IRC log for #asterisk on 20090522

00:05.07KyleKthe wiki page for Background could use a few more details, if I declare an extension of * and say 12345, can I jump to either while it's playing a message?
00:05.59bkw_goes back to playing with zRTP
00:08.24*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:10.55*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:12.56*** join/#asterisk moy (
00:17.00orpheeei need to install other thing for meetme ?
00:24.49*** join/#asterisk clint_ (
00:26.36*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
00:33.40[TK]D-Fenderorpheee: Zaptel/DAHDI is REQUIRED and needs to be compiled before * is so that its included in the pre-req's
00:43.18*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-b12f65c646149fd3)
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00:47.42*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
00:47.42*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
00:52.52orpheee[TK]D-Fender> so i need to install Zaptel and DAHDI
00:56.17*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
00:56.24orpheeetks for information
01:04.29*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
01:13.27*** join/#asterisk Tene (n=tene@poipu/supporter/slacker/tene)
01:14.53TeneThe asterisk docs, when talking about imap storage of voicemail, say this: "The directives "authuser" and "authpassword" are not needed when using Kerberos. They are defined to allow Asterisk to authenticate as a single user that has access to all mailboxes as an alternative to Kerberos. ", but I can't find any documentation anywhere at all on actually using kerberos wit hasterisk in any useful way.
01:15.02TeneAm I missing something?
01:23.11*** join/#asterisk doolittlework (n=f@
01:23.54doolittleworkhow does one go about dumping cdr records out on server com port?
01:27.16*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:29.00*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:42.57*** join/#asterisk darkavanger (n=darkavan@
01:43.36darkavangeri need to connect to a sip server what can i use??
01:46.03drmessanodarkavanger: Linux
01:46.17*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
01:47.01darkavangerdrmessano: i am using linux  i wanted to say wich client application ? :D
01:47.27drmessanoI assume youre looking for a softphone...?
01:47.38drmessanoYour question was horribly vague
01:47.39darkavangeryess thats it
01:48.14infobot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
01:48.22darkavangerin my contry it is 3ham so you can imagine how slow my brain is working
01:48.37drmessanoCompared to the usual?  Thats impressive
01:49.12infobot[~xlite] X-Lite is a free SIP soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be downloaded from
01:50.04infobot[~zoiper] Zoiper (Formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be found at
01:51.26*** join/#asterisk demonist (
01:51.54demonisthello, i have two pcs on a local lan. what can i use to make a call between them using a softphone
01:52.21demonistcan i use sip to sip client or will i still need a server such as asterisk
01:54.04*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
02:12.08*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
02:13.32hescoI'm writing my first daemon.  On its second iteration through the infinite loop, it dies on "no connection to the (pg) server" error on a query it had no trouble running on the first iteration, and then goes away.  the sleep is only 60 seconds, why would I lose my db connection so easily?  I earlier included: on clinton's advice.
02:14.02hescosorry folks, wrong channel
02:14.19hescoignore that
02:17.45*** join/#asterisk tobias (
02:19.39*** join/#asterisk TheCoffeMaker (n=damian@
02:21.02TheCoffeMakerHi, it's just a little question ... I'm totally new on this ... and have this doubt ... is possible to setup an asterisk PBX with an miti-itx ?
02:22.59leifmadsenTheCoffeMaker: I believe it is
02:23.05leifmadsenmini-itx is just x86 based right?
02:23.15TheCoffeMakerleifmadsen, yes
02:23.18leifmadsenshould be fine then
02:23.28leifmadsenI've never done it, but pretty sure I've heard of others doing it
02:23.46leifmadsenI think those are typically via chipsets and such too
02:25.22TheCoffeMakeryes ... I had this doubt coz don't sure about the systems requiremts yet ... but I want to use a mini-itx to create little blackboxes to deploy in small enterprises
02:25.58leifmadsenI don't really see an issue
02:26.06leifmadsenjust do some googling, I'm sure others have done it
02:26.48TheCoffeMakeryes ...  I will carry on with my researchs and reading everything :) thanks for your help!
02:27.36*** part/#asterisk TheCoffeMaker (n=damian@
02:28.02drmessanoleifmadsen: got 30 seconds for an IMAP + Asterisk question
02:28.25*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
02:28.31drmessano(I asked to ask since you normally leave to leave)
02:30.07*** join/#asterisk securevoip (
02:30.18leifmadsendrmessano: just ask :)
02:30.30leifmadsenI'm no IMAP pro though
02:30.53drmessanoI had some nasty issues with IMAP and 1.6.. using the libraries that I YUM'ed down with CentOS 5.3.. which I think are 2004d
02:31.04drmessanoYouve at least tried it, I think.. what worked for you?
02:31.12leifmadsendon't use the package, use the latest source
02:31.15leifmadsen2007e or something
02:31.20leifmadsen2004 is oooooold
02:31.24drmessanoI suspected that was it..
02:31.26drmessanoYes, it is
02:31.46drmessanoWhen I compiled it all in, and restarted asterisk, I started getting MWI on phones WITHOUT MAILBOX
02:31.54drmessanoAs in, ALL the phones
02:32.04drmessanoSo I figured it was something lame
02:32.39drmessanoSee, you knew more than I was going to ask
02:32.46drmessanoMr Documentation Guy
02:33.24drmessanoI have just found LITTLE to NOTHING on IMAP and Asterisk.. and no real world "I did and it broke, do this" blog posts or anything out there
02:33.39drmessanoI guess I should contribute something when i get it working
02:33.40leifmadsenbecause no one uses IMAP
02:33.45drmessanoYeah ^^^^
02:34.16leifmadsenI wrote something small for IMAP, but it isn't public yet since it is so rough
02:35.15drmessanoWell, I found a nice PP presentation of yours online mentioning CURL and IMAP
02:35.19drmessanoVery helpful
02:35.40Opticmy asterisk audio works with a sip softphone incoming call, but not with my link2voip did :P
02:36.21Opticmaybe link2voip is broken tonight
02:36.26leifmadsendrmessano: yep, that'll basically be how to setup IMAP
02:36.42leifmadsenOptic: or you're having NAT issues
02:37.00Opticserver is not behind nat, 5060 and 10000-60000 passed through firewall
02:37.15carrarI use Asterisk and IMA, works great, taste even better
02:37.21leifmadsenyou'd need to check to see if you see the incoming INVITE, etc...
02:37.32leifmadsencarrar: what server?
02:37.35leifmadsen(IMAP server)
02:37.38Optici do, i get the call, rtp packets flow, but there's no audio :(
02:37.48drmessanoWell, not to use the F word in here, leifmadsen, but it inspired me to add IMAP fields for the users maiboxes in FreePBX and the associated voicemail.conf options.. So IMAP may become more of an interest for that subset of users who now have "access" to add it on GUI systems
02:38.05drmessanoMay help get it out there
02:38.16leifmadsenI'd rather it not get used until it is proven 100% stable :)
02:38.29carrarit's stable for the customer I set it up for
02:38.29leifmadsenthe worst thing is using something unreliable and giving it to GUI users
02:38.30drmessanoYOUR MILEAGE MAY VARY
02:38.46carrarwasn't very hard to setup
02:38.48leifmadsencarrar: yes, I've heard that about a few installations -- it really comes down to what backend server you're using, and what you're using it for
02:39.05carrarThey wanted to offload messages off their exchange server
02:39.19carrarguess no one there answers their phone :)
02:39.19leifmadsenI need to figure out dovecot more so that I can set it up and actually have some documentation that would be useful in a production instance
02:39.44carrar1st time I used dovecot too
02:39.47carrardovecot is nice
02:40.12drmessanoIm gonna make it work on Exchange IMAP first.. I want something I can document for those MS SBS users who dont plan to set up UM on SBS 2008 or have SBS 2003
02:40.15carrarwith it's SQL queries
02:40.29drmessanoI think its a perfect fit for that folks
02:40.36carrarcreate your own dovecot queries in postgres for auth
02:40.39drmessanoSBS + Asterisk UM
02:40.55leifmadsenwish I had an exchange server to play against
02:41.05leifmadsennot that I want to admin such a server
02:41.11jayteeI do but I don't use it for IMAP
02:41.12leifmadsenlets get that clear right now
02:41.16drmessanoJust for the IMAP access
02:41.32leifmadsenI always liked the idea of trying to get IMAP working with Gmail :)
02:41.43drmessanoleifmadsen: I'll e-mail you.. Can get you a mailbox to donate for "Science"
02:41.46leifmadsenif only I had the skills to modify the code
02:41.52jayteeworks great as an alternative to Comedian Mail though
02:41.53drmessanoleifmadsen: Yeah, thats on the list here too
02:41.54carrarand write books
02:41.54leifmadsendrmessano: hmmmm, ok, good call
02:42.00carrarthose are excellent skills
02:42.16leifmadsenwriting books is for people who can't code :)
02:42.32leifmadsenand coding is for people who can't write books
02:42.41carrarthats for sure
02:42.43leifmadsenCorydon76-dig is one of the few who I know who could/can do both
02:42.49carrarLeave no comments beind!
02:43.05leifmadsenspeaking of behind... I gotta go smack my g/f on the butt
02:43.12carrarI take the backpacking theory when writing programs
02:43.16carrarLeave no trace
02:44.08jayteeis that for job security? planning for future consulting services?
02:44.17carraryes & yes
02:44.47carrarnaw, when you are in the groove, writting comments only slows you down
02:45.00leifmadsenuntil you have to debug it ;)
02:45.04carrarhahah yeah
02:45.24jayteeok, now what was I trying to do here again?
02:45.32carrarthats when you go back and make comments here and there
02:45.40jayteeI have to comment or I'll forget half of what I've coded.
02:45.50leifmadsenI tend to write what I want in the dialplan, then go back and read through what I was trying to do and comment then
02:46.00leifmadsenI don't do dialplan + commenting at the same time (at least rarely)
02:46.16carraryeah I can't either
02:46.20*** part/#asterisk darkavanger (n=darkavan@
02:46.43carrarJust in a hurry to complete it and test it
02:46.57jayteeyeah, I comment after I've tested something and I've tweaked it so it's considered "stable" then I comment it verbosely.
02:47.11carrarcomment it later once you have something presentable
02:47.52carrarcommenting is something you can do once you are too drunk to code
02:50.26carrarfor the imap db I wrote a init style script to manage the db, works nice. php would be even simpler almost
02:54.04drmessanocarrar: Is that like a Kenwood hybrid?
02:55.38drmessanoUsing Asterisk IMAP to store VM in an exchange mailbox seems like the coolest thing since putting a Qmail box in front of Exchange for message sanitizing
02:56.03carrarI don't use IMAP to put voicemails in exange
02:56.46carrarI use IMAP to put the voicemail in a mailbox on a unix box
02:57.23carrarthe imap and mail boxes and asterisk are all on the same box
02:57.31carrarsuperfly easy
02:58.01drmessanoIm not talking about YOU
02:58.30carrarYou trying to save money!??
02:58.34infobot<Gremlin> It's okay, but I was hoping to save some money with a soldering iron and a bunch of sound cards.
02:59.06drmessanoNo, like I said above.. Lots of SBS users out there.. Coupling that with an Asterisk box + IMAP to their existing mailboxes would be awesome
02:59.25carrarWhy not just Mail it to their mailbox?
02:59.36carrarwhy do you need to use imap to stuff it in?
03:00.01*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
03:00.18drmessanoBecause I HATE duplication of information.. if I mail and delete, no MWI on the phone.. if I mail AND leave it, they have to delete it twice
03:00.32drmessanoI like the whole MWI + IMAP sync and having the message be somewhat "live"
03:01.54carrarThere is no escape from stupid users
03:17.49*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-7f5fc5c115267ef5)
03:28.36*** join/#asterisk ecret (
03:30.46*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
03:43.44KyleKI might end up writing my own voicemail app to store metadata and .mp3 on gmail via imap and .ulaw stored locally
03:43.58*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:59.11*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
04:00.14carrarKyleK, make a shoutcast mp3 voicemail streamer
04:06.37*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-cc5c4166da688f59)
04:09.14*** join/#asterisk HeXiLeD (n=H3X@unaffiliated/hexiled)
04:25.44*** join/#asterisk sergey (
04:25.58*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
04:28.57sergeyHi. use Asterisk and app_minivm After MinivmGreet() have core dump, and MinivmGreet(test@test) have greeting but if press * have core dump again. Is it bug?
