IRC log for #asterisk on 20090515

00:00.20*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
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01:33.22*** join/#asterisk nsgn (
01:34.49nsgngoodevening. i've got need for a solution supporting 5 PoTS lines and 10 internal VoIP extensions. the budget is low and i'm very interested in asterisk. i'm intending to use the open source package installed on a whitebox. any hardware recommendations or advice for a first timer with asterisk would be much appreciated
01:36.00Qwellnsgn: 5 lines?  something like a Digium TDM800 with 2 quad FXO modules.  That'll give you 8 ports, if you ever need to expand.
01:38.17nsgnQwell: thanks for the answer. i've been looking at that exact combination, actually. seems wonderful but the equipment is still pretty expensive. is using digium's PCI cards and modules a requirement? the pricing isnt that much greater than other entry level PBX solutions when you add in the whitebox
01:38.38Qwellrequirement, no
01:39.21jayteensgn, yeah the TDM800 is a good card. For phones I prefer Polycoms, they're not as cheap as some other brands but the audio quality, performance and features are excellent. Avoid Grandstream phones at all costs. Cheap junk that will have you pulling your hair out.
01:39.47infobot[cheap] a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
01:40.21Qwellthere's a huge difference between cheap and inexpensive.  unfortunately, in telephony, cost usually does matter
01:40.30*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:40.32Qwell(read: if it's cheap, it's cheap for a reason.)
01:40.49*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
01:40.54nsgnjaytee: thanks for the polycom recommendation. i've been looking at them
01:41.08nsgnadvice on more affordable FXO interfacing?
01:41.26Qwellyou could do 5 FXO ATAs, but...ick
01:41.51nsgnQwell: haha, sounds amusing. tell me how such a setup would work? what sort of ATAs are supported?
01:41.54jayteensgn, there are cheaper cards out there to connect analog POTS lines or digital PRI lines but they aren't as reliable. Digium and Sangoma make the best cards, highly reliable for the prices. Digium actually contributes to the open source version of Asterisk, it's CEO is the creator of the software originally. Sangoma makes good hardware but they don't really contribute to the open source effort.
01:42.02Qwellis that Linksys that [TK] recommends an 8-port FXO?
01:42.09Qwellis it linksys?  I don't even know, heh
01:42.20jayteeno, it's FXS
01:42.27jayteethe SPA8000? I've got 4 of em.
01:42.28Qwelljaytee: s/don't really/don't at all/ :)
01:42.35Qwelljaytee: yeah that
01:43.10nsgnyeah, googled SPA8000. its FSX. i need to get lines into the system
01:43.13nsgnso FXO
01:43.29jayteeactually when it comes to pricing the TDM800 isn't as pricey as some of the rack mount 8 port FXO/SIP media gateways out there. It's usually several hundred dollars cheaper
01:44.17stopeis there an easy way to disable voicemail and call waiting?
01:44.20nsgnjaytee: yeah. it's an option i'm seriously considering. i just wanted to eyeball any less expensive ways to do it and weigh my decision
01:44.24Qwellnsgn: and to answer your earlier question..  anything SIP, basically
01:44.36jayteensgn, FXO is to connect POTS lines to Asterisk. FXS ports connect analog phones to asterisk if you want to use analog phones. I'd recommend going with SIP phones if you're going to move to VOIP you might as well do it right.
01:45.10nsgnjaytee: yes, i'm just needing an FXO interface to get my 5 analog lines into asterisk. from there it's voip on the desks
01:45.21jayteensgn, if you get the TDM800 or even if you get a Sangoma card, I highly recommend you get the add on hardware echo cancellation module.
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01:47.10jayteensgn, you might go with a TDM410 card that supports 4 FXO modules to start and get a LInksys SPA 3102 ATA. It has 1 FXS and 1 FXO port on it and will connect to * via SIP over ethernet. Bit of a pain to configure compared to Digium cards in the server though.
01:47.40nsgnQwell: ok. seems like i'd looked into asterisk a few years ago and had finally dug up some sort of compatible SIP FXO. no clue what it was at this point. anything recommended to get a few lines in cheap?
01:48.01Qwellnsgn: no - and there's that word. :)
01:48.04nsgnjaytee: if i'm getting the TDM4100 why do i need the ATA?
01:48.23nsgn*inexpensive ;)
01:48.38Qwellnsgn: the TDM410 is a 4-port card.  I assume he meant the ATA for the 5th
01:48.40jayteecheap? the X100 clone cards on Ebay. Usually the people that like those cards also like whips and chains and being sodomized though.
01:49.03jayteeyep, I meant the ATA as the 5th
01:49.07nsgnjaytee: haha, i remember discussing the x100 cards before. almost bought one at one point
01:49.31nsgnissue is that stacking 5 of them in a PC isnt much fun :)
01:49.40nsgnif you can even find a board that will let you
01:49.44Qwellstacking 1 isn't fun :p
01:50.15jayteensgn, I used them in initial testing then bought TDM410's. The X100 clones are cheap crap and I would often have to do a cold reboot of the server when one of the lines would "lock"
01:50.29nsgnso if i go digium it will just pop in and configure a breeze? for a small office never having played with this much ourselves is combining one decent digium card and AsteriskNOW a good game plan?
01:51.41QwellAsteriskNOW...  somebody should buy the guy who wrote that a beer.
01:51.52Qwellseveral beers even!
01:52.03jayteeAsteriskNOW 1.5 is pretty solid if you really need a GUI and don't need anything out of the ordinary in terms of custom applications. LIke most gui based derivitives of Asterisk it tends to limit what you can do in the dialplan.
01:52.05Qwellwonders if that'll work
01:53.16nsgnjaytee: we just need some pretty basic functionality. bring calls in from PoTS to ring all extensions. transfer calls between extensions internally, forward calls, voicemail
01:53.21jayteeQwell, you should just start a web page with a PayPal donate button on it with a message saying, "Help support AsteriskNOW, buy the developer a beer...or two!"
01:53.35Qwelljaytee: heh
01:53.50Qwelljaytee: I can't take bribes^Wdonations. :)
01:54.15jayteeAsteriskNOW will do all that. it's when you want fancy and granular control or the ability to do "outside the box" type of work or customization that the gui versions aren't as "flexible"
01:54.38jayteeof the GUI versions though, AsteriskNOW is better than the rest IMHO
01:54.47nsgnjaytee: can you think of something a small office currently using a low end NEC phone system + voicemail system would miss using AsteriskNOW?
01:56.51jayteensgn, no not really. It has voicemail, call parking, conference bridging as well as Call Detail Recording all built in. Fairly rich in features.
01:56.52nsgnyeah, i figured it would kick the butt of any crappy standalone solution
01:57.15nsgnok, so i need to get a PCI 1x card and two modules it seems
01:57.22nsgnhow critical is echo cancelation?
01:58.13jayteeas an example of where I wouldn't want to use AsteriskNOW over standard Asterisk would be in a call center that does mostly outbound calling and uses a CRM database to pull customer numbers and initiate calls that get dumped in a queue for the agents with some customized connector for screenpops. Scenarios like that.
01:58.51nsgnyeah, nothing like that here
01:59.06nsgnthis is pick up the phone, dial, talk, park/transfer, voicemail
01:59.19jayteeecho cancellation is very critical. Asterisk through the DAHDI (formerly zaptel) interface has software echo cancellation but it's not a solid as using hardware.
01:59.29nsgnoh, i'm seeing these single channel modules i didnt spot before. i can go with a 4 channel and a 1 channel FXO
02:00.04nsgnjaytee: so for the small office setup i'm describing is it worth $250 for the hardware cancelation or can we get by with software?
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02:01.06Qwellnsgn: you can do that, if you don't plan on expanding.  the quad modules end up cheaper (since you can only put 2 singles in the space of a quad slot)
02:01.28jayteensgn, I'd go with the hardware module. Even with the best tuned software setup I still would notice a slight echo at the beginning of each call as it "trains itself" and it varies from call to call depending on the connection quality from the telco.
02:01.56Qwelljaytee: HPEC should be about as good, if you've got the CPU to spare
02:02.10Qwell(non-free, of course)
02:02.41jayteeQwell, I never played with it. It wasn't ready for prime time by the time I moved everything to PRI using the TE212P cards with HWEC module.
02:02.45nsgnoh nice am i correct in seeing that we can get a discount by purchasing modules pre attached to cards?
02:02.58Qwellnsgn: possibly - depends on the reseller I guess
02:03.10nsgnhow does that look?
02:03.33nsgnthats 8 FXO ports + hardware echo canceling
02:04.13jayteensgn, yep. There are several outlets that sell Digium cards., and others. Their prices tend to be lower than Digium's website because they buy in high volume and discount heavily.
02:04.15Qwelllooks right - just make sure you've got standard PCI
02:04.42Qwellthat card also comes in a PCI-E variant
02:04.45nsgnQwell: i'm building the whitebox so i'll be sure i have a free PCI slot
02:04.53nsgnjaytee: thanks, checking price there
02:06.18jayteensgn, for the PCI cards they make different models. I had to buy the TDM04B model for the 3.3v PCI slots in Dell 2650 (shitty server). Then I moved them to a 2950 before I ended up switching them out for TE212P cards for T1 PRI spans.
02:06.48Qwell410/800 are 3.3v/5v
02:07.06QwellI think only the T1 cards are one or the other
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02:07.20nsgnyeah, the card does both
02:07.22jayteeah, that's right. it was the earlier card, the TDM400?
02:07.33Qwelljaytee: I think it's only been that way ever for the T1 cards
02:07.40jayteethat had two different "sub models"
02:07.52Qwellthe "sub models" on the 400 were the modules
02:07.58Qwellthat's what the B means - bundle
02:08.22QwellI never remember which is which, but TDM04B is either 4 FXO or 4 FXS modules, bundled with the base card
02:08.40jayteeo4B was 4 FXO
02:08.42Qwellit's confusing, heh
02:08.52Qwelllike the model he linked above - TDM808EF
02:09.30jayteeyeah, but I swear to God there was an earlier rev 4 port analog card that came in one PCI spec or the other. Maybe I was just confused. Things were a bit rushed back then.
02:09.56nsgntelephonydepot doesnt have the same bundle as i linked at digium. checking voipsupply
02:10.12Qwellnsgn: I think telephonydepot lets you choose models as part of the order
02:10.19Qwellchoose modules*
02:10.42nsgnwould that be the exact item i linked at digi?
02:10.47jayteethey do, if you select a specific card it then gives you options for the mods
02:10.50Qwellaex is the pci-e version
02:10.56nsgnah, ok
02:11.04nsgni can really do either
02:11.09jayteethose are sweet cards if you've got the bucks
02:11.09nsgnbut it seems the pci version is a bit cheaper
02:11.37Qwellif you do end up getting the modules separately, you want the X400Ms
02:11.43nsgnjaytee: what other options are there? yall kindof lead me above to believe i need to go digium and need the echo
02:12.33nsgnand i really dont want to put up with something acting stupid
02:12.46nsgnis it cheaper getting the parts individually?
02:13.12Qwellnsgn: probably not
02:13.23QwellI don't know though - it really is up to the reseller
02:13.36nsgnwait...looks like it is at telephonydepot?
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02:13.44nsgnthats the page i'm on
02:14.03nsgnsays the card is $255, the modules are $175 each and the echo module is $235
02:14.11nsgnthat makes 840
02:14.19nsgnam i missing something?
02:15.00Qwellnope, it's not uncommon for a reseller to be less
02:15.21nsgni'm just surprised telephonydepot individually seems to beat voip supply selling it as a bundle
02:15.24nsgnbut sweet
02:15.33Qwellapparently voipsupply doesn't carry that exact combo.
02:15.35nsgn$840 for all that sweet hardware is not bad at all
02:15.58nsgnbecause other than phones and a whitebox to drop it all in, it's all i need, correct?
02:16.15nsgni'm liking this :)
02:16.24nsgntime to find some good phones on the same site
02:16.25jayteeconsider other things like power and cabling
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02:17.13Qwelljaytee: get a load of this combo.  why would anybody buy this?
02:17.15jayteeI went with the Polycom IP 330 phones except for executive admins that needed more than 2 lines and for that I went with the IP 550 models.
02:17.21nsgnjaytee: if by power you mean operational costs, of course
02:17.45lestercguys - which of the following is right:
02:17.47lestercexten => s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN($(CALLERID(num)))}=3 & ${CALLERID(num)}>900]?
02:17.51nsgnjaytee: and by cabling i'm hoping to have the phone and data on the same (gigabit) network. any reason not to combine them in a small office?
02:18.00lestercexten => s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN($(CALLERID(num)))}=3] & $[${CALLERID(num)}>900]?foo:bar)
02:18.03jayteensgn, no I mean is there an ac outlet close enough to the phone or would you need PoE
02:18.14nsgnjaytee: oh, yeah. no everything has power nearby
02:18.21nsgni'm not gonna bother with poe for this setup
02:18.44jayteeand also do you plan on using a single CAT5 cable run for both phone and computer or building a separate voice network?
02:19.10Qwellif you do a single run, you aren't going to get gbit at the desktop (the passthrough ports on most phones are 100mbit)
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02:19.41Qwellalthough, that is one thing Cisco has gotten right.  I believe they have a few gbit models now
02:19.42nsgnjaytee: some locations may be single run, but i'll be trying for dual wherever possible
02:19.52jayteeI work for a zoo and we're non-profit so to keep costs down we went with the Polycom 330's and 550's because they have a second ethernet jack in them to connect the computer up to so you only need one network cable run for both.
02:19.54nsgni dont mind passing through a phone being 10/100
02:20.02nsgni just want the flexibility
02:20.13nsgnit's minimal extra config to run the two side by side i'd presume?
02:20.25nsgndisable DHCP if asteriskNOW has it by default, etc?
02:21.00jayteePolycoms manage the traffic very well. I've yet to experience jitter on them. Even with our Cisco switches configured with QoS the Grandstream cheap phones I tested originally were absolutely horrible.
02:21.26nsgnbasic polycom phone. actually supports PoE. i'm impressed for the price
02:21.38Qwellnsgn: IF you need passthrough, you want the 330 instead of the 320
02:21.47Qwellthat's the only difference between the two, so keep that in mind
02:21.48nsgnQwell: ah, found it. thanks
02:22.04nsgnonly issue i have with these is that the screen doesn't seem to have clear park functionality
02:22.05jayteethanks Qwell, was about to point that out
02:22.09nsgnas much as other makes/models
02:22.13nsgnwhich i find really valuable
02:22.34jayteeparking is done using feature codes in * with a parking lot extension
02:23.00nsgnjaytee: is there no support for the phone's screen visually aiding in this?
02:23.11nsgni've seen some mid level NEC systems that do it so slick
02:23.27jayteenot on the phones but the Polycoms have softkeys below the display. When you're on a call they give you 3 way conference, transfer etc
02:23.50jayteeand it's on the display
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02:23.55nsgnso if i'm on a call and wish to park it?
02:24.02nsgni transfer it to a park extension?
02:24.09Qwellpretty much
02:24.10nsgnweird, but ok.
02:24.27Qwellthe whole parking concept is a bit of a hack, if you think about it
02:24.28nsgnso if i was on a different phone and wanted to grab the call from park what would i do?
