IRC log for #asterisk on 20090423

00:00.45aaroneousI too am faced with the same depressing array of options, tho..
00:00.50KyleKI need a single FXO so I can replace my USR voice modem as an answering machine, its been corrupting data which causes messages to get cut off
00:00.58aaroneousLinkydink and Grand Suck
00:01.14drmessanoLinksys ATA's work fine
00:01.22joobiebtw TK.. i've been playing with AEL for all this queuing.. is the extensions.ael basically a new sort of dialplan formatting used for macros?
00:01.42aaroneousdrmessano: must be one of those few anomalous products..
00:01.43[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: No
00:01.45joobieso we should still use extensions.conf and sorta integrate it with AEL macros in extensions.ael? Is that the way * is heading with it?
00:02.45joobieTK, how should it be used? I just got my head around extensions.conf .. then extensions.ael was a whole new can of worms - not really clear now of the boundry between the two
00:02.55joobieor why * has introduces ael
00:02.56[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: AEL gets parsed back to the same extensions.conf logic as we already use.  It doesn't do anything "more"
00:03.24aaroneouswhich Linkydink FXS is my best bet for single-port T.38 support? (not that I really need T.38 in a QoS-enabled LAN like this, but it would be nice to have anyway)
00:03.41KyleKI wonder if the linksys hardware would work as answering machine, just needs to be able to pick phone up after X rings (instead of immediately) and not react stupidly if someone picks up the line before X rings
00:03.52joobieTK, but why use AEL's to extend the logic used in extensions.conf, when you can use extensions.conf macros ?
00:03.52aaroneousgoogling gave me a lot of conflicting answers regarding which linksys/sippura boxes could do T.38
00:03.58[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: AEL was created so people who want something that looks like another language they use instead of just complaining about it
00:04.10[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: it does not "exten" anything
00:05.12joobieso are asterisk planning to keep both the extensions.conf and extensions.ael to run side by side? because right now im using extensions.conf for basic stuff and sorta putting more larger macros / functions in extensions.ael.. so im sorta using both
00:05.49joobieit's not bad tho I reacon.. AEL that is
00:05.59joobiethere are more functions you can use in there, making the dialplan more flexible
00:08.41[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: No.  AEL gets parsed back to extensions.conf logic.  it does precisely NOTHING more than standard dialplan logic as its parsed.  Its attempt to "structure" the logic in fact RESTRICTS what you can do.
00:09.40pfnit'd be nice if dialplan steps could be all 'n' instead of needing to start with 1
00:10.23joobiei didnt think extensions.conf could do switch()
00:11.24joobiecan the standard dialplan use switch?
00:11.32joobiegoogle didn't bring up anything for me.....
00:12.33[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: You're thinking too hard, or not at all.
00:13.02*** join/#asterisk stoked (
00:13.05joobieTK, with AEL.. i can take a variable and run it through the switch() function..
00:13.12joobiecan that be done with standard dialplans?
00:13.45joobieI just havent come across that sorta stuff in standard extensions.conf.. that's why i thought AEL is a bit more flexible in that it has more support for additional functions
00:13.50stokedjust got my # ported over to my voip provider, but I didn't realize that for some reason the # in the CID doesn't seem to come through properly when going through my asterisk server
00:15.19[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: joobie nothing you can't do in stadard dialplan.
00:15.42joobieTK, what's the function to do switch in standard dialplan?
00:15.52joobiei mean i know it can be done with if and ifelse.. but that's gay
00:15.58[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: go lok what it gets parsed into.
00:16.19joobiei dont follow....
00:16.29joobiemaybe i am thinking too hard.... or too little :P
00:16.39[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: "dialplan show" <- Wake up.  Really.
00:17.12joobiei didnt know that cmd:P
00:17.23joobiesmaks [TK]D-Fender around with a wet trout
00:18.01[TK]D-Fender~cluebat joobie
00:18.01infobotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps joobie.
00:19.05joobiei suddenly feel an overflow of enlightenment
00:20.54joobiei see what you mean TK
00:21.07joobiethe switch() is much simpler to understand though coming from a perl background
00:21.13[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: All it does is get baked backwards.
00:21.14stokedcan anyone point me in the right direction for callerid?
00:21.23joobiei guess it depends on  your background
00:21.57[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Yeah, mine is "OMFG it doesn't do more and definitely does less and fewer people to help me with it and more bugs to deal with?  FUCK IT"
00:22.17joobiebut are * pushing down the AEL path more?
00:22.26[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: No, and you CAN'T
00:22.28*** join/#asterisk maximo (
00:22.38[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: It just gets compiled back.  It'll always have more problems.
00:23.18[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: it isn't an "alternative".  All you're doing is putting the pet in a stupid skirt and asking it to dance.
00:23.19joobiethey could eventually write calls to these lower level functions that extensions.conf is using, direct from AEL
00:23.26[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Nope.
00:23.38joobiethey can
00:23.47[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: because all apps are tied to the concept of context, extension, priority
00:23.55[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: TIED TO IT
00:24.13[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Gotoif <- WTF are you going to "goto"?
00:24.31[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Its just a wrapper.  Get over it
00:24.42joobieTK, think of it how i mentioned above when i was off target
00:24.50joobieextensions.conf being "basic" manipulation
00:24.57joobieand extensions.ael being more complex
00:25.10joobieyou can have placeholders for functions in extensions.conf
00:25.13joobielike for example...
00:25.25joobieanswer(); queue(); hangup();
00:25.29joobiequeue can reference login in AEL
00:25.41[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Actually the reverse.  Extensions.conf is capable of more, making AEL a "simple" or "dumbed down for the masses"
00:25.45joobieso the basic functionality exists in extensions.conf.. and more complex manipulation is offset to the AEL
00:25.58joobieit still returns a result.. but all lower level queue manipulation can be done within AEL
00:26.09joobiethat's how it is as of today
00:26.15[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: What part of "AEL doesn't add 1 ^%#$ING FUNCTION to *" don't you get?
00:26.31joobiemy point is, it is possible to do that
00:26.57joobiesay the AddQueueMember function is made defunt in newer versions
00:27.05joobieand the way to add a queue member is to use functions in AEL
00:27.20[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: by "possible" you must mean "with massively rewriting an * execution engine" yes.  But thats like saying you can turn a car into a plan by completely rebuilding it with airplane parts
00:27.23joobiethe queue() function can still exist in extensions.conf.. but all the lower logic is offset to AEL
00:27.36[TK]D-Fender[20:27]<joobie>and the way to add a queue member is to use functions in AEL <- no.
00:27.52[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Holy shit, its just call's *&#^$ING dialplan apps!  AEL doesn't do shit!
00:28.08joobierelax TK
00:28.15[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Are there any active brain-cells up there at this point?
00:28.21joobiethey are moving around
00:28.23joobiei can feel them
00:28.28joobieyours are bouncing around like crazy
00:28.35[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: It gets ocompiled back.  You use AQM to add a device, you have to use RQM to remove it.
00:28.39[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Its that simple
00:28.59[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: They gave you the tools, they make it so the name itself is blatantly obvious.
00:29.00joobiei hear ya
00:29.15[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Yet you seem to have problems understanding this.
00:29.25joobiei completely understand how it works
00:29.40joobiewhat im saying is just ideas of how AEL can be used with extensions.conf standard diaplan in the future
00:29.53[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: you seem to think "AEL" has some miracle function, or this is any part of how you're "intended" to do to.
00:29.59joobiebecause the problem with extensions.conf standard dialplan today, is that the formatting of the syntax is WAY different to any other coding / scripting language
00:30.15joobiemainstream languages are very similar.. switch() for exmaple
00:30.28denonjoobie: that's because you're scripting a pbx, not a website
00:30.35joobie* goes out on a limb.. which is good to keep it niche, but bad as it makes it harder to learn
00:30.45joobiedenon, that's rubbish
00:30.58joobiei can write a .net applicatino and use functions i use in php for a website
00:31.03denonextensions.conf syntax is very simple to learn and understand
00:31.10denonAEL tends to be *more* complex, needlessly
00:31.13joobiejust because it's a different app doesnt mean it doesn't need to be tottally different to drive
00:31.13[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Yes, well I'm glad AEL makes you feel better about your lack of adaptability, but don't think for a second that it has anything to do with "functionality".
00:31.16denonyou can use either
00:31.24joobiedenon, i disagree
00:31.49joobiei did a switch with AEL.. and to me, it looks alot simpler to the code that standard extensions.conf set out for the switch
00:31.54denonjoobie: the management interfaces lets you do whatever you want .. you could do everything from a .net app based on events if you want
00:32.08denonjoobie: good for you, that's why we offer AEL
00:32.48denonin the end, though, AEL is simply giving a different face to the same underlying functions
00:32.59denonmost of us prefer extensions.conf for it's simplicity and directness
00:33.02[TK]D-Fenderdenon: I'm gray on that... not sure AGI (and varients) give you all the dialplan app functionality as several are really geared towards being used directly within, etc.  Also hanguphandling, etc....
00:33.20[TK]D-Fenderdenon: As opposed to being executed by calls....
00:33.34[TK]D-Fenderdenon: Or is the another kind of interface whose value I've overlooked?
00:33.35denon[TK]D-Fender: well .. you *could* .. it'd be ugly, but I'm saying any more complex logic, if that's the beef
00:33.51[TK]D-Fenderdenon: Oh yeah.. for complex stuf... you don't want to BE in dialplan :)
00:34.05denon[TK]D-Fender: well .. I do .. dialplan's fast :)
00:34.15[TK]D-Fenderdenon: The biggest problem with AEL is.... extensions.conf <-
00:34.32joobieas it has to feed back, which sucks
00:34.37[TK]D-Fenderdenon: Being fast & going nowhere... is going nowhere mighty fast :)
00:34.56denonjoobie: everything has to "feed" somewhere
00:35.01joobiebut in a magical land of gumdrops and sugarcains, there could be a transition to support AEL direct to the code, without having to feed back to extensions.conf in the way it does today
00:35.02[TK]D-Fender* needs typed variables, proper escaping, and RegEx
00:35.21joobienod, but standard extensions.conf feeds back to the src
00:35.26joobieAEL could do the same
00:35.32denonjoobie: compile AEL direct to machine code? it's a configuration, not a program
00:35.33joobierather than feeding back to extensions.conf standard dialplan
00:35.41[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: * would need a completely separate kind of parser for this, and debugging to match.
00:35.47joobienot to machine code
00:35.56[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Once again you'll have to rewrite a ton of stuff.
00:36.00joobieto the C code that the standard extensions.conf ties to
00:36.03joobieTK, agreed
00:36.09denonextensions.conf/ael/whatever .. is a configuration file..
00:36.22joobiebut the upshot of it all is the configuration of dialplans are more standardized with a hell of a lot of other languages
00:36.27joobiewhich makes asterisk easier to configure for the masses
00:36.35[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Including the dialplan apps themselves.  You can still see how AEL can't look quite like another language because of the concept of "extensions"
00:36.51joobieim not saying extensions.conf is not beyond someone understanding.. it's just harder, coming from a general coding/scripting background
00:36.56denonjoobie: if you look in the source, you'll see that the extensions.conf functions look an awful lot like the C functions already
00:37.09[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Yes, especially harder when people don't read the instructions <-
00:38.14joobieTK.. the instructions suck
00:38.15[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: the only things AEL changes are the general removal of priorities, repeating the exten pattern at the start and giving you the illusion of a few more basic structured programming syntaxes from other languages
00:38.33[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: The instructions are almost  completely obvious.
00:38.38joobienot for queues
00:38.47joobiei found leads to defunt functions in standard dialplans
00:38.52joobieand references saying use AEL
00:38.59denonthis is such a cyclic channel
00:39.04[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Read the apps and stop praying there's a way around everything.  There is a hammer in front of you.  Its made to hammer a nail, stop trying to use it as a screwdriver
00:39.04joobieheck the documentation on how to do queue management that came with 1.4 was all based on AEL
00:39.23joobie.. just a thought
00:39.34[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: What doc are you referring to exactly?
00:39.35joobiethat said, standard dialplan rocks
00:39.39denonjoobie: you've got the source .. submit a patch.
00:39.52[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: "Came with 1.4" my ass
00:40.06[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: WIKI is unmaintained crap contributed by "who knows"
00:40.16joobie.that is all based on AEL
00:40.17jayteehey! I know that guy!
00:40.27joobiei didn't want to use AEL.. but heck, the documentation forces you down that route
00:40.47joobieit's not queues-with-callback-members-aelstyle.. it's just generic, queues-with-callback-members
00:41.01[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: "forces"?  Get real
00:41.06joobiehey jay :)
00:41.28joobieTK, ok forces is not the best selection of words :P
00:41.37joobie"steers" is more relevant
00:41.48AsteriskDominfobot: AEL
00:42.12infobotael is probably Asterisk Extension Language - a dialplan language with 'c like' syntax?
00:42.12[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Yes, and the first sentence APOLOGIZES for showing you a sample with AEL
00:42.12joobielol :)
00:42.22joobieit does :)
00:43.34[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: And that sample has the very specific code showing you to RemoveQueueMemeber.  Yup... you looked REALLY hard :)
00:44.24joobieTK, I used RemoveQueueMember to get rid of that Local/1000 queue member.. BUT, was just hoping that to remove a stale queue member, there would be a CLI command
00:44.29[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: This is a really bloated sample...
00:44.41joobieit seems limiting that you have to write a dialplan function to cleanup a stale member
00:44.45joobieit is
00:44.54joobiemine is based on it, but very much cut down..
00:45.04joobiethere's a lot of crap in that one..
00:45.17joobiebut as a queue noob, it gives you the full picture which is good
00:45.27[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: I also love how the code sample for the "pre-acknowledgement" is in STANDARD extensions.conf.  Consistency = 0
00:45.41joobiehehe :)
00:45.56[TK]D-Fenderand some broken/worthless logic
00:46.02joobiewhere is your love for AEL TK.. where is the love..
00:46.22[TK]D-Fenderactually., ALL of the GotoIf's in the sample are BROKEN <-
00:46.56*** join/#asterisk Tuxguy (
00:46.57joobiehis queue-addremove() function is pretty creative though
00:47.09joobieone call for two funtions
00:47.20[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: All AEL does is bring more people in here who find bugs with it or can't figure it out and expect it to do things it can't.  It does not add to *'s functionality
00:47.24joobiewell 5 functions even
00:47.41joobiei hear ya
00:47.50[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: What do users really want?  They want SIP-B, better codec support, reduced overhead, video conferencing, and so on
00:48.02[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: AEL is a petty distraction by comparison
00:48.45[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Yes, and their function is just the same worded as [macro-zomgitsamiracle]
00:49.07joobieneway i have to wrap up this queue.. speaking of distractions *cough* #asterisk *cough* :P ..
00:49.18joobieyer.. i get your point TK:)
00:49.49[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Yes... no from where we started... go RQM them and move on :p
00:53.18thedonvaughnMy switch just crashed at work with: [Apr 22 19:37:35] WARNING[23844] asterisk.c: Accept returned -1: Too many open files
00:53.27thedonvaughnshould i be raising ulimit?
00:54.46TuxguyAnyone get this error before? configure: error: C preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check .. cpp gcc etc is installed
01:04.19stokedanyone know how to passthrough the callerid # from the provider to an extension?
01:05.50*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
01:05.51stokedI keep getting the extension name as the #
01:09.28[TK]D-Fenderstoked: pastebin is your friend.  SHOW US
01:09.30infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
01:10.04*** join/#asterisk grx0 (n=root@
01:11.45Hazukiwowwwwww, VoIP gateways are expensive
01:11.53HazukiMediatrix's 4116 SIP hub is $1100 ><
01:12.01Hazukithe boss is going to poo masonry over this
01:13.55stokedwas there something output you were asking for?
01:13.56*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-a5c458dbf409ac8c)
01:14.33stokedI setup the mbu400 to connect directly to my provider, and it seems to get the CID # properly
01:14.43stokedso I must have messed up something somewhere in my asterisk config
01:14.52[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Linksys SPA-8000 + SPA-3102 = 9FXS, 1 FX0 ~ $310 USD
01:15.41Hazukiwe need one FXO and no FXS
01:15.42[TK]D-Fenderstoked: Where do I see you NoOp-ing the callerid?  Wheres the actual code in addition to the CLI output?
01:16.05[TK]D-FenderHazuki: If you don't need any FXS, then WTF is that Mediatrix for?
01:16.32Hazuki[TK]D-Fender: to connect 10 phones from inside the office
01:16.50Hazukione FXO for the business phone line, and the Mediatrix to multiplex it through * to 10 phones
01:16.52[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Wakeup time.. thats what FXS IS <-
01:17.03infobotextra, extra, read all about it, fxs is foreign exchange station - or the type of port you need to connect a analog device (phone, fax machine) to a pbx
01:17.09stoked[TK]D-Fender in my extension devices, the number shows up as the name, but the extension name shows up as the number
01:17.10[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Analog phone interface <-
01:17.32[TK]D-Fenderstoked: NoOp it in your dialplan, and pastebin the code & the result
01:17.33Hazukihm, so if I were to get a 1 FX0 10 FXS device, would that handle everything?