04:48.39*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
04:51.03*** join/#asterisk dshap (
04:51.42dshaphey everyone, is there someone here who can help me with an Asterisk issue?  I'm trying to successfully register my server with my SIP provider
04:51.46dshapand it doesn't appear to be working
04:52.58dshapcan anyone read this?  just want to make sure i'm successfully logged into the channel
04:54.09*** part/#asterisk dshap (
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04:55.08*** part/#asterisk dshap (
04:55.45carrardshap: c n  ou  re d th s
04:58.20*** join/#asterisk dshap (
04:58.22*** part/#asterisk dshap (
05:02.56*** join/#asterisk dshap (
05:03.16dshaphey if there is someone here who can help me with an Asterisk issue I would appreciate it very much
05:03.37dshapI'm trying to use as a SIP provider and I'm using their sip.conf and extension.conf files that they provide as sample/test configurations
05:03.53dshapand my server is telling me that registration is timining out
05:15.10securevoipdshap:  sounds like you have an IP networking issue if reg is timing out
05:15.43dshapmy server is behind a consumer-grade belkin router
05:15.52dshapbut i set up a DMZ with the local IP of my server
05:16.07dshapand i disabled the firewall
05:16.17KyleKpacket sniff the thing :)
05:16.34dshapsry haha i'm a huge n00b with linux
05:16.42dshapi'm basically trying to learn linux and asterisk at the same time
05:16.47KyleKwireshark, look at the sip packets if they go and dont come in
05:16.58securevoipOr, grab a FREE DID from and see if that works...
05:16.59dshapbut i have used wireshark
05:17.10KyleKi cant help you too too much gotta go to sleep :-/
05:17.25dshapi already have a DID though
05:17.55carrarSounds like you might be behind NAT and your nat stats are timing out on the "consumer-grade belkin router"
05:18.03carraruse qualify
05:18.08carrarsee if that makes any difference
05:18.17dshapwhat do you mean by "use qualify"?
05:18.22carrarlook it up
05:18.33dshapif in windows I type "ipconfig" and it says my IP is like
05:18.34carrarit's in your sip.conf
05:18.35dshapa local IP
05:18.38dshapdoesn't that mean I'm behind a NAT
05:18.47carraryes thats a NAT IP
05:18.52dshapok right
05:18.56dshapso i have nat=yes in sip.conf
05:19.08securevoipset qualify=yes in sip.conf under your ITSP
05:19.13carrar10/8, 172.16/12 & 192.168/16 are popular NAT IANA IP's
05:20.14dshapgonna try qualify right now
05:20.25carrarsecurevoip, giving the answer isn't gonna help him look through the sip.conf example and find all the other juicy things
05:20.45kaldemaryou need to set externip if your asterisk server is behind a nat.
05:20.48carrarJUICY SIP CONFIGS!!
05:20.50infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
05:21.02*** join/#asterisk SunnyDP (
05:21.25securevoipare you testing w/ inbound calls or outbound calls?
05:21.40dshapi will be using both
05:21.52dshapbut at this point i just want to get the sample configuration file working
05:21.58dshapthe one that my provider gave me
05:22.24carrarread through your sip.conf example file
05:22.36securevoippost your sip.conf to
05:23.30SunnyDPhas anyone of you been succesfull at setting DHCP option 120 (SIP Servers) in Windows Server DHCP ?
05:23.53dshapjust pastebinned it under the name "dshap"
05:23.57dshapthat's how i have it right now
05:25.45kaldemardshap: is that really all in your sip.conf?
05:26.14dshapwith username & password replaced
05:26.17dshapthat's all i've got
05:26.26dshapall i'm trying to do is get my server registered with my SIP provider
05:26.37dshapim not using any analog/softphone stuff
05:26.41dshapjust pure VoIP SIP
05:27.31kaldemaryou're missing a bunch of needed configuration options.
05:28.01dshapwell jeez, that's the file that told me to use so they must be wrong =\
05:28.22*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
05:28.23dshapwhat do i need to add?
05:28.33kaldemarthey have only sent you the relevant parts to their service.
05:28.35carrarThey probably mean "Add this too your existing sip.conf"
05:29.05dshapi added qualify=yes
05:29.16dshapand now i got somethign different before the timeout
05:29.20kaldemarstart with the parameters in the quick guide that infobot threw in here.
05:29.31dshapsip_poke_noanswer: Peer 'voipms' is now UNREACHABLE!
05:29.49dshapok im opening up that link right now
05:29.52kaldemarand then look into asterisk's sample sip.conf and familiarize yourself with all the options in there.
05:32.02dshapat first glance of the sample i have a feeling that there is a TON of stuff in there i'm not gonna understand and or need to get this thing connected to my SIP provider
05:32.05kaldemarstart with moving the nat=yes under [general] and add externip or externhost as the guide says.
05:32.10dshapisn't sip.conf like a one-time deal?
05:32.19dshapokay doing that now
05:32.54kaldemarit's a one-time deal if you set _everything_ you need at once.
05:33.11kaldemarwhich is not going to happen for you now.
05:33.58dshapjust for clarification
05:34.01dshapi'm a SIP client
05:34.03dshapnot a SIP server
05:35.07securevoipAsterisk is designed as a B2BUA (
05:36.50dshapok yea i read that in the eBook
05:38.00dshapkaldemar, im not sure where externip or externhost are discussed in the "guide"
05:38.41dshapis externip supposed to be the IP address of my router?
05:38.59dshapthe one i get if i go to ?
05:42.05dshapi was looking at the wrong link
05:42.07dshapthe wiki link
05:42.09dshapim dumb
05:44.24*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-dc73dbee38f639bb)
05:45.57dshapread that guide/sample
05:46.06dshapmy situation i don't think is exactly the same
05:46.14dshapi'm behind a NAT, the people i'm trying to connect to are not
05:46.19dshapand they are not a dynamic host
05:46.24dshapi moved nat=yes up to general
05:46.28dshapand i also added externip
05:47.08dshapim not getting any local callers so i didnt put localip
05:47.14dshaper, localnet
05:47.52dshapit seems as though i wouldn't need to use qualify since the remote host i am connecting to is not behind a NAT
05:48.07dshapeither way, registration is still timing out =\
05:52.20[TK]D-Fenderdshap: And nowhere would I assume that you put any of that in the right place...
05:52.26infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
05:52.28[TK]D-Fenderdshap: ^^^^
05:54.21*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
05:54.37dshappretty sure i do have it in the right place
05:54.53dshapnat=yes, externip=myIP,canreinvite=no
05:55.03dshapthat's all at the top under [general]
05:55.09dshapthen i have [voipms] which is my "A"
05:55.17dshapand under that i have everything else
05:56.43[TK]D-Fenderdshap: ...
05:56.46infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
05:57.40SunnyDPhas anyone of you been succesfull at setting DHCP option 120 (SIP Servers) in Windows Server DHCP ?
05:57.45dshapjust posted it under the name "dshap"
05:57.47dshapit's up on pastebin
05:58.43[TK]D-Fenderdshap: WHICH ONE?!  provide the LINK
05:59.09carrarI'm thinking the 6th one down
06:00.07[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Location counts.  Your REGISTER *ends** the rest of general and those settings you think are part of it are ignored
06:00.26[TK]D-Fenderdshap: REGISTER's have to come AFTER everything else under pgeneral]
06:01.15carrarSynny, option 120 needs to be type "ip-address"
06:02.01SunnyDPcarrar: array or not? have you been succesful at settimg up under windows server ?
06:02.34carrarYou can use "array of ip-address"
06:02.37*** join/#asterisk sergee (
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06:02.41carrarif you have more then 1 IP
06:03.05SunnyDPcarrar: ahhh ok, i get it, did not know what array was...
06:03.06carrarhowever make sure array's of IP is support for that field
06:03.18SunnyDPok great
06:03.24carrarstart with "ip-address"
06:03.29carraronce that works
06:03.38carrartry a array if you have more then 1 IP
06:03.49dshapD-Fender: just moved my register statement to be the last line under [general], it is still tming ou
06:04.03dshaptiming out*
06:05.04[TK]D-Fenderdshap: And I don't see new configs, no call debug, and what do you have forwarded to your server?
06:05.48dshapbasically i signed up for this SIP trunking origination/termination service at
06:05.53dshapi ordered a DID
06:06.04dshapwhen I call the DID, the call is supposed to be forwarded to my server via SIP
06:06.19[TK]D-Fenderdshap: not what I asked.  what PORTS are forward to your server?
06:06.46dshapin linux i typed "ifconfig"
06:06.52dshapto get my server's local IP
06:06.57dshapwhich is
06:07.01dshapthen i went to my router setup page
06:07.09dshapand set up a DMZ for
06:07.14dshapwhich i believe forwards ALL ports
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06:07.38dshapi was trying to eliminate that as a possible issue for why i have not been able to get this working
06:07.40[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Overkill, but OK.  Now show me your NEW configs, and some SIP debug
06:07.59dshapnew configs on the way, but how do i pull up the SIP debug?
06:08.11[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Configs first then I'll grill for the rest
06:08.21carrarand grill he will!!
06:09.14[TK]D-Fenderhas 3 cooking modes : raw, rare, and burnt to a cinder
06:10.03carrarThen Sushi is a great fit
06:10.03dshapi am prepared to be grilled. my new config is the one i just sent with the register line moved - i am generating another pastebin right now
06:11.03dshapnew sip.conf:
06:12.32[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Also if you read the guide you'd know your [voipms] section has to be "nat=no"
06:12.55dshap*sigh*, i swear to you i read the guide but i just missed that =\
06:13.03dshapill update that now
06:13.10[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Fix this, and enable SIP DEBUG at * CLI and show me your registration attempt
06:14.38dshapok now with SIP DEBUG there is a lot of stuff on the screen
06:14.42dshapshould i just paste it all to pastebin?
06:16.26dshapSIP debug:
06:16.33dshapthat has my username on it but whatever, i dont care
06:16.38dshapi just want to get this thing working!
06:16.42dshapthank you very much for your help, by the way
06:16.44dshapi appreciate it
06:16.55[TK]D-Fenderdshap: pastebi your exact sip.conf masking ONLY passwords
06:17.08dshapcoming right up
06:17.16dshapill put *** for the passwords
06:17.38[TK]D-Fenderdshap: fine
06:18.53*** join/#asterisk ctp (
06:19.22dshaponly passwords masked, everything else untouched ^^
06:19.44[TK]D-Fenderdshap: AH...
06:19.56[TK]D-Fenderdshap: You didn't specify your LOCALNET <----------
06:20.09[TK]D-Fenderdshap: You clearly have real trouble reading directions
06:20.11dshapi read in the guide that this is only for local calls
06:20.15dshapno no no
06:20.15dshapi read it
06:20.19dshapi guess i just misunderstood it
06:20.24dshapi thought that because i'm getting a call from
06:20.27dshapthat it would NOT be a local call
06:20.34[TK]D-Fenderdshap: How the &#^$ is * supposed to know what COUNTS as local if you don't tell it?
06:20.49[TK]D-Fenderdshap: things taht are NOT local get the externip.
06:21.09dshapi guess i just thought that if i left it out then it would just consider everything at not local =\
06:21.10[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Since you didn't define your local subnet range it isn't SENDING the WAN IP for your contac:
06:21.12dshapok im adding localnetright now
06:21.29[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Contact: <sip:s@> <---------
06:22.35*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (n=mrnaz@
06:22.37dshapshould i add
06:22.46dshapwhat about the /24 do i need that?
06:23.16[TK]D-Fenderand its "localnet ="
06:23.23[TK]D-Fendernot .12
06:23.48dshapgot it
06:23.53dshapthat makes more sense
06:24.03[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
06:27.42dshapstill timing out. new config @ and new SIP debug @
06:28.37carrarnothing is getting in
06:28.59carrarpossibly nothing getting out
06:29.04carrarcheck your network
06:29.15*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (
06:29.25dshapwhat should i do to check it
06:29.27[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Check the firewall on you * server
06:30.14dshapit is enabled!
06:30.22[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
06:30.32carrarreaches for TK's ClueBat also
06:30.32dshap1 sec
06:30.36[TK]D-Fenderbludgeons the McFuck out of dshap
06:30.48carrarwaits in line
06:31.16[TK]D-Fenderhands carrar a STRAW to finish off the pulp he's left with
06:31.53[TK]D-Fender2 words : chunky fucking salsa.
06:32.26dshapok im using CentOS 5.3/KDE which i'm extremely new to...i went to Administration --> Security Level and Firewall --> Firewall Options --> I clicked disable
06:32.38[TK]D-Fenderdshap: "iptables --flush"
06:32.39dshapwhat about SELinux...should I make that Disabled as well?
