolate the copper
22:57.11rue_mohrthe pots line interface is on a subcard of the fxo card, I almost think I know enough about it now that I could remove it, build a relay/transofrmer one, and have it work
22:57.32rue_mohror I can go buy a usb one, and return it if I dont get any difference
22:57.52rue_mohrer, usb? no those ethernet things, the pap2 but withteh co jack
22:58.06rue_mohrwho makes them now?
22:58.12rue_mohrthey any good?
22:58.19drmessanoThey work for me
22:58.31drmessanoTheres some troll in here who cant get them to work
22:58.34drmessanoIgnore him
22:58.44drmessanoMany of us have used them
22:58.46rue_mohrgreat, I'll end up being the second
22:58.53rue_mohrcan I buy one at london drugs I wonder
22:59.06rue_mohrthey current?
22:59.40rue_mohrdo I get to have fun with tftp servers uploading new firmware to them?
22:59.53drmessanoNo, web based UI
23:00.19rue_mohrhmm so it just uses a sip account?
23:00.41rue_mohrhmm that would make it awefull unchallenging to set up...
23:00.58rue_mohrit have built in echo can?
23:01.28rue_mohr"just works"?
23:01.31drmessanoSomewhat.. get it tuned correctly and it wont be a problem
23:01.38drmessanoGain, Impedence
23:02.06rue_mohryou know I been fighting with that tooth and claw with my tdm800p?
23:02.20drmessanoIf that guide doesnt work for you, i dont give a fuck <--- Standard disclaimer
23:02.26drmessanoBut it works fine
23:02.46drmessanoAnyone who has used my guide (except that one guy) have got them working
23:02.58[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Actually I'm pretty sure that if it DOES work for his you still don't give a fuck ;)
23:03.08drmessanoVery true
23:03.13rue_mohrand that 1fxo and 1 fxs yes?
23:06.44rue_mohrwhy the hell did we pay $800 for a tdm800
23:07.12rue_mohr16 freaking lines for that
23:08.21*** join/#asterisk SaiSoma|AFK (n=SaiSoma@
23:08.40rue_mohrgrinds his teeth
23:22.18profXavierill give it to you now..
23:22.32profXavier[2-9]11|0T|100|101|011xxx.T|9011xxx.T|1[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|91[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|9[2-9]xxxxxx|9250xxxxxxx|*xx|[8]xxx|[2-7]xx :: Polycom
23:23.19*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=greek@
23:23.20profXavier(I just added the 9250xxxxxxx)
23:23.52profXaviernot sure what else you want to see
23:24.08profXavierand yes, I didnt enter the actual # I dialed, as its my own #
23:24.22*** join/#asterisk MikeJ_ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
23:24.24profXavierbut its a 7 digit number, starting with (2-9)
23:27.39[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: You showed us dialplan executing with a 9+7 exten.
23:27.52[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Does that somehow not work now?
23:28.02profXaviercorrect, it doesn't
23:28.13[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: What did you have before when it worked?
23:28.24profXavierwhen the receiver is down, i can enter digits, then hit -dial-
23:28.39profXavierbut when I have a dialtone..., it will only allow 9 + 7 digits
23:29.21[TK]D-FenderprofXavier: Try reversing the order of those 2 paramteres
23:29.57profXavierso # (7 digits), then 9 ?
23:31.51profXaviersorry, thats the same as I posted... did you change anything ?
23:32.12SaiSoma|AFKhe changed the order
23:32.47SaiSoma|AFKi think, bah, too tired to count
23:34.04profXavieri see now
23:34.06profXaviermy bad
23:38.05profXaviertrying now
23:38.20*** join/#asterisk MmixX (n=mix@
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23:48.38*** part/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@nat/yahoo/x-112b92d9a84bf674)

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