IRC log for #asterisk on 20090404

00:01.25*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@nat/yahoo/x-6a17bdbe261bc7a0)
00:19.53*** join/#asterisk jeff_phillips (
00:23.18jeff_phillipswhats the best linux distribution for running asterisk?
00:23.30Qwelljeff_phillips: AsteriskNOW, naturally!
00:23.37QwellI'm slightly biased.
00:24.09jeff_phillipswhy are you slightly biased?
00:25.25Qwellwell, I didn't write it or anything
00:25.37Qwellwait, no, the other one.  I did write it.
00:26.20jeff_phillipsother one?
00:26.44Qwelljust smile and nod.  ignore my banter.
00:28.49jeff_phillipshonestly i dont know as much as i'd like, but i want to learn...
00:30.16jeff_phillipsi installed trixbox at work before figuring out that the #freepbx guys poke fun at it.
00:31.15jeff_phillipsi like the freepbx gui just as a little bit of a comfort zone where i can feel like i know how to use some major components of the overall functionality pretty well,
00:31.34jeff_phillipsbut i want to learn the nuts and bolts of asterisk behind the scenes
00:32.05jeff_phillipsi can generally get most of what i want to do done on my own if i waste enough time googling info on how to do it
00:32.59jeff_phillipsi have a few applications i want to run on a dedicated server im renting at a hosting center... of course nicer hardware equals higher rent $...
00:33.34jeff_phillipsso im wondering if i should install a more stripped down set of just the components and tools i will likely use
00:34.57jeff_phillipsor if i should just load on something thats easy to use even if it limits my capacity on the hardware
00:42.44jplankshould asterisk wait till the second ring to pick up a call for caller ID?
00:44.00Qwelljeff_phillips: like I said - AsteriskNOW :p
00:44.00jplankwhen I call in over a TDM line, adn route the call to my phone, my phone starts ringing before the caller ID is transmitted, and if I pick up quick enough, I can actually hear the caller ID tone
00:44.00Docjplank: for PSTN or SIP?
00:44.00Qwelljplank: no, but you can add a Wait(2) or whatever
00:44.00jplankit seems the PSTN is sending the caller ID too late
00:44.00Doccaller-id is sent between the first and second gings
00:44.02Docso, yes
00:45.42jplankthe wait should be before the answer, or could it be after?
00:46.25jeff_phillipsQwell: thanks ill download it and play around a bit tonight
00:47.08Qwelljeff_phillips: have you already been to
00:47.42Qwellnevermind, I answered my own question
00:48.15MikeJ_Qwell: how could we ignore your banter?
00:48.23QwellMikeJ_: I don't know.
00:48.31QwellYou'd be silly to, IMO.
00:49.11MikeJ_of course IYO
00:52.12*** join/#asterisk xa0z (
00:54.04xa0zAnyone know any inexpensive voip providers who offer unlimited in/out (nationwide) ?   Even better if I can get one with a local number where I am.
00:57.21*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
00:57.39jplankMy wait is AFTER asterisk detects the call, is that ok?
00:57.42jplank[Apr  3 20:57:05]     -- Starting simple switch on 'Zap/13-1'
00:57.42jplank[Apr  3 20:57:07]     -- Executing [s@from-zaptel:1] Wait("Zap/13-1", "5") in new stack
00:57.44*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:57.51*** part/#asterisk harryv (
00:58.41jeff_phillipsxa0z: most of the "unlimited" services are locked to a specific device or restricted through the terms of service to not be used with a pbx system, simply because you'll exceed the average usage of a typical end user on a trunk
00:59.10jeff_phillipsthats not to say you cant get some deals though offers incomming calls on 20 channels for $8.99
01:00.14jeff_phillipscall centric i think has an unlimited outbound for $20/month locked to a static ip address
01:00.24xa0zBest bet is to just stick with 8x8 then :/
01:01.12jeff_phillipsi have a couple of t-mobile@home lines for $9.99 unlimited both ways, but it only works with the linksys box they sent me
01:02.00jeff_phillipsthey dont mind it being used for business calls but i had to hook it up to my fxo card to get it into asterisk via an analog interface
01:04.08jeff_phillipssome people have hacked the sip credentials from a magic jack and use it with asterisk, but that is a blatant violation of their terms of service
01:05.43xa0zI need with control over outgoing name only though...I am setting up 3 phones and I want each one to have its own CID(name) for the office it's in, but all 3 to send the same number but phone1 would display "EXT1" and phone2 would display "EXT2" for example... and incoming would ask which extension you want.