06:32.55dshapright now SELinux is "Enforcing"
06:32.56[TK]D-FenderFFS we'd better not be dealing with that TOO
06:33.33[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm done for the night.
06:33.42dshapi disabled everything
06:33.47[TK]D-Fenderdshap: Your configs are better now, fix your box.
06:33.49dshapi did "iptables --flush"
06:33.57[TK]D-Fenderis off
06:34.02dshapwhat the hell could be wrong with it?  the only thing i did was install asterisk
06:35.10drmessanoyum remove iptables
06:35.18dshapwhat does that do?
06:35.32drmessanoIt buys goats to eat your lawn
06:35.36drmessanoCome on now
06:36.04dshapi just dont know what "iptables" is
06:36.16dshapobviously yum remove uninstalls it
06:36.21drmessanoiptables is the firewall thats fucking your shit up
06:36.26dshapwell fuck
06:36.35drmessanoKick that bitch out, shes fucking your brother
06:36.44drmessanoThen move on
06:36.53trentcreekI got IP tables on my box
06:37.04dshapand asterisk still works?
06:37.13dshap(iptables in the process of being kicked out
06:37.38dshapto be honest i just want to get my box up and running so i can start to learn the cool stuff
06:37.43dshapill worry about security later on
06:37.45drmessanoThen help him config it, trentcreek
06:37.50dshapno no
06:37.52dshapim kickin the bitch out
06:37.58dshapshe's DONEZO
06:38.16drmessanoChange the locks, keep her stereo.. fo shizzle
06:38.35trentcreekiptables -P INPUT ACCEPT
06:38.53trentcreekiptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
06:39.06trentcreekiptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT
06:39.15trentcreekiptables -F
06:39.18drmessanoSo keep iptables, just make it wide open?
06:39.27trentcreekiptables -X
06:39.32drmessanoNO POINT.. remove that shit
06:40.18drmessanoThats like buying a $500 security door and putting a door stopper on it to keep it open all the time
06:40.38trentcreekhey..good idea
06:41.04carraropen root policy
06:41.36dshapis there anythign i need to do
06:41.39dshapto refresh or whatever
06:41.41dshapafter removing iptables
06:41.46dshapor can i just go right back into asterisk
06:41.49dshapand fire it up
06:42.16drmessanois it 4:20 again?
06:42.32drmessanodshap is firin one up
06:42.41dshapfuckkkk this shit
06:42.45dshapiptables gone
06:42.46drmessanoIs asterisk running
06:42.48dshapno firewall
06:42.59dshapi got "Asteisk Ready"
06:43.11dshapfollowed by *CLI>
06:43.25dshapand then after 10 seconds or so i start getting the timeout messages
06:43.44drmessanoThis is where I would get drawn and quartered for recommending a nice GUI based installed
06:43.47carrarcause A) nothing is getting out of your network or B) nothing is getting in
06:43.48drmessanoLike AsteriskNOW
06:44.35carrarYou should update SSH on your Asterisk box also
06:44.47carrar4.3 is old
06:44.59dshap'yum update ssh' ?
06:46.21dshaphow might i verify that i have a network problem by using something other than asterisk?
06:46.58drmessanoopenssh-server.i386                      4.3p2-29.el5
06:47.03drmessanoThats current
06:48.58dshapwhat do you guys use asterisk for? if you don't mind me asking
06:49.08trentcreekwashing dishes
06:49.17trentcreekmaking cheap calls
06:49.46drmessanomaking calls
06:49.58trentcreekset up one server and hand out ATAs to everyone for free calls
06:50.26carrarI can't reach your SIP port
06:50.30carrarYou have a network issue
06:50.40carrarPORT     STATE  SERVICE
06:50.41carrar5060/udp closed sip
06:50.43drmessanoAsterisk gives me an inexpensive PBX solution I can run on modest hardware, and also allows me access to VoIP service providers who offer much cheaper phone service
06:50.56trentcreekomfg there is no tilde on this KB
06:50.59dshapso maybe the DMZ isn't working
06:51.06*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
06:51.11carrarwill it IS working for TCP
06:51.11drmessanoDMZ sucks
06:51.18carrarbut not for UDP appearently
06:51.20drmessanoIts a half ass solution
06:51.27dshap1 seclet mesee
06:51.34drmessanoDMZ on SOHO routers is often "kinda DMZ"
06:51.38drmessanoOpen some ports
06:51.44drmessano5060, 10000-20000
06:51.49drmessanoWe'll wait
06:51.57dshapwould i put 5060 for both inbound port and private port?
06:52.08trentcreekbot: ata
06:52.11drmessanoWhat kind of router is this?
06:52.11carrarfor now
06:52.14carraropen everything
06:52.14trentcreekbot ATA
06:52.17drmessanoOh my god
06:52.21drmessanoA belkin?
06:52.22carrarall UDP
06:52.32dshapyea why
06:52.32drmessanoAll yours, carrar
06:52.47dshapi havent had issues with port forwarding before
06:52.49drmessanoI hate Belkin
06:53.07carrar5060 UDP
06:53.10infobotwell, ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
06:53.18carrarnot TCP
06:53.24dshapjust forwarded 5060 UDP
06:53.25dshapcheck it
06:53.28dshaphowever u were checking it
06:54.05trentcreekmay want to install fail2ban
06:54.22trentcreekyum -y install fail2ban
06:54.41infobotit has been said that fail2ban is a program to ban people using iptables based on information in logs:
06:55.02dshapy would i need to ban people?
06:55.04trentcreekoops..need IP tables
06:55.24trentcreekpeople that keep trying to log into your system with scripts
06:55.37drmessanoHe hasnt even gotten his firewall working.. Please fuck off with the fail2ban crap
06:55.44dshapcarrar, you're tellin me my router is fucked
06:55.48dshapis that correct?
06:56.01carrarI'm just saying I can't reach your UDP/5060
06:56.02dshapyou are somehow able to check if port 5060 (required for SIP) is open on my router
06:56.07dshapand it's showing that it is closed?
06:56.20carrarnmap -sU -p 5060
06:56.26carrarPORT     STATE  SERVICE
06:56.27carrar5060/udp closed sip
06:56.39carrarone that works should display:
06:56.40carrarPORT     STATE         SERVICE
06:56.40carrar5060/udp open|filtered sip
06:57.01carrarfor instance
06:57.02carrarnmap -sU -p 5060
06:57.07carrarPORT     STATE         SERVICE
06:57.07carrar5060/udp open|filtered sip
06:57.26carrarYou however are unreachable
06:57.34dshapso that is definitely my problem
06:57.54dshapcould it be a linux issue?
06:57.57dshapon my machine
06:58.09carrardoublefully is you have done:  iptables -F
06:58.17dshapi have the router set to forward port 5060 UDP -->
06:58.29dshapi dont have iptables
06:59.06dshapi just changed the local IP on the port forwarding
06:59.10dshapto forward to another computer on my network
06:59.18dshaptry to reach UDP 5060 1 more time please?
06:59.19carrarJust for fun
06:59.24carraradd this to the top of your sip.conf
06:59.34dshapabove [general] ?
06:59.41carrarjust below
06:59.51carrarand restart *
06:59.58carrar"restart now"
07:00.07dshapit's not currently running
07:00.12dshaphasn't been for a while
07:01.00dshapbut ok i just did that
07:01.03dshapnow starting asterisk again
07:01.07carrarthere you go
07:01.10carrarthats it
07:01.14carrarPORT     STATE         SERVICE
07:01.14carrar5060/udp open|filtered sip
07:01.25*** join/#asterisk grndslm (n=grndslm@
07:01.38dshaphaven't gotten the timeout message yet...
07:02.05dshapwhat asterisk command do i type to see if i am successfully registered?
07:02.37carrarsip show reg?
07:02.46dshapit worked!
07:02.51dshapit's showing up on my control panel website for
07:02.52dshapmy IP
07:02.55dshapit registered
07:03.03dshapthank you so much dude
07:03.08dshapwhat was the problem?
07:03.12carraromg you FAILED to read the instructions :)
07:03.21dshapWHERE in the instructions did i fail to read?
07:03.34carrarInstead of deleting everything in the example sip.conf
07:03.46carrartry only removing things you know you don't want
07:04.09carrarstart by removing eveything that is commented out
07:04.12dshapmy stupid SIP provider made it seem to me like i just needed their file
07:04.14dshapwhich was obviously wrong
07:04.44dshapok wow
07:04.47dshapi have a lot of reading to do
07:04.51dshapso now that i'm registered
07:04.53dshapi can call my DID
07:05.03dshapand it will execute the dialplan in my extensions.conf?
07:05.08carrarprobably not
07:05.13dshapy not
07:05.17carrarsince you don't have any SIP phones registered
07:05.45dshapwhy do i need a SIP phone?
07:05.47carrarunless you just answer it and play a file
07:06.03carrarWhere is the call gonna go?
07:06.08carraronce it hits your * box
07:06.11dshapwhat if i want to answer it, play a file, and then transfer the call to another number on the PSTN?
07:06.24dshap(via my SIP provider)
07:06.24carrarcan do that
07:06.28carrarsend it back out
07:06.31dshapdoes that require further editing of the sip.conf file?
07:06.38trentcreekdshap: That is what google voice is for
07:06.44carrarhopefully not
07:06.53dshaptrent i'm fully aware of what google voice does
07:06.56dshapi have a different plan :-p
07:07.47dshapmy goal for now is to have many different audio files stored on my server
07:08.02dshapwhen someone calls the server, i want it to look up their phone number in a MySQL database
07:08.08dshapand then play the appropriate file
07:08.17carrardon't use MySQL / Oracle
07:08.21dshapwhy not
07:08.23carraruse PostgreSQL
07:08.40dshapi read that you can use PHP to interact with AGI
07:08.49carrardb doesn't matter
07:08.55dshapand i already have experience doing PHP/MySQL development
07:08.56dshapfor web apps
07:08.57carrarbut PostgreSQL is better
07:09.02dshaphow come
07:09.11carrarPHP with PostgreSQL is the same
07:09.11Nuggetoh man, that's the understatement of the century.
07:09.19dshaphaha yea?
07:09.29dshapwell i could probably learn the PostgreSQL functions in PHP
07:09.36carraryou should
07:09.39dshapis it free?
07:09.45Nuggetit's free-er than mysql.
07:09.48carraryes yes
07:09.56dshapdoes it have like an easy-to-use GUI for managing tables and stuff?
07:10.12carrarnice gui
07:10.14dshapis it the same relational database setup like tables/columns
07:10.16*** join/#asterisk SebastianS (
07:10.17carrarfor the CLI Impaired
07:10.24dshapand similar SQL syntax for interacting?
07:10.31carrarSQL is SQL
07:10.37carraronly better
07:10.38dshapok well you guys seem like you know what you are talking about
07:10.41carraron POstgreSQL
07:10.44dshapi will definitely look into PostgreSQL
07:11.00Nuggetpostgresql also has much better documentation
07:11.12drmessanocarrar has me convinved PGSQL is the way to go
07:11.20drmessanoDamn carrar
07:11.32dshaplet's say i want someone to call my asterisk server
07:11.33carrarI've used both MySQL and POstgreSQL
07:11.40dshapand then i want to connect them to another number on the PSTN
07:11.48dshapwill that call be routed through my asterisk server at all times?
07:11.56dshapsuch that i will be incurring both origination and termination costs?
07:11.58drmessanoMySQL is nice.. just pisses me off how bad it sucks.. otherwise, its nice
07:12.10carrardshap, thats up to your sip carrier
07:12.18carrarhow many SIP Channels they let you have
07:12.24carrarif there is a limit
07:12.24dshapunlimited they say
07:12.35carrarthen you probably pay a per min charge?
