IRC log for #asterisk on 20090321

00:01.37*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=intralan@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
00:03.43*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
00:03.53Kyoshi know im using a bunch cause none are too reliable
00:04.04infinity1which are you using?
00:04.18Kyoshfor orig or term?
00:04.22Kyoshdom or int?
00:04.30Kyoshdont get snippy with me kiddo
00:04.39infinity1orig and term for domestic US
00:05.13jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
00:05.18Kyoshglobalpops for orig, some term, lcr360 for term (they suck actually i found out, laundry list of problems), was using vitelity but they got stupid with me
00:05.23jbotextra, extra, read all about it, itsplist-uk is UK based ITSps include and a few other tinpot companies you can dig up with google.
00:05.37jaytee~itsplist-eu is a joke.  they only resell other providers
00:05.58Kyoshbroadvoice, voicepulse, they are ok, but they dont do wholesale
00:06.20lesouvagehello, I have a weird problem. I have a script that generates callfiles using a list of telephne numbers. If I use this script from the Asterisk cli with the proper parameters copied from the Asterisk cli it is working ok. When I launch the script using the System() app in the dialplan Asterisk is complaining about invalid file content but is launching the call three times. Any suggestion or...
00:06.34Kyoshtsg is good but they require so damn much money minimum every month
00:06.53lesouvageasterisk cli=linux cli
00:07.21jayteeaha! so you didn't really launch the script from the Asterisk CLI!!! No soup for you!!!!
00:07.27lesouvagethe first asterisk cli (sorry, back in full typo mode)
00:08.02jayteeKyosh, what about Level3? I think they do wholesale voip
00:08.34Kyoshthey do but require a very large volume
00:08.47Kyoshotherwise you have to buy from a reseller
00:08.52Kyoshthen there is commpartners
00:08.57Kyoshhavent used them in a while
00:08.59KyoshUTI was a joke
00:09.07lesouvagejaytee: The script has different results depending on how it was lounched. When using the System() app within the dialplan things go wrong, when launched (just for testing)  from the linux prompt it works ok.
00:09.30infinity1Kyosh: is tsg ?
00:11.09jayteelesouvage, my psychic powers tell me that something is wrong in the way it's called in the dialplan but I'm fresh out of tea leaves and chicken entrails so I can't be more precise.
00:11.13Kyoshtsg is a wholesale buyer from level3 and others but they have great prices
00:11.27infinity1Kyosh: whats their website?
00:12.08Kyoshsukie site
00:12.23lesouvagejaytee: if I pastbin it somewhere will you take a quick look?
00:12.25*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
00:13.29jayteelesouvage, yeah
00:14.35*** join/#asterisk Mog (
00:14.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o Mog] by ChanServ
00:18.44*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (
00:20.01lesouvagejaytee: This is it
00:21.28*** part/#asterisk macli (
00:23.03jayteelesouvage, sorry, nothing's coming to me
00:25.07*** join/#asterisk RichiH (i=richih@freenode/staff/richih)
00:26.10jayteewow, never saw a bot suckup like that before
00:27.41lesouvagejaytee: I think he is addressing you ;-)
00:28.27jayteeno, he was addressing RichiH from freenode staff.
00:29.04lesouvagejaytee: Do you see anything strange in the callfiles (except that the system added some lines while generating calls in the process)
00:30.02jsmith~onjoin RichiH
00:30.56jsmith~buy jaytee donuts
00:30.57jbotACTION goes to S-Mart and gets a dozen donutss for jaytee
00:31.08jbotjaytee: :)
00:31.18jayteeI'm the only one around here that ever feeds him
00:31.23jayteepoor bot!
00:31.23jsmith~factinfo jaytee
00:31.23jbotthere's no such factoid as jaytee, jsmith
00:31.55jsmithjbot: jaytee is likes to play with the animals in the zoo
00:31.55jbotjsmith: okay
00:32.00jbotsomebody said jaytee was likes to play with the animals in the zoo
00:32.45jayteeany vodka in that mango smoothee?
00:35.46Kyoshrum rum rum
00:38.23jayteelesouvage, I'm not that well versed in callfiles. I don't see anything obviously wrong in the pastebin but since some of the vars are using what I assume is Danish or some other language I'm having problems following the logic.
00:39.10Chainsawjaytee: It's flemish or dutch.
00:39.10lesouvageSome variables are named in Dutch
00:39.17Chainsawjaytee: Betting on dutch because of the 31 country code.
00:39.32Chainsawjaytee: BELLEND_NUMMER is 'incoming number', KLANT is customer.
00:39.59jayteeok, dutch it is then. I still don't see anything in the code that would make it try to loop or run through 3 iterations
00:43.20lesouvageI think I know the answer. The context is also called by a callfile but there is no Answer() at the top so no signal is giving back that the local channel is actualy "picked up". Now I added an Answer() at the beginning and now I just have one call. I can go to bed ;-)
00:44.07lesouvagejaytee: thanks for the effort.
00:44.26jayteelesouvage, your welcome.
00:44.47jayteemust be late there, get some rest
00:44.48Chainsawlesouvage: Weltrusten.
00:44.56lesouvagesee you
00:45.07Chainsawjaytee: (01:47 local time there)
00:45.10jayteeChainsaw, what's that mean in Englsih?
00:45.15Chainsawjaytee: Good night.
00:45.16jayteeor English even
00:45.46jayteeah, cool! is the W pronounced like a v?
00:46.20ChainsawNo, like a regular w actually. You're thinking of polish :)
00:48.36jayteeyeah, I've made alot of friends over the years who are of polish ancestry. One of my friend's last name is Musewicz and it's pronounced muh-seh-vitch
00:52.56drmessanoSo 3 of Jaytees friends get on an airplane with a priest
00:53.35jayteedon't quit your day job
00:53.56drmessanoand please, try the fish
00:54.19drmessanoTHANK YOU, GOODNIGHT
00:57.37*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
01:02.57*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
01:05.34*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:06.44*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:19.41k-manwhat are "queues" in asterisk?
01:26.09k-man[TK]D-Fender: you awake?
01:26.37drmessanoHes not
01:27.15k-manwhen moh is not required, it seems asterisk suspends the moh process
01:27.32k-manis there a way to make asterisk kill the process when not required rather than suspend it?
01:28.20drmessanoWhat "process"?  Its a module
01:28.32drmessanoWhy would you need to kill it?
01:29.11jayteequeues are for answering multiple calls to the same number and having the calls directed to queue "members" in whatever manner you choose, i.e. whichever member hasn't taken a call in the longest time period or ringing all available member phones at once.
01:29.44k-mandrmessano: oh - a custom one, it calls mplayer
01:30.14k-manjaytee: ah, thanks - so it can be used in say, call centers?
01:30.39jayteek-man, yes it's usually exactly where it's used in most situations.
01:31.33jayteeor if you have one main DID number pointing to a "receptionist" or an IVR and you want to control the flow of the calls, throttle the number of calls entering the IVR for some purpose, etc.
01:31.35*** join/#asterisk HouseMD (n=nandateb@unaffiliated/geek)
01:31.37k-mandrmessano: i need to kill it because i have set up streaming audi of a radio station as moh. the problem is, once moh is not required, it suspends the process. mplayer has a cache so when asterisk resumes the mplayer process, you hear about 10 seconds of audio, which is old and no longer live, then it stops for a few seconds and then resumes with fresh audio
01:31.54k-manjaytee: i see, thanks
01:32.26k-mandrmessano: i'd like to eliminate that problem
01:32.40drmessanoI dont get into the whole streaming-audio-as-moh thing, since 99% of the time, people are not doing it legally
01:33.03jayteesome serious fines if you get caught
01:33.22k-mandrmessano: oh - well, actually, its just for my home use - and i don't even play it to people on hold. i just have it so i can dial a number and listen to the radio
01:33.38drmessanoTell that to the judge
01:33.47k-manits kinda cool too - cos i dial 702, and get the radio station on AM 702khz
01:34.02k-manor say, dial 630 and get that "frequency"
01:34.03drmessanoYou said the magic words
01:34.13k-mangood old am
01:34.19drmessanoI kid, I kid
01:34.36drmessanoAM can kiss my ass
01:34.38k-manwell, in sydney, they stations i like happen to be on AM. however in other parts of the country (in australia) they transmit them in FM
01:35.06k-manbut technicaly speaking, i'm not listening to AM, i am listening to some sort of TDMA
01:35.16k-mansorry, TDM
01:35.32drmessanoAM Radio is 1% of the revenue for a group of radio stations, and 99% of the work
01:35.54k-mandrmessano: dunno - the stations i listen to are government owned
01:36.01k-mananyway - any idea how to do what I want to do?