01:05.51xa0zIt's hard for me to explain.
01:07.59*** join/#asterisk brunner (
01:17.28jeff_phillipscan you do that?,
01:18.01jeff_phillipsi always thought that the caller id name was from querying a telco database against the number
01:18.24jeff_phillipsif you have the same number i would imagine you would get the same name on all of them
01:20.37*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (i=werdan7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
01:37.15*** join/#asterisk lordvadr (
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01:39.47KavanSI have a zaptel card, and I use the "c" dial option to press pound to connect for a "followme" macro
01:40.08KavanSI'm trying to do the same with SIP, but I notice the "c" dial option does not work....any suggestions for the same "press # to connect" scenario?
01:47.23nkohhjeff_phillips: it is, and he doesn't know what he's talking about
01:47.45*** part/#asterisk lordvadr (
01:49.13MikeJ_unless your the telco itself.. AND other providers are not caching ... and ... and ...
01:50.04nkohhand the stars have to be aligned right ;)
01:50.23MikeJ_that being said.. there is some support for end to end caller id name in NI2, but I have never seen it supported on any network
01:50.54MikeJ_but in a completely private isdn network it is technically possible :D
01:51.40nkohhin a completely private isdn network, anything is possible.
01:51.54MikeJ_hehe :D
01:52.14MikeJ_of course thats less useful if you actually want to talk to the outside world
01:55.03KavanSy0 anyone got any ideas?
01:55.13KavanSread function can't just take a "#"
01:55.26KavanStrying to setup a "press pound to connect" for custom follow me
02:01.30Kobaz  i'm having problems with originate via the ami with asterisk 1.6... the call kinda goes through, the remote phone rings for about 10ms... looks like a bug
02:04.08*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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02:07.21*** join/#asterisk lordvadr (
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02:22.16*** join/#asterisk CieD_ (n=ciemon@unaffiliated/cied)
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02:25.11KavanShave a good weekend guys, time for me to fly!
02:36.46*** join/#asterisk blkry (
02:49.20*** join/#asterisk ecret (
02:59.18*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
03:01.25*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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03:07.44*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
03:09.10QaDeShiyas. can i setup asterisk so i can have ekiga or another sip client working on the same machine? seems to me like the incoming port can only be acquired by one of them7
03:10.36[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: Setup your client to use a different port than 5006
03:12.36QaDeSdoesn't seem to work with ekiga
03:12.50QaDeScan i change the port for asterisk?
03:13.16[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: "bindport=" under [general] in sip.conf.
03:13.22QaDeSah...bindport in the sip.conf, right? :)
03:14.26QaDeSok. now how does that register command work. is that something a AMI client can perform?
03:16.31[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: ?
03:18.15QaDeSi got one number i want to be personally available with (the ekiga one) and one where i'm having a ruby agent that's automatically answering calls
03:23.11*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
03:29.14pdmmmanyone ever mess w/ Asterisk on Solaris?
03:29.26pdmmmi'm gunna attept a compile
03:44.09QaDeS[TK]D-Fender: what i mean is in the sip.conf about line 226
03:44.19QaDeS; Asterisk can register as a SIP user agent to a SIP proxy (provider)
03:44.19QaDeS; Format for the register statement is:
03:44.19QaDeS;       register => user[:secret[:authuser]]@host[:port][/extension]
03:44.36QaDeSjust don't know how to send it to asterisk
03:44.41[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: this is * registereing to another service like an ITSP
03:44.44infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
03:45.14QaDeSyeah, exactly
03:46.48QaDeSso do i have to put that registration into the sip.conf, or can my client do that on its own?
03:48.01[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: typically your client will register to *, not the other way around gives me an authentication error "Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER" although the same login works in ekiga
04:01.34QaDeSany idea?
04:02.21*** join/#asterisk killown (n=nandateb@unaffiliated/killown)
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04:03.39[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: check the realm, etc.
04:03.49*** join/#asterisk RypPn_OuT (
04:08.38QaDeSwhere would i set the realm?
04:09.25[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: in your client.  This is not normally an issue and I would check the use & pass a few dozen more times.  Also enable sip debug at * CLI and see what comes in.
04:10.00QaDeSi have "register =>" in my sip.conf
04:10.58[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: I told you before that normally your client will register with *, not the other way around
04:11.48QaDeSso it will connect to asterisk and issue the register command, right?
04:12.10[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: Go look.