07:12.35dshapbut there is a different rate for origination & termination
07:12.35*** join/#asterisk NetEcho (n=NetEcho@unaffiliated/netecho)
07:12.41dshap$1/month for the DID
07:12.46dshapand $0.01 per minute
07:12.47carrarYou're golden then
07:12.50dshapwith a 6-seond billing increment
07:12.54dshapseemed like the best deal i could find
07:13.14dshapright but if i'm doing termination & origination
07:13.19dshapit would be $0.02 per minute
07:13.32dshapsince they are calling the server and the server is calling the person they are talking to
07:13.49dshapis there no way for my asterisk server to set up a completely separate connection between 2 PSTN lines
07:13.49carrarwell inbound "should" be free
07:13.56carrarunless it's a TOLLFREE DID
07:13.57NetEchohey guys, question you may be able to answer, I saw an old Systm episode where they set up asterisk using a SIPTURA box to convert the PSTN line to voip, but I just found out cisco bought SIPTURA, so I was wondering where I might be able to get an affordable SIP adapter to convert my PSTN line to VoIP
07:14.03dshapnah it's def not free
07:14.06dshapand it's not a tollfree DID
07:14.58carrar"affordable SIP adapter" is relative
07:15.16dshaphey carrar and everyone else - thanks for your help
07:15.17carrarAudioCodes makes nice FXS/FXO devices
07:15.20dshapi'm glad i got this up and running
07:15.22NetEchowell not like digium's $1000+ adapters
07:15.22dshapim gonna get to bed
07:15.44carrarthey aren't $1k
07:15.50carrarthey work nice
07:16.01dshapthanks again
07:16.06*** part/#asterisk dshap (
07:16.14carrarok maybe that was a problem ;)
07:17.21NetEchoideally I'd need a setup that takes my PSTN line and pipes it into the asterisk system and to 1 or 2 standard non-voip phones, that I can route calls to and then the rest of the phones would probably be Cisco voip phones over a router
07:18.00carrarSo a TDM400 with 1 FXO and 2 FXS ports
07:18.09NetEchothe normal non-voip phones are my cordless ones, unless there are cordless voip phones now
07:18.19carrarnone standard voip
07:18.23carrarbut still voip
07:18.26carrarnot analog
07:18.34carrarSo a TDM400 with 1 FXO
07:19.33NetEchocan only find the TDM410
07:19.46NetEchoFXO is for the PSTN line right?
07:20.50carrarthink of O as connects to the central Office
07:21.02carrarthe local CO
07:21.24NetEchowhat I eventually plan to have set up is to make it so the phone only rings in rooms that people are in and add in silent mode that silences phones when you don't want them to ring and if all phones are set to silent it automaticly goes to voicemail
07:21.27carrarFXS, connects to a Station aka analog phone in your house
07:22.01carrarFXS provides dialtone
07:22.07carrarFXO accepts dialtone
07:22.51NetEchoyea it would seem they don't sell the TDM400 anymore
07:23.30carrarthey just call them something different
07:23.46NetEcho$500 and up wow
07:24.17*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
07:24.36NetEchothats more expensive than the computer lol
07:26.10NetEchohrm I just stumbled upon openvox
07:26.14*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
07:26.42NetEchofully compatible with Digium hardware aparently
07:27.49NetEchocouldn't asterisk be set up to use a computer modem ?
07:28.51carrarX100P if you want to do it cheap and have issues
07:28.58drmessanoModems are not voice quality hardware
07:29.11carrarfind copies for like $7 on ebay
07:29.25drmessanoSo no one would bother beyond an effort made years ago thats still biting us in the ass
07:29.47carrarspend the money and do it right
07:30.53NetEchoI'd probably go with OpenVox A400P
07:30.56carrarhere are some
07:31.07NetEchonot the cheapest but not insanely expensive either
07:31.17NetEchothis is just a pet project of mine
07:31.40*** join/#asterisk hastinapur (
07:32.01carrarstay away from grandstream anything
07:32.22drmessanoOpenvox isnt bad for a hobby card
07:32.26NetEchowell the A400P is apparently similar to the TDM400
07:32.32NetEchojust a lot cheaper
07:32.37drmessanoYou at least get the feel of how a TDM card works
07:32.47drmessanoI wouldnt run a business on one
07:32.55NetEchonah this is all for home use
07:33.03*** join/#asterisk cjk_ (
07:33.08carrarHow much is the A400P
07:33.10NetEchoonce I get a feel for how everything works I can upgrade
07:33.23NetEchoon sale for $199.95 right now
07:33.32drmessano$170 incl. Shipping with 4 cards on ebay
07:33.39drmessanoThey're all over ebay
07:33.40NetEcho4 cards holy crap
07:33.40carrartwince as much as the audiocodes 1FXO1FXS
07:33.51drmessano1, 2, 3, and 4
07:33.55NetEcho2FXS 2 FXO
07:34.03drmessano1 is like $90
07:34.26*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
07:34.28carrarYou want A400P01
07:34.33drmessanocarrar: Thats fully loaded for $170 incl shipping
07:34.51NetEchothe one I'm looking for allows me to change out the FXO and FXS modules with TDM modules later on
07:35.13NetEchowait sorry
07:35.19*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
07:35.39NetEchoDigium's X100M/S100M <-- those any decent
07:35.40*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
07:35.50drmessanoThats just a MODULE
07:35.56carrarwoah $89
07:35.57NetEchoare they good modules?
07:35.57drmessanoLook at the link I posted
07:36.00carrarhow about $79
07:36.09NetEchocause the card is swapable with them
07:36.30carrarI've recommend all I am gonna recommend
07:36.32carrargood night
07:36.41carrarpasses the tourch to drm
07:37.06NetEchoI got a perfect little mini-itx system that would handle this just nicely
07:47.29NetEchoI gotta run, I'll do some research later
07:47.35*** part/#asterisk NetEcho (n=NetEcho@unaffiliated/netecho)
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07:59.20joakoAnyone use egika softphone? I just tried and even though asterisk says answered I just hear continuous ringing
08:17.22KyleKekiga works for me
08:25.26*** join/#asterisk joobie (
09:08.16*** join/#asterisk shareenergy (n=go@
09:09.14shareenergyhello guys anyone knows why mixmonitor does not save on  the folder if i dont use exten => _X.,1,Answer() ?
09:10.42shareenergyexten => _X.,1,Answer()
09:10.42shareenergyexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}|30)
09:10.42shareenergyexten => _X.,2,MixMonitor(in-${EXTEN}--${STRFTIME(,,%F-%T)}-${CALLERID(num)}.wav)
09:10.42shareenergyexten => _X.,3,Congestion
09:10.42shareenergyexten => _X.,102,Busy
09:10.49shareenergythis works without any problem
09:17.30kaldemarthat definitely won't work without any problems, since you have two lines as priority 1.
09:18.00*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:19.22kaldemarput the MixMonitor before the dial and it'll work.
09:25.09shareenergykaldemar I tried that
09:25.12shareenergyno result
09:25.46shareenergyhow can i check if the call was answerd and then mixmonitor?
09:26.50kaldemarlook at the CLI prints. but anyway, put the MixMonitor first.
09:26.59plundraI'm pretty new to pgAdmin, but the Explain tab, what's it for? :-) I would assume my explain-query would give me some nicely formatted stuff there.
09:27.12plundrabah, wrong channel :-P
09:32.56shareenergykaldemar the problem is that I recording agents
09:34.12*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
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09:35.58shareenergykaldemar if i use answer
09:36.04*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
09:36.11shareenergymy queues go crazy on the queuemetrix
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09:51.41*** join/#asterisk \void\ (
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10:06.35milouxcan someone elaborate what hangupcause AST_CAUSE_INTERWORKING 127 means?
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10:39.13kaldemarmiloux: that the call has ended and the remote end wasn't probably capable of sending an appropriate cause code.
10:43.20*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (n=eject@
10:44.16eject_ckI'm writing extension I need use it for XXX or XXXX. what I need use instead last X in XXXX ?
10:44.20eject_ckexten => _0XXX,1,Dial(SIP/111,,WtrD(${EXTEN}))
10:44.20eject_ckexten => _0XXX,2,Hangup()
10:44.55eject_ckto be equal to
10:44.55eject_ckexten => _0XXX,1,Dial(SIP/111,,WtrD(${EXTEN}))
10:44.55eject_ckexten => _0XXX,2,Hangup()
10:44.55eject_ckexten => _0XXXX,1,Dial(SIP/111,,WtrD(${EXTEN}))
10:44.55eject_ckexten => _0XXXX,2,Hangup()
10:45.37eject_ckI mean write extension using one line without additional extension
10:48.54*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@unaffiliated/sherif)
10:50.33kaldemareject_ck: there are only "one or more" or "zero or more" pattern characters. "." and "!" respectively.
10:52.46milouxkaldemar: thanks!
10:53.14*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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10:55.59eject_ckkaldemar: how can I remove first zero form ${EXTEN} - e.g. I need use 0466 or 05433 and dial 466 and 5433
10:56.56kaldemareject_ck: ${EXTEN:1} will remove the first digit, whatever it is.
10:57.29eject_ckso finally it's
10:57.29eject_ckexten => _0XXX!,1,Dial(SIP/111,,WtrD(${EXTEN:1}))
10:57.29eject_ckexten => _0XXX!,2,Hangup()
10:57.32eject_ckright /
10:59.03eject_ckyes, thanks!
11:02.54*** join/#asterisk HeMan (
11:03.44HeManHi! is it possible to set up asterisk so anyone can call in, not just other registered sip phones?
11:05.50kaldemareject_ck: yes, but keep in mind that it also matches everything that is longer than 4.
11:06.06kaldemarHeMan: yes it is.
11:07.20\void\I am developing 3G gateway, I've build system according to instructions, when I am making a videocall from mobile, asterisk hangs up on h324m_loopback() or h324m_gw_answer() for aprox. 10-15 seconds, and then hangs up (no video, no audio, no errors), anyone know this issue?
11:07.54*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
11:08.11HeMankaldemar: I get "Failed to authenticate user " when I try, what do I miss?
11:08.57\void\asterisk hangs* for aprox 10-15sec, and then hangs up
11:10.57HeManwhat are those types of calls called?
11:12.57*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
11:13.43kaldemarHeMan: guest calls. allowguest=yes in sip.conf.
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11:20.20HeMankaldemar: an it should be in [general], right?
11:22.12eject_ckkaldemar: i need use . instead ! ?\
11:22.31eject_ckwhere I can read doc about wildcard mask ?
11:27.04\void\eject_ck, here
11:27.27HeMankaldemar: no difference with if I have yes or no to allowguest in [general] in sip.conf
11:29.48*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:34.17kaldemareject_ck: if you use 0XXX., it only matches to numbers that are 4 or more digits long:
11:34.25*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
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11:34.57kaldemarHeMan: are you calling with a user that matches a device? show a cli output of a call with sip debug enabled.
11:35.59kaldemarHeMan: if you want to prevent all authentication, use insecure=port,invite.
11:36.22HeMankaldemar: no, I gave it a name that I'm sure is not used
11:36.40HeMankaldemar: could there be security implications to do that?
11:37.09kaldemarno calls are authenticated after that. you do the math. :P
11:41.50HeMankaldemar: worked!
11:42.06*** part/#asterisk eject_ck (n=eject@
11:42.11HeMankaldemar: now I have to figure out why it got in the context it got...
11:44.04HeMan...and turn it off directly since it got in the context where it could call out without authentication...
12:01.21*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
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12:09.21HeManCan I make all guest calls to get into a specific context?
12:10.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:20.23SuPrSluGyou can force any call into any context you want
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12:21.06kaldemarHeMan: define a context under [general]
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12:22.23*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
12:23.52[TK]D-FenderNA NA NA NA NA!
12:23.57[TK]D-FenderLEIF IS LEIF!
12:26.35creativxlife is life
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12:29.41leifmadsenLife is Leif
12:29.49leifmadsenand vice-versa
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12:41.17j_kroonhi guys, i seem to have run into a file descriptor leak when using Monitor()
12:42.25j_kroonhow would i go about trying to track it down?
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12:44.44leifmadsenj_kroon: sounds like something you might use valgrind to find
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12:55.08jayteevalgrind :-) , sounds like one of those bulk bargain coffees. "Our Valgrind brand is only $3.99 a pound but has the same rich robust flavor of gourmet coffees costing twice as much"
12:56.35coppice"Our Valgrind brand is only $3.99 a pound but has the same rich robust flavor of gourmet coffees costing twice as much per kilo"
12:57.08j_kroonok well, different question ... how do i trouble-shoot a file descriptor leak in asterisk?
12:57.32j_krooni'm getting lots of dangling file descriptors to files in /var/spool/asterisk/montior
13:02.03*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (
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13:03.55KyleKj_kroon: turn debugging up really high?
13:04.19KyleK(no idea what the monitor directory is for)
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13:10.04j_kroonKyleK, for call recording.
13:10.09rhassingKyleK, the monitor directory is the directory where the files are placed for monitored calls (core show application Monitor )
13:10.29j_kroonand no, i'd wager I'd need to run asterisk inside of gdb or something ... and on that particular box it's not really an option, so I need to reproduce elsewhere.
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13:20.39j_kroonrhassing, that's the easy part yes.  but in order to function the app opens files in that folder, it's never closing them.
