IRC log for #asterisk on 20090504

00:01.53*** join/#asterisk Tuxguy (n=jimi@
00:01.58Tuxguydoes asterisk work w/ avaya?
00:02.20KobazTuxguy: depends what you want to o
00:02.51KobazTuxguy: if the avaya has t1, you can link up with t1, if it has sip, you can use sip, if it has analog, you can use analog... if it has cti, you can use cti
00:04.20KobazTuxguy: were you expecting something more magical?
00:04.26KyleKKavanS: so PAP2 -> AsteriskA -> murphy?
00:04.34Tuxguyi dont even know what avaya is
00:04.44Kobazit's a pbx
00:05.10KavanSKyleK, yep that's correct
00:07.55KyleKis there a user entry in sip.conf for the pap2 on murphy? the calls might come through as pap2@asteriska
00:08.27*** join/#asterisk Dolfe (
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00:15.19KavanSKyleK, no there's not I figured the asterisk server would act like a proxy
00:16.39KyleKwell it is, which is why calls are coming through as pap2@asteriska instead of pap2@pap2-ip-address
00:19.36KavanSyeah I just added it under sip.conf and no dice, same difference
00:20.46*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
00:28.01*** join/#asterisk pbx1 (n=pbx1@
00:30.09kn0xKobaz: problems fixed. only thing left is that Kernel panics on shutdown
00:30.19kn0xsomething to do with unloading zaptel/wanpipe
00:30.44*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
00:35.38Kobazkn0x: yeah
00:35.49Kobazkn0x: remove the dahdi script from your shutdown
00:36.01Kobazkn0x: that's the easy fix
00:36.10Kobazthe problem is that dahdi is being unloaded before wanrouter
00:36.15Kobazwanrouter needs to be unloaded first
00:36.45Kobazthe proper fix is to fix the order... but you dont really need to... modules dont need to be unloaded before shutdown
00:40.49kn0xhow do i fix the router?
00:40.51kn0xi mean
00:41.45Kobazwhat's the output of: runlevel
00:41.57kn0xN 2
00:43.02Kobazedit /etc/rc2.d
00:43.10Kobazlook for files that start with K
00:43.18Kobazmove dahdi to be before wanrouter
00:44.32kn0xthere are no K files in rc2.d
00:44.40kn0xthere are some in the other runlevels
00:45.26Kobazlook in /etc/rcS.d
00:45.57Kobazare you running debian?
00:45.59Kobazor ubuntu
00:46.23kn0xK29 wanrouter is in rc0 rc1 and rc6
00:46.44Kobazokay so the kills are just in the shutdown runlevels
00:46.55Kobazso in 0,1,6, fix the order
00:47.10kn0xso it should be reversed?
00:47.12Kobazthat's bad
00:47.15Kobazyeah reversed
00:47.19Kobazoh wait
00:47.22Kobazi'm on crack
00:47.24Kobazno that's fine
00:47.25kn0xso, zaptel should shutdown first?
00:47.29Kobazyou want wanrouter stoping
00:47.31Kobazand then zaptel
00:47.38kn0xoh. well its already like that.
00:47.40Kobazokay so you don't have the problem that i think you have
00:47.54Kobazokay just remove wanrouter zaptel from the shutdown
00:49.43kn0xokay rebooting
00:52.03kn0xKobaz: okay. thanks.
00:52.06kn0xfixed it
00:52.29kn0xnow if i could only fix this LVM shutdown failure mesg -_-
00:53.59Kobaznow you're getting greedy
00:54.09Kobazfixing all the errors, that's ridiculas!
00:54.30KyleKdiminishing returns
00:56.14kn0xnahh lol im used to that im joking
00:56.28kn0xits something fucked up with debian ive noticed ever since i started using LVM
00:56.39kn0xits a chicken-and-the-egg scenario
00:56.44Kobazi have a debian lvm setup, i dont think i have that problem
00:56.44kn0x...sort of.. but backwards
00:56.51Kobazis your root on lvm?
00:57.04kn0xKobaz: yes
00:57.11Kobazthat's the problem
00:57.14kn0xonly thing that isnt is /boot
00:57.24kn0xKobaz: but thats the debian insatllers default
00:57.49Kobazi have a seperate 20 gig partition (mirrored) that's root
00:57.53Kobazand everything else is lvm
00:58.27kn0xyes. noted. good idea.
00:59.40kn0xfirst time you pick up the receiver on the fxs it doesnt pickup in asterisk
00:59.44KyleKyea I have a 16gb / and /home is lvm
01:00.08kn0xafter a restart...
01:00.22kn0xeverytime after that, once you pick up... there is dialtone
01:00.38KyleKso you gotta pick up a FXS or all of them once?
01:01.10kn0xi only have one fxs on the card
01:01.22kn0xand the very first time you pickup the phone after asterisk restarts
01:01.25kn0xthere will be no dialtone
01:01.41*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-1d04aae90a7a6ac2)
01:01.42kn0xsubsequent pickups will go to dialtone without problem
01:06.25*** join/#asterisk blkry (
01:06.33KyleKseems odd
01:06.37kn0xyes indeed
01:07.38Kobazwhat asterisk version
01:07.51Kobazthere were some dialtone pickup problems fixed in like 1.4.22ish
01:09.47kn0xKobaz: thats where im at
01:09.51kn0xasterisk 1.4.21
01:10.00kn0xas per j00r advice :P
01:10.20kn0xactually theres this annoying noise in the background of the fxs
01:11.25Kobazi'm forgetting who is who
01:11.37Kobazlemme look at the changelog
01:11.49Kobazi'm doing some late night coding for a demo tomorrow
01:13.49Kobazfirst off
01:13.53Kobazwhat line card is it?
01:16.20Kobazwhat company?
01:16.36Kobazb600? what's that a bri
01:16.53Kobazoh yeah sangoma, we're working with wanpipe
01:16.56Kobazheh, i'm tired
01:17.30Kobazoh wow
01:17.32Kobazthat's new
01:17.37Kobazlittle analog card
01:17.51Kobaz1) is your phone crappy
01:17.56Kobaz2) is your wiring crappy
01:18.00Kobaz3) is your grounding crappy
01:18.09kn0xgrounding on what?
01:18.12Kobazthe pc
01:18.29kn0xi dont have a special ground.. just the AC ground
01:18.42kn0xill have to try with another phone and wires
01:21.41Kobazthat's the only think i can think of that would cause noise
01:21.55Kobazunless you have a tv tuner or something in the same box, putting out noise into the pc case
01:22.03Kobazis your cpu fan close to the card?
01:23.58Kobazcat /proc/inturupts
01:34.12*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
01:47.16kn0xKobaz: what am i looking for in /proc/interrupts
01:47.43kn0xKobaz: yes fan is close. it is a small form-factor machine
01:53.14Kobazkn0x: you're looking for the analog card being on the same inturrupt as something else
01:55.36*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:56.05Kobaz17:    2315799          0   IO-APIC-fasteoi   wanpipe1
01:56.06Kobazlooks good
01:56.33Kobazdo you have another phone to try?
01:56.46Kobazis it noisey?
01:57.52*** part/#asterisk comprookie2000 (n=david@gentoo/contributor/comprookie2000)
02:00.10*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:05.40kn0xKobaz: its better
02:05.47kn0xstill hissing a bit
02:05.51kn0xlike open air
02:05.55kn0xi guess thats normal
02:06.05kn0xbut its a bit more than the co line
02:07.29*** join/#asterisk tfrew (
02:12.22Kobazit really comes down to the quality of power in the pc, and local inteferance
02:12.36Kobazand quality of the line card, which... sangoma makes good stuff
02:12.44Kobazbut that's a new card
02:13.07Kobazmaybe it's got some circuits with inductance that shouldnt be there
02:14.07kn0xKobaz: yeah. ill bring it up with them.
