IRC log for #asterisk on 20090527

00:00.16drmessanosfire: User/password/proxy is all you need for 99% of clients
00:00.31sfireooohhh I'm not using the proxy
00:00.34sfirecould that be the issue
00:01.14drmessanohang on
00:02.11drmessanoBefore you go latching at boobs flashing between the grainy bars of your scrambled porn channel of guess at this phone, what server related settings are there?
00:02.38sfirethat is the guide I was following
00:03.01sfiresown in the basic phone configuration section
00:04.29sfireI just threw some proxy info in there .. It still registered however still no audio
00:04.40drmessanoForget proxy
00:04.45drmessanoit has a registrar
00:04.49drmessanoYou dont need proxy
00:05.22drmessanoIs it registered?
00:05.27drmessanoOk yes
00:05.42drmessanoSo whats the issue?  No one to call you?
00:05.44sfireI removed the proxy crap and it re-registered just fine
00:06.08sfireno.. no one is at the office.. I was just trying to use the echo test .. or voicemail or anything to hear audio
00:06.24sharpanybody want to help me test zrtp??
00:06.45drmessanosfire: Is your box set up to handle nat?
00:07.18drmessanoand youre sure its correct?
00:07.25sfirelol.. no
00:07.32drmessanoOf course not
00:07.54drmessanoRip apart 3 routers, throw bullshit in whatever config box looks good
00:07.55sfirethats all I have in it currently
00:08.39drmessanoand in which file do you have those settings?
00:08.44sfirecowers head in shame
00:09.00drmessanoFix it and try a call
00:13.37sfiredrmessano, you totally rock
00:13.55drmessanoIts always far easier that it looks
00:14.28sfireI really really appreciate it
00:15.25drmessanoNow I feel bad for the things I called you
00:15.34drmessanoand for unplugging C4colo's router
00:16.16sfireyea.. echo test is perfect now :)
00:16.55drmessanoGood stuff
00:17.11drmessanoNow go fix your DMZ shit
00:17.17drmessano5060 10001-20000
00:17.23drmessanobefore I hack you or whatever or something
00:18.48sfirethere.. off
00:19.17sfireecho test still works.. so you were 100% correct.. not a port problem
00:19.45drmessanoYou dont need to tell me I am right.  Really, its not necessary.. No, please.. stop.. I beg you
00:20.18drmessanoPeople are wildly confused over ports
00:20.44jayteeI'm just in awe of your razor honed troubleshooting skills
00:21.09drmessanoand I wont claim to be a MICUSUODJDHCSBNP, but the ports your client negotiates vs the far end are two different things
00:21.33drmessanoand it confuses a lot of people.. dont believe the hype
00:22.54sfirenow I can hide at home when the boss isn't in the office :p
00:26.23drmessanoAt my old job, they had put in "modem" lines to each office... Each line was a split of their direct line... one end into the PBX, the other to that jack..
00:26.29drmessanoSo I took a SPA-3102
00:26.41drmessanoSet it up to register the FXO back to my PBX at home.. and plugged it in
00:26.53drmessanobam, office phone ringing at home
00:27.58sfirethis is the first "real" phone system that I've done (if you can't tell)
00:28.13sfireI did it at home for testing but it was all internal networking
00:28.21drmessanoEven better though, office phone out.. So I could make work calls from here
00:29.15sfireon this nokia I just dial   9xxxxxxx@serverip  and it uses the work system
00:29.20*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
00:29.24sfireif I just dial normally it uses my home callcentric :)
00:29.31sfireI can be on both SIP networks at the same time
00:29.46sfireI love this phone :)
00:29.50telnettechTK: will you look at this pastebin and tell me if you see anything wrong?
00:30.28telnettechor jaytee......
00:31.03Kevin`what module(s) are needed for the originate cli command
00:33.04*** join/#asterisk PanicMan (i=Learner@
00:33.18telnettechi know it is not correct
00:34.19PanicManRemote VoIP Switch >> Asterisk >> E1 Provider, need someone who can provide me the solution
00:34.56telnettechi think it should be this after im looking at it.......
00:35.17jayteewhy are you using Background instead of Playback on line 21 and you have playback commented out on line 20?
00:35.42PanicMananyone care to help ?
00:35.42telnettechthe playback is not needed
00:35.52jayteeand quit putting leading ...... crap in front of http in your links
00:36.05telnettechthat is a mistake that i just commented out but havent removed
00:36.22*** part/#asterisk PanicMan (i=Learner@
00:36.31drmessanoI hate when people do that
00:36.36telnettechbut im thinking that the playback should be in there and not the background
00:36.38drmessanoIf I have to copy and paste, I am done
00:37.40jayteeunless you're waiting for user input at that point Playback would be preferable
00:37.47KyleKin gnome-terminal its clickable
00:38.04jayteeBackground is going to expect digits
00:38.10telnettechjaytee thats what i was thinking but then for some reason i had a brain fart and put the stinks
00:38.31jayteeso does your style of posting pastebin links but we won't go into that now
00:39.08KyleKwhats the _Z match?
00:40.00drmessanoKyleK: Im sure it works in Lynx too, ROFLCOPTER.. ZOMG LMFAO...
00:40.03drmessanoum yeah
00:40.06telnettech_Z is any digit 1 to 9....depends on how many codes the PMS vendor has for room status
00:40.24telnettechthat is taken care of by another application running between asterisk and PMS
00:42.02telnettechKyleK: so the housekeeper will enter a code 1 thru 9 followed by a pound key so that we can match it to the correct status in the pms system so that when tehy pull a report on the guest rooms, they can see words and not some number code
00:42.28jayteewhy not just hire maids that don't suffer from PMS?
00:42.41drmessanoHoly crap
00:43.00drmessanoand I thought cutting out a skunks spray gland was cool
00:43.03telnettechPMS(property mgmt system)
00:43.49jayteemakes mental note to never stand downwind of drmessano
00:45.04KyleKtelnettech: so when they're done with a room they dial up the system and punch in a code like 9->they stole the TV?
00:45.17sfirecan anyone direct me to a guide on setting up one of those automated call routing systems?  the "press 1 for sales, 2 for support, ect"
00:45.23jayteeI feel like I'm only looking at half of something
00:45.41jayteesfire, search the WIKI for IVR
00:45.47jayteelots of stuff there
00:45.49sfirethanks jaytee :)
00:46.02drmessanoArent you using FreePBX?
00:46.16sfiredrmessano, yes
00:46.26drmessanoIts all in the GUi, dude
00:46.27sfireI didn't see it in the menus
00:46.29drmessanoJust click
00:46.43drmessano--> #freepbx
00:48.01telnettechKyleK: more like money out of your wallet......but yeah, they use this by the supervisor who goes thru and checkes the room and then they clear the room, based on another code they enter using same system, to clear room as ready for guest
00:52.31*** join/#asterisk joobie (
00:53.40jayteeis the room_status var a global var or local?
00:54.57*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
00:56.21telnettechroom_status is just local in the astdb
00:56.47jayteeand PMS reads the status flag from the astdb, ok
00:58.06telnettechno there is a AGI script that takes it from the astDB and passes it to the pms.....that is the send_status part of the dialpan
00:59.04telnettechthere is a part of the dialplan that is not showed....i was trying to make the system hangup after a count of 3 tries
00:59.45telnettechthe other part is already working...but we are seeing calls that are not hanging up properly on the CLI that we believe is slowing down the service
01:00.07telnettechi shouldnt say we....i should say I
01:01.01*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
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01:02.46*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:06.51*** join/#asterisk philippel (
01:09.12telnettechbut it should be able to carry to 1.4 though when we are finished with the beta testing
01:09.38therealcircutis there any way to force sip clients to re-register with the pbx?
01:09.41*** join/#asterisk saftsack (n=saftsack@
01:10.08jayteenot with the way you're using Set to set the value of the room_number "variable" or field.
01:10.34telnettechwhat do you mean?
01:11.12therealcircutu talkin to me?
01:11.28telnettechno sorry jaytee
01:12.35jayteein 1.4 the syntax is Set(DB(room_number)=${EXTEN:0:2})
01:13.08jayteeor room_status rather
01:15.36philippelanyone familiar with the new queuerules.conf? I'm trying to understand the format of the file and it's a bit vague from the documentation? If you have a rule called [myrule] as in the documentation, do you set 'myrule' to the same value as your queue number so that rule applies to your given queue?
01:16.02philippelor, is there a setting in queues.conf that allow you to assciate a named queuerule with a give queue that I did not see?
01:17.01philippelok I was being dumb, was looking in an old version of the queues.conf sample file, sorry
01:17.36jayteewhat version did they add queuerules.conf in?
01:18.00philippeldon't know - I've just been looking at trunk scanning various changes and additions
01:19.27jayteeah, has it
01:19.47jayteebut 1.4.15 doesn't.
01:20.07philippeloh - I could have answered that, sorry, it is not in 1.4.x anywhere
01:20.34jayteeyeah, I don't recall seeing it on 1.4.22 either
01:20.34philippelif you are interested in queue stuff though, I've got a usef patch, well potentially useful to some:
01:21.09jayteeI only have 1 queue with 2 possible users
01:21.09philippelguess that doesn't work here
01:21.16jayteenot very complicated either
01:21.41philippeljaytee well depending on your situation, the above coudl be interesting or not
01:21.58philippelanyhow brb
01:28.39*** part/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
01:29.57telnettechim back
01:31.11telnettechjaytee: yeah we will change that part but Im working on the system that i have for now and want to get it working correctly for this customer
01:31.35telnettechthe beta is not done yet.....should be by end of summer
01:32.16jayteeso are you aware that your pastebin has the value of count set to 2 the very first time GotoIf is executed?
01:32.35telnettechjaytee: they are slowly seeing things my way as far as doing the right thing before just putting a noncompleted system on the market
01:33.19drmessanoanyone know if the fedora mirrors have a round robin DNS address i can use for downloads?
01:33.33telnettechsee that is where i need the help....i dont seem to be able to get that correct
01:33.41*** part/#asterisk philippel (
01:34.18jayteeit's a loop that's supposed to quit if the value of count exceeds or matches 3?
01:34.36jayteeand by quit I mean Hangup()
01:34.43telnettechIt is cause of the Answer function of the dialplan
01:35.23jayteeI don't recall if the h extension existed in 1.2 or not
01:37.02telnettechyeah but that is if someone hangs up the phone
01:37.15jayteetelnettech, if you change the starting value of count from 1 to 0 on line it will run 3 times and then jump to priority 8.
01:37.57*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:37.58*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (
01:38.29jayteeotherwise your if there is 1 failed attempt to get the room status the second time the GotoIf runs the way you have it it will see it as 3 instead of two and try to hangup.
01:39.44telnettechjaytee: it will jump to 8 if the count hasnt reached 3 yet, right?
01:40.50jayteeno, if count equals 3 it will jump to priority 8 the way you have it.
01:41.08*** join/#asterisk _bugz_ (
01:43.03jayteebut you really only get 2 iterations with count set to 1 at priority 3. the next priority increments the value of count to 2 and the first time it runs if it fails it jumps back to priority 4 and increments to 3 and hangs up so you really only get 1 possible failed attempt.
01:44.02voxteranyone here use web-meetme
01:45.23telnettechi have changed the count to equal 0 but it should jump to 8 only if the count has not reached 3......i thought before the : is true and after : it is false
01:45.48telnettechI dont have anything before the :
01:46.23jayteeyou're right, I missed the colon
01:46.58telnettechi was ready to enroll into the basic course if I didnt get that right
01:48.15telnettechand the autofallthrough is yes in the general section of the extensions.conf file so becuse i didnt put anything before the : it will do the NoOp and then hangup
01:49.28*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
01:50.20jayteeok, yeah I can see it jumping to 8 as long as count is less than 3 but it's still starting at 2 the first time GotoIf evaluates count
01:51.16telnettechi have changed that part
01:52.11telnettechlet me ask, do i even need the Set,(Count=0) as the 3rd line
01:52.32telnettechor can i delete that and the next line take care of setting the variable
01:52.40jayteeso the rest "should" work then assuming that Set(room_status) will actually set the value of the key in the astdb
01:54.04jayteedon't know, from habit I always initialize the value of a variable or counter before I run code that might loop.
