IRC log for #asterisk on 20090520

00:01.13*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
00:01.20saftsackhi whats about t38 and *?
00:02.12orpheeewell Ivr do not accept playback and do not call julie  you can see the error and extensions.conf there
00:03.08ruben23KyleK: iahve an asterisk server with public and local ip and also i wan to register SIP softphones from a remote do i do the registration..?
00:03.36ruben23i put the public ip of my asterisk on the softphone domain..its not working
00:07.50KyleKruben23: it works for me(tm)
00:08.12ruben23KyleK:how did you do it..?
00:08.19KyleKare you sure the stuff in sip.conf is correct?
00:08.43ruben23what are the config i have to set.
00:08.59ruben23in particular
00:10.51KyleKnothing special
00:16.12ruben23wow..same setting
00:16.22ruben23but mine cannot connect
00:16.45KyleKlook at sip traffic?
00:17.03*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (n=nighty@
00:18.58ruben23KyleK:i think my sip client is behind NAt
00:20.36KyleKoh, so add in a stun server on the client?
00:22.05infobotsomebody said stun was that feeling you get when you realise your SIP call actually got through!.  Simple Traversal of UDP over NATs, or a client side method to cater to crappy sip servers, or a phaser setting
00:23.43KyleKxlite has it
00:23.54ruben23im using eyebeam..
00:24.01KyleKekiga does too, if others you'll have to look yourself
00:40.27rhassingorpheee, for one of my menus
00:41.18*** join/#asterisk blkry (n=blkry@
00:41.30rhassingorpheee, ?
00:42.05orpheeedon't understand your ivr .. too complex for me
00:42.27rhassingthe first part is a loop, so it will only be played 3 times
00:42.35rhassingthe second part is the menu
00:47.28orpheeebut i don't why  exten 1 is rejected
00:51.18orpheeeyes but for that
00:55.23rhassingmaybe you should add an "exten => s,n,WaitExten(5)" just after s,1,Background(menu1)
00:57.37orpheeei try
00:58.37orpheeeWOW man !
00:58.42orpheeei try again lol
01:05.01*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
01:06.53telnettechrhassing: trouble with ODBC was that on the remote server, the mysql service wasnt running correctly
01:08.40telnettechthought i would let you know with the help you gave me earlier
01:08.51telnettechim going home for the night!!!!!!
01:13.15*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
01:19.20orpheeerhassing thanks, my ivr work ^^
01:19.47orpheeebut how can i do to choose directly my choice
01:20.03orpheeeif i want directly choose "1"
01:20.55*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
01:23.18jplankanyone in the UK that could show me their dial plan?
01:23.33*** join/#asterisk emer08 (i=e@
01:23.40*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:23.58emer08anyone who can help me in configuring unicall.conf?
01:23.59emer08anyone who can help me in configuring unicall.conf?
01:25.12*** join/#asterisk captiancrash (
01:25.24emer08can anyone tell me how to configure the channels on unicall.conf to go both ways. incoming and outgoing
01:25.33emer08bit 1
01:25.37*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:28.44*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-2ae817ed7dec4956)
01:34.06KyleKcan I force an order on matching extension.conf rules?
01:35.26[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Yes, by grouping the extens in different "include"-ed contexts
01:35.45[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Otherwise extens within a flat context follow a specific sort order
01:36.20[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Though generally more specific extens match before patterns (just due to raw alphanumberic ASCII sorting
01:36.21*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
01:37.06KyleKyea its the raw alphanumeric sorting that was trouble for me
01:39.06*** join/#asterisk JT_ (n=j@unaffiliated/jt)
01:39.20[TK]D-FenderKyleK: there is a WIKI page which describes the ordering between sorting within a context and how bas extens in a contex are processed relative to includes
01:39.44KyleKthe voip-info wiki?
01:40.19[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Yes
01:40.42*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:04.27*** join/#asterisk tobias (
02:11.58*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
02:14.09*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:18.24emer08can anyone tell me how to configure the channels on unicall.conf to go both ways. incoming and outgoing
02:25.38*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
02:29.29*** join/#asterisk trentcreek (n=kvirc@
02:37.29*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
02:38.22*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
02:42.11*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
02:48.37*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
03:01.15*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-618264f9e1e1e1dd)
03:02.29*** join/#asterisk DarkLogik (n=darklogi@
03:11.09KyleKis there a NULL channel i can dial?
03:11.51ruben23can i use my TDM400P as my timing device for mya asterisk server.
03:12.27ruben23how do i installed it...but i already install my zaptel driver
03:13.15KyleKsounds like you can use it, maybe it defaults to it?
03:14.48jayteeif you have zaptel hardware and a zaptel driver loaded for your TDM400P then Asterisk will take timing for apps like MeetMe from it.
03:15.22jayteeif you installed Zaptel first before installing Asterisk
03:15.41ruben23actually i ahve a workign asterisk server
03:15.51ruben23but i want to add my TDM400P
03:15.57ruben23as my timing device
03:17.08ruben23so i just add it up
03:17.10jayteethen install the card, reinstall and reconfigure zaptel for the card and then recompile asterisk with zaptel enabled
03:17.12ruben23then let it run
03:22.18ruben23jaytee:my TDM400P card have no modules
03:22.25ruben23is it ok..?
03:24.15jayteehmmmm? no modules? what kind of bargain basement operation are you running there?
03:25.15ruben23jaytee: what i have here is the plane TDM400P wildcard only no module,,,can i still used this as timing device..?
03:25.48KyleKgive it a shot since you have the card
03:25.57jayteeruben23, I'd imagine so but not sure.
03:26.09ruben23ok ill try it...
03:26.35jayteeif the driver will load for it but you have no actual channels it should still work.
03:27.00ruben23how do i chweck the driver for this..?
03:27.07ruben23if it loaded
03:27.27jayteeps aux | grep zaptel
03:29.05ruben23this is a production server im quite nervous installing this....
03:30.49*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
03:32.52jayteeyou're kidding, right? you're learning asterisk and you're trying to install on a production system? are you nuts?
03:33.36KyleKback the config up?
03:34.08rob0Can't find reverse gear, how can I back it up?!?!
03:40.34[TK]D-Fenderruben23: And I've answered this question a half-doen times.
03:42.37[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Don't forget your solder and sound cards!  You'll miss the beeping sounds as you back it up ;)
03:44.43*** join/#asterisk mortsmel (
03:45.52mortsmeltrying to determin why my trixbox completely ignores advanced portion of voicemail and immediately goes to the requesting for previous message (by pressing star)
03:46.30jaytee"roger that, Houston. ISS crew report that his ship's starboard thruster assembly has been sheared off in a collision with one of the solar panel assemblies."
03:47.09mortsmelon hubble?
03:47.57jayteenope, talking about the Good Ship Ruben23 which is in a slightly deranged orbit at the moment.
03:49.22*** join/#asterisk Reality-X (
03:49.28Reality-Xsup folks
03:50.08[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Unidentified FAIL Object :)
03:50.29Reality-Xjust checking, is there a newer version of the php agi libs than version 2.14, or what libs would you all recommend for php agi development
03:50.49mortsmelthinks a quick fix is just reinstalling trixbox
03:50.49[TK]D-FenderReality-X: What do you see on the dev's site?
03:50.58mortsmelsucks ... got 30 customers on it though :(
03:51.24drmessanoor getting rid of trixbox
03:51.34mortsmeland replacing it with
03:51.35jayteeI was gonna say...
03:51.43Reality-X2.14 on sf, but im just checking to see if that is the "one" that most folks use
03:52.03drmessanoOne of the 10 other PBX distros based on a Asterisk and FreePBX
03:52.17drmessanoDo some research
03:52.31mortsmelaye aye
03:53.14drmessanoThats what I always say.. an aye for an aye
03:53.42jaytee"second star to the left and clear on till morning"
03:54.59rob0ewww, paying customers ... on trixbox?!?
03:57.31mortsmeljust looking for a freepbx / asterisk combo only now ... w/o all the extra bloat :)
03:57.36*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:58.16drmessanoAsteriskNOW or PBX In a Flash are my recommendations
03:58.17Qwellmortsmel: AsteriskNOW
03:58.28QwellWhoever wrote that should get tons of money and free beers.
03:58.40mortsmeland does it interface well w/ metaswitches?
03:58.57mortsmelvia sip trunking
03:59.06mortsmeli'm asking stupid questions of course it does
04:00.48mortsmelinterfacing w/ a friends meta right now ... 1 primary sip trunk and my asterisk box is basically terminating my customers ...
04:02.38drmessanoYoua lready mentioned you had Trixbox.. the responses given were based on your current setup, which is Asterisk + GUI (which isnt technically FreePBX anymore in trixbox, its a fork)
04:02.49drmessanoSo yea, stupid question
04:11.49Juggieis there a way to print all the variables on a channel
04:15.48[TK]D-FenderJuggie: "core show channel [channel]
04:17.37*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (n=w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
04:18.51Juggieany dialplan function that does it?
04:18.59Juggieso i could noop it out
04:19.22*** part/#asterisk M1s3ry (
04:19.25*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
04:23.26*** join/#asterisk trentcreek (n=kvirc@
04:24.39*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
04:32.30*** join/#asterisk nephfl (
04:44.57nephflanyone up?
04:46.25nephfli have a problem with my asterisk doesnt seem to be loading all the modules, when i restart it says it cant load all the features, could that mean too little memory?
04:46.50*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
04:46.59jake[work]can you pastebin the output?
04:47.23jake[work]should be error messages.  start asterisk -vvvvgcd
04:47.26nephfloutput of what? problem is i cant get sip to connect and dont see any sip module options in cli
04:47.54*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
04:48.07jake[work]output of:  asterisk -vvvvgcd
04:48.10[TK]D-Fendernephfl: You are clearly getting SOME kind of message so you'd better show us
04:50.30trentcreekMaybe the same problem I had of incorrect directory
04:50.41jake[work]maybe :)
04:51.55nephflthat was alot of crap
04:52.02jake[work]but let's not jump to conclusions before we see the output
04:52.38nephflbut it loaded properly that time
04:52.39*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
04:53.19jake[work]how was that different than what you did before?
04:54.54nephflthis system is running in an OpenVZ container
04:55.05jake[work]how did you start asterisk last time?
04:55.30nephfljust started arguments
04:57.24trentcreekWhat in asterisk is producing these headers?
04:57.34jake[work]i don't think the options i gave you should've been any different.  maybe somebody else can comment
04:59.35trentcreekthe "Unknown" I need to change because I am getting denied authentication
05:09.48nephflabout how much memory is require for *1.6?
05:11.36trentcreekmaybe 50MB
05:12.45trentcreekbut as you have it do more things, it goes up quickly
05:14.34trentcreekjust for making calls, you would probably only need 128MB..which includes the OS
05:28.51*** join/#asterisk sergee (
05:29.16*** join/#asterisk mbuf (n=user@
05:33.04*** join/#asterisk frantic667 (
05:33.10frantic667hello there
05:33.30mbufif i don't want asterisk to use postgresql, where do I disable it?
05:33.56mbufERROR[3591]: res_config_pgsql.c:961 pgsql_reconnect: PostgreSQL RealTime: Failed to connect database asterisk on
05:34.49rob0Hmmm, how/why did you enable it in the first place?
05:35.22mbufrob0: i have no idea! newbie here; just using the defaults from Fedora 10 asterisk-1.6 installation
05:35.36mbufrob0: let me paste the logs to
05:35.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
05:35.51infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
05:36.13frantic667caller does not hear a dialtone when calling my asterisk, is there any setting to enable? everything works, asterisk even answers the call... but until the answering ther is silence on the line
05:37.23mbufrob0: ; i read through the book; i was looking for a simple start-to-finish HOWTO to test SIP
05:40.57trentcreekmbuf: has them
05:43.30mbuftrentcreek: thanks, i am looking into it;
05:44.20frantic667okay, my problem was solved by itself... now i have a dialtone.... strange...
05:48.03*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
05:49.07*** join/#asterisk stijnbe (
05:49.15*** part/#asterisk CrazyTux (
05:51.42*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
05:53.35*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-bb7939080b3a1042)
06:04.30mbufok, i renamed res_ldap.conf, res_pgsql.conf, oss.conf to their respective .sample files, and now I get asterisk CLI
06:12.43*** join/#asterisk arthax0r (i=arthax0r@gateway/shell/
06:14.00*** join/#asterisk oej_ (
06:15.14*** join/#asterisk denysonique (n=dennis@unaffiliated/dennisonicc)
06:15.55denysoniqueMy asterisk is unable to send anything to the SIP client which is on my pc behind nat
06:16.08denysoniqueI have nat=yes and qualify=yes set
06:17.12trentcreekdenysonique: make sure the client registers
06:17.33trentcreekelse it will not receive a call under NAT
06:17.43denysoniquetrentcreek: it tries to but it fails with a 408
06:17.50denysoniquebecause it gets on response
06:18.20trentcreekwhich is behind NAT?
06:18.25denysoniquethe client
06:18.44trentcreekthe client fails to register?
06:19.14trentcreekdo you see it trying to register on the server?
06:22.25*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
06:22.46trentcreekdenysonique: better check your settings on both sides. Either bad password, or extension, or both
06:22.51trentcreekI think
06:23.16denysoniquewhat is the contact section?
06:23.20denysoniquein that log?
06:23.39denysoniquebecause it refers to the other nic on the server
06:23.50denysoniquethat has no connection with the client
06:24.48*** join/#asterisk micols (
06:25.02denysoniquetrentcreek: I haven't edited extensions.conf yet you better do is saying the client is not authorized to log in
06:29.15denysoniquetrentcreek: I have edited the extensions.conf but it still doesn't work
06:29.28trentcreekdid you restart?
06:29.29denysoniquethe client doesn't even receive 401 from the server
06:29.34trentcreeki mean reload
06:29.37denysoniquetrentcreek: I have reloaded
06:29.54denysoniqueusing the asterisks cli
06:30.44trentcreektell you what...go on youtube...and look up "Episode 5¨"  it is a video on how to setup...dont waste time with that one..go to the one on the link....they also have the example code they used in the video
06:36.54*** join/#asterisk xpot (n=james@
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06:43.02*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
06:44.13denysoniquefailed for my ip peer is not supposed to register
06:46.19denysonique[May 20 08:45:54] NOTICE[3141]: chan_sip.c:15236 handle_request_register: Registration from '<>' failed for '' - Peer is not supposed to register
06:47.23frantic667did you set host=dynamic?
06:48.15denysoniquefrantic667: I set host to the IP address of the server
06:49.07trentcreekdid yo follow the video?
