IRC log for #asterisk on 20090326

00:01.39jblackHard core. It went from melodramatic, to "I hate the world songs". to "I fucking hate this person songs", to "there's no hope for the world" to "there's no hope for me". Really kinda spooky.
00:02.13jblackIt's like when my tivo spent 2 weeks thinking I was gay.
00:03.12jblackohhh, nifty thought. How about an app that rates people that call. Then, depending on your mood, it screens based on rating. :)
00:05.42*** part/#asterisk AJayMN (
00:06.55coppicejblack you got that from a weird al song, didn't you?
00:07.16jblackThe first two are entirely true, the third one I made up all on my own.
00:08.12jblackI thought the tivo/gay thing was a running gag, but it actually happened to me. I fell asleep while watching the home improvement channel. For the next two weeks, everything tivo suggestion included a lisp.
00:08.57coppiceyoutube comes up with some really funky suggestions for me. If it ever recommend a Celine Dion video, I think I'll stop using it
00:09.29jblackbleh youtube. The only way my kid talks to me is links to youtube.
00:09.53*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:10.42jblackwtf? "I am a shark, if I stop moving, I will die. If you hold me, I'll just dissapear"
00:11.09coppicesounds like someone reworking a Woody Allen line
00:11.55jblackShark Serenade, Vermillion Lies. THe main instrumentals are a xylophone and a vibraphone.
00:13.53coppicelook on the bright side - at least its not repeating the top 10 all day
00:14.00jblackThat and some suzanne vega b tracks would make for great "go away" hold music. ;)
00:14.18jblackGoo point.
00:14.39*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
00:15.08jblackLOL. thinks I should live. It went to enya, then "What is love" as per SNL. :)
00:17.59*** join/#asterisk Micho123 (n=mcho123@
00:18.30Micho123Hi all, WHn trying to start asterisk I got the following error...Starting asterisk: /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 75: ulimit: open files: cannot modify limit: Operation not permitted
00:18.37Micho123Any ideas about this issue?
00:18.55[netman]man ulimit
00:19.47Micho123[netman], I used ulimit -n to increase the number of open files for root...but still have the same issue
00:20.50*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
00:21.52jblackMicho123: Sounds like you're trying to raise the limits above what's possible.
00:22.22[netman]maybe /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk is not being executed with enough privileges
00:22.54Micho123[netman], maybe you are right
00:23.01*** join/#asterisk tobias (
00:23.01Micho123I'll check this
00:30.09*** join/#asterisk seanmh (n=johndoe@
00:31.18*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
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01:02.13*** join/#asterisk RayAcayan (
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01:22.35*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
01:24.39*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
01:30.46f0ner00tOkay. I just want to hook up sip... To my ipkall / gatorphone acct via asterisk can someone help me
01:32.27Linuturkwaves @ russellb
01:33.35*** join/#asterisk jaxxan (
01:33.40jaxxanhey guys
01:34.51jameswfspeaking of gay i am watchinf Family guy starwars episode
01:34.55jaxxani'm running and I have asterisk-addons-1.4.7, but I need the MYSQL Application, but i'm not sure how to get that compiled in now. i guess it was removed from the asterisk-addons? any pointers?
01:35.39jaxxani see a
01:35.47jaxxanhow do i install that?
01:36.19jaxxanjust svn checkout cdr_addon_mysql ???
01:36.26*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
01:37.06raden_workanyone have any opinions on gafachi ?
01:39.43jameswfbless you
01:40.27russellbwaves back to Linuturk
01:40.51Linuturkpasses russellb frito chili pie
01:41.12russellbthat was a yummy lunch :-)
01:41.18russellbwonders what you guys get tomorrow ...
01:41.23Linuturkyep. Haven't had that in a while
01:41.42Linuturkthat's the fun. it's always a suprise
01:43.52Linuturkthe wife is going stir crazy in the hotel :)
01:44.04Linuturkit's slightly amusing
01:44.57jaxxananyone know how to install the mysql application in asterisk 1.4 ?
01:45.21jameswfmake menuselect
01:45.48jaxxanjameswf: are you talking to me?
01:46.25jameswfjaxxan, if it works yes otherwise no
01:46.53f0ner00tCan someone help me configure my asterisk box to work with IPKALL / Gatorphone?
01:49.17jameswff0ner00t, try
01:50.17f0ner00tjameswf: Thank you noted. Goodnight see ya all tommorrow!
01:50.31jameswfuhhh lol
02:01.03Nasraneed to find someone to help me findout what is going on with my asterisk box does not want to start ....please take a look at my pastebin thanks....
02:05.06*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
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02:21.26phixNasra: hello sir
02:22.15phixNasra: you forgot the sudo before asterisk -rvvdd
02:22.36*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:22.39phixa normal user doesn't gave access to the asterisk console
02:23.13phixI though this line would of given it away --> #
02:23.24phix(Permission denied)
02:25.00*** join/#asterisk seanmh (n=johndoe@
02:27.30*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (
02:27.34jameswfeeek dont run asterisk as root
02:28.35scooby2why the heck is the audio on this sangoma card so choppy
02:28.40Nasraphix: is now connectd
02:29.22jameswfscooby2, its sangoma...
02:31.59scooby2jameswf: lol, I have not had a lot better luck with digium gear
02:32.25jameswfokay maybe its you
02:32.34*** join/#asterisk kn0x (n=pinochle@
02:33.11kn0xquick question
02:33.11scooby2finally took buying new hardware to get the digium to work
02:33.36kn0xanyway to use zaptel channels as a dial-up terminal?
02:39.47kn0xi need to dial in and do remote admin without dedicating a trunk to a modem
02:40.08phixjameswf: ?
02:40.20kn0xis there a way to hook this up without running through an fxs?
02:40.22phixjameswf: sudo -u asterisk asterisk -rvvvvvvdddddd
02:41.03jameswfproper setup is key no sudo
02:41.20phixsudo == proper setup
02:43.26*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
02:45.08jbotsomebody said sudo was (SUperuser DO) better than su, according to talon.It is able to give limited super user privileges to specific users, or can allow you to do silly things like run X apps with root perms, or good in scripts with "username ALL = NOPASSWD: /some/program", or, or good for ordering sandwiches, or not pseudo
02:45.25jaxxanso make menuselect shows the app_addon_sql_mysql with XXX next to it and down below it says Depends on mysqlclient(E)
02:45.27jaxxanwhat is that?
02:45.52jameswfjaxxan, means your missing myswlclient
02:46.00jaxxani have mysql mysql-devel and mysql-server installed
02:46.38jameswfjaxxan, mysql-client
02:47.14jaxxanyum install mysql-client doesn't show anything
02:48.07jameswfyum list mysql*
02:48.59jaxxanthe only ones that aren't installed are mysql-bench and mysql-test
02:49.03jaxxanall the others are already installed
02:49.31*** join/#asterisk wimt (i=wimt@freenode/staff/wikipedia.wimt)
02:49.38jaxxanit's weird, i never had this problem with 1.2
02:49.57jameswfjaxxan, try yum provides mysqlclient
02:50.26jaxxandownloading new filelists
02:51.00infinity1a sip dial takes about 30 seconds to completely fail when the sip provider is unavailable. how can i make it fail faster so it gets to the failover trunk faster?
02:52.29jaxxanlibmysqlclient ?
02:52.53*** join/#asterisk macli_ (
02:53.45jameswftry it
02:54.26jaxxanthe libmysqlclient is included in all the other mysql packages that I already have installed
03:03.51jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
03:05.43*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
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03:32.02phixjameswf: but it is ok to run the client as root?
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03:54.49jameswfremember what you run as root can do whatever it wants
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04:33.20stablerdoes any one run a pfsense firewall?
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06:15.42*** join/#asterisk hope4every1 (n=arun@
06:16.36hope4every1Hi every1
06:16.53hope4every1I have set up a vicidial and trixbox
06:17.23hope4every1but my extension not ringing when i login the vicidial
06:19.43*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
06:19.50hope4every1can u help me with information regarding setting up vicidial with trixbox
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09:02.31brunnercan anyone help me find a co-location provider in Mexico that offers TDM connectivity to the PSTN?
09:07.54*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
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09:17.43*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:17.58*** join/#asterisk ioszilla (n=me@
09:19.52yangbrunner: what about ?
09:21.25brunnerthose rates are pretty good, thanks
09:27.10yangYes, I use it they are ok
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10:04.29k-manin an spa942, to transfer a call, do you hit transfer, dial the extension and then hang up?