01:36.15drmessanoNo, I dunno
01:36.20k-manok, mv
01:36.24k-mannever mind i mean
01:36.32drmessanoI didnt realize I was talking to someone in OZ
01:36.43k-manyes - you are :)
01:36.52drmessanoI didnt think you guys could get a signal out from there now, with that firewall and all
01:37.05k-mandrmessano: yeah - tell me about it
01:37.16k-mani don't quite know what the gov. has been smoking
01:37.16drmessanoSo let me get this right
01:38.05drmessanoThe govt there blocks legal and illegal web surfing, words with the letter Q, Z, and P everywhere else, but not IRC?
01:38.26k-mandrmessano: actually, they aren't blocking anything yet
01:38.34k-manthat legislation was shot down afaik
01:38.34drmessanoCan I get a fair dinkum?
01:38.52k-manonly if you have a you beauty
01:40.05drmessanoFunny thing is
01:40.42drmessanoHow the hell would Australian ISPs even implement a govt mandated firewall?  They cant even implement SERVICE
01:42.54drmessanoI remember freakin DingoBlue internet
01:43.46drmessano"Dingo ate my connection" was a running joke
01:44.33Pan3Doh this is interesting...
01:44.40Pan3DSorry, a bit off-topic, but still
01:45.12Pan3Dlooks like it's still moving forward :/
01:45.46*** join/#asterisk keulin (
01:50.13*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
01:50.45Pan3DI'm confused. There are a bunch of articles dated within the past two weeks discussing it.
01:51.36*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:55.03*** join/#asterisk kaptengu (n=kaptengu@unaffiliated/kaptengu)
01:56.27*** join/#asterisk path_ (
01:56.27*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:58.53k-manso im trying to make a dial plan to record a sound, then play it back - i got this from the wiki but its not quite working
01:59.04k-manit seems to record the sound fine, but cannot play it back
02:00.14k-mani included the errors in the paste btw
02:00.19*** join/#asterisk Magicblaze007 (
02:02.03Pan3Dk-man: look at the paths
02:03.06k-manPan3D: i think i found the problem, it was a . in the EXTEN part instead of a :
02:03.59Pan3Dit's the little things
02:05.16k-manyep, the really little things
02:09.11*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:21.43*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
02:22.44*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
02:32.33*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:36.20k-manhow can i normalise a bunch of wav files so they are all normalised relative to each other?
02:41.31*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
02:46.37*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
02:48.26*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (n=dandate2@
02:48.45dandate2i learned that my docsis business class cable won't handle the call volume i'm getting using alaw/ulaw, what should i do??
02:49.15drmessanoIt wont?
02:49.26dandate2nope it gets choppy at peak hours
02:49.41dandate2someone else told me i would need T1 voice
02:49.52drmessanoHow many concurrent calls?
02:50.10dandate2someone else told me to just use GSM, but my friend told me no
02:50.18dandate2well that would be 8 agents on and 10 calls coming in
02:50.33dandate2so roughly 20 channels being used
02:51.09*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
02:51.17dandate2my friend says "You don't NEED GSM just a compression scheme you can use with our provider"
02:51.27drmessanoSounds like youre just maxing out the bandwidth
02:51.39dandate2but my provider just told they only support alaw/ulaw lol
02:51.46*** join/#asterisk ecret (
02:52.02lanningmove to another provider?
02:52.05dandate2yes bandwidth was maxed out
02:52.13dandate2even the local network was slowing down
02:52.44drmessanoChange providers
02:52.53drmessanoor get more bandwidth
02:53.02dandate2i got the most premium class from comcast
02:53.16dandate2can anyone recommend a good DID provider that will offer compression options?
02:53.36*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
02:53.36drmessano"compression" is some bullshit your dumbass friend made up
02:53.53drmessanoYou need someone that supports less costly codecs
02:54.27dandate2and that'l cost more no? i'ma ready to pay i been going with $8/mo -per did
02:54.32drmessanoBuy some G729 licenses
02:54.42drmessanoGet someone who supports G729
02:54.44drmessanoBe done with it
02:54.55dandate2how much will the G729 license run me?
02:55.20drmessano$10 per pair of channels
02:56.26dandate2so roughly $200 for 20 channels?
02:56.33dandate2who is that payable to anyway? lol
02:57.08dandate2alright thats not a bad deal then someone else told me it would cost me per minute or something i thought they were pulling my leg
02:57.10*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:57.41drmessanoYou have some stupid friends
02:57.56drmessanoThey tell you some effed up crap
02:58.31drmessanoBunch of effing skype or vonage users that think they're "VoIP guys"
02:58.35drmessanoTell them to go back to Yahoo
02:59.08*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
03:00.14lanninghey now, you have a Yahoo employee in here now...
03:01.31drmessanoYahoo is for soccer moms and old people
03:01.42dandate2your right drmessano i am so sick of the "Experts" telling me conflicting shit
03:01.48dandate2especially cuz i'm a noob this is hella traumatizing
03:05.48k-manwhere should i pust some custom sounds i made that I want to use as prompts in asterisk?
03:05.55k-manwhat path i mean?
03:05.59k-manso asterisk can find them
03:06.35lanningwith the rest of the sounds? (/var/lib/asterisk/sounds)
03:06.42k-mani put them in /usr/share/asteris/sounds/custom but asterisk doesn't seem to find them
03:06.55k-manfor some reason, on debian, all the sound files are in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds
03:07.30k-mani put them in a directory called custom in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/custom
03:07.33lanningare you using "custome/filename" (without the extension) in your dialplan?
03:07.44k-manlanning, yes
03:07.57lanningwhat format are the sounds in?
03:08.30lanningtry convertion them to gsm
03:11.50k-manah - for some reason audacity saved it as 44.1khz
03:11.58k-manconverted it back to 8khz and it works
03:12.14hardwirethat happens
03:14.56k-manit could have just been my inability to use audacity, but i found it tends to stick periods of silence onto the ends of files
03:15.12[TK]D-FenderI'll believe that :)
03:18.44k-manmorning [TK]D-Fender
03:19.04YoMamaanyone here use gizmo with asterisk?
03:20.02k-manthis is my first attempt at an ivr
03:20.25k-manhow can i get it to hangup after the person has left a message in one of the mail boxes?
03:20.42[TK]D-Fenderk-man: hangup <-
03:21.27k-man[TK]D-Fender: could you have a look at my ivr dialplan... i know i could make it simpler but not sure how
03:21.48[TK]D-Fenderk-man: nothing simpler, only more to add
03:22.18[TK]D-Fenderk-man: well there is something you could do, but its really not worth it
03:23.20k-man[TK]D-Fender: well, its not quite working - 2 problems with it.
03:23.30[TK]D-Fenderk-man: only? :)
03:23.49k-manafter the person presses 1, 2 or 3 during prompts, there is a long delay before the beep sounds to record the message
03:24.03k-man[TK]D-Fender: well - two that are imidiately obvious
03:25.09[TK]D-Fenderk-man: for your first, I don't know what else you have in thaqt context, and I don't see the full attempt to use it either
03:25.42*** join/#asterisk tobias (
03:25.43[TK]D-Fenderk-man: if it takes a long toime to enter the VM app off the exten you dial its because what you are dialing is not yet identified as unigue
03:26.42k-man[TK]D-Fender: ok - so how do i make it unique?
03:28.35[TK]D-Fenderk-man: that depends what else is in the context
03:29.00k-man[TK]D-Fender: ok - ill put together a paste
03:33.53k-mananother problem is that it plays the "invalid" response after they press hash to end the recording
03:37.04[TK]D-Fenderk-man: You should already see why
03:37.54k-man[TK]D-Fender: well - i see why, but i don't see how to get it to hang up after a message
03:38.02[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Next your IVR should be in its own context.  People using it can access your voicemailmain, etc unsecured
03:38.12[TK]D-Fenderk-man: HANGUP <-
03:38.14k-man[TK]D-Fender: oh - ok, thanks
03:42.34*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
03:47.12*** join/#asterisk shyam_k (n=user@unaffiliated/shyam-k/x-8459115)
03:49.41*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
03:51.45k-manhow do i make a catchall rule at the end of my ivr so if they hit an invalid option it will catch it?