01:17.43Hazukithe single line in, and the 10 lines out?
01:17.44[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Were there such a thing
01:17.56stokedsorry... I'm a asterisk newb, how do I do that
01:18.22[TK]D-FenderHazuki: It'll take 2-3 device for anything reasonable to come to the combination you're looking for at anything resembling "cost competitive" like what I suggested at > 1/3 the cost
01:18.27grx0can't believe hazuki is still trying to use any POTS....
01:18.36Hazukigrx0, this is my boss's decision
01:18.41Hazukihe has a certain use case he wants
01:18.55[TK]D-Fenderstoked: NoOp(name = "${CALLERID(name)}" number = "${CALLERID(num}")
01:18.58HazukiI'm the new woman in the office, his first tech type...past a certain point I can't say "we shouldn't do this"
01:20.27[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Do you already have a good analog patch-panel infrastructure for your office to plug this all into?
01:20.57HazukiHe wants to do this with a single server (Vostro 200), a 1-FXO 0 FXS card, and a VoIP hub
01:21.16Hazukihe's going to have to run the phone lines from each desk down to the basement in a drop, like he did with the ethernet cables
01:21.58[TK]D-FenderHazuki: 1st tip : ditch the term "voip hub".
01:22.07HazukiI know it's ignorant, I
01:22.09Hazuki'm sorry ><
01:22.20Hazukithis has been a long day, he doesn't know entirely what he's getting into, this is new to me...
01:22.31[TK]D-FenderHazuki: He wants 10 analog phones and 1 analog line.  He doesn't give a rats ass about the kind of equipment that takes those in
01:22.58Hazuki[TK]D-Fender, is there a simpler, cheaper method than a Digium FXO card and this thing from Mediatrix?
01:23.12[TK]D-FenderHazuki: So its a question of what will do the job with good quality & some semblance of cost-effectiveness.
01:23.23[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Frankly having only 1 analog line is a disaster.
01:23.44HazukiThat part isn't up to me
01:23.49[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Means 1 guy on the line and you don't get more callers in.  No VM, no outbound while anyone is talking, etc
01:24.15stoked[TK]D-Fender seems like name/number is shown correctly
01:24.25Hazukiwhat do you suggest he does then? I thought Asterisk was supposed to handle the heavy lifting about multiplexing all this
01:24.41[TK]D-Fenderstoked: Looks like your provider doesn't send the name
01:24.46[TK]D-Fenderstoked: So not *'s fault
01:24.58stoked[TK]D-Fender no I don't need the name
01:25.04stokedI need the number
01:25.28[TK]D-FenderHazuki: If you have 1 line, * can't miraculously let you do more with it that you can with regular phones.  If you're using that line no more calls come in.  Plain physics
01:25.37[TK]D-FenderHazuki: * doesn't give you more connectivity than you have
01:25.44stokedin my devices, I get the number as the name which is fine, but the the extension name shows up as the number
01:25.46[TK]D-Fenderstoked: Seems you have the #
01:25.55stokedmakes it pita to call a number back
01:26.19stokedyeah that's odd, I tried removing the stdexten and did a straight Dial and got the same thing what is this about concurrent calls then?
01:26.27Hazukiif there's only one call going at a time...
01:26.42[TK]D-FenderHazuki: You call out, someone calls in. FAILURE
01:26.44grx0theres only one pots line which means 1 phone call total outside the system
01:26.48stokedbut on my device I can setup mutiple voip accounts, so I set it up directly to the provider and it works fine
01:26.53grx0someone calls they get a busy signal if someones on the phone
01:26.57Hazuki[TK]D-Fender, he does have another line, but it's his personal phone
01:27.13[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Fat load of good it does everyone else
01:27.20Hazuki[TK]D-Fender, I *know.*
01:27.27HazukiYou're yelling at the wrong person >>;
01:27.38[TK]D-FenderHazuki: No.. you're the messenger... I can't yet at him :p
01:27.52[TK]D-FenderhazzPass this on, will ya... "You're a moron"
01:28.14Hazukiso if he wants to have, say, 10 calls at once, one to each agent, he's more or less boned and needs 10 lines?
01:28.20grx0thinks a "This is a bad idea, thers many cost-effective ways to do this that don't involve a single pots line"
01:28.32[TK]D-FenderHazuki: 10 calls = 10 channels to the PSTN.  Do the math.
01:28.35grx0he needs to probably get a sip trunk if he's too cheap to pay for a t1/pri.
01:28.53sachgrx0 i was just about to suggest that
01:28.58[TK]D-FenderYup, most ITSP's offer good multi-channel rates
01:29.05HazukiI thought so...I was considering telling him that. trying to weight "which is worse; the new girl contradicting him but saving his bacon later, or going along with it?"
01:29.08sachthat makes the most sense. that way you can expand dynamically
01:29.22grx0you dont have to directly contradict him to show him he's wrong :D
01:29.35[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Talk "dollars" to him.  Thats what they understand.  Callers frustrated at getting a busy tone = lost $
01:29.45Hazukiso instead of a business-class POTS line, he should get...what's the technical term for this, X-channel SIP line?
01:30.00grx0just tell him you have a suggestion as to a better way that you were enlightend to by a crack team of VoIP specialists :)
01:30.05sachI think it's called SIP trunking
01:30.07rob0Always be a professional. Never set your sights lower than that. Even if it gets you fired, it gets you fired for doing the right thing.
01:30.18rob0(and in the long run you'll benefit overall)
01:30.20[TK]D-FenderHazuki: next term to drop "business class POTS".  Its a F-ing dumb analog line... stop evangelizing it!
01:30.22Hazukirob0, you're right...thank you, I'm just so nervous ><
01:30.34Hazuki[TK]D-Fender, three days ago I'd never heard any of this okay?
01:30.50[TK]D-FenderHazuki: And it should take you less that 1 to drop :)
01:31.00Hazukithis is entirely new, worse than that day 5 years ago when I started Linux with a Gentoo install CD and the docs and not a clue
01:31.10[TK]D-Fenderhangs a giant "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"" banner
01:31.25grx0[TK]D-Fender: well the business class is like premium prices on sale...19.99$ for 20.00$!
01:31.37grx0same pots for more $
01:31.44HazukiOkay then, what are the words the professionals of the world in general and the people here in particular prefer for just about everything?
01:31.47[TK]D-Fendergrx0: Now on special at 50% off twice the original price!
01:32.39[TK]D-FenderHazuki: "1 dumb analog line, 1 dumb administrative plan".  That about sums it up
01:32.59[TK]D-FenderHazuki: An analog line does what we've all seen for the past Century pretty much
01:33.11Hazuki*Googling SIP trunking*
01:33.24sachHazuki, good idea
01:33.27Hazukiso he needs to find a provider who will give him...a 10-channel SIP trunk?
01:33.34Hazukino, that would be too easy wouldn't it
01:33.37[TK]D-FenderHazuki: T1 links have other signalling options and functionality.  ITSP's let you leverage other connectivity at more competitive scaling.
01:33.41sachdon't need to go that far
01:34.06sachmany offer an expandable method
01:34.06[TK]D-FenderHazuki: "Need"?  No.  We aren't here to tell him what he needs.  Only to advise on what will FULFILL them.
01:34.14HazukiOkay, let's go back to what he wants: one line in, 10 lines out, all talking out at once if necessary. What is the way to do this?
01:34.24[TK]D-FenderHazuki: 1 in, 10 out.  Doesn't work like that.
01:34.29sach1 line in?
01:34.40[TK]D-FenderHazuki: you are mixing "out" with "# of phones I want just on the inside"
01:35.19HazukiRephrase: "he wants to pay for one connection from the outside world and multiplex it among 10 phones inside the office, and if necessary all 10 should be able to be talking at once." Better?
01:35.24[TK]D-FenderHazuki: What we're debating is your PSTN connection, not the device you want to use so your people can have a phone at their desk
01:35.38drmessanoMake it look like a sunflower
01:35.50[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Can YOU have an analog line carry 10 conversations to different destinations at the same time on it?
01:35.56sachthat man is insande
01:36.06Hazuki[TK]D-Fender, I do not know. I don't know. This is not my expertise
01:36.08[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Can I get that in cornf-lower blue?
01:36.18sachno, not over that network
01:36.23[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Do you have an analog phone line at home?
01:36.34drmessano[TK]D-Fender: You can get it in any color you want, as long as it's white
01:36.35[TK]D-FenderHazuki: can YOU do 10 calls at once on it?
01:36.39Hazukistop lecturing me on the physics; I'm just confused over the terminology
01:36.54drmessanoOh nice
01:36.58[TK]D-FenderHazuki: 1 dumb analog line = 1 call.
01:37.19Hazukihe wants to do something where he pays for one unit of conenctivity service (however the Hell you want to put it) such that he can multiplex it among 10 phones and have them all using it if need be
01:37.19drmessanoDamn analog users
01:37.21[TK]D-FenderHazuki: that it starts with you calling out, or another call coming in, its still just 1 call
01:37.41drmessanoI think hes getting mad
01:37.46[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Oh, all will be able to use it... just limited to 1 at a time <-
01:37.55HazukiAt the same time, if need be
01:37.58sachHazuki, you can keep the analog line for incoming calls, and then set teh outbound route to a sip trunking provider. that is probably the best way to do it
01:38.05*** join/#asterisk Faithful (n=Faithful@
01:38.07[TK]D-FenderHazuki: "Joe is on the phone?  Oh shit, he's gonna take forever!"
01:38.18[TK]D-FenderHazuki: No "same time".  its 1 line
01:38.26HazukiWhat am I misunderstanding here?
01:38.35HazukiHe can't get some big chunk of bandwidth or something?
01:38.43[TK]D-FenderHazuki: You're at home, can someone else pick up one of your phones to place a separate call?  No.
01:38.58[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Are we talking POTS here, or an ITSP now?
01:39.05HazukiITSP I suppose
01:39.06rob0You can also have a telco sell you rollover lines, so a single number is called, and any (the first available) of 2 or more lines would ring.
01:39.15Hazukisince POTS seems to be a dead end for this
01:39.27sachyes, it is.
01:39.34rob0I think sach has a good idea.
01:39.34[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Well yes, you can use your internet conenction to pass as many calls as your plan with an ITSP & bandwidth support
01:39.37*** join/#asterisk Faithful (n=Faithful@
01:40.18HazukiOooookay. Where would he go to get SIP trunking, and how would he do the think sach mentioned about redirecting to an outbound provider?
01:40.28infobot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
01:40.49[TK]D-FenderHazuki: and this wouldn't be "redirecting", this would jsut in place of bothering with analog "lines" at all
01:41.00sachthanks [TK]D-Fender (and infobot)
01:41.00infobotbitte, sach
01:41.17sachloves bots
01:41.20Hazukiso if he got this ITSP, how would this work? I'm utterly lost now. What kind of cables would tis ITSP run, what do they need to connect to...?
01:41.26*** join/#asterisk siera08 (n=chatzill@
01:42.08sachHazuki, does he have a broadband line connected to the asterisk server?
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01:42.22HazukiWe don't have any of the hardware yet. He wants to have this all planned out ahead of time ><
01:42.29[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Call via IP on your internet connection.
01:42.33infobot[voip] Voice over IP
01:42.43HazukiI know what voip is...I talk to my love over it
01:42.56infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
01:43.01[TK]D-Fenderthere you go
01:43.30Hazukiso he needs a service where he can originate and terminate (the equivalents of FXS and FXO signalling?)
01:43.34[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Shop around for the one offering the best rate package for a plan that best scales to your needs
01:43.43[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Forget FXS/FXO no
01:44.00sachright, if he insists on the stupid analog line, then just keep that for the incoming, and route outgoing through the ITSP
01:44.07[TK]D-FenderHazuki: they send your calls to the PSTN (and get them from there).  What devices you talk on in your office is YOUR concern
01:44.22rob0What you want is termination.
01:44.37[TK]D-FenderHazuki: For which I'd suggest an SPA-8000 + PAP2, both from Linksys.  Cost < $300
01:44.38rob0(assuming you keep the POTS line for incoming calls)
01:44.42Hazukihe wants people to be able to call in, have * route it to agents...
01:44.46[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Wants BOTH
01:44.48*** join/#asterisk Faithful (n=Faithful@
01:44.53HazukiI would rather do this all digital honestly
01:44.58HazukiI'll see if I can talk him out of POTS
01:45.10Hazukisince he apparently didn't understand either that 1 POTS line = 1 concurrent call
01:45.11[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Excellent idea, wish we came up with that earlier!
01:45.20sachthat would be the most sensible option
01:45.27HazukiCut it out. I've never dealt with any of this and he's making me nuts
01:46.24rob0We never cut anything out. Well ... if we do, we'll feed it to you.
01:46.25HazukiWhat does this look like in the office? When you buy from an ISTP, do they install new cabling?
01:46.37sachfalls over and dies
01:47.00rob0cuts out sach's heart
01:47.14HazukiI'm sorry it's a stupid question ;-; this is a long goddamn day and the boss's cluelessness is getting me and ugh
01:47.19[TK]D-FenderHazuki: I don't thikn you're following.  its INTERNET TRAFFIC
01:47.30[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Do you have a special cable for the "voip" you already do?
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01:47.33sachHazuki, they are run __THROUGH__ the internet
01:47.34HazukiBut he doesn't need a new separate DSL modem or something?
01:48.03[TK]D-FenderHazuki: He needs an internet conenction.  Doesn't matter what as long as it has the bandwidth to support the amount of calls he's expecting
01:48.13Hazuki15 mbps cable should be enough to handle his office net needs plus up to 10 simultaneous calls at say 85kbps
01:48.20rob0Does the office have computers and Internet already?
01:48.20[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Separate?  Not necessarily
01:48.26Hazukirob0, yes
01:48.34Hazuki15 mbps TWC, 5 Ubuntu nodes
01:48.37Hazukigoing to add 5 more
01:48.52[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Ok, your current connection is more than fine
01:49.02HazukiI did enough research to know that much at least ><
01:49.08Hazukiremember, I did read 200+ pages of the O
01:49.14Hazuki'Reilly book
01:50.34HazukiSo, he just has to order service from an ITSP, I need to open the relevant ports on the firewall, and then...?
01:50.41*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:51.36sachwell, you have to setup aseterisk but that should be it
01:53.01Hazukiand asterisk will handle all the switching and autonegotiating and conversion and everything?
01:53.56*** join/#asterisk pmhaddad (
01:55.04*** join/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
01:55.35Pegasus_RPGDoes anyone have experience with using * in conjunction with a legacy PBX behind it?
01:55.46Pegasus_RPG(With the goal of phasing out the legacy system)
01:57.18[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Pretty much
01:57.39*** join/#asterisk nauticalthinker (
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01:58.05[TK]D-FenderHazuki: * processes calls the way you set it up to with whaver you configure to have it talk to.  ITSP's, analog or digital interfaces, SIP phones, etc... a call is a call is a call.  All the same to *.
01:58.17HazukiSo I'm still going to need the 4116 to connect all 10 phones to, but no need for an FXO card, and the Asterisk server will need to be on the network because all its traffic comes/goes from it?
01:58.56[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Get multiple DID's from your ITSP and want one treated differently than another?  Sure.  Want your calls handled differently on tuesdays nights where the Cubs won their last home-game and its currently raining?>  Sure
01:59.05[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Forget the 4116... overprices.
01:59.25HazukiOkay, just need something that can connect 10 phones to Asterisk and allow calls in/out in any permutation of them
01:59.58[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Phones connected to * is 1 part.  * can handle ALL of them placing calls at one.  Where they GO is another matter
02:00.35*** join/#asterisk blkry (
02:00.40HazukiYes, but I need to know what kind of hardware is needed to connect all 10 phones to the server. And where they go...well, if he gets SIP trunking from an ITSP I can just point *'s outbound handler at that?
02:00.44nauticalthinkerany of you guys know nec 2400 programming?  I need to send all voicemail from nec to asterisk server
02:00.56[TK]D-FenderHazuki: <- 8 down for $250
02:01.16[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Yes * can handle it all...
02:01.33Hazuki[TK]D-Fender, thank you :) Sorry I'm so ignorant on this, it's that he's rushing me and I had no time for thorough research ><
02:01.53Hazukiso any ATA will do it, so long as it has ethernet in back for the server and FXS in front for the phones?