02:24.39Qwelldial an extension to pickup a parked call
02:24.41nsgnyeah it is. some systems just make it super slick
02:24.51nsgnso you just dial the park's extension, the park picks up and hands you the call?
02:24.51Qwellso, by default, 700 is to park, and it'll park on 701, 702, 703, or whatever
02:24.52jayteewhen you park a call Asterisk tells you the "parking slot" so you dial that
02:25.00jayteewhat he said
02:25.07jayteeoh shit
02:25.19VaGoNeTaSfinally i got the Redfone Quad working
02:25.24VaGoNeTaSbut, still got a prob
02:25.29VaGoNeTaSi can make local calls
02:25.33VaGoNeTaSi can receive calls
02:25.37nsgnjaytee: so a voice says "you've parked this on 703" or something?
02:25.41VaGoNeTaSi can make national long distance calls
02:25.44Qwellnsgn: exactly
02:25.48VaGoNeTaSbut i cant call cel phones
02:25.48jayteensgn, yes
02:26.10nsgnQwell: ok, thanks. in an office this size i imagine ittl be more transferring than parking. the advantage of park is that the call can wait without ringing the phone off the hook, correct?
02:26.15VaGoNeTaSsomebody can help me out with this?
02:26.38VaGoNeTaSi've tried with dahdi, now i've downgrade from dahdi to zaptel
02:26.44QwellI worked for a few days in an office with call parking, and I didn't really understand the reason for it..
02:26.56VaGoNeTaSstill says CHANUNAVAIL
02:26.59QwellI'm sure it's useful on some occasions
02:27.08nsgnQwell: is it what i said above? to allow a caller to wait without ringing the person they're trying to get to constantly until they answer?
02:27.14nsgnthats how i've seen it used
02:27.14Qwellbut, blind and attended transfers will cover 99% of it
02:27.22lestercin case anyone want so to know - the correct syntax is exten => s,n,GotoIf($[ $[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}=3] & $[${CALLERID(num)}>900]]?foo:bar)
02:27.35VaGoNeTaStoday came the telco technician and he just tested the E1 and the call went through
02:27.36jayteeVaGoNeTaS, you made a successful call to the console or from it?
02:27.42VaGoNeTaSfrom it
02:27.43Qwellnsgn: yeah, that would be one reason I guess
02:27.56nsgnsecretary answers, parks the call, notifies the intended recipient that they've got a call on park 1, and the recipient may make the caller wait 4 minutes before picking up, during which his phone is not having to ring and ring
02:28.17VaGoNeTaSim able to receive calls , make local and national long distance calls
02:28.28VaGoNeTaSbut im not able to make calls to cel phones
02:28.36VaGoNeTaSwe use a prefix here in chile
02:28.40VaGoNeTaSim located in Chile btw
02:28.44Qwellnsgn: assuming the recipient isn't on the phone, you could attended transfer.  that's where the receptionist starts a transfer, dials their number, and if they answer, they complete the transfer.  if they don't, they keep the call
02:29.06QwellIn the case that they don't answer, I guess that would be when you could park?  dunno
02:29.21QwellI just write code.  I don't use phones. :p
02:29.21jayteeVaGoNeTaS, what about using a softphone or a real SIP phone to test instead of calling from the console? your console DSP keeps going AWOL and I'm betting it's got nothing to do with either DAHDI or ZAPTEL
02:29.45VaGoNeTaSjaytee i did
02:29.49VaGoNeTaSi've tried with Twinkle
02:29.56VaGoNeTaSand the call didnt go through
02:30.03VaGoNeTaSsame error on the CLI
02:30.13VaGoNeTaStoday came the technician
02:30.21nsgnQwell: so is that 330 the phone i want, or is there anything else affordable you think may be of my interest?
02:30.22VaGoNeTaSand he made a test call to a cel from his device
02:30.31VaGoNeTaSand the call went through
02:30.37jayteebypassing Asterisk?
02:30.39VaGoNeTaSso is not a Line block
02:30.46VaGoNeTaSbypassing it
02:30.49Qwellnsgn: I have very little experience with anything else.  I couldn't really give any recommendations
02:30.52VaGoNeTaSwith his device
02:31.03VaGoNeTaSis like a tester with a screen
02:31.07QwellI see some people recommending Linksys phones, but really, for the difference in price, it's well worth it
02:31.08*** join/#asterisk EdLin (n=joshua61@securabit/listener/edlin)
02:31.13VaGoNeTaSand is also a telephone
02:31.17jayteeok, so you know that your E1 is ok. You need to figure out why your /dev/dsp is locked up all the time.
02:31.37VaGoNeTaSthe E1 is ok, we know that
02:31.41*** part/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
02:31.50nsgnQwell: ah, ok. thanks for all the help you provided. i'm gonna add up my pricing and present it tomorrow
02:31.56VaGoNeTaSand we are able to call local with no problem at all
02:32.02nsgngotta get the boss people to like it, but i think this will be an easy sell
02:32.08VaGoNeTaSnational long distance through a carrier
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02:32.13VaGoNeTaSreceiving calls
02:32.15jayteeVaGoNeTaS, do you have any SIP hardware based phones?
02:32.22VaGoNeTaSyes i have
02:32.31jayteehave you tested with those?
02:32.32VaGoNeTaSbut not right here
02:32.38VaGoNeTaSno i havent
02:32.46jayteeI'd start with that.
02:32.49VaGoNeTaSwe have the same provider
02:32.56VaGoNeTaSin a different location
02:33.00VaGoNeTaSjust the same provider
02:33.06VaGoNeTaShere in Santiago de Chile
02:33.21VaGoNeTaSand we have the exact same  dialplan
02:33.30VaGoNeTaSon the extensions.conf
02:33.33QwellWho the heck is _mwoodj_, and why does he have a Digium sponsor tag from freenode? O.o
02:33.39*** part/#asterisk EdLin (n=joshua61@securabit/listener/edlin)
02:33.43VaGoNeTaSand i can make calls to cel phones from the other place
02:34.12jayteeVaGoNeTaS, and when you call from the "other place" what are you using as a phone? softphone, console?
02:34.24VaGoNeTaSsoftphone and console
02:34.29VaGoNeTaSjust like here
02:34.31Qwellfile: any idea? O.o
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02:35.20jayteeVaGoNeTaS, pastebin the output of ls -ao /dev
02:35.28VaGoNeTaSk just a min
02:35.49VaGoNeTaSthe whole /dev ?
02:36.32VaGoNeTaSit a lot of
02:36.58securevoipVaGoNeTaS, line 37 of your pastebin seems to indicate ISDN Cause Code 127 for cell calls.  ISDN Cause Code info is here:
02:37.24nsgnok, let me ask this. what is a ballpark figure that some company in town would charge if we told them we needed a PBX to support 5 incoming lines and 10 internal VoIP phones + voicemail? i'm trying to see if my grand total will look good to the boss
02:37.33nsgnsince i've never called another phone company for a bid
02:37.43securevoipI hope I am wrong cause that is a most vague Cause Code
02:38.18jayteeyeah, I had that cause code come up last week on my system. the distant end was answering and putting the phone on hold then hanging up.
02:38.42securevoipnsgn, are you looking for numbers on an Avaya/Cisco/etc solution from an integrator OR numbers on an * solution from an integrator?
02:38.58nsgnsecurevoip: NEC/avaya
02:39.26securevoipabout $750 per station with everything...
02:40.07securevoipof course, that is going to vary by locality.  NY city is going to be more $ than Idaho probably...
02:40.44Qwellsecurevoip: he's in Austin, so probably not too far off
02:40.53jayteeVaGoNeTaS, why are you using OSS instead of ALSA?
02:41.15VaGoNeTaSi dont know
02:41.22VaGoNeTaSi've just formatted the server
02:41.29VaGoNeTaSand installed ubuntu 8.04 server on it
02:41.33VaGoNeTaSand then the packages
02:41.48jayteedid you install the ALSA packages?
02:41.51VaGoNeTaSlibpri, libfb, fonulator, zaptel, and asterisk 1.4.22-rc5
02:41.54VaGoNeTaSno, i didnt
02:42.36VaGoNeTaSdo you think that could be a reason for me to not be able to make cel phone calls?
02:42.39jayteedo that and configure alsa.conf and search the WIKI at for console channel, there's also a short piece in the book about it.
02:42.45jayteeVaGoNeTaS, yes
02:43.06jayteewere  you testing with Twinkle from the same server or another computer?
02:43.07VaGoNeTaSfor being CHANUNAVAIL
02:43.51VaGoNeTaSbut what i cant understand is why im still able to make local calls and receive calls from cel phones, local and longdistance
02:44.07VaGoNeTaSstill unable*
02:44.14jayteeVaGoNeTaS, to use the console channel you need a sound card in the server and either OSS (obsolete pretty much) or ALSA for sound which is why the /dev/dsp isn't opening properly.
02:44.48VaGoNeTaSyes, that's correct but, what about when im trying to reach the cel from a Softphone?
02:45.13jayteeSoftphone on the server?
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02:45.27VaGoNeTaSwith a SIP account
02:45.51jayteeyou get chanunavail from that call attempt too?
02:46.30VaGoNeTaSyes Sr
02:47.05VaGoNeTaStried through vpn and local net with different client pc
02:47.09VaGoNeTaSand softphone
02:47.34jayteewhat codecs did you allow for the softphone in your sip.conf?
02:47.36VaGoNeTaSwith a sip acc
02:47.54VaGoNeTaSk, letme take a look, just a sec
02:48.15VaGoNeTaSi dont have one setted up
02:48.47VaGoNeTaSthats one of my sips accounts
02:51.03carrartry pasting the whole sip.conf
02:51.40VaGoNeTaSthat's the whole sip.conf
02:52.05carrarmight check out the book
02:52.07infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:52.08carrarit's free
02:52.29VaGoNeTaSyou were looking for a sip acc
02:52.34jayteeVaGoNeTaS, yes. You need to have a [general] section at the top of your sip.conf file
02:52.57VaGoNeTaSlike what?
02:53.00VaGoNeTaSdo you have an ex?
02:53.12jayteeVaGoNeTaS, and I'd modify that sip account to look like this:
02:53.46jayteebut you may need to change the allow=alaw to allow=ulaw. I'm not sure which version of G.711 they use where you are.
02:53.50carrarwhat, no ulaw
02:54.38jayteehe's in Chile or Brazil. do they use alaw or ulaw?
02:55.07jayteeand he's routing over an E1
02:55.10QwellI should know this
02:55.10carrarknow anyone on the brazilian womans soccer team?
02:55.13Qwellif it's E1, it's alaw
02:55.37jayteethat's what I thought at first but I wasn't 100% certain
02:56.05jayteeI use T1 cuz I'm 'Merikun
02:58.35jayteeVaGoNeTaS, but you'll still need to make sure there is a sound card in the server and install the ALSA packages so you'll actually have a /dev/dsp and then you'll need to configure your alsa.conf file.
02:59.51VaGoNeTaSso let me find alsa
03:00.04VaGoNeTaSdownload it to the server and then im gonna configure it
03:00.56jayteesudo apt-get install alsa
03:01.19Qwellhands jaytee a shovel for the worms that are spilling out all over the floor
03:01.20jayteeand maybe sudo apt-get alsa-utils. it's been awhile
03:01.37Deeewaynehands Qwell a fishing pole for the worms
03:01.42VaGoNeTaSi just did it
03:01.58jayteewhat? you just fucked?
03:02.19VaGoNeTaSi've just installed alsa-base and linux-sound-base
03:02.21Qwellgoes fishing for Cupcakes
03:02.25jayteeI hope it was better for you than it was for me cuz I'm feelin nuthin here!
03:02.26VaGoNeTaSright after u told me to
03:02.47jayteeso if you do ls /dev/dsp do you get anything?
03:03.10VaGoNeTaSno such file or directory
03:03.28jayteeand once again, is there a sound card (HARDWARE) in the server?
03:03.46VaGoNeTaSthe integrated
03:03.57VaGoNeTaSon the motherboard
03:04.12jplankis there anything wrong with this? (polycom digitmap) 9,011x.t
03:04.16jayteedo a reboot
03:04.33jayteejplank, you asked that last nite
03:04.51jplankI didn't see anyone answer
03:04.57jplankand I'm still struggling with it
03:06.05jayteethe T is for Timeout and needs to be a capital T
03:06.18VaGoNeTaSi cant reboot the machine
03:06.21VaGoNeTaSim remotelly
03:07.26jayteeare you using SSH?
03:07.53jayteecan't you just type sudo shutdown -r now at the command line?
03:08.07jayteeand then reconnect after a few minutes?
03:10.06jayteeVaGoNeTaS, quick question. Were you able to call local numbers on the softphone? did that only fail on cell calls?
03:10.16VaGoNeTaSyes, that's right
03:10.33VaGoNeTaSin the begining
03:10.39VaGoNeTaSon "the other place"
03:10.44VaGoNeTaSwe had problem to call local
03:10.47jayteethen at least you can fix your sip.conf, do a sip reload and retest a cell call with the gsm codec allowed
03:10.53VaGoNeTaSbut it was coz of the pridialplan was setted up to national
03:11.03VaGoNeTaSso i've change it to unknown
03:11.08VaGoNeTaSand problem solved
03:11.23VaGoNeTaSbut now we have the same configuration and is not letting us make calls to cell
03:11.40VaGoNeTaSi've tried changing it to national and it wont let me call nowhere
03:11.44VaGoNeTaSnot even local
03:12.06jayteeobviously the configuration is not identical or it would work
03:12.16jayteesomething is missing on that system
03:12.41VaGoNeTaSand the E1 is ok
03:12.46VaGoNeTaScoz we tested it
03:12.51jayteeand since you didn't have a general section in the sip.conf you should at least fix that part before messing around with the rest.
03:13.10jayteeyes, we've already established the fact that the E1 is working.
03:13.24VaGoNeTaSwhat should be below [general] on the sip.conf file?
03:13.46*** part/#asterisk tanner (n=tanner@unaffiliated/tanner)
03:13.51jayteelook at the sample sip.conf file in the /configs directory of the tarball
03:14.10jplankthanks jaytee, that was pretty stupid of me
03:14.38jayteejplank, what?
03:15.38jplankyou were right t should of been capital, I should of realized that
03:15.50jayteeeasy mistake
03:16.09jayteeif you want some real fun try tweaking the dialplan digitmap of a Linksys ATA
03:16.19VaGoNeTaSk, ive just change it
03:16.49jayteebut the Polycom SIP Admin Guide has a bunch of stuff for the digitmap and timeout tweaking in it.
03:17.08jplankyea, I thats why I can't believe I missed that, I have it up
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03:17.50jayteeas well as a bunch of goodies you can only take advantage of using FTP provisioning because they can't be changed in the web gui management interface
03:18.08KyleKdigitmap? as in swapping 1 and 2?
03:19.06jayteeKyleK, nope, Polycoms have their own built in "dialplan" and they use the digitmap for filtering valid number patterns.
03:19.24jayteevery similar to pattern matching in Asterisk
03:20.42VaGoNeTaSand my dialplan is very simple, is just one line under the context [default]
03:20.48VaGoNeTaSexten => _X.,1,Dial(Zap/g0/${EXTEN},,T)
03:20.49VaGoNeTaSthat one
03:21.06jayteewow, that is simple!
