IRC log for #asterisk on 20090430

00:01.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
00:01.43infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
00:10.54shmaltzanyone here know of a callaccounting/ppbilling system for asterisk that actualy works?
00:14.32seb-help! just installed asterisk 1.4 from source but can't register my softphone to it
00:15.02seb-[TK]D-Fender: you around?
00:15.27[TK]D-Fenderseb-: Yup... Dear God... still failing to reg.
00:15.55seb-[TK]D-Fender: i installed 1.6 from source but had to downgrade to 1.4 for appconference which only works w/ 1.4
00:16.08seb-[TK]D-Fender: appconference is a MeetMe replacement that works in Xen
00:16.16*** join/#asterisk danielqb1 (n=danielqb@
00:16.45seb-[TK]D-Fender: oh wait...looks like ekiga actually came to life
00:16.51[TK]D-Fenderseb-: Mine failed
00:17.03seb-[TK]D-Fender: oh that was YOU!
00:17.17seb-[TK]D-Fender: why the @#$#@ doesn't MY Ekiga reach my *?
00:17.17[TK]D-Fenderseb-: Denied :-)
00:17.40seb-[TK]D-Fender: i can ssh to this server...i turned off FW..not sure why my client is blocked
00:17.41[TK]D-Fenderseb-: Your firewall is fubar'd.  Or your ISP.  Or your Ekiga settings
00:18.34Titanoushow do I prevent Dial from playing ringing to a caller?
00:19.06[TK]D-FenderTitanous: Use m() and set an empty MoH class
00:19.39[TK]D-Fenderseb-: PM me your new use auth so I can test
00:22.17GlobettrotterFender,,  you got an answer for this??
00:22.18Globettrotterresponse 482 "Loop Detected" back from
00:23.10[TK]D-FenderGlobettrotter: Stop talking to yourself.  They have 1-size-fits-all-plus-200%-sleeves jackets for people like that.
00:25.52*** part/#asterisk danielqb1 (n=danielqb@
00:35.26*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
01:05.27*** join/#asterisk jdblack (
01:08.33*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
01:11.40VaGoNeTaSis back from the dead. Gone: 1h 43m 8s
01:12.35*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:13.57saxahi, short question, is it possible to use asterisk with zaptel ?
01:14.12saxai have a tdm 410
01:14.49saxawas trying to build dahdi on my 64bit system but never succeeded to load well the kernel modules
01:15.03saxaas it was always did a kernel panic
01:15.11*** join/#asterisk tjz (
01:15.40saxaso tried now with zaptel and the modules loaded ok, and on my board i see the green lights lit up
01:15.48saxawhich before never happened
01:18.20infinity1saxa: ack. thats a bummer
01:18.29infinity1i dunno if it works, try it
01:18.56*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-04f0a8413e5b6be8)
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01:20.34saxainfinity1: hmm, ok, will try it . But in any case would be good if the devs could fix up the kernel panic i get, probably i should do some bug report somewhere :)
01:28.17[TK]D-Fendersaxa: No, 1.6+ uses DAHDI
01:28.48[TK]D-Fendersaxa: Do pay attention to the rather clear groupings
01:28.57infobot[~dahdi] Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAhdi). The new name of zaptel More info at , and is pronounced "dah-dee" with a short A, or pronounced like
01:31.42*** join/#asterisk f0ner00t (
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01:36.05saxa[TK]D-Fender: thx, but when trying dahdi 2.2.0-rc1 i was all the time getting kernel oops
01:36.18*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
01:36.37saxa[TK]D-Fender: so today i tried zaptel and it worked out immediately
01:37.01saxa[TK]D-Fender: i have not tried the dahdi 2.2.0-rc2 yet
01:37.25saxawill try to compile it to see if i can get it to work
01:37.38saxaif not i will just stick with asterisk 1.4
01:38.29[TK]D-Fendersaxa: DAHDI is the renamed REPLACEMENT for Zaptel.  Same thing, but is the version required for 1.6+  Its just a question of using the toosl together
01:38.42[TK]D-Fendersaxa: 1.6.x works, just follow the instructions
01:38.49*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
01:39.18[TK]D-Fendersaxa: And you should not be using RC's like that
01:39.29[TK]D-Fendersaxa: use the release versions as listed on the page I linked
01:40.04saxai just tried the rc after the stable was not working
01:40.45saxaalso i´m using now zaptel with asterisk
01:40.54saxaor trying to use it :)
01:41.19*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
01:41.54saxatried the vrsions on the page you linked before, but i was unable to make the modules load
01:42.25saxasame system, same kernel as here now, but with zaptel loads without complaining anything
01:43.57f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Goodevening.
01:44.10f0ner00tSIP Declined error message 603?
01:44.29[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: pastebin something complete
01:44.40f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Yea I know.
01:44.46f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
01:45.04[TK]D-Fendersaxa: well jsut about everyone I know works jsut fine on and the DAHDI release listed there
01:45.31[TK]D-Fendersaxa: Maybe if you're running an extrememly bleeding edge kernel there might some kind of issue
01:47.42[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Dialplan please
01:50.50*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
01:50.57xheliox[TK]D-Fender: You're always wanting such mundane details. ;)
01:51.08AJayMNCan Asterisk do video as well as Skype video is?
01:53.19*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
01:53.38f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Where would dialplan be located what file?
01:54.01[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: FFS extensions.conf
01:54.52f0ner00tI put extensions.conf I thought in their.
01:55.20tjzhey guys
01:55.26f0ner00tSorry my bad.
01:56.27[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t:   -- Executing [1745@incoming:1] Goto("SIP/", "Directory,2000,1") in new stack  -- Goto (Directory,2000,1)
01:56.42f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: What is wrong with that statment?
01:56.44[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Your destination doesn't exist.  You basicaly just dumped them off a cliff.
01:57.01f0ner00tThe directory is setup as ext 2000.
01:57.05tjzisit possible to make free call to landline from my asterisk server?
01:57.16f0ner00tI'm trying to understnad. I'm not being diffcult.
01:57.23[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Look at your own pastebin.  No.  It.  Isn't.
01:59.10f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: It was I corrected that earlier.
02:00.04f0ner00tIs Directory the wrong app?
02:01.18[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: exten = 9999,1,Directory(default|default|ef)
02:01.22f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Sorry I had it set right I correctred that erlier.
02:01.29f0ner00tIts - Executing [1745@incoming:1] Goto("SIP/", "directory,2000,1") in new stack -- Goto (directory,2000,1)
02:01.32[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Does that look like ***2000*** to YOU?
02:01.43f0ner00tI corrected it.
02:01.47f0ner00t9999 is vm
02:01.50f0ner00tSo I made changes.
02:01.59[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Show me something new then
02:02.19[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: All I see is stuff that deserves an error
02:02.31tjz<- noob
02:02.45f0ner00tWhat else besides the 2000 do you see that deserves an error?
02:02.55[TK]D-Fendertjz: Who do you think is out there providing free service for you?
02:03.27tjzeven harder question to ask..
02:03.29f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: His parents LOL!
02:03.57[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Your dialplan as shown is broken.  Fix it and if you still have an error provide a new pastebin
02:03.58tjzfoneroot, i am fine with everything you say except talking about parent, mother etc
02:04.08f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Ok.
02:04.27f0ner00ttjz: I did not say anything mean about your parents.
02:04.45tjzdon't even mention it?
02:04.47f0ner00ttjz: But thats the only way your going to get free that is all I was saying.
02:04.55f0ner00ttjz: I was playing / joking.
02:05.02f0ner00ttjz: Sorry if you took it offensive.
02:07.56f0ner00ttjz: It was meant to be funny. Vonage if you buy there softphone service will allow you to hook their softphone service up to it.
02:08.47tjzwill check it out
02:08.49tjzthx, foneroot
02:08.50[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: You can't have just an "n" priority you HAVE to have a "1" FIRST
02:09.42xheliox[TK]D-Fender: Again, a stickler for details.
02:10.00f0ner00texten => 1745,1,goto(directory,2000,1)
02:10.07f0ner00tIsn't that a priority?
02:11.08[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: READ IT AGAIN
02:11.21f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Read the docs again'?
02:11.38[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: exten = 2000,n,Directory(default|default|ef) <- your DESTINATION doesn['t have a "1" and is BROKEN
02:11.54f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Got it.
02:11.59f0ner00tIt has to match.
02:12.09[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: I swear I could remove your brain and make a rack-mount reverb usint out of it sometimes...
02:12.16VaGoNeTaSi work in Vonage
02:12.50VaGoNeTaSi use to*
02:13.10f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Why thank you.
02:13.16joobiethe man himself
02:13.25f0ner00tWell that didn't work but we will continue tommorrow maybe when I got time.
02:13.26joobiethanks for the heads up on the phone
02:13.28f0ner00tHave a good night.
02:13.31joobiedidnt know it was in the menu system
02:15.15f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Something else is messed up.. I'll beback tommorrow thank you for your help.
02:15.40f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: So it should be exten = 2000,1,Directory(default|default|ef)
02:17.00[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: For at least that line, yes
02:17.24[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Of course THAT is completely broken anyways
02:17.38[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: You have no functional [default] context
02:18.38[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Oh, and another thing.. still using illegal '|' delimiters
02:18.49f0ner00tI'll look at my [default] tommorrow.
02:19.00f0ner00tThe gui did it I swear!
02:19.09[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Its pretty much completely busted fro the look of things.
02:19.17f0ner00tbeback tommorrow.
02:19.21f0ner00tThanks [TK]D-Fender.
02:19.25[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: And the GUI is a continually broken POS
02:19.43f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: That sucks.
02:19.51f0ner00tOkay I gotta run have a good night thanks for your help.
02:19.57[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Oh, actually I'm not 100% sure on the [default] bit depending how users.conf gets parsed
02:20.09[TK]D-FenderSilly twit :p
02:20.35[TK]D-FenderAlmost had a working standalone system WEEKS ago and went down the GUI route.  What a sad investment of our time
02:26.03*** join/#asterisk crazyx__ (i=c4ced777@gateway/web/ajax/
02:28.00crazyx__hello everybody. please I need some help about url sending from asterisk to the softphone with the queue command - s,n,Queue(queuename,
02:28.29crazyx__i'm trying to get it working with zoiper which support this url features
02:28.45crazyx__but nothing ...
02:29.16crazyx__some advice about syntax or about using sip or iax ? or may be another softphone -eyebeam etc...- supporting this features?
02:31.24joobieI'm going to write a small c# app that sits on a users desktop and somehow displays the number of users that are in a queue on the asterisk system
02:31.55[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Go for it
02:31.58joobiesomeone in here suggested the asterisk AMI.. which can grab this info.. but the problem is you have to send it an Action to get the info back
02:32.17[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Can't get an answer if you don't get a question.
02:32.18joobiethere doesn't appear to be an event that will just display to show the queue length
02:32.25*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
02:32.33[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Keep looking
02:32.39joobieis there another way you can think of to achieve this, where asterisk will notify you?
02:33.04joobieTK, i went through all the events.. the only one that shows it is 'QueueStatus'... but that requires the Action to be sent
02:33.06[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Maybe you shouldn't sit around expecting to be notified and instead ASK <-
02:33.16[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: So SEND IT
02:33.18crazyx__please no one can help me about the url sending feature in asterisk queue command using zoiper softphone ?
02:33.30[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: Look at how that phone is actually being called
02:33.31joobieAMI has the ability to notify on certain events, just not that
02:33.44joobieTK, the problem with sending is to make it "realtime" .. i need to send the Action every second
02:33.52joobiewhich is a waste of i/o .. bandwidth.. etc etc
02:33.58joobiei'm trying to save the planet here and not waste i/o
02:34.14[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Feel free to mod app_queue.c
02:34.24joobieis there another interface that can be used for this sorta stuff? I was thinking I can even use AGI.. but that's just getting gay
02:34.44joobieyea I had a look at app_queue.c .. it's pretty straight forward I think.. but is that my only option?
02:34.47[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: AGI certainly has absolutely nothing to do with this
02:34.49joobieapart from AGI
02:34.53joobiesec phone
02:34.57[TK]D-FenderNO AGI
02:36.26joobieAGI can do it
02:36.46joobiei'm scripting something anyway to tack into the AMI interface.. can just script osmething that tacks onto AGI script
02:36.49joobiebut, it's gay.
02:37.03joobiei was just hoping there was a simple way to achieve it
02:37.44joobieTK.. i've never .. ever.. moded the src for app_queue or a specific asterisk module.. if i amend it, can i just recompile that one module and overwrite the old?
02:37.46crazyx__TK how that softphone is called? i just want to get this action : queue["Myqueue", working... i tried many softphone |sip/iax] but it isn't work and i'm sure that Zoiper supports this option. May be i'm missing something. or may be i didn't understand what u mean by "look at how phone is called"..
02:38.30[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: And what does AGI offer to break down queue stats?
02:38.51[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: AGI implies you even have a CALL trying to do tracking.
02:38.58[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: That alone is retarded
02:39.03joobieAGI offers endless posiblities, but they are gay
02:39.05*** join/#asterisk timeshell__ (n=chatzill@
02:39.12joobiedialplan can write to astdb everytime someone joins the queue
02:39.14joobieand removes from the queue
02:39.16[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: No, tahts the caller falling into Queue.  Look at the MEMBERS
02:39.20*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-a847b4091eb914f7)
02:39.24[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: No, it doesn't
02:39.25joobieand agi can just read the astdb
02:39.38joobieit doesn't, but it can
02:39.48[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: And that isn't a very safe way to try to track thing
02:39.55joobiei know.. can fall out of sync
02:39.58[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: thats is actually beyond ugly
02:40.01joobiewould need somehting to do a sanity check
02:40.10joobiewhich is why ive been looking at AMI
02:40.12[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: No... I'm SURE you're insane.
02:40.15joobiebut AMI is limiting..
02:40.33[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: No, AMI can do a lot more.
02:40.33joobieTK, the sanity check would keep me sane
02:40.35xheliox[TK]D-Fender: Well, he called it gay, so how can you argue with such well reasoned thought?
02:40.58[TK]D-Fenderxheliox: His mind is too little to be let out alone :)
02:41.00xhelioxAnyone who calls something gay that doesn't work to their liking is clearly of superior logic and insight than yourself.
02:41.20[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Go sniff another line... that's some good shit you're on :)
02:41.41joobieAMI is limiting in the sense (and this is by no way bagging the developers whom do a shitload of mad stuff already), it would be great if you could specify which events you want to alert on.. rather than having only a set few of events.. and another subset of actions which cant be used as events
02:41.49joobieTK, want sum?:P
02:42.07crazyx__TK yeah the inconming call is sended to the queue, the users, once loggued are added [ asterisk -rx queue add member SIP/... to Queue ] . What i'm trying to do is using the URL parameters on queue command -instead of Sendurl-
02:42.15[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: But oh no!  We only have a limited set of DIALPLAN apps!  The dialplan is gay too!
