IRC log for #asterisk on 20090324

00:00.44*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure_ (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
00:03.51*** join/#asterisk jcoffi1 (n=jcoffi@
00:07.12NMR_1122to get calls in from my voip provider, do I need to forward a specific port to asterisk?
00:08.17NovceGurudamn broadvoice sucks
00:08.19NMR_1122(using IAX)
00:09.42*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
00:09.57hi365anyone have experience with a linksys 3201?
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00:12.35*** part/#asterisk jcoffi (n=jcoffi@
00:12.42pagecis there some way to use the command line to turn off features in `make menuconfig` for asterisk (i want to turn off the RAS appliction, it isn't compiling and I don't care aobut it)?
00:18.39*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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00:32.45isamarhi folks..
00:34.03*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
00:34.36s14cki have this error
00:35.02s14cki can't recive call from e1 trunk
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00:44.21s14ckthe error say me what the extension is not found in the contex
00:45.01pagecyeah, what is the full phone number being dialed? xxx-xxx-1011?
00:45.33pagecmaybe you have only the last 4 digits being sent to you, and you need to cut that down on your pbx or have the CO send you all 12
00:46.34s14ckbut i put DNIS max in 4
00:47.23*** join/#asterisk jeff_phillips (
00:48.02pagecwell i am not sure how you configured it in the dial plan, but i don't think you are picking up the 4 digits
00:48.17*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
00:48.28s14ckpagec: how can I do it?
00:49.41pagecyou need 1011 as an extension in the context asterick looks into from the hardware recieving the call, you might want to check the web for setup instructions
00:57.43NMR_1122Is there a way to record myself for voice menu use using the phone? Or does it have to be recorded in a separate audio application and then copy the file over to the asterisk server?
00:58.07*** join/#asterisk Woody4286 (i=Woody214@2001:470:5:3c9:7057:f912:7cfc:df4b)
01:02.38pageccheck the Record function
01:02.57pagecyou can dial an extension and run it when that extention picks up
01:03.42NMR_1122And it'l put a permanent sound file somewhere that I can pass to playback()?
01:03.48pagecsomething like
01:04.23pagecyou can change it out of tmp if you want it permanently
01:04.38pagecif you are testing out greeting i'd put it in temp and then copy it when you have a good one
01:04.54NMR_1122does temp get auto-erased?
01:05.04pagecat boot it should
01:05.31NMR_1122so I should probably just create a special folder for "working" recordings
01:05.40*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
01:05.52NMR_1122Otherwise Ill get it just right and the power will go out!
01:05.55pagecyeah, but they can grow huge very quickly, one reason to use tmp
01:06.22NMR_1122like how big?
01:06.22pageclol, you can boot of a CD should that happen, but really, who reboots a linux machine, i'd trust tmp for this
01:07.38NMR_1122ok, thanks. :)
01:07.38*** join/#asterisk killown (n=nandateb@unaffiliated/killown)
01:10.51NMR_1122Is it possible to control the way extensions ring?
01:13.41*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
01:14.02jplankif I use fxs_ls in zapata.conf, why would it keep using kewlstart?
01:14.19NMR_1122yeah... right now with Bellsouth, the phone rings "normal" when called via a local number and a "double ring" when someone call the 800 number.
01:26.08*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
01:28.02jeff_phillipsNMR_1122: you would have to change your alert info
01:28.36jeff_phillipsand it depends on the phones you're using.
01:28.49NMR_1122Hi Jeff
01:29.16NMR_1122right now im using a SPA-2102
01:29.23NMR_1122to test with
01:29.36NMR_1122we haven't gotten any ip phones yet
01:29.39jeff_phillipsthat one should be pretty straight forward
01:29.56jeff_phillipsI have an audiocodes MP-124 and it's a pain in the neck
01:30.51NMR_1122isnt there a command to send from asterisk to tell it which ring to use?
01:32.44jeff_phillipsYes it's your Alert-Info header
01:33.14NMR_1122where does that go? in Dial()?
01:33.43*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
01:34.50*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
01:34.50*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:35.13jeff_phillipswell it depends on what distinguishes which ring you want to use
01:36.03NMR_1122it should be based on the number the caller dials to reach us.
01:37.56*** join/#asterisk mrbnet_ (
01:39.40jeff_phillipsNMR_1122: I appologize I'm just starting with asterisk & am more familer with the freepbx, but in there you'd set it up in your incomming route to add the alert-info header
01:40.06mrbnet_I setup asterisk on a debian system using apt. I cannot remember or find the config file I am supposed to change so asterisk loads on boot. Any ideas?
01:42.00jeff_phillipswas how it used to work
01:42.22jeff_phillipsnow I think you do something like    exten => s,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: something)
01:44.13jeff_phillipsYou would of course have the "something" match whatever is in the ring cadence options in the regional settings of your SIP device
01:45.39jblackmrbnet_: look at /etc/init.d
01:46.03NMR_1122it looks like my device has 9 fields, labeled "Ring1 Cadence:"
01:46.16NMR_1122with values like "60(.4/.2,.4/.2,.4/4)"
01:46.50*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
01:47.05jeff_phillipsNMR_1122 That's where you can change how long each ring burst is and how long the pauses are between the bursts
01:47.05NMR_1122Actually I have "Distinctive Ring Patterns" and "Distinctive Ring/CWT Pattern Names"
01:47.52jeff_phillipsdoes it show what it is looking for in the alert-info? Usually something like bellcore-r1, r2, r3  or dr1 dr2 or something
01:48.19NMR_1122Ah yes, that's in a different group
01:48.30NMR_1122it says ring1 name
01:48.51mrbnet_jblack: I have looked there. I thought there was a popup after I installed asterisk that said I needed to uncomment a line
01:48.56NMR_1122so i assume ring1 name of "bellcore-r1" causes ring1 cadence to occur
01:49.23jeff_phillipsSounds right
01:49.53jeff_phillipsif it says ring1's name is bellcore-r1, then you'd want to send "bellcore-r1" as your alert-info in the invite, and it should trigger the ring cadence for ring1
01:50.07NMR_1122So I want:  exten => s,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info:Bellcore-r1)
01:50.20jeff_phillipsyeah that's what I'd try
01:50.30NMR_1122ok, lets see...
01:50.43jeff_phillipsi'm not sure if it's case sensitive
01:51.10*** join/#asterisk iamfuzz (
01:52.11iamfuzzHi, I'm trying to setup a simple IAX conference room and have followed the guide here:
01:52.34iamfuzzhowever, I am unable to connect to the asterisk server with any client I've tried, and no messages appear in any logs or on the asterisk console
01:52.37*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
01:53.03iamfuzzI guess my question is, how do I connect to an asterisk server running on the local network - complete asterisk noob here
01:53.18jeff_phillipsconnect what?
01:53.21*** join/#asterisk path_ (
01:53.39iamfuzztrying to call in with a soft client to a conference room
01:54.04jeff_phillipscan you connect to make other types of calls?
01:54.11iamfuzzkiax to be specific.  I've also tried another client on another box on the network, and can't connect.  I get no error messages or anything - it just times out
01:54.21iamfuzzI can't connect squat :-)
01:54.34NMR_1122It works Jeff. You're awesome.
01:54.40jeff_phillipsi am?
01:55.03iamfuzzRunning Ubuntu 8.04, downloaded asterisk, it's running.  tried this tutorial for setup:
01:55.09iamfuzzcan't connect to asterisk
01:55.14jeff_phillipsiamfuzz: I dunno... firewall?
01:55.40iamfuzzguess it's possible, but I can't even connect on the same machine running the server
01:55.42denonhmm, so I moved an older * config (zap) to current/dahdi .. someone remind me what I'm forgetting..
01:55.44denonchannel.c:3170 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type DAHDI (native 76) to 256
01:55.44denonapp_dial.c:1237 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 58 - Bearer capability not available)
01:56.09iamfuzzIaxWrapper::event_unknown() Uknown message: Type=4
01:56.11denondahdi show channels does show all the channels
01:56.16jeff_phillipsiamfuzz: i dunno, hard to say what the problem is when you don't have an error or something to point us in some direction
01:56.22iamfuzzthat's all my client outputs as an error, over and over
01:56.30denondahdi show status  shows the circuit OK
01:56.59denon's bangin head against wall
01:57.13pagecanyone recommend any good free windows sip clients?
01:57.38jeff_phillipspagec: I tried 20 different free windows sip clients and they all suck
01:57.57iamfuzzjeff_phillips, how bout a good free iax client?
01:58.18AlexGCiamfuzz:  try zoiper
01:58.20jeff_phillipsKapanga was the best for what I wanted to do, but that was merely to keep the thing minimized and auto-answer calls to the soundcard output (one direction) as extensions in a PA paging group
01:58.25iamfuzzAlexGC, thx
01:58.37jeff_phillipsall the other ones kept popping up and were quite obnoxious
01:58.38denonzoiper works fine, eyebeam is worth the money
01:59.45jeff_phillipsiamfuzz: I dunno I was only looking for those two features (auto answer & don't get in my face). I tried a couple iax clients but as soon as I realized they lacked one or both of those two options, I immediately uninstalled them
02:01.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:02.59iamfuzzis there a good, simple way to do a demo call just to test that your server is up?
02:03.07iamfuzzI am confused out of my mind with this
02:03.12iamfuzzgranted it's a small mind
02:03.36NMR_1122I've got a strange bug going on now... for some reason, when I call in to asterisk from my cell phone, the extension here rings once, and then asterisk hangs up on me. the console says "everyone is busy/congested at this time" but the phones aren't in use!
02:07.09pageci see eyebeam has xlite for free, does that work?
02:07.44denonno g729
02:08.28pagecdoes g729 really make that much of a difference?  and if you use asterisk for free, isn't that not included anyway?
02:09.53*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
02:13.16pagecanyway, i've just been using the free protocols and they seem to work fine
02:20.32*** part/#asterisk jeff_phillips (
02:21.34*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:28.47*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:28.47*** join/#asterisk AlexGC (n=admin@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:32.16jplankwhat would cause asterisk not to disconnect an FXO port properly (mind you, it only happens with a local disconnect. when the far end disconnects, it works properly)
02:34.29*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
02:35.40hardwirejplank: far end being PSTN or SIP/IAX?
02:36.28hardwiresorry.. I misunderstood.. I getcha now
02:37.00hardwireso making calls out of your asterisk box to the PSTN.. when far side disconnects it kills the channel
02:37.19hardwirewhat is your local device?
02:37.41hardwireis it the console in asterisk?
02:37.46hardwirea sip phone on your asterisk system?
02:37.50jplankno a sip phone
02:38.07jplankI see the hangup inside the console
02:38.11hardwirewhat happens when you issue a soft-hangup from the console?
02:38.24hardwiredoes it wrap up the zap channel or does it stay open?
02:38.52*** join/#asterisk jcoffi (n=jcoffi@
02:39.07*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
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02:39.30*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
02:40.13NMR_1122Did you know that music on hold during dial doesn't work unless you use playback() before dial()?
02:40.27ManxPowerNMR_1122: that is not true.
02:41.10jplankhardwire, thats whats weird
02:41.16NMR_1122That seems to be the case here.... If i comment out playback, music on hold says its playing, but you hear no music
02:41.18jplankif I do a show channels, I don't see it open
02:41.30jplankbut if I do a zap show channel 1 it shows it offhook
02:41.45NMR_1122if i play a sound file first, you actually hear the music play
02:42.03*** part/#asterisk jcoffi (n=jcoffi@
02:42.15jplankI'm confused, because if I ANI the number, the call completes
02:43.46ManxPowerchances are the playback causes an answer to happen
02:44.12NMR_1122in both cases I'm calling answer() first
02:44.48hardwirejplank: weird
02:45.54jplankinbound seems to work, just outbound is the problem
02:47.11hardwirejplank: tried kickstart vs loopstart?
02:47.35hardwireis busydetect or indications turned on in zapata.conf for that channel?
02:47.48jplankwell kewl not kick
02:47.53jplankthe line is def loop though
02:48.02jplankits weird
02:48.18jplankif I make an outbound call, it will work
02:48.33jplankthen on the second outbound call I get a error message telling me I didn't dial all the digits
02:48.35hardwireif you ANI the number the call completes? explain that to me real quick
02:48.50jplankif I wait about 20 seconds then try another call, it works
02:49.13hardwiretried this with a regular phone?
02:49.19jplankbut if I make a inbound call, while its not working, the inbound completes, and if I hangup (far end) then with outbound, it works
02:49.32jplankI also had it rewired about 4 times already
02:49.42hardwireregular phone reacts properly?
02:49.43jplankright now the line is going straight from the VZ can to the 2400
02:50.00jplankVZ = verizon
02:50.11hardwiretried using redial on the phone?
02:50.18hardwirevs manually dialing?
02:50.38jplankboth, yes
02:50.47hardwiretried extending dtmf in zapata.conf?
02:51.01jplankextending DTMF? I'm dialing with a w
02:52.12hardwirefor recording?
02:52.29jplankfor a pause
02:52.47hardwirebut that doesn't change how the dtmf tones are
02:53.15jplankI'm not sure what you mean by extending the DTMF
02:53.56ManxPowerjplank: is the line an analog line?
02:54.17jplankdo you mean relaxdtmf=yes ?
02:54.25hardwiretry 200
02:54.33hardwirein 1.4+
02:55.10hardwireManxPower: yeh.. sip in and fxo out to verizon pots.
02:55.11jplanktrying it
02:55.12ManxPowerjplank: you are STARTING to dial too fast.  put a "w" at the beginning of the number.  Also, I suggest toneduration=500 for testing, you can shrink the number later.
02:55.32ManxPowereg.  Dial(Zap/G1/w${EXTEN})
02:55.49ManxPowerw = wait .5 second (for the telco to realize you went off hook and want to dial)
02:55.54jplankhmmm the toneduration has been giving me better results so far
02:55.59denonManxPower: what am I missing/forgetting? : No translator path exists for channel type DAHDI
02:57.03ManxPowerdenon: I've never been any good at fixing translator path problems.
02:57.19jplankmoving up the toneduration seems to be working better
02:57.24denonManxPower: well .. I just moved from zap to dahdi ..
02:57.25jplankis that number in MS?
02:57.28ManxPowerdenon: check or something like that
02:57.32denonwas working fine with zap :)
02:57.33ManxPowerjplank: yes, in MS.
02:57.49ManxPowerdenon: I still live in a Zap world.
02:58.15denonManxPower: me too .. but thats gotta change
02:58.52ManxPowerdenon: not for me.  My employer uses specific versions of Asterisk/Zaptel
02:59.17denonah ic
03:00.02denonsomethin is seriously hosed here
03:00.17ManxPowerdenon: and there are 1.4isms and 1.2isms everywhere in their dialplan the put on customer machines.
03:00.36denonwell, I'm still pretty focused on 1.4
03:00.40tzafrir_laptopthis is not related to codec_dahdi normally
03:00.49tzafrir_laptopcodec_dahdi and chan_dahdi are not related
03:00.54denontzafrir_laptop: care to enlighten me?
03:01.21ManxPowerwhatabout lack of a zttranscode.ko?
03:01.27tzafrir_laptopa g729 call that ended up in a DAHDI/whatever channel?
03:02.04tzafrir_laptopcodec_dahdi is for those with a transcoder card
03:02.59denontzafrir_laptop: no, ulaw to dahdi
03:03.07*** join/#asterisk ghento (
03:03.24denongetting two errors:
03:03.25denonchannel.c:3170 ast_request: No translator path exists for channel type DAHDI (native 76) to 256
03:03.25denonapp_dial.c:1237 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 58 - Bearer capability not available)
03:04.04ManxPowerdenon: do me that says is not loaded.
03:04.18tzafrir_laptopdenon: 256: g729
03:04.33tzafrir_laptop76: slin|ulaw|alaw
03:04.47tzafrir_laptopcore show codecs
03:05.25denonsorry, you were right -- that client was g729, but on ulaw, I still get:
03:05.26denonapp_dial.c:1237 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'DAHDI' (cause 0 - Unknown)
03:05.49denonbut core show channeltypes shows DAHDI
03:05.51tzafrir_laptopAnd this is not FXO, right?
03:06.08denonno, it is fxo
03:06.33tzafrir_laptopcan you set it to ls rather than ks and see if this changes anything?