10:06.22*** join/#asterisk dr_gogeta86 (
10:07.28k-manoh - when all else fails, read the manual
10:07.42k-manapparantly you have to press transfer again to complete the transfer
10:10.29*** join/#asterisk djin (
10:15.48*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
10:22.36*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
10:26.31*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
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10:37.15bobsaccamanohi im trying to write a dial plan for international i have a SIP no and a country code..ONLY when i dial the country code prefix i should be able to call this sip number
10:37.32bobsaccamanoso i employed a simple pattern matching extension
10:37.37bobsaccamanolike so exten=>_011XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/544444444444444/${EXTEN:3},20)
10:37.49bobsaccamanois this the right way?
10:39.51Bladerunner05hello using Dial command I need to specify to call user1 for 15 seconds and if no answer or busy try user2 and so on... but if I do Dial(SIP/user1&SIP/user2,15) it call simultaneously user1 and user2....
10:40.44mort_gibBladerunner05: Use followme or DIALSTATUS
10:41.13Bladerunner05•mort_gib• my u explain me a little bit with an example ?
10:41.36mort_gibBladerunner05: Eh, no, the book is full of examples
10:42.02mort_gibBladerunner05: DIALSTATUS allows you to check if the call was picked up after 15 sec
10:43.08mort_gibBladerunner05: Followme works different, but might be what you want
10:43.59mort_gibbobsaccamano: Are you trying to place the call via a SIP account, or to dial a SIP phone??
10:47.35*** join/#asterisk lbt (n=david@
10:48.00bobsaccamanodial a sip phone
10:48.09bobsaccamanomort_gib, it worked
10:48.31mort_gibbobsaccamano: Ok :-)
10:51.24*** join/#asterisk coppice (
10:52.17defsworkanyone heard of swyx ?
10:52.27*** part/#asterisk lbt (n=david@
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10:56.15defsworkhad a call from a company that have been quoted for swyx in a small call centre - they quoted for 1*ISDN2 and 1*ADSL for VOIP and they will be having a minimum of 10 simultaneous outgoing calls 99% of the time
10:56.39defsworksounds like trouble to me - 10 calls over VOIP over a single ADSL
10:56.57defsworkI've told her she should look at E1
10:57.16mort_gibDepends on the ADSL, but if they think they can do that while lusers are surfing they are in for a nasty surprise
10:57.56defsworkplus no SLAs on ADSL
10:58.05defsworkcould be down for days
10:58.36mort_gibADSL sucks for VOIP, unless you can reserve a circuit ONLY for VOIP, and even then....
10:58.46defsworkshe want's crm integration though - to instigate calls from something called Zoho
10:59.25mort_gibHey, have a look at SugarCRM, I stumbled over some integration with Asterisk the other day...
10:59.28defsworkI'll see if I can downgrade that requirement to a would-be-nice-to-have
11:00.15mort_gibdefswork: You don't have to do that! I have all my clients (being able to) call directly from Outlook
11:00.21*** join/#asterisk ltd (
11:00.30mort_gibdefswork: Then use SugarCRM on the back of Outlook
11:00.53defsworkshe's already using zoho though - I don't think moving is an option
11:01.02defsworkzoho integrates with outlook though
11:01.28*** join/#asterisk djin (
11:01.40mort_gibdefswork: There you go!
11:04.33*** join/#asterisk Gopaul (n=Miranda@
11:05.26defsworkI need to play with that
11:05.40defsworkI hate outlook though - is there a thunderbird equiv too ?
11:06.05mort_gibdefswork: I don't know, I don't use Outlook or Thunderbird for that matter
11:06.11mort_gibMy users do though
11:06.14defsworkyeah there is - it's called snap
11:06.56mort_gibYeah?? url??
11:09.05mort_gibWindows only though
11:09.21mort_gibSnom handsets allows you to use CTI
11:09.38mort_gibpopup included (they drive me nuts, but some like them)
11:13.58*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
11:15.26defsworkI've never used snom
11:17.10mort_gibdefswork: They are nice...
11:20.12*** join/#asterisk thelordmortis (n=lordmort@
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11:29.16diyanati am trying to compile zaptel-1.2 on slackware 12.2 getting this error
11:29.46diyanattoo few arguments to function 'device_create'
11:30.55*** join/#asterisk freh (
11:31.50diyanatthe kernel is
11:35.24*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
11:37.58Gopauli m getting this error while trying to reach a extension in legacy pbx [Mar 26 15:41:03] WARNING[8820]: app_dial.c:1480 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (ca                                                use 0 - Unknown)
11:38.26Gopaulfrom the legacy pbx the incoming call is coming in
11:47.04*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
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11:52.04*** join/#asterisk j_kroon (
11:52.11j_kroonhi all, i'm hoping for some advice here.
11:55.40j_kroonI'm bridging between a SIP channel (GXP2010 and SNOM320 atm, but also a Linksys SPA, also with GS BT200 and GXP280) and a DAHDI channel.  asterisk with dahdi  What I'm getting is that it seems that some frames are dropped.
11:56.32j_kroonif I didn't know that asterisk doesn't support silence supression I would have guessed that I can blame that.
12:05.00*** join/#asterisk djin (
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12:11.40*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
12:11.40SuPrSluGj_kroon, GSbt200's had a nasty frimware bug that created broadcast storms. make sure you update frimware if it's available. or try taking that off the network.
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12:19.14j_krooninternal timing?
12:20.01j_kroonSuPrSluG, we try to keep the firmware of the phones up to date ... we've learned the hard way that it's a good idea.  but we do run local update servers so that we can at least run a screening check on the firmware before pushing it to clients.
12:20.12*** join/#asterisk djin (
12:21.50fiddurHi.  Is there a way to verify a config-file before applying it?    We had quite a horrible episode here when users.conf happened to get faulty and a sip reload removed all users!
12:24.08SuPrSluGfiddur, use a test box on the network
12:25.47*** join/#asterisk rempek (
12:26.18[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: No.
12:26.58rempekhello, i've got a question concerning creating users via the asterisk manager. is it possible (and if yes, how?) to append a template to a new user?
12:26.59fiddurHmm, then I guess it should be added a verify-command besides all reload-commands...
12:27.52fiddurSuPrSluG: Yes, that's an option to work around it...  I was hoping the verification, that obviously is done (since there was an error-message in the debug-log) could be done weparately
12:28.30[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: "verify" needs a basis of comparison... what is 8 supopsed to to even judge on?
12:28.51[TK]D-Fenderrempek: Normally, no AMI is not a complete tool for remotely configuring *
12:29.09*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
12:29.28tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, check syntax?
12:30.05tzafrir_laptopfiddur, not exactly possible beyond very simplistic tests
12:30.24*** join/#asterisk harryv (n=harry@
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12:30.38tzafrir_laptopunless you want to make some strange assumptions
12:30.41harryvone of my te121 cards says this in zttool:  IRQ Misses:           69791
12:30.42[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: well in retrospect to "removed all users", that could be a wrong "include", etc, though no [general] might cause taht as well.... syntax can be fine and yous till fubar yourself.  Guess its a question of what kind of screwup you expect to save yourself from.
12:30.44harryvwhat does that mean?
12:31.29SuPrSluGfiddur, if it's a production environment having a virtual machine or something for testing is a wise move. Or deal with the chance something might not work the way it's supposed to and experiment at convenient times
12:32.29fiddur[TK]D-Fender: It can verify on form...  in this case, it was either an encoding error or a character inserted before the first context marking, that sip reload complained about and disregarded the rest of the file.
12:33.37[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: That sounds like something that should simply be fixed as a "bug"
12:33.47rempek"Normally no" that means there is a (ugly ;) )way to do so? Or definitely impossible?
12:34.13[TK]D-Fenderrempek: incredibly ugly.
12:34.24[TK]D-Fenderrempek: Nearly epic
12:34.46[TK]D-Fenderrempek: Stop trying to shove the square block through the round hole...
12:34.59rempek(guess it can't be much worse than how i'm doing it at the moment)
12:35.27[TK]D-Fenderrempek: there is very little in life so bad that it can't get worse...
12:36.03rempektrue. true.
