IRC log for #asterisk on 20090507

00:04.07*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
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00:08.41*** join/#asterisk Superbartt (n=bart@
00:09.38*** join/#asterisk securevoip (
00:17.51*** join/#asterisk joat (
00:21.43*** join/#asterisk Lucas_ (
00:26.17*** join/#asterisk JMAFOU (
00:30.33VaGoNeTaSi need to use mp3
00:30.41VaGoNeTaSon the music on hold
00:30.43VaGoNeTaSbut is not working
00:36.24ruben23is this process would help me to register a remote SIP form my asterisk behind NAT..?
00:37.46Superbarttbasically yes ruben23
00:38.20*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
00:39.36ruben23Superbartt: i just point my SIP softphones to the public IP of my Nat Box..then the box would do the forwarding to my local asterisk..>?
00:41.05Superbarttuhmm... could you make a little sketch of your setup?
00:41.34Superbarttby the way, the site has a better nat guide, covering about all situations
00:42.39Superbarttgood luck, time for me to get some sleep
00:42.44VaGoNeTaS[May  6 20:44:37] WARNING[4669]: format_wav.c:148 check_header: Not in mono 2
00:42.44VaGoNeTaS[May  6 20:44:37] WARNING[4669]: file.c:376 fn_wrapper: Unable to open format wav
00:42.44VaGoNeTaS[May  6 20:44:37] WARNING[4669]: res_musiconhold.c:250 ast_moh_files_next: Unable to open file '/var/lib/asterisk/moh/fpm-calm-river': No such file or directory
00:43.04VaGoNeTaSwhy does it says that the file doesnt exists if it does?
00:43.50VaGoNeTaSwhat do i have to do with the wav file
00:44.00VaGoNeTaSneed to convert it with some speacial program or some?
00:44.11VaGoNeTaSdoes it have to be like in a mono way or some?
00:44.18[TK]D-Fenderruben23: for the 500th time :
00:44.20infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
00:44.48VaGoNeTaSTK do you know something about it?
00:44.57[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: If you need to use MP3, then why are you messing with WAV's?
00:44.59ruben23Superbartt: do you have email..?
00:45.05ruben23ill email it to you..
00:45.10VaGoNeTaScoz mp3 didnt worked
00:45.19VaGoNeTaSso im trying with a wav file
00:45.33[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Do you hve
00:45.45VaGoNeTaSi dont think so
00:45.59[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Did you install asterisk-addons?
00:46.08VaGoNeTaSno didnt
00:46.18VaGoNeTaSand i cant affort right now
00:46.22[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Guess what... Asterisk does not support MP3 without it <-
00:46.23VaGoNeTaSso im trying with the wav
00:46.44[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: And what do you mean "can't afford"?
00:47.11VaGoNeTaSwell, i can understand that * doesnt support mp3 without it
00:47.41VaGoNeTaSi dont wanna take the risk recompiling the * again
00:47.48VaGoNeTaSbut at this time
00:48.00VaGoNeTaSit DOES support WAV file
00:48.27VaGoNeTaSthe thing is...
00:48.48VaGoNeTaSi belive that it has to be in some kind of compressing way
00:48.50[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: You don't need to recompile *
00:48.51VaGoNeTaSlike 64 bits or some
00:49.02VaGoNeTaSso what do i have to do to add the * addons?
00:49.09[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: *'s supported formats are well documented on the WIKI.
00:49.23[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: download the tarball, and foow the instructions.
00:49.32VaGoNeTaSwhat tarball
00:49.36VaGoNeTaS*'s addons?
00:53.18VaGoNeTaSwhat about the wav files that * support already?
00:53.28VaGoNeTaSis 64 bits or some?
00:57.19*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (n=w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
00:58.08*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:58.56*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=AGENT@
01:00.08[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: ?
01:00.29[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: 16 bit 8 khz, mono
01:03.02*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
01:03.49saftsackhi, i have choppy sound in app_meetme (by hearing the file you are the only person) what could be the reason? dahdi_dummy is loaded without any errors.
01:04.04*** join/#asterisk VoipForces (
01:04.05VaGoNeTaSthat's on the make menuconfig
01:04.09VaGoNeTaSof * addons
01:04.21VaGoNeTaSi dont see anything related to format_mp3
01:04.46[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: JUST DO IT
01:04.52VoipForcesQuick question for chan_dahdi, can I have channel groups that overlaps channels. i.e. group=1 has channels 1,2,3 and group=2 has channels 2.3.4
01:05.27jayteeVoipForces, nope
01:05.30[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: yes
01:05.43VoipForcesLOL I like that, fight it off
01:06.00saftsackcpu load is low, kernel is 2.6.25. no errors from *. any ideas for the choppy sound?
01:06.30VoipForcessaftsack: voip, analog telephony, digital telephony?
01:06.50VoipForcesjaytee: you say no by experience?
01:07.02jayteeno, I just say no
01:07.02saftsack100mbit lan connection to the server. it is in the same room
01:07.09[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: "group: Allows you to group together a number of channels so that the Dial command will treat the group as a single channel. When Dial tries to make a call on a Zap group, the Zap channel module will use the first available (i.e. non-busy) channel in the group for the call. Multiple group memberships may be specified with commas, and to signify no group membership, the portion...
01:07.11[TK]D-Fender...after the equals sign may be omitted. Group numbers can range from 0 to 31. The default value is an empty string, i.e. no groups."
01:07.19*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:07.24saftsackeverything else works. just the meetme app is broken
01:07.26[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Only because Nancy Reagan told you to!
01:08.00jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I've never seen an example of overlapping channels in groups before in zapata.conf
01:08.05[TK]D-Fenderadds some conditioner to jaytee's brain-washing
01:08.11VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: By that definition, i would be tempted to say that if channel 2 in group 1 is busy, group 2 would not know about it.
01:08.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Just look at that shine!
01:08.53[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: If the channel is busy, then the channel is busy
01:09.11[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Stop with the crazy-talk
01:09.42[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Groups dont know anything other than the list of channels that are part of it.  * checks them sequentially just the same.
01:09.59VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: I know it's crazy, the customer wants it that way... tried to fight it off, but it's a freaking applition8 pages long of visio algorythms
01:10.57[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: No, I'm saying your claim about a channel in 1 group not being known as busy in anothergroup 1
01:11.45*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=lanman@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
01:11.58VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Well, that was just a worry that if L2 of G2 was busy asterisk would attempt to use it anyway when trying to dial on G1
01:12.27VaGoNeTaSyes i say it on format intepreters
01:12.29[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: If the channel is busy, then the channel is busy <-
01:12.33VaGoNeTaSu dont have to scream xD
01:12.54VaGoNeTaSwell, after that, it'll be available or i have to restart asterisk?
01:12.56VaGoNeTaSi mean
01:13.03VaGoNeTaSi have to ' module load '
01:13.08VaGoNeTaSor restart asterisk 1st?
01:13.08VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Okok, I get it, I'll set it up and if it breaks I'll come back to hunt you
01:13.13[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: You can just manually load it if the system is live
01:13.36VaGoNeTaSreportes*CLI> module load
01:13.43VaGoNeTaSnow what
01:13.47VaGoNeTaSi have to add
01:13.53[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: You're local, and I'm well trained and armed.  :)
01:13.59VaGoNeTaSsomething to the musiconhold.conf ?
01:14.05[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Now * supports MP3.
01:14.10[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Have fun
01:15.09VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: I'l bring my 9 years old, which is a blue belt LOL
01:15.26VaGoNeTaSIT WORKED!
01:15.35VaGoNeTaSthank you so mux buddy
01:15.44VaGoNeTaSi've just call myself
01:15.45[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Blue belt in what?
01:15.47VaGoNeTaSput me on hold
01:15.53VaGoNeTaSand mp3 just played
01:15.54saftsackall in all: kernel 2.6.26 (sorry about the 25 above), dahdi_dummy loaded without errors, one sip phone in lan, low cpu consumption, telephony and everything works fine. just when i hear the message "you are the only person" at the sart of chan_meetme the sound is very very choppy!
01:16.13[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: what about other sound files?
01:16.23VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Karate,
01:16.37saftsacki will test now. but from this file the alaw and the gsm version had the same issues
01:16.49[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: LOL... *peasant arts*
01:18.04VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: LOL. He just did his first Tameshiwari, was something to see. A guy (adult) did 3 ceent slabs with this foot.
01:18.46[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Yes.... brick & board breaking is a nifty "trick".
01:20.07*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
01:20.12[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Rest assured its applicability to anything else is worthless.  Oh... and let ME bring *1* cement block, you can bring his bandages :)
01:21.16VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: If the channels were previously defined in an other group, do you think I need te specify the switch type again when I use it in an other group?
01:21.29saftsack[TK]D-Fender: normal sound files also doesnt work
01:21.30[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: But rest assured that if your child is ever attacked by an angry mob of bricks, they'll never see it coming ;)
01:21.36[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: ...
01:21.39infobot[~gsmbug] there is a bug compiling Asterisk with GCC 4.2 where optimization errors cause GSM transcoding to distort heavily. Compile with GCC 4.1 or lower, or follow this patch : Also please read :
01:22.22saftsackgcc (Debian 4.3.3-5) 4.3.3 also for this version? ;)
01:22.24[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Settings carry between channel definitions unless overridden
01:22.34VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: LOL, well, he likes it and gives him assurance, beside not a lot of angry mobs of angry bricks in St-Remi, Quebec LOL
01:22.47VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: True, forgot about it
01:23.26[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Out of curiosity, do you know the name of his branch or Karate, and his Sensei?
01:24.10VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Sensei Claudine Verville Black 7eme Dan, Ate Waza Kan
01:26.02[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: I should adjust myself then : Bastard offshoot of a peasent art :)
01:26.21[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: At least it isn't Kyukushin :)
01:26.46[TK]D-Fenderhas no time for "do"
01:27.17VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Well, I know shit about it other then watching him so.
01:27.28[TK]D-Fenderfinishes his exam for 3rd Kyu tomorrow
01:27.44*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-243298fe55d7dcf5)
01:28.28[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Hopefully they follow the primary teachings of some other school
01:28.34saftsack[TK]D-Fender:     -- <SIP/patton-0a0c3de8> Playing 'hello-world.alaw' (language 'en') same error with this file. so this can't be a gsm bug, or?
01:29.00[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: is * transcoding?
01:29.21saftsackno! there is just alaw allowed on this channel
01:29.33[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: and you have that file in .alaw?
01:29.39KyleKcan someone recommend an iax softphone for windows?
01:29.40*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
01:29.47[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: Test with a softphone to rule out a problem with your gateway
01:29.48saftsack-- <SIP/patton-0a0c3de8> Playing 'hello-world.alaw' (language 'en')
01:29.58[TK]D-FenderKyleK: zoiper
01:30.01infobot[~zoiper] Zoiper (Formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be found at
01:30.21saftsack[TK]D-Fender: i had this issue with a phone in the office too. now im out so i have to check it over the gateway.
01:30.29VoipForcesTalking of zoiper, anyone implemented the new web version?
01:30.51[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: I mean NOT the Patton
01:31.00[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: Remote SIP is fine
01:31.08[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: just prove it isn't the PATTON.