06:49.23*** join/#asterisk oej (
06:49.26frantic667denysonique: the server ip is static? no hostnames set wich could be resolved to another ip?
06:49.27denysoniquetrentcreek: the video is unclear
06:49.42trentcreekjust look at the samples to download
06:50.14denysoniquefrantic667: it is static
06:50.20denysoniquethe IP of asterisk
06:50.52trentcreekthose samples are the most easiest to understand how to set it up
06:51.49denysoniquetrentcreek: my sip.conf is very simple and should work
06:52.09trentcreekjust verify with the samples
06:52.36trentcreekthe first time I got asterisk..i used those samples ans was up and running in minutes
06:52.41*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
06:55.12denysoniquetrentcreek: they are inappropriate for my configuration
06:55.19denysoniquethere is no nat
06:55.53trentcreekyou sais the server was not
06:55.59trentcreekbut the clients are?
06:56.26trentcreekso the samples  are fine.
06:56.32trentcreekyour client will be DYNAMIC
06:58.27denysoniqueif the client is behind nat I need to specify nat=yes then
07:00.14denysoniquebut why it still doesn't work?
07:01.01*** join/#asterisk unasi7 (
07:02.03unasi7question: when i place a register in sip.conf, which context it will serach after the extension in extensions.conf (i always get : extension not found)?
07:03.36trentcreeki dont know
07:06.53frantic667unasi7: when I understand right: did you define a name for the register with a "/" behind the registrar?
07:07.35frantic667then the extension "login" will be used
07:09.48*** join/#asterisk Eberx (n=Eberx@
07:09.53EberxHi All
07:09.57unasi7frantic667, yes. i do. i have a extension 1670 in sip.conf register
07:09.57denysoniquehurray it works!
07:10.12unasi7now it works.... it will search in [local] for it
07:10.20EberxDoes asterisk can work like SIP Proxy ?
07:10.27denysoniqueEberx: yes
07:10.42denysoniqueI just had to specify bindaddr
07:10.50denysoniquebecause the server has 2 nics
07:11.21Eberxmeans It can register customer to directly itself
07:11.44denysoniqueEberx: ?
07:12.11Eberxasterisk can register customer itself
07:15.58*** join/#asterisk rhassing_work (
07:17.23denysoniqueEberx: I don't undertand your question
07:17.34*** join/#asterisk stijnbe (
07:26.33*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
07:29.27*** join/#asterisk krdian (
07:31.17*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
07:34.25*** join/#asterisk frantic667 (
07:37.25*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
07:42.24*** join/#asterisk ck_28 (n=CK@
07:42.31ck_28hi ppl
07:42.43ck_28on asterik cli
07:42.47ck_28fax show stats
07:42.50ck_28Digium T.38
07:42.51ck_28Licensed Channels    : 1
07:42.51ck_28Max Concurrent       : 1
07:42.51ck_28Success              : 4
07:42.51ck_28Canceled             : 0
07:42.51ck_28No Fax               : 0
07:42.53ck_28Partial              : 1
07:42.55ck_28Negotiation Failed   : 0
07:42.57ck_28Train Failure        : 2
07:42.59ck_28Protocol Error       : 0
07:43.01ck_28IO Partial           : 0
07:43.03ck_28IO Fail              : 0
07:43.07ck_28what do  Train Failure  means
07:43.26ck_28from where i can get a detailed information for this stats
07:49.31infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
07:49.41tzafrir_laptop(for next time)
07:54.03*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
07:55.36*** join/#asterisk gego (
07:56.44*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
07:56.52ck_28ok any idea ?
07:57.12ck_28from where i can get the document which explain these parameters
08:02.51*** join/#asterisk TEXYNZ (
08:03.13TEXYNZI having a few issues with external SIP extensions
08:03.26TEXYNZcan someone shed some light on my problem
08:03.39*** join/#asterisk ctp (
08:03.45TEXYNZinternal IP of asterisk box in sip client works
08:03.54TEXYNZbut externals ip of asterisk box doesn't
08:04.02TEXYNZbox in DMZ
08:07.26*** join/#asterisk ctp (
08:11.03*** part/#asterisk Flyser (n=Flyser@unaffiliated/flyser)
08:12.23krdianck_28: connectivity or connection problems i think, probably too poor quality connection
08:13.18krdianis back. and if you laugh, i'll kill you!
08:23.36*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:24.17ck_28krdian thanks,kindly from where you get this result
08:25.35*** join/#asterisk mikkel (n=mikkel@
08:26.37EberxDoes asterisk work with MySQL backend ?
08:28.40krdianck_28: from my own experience :) did u try to find answer to your problem on ?
08:36.15rhassing_workEberx, yes it does
08:37.05ck_28krdian thanks
08:37.09Eberxrhassing_work, that means sip users information located in mysql
08:37.30ck_28krdian i have no support account on support center
08:38.00rhassing_workEberx, It is possible, but is pretty complicated
08:38.09*** join/#asterisk fors1 (
08:38.19Eberxrhassing_work, I see
08:39.08krdianck_28: just register new account then you can get access to docs
08:39.28krdianck_28: its free
08:39.34Eberxrhassing_work, If asterisk have 1000 sip customers then how to manage that customers. put the all information on sip.conf
08:41.03*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
08:42.31denysoniquecan someone try to register to my server and dial my extension?
08:43.27frantic667i have a damn slow connection here, but i can try
08:45.23rhassing_workEberx, Maybe you should consider using OpenSer as well
08:45.38EberxI see
08:45.51Eberxrhassing_work, thank you
08:46.03rhassing_workEberx, NP, you're welcome
08:49.46fors1aoeu/win 36
08:50.02denysoniquewhen I try to dial an extension 1234 that should connect me with another user I get a 407 error on the dialing client
08:50.32denysoniquewhen the two users user a and b are registred on the same softphone the extension works
08:50.44denysoniquea dials 1234 and it connects to b
08:51.26denysoniquebut when the user b is registered somewhere else I am unable to dial it
08:56.02*** join/#asterisk nicola_pav (n=chatzill@
08:56.35nicola_pavhave spa3102 and asterisk
08:56.47nicola_pavi managed to register both ports, fxo and fxs
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08:56.59nicola_pavi have also xlite
08:57.11nicola_pavwhen i call from xlite to the fxs
08:57.21nicola_pavi want the call to be forwarded to the fxo
08:57.27nicola_pavhow can i do that?
08:58.06nicola_pavi can call the fxs from xlite successfully
09:00.02*** join/#asterisk gregd (
09:02.38*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=pepo@
09:02.43_pepo_hi friends
09:08.16_pepo_I am using asterisk in my xserver with an Intel Xeon quad core, but I can only handle 150 concurrent SIP calls ... Is there some way to improve and handle more SIP calls?
09:08.35*** join/#asterisk fors1 (
09:17.25rhassing_workI have some strange problems with my voipbuster account and dnsmgr...
09:18.24mvanbaak_pepo_: couple of things to check: bandwidth, transcoding, load of the box
09:18.34denysonique_pepo_: kill x :)
09:20.41_pepo_The bandwidth is Fastethernet/Gigaethernet, I am using gsm/ulaw and there is nothing more than asterisk... what do you think?
09:21.09*** join/#asterisk SebastianS (
09:21.26tzafrir_laptopnicola_pav, it seems you basically need to translate that to asterisk-speak . Dial(SIP/peer-of-spa3102-fxo)
09:22.04nicola_pavtzafrir_laptop: we talekd yesterday :)
09:24.13tzafrir_laptopnicola_pav, please show relevant trace from the asterisk CLI
09:24.16infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
09:25.22nicola_pavi can call successfully the fxs on the spa from an xlite
09:25.33nicola_pavunder the tab "User 1"
09:25.50nicola_pavwhen no answer, i am trying to forward the call to the fxo
09:26.32nicola_pavi put as dial plan: (0<:@gw0>) since i am behind a PBX
09:27.11nicola_pavNOTICE[30839]: chan_local.c:526 local_alloc: No such extension/context (105s0<:@default creating local channel
09:27.12nicola_pavMay 20 12:18:17 NOTICE[30839]: app_dial.c:481 wait_for_answer: Unable to create local channel for call forward to 'Local/(105s0<:@default' (cause = 0)
09:27.26nicola_pavabove is what i get from asterisk cli
09:28.02tzafrir_laptopinfobot, tell nicola_pav about pb
09:29.14tzafrir_laptopthat's the place to paste things of more than three lines, to avoid cloberring the channel ...
09:30.41nicola_pavi paste what i want in one of the links u gave me and what after?
09:32.23*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
09:34.06frantic667why is my souds language suddenly english? it was german until now and i did not change anything affecting the language settings (imho). is this a bug?
09:36.42jchillerupfrantic667: have you dist-upgraded or done something that could change your locale+
09:38.38nicola_pav# May 20 12:33:41 NOTICE[30884]: chan_local.c:526 local_alloc: No such extension/context (105s0<:@default creating local channel # May 20 12:33:41 NOTICE[30884]: app_dial.c:481 wait_for_answer: Unable to create local channel for call forward to 'Local/(105s0<:@default' (cause = 0) #   == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1) #   == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/xlite2-09b4c8e8'...
09:38.40nicola_pav...status is 'CHANUNAVAIL'
09:39.27frantic667jchillerup: no, just commented-out an extension (an unused one) and reloaded sip. if i call echotest internal it is still german, but when i call from outside the voicemailbox speaks enlish...
09:39.30nicola_pavtzafrir_laptop: please c the output above
09:39.48jchillerupfrantic667: I'm sorry then, I can't help you
09:40.09frantic667jchillerup: hmmm, thanky, anyway :-)
09:40.41tzafrir_laptopnicola_pav, you paste in such a pastebin, and it creates a page. post here a link to that page
09:42.21*** part/#asterisk jchillerup (
09:44.58tzafrir_laptop(105s0<:    - straneg name for an extension
09:45.38nicola_pavmy pstn line is behind a PBS
09:45.51tzafrir_laptopbtw: using "default" as the context is something you should generally avoid. Certainly if you'll have your system open to external voip providers
09:45.53nicola_pavthere is phone here that has the extension 105
09:45.58nicola_pavi want to call it
09:46.20tzafrir_laptopcan you pastebin the relevant parts of your dialpla (extensions.conf) ?
09:54.31frantic667only way to solve my problem seemed to be rewriting the enlish sound files with the german ones... not very clean, but works in my case
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10:02.49nicola_pavtzafrir_laptop: extensions.conf
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10:06.09ceegeethis is a little bit offtopic, but I am trying out a freepbx function named callerid lookup source with an http source, I configured it but nothing happens, even in httpd access.log nothing happens
10:07.08ceegeeI dont know where to look at for debug information
10:07.08ck_28*****i am using asterisk free fax with capabilities T38 and G711 how to force using T38 all the way ?********
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11:55.04frantic667someone an idea why my asterisk does not react to DTMF tones while Backgound(vm-intro)? When pressing "1" it simply goes on without executing the extension "1", nothing is showed in the CLI
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11:59.51wdoekeswrong dtmfmode?
12:00.43frantic667I set in the indications.conf country=de, do I need more settings?
12:04.27frantic667okay, adding dtmfmode=rfc2833 to sip.conf was the solution, thanks for the hint!
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12:13.13SuDhi, i need to set up a B410P ISDN card with a recent kernel
12:13.40SuDmisdn 1.x not supported, misdn 2.x errors and/or crashes, dahdi doesn't support TE+PTMP, ... any advice?
12:15.15SuD <-- misdn v2 error
12:16.45tzafrir_laptopSuD, what kernel do you have?
12:17.01*** join/#asterisk alinuxd555555556 (n=alinux@
12:17.08tzafrir_laptopSuD, dahdi does support ptmp te
12:17.23tzafrir_laptopit does not support ptmp nt, however
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12:18.43*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:18.54alinuxd555555556hi all..this is slightly offtopic..I have 6 linksys adapters..and I need a provider to allow me set them all up on the same account..and for an incoming number that sends incomding calls to any of thse VOIP adapters..I know it can be done on I am looking for a provider who can provide this. thanks
12:19.25SuDsorry about the mistake, 2.6.28-11-server (ubuntu server 9.04)
12:19.38[TK]D-Fenderalinuxd555555556: Any provider that runs a hosted PBX solution might offer this.  Go shop around
12:23.21*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:23.29Dovidhi. is the TE110P still in production ?
12:25.41[TK]D-FenderDovid: Looks liek otherwise they'd ahve pulled it from their list
12:27.19Dovidthanks TK. I don't see it there so I assume its out of production. if it was out i was trying to see when it went out
12:27.23Dovidthanks for the URL
12:29.21[TK]D-FenderDovid: the 120 added VoiceBus
12:29.38[TK]D-Fender(or somthing ont he PCI side...)
12:29.51[TK]D-FenderPorbably mixing the tech part of that up...
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12:44.36HenrikBeis there anyone who has experience with ajam?
12:45.24HenrikBeI need to see the status (logged in or not) of a specific agent through a http request
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12:59.49Nilzaosup hackers
13:00.12Nilzaoi will jornal my tests here
13:00.24eppigysay what
13:00.41Nilzaoif someone know the path, help will be apreciated
13:00.58Nilzaoinstalled ubuntu server 9.4 + asterisk 1.6.1
13:01.01Nilzaowithout gui
13:01.11Nilzaohave 2 fxo wildcard clones installed
13:01.14Nilzaostarted now
13:02.04*** join/#asterisk esaym (
13:02.53SuDmisdn git head version seems to work with kernel 2.6.28, nice...
13:04.33eppigyDONDE ESTA
13:04.56beekmorning jaytee
13:05.02SuDque dicen?
13:05.08jayteemorning beek
13:05.50Nilzaoedited the /etc/dahdi/modules and comented all the modules, leaving the wcfxo
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13:19.20Nilzaoedited /etc/asterisk/dahdi_cfg
13:20.07Nilzaodahdi_cfg -vvvvv worked and list the 2 fxo cards
13:22.20*** part/#asterisk mythicalbox (
13:28.29Nilzaoedited /etc/asterisk/sip.conf created one extension
13:28.59[TK]D-Fender[09:19]<Nilzao>edited /etc/asterisk/dahdi_cfg <- pardon?
13:29.18Nilzaojust jornaling, want me to stop?
13:29.19[TK]D-FenderNilzao: that is not a valid config file name
13:29.59[TK]D-FenderNilzao: Go start a blog or before you know it people will "jornal" their tips the the BATHROOM here....