12:36.40tzafrir_laptoprempek, you can use UpdateConfig and such to manipulate Asterisk config files
12:37.00tzafrir_laptopOne thing that this does not play nicely with is configuration tamplates
12:37.51fiddurSuPrSluG: We have a development server too, but haven't used it to verify conf-changes... perhaps we'll do that, and add some auto-tests that verify the sanity of the environment (certain phones exists, lines registered etc)...  or, move more to realtime db :)
12:38.02*** join/#asterisk diyanat (n=diyanat@
12:38.04tzafrir_laptoprempek, so if you have:
12:38.19*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
12:38.23tzafrir_laptopfoo = bar
12:38.23*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
12:38.57tzafrir_laptopin the manager you'll see section [a] as having 'foo = bar'
12:39.12rempekso, i see 2 possibilities...which one would be better: just put the attributes from template under each entry, or manipulate the conf file via a shell script and reload the conf file?
12:41.30[TK]D-Fenderrempek: teplates are a nifty idea, but I'm of a mind that everything should be done in each entry explicitly.
12:41.42*** join/#asterisk djin (
12:42.32rempekok, thank you both for your help/advise.
12:42.47diyanatcan anyone please help with this zaptel-1.2 compile error on slackware 12.2  kernel 2.6.27
12:43.15Bladerunner05on 1.4.x wich is the sip show peers command ?
12:44.42diyanatsip show peers
12:44.56tzafrir_laptopdiyanat, shortest path would be to use zaptel 1.4 ...
12:45.34tzafrir_laptopOr backport the fixes from there, which I expect wouldn't be difficult
12:45.39diyanattzafrir i have to use  zaptel-1.2 only for vicidial
12:45.45lftsyHello, is it possible on asterisk to control the use of symmetric codecs in one SIP channel?
12:46.06tzafrir_laptopwhy does it depend on zaptel 1.2?
12:46.26diyanatperformance with zaptel-1.4/asterisk-1.4 is not so good for some reasons
12:46.53diyanatsystem load is more with 1.4
12:46.59lftsyor to enforce g711 for download and g729 for upload for example..
12:47.01tzafrir_laptopAsterisk 1.2 can work with zaptel 1.4 and I know of no performance regressions with zaptel 1.4
12:48.08tzafrir_laptopAnd that's asterisk 1.4.10 from 1.5 years ago
12:48.35[TK]D-FenderAnd we're up to what... 1.4.24 now?
12:48.46diyanatlet me try 1.4 and see
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12:54.25fiddurI added a queue-setting to disregard queue members penalty if very few queue members are logged in...  I haven't gotten any response on it, so I thought maybe I should get some more voices for it here! :)
12:54.38fiddurVery few = configurable ammount of course
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13:01.36[TK]D-Fenderfiddur: Sounds like a good idea to me...
13:03.02fiddur[TK]D-Fender: Yay :)  There should be a voting or something in the bug-tracker...
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13:18.35filo1234hi all, for to use asterisk i need an service voip from provider?
13:18.39filo1234or only a simple adsl connection?
13:19.38[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: You don't need either.  Its a question of what you WANT
13:20.00*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
13:20.01[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: Service of any kind usually doesn't come free.
13:21.14filo1234[TK]D-Fender: hi, i want test asterisk only for internal comunication now, using traditional phones
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13:22.29filo1234is possible to do that?
13:23.24[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: Sure
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13:24.39filo1234[TK]D-Fender: thanks, where i can find some wiki for to configure it?
13:24.47jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
13:24.51[TK]D-Fender^^ first thing to read.
13:25.05[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: there is a WIKI but it should be used as a 3rd place reference only
13:25.10jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
13:27.31filo1234[TK]D-Fender: can you say me and follow me step by step for to configure one interal phone? :)
13:28.13[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: No. but here is a "primer" guide that can show you what a very minimal setup could look like :
13:28.18jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
13:29.05filo1234[TK]D-Fender: ok i'm reading
13:30.12[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: Also note this is referring to the first release of the 1.4 series which is not "current'.  disregard the install process and follow those in the tarball of whatever version you download.
13:31.55filo1234[TK]D-Fender: i have installed asterisknow
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13:32.31[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: GUI's are not supported here.  Please refer tot he channel topic for related channels.
13:33.01jayteefilo1234, try #asterisknow for gui questions
13:33.05[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: If thats the route you're going to take
13:33.07filo1234argh sorry
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13:34.09jayteegui versions of asterisk are for girlymen
13:35.01tzafrir_laptopor for clients
13:35.22jayteeyeah, that too
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13:37.08[TK]D-FenderI am Hans and he is Franz, and we are here to ... PUMP YOU UP!
13:37.32DeeJayTwoIS there a known security issue that can lead to authentify to an asterisk system knowing only the username and not the password? Assuming the password is not trivial.
13:37.49Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: haha, i remember that
13:38.42russellbDeeJayTwo: unless someone got a capture of a call being authenticated.  it doesn't take that long to brute force the md5 hash ...
13:38.53[TK]D-Fendersubmits "authentify" as a new word to Websters
13:38.54russellbthat's not asterisk specific, though.
13:39.04DeeJayTworussellb : ok
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13:43.16harryvwhat does it mean when the irq for one of my digium cards constantly increases
13:43.23harryvI tried moving it to another pci slot
13:43.27harryvpxi express even
13:45.38coppiceI guess it means its working
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13:54.40mockerI'm looking for a way to retrieve the email address set in voicemail.conf for an extension back into a variable in my dialplan.  Is there a function that will pull that based on extension?
13:55.50yangmocker: are you asking about voicemail delivery into your mailbox?
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13:56.33mockeryang: Nope, I want to write a dialplan app that if I hit *EXTENSION while on a call will deliver a recording of that call to the address associated with that extension.
13:57.08mockerSo I'm on a call and I hit *1234, in voicemail.conf my extension is 1234 w/ my email associated.  I'd like to deliver the recording to that email address.
13:57.08Marquelonce more with an evil question: is it possible to connect a voicemailbox with a busy lamp?
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13:58.56harryvI have a VoiceGuide with a Dialogic D/300JCT-E1 card connected to my asterisk box w/ TE121 with PRI_NET signalling and a span looking like this: 1,0,0,ccs,hdb3,crc4  -- it drops all the time. any ideas for better config?
13:59.42[TK]D-FenderMarquel: Wht kind of "lamp"?
14:00.14Marquel[TK]D-Fender: busy lamp as on the grandstream gxp-20x0 series.
14:00.46[TK]D-Fendermocker: You could always parse it out yourself, but there is no internal * way.  You could also set a var in the SIP peer if there is one related to the box.
14:01.07[TK]D-FenderMarquel: Is there somethign wrong with the normal MWI lamp on those?
14:01.32mocker[TK]D-Fender: Ok, just making sure before I wrote some sort of lookup table. :)
14:01.37Marquel[TK]D-Fender: no, but not sufficient with more than one mailbox ;)
14:01.39mockerThanks even.
14:01.52*** join/#asterisk Laureano (n=Laureano@
14:01.57[TK]D-FenderMarquel: You can configure * to monitor multiple boxes.
14:03.02LaureanoIf I set the debug level of a DAHDI kernel module in 1 (or any other value different from zero), I should see the debugging information in the /var/log/messages file, right?
14:03.10Marquel[TK]D-Fender: as someone said yesterday: w/ * it's almost impossible to find something impossible. now the remaining question is: how ;)
14:03.18[TK]D-Fendermocker: Of course this is easier to do if your VM config is in a DB... then you could jsut func_odbc it or something
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14:03.40[TK]D-FenderMarquel: add 2 mailbox lines to your SIP peer
14:03.45[TK]D-FenderMarquel: Its that easy
14:03.48mocker[TK]D-Fender: Agreed.
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14:05.25mocker[TK]D-Fender: I'll probably switch just for that reason.
14:05.39[TK]D-Fendermocker: How big a setup?
14:05.58mocker[TK]D-Fender: Probably 80 users.
14:06.06[TK]D-Fendermocker: might be worth it...
14:06.19mocker[TK]D-Fender: Yeah, and it's not that hard to switch.
14:06.26[TK]D-Fendermocker: But for the intended scal I'd probably sooner make an AGI for it
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14:08.10[TK]D-Fendermocker: 1-letter typo... geez!  Get some intuition!
14:08.55mockerI was trying to come up with how this related to some new ical format I hadn't heard of.
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14:10.00Gopauli get this error  chan_dahdi.c:10059 dahdi_ss7_error: !! Unable to handle message of type 0x3 on CIC 1 when dialing a outbound number from my asterisk machine
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14:13.21tzafrir_laptopLaureano, not sure. Some of the debug messages are of priority "debug" and thus won't show up in /var/log/messages
14:13.36tzafrir_laptopOn Debian / Ubuntu you'll see them in /var/log/kern.log
14:13.47tzafrir_laptopalso see the output of dmesg
14:15.18LaureanoThank you tzafrir_laptop. I will check that files and dmesg.