03:52.08lanninguse "I"
03:52.45lanningerr... "i"
03:52.50*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
03:53.16[TK]D-Fenderk-man: go read chapter 5 of the book a few dozen more times.....
03:54.03[TK]D-Fenderk-man: read up on "Asterisk Standard Extensions".... these are important basics
03:54.43k-man[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks
03:57.47k-manthanks lanning
03:59.04*** join/#asterisk tobias (
04:03.33k-manso how do i reduce the timeout in the irv so that as soon as the key is pressed, it responds?
04:04.55*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:05.43*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
04:06.39[TK]D-Fenderk-man: another answer I've already given you. Put it in a context with out other stuff that prevents your single digit stuff from being unique
04:07.32k-man[TK]D-Fender: well - i did do that, ill paste its current state
04:08.11lanningcore show function TIMEOUT
04:08.56lanninggoogle "asterisk digit timeout", first hit.
04:09.26*** join/#asterisk hope4every1 (n=arun@
04:11.08hope4every1Has anybody implemented Vicidial?
04:12.50[TK]D-Fenderlanning: wrong approach
04:13.59hope4every1Hi Fender could u help me to install a astGUIclient/Vicidial
04:14.05k-manok, thats my ivr context plux what i get when i dial a number
04:15.00*** join/#asterisk aenaus_ (n=hdgfghf@
04:15.02[TK]D-Fenderk-man: And you really aren't looking at what is happening in that call
04:15.12[TK]D-Fenderhope4every1: No.
04:16.36raden_workwhats a softswitch?
04:16.47hope4every1ok.Do u know ny1 who can help me
04:16.55k-man[TK]D-Fender: can you give me a clue as to what im looking for?
04:17.32[TK]D-Fenderk-man: context <-
04:18.31hope4every1Fender could u help me too
04:18.42*** part/#asterisk Mog (
04:19.32*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (n=bsaxon@
04:19.41*** part/#asterisk bsaxon (n=bsaxon@
04:20.00k-man[TK]D-Fender: can I have another clue please?
04:20.34*** join/#asterisk bl4 (n=bl4qkuba@
04:21.36dandate2alright my current did provider will handle g729, guess i better sign up!
04:22.25[TK]D-Fenderk-mlook at what context is being EXECUTED
04:22.32raden_workanyone know of good company for dirt cheap sip origination ?
04:22.36hope4every1have nybody heard of the astGUIclient
04:24.15k-man[TK]D-Fender: so its not executing myivr context, its executing phones?
04:24.31[TK]D-Fenderk-man: ... *duh*
04:26.18k-man[TK]D-Fender: sorry - i just don't get it
04:27.00[TK]D-Fenderk-man: what's not to get?  You are dialing an exten that is NOT the new "separate" IVR context you just showed me.
04:27.11*** join/#asterisk SunnyDP (
04:27.46k-man[TK]D-Fender: ah - i see
04:29.56k-man[TK]D-Fender: got it now, thanks
04:30.02k-man[TK]D-Fender: sorry it took me so long
04:46.23*** join/#asterisk astrobear (n=cloud@unaffiliated/ibuffy)
04:50.52bl4so I like how in the asterisk manual it doesn't talk about running asterisk as a non root user until page 295.....after you installed asterisk on page 50....
04:51.36[TK]D-Fenderbl4: And at the same time they are both in the table of contents.
04:51.56[TK]D-Fenderbl4: AMAZING.  Almost like you can pick & choose what to watch out for...
04:52.36bl4who reads the table of contents anyways
04:53.29*** join/#asterisk Brack10 (n=travis@
04:53.34Brack10Hey there
04:53.48hope4every1Hey somebody need a help CRM-asterisk integration
04:53.57Brack10anyone have any experience with hosted PBX solutions?  I'm looking at 8x8 and they're offering some pretty compelling stuffs
04:54.01hope4every1i am not showing off
04:54.32Brack10hope4every1:  You got your CRM integrated?
04:54.50hope4every1but its one way
04:55.12hope4every1when call comes in popup comes in my crm with customer details
04:55.36*** join/#asterisk aenaus (n=hdgfghf@
04:57.38hope4every1somebody want to know about the  easiest CRM-asterisk integration
04:58.28*** join/#asterisk Brack10 (n=travis@
04:58.32Brack10oops pidgin crashed
04:58.55Brack10so CRM guy, does your asterisk drill down when someone calls in, or does it click to call?
05:00.16hope4every1when someone calls in my crm gives callers details.Now i am working on click to dial.which part is that u r interested
05:00.48Brack10I don't even have asterisk
05:01.05Brack10but caller details is more interesting to me
05:01.56*** join/#asterisk shyam_k (n=user@unaffiliated/shyam-k/x-8459115)
05:01.57Brack10seems like it wouldn't be that hard... incoming caller ID > Customer database, match, open opportunity/customer
05:02.09hope4every1ok Brack setting up an asterisk server is no big deal.Just download an asteriskNOW iso file,burn it to cd,drop it in cd-rom,follow the instructions
05:02.25Brack10I don't even have IP phones yet
05:02.42hope4every1get X-lite softphones
05:02.56Brack10ehh the company would never go for it
05:03.18Brack10I drafted up a sweet deal for a hosted PBX with 8x8...saved me 44% on telco costs
05:04.47*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
05:04.59Brack10drmessano: something wrong with packet8?
05:05.05Brack10i mean 8x8
05:05.35*** join/#asterisk Mog (
05:05.35*** mode/#asterisk [+o Mog] by ChanServ
05:05.43drmessanoThats like saying "I switched over to $39.95 lines from Comcast and saved 50% on telco costs!"  Yeah, except you're still paying 50% more than the rest of us
05:06.14[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I save with Geiko!
05:06.29hope4every1so brack what exactly r u planning to do with asterisk
05:06.39Brack10drmessano: oh so using Asterisk as my PBX will save me way more is what you're saying
05:08.35drmessanoAsterisk, when taken as part of a diet including whole grain properly priced telco may or may not result in a large decrease in costs, increase in efficiency and reliabily, and erections lasting more than 4 hours
05:08.48Brack10I think in addition to the phones they want 1194/mo for 4 offices...5 1-800 numbers, 10 DIDs, unlimited LD etc
05:08.52drmessanoPlease see a doctor if you experience dizzyness, giddyness, or a payraise
05:08.58Brack10is that a ripoff?
05:09.52drmessanoGood god
05:09.53[TK]D-FenderBrack10: inconclusive
05:10.00[TK]D-FenderBrack10: but quite likely
05:10.17Brack1058 phones
05:10.17drmessanoThese fuckin "Packet8 phones"
05:10.37drmessanoReminds me of the rebranded Polycoms marked up 100%
05:10.43Brack10probably 5 concurrent per office, 10 concurrent MAX
05:10.52Brack10$200 per phone for the middle of the road
05:11.03Brack10$1,139.38 per month
05:11.50Brack10drmessano: so that's a total ripoff then?
05:12.02*** part/#asterisk hope4every1 (n=arun@
05:12.35Brack10cuz if I can drop that cost down, asterisk would be my friend
05:13.45*** join/#asterisk hope4every1 (n=arun@
05:14.35Brack10I think I'll master AGI while we make the transition to IP and then when the contract runs out deploy Asterisk
05:15.01drmessanoAsterisk doesnt save you money.. Asterisk is a toolkit which is commonly used for building PBX systems that faciliate access to a variety of IP and/or analog based services which allow you to have a much greater choice over the services you use
05:15.43Brack10I understand that
05:15.58drmessanoPoint being, Asterisk is not the solution.. it's an enabler for the solution, which is freedom of choice
05:16.39drmessanoTheres lots of options out there, and most companies play on making things easy via retarded bundles of services and overpriced products
05:16.42Brack10well that's great
05:17.03Brack10I'd love to own the PBX and be able to choose who I get my service from
05:17.17drmessanoand have freedom over the devices you use
05:17.26drmessanoand not just lockin to $400 phones
05:17.36drmessanoor any specific manufacturer
05:17.48Brack10yeah I want the cool Cisco phones
05:17.55Brack10you know the ones on 24 and The Office
05:18.07drmessanoOk, I am going to stab you now
05:18.13drmessanoHold still pls
05:18.24drmessanoNo, really.. stop moving..