01:31.20[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: Next, are you running a VM on that box?
01:31.35saftsackyes i know. but directly with a sip phone in the same room, same problem without the patton
01:31.46saftsackno vm on this box.
01:31.52KyleKso with iax i wouldn't have to worry about nat, as long as I can reach my *?
01:32.05saftsackbut it is a precompiled debian kernel, may they did some shit with the timer while compiling the kernel?
01:32.38saftsackbut on the other hand for playback dummy isnt used ...
01:33.08[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: Debian often uses 250hz timers which screw stuff up.. others like tzafrir_laptop may be able to better advise you on this.
01:33.37[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Why is it again that you haven't been able to follow the guides you've been given?
01:34.06KyleKwhat guides? the nat one?
01:34.08[TK]D-Fendersaftsack: Run a zttest and check your timer accuracy
01:34.12[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Yes
01:34.28saftsack[TK]D-Fender: thx ;) i will try a selfcompiled kernel now. will bring the infos if it works in a few hours. compiling on an alix is :/ ^^
01:35.01[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: TABARNAC!
01:35.48[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: its a DERIVITIVE of Kyukushin!  Then they make a reference to a name with "samurai" in it.  HERESY
01:37.25VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Yup that's them
01:37.27KyleKI did follow it, I forwarded ports 10000 to 20000 on my crappy home router for rtp and added a nat=yes and canreinvite=nonat
01:37.50[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Pastebin it all up...
01:38.37[TK]D-FenderKyleK: and your route forwarding screen-shot
01:38.58KyleKnot sure what the point is, that stuff works
01:39.14[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Oh?  Then why soil yourself with IAX?
01:39.55KyleKI'm at a friends house right now behind a router, and I dont have access/permission to do any routing, so I figured that IAX would make sense
01:40.12*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
01:42.20[TK]D-FenderKyleK: So you want to connect to your home * server?
01:42.20VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Do you think thatdahdi group change/addition need a comolete asterisk restart? Doing a simple reload of chan_dahdi does not seem to work...
01:42.20[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Clients don't need forwarding, only *
01:42.20[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Which you'd has seen if you read the guide...
01:42.20KyleKohh, i read that * doesn't support stun, and I assumed stun was for both ways...
01:42.33[TK]D-FenderKyleK: It does support it, and doesn't need it.
01:42.54[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: feel free to show me.
01:43.22*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
01:43.38VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: The chan_dandh file?
01:43.52VoipForcesVoipForces: chan_dahdi.conf file?
01:43.59[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Your configs, your failed call attempt, etc
01:46.47[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Schmuck, you are definig a channel MULTIPLE TIMES.
01:46.56[TK]D-Fendergrabs his katana...
01:47.17VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: That's what I was saying at the beninningLOL
01:47.38*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
01:47.38*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:47.45[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: A channel can belong to multiple groups buy your breakup is horribly wrong :)
01:47.45VoipForcesVoipForces: My original question: "Quick question for chan_dahdi, can I have channel groups that overlaps channels. i.e. group=1 has channels 1,2,3 and group=2 has channels 2.3.4"
01:48.15VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: ok, explain...
01:48.40[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Who is supposed to be in group 1?
01:48.51[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: you did 25 twice
01:49.23VoipForcesg1 and g2 are used by an inbount application/script
01:49.39VoipForcesg3 and g4 are use by an outbound script.
01:49.44[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: ....
01:49.53[TK]D-Fender2 x 25 in group 1
01:49.54VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: I know it's hell...
01:50.03[TK]D-Fenderhow can it be there TWICE?
01:50.05VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Ah fuc^&*
01:50.12[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: typo'd for what?
01:50.16VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: copy/paste error
01:50.35VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Still I should be able to address g4 right?
01:50.36[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: The buffer doesn't corrup in midstream you know..
01:50.51[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: No... let me fix this mess up
01:50.54VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: :-P
01:54.10*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
01:56.59VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Oh, now that's a way I did not think about
01:57.49VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Let me give that a try right now.
01:58.33*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
01:58.36[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: I passed you the instruction page..... and copied the line right out of it...
01:59.36VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: I just did not read it carefull enough, must be my french brain operating at this hour
02:00.07VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Having spent all day doing mysql and getting a named pipe script to work to log queue log directly in mysql
02:02.05VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Still getting a Unable to request channel DAHDI/g4/
02:02.28[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: "A Torontonian goes to Newfoundland and asks a Newfie neurosurgeon to turn him into a Newfie.  Doctor turns to him and says he'll have to remove 75% of his brain.  Guy agrees and wakes up 3 days after wards.  The doctor tells him there was an accident and he removed 95% instead.  The man, still drowsy turned to him and say 'C'est rien, c'est pas grave.'"
02:03.00VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Yes accessing channels directly works
02:03.16VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Man been a while since I read a newfie joke
02:03.21[TK]D-Fendervoidahdi show channel 29
02:07.10VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: I think I'll gave to restert for the group change to be active
02:14.44*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
02:17.42VoipForcesGood night, I'm going to bed early for a change. Thanks [TK]D-Fender for the help.
02:19.31[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Alrighty
02:20.13VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: Can not restart the server as it's sending faxes through the PRI right now anyway
02:20.34[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Yet you have been supposedly restarting DAHDI...
02:20.47[TK]D-FenderVoipForces: Get some sleep and try tomorrow
02:21.02VoipForces[TK]D-Fender: I did wort case is that it corrupted 23 faxes lol
02:24.29etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, on incoming FXO lines, is a hunt group the same exact thing as having rollover setup on the line?  I see the terms used interchangeably all over the place.
02:24.59[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: If the telco told you the term, then yes.
02:26.12etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, I'm having an issue where the hunt groups I have setup on my phone system are lasting longer than the telco's timeout on their huntgroup.  Is it common for a telco to be able to do a hunt group for busy only?
02:26.28securevoiphaving a problem getting video working from one x-lite client (exten 103) to another x-lite client (exten 104);
02:26.31securevoipany ideas?
02:26.39[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Do not mix an ASTERSIK zap group with telco hunting
02:30.17etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, I've got 3 FXO lines coming into my system at veterinary clinic.  I want the call to come into reception and ring for 4 rings (~16 seconds), then ring in the office manager's office for 2 rings (~8 seconds), then go to an AA I have setup.
02:31.01[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: So far has nothing to do with a telco hunt group
02:32.15etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, Outgoing calls use the same FXO lines and if the reception is on the phone occupying one of the ports, when a second call comes in, I want the call to rollover to a free analog line.
02:34.13[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: thats the telco's job, not yours
02:36.32etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, exactly.  Via a hunt group, no?
02:36.44[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: Yes.
02:41.19etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, but back to my main question is there such a service with the telco's  that only rolls over if busy?  One that if the line is not busy it will ring it perpetually with no timeout?
02:42.09*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=Administ@
02:45.35[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: That is the norm
02:45.59[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: You can ask for a split "Busy" / "No-Answer" transfer option usually
02:46.32*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
02:47.16*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
02:48.36*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
02:51.10*** join/#asterisk paulius (n=paulius@unaffiliated/paulius)
02:51.12pauliusHey guys. Quick question about the SPA-3102. I was under the impression that I could connect my whole house's POTS wiring to it to allow my analog phones to work. But according to the manual, it says to only connect a single phone device.
02:51.18pauliusWho's right and why?
02:52.00jqlVonage says it's okay to use with theirs... PAP2Ts I believe
02:52.32securevoipdo you know the REN (
02:52.53jqlif the internet worked better, I might be able to come up with infos
02:53.28pauliusIs this aimed at me?
02:53.34KyleKpaulius: the telco has access to the REN stuff
02:53.51pauliusKyleK: Well what's that?
02:54.16*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:54.26KyleKthe amount of power all the phones that are set to ring use matters
02:54.56pauliusI don't have any old school phones.
02:55.08KyleKalso if multiple phones pick up at the same time, the levels there might matter, if its all newer phones you should be fine
02:55.23pauliusUniden cordless phone
02:55.30jqlvonage talks some big talk about their adapters... *5* phones
02:55.44etfonhomey[TK]D-Fender, these analog lines are from Comcast and if no one answers for 6 rings it starts ringing on another line in the group.  I'm going to see if I can have them turn the timeout off or at least raise it to a large value.
02:55.52*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:56.15KyleKpaulius: the base counts as one, the handsets hooked to it dont count
02:56.35pauliusI only have a cordless phone and then this other phone.
02:56.40pauliusDon't think that it should be a concern.
02:56.49pauliusso how much REN can the linksys thingie supply?
02:56.56[TK]D-Fenderetfonhomey: etfonhomey they can.  Its a question of if they will.
02:57.08[TK]D-Fenderpaul7 is the norm
02:57.10*** join/#asterisk securevoip (
02:57.21pauliusoh so that's a lot.
02:57.26[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: 7 is the norm
02:57.35pauliusLike the wikipedia states, these digital phones shouldn't use more than 0.1
02:57.52pauliusAnd then I got another phone which the ringer is powered by the actual line, but its ringer is usually off.
02:58.00[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: Depends on the actual device load.  powered phones don't use the voltage to power a mechanical bell so they flag in lower
02:58.25pauliusAnd btw, I have full access to my demarc (NID) so I know how to plug it all in.
02:58.42paulius[TK]D-Fender: Okay but why are we discussing about this?
03:00.00pauliusI don't think I'll ever come close to the limit.
03:02.35[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: Sorry for adding an enlightening and useful piece of knowledge to the conversation.  Please remind me never to escape the minimalistac frame of reference of your questions again! :)
03:02.51*** part/#asterisk etfonhomey (
03:03.06paulius[TK]D-Fender: No, it's neat that you do. But I'm just curious about the conclusion of this whole thing... Will it work or will it not and can it cause some bad things to happen
03:03.09[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: ... oh and I was writing mine before your 2 lines came in.
03:03.27[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: From what you've described you could run double that
03:04.26*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
03:05.24securevoipanyone out there have sip video working in asterisk?
03:05.29jqla 1amp ata within 20-meters >>> money-conserving telco 1km away
03:05.43paulius[TK]D-Fender: So the short answer is that it should work, right?
03:06.50[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: how many ways do you want me to say "yes"?
03:06.58pauliusokay okay fine
03:07.16[TK]D-Fenderpaulius: No, "okay" twice is still only 1 way!
03:07.16jqldon't electocute yourself. good luck. :)
03:07.29pauliusjql: Yeah don't worry.
03:07.40jqlphone lines taste funny...
03:07.44[TK]D-Fendersecurevoip: I have
03:08.43securevoipsecurevoip: having a problem getting video working from one x-lite client (exten 103) to another x-lite client (exten 104);
03:09.41paulius[TK]D-Fender: I'm honestly so excited for this whole vo-ip revolution in my house
03:10.59[TK]D-Fendersecurevoip: sip.conf masking only passwords please
03:11.19Kumbanghi guys, does asterisk-gui work for asterisk-1.6
03:11.43eppigywe do not use asterisk-gui
03:15.50[TK]D-FenderKumbang: Yes
03:16.57[TK]D-Fendersecurevoip: Looks OK, check your clients
03:17.07[TK]D-Fendersecurevoip: Test on both sides
03:17.15pauliusthanks for your help
03:17.20*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
03:19.46securevoip[TK]D-Fender: so far, I have tested GXV3000, Aethra Maia, 2 X-Lite, etc.  Everything says "No matching video codec"???