14:15.31mocker[TK]D-Fender: Actually this seems like an even better solution:
14:15.38mockerjust plop it in a voicemail box
14:18.25Kobazis that a dahdi problem, or a wanpipe problem
14:18.25Kobazwhen i restart wanpipe and it loads the firmware and etc, it's waiting for /dev/zap to come up
14:18.25Kobazi symlinked /dev/dahdi to /dev/zap, and now the script is happy
14:18.59Kobazi dont see a "Waiting for..." in the wanrouter startup script though
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14:33.50Kobazwhat the hell
14:33.51Kobazdev {/apps} root# /etc/init.d/asterisk start
14:33.51KobazStarting Asterisk PBX: The canary is no more.  He has ceased to be!  He's expired and gone to meet his make!  He's a stiff!  Bereft of life, he rests in peace.  His metabolic processes are now history!  He's off thtwig!  He's kicked the bucket.  He's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain, and joined the bleding choir invisible!!  THIS is an EX-CANARY.  (Reducing priority)
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14:44.37Kobaznow that everyon's back
14:44.37Kobazmaybe not
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15:48.23*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/02/23), 1.4.24 (2009/03/16), *-Addons (2008/12/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2009/02/03), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev #asterisk-commits
15:49.35mort_gib yes this is exactly what I have!!
15:50.28c0rnoTahello all
15:57.00c0rnoTastill getting "astobj2.c: user_data is NULL" in asterisk
15:57.56c0rnoTait's a bug, but I couldn't describe it
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15:58.45c0rnoTaand didn't know how to reproduce
15:58.55vader--hey do you guys know if its possible to reset a vonage cisco ata?
15:59.09vader--I have an old one i want to use now at work to play around with
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16:00.06c0rnoTabut it appears when I'm absent on my work place
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17:32.27*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/02/23), 1.4.24 (2009/03/16), *-Addons (2008/12/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2009/02/03), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev #asterisk-commits
17:34.01*** join/#asterisk swathanthran (n=user@unaffiliated/shyam-k/x-8459115)
17:34.28Defrazwhat protocol or packet type does the qualify feature use?
17:34.37TommyBJfiddur: AJAM. Is it simple to handle?
17:34.46Defrazwhen qualifing a sip device or phone
17:34.59TommyBJDefraz: It goes through the session layer.
17:35.39fiddurTommyBJ:     if you just activate the http-server and go in to the host:8080/static/ajamdemo.html
17:35.39*** join/#asterisk sinein (
17:35.40Defrazokay I have like 5 phones that when qualify is on they don't work butwhen I turn it off for the extensions they work and ring
17:35.45Defrazthey can make calls out no problem.
17:36.11ncomTommyBJ and UQlev thanks that did the trick :)
17:36.15DefrazI am wondering if I am blocking something on the ASA, I have a differenet route for each network.
17:36.18Mark21UQlev: can you reach the sip server (asterisk) on ip
17:36.55TommyBJfiddur: Thank you. Much appreciated :-)
17:37.04sineinhey guys , is the backbone of the cell phone system wired through the public telecoms switching network? - meaning that at any point in time a cell phone conversation will run through physical transmission mediums?
17:37.19UQlevMark21: Host (ICMP timeout) SIP timeout
17:37.29Mark21sinein: yes
17:37.32fiddurTommyBJ: or even /asterisk/manager?action=login&username=foo&secret=bar   and then run the command there MeetmeList
17:37.38Mark21UQlev: strange :S
17:38.10UQlevMark21: I can get sip from
17:38.18sineinMark21: what if I have a conversation in the same cell? or not far away?
17:38.51Mark21sinein: than it often stays on the system you are connected through
17:39.29Mark21UQlev: that is another system from someone else i am normally connected to
17:39.37sineinso would a call in that scenario be wired or would it all be wirless thorugh the base station antenna?
17:39.51Mark21UQlev: wireless
17:40.28sineinthanks :)
17:40.56Mark21sinein: wireless
17:41.09Mark21UQlev: what could be the problem?
17:41.14UQlevMark21: you may use smap to check accessibility to your sip
17:41.45UQlevMark21: I guess problem with firewall/router if any in between
17:42.10*** join/#asterisk vader-- (
17:42.17Mark21the firewall looks correct and i will shut it down to test if it is the firewall
17:42.58vader--Does anyone know how to reset a vonage cisco ATA? I used to have vonage and now i don't, i want to use the old ATA with my asterisk system at work? Can't seem to find anyway to just remove the password and reset the unit to factory settings.
17:43.01UQlevMark21: then shut it down
17:43.49Mark21UQlev: well i cannot find an option to shut it down
17:43.57VecWhere can I get a sample mp3 file for MOH in asterisk ?
17:44.04VecI free one I can download ?
17:44.16drmessano<-- Obamanist
17:44.16UQlevMark21: is it centos?
17:44.17[TK]D-Fendervec* COMES with samples
17:44.58Vec[TK]D-Fender : they are WAV ?
17:45.05vader--tkd i checked those articles out
17:45.11[TK]D-FenderVec: Many formats availabl;e
17:45.14jaytee<-- Paulist
17:45.19[TK]D-FenderRP 2008!!!!
17:45.21VecVec : yeh, well can't find mp3 :P
17:45.27jayteeHe Knew!!!
17:45.37[TK]D-FenderVec : What do you really need MP3 for?
17:45.44jayteeHe Warned Us But No One Listened!
17:46.14jayteefor all those Neil Sedaka tunes he wants to use for MOH
17:46.28drmessanoRon Paul/Steve Jobs 2012 "I want to believe"
17:46.31TommyBJfiddur: Sorry to bother you. But do you know how the MeetMeList command works?
17:46.37TommyBJfiddur: It's lacking documentation.
17:46.46*** join/#asterisk docid (
17:46.57Vec[TK]D-Fender : I am having a strange problem, when I use Playback everything works fine, when I use MOH, the sound breaks up every once and a while, this has something to do with silence detection on a ISDN->SIP gateway I have, I am trying to isolate the reason why it is fine on Playback and not with MOH, so I wanted to test with mp3?
17:47.04fiddurTommyBJ: try    manager show command MeetmeList
17:47.23[TK]D-FenderVec: if ti "playback"'s OK, then its not the file.
17:47.30[TK]D-FenderVec: because everything transcodes the same.
17:47.48[TK]D-FenderVec: Unless of course you're using an external app that's FUBAR-ing things.
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17:47.54[TK]D-FenderVec: at which point use Native MoH
17:48.04pukkitahiya all
17:48.06*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
17:48.32pukkitahaving issues with line supervision with thomson st2030, it worked fine with a 1.2.13 server but not with a 1.4.18 one :(
17:48.44Mark21UQlev: debian
17:48.46pukkitafw 1.64.2
17:48.49Mark21but iptables is stopped
17:48.58jplankstupid hackers from china trying to break into my DNS servers!
17:48.59Mark21and it stills seems not to work correctly
17:49.03fiddurTommyBJ: hmm, since "MeetmeList will follow as separate events, followed by a final event called", I guess the demo manager-interface is insufficiant...   I guess a simple application is better then.
17:49.25TommyBJfiddur: Perl it is then? :)
17:49.42UQlevMark21: "netstat -an | grep 5060"
17:50.58UQlevjplank: dns-cache poisoning
17:51.14jplankno, they were trying to root the box
17:51.22jplankwith a brute force
17:51.26Mark21tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
17:51.26Mark21udp   109548      0*
17:51.33Mark21that look normall to me
17:51.35jplanklittle did they know, root only has local login rights
17:51.49fiddurTommyBJ: In my choice it would be :)   But, I've developed the Asterisk::Manager quite a lot lately, and I think the published version is quite crappy...   but it might work for a really simple app.
17:51.52*** join/#asterisk moy (n=chatzill@
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17:52.32TommyBJfiddur: Is it in CPAN?
17:52.42UQlevMark21: yes it looks normal
17:53.04*** join/#asterisk bob_slacker (n=bob_slac@
17:53.20UQlevjpcansa: you mean dictionary ssh attack?
17:53.26bob_slackerhack me! my ip:
17:53.32fiddurTommyBJ: the old version is, yes...
17:53.59UQlevjplank: you mean dictionary ssh attack?
17:54.08TommyBJfiddur: Old? ... is there a new one available?
17:54.35jplankwho would of thunk it
17:55.07drmessanoHack me first:
17:55.19fiddurTommyBJ: Well, I haven't released the modified version I use locally... but I think it will be an alternative, not a replacement, since it relies on more external modules, like Coro and AnyEvent...