02:14.10kn0xthey have good support
02:14.18kn0xthanks for the helkp 2day Kobaz
02:14.18Kobazwho knows... would need to hook up an occilascope
02:17.07*** join/#asterisk hterag (n=chatzill@
02:18.24hteragG'day all... I am having an annoying issue no sip peers seem to be showing up but they are in users.conf.... and show up in the gui
02:18.36Kobazusers.conf is old... use sip.conf
02:18.48Kobazsee the example configs
02:22.42hteraghmm maybe its a asterisk-gui issue then
02:23.15hteragas all users/extensions show up in the gui but asterisk doesn't think they are there
02:26.06Kobazyeah this chan isn't for asterisk-gui
02:38.13*** join/#asterisk blkry (
02:39.56*** join/#asterisk shyam_k (n=user@unaffiliated/shyam-k/x-8459115)
02:40.05shyam_kcan i get smsq in 1.4.24?
02:40.31shyam_kits not there now.. should be there by default? or what should i do to get that?
03:12.05*** part/#asterisk shyam_k (n=user@unaffiliated/shyam-k/x-8459115)
03:12.45*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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03:26.46*** part/#asterisk hterag (n=chatzill@
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03:37.07*** join/#asterisk beernutz (
03:38.10beernutzhey, how can i simulate an incoming call from a command line client under linux?  I have been messing with sipsak, but i cant seem to figure out the syntax.
03:38.39beernutzfor some reason this is harder to google than i thought it would be
03:39.00tfrewbeernutz: create a 7777 extension
03:39.05tfrewgoogle the 7777 example
03:39.17beernutzcoooool.  thank you
03:40.39tfrewi take it your sarcastic
03:41.08beernutzi am googling it now
03:41.24tfrewdon't mind me
03:41.32tfrewi'm pissed off at other random anon's
03:41.39beernutzohhh  lol
03:43.05[TK]D-Fenderbeernutz: "help originate"
03:43.19beernutzthank you Fender
03:43.25beernutzlooking at that one now
03:44.01[TK]D-Fenderbeernutz: Of course you should simply go and install a softphone
03:44.16beernutzya, i have that done too
03:44.34beernutzhere is the deal:  I am set up to talk to vitelity as my provider
03:44.38beernutzi register fine
03:44.56beernutzbut when i try to make incoming callls using my cell phone to test the voip line
03:45.15beernutzit times out, and vitelity tell me it is getting 404 messages
03:45.22beernutzindicating a routing issue
03:45.34beernutzbut the ODD thing is that it works sometimes.
03:45.47beernutzisnt it an all or nothing kind of thing?
03:46.03[TK]D-Fenderbeernutz: Means you should be enabling ISP DEBUG and watching the incoming call
03:46.10tfrewtraceroute your provider
03:46.16beernutzwhat i am attempting to do is diagnose it from the outside coming in
03:46.23tfrew*any* packet loss to them is a problem
03:46.33beernutzinteresting point tfrew
03:46.50[TK]D-FenderPL is not the issue
03:47.02[TK]D-Fenderbeernutz: Go look at SIP DEBUG at * CLI for the calls
03:47.10tfrewyour face is not the issue
03:47.34*** part/#asterisk tfrew (
03:47.35beernutzthank you, ill look at that next
03:48.10beernutzmay i ask however, si there a way to debug this from the outside?  i want to see waht the conversation looks like from the outside coming in
03:48.26[TK]D-Fenderbeernutz: that makes no sense
03:48.35beernutzi supose you are right.  lol
03:48.45beernutzi am trying to see what my provider sees
03:48.50beernutzor if i can replicate it
03:49.15beernutzfrom my side of the connection the logs are pretty bare, showing no connection attempts from them
03:49.35beernutzbut i see successful registrations every few minutes
03:49.43beernutzfrom me to them
03:50.12[TK]D-Fenderbeernutz: This is what YOU see.  they see what YOU answer.
03:50.26[TK]D-Fenderbeernutz: So you get to see the full conversation.  There is not 3rd party here
03:57.25*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (n=w7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
04:13.15beernutzwould you look at this with me please?
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05:29.50Juggieis there any dialplan func to check for the existance of a file?
05:46.00*** part/#asterisk beernutz (
05:47.15xorlMaliutaLap: hey, so my phones work w/out using DHCP
05:47.44xorlMaliutaLap: moved the TFTP server in house to a crappy little temp machine in house until the new 1U arrives but the phones work again, just not using DHCP
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06:47.57shyam_kanyone tried with 's astsphinx here?
06:48.14shyam_kits having provision for ngram models to recognize
06:49.23shyam_ki changed it to fsg the code is here
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07:53.38ruben23is ip tunnneling a solution.
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08:14.43Juggieis it possible to set a variable inside a macro and then access it after the macro finishes?
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08:34.38MaliutaLapxorl: I am still willing to be something in the VLAN config is screwing your DHCP
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08:49.04cyd777_wrki have a question: Can I use an external serial modem as inbound line device? I want to test somethings but first I don't want to by a fxo card
08:50.50NirSexternal modem? as in a device connected via a serial DB9 connector ?
08:52.07NirShadn't seen a Serial modem in over 10 years
08:52.29KyleKif it supports Voice maybe
08:52.56NirSI don't think that's doable
08:53.31NirSit means that the voice needs to traverse between the modem and the machine via the serial link, and I'm not entirely sure if Zaptel/DAHDI have support for that
08:53.54KyleKit'd be a different driver
08:53.56NirSbesides, as far as I know, the only MODEM based hardware supperted is a V.92 modem chip from Intel,
08:54.21NirSand I'm not familiar with External modems that utilize that specific shipset, however, as I never tried it - you got me there
08:54.47NirShere's a suggestion, if you really want to try out Asterisk, go on eBay and buy a single FXO card for a few dollars
08:55.46KyleKif it doesn't work out change the firmware and use it as a v92 modem? :)
08:57.18KyleKcyd777_wrk: with a serial modem you might have only half duplex which means the modem has to switch which way audio is going
08:57.22*** join/#asterisk liri (
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09:41.23fooanyone use sipdroid on the g1? I keep getting timeout trying to connect to my asterisk box
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09:43.30fooIf a sip client connects to my asterisk/trixbox system and times out... what do I need to adjust? I was told it might be something with nat. thanks
09:50.34gr0mitfoo, sipdroid?
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09:50.40gr0mitwhere can i get it?
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09:51.13foogr0mit: going to play around with it now? let me know if you can get it to work
09:53.26foowaits for you before he goes to sleep'
09:54.00gr0mitinstall unsuccessful :-(
09:54.02pifhi, anyone using OrderlyStats ?
09:54.46foogr0mit: actually, it requires 1.5
09:55.04foogr0mit: you root your phone?
09:55.06foogr0mit: yeash
09:55.14gr0mitnope phone is not rooted
10:05.36tamielHello, I have some congestion problems with Dahdi . I think the remote side is not releasing the line immediatly. I found many dahdi channels are stuck with PRI Flags: Resetting .
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10:39.02ramonpeekquestion: Does anyone know the reason why dialplan execution at the 'h' exten stops on <ZOMBIE> channels whilst it doesn't on normal hangups (Is this normal behaviour?)