03:20.19securevoip[TK]D-Fender: Do you see any problem with using allow=all for each SIP device?
03:21.15[TK]D-Fendersecurevoip: test the 2 devices direct to each other
03:23.45*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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03:29.36Kumbangi think | character doesn't work in asterisk-1.6, tried Goto(default|6000|1)
03:30.20Kumbangpbx_extension_helper: No such label 'default|6000|1'
03:32.08RypPntry a comma
03:32.37RypPn, = | in 1.6 iirc
03:34.11[TK]D-FenderKumbang: As is well documented in the CHANGES
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04:20.13securevoip[TK]D-Fender:  works great if I take asterisk out of the picture...
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05:28.54hardwiredoes a little dance
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05:35.40noisewaterphdso, I've worked mainly with just Polycom SIP phones thusfar, but I've got an opportunity to pick up some Aastra and a few Grandstream phones for a really good price.  Anyone have opinions on those two brands.  How are they better/worse than Polycom stuff?
05:39.23*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
05:52.58infobotrumour has it, grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
05:53.23infobotcisco makes the routers that move the pr0n across the internet at a very high rate of exchange. a company full of patent protected punks!, or <reply>Cisco phones are expensive crap which should be avoided with extreme prejudice
05:54.27noisewaterphdso no grandstream, I'd heard before they are built quite cheap.  How about Aastra, any dirt on them?
05:54.57infoboti heard linksys is a tool of satan
05:55.13dpryoSPA942 isn't that bad :)
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07:09.32Erol_hi, do i need to seperate a voip network from the main network by something like VLAN?
07:11.25henknot necessarily
07:16.55creativxwe arent
07:17.25creativxhow saturated is your network today matters
07:18.28henkcreativx: vlans don't help with a saturated network...
07:24.36creativxofcourse not
07:25.02creativxbut QOS can
07:25.08creativxdepending on your infrastructure
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07:57.38proxiumgm everyone, I want to upgrade my Asterisk Server from 1.4.22 to and I have freePBX, any advice please to cleany make all turning with no problem?
08:02.14lftsyHello proxium, I had no problem upgrading it on a Debian lenny server!
08:02.16lftsyGo ahead
08:03.32proxiumlftsy: how to uninstall the previous and keep the config so FreePBX can use it?
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08:27.47GestahltI have a big problem with asterisk
08:28.03GestahltOutbound calls from my ISDN Trunk working wonderful
08:28.12GestahltSIP to SIP also
08:28.22Gestahltbut i cant get any ISDN Inbound calls
08:29.20GestahltThis is the capi debug which i get
08:29.47Gestahltive got a fritzcard B1 (Active ISDN card). CAPI and such is installed and works fine
08:30.08GestahltIm sitting on this problem for weeks now
08:30.23Gestahlti dont know what to do anymore..
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08:53.08BeeBuuhow can i make 3 members in a meet room can't speak and listen?
08:55.07dpryoYou don't want them to listen?
08:55.17dpryoYou can mute and kick users
08:56.57BeeBuudpryo: but i want them back in some time
08:59.22dpryoShouldn't be that hard to write something that parks the channels, if you know your way around asterisk :)
08:59.41KyleKcan people be put on hold in a meet room?
09:00.13dpryoYou can divert the channel to where you want
09:01.41*** join/#asterisk ceegee (
09:03.04ceegeewe are running asterisknow 1.5, now my boss wants that the external caller number shows up on call transfer, actually the number from the person who answered the call first is displayed on transfer
09:03.34ceegeeI have no idea where to change this behavior
09:04.17BeeBuudpryo: park the channels? which command is?
09:04.33KyleKceegee: so if i transfer a call to you from conspiracy theory guy you wont know its him?
09:04.59ceegeeKyleK: i give you an example
09:06.09dpryoBeeBuu: This might help you:
09:07.20ceegeeKyleK: we receive a call from external, for example my colleagues wife, I answer the call, so I see her number in my display. I press hold and I dial the number of my colleague, when he answers my call, he has my number in display, after i hang up he should see the external number of his wife
09:07.43BeeBuudpryo:redirect? can i tranfer them back?
09:08.35ceegeeKyleK: you understand what i mean?
09:09.44KyleKcaller id is usually only done once for an incoming call
09:11.55ceegeeKyleK: as I see the problem, the caller id must change when I hang up the phone after successfully transfer, right?
09:12.30KyleKwell for your colleague he only gets one call
09:12.52KyleKhey im going to transfer your wife onto the line, and then shes on the line
09:15.10dpryoBeeBuu: yes, you can redirect the channels whereever you want
09:16.15KyleKceegee: i guess forwarding the call to your colleague without talking to him is out of the question?
09:16.16BeeBuudpryo: thanks.
09:16.29ceegeeKyleK: yes it is
09:16.53ceegeeKyleK: I know about that, and I know that this works with correct number
09:16.58GestahltCan you guys help me with my problem as well?
09:17.18ceegeeKyleK: but you know the rule "the boss is always right"? ;-)
09:17.58KyleKwell whats the colleague using for a phone? hardware of software?
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09:21.54ceegeeKyleK: snom 320
09:25.40BeeBuudpryo: can i call that in feature.conf?
09:27.42GestahltIf i dont get asterisk working today i will just buy a finished pbx
09:27.54Gestahltim kinda tired of the bullshit
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09:30.53KyleKceegee: best bet would be to email snom about it, ask for ANY way to change whats on the display during a call, even if its via the web interface
09:31.30ceegeeKyleK: ok thanks
09:35.57KyleKI wonder if a reinvite would do it
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09:56.29defsworkhow do you pronounce dahdi ?
10:08.35infobot[~dahdi] Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAhdi). The new name of zaptel More info at , and is pronounced "dah-dee" with a short A, or pronounced like
10:24.23*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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10:34.19c4rgdoes anyone actually help here?
10:34.24*** part/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
10:38.52mort_gibYes, quite a few people help out here
10:41.21infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
10:41.31c4rganyone having problems with faxing using  wanpipe/dahdi/asterisk 1.4?
10:42.02tzafrir_laptophas still not spotted mr. Anyone on the channel
10:42.51c4rghow funny ;-)
10:43.12tzafrir_laptoptry a more specific question
10:56.46*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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11:16.30ornI am using Asterisk as an SMG, and when I have an inbound call from the PSTN, the SMG sends it to a SIP proxy. If that SIP proxy sends it back to the SMG with a diversion flag, the Asterisk sends a CANCEL to the proxy, and sends an invite back to the PSTN, keeping the SIP proxy out of the loop. How do I prevent that from happening? Also the Asterisk regards the new diverted call as 0 billsec.
11:17.52smiley-any reason why asterisk is creating about 12 tmp-files /minute in /tmp?     files are called ast-ami-FsoIf9
11:18.03smiley-with the last 6 chars random
11:18.38*** join/#asterisk freddyk (
11:18.55freddykcan anyone help on fixing a problem with sip registrations ?
11:19.18freddyki user register => user:password@section_name_with_host_options
11:19.22freddykon asterisk
11:19.31freddyk[May  7 13:19:26] WARNING[17186]: acl.c:376 ast_get_ip_or_srv: Unable to lookup 'trunk_euteliavoip'
11:19.40freddykthis is what i get
11:19.50freddykit seems asterisk try to resolve section name as an hostname
11:19.58freddykhow can i get out of that ?
11:29.36ornput your sip.conf on
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12:19.20smiley-any reason why asterisk is creating about 12 tmp-files /minute in /tmp?     files are called ast-ami-FsoIf9
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12:35.58Kernel_Corehi all
12:36.26Kernel_CoreI configured my TE110P card with the latest Dahdi and asterisk 1.4
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12:36.51Kernel_Corewhen I issue dahdi_cfg , it is Okey and I get 31/31/0
12:37.06Kernel_Corebut when I want to use it in asterisk , I get this error "[May  7 17:04:05] WARNING[28116]: chan_dahdi.c:2789 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 16 as D-channel anyway!
12:39.28ltddid you specify dchan= in the dahdi config?
12:42.09Kernel_Coreltd: when I run dahdi_tool I see the status of the card is OKey and I see 31/31/0
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12:44.55ltdKernel_Core: IIRC, that means that there was no signalling present on the defined d-channel.
12:45.34ltdKernel_Core: Are you sure you don't want a  ,crc4 on the end of your span= line?
12:45.48ltdKernel_Core: not sure where you're located.  We generally always use CRC4 here in aus.
12:47.40*** join/#asterisk Gopaul (n=Miranda@
12:48.23GopaulI am getting this kind of message in asterisk console, Executing [failed@from-internal:4] Macro("OutgoingSpoolFailed", "dialout-trunk|2|failed||") in new stack
12:48.31Gopaulwhat exactly it is
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12:48.46Kernel_Coreltd: I am in Iran and asked from friend , he is a Cisco man , he told me the Iran configuration is the same as aus
12:48.58seanbrightGopaul: what are you using freepbx?
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12:49.07Kernel_Coreltd: but when I set CRC4 ,  my E1 doesn't go up !
12:49.55ltdGopaul: that extension is entered when the outgoing call fails.
12:50.17ltdGopaul: "failed"
12:50.48ltdKernel_Core: Hm.  I can tell you 100%, with every provider I've used here in AU, CRC4 is required
12:51.13ltdKernel_Core: But, if your E1 doesn't come up, that would indicate otherwise.
12:52.34Kernel_Coreltd: I enabled CRC4 and I got REC  BLU/REC  REC .....
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12:54.16ltdKernel_Core: what alarm does it have?
12:54.28Gopaulseanbright: i am using trixbox
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12:54.38Kernel_CoreE1-PBX*CLI> pri show span 1
12:54.39Kernel_CorePrimary D-channel: 16
12:54.39Kernel_CoreStatus: Provisioned, In Alarm, Down, Active
12:54.39Kernel_CoreSwitchtype: EuroISDN
12:54.39Kernel_CoreType: CPE
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12:54.50Gopaulseanbright: sometime the outbound numbers are working and sometimes it is not getting the failed message
12:54.59smpsi am experiencing segfaults on chan_local
12:55.04Kernel_Coreltd: I get this error
12:55.17smpsanyone could help me ?
12:55.23smpsi have backtrace from gdb
12:55.51[TK]D-FenderGopaul: This is a dialplan issue, and GUI's are not supported in this channel
12:55.59ltdKernel_Core: Not sure how to help you mate.  Your config looks fine there apart from that.
12:56.26[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: PB your configs, and is your circuited confirmed active with the telco?
12:56.32Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: I am using AGI via originate action
12:56.49ariel_Morning folks
12:57.01Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: I am not using any dialplan, only the voip account is registerd apart from that I am using originate action to originate a call from JAVA
12:57.06Kernel_Coreltd: thanks for your help
12:57.20Kernel_Coreltd: is it neccesary to send you my chan_dahdi.conf ?!
12:57.29Kernel_Coreltd: maybe there is an error !