17:55.30UQlevjplank: those are not obviously chinese, scans are from zombies
17:55.34fiddurTommyBJ: If you want it I can mail it or something...
17:55.34GopaulERROR[7175]: chan_dahdi.c:10059 dahdi_ss7_error: !! Unable to handle message of type 0x3 on CIC 1 i am getting like this errror in asterisk
17:55.37jplankseems to be a compromised computer trying to hack me -
17:56.10*** join/#asterisk pdani (
17:56.11Vec[TK]D-Fender : its rether odd, because I am not using an external app but with MOH it doesn't work but with playback it does.
17:56.16Mark21UQlev: can you now connect to (i did try telnet and i did get a connection)
17:56.24jplankUQlev: exactly
17:56.25UQlevjplank: is it your 1st look into ssh.log? ;)
17:56.29smooth_penguinhey how do I make a sip call to an extention from the asterisk console?
17:56.42*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=pepo@
17:56.44drmessanoUQlev: First hack attempt, I would guess
17:56.49smooth_penguinand do I need a sip client if I want one on the asterisk server?
17:56.58smooth_penguinor can i use asterisk itself?
17:57.08[TK]D-FenderVec: Would be nice to see...
17:57.17jplankUQlev: of the sort. They were hitting 22, and 21 at the same time
17:57.32_pepo_what do you think? Can be Asterisk my voicemail system for x>120000 users?
17:57.57bob_slacker_pepo_, sure
17:57.58UQlevjplank: welcome to jungles of internet :))
17:58.12jplankthe kick in the ass was they were using the username root on port 21 to :P
17:58.30bob_slackerjplank, change ssh telnet ports
17:58.47_pepo_what do you think that is better, use voicemail.conf, MySQL or Pgsql?
17:58.47UQlevMark21: I can ssh but I can't sip
17:58.48jplankcan't unfortunately, would screw up our NOC
17:59.31GopaulERROR[7175]: chan_dahdi.c:10059 dahdi_ss7_error: !! Unable to handle message of type 0x3 on CIC 1 Why is this error?
17:59.45jplanki'm sorry I should elaborate why I find this surprising. I have a sandbox on the same subnet that wasn't touched
17:59.56drmessanoAre we really dedicating this much bandwidth to someone trying to brute force SSH?   Can we talk about something less common, like Internet Explorer vulnerabilities or "Holy crap, firefox just crashed".. pleeeeease
18:00.08Mark21UQlev: did you ever see that before?
18:00.13TommyBJfiddur: That would be very nice
18:01.17UQlevMark21: on my servers I would guess only routers because I can disable firewall
18:01.20drmessanoZOMG someone is trying to connect to my mail server and open relay some spam.. ZOMG
18:01.32_pepo_what do you think that is better for voicemail: voicemail.conf, MySQL or Pgsql?
18:02.18*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
18:02.56UQlevMark21: but I have never used VPS, I have 1 server colocated with ISP and all others in my office
18:02.59jplankwell drmessano, you shouldn't be running an open mail relay
18:03.12*** join/#asterisk ScriptFanix (i=vincent@2a01:e35:2f43:ae90:21a:70ff:fea3:44ab)
18:03.24drmessanojplank: Duh
18:03.52VecWhen using chanspy(), normally, (i.e. not in whisper or private whisper mode), can the person being spied on here the person spying ? i.e. is it like a forced conference ?
18:04.26UQlevdrmessano: it is constantly happens to any smtp server in the world
18:04.33Gopaulhow to solve the dadhi ss7 error from my asterisk console, it with some cic error
18:05.19drmessanoIs there anyone in here, currently, with a sense of humor
18:05.24smooth_penguinhey how do I call any extention from the asterisk console?
18:05.53[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: "help console dial"
18:06.04UQlevsmooth_penguin: dial 1234
18:06.25smooth_penguinNo such command 'dial 999' (type 'help dial 999' for other possible commands)
18:06.43smooth_penguinits console dial
18:08.03japherwockydrmessano: this channel is for srs business only, pls
18:08.19drmessanojapherwocky: No kidding..
18:08.33*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
18:08.58drmessanojapherwocky: Like ZOMG, someone put bad code on a website that I just visited and it tried to do bad stuff, or, "People try to hack SSH?  ZOMG WHY:
18:09.07vader--anyone else have any ideas how i can unlock this vonage cisco ata 186?
18:09.09drmessanoGuess I misread the sign on the door
18:09.35jplankdrmessano: I wasn't serious
18:10.00ScriptFanixI have some strange problem with a queue. The call shall timeout after 30 sec, but it rings for more than one minute (caller hanged up)
18:10.34*** join/#asterisk Strom (
18:10.42smooth_penguinhrm I cant seem to be getting any sound from asterisk
18:10.47smooth_penguinwhen I can hear my mic
18:11.10smooth_penguinothers on other extentions can hear me
18:11.16smooth_penguinbut I cant hear them
18:11.20*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
18:11.26smooth_penguinI just did a tt-monkeys test
18:11.47UQlevsmooth_penguin: did you try echo test?
18:11.56smooth_penguinUQlev, yep even that
18:12.00*** join/#asterisk juanjoc (n=juanjoc@
18:12.02smooth_penguinno echo
18:12.10smooth_penguinbut others get it
18:12.19smooth_penguinIm on the same box as asterisk
18:12.28UQlevsmooth_penguin: are your client in the same subnet with asterisk?
18:12.35smooth_penguinUQlev, yes
18:12.56smooth_penguinits odd
18:13.09smooth_penguinI can play music fine so it isnt my snd card
18:13.30UQlevsmooth_penguin: I just wonder how you client and astaris can listen the same ports e.g. 5060
18:13.42drmessanoholy crap
18:13.56drmessano[14:06] <smooth_penguin> hey how do I call any extention from the asterisk console? [14:06] <UQlev> smooth_penguin: dial 1234
18:13.59smooth_penguinUQlev, I had changed the port on the client to 5061
18:14.01Gopaulanybody has ss7 error
18:14.07smooth_penguinthen I even tried calling via the console
18:14.35StromIs the polycom autoprovisioning stuff in 1.6 worth using at all, or is it too flaky and unreliable to waste my time with?  (in any event, it's documented like shit)
18:14.39tzafrir_laptop'console dial' uses the local sound card and microphone
18:14.58tzafrir_laptop'originate' tells Asterisk to generate a call (with your chaice of device)
18:16.03Defrazwhen asterisk qualifies a registration using the qualify=yes is that icmp or what?
18:16.52vader--anyone else have any ideas how i can unlock this vonage cisco ata 186?
18:17.13UQlevDefraz: it seems not icmp because on my box icmp is blocked
18:17.16drmessanovader--: Console?
18:17.37Defrazhmm wonder what it uses.
18:17.47UQlevDefraz: probably same udp
18:18.11UQlevI didn't debug it
18:18.13smooth_penguindamn I cant hear the monkeys :|
18:19.05StromDefraz: it sends a SIP OPTIONS message to the phone and times how long a response takes (IIRC)
18:19.06[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: Just because you can hear your mic doesn't mean the rest of your mixer settings are sane.
18:20.44smooth_penguin[TK]D-Fender, I can also play mp3 fine
18:21.15[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: And you're not showing me whats happening.
18:22.00[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: console dial SHOULD fail because * requires complete control over your sound card and if other stuff si working, the console SHOULDN'T
18:23.37smooth_penguinso no other app should be able to use the snd card if  *  is running?
18:24.12Laureanotzafrir_laptop, in the man page of dahdi_scan there is a reference to the file /dev/zap/ctl. Shouldn't be /dev/dahdi/ctl? (phrase "Requires read access to /dev/zap/ctl")
18:26.01[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: One or the other
18:26.35[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: Go use a soft-phone, and show us a failed call, and no audio can be a lot of things including firewalls, etc
18:26.37*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
18:30.13tzafrir_laptopLaureano, what are you talking about? I don't see that.
18:30.57tzafrir_laptopThat is to say: fixed. thanks :- )
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18:33.58Laureanotzafrir_laptop, glad to hear that is fixed. Thanks to you.
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18:36.57StromIs the polycom autoprovisioning stuff in 1.6 worth using at all, or is it too flaky and unreliable to waste my time with?  (in any event, it's documented like shit)
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18:38.20smooth_penguin999 is my tt-monkeys extention
18:38.41smooth_penguinI can see the audio levels in ekiga moving , but cant hear anything
18:39.00smooth_penguinthose are the two lines I get in the asterisk console
18:39.03smooth_penguinwhen i call up
18:39.07Stromsmooth_penguin: are you running the softphone on the same machine as you're running asterisk on?