05:18.41Brack10what's wrong with that?
05:18.48drmessanoThere's phones much cooler than Cisco's
05:18.51[TK]D-Fendercisco = overpriced trouble
05:18.54drmessanoCheaper too
05:18.56Brack10like what?
05:19.07Brack10and does it make the 24 ring? :P
05:19.48drmessanoOn second though, 8x8 is great
05:19.58drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Show him the door pls, and bring me my cat
05:20.15Brack10I'm just kidding
05:20.37drmessanoshuts down his weather machine
05:20.42drmessanoErr sorry
05:20.56harry_vdr, getting rained on?
05:21.17Brack10no but really, what phones do you like, messano?
05:22.47drmessanoThe linksys and polycom stuff is good... I like the Linksys phones, but they're not for everyone
05:23.24drmessanoActually, the Linksys stuff is being rebranded into low end Cisco stuff now, so I guess it's not too bad
05:23.55Brack10well shit maybe I shouldn't make the mistake of locking in a super inflated hosted deal
05:24.11drmessanoUm YEAH
05:24.49harry_vgood for them not for you :)
05:25.09Brack10I just figured Asterisk was super hard to configure and I would be an outcast in the community if I didn't know how to use the CLI very well and couldn't program AGI
05:25.32harry_vyou do not need to use agi at all
05:25.39harry_vfor a basic running system
05:25.49Brack10I see
05:25.57drmessanoNo, you'll be an outcast if you act like a n00b and dont follow directions many of us put into simple, small pieces, and/or you are an argumentative dumbass SOB..
05:26.01drmessanoI think that sums it up
05:26.16Brack10What if I use the web interface exclusively?
05:26.30drmessanoIf you want to learn, it doesnt matter how little you know, just be willing to learn and do the work and theres many that will help you
05:26.31harry_vthe you would ask in another chanell
05:26.43Brack10I see
05:27.07harry_vits not that hard to set up a basic asterisks system. how many phones are you setting up?
05:27.15Brack1053 across 4 offices
05:27.31harry_vohh well that goes beyong basic then :)
05:27.39harry_vbeyond that is :)
05:27.52Brack10VPN connectivity for intercom
05:27.59Brack102 cable, 2 DS1
05:28.11Brack10analogue paging lines
05:28.12drmessanoDont need VPN for telco
05:28.21Brack10oh I see, just put it in the DMZ
05:28.22Brack10makes sense
05:28.23harry_vmaking a script to repeate sip and extentions would help to create repeadative profiles
05:28.26drmessanoGod no
05:28.31drmessanoDMZ is evil
05:28.35drmessanoYou open proper ports
05:28.40hope4every1how do i install astGUIclient.somebody tell me plz...
05:29.32Brack10I have to make a script to maintain an intersite extension numbering convention?
05:30.35harry_vsquirl ate a hole in our next door neghboors unit and the owner accuses us of boring a hole in her cieling. she thought we were remodeling and it was the squirl making all the racket :)
05:30.47Brack10what kind of script? Perl?
05:31.04harry_vBrack10, what ever you want c/c++ perl
05:31.09harry_vactually perl
05:31.19harry_vor make a c/c++ app to do it.
05:31.21Brack10hmm ok....
05:31.50[TK]D-FenderBrack10>I have to make a script to maintain an intersite extension numbering convention? <- no
05:32.05Brack10oh ok I misunderstood then
05:32.31hope4every1Thanx Fender.But when i run perl it asks for server ip.Wheather it shud be asterisk server ip or system on which astGUIclient me
05:32.47Brack10harry: you mean to replicate the configs?  I'm confused
05:33.16[TK]D-Fenderhope4every1: what do YOU think?
05:34.33Brack10harry_v: ^^
05:35.01hope4every1i don't know which one.I am new into this kind of stuff.It seems u can help me..Fender
05:35.33lanningit asked for the server IP, so which one is THE server?
05:35.33Brack10Hope4every1: you're installing the client...and it's asking for the server IP.....
05:35.41[TK]D-Fenderhope4every1: PICK ONE and see what happens
05:36.06Brack10Hope4every1: since a client is not a server, that leaves you only one choice by process of elimination
05:37.46hope4every1my asterisk server is on192.168.1.244 and im installing astGUIclient on that all rit?
05:39.20lanninghope4every1: which one is the client?
05:39.38*** part/#asterisk CrazyTux (
05:41.28hope4every1x.x.x.242 is supposed to be the client...All i know is asterisk server is necessary for a astGUIclient.So i doubt if it is the server ip they are asking
05:42.50lanninghold on...  you have 2 ip's the installer of the client is asking for the server ip, so which machine is the server, and what IP is it using?
05:45.26hope4every1thanx guys Fender..Brack...i am going trying out all possibilities.....Thanks again
05:47.20lanningyou only have 2 possibilities.  and one of them, you have been calling a server.  the client install is asking for the server IP.  and you can't put together which IP it is asking for?  and why are you dropping the asterisk server IP, again?
05:48.40*** join/#asterisk bl4 (
05:48.47hope4every1Hi they are asking DB server address..ooh
05:49.40bl4so I just restarted my computer to check some settings and I realized.. I am sitting in the car because I have a studio apartment and I am trying ot let my wife I'm out in the car working on my server which I reboot....which has a loud boot up music play.... ...Sigh...
05:50.49hope4every1what is a DB server address.Is it the ip of server
05:51.22Brack10bl4: dude, you're working in the car so your wife can sleep?
05:51.28Brack10what a selfish whore
05:51.52bl4Brack10: yup, lol. I restarted the computer in the apartment
05:52.13lanningthat one, I don't know.  I have not used astGUIclient.  The only DB use, I know of is CDR and RealTime.
05:52.24lanningboth are optional
05:52.48Brack10bl4: mplayer /music/loudassgrunge.mp3
05:52.54Brack10you should do that
05:53.21bl4*gets locked out
05:53.34lanningwhat was the reasoning for the "loud boot up music"?
05:54.04bl4well, it isn't a good server, but its my server. It is an old powerpc mac mini
05:54.15hope4every1thanx lanning.I am going to use asterisk server ip wherever they ask for server address
05:54.20bl4I guess they thought it would be cute to play music on boot
05:54.35bl4or whatever that stupid noise is...
05:54.50Brack10it's been around since the original Mac
05:55.05Brack10that was pretty damned impressive in 1984
05:55.16bl4yeah, too bad it hasn't gotten any better
05:56.56bl4so does anyone here run asterisk on linux on a powerpc?
05:58.04mogi have
05:58.43bl4did it work alright or was there anything weird you had to deal with?
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06:37.05mognothing weird without hw
06:37.17mogsome of the dadhi drivers have endian issues
06:37.38mogor had
06:37.43mogi havent run on ppc in sometime
06:49.51lanningit's a mini, I doubt you can plug in the hardware... :)
06:51.15mogthen i wouldnt worry
06:51.24mogloves my little ppc macmini
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12:04.08gsienerAnyone here not happy with
12:08.57UQlevgsiener: there are plenty providers beside callwithus
12:09.25gsienertell me about it! I'm just trying to find a payg iax provider
12:09.49gsienerUQlev: who are you using?
12:09.50UQlevgsiener: for what region?
12:10.12gsienerI'm in The Bahamas, but T1 goes through Miami
12:10.30UQlevtry checkbox then
12:10.33UQlevI like them
12:10.54gsienerthanks, I will
12:11.33UQlevthey are based in Dominica
12:11.42UQlevgood rates
12:12.30gsienerCool.  We've been using Voicepulse which had been great until they shut down their iax channels.
12:12.51gsienerFor some reason our overbearing router/firewall has a much better time w/ iax than sip
12:13.07UQlevgsiener: actually for asterisk doesn't matter iax or sip, you may setup any
12:13.59gsienerI know, It's just that we have a Sonicwall appliance.  It supposedly does SIP qos but ends up mangling calls
12:14.06UQlevgsiener: and better keep your asterisk on pure punlic IP not behind router/firewall
12:14.16gsieneryeah, it's on a public IP
12:15.58mort_gibSonicWall Horror!!!