01:55.01*** join/#asterisk riddlebox ( here is what i am putting into the system for this function.....
01:57.10jayteebrian!!! how many times have I told you to leave a damn space between your link and what you typed. enough with all the damn periods!!!.............................................
01:58.00jayteeI can't right click and open a new tab if you type a period right before http: and that's just downright rude, man!
01:58.26leifmadsenjaytee: get a better IRC client!
01:58.46leifmadsencarrar: you mean .
01:58.57carrargoes to register
01:59.01carrarwoah it's already taken
01:59.15drmessanoWho the hell puts ...... between a sentence and a link?
01:59.22*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
01:59.48carrardrmessano, no sain person, thats for sure!!
01:59.54kn0xim trying to write an AGI in PHP, and fgets(STDIN, 4096); is only returning the first character
02:00.10jayteeI'm old, I'm cranky and you'll get my X-chat when you pry it from my cold dead fingers
02:00.35carrarIRC via CLI, thats how I ROLL
02:00.58kn0xis there a reason fgets stops reading STDIN after the FIRST chacter
02:01.21drmessanoIt doesnt work with mIRC under Vista - Pretty Pink edition
02:01.31telnettechI have a habit of doing that when i have a few thoughts in a row......see I just did it again wothout thought
02:02.56telnettechthats how i also update service support tickets when i have multiple points to add after i work on it
02:03.47telnettechi even do that in emails
02:04.08drmessanoWell, I like to wipe by butt on the carpet like the dog does.. That doesnt make it ok.
02:04.41jayteeI'd never take my shoes off in his house
02:04.55drmessanoPoint being, knock off the leading ................... before the links, thoughtboy
02:05.09rob0s/take my shoes off in/enter/
02:05.43rob0So drmessano, which kind of carpet is best for that?
02:05.45*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
02:05.53jayteejust asking man! I rarely get to take advantage of the awesomeness of the right mouse click and I hate copying and pasting links
02:05.55rob0is thinking of the dual meaning of "pile"
02:06.18carrarkn0x, you should cat your file into a PHP test program
02:06.23telnettechso anyways jaytee this is what i am putting in the system now that we have gone thru it
02:06.25drmessanoI wasnt prepared for the comment I made about the carpet, so therefore, I am void of followups
02:06.44drmessanoThats how it happens sometimes
02:06.48drmessanoI just roll..
02:06.49rob0Think of something! QUICK!!
02:07.01rob0roll ... on the carpet?
02:07.26jayteetelnettech, I'm still not sure about your method of using Set to set the value of room_status if it's an astdb key. the syntax in 1.4 is Set(DB(family/key)= somedamnthing
02:07.51telnettechit has been working jaytee
02:07.53jayteebut I don't recall enough about 1.2
02:07.57drmessanoWell, taking the bender approach from The Breakfast Club, which kind of carpet is best for that?  jaytee's
02:08.18drmessanoJohn Hughes style
02:08.36jayteedrmessano, might as well! it'll blend in fine with all the ground-in cat puke
02:08.38telnettechi am just adding the count part as I was watching for something else on the CLI and seen calls to the maid service prompt at 9pm
02:08.40rob0Do you know why a dog licks his/her ... ahem ... genital area?
02:08.41kn0xcarrar: i have
02:08.51telnettechI know they dont have housekeeping at this time of night
02:08.57kn0xcarrar: fgets is only reading the first character of input
02:09.11jayteebecause it can
02:09.36jayteethe better hotels have housekeeping all hours.
02:09.47drmessanojaytee: A-MEN brother.. effin cats..
02:10.24telnettechwell this is a hilton garden inn that is in Beavercreek, Ohio....near dayton
02:10.26jayteeafter these feline monsters are gone that's it for me and cats
02:10.34drmessanoYou know how to keep the cat from puking on the carpet?
02:10.40jayteedon't feed it?
02:10.42drmessanoLet the pitbull sleep inside
02:10.49telnettech2 or 3 star max rating
02:11.06drmessano"feed it to the dog"
02:11.15drmessanoWhich works for most cat jokes
02:15.05telnettechok im out of here for tonight
02:15.10telnettechgood night guys
02:16.30drmessanoThey dont make em like that anymore, kids
02:18.55drmessanoGod I hate Nancy Grace
02:19.28drmessano** BREAKING NEWS **  Asterisk found with SIP stack hidden under source tree
02:20.16jayteeShe'll get all the victims on with live interviews and use phony compassion to exploit their suffering for better ratings.
02:20.32drmessano**SHOCKER** Asterisk contained the word TCP in sip.c 2 YEARS BEFORE 1.6
02:20.57drmessanoEverything is a shocker or breaking news
02:21.12jayteeshe was one of the "Top Five People I'd most Like To Punch In The Face" quiz choices I took on Facebook
02:21.16florz"under the source tree"? I suppose that that's outside the part that's getting compiled, then? =:-)
02:21.29Qwellflorz: no, it compiles top-down
02:21.35jayteealong with Bill O'Reilly in #1 slot and Dr. Phil at #3
02:21.55florzbut ... how comes asterisk doesn't understand SIP, then?
02:22.57jayteethink of SIP as Spanish then think of the guy that dropped out of Spanish II mid-semester, that guy's Asterisk :-)
02:23.00drmessano** BREAKING NEWS **  Avaya phone system found dead less than a half mile from Digium Headquarters
02:23.17Qwelldrmessano: at Adtran?
02:23.42Qwellwonders how far Adtran actually is. I can see it from my office. Right there *points*
02:23.53drmessanoIm jealous
02:24.18drmessanoOffice, Window, being able to point.... :(
02:24.29florzjaytee: shouldnt that suffice for being able to tell different parts of sentences apart reliably? :->
02:24.32jayteethey make righteous CSU equipment and channel banks but their SIP phones are ugly looking
02:24.56drmessanoIs that their new corporate entity name?
02:25.36drmessanoThats too cool
02:25.36Qwellanyways - answer, 0.8mi
02:25.49drmessanoWe need to get "Digium Dr. Pepper stash" on there
02:26.41QwellI wonder..
02:26.45jayteeso like, it's 10:28pm and you're still at the office?
02:27.17Qwelljaytee: no
02:27.31Qwelllame.  No "Lockheed Martin Baseball Field"
02:28.42Qwelljaytee: You've never virtually pointed over a VPN connection?
02:29.51drmessanoThats hardcore
02:29.59drmessanoDigium codes in an open field
02:30.12drmessanoTaking "open source" to a new level
02:30.35Qwellheh, that isn't an open field
02:30.47*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-7c139644331f79a5)
02:31.11Qwellnote the use of the photoshop clone tool
02:31.47drmessanoCorporate espionage?
02:32.04drmessanoOh I get it
02:32.42drmessanoScroll in close, and you can see russellb eating a popsicle in the parking lot.. below the mesh
02:33.08*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
02:33.10Qwellwant a good map?
02:33.12kn0xanyone tell me what im doing wrong with my PHP AGI
02:33.20kn0xfgets is only getting 1 char of input
02:34.06drmessanoI just noticed something
02:34.13drmessanogo to that link I posted
02:34.15drmessanoand look at the ads
02:34.31drmessanoAsterix on Windows?
02:34.32drmessanoTry 3CX Phone System for Windows
02:34.32drmessanoEasy to install, Free, Download!
02:34.44drmessanoThey cant even SPELL the product they're alluding to
02:35.12drmessanoR U ASTERIX BUT, U CAN HAZ WINDOZ?  MEH
02:35.33Qwellbest map ever :D
02:36.08QwellStanding up is a replica Saturn V rocket.  In the building is a real one.
02:37.55*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
02:38.59jayteebelow the Saturn 5 in the map are more rockets. one looks like another Saturn 5 on it's side and broken apart in stages and just above the 1st stage looks like an Atlas lying on it's side.
02:39.30seanbrighti heard that saturn vs burnt a ridiculous amount of fuel per second
02:39.38seanbrighton that discovery series... when we left earth?
02:39.39Qwelljaytee: they built the building for it.  it's inside now
02:39.51jayteeyeah, it was outrageous what the first stage did
02:40.00seanbright3 tons per second
02:40.14jayteekerosene and lox
02:40.33mmlj4and bagels, don't forget the bagels
02:40.45Qwelljaytee: name the jet just to the east of that
02:42.11rob034.7, -86.6 sounds like HSV
02:42.18jayteeI don't see a jet, I see a shuttle
02:42.28rob0and therefore the jet would be an SR-71
02:42.41jayteeto the right of the Atlas?
02:42.45seanbrightor "blackbird"
02:42.57Qwellseanbright: at the street
02:43.01Qwellerr, jaytee ^^
02:43.02drmessanoI just scrolled there :(
02:43.10jayteeleaked like crazy till the fuselage heated up and expanded
02:43.20seanbrightputs on D.A.R.Y.L.
02:43.35rob0I saw (on radar) the one at Smithsonian while it was setting its cross-continental speed record.
02:43.39jayteeoh, at the top, yep that's a SR-71
02:43.48Qwellrob0: O.o
02:43.58drmessanoI thought seeing the inside of the shuttle mockup at Cape Canaveral was cool
02:44.04jayteethey had orange drag chutes, more orangey than Digium orange
02:44.08Qwellrob0: how/why did you know that?
02:45.22jayteeif you took a #2 pencil and dragged the point along the fuselage halfway up all along the both sides from tip to tail the aircraft would tear in half after flying a mach 4+ for more than an hour.
02:45.38seanbrightjaytee: i totally did that once
02:46.01seanbrightthen jinx sent me and max into space
02:46.09jayteeif it was operational you'd never have gotten within 1000 yards of it before being challenged and
02:46.10drmessanoI did that.. but instead of a pencil, I used menthos
02:46.11rob0has been through there on I-565 quite a few times
02:46.14drmessanoIts on youtube
02:46.20jayteethey'd have shot you at 500 yards
02:46.38seanbrightjaytee: i'm quick like a bunny
02:46.39rob0(my permanent residence is near Florence)
02:46.44Qwellrob0: oh
02:47.02jayteeI liked the spacey blond girl in Spacecamp
02:47.18seanbrightkelly preston
02:47.19drmessanoSpacecamp rocked
02:47.22jayteethe other one from Red Dawn, not so much
02:47.26seanbrighttravolta's wife
02:47.28Qwelljaytee: heh, there are a few (innocent enough looking...) streets here that you can't go down
02:47.41jayteeand I'd still do Kate Capshaw
02:47.48Qwellyou go down those streets - you better have a good answer
02:47.55seanbrightjaytee: i prefer lea thompson
02:48.10drmessanoLea Thompson got HOTTER
02:48.11seanbrightthe whole loraine from bttf thing...
02:48.20drmessanoThat doesnt happen often
02:49.17seanbrightshe was hot in bttf 2 as a cougar with big fake cans
02:49.40seanbrightsorry... cans is derogatory
02:49.46seanbrightthere.  better.
02:51.00jayteethere was a period of about 6 months where I desperately wanted to die and be reincarnated as Salma Hayek's bicycle seat
02:53.48seanbrightyou are not alone.
02:53.57seanbrightshe doesn't do it for me anymore, though.
02:53.59seanbrightnot sure what happened.
02:54.40jayteeyeah, it just passed after awhile
02:56.26seanbrightoh... so i saw something today and i have to share
02:56.38seanbrightfeel free to ignore it if you are not a fan of the ladies
02:56.49drmessanowanders off
02:56.54*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
02:57.18seanbrightdo it now.  thank me later.