18:39.13[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: then ekiga / your audio has a problem
18:39.17smooth_penguinStrom, yes
18:39.29Stromsmooth_penguin: *facepalm* don't do that :P
18:39.29[TK]D-FenderStrom: Long time no see...
18:39.39Stromlikewise, [TK]D-Fender
18:39.42smooth_penguinStrom, i cant even call via console :\
18:39.43[TK]D-FenderStrom: Not normally a problem....
18:39.57smooth_penguinthis is a stupid issue
18:40.15smooth_penguinasterisk is working fine
18:40.18[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: Go call 's echo service and test things.  Check your firewalls
18:40.34smooth_penguinah good idea
18:43.42Stromso...i'm guessing the lack of responses means that the polycom autoprovisioning is a waste of time
18:44.51Strom*cricket noises*
18:45.34*** join/#asterisk moy (n=moy@
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18:51.07ncomI am using asterisk in conjunction with freepbx, where would I implmement jitterbuffer?
18:52.18vader--anyone have any ideas how i can unlock this vonage cisco ata 186?
18:53.10ncomanyone with suggestions pls PM me, I have to walk away for a few
18:55.06[TK]D-FenderStrom: huh?
18:55.10jpcansais it normal that a IAX client keeps registering on different ports?    ?
18:56.28Strom[TK]D-Fender: building a new asterisk box after mostly ignoring my old one for a year, and i'm trying to figure out whether to use the polycom autoconfig feature or to just provision them the old-fashioned way
18:56.48*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
18:56.49[TK]D-FenderStrom: Not familiar with "autoconfiguring"
18:57.12Stromnew feature in 1.6, supposedly
18:57.25Stromthere's shit for documentation, though
18:57.25[TK]D-FenderStrom: Oh that crap? :p  Just build your provisioning for you
18:57.49[TK]D-FenderStrom: curious parallel :p
18:58.04[TK]D-FenderStrom: It sucks, and so does its docs
18:58.17[TK]D-FenderStrom: just builds provisioning files to be fed over HTTP
18:58.18Stromwell, yeah, that was generally the conclusion i was making
19:01.38QwellStrom: randomly found something you did the other day...
19:02.06Qwell"wtf?  is that...Strom?"
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19:02.47StromQwell: hehe, that was a long time ago :P
19:03.50QwellStrom: You'll be happy to know that I got there from the best page in the universe.
19:04.18Qwell(through a maze of links at 2am)
19:05.17StromI see
19:11.15*** join/#asterisk clive- (
19:12.07clive-hi, any cisco guys around?  I am trying to figure out how to get this cisco router to send sip calls to asterisk
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19:20.16Mark21is the following normal? netstat -an | grep 5060
19:20.17Mark21udp     9180      0  *
19:21.12QwellMark21: sure, what's wrong with it?
19:21.32bmoracaclive-: you're trying to trunk from CCM or CME to asterisk?
19:22.47Mark21Qwell: from outside no one can connect
19:23.27Qwellwhere is "outside"?
19:23.28Mark21the configs did work on an other server without any problems
19:23.35Qwellanother server that wasn't behind NAT?
19:23.46Mark21Qwell: multiple networks on the internet
19:24.02Mark21the server and the system trying to connect aren't behind NAT
19:24.08Mark21both have public ips
19:24.26Mark21Qwell: i did: iptables -X and iptables -F
19:24.30Mark21it is on Debian
19:24.32Qwelldefault policy?
19:24.57Mark21Qwell: where can i check that? i can put the output from iptables-save online if that helps
19:25.06*** join/#asterisk qdk (
19:25.08Qwelliptables -L
19:25.19Qwelland also -L -t nat
19:25.32Mark21policy ACCEPT
19:25.44Mark21for all 3 options
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19:25.48Mark21and no other lines
19:25.58Mark21it is not behind NAT
19:26.19Mark21also policy ACCEPT
19:26.34QwellHow is the server connected to the internet?
19:26.55Mark21it is connected to a switch and from there to a router with multiple transits (all wired)
19:27.15Qwelland is the router correctly forwarding stuff on?
19:27.24Qwell(router = NAT btw)
19:28.00Mark21router != NAT
19:28.10Mark21the router is just a BGP router like all networks use
19:28.29QwellNAT doesn't imply RFC 1918
19:28.33clive-bmaraca , I am not sure what CCM or CME are, but its PSTN----E1--(cisco)----SIP-----Asterisk
19:28.36[TK]D-FenderMark21: so enable SIP debug and look for packets
19:28.44clive-bmaraca , I am not sure what CCM or CME are, but its PSTN----E1--(cisco)----SIP-----Asterisk
19:29.07Mark21[TK]D-Fender: packets are send by the asterisk server but nothing comes back for as far as i can see (also not from a server on the same switch)
19:29.17*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
19:29.32[TK]D-FenderMark21: PASTEBIN is your friend....
19:29.44*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
19:29.49jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , , , or ,
19:30.04[TK]D-FenderMark21: Show us and maybe we'll have something to comment on.
19:30.27bmoracaclive-: CCM and CME are different Call Manager implementations that may be available on your router depending on the model and what IOS it has loaded.  Without that, you can't use a Cisco router as a gateway for SIP-to-PSTN traffic
19:30.28Mark21[TK]D-Fender: sip debug info is now created in a logfile and i will put that logfile online
19:30.46[TK]D-FenderMark21: Live CLI only w/ SIP DEBUG
19:31.13Mark21that information is also in the logfile available [TK]D-Fender
19:31.37jayteegod I hate Windows
19:32.16jayteeand the new Dell Optiplex SX-755
19:32.33jayteeand the Intel Trusted Computing Initiative chipset
19:32.52jayteeand overcooked spinach
19:32.58Stromjaytee: at this point, you might as well open a boutique
19:33.04jayteeand people that talk in the theater
19:33.18bmoracaTCPA needs to die
19:33.42jayteeit needs to be stabbed to death with a rusty dull spork
19:33.50Mark21[TK]D-Fender: << output from the cli
19:34.30bmoracaMark21:  what's your SIP.conf look like?
19:34.57bmoraca(otherwise known as "pastebin your sip.conf")
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19:35.29[TK]D-FenderMark21: So where is this Cisco in three?
19:35.45bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: different person
19:36.16[TK]D-FenderMark21: [Mar 26 20:32:10] Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to <-- shouldn't be NAT <-
19:36.47bmoracathat's why i wanted to see his sip.conf...he's specifying that the peers are behind/his server's behind a NAT and it's fubaring
19:37.02Mark21bmoraca: moment, i will upload it somewhere after i have changed the passwords to 12345678
19:37.07bmoracaPolycom phones don't care about that, incidentally, they can figure it out for themselves...but other phones i've notice have problems.
19:37.13*** part/#asterisk liri (
19:37.32bmoracaMark21: no problem with obfuscating your sensitive info
19:39.30Mark21other info is no problem ;)
19:39.41[TK]D-FenderMark21>Qwell: from outside no one can connect
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19:39.56[TK]D-FenderMark21: I frankly don't see an incoming register from anything remote there.
19:41.31[TK]D-FenderMark21: What kind of devices should be trying to reg with your *?
19:47.23Mark21http:// << my sip.conf
19:48.19Mark21[TK]D-Fender: another asterisk server, x-lite clients (2), a few hardphones (cisco or linksys) and 2 ata boxes (linksys pap2t)
19:48.22[TK]D-FenderMark21: ; route = Assume NAT, don't send rport  <- bad
19:48.45bmoracaMark21: if your system truely is on the public internet, nuke your localnet statements and change all your nat settings to "no"
19:48.48[TK]D-FenderMark21: Plus all of the stuff in [general] yet under your REGiSTER lines gets ignored
19:49.09[TK]D-FenderMark21: Andtrash all that sample commentary
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19:51.24[TK]D-FenderMark21: And Your SIP debug from earlier didn't seem to have any remote devices trying to call in or register....
19:51.38Mark21they cannot connect somehow
19:51.53Mark21but i know they are trying to connect
19:52.07[TK]D-FenderMark21: we see other traffic comgin in.. that tells me you configured those other devices wrong or they have different issues
19:52.12*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
19:52.18[TK]D-FenderMark21: just that it isn't * side
19:52.33[TK]D-FenderMark21: you have no packets from them, but do from others.  So THEY are bad.