12:16.43gsienermort_gib: it's been a nightmare!
12:17.16mort_gibgsiener: Change to OpenBSD
12:17.45UQlevmort_gib: pf is even worse of VoIP
12:17.54gsienerThe main issue is that we have three different connections that we're load balancing
12:17.56mort_gibUQlev: No problem in NATting your asterisk
12:18.12mort_gibUqlev: Yeah????? How so
12:18.36UQlevmort_gib: I am using siproxd and rtpd
12:18.49UQlevNAT did not work for me
12:19.14mort_gibOk... I haven't had ANY problems
12:19.37UQlevmort_gib: for what protocol? sip or iax?
12:19.59gsienerthanks for your help guys
12:20.33mort_gibI tried SIP too though
12:20.58mort_gibReally like pf !
12:20.59UQlevaha, that's a matter
12:21.16UQlevmort_gib: I like pf as well but not for sip
12:21.23mort_gibhow come??
12:22.04mort_gibNo way I'm leaving my Asterisk BOX with a public IP
12:22.22UQlevmort_gib: somwhere I fount that pf nat is symmetric or so, that is worst for voip
12:22.49mort_gib?? symetric NAT??
12:23.18UQlevmort_gib: I don't remeber now there were 3-4 different types of NAT
12:24.00mort_gibYeah, just read up on it
12:24.51UQlevand pf's nat the one which can't work even with stun
12:25.11mort_gibThen use RDR
12:25.25UQlevrdr for each user?
12:26.03UQlevmy asterisk is on public IP and all users behind router/firewall
12:26.44UQlevI had to use siproxd and rtp-proxy
12:26.55UQlevit works fine
12:27.38mort_gibOkay, I would have kept the Asterisk server on the same LAN as the clients, but hey
12:27.46mort_gibDepends on setup
12:28.41UQlevmort_gib: I want my clients to connet from home or from netcafes as well
12:29.33mort_gibOkay, I use Asterisk the other way around
12:29.38UQlevit is a way better than to have mobile roaming
12:30.11mort_gibSo Clients are local to my asterisk server and I use providers outside the network
12:30.24mort_gibYes, if you have Internet
12:30.44UQlevmort_gib: I have local and remote clients and a few providers
12:30.57mort_gibI'm in Spain, so finding a connection is ften problematic
12:31.26UQleveven from a cafe?
12:31.44UQlevI mean paid one
12:32.26*** part/#asterisk stream (
12:34.17mort_gibUhm, Andalusia
12:34.42mort_gibSure in Malaga, Marbella, but further down the road, more difficult
12:42.31shyam_ki didn't yet get when this "s" extension will work.. i mean what i should do on the softphone to get to there?
12:43.08shyam_ki guess its proper use is when you have a hardphone?
12:45.50shyam_ksticking to "when calls enter a context without a specific destination extension" howz that possible?
12:45.55shyam_ks/sticking to//
12:52.46*** part/#asterisk gsiener (n=gsiener@
12:53.05shyam_kahh.. its not yet 10:00am at the office?:)
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12:56.47shyam_kandrewy: hi
12:56.54shyam_kanthm: hi
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13:34.52NMR_1122Hi everyone, quick question. Is there a variable (or another way to get) the number that was dialed by the outside party to get into my system? I have multiple numbers (via SAP) coming into Asterisk, and the dial plan should play a different message based on which number the customer called.
13:35.42*** part/#asterisk dlewis (i=4579ba4a@about/security/staff/dlewis)
13:40.17_ShrikENMR_1122: ${EXTEN}
13:41.09NMR_1122That works for incoming calls from an external source too?
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13:42.58leifmadsendefine 'external source'
13:43.13leifmadsenany incoming call that matches a pattern match will be present in ${EXTEN}
13:43.33NMR_1122a Voip Provider to which my asterisk box is registered?
13:43.37leifmadsenof course
13:43.44leifmadsen${EXTEN} doesn't care where it came from
13:44.06NMR_1122ok, thanks!
13:44.38*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
13:45.46mostyNMR_1122: it may depend on your voip provider, especially if you're using SIP
13:46.37NMR_1122I have two virtual number with the voip provider. when I call either one, only my primary number shows up in the asterisk console
13:46.55shyam_khi can i get a pointer to a better explanation for extension s?
13:47.25NMR_1122it says executing [1231231234@incomming_calls:1]
13:47.41NMR_1122is the number there what I would get from the Exten var?
13:47.49shyam_ki mean i get that extension i works for an invalid input, and so on. but didnt get when extension s works.,.
13:49.15NMR_1122I though i was for invalid input?
13:50.08shyam_kyeah its for invalid input, like that i didnt get for what extension s works..
13:50.47NMR_1122Sorry, I meant the "i" extension
13:55.50NMR_1122shyam: "                                                                                     When
13:55.50NMR_1122calls enter a context without a specific destination extension (for example, a ringing
13:55.50NMR_1122FXO line), they are passed to the s extension. (The s stands for “start,” as this is where
13:55.50NMR_1122a call will start if no extension information was passed with the call.)"
13:56.55shyam_kyeah i quoted that here earlier.. i didn't get how i can make a call enter a context without extension
13:57.13NMR_1122I think that happens automatically
13:57.28shyam_klike when i call from a softphone, all i do is to dial the how can i miss the extension or its like, this situation never comes for a softphone?
13:57.30NMR_1122when you set an incomming line to go into a sertain context
13:58.06NMR_1122I'm not an expert on this, but I think that all internal calls will be using a specific extension
13:58.33NMR_1122so "s" is for incoming only
13:59.05NMR_1122like in your SIP conf file, when you create an entry for your VOIP provider, you say context=my_context
13:59.13shyam_kthe thing is if i get that point correctly i have one more core point learned about the structure of asterisk:)
13:59.31NMR_1122then you would use the "s" extension in the dial plan under [my_context]
14:00.59NMR_1122"s" is also the only valid extension in a macro
14:10.57*** join/#asterisk axisys (
14:14.54mostyNMR_1122: you can use extensions other than s in macros
14:15.12mostyit's just that the macro always starts at s,1
14:15.45NMR_1122oh, ok
14:16.19NMR_1122I was trying to answer shyam's question about where extension "s" is actually used.
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14:25.20mostyshyam_k: when calls enter the dialplan, they start in extension s if there is no other extension information available
14:27.01bl4so..I was doing some math and correct me if I am wrong...but if you are using one GSM line 24/7 for 30 days you'll use 0.2 GB in 30 days. Does that sound right...or am I blowing smoke?
14:27.48mostybl4: sip or iax?
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14:33.21jeff_phillipsi come up with 9.23 GB / month from mosty's link
14:33.28bl4mosty, thanks
14:33.38jeff_phillipsdid i do that right?
14:34.11jeff_phillips29.2 kbps divide 8 to get KB/sec, multiply 60 x 60 x 24 x 30
14:34.37bl4I dunno, open office died on me...
14:34.47jeff_phillipsto get kilobytes per month / 1024 = mb per month / 1024 = GB / month
14:35.17jeff_phillipshmm this time I got 9.02 GB
14:35.28jeff_phillipsi must not be fully awake yet. Usually my math gets the same answers twice in a row
14:37.38[TK]D-FenderI miss being consistently wrong too ;)
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14:38.07jeff_phillipsi must have done it with 31 days the first time or something
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14:39.59bl4yeah, I came up with 9.02 GB too
14:40.47jeff_phillipsa far cry from 0.2 gb
14:40.59bl4um, yeah...
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14:41.34bl4now is that one direction, or is that bidirectional?
14:42.31jeff_phillipsgood question
14:43.06mostythose rates are for a single direction
14:43.28[TK]D-Fenderx2 whee! if you have a line in use 24/7 you are gonna eat up 18.04 GB a month
14:44.14[TK]D-FenderG.729 is lighter and generally considered better voice quality
14:45.05bl4don't you need to pay fees for that?
14:45.54[TK]D-Fender10$ one shot
14:46.08bl4oh nice...who do you do that kinda thing through?
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14:46.35bl4* feels stupid
14:48.59bl4thanks for everyones help
14:51.09rashed2020_Anyone know of a FXO fateway with a VPN client?
14:54.22shyam_kwhat ip i should be giving in the softphone, if the phone and asterisk is on the same system?