03:21.09*** join/#asterisk killfill (n=killfill@
03:21.23VaGoNeTaSyes i know
03:22.30killfillim in a busybox linux, and i have set /etc/TZ to GMT+5.  Asterisk seem to not care about the time zone, becouse its clock is 4 hours later.
03:23.33jayteekillfill, your system clock is using GMT
03:24.14killfillis that an afirmation or question?.. :P
03:24.22jayteekind of both :-)
03:24.51killfillwell "Thu May 14 23:24:24 GMT 2009" ... (correct date)
03:25.02carrarFri May 15 03:25:02 UTC 2009
03:25.21killfillyah, asterisk is telling UTC time..
03:25.25killfilli need mine tho..
03:25.51jayteewhat's the clock set to in the BIOS?
03:26.14killfillnot sure how to check this.its an embeded board
03:27.26carrarmake sure you have ntpd running and synced
03:28.03killfillyup, it is.
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03:28.27carrarclock tells you your bios time
03:28.47killfillbut i.e. i can play with "TZ=GMT+5 date" changing the 5 number and date will change its report.
03:28.54killfillnot like asterisk
03:29.05carrarclock -w sets your bias clock to your current time
03:29.24carraror hwclock
03:29.28killfillhm.. busybox doesnt seem to have 'clock'
03:30.48carrarwhat time zone are you in anyways
03:31.13killfillwell im in GMT-4 actually
03:31.34killfilldont know why i have to put gmt+5 to get the right date.. :P
03:32.02carrarwhat city
03:32.27killfillSantiago of Chile
03:32.44carrarContinental or  EasterIsland
03:33.12carrarln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Chile/Continental /etc/localtime
03:33.13jayteekillfill, do you know VaGoNeTaS ?
03:34.50killfillcarrar, well actually i thought doing something like that, but this doesnt has  /usr/share/zoneinfo or /etc/localtime..  but ive really not test it. maybe i should get the file from a PC and just try...
03:35.06killfilljaytee: VaGoNeTaS?.. not that i remember
03:35.31jayteethink he said he's from Santiago de Chile too
03:35.41killfillah.. cool.
03:35.42carrarwhy are you running busybox?
03:36.25jayteethat question entered my mind but I didn't ask it. sometimes it's better not to ask :-)
03:38.17jayteebut then I don't have your razor sharp wit and I'm not quite at the level of linux guru like you where I can just spit out a command line statement to create a symlink for a timezone setting.
03:39.12jayteeI'm more at the stage of "hmmm, where's that damn book? lemme see here, ah! here it is."
03:40.02killfillhm.. putting the etc/localtime seems to help asterisk
03:40.25killfillits not practical tho, i think it could just get TZ from the enviroment.. :P  anyway..
03:40.49carrarSounds like busybox isn't practical
03:40.55killfillcarrar: well its an embeded system. ubuntu will not fit.. :P
03:41.03carrarLook I'm running with 8k of memory
03:41.08carrarshit is broke but it works!
03:41.18*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
03:41.24killfillcould bee seen that way too.
03:44.10KyleKkillfill: what are you running this busybox stuffs on?
03:45.49killfillwired.. when i start ast from command line date is correct, but not when it starts from the init scripts :S
03:46.14killfillits a ucAsterisk
03:46.40carrarcat out your TZ file
03:46.59carraris it just GMT5
03:47.16carrartry GMT4
03:47.32carrarI've never used busybox so
03:47.54carrarClosest thing was a openmoko probably
03:49.38killfillit doesnt change things.
03:49.57carrarTZ=Chile/Continental date
03:49.57carrarThu May 14 23:49:51 CLT 2009
03:50.03carrarTZ=GMT4 date
03:50.04carrarThu May 14 23:48:34 GMT 2009
03:50.14carrarseems like the right thing
03:50.24Qwellcarrar: busybox is just a "multi-use" binary that does "core" system things
03:52.30killfillyup, actually putting etc/localtime doesnt help. i think the asterisk is staring before the /etc/TZ is read, that why its ok when i start it from bash.
03:55.33jameswflmao lookie what I found....
04:00.02jayteelearnt? is that a real word?
04:00.18jayteedid everyone have a "save" journey home? :-)
04:03.04killfilldamn.. someone is starting asterisk as soon as i kill it. what could it be?. its not in inittab
04:03.14Qwelljameswf: ahh, ftocc...
04:03.18drmessanowelcome Administrator's
04:03.20carrarWho is that someone
04:03.25carraryou've been owned!
04:03.28drmessanoYes, that's not bad grammar
04:03.32QwellHaving read the slides...all I can say is...
04:03.47jayteeI stand corrected
04:03.52jayteedamn brits!
04:05.06jayteethere's still a lot of crap there though even if learnt is an acceptable form
04:05.50jayteenot that I really care because I don't run Trixbox
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04:21.17chendyi have register 3 account from host a.b.c.d port 5060, 1 for sip trunk , 2 for sip end point. if there is a inbound call from sip trunk account with auth info, asterisk reports found peer which is a end point account, then return 403.
04:21.22chendywhat 's up?
04:21.37chendyyup, i not the auth info is wrong
04:22.10chendybut how come asterisk match peer by address and port, not the From: header?
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04:45.38joakoAsterisk Business edition is the same code as Asterisk GPL?
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04:46.05joakoXO is telling my customer their SIP trunking works only with ABE, not opensource Asterisk (and same thing for fonality)
04:46.56lanning"We only support a supported version." :)
04:47.03joakoIm sorry they say Digium Switchvox SMB
04:47.21joakoWhat is the diffrence between Switchvox SIP and Asterisk GPL SIP?
04:47.26lanningsame SIP stack
04:47.43jqlthey're just being snarky
04:47.44lanningthough GPL gets modified faster
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05:02.59haryvI wonder if my wife would get mad if I included her as 0 the operator in the ivr :)
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05:36.11jameswfthey see me trollin
06:00.47Nuggettrollin' in my five point oh, ragtop down so my hair can blo'
06:07.29joakoLooking at the XO SIP documentation it looks horrible anyways, their diagram shows their Cisco IAD conneccted to a HUB with all the IP phones with public IP. And they assign one SIP Account per DID... WTF
06:09.22*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima)
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06:30.19securevoipdid you get your problem fixed?
06:30.48securevoipoops...  meant to say, VaGoNeTas, did you get your problem fixed?
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07:55.52Faustovhi, i can see something stuck in my ivr, how can i boot that call?
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07:56.24kaprsoft hangup <channelname>
07:56.51Faustovawesome, thanks
07:56.57Faustovdamn phone spambots
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08:05.03*** join/#asterisk kyoshi (i=60f6990c@gateway/web/ajax/
08:06.55kyoshitrixbox and freepbx has a mechanism on outbound routes to modify the dialed string, for example, if i dial 9+NPANXX trixbox/freepbx can remove the 9 and replace it with 1 so 9+NPANXX becomes 1+NPANXX.  Without going thru a hell of a macro, what would be the easiest way in my extensions file to do this?
08:09.52kaprfor removing u can say 9|N...
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08:11.19kyoshibut what about replacing?
08:11.26ectospasmkyoshi: if you have a string Dial(TECH/CHAN/${EXTEN}), you can do this...
08:11.33kyoshiI want 9NXXXXXX to become 1NXXXXXX
08:11.50kyoshiecto: thats exactly what i am currently doing
08:12.10kyoshibut i need to modify the the dialstring if it starts with something
08:12.18kyoshiso i need to remove the 9 and replace it with 1
08:12.22ectospasmthe ${EXTEN:1} will strip the 9, and the 1 will be prepended
08:18.34ectospasmhmmm, I'm looking at the way FreePBX does it (on AsteriskNOW), and I don't see it immediately.
08:19.25kyoshiso if i do Dial(TECH/CHAN/0110${EXTEN:3})  and i dial 011NXXXXXXXX it will replace the 011 with 0110 ?
08:19.54xrmx__does anybody have experience on how much gain in latency we have to switch to a not even preempt to an preempt rt kernel on an asterisk 1.2 installation?
08:20.21ectospasmkyoshi: yes
08:20.52kyoshithanks, trying now
08:21.52ectospasmI see how FreePBX does it... when dialing out the trunk it uses ${OUTPREFIX_${DIAL_TRUNK}} in the dial string.
08:23.42ectospasmkyoshi: did it work?
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08:27.43kyoshinopes i think i done brokeded it
08:27.59kyoshii even went back to the way it was.  seems good n broke now
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08:40.29ectospasmkyoshi: you must have done something wrong then
08:40.48ectospasmare you sure you've got the proper number of parentheses and curly braces?
08:41.18ectospasmWhat does the full line look like?
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08:46.03grEvenX[May 15 10:31:35] ERROR[2689] func_odbc.c: No such DSN registered (or out of connections): oyatel_realtime (check res_odbc.conf)
08:47.42grEvenXI have set the limit to 5 in the odbc config, and enabled pooling
08:47.56grEvenXwhy would that lead to an error at any time?
08:48.19grEvenXwhen it reaches the limit of 5, shouldn't it recycle?
08:48.30grEvenXor queue it
08:50.23*** join/#asterisk vi390 (n=fc@unaffiliated/vi390)
08:51.19wdoekesthat is indeed odd.. I do not use pooling, and I assume that requests are queued
08:51.38grEvenXyeah, without pooling enabled I've never seen that error before
08:51.50grEvenXit started when chaning to use pooling
08:53.29wdoekeslook at ast_odbc_request_obj in res_odbc.c
08:53.54*** join/#asterisk ck_28 (n=CK@
08:53.57ck_28hi ppl
08:54.13ck_28i have a problem with asterisk freefax
08:54.23ck_28T38(0/0/0) discard T30D from VoPP by no sess
08:54.29ck_28any one can help me ?
08:56.09wdoekesgrEvenX: it looks like you need to set the limit to minimal the amount of modules that use odbc
08:56.48wdoekes(at least, according to the comment "multiple modules can use the same connection" on non-pooled odbc)
08:57.23grEvenXwdoekes: hm, what is seen as "module" using odbc? I don't think we have more than 5 different modules using odbc
08:59.48wdoekeshmyes.. I would think so too :-/ and I'm not sure what AST_LIST_TRAVERSE does exactly
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09:01.35ck_28where i can ask to solve the asterisk fax t38 problem ?
09:01.45joobiedont fax with asterisk
09:01.48joobieproblem solved
09:01.56joobiedont fax with voip
09:02.23ck_28joobie fax with what please advice
09:02.35ck_28i want to send a file to fax
09:02.46ck_28joobie using t38 protocol
09:04.00mvanbaakwdoekes: AST_LIST_TRAVERSE traverses the list you feed it
09:07.52wdoekesmvanbaak: haha, sounds plausible. but yes, I see that it returns NULL if it finishes the traversal without a break
09:08.06wdoekess/returns/sets obj to/
09:09.40mvanbaakonly if the obj was set to NULL before
09:09.57*** join/#asterisk sergee (
09:10.15mvanbaakyou can look at AST_LIST_TRAVERSE as a 'for (i = 0; i <= sizeof(struct); i++) {'
09:11.17wdoekesnot entirely.. in the for, obj would either be the last element, or not set at all
09:12.35mvanbaakah, you mean that. yeah
09:12.59grEvenXlooking at bugs reported etc. it seems that the pooling uses at max 1 active query on any given connection
09:13.08mvanbaakwell, normally when you have AST_LIST_TRAVERSE(some_list, obj_name, list) {
09:13.26mvanbaakyou would like to do some 'if (obj_name->something .....'
09:13.36grEvenXso I guess the problem might come if you e.g. have a queue call that spawns a call to e.g. 10 agents, that uses sql queries as well
09:13.54grEvenXthen you have 10 sql queries hitting the odbc connections at almost the same time
09:14.24grEvenXwhen you get to query #7, 8 or something, all the connections are busy in a query, and then gives that message
09:14.25wdoekes(mmyes, looking at linkedlists.h now)
09:14.49mvanbaakwdoekes: that's your best shot indeed. it has all the docs you need (I think)
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09:16.36wdoekesbut, back to the question at hand: sorry grEvenX, can't help ;) I don't know why non-pooled connections are returned regardless of being "used" or not and pooled connections aren't
09:17.25grEvenXwdoekes: it seems pooling is a "fix" for  e.g. MySQL, that allows only 1 active sql query at a time per connection. Thus it makes sense
09:17.36*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
09:17.59mvanbaakwdoekes: for a nice formatted doc about the list macro's:
09:18.33grEvenXthe issue is that I don't really want to use pooling because of the limits introduced on concurrent queries, but I was told to do so in one of my bugreports. (send in a faulty SQL from asterisk and have another query being executed at the same time = segfault)
09:19.25wdoekesnice, I didn't know doxygen did include-file-graphing
09:19.25grEvenXI think I will fix the issue myself instead, as asterisk devs won't fix it, and I think it's an abvious flaw in the logic
09:20.03ectospasmif you fix it yourself, please submit a patch for the bug you filed
09:20.14grEvenXI will, it's a one-liner fix
09:25.49grEvenXthe bug is closed though, so I won't be able to do that:
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09:32.22grEvenXanyone here able to open it again?
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09:39.00mvanbaakgrEvenX: sure, hang on
09:40.01mvanbaakthere, it's open again
09:43.34grEvenXmvanbaak: thanks, I'm testing my patch now to see that it's ok
09:44.48*** join/#asterisk zafar_ (n=IceChat7@
09:45.36zafar_hey guys i have problem with my extension-custom.conf
09:45.46zafar_this thing is not work
09:45.47zafar_exten => _12x,1,dial(IAX2/sbcpbx/${EXTEN})
09:45.54zafar_any idea?
09:46.36mvanbaakzafar_: without CLI output etc we cant say nothing about it
09:46.45mvanbaakdefine 'this thing is not work'
09:46.53zafar_ok hold on
09:46.55mvanbaakwhat goes wrong? what is the error on the console?
09:48.24zafar_when i am ivr and i dial 121 it is going to the ivr option where i have probide 1
09:48.39zafar_means going for the first option in the ivr
09:49.19zafar_if i dial 512 then its going to the 5 ivr element and not dialing ext 512
09:51.20mvanbaakthat dialplan snippet you posted there is not an IVR
09:52.23zafar_yes its in extension_custom
09:53.09zafar__12x is on another server
09:53.36mvanbaakyou making it us very difficult to help
09:53.50*** join/#asterisk festr_ (
09:54.11zafar_ok here is the senario
09:54.57zafar_i have two server one has extension like 12x and 22x and the second server has extion in the range of 13x and 3xx
09:55.03festr_hi, I'm solving interesting problem :) asterisk 1.4. I'm calling from A to B (SIP) and I want to know who is calling to B by getting some variable from B channel
09:55.36festr_but it seems there is no information about callerid in the B channel
09:55.58festr_(while in ring mode)
09:56.03zafar_when i dial the 2nd server and ivr is playing i should be able to reach the extensions on server 1
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09:56.21*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
09:57.38mvanbaakzafar_: so far so good
09:58.46zafar_when i m in the ivr i can dial any ext on server 2 similarly i want to server 1 ext to be available to me on server 2
09:59.30zafar_i did this succuess fully on earlier servers but its not working on this machine
09:59.57mvanbaakjust make an exten on server2 pointing to server1
10:00.30*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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10:00.42zafar_mvanbaak - any ext?