02:42.29[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: And sip.conf?!  D I even have to start?  GAY!!!!!!!!
02:42.39[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: .... ok... are you done now?
02:42.47[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: AMI works perfectly fine for this
02:42.50joobieok I get your point.
02:42.57eppigyHOW DARE YOU
02:42.58joobieI think i used the wrong words
02:43.10joobieIt's gay, relative to what im trying to achieve
02:43.14[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: You are being a neurotic twit, and I WILL call you on it.  Each and every time.
02:43.14joobiethat's better ..
02:43.14crazyx__to get an URL opened once the call is answered .
02:43.21joobiefair enuf
02:43.38[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: "The only constant factor in all your dysfunctional relationships is YOU" <-
02:43.40*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
02:43.54AJayMNdoes Asterisknow support H.264 or do you have to add it?
02:44.10joobieanyway.. AMI DOESN'T work perfectly fine for this.. perfectly fine would be configuring the AMI to be able to trigger an event on any queue size change.. rather than having to send a QueueStatus each second and test if it's changed
02:44.45*** join/#asterisk t3hrealadamd (
02:45.19[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Polling works.  YOU don't like having to send an event.  TOO DAMN BAD.  Get over it
02:45.57[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: And you don't need to sent one every second.
02:46.21joobiefor this interested.. makes writing asterisk modules a piece of cake
02:46.30joobie.. just the basics on that link
02:47.01joobieTK.. i'm trying to achieve realtime monitoring.. not 5s delay monitoring
02:47.52joobieAMI has the ability to do its own events, wihtout requiring an action.. so it sounds like it's just a feature addon. I'll have a look at the src on the weekend and see if it's hard to extend out to queuestatus
02:48.19[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: There are other ways to reduce polling.
02:48.50[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Go think for a little bit.
02:48.50dkdkdhi, so i'm reading this SIP/NAT intro: and I have a couple questions
02:48.57infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
02:49.02joobieI've thought
02:49.05joobiethought all yesterday
02:49.07joobiethen it hit me
02:49.10joobieI should ask TK
02:49.13[TK]D-Fenderhits joobie
02:49.26dkdkdit sounds to me like the Via and Contact header problem is handled by the SIP protocol itself, which does the re-write.
02:49.42crazyx__TK any advice plz?
02:49.48[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Whenever a channel is created or torn down * spits out an event.  Poll on THAT
02:50.08[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: I'm not seeing you show me what members you use and how.
02:50.14dkdkdin asterisk with SIP debug on, i see this: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
02:50.28dkdkdwhat is up with the (no NAT) part of the log message?
02:50.39[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: pastebin the SIP debug of a failed call
02:50.41infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
02:51.11[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: because as configured * is responding to that IP trusting that the source is right
02:51.24[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: Go read the guide I linked
02:51.53dkdkdthat is an OPTIONS that is sent out that I never get a response to
02:52.00dkdkdthis is behind NAT
02:52.04[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: Contact: <sip:Unknown@> <-- indeed your setup is wrong
02:52.21[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: You are telling them a Class-C address.
02:52.23dkdkdyes, i know that is an internal non-routable ip
02:52.29[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: Read the guide and fix your configs
02:52.58dkdkdbut the other primer i just linked says that Via/Contact info is re-written on the receiving end by the source IP if the src IP does not match what is in the SIP header
02:53.20[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: do not assume what the RECEIVER doesn
02:53.30[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: YOU are sending it wrong.
02:53.50[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: Go read the guide and fix your configs
02:54.38joobieI see what you mean TK
02:54.48crazyx__queues.conf : [general] ... persistantmembers=yes ... [myqueue] ... context default .... // extensions.conf [from-DID] exten => s,1,Queue("myqueue", http://91.2XX.XX.XX8/client.php) // login.php : system("asterisk -rx queue add member IAX2/$user . to $queue"); .... login.php works fine, queue also (member received calls...) just the URL features not work -
02:55.02joobieso use a 30s poll for example to get the actual queue, and alter it via the channel status until the next poll
02:55.06joobiegood idea
02:55.13crazyx__don't know if i'm doing mistake on asterisk or something with softphone or something else
02:55.28crazyx__thanks for helping me TK
02:55.52joobieTK, do you have any referneces for compiling a single asterisk module? I might give the src a go on the weekend, but im finding people are saying u need to recompile asterisk for it to do the module
02:55.53crazyx__i'm using zoiper which support receving url on answer calls...
02:56.07joobiewhich i want to avoid.. rather just recompile and overwrite the existing module
02:57.13[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: I don't know that the client supports it mind you
02:57.33joobiescratch that TK.. someone on in the comments provided a process to do this
02:57.36joobiecheers for the help / ideas
02:58.27[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: And FYI I monitor 2 queues, 4 agents, and 2 VM boxes all live on my CSR Polycom phones screen, no desktop UI required.
02:58.39*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
02:58.44[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Been there, done that
02:59.02[TK]D-FendercrazyDoes it work if you do it direct via Dial?
02:59.10*** join/#asterisk crazyx__ (i=c4ced777@gateway/web/ajax/
02:59.30crazyx__TK$ sorry was disconnet
02:59.43joobieTK, i got the fuken microbrowser all setup and ready to go.. wrote a PHP interface to AMI so the microbrowser just polls that.. but the freaken client wants it on the desktop now instead of the phone.... ergh
02:59.57joobiewas interesting tho looking into the microbrowser - new territory for me
02:59.57crazyx__so any advice may be - plz plz plz -
03:00.31joobiegot an annoying quirk in the polycom 320's... whenever images refresh on the screen, the LCD goes black for the full size of the image, and then removes the pixels as per the image
03:00.50joobieso you see this really crappy refresh happening on the screen.. only seems to happen with images, text just renders as per normal
03:01.20[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: Does it work if you do it direct via Dial?
03:01.48[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: I run mine on IP 600's
03:02.24crazyx__i dont try it yet
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03:02.32crazyx__give me 2 mn
03:02.33crazyx__i'll see
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03:06.49Qwellanybody know where 931 areacode is?
03:07.46joobie600's have a sweet sized display
03:08.20[TK]D-FenderQwell: TN
03:09.00crazyx__TK no it doesn't work with Dial
03:09.06crazyx__but it's work with MozIax
03:09.17crazyx__i'll try for queue also
03:09.24crazyx__i think only moziax can do it ...
03:09.35[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: Or only Zoiper CAN'T
03:10.05[TK]D-Fenderslings his BlameThrower on and begins to spray furiously
03:12.26crazyx__i tried zoiper free and biz, xlite, eyebeam, and some others same result
03:13.01VaGoNeTaSis away: Fell asleep on keyboard... <<eDK/VgN>> [ Logging, Page: On ]
03:16.13crazyx__grrr ... moziax get the url and it's working... so the problems is coming for softphone
03:16.34crazyx__TK i'll search for a solution
03:16.57crazyx__moziax is too limited - few features... -
03:17.19crazyx__maybe someone else know a softphone supporting the URL sending on call answer
03:17.23crazyx__? no?
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03:57.28ectospasmI'm trying to set up a scenario in our lab, and I'm trying to get one system (called lab2) to signal a hangup with a polarity reversal (to lab1).  The call are progressing nicely, but lab2 always signals hangup with a battery drop.
03:57.48ectospasmIs there any way force lab2 to signal hangup by a polarity reversal?
03:58.00ectospasmlab1(FXO) -> lab2(FXS)
03:58.57*** join/#asterisk Maximo (
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04:01.24canadaithi...quick question about MOH...i have a call queue with MOH defined and I have uploaded an MP3 but it won't play in the queue
04:02.40[TK]D-Fendercanadait: Have you installed asterisk-addons?
04:02.42ectospasmcanadait: try a different format instead of MP3
04:02.53ectospasmmp3's generally sound like crap anyway
04:03.04canadaitoh ok like wave or something
04:03.06[TK]D-Fenderectospasm: hardly.  MP3 > PSTN
04:03.23ectospasm[TK]D-Fender: yeah, but MP3 usually sounds like crap on PSTN...
04:03.44[TK]D-Fenderectospasm: Shouldn't sound worse than anything else.
04:04.05*** join/#asterisk shinao1 (n=shinao1@
04:04.13[TK]D-Fenderectospasm: and that should be reprased "PSTN sounds like crap, MP3 just happens to be going on at that moment"
04:04.15canadaitisn't there samples included..can't i just use those?
04:04.33[TK]D-Fendercanadait: Sure, but answer my question.
04:04.47ectospasmyou should have the freeplay MOH files by default.
04:06.34canadaitfrankly and sadly I don't know if I have add ons ..i did do a full mod admin update
04:13.59*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
04:17.28[TK]D-Fendercanadait: "full mod admin update"?  Huh?
04:18.23canadaityes..ran>>module admin and updated all the modules to the latest
04:19.22[TK]D-Fendercanadait: Asterisk doesn't have an admin module.
04:19.42canadaitok well i am mistaken then sorry
04:20.40[TK]D-Fendercanadait: What exactly have you installed?
04:21.48[TK]D-Fendercanadait: well go to * CLI and pastebin the output of "module show like format"
04:21.50infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
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04:26.45[TK]D-Fendercanadait: You clearly do not have which is part of asterisk-addons (a separate package)
04:26.52[TK]D-Fendercanadait: Thus cannot decode MP3 files
04:27.00[TK]D-Fendercanadait: Install it and you will be able to
04:27.16canadaitok thanks I will take a look
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04:51.40AndyMLif anyone has any experience with sangoma/wanpipe and dahdi... when I run wancfg_dahdi I get FATAL: Error inserting wanpipe (/lib/modules/2.6.18-128.1.6.el5/kernel/drivers/net/wan/wanpipe.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg)
04:52.45*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
04:53.11tzafrir_laptopAndyML, take a look at the kernel logs
04:53.19tzafrir_laptopdmesg | tail
04:53.27AndyMLsure. just a moment.
04:53.38tzafrir_laptopmaybe you rebuilt dahdi after you built wanpipe?
04:54.41AndyMLnah. this is a fresh install. I've run Setup dahdi several times since i built dahdi
04:56.11*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
05:03.10TXTraderAndyML: did you try depmod -a after the install?
05:03.28AndyMLi did. turns out my kernel was out of sync with my kernel-devel version
05:03.39AndyMLthen my dahdi modules were out of sync with my kernel once i upgraded it.
05:03.41AndyMLwhat a zoo
05:06.47AndyMLof course now dahdi isn't loading the module right.
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05:07.04[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
05:07.10AndyMLni ni
05:08.08AndyMLwanconfig: WAN device wanpipe1 driver load failed !!
05:08.49AndyMLTXTrader: any ideas? ^
05:09.16TXTraderAndyML: not right off, haven't used the zaptel stuff in a few years
05:09.46AndyMLeveryone swears by these sangoma cards but i don't think i've ever seen them work perfectly...
05:10.05TXTraderdoesn't really sound like the card's fault in this case
05:10.18AndyMLoh i'm sure it isn't the card's fault...
05:10.28AndyMLbut if it was a tdm400p it'd be configured by now...
05:10.39AndyMLmore to do with previous experience than anything else
05:11.05TXTraderwhat's dmesg say now?
05:11.54AndyMLi bet the power cable isn't connected
05:12.07AndyMLno modules found
05:12.32AndyMLERROR: wanpipe1: No FXO/FXS modules are found!
05:12.45TXTraderright - so might be the card after all ;)
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06:20.04cyd777_wrkhi guys
06:21.39cyd777_wrkI'm very newbie in asterisk and  I have a question
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06:22.57cyd777_wrkI have a an asterisk on a debian lenny to which a connect with a softwarephone. this asterisk connect to an avaya pbx with a h323 trunk. If there is incoming call I can answer with softwarephone. My question is how can I route all outgoing call to the trunk to avaya?
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06:26.34ltd_wkIs there any reason why exten => *98,x,yyyy  wouldn't match in a context?
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06:36.27jeffspeffcan somebody help... i'm getting the following error. I recompiled from scratch and didn't fix...    [Apr 30 01:34:12] WARNING[22731]: func_strings.c:652 acf_strftime: C function strftime() output nothing?!!
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06:41.06jeffspeffhey, is anybody online?
06:44.31mattwj2002no idea though
06:45.30jeffspeffi get that error when trying to make an outbound call
06:45.45mattwj2002did it compile fine?
06:45.59mattwj2002or did you get some errors?
06:46.08jeffspeffyeah, no probs... it was working for a bit, then just started doing that
06:46.30mattwj2002did you make any changes ?
06:47.40tzafrir_laptopAndyML, just in case I missed it: all of those symbols are from dahdi.ko
06:48.22tzafrir_laptopEither somebody insmod-ed wanpipe directly or it was built vs. a different version of DAHDI
06:48.30tzafrir_laptoplsmod | grep ^dahdi
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06:52.58troy-sup SwK
06:53.07SwKso did digium shut the office for the rest of the week yet?
06:53.48SwKtroy-, wondering how stupid people are going to get around huntsville since they have 2 cases of H1N1/SwineFlu here
06:55.07troy-swineflu is for pigs
06:57.17Corydon76-digTwo suspected, but unconfirmed cases
06:57.31SwKconfirmed now
06:57.56Corydon76-digas of when?
06:58.03SwK10p news
06:58.29Corydon76-digLast I heard, they were still waiting for the CDC's lab results
06:59.14SwKlocal news said they confirmed it at 10... but then again.. hah who knows... they closed all the schools and pretty much anything where kids might go
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07:00.35Corydon76-digHeh, the news article is misleading.
07:01.15Corydon76-digIt says that the probable cases are confirmed, which means, yes, there are probable cases, and they aren't just a rumor
07:01.35Corydon76-digbut it's not confirmed that the probable cases are, in fact, swine flu
07:03.43SwKcrazy news people
07:03.50SwKi was only 1/2 paying attenion to it anyway
07:05.50Corydon76-digFor that matter, TN now has one "probable" case
07:07.09Corydon76-digThe TN news story has more information on the test:
07:07.22Corydon76-dig95% accurate, but the CDC must confirm
07:07.22SwK95% hah
07:08.08SwKCorydon76-dig, you still in nash?
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07:35.06jeffspeffi've erased everything again, updated my kernel and recompiled... still getting this weird error...    WARNING[18140]: func_strings.c:652 acf_strftime: C function strftime() output nothing?!!    any help would be great
07:37.53*** join/#asterisk porche (n=kursad@
07:37.58porchehi all
07:38.50porcheis there a way to understand the called number type, such as mobile, landline, voip?
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07:43.24jeffspeffi've erased everything again, updated my kernel and recompiled... still getting this weird error...    WARNING[18140]: func_strings.c:652 acf_strftime: C function strftime() output nothing?!!    any help would be great
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07:47.56porcheno one alive i think
07:48.31tzafrir_laptopnotes that jeffspeff is alive
07:49.12tzafrir_laptopjeffspeff, strftime is libc and not much kernel
07:49.30tzafrir_laptopMaybe it simply got an empty format string?
