IRC log for #asterisk on 20090526

00:00.30*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
00:08.48*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:08.50*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (n=shawn@
00:14.34obnauticusis it possible to play a sound back into a meetme conference
00:14.43obnauticuslike i have an audio file and it plays it to all clients within a conferenced
00:15.38*** join/#asterisk bbkt-trix (n=bbkt-tri@unaffiliated/bbkt-trix)
00:18.50*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:19.56*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
00:23.59voxterAnyone familiar with the sip invite procedure around to verify behavior on something im seeing?
00:29.18[TK]D-Fenderobnauticus: There are ways
00:29.24[TK]D-Fendervoxtjust pastebin it up
00:29.34[TK]D-Fenderoh well
00:43.40*** join/#asterisk WindBack (i=jorge@
00:57.14*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
01:00.01*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:01.08*** join/#asterisk bbkt-trix (n=bbkt-tri@unaffiliated/bbkt-trix)
01:04.57*** join/#asterisk PaulAviles (
01:07.20*** part/#asterisk PaulAviles (
01:11.31*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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01:12.07*** join/#asterisk landfall (n=benjamin@unaffiliated/landfall)
01:17.21*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:20.48*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:41.21orpheeeYAHOuuu SRTP and SIPS work ! i love asterisk lol
01:42.02orpheeesomeone want a beer ^^
01:43.38orpheeeok just for me :)
01:44.02Miccorpheee, which version of asterisk are you running?
01:44.15Miccorpheee, and which phone are you using?
01:44.34*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (n=w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
01:44.57Miccorpheee, I would love to offer our customers secured communications.
01:51.32*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=apo@unaffiliated/apocn)
02:00.05apocnHello, Im behind nat and incoming calls work well but when I try to dial out, in the sip header I see the private IP instead of the public one: From "my number" <sip:dialed@>
02:00.19apocnIm using externip and localnet, but not working. Any hints?
02:00.54*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:02.47*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
02:05.37[TK]D-Fenderapocn: hint : You've done it wrong.
02:06.15apocnany help would be appreciated
02:06.55[TK]D-Fenderapocn: can't tell you whats broken if we can't SEE it, now can we?
02:07.06apocnof course
02:07.08carrarI can read minds
02:07.12carrarI see it
02:07.19apocnwant me to upload the sip.conf somewhere?
02:07.45apocnhold on
02:07.51infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
02:08.19[TK]D-Fenderapocn: Haven't you learned this lesson a million times over already?
02:14.21apocnfor incoming calls it works fine, for outgoing the externip is not being specified
02:14.39*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-d20c958f1b4fd2a0)
02:15.14[TK]D-Fenderapocn: you didn't put "nat=yes" in [general]
02:15.29apocnhold on
02:15.38[TK]D-Fenderapocn: And a few other things you skipped.  Go read teh guide AGAIN
02:15.42infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
02:18.13apocn[TK]D-Fender: with nat=yes it didnt work either. and I have the same configuration as "" with the difference that my asterisk server and agents are locally connected (behind NAT)
02:18.32[TK]D-Fenderapocn: And you are allowing re-invites <-
02:18.40*** join/#asterisk simprix (
02:18.46[TK]D-Fenderapocn: You have real problems with directions that tell you to your face things will fail
02:19.04drmessano"Lake levels up this holiday weekend"
02:19.12drmessanoWith people in the water, yes
02:19.14[TK]D-Fenderapocn: And your SBC does not have "nat=no" as it should
02:19.33[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: "New Orleans is sinking and I don't wanna swim"
02:26.16carrarhe does at set to no
02:26.24carrarhe does have "at" set to no
02:26.32apocnI tested with canreinvite=no still the same, I also checked my Acme SBC, I dont see nothing related to NAT there.
02:27.03apocncarrar: pasting problem
02:27.11carraramong others
02:27.33apocncarrar: I will thank you if you can point me to my other problems. :-(
02:27.54apocnwell, just asking for a favior
02:28.16carrarI only do favors for HOT++ chics
02:29.10drmessanoDont you mean
02:29.13carrarYou should follow TK's instructions
02:29.17drmessano--ugly chicks
02:29.23drmessano++hot chicks
02:29.35[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: thats a double negative ;)
02:29.42drmessanoNo, thats a patch
02:30.00[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: You'll need a whole BAG for that head, not jsut a patch!
02:30.02drmessanoFeel free to apply to your town
02:30.03carrarYou are assuming the value of "ugly chicks" is value of which can be subtracted from
02:30.11[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: uless they come in pairs and to cover YOUR eyes!
02:30.20apocncarrar: In this link my situation is #5, and it says "#5 Works - no NAT in between"
02:30.50carrarapocn, perhaps you need to think outside the box
02:31.14carrarJust follow TK's instructions
02:31.30*** join/#asterisk tobias (n=tobias@
02:31.51[TK]D-Fenderapocn: 1st #^&$%ing link
02:34.00apocnright now I have exactly the same configuration as the first link. Thats why I went to the second one.
02:34.28[TK]D-Fenderapocn: you DIDN'T, and I pointed out a few glaring differences already
02:34.39[TK]D-Fenderapocn: and that was not meant to be a progression.
02:34.55apocn[TK]D-Fender: I will upload the new sip.conf
02:34.58[TK]D-Fenderapocn: apply your "current configs, PB them and place a call and PB that along-wih
02:35.04drmessanoReminds me of the guy this morning "My phones cant call each other.. My Asterisk box has 4 NICs and the phones are on 3 different networks.  Any ideas?"
02:40.45*** join/#asterisk Diffident (
02:44.25DiffidentHello.  I currently have a homebrew voip setup using a yealink b2k "rj11 to usb" adapter to connect to an old cordless phone and twinkle.  Unfortunately, twinkle does not offer good echo cancellation so the system is basically unusable.  Can I set up a "forwarding" sip server with asterisk so that I can route my calls through to my actual sip server and have it do the echo cancellation for me?
02:45.37Diffident(I want to continue using my b2k adapter)
02:52.08[TK]D-FenderDiffident: You don't do EC over SIP.  The latency is no good.
02:53.45Diffidenthmmmm.  In that case, do you know of any echo cancellation tools/libraries that work with devices that create regular alsa sound devices?
02:54.50[TK]D-FenderDiffident: Get a better softphone
02:55.15*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
02:55.49DiffidentUnfortunately, the one I have has other features that I need, that nothing else provides.
02:56.30[TK]D-FenderDiffident: When did you buy that device?
02:56.47Diffidenta month ago
02:56.50[TK]D-FenderDiffident: And how much did it cost?
02:58.58Diffidentit was cheap.  The "feature" is that it was easy for me to program.  I made it so that when I dial a number I actually execute a command that causes me to get a call back that is silently answered.
03:00.43DiffidentI suppose I might be able to hack twinkle to do the same
03:01.12Diffidentwhat's a cheap analog-to-digital card that handles echo cancellation?
03:02.24[TK]D-FenderDiffident: Go buy a proper ATA
03:04.32*** part/#asterisk landfall (n=benjamin@unaffiliated/landfall)
03:06.48DiffidentHmm.  Is it possible to set up asterisk to execute commands when a number is dialed and silencly link incoming and outgoing calls together?
03:07.33tobiasDiffident: maybe you want to try FreePBX or something?
03:08.07[TK]D-Fendersees crazy people
03:08.25*** join/#asterisk mog (
03:08.25*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
03:09.15DiffidentI'm running ubuntu.   Would want to stick with it.
03:09.47DiffidentI'm just trying to figure out if this is possible, so I know whether to jump in.  Internet searches did not reveal much.
03:10.19[TK]D-FenderDiffident: WHAT incoming calls?  You call OUT when someone calls IN?  huh?!
03:10.29[TK]D-FenderDiffident: taht was a left field shot you know...
03:10.34[TK]D-FenderWAY deep
03:16.10DiffidentSorry, I wasn't clear.  I would like to set up asterisk so that when my sip client calls out, asterisk runs some arbitrary unix command, which (doesn't matter how), causes a third party to call both the outgoing phone number and my number.  Finally, it would be good if asterisk could link my original outgoing call with the new incoming call to complete the dialing.
03:17.45[TK]D-FenderDiffident: basically yuou want to dial 1 # but fork it to 2 and force an automatice 3-way confrence?
03:17.46DiffidentThis is what I currently have set up with my crappy b2k "rj11 to alsa sound device" adapter using some custom code, interfaced with twinkle.
03:19.37Diffident[TK]D-Fender: Kind of.  The forking to 2 is done by a third party that calls back to me.  The 1st outgoing call is never router anywhere, just linked with the incoming call.
03:19.46drmessanois there a good way to show what EXACTLY asterisk is looking for in a dependency for one of its build options..
03:20.11*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
03:20.21drmessanoI just installed the imap toolkit and asterisk is apparently not satisified with what I have.. need to see whats missing
03:20.56[TK]D-FenderDiffident: your sense of direction is confusing
03:21.12[TK]D-FenderDiffident: unnecessarily so
03:23.19Diffidentmy sip client calls out to asterisk.  Rather than connecting the call somewhere, I want asterisk to run an unix command (that I will write) that requests some other server to call back to my sip client.
03:23.39[TK]D-FenderDiffident: WHY?
03:23.55Diffidentcallback services are cheap
03:24.06[TK]D-FenderDiffident: And who are you trying to tell you to call you back?
03:24.18[TK]D-FenderDiffident: How are they accepting this signal?  What format?
03:24.19Diffidentit doesn't matter
03:24.38[TK]D-FenderDiffident: It does if every answer comes back "nobody offers this service"
03:25.17[TK]D-FenderDiffident: and you can have * process the call from your SIP phone however you like.
03:25.49*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
03:26.28DiffidentThis kind of service is offered.
03:26.45[TK]D-FenderDiffident: By who?  Signalled how?
03:26.58*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
03:27.31DiffidentIt doesn't matter.  Anyway, I'll just stick with my current set up.
03:27.38DiffidentThanks for your help.
03:27.53[TK]D-FenderDiffident: You don't really seem to want to share much, so good luck with that
03:35.15[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: He's clearly just off to find a a few more sound cards & modems :)
03:38.47apocn[TK]D-Fender: it worked with the SAME configuration I have now
03:38.58apocnI downgraded asterisk to 1.4.22 and it worked perfectly now
03:39.24apocnI was using 1.4.25 before
03:55.12*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (n=I@
03:55.14Kernel_Corehi all
03:55.27*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
03:56.20Kernel_Coremy E1 is UP ( and the light is green ) but when I issue , pri show span 1
03:56.21Kernel_CoreI get
03:56.29Kernel_CorePrimary D-channel: 16
03:56.29Kernel_CoreStatus: Provisioned, Down, Active
03:56.29Kernel_CoreSwitchtype: EuroISDN
03:56.29Kernel_CoreType: CPE
03:56.50Kernel_Corewhat does make it DOWN ?!
04:11.37*** join/#asterisk trentcreek (n=kvirc@
04:14.11*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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04:16.15*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:21.05trentcreekso anyone know what area to take a peek at if I want an extension to cut off at a set time?