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10:57.32infernixmnicholson: have you tried chan_mobile with android 1.5 yet? it worked fine with 1.1 but i'm getting only noise since the upgrade. probably due to the new bt stack in android
10:57.48infernixtries alignmentdetection=yes
11:06.00*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
11:10.26liriis it possible to configure the directory of the meetme (conf rooms) recordings? I'd like to take it out of it's normal /var/lib/asterisk/sounds dir where all other sound files are present
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11:44.35dpryoAnybody using ExternalIVR()?
11:44.51dpryoSeems a bit too simple?
11:45.41dpryoIf I want a call to be transfered when the caller enters a digit, I have to tell a channel-variable where I want to goto, and then do the rest in extensions?
11:46.05dpryoExternalIVR() is basically a musicplayer? Plays music from playlists? :)
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12:06.52angryuserhello, when server is configured to accept unauthentificated calls, is there any option how the dtmf is handled for this calls (i want it set to rfc2833) ?
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12:13.43ornangryuser: Probably the [general] section of sip.conf
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12:22.52angryuserorn, oh thx it was it ;)
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13:03.51tamielWhen dahdi channel is flagged with "PRI Flags: Resetting", is it unavailable ? (here pastebin of a channel in this situation : )
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13:11.09EUS-Eric-DCaPSup guys
13:11.33EUS-Eric-DCaPHey, is Jared Smith from Digium in here?
13:14.14jayteeEUS-Eric-DCaP, not at the moment but he does come in here occassionally
13:14.31EUS-Eric-DCaPThanks, I was just wanting to say high.
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13:25.22leifmadsenEUS-Eric-DCaP: not in here, but you can find him in #asterisk-doc
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13:27.28EUS-Eric-DCaPhi, not high.
13:27.32EUS-Eric-DCaPdidn't notice till now
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14:07.53jaytee"Sometimes, the only way to deal with a bully is to wind up and smack him upside the head with the Alvin and the Chipmunks Lunchbox of Justice." -Mentat
14:08.06jayteenow that's an excellent quote of the day
14:08.27putnopvutDucktales lunchbox, more like.
14:08.37jayteethat would work too :-)
14:08.42eppigyi am dave
14:08.44jayteehi dave!
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14:17.01minteeis there a list of causes somewhere?  I'm getting "Channel 0/1, span 2 got hangup, cause 28" and can't find anything about cause 28
14:19.18filethey are isdn causecodes
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14:19.55file28 is invalid number format
14:20.04minteeso i see
14:21.24beekmorning jaytee
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14:30.45jayteemorning beek
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14:39.19jasonwootis there a quick way to pause all queue members after a reboot?
14:40.15eppigyuse realtime config
14:40.24eppigyand set all agents in the table to paused
14:40.56*** join/#asterisk Braxus (
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14:57.10jayteemorning brian
14:57.50telnettechI have a question.......if i have 4 and 5 digit extension numbers, does the pattern match have to be 5 digits or do i need to build both 4digit and 5digit pattern matches even though they are doing the same thing in dialplan?
14:57.56telnettechmorning jaytee
14:59.14*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
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14:59.53[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: ther is no "4 or 5" pattern possible.  though there is a "4 or LONGER" options
14:59.53Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
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15:00.45telnettechso if i have my pattern match as _7xxx that will take care of both 4 and 5 digit extensions?
15:03.00[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Clearly NO.
15:03.37telnettechso i need a 5digit like _7xxxx for 5 digit extensions
15:04.02[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: those "x" do mean something you know... You really need to go read chapter 5 again...
15:05.09telnettechthe "x" mean any digits from 0 thru 9..
15:06.06telnettechso in the pattern match _7xxxx it means that the number will start with "7" and 4 more digits after it with each digit being  from 0 thru 9
15:06.52telnettechbut in the pattern match _7xxx it means that it starts with 7 with 3 more digits afterwards from 0 thru 9
15:07.41telnettechso I would assume ( ass u me....haha!!!) that I need to include a pattern match for both sets of extensions--4 digit and 5 digit extensions
15:10.07[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: Yes, its every bit as cut & dry as it sounds.  2 Pattern matchs required
15:10.11*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
15:10.30telnettechok...Thanks TK
15:10.37*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
15:11.26Pagautasor maybe use _7. :)
15:12.47Pagautasis there anyone working with quintum hardware?
15:13.11*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
15:14.55EUS-Eric-DCaPwhat is your firewall?
15:19.03ruben23EUS-Eric-DCaP: i got a centos box
15:19.36EUS-Eric-DCaPso you need to port forward tcp 5060 and udp 10000-20000 to your pbx from your external IP
15:19.58EUS-Eric-DCaPin your SIP.conf general file, you need to define "externip="
15:20.14infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:20.17EUS-Eric-DCaPfor your PBX, and then in the sip peer entry you need to include nat=yes
15:20.28ruben23what would be the value externip..?
15:20.47EUS-Eric-DCaPthe external IP that the PBX will take registrations with.
15:21.00EUS-Eric-DCaPfender, do you have a list of all those ~ commands?
15:21.05EUS-Eric-DCaPI'd like to look over them
15:23.09ruben23EUS-Eric-DCaP:  but my asterisk is in private ip.
15:23.39EUS-Eric-DCaPthat's why your port forwarding from an external IP through your firewall to your asterisk box
15:24.03EUS-Eric-DCaPexternip is telling asterisk what it's external IP is so it knows how to NAT and send RTP
15:28.38[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: What would you be looking for?
15:28.48EUS-Eric-DCaPthe ~sipnat
15:28.58EUS-Eric-DCaPcommands, that make infobot spit out an article.
15:29.02[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: You can alrady see it... iys right there :p
15:29.11EUS-Eric-DCaPno, but all of them
15:29.15EUS-Eric-DCaPI assume there's more, right?
15:29.19infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:29.26[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: I maintain them, and yes I keep the list
15:29.36EUS-Eric-DCaPcan I see em?
15:29.50EUS-Eric-DCaPor is that you maintain dominance over the IRC channel?
15:30.05[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: that too :)
15:30.21[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: Slightly outdated copy.
15:30.28[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: but covers most of them
15:31.03[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: these are the ones I maintain at least,t here are tons of others
15:31.58EUS-Eric-DCaPI'm curious to read more about how BLFs and HINTS actually work
15:32.21*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
15:35.32infobotfrom memory, blf is Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
15:35.42[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: And there is a decent page on the WIKi for this
15:36.07EUS-Eric-DCaPI don't need to know how to set them up, I know that
15:36.11EUS-Eric-DCaPbut how they actually function.
15:36.20EUS-Eric-DCaPlike the SIP messages they pass back and forth.
15:36.32[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: Maybe you could be a little less generic.  Perhaps even a LOT.
15:36.45[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: Look at your SIP debug.
15:36.52[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: It isn't hidden you know.
15:37.13EUS-Eric-DCaPI've done that, and I see what its doing, but I wanted to read some kind of man page that discusses in detail what's going on.
15:37.38EUS-Eric-DCaPI'm having an interesting problem at a client with a very basic network/pbx and I can't quite figure out what it is.
15:37.42[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: You are still entirely too generic.
15:38.01EUS-Eric-DCaPWhen a call comes in, and  a sip hint changes to RINGING,
15:38.12EUS-Eric-DCaPwhat is the PBX supposed to send out to the peers.
15:38.16EUS-Eric-DCaPAnd how do they respond.
15:38.36[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: there is no RESPONSE.  Its a NOTIFICATION
15:38.36EUS-Eric-DCaPWhen the state changes to INUSE or back to idle what does the PBX send out.