02:02.15[TK]D-FenderHazuki: <- 1 of these for your other 2
02:02.37[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Well the one you were looking at is BIG.  More than you needs
02:02.54HazukiI know, but no one makes a bloody 10-FXS port ATA ><
02:03.02[TK]D-FenderHazuki: My way is < 1/3 the cost
02:03.15[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Not ECONOMICALLY priced that is
02:03.17HazukiYes, I saw...that will help temper this "Boss, we got a problem, we need SIP trunking" email a lot
02:04.10[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Look at it as the fact you can recuperate the cost of paying for that line and your overall connectivity will flourish without extra hardware costs
02:04.37HazukiYes, the $320 or so on those two plus an SIP trunk will pay for itself in less than half a year of not having 10 bloody analog phone lines
02:06.45[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Well do confirm the actual connectivity costs.  Each provider bundles up their services differently .
02:07.19Hazukiwhat kind of plan would I be looking for? It's not "one channel = one concurrent call" is it?
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02:08.51[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Yes, it is.. its a question about how many channels your plan supports at a price you'd prefer to pay vs the alternatives :)
02:09.17HazukiSo whatever we decide on in the end, it has to be "10-channel SIP trunking?" Still not sure of the right words for this
02:09.35[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Yeah, that term is accurate enough
02:11.05Hazukiokay, if I'm using AsteriskNow, would having an 8-FSX and a 2-FSX ATA connected make it harder to configure?
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02:13.31[TK]D-FenderHazuki: not really...
02:13.58[TK]D-FenderHazuki: those 2 devices are pretty close tot the same to configure and each port acts largely like a separate device anyway
02:14.20HazukiSo it wouldn't be insanely complicated compared to having a single ATA hooked up? I can tell both of them to respond on the same incoming number but, say if the extension was 0001-0008 it goes to the first one and if 0009 or 0010 to the second?
02:14.46Pegasus_RPGIs is possible to have the telco service into the * box and be able to transfer calls to extensions on the PBX if all I have between them is analog FXS/FXO connections?
02:15.02*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (
02:15.58[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Each port is independent
02:16.28Hazuki[TK]D-Fender, so it wouldn't matter much what combination of ATAs were connected to * and how many portd each had since * will configure each port separately?
02:17.04[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Each IS separate from the other.  how you want calls to be sent to them is up to you.
02:17.31HazukiThe devices with 8 are just more convenient, compact forms than 8 single FXS adaptors then?
02:18.03[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Yes, you may as well consider that as 8 independant devices duct-taped together with a common web interface to configure
02:18.23HazukiWonderful! I was hoping it was like that(nice analogy too ^^)
02:18.29[TK]D-FenderHazuki: a pretty well layed out tabbed admin page actually
02:19.02[TK]D-FenderHazuki: I've configured 2 of these remotely already
02:19.02HazukiNice o.o
02:19.15HazukiI *am* going to need a second NIC for second ATA though rigth?
02:19.46[TK]D-FenderHazuki: These all just get thrown on the same switch as your * box.  No need for dedicated NIC's
02:20.22HazukiI should have realized will it know how to communicate with the * server though? I thought the ATA had to go into the server
02:20.54*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
02:21.37Hazuki...or do I just set the router to give the ATA a static IP and tell the * server to find it thereZ?
02:22.20[TK]D-FenderHazuki: IP <_  Its all just IP
02:22.40[TK]D-FenderHazuki: * doesn't need to know where the ATA is inherently, the reverse is the norm
02:23.05[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Your devices "register" to * and * knows where they are then
02:23.16Hazukieven if their IP addresses are changing?
02:23.29[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Geernally they won't reall... and yes
02:23.51[TK]D-FenderHazuki: the devices will reregister frequently and on getting a new IP, etc
02:24.19Hazukiand they're smart enough to seek out a running instance of *, on a network, when needed? Spooky
02:26.44[TK]D-FenderHazuki: No... thats what we call "configuring my device" :)
02:26.50[TK]D-FenderHazuki: It isn't magic.
02:27.02[TK]D-FenderHazuki: IP, user, pass.  Thats the usual minimum
02:27.09HazukiI suppose I'll see it when it can't be much harder than DD-WRT or Tomato
02:34.59[TK]D-FenderHazuki: To configure the device, a lot less.  Configureing ASTERISK is another matter.
02:35.04[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Keep reading!
02:35.26HazukiI thought AsteriskNOW provided enough GUI tools to make it pretty painless >>;
02:37.28[TK]D-FenderHazuki: LOL... far from
02:37.51[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Actually... if you use FreePBX with it, that is at least largely "complete".
02:38.02[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Asterisk-GUI is far from
02:40.18*** part/#asterisk dzup (
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02:44.09[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Not familiar with.  Just be aware that you do sell away the control * offers you when you run a GUI
02:44.29HazukiI know. And as a Gentoo user that idea grates on me. But I also don't have time to learn *
02:44.47Hazukiit's less a PBX solution and more a PBX programming language, and I just don't have the time now
02:45.11[TK]D-FenderHazuki: Good understanding.
02:45.39HazukiI like the idea. It's great. But sometimes you need a house fast and don't have the skills to build it brick by brick with no manual
02:45.41[TK]D-FenderHazuki: I'd say to grab the latest AsteriskNOW ISO and install that using the FreePBX interface to start and see how long that floats you
02:45.53Hazuki*nods* That's the plan...I'm reading docs on the site as we speak
02:45.56[TK]D-FenderHazuki: just know that configuring it is not supported here, but in their own channel if you need support
02:46.03infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
02:46.05*** join/#asterisk captiancrash (
02:46.16HazukiThanks for the warning, before I started asking about it :p
02:47.43[TK]D-FenderHazuki: we can still help with your hardware and general understanding questions, but actual configuration will land you in "don't ask" territory :)
02:48.07Hazuki*nods* Thanks so much for your help. My head hurts from all the new knowledge but it's a good hurt
02:48.14Hazukiand knowing this stuff will make me more valuable
02:48.27*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
02:49.27Hazukicurls up in front of the fire with her Hatsumi plush and snoozes z_z
02:56.28*** join/#asterisk ecret (
02:58.18[TK]D-Fenderloves his new (used) Roland XV-3080
03:04.44*** part/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
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03:22.25sachok off to lunch.
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03:49.07jplankwould you believe this is actually in one of  my companies fluff pieces about asterisk "Based on Linux, sparing the IT group the need to constantly install software patches for the Windows operating system.   "
03:49.41jplankI loved it
03:50.18rob0An unsecured Linux can be as bad, if not worse, than a Windows.
03:51.41rob0Not that I really disagree with the selling point, I guess.
03:54.02drmessanoAs if "Not being windows" is really a selling point for something not traditionally run on windows\
03:54.20drmessanoMy toast "isnt windows".. so fuckin what
03:54.26drmessanoMy toastER "isnt windows".. so fuckin what
03:55.11florzno, toasters are netbsd, of course
03:57.37[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Next, Asterisk is a piece os SOFTWARE, not an operating system, and you'r right... doesn't require patches, only completely recompiling including kernel modules
03:57.46[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Next, Asterisk is a piece os SOFTWARE, not an operating system, and you'r right... doesn't require patches, only completely recompiling including kernel modules
03:59.06jplankWell it said "based" on linux
03:59.16[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Whic it isn't
03:59.22jplankbut I guess anything that doesn't run on windows is ++1
03:59.54[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Linux is based on UNIX in the sense that it at least implements most POSIX style interfaces and happens to be an OS kernel as well
04:00.01florzjplank: 1 is not an lvalue
04:00.03[TK]D-Fenderjplank: But * CAN run on Windows.
04:00.24[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Sorry little fish, but you're swimming upstream on this one...
04:00.32jplankhey now, I didn't write it, I thought it was funny
04:00.51pdmmm[TK]D-Fender: u can argue Linux isnt based on UNIX actually
04:00.51jplank* can also be run inside VM, doesn't mean it should :)
04:00.59pdmmmits more of the stepchild of UNIX
04:01.16florz[TK]D-Fender: BTW, Linux is a piece of SOFTWARE, too.
04:01.37[TK]D-Fenderpdmmm: "based" in the sense of at least trying to emulate in some larger capacity, not an implied derivaive
04:02.26[TK]D-Fenderpdmmm: I'll lump this in the same family as nit-picking what WINE is ;)
04:04.18pdmmmi actually made my statement to be funny
04:04.18pdmmmbut i agree
04:04.19pdmmmAsterisk is arguably a software application, which too has needs to be upgraded as development continues.
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04:04.53jplankI think they were getting at the whole update every second tuesday of every month thing, and still break everything
04:05.30jplankbut I'd rather build and secure a linux box over a windows box any day of the week
04:06.13pdmmmmac has a update every tuesday :)
04:06.32jplankdoes mac's updates break something every tuesday?
04:06.43pdmmmmy heart. :(
04:07.17pdmmmim a little loony, i've been putting in long hours @ work
04:08.39jplankits hard to get mad at that though, working late goes synonymous with any type of tech career
04:14.44[TK]D-Fender[00:06]<jplank>does mac's updates break something every tuesday? <- in 2005 OS X 10.4.2 Killed my marketing department when an SMB issue caused Adobe Illustrator to CRASH constantly.
04:14.56[TK]D-Fenderjplank: so... YES, it was a very bad tuesday
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04:17.15jplankI'm no way near a mac person, but if you need to go back to 2005 to find the last time a update broke something, makes it a hard comparison against windows
04:18.06drmessanoI dont remember a critical break in windows like that going back at least that long
04:18.48drmessanoUnless you count XP SP2, but thats 2004
04:19.51[TK]D-FenderSP2 never posed a problem for me.
04:19.54jplankwindows botched attempt at the daylight savings time update
04:20.46jplankor windows sending out an update, without notifying anyone it changes the way permissions worked, and TONS of businesses losing email access
04:21.24jplankI remember that day very well, our IT guy was in Japan, and everyone was looking at me to fix the mail server
04:21.52drmessanoI remember nothing of the sort
04:22.03drmessanoCertainly not "tons" of businesses
04:22.44drmessanoand the DST updates were prior to the time change, so while they were wrong, there was no effect from it
04:23.13jplanktell that to the tons of people who were sending calendar invites into the future
04:23.35drmessanoWhere are you getting these numbers?
04:23.42drmessanoTONS and TONS?
04:23.57jplankthe permissions issue effected EVERY bes install
04:24.04jplank(I'm looking it up)
04:24.07drmessanoI remember very few issues from any of the updates.. most stemming from LACK of updates
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04:24.41jplankand the DST issue, I'm judging by the weeks of receiving calendar invites from various companies that had the wrong date/time
04:25.01drmessanoAgain, lack of updates
04:26.50stokedis there a setting in Asterisk to set the "Contact" attribute in the SIP INVITE packet?
04:27.24[TK]D-Fenderstoked: its typically the userid for the peer
04:27.46stoked[TK]D-Fender ah thanks... I'll try that... think that's what my callerid problem is
04:27.56stokedI compared tcpdumps in wireshark
04:28.11jplankcan sipaddheader modify the contact field?
04:28.22[TK]D-Fenderstoked: And you still haven't shown your configs or the SIP debug of the call * places to your phone
04:28.49[TK]D-Fenderstoked: Now I DO know a very specific parameter that many people set and shouldn't than can cause this precise thing.
04:29.02[TK]D-Fenderstoked: So please PB up your peer masking only passwords
04:29.23jplankdon't forget to mask the fact that your using trixbox ;)
04:29.33jplankfender loves that
04:30.31theharlurks more
04:34.54[TK]D-Fenderfromuser=mbu400 <- CULPRIT
04:35.14stokedoh what should I use?
04:35.16[TK]D-Fenderstoked: and "type=peer" <- what it should be generally
04:35.39[TK]D-Fenderstoked: just REMOVE the "fromuser" line
04:35.50stokedk will try
04:36.51stokedthat works now
04:37.08[TK]D-Fenderstoked: You're welcome
04:37.21[TK]D-Fenderstoked: And the real issue is the Fron: header being overriden
04:37.45stokedyeah I noticed that in my tcpdumps
04:38.14stokedawesome thanks man, much appreciated
04:38.38[TK]D-Fenderstoked: No prob
04:46.06*** join/#asterisk Beave (
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04:51.24Beavehey gang....
04:51.56Beavedoes anyone know of a voip adapter (1/2 port) that supports SRTP or IAX2 encryption (less likely I know) ?
04:54.10jplankis there any command that would let me read from a list, and check if an entry is in the list, from the dial plan?
04:55.12[TK]D-Fenderjplank: depends on what this "list" is
04:56.47jplankjust a list of phone numbers
04:57.12BeaveWriting a AGI comes to mind...
04:58.18Beavejblack: would be trival to do....
05:00.28jplankI was hoping for something that worked like authenticate
05:02.01Beavejplank: not that I can think of right off...  but again,  an AGI.....
05:02.04[TK]D-Fenderjplank: ok, maybe the concept doesn't come so quickly to you.  It doesn't matter what data you have in your list, it matter what your list is STORED IN.
05:02.30[TK]D-Fenderjblack: What is it?  a DB?  A text file?  Somehting you have to lookup off a web server?  Pulled out of thin air?
05:02.42[TK]D-Fenderjplank: ^^
05:03.03jplankohhh, I got you
05:03.17jplankI meant just a text file (hence my reference to authenticate)
05:03.35jplankbut really, a text file, DB entry, whatever could work
05:03.51jplankI'd use astDB, but doesn't that get cleared after a restart?
05:04.06[TK]D-Fenderjplank: No
05:05.06[TK]D-Fenderjplank: "core show application authenticate"
05:05.12jplankerr actually I don't think astDB would work, I could only do get and put
05:05.28[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Put data in, and you can check if its there <-
05:05.31jplankauthenticate prompts for a password
05:05.41[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Yes & no.
05:05.55[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Read it again and open you mind a bit.
05:06.18jplankoh wait, astDB would work huh, I could just make the item I'm searching for the key
05:06.26jplankand the value is irrelevant
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07:29.25Psychobillyhello, i have a prob with * 1.4, i have this in my ael code and its not working: SEC=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%S)};
07:29.38Psychobillyi get this error
07:29.40Psychobilly[Apr 22 22:14:31] WARNING[28515]: ast_expr2.fl:407 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '<token>'; Input:
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07:31.05Psychobillyin the other hand this wirks perfectly: Saynumber(${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%S)});
07:31.23Psychobillyany ideas?
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07:32.27stochastikIf I have a TRUNK=SIP/bob and TRUNK=SIP/matt, is there a way to load balance which trunk gets used?
07:37.32wdoekesfor dialing Dial(${EXTEN}@${TRUNK}) in your extensions?
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07:42.28[gnubie]can anyone highlight the advantage of using 1.6 over 1.4?
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08:25.38proxiumHi everybody, I have to install Vicidial and astGUI/Vicidial on a separate server, but I can't found any document or Help about it, can anyone tell me if is it possible to do so, and how it's done ?
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08:34.25popolinuxI try to send fax with txfax(), but I have an error : "set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from alaw to unknown"
08:34.40popolinuxAnybody know this problem ?
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09:26.42EmleyMoorWhen I have sip debug on, do all headers appear regardless of the core verbose setting?
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09:31.40hi365all sip headers, iirc
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10:40.28plundraCan't you get announcing in a queue, when using ringing instead of moh?
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10:48.42aryonocohi, I have a question about compiling dahdi-linux under Xen (Amazon EC2 to be exact)
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10:49.26aryonocoI have the source of the kernel installed and available, but I don't know how to set KVERS in the makefile to compile for that kernel
10:49.33aryonococan anyone help?
10:55.39tzafrir_laptoparyonoco, yes, you, by helping to test
10:55.47tzafrir_laptopIt is reported to work
10:56.19tzafrir_laptopKVERS defaults to the output of uname -r
10:56.45tzafrir_laptopit is also the name of the directory under /lib/modules
10:58.58aryonocook, if it defaults to uname -r then it should be fine
10:59.06aryonocojust another question about dahdi-tools
10:59.18aryonocothe documentation only mentions two ./configure options for it
10:59.26aryonoco./configure --without-ncurses CC="gcc-4.10"
10:59.41aryonocois there anything else I can set?
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11:06.55aryonocodahdi-linux compiled fine, but I'm having issues compiling dahdi-tools
11:07.48aryonocoI got the current dahdi-tools tarball,, and did the following
11:08.14aryonoco./configure cc=gcc-4.0.2
11:08.17aryonocomake install
11:08.18aryonocomake config
11:08.49aryonoconow any program that I want to run can't find and other standard libraries
11:09.15aryonocofor example apt-get says: apt-get: /usr/local/lib/ no version information available (required by apt-get)
11:09.29aryonocoany hints on what I'm missing here?