03:06.37denonfxs doesnt give me anything  .. no message, no dialtone
03:07.40denonactually, dahdi_gen wanted me to use pri_cpe
03:07.47denonthere anything to that?
03:08.00ManxPowerdo you have a PRI?
03:08.09denon(it's cross-connected to an adtran 750)
03:08.16tzafrir_laptopah, no FXO. ignore the above
03:08.27denonsome FXO, some FXS
03:08.48denonon the adtran
03:09.18tzafrir_laptopif it is FXO (fxs_ks signalling) , then do look at the above report
03:09.49tzafrir_laptopstill does not understand what that issue has not been fixed
03:10.15*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:10.20tzafrir_laptopBreaks FXO on Asterisk 1.6.x and has been open for quite some time
03:10.30denonwell ,Ive always used fxs_ks / fxo_ks in the past
03:10.34denonthis is 1.4.x
03:10.46tzafrir_laptopwhat version of 1.4?
03:10.59tzafrir_laptopah, ok.
03:11.33denonwas running fine on zaptel 1.4.12 before
03:11.40denondecided I should do dahdi on the upgrade
03:11.43denon(dumb move :)
03:11.54*** join/#asterisk ghento (
03:12.08*** part/#asterisk NMR_1122 (
03:12.17tzafrir_laptopnext move would be to get a PRI trace, I guess
03:12.25tzafrir_laptoperr... no PRI here
03:12.40denonit's a t1 cross-connect to adtran 750
03:13.02denonon a single t1 digium card (t100P or so)
03:13.14tzafrir_laptophmm... what was the Dial string you used?
03:14.01hardwirejplank: all happy?
03:14.03denonwell, it doesnt seein inbound either
03:14.06jplanknot yet
03:14.08jplankstill testing
03:15.19denontzafrir_laptop: but for outbound, Dial(DAHDI/18/18005551212) or such
03:15.39tzafrir_laptopChannel 18 exists, right?
03:15.58tzafrir_laptopWhat is the output of:  dahdi show channel 18
03:18.01denonbleh, just overwrote a config .. sec .. so actually, in this situation, should they be fxs_ks/fxo_ks? or is the gen right wanting to do pri_cpe?
03:18.47denonchan_dahdi whines if I don't set it to pri_cpe
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03:21.12denontzafrir_laptop: but to answer your question, here's the channel 18 output:
03:21.43jplankeven if I set toneduration to 1000 if I place two calls over the same trunk to close together I get the issue
03:22.13tzafrir_laptopsignalling type: ISDN PRI
03:22.16*** part/#asterisk califus (n=chatzill@
03:22.23denontzafrir_laptop: yeah, thats what I was saying above
03:22.42denonit whines if I dont set it to pri_cpe
03:22.53tzafrir_laptopwho whines?
03:23.13tzafrir_laptopchan_dahdi won't let you chang esignalling just like that won't load
03:23.47tzafrir_laptopbut you can change whatever you need on system.conf, run dahdi_cfg, and then in asterisk run:   dahdi restart
03:23.56denonwell .. it wont load if I dont set it to that, says I need to change it
03:24.07tzafrir_laptop(and that's nothing new, except that you can run 'dahdi restart instead of a full restart)
03:24.18denonyeah, Im doing all that
03:24.29denonwell, I dont know what changes I'd need to make in system.conf, but i am in chan_dahdi.conf
03:24.51denonthen I'm /etc/init.d/asterisk stop; /etc/init.d/dahdi restart; /etc/init.d/asterisk start
03:24.51tzafrir_laptopwhat is the output of cat: /proc/dahdi/*
03:25.55denon(ignore span 2)
03:29.08jplankhardwire: still no, pretty much the same thing
03:29.41jplankif I do a zap show channel, it shows it as offhook
03:30.21jplankis there any way to slow down the disconnect?
03:30.23denontzafrir_laptop: that pastebin was for you, obviously
03:31.19tzafrir_laptopdenon, so it is configured for PRI
03:31.24tzafrir_laptop(in system.conf)
03:31.39tzafrir_laptopedit system.conf and re-run dahdi_cfg
03:33.22hardwirejplank: when would that happen?
03:34.20denontzafrir_laptop: there any harm in just copying zaptel.conf to system.conf?
03:34.30denonthe zaptel.conf that was working for years prior, that is
03:34.34jplankwhen it hangs up the line
03:34.48hardwirehow would you slow that down?
03:34.58jplankI'm just grasping at straws here
03:35.06tzafrir_laptopdenon, no. but you should add echo canceller information
03:35.08hardwireI'm just wondering how odd that sounds.
03:35.23jplankwhy when I hang up the line zap show channel still shows it offhook
03:35.35tzafrir_laptopdenon, basically:  echocanceller=mg2,1-25
03:35.39tzafrir_laptopor something similar
03:35.43hardwiredo you have a sound card in your asterisk box jplank?
03:35.44jameswfjplank, foo or fxs
03:35.58jplankno soundcard hardwire
03:36.05jameswfisn't hook state fxs only
03:36.11hardwireno worries.. if you could test something for me.
03:36.31tzafrir_laptopit does have some meaning on FXO. Though strange. Not really sure
03:36.36hardwiremodprobe snd-dummy
03:36.47hardwiremodprobe snd-pcm-oss
03:36.58jplankno return on either
03:37.00hardwirethen restart asterisk with the oss module
03:37.07hardwireif it's not already loaded
03:37.22hardwirethen from the console try to 'dial number@outcontext'
03:37.31hardwirethen issue a hangup.. and see if you still have issues.
03:37.48denontzafrir_laptop: now I'm making headway .. heh, I was just getting mismatched and confused by the errors .. not realizing where it was getting that data
03:38.37hardwireat this point in life.. why aren't microsoft updates send via broad satellite multicast every few minutes to government issues reception devices?
03:38.47hardwireI mean srsly..
03:39.12jplankhardwire I don't follow, what does loading the oss drivers have to do with an FXO issue
03:39.15denontzafrir_laptop: you prefer mg2?
03:39.29hardwirejplank: maybe it's not just an fxo issue.
03:39.34hardwireprocess of elimination ftw.
03:39.39jplankinbound works noproblem
03:39.40jameswfI prefer pretzels
03:39.45tzafrir_laptopdenon, of the built-in ones it's the best
03:39.50tzafrir_laptopI naturally prefer oslec
03:39.51jplanksip works in or out
03:39.56hardwirejplank: just working the process.
03:40.07denontzafrir_laptop: I've got some hpec licenses for this box ..
03:40.08hardwirefeel free to skip a few steps and scratch your head all night.
03:40.12denonbut last time I used hpec it was worse .. so ..
03:40.21tzafrir_laptopdenon, should also work very well
03:40.26denonI see dahdi still likes to ring all the fxs channels when it loads with adtran
03:40.38jplankload =>
03:40.38tzafrir_laptop(and in dahdi it will be easy to fall back to mg2 from hpec)
03:40.40denonwas kinda hoping that'd be fixed in the past 10 years or so :)
03:40.42jameswfsounds like an adtran bug
03:40.58denonjameswf: perhaps
03:41.14jameswfour channel banks dont ring all the channels :)
03:41.30jplankhardwire: your saying just add load => to modules.conf and restart?
03:42.06tzafrir_laptopdenon, on startup dahdi sends an "on-hook" to all channels
03:42.08hardwireif it's not already loaded
03:42.18hardwirelike.. do you have "dial" as a valid command in the console?
03:42.32hardwirethen add it and restart asterisk if you can.
03:42.33denontzafrir_laptop: that makes adtran want to ring?
03:42.35tzafrir_laptoperr... not dahdi. Asterisk's chan_dahdi
03:42.44tzafrir_laptopI don't know adtran
03:42.58denon750s have done this for years ..
03:43.08denonalways surprised me, since it was pretty common place back in the day (the 750)
03:43.14denonfor obvious historical reasons with mark
03:43.26jameswfdenon, a distaste for reality makes the adtran ring
03:43.56denonwho'z yer dahdi
03:44.01*** join/#asterisk hackeron (n=hackeron@gentoo/user/hackeron)
03:44.04jameswfif adtran cared you would call them and they would fix it
03:44.13*** join/#asterisk trymi1 (
03:44.19jplankI won't be able to use dial from the console, I don't have a soundcard
03:44.29denonsure, they could make it do sip over serial too .. question is do they want to
03:44.34jameswfjplank, originate
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03:44.56jameswfdenon new features is not the same as fixing basic function
03:45.01hackeronhey, I'm trying to dial out, my outgoing server is asterisk and I have freeswitch configured to dial out through asterisk - but I get: Call from '' to extension '918002255288' rejected because extension not found. -- any ideas?
03:45.24denonjameswf: well, I talked to them many many years ago .. and they basically said
03:45.29denon"what's asterisk?"
03:45.34denonof course, that's changed a little
03:45.39jameswfexactly they are to big for you
03:45.46jplankam I using originate wrong
03:45.53jameswfthat is no way to run a company
03:45.56denonnah, adtran's always been great to work with
03:45.56jplankoriginate zap/1 number@context
03:46.05denonjust that asterisk wasn't exactly on the radar yet
03:46.44jameswfdenon you should try one of our channel banks they simply work and if something is broke we don't blame it on the software
03:47.07denonahhh, a commercial ..
03:47.12denonI thought you sounded funny :)
03:47.34jameswfdenon no commercial if something is broke it should be fixed
03:48.01jameswfanyone who is not willing to fix their bugs because they dont like your software is a joke
03:48.01denonwhich CBs?
03:48.19jameswfasterbanks are tzafrir_laptop
03:48.22jplankhardwire: I get the same thing when I use originate
03:48.49denonah, not used RHino I dont think..
03:49.07denonmostly because I've been too lazy to eval em I guess heh
03:50.26jplankdoes someone have an * with an fxo card in front of them right now
03:50.27[TK]D-FenderRhino CB's are prety decent IMO
03:50.36[TK]D-FenderIf you really want to head that way of course...
03:50.38denonjplank: yes
03:50.41jplankmaybe the problem I'm having isn't really a problem per se
03:50.44jameswfdenon even if you dont come our way you should look at a companies willingness to address issues as a factor so if they dont find someone who will, hell go with an asterbank at that rate you know when something is broke tzafrir_laptop will probably loose sleep to make it right
03:51.03jplankcan you call out that trunk, as soon as it starts ringing, hang up, and call out it again within a second or two
03:51.13jplankdisconnecting on the * side
03:51.17jplanknever picking up the far end
03:51.30denonjplank: what, just the delay before it gives the channel back?
03:51.54jplankoh your connected to a channel bank, I don't know if that will work the same
03:52.10denonjplank: nah, Ive got a pile of other PBX windows open
03:52.15denonwith tdm cards
03:52.20jameswfdownloading ubuntu-alpha I should really wait the 3 days for beta...
03:52.32denonbut I cant do what you want, as I dont have a handset to one of em
03:52.47jplankanyone want to take a look at my zapata.conf and zaptel.conf, maybe I'm missing something
03:52.50denonhm, is gone? bummer
03:53.11denonjameswf: yeah, I'm sure you're right .. though, in the past, adtran has gotten firmware out to me to fix my issues ..
03:53.14jameswfdenon downloads.digium...
03:53.19denonjameswf: I've not pestered them on this one
03:53.52denonoh that's right, http only now
03:54.05*** part/#asterisk trymi1 (
03:55.09jameswfjplank, pastebin
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03:56.12hardwirejplank: ok.
03:56.30hardwiresorry for the wild goose chase.. I usually start with chan_oss before originating to a local app
03:57.35jplankhardwire: jameswf
03:57.54jplankthe only thing I didn't add was zapata-addtional.conf and thats because thats blank
03:58.30hardwirejust guessing.. I don't have a lot of experience with it
03:58.43hardwireI know a lot of solutions use the additional.conf's however
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03:59.15jplankbut really, freepbx didn't touch zapata
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03:59.34denonI guess I should really give hpec another chance
03:59.43jplankand genzaptelconf generated zaptel.conf and zapata-auto.conf
03:59.48[TK]D-FenderWhat is the actual problem?
04:00.19jameswfcomment out #include zapata-additional.conf see what happens
04:00.21*** part/#asterisk tawker (n=ahuman@wikipedia/Tawker)
04:02.38jplankits blank, but ok
04:03.20jplanksame thing
04:03.30jplankfender, I can't always make outbound calls
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04:03.44jplankI sometimes get a message saying that I didn't dial all the digits
04:03.49jplankinbound works
04:03.55jplankI have a w in the dial plan
04:04.02jplankand I have the toneduration set to 100
04:04.11jplank(tried even 1000 but same thing
04:06.10[TK]D-Fenderjplank: show me.
04:06.59denonhm, dahdi init.d script wants to run zaphpec enable .. nice. :)
04:07.15jplankhow can I show you? its a recorded message I'm hearing on the line, console looks perfect
04:07.19denon(instead of dahdihpec_enable)
04:07.39[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Show me the faled call.
04:07.59jplanksure, but FYI - the call doesn't look like it failed
04:08.05denonbusts out ln -s
04:10.26jplankhmmm with toneduration at 300, everyone of my calls completed
04:10.31jplankbut it was a 6 second connect time
04:10.43jplankso I'm sure it has to have something to do with that.
04:11.05denonhmm, asterisk detected a problem with my dahdi and will shutdown
04:11.17denonit's like installing windows on a free after rebate motherboard
04:11.54NovceGurugets a bag of pcchips
04:12.12jplank250 worked, 5 1/2 isn't as bad
04:17.34jplankseems 200 with a w might be the magic number
04:17.45jplankhaving the customer test, seeing if its too long
04:18.31[TK]D-Fenderw = 500ms
04:19.31jplank.5 second
04:19.55jplankcustomer is testing right now, hopefully 4 seconds (more or less) isn't too long
04:22.20*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:23.22denonah well, hpec still blows
04:24.13denonat least it's easier to disable in dahdi
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04:31.08hardwire[TK]D-Fender: so jplank is having issues with the remote side dealing with dtmf.. and longer tones seem to fix it.. but when he uses a regular phone and hits redial (3 second dial time or so) it works fine every time.
04:31.17hardwireMaybe a volume issue as well?  possibly echo can?
04:31.29hardwireI doubt echo can.. but maybe theres something I'm missing there.
04:31.53[TK]D-Fendergains could certainly be a factor
04:32.05hardwirethere *is* a disconnect tone too.. right?
04:32.16hardwireor is that just crazy talk.
04:33.00*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
04:33.31hardwireit's a loop.. so I guess it doesn't need a tone.
04:34.31hardwiregai is 0 there.. and echo cancel is on
04:34.34jplankhardwire echo can is on (hardware)
04:34.42jplankfender I left the gains defaiult
04:35.03hardwireyar.. whats the tool to calibrate those? is it just ztmonitor and an echo test?
04:35.29hardwirehates dealing with pots.
04:35.36hardwireI wish you and your customers would never have to deal with them ever again.
04:35.55hardwirealas.. we need something that works when the zombies attack.. so it's still quite heavily used.
04:36.49jplankso do I
04:36.57jplankI just told that to my client
04:37.08jplankif he would of ordered SIP trunks from us, none of this would ever happen
04:37.22hardwireI bet he's scared of zombies.
04:37.27hardwiremight be worth asking later on.
04:37.48jplankthis is the only client we have that we put a PBX in for, but don't have their voice and or data
04:38.01hardwireI'm down with that
04:38.12hardwireit's kinda neat having crazy little scenarios like that.
04:38.19hardwirecause it adds contrast to other crap you have to deal with.
04:38.27hardwire"At least it's not a client x scenario"
04:38.43hardwireand then everybody chuckles and goes for tea.
04:39.03jplankwell I already told my tech to take the client out for drinks when they leave
04:39.26hardwireI forgot where you worked.
04:39.29hardwireI knew at one point.
04:40.29hardwire<- self employed masochist.
04:42.00jplankinterglobe communications
04:42.04jplankdon't look at our website
04:42.08jplankit sucks (for now)
04:42.14jplankits from like 7 years ago
04:42.38jplankwe are waiting for the designer to finish it off
04:43.16hardwiresorry boss
04:43.25*** part/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:43.53jplankthey are doing an awesome job though, we sent the logo to landsend to make us some new shirts, and they liked our new logo so much, they want to use it in their catalogs :P
04:44.21hardwireinterglobe is a neat name too
04:44.28hardwireand it fits well with techie parts of catalogs
04:44.54jplankits funny, there's a company called interglobe in like india or something that runs calling card scams
04:45.01jplankwe always here about it
04:45.05jplankesp at comptel
04:46.30denonwell, looks like dahdi is stable ..