15:38.56[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: And again this is something you could ahve answered for yourself in the span it took to ask,
15:39.01EUS-Eric-DCaPwell, I'd like to learn exactly what both end points are doing.
15:39.05fileSIP NOTIFY messages with a content type that match what the subscription asked for
15:39.18filethe content describes the state.
15:39.20[TK]D-FendereurSetup a hint on an device.  place call, watch debug, hangup, watch debug
15:39.53EUS-Eric-DCaPThanks for that, but like I said, I'm having a problem with it, so obviously it's not working right.
15:39.56[TK]D-FenderDave-Network-plu: WAHT ARE YOU DOING DAVE?
15:40.00EUS-Eric-DCaPso doing a sip debug does me no good.
15:40.13Dave-Network-pluI want my network plus cert in my nick
15:40.19[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: Why not?  yous ee the complete message in there
15:40.19Dave-Network-pluso i can look totally awesome
15:40.20EUS-Eric-DCaPand I'd be looking at a huge mess of sip data.
15:40.38[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: you can restrict by IP you know..
15:40.44EUS-Eric-DCaPYes, I know that.
15:40.59[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: This is a 5 second test.
15:41.10[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: There really is no excuse for this.
15:41.19Dave-ComptiaWhat is your dcap number
15:41.26Dave-ComptiaI am having your shit revoked
15:41.53filelanguage :P
15:41.58filetickles Katty
15:42.00Dave-Comptiaapologies sir
15:42.11[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: How is it you can't enable sip debug on a single device, place a call and look at what notifications it was sent?
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15:42.18EUS-Eric-DCaPOf course I can do that.
15:42.26[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: So whats the problem?
15:42.38EUS-Eric-DCaPI just want to look at some document that explains how they work.
15:42.49filethat is complicated
15:42.51EUS-Eric-DCaPI can't find any documentation like that.
15:43.05filebecause there are different content types that can be used
15:43.14Dave-ComptiaRFC 3261: SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
15:43.16[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: Work HOW?  Where * maintains a state?  what the state #'s it passes on are?
15:43.18fileand devices implement different ones
15:43.24[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: And yes, this is in the RFC
15:43.25fileat least at the protocol level.
15:43.31EUS-Eric-DCaPOk, so I have some aastra phones.
15:43.41*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:43.52EUS-Eric-DCaPSomehow, the messages telling them a BLF is back to idle from a Ringing state isn't updating
15:44.16EUS-Eric-DCaPI see the sip messages going out from the PBX, but I'm not sure they the phone isn't updating the BLF
15:44.24EUS-Eric-DCaPThat's it.
15:44.38[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: This sounds like your phone has a problem, not *.
15:45.12[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: And thats like triple or quadruple negative statement there...
15:45.25*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
15:45.27[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: Does * send out the state change packet to it or not?
15:45.44eppigyi like to be positive
15:47.28[TK]D-Fendereppigy: A proton walks into a convention hall full of electrons and says "Uh ho, I think I'm in the wrong room".  An eletron turns to him and says "Are you sure?".  Proton responds "I'm positive!"
15:50.13jdblackplease tell me you don't tell that joke in public
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15:51.54eppigy[TK]D-Fender: LOL
15:51.58KavanSthat's a good joke
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16:05.22jad_jayHi all
16:06.21jad_jayI have a problem with the voices messages, i can't hear them from the beginning i just can hear till the middle of the sentence...
16:07.11jad_jayI put a wait of 10 seconde before but it is the same, i have to put two "hello world" before to be sure to heard something
16:07.51EUS-Eric-DCaPSo I have a SIP debug from the PBX and a test phone
16:09.30EUS-Eric-DCaPso now, what do I look for?
16:09.49EUS-Eric-DCaPI guess no one has any information about how Aastra phones and Asterisk work together for hints, right?
16:09.49[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: the NOTIFY's that * passes during call progress
16:10.07[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCaP: Same as an other SIP device
16:10.24jad_jayMaybe i could try with the different silence sounds
16:10.31*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
16:11.10[TK]D-Fenderjad_jay: Smoe clients are slower at setting up RTP streams for instance which can cause the start of calls of that type to seem cut-off.
16:11.20[TK]D-Fenderjad_jay: Usually its only a second or two
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16:25.39Juggieanyone have a suggestion on the best way to check via dialplan if a file exists...
16:25.57[TK]D-FenderJuggie: "sore show functions like STAT"
16:26.02Juggiei'd like to do it in a gosub/macro and i can use shell() but i'm tied to 1.4
16:26.54Juggie[TK]D-Fender, what app/function provides that my install (trunk 1.6) doesnt have it.
16:27.18Juggienm caps would help :)
16:28.03[TK]D-FenderJuggie: Yes... they would
16:28.12Juggiewell thats handy :)
16:30.17*** join/#asterisk Chuggs (
16:30.58jad_jay[TK]D-Fender: Thanks I tried the silences sounds but it doesn't works, maybe with something like a "beeep" will did the trick
16:31.10jad_jay[TK]D-Fender: Or a song...
16:32.11*** join/#asterisk juanIMP (n=Juancho@
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16:36.31ZiaeonDoes asterisk 1.4 automatically use multicore cpu's? I have one asterisk box that takes about 20 concurrent calls, all of which are recorded, and sometimes cpu peaks and the quality suffers. It's a 64bit Core 2 Xeon 3.3ghz and 2gigs of ram. I recompiled the kernel to make sure it uses Core 2/ Xeon but asterisk still seems to chug on one core instead of utilizing all 4.
16:36.54ZiaeonAsterisk will often report up to 50 percent usage in TOP where my actual CPU usage is only about 7%
16:37.45QwellZiaeon: the kernel handles all of that.
16:37.49*** join/#asterisk crevetor (
16:38.03QwellAsterisk is a multi-threaded application though, yes.
16:38.44crevetorDoes anybody know how I could see what is causing latency in the treatment of sip packet by asterisk ?
16:38.57ZiaeonSo can I assume theres something missing in my kernel conf if asterisk reports X amount of usage and my overall CPU usage is lower? IE: It's not properly taking advantage of all 4 cores? Or is this mostly the way it looks and I'm just asking too much of this one box?
16:39.04Qwellcrevetor: standard network analysis tools
16:39.34crevetorQwell: it seems to be "inside asterisk"
16:40.01Qwell"seems to be" or "is"?
16:40.23crevetorOk I'll check
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16:47.28mnicholsoninfernix, no, haven't heard any reports of testing with 1.5 yet
16:47.32*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
16:48.01DovidTK: What version of asterisk r u working with now ?
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16:49.39DovidAnyone from "Digium Land" here ?
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16:51.08tfrewis that like disney land?
16:52.28Dovidthere is an error on the site.
16:54.04[TK]D-FenderDovid: I'm on 1.2 at work which I can't get around to upgrading (complicated), and 1.6.0.X at home
16:54.27Dovidok. i have a test box. was wondering about
16:59.38tfrewgo with 1.6.x
16:59.56eppigyI hope you are doing well.
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17:28.41DovidWhat does Digium have against blonde's ?
17:28.55Dovid2009-04-17 15:20:23 -0500 (Fri, 17 Apr 2009) | 13
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17:32.38eppigyDovid: I think that is a typo
17:32.54eppigythey clearly discriminate against the blind
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17:49.49cjkhi, is there a variable i can use in the dialplan that shows me which leg of my call is responsible for the hangup?
17:50.49infernixmnicholson: i'll keep you posted with my findings, will test some more after dinner
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17:52.21mnicholsoninfernix, ok
17:54.47Dovidwhat version of spandsp does 1.6.X require ?