04:21.25[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: "core show application dial)
04:21.29[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: "core show application dial"
04:23.30trentcreek[TK]D-Fender: looking now
04:25.13*** join/#asterisk bbkt-trix (n=bbkt-tri@unaffiliated/bbkt-trix)
04:25.16trentcreek[TK]D-Fender: has exactly what I wanted, plus more
04:34.08*** part/#asterisk KucukMubasir (n=Halliday@unaffiliated/kucukmubasir)
04:35.49*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
04:39.39kerframildrmessano: aterisk's build system can be a real pain. in gentoo, we work around what I believe is the same issue as you describe with a patch to to that explicitly defines the include path and LIBS. it also fixes a problem where openssl is built with kerberos support.
04:39.50kerframildrmessano: maybe it will help point you in the right direction:
04:40.27*** join/#asterisk kapr (n=IceChat7@
04:41.26kerframilnot that I claim to know the particulars of its build system very well. co-incidentally, I'd just finished writing a post on the broken imap support in the existing ebuild. we get imap right, but fail utterly in terms of setting custom makeopts :)
04:42.46*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
04:44.48drmessanoWell, I have been trying to work out where it's looking for the imap-tk.. Even installing from source and putting everything in the same place as the 2004g RPM does, there is still something I am missing
04:45.30drmessanoha-ha !
04:45.44drmessanoI got it now
04:46.25kerframilthe configure behaviour is documented in imapstorage.txt I believe. personally, I couldn't persuade a vanilla source tree to find c-client other than by extracting the sources and running a make phase myself, prior to passing it as an argument to --with-imap (which is annoying). whatever the patch is doing in the ebuild, it seems to mitigate that problem.
04:47.07drmessanoOne place it seems to look in is current dir/../imap-2004g  and in the case us being in /usr/src/asterisk it's /usr/src/imap-2004g
04:47.10kerframilbut I think the patch only works for the case where --with-imap is passed as-is (no args)
04:47.45kerframil"This will assume that you have the imap-2004g source installed in the .. directory relative to the Asterisk source"
04:47.48drmessanoso I just did a  ln -s /usr/src/imap-2007e /usr/src/imap-2004g
04:48.20kerframilbut you still have to make it first, right?
04:49.05drmessanoyeah, download, unpack, make lr5, symlink, then ./configure asterisk
04:50.26drmessanoFunny we're looking for imap-2004g when it's apparently horribly broken
04:51.08kerframilalso, if --with-crypto is used to build asterisk, then c-client must have been built with ssl support
04:51.11kerframiland vice versa
04:51.22kerframilotherwise apparently bad things happen
04:51.51kerframil(assuming that --with-imap is also passed of course)
04:56.34drmessanoGetting into some things I am weak at
04:57.11drmessanoThis will assume that you have installed a dynamically linked version of the c-client library (most likely via a package provided by your distro).
04:58.34*** join/#asterisk styelz (
04:59.21*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (n=mrnaz@
04:59.23kerframilthat's the most desirable approach, imo
04:59.31drmessanoIm not sure what thats specifically entails
05:00.03drmessanoBeyond ensuring all the files included are the identical to those in the RPM package..
05:00.43drmessanoIs there, for lack of a better word, some "registration" of that library that needs to happen
05:00.46kerframilneither do I as I could never get it to work. in principle, I think it should just be a matter of locating the headers and c-client.a
05:01.33kerframilbut I think the aformentioned patch has the same effect for the case where only --with-imap is passed (rather than --with-imap=system). not 100% sure yet though as I'm still testing things myself; there's the makeopts issue to fix here before I know for sure.
05:02.19kerframilthat'll have to wait until later I think ... badly need sleep!
05:02.30drmessanoI hear ya..
05:02.44drmessanoIm gonna put about another 30 into it and do the same
05:03.12kerframilI'll leave this link ... it doesn't really say much that hasn't been said but it may be worth watching:
05:03.21kerframilI'll add more as and when I make any progress
05:11.59*** join/#asterisk thansen (
05:12.42*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
05:30.57*** join/#asterisk SunnyDP (
05:45.50*** join/#asterisk dshap (
05:46.09*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:46.23dshaphey would anyone here be willing to help me figure out a probably basic asterisk issue?
05:47.03dshapi've got a VOIP trunk/DID and my asterisk server has successfully registered but it seems that my dialplan/context is not being executed properly
05:47.08dshapwhenever i call my DID i just get a buy tone
05:47.11dshapbusy tone*
05:47.14dshapany ideas?
05:50.52dshapanyone here? :-\
05:59.28Yurikanybody running and chan_local?
06:00.51*** join/#asterisk sergee (
06:01.22dshaphey sergee
06:01.24dshapu there?
06:19.46*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (n=pirch@
06:27.19*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
06:28.25*** join/#asterisk Jacke (
06:28.29*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
06:30.31*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
06:33.34*** join/#asterisk yjtmas (
06:44.29*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
06:45.46*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (
06:48.40*** join/#asterisk DiViN3 (
06:51.15SunnyDPDiViN3: hello
06:52.29*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
06:52.47*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
06:56.04edgarsanybody uses patton smartnode? :)
06:56.16*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
06:56.39SunnyDPedgars: sorry
06:59.02*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
07:02.58*** join/#asterisk \void\ (
07:04.10*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
07:06.49*** join/#asterisk SebastianS (
07:09.58*** join/#asterisk jerryeguru (n=Administ@
07:11.36*** join/#asterisk andresmujica1 (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
07:12.39DiViN3i would like to know how to build a voip server
07:13.20chainsawbikeDiViN3, with time and patence...
07:13.36SunnyDPDiViN3: have you looked into ?
07:13.44DiViN3not yet
07:13.52DiViN3does it work in kubuntu
07:14.36SunnyDPDiViN3: it installs automatically, you download the iso, it isnatlls centos with SIPEXEC voip server (ip pbx)
07:15.39DiViN3SunnyDP , m not sure if its wat i require but just in case , all i want is a way to make calls using my internet bandwidth
07:16.18DiViN3so that others can use my connection as a gateway to make overseas call
07:16.20*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
07:17.25SunnyDPDiViN3: hmmm, does work that way brother
07:17.33SunnyDPDiViN3: it goes like this
07:18.31SunnyDPme --> my ipbx ---> internet --> your ipbx --->your gateway to the pstn --> the PSTN --> the person in your country i want to call
07:19.02SunnyDPDiViN3: that is how it works
07:19.22SunnyDPDiViN3: ok?"
07:19.27DiViN3SunnyDP : thanks for that details
07:19.51DiViN3SunnyDP : But wat i want is to make use of my home internet connection n make calls
07:19.55*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:20.18SunnyDPDiViN3: a gateway is a components that goes from IP to analog (from internet to a telephone plug)
07:20.39SunnyDPDiViN3: have you tried skype ?
07:20.47DiViN3i m using skype
07:21.10SunnyDPDiViN3: and you are not happy ?
07:21.10DiViN3but wat i want is the service of wat skype is using
07:21.53SunnyDPDiViN3: ok
07:21.58DiViN3SunnyDP : i m referring to something like voipstunt
07:22.51SunnyDPDiViN3: voipstunt works juts like i told you, but they have IP-PBX's all over the world
07:23.38DiViN3SunnyDP : m a noob is all this , so kindly wat is IP-PBX n how do i get it working ....
07:29.17DiViN3SunnyDP : kindly look at ur private msg
07:31.42SunnyDPDiViN3: ok
07:45.17*** join/#asterisk lou_gr (
07:45.53jerryegurui am having 11 analog phones all over the building, i am looking for an ATA solution that will connect all of these analog phones to my asterisk of voip dialing
07:47.04tzafrir_laptopjerryeguru, "solution" as in "someone to install for me"?
07:47.23tzafrir_laptopseparate ATAs for each point?
07:47.33tzafrir_laptopthere are plenty of ATAs out there
07:49.06tzafrir_laptopOne might wonder if you want to connect them all in parallel or use that newer approach that connects them all on the same wire
07:49.11tzafrir_laptop(Serial ATA)
07:53.11*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
07:53.11sfireserial ATA .. hehehehe
07:56.13*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
07:57.11tzafrir_laptopsfire, and the real cool thing is: :-)
07:58.06*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
07:58.14sfirethat is a cool concept
08:00.03sfireprobably isn't going to sound like much of an achievement (to this channel) but I got asterisk up for a business client tonight :)
08:00.16sfirenow all I gotta do is figure out the call routing/voicemail :)
08:00.39sfire(incoming call routing that is)
08:02.13DiViN3tzafrir_laptop : how do u make a voice server using a home internet connection with 10MB dedicated uplink
08:02.43DiViN3i hv a cable connection + home server with Kubuntu as OS
08:02.48tzafrir_laptopI assume you don't have an IP address of your own, right?
08:03.18jerryegurutzafrir_laptop: I'd like to connect each phone separetly to asterisk preferably using RJ45 connection
08:03.19infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
08:03.49*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
08:03.56DiViN3tzafrir_laptop : who r u telling that to
08:04.11tzafrir_laptopyou'll probably get yourself an account with one of those. I'm not sure about pricing in where you live (Sigapure?)
08:04.48tzafrir_laptopSi*n*gapure, sorry.
08:04.51DiViN3tzafrir_laptop : wat i want is to be a provider not a consumer
08:05.15tzafrir_laptopIf you want to be a provider, I suggest you start to do some reading
08:05.27infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
08:06.01tzafrir_laptopSlightly obsolete, but certainly a very good introduction
08:07.07DiViN3tzafrir_laptop : well is it possible to make a voice server over home connection
08:07.11*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:07.30sfireDiViN3, did you want the system to complete calls to the PSTN network or are you talking a pure SIP system?
08:07.34tzafrir_laptopdepends how many connections you want to support
08:07.55tzafrir_laptop~bandwidth calculator
08:07.55infobotrumour has it, bandwidth calculator is
08:08.24*** join/#asterisk ixremedy (n=ixremedy@
08:08.47tzafrir_laptopI also suspect that running an X server on the same box as Asterisk (or any other unnecessary services) is not a good idea
08:09.28sfireyou could run asterisk in a virtual machine and set the nice level
08:09.36sfirethat way it would get priority over anything
08:09.49tzafrir_laptopasterisk in a VM gets an inherent performance penalty
08:10.03sfirereally? hmm
08:10.04tzafrir_laptopIf you have a space machine in your local LAN, why not use it?
08:10.40KyleKSIP overhead is disregarded :-/
08:10.45tzafrir_laptopsfire, at least: if you don' set the host carefully
08:11.22tzafrir_laptopI meant: spare machine in the LAN
08:12.05KyleKI run a ton of crap on my asterisk box, but its only meant to do voicemail :)
08:13.03sfirethe system I setup today is an ESXi box doing asterisk and 4 other servers.  It has 8 processors however (2 - 4 core)
08:13.07sfireworks pretty good
08:13.55sfireI had all lines going with g729 and the CPU load was really low (4 lines)
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08:22.43*** join/#asterisk EugenMayer (
08:23.14EugenMayerhello. I have setup an asterisk server, having to SIP clients and a ISDN ( CAPI ) card to used for normal phone calls
08:23.37EugenMayerit seems, like iam not able to register to asterisk with both SIP clients at the same time ( from one client ) or?
08:24.03tzafrir_laptopwhat happens when you try?
08:24.17tzafrir_laptopISDN BRI supports up to two calls at a time, right?
08:24.25tzafrir_laptopcan the two phones call each other?