04:46.36denonI really shoulda done this on an offline system .. oh well
04:47.11denonI should move that box to all sip so I can stuff i into an esxi platform
04:47.25denonas much as I hate abstraction layers when it comes to voice
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05:07.37denonhm, when did asterisk console stop ignoring ^c?
05:16.07cr4z3di've got a cisco ip phone 7970. should i use the skinny driver or chan_sccp driver
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05:41.19Cuban0hello everyone i have a problem with DAHDI and x100p maybe somebody can help me, i have tried all by google and no results
05:41.51Cuban0can someone help ???
05:42.08Cuban0this is log
05:42.09Cuban0[root@elastix ~]# dahdi_hardware
05:42.10Cuban0pci:0000:01:09.0     wcfxo-       1057:5608 Wildcard X100P
05:42.20Cuban0so hardware is being recognized
05:42.22Cuban0but later
05:42.49Cuban0[root@elastix ~]# dahdi_cfg -v
05:42.49Cuban0DAHDI Tools Version - 2.2.0-rc1
05:42.49Cuban0DAHDI Version: 2.2.0-rc1
05:42.49Cuban0Echo Canceller(s):
05:42.51Cuban00 channels to configure.
05:43.04Cuban0and only Timer DUMMY appears
05:43.20mogyou have to configure it Cuban0
05:43.31mogalso please dont paste multiple lines into the channel
05:43.36moguse pastebin
05:43.38Cuban0oops i´m sorry
05:43.45Cuban0i´m new around here
05:43.49mogno worries
05:43.56Cuban0listen bro
05:43.59mogyou have a folder called /etc/dahdi/system.conf
05:44.02Cuban0i have this problem in boot up
05:44.07mogyou need to configure it for your card
05:44.48Cuban0NOTICE-wcfxo: WCFXO/0: Unknown DAA chip revision: REVB=0
05:44.49Cuban0Failed to initailize DAA, giving up...
05:45.06Cuban0already patched wcfxo.c
05:45.43Cuban0when i use dahdi_cfg    the card does not appears, only Dummy
05:46.03*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
05:46.24Cuban0mog can you please tell me the next step ?
05:46.54mogplease read what i said
05:47.11mogyour card wont be useable till its configured in system.conf
05:47.18Cuban0ok i will nano it
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05:48.27Cuban0i have it , it says it was autogenerated and only has two variables inside defaultzone and loadzone
05:48.50Cuban0what do i need to put inside ?
05:49.34Cuban0it says "do not hand edit"
05:51.23*** join/#asterisk PDani (n=pekdanie@
05:53.24Cuban0it is generated by dahdi_genconf  but it does not put the Wildcard parameters inside
05:53.44Cuban0i´m stuck there :(
05:56.22*** join/#asterisk brunner (
06:04.42Cuban0can somebody help ?
06:06.32mogrecommends reading the book or going to voipinfo, or paying one of the friendly consultants
06:09.42Cuban0only that ?
06:10.39mogthats what you need to bring the card up, but then you also have to bring up card in asterisk which is a seperate issue
06:15.59jplankanyone know what this means,
06:18.19*** join/#asterisk PDani (n=pekdanie@
06:19.18mogyour crashing
06:19.56jplankI got that ;)
06:20.02jplankI'm curious why
06:20.28Cuban0after putting fxsks=1 now it says
06:20.29Cuban0[root@elastix ~]# dahdi_cfg
06:20.29Cuban0DAHDI_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
06:20.37mogmodprobe wcfxo
06:20.41mogyour card isnt loaded
06:21.33jplankI could make it crash
06:21.35Cuban0modprobe does not returns nothing
06:21.40jplankby making a bunch of inbound calls
06:21.53Cuban0i guess i must get rid of that first boot error
06:22.20jplankbut why is the card crashing?
06:22.35mogthats what modprobe is supposed to return
06:22.49mogin gnu/linux if things work its normal for it to return nothing
06:22.55mog\you usually print on problems
06:23.12Cuban0sorry for caps
06:23.26Cuban0why it does not detects it ?
06:24.43Cuban0it does not looks like hardware problem
06:24.43Cuban0[root@elastix ~]# dahdi_hardware
06:24.43Cuban0pci:0000:01:09.0     wcfxo-       1057:5608 Wildcard X100P
06:26.05mogyour driver isnt loaded if the dadhi_cfg fails
06:26.44Cuban0on bott up it says
06:26.47Cuban0NOTICE-wcfxo: WCFXO/0: Unknown DAA chip revision: REVB=0
06:26.47Cuban0Failed to initailize DAA, giving up...
06:26.47Cuban0wcfxo: probe of 0000:01:09.0 failed with error -5
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07:02.24drmessano24 is branching out
07:02.30drmessanoI saw an IP330 on 24 tonight
07:03.55JTpolycom must've given more blowjobs to 24 producers
07:04.00JTthan cisco
07:05.34*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
07:10.54jplanktonight just isn't my night, first outgoing call problems, and when I get that fixed, this when more then 3 or four calls come in at once
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08:32.58ultrav1oletI cannot quite understand how I can implement the following things: we have three groups of employees in my organization, say super-users, sales managers and it department. I want let people from each group call every other person in the organization, and at the same I want to let super users call any numbers, and all sales calls should be recorded. How can I write a dialplan to make it all possible?
08:33.36OctothorpeFrom scratch, I have no idea. With FreePBX that wouldn't be too difficult to implement.
08:33.59OctothorpeI couldn't code a dialplan from scratch if you held a gun to my head.
08:34.34ultrav1oletI do understand the extensions and dialplan, I just cannot see the whole picture
08:36.00*** join/#asterisk tamiel (n=tamiel@
08:37.35ultrav1oletok, is it possible to have an extension which is included by default for each and every user in iax.conf/sip.conf/users.conf?
08:41.39kaldemarultrav1olet: make a context with all employees in it, and a contexts that allow any calls. include the context with all employees for the normal people and all the other too for the super-users.
08:42.38kaldemarsimple and easy.
08:44.01ultrav1oletI'll try, thank you
08:44.13kaldemarif you want to go further, you can have all sorts of contexts with different kind of extensions and then different levels of rights class contexts that include different extension contexts.
08:45.14*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
08:45.26ultrav1oletMy problem is that I was thinking wrong - I created a nested structure of contextes and it no longer allows growing - I have undesired results from including one context into another one. So, I'll try your suggestion
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08:47.10kaldemardrawing pictures is a good way to keep up with all the includes. :)
08:47.25harryvhow do I figure out which framing/coding to use? and what are they acronyms for?
08:48.00harryvcas/ccs - ami/hdb3
08:48.13kaldemarwould be nice to have a script that would construct a dot file from a dialplan and then draw a graph with graphviz or something.
08:48.46kaldemarharryv: what country are you in?
08:49.12kaldemarwhat kind of interface do you have and what are you connecting it to?
08:49.41harryvdigium TE121 -> nokia modem -> isdn30
08:51.01kaldemarmost likely you need ccs,hdb3 without crc4.
08:51.27kaldemarccs means common channel signaling, i.e. you have a single separate channel that handles signaling for all the other channels.
08:51.54kaldemarcas would be channel associated signaling, so there would be no separate signaling channel (aka d-channel).
08:53.29kaldemarhdb3 coding is usually used in E1 PRI's, which you most likely have.
08:54.26kaldemarthen, define the 16th channel of a span as dchan and the rest as bchan.
08:54.26harryvatm I have the crc4 too..
08:54.52kaldemaryou may need it too.
08:55.02harryvwill it do any harm?
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08:59.07kaldemardepends on the other end
08:59.44kaldemartry it out.
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09:18.53ultrav1olethow can I implement this: an outsider calls our asterisk PBX and no matter if someone picked up or not an internal SIP telephone, a caller has three seconds to enter the number of another employee (without any announcement) - so that a caller could request any person without talking to a secretary
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09:26.57stmaherHi guys.. I have asterisk 1.6 and I believe its crashed twice. I cant see any core dump anywhere and the logfile doesnt show much..
09:27.24stmaherCOuld someone please advise me on what to do? possibly increse logging?
09:29.49frehstmaher: in the asterisk.conf file you can increase the debug level
09:30.11frehdebug = x
09:32.08frehstmaher: Also in the asterisk.conf file you can set "dumpcore = yes" ... which dumps the core on a crash
09:32.33stmaherjust saw that.. thank you :-).. I have no idea why its crashing.. will keep an eye..
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09:32.44stmaherIf i do get logs and a coredump.. where do I send it to?
09:33.16frehI had some problems with 1.6 too. It crashed several times so now I'm using 1.4
09:33.40frehI don't know, I'm just a regular user myself
09:33.56stmaherThanks will take that onboard
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09:53.24*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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10:13.30scruzgood day
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10:23.21frehSo, actually, which is the latest stable release of asterisk?
10:23.37frehIs stable?
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10:31.01ultrav1oletit is
10:31.44RypPntzafrir_laptop around?
10:31.56tzafrir_laptopRypPn, yup
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10:32.30tzafrir_laptopfreh, I think I'd actually try (or is it 2?)
10:32.30RypPnhi, I dont remember if you remember me mentioning outbound issues with dahdi recently?
10:33.28RypPnI've been doing some more digging trying to work out why doesn't work on 1.6.1.x and 1.6.2.x
10:34.01RypPnIt would seem that the digits aren't send via the tdm card and the pstn provider times out giing their usual message
10:34.48RypPnI'm hoping this is meaningful for someone with greater knowldge of the internals of how it all works :)
10:35.14RypPndigits=dialled digits
10:35.36scruztzafrir_laptop: o/
10:36.19tzafrir_laptopRypPn, what do you mean by "not sent"?
10:36.31tzafrir_laptopHow do you see that?
10:36.41RypPnwhen I tail the full log, I see the digits on
10:37.05tzafrir_laptopAsterisk does not ask dahdi to dial?
10:37.30RypPnyes, it asks it to dial, but the dialstring doesn't seem to be passed
10:37.58tzafrir_laptopI applied the same patch to the 1.6.1 (rc3) package I'm testing now
10:38.03tzafrir_laptopSo far it look OK
10:38.04scruztzafrir_laptop: o/ == "wave"
10:38.34tzafrir_laptopscruz, hi
10:38.52tzafrir_laptopit actually looked like some sort of a smily to me
10:39.26*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (n=yogurt2u@
10:39.33scruzRypPn: is does chan_dahdi replace chan_ss7?
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10:40.03RypPndahdi replaces zaptel
10:40.05tzafrir_laptopchan_dahdi (as of 1.6.0, IIRC) has SS7 support through libss7
10:40.18tzafrir_laptopSo in that respect it replaces chan_ss7
10:40.35scruzso i just need to build libss7, right?
10:40.51tzafrir_laptopAFAIK chan_ss7 is still developed independently, but I'm quite unfamiliar with it
10:41.12tzafrir_laptopyes, you just need libss7 installed before building asterisk
10:42.43scruzok, but i guess it would work on * 1.4
10:42.53scruzas i'm using * 1.4
10:43.15scruzlikes freshmeat's new look.
10:44.19tzafrir_laptoptakes more hunting to see the same information
10:44.34scruzthat's a fail. i noticed it too
10:44.52scruzthe UI is more visually pleasing, is what i meant
10:46.15scruzack, i'll need to use zaptel or upgrade *. guess i'll use zaptel
10:46.50scruzlibss7 requires * 1.6+
10:47.03tzafrir_laptopyou can use dahdi with latest asterisk 1.4
10:47.24tzafrir_laptop(not sure how chan_ss7 handles this, though)
10:50.02*** join/#asterisk destructure (
10:51.21scruzi'll go the zaptel way because dahdi is relatively unused over here, and other people might need to work on the * install
10:51.46scruzand the book has no info on dahdi
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11:00.04RypPntzafrir_laptop I think I've found the bit I'm referring to in my log if it helps?
11:11.25*** join/#asterisk beherit (n=albert@
11:12.07beheritwe are having problem navigating the banks IVR option, any idea where will i start troubleshooting. Is it correct that its a dtmf issue?
11:12.14tzafrir_laptopRypPn, can you be more specific?
11:13.07Chainsawbeherit: It might be. Are your DTMF signals not reaching their IVR at all or are they garbled?
11:13.39RypPntzafrir_laptop sure, not working  ,  working
11:14.25RypPn1st paste the string only feeds the 1st 0 on line 56, you can see in the 2nd paste the hole string is fed
11:15.10beheritchainsaw, i think its just incomplete
11:16.24Chainsawbeherit: Try calling your cellphone and see whether holding down a key gets you a clear DTMF tone or not.
11:17.10Chainsawbeherit: Generally only uLaw & aLaw are able to support in-band DTMF (the other codecs will turn it into garble).
11:17.58beheritChainsaw: we are using g729 codec, any idea how to resolve this issue?
11:18.36Chainsawbeherit: And you're using that outbound to the PSTN as well?
11:19.25beheritwe don't have pstn
11:20.00beheritChainsaw: its a small call center. with no PSTN just 2 voice provider. Both are using g729 codec
11:20.40Chainsawbeherit: Cellphone test still applies.
11:20.44tzafrir_laptopRypPn, have you noticed the digits get detected
11:20.58tzafrir_laptopthis is a dialout?
11:21.01tzafrir_laptopWhat device?
11:21.16RypPnIts a sangoma A200D
11:22.31RypPnOn the first paste? line 53? yeah I noticed that
11:23.23RypPnStrange why it stops after sending the first digit
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11:24.48Chainsawbeherit: But I would like to quote this to you, from wikipedia: "Music or DTMF tones can only be transported reliably with this codec using the RTP Payload for DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones, and Telephony Signals as specified in RFC 2833"
11:29.39tzafrir_laptopRypPn, the detected digits could be related to echo. In both cases Asterisk did send the full number
11:29.56tzafrir_laptopAnd we see that in the bad case the dialing stopped in the middle
11:30.48beherityes i am using rfc2833 in dtmfmode
11:30.52tzafrir_laptopIs it the same version of dahdi in both cases? Of the Sangoma drivers?
11:31.11RypPntzafrir_laptop yes, dahdi is and wanpipe is 3.3.16
11:33.09tzafrir_laptopIn that trace I didn't see any explicit disconnect. Rather it was DAHDI (the kernel) that signalled an early "dial complete"
11:33.10*** join/#asterisk pif (
11:34.40RypPntzafrir_laptop If it helps to get a cleaner trace I can put 1.6.1.x or 1.6.2.x back on before the wife gets home :)
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11:41.44RypPntzafrir_laptop you think this could be oslec-related in 1.6.2 ?
11:42.05tzafrir_laptopI still can't see how this is related
11:42.31tzafrir_laptopfor some reason the dialing buffer got reset. I'm not sure how
11:42.52*** join/#asterisk Victor_Yure (n=victor@unaffiliated/victoryure/x-837844)
11:43.16RypPnI can set up 1.6.1 again and give you ssh access if it helps, lemme know :)
11:45.03*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
11:58.32harryvI have the TE120 series guide, but it doesn't say: Where is the e1/t1 jumper on te121?
11:58.46harryvI can see two jumbers, labelled p3 and p8
11:59.28ultrav1olethow can I make MixMonitor record only an actual conversation and not error codes like congestion, busy, etc?
11:59.56*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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12:08.53bobsaccamanohi trying to simulate international direct distance dialing for SIP Channels in asterisk...accordingly my dial plan looks like this:
12:09.16bobsaccamanoI am getting a 503 Server error..saying the HangupCause code=20
12:09.30bobsaccamanoany idea where im missing the plot
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12:10.39harryvfound it.
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12:15.48harryvw/ E1, will channel 16 always be d-chan?
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12:20.23ultrav1olethow can I make MixMonitor record only an actual conversation and not error codes like congestion, busy, etc? Or is it possible to erase the call if it wasn't a real call?
12:26.15*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:27.01kaldemarultrav1olet: check DIALSTATUS and remove the files according to it.