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17:55.18Dovidfor app_fax
17:55.52pnlarssonWhat could be the reason for asterisk to hang when loading Using both 1.2 and 1.4.svn
17:56.00jasonwootwith UnPauseQueueMember, can I specify an extension lieu of and agent ID at "interface"
17:56.23pnlarssonCan i make asterisk to drop core to see what the issue is?
17:56.37pigpenHi all.  I moved to asterisk with dahdi a few months ago.  Using the TDM4xx card, no hw echo cancelation.  I use this system at my house (6 polycom phones) for testing.
17:56.47pigpenI figure if the wife doesn't kill me, it must be running ok.
17:56.59pigpenWell, I am having issues with Echo Cancelation:  chan_dahdi.c:2010 dahdi_enable_ec: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 4 (No such device)
17:57.28pigpenI have Asterisk running in many locations from 5 users to 500, but this is my first move to 1.6
17:58.47pigpenMy dahdi system.conf references 1 - 3 as fxoks, and 4 as fxsks.
18:00.22nealixNewbie getting started:   For my first IP phone set to learn, do you guys prefer Cisco 7960 or Polycom Ip-430 ?
18:00.25*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
18:00.39pigpennealix, polycom
18:01.05Chainsawleifmadsen: Can you please get your devs to stop closing unfixed bugs?
18:01.12pigpenI have echocanceller=mg2,4
18:01.32nealixIs the polycom simply easier to set up, or superior in sound quality and features?
18:01.43pigpenwith running dahdi_cfg -c system.conf -d 9 -f -x:  DAHDI_ATTACH_ECHOCAN failed on channel 4: Invalid argument (22)
18:01.55Chainsawleifmadsen: All that has to be done is applying this one patch. Practically a one-liner. I've signed the agreement. Do I really have to take out a support contract to get you guys to apply a diff?
18:02.09pigpennealix, great sound, eaiser to deploy, and they run sip well.
18:02.20pigpenCisco sees SIP as a bastard codec.
18:02.35Chainsawpigpen: (SIP isn't a codec)
18:02.50nealixprotocol, whatever :-)
18:03.09pigpenChainsaw, bla, bla..sorry, not enough caffeine yet.
18:03.13nealixI'll hunt for the Polycom, that makes sense
18:04.00pigpenThe 430's are ok, but I got very used to the 601/650's
18:04.26*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
18:04.43pigpenA great headset for them is the Jabra 9350 with the special cable you can get for it (I forget what it is called, and I KNOW Chainsaw will call me on it)
18:05.19leifmadsenCorydon76-dig: see above msg from Chainsaw
18:05.51cjkhow can i debug hangups and check who is responsible for the hangup for calls from iax to zap
18:06.10ChainsawCorydon76-dig: I am the Gentoo package maintainer. The other report is similar. If you blame my ebuild, be specific.
18:06.42pigpenChainsaw, Gentoo Package Maintainer??
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18:07.02pigpenChainsaw, know
18:07.17Chainsawpigpen: I don't think pfeifer's a dev anymore.
18:07.35Chainsawpigpen: Of Asterisk, yes.
18:07.42pigpencorrect, he isn't active in the sense.  But I know he is still involved.
18:07.46pigpenHe is my business partner.
18:08.04*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
18:08.07pigpenAnd yes, we only run Gentoo.
18:08.57pigpenThis is good to know.  We have had to patch asterisk numerous time in the past.  It would be nice to get the patches to the right person.
18:10.26Chainsawpigpen: I'm trying but I can't claim great success.
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18:10.37pigpenheh, moving target eh?
18:10.46fooIf a sip client connects to my asterisk/trixbox system and times out... what do I need to adjust? I was told it might be something with nat. thanks
18:10.59Chainsawjaytee: That's because their RPM applies all the patches and they never send them upstream.
18:11.13Chainsawjaytee: Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen :)
18:11.16pigpenjaytee, we have some rather large installations, that run across some odd issues.
18:11.59pigpenChainsaw, any idea why my echocancel isn't working??
18:12.13Chainsawpigpen: Without seeing your config? No.
18:12.22pigpenbefore 1.6 echo cancel just worked.
18:12.42pigpenI can take care of that.
18:13.17Chainsawpigpen: Disclaimer though, my TDM410 doesn't have the echo cancellation module installed. All I do over analog lines is accept inbound fax.
18:13.38KyleKmmmmm faxxx
18:13.39jayteepigpen, are you using hardware echo cancellation or software?
18:13.46pigpenno hardware.
18:13.56pigpenI have had bad luck with the.
18:15.24jayteein 1.6 the echo cancel software modules are dynamic. You don't need to recompile dahdi to change software echo cancellers but it needs to be in  your system.conf file i.e. echocanceller=mg2,1-4  where 1-4 are the channels as an example
18:16.10ChainsawKyleK: Fax can be so annoying though.
18:16.37pigpenChainsaw, we are using iaxmodem with hylafax.
18:16.45pigpenI have been using this for about 3 years.
18:16.45ChainsawKyleK: Brother fax (MFC-9840CDW) -> Patton SmartNode 4118 -> Patton SmartNode 4634 -> BT ISDN BRI -> Digium TDM400
18:16.46jayteeI saw the new announcement about Digium's fax addon with 1 free license. looked interesting but I'm running 64 bit :-(
18:17.08ChainsawKyleK: If my outbound call follows that chain, the two fax machines never negotiate succesfully. I hear CNG, but never CED.
18:17.14pigpenChainsaw, ok, see the above pastbin, pretty basic and generic.
18:18.01pigpenmakes me wonder if the ver of dahdi is borked.
18:18.22Chainsawjaytee: I think we're all running 64-bit by now. I certainly am.
18:19.19jayteeyeah, but neither Digium's new fax piece is supported now and Lumenvox's speech engine didn't when I first started developing our speech enabled IVR
18:19.32jayteeonly on 32bit
18:20.03*** join/#asterisk plq (n=plq@
18:20.15pigpenyeah, no dahdi updates.
18:23.51*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-lap (n=Corydon7@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
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18:32.14Corydon76-lapChainsaw: in the future, please file reports only with our plain-jane source, NOT packager builds and NO distro-supplied patches.
18:32.46ChainsawCorydon76-dig: So you don't want me to try to submit our patching upstream. Duly noted.
18:32.56*** part/#asterisk pnlarsson (
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18:33.24Corydon76-lapWe cannot read your mind and know that your extras have nothing to do with a problem.  In many cases, the patches are the problems, themselves, and we'd rather not be running down problems that aren't in our code
18:35.27ChainsawCorydon76-dig: It'd be awesome if you could post such things to the bug tracker next time.
18:35.37ChainsawCorydon76-dig: Because all I saw was a bug gathering bitrot.
18:36.00*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
18:36.01Corydon76-lapChainsaw: it's in our reporting guidelines
18:36.30Corydon76-lapAnd in 95% of cases, telling people to consult with the packager is the right thing to do
18:36.36*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
18:37.02ChainsawCorydon76-dig: Sure. I don't mind. Just tell me of that when you close it.
18:37.06Corydon76-lapI'll make a note for next time that you're the Gentoo maintainer
18:38.14*** join/#asterisk ntbourey (
18:38.19ntboureyHello everyone
18:38.49ntboureyI was wondering if someone might assist me with a problem I am having
18:39.13ChainsawWe can try. You're going to have to tell us what the problem is though.