11:10.15tzafrir_laptoparyonoco, aptitude install build-essentials
11:10.39tzafrir_laptopnots of the existing, pre-built dahdi packages
11:11.45aryonocothanks for that tzafrir_laptop
11:11.46tzafrir_laptoparyonoco, though those do not contain this patch
11:11.57aryonocobut these are all Debian packages
11:12.03aryonocoare there any Ubuntu ones?
11:22.16tzafrir_laptoparyonoco, no
11:22.31tzafrir_laptopthough it is probably mostly a matter of rebuilding
11:23.03tzafrir_laptop(and then adding backport/* scripts)
11:27.12aryonocotzafrir_laptop, thanks
11:27.28aryonocobut do you know of any particular reason why compiling from source doesn't work?
11:34.16Psychobillyi have a prob with * 1.4, i have this in my ael code and its not working: SEC=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%S)};
11:34.19Psychobillyi get this error
11:34.32Psychobilly[Apr 23 14:34:10] WARNING[29206]: ast_expr2.fl:411 ast_yyerror: If you have questions, please refer to doc/channelvariables.txt in the asterisk source.
11:34.49Psychobillyon the other hand this works perfectly: Saynumber(${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%S)});
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12:01.51merlin8282Hi ! Is there a way for a non-queuemember to pickup a call that is ringing in a queue ?
12:01.58merlin8282using Asterisk 1.4.22
12:02.42frehmerlin8282, Joining the queue.
12:03.19frehyou could add an extension that executes the AddQueuemember() application
12:04.16merlin8282ok. In fact, i'm trying to program an extension that offers the possibility to pickup a ringing extension without knowing its number (such as *8XXX without knowing the XXX)
12:04.57frehThen someone just dials that extension and ends up as a queuemember
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12:06.31frehmerlin8282, I have no experience with that. Here I have an extension that just adds queuemembers, and another that removes them
12:06.49merlin8282Ok, i'll search this way.
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12:07.37frehBut you're idea might be possible. I'm just starting to use queues myself
12:09.05makafregood morning all, I would need help with voicemail messages that are not attached to e-mails
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12:09.11creativxmerlin8282: just to pick up any ringing extension in a given queue?
12:09.30merlin8282creativx: yes
12:09.43creativxshould be possible
12:10.12creativxbut whats your motivation
12:10.25creativxif you have 2 queue members in a call, and a 3rd call comes into the queue
12:10.33creativxdo you want a backup person to be able to snap up that 3rd call
12:11.03merlin8282something like this, yes.
12:11.04makafreif I delete all messages from INBOX and leave a voicemail, file msg0000.wav is created but asterisk looks to attach msg0001.wav to the e-mail
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12:11.24creativxmorning [TK]D-Fender
12:12.03merlin8282creativx: in fact, we don't really have a hotline, but I use a queue instead of Dial() a variable containing all members I want.
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12:12.24creativxmerlin8282: well.. im not sure how that would be done in extensions.conf
12:13.17Quintanaje suis le maître du monde !
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12:13.31merlin8282I already am able to pickup intern ringing phones (internal calls), but not calls coming from external.
12:13.37merlin8282Quintana: menteur
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12:16.40makafreguys,  if I delete all messages from INBOX and leave a voicemail, file msg0000.wav is created but asterisk looks to attach msg0001.wav to the e-mail, what is wrong?
12:16.44merlin8282What I'm doing is picking up the last ringing phone (each time a call is placed or received I update a database variable)
12:17.30merlin8282...and then Pickup() with this variable does.
12:18.05merlin8282My problem is now setting this variable when an external call comes in, into my queue.
12:18.12tzafrir_laptopPsychobilly, please use verbosity level 3 and see what you actually run. Also: can you pastebin how the generated dialplan looks? dialplan show <name of context>
12:18.41Quintanamerlin8282, ;)
12:18.49Psychobillytzafrir_laptop the erors i pasted where from the console with ver set to 3
12:18.52merlin8282This variable is set to the phone that has to be rung.
12:19.20merlin8282Hence this problem : which number does a queue have ? XD
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12:19.49atis_workPsychobilly: ok, what was your question? i recall some knowledge of STRFTIME :)
12:19.53Psychobillytzafrir_laptop and thats the generated dialpan :  4. Set(SEC=$[${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%S)}])      [pbx_ael]
12:20.14merlin8282An alternative for me could be to not use a queue and come back to a Dial() based solution.
12:20.17*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
12:20.20Psychobillyatis_work:  i have this in my ael code and its not working: SEC=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%S)};
12:20.24Psychobillyi get this error
12:20.29Psychobilly[Apr 23 14:34:10] WARNING[29206]: ast_expr2.fl:411 ast_yyerror: If you have questions, please refer to doc/channelvariables.txt in the asterisk source.
12:20.41Psychobillyon the other hand this works perfectly: Saynumber(${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%S)});
12:22.20atis_workPsychobilly: i never used pure variable assignations in AEL, it's weird..
12:22.32atis_workPsychobilly: try using Set(a=${...}) in AEL
12:22.42Psychobillyok let me try
12:24.14Psychobillyit worked!
12:24.18Psychobillythx atis_work
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12:25.08Psychobillybut again why the first assigment method didnt worked... strange
12:26.05Psychobillythe old line was interpreted as Set(SEC=$[${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%S)}]) the new as Set(SEC=${STRFTIME(${EPOCH}||%S)})
12:26.30jjshoein voicemail.conf does format= also tell it which greeting to play first? like busy.wav vs busy.WAV or is there some other order of priority going on?
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12:27.26atis_workPsychobilly: not sure, AEL tends to wrap everything it considers an expression in $[...]
12:27.27[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: automatic the same as codec negotiation
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12:31.32defsdoorhello - remember my problem yesterday - no voice on sangoma a101 pri - turned off hardware echo canx and it works
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12:32.25J4zenHi there, quick question. I remember there being an AGI tool for asterisk which users could use to check their voicemail and forward calls, pretty basic and easy to use. Does anyone remember the name of such an application
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12:32.39J4zenit might have been bundled with a previous version of Trixbox or so
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12:33.33ariel_Morning everyone
12:35.01[TK]D-Fenderdefsdoor: In some rare cases teh HWEC buffer can get locked up and all voice gets stuck spooling in there.  there is a fluch command for this but i don't recall what it is
12:35.57[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: "forward calls" = not unless you have a whole lot of other dialplan, and if we're talking about trixbox this is not even a question to ask here.
12:36.22[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: "Asterisk" has no such thing, its 3rd party
12:36.51[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: "core show application voicemailmain" <- there's how to check your voicemail.
12:38.05J4zenTrue, but it was a standalone agi script that is used commonly with Asterisk. It's not a part of Trixbox, as i recall it used to be bundled with it.. might have been something else. Since im merely asking about the name of an AGI script people commonly use with Asterisk vanilla i figured this would be the best place to ask.
12:38.09J4zenCorrect me if i'm wrong
12:39.37[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Not possible.
12:39.52[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: there is no "forwarding" unless your entire dialplan revolves around it
12:40.15J4zenyou're right, i missed that.
12:40.17J4zenthanks [TK]D-Fender
12:40.35J4zenMust have been trixbox/freepbx after all
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12:42.58[TK]D-FenderJ4zen: Every dialplan is custom so you can't jsut throw around an AGI that is expected to have any impact on other aspects of your dialplan unless you're in a complete cokie-cutter GUI world.  Was kinda silly to ask...
12:43.28ariel_I would like to know if anyone has had any issues in sending calls via sip to IP address of an asterisk system from a Cisco 3845.  We get the call starts ringing but as soon as it's answered it hangs up.
12:43.31J4zenyeah you're absolutely right, completely missed that. busy day i suppose :)
12:44.49[TK]D-Fenderariel_: If you're going to ask then you should really already have a pastebin of a complete failed call attempt at verbose 10, and SIP debug enabled ready to show us....
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12:45.14[TK]D-Fenderariel_: c'mon... you know how this works...
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12:46.27ariel_[TK]D-Fender: well yes I know but what is the biggest issue is that they all show it's working normal.  Only sign it has different is that the Cisco sends a Sip 487 which is a hang up.  At this stage I am just fishing as all appears normal.
12:47.21ariel_I will have all the logs from the 3845 later on today as my provider is going to be sending them.  Just wondering off handed if anyone has seen this issue. As google and other voip FAQ don't have any clue.
12:48.41[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Don't fire shots off randomly hoping there is a documented case with your model # directly attached to it.
12:48.54[TK]D-Fenderariel_: this is almost never the case.  So Go provide backup.
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13:10.40mazpeis 'username' deprecated from sip.conf?
13:10.48mazpei keep seen: chan_sip.c: The 'username' field for sip peers has been deprecated in favor of the term 'defaultuser' on my 1.6.x
13:12.08*** part/#asterisk merlin8282 (
13:13.40creativxmazpe: that would be a wild guess?
13:15.07[TK]D-Fender"What is this warning under the big red button labeled 'Don't Touch' trying to tell me?"
13:15.22mazpeexactly my point.
13:15.28mazpeno red button :)
13:15.46mazpei was just wondering if it changed for sip peers... or all sip types.
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13:18.07EmleyMoorIf I wanted to have a go at rewriting my dialplan in ael, for 1.4, is that AEL v2?
13:19.09eppigyDONDE ESTA
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13:20.00Iskorptix_when I change timezone in voicemail.conf , messages still comming with bad time
13:20.10Iskorptix_what else I have to change to make an impact to time ?
13:20.14[TK]D-Fendermazpe: in 1.6 "peer" is the only real type
13:20.20Iskorptix_(system has uses time)
13:20.27[TK]D-Fendermazpe: the concept of "user" & "friend" are being done away with
13:20.34Iskorptix_(system uses good time*)
13:20.40EmleyMoorIskorptix_: What do you mean by "bad time"?
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13:21.16mazpe[TK]D-Fender: i see
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13:22.04Iskorptix_EmleyMoor: for example I'm getting such messages from asterisk :  <...> Date: Thursday, April 23, 2009 at 01:10:42 PM <...> , but I know that time is ok , I mean the time should be 16:10pm
13:22.52EmleyMoorIskorptix_: What time zone are you in?
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13:23.27mazpethis is my sip account:
13:23.40EmleyMoorSo 14:10 UTC...
13:23.48Iskorptix_EmleyMoor: yes
13:23.50mazpemy phone registration is just username: gc100 and password: 100
13:23.54mazpethat should work right?
13:24.30captiancrashIskorptix_, not sure if it's here, but i have a lot of issues with time + linux when my hardware clock isn't set correctly....
13:24.40mazpeall i get is: chan_sip.c:18390 handle_request_register: Registration from '<sip:gc100@;transport=UDP>' failed for '' - No matching peer found
13:25.29EmleyMoorIskorptix_: What name have you used for the timezone in voicemail.conf?
13:25.36Aiatektake off
13:26.08EmleyMoor(Oh - was that the time 15 mins ago? If so you are UTC+2 (UTC 13:10))
13:26.16EmleyMoorUTC}3 even
13:26.16*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
13:26.36Iskorptix_EmleyMoor: tz=central |||||||  central=Israel/Jerusalem|'vm-received' Q 'digits/at' IM
13:27.08Iskorptix_captiancrash: I bet hardware clock is not important here, because I have few other applications running there and they provide me ideal time
13:27.28EmleyMoorIskorptix_: Hold on...
13:28.30EmleyMoorIskorptix_: Change it to Asia/Jerusalem
13:28.34*** join/#asterisk oej (n=olle@
13:30.09Iskorptix_EmleyMoor: same
13:30.34Iskorptix_EmleyMoor: oh no
13:30.36*** join/#asterisk captiancrash (n=jonmoore@
13:30.38Iskorptix_it worked
13:30.44Iskorptix_thanks a million EmleyMoor !
13:31.00*** join/#asterisk arnuld (n=arnuld@unaffiliated/arnuld)
13:31.01mazpeAiatek: still not authenticating
13:31.19Aiatekremove it too
13:31.47*** join/#asterisk arnuld (n=arnuld@unaffiliated/arnuld)
13:31.52Aiatekand make a reload after thtat in the CLI
13:32.02mazpeno luck
13:32.04arnuldI did  a lot of google search but did not come up with anything
13:32.26mazpeyet if i change the username in the device to phone_101 it works
13:32.46Aiatekim eas looking that right now
13:33.08*** join/#asterisk arnuld (n=arnuld@unaffiliated/arnuld)
13:33.22arnuldIf I am using "asterisk" to make some calls then it sends return code 5 for busy call  and 4 for successful pick-up of the call
13:33.22EmleyMoor(I think it was giving time at the IDL!)
13:33.29*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
13:33.48arnuldbut asterisk does not return anything if user picks-up and then disconnectes the call
13:34.12mazpethe username has to the same as the sip name?
13:34.14EmleyMoor(Yankee time)
13:35.08arnuldhow can I know if the user has disconnected the call
13:35.25arnuldbecause on disconnection I am not getting anything as return code
13:35.36arnuldor is this a feature of asterisk
13:35.52arnuldand I need to do something else to get this thing done
13:36.14angryuserarnuld, what do you mean that you dont get anything ? no sip message "BYE" ?
13:36.51angryuseror CANCEL
13:37.42arnuldangryuser, Actually I am using Astersk Manager API
13:38.33angryuserarnuld, i cant help you then, have you enabled all rights for your client ?
13:38.46angryuserin manager.conf
13:38.52arnuldangryuser, yes
13:38.58*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
13:39.26angryuserarnuld, that's all guess i got
13:41.42arnuldthanks anyay
13:43.02*** join/#asterisk kchehab (n=CK@
13:43.16kchehabMy scenario is incoming call to asterisk which asterisk in its term  will dial it through its trunk .
13:43.16kchehabI recognized that Asterisk is sending two invites to My Trunk GW IP as you can  see in the debugging below
13:43.16kchehabThe first is the default and the second when asterisk receives a 200 OK
13:43.16kchehabWhy Asterisk(B2BUA) is  acting like that,  and from where I can get the asterisk sip dial call flow
13:46.25*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
13:47.03mazpeAiatek: any other ideas?
13:48.07*** join/#asterisk RypPn_OuT (
13:49.00[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: Enable SIP debug at * CLI and pastebin a complete failed call attempt from beginning to end.
13:49.03infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
13:54.12*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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13:58.15MatBoywhen you can hear a "non ok line message" on a asterisk box but no sound during a call ? is sound actually working well than or not ?
13:59.14*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
14:01.34ChainsawMatBoy: DTMF tones and busy/congestion signals might well be carried out of band.
14:01.51ChainsawMatBoy: In which case, no, you can not rely on these tones as an indication that the audio stream setup is working correctly.
14:02.41kchehab[TK]D-Fender kindly find my debugging at
14:03.05kchehab[TK]D-Fender its an etherral debug
14:03.26[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: and I told you to get * SIP DEBUG from CLI.
14:03.33kchehabok i will
14:03.37[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: This does not provide any packet detail
14:04.08[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: And please use , I don't want to scroll the a textbox the size of a postage-stamp
14:05.43*** join/#asterisk maximo (
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14:10.40kchehab[TK]D-Fender kindly find it at
14:10.58kchehab[TK]D-Fender its a sip debug
14:12.04[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: link is bad
14:17.23MatBoyChainsaw: ok... than I have to look further
14:17.26*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:17.47jayteeanyone needing a good laugh go to the end of the first or top of the second page of Digg and look for a link regarding Denise Richards. One of the funniest videos I've seen lately.
14:19.26[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Seen the "Flamewar" vid on CH?
14:19.35*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
14:20.56captiancrashwhen i'm using any fuction that playsback a file (such as Playback, or even entering voicemail) the first second or so is cut off as heard from the other end.  normally, i solved this with Wait(1) in my dialplan, but this seems like a bad solution..
14:21.06jaytee[TK]D-Fender, nope. CH?
14:21.27[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: 100% Comedy Gold
14:21.39captiancrashis there a better way of inserting a delay before playing back a file?  (the problem happens when going into voicemail, joining a conference, using followme, etc..
14:21.46alvarhi all
14:23.02[TK]D-Fendercaptiancrash: better than WHAT?
14:23.34*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (n=user@
14:24.23jayteeomg! that is priceless!
14:24.24captiancrash[TK]D-Fender, right now, i do something like "8100,1,Wait(1)" before VoiceMail() to solve the voicemail problem.  this solution doesn't work other places
14:24.43[TK]D-Fendercaptiancrash: Playback(silence/1) ; or 2, etc
14:25.10*** join/#asterisk astassistant (
14:25.37[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And though she seems a little young for me, I'd bang that chick in the Bustedtees video ad like a screen-door in a hurricane :D
14:26.03*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
14:27.29kchehab[TK]D-Fender kindly find it on and sorry for the Inconvenience
14:27.35*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=zeeesh@
14:28.05jaytee[TK]D-Fender, have you seen this one?