19:52.37*** join/#asterisk neurosys (n=neurosys@
19:52.51ncomI am using asterisk in conjunction with freepbx, where would I implement jitterbuffer?
19:53.24*** join/#asterisk [psy] (
19:53.24[TK]D-Fenderncom: Depends on the protocol
19:53.49[TK]D-Fenderncom: In your IAx2 peer then normally.
19:54.46ncomshould i enable it on trunks too?
19:55.15*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
19:57.09[psy]so i made a automated testscript with sipp and asterisks, to detect regressions and glibc/gcc problems. where should i post a link so people can use it?
19:57.41[psy]we already found out asterisks with glibc2.3.2 has problems :)
19:58.48Mark21[TK]D-Fender: why did it work earlier today and not now? they are connecting to the right IP (and why is another asterisk server not connecting?)?
19:59.10bmoracaMark21: did you fix those various issues we pointed out in sip.conf?
19:59.19[TK]D-FenderMark21: Nothing for us to see.  Packets aren't coming in.  Look at the OTHER end.
19:59.49[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: While those points aren't good, they're not really relevent either...
20:00.08[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: No incoming communications is the other end's fault
20:00.13bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: they could be.  any potential error could be bad.
20:00.13Mark21[TK]D-Fender: I am ALSO looking at the other end (at the asterisk server) and also no information at that system to see
20:00.25Mark21or it is dropped somewhere between both point
20:00.26Mark21or it is dropped somewhere between both points
20:00.33[TK]D-FenderMark21: Could be
20:00.41[TK]D-FenderMark21: Some ISP's filter SIP
20:00.54elredHello, do you guys see any solution to Dial all SIP registered phone from an AGI ?
20:00.55[TK]D-FenderMark21: Could be anything (esp as we see nothing)
20:01.12Mark21[TK]D-Fender: they are both on the same switch (same subnet) so that shouldn't be the problem
20:01.14[TK]D-Fenderelred: how many?
20:01.16bmoraca[TK]D-Fender: i've noticed that SIP Debug Peer doesn't work if asterisk doesn't have an IP to reference, and then nothing happens.  if the server isn't properly configured for inbound connections, it may not know about a peer's attempts to register
20:01.16elredlike, how to retrieve the current registered extension so that I can build my Dialstring
20:01.25elred[TK]D-Fender : not more than a dozen
20:01.50[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Who said he we restricting debug to a specific peer?  I certainly wouldn't
20:02.22[TK]D-Fenderelred: "core show application chanisavail" <-
20:02.58elred[TK]D-Fender : thx I will try that
20:03.22[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: that would be a completely retarded thing to do in trying to debug this
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20:03.52[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: lets hope its not the case
20:04.49SomethingIsoddHEllo everyone.. does anyone here know anything about Phonexpress 4.30 i am trying to figure out what i need to do to convert it over to asterisk
20:08.13jameswfFonality givet Asterisk 1.6 + Dahdi their ready for primetime approval:
20:09.07QwellDid they use my SRPMs?
20:09.08[TK]D-FenderSomethingIsodd: and what is this "Phonexpress"?
20:09.12Qwelljameswf: ^^
20:10.01jameswfi havent pulled it post went up <1hr ago
20:10.07SomethingIsodd[TK]D-Fender its the pbx that was installed in the office i just took over they have that and adc Higain converters for the phones
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20:10.16SomethingIsoddi want to take this to the next level and have it voip
20:10.59ncom[TK]D-Fender: I put the jitterbuffer in iax_custom.conf like this: . the command "iax2 show netstats" says there is 340 ms of jitter. what is normal?
20:11.01[TK]D-FenderSomethingIsodd: So far I see nothing taht is compatible in this setup
20:11.04jameswfno repo as far as i can see
20:11.32kb3ienany setup guides out there for dlink 1402S ?
20:12.07SomethingIsodd[TK]D-Fender i know nothing about Phonexpress, but it looks like its just running off a computer i guess what i am asking is if anyone knows if i can format the server and put asterisk on it and have it just feed the higain adc converts.
20:12.15SomethingIsoddand have it convert digital to analog
20:12.26jjshoeQwell no idea
20:12.35Qwelljameswf: there's no download link?
20:12.45[TK]D-FenderSomethingIsodd: That hardware is not supported by *
20:12.47Qwelljjshoe: figured out what samy has been working on :p
20:13.12SomethingIsoddoh too bad ok so i can the only way is to get a channel bank
20:13.12jjshoeQwell yeah apparently
20:14.54jjshoeQwell good business move, let the trixtards find the bugs, then moved it over to pbxtra
20:15.21[TK]D-FenderSomethingIsodd: Hardly worth it.  Channelbank and card will typically cost as much as decent SIP phones, only less functional
20:15.59jjshoeQwell arguably also what tbpro was good for, except they never bothered unless they had paid for support, which was as close to 0 without being 0.
20:16.21SomethingIsodd[TK]D-Fender only issue is i have 32 offices
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20:16.39SomethingIsodddo you still think it would be better to go sip phones instead
20:16.41leifmadsenhmmmmmmmmm.... am I just forgetting a way of doing this from the dialplan, or is using the AMI the only way of doing this;  I want to call multiple people and put them into a meetme conference (all of them, not just the first to answer)
20:17.05leifmadsenbasically, I want to call a Local channel that calls many SIP channels, and puts them all into a conference room.
20:17.13[TK]D-FenderSomethingIsodd: Cost per port <-  thats the issue
20:17.41SomethingIsoddis there 32 channel... channel banks?
20:17.53QwellSomethingIsodd: E1 channel bank
20:17.57Qwellwell, 31
20:18.09SomethingIsoddanyidea what hey run at for price?
20:18.15[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: System(asterisk -rx "originate .......") for each
20:18.27leifmadsendirty... :)
20:18.35[TK]D-FenderSomethingIsodd: very pricey for E1.  Even at T1 SIP phones are cheaper
20:18.45[TK]D-FenderSomethingIsodd: You old system is effectively trash
20:19.03[TK]D-FenderSomethingIsodd: Only value left to squeeze out of it is selling the whole mess
20:19.12[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Just the way you like it!
20:20.16leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: oh!  there is an Originate() application in 1.6
20:22.01[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: Not in 1.6.0 AFAICT
20:22.41SomethingIsoddhanks [TK]D-Fender
20:24.25leifmadsen[TK]D-Fender: it exists in the calendaring branch
20:24.33leifmadsenwhich is what I'm testing
20:24.52[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: ok/fine/sure .... you elitist bastard :p
20:25.06CodyI'm having a problem with inbound calls on a new systems I'm setting up.  Whenever I dial the number I get a message 'The number you have dialed is not in service.  Please check the number and try again.'  I know it's originating from my trixbox, but I'm not sure why.  I've posted the log at my trunk settings (censored) at and inbound route at
20:25.59[TK]D-FenderCody: The call is coming in, you have configured your routes wrong
20:26.13[TK]D-FenderCody: And FreePBX is not supported here.  Go ask in their channel.
20:26.34Codyok, thank you
20:28.15[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:37.50*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
20:43.34jameswfcox hates me I cant seem to pull over 200K/s from source forge
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20:49.07monstertruckhello children
20:49.25monstertruckI just finished seting up an spa3102, its wrking fine, except that it dials an extra zer at the end
20:49.49monstertruckcant find anything about that issue, has anyone seen it before?
20:49.52_pepo_I am going to use Asterisk like voicemail system for x>120000 users... What do you think is the best distro that I can use?
20:52.48Qwell_pepo_: whatever you're familiar with.
20:53.42_pepo_I use Debian and CentOS...Do you have any preference based in somthing?
20:54.25russellbif you use CentOS, you can run Asterisk off of official binary packages from Digium :-)
20:54.56jameswfI dont have it yet but one of my guys says packager: Jason Parker
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20:56.19russellbI've heard that guy is a jerk
20:56.21russellbruns from Qwell
20:56.40Qwelljameswf: orly?
20:57.24Qwellthat's epic
21:01.41stablerdoes anyone have an asterisk box behind a pfsense firewall?
21:03.07UQlevstabler: pf-firewall is the worst choice for sip
21:04.31*** join/#asterisk werdan7 (i=werdan7@freenode/staff/wikimedia.werdan7)
21:04.43UQlevstabler: are these 2 on the same box?
21:05.00stablerim running a pfsense box
21:05.04stableras my gateway
21:05.27stablerpfsense is an OS
21:05.49stablerused to firewall/route/load balance
21:06.32*** join/#asterisk neurosys (n=vinix@
21:07.05UQlevstabler: and you want to use sip across the pfsense?