18:39.19ntboureySure thing
18:39.20*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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18:39.35ntboureyI have asterisk set up with a bunch of SIP users
18:39.37[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: Next you might even expect that description to be detailed.  How droll
18:39.47ntboureyand softphones for each account
18:39.53pigpenChainsaw, are the echo cancelation modules a kernel option (running 2.6.26-hardened-r9) ?
18:39.55ntboureyI can dial another sip address
18:40.10ntboureybut when the  user accepts the call no audio gets transfered
18:40.27Chainsawpigpen: No, they'd be a DAHDI option.
18:40.33[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: Sounds like a networking (NAT / reinvite) issue.
18:40.41Chainsawpigpen: You'd compile them as kernel modules, but they're an external module, built through the dahdi ebuild.
18:40.48[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: firewall possibly.  Describe the networking between them
18:41.02ntboureyWe are all connected to a router
18:41.09ntboureygenerally with DHCP
18:41.11pigpenChainsaw, k, I am just getting nowhere with this.
18:42.23Chainsawpigpen: There are USE-flags to select the echo cancellers.
18:42.30Chainsawpigpen: Try and emerge -pv dahdi and see what's on.
18:42.37pigpenhmm.yeah, that could be it.
18:42.51pigpenbefore we patched it for mg2
18:43.39pigpenHeh...doesn't say a word....gee, that could be it.
18:43.55ntboureyAny thoughts?
18:44.07*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
18:44.41pigpenntbourey, give it a few min, many of us are involved....
18:46.04*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
18:46.21[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: All all parts of these calls WITHIN that local LAN?
18:46.31*** part/#asterisk Corydon76-lap (n=Corydon7@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home)
18:46.46ntboureyNothing is going out to an external sip provider
18:46.57[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: then THEY are not part of your local LAN
18:47.06[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: I asked if ALL ends were
18:47.14[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: Go read the guide :
18:47.18infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:47.43ntboureyAnd I said yes they are all within that local lan
18:49.32ntboureyYeah that only helps if I am trying to call outside of my network
18:49.33*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
18:49.36[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: This external SIP provider (ITSP) doesn't seem to be
18:49.44ntboureyI dont have one
18:49.58ntboureyntbourey: Nothing is going out to an external sip provider 2:47PM
18:50.10[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: Sorry, I seem to have misread.  Check the firewall on your server
18:50.18ntboureyThere is none
18:50.34[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: then next those on each mhacnine
18:50.54[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: Foloowing that check your sound card and any audio level monitoring in your softphone apps
18:51.15ntboureyAll of the clients are macs
18:51.26ntboureyall are properly set up
18:51.35ntboureyI am watching a video on  my headset and can hear it
18:51.43ntboureyand I can see that I its also recording
18:51.51pigpenChainsaw, I thought the package would say the use flag, but I am not finding it, would you mind hinting to me a bit...?
18:53.47*** join/#asterisk joseph__ (i=CK@
18:53.58joseph__gi all
18:55.10*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
18:55.12joseph__how to allow early media like voicemail if i used dial(sip/${EXTEN}@TRUNK,30,m)
18:55.40Meawdo you guys know a good page about how to install asterisk + sangoma A102
18:56.24joseph__my scenario is userA -->*--->termination GW
18:56.55joseph__user will hear an MOH when dialing
18:58.53fooIf a sip client connects to my asterisk/trixbox system and times out... what do I need to adjust? I was told it might be something with nat. thanks
18:59.19joseph__pigpen any idea ?
18:59.53ntboureyfoo: you might need to set your sip proxy to your asterisk server
19:00.41[TK]D-Fenderfoo: [15:00]<[TK]D-Fender>?? nat
19:00.43[TK]D-Fender[15:00]<coopbot>nat: If behind a NAT, create an /etc/asterisk/sip_nat.conf file with AT LEAST these three lines: 1) nat=yes 2) externip=your.external.IPaddess (or externhost=your.external.hostname) 3) localnet= (assuming your network uses 192.168.0.x addresses). Then "asterisk -rx sip reload" at the CLI. See ?? ports and ?? rtp for port forwarding information.
19:01.18[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: So do you get audio direct from * to an individual softphone both ways?
19:01.50ntbourey[TK]: I'm not sure
19:02.06ntbourey[TK]: I think I have it set up to a B2B
19:02.15ntboureyAt least based on what the books says
19:02.41[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: what "it"?
19:02.52[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: And what are you running for clients?
19:03.04ntboureyA mac app called Telephone
19:03.15ntboureyand it refers to Asterisk
19:03.27joseph__[TK]D-Fender do you have an idea on  how can i solve my hitch
19:05.16foontbourey: hm, I'm currently using trixbox, asterisk under the hood. I have sip clients internally and one external. The external one is timing out.
19:05.25foo[TK]D-Fender: oh, thanks, missed that
19:05.32ntboureyfoo: Okay
19:05.32[TK]D-Fenderjoseph__: You are specifying music and early media.  You certainly can't have both
19:06.00[TK]D-Fenderfoo: And yes, I KNOW you're using Trixbox which is why I linked you the guide from #freepbx, and not OURS
19:06.04joseph__[TK]D-Fender can you inform me why
19:06.12[TK]D-Fenderfoo: You are better off asking for support in there.
19:06.24[TK]D-Fenderfoo: GUI's are not supported in this channel
19:06.46*** join/#asterisk chazz (
19:07.00joseph__[TK]D-Fender !
19:07.05foo[TK]D-Fender: I know CLI. I made those changes, thanks, testing now
19:10.19jayteeI had Trixbox with Asterisk "under the hood" but I ripped out Asterisk and replaced it with a 426 HEMI and added a NOS system.
19:10.31foojaytee: heh
19:10.42Qwelljaytee: so, how is your Gentoo install doing?
19:10.49tfrewjaytee: supercharger?
19:11.09Chainsawpigpen: I'm thinking of zaptel flags, yes.
19:11.27jayteenow I can go from 0 to 1-800-holycrap in less than 3 seconds
19:12.06foo[TK]D-Fender: hm, no bueno on adding those 3 lines to my sip_nat.conf. strange
19:12.07jayteeQwell, you must have mistaken me for some other person who is into self-inflicted wounds, cutting and Gentoo.
19:12.25tfrewGentoo turns Qwell on
19:12.42ntbourey[TK]: from the CLI: I get this when I place a call to myself:
19:12.58Qwelljaytee: you said you added a NOS system.  Figured it was a USE flag
19:13.11*** part/#asterisk cpoulson (n=ircfs@
19:13.38joseph__[TK]D-Fender do you know from where i can edit the function where it detects the early media
19:13.43*** join/#asterisk stochastik (n=ircfs@
19:13.46jayteeQwell, LOL
19:13.51pigpenChainsaw, I looked at the package, it has "" for the "IUSE"
19:14.05Chainsawpigpen: Yeah, as I said I was thinking of zaptel flags.
19:14.14stochastikIs meetme talker detection broke in 1.6?
19:14.17pigpenah, ok, so no use flags.
19:14.35*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
19:14.48pigpenreally, I am not a moron when it comes to this.  I have no clue why this is not enabling the echocancel
19:15.35*** join/#asterisk smash- (
19:16.31pigpenI guess I'll get pfeifer to assist the issue to ensure all the code is being compiled.
19:16.34Chainsawpigpen: Mind filing me a bug so I can look at this Tuesday?
19:16.54smash-anyone here a sip trunk provider?
19:17.08*** join/#asterisk wilsonj (n=jeremy@unaffiliated/dethstar)
19:19.01stochastikTry Flowroute
19:19.22pigpenif you need anything else, let me know.