10:01.26mvanbaakzafar_: sure. I would create exten 12X on server2 to point to server1
10:01.49mvanbaakzafar_: that way it does not matter what server the call is on, 12X will point to exten 12X on server1
10:03.27*** join/#asterisk ultrav1olet (n=ultrav1o@
10:03.55ultrav1oletI've already pronounced this problem but no one has told me anything so here it is again:
10:04.10zafar_but i have around 60 ext that to need to go to the other server
10:04.29mvanbaakzafar_: you can use wildcards
10:05.08ultrav1oletWe have Wildcard TDM400P REV E/F Board 5 board and when someone calls somewhere there's >50% chance to hit a wrong number
10:05.32ultrav1oletWhen we was running Asterisk 1.4.x and Zapata there was no such problem
10:05.49ultrav1oletNow we are running asterisk 1.6.x and DAHDI and this problem drives me mad
10:05.57zafar_and thats what i am doing in extensions_custom.conf
10:06.14ultrav1oletRight now I've called one cell number four times and four times I've reached wrong numbers
10:06.20zafar_am i making a mistake?
10:07.03ultrav1oletWe have connected a normal phone to the same phone line and I tried called from that phone ... and everything works just fine
10:07.56zafar_[ext-local-custom] anything in this block should be considered as local i believe and i am telling it where to find the extensions in exten => _12x,1,dial(IAX2/sbcpbx/${EXTEN})
10:08.25*** join/#asterisk grEvenX ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
10:08.34mvanbaakzafar_: again, show us the CLI log of a failed call
10:08.42zafar_hold on
10:09.37mvanbaakultrav1olet: we will need CLI logs of the calls that go to the wrong number
10:10.29*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
10:17.50zafar_mvanbaak : here is the CLI output
10:20.50ultrav1oletmvanbaak: dialplan has NOT changed since asterisk 1.4
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10:21.00ultrav1oletand logs are perfectly sane
10:23.08xrmx__is there something to read about configuring linux kernel for asterisk? like a hint for hz and preempt options, and numbers maybe
10:23.51mvanbaakzafar_: it only accepts the 5 because that extension exists
10:24.03Flyser_I guess 1000 Hz with preemption would be the best for realtime applications like asterisk
10:24.05mvanbaakyou hit 5, and asterisk finds that exten, so goes to it
10:24.22zafar_yes but i have 4 digit exts in the ivr as well
10:24.34mvanbaakzafar_: dont mix them then ;)
10:25.07zafar_but the same thing is working fine on another server but i build that like 4 months ago
10:25.54zafar_thanx man anyway i ll find a fix for this soon
10:27.55xrmx__Flyser_, thanks
10:31.03mvanbaakultrav1olet: if you say so. Sorry, cant help you without more info
10:32.50ultrav1oletplease wait
10:39.31*** join/#asterisk Gopaul (n=Miranda@
10:40.35ultrav1oletand one more time I hit the wrong number
10:40.43ultrav1oletit happens pretty randomly
10:42.07ultrav1oletone time asterisk calls the right number, another three times I hit the wrong number
10:42.18ultrav1oletthe same user, the same dialplan, absolutely the same log
10:42.58ultrav1oletI've given way to dispair
10:53.09ck_28T38(0/0/0) discard T30D from VoPP by no sess
10:53.14ck_28any one can help me ?
10:59.13ultrav1oletmvanbaak: ran out of ideas?
11:02.35grEvenXok, patch coming up
11:03.37grEvenXany guidelines on patches to bugs/issues should be created ?
11:10.33*** join/#asterisk Marquel (
11:10.46grEvenXfound it
11:11.58Marquelis it possible to have a sip-phone dial a number, then have another sip-user just executing "off-hook" and that sip-user executes "Dial(<whatever the sip-phone dialed>)"?
11:13.22mvanbaakultrav1olet: what's with the three w's ?
11:14.06ultrav1oletI thought it would help
11:14.29ultrav1oletsomeone from #asterisk told me to try
11:15.16*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
11:17.15grEvenXmvanbaak: thanks for opening the ticket again, patch now submitted:
11:19.54ultrav1oletok, let's wait for developers
11:24.48*** join/#asterisk anjaana_ladka (i=abhinav1@
11:25.14anjaana_ladkahello asterisk users...
11:25.30anjaana_ladkacan anybody please help me out setting up my asterisk box...
11:25.47anjaana_ladkai have installed the asterisk box..... and created two sip users...
11:25.59anjaana_ladkaclients are not able to register
11:26.04*** join/#asterisk dunccfflail (n=dunc@2001:960:7bd:1194:0:0:0:1)
11:26.17anjaana_ladkai also have to set extensions..
11:26.31anjaana_ladkathe asterisk box contains tdm808 card...
11:26.53anjaana_ladkacan any body please help me in getting a simple config to enable me to call from teh computer
11:27.53dunccfflailhi folks, i realise you probably get people turning up here all the time, but could anyone point me at a troubleshooting guide anywhere?
11:29.16dunccfflaili've done a lot of reading, i have a tdm400p with one FXO and one FXS module, which I'm pretty sure I have configured OK, and have got set to use the correct tone for my country, i can run zttool, and when I either ring the incoming line, or lift the handset on my analog phone, shows my channels becoming active
11:29.49*** join/#asterisk HenrikBe (
11:29.53dunccfflailhowever i never get a dial tone on the phone, nor does asterisx notice (with -vvvvvvv) either the incoming call, or the phone going off the hook
11:30.16dunccfflailanybody help?
11:30.57*** join/#asterisk desdesdesdes (n=f@
11:31.49desdesdesdeshi hter i am stuck on mp3 files for moh is there a program u guys recomend for converting file to be able to wotk wit *?
11:34.12*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
11:40.28anjaana_ladkahi folks...
11:40.54anjaana_ladkawaiting for a response... can anybody please guide me and tell me how to proceed.???????
11:41.47*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
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11:43.00gr0mitanjaana_ladka, i think we need a bit more info!
11:43.14gr0mitlike pastebin of your sip.conf files
11:43.36HenrikBeis there a php function that processes the xml response from ajam?
11:45.34dunccfflail"what's the minimal config to get a dialtone on my phone connected to a FXS module" I guess would be a nice place to start, and how to troubleshoot it if it doesn't work
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12:31.00ariel_Hello folks
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12:43.12*** join/#asterisk bOOinK (
12:43.16bOOinKhello all
12:43.39bOOinKanyone running 1.4 ??
12:44.24bOOinKare you experiencing extreme load spikes from time to time aswell ?
12:46.00wdoekesnot that I'm aware of. there's one machine on which the cpu load seems to increase over the course of days, but I haven't had enough time to dive into it deeply
12:46.21wdoekes(+ that particular version is a bit old)
12:47.52bOOinKbecause I see the spikes happening lige a few times every hour, and randomly between the 3 servers I have running
12:50.36thomasrrhmm, i  have been trying to get voipbuster incoming calls going
12:50.42thomasrrit works everywhere but on my asterisk box
12:50.57thomasrranyone happen to have experience with it and can have a look at what i am doing wrong?
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13:19.47ghenryjust seen this in a google alert for asterisk
13:20.22*** join/#asterisk Flyser (n=Flyser@unaffiliated/flyser)
13:21.53jayteethat was in the News section of yesterday
13:22.50Pan3Dhahaha, better than... what's that one cheezy product that came around last year? the guy with the ads featuring his daughter.
13:23.02*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:23.11Pan3DThis looks nice
13:23.43jdblackWhy bother with the pci slot.
13:23.52jayteeI can think of a billion cheezy products but no ad like that that triggers my memory
13:24.12Pan3Dhold on, when I find it, you'll be like "Oh yeah". IT was the USB thing.
13:24.35jayteejdblack, some people still want to interface to the PSTN over copper, either analog or PRI
13:24.58jayteeah, vague memories of MagicJack
13:25.04jdblackWell, sure. but that's a different question than this.
13:25.06Pan3Dyeah, I think PCI is fine
13:25.17jdblackThis is essentially "a seperate computer the lives on a pci slot"
13:25.39Pan3Djdblack: how would you rather have it?
13:25.42Pan3Da dongle? or?
13:25.44jdblackso, replace the pci hookup with a power hookup, you have the same thing.
13:26.07jdblackbasically, replace two dollars of pci connector for two dollars of plastic.
13:27.31jdblackThe thing is basically an entire computer that draws current from the pci bus. See my point?
13:27.32Pan3Dwell, it's easy to come up with reasons why it's not exactly what you want, but I suspect a lot of folks are going to dig the product.
13:28.24jdblackI think you're right. A lot of people are going to love it.
13:30.12jdblackYay! For the first time in almost twenty years, I have gone more than a week without a single smoke. I'm cured!
13:30.32*** part/#asterisk boch (n=fran@
13:31.00russellbjdblack: congratulations :-)
13:31.05jdblackThanks. :)
13:31.09telnettechcongrats jdblack!!!!!
13:31.35*** join/#asterisk SirThomas (
13:32.00Pan3Djdblack: that's awesome. congrats
13:32.07jdblackAnd the most amazing part... Nobody died. That's like.. significant.
13:32.14*** join/#asterisk eliteSchaf (
13:32.16telnettechlooks as though you still have to work on the part where everything irritates you :)
13:32.21Pan3DI bet they are happy about that as well
13:32.35jdblackThat's the thing. I haven't really been too irritated.
13:32.43jdblackOr irritating, for that matter.
13:32.52telnettechthe PCI thing seemed to irritate you
13:32.52jdblackWell, other than normal, at least.
13:33.10rob0Oh come on, what's the loss of an addiction without at least one homicide?
13:33.25jdblackseriously! We should have that right
13:33.32rob0Pick one who needs it, do it!
13:34.31jdblackSociety would improve in a heartbeat. "Congrats for quitting Smoking/Cocaine/Drinking/WoW abuse. Please accept this free get out of Capital Crime card. Choose your target wisely and society will thank you"
13:34.37*** part/#asterisk ck_28 (n=CK@
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13:40.24telnettechanybody know of any telco settings on an MPLS circuit that the telco needs to configure when you have phones at 1 location registering back to the * server?
13:43.00*** join/#asterisk stope (
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13:56.57therealcircutmorning all
13:58.00telnettechanybody know of any telco settings on an MPLS circuit that the telco needs to configure when you have phones at 1 location registering back to the * server?
13:59.45rue_mohrwhats that?
14:00.02telnettechhaving ptoblems with voice quality
14:00.15rue_mohris that a digital service?
14:01.02rue_mohrwhat bandwidth, delay, and jitter does it have?
14:01.41*** join/#asterisk esaym (
14:02.13dunccfflailmpls is just IP
14:02.28rue_mohrso you asking about routing settings
14:02.38therealcircuttelnettech: i dont think you should have any special settings
14:02.57therealcircutwhen the provider throws you into their mpls cloud, its kindof up to them to make sure things are flowing as they should
14:03.29therealcircutu might ask them to prioritize your traffic to the asterisk server, but i dont know if they would be very accomodating with it
14:03.41stopeI know of some telco's that charge for the mpls component... what a rip!
14:03.44telnettechthats what i was thinking but i havent dealt with a MPLS circuit so I wanted to see if there is anything that i needed to look out for
14:03.53therealcircutnot usually
14:04.15therealcircutand if issue do come up its usually the burden of the mpls provider to fix any issues you will be having
14:05.04therealcircutthey might ask what codecs or w/e your using and try to tell u thats the problem, but unless their running parts of their cloud on a 14.4baud modem in zaire i dont think it should be an issue
14:05.21telnettechI turned on tos=0xB8 so that the packets are marked for the diffserv as EF so Im just curious if that is what they wanted or if there was anything i could tell them to do on their side
14:06.07therealcircutwhose the provider?
14:06.15*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
14:06.23dunccfflailcan't remember if it will honour the TOS bit or not, it's probably up to the provider
14:06.35dunccfflailis only just starting to roll out our mpls
14:07.33therealcircut90% of mpls really falls on the provider to get your stuff running / fixed
14:08.24telnettechPAETEC is provider
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14:09.10therealcircutnever heard of them
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14:10.06telnettechI have worked with them in various locations around the US but with T-1 and PRI circuits
14:10.34telnettechnever between locations and liek I said, I just know what I read about MPLS service
14:11.12*** join/#asterisk ayeso (
14:11.31ayesoAnyone know the major differences between ver 1.4 and 1.6 ?
14:11.46therealcircutyea, asterisk & your phones really shouldn't care when network you transport your voip over
14:12.02therealcircutif you have issues you should go to the provider first, as they are most likely the culprit
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14:15.10thomasrranyone here know what i should do to get incoming calls from voipbuster working in asterisk 1.6?
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14:26.59therealcircutThoMe: a good start would be to give us more info
14:27.22ThoMetherealcircut: jo. i think you mean thomasrr :P
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14:27.44therealcircutayeso: 1.4 is almost a culmination of 1.2 & 1.6
14:27.53therealcircutim doing an upgrade from 1.2 -> 1.4 here
14:27.57thomasrrI am using the following config with my asetrisk box but i cant get the voipbuster voip-in number to work (to get incoming calls):
14:28.06mmlj4thomasrr: seems to me that voipbuster would have a page telling you how to do that
14:28.09thomasrranyone know what i might be doing wrong? I am able to make outgoing calls
14:29.05thomasrri couldnt find it
14:29.16thomasrrvoipbuster isn't sharing much info imho
14:29.23mmlj4can you receive calls?
14:29.51mmlj4anyhow, what about extensions.conf?
14:29.52*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
14:30.09mmlj4and what are you using? freebbx? trixbox? what?
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14:31.15ck_28i am using asterisk free fax
14:31.22ck_28i am recieving rtp.c:1739 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 100 received from ''
14:31.34angryuserhello, what was the model of linksys spa with 2 FXS and 2 Ethernet ports ?
14:31.52ck_28SIP/msx-091c3cb0     2          G.711      send       Active          /tmp/fax1.tif
14:32.03ck_28how to make t38 acceptable ?
14:32.18ck_28always send g711
14:32.48thomasrrmmlj4: i cant receive calls but i can do outgoing calls
14:32.54thomasrrasterisk 1.6
14:33.12*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
14:34.08mmlj4do you have an extension set up for your VoIP number?
14:34.22mmlj4that needs to be in the right context
14:34.23ck_28guy any have experience in asterisk fax
14:34.57thomasrryes 31318XXXXXX
14:35.14thomasrrbut still i dont given get a sip notify thing or something
14:35.46mmlj4have you asked their tech support to trace things from there end?
14:36.01*** join/#asterisk shareenergy (
14:36.06shareenergyhello ppl
14:36.23thomasrrmmlj4: they dont respond
14:36.29ck_28is there a channel i can find there a help on asterisk fax
14:36.39mmlj4are you married to their service?
14:36.39*** join/#asterisk InfoNutz (n=what@
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14:36.53shareenergyanybody knows how to avoid rtp on a video call to pass asterisk?
14:37.10shareenergyI get the traffic always cut, when I use video on asterisk
14:37.19shareenergywhile opensips work fine
14:37.19*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
14:39.05thomasrrsip show peers
14:39.12eppigyu trippin
14:39.20thomasrrvoipbuster/phone        N      5060     Unmonitored
14:39.24InfoNutzanyone know a good link on how to configure IVR for linux based asterisk?