12:57.31[TK]D-FenderGopaul: Your originate is doing what you're telling it to, and what you showed us is a line of dialplan executing.
12:57.35ltdKernel_Core: pastebin it
12:57.40[TK]D-FenderGopaul: This is not an "error"
12:58.04[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: Yes, there could be as you were only showing half of your configs
12:58.31Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: so when this kind of situation happens bcoz i am getting often
12:58.37Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: my scenario is like this
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12:59.08Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: I am fetching a number from database and insetering into the originate action as a exten so that the number will get dialed thru voip account
12:59.19Kernel_Core here is my extensions.conf and chan_dahdi.conf
12:59.33Kernel_Coreltd: please check it out
12:59.35[TK]D-FenderGopaul: What you are seeing is dialplan executing, which is what Callfiles, AMI & CLI Originate fire off.  These things "just work", and it IS processing.  WHAT it is doing however is based on your dialplan and your GUI owns it, not you
12:59.48ddunavantso, quick question: does anyone know why this statement would simply fail:  exten => s,n,Set(IntMenu=${IF($[ ${Path} = 6]?SLIntMenu:IRIntMenu)})
13:00.18Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: So how to overcome this, I am still confused!
13:00.46[TK]D-FenderGopaul: If your call is not processing like you want this is a DIALPLAN issue and not supported here
13:00.57ltdKernel_Core: I don't see anything too out of the ordinary there in your chan_dahdi.conf
13:01.38[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: Is this a brand new card?
13:01.53Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: but i am not using any dialplan, the call is originated from JAVA
13:01.55Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender: LoL ! no ! it is an old TE110P
13:02.07ltddigium or aftermarket?
13:02.31Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: is it could be any originate action timeout problem
13:02.49Kernel_CoreI used this command to call it modprobe wcte11xp t1e1override=0xFF
13:02.49Kernel_Core0xFF= E1 mode
13:02.49ltdKernel_Core: has your telco tested your circuit 100%?
13:03.02Kernel_Coreltd: it seems yea
13:03.03[TK]D-FenderGopaul: you showed us a dialplan line being executed, what launched it is irrelevant
13:03.21Kernel_Coreltd: when your link is green they say it is OKey !
13:03.28[TK]D-FenderGopaul: No.
13:03.31ltdKernel_Core: Not necessarily
13:03.48Kernel_Coreltd: so what can be source of the problem
13:03.59Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: can I pastebin my code?
13:04.15[TK]D-FenderGopaul: Feel free, and include the COMPLETE output of your attempt
13:04.40ltdKernel_Core: It might not be your config.  It could be something physical or with your telco - since you're not seeing any D-channel activity
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13:05.27ltdKernel_Core: Have them come out with an analyzer and do a test call.
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13:05.50Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: this is my output in my asterisk console
13:05.58[TK]D-FenderKernel_Core: Funny thought is you are using the right kind of patch cable....
13:06.17ltd[TK]D-Fender: If that was the case he wouldn't be seeing Layer1 up
13:06.54[TK]D-Fenderltd : guess we're all out of ideas ATM...
13:07.47Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: this is my code
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13:08.09Kernel_Core[TK]D-Fender: if the patch cable is wrong , then is it possible to get the OK status in my E1 ?!
13:08.26*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:08.28henkis it possible to 'extend' a number i got from my sip provider so i can not just call '12345' but also '12345-1' and '12345-2'?
13:08.47ltdKernel_Core: I'd call your telco and ask them to stick an analyzer on their end and see what they can see.  I'd also ask them if CRC4 is a requirement or not.
13:09.13Kernel_Coreltd: I asked before  , CRC isnot required
13:09.30seanbrightGopaul: that is just going to make [TK]D-Fender angry.
13:09.59Kernel_Coreltd: I have a cisco man friend , he send me a working E1 conf
13:10.08Kernel_Corecontroller E1 0
13:10.09Kernel_Coreclock source line primary
13:10.09Kernel_Corepri-group timeslots 1-31
13:10.12seanbrightyou have a cisco man friend?
13:10.13seanbrightthat's hot.
13:10.19Gopaulseanbright: i am just pasting my code
13:10.30seanbrightGopaul: he is not interested in your java code
13:10.32Kernel_Coreisdn switch-type primary-net5
13:10.49seanbrightGopaul: he is saying that he wants asterisk CLI output of a failed called
13:10.52Gopaulseanbright: just for refrence
13:11.08seanbrightGopaul: all of the output, not just the one line you pasted when you first came in.
13:11.09Gopaulseanbright: the asterisk cli output also pasted
13:11.18seanbrightshuts up
13:11.20seanbrightand goes away
13:11.23[TK]D-FenderGopaul:   originateAction.setChannel("SIP:"+extnum+"@5066") <- you don't put ":" after SIP
13:11.39Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: that i have changed
13:11.53[TK]D-FenderGopaul: And your action on all of these is to dump into the dialplan, and that we do not suppord
13:12.17ltdKernel_Core: I really do suggest calling your telco.
13:12.24Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: can you please brief me I am not able to understand
13:12.24leifmadsenseanbright: you are especially snarky today :)
13:12.39seanbrightleifmadsen: i'm in a good mood, what can i say?
13:13.06[TK]D-FenderGopaul: Your Oriiginate dumps the channel into the dialplan.  EXTEnsION.CONF.  Your's is generated by a gui and is not supported here.
13:13.23[TK]D-Fenderseanbright: ... he provided it
13:13.35seanbright[TK]D-Fender: yeah, took me a while to catch up
13:14.28Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: I am not having any GUI kind of thing
13:14.29leifmadsenI kinda wish extensions.conf would be renamed to dialplan.conf
13:14.45leifmadsen(with extensions.conf just being an alias for dialplan.conf)
13:14.47[TK]D-FenderGopaul: TRIXBOX <---
13:14.56Kernel_Coreltd [TK]D-Fender: thanks for you help !
13:15.28Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: but the calls are getting originated by originate action via manager.conf rite?
13:15.30[TK]D-Fender[09:10]<Kernel_Core>isdn switch-type primary-net5 <-- was this what you needed to account for?
13:15.48[TK]D-FenderGopaul: Yes, they start there and enter the DIALPLAN.
13:16.03ltdprimary-net5 is the same as is used in aus.
13:16.27Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: so how should I originate my call?
13:16.29seanbrightleifmadsen: open a bug on the bug tracker
13:16.40ltdprimary-ts015 for older stuff
13:16.46leifmadsenseanbright: it's a feature request and I'd have to close it without a patch :)
13:16.53[TK]D-FenderGopaul: Go ask in your GUI support channel.  You don't seem to know what you're doing with it
13:16.58leifmadsenunless I assign it to you of course :)
13:17.02seanbrightleifmadsen: you're a man of principle and i respect that.
13:17.13leifmadsenseanbright: even I don't get special privileges :)
13:17.33seanbrightleifmadsen: ln -s extensions.conf dialplan.conf
13:17.42seanbrightnow pay me my money
13:18.55*** part/#asterisk smiley- (i=smiley@
13:18.56Gopaul[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your support
13:19.13leifmadsenseanbright: I'll pay you the same amount that I pay all the other issue closers
13:19.24leifmadsenI'll even pay you a bonus of 20%
13:21.47*** join/#asterisk dandre (
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13:23.59seanbrightleifmadsen: with that and $2 i can buy a cup of coffee!
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13:24.54BrixiusI have  a question with an asterisk dialplan modification, I'm trying to migrate from the MySQL command to use res_odbc instead.
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13:25.26BrixiusHowever I'm not sure how to modify the following line to use res_odbc.
13:25.27Anth8708quick question (btw, you guys are awesome, specially Fender): i've setup a hint for an extension, it shows with core show hints.  I have a polycom 560 watching (shows on the phone and with core show subscriptions), but then the extension being watched is in use/ringing, etc, the hint isn't updated (core show hints still shows idle).  I've added the items to sip.conf [general] as directed in...
13:25.29Anth8708...the wiki, any ideas?
13:26.22leifmadsenBrixius: show via pastebin, usually it's quite simple to move from MYSQL() to func_odbc
13:26.55Brixiusone second.
13:27.02*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
13:27.10[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: WIKI is often outdated crap.  Pastebin is your friend, so are details like what * ver, etc.
13:27.13infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
13:27.26Anth8708rgr. just a sec
13:29.35BrixiusI can't seem to find how I would change a fetch command that fetches multiple results to a res_odbc config without doing a seperate query for each item.
13:30.07Brixiuser multiple results = multiple columns
13:30.37leifmadsenBrixius: exten => foo,n,Set(ARRAY(col1,col2,col3)=${ODBC_GET_VALUES(${ARG1})})
13:30.58leifmadsenthen each value from the column is in a variable:  ${col1}, ${col2}, etc...
13:31.20leifmadsenbtw: replace ${ARG1} with ${MACRO_EXTEN}
13:31.37Brixiusahh, ok that makes sense.
13:31.47leifmadsenthen it is ${ARG1} in the func_odbc.conf file
13:31.53Anth8708OK.  Hint issue:
13:32.02leifmadsenread=select .... from tablename where foo = '${ARG1}'
13:32.24leifmadsenBrixius: or (although I can't remember if 1.4 has it native) you could use HASH()
13:32.27Brixiusyep, I can write the query's in res_odbc and move them there, I just wasn't sure about the set statement for multiple columns
13:32.33leifmadsenwhich basically is similar in concept to ARRAY()
13:33.00leifmadsenBrixius: yep, use ARRAY() is probably your best bet
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13:33.33Brixiusthanks, I'll give that a go.
13:33.34leifmadsenyou can set the variable names to whatever you want btw
13:33.34leifmadsenso just name the variables the same as your column name if you wish
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13:45.42[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: You know... it'd be nice to see the sip.conf to match... masking only passwords
13:45.58Anth8708you bet, paste bin coming up
13:46.31eppigyi am dave
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13:53.04philippelquestion, if I have a hint composed of two devices, one is Idle and the other OnHold, what would you expect the value of the hint to return?
13:54.06philippeland similar question, but now one is OnHold and the other is Busy, now what should it return?
13:54.30Anth8708[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for looking at this.  pb with sip.conf (secrets blanked out) and relevant extensions.conf info as well.
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13:59.21eppigy[TK]D-Fender: lol
14:00.30[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: type=friend <-- limitonpeers works a LOT better when TYPE=PEER
14:02.02[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: You should also have something like "call-limit=99" for your phones
14:03.47*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
14:04.05jayteehmmm, I've used limitonpeers=yes with call-limit=1 successfully on Linksys ATAs
14:04.14jayteewith type=friend
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14:05.39telnettechquestion: anyone use 3cDaemon as a syslog server?
14:07.18jayteenope, never used it.
14:08.00jayteeit's vulnerable to a DoS exploit, but then it runs on Windows so what would you expect?
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14:10.07Anth8708[TK]D-Fender: so my entries in sip.conf should have type=peer and call-limit=99 instead of 100?  or does call-limit need to be added to each separate entry?  thanks SO much for looking at this again
14:10.22*** join/#asterisk Magicblaze0071 (
14:10.24Magicblaze0071I am looking for a easy to configure voip router to give my granddad...any recommendations? I was initially thinking of PAP2T-NA but then he has to buy a router...