13:30.17*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
13:30.31Nilzaobathroom is out of context
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13:31.46Nilzaoi will stop, just trying to show that i'm trying to make it by myself and not here to take free answers
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13:32.14Nilzaoand i stopped to use the gui things, followed your advice
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13:35.41[TK]D-FenderNilzao: Thas good to hear, but if everyony mentioed everything they do just fine with * it would be a continuous life-blog...
13:36.21Nilzaobut too quiet here too...
13:36.23*** join/#asterisk GeekBoy (n=kvirc@
13:36.39j_kroonhi guys, i'n just wondering about outbound calls to DAHDI/ channels.  My previous notion was that whenever asterisk dialed the number it "answered" the channel and bridged, however, now I'm getting NO ANSWER cdr records on calls that definitely passed out.
13:36.44*** part/#asterisk GeekBoy (n=kvirc@
13:36.52Nilzaolet's see how far i can get =]
13:37.13j_kroonI was hoping someone might be able to shed some light.
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13:37.53beek[TK]D-Fender: Write a bot to pull out the bathroom trip journals and then make it a website.  I have no doubt there would be those willing to pay for access...
13:38.36Nilzaobeek: if have photos and videos, they pay for access
13:39.21beekNilzao: You have personal knowledge of this?    ;-)
13:39.23*** join/#asterisk jeeger (n=user@
13:40.06[TK]D-Fenderj_kroon: depends on the channel's capacity to track call progress
13:40.09Nilzaobeek: yes, people love to take care of other ppl life
13:40.23coppiceif the toilet journal misses out urination and hand washing trips it will be like any other blog - 100% crap
13:40.35j_kroon[TK]D-Fender, analog, TDM800.
13:40.46j_kroontone detection is about as reliable as non-existend.
13:40.55[TK]D-Fenderj_kroon: Typically analog PSTN channels do not enable call progress and are indeed considered "answwered" once dialed
13:41.18j_kroonok, so what would cause those calls to not get to ANSWERED but end up with NO ANSWER?
13:41.54[TK]D-Fendercoppice: And stories about gas stations charging for use of their compressors to fill you tires is a sure sign of inflation.
13:42.00j_kroonclient is complaining about beeping on some calls and the only correlation I can get is that when calls goes out over DAHDI/* and the log says NO ANSWER then it happens, otherwise it's fine.
13:42.31[TK]D-Fenderj_kroon: call rpgress is something you can enable on Zaptel, but risks  random disconnects, etc
13:43.11j_kroonthus why it states callprogress=no in chan_dahdi.conf.
13:44.35jeegerGreetings! I am trying to implement an incident callout with asterisk, and I fail to even make asterisk call me and play back the tt-weasels file (which sounds interesting^^). I create a call file and move it to the asterisk outgoing directory. It contains this: . However, asterisk immediately hangs up on me instead of playing the sound, and in the log, I get the message "sent into invalid extension 's' in
13:44.36jeegercontext 'default'. But I pass the context and extension in the call file, do I not?
13:45.11*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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13:45.33[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: You pas it AN extension, "s" if often used as a fall-back if what you ask for is not actually there
13:45.55jeegerAh. Okay.
13:45.59[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: Oh, and don't assume we take your word for it that it is ;)
13:46.17*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
13:46.31jeeger[TK]D-Fender: Yes, I'm looking right now^^
13:49.09*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
13:49.50jeegerYah, had to do a reload
13:50.33jeegerAh, that worked.
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14:00.30*** join/#asterisk Blues1976 (
14:03.08Blues1976Hi. I installed AsteriskNow. I'm reading the "Asterisk The Future of Telephony book" . I'm stock at one point. in the CLI I type dialplan reload but it doesn't work... maybe I need a .conf file
14:04.21Blues1976I think I'm missing extensions.conf
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14:05.18Blues1976but I notice that now, because that is in the analog part. the book said to skip that part if I was only doing IP. I'm assuming that I don't need the dialplan if I'm only going to use IP, right?
14:07.41beekBlues1976: You need a dialplan regardless of the technology you're using.
14:09.48Blues1976beek: Yeah, I was begging to think that. for some reason that file is not under \etc\asterisk (extensions.conf) which is the file that I think is used for dial plan. there must be a template somewhere.
14:09.53[TK]D-FenderBlues1976: All calls are processed in the dialplan
14:10.40[TK]D-FenderBlues1976: there was a template.. when you installed... I'm not sure where there may be a backup in your install.  If not, just DL the * tarball and extract the sample config
14:11.06*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
14:12.09Blues1976D-Fender: Download asterisk-1.4.22.tar.gz and extract it from there... is that what you meant?
14:12.13Blues1976thank you for the help
14:12.15jeegerHm, I want to use Authenticate() with the j option, but it doesn't jump on error and instead hangs up the channel....
14:13.10beekBlues1976: If you compiled from source did you dir a 'make samples' to get the initial configurations?
14:13.33Blues1976beek: I installed AsteriskNow
14:13.55jeegerOkay, never mind that.
14:14.32beekBlues1976: In the download you'll find a configs directory.   The files all end in '.sample', so look for 'extensions.conf.sample'
14:14.52Blues1976Thanks for all the help.
14:14.58Blues1976I will come back later! bye
14:19.00*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
14:19.53[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: module unload ;)
14:21.24jeegerBut now another question: Is it possible to not call out at all? I want to create a dialplan that dials it's own numbers, and I don't want the call at the beginning.
14:22.19[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: your dialplan can do whatever you tell it to
14:22.52jeegerBut when I create an outgoing call with a .call file, I need to give a channel. Or can I just pass something bogus and jump into the dialplan?
14:23.04*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
14:23.22[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: And there is no such thing as "its numbers".  Every number dialed by anything talking to * gets processed by your dialplan and be completely unique as compared to how any other call from any other device may be treated
14:23.34[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: What is your goal?
14:23.55[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: there has to be something on BOTH sides of the call.
14:24.05jeegerI want to call several people one after another.
14:24.12*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
14:24.14[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: and do what with them?
14:24.19*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:24.29jeegerAsk them for a password and execute a script if it's correct.
14:24.46[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: well you pointed them to that extension "1" in your dialplan.  What is does is up to YOU.
14:24.52*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@asterisk/master-of-queues/mmichelson)
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14:25.04[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: Noone said you have to dial out some other resource anywhere along the way
14:25.37*** join/#asterisk Gopaul (n=Miranda@
14:26.18jeeger[TK]D-Fender: Problem is, these people don't call /me/, I call /them/. And when creating an outgoing call via a call file, I pass a channel name, and it seems that asterisk calls that channel immediately, without executing the dialplan, and only after the call is started, the dialplan gets control of the channel.
14:27.02rhassing_workI have some problems with my SIP peers... If the dnssrv is changed I get al lot of warnings (
14:27.14rhassing_workMore people having these kind of problems?
14:28.08[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: Whas is dialplan supposed to with without someone to IINTerACT with it?
14:29.46jeegerCall people and ask them for their passwords.
14:30.16[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: thats what the "Channel;" line is for.  Call out, when they answer, THEN dump them into the dialplan to process the call
14:30.42jeegerAnd if i wanted to call several people after another? Would I have to create several call files?
14:31.28[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: Would you want to call multiple people regardless?
14:31.43[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: Or stop after successfully getting ONE of them?
14:32.07jeegerthe latter.
14:32.24jeegerand one after another, not at the same time.
14:32.45jeegerI thought I could just call Dial() in the dialplan, but that doesn't seem to work.
14:33.08[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: that would be FORMER then.  So you want call a bunch of people for the same purpose, not jsut try 1,2,3,4,5 until just one of them goes through.
14:33.36[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: At which point this calls for 5 call files
14:34.00*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
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14:34.02jeegerNo, I want to call several people until I reach the first of them.
14:34.10[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: And not call the others?
14:34.20jeegerNo, I don't want to continue calling.
14:34.41[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: Ok, clearer.
14:35.33[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: then what you'll probably want to do is for your Channel: dial a LOCAL channel, and not a direct device.  This way you can use the dialplan to do the dialing, check the status and on no answer continue on to dial the next
14:35.45jeegerAh. I'll go look that up.
14:36.13[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: chan_local the most important resource people never seem to get around to understanding.
14:38.13*** join/#asterisk dni (n=dniz0r@
14:38.43dnihello all,. Can someone take a look at these little snippets of ym config and tell me what im doing wrong regarding setting callerid ,..
14:38.43*** part/#asterisk gego (
14:42.26[TK]D-Fenderdni: What is the PROBLEM?
14:42.35dniIt doesnt set the caller id
14:42.40dniive also tried to define it in sip.conf
14:42.54[TK]D-Fenderdni: normally you set "num" not "ani"
14:42.55dnilike: callerid="Konstantinos Spyropoulos" <1001>
14:43.11[TK]D-Fenderdni: And that also depends on what your provider allows
14:43.42dniMy provider lets me set wwhatever i want on the caller id
14:44.05[TK]D-Fenderdni: then use "num", not "ani"
14:44.11dniok trying now
14:44.17dnithere we go
14:44.18*** join/#asterisk vvuja (n=vvuja@79-175-71-114.adsl-a-1.sezampro.yu)
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14:44.43[TK]D-Fenderdni: and in your peer make sure you set "sendrpid=yes"
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14:56.25Kattyanyone want to sell me a pink quilt
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14:57.14deadpigeon... no.
14:57.43deadpigeonive been on hold for 1 hour and 30 minutes with adtran so far. >.<
14:57.59deadpigeonSorry Katty, sometimes life has got to suck.
14:58.03MaliutaLapKatty: didn't you get the memo?? black is the new pink! ;)
14:58.15Kattyblack and pink quilt would be acceptable
14:58.25Kattytho i think i'd prefer pink and brown.
14:58.28timeshell_atworkgoes shopping for a pink quilt
14:58.30MaliutaLapI only have black
14:58.42*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
14:58.49MaliutaLapand I'n not going to sell it ... although you _could_ share it with me ;)
14:59.05Kattyummm no.
14:59.09Kattyboys smell.
14:59.18MaliutaLapbut I have female DNA :P
14:59.27deadpigeonim wondering if i could get better tech support for adtran's products somewhere on irc. heh.
14:59.46jameswfKatty: only if their doinitrite
14:59.56Kattyjameswf: huh?
15:00.03Kattylook! i just want a pink quilt!
15:00.15Kattyno male required!
15:00.41jameswfget one of those snuggie deals
15:00.43MaliutaLapKatty: but if we can't mail it to you ... ;P
15:01.04Kattyyou can deliver it, if you like.
15:01.16jameswfIt is like 110 degrees here so anything looking like a quilt will be destroyed
15:01.39MaliutaLapKatty: sure ... you paying my air fare?
15:02.01MaliutaLaplong way over the pond, not sure I could wal it
15:02.38Kattyno, i just want the quilt
15:02.49Kattyi have no use for you.
15:03.07jameswfsuch violence...
15:03.23timeshell_atworkKatty, I like girls.  :D
15:04.11timeshell_atworkWhy is light red called pink, but light blue is just still called blue and light yellow is still called yellow?
15:04.18rob0Depends how they're cooked.
15:04.56coppicelight blue is called cyan, and light yellow is called cream
15:05.09timeshell_atworkcyan isn't really blue.
15:05.16timeshell_atworkand cream isn't really yellow
15:05.37jeegerArgh, I'm trying to use the local channel to jump into a dialplan without calling anyone, but when I use Dial(), the call gets bridged with the local channel and the dialplan gets executed again.
15:05.53coppicepink isn't really light red either
15:06.04timeshell_atworkcoppice yes it is.
15:06.12timeshell_atworkpink is the result of red + white.
15:06.30jameswfjeeger: whats wrong with goto
15:06.36timeshell_atworkjust as light blue is the result of blue + white
15:06.42coppicespectrally cream is the same as this, but peaking in the yellow area
15:06.43jameswfpink is salmon
15:06.45ChainsawPlease don't confuse additive & subtractive colour mixing.
15:06.56[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: you need to clearly look at what is on the side being CALLED "Channel: " and when it is answering.  then whoever that is actually connected to, look at where you are dumping them in your dialplan.
15:06.59timeshell_atworksalmon is not pink.  Salmon has orange in it
15:07.19timeshell_atworkwhite isn't a color
15:07.27coppiceducks have orange in them. salmon is grilled with lemon
15:07.27jameswfwhite is all color
15:07.33MaliutaLapKatty: well, in _that_ case you can come and get it :P
15:07.43jameswfmmmm duck with orange...
15:07.53jameswfTB Green....
15:07.53timeshell_atwork[TK]D-Fender 1 Spectrum 0
15:08.06MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: they need a gayer colour than that
15:08.10[TK]D-Fenderjameswf: Agent Orange?
15:08.13*** join/#asterisk magronez (n=eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
15:08.15rob0Rabbit season!
15:08.23MaliutaLapduck season ... shoot!
15:08.32[TK]D-FenderMaliutaLap: Lavender should do, or mauve, or "flseh"
15:08.34timeshell_atworkAnd how about infra-yellow?
15:08.43KattyMaliutaLap: yeah, no...
15:08.44SuPrSluGis this the stream of asterisk channel
15:09.01jameswfYou can hunt any animal year round you simply need to yell "THERE COMING RIGHT FOR US"
15:09.15MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: I was thinking something pale green, with a  really gay name
15:09.32[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: Yes, important to know the difference between "stream of consciousness" and "Field & Stream" ;)
15:09.35Kattyhi dave
15:09.39timeshell_atworkKatty : UGH
15:09.40Kattyi want to buy a pink quilt
15:09.42[TK]D-FenderKatty: EW... should have dies with the 60's
15:09.44Kattydo you have one you want to sell?
15:09.44jameswfI have always been bothered by Mauve
15:09.50MaliutaLapKatty: shush ... you don't want my quilt :P
15:09.52eppigyI only have one blanket
15:09.56eppigyand one pair of sheets
15:09.59eppigyI am a simple man
15:10.15SuPrSluGno you are dave
15:10.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: I had a milkshake mizer in sea-foam green.... looked like a throwback, but I loved it...
15:10.17Kattyeppigy: MaliutaLap is annoying me.
15:10.25MaliutaLapsays something about Katty and pink bits
15:10.37eppigyMaliutaLap: wow how dare you
15:10.44eppigyHOW DARE YOU
15:11.11Kattyi think you have something better to talk about than Katty and pink bits.
15:11.14jeeger[TK]D-Fender: . Here's the dialplan and the call file.
15:11.14MaliutaLapeppigy: it's easy ... I press keys on this think called a "keyboard"
15:11.27Kattyeppigy: all i wanted was a pink quilt.