14:41.36leifmadsenInfoNutz: really IVR is just a make up of standard asterisk dialplan
14:41.41mmlj4thomasrr: I'm asking about extensions.conf
14:41.53mmlj4not sip.conf
14:41.56leifmadsen(although the next version of Asterisk:TFoT needs to delve into creating them)
14:45.26InfoNutz@leifmadsen: dialplan is the term for IVR?  I just need to append a message to our clients saying there has been a change to our voicemail system.
14:45.35thomasrrposted the config file
14:46.09cyfordhello everyone,  how can i make asterisk use a calling card for international calls?
14:46.18thomasrri made 3185XXXXXXXX => { } extension in the outgoing-voipbuster context
14:46.36thomasrrand in sip.conf i specified that context for the voipbuster block
14:47.47mmlj4thomasrr: what is your VoIP numbef, from voipbuster?
14:47.50*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
14:48.59shareenergyis there any way of doing a connection directly between 2 devices
14:49.47InfoNutzHello everyone, i'm looking to change the voicemail prompts on asterisk.  Is there a good link on configuring and manageing them?
14:49.51mmlj4thomasrr: you need that number in extensions.conf if you want to receive calls for that number
14:50.25mmlj4shareenergy: I don't understand your question, probably because it's too simple
14:51.07mmlj4explain a bit more, please
14:51.24shareenergyi have 2 sip video phones
14:51.37shareenergywhen I use asterisk the quality is really bad
14:51.43shareenergyall codecs enable etc
14:51.55shareenergyif I use opensips quality is wonderfull
14:51.57thomasrrmmlj4: well i got an other number and extension
14:52.01thomasrrand in that context i do:
14:52.19mmlj4opensips, never heard of it
14:52.29shareenergyso I wonder if there is any way to bypss video on asterisk
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14:52.41mmlj4are you meaning you only want SIP to be handled by *, but not the media channel?
14:52.49shareenergyso that they can connect rtp without passing on asterisk
14:52.57shareenergy:) exactly
14:53.00thomasrrgoto from-voipbuster,31318XXXXXX,1;
14:53.00mmlj4ok, right
14:53.03thomasrrand that works just dine
14:53.13thomasrrthe context from-voipbuster appears to work
14:53.57mmlj4I don't know, shareenergy... I haven't read much about how * does that... it may force everything to pass through *, or not... ask someone else
14:54.18thomasrrlike this: context from-freenumber { 31XXXXXXXX => { goto from-voipbuster,3185XXXXXXX,1; };  };
14:54.37thomasrrand then it recognizes it rings all the phones
14:55.39ayesoWhat is the best text to speech engine for asterisk?
14:56.15*** join/#asterisk Alborracho (n=chatzill@
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15:01.24mmlj4ayeso: festival?
15:01.53ayesommlj4: Thats the only one i have tried, doesnt sound so good.
15:02.05mmlj4there are non-free ones out there, some very good
15:02.38mort_gibayeso: But loads of people HATE speaking machines ;-)
15:03.17ayesomort_gib: I agree, Im one of them
15:04.09thomasrrhow can i enable debug mode in asterisk 1.6?
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15:05.24Alborrachothomasrr: core set debug on
15:06.08thomasrrdoesnt work
15:06.26g-a-m-e-r-xheyy, just recieveing this error when i do "/sbin/ztcfg -vv" - line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/zap/ctl' - can anyone here help me?
15:07.00ck_28when i send a fax using t38 always i have an error 488 not acceptable here why ?
15:07.49telnettechgamerx: what version of asterisk?
15:08.31Qwellg-a-m-e-r-x: do you have the kernel modules loaded?
15:08.51g-a-m-e-r-xerr, im not sure..
15:08.56g-a-m-e-r-xhow cani find out?
15:09.07phl4kxhi all
15:09.11phl4kxanyone here from PERU?
15:09.22g-a-m-e-r-xim not
15:10.42thomasrrdo i need to make a user in sip.conf for the voip-in number associated with my voipbuster account?
15:11.20g-a-m-e-r-xany ideas guys?
15:11.33*** join/#asterisk ScriptFanix (
15:11.41telnettechgamerx: are you sure that you have zaptel and not dahdi
15:11.45ayesophl4kx: isnt machu pichu there?
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15:12.40g-a-m-e-r-xi installed zaptel "sudo apt-get install zaptel"
15:13.12phl4kxI like to know a good digium card with no problems with polarity in peru with telefonica
15:13.38mort_gibphl4kx: I use Telefonica in Spain
15:13.49*** join/#asterisk tobias (
15:14.07phl4kxyes but us not the same in peru or yes?
15:14.31mort_gib:-) Don't know, but I would be tempted to think so
15:14.57mort_gibdo you need analogue or ISDN
15:15.03mort_gibor PRI??
15:15.32*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
15:15.34mort_gibThat should be STRAIGHT forward
15:15.44phl4kxbut the last card dont detect the hangup signal
15:15.46phl4kxproblems with polarity
15:16.21shareenergyphl4kx that seems like a misconfiguration
15:16.29phl4kxin my zaptel.conf?
15:16.41shareenergyphl4kx we implement in costa rica, madrid, portugal and no problems
15:16.44mort_gibHuh, over my head I use Sangoma cards in Gibraltar, Spain, Denmark and UK
15:16.55ScriptFanixI'm trying, but I am not able to change the voice as indicated on
15:17.03phl4kxok thanks
15:17.08mort_gibI'm NOT going to say no problems, but nothing serious
15:17.46*** join/#asterisk g-a-m-e-r-x (n=Domenic@
15:17.47phl4kxcan you recommend me a analog card with 2 FXO ports?
15:17.50*** part/#asterisk dandre (
15:18.04g-a-m-e-r-xsorry, did anyone have any ideas
15:18.15tzafrir_laptopg-a-m-e-r-x, install zaptel-source
15:18.24tzafrir_laptoprun (as root) m-a a-i zaptel
15:18.37ScriptFanixexten => 123,n,Swift('Hello, my name is Lawrence. I hope you're enjoying the way my voice sounds!')
15:18.39ScriptFanixexten => 123,n,Swift("Isabelle^Bonjour, je m'appelle Isabelle. J'espère que vous aimez le son de ma voi"!)
15:18.48tzafrir_laptopand this is something you should have read about in /usr/share/doc/zaptel/README.Debian
15:18.49thomasrrdoesnt exist?
15:19.09thomasrror 83 33
15:19.11ScriptFanixLawrence, an english voice, tries to say "Isabelle^Bonjour, je m'appelle Isabelle. J'espère que vous aimez le son de ma voi"
15:19.13g-a-m-e-r-xim installing it now
15:19.18ScriptFanixIsabelle being a french voice
15:19.20lesouvageI have build a simpe autodial routine in Asterisk using Meetme(). When the agent want to end the call he has to use * option 3 and kick the called party out of the conference. Problem is that not only the sip channel is disconnected but also the local channel that started the routine and was launched from a callfile. I'm using a dialstatement with the g parameter so execution of the context...
15:19.22lesouvage...contnues and the M to start a  macro to enter the conferenceroom.
15:20.17lesouvageIs there a way to really hang up the sip channel without disconnecting the original local channel. I already erased the /n parameter form the callfile line.
15:20.31VaGoNeTaSi've configured an SIP Telephone
15:20.36thomasrrdamn s hould never have rebooted the asterisk box :( :(
15:20.36VaGoNeTaSGrandstream BT-200
15:20.55VaGoNeTaSbut when i call or receive calls, i we can hear each other
15:20.58VaGoNeTaSbut with statics
15:21.05VaGoNeTaSwhat can it be, the audo codecs?
15:21.29VaGoNeTaSwhat could it be*
15:21.43g-a-m-e-r-xplease stop spamming
15:21.58VaGoNeTaSwho's spamming
15:22.02VaGoNeTaSu r
15:22.07bmoracaVaGoNeTaS: Grandstream phones are called "BudgetTone" for a reason...they're like the Yugo of VoIP phones
15:22.15g-a-m-e-r-xumm no, i think everybody would agree you were
15:22.22thomasrrwhy do i keep getting
15:22.24thomasrr[May 15 17:12:39] WARNING[3371]: chan_sip.c:21169 set_insecure_flags: Unknown insecure mode 'very' on line 36 ?
15:22.35VaGoNeTaSbmoraca well i know but, with the softphone, i get the same
15:22.48VaGoNeTaSi can here, but with statics
15:22.54VaGoNeTaSi can listen*
15:22.58Nuggetmy brain keeps trying to turn "g-a-m-e-r-x" into a file permissions mask. I can see it's read/execute for others, but I can't figure out the rest.
15:23.01bmoracaVaGoNeTaS: you get static because you're talking to a grandstream.  what if you call softphone to softphone?
15:23.13lesouvageDoes anybody knows where the kick of the conference routine is in the source code. I checked app_meetme but I culdn't find it.
15:23.17VaGoNeTaSi tried to call softphone to a local phone
15:23.20VaGoNeTaSand i got the same
15:23.22g-a-m-e-r-xnugget, what do you mena?
15:23.33Nuggetdo an "ls -la" on any unix box.
15:23.33VaGoNeTaSi mean, i was able to speak and listen but with statics
15:23.35g-a-m-e-r-xniggets, hehehe
15:23.42g-a-m-e-r-xi get it xD
15:23.43jayteeVaGoNeTaS, make sure silence suppression is turned off on the phone and if by "static" you mean clicking that's probably jitter caused by the fact that Grandstreams tend to suck and all the ones I've used are famous for it.
15:24.30thomasrrhmm 0 SIP registrations. when calling sip show registry doesnt sound good
15:24.48g-a-m-e-r-x<tzafrir_laptop>, i did the m-a a-i zaptel as sudo but it said failed
15:24.54InfoNutzHello everyone, i'm looking to change the voicemail prompts on asterisk.  Is there a good link on configuring and manageing them?
15:25.14tzafrir_laptopg-a-m-e-r-x, what error?
15:25.25g-a-m-e-r-xoviously after i "sudo apt-get install zaptel-source"
15:25.44leifmadsenInfoNutz: not really, they are just audio files though, and should all be prefixed with vm- I believe
15:26.09leifmadsenthe voicemail application will automatically use the files as-is though -- you can't change the way voicemail works on asterisk
15:26.13leifmadsen(without code changes)
15:27.35tzafrir_laptopg-a-m-e-r-x, try: m-a -t a-i zaptel
15:27.36*** join/#asterisk MrISDN_ (
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15:27.53tzafrir_laptopthis will run it without this box
15:28.10tzafrir_laptopalternatively, "view" the build log
15:28.28jayteethomasrr, unless you're asterisk server is registering to another system 0 isn't all that bad. sip show peers shows what devices are registered TO you, sip show registry shows what hosts your * server is registered to
15:29.06g-a-m-e-r-xnow its just
15:31.33*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
15:32.12thomasrrtrying to register to voipbuster
15:32.44thomasrrand the inbound number doesnt want to work
15:32.47jayteethomasrr, then it should not be 0 which means your sip registration failed
15:33.26thomasrrhow can i see what goes wrong?
15:33.29VaGoNeTaSjaytee yes
15:33.32tzafrir_laptophmm... Ubuntu maintainers seem to have missed this fix
15:33.40VaGoNeTaSbut what about when i call from softphone to softphone
15:33.54thomasrrjaytee:  this is my config atm:
15:34.01jayteethomasrr, if this is a new install and you're just starting with Asterisk I'd recommend reading the book and check pages 97-101 for registering to a sip provider.
15:34.07infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:34.14thomasrrwell it worked boefre :/
15:34.20thomasrrbut not after the reboot
15:34.28thomasrrip address hasnt changed :/
15:34.28tzafrir_laptopg-a-m-e-r-x, It's something I fixed in Debian long ago. A trivial patch. I have no idea hwy it's not in Ubuntu yet
15:34.58g-a-m-e-r-xohh, so its not easly fixable?
15:35.21*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:35.21thomasrrmaybe its the dns :P
15:35.39thomasrrnope that aint it
15:35.57jayteethomasrr, this line should be before your user accounts and after the [general] section
15:36.11ck_28--------------------------do any one  install the Fax For Asterisk module? -------------------
15:36.13jayteeregister => XXX@
15:36.23g-a-m-e-r-xwhat linux distro would work the best with asterisk
15:36.48thomasrrit shows voipbuster/username Monitored:1 online] though
15:36.53Nuggetas far as asterisk is concerned they're all the same.  Just pick the distro you hate the least and run with it.
15:36.54jayteeg-a-m-e-r-x, opinions vary. I prefer CentOS or RHEL but some like Debian.
15:37.23jayteewaits for someone to shout out "Slackware FTW!!!"
15:37.34*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
15:37.36g-a-m-e-r-xi might put centOs on my other computer then, thanks
15:37.37Kattyhugs jaytee
15:37.39Nuggethey, two of my three asterisk servers are slackware.  :)
15:37.47Nuggetit's the least linuxy linux, imho.
15:38.16BlargMaN00Nugget: doesn't that defeat the purpose of...  well, linux??
15:38.29thomasrrbut it is jaytee after general and before the user accounts :|
15:38.31jayteeg-a-m-e-r-x, of most of the distros CentOS seems to have fewer problems than most and on the wiki there tends to be more how-to's available but there are alot of resources for Debian also.
15:38.32telnettechALL of our systems are slackware then...We are just now going to be installing CentOS and have used only RHEL
15:38.50VaGoNeTaSmaybe is the fucking codec
15:38.55tzafrir_laptopjaytee, the ubuntu package is unmaintained
15:38.56jayteethomasrr, not in your pastebin it isn't it's after the [voipbuster] account.
15:38.59tzafrir_laptopthe debian one is
15:39.15tzafrir_laptopand actually works
15:40.24jayteetzafrir_laptop, I've talked with people running * fine on Ubuntu too. I'm not a distro bigot, just prefer RHEL or CentOS because it's what I ended up using * on and it's what I've grown used to.
15:40.34jayteeI still run Ubuntu as a desktop
15:41.00jayteehugs Katty
15:41.04g-a-m-e-r-x<tzafrir_laptop>, is the error related to my having my modem being on  /dev/ttySM0'?
15:41.04therealcircutcan someone explain to me how this scenario might work, A calls B, B answers and wants to transfer to C, B dials a special extension which records A's name and announces it to C, then A is sent to ring C's phone
15:41.08jayteewhat's for lunch?
15:41.10tzafrir_laptopjaytee, building Zaptel / DAHDI on those (Centos et. al.) is way more complicated
15:41.26therealcircutjaytee: u use the rpms or build from src?
15:42.29g-a-m-e-r-xi just want to get it set up so it might be able to routa a DID from where my family lives throught voi, just you know to learn a bit about it..
15:43.29jayteetherealcircut, I always compile, I never use packages on standard Asterisk
15:43.42g-a-m-e-r-xanyway, ill see you all later i have to goto bed, its nearly 2am :( *yawn*
15:44.04tzafrir_laptopg-a-m-e-r-x, see if zaptel-source from helps you
15:44.09g-a-m-e-r-xchances are ill be back before you know it xD
15:44.26g-a-m-e-r-xokay ill quickly try it now
15:44.53jayteetzafrir_laptop, I took the advanced * class back in November and Jared had us install * 1.6 with DAHDI and it took about 20 minutes to compile libpri, dahdi, asterisk and the add-ons. not a tough chore at all.