02:59.43drmessanoThe turkey is done, apparently
02:59.49jayteeoooh! perky!
03:00.34jayteethat would have been better as a Powerpoint presentation :-)
03:00.50seanbrighttoo good not to share.
03:05.03drmessanoJon and Hate plus 8
03:05.49seanbright'howard the duck' was released on dvd and no one told me?  wtf?
03:06.13drmessanoMaybe Electric Dreams will follow soon
03:06.15jayteeisn't Leah Thompson in that?
03:06.25jayteeElectric Dreams is great!
03:07.02drmessanoLenny Von Dohlen and Virginia Madsen
03:07.40drmessanoI actually have it on VCD
03:08.03drmessanoand get this.. it was an official release.. in singapore
03:08.09drmessanoI thought it was some bootleg
03:08.21drmessanoBut apparently thats as close to DVD as its gotten..
03:09.11jayteeVirginia Madsen. mmmm, mmmm, mmmm, mmmmm. mmmmmmmmmmmm!
03:09.40drmessanoUK release from Apr
03:10.14jayteewill that play on a US player? or do you own a multi-region player?
03:11.16drmessanoI have no idea if mine is region free.. But I guess I can get the DVD and find a player to go with it :)
03:12.29jayteeregion 2 PAL format :(
03:12.42drmessanoI have the soundtrack on CD
03:12.44jayteemost players sold in the US are region 1 only
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03:13.54jayteethis is the same shit i had to put up with for Rain Man and a couple of odd movies I happened to like that most have probably never heard of
03:14.49jayteeand they've got people actually paying 300 bucks for used Season 1 sets of Farscape
03:15.16drmessanocouple of odd movies I happened to like that most have probably never heard of <--???
03:15.23jayteeLike? you mean odd movies? A Razor's Edge with Bill Murray, took forever to come out on DVD.
03:15.53jayteeand Farewell to the King starring Nick Nolte. Most people probably hated this flick but i loved it.
03:16.14kn0xwhat about ob_implicit_flush(true); ??
03:16.29drmessanoIve never seen ob_implicit_flush(true);
03:16.33drmessanoIs it on DVD?
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03:17.50jayteeI'm not gonna google that
03:17.54jayteenope, not gonna do it!
03:18.26jayteestill not googling ob_implicit_flush(true):
03:18.35carrarTwo girls and a Flush!
03:18.48carraror, should have used a flush
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03:25.36drmessanothats what it got me to
03:28.49drmessanoYou expect PHP to have a function for that?
03:30.09jayteeI feel bad for Mike Tyson and I'm not really a big fan of his
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03:43.14[T]ankare there companies out there that offer asterisk hosting? Similar to how I can go and get a web host for $9 per month?
03:43.31[T]anknot necessarily that price... but that type of service
03:43.42[T]ankwhere they just give me a blank config and I can set it up however I need to?
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04:31.16jordanl_can i set up a sip provider in sip.conf for incoming calls only and match calls to that peer based on a hostname lookup?
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04:37.57carraryou can
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04:41.24dshapis anyone here familiar with ??
04:41.59dshapi have a quick question about their voicemail service...I am trying to implement something similar on my asterisk box
04:42.41dshapthey have you set your cell phone such that it uses call forwarding if you do not answer a call
04:42.52dshapthe person who is trying to call your cell phone is forwarded to Youmail's phone number
04:43.07dshapand then that person hears your greeting and can leave a message in your mailbox
04:43.45dshapi tried setting my phone's call-forwarding number to my asterisk server's number and when the call was forwarde, i got the caller ID number of the phone that made the call
04:43.48dshapNOT the cell phone
04:44.05dshapbut wouldn't the asterisk server need the callerID of the cell phone in order to know which mailbox someone is trying to reach?
04:44.13dshapdoes anyone have the answer to this?
04:44.42j_kroonhehe, you'll note the cellular providers make you forward to some shortcode followed by your cell number generally.
04:45.15dshapto forward to Youmail, i just need to dial *004*[youmail's number]#
04:45.18dshapit's a GSM code
04:45.26dshapand it sets my call-forwarding to dial youmail's number
04:45.43drmessanodshap: Why would you expect a forwarded call to show the CID of the phone who forwarded it?
04:46.00dshapi'm not saying that i expect it to
04:46.12dshapi'm just saying that i would like to obtain the CID of the phone who forwarded the call
04:46.20dshapand am asking how i can accomplish this
04:46.26j_kroondrmessano, because it's the phone making the call :p.  In ZA I would expect exactly that.
04:46.27dshapit seems to me that Youmail does this
04:46.43drmessanoj_kroon: Exactly lol
04:47.03dshapive been using ${CALLERID(num)}
04:47.08dshapmaybe there's some other function?
04:47.16drmessanoThis isnt an asterisk problem
04:47.23j_kroondshap, no, you've got the right one.
04:47.48j_kroonis [youmail's number] the same for all their clients or do they have a block and is issueing a new number for every client?
04:47.53jordanl_carrar: what are the basic settings that i need to use in sip.conf for the trunk?
04:47.53dshapthen do you guys have any idea how Youmail would know to connect to my voice mailbox when someone else's call is simply forwarded to their server?
04:48.02dshapsame number for everyone i'm almost sure
04:48.10dshapbut i'm not 100% sure
04:48.15drmessanoIf the CID is the original CID, not your cell phone, you cant expect some dialplan in Asterisk to make it so
04:48.18dshapa different number for everyone?
04:48.20dshapwouldn't that be insane?
04:48.24dshapwait a sec...
04:48.25drmessanoNot really, no
04:48.31dshapim gonnacall the number from a different phone
04:48.45drmessanoHere comes the "ohhh"
04:49.07dshap"please enter your 10 digit phone number"
04:49.16dshapit's not my own number
04:49.49j_kroondshap, you note that the forward number is *004*some_number?
04:49.56j_kroonnote the stars.
04:50.08dshapim pretty sure the *004* is just the code that says "set my forwarding number"
04:51.27j_kroonis it possible to set a phone to forward to some number and immediately when answered send some dtmf string?
04:51.32dshapi thought call-forwarding counts as minutes on your voice plan
04:51.54dshapso i would think taht u could get the CID of the phone doing the forwarrding
04:51.58j_kroonit may well, doesn't say they have to use your phone's number as CID.
04:52.39dshapim not sure what you're getting at
04:53.53dshapthe setup on my cell phone was as simple as *004*some_number
04:54.07dshapapparently that's how you do all phones on AT&T
04:54.12dshapgeneric config
04:54.34drmessanodshap: Its also entirely possible that youmail is getting a different CID string from its upstream carrier
04:54.55drmessanoIn a way you wouldnt forwarding otherwise
04:55.22dshapso it's upstream carried might be able to detect when they are receiving a forwarded call
04:55.33dshapand somehow obtains the CID of the phone doing the forwarding?
04:56.00drmessanoNo, that information is passed anyway.. its up the carrier what remains in transit
04:56.28dshaphow might i determine if i have access to the same information with my own carrier?
04:57.06drmessanoIt isnt a feature you call up AT&T and pay 3.95 a month for
04:57.42dshapno it's included in regular plans
04:57.56dshapi called AT&T and verified that i wasn't paying extra for the ability to do that
04:58.16drmessanoYou pay extra to get callerid of the phoen forwarding the call?
04:59.02dshapyou say upstream carrier
04:59.10dshapyou mean like the VoIP SIP trunk provider
04:59.21drmessanoWhat youre not getting here is that youre asking for something that you as a LITTLE END USER are not going have access to
04:59.44dshapokay so you're saying i need to pay more to access it
05:00.06dshapi guess i'm just looking for guidance as far as how i might look into paying to access it
05:00.15dshapif there's a name for what i want to do
05:00.17dshapor something like that
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05:01.05drmessano[00:57] <drmessano> It isnt a feature you call up AT&T and pay 3.95 a month for
05:01.14infobot*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
05:01.35dshapAT&T is not my provider though
05:01.40drmessanoGod damnit
05:02.01dshapwhat feature are you talking about
05:02.03dshapcall forwarding?
05:03.14drmessanoWhat you are asking for is something that a BUSINESS or CARRIER would be a in a position to request.. you are NOT going to call up as joe end user, offer to pay an extra $10 a month, and have them change how your CID works
05:03.25carrardshap is a diversion header train wreck!
05:03.34drmessanohence the whole [00:57] <drmessano> It isnt a feature you call up AT&T and pay 3.95 a month for, which I DID NOT MEAN LITERALLY
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05:03.46drmessanoGet a fucking clue!
05:03.52carrarcall them and ask
05:04.14carrartell them you are willing to pay $3.95
05:04.16dshapi guess i'll call and ask
05:04.21drmessanoGo for it
05:04.23dshapmaybe i'm trying to start a business
05:04.31dshapand maybe i'm willing to pay more
05:04.32carrarand you want it in 30 mins or less
05:04.44drmessanoCool, get a virtual PRI and they will probably talk to you
05:05.18carrarIs that a PRI in the clouds?
05:05.21dshapwhen i call up and ask if it's possible to get the CID of the forwarding phone
05:05.29dshapis there a name for that?
05:05.32drmessanoWait til they stop laughing
05:05.36dshapthe feature that i want
05:06.09carrarFeature CIDOTFP
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05:07.12dshapi don't think you guys understand how new i am to all of this asterisk/VoIP/telephony stuff
05:07.18carraroh we do
05:07.21dshapthe reason i am here in this IRC channel
05:07.25dshap*IS* to get a fucking clue
05:07.39dshapyea but you get so frustrated when i don't understand something
05:08.23drmessanoBut when you say stupid shit like [01:02] <dshap> AT&T is not my provider though
05:08.37dshapi honestly thought you misunderstood something i said earlier
05:08.42drmessanoWhen someone is trying to put something in context
05:08.46jordanl_what are the basic trunk settings in sip.conf for a SIP provider through which i want to receive incoming calls only (not using SIP registration, but domain/IP lookup)?
05:09.00dshapalright well thanks for the link
05:11.41dshapso do you think Youmail is likely using RDNIS?
05:11.52dshapand because of that they probably pay a shit ton of money for a PRI line?
05:12.15drmessano*A* PRI line?
05:12.22dshapmany PRI lines?
05:12.35carrarBank of soundcards as modems
05:12.38drmessanoDepends how big they are.. could be dozens
05:12.54drmessanoor so.. or brought in using different tech
05:12.58carrarsoldered in parallel
05:13.11drmessanoss7 over RS232
05:13.21carrarthats the latest craz
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05:13.31drmessanoDB9, werd
05:13.40dshapall of that just so they can get the CID of the forwarding number?
05:13.50dshapwell it probably is very fast and support a ton of concurrent calls and stuff
05:14.05dshapbut what if someone wanted to run something small with the same functionality?
05:14.07dshapthey are SOL?
05:14.13drmessanoNo dshap, its called ONE OF THE BENEFITS of RUNNING A BUSINESS that involved TELEPHONY
05:14.14dshap*I* am SOL? :-\
05:14.15carrarSS7 over ICMP, encapsulated into xmodem over serial/rs232
05:16.45drmessanocarrar: I found a project that actually beat me
05:18.03dshapso if RDNIS is out of the question
05:18.29dshapare there any other options for implementing something like Youmail on my own on a smaller scale?
05:18.31drmessanoSkype may be a good alternative
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05:18.54drmessanoor, you can try Youmail.. it sounds a lot like what youre trying to do
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05:19.49dshapi just found a forum post where some guy said the SIP headers that provides have some of the RDNIS info in it
05:19.59dshapu think that's probably bullshit?
