IRC log for #asterisk on 20090523

00:00.36nsgnjaytee: when i run it it lists all 8 of my channels
00:00.46nsgni have two 4 port FXO modules
00:01.00nsgnshows them as "FXS Kewlstart" with my echo canceler and such
00:01.07nsgnbut doesnt seem to add anything to chan_dhadi.conf
00:01.37jayteeso you need to configure chan_dahdi.conf for your 8 fxo channels then
00:02.41nsgnjaytee: i've had a hard time doing that. i've gotten about 50 different results on what exactly i'm supposed to do...and no concise idea of what i need to put in
00:02.56nsgni'd be greatly appreciative if you could assist me with this issue
00:03.22jayteegreatly appreciative? you mean like as in "money"? :-)
00:04.35nsgnjaytee: hah, i mean like "jaytee is the best!" followed by a hug
00:05.00nsgn;P i've just been stuck on this one stupid issue for a while. i've gotten the phone connected and everything on my own, somehow, despite being completely inexperienced
00:05.41*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
00:08.50*** part/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@nat/yahoo/x-336505e1821e8f6d)
00:09.12nsgnjaytee: pretty please? :)
00:09.47jayteedid you install by compiling or using a package?
00:10.00nsgnjaytee: installed via asteriskNOW
00:10.13nsgndetected the digium hardware no issue right away
00:10.21nsgnset up an extension and got a polycom phone manually connecting
00:10.25jayteethis is not the AsteriskNOW channel.
00:10.33nsgnjust cant get channels
00:11.08nsgnjaytee: i know it's not. asteriskNOW apparently has no ability to create/modify chan_dhadi.conf. it's pretty much left up to modifying it just as you would in normal asterisk
00:11.27nsgnso that's why i'm here. nobody over there has much to say about it except that it's straight up asterisk
00:13.42nsgnjaytee: i've seen that file. the examples there seem to have little to do with getting a channel out an FXO port onto POTS
00:16.11jayteensgn, actually the examples there have everything to do with getting a channel "out" of an FXO port onto POTS
00:16.38nsgnjaytee: then i'm painfully lost and in need of help
00:17.26jayteeok, ok. settle down
00:17.32jayteegive me a couple minutes
00:17.49jayteeyou have 8 channels, correct? you want them all in one trunk group or split?
00:18.19nsgnjaytee: forgive my tone. i do really appreciate the help. my brain is just shot after hours of diving into this head first :).
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00:18.26nsgnjaytee: yes, 8 channels on a digium board
00:18.29nsgnall FXO
00:18.50nsgnfor outgoing calls i just need them balanced, where an outgoing call is sent over any available line
00:19.02nsgnincoming calls just need to all be treated as a single group, where they follow one ring pattern
00:19.09nsgnright now i'm focusing on outgoing
00:19.11jayteeok, and do you know what the context name is for your incoming calls?
00:19.42nsgni've not really set up anything for incoming at this time. it will just be something like general. we just have a few people and want all phones rung when a call comes in
00:19.44nsgnsimple stuff
00:22.17jayteethere's your /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf
00:23.06nsgnthankyou! good lord i knew it had to be simple, but everything i looked at was either irrelevant or just miles long
00:23.10nsgnlet me give it a shot
00:23.29jayteeyou can also add echocancel=yes and echotraining=yes if you decide you need to
00:24.20nsgnjaytee: i've got the hardware echo canceling module, if that makes a diff
00:24.32nsgni ran some config earlier that seemed to attach it in system.conf or something
00:24.57nsgnand once i did so the lights on it stopped dancing in their little pattern they seemed to dance in when initially powered up
00:25.43nsgnjaytee: rebooting, we'll have test results here in a moment
00:29.21nsgnjaytee: success. we hit the PSTN. however it seems to send 9 out over the PSTN with everything i dial, making it call bad numbers. wahoo
00:29.33nsgnwhen i dont dial 9, it of course tries to dial SIP and i dont get far either
00:29.54*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
00:30.17jayteewell, that's something probably misconfigured in the GUI
00:30.42nsgnyeah, i'm playing before i bother yall with it
00:30.52nsgnthanks for getting me on the pstn. i'm sure i'll be back later with loads more stupid questions
00:30.59nsgnbut i'm gonna bang on it for a while before i ask blindly
00:31.04jayteewon't be a bother, I just won't answer since I don't run the GUI :-)
00:32.34*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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00:36.17nsgnjaytee: oh i'll save the non GUI questions for you :). thanks again. just made a call to a PSTN number and it was nice and clear
00:37.15jayteeyou can add the echocancel=yes if you get echo on the lines or just add it as a default
00:38.58jayteebut the channel => line always has to be the last line after any settings you want to affect those channels in a group.
00:39.22jayteewhat version of AsteriskNOW? 1.5?
00:39.55drmessanoI wonder if someone has been punched yet for RT a tweet from someones girlfriend
00:40.59jayteeI signed up and tried Twitter for about 2 weeks off and on. It just didn't take with me.
00:41.03nsgnjaytee: yes, 1.5
00:41.18nsgnyeah, i dont much get twitter either
00:41.22drmessanoI love twitter
00:41.47jayteensgn, and did you choose the FreePBX gui or the Asterisk-Gui
00:41.51drmessanoFacebook < IRC < twitter
00:42.26nsgnjaytee: it defaults to freePBX
00:42.28nsgnso thats what i'm in
00:42.40jayteedrmessano, oh, c'mon!!! admit it! you're all over the web. I bet you even have a BeBu account
00:43.09drmessanoA BeeBuu account?
00:43.27jayteeor BeBo, whatever the hell it's called
00:44.26jayteebebo, friendster, hi5
00:45.38drmessanoFriendster is for total losers
00:45.43drmessanoMyspace rejects
00:45.50drmessanoWhich are facebook rejects
00:46.18jayteebut the real question is, have you ever dated an eHarmony reject?
00:46.37drmessanoDepends on what you mean by "dated"
00:47.05jayteetrue, that could be broadly interpreted
00:50.38[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: "SWM seeks F for meaningful overnight relationship"
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00:52.37drmessanoSWM seeks MWF for commandment abatement
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01:23.19*** join/#asterisk djin (
01:25.29*** join/#asterisk Psychobilly (
01:31.31Psychobillyhello, i have a prob with my ael code, have a look here pls
01:35.13Psychobillybtw i run debians stable package for asterisk
01:35.26Psychobillydefault lenny installation
01:49.01nsgnok, i'm having a problem getting my brain around how to allow dialing outside without pressing 9 without screwing up dialing internal extensions
01:49.49carrardepends whats a local call and what your internal extension range is
01:50.06carrarmake sure they don't overlap
01:50.06nsgnwell, actually, here's what i'm hitting
01:50.14nsgni can call outside just fine
01:50.38nsgnbut somehow when i dial my three digit local extensions starting in the 100s the phone cuts off and dials just the first two digits
01:50.54nsgntrying to dial 103 if the phone is already off the hook and i hear a dialtone ends up with me trying to call "10"
01:50.54carrarcheck your digit maps
01:51.01nsgnphone or *?
01:51.13nsgnon the phone i'm "[2-9]11|0T|011xxx.T|[0-1][2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxxxxxxx|[2-9]xxxT
01:52.39carrarlike what
01:53.13carraryou have nothing there at matches
01:53.27nsgnyeah...but if you take the phone off-hook and press 111
01:53.33nsgnthe phone cuts you off after the first two and tries to call 11
01:55.20nsgnif i type 111 then press DIAL it works
01:55.29nsgnbut if i pick up and press 111 while i have a dial tone, it just dials 11
01:55.49jayteeand this phone? is it a Polycom?
01:56.15nsgnpolycom 330
01:56.33nsgnso what gives?