15:45.04therealcircutjaytee: agreeed
15:45.25therealcircutafter u get all the gcc / compiler stuff installed via yum
15:45.28tzafrir_laptopjaytee, but what about maintaining such a system?
15:45.34therealcircutthe ./configure && make && make install is a breeze
15:45.36g-a-m-e-r-xjust got adsl2+ approved today but i have to wait for them to provision it now :(~
15:45.39jayteeand there's a good how-to on the wiki for CentOS with * 1.4 that can be easily adapted to 1.6 with DAHDI if the person using it has at least half a brain.
15:45.57tzafrir_laptopjaytee, and also: it was jared. I'm pretty sure other gurus know how to avoid the problems. newbs don't
15:46.05g-a-m-e-r-xthanks jaytee, you mean the centos wiki i gues?
15:46.23g-a-m-e-r-xor the * one?
15:46.43tzafrir_laptopthe proper fix for that, of course, is (a) to get dahdi into mainline kernel and (b) reduce the dependency on it. (b) is implemented in later versions
15:46.54tzafrir_laptopg-a-m-e-r-x, centos wiki? ha
15:46.58thomasrrits connected
15:47.18g-a-m-e-r-xha, i know im pryitty much a noob to most other distros
15:47.18*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:47.29jayteeg-a-m-e-r-x, I mean this one on
15:47.41tzafrir_laptopg-a-m-e-r-x, please use 'reportbug' to report this bug to ubuntu
15:47.51tzafrir_laptopfor starters. They should fix their broken packages
15:48.19mmlj4they don't call it screwbuntu for nothing...
15:48.20tzafrir_laptopand I have already pointed to you to a place to get a later zaptel-source dpkg that should fix that
15:48.29tzafrir_laptopif it doesn't, it's a bug I should fix
15:48.41Nuggetfollows tzafrir's guide to git-svn and asterisk
15:49.14thomasrrMay 15 17:39:27] WARNING[3371]: chan_sip.c:3075 retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission 4075617656@192_168_100_37 for seqno 3 (Critical Response) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
15:49.18thomasrrnot good right?
15:49.50Kattyconsumes burbon chicken
15:49.54jayteetzafrir_laptop, regarding maintaining the system....well, that's a whole nuther ballgame and anyone who wants to run or administer * should at least know basic telecom principles but more importantly know IP networking and linux administration or they're up you know what creek
15:50.15Kattyeppigy: season1, episode 7! What are little girls made of.
15:50.29jayteemmmm, burbon chicken! is that anything like bourbon chicken?
15:50.36g-a-m-e-r-xtzafrir_laptop, says that that package is allready installed and is a newer version
15:50.53g-a-m-e-r-xokay all i havta go now, night!
15:51.11g-a-m-e-r-xlol morning i guess :P
15:51.16g-a-m-e-r-x2 am :P
15:51.23g-a-m-e-r-xgood morning xD
15:51.26Kattyjaytee: probably
15:51.30Kattyjaytee: would you like the recipe?
15:51.31*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
15:51.32jayteedo you know where your children are?
15:52.05jayteeKatty, you're in Missouri, they have to put bourbon in everything there, it's state law! Swear to God it is. :-)
15:54.00rbdhi guys...wondering what voice codecs can be used if one is doing speech analytics... g711 definitely, but I've heard that g729 can't be used ...what about g726, etc? having a hard time finding this info online
15:54.11thomasrranyone able to tell me how to activate debug mode?
15:54.17thomasrrcore debug on, debug on dont work
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15:56.43Kattyjaytee: a little cornstarch and it'd be a sticky glaze (=
15:56.53Kattyjaytee: optionally you can use baked chicken nuggets.
15:57.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
15:57.28Kattyjaytee: gives it more of a typical chinese resturant taste.
15:57.38VaGoNeTaShow could i change my Audio Codec ?
15:57.52Nugget# Because you use the right editor:
15:57.53VaGoNeTaScoz the phone calls are still getting static
15:58.19[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Codecs don't cause static
15:58.24ck_28rtp.c:1739 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 100 received fr
15:58.48ck_28any one know why the fax t38 fails only send g711
15:58.53ck_28[TK]D-Fender hi
15:59.06VaGoNeTaS[TK]D-Fender what does?
15:59.25VaGoNeTaSim able to make and receive calls, i've just setup an  Grandstream BT-200 phone
15:59.40ck_28[TK]D-Fender can you help me in asterisk fax module
15:59.41VaGoNeTaSim making calls and in can listen but with statics
15:59.50jayteeKatty, yeah I've used cornstarch to make a sticky glaze with a ginger/brownsugar/soysauce recipe I have for stir fry green beans
15:59.54ck_28@russellb hi can you help me in asterisk fax modue
16:00.56thomasrr:( :(
16:00.59[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Your description is incomplete and I don't have any impression of the kid of tests you're running
16:01.54*** join/#asterisk kfife (
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16:02.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Old fave
16:03.17jayteeYou go home! You too fat!! All you can eat doan me foevah! Son of a bitch!
16:04.05jayteeI love the routine he does about when he was at the French Riviera and kept craving Italian food.
16:04.08*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
16:04.10thomasrri think i will just hire to some guy to fix this :P
16:04.19VaGoNeTaSof the what?
16:06.23thomasrrcore debug on doesnt work
16:06.26thomasrrhow should i do it now?
16:06.38jayteethomasrr, did you try sip set debug on?
16:06.52thomasrrthat works :D
16:07.30therealcircutpoor [TK]D-Fender
16:07.36therealcircuthes like a rockstar
16:07.39*** join/#asterisk trentcreek (n=kvirc@
16:08.00jayteemight want to try typing help all by itself sometime at the CLI just to see what's available. or do asterisk -rx "help">cli_commands.txt so you have a permanent file handy
16:08.23trentcreekwho knows what could be a problem when dialing extensions fail, but dialing out works fine?
16:08.36jayteeok, time to get some lunch, all that chinese buffet stuff is making me hungry.
16:08.57[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: everything you dial is an extension.
16:09.05Pan3D[TK]D-Fender has the patient of the Buddha. It is amazing.
16:09.19[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: We do not support FreePBX here.  You know this.
16:09.22trentcreekokay then I should rephrase...
16:09.31trentcreekYes, but I am asking ina Asterisk sense
16:09.32[TK]D-FenderPan3D: That used to be true...
16:09.41[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: everything you dial is an extension. <-----------
16:09.41jayteethey tried to crucify Buddha too but he was so fat and heavy they couldn't lift him onto the cross so they said, "Just sit there!"
16:09.42Pan3Dyou still rock :)
16:09.56trentcreekokay..rephrase...unable to dial internal external, but can external
16:09.59[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: And coming in asking that without providing pastebinned backup....
16:10.06Pan3Djaytee: btw, you mentioned a recipe which sounds quite tasty. You should share that with us.
16:10.12[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: "internal" doesn't mean anything.
16:10.21thomasrrexitSIP/2.0 400 Bad request
16:10.23thomasrrSIP/2.0 400 Bad request
16:10.27Pan3D<3s greenbeans
16:10.29thomasrrhmm, that cant be good right?
16:10.42[TK]D-Fenderthomasrr: Depends what it is in RESPONSE to
16:14.40*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
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16:14.53*** mode/#asterisk [+o jtodd] by ChanServ
16:17.42thomasrrINVITE SIP/2.0
16:17.50thomasrris that something i am receiving or sending?
16:18.09thomasrrVia: SIP/2.0/UDP 195.XXX.XXX.XXX:5060;branch=z9hG4bK6003af0e;rport
16:18.11thomasrris on the line below
16:19.24thomasrri will just rebuild the system :P
16:20.36Pan3Dthomasrr: whoa, back up
16:21.25Pan3Dthomasrr: if you're going to use asterisk in any type of real setting, you should learn the SIP protocol and learn to debug.
16:21.42Pan3Din other words, understand what that means.
16:21.54TalkradioPan3D do you have alink to a good sig debug tutorial?
16:23.01Pan3DThe best way to do this is to have some SIP documentation (as in the protocol) open and initiate some calls just see watch the process from start to end. There is a very clear process in SIP once you get past the big blocks of text. It's a conversation with very specific rules.
16:24.24Pan3DTalkradio: Ok, I know this document may look scary, but it has some good explanation and examples "straight from the horses mouth"
16:25.13[TK]D-Fenderthomasrr: What will "rebuilding" do?
16:25.29[TK]D-Fenderthomasrr: Won't make you any more competant at reading SIP debug
16:25.57[TK]D-FenderthomYou clearly missed the header line at the start of the packet that says if you're READING or SNDING
16:26.11*** part/#asterisk JenniferAkemi (
16:26.23telnettechthomasrr: read SIP Demystified
16:27.20trentcreek[TK]D-Fender: ALl trunks, extensions, etc. are on port 5060 except one of the extensions which is  on port  1024...that make a difference?
16:28.37[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: A very hollow description, and still no debug
16:29.06trentcreek[TK]D-Fender: is SIP DEBUG ON
16:29.26telnettechthomasrr: this book was written by someone that was involved with the writing of the sip protocol and it breaks it down pretty good that even a moron like myself could understand
16:29.28*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure_ (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
16:31.30[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: Looks like you've got 2 phones behind the same NAT
16:31.56trentcreekone will be remove later
16:32.03[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: I also don't see your SIP configs.
16:32.22[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: And did you test something OTHER than these 2 devices behind the same NAT?
16:32.31*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:32.39shareenergyguys any way to define video resolution in asterisk?
16:33.27trentcreek[TK]D-Fender: I can dial out.. I also have tried setting up one of the IPKall numbers to one of the extensions (100), but only get a busy signal
16:33.55[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: IPKAL does not support OUTBOUND
16:34.43trentcreekI have it setup on inbound
16:34.53*** join/#asterisk jjg (n=jjg@
16:35.19[TK]D-Fendertrentcreek: and "only get busy signal"..... OK you really aren't looking at anything...
16:35.44trentcreekyeah...I am getting there...
16:35.52[TK]D-Fendermoves on to something productives
16:35.58trentcreeklet me have someone dial it again
16:37.40jasonwootany quick CLI command to see if an ext is forwarded?
16:39.03*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
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16:41.27*** join/#asterisk a9k (
16:42.54[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: "extensions" has no concept of "forwarding"
16:43.19*** join/#asterisk Micc (
16:44.07jasonwootyeah, its the stupid Polycom 501 with the "forward" button right next to the "new call" button... what genius designed that?
16:44.36jasonwootrasterisk | grep forward        found it
16:44.46Kattyjasonwoot: tell me about it
16:44.52Kattyjasonwoot: the boss constantly puts his phone on forward
16:44.57jasonwootI found the XML to remove that button, but the damn things reappear at random
16:45.02Kattyjasonwoot: then whines to me that no one can call him
16:45.17Kattyeppigy: Dagger of the Mind
16:45.20jayteePan3D, ask and ye shall receive!  and for anyone else interested. Spicy Ginger Green Bean Stir fry:
16:45.29[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: Do share...
16:46.39MiccI've got a problem with dtmf with one of my customers using an spa8000. We thought it was working yesterday with dtmfmode=info, but now when they call into their voicemail it doesn't see the dtmf tones.
16:46.41jasonwootnot enough to pastebin:   <divert divert.fwd.1.enabled = "0"/>
16:46.53jasonwootanywhere in the <reg> container
16:48.29[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: I means what the rasterisk dumps showed you
16:48.58a9kI'm running asterisk & wanpipe 3.3.15 with Sangoma A200. Everything works except outbound analog dial. It dials _one_ digit and not always the first digit.
16:49.00Pan3Djaytee: awesome, thanks!
16:49.27jayteePan3D, bon appetite
16:49.41jasonwoot[May 15 11:49:17]     -- Now forwarding SIP/6430-b786bc78 to 'Local/20@INT-LOC-TOLL-BYPASS' (thanks to SIP/6379-0a12ba20)
16:52.00telnettechi love working from home
16:52.02rbdhi guys... is there a way for asterisk (in sip.conf) to preserve the codec in use ...current codec negiotiation seems kind of inflexible ..e.g. if I have allow=g711 and allow=g729, and a call comes in as g729, I want to keep it as G729 even if it isn't my #1 preferred codec...e.g. I always want to go with what the call originator prefers to use
16:52.04[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: thats live debug, not a logged event though
16:52.06rbdis this possible?
16:52.08telnettechtelecommuting is awesome!!!!
16:52.22[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: as in not a "state" so much as an action.
16:52.36[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: I love NOT working from home.
16:52.43[TK]D-Fenderhas the day OFF
16:52.54voxterI hate to ask cause its such a clusterfuck, but is anyone recently familiar with upgrading cisco 7941's to sip? I'm stuck in a loop of tftp requesting CTLSEP/SEP files - tried creating 0 byte CTLSEP and it just sticks looping on that one.
16:53.19telnettechI havent worked from home before but if I can get more done here at home then sitting in the office, Im all for it!!!!
16:54.06telnettechI have cleared my backlog of support tickets and only have the 2 that i need to concentrate on
16:54.55telnettechI started today with 23 tickets
16:55.08telnettechmgmt will be happy with the production
16:55.23telnettechor i should say productivity
16:55.40stopeno matter what you do, they're never happy and always want more
16:55.49Kattygives [TK]D-Fender cheetos.
16:56.00Katty[TK]D-Fender: they're baked!
16:56.05Katty[TK]D-Fender: so you can keep your girlish....errr
16:56.11Katty[TK]D-Fender: [TK]D-Fenderisher figure.
16:56.24[TK]D-FenderKatty: So's anyone who believes that makes them "healthy" :p
16:56.34jayteetelnettech, no they won't. First rule of business is no matter what you do, it's not enough and one thing I've learned in life at 55 years of age is that management is never happy or if they are it's only after they've fired your ass.
16:56.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: live a little ;)
16:57.25[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm looking at skydiving, hang-gliding and wind-surfing this year.... good enough?
16:57.26telnettechwell they will prolly be doing that next since they will be moving support to the "NOC" in manila around the 25th of May
16:57.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: no
16:57.36Katty[TK]D-Fender: not good enough
16:58.17jayteeskydiving is like freebasing cocaine
16:58.24telnettechand they are trying to make it where "anyone"  that can put a CD into a PC can install and "configure" asterisk as a PBX
16:58.27*** join/#asterisk a9k (
16:58.43[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Oh... you mean Trixbox? :p
16:58.55Kattyyou've not lived until you've had cheetos and ice cream in the same hour.
16:59.05telnettechTK: no they are trying to get it even simpler
16:59.07Kattyprobably /after/ the skydiving would be preferable.
16:59.07[TK]D-FenderKatty: I may well have already...
16:59.45Kattytwo lines a bump later...
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17:00.57jayteetelnettech, whenever someone comes up with something "idiot proof" God just invents a better idiot.
17:01.41telnettechjaytee: I agree but until then what should the rest of us idiots do to?
17:01.42jayteeor nature evolves a better idiot through adaptation
17:02.08jayteetelnettech, there's always Professional Bowling or Barber College
17:02.38Kobazdo you guys know of any providers other than broadbox that offer tier1 level sip termination/origination
17:03.10telnettechjaytee: I do have some experience cutting hair.<looks at himself in mirror>
17:04.53jayteetelnettech, when you can do a fancy combover job ala The Donald then you know you've made it to the big time :-)
17:05.09[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: You should realize that some people are too dumb to be doing certain jobs.