05:20.31drmessanoCould very well find a SIP provider that offers it
05:21.35*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
05:21.56dshapthis blows haha...this basically puts a lid on the whole reason i wanted to learn how to use asterisk in the first place
05:22.19dshapi was so stoked when i got a stupid dialplan to work earlier today
05:22.31dshapwhere u could call in and dial extensions to hear different audio files
05:22.35dshapit took me so damn long to get that far
05:23.55drmessanoYou know what you could do
05:25.08drmessanoWell.. Youre thinking of using the CallerID or RDNIS info as your "switch" where the call is directed to.. what if you go sign up for an IPKALL number and route all calls on it direct to VM
05:25.23drmessanoand if you want someone else set up, get them to get an IPKALL number
05:27.30dshapnot sure how that solves my problem
05:27.53drmessanoOk, lets go over this again
05:28.12drmessanoYoure thinking ONE number.. CID of the phone forwarding ---> Picks the mailbox
05:28.13dshapi assure you i am paying full attention and am not stupid
05:28.36dshapim dumb
05:28.39dshapgot it
05:28.48*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
05:28.52drmessanoBUNCH OF Numbers
05:28.57dshapso these IPKALL numbers
05:29.00dshapi can get a ton of them
05:29.01dshapfor free?
05:29.44drmessanoJust gotta sign up with different addresses.. unless you have some real plan for bulk calls and you can probably email them and work with em
05:30.24dshapand i guess if my plan takes off and gets to the point where i can't keep adding IPKALL numbers
05:30.37drmessanoIf it takes off, you wont be using IPKALL
05:30.37dshapat that point it's probably worth the investment in the RDNIS service
05:30.46drmessanoYou'll be buying in bulk
05:31.01drmessanoBlocks of 100, 500, 1000 numbers
05:31.08drmessanoor RDNIS
05:31.16dshapso i can use these IPKALL numbers with my current SIP termination trunk
05:31.17drmessanoHowever youre gonna do it
05:31.27drmessanoNo, you direct the calls right to your box
05:31.52dshaparen't the IPKALL numbers PSTN DID's?
05:32.03drmessanoThey ask you for an "extension" and a proxy address.. which turns into the number@yourbox the call is sent to
05:32.17drmessanoYes, they are PSTN DIDs
05:32.25dshapso the number@mybox
05:32.46dshapwait a sec sorry
05:32.50dshapconfused again
05:33.01dshapi thought PSTN DID --> my box is called VoIP trunking
05:33.08drmessanoOk, the call comes in on the telephone wires thingo
05:33.08dshapthat's what i'm paying to do for me
05:33.35dshapi should have mentioned that my box doesn't have an analog input
05:33.38dshapit's pure VoIP
05:34.08dshapis IPKALL essentially a free SIP origination service?
05:34.09drmessanoWe're not talking about using Analog
05:34.19dshapwith a free DID?
05:34.40dshapwhy didn't i know about this before
05:34.41drmessanoNo, its origination with no DID.. you call it using app_esp
05:34.56infobot*WHACK* *WHACK* *WHACK*
05:35.05dshapso what # would someone put their cell phone to forward to then?
05:35.12drmessanoOrigination without a DID is a cake without an oven
05:35.30drmessanoIf you tell me you dont like cake, I am gonna slap you
05:35.38dshapokay so you were being sarcastic
05:35.42dshapSIP origination, free DID
05:35.44dshapall free
05:35.53dshapi love cake
05:35.56drmessanoSorry, didnt put enough smileys :)
05:35.59drmessanoMe too :)
05:36.01drmessanoyep :)
05:36.12dshapugh so why am i paying for Origination!
05:36.31drmessanoBecause you dont want a washington state phone number
05:36.31dshapthey do give me unlimited channels...
05:36.39dshapi don't care what the phone number is
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05:37.03dshapok here we go
05:37.10dshapa user of my service gets an IPKALL number
05:37.21dshapthey forward their missed calls to the IPKALL number which goes to my asterisk box
05:37.28dshapwhat if 2 ppl call them at the same time
05:37.37dshapdoes the IPKALL service offer multiple channels?
05:37.55dshapso people who call popular people are gonna get a busy tone
05:37.55drmessanoI dont think youre gonna forward more than 1 call at a time
05:38.09dshapprobably not often
05:38.20dshapi'm thinkin large-scale here, drmessano
05:38.22dshaplarge scale
05:38.24drmessanoThis wasnt a "usage" statement
05:38.39drmessanoListen, youre the newb here
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05:38.50drmessano[01:38] <drmessano> I dont think youre gonna forward more than 1 call at a time
05:38.53drmessanoAs in
05:39.21drmessanoYour cell provider is not going to forward 5 simultaneous calls from your cell to somewhere
05:39.25carrarlarge-scale using IPKALL?
05:39.35drmessanoFuckin DUH
05:39.42dshapso right now if you called my cell, and got my voicemail greeting
05:39.47dshapand someone else tried to call my cell
05:39.49dshapand i didnt pick up
05:39.55drmessanoRight now
05:39.55dshapthey'd probably not get my voicemail greeting?
05:39.58drmessanoIf I call your cell
05:40.03drmessanoand it forwards the call out
05:40.06drmessanoThats probably it
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05:41.18drmessanoIm well aware you want more than 1 concurrent call coming into your little project
05:42.00dshapwell there wouldn't be any problem having multiple IPKALL numbers all connecting to my box at the same time
05:42.01dshapwould there?
05:42.04dshapdifferent IPKALL numbers
05:42.22carrarreally now, whats the goal
05:42.34dshapi can't fully say hahah
05:42.36drmessanocarrar: Next Vonage
05:42.37dshapit's a secret :-p
05:42.50carrareverything here is
05:43.15carrarvoip is 31337 k-r4d s3cr37
05:43.17dshapit will basically be a lot of work for a feature that i'd love to have with my voicemail system
05:43.21dshapthat i'm pretty sure no one else offers
05:43.29dshapwhich i'm probably wrong about
05:43.32drmessanocarrar: Next week after he gets his first call terminated from IPKALL, he'll be asking about billing and how to start a "ISP" "No, I mean a SIP ISP"
05:43.33dshapbut at the very least
05:43.41dshapi'll be able to use it personally if it fails
05:43.45dshapand i know i'll get good use out of it
05:44.02dshapthis is for every-day cell phoners
05:44.43drmessanodshap:  if you give me 10 mins, I can pull a list of the "you" of every week since Feb 2006
05:44.58dshapi don't doubt it for a second
05:44.59drmessanoTheir nicks are all a blur
05:45.01dshapbut hey
05:45.08dshapyou never know if you don't try
05:45.21drmessanoThank you
05:45.23carraryou can ask if it's been done before
05:45.29drmessanoThats the term I needed to search with
05:45.33drmessanoThey ALL said that one
05:45.36carrarthere are a lot of wheels talked about in this channel
05:45.50dshapmy idea is so simple that i'm sure it's been thought of before
05:45.53dshapprobably done before
05:46.12carrarprobably already part of asterisk
05:46.13dshapi've looked hard online to try to find something i could use personally
05:46.13drmessanoI hear YouMail offers a similar service
05:46.19dshapokay okay
05:46.37dshapi'm just another every-week dude since feb '06
05:46.49drmessano[00:42] <dshap> is anyone here familiar with ??
05:46.49drmessano[00:42] <dshap> i have a quick question about their voicemail service...I am trying to implement something similar on my asterisk box
05:46.57drmessanoSo yes, its been done
05:47.08dshapwell whatever
05:47.15carrarWhat evah!
05:47.19carraroh no you don't
05:47.23dshapi may be able to get independent study credit for college if i can make a legit project out of this
05:47.26drmessanoapparently that dshap guy found some site similar to your idea
05:47.33dshapif it turns into a business then more power to me, if not, then fuckit
05:47.50carrarwoah their family guy
05:47.53drmessanoGo for it.. Fight the future.. or some line from hackers
05:48.31carraron roller blades
05:48.35carrarand camo painted laptops
05:48.49drmessanoHACK THE GIBSON, MAH FRIEND
05:49.14dshaphow do these IPKALL people make money
05:49.15dshapdoing what they do
05:50.11drmessanoThey listen in on calls, sell the good ones to
05:50.13carrarthey got you
05:51.14drmessanoReminds me of that one provider I had
05:51.18drmessanoThe calls sucked
05:51.22carrarback in bandcamp?
05:51.25drmessanoWasnt sure why I stayed with them
05:51.34drmessanoKept telling myself to leave
05:51.41drmessanoTo go find another provider
05:51.52drmessanoBut then they started kissing me right behind the ear
05:52.10*** join/#asterisk vi390 (n=fc@unaffiliated/vi390)
05:52.41drmessanoSo I just loaded up that account with another $50
05:52.53carrarYou could just get 30 magicjacks on your USB port
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05:53.15dshapso the "SIP Phone number" on IPCALL
05:53.29dshapis that the extension?
05:53.45dshapand the proxy is my IP address?
05:54.16dshapso i'd probably set the SIP phone number to my DID
05:54.22dshapbecause that's the extension i use on incoming calls
05:54.53drmessanoright on
05:54.57dshapwell for my voicemail system it would have to be unique
05:55.17drmessanoYes... at least 20 digits
05:55.17dshapbecause each IPKALL number needs to ring an extension that corresponds to a certain mailbox
05:56.19drmessano25 digits
05:56.36drmessanoYou want every mailbox to be unique
05:56.44dshapoh hahaa
05:56.48drmessanoI would use random 25 digit numbers
05:56.57drmessanoi'm thinkin large-scale here, dshap
05:57.06dshapi don't think 24 digits provides enough combinations
05:57.10dshapfor the scale i'm talking here
05:57.32carrarmight tack on a additional 3
05:57.46drmessanoor use hex
05:57.47dshapi bet the IPKALL people would be sketched out if they got even just hundreds of applications for numbers to my box
05:57.57vi390hi, can someone tell, what goes wrong, when I get the error. "Call from '12345' to extension '12345' rejected because extension not found." : Where , I have in sip.conf something that catches incoming with context=reff ; and also have a part in extension.conf with [reff]. Does the error mean, that it did not read the "context=reff" part ?
05:58.16dshaplet me try to answer this
05:58.19dshapi had this problem earlier today
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05:58.28carrarI'm kinda sketched out now
05:58.37dshapvi390: are you using the "s" extension in your reff context?
05:58.47vi390dshap: yes
05:58.52dshapand let me guess
05:58.56dshapyou're calling in from a PSTN line
05:59.00dshapusing a SIP VoIP trunk
05:59.07vi390dshap: yes :)
05:59.07dshapso like a cell phone number or a land line
05:59.13carrarmatch on 12345' rejected
05:59.19carrarmatch on 12345
05:59.22carrarin that context
05:59.44carrarexten => 12345,1,answer
05:59.45dshapyou need to change "s" to the actual extension that is being ringe
05:59.53dshapwhat he said ^
06:00.00vi390ooh, okey .. thanks
06:00.10carrarexten => 12345,n,playback(stopcallingme)
06:00.13carrarexten => 12345,n,hangup
06:00.25vi390I thought that context=reff binds it ;)
06:00.26drmessanoNot sure why 12345 would be calling 12345.. Sounds like some crazy shit dshap would do with a couple skype phones, a vonage adaper, asterisk, and a sony walkman
06:00.26vi390ok thanks
06:00.55vi390drmessano: ;)
06:00.56drmessanoCant tell you what its for, though
06:00.57carrarexten => 12345/12345,n,playback(stopcallingme)
06:01.16dshapdrmessano, if you're still in this channel when my service opens up for private beta, you're in
06:01.25carrarOH SWEET
06:01.27infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
06:01.29carrarI can't wait
06:01.32dshapit will be freeeeeee
06:02.03drmessanoI have like no feeling in my left pinky and ring finger, cant find the damn shift key to ~
06:02.18carrarAlmost as good as
06:02.18drmessanomy infobot foo is weakened
06:04.36drmessanoI signed up for free internet once
06:04.45drmessanoBut I couldnt get online to use it
06:05.07drmessanobreaks out his BlueLight CDs
06:06.15drmessanoNetzero with the java banner
06:07.35dshapso i don't get it
06:07.42dshapyou guys just chill in the asterisk IRC channel in your spare time?