14:10.40telnettechIt didnt write to a file and I need the captured info desperately
14:11.15telnettechso i was looking to see if someone has used it and if there is a copy/paste command that Im missing
14:11.48telnettechI have 2 days of syslog messages to capture
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14:22.40Anth8708[TK]D-Fender: Thanks!  That was it.  Adding the call-limit to the entry and not under general.  It's working!
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14:23.43Kattypresents file with a muffin
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14:29.20jayteemornin Katty *hugs*
14:30.35Kattyhugs jaytee
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14:45.29[TK]D-FenderAnth8708: You're welcome
14:45.54*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
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14:47.52mindiim tryin to make a call from the CLI, but all console-commands are missing
14:48.24mindiive read there could be a problem with
14:48.50tzafrir_laptopmindi, prefix them with 'console'
14:48.55mindii did
14:48.56tzafrir_laptopconsole <tab><tab>
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14:50.05mindinothing - not even when I enter 'help console'
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14:50.52[TK]D-Fendermindi: "core set verbose 10"
14:51.28mindigot it
14:52.05[TK]D-Fendermindi: So try again
14:52.08mindi... No such command 'console'
14:52.15[TK]D-Fendermindi: pastbin your modules.conf
14:52.22infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
14:52.42[TK]D-Fendermindi: And please confirm your VERsiON <-
14:53.08mindii just upgraded to asterisk 1.6
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14:55.41ayesoI cant seem to find a function/app that will let me read a file either line by line or enitrely into a variable.. does this exist?
14:58.55mindii dont have the module
14:59.13mindiI guess this is necessary
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15:00.28mindican I add it somehow? Ive found the source here:
15:00.41tzafrir_laptopmindi, it is probably not loaded by default . try: module load
15:00.53tzafrir_laptop(you may be missing some other parts of modules.conf in that paste)
15:01.14tzafrir_laptopand chan_oss has not been dropped from asterisk
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15:05.06mindisry, ill make another post, but doesnt show up with 'module show'
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15:06.28horvathI setup BLF on some Linksys SPA942's. I'm wondering why BLF works fine for incoming calls but somehow I'm missing the hints for the outgoing calls. Is there a additional hint line that should be in the outbound context?
15:07.14*** join/#asterisk jksM (i=jks@
15:11.36tzafrir_laptopmindi, again, have you tried: module load    ?
15:14.49mindiCommand 'module load' failed.
15:16.27tzafrir_laptopwhat error?
15:17.04mindiCommand 'module load' failed.
15:23.25ayesoCan I have asterisk run an external script (python) and get a variable back?
15:23.31*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:25.45leifmadsenayeso: yes -- it's called AGI
15:26.01infobothmm... agi is the Asterisk Gateway Interface...  similar to CGI for web applications AGI lets you script call control and access databases using your favorite language.  AGI wrappers are available for Python (pyst), Perl (astperl?) and other languages, or <reply> See also
15:26.05mindicould this be some problem with AsteriskNow?
15:26.23tzafrir_laptopayeso, core show function SHELL
15:26.33tzafrir_laptop(available as of 1.6.0, IIRC)
15:26.49leifmadsenmindi: probably not compiled
15:27.01leifmadsenmindi: ls /var/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_oss*
15:27.35ayesotzafrir_laptop: I dont seem to have that
15:27.52ayesoleifmadsen: ill take a look, thx
15:29.05mindils: /var/lib/asterisk/modules/chan_oss*: No such file or directory
15:30.59leifmadsenmindi: can't load a module that isn't compiled
15:32.01mindiso i gotta get the source and make it myself, right?
15:32.37mindiits not available via YUM....
15:32.44carrarsources is best!
15:33.21[TK]D-Fenderayeso: SHELL is in confirmed
15:33.48[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Looks like SHELL is a native form of the old 3rd party "backticks"
15:34.07carrarhhah evil backticks
15:34.19leifmadsenmindi: svn co<tagged_version>
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15:35.58tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, right. but it is a function rather than application.
15:36.17freddykhi all
15:36.22[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Yup, much nicer that way, and I'm sure the "gotcha" he failed on ;)
15:36.43freddyki have a problems with chan sip over asterisk on multiple registrations, multiple servers
15:36.48[TK]D-Fender[11:27]<ayeso>tzafrir_laptop: I dont seem to have that <-- show us
15:37.01freddykas it try to get hostname from [sectionname]
15:37.07freddykcan anyone help?
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15:37.49ayeso[TK]D-Fender: I think im going to go the AGI route, but a core show function SHELL returns: No function by that name registered.
15:38.41[TK]D-Fenderayeso: What ver exactly are you on?
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15:40.55oglynni have a pri question call inbound on PRI and i send it out to a second PRI when the original caller hangs up i get what looks like an incoming call for 'h'
15:41.45[TK]D-Fenderoglynn: Perfectly normal.
15:43.13oglynn[TK]D-Fender i am trying to get 2BCT working and it seems like i almost end up with a second call afterwards and wanted to make sure this initial "error" was not part of it
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15:45.38ayeso[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk
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15:52.59[TK]D-FenderYou're call out another PRI.  AFAIK you can't do a 2BCT over 2 different links
15:53.37oglynn[TK]D-Fender  sorry for the confusion.  I was asking about the initial error in case that was a factor this is over the same PRI
15:53.39[TK]D-Fenderayeso: And you were jsut specifically told that this function was added in 1.6.0  So telling us it's not there isn't a surprise
15:54.27*** join/#asterisk Witch_Doc (n=me@
15:54.28[TK]D-Fenderoglynn: you need to set "transfer=yes" for those channels to enable 2BCT and it needs to be supported by your protocol and carrier
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15:54.50VecWhen I phone puts a user on hold what SIP msgs are sent to asterisk ?
15:55.00Vecor rather SIP methods
15:55.01Witch_Docanyone know of a provider that will allow me to get a US DID and call forward to my cell phone without charging long distance for the forwarding?
15:55.27[TK]D-FenderWitch_Doc: Where is your cell located?
15:55.43Witch_DocDID i'd like for either 240 or 301
15:55.53Witch_Doc604 = vancouver, bc
15:55.58Witch_Doc240 = washington, dc
15:56.40[TK]D-FenderWitch_Doc: You'd need to have 2 calls involved.  1 in to *, from the 240, and another placing a call to the 604
15:57.06*** part/#asterisk dandre (
15:57.11[TK]D-FenderWitch_Doc: Inbound DID's you can get for maybe $8/mo or so, the outbound is the other factor
15:57.15Witch_Docaren't there any sip providers that could do it on their end for me?
15:57.42*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:57.42[TK]D-FenderWitch_Doc: Never an advertised service.  Maybe someone will....
15:57.43Witch_Docfor example vonage allows forwarding of their DID's on their end
15:57.54Witch_Docnot sure if there are others though
15:58.13[TK]D-FenderWitch_Doc: Noone asks this here, so you're just going to have to ask around yourself
15:58.22Witch_Docok thanks
16:10.25*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
16:10.58oglynn[TK]D-Fender does the transfer=yes need to be set per group?  I see "Requested transfer capability" in mu console
16:12.08Witch_Doccan anyone recommend a good free sip provider?
16:14.50VecIsn't nothing in life free ?
16:15.00Witch_Docvec double negative?
16:15.18VecI guess thats a very negative statement
16:15.25VecIs nothing in life free ?
16:15.43*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
16:15.59VecIsn't it true that nothing in life is for free ? << does that make sense ?
16:16.14Vecerrr, still double neg
16:19.14ayesoWhere do AGI scipts need to live in the filesystem? or can i specify the path when I call it?
16:20.38Magicblaze0071Anyone knows of a better place to buy a SPA-3102 compared to this one:
16:20.58ornI am using Asterisk as an SMG, and when I have an inbound call from the PSTN, the SMG sends it to a SIP proxy. If that SIP proxy sends it back to the SMG with a diversion flag, the Asterisk sends a CANCEL to the proxy, and sends an invite back to the PSTN, keeping the SIP proxy out of the loop. How do I prevent that from happening? Also the Asterisk regards the new diverted call as 0 billsec.
16:21.55ornIf that is even possible, that is.
16:25.26ayesofound it here if anyone was interested: /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin
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16:30.58prashant_joisI have a question regarding IAX connections.  When I create an entry in my iax.conf with host=<IP address> my connection works, however, when I put in a domain name, e.g., I get a "cause 3 - no route to destionation" error.
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16:44.38OneZero1010101Anyone alive ?
16:46.32gordonjcpor at least, no-one's told me otherwise
16:46.50OneZero1010101I'm looking for some info on hardware for integration
16:46.58Ziaeoneven if the signs seem to tell you otherwise
16:47.26OneZero1010101just looking for someone with a bit of knowledge that can give me a bit of info
16:47.33infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:47.33OneZero1010101or point me to where to find it
16:47.51OneZero1010101Easy nuff
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16:47.58ZiaeonI'm here against my will
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16:49.15OneZero1010101I am needing to put together a voip phone system.  Am trying to find out what type of hardware, or what equipment I will need to locate to use to do this.  I know I will need phones (given), some sort of call manager, which from my understanding is what Asterisk is, as well as some sort of voice / router / gateway or something.
16:49.37*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
16:49.48OneZero1010101Am I on the right track, trying figure out what pieces I need to put WITH an asterisk server to make this work
16:49.50QwellOneZero1010101: Asterisk is also the latter.
16:49.51seanbrightfirst stop would be "Asterisk: The Future of Telephony"
16:49.53infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:49.57seanbrightwhat Qwell said.
16:50.11seanbrightor infobot, specifically.
16:50.31Qwellwell, I never.
16:50.59OneZero1010101Where's the cliffs notes lol
16:51.09QwellOneZero1010101: That is the cliffs notes.
16:51.36OneZero1010101Errr hrmm
16:52.11seanbrightyou need a server
16:52.27seanbrightwhich has a cpu, some ram, maybe a hard drive, and a network card if you want to do anything
16:53.02OneZero1010101Yes, i understand this is software on the server...  need switches to connect voip phones to
16:53.14bmoracaOneZero1010101: if you want to start using Asterisk, you need to get a good understanding of how it works.  yes, there are "turn-key" distros out there that simplify things, but without understanding what they do and why, you'll be a few bricks short of a house
16:53.21seanbrightif you're going pure voip (not isdn pri or fxs/fxo) you'll need the appropriate cards which you can get from digium, sangoma, or other vendor.
16:53.27OneZero1010101How do I get dial tone into the box
16:53.41QwellOneZero1010101: by reading the aforementioned book.
16:53.41seanbrights/'re going/'re NOT going/
16:53.46gordonjcpwhy does asterisk appear to ignore my rtp port settings in rtp.conf?
16:53.49*** join/#asterisk Chex (
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16:54.44bmoracaOneZero1010101: if this is for a business, pay someone to do it for you.
16:54.48seanbrightlike me
16:54.56Qwelllike him ^^
16:54.58Qwellwait, what?