14:54.39*** part/#asterisk NMR_1122 (
14:54.44shyam_klike the registrar in the twinkle or ekiga?
14:55.31shyam_kok ekiga don't have facility to change the port but twinkle can.. so what ip i should give to get it connect to the home server? localhost?
14:56.26[TK]D-Fendershyam_k: welcome to networking 101 : or another IP on the server
14:59.42*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
14:59.45shyam_k[TK]D-Fender: i guessed it right;-) sorry for that silly one.:)
15:05.13coppicewhy would someone want to take their chances with a fateway? :-\
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15:13.56rashed2020_har har
15:14.05rashed2020_lol actually
15:14.24rashed2020_But yea... gateway with a vpn client?
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15:27.03j_kroonany ideas what asterisk would do if multiple L() options were to be passed to Dial() ?
15:27.23jayteevomit wildly no doubt
15:32.30j_kroonok well, then I better make sure it doesn't pass it multiple L() options :)
15:40.57j_kroonunbelievable ...
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16:07.40[TK]D-Fenderj_kroon: "It"?  You mean " YOU" :p
16:08.30j_kroon[TK]D-Fender, fair enough :)
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17:34.02snowboarder04I don't suppose anyone has the SIP Flash Image for a Cisco 7940/7960 IP Phone v8.11 they could link me to?
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17:49.16snowboarder04Qwell: yeah, no Technical Support Services Agreement though :(
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17:49.50QwellThen you'd be violating copyright law.
17:49.59Qwelland nobody here is going to help you
17:50.33coppiceThis why you shouldn't buy Cisco phones
17:50.57coppicethey really should have a model 419
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18:04.25leo54can someone tell me how do asterisk generate the Call-ID that is used in the recorded file name???
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18:05.13Dovidwhich file name ?
18:06.52leo54the file name of the recorded calls in asterisk is formed by <queue>-<date>-<time>-<callID>
18:07.20leo54example: q1002-20090102-080119-1230890472.36640.gsm
18:07.57leo54in this case call id is 1230890472.36640. How does this number is generated?
18:08.40Dovidi think that is the call id
18:08.45Dovidmost likely epoch
18:08.55Dovidwith micro seconds
18:09.33leo54is this number stored in asterisk database?
18:10.07Dovidno. why would it be ?
18:10.13[TK]D-Fenderleo54: What "asterisk database">
18:10.16jbot1 Jan 1970 - The expiration date on side of the carton of Unix
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18:12.32leo54i want to link a row of a call from db with the recorded file. how do i do that?
18:13.01[TK]D-Fenderleo54: WHAT DB?  What do you have in it?
18:13.02Dovidin the asterisk cdrs ?
18:13.05Dovidor ur own table ?
18:13.15[TK]D-FenderDecibel? :)
18:16.20leo54i want to do like queuemetrics do: display the call informations and a link with the recorded call file name to hear it, but i dont see how to link call info and call record
18:17.01Dovidu can create ur own call logs ;)
18:19.34leo54but is there a way to get Asterisk Call-ID of a call from asterisk logs? Asterisk uses this call-id to make the name of the call record
18:20.28Dovidfrom what i remember u can name the file what ever u want
18:20.52Dovidi always used mixmonitor. i put in there what ever i wanted
18:25.24[TK]D-Fenderleo54: what do you see in the CDR?
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18:26.52leo54where does  the asterisk store a call-id? Dovid u said that its epoch with microseconds, can u explain me this?
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18:30.35leo54[TK]D-Fender: in cdr i see the rows:  calldate, caller id, src, dst, ..., uniqueID, ...
18:30.56[TK]D-Fenderleo54: look at the DATA
18:31.34shyam_ktrying with scribblej's asterisk-sphinx pluggin.. neone tried it successfully?
18:32.38leo54[TK]D-Fender: the row contents?
18:32.52leo54[TK]D-Fender: i'm seeing them
18:35.46*** join/#asterisk mort___ (
18:37.54leo54{call info's, like date, caller id,...}   <=   link / associate / find  =>     {call record file}
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19:05.43leo54in other words: i want to find the call record file from a registry of cdr table. how to calculate the asterisk Call-ID once the UNIQUEID collumn in cdr is empty?
19:06.46[TK]D-Fenderleo54: If its empty then you didn't set up CDR properly to record it
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20:34.38sineinHi all, I have some questions related to SS7. Is it always necessary to go through STP's to set up a call? Also, Once the call is set up does a direct SSP to SSP connection take place? Thanks.
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20:42.33ta^3I've just installed dahdi-trunk and Asterisk and I'm not able to outbound call using Xorcom's FXO ports until they receive an inbound call. Anyone have a clue regard what's going on?
20:43.20tzafrir_laptopta^3, I think this was resolved in the latest rc. Let me check
20:43.40tzafrir_laptopA general issue with DAHDI FXOs
20:46.20ta^3tzafrir_laptop: ok, you tell me.
20:47.02tzafrir_laptoplooks like the issue is resolved in
20:48.02*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
20:49.01tzafrir_laptopta^3, the fix is
20:49.33tzafrir_laptopthat is svn diff -c 160326
20:51.41sineinno one here knows how SS7 works?
20:55.47ta^3tzafrir_laptop: very nice! :) i will apply the generated patch to
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21:02.29ta^3meh, i see; just need to uncomment the define DAHDI_CHECK_HOOKSTATE.
21:02.56drmessanosinein: At the current, doesnt sound like it
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21:07.00RypPntzafrir_laptop I had to add the patch to for my sangoma to work :(
21:07.28tzafrir_laptopRypPn, what patch?
21:07.49RypPntzafrir_laptop the one in 14577,
21:08.19RypPndahdi-fxsks-hookstate.patch , as my outbound was getting cahn_unavail again
21:09.21tzafrir_laptophmmm... my mistake, then
21:09.57ajohnsonAnyone know of a way to use the manager interface to put a call on hold?
21:10.22ajohnsonOther than redirecting a call to a MusicOnHold command in the dialplan?
21:10.33RypPnI tried the latest 1.6.1 and 1.6.2 and they are the same, unfortunately the patch just makes the calls fail slently, rather than chan_unavail
21:11.11tzafrir_laptopta^3, right, this is not fixed yet, see
21:18.03ta^3tzafrir_laptop:  looks like solved for me.
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21:37.06mkillebrewI have sip peer "foo" which has "callerid foo <1015551234>", how do I get asterisk to set its CPN as that number when it dials out?
21:39.37mkillebrewSetCallerID works fine when I do it manually, but I want it to pull from the definitions in sip.conf
21:40.14[TK]D-Fendermkillebrew: It does.  Show us your actual config and the CLI output w/ SIP debu for the failed attempt
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21:41.07mheldhey y'all
21:41.13mkillebrewit did when I used voicepulse's IAX gateway, it's ceased to since I started using their SIP gateway
21:41.48[TK]D-Fendermkillebrew: put "sendrpid=yes" in your outbound peer entry
21:42.26mheldI'm having issues getting IAX to dial into my phone network
21:42.45mheldI've got two pots lines
21:42.52mheldand IAX with teliax
21:43.04mheldI can get IAX out when both pots lines are in use
21:43.14mheldbut I can't seem to get IAX in when both pots lines are in use
21:44.14[TK]D-Fendermheld: that makes no sense, and how is "pots" getting into *?
21:44.42mkillebrew[TK]D-Fender: that did it, thanks.
21:44.47mheldpots -> plain old telephone service
21:45.00mheldwe have those hard-wired into the asterisk box
21:45.19[TK]D-Fendermheld: with what?:
21:45.32mheldtelephone wire?
21:45.40[TK]D-Fendermheld: ....
21:46.03mheldI have a feeling that i'm screwing up with the extensions
21:46.05[TK]D-Fendermheld: You can't plug a &*^ing wire into SOFTWARE.
21:46.13mheldsome digium card
21:46.16mheldthat's fine
21:46.17mheldthat works
21:46.43*** part/#asterisk mkillebrew (
21:46.51[TK]D-Fendermheld: So whats this about "IAX not dialing in"?
21:47.15mheldthe call (once there were no pots lines left) used to be forwarded to a number, then the credit card we used to buy the plan expired...