13:20.43j_krooni'm trying to figure out why.
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13:44.04j_kroonrhassing, ok, it seems it's not the Monitor() app, it's file convert.
13:44.10j_kroonit doesn't close it's input file.
13:44.40rhassingj_kroon, why do you want to convert the file?
13:46.40*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
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13:48.26Dr-Linux|homeI'm using asterisk 1.4.25, problem when i dial from outside pstn DHHDI channel execute the AGI and suddendly agi crashes,
13:48.45Dr-Linux|homehowever if i dial the same extensions directly from softphone local extensions, all works fine
13:49.28Dr-Linux|homemaybe due to : DAHDI/4-1
13:50.31j_krooncan anybody please confirm the following bug:  when issueing file convert via the cli asterisk does NOT close the input file?
13:50.35j_kroonDr-Linux|home, AGI vs DeadAGI perhaps?
13:51.11Dr-Linux|homej_kroon: where DeadAGI invovled?
13:51.22j_kroonrhassing, the reason for conversion is manyfold, mainly the recording happens in one format and the client wants to convert to mp3 for archiving purposes (not the best, but whatever)
13:51.35*** join/#asterisk theron (n=theron@
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13:51.52j_kroonDr-Linux|home, DeadAGI should be used if the channel is not yet answered.  I've never used AGI myself ... so take it with a pinch of salt.
13:52.00j_krooneither way, it shouldn't cause a crash imho.
13:52.09Opticfiles ticket with link2voip support
13:52.11Dr-Linux|homej_kroon: it was just working fine when it was Zap/4-1  but it is not working now when it is DAHDI/4-1
13:52.14Opticnot sure what's wrong with my *
13:52.38j_kroonrhassing, so the idea with the script is to first convert to .g729 for playing back if the client "retrieves" a call from a phone, and it's the input file for this that's leaking.
13:53.15Dr-Linux|homewhat's the difference between zapata.conf and chan_dahdi.conf?
13:53.20j_kroonDr-Linux|home, i've seen some strange differences between Zap/ and DAHDI/ could be another one.  try adding an explicit Answer() before invoking AGI() and retest.  just to make sure.
13:53.39j_kroonDr-Linux|home, Zap got renamed to dahdi for version 2 of zaptel.
13:53.51j_kroonsame thing though, but obviously there are differences.  and some of them are obscure.
13:53.54Dr-Linux|homej_kroon: already Answer() is there
13:54.21Dr-Linux|homeyeah but any difference in parameter in .conf file?
13:54.46Dr-Linux|homebecause i simply copy data from zapata.conf and put in chan_dahdi.conf
13:55.06Dr-Linux|homedo i need some difference parameters in chan_dahdi.conf?
13:55.49*** join/#asterisk fiesch (
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13:56.20*** join/#asterisk Silicium_ (n=Silicium@2001:bf0:c080:200:0:0:0:23)
13:56.22Silicium_hi there
13:56.41j_kroonDr-Linux|home, not that i can recall.
13:57.02Silicium_what means _X and s in the extensionField in extension.conf?
13:57.35*** join/#asterisk intralanman (
13:57.56[TK]D-FenderSilicium_: ...
13:57.58infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
13:58.18[TK]D-FenderSilicium_: This is Dialplan 101 and something you NEED to master.  Dialplan is 95% of *.
13:58.21Silicium_yea i actually own this book
13:58.29Silicium_but it is to difficult to find.
13:58.38*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
13:58.58[TK]D-FenderSilicium_: PDF is right thre, as is HTML
14:00.31fieschheya. what's the state of the"page" function in the current asterisk build... can i assume that it "works" if the auto-answer header is supported? Been assigned to a project to add mobile forklifts on the whole company campus to the pbx via omni-wlan antennas and sth like Siemens S75 (optimal), Polycom 8030 or a UTStarcom Wifi
14:00.32*** join/#asterisk theron (n=theron@
14:01.20[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: Page has always worked.
14:01.22fieschcommunication should be like with all forklifts having two way radios on the same channel and can dial out and to specifix extensions within the administration building
14:01.30[TK]D-FenderfieWhat your DEVICE does is ITS problem.
14:01.41[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: What your DEVICE does is ITS problem.
14:01.56fiesch[TK]D-Fender: well yes, i should possibly have been a bit clearer
14:02.25[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: Apples & oranges.  Page is not a suspect here.
14:02.40Silicium_thanks for help...
14:02.42fieschwhat's the general level of interoperability as seen by the community.. like number confirmed working / number available
14:03.25fieschI'll have some over for testing in the following weeks but as time is like always not on my side ...
14:03.47*** part/#asterisk Silicium_ (n=Silicium@2001:bf0:c080:200:0:0:0:23)
14:04.49[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: huh?!
14:05.06[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: "number working"?  you aren't making any sense
14:05.25fiesch[TK]D-Fender: nevermind.
14:06.25fieschnumber working spelled out reads "Number of SIP hardware end devices confirmed working with the standard Asterisk Page command"
14:06.51*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
14:06.58[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: All of them.
14:07.28[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: Page doesn't do ANYTHING.  Its just a combined Dial command.
14:08.01[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: there is no magic in "Page".  Its dial + MeetMe, and every bit as dumbed down as that description sounds.
14:08.13fiesch[TK]D-Fender: great, that's what i wanted to hear. I'll need to whip up sip support details for the phones then.
14:08.20[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: You could do the same thing spawning Originates into a MettMe yourself
14:08.34jayteedumbed down is being polite. wicked frakkin retahded is more like it
14:08.40[TK]D-Fenderfiesch: and Every SIP phone has its own header / AA format.
14:09.08[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No, I save that for OTHER commands, but I've made a promise not to rag on it so much ;)
14:09.46[TK]D-Fendereppigy: "I'm not sure what a Holla-Back girl is but I want her dead." - Brian on 'Family Guy'
14:10.34fieschwell I'm off thangs for the info
14:10.35fieschhate those
14:11.04*** join/#asterisk securevoip (
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14:20.04timeshell_atworkHey, does asterisk and dahdi work under 64 bit?
14:21.11[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: JFG.... awww fukkit
14:21.30*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
14:21.33timeshell_atworklol [TK]D-Fender Wouldn't a yes or no be easier?
14:22.16timeshell_atworkYah I coulda googled it.
14:22.32timeshell_atworkBut that would be anti-social of me.
14:26.10*** join/#asterisk ck_28 (n=CK@
14:26.15[TK]D-Fendertimeshell_atwork: Yup.. putting the "fun" back into "dysfunctional"
14:26.24ck_28i am using a call file to generate a call
14:26.37ck_28how can i get the status of the call
14:26.41timeshell_atworkOk then let me rephrase.  Do asterisk and dahdi work WELL under 64 bit?  Are they stable?
14:27.15ck_28how to know if the channel available or busy or unavailable ?
14:33.17[TK]D-Fenderck_28: DIALSTATUS sure seems to say it...
14:33.55j_kroon - not closing the descriptors causes asterisk to eventually die with out of file descriptors!
14:34.26ck_28[TK]D-Fender i am using a call file
14:34.44j_kroontimeshell_atwork, yes.
14:34.56ck_28[TK]D-Fender what i am doing is moving the file to /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
14:35.27timeshell_atworkj_kroon Thank you
14:35.30j_kroonrussellb, you the same russel who closed my bug report?
14:35.39ck_28[TK]D-Fender not dialing it direcktly
14:35.52[TK]D-Fenderck_28: whatever that means...
14:36.38*** join/#asterisk Jacke (
14:36.45[TK]D-Fenderck_28: Yes i know all about call files...
14:36.54ck_28sorry i know that  you know
14:37.06[TK]D-Fenderck_28: "dialing directly" as though that term necessarily meant something specific or special
14:37.27*** join/#asterisk SlipperyChicken (
14:38.00ck_28how can i get the call status for the call
14:38.01[TK]D-Fenderck_28: See if you're looking to process things yourself for the "Channel:" then you should be choosing a channel type that LETS you.
14:38.29[TK]D-Fenderck_28: Go read over *'s list of channel types a few dozen times ro until your eyes bleed :)
14:38.44[TK]D-Fenderck_28: One should hopefully stand out to you befor that happens.
14:39.11lost_soulwondering, if I enable followme, and turn off the soft phone on my pc the followme doesn't seem to be used.  For whatever reason asterisk just hangs the call up.  Is this normal behavior or are my settings improperly configured
14:39.14*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
14:39.20ck_28[TK]D-Fender i will make what i am  asking for more clear
14:39.28j_kroonlost_soul, freepbx?
14:39.34ck_28[TK]D-Fender  at the call file Context: fax-tx
14:39.41lost_soulasterisk running on openbsd
14:39.52lost_soulversion 1.4 something
14:39.59ck_28at [fax-tx] i add exten => s,n,Noop(HANGUPCAUSE is ${HANGUPCAUSE} and DIALSTATUS is ${DIALSTATUS})
14:40.20ck_28[TK]D-Fender i cant get nothing for the value  ${DIALSTATUS}
14:40.49[TK]D-Fenderck_28: pastebin the REST of that dialplan.
14:40.52infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
14:41.00ck_28[TK]D-Fender because asterisk manager test if channel available it will continue to context
14:41.06[TK]D-Fenderck_28: because things aren't occuring in the order you think they are.
14:41.40j_kroonlost_soul, follow me is not an asterisk feature by itself but implemented in the dialplan.  so how did you configure the follow me?
14:42.25[TK]D-Fenderj_kroon: followme.conf <- sort of is...
14:42.32lost_soulj_kroon: exten => _1XX,n(lbl_incoming_calls_3),Followme(${EXTEN}|a)
14:42.40lost_soulis what I used to call it in extensions.conf
14:42.44j_kroonfeels stupid now
14:42.54lost_soulthen setup the followme.conf
14:43.17*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
14:43.17ck_28[TK]D-Fender kindly check it
14:43.27lost_soulbasically all I wanted it to do was if the softphone on pc was off cuz I want to shut that pc down...  have it ring the house phone
14:43.55[TK]D-FenderFollwme is a complete waste as you could alsways have done it in pure dialplan...
14:43.55ck_28[TK]D-Fender i add my call file and extension.conf + sip.conf
14:44.07[TK]D-Fenderlost_soul: that IS a complete waste
14:44.18[TK]D-Fenderlost_soul: Just dial them back to back
14:44.19KyleKaww come on
14:45.14lost_soul[TK]D-Fender: so have a dial command after the local ext and before the voicemail?
14:46.18*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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14:46.26[TK]D-Fenderlost_soul: Yes
14:46.59lost_soul[TK]D-Fender: will give that a shot, thanks
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14:51.44[TK]D-Fender[intra]lanman: [i][n][t][r][a][l][a][n][m][a][n]
14:52.42[intra]lanman^[T][K][D-F]ender$   ?
14:52.51Dr-Linux|homeI can't recieve callerid, when i plug phone line to a box where DAHDI running
14:53.09*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:53.12Dr-Linux|homebut if i plug same cable in to a box that running zap .. i can get callerid
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14:53.41Dr-Linux|homeon both boxes zapata.conf and chan_dahdi.conf are identical to each other
14:53.44Dr-Linux|homeany advice?
14:54.30[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: ... show us everything because right now we see nothing and trust even less :)
14:54.55infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
14:55.07Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: you mean, show you chan_dahdi.conf?
14:55.11*** part/#asterisk securevoip (
14:55.20[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Obviously
14:55.27[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: and failed call with debug, etc
14:55.47[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: you've been at this for years.  Do yuo really need to ask what to show?
14:55.58[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Seriously Shah......
14:56.08ck_28[TK]D-Fender did you see the link i paste
14:56.23Dr-Linux|homeAiatek: both ..mmm both files are just same
14:56.27[TK]D-Fenderck_28: tahts MY link.  READ IT
14:56.50[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Don't give us a story, give us your configs and a failed call with debug
14:56.52Aiatekthats what you say
14:57.09Aiatekshow what you have in both side
14:57.47*** join/#asterisk Chuggs (
14:58.08Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: not sure how to debug DAHDI calls
14:58.22ck_28[TK]D-Fender what can i do to detect
14:58.46ck_28before answers
14:58.58*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
14:58.59ck_28is there any lines i can add ?
14:59.36ck_28[TK]D-Fender or any other solution
14:59.40[TK]D-Fenderck_28: Go read over *'s list of channel types a few dozen times or until your eyes bleed :) <--------
14:59.52[TK]D-Fenderck_28: See if you're looking to process things yourself for the "Channel:" then you should be choosing a channel type that LETS you.