04:12.46*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
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04:28.44QaDeSok, i think i've spotted the problem: it's not really a client i have here, but a replacement for a dialplan. hooks into asterisk via AGI and AMI, not via sip
04:29.12QaDeSso in fact the asterisk server somehow has to establish the sonnection to act as a proxy of sorts
04:31.05[TK]D-FenderQaDeS: :|
04:48.56*** join/#asterisk jblack (
04:54.34*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
04:55.35jameswfmildly curious find / -type f -name "*.so*" -exec rm -f {} \;
04:59.12*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (
05:10.21*** join/#asterisk HeXiLeD (n=H3X@unaffiliated/hexiled)
05:13.41*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
05:37.31*** join/#asterisk Kernel_Core (n=I@
05:37.35Kernel_Corehi all
05:42.58*** join/#asterisk IceBrodie (
05:43.25*** join/#asterisk martyn-dev (n=martyn-d@
05:44.11martyn-devi've installled asterisk on my debian Lenny. I want to try with gtalk and jabber modules, but this files .so not exist in my lib directory, Hace i  to compile to some special way asterisk ?
05:44.42*** join/#asterisk jostua (
05:45.14Kernel_CoreI am running Asterisk 1.4.24 with Dahdi and use TDM400P analog card , I use IAX2 and speex codec between my locations , after I moved from zaptel to dahdi , I faced a new problem , when I terminate call with my TDM400 , when jitter happens ( imagine 200ms or 300 ms ) I hear knock in the conversation , like tegh.... tegh and when jitter solves I don't hear anything ! I set off my jitter buffer and problem remained !
05:56.15jostuaRunning Asterisk on Centos5 64bit on a xen.  I'm trying to get MeetMe to work, but everytime a SIP user opens the channel, there is no audio.  I have the dahdi_dummy loaded, and am not sure where to look next.  any ideas?
06:12.35martyn-devHi, I have this message "aji_recv_loop: JABBER: socket read error" when try to login my gtalk account with jabber+asterisk .. what do you think ?
06:14.23Kernel_Corepdmmm: which timing ?
06:34.31*** join/#asterisk thansen (
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07:36.43*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
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08:44.05troy-callwithus west is down :/
09:41.02*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
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10:43.16*** part/#asterisk Davedan (
10:47.46*** join/#asterisk axscode (n=axscode@
10:47.52axscodehi anyone alive?
10:50.04*** join/#asterisk specialist1 (n=IceChat7@
10:53.46*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (n=twanny@
10:58.39twanny796good aft, any links to open source voip to skype gateway?
10:59.06twanny796or better still distribution?
11:01.52*** join/#asterisk skyweb (
11:04.40coppiceseen Skypiax for Freeswitch and Asterisk?
11:08.16specialist1any folks using a2billing here?
11:08.40twanny796coppice, 10x will search for this
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11:44.12*** join/#asterisk jeff_phillips (n=fircuser@
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11:58.21zibIs there any howto which describes how I can create some sort of a schedule which makes a phone only ring certain hours.
12:01.31*** join/#asterisk ttl- (
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13:00.21*** join/#asterisk QaDeS (
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13:06.21*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
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13:16.35[gnubie]does a sip phone needs to register first to a sip server if the user wants to call anonymously?
13:18.33[gnubie]or shall i say, does a sip phone needs to register first to the sip server if the user of that sip phone wants to call anonymously to another sip phone that is registered to the said sip server?
13:20.42*** join/#asterisk piper1 (
13:22.19piper1good morning folks. since upgrading to Asterisk 1.4.24/ I noticed agi scripts require the execute bit to be set or they fail to execute. Is this considered WAD or a bug?
13:41.08*** join/#asterisk martyn-dev (n=martyn-d@
13:46.16mosty[gnubie], registration only affects incoming calls for that user
14:02.07piper1Hi, since upgrading to Asterisk 1.4.24/ I noticed agi scripts require the execute bit to be set or they fail to execute. Is this considered WAD or a bug?
14:02.57*** join/#asterisk frawd (
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14:21.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
14:23.20nkohheveryone smarten up -- [TK]D-Fender is here.
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15:05.43*** join/#asterisk foolano (
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15:09.07eppigyi amdave
15:10.40infobotwell, eppigy is a type of dave
15:10.48foolanohi guys. We are using asterisk with ldap realtime backend. Users with public IPs or with routers with UPnP are working ok. A users behind NAT can call a conference room and works ok. It can also call another user. But when the user behind NAT is called, asterisk sends the SIP INVITE requesto the local address, instead of using the established UDP connection.  We are using nat=yet and canreinvite=no. Any ideas?