08:24.45EugenMayerno, i gett : "username is "Foo, but digest is Bar"
08:24.54EugenMayerwhile "Bar" is the user name of the first SIP phone
08:25.24EugenMayerusername mismatch, have <Eugen>, digest has <Imp>
08:25.46EugenMayerSo as you see, i first registered with "Imp", then tried to register with Eugen and i get this
08:25.55EugenMayerafter that, i get a username / password missmatch
08:26.03EugenMayerif i first register with Eugen, it works
08:26.52KyleKare these like two separate programs/pieces of hardware?
08:29.50*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:31.11EugenMayerno both are ekiga
08:31.19EugenMayera soft-phone client
08:31.28EugenMayerwhich supports several Accounts
08:32.04tzafrir_laptopEugenMayer, I think it is time to show your sip.conf and some traces
08:32.08infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
08:32.09EugenMayerAh well i see, if i use a different SIP client for the second username, it works
08:32.15EugenMayerso it aint a asterisk problem at all
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08:32.46EugenMayertzafrir_laptop: do you think i still need the traces? Seems to be a client problem this way, or?
08:33.24EugenMayerActually the only reason i have to SIP accounts is, that i can use different MSNs to call out ( one private, one company ). Is it possible to get this working with 1 SIP account=
08:34.03KyleKMSNs? caller id?
08:34.32EugenMayerKyleK: not sure, maybe MSN is a german word
08:34.39EugenMayerthe number you see on the display when i call you
08:34.49EugenMayerso for "outer" calls, not from SIP to SIP
08:34.49KyleKyea thats caller id
08:34.53EugenMayerAh, ok
08:35.26KyleKmsn is probably message subscriber name?
08:35.45EugenMayerKyleK: its what you call it when confugurin ISDN
08:35.52KyleKEugenMayer: dial 9 for caller id is for company?
08:36.16EugenMayerKyleK: not sure, could you rephrase what you mean?
08:37.07EugenMayeri have 2 ( actually 3 but that does not matter ) MSNs or in you terminology, 2 different "outer" caller IDs. I am using caller id 1, lets say ( 1234 ) for private and (4321) for the compony
08:37.56KyleKexten => _XXXXX.,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=60424...) <-- set the caller id in the dialplan
08:38.41EugenMayerI did that
08:38.47EugenMayerbut you cant do that twice, i mean
08:38.58EugenMayeri did that by the separation of contexes
08:39.09EugenMayer[private] eten ....(1234)
08:39.13KyleKwell if you change how you dial out, you can set caller id that way
08:39.16EugenMayer[imp] eten ...(4321)
08:39.37EugenMayersell, one second
08:40.09EugenMayerexten => _X.,1,Set(CALLERID(number)=7669439)
08:40.11EugenMayerexten => _X.,2,Dial(CAPI/g1/${EXTEN})
08:40.20EugenMayerthats what i did
08:40.31KyleKlike dial 6042809000 get one caller id, or dial 16042809000 set a different caller id
08:41.20KyleKits mainly a question of how you want to switch between the MSN's
08:41.27EugenMayerHmm i see, but this wont properly work with my integrated Adressbook then
08:42.12EugenMayerKyleK: i read you, but as my adressbook ( gnome ) does not implement such a switch, i cant simply use a 1NUMBERTOCLIENT for one MSN and 2NUMBEROFCLIENT for the other
08:42.14KyleKyou could also have dialing like *something set a variable
08:42.21EugenMayerbecause that prefixes are not in the adresssbook
08:42.39EugenMayerKyleK: i could let asterisk ask me, or?
08:43.08KyleKWhat caller ID would you like? press one for .... might get annoying, but doable
08:44.50EugenMayeryeah but the only way not to implement it on the client, or?
08:44.51KyleKor dial something, it sets a variable and reports back "using work caller id"
08:44.55*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
08:46.04KyleKpersonally if i was doing that I'd write two agi's one for setting the caller id, and one for using it, but im sure it can be all done within the dialplan
08:51.07KyleKgood luck, its sleepytime for me
08:54.20EugenMayerGood night and thank you
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09:47.37asim-has anyone had any good experience with jitterbuffer on iax2 ?
09:47.46asim-mine doesnt seem to be helping with call quality
09:51.14jerryegurudoes the Digium TE405P have echo cancelation by default?
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11:06.58*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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11:09.21ZhadIs there a method to fetch the ${EXTEN} of the channel that has been
11:09.26Zhadhung up when in exten h?
11:10.12ZhadSo far I'm thinking of setting the callerid to it, (since in this case knowing the original EXTEN is more important than the callerid).
11:10.27ZhadI guess I could do a cdr lookup and fish it out that way.
11:10.37Zhadmatch against callerid.
11:12.14*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (
11:12.35Zhadah that wont work, call doesn't get entered into cdr until hangup is processed.
11:12.43Zhadlo xrmx.
11:15.55ZhadIs there a variable that can be set that will only be available to the matching hangup?
11:21.58*** join/#asterisk p4tr0p1 (n=jam@
11:26.48ZhadI suppose the best thing to do would be to generate akey of some description that can be regenerated at h and use a DB to set/pickup the details.
11:33.19beekZhad: There is always the option of using the AMI interface, depending upon what you're trying to do.
11:34.04Zhadbeek> call comes in, gets diverted to an operator, and when the operator hangs up, does some stuff and runs an agi script.
11:34.35Zhadproblem is, the incoming call needs to in some way match up with the hangup.
11:35.00Zhadhas done some stuff with AMI, can't think of how it would help though.
11:35.30ZhadThe agi script has interaction with the original caller.
11:35.40beekZhad: It depends on what "does some some stuff" is.
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11:36.11beekSo the operator sends it another person or does the call terminate when the operator hangs up?
11:36.43ZhadWhen the operator hangs up, the call gets a message polayed to it, and needs to type in some information.
11:37.39ZhadThere is very little control over the way the call is handled by the operator, so acting on a hangup is the best plan.
11:38.13Zhad(There are also other reasons why it needs to be this way, that I wont go into).
11:38.49*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
11:38.51beekSo the operator hangs up but the caller is still connected?
11:39.00ZhadI could check for a callerid, if there isn't one, set one, add details to a temp table, and use callerid on hangup to pick them up.
11:39.09Zhadthis seems to work okay.
11:39.52Zhadat h,1 it determines whether the call should proceed (by looking at ${CHANNEL}, and then does it's stuff.
11:40.12Zhadotherwise when the still connected party hangs up it will try running again.
11:41.14ZhadOf course if there was an option in Dial that will allow it to proceed after the answering party has hung up, then all this would be simpler.
11:41.30beekCouldn't the operator transfer the call instead of hangup?
11:42.00beekUsing a local channel?
11:43.02ZhadThere is next to no control over the equipment the operators will be using, and the operators equipment can;t still be connected for the next bit to proceed.
11:43.34Zhadhmm, there does appear to be an option in Dial
11:43.56Zhadis an idiot
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11:45.55Zhadalthough it doesn't appear to work
11:46.02Zhaddial_exec_full: Invalid timeout specified: 'g'. Setting timeout to infinite
11:46.14Zhadah, comma missing
11:46.42Zhadknew that :-)
11:47.38arnuldI am connected to asterisk (AST) using connections: On one connection I receiev  responses/events from AST and it never sends anythign to the AST. From 2nd connection I am making calls and hence it never receives anything.
11:47.39arnuldAST is closing the receive-connection after I make some calls, any odea on why so ?
11:47.55Zhadcool, works :-)
11:49.05beekZhad: which version of Asterisk are you using?
11:50.14Zhadin this instance
11:50.32beekThe bleeding edge!
11:50.48Zhadthe demo operator is on (but that just needs to be able to receive a call).
11:51.03ZhadIt's a demo I'm putting together atm. may as well be.
11:51.33beekSounds like an interesting project.
11:51.59Zhadnot especially
11:52.16Zhadbut it is one of thoese where you keep thinking, 'oh yeah, what happens when ....'
11:53.56*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
11:54.07beekZhad: good luck with the project
11:54.14ChainsawI'm going to have to bite the bullet and rewrite our dialplan from scratch, in AEL.
11:54.24ChainsawDoes anyone have a nice example of it.
11:54.33*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
11:54.43Zhadbeek> weirest thing is, so far the dialplan will probably be about 10 lines.
11:54.45ChainsawZhad: AgentCallbackLogin disappeared from under me. I managed to fix up all other syntax.
11:54.54ChainsawZhad: But it wasn't enough :/
11:54.59tzafrir_laptopChainsaw, go all the way and use Lua?
11:55.06*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
11:55.17Chainsawtzafrir_laptop: I'd prefer to use extensions.conf really.
11:55.41ZhadYou're not more interested in what happened to AgentCallbackLogin?
12:01.36jerryegurudoes the TE405P have echo cancellation as default?
12:02.48Zhadthinks he knows someone who has a TE405P fs.
12:03.15ChainsawZhad: It was deprecated in Asterisk 1.4 and removed for 1.6
12:03.29ChainsawZhad: With the general notion of "use AEL instead, ktnxbye"
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12:04.30ZhadThe one thing that irritates me about asterisk is the changes between versions, mostly subtle but still silly.
12:05.54Zhadwhat's the betting that in v1.8 extensions.conf will be renamed dialplan.conf and application names will be case sensitive.
12:06.13jerryeguruChainsaw: why was it deprecated in 1.4
12:06.21leifmadsenZhad: there probably isn't going to be a 1.8
12:06.30leifmadsenit's unnecessary with how 1.6.x is released
12:06.40ChainsawIt'll just be
12:06.52Zhadaww, and there was be hoping that a rewrite was on the cards :-)
12:07.21Zhadjerry> He's got a TE410P with echo can card FS.
12:07.22Chainsawjerryeguru: Likely because of the planned deletion in 1.6
12:07.27leifmadsenChainsaw: you realize you can use AEL and dialplan at the same time right?
12:07.51Chainsawleifmadsen: I realise I've lost AgentCallbackLogin, so the existing dialplan is now shafted.
12:07.53Zhadnot that I honestly know the difference.
12:08.12jerryeguruChainsaw: but it should work in 1.4, right?
12:08.16Chainsawleifmadsen: So whatever I do now is a lot of work.
12:08.20Chainsawjerryeguru: Yes.
12:08.35leifmadsenChainsaw: not if you just replace the calls to the subroutine which does the same thing as agentcallbacklogin
12:08.46Chainsawleifmadsen: And that is provided where?
12:08.54leifmadsenChainsaw: in the AEL example in the documentation
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12:09.01leifmadsenAEL just gets "compiled" back into dialplan
12:09.03jerryeguruChainsaw: do know if this interface card has got echo cancellation by default because i didnt want to enable it unless otherwise in 1.4
12:09.05leifmadsenit's just dialplan
12:09.15leifmadsenyou can use both AEL and dialplan at the same time
12:09.38leifmadsenit was deprecated in 1.4 in order to provide you the time to move to 1.6 in the future -- that's what that sample AEL is for
12:10.03Chainsawjerryeguru: What interface card?
12:10.13leifmadsenand it didn't "Disapple from under you". There was plenty of time to move away from the dialplan application.
12:10.14jerryeguruChainsaw: te405p
12:10.18Chainsawleifmadsen: Right. Will recheck sample AEL.
12:10.37Chainsawleifmadsen: Unless you upgrade 1.2 -> 1.6
12:10.57Chainsawjerryeguru: I only have TDM-400P & 410 here, sorry. Wouldn't know.