01:56.34jayteedigitmap dialplan and timeout
01:57.20jayteephone's dialplan is finding a match for two digits with no timeout
01:57.35nsgni pasted the dialplan above...i dont see a match
01:57.37nsgnnor did carrar
01:59.40Psychobillyok i found my prob, ael interpetation is rather stupid sometimes
02:00.02jayteeyeah, I don't see a match either. strange
02:00.49nsgnjaytee: i'm confused :(
02:01.52jayteewhat's your digitmap timout look like?
02:02.15nsgnjaytee: on the poly or *?
02:02.23jayteeyeah, the polycom
02:02.51nsgncould it be "Non Standard Line Seize"?
02:03.48jayteewhat is  your's set to? the default is enabled
02:05.02*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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02:08.05nsgnjaytee: basically everything is default on the poly. only tweak made on * is to not require 9 to dial out
02:08.17nsgnbut this issue happened before and after that change
02:15.07carrarprobably need to read your admin guide :)
02:15.37nsgnjaytee: thanks
02:15.42nsgncarrar: my head is exploding
02:15.51carrarsmoke some pot
02:16.04jayteepurp by the pound
02:16.05carrarhave a drink
02:16.07carrargo for a walk
02:16.19jayteeshave the cat
02:16.24carrarthen read the digitmap section
02:17.19jayteeFTP provisioning FTW!
02:17.45jayteeI like the whitepaper too, it has a nice breakdown in it
02:22.00carraryeah it's HOT++
02:26.08*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
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02:28.46[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You've been chatting with eppigy too much....
02:29.08jaytee[TK]D-Fender, ya think?
02:29.31[TK]D-Fenderfigures napalm will be required to stop the spread of the infection...
02:30.38[TK]D-Fenderrob0: thats MY "channel" you've hijacked!  I'll have the ESP-N broadcast alliance on your ass!
02:31.06[TK]D-Fenderscore bonus points for all the buried references
02:34.35carrarfigure it out yet
02:35.42jayteeI think he's abandoned VOIP and decided to pursue a career as a cooper.
02:36.07carrarSounds like a IMPOSSIBLE MATCH for him :)
02:36.45jayteeno, a cooper. someone who makes barrels and casks. It's an honest trade and a dying art
02:37.08carrarI was making a buried regerence
02:37.18carrarif I could spell it right
02:39.26nsgncarrar: no, was doing my ring strategy
02:39.39carrarfix your 1st issue
02:39.48nsgngot it just how i want. now i break for dinner and come back to tackle my little items like time server and internal dialing
02:40.42*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
02:41.46[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Real hope for this one...
02:45.52jayteemy Mark 28 Veiled Sarcasm Detector just went into Red Alarm
02:46.05hardwirewhat kind of noise does that make?
02:46.21jayteekind of an ah-oooop noise
02:46.33jayteerepeating every .5 seconds
02:48.51*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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03:37.21*** join/#asterisk nhaynes (
03:37.46nhaynesanyone around?
03:38.23*** join/#asterisk Optic (
03:39.34nhayneshas anyone run into any problems with running an asterisk box as a vm in a production environment?  I have used trixbox in a vm before and just flat out had problems but I have been playing with an install of asterisk 1.6 in a vm and so far so good.
03:40.10nhaynesbut then again trixbox has all kinds of problems of it's own hence the switch to building the source of asterisk
03:40.39nhaynesi would just really like to consolidate the number of servers im running
03:41.24lanningI think the biggest problem would be timing sources.
03:41.46nhayneswhat do you mean?
03:42.04lanningthings like meetme and voicemail and voice prompts need an accurate timing source.
03:42.04nhaynesi've had problems in the past with ivr being really laggy
03:42.27nhaynesbut im not really planning on using ivr anyway
03:42.35nhaynesim planning on offloading all of that to exchange um
03:42.53nhaynesi basically am just planning on using asterisk to handle my voip extensions
03:42.57lanningso, what is asterisk doing?  pure call routing?
03:43.05nhaynesthat's all it needs to do
03:43.11lanningshould be ok
03:43.21nhaynesi have a voip gateway for my phone lines
03:44.41leifmadsen1.6 is getting better about being virtualized
03:45.00nhayneslike i said on my test virtual machine it seems to be working fine
03:45.10nhaynesbut i haven't tried connecting it up to an exchange server yet
03:45.14leifmadsenyep... now it's time to load test it!
03:45.40nhaynesnot tonight
03:46.18leifmadseni wanted to install ubuntu on my laptop tonight (dual-boot OSX) but I have no media
03:46.49nhaynesas in blank disks?
03:47.17nhaynesthat's the beauty of virtual machines
03:47.23nhaynesyou don't ever have to use disks
03:47.27nhaynesyou just use the iso
03:47.43nhaynesi'd love to have a nice big server
03:47.46nhaynesand just run all vm's
03:56.47leifmadsenyes, I meant disks, but I want to run Linux natively since it is much faster that way :)
03:57.01*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
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04:57.08nsgn_awayhas a nice big server and runs just VMs
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05:23.24exothermc_anyone know how to connect a nokia e51 to asterisk.  I followed the instructions from here but no dice
05:23.41exothermc_nothing showing up in asterisk console and phone says registration failed.
05:23.46exothermc_double checked server IP etc.
05:24.57[TK]D-Fenderexothermc_: Nothing shows up on * with SIP DEBUG enabled?
05:25.17exothermc_[TK]D-Fender: let me try tahat
05:25.26exothermc_how do enable that again?
05:25.40[TK]D-Fenderexothermc_: You that's tantamount to looking with your eyes closed.. right?
05:25.49[TK]D-Fenderexothermc_: "sip set debug on"
05:26.01exothermc_ok got it going, let me try again.
05:26.56exothermc_SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
05:27.06exothermc_hmm odd let me check the username again.
05:30.46exothermc_[TK]D-Fender: Any ideas?
05:31.01[TK]D-Fenderexothermc_: I don't see anything and 401 tells you your auth is bad
05:31.03exothermc_normal registration failures usually show up in the console.
05:33.03exothermc_There is the sip trace
05:33.35exothermc_not seeing anything specifically from asterisk internally as to why it send a 401 or what doesn't match
05:34.10[TK]D-Fenderexothermc_: And I don't see configs.
05:36.44exothermc_you looking for something other than sip.conf?
05:37.43carrarno user?
05:38.22carrarno sip port or bind ip?
05:40.11exothermc_carrar: me?
05:40.23carrarare those in your config?
05:40.36exothermc_carrar: no
05:40.46carrarwell good luck with that then
05:40.55exothermc_carrar: are the suppose to be?
05:41.03exothermc_all other sip devices work fine.
05:41.31carrarwouldn't be the 1st time I've seen stuff not work without them
05:42.00carrarcan you register a xlite phone with the same nokia creditals?
05:42.07exothermc_carrar: let me check.
05:42.09carrarmake sure it's not the nokia
05:43.04exothermc_carrar: eyebeam works like a charm.
05:43.25exothermc_there is sip trace
05:44.07carrarSo the phone (nokia) is not on your local lan?
05:44.37exothermc_carrar: right.
05:44.48exothermc_carrar: kinda the plan with a mobile device.
05:44.49carrarso you might need to enable nat?
05:44.59exothermc_carrar: it is in the sip config
05:45.06*** part/#asterisk DarkLogik (n=darklogi@
05:45.14carrarah yeah
05:45.18exothermc_carrar: you can see from the sip trace that asterisk has no trouble communicating with the phone.
05:45.23exothermc_it just gives a 401
05:45.30exothermc_which I think is standard
05:45.43exothermc_it looks like the phone may not be getting the actually 401
05:46.16exothermc_isn't a 401 pretty standard, basically the first registration comes without a pass then 401 then proper auth?
05:47.07carrarsure your usename and passwords are correct
05:47.35exothermc_carrar: checked them three teims
05:47.38carrarhow about user=milesnokia
05:47.52carrarI don't see that
05:48.42exothermc_see what?