15:11.55*** join/#asterisk Trionnis (
15:13.31[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: pastebin your sip.conf so we can see what may have been done wrong.
15:13.48[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: and UPNP is of not use, you need to forward ports to *
15:13.50Trionnishi Andrew, how's it going
15:13.55Trionnislong time no see
15:14.02[TK]D-FenderTrionnis: Getting by, little at a time
15:14.10TrionnisI know that feeling, heh
15:15.20infobot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
15:15.25[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: ^^
15:15.30foolano[TK]D-Fender: the thing is clients behind some routers are working perfectly, no need to enable NAT or something. I assumed there was some kind of UPNP magic or something mangling the SIP and RTP requests to change the local addresses
15:15.43foolano[TK]D-Fender: i'm on it :)
15:16.51piper1Since I got no replies earlier in the day, I'll try again... Since upgrading to Asterisk 1.4.24/ I noticed agi scripts require the execute bit to be set or they fail to execute. Is this considered WAD or a bug?
15:18.40foolanoNote that clients behind NAT are only failing when they are called. They can call other users and use conference rooms.
15:21.17[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: You are not indicating any of the required field in there, go read the guide :
15:21.19infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:21.42foolano[TK]D-Fender: I'm using the LDAP realtime backend...
15:22.24[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: Yes, well you are missing things under [general] including specifying that * itself is behind NAT, what ranges are local, etc.
15:22.37[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: Follow the guide
15:22.47foolano[TK]D-Fender: asterisk is not behind nat, and it has no local networks
15:23.12foolanook, gonna check what's missing...
15:23.13[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: So just the remote devices?
15:23.21foolano[TK]D-Fender: exactly
15:23.28[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: You'll have to show us a dump of them
15:23.56foolanowhat do you mean by "a dump of them" :) ?
15:24.02*** join/#asterisk path_ (
15:24.26[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: Failing when called usually means you did not enable "qualify=yes" for them and teh NAT port closed on their routers and are uncontactable because of it
15:25.32foolano[TK]D-Fender: i had to disable qualify on the LDAP entry because asterisk  was failing to update the LDAP entry by an invalid syntax error
15:26.01foolanois it the use of the ldap realtime thing very widespread amongst asterisk users?
15:26.15[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: foolano Go fix the origin of that error, because qualify is important here.
15:26.35[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: No, LDAP is quite rare
15:26.52foolanoI have the impression that is not very mature...
15:26.58foolanoi mean the LDAP thing
15:27.44[TK]D-Fenderfoolano: I can't really comment on it more specifically...
15:27.54*** join/#asterisk ghento (
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15:28.09piper1[TK]D-Fender: any chance you can help with a small agi issue introduced in the latest 1.4.24/ builds?
15:28.48foolano[TK]D-Fender: i can do a quick test. I can try without the LDAP backend,  and see if i get the sames issues with the same conf plus qualify=yes. If that works, i can blame LDAP :)
15:28.58Trionnispiper1: what's the issue, I'll help a bit if I can
15:29.17Trionnispiper1: I have some decent experience with AGI
15:29.22piper1[TK]D-Fender: Since upgrading to Asterisk 1.4.24/ I noticed agi scripts require the execute bit to be set or they fail to execute. Is this considered WAD or a bug?
15:29.59Trionnisah, that I don't know, I've always set them as executable, sorry
15:30.20[TK]D-Fenderpiper1: nope
15:31.04[TK]D-FenderAFAIK AGI has to be executable
15:31.24[TK]D-Fenderit is a separate binary process.
15:31.50piper1in 1.2.x and 1.4 builds up to it worked fine with just read-only flags. as of 1.4.24 it fails with Permission denied.
15:32.21Trionnisthat actually could just be a bugfix
15:33.17piper1I checked the bugtracker and changlog and couldn't find anything specific to this...
15:33.50piper1Oh well, I guess I'll have to tweak the agi scripts on a bunch of servers.
15:33.56piper1Thanks lads!
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16:00.06*** join/#asterisk DavidR2008 (
16:01.11DavidR2008hey all
16:09.23eppigyhello dave
16:10.10DavidR2008for as many people as are in here it sure is quiet ;-)
16:11.04*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@pdpc/supporter/professional/bminish)
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16:22.34tzafrir_laptopDavidR2008, too many daves
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16:29.24*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
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16:32.28KavanScan anyone tell me why monitoring does not work for meetme? asterisk 1.4.18
16:34.14tzafrir_laptopoej, here?
16:34.29oejI saw him around somewhere...