12:11.09leifmadsenthat's still not disappearing from under you -- that's you not reading the UPGRADE.txt files :)
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12:12.46ZhadIt's a 5v version of a 410P, so it doesn't have it onboard
12:12.50Chainsawleifmadsen: I'm not saying you didn't document it. I'm just saying it's annoying.
12:13.09Zhadthat's what the black connector at the end of the card is for.
12:13.45jerryeguruChainsaw: the TDM410 can work with E1 ?
12:13.55ZhadIt's supposed to
12:14.04Chainsawjerryeguru: No, that's strictly a 4-port analog FXO/FXS adapter.
12:14.17Zhadsorry, I read that as TE410.
12:14.43jerryeguruChainsaw: Ah! okay
12:14.47*** join/#asterisk littleball (
12:15.26littleballhello, i am looking for SIP voice provide to terminate my voice call. who can recommend  good providers?
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12:16.24ZhadThat's almost like asking who has the biggest penis :-)
12:16.32ZhadIt's a fight waiting to happen.
12:17.32littleballAre there any famous voip providers ?
12:17.55littleballwhich provide prepaid service
12:19.27*** part/#asterisk arnuld (n=arnuld@unaffiliated/arnuld)
12:19.40infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
12:20.27Zhad(worth a try).
12:20.30*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
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12:23.51littleballi have make it possible to call from both gmail and google talk. I am looking for partners and voice termination
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12:34.46mort_gibZhad: there ARE plenty here in ES
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12:36.10mort_gibZhad: I'm sure people in here would like you to create and maintain a list of the least dodgy ITSP's in Spain :-)
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12:40.35[TK]D-Fenderlittleball: How do you 'call' from a web-mail service?
12:41.20*** part/#asterisk ReD-MaN (i=rox-ur-s@
12:41.49littleballthe system can send SMS long time ago. I just integrated voice
12:42.05littleballyou can try now. ANd you can hear voice file played
12:43.09littleball[TK], do you know any famous voip providers to terminate call from asterisk over sip?
12:43.13*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
12:44.31AlexTOHi, can someone tell me why could be the reason that i  don;t have audio when I cal out using a TDM410 Board 1 FXO channel? and the call between extension works fine?
12:44.37infobot[~itsplist-us]  Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , ,, , ,
12:45.01[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Show us something useful or we won't be able to help you
12:46.15AlexTOok, can yo tell me how catch the debug of that board?
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12:49.09AlexTOTK]D-Fender, what should i catch to show you? the CLI show me answer call but no audio ?
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12:49.42infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
12:50.26[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Pastebin COMPLEte calls, working, and failing, include SIP debug.  Confirm  that your DAHDI channel can hear prompts and record in the dialplan.
12:52.31AlexTOGot it
12:53.52beekmorning jaytee [TK]D-Fender
12:54.02jayteemorning beek
12:54.09[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Mornin'
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12:59.00AlexTOthat's my debug
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13:06.31[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Go prove each device's abilty tos end & receive audio direct to *
13:07.12*** join/#asterisk smultron (
13:07.15AlexTOhow can i do that?
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13:08.59[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: .. I already told you... just make a an exten to play back audio, use Record, play that back, etc
13:09.12AlexTOoki got it
13:11.39[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
13:12.02Kattypamples [TK]D-Fender
13:12.47[TK]D-FenderKatty: pamplemouse? ;)
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13:14.42smultronanyone know of a company that can offer similar packaging (of services/hardware) as Fonality, but in a more open system?
13:15.45mmlj4they're not selling asterisk? or what makes them not open?
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13:17.17smultronwell, from what i understand, they make custom modifications to asterisk (trixbox) and sell the closed version. they also require any customer's servers be connected to their central server to store settings
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13:17.34[TK]D-Fendermmlj4: You don't knwo what makes Fonility "not open"?
13:17.54*** join/#asterisk Overflower (n=admin@
13:17.57Overflowerhi guys
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13:17.59Overfloweranyone in?
13:18.05tzafrir_laptopsmultron, trixbox (trixbox pro) is complitly propietary, and based on the original fonality codebase
13:18.07mmlj4I've only heard the name, and until just now never loaded their page
13:18.09mmlj4so, no
13:18.13OverflowerI've got a problem
13:18.14[TK]D-Fendersmultron: Most GUI vendors require your soul on signing.
13:18.24[TK]D-FenderOverflower: #drphil :D
13:18.30Overflowermy sip provider is responding with the following message and I cannot find anything about it
13:18.43tzafrir_laptopTrixbox CE is what used to be called Trixbox (and Asterisk@HOME before that) is a completely different thing
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13:19.03smultron[TK]D-Fender: yeah, that's what i'm trying to avoid. know of any other service providers that can compile a similar solution from open/stock hardware/software?
13:19.55[TK]D-Fendersmultron: You'll have to look for local consultants, but 2 distro's you could consider starting with would be PIAF & Elastix
13:19.57tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, you seem to be comfortable with the GUIs of policom, linksys and alike :-p
13:20.21[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Polycom GUI?  You should be dragged out and shot for even suggesting it :p
13:21.13*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
13:21.24OverflowerGot SIP response 476 "No Server Address in Contacts Allowed" back from
13:21.29smultron[TK]D-Fender: is there a network or forum to find such people?
13:21.48[TK]D-FenderOverflower: Pastebin the complete CLI output of a failed call from beginning to end with SIP DEBUG enabled.
13:21.50infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
13:21.53*** join/#asterisk bbkt-trix (n=bbkt-tri@unaffiliated/bbkt-trix)
13:22.03[TK]D-Fendersmultron: Look on the WIKI consultant's list
13:22.06infobot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
13:22.14*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
13:22.19smultron[TK]D-Fender: thanks
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13:26.46Overflowerthere is the pastebin
13:27.50[TK]D-FenderOverflower: I said live CLI, not logs.  we do not see your REGISTER being sent, on the RESPONSE to it
13:28.18Overfloweroke going to get that one then
13:29.24*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
13:34.06[TK]D-FenderOverflower: And please apstebin your SIP.CONF masking only passwords
13:35.57AlexTOTk]D-fender this is my inbound  call
13:36.22AlexTOit  should play demo file
13:37.43[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: TDM400 (original, no EC?)
13:39.45AlexTOcould you explain a little bite more that?
13:40.13Kattyjust a little bit ~ just a little bit
13:40.51AlexTOsorry "bit"
13:41.46Kattydances with [TK]D-Fender
13:41.48AlexTOwhat you mean with  EC?
13:42.10AlexTOsorry i do not get you :-(
13:42.15infobotec is probably Ecuador.  Echo Cancellation
13:42.35*** join/#asterisk ctaloi (n=Adium@
13:43.18jayteeEctoplasmic Contamination
13:43.23AlexTOin what file you saw that? to changed
13:43.52jayteeooooh, look! a chicken!
13:43.56jayteerushes off
13:44.00Overflower[TK]D-Fender: here is the cli log
13:44.08timeshell_atworkEvolutionary Crapola
13:44.22Overflowersip.conf is on its way
13:44.27[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Ok, nevermind, I see it in your ealier PB.  I've heard of broken EC's stealing the voice-stream in buffers before (on hardware Otaisc for instance).
13:44.28jayteeEtnernally Constipated
13:44.42[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Temporarily test your DAHDI with "mg2" instead
13:45.19AlexTOTkD=Fender it doesn't have EC, just original
13:45.36[TK]D-FenderOverflower: Contact: <sip:s@> <-- you have not set your server up properly to work from behind NAT.  Go follow this guide (the FIRST link)
13:45.38infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:45.55[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: I kinow, go test what i have jsut suggested.
13:46.18[TK]D-FenderOverflower: No need to see your SIP.CONF I already know its wrong... go followt he guide
13:46.52*** join/#asterisk jmdault (
13:47.39[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: its a VALUE....
13:47.52[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Clues can be found in the bin on your right...
13:48.51jmdaultHello... Question that must be asked a million times per day... What is the "officially stable" version of Asterisk for production use?
13:49.48[TK]D-Fenderjmdault: No suck thing, though the latest full 1.4 series release is usually considered the most proven.  1.6.0.X branch is also generally considered fairly stable at this point
13:51.37*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
13:51.52Overflowerthanx [TK]D-Fender going to look at that one
13:51.52jmdault[TK]D-Fender: thanks.
13:52.20Overflowerthe only thing I don't get is that it works for a colleageu of mine without that part and he has the same config but okay
13:52.26Overflowerthanx for the help
13:53.05jmdaultDoes anyone here attend the Asterisk Advanced training? Do they use 1.6 or 1.4%
13:54.09[TK]D-Fenderjmdault: 9% alc. per volume
13:54.13*** join/#asterisk Curus (n=Curus@
13:54.52AlexTOTK]D-Fender it works with mg2, Thnks , can you explian to me why it makes it work?
13:54.58CurusHow do I find out whether r169611 is in
13:55.26[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Something is busted with your OSLEC setup.  I have do direct experience with it however.
13:55.44[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Work on this when you can afford the down-time.
13:56.01timeshell_atworkOSLEC rocks though
13:56.19[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: When its functional, yes
13:56.38timeshell_atwork[TK]D-Fender never had a problem with it
13:56.50AlexTOOk thanks
13:58.26coppiceyes, OSLEC is a product of the truly gifted... and modest
13:58.45CurusSo if I don't find the string 169611 in that document, it isn't in the release?
13:59.43*** join/#asterisk eharris (
13:59.45[TK]D-FenderCurus: what does the tracker say?
13:59.56CurusI don't know, how do I ask it?
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14:00.44CurusIt just seems like a very easy question for a versioning system
14:01.38alex_fffI know its not really the good channel, but I've a problem with a snom320. sometime it ring in the headset and that's not what I specied in the admin. That's occur when we get a lot of concurent call.
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14:02.25CurusOk, but that doesn't say which 1.6.0.x release the revision is it
14:02.28Curusis in, even
14:02.56[TK]D-FenderCurus: Asterisk Version  <- and look at the DATE.  When its closed, bet on it being in the release after that date.
14:03.10[TK]D-FenderCurus: SO just upgrade to the latest full
14:03.21CurusI did, the bug is still there
14:03.33CurusSo I hoped the revision wasn't in yet
14:03.35[TK]D-FenderCurus: might want to ask in #asterisk-dev
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15:13.32bijithow can I disble MWI?
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15:15.20BCS-SatoriAre there any scripts or anything for call escalating processes to be used for night time emergency type messages.  I know I can setup a follow me attendant script; I just wanted to know if anything existed before I make something completely custom.  Thanks
15:17.11*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
15:19.04[TK]D-FenderBCS-Satori: EvERYTHIGn is completely custom
15:20.23BCS-Satori[TK]D-Fender: figured as much.
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15:44.09AlexTOTF]D-Fender, one question, with the EC mg2 the audio works but  there is a lot of ECHO, can you tell me what else can i do to fix it?
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15:49.22[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: try another EC.  * comes witha  few.
15:49.31[TK]D-Fenderalex how old is your card?
15:50.16*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:50.19AlexTOIt is pretty new
15:50.56AlexTOok, i'll find out which are the options
15:51.14[TK]D-FenderAlexTO: Call up Digium as they offer HPEC free for cards under warranty
15:52.13*** join/#asterisk kaptengu (n=kaptengu@unaffiliated/kaptengu)
15:52.44AlexTOOki i'll do that
15:53.08Overflower[TK]D-Fender: you gave me an url earlier this day about NAT and settings can you give me that one again
15:54.19infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
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15:58.53fcois93hello all
15:59.23fcois93I have an asterisk 1.6 and I need to change the accountcode sent to my agi
15:59.28fcois93how can I do ?