07:50.42jeffspeffwhat do you mean by an empty format string? like codec?
07:51.51jeffspefftzafrir_laptop, or maybe something in my dialplan?
07:53.00porchemy questions is, is there a way to detect a called number type, as mobile, landline, voip?
07:55.56tzafrir_laptopjeffspeff, please provide a trace from running this with verbosity level 3 (or higher)
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07:57.58tzafrir_laptopcalled number: normally this would be the extension number
08:00.34tzafrir_laptophmm... I thought this was from STRFTIME(), but aparantly it isn't
08:00.47tzafrir_laptopis too lazy to look at the code right now
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08:01.08jeffspeffany suggestions?
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08:12.09*** join/#asterisk NMR_1122 (
08:12.28SwKporche, well that all depends on where the caller is... (ie what country)... but in the US there is ANI-II if you can get those digits or you have to resolve the number via lerg and then you really wont be able to tell the differences between landline and voip
08:12.30kippiin 1.6 I have seen a application called TestServer, what is this for? are there any docs on this?
08:13.28jeffspeffSwK, any ideas on my issue?
08:13.47tzafrir_laptopkippi, it has been (almost) unchanged since at least 1.0, actually
08:13.55kippioh ok
08:14.00tzafrir_laptopthere's TestCleint and TestServer
08:14.08tzafrir_laptopTestCleint calls TestServer
08:14.45tzafrir_laptopit's a simple test for the line. Will fail if it fails to connect or audio is really lousy
08:14.55SwKjeffspeff, nope... never seen that
08:15.34jeffspefftzafrir_laptop, do you think that format and re-install would fix it? the error just started out of the blue it seems
08:16.06tzafrir_laptopjeffspeff, no. "format" is there as in "a format string"
08:16.15tzafrir_laptopman 3 strftime
08:16.17porcheswk, sorry just saw
08:16.27porcheis the answer ANI II?
08:16.32tzafrir_laptopwhich is a lousy shorthand for STRing Format TIME
08:17.05SwKporche, possibly...
08:17.19SwKporche, like i said it depends on where you are talking about... not all countries do it the same
08:17.34porchei met the same info, only reasonable one ani II
08:17.37kippitzafrir_laptop: would it allow me to busy out ISDN line?
08:17.37SwKnumbering plans etc are region or country specific
08:17.49jeffspeffi mean format as in erase hdd and start over... hopefully erasing what ever the hell is causing this... it was working properly on this machine at one time
08:17.51porchecan place a box anywhere, but have to find a way
08:18.07porcheswk, ani II is only available to zap channels I think
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08:18.13tzafrir_laptopkippi, it's an application as any
08:18.29tzafrir_laptopThough the TestServer listens with some timeout IIRC
08:24.27jeffspefftzafrir_laptop, would it have anything to do with     Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
08:26.16SwKporche, why would it only be available on zap channels? thats like saying you can only get RDNIS off of a zap channel
08:28.14SwKporche, 1) there is an ANI-II field that may contain that information, 2) it may not be applicable to the region of the world in question 3) your upstream provider may not even support/translate it properly 4) depending on what region of the world you are in, you might be able to check the organization responsible for numbering resources and see what they have to offer...
08:29.06*** join/#asterisk freh (
08:30.31SwKI can not speak for other areas of the world, but int he US ANI-II may or may not be available depending on what carrier you use and then you can just look at a prefix and see what/where a number is (well you can to an extent) but you need a copy of the LERG to resolve what a specific range is... its not like in Europe where 447 is always mobile and 4420 is wireline or possibly voip in london
08:30.47*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
08:31.24SwKa perfect example is 1901 is Western Tennessee geographically but inside that NPA, 1901853 is wireline and 1901857 is wireless...
08:31.55SwKand you need to depend on ANI-II to see if the wireline is a payphone or not
08:32.02jeffspeffmost of memphis area is 901
08:32.43jeffspeffis southaven/hornlake area still 601?
08:32.48SwKjeffspeff, i'm originally from memphis
08:32.55SwKnope... thats 662 now
08:33.09jeffspeff662, that's right... been a while
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08:33.34jeffspefflived in hornlake for 10 yrs before moved to ky
08:33.58SwKjeffspeff, yeah where?
08:34.03SwKin HL that is?
08:34.15jeffspefflet me think...
08:34.15SwKjeffspeff, i grad from hlhs
08:34.31SwKwest mem is no long 501 either... its 732 now
08:34.56SwK662 and 732 have been around for nearly a decade
08:35.12jeffspeffwhat year did you grad?
08:35.24NMR_1122Hi everyone,
08:35.24NMR_1122Is there a way I can send the "alert-info" sip header to certain phones but not all of them?
08:35.49porchegot it
08:35.58porcheso first step is ANI-II
08:35.58ectospasmNMR_1122: you could have the phones that need to and those that don't in different dialplan contexts
08:36.44ectospasm...or you could use dialplan logic to determine what type of phone you're sending to, perhaps a DB lookup of some sort.
08:36.52SwKand its a n i - eye eye ... not ani-"two"
08:37.12jeffspeffSwK, go down goodman rd., stop light used to be at stateline rd.; turn right go down about 3/4 mile (right by kingston west neighbor hood); turn left on Rolling Oaks Dr.; first house on right, on top of hill
08:37.37NMR_1122I'm trying to make them both ring at the same time, in the same dial line.... Ones a cell phone, though a voip trunk, and If i set the header, it won't dial, it gets refused by the provider. The rest are local network phones and respond correctly to the double ring command.
08:37.42SwKyep I know where that is... i lived on the west side...
08:37.54jeffspeffkingston west?
08:38.11SwKjeffspeff, westside of HL... cant remember the damned street name hah
08:38.24SwKbut goodman and stateline run parallel... :P
08:38.29jeffspeffi'm amazed it came back to me
08:38.31ectospasmNMR_1122: I guess it's all SIP?
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08:38.35SwKyou mean 51 I think
08:39.03jeffspeffthe road they built the new (at the time) HLMS
08:39.22ectospasmNMR_1122: if your voip provider could do IAX2, the SIPAddHeader application would have no effect IIRC.
08:39.29SwKactually you dont have to send alert-into based on context... just set a channel var for the phones that need it and then use that to do the sipaddheader least for that section of the Dial call
08:40.04porcheswk do you know of any provider supports ani II
08:40.17SwKporche, what area of the world
08:40.40SwKmost in the US can.. you just have to ask them for it
08:40.40jeffspeffectospasm,      what is causing the func_strings.c:652 acf_strftime: C function strftime() output nothing?!!
08:41.23ectospasmjeffspeff: I have no clue.  What version of Asterisk?
08:41.47jeffspeffectospasm, Asterisk
08:42.10SwKjeffgus, is it causing a problem?
08:42.16ectospasmwhat other symptoms are you having?  Or is it just that error?
08:42.31porchewell I asked 1-2, they said no
08:42.56porchefor US mainly
08:42.58ectospasm'scuse me, warning
08:42.58jeffspeffthe calls don't connect, i'm guess due to that error... before that error apeared, calls connected fine.
08:43.08porchefor the rest of the world, usually it's known from prefix
08:43.09SwKporche, what kind of volume?
08:43.13NMR_1122When you say "just set a channel var for the phones that need it" what do you mean? Can I still put both in a dial line, like Dial(SIP/1001&SIP/1002&SIP/VOIPCOMPANY/5555551234)
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08:43.23porchefor start low swk
08:43.24ectospasmdid you do any glibc updates since you compiled Asterisk?
08:43.46SwKporche, define low... what you call low volume and what I call low volume are probably totally different things
08:43.47ectospasmjeffspeff: ^^^
08:44.00porchemax 2 concurrent channles
08:44.19jeffspeffectospasm, i thought that might have happened with auto updates or something, so i recompiled (twice now) and still have error... i am assuming that when i recompile, it does over write the old files right???
08:44.21SwKgood luck on getting anyone to do ANI-II at that volume
08:44.38ectospasmjeffspeff: not unless you do a make clean or make distclean
08:44.57porchei see
08:44.58ectospasmI'd suggest a make distclean, to be sure everything gets recompiled
08:45.08ectospasmjeffspeff: then be sure to run ./configure
08:45.10porchewhat must be the volume to do that?
08:45.30jeffspeffectospasm, where do i run the distclean command from? within the asterisk source dir?
08:45.43ectospasmjeffspeff: Asterisk src root
08:46.39jeffspeffectospasm, ok, thanks... also, what is the command to stop asterisk?
08:46.48ectospasmjeffspeff: "stop now" in the CLI
08:46.57jeffspeffok, thanks
08:55.27*** part/#asterisk Odd_Bloke (
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09:03.30kippiI am getting this error on when voicemail trys to start undefined symbol: ast_smdi_mwi_message_destroy, is this a known bug?
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09:08.37adwerwHi! Is there any way to issue some commands on connection of SIP-user to asterisk server? For example - auto join to particular conference?
09:09.16*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
09:09.34jeffspeffadwerw, what do you mean by "auto join"
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09:10.59adwerwI mean - as soon some user connected - he immediately join the conferece - wihout to have to enter anything
09:11.40dandreI have this error in my sip debug trace:
09:11.50dandreFound no matching peer or user for 'IPADDRESS:8060'
09:12.11dandreMy provider has 3 ip address
09:12.18dandrewhat can I do?
09:12.44jeffspeffadwerw, not that i know of... you'd have to connect to some extension in dialplan and that extension would go to conference
09:13.12jeffspeffdandre, i think that means it's not liking your username when you try to connect
09:13.50*** part/#asterisk porche (n=kursad@
09:14.34dandreI am correctly registered but the ip address of the incomming call is different from the one I have registered
09:15.30adwerwjeffspeff: too bad... Are you sure? This is very unconvinient, I think
09:15.38jeffspeffhave you tried registering with the IP of the incoming call?
09:16.16jeffspeffadwerw, all they have to do is pick up phone, dial 400 (example extension) and then they're in
09:16.29SwKdandre, you can do 2 things.. set up the default incoming user to route any incoming calls and route them into a context public access or create 3 sip peers for each ip of your carrier
09:17.08pifhi, how do priority labels work? if I have n(label) will the dialplan continue to the next 'n' pririty after that?
09:17.15adwerwyou know, jeffspeff - some users are very busy and they'll forget everything
09:17.57dandreSwK: the first solution doen't meets my needs necause I must know where the call comes from
09:18.08jeffspeffadwerw, write it down on a post-it or program it to one of the feature buttons on the phone
09:20.11jeffspeffadwerw, charge them everytime they have to call you and ask, and see how quickly they remember. lol
09:20.36jeffspeffadwerw, that's implying that they can remember your number. :p
09:20.46adwerwyes - i could do that. but much more convinient - automatically add all users that i need to config , and then they'll come to office tomorrow - they automatically start breefing
09:21.31adwerwi think, that all user must be happy :) and me too :)
09:22.06jeffspeffadwerw, so are they doing nothing else with these phones but conferencing; and only conferencing with the same people?
09:23.11adwerwno - any phone have several channel =- and they can get incoming calls while they talking
09:24.06jeffspeffso how would they call somebody else if each time the phone is picked up they're connected to a conference?
09:24.17adwerwanyway - it's always good to make something technically, rather than administrativley
09:26.30adwerwand you sure that where is no way to automatically enter some extension on the dialplan, rigat after the user connected?
09:26.55*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
09:28.20jeffspeffadwerw, something has to be dialed for the 'dialplan' to work... hence the name dialplan
09:30.25adwerwthank you , jeffspeff
09:33.01adwerwAnother qu: How can I join to a conference only some SIP-authorized peolpe - and not askig h
09:33.03adwerwim to enter anothrer password?
09:37.20*** join/#asterisk Sam2002gs (
09:37.31Sam2002gsHello @all. Dose AsteriskNOw work fully on VMWareServers?
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09:48.02jeffspeffSwK, is there a way to change the voicemail answer so that it doesn't say "comedian mail" ?
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09:57.37SwKjeffspeff, yes change the soundfile
10:04.54*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
10:10.10tompawis there any software to put on top of asterisk that will help trade voip?
10:10.27tompawit would just have to manage dialplan, balance, display stats, usual stuff.
10:12.21*** join/#asterisk freh (
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11:38.43ltdIs there anything special about "*" in the dialplan? It seems to not work.
11:42.11*** join/#asterisk FabiOne (n=FabiOne@
11:42.15FabiOnehi all
11:42.51FabiOnesomeone know where to find the mean of PHASESTATUS txfax value?
11:44.46frehltd, how do you mean?
11:45.02frehwhat are you trying to do with "*"
11:46.47ltdfreh: I've just got a dialplan entry like basically exten => *98,1,VoicemailMain
11:46.56ltdfreh: But no matter what I do the bastard won't match...
11:47.31ltdfreh: [Apr 30 21:47:16] NOTICE[30788]: chan_sip.c:14035 handle_request_invite: Call from 'linearg' to extension '*98' rejected because extension not found.
11:50.08frehltd, so it works if you try without the * and just dial 98?
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11:55.59ltdfreh: Yep, works no problem.
11:56.26*** join/#asterisk t3hrealadamd (n=t3hreala@
11:58.08ltdI recall running into this once before but I can't remember what the answer was.
12:03.58frehltd, maybe try escaping it?
12:04.14frehlike \*98
12:04.27frehno promises though :-)
12:04.47ltddoesn't work, i've tried most things!
12:05.07ltdwell, everything i can think of anyway.
12:06.36frehI see
12:07.31beekltd:  Are you sure that you're actually going into the right context?
12:07.44beekI use those * extensions with no problem.
12:08.22ltd100%.    If i change it to 98 instead of *98, it works no problem.
12:08.36beekPastebin your dialplan
12:11.32ltdthat's the relevant details
12:11.49*** join/#asterisk l0st-soul (
12:11.50ltdservice_15_outdial being the entry point of the sip peer
12:13.02ltdoh dear, I just noticed the problem.
12:13.06ltdthe _X.
12:13.09TitanousHas anyone implemented Grandcentral/Google Voices style 'phone switching' in Asterisk?
12:15.58beekltd: Kinda looks like it.
12:16.39ltdWill _. work fine?
12:17.04beekltd: It should but I think Asterisk will issue a warning when that dialplan is loaded.
12:17.23ltdIs there a better way?
12:18.20beekltd: Is all that crap in the service_15_outdial stuff really necessary if they're just going to dump into voicemail?
12:18.35beekIf not, why not just add an extension to go directly to voicemailmain?
12:18.57*** part/#asterisk AndyML (
12:19.12beekltd: if it is, why not turn all of that into a subroutine or macro.