05:48.58carraruser=milesnokia in [milesnokia]
05:49.06exothermc_that is my problem
05:49.14exothermc_the nokia never responds to the 401 and it should
05:49.27exothermc_looks like nat issues on the nokia
05:50.10carraradd: user=milesnokia
05:50.15carrarto sip.conf
05:50.18carrarin [milesnokia]
05:51.01exothermc_carrar: Just look at the SIP, that isn't the issue, you are leading me down the wrong path
05:51.11carrarwell it's obviously working for you
05:51.14exothermc_I sent you a PM with the sip trace.
05:51.39exothermc_You can see the nokia isn't responding to the 401 and it should.  At this stage it has nothing to do with asterisk.
05:52.33exothermc_looks like there is a nat fix app for nokia that I need to install.
05:53.54exothermc_carrar: You see it now?
06:07.31*** join/#asterisk Gopaul (n=Miranda@
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06:51.14KyleKhrm voicemail stores files starting with msg0000 but on imap it starts at msg0001 and X-Asterisk-VM-Message-Num: 1 kinda confusing and annoying :)
06:55.01trentcreekhow do we setup Asterisk?
06:55.34infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
06:56.09trentcreekhardy har har...I just wanted Fender to get all riled out
06:56.34KyleKmight want to see if hes online first
06:57.02trentcreekwhat else would he be doing?
06:57.04Qwellattempt to troll again while I'm around, and I'll show you the door.
06:57.43trentcreekHe got all riled up before just for asking one question, just because it was too simple for him to comprehend
07:01.00*** join/#asterisk arnuld (n=arnuld@unaffiliated/arnuld)
07:01.46arnuldI am using Asterisk manager API and have connected to it through 2 fds:  1 for makin calls and 2nd for reciebubg responses to calls like hangup,fail success etc.
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07:02.06arnuldafter makign some calls, asterisk is closing the fd to which I send the calls
07:02.20arnuldwhy atserisk is cosing the fd ?
07:15.42jsolishey guys
07:16.06jsoliswhen the state of a dynamic agents is (busy)
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07:38.05dpreacherIs there a way to script the action of re-registering a sip trunk on asterisknow? i've asked in their channel but there are fewer people and no one is answering.
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07:39.11dpreacherI'm confused between whether to use the agi-bin folder or to simply put a script in a cron job. Also I've found examples in .pl which i've not worked with before.
07:39.16arnulddpreacher: well, my question is also not answered,  not yet
07:39.26arnulddpreacher: #asterisk is a low volume channel
07:39.34dpreacherI wasn't there when you asked
07:39.50dpreacherthere are 226 users now
07:40.01dpreacherisnt that substantial?
07:40.12*** join/#asterisk sfire (
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07:40.32dpreacherare there any good forums that are active wherein I can search for a solution on this or post my query?
07:41.21sfirepaste your question again
07:41.23sfireI just joined
07:42.07dpreacherIs there a way to script the action of re-registering a sip trunk on asterisknow? i've asked in their channel but there are fewer people and no one is answering. sfire
07:45.04sfireit appeary you will have to modify the sip.conf file
07:45.20dpreacherlet me read the link...thank you
07:46.34sfireI would do the registerattempts=0  and like 5 seconds between attempts
07:47.10dpreacheri see. how should i calculate the timeout between attempts?
07:47.39sfireI would say (just my opinion) between 2-5 seconds or so
07:48.12sfireor 5 as I said would probably be pretty safe
07:48.23sfireyou want it fast enough that it doesn't stay down.. but long enough to allow it to register
07:48.27arnuldsfire: hey.... I have connected to Asterisk using 2 FDs, one for sending calls and other for receiving responses like hang-up, call success etc
07:48.40arnuldsfire: but sometimes Asterisk closes the FD automagically
07:48.52*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
07:48.52arnuldthe FD to which I am sending callls
07:49.06arnuldrecieving connection works without problem
07:49.31arnuldare there any specific situations when Asterisk closes the FD ?
07:49.31dpreacherthere is a tiny problem. somehow the asterisk does not re-register even with registerattempts variable set and the only thing that works is a sip reload.
07:49.36arnuldI am using Asterisk Manager API
07:49.48sfiredpreacher, it hasn't re-read the configuration file
07:50.07sfireif all you did was modify it then you have to restart the necessary services
07:50.42sfirearnuld, wish I had a solution for you.. I'm a fairly new user myself
07:50.57sfirejust figured I would lend a hand if I happened to know an answer (or could find it)
07:51.37dpreacherrestart would mean reload itself?
07:52.19sfirewell you could restart the entire machine.. or just restart the individual services..
07:52.40sfireit reads the configuration file when it loads
07:52.47sfirethen it doesn't look at it again until it reloads
07:52.56dpreacherok...let me try
07:53.37sfireto test it ... if you want to make sure it will re-register... pull the ethernet cord until it unregisters then plug it back in
07:53.42sfireyou can simulate an outtage
07:53.52dpreacheryes thats the plan eventually
07:55.04sfiregranted.. I'm no asterisk wizard.. but I bet that will fix it
07:56.24sfireI'm setting up an asterisk server tomorrow and just wanted to get "in the mood"
07:57.48dpreacherall the best sfire
07:58.14*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
07:58.56sfireit'll be the first I've setup for a business (other than my own) luckly its a simple system
07:59.37dpreacheri'm right now on our office's first system as well
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08:03.40sfireI'm doing an entire virtualization for them (moving 3 servers onto an ESXi box) and setting up the asterisknow server
08:03.44sfireshould be an interesting day
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08:54.45sfiredpreacher, did those changes fix it?
08:54.52dpreacheralmost there
08:54.56dpreachersfire i have a query regarding the registerattempts number
08:55.15sfireset it to 0    0 = infinite
08:55.38dpreacherfor testing i was keeping it to 10 attempts .... 10 seconds apart each.
08:55.58dpreacherbut even after a time gap > 100-150 seconds. when i plugged back the ethernet
08:56.06dpreachersip registered itself
08:56.10dpreacherwhich is good
08:56.18dpreacherbut sometimes it doesn't happen
08:56.23sfireit probably never acknowledged the disconnect
08:56.29dpreacherit did
08:56.38dpreacheri'd done sip show registry
08:56.40dpreacherto verify
08:56.46dpreacherit'd gone unregistered
08:56.56dpreacherso what am trying to determine is..
08:57.29dpreachergiven that i do set a custom number of attempts. its supposed to stop trying after those number of attempts right?
08:57.48dpreacheralso one other thing...where i might be making a mistake
08:57.55dpreacherso let me explain that
08:58.19sfireyes.. if you set it to 10 attempts once it reaches 10 attempts it will stop
08:58.37sfireif the net is down for a long time it won't re-register
08:58.46dpreacherit was down for over a minute
08:58.53dpreacherlet me explain a case here
08:59.07dpreachermaybe you might find the wrong i am doing
09:02.16dpreachersfire the link you provided mentions sip.conf whereas in case of asterisknow/freepbx as recommended i am adding the variables to  sip_general_custom.conf as this is the file where general variables are stored and its the custom file that user can add their own variables to.
09:02.28dpreacherI've just assumed that this be the right custom file
09:03.12dpreacherthere also are sip_custom.conf sip_custom_post.conf sip_registrations_custom.conf...etc.
09:03.51dpreacherdid i put the variables in the right file then? if anyone knows that this could be done from the freepbx gui then that would be even less ambiguous
09:04.37dpreachersfire....any ideas
09:22.02dpreacherit seems like sip_general_custom.conf is the right file to configure. trying with registerattempts=0 right now
09:22.36dpreacherbtw do i have to mention [general] keyword in sip_general_custom.conf first line
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11:23.32linageeis there a way to add numbers to a CID when forwarding a call?
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12:04.53zafar_hey guys i have problem with my zap cart
12:06.36zafar_i have installed linux and asterisk with a zap card with 8 ports
12:07.19zafar_then i replaced that card with the similar card
12:07.27zafar_now its not working
12:08.27zafar_hey guys plz help its urgent
12:08.43zafar_when i say zap show status it says not configured
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12:34.17j_kroonis making use of an AGI the only way to generate a call-back system with asterisk or can it be done purely in the dialplan?