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12:28.17kaldemarbobsaccamano: you don't have a SIP peer 544444444444444
12:36.48ultrav1oletOK, here's how my dialplan looks like:
12:37.54ultrav1olettwo questions: I cannot access $(filename) in a Macro; how can I call system(/bin/rm) upon !receiving ANSWER?
12:38.12ultrav1olet! = NOT
12:39.13ultrav1oletI don't want to add a command for every s-STATUS where STATUS != Answer
12:40.01kaldemargive ${filename} as an argument for the macro
12:40.35ultrav1oletgood idea! what about the second question? how can I call system(/bin/rm) upon !receiving ANSWER?
12:41.16kaldemarif you goto to the dialstatus, you have to do something in every different status.
12:41.31*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
12:42.34harryv - what's going on there? TE121
12:43.27harryvbut every 2nd  zap restart  gives
12:43.44ultrav1oletkaldemar: that doesn't sound nice :( OK, I'll do that way
12:44.19kaldemarharryv: you have a signaling problem. yellow alarm.
12:45.03*** join/#asterisk zapotek6 (
12:45.11coppiceyour signaling is afraid
12:45.34harryvwtf. I shut down the computer, took the card out, sat it back in, it is recognized. now. trouble. :(
12:47.17bobsaccamanokaldemar, i do
12:47.25*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=zeeesh@
12:48.48ultrav1oletHow can I make this extension simpler?
12:49.22ultrav1oletIs there a way to make the first two commands of each extension a function (extension,macro,etc)?
12:50.26zeeeshwe have cdrs in Master.csv... can we find rtp logs.... i need to know when both legs established. and when disconnected... is there any posibility... ?
12:52.32*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
12:52.35kaldemarultrav1olet: make an extensions that matches all those three with only priorities 2 and 3.
12:53.39harryvkaldemar: how would I diagnose this? there's connection to the network terminal
12:55.39*** join/#asterisk axisys (
12:56.35ultrav1oletkaldemar: how can I do that?
12:56.53ultrav1oletdo you mean regular expression?
12:59.07kaldemarultrav1olet: no, a regular pattern
13:00.11ultrav1olet nothing :(
13:00.39kaldemara pattern just like the ones you have in that context.
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13:01.02ultrav1oletkaldemar: my numbers are quite different - I cannot think I can come up with a pattern that matches all of them
13:01.03kaldemarbut one that matches all those three
13:01.34kaldemarultrav1olet: yes you can
13:01.36ultrav1olet_89XXXXXXXXX _8800XXXXXXX and _2XXXXXX
13:02.03ultrav1oletmy head exploded :)
13:02.13kaldemar_XXXXXXX. would match all those
13:02.46*** join/#asterisk trelane (i=trelane@funtoo/staff/trelane)
13:03.01ultrav1oletI don't get you - the last one has only 7 digits, the first two ones have 10 digits
13:03.28kaldemar. <- matches to any amount of anything
13:03.29harryvultrav1olet: look at the .
13:05.48ultrav1oletok :)
13:05.54kaldemarahem. . is one or more, not any amount.
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13:07.46ultrav1olethm, none of System(rm filename) in works. MixMonitor creates file _after_ hangup thus, the file is not deleted :(
13:08.45ultrav1oletany ideas?
13:10.23kaldemarmake a hangup extension in the context that triggered the macro
13:11.13ultrav1oletbut it needs to run only based on DIALSTATUS - how can I do that?
13:11.59*** join/#asterisk orly_owl (
13:12.29orly_owlIs it possible to test an IP phone by setting up an asterisk server to connect it to?
13:12.38kaldemargosub instead of macro would be handy for that, you could return to the previous context with app Return.
13:13.20kaldemarbut since you use a macro, try to save the status to a channel variable.
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13:19.15ultrav1oletI created a very cool hack :)
13:20.10ultrav1oletI made a wrapper for a /bin/rm which is run in background (#! /bin/sh /bin/sleep 60; /bin/rm "$1" &>/dev/null)
13:21.21ultrav1oletthen I ran System(/usr/local/bin/slowrm /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/${ARG2} &)
13:21.45ultrav1oletso now it asterisk deletes a file past hangup ;)
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13:25.42tzafrir_laptopultrav1olet, not "$1" . "$@"
13:26.07tzafrir_laptopand use 'exec' to save an unnecessary process
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13:27.08ultrav1olettzafrir_laptop: I delete one file only, there's no need for "$@" :)
13:27.48ultrav1oletBut will exec work? I spawn a process in background (note & at the end)
13:28.44tzafrir_laptopAnd don't underestimate the run-time of rm:
13:29.42tzafrir_laptopwhy do you run it in the background only after 60 seconds?
13:29.57ultrav1oletThat man definitely needs a FS on top of RAM disk
13:30.08tzafrir_laptopThe sleep should also be in the background
13:30.25ultrav1oletmost normal people will hang up if there's no answer for sixty seconds
13:30.47tzafrir_laptopyou should have a subshell in the background. That subshell will exec rm eventually
13:30.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
13:30.53ultrav1oletmy whole System runs in a background, so sleep shouldn't run in a background
13:32.27ultrav1oletmy only concern in is the following: can s-ANSWER become s-DIFFERENT_STATUS?
13:32.48ultrav1oletis it theoretically possible?
13:33.08ThoMeis it posible to list all meetme rooms
13:33.18ThoMealso rooms what not active at the moment
13:33.27ThoMeexample all in my meetme.conf
13:35.07*** part/#asterisk ultrav1olet (n=ultrav1o@
13:35.26kaldemarThoMe: sure, use meetme.conf to list them
13:35.44kaldemarwhere are you accessing the information?
13:38.59russellbi think there is a manager action for that ...
13:39.08ThoMerussellb: hey. ok. thank you.
13:39.16ThoMerussellb: the command "MeetmeAdmin" what is it?
13:39.25ThoMebut i havent the command
13:39.54russellbThoMe: MeetmeList is the manager action i was thinking of
13:41.55*** join/#asterisk freh (
13:42.03ThoMerussellb: No such command 'MeetmeList' (type 'help MeetmeList' for other possible commands)
13:42.09ThoMefputs($socket, "Command: MeetmeList\r\n\r\n");
13:42.22ThoMeand fputs($socket, "Command: meetme list $room\r\n\r\n"); list only the active rooms.
13:42.25Ether_ManWhat modules do I need for a pure SIP phone environment? It cant be just can it?
13:43.57[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: All related dialplana pps, MoH, Features, etc.  Piles of stuff
13:45.29*** join/#asterisk Sanjoy (
13:45.54kaldemarlooks like MeetmeList is only in 1.6.
13:47.04Ether_Man[TK]D-Fender, and how do I find out exactly which ones of those I need? :/
13:47.48[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: I doubt there is a guide anywhere.  Try stuff and see where things fail.
13:48.02[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: What is your goal?
13:48.24Ether_ManSingle network, just internal SIP phone connections
13:49.23kaldemarasterisk has so many modules for basic functionality that IMO it is better to start with all and drop stuff when you know you don't need it.
13:50.15[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: No, why are you trying to go ultra-minimalist on the basic modules?
13:50.46Ether_ManBecause I dont like having anything loaded that Im not going to use
13:51.53*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
13:51.56[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: Don't waste your time going nuts over this at the start.  Typically you'll only want to NOLOAD specific modules you know you won't need like H.323, Skinny/SCCP, etc that could pose an actual risk
13:52.33[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: Anything more tends to indicate you're either running on an extremely limited embedded environment or jsut another Gentoo Ricer :p
13:52.36*** join/#asterisk copas2 (
13:53.38copas2i'm looking for a support person regarding asterisk g.729 codec licenses
13:54.03Ether_Man[TK]D-Fender, no not really..  It means I actually care about not running useless things I have no reason to run if I dont have to...
13:54.04[TK]D-Fendercopas2: Call up Digium support.  You bought it, they support it
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13:55.06Ether_Man[TK]D-Fender, like, there's a reason Im running Arch instead of say Ubuntu or Fedora
13:55.12copas2already emailed them but it's kinda urgent
13:56.06[TK]D-Fendercopas2: then just state your questions and maybe someone with experience is around
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13:56.49copas2just want to split the newly acquired licenses to 6 different ones
13:56.51[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: Ok, well there isn't any guide I'm aware of for this.  feel free to start Googling or go by trial & error
13:56.57jeff_phillipsis g.729 worth buying? I mean, is the sound quality comparable to make it worth the savings in bandwidth?
13:57.13[TK]D-Fendercopas2: then you DEFINITELY need to contact Digium support
13:57.37[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: If you need the BW, then G.729 is the way to go.
13:57.40copas2jeff_phillips: it was inevitable because of bandwidth situation
13:58.12copas2jeff_phillips: and the pstn gateway is accepting only G... codecs
13:58.26jeff_phillipsWell, "need" and "can definately use" are two different things... I could certainly benefit from using less of the limited bandwidth we have, but I don't want to sacrafice sound quality
13:59.07jeff_phillipsif it sounds about the same I might want to buy a license
13:59.08coppiceG.729 is pretty good until you call a cellphone
13:59.20jeff_phillipsoh, how does it sound with a cell phone?
13:59.48copas2jeff_phillips: you'll have to make that compromise
13:59.52coppiceyou end up with two low bit rate codecs in series and it sounds pretty nasty
14:00.04jeff_phillipsi see
14:00.27jeff_phillipswell a lot of our SIP calls are to/from cell phones so that might not be such a good idea for me then
14:01.13copas2Ether_Man: so i will have to wait for an answer by email
14:01.52copas2jeff_phillips: use voip/cell gateways then
14:03.15jeff_phillipsnah, even with mobile to mobile it'd be cheaper *for me* to do it through SIP
14:04.48jplankcam someone help me debug a core dump, asterisk keeps crashing when theres 2 or 3 calls coming in over a 2400p with FXO modules, no errors in /var/log/asterisk/full
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14:06.33sakajawebecopas2: have you already activated your G.729 license?
14:07.00copas2sure :-)
14:07.18sakajawebeeh, then there won't be anything that can be done for splitting then
14:08.08copas2why not, what makes the difference?
14:08.24copas2there is one more chance to active them
14:08.35sakajawebebecause once it has been activated, there is a license for the full amount of channels for that key
14:09.02sakajawebethe only way to split them is to change teh one key so that it doesn't have that many channels anymore, and then create new keys for the difference in channels
14:09.02copas2then it has to be deleted and 6 new ones to be created
14:09.10ThoMerussellb: have my meetme-rooms now insert in my mysql-db.
14:09.20ThoMerussellb: now i can make a small query for list my all rooms.
14:09.27sakajawebebut see, deleting it doesn't stop that one activation license that has already happened
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14:09.32copas2sakajawebe: but i cannot change it, can i?
14:09.52sakajawebecannot change what? the key?
14:09.57copas2sakajawebe: yes
14:10.24sakajawebeyou can't change it, but now you have the license file, so you can use it on that system
14:10.25copas2sakajawebe: that's what digium support does
14:10.53copas2sakajawebe: that system doesn't need it that's why it has to be split
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14:11.16sakajawebebut now that system has it, and there isn't anyway to validate that it no longer does
14:11.47copas2sakajawebe: since we are just reselling (and unfortunately installing) them, we didn't want to buy six different licenses for that
14:12.06copas2sakajawebe: still hope that support can fix it
14:12.38sakajawebeI'm pretty sure once it has been activated there is nothing that can be done
14:12.51copas2sakajawebe: how can you be so sure?
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14:14.02jplankhow could I debug a segmentation fault?
14:14.14copas2sad thing is that it's written nowhere what to do in that case. i mean if you want to install that license on multiple system. it might be obvious for digium but it's not for end users
14:14.19*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:14.35sakajawebeit is against the license agreement to install a license on more than one system
14:15.13copas2so it reveals itself only after installing
14:15.22Nuggetthe g729 codec used to be tied to a specific machine (via mac address)
14:15.30copas2on that multiple page agreement :-)
14:15.31Nuggetprobably still is, but I dunno
14:15.47sakajawebethe agreement is avialable online in the documentation section
14:15.54copas2Nugget: it's okay. i can abandon that license, it's not a problem
14:17.06copas2sakajawebe: okay, okay. still hope that support can do something. if not, we have to return it and buy new ones. they cannot handle this in an agreement can they
14:17.29copas2it's just a product
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14:20.20stmaher\Hi guys.. Im trying to add people automatically to a conference.. but with auto answer on a polycom phone
14:20.40stmaherI tried the outbound call drop file option.. but need to specify a SIP origin..
14:20.56stmaherI want that SIP origin to be an extenion in extensions.conf.. but its not working..
14:20.58stmaherany suggestions?
14:24.10keith4wtf? Skype SIP?
14:24.20[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Show us what you've done so far
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14:25.44VaGoNeTaSi got this error installing asterisk on a brand new machine, 1.4.24
14:26.01VaGoNeTaSroot@reportes:/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.24# make menuselect
14:26.01VaGoNeTaS*** Install ncurses to use the menu interface! ***
14:26.18VaGoNeTaSroot@reportes:/usr/src/asterisk-1.4.24# apt-get install libncurses-dev
14:26.23VaGoNeTaSis already the last version
14:26.29*** join/#asterisk PDani (
14:26.35VaGoNeTaSsomebody knows what package is missing?
14:26.40stmaherhere is my drop file
14:26.41stmaherChannel: SIP/3006
14:26.41stmaherMaxRetries: 2
14:26.42stmaherRetryTime: 60
14:26.42stmaherContext: int-hardphones
14:26.44stmaherExtension: 2441
14:26.55stmaherChannel: <- can you omit that?
14:28.32BlargMaN00VaGoNeTaS: What distro and version are you using??
14:28.44anonymouz666stmaher: why you would omit that?
14:28.50VaGoNeTaSUbuntu 8.04
14:28.55VaGoNeTaSand is asterisk 1.4.24
14:29.18VaGoNeTaSthe machine is new, but i've just installed the libncurses-dev
14:29.24VaGoNeTaSand still not working
14:29.32[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: No.  You are telling * to call the "channel" and on answer dump them in the specified place in the dialplan.
14:29.41BlargMaN00try 'apt-get install libncurses5 libncurses5-dev' and see if it installs...
14:29.58copas2VaGoNeTaS: bc pciutils patch unifdef mysql-server libmysqlclient15-dev make gcc g++ libncurses5-dev apache2 php5 libxml2-dev libtiff4-dev lame php-pear php5-mysql php5-gd libssl-dev libcpan-mini-perl bison libaudiofile-dev curl sox php-db flex xsltproc unixodbc-dev mpt-status acpid libnewt-dev libsqlite0-dev libsqlite3-dev ntp git-core atftpd python-xml
14:30.12VaGoNeTaSlibncurses5 ya está en su versión más reciente.
14:30.19VaGoNeTaSthat is in spanish
14:30.24VaGoNeTaSbut that means that is already in the last version
14:31.03VaGoNeTaSBlargMaN00 : its already installed both of it
14:31.05VaGoNeTaSboth packages
14:31.29VaGoNeTaSit seems that another package is missing
14:31.32*** join/#asterisk seanmh (n=johndoe@
14:31.34VaGoNeTaSbesides of ncurses
14:31.39BlargMaN00do this...  'dpkg -l | grep ncurses' and tell me what it says...
14:31.43jbotmethinks p is q and not q
14:31.57stmaher[TK]D-Fender Ok perhaps I should rephrase.. How would i join a load of people to a conference.. with auto pickup?
14:32.40[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: autopickup usually requires you to add headers to instruct the phone to do so
14:32.50[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: And multiple phone would be multiple call-files.
14:33.55*** join/#asterisk jshriver (n=jshriver@
14:34.22jshriverIs it possible in asterisk to require a user to type in a number (password) prior to making a PoTS call?
14:34.32[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: Yes.
14:34.49[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: this is YOUR dialplan, go prompt them yourself.  "core show application read"
14:35.05jshrivermain reason I ask, is that we want to keep track of who is making calls that are not business related, LD, or 800 numbers.
14:35.38jshriverok, second question :)
14:35.59jshriverI keep getting cdr errors saying database is full. I see it's a sqlite db, but the file itself is only a couple megs dont understand how it can be full
14:36.06jshriverhow can I clear it?