14:28.09captiancrash[TK]D-Fender, when I use the followme app, the same thing happens.  The "Press 1 to accept 2 to ignore" starts to playback before i start hearing audio on the phone... i pick up the receiver and it takes about half a second or so before i hear anything.
14:28.24captiancrash[TK]D-Fender, i don't see a way to insert the wait before that... am i missing something?
14:28.24angryuserhello, i have a person wiilling to play message for his clients, the problem is that he has really many clients, and for the second i dont find any good autodialer soultion to a given volume with a goo administration interface, 3 mil of clients 20 sec message, any ideas ?
14:29.00[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: .... same vid...
14:29.22*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
14:29.39[TK]D-Fendercaptiancrash: Sorry can't comment on that apps usage.  its nothing yuo can't do yourself in pure dialplan anyway
14:30.45jaytee[TK]D-Fender, sorry. I kept watching the following vids. guess the number doesn't change
14:31.08[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: whats the name?
14:31.26jayteeit's this one
14:31.54jayteethe part at the end is my favorite part
14:32.15[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yup... kinda funny, and somewhat true actually... mind you I've been playing guitar for almost 20 years now :)
14:32.19eppigySTACK GUAP
14:32.23kchehab[TK]D-Fender did you see it ?
14:32.36*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (
14:32.50ThoMeist the zaptel-dummy-driver in the package of asterisk- ?
14:36.49ThoMedahdi ?
14:36.51SuPrSluGum,it's in the zaptel package
14:36.59SuPrSluGthat too
14:37.23ThoMeSuPrSluG: where is the package?
14:37.38ThoMe here?
14:37.44ThoMeis the renamed in dahdi ?
14:38.05infobot[~dahdi] Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAhdi). The new name of zaptel More info at , and is pronounced "dah-dee" with a short A, or pronounced like
14:38.09[TK]D-FenderThoMe: old news
14:38.13ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: hello.
14:38.17SuPrSluGyes and the tools have an app to change the dialplan instances
14:38.26SuPrSluGof zaptel to dahdi
14:38.35JerJerwho's your dah dee
14:38.41ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: for meetme i need dahdi, correct?
14:38.49[TK]D-FenderThoMe: Ye
14:38.57ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: i sir! have a nice day!
14:39.46*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
14:40.06SuPrSluGTK, I thought you we're going way old skool w/ the Ye
14:41.16[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: Going even older-school back to the days when people knew how to spell :)
14:41.29kchehab[TK]D-Fender HELLO
14:41.32*** part/#asterisk Joe_CoT (n=joecot@ubuntu/member/pdpc.bronze.joeterranova)
14:41.33[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: Not sure of whats going on in there.
14:42.39SuPrSluGShakespeare Day 23rd April
14:43.10kchehab[TK]D-Fender is it normal or not ?
14:43.14[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: Or as we like to think of it : Happy Ubuntu 9.04 Day :)
14:43.24ThoMeworks asterisk of a XEN-machine?
14:43.29[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: Not sure, it looks like the call is bouncing around in there.
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14:53.57pwebguyHello all. Can someone point me to a resource for verifying encryption for IAX channels?
14:54.34pwebguyI have done packet captures with wireshark, and cannot see any differences
14:54.42pwebguyMaybe I am looking for the wrong thing?
14:55.23pwebguyI found this .
14:56.13pwebguyBut definitely do not see the same packets
14:57.03*** part/#asterisk gego (
14:57.28haibCan you send smdi over serial with asterisk, or can it only receive?  Looking at the smdi.conf it seems like it can only receive, it can't send smdi over serial, correct?
14:59.04*** part/#asterisk pwebguy (n=pwebguy@
15:01.47*** join/#asterisk crevetor (
15:01.54crevetorHi everybody
15:02.17crevetorquick question : is it possible to specify menuselect choices non-interactively
15:02.46crevetorI would like to select the french sounds for instance but without having to enter menuselect
15:04.20pmhaddadthere might be an option you can pass to ./configure
15:04.23pmhaddadlet me check
15:04.37crevetorpmhaddad: I didn't see anything in the ==help
15:04.38Psychobillycre yes, these options are saved in menuselect.makeopts file
15:04.42Psychobillycreativx *
15:05.12jayteeso you could overwrite the existing file with a template of the options you want from another file using a script
15:05.48crevetorjaytee: that's what I thought but I was looking for an easier way to do this..
15:06.29crevetor./configure option would be great but I didn't see anything in the --help
15:06.50jayteeeasier? how hard is it to run make menuselect one time, copy the file and then create a two line shell script to overwrite?
15:07.04Psychobillyor a sed onliner
15:07.14jayteeare you creating some kind of custom distribution?
15:07.45pmhaddadcrevetor, yeah there is no ./configure option
15:08.08pmhaddadi thought it might let you choose the langauge before you got to actually compiling, but apperently not
15:08.43crevetorjaytee: not that hard but my build environnment is different from my work environnment
15:09.06crevetorjaytee: so the resulting menuselect.makeopts are different
15:09.33crevetorjaytee: yes, I'm creating my own packaged version
15:10.02jayteecrevetor, is the packaged version meant to match the options for the work environment?
15:11.16makafrejaytee: by the way, if you want to keep the same menuselect options between builds you can copy menuselect.makeopts to /etc/asterisk.makeopts and menuselect will take that file as your defaults for future builds
15:11.35crevetorjaytee: the packaged version should include everything I need but I don't want to install all the dependencies in my work environnment
15:11.51jayteemakafre, didn't know that. that's very handy item for future reference. thanks!
15:12.28makafrenp, it sure is handy  :)
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15:12.55crevetormakafre: from what I've read that's also true with a ~/. file
15:13.10makafrecrevetor: yes
15:13.14jayteecrevetor, since most packaged versions of * are precompiled I don't see where the problem really lies, you compile once with the options you need and that becomes the binary template for the package.
15:13.23*** part/#asterisk makafre (
15:14.14crevetorjaytee: The issue is to make sure that the sounds get built when asterisk gets build in the build environnment
15:14.47crevetorAnyway I think I have the solution
15:15.01jayteecrevetor, I understand that part but what I meant was when you build the "package" is the package precompiled?
15:15.32jayteeif you compile * with the sound options you want and then just include /var/lib/asterisk/sounds as part of the package, you're there!
15:15.51crevetorjaytee: no, it builds in a build environnment and then it's automatically packaged
15:16.17*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:16.34jayteecrevetor, and this "automatic" packaging tool? it doesn't allow custom configuration of the package?
15:17.20*** join/#asterisk atis_work (n=atis_wor@
15:17.20crevetorIt does, that's not really the issue. The issue is that the build tool is non interactive
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15:17.46crevetorjaytee: FYI I am using pbuilder to create an ubuntu package
15:18.42jayteecrevetor, you might ask about options in the Ubuntu forum or if there's a pbuilder forum for ways to customize the build options for the package.
15:18.50jayteemost people in here just compile
15:19.18crevetorOk, thanks for the help
15:19.37jayteeyou welcome, wish I'd had a better answer for ya
15:20.05angryuseri am still searching for a good autodial solution ;)
15:20.29Dealer2mogetteHello everybody
15:20.47angryuserdoes someone know one ? maybe some kind if .call file generato with database connexion ?
15:21.06crevetorDealer2mogette: huhu I love this tune
15:21.23Dealer2mogettei have a question concerning a script i would do but i don't know if i must ask  here or on #asterisk-dev
15:21.36Dealer2mogettecrevetor: you are french ?
15:21.51crevetorDealer2mogette: french but I live in Quebec
15:22.14Dealer2mogetteok ^^ i don't know that this song was known in Quebec
15:23.23crevetorDealer2mogette: I've only lived here for a year, I've known this song in France
15:25.27Dealer2mogetteno answer so i ask here :
15:25.29Dealer2mogetteI want to do a script which is locate on the client and send a message to the asterisk server. The message is to tell to the server if the client is "online" or "away". Do you know how can i do this ? Actually I have read about Asterisk Manager Interface and Asterisk Gateway Interface but do you know over possibility to do this ? How will you do this ?
15:27.05[TK]D-FenderDealer2mogette: Depends how you want to indicate "away".  What do you want to do on the server side?
15:27.26[TK]D-FenderDealer2mogette: How would the server lookup this state? (lets forget about how the client will toggle it for a moment)
15:27.54ruben23hi anyone can help setting my asterisk to use public IP....for its eth0 and local IP for it serve my Sip client.
15:27.56*** join/#asterisk ghento (
15:28.16crevetorDealer2mogette: implement the hinting part of a sip client
15:28.19[TK]D-Fenderruben23: * will use both interfaces jsut fine, there is no "setup"
15:29.10Dealer2mogette[TK]D-Fender: ok so clients are a support team ! so when one is available asterisk can send the call to it
15:29.18ruben23[TK]D-Fender: ill just add up the IP values on both ethernets then will communicate...
15:29.31ruben23no NAT setup..or other config
15:29.50ruben23my SIP client gateway would be the local IP i right..>?
15:30.00[TK]D-FenderDealer2mogette: Yes, well how does * make the DECISION to call?
15:30.27*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (n=NONE@
15:31.59Dealer2mogette[TK]D-Fender: i'm sorry, i don't understand yout question :/
15:33.14[TK]D-FenderDealer2mogette: You say you want to indicate a "state" of being "available".  Where are you having Asterisk CHECK for this?
15:33.34casixruben23: no nat is nedeed you have too legs one from * to sip on public ip and anoter from * to the other sip device on lan side
15:33.35*** join/#asterisk clintc (
15:34.47ruben23casix: i have this problem for a month honestly....can setup a public IP on my asterisk box
15:35.22ruben23still asterisk box is in local..behind nat...want to change it into public..
15:35.34casixruben23: bindaddr= in your sip.conf
15:35.45ruben23yes..i have that
15:35.58casixis asterisk listen in both interfaces?
15:36.26ruben23casix:what you mean...?
15:36.45casixthe machine have two interfaces, no?
15:36.59ruben23the machine have 2 interface right..
15:37.12casixand is asterisk listen in both?
15:38.31ruben23casix: i dont have do i setup to listen on both interface..
15:38.50Dealer2mogette[TK]D-Fender: i don't know, it's not me which have configure this. But do you know if with AGI, AMI or another thing, i can "change the state" of a client in the server ?
15:38.54casixruben23: netstat -na
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15:39.11[TK]D-FenderDealer2mogette: Ok, you seem to lack some key understanding of things.
15:39.20Dealer2mogetteyes :s
15:39.27*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
15:39.32[TK]D-FenderDealer2mogette: there is no global flag to say that a device is "unabailable".  You have to CODE IT in yuor dialplan yourself
15:40.15[TK]D-FenderDealer2mogette: The decision on wheter to try to call a device or not is all dialplan.
15:40.21ruben23casix: can i PM you..? if its ok..
15:40.36Dealer2mogetteok and how can i do this simply ?
15:41.30[TK]D-FenderDealer2mogette: go read the book and decide how you want to store this "status" you are going to invent, and look at where you want to check for it in your dialplan.
15:41.33infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
15:41.36proxiumHi, I have this message in asteriskcli "> Channel SIP/1111-0a438390 was never answered." what does it stand for?
15:42.01[TK]D-Fenderproxium: You placed a call, they didn't answer.  What is there to fail to understand here?
15:42.01ruben23casix:Private message
15:42.04*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
15:42.44casixI prefer not... maybe someon know somthing that I don't no, well maybe not... shure :P
15:42.53proxium[TK]D-Fender: But it only rings one time
15:43.11[TK]D-Fenderruben23: i can't believe you are still not finished with this. THERE IS NOTHING TO CONFIGURE.
15:43.48[TK]D-Fenderruben23: What don't you get?  you do "bindaddr=" and * will listen on all interfaces.  this is what is used in just about ever example and is almost certain to already be done in yours.
15:43.57[TK]D-Fenderruben23: there is no "configuring".
15:44.11[TK]D-Fenderruben23: You are INVENTING work that doesn't exist.
15:44.31Dealer2mogette[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks ! but i have read some chapters of this book and i found some interresting things on AGI and AMI. But if i have well understood i can't do this with AGI and with AMI it's possible but all accounts must be "manager" ?
15:44.44*** join/#asterisk matrix1233 (n=Administ@
15:44.53matrix1233hello evry body
15:45.08matrix1233how can i spy a channel with asterisk 1.2
15:45.20matrix1233i have a ZAP channel
15:45.22casixruben23: if this is you netstat -na asterisk is no listening or is not listening in port 5060 (default)
15:45.42[TK]D-FenderDealer2mogette: Stop thinking of AMI & AGI as magic.  your dialplan makes decisions about how to processes a call.  its your job to create it.
15:46.22*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
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15:48.38matrix1233spy channel ?? :-$
15:49.10ruben23casix: its not listening to the ports 5060..?
15:52.13ThoMeemm, i try to load dahdi dummy
15:52.14ThoMevm03:/var/log/asterisk# insmod /lib/modules/2.6.26-1-xen-686/dahdi/dahdi_dummy.ko
15:52.17ThoMeinsmod: error inserting '/lib/modules/2.6.26-1-xen-686/dahdi/dahdi_dummy.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
15:52.57infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
15:53.11*** join/#asterisk oej (
15:54.26mazpeneed a little help... i'm trying to setup an asterisk server to host trunks for my clients to connecto too this is my configuration:
15:54.52mazpedoes it make any sense the way is configure? or am i missing something
15:55.13[TK]D-Fendermazpe: the register has to come BEFORE all of your peer entries
15:57.42*** join/#asterisk wierdo (
15:58.22mazpe[TK]D-Fender: correct.
15:58.30mazpethis is the errors i get
15:59.09*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=chatzill@
15:59.38bijitwhere does asterisk look for the Authenticate file?
15:59.51ThoMe[TK]D-Fender: emm, works dahdi not with XEN?
16:00.27ThoMeNo hardware timing source found in /proc/dahdi, loading dahdi_dummy
16:00.27ThoMeRunning dahdi_cfg: done.
16:01.31ThoMeronator: ?
16:02.06mazpe[TK]D-Fender: am i using the wrong the username?
16:02.09[TK]D-Fendermazpe: maybe.. just MAYBE you should make your entry called [user1] <-
16:03.50*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
16:05.10[TK]D-Fenderbijit: common-sense guess : absolute-path
16:05.48*** part/#asterisk matrix1233 (n=Administ@
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16:12.11mazpe[TK]D-Fender: hmm.. i thought that you have an entry name with a different username.
16:12.14mazpe[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:12.25mazpei'm not going to fight with nature :) i'm sure theres a good reason
16:12.40[TK]D-Fendermazpe: If you're asking for "Fred", there'd better be a "Fred" on the other side.
16:13.02[TK]D-Fendermazpe: For you to think otherwise by default isn't too bright
16:13.10ronatorThoMe : wrong console ... ehm, window ^^
16:14.15*** join/#asterisk |Cybex| (n=John@
16:15.44ronatorone thing is the _extension_ , which could also be a name (e.g. in SIP) ; username is just an option and is for displaying (or blocking ;)
16:16.16ronatorcorrect me if i am wrong ^^
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16:27.42*** join/#asterisk iratik (
16:30.41iratikIf i have dial plan which tries a number on several different trunks. I am noticing that if trunk 1 is busy, the call is going to trunk 2. Thats silly, if the called number is busy then the dialplan should just respond by playing a busy signal to the caller using Busy()... just not sure how to implement... or maybe i'm not even on the right track.
16:34.27[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Clearly not even on a track.  You aren't checking why it failed in between.
16:35.07casixruben23: ?
16:35.35iratikThank you for letting me know that i'm not even on track.. So i need to check DIALSTATUS and if its busy then play busy... i understand
16:36.19[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Well if three is a condition to be be checked.... well go check it.  that's what DIALSTATUS & GotoIf are for...
16:36.57jameswf1800 1700 of which are newbs users in #ubuntu hurts the head
16:37.22*** join/#asterisk vader-- (
16:40.13defsdooranyone here use polycom soundstation - I've got an ip6000 and am completely lost on configuring it
16:40.19iratik[TK]D-Fender: Am I more on track?
16:45.00_brent_defsdoor: it's a polycom--it's a pain
16:45.18_brent_if you don't have any kind of central provisioning, you'll have to use the phone's web UI
16:45.25defsdooryeah - I think I've just found a simple explanation
16:45.49defsdoorI have tftp etc.. but done fancy getting involved in the polycoms xml stuff
16:47.10_brent_IMO, polycom needs to step up their game when it comes to user interfaces
16:47.53defsdoorI had to bring it home with me from an install yesterday as I hadn't got time to get it working
16:48.09defsdoorof course I don't have psu for it or poe injector
16:48.27*** join/#asterisk trippssss (n=tripps@
16:48.29defsdoortaking it to another site to sort out tomorrow
16:48.35_brent_at least it's not a 501 that requires their special poe injector powersupply
16:48.43_brent_the newer stuff uses regular poe
16:49.09defsdoorI bought a dlink poe thing that /isn't/ poe
16:49.29ruben23casix: YES.. my asterisk now is litening to port 5060..