19:20.08pigpenthanks for the help.
19:20.12Chainsawpigpen: What I meant was, could you file a bug on against net-misc/dahdi as that will end up with me.
19:20.31Chainsawpigpen: Then I can take my Asterisk 1.6 test box and dissect the ebuild, see what I missed.
19:20.41pigpenif you missed.
19:20.46pigpenk, I'll file a bug
19:21.13pigpenI should have don this in the first place, Pfeifer has told me enough times.
19:22.21*** join/#asterisk VaGoNeTaS (
19:22.44VaGoNeTaSdoes anyone knows how to convert an gsm file into an mp3 and vice versa?
19:23.00VaGoNeTaSor any program to do it?
19:23.16UQlevVaGoNeTaS, why do you meed to convert?
19:23.24UQlevjust to listen?
19:24.16VaGoNeTaSwell, yes, but i have an mp3 that i have to convert it into an gsm file in oder to put it on asterisk
19:24.19VaGoNeTaSor as an asterisk ivr
19:24.51UQlevasterisk can play mp3
19:26.10VaGoNeTaSso is not necessary for me to convert the mp3 into an gsm
19:26.56UQlevVaGoNeTaS, it make sense if you want to reduce bandwidth
19:27.57[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: What does it look like you're calling yourself?
19:28.09ntboureyBecause I am
19:28.17VaGoNeTaSwell, the mp3 is 689k and gsm 2,5k
19:28.24[TK]D-Fenderntbourey: you know i'll trust that far less than others
19:28.52ntboureyI already tried calling my boss but it didn't work either
19:29.06ntboureySo while he is busy I am using myself as a guinea pig
19:29.25ntboureyalso I have an extension set up in my dialplan that uses an AGI script and that works okay
19:32.33pigpenI hope I did it all right, I don't do these very often.  If you need more info, I'll provide anything I can.
19:32.35Chainsawpigpen: Thank you, now assigned to me.
19:33.14Chainsawpigpen: I'll have access to test hardware tomorrow, I'll be in touch.
19:33.34pigpensounds good, I'll be around.
19:35.54UQlevVaGoNeTaS, gentoo has in portage gsm and gsmlib
19:36.57VaGoNeTaSwhere the gsm file is defined?
19:37.07VaGoNeTaSin the extensions.conf file?
19:42.24*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
19:43.42*** join/#asterisk yo-mama (
19:44.05ZiaeonHow do you shut up error messages such as "Asterisk command not understood" and the other random shit I get (very infrequently) at the top of the page in the recordings page?
19:44.34eppigysay what
19:45.08ZiaeonI guess it's more of a FreePBX question, lol.
19:46.01ZiaeonFreePBX comes with a recordings page which is a php login for user extensions to check voicemail and call logs and what not. I realize now it's a separate product so I'll have to ask elsewhere.
19:46.04yo-mamasms question!!!  I am a returning asterisk user hoping to get pointed in the right direction on the esiest way to get trixbox to be able to send the same text message to 100 different DIDs?
19:46.09*** join/#asterisk plq (n=plq@
19:48.35ruben23hi anyone help
19:49.11ruben23i got centos box nated and behind it is my asterisk server
19:49.32ruben23my Sip voip is unreachable
19:51.18*** join/#asterisk ayeso (n=chatzill@
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19:51.56ayesoIf i want to look at the comedian mail source code, do I just download the source for asterisk or is there separate code I need to find somewhere?
19:52.20*** join/#asterisk wilsonj (n=jeremy@unaffiliated/dethstar)
19:52.25[TK]D-Fenderayeso: app_voicemail.c in the source tarball
19:52.47ayeso[TK]D-Fender: Thx, u tha man
19:53.52[TK]D-Fenderruben23: -A PREROUTING -p udp -m udp --dport 5060 -j DNAT --to-destination
19:54.11*** join/#asterisk nny_1 (n=scott@
19:54.12[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Why are you DNAT-ing SIP on your * box?  You should not be forwarding it
19:54.29nny_1is playing around with openfire XMPP and Asterisk-IM
19:54.54nny_1anyone tried it or anything? It seems to work, although still working out some small issues with presence
19:54.54[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Or have you put another system in front of * now?
19:56.49ruben23linus box gateway===>asterisk server
19:57.02tfrewruben23: is that the router i build for you a while ago?
19:57.18ruben23internet===>gateway linux box====>asterisk server
19:57.48ruben23tfrew...cant remember
19:57.56ruben23but i ask help here..
19:58.03ayeso[TK]D-Fender: you seem to know alot about most everything asterisk related, how hard do you think it would be to change the menu options in comedian mail, that is if you press 7 to delete a message now, to change it to 8 or something?
19:58.12yo-mamaanyone know of a sms modual for asterisk? can point me to a good sms for asterisk howto?
19:58.41ruben23my asterisk server says unreachable to my voip carrier Ip
19:59.36[TK]D-Fenderayeso: You're talking about changing * sourse.  You didn't seem to know where to find it so it hink you'd better get familiar first
19:59.45yo-mamaruben23: ping your carrier from the asterisk box and then do an nmap from outside your network to your asterisk box.
20:00.27*** join/#asterisk esaym (
20:01.54[TK]D-Fenderruben23: -A PREROUTING -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4569 -j DNAT --to-destination
20:01.59[TK]D-Fenderruben23: FYI, IAX2 = UDP
20:02.11yo-mamaruben23: nmap should show that port 5060 is reachable from outside your network and you should be able to ping your carrier from your asterisk box. if either of these two are wrong, you know what you need to do. If both are good, call your carrier because the issue is more than likely on there side.
20:02.15[TK]D-Fenderruben23: And you should take this up with 33linux ro ##networking
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20:15.10stochastikWhat's the proper method to place a bounty on a bugfix?
20:16.37[TK]D-Fenderstochastik: What bug?
20:16.56Qwell15031 I'm guessing
20:17.15*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
20:17.21stochastikEven if it's not really a "bug"... I just want to resolve it.
20:18.01VaGoNeTaSis away: Fell asleep on keyboard... <<eDK/VgN>> [ Logging, Page: On ]
20:18.22[TK]D-Fenderstochastik: Still doesn't tell me anything
20:18.37[TK]D-FenderQwell: Got a link?
20:19.35Qwellstochastik: set the o option
20:19.51QwellWhy?  I don't know, but it's probably wrong.
20:20.14stochastikSet the o and T together, right?
20:20.54stochastikahh... there's the talking events, but now no audio is being sent
20:21.22stochastikI suppose it has something to do with a threshold for the o option?
20:29.15crevetorDoes anyone know why peers could show up as lagged then unreachable then come back even though there are no network problems
20:34.22Qwellstochastik: see issue 13801
20:34.59Qwellif it works, feel free to donate the bounty amount to FreeNode or the FSF.  (though you're under no obligation to do so)
20:35.24stochastikQwell: I'll have a look... thanks!
20:35.51Qwellmaybe I should have tried compiling first...  hopefully it works
20:38.19*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (i=3fd6eca9@gateway/web/ajax/
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20:46.42stochastikCompiles and appears to work like a charm... thanks... I'll send a donation to Freenode.
20:48.13*** join/#asterisk madsara (i=madsara@2001:328:2002:f159:0:0:0:1)
20:48.40madsaraThis is odd - should I be receiving OPTIONS requests from my SIP provider every 3 seconds?
20:48.43*** join/#asterisk a1fa (n=a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
20:48.49a1faanyway to have multiple bindports for sip?
20:48.58madsaraIt just seems a bit odd.