15:11.27eppigyThat is quite a feat when you can't read
15:11.39Kattyeppigy: i'm going to start pretending to be a male in my mid 40s.
15:11.50rob0Dare goes dat wascally wabbit!
15:11.54eppigyI enjoy There Will Be Blood
15:11.56[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: You seem to completely MIX the "left" and "right" side concept in that call-file and exten
15:12.29jeegerYeah. I noticed. However, I am somewhat confused about what constitutes the "left" and "right" side in a local channel context.
15:12.32[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: One side should ONLY dial, because that reaches  the person.  the OTHER should do the actually actions once answers.  you do not jsut follow a Dial command with call processing
15:12.53Kattyrhassing_work: not quite the kind of quilt i had in mind.
15:12.54eppigyHello I am Daniel Plainview
15:12.57Kattyrhassing_work: here, have a picture:
15:13.03eppigythis is my son JT
15:13.07*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (i=3fd6eca9@gateway/web/ajax/
15:13.07[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: "channel:" is who you call.  who you call should not have authenticate in that exten
15:13.50jeegerShoot, I have a Channel and Context: and Extension: in my call file.
15:13.58jeegerthat explains why I get called twice.
15:14.01[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: and I clearly see you made a "callinc' and aren't USING it.  Looks like you did half the job and forgot why you were doing it
15:14.08[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: yup
15:14.20jeegerum, Macro(callinc,...) doesn't call the macro?
15:14.23timeshell_atworkjeeger : Doesn't your authenticate have the wrong goto on faiL?
15:14.25[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: get that head screwed on straight, you aren't too far off...
15:14.51*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (
15:15.03[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: Umm.. actually, that is a mess, I'm feeling generous, gimme a sec
15:15.24Katty <- that would also be very cute.
15:15.44rhassing_workKatty, And this one: :-)
15:16.12Kattyhmm. pink.
15:16.15Kattybit too plain tho.
15:16.26rhassing_workBut it is REALLY pink ;)
15:16.32Kattyit is!
15:16.34timeshell_atworkKatty :|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50
15:16.42Kattyalso not a quilt )=
15:16.57Kattya quilt is a bunch of smaller squares of fabric sewn together with somethign in the middle.
15:16.59jake[work]i'm confused - was there a workaround completed for the sonus dtmf issues?
15:17.26Kattytimeshell_atwork: also not a quilt :<
15:17.58Kattyi might have to just make one
15:18.24Kattybut again, not a quilt )=
15:18.26timeshell_atworkHere one for MaliutaLap:|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A0|293%3A1|294%3A50
15:19.07Katty <- this is a quilt
15:19.19Kattyblock of material sewn together to form a larger blanket.
15:19.19*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
15:19.27Kattyi want a base pink, with brown blocks.
15:19.47eppigyoh nice
15:20.00jake[work]do u guys know what the irc channel is for asterisk?
15:20.10eppigythis one
15:20.12Katty <- another sample of a quilt.
15:20.29eppigyjake[work]: my heart is filled with anger
15:20.32eppigyhow are you?
15:20.46Kattyjake[work]: disolve that anger into some sugar and water!
15:20.53jake[work]i should prob ask on the dev side
15:21.38rhassing_workJust another 10 minutes and then it's weekend!!!
15:22.40coppiceKatty: what brought up the patchwork quilt topic? did someone mention Windows Vista?
15:23.11Kattycoppice: ummm.
15:23.13Kattycoppice: i want one?
15:23.40[TK]D-FenderWhats all this talk about narcissism, nd what does that have to do with ME?
15:25.25*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
15:26.16MaliutaLaptimeshell_atwork: that's funny
15:27.30timeshell_atworkMaliutaLap : I knew you'd like it ;)
15:28.23jeeger[TK]D-Fender: Many thanks. I've understood the concept. But slowly it seems as if I better take the AGI script route. This dialplan would become very complex.
15:28.50[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: Well I don't know how far you intend to take things.  It'll be for you to decide
15:29.04[TK]D-Fenderjeeger: But glad the concept is solid now.
15:31.07*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=wolf@unaffiliated/sherif)
15:31.14jameswfok anyone off toppic gets B&
15:31.45*** part/#asterisk rhassing_work (
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15:33.44Aiateki want to take the Dcap exam and when i tried to contact the trainning center they told me 'we only have seats for those who takes the trainning'
15:35.13jameswfAiatek: /msg jsmith he is the training main dude he may have a good answer or solution
15:35.25*** join/#asterisk mnicholson_ (n=mnichols@nat/digium/x-69fbb79d77d3e124)
15:35.42Aiatekwhere he is?
15:36.15jameswfAiatek: probably in /dev but you do not need to be in the same room to message him
15:36.22jameswf~seen jsmith
15:36.25infobotjsmith <n=njsmith@asterisk/training-and-documentation-guru/jsmith> was last seen on IRC in channel #utah, 18h 18m 16s ago, saying: 'goozbach: Yes, it is better...'.
15:37.33coppiceI guess "Yes, it is better" wasn't about the channel's topic
15:37.46*** join/#asterisk stevedude77 (n=stevedud@
15:38.10Aiateki think he is not online right now, i will be around
15:38.16rob0/j #mormon
15:39.00Kattyeppigy: wanna go get some lunch
15:39.22eppigyyeah dude
15:39.27eppigyI am getting hungry
15:39.31[TK]D-Fender[11:33]<Aiatek>i want to take the Dcap exam and when i tried to contact the trainning center they told me 'we only have seats for those who takes the trainning' <- this does not sound like a legitimate practice whatsoever.  I'd definitely take it up with him
15:40.54Kobazi hate dtmf
15:41.09jayteeI hate smurfs
15:41.49Kattyeppigy: what should we havce
15:42.24*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
15:42.31Kobazi have voicepulse on one box, on another.... i can dial out voicepulse and dtmf goes through.... i can dial from my landline and the dtmf goes to the box.... but if i dial out voicepulse to the box... there is NO DTMF
15:42.38*** part/#asterisk stevedude77 (n=stevedud@
15:43.54Kobazso dtmf gets lost somewhere between voicepulse and
15:44.21Kobazyou would think, if i sent it inband... it would make it through... but that doesn't work
15:45.13*** join/#asterisk neal29 (n=np20433@nat/sun/x-c484fe5d35b22940)
15:47.15*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:47.19eppigyKatty: I am really craving a mango,avacado,tuna roll
15:49.19Kattyeppigy: hmm.
15:49.22Kattyeppigy: where do you get that?
15:49.35Kattyavacado sounds dreamy.
15:49.48*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
15:50.11Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: so umm... hehe
15:50.16Kattyor maybe a nice tuna melt.
15:50.17Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: any ideas? :)
15:50.19Kattythat also sounds dreamy.
15:50.51eppigyits is at this sushi buffet called nori nori
15:58.44*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
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16:00.31[TK]D-Fendereppigy: yum.  i've got a decent place here that we for lunch for $15 AYCE
16:00.47[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Dinner is $25
16:00.56*** join/#asterisk jplank (
16:01.03*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
16:01.17jplankanyone in the uk right now? specifically london?
16:01.58coppiceprobably 8 to 10 million people should be in london right now
16:02.07eppigymy place is very similar
16:02.38jplankok, in this channel specifically
16:03.21jplankI just want to make sure I have the timezone right
16:03.24*** join/#asterisk seste (
16:03.38[TK]D-Fenderjplank: GMT 0
16:03.58[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Doesn't take a native to answer that
16:04.02jplankthats what I have, and daylight savings time would push it to BST?
16:04.45[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Stop artificially limiting you answer-base
16:05.09coppiceyes, Bull Shit Time is GMT+1
16:05.19jplankyea, people where busting my ass last night when asking the question, because I was asking too late for people from london
16:05.24jplankbusting my balls*
16:06.29[TK]D-Fenderjplank: You know this kind fo question falls squarely in  JFGI territory, and you should probably be dragged out and shot for even bothering to ask... right? ;)
16:06.59jplankI knew the answer, but I just wanted to make sure
16:07.17[TK]D-Fenderjplank: 1/2 a milion hits can't be wrong ;)
16:07.19jplankand having the customer calling me telling me the time was wrong was not how I wanted to confirm :)
16:07.45[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
16:08.11[TK]D-Fenderheads out to lunch
16:08.17[TK]D-Fenderjplank: You get of easy.. THIS time.
16:08.51jplankjust wait, I have a install in china next month
16:09.22coppiceCST is GMT+8, and doesn't change in summer
16:09.41jplankyea, I'm just kidding, the time zone is easy there, the dial map is a different story
16:09.52jplankmight just do the good old 9|.
16:12.21coppicethe dial map in China is pretty straightforward. they just make the description hard to follow
16:13.21coppiceand they screw up lots of services by answering the phone to play you "he's not around" announcements
16:14.58*** join/#asterisk Nilzao (
16:15.13*** part/#asterisk jake[work] (
16:17.41jargwhat server do you recomend for this board: 1AEX2406EF - 24 port modular analog PCI-Express x1 card with 24 Trunk interfaces and HW Echo
16:17.57DovidTK: snt a PM
16:17.58jargi'm worry about the size
16:21.08*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
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16:24.04ddickensonis there a way to send a ring group to a single voicemail box and light indicators on several phones but not the entire ring group
16:25.53*** join/#asterisk SebastianS (
16:29.40bmoracauhg...polycom's sales certification "course" is so rife with bullshit buzzwords it's making me sick
16:30.18*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
16:30.43asteriskmonkeyanyone seen a bug in asterisk 1.6.1 where there is one way audio after being passed from an IVR?
16:32.52eppigyhas anyone created a good asterisk reporting platform
16:33.43bmoracathe one that's built in to freepbx (which is also available standalone) works pretty well...i've liked using it
16:33.59bmoracai can't remember what it's called, though
16:40.05*** join/#asterisk cosmo83 (n=arava@
16:41.29cosmo83Hi guys . Can someone guide me in a call recording appliance iam looking for. I have a simple FXO device . if i use a analog splitter and connect one end to a telephone and other end to an asterisk box. define the ZAP channels and outbound trunk, can i record the call ?
16:41.56*** join/#asterisk spck (
16:43.29jameswfwell Qwell looks like *Now is making our production line up...
16:45.33*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
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16:55.29*** join/#asterisk Bilbolodz (
16:55.40Bilbolodzhi all,
16:56.18BilbolodzI desperatelly need some help with dahdi! Could some one can help me?
16:56.46bmoracawell, no one can really answer that question until you tell us what problems you're having
16:57.59Bilbolodzfresh install: dahdi dahdi-tools asterisk and fresh os (debian stable).
16:58.13*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
16:58.31MaliutaLapnudges tzafrir_laptop
16:58.51Bilbolodzdahdi is correctly loaded card is detected and configured but asterisk can't see any dahdi channels
17:00.06Bilbolodzwhat's going on???
17:00.36MaliutaLapBilbolodz: it has to do with the debian builds ... you're better off with zaptel and those packages
17:01.13Bilbolodzsorry I didn't get it. Could you repeat?
17:01.25MaliutaLapBilbolodz: I just went to upgrade from there to 1.6.1 (on unstable) and there are some glaring holes in the builds
17:01.47Bilbolodzok but is
17:01.48MaliutaLapBilbolodz: is a simple solution ... purge the dahdi packages and install the zaptel ones
17:01.52tzafrir_laptopMaliutaLap, what is it?
17:01.56*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
17:02.12Bilbolodzok I will try with zaptel
17:02.23Bilbolodzbut is it know issue?
17:02.30MaliutaLaptzafrir_laptop: are you aware there are 2 dependancies that can't be satisfied in the 1.6.1 packgage :)
17:02.56BilbolodzI'm compiling from sources
17:03.01Bilbolodznot deb's
17:03.13tzafrir_laptopBilbolodz, asterisk? zaptel? dahdi?
17:03.20Nilzaoas i know asterisk 1.4 uses zaptel
17:03.27Nilzao1.6 uses dahdi
17:03.41Bilbolodz1.4 can use dahdi too
17:03.49BilbolodzI think
17:03.49Nilzaonever tryed...
17:03.58Bilbolodzok I will install zaptel
17:04.47Nilzaodudes... now my turn...
17:04.56bmoracawow...the SoundStation IP 7000 multi-unit connectivity option is really, really expensive...
17:05.05Nilzaowith asterisk-gui we have the users.conf
17:05.13infobotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
17:05.33Nilzaothere set the trunks
17:05.42Nilzaoas users
17:05.47Nilzaothen send to extensions...
17:06.05Nilzaowithout the users.conf how i can set the way?
17:06.16Nilzaohave 2 fxo ports
17:06.21Nilzaoone is working
17:06.25bmoracasip.conf + extensions.conf = much better control over everything
17:06.35Nilzaook, i saw that
17:06.43Nilzaothat's why i'm reconfiguring all
17:06.51Nilzaoreinstalled a new system
17:07.05Nilzaoi was journaling this morning, but they said to stop
17:07.24Nilzaohave to DAHDI
17:07.31Nilzaothe DAHDI/1 and the DAHDI/2
17:07.53bmoracaNilzao: when you use a GUI, you have to be ready to accept the limitations of said GUI.  if you need support for a particular GUI, I would check in the IRC room for that GUI.  such as #asterisk-gui
17:08.05Nilzaoi'm not at asterisk-gui
17:08.17Nilzaoi reinstalled all without it
17:08.28Nilzaoi'm comparing the way to make the thing
17:08.39Nilzaotrying to make the 2 lines receive calls
17:09.06Nilzaojust set  at [default]
17:09.21Nilzaothe DAHDI/2 works
17:09.34Nilzaothe DAHDI/1 don ring at the CLI
17:10.35bmoracawhat's your zapata.conf look like?
17:10.54infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
17:10.56Nilzaoi'm using the dahdi.conf
17:11.06bmoracaright.  what's it look like?
17:11.08Nilzaorebooting asterisk, i pb soon
17:11.32*** join/#asterisk moy (
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17:14.49Nilzaowhen i plug the line at the board
17:15.03Nilzaothe asterisk CLI say somethings about RED alarm
17:16.15Nilzaodetected alamr on channel 1: Red Alarm
17:16.21ruben23hi guys.
17:16.29Nilzaosup ruben
17:17.00*** join/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=michaelc@freeswitch/developer/msc)
17:17.28ruben23got problem registering my remote sip client to my public asterisk server
17:17.39mercutiovizquick TDM question: has anyone here ever used OSLEC with a Sangoma analog card, like the A400?
17:17.39Nilzaowhat the CLI says about it?
17:17.53ruben23no firewall, no Selinux all disbaled
17:18.04Nilzaonot behind a router?