16:49.37defsdoorthought it was an injector but it's some proprietary psu down cat5 nonsense
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16:49.47trippssssso still dealing with this not being able to dial global crossing issue from my PRI. solved the e.164 presentation they wanted to see, now they're telling me the call traps show the call going out at 3.1 KHz instead of speech, though all other calls go out to speech. any ideas how this could happen?
16:50.41ruben23casix: if ill have an asterisk server using dual ethernet port...i dont need NAT & dhcp client dont need to access to internet...just voice..for asterisk...
16:51.09ruben23if the clinet PC needs to access the net then....i should setup a nated & dhcp on my asterisk box..
16:51.33trippsssswhat is the proper coder for speech? g.711u-law?
16:54.02casixruben23: for voice no need nat, dhcp is not the same as nat and it depends who is your network if it have static ip or it use dhcp to get the ip address
16:54.48coppicetrippssss: what would you expect other than 3.1kHz audio for a voice call?
16:54.51ruben23casix: finally i got it....
16:55.43*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
16:56.07ruben23but on my situation..i got htis type of network:     internet===>E1 modem===>asterisk box===>switch====SIP client..(voice and data)
16:56.42ruben23so i need to setup NAt...and dhcp on it for the client able to access the net..aside form voice..
16:57.04*** part/#asterisk Holos (n=cosmond@
16:57.05trippsssscoppice, call trap by telco says it shouldn't show as 3.1KHz, but "speech"
16:57.20trippsssscoppice, perhaps their software means that's a data bearing coder
16:58.05trippsssscoppice, he says many providers "block these 3.1 KHz to stop spam faxers that robo dial"
16:59.16casixruben23: then set it but voice will not use it. internet clients will connect to WAN interface and lan clients will connect to lan interface
16:59.28casixtheres no need of nat for voice in your network
16:59.31casixI have to go
17:00.12*** part/#asterisk macli (
17:02.30infobot[HappyClownPBX] is currently in closed beta, approaching 12GB in size, uses Asterisk for it's core, it pwns, is also now compatible with the Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11 SIP phone
17:04.30bpgoldsbWhy is it that when I execute a macro, my extension changes from the dialed extension (112) to s?  Is there any way to prevent this?  It seems to have a negative impact on my cdr records
17:05.06*** join/#asterisk nullable_type (
17:05.26nullable_typeIs there anyway i can tell Asterisk to use a different IP for RTP?!
17:07.40trippssssso basically it appears my outbound calls to this number are somehow presenting themselves as data/fax calls rather than speech. but I cannot figure out for the life of me why that would be the case
17:08.21[TK]D-Fenderiratik: 1 down, 3 to go
17:08.45nullable_typeD-Fender > Is there anyway i can tell Asterisk to use a different IP for RTP?!
17:08.48*** join/#asterisk hfb (
17:09.44[TK]D-Fendernullable_type: * doesn't hav split srvices, its a B2BUA, not a proxy
17:10.12iratikoh... NOANSWER and CHANUNAVAIL ... and ...
17:11.47[TK]D-Fenderiratik: You'd almost think this was documented or something :)
17:13.17iratikI know its documented... I looked it up. Thank you for your patiennce. If the callee hangs up, there is no dialstatus for that?... I'm probably off track as far as how i think asterisk works if there isn't a dialstatus for that
17:14.18[TK]D-Fenderiratik: unless you tell * otherwise at the end of your call the channel just dies
17:14.33[TK]D-FenderirkDialplan only resumes if you specify the "g" option and the callee hangs up
17:15.09iratikcongestion is the one i was missing, if i use the g flag... what will dialstatus be if the caller hungup... or will i have to just assume or check hangupcause?
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17:18.31*** join/#asterisk jsgoecke (
17:18.38jsgoeckeHello everyone.
17:19.13jsgoeckeHas anyone had luck getting MOH & Beeps working with the patched app_conference module published here: ?
17:19.27iratikIs it possible for asterisk to report a destination trunk as responding as busy... but the call connects anyway?
17:19.59jsgoeckeI compiled, installed the patched version, use 'conference(myconf|nh)' and yet no MOH
17:20.11*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
17:20.26*** join/#asterisk Erol_ (n=x@
17:20.40[TK]D-Fenderiratik: You don't WANT to continue on a completed call
17:21.00MrTelephonedo you disable call forward within the client. Can you disable it in asterisk by ignoring 302 moved temporarily messages?
17:22.01iratik[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your help btw
17:22.16Erol_i am reading a book about asterisk and it says that I should use at least one FXO card even if I dont use pstn for making asterisk have a good timing signal, is that true for todat?
17:22.16[TK]D-Fenderiratik: You're welcome...
17:22.20Erol_today i mean
17:22.28iratik[TK]D-Fender: I can't imagine how excruciating it must be to be so helpful with people that honestly feel like they have a clue... but don't
17:22.38[TK]D-FenderErol_: Depends on your volume of calls and how much you need timing
17:23.03Erol_[TK]D-Fender: actually it doesnt tell about timing, what is it?
17:23.07[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Yup, makes you want to stab yourself in the eye with a rusty spork sometimes...
17:23.11jsgoeckeErol_ That is if you are using apps, like MeetMe, that need timing
17:23.17jsgoeckeI use app_conference, and need no timer, works fine
17:23.33[TK]D-FenderErol_: Generally just MeetME and IAX2 Trunk mode
17:23.58Erol_and how can this card make a good timing even if you dont use it with a line?!
17:24.04[TK]D-Fenderjsgoecke>Has anyone had luck getting MOH & Beeps working with the patched app_conference module published here: ? <- aaprently "sorta fine"
17:27.15Erol_[TK]D-Fender: does asterisk use this card even if you dont plug a pstn line to it?
17:27.40jsgoecke[TK]D-Fender Not sure how to read what you are saying?
17:28.04jsgoeckeErol_ Because it gets used as a timing device as opposed to ZTDummy
17:28.15[TK]D-Fenderjsgoecke: You say "works fine" right after asking about your problems with it :)
17:28.34[TK]D-FenderErol_: As a timing source, yes
17:28.43jsgoeckeapp_conference works fine
17:28.50MrTelephoneNoone here has problems with people forwarding their sip clients to alternate numbers?
17:28.52jsgoeckeNow just trying to add the patched version, to get MOH, and that is not
17:33.29*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
17:34.18[TK]D-Fenderwill have Ubuntu 9.04 server & desktop i368 / AMD64 before the end of the work-day.
17:34.27[TK]D-Fenderi386 even!
17:35.10Psychobillyu make baby debian swirl cry
17:36.19jblack[TK]D-Fender: About time.
17:36.24Erol_[TK]D-Fender: according to that wiki I dont need a zaptel hardware for timing because i can use ztdummy
17:36.43jblackI've got another 10 hours or so to finish the jaunty upgrade.
17:36.56[TK]D-FenderErol_: Correct, but YMMV on it
17:37.18Erol_[TK]D-Fender: YMMV?
17:37.32jblackYour mileage may vary.
17:37.34[TK]D-Fenderjblack: Tmorrow night I'm going to do a live upgrade on my home desktop from 8.10
17:37.54jblackI can top that. ;)
17:38.03Erol_what is YMMV?
17:38.04jblackIn a few days, I'm going to see how jaunty does on an eepc.
17:38.16jblackErol_: Your Mileage May Vary.
17:39.05jblackIt's a way of saying performance varies according various factors.
17:39.43Erol_so better use hardware
17:39.44trippsssstelco telling me that all my outbound calls display as 3.1 KHz, which again he says many customers' main lines specifically block this to prevent getting robo dialed fax calls to their main number. How do I specifically configure * to send all calls so they show up as speech calls?
17:39.57jblackI think ztdummy is fine.
17:41.14Pingu-five[TK]D-Fender, are you there ?
17:41.23[TK]D-Fenderlooks around...
17:41.28[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: uuhhhh.... no?
17:41.37Pingu-fiveI knew it
17:42.00Pingu-fiveI'm a shoolmate of the guy who asked stuff about being "away" and all
17:42.06Pingu-fiveum... schoolmate.
17:42.20jblackshoolmate was more interesting.
17:42.53Pingu-fiveah, sorry :/
17:43.26jblackIt's shokay.
17:44.06Pingu-fiveAnyway, we are trying to find out how to make ppl at the support team join an asterisk queue (="available") and make them leave when needed (= "away" status)
17:44.11*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
17:44.34jblackppl? How's he doing?
17:44.45Pingu-fiveCause, they have to 'manually' join the queue by typing stuff on their phone and they are lazy
17:45.09Pingu-fiveFine, thx :D
17:45.21Pingu-fiveYou have his best regards :D
17:45.28jblackThe hotdesking stuff I wrote refused to take/receive calls unless someone is logged in. Just gripe that the agent is not logged in.
17:45.52jblackBut that's not the stuff that's built into *. Perhaps you can check a channel variable.
17:46.23jblackif it's about people coming into the work, and doing nothing, the appropriate thing is use logins and logouts as their timecard, and only pay for time they are present.
17:46.48*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
17:46.58jblack* = a phone system, not middle management. =)
17:47.35Pingu-fiveWhat is this hotdesking thing you wrote ?
17:48.10jblackJust that. Agents log in, agents log out. phone doesn't work otherwise, appointment are tracked.
17:48.36Pingu-fiveBut, agents still have to type stuff on their phones to login/out, right ?
17:48.37[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: And the reason you targeted me directly for this is...?
17:48.38jblackthere's a rudimentary hotdesking app built into * as well. You might want to take a look at it.
17:49.06[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: Second how/when/why would you log them in when they are too lazy to do it themselves from their own phones?
17:49.22jblackSure. They get to work, they dial 'Hi'. And entered a 3 number pin. At the end of the day, they dial 'Bye', and go home.
17:49.47Pingu-five[TK]D-Fender, because you told my schoolmate stuff about lacking key understanding and all. I saw the chatlog whiel coming back home and voila
17:49.57jblackTo indicate they got an appointment (to qualify for bonuses), after a call, they'd dial 'apt'
17:50.20jblackNothing special. Typical stuff that any typical * admin can whip up in a weekend.
17:51.16Pingu-five[TK]D-Fender, because they are too lazy to leave the queue when they are taking a break and such stuff. So they want 'something' to put them in/out of the queue with no fingerwork
17:51.38[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: entirely true.  He asked how to tell * remotely that a device should be considered "busy", without the first clue that he is responsible for * looking at any sort of flag you have invented as the basis of deciding whether or not to actually call a device that that given exten might otherwise normally just do
17:51.41jblackPingu-five: Ok. There's a highly technical process to make that problem much easier.
17:51.49trippssssis at a loss
17:52.03jblackPingu-five: It's called "If you don't log out, you're gonna join the unemployment ranks"
17:52.12[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: Really?  And Asterisk is supposed to be PSYCHIC if they are there and not TELLINg it when they arrive & leave?
17:52.46jblackrepeats that * is a phone system, not middle management.
17:53.06jblackThe last thing you want to do with lazy employees is use them as a buffer for customers.
17:53.14Pingu-five[TK]D-Fender, umm... psychic ? like mewtwo pokemon ?
17:53.49jblack[TK]D-Fender: We could get rich if you and I made a chair with a sensor with a * interface.
17:53.50[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: No, psychic like Jo-Jo Savard
17:54.13[TK]D-Fenderjblack: I'm too busy running 22v to my coworkers' :p
17:54.14Pingu-fiveAnyway, the 'unemplyement' stuff cannot be used. Well.. on me. But thats all.
17:54.41trippssssis there another call frequency to use than 3.1 KHz?
17:54.59KyleKif i was going to start using * would I go with 1.6 or 1.4?
17:55.28[TK]D-FenderKyleK: What is your goal?
17:55.30Pingu-fiveAnyway, they said something like "We'd like a program that kicks us out the queue when our screensaver starts or something, and put us back in when the screensaver disappears"
17:55.33jblackPingu-five: Again, for the third time.... if they're not worth treating as an adult human, then wtf are they doing being an employee?
17:55.53*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:55.54[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: You have code to detect that and make the decision?
17:55.54jblackkylek: Either should be fine.
17:56.17jsgoeckeOkay, I got notifications working with app_conference using this command Conference(myconf/Snh)
17:56.25Pingu-fiveDetecting the screensaver and all ? Not yet, but thats not the hardest thing.
17:56.35jsgoeckeI thought valid options for an application were ',' or '|', does '/' also work or needed for some???
17:56.36[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: Actually, yes, it actually is.
17:57.17Pingu-fivejblack, I am a student, I dont have my word to say "Do that fking thing if u wanna good marks!"
17:57.53jblackWell, if you're not the boss, then what business do you have bossing people around, trying to make them do stuff anyways?
17:57.56[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: Have your monitoring app connect via AMI and set an AstDB key value to change their "state", which you will have to check for in dialplan.  If you are using queues instead use an AMI Originate to dial a local channel to do the logout command.
17:59.06Pingu-fivejblack, their company asked my school to do it. So their sofware needs becomes our (graded) homework.
18:00.04*** join/#asterisk mib_ar5eeyq2 (i=43bd1417@gateway/web/ajax/
18:00.21Pingu-fiveBut, the AMI needs a manager account, right ?
18:00.29[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: Correct
18:01.07mib_ar5eeyq2Hello all! I am having a problem getting with asterisk and my sangoma FXO card... the problem is, i believe, that trix is trying to use a zap channel too quickly after it has been hung up. i have tried putting a w in the outbound string to delay it, but I beleive there is no dial tone on the line yet, so the numbers are being passed before the line was even t
18:01.08Pingu-fiveSo I have to make a manager account for each tech support guy ?
18:01.20mib_ar5eeyq2anyone have any ideas to ensure that the zap channel is ready to take a call? like a wait 20s before using channel again, or check for silence first?
18:01.27[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: No.
18:01.51Pingu-fiveSo a single account for everyone is fine too ?
18:01.57[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: Yes
18:02.07Pingu-fiveGood news for me
18:02.15mazpeI'm getting a "username mismatch" when connecting 2 asterisk servers via multiple sip accounts... here is my config and CLI log:
18:03.12*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
18:03.15mazpewhat i'm trying to accomplish is to use via to route my clients calls via 2 different trunks depending on the call [client1] and [client2]
18:03.21KyleK[TK]D-Fender: I'm going to hook an FXO up to * and configure it to work as a answering machine, currently looking at a SPA3102 as hardware
18:03.28*** part/#asterisk beek_ (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
18:03.31Pingu-fiveBut... if I give AMI acces to every tech support guy, I more or less give them admin powers on the server ... right ?
18:03.34*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
18:03.41mazpeit had worked earlier with just one sip account.. when i added the second one.. is when all hell broke loose
18:03.54[TK]D-FenderKyleK: Save your money and effort and jsut buy a dumb answering machine.
18:04.21[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: You give it to your APP.  Do they have access to the source?
18:04.34KyleKdumb ones wont email me the messages though
18:04.52Pingu-fiveWell... I dont really know. I'm just a dev slave
18:06.16Pingu-fiveHmm... I'm gonna put a "W8! Dun give sourcecode!" post-it and i'm fine I think.
18:06.22[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: Who is writing the app?
18:06.48Pingu-fiveMe and the other students of my "team".
18:06.48[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: that'll do
18:08.34Pingu-fiveSo, when I'm conncted via AMI, I just have to... put them in the queue, and voila. right ?
18:08.46*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
18:10.37*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@nat/yahoo/x-5be002010cbf06d6)
18:10.40Pingu-fiveI've seen "QueueAdd" and "QueueRemove" in the list of AMI commands. Should I use that ? Or should I just edit the database containing the queue members ?
18:11.08Pingu-fiveIve seen things such as "DBget"
18:16.01*** part/#asterisk Pingu-five (n=o@
18:16.01*** join/#asterisk Pingu-five (n=o@
18:16.47Pingu-fiveMajor lag here >_>
18:17.29mazpeThe error: "check_auth: username mismatch" seems to go away when i switch the sip trunks from "type=peer" to "type=friend" here is my config as type=peer
18:18.28Pingu-fiveSo, should I use the db or queueadd ?
18:19.22bpgoldsbWhats the CLI command to dump all the information/variables about a specific call/channel?
18:26.41mib_ar5eeyq2need help configuring a wait on zap channels
18:26.54[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: depends how you deal with memebers, what ver of *, etc
18:27.32[TK]D-FenderKyleK: SPA will be a little tricky, but not a big deal.
18:27.50[TK]D-Fenderbpgoldsb: "core show channel [channel]"
18:28.08bpgoldsb[TK]D-Fender, <3
18:28.16Pingu-five[TK]D-Fender, Ok OK. So both ways are possible ? none is pure foolish nonsense ?