06:07.49dshapor you're paid to do this? (lol doubt it)
06:07.50dshapor what
06:08.01drmessanoWhy do you doubt it?
06:08.27dshaphaha only because of the way you treat some of the people who seek help in here lol
06:08.35drmessanoBecause we have no choice but to bow to your intellectual superiority?
06:08.38carrarwe get paid
06:09.28drmessanoYeah.. We get paid... and every now and then, we get to beat a newb around for fun.. Tie little pointy things to them and roll em around on the carpet, etc
06:10.02dshapi feel like you'd have an "@" in front of your name if you got paid
06:10.14kapranyone has a prefered USB ZAP card?
06:10.59drmessanodshap: You're not much of a 5th wall sort of guy, are you?
06:11.14dshapi'm not familiar with that expression
06:12.13drmessanoperhaps I can help you a little with it..
06:12.18drmessanocarrar: get the tools
06:12.42drmessanoI mean ummm..
06:13.59drmessanoDamn IMAP toolkit
06:14.04drmessanoGood riddance
06:14.44*** join/#asterisk sergee (
06:15.16drmessanoCompiling the shared librares for the IMAP toolkit C-client under RHEL/CentOS..
06:15.18drmessano6 words
06:15.27drmessanoYou cant get there from here
06:15.33carrarthats 8
06:15.48dshapif i have CentOS and want to learn about it
06:15.51dshapcould i read a book on RHEL?
06:15.56dshapare they that similar?
06:16.00carrarYES YOU CAN
06:17.42drmessanocarrar: What I read from the devs of the toolkit was that they dont offer that, although others have patched for it, because it saves little memory and usually makes things unstable and generates bug reports needlessly
06:18.47drmessanoI need to generate a bug report.. "Shit shouldnt be this hard"
06:18.47carrarmake slx EXTRACFLAGS="-I/usr/include/openssl -fPIC"
06:19.05carrarthat was imap-2007a
06:20.00carrar100 bucks says you can guess what I am googling
06:20.10drmessanoYeah, does a quick make and created the static libraries
06:20.22carrarthats all you need
06:21.04carrarthen in asterisk
06:21.12carrar./configure --with-imap=/home/source/imap-2007a
06:21.25carraror wheere everyou have the source
06:21.35drmessanoYeah, but then you need to symlink or rename that directory to imap-2004g or use the --with-imap every time you configure
06:21.49*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
06:22.18carrarhow often do you recompile?
06:22.25*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
06:22.32carrareverytime you restart? ;)
06:22.41drmessanoEvery few weeks
06:22.41carrarsip reload
06:22.45carrarI need to recompile!
06:22.53*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
06:23.00drmessanoor more often if I am working on something
06:23.12carrarscripts rulZ
06:23.21drmessanoId rather have it be a no brainer.. and install the libraries to some known path
06:23.36carrarcreate your own wiki, then cut and paste
06:23.51drmessanoi do enough of that already
06:23.58drmessanoTrying to make things easier
06:24.05dshapdo you guys use AGI?
06:24.16drmessanoLike installing IMAP right the first time to where I have one less thing
06:24.22dshapwith PHP?
06:24.23*** part/#asterisk WeazelON (
06:24.28carrarPHP is for web
06:24.41dshapyou can use it for AGI scripting as well
06:24.48carrarYou can use cobol too
06:25.08drmessanoI found the imap 2007e in EPEL..
06:25.08carrarBut just because you can, doesn't mean you should
06:25.28dshapwelli have experience with PHP so that is why i was asking
06:25.39dshapbut yes, my experience with PHP is for web apps
06:25.40drmessanoI wrote PHP
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06:26.05carrardrmessano, yeah I install the imap shit back in March 2008
06:26.20carrarI'm sure things have changed a little
06:27.08carrarI like using perl for AGI personally, and use PHP for my web apps
06:27.11drmessanoI much prefer source, but its my understanding theres a good 8 to 10 patches applied to the current RPM in EPEL that work around issues on RH based platforms
06:27.22drmessanoSo it may be a better way to go
06:27.46drmessanoand much easier than this crap..
06:27.47carrarI don't use RPM's
06:27.51carrarif I can avoid it
06:28.03drmessanoWell, same here
06:30.26*** join/#asterisk lou_gr (
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06:31.49dshaplet's say Youmail had 1 million users
06:32.06dshaphow many channels do you think they need for that?
06:32.13dshappeople leaving voicemails/checking voicemails
06:32.26dshapwhat if they're just leaving voicemails
06:32.37dshapand they just check online so they aren't on the channels checking their voicemails
06:32.43carrarIs that 1 million in the US?
06:32.54carrar1 million in Texas?
06:33.03dshap1 million anywhere in the US
06:33.09dshapjust a random sample of mobile users
06:33.18dshaphow many people do you think are receiving voicemails
06:33.19dshapat the same time
06:33.26dshapobviously a crazy guessi
06:33.31dshapi'm just curious what you guys think
06:33.42carrartheir datacenter is in once place for the whole country?
06:33.52carrarnot spreadout?
06:34.03dshapi don't know
06:34.05dshapbut what if it was
06:34.27dshapthey give me a 714 number for their voicemail system which is probably because my own cell phone number is based in southern california near 714
06:34.31dshapbut then again....
06:34.35dshapit says their offices are in southern california
06:34.39dshapso i don't know for sure
06:34.43dshapthey may just be running 1 data center
06:34.46carrarI would say if they have 1 million vm customers then they need 123,456 concurrent calls checking vm
06:34.50dshapseems like not that big of a company
06:35.10carrarI would say if they have 1 million vm customers then they need 12,345 concurrent calls checking vm
06:35.30carrarmaybe 54,321 lines
06:35.42carrarthats probably more realistic
06:35.50carrarbut even then I think thats high
06:40.49dshapwhat's a ballpark cost to get a PRI?
06:41.17carrarcould be 400
06:41.19carrarcould be 900
06:41.23carraror more
06:41.24dshapper month?
06:41.37dshapand that's only a handful of concurrent calls, right?
06:42.41carrarHere is washington they are terminating your RateCenter and TOLLFREE calls for free
06:42.47carrarif you have a PRI
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06:44.12dshapi gotta find a SIP provider that has RDNIS
06:44.14dshapthat is my only hope
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06:44.34carrarMost of the larger SIP carriers accept diversion headers
06:44.56dshapwould that mean that ${CALLERID(rdnis)} would contain the phone number that i want?
06:45.17carrarAKA user calls your desk, you forward to your cell using the orignal callers ANI
06:45.39carrareven if the caller is out of state
06:45.57carrarcell phone sees the outof state caller id number
06:46.06dshapthat is NOT what i want though
06:46.11carrarwhat do you want
06:46.18carrarrock and roll?
06:46.31dshapi want the cell phone (i.e. my asterisk server) to see the desk's phone number
06:46.44carrarthats simple
06:46.51carrarjust re0write the call caller id
06:47.42carraroutside call -> * -> cell phone (cell phone sees * did)
06:47.43dshapthe specific implementation of this i explained to drmessano earlier and he said it wasn't possible
06:47.58dshapno sry i didn't fully explain to you
06:48.08dshapoutside call A --> outsidecall B --> *
06:48.12dshapneed * to see B
06:48.23carrarWhy are you forwarding?
06:48.29carrarwhy not go directly to *
06:48.30dshapit's voicemail
06:48.36dshapoutside call B is actually a cell phone
06:48.41dshapset to forward missed calls to some number
06:48.47carrardo your own vm
06:49.08carrarthen you can
06:49.19carrarDid you know Asterisk can do voicemail!
06:49.23dshapi want to supportmany users
06:49.25dshapyes i'm fully aware
06:49.25carrarIt's HIP
06:49.27dshaptrust me
06:49.35dshapi know all the features
06:49.46*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
06:49.46carrarWho isy our vm carrier?
06:49.51carraryou need to ask them
06:49.51dshapi use
06:50.00carrarthey will laugh
06:50.19dshapmy project is different
06:50.24dshapi need that functionality for it to work
06:50.28dshapthe A --> B --> *
06:50.29carrardo your own vm
06:50.33dshapwhat do you mean by that
06:50.43carrarYou make asterisk be the "B"
06:51.07carrarA -> * SPLIT (*->B) (*-> cell)
06:51.42dshapthis doesn't work for what i'm trying to do
06:51.48dshapin my case A is anyone i know who is trying to call me
06:51.58dshapthey will try to reach me on my cell phone
06:52.00carrarPerhaps #ineedmorecrack has the answers
06:52.00dshapwhich is B
06:52.21carrarB should be You (*)
06:52.22*** part/#asterisk grEvenX (
06:52.30carrarYour DID
06:52.34carrardo it right
06:52.49dshapwhen you want to leave a voicemail for your friend
06:52.55dshapyou call your friend's cell phone number
06:52.57dshaphe doesn't pick up
06:53.02dshapthen you are forwarded to his voicemail system
06:53.21carrarI don't leave voicemails like that but sure
06:53.49dshaphis voicemail system somehow determines that you are calling for HIM and not someone else on the same system
06:54.03carrarI call his * box, it calls his cell, his home, it work
06:54.07carrarleaves voicemail on *
06:54.19carrarhe gets the email
06:54.24carrarand vm
06:54.32dshapok that sounds sweet, but it does not work for my project
06:54.37dshapi understand what you are saying completely
06:54.42carrarYour project is in ERROR
06:54.56dshaphave you ever thought you had an amazing idea to make something
06:54.58dshapthat no1 else has done
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06:55.07dshapbut the problem is you will need help in building it
06:55.11dshapbut if u tell other people the iea
06:55.12carrarEver thought their might be a reason for that
06:55.14dshapthey might steal it
06:55.34carrartalk to the VM carrier
06:56.21dshapthey're not gonna tell me how their system is built
06:56.33carrarthey will tell you if they can do a feature that you need
06:56.38carraraka forward with original ANI
06:57.09carrar9% change they will
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06:57.22dshapso you're saying like a different code on my cell phone
06:57.28carrarIf they do, they will be using the diversion header with their SIP carrier
06:57.51dshapspeaking of SIP carriers
06:58.06dshapright now im paying $1.00 per month for a DID
06:58.16dshapand it's $0.01 cents per minute both origination and termination
06:58.23dshapwith a 6 second billing cycle
06:58.28dshaperr billing increment
06:58.31dshapand unlimited channels
06:58.36dshapdoes that sound like i am getting a good deal?
06:58.52carrarwhats your bill
06:59.02carrardepends on your usage
06:59.09dshapi mean...i just bought it last week
06:59.17dshapi paid $25 into an account and then as i use it they just deduct from it
06:59.54carrarprobably fine for then ew occasional user
06:59.55dshapi dont have high usage, but eventually i might
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07:09.51dshapalright im outta here - thanks carrar and drmessano for putting up with my shit
07:10.09dshapi'll likely be back as i attempt the impossible task that is my little project
07:10.29dshapif my little project ever makes it big, i'll come back here and if you guys are still around i'll give you a token of my appreciation
07:10.35dshappeace late.
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07:28.05vi390hi again, its weird. still having the "extension not found" problem. Just cant find out WHY the extension can not be found. >sip show users, shows it all correct (have set up a test extension which reads "[waitbeep]exten => 100,n,Answer() ..." and my SIP register gets redirected to "100" now It says "Call from '<SIPID>' to extension 'waitbeep' rejected because extension not found." - Why is the extension not found. Its right there. And >dialplan show, sh
07:28.05vi390ows "'100' => 103. Answer()" what seems to be correct. But still the error ??