12:19.45*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
12:19.56beekmorning [TK]D-Fender
12:20.16[TK]D-Fenderbeek: indeed
12:22.23ltdbeek: I could clean it up a bit, i suppose
12:22.40beekltd: It made my eyeballs bleed.
12:23.35ltdthings get drastic in dialplanland when you need to get a job done
12:24.00ltdit's generated, but it could be condensed with a few Gosubs
12:24.43beekltd: Either that, or add:  exten => *98,1,VoicemailMain in the service_15_outdial context
12:25.06beekor include 'other' in that context
12:25.33ltdor _*.,Goto(other)
12:26.01*** join/#asterisk macros73 (
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12:27.00beekltd, which would be yet another level of redirection.
12:27.37VecHi, I am trying to execute some code when an agent answers the phone: the call comes in I send them into the Queue(queuename) I then want to execute some code, in the dialplan or wherever once the agent answers that call ? Any ideas ?
12:31.00[TK]D-FenderVec: How are your agents called?
12:31.52Vec[TK]D-Fender : from the Queue application
12:32.11[TK]D-FenderVec: lets try another way, Show me your members list
12:32.13Vecthey get put in a queue, the queue internally dials their extension (in asterisk source somewhere)
12:33.45*** join/#asterisk juanIMP (n=Juancho@
12:33.56Vec[TK]D-Fender : members list is > Agent/123, Agent/124, Agent/125 etc
12:34.06[TK]D-FenderVec: Vec How do they log in?
12:34.19Vec[TK]D-Fender : AgentCallbackLogin() :p
12:34.30Vecwhich I know will no longer exist soon :O
12:34.45[TK]D-FenderVec: Ok, then that goes through the dialplan to ring the agent device.  Just use M() in your Dial command
12:34.50*** part/#asterisk NMR_1122 (
12:36.13Vec[TK]D-Fender : hmm, ok so queue doesn't dial the SIP/exten directly ?? I thought it did ? if it does I can't use Dial with M() ?
12:36.43[TK]D-FenderVec: AgentCallBackLogin points to DIALPLAN.  How do you not know this?
12:37.07[TK]D-FenderVec: Go look at an actual queue call
12:37.49Vec[TK]D-Fender : sweet thanks
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12:50.08pifare asterisk regex perl-compatible?
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12:59.48ltdpif: just posix afaik
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13:09.25jayteealot of AGI scripts included as examples and extras in the * tarball are written in perl
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13:16.35VaGoNeTaSis back from the dead. Gone: 10h 3m 35s
13:22.48zambais it possible to get timestamps on events in the asterisk console?
13:25.40tzafrir_laptopzamba, yes: use the logs
13:25.54tzafrir_laptop(you could also use the command-line option -t)
13:30.27zambatzafrir_laptop: asterisk -rt?
13:31.02*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
13:31.23tzafrir_laptopzamba, no. This has to be added to the command-line of the asterisk server
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13:32.01zambalike params? -F -g -vvv?
13:36.55*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (i=patintin@
13:37.49[gnubie]can anyone point me where i can read asterisk vs
13:39.17frehIs there a way for queues to let members with a higher priority be called when no member with a lower priority picks up within x amount of time?
13:44.57*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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13:51.49ltdIs there any way to get rid of the DEBUG app_macro Executed application messages?
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13:55.17[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: Go read CHANGES.txt in the tarball
13:56.25dniHello Good Morning room,.   I am getting one way audio when my sip peer who is a CCM tries calling out my asterisk server,.  I have a pastebin of the sip debug,. Could someone take a quick look at it if you have a chance and see if you see something obvious..           ,.. im able to dial out of their CCM fine but when they try and dial out of my * the one way audio issue happens
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14:02.28mort_gibdni: Turn off your firewall for starters, or do the rules correctly :-)
14:02.42dniit is off
14:02.44*** join/#asterisk peterthesing (
14:02.57dnifor now because of testing purposes
14:02.57*** join/#asterisk Stese (
14:03.12SteseHello all... me again
14:03.33peterthesinghi All
14:03.56SteseHas anyone had any experience getting AMV Fritz ISDN cards working with mISDN?
14:04.26peterthesingis there someone who knows anything about the asterisk voipserver application?
14:04.45peterthesingsorry i do not own a fritzcard
14:05.55*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
14:06.12SteseSorry, thats an AVM Fritz! Card
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14:07.43peterthesingis it possible to connect to asterisk without the use of freepbx, am-portal udp-port 5060
14:08.05[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: connect how?  To do what?
14:08.43[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: FreePBX is a completely separate bolt-on GUI that controls all of your configs to fit its cookie-cutter view of a PBX
14:09.20mort_gib[TK]D-Fender: Well really all GUI's are built from assumptions, that their pitfall
14:09.22peterthesinglets say using a (java ) sipclient to connect from the outside
14:09.32[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: And I don't understand what you mix a question about a GUI interface, the CLI script to launch it, and the UDP port used by SIP in the same question
14:09.58[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: FreePBX only builds * configs for you.
14:10.09[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: It is by no means necessary
14:10.15peterthesingwell i am somewhat new at this
14:10.28[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: Here :
14:10.30infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:10.47peterthesingi can connect directly from one cliet to the server
14:11.08[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: there is no "indirect".
14:11.34[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: a SIP device can register to *, or the reverse, and calls can be placed either way.  Configuration is up to YOU.
14:12.57peterthesingi woul like to use a marvel called media proxy so it does not affect my current phone mappings on my modem using port 5060
14:13.54[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: Phone mappings?
14:14.24peterthesingdoes book also include the openfire media proxy configuration?
14:14.52peterthesingi am currently using voip from my isp
14:14.54[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: No.
14:15.43[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: I would recommend setting your ISP's SIP account up on *.
14:16.53peterthesingthere is some documentation for my zyxel adsl modem setting up 2 accounts
14:17.41peterthesingbut i want firs to investigate how a mediaproxy and asterisk can interact (if at all possible?????)
14:18.33Stesepeterthesing > I recommend the book that [TK]D-Fender mentioned
14:19.05peterthesingthanx for the advice i will read it asap
14:20.50[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: putting that ADSL VoIP ATA / Router in front of * is asking for trouble.
14:21.53anonymouz666peterthesing: trust [TK]D-Fender on this one. he's the king of ~sipnat.
14:22.20[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: You'd almost think there was a reason for that...
14:25.57peterthesinga quick glance tells me to make asterisk available for the outside world i need openser to make asterisk to work?
14:26.59[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: No
14:28.23*** join/#asterisk t_ (i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
14:28.44peterthesingthen asterisk is capable of proxying? what port do assing an how do i tell i asterisk to listen to this proxy port
14:29.00VaGoNeTaSis away: Fell asleep on keyboard... <<eDK/VgN>> [ Logging, Page: On ]
14:30.24[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: * is NOT a Proxy, it is a B2BUA.  Go read the book for a bit
14:30.42[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Please turn off your away script in here.
14:31.09*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
14:33.45frehSo anyone an idea on how I can let queue members with I higher priority be called when queue members with a lower priority don't answer a call within x seconds?
14:35.01*** join/#asterisk amaache (n=amma@
14:35.22anonymouz666asterisk 1.4?
14:35.24[TK]D-Fenderfreh: Use multiple queues, the first with a timeout of "X".
14:35.30amaachePlz How to configure Cisco 7905 Help
14:35.39anonymouz666there's a patch that works called xrrmemory.
14:35.45anonymouz666do exactly what you want.
14:36.00anonymouz666it's out of tree, but I use it in production servers.
14:36.42amaacheCisco 7905?
14:39.04peterthesingand now for something completely different >mISDN  any ideas on using a analog phone quattrovox a billion isdn card (cologne chipset) calling a sip client?
14:39.14*** join/#asterisk cm_5_1_2 (n=cm_5_1_2@
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14:40.46[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: And now why are you talking an ANALOG phone in the same sentence as an ISDN card?  One is analog, the other is digital.
14:40.52*** part/#asterisk cm_5_1_2 (n=cm_5_1_2@
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14:41.43peterthesingtrue, as i am told the quattrovox should translate this from analog to digital
14:42.54*** part/#asterisk t (i=tom@freenode/staff/tomaw)
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14:43.29[TK]D-Fenderpeterthesing: Do you already have these devices?
14:44.17peterthesingi can see on the quattrovox when the phone is off hook but how to determine if asterisk notice this
14:45.01peterthesingusing misdn i have set the isdn card to nt-mode
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14:47.11peterthesingit is a quite old quattrovox I but i doubt if the isd card pick this up
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14:49.19peterthesingin the bad old days of dos i could using a terminal to do an echo test to port X
14:49.38peterthesingi do not know how this is done in linux
14:53.13*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
14:53.31Stesepeterthesing > on your asterisk CLI have a look at the options for misdn by typing help misdn
14:54.17SteseAnyone had any issues with a * box failing to boot when an AVM Fritz card is installed?
14:55.21peterthesingno such command misdn
14:55.59Stesepeterthesing > Looks like mISDN isn't installed/running on your box
14:57.45*** part/#asterisk Ng (
14:58.56peterthesingmisdn is running but asterisk is configured for dahdi
14:59.28peterthesingdahdi is currently a dummy device
14:59.51genini had to change the kernel of my debian box and it broke the dahdi modules
14:59.52peterthesingany thoughts on dahdi?
14:59.57geninso we had to recompile them
15:00.03geninbut now the old modeuls are trying to load
15:00.11geninhow do i remove those modules from startup?
15:00.57Stesepeterthesing > if mISDN is running correctly, i would expect there to be commands for it in the Asterisk CLI
15:01.29peterthesingsorry there are none
15:02.29peterthesinghow do i reconfigure the dahdi driver to use the billion isdn hardware?
15:02.33*** join/#asterisk Chuggs (
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15:04.17SteseNo one with Avm Fritz experience around then... :(
15:05.47amaacheCisco 7905 does any one use it with Asterisk?
15:06.37Steseamaache> whats the issue?
15:15.10tzafrir_laptoppeterthesing, you can use both dahdi and misdn together (as long as not with the same device...)
15:15.13*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:19.36peterthesingwell dahdi is currenty a dummy device so it should logically not address any hardware
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15:29.02peterthesingsorry i have to go thanks to all for the great help you guys have been wonderfull
15:29.27peterthesingfor all those still fighting for answers goodluck
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15:36.27ariel_Hello folks.
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15:45.17geninanyone know how i get modules to stop loading on startup with debian
15:45.20genindahdi_dummy             5992  0
15:45.26geninspecifically dahdi
15:45.46geninit has to be redone because we had to change the kernel for bigmem
15:45.51genini cant stop the old modules from loading
15:46.06[TK]D-Fendergenin: recompile
15:46.18geninrecompile dadhi?
15:47.16[TK]D-Fendergenin: yes
15:47.59geninmy admin did that and he said the old mods are still trying to load
15:48.13geninnever says live
15:48.15geninwct4xxp 295386 1 - Loading 0xf8bc2000
15:48.17ariel_genin: in debian you can use update RCD_XXXX remove to take it out
15:48.17[TK]D-Fendergenin: I'd go prove that it was recompiled and installed
15:48.20tryfangenin:  then they are in /lib/modules/<kernel>
15:48.35geninok ill check
15:48.47geninwhat i pasted above was from cat /proc/modules
15:48.48b14ckgenin /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
15:48.52geninah okay
15:48.57b14ckadd a noload =>
15:49.02b14ckthen restart asterisk
15:49.05geninill look in all those spots and try
15:50.25dkdkdhi, can someone take a quick peek at this and tell me if it looks reasonable:
15:50.39[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: nope.
15:50.48[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: DAHDI != *
15:50.51dkdkdi am not getting a response from SIP OPTIONS or SIP REGISTER, and i'm trying to figure out why
15:51.03_brent_does anyone know, when asterisk receives a 302 (call forward) from a UA, how it decides if it's local or if it should spawn a call directly to the Contact: uri?
15:51.10b14ckwhoops, i just heard 'dont load' and 'modules'
15:51.18b14ckignore what i previously said, in that case
15:51.44[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: What have your forwarded to * exactly?
15:52.19dkdkdi am just trying to get REGISTER to succeed
15:52.37[TK]D-Fender_brent_: its always local direct to the dialplan.  * is not a proxy, it is a B2BUA
15:52.43[TK]D-Fenderdkdkd: What have your forwarded to * exactly? <---------
15:53.05dkdkdi haven't forwarded anything to *.  Asterisk is the UA sending a REGISTER to voicepulse
15:53.08*** join/#asterisk magronez (n=eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
15:53.41b14ckanyone here use snom phones?
15:53.44_brent_[TK]D-Fender: in the logs, i see asterisk spitting out: No such host:
15:53.47b14cki kinda wanna buy one, i wonder if they are any good
15:53.51b14ckthey look cool ^^
15:54.04_brent_app_dial.c:524 in do_forward: Unable to create local channel for call forward to SIP/
15:54.17_brent_b14ck: i just got an 820
15:54.20_brent_it's pretty sweet
15:54.32_brent_best screen i've seen on a phone yet
15:54.47b14cklemme look at that model real quick
15:54.51_brent_yeah, sound quality is great, too
15:54.51b14ckthey have blf support right?
15:55.01mort_gibb14ck: We use loads of Snoms
15:55.07_brent_you mean presence monitoring?
15:55.14mort_gibb14ck: I think TK is starting to like them too
15:55.30b14cki always hear mixed things about them
15:55.33b14ckbut they look awesome
15:55.47b14cki havent owned any voip phones yet. but i work for a telephony company, ehh
15:55.55b14cki just bought my first phone aastra 57i ct yesterday :)
15:56.25_brent_[TK]D-Fender: anyway, in the logs, it appears that * is trying to spawn an outgoing call, rather than keeping it local
15:56.33ariel_b14ck: I have a few snom's 320,360 for a few years now. There great phones.
15:57.07_brent_b14ck: i've found the snoms to be flakey if you have dirty power or network
15:57.19b14ckwell i've got a good network
15:57.21_brent_i don't know if the problem persists on the 8XX
15:57.25b14ckits just for my home for playing aorund with really
15:58.24_brent_b14ck: the 870 (not out yet) will have a touch screen, too
15:58.38*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:59.23b14ckhey _brent_
15:59.32b14cki thikn the snom 870 is out,
15:59.33mort_gibb14ck: We use a mix of 300 and 370 handsets, users like them somewhat better than Polycoms because of the website
15:59.46b14ckhow is the speakerphone support on the snoms?
16:00.00mort_gibb14ck: Not as good as IP 650
16:00.01*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
16:00.14b14ckas long as its as good as the 500 im happy
16:00.20_brent_maybe it is out!
16:00.27mort_gibb14ck: You have to play with Mic
16:00.41ariel_b14ck: there ok in speaker, But polycom's are better in my view for speaker phones.  I like the polycom's as a better  biz phone.