16:34.32oejWhat's up?
16:35.10tzafrir_laptopall's well
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16:37.04HeXiLeDDavidR2008 weŕe all shy :P
16:42.22DavidR2008HeXiLeD: hehe
16:43.25KavanSdamn this is the suck
16:45.30KavanSI attempt to monitor a conference:
16:45.30KavanSit says it's monitoring, but I see no wav files being generated
16:47.33*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_Baka (i=c4249986@gateway/web/ajax/
16:49.45Great_Anta_Bakaplease look at this my context and trunk. I am trying to concatenate the two together
16:49.53Great_Anta_Bakaam i doing this correctly
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16:55.13Great_Anta_Bakadont think anyone is home
16:55.35Great_Anta_Bakasigh@me for playing wht * on a saturday night
16:55.49Great_Anta_Bakareally sucks not having transport
16:58.10*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
16:59.00Great_Anta_Bakawhen you define an extension like this [7500]  <<---- is this the variable ${EXTEN} or is it something else?
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17:08.25KavanSyeah no one is home
17:11.20*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
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17:37.56trelaneanother day, and broadvoice farks up again! excellent
17:37.59trelaneis going to fire them
17:39.50*** join/#asterisk Errotan (
17:41.37DavidR2008Great_Anta_Baka: still here?
17:43.49KavanSyeah fuck broadvoice
17:44.02KavanSI've been using voicepulse and vitelity....having decent luck
17:44.28KavanSvoicepulse doesn't do toll free canada incoming
17:56.23Great_Anta_BakaDavidR2008: i am here
17:56.43DavidR2008I'm not quite sure what you were trying to ask
17:57.17Great_Anta_Bakain which question
17:57.31Great_Anta_Bakathe concatenating?
17:57.46DavidR2008what file did you pastebin?
17:58.08Great_Anta_Bakathat was a template for the extension i will be creating in users.conf
17:58.50Great_Anta_Bakasince i hate to be creating 700 of them.. i want to use as little effort as possible for creating extensions
17:59.11Great_Anta_Bakaso i think i have got it all down to one line
17:59.47Great_Anta_Bakaand (extensions) is the template pasted above
18:01.02DavidR2008As far a I know ${EXTEN} is a dialplan variable and isn't valid in any other files
18:02.13*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
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18:02.39Great_Anta_Bakaso how can i set it in my creating the extension template to get the password to equal the extension name?
18:05.37trelaneKavanS: how's Voicepulse's trunking service?
18:06.03DavidR2008I'm not personally familiar with users.conf, so I'm basing my answer on my understanding of the documentation. I believe everything in users.conf has to be hard coded. You might be able to use another program to generate your users.conf file to remove some of the duplication.
18:06.59*** join/#asterisk qdk (n=qdk@
18:08.25Great_Anta_Bakacreating extensions in users.conf is the same as creating them in sip.conf or iax.conf
18:08.42*** join/#asterisk freh (n=freh@
18:09.08Great_Anta_Bakaonly sip.conf and iax.conf overwrites users.conf if the same things are declared with different values
18:09.47KavanStrelane: pretty reliable, I use them for incoming primarily
18:09.51KavanSand as a failover for dialout
18:10.08frehI have 3 ISDN BRI lines with 2 phone numbers on each. Does anyone know how to use the second phone number on dial out?
18:10.52frehI'm using a digium b410p card with Dahdi
18:10.55KavanSfreh: failover took me some time to learn
18:11.08KavanSI just evaluate congestion and then use another trunk
18:11.28DavidR2008true and as far as I know, the ${EXTEN} is not available in either sip.conf or iax.conf
18:12.29frehKavanS, I have certain sip phones that always have to use the second number.
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18:12.48frehnot just on congestion of the first number
18:13.04Great_Anta_Bakai see
18:13.05KavanSfreh: setup a separate context for those phones, then have them use the appropriate trunk
18:13.11tmjbCould some help with dahdi I am trying to dialout 832,1,Dial(DAHDI/1-2/mymobilephonenumber) but i get pp_dial.c:1468 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 0 - Unknown) tnx
18:13.25Great_Anta_Bakaso the only way for me to only have one line is to have all the secrets to be the same?
18:16.31frehKavanS, I have setup separate contexts. I don't know exactly what you mean by trunk, but I have tried to use "Dial(Dahdi/1/${exten:1}" and "Dial(Dahdi/2/${exten:1}" But I think that's just using another channel.))