14:36.45jshriverno command core
14:37.04[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: remove "core" as you appear to be on 1.2 or lower.
14:37.13jshriveraye that did it ty
14:37.18jshriver1.2 :)
14:37.41[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: And welcome to 2009 where 1.6.0 is current and 1.6.1 nearling release
14:38.12jshriverI'm new to * this was kind dumped on me and my boss doesnt like to upgrade
14:38.21mort_gibJust had a meeting with a prospective client, manager comes in stressing that he will not accept any extra payment for Voicemail :-)
14:38.27jshriverwe're still using Mandriva 2006 for a server lol
14:39.02jshriveranyway I appreciate the leads, read looks nice.
14:39.03*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
14:39.03mort_gibTurns out they had an Avaya dude doing that trick with them, trying to sneak some EUR 1500 in under the radar He
14:39.04[TK]D-Fenderjshriver: And I recognize that you've been around here for a few months now...
14:39.19jshriveryup off on. Learning just enough to do what is needed.
14:40.05*** join/#asterisk hfb (
14:40.59jshriverAnyway appreciate the help. Off to resume work, hope you all have a good day.
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14:43.35coppicemort_gib: I find that hard to believe. when did Avaya charge that little for *anything*?
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14:45.54chazzVaGoNeTaS: try running make distclean in the asterisk directory and starting over and see if that helps at all
14:45.55[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Oh... he meant PER BOX :p
14:45.57mort_gibcoppice: That was for a 5 user install
14:46.11mort_gibcoppice: My client is 120 or something
14:47.07VaGoNeTaSok, i've just fixed the ncurses problem
14:47.09mort_gibcoppice: and then they asked if it was possible to do conference (three way calling) and how much extra that would cost B-)
14:47.20VaGoNeTaSnow i need to where can i get this module:
14:48.53*** part/#asterisk NotJerJer (n=PhatJ@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
14:48.59BlargMaN00VaGoNeTaS: 'apt-get install unixodbc'
14:49.22harryvhow do I define which of my two te121 are used for what in /etc/zaptel.conf ? I want to swap their functionality. change span number, or?
14:50.39VaGoNeTaSis already installed but i cannot select that on the menuselect
14:50.43VaGoNeTaSit appears like XXX
14:51.13BlargMaN00VaGoNeTaS: did you install it yourself, or was it pre-installed on the distro??
14:51.31VaGoNeTaSi belive was pre-installed coz as i told you before this machine is brand new
14:51.41VaGoNeTaSi've just installed ubuntu server 8.04 hardy on it
14:51.43*** join/#asterisk wimt (i=wimt@freenode/staff/wikipedia.wimt) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
14:52.09VaGoNeTaSwhat's your suggestion related to this?
14:52.40path_VaGoNeTaS hahahah you're playing around asterisk
14:52.42mort_gibVaGoNeTaS: So you need to log to a database??
14:52.43BlargMaN00VaGoNeTaS: 'apt-get install libltdl3 libltdl3-dev'
14:53.02BlargMaN00VaGoNeTaS: then you will need to rerun the ./configure script
14:54.33VaGoNeTaSwhat u mean im playing around with asterisk?
14:55.15VaGoNeTaSeste qliao
14:55.32VaGoNeTaSwhat tha fuck r u doing here dude
14:56.24path_having fun :-D
14:56.37path_I thought you where a security expert and that nobody knows more than you do
14:57.15harryvas far as I can tell it's determined by the order of the module load. but, this is two identical cards, thus using the same module
14:58.25*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=bbryant8@
14:58.34VaGoNeTaSthat was more that 10 years ago
14:58.48VaGoNeTaSu cant blaim me , i was 16 years old
15:00.31jeff_phillipshaha, well if that were true we wouldn't have been able to 'blame' jacob in my class in high school for lieing about how he had a limo to take to foot ball practice
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15:03.16VaGoNeTaSpeople grows up
15:03.18VaGoNeTaSi did
15:03.21VaGoNeTaShe didnt
15:03.25copas2well, thanks, bye
15:03.50jeff_phillipsVaGoNeTaS: You sure you 'grows' up? lol
15:04.39VaGoNeTaSmaybe my english is not the best in the world but im almost sure that u can understand the point
15:05.23*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
15:06.46[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: "Understanding" isn't jeff_phillips' strong suit ;)
15:07.16VaGoNeTaSmaybe, thought you were here to help
15:08.00[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Anyway, whats left for your install?
15:09.35VaGoNeTaSi've just installed dahdi-linux and dahdi-tools
15:09.45VaGoNeTaSdid the make config on dahdi-tools so he made the scripts
15:09.47VaGoNeTaSinit scripts
15:10.20VaGoNeTaSim on the 'make menuselect' option
15:10.27VaGoNeTaSchan_dahdi is XXX
15:10.44VaGoNeTaSand cdr_odbc XXX
15:10.45[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: Configure and initialze dahdhi first
15:10.48jasonwootZOMG, so I JUST located "all-your-base.gsm" in \var\lib\asterisk\sounds
15:11.01[TK]D-FenderVaGoNeTaS: and you'll have to do "./configure" after to ahve * pick it up
15:11.08[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: lol
15:11.18VaGoNeTaSactually i've removed the asterisk-1.4.24
15:11.21VaGoNeTaSand started all over
15:11.38jasonwootoh my Gods, who do I fracking thank for that one?
15:11.45VaGoNeTaSroot@reportes:/usr/src/dahdi-tools- /etc/init.d/dahdi stop
15:11.45VaGoNeTaSdahdi_cfg not executable
15:12.07VaGoNeTaSroot@reportes:/usr/src/dahdi-tools- /etc/init.d/dahdi start
15:12.07VaGoNeTaSdahdi_cfg not executable
15:12.49*** join/#asterisk apeiron (
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15:15.40VaGoNeTaSwhat seems to be the problem there?
15:16.20*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=c7340d68@about/security/staff/dlewis)
15:16.28tzafrir_laptopVaGoNeTaS, ls -l /usr/sbin/dahdi_cfg
15:16.28*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
15:16.34VaGoNeTaSthere is no file
15:16.43tzafrir_laptopmaybe you didn't run 'make install' ?
15:16.46VaGoNeTaSi was looking for dahdi_cfg on /usr/sbin
15:16.47VaGoNeTaSi did
15:16.50raden_workanyone recommend a good softswitch ?
15:16.58VaGoNeTaSjust a min
15:18.18harryv[Mar 24 16:18:07] WARNING[3812]: chan_zap.c:9294 pri_dchannel: PRI Error on span 0: We think we're the network, but they think they're the network, too.
15:18.43VaGoNeTaSstill got this:
15:18.43VaGoNeTaSXXX 4.  cdr_odbc
15:18.48harryvthere's not even a span 0 !? I have span 1 and 2, and span 2 is  signalling=pri_cpe
15:20.18tzafrir_laptopVaGoNeTaS, you need to re-run ./configure (in asterisk)
15:21.06tzafrir_laptopAnd if 'make install' did not install it: maybe it has failed in the middle?
15:21.11VaGoNeTaSi did tzafrir_laptop
15:21.15tzafrir_laptopDid it complete successfully?
15:21.31jayteeharryv, pastebin your zaptel.conf and zapata.conf files
15:22.27VaGoNeTaSi was missing
15:22.45VaGoNeTaShehehe, sorry
15:23.00VaGoNeTaSwhat i need is cdr_adaptive_odbc
15:23.04raden_workwould it be possible to setup a VOIP service provider with asterisk  ?
15:23.21[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Sure
15:23.23*** join/#asterisk HuntsMan (
15:23.39harryvjaytee: &
15:23.48raden_work[TK]D-Fender, I understand id need software for billing but anything else ?
15:24.04[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: What do you think?
15:24.29raden_work[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean what do i think ?
15:24.51[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: You tell ME what you think you need to become a provider.
15:25.08raden_workwhy are you answering my question with a question
15:25.43raden_workneed some sort of soft switch , billing software and wholesale termination / origination service and alot of patients, tech support setup etc...
15:25.48[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Because if you can't come up with a basic list of the kind of things required then you would seem to be completely out of your element in trying to take on such a task.
15:26.30[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Sounds like you've got a basic list there.
15:26.47raden_work[TK]D-Fender, I'm just looking to get something together for like 5 people on one block run and test for a while then expand local phone company ripping us $36 a month for land line + 37 for DSL its nutz
15:27.21[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: And what will you be offering them?
15:27.22raden_worknot looking to be the next vonage just need to know the basics of what i might need and go from there looking for suggestions thats all
15:27.47harryvjaytee: span 1 is connected to another box in here, span 2 to the telco. (I'm forwarding some traffic from span 2 -> span 1)
15:27.47[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: you need to process their calls and bill them.  Thats what a service provider generally does.
15:27.55*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (n=rue@
15:28.13raden_workWELL my WIFI reches everyone at 24 mb with practically no latency soo internet and phone for $30 a month 3 cents a min outbound
15:28.23jayteeharryv, don't see anything wrong with the config files as far as timing and signalling
15:28.26mort_gib[TK]D-Fender: And slag them off when they have problems
15:28.44stmaher[TK]D-Fender is there a way to add exten => _877XXXX,1,SIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Auto Answer) to an outbound call file?
15:28.44mort_gib[TK]D-Fender: And have "premium rate" support numbers
15:29.01harryvjaytee: I don't get why it says Error on span 0 - what is span 0 ?
15:29.03jayteeharryv, what "other box in here" ?
15:29.11[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: You do not add DIALPLAN to a call file.  Go reconsider what kind of CHANNEL you are calling.
15:29.19harryvjaytee: some legacy VoiceGuide thing. it's not even connected at this point.
15:29.37stmaher[TK]D-Fender im considering joining a phone to a conference..
15:29.45raden_work[TK]D-Fender, you think what im offering seems unreasonable ?
15:29.52[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: Yes... the Ferrengi Rules Of Acquisition is required reading in business school...
15:29.58stmaher[TK]D-Fender but need to add that header in order for it to automatically pick up
15:30.27mort_gib[TK]D-Fender: LOL yes!
15:30.27jayteeharryv, don't know why it would report span 0 if you've got your spans correctly defined as 1 and 2 in zaptel.conf which you do and the signalling is correct as near as I can tell from looking at the zapata.conf
15:30.39[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: And what are you using for connectivity?
15:30.41*** join/#asterisk bartpbx (
15:31.04bartpbxis anyone out there using dahadi with B410P Cards?
15:31.11jayteeharryv, what does it display on the CLI when you type pri show spans?
15:31.21[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: As I said look at the channel type you are calling.  SIP will not let you do more.
15:31.26mort_gibbartpbx: Yep, at least I'm trying to
15:32.01[TK]D-Fenderstmaher: Go read over the complete list of Asterisk Channel Types a few dozen times and see which one will let you use Dialplan apps prior to calling a device like that
15:32.02raden_work768 / 6 MB DSL
15:32.07*** join/#asterisk AndyCrawford (
15:32.08bartpbxmort_gib: that does not sound very good
15:32.11raden_work3 ms packet jitter 0 packet loss
15:32.17bartpbxwhat are your problems?
15:32.25mort_gibbartpbx: Well, (l)users
15:32.36[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: 768... and what do you think you can survive in terms of calls & connectivity on that little link?
15:32.55mort_gibbartpbx: They gave me a 20 minute windows to replace an * server in a 45 user environment
15:32.56[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Esp as you are including internet services.
15:33.14*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:33.14raden_worki have 2 lines one will be dedicated VOIP and one will be dedicated internet
15:33.26jayteeharryv, I don't know why it would report span 0 either with your configs. Strange
15:33.28[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Who is your provider?
15:33.42mort_gibbartpbx: Have rescheduled, though, Install went fine as long as you use 1.6
15:33.47raden_workmain office like 4 blocks away fiber from there
15:33.55harryvI'll try and remove one of the TE121 cards. I suspect it is broken.
15:34.04*** join/#asterisk bminish (
15:34.05[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Normal residential service?
15:34.25raden_workthey said i can do whatever i want with the line
15:34.43[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: take a VERY close look at your terms of service.  Its still all but certain that you will be in violation for trying to resell over it.
15:34.43raden_worki pay for the bandwith and the line its mine to do what i please with they said
15:34.57raden_work[TK]D-Fender, what u recomend ?
15:35.02[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: and "whatever i want with the line" generally does not include "reselling"
15:35.05VaGoNeTaSok guys
15:35.13raden_workour t1 line we have says we cant resell over it
15:35.15VaGoNeTaSi got cdr_adaptive_odbc.c on the machine
15:35.30VaGoNeTaSnow i need to add it to the "make menuselect list"
15:35.58raden_work[TK]D-Fender, i do appreciate the this is going to go wrong scenarios thats what im looking for :)
15:36.38[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Not knowing the one I just mentioned is like jumping out an airlock without a space-suit on....
15:36.56jasonwootah raden_work... I remember when I was young and idealistic
15:37.02jasonwootbefore the first lawsuit
15:37.21raden_workim not exactly young nor idealistic i own 3 businesses and there is no idealistic in me no more
15:37.24coppice[TK]D-Fender one day that will be the cutting edge of extreme sports
15:37.30jayteeharrv, the cards have a switch on them if you're using multiple cards so that when the module for the card loads it will always assign the correct card to the correct spans. make sure they aren't both set the same.
15:37.32raden_workjasonwoot, lawsuit for what ?
15:37.36jayteelunchtime, brb
15:37.42*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
15:37.47[TK]D-Fendercoppice: and I know a thing or two about cutting edges :)
15:38.09harryvjaytee: they're..
15:38.11*** join/#asterisk gultig (n=dbriggs@
15:38.15harryvthis just started happening
15:38.26harryvcould a broken card cause this?
15:39.30bartpbxis there any way to debug line events on a dahadi interface?
15:40.10mort_gibbartpbx: What's your problem??
15:42.34bartpbxi have a system with 3 B410P cards
15:43.03bartpbx1 for external ( telco) and 2 for internal ISDN devices
15:43.39mort_gibbartpbx: Yeah....
15:44.00mort_gibSo NT/TE mode, and you have power on the right cards
15:44.35*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
15:44.44VaGoNeTaS[*] 1.  cdr_adaptive_odbc
15:45.29VaGoNeTaSi've just downloaded cdr_adaptive.odbc.c to cdr/ inside of asterisk-1.4.24
15:45.44VaGoNeTaSand added the following to menuselect-tree
15:45.59VaGoNeTaS<category name="MENUSELECT_CDR" displayname="Call Detail Recording" remove_on_change="cdr/">
15:45.59VaGoNeTaS<member name="cdr_adaptive_odbc" displayname="Adaptive ODBC CDR backend" remove_on_change="cdr/cdr_adaptive_odbc.o cdr/">
15:46.07*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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15:47.28raden_work[TK]D-Fender, how would you go about things ?
15:47.29bartpbxyes, TE/NT but power issn't the problem
15:47.53bartpbxcurenty i have the problem that all console dial comands end up in a Congestion with hangupcause 34
15:48.24mort_gibI had the same issue in the brief period I had it connected
15:48.24bartpbxthat sounds to me that no ISDN device is "listinging" to the number on the port / group i dial
15:48.51[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Get a connection I'm allowed to resell
15:48.54mort_gibWell I tried outgoing only co Dial(DAHDI/g1...
15:49.05mort_gibNo joy, like not connected
15:49.25raden_work[TK]D-Fender, but out T1 at our office says we cant resell it
15:49.29bartpbxso it might be a gneral issue
15:49.32mort_gibBut I had green light in the cards, like no alarm
15:49.34[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: then you're screwed
15:49.40coppicetzafrir_laptop: seems to not exist
15:49.45bartpbxno alarm on these two ports
15:49.54bartpbxwhat versions are you unsing
15:50.01mort_gibDunno, didn't have time to find out to be honest
15:50.15mort_gibLatest, Asterisk 1.6.0X
15:50.36mort_gibdahdi show channels shows up in cli all SHOULD be good
15:50.38*** join/#asterisk infernix (i=gerben@unaffiliated/infernix)
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15:51.07raden_work[TK]D-Fender, when i talk to them they say i can have as many computers connected and do whatever i want with it
15:51.15SlartHello everyone
15:51.20infernixi'm playing with chan_mobile but my home servers bluetooth dongle is out of reach for my mobile phone when i'm at my desk.