17:18.16ruben23not behind router..
17:18.22Nilzaoand the CLI says?
17:18.27ruben23my asterisk uses public Ip
17:18.42ruben23i got request time out
17:18.48ruben23on my softphones
17:19.03Nilzaothe account have nat enabled?
17:19.30ruben23no nat yes...
17:19.39ruben23do i need to put it..?
17:19.48[TK]D-Fenderruben23: ....
17:19.50Nilzaotry, don forget to restart asterisk
17:19.52infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
17:20.07[TK]D-Fenderruben23: How many times do we have to link to yout he guide?
17:20.36ruben23[TK]D-Fender: hi...
17:21.15ruben23infobot:my asterisk server is not behind uses a public IP
17:21.16infobotruben23: okay
17:21.17*** join/#asterisk s0lid (n=s0lid@
17:21.39asteriskmonkeyi have a really odd issue, if i call a user direct audio works fine both ways, yet when calling through an ivr on the samebox we have 1 way audio... tried asterisk 1.6.1 and astersik 1.6.2-branches
17:21.44Nilzaotalking with infobot
17:22.07Nilzaoruben23: just try to enable the nat=yes at your sip conf
17:22.27Nilzaoruben23: its free =]
17:22.29spckinfobot: i would like a sandwich with corned beef and swiss on rye with thousand island dressing, please
17:22.30infobotYou would like a sandwich with corned beef and swiss on rye with thousand island dressing, please?
17:22.41ruben23Nilzao: ok ill do that:)
17:22.59*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
17:23.18spckinfobot: a moose once bit my sister
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17:23.43Nilzaowell one of my DAHDI not ringing in the CLI
17:24.02Nilzaosent the pb
17:24.47rob0The producers wish to apologise. Those responsible for the credits have been sacked.
17:25.39nullable_typeHey guys, do the calling card companies use Asterisk? Does Asterisk scale as the concurreny calls goes up (let's say 1000) with a dedicated system
17:31.33*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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17:34.19ruben23quick question here: as of last day when i check my CLI ouput i go color display on its log now, when i try to view it i only see white text no color display on logs. anything unusual..?
17:35.54Nilzaoruben23: verbose mode lower?
17:36.09Nilzaoruben23: or modified the logger.conf
17:37.24spckis it possible to cluster in such a way that you won't drop active calls if a server fails?
17:38.11*** join/#asterisk mykhyggz (
17:39.03Nilzaospck: i guess if the call using an analog line is not possible
17:39.33Nilzaospck: like you calling from the analog line at server1, then it halts... the server2 can't help you
17:41.07Aiatek<spck> i think thats not possible
17:41.16spckeh wishful thinking
17:41.56spckeven with a drbd implementation?
17:43.35Aiatekdrbd wont keep the actives call
17:43.58Aiatekyou make a failover to the second node
17:44.07Nilzaospck: you can make a server to hold all the hardware, and 2 servers with cluster
17:44.30nullable_typeHey guys, do the calling card companies use Asterisk? Does Asterisk scale as the concurreny calls goes up (let's say 1000) with a dedicated system
17:44.33Aiatekwhen you make the failover the second server will start all the related services
17:44.44Aiateklike asterisk, mysql, etc
17:46.08Aiatekyou can use redfone for digital hardware
17:49.02ruben23Nilzao:this is the output of my logger.conf
17:49.22*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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17:50.33[TK]D-Fenderspck: Depends on which piece of equipement fails, what is distributing calls, what role * is filling, what you are using for termination, etc
17:50.33*** part/#asterisk lasko_ (n=lasko@
17:50.52[TK]D-FenderAiatek: And RedFone is a flaming piece of shit
17:51.17[TK]D-FenderAiatek: I sorry, that is imprecise...
17:51.37*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
17:51.37*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
17:51.38BilbolodzHELP!!!! I've installed new system, and compiled fresh zaptel and fresh astersik. The same situation: *CLI> zap show channels
17:51.57Nilzaodid u modprobe the zaptel?
17:51.57Aiatek<[TK]D-Fender> its that bad?
17:52.02*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@nat/yahoo/x-37a107024b7e21c9)
17:52.05[TK]D-FenderAiatek: RedFone is a fresh steamy pile of shit in a braises based of crap with sprinkles on top.
17:52.07*** join/#asterisk javb (
17:52.09*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
17:52.36javbhad someone connected before the USB - FXO Sangoma Adapter? I cant see it installing Zaptel 1.4. . .
17:52.50Bilbolodzyes zaptel is running cat: /proc/zaptel/: Is a directory
17:52.50Bilbolodzdebian:~# cat /proc/zaptel/1
17:52.50BilbolodzSpan 1: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard S400P Prototype Board 1" (MASTER)
17:52.59[TK]D-FenderBilbolodz: PASTEBIN, do not spam in here
17:53.01infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
17:53.10Bilbolodzok sorry
17:53.27Aiatek<[TK]D-Fender> what problems can i have with redfone?
17:53.56Nilzaoinfobot: wtf is redfone?
17:53.58Aiateki havent see it in production
17:54.06[TK]D-FenderAiatek: The only thing it talks to is *, iffy hardware & support.
17:54.25Nilzaoinfobot: wtf <redfone>
17:54.34Nilzaoi give up
17:54.36Nilzaolets google it
17:54.41[TK]D-FenderNilzao: JFGI
17:55.17Aiatekdosent work well with asterisk?
17:55.17Bilbolodzso? Any ideas whats wrong with my zap channels
17:56.50Nilzaoso you /etc/zaptel.conf is ok, and your /etc/asterisk/zaptel.conf?
17:56.50[TK]D-FenderAiatek: it depends on * so don't expect ti to survive * crashing and not losing calls
17:57.18Aiateki dont said you wont lose a call
17:57.29Aiateki know that because i know about HA
17:57.38*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
17:57.51[TK]D-FenderAiatek: Yes, well its trouble to configure, poor support, no ineroperability.  Lose-lose
17:57.54Aiateki just wanna know if the redfone its a so bad or not
17:58.02[TK]D-FenderAiatek: So don't get stuck with crap
17:58.07BilbolodzI think yes:
17:58.09Aiatekthats what i was asking you
17:58.23Aiatektechnical details
17:58.29Aiateknot "its a shit"
17:58.32[TK]D-FenderAiatek: RedFone is a fresh steamy pile of shit in a braised based of crap with sprinkles on top. <- I really thought this would be clear :)
17:58.46[TK]D-FenderAiatek: yeah, not a specific, but a fair warning just the same
17:59.32[TK]D-FenderBilbolodz: Your zapata.conf has no  [channels] header ad KILLS the config.  it will not load because of that
17:59.51[TK]D-FenderBilbolodz: And you are missing a lot of other things you should probably be setting
18:00.07SuperbarttDear friends ( :P ) I was asked to build an asterisk system with 4 E1/T1 cards, being able to handle about 100~120 concurrent calls... What hardware do you guys recommend? Just a plain Xeon Quadcore or multiple of them?
18:00.18n3hxsAiatek look at their web page, advertising AstriCon 2008... attention to detail?  I think not.
18:01.02NilzaoSuperbartt: buy the Xeon Quadcore, then keep an eye on the processor
18:01.16NilzaoSueprbartt: if need more, you put more processors =]
18:01.25Bilbolodzok where I will find sample zapata.conf?
18:01.41NilzaoBilbolodz, just put [channel] at start
18:01.41SuperbarttNilzao also an idea
18:01.45[TK]D-FenderBilbolodz: In the source tarball.
18:01.59[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: "with 4 E1/T1 cards" <- you mean 4 PORTS, right?
18:02.13[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: And the rest depends on what you are doing with your calls
18:02.44Superbartt[TK]D-Fender yes that's what i meant :p
18:03.49Superbarttconnect them 1 one 1 to a SIP phone [TK]D-Fender :p
18:03.52Bilbolodzcorrect is: [channels]
18:04.25[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: Local?  What codec?  Call recording?
18:05.12SuperbarttYes, uhmm interally probally alaw, and some random recording
18:05.45[TK]D-FenderSuPuthen yeah a single multi-core zeon with 4 GIG should be plenty comfortable
18:05.57Nilzaosup ruben23
18:06.26ruben23Nilzao:this is the output of my logger.conf
18:06.31Qwell[TK]D-Fender: Zeon?  knockoff?
18:07.50ruben23Bilbolodz: is it working now..?
18:07.50Superbartt[TK]D-Fender Is it ok if I'll just use plain xeon's? Zeon sounds like Zoltan from dude where's my car ;)
18:07.50[TK]D-FenderQwell: ok ok , I slipped :p
18:07.50Nilzaoruben23: it's ok, what you need on it?
18:08.16ruben23Nilzao: still got plain white text output logs on my asterisk CLI
18:08.30ruben23no color hinting
18:08.50[TK]D-FenderSuperbartt: O RLY?  Quoting from "Dude, Where's My Car?" Doesn't exactly make YOU look bright :)
18:08.55Nilzaoruben23: you mean like warning red notice green?
18:08.55ruben23what could be its cause.,just last night its fine
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18:09.03ruben23thats it
18:09.06*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
18:09.10Superbarttlol [TK]D-Fender =)
18:09.17ruben23now its a plain white text logs
18:09.47Nilzaoruben23: are you using the same terminal to access the ssh?
18:10.15ruben23im using extraputty now form my client PC
18:10.50Nilzaoruben23: do you see colors like blue dirs or green executables when ls?
18:11.19ruben23Nilzao: yes i can see colors
18:11.33*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
18:11.40Nilzaoruben23: hold on, i'm jfgi
18:14.23*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
18:14.43Nilzaotake a look /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf if the nocolors=no
18:15.01*** join/#asterisk ddickenson (
18:15.34ddickensonanybody know how to set a ring group to point a a single mailbox and get the indicator to light on 3 of the 7 phones in the group?
18:17.32[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: "ring group" is a vague term, and your Dial has nothing to do with what VM box you choose to let a call fall to
18:17.49n3hxsSo you want the mailbox to light 3 phones when a message is left?  ddickenson?
18:19.00ddickensonI have dial app dialing seven phones when a certain number comes in from outside but they want a single mailbox that they all fall to and light mw lamp on 3 of the phones...
18:19.02n3hxsdoesn't have the answer but I wanted to clarify the question in my mind.
18:19.47ddickensonit's a "main line" to this clinic
18:21.02*** join/#asterisk iksik (
18:21.44iksiki've got this problem only with one of the users: Registration from '"6680"<;transport=UDP>' failed for 'IP.HERE' - No matching peer found
18:21.45*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
18:21.50iksikany ideas how to fix it ?
18:23.18Nilzaotry type=friend at sip.conf
18:23.27Nilzaoiksik: try type=friend at sip.conf
18:23.40iksikit's set
18:23.45[TK]D-Fenderddiddthen put the mailbox line in each devices config
18:24.27*** join/#asterisk ctp (
18:24.28[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: then put the mailbox line in each device's config
18:25.06rhassingddickenson, in sip.conf you can configure the same mailbox for those 3 phones
18:25.09ddickensonwhat if I used a macro to create the extensions?  do I need to just make those 7 on their own lines so I can add voicemail
18:25.36[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: device config, not dialplan.
18:25.41iksikNilzao, any other ideas? :(
18:26.03infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
18:26.09ddickensonI was looking in extensions.conf.  so if the lines are 1701, 1702, 1703... etc and the ring group is 3535 I just set mailbox for those 3 extensions to 3535
18:26.11*** part/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=michaelc@freeswitch/developer/msc)
18:26.21rhassingiksik, pate your config, so we can have a look
18:26.44Nilzaoiksik: sorry bro, i'm kinda * newbie, when it happened the type=friend worked for me
18:27.02rhassingddickenson, yep :) simple isn't it :)
18:27.20iksikNilzao, i'm noobie to ;P
18:27.31ddickensonseems that way, you don't happen to know the syntax off hand do you?
18:28.56ddickensonoh, I probably should have just guessed that!
18:29.37rhassingddickenson,  np, you're welcome
18:30.50*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
18:32.54rhassingiksik, It looks ok... Can you ping the phone (the default ip address which is set)?
18:33.40*** join/#asterisk cyford (n=allen@
18:37.47cyfordcan some one tell me why my asterisk is rejecting this number from my trunk ,  i get this message. [May 15 13:21:06] NOTICE[24357] chan_sip.c: Call from '' to extension '9678791XXXX' rejected because extension not found.
18:37.54iksikrhassing, hm, checking
18:37.56Nilzaooh boys... you know the old school analog pbx?
18:38.14Nilzaothat the ring makes "ring ring", not "riiiiiing"
18:38.41iksikrhassing, nope, I can't ping it :|
18:39.06Nilzaothe generic clone board cant receive the "ring ring"
18:39.17iksikrhassing, this user is behind NAT I think.
18:39.18rhassingiksik, can you check the ip address on this phone to see if it was set correctly
18:39.21Nilzaothat was why not ringing...
18:39.32Nilzaocheap hardware sux
18:40.06iksikInternal IP + some STUN thing :|
18:41.57rhassingiksik, add nat=yes to the sip.conf for this user and canreinvite=no
18:42.40rhassingiksik, but htat doesn't help you to register, for that you should not set defaultip
18:43.10rhassinghost=dynamic will give * the ip address of this user
18:43.37iksikstill same error
18:43.40iksikReceived SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: (null)
18:43.42iksikand this one
18:45.34rhassingiksik, can you paste the error to pastebin?
18:46.44rhassingcyford, is 9678791XXXX in your dialplan? "show dialplan 9678791XXXX@<context>
18:47.00*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
18:47.16MrTelephoneit looks like sip spamming or brute force attacks are getting more common
18:47.23MrTelephonedoes anyone notice this?
18:48.00rhassingiksik, did you delete the line with defaultip from the sip.conf?
18:49.39rhassingiksik, could it be a firewall issue?
18:49.51iksikmine firewall?
18:50.26iksikmine account works fine...
18:50.52rhassingor on the other side. to register a sip client you would need to open port 5060
18:51.17iksikand this one is werid for me: <;transport=UDP>
18:51.27rhassingand if you would like to speak to each other you need to open the rtp ports as well
18:51.38iksikwhen I'm connecting into server I have not noticed that TRANSPORT=UDP
18:52.39rhassingiksik, can you paste the current sip.conf for this user?
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18:56.27rhassingiksik, looks ok to me... and the first package gets to the server, so the phone is able to reach the *. Maybe the way back is a problem. I mean for * to reach this phone
18:57.42iksikmabe I've mess with extensions.conf ? I don't understand it yet... /
18:58.01MrTelephonewhat does it usually mean when the phone rings back when you hit the "END" button on a cordless handset?