15:00.46Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: see there:
15:01.54[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Core debug and NoOp the damn callerid.
15:02.01[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: I don't see you NO getting it there
15:02.11[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: And no, there is no way in hell I trust your AGI :)
15:02.16Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: NoOP doesn't show
15:02.25[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: SHOW ME.
15:02.34Dr-Linux|homehang on
15:03.19*** join/#asterisk mv2 (n=maverick@
15:06.48Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: see there:
15:06.57Dr-Linux|homeno caller id
15:07.19[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: I don't see the CODE to go with that either
15:08.38Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: want to see dialplan, what i have?
15:08.46*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
15:09.40Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: There is nothing to do with AGI, that is just example
15:09.45Dr-Linux|homecaller id should be first thing
15:09.48KyleKmv2: I dont think IAX2 does video
15:09.52Dr-Linux|homesee here the dialplan:
15:10.09Dr-Linux|homebut that doesn't matter much in my case
15:10.38Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: tell me one thing, do you think anything wrong at chan_dahdi.conf?
15:11.48[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: What ver of *?
15:12.18[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: well exten => 8800,n,NoOp(${CALLERID}) <--- not a proper way to get the CID
15:12.32[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: there is a FUNCTION for this since 1.2 and the vars are dead crap.
15:13.01Dr-Linux|homeyes i know, but still i grabs the callerid
15:13.04[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Please do this the RIGHT way
15:13.19[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: I am not going to trust half-assed deprecated bits and pieces
15:14.15Aiatekwhich one is the proper way to get the caller ID?
15:14.39mv2Kylek: ok thanks
15:15.50[TK]D-FenderAiatek: "core show function CALLERid"
15:15.55[TK]D-FenderAiatek: "core show function CALLERID"
15:15.56*** part/#asterisk ck_28 (n=CK@
15:16.09[TK]D-Fenderguesses ck_28's eyes have bled out...
15:16.50*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
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15:20.32Aiatekok thanks
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15:25.15eppigyKatty: caught up on sleep :D
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15:31.14phixhi cunts
15:31.18phixhow are you?
15:36.44eppigyI thought I was looking at a different channel for a sec
15:38.16[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Well?
15:38.58KavanSin one sentence, why would one use 1.6 vs. 1.4...what sizeable additions have been made?
15:41.07[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Go read the CHANGES docs included with the tarball
15:41.29KavanSso you wouldn't upgrade?
15:42.23[TK]D-FenderKavanS: Any more words you'd like to put in my mouth while you're at it? :)
15:42.25Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: sorry that server is disconnected
15:42.50KavanS[TK]D-Fender, ok, so 1.4 is the way to go then, roger that
15:43.05[TK]D-FenderKavanS: That would indeed be "more".
15:43.21[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
15:43.53*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
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15:44.37*** join/#asterisk BCS-Satori (
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15:45.37BCS-SatoriMy VoIP carrier decided to charge extra for CNAME's a few months back on each DID.  Is there a way or service that can lookup CNAME's based on the caller ID number and display them on the phones without having to go through the carrier?
15:46.17*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
15:46.18carrarBCS-Satori, yes there is
15:46.44ctooleyBCS-Satori, Yeah, you can do an SS7 Dip.  But, I'm guessing that you're probably going to be paying less for the CNAM service on your DID's than those trunks cost.
15:48.18BCS-Satorictooley: so there is no open free alternative?  Its $3.00 a month per DID but at 100 DID's it gets a little crazy for something that use to be free.
15:48.47carrarGet a provider who doesn't nail you in the ass for CNAM
15:49.24BCS-Satoricarrar: I can not agree more
15:49.28carrarThey should be passing CNAM
15:49.33carrarif they are any good
15:49.45carrarpassing to you
15:49.45BCS-Satoricarrar: they use to for the past year, and decided April 1st to make it a pay for service per DID
15:50.12carrarso port your numbers to someone else who does
15:50.21*** join/#asterisk s14ck (
15:50.36BCS-Satoricarrar: Probably what we will be looking at doing.
15:54.46*** join/#asterisk da__d00d (
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16:18.42ck_28[TK]D-Fender how can i install Ms sql odbc driver and use with asterisk
16:19.07*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
16:19.19[TK]D-Fenderck_28: #odbc
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16:30.03rhassingI passed my dCAP exam :-)
16:30.19*** join/#asterisk BlargMaN00 (n=blarg@
16:30.32rhassingI'm so happy, I just wanted to share this moment :)
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16:51.32jameswfis infobot talkin to himself
16:51.51eppigyno i am dave
16:52.13coppiceno, dave is a TV station in London
16:52.17*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
16:52.18neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Correct me if im wrong, but i have 26 rooms in this resort, if i buy a Mediatrix 4124 a 4108, for an extra 100 or so i can grab 2 4116's and leave room for more phones if need be? make sense?
16:52.30infobotwell, infobot is [infobot], or infobot, or likes abuse
16:52.49infobotdave is probably the renowned inventor of the FR-clapper
16:53.52telnettechneurosys: you are correct. Just depends on what you want
16:54.02telnettecheither way would work
16:54.26neurosystelnettech:  thanks :)
16:54.27Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
16:54.46telnettechgood day Nugget
16:54.58infobot:), eppigy
16:55.57*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
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17:06.51[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Whatever combo is most cost-effective do you
17:07.32*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
17:07.38hardwirestupid nickserv
17:08.20hardwireanybody in the US found a trunk or DISA system that allows a call to go through to a mobile client without charging them for minutes - and instead charging you?
17:10.08hardwirebasically making zero-rated calls to mobile customers on a variety of mobile networks
17:10.24[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: doesn't work that way.  you are calling out to multiple destination carriers.  THESE people want to gouge their customers so no.... not really viable
17:10.36Kattyman i feel fat.
17:10.50hardwire[TK]D-Fender: I'll take your word on it.
17:11.12hardwireI didn't think there would be a clearing house that is dealing with all mobile subscribers.
17:11.19hardwirethat's a lot of work
17:11.19[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: And it'd be per carrier as well
17:12.03hardwire[TK]D-Fender: indeed.  If I want to make zero-rated calls I will need a means to trunk in to a mobile network and pass a mobile ANI for all concurrent channels.
17:12.06hardwirethinks more.
17:12.11*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:12.30hardwiregiven that those people have free inbound for mobile-mobile
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17:20.05hardwirefoxy voxter
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17:27.27eppigyKatty: girl dont be silly
17:32.43*** join/#asterisk PanicMan (i=Learner@
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17:35.55ck_28[TK]D-Fender i telneted to  5038
17:36.16PanicManhello to all, I'm new in Asterisk, Want some help regarding Asterisk+H323+SS7
17:36.17ck_28when i type Action: Login
17:36.20ck_28nothin appears
17:36.38PanicManmay i proceed !
17:37.20PanicManany helper care to help :(
17:40.25PanicMananybody played with asterisk with SS7 ?
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17:46.53watchyhardwire: callout and fake your cid to a cell on the carrier
17:47.45watchyfrom what i understand that will work
17:52.04*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
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18:27.34hardwirewatchy: you'd think they would know what trunk/means the call came in on.
18:27.46*** part/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
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18:34.47seb-[TK]D-Fender: got access to a Windows machine? if yes do you mind calling my server and testing chat w/ me? i think i'm good to go
18:35.13seb-[TK]D-Fender: Also, possible to create a custom Ekiga that has config for a specific server embedded you can hand out to people?
18:38.37[TK]D-FenderSebWhy would i require a Windows machine? :)
18:39.01seb-[TK]D-Fender: i agree...they are lame but my students will undoubted have 100% windows
18:39.02[TK]D-Fenderseb-: I know that Zoiper allows you to roll-out preconfigured clients.
18:39.38seb-[TK]D-Fender: zoiper...but you got my heart set on ekiga
18:39.45[TK]D-Fenderseb-: Mind you anyone dumb enough not to be able to follow filling in the 4 blanks in the account entry screen shold be dragged out and shot anyway :)
18:40.32seb-[TK]D-Fender: i just tried on a windows machine...didn't work...maybe a firewall issue....anyhoo can i pm you my password..i need to test my headset (mic + headphones) i bought as you suggested
18:41.11seb-[TK]D-Fender: shoudl only take a sec
18:43.17[TK]D-Fenderseb-: @work, can't work on this now
18:43.36seb-[TK]D-Fender: ok..maybe another time
18:43.41seb-[TK]D-Fender: how are things w/ you?
18:45.11seb-[TK]D-Fender: is there a time on a weekday we can test the chat? (I can test on weekends as this only works when *i'm* at work)
18:49.08Optici figured out what was wrong with my *
18:49.15Optici had a server connecting that I had forgotten all about :(
18:49.23Opticso I turned it off, and now all is well
18:52.36*** join/#asterisk SebastianS (
19:01.34therealcircutok all
19:01.39therealcircutso i got a great one for ya
19:01.50therealcircutwe have this overhead paging device that works on a WCTDM400P
19:02.14therealcircutu call its extension, it rings once, picks up and plays whatever over the intercom
19:02.30therealcircutwell we installed a TDM800P card with 2 FXS modules, and now the intercom has stopped working
19:02.50therealcircutwe measured the voltage coming from the TDM400, and it was 49.1 base
19:02.57*** part/#asterisk Optic (
19:03.03therealcircutthen we measured the voltage coming from the TDP800P, it was 45.1
19:03.35marv[work]is there any way from the dialplan to call multiple devices, play something to them before they're bridged, then bridge one of them? I tried using app_dial and the M flag, but it still hangs up on the others as soon as one person answers
19:03.46therealcircutalso the polarity on the 800P was opposite from the 400P, I was able to flip
19:04.15therealcircutthe 800P polarity to be the same as the 400P, but im still seeing only 45.5v on the 800p
19:04.31therealcircutive tried tinkering with the 'fxovoltage' setting, but the voltage remains at 45.5
19:04.37therealcircuteven after a restart / reload
19:05.01therealcircutanyone have any ideas on how to bump up the voltage on the 800P card?
19:05.24*** part/#asterisk seb- (
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19:08.35therealcircutgood one right?
19:09.14therealcircutmarv[work]: any output in your asterisk console?
19:10.03cyford-techhi,  i have a question,  are there any privacy laws against outgoing calls?
19:10.34cyford-techin america
19:10.57cyford-techopps i mean call snooping on outgoing calls
19:12.34*** join/#asterisk spck (
19:13.39marv[work]therealcircut: looks like if I instead dial local channels and have them dial the real channels and then pass the M option on that second dial, it does what I wanted it to do. (iow the local's don't pass the answer back to the originating channel until the macro is finished running)
19:13.44marv[work]but that's kind of nasty
19:15.27*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
19:16.51spckwhat's the diff between trixbox and asterisk?
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19:17.16therealcircutspck: trixbox is a distribution designed specifically to run an asterisk pbx
19:17.39therealcircuthas some neat features, and probably is a good starting distro for people not comfortable with linux / asterisk
19:18.33*** join/#asterisk vasundhar (n=vasundha@
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19:19.01[TK]D-FenderNope... a BAD start using more dated * versions, a forked GUI that the main branch doesn't want to her about, etc
19:19.22therealcircutoh i forgot, [TK]D-Fender knows all
19:19.48[TK]D-FenderAnd charges a reasonable rate for selective recollection ;)
19:20.38infobot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
19:21.12lesouvageI run and just found out that channel variable ${DIALSTATUS} isn't available anymore. I did some Googling and I read about the function DEVSTATE that should be a replacement in svn but this function isn't available in Should the channel variable still be there in this version?
19:21.23therealcircutwhatever helps you sleep at night
19:21.38[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: PARDON?
19:21.44therealcircutlesouvage: i think u need to install the bristuff package to ge that
19:21.55eppigyman what
19:22.14jameswftherealcircut: The three wise men help me sleep at night
19:22.18[TK]D-Fendertherealcircut: Can I have some of that crack you're on?  thats some good stuff ;)
19:22.18eppigy< therealcircut> has some neat features, and probably is a good starting distro for people not comfortable with linux / asterisk
19:22.21eppigyread: lazy
19:22.51infobotHard work may pay off later, but LAZINESS pays off now! Work hard at hardly working!
19:23.11therealcircutjameswf: sleeping with 3 men helps you sleep at night?