07:29.02Pan3Dvi390: pastebin the sip debug and your config
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07:34.03bennykillwas geht?
07:34.50bennykillneed help with my fritzcard pci :(
07:35.47bennykillwe have to make a school project and want to connect an asterisk server with isdn
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07:41.42vi390extension not found problem =>
07:42.02vi390.. why is there the error "extension not found"
07:43.47vi390there is [waitbeep] in extensions.conf, and >sip show users gives out the correct DEf.Context = waitbeep for the incoming user
07:45.47kaldemarvi390: you have no priority 1 for exten 100.
07:46.25vi390kaldemar: ok! I thought I can start with "n"
07:47.38vi390kaldemar: thx, thats it
07:48.13bennykillcan someone help me with the fcpci driver?
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08:11.04pluesch0rhi everybody. how do i reset a voicemail password? setting it to 0000 in voicemail.conf and then reloading asterisk doesn't work.
08:13.15styelzmaybe its a dtmf issue instead
08:13.22*** join/#asterisk unasi7 (n=unasi7@
08:14.00arekmhm, I'm having problem with variable inheritance in asterisk 1.4. I set Set("SIP/arekm-twinkle-082129d0", "__REC_NOTIFIED=1"), later there is few Goto()s and ${__REC_NOTIFIED} ends being "0", what could be the reason?
08:14.26pluesch0rstyelz: hm. could be. i recently upgraded asterisk. how to debug that one?
08:14.53arekmafaik __ means "inherit" so it should stay "1"
08:15.07styelzset verbose in console to 3 and watch the input it receives
08:16.48kaldemararekm: show a cli output
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08:17.35pluesch0rstyelz: nah. says 'Incorrect password '0000' for user '100' (context = default)'
08:17.38arekmkaldemar:, there is __REC and __REC_NOTIFIED with the same problem
08:18.18bennykillcan someone help me with fcpci module?
08:18.59arekmkaldemar: GotoIf("SIP/arekm-twinkle-082129d0", "0?macro-notifyrecording|s|5") is exten => s,1,GotoIf($["${__REC_NOTIFIED}" = "1"]?macro-notifyrecording,${EXTEN},5)
08:20.21kaldemararekm: don't use ${__REC_NOTIFIED} but ${REC_NOTIFIED}
08:20.53kaldemaruse __ in front of the variable name only when setting the variable.
08:22.58arekmkaldemar: that was it, thanks!
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08:28.24pluesch0rstyelz: got any other idea on how to debug this?
08:30.10asim-im using asterisk up from, when i use atxfer (attended transfer) it hang ups the call now.
08:30.11asim-wtf happened?
08:31.27jordanl_what are the basic trunk settings in sip.conf for a SIP provider through which i want to receive incoming calls only (not using SIP registration, but domain/IP lookup)?
08:31.56pluesch0rjordanl_: i've got that ..
08:31.59jordanl_would you use type=user and
08:32.19pluesch0rbut without using a sip provider.
08:32.23jordanl_pluesch0r: you use something like that?
08:33.04*** join/#asterisk joobie (
08:33.36pluesch0rthat's what i'm using on my asterisk server to be able to get called.
08:33.45pluesch0rwith the sip information inside of DNS.
08:35.21jordanl_pluesch0r: but any source address can send you calls, right?
08:35.53jordanl_as long as the RURI has your.domain part
08:36.32pluesch0rjordanl_: this setup is simply to be able to receive calls.
08:36.55jordanl_pluesch0r: yes, i know, but i'm asking about the realm part
08:36.59pluesch0rto forward them to an extension, you need to set up credentials for your various sip users.
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08:38.07jordanl_can you specify a trusted source domain/IP though?
08:38.31pluesch0ri don't understand the question.
08:38.35jordanl_so you can receive calls from the trusted source, but reject all other attempts
08:38.58pluesch0rdunno. don't have that in my setup.
08:39.19jordanl_pluesch0r: thanks for the help though
08:40.59kaldemarjordanl_: define a peer with a static ip or hostname and use the insecure parameter for that peer.
08:42.12pluesch0rhm. what do i need to do to reset the whole voicemail stuff alltogether?
08:42.12pluesch0rthere seems to be something completely wrong.
08:43.17*** join/#asterisk kerx (
08:43.22jordanl_kaldemar: insecure=invite ?
08:43.28xnixanHi, what would be the most economical solution (PCI / PCIX, other) to use in 2 ISDN lines with asterisk?
08:44.27kaldemarjordanl_: insecure=port,invite
08:44.31kerxhi, i have two separate queue's, with the same agent member's in them.  when an agent log's into a specific queue (ex. Queue1).  And a user dials in-to Queue2, the call is still sent to Queue1.  Anyone know how it's possible to stop this?
08:45.03kerxerr, i messed up.  I meant to say when they dial into- Queue2, it still call's the logged in agent of Queue1
08:46.24bennykillcan someone help me with fcpci module?
08:47.26jordanl_kaldemar: thanks
08:47.52bennykillcan someone help me with the fcpci driver?
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08:51.59pluesch0rnvm, solved it.
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09:01.24Kevin`any recommendations for stores to buy parts? (ata)
09:03.09pluesch0rhow do i set the default language to something other than en?
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09:23.13tzafrir_laptopxnixan, 2 ISDN ports?
09:23.34tzafrir_laptopor two ISDN lines in a single port?
09:28.16pluesch0ranybody? default language to !en?
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09:34.02tzafrir_laptoppluesch0r, what version of Asterisk?
09:34.21tzafrir_laptopAlso: you can also set this in the channel driver configuration (e.g.: sip.conf)
09:34.38pluesch0rtzafrir_laptop: i did set it in the channel driver, it's not working for incoming calls.
09:34.52tzafrir_laptopwhich channel?
09:35.03pluesch0rtzafrir_laptop: this is asterisk 1.4.21
09:35.04tzafrir_laptopmaybe it is overriden elsewhere?
09:35.15pluesch0rthe general channel.
09:35.19tzafrir_laptopby an explicit Set?
09:35.32pluesch0rin sip.conf, i did set language=de
09:36.34pluesch0rthat setting works if i'm calling my mailbox, for example.
09:36.48pluesch0rbut if i'm calling from external, i still get the english 'this line is busy' message, instead of the german one.
09:39.24vi390what could be a possible cause of, when I place calls (forexample internal, to test) but can not hear anything, when answering the call (neither in one direction, nor in the other)
09:41.34pluesch0rtzafrir_laptop: any idea?
09:42.49tzafrir_laptoppluesch0r, I'm busy right now. But generally show a trace of a call with debug level 3 . I think it should also show the file it tries to access
09:43.08pluesch0rtzafrir_laptop: i'm doing that already. it's playing the en-files.
09:43.36pluesch0r.. and i'd rather not add a Set(CHANNEL(language)=de) to all my extensions.
09:43.47tzafrir_laptopso pastebin it . maybe it will give others here a clue
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09:47.15pluesch0rah well. i'll just set it in every extension. sigh.
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09:54.46vi390ist there a known mistake somewhere, when users can phone each other, but do not hear anything ?
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10:15.32Curusvi390: Try canreinvite=no, then if that helps, debug why.
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10:26.33vi390Curus: ok, fixed that. Thanks
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10:37.47cjkhi, i only see messages in dmesg "Enabling ecan on channel: 12 " for incoming calls and not even for all calls. any idea where the problem could be, i have a digium pri card with a vpm module
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11:13.10*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (
11:13.25ThoMei have: [eingehend]
11:13.25ThoMeinclude => VerboteneNummer
11:13.31ThoMeand :
11:13.32ThoMeexten => _019X.,1,Macro(Verboten) ; 019x
11:13.36ThoMedoesnt works :-(
11:13.50ThoMewhen i copy paste exten => _019X.,1,Macro(Verboten) ; 019x directly in the [eingehend] then works it
11:13.53ThoMebut why?
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11:19.48benrometschHi - I'm trying to figure out how to modify which of my 4 ISDN channels are used when I make an outbound call - is this located somewhere in the extensions.conf?
11:21.24ThoMeleifmadsen: hi
11:21.39ThoMei would like test if my number 0900 xxxxx or 00900
11:21.46ThoMeis it posible with one line?
11:21.51ThoMehave now exten => _019X.,1,Macro(Verboten) ; 019x
11:23.58leifmadsenThoMe: exten => _0[09][09]X.,1,NoOp()
11:24.12ThoMeoh okay
11:24.21ThoMe:-) thank you very much :-)
11:25.51CurusThey will match rather more than specified though
11:26.07CurusE.g. 00912xxxxx
11:26.18*** join/#asterisk r0d3nt|m (
11:26.25leifmadsenright, you'll need to tweak the end part
11:26.38leifmadsenI just showed how to use the [09] part
11:26.49leifmadsencan't give away ALL the secrets :)
11:27.03leifmadsenit's up to the reader to make sure they understand what I told them, and that it isn't a trap! :)
11:27.09ThoMeCurus: hm ?
11:27.23ThoMeexten => _0[09][09]X.,1,NoOp() not good?
11:27.40CurusThoMe: It's good if you don't mind matching 00012xxx
11:27.58ThoMe00012 ? in germany?
11:28.33CurusThoMe: I'm just telling you what the code does
11:28.52ThoMeokay :-)
11:29.32CurusAsterisk "regular" expressions aren't strong enough to handle optional characters in the middle.
11:29.53leifmadsenright, and it would match 099X too
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11:32.07leifmadsenonly other way is to do something like exten => 0X.,1,GotoIf($[${EXTEN:0:4} = 0900 | ${EXTEN:0:4} = 0090]?handle_call:hangup)
11:33.28ThoMeand 011 or 0011 ?
11:33.30ThoMeexten => _0[011][011]X. <<wronG?
11:33.42ThoMehave copy paste _0[09][09]X. and change 9 = 11
11:33.43ThoMenot good?
11:33.51CurusNot good indeed.
11:33.54leifmadsenThoMe: you're not understanding
11:34.04leifmadsen[09] means match 0 or 9 in that position
11:34.20leifmadsen_[09][09] would match 00, 09, 90, 99
11:34.24CurusThere's probably a good introduction to Asterisk "regular" expressions in the Asterisk book, isn't there?
11:34.31leifmadsenCurus: yes there is
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11:58.25jerryeguruis there any open source call management software to regulate & control outbound calling
12:00.03jerryeguruokay any commercial one?
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12:03.07Aiateknot your case
12:09.01jerryeguruAiatek: if i already had asterisk installed can i have vicidial installed too on the same host to regulate outpound calls
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12:17.15jerryeguruok got my answer VICIDIAL Dialer is suite of software is designed to work with an Asterisk system that has Zap (T1/E1/PSTN), IAX or SIP trunks and SIP/IAX/Zap phones.
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12:20.51Siliciumhi there
12:21.20Siliciumany idea how i can use a HFC BRI Card off-asterisk e.g. as a normal Dialup card?
12:21.37Siliciumso i want to test zapRAS to my Asterisk with it
12:21.50tzafrir_laptopSilicium, either though misdn or through chan_dahdi
12:22.06Siliciumok i will try misdn
12:22.24Siliciummisdn will create a device for me?
12:26.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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12:32.33VecAnyone here perhaps know the default password on an Avaya Desk phone ? I am trying to flash it with the SIP firmware but need to get its IP etc ?
12:35.20Siliciumgoogle avaya default passwords...
12:36.06Siliciumor RTFM
12:36.33xnixantzafrir_laptop, sorry for being late what ever that helps reducing cost
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12:37.18xnixantzafrir_laptop, 2 ports or to devices with one port!
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12:49.49timeshell_atworkHappy Wednesday!