18:58.12rhassingiksik, extensions.conf is not involved in the registration of a client
18:59.43iksikrhassing Can I PM with You? I can paste logs from softvoip of this user
18:59.52iksikmabe that could help
18:59.55rhassingiksik, ok
19:00.12*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
19:06.20sestehi all
19:06.42sesteI'm having some problems with chan_mobile
19:07.28sesteI can hear no sound on both directions...
19:07.54sesteI'm using asterisk and asterisk addons
19:08.03sesteand bluez 4.32
19:08.41atraxxxCan anyone recommend a good place to post an Asterisk Admin job?  Tried cragislist, with only a few hits, and DICE charges $600!  Any specific mailing list for this type of thing, or should I just bite the bullet at put it on DICE and/or Monster?
19:09.03*** join/#asterisk lasko (n=lasko@
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19:09.32SuPrSluGtry voip-info
19:11.04sesteI enable the debug from asterisk and saw that the function mbl_right/read is not called.
19:11.13rhassingatraxxx, connect to LinkedIn (
19:11.14sestecould some one help me??
19:12.21rhassingseste, I dont know function mbl_right
19:12.25carrarYES WE CAN
19:12.27ruben23Nilzao:sorry just got back form a break..
19:12.43Nilzaoruben23: don worry, i was fighting with my * here
19:13.06ruben23i laready look at it i got this inputs
19:13.29sesterhassing this fucntion writes data in the audio socket is mbl_write
19:16.03Nilzaoruben23: what file is this
19:16.50Nilzaoput + 2 lines
19:17.50atraxxxrhassing: thanks.. just noticed there's a JOBS tab on the asterisk users group in LinkedIn.  No Jobs have been posted there yet.. I wonder why.
19:20.30ruben23[Nilzao:thi is my this rigth......?
19:20.57Nilzaoruben23: yes, worked?
19:21.36ruben23ill try it now
19:22.16ruben23Nilzao: did not work..
19:22.23ruben23i make reload
19:22.23MaliutaLapoh yay. chan_dadhi won't load and I can only find 2 refernces to the issue with google, one is not in english, one is a channel log for here with an unanswered question
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19:24.24Nilzaoruben23: sorry man, i don't know what happening
19:25.13ruben23Nilzao:i understand
19:25.30jameswfCitel phone would be alot better with a quality manual...
19:26.49*** part/#asterisk Bilbolodz (
19:27.13MaliutaLapright. which one of you wants to help with a chan_dahdi loading issue?
19:28.07jameswfMaliutaLap: Perhaps a log file with more verbosity
19:30.05*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
19:31.29MaliutaLapjameswf: even with -vvvv thats all the info I get
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19:32.17NilzaoMaliutaLap: you can put level 5 verbose, and edit the logger.conf to verbose more
19:33.48Nilzaowhat version of asterisk?
19:34.29*** join/#asterisk BlargMaN00 (n=blarg@
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19:35.52MaliutaLapNilzao: 1.6.1
19:36.47*** join/#asterisk BlargMaN00 (n=blarg@
19:39.52SuPrSluGhave you rebuilt dahdi and asterisk?
19:39.58NilzaoMaliutaLap: you compiled this
19:40.06MaliutaLapand it doesn't seem to matter what I do with verbosity levels and logger.conf, it doesn't want to give up any more info
19:40.23MaliutaLapno, this is from the debian-voip teams packages
19:40.35MaliutaLaplooks like I may have to build from scratch
19:40.58MaliutaLapwas hoping to avoid that, the only i386 I have is the * box and it is slow as hell
19:40.59NilzaoMaliutaLap: check the kernel-version this binary was build
19:41.00SuPrSluGalways build from source
19:41.26MaliutaLapSuPrSluG: not _always_, I know when to do that and when not to
19:41.31*** join/#asterisk nullable_type (
19:41.48NilzaoMaliutaLap: not to do when have a 386?
19:41.59*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:42.01NilzaoMaliutaLap: and do when have a Xeon quad? =]
19:42.24MaliutaLapNilzao: it's a celeron coppermine 733, it runs i386 binaries
19:42.33nullable_typeHey guys, I installed g729 from digium but somehow when i try to make a call using g729 codec, i get no audio formats found errror. Can someone help?
19:42.47MaliutaLapnullable_type: do you have a license?
19:42.48NilzaoMaliutaLap: just check the kernel version the debian-voip team made the binary
19:43.11nullable_typeMaliutaLap >> Yes I do, i registered it too and i have the lincence in the correct folder
19:43.20nullable_type*paid licence
19:43.27MaliutaLapNilzao: shouldn't make a difference, I built the dahdi kernel modules myself
19:43.58Nilzaoyou said: no, this is from the debian-voip teams packages
19:44.00MaliutaLapnullable_type: what does 'module show like g729' show?
19:44.41Nilzaonow what? you built it or not?
19:44.42nullable_typeit says 2 module loaded
19:44.48MaliutaLapNilzao: the * binary is, as is the ...the modules are built for this kernel. and the rest of dahdi is setup fine
19:44.50nullable_type* 1 module loaded
19:44.55*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
19:45.07nullable_typeI am using asterisk 1.6.1
19:45.18KyleKis there anything I can add to this dial command so it takes 20 seconds before going to the end line in extensions.conf if the two phones are unavailable? Dial(SIP/line1&SIP/xlite,20)
19:45.20MaliutaLapnullable_type: and 'g729 show licenses'
19:45.53nullable_typeMaliutaLap >> No such command is what i get
19:46.31MaliutaLapnullable_type: did you put in the right place?
19:46.41MaliutaLapnullable_type: because the codec isn't loaded
19:46.54MaliutaLapnullable_type: load
19:47.20*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@
19:47.20*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
19:47.32nullable_typeyes i put in the modules folder but the codec is called though not
19:47.48nullable_typedo i need to rename it to remove the letter a?
19:47.53MaliutaLapnullable_type: load
19:48.06MaliutaLapit's called me being lazy
19:50.46nullable_typeMaliutaLab >> I get  a message saying load failed
19:50.50MaliutaLapKatty: too bad, you already rejected me once tonight :P
19:51.06Kattyi have no need for male company.
19:51.10MaliutaLapnullable_type: did you get the right version of the module for your cpu type?
19:51.10Kattyi already have a male that supplies that.
19:51.44MaliutaLapKatty: oh, because I'm really a candidate for "company" being on the other side of the world
19:52.00DeeewayneKatty, do you need a pet squirrel ?
19:52.04nullable_typeyes, i had the source downloaded and placed when another developer installed in with 1.4 Asterisk, I didn't re-download though, i used same
19:52.11nullable_typedo i need to redownload?
19:52.12KattyDeeewayne: i have 5 pets, i think i'm good.
19:52.22MaliutaLapnullable_type: you can't get source for the codec
19:52.28nullable_typesorry i mean the binary
19:52.48MaliutaLapnullable_type: it souds like you don't have the right codec file ... you are aware you can't use the 1.4 file
19:52.51nullable_typewas downloaded and installed in an older version of Asterisk, I just upgraded Asterisk and re-registered the codec
19:53.08nullable_typeoh ya i c...... may be thats why i will check the knowledgebase
19:53.13MaliutaLapnullable_type: go to and get the appropriate 1.6
19:53.26nullable_typeMaliuta >> Will i need to re-register? Because it only allows to register cetain times
19:53.41MaliutaLapnullable_type: no, just drop the file in place and load it
19:53.51nullable_typealright great! Thank you so much
19:54.10MaliutaLapnullable_type: be sure you get the right one though ... I just had my 1.6.1 segfault because of the wrong one
19:54.19Kattyi have this feeling....i think it's called aggitation.
19:54.23Kattybeing annoyed?
19:54.23nullable_typeoh ok alrite
19:54.36*** join/#asterisk ACK-NAK (
19:54.44MaliutaLapKatty: go hit someone :P
19:54.49nullable_typeMaliutaLap >> Are you a developer for Asterisk?
19:54.58MaliutaLapnullable_type: no
19:55.20Kattyah. google says disgruntled.
19:55.47*** join/#asterisk ghenry (n=ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
19:55.54MaliutaLapdisgruntled is a different type of annoyed
19:55.58MaliutaLapmore targeted
19:56.35nullable_typeI am not an Asterisk or core C developer, but i made some modificaton to http module to find me if a call is in progress using an AccountCode easily. Should i submit it, Will it be useful for anyone?
19:57.00Katty"showing or experiencing dissatisfaction or restless longing"
20:00.57Corydon76-dignullable_type: is it something that could be accomplished easily using either func_curl or res_config_curl ?
20:01.52*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
20:02.10n3hxsis Gruntled ;)
20:02.27nullable_typeCory >> Actually its just an extra function that is exposed through HTTP manager api, gives you a list of curreny call with a  given accountcode
20:03.29nullable_typeactually i think there is an existing one, i just simplified to be able to easily parse
20:04.18Corydon76-dignullable_type: if you use the XML output, it should be pretty easy to parse already
20:05.11nullable_typeya i guess, nevermind, it is just a simplified solution just for my requirement
20:06.25Corydon76-dignullable_type: It's nice that you found it useful; but I'm more interested in patches that do what you cannot do already
20:06.39eppigyKatty: longing
20:07.02*** join/#asterisk SebastianS_ (
20:08.06MaliutaLapI have a longing, but she's not back in town until saturday :(
20:08.45[TK]D-Fender[15:45]<KyleK>is there anything I can add to this dial command so it takes 20 seconds before going to the end line in extensions.conf if the two phones are unavailable? Dial(SIP/line1&SIP/xlite,20) <- Yes, also dial a local channel that does Wait(20)
20:09.42nullable_typeCory >> I agree with you. BTW I find it very hard to get the canreinvite work, Did you ever have done direct RTP working?
20:12.12nullable_typeManliLap >> I was looking for g729 in digium downloads for Intel Xeon 4, I don't see any, Should i use Pentium4 codec?
20:12.41KyleKtheres no benchmarker for g729?
20:12.41ACK-NAKAnybody know how to make voicemail Last-in-first-out instead of FIFO?  Particularly for OLD messages?  I didn't see an option for it in voicemail.conf.  Is it a new feature of 1.6.0?  1.6.1?
20:13.10MaliutaLapnullable_type: are you running in 32bit mode?
20:13.36*** join/#asterisk juanIMP (n=Juancho@
20:14.34nullable_typeMy system: Intel Xeon 4 3.0 GHz
20:15.00MaliutaLapNugget: probably the i686 note pentium comes in 3m 4m and m
20:15.25nullable_typelol ok
20:16.04MaliutaLapI'm not up with what the intel codenames are these days
20:16.14MaliutaLapoh, and I couldn't give a rats :P
20:16.36nullable_typeshouldn't i just use the i686 one that doesn't say the processor
20:17.11MaliutaLapthat was my point
20:17.25MaliutaLapunless you know you have a prescott or something else
20:17.38nullable_typelol ok
20:17.40nullable_typethank you!
20:20.54Nuggeteyes MaliutaLap
20:21.21[TK]D-Fenderhands Nugget a spoon
20:21.45MaliutaLapNugget: it's your own fault ... you shouldn't have a nick so close to someone else for tab completion :P
20:25.24*** join/#asterisk SlipperyChicken (
20:29.03docidbecause.... SPOON!!!! ...sorry, i really loved the tick
20:29.22Corydon76-digThere is no spoon.
20:29.22Kattythat did not parse.
20:29.41Kattyi guess no one got the reference :<
20:29.49MaliutaLapKatty: I'm too busy cancelling christmas
20:30.13MaliutaLapKatty: because it's blunt you ...
20:30.17voxteranyone ever tried to get a polycom vtx1000 to speak to asterisk?
20:30.45KattyMaliutaLap: you're a mean one.
20:30.56nullable_typeMaliutaLap >> It seemed the system i had was prescott and i downloaded the codec for it seems to work great
20:30.57timeshell_atworkvoxter does it speak sip?
20:31.02KattyMaliutaLap: you as cuddly as a cactus.
20:31.23KattyMaliutaLap: you're a monster.
20:31.24MaliutaLapKatty: that depends on who's doing the cuddling
20:31.33KattyMaliutaLap: your brain is full of spiders.
20:31.37timeshell_atworkCancelling christmas?
20:31.59MaliutaLapKatty: and yours is like a steel trap ... full of mice :P
20:32.25MaliutaLaptimeshell_atwork: it's a reference to Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves ... keep up
20:32.34KattyMaliutaLap: stink. stank. stunk!
20:32.56MaliutaLapKatty: you have a skunk in your bed?
20:33.11KattyMaliutaLap: you nauseate me.
20:33.29MaliutaLapKatty: ahh, that's good to know
20:33.46KattyMaliutaLap: you're a 3 decker sour kraute and toadstill sandwich, with arsenic sauce!
20:33.59MaliutaLapmmm sour kraute
20:34.15MaliutaLapKatty: I prefer digitalis to arsenic, it's sweeter
20:34.26Kattycompliments of Boris Karloff.
20:34.41Kattyor perhaps, Thurl Ravenscroft.
20:35.14MaliutaLapKatty: you know "Maliuta" was the forerunner of Beria? and all that was evil in eastern europe?
20:35.41MaliutaLapI don't use this nick for fun
20:38.13Kattyhungry :<
20:38.43Kattyeppigy: :<
20:39.06*** join/#asterisk cyford (n=allen@
20:40.36eppigyKatty: I am hungry as well
20:40.38MaliutaLapI should cook something for breakfast
20:40.46MaliutaLapI could have that roo that's in the fridge
20:41.22n3hxsHop to it MaliutaLap ;)
20:42.37javbwhat is dadhi linux "complete" ?
20:42.45Nilzaowho is ?
20:42.45timeshell_atworka pain in the neck
20:43.20timeshell_atworkjavb In my opinion, it's better to download and install separately
20:43.51javbtimeshell_atwork, which one do you install first?
20:44.06timeshell_atworkDon't remember.
20:44.30timeshell_atworkjavb, But if you don't install the correct one first, I believe the other will complain
20:45.00Kattyeppigy: corndog craving.
20:45.12*** join/#asterisk hff135 (i=464017c7@gateway/web/ajax/
20:45.21hff135hi all
20:45.44MaliutaLaphff135: no, we haven't smoked anything ... yet
20:46.30hff135i have an audio problem.  we recently set up some new asterisk boxes and audio quality is poor.  dropped words for both sides of the conversation
20:46.35KyleKNilzao: someone in Israel?