18:28.33[TK]D-FenderPingu-five: Depends how you want things to work
18:28.54trippssssfound out it's my sip gateway that's doing the audio 3.1 xmission rather than speech (mediant 1000)
18:29.18trippsssshowever changing it to speech makes inbound calls die :-|
18:29.49Pingu-five[TK]D-Fender, Anyway, thank you very much for your help.
18:34.50*** join/#asterisk bbkt-trix (n=bbkt-tri@unaffiliated/bbkt-trix)
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18:36.06dniexten => s,n,Read(Secret,plsenter,10)   is the 10, the maximum buffer length ?  how can i define for it to read from 3-10 ?
18:38.08[TK]D-Fenderdni: ther is no minimum.
18:38.55[TK]D-Fenderdni: check the result and loop it yourself.  Or make your own read routine as an IVR
18:38.55dnijust did it
18:38.55dniit reads the data fine
18:39.03dnibasically im trying to set a variable to contain digits pertaining to the caller id
18:39.11dniand then dial out using disa with that caller id
18:39.18dnibut anything less than 10 digits gets rejected
18:39.22dnimight be my sip trunk provider tho
18:39.49dnibut i dont see why,. cuz all they should care about si the number im dialing,. not my caller id
18:39.51jplankThere is still sip providers who allow spoofing of caller ID?
18:40.50jplankthey can't be top tier providers thought, right?
18:41.01jplankis it just a mom and pop shop that have an asterisk and a PRI?
18:41.20dniwho would you consider top tier?
18:41.40dnitbh, im not 100% sure on their customer base and how big of a company they are.
18:42.43jblacktop tier company: Any company so much larger than yours, that they could care less whether or not you're a customer.
18:43.08dniheh,. nah these people actually give decent support
18:43.15*** part/#asterisk _brent_ (
18:43.22dnibut thats probably cuz they are trying to sign my company on as a customer
18:43.23jplankdepends on how much you will with them though
18:43.50jplankwe get XO to bend to our every whim all the time
18:44.12dnishit,. its taken at&t 3 months  to isntall our Metro-E
18:44.20jplanksounds about right
18:44.23dniand thats just a point to point
18:44.32dnithat turnaround seemed ridiculous to me
18:44.41jplankour normal metro ethernet installs are around 90 days
18:44.52jplankdni: is AT&T the lec for your area?
18:44.58dnihave you heard of wifi max ? if so what ar eyour thoughts on it ?
18:44.59jplankor just another ilec?
18:45.06jplankdo you mean wimax?
18:45.18dnithey a lec for business i believe
18:45.24dniyea wimax**
18:45.30jplankare they the local lec, the RBOC
18:45.37jplankwimax is cool
18:45.48dniour primary lec is bellsouth
18:45.56jplankI met a guy at astricon who's company was doing voice over it and said it worked great
18:46.04jplankbellsouth = at&t
18:46.26dnierr yea i guess you are right,..  but they operate seperately afaik
18:46.36dniwe get bills from at&t and seperate bills from bellsouth
18:46.48*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:46.51jplankI forgot where he said he was from, but he said wimax was the only feasible high speed internet connection where he is though
18:47.02*** join/#asterisk ecret (
18:47.05dni  these are the peoples im going to go with
18:47.17dnithe price is about the same
18:47.22dnibut the isntall takes only 7 days
18:47.23jplankI know they started integrating their networks (at&T and bellsouth) but I don't know how far along they are
18:47.33jplankwhere are you?
18:47.37dnisouth florida
18:48.11jplankwhat like Lauderdale or miami area?
18:48.35dnimiami to be exact
18:48.47dnihow about you ?
18:49.02jplankI work from SC, but my company is based out of NY
18:49.27jplankin an area like miami, why are you looking at wimax?
18:49.32jplankT1's are cheap down there
18:49.46dnibecause we wanted the full 10mbs, and at&t takes 3 months
18:49.49*** join/#asterisk doug (
18:50.07dninot o0nly that,. but we might move office buildings in which case a regular metro e would not be effificient
18:50.14jplankhave you noticed all the major plays have jumped out of wimax?
18:50.15dniwith the wimax its just a matter of moving the receiver
18:50.19dougwhat's the trick to let my iax softphone to send parens in the extension to dial?
18:50.29dougi.e. rewrite the extension to remove parens
18:50.35dougand periods, dashes, etc.
18:50.53dougi can't seem to find a "s//" function for extensions.conf
18:50.56jplankif you could wait, you are A LOT better off with metro e
18:51.02*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
18:51.39dnijplank, how come ?
18:52.04dniif uptime is 99.9% and speed is the same
18:52.05jplankits a lot more reliable
18:52.12jplanklatency is lower
18:52.21jplank99.9% uptime my ass
18:52.29dnii thought the same as yoi
18:52.50jblackI wouldn't consider 99.9 as good enough for phone.
18:53.08jplankI don't think he's doing voice over the wimax
18:53.12dnijblack, i have fail over solution
18:53.14jplankif he is, run, run away fast
18:53.19Kattyinfobot: moo?
18:53.20infobotACTION mooooooooo! I am cow, hear me moo, I weigh twice as much as you. I am cow, eating grass, methane gas comes out my ass
18:53.24eppigyhello Katty
18:53.25dnijplank, yea i wanted to do data and voice
18:53.33Kattyeppigy: ello dave
18:53.50jplankdni: theres a reason all the major players left the wimax idea behind
18:54.17jplankits a pain in the ass to keep latency low, the network efficient, and still make a profit
18:54.19eppigyhow's she cuttin
18:55.06jblackwhat's with all that bright light outside....
18:56.27Kattyit's called sunshine
18:56.29Kattyyou should go get some.
18:56.38*** part/#asterisk doug (
18:56.48jblackWhere? amazon?
18:56.51eppigyvitamin d
18:56.55Kattynot funny
18:56.56eppigynature's prozac
18:56.59Kattyyour tial
18:57.05Kattypushes jblack out the door
18:57.44jblackNo way. It's way too bright out there. And there's some sort of thing going on causing there to be a lot of cars on the street.
18:57.49jplankjblack does it bother you that they call me your name all the time?
18:57.55*** join/#asterisk mocker (
18:58.08jblacknah. I'd be lonely if it weren't for my friends.
18:58.21mockerAnyone here messed with intergrating Asterisk 1.4 and OCS?
18:58.55jblackoh, jplank.. Nah. I don't care.
18:59.12jblackat least as long as you don't care if I answer.. :)
18:59.41jplankgo ahead
18:59.52jblackconsiders sending a complaint to the city about wasting all this electricy on all that sunshine stuff
18:59.53jplankthey are usually yelling at me anyway :P
19:00.08eppigyi am getting confused
19:00.09jblackno problem. people yell at me too.
19:01.07jblackas long as we're consistent (perhaps "o'rlly? wtf? dude chill. k thx bai.
19:02.22drmessanomocker: You need 1.6
19:02.34drmessanomocker: Need SIP TCP.. Shit only works on 1.6
19:02.36Qwellseanbright: day 2.  not 100% satisfied.  probably...80?  I'm going with user error for now.
19:02.52Qwellwell, day 1 really
19:03.17drmessanoQwell: You get your electric butt hair shaver?
19:03.24drmessanoQwell: Not QUITE doin it?
19:04.38eppigyoh he went there
19:05.15drmessanoWord of advice.. Shave AGAINST the grain
19:05.22drmessanoIts night and day
19:06.56*** join/#asterisk ecret (
19:07.13drmessanoSo now that Ubuntu 9.04 is out
19:07.18drmessanoWho cares?
19:07.36[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I do.  Got desktop & sever for 386/64
19:07.44haibCan you send smdi over serial with asterisk, or can it only receive?  Looking at the smdi.conf it seems like it can only receive, it can't send smdi over serial, correct?
19:07.54bijitis there a way I can see on CLI the numbers dialed when Authenticate asks? dtmf?
19:08.07drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Oh youre one of those
19:08.30[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: by "those" you mean "people who use it"?  If so.. yes
19:08.32drmessanoKarma Minus Minus [TK]D-Fender
19:08.40drmessanoBah, its broken
19:08.44[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I only use it for my home desktop mind you
19:08.54[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: And what part of it is "broken"?
19:09.08drmessanoThe Karma Minus Minus
19:09.11drmessanoGot nothing
19:09.17jplankfender: did they automatically push out that update ;)
19:10.02seanbrightQwell: have you smoked otherwise?
19:10.26drmessanoI prefer distros named after articles of clothing, types of cheese, or intestinal tract worms
19:10.34jblackdrmessano: I'm downloading.
19:11.39eppigyI use ubuntu desktop on my laptop
19:11.45drmessanojblack: I can see that.. If you cared enough to spite me you would, if you didnt care enough to spite me, you would
19:11.45eppigyits pretty sweet
19:11.54drmessanoBasically, you would
19:11.54eppigyI will never use ubuntu server though
19:12.49Qwellseanbright: 2
19:12.53drmessanoI choose not to use Ubuntu simply because those expecting me to would be surprised and those not expecting me to would be surprised at those expecting me to
19:13.20jplankdrmessano: is lindows your os of choice?
19:13.32seanbrightQwell: you a 1 pack a day guy?
19:13.36Qwellseanbright: one last night (~2 hours in) and one this morning (because my first cart "ran out")
19:13.38Qwellseanbright: yeah
19:14.01drmessanoI'm pretty stuck on BarbieLinux
19:14.02jblackThe only time I care what other people use is when they try to get me to fix it. :)
19:14.17seanbrightQwell: well from 20 to 2 is a good start
19:14.35jblackWhich version of barbielinux? Ken, or dreamhouse?
19:15.12drmessanoI keep all my files in the Barbie Mansion, I use the Barbie Corvette Browser.. and I LOOOVE that I can play dress up (AKA, change themes) with a single click
19:15.25jplankare you guys really pulling a joke from a 2006 april fools day prank?
19:16.01jblackdrmessano: Yeah, I'm sure it's absolutely great, with all that complicated math shit stripped out.
19:16.03drmessanojblack: I am using BarbieLinux 2.3: Malibu Madness
19:16.20jblackohhhh. pink AND purple. SooOOOooo cute!
19:17.31drmessanoBarbieLinux is cool, but DO NOT.. I repeat.. DO NOT install Asterisk on it
19:17.45drmessanoTalk about some bitches running up a phone bill
19:17.51*** join/#asterisk andrebarbosa (n=andrebar@
19:18.26jblackI can't top that.
19:19.10jblackOther than to drop just a little bit of PFE....
19:19.15jblack"Hello Kitty Linux"
19:19.27andrebarbosaanyone notice that if you have dynamic features set, the dtmf's to outboudn IVR's are blocked waiting for a timeout that will never happen
19:19.29drmessanoI would run that
19:19.41jblackPink background, lots of oversized flowers... And the mouse icon.. well, that would be kitty of course.
19:20.02jblackComes with a free gadget waif...
19:20.31jblackandrebarbosa: I've never noticed a problem with features, other than the default timeout being far too short.
19:21.35andrebarbosathe timeout you can configure
19:21.56jblacka default is, by definition, unconfigured. =)
19:22.02andrebarbosaya sure ;)
19:22.12andrebarbosabut that is not a big problem imho
19:22.18andrebarbosabut the stange thing
19:22.39andrebarbosais that in 1.4.24 the dynamic features blocks outbound dtmf's
19:22.57andrebarbosai have a dyn feature with code #79
19:23.00jblackI don't agree.
19:23.19andrebarbosaand to send the "#" dtmfs to outbound line i need to press twice the #
19:23.44andrebarbosaif I disable the dyn features, it works fine
19:24.03jblackwhat would you expect? * to read your mind and know when you mean a feature, and when you don't?
19:24.41andrebarbosaI press #
19:24.49andrebarbosathen the digitfeaturetimeout expires
19:24.56andrebarbosaand the # is sent to the bridge channel
19:25.38jblackthat's what you want, or what you see? (that's the intended behaviour)
19:25.53jblackif a feature isn't matched within timeout, shove it out.
19:26.36andrebarbosabut is not happening
19:26.42andrebarbosaasterisk blocks and never timeouts
19:26.48andrebarbosafor dynamic features
19:27.01jblackhmm. I see. No idea.
19:27.17andrebarbosafor the default features, like blind transfer and atx transfer
19:27.19jblackperhaps you're matching a feature listed lower.
19:27.19andrebarbosait works fine
19:29.10andrebarbosaI was trying to fix it, with no luck till now
19:30.35dnihas anyone seen this WARNING,.  i see it in the console every time i hit a dtmf key.   [Apr 23 15:28:25] WARNING[7868]: chan_sip.c:11427 handle_request_info: Unable to parse INFO message from CXC-388-69b571f0-3c81aac-13c4-49f0c085-c64514b2-5e06141f@ Content ؤ¢·?è®
19:31.21andrebarbosalooks like your phone\sip device is sending a broken SIP INFO packet
19:31.44andrebarbosatry to change it to rfc2833 dtmf mode
19:31.58dnihmm ,. the calls go's thru fine,. and it recognizes the dtmf  i enter,.
19:32.04dniok ill try that
19:35.06dnifor dtmf method all i got is :  inband, AVT, info, auto,  inband+info, avt+info ,. .  i have it set at auto
19:35.24dnithose are the only dtmf options i hav eon mysip phone
19:35.34andrebarbosaand set asterisk to rfc2833
19:36.32dnidtmfmode=inband    in sip.conf correct?
19:36.42dniunder [general] ?
19:37.44oejinfo can be other tings than DTMF.
19:38.38dnii think its just particular to the DISA i have setup
19:38.44andrebarbosayou are right oej
19:39.04dnicuz when i initially dial a phone i dont se those warnings,. its only when iut coems to my disa context
19:39.14*** join/#asterisk Schreiber1337 (n=SCHREIBE@
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19:40.45dniandrebarbosa, thanks
19:40.48dnithat seemed to be it
19:40.57profxavierAsterisk call queues.  When selected 'fewest calls', and I have a fallback person (if no one answers, they will get the call), does this try one person in the call (fewest calls), then go to the fallback person, or will it go through the entire group?
19:41.01oejdni: turn on SIP debug and capture a full INFO packet and place it in pastebin so I can study it, thanks
19:41.05andrebarbosano prob
19:41.19andrebarbosaoej I have a question for you
19:41.32andrebarbosaa few days ago, i made a small patch for * 1.4
19:41.47haibIs it possible to send out of band smdi through serial, or can asterisk only receive it?
19:41.52andrebarbosato support linksys g729 conferences
19:42.26[TK]D-Fenderprofxavier: what is a "fallback person"?
19:42.27Schreiber1337Can someone help me with a extensions.conf that won't load?
19:42.31bpgoldsbIs there any way to create a visual map of my dialplan from the dialplan code itself?
19:42.45profxavierFender, I explained in the () brackets
19:42.59andrebarbosait's working for a few weeks with success, if you don't mind to take a look at the patch, it maybe useful for someone else
19:43.06[TK]D-Fenderprofxavier: says nothing about HOW you do this
19:43.35profxavierFender how about we just discuss how fewestcalls works, rather than my methodology?
19:44.43[TK]D-Fenderprofxavier: You mean regardless of any possibility that your method may break the functionality we are describing?
19:44.52Schreiber1337My extensions.ael is loading but my extensions.conf is not... please help!
19:45.03profxavierFender, please no long assist with my question, thanks
19:45.23pwebguyHello, all - I am tryting to verify the media encryption provided by IAX using wireshark but encrypted and unencrypted calls all look the same. Can anyone point me to a resource that will describe what I should be looking for?
19:46.05[TK]D-Fenderprofxavier: fewest calls should bang that 1 person as long as they are available until they answer.  If you cheat the process somehow, thats another amtter
19:46.19*** join/#asterisk Beighto (
19:46.59profxavieranyone else ?
19:47.19*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
19:47.42dnipwebguy, are you dumping ascii ?
19:47.46dnitcpdump -s0 -A
19:48.06pwebguyno, just reading the logs provided by wireshark
19:48.14*** join/#asterisk blebleble (n=godie@
19:48.25pwebguybetter to do tcpdump?
19:48.42bleblebleis there any decent graphical tools to search /var/spool/asterisk/monitor for queue recordings then looking up who answered the call via the uniqueid and the asteriskcdrdb?
19:48.46pwebguyWas using this page as my guide:
19:49.20BeightoDoes anybody have any recommendations for SIP termination under $.01 for US?
19:49.37dnii know tcpdump syntax better than wireshark
19:49.42dnithats why i gave that as an example
19:49.57dnitcpdump -s0 -A port whatever
19:50.06dniyou should see plain text if its not encrypted
19:50.21pwebguygot it; thanks - I have not used tcpdump, but will definitely give it a try.