21:47.27mheldso we had to re-update everything through them
21:47.30mheldwe got the same number
21:47.35mheldbut their server address changed
21:47.59mheldthe call should be forwarded to ring on all phones on this network
21:48.09mheldbut it seems like it's being hung up
21:48.34mheldwhen the plan expired, and we had no IAX service, we were getting a "this phone number has been disconnected" error
21:48.47mheldso, that's what makes me think I'm doing something wrong with the extensions
21:50.25[TK]D-Fendermheld: What do you see in IAX debug when a call should come in?  what does the IAX2 registry say about your registration status with your provider?
21:50.47*** part/#asterisk astrobear (n=cloud@unaffiliated/ibuffy)
21:51.53mheldNOTICE[25538]: chan_iax2.c:6977 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '6175000661@'
21:52.46[TK]D-Fendermheld: Could be a dialplan issue
21:53.23[TK]D-Fendermhenenable full IAX2 debug to confirm that they are authing as the peer they should and confirm the context it points to and its contents
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21:57.31mheldis what i'm getting
21:59.33[TK]D-Fendermheld: As I said, go look at your peer & dialplan
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22:01.07sineindoes anyone here know anything about SS7?
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22:02.35p1mrxso, I've got an "exten => s/5551212, ..." for calls from one source, and an "exten => s, ..." for all other calls.  Is it possible to Goto() the all-callers rule from the caller-id-matching rule?  they're both extension "s".
22:03.05p1mrxGoto(s, 1) doesn't appear to work
22:14.40*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
22:15.03Assiderr question regarding DID's
22:15.46Assidif you port a number from vendor A to vendor B, does vendor A have to accept the transfer?
22:16.24p1mrx(to answer my own question, it looks like "s/number" and "s" are really part of the same extension, so there shouldn't be two priority 1's)
22:22.55[TK]D-Fenderp1mrx: separate your setup into different extens and/or contexts
22:23.13[TK]D-FenderAssid: Yes, A can make your life liveing hell.
22:27.17Assid[TK]D-Fender: crap.. my life just got a whol lot more complicated
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22:39.51Assid[TK]D-Fender: ever dealt with j2 communications?
22:43.29[TK]D-FenderAssid: nope
22:43.39*** join/#asterisk Flashtek (
22:43.53Flashtekevening all
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22:46.31FlashtekDoes anyone here know, if configured correctly, if there is any reason for a TDM400P to NOT work with a UK phone lines CID service ?
22:47.02DovidFlashtek: I remember seeing something about that a while back. have a look on google
22:47.25mheld[TK]D-Fender: turns out that when they switched servers... they started looking for a different device header
22:47.27mheldfixed it
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22:48.56RypPnFlashtek It would also assume you have clid enabled with BT
22:49.06RypPnIts not by default
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22:53.31Assidis there a site to show who owns the number
22:57.23FlashtekRypPn: I have asked for CLID to be turned on.. It's with Virgin though..
22:59.53RypPnFlashtek do you get clid on an inbound call on a standard display phone on the socket?
23:00.33FlashtekI don't actually have a phone that supports it to test it with.. this is part of the problem..
23:01.09Flashtekthe kids dumped the last one that did down the loo..
23:01.17RypPnbuy a dect? you can always whack it into an ata later to get some use out of it
23:01.25ta^3tzafrir_laptop, RypPn:  thank you guys.
23:01.56Flashtekthe dect I have doesn't support CID.. Caroline failed to discuss the purchase with me..
23:03.35RypPnwhat was her purchase criteria? under 3 quid or she's not playing?
23:03.48Flashtekshe was paying..
23:03.52Flashtek'nuff said..
23:05.11jeff_phillipsAnyone familer with A2billing's "Least cost dialing" feature. I understand least cost routing -- cheapest route I can buy. But LCD or least cost dialing it says is the "cheapest retail rate (selling rate)" -- what advantage does this give me?
23:06.11jeff_phillipswhy would I want to sell for as cheap as I can? I thought I'd be trying to make money.
23:06.43Flashtekbuy for as cheap as you can, sell for as much as you caan..
23:07.17jeff_phillips... then why is it two seperate options?
23:07.29Flashteki dunno..
23:07.30jeff_phillipsdon't you always buy the cheapest rate you can and sell the same call at the highest price you can?
23:07.36Flashtekhides back under his rock..
23:07.47jeff_phillipsI don't get it
23:08.26jeff_phillipsunless they are talking about like a resale contract where you get a commission, and it's judging it based on your profit margin...
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23:17.28radenjeff_phillips, hows it going ?
23:18.50jeff_phillipsgood, you?
23:20.41NMR_1122What is the Voip service called where you get multiple numbers and multiple lines on one plan? So when someone calls any of your numbers, it comes through on whichever line is open at the time?
23:21.50florzNMR_1122: That line stuff is the bussiness of your ISP with VoIP, not of your ITSP.
23:23.47NMR_1122I'm not sure lines is the right term?
23:23.57drmessanoIts not
23:24.08florzNMR_1122: depends on whether you are talking about lines, I guess =:-)
23:24.08NMR_1122By line, I mean calls at the same time
23:24.09drmessanoYou get multiple channels
23:24.22drmessanoFor concurrent calls
23:24.49florzNMR_1122: so, what is "it comes through whichever call is open at the time" supposed to mean?!
23:25.02NMR_1122so channels is the voip equivalent of a "line"in the traditional system?
23:25.36florzNMR_1122: no, there is no equivalent, except for the actual IP "line", in case there is any and you aren't connected to the internet by radio
23:26.06drmessanoChannels are channels.. the only equivalent in telco would be channels on a T1..
23:26.07florzNMR_1122: there is no point to any equivalent, as the internet is a packet switching network, as opposed to telephone networks
23:26.09drmessanoBut lines, no
23:27.48NMR_1122But the number of channels you pay for is the number of people that can make calls at once, just like having 3 traditional phone lines at your business means three employees can make calls simultaneously?
23:28.02drmessanoPretty much
23:28.42jeff_phillipsare there any DID providers where I can receive inbound calls via a SIP trunk, and also receive inbound SMS messages in some means over IP ?
23:28.42florzNMR_1122: no - the number of concurrent calls your plan allows for is the number of concurrent calls you can make
23:28.56drmessanoWhich is what he said
23:28.56florzNMR_1122: or receive, or whatever you are buying
23:29.26NMR_1122Ok, I think that channels is what I meant then.
23:29.55florzNMR_1122: there isn't any technical entity that allows one to "make one call at a time", and channel is a pretty asterisk-centric term in this regard
23:30.17*** part/#asterisk Flashtek (
23:30.19florzNMR_1122: it's just a matter of your contract, not a technical one at all
23:30.20drmessanoThats not true
23:30.38florzdrmessano: which part? =:-)
23:30.41drmessanoYou havent seen an ITSP offer a specific number of channels
23:30.43drmessanoCome on now
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23:30.57drmessanoJust seems to me like youre being difficult to prove some point here, and hes not that far off
23:31.42NMR_1122Basically, I'm trying to figure out which provider to use (or what the service would be called), that will allow a customer to call our 800 number, and another customer to call that same 800 number at the same time, and have both go through to the asterisk box...
23:31.56drmessanoWhen I purchase a "DID with 2 channels" from my ITSP, I can rx 2 calls at one time.. When they allow me to terminate 2 calls at one time over a peer, thats not far from his analogy of having 2 lines
23:32.10florzyeah, and I have seen BRI being sold as "two lines", so what?
23:32.35drmessanoSo CHANNELS is not ASTERISK-CENTRIC
23:32.41*** join/#asterisk CapriCoRN^80 (n=int@
23:32.54jeff_phillipstelcos have always used the term "channels"
23:33.03florzwell, ok, asterisk- and itsp-marketing-centric, then?
23:33.14[TK]D-Fenderflorz: no
23:33.19florzjeff_phillips: telcos haven't been selling VoIP, have them?
23:33.28jeff_phillipsNo but they do sell "channels"
23:33.43[TK]D-Fenderflorz: T1 PRI = 23 B **CHANNELS**.  Open ass.  Remove head.
23:33.49jeff_phillipsI had a remote call forwarding # with the local telephone company one time that only came with 2 channels. I purchased additional channels for an additional monthly fee.