16:55.18OneZero1010101i'm going thru the book, just trying to wrap my head around it
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16:56.00[TK]D-FenderOneZero1010101: You'll wat to remove the binding and stich the pages end-to-end then.  that will help with the wrapping
16:56.09seanbrightba dum dum
16:56.16OneZero1010101that would help ;)
16:56.34[TK]D-FenderOneZero1010101: here :
16:56.37infobot[~osmosis] Osmosis is the act of beating yourself on the head repeatedly with THE BOOK, until some measure of absorption has occured ... or at least until your unconsciousness restores peace to the channel ...
16:56.50*** join/#asterisk Killabeez (
16:57.28j0what is it called when you have multiple analog lines (each with different phone numbers) and if the inbound line is busy for 1 number, it will send the call to another line?
16:57.43j0here i think they call it "overline", but i google is coming up empty for that
16:57.53Killabeezmy company has just stuck me with being responsible over the asterisk system, oh joy.. I know absolutely nothing about this software, I heard its kinda a nightmare?
16:58.04infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:58.06QwellKillabeez: you too.
16:58.17j0seanbright: ah.. is that supported in asterisk?
16:58.28j0i'm just not sure how asterisk can tell what # the call is destined for
16:58.42Qwellj0: it can't tell on analog lines
16:58.54seanbrightj0: we have 8 analog lines here, and the telco will rollover from one to the other when they are busy
16:59.04seanbrightj0: and as Qwell says, over analog you don't know the dialed number
16:59.16j0seanbright: do you have more than 1 inbound phone number?
16:59.24Qwellfor analog?  you'd have to.
16:59.27seanbrightj0: yeah, each analog line has it's own number
16:59.40Qwellj0: depending on how many lines we're talking about, I would just say get a PRI
16:59.43j0i see... :)
16:59.49Qwelleven if just a partial.  it may even end up being cheaper
16:59.53*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
17:00.01murdock_utj0: A lot of telco's call them hunt groups.
17:00.12seanbrightj0: but we have a "main" number which is associated with the first analog line.  if that number is called and that line is busy, the second analog line is rung, etc, etc.
17:00.21seanbrightmurdock_ut: yes.  that's the term.
17:00.24j0Qwell: here a pri costs a small fortune... but i see that it's just impossible to know what # was dialed on an analog line
17:00.26seanbrightj0: what murdock_ut said.
17:00.32murdock_utj0: Have your telco setup a hunt group for you.
17:00.41Qwellj0: even a partial PRI?  you can often get ~8 lines
17:00.42seanbrightj0: how many analog lines do you have?
17:00.56jameswfj0 you can use analog DID
17:01.29OneZero1010101Is it possible to bring a PRI in on your fiber internet access?
17:01.36OneZero1010101Or do you need a dedicated PRI circuit
17:01.36j0jameswf: i'll have to see if they support it
17:01.47j0Qwell: 6, but they're shared between multiple companies
17:02.12bmoracaOneZero1010101: I can get you a PRI on your fiber internet access :P
17:02.14j0i'll be getting a pri anyway, but just wanted to know the alternatives for when i look at future setups
17:02.23murdock_utj0: Your going to want a pri then.
17:02.39bmoraca$30 per channel per month plus $30 per month for the equipment :P
17:02.58OneZero1010101channel = line?  so $30 / line?
17:03.11OneZero1010101Who would this be through
17:03.11j0wow.. 8 channel here is $500/month on a 3 year
17:03.21murdock_utj0:  Then you have your DID's and Channels which will make it easier when you have multiple companies sharing the same lines.
17:03.24seanbrightj0: where is "here?"
17:03.29bmoracait would be through me...but only if you're in northern CA
17:03.34j0seanbright: an hour out of vancouver, bc
17:03.38OneZero1010101There in lies the problem then
17:03.42OneZero1010101Southern IN
17:03.48bmoracai wasn't being entirely serious
17:03.49seanbrightOneZero1010101: he was messing with you
17:03.53OneZero1010101sitting on 2x50mb fiber circuits
17:03.55murdock_utj0: What type of internet connection do you have?
17:04.06seanbrightOneZero1010101: who provides your internet access?
17:04.07j0murdock_ut: dsl, not reliable for voip
17:04.12bmoracai do have the service, but i'm not going to peddle my wares in a chat room :)
17:04.14murdock_utJ0: nope.
17:04.29*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
17:04.37OneZero1010101We have two upstream, a local provider Indiana Fiber Networks, and Insight Business
17:04.51j0at some point i may try forward-on-busy to a voip provider
17:04.55OneZero1010101We are a Municipal WISP
17:05.00Killabeezso my question since the asterisk server I have been put in charge of is currently active and working, I need to document what we have, IP addys, logins?
17:05.14seanbrightKillabeez: hire a consultant.
17:06.00Killabeezseanbright sit on a anthill.
17:06.19murdock_utKillabeez: Tickle Tickle
17:06.31seanbrightIP addys and logins have nothing to do with asterisk
17:07.12seanbrightdo you have linux system admins? (or whatever flavor of unix you are running)
17:07.55Killabeezseanbright yea im one of the senior admins here, cent0s
17:08.17seanbrightifconfig and 'cat /etc/passwd'
17:08.31Killabeezseanbright i was looking at trixbox, is this a decent asterisk build?
17:08.35bmoracaKillabeez: look@lan will be an invaluable resource for you in mapping out a network, I'd imagine.
17:08.39QwellKillabeez: NO!
17:08.51Killabeezdo it by hand?
17:08.57seanbrighti'd say if you had a active and working install, don't fuck with it
17:09.03Killabeezseanbright alright
17:09.04Qwellor use something besides trixbox
17:09.18infobotsomebody said trixbox was a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
17:09.20Killabeezdigium ?
17:09.22seanbrightasteristnow is good
17:09.27seanbrightasterisknow, rather.
17:09.29seanbrightQwell made it
17:09.36seanbrightwith his own two hands
17:09.39QwellThat Qwell guy..  he's a freaking genius.
17:09.42gordonjcpcan anyone confirm whether I need to do anything other than set the port values in rtp.conf and restart asterisk, to set which ports I want it to use?
17:09.52jameswfheard Qwell has 3 hands
17:10.01seanbrightjameswf: that's not a hand
17:10.09seanbrightand stop shaking it
17:10.13gordonjcpbecause, I've set up the port range I want in rtp.conf, restarted asterisk, and it sends outgoing RTP wherever the hell it likes
17:10.45Killabeezdomain:8088/asterisk/static/config/cfgbasic.html -- this brings up a 'Asterisk Control panel' is this propreitary software with asterisk or a addon gui?
17:11.32seanbrightasterisk gui
17:11.38seanbrighti think.
17:15.42infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:17.40LeddyHMare there any limitations to "secret" in sip.conf being only alphanumeric or can their be special characters?
17:18.12Killabeezseanbright would you advise upgrading if I have a working install? [root@phones ~]# asterisk -V
17:18.41QwellKillabeez: do you like being vulnerable to exploits?
17:18.54KillabeezQwell no but I don't like fixing broken stuff either
17:19.08Qwellyou'll have plenty to fix if you don't upgrade.
17:19.12*** join/#asterisk Paulius (n=Paulius@unaffiliated/paulius)
17:19.32PauliusSo [TK]D-Fender and beek are going to want to kill me now.
17:19.43Qwell1.4.latest would be fine, and easy to do
17:20.00[TK]D-FenderPaulius: What?  for buying Cisco?
17:20.08Paulius[TK]D-Fender: Yeah.
17:20.14[TK]D-FenderPaulius: Your lost on functionality and cost
17:20.16Paulius[TK]D-Fender: I just ordered a brand new 7971-GE.
17:20.23[TK]D-FenderPaulius: Very sad
17:20.37PauliusHey man, even people on the Asterisk forums say that it's an amazing phone.
17:20.45PauliusAnd that the newest SIP firmware works quite well.
17:20.52*** join/#asterisk sah-work (n=Bawbatos@
17:20.58[TK]D-FenderPaulius: Forum idiots \o/
17:21.08PauliusI'll investigate into getting the SmartNet contract to get access to the latest SIP firmware.
17:21.14[TK]D-FenderPaulius: You've been warned. Hapyy Uphil Fight.
17:21.29[TK]D-FenderQwell: Care to do the honours on that one? ;)
17:21.34bmoracaPaulius: did they finally add the ability to do auto-answer based on your SIP header?
17:21.56Pauliusbmoraca: No idea, but I don't want auto-answer anyways.
17:22.01Qwellstupid bot
17:22.09Pauliuslol what
17:22.14QwellPaulius: read and enjoy.
17:22.35PauliusQwell: Thx
17:23.09bmoracaPaulius: my boss is entirely sold on Cisco.  Thinks Cisco IP phones are God's gift to man.  he just hasn't used Polycoms yet.  Polycom phones are way better than Cisco phones.
17:23.20Qwellinfobot: smartnet is <reply> SMARTnet isn't what you think it is.  Read to get a better understanding of the licensing behind Cisco phones.
17:23.21infobotokay, Qwell
17:23.26infobotSMARTnet isn't what you think it is.  Read to get a better understanding of the licensing behind Cisco phones.
17:25.10bmoracaanyone else hear that Manny Ramirez got suspended 50 games?
17:25.44*** join/#asterisk tdg911 (
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17:26.03PauliusBut Polycom doesn't have touch screen phones with web browsing.
17:26.56[TK]D-FenderPaulius: You could BUY a computer for the difference in cost.
17:27.03PauliusOh yeah usre.
17:27.21Paulius[TK]D-Fender: I think the color Polycom is more expensive than the Cisco actually.
17:27.33bmoracaPaulius:  roughly the same
17:27.35[TK]D-FenderPaulius: Think?  why start now? :)
17:27.47Pauliusbmoraca: The new 7971ge cost $250
17:27.57PauliusI've searched for the polycom and the color version was like $350
17:28.09[TK]D-FenderPaulius: And you're about to run them illegally :)
17:28.12bmoracawhy do you need a color phone anyway?
17:28.32Pauliusbmoraca: I don't know, bling?
17:28.35Paulius[TK]D-Fender: Lab use.
17:28.52[TK]D-FenderPaulius: "Lab use"  Nice load of BS :)
17:29.21PauliusBelieve me, if I needed phones for actual use for a company or something I'd get the cheapest polycom or SIP phones out there.
17:29.43PauliusI wanted something to play with to learn the basics of vo-ip, CallManager, and Asterisk
17:29.57[TK]D-FenderPaulius: You have a CM?
17:30.03beek[TK]D-Fender: You're wasting your time and breath.  You're trying to reason with a guy who jerks off to Cisco product brochures.
17:30.24[TK]D-Fenderpaulido you?
17:30.28[TK]D-FenderPaulius: do you?
17:30.34[TK]D-Fender(have a CM that is)
17:30.35PauliusOf course no.
17:30.43PauliusI'll probably buy a router with CM soon,.
17:30.53[TK]D-FenderPaulius: wow.. "probably"
17:30.59fileyou mean CME
17:31.18[TK]D-FenderPaulius: Stop jerking to the wrong brochures!
17:31.34Qwell"lab use" == "use"
17:31.36Qwellread that letter.
17:31.53*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:35.09Witch_Docanyone here using either or
17:35.20*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
17:37.04[TK]D-FenderWitch_Doc: I've heard the latter mentioned once or twice.... tops
17:37.22Paulius[TK]D-Fender: What trunking services do you recommend?