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12:45.35IPGHOSThi buddeis
12:45.50IPGHOSTany one using sangoma E1 cards???
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13:11.46tzafrir_laptopdoh. someone says "it's not working", ask him "what does work"?
13:11.58tzafrir_laptopBasic "level one support"
13:12.55tzafrir_laptopIPGHOST, try more specific questions. What do you want to know? Or what problems do you have?
13:13.45IPGHOSTi ahve sangoma SMG with my  binries working on a 2 yrs old gento box
13:13.53tzafrir_laptop(And to answer your question directly: someone probably is. That one is not me :-)
13:14.30tzafrir_laptophands IPGHOST a e i o and u
13:15.13IPGHOSTI trying to move that on centos do i need the new license? this is where confusion is any one has experaince of moving to new OS with old binries?
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14:58.23pznHi, I'm new to asterisk. how do I configure for the RTP always pass go from/to asterisk and clients, and never from one client to another directly?
15:01.39[TK]D-Fenderpzn: "canreinvite=no" in every peer
15:02.07pzn[TK]D-Fender: thanks! easy to do... only 3 peers :-)
15:03.25drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Any thoughts on canreinvite=nonat ?
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15:05.27[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Never used, so I inherently distrust :0
15:06.11drmessanohow do you see if the RTP was offloaded to the clients?
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15:09.49[TK]D-FenderdmOnly passingly aware of "rtp debug"
15:10.03[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano:  Only passingly aware of "rtp debug"
15:11.43drmessanoInteresting.. so no way to effectively bring up a formatted list of sip channels and where the media path was last negotiated
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15:25.36drmessanoIs OpenCRX the CRM that some was mentioning its close integration with Asterisk?
15:26.48[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: SugarCRM last I heard
15:28.50drmessanoNot so much.. the addon they have is paid and not so good.. The one I am thinking about was mentioned by some semi-regular in here, like he was part of the team.. and the name was a bit obscure.. Just ran across this OpenCRX, which looks pretty badass, and was hoping it was the same
15:29.05drmessanoThough, the google searches are weak on OpenCRX + Asterisk
15:29.21drmessanoand they dont have <blink>Asterisk</blink> all over the page
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15:30.43[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: vTiger (which IIRC is a fork of SugarCRM) is often mentioned here too
15:32.18[TK]D-FenderOk, out for a while, BBIAB
15:32.31drmessanoYeah, and their next offering is support to have it built in the core
15:32.38drmessanoOk, cya later
15:32.48drmessanovTiger + Asterisk that is
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15:54.39Slavko__hello all
15:55.30Slavko__I would like to ask - we are receiving congestion/busy message everytime we try to make call from asterisk server, please can anyoune point me how to get this solved?
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16:14.29Slavko__hello, is anybody here whom I can ask for help?
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16:23.19ffreenodeI have an issue with SIP channels, in CLI show channels is empty, but sip show channels shows an active channel
16:23.27ffreenodeI want to have up that channel using soft hangup
16:23.44ffreenodehowever, the only time Ive been able to do that is when it also shows up in the show channel command
16:23.54ffreenodeis there a way of hanging up all sip channels from CLI?
16:23.57ffreenodeif not, why not
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16:27.40russellbffreenode: "sip show channels" and "core show channels" are not a one to one relationship
16:27.53russellb"sip show channels" shows SIP dialogs, which may or may not be a phone call.
16:28.05ffreenodeis there a way I can kill them?
16:28.05russellbFor example, you will see something there for a phone's registration with the server.
16:28.13russellbIs there a reason you think it's wrong?
16:28.21ffreenodeyes, because the line I call is still busy
16:28.41ffreenodei.e. we hang up, but it is still live / reserved
16:29.06russellbwell if there are no calls, you can restart Asterisk, of course :-)
16:29.38ffreenodeyeah... I dont care if there are calls
16:29.41ffreenodeI want to kill it.
16:30.02ffreenodebut I dont want to restart, and the calls remain connected, but zombie
16:30.11nsgnwow, it was actually quite easy setting up the polycoms to autoprovision
16:30.15ffreenodeyou know? I want i to hangup when I restart, but it doesnt
16:30.24russellbThere is no command to remove an open SIP dialog.
16:31.46ffreenodewhy is that?
16:32.20ffreenodethe call seems to die eventually, but after a long time - why cant i remove this? why am I losing control of the calls?
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16:40.40drmessanoffreenode: Which version of asterisk?
16:41.01drmessanoThats not complete
16:43.56drmessanoI could be making this up, but seems like there was one recent release of 1.4 that fixed some issues like what you're having
16:44.14drmessanoIn any case, 1.4.25 is out
16:44.45pznI'd like to start an echo test call from inside asterisk CLI. I'd like the phone to ring and when the person answers there is the echo test. it this possible and not too dificult to do?
16:46.28ffreenodedrmessano, you could be making that up :-)
16:46.38ffreenodeok, I give up on all my issues and hope for the best, thanks
16:46.51drmessanoWhy dont you
16:46.51drmessanofuck off, I guess
16:46.57drmessano(I was thinking "update)
16:47.21rob0"hope for the best" might include "update", for all we know.
16:47.36drmessanoDoubtful.. he sounds too emo
16:47.36rob0But "give up" implies not.
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16:54.22pznfor diagnose purposes, is it possible from inside an asterisk CLI, to run a command for ringing an extension?
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16:58.52sambalbijhi, did anyone ever try to integrate ocs 2007 with asterisk 1.6?
16:59.31sambalbijthe problem i have is that the incoming tcp call from ocs doesn't match the sip account, while the ip address in the sip account is static
17:02.01nsgnargh, anyone know why my polycom seems to be ignoring macaddress.cfg on the server? it downloads sip.dl just fine...
17:03.36nsgnactually, better yet, i've just discovered it is getting macaddress.cfg just fine, but ignoring the contents of my custom phone and sip cfg files defining the server and extension number, etc
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17:08.59sambalbijmake sure that the custom files are loaded first
17:09.34nsgnsambalbij: how can i confirm they are being loaded? i know macaddress.cfg is ok cause the phone's menu will indicate to me that it is looking for my phone102.cft and local-settings.cfg, my two custom files
17:10.11sambalbijdid you check your ftp / http log if they are retrieved?
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17:11.36nsgnsambalbij: GET /phone102.cfg HTTP/1.1" 200 12097 "-" "FileTransport PolycomSoundPointIP-SPIP_330-UA/"
17:11.38nsgnappears so
17:13.53nsgnsambalbij: it's grabbing my local-settings.cfg also, which is my custom sip file
17:19.13nsgnyeah, it's most certainly getting my config files, but seemingly ignoring them
17:23.37pznany way to use dial-tones (analog ones) with other than ulaw? I'd like to use them with g729
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18:46.32hi365anyone using skype for asterisk?
18:46.52nsgnhi365: i'm really curious what uses that has
18:46.59nsgni've never used it but people ask about it a decent bit
18:47.32hi365nsgn: I think the most obvious use is unlimited world calling for $9.59 p/ month
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18:47.53nsgnhi365: arent there other, already SIP compatible providers who offer really cheap service?
18:48.15hi365i doubt you can get that even from a non-reputable carier. concidering it carries the name skype makes it even better
18:48.30hi365that cheap? or even close?
18:48.48hi365find me one with a good reputation and ill grab it
18:49.27nsgnhi365: i just jump to analog lines here so i really don't know. was just curious. skype has good prices but i've always been bothered by their poor support for features like caller ID
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18:49.54hi365inbound or out?