20:47.02*** join/#asterisk ks3 (n=ks3@
20:47.04hff135i ran zttest and it came back with about 99.95%.  this is lower than is recommended.  i'm wondering if this is the cause of my problems
20:47.09NilzaoKyleK: nice, israel users tryin to register at my sip asterisk
20:47.21rhassingjavb, first libpri (if needed), then dahdi, then dahdi-tools and then Asterisk
20:47.21MaliutaLapNilzao: I think you want a console and "whois"
20:47.42hff135please note that i don't have have any PSTN PRI's or lines plugged into the box
20:47.43ks3Is there a way to specify which context gets checked for extensions on a 302 redirect? Right now any redirects are being searched for in default.
20:47.48hff135any ideas?
20:47.49NilzaoMaliutaLap: irc console?
20:48.01KyleKNilzao: /bin/bash console
20:48.04MaliutaLapNilzao: a *nix console/shell
20:48.14MaliutaLapKyleK: no /bin/csh
20:48.26Nilzaonot logged
20:48.26KyleKdoesn't matter
20:48.39Nilzaoi guess its fring server
20:48.40MaliutaLapKyleK: how about /bin/false?
20:49.02KyleKis /bin/false a shell?
20:49.23MaliutaLapKyleK: on my systems it it
20:49.44Nilzaowell i will nmap
20:50.03MaliutaLaphah! infobot is bamboozled by regex
20:50.11*** join/#asterisk haryv (
20:50.25KyleKMaliutaLap: on most systems /bin/false is a binary that just does "return 0"
20:51.17MaliutaLapKyleK: you can register it in /etc/shells and set it to be the shell for all those accounts that don't need a real shel
20:51.22nephfli switched the card and still having the same problem with channel 3 not dialing with a call file
20:51.44MaliutaLapKyleK: same goes for /bin/true
20:52.29nephflis there some order that i need to put the modules in or voodoo magic i need to perform to get this to work?
20:52.37KyleKsure it fits in /etc/shells but that doesn't make it a shell
20:53.05MaliutaLapKyleK: depends, it's not a shell you can use for interface
20:53.15MaliutaLapKyleK: it is one you can use to deny people access
20:53.16KyleKMaliutaLap: setting peoples shell to /bin/false is to NOT give them a shell
20:53.22eppigyKatty: dude that sounds really good
20:53.28MaliutaLapKyleK: that is the point
20:53.32KyleKMaliutaLap: shell means a CLI, not a variable
20:53.46KyleKsoo /bin/false is NOT a shell
20:53.51MaliutaLapKyleK: you don't get it
20:53.56KyleKyou dont get it
20:54.22MaliutaLapI think I understand why you put /bin/false in /etc/shells and use it as a login shell for accounts
20:54.30KyleKMaliutaLap: you could set someones shell to X and get the same lack of being able to do anything
20:54.33Nilzaojust type "man false"
20:54.46KyleKdoes that make Xorg a shell? :)
20:55.26MaliutaLapif you conf it that way
20:55.31Kattyeppigy: yes.
20:55.41Kattyeppigy: but i don't know where to get them.
20:55.47Kattyeppigy: the fair won't be around for awhile
20:55.55MaliutaLapKyleK: I wouldn't recommend that one, but you could do it
20:56.00Nilzaonice, the ip is from amsterdam
20:56.30KyleKMaliutaLap: I prefer my definition on what a shell is, yours is to vague :)
20:57.02MaliutaLapKyleK: a "shell" is just a program spawned (generally by login) once a user has logged in ... if it gives them an interface then that's great ... it might also spwan them into something else, like a telnet/ssh proxy
20:57.30MaliutaLapKyleK: you definition re
20:58.13MaliutaLapKyleK: your definition restrict the use of the shell section of /etc/passwd to giving people access to your box ... that's not alway desirable
20:58.19eppigyKatty: flee market?
20:58.28eppigyflee lol
20:58.30KyleKnot really
20:58.40nephflcan someone help me troubleshoot this tdm card?
20:59.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
20:59.17KyleKI'm saying that putting /bin/false into /etc/shells doesn't make it a "shell", I'm not saying I wouldn't set someones shell to be /bin/false, I'd set it at will, but I would not refer to /bin/false as a shell in any conversation
20:59.36nephflit is a tdm410, and i can use a call file on channel 4 but not channel 3
21:00.14*** join/#asterisk Solver (
21:01.29MaliutaLappokes Solver
21:01.36MaliutaLapSolver: you can take it up with KyleK
21:02.03SolverI'm busy! :)
21:02.28Solverbottom line many binaries can be used as a shell.  /bin/false has been used in this way for decades
21:02.32[TK]D-Fendernephfl: It should have no relationshipw ith a cll file so much as any call
21:02.48MaliutaLapSolver: at least the decades I have been doing *nix
21:02.49nephflwhat do you mean?
21:03.04[TK]D-Fendernephfl: call files have nothing to do with trouble ports
21:03.14SolverI missed the earlier discussion but caught it 2nd hand :)
21:03.14KyleKSolver: I'm saying /bin/false being set as peoples shells to not let them do anything doesn't mean its a 'shell'
21:03.22nephflif i use a call file with channel 4 it rings the phone plugged into the zap card if i do channel 3 it doesnt
21:03.28[TK]D-Fendernephfl: Defective is defective, its not due to being used by a call-file
21:03.38nephflthis is a new card
21:03.41nephflnew modules
21:03.43SolverKyleK: ah so it is a definition issue.  It is not a shell which will let them do anything useful
21:03.46nephflhad it overnighted
21:03.50Solverwhich is the point I suppose :)
21:04.02KyleKSolver: thanks for agreeing with me :)
21:04.15MaliutaLapKyleK: actually he was agreeing with me :)
21:04.27MaliutaLapKyleK: /usr/bin/ircii is also a shell
21:04.30Solveryou were arguing at cross-purposes - how's that? :)
21:04.53nephfli dont know about "new" because one of the modules had pins bent like it was a pull, but i doubt they would send me 2 cards with a defective port 2, but it also works fine as an extension
21:05.07KyleKwell he started it :)
21:05.08nephfli can pick it up and call another extension and another extension can call it
21:05.23MaliutaLapsets Solvers shell to /usr/bin/fortune
21:05.28javbDahdi would say "You d not appear to have the sources.... kernel installed" but 1.4 no problem
21:05.34SolverKyleK: I've known MaliutaLap for 15 years IRL and I am prepared to believe he started it ;)
21:06.03Kattyso hungry.
21:06.17Kattypretzles didn't help
21:06.27Kattyoh nice. less than 1g of fiber.
21:06.29Kattyno wonder.
21:06.42KyleKI was going to guess over 35
21:08.04nephflthis is great, it wasnt the card or the modules or software, it is a bad analog phone..oh my god...
21:08.45[TK]D-Fenderhands nephfl his ClueBat (tm)
21:08.50[TK]D-Fendernephfl: You know what to do...
21:09.15nephflnot really, i wonder if it is the phone or if the old fashioned phone with a bell is requiring too much power
21:09.44KyleKmechanical bell?
21:09.48Kattyeppigy: i just had another snack :<
21:09.56Kattyeppigy: that's my third snack so far this afternoon
21:10.06nephflold fashioned red phone, whitehouse to kremlin style
21:10.19KyleKrotary dial?
21:10.32nephflwould be, but there is no rotary or keys, it is a hotline
21:10.51KyleKyea dont plug that into VoIP stuff
21:10.52[TK]D-Fendernephfl: REN Killer!
21:11.23infobothmm... ren is Ringer Equivalence Number - a telephone line can normally supply upto 4 REN, where a standard telephone/answering machine etc would equal 1 REN
21:11.40nephflmaybe i can disable the bell and put a ringer on it or something
21:11.44*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
21:12.00nephflit shouldnt really ring anyway, it is the point that will be calling out
21:12.13[TK]D-Fendernephfl: Maybe you could replace it with a 10$ POS from your drug store that will work :)
21:12.19nephfli wonder if i can pick up a ringer that will work at the local walmart
21:12.35KyleKnephfl: thrift store?
21:12.46KyleKI bought a phone for $2 once
21:12.49nephfli want to use the phone, because it looks cool, but i want it to ring too...
21:13.39KyleKnephfl: try and get an old phone for $2, and cut out almost everything cept the ringer on it and hide that inside the rotary?
21:15.26*** join/#asterisk ELM2 (
21:16.45TeneI'm having a problem with musiconhold.  'moh show files' does list the files, and 'moh show classes' does show the 'default' class.
21:17.15TeneWhen I start a call to an extension that just runs MusicOnHold(), it says: started music on hold, class 'default', then says 'Stopped music on hold'
21:17.29TeneI've got debug and verbose turned way up
21:17.47TeneHow can I get it to give me more information to find out what the problem is?
21:20.04[TK]D-Fendertene show us your files
21:20.38*** join/#asterisk trentcreek (n=kvirc@
21:20.59Tene[TK]D-Fender: just musiconhold.conf?
21:21.25rhassingTene, can you do a  dahdi show status
21:21.29[TK]D-FenderTene: That, the call attempt, and that actual files you intend to use.  PASTEBIN the whoe mess
21:21.32infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
21:21.54rhassingTene, you might be missing your clocking
21:22.16*** join/#asterisk xpot-mobile (
21:22.16Tenerhassing: ildcard TDM400P REV I Board 5           OK      0      0      0      CAS Unk  YEL      0 db (CSU)/0-133 feet (DSX-1)
21:23.04rhassingTene, Ok... I was just thinking :-)
21:23.06*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
21:24.15Tene[TK]D-Fender: ehich other configs?
21:24.37[TK]D-FenderTene: Show me the ACTUAL files (ls dump
21:25.00xpot-mobileQuestion: any know what would cause a "407 Proxy Authentication Required" when calling another local extension?  here is my output -->
21:25.31*** join/#asterisk ddickenson_ (
21:26.09[TK]D-Fenderxpot-mobile: * wants it authed.  Nothing irregular there
21:26.57Tene[TK]D-Fender: refresh the page.
21:27.17xpot-mobile[TK]D-Fender: if "insecure=very" is set why would it want it authed?  I am already passing register info and it registers just fine.  I only get the error when I try to call
21:27.58[TK]D-FenderTene: Doesn't work that way
21:28.10*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
21:28.17trentcreekWhat in asterisk is Producing these headers?
21:28.51Tene[TK]D-Fender: Can you explain what you're referring to?
21:29.05javbwhen installing dadhi tools, i het on "make" the error: No rule to make target "makeopts"... any idea??
21:29.22[TK]D-FenderTene: You CAN'T refresh.  that is a fixed post an it gives you a NEW link
21:32.02[TK]D-FenderTene: I asked for FILE DUMP of your MOH FILES.
21:32.15[TK]D-FenderTene: not CONFIGS.  I want to see the SOUNDS FILES
21:35.51Tene[TK]D-Fender: uploading to slowly
21:36.58[TK]D-FenderTene: Ok, we seem to have a basic comprehension problem here. I said "ls dump".  Go to blooody *NIX CLI and "ls -la" the damn folder.
21:37.13[TK]D-FenderTene: I didn't need to inspect every byte of the files
21:37.38*** join/#asterisk DarkLogik (n=darklogi@
21:37.49[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: .ca is broken.  Repaste
21:38.26TeneYes, that was a misunderstanding.  i've never heard someone refer to 'ls' as a dump.  Here you go:
21:38.35[TK]D-FenderTene: Next I don't recall * supporting .ogg <-
21:39.02TeneHuh, Okay.  I must have misremembered.
21:39.06[TK]D-FenderTene: I highy recommend you convert them to an * native format
21:39.52trentcreek  Another Link
21:40.03*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
21:40.45[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: So what are we supposed to be digging blindly for in there?
21:41.19trentcreekMy question was, what in asterisk produces those headers
21:41.22TeneAh, I turned the debug up more and I see format_vorbis complaining "Only monophonic OGG/Vorbis files are currently supported!"
21:41.42KyleKtrentcreek: chan_sip?
21:41.48*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (
21:41.53carrarand bytes
21:41.56carrarof code!
21:42.01[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: Sure looks like a DIAL to me.
21:42.01trentcreekKyleK: thanks
21:42.15trentcreekyes it I want to know where to look
21:42.28[TK]D-FenderAnd duh of course the SIP **channel driver** generates those
21:42.31KyleKTene: can you knock off a channel without having to transcode?
21:42.46[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: Do you realize how ridiculously vague your quesiton is?
21:43.13[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: I can't tell if you think something is WRONG there, or want to know where in the source, or why you see it in your output or ANYTHING
21:43.20trentcreekDo you realise how it is not...whatt else would produce those headers? majic?
21:43.24[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: So stop the damn fishing expedition questions!
21:43.44KyleKtrentcreek, [TK]D-Fender: I love magicjack
21:43.46KyleKruns off
21:43.49[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: How do we know you aren't referring to 2 specific lines in that output?
21:43.57[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: FFS be specific
21:44.07*** join/#asterisk telecos (
21:44.11trentcreeki asked for the HEADERS , not any part of any line.
21:44.25[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: thats 18 lines of HEADERS!
21:44.43[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: More vague crap.  WHAT ABOUT THEM? WHAT PRODUCED those headers. and KyleK answered
21:45.02[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: Chap_sip generates the headers.  The end.
21:45.05KyleKi uh, answered the question Fender
21:45.10carrartk, be vauge back :)
21:45.23carrarA SIP Device
21:45.31trentcreekthanks KyleK
21:51.21haryvHi TK. I dont know if you or somone else could give me a idea why my asterisk box does not respond when the firewall is off. We do this over night because the extra power usage is not nessesary. I can display some log files at pastebin.
21:52.39*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
21:53.07Nilzaosee ya
21:53.09*** part/#asterisk Nilzao (
21:53.16timeshell_atworkWell, that
21:53.22timeshell_atwork... is an interesting question.
21:53.27haryvTk, do you know if 1.6 is considerably more stable then 1.4?
21:53.32haryvWhat is?
21:53.49timeshell_atworkIs your firewall on the same server as your asterisk?
21:53.57haryvno...not yet.
21:54.10timeshell_atworkThen you have a networking configuration problem.
21:54.20timeshell_atworkShould have nothing to do with asterisk.
21:54.53haryvNetwork configuration possibly. I can still log into asterisk but then, it will run again.
21:55.25haryvDNS is set corretly. I can probebly refer this to the forums.
21:55.50timeshell_atworkDude, your question is incredibly vague and sounds like it really has nothing to do with asterisk.