19:23.42eppigyto each his own
19:23.46therealcircut[TK]D-Fender: heres something i bet u dont know
19:23.57therealcircutwill a 2002 ZX9r engine fit on a ZX6r frame
19:24.02therealcircutwith no modifications
19:24.02jameswftherealcircut: I was talking about Jim , Jack and Johnny but that could work too wanna come over
19:24.05marv[work]as for as I know, app_dial still sets DIALSTATUS
19:24.11therealcircutjameswf: zing
19:24.45eppigytherealcircut: if we were in #greasemonkey
19:24.52eppigythat might be relevant
19:25.35lesouvageAFAIK ${DIALSTATUS} used to be one of the normal channelveriables. see But the variable stops having soe value at all.
19:26.08eppigyI find it hard to believe it has been depricated
19:27.25[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: Bet you believe everything you read on Wikipedia too ;)
19:27.36marv[work]DIALSTATUS is still set by app_dial in
19:28.03[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: And they can't remove DIALSTATUS in a 1.4 release.  Thats be a major change and its in MAINTENENCE mode <-
19:28.19[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: So umm... WTF are you doing? :)
19:28.43*** join/#asterisk ayeso (
19:29.18marv[work]also the DEVICE_STATE function does something different
19:29.20ayesois there a way in the dialplan to do something after a caller has hung up? I want to call the voice mail application then do something after the caller has disconnected.
19:29.41*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
19:29.42marv[work]ayeso: the h extension
19:29.42[TK]D-Fendermarv[work]: COMPLETE different :)
19:29.59ayesomarv[work]: Ill check it out, thanks for the info
19:30.20[TK]D-Fenderayeso: Who is going to tak to Voicemail if they've hung up?
19:30.38marv[work][TK]D-Fender: i think he means do something after they hung up from the voicemail
19:30.39*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
19:31.24therealcircutchuck norris thats who
19:31.31ayeso[TK]D-Fender: I want to check if the called party has a new voicemail after the voicemail app was called. if not, then i need to send an email to the called party with the souce ani of the caller.
19:31.32[TK]D-Fendermarv[work]: If thats the case there is an exit script hook anyway.
19:32.03[TK]D-Fenderayeso: there are scripting hooks in voicemail.conf go read the samples
19:32.12*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
19:32.31therealcircutanyone know what the fxovoltage parameter for the wctdm24xx.ko module does?
19:32.45ayeso[TK]D-Fender: cant say i'v seen anything like that in there, ill take a look.
19:35.27lesouvage[TK]D-Fender:  I will pastebin the asterisk code and the cli output when making a call. It shows that ${DIALSTATUS} doesn't have a value.
19:35.40*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
19:37.33[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: Forget code, show me your dialplan and its execution.
19:37.41[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: Proof is in the pudding...
19:38.01[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: Don't need anything more than stark reality.
19:38.10lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I'm working on it.
19:38.34*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (
19:41.53lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: see
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19:43.13*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
19:44.31lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: see is not a command it is more a short version of "could you please check my pastebin and see if it makes any sense":-)
19:45.57ajohnsonI'm having an issue with ODBC voicemail storage.  When Asterisk goes to insert a voicemail message into the database, I get an error:
19:46.16ajohnsonODBC realtime is working for my queues, sip peers, voicemail users, etc
19:46.28*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
19:47.07ajohnsonHappening on 1.6.0, .1, and .2-beta2
19:47.08beekajohnson: Does the user you're connecting as have SELECT,UPDATE,DELETE,INSERT rights on that table?
19:47.17ajohnsonYes, root
19:47.22ajohnson(during testing)
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19:47.47ajohnsonbut I'm also using it for CDR, SIP realtime, and those also involve inserting/updating
19:48.33beekAny errors appearing in your MySQL logs?
19:49.01ajohnsonHard to tell
19:49.19ajohnsonI have query logging turned on
19:49.36ajohnsonbut the binary data that gets logged screws up my terminal when I use tail to follow it
19:49.49wdoekesnon-null columns in your voicemail table, not mentioned in the insert?
19:49.53ajohnsonthe insert statement gets issued, and binary data is attached, but it does not get inserted
19:50.25ajohnsononly non-nul field is msgnum
19:51.03ajohnsonall fields appear to be populated when I look at the query log
19:51.04wdoekesuse less or cat -v to view the binary log
19:51.36[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: .. OK, WTF are you doing here?
19:51.49ajohnsonthanks, I must not have binary logging enabled
19:51.54wdoekesor enable text logging of all queries (I do not know what it does with binary data though)
19:52.05[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: You aren't even ISSUING a dial, how the hell are you supposed to get a DIALSTATUS?
19:52.17ajohnsonI have text logging of all queries enabled
19:52.27ajohnsonwrong window :)
19:52.52wdoekesso when you issue the insert yourself, all is well?
19:52.54ajohnsonahh cat -v is much better, didn't screw up my terminal
19:53.20ajohnsonit contains a BLOB, so I'm not sure how to handle that when doing an insert (other than leave it null)
19:54.06wdoekesme neither.. no experience with blobs.. sorry :)
19:55.24lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I tried it with inbound and outbound dialing.
19:55.34[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: You aren't even DIALING.
19:57.43lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I will run the same on a box.
19:57.50[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: YOU HAVE NO DIAL!!!!!!!!!
19:58.00[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: I don't care what you run it on.
19:58.10ajohnsonwdoekes: Thank you
19:58.13[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: DIALSTATUS is set on EXITING a dial
19:58.26ajohnsonthere is missing information in the documentation
19:58.32[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage: You can't get a result without taking an action.
19:58.47ajohnsonthe insert included with the sources as documentation to create the table is wrong, it is missing a field
19:59.23ajohnsonI'm just going to verify and then see if I can submit something on bugs
19:59.45watchyhardwire: a company i do business with does it
20:00.07ajohnsonwoot, that was it
20:04.27*** join/#asterisk jcims (
20:04.42jcimshey folks, are there any good sites for hosted pbx reviews?
20:05.18jcimsi'm looking at coredial and jive, prices vary a bit but the features are both the same.  i'm pretty sure both use asterisk
20:07.12[TK]D-Fenderjcims: Does it matter what they use?  In going with a hosted solution you generally have no say in anything
20:07.28*** join/#asterisk lost_soul (
20:07.41jcims[TK]D-Fender: no, not really...just sometimes lends to a common feature set
20:08.04[TK]D-Fenderjcims: Suppose tahts all fine & dandy...
20:10.38*** join/#asterisk pewsh (
20:11.49therealcircutlater boys
20:14.08ajohnsonWhere is the info for submitting a core dump?
20:14.57NuggetQwell has "issues"
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20:17.22ajohnsonhaving difficulty finding it, though I know I've seen it before
20:17.35[TK]D-FenderNugget: No, Qwell helps on the bug tracker.. he SOLVES problems :)
20:18.12NuggetIt can be both!
20:18.50ajohnsonwhen in doubt, google
20:19.23Qwellwhen in doubt, visit the URL people tell you to? O.o
20:20.04ajohnsonQwell: Which would be nice, if the information was on the page given
20:20.07ajohnsonor at least easy to find
20:21.59neurosysoh this is gonna get good ;)
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20:28.38[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:31.14hardwirewatchy: testing that today.
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20:40.23nicobhello, I have some trouble setting up my digium with asterisk anyone can help ?
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20:43.22*** join/#asterisk porche (n=kursad@
20:43.37porcheI have a question about faxing with asterisk
20:43.49porchewhich solution is the most stable?
20:44.43*** join/#asterisk DarkLogik (n=darklogi@
20:49.45coppicethe stability of the FAX solutions mostly comes down to the stability of the timing you are achieving in your particular Asterisk installation
20:52.44porcheso there is no stable solution?
20:53.06asteriskmonkeygo with hylafax :) it works nice with iaxmodem
20:53.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
20:54.37NuggetI need to write an irssi plug-in that stick an "s" in porche's nick.
20:54.53*** join/#asterisk LND (
20:55.12coppiceif your timing is stable you'll have stable results. there are many many installations handling hundreds of thousands of FAXes a day using iaxmodem+hylafax and using app-fax
20:55.24nsgncan anyone offer any helpful advice for a first timer trying to configure one polycom phone with asteriskNOW?
20:56.09[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Go download the Admin guide & firmware appropriate to your phone and hop to it...
20:56.22*** join/#asterisk seb- (
20:56.34nsgn[TK]D-Fender: clicking, thanks
20:57.01seb-anyone need to test their sip phone? i need to test my * server....i'll pm you my password if you want to call
20:57.50[TK]D-Fenderseb-: I'm home & can test
20:57.57seb-[TK]D-Fender: you rock!
20:58.20porchecoppice, so you point to iaxmode + hylafax
20:58.32porchethere is a commercial one from asterisk, ever used?
20:58.39porchefrom digium
20:59.28coppicethere don't seem to be many reports about that one. there are quite a few reports from people having problems setting it up, but not many from people who have figured it out
21:00.56seb-[TK]D-Fender:'d you the info
21:02.58porchegot it
21:03.09porcheso it's relatively new, to jump in
21:05.01coppiceit doesn't offer anything more than the free options. I thought they would have released V.34 FAXing, but what they released is quite basic
21:05.17nicobmy b410 recieves calls fine but says "everyone is busy" when trying to place an outgoing call. Any quick fix for an asteisk newby ?
21:06.56*** join/#asterisk frantic667 (
21:07.32[TK]D-Fendernicob: pastebin your failed call
21:07.34infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
21:09.19porchei see
21:10.29nicob(I have setup an IAX fallback right now so the call goes out to another server and out, so users don't complain)
21:10.56nicobline 68 shows my "symptom"
21:10.57[TK]D-Fendernicob: What is your zap interface?
21:11.19[TK]D-Fendernicob: And what is it connected to?
21:12.31nicobthe digium B410 card is connected to ISDN if that answers the question
21:12.35nicob(sorry I'm new to all this)
21:13.02[TK]D-Fendernicob: Yeah, I'm multi-tasking and it just went over me...  You sure a number starting with 00 is legal?
21:13.39nicob0 is to identify the "outside" route defined in/through FreePBX
21:13.55nicob06 is the start of my mobile number
21:14.12nicobI'm sure surprised BOTH zeros show in this log
21:14.42KyleKthe zappyy thingy is dialing that
21:14.55KyleKmaybe the dialplan needs to eat a zero?
21:15.00[TK]D-Fendernicob: well its dialing 00 to the PSTN
21:15.03nicobfixing that right now
21:15.09[TK]D-Fendernicob: it isn't stripping a 0 off the front
21:16.01nicobsame thing
21:16.13lesouvage[TK]D-Fender: I updated my expertise about ${DIALSTATUS} . I seem to have mixed things up leading to asking a not that smart question.
21:16.22nicobchanged the config to be 0|0X.
21:16.53nicoband the log still says "Everyone is busy/congested at this time"
21:17.35nicobKyleK: what's the |300| suposed to mean here ?
21:18.02eppigytime limit on dial
21:18.10[TK]D-Fenderlesouvage:  :)
21:19.12nicobany other clue to hit me with ?
21:20.55KyleKcan you try making a call with a specific channel? either the hardware doesn't like you, or maybe its trouble with the grouping
21:21.47eppigynicob: what is the output of zap show status?
21:21.58*** part/#asterisk seb- (
21:22.03eppigyclearly the channels in g0 are not up
21:24.07nicobeppigy: only talks about "ZTDUMMY". Smells bad.
21:24.21eppigyyeah bro
21:24.27eppigythat is not good
21:26.08nsgni'm having one heck of a time just testing out a single polycom phone. i'm trying to use it's web panel to manually point it at asterisk and seem to be failing. input?
21:26.34eppigyi just do it manually
21:26.50eppigyplus I mean what does sip.cfg contain?
21:26.57eppigyit may be set in there
21:27.00nicobbut I understood (maybe wrongly) that I didn't need Zap with this B410 and only needed misdn ?
21:27.11[TK]D-Fendereppigy: H'es nowhere near the point of touching provisioning yet
21:27.37eppigybottom line grab the keypad
21:27.43eppigyand set provisioning type
21:27.45eppigyand ip address
21:27.50eppigyOFF TO THE RACES
21:27.51[TK]D-Fendereppigy: He could be and I pointed him that way, but has 0 experience and seems to be trying the web interface as he said
21:28.08eppigynicob: well brother
21:28.14eppigyif you are calling ZAP channels
21:28.16eppigyyou need zap
21:28.20eppigyyou know what I mean
21:28.25eppigyYA FEEL ME
21:28.40KyleKnicob: so these incoming calls that work, where do they come from?
21:28.45[TK]D-Fendereppigy: AT&T's "reach out and touch someone" hasn't gone tactile yet ;)
21:28.52nicobKyleK: that's a good question !