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16:03.09leifmadsenfcois93: Set(CDR(accountcode)=foo) ?
16:03.35fcois93leifmadsen: my agi dont find that
16:03.54leifmadsenthen I don't know what you're asking
16:04.16leifmadsenyou need to explain more, and perhaps provide some reference in a pastebin
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16:05.15fcois93leifmadsen: I think that I writed accountcod without the 'e'  :(
16:05.18fcois93thank you
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16:10.05pmhaddad-workgives leifmadsen a cookie
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16:10.27MaliutaLapthis isn't ajax you know :P
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16:34.22E-bolaAnybody here who's in the skype for asterisk programe?
16:34.58MaliutaLapbeats skype with a smelly dead horse
16:36.23pthreatai bit it guit ei did kokatuuu
16:36.35*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (n=chatzill@
16:37.10LerrowHi there, I'm having an issue with conference rooms. They were working fine, but they are not working right now
16:37.21Lerrowwho should I talk/chat about this??
16:38.14[TK]D-FenderLerrow: Pastebin your failed attempts, and describe the actua problem.
16:38.24[TK]D-FenderLerrow: those who can help and wish to will.
16:38.27infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
16:38.43[TK]D-Fenderlol @ convenient shift-fail :)
16:38.45MaliutaLapdid some one mention my number
16:39.31*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
16:39.55MRH2Hi - speech recognition - is there a reliable/accurate tool to process G729 call recordings to text. I've heard sphinx may do what I am looking for but with 'variable' accuracy so any others?
16:40.29[TK]D-FenderMaliutaLap: 668... the neighbour of the Beast.
16:40.49[TK]D-FenderMRH2: VR on G.729 = NOT smart
16:41.01LerrowOk, so I'm runing Asterisk
16:41.35Lerrowwe used to have a conference room, but this morning we try to make a conference and we got the message "that's not a valid conference number"
16:41.55MRH2yeah not the mose perfect format but it's better for space...
16:41.56QwellLerrow: What did you change?
16:42.07[TK]D-FenderLerrow: Most common cause : Zaptel/DAHDI not initialized so there is not timer available.  the error itself is completely misleading
16:42.08QwellMRH2: What you want to do isn't possible.
16:42.17Lerrowwhen I checked the asterisk -r, I got this
16:42.38[TK]D-FenderLerrow: [May 26 13:21:28] WARNING[15162]: app_meetme.c:800 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device <- this confirms it
16:42.39Lerrowwe did not change a thing, the server is running exactly as it was last week
16:42.56[TK]D-FenderLerrow: Make sure to initialize zaptel/DAHDI *before* you start Asterisk
16:43.16LerrowI stopped both, and then started zaptel
16:43.22[TK]D-FenderLerrow: You could have been running fine, be a restart didn't bring things up in the right order
16:43.44MRH2ok well i guess i'll check back in a few years then lol
16:43.46[TK]D-FenderLerrow: do "dahdi_cfg -vvvv" before starting *
16:44.16LerrowI got this after runnign zaptel
16:44.24MRH2is it the g729 that makes it not possible?
16:44.46QwellMRH2: No.
16:45.09MRH2ok what is the hurdle?
16:45.20jayteethe speech engine isn't smart enough
16:45.21QwellThere is a *massive* difference between speech recognition and transcription.
16:45.24[TK]D-FenderLerrow: Now start *
16:45.29Lerrowthis is what I got, after dahdi_cfg -vvvv
16:45.48QwellWithout extensive training for each voice, you will never get transcription.
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16:49.43MRH2Does google just use a massive database for voicemail transcripts?
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16:50.14trentcreekit seems so as their site keeps getting super aweful slow
16:50.27MRH2I wonder if there is going to be some api that would let google do the leg work?
16:50.37Lerrowhmmm, it seems the /dev/zap fodler it's missing now
16:51.05trentcreeksure..If you do some can lookup how to use SIP with it
16:51.33trentcreekI am halfway there
16:51.50trentcreekI am using an IPKall number with G V
16:52.14beekLerrow: Use one of DAHDI or ZAPTEL, not both.
16:52.31LerrowI'm not using DAHDI, I installed Zaptel
16:52.43trentcreekAnyone got an inkling why on an incoming call, I get the city location of the caller instead of their name?
16:52.53jayteeLerrow> this is what I got, after dahdi_cfg -vvvv
16:53.02beekLerrow: then why did I see this:
16:53.06beekThanks jaytee
16:53.08zeeeshhow to uninstall asterisk zaptel addons and zaptel ?
16:53.39trentcreekzeeesh: I was asking that question last week
16:53.46Qwelltrentcreek: no, you weren't.
16:53.49Lerrowno idea why, I did not install dahdi
16:53.58trentcreekQwell: okay..similar
16:54.19beekheads to lunch
16:54.30trentcreekI was looking for "make uninstall "
16:54.45trentcreekQwell: and it was the addons
16:54.53trentcreekfor asterisk at least
16:54.53tzafrir_laptopzeeesh, aptitude purge asterisk
16:55.22tzafrir_laptopoh, you don't use package management? :-)
16:55.43trentcreekzeeesh: rm
16:55.46[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: My "package" doesn't need "management"! :p
16:56.20tzafrir_laptopwonders if [TK]D-Fender ever considers removing his package
16:56.38tzafrir_laptopOr installing a new one
16:56.46[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: there is no "exit strategy"
17:01.57trentcreekLerrow: there is a way to build your own RPMs for any source so you can easily remove  it if need be
17:02.10Lerrowhow I do that?
17:02.48trentcreekthis is Asterisk channel, not build RPM channel...try google..there are a billion tutorials out there
17:03.10seanbrighttrentcreek telling someone *else* to google something
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17:03.15seanbrightlooks around for flying pigs
17:03.35trentcreekhey...I did google my question before...I could not find it
17:03.45trentcreekand it was on topic :-D
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17:04.55telnettechneed some help. Have a mediatrx 4116 that i had to move an extension to another port and afterwards the new port is not working. I am getting a message on the CLI that there is no compatible is sip debug......
17:05.41tzafrir_laptoptrentcreek, not technically difficult. but start from an existing spec
17:05.44*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:06.03tzafrir_laptopthough the tricky thing to debug about packages is how they behave at uninstall time
17:07.02jameswftelnettech: and the sip.conf for user 3456
17:07.02Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
17:07.12telnettechhere is the sip show peer to show that i have only selected u-law as the codec for both phones
17:07.12jayteeknew that was coming
17:07.26jayteeI think Nugget just lurks in here for that single purpose
17:07.26trentcreektzafrir_laptop: yes, and possible result of removing a dependency
17:07.50telnettechi think so as well
17:08.21trentcreektelnet was 'da bomb' in the good ol academic days
17:08.44coppicetelnettech: if everything is handled by the package manager it should handle the dependencies
17:08.56coppicetelnet is still an important tool
17:09.06jameswftelnettech: your far end is requesting G723
17:09.22trentcreekyes...AGI still uses it
17:10.37telnettechjameswf: I know..... that is what im trying to figure out why......both are set to allow ulaw only
17:11.39jameswftelnettech: from what you have posted it is not an * issue
17:12.27*** part/#asterisk errr (n=errr@fedora/errr)
17:12.41telnettechhere is the sip.conf......
17:13.26telnettechas you can see, i am only allowing ulaw and the mediatrix device ports are all set to G.711 ulaw for all 16 ports.....the other ports work fine
17:15.57telnettechjameswf: you are saying that 3456 is requesting G723?
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17:21.16telnettechnevermind....i found out what it was
17:22.04[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Capabilities: us - 0x4 (ulaw), peer - audio=0x1 (g723)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing) <-- Them
17:24.36telnettechTK: I found it.....there is another page that has the per port codec info that i didnt see....i was looking at just a port page that had codec info and it doesnt control what codecs the port can use....The tech who installed this system like 2 years ago diabled all ports that were not being used so that someone cant plug a phone directly into the port and use it
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17:33.09bkw_ATTENTION: If you would like to have rport and stun support in Polycom phones please email and voice your support for these features.
17:40.28jayteetelnettech, hunt down that other tech and kill them
17:40.51telnettechhe no longer works at our company....bastard
17:42.35jayteehe must have left a forwarding address, at least short of killing him just let all the air out of his tires in his driveway
17:42.45telnettechwe have 2 sites that he did that are nowhere near the company standards for the installations....he did Elastix gui and Freepbx......he did reverseVPN instead of telling us that the customer didnt have VPN for us so that mgmt can put pressure on customer for security purposes....we are finding alot of this out here in last couple months
17:43.19jayteeI read the entire PDF book "Elastix without Tears". It was so moving that I cried at the end.
17:46.11Qwelljaytee: truly an epic story.
17:46.45jayteefull of more plot twists and turns than a Robert Ludlum mystery
17:46.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm not sure who taht insults...
17:48.16jaytee[TK]D-Fender, wasn't meant to be insulting to anyone, just a snarky little joke thrown out there. If I was going to insult someone it would be Kerry since my loathing and hatred of all things Trixbox is vaguely recognized in the Asterisk community.
17:54.32*** join/#asterisk SebastianS (
17:57.18keith4any reason I can't run asterisk on a sparc box, if I only need SIP and IAX support?
17:57.28bkw_keith4: should work fine
17:57.31bkw_last I checked
17:57.45keith4I guess I might need ztdummy, too
17:58.05bkw_you want conferences too?
17:58.25bkw_does asterisk do software conferences yet?
17:58.40keith4it has for as long as I can remember
17:58.50bkw_not that I can recall they require ztdummy
17:59.13bkw_pure software conferences without hardware timers .. not sure asterisk does it yet
17:59.21bkw_knows FreeSWITCH can
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18:01.22keith4"The timer is normally tied to the hardware interrupts generated by the communication device"
18:01.27sjzzalxHello. I want to see the ./configure line that was used to build my copy of Asterisk. How may I do this?
18:01.54jeffsjzzalx: do you still have the source tree that you built it from?
18:02.04sjzzalxjeff: Yes
18:02.26jeffsjzzalx: look in the top of config.log -- should have "Invocation command line was"...
18:02.31keith4bkw_: this is more useful:
18:02.42bkw_keith4: they do the muxing of the audio in zaptel also for conferences last I seen
18:03.00sjzzalxjeff, great, that helped a lot. Thanks. :)
18:03.06keith4right, but ztdummy gives you the zaptel timer without any zaptel hardware
18:03.06jeffsjzzalx: 'welcome!
18:03.50bkw_keith4: but its more than a timer... it actually muxes the audio frames unless they changed meetme to do it all in software
18:04.32jeffsjzzalx: that's a standard GNU autoconf thing, by the way... works for more than just asterisk.
18:04.39bkw_anyone know if meetme can do 100% software conferences yet?
18:07.01russellbAsterisk can, yes, using a new conferencing application in 1.6.
18:07.13russellbbased upon a new bridging framework.
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18:14.13bkw_russellb: good to hear
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18:48.54dshaphey is there anyone here who'd be willing to briefly help me out with an asterisk issue?
18:49.48dshapjust trying to get a simple hello-world playback working
18:49.57dshapwhen i call my server, i just get a busy tone
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18:50.59dshapruben do you think you could help me out with a basic asterisk issue?