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12:54.05Vec < would this be the latest version of asterisk 1.4 ? i.e. newer than Asterisk 1.4.25 ?
12:55.46tzafrir_laptopit's the latest . Not the latest released.
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13:01.32xnixantzafrir_laptop, about the ISDN question do you have a solution?
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13:02.14tzafrir_laptopwell, there are quite cheap cards. Certainly single-port ones
13:02.25tzafrir_laptop(I was hoping others would respond to that)
13:03.20xnixantzafrir_laptop, would you mind direct me to a link?
13:05.06Siliciumwhen i modprobing hfcpci and hfcmulti, which devices i must use for dialing?
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13:28.32[TK]D-FenderAh ha... KerryG is at now :
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13:28.59[TK]D-FenderAnd the new Snom 820 looks to be ripping off Linksys style now
13:30.16*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:31.02[TK]D-FenderAnd as per usual he demos its setup with trixbox CE
13:31.07bionoidtzafrir_laptop: Thanks for the reverse polarity hint the other day, worked like a charm!
13:31.43therealcircut[TK]D-Fender: i have good one for you
13:32.04therealcircutwho did muhammad ali first face after his exile from boxin for 3.5years?!
13:32.06*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
13:32.37Dovidhi has anyone got "Denying call id=-74 reason=unconditional" on a snom phone ? cant seem to figure out why the phone wont take the call
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13:33.49therealcircutthat wasnt my real question, but it was on my cup of ice tea from dunkin today
13:33.59therealcircutand i figure if u know all, why not have u win me a free bagel
13:34.23therealcircutanyways, i was wondering if theres anyway to force phones to re-register with a SIP server using sipsak or some other tool
13:34.32[TK]D-Fendertherealcircut :
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13:34.46[TK]D-Fendertherealcircut: 2nd bloody link answer visible in the earch itself
13:34.55[TK]D-Fendertherealcircut: JFGI <----
13:35.26[TK]D-Fendertherealcircut: Go read your phone's spec, this clearly has nothing to do with *
13:35.34*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
13:35.48therealcircut[TK]D-Fender: all you got me was a lousy 9 pc hash browns?!
13:36.09[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
13:36.20[TK]D-Fendertherealcircut: NEVER BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS!
13:36.36[TK]D-Fenderschools therealcircut
13:37.03therealcircutyour only 1 for 2 today my friend
13:38.16*** join/#asterisk devyll (n=email@
13:38.37devyllcan anybody tell me why do I get " Really destroying SIP dialog " ?
13:39.25[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: Thats just a notice.  What is your actual problem?
13:40.46devyllwell, it's filling the logs. I need to be sure it's normal to destroy sip dialog , and maybe stop that from logging.
13:40.56devylldon't know if it makes sense.
13:41.42devylleverything seems to work fine besides that notice.
13:42.44*** join/#asterisk asim- (
13:42.52asim-what versions of asterisk are people running?
13:43.01asim-i've been using for a day and its not doing so good
13:43.21leifmadsen"not doing so good" is extremely vague
13:45.07rhassing_workI'm using for two weeks now and I'm happy :-)
13:45.27asim-well attended transfer does not work
13:45.33Zhadasim> What's been the problem?
13:45.38asim-it would not play .sln files
13:45.52asim-and now after 4 hours its stopped accepting calls
13:46.43Zhadthe weirdest thing with 1.6.1 that I remember was needing to fnd libresample from somewhere.
13:47.10Dovidhi has anyone got "Denying call id=-74 reason=unconditional" on a snom phone ? cant seem to figure out why the phone wont take the call
13:47.57seanbrightDovid: DND?
13:48.10leifmadsenZhad: it's on the svn server
13:48.19leifmadsenunder svn/thirdparty/
13:48.39[TK]D-Fenderdevyll: then your loggin level is too high.
13:49.11[TK]D-Fender1.6.1.0 = bleeding edge first release of new branch.
13:51.17Zhadleif> that's probably where I got it from.
13:51.57asim-dahdi isnt running. hmm
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14:01.35NunnersI'm about to ask a question using a combination of config and logfiles, and can't remember what the website is where I can post thiem with a url associated....
14:02.23NunnersCan someone remind me please? :)
14:03.12infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
14:03.36Nunnerspastebin... that's it... thanks
14:05.22Dovidseanbright: DND is off
14:06.22Dovidseanbright: I get a 486 back from the phone. that error is in the SNOM phones log.
14:09.17Dovidseanbright: I think i got it. the phone was forwarded. i am not on site to see it :(
14:10.34*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
14:13.21esaymcan I have 2 sip voip providers going into the same context?  Everything works fine when I only enable one provider.  But when I enable both of them I get "chan_sip.c:12679 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden"" and "Everyone is busy/congested at this time"
14:13.47[TK]D-Fenderesaym: context is dialplan and has nothing to do with a 403
14:14.05esaymyea, this is weird
14:14.13Aiatekyou can have as many as you want
14:14.14[TK]D-Fenderesaym: Guess you'd better SHOW US
14:14.32esaymunless my provider doesn't allow 2 accounts to do to the same ip address or something
14:19.18esaymSee: when I uncomment that one account, that is when I start having trouble
14:21.15[TK]D-Fenderesaym: Stop setting "insecure, use "type=peer"
14:21.40therealcircutok heres a question
14:21.41Teggi have a WARNING[2973]: pbx.c:2966 ast_register_application: Already have an application 'VoiceMail'
14:21.54therealcircutso i can do: "asterisk -rx 'sip notify snom-reboot <peer>"
14:21.55Teggand don't find the doubleconfiguration
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14:22.13NunnersI've recently updated from 1.4.20 to 1.4.25 (latest) and since then when we dial out, it doesn't select the correct Zap channel.  Did anything change between the two versions - I've checked and cannot see anything in the changelogs.... debug:
14:22.14therealcircutwhere can i find more of those notify mesages to load into asterisk
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14:23.46esaym[TK]D-Fender: ok I will try that
14:28.13NunnersMmm... this gets wierder.  Now turned off the macro stuff, just using normal commands, and it's saying ZAP unavailable, even though I know it's loaded.  Something has changed between the versions...
14:28.15*** join/#asterisk simprix (n=simprix@
14:30.15Teggwhere is the voicemail configurated in the standard configs ?
14:30.35[TK]D-FenderTegg: voicemail.conf
14:31.26Teggand the i deactivated the Voicemail
14:31.32esaym[TK]D-Fender: if I do that then I cannot receive calls but only place them?
14:31.43Teggbut i still get the warning
14:32.03esaym(I both send and receive calls from my provider)
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14:34.18[TK]D-Fenderesaym: ... JUST DO IT
14:35.02esaym[TK]D-Fender: oh is this just for trouble shooting purposes right now?
14:35.13[TK]D-FenderTegg: Ah, you have MULTIPLE voicemail MODULES loading.  There is a base, and versions for IMAP, tec.  Go look in your MODULES folder.
14:35.20*** join/#asterisk Slade- (
14:35.26[TK]D-FenderTegg: edit modules.conf to noload the ones you don't need
14:35.37Teggahh noload again :)
14:35.45[TK]D-FenderTegg: And thats jsut a warning anyway unless you've got some sort of real error to show us
14:36.38esaym[TK]D-Fender: yes still the same issue
14:37.02Teggi don't know who i can ask else, sorry
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14:40.45telnettechjaytee. I will try not to use all the dots today
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14:46.36[TK]D-Fenderesaym: And I am never seeing the problem
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14:50.01esaym[TK]D-Fender: yes it might be an issue with my provider
14:50.38[TK]D-Fenderesaym: No, the problems debugging this are PEBKAC right now...
14:50.51[TK]D-Fenderesaym: You aren't showing anything
15:02.19*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
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15:10.45Slade-hey in asterisknow.. do i have to install a module or something for h323 support?
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15:12.58leifmadsenhard to say if h323 stuff is even available in asterisknow
15:13.13Slade-the website says it is.. the website could be lying tho
15:13.39Slade-i was reading this.. but it talks about a file that isnt there..
15:16.10leifmadsenQwell: ^^^
15:16.15leifmadsenwebsite could be out of date...
15:17.07Slade-trying to interface with cisco silliness. and h323 seems the best
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15:42.55therealcircutok so i can reboot the snoms and the grandstreams, but no luck with the polycoms ;/
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15:44.07therealcircutjust got it :D
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15:47.40SiLiCiUMsorry for metaquestions, but, anyone have some expirience with app_zapRAS ?
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15:55.55SiLiCiUM <-- any ideas?
15:56.39seanbrightinvalid cert
15:56.44seanbrightuse a better pastebin
15:58.06vsemenovdoes asterisk support voice IVR?
15:58.45SiLiCiUMvsemenov: with plugins yes
15:59.06SiLiCiUMbut there afaik there are no stable projects
15:59.08vsemenovwhat are the names of the plugins i would need?
15:59.19SiLiCiUMvsemenov: google will help you
15:59.23vsemenovok thanks
16:01.11therealcircutno he wont
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16:01.53vi390I have a incoming call forward in extensions.conf : exten => 10,n,Dial(SIP/200,60) ; how can I forward incoming calls to all connected sip clients ?
16:02.48SiLiCiUMforward to _?
16:03.17SiLiCiUMi solved with a caller group
16:03.34vi390ok not forward, but "dial"
16:03.43Kevin`vi390: dial(SIP/200&SIP/201) ?
16:03.51SiLiCiUMKevin`: yes
16:04.19vi390Kevin`: mhh yes, but still explicitly to give all of them there
16:04.33vi390caller group sound like wht I want.
16:04.38Kevin`google says
16:04.39vi390gonna check that out
16:04.43SiLiCiUMueeee, bye just go home
16:05.29vi390Kevin`: ah this sound like what I want ;) thanks
16:09.25jaytee"SERENITY NOW!!!!!"
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16:13.00jameswfCaller ID gets to Asterisk but does not pass to the SIP phone so it is automatically the cards fault... makes perfect sense
16:14.08MCCobhello everyone, with Asterisk 1.6 I Get "Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI'" when I try to transfer a call to my PBX, someone know why ?
16:14.26jameswfMCCob: core chow channeltypes
16:14.32MCCobchannels are In Serv
16:14.44jameswfmmmm chow..
16:14.59MCCobDAHDI       DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI             no           yes          no
16:15.07*** join/#asterisk hfb (
16:15.24MCCobType        Description                              Devicestate  Indications  Transfer
16:15.54MCCobit's core show channeltype output
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16:18.04SuPrSluGwell dev state in no so it's not enabled
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17:05.58nullable_typeWhen i bridge call using a voip provider, i sense a network delay than usual, What's the best way to debug network issues in Asterisk
17:12.56piftzafrir_laptop: hi, do you have a zaptel-source that compiles with 2.6.29 ? I tried 1: from your repository but it breaks at "/usr/src/modules/zaptel/kernel/vzaphfc/vzaphfc_main.c:569: error: 'struct net_device' has no member named 'priv'"
17:13.24tzafrir_laptoppif, hmm... yes, it's something I need to fix
17:13.42tzafrir_laptopthere's an open bug for it, and I should hopefully merge it soon
17:13.48pifdo you have a patch somewhere maybe?
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17:24.33tzafrir_laptoppif, look at that open bug (in , IIRC) . GTG
17:25.01pifoki doki
17:31.56vi390can I change the Chmod of "monitor" voice files written by Asterisk ?
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17:52.40jameswfhere they come to save the Day !!
17:57.30ruben23hi when i set the recording on my asterisk server where i could find the final records...