16:01.01b14ckim not too worried about speaker. im just setting up a home system for myself to play aorund with
16:01.14b14cki think im gonna put the aastra 57i in for my g/f
16:01.14_brent_snom (company) isn't such a pain to deal with
16:01.17b14ckand use the snom for myself
16:02.08_brent_you're right, though, polycoms sound the very best
16:02.13_brent_but don't get me started about their UI
16:02.22b14ckat work i mainly use the polycoms
16:02.24b14ckthe 501
16:02.35b14ckbut they look dull
16:02.38_brent_(web UI, phone UI, corp web site, support site all suck)
16:02.39b14ckthe aastra 57i looks awesome
16:03.00coppicepolycom is the only company to take speakerphones seriously. balancing that, they have a bad track record for bugs :-)
16:03.16b14ckand they boot really slow :(
16:03.16_brent_they don't even have a bug reporting system
16:03.23_brent_only "feature requests"
16:03.41coppicethey have issues :-)
16:03.59coppiceissue, issue, all fall down
16:04.06_brent_does it bug anyone else that the 'x' button on the 550/650/670 doesn't do anything except delete typed chars?
16:04.16[TK]D-FendermortSnom?  Nope.  Too pricy, history of instability, audio doesn't measure up to Polycom, etc
16:04.42[TK]D-Fenderb14ck: Boot time doesn't amtter so much when they simply don't crash.
16:04.57_brent_the newer snom firmwares take just as long to boot
16:05.14[TK]D-Fendermine take a little under 2 min to boot
16:05.47_brent_yeah, 2 minutes isn't bad if it's once a month
16:05.53_brent_it's forever if you're developing
16:05.53[TK]D-Fender_brent_: I feel the same way about the 'Backspace" key on my keyboard!  At long last a kindred spirit!
16:06.05b14ckman i really wanna get the snom 870 now
16:06.09b14cki applied for a quote for one, looks badass
16:06.22[TK]D-Fender_brent_: What are developing that requires you to reboot the phone so often?
16:06.29_brent_central provisioning
16:07.11coppiceI hate turning on the TV and having to wait for Linux to boot :-\
16:07.27_brent_these guys had the 820 in stock:
16:07.39[TK]D-Fender_brent_: For me the boot once out of the box and go right to a fully finished state within 5 minutes
16:07.52b14ck_brent_, ever use 888voip store? they sell phones really cheeap there
16:08.03b14ckunless u guys know of some better resellers ^^
16:08.14_brent_i get the bulk of my phones from ingram micro, but they don't carry snom or aastra
16:09.11_brent_[TK]D-Fender: yeah, the boot time it fine for end users. it's just a royal pain when you're doing something that requires tweak -> reboot iterations
16:09.25ariel_I use the polycom for work as it's very easy to deploy via the ftp and dhcp settings.  Just edit files save them and plug phones in.
16:09.58b14ckcant you deploy snoms like that too though?
16:10.02b14ckjust put the firmware onto a tftp server
16:10.05b14ckand let it go? oo
16:10.08_brent_yeah, you can do http, too
16:10.25_brent_better in many regards than tftp
16:10.28[TK]D-Fender_brent_: Tweaking is for people who don't get it right the first time ;)
16:11.01*** join/#asterisk adwerw (
16:11.26_brent_i'm in awe that you could get all of polycom's thousands of cascading parameters right the first time ;-)
16:11.31_brent_you're smarter than me
16:11.59[TK]D-Fender_brent_: specialized in them long ago.
16:12.10[TK]D-Fender_brent_: Everything comes with a price.
16:12.26_brent_yeah, i've paid that price and now i have a central provisioning system
16:12.37_brent_but i cursed polycom's slow boot for a couple of months
16:12.41b14ckcentral provisioning system? oo
16:12.53b14ckyou mean for all your clients they pull configs from one server?
16:13.06b14ckthats a nice way to do version control
16:13.35_brent_yeah, and it's not polycom specific. all the phones grab configs & firmware from the same system
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16:19.45_brent_so ... does anyone have any ideas about this call forwarding? [TK]D-Fender?
16:19.58b14ckwhat call forwarding?
16:20.07mesfetIs there anybody who can help me setting PSTN parameters for Bulgaria POTS ? I don't know how to set busypattern and signalling.
16:20.12[TK]D-Fender_brent_: pastebin a complete call with SIP debug, etc.
16:20.16infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
16:20.41*** join/#asterisk pmhaddad-work (n=pmhaddad@
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16:23.34[TK]D-Fender_brent_: what part of "COMPLETE call with SIP DEBUG" did you miss?
16:23.34_brent_i see both "no such host" and "unable to create local channel"
16:23.59_brent_ah, the SIP DEBUG part ;-)
16:24.04*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
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16:24.54voxtercesar_CR: hey man, hows it going
16:25.08hardwireI have an asterisk system hitting a high load every so often.. can't seem to get enough logs to tell me whats going wrong.
16:25.23hardwirehow should I execute asterisk to get a good debug dump of the running processes?
16:26.10cesar_CRvoxter, ? fine :)
16:26.40voxtercesar_CR: im not sure if you remember, we talked before. i might have been using my other name, [hC] then.
16:27.31cesar_CR[hC] yes now I remember!!! hi man!!!
16:27.49cesar_CRvoxter, everithing  OK ?
16:28.37voxtercesar_CR: yeah its great. infact i am flying to CR tonight, and im going to be spending most of my time there again
16:28.43voxtercesar_CR: how about you?
16:29.58cesar_CRvoxter, well I am here like allways : )
16:31.13cesar_CRvoxter, working, let me know if you need some help here, you have my email right ? how long are you staying ?
16:31.19voxtercesar_CR: we should get together some time, i will probably be getting into some different business ideas there and what not
16:31.46*** join/#asterisk skanker (n=gonbanan@
16:31.48voxtercesar_CR: private message me your email again just incase. Ill be there for 3 weeks first, then probably come back to canada for  4-5 days then back to CR again
16:33.57_brent_it's a tcpdump of the sip traffic, not an * CLI sip debug
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16:34.39SparFuxIt is said that the sporadic DTMF tones problem is due to mISDN, it is a well known phenomenom. But the point is, it only occurs with my ATA and the analog phone, not with other lines and softphones. This is really strange.
16:35.23coppicesporadic and mISDN go together like crackers and cheese
16:36.02*** join/#asterisk Globettrotter (
16:37.26[TK]D-Fender_brent_>it's a tcpdump of the sip traffic, not an * CLI sip debug <- I care what * tinks, not jsut a failure packet.
16:38.24_brent_ok, one more time
16:41.27PinkFreud[TK]D-Fender: I see that asterisk gui 2.0 requires at least asterisk 1.6.0.  Do you know the minimum release version for gui 1.0?
16:41.49[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: got a problem with 1.6.0+?
16:42.21PinkFreudnot in particular.  I'm still waffling on whether I want to go with official distro-supported asterisk or
16:42.28*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
16:42.30PinkFreudjust figuring out my options right now :)
16:42.39[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: What distro?
16:43.01PinkFreudcurrently, centos.  considering pushing for a change to debian lenny.
16:43.56PinkFreudI see CDRs are still listed as beta in gui 2.0, alas.
16:54.07[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: Upgrade and compile it yourself
16:57.08abchirkHi, I am trying to get a asterisk working on a LAN only between my and my friend, where to start at sip?
16:58.35PinkFreud[TK]D-Fender: indeed.  however, I'm still curious about the status of gui 1.0 - does that work with 1.4.21?
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16:59.04PinkFreudif so, it *may* be worthwhile to use distribution-provided binaries with 1.0
16:59.18[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: Yes, but I wouldn't recommend it
16:59.20PinkFreudagain, I'm looking at all of my options here.
16:59.24PinkFreud[TK]D-Fender: ahhh . why not?
17:00.01[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: there's a reason for the big update.  I was a giant flaming turd before.  Now they've put out the open flames .
17:00.04*** part/#asterisk Stese (
17:00.15[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: 1.0 is not being maintained at all AFAICT
17:00.45[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: Better option : use Digium's RPM repo
17:03.44_brent_[TK]D-Fender: was that last paste more useful? anything look abnormal?
17:04.23[TK]D-Fender_brent_: well you masked ip/hosts, and I'm grey on the "::::" parsing.  what does the phone say to forward to?
17:04.45_brent_the :::: looked curious to me, too
17:05.03[TK]D-Fender_brent_: got a 1001 in the target context?  Because I use these just fine for that here
17:05.18PinkFreud[TK]D-Fender: does digium provide a .deb repo?
17:05.38_brent_i have a catchall that hits AGI in the target context, so yes, 1001 is covered there
17:05.45[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: Not AFAIK
17:05.57[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: I still recommend CentOS for this
17:06.05Qwellseanbright: :(
17:06.08PinkFreud[TK]D-Fender: do you mind if I ask why?
17:06.09[TK]D-Fender_brent_: :/
17:06.49_brent_[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your help. i'll keep picking away at this
17:06.58[TK]D-Fender_brent_: Alrighty
17:07.13[TK]D-Fenderabchirk: ...
17:07.15infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:07.18PinkFreudI'm comformtable with compling software.  That being said, though, I usually prefer to stick with distro-provided software where possible, both for manageability purposes, and for the support provided by the distribution.
17:08.17[TK]D-Fenderabchirk: Need to learn how to configure SIP peers and a basic dialplan.  use this for some "inspiration" in your learning process :
17:08.20infobot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
17:08.37[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: then use centOS + Digium's repo
17:08.39PinkFreudI've used CentOS and Debian fairly extensively, but tend to prefer Debian, due to a larger software repository.  We're also in the middle of switching our infrastructure to Debian, so I prefer to keep all of our systems, including the eventual phone system, on a single platform, if possible.
17:08.55abchirk[TK]D-Fender thank you... but do I have to use a real phone? I just want to use my mic from my laptop
17:08.59SparFuxI want to use asterisk dtmf detection stuff, not mISDN. how can I turn the mISDN part off?
17:09.09[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: I'v seen glaciers move faster than Debian's dev team...
17:09.19[TK]D-Fenderabchirk: No.
17:09.23infobot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
17:09.47abchirkah ok thank you. :)
17:10.20PinkFreud[TK]D-Fender: debian releases can be few and far between - yet, CentOS (and RH, of course) tend to hang on to older package releases
17:10.54PinkFreudnot to mention that etch was only a year and a half old when lenny finally made release.  that was pretty quick turnaround for debian.  :P
17:11.07[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: yes, and I have specifically directed you to use Digium's repo's to maintain yourself of "complete from vendor"
17:11.12abchirkeh but I haven't a VoIP-provider.. so I have to "simulate" on with asterisk?
17:11.32PinkFreud[TK]D-Fender: indeed you have.
17:11.39[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: Do you buy Ford coffee just because you use the cup-holder in your car?
17:12.03PinkFreudfirst off, I don't drive Ford.  Secondly, - can you buy Ford coffee?  :P
17:12.13[TK]D-Fenderabchirk: * is a complete PBX & telephony toolkit.  It can easily do what you want
17:12.19[TK]D-Fenderabchirk: Adding more is just... more.
17:12.22PinkFreudthirdly, I'm not sure I'd expect - or want! - support from Ford for my coffee.
17:12.32[TK]D-Fenderabchirk: Your dialplan may only have a dozen lines in it if even.
17:12.48[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: double-double :)
17:13.08PinkFreudI don't call Dunkin Donuts for support for my coffee, either.
17:13.24PinkFreud(uh, hi, how do I drink this?)
17:14.26[TK]D-FenderPinkFreud: Careful of you'll soon find there are complete instructions on the cup alongside the "YES dumbass, this is full of hot liquid that will burn you if you're an idiot" warning.
17:14.37*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
17:14.52PinkFreud[TK]D-Fender: sadly, that's already the case.
17:14.59[TK]D-Fenderkicks McD's lawyers for failing to grow a pair.
17:15.28[TK]D-Fenderwonders where he should kick now... the quick & easy target is gone...
17:15.30abchirkhm well, this all sounds like a big elefant...... :P isn't there a easier way to connect me and my friend through voice over lan in a console? :P
17:15.50[TK]D-Fenderabchirk: Load up Ekiga on both and jsut dial the IP
17:16.22[TK]D-Fenderabchirk: ~ekiga
17:16.27infobot[~ekiga] Ekiga is an OSS SIP soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux (Requires GTK+ which is included with the binary releases) that can be found at
17:16.37abchirkyeah found it on aptitude :)
17:16.51_brent_"GA release [for the SNOM 870] is scheduled for Q3, 2009." :-(
17:16.55[TK]D-Fenderabchirk: Excellent
17:17.04abchirkehe uff
17:17.58[TK]D-Fender_brent_: Never seen a point to buy Snom in the US
17:18.31_brent_i just want to touch the screen on that one...
17:20.22b14ckokok im gonna get the snom 870
17:20.25b14ckit is too cool
17:20.31b14ckbig color LCD with touch screen!
17:20.44SparFuxWhy is mISDN so crappy?
17:21.05_brent_cuz it sounds too much like MSDN
17:23.10coppicemISDN keeps changing its name. there is a reason for this :-)
17:24.32*** join/#asterisk adwerw (
17:26.14mmlj4how do I jump contexts? specifically, I want to be able to call * and authenticate via a PIN perhaps, then be allowed to dial further
17:27.15[TK]D-Fendermmlj4: "core show application authenticate", and any boring little IVR context.
17:27.37[TK]D-Fendermmlj4: could use DISA as well
17:27.48[TK]D-Fendermmlj4: "core show application disa"
17:27.54*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (
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17:32.24*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/04/28), Asterisk (2009/04/06), (2009/04/02), *-Addons (2009/04/28), (2008/12/02), 1.4.8 (2009/04/28), dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2009/02/03), Libpri 1.4.10 (2009/04/18) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev #asterisk-commits
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17:39.23jplankbefore I reinvent the wheel, does anyone know of a tapi program that with integrate with outlook, and allow a "click to call" option. Basically bridging the end-users phone with the number they are trying to call, I'm thinking someone has had to do it before
17:50.42*** join/#asterisk tyfon (
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17:54.19mockerGod damn lightening strikes taking out my PRI.
17:55.05*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
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17:55.23Corydon76-digmocker: add more lightning rods
17:55.45*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
17:55.52Corydon76-digYou can't repel lightning, but you can conduct it down a safer path
17:57.16*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
17:58.05jayteejplank, check this out. I've used it with Outlook and * and it works well
17:58.06grandpapadotHey guys, on Polycom phones, is there a way (prior to the 3.1 Enhanced Feature Keys licensed feature), to change the function of one of the hard buttons?  They come with "blanks" but I can't find a way to re-assign button actions/dialing strings/etc.
17:59.34mockerCorydon76-dig: Tell that to AT&T. :)
18:00.10pmhaddad-workso i have a question for those of you who have the dCAP: what are some good study strategies? I know what areas I need to study for the most (I think), but what are some good ways to study for it? Should I be working on implementing dialplans etc, or should I focus more on conceptual information, or both?