17:05.19Katty[TK]D-Fender: yeah
17:05.21Katty[TK]D-Fender: you should retire
17:05.26Kattyoh wait
17:05.28Kattydid i say that outloud
17:05.36Kattygoes back to star trek
17:05.37rbdanyone had any luck with speech recognition (e.g. lumenvox, nuance) over g729? I've heard g729 doesn't cut it for accurate speech recogn
17:05.40telnettechTK: tell mgmt that!!!
17:05.46[TK]D-FenderKatty: I'm learning how to "retire" people already :)  I'm quite good at it.
17:05.53[TK]D-Fenderis now 3rd Kyu
17:06.09[TK]D-Fenderrbd: It doesn't
17:06.22[TK]D-Fenderrbd: Too compressed for accuracy
17:06.36[TK]D-Fenderrbd: Might help if you are limiting your dictionary
17:06.38rbd[TK]D-Fender, what about g726-32? or are we basically looking at 711 only?
17:07.05[TK]D-Fenderrbd: G726-32 is going to have way better odds than anything else on the PSTN than G711
17:07.05jayteealmost all of my problems with Lumenvox are with calls from cell phones
17:07.45rbdalso, I was wondering people's opinions of lumenvox compaired to other (more expensive) solutions like nuance
17:08.02rbdI tried their demo out and it was OK, but it didn't respond to background noise very well
17:08.24rbdjaytee, yeah I saw sucked when I was on my cellphone in a restaurant
17:09.22jayteeI have a submenu on my IVR for obtaining driving directions, 4 choices: North, South, East and West. Lumenvox hates South for some reason.
17:10.55rbdwas looking at the MOS scores for the various codecs...I would think g726 would have a much higher MOS than g729 but that doesn't appear to be the case
17:11.55[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: N1H1 !!!!!!
17:15.31jaytee[TK]D-Fender, sorry, but I must be having a senior moment. I'm not following.
17:15.50telnettechthats the flu virus
17:15.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Think about good reasons not to want to go "South"
17:15.58jayteeoh yeah! duh!
17:16.21[TK]D-Fenderhands jaytee a file....
17:17.38jayteeSee! this is a perfect example of what happens to people when they do Windows support for a living for too long. I've reached an advanced state of MSD, Microsoft Systems Dementia
17:18.44jayteeand of course with my 401K pretty much evaporated I'll have to work till I'm 90. I can just see it now.
17:19.18Kattyi really wish i hadn't read that
17:19.18jayteeBoss: "Hey, we're upgrading to Windows 11 next week!!!" "Oh, joy! Just shoot me now and be done with it"
17:20.22Kattyoh! shiny!
17:20.24Kattygets distracted
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17:20.53jayteemy ex got laid off from Microsoft on the 5th. her and her fellow ex-employees are calling the day Cinco De Firo
17:21.44jayteeshiny is such a cool word. It has special meaning to a die hard Firefly fan like me :-)
17:22.03[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Same with "Darn"
17:22.18[TK]D-Fenderboots his co-workers into jet turbines
17:22.20jayteewhen he kicks him into the engine intake? love that scent
17:22.40[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yup.... totally bad-ass
17:22.44*** join/#asterisk vasundhar (n=vasundha@
17:23.12jaytee"if you take sexual advantage of that woman, you'll go to a special hell, a hell usually reserved for child molesters and people that talk at the theater."
17:23.59vasundharI am getting segmentation error  while trying to play mp4 on sip through asterisk any suggestions ?
17:24.12jayteedon't play mp4s
17:24.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
17:24.29jayteemp4 is usually video not audio
17:24.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Doctor, Doctor it hurts when I ..... awwwwww fukkit
17:25.04vasundharYes I know Mp4 is video ... I want to play streaming video on call
17:25.39infobotrumour has it, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
17:25.42vasundharwhich is supported by asterisk with another file app_mp4.c located under apps dir
17:26.02jayteeit is? when did they come out with that?
17:26.31vasundharwell go to :)
17:26.57jayteenah, I'd rather just hang out here and goof off :-)
17:27.55telnettechi actually have time to read more about asterisk and sip
17:28.07telnettechwith all my work caught up today :)
17:28.44telnettechthat way i have more intelligent questions to ask TK about :)
17:30.32Kattypst, vasundhar
17:30.36Kattyprice tag is still on the halo
17:30.39Kattyhands vasundhar scissors
17:31.42[TK]D-Fender's native name translates as "Runs With Scissors"
17:33.34jayteetelnettech, I got all caught up on work just so I could ask [TK]D-Fender to explain about quantum indeterminancy which always confused me and he just answered with "Yes, the cat is alive or no, the cat is dead. Take your pick"
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17:35.11eppigyhello Katty ^___________^
17:35.22jayteehe is Dave!
17:35.34[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: He also asked me if I was still indecisive and and dodgy.  I told him I'm not sure and I'llget back to him on it...
17:36.01*** join/#asterisk sHoZaIb (i=rOfLz@
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17:37.56vasundharSo far I thought only programming confuses me ... Now I realised I can't make out even chat ..
17:38.28dundelhi i'm using the D-Link DPH 140S, but my forward button is not working does anybody have experience with this type of voip phone?
17:39.45KattyHAI DAVE
17:39.46Kattylet's hug.
17:40.25*** part/#asterisk vasundhar (n=vasundha@
17:41.27sHoZaIbI am having problem when calling out there is no voice after call is been establish and rtp log do not show me any rtp packet from sip proxy
17:43.18Kattywhat i wouldn't give for a couple margaritas and some good company
17:50.05jayteeD-Link makes Voip phones? hmmmm
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17:58.17telnettechjust when i could catch my breath, i get more tickets.....Like 6 new tickets.....i think the supervisor is hoarding tickets....:(
17:59.27WHYSWhere can I find the recommended minimum specifications for * Business Edition?
18:00.17kiallHey all - looking for some advice on IP Phone brands - What brands to people recommend, and why? Voice Quality is obv my biggest concern ... thanks...
18:00.27jayteeWHYS, have you looked on Digium's website?
18:00.45WHYSYes, but where? I just can't find it. Been looking for 20 minutes
18:01.40WHYSkiall:  check out Polycom, Aastra, and cisco  - Aastra seem to be priced the best and has lots of features if you like that.
18:02.27kiallWHYS: cool .. I have a few Cisco 7941's already - love them, but there pricey ;)
18:02.49*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
18:02.51joelsolankiHi all.
18:03.14WHYSyep. same here.  I've been tasked to look at option, and Aastra seem like a good one, although I don't have one inhand.
18:03.18[TK]D-Fenderkiall: Polycom > All
18:03.27[TK]D-FenderWHYS: Go call Digium and ask.
18:03.43[TK]D-FenderWHYS: And its no different than * OSE
18:04.12kiall[TK]D-Fender: any reason you prefer them?
18:04.55joelsolankiplease see this pastebin. it is a debug of an incoming call where it says codecs not compatible codecs. But codecs are installed and licenses are also there. if i dial from eyebeam with g729 codec it works but if i dial DID --> VPS --> Asterisk then it says no compatiblle codecs.
18:05.14kiallWHYS: a recommended system spec is very hard to give since its *very* dependant on the number of concurrent calls and the codecs used...
18:05.16joelsolankiplease see this pastebin . any hints ?
18:05.26WHYSI want to test and get ABE working on lower hardware, and THEN purchase a production server at the end of summer.  the initial hardware is not going to be anything new.
18:05.27[TK]D-Fenderkiall: Reliability, audio quality, massive configurability, competitive North American pricing, strong SIP support and growing feature set
18:05.40[TK]D-FenderWHYS: How about actual details...
18:06.22WHYS:)  - ummm, not sure.  an old dell desktop. 3Ghz - 512M, 80GB...
18:06.24kiallWHYS: yup ... how many concurrent calls are you planning on? + have you considered which codecs will be used?
18:06.42[TK]D-FenderWHYS: ... no comment.  Stop worrying and just f-ing install it already :)
18:06.57WHYSUlaw, just for testing, no more than ten.  Got gold support.
18:07.11[TK]D-FenderWHYS: A P3 could do that
18:07.13kiallput it this way ... when i evaled * on a P2 300Mhz and had 5 concurrent calls no hassle...
18:07.41WHYSI have installed many time, but want to show support so had my boss spend some $
18:07.52[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: Capabilities: us - 0x8000e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263), peer - audio=0x100 (g729)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing) <-- what part of this is not painfully apparent?
18:07.55kialli literally just grabbed the only spare PC i had (we normally VM everything but I;ve heard * doesnt deal with VMs very well)
18:08.02[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: No compatible codecs <-
18:08.24WHYSI just want to make sure digium support won't laugh me off when I call.  Also want to be sure I can move the license.
18:08.26joelsolankiyes it says no compatible codecs
18:08.30joelsolankibut g729 is installed
18:08.53[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: and you did not configure * to OFER IT
18:08.58jayteeyeah, I ran mine on a P3 Coppermine with 512MB of ram, 8 FXO ports and 20 phones before upgrading the hardware and only did that to prepare for a major migration of 200 phones
18:09.02[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: Look at the "US"
18:09.22[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: Go change your configs, you are not allowing G.729.
18:09.44joelsolankilet me see. else i will paste the config
18:10.11[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: What's to paste?  You don';t know how to put an "allow" statement to permit a codec?
18:10.49joelsolankii have allow=all
18:11.00WHYSI have a Fax server setup as a VM.  Works pretty good. It's on a really speedy server though.  Still my desktop VMs worked well.  not production quality though.
18:11.00joelsolankilet me try to disallow all and then allow g729
18:11.50[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: You do NOT have "allow=all" for the section that is processing the call.  Go look at your own debug
18:12.08[TK]D-Fenderjoelsolanki: Capabilities: us - 0x8000e (gsm|ulaw|alaw|h263), peer - audio=0x100 (g729)/video=0x0 (nothing), combined - 0x0 (nothing) <-- you are clearly restricting to 4 codecs there
18:13.32joelsolankiok checking
18:19.00*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
18:25.33yangis anyone willing to send a trial FAX ?
18:26.50KavanSyang, google "hp fax back" or "hp fax me" line
18:26.59KavanSyang, free fax service to test with :)
18:27.17yangi tried several allready
18:29.03WHYSsure.  send my your fax number.
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18:32.43yangthanks WHYS do you see query?
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18:41.48a9kAnyone understand the chan_dahdi.c code? I'm trying to find where it breaks the dial string down into digits.
18:42.44[TK]D-Fendera9k: Plug an analog phone in parallel and listen to it dial
18:44.09a9k[TK]D-Fender: I've done that and have log of the misbehaviour. see - only one digit sounds
18:47.55*** join/#asterisk nephfl (
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18:48.10nephflmy call files arent being picked up and i have no idea why
18:48.39[TK]D-Fendera9k: whats with the "T" in front?
18:49.26a9k[TK]D-Fender: i don't add that - I believe its for Tone dialing
18:49.43[TK]D-Fendera9k: What ver of wanpipe, & dahdi?
18:53.08a9kwanpipe-3.3.15 , asterisk- hmmm dadhi was dadhi-linux-current on Mar 8 2009. Is there a way go get the dadhi version number?
18:53.31[TK]D-Fendera9k: install over it
18:54.14*** join/#asterisk Anth8708 (
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18:55.10a9k[TK]D-Fender: you mean make install?
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18:55.54nephflanybody know why my call file may not be processed? it has the correct owner/group
18:57.17*** join/#asterisk hfb (
18:58.34a9k[TK]D-Fender: only sign of a date is "Firmware dahdi-fw-oct6114-064.bin" ... version 1.05.01 and other firmware versions
19:01.51a9k[TK]D-Fender: I'll try latest dadhi. Had to patch asterisk 1.6 with 14577 patch to get this far.
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19:10.34infobotrumour has it, nat is Network Address Translation  Usable in Asterisk sip.conf file with externip, localnet, and localmask setup properly.  See docs.
19:10.46*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
19:10.53guaxthere wasnt a bot shortcut for nat problems?
19:11.05infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
19:11.11guaxbmoraca, thank you
19:12.28therealcircutcepstral tech support is nice
19:13.53Anth8708hey guys, for 1.6, is it still SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info:<ringtone name>) for polycom phones?
19:14.31therealcircutAnth8708: hold
19:14.34therealcircutlet me paste u mine
19:14.49Anth8708therealcircut:  thanks:)
19:14.58therealcircutSIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Ring Answer)
19:14.59[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: yes
19:15.02therealcircutwere running 601's
19:15.17Anth8708thanks guys
19:15.37*** join/#asterisk uehueh (
19:16.29uehuehhello, I have a question, I am calling into my asterisk box, i have it routed to DISA, then I have the outbound Dial string with ,30,tT. I am trying to do blind transfer after I call a number and I am in progess with that call, I need to then transfer that call to a new person, any idea?
19:16.36uehuehblindxfer over DISA possible?
19:17.05*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=ZenBSDi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
19:17.26ZenBSDiSup Room
19:17.34uehuehno ones here:\
19:17.43[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: yes
19:17.43uehuehyou know anything about blindxfer over disa?
19:17.46a9knothing but bots
19:17.56*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
19:18.13uehuehits possible Fender?
19:18.23ZenBSDiI don't use DISA ..
19:18.25[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: yes
19:18.52uehuehhmm I am not having luck with it
19:19.43ZenBSDiI created a context called dialoutcenter.. I just dial 2350, it does a authenticate and then read(num) and then dial it :p
19:19.46bmoracauehueh: you'd get more answers with a pastebin of your dialplan and a pastebin of your error logs
19:20.12uehuehi have blindxfer => *1 enabled in features.conf, disa is enabled, I call in, I get the dialtone, I call a new number, I am in progres with that number, I dial *1 and it does not do anything
19:20.25uehuehbmoraca, Its simply 2 lines..
19:20.46ZenBSDiuehueh, ahh.. you want to be able to xfer calls too ..
19:20.50ZenBSDiI never thought of that :p
19:21.03uehuehi want to be in disa with a person, and then transfer him to someone else
19:21.40[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: WITH a person.  Sounds like a 3-way call to me.
19:22.01[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: Doesn't make much sense
19:22.48[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: And I gues you'd better PASTEBIN a failed call attempt along with your confis
19:22.50uehuehwhat if you DISA in, you all someone from the corporate network... and then your explaining something, and then you want to transfer them to customer care
19:22.52infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
19:22.58uehuehthere is no Fail call..
19:23.17[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: Show me the call.
19:23.19uehuehit just does not reconize the *1 from features.conf
19:23.29uehuehjust a second
19:24.15ZenBSDiI prefer
19:24.21ZenBSDiit has a search feature :p
19:26.06[TK]D-FenderI prefer .com it lads a hell of a lot faster
19:26.11[TK]D-Fenderloads* supports ipv6
19:28.44[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: what happens when you try # for transfer?
19:28.49uehuehand features.conf is the default features.conf but I took out the comment
19:28.55uehuehone moment
19:29.15uehuehjust call the disa and dial new number, when answered Ill press #
19:29.21[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: Also right now your inbound channel's context has nowhere you can productively transfer callers to <-
19:30.04ZenBSDiI just looked in the features.conf and it's #1
19:30.23uehuehyes Its #1 but i made it *1 because you cant dial # number from DISA
19:30.28uehuehbut Im running 1.6x
19:30.57uehuehim only running 1.6x because it also fails in 1.4x
19:31.34uehuehwhat do you mean my inbound channels context has no where I can transfer calls to?