18:52.14ruben23dshap:got same problem with asterisk too
18:52.20dshapwhat's your proble
18:55.49ruben23i got one way audio
18:55.56infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:56.02ruben23my asterisk is behind Nated..
18:56.20dshapi had NAT issues before and my server couldn't register with my SIP trunk
18:56.31dshapbut then i read the guides/talked to other people and got them sorted out
18:56.40dshapmy server successfully registers
18:56.42dshapeven behind NAT
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18:56.57dshapso wouldn't that rule out networking issues when trying to accept calls?
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18:57.08ruben23dshap: can i check you iptables setting
18:57.25dshapi completely uninstalled iptables from my machine
18:57.37ruben23this is my iptables setting
18:57.38dshapi was trying to troubleshoot the registration issue so i wanted to remove all possible causes
18:58.25dshaphey Qwell, do i need to have any other bindport statements other than 5060 in my sip.conf?
18:58.33dshapthat's what i needed to add to get registration to work
18:58.34[TK]D-Fenderdshap: So far I don't hear any confirmation that you looked at SIP DEBUG for an incoming call attempt, nor any confirmation of the precise steps you've taken.
18:59.02dshapok sorry, i didn't know that i could use SIP DEBUG to check out incoming call attempts
18:59.04[TK]D-Fenderdshap: enable SIP DEBUG and go look for the call.
18:59.05dshapi'll do that right now
18:59.24[TK]D-Fenderdshap: could be * is refusing the call but that it is at least arriving at your box.
18:59.31dshapwill check now
19:00.53dshapafter i do "sip set debug"
19:00.57dshapif i call the server
19:01.06dshapif it was seeing the call, something should show up immediately
19:01.23*** join/#asterisk LtScarr (
19:01.26dshapright now i'm just getting occasional registration stuff
19:01.35LtScarrhey everyone
19:01.55LtScarri have a question related to internal calls
19:01.59[TK]D-Fenderdshap: PASTEBIN is your friend...
19:02.05[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: No such thing
19:02.10*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
19:02.13[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: Every call is jsut a call
19:02.41LtScarrgood point :)
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19:04.23LtScarrthe thing is that i can only call phones from the asterisk console
19:04.31LtScarrbut when i call from a phone
19:04.41LtScarrthe log states that the specific extension does not exists
19:04.52LtScarrlet me put my confs in pastbin...
19:05.12dshapbefore i enabled SIP DEBUG, i was getting a couple warnings/notices related to chan_skinny.c - "Skinny Client sent less data than expected" and "Skinny Session returned:success"
19:05.24dshapbut i don't know if that is related to my busy-tone issue on receiving calls
19:06.30dshapit seems that my server is not seeing the call because the sip debug doesn't appear to have anything related to a call
19:06.42*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (n=yogurt2u@
19:06.46dshapand my dialplan is really really simple: answer, playback sound file, hangup
19:08.00[TK]D-Fenderdshap: your pastebin is empty
19:08.16[TK]D-Fenderdshap: And no, it is not relevent.
19:08.40dshapshittt, sorry:
19:08.50dshapi forgot it doesn't like the www
19:09.34LtScarrthat's my whole extensions.conf
19:10.01[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: And your phone configs?
19:10.31LtScarrthat's my sip.conf
19:10.34dshapD-Fender: i'll assume you want to see my sip.conf as well?
19:10.52LtScarrand this is the error:
19:10.52LtScarr[May 26 20:54:44] NOTICE[6110]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from '1' to extension '2' rejected because extension not found.
19:11.15[TK]D-FenderltYou did not set the CONTEXT in your SIP peers <-
19:11.20[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: You did not set the CONTEXT in your SIP peers <-
19:11.40[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: and "userscontext=default" is not valid in your dialplan.
19:12.10[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Not yet.
19:12.27[TK]D-Fenderdshap: if I don't see a call, then I don't care whats in your config.
19:12.49[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: add "context=default" to each of your phone peers
19:12.53LtScarr[TK]D-Fender: that was it, thanks
19:12.56LtScarrit works now
19:12.56DefrazOkay so I have DTMF working Great with my sip provider on out bound calls.
19:13.17LtScarri don't know why i missed that
19:13.19DefrazThe problem I am having is inbound DTMF like when an automated deal calls me.
19:13.27LtScarrbut thanks anyway
19:13.35j_kroonis it possible to from the CLI unset a global var?
19:16.42*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
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19:19.08dshap[TK]D-Fender: there is no call data in my SIP DEBUG, correct?
19:21.02[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Correct.  You've be looking for an "INVITE"
19:21.26[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: No problem, glad that you're learning from scratch in baby steps.
19:22.27dshapso if I'm not getting an INVITE when I call my server but I am successfully registering with my VoIP trunk, does that mean I either have a network issue or my VoIP trunk is not properly sending the call?
19:23.55DefrazI have different systems calling me asking if I am available and can take care of certain problems but I can't respond to the menus.
19:25.21ajohnsonCorydon76-dig: Poke and/or prod
19:25.52DefrazI have tried 3 differenet DIDs from 3 differenet SIP providers.
19:25.57DefrazSO it has to be something on my end.
19:26.52[TK]D-Fenderdshap: dshap Check the IP you're sending on hasn't changed as well
19:27.03[TK]D-Fenderdshap: What do you have forwarded to your * box?
19:29.25dshapIP hasn't changed.  I am using which is a SIP trunk/DID provider. I have set in the control panel for SIP signals to be forwarded to my * box for the particular DID that i bought from them
19:31.43[TK]D-Fenderdshap: waht "control panel"?
19:31.50[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Please be precise...
19:31.52dshapit says the codecs enabled are G.711U and G.729
19:32.00dshapsorry i am trying to be as specific as possible I'm just very new to all of this is my provider
19:32.12dshapthey have a web application/browser based control panel
19:32.15*** join/#asterisk mellow-yellow (
19:32.16dshapwhere i can log in and change setting
19:32.22dshapand check registration
19:32.23dshapmanage my DID's
19:32.45dshapmy protocol for inbound DID's is set to SIP
19:33.09dshapplease ask if you want any further information and I will do everything I can to find it
19:35.03dshapdo i need to enable "gsm" as a codec if I am calling them via a cell phone?
19:37.59dshapok because gsm was disabled by default
19:42.12dshapthis is not making sense to me. i have completely disabled all firewalls, opened up every port on my router, configure the appropriate port in my sip.conf file
19:42.21dshapmy server successfully registers
19:42.28dshapwhich means SIP is getting in/out of my network - right?
19:42.37dshapso why can't i receive a call?
19:43.47dshapoh wow...i just realized that i may have had a major problem with the voip trunk control panel
19:44.23dshapi changed it and now i'm getting a bunch of handle_request_invite's on my CLI
19:44.41dshapand it says for each one "call from 'myusername' to extension 'myDID' rejected because extension not found
19:44.43SuPrSluGpastebin your sip.cong
19:46.07dshapin that sip.conf i have context=incoming
19:46.16dshapand in extensions.conf, the only context i have is [incoming]
19:48.02dshapok all of those handle_request_invite lines must have been from the previous test calls i was making earlier
19:48.09dshapnow whenever i call my DID i get that exact line again
19:48.14dshapso my calls are now reaching my server
19:48.16SuPrSluGwhere is the extension it dials for an incoming call? local? default? and is the incoming included in that context
19:49.04dshapnot sure if i understand your question...i have extensions.conf which is in /etc/asterisk/
19:49.10dshapit has only 4 lines in it
19:49.20dshapthe first line is [incoming] which i thought defines that context
19:49.34pmhaddad-workanyone here ever deployed asterisk in the healthcare sector?
19:49.44SuPrSluGwhat about the phones it will dial?
19:50.05*** join/#asterisk spck (
19:50.15dshapi'm not that far yet, sorry for not clarifying.  i'm simply trying to get my asterisk server to answer, play a sound file, and hang up
19:50.17dshap"hello world"
19:50.25Corydon76-digajohnson: I see your poke and raise you a jab
19:50.28dshapi'm as new to Asterisk as they come
19:50.29spcki'm having a bit of trouble getting extconfig to work with postgres
19:50.46ajohnsonCorydon76-dig: Responded to your comment on the ODBC function issue
19:50.51dshapso my asterisk server is not going to dial any phones
19:50.53dshapright now
19:51.27SuPrSluGpastebin the extensions.cong
19:51.29Corydon76-digajohnson: Saw, been working on it.  New patch uploaded.
19:51.34ajohnsonok, thx
19:51.39spcki get this message:config.c:1969 find_engine: Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'pgsql', but the engine is not available
19:51.54spckany ideas? mysql works fine
19:52.03Corydon76-digspck: did you compile/load ?
19:52.13spckmyself? no
19:52.22spcki did install from source if that's what you mean
19:52.56dshapSuPrSluG: here is my extensions.conf:
19:54.21[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Show us eht failed call
19:55.20dshapit just says NOTICE[2836]: chan_sip.c:14383 handle_request_invite: Call from '103845' to 'MY DID' rejected because extension not found
19:55.39dshapor do you want the SIP DEBUG
19:56.15spckyou need to include incoming in [default]
19:56.29spckif that is the entirety of your extentions.conf
19:56.44[TK]D-Fenderdshap: LATTER
19:56.46spcki.e. include => incoming
19:57.13dshapspck: does [default] go in extensions.conf?
19:58.22[TK]D-Fenderdshap: DON'T
19:58.28[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Show us the call.
19:58.33dshapok, i'm getting the SIP debug in pastebin right now
19:58.35[TK]D-Fenderdshap: So far the configs look OK.
19:58.46dshapthank god haha
19:59.05spckdshap: yes
19:59.30spcklooking here:
19:59.40spckit looks like it uses odbc for postgre connection
20:00.02*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
20:00.21[TK]D-Fenderspck: Looking for 9492810950 in incoming (domain <- you need an exten to match this #, and only have "s"
20:00.27[TK]D-Fenderdshap: : Looking for 9492810950 in incoming (domain <- you need an exten to match this #, and only have "s"
20:00.38[TK]D-Fenderdshap: So go change the exten to match
20:00.43dshapi thought "s" is the default extension
20:00.47dshapthe "start" extension
20:00.54[TK]D-Fenderdshap: And your reg set the contact to "s", but they ignore it and dial your DID
20:01.12[TK]D-Fenderdshap: "s" is often misunderstood
20:01.25[TK]D-Fenderdshap: They HAVE a target extensions they are looking for.
20:02.09[TK]D-Fenderdshap: If you have a TDM card with an analog line attached, * will have no idea why the line is ringing (what number was dialed to reach it) so that will go to "s" for example
20:02.33[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Your register did not specify the exten so * told them to dial "s" for you and they ignored it anyway
20:02.35dshapthat makes sense
20:02.42[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Always look at the INVITE
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20:02.50dshapwait, the last thing you said...
20:03.00dshapasterisk told them to dial S?
20:03.13dshapwhat do you mean by that
20:03.24dshapsry, im just trying to understand how this all works
20:03.26[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Contact: <sip:s@> <-- this is where your REGISTER told them to go because of this : "register => 103845:***"
20:03.36[TK]D-Fenderdshap: no "/number-to-dial" on the end
20:03.42[TK]D-Fenderdshap: which they proptly ignored
20:04.03spckcorydon: what did you mean by compile and load?
20:04.20dshapwhy does my asterisk server need to tell my VOIP trunk provider what my DID is?