15:51.25[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: and "whatever i want with the line" generally does not include "reselling" <-------
15:51.40bartpbxdahdi show channels gives me State "In Service"
15:51.40[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Please don't become a whiner over this.
15:51.46infernixi was thinking of installing asterisk and setting up an IAX trunk between my workstation and my server, and then doing chan_mobile on the asterisk setup on my workstation
15:51.49[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: And come up with a VIABLE business plan.
15:51.56tzafrir_laptopcoppice, hmm.... not here, and not at the name servers
15:52.05*** join/#asterisk Gon (
15:52.10infernixis this a smart thing to do or are there better ways?
15:52.19coppicefrom here the name doesn't resolve
15:52.41mort_gibbartpbx: That's what I found strange, straight off more than 20 minutes job though
15:52.48tzafrir_laptopthe name servers are and
15:52.49hrmphhgod damn level3
15:52.52hrmphhfinally fixed their shit
15:52.55raden_work[TK]D-Fender, trying to come up wtih a plan trying to figure out the playing field
15:52.57hrmphhhad to reboot the FRoATM switch
15:53.01hrmphhimpacting 68 customers
15:53.13*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=CunningP@
15:54.12SlartCan I use asterisk to control wireless phones (DECT)? or do you buy some kind of dect to ip switch and run it through that?
15:55.02[TK]D-FenderSlart: Latter
15:55.17coppicetzafrir_laptop: did you fix something? its working now, but it failed over the last few hours
15:55.23Slart[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks
15:55.36tzafrir_laptopcoppice, no, I didn't change anything
16:00.55*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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16:04.53mort_gibbartpbx: How long did you leave the lines connected for??
16:05.05bartpbxsome hours now
16:05.33bartpbxis there any way to see the raw isdn events from dahadi?
16:05.40frehDoes anyone know how to use spandsp on asterisk 1.4.24 these days?
16:05.47frehI need to configure faxing
16:06.03mort_gibbartpbx: Don't know, are you SURE you are using the right channels ??
16:06.13frehI can't seem to find the apps
16:06.22*** join/#asterisk _pepo_ (n=pepo@
16:06.25_pepo_hi friends
16:06.45jeff_phillipsSlart: yeah it would be nice if there was a DECT 6.0 base station that worked with SIP & let each handset be a seperate VoIP extension.
16:06.49bartpbxas i am dialing the group an see that he tries each channel i think so
16:07.28_pepo_I am trying to connect two systems... but, when the first go to voicemail in the second, the second dont recognize the DTMF tones send by the first
16:07.44frehmort_gib: BTW, I configured asterisk 1.4.24 with mISDN and it seems to be working fine for now
16:08.04mort_gibbartpbx: In any case you should see incoming calls in the cli
16:08.14mort_gibfreh: Yeah?? same card
16:08.17*** join/#asterisk thansen (
16:08.32frehmort_gib: Digium B410P
16:09.16_pepo_why my voicemail-asterisk dont recognize the DTMF tones? Do I need to configure something in sip.conf if the calls are comming from other system?
16:09.54mort_gibfreh: Well, i went for 1.6 thinking I was better off with a Digium driver for a Digium card :-/
16:11.48*** join/#asterisk KingOfDos (
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16:13.56mort_gibbartpbx: What are you using ptp or PtMP
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16:18.48Slartjeff_phillips: indeed
16:19.39*** join/#asterisk zaafouri (n=zaafouri@
16:25.23frehmort_gib: I was thinking the same, but it seems 1.6 is not good for production use yet
16:27.10*** join/#asterisk paulproteus (n=paulprot@2002:db69:2513:0:0:0:0:1)
16:31.07tzafrir_laptopbartpbx, what do you mean by "raw ISDN events"?
16:33.46bartpbxrzafrir: the protocol messages
16:33.59bartpbxlike pri debug
16:34.07bartpbxsetup messages and so on
16:40.44jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
16:41.10rue_mohr^^ please fix the space immediatly after rafb
16:42.16rue_mohr << to confirm, the call will go to the first available line of the 3
16:42.48[TK]D-Fenderrafb sucks anyways
16:43.46*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
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16:44.17rue_mohrwell is always clogged
16:45.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Loads a hell of a lot faster for me than all theothers
16:45.18rue_mohrwill you please confirm that paste?
16:45.40rue_mohror someone
16:46.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: It'll do one after the other until one takes it
16:46.44rue_mohrk, then that dial will take the call to termination and the dials after wont be reached
16:47.41[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: yes...
16:47.56rue_mohrok, so, lets say their all busy, I should put a dotones(busy) and hangup after it, right?
16:48.10[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: what do YOU want to do?this is basic Dial crap that has never changed.... and you've been using * how long
16:48.23rue_mohrcause otherwise it would repeat the extension programming
16:48.37rue_mohrno we havn't flipped the switch on this system yet
16:48.42[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Repeat?  Pardon?
16:48.54rue_mohrI havn't been allowed, I had to come up with a speed dial systemt hat I just finished
16:49.07rue_mohrusing *X
16:49.15rue_mohrwhere X is 0-9
16:49.33rue_mohrI'm just checking things before we enable the system
16:49.35harryvhow long for a oversized mail to asterisk-users to be approved?
16:58.55rue_mohrCongestion(), how convienient
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17:11.04infernixis ztdummy really needed when using IAX
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17:11.41infernixi mean the box has HPET but asterisk (1.4) still complains when using IAX that it needs zaptel timings
17:13.06[TK]D-Fenderinfernix: It is if you want IAX2 trunk mode
17:13.16*** join/#asterisk bbryant (n=bbryant8@
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17:15.26j_krooninfernix, i hear your argument and i fully agree.
17:15.48j_kroonhowever, just use dahdi_dummy with hpet as your backing timer for it and live with it.
17:17.00*** join/#asterisk watchy (n=watchy@
17:17.12watchyis it hard to get oslec working with dahdi?
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17:18.00*** join/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
17:19.18j_kroonwatchy, no, just compile the modules, and load it, and set echocanceller=osclec,1-?? in /etc/dahdi/system.conf
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17:19.23Qwellwatchy: no, I think tzafrir_laptop made it pretty easy
17:19.38watchyah ok
17:20.22Pegasus_RPGIs it possible to get a decent call on a 6kbps (yes 6000 baud) upstream speed satellite connection using Speex on a client on an asterisk system? (128kbps downstream isn't a problem)
17:21.01watchyman youd have bad latency on any sat connect
17:21.03*** part/#asterisk HuntsMan (
17:21.27Pegasus_RPGOh I do
17:21.28Pegasus_RPGbut Skype is useable
17:21.32Pegasus_RPGmost of the time
17:22.13Pegasus_RPGI just want to be able to connect to the * system for all the benefits it provides (like general outcalling)
17:23.15Pegasus_RPGbut so far, * isn't playing nice with Speex on Wengophone/QuteCom or X-Lite
17:24.17Pegasus_RPG(I mean I got it to work with X-Lite on a LAN, but over the satellite link, * doesn't see the X-Lite client)
17:25.03Pegasus_RPGit did just for a second or so, then the call dropped and I couldn't make any more calls
17:27.03[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: You can't even fit UDP overhead into 6000 baud let alone payload
17:27.25Pegasus_RPGso how is Skype doing it? Or was just wrong?
17:27.38Pegasus_RPG(THe connection is suposed to be 32kbps upstream)
17:28.13[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: How do you go from 600 baud to 32kbps all of a sudden?
17:28.27[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: Perhaps you'd like to start your description over in some consistent manner
17:28.29Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I suspect a random multiple of 8 was thrown in somewhere
17:28.46[TK]D-Fender42 L-
17:28.47harryvthe provider says he has 32k, in reality, not.
17:29.53Pegasus_RPGOK, sorry. The provider says it's 128kbps down, 32k up. shows 128k down, 6k up.
17:30.16Pegasus_RPGSkype works most of the time using it's SVOPP protocol
17:30.43[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: Nothing I know can survive that with overhead
17:30.46QwellPegasus_RPG: speedtest is clearly wrong
17:31.05Pegasus_RPGQwell: that's encouraging :)
17:31.53Pegasus_RPGTo further wrinkle things, the client is connecting via a VPN to the * server, then using the softphone over that
17:33.02*** join/#asterisk arpu (
17:33.11Pegasus_RPGI imagine the VPN overhead is hurting quite a bit
17:33.24*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
17:33.35Pegasus_RPGBut when I set it up, I was under the impression that trying to expose SIP directly to the internet is a bad thing
17:34.32[TK]D-FenderPegasus_RPG: ...
17:34.38jboti guess wglwat is well, good luck with all that
17:34.44*** join/#asterisk lftsy (
17:35.55Pegasus_RPGyeah, I'm starting to lose hope
17:36.04Pegasus_RPGthanks for your time and attention though.
17:36.19Pegasus_RPGmutters...stupid 3rd world countries
17:37.11*** part/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
17:37.12tzafrir_laptopwatchy, managed to install oslec?
17:37.32tzafrir_laptopaparantly hope lost Pegasus_RPG
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17:41.43lftsyHello all, I have a small question not answered, is there someone how could help me please..
17:41.56lftsyDo you think that is it easily possible to modify the C Dial function adding a parameter in order to change the number to be reach without modifying the Peer IP and Reg. Contact IP
17:42.27lftsylike a Dial(SIP/1003/1005,"??") that will use 1003 IP and Reg Contact rewriting only the number in the URI to reach without altering the IP
17:43.01lftsyI'll be very grateful if you has any clue how to do it..
17:43.54carrarI can has the book
17:43.59jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:44.58lftsySo you think it's possible?
17:45.29carrarI can't understand your english
17:45.56carrarI mean what you are asking
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17:46.29*** part/#asterisk bartpbx (
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17:48.59Kobazi'm having problems with call parking: (i want a number that i can use the ami to do a redirect to, that will park a specific channel... so as a test i have 600X being parkng lots)
17:51.48harryvjust had a technician by. he sad I had to set stroke/timing (rough translation) to 2048/incoming, and that atm mine was about 20hz below. tried skimming the docs. what would that be?
17:52.17Qwellharryv: context?
17:53.01*** join/#asterisk zoid_99 (
17:53.33zoid_99I need a Echo application that has a deleay time setting
17:53.42zoid_99anybody know of one?
17:53.47zoid_99like a buffered echo
17:54.00Qwellzoid_99: interesting...
17:54.32harryvQwell: I have an ISDN-30 connection. It is dropping every 3-10 minutes (console output: , PRI debug:
17:54.34*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
17:54.52harryvthe connection is fine, but he said I was out of sync with the central
17:55.09harryv( configurations:
17:55.14zoid_99Qwell: Yeah, sounds simple enough and I thought someone would have already built it :)
17:55.19Qwellzoid_99: ideally, one would modify the existing Echo application to add a delay param...  I don't suspect it would be difficult
17:56.03Qwellzoid_99: I can't think of any way to do it without modifying existing stuff
17:56.24zoid_99Qwell: I looked at echo and it simply reads/writes...
17:56.58zoid_99Qwell: but it shouldn't be too difficult to add the param and the code
17:58.26harryvQwell: I looked at the span timing param, doesn't seem to be that
17:58.55*** join/#asterisk neurosys (n=vinix@
18:00.49[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Warning: Return Context Invalid, call will return to default|s <---------
18:01.01Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: yes, i think i found a bug
18:01.10*** join/#asterisk Sir-Gon (
18:01.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: because the return context is correct, it's saying it's going to fall back to default, but it doesn't
18:01.41Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: so i think there's two bugs
18:02.40[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I think you're not showing me everything so I naturally don't trust your setup is at all sane
18:02.58Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: that is everything
18:03.02Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: Return Context: (_cos_basic,6001,0) ID: 5506
18:03.08Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: that's not the return context i gave it
18:03.12[TK]D-FenderKobaz: I don't see your DIALPLAN
18:03.21Kobazfirst of all, it's ignoring the return context i'm giving it
18:03.51Kobaztheres the big of dialplan
18:04.38Kobaz-- Return Context: (_cos_basic,6001,0) ID: 5506
18:04.48Kobazwhy is it ignoring the context i give it?
18:05.16Kobazthe last argument to ParkAndAnnounce is return_context
18:07.58*** join/#asterisk Habile (n=chatzill@
18:11.45[TK]D-FenderKobaz: core show application parkandannounce
18:13.58*** join/#asterisk BlargMaN00 (n=blargman@
18:16.11Ether_ManIf using Asterix as a server for just IAX and SIP softphones. Can the server be inside a NAT (ofc with ports forwarded to it). And will outside clients still be able to call the clients that are within that and vice versa?
18:16.22QwellEther_Man: What's Asterix?
18:16.48HabileAsterix was a ghoul I believe
18:16.57[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: read up :
18:16.59jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:17.03*** join/#asterisk iratik (
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18:17.46[TK]D-FenderKobaz: The goto-style label to jump the call back into after timeout.  Default <priority+1>.
18:17.47iratikI have a retarded question: And i've already googled "faul tolerance extensions.conf" .. I just need a call to go out on another trunk if the first trunk is full (outgoinglimit=5) ... hint..or point me to the right docs?
18:17.49Ether_Man[TK]D-Fender, that only explains about one or the other..  clients inside, OR outside. Not both :/
18:18.01zoid_99a gaul not a ghoul :)
18:18.03[TK]D-FenderKobaz: this implies that its looking for a label, not a context.  Looks like tis poorly worded
18:18.22[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: Yes, its explains when BOTH are behind their own NATs
18:18.39[TK]D-FenderEther_Man: And inside ones don't matter
18:19.29Habileah - close - it was in my youth...
18:20.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: aah, okay
18:20.36Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: lemme try that
18:21.17[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Just dial the 2nd.
18:21.56*** part/#asterisk harryv (n=harry@
18:21.58iratikIf the call succeeds on the first... won't the dialplan cause the call to be dialed again on the second?
18:22.21[TK]D-Fenderiratik: No
18:23.27iratikSo ... exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/frthree/${EXTEN}); exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,2,Dial(SIP/frfour/${EXTEN}); exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,3,Hangup; ?
18:24.17iratikand that will work with [frthree]; outgoinglimit=5; so that on thet 6th call it will go out on four? .. testing
18:24.20iratikthanks btw
18:25.38[TK]D-Fenderiratik: Yes
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18:34.38smooth_penguinhey does asterisk depend on the soundcard of the machine its running on?
18:34.46[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: no
18:35.05*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
18:35.07smooth_penguinso it can run just fine if there is no audio card?
18:35.14smooth_penguinon that machine?
18:35.15[TK]D-Fendersmooth_penguin: Sure
18:35.27smooth_penguinok thanks
18:36.04lidocaineso i'm running 1.4.24 copiled from source, and I've run across this bug which looks to be resolved in a revision way prior to the one 1.4.24 is based on.
18:36.08lidocaineshould i reopen?
18:36.14lidocaineexact same behavior
18:37.01lidocaineor should i first checkout the latest 1.4.24 revision and attempt to reproduce with that before re-opening?
18:37.08lidocaineer 1.4 revision
18:38.02Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: setting return_context as a jump label doesn't work either
18:38.22Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it's the exact same flow as the previous pastebin, and it tries to go to the wrong context
18:39.48[TK]D-FenderKobaz: -- Return Context: (_cos_basic,6001,0) ID: 5506 <- clearly it wants to return to the same exten & context as the one calling it
18:40.11[TK]D-FenderKobaz: and forget "context" as a parameter, it appears misworded.
18:42.57Kobazi may have to monkey with the module to do what i want to do
18:45.21[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Or just fix your dialplan
18:46.44*** join/#asterisk WHYS (n=drumm@
18:47.30Kobazi don't think there is a way to do what i need to do, without either implementing my own parking, or modifying the module
18:47.56*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
18:48.03DelphiWorldhello my friends
18:48.17DelphiWorldplease any semple IVR application in asterisk ?