21:07.50stablerim having some issues getting my asterisk box to register my voip provider though it
21:08.21UQlevis your voip provider sip or iax?
21:08.46jplank_pepo_:  was this a serious questions? _pepo_: I am going to use Asterisk like voicemail system for x>120000 users... What do you think is the best distro that I can use?
21:09.36stablerUQlev: sip
21:09.49_pepo_What do you think is the best distro that I can use?
21:10.25jplank120000 users and your worried about the distro??
21:11.20UQlevstabler: if it is the only sip device behind your firewall it is all right if you portforward udp 5060,10000-20000 to * box
21:11.47stablersounds good
21:11.50stablerill give it a whirl
21:12.03UQlevjplank: 120K users is quite a lot even for ordinary mail-server
21:12.04*** join/#asterisk monstertruck (n=monstret@
21:13.18jplank120k users is insane. If you have 120k users you want to host their voicemail for, you should be more worried about the platform, redundency, and how your going to cluster the boxes, the actual distro should be the easy part
21:13.58jplankI could see someone trying to configure 120k users on one box. The voicemail.conf would make my head spin
21:13.59UQlevjplank: freebsd is the best distro for any internet server
21:14.31jplankI'm not getting sucked into a freebsd/linux argument
21:14.54jplankOS/2 FTW!
21:17.01KavanSDOS FTW!
21:17.04timeshell_atworkOS What?
21:17.08jjshoewith dahdi, when doing a dial, is it no longer Zap? Dahdi/group/num ?
21:17.21timeshell_atworkslaps jplank around with a large trout
21:17.47Qwelljjshoe: s/zap/dahdi/
21:18.04Qwelljjshoe: see above btw
21:18.31jjshoeQwell how far above?
21:19.07Qwelljameswf confirmed :p
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21:21.19jplankis asterisk business edition still based off of 1.2?
21:21.37Qwelljplank: C.x is 1.4-based
21:21.39*** join/#asterisk path_ (
21:21.42QwellB.x was 1.2-based
21:21.45jjshoeQwell hahahahhahaha
21:21.55jjshoeQwell have you started a war in the forum yet?
21:22.04QwellI have not.
21:22.06QwellI expected it.
21:22.14jjshoeawe shame
21:22.41jjshoeif only you liked to troll as much as me ;)
21:23.03jplankqwell, they are making us purchase it to become digium certified (either that or switchvox) so we are getting the 10 license version. Anything cool with it, or should I file it with all the other BS stuff we are required to buy to become "official resellers"
21:23.08Corydon76-digjjshoe: join linux-elitists and troll Rick Moen, then
21:23.41Qwellor troll Theo
21:23.48Qwellhe deserves a good trolling now and again
21:24.01Corydon76-digTheo isn't as brash as Moen
21:24.04Qwelljplank: I've not heard of that requirement...  I have no idea.
21:24.09jplank1ABEC10SIL = 1.4?
21:24.12QwellCorydon76-dig: but you can't argue that he doesn't deserve it :p
21:24.29Corydon76-digQwell: Theo has calmed down in his old age
21:24.42QwellCorydon76-dig: yet you still can't argue that he doesn't deserve it :p
21:25.20Corydon76-digQwell: I dunno, Moen actively goes out and looks for fights
21:25.36Qwellwho's Moen?
21:25.42Corydon76-digTheo may be a braggart about OpenBSD, but he keeps to his own lists
21:25.55Corydon76-digQwell: THAT is a very good question
21:26.38Corydon76-digQwell: Apparently, he fancies himself a Linux elitist, but other than some rough documentation heavily abusing the reader, I haven't found evidence that he's really done anything of note
21:27.46Corydon76-digNothing that bears out his contempt for others, anyway
21:30.07jjshoeCorydon76-dig I'm in linux-elitists over on efnet ;)
21:30.17Qwelljjshoe: that's #linuxhelp
21:30.41jjshoeQwell exactly :)
21:31.32jjshoeused to be such a busy channel...
21:32.35*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
21:32.46jjshoechanges to dahdi-channels... can they be picked up without dropping active calls using dahdi?
21:33.13Corydon76-digDepends on the type of change
21:33.28jjshoechanging a context
21:33.35Corydon76-digYes, that works
21:33.41jjshoejust reload? or?
21:33.52Corydon76-digMost changes work, as long as they don't have anything to do with signalling
21:34.01Corydon76-digYep, reload
21:34.05mvanbaakTheo ftw !
21:35.05jjshoeCorydon76-dig thanks
21:35.29mvanbaakand Theo has a problem now
21:35.48mvanbaakthe .eu reseller is years behind with paying for the cd-sets and t-shirts
21:40.29mvanbaakzzzz time
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21:57.03rbdhey guys, sanity check here...if i have format_mp3 installed, asterisk should support mp3 playback through something like Playback(/tmp/mysong.mp3) for instance ...and AGI as well, right?
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22:05.32f0ner00tCan someone give me the link again how to configure asterisk w/ IPKALL.
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22:16.18Khratosrbd, partially right, I think you should not use the '.mp3' part
22:16.27bkw_I can agree with that
22:16.28bkw_it won't scale
22:20.52beekAnyone on the channel have any horror stories around running Asterisk on an HP ProLiant ML150 G5?
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22:30.00f0ner00tShould I be able to telnet 5060 if asterisk is running?
22:30.29Qwellf0ner00t: no
22:30.41russellb_Not unless you are running asterisk 1.6, and SIP TCP is enabled
22:32.05f0ner00tWhat do I have to do to get ipkall working. I already configured sip.conf and extensions.conf?
22:34.47*** part/#asterisk harryv (n=harry@
22:41.27naxxfishdo you need a register => line for that?
22:42.32*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
22:42.37f0ner00tUmm how would I register the line?
22:42.49*** join/#asterisk hadronzoo (
22:43.25Corydon76-digf0ner00t: clearly, not.  Go look in sip.conf and pay special attention to lines that contain "register =>"
22:43.50f0ner00tCorydon76-dig: May I pm you for a second?
22:43.53Corydon76-digand then read the surrounding text
22:43.54f0ner00tOr acutally.
22:43.58f0ner00tI'll pastebin it.
22:44.59f0ner00tCan you look at that link please?]
22:45.05*** join/#asterisk esaym (
22:45.32Corydon76-digOkay, look in iax.conf, paying special attention to lines that contain "register =>"
22:46.01f0ner00tOk.. Thank you
22:46.20f0ner00tWhat else needs to be contained in iax.conf besides register = >
22:47.02Corydon76-digA context for the trunk
22:48.06f0ner00tDo you think it would be better just to edit the samples or write my own .conf?
22:48.31Corydon76-digYou'd probably be better off editing the samples
22:48.59Corydon76-digOr more accurately, reading the samples and basing your own config off that
22:49.19f0ner00tYea Thats what I'm doing. I'm intergrating pieces of the sample into the main.
22:52.37f0ner00tCorydon76-dig: I guess I'm just not confortable with the conf files yet.
22:52.44_pepo_Please, How do I disable option 8 from voicemail?
22:54.14*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
22:56.09Corydon76-dig_pepo_: first, learn C.  I recommend Practical C Programming from O'Reilly.
22:57.06_pepo_I know C ... so can be disabled just by code?
23:03.18_pepo_is voicemail.c the file to be modified?
23:05.28Qwell_pepo_: apps/app_voicemail.c
23:06.26*** join/#asterisk apeiron (
23:07.15Corydon76-digQwell: we taking bets on whether he goes stark raving mad before he accomplished what he set out to do?
23:12.55_pepo_I saw ... I think that is the function vm_execmain
23:20.20*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
23:23.25_pepo_a lot of thanks
23:32.16*** join/#asterisk qdk (
23:32.33*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
23:32.54*** join/#asterisk Steve_J-obs (
23:35.00*** join/#asterisk Magicblaze007 (
23:36.27Steve_J-obshello everybody!!!!
23:36.58k-manhi Steve_J-obs
23:37.14Steve_J-obsAnyone who says hi to me gets 90% Apple stocks
23:37.21Steve_J-obsfor the next 1 minute
23:37.30Steve_J-obs90% off
23:37.33*** join/#asterisk t0rrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
23:37.47k-manSteve_J-obs: great! where do I sign up?
23:37.57Steve_J-obsno sign up
23:38.20Steve_J-obsok, time is up!
23:40.04*** join/#asterisk shindig (
23:57.01*** join/#asterisk coppice (

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