20:04.27[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Picture the "register" as asking the other side "call this number (IP), and ask for JIM (the exten)"
20:04.44[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Its tells them how to call YOU back.
20:04.59[TK]D-Fenderdshap: so that YOU see the number associated with them as the inbound target
20:04.59dshapok so if i had multiple extensions - which would it tell them to call me back on?
20:05.19SuPrSluGor put the number in incoming exten=> _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Answer()
20:05.27[TK]D-Fenderdshap: In the case of this provider they will always INVITE with the DID that was diead regardless which is generally a good thing
20:05.34[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: EW!!!
20:05.55[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: why have multiple DID' only to process them on the same exten?
20:06.23dshapwait...that's what i thought i had to do...
20:06.29dshapreplace "s" in extensions.conf with my DID?
20:06.34dshaphow else would i rename the extension
20:06.56[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Tha is it.  Just change the "s" to the # they are dialing in
20:07.17dshapit worked!!!!
20:07.21SuPrSluGno I meant put the REAL number there
20:07.31SuPrSluGnot a pattern match
20:07.36dshaphere is where i'm confused
20:07.41dshapyou said "they" are dialing in a number
20:07.55dshapbut i'm the one dialing the number to THEM (my provider)
20:07.56SuPrSluGi don't know the number
20:08.00dshapthen they send my server VoIP
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20:13.14kannanhello, all, can any one recommend a dedicated server in USA. I want to call USA with a SIp service, and also use cepstral from digium, i have failed with 2 VPS co-lo, as the Digium utility requires us to be 'real' root and doesnt work otherwise in the imges VPS
20:14.48SuPrSluGwhat utility
20:15.41kannanSuPrSluG - we need to register the Cepstral license from Digium, for which we need to run a register utility as root
20:15.48spckin my experience people will never give you root access on a server
20:16.06kannanplus one co-lo guyLink2VOIP , runs FreeBSD, i didnt do my homework on that one,
20:16.57kannanwell, we asked for support that they can run the command on our behalf, we offered to provide the key , but as it is a shared one , (i think thats the reason) goDaddy refused
20:17.34spckgot any friends in the US that can just setup a box for you and you pay the monthly bandwidth cost?
20:17.37[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Lets say you bought 10 numbers from them.  When they send you a call you want to know which one was dialed <-
20:17.53kannanspcl, no :(
20:18.22dshapgot it
20:18.25dshapmakes perfect sense now
20:18.44dshapthank you very much for your help
20:19.10[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Glad to help
20:19.36dshapi'm not asking specifics right now...but just to get an idea of what i plan to get into later on....
20:19.46dshaphow hard would it be to get asterisk to make a call
20:19.53dshapand then interact with another phone server
20:19.58dshapvia DTMF
20:20.13dshapif the phone server says "press 5 followed by a number followed by pound"
20:20.25dshapand i want my asterisk server to automatically call the phone server and do this
20:20.28dshapwould that be hard to do?
20:20.55[TK]D-Fenderdshap: getting * to listen for prompts ... largely forget about this.  Dialing a number after answered may be viable
20:22.00kannandshap, have you looked at the 'w' option in Dial ? you can preset dtmf
20:22.03dshapokay but if i knew what the prompts were...i could potentially program asterisk to interact with it by inserting appropriate delays
20:22.26dshapthanks for the tip kannan i'll definitely look at that
20:23.01dshapi eventually want asterisk to make a call, detect an answer, and then dial certain numbers at certain times
20:23.33[TK]D-Fenderdshap: A fixed delay, yes
20:23.42dshapok cool
20:23.53[TK]D-Fenderdshap: But largely forget about "listening
20:23.56LtScarri have question about echo cancellation
20:23.59dshapgot it
20:24.09[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: WE HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME!
20:24.27dshapthanks again for your help - i'm going to get back to reading my asterisk eBook and trying to learn more, but i'll almost definitely be back in the future with more questions :)
20:25.08LtScarr[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by you heard me the first time
20:25.10spcki don't think i compiled the
20:25.17[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: </sarcasm>
20:25.29LtScarrow now i get it :P
20:25.47LtScarri'm really a newbie when it comes to phone networking
20:25.56infobot[echo] an issue which can be best fixed using this link:, or fixed with fxotune:, or best fixed by troubleshooting your pci bus:
20:26.02spckwhen i do make menuselect and try to find the its already XXX out
20:26.10[TK]D-Fenderew... bad links
20:26.11LtScarrbut does cancellation also apply on sip only networks with softphones?
20:26.31[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: Nominally on the PC with the softphone.  echo can start at the headset level itself.
20:26.38SuPrSluGspck: it's in add-ons not asterisk
20:27.20SuPrSluGused to be anyhow
20:27.25LtScarrso the echo should be resolved at the client side?
20:27.44spckthat might be it
20:28.08spckit only lists mysql under add-ons
20:28.25spckdoes that mean its in there
20:28.31[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: At each side leading to a 2-wire transform
20:28.48[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: So if you are using an ITSP, they should be doing EC for their PSTN side.
20:29.24[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: If you have PSTN interfaces, * should do those, and softphones should do their own
20:29.37[TK]D-FenderLtScarr: Each end is responsible for their end.
20:29.46[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:29.51SuPrSluGspck: it's included now. do you have pgsql installed?
20:30.14spcknot on this machine, is that it i suppose?
20:30.48SuPrSluGyeah. that should be it
20:31.56spckprolly needs the development libraries
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20:33.36spckdo i have to full out install or can i just download the source?
20:33.54kannanthasnksd all
20:33.59*** part/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
20:34.06zaihanHi, does anyone know if i can register using the same SIP name on two devices?
20:34.40zaihanlike one SIP account with multiple channels or sorts...
20:35.14spcki believe so, if you can't you can probably get the functionality by using groups
20:36.39*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
20:38.56telnettechzaihan: yes
20:39.45spckok i'm gonna have to tackle this one tomorrow
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20:40.15zaihantripped my power
20:40.43zaihanso, anyone knows 1.4 supports multiple devices on one SIP account?
20:41.25SuPrSluGlike shared lines?
20:42.22zaihansame sip account, different devices
20:42.33hardwirezaihan: you should use different sip accounts, one extension.
20:42.50hardwireat least if you want to call the sip devices from asterisk
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20:43.01zaihanhardwire: i'm thinking of the trunking
20:43.14hardwireif they are only making calls through asterisk out.. you can set up a sip peer that handles things without registration
20:43.39marthadoes anyone here know what is going on with  they seem to have disappeared.
20:44.56zaihanhardwire: we had to use sip for compatibility between trunks, how do i set a sip peer without registration? i mean there must be authentication somewhere, am i right?
20:47.46*** join/#asterisk EugenMayer (
20:48.03EugenMayerwhat exactly does the "host" section mean in the SIP configuration file?
20:48.36SuPrSluGip address of the device
20:49.06SuPrSluGor domain name
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20:49.23zaihanSuprSlug: thanks! that's what i wanted.
20:49.29EugenMayerIam having trouble to connect with 2 accounts from the same client with Ekiga
20:49.40EugenMayerwith the second acount i get a "digest" mismatch
20:51.20SuPrSluGfor clients you should be able to use dynamic
20:51.27SuPrSluGunder hosts
20:51.58EugenMayeri mean every account works fine if i only use one
20:52.07EugenMayerbut i want to connect with both accounts at the same time,
20:53.05hardwirezaihan: it's very common to have non-authenticated sip access
20:53.11hardwirezaihan: however.
20:53.17hardwirezaihan: you should describe what you need
20:53.28hardwirewhat are the sites like.. how do calls need to fow
20:53.28KyleKEugenMayer: try giving the second one a different host? like host1.domain and host2.domain?
20:54.25EugenMayerKyleK: what should that give me?
20:54.32KyleKEugenMayer: talk to the Ekiga people and post a bug with them
20:55.23KyleKEkiga would need to use different ports for its clients, or you'll need to have it connect to two different ports on asteriks
20:57.37*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
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21:06.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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21:13.06jayteeit isn't even officially summer yet but I've got the A/C turned on
21:15.54beekWe're chilled back down here and it's raining... so no A/C yet.
21:18.28*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
21:24.47ariel_It's raining here and the A/C been on all year long... But it's always 2 seasons here Hot and Hotter......;-)
21:25.46*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
21:30.02jayteeariel_, where is "here"?
21:30.12[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: not "there"
21:30.32drmessanoWhat?  Where?
21:30.41ariel_jaytee: South Florida....
21:31.18jaytee[TK]D-Fender, you've mastered the "obvious" level and may now advance in your training....just are not a Jedi yet!
21:32.09*** join/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
21:33.30[TK]D-Fenderstill weilds swords
21:33.38jayteeI've been to Florida before. I was sitting on a hotel bed and this enormous cockroach came scuttling in and leaped up on the bed, grabbed an open bag of Fritos and ran into a small opening in a ventilation duct cover.
21:35.02*** join/#asterisk galeras (n=galeras@
21:35.22jayteeI said, "Did you see that?" and my friend said, "Oh, that's just a Palmettto bug." I said, "It looked like a giant cockroach to me." he said, "Well, yeah, same thing." This was the beginning of my enlightenment about tourism and what some people call lies others call exaggeration or disinformation.
21:36.26galerasattended transfers are not working any more in asterisk 1.4.25 :/. Any Idea?
21:38.06ariel_jaytee: hummm, well I don't see much of those. But sometimes we do get some really large Rice Bugs.  (really big Cockroaches).  But they were even bigger when I lived in Arkansas.
21:38.36jayteethat's handy to know
21:39.10ariel_galeras: have not tried attended transferd but I also don't have any system running 1.4.25 yet... (still on 1.4.24)....
21:40.05jayteegaleras, so you had attended transfers working and now it's broke?
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21:49.25imcdonahas anyone got Bria or Xlite auto-provisoning to work?
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21:56.32jayteewow, that almost looks like CLI output from a GUI version of Asterisk
21:59.46galerasjaytee: i know, please be kind with me, give me a sec and i will paste a shorter version, thx
22:01.22jayteetop of the paste says IAX 1000, every other reference is 10000 and is either a local channel or IAX2 but this is definitely the wrong channel for that pile of goo-E
22:01.45*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (n=pirch@
22:03.20*** join/#asterisk midkniht (
22:03.31midknihthey all
22:03.33jayteegaleras, what version were you running before? and more precisely, what version of WHAT? AsteriskNOW? Trixbox CE?
22:06.27midknihtok from a clean install of asterisk on debian how should i add users that will be using softphone sip clients where it does not give the errors about chan_sip.c: username mismatch, have chan_sip.c: username mismatch, have chan_sip.c: username mismatch, have chan_sip.c: username mismatch, have <midkniht>, digest has <6001>
22:06.51midknihtbad paste
22:06.55midknihtbut you get what i meant
22:08.31midknihti can create user 6001 and 6002 in users.conf but only 6001 seems to work and all the things i found on google were reporting some old bug with users.conf.  tried to add users from sip.conf but the same error
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22:14.29midknihtanyone installed asterisk as a sip server on debian?
22:14.59midknihti know this isnt something that should be difficult but i see alot of users on google getting the same error with no actual resolution
22:17.28jayteemidkniht, asterisk by itself doesn't use users.conf, that file is used by either the Asterisk-gui in AsteriskNOW and the FreePBX gui.
22:17.40QwellFreePBX doesn't use it
22:18.37jayteeok, I stand corrected on that.