18:49.36Kobazhere's the scenerio: phone A is talking to phone B, phone A has a pc application that has a button to place the current call on park.... the park program does a redirect to a macro in the dialplan to place the call on park using parkandannounce.... since it is a redirect and not a transfer, parkandannounce now has no information about who parked the call... so the return exten is going to be phone B, ad the context that it came from... which is now what i wa
18:50.12Kobazs/now what/not what/
18:50.22*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_Baka (i=c4219f53@gateway/web/ajax/
18:51.05Kobazi dont see any way to get the parked caller to timeout back to who put them on park, with this "out of band" method of parking
18:51.05[TK]D-FenderKobaz: In your macro we can see where you want to send the call to, ans we can see where it si going.  Where it goes, just do a friigen GOTO YOURSELF
18:51.38*** join/#asterisk farkus (
18:51.51Kobazthat's what the macro does
18:51.53[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: what "application"?  You do IVR's in your dialplan.
18:52.33[TK]D-FenderKobaz: And it returns on the exten so make a priority label for it to return to and just GOTO
18:52.39Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: how do i control what exten ParkAndAnnounce will timeout back to?
18:53.01[TK]D-FenderKobaz: it falls back to ITSELF apparently just just put the Goto in that exten
18:53.07DelphiWorld[TK]D-Fender: any semple IVR included ?
18:53.58[TK]D-FenderDelphiWorld: lookup "IVR tips" on the WIKi, and go read the book for dialplan basics
18:54.01jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
18:54.03jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
18:55.51Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i don't see how that would work... the B caller can be from anywhere. ie: outside caller over a sip peer, they aren't going to have an entry in the context they came from
18:56.03*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_baka (
18:57.01Kobazie: it will fall back to 18005558355@source_context
18:57.07[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You know what... you need to seriously look at the CHANNEL that is originating this action and look at the variables * offers you so you can choose where to jump back to.
18:57.27Kobazthat's the problem
18:57.46Kobazyou can't chose where to jump back to, it will only jump back to source_exten@source_context, it seems
18:57.49Kobazunless i missed something
18:58.06[TK]D-FenderKobaz: DO YOUR OWN &^$#ING GOTO
18:58.13[TK]D-FenderKobaz: what are you not getting?
18:58.33*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (n=anonymou@
18:58.37Kobazi can't preempt the implied goto that ParkAndAnnounce does by itself
18:58.54[TK]D-FenderKobaz: No, but you can put YOURS where IT lands <-
18:59.05[TK]D-FenderKobaz: GEEZ!
18:59.07WHYSDoes Digium offer setup support.  I have a 500+ phone installation to tackle, and while I can do a lot of the work I would like some help when I get stuck setting up a federation. Platinum support has 15 "incidents" per year, but I'm not sure what that covers.
18:59.08Kobazyeah, but hmm
18:59.19[TK]D-Fender~clubat Kobaz
18:59.31*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
18:59.36Kobazokay here's the thing
18:59.37[TK]D-FenderWHYS: ... "Federation"?
18:59.46Kobazi know i can do a goto from there
18:59.55Kobazit's a matter of possible information loss
19:00.04Kobazbut i dunno, i'll have to think about this
19:00.25*** join/#asterisk AndyML (
19:00.28[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Don't go all hypothetical on us.  When you have an actual problem, come and show us :)
19:00.37Kobazi do have an actual problem
19:00.48Kobazit's an actual problem with something that's not yet implemented
19:00.51[TK]D-FenderKobaz: For that... #drphil
19:01.05AndyML[TK]D-Fender: is there any reason to believe a dual-channel T1 interface can't be configured to use ni1 on one span, and dms100 on the other?
19:01.08WHYS.... ah, thats Cluster
19:01.23Kobazandyml: no why would that be a problem
19:01.25[TK]D-FenderAndyML: none
19:01.30AndyML[TK]D-Fender: thanks
19:02.11*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
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19:15.30watchyman i just pluged in my dell blade
19:15.34watchyits so loud
19:15.44watchyi can hear it throughout our entire office
19:16.37watchyi bought it for my home but its way to loud
19:16.53*** join/#asterisk bminish (
19:25.05infernixok so I got chan_mobile working, but is it only usable for outgoing calls?
19:25.16Qwellinfernix: nope
19:25.24infernixI'd like to route incoming calls into asterisk but nothing much is said about that in the docs
19:25.33infernixand if i call my phone, asterisk console doesn't show much either
19:25.52infernixfunny enough it seems that asterisk answers on the first ring
19:25.54lidocainewhy would you buy a rackmount server for your house?
19:26.08infernixbut i've no clue where that call is being routed to, nor why it's answering
19:26.22[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: When I got my IBM x346 I told head-office that it was very quiet.... it their idea of "quiet" was a 747 on take-off at a distance of about 10'
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19:29.29AndyML[TK]D-Fender: - pri debug on span 2 (nortel side). Any ideas where the disconnect might be?
19:29.30jeff_phillipslidocaine: You don't have a server rack at your house???
19:29.59gsienerHi all. I'm looking for an ITSP that can provide incoming DIDs via IAX.  Any recommendations?
19:30.17AndyMLconfigs -
19:30.38[TK]D-FenderAndyML:   == Auto fallthrough, channel 'DAHDI/47-1' status is 'UNKNOWN' <-- sure... you ran out of dialplan
19:31.17lidocaineheh, no.  i did back in the day, but then i got wise and just colocated everything but a small storage server and another dead quiet server in the basement.
19:32.26infernixQwell: ah, my bad, extensions.conf issue
19:32.36infernixlots of sco_write() not ready, though :|
19:34.59*** join/#asterisk ghento (
19:36.15AndyML[TK]D-Fender: it matched, failed, then ran out of dialplan... - here is the explaination of the dialplan-fail -  Ext: 1  Cause: Incoming call barred (54), class = Service or Option not Available (3) ]
19:36.23AndyMLwhat does that mean?
19:36.40*** join/#asterisk Quintana (
19:37.09[TK]D-FenderAndyML: You had progress but didn't answer or do anything.  You appear to have a DIALPLAN ERROR
19:37.48AndyMLugh, tnx
19:39.50*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@pdpc/supporter/professional/bminish)
19:39.58AndyML[TK]D-Fender: would you say I need to Answer the call on span 1 before I dial span 2 with it?
19:40.57[TK]D-FenderAndyML: ..... I don't see you doing ANYTHING with it
19:41.11[TK]D-FenderAndyML: you NoOp and thats all.  You don't effectively do anything
19:41.22AndyMLexten => _XXXX,n,Dial(dahdi/g2/${EXTEN})
19:41.34AndyMLthat is right after the NoOp() - maybe it didn't make it into the paste
19:41.44[TK]D-FenderAndyML: none of your dialplan did
19:42.01[TK]D-FenderAndyML: and that pattern is no good
19:42.45[TK]D-FenderAndyML: - Executing [16108882763@pri_descend:1] NoOp("DAHDI/47-1", "ld") in new stack <-- does this look like a 4 digit number to you?
19:43.38[TK]D-FenderAndyLook @ 23... then look @ 24
19:43.46[TK]D-Fender22/23 rather
19:43.53[TK]D-Fender"." <---------
19:44.04AndyMLreload - i fixed that\
19:44.17*** join/#asterisk killown (n=nandateb@unaffiliated/killown)
19:44.27[TK]D-FenderAndyML: All I'm seeing are errors... show me something current and real
19:44.46AndyMLno problem
19:44.54[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Don't tell me i can't trust what I do see, because i certainly don't trust what I can't
19:45.57*** join/#asterisk mosty (
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19:46.56infernixi give up on chan_mobile. android doesn't support rfcomm anyway >.<
19:47.03AndyML[TK]D-Fender: ok, this is an inbound call - applies to [pri_ascend] -
19:47.11*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
19:49.14Qwellinfernix: if it doesn't support rfcomm, how did you get it connected?
19:49.15[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Ok, that is refused... setup your prilocaldialplan , etc to "unknown
19:49.20*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
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19:50.15infernixQwell: the one with the working connection (but broken sco audio) was my WM6.1 (htc kaiser)
19:51.48QwellI'd be shocked if it didn't support HFP
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20:02.07Qwellinfernix: -- Bluetooth Device G1 initialised and ready.
20:03.01infernixQwell: huh??
20:03.08infernixQwell: what version of bluez?
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20:04.53Qwell-- Launching echo() on Mobile/G1-8e29
20:05.43Qwell"Dialing 800-466-4411"
20:05.57*** join/#asterisk arpu (
20:05.57Qwell"Call in progress    00:10"
20:06.17infernixwhat kernel version?
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20:08.18infernixyou're on debian lenny?
20:08.46infernixmaybe, just maybe, its due to me using bnep0 as a tethering interface on my rooted G1
20:08.56infernixim rather confused though
20:09.08Qwellquite likely :p
20:09.18infernix[Mar 24 19:12:26] DEBUG[12308] chan_mobile.c: connect() failed (112).
20:09.42infernixthats all i get when it attempts to set up rfcomm with my G1
20:10.31Qwelluntether it
20:10.57Qwellerrno 12 is Address already in use
20:12.20infernixwell i think i'll have to switch back to stock kernel
20:12.29infernixi compiled bnep in
20:14.47*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:16.52infernixQwell: well no thats not it, i had that disabled already
20:17.03infernixQwell: are you paired with another bt headset on your G1?
20:17.13infernixim paired with my carkit, although its not connected
20:17.52*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima)
20:20.52Qwellinfernix: I cleared all pairings first
20:23.24infernixQwell: you got a popup on your G1 to enter pin?
20:25.04*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:25.55infernixoh man
20:26.01infernixtypo in HW addr
20:27.40infernixenters PIN
20:28.22infernixwell, that fails with errno 111
20:28.33Qwell115 = Network is down, 111 = Connection refused
20:28.35infernixQwell: where did you look up those errnos?
20:28.53infernixah, cool
20:28.56Qwell111 sounds like a bad pin
20:29.14QwellWhen I entered the pin on the phone, I got a popup on my desktop and entered the same thing there
20:29.54infernixfires up bluetooth-applet
20:32.31*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
20:33.08ZX81hi all, same question as last week - what circumstances could cause an IAX2 peer to show as OK at one end and unknown at the other end?
20:33.27ZX81even though it shows IP etc
20:34.14infernixgot two pairing attempts, now stuck with 115
20:34.17infernixreboots the lot
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20:48.50jblackZX81: turn on qualify on both sides
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21:01.06bartpbxhello, in my spare time I'm working on implementign t.38 in our network
21:01.27infernixQwell: you're using default bluetooth config files (hcid.conf etc)?
21:01.34bartpbxand i have some questinon on the t.38 impl in 1.4
21:02.04bartpbxis it possible to have the rtp stream flow through the asterisk?
21:02.57Qwellinfernix: looks like it
21:03.07bartpbxcurrently any t.38 ends in an end to end reinvite. But our ss7 gatway is only availible throug from our asterisk server
21:03.11goodjokeI rebuilt my system a couple days ago... since then, all calls to certain phones get dropped as soon as they are answered. These phones can make outgoing calls, but all incoming calls (even extension to extension) calls get dropped when answered. I have replaced one of the extensions with a new phone on the same network drop and things are fine.
21:03.13bartpbxnot from the client ip
21:03.15mnicholsoninfernix, what version of bluez are you using?
21:03.45goodjokehere is a log of the error when i try a call that fails..
21:04.40infernixmnicholson: 3.36, in debian sid
21:05.23*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
21:05.26infernixalready tried switchign hcid.conf to auto and setting predefined PIN
21:05.47infernixbut whether i enter correct or incorrect pin, keep getting errno 111
21:07.43*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
21:08.20infernixyay paired
21:08.28infernixwhat a nightmare
21:08.41infernixseems my bluetooth setup on my workstation is borked
21:09.32infernixQwell, thanks :D
21:09.40ZX81jblack: qualify is on on both sides otherwise it would be unmonitored
21:10.08mnicholsoninfernix, yeah, pairing is tricky, im thinking about adding pairing support to chan_mobile so the user does not have to worry about it
21:10.35Qwellmnicholson: O.o
21:12.35ThoMebackup*CLI> meetme list 400
21:12.35ThoMeUser #: 01  01786323765 01786323765          Channel: SIP/2244892e2-086c7e30    (unmonitored) 00:03:03
21:12.40ThoMewhy i have two numbers?
21:12.46ThoMe"01786323765 01786323765" ?
21:12.54ThoMewhere i can find a field names?
21:13.06ThoMe01 (userid) 01786323765 (callerid) .. ?
21:13.31QwellThoMe: callerid number and name
21:13.47ThoMeQwell: ah ok. and the first always callerid?
21:13.58Qwellboth are callerid
21:14.10ThoMeQwell: i use the manager-console. i can't not in comma seperated?
21:15.16ThoMeor xml?
21:18.26*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_baka (
21:20.57goodjokeany suggestions for my call disconnect problem?
21:21.41bartpbxgoodjoke: what type of devices are you unsing
21:21.46*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_baka (n=tensai@
21:21.53goodjokepolycom and linksys
21:22.04goodjokethe phones in question are polycom 601s
21:22.22bartpbxand on both you get this error in codec string?
21:23.03goodjokemy phone is a linksys...that always works
21:23.22goodjokebut if i call from any phone (polycom or my linksys) i get that codec error
21:23.37goodjokeand the call gets disocnnected as soon as the person picks up
21:23.55goodjokei've replaced the poly 601 with a polycom speaker phone and it works fine
21:24.29goodjokeso that would seem to me that there is something with the phone...but i did firmware upgrades and still have the issues
21:24.35mnicholsonhmm, what does asterisk not like about the codec string?
21:25.08mnicholsongoodjoke, what version of asterisk are you using?
21:25.09goodjokei can call other polycom phones that work fine and i am pretty sure that I do not get that codec error
21:28.35goodjokemnicholson: not gonna lie.. it is trixbox but i am in the cli
21:28.55goodjokeso... basically means that I am not sure what build of asterisk it is based on
21:28.59mnicholsongoodjoke, hmm
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21:36.03mnicholsongoodjoke, "Error in codec string 'eo 0 sip 34 99'" asterisk is not expecting the eo there
21:36.57goodjokemnicholson: OK... i have no idea what that means
21:38.01*** join/#asterisk axisys (
21:38.43[TK]D-FenderIt means "WTF, hasn't this guy figured out he should have enabled full sip debug by now?"
21:39.08goodjokeapprently that is what it means.. :)
21:40.08mnicholsongoodjoke, find out why the polycom has eo in the media string, which probably looks like this "m=audio 12345 RTP/AVP eo 0 sip 34 99".  That will fix your issue.
21:40.27*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
21:44.46mnicholsongoodjoke, use sip debug to capture that packet and pastebin it
21:45.21goodjokesip set debug, command not found
21:45.40mnicholsonjust do 'sip debug'
21:46.20*** join/#asterisk Great_Anta_baka (
21:46.35mnicholsonhmm, 'sip<tab>'
21:46.38mnicholsonwhat does that give you
21:47.07mnicholsonyou may have to just use wireshark/tcpdump to do it
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21:47.34mnicholson'sip ?' should show debug in the list that pops up
21:48.07*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
21:48.11goodjoke1 sec
21:48.16goodjokegot it, getting log
21:48.19*** join/#asterisk shindig_ (
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21:50.50goodjokesays log it too large for pastebin..just trying to find what you need
21:50.53goodjokeSIP Response message for INCOMING dialog BYE arrived
21:51.16mnicholsonlook for the OK response to the INVITE message
21:51.32brunnerIs there any technical reason why using a media gateway to convert PRI's to SIP would be better than just buying TDM PCI cards?
21:51.38mnicholsonand you may want to strip out any public IP addresses and hostnames before you post it
21:52.25*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
21:52.41goodjokeshould be all internal ips
21:53.18*** join/#asterisk CapriCoRN^80 (i=administ@
21:54.13mnicholsongoodjoke, that's the wrong OK message
21:54.59mnicholsonit should have CSeq: XXXXX INVITE or something in it
21:57.30*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
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22:01.27mnicholsongoodjoke, that was not a successful call either
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22:05.30ecretwhen asterisk receives a sip call and uses    exten => _X.,4,Dial(SIP/othersip), does asterisk still act as a go between or are packets sent from the original caller to the destination sip?