17:37.39infobot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
17:37.46PauliusThere's tons of these out there? How does it work, do most of them just resell from some popular wholesaler?
17:38.56[TK]D-FenderPaulius: Or you could jsut go with Vonage or try to hack a MagicJack account.  then you'd be the shizn1t y0!
17:39.21PauliusYour maturity surprises me.
17:40.16[TK]D-FenderPaulius: Whatever it takes to penetrate that seemingly impermeable cranium of yours...
17:40.56nkohhoh shit, he's busting out the big words now.
17:40.58nkohhand grammar.
17:41.01nkohhlook out
17:41.37[TK]D-Fendergathers the Grammar Rangers for another epic battle
17:41.54[TK]D-Fendergrabs his Visa
17:45.37*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@nat/yahoo/x-56dccd2dae08294e)
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17:48.52nkohhlearned on his first day to not antagonize [TK]D-Fender
17:49.57*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
17:50.40KattyQwell: i found my new money maker.
17:50.50KattyQwell: 3 stacks of fish, 10 spices = 100g
17:51.13KattyQwell: perhaps profitable. we'll see.
17:51.19KattyQwell: fish feast is no longer soulbound :>
17:53.06*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
17:53.17*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
17:53.43[TK]D-Fendernkohh: You learn quickly Padawan :)
17:54.13ZiaeonI recompiled my kernel recently, and it broke conference bridging. Strange, because I used the same config as the running kernel. I grepped my logs and notice meetme saying: error "Failed to create pseudo device" etc. Any idea what I might be missing in my kernel?
17:54.37*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
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17:55.02[TK]D-FenderZiaeon: If you rebuilt your kernel you need to rebuild Zaptel/DAHDI
17:56.00*** part/#asterisk mohawk (
17:56.17*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
17:56.22Ziaeon[TK]D-Fender:  alright, thanks.
17:56.45nkohhi like the name dahdi better
17:56.53nkohhsounds like part of a snoop dogg song when you pronounce it
17:57.19nkohhlodi dahdi, we like to party
17:57.21[TK]D-Fendernkohh: Digium could let fonality run away with all the gayest sounding names :)
17:57.45wilsonjlahdi dahdi we likes to party :)
17:58.01wilsonjwe don't cause trouble, we don't bother nobody
17:58.11[TK]D-Fendernkohh: You'd swear there is a force in their ranks thats trying to circumvent corporate respectability
18:00.18gordonjcpgah, this is frustrating
18:03.49*** join/#asterisk drudge` (i=anonymou@unaffiliated/drudge/x-837452)
18:05.23ariel_What is in a Name.... Zaptel/Dahdi.  Well my vote is for Zaptel. For over 6 years I have used zaptel.... I still can't get used to Dahdi (Much less say it correctly).
18:05.54gordonjcpcan anyone confirm whether or not I need to do any more than set the rtp port range in rtp.conf and restart asterisk, to tell it which rtp ports to use?
18:06.10gordonjcpbecause it seems to cheerfully ignore that and use whatever port it feels like
18:06.16tzafrir_laptopariel_, tell that to those guys selling Zaptel cards over at
18:08.28ariel_tzafrir_laptop: I understand the reason and why it was done.  Just hard to say and get used to it....
18:08.28seanbrighti don't see how that's so hard
18:10.21Qwellsed -i -e 's/zaptel/dahdi/g' ~/.brainrc
18:10.22Qwelldone and done
18:11.47eppigyhuggles Katty
18:11.52gordonjcpQwell: heh
18:11.58*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
18:12.08gordonjcpwell, I'm getting exactly *nowhere* with this
18:12.20gordonjcptime to do something more productive with what's left of the day
18:14.06*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
18:16.42Brixiusthis is somewhat of a simple question that I should be able to answer, but can't seem to find on  I want to do a silent dial(ie no ringing tone to caller) what option should I pass to dial()
18:16.57QwellBrixius: none.  it's phone dependent.
18:19.04KyleKm: Provide Music on Hold to the calling party until the called channel answers. This is mutually exclusive with option 'r', obviously. Use m(class) to specify a class for the music on hold.
18:19.35seb-[TK]D-Fender: it isn't clear all modules i need to load to make sip calls....(I'm trying to lock down modules.conf)
18:19.35Brixiusseems like there should be a way, I'm answering the call, playing a wav file, then passing the call onto another cti app for further processing, It's that outbound dial from asterisk I want to be silent.
18:19.49Brixiusok, I'll look into that.
18:20.34[TK]D-Fenderseb-: I told you what to lock down.  Don't go psycho or you're going to waste a lot of time for nothing
18:22.06seb-[TK]D-Fender: sorry...i must have misunderstood what you said yesterday then....i think you said to no load anything in modules.conf right...i did that but then sip calls wouldn't work
18:22.39seb-[TK]D-Fender: so i tried loading and and then i needed one more but it still crashed
18:22.52seb-[TK]D-Fender: (
18:24.03[TK]D-Fenderseb-: and the PBX core, and other dialplan apps.  Dial, GotoIf, etc... holy crap stop being a nut about this
18:24.27[TK]D-Fenderseb-: Just noload CHANNEL DRIVER modules you don't need and firewall AMI.
18:25.09*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
18:25.56seb-[TK]D-Fender: ah ok
18:26.11*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
18:29.15*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
18:30.44gordonjcphow can I test if rtp.conf is even being loaded by asterisk?
18:32.25*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
18:32.43gordonjcpokay, asterisk -vv seems to get that
18:33.21gordonjcpso why doesn't it use that?
18:33.55gordonjcpdo I need to be voiced in this channel or something?
18:34.21gordonjcpfinally someone appears to respond to something I say
18:34.31filebut you do know those control local RTP ports only, aye?
18:34.59gordonjcpfile: one would assume then that it wouldn't try to send an rtp stream out on a port outside that range?
18:35.24fileit would send RTP packets to the IP address and port that the remote device told it to
18:35.33filethe port could be outside the range specified in rtp.conf
18:36.01filethe *local* port that RTP is received on would be inside that range
18:37.07*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
18:39.15gordonjcpso basically I have to open all possible UDP ports on my firewall, "just in case"
18:39.26filewell that depends on the direction you are talking about
18:39.32gordonjcpI have a sneaking suspicion that this is going to break stuff
18:39.54fileyou might be sending RTP to any IP address and any port
18:40.10fileyou will receive RTP packets on the port range you specify in rtp.conf
18:40.24gordonjcpyeah, and that's fine
18:40.52fileif you are firewalling your outbound traffic, then yeah... unless you have total control over all devices involved and the network then you don't really know where it will go
18:41.02gordonjcpI have a port range set in rtp.conf, the same port range forwarded to the asterisk box on a nat router
18:41.06gordonjcpthis worked before
18:41.22fileokay so go through steps to isolate the issue
18:41.39filethe call is up but you get no audio from the audio side, but they hear you?
18:41.56gordonjcpI can hear the remote end
18:42.15KyleKso that means your port forwards work, maybe thiers doesn't?
18:43.06gordonjcpit's sipgate, I'm guessing I don't need to worry about them too much
18:44.12fileokay, do an rtp debug
18:44.16filesee where the traffic is coming from
18:44.22fileand see where you are sending to
18:44.38*** join/#asterisk simond (
18:45.11gordonjcpSent RTP packet to
18:45.27simondwhen a translation path fails (i.e. out of g729 licenses), is there some way to play back a g729 encoded file before the call is disconnected?
18:46.15filegordonjcp: and Got RTP packet from?
18:46.36*** join/#asterisk jmodigb (
18:47.05gordonjcpthat's interesting, it's stopped showing me "got rtp packet from"
18:49.27[TK]D-Fendersimond: Nope.
18:51.32seb-[TK]D-Fender: ever seen "Starting Asterisk PBX: Unable to setuid to 106 (asterisk)"
18:51.46seb-[TK]D-Fender: i get that when i try to start * w/ init.d script
18:53.18*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
18:54.22simond[TK]D-Fender: any idea where that sudden-death action takes place so that I might change the behavior?
18:56.29[TK]D-Fendersimond: Nope
18:56.54[TK]D-Fenderseb-: Who've you been running * as all this time?
18:57.04seb-[TK]D-Fender: root :)
18:57.25seb-[TK]D-Fender: i've just done it on command line w/ asterisk -cvvv
18:57.33[TK]D-Fenderseb-: Odds are you didn't change the owners of appropriate files/devices following this
18:57.40*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (
18:57.46seb-[TK]D-Fender: now that you kindly showed me how to lock it down i was finally going to start it properly
18:57.58[TK]D-Fenderseb-: ....
18:58.00infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:58.04[TK]D-Fenderseb-: there is a chapter for this.
18:58.09infobot[~asterisk-non-root] Running * as non-root is covered in chapter 13 of Asterisk:The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (~book) and an article written by Leif Madsen at
19:01.29*** join/#asterisk securevoip (n=securevo@
19:02.08securevoipi have actually simplified things and video still doesn't work...
19:02.19securevoipsee any typos?  using x-lite on both ends.  i can do a direct IP call from x-lite client to x-lite client and all works well; put asterisk in the middle and it doesn't work.
19:04.02*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
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19:13.27seb-[TK]D-Fender: looks like ubuntu package is b0rked...i tried doing a clean reinstall and still same error...PLEASE tell me if I install from source * 1.4 will still do that nice setuid security thing
19:13.58*** join/#asterisk apocn (n=apo@unaffiliated/apocn)
19:14.06[TK]D-Fenderprints the book onto 120lb bond paper, rolls it into a bat and starts swatting at seb-
19:14.31ZiaeonIs there a way to customize what fields asterisk keeps in its sql cdr?
19:14.39Ziaeonthe cdr conf files only talk about csv
19:14.45*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
19:14.48[TK]D-Fenderseb-: Ubuntu needs a few special touches to work, and the way it updates kernels would wreak havoc on Zaptel/DAHDI
19:15.00[TK]D-Fenderseb-: For that you might be better off with distro packages
19:15.21apocnis it possible to move a channel from one queue to the other on the fly? (I tried using the Asterisk Manager 'Action: Redirect') but its closing the channel. Any hints?
19:17.15KyleKseb-: at worst you script sudo -u asterisk /usr/bin/asterisk
19:20.23*** join/#asterisk PoWeRKiLL (
19:21.13[TK]D-Fenderapocn: If its dropping them, odd are you're doing it wrong.
19:22.16seb-[TK]D-Fender: i don't use zaptel or dahdi
19:22.39Ziaeonseb-: it's used internally for some stuff, meetme etc
19:22.42Ziaeon(as far as I can tell)
19:22.55apocn[TK]D-Fender: oOps I didn't see the logs before... (Unable to join queue) so that means I have another issue, nothing to do with the redirect.
19:22.58apocnThanks [TK]D-Fender
19:23.07seb-Ziaeon: yes..that's why i dug up app_conference which is a meetme replacement that doesn't need zaptel/dahdi
19:28.26*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
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19:56.53Davidf88guys someone could help me pleae?