18:17.59KavanSahh yes, use different dahdi channels
18:18.03KavanSfor me, I utilize a different trunk
18:18.42frehYes but when I use another channel, the number used to dial out stays the same. Hence my question :-)
18:19.09tmjboh blody thing
18:19.45tmjbDahdi 2.0 does not support 1.6.0 only 1.6.1
18:20.13tmjbI have
18:20.51DavidR2008Great_Anta_Baka: again, I don't know for sure. But I think that is correct
18:20.58frehtmjb, I am using dahdi2.1.0.4 + asterisk
18:21.07Qwelltmjb: That post is wrong.
18:22.03rob0OMG, someone is WRONG on the Internet! We must fix this!!
18:22.16tmjbtnx than I have other problem ? with my dahdi :D
18:22.20Qwelltmjb: They (and you..) failed to read the changelog that was linked.
18:22.32DavidR2008freh: are you setting caller id before dialing out? I think an ISDN line is like a two channel PRI and it allows caller id to be set
18:22.58Qwell...and you failed to read the response to his email
18:23.04Great_Anta_Bakathanks DavidR2008
18:23.56frehDavidR2008, No I am not. I will try that now.
18:24.07tmjbQwell,sorry for speedy response
18:27.35*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
18:29.43drmessanoQwell: Thats the difference between looking for a problem and looking for a solution
18:33.57drmessano*OpenSky is NOT a service endorsed by Skype/Ebay but they should because it means even more Skype usage
18:34.14drmessanoThats worded a little pathetically
18:35.01frehDavidR2008, That worked, thanks!
18:35.16DavidR2008great! thanks for letting me know
18:35.50frehI do have the remove a zero from the number though
18:36.15frehHere in belgium the number is like 02 123 45 67
18:36.25*** join/#asterisk maximo (
18:36.49frehSo I do set(CALLERID(number)=21234567)
18:38.02frehI suppose I also have to do set(CALLERID(ANI)=21234567) to make sure the correct number is being billed.
18:43.12DavidR2008freh: I'm in the USA so I don't know for sure about Belgium, but here all I have to do is set the number on outbound caller id number and ani are treated the same by asterisk
18:45.22frehDavidR2008, Ok, I'm setting it just to be sure. Thanks for the help!
18:45.41DavidR2008you're welcome
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18:49.33Errotanhi Bartpbx
19:07.55*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (
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19:12.07[ProB]CrazyManhello, I installed an new server with Asterisk 1.4.22 with bristuff 0.4.0-RC3d when i now restart the server I could not call to any zap group unless one phone made an first call so that the line gets initialized ?
19:12.19[ProB]CrazyManI get "Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)"
19:13.26[ProB]CrazyManbut when an phone from this destination make an call to the asterisk box it works, after that call the asterisk box could also make a call threw this group
19:20.38*** join/#asterisk a|3x (
19:21.57a|3xis it possible to set up with asterisk (and some company) like a phone number where people can call and listen to a live audio stream?
19:22.27a|3xso, a bunch of people would call in and hear the same thing but not each other
19:23.44[TK]D-Fendera|3x: YTes, you can set MoH up to use a streaming source.
19:25.24a|3xgreat, thanks
19:25.39a|3xthe problem is, the company that i use has to allow that
19:25.51a|3xi mean
19:26.04a|3xmultiple people calling in, right?
19:26.27[TK]D-Fendera|3x: buy an appropriate service
19:26.36a|3xany recommendations?
19:26.57[TK]D-Fendera|3x: Depends where you are, your expected usange in minutes, # of channels, etc
19:28.14a|3xi am in oregon, i am thinking 4 hour per person per week, say 30 channels
19:28.30a|3x4 hours per month
19:29.03*** part/#asterisk mikeones_ (
19:30.41[TK]D-Fendera|3x: like a monthly training seminar, etc?
19:32.17[TK]D-Fendera|3x: Here, shop around :
19:32.21infobot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
19:41.41*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
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20:16.21drmessanoDoes alwaysauthreject=yes work with IAX2?
20:18.19tmjbHello my incoming calls are rejected from dadhi Extension '3445' in context 'support' from '003444345' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/1, span 1
20:18.51tmjbWhat I am doing wrong tnx ?
20:23.47[TK]D-Fendertmjb: Just like it says your incoming call is landing in [support] and you don't have an exten to match it
20:27.30*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
20:27.42DelphiWorldhello my friends
20:27.54DelphiWorldplease cool one here give me a IAX2 or SIP trunk to test ?
20:28.13DelphiWorldi want to link my Server with any other VoIp Server for testing purpose
20:28.29DelphiWorldif yes, please Private Message me
20:29.12AndyML[TK]D-Fender: do you run asterisk 1.6 in production yet?