22:06.27*** part/#asterisk xirdal (
22:07.09WindBackI have an strange problem. I can found yet the solution. I have a tdm800p with 2 Quad FX0 modules. I have four analog lines to connect my Asterisk PBX to the PSTN. This PBX is giving service for three different group of extension. One group of extensions are using the first analog line to in/out the PSTN. The socond group of extensions are using the second analog line to in/out the PSTN and finally the third group of extensions are usin
22:07.09WindBackg the THIRD AND FOURTH analog lines to in/out the PSTN. The last group of extensions use the fourth and third lines doing a pooling. The problem is in this lines: Very few times this lines keep unhunguped at the same time. At the first time I tougth it was a problem in the card, but I changed the ports and the problem contine. Another thing to say is: In this group of extensions there are a fax machine. Any Ideas??
22:07.14*** join/#asterisk CapriCoRN^80 (i=administ@
22:08.10[TK]D-Fenderecret: depends
22:12.14ecret[TK]D-Fender: my setup is pretty basic.     Is there a sip.conf property of some sort that sets this?
22:12.45ecreti read through sip.conf and could not discern one
22:12.53jsmithecret: Asterisk still acts as a go-between (back-to-back user agent, in technical terms).  If you have re-invites enabled (canreintvite=yes in sip.conf), then the media can go directly between the endpoints, but the signaling will still go through Asterisk
22:13.06[TK]D-Fenderecret: "canreinvite"
22:13.42[TK]D-Fenderecret: depends if your endpoints CAn or not... NAT interferes with this, etc
22:14.16ecretjsmith, [TK]D-Fender: thanks!
22:18.55*** join/#asterisk PDani_ (
22:21.09WindBackplease can anybody helpme?
22:26.02*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
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22:27.30LemensTShey all. i need to create a call queue via a php webpage. Im not sure the best way to do this, by creating an queues_additional.conf and updating it and including it in queues.conf........?
22:29.36LemensTSneed to do the same thing with sip users
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22:31.05[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: "Yes"
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22:33.14mmlj4what does this webpage need to do?
22:34.04LemensTShave to create a new queue from the webpage. than have to create a sip user and assign a queue to them.
22:34.47LemensTSwell yea freepbx/tribox/a@h all do it :D
22:34.57mmlj4I generate my sip users, extensions and polycom files via perl, so...
22:35.22LemensTSu just do it in a seperate file?
22:35.32mmlj4yes, which I include
22:35.37LemensTSthen send asterisk reload sip in ami?
22:35.43[TK]D-Fenderwho cares if its an included file or one big one?
22:35.49mmlj4I don't do it realtime, so no
22:35.50[TK]D-FenderNo functional difference
22:36.24mmlj4[TK]D-Fender: because I wouldn't want to generate all of sip.conf, just the entries
22:36.38[TK]D-Fenderthe entries = sip.conf
22:37.03mmlj4plus other stuff... fine, that's simple... extensions.conf is another matter
22:37.05LemensTSTK: id rather not have the webpage modifying the config file that has all the sip settings for the server
22:37.56mmlj4my scripts are cli, not web, but there's no real difference
22:38.18*** join/#asterisk f0ner00t (
22:38.27jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
22:38.38f0ner00tHello. I'm trying to install asterkisk. But My module zaptel is failing.
22:38.44LemensTS@denon, does it show in the book how to do it?
22:39.00mmlj4I need to locate my other book
22:39.00denonno, I was getting the url for someone else :)
22:39.00[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: "it"?
22:39.23mmlj4LemensTS: with this, you're on your own
22:39.29f0ner00tAny idea why Zaptel module is failing?
22:39.55[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: You've shown us NOTHING.  Do you think we're psychic?
22:40.04mmlj4f0ner00t: not unless you give us info
22:40.42LemensTSmmlj4: yea just wanted to get some pointers before i started this and found out there was a better way i should do it.
22:41.17brunnerIs there any reason I wouldn't be able to use more than one Sangoma A108 card in a single machine?
22:42.00denonwell, it is sangoma ..
22:42.03*** join/#asterisk ghento (
22:42.03mmlj4LemensTS: i think you have everything you need, asterisk-wise... you're left with a PHP problem
22:42.25brunnerdenon: what does that mean?
22:42.58brunnerwhy shouldn't I buy sangoma?
22:43.16f0ner00tHold on I
22:43.22f0ner00tI'm going to reinstall the package.
22:43.33denonbrunner: you can buy whatever you'd like, just remember who has more experience with asterisk
22:44.00mmlj4also, sangoma requires other drivers besides zapte;/dahdi
22:44.06*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:44.11brunnerdenon: okay, well is it difficult to use several digium cards in the same box?  is there any reason why I couldn't use four or more?
22:44.38[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Digium's site tells you its not recommended to use more than *2*
22:45.15brunnerwell that's not any more useful than the sangoma card, then
22:45.23brunnermedia gateways are so expensive =/
22:45.24f0ner00tSetting up zaptel (1:1.4.11~dfsg-3) ...
22:45.25f0ner00tZaptel telephony kernel driver: FATAL: Module ztdummy not found.
22:45.29f0ner00tThats what I'm getting.
22:45.37f0ner00tSorry I am not calling Cleo.
22:47.19[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: 2 x A108d is 16 ports... how many do you need?
22:47.47brunner[TK]D-Fender: 16 will do it, but it's not clear that it's a good idea to use two in the same box.  I couldn't find anything on their site about it.
22:48.33mmlj4f0ner00t: which card are you trying to use?
22:49.19f0ner00tmmlj4. I'm not actually using a card. I just wanna do straight sip. Can't I use asterisk without an card?
22:49.30f0ner00tDo I need zaptel if i'm not using fxs0
22:49.39WindBackI have an strange problem. I can found yet the solution. I have a tdm800p with 2 Quad FX0 modules. I have four analog lines to connect my Asterisk PBX to the PSTN. This PBX is giving service for three different group of extension. One group of extensions are using the first analog line to in/out the PSTN. The socond group of extensions are using the second analog line to in/out the PSTN and finally the third group of extensions are usin
22:49.40WindBackg the THIRD AND FOURTH analog lines to in/out the PSTN. The last group of extensions use the fourth and third lines doing a pooling. The problem is in this lines: Very few times this lines keep unhunguped at the same time. At the first time I tougth it was a problem in the card, but I changed the ports and the problem contine. Another thing to say is: In this group of extensions there are a fax machine. Any Ideas??
22:49.41f0ner00tfxs / fx0 / t1 / pri.
22:49.43mmlj4are you doing any conferencing?
22:50.12f0ner00tmmlj4 I was thinking about just using it as a test. I'm in telecomm and I work with voip / t1 switches all day long.
22:50.32mmlj4then don't even load zaptel.conf
22:50.38f0ner00tCool cool.
22:50.55f0ner00tWhat is the best way to configure the asterisk?
22:51.06mmlj4there is no best way
22:51.08[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: vi
22:51.18f0ner00tahh VI the conf files huh.
22:51.59*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
22:53.28f0ner00tThere isn't any gui interface LOL.
22:53.35mmlj4they exist
22:53.43[TK]D-FenderAnd they all own your ass
22:53.49mmlj4that they do
22:54.04mmlj4ask LemensTS, he's writing one now
22:54.17Habileyeah but saved me having to actually do any thinking ;)
22:54.31f0ner00tI guess I should go through the config than.
22:54.35mmlj4thinking is hard! ask barbie
22:54.38f0ner00tand edit some conf files.
22:54.52f0ner00tI can use IPKALL and gator right?
22:55.25HabileIPKALL works fine
22:56.31f0ner00tThank you
22:57.40Habilebecause asterisk is the #1 software PBX - that's why
22:57.46Habileisn't it?
22:58.19Habileoh ... freebie inbounds that's all I use IPKALL for
22:59.25Habileis that a bit lame?
23:01.48f0ner00tWhat if I don't have a dialing plan cuz there will be no outbound.
23:02.24[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: If you have no dialplan you have no INBOUND either
23:02.53carrardialplans are over rated!
23:03.11[TK]D-Fendershoots Roger Ebert
23:03.15[TK]D-Fendercarrar: How about now?
23:03.48carrarhop on the Harley and just visit the person instead of calling them! :)
23:04.09[TK]D-Fenderok, Off to play with sharp & pointy things :)
23:04.39*** join/#asterisk docidu (
23:04.41carrarmowing the lawn?
23:04.46f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: That acutally makes sense.
23:04.53f0ner00tI've works on Mitel200sx before.
23:05.39prakritiwe have two seperate working asterisk systems.  Each has a different number and its own set of extensions and voicemail boxes.
23:05.54prakritiIs there any way to have one install basically act like two?
23:06.05mmlj4prakriti: do what?
23:06.31mmlj4oh, hrm, yes, it's possible
23:06.31prakritiI want to move both numbers to the same box,  but still have all the extensions etc seperated.
23:06.44mmlj4use different contexts
23:06.59mmlj4unless that's deprecared now
23:07.53prakritiwe have asterisk/static/config/index.html runnng
23:08.05prakritiand we would even want to seperate those
23:08.53*** join/#asterisk matt_keys (
23:08.59mmlj4i have no idea what that is.... what are you running?
23:10.00prakritioh, i thought that was a standard web interface
23:10.11prakritisome digium|asterisk web config interface
23:10.30matt_keysI'm having problems getting a Grandstream GSW4104 to register. I enabled debug logging and it's showing SIP message 403
23:11.07f0ner00tSo zaptel is needed for sip conferencing?
23:13.00keith4_ztdummy, at least
23:13.03matt_keysbefore the 403 message, it says: Packet Dropped During Privision: INVITE sip:150@ SIP/2.0  Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK50c2b6b1;rport
23:14.33matt_keysIf I pastebin the log can someone help me out? I've been at this all day and I don't seem to be having any luck
23:17.58f0ner00tSo if the module crashed on Zaptel should I try installing it manually?
23:18.21*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
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23:25.10mmlj4f0ner00t: do you have USB enabled on that box?
23:25.12*** join/#asterisk seb- (
23:25.41seb-is sip.conf where you first set up asterisk to accept a call for testing?
23:25.58mmlj4seb-: calls are accepted in extensions.conf
23:26.06mmlj4phones are set up in sip.conf
23:27.11seb-tessier_: mmlj4: thanks
23:27.37seb-mmlj4: i mean thanks to you
23:28.24seb-mmlj4: i have a cheapo grandstream POTS->VOIP converter at has a device id?
23:28.28f0ner00tmmlj4. Of course USB is enabled.
23:29.17mmlj4f0ner00t: zaptel's ztdummy relies on USB for timing, usually
23:29.22mmlj4why I asked...
23:29.36mmlj4ok, you're loading it wrong, or it's compiled incorreclty
23:29.51f0ner00tmmlj4 I'm using the debian apt-get install zaptel.
23:30.53mmlj4etch? lenny?
23:31.05mmlj4but again, you might be loading it wrong
23:31.29mmlj4I can tell you that I tried lenny on my last project, and asterisk segfaulted every time I tried to start it
23:32.16f0ner00tAsterisk is running. I need to get Zaptel to run.
23:39.40*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
23:40.37seb-is the "register => ..." line in sip.conf only for OUTGOING or for INCOMING as well?
23:42.31f0ner00tYou do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.26-1-686 kernel installed.
23:42.39*** join/#asterisk ghento (
23:42.45f0ner00tWhat am I missing?
23:42.50mmlj4you're compiling now?
23:43.21f0ner00tI wanted to try to compile Zaptel since my apt-get install Zaptel is getting module not found.
23:43.54mmlj4you don't have the kernel sources installed
23:43.56mmlj4wait one
23:44.43*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
23:45.10f0ner00tWhat do you mean wait one?
23:45.29mmlj4one moment
23:45.45mmlj4apt-get install kernel-devel kernel-headers
23:45.59f0ner00tThank you for getting those packages for me :)
23:46.20mmlj4apt-cache search kernel | grep kernel
23:46.29mmlj4do an apt-gt update frist
23:46.38f0ner00tThis should be the point that you say asterisk is too advanced for ya
23:46.48f0ner00tYea I wil do a update first.
23:47.28mmlj4well, if you're compiling zaptel, you need to compile asterisk too
23:47.34*** join/#asterisk thansen (
23:47.42f0ner00tYea. That makes sense.
23:47.55mmlj4apt-get remove all the zaptel and asterisk stuff before compiling
23:47.56f0ner00tI think asterisk compiled fine.
23:48.06VaGoNeTaSguys, i got a little problem here...
23:48.07f0ner00tAhh I'll just try the apt-get way.
23:48.10f0ner00tIts much easier.
23:48.23VaGoNeTaSim sure that u can help me
23:49.29mmlj4untar asterisk.whatever.tar.gz and zaptel, then stick those sources in /usr/include/asterisk and /user/include/zaptel (those exact paths, ignore the version numbers)
23:49.37f0ner00tKernel-devel does not exsist.
23:49.55mmlj4compile zaptel first, then asterisk... do a make menuselect to verify zaptel's included
23:50.09f0ner00tI did lower care.
23:50.15mmlj4then I dunno
23:50.24f0ner00tapt-get install kernel-devel
23:50.24f0ner00tReading package lists... Done
23:50.24f0ner00tBuilding dependency tree
23:50.24f0ner00tReading state information... Done
23:50.24f0ner00tE: Couldn't find package kernel-devel
23:50.27VaGoNeTaSok this is the situation
23:50.49mmlj4what does /etc/apt/sources.list say?
23:50.58VaGoNeTaSi've just installed Asterisk 1.4.24 with Dahdi linux + Dahdi tools
23:51.03VaGoNeTaSeverything was perfect
23:51.19VaGoNeTaStill i've realized that i've forgot to install the libpri ...
23:51.29f0ner00tdeb lenny main
23:51.29f0ner00tdeb-src lenny main
23:51.29f0ner00tdeb lenny/updates main
23:51.29f0ner00tdeb-src lenny/updates main
23:51.29f0ner00tdeb lenny/volatile main
23:51.32f0ner00tdeb-src lenny/volatile main
23:51.37VaGoNeTaScrap, man im writting here...
23:51.38*** join/#asterisk ghento (
23:51.48f0ner00tSorry VaGoNeTaS.
23:51.57mmlj4VaGoNeTaS: so go back and install that, then dahdi, then asterisk, again
23:52.04VaGoNeTaSyep dude
23:52.05VaGoNeTaSi did
23:52.06mmlj4do make clean whererever appropriate
23:52.14VaGoNeTaSbut... the "dahdi" command inside the Asterisk console is gone
23:52.24*** part/#asterisk CapriCoRN^80 (i=administ@
23:52.31VaGoNeTaSu know?
23:52.35mmlj4volatile? testing? bleeding?
23:52.38VaGoNeTaSso i can see "dahdi show status"
23:52.50VaGoNeTaSbut "dahdi command is gone"
23:53.00mmlj4VaGoNeTaS: make menuselect when compiling asterisk, if it'll let you
23:53.06mmlj4not sure if that applies to * 1.6
23:53.07VaGoNeTaSdid it
23:53.13VaGoNeTaSand this is 1.4
23:53.15VaGoNeTaSnot 1.6
23:53.20mmlj4core show channeltypes
23:53.35f0ner00tmmlj4 any idea?
23:54.02mmlj4f0ner00t: unless you're running testing or unstable, no
23:54.16f0ner00tNope stable.
23:54.21mmlj4no idea
23:54.27f0ner00tWouldn't run unstable till i'm a pro.
23:54.32VaGoNeTaSi know, but if the "dahdi" command is gone inside the Asterisk console means that something is working wrong
23:54.32mmlj4except my only experience with lenny was segfaults
23:54.57mmlj4VaGoNeTaS: I don't think asterisk got recompiled with dahdi support
23:55.18VaGoNeTaSthe command was included before recompiling with libpri
23:55.54VaGoNeTaSi admin several asterisk machines
23:56.24VaGoNeTaSasterisk-hp1*CLI> dahdi show status
23:56.24VaGoNeTaSDescription                              Alarms     IRQ        bpviol     CRC4
23:56.24VaGoNeTaST4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 1                OK         0          0          0
23:56.24VaGoNeTaST4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 2                OK         0          0          0
23:56.24VaGoNeTaST4XXP (PCI) Card 0 Span 3                OK         0          0          0
23:57.09f0ner00tI wish I knew why that don't work.
23:57.21f0ner00tIt doesn't look like the kernel exsists.
23:57.21VaGoNeTaSme too
23:57.53VaGoNeTaSthe thing is that it was working before
23:57.58VaGoNeTaS4 hours ago
23:58.05VaGoNeTaSbefore recompiling all this stuff with libpri

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