18:50.04nsgni dont remember now. was several years back i had played with it
18:50.06nsgni think it was out
18:50.16nsgneither way i need it to work both ways
18:51.10hi365havnt tries in, but out is semi-usable now. you can chose either a skype-in number, or a cellphone number that you verify
18:52.31nsgnwell thats better
18:52.41nsgni'm curious about inbound from POTS or other non skype
18:54.14nsgnwhat are the reputable SIP services for use with skype? (i'm in the US)
18:54.23nsgnnot skype. argh
18:56.00hi365nsgn: there are many. personaly i think teliax is pretty good. rapidvox is rock-bottom cheap, but they excpect you not to bother them - so you get what you pay for (although they might try to help you solve a problem if your nice to them)
18:56.29hi365other than that, if your a home or soho user, $20-25 unlimited plans are a dime a dosen
19:02.03nsgnhi365: is rapidvox pay by minute only?
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19:08.05carrarIf only there was a free way to make calls over the internet
19:09.02drmessanoI had this messed up idea
19:09.18carrarok lets hear it
19:09.25carrarsomething to do with voip I bet
19:09.29carrarand free calls?
19:09.30rob0There is, if you call directly to the recipient SIP-to-SIP or other such protocol.
19:09.32drmessanoWhat if.. instead of using SIP and IAX to connect to an ITSP, we set up like we were an ITSP thing, like, so they could send calls to us
19:09.53carrarthat is nutty
19:09.56drmessanoLike SIP to
19:10.07drmessanoRather than Vonage or Skype
19:10.15drmessanoYou know?
19:10.16carraris that LEGAL?
19:10.33carrarRIAA will come after you or something
19:10.41drmessanoI guess we would need to check.. its kinda like stealing dialtone
19:10.54carrarhave to put it in VPN's
19:10.59carrarso they can't see it
19:11.29drmessanoBut that would be so cool.. since SIP uses an Internet IP, you can just pick someone elses IP
19:12.14carrarwoah, dial a URL
19:12.18carrarthats impossible
19:12.33nsgni honestly dont understand why people arent just doing this in-mass and dumping stupidly price gouging POTS providers
19:12.59carrarbecause asterisk is not as simple as click on "START"
19:13.17nsgnwell, when i say people i guess i mean administrators
19:13.32carrarWhy aren't more people making their own hydrogen at home for energy!!
19:13.57carrarIt's soo easy
19:14.13nsgnit's not cheaper than normal energy for the average consumer. IP telephony can tend to be
19:15.02drmessanoHOLY CRAP
19:15.14drmessanoI just dropped my water and the hydrogens fell out
19:15.24[TK]D-Fenderblesses anoth bag of manure for drmessano
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19:16.01nsgnalso, darn the "Messages" button on my polycom, which does nothing no matter how i configure things. it's pretty much all i've got left not working. the entire rest of the system is ready to roll
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19:18.41nsgnMWI works, but the actual button on the phone for MESSAGES seems inactive
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19:23.36nsgnabout 10 sources i can locate online seem to say all i need to do is set the msg.bypassInstantMessage, msg.mwi.1.callBackMode and msg.mwi.1.callBack
19:23.44nsgni've got all 3 set
19:24.04nsgni can press the messages softkey near the screen if i have a new message and it calls voicemail property
19:24.14nsgnbut the physical messages button on the phone still sits dead
19:24.39nsgni'd appreciate input from anyone with a polycom 330 or similar
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19:37.58carraryou only need 1 source
19:38.06carrarthe Polycom sip admin  guide
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19:42.12nsgncarrar: ah, i think i've found my issue. it wasnt that i'm not programming the messages functionality correctly. its that on the 330 you must do a two step process thanks to the line 2 key and the messages key sharing the same physical location. i was mistaken on how to remap it. i'm trying the fix now
19:44.15nsgnwhen you figure out their oddities, these little polycoms are nice
19:44.20nsgnhard to beat for the price
19:46.14haryvI should be outside when its nice ;)
19:57.15nsgnso messaging is working. current issue is that the poly takes my SNTP server from the cfg file just fine, but the gmt offset is ignored
19:57.26nsgnanyone hit that on a polycom? some online are saying its a glitch?
20:07.18*** join/#asterisk PanicMan (i=Learner@
20:08.52PanicManwholesale carrier Switch >>Asterisk >> SS7 PSTN Provider , but i can't see any TCP packet. i can see only UDP packet.
20:08.59PanicManhow can be it possible
20:09.11PanicManno TCP 1720 or 5060
20:09.25PanicManseems, its working like a bridge
20:09.26PanicManany idea
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20:28.01NirSgood evening all
20:28.03NirSanybody home
20:42.07nsgnits just a lazy saturday
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20:51.34frantic667really a lazy saturday... would like to sleep, but I have to meet my girlfriend at 2 o' clock... AM...
20:52.41drmessanoThats a coincidence
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20:53.06drmessanoI am supposed to meet your girlfriend at 1 o'clock... AM...
20:53.38frantic667I do not think so ;-)
21:00.50drmessanoFunny, she also told me you wouldn't have any idea
21:05.57*** join/#asterisk dinhtrung (n=dinhtrun@
21:06.20dinhtrunghi all
21:06.47dinhtrungis there a way to create a trunk in realtime architecture?
21:07.09dinhtrungi'm trying to implement FreePBX into MySQL db
21:07.24dinhtrungeverything works fine but trunk and outbound module
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21:15.41frantic667drmessano: she knows i like surprises :-) she really loves me, you see? :-D
21:17.21carrarfrantic667, thats why I saw her and drmessano hook it up, she wanted to surprise you
21:18.18carrardinhtrung= -2 points (FreePBX & MySQL)
21:18.18frantic667of course, she always wants to make me happy =)
21:19.08carrarYou must live in India
21:19.47carrarWhere that illusion is the strongest
21:20.48frantic667not really india... i live in germany, but i think the whole world is judged by illusions
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21:23.38vvujaanyone there
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21:31.21nsgnam i missing some easy way to call an IVR i've created internally? i want to hear what it's like without putting it on incoming lines quite yet
21:31.27nsgnmake sure it dials where i want, etc
21:32.13carrarYour ivr a macro or extension?
21:32.27carraror AGI
21:33.20nsgnwhatever the heck the asteriskNOW module creates
21:33.29carrartry #asterisknow
21:34.07carraror install Asterisk from source and build your system right
21:36.12nsgni've asked. they're not smashingly responsive over there. their gui just generates configs for asterisk and loads them. interface aside, how does one call an IVR internally when it's not specifically bound to an extension number or feature code?
21:37.52[TK]D-Fendernsgn: There is no such thing as "bound to anything"
21:37.54carrarlike I said, install Asterisk from source so you know what the hell is going on in your system
21:38.13carrarBound to the Chains of AsteriskNOW
21:38.22[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Either a GUI writes your configs for you or they are entirely your own
21:39.28nsgni'm aware. say i wanted to transfer someone to an IVR. would i have to set up a ring group to get an extension number for it?
21:39.38edgarshellou asterisk :)
21:39.40carrar1st, install asterisk from source
21:39.43carrarthats step 1
21:39.58carrarLet us know when you are ready for step 2
21:40.47nsgncarrar: if i were interested in that, i'd have done it already. you suggested that earlier
21:41.03carrarthen you are happy with what you have
21:41.08carrarmove along
21:41.18nsgni understand the differences and ups and downs of each. i'm attempting to keep my questions in this channel specific to asterisk concepts. GUI stuff i've been inquiring elsewhere
21:41.28[TK]D-Fendernsgn: I'm not sure you're following us... this is not * you are configuring, this is a **GUI**  GUI's are not supported here
21:41.37nsgni've gotten some good help in here on strictly asterisk concepts and appreciate those who do
21:42.04nsgn[TK]D-Fender: i understand. i'm not asking how to make the GUI do what i want. i'm asking how IVRs are rung if one needed to transfer a caller to one
21:42.07nsgnin concept
21:42.17carrarread the instructions
21:42.24carrarcore show applications macro
21:42.32lanningAsteriskNOW did something with your configs.  go figure out what AsteriskNOW did, then you will figure out what needs to be done.