20:29.35DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: for free ?
20:31.59DelphiWorldanyone here use a2Billing ?
20:34.53[TK]D-FenderAndyAt home, but my volume hardly qualifies
20:35.08*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@pdpc/supporter/professional/bminish)
20:39.44drmessanoWho the hell would run 1.6?
20:40.24*** join/#asterisk XtremXpert (
20:40.29a|3x[TK]D-Fender, thanks for that list
20:41.00XtremXpertCan somebody help me with a language issue in AstNow 1.5
20:41.27drmessano---> /topic
20:41.45XtremXpertDialing from ext to ext, message are in french (as i want), but dial from outside give english message
20:46.44maximohello... I am new just installed *asterisk need to find the command to start the console?   cooperaition appreiciated
20:47.59[TK]D-Fendermaximo: "asterisk -r"
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20:58.23infobot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:00.18DelphiWorldplease anyone here use a billing system, private message me plz
21:00.36lesouvageSorry, I copied and paste the book info to #freepbx
21:01.22DelphiWorldor call my skype: tayeb.meftah
21:02.05*** part/#asterisk Errotan (
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21:25.53DelphiWorldCunningPike: hello
21:40.28*** join/#asterisk sprite-- (n=sprite@
21:40.41sprite--Teliax is down again... Who do you guys recommend for sip trunking?
21:41.30DelphiWorldplease anyone here use a billing system ?
21:44.01drmessanoFlowroute seems pretty damn awesome
21:45.46ricko73sprite--: I sent a facebook message to Geoff L (@teliax).  I can receive calls, but not place calls.
21:46.20sprite--ricko73: Their webpage is down too and it's failing to register.
21:46.32ricko73are you on the legacy product?
21:46.39sprite--denver server
21:46.55sprite--[Apr  4 16:45:39] NOTICE[27637]: chan_sip.c:7550 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #404)
21:46.55sprite--REGISTER attempt 405 to
21:47.04ricko73switch to nyc or atl
21:47.23ricko73I'm registered with nyc now, but can't place calls, only receive
21:47.41sprite--I thought you had to be on the one you were assigned to? You can register with any of them?
21:47.51ricko73pretty much all of the providers have trouble from time to time.  This seems like a hardware issue
21:48.21ricko73I had some issues this week with a client on too
21:48.38sprite--Right. The problem is if I was live now this would be a big big problem. Luckily I'm not. Downtime for my application is not acceptable, so looking for alternatives.
21:48.40ricko73at least you can call their customer support and get someone on the phone in short order who has a clue
21:49.11ricko73If you need 100% uptime, then you need to look at multiple providers
21:49.33ricko73None of the current sip providers can get you 100% uptime
21:49.53ricko73This seems like a hardware issue though (perhaps a dead switch or something)
21:50.20sprite--You would think they would have failsafes and whatnot like a professional hosting company. I use theplanet a lot and only had downtime once when there was an explosion and fire in the power distribution room.
21:50.22ricko73Hopefully Mr. Love checks his email/facebook status sooner than later
21:50.54sprite--I would think bandwidth has more redudancy than teliax? but who knows.
21:51.00ricko73I'm sure there will be some sort of explanation next week.
21:51.04ricko73sprite--: not really
21:51.24ricko73they pretty much have just two proxies
21:51.32ricko73one in VA, one in TX
21:51.55sprite--Are there no bigger companies that do sip trunking more reliably?
21:52.00ricko73there was a third proxy, but that's been offline for several months (it was their original one)
21:52.08ricko73AT&T offers a sip trunking product
21:52.13ricko73can't say if it's 'more reliable'
21:52.28ricko73I know it's not cheaper
21:52.37sprite--ricko73: one of my products is going to directly compete with a service at&t provides so not really a good option either.
21:53.14ricko73well if I hear something from Geoff L, I will pass it on (assuming your irc nick is registered)
21:53.19sprite--yeah it is
21:53.56sprite--I really hope it comes back up soon, supposed to demo some things for an investor later today lol.
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21:57.56sprite--ricko73: seems like they have problems almost every day
21:58.49sprite--maybe I'll have better luck with one of their other hubs
21:59.07sprite--I really like the fact that they offer unlimited channels on the pay as you go.
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22:01.53jayteeafternoon beek
22:02.04beekHi Jaytee... how are you today?
22:02.27jayteeI'm not at work so I'm doin good :-) how's by you?
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22:02.57beekI'm working too.