19:31.47uehuehmy inbound context is simply answer, go to disa
19:32.08uehuehi want to transfer calls to , real phone numbers
19:32.16uehuehno external extensions
19:33.27uehuehestas trabjando?
19:33.43uehuehyo quiero morir por eso
19:34.03seanbrightdonde esta la biblioteca?
19:34.11[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: What do you mean can't dial "3" + number?
19:34.20*** part/#asterisk MrISDN (
19:34.52uehuehwell if it dial #+number it just stays on the same phone call, nothing happens..
19:35.41[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: IT?
19:35.56[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: You should hear something immediately on pressing #
19:36.01uehuehI just say on the current phone call
19:36.13[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: What happens if instead of doing DISA you just dial out normally?
19:36.14uehuehI understand but I do not hear anything, nothing actually happens
19:36.25uehuehyes it works when I dialout normally..
19:36.39uehuehbut the thing is.. I want to do it over DISA
19:36.40[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: Then ditch DISA and just make this a basic IVR.
19:37.07uehuehbut I need to call all sorts of numbers for the company
19:37.18uehuehand Im limited with ivr creation experience..
19:37.24[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: No difference
19:37.28uehuehbut Ill check it out on google
19:37.43uehuehI have another question.. if I am going to do it with IVR
19:38.10uehuehis there a way I can just dial, a certain sequence and it will transfer the current call to a predetermined number?
19:39.22uehuehits more like, Ok ms smith let me transfer you to my manager, but I want the people to be able to dial in from out of company numbers, but the predetermined number never changes
19:41.01*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
19:41.30Dovidhow is G722 supported in asterisk 1.4.x ?
19:42.04Dovidif I use a local channel will that break the pass through ?
19:45.51Kattyi like how they look up to the sky when trying to reach the enterprise in the earlier episodes.
19:47.27*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
19:48.36a9kJust great. latest dahdi changed struct dahdi_span so wanpipe latest from sangoma doesn't compile. Soooo frustrated.
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19:53.34keith4does IAX have a better change of not being hosed by a restrictive firewall, compared with SIP?
19:55.05bmoracakeith4: technically, yes.  however, a properly configured firewall should have no problem with either
19:55.23Dovidwill using a local channel in Asterisk break g722 ?
19:55.33Corydon76-digBetter, yes, but Sonicwall is known to fuck up both protocols
19:55.40[TK]D-FenderDovid: passthrough only
19:55.53keith4bmoraca: i have a user who is in Prague for a month. using SIP, nobody can hear her
19:55.56DovidTK: and Local will break that apart
19:55.59[TK]D-Fenderkeith4: Depends how restrictive.
19:56.12[TK]D-FenderDovid: Channel type is not importan, your USE of it is
19:56.14keith4thought i might give her an IAX softphone to try
19:56.24bmoracakeith4: what model firewall on both ends and what's your SIP.conf look like?
19:56.39Corydon76-digIf she sent a call through the forest, and nobody heard her, did she make a sound?
19:57.07DovidTK: Ok. trying to figure out why g722 is failing when both ends are using it. I know using Local broke T.38 when it should have been pass through
19:57.15Corydon76-digkeith4: you're better off just installing openvpn and running the call over that
19:57.16keith4I have no idea what the network is like on her end. just that she's somehow NAT'd, because the traffic comes from, but she says her computer is
19:57.30DovidTK: Have you ever tried any of the patches for G722 ?
19:57.39Dovidlike: ?
19:57.44keith4I've even moved her to a non-NAT'd asterisk box, on our end
19:58.00Corydon76-digkeith4: double and triple NAT usually does a fine job of screwing SIP to the wall
19:58.07bmoracakeith4: what's your sip.conf look like and what kind of router do you have?  and, what kind of phone does she have?
19:58.11Corydon76-digbut IAX2 has no problem with either
19:58.28bmoracasonicwalls are garbage :)
19:58.38keith4bmoraca: the asterisk server is in a datacenter in california
19:58.41Dovidsonicwall will give u lots of white hairs for nothing
19:58.58Dovidand also drop packets just because they r bored when they r told not to
19:59.02keith4yah... think I might try an IAX softphone
19:59.03a9ksonicwalls are high priced garbage.
19:59.17bmoracakeith4: that's all well and good...i've got asterisk servers in a datacenter in California, too...but it's not what I asked...
19:59.22*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
19:59.33Kattyhas anyone recorded on hold adverts/music before? and if so, how did you go about doing it
19:59.46keith4bmoraca: just saying... it's not like it's behind some crap DSL router
20:00.16keith4i'm fairly sure the problem is on the Prague end, as nobody else has any trouble, NAT'd or not, softphones or hardphones
20:00.39bmoracakeith4: i didn't say it was.  but there are certain things you need to do on all routers to make sure that SIP passthrough is properly working...or potentially your NAT was screwed up (maybe you're using a PAT instead?)...there's a hundred ways this could get screwed up
20:01.08keith4bmoraca: that's great. what I'm saying is: I don't have control over any of the network equipment
20:01.10bmoracakeith4: without knowing what kind of router she has there (can she even make changes to it?) you will never know
20:01.15[TK]D-FenderKatty: Microphone and a tape recorder :)
20:01.19bmoracathat's a problem, then
20:01.26keith4I believe she's staying at a university dorm
20:01.47keith4VPN is probably out of the question, too
20:02.05ruben23hi nayone can interpret this error log on my asterisk server=>
20:02.25Katty[TK]D-Fender: any other way that might be better quality
20:02.25bmoracawhy do you say that?  SSL VPN requires no passthrough at all
20:03.04bmoracaKatty: I've always just recorded them straight into Asterisk as whatever codec file i'm using
20:03.13[TK]D-FenderKatty: a mic and some piece of software for recording audio at maybe some kind of decent quality...
20:03.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: software suggestions?
20:03.32[TK]D-FenderKatty: Audacity
20:03.36bmoracaalternatively...Nero Wave Editor works well to save as an MP3 if that's the format your MOH directory is in
20:03.37Katty[TK]D-Fender: thank you
20:03.54[TK]D-FenderKatty: its on sourceforge for *NIX & Windows
20:10.15keith4and OS X
20:11.44eppigyTHE AUDACTOTY
20:12.00[TK]D-Fendereppigy: hukt on fonix werkt 4 u!
20:12.19eppigyi am semi-illiterate
20:12.42tzafrir_laptopwhich also means semi-literate
20:13.54Anth8708I even hate to ask, but I'm having issues with Alert-Info and distinctive rings with polycom phones:
20:17.12*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
20:21.53Kattyhi dave
20:23.34*** join/#asterisk telecos (
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20:27.28BreezBl0kany one know how to dissable the on hold music in parking lot or have just ring instead?
20:27.58[TK]D-FenderBreezBl0k: change your MoH class to one with nothing to play
20:30.09*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (
20:32.09keith4IAX2 is just tcp/4569, right?
20:32.30keith4for the record, IAX is working through this crazy-ass multi-NAT setup
20:36.43keith4ah, thanks
20:37.17eppigyhi Katty
20:40.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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20:56.13ks3Any thoughts why ReceiveFAX on 1.6 doesn't switch to T38? It uses audio fax mode, which works fine for small faxes, but breaks on larger documents.
20:58.08BreezBl0k<[TK]D-Fender> do you know how i can get it to ring instead then?
21:00.02[TK]D-FenderBreezBl0k: Make a sound file with ringing and use it in an MoH class
21:00.27BreezBl0k<[TK]D-Fender> Thanks
21:10.21*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:26.18Kattyeppigy: omg.
21:26.23Kattyeppigy: kirk just kissed a GIRL
21:26.31eppigyGO KIRK
21:26.33Kattyeppigy: can you believe it took until episode 13?
21:26.46eppigythat was suspense back then
21:26.52Kattyi guess.
21:27.07*** join/#asterisk af_ (
21:30.08[TK]D-Fender3 words : Green Alien Sex
21:32.07eppigyslithering intimacy
21:32.17eppigyit doesnt get any better
21:34.47*** join/#asterisk n00m (
21:35.26uehuehtransfers not working via ivr either :<
21:35.32uehuehonly if i dialout from a SIP phone
21:35.42uehueh-- Executing [#@callthrough:1] Dial("SIP/", "SIP/18002446227@vitel-outbound|30|tT") in new stack
21:35.47uehuehi have tT also
21:36.03*** join/#asterisk malveo (n=malveo@
21:36.11uehuehnothing happens with you press # nor #1
21:36.44uehuehdo I need to set a context in features.conf or something?
21:38.19[TK]D-Fenderuehueh: TRANSFERCONTEXT channel var
21:38.59uehuehchannel var?
21:39.14eppigyFOOD TIME
21:39.31eppigyKatty: i am so tired of fast food in my area :[
21:40.01*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
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21:40.43BreezBl0k<[TK]D-Fender>  where would the moh class be set for parking lot as ive tried parkedmusicclass=none in features_general_additional.conf and that still plays the default moh
21:40.53*** join/#asterisk simprix (
21:41.10[TK]D-FenderBreezBl0k: the class is based on the channel.
21:41.33[TK]D-FenderBreezBl0k: Whatever device the call comes in on set the MoH chall for the channel.  You can change that of course
21:42.38BreezBl0k<[TK]D-Fender> ok thanks, i dont think ill be able do what i want to do
21:42.55[TK]D-FenderBreezBl0k: And why not?
21:44.30BreezBl0k<[TK]D-Fender> i only want no music on hold or ringing when they are in the parking lot but if the calls on hold like normal i would like moh
21:44.32Kattyeppigy: stop eating it then
21:44.35Kattyeppigy: make yourself something!
21:44.41*** join/#asterisk neuro9 (
21:44.56neuro9hey hey
21:45.06eppigyKatty: D:
21:45.08neuro9whats MeetMe need dahdi for?
21:45.10[TK]D-FenderBreezBl0k: Make another exten to do your parking which set the MoH class right before you park the call
21:45.16[TK]D-Fenderneuro9: Mixing
21:45.24dunccfflailI've managed to get it so i can accept incoming calls, and then dial my IP phone, but when I answer the IP phone, asterisk CLI notices, but it doesn't "answer" the incoming call, it just keeps on ringing
21:45.26neuro9ah okay
21:45.31dunccfflailanyone know what the problem there is?
21:45.40neuro9whats the simplist way to install dahdi in gentoo?
21:45.44neuro9emerging or building from svn
21:45.45BreezBl0k<[TK]D-Fender> cool thanks
21:46.27[TK]D-Fenderneuro9: How did you install *?
21:46.42neuro9TK: from source
21:47.22neuro9tarball build with some custom patches
21:49.17uehueh-- User hit '*' to disconnect call.
21:49.23uehuehthats not in features
21:50.33[TK]D-Fenderneuro9: then install DAHDI the same way
21:50.46*** join/#asterisk h3x (n=Hex@
21:51.00uehuehim going throw up
21:51.06uehuehthis asterisk stuff is completely unexpected..
21:51.16eppigyhaha what
21:51.20Kattyit's almost5
21:51.22uehuehi mean how do you do *2 to attended transfer
21:51.25eppigyyesh it is
21:51.26Kattypoints at clock
21:51.33eppigycrap it is way opast five here
21:51.36uehuehwhen you press the * it hangs up
21:51.36eppigywhat am i doing
21:51.40eppigyWHAT HAVE I DONE
21:51.45Kattynot eaten
21:51.57Kattyhow tragic
21:53.01Kattyi'm gonna go hav edinner now.
21:53.02Kattyand stuff.
21:53.34Kattythe weekend is shiny and new :>
21:53.45eppigyHVAE FUNNLE
21:54.42neuro9anyone got to play around with 1.6.2 beta yet?
21:59.00bmoracai imagine someone probably has
22:01.53mmlj4I'm having a problem passing variables via AGI... it's not consistent as to which variable gets passed to the script, if any get passed at all... ideas?
22:05.20*** part/#asterisk a9k (
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22:06.02[TK]D-Fendermmlj4: Show us something useful
22:07.44uehueh[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your help today
22:07.58uehuehI got it to work
22:08.31uehuehand with GOTO_ON_BLINDXFR it transfers without entering the number
22:08.53*** join/#asterisk ziram19 (n=chatzill@
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22:40.54rue_mohrso my sip phones lack a flash button, ideas how I can fix that?
22:41.46rue_mohrI need to be able to send flash to the zaptel channel I'm connected to
22:42.05rue_mohrI dont need it for anything else
22:42.23*** join/#asterisk dthomas (
22:44.40defsdoorI just got a call on one of my extensions from sip:0
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22:44.57defsdoorlogs just show something odd - [May 15 23:37:00] NOTICE[18299] pbx.c: Error in extension logic (missing '}')
22:45.10defsdoor[May 15 23:37:00] ERROR[18299] func_callerid.c: Unknown callerid data type 'nu'
22:45.22rue_mohryou extensions.conf is broken
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22:47.29rue_mohryou prolly have ( } in it
22:47.43defsdoorI'm thinking it's a cli module I added
22:47.56defsdoorset callerID
22:48.00rue_mohrhow do I make it so sip users can flash teh zaptel channel
22:48.31rue_mohrdefsdoor if you like, post your extensonds.conf to pastebin and have someone look at it
22:48.40rue_mohrI cant, I'm on a text console
22:48.56defsdoorit's ok - it is this setcallerid thing
22:50.12defsdoorwhat odd is how it trigger a call
22:51.31*** join/#asterisk axisys (
22:54.06[TK]D-Fenderdefsdoor: "CLI module"?  pardon?
22:54.21defsdoor[TK]D-Fender: using freepbx here ;)
22:54.25[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: features.conf + Flash
22:54.41[TK]D-Fenderdefsdoor: move along then....
23:06.14*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
23:12.00rue_mohroh, hehe
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23:43.09stopeI've set up SLA and my caller id keeps on showing 'asterisk' even though I set the sip header with the correct cid, any hints?
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23:51.27carrarstope, does a set callerid name/number work?
23:54.30stopestill comes across as 'asterisk'
23:57.11carrarso thats caller id name
23:57.14carrarnot number
23:58.27voxterI hate you, cisco 79x1 series.
23:58.40carrarI love my 79x1 phones
23:58.48carrarusing them with Asterisk
23:58.53voxterthey are a bitch to get working, especially over the WAN behind nat
23:59.07carrarhaha yeah behind nat, good luck
23:59.23voxteris it true that even the most recent versions, you still must specify qualify=never and nat=no ?
23:59.34Nuggetyou *have* to use SIP-TCP on the newer cisco phones (79x2 and 79x5) if you need to traverse NAT.
23:59.44mmlj4I used to work in a video game room back in 1982... we had a red rug-lined room... so I used to write "867-5309: ask for Jenny" on the blank wall, in the shag
23:59.45carrarlet me look, I have one working with asterisk and 1 with switchvox
23:59.50voxterIve mangled it enough now that it can accept a call, but cant test audio or outbound dialing (phone is remote)
23:59.51Nuggetdunno about the 79x1 phones.  do those use the SEPnnnn.xml files?

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