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18:08.23nullable_typeHow can i debug a delay in sip conversations using Asterisk? i have sip debug on but not all the requests have timestamps
18:11.33nullable_typeOr it might be RTP session initiating delay
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18:58.24EGBluedoes anyone know where I can download voiceglue from? the link at the website isn't working
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18:59.36jasonwootI dunno what voiceglue does, but it sounds cool
19:00.39EGBlueit is voicexml support for asterisk
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19:32.30therealcircutsipsak is pissin me off
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20:07.43saxaif I want to connect 2 * boxes, and one has a static IP but the other one has a dyn Ip, how is the best way to do that ?
20:08.04carrardynamic IP box registers to the stativ
20:08.33saxabut then will i be able to pass calls from one location to another ?
20:08.42saxaand viceversa ?
20:08.46carrar& yes
20:09.05EGBluehow can I direct a SIP call that is being received from a non-register source to a specific context?
20:09.34carraruse the default context
20:09.59carrarthen part it out in the dialplan
20:10.09saxaanother question i have is, is there a way to configure a dialplan to each incoming call on Zap/1 be immediately redirected to some sip on the other static IP box ?
20:10.31EGBluethanks carrar
20:15.37saxacarrar: can you direct me ?
20:16.27infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:16.29[TK]D-Fendersaxa: ^^^^
20:16.49[TK]D-Fendersaxa: This is all jsut dialplan.  Answer the call and DIAL the other box.  2-3 lines
20:19.16*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
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20:19.29*** join/#asterisk dshap (
20:19.49dshaphey drmessano and or carrar - are you guys here?
20:20.33dshapis anyone here who knows stuff about callerID?
20:21.27infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:21.39dshapoh or D-Fender
20:21.40dshapalright then
20:22.01dshapmy question is specifically related to the callerID headers that are sent from outgoing calls from an asterisk box
20:22.18dshapcan they be manipulated such that the receiving phone/system can ONLY see what you want them to see?
20:23.57dshapspecifically, I want to design an outgoing call context that dials into an AT&T voicemail backdoor number
20:24.09dshapand then leaves a voicemail in someone's voicemail box
20:24.30dshapbut i want the voicemail system to think the voicemail came from whoever left the message by dialing into my asterisk box
20:24.32dshapif that makes sense
20:24.40*** join/#asterisk ZikiBe (
20:24.49saxa[TK]D-Fender: thx
20:24.51[TK]D-Fenderdshap: the ability to set your callerid depends who you are calling THROUGH
20:24.52dshapis this possible?
20:25.01*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
20:25.11dshapwhat if i am calling through a SIP trunk provider
20:25.17dshapi would have to ask them, huh?
20:25.56[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Yes
20:25.59ZikiBedoes anyone know if there's a CLI command to list users from users.conf?
20:26.42dshapso if i am going to ask a potential provider, what should i ask?
20:26.53dshap"do you guys pass the CID headers that I send out?"
20:26.54[TK]D-Fenderdshap: "can I set Callerid
20:27.02dshapand if they say yes
20:27.09dshapthat means i can make my calls seem like they are from whatever number i want
20:27.14[TK]D-Fenderdshap: just SET IT
20:27.21dshapthank you very much
20:28.52dshapalso an unrelated question...but if i wanted to make an outgoing call context that dials the AT&T voicemail backdoor number and has to use touch-tone input to interact with it to select the mailbox and start the recording, would that be feasible to do with asterisk?
20:29.23[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Yes
20:29.29dshapokay cool
20:29.39dshapthanks [TK]D-Fender, as always, for your help
20:29.52[TK]D-Fenderdshap: "core show application dial"
20:29.53dshapoh actually one more thing
20:30.27Kobazdo de do
20:30.32dshapi'm currently searching for a SIP provider that sends me the diversion SIP headers, in order to get the CID of a phone/device that is FORWARDING another call
20:30.37dshapmy current provider does not support this
20:30.42dshapis it uncommon?
20:30.57dshapi called up and they simply told me "we pass everything we receive"
20:31.04[TK]D-Fenderdshap: No, not uncommon.
20:31.15dshapokay so then it sounds like my current provider is the odd one out
20:31.39dshapwhen i receive a forwarded call with my current provider and check ${CALLERID(rdnis)}
20:31.41dshapit is empty
20:31.51dshapbut it should be the CID of the forwarding phone
20:32.25[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Maybe.  depends how fields get passed.  "core show function SIP_HEADER"
20:32.33[TK]D-Fenderok, G2G, BBL
20:38.12jayteeG2G2, BBLAD
20:40.09*** join/#asterisk spck (
20:41.33spcktrying to get * to connect to postgresql, i get this error when registering a sip client: update_pgsql: PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to query database. Check debug for more info.
20:41.47spckwhat does it mean by check debug?
20:42.04spcki've already checked /var/log/debug|messages|syslog etc...
20:43.43spckdoes it mean sip set debug on?
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21:00.46*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=scott@
21:01.47nny_1quick straneg question, I know I can use Dial to do two numbers at once (number1&number2,etc). I want to do two calls at the same time with two seperate dial statements. The purpose is to set the callerid differently on the second number, any advice?
21:03.07nny_1exten => s,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${COMPANYNUMBER})  exten => s,2,Dial(${ARG2}&SIP/${CELL${ARG1}}@${SIPOUTBOUND},50,wm)
21:03.53nny_1is what I have right now. I was hoping to set the second dial argument with a different caller id. Reason is we use the system to also ring my cell, and the circle of jerks friends thing that they have makes them free :)
21:04.11nny_1however it is nice to have the proper caller id on my desk phone
21:05.06outtoluncif you are going as far as setting a SIPOUTBOUND var, why not set SIPOUTCLID and set(callerid(num)=${SIPOUTCLID}) ?
21:05.48nny_1outtolunc: i use COMPANYNUMBER in other places in the dialplan
21:06.14nny_1outtolunc: although your variable seems to make more sense
21:06.19outtoluncyou can name it whatever you like <G>
21:07.22nny_1i think i may be SOL on it, i don't see a way to run Dial and set just one identifier to have a specific CID
21:07.53nny_1is there a way to hard code any outbound calls to a specific zap group?
21:07.57nny_1er nm
21:08.20outtoluncif you are only hitting the dial() once, you have to set the channel var before it, but nothing says your dialplan can't call a macro/sub that contains the dial
21:08.51outtolunczapata/dahdi.conf lets you set group=x
21:09.18outtolunc(you could set your callerid there also)
21:09.29nny_1yeah but would need to set outbound CID for the outbound sip provider
21:09.42outtoluncsip <> zap
21:10.06nny_1so your saying my SIPOUTBOUND could be a specific CID.
21:10.07nny_1i see
21:10.11nny_1(in sip.conf)
21:10.24nny_1so no matter what dials out that channel, it will always show the CID as what I set it to
21:10.45outtoluncyou can set a per TECH type callerid
21:11.02outtoluncbut it will only fill (usually) if not already
21:11.12outtoluncmeaning overridden down the line
21:11.39outtoluncin this case tech/dev being sip/provider
21:12.12nny_1yeah i see callerid=XXXXX is only used if no CID is available in sip.conf
21:13.38nny_1well, i am looking into a way to SMS the CID to my phone before, may just have to live with my desk phone not having inbound caller list. God I am cheap ;)
21:14.05outtoluncsystem(echo... )
21:14.17outtoluncasterisk wiki callerid sms
21:14.22nny_1kk looking
21:14.44nny_1if anyone thinks of a claver way to preserve the callerid to ${ARG1} only in that statement, lemme know.
21:14.56outtoluncafk, need coffee only half-slept last night
21:17.21*** join/#asterisk kkemp (
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21:18.13kkempAnyone notice that msg.bypassInstantMessage="1" is ignored on the Polycom 330 phones?
21:19.00melaleucaAnybody can recommend eitheir a HP or IBM for a small Asterisk Office? Or is there a website with some current specs etc?
21:22.25timeshell_atworkIs there any magic needed to make asterisk work with video?  In other words, do you need to add in any channels for H263/4 or is it included already in 1.6.x?
21:23.53drmessanovideosupport=yes and the proper allow lines for h263 and h264
21:24.06timeshell_atworkThat's all?
21:24.27timeshell_atworkDon't have to install any other channels?
21:24.38drmessanoI gave you a complete answer
21:24.55timeshell_atworkI remember having to do other stuff last time I tried to install video
21:25.12drmessanoIts worked out of the box for me since 1.2
21:25.55timeshell_atworkAllow lines for h263/4 are in sip.conf?
21:26.11drmessanoand the videosupport line
21:27.03timeshell_atworkGreat.  Thansk
21:27.41*** part/#asterisk jordanl (n=jordan@unaffiliated/jordanl)
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21:35.24melaleucaAnybody can recommend eitheir a HP or IBM for a small Asterisk Office? Or is there a website with some current specs etc?
21:41.55*** join/#asterisk init6 (
21:48.56init6Where can I find out what are allowed for hint extension names. For example 4000 and 1400 work but 140, 40, and 4 do not.  By not work I mean "core show hints" shows "Watchers  0" and the SPA932 lights blink orange.
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21:59.08nny_1i love sendmail
21:59.31nny_1i am trying to discern how to do mail -s EMAIL BODY and have it just auto send in a script
21:59.37nny_1yet still i am here :\
22:00.12*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
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22:07.50beeknny_1: Don't use the 'mail' command, use the 'sendmail -oi -t' command.
22:11.26nny_1beek: hmm ok
22:11.42*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
22:11.50kkempOn polycom phones is it possible to have it display the name from the phone's directory instead of just the number when dialing the extension directly?
22:12.02beeknny_1: let me know if you need an example.
22:12.29nny_1beek: did System(echo "${CALLERID(num)}" | mail "${CELL${ARG1}}")
22:12.35nny_1but that's not right? it works fwiw
22:12.57nny_1sends an sms to my cell phone telling me the CID
22:13.27beekIf that's all you want it should work fine.
22:13.44nny_1yeah i think so, the sms messages don't seem to stack right now, looking into that, but other than that it works
22:14.32nny_1hah now they do
22:14.35nny_1i <3 asterisk
22:15.18nny_13 lines, 1 to sms me the CID, 1 to change the CID to my company number, and one to ring my deskphone and cellphone. Add company number to Myfaves/circle and boom, free calls
22:15.34nny_1i lose CID at deskphone, i'll work on that tomorrow
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22:20.09nny_1any reason exten => s,1,System(echo "${CALLERID(num)} called at ${TIMESTAMP}" | mail "${CELL${ARG1}}")
22:20.09nny_1doesn't have the timestamp?
22:20.51nny_1er oops
22:20.58nny_1TIMSTAMP is deprectated heh
22:23.20nny_1alright i am done spamming channel, later all thanks for the help
22:23.23*** part/#asterisk nny_1 (n=scott@
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22:25.18*** join/#asterisk nullable_type (
22:26.09nullable_typeCan i query flat file CDR record from the CLI? for example to get the record with accountcode 1112
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22:33.34Corydon76-dignullable_type: nope
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22:34.28Corydon76-dignullable_type: you could do a grep... CLI> !grep 1112 /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
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22:49.51TokyoJimuCan I have zaptel not load unneeded modules like wct4xxp?  We've been experiencing some panic()s and I'd like to make it as simple as possible.
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22:53.04nullable_typeCory >> Thank you so much for your idea
22:53.22nullable_typeas obvious, I am new to linux, i was thinking of writing a mini app to parse the CSV
22:54.19TokyoJimuAhh, seems I need to edit /etc/sysconfig/zaptel
23:02.20nullable_typeCory >> Can i create custom commands? like set MyCommand=!grep
23:02.23*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
23:09.02saxaI need to understand on thing, if I want to connect my dynamic IP aserisk box to my fixed IP asterisk box, I should do it within iax.conf on one side, but on the fixed IP box where do I need to set up the password for the other box ?
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23:12.32nullable_typeCore are you there
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23:25.39mattbUKHello folks this one is for people using G729? - how do you find it impacts processor performance is there a noticable increase?
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