18:02.03pmhaddad-workgrandpapadot, depeding on the model it should be under the Lines section from the Admin panel webpage that you get when browsing to the phone's IP
18:02.16pmhaddad-worksomewhere near the bottom IIRC
18:02.20[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: Yes, you've been able to remap those for a long time prior
18:02.23jplankjaytee: that looks perfect, question though, because it uses a refer message instead of connecting to the AMI, how do the CDR's look?
18:02.46[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: And that is done in provisioning.  Well documented in the admin guide.
18:03.11grandpapadotThanks, tk.
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18:11.40SuPrSluGis there a way to lower the default time out for the polcom phones so they don't take forever to boot when the can't upload their log files
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18:16.01mockerpmhaddad-work: Make sure you can build a working PBX from scratch in less than 30 minutes with a variety of hardware.
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18:16.58pmhaddad-workmocker, ok, that's a good start
18:17.07pmhaddad-worki've done that a lot with a lot of hardware
18:17.18pmhaddad-worki assume they have linux already installed right?
18:17.26mockerpmhaddad-work: by different hardware I mean T1 card, FXO/FXS
18:17.40mockerYes, I they shouldn't test you on a linux install. :)
18:18.05pmhaddad-workok, i've done several asterisk installs with digium and rhino hardware
18:18.17pmhaddad-workmostly fxo cards though
18:18.29*** join/#asterisk grandpapadot (
18:18.33DavidR2008jaytee: do you have any information on how to configure SIP TAPI for use with outlook? I'm playing around with it and I'm not really sure what it's trying to do, but it's not working correctly, that much I do know :-)
18:19.09grandpapadotHey TK, I got a key reassigned, no problem, easy. Do you know of a way to set a key to "transfer" to a specific extension (keycode), I'm trying to map a park feature.
18:19.09mockerpmhaddad-work: I'm only certified against 1.2, so there may have been changes.
18:19.26mockerBut if you can build a fully functioning (make calls) pbx in 30 minutes that's a good start. :)
18:19.42pmhaddad-workmocker, ok man, that's a huge help
18:19.52pmhaddad-workhas his exam a week from monday
18:20.05pmhaddad-worki haven't actually tried timing myself yet
18:20.05mockerAlso make sure you know the codec stuff..
18:20.41jeffspeffhow can i set the caller id for individual extensions?  <-- extensions.conf
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18:20.51pmhaddad-workmocker, like g711 etc?
18:20.56jayteejplank, sorry I had to take a call from Time Warner Telecom. As far as the CDR goes, if I use my Outlook Contacts to click to call it just looks like my actual Polycom phone called the number in the contact file
18:21.05mockerpmhaddad-work: Yup.
18:21.07jayteeDavidR2008, hang on a second for your TAPI issue
18:21.16pmhaddad-workmocker, ok sweet
18:21.22[TK]D-Fendergrandpapadot: No way to do this
18:21.24mockerpmhaddad-work: Good luck man.
18:21.26pmhaddad-workmocker, is there a lot of PSTN stuff discussed on there?
18:21.32pmhaddad-worki'm a bit weak on all of that
18:21.40grandpapadottk, that's what I thought, worth a shot.  Back to inline with it then.  Thanks! ;p
18:21.47[TK]D-Fendermocker: 30 MINUTEs?  Geez
18:21.58mockerpmhaddad-work: Eh, not that I remember.
18:22.13pmhaddad-workyeah, i probably can't do it in 30 right now
18:22.21pmhaddad-worki'm probably sitting around an hour
18:22.35pmhaddad-workdepending on the hardware maybe 45 minutes
18:22.51mockerI don't remember how long they actually gave for the practical and I can't find anything on the web.
18:23.06pmhaddad-workmocker, yeah they never told me
18:23.20pmhaddad-worki know i start at 9:30 and they expect me to finish around 2pm
18:23.21mockerOhh, looks like 90 minutes.
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18:23.25mockerfor the practical.
18:23.34mockerThat should be easy.
18:23.39pmhaddad-workmocker, that's just one pbx build right?
18:23.43pmhaddad-worki don't have to do like 4
18:24.24jayteeDavidR2008, for configuring the SIPTAPI provider in Windows Control Panel under Phone and Modem applet just find it in the list and click the configure button. put your * server's FQDN or IP address in the SIP Domain field, leave the outbound proxy blank, add your SIP account and password and extension in the appropriate fields.
18:24.26mockerpmhaddad-work: Hah, no.
18:24.34pmhaddad-workmocker, whewie
18:24.41pmhaddad-worki'm just a bit nervous about it
18:24.47pmhaddad-workgoin all the way down there and such
18:24.55pmhaddad-workit would be a real downer if i failed it
18:25.06pmhaddad-workmocker, is there a lot of dialplan stuff covered?
18:25.21mockerJust make sure you can do the hardware stuff w/o googling.
18:25.33[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-work: There'd have to be.  Dialplan = *
18:25.45mockerBut how hard really is the dialplan?
18:25.59DavidR2008jaytee: sorry, I know I hijacked you're thread, and if you don't have time that's fine, but it looked interesting. I got the SIPTAPI configured, saw how to do that on the website, I guess my question is more on the * side: it ring's my phone but as soon as I answer it hangs up. Trying to figure out what to troubleshoot
18:26.08pmhaddad-work[TK]D-Fender, i should have said "advanced" dialplan stuff... like AGI and such
18:26.09mocker. o O ( It's easy until it doesn't work! )
18:26.24jayteepmhaddad-work, use the WIKI search tool on to search for Asterisk+sample+configuration and also look at the stuff on the WIKI for a simple IVR with Day/Night mode using GotoIfTime
18:26.41[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-work: In the practical side, I'd bet on "no"
18:26.47areayi set up my asterisk server about a month ago, but didn't implement it because i wasn't ready... i was doing some testing today, and the incoming trunk works fine, but for some reason I can't get any sip client on my local network to connect as a phone... i have set sip debug on, and every time i try to register i see NOTHING at all. i don't understand why it's stopped working because i haven't changed the configuration files for asteri
18:26.47areaysk at all since they worked
18:26.56pmhaddad-workjaytee, awesome thanks
18:27.02Qwellseanbright: fix it! :(
18:27.10[TK]D-Fenderpmhaddad-work: They shouldn't test you on the assumption of knowing another programming language
18:27.17jayteeDavidR2008, what kind of phone?
18:27.28pmhaddad-work[TK]D-Fender, that makes sense ya
18:27.32DavidR2008Grandstream gxp 2000
18:27.52[TK]D-Fenderareay: Seeing noting either means the phones aren't pointed towards the server, or you have a firewall/networking probelm
18:28.07jayteeDavidR2008, in  your sip.conf file for that account make sure you allow reinvites with canreinvite=yes
18:28.17mockerwonders if it's dahdi in the test or zaptel nowadays.
18:29.00pmhaddad-worki've used both
18:29.18pmhaddad-workmocker, when did you take it?
18:29.32mockerGod, awhile ago.
18:29.32jayteeI took the class and the test in November in Huntsville and they use Dahdi and 1.6 in the class and in the test
18:29.42mockerBack when sokol and associates still existed and gave boot camps.
18:29.49pmhaddad-workmocker, i hear its become a bit easier
18:29.57mockerpmhaddad-work: Rock!
18:30.01mockerGives mine more creedence. :)
18:30.34areay[TK]D-Fender, i know... which i don't get... it's a local network, so there's no NAT, and i've uninstalled the firewalls on the server and client as a precaution... i installed a dns server (bind9) the other day but that shouldn't have any effect on it, should it?
18:31.57*** join/#asterisk EUSEricDCAP (
18:32.28EUSEricDCAPHey guys.
18:32.30EUSEricDCAPWhat's up
18:33.03mockerpmhaddad-work: Looks like EUSE is a dcap too. :)
18:33.16mockermaybe more recent
18:33.20EUSEricDCAPYeah, last june
18:33.45EUS-Eric-DCAPMight clarify it
18:33.57[TK]D-Fenderareay: Go prove there is no FW in the way and that * is running and listening at all.
18:34.08mockerEUS-Eric-DCAP: You work at EUS?
18:34.24EUS-Eric-DCAPI'm there right now.
18:34.27mockerI met Jeronimo a couple years ago at Astricon.
18:34.32mockerNice guy.
18:34.41EUS-Eric-DCAPYeah, he's cool.
18:34.47Qwellwhat's an EUS?
18:34.50EUS-Eric-DCAPI'm baing my head against this insane problem.
18:35.05EUS-Eric-DCAPOnly the best Asterisk shop in the world.
18:35.19*** part/#asterisk Thiago_Lima (n=chatzill@
18:36.01EUS-Eric-DCAPanyone want to take a crack at this insane BLF/hint problem I'm ready to hang myself over?
18:36.25[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCAP: don't ask to ask, just spit it out :)
18:36.30[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCAP: pastebin is your friend...
18:36.33infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
18:36.53EUS-Eric-DCAPSo this client has a very small network.
18:37.06EUS-Eric-DCAPSeven phones, * pbx, one switch and firewall.
18:37.08EUS-Eric-DCAPNothing fancy.
18:37.26EUS-Eric-DCAPNow, when they get a call to their main number, it's set to ring all seven phones.
18:37.33EUS-Eric-DCAPthe phones are aastra 35i's.
18:37.47EUS-Eric-DCAPEach phone has a BLFs for the other 6 phones
18:38.05EUS-Eric-DCAPWhen a call rings all seven phones, they all go "state ringing" on both the console and the phones
18:38.20eppigyDONDE ESTA
18:38.25EUS-Eric-DCAPWhen the call is answered, and six of the phones go back idle, the go idle on the console, but not on the phones
18:38.30EUS-Eric-DCAPthey stay off hook.
18:38.40EUS-Eric-DCAPNow, I see this on the console, which I've never seen before.
18:39.03EUS-Eric-DCAPExtension Changed 16[local-extensions] new state Ringing for Notify User 11 (queued)
18:39.20EUS-Eric-DCAPIt seems the BLF updates are being queued or something.
18:39.31EUS-Eric-DCAPI know BLFs and DNS are related, so maybe the PBX has a DNS problem?
18:39.44EUS-Eric-DCAPThe PBX runs BIND and all the phones point at it for DNS.
18:41.00*** join/#asterisk hfb (
18:41.34EUS-Eric-DCAPif I call a phone directly from another phone, the hints work find and the blf indicators update properly
18:41.36EUS-Eric-DCAPany ideas?
18:42.58[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCAP: What ver of *?
18:43.15[TK]D-Fenderoh.. ABE...
18:43.28EUS-Eric-DCAPIs this the wrong place for talk of BE?
18:43.43[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCAP: sometimes.. not sure on yourse.
18:44.07[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCAP: You're doing a basic Dial() with multiple people?
18:44.39EUS-Eric-DCAPit's running thirdlane, but it's pretty much doing a basic dial.
18:44.56[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCAP: and 7 phones being called should be 6x6 updates = 36 per state change
18:45.50EUS-Eric-DCAPYeah, that makes sense
18:45.54DavidR2008jaytee: turns out outlook was only sending phone without area code and * only accepts numbers with the area code, problem solved. Thanks for mentioning this, it's pretty cool!
18:46.19EUS-Eric-DCAPYou can change your dialplan to allow dialing with out area code
18:46.21*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
18:46.26[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: * can accept any # you tell it to :)
18:46.48DavidR2008I should have said: I configured * to ....
18:47.00DavidR2008appologies ;-)
18:48.45EUS-Eric-DCAPno worries
18:48.50EUS-Eric-DCAPany ideas on my question, Fender?
18:53.45*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
18:54.04pmhaddad-workEUS-Eric-DCAP, ah yeah, i plan on taking the dCAP in about a week
18:54.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_home (
18:54.19pmhaddad-workwas just trying to get a feel for how hard it was and what i need to study up on
18:54.22EUS-Eric-DCAPgood luck
18:54.28EUS-Eric-DCAPthe practical is not hard, just very short
18:54.28pmhaddad-workthanks :)
18:54.40pmhaddad-workthat's what i've heard
18:54.43EUS-Eric-DCAPyou have an hour and a half to get a basic phone system up from a base linux install.
18:54.43pmhaddad-workhows the written?
18:55.01EUS-Eric-DCAPlots of questions on specific asterisk apps
18:55.09EUS-Eric-DCAPlots of ones that I don't use too often
18:55.15pmhaddad-worksuch as?
18:55.24pmhaddad-workdoesn't use too many either
18:55.25EUS-Eric-DCAPlike how to properly write a command for pretty much every app
18:56.04pmhaddad-worklike I can do meetme and IVR
18:56.11pmhaddad-workwhat other apps are there even?
18:56.50EUS-Eric-DCAPdatabase apps, setvar apps,
18:56.53EUS-Eric-DCAPlots of database questions
18:57.01pmhaddad-workdoes a show applications
18:58.36pmhaddad-worki've only used a handlful of those
18:59.39*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
19:01.14EUS-Eric-DCAPyeah, it's not very fun
19:01.23EUS-Eric-DCAPI had a year of installing asterisk systems before I took it.
19:01.31EUS-Eric-DCAPAnd I'm a genius
19:02.01pmhaddad-workEUS-Eric-DCAP, i've been doing it for almost 2
19:02.09pmhaddad-worki am not a genius
19:02.11EUS-Eric-DCAPyou'll be ok.
19:02.40pmhaddad-workmost of my experience is with freepbx and trixbox too, the by hand stuff has really only been the last 6 months or so
19:02.57*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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19:08.24*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
19:11.00*** join/#asterisk Neil_UK (n=X@
19:11.16Neil_UKHi, im looking for a asterisk expert in the Dallas, TX area?
19:12.35MaliutaLapDallas? you mean it's not just a tv series?
19:14.22awk_rMaliutaLap, actuallys he's looking for an asterisk expert for the tv series
19:14.32[TK]D-Fenderhides the revolver...
19:14.41adwerwHow could I use already authorized SIP-users for access to their Voicemail / Conferences and so on?
19:14.45Neil_UKIm looking for an asterisk guru that can come out to Dallas with me and set up a new PBX
19:15.01*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
19:15.04[TK]D-Fenderadwerw: its your dialplan, go make some extensions.
19:17.01adwerwif I place VoicemailMain - it will ask me a password
19:18.19[TK]D-Fenderadwerw: "core show application voicemailmain" <- go read its instructions
19:19.33adwerwI'm reading it already. I do not fully understand - is it mean tha if i supply mailbox as an ARG1 it wont ask me a password?
19:21.24adwerw"s    - Skip checking the passcode for the mailbox" - sorry - thats it i think
19:22.25EUS-Eric-DCAPWe have an office in Texas
19:22.43*** join/#asterisk iEatChildren (
19:23.27iEatChildrenwhats the command to see line voltage?