19:58.52KyleKdunno, i only know some stuff
19:59.38*** join/#asterisk _Raptor_ (
19:59.41[TK]D-FenderI know other stuff
19:59.47Davidf88hmm asterisk now, just installed but a lib is missing
19:59.47[TK]D-FenderAnd some things too
19:59.59Davidf88and also the web interface doesn't work
20:00.42[TK]D-FenderDavidf88: GUI's are supported in their own channel, not here
20:00.56[TK]D-FenderDavidf88: As for a missing lib, check with your distro's channel
20:01.02KyleKsounds like the install didn't work properly anyways :-/
20:01.09Davidf88is was the pre insalled iso cd
20:01.12*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
20:01.30KyleKpre installed as in a livecd?
20:02.07Davidf88yeah, live cd install
20:02.48QwellNothing uses libsqlite in AsteriskNOW
20:03.27Davidf88so restarting httpd shouldn't need libsqlite then?
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20:03.51Qwellwhat other repositories did you install?
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20:05.23Davidf88I didn't install any other repositories
20:05.28Davidf88and yum doesn't work
20:05.32Davidf88cause libsqlite is missing
20:05.54QwellWhat distro (and version) did you install?
20:07.30[TK]D-FenderDavidf88: Why does yum not work jsut because you're missing a lib?  which one do you THINK you should be grabbing?
20:08.18eppigyyou are a disgrace to daves everywhere
20:08.29Davidf88the error, is python error, error leading to this problem was : Cannot open shared object
20:08.50QwellDavidf88: focus.  answer my questions please..
20:09.14Davidf88what do you mean which one?
20:09.20QwellWhat distro (and version) did you install?
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20:10.11Davidf88its asteriskNOW 1.5.0-i386
20:10.22[TK]D-FenderDavidf88: Show us your yum attempt
20:11.47Davidf88[root@asterisk tmp]# yum udate
20:11.47Davidf88There was a problem importing one of the Python modules
20:11.47Davidf88required to run yum. The error leading to this problem was:
20:11.47Davidf88Please install a package which provides this module, or
20:11.49Davidf88verify that the module is installed correctly.
20:11.51Davidf88It's possible that the above module doesn't match the
20:11.53Davidf88current version of Python, which is:
20:11.55Davidf882.4.3 (#1, Jan 21 2009, 01:10:13)
20:11.57Davidf88[GCC 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)]
20:11.59Davidf88If you cannot solve this problem yourself, please go to
20:12.01Davidf88the yum faq at:
20:12.50QwellDavidf88: /j #asterisknow, please
20:13.24eppigywhy are you trying to yum update anyway
20:14.13Davidf88basically to resolve any dependencies, and work out why the web interface is broken
20:14.18*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
20:15.42eppigywell do not use update
20:15.47eppigyto resolve dependancies
20:15.57eppigyinstall the missing depens
20:16.37eppigyyou can use "yum search <package name>"
20:16.44eppigyor as an exmaple to the above
20:16.54eppigy"yum whatprovides"
20:17.03eppigyto see what would provide that lib
20:17.11eppigywhich package
20:18.55philippelquestion: if I have a hint made of two device (let's say) SIP/210&SIP/220, one device is Idle and the other is onHold, what should the hint show? Idle or onHold?
20:19.03Qwelleppigy: how's he gonna run yum if yum is broken? :p
20:19.16[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: OnHold.  the greater of the two
20:19.41philippel[TK]D-Fender so the fact that it seems to show busy means it is a bug? (cause i agree with you completely)
20:19.54philippeloops not busy
20:19.57philippelit shows Idle
20:20.18[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: or you configured your peer wrong.
20:20.32[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: Which is prettt common.
20:20.38philippelwhat might I check in the peer configuration?
20:21.40Corydon76-digphilippel: call-limit -- do you have one?
20:21.49philippel[TK]D-Fender cause here's what I'm seeing: Idle & onHold = idle (when it should show onHold, and idle & busy = busy which is what I would exect
20:21.58philippelI should but let me confirm
20:22.13[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: Show us your config.
20:22.27philippelyes I do, I'll paste bin the config
20:24.57eppigyQwell: 8[]
20:25.29*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
20:26.20philippel[TK]D-Fender it's a big config so I edited out except the two extensions and general section:
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20:28.12Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: They all have to be onhold, for the devstate to show onhold
20:29.07philippelCorydon76-dig I would venture to suggest that is not what one would expect - it is inconcsistent with behaviour like busy
20:29.28philippelif I have a hint of Idle&Busy I would expect that to show busy and it does
20:29.36[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: Yup, thought so
20:29.48[TK]D-Fenderphilippel: type=friend  <--- needs to be PEER.
20:29.50Corydon76-digphilippel: yes, but if you're onhold, then you're technically available
20:29.56philippelusing that same 'argument' I would expect onHold & idle to be onHold
20:30.38philippelCorydon76-dig but one would expect the combined state to be onHold so that the logic can decide if you should be availble or not
20:30.45Corydon76-digphilippel: I'm not arguing; I'm simply telling you that's what the code is written to do presently
20:30.53philippel[TK]D-Fender I'll try friend and see what it does
20:30.59Corydon76-digphilippel: My dog is not in this fight
20:31.37philippelCorydon76-dig I appreciaite it - what's I'm trying to determine, should it be changed? e.g. is it a valid bug
20:32.14Corydon76-digphilippel: The proper place to discuss such things is the -dev list
20:33.12philippelCorydon76-dig ok - just to clarify then, it is returning the correct thing (I don't need to make other changes to test) and it's a matter of discussing if it should be changed or not on the dev list?
20:33.40Corydon76-digphilippel: correct
20:34.33Corydon76-digI suspect it's the case that someone is preferably idle and we only return another status if they're really unavailable
20:37.28philippelwell when you combine Unavailable + Idle (as in not registered) you get Idle when they really are not busy, though I would conjecture that Idle is the preferable return code in that case because Unavailable really means they are not there at all to say
20:38.38philippelbut onHold is a state 'one step above' Idle, I would think most pepple would expect it to return onHold in the proposed instance as [TK]D-Fender had
20:39.46philippelor similarlly (and it is what is returned) when ringing + idle, you get ringing
20:41.32*** join/#asterisk jstrom (
20:43.05jstromi got a cisco 7940 which doesnt seem to handle international characters in callerid(name) very well.. is there some smart way to, when my dialplan does something like Dial(SIP/mycisco..)&Dial(SIP/myxlite), strip these chars when calling the cisco but not the xlite?
20:44.06jstromshorter version: i want to Dial() multiple phones, with "filtered" CALLERID(name) on one specific..
20:44.09jstromany neat hacks? :)
20:45.36philippeljstrom dial the Cisco phone through a local channel in a context that will filter as needed and then send to the actual device
20:46.12philippelwhere 223 is your cisco and 212 something else
20:49.17jstromah, yes :) thank you!
20:50.20jstromhm is there builtins for modifying strings like that? ie replace ö with o
20:50.49jstromgret :)
20:50.54jstromchecks docs
20:51.25philippelhmm - regex for comares, come to think of it, I don't recall off hand if they can manipulate
20:51.48*** join/#asterisk tleuthauser (
20:52.05jstromhm, seems to work only for matching?
20:54.44tleuthauserI am having problems receiving faxes with a HP Color LaserJet 2320Fxi connected to a Grandstream HT502. Sending works fine. Has anyone run into similar problems?
20:55.29nkohhthis is off topic, but does anyone know where those places that list every telephone number and their carrier/other info get their information? is there a database somewhere? I'd like to be able to use something like that to integrate for some stuff I'm doing with Asterisk. and grabbing it from a mysql or something would be much easier than scraping webpages
20:56.35jeffnkohh: go visit and you can pay for a reasonable subscription in your preferred format
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20:56.56nkohhjeff: interesting, thank you.
20:58.06generalhanhey all, i have an extension that i want to wait for the user to enter a few digits and then take their response and pass it to different context, what cmd do i need to look into ?
21:00.20Qwellnkohh: number portability makes those types of databases unreliable though
21:00.43nkohhQwell: ahh, I can imagine. thanks.
21:01.19KyleK!npa 651 644
21:01.24beekgeneralhan: Read*
21:01.50generalhanbeek: wow, simple as that huh!? thanks !
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21:02.27KyleK16516441452 is probably a US number right? I wonder if I could sign my canadian cellphone up for the american do not call :-/
21:02.30beekgeneralhan: There are a couple of variations:   core show applications like read
21:16.23*** part/#asterisk Magicblaze0071 (
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21:33.46tleuthauseris there a channel dealing primarily with T.38 in Asterisk?
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21:44.17jameswfI <3 FREE KFC
21:51.43Kattywhat about free hugs?
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21:53.55VaGoNeTaSis back from the dead. Gone: 3d 1h 35m 53s
21:54.11VaGoNeTaSi got an issue on one of our customers
21:54.21VaGoNeTaSis a small call center with 12 agents
21:54.36VaGoNeTaSsometimes they can talk but the customer on the line cant hear the agents
21:54.42VaGoNeTaSi was looking on the logs
21:54.50VaGoNeTaSand i found this
21:54.55VaGoNeTaSi think it can be this
21:54.57VaGoNeTaS[May  7 17:19:31] DEBUG[17383] chan_dahdi.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: ON(1) on DAHDI/1-1
21:54.57VaGoNeTaS[May  7 17:19:31] DEBUG[17383] chan_dahdi.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call
21:54.57VaGoNeTaS[May  7 17:19:31] DEBUG[17383] chan_dahdi.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: OFF(0) on DAHDI/1-1
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22:15.22VaGoNeTaSanybody knows?
22:18.17KavanSanyone know why I would see the [May  7 15:09:11] NOTICE[3713]: chan_sip.c:13885 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '95035551212' rejected because extension not found.
22:25.47KavanScan someone suggest an SIP proxy for debian?
22:25.52philippelquestion: If I set the FORWARD_CONTEXT blank Set(FORWARD_CONTEXT= ) to clear if from a previous value, will it be treated as not set? Here is the source code, I think it implies if it's blank it will be ignored:
22:26.12Davidf88asterisk giving dhcpo out on an interface how?
22:30.57VaGoNeTaSdoes anyone knows
22:31.08VaGoNeTaS[May  7 17:19:31] DEBUG[17383] chan_dahdi.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: ON(1) on DAHDI/1-1
22:31.08VaGoNeTaS[May  7 17:19:31] DEBUG[17383] chan_dahdi.c: Not yet hungup...  Calling hangup once with icause, and clearing call
22:31.08VaGoNeTaS[May  7 17:19:31] DEBUG[17383] chan_dahdi.c: Set option AUDIO MODE, value: OFF(0) on DAHDI/1-1
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23:05.08KavanSanyone know why I would see the [May  7 15:09:11] NOTICE[3713]: chan_sip.c:13885 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '95035551212' rejected because extension not found.
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23:08.42cb`hey..what hte heck is WARNING[1102232496]: chan_zap.c:5903 do_monitor: Whoa....
23:09.03cb`I'm owned but but found
23:12.01VaGoNeTaSis away: Fell asleep on keyboard... <<eDK/VgN>> [ Logging, Page: On ]
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23:43.51Witch_Docanyone know how to get a google voice invite?
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