21:56.15*** join/#asterisk b14ck (n=comradeb@
21:56.19timeshell_atworkI don't want to sound unhelpful, but firewall is on it works, firewall is off it doesn't.  Well, 2 and 2 here.
21:56.39Qwellif the firewall is off...what is passing packets?
21:57.41haryvI have the firewall on the asterisk box off. I noticed with it on, it prevents the phones from registering.
21:58.16timeshell_atworkWell, it would if you don't open the ports asterisk requires.
21:58.24haryvI know
21:58.36Qwellwith it "off" (your default policy is probably REJECT) it doesn't respond at all...
21:58.41Qwellso fix your firewall.  #iptables
21:59.15Nuggetpf > iptables  :)
21:59.29drmessanoTrolling > Idling
21:59.30QwellNugget: openssh exploit.
21:59.37QwellYou lose. :P
21:59.48timeshell_atworkI think Qwell's question was referring to the implication of what you said referring to an separate firewall server.
21:59.52Qwell(netbsd exploit trumps all trolling)
22:00.08Nuggetwhat do you suggest, switching to gnussh?  oh, wait.  :P
22:00.14drmessanoSo pwning is better than pwning?
22:00.17drmessanoThat pwns
22:00.24haryvThis is be our main FW and asterisk box. Just trying to cut down on the watts used on a 24/7 basis.
22:00.27QwellNugget: so what is the recent hole they found?
22:00.53Qwelloh, wow
22:00.56timeshell_atworkharyv Your confusing me.  Your original statement said that asterisk didn't work when the FW was off
22:01.12drmessanoharyv: You've wasted the $5 a month you would have spent on hot air being blown across IRC. Keep the FW box up and move along now
22:01.17timeshell_atworkNow, you want it on the asterisk box and it doesn't work there because the ports aren't open
22:01.30NuggetI'm not aware of a recent openssh exploit.  There was an openssl issue a month or so ago
22:01.38drmessanoUnless you're trentcreek and it costs you $100 a month to run a PC at home
22:01.49drmessanoIn whatever 3rd world country he lives in
22:01.56Qwellit from, so take it with a grain of salt
22:01.58drmessanoLouisiana I think
22:01.59haryvtime, I have a seperate fw/nat box. That box, we turn off late at night or power outage. Some times, asterisk decides to not run in cases likethat.
22:02.16Qwellharyv: If said box is *powered off*, how are packets passing through it?
22:02.18drmessanoharyv: leave the box up and running or fix it
22:02.30Nuggetahh theregister.
22:02.32drmessanoQwell: THE NIC IS LIT
22:02.45drmessanoQwell: ITS FLASHY
22:02.50QwellNugget: their interpretation may be flawed, but it's a real issue
22:02.51drmessanoQwell: == Passing
22:02.55timeshell_atworkharvy, Draw out your network path between your phones, asterisk server, switches and fw/nat box.
22:02.59timeshell_atworkOn a piece of paper.
22:03.01Nuggetlooks like they're reporting on the issue from last november
22:03.09QwellNugget: ahh
22:03.10trentcreekbah...Its freaking hot n humid where I live..electricity aint cheap, and on top of running a computer, itr causes the A/C to run longer. Its an old as central unit made when energy was still cheap
22:03.14drmessanoUse multicolored crayons please.. I am black/white color blind
22:03.19timeshell_atworkharyv, Draw out everything down to the wire.
22:03.20Qwellyeah, looks like it
22:03.29timeshell_atworkThen cross out the item that disappears when you turn it off.
22:03.34timeshell_atworkI think you'll have your own answer.
22:03.41drmessanotimeshell_atwork: NO
22:03.54drmessanotimeshell_atwork: Tell him to put a Mr Yuck sticker over what disappears
22:03.56timeshell_atworkdrmessano:  NO?
22:04.03carrarNuggest, hahah OpenSSH 4.7p1
22:04.04drmessanotimeshell_atwork: Far easier
22:04.09haryvLet me make my self clear. Asterisk box has firewall that is off. It is off because it will NEED to be configured to allow rtp/sip ect packets pass though its interfaces. The main fw is on. When that server is powered off, I get a no responce from asterisk.
22:04.26drmessanoWhat is ect?  Is that RTP for IAX3?
22:04.29QwellNugget: which is it that has the insane security record?  net or open?
22:04.33drmessanois confuxored
22:04.33[TK]D-Fender[18:03]<drmessano>Use multicolored crayons please.. I am black/white color blind <- black & white aren't "colours" :0
22:04.38timeshell_atworkharyv You need to follow your network path.
22:05.06timeshell_atworkharyv Obviously your fw server is somewhere between your asterisk server and your phones, either physically or logically.
22:05.13drmessano[TK]D-Fender: No, they are NOT.. especially when you cant effing SEE THEM
22:05.19Qwelldid they stop advertising "Only 4 holes in the default config in 87 years!" ?
22:05.29timeshell_atworkharyv We cannot debug that for you.  You need to find out where your network path is broken.
22:05.31Nuggetfreebsd focuses on managability and performance, openbsd focuses on security, and netbsd focuses on portability.  loosely speaking, of course.
22:05.34carrarNugget, 4.7 welcome to Sept 2007
22:05.36Qwellor whatever absurd (if not impressive..) claims?
22:05.40Nugget"Only two remote holes in the default install, in a heck of a long time!
22:05.59haryvIm going to deal with the iptables issue.
22:06.00[TK]D-FenderQwell: "Exaggerating statisitics for 53.4 years!"
22:06.04Qwelloh, right...  openbsd is also Theo
22:06.09drmessanoI remember when it was "ONE HOLE IN 37 YEARS"... now its "A few holes in a heck of a while!!"
22:06.10Qwell[TK]D-Fender: in this case, it's actually accurate
22:06.16Qwelldrmessano: yeah, heh
22:06.28Nuggeteyes carrar confused
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22:06.37timeshell_atworkharyv Also, it appears that even if you turn on the fw on your asterisk box, turning off the fw server will still cause a problem as it apparently is part of your network route.
22:06.57carrarNugget you paste is OLD version of SSH, time to upgrade if you are using something 2 years old
22:06.58drmessanoOpenBSD has cute mascots and swag.. I've no clue how to use it, however
22:07.11Nuggetwhat paste?
22:07.18timeshell_atworkharyv SO, if you don't want it to be a part of your network route, you likely need to redesign your network.
22:07.20Qwellcarrar: it was a flaw of the protocol, if I'm not mistaken..
22:08.14drmessanodraws a line between the router and the air conditioner
22:08.14carrarstill thats a old version
22:08.14drmessanoLike that?
22:08.14Nuggetcarrar: the exploit is valid through 5.1
22:08.14Qwellcarrar: that's just what it was verified against
22:08.14Nuggetplease try to keep up
22:08.15carraris current
22:08.15Nuggetno, 5.2 fixes it
22:08.15timeshell_atworkdrmessano : NO, put a MrYuck sticker on the Air Conditioner FIRST
22:08.15hff135does anyone know if zaptel timing issues can affect call quality where the call is not transcoded and there is no PSTN interface on the asterisk box?
22:08.16drmessanothinks carrar just ate a butt nugget
22:08.16carrarwho isn't keeping current with openssh?
22:08.26Nuggetyou're not keeping up with the conversation
22:08.33Nuggetconsult your scrollback
22:08.39haryvtimeshell, the only case where there would be a disruption is my DIDs. But not my phones on my local lan network. The phones work find for hours with fw off. Its when I leave shorter or longer periods, then I would use my phone and the asterisk box is not responding. Some times, I log into asterisk, and it will now allow the phones to respond.
22:08.45Qwellhff135: what kind of quality issues?
22:08.57drmessanotimeshell_atwork: No, I need the Air conditioner OFF, the router ON, the asterisk box OFF, the firewall ON STANDBY, and I need to be able to make calls
22:09.04drmessanotimeshell_atwork: Now help me, PLEASE
22:09.05carrarI hate negotiating with my scroll back
22:09.06haryvIts at times a hit and miss issue.
22:09.16hff135the quality issues are dropped words
22:09.26drmessanoWait, I need the air conditoner off
22:09.30drmessanoNo, on
22:09.32timeshell_atworkharyv Then it sounds like a networking issue on the asterisk server itself.
22:09.33haryvdr hehe
22:09.35drmessanoshit.. the router is off
22:09.41[TK]D-Fendercarrar: I do not negotiate with scrollback!
22:09.43Qwellhff135: loosely quoting Alex Balashov - do you live in soviet russia?
22:09.49haryvdrmessano, dont be a doof :)
22:09.55Qwell(his posts are so epic..)
22:10.00carrarCan't I just pick random things out and comment on theM? :)
22:10.07timeshell_atworkharyv I've seen some linux OS's not like it if it can't talk to its default gateway and it gets hung up.
22:10.18hff135i don't live in soviet russia.  i live in canada ... so the climate is about the same
22:10.20drmessanoharyv: Doof?  You're the one who wants to turn, of all things, your FIREWALL off at night and STILL pass DATA
22:10.21timeshell_atworkI'd bet you're using RH, CentOS or Fedora.
22:10.26drmessanoharyv: THUD THUD man
22:10.38Qwellhff135: explain a little better, if you can.  is it always happening throughout the call?  does it sound jittery, or are they just flat out dropped?
22:10.46haryvdr, we are on a local network with pots. We dont need dids late at night.
22:11.03drmessanoharyv: That statement made no sense
22:11.17drmessanoharyv: You have POTS, but dont need DIDs at night?  WTF does that even mean?
22:11.22hff135the quality is generally fine.  however, the calls go bad from time to time.  once in a while, words are dropped.  both sides can report this problem
22:11.25Qwelldrmessano: he's a chef
22:11.26hff135it's not really jittery
22:11.38[TK]D-FenderQwell: But one of these days he'll MAKE IT BIG!!
22:11.39drmessanoQwell: Hes David Copperfield
22:11.45hff135it doesn't happen on every call.  however it happens throughout the day, every day
22:11.46Qwellhff135: how many concurrent calls?  over what kind of connectivity?
22:12.02hff135we're just testing right now.  1 concurrent call
22:12.07QwellSIP phones, to Asterisk, through an ITSP?
22:12.12drmessanoQwell: I need to turn off the VO and leave the IP on at night
22:12.16haryvDr, I dont need incomming calls late at night. 95 percent of our calls are though the cards.
22:12.42timeshell_atworkharyv It sounds more like you have an issue with the operating system on your asterisk server.
22:12.49timeshell_atworkLook at the networking there
22:13.10drmessanoSounds to me like a TTY >< Chair disconnect issue
22:13.10hff135the asterisk box is located in our data center.  internet is good.  having said that, i'm looking into all possible issues so we are going to look into network as the cause also
22:13.19timeshell_atworkgotta go
22:13.24Qwellhff135: that's where I would start looking, yes
22:13.25hff135when i run zttest, i get 99.95%.  this is lower than it should be
22:13.30haryvDid not mention, there is a bug crash. So need to look at that also.
22:13.38hff135i'm wondering if zaptel timing issues are causing this
22:13.40Qwellhff135: timing isn't really important, and it wouldn't cause loss of packets
22:15.12hff135so shoudl i be worried about that zttest score?
22:15.27hff135ok.  that's helpful
22:20.08nephflhow can i get the call file to connect to a MeetMe ? it doesnt like it as an app or in a context
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22:27.40pauliusI need echo cancellation tips and tricks for the SPA-3102, [ep[;e/
22:28.02pauliusAnd yes I've read the articles that some people have gave me. Are there any more tips?
22:28.41nephflanybody know how to connect to meetme from a call file?
22:28.55jameswfnephfl: practice
22:29.58infobotwell, echo is an issue which can be best fixed using this link:, or fixed with fxotune:, or best fixed by troubleshooting your pci bus:
22:31.36*** join/#asterisk qdk (
22:33.31Qwelljameswf: I know.
22:33.48Qwelljameswf: how do I know?  because there's nothing better, and it would be dumb not to :P
22:33.55KyleKpaulius: I haven't had any issues with echo cancellation with my spa3102
22:34.10pauliusKyleK: Well it's not echo cancellation, it's simply echo.
22:34.26pauliusAnd people recommended me a bunch of articles, and I've followed their advice.
22:34.38pauliusTweaking the settings improved the situation a bit
22:34.46pauliusbut it's far from being a usable system
22:34.49KyleKah, i haven't read anything on echo :)
22:35.26pauliusso you're running your thing with default settings and not getting any echo at all?
22:36.15KyleKI've gotten a bit of echo calling my sister but i figure thats the cell system being inconsistant
22:37.19drmessanoKyleK: A slight tweak in gain would likely fix that.. I bet she either speaks soft which causes you to talk loud, or she speaks loud
22:37.41drmessanoand it exaggerates a slight mismatch
22:38.00KyleKyea shes quiet, especially compared to her friends
22:38.34drmessanoYeah.. I have had that too... I speak loud, so I had to make a tweak even after I had it set "correctly"
22:39.22[TK]D-Fendernephfl: Question doesn't make a lot of sense...
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22:48.20nephflwhat do you mean it doesnt make sense?
22:48.34nephfli need a call file to ring a channel and connect it to a meetme when it picks up
22:48.57nephflin the call file i have tried MeeMe(1) as an application that doesnt work
22:49.11[TK]D-Fendernephfl: When it picks up go dump it into an EXTEN that puts it in a mettme
22:49.13trentcreeknephfl: maybe you are referring to an AGI script
22:49.20nephfli have tried a context where S sends it to MeetMe
22:49.42nephflno, i was going to use an agi script to move a couple of call files
22:49.43[TK]D-Fendernephfl: If you've tried stuff and failed, show us what you did so we can show where it went wrong
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23:12.42jameswfinfobot: drop table;
23:13.06infobotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
23:13.17infobotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
23:13.28infobotwell, end is near.
23:14.22[TK]D-FenderYeah, I forgot the really funny one
23:14.34infobotkillall is, like, a bad idea on non GNU platforms, or ok on BSD, too
23:16.26infobot~ is probably the key
23:16.48jameswfsomeone took infobot's humor away
23:17.40infobotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!, or <reply>Cisco phones are expensive crap which should be avoided with extreme prejudice
23:17.53paulius~richard stallman
23:17.53infobotmethinks richard stallman is known as RMS
23:18.16pauliusI think that infobot thinks that richard stallman is the world's savior
23:20.07infobotmethinks satan is in a7r's pants
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23:26.06MaliutaLapkicks dahdi in the balls
23:26.18MaliutaLapcan't see why it started working all of a sudden
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23:31.58jameswfهل لديك الرؤوس النووية
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