19:29.45iEatChildrenwhat about for zaptel?
19:30.05pmhaddad-workiEatChildren, i think its just zap_monitor or zaptel_monitor
19:30.29iEatChildrendont have those commands
19:31.05pmhaddad-workhrm, do you have the zaptel drivers and such installed?
19:31.14pmhaddad-worklogs into a system that uses zap
19:31.54iEatChildrenyes, i have zaptel drivers installed
19:32.07pmhaddad-workasterisk -rvv
19:32.11pmhaddad-workzap show cadences
19:32.14pmhaddad-worki think is what you want
19:32.24iEatChildrenokay, ill try it
19:32.40pmhaddad-workits been a long time since i used zap though
19:32.46EUS-Eric-DCAPztmonitor is what you want.
19:33.32adwerwHow could I force some users to join a particular conference right on their login?
19:33.40pmhaddad-workEUS-Eric-DCAP, hm, i dont have that command on my zap box
19:33.40*** join/#asterisk mclugh (n=mpearson@
19:33.50pmhaddad-worki thought it was something like that, but it wasnt there :(
19:34.26pmhaddad-workdoh there it is
19:34.35EUS-Eric-DCAPwhich was it
19:34.47iEatChildreni have that command....just have to figure out how to see voltages now
19:34.50pmhaddad-workEUS-Eric-DCAP, i wasn't logged in as root so it wasn't in my path
19:35.18iEatChildreni can see the audio level....
19:35.21mclughI have some questions about a potential asterisk setup.  Is it appropriate to ask those questions in this irc?
19:36.04rob0Potentially questionable, as well.
19:36.06adwerwI'm reading it already. I do not fully understand - is it mean tha if i supply mailbox as an ARG1 it wont ask me a password?
19:36.34[TK]D-Fenderadwerw: No, there was that obviously stated parameter that will tell it not to as you a password
19:38.01mclughMy question is in regards to astericks ability to create conference calls and send the the output to a dedicated sound card on the machine?
19:39.11seb-[TK]D-Fender: can i ask you a question?
19:39.29seb-[TK]D-Fender: i can't register from work either even though you can...i'm getting this error...
19:39.37[TK]D-Fenderseb-: You just did.  that'll be $4.95 for the next one :)
19:39.55seb-[TK]D-Fender: :) cha-ching!
19:40.03seb-[TK]D-Fender: [Apr 30 12:39:26] WARNING[19948]: chan_sip.c:1783 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xb6ff0350 (len 561) to returned -1: Operation not permitted
19:40.52[TK]D-Fendermclugh: * doesn't creat conference calls, but it can certinaly host them, and yes you can arrange to have it go out the soundcard by having a Local channel use OSS or a local softphone.
19:41.08[TK]D-Fenderseb-: PB the full attempt up
19:41.27seb-[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean?
19:41.34*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
19:41.37infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
19:41.44[TK]D-Fenderseb-: I want to see the complete SIP debug
19:41.53mclughCool thats what I need to know
19:41.56mclughthank you
19:42.03MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: they never want to give the details, do they?
19:42.19[TK]D-Fendergrabs his ClueBat (tm)
19:42.26*** join/#asterisk duckz (n=duckz@
19:42.38MaliutaLaphas Mr Stabby at the ready
19:42.53[TK]D-FenderMaliutaLap: Oh?  What is it?
19:43.05EUS-Eric-DCAPMclugh, with asterisk you can do a console call which will output audio to the sound card of the PC
19:43.09MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: 5" lock knife
19:43.20MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: they'll think death is a career
19:43.36*** join/#asterisk sulex (n=sulex@pdpc/supporter/professional/sulex)
19:43.36*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
19:43.40[TK]D-FenderMaliutaLap: My baby :
19:43.40seb-[TK]D-Fender: <--starts a little down after some blank lines
19:44.21MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: nice, I prefer close and quite for most things
19:44.41watchyi want that sword
19:44.54MaliutaLap[TK]D-Fender: I carry a Maxim 5" most of the time
19:44.54*** join/#asterisk ITguru (
19:44.57iEatChildren[TK]D-Fender: do you know how to go about viewing the voltage for each channel? i tried ztmoniter per another suggestion but im only getting audio levels...maybe im doing somethign wrong here
19:45.18seb-[TK]D-Fender: n/m i fixed it
19:45.25seb-[TK]D-Fender: f*** me
19:45.37jayteethat's a sweet lookin sword
19:45.59[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Lick it and count how many hairs raise :)
19:46.10[TK]D-Fenderseb-: .... rather not personally ;)
19:46.37*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux1 (
19:46.42[TK]D-FenderMe tests for his 3rd kyu this sunday
19:46.43MaliutaLapseb-: no, but I'll fuck you up
19:46.45[TK]D-Fendertests for his 3rd kyu this sunday
19:46.48[TK]D-Fenderdangit :)
19:46.57seb-[TK]D-Fender: i have 2 IP addresses on my server....i just had to point to right one
19:47.06CrazyTux1Hey guys -- I'm playing with DISA however -- randomly upon after entering in the digits the DISA seems to go to Fast Busy without any "real output" as to why?
19:47.14iEatChildren[TK]D-Fender: you do martial arts?
19:47.24*** part/#asterisk _brent_ (
19:47.31MaliutaLapmmm Disa, she is hot ... but marrying someone else
19:47.33CrazyTux1Half the time it does that, and half the time it does what it should -- any thoughts?  I've tried this on and 1.60.1-stable, and
19:47.58MaliutaLapkyu is a Go ranking
19:48.05MaliutaLapin my workd anyhow
19:48.05seb-[TK]D-Fender: i'm sorry learning this stuff is so messy...
19:48.34iEatChildrenthats sweet
19:48.36iEatChildreni love martial arts
19:49.02iEatChildrenim a level 2 in JKD and the filipino arts...and a blue belt in brazilian jiu jitsu
19:49.17MaliutaLapI prefer them not to see or hear me coming, they don't have a chance to fight back then
19:49.32MaliutaLapunless I want them to follow me into a killing field
19:49.57MaliutaLapCCCP army new how to set a nice fire sack
19:50.19seb-i don't have time to do the whole black belt thing...i'm going to try Krav Maga
19:51.10*** part/#asterisk ITguru (
19:51.16[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: JKD is more of a treatise... Gave it a good read and summarized it as "Ball-Fu" given BL's testicle-centric approach
19:51.49[TK]D-Fenderseb-: flash in the pan stuff its hard to prove cert on, etc.  Just like every "ninjutsu" school out there.
19:51.50iEatChildrenJKD is a no art system...there is no "ball-fu" about it
19:52.33[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: In a way, but BL's writings tend to be the "If a guy tries to kick you, kick him first."  Well WTF... why didn't *I* think of that!  ME SO STUPID!
19:53.11iEatChildrenthe dude was amazing fast...he would spend 8 hours a day doing 1 punch on a wooden dummy
19:53.21[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Ask yourself how many "schools" take the "no art" and end up with "no form", "no history", and "no proven track-record"
19:53.39[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: this is separating the art from the artist.
19:53.50iEatChildrenumm....brock lesnar and sean sherk train under inosoanto certified JKD instructors
19:54.12iEatChildrennot that they are good examples of martial artist...but there is a track record
19:54.23[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Yup, those names I know...
19:54.24iEatChildrentry paul vunak...he trains the most elite warriors there are
19:54.46jaytee"If someone tries to kill you, you kill em right back!"
19:54.56[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: I'm talking about the other 90% of those claiming to teach XYZ
19:55.02iEatChildrenthat applies to any art
19:55.07[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Except try to finish yours FIRST !
19:55.21[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Only the common and popularizes stuff :)
19:55.45iEatChildrenyou mean only the arts that you hear about?
19:55.54[TK]D-Fenderdoes like these new & peasant arts. Kickin' it old-school y0!
19:56.42[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: I mean those who generalize Karate, TKD, JKD, BJJ (gee, thanks Gracie's), etc
19:57.04iEatChildrenfirst off... TKD is an art only...its hardly affective ina  fight
19:57.15[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Kyokushin = "Americal" full-contact karate.  Bastard offshoot. probably the most effective fighting style out there
19:57.39iEatChildrengracies proved that, but then it turned in to a marketing system
19:57.50iEatChildrennow you can get a blackbelt online through them
19:58.05iEatChildreni rolled with a couple gracie students at a tourny....i wasnt that impressed
19:58.07*** join/#asterisk Brixius (
19:58.19pmhaddad-worka black belt online?!??!
19:58.25[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Actually the Gracie's proved something entirely different. It's MARKETING, pure and simple
19:58.30iEatChildrenyeah, they have "gracie university" now
19:58.31pmhaddad-workis a third degree black belt in TKD..
19:58.36pmhaddad-worki did NOT get it online lol
19:58.43iEatChildren[TK]D-Fender: they prove bjj is very effective
19:59.00[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: BJJ goes right out the door when the rules aren't steered in their favor.  the first UFC's and its very creation were RIGGED and set to promote gracie BJJ
19:59.05iEatChildrenim not saying all blackbelts are obtained online, but there are a lot of mcdojo's iout there
19:59.13pmhaddad-workand iEatChildren i totally disagree thats its not useful in a fight
19:59.27iEatChildrenbjj does not go out the window...i dont see where you get that
19:59.29*** join/#asterisk adwerw (
19:59.35iEatChildrenthey teach punching and kicking in bjj...its not JUST grappling
19:59.55[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Very effective in UFC.  Lets see those fuckers try flying around like that on CONCRETE and where the enemy can gouge their eyes out
20:00.16iEatChildrenyou cant do all the same moves...i agree there
20:00.23iEatChildrenbut there is a LOT you can still do
20:00.23[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: UFC & its rules were engineers to favour BJJ
20:00.36iEatChildrenso go with pride rules
20:00.45iEatChildrenyou could knee in the head when they are grounded
20:00.58iEatChildrentry rio heros...just about anything goes except eye gouging and hair pulling and biting
20:01.05iEatChildrenbjj works in them all
20:01.05BrixiusHello, I have a question about app_addon_sql_mysql. Not so much in it's use, but in that the connid will not recycle and so runs out after a while.
20:01.22[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: And the first few put up supposed "martial artists" in a match to look like "Karate vs Kun-Fu, who's better?", only to get owned by grapplers who have NO clue what to do when the close is made
20:01.44iEatChildrenthats back when it was style vs that everything is more rounded you dont see that
20:02.15iEatChildrengrapplers are typically afraid to strike or get hit, and strikers hate the ground and panic when they are on their backs
20:02.18iEatChildrenthere is give and take to it all
20:02.33areaywhat does "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" mean?
20:02.42[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: And their qualifications were actually BS.  Shamrock won out like he did because he did have some grappling experience.  However I've watched a bunch of lower-level UFC fights to see a bunch of show-boating ass-clown running around like a circus side-show attraction.
20:02.50[TK]D-Fenderareay: "GTFO" :)
20:03.17areay[TK]D-Fender, lol
20:03.52iEatChildrenim not saying a ground game is all you need, but you NEED to have a ground game
20:04.00iEatChildrenif you dont know bjj you are screwed when you are put on your back
20:04.02[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: having started on the jiujustu component of my training I have a real appreciation for the old warrior way.
20:04.09iEatChildrenand if you dont know a striking game you are screwed on yoru feeet
20:04.10[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: In UFC?  Hell yeah
20:04.18areay[TK]D-Fender, is it because of network settings, or the wrong login information in my sip client (or sip.conf for that matter)?
20:04.18iEatChildrenin real life too
20:04.19*** join/#asterisk gr0mit (
20:04.24*** join/#asterisk stack_ (
20:04.31[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: thats why its almost more "sport" than "fight" in a way
20:04.36iEatChildrenwatch felony fights and tell me how many times they go to the ground
20:04.38iEatChildrenit happens all the time
20:04.57[TK]D-Fenderareay: typically bad user&pass
20:05.00iEatChildrenthats what JKD is about, being well rounded. which is why i practise it
20:05.09iEatChildreneven dana white admits bruce lee is the father of MMA
20:05.18iEatChildrenfedor said the 1 person he wouldnt want to fight is bruce lee
20:05.20stack_I upgraded my Asterisk box's OS from an old version of Ubuntu to Ubuntu Hardy, which no longer has soxmix.  Is there an alternative for joining monitor outputs?
20:05.29iEatChildrenmixed martial arts
20:06.01[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: And Bruce Lee was scared shitless at the proposed fight with Mohammed Ali :)
20:06.08areay[TK]D-Fender, cool, thanks
20:06.11iEatChildrenbruce lee....i doubt that
20:06.17[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: "OMG, he hits me I'll crumple!"
20:06.23iEatChildrenhe seemed like a dick to be honest
20:06.26iEatChildrenbruce knew he was good
20:06.26[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: No, he's quoted for it :)
20:06.48mmlj4"float like a butterfly and sting bruce lee"
20:06.59[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: thats one thing boxers really have going for them.  they take hits.  So few martial arts really do.
20:07.00iEatChildreni can see that if they are talking about straight boxing
20:07.01tzafrir_homestack_, sox
20:07.02*** join/#asterisk Urthwhyte (
20:07.05iEatChildrenbut in an all out fight ali has nothing on lee
20:07.14iEatChildren[TK]D-Fender: and boxers have HUGE gloves
20:07.21iEatChildrenhow many boxers have lasted in mma?
20:07.23iEatChildrennot many
20:07.32iEatChildrenwatched fedor knock a couple flat on their behind too
20:07.34stack_tzafrir_home, right, but how do I tell asterisk to behave differently?
20:07.38[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: technique matters, but so does raw power, timing and the ability to take a hit.  Strategy, etc
20:07.40iEatChildrenand he has a very bizare striking style
20:07.55iEatChildrenanderson silva is talking about going in to boxing....i cant  wait to see it
20:07.59tzafrir_homestack_, IIRC you can write your own soxmix wrapper script
20:08.17[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: How many were real "boxers"?  And again... it isn't aboxing match.  Someone with no kicking & grappling experience is likely to get owned
20:08.25[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: the rules make the game.
20:08.35*** join/#asterisk afink (
20:08.50iEatChildrenwhat if there are no rules? i dont see a boxer getting very far unless hes fighting the average joe
20:08.54iEatChildrenor that good a boxer
20:09.11iEatChildreni hate talking fighting math though.....its been proven incorrect so many times
20:09.19[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: take that power, then take the gloves off :)
20:09.57iEatChildrendepends on the boxing style too though, if they are an inside, outside, or brawler style boxer
20:09.57iEatChildreneach have their strengths and weakness
20:10.01[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Yup, the volume punchers don't necessarily last eather
20:10.18stack_tzafrir_home: is there an example somewhere... I can't seem to find one
20:10.37[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Thats where the endurance ones fail on the street and the power-punchers like Tyson would reign.