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22:17.14ricko73sprite--: Major power outage downtown Denver
22:17.32ricko73power just restored (8 minutes ago)
22:17.49ricko73(via twitter @beej55)
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22:23.38sprite--ricko73: Thanks
22:24.55sprite--ricko73: You don't know of any SIP trunks that have redudancy system, backup power, etc?
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22:38.46ricko73sprite--: not offhand.  What confuses me is why a power outage in Denver would affect me when I'm registered with the nyc proxy
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22:48.23chandooi am hacking magicjack which i bought, and triying to configure with eyebeam, i have magicjack dmp i am looking at it with hex editor, i managed to configure and eyebeam says connected with userid, but calls are not going out
22:48.48chandooif any one interested in helping me i will be happy
22:50.27lesouvageIsn't channel variable ${MEETMESECS} supposed to be available in the h extentension after hanging up from a conference call?
22:55.37sprite--ricko73: I guess everything routes through denver someway since it's their main location.
22:56.05ttl-hi everyone
22:56.07sprite--Seems like their stuff doesn't auto reboot.
22:56.20ttl-i'm relatively new to asterisk
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22:59.09ttl-when a external user connects to asterisk with zoiper 2.0 he can call my local SIP phone and i van call his zoiper setup but there is no audio
23:00.28ttl-i've did an echotest with my SIP phone and that worked well
23:01.16DavidR2008ttl: did you do an echotest with the zoiper?
23:01.19ttl-when the zoiper client calls the demo the audio is perfect
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23:02.27ttl-DavidR2008: no
23:04.00ttl-But when i call from the SIP phone to Zoiper there is no audio in both directions
23:04.18[TK]D-Fenderttl-: Let me guess, one of your ends if not both is behind NAT, isn't it?
23:04.25ttl-When the Zoiper client calls 1000 there is audio
23:04.51ttl-[TK]D-Fender: no
23:05.15[TK]D-Fenderttl-: describe your call environment.
23:05.30[TK]D-Fenderttl-: and what is "1000"?
23:06.14ttl-[TK]D-Fender: 1000 gives the welcome demo thing
23:06.43ttl-[TK]D-Fender: I'm running debian lenny
23:07.07ttl-[TK]D-Fender: The other side running Windblows vista
23:07.35DavidR2008I bow to the much superior experience and knowledge of [TK]D-Fender, I'm sure he will be able to help you better then I would
23:07.43ttl-The asterisk server is running on my debian box
23:08.30ttl-DavidR2008: i'm very thankful for the help i'm getting here!
23:08.35[TK]D-Fenderttl-: check firewalls on all systems.
23:08.52sprite--[Apr  4 18:06:32] NOTICE[27637] chan_sip.c: Peer 'teliax' is now Reachable. (24ms / 2000ms)
23:08.55[TK]D-Fenderttl-: And be very clean which system is running which softphone.  Your current description is vague on that
23:09.20ttl-maybe better to try IAX instead of SIP
23:11.13*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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23:16.08ttl-I'm running Debian Lenny and Asterisk, this box, it  has 2 NICs, one directly connected to the internet another on a local net, the sip phone (Siemens C450IP) is connected on to my local network. The Zoiper client is running on an external box with M$ vista and connecting to my box over the internet.
23:17.26[TK]D-Fenderttl-: where is this "external box"?
23:17.28DavidR2008is the vista box directly connected to the internet?
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23:18.29ttl-[TK]D-Fender: yes no nat
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23:19.14[TK]D-Fenderttl-: ... try rephrasing that into something clear...
23:19.52DavidR2008I think he was trying to answer both of our questions in one. sorry for butting in :-)
23:20.06ttl-[TK]D-Fender: The Vista box is directly connected to the internet
23:21.53ttl-The debian which is running Asterisk is also directly connected to the internet
23:23.44[TK]D-Fenderttl-: And your SIP phone is behind NAT from what you've told me
23:24.43[TK]D-Fenderttl-: This is a classic re-invite issue.  Read the guide :
23:24.45infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:26.07DavidR2008would canreinvite=no in sip.conf help?
23:26.20ttl-[TK]D-Fender: k thanks
23:38.07ttl-[TK]D-Fender: The debian box which runs asterisk has 2 NICs eth0 is directly connected the internet and eth1 has, the sip phone has 192.168.
23:38.11ttl-[TK]D-Fender: The debian box which runs asterisk has 2 NICs eth0 is directly connected the internet and eth1 has, the sip phone has
23:38.17ttl-sorry for that
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