21:42.46carrartoo bad thats not a app :)
21:42.51[TK]D-Fendernsgn: That is the problem. that you don't understand the dialplan.  Ther term "ring-group" and "transfer to IVR" is meaningless trash in *-speak.  These are idaes who shape is defined by the GUI
21:43.06carrarcore show application Macro
21:43.20[TK]D-Fendernsgn: This is the problem with GUI's you think that structure actually means something when in fact it doesn't
21:43.23carrarEverything you need is there nsgn
21:43.31nsgnsure. but IVRs exist in *. you can transfer calls on * too. for being my first week diving in here, i apologize for not knowing the precise terms
21:43.35carrarcore show application ?
21:43.45nsgncarrar: i'll play with that, thanks
21:44.57lanningIVR's are created completely differently, depending on whether you hand coded it, or which GUI you used.
21:45.32nsgnlanning: ok, good to know. i didn't know if the GUI went about it at the same angle. what i've been learning seems to be that for some things it does, other things it just does it's own way entirely
21:46.08lanningIVR is a concept, not a hard fast method.
21:46.09nsgnthe GUI has been a handy start but it sure does begin to show its limits when working up to IVRs and the like
21:46.14carrarWhen you let a GUI configure your Asterisk box you are inviting the DEVIL into your house!
21:46.48lanningIf you use a GUI, then you have to do it the GUI way.  Otherwise you WILL lose.
21:47.27nsgni've honestly enjoyed the GUI (for the most part, some things have already killed me) for my first time around. if i get the opportunity to play phone again in the future, knowing what i've learned now, i very well may dive into straight up *
21:47.33carrarThat said, there's nothing that can't be fixed with some Solder and some old sound cards!
21:48.09lanningIt's like Microsoft.  good for the 80% cases it was built for, but if you need that other 20%, you have hell on your hands.
21:48.15drmessanoDamnit, whats my trigger?
21:48.23jayteedon't forget those 28.8 modems in the attic. two of those will give ya 64K for ulaw when soldered to an ethernet card.
21:48.32*** join/#asterisk cps0 (
21:48.37lanningit's the little lever on the bottom side of the gun...
21:48.38carraror a sound card
21:49.14infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
21:49.28nsgnafter about 20 minutes playing with the polycom web gui i said heck with it and spent the past 6 hours learning remote polycom autoprovisioning
21:49.43nsgni'm tickled with how flexible it is. i imagine going from asterisknow to asterisk is much the same
21:49.50carrarpolycom web gui shoud have never been created in the 1st place
21:50.01drmessanonsgn: thats too bad, the next polycom firmware release uses a new XML schema
21:50.05drmessanoWe've all been learning it
21:50.16nsgni've got the polys doing virtually everything i want right now, all the way down to a custom bitmap on screen
21:50.31nsgndrmessano: hah, figures
21:50.54carrarI wouldn't expect anything less from someone setting up polycoms
21:50.55jayteedrmessano, which firmware release are you referring to?
21:50.58carrarthats just standard
21:51.32nsgnsounds like carrar's a phone snob? :)
21:51.53carrarruns br 4.1.2rB & sip 3.1.2rB
21:52.10carraryou want to use a half ass configured phone?
21:52.16drmessanoThe new scrote insulted you
21:52.50drmessanoI need to go fix the alarm switch in my hood again
21:53.14nsgnhe seems fairly down on someone diving in with affordable equipment to learn the system
21:53.30nsgnnot everyone wants or needs the highest equipment or configuration
21:53.37nsgni am curious what he uses, though. probably quite the system to see
21:53.44drmessanoAlarm wasnt working when I got it back.. Found out from KIA that the guys that fixed my car left a rubber stopper out of the hood.. Told me without even looking at it.
21:53.58carrarI use Asterisk from source
21:54.01carrarit's free
21:54.15nsgn*hardware wise
21:54.19drmessanoSo it wouldnt push down the alarm switch under the hood so I could arm it
21:54.22nsgni'm fairly sure most in here use * from source
21:54.29drmessanoSo .. I taped some washers over the switch
21:54.40drmessano30 mins later, the tape broke and my alarm went off
21:54.49drmessanoBack to square 1
21:54.59nsgnwould be better if it happened while you were driving somehow
21:55.09carrarnsgn, since every customer likes different phones I have a few of a lot of different phones here
21:55.14drmessanoI dont usually arm the alarm while driving
21:55.29nsgncarrar: cool. what devices do you tend to favor when the customer doesn't express a preference?
21:56.00nsgni've been pleased with my few day's experience with them, though i'm on some pretty lowly units
21:56.23drmessanosounds like nsgn is a phone snob
21:56.32carrarhe seems fairly down on someone diving in with affordable equipment to learn the system
21:56.35nsgni save my phone snobbing for my iphone ;)
21:56.36*** join/#asterisk LakeSolon (
21:56.45drmessanoiPhone?  HAH
21:57.06nsgnthat makes me king phone snob. also makes me a pitiful slave to AT&T
21:57.18drmessanoPeople actually still think they're elite with an iPhone
21:57.24nsgnthat was high sarcasm, sir
21:57.56nsgnthe only novelty that ever existed with iphones lasted about the first two weeks they were out
21:58.18nsgnthen we realized we couldnt MMS or work with exchange
21:58.25nsgnwhich two years later they're now just fixing
21:59.17nsgnexchange support is excellent now, MMS...we'll see. speaking of exchange, what relation (if any) can * have in an environment where contacts are within exchange?
21:59.43[TK]D-Fendernsgn: what "contacts"?
21:59.46carrarall the support you can write
21:59.46nsgni've not got such a situation, but hosted exchange is only getting more and more adoption in small business
21:59.55[TK]D-Fendernsgn: What do you expect * to do are care about them?
22:00.17nsgn[TK]D-Fender: i'm not sure. i heard ldap support was involved. i was just curious about the topic. i dont have a need for such a setup
22:00.48[TK]D-Fendernsgn: And you keep talking like "setup" and "integration" mean only one kind of activity
22:01.07carrarJust click, START, ASTERISK-SETUP, LDAP
22:01.08[TK]D-Fendernsgn: What is * supposed to DO with it?
22:01.44nsgnperhaps you tell me? i asked the question open ended. has anyone seen an asterisk installation integrated with exchange or ldap
22:02.07nsgni'm curious to hear of the capability. the small taste i've gotten in two days of play have impressed me considerably
22:02.07[TK]D-Fendernsgn: All of your questions are open-ended it seems
22:02.22[TK]D-Fendernsgn: No-ons is going to have any answer for your fishing expeditions.
22:02.25carrarnsgn, what would you like it to do?
22:02.53nsgnnow that the lowly goal of the system i'm configuring has essentially been met the open ended questions spring from my curiosity about a very capable open source project i've only gotten a taste of
22:02.54[TK]D-Fendercarrar: He just said it was all "open ended".  He doesn't seem to have specific goals
22:03.25carrarI think setting a Asterisk box next to exchange server, they both work pretty well next to eachother
22:03.36drmessano[TK]D-Fender: What can asterisk do if you run the server on a network with other servers.. I am curious what the capabilities are
22:03.36nsgnno biting or snapping?
22:03.39drmessanoI am taking notes
22:03.39[TK]D-Fendercarrar: at least 3" apart for ventilation, right?
22:03.46carrarat least
22:04.11nsgngot the formula for that?
22:04.32drmessanoWhat are the capabilites of asterisk if I install it in a horizontal rack mount case?
22:04.40[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Good. Use of arbitrary numbers has increased 43.7% in the last quarter
22:04.41carrardistance = (exchange users x PI)
22:04.51[TK]D-Fendermmmmmmmm PI
22:05.04drmessanoI asked someone earlier what the square root of water was.
22:05.06*** join/#asterisk jthurman42 (
22:05.19[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Whats the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
22:05.52jayteeEuropean or African swallow?
22:05.53drmessanoWhat is the circumference of 117 volts across a circuit with 20 ohms resistance?