20:10.59iEatChildrenthey can if they do it right, like brawlers usually overwhelm in side punchers, outside strikers can use speed and footwork to overcome bralwers...and inside strikers usually overwelm outside boxers
20:11.14iEatChildrentyson was a freak
20:11.19iEatChildrenhe could box inside or brawl just as easy
20:11.25iEatChildrenand had the power for it all
20:11.31iEatChildrenlike his leaping left hook i love so much
20:11.42iEatChildrenhe like hops and throws this thing....and man does it have some power
20:13.15iEatChildreneasily the best boxer ever if his trainer wouldnt have died causing tyson to show how crazy he really is
20:13.50[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Yes, but look at what happens if you play it out a few rounds and Tyson slows down.  thats the trick against him
20:14.04iEatChildrenyeah, thats what happens to brawlers
20:14.06iEatChildrenthey lose their wind
20:14.25iEatChildrenthey have to get those early knockouts otherwise the outside striker will jsut wait and wait till he gets his chance
20:14.49iEatChildrenmost people dont realize how tired you get throwing a flurry of punches
20:15.03[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Just for the love og god don't them land :)
20:15.13iEatChildrenonly takes 1 hit
20:17.06iEatChildrenand earlier...i did say that TKD was useless in a fight...i know thats not true...but i think TKD teaches you some piss poor things to do while in a real fight
20:17.29iEatChildrenbut then again....a blackbelt in TKD probably knows better
20:17.34iEatChildreni would hope so anyways
20:18.29iEatChildrenhow long have you been in the arts now?
20:19.46*** join/#asterisk DarthWar (
20:20.00areay[TK]D-Fender, could one-way audio be a codec problem?
20:20.27DarthWariEatChildren to many peeps in here...
20:21.00iEatChildrenits all good DarthWar....i think the martial arts talk just ended....
20:21.10iEatChildrenif anyone wants to talk martial arts join ##mma
20:21.14iEatChildrensorry for that spam
20:21.22iEatChildreni realize how off topic i got everyone there for a minute
20:21.31DarthWarwell cuz your ebul
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20:23.52[TK]D-Fenderareay: Nope
20:23.58[TK]D-Fenderareay: NETWORKING again
20:24.35areay[TK]D-Fender, kk
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20:25.08[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: a little over 3 years of TSKSR, and interest started about 20 years ago in Wing Chun Kung-Fu & Aikido
20:25.56[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: true kobudo takes the light and fluffy of Aikido and laughs at it :)
20:26.25iEatChildrenlol good
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20:26.49[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: The old school stuff wasn't just "self defense", it was "this is WAR and you're DEAD".
20:26.55[TK]D-Fenderhas no time for "do"
20:28.53iEatChildreni started about 3 years ago with muay thai because its a brutal art, then started including weapons training (jkd and the filipino arts) and doing bjj. now my main focus is bjj.
20:29.09iEatChildrensimply because i enter a bjj tourney about every 3 months
20:30.02iEatChildreni really enjoy the filipino stuff...its some dirty freakin boxing
20:30.11iEatChildrenlots of elbows :-)
20:30.24[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: Add kali then.  Very natural extension for you
20:30.32iEatChildreni do kali
20:30.40iEatChildrenthats included in my JKD arts
20:30.42[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: A member of my class did that as well
20:30.43xusermy 9mm kill kick both your ass :P
20:30.44iEatChildrendan inosanto is HUGE on kali
20:31.02[TK]D-FenderAlrighty, checkout time, BBIAB
20:31.08iEatChildrenlater man
20:31.09[TK]D-Fenderheads home
20:31.10iEatChildrengood talkin to ya
20:32.14*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
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20:33.40jameswfI can now generatte queued callbacks with twitter Direct messages :)
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20:35.59adwerwHow can I add some SIP-users to a particular conference iimediately on their login?
20:36.05iEatChildreni f***ing hate twitter
20:36.34DavidR2008is bored
20:37.11DavidR2008adwerw: what do you mean by their "login"
20:37.53adwerw"login: means - register their phone to aasterisk
20:38.30DavidR2008adwerw: not sure if any event can be triggered by a registration
20:39.35adwerwthis is rather strange
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20:40.05hardwireframe.c:216 __ast_smoother_feed: Dropping extra frame of G.729 since we already have a VAD frame at the end
20:40.15hardwirehow the crap do I get rid of this notice?
20:40.36hardwireinterop with a quintam box.. dunno the make or model yet.
20:43.08nkohhcat log | grep -v "dropping extra frame"
20:43.33nkohhalso, see
20:45.03DavidR2008adwerw: I looked at the docs (cause I'm bored ;-) ) and I don't see anyway of triggering something based on a registration. What you'd probably have to do is write something using AMI that polls every so often for new registrations then, calls them with an auto-answer that bridges in to the conference.
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20:48.00DavidR2008assuming your sip clients support auto-answer
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20:56.40adwerwDavidR2008: thank you for your help - but isn't  this wierd that no one need to execute some code right after registration on user device??
20:57.13[TK]D-Fenderadwerw: Many people ask for it actually.
20:57.29DavidR2008so is possible?
20:58.04DavidR2008is it*
20:58.55[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: Directly no.  Suggestion I made yesterday, poll via AMI for the existance of an exten created by "regexten" for the peer
20:59.18adwerwi think this is "not elegant" - at least
20:59.23DavidR2008ok, so I was accurate in recommending an AMI poll
21:00.03*** join/#asterisk ddickenson (
21:03.11DavidR2008heading home
21:03.14ddickensonhello there, one of these days I'll get good enough at this to give advice in this room, but for now I'm stuck being the guy with all the questions... What all can cause this error 'Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk.ctl exist?)'   I have run into this before when I forgot to su before issuing commands but I'm logged in as root using the 'su -' command
21:03.44EUS-Eric-DCAPyou need to start asterisk
21:03.45[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: * has to be RUNNING, and you have to have rights to it & the PID file
21:03.53EUS-Eric-DCAPservice asterisk start
21:04.01EUS-Eric-DCAPor chkconfig asterisk on and then reboot
21:04.16[TK]D-Fenderloves seeing distro-specific advice thrown around here...
21:04.23hardwireso when I watch the interupt count for irq 20.. holding the tdm card I'm using (4 port t1) it usually stays at 500 per 2 seconds
21:04.31ddickensonlike the centos/redhat etc...
21:04.34hardwireright now it's at 17379 per 2 seconds
21:04.42hardwirewhich seems.. like a lot.
21:04.56hardwirebut it's a lot of small frames going back and forth as well.. for 12 active lines
21:05.01ddickensonyeah it seems that just puts * in a loop trying to start and exiting on signal 11
21:05.09adwerwif you do "service asterisk restart" for asterisk 1.6 - it wont start in routhly 30% of cases
21:05.28ddickensonexit status 139?
21:05.32[TK]D-Fenderadwerw: How wonderfully unqualified!
21:05.56[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: Considered initializing Zaptel/DAHDI first?
21:05.58adwerw[TK]D-Fender: but checket for myself :)
21:06.13EUS-Eric-DCAPrun asterisk -vvvvc
21:06.21EUS-Eric-DCAPand see why it's dying when  you try to start it.
21:07.37ddickensonhaven't initialized dahdi, how do I do that?
21:07.49[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: dahdi_cfg -vvvv
21:08.01ddickensonEUS-Eric-DCAP: That's the command I was running to try and start asterisk that was giving the original error
21:08.38[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: What you tried first wasn't STARTING Asterisk, you were trying to conenct to an assumed alkready started instance
21:08.40EUS-Eric-DCAPUsually when there's an error that prevents asterisk from starting, and it's zaptel related, it's a typo in the zaptel configs
21:09.25ddickensonyou're right, I was assuming the thing started with boot like it was set to and used to be doing.  I take that step for granted I guess
21:09.31[TK]D-FenderEUS-Eric-DCAP: Hardly.  Far more common is the "OMG I just never initialized it and yeah the configs are fine, and I really ought to learn to setup my init scripts in the right order!"
21:09.42ddickensonso check my chan_dahdi.conf
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21:10.11ddickensonyeah when I tried to initialize it kicked out and error.  I guess I have some syntax problems
21:10.32[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: What makes you think that?
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21:12.25EUS-Eric-DCAPyou running dahdi or zaptel?
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21:12.52ddickensonbecause when I ran dahdi_cfg it said configuration file is /etc/dahdi/system.conf; line 0 unable to open master device...etc
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21:13.26EUS-Eric-DCAPwhat happens when you do dahi_cfg -vvv
21:13.36ddickensonthat was with the verbosity
21:13.42ddickensonjust didn't type it
21:13.46EUS-Eric-DCAPI didn't see your message up there.
21:14.31ddickensonI guess I should have typed the rest... line 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/dahdi/ctl'
21:15.03EUS-Eric-DCAPdo a modprobe dahdi
21:15.21ddickensonFATAL: Module dahdi not found.
21:15.55EUS-Eric-DCAPdid you just compile and install dahdi?
21:16.07ddickensonWhat I don't understand is that I had it working and now doesn't seem to be happy at all.  Should I just try recompile dahdi?  This isn't a production system yet
21:16.17ddickensonI did yesterday
21:16.24EUS-Eric-DCAPhave you rebooted?
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21:16.50EUS-Eric-DCAPit can't find the device, there's a way to fix this with modprobe, but I don't remember it.
21:16.54EUS-Eric-DCAPRebooting does the same thing.
21:17.02EUS-Eric-DCAPRecompiling won't hurt
21:17.14[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: What interfaces are you running?
21:17.47ddickensonas in t1 cards and fxo/s etc?
21:17.53[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: yes
21:18.25ddickensondigium 4 port t1 card right now.  Only planning on using 2 ports on it
21:18.42ddickensonI forget the number.
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21:19.26EUS-Eric-DCAPdo this:
21:19.27ddickensonis it possible that if I were to have forgotten in my steps to compile dahdi and then wend and edited a say /etc/dahdi/system.conf or the /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf that it would start kicking out errors
21:19.31EUS-Eric-DCAPare you on centos?
21:19.34[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: modprobe dahdi ; modprobe wcte4xxp
21:19.56[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: then : dahdi_cfg -vvvv
21:20.16[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: Confirm the kernel module is loaded first
21:20.56EUS-Eric-DCAPI think you have to "service dahdi start" before you modprobe?
21:21.00ddickensonit says it isn't
21:21.04ddickensonon both counts
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21:23.44ddickensonI'm trying recompile (or possibly initial compile if I'm stupid and somehow forgot) and then reboot and try that stuff again
21:25.14ddickensonwell when it starts (or rather tries) to start dahdi in the reboot it all fails because modules are missing in the kernel.
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21:32.46nullable_typeCan someone help me with getting g729 working
21:33.25nullable_typeI have in sip.conf allow g729. Also i have the .so file in codecs folder
21:33.27nullable_typestill no work
21:34.52ddickensonD-Fender/EUS-Eric:  So am I just screwed here?  I don't know what could have happened
21:35.03*** join/#asterisk _brent_ (
21:35.32_brent_when a call gets forwarded with a 302 Moved response accompanied by a Diversion: header, will asterisk include any information about the origininal call when it creates the new call leg to the forwardee?
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21:47.57iEatChildren[TK]D-Fender: found out how to get the line voltage....mind if i PM it to you?
21:48.09nullable_typeHey guys fir g729 do i need to reregister after reinstalling Asteisk?!
21:48.28tzafrir_homeddickenson, what is the output of:  lsmod | grep ^dahdi; cat /proc/dahdi/*
21:48.51tzafrir_homeand also:  modinfo dahdi
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21:50.18ddickensontzafrir_home: it doesn't see the /proc/dahdi/ directory so no output at all
21:50.31ddickensonand could not find module dahdi
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21:50.49tzafrir_homefind /lib/modules -name dahdi.ko
21:50.55[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren: load :p
21:51.00AJayMNAnyone know how to add H.264 support into Asterisk 1.2.26 ?
21:51.51iEatChildren[TK]D-Fender: i got these from digium support.....didnt involve load
21:52.50iEatChildrensent it taking off. good talking to you [TK]D-Fender
21:53.04AJayMNI seen someone had a write up about it but the links are broken
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21:53.16ddickensonthe interesting thing about that output is my kernel is the non "xen" version of that same version number
21:57.56nullable_typeD-Fender >> There was a g729 licence installed in a box with asterisk 1.4. I had to reinstall and it seems the licence is gone. I just need to test few things, do i need to re-register g729 or contact digium for this?
21:58.15tzafrir_homeddickenson, uanme -r
21:58.47ddickensonsame kernel except - the xen on the end
21:59.27ddickensonshould I be able to just copy that dahdi directory to the l/lib/modules/{my kernelname} directory and everything be happy
21:59.47ddickensondang... too easy
22:00.24tzafrir_homehow did you point dahdi-linux to the kernel source tree?
22:01.25ddickensondidnt, although I think I switched kernels at some point, possibly after the install... which is all clicking to me now and I feel like and idiot
22:02.24ddickensonstill don't know how to fix it though...
22:05.22tzafrir_homeany chance 'make install' failed?
22:06.17ddickensonno, it gave no such error...
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22:07.19tzafrir_homeIf not, what is the otput of:  modinfo -F vermagic driver/dahdi/dahdi.ko
22:10.49tzafrir_homewell, I'm off now
22:11.31*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
22:11.51ddickensonnot found
22:11.58ddickensonthx for help anyway
22:16.02rob0Module not found, or command not found?
22:16.30ddickensonmodule not found
22:16.35ddickensonim' sorry
22:16.40ddickensoncommand not found
22:17.04rob0modinfo(8) is probably in /sbin
22:17.06ddickensonbut that's because i fat fingered it
22:17.48ddickensonreal output... "modinfo: could not find module driver /dahdi/dahdi.ko
22:18.34rob0I think he was telling you to use a path to dahdi.ko relative to the dahdi-linux source directory.
22:18.59ddickensonyou think that will work?  and how do you do it?
22:19.14rob0You seem to have used an absolute path, /dahdi/dahdi.ko ... obviously nothing there as there is no /dahdi directory.
22:19.52rob0Work? Work in what way? He was simply trying to determine if you had the module properly compiled and installed.
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22:46.59leif[mobile]i don't want to meet your mom!
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22:55.39hardwirecalls IN from an adtran make asterisk spike and want to kill itself
22:55.49hardwiree&m digital trunk
22:55.58hardwirecalls OUT work fine.
22:56.02hardwireoctastic echo enabled.
23:22.36hardwireI retract that.. it's PRI
23:22.54hardwirecan funky bytes on a PRI line hose zaptel/asterisk?
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23:23.42exothermctrying to compile asterisk and I get:  [CC] astman.c -> astman.o
23:23.42exothermcastman.c:95: error: expected identifier or '(' before numeric constant
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23:25.03exothermcwhat would cause this?
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23:32.04exothermcmine looks just like this one:
23:32.11exothermcwhich is all I can find on google.
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