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20:52.08a1fai am trying to figureout why I am getting unautorrized access on my phone
20:52.13a1faeverything looks correct
20:52.27a1facould it be that the sip phone is md5suming the password to authenticate?
20:52.39KyleKdo toll free numbers get called by telemarketers?
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20:56.03nny_1eh FYI so far openfire + asterisk = garbage ha
20:57.15nny_1it looks like the whole thing is just an elaborate scheme to try and sell the non-gpl version, i could be a bit cynical, but the whole gpl side looks abandoned
20:57.27*** join/#asterisk youngproguru (n=quassel@
20:59.03a1fathis is weerd
20:59.24a1faAsterisk SIP is 2.0 compliant, right?
20:59.36KyleKa1fa: is it unauthorized then authorized?
21:00.26a1fafirst packet is Register
21:00.39a1fasecond packet is rply from server: 100 TRYING
21:00.48a1fathird packet is: 401 UNAUTHROIZED
21:00.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:01.18a1fa:) [TK]D-Fender > *
21:02.34[TK]D-Fender:( * )
21:02.40[TK]D-Fender: ( * )
21:02.45[TK]D-FenderSmily fail
21:02.46a1fahow's it hanging D
21:02.55[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Still breathing
21:03.06a1fai think my coworker has swine flue
21:03.18a1fahe has been chocking on his spit for last 6h
21:03.26a1faspit nasty luggies too :P
21:04.05kn0xasterisk not liking my odbc config
21:04.29kn0xsays it cant connect to datasource
21:04.35kn0xany better way to troubleshoot thiS?
21:04.37a1faok.. so X-PRO works.. but my other sip client does not
21:06.08kn0xcdr_odbc: Unable to connect to datasource: asterisk
21:06.20[TK]D-FenderSwine flu... what a crock of shit.  More people die do to boring strains and raging hippo attacks.
21:06.51a1fathis is crazy
21:06.58a1fait took 14 packets to authenticate with X-PRO
21:07.04a1faand i also got 401 error
21:07.12a1fathen Xpro did something different and authenticated to the user
21:07.15a1fato the server*
21:08.40a1fa[TK]D-Fender : this is crazy
21:08.51a1faanyway i can get more details from asterisk on the problem?
21:09.03a1fai did tcpdump and compare X-PRO and mjsip sessions
21:09.12[TK]D-Fendera1fa: Don't what details you do have
21:09.15a1fain both sessions Server responds with 401
21:09.26a1fabut X-PRO changes something and authenticates to the server anyway
21:09.31a1fawhile mjsip does not do anything
21:09.38a1fai can pastebin ASCII output ?
21:09.40a1fawould that help
21:11.19kn0xis there an easy way to test odbc is config'd properly?
21:11.25Qwelluse it
21:12.23*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
21:12.40a1fai dont get it
21:12.49a1fausername and password work just fine
21:13.57a1faah i see it now
21:14.03a1fait never passed authentication digest
21:18.44a1falooks like a known issue with sipdroid
21:20.04Qwella1fa: tmobile?
21:20.56*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
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21:25.51heptahello.  anyone used socat udp-l:$lport udp:$raddr:$rport echo rtp?
21:26.19heptaok, it wont send much rtcp. but just to get rtp running for a test ..
21:28.03a1faanybody got a patch for sipdroid on *
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21:32.57a1fajoin #mjsip
21:33.13Ziaeonfail :P
21:40.43*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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21:47.48kn0x[TK]D-Fender: any idea how to trouble shoot asterisk not connecting to unixodbc datasource
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22:15.11tainted_can anyone recommend a good voip hardphone w/ xml/xhtml browser
22:15.30*** part/#asterisk crunge (
22:20.48BlargMaN00tainted_: Polycom 670 if you like a color display...
22:22.42*** join/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
22:23.38jayteeoooh! color! me want!
22:24.07BlargMaN00jaytee: it's shiney too...  8)~
22:24.31jayteeshiny is good!
22:24.36generalhanhey all, im looking into monitoring software for asterisk ... i was wondering if there was a consensus as to THE ONE to use.
22:24.49generalhanmy boss is willing to shell out the cash for queueMetrics, but i dont know if this is just overkill. all we need is to be able to track all the calls that come in seperated by the number they dialed... and how long the call was. and that is about it.
22:25.05tainted_jaytee: BlargMaN00
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22:25.31tainted_is there an api for the polycoms to manipulate the xml?
22:26.02jayteethey have a guide for formating and a little web server applet for the phones to use
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22:26.42jayteeand sample apps
22:27.08BlargMaN00generalhan: are these calls going to a queue, or directly to a person??
22:27.14jayteeI'm pretty sure they've even got a website. I vaguely recall visiting about several hundred times.
22:27.44generalhanBlargMaN00: both ... kinda. there are some that will go to a queue, and some that will just ring a few reps at the same time
22:29.31BlargMaN00generalhan: hmmm...  I would think that you would be able to do that with just some simple system('echo something > /logs/logfile.log') type sort of call in the dialplan useing the h extension...
22:30.07generalhanBlargMaN00: agreed, and i brought that up, but i think that they are interested in being able to 'see' it in realtime also.
22:30.16BlargMaN00generalhan: i beleive that all the info you need is already in variables inside asterisk, you would just need to get them into a logfile...
22:30.35generalhanyou know, just to pull up the interface and know that of the 10 reps on the phone, X many came from this number.
22:31.29BlargMaN00generalhan: well, that would be as simple as writing a little PHP page that would pull the info from the log file, and display to a webpage...  then put an autorefresh call in it...  I would think that would be a pretty easy page to code...
22:32.46BlargMaN00generalhan: that's how i would approach it logically...  to me, that would be the best compromise of least money spent, and least work done...  but that's just me...
22:35.12generalhanBlargMaN00: nah, i dont think that its just you. that makes perfect sense. im just going over my current work load to see if i have time to customize anything that he might want in the future, rather than just buying something that is overkill now, that might have all the tools he could ever want. ya know?
22:35.29BlargMaN00tainted_: <- good place to start...  8)~
22:37.22BlargMaN00generalhan: understandable...  i know i have jumped off into projects i had no business taking on at the time, but got far enough into them, where i couldn't go back and do it another way...
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22:37.42BlargMaN00generalhan: that can be a pain sometimes...  beleive you me...
22:40.25tainted_BlargMaN00: yea i saw that, but it's only idle display.. i would like to display something during a call
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23:38.24juanIMPgood night everey body  Im using asterisk 1.2.32 + Debian and sometimes asterisk just explote, Im getting the next messages WARNING channel.c: Channel allocation failed: Can't create alert pipe!.....Unable to allocate SIP channel structure......Unable to create RTP audio  session: Too many open files, Any Ideas..Thanks a Lot
23:42.26ltd_wkjuanIMP: sounds like the box has a lot of open files?  What's the output of "sysctl fs.file-max" ?
23:43.13juanIMPthanks ltd_wk fs.file-max = 65536
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23:48.30ltd_wkwhat about fs.file-nr ?
23:51.04juanIMPltd_wk: fs.file-nr = 2400       0       65536
23:51.59*** part/#asterisk generalhan (n=asd@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
23:54.53ltd_wkjuan: doesn't look very damning
23:55.16ltd_wkjuan: are you doing something odd in asterisk that might be causing you to run out of file handles?
23:56.30bmoracaexten => 01189998819991197253,1,Dial(911)  ...I wonder if my customers would appreciate that one...
23:56.37juanIMPnope ltd_wk while im googling, in cron I wrote ***** /etc/init.d/asterisk

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