22:05.57carrarwelp, time to go for a harley ride and forget I was here
22:06.14drmessanocarrar: Do you know?
22:06.17[TK]D-Fenderkillall -9 carrar
22:06.55*** part/#asterisk jthurman42 (
22:07.34jayteeNo one can withstand the power of "Christ on a Grilled Cheese Sandwich"!
22:07.35[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: And the answer to your previous question is obvious
22:08.00[TK]D-Fender[18:05]<drmessano>I asked someone earlier what the square root of water was. <- Answer = The ice-cube in my scotch
22:09.45*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
22:09.50[TK]D-FenderThink I'm going to go out for indian food....
22:10.18*** join/#asterisk jthurman42 (
22:10.27jayteemmmm, vindaloo
22:12.59drmessanoSAAG PANEER
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22:13.19drmessanoand a big basket of naan
22:13.49exothermc_[TK]D-Fender: Finally got my e51 to register, if I commented out secret.  Seems that the phone doesn't want to respond to the 401 challenge.  Interesting thing is that now only outbound (from the device) calls work, asterisk can't ping (via qualify) or get calls out the e51.  two way sip obviously works since 18X and 200 OK makes it back to the device when it does an outbound call.
22:14.58*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
22:17.04exothermc_Anyone else have any experience with the e51 or any other of the nokia devices on SIP?
22:19.21*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
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22:19.55hi365is tehre an option to log unaswered calls on a per channel basis?
22:21.34*** part/#asterisk jthurman42 (
22:24.04*** part/#asterisk Errotan (
22:25.30bmoracawhy would an FXS channel hang up immediately after digits have started to be dialed?
22:27.09bmoracaand how the heck do i troubleshoot that?
22:28.07[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: bad dialplan
22:28.26exothermc_hmm now that I set the realm to match on my nokia e51, and it will now register with a 401 challenge.  Immediately after registration the device become unreachable, and while calls can come from the device no calls can be sent to the device.  what would cause that?
22:29.18bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: so it hangs up immediately when it realizes digits have been dialed that don't match an extension within the context?  that's strange, because sip phones that exist within the same context do not have an issue
22:29.39[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: SIP phones don't pass the number to * digit by digit <-
22:29.43[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Apples & oranges
22:29.49bmoracai suppose...
22:30.37bmoracabut that still doesn't quite make sense...i'm not arguing that it's possible, just saying that if I can dial 5008 within the context from a SIP phone but not from an FXS phone...doesn't make sense
22:32.17[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: And I'm not arguing that you aren't showing me anything useful.  That is a simple fact :)
22:32.18bmoracaignore me.  i'm a fucking tard.  stupid typos
22:32.36bmoracai mistyped a letter in my context.  my fault :)
22:32.38[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: To don't seriously think I trust your configs do you? :)
22:33.03[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Yup.... like 99% of cases... PEBKAC
22:33.28bmoracasometimes it helps to get a second head to suggest something you thought was correct just to make you double check
22:44.09hi365for some reason im getting: cdr_odbc.c: cdr_odbc: Unable to connect to datasource: MySQL-cdr
22:44.21hi365here are my config files:
22:46.59*** join/#asterisk jo3sm1th (n=email@
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22:47.37jo3sm1thHow do you see if a SIP phone (in this case Xlite) is registered in asterisk when logged in as root in Putty... is it SHOW SIP
22:49.00*** join/#asterisk ki4lzk (
22:49.05ki4lzkhello all
22:50.39ki4lzki am trying to setup a DID from voipvoip on my asterisk box but i don't think i am registering with there server any ideas
22:51.18nsgnam i just way too tired, or is it difficult to have 7 digit local dialing in a digitmap (polycom phones) if you don't want to screw up 10 digit dialing?
22:53.17[TK]D-Fenderjo3sm1th: "sip show peer myphonesectionnamehere" in * CLI
22:54.14[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Your phone accepts whatever patterns you tell it to.  * accepts whatever your configure it to.  When they can agree, life is good.
22:55.33nsgn[TK]D-Fender: my issue is in the poly's digitmap. my goal would be for it to seamlessly dial both 7 and 10 digit numbers without having to press DIAL. i'm kindof wondering if the two simply conflict...since in order to dial a 10 digit number you have to dial 7 digits first. how would one prevent the dialing of a 10 digit number from being cut off at 7 digits if 7 digit dialing is configured to automatically dial?
22:56.21nsgni've got the map set to work around all my internal extensions and everything...but the 7 and 10 digit dialing has me a bit stumped
22:56.31[TK]D-Fendernsgn: What can separate a 7 digit number you want to dial from a 10 digit on?
22:57.28nsgnthat's what i'm trying to figure out. it's either something painfully obvious since i've been on this without a break for quite a while, or the only option may be telling people to dial slightly different (1 before 10 digit numbers or something)
22:59.14[TK]D-Fendernsgn: c'mon, take a guess
23:00.20nsgni'm shot, man. could one not have an areacode of 512 AND a 7 digit number starting with 512?
23:00.25nsgnthats where i see the issue
23:00.36[TK]D-Fendernsgn: 1 free answer for you : TIME
23:01.00[TK]D-Fendernsgn: 7 digit + WAIT
23:01.06nsgnwhen it reaches 7, wait to ensure it doesnt go on to 10
23:01.25nsgnok, thats workable. thanks. i've been doing nothing but phones for nearly the past 30 hours
23:01.38nsgnso how do you deal with people who dial really slowly?
23:01.46nsgntrying to read off a small page or something
23:02.02nsgnyou dont want the time to be too long, yet if too short and they happen to pause at 7, off you go
23:02.11[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Hit them.  Hard.  Repeat as required
23:02.37nsgngot ya. i'll have a bat ready. no perfect solution, but they should lear not to pause for long periods in dialing
23:02.43nsgnthanks :)
23:03.04nsgnmainly down to testing the little issues like that out of my system. i didn't find it before cause i typically dial then pick up
23:03.16nsgnbut i know for a fact some people will never get around picking up and dialing with a buzzing phone in their hand
23:04.03[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Have them dial on-hook if they're slow
23:04.38nsgnyeah, that'd obviously be the best. the issue, as always with computers or phones or anything, you can't teach old dogs new tricks. there will always be some user who is going to do what they're going to do
23:04.53nsgnwhich means configuring the system to be as robust as possible
23:04.56jayteeor set the timeout for the 7 digit match to be longer than the 10 digit match
23:05.08*** join/#asterisk rjune_ (n=rjune@
23:05.20nsgnjaytee: what now?
23:05.37[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: ROAD SIGN!
23:06.32rjune_I'm having trouble dialing out or in on a Digium 800 series card.
23:06.38jayteensgn, download the SIP Admin guide from Polycom if you haven't already. Read about the digitmap dialplan and the digitmap timeout. A clever guy like you might figure it out eventually
23:07.08nsgnoh i've had my head in it all day. i'm at the point where i'm lacking clarity because i've been going for too long. i'm about to call it quits for about 24 hours
23:07.19nsgnthe issue is that it's honestly quite fun
23:07.26rjune_asterisk 1.4, works with SIP trunks ok.
23:07.29[TK]D-Fendernsgn: My recommendation : x.T|*.T|#.T
23:08.27nsgn[TK]D-Fender: does that just pretty much leave things open, and dials after a pause whatever it is?
23:08.35rjune_dahdi show status shows the card, but dahdi show channels shows no channels
23:08.50rjune_Is zapata.conf no longer the location to configure these cards?
23:08.51nsgnrjune_: welcome to my world yesterday. you new? :)
23:08.58rjune_nsgn, relatively.
23:09.00nsgnrjune_: i don't believe it is anymore
23:09.20rjune_nsgn, any suggestions on how to make asterisk see the channels?