21:28.55eppigybeing the operative
21:29.30[TK]D-Fendereppigy: I miss the good 'ole days when you could throw 10,000 volts down the line to fry that motherfucker pissing you off ;)
21:29.58eppigynow you have ot drive rto their house
21:30.01eppigyand it is all very messy
21:30.33*** join/#asterisk wubbla (
21:30.37wubblahi there!
21:30.40eppigyhey girl
21:30.43eppigywhat u doin
21:31.22wubblais not a girl...
21:31.30eppigydamn girl dont be liek that
21:31.57nicobso incoming calls DO travel through mISDN. I updated my conf to route outbounds the same way
21:31.59KyleKyea there are no girls on the internet
21:32.07nicobbut outgoing calls still don't go out
21:32.15KyleKso whats the error now?
21:32.39KyleKKirk to enterprise, pastebin us up
21:33.56[TK]D-Fendereppigy: My sensei gave me another surprise taht he planned for ANOTHER kyu test for this Sunday, making it the FOURTH in about 2 months time
21:34.12nicobyeah yeah
21:34.21nicobtrin' to figure WHAT to paste
21:34.32KyleKkyu test?
21:35.01KyleKnicob: the line that says "i hate you nicob -- not love, mISDN"
21:35.54nicobhates the part saying "port down"
21:37.39nicobhey !
21:37.56nicob"misdn port up 1" did the trick
21:38.18nicobnow it goes out
21:38.27nicobbut after a few seconds the port(s) go down again
21:39.09nicobso it's a misdn conf problem right ?
21:39.23wubblais anyone here familiar with SNOM telephones?
21:39.33hardwirewubbla: enough to make a killing
21:39.40hardwireliterally.. they have sharp edges.
21:39.44hardwireyou could whack somebody.
21:40.08wubblahardwire: okay then...
21:40.18*** part/#asterisk porche (n=kursad@
21:40.27wubblahardwire: is there any working solution to the "pickup-issue"?
21:40.27hardwirewonders if you have a question :0
21:40.40hardwireas in you pick up the phone.. and it answers?
21:40.56Deeewaynepickup lines
21:41.05hardwirelike "hey baby.. whats your sign"?
21:41.27hardwirewubbla: I'm being serious.. really..
21:41.35hardwirewhat's the issue cause maybe I call it the "hangs up on me issue"
21:42.04wubblahardwire: no i mean pickup in the context of extension monitoring and BLF...
21:42.26*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=greek@
21:42.32hardwiredunno.. how would any other phone handle that?
21:42.39hardwiremostly through asterisk itself right?
21:42.44hardwireit would send hints as needed, etc..
21:44.39*** join/#asterisk qdk (
21:44.57smthexten=>s,n,gotoif["${qwe}" = " ${asd}"]? 2:4      Does it work?
21:45.31*** part/#asterisk pewsh (
21:47.01nicobso how do I tell those stupid ports to *not* go down ?
21:47.11nicobisdn port viagra ?
21:49.49[TK]D-Fender[17:39]<hardwire>literally.. they have sharp edges. <- I work with far sharper ones :)
21:50.52[TK]D-Fendersmth: Looks plenty broken to me.
21:53.10*** join/#asterisk michaely (n=Mike@
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21:55.01smth[TK]D-Fender] , how can I make it to be conditional by comparing two variable
21:57.22nsgneppigy: [TK]D-Fender: i've gotten the phone talking to asterisk manually now, and am ultimately trying to test an outgoing call on my new digium PCI 8xFXO card. i'm already painfully confused. dialing 9 gives me a fresh dialtone, but dialing a number gives me all circuits busy
21:57.54[TK]D-Fendersmth: You have added whitespace in there that KILLS it
21:58.03telnettechi know this is probably the wrong channel but why would the amportal from freepbx not start when server is rebotted? Why would external incoming and outgoing calls not work thru created trunks but phone to phone internal calls work fine? why would i have to do amportal restart manually before the inbound and outgoing calls work?
21:58.06M1s3rysngn, check to see what the CLI says when you hear the circuits busy.... more info can be found there.
21:58.26[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: You're right... this IS the wrong channel :)
21:58.43telnettechthanks TK
21:58.51M1s3ry@nsgn ^^^ (I've come to find that mac's apparently don't like tab completing with xchat)
21:59.06nicobl1watcher_timeout seems to answer my question
21:59.08[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: And check your DISTRO as to why your startup process isn't doing what you like.  That isn't even FreePBX's prolem
21:59.21nsgnM1s3ry: hah, its ok. how would i check the cli? sorry for the likely stupid questions, i'm quite new
21:59.23nicobthanks to all for the quick and effective help, pointing to my stupid mistakes
21:59.32nsgnM1s3ry: i've got a keyboard/monitor on the box right now for ease
21:59.32telnettechyou are saying it maybe a CentOS problem?
21:59.43M1s3rynsgn, "asterisk -rvvvvvv"
22:00.06bmoracatelnettech: it's a configuration problem, related to your init scripts.
22:00.24telnettechok i will check....thanks
22:01.20M1s3rynsgn, if you can, try to pastbein what you see when the call fails, you'll get better answers from here if we can see what's happening.
22:01.28nsgnM1s3ry: wow, ok, it scrolls by more crap than i can even read in about half a second
22:01.39M1s3rythat happens
22:01.57M1s3ryespecially if you have multiple channels open
22:02.00nsgnM1s3ry: FYI, i'm on asteriskNOW and can't really figure out how to even tell if my digium card is even being properly detected or configured
22:02.12nsgnM1s3ry: this is a brand new install, one phone, one POTS line plugged in
22:02.30wubblais there any special development channel available for asterisk or should i just ask here?
22:03.02M1s3rywubbla, #asterisk-dev I believe
22:03.26wubblaM1s3ry: thanks!
22:03.42M1s3rynsgn, what version of asterisknow?
22:03.52nsgnM1s3ry: latest. installed today. 1.5 32bit
22:04.59M1s3ryexit out of the CLI and run dahdi_scan to make sure the server sees the card, or dahdi_tool would suffice as well.
22:05.10nsgnM1s3ry: thanks, doing. one sec
22:05.24*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=intralan@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
22:05.35nsgn"Wildcard TDM800P with VPMADT032"
22:05.42nsgnshowing all 8 FXO ports
22:05.59nsgnidentified as "Board 1"
22:06.05M1s3rythen at least we know your server sees the card, have you configured it?
22:06.48nsgnM1s3ry: i've got outbound routes and trunks but i FreePBX isnt really giving me further config than that. i feel i'm missing something :)
22:07.29M1s3ryto be honest I don't understand the FreePBX GUI nor do I want to.
22:07.44M1s3rybut that's just me.
22:07.48nsgnM1s3ry: that's ok. anything you can teach me in concept or directions you can point me is much appreciated
22:08.20M1s3rygo back into the CLI , and do "dahdi show channels" see if you have any channels configured.
22:08.40nsgnM1s3ry: ah, channels. now this is coming back to me. i played with * about 5 years ago
22:09.06nsgnM1s3ry: ahha! no channels
22:09.27M1s3rysounds like an issue. :)
22:09.28nsgnand apparently no way to configure channels on freepbx?
22:09.31nsgni cant find one
22:09.50telnettechnsgn: here is the link to freepbx documents....this may help
22:09.50M1s3ryI'm sure there is, but I couldn't help with that.
22:09.55*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
22:10.02telnettechor try the freepbx channel
22:11.02M1s3rytelnettech, docs ftw!
22:11.06telnettechreading the docs are good for your heart...less stress
22:11.36M1s3ryhits up a few redbulls....
22:11.42M1s3ryI'm ready to read now!
22:13.55*** join/#asterisk Alborracho (n=chatzill@
22:26.18nsgnwhere is zapata-auto.conf located?
22:26.37ChuggsAnyone doing a Municipal * setup in Alberta with a Telus PRI?
22:29.40nsgnanyone know why when i run try to run genzaptelconf i just get "command not found"?
22:30.12[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Maybe you don't have Zaptel installed?
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22:30.52nsgn[TK]D-Fender: does it not come with asteriskNOW?
22:31.15*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
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22:32.14[TK]D-Fendernsgn: probably depends on what VERSION
22:32.22nsgn1.5 32bit. latest
22:32.46[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Odds are NO and that it comes with DAHDI which is the new name for ZAPTEL
22:33.10nsgnah, ok. am i reading out-of-date docs when it tells me to run genzaptelconf? is there a newer command, perhaps, reflecting the new name?
22:33.59carrarAre there any uptdate docs? :)
22:34.04carrarbesides core show application
22:34.42carrarand the readmes
22:35.10[TK]D-Fenderand stuff
22:35.13[TK]D-Fenderand things
22:35.18[TK]D-FenderEspecially things...
22:35.28carrarand stuff is just cool
22:35.29[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Again, good odds :)
22:35.30nsgncarrar: i'm reading the POTS doc on the freepbx site
22:35.38nsgnclicked right from the docs page onto it
22:36.06carrarfreepbx? Never heard of it
22:36.09[TK]D-Fendernsgn: Yes, and keep in mind the DATES for those docs and the fact that FreePBX is a THIRD PARTY APP
22:36.33nsgnsure. which is why i'm asking if the command they're giving me is out of date or if my system simply isnt configured properly
22:37.07*** join/#asterisk [acer]lanman (
22:37.27*** join/#asterisk Alborracho (n=chatzill@
22:37.47Alborrachohow can i see this kind of debug in cli ? ast_log(LOG_WARNING, "I don't know about this dtmf mode: %s\n",mode);
22:38.04Alborrachoor in /var/log/asterisk/full (messages)
22:38.18[TK]D-FenderAlborracho: why are trying to find ways to see errors you don't have?
22:39.34Alborrachobecause i need to find a solution to my dtmf problem and debugging the chan_sip is the only thing left for me
22:40.09[TK]D-FenderAlborracho: So far I see you looking for backup for problems noone has confirmed you have.  I don't see any debug...
22:41.02Alborrachothe thing is in the telco they have another provider like me but they use "apex" platform
22:41.16Alborrachoand the can use dtmf in g729 with no problem
22:41.33Alborrachoso they keep telling me that my platform is the problem
22:42.58[TK]D-FenderAlborracho: And I still don't see debug for your failures, nor configs to match
22:43.02*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
22:43.41Alborrachoi just need based arguments to prove them im right
22:43.56Alborrachoand the only arguments i have is the trace
22:44.00Alborrachoand debugs
22:44.14[TK]D-FenderAlborracho: You've got them.... we don't
22:45.39*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
22:46.22Alborrachoi dont understand...
22:48.54nsgnalright, my reading tells me that genzaptelconf should be current, and that my issue is that i've got no channels defined in zapata.conf. i'm having a difficult time at this point determining why this is the case
22:49.01[TK]D-FenderAlborracho: i don't see your debug anywhere.
22:49.08[TK]D-FenderAlborracho: wHAT PART OF THIS IS NOT CLEAR?
22:49.40[TK]D-Fendernsgn: It isn't
22:50.07nsgn[TK]D-Fender: which isnt?
22:50.21[TK]D-Fendernsgn: It isn't CURRENT
22:51.27nsgni know zapata.conf is what is currently being sought by FreePBX because it says on the "Add Trunk" page that a Zap Identifier can either be a group or a channel defined in zapata.conf
22:51.50*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
22:51.58nsgnmy issue is that i have no zapata.conf file, and the only utility i can find that is supposed to create it, genzaptelconf, doesnt seem to exist
22:53.09[TK]D-FenderGo ask in FreePBX how to better build these with their DAHDI replacements
22:53.53nsgn[TK]D-Fender: alright, i'll hit them up with it. thanks
22:55.26*** join/#asterisk ctp (
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23:02.28nsgn[TK]D-Fender: they don't seem to be on top of that. it seems to be that, on the command line level, i simply need to configure my TDM800p properly
23:03.58*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
23:20.42nsgncould someone kindly help me configure FXO ports to be active channels? i've been googling and asking specific questions for nearly two hours now
23:20.49nsgnand have gotten essentially nowhere
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23:35.43nsgnargh, for the love of god, i've got everything except getting my digium's FXO ports to be added as channels
23:35.51nsgn"dahdi show channels" still shows me blank
23:38.52*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:57.32nsgnmy pissue is a blank chan_dhadi.conf file
23:57.39nsgnthough pissue isn't far from it
23:58.23nsgnwhy is this file blank?
23:58.29nsgnwhat am i supposed to populate it with?
23:58.38nsgnand is there a script/utility to populate it for basic setups?
23:58.47jayteehave you tried running dahdi_cfg -vvvv

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