19:50.44[TK]D-Fenderprofxavier: "; fewestcalls - ring the one with fewest completed calls from this queue" <- from the sample directions
19:50.47pwebguywhat will show if it is encrypted?
19:50.55[TK]D-Fenderprofxavier: Sure looks like it means what it says.
19:51.02dnipwebguy, encrypted data
19:51.19*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
19:51.40pwebguyok - I will give it a try and see what I can find out. Thank you dni
19:51.47dnino prob
19:52.42profxavierFender, i asked nicely
19:53.04*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
19:53.08[TK]D-Fenderprofxavier: and I answered nicely.
19:53.21profxavieri wasn't referring to my question
19:53.21*** join/#asterisk iListenU (
19:53.29profxavierI was hoping you could just drop it
19:57.37Schreiber1337[TK]D-Fender: Can I bug you for just a minute?
19:58.19[TK]D-FenderSchreiber1337: 1,5,& 20 minute blocks are available :)
19:59.31Schreiber1337[TK]D-Fender: Cool... I just put a new box in place running coppied my configs over from the old box running and now extensions.conf is not loading ... just extensions.ael
20:00.15[TK]D-FenderSchreiber1337: Go look at your * startup and see what it spews out
20:00.43[TK]D-FenderSchreiber1337: check your file permissions, spelling, etc
20:00.57[TK]D-FenderSchreiber1337: try to do a reload.  Check which modules have loaded.
20:01.12oejandrebarbos: Tell me why we need special patches to support it - please. Do you mean local conferencing on the Linksys?
20:01.15*** join/#asterisk pmhaddad-work (n=pmhaddad@
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20:01.56SomethingIsoddhello anyone happen to know of any irc channels that deal with Gnugk?
20:02.18*** join/#asterisk Mersault (
20:03.11andrebarbosaoej: linksys phones don't support two simulatenous g729 calls, so when you hit the conference button, it will send a re-invite to asterisk with only g711u
20:03.41andrebarbosathe asterisk default behaviour is to reply with a 200OK with g729, which causes the linksys phones to BYE the call
20:03.57oejThat's a bug.
20:04.08oejPlease open a bug in the tracker and upload your patch, so we can check it.
20:04.25oejAlso, it would be very helpful if you could take a debug file with "sip debug" of the transaction.
20:04.40andrebarbosaI've fix it by sending the jointcapabilty in the 200OK
20:05.19andrebarbosabut I have also to send a reinvite to the other peer to change the call to g711u
20:05.29MersaultI'm hoping someone here has some insight for me. I have a Sangoma A200 card and I'm getting loud static, but only on the asterisk side, PSTN side doesn't hear it. I've played with the rx and tx gains, but they don't help.
20:05.34andrebarbosaso both peers talk g711u after the re.invite is finnished
20:05.40andrebarbosaand it works well
20:05.58Schreiber1337Doesn't look like did anything...
20:06.09MersaultI've tried dahdi_tool on the channels, and there's lots of signal on the rx side, even for channels that aren't hooked into the PSTN
20:07.56[TK]D-FenderSchreiber1337: go see if its there.  check extensions.conf , try loading the module manually.  Look at your modules.conf to see if its specifically expluded, etc
20:09.13*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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20:15.57*** part/#asterisk columbo (
20:19.25Kattyi'm restless.
20:19.56*** join/#asterisk Circlefusion (
20:21.21seanbrighti'm sean.
20:23.46*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
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20:28.05wpbrown504the young and the restless
20:32.52[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:33.04wpbrown504I have a question.  It is probably something simple that I have over looked.  I have a 4 port Digium FXO card.  Dahdi see's it.  It is properly loaded.  I have edited the dial plan and extensions.conf as per the oriley book.  Dahdi tools sees the card with no errors.  When I call the thing it doesn't answer.  Anyone see something obvious that I might have missed?
20:33.41wpbrown504Compiled libpri,dahdi, and Asterisk in that order.
20:33.43*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
20:35.23*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
20:35.24eppigyKatty: COME PLAY
20:38.13Pan3Dthrows a kickball into the channel
20:44.10beekwpbrown504: What's happening at the console?    asterisk -vvvvr
20:44.32*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
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20:51.38wpbrown504beek: she isn't showing anything.
20:51.48wpbrown504when I dial it.
20:53.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
20:55.16wpbrown504wb Fender
20:56.45[TK]D-Fenderwpbrown504: ty
20:56.55joesuffcerenrunning asterisk 1.4.22. I'm having a weird issue where my users will answer calls but the calling party still hears ringing and the two parties are not "connected" for 3-5 seconds after my user answers. It's not every call, and it happens both on my cisco 7940s that I've been using for years and my xlite soft phone, so I know it's not an endpoint-specific issue. This system has been in...
20:56.56joesuffceren...production for 6+ months without having this issue. Only recent change was the addition of CDR logging to local mysql. Before I was logging CDR to remote postgres. Now, I'm logging to both locations.
21:06.19*** join/#asterisk xpot (n=james@
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21:12.08wpbrown504I have a question.  It is probably something simple that I have over looked.  I have a 4 port Digium FXO card.  Dahdi see's it.  It is properly loaded.  I have edited the dial plan and extensions.conf as per the oriley book.  Dahdi tools sees the card with no errors.  When I call the thing it doesn't answer.  Anyone see something obvious that I might have missed?
21:12.27wpbrown504Compiled libpri,dahdi, and Asterisk in that order.
21:12.56wpbrown504asterisk -vvvr shows no activity while dialing
21:14.42[TK]D-Fenderwpbrown504: Go prove the module is loaded
21:14.48*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
21:15.11[TK]D-Fenderwpbrown504: "dahdi show channels" , "dahdhi show status" , etc
21:16.12wpbrown504dahdi show channels is blank
21:16.31wpbrown504dahdi show status show the wildcard
21:17.17[TK]D-Fenderwpbrown504: Then you haven't defined any channels
21:18.35*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
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21:32.30*** join/#asterisk ambush276 (
21:32.34ambush276hey guys
21:32.36ambush276i have a question.
21:33.23ambush276ok basically i have my SIP setup so that i get incomming calls great and goes right to my PBX system... my outgoign calls just dont work. I am using the same SIP provider for outgoing calls, but how do i setup so that lets say ext. "12" is my cell phone, how do i get it to relay to my cell phone?
21:34.26vjris your * box behind a nat?
21:35.08ambush276it might sound dumb but im not sure
21:35.16ambush276i mean i have a router setup but its on DMZ
21:35.18ambush276for that IP
21:35.36KyleKso whats the exact problem, you're supposed to be able to dial 12 and get your cellphone?
21:35.53*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
21:35.57ambush276well im not sure how to set that up
21:36.05ambush276like i can dial like SIP/100
21:36.08ambush276to go to extension 100
21:36.10ambush276but that is just local
21:36.17vjrambush276: You have to be able to dial out first from the * box to reach your cell phone.
21:36.18ambush276how do i setup so that i can send out t
21:36.29ambush276that is my question...
21:36.43vjrcan access anything to the net from your * box?
21:36.56ambush276what do you mean?
21:36.58ambush276i mean i can dial my number..
21:37.07ambush276from my house phone the asterisk number that is hooked up to the SIP line
21:37.13ambush276and get to my menu system
21:37.22ambush276i just dont know how to setup outgoing calls
21:37.57vjrambush276: can you log on to your * box in the dmz and ping to the outside world or get a web site using w3m or whatever?
21:38.21ambush276i can ping
21:38.22ambush276i mean
21:38.24ambush276i can call the box
21:38.26ambush276with my cell phone
21:38.28ambush276fore xample
21:38.30ambush276and get to the menu system
21:38.39ambush276and its on a linux machine
21:38.39KyleKvjr: I dont think he has set up any dialing rules for dailing out of *
21:38.54ambush276kyleK is right
21:39.00ambush276im not sure what to do..
21:39.27EmleyMoorambush276: Are you trying to dial from * or from a phone connected to it?
21:42.24*** join/#asterisk pwebguy (n=pwebguy@
21:42.29vjrambush276: well look at the example configs and there's a free asterisk book you can download.
21:42.41ambush276from asterisk
21:42.50ambush276i tried
21:42.56ambush276but im confused do i need to make a Trunk?
21:43.08ambush276cause i found out that like the dial(SIP/__))
21:43.30ambush276but that is just to signify the SIP? or what, im not sure in the context of what im supposed to do to have it call an outbound line?
21:44.54EmleyMoorambush276: Do you have a calling account with a provider? Do they offer any advice on configuring * for it?
21:45.56vjrambush276: you do something like exten => _9NXXXXXX,2,Dial(${TRUNK}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}}) in extensions.conf
21:46.15ambush276i do have a calling account with a provider (SIP) and no instructions for asterisik
21:46.24ambush276right but im not sure wht the TRUNK is for?
21:46.45ambush276i knw it sounds nubbish but i cant seem to figure out what to do w/ it
21:46.50mazpehmm.. my doesnt seem to loading the license at all. Any ideas what could be wrong?
21:47.03mazpehere is what shows on the log and the actual files
21:47.48vjrambush276: TRUNK in my case is set to Zap/3 which is an FXO port wired to a vonage adapter.
21:47.49*** join/#asterisk qdk (
21:47.51EmleyMoorambush276: If you want to call a PSTN destination via a SIP account that is what the trunk is for
21:48.30EmleyMoorOr yes - Zap/DAHDI FXO if you have them
21:49.15ambush276ok but vjr that is for a vonage adapter.. my SIP is through the net there is no modem attachment, i want to dial out through teh SIP,, but like setting up a trunk.. ?
21:49.18vjrambush276: in the case of a software setup TRUNK might be set to something like SIP/vonage where vonage is a context in sip.conf
21:49.22Schreiber1337Hello.... does anyone know what this means... I can't find it anywhere on the net...
21:49.49ambush276trunk might be SIP/provider and then that is the same info for register => in sip?
21:49.53ambush276not really sure what to do about that?
21:49.58vjrambush276: you really must study the example configs or the free asterisk book to understand how it works. good luck.
21:51.25vjrambush276: substitute SIP/context for TRUNK. try it.
21:52.10ambush276ok so _9NXXXXXX,2,Dial(${sip/provider}/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
21:52.23ambush276im still not understand like where do i setup a TRunk and or what do i set it up to?
21:52.24EmleyMoorambush276: Not quite
21:52.59Schreiber1337Qwell:  Could I bug you for a minute?
21:53.36EmleyMoor_9NXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/provider/${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}}) , where provider is the name of the context in sip.conf where you have entered the details
21:53.43*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (n=munoz@
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21:58.00QwellSchreiber1337: about?
21:58.23bpgoldsbUsing AEL, I have 2 variables.  The first is GROUP_SALES=SIP/100&SIP/101, the second is GROUP_SUPPORT=SIP/200&SIP/201.  I want to make a GROUP_ALL that has both GROUP_SALES and GROUP_SUPPORT.  When I do GROUP_ALL=${GROUP_SALES}&${GROUP_SUPPORT}, asterisk doesn't expand the variables.  Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
21:59.11*** join/#asterisk Maximo (
21:59.56Schreiber1337Qwell: I keep getting " NOTICE[5538]: utils.c:967 ast_wait_for_output: Timed out trying to write" in my asterisk log... I can't find anything about it on the net or in the forums..
22:00.19ambush276ok what is the trunk msd
22:00.25*** part/#asterisk iratik (
22:00.32Schreiber1337Qwell: Does it have something to do with the AGI?
22:00.36QwellSchreiber1337: so why ask me?
22:00.48jayteecuz you know everything
22:00.50rOfLzhello there
22:01.35Qwellbut yes, fix your AGI
22:01.35rOfLzI wannt remove and add prefix for my outgoing calls
22:02.08Schreiber1337Qwell: Because you are all knowing... can you maybe point me somewhere to fix my AGI...
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22:03.54Schreiber1337Qwell: or where to look.
22:04.30ambush276so that extension
22:04.39vjrambush276: substitute 1 for ${TRUNKMSD}
22:04.40ambush276how do i set that as an extension?
22:05.13ambush2761 is for w/e extension i want
22:05.23ambush276EXTEN:17 is for extension 17
22:05.47[TK]D-Fender${sip/provider} <- very wrong
22:05.55vjrambush276: in extensions.conf create a context called [outgoing] and put that extension in it. then put a context=outgoing in the entry for the sip phone.
22:06.02[TK]D-Fendershouldn't even bother with the variable
22:06.15ambush276ok TK what should i do then
22:06.20ambush276in extensions or SIP vjr?
22:06.34vjrambush276: then you should be able to call your cell phone if it's a local call.
22:07.36rOfLzcan any 1 tell me how can I remove 91 and add 0 for my outgoing calls == exten => 91|X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@1234)
22:07.51vjrambush276: an dial 9 first
22:08.03ambush276its not like tha
22:08.07ambush276like if im calling from my HOUse phone
22:08.10ambush276to my asterisk PBX
22:08.17ambush276and i want extension 12 on that PBX to be my cellphone....
22:08.21ambush276(not from SIP phone)
22:09.09vjrambush276: baby steps first ;). Again read the example configs and the free asterisk book. Go to go.
22:09.40rOfLzcan any 1 tell me how can I remove 91 and add 0 for my outgoing calls == exten => 91|X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@1234)
22:10.26ambush276ok id ont have SIP phone configd. yet
22:10.30ambush276im jsut setting this system up.
22:10.39ambush276so under extensions
22:10.41ambush276make a contect
22:10.51ambush276[outoing] then context=outgoing
22:11.04ambush276then under the dial plan in my extension (called sp331)
22:11.15ambush276[sp331] then menu system, then my extensions
22:11.26ambush276if i want extension 17 to be my cell phone... what is the line for that?
22:14.38rOfLzcan any 1 tell me how can I remove 91 and add 0 for my outgoing calls == exten => 91|X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@1234)
22:14.56joesuffcerenany ideas to improve mysql CDR logging performance?
22:19.24*** join/#asterisk f0ner00t (
22:19.47f0ner00tWhy would I be getting Sip/2.0 404 Not Found on my sip debug?
22:22.32*** join/#asterisk juanIMP (n=Juancho@
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22:26.52rOfLzhow can I remove 91 and add 0 for my outgoing calls == exten => 91|X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@1234)
22:33.53infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:34.10QwellStart reading.
22:37.55f0ner00tQwell : How do I set up auth on my incomming again.
22:42.44chiwawa_42I have a SIP 423 error on my SIP trunk (interval too brief). I've added "defaultexpirey=1800" in my trunk's context in sip.conf. What else may solve this issue ? Can it be NAT related ? As the message appears every 30sec on asterisk" CLI, it looks to me like the defaultexpirey isn't working, how to fix that ?
22:45.24*** join/#asterisk ScriptFanix (
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23:13.09DefrazSo I call into my system put myself on hold and I hear hold music only when I am talking or make a sound
23:13.35jsgoeckeFigured out my app_conference MOH issue, turns out to be the 'm' option and not the 'h' one
23:13.46DefrazAnyone have any idea?
23:19.28*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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23:29.36VaGoNeTaShello buddys
23:29.42VaGoNeTaSi've just installed asterisk with a redfone quad box
23:29.51VaGoNeTaSi havent pluged the E1 line yet
23:30.03VaGoNeTaSbut id like to know if redfone is being loaded by asterisk
23:30.08VaGoNeTaShow should i know that?
23:30.35VaGoNeTaSbesides fonulator -V command on the shell
23:30.49*** part/#asterisk Schreiber1337 (n=SCHREIBE@
23:30.54VaGoNeTaSthere is some kind of "load" or something on the asterisk console?
23:33.01VaGoNeTaSi even have a loopback cable connected to my redfone
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23:45.10jsgoeckeVaGoNeTaS Have you checked with the Redfone folks?
23:46.32VaGoNeTaSnop dude
23:47.08Qwellseanbright: just went from 80% to about 95% after fixing it
23:48.42Qwellpre-filled ones suck apparently
23:48.57*** join/#asterisk ltd (
23:49.17VaGoNeTaSasterisk-prodata*CLI> dahdi show status
23:49.18VaGoNeTaSDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
23:49.18VaGoNeTaSDAHDI_DUMMY/1 (source: HRtimer) 1        UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
23:49.30VaGoNeTaSshouldnt be showing that
23:49.45VaGoNeTaSshould've been YEL alarm or something like that
23:51.20VaGoNeTaSroot@asterisk-prodata:~# fonulator -vq
23:51.20VaGoNeTaSDetecting foneBRIDGE
23:51.20VaGoNeTaSConnection to device timed out! Check network or device power.
23:51.20VaGoNeTaSstatusInitalize: Internal foneBRIDGE library error
23:53.47infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
23:57.01VaGoNeTaSis away: Fell asleep on keyboard... <<eDK/VgN>> [ Logging, Page: On ]
23:57.31*** join/#asterisk Aiatek (n=munoz@

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