23:09.38nsgnrjune_: if one of these guys doesnt beat me to it i'll ssh in and review what i did. it wont hurt me to see it again anyhow
23:10.21rjune_I would appreciate it. I got bit in the ass trying to configure this box and none of the docs match what I'm seeing
23:10.30nsgnrjune_: i'm fairly sure the file you're interested in is chan_dahdi.conf
23:10.30rjune_looks like all the zaptel stuff went to dahdi
23:10.52nsgnyes, ok, my chan_dahdi.conf contains a fairly simple layout of channels from my 8xFXO setup
23:11.04nsgnwhat hardware are you using?
23:11.16rjune_wildcard tdm800e
23:11.24rjune_well, not 100% sure on the e part
23:11.31rjune_but it's a tdm800 with two fxo modules
23:12.10nsgnrjune_: you have exactly what i have
23:12.23nsgnso you can use exactly my file, most likely
23:12.42nsgnwhat's the preferred pastebin around these parts?
23:13.04rjune_I'm flexible
23:13.22nsgnwas asking the others, mainly. some channels tend to be pretty hip on using a specific one
23:13.29nsgnso i've gotten used to asking
23:13.45nsgnstandby, i'm pasting for you since nobody seems to care
23:14.58nsgnrjune_: you wouldnt happen to be using asterisknow, would you?
23:15.18nsgnok, good
23:15.27nsgnthen you'll know what to do with the group number from there?
23:15.41nsgnthat is a simple channel group with all 8 of the incoming lines
23:15.58rjune_I think so
23:16.11nsgnso you can deal with group 1 from here on out
23:16.17nsgnlet me know if it works. did the trick for me
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23:16.38nsgnit seems some of the older tools for autogenerating that file are pretty outdated, and not really even available anymore
23:17.12nsgnits such a simple config for basic operation they arent needed
23:17.23rjune_your extensions.conf has OUT_1 = dahdi/g1 then for outgoing right?
23:18.57rjune_when I dial into a line, asterisk still doesn't see the ring either. :-/
23:19.33QwellI so don't get his quit message...
23:19.39QwellI've been seeing it for how many years now?
23:19.45nsgnrjune_: you have to set up your inbound routes. the fact that i started on asterisknow unfortunately means i can't properly answer your past two questions
23:19.54nsgnbecause it can produce some fairly confused config files
23:20.11nsgnextensions.conf doesn't seem to match what even I think it should, but things are working so i'm not screwing with it at the moment
23:20.21rjune_this system is freepbx, mostly has been easy and straightforward
23:20.30nsgnrjune_: oh...then you are basically doing what i'm doing
23:20.35nsgnasterisknow with freepbx
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23:20.51rjune_ah, ok.
23:20.59nsgnrjune_: if you're on freepbx and just added the channels i pasted...go to "outbound routes" and set it to ZAP/g1
23:21.08rjune_I don't know, I didn't set it up
23:21.37nsgnincoming is a bit odder, since you have to give it a zap channel DID before matching inbound routes, but it will work
23:21.46nsgnplay around. dont say GUI too much in this channel anyway
23:21.48nsgnyou'll get slapped
23:21.57nsgnfreepbx and asterisknow both have channels
23:22.16nsgnfreepbx's is much more active than the nearly deserted asterisknow, but they aren't as asterisk specific
23:22.49nsgnso long as you keep it pretty strictly * related without asking GUI questions the kind ones in here will help
23:23.00rjune_Added ZAP/G1 trunk
23:23.05rjune_default in the outgoing dial plan
23:23.13nsgnhowever keep in mind that manual changes to conf files are frequently destroyed when you use the GUI to modify settings
23:23.21nsgnyou're safe with the channels file i just gave you, though
23:23.25rjune_they provide for that I thought
23:23.35nsgnit gets sensitive
23:23.47nsgnsince all freepbx really does is generate conf files and feed them into *
23:23.57nsgnso can you call out now?
23:24.25rjune_all circuits busy
23:24.47nsgndoes it speak that to you or do you see it in CLI?
23:24.58rjune_I see it in the cli too
23:25.02rjune_I have the full call trace
23:27.37nsgnshouldnt you be going out to g1?
23:28.00nsgnalso ensure after these changes that you're reloading
23:28.22rjune_yeah, I just saw that
23:28.27rjune_still no love,
23:29.45*** part/#asterisk Optic (
23:30.02nsgnothers may be able to drill into that further for you
23:30.05rjune_ah, apparently a reload didn't help
23:30.10rjune_I just restarted asterisk and it's ringing
23:30.11nsgnmine worked from that point, unless i'm missing something
23:30.19nsgnah, very good
23:30.24nsgni had done that after adding the channels
23:30.40nsgnwas gonna shouldnt be more than that
23:30.49nsgngoing out is less complex than in, if you arent picky about which line you go over
23:30.51ruben23hi can asterisk have features that can detect answering machines on call
23:31.18nsgnruben23: * can do a heck of a lot, so i'd imagine so. i don't believe it's a easy peasy built in feature, though
23:31.38nsgnthat sounds like more of an extensible functionality
23:31.48rjune_nsgn, dialin is kind of working now too, thanks for the tip
23:32.17nsgnrjune_: no probs :). being new can be difficult. just trying to help like the few who have me
23:32.28nsgn* is a pretty neat world
23:35.56*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
23:37.42[TK]D-Fenderruben23: "core show application amd"
23:38.35[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: Changes to Zap/DAHDI channel requires a reload of chan_zap or chan_dahdi, or a complete restart of *
23:39.07rjune_[TK]D-Fender, thanks.
23:39.12*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
23:39.29rjune_* allows for an extension to dial out to an external phone, correct?
23:39.41nsgn[TK]D-Fender: ook, why when using "*.T" do i try to dial *80101 and it cuts me off right away and dials *8?
23:39.46rjune_that's the dahdi extension module?
23:42.13[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Show me the complete dialplan
23:42.22nsgn[TK]D-Fender: alright, one moment
23:42.34*** join/#asterisk BrianY (
23:42.44[TK]D-Fenderrjune_: "module reload"
23:42.54ruben23thats hte output
23:42.59BrianYHello.I have a question about asterisk full log.Anyone available?
23:43.30[TK]D-Fenderruben23: *DUH*
23:43.40[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Go read the INSTRUCTIONS on how to use it.
23:43.58ruben23[TK]D-Fender::) sorry
23:44.07nsgnBrianY: just ask
23:44.31nsgninstead of waiting for someone to ask you to ask
23:45.05BrianY2 hours ago i tried version 1.4.22 , of asterisk.In full log of asterisk i saw lines like > Channel SIP/w1-08200e18 was answered.
23:45.30BrianYI uninstalled it, because i saw a newer version and i installed
23:46.12BrianYBut in this version i can't see anywhere the line containing "call/channel ..was answered"
23:46.14[TK]D-FenderBrianY: 1.X separates major branches, and read the topic, is old for its own branch
23:46.15BrianYCan you help ?
23:46.29Qwellnewer version?  where exactly are you looking for updates? i`m blind or smth
23:47.35BrianYOk, thank you, i found Asterisk link.I`ll install it and i`ll be back if i will be in trouble
23:48.23nsgn[TK]D-Fender: catch my polycom dialplan link above?
23:49.38BrianYBUT, if i was able to see that line on 1.4.22 , is not   normal to be able to see it on ? Sorry if this is a very dumb question, it's first time when i'm using asterisk
23:52.35nsgn[TK]D-Fender: found my issue through trial and error, actually. it seems what you gave me further above wont work. polycom expects x before taking . for any arbitrary number of digits
23:52.37nsgnodd, but it works now
23:53.37nsgni cant seem to find that in a doc, but it works as "*x.T"
23:58.18[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Yes, I forgot the "x"'s and would have put them
23:58.33[TK]D-Fendernsgn: My recommendation : x.T|*x.T|#x.T
23:58.55[TK]D-Fendernsgn: And set your "removeendofdial" to "0" and your impossiblematch to 2
23:59.16nsgn[TK]D-Fender: seems good to go now. i'm making a few other tweaks to condense what i've got. i'm probably not going entirely to your brief version, but will keep it on hand. there are a few things i want it to hit right away

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