22:18.37jayteebut the asterisk-gui does
22:18.37jayteeor at least that's what the book says.
22:18.47bkw_Qwell: so when is 1.6 getting zRTP support?
22:18.55jayteeQwell, so FreePBX uses mysql only for that?
22:19.21jayteeor sip_custom.conf?
22:23.21midknihti dont have a gui
22:23.28midknihtim using a headless server
22:23.47midknihtusers.conf is included in the asterisk-conf package for debian
22:24.17midknihtnot using a special asterisk package just the standard one in the debian repositories
22:24.50midknihti tried just adding users in sip.conf and got the error about digest has <6001>
22:27.21midknihtnot any worthwhile documentation on anything other than building from source
22:27.45midknihtthis should be a very simple config i would think
22:27.49midknihtadd a user and go
22:27.54midknihti dont get it
22:28.08jayteemidkniht, have you looked in the book?
22:28.14infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:29.16midknihtactually i have but i am trying to use the package for debian and trying to document what needs to be done to setup a sip client from default install
22:30.36midknihtseems like there is absolutely no support for this package unless you buy one of these premium versions
22:30.56midknihtmay need to find another solution for a true debian environment i guess
22:31.00jayteepremium versions of? X-lite? You mean Eyebeam?
22:31.08bkw_diebeam is what I call it
22:31.11bkw_cuz it dies all the time
22:31.28midknihti have standard asterisk why is it not enough?
22:31.36bkw_who here uses zRTP?
22:32.01jayteeI've used X-lite, the free version with Asterisk 1.4.x and 1.6.x and it's worked fine.
22:32.48jayteeoh, by premium versions you're talking Asterisk? like the Asterisk Business Edition?
22:33.14jayteewell, this is after all open source!
22:33.25jayteeit's free but doesn't come with support.
22:33.34bkw_so are the crashes in x-lite premium version... that much more premium?
22:33.42midknihtyeah thats isnt the gnu way but whatever
22:33.43jayteeexcept to ask in rooms like this, browse forums, read books and the WIKI
22:34.09midknihtive asked all over and seen alot of people on forums with the same issue as me get no answers
22:34.35midknihtcommon errors arent documented with solutions anywhere
22:34.54*** join/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=michaelc@freeswitch/developer/msc)
22:34.58midknihtmost people dont even understand the package and are answering questions
22:35.24midknihtjust creating more and more confusing
22:35.38jayteemost people in here don't install from packages, they install from source code and compile
22:36.22midknihtwhy must it be so difficult
22:36.40jayteebecause life is hard! would you like a tissue?
22:37.21midknihtthats the kind of answers i expected
22:37.48midknihtshouldnt be a package in the repository if its treated like garbage
22:38.25jayteeDigium doesn't maintain debian's repositories
22:38.39jayteeincluding the asterisk packages there
22:38.56midknihtso this is for commecial support only in here?
22:39.13jayteeit's for the non-gui version of asterisk
22:39.31midknihtmy vendor is ubuntu not digium
22:39.41midknihtwhich is what im using
22:39.51midknihti dont have a gui on the server at all
22:40.19jayteeand for a username mismatch problem like yours it's most likely a configuration error between your sip client and what you have defined for that client on your asterisk server in sip.conf. if you're not using asterisk-gui then you shouldn't have to do squat to users.conf
22:40.42*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
22:40.46midknihtthats what i thought too
22:40.56jayteefirst you said debian, then you said ubuntu.
22:40.57midknihtit is not true though
22:41.21jayteemore than semantics
22:41.40midknihtypour picking words instead of analyzing the problem
22:41.40*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
22:42.10midknihti explained immedietly that i am using the default install and adding users into sip.conf
22:42.18midknihtstill getting the error
22:43.11midknihtusers.conf is included in the config files for asterisk it is not included in a gui package
22:43.24midknihtits still being read without a gui
22:45.17jayteeyes, but I've never had to edit users.conf and I have over 200 sip clients on an Asterisk 1.4 server
22:45.35jayteeonly sip.conf or iax.conf
22:45.59jayteeare you using softphones?
22:47.51midknihti dont want to edit users.conf
22:48.13jayteethen don't
22:48.21midknihti havent
22:48.26jayteewhat softphone are you trying to use?
22:48.27*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
22:50.13voxterhoping maybe someone here has experienced this before. when receiving caller id on toll free numbers, i very very often get incorrect caller ID data (inbound via PRI) - is this just one of those things thats doomed everywhere, or is there a particular way to communicate this data properly if configured correctly?
22:50.49midknihtUsername/auth name mismatch
22:51.55midknihtusername mismatch, have <bman>, digest has <6001>
22:52.57*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
22:56.37jayteemaybe you might want to pastebin your sip.conf file?
22:56.45jayteemasking any passwords
22:56.49infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
22:56.55*** join/#asterisk x1nux (n=x1nux@unaffiliated/x1nux)
22:57.09x1nuxi need help about pero script AGI
22:58.25x1nuxi want to delete a file, but i can get the variable of asterisk console ...
22:59.13midknihtpassword doesnt matter when the thing doesnt work
23:00.46jayteeno, but is there a nat'd router between your asterisk server and your sip clients?
23:01.05*** part/#asterisk x1nux (n=x1nux@unaffiliated/x1nux)
23:01.06jayteeand you have the word registration without a comment in front of it.
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23:03.02therealcircutwaddup doodz
23:03.14midknihtnot always a natd router but sometimes yes
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23:03.50midknihtregistration wrapped,
23:04.17midknihtnot like that in sip.conf
23:04.29infobotmethinks wglwat is well, good luck with all that
23:05.12therealcircutis there a way to force phones to re-register with the sip gateway via sipsak?
23:05.22jayteemidkniht, might try searching the WIKI on
23:10.11*** part/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=michaelc@freeswitch/developer/msc)
23:10.58jayteemidkniht, here's a very simple example of sip.conf for a user in my environment where the sip client and asterisk are on the same network with no NAT between them.
23:12.10jayteebut if you're client is behind a NAT and Asterisk is on a public net then you might want to look at this.
23:12.15infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:13.45*** join/#asterisk [acer]lanman (
23:17.51sfireI just setup asterisk.. I have the ports all forwarded.. I can register my device remotely from across the internet.  I am trying to call an extension (or *43 echo test) and I'm not getting any audio
23:17.54sfireany ideas?
23:18.37jayteesfire, are the RTP ports open on your firewall and also forwarded to asterisk?
23:18.54sfireI forwarded 5060 and 10001 - 20000
23:18.59sfireis RTP a different port?
23:19.24jaytee5060 is sip, 10001-20000 are * default for RTP but I've seen ATA's try to use ports lower
23:20.14sfirehmmm... I'll put it into a DMZ for testing
23:20.27jayteesfire, and what kind of "device"?
23:20.56sfirenokia e51
23:21.54*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
23:29.14sfirehmm.. maybe the echo test just isn't working
23:29.30sfireI can hear the extension ring inside (the weird beeeeep  beeeeeep)
23:34.00jayteewhat do you get on the CLI when you enable SIP debug?
23:34.16sfireoohhh thats a good idea
23:34.21sfiregoogles how to enable it
23:34.30jayteesip set debug on
23:35.56sfirecan I paste it to you in a PM?
23:36.41sfireit appears that it really did try playing something
23:37.15sfireSpawn extension (from-internal, *77, 3) exited non-zero on 'SIP/150-099e5320'
23:37.23sfirethat is the one just before it hangs up
23:37.28sfireI get no audio at all
23:37.50jayteeuse a pastebin
23:37.56infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
23:37.59*** join/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
23:39.19Kevin`i'm looking for a cheap ATA to use with asterisk, one or two lines, recommendations?
23:39.32*** join/#asterisk SlipperyChicken (
23:39.40infoboti heard pap2 is a Linksys ATA with 2 FXS ports typically locked to Vonage.
23:39.53drmessanoStupid bot
23:40.42Kevin`how's the quality of that device
23:40.52jayteePAP2-NA is what ya need
23:40.57jayteethey're good
23:41.00jayteefor the money
23:41.09jayteebetter'n gs crap
23:41.09sfire-- Registered SIP '150' at port 5060
23:41.14sfirethat is an odd error
23:41.27sfireI got that when re=registering the phone
23:41.47Kevin`diff pap2 pap2t?
23:42.17drmessanoPAP2-NA is extinct
23:42.28jayteesfire, is the phone registering? what do you get when you type sip show peers
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23:42.41Kevin`so t is just the new 'unlocked'?
23:43.00drmessanoMore or less.. newer firmware,
23:43.14sfirejaytee, 150/150             D   N      5060     OK (134 ms)
23:43.22sfire(for the phone in question)
23:44.08therealcircutanyone know if theres a way to make phones re-register using NOTIFY messages or some other sipsak type packet?
23:44.20jayteemost of the ones available on are unlocked. I think they make it obvious which model is for Vonage users.
23:45.00generalhanhey all, im looking for a recommendation on a new server for my Asterisk box. i am looking for a name-brand machine that will allow me to get power to my TDM. my Proliant DL380 wont do it, but my poweredge will. i just dont want to have to use the digium power thing.
23:46.25sfirejaytee, from everything that I can see in the logs it appears that asterisk thinks it really is working
23:46.59jayteewell, no audio from a call over the internet usually means a nat problem
23:47.12sfirecould it be on my home side?
23:47.24jayteeis that where your asterisk server is?
23:47.34sfireasterisk server is at work
23:47.47jayteewhat do you mean by home side? your Nokia?
23:48.00sfireyea.. my nokia is on my home network connecting via WiFI
23:48.56jayteevia WiFi to your cable or DSL modem?
23:49.32sfirewell... kinda.. I'm behind multiple NATs
23:49.48sfireI have callcentric at home for a VoIP provider and it works through the NATs though
23:50.14jayteewell, that's way out of my league, I'd say peruse this for nat issues and look on the WIKI for using Nokia with WiFi on the WIKI at
23:50.18infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:50.35sfireboth ends have to be connectable?
23:53.11sfireoh man.. I think I see the problem already.. it was using an odd port range in the phone
23:53.27jayteeweird for RTP?
23:53.48sfireit calls them "media ports"
23:54.03jayteeyeah, that's weird but I've seen some ATA's and phones start at 8000 instead of 10000
23:54.19drmessanoThe local media ports shouldnt matter
23:54.34drmessanoEach device will negotiate its own ports for RTP
23:54.58sfireisn't * set to only use 10001-20000 ?
23:55.06drmessanoyes ASTERISK is
23:55.45sfireso if the phone is set to 49152-65534 it will still negotiate a lower port?
23:56.01sfireor is the media port something else entirely ?
23:56.20drmessanoWe're talking about SOURCE and DESTINATION ports here
23:56.24drmessanoPorts are not your issue
23:56.44sfireany idea where to steer me then?
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23:57.41drmessanoNo, but the ports thing is a dead end.. you only need ports open on the asterisk side, and only the ports asterisk itself is going to sue
23:58.18drmessanoIf RTP ports were a factor, my ATAs and Softphone are all in ranges that are outside of what I have defined in Asterisk and I have never had audio problems..
23:58.20sfireshould I set stun settings?
23:58.31drmessano... Now youre guessing
23:58.43sfireyea... lol
23:59.18sharpcould i ask something slightly off topic (not asterisk, but voip related, zrtp related)?

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