23:34.10jeff_phillipsThey just programmed the switch at their CO to allow additional simultaneous forwarded calls, to how ever many "channels" i wanted to buy
23:34.18florzjeff_phillips: the question was about the right term for concurrent calls through an ITSP - and that's what I was referring to
23:34.18[TK]D-Fenderflorz: the term is a telco term.  "line is vague.
23:34.25jeff_phillipsthat had nothing to do with VoIP but it was still a telco defined term called "channels"
23:34.30CapriCoRN^80which is the best open source billing software for asterisk ?
23:34.40jbottoywy is probably The one you write yourself.
23:34.43[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: ^^
23:34.54Kumba_CapriCoRN^80:  The one you right write yourself
23:35.10[TK]D-FenderKumba_: pwned
23:35.15jeff_phillipsWell the term "channels" simply is a generic term meaning the number of simultaneous calls allowed in a call path
23:35.17Kumba_hands head in shame
23:35.27CapriCoRN^80did i ask some thing wrong ?
23:35.44Kumba_Unless you reallllllllllllly like the way someone elses billing software works, you pretty much left writing your own...
23:35.51Kumba_There's A2B and FreeSide
23:35.57Kumba_and some others...
23:36.02NMR_1122aparently I'm the one who asked the wrong question....
23:36.32CapriCoRN^80kumba_: well i am just asking about the available good billing software
23:37.09Kumba_A2B and Freeside
23:37.25florzjeff_phillips: yeah, right, it's a telco term, and makes perfect sense on TDM and FDM for logical connections with fixed bandwidth allocations ... not so much for describing a limit on the number of session states you are allowed to instantiate on some VoIP media gateway
23:37.40CapriCoRN^80<[TK]D-Fender> CapriCoRN^80: ^^ ???
23:37.58[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: LOOK UP
23:38.04[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: Get a clue.  Seriously
23:38.14[TK]D-Fender[19:34]<jbot>toywy is probably The one you write yourself.
23:38.34CapriCoRN^80i am not good programmer
23:38.36florzjeff_phillips: just as little as "line" makes sense for describing b channels on a BRI, as telcos over here commonly do
23:38.50Kumba_A2B and FreeSide are decent billing, as long as they do what you need...
23:38.56[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: I know all too well... it took you MONTHS to simply install *
23:39.07Kumba_A lot of people end up writing there own though
23:39.08jeff_phillipsflorz: But it's still relevent in a VoIP world that still makes use of connections to the PSTN because the telcos usually are going to count how many calls they'll let you send to/from them
23:39.10[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: I pity your prospective clients
23:39.30CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: well i worked hard on it .. doesnot matter
23:39.36[TK]D-Fenderthe words "uniquely unqualified" come to mind...
23:39.53florz[TK]D-Fender: you weren't trying to tell me something, were you?
23:39.55CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: if you are too good .. you should thanks to God but not try to insult others
23:40.50[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: Too good?  Not possible and I am among many more knowledgeable than myself here.
23:41.29CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: well your words show ur attitude
23:41.31florzjeff_phillips: yeah, sure they will count, but why does it make sense to call such a counter limit a "number of channels", and why then not just say "your VoIP plan includes 3 lines"?
23:41.36[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: However anyone who requires such massive hand-holding just to install *, and then jsut an much to get 1 stupid softphone talking to it, and has no programming skills to speak of should not be running a business venture off *
23:41.40CapriCoRN^80if i am not genius i can work hard
23:42.05CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: i am not running a business venture
23:42.10Kumba_Man, someone spiked fender's kool-aid tonight
23:42.16CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: i am a student and doing it for my learning
23:42.42[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: Billing for learning?  Interesting.
23:43.07florzjeff_phillips: if anything, it is, maybe, a limit on the number of channels you may use, which is quite a different thing from a "VoIP line" "having n channels" or something
23:43.14CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: why not .. what you think is not always right
23:43.17[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: If you wanted to learn, you'd have downloaded and tried this stuff yourself.  You continue to have people hand-hold you through everything.
23:43.31CapriCoRN^80so stop making your own decesion about others
23:44.20CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: well i am trying and when i stuck i asked people and try to learn from my mistakes but that doesnt mean that i am always looking for you
23:44.25[TK]D-FenderI prefer to think of them as "historically backed and mutually accepted evaluations of repeat encounters over the span of a year"
23:44.56*** join/#asterisk kerx (
23:45.00[TK]D-FenderPlenty of others who got to see the outlay your current progress required
23:45.00Kumba_eats some popcorn and drinks his beer
23:45.13[TK]D-FenderKumba_: We have an excellent half-time show...
23:45.18CapriCoRN^80and talking about * for months .. well you are wrong again .. as i told you i am student .. i spent 2 days on * and then i was busy in studies and did try few weeks after
23:45.22Kumba_I'm hoping for a wardrobe malfunction
23:45.26CapriCoRN^80and you counted that as whole
23:45.40[TK]D-FenderKumba_: We got them "wardrobe-optional"
23:45.51CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: I was not installing * for whole month
23:45.55Kumba_Amen... now just tell me it's an all-female review and i'm there
23:46.20[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: I remember a solid week of your coming in here for it, and then 2 weeks just beating away with stupid routing issues
23:46.35[TK]D-FenderKumba_: ^5
23:46.43CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: well not regularly
23:46.49NMR_1122What would a service be called where you can have any of your inbound numbers use the next available line/channel/call?
23:46.57CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: you can check the log
23:47.22[TK]D-FenderNMR_1122: Typically "line-hunting" , "busy/no-answer transfer", or "cascading"
23:47.25CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: first i installed it on my laptop which got ubuntu and then on centos
23:47.26florzNMR_1122: well, as I said, there is no such thing
23:47.50[TK]D-Fenderflorz: Most certainly is.
23:47.55florzNMR_1122: a call is what is created when a user/caller requests it, it doesn't exist beforehand
23:48.26florzNMR_1122: and "lines" or "channels" don't exist as such with VoIP
23:48.42NMR_1122Yes, but you usually pay by the "line" or "channel"
23:48.59NMR_1122whether technically correct term, or not
23:49.03Kumba_Lines or Channels only exist in terms of termination/origination and in terms of software concurrency limits...
23:49.09florzNMR_1122: yeah, that is marketing-speak for "maximum number of concurrent calls"
23:49.27florzNMR_1122: tecnically, that's plain nonsens
23:49.29[TK]D-FenderNMR_1122: From a VoIP perspective there is no inherent limit to the # of channels you can have aside from restrictions placed upon you
23:49.42*** join/#asterisk bsaxon (n=bsaxon@
23:50.10NMR_1122Ok, let me ask the question in a different way....
23:51.58jeff_phillipsif the call originaties and terminates entirely on VoIP then channels is only a marketing term. If the call is connected to the PSTN then channels may refer to the number of cocurrent calls allowed through the interconnection point equipment / circuit / magic
23:52.46florzjeff_phillips: as we are in marketing-land, channels may just as well refer to maximum number of concurrent voip-only calls ...
23:53.14Kumba_PSTN magic is what you want
23:53.18Kumba_it makes all things possible
23:53.32NMR_1122I have a working asterisk box. I have an 888 number with the local phone company, which i can port. Right now, we can only take one call at a time because the 800 number is attached to a single phone company line. If a customer calls, and we're talking to them, and another customer calls, the second customer goes to voicemail or gets a busy signal.
23:54.12NMR_1122We'd like for any calls made to the 800 number to get routed to asterisk, at the same time
23:54.34NMR_1122(and switching to viop in the process)
23:54.46jeff_phillipsNMR_1122: Why do you have telco voice mail on your POTS line? If you absolutely must keep the POTS line, why not setup busy-call-forwarding to send the calls to a DID over a SIP trunk when the POTS line is busy
23:55.10jeff_phillips(of course porting the 800# to a voip service provider is probably wise too)
23:55.22[TK]D-FenderNMR_1122: Point/port your 800# to an ITSP and the only limit will be bandwidth and your agrement with them.
23:56.10NMR_1122That's sort of the plan... we just aren't sure how to "Google" for the kind of company we want. Voip returns to many consumer-residential type results
23:56.19[TK]D-FenderNMR_1122: A phone # is just a stupid #.  Limits are based on agreements and technology.  Use of an analog line restricts you to 1 call.  VoIP does not.
23:56.25jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
23:56.28[TK]D-FenderNMR_1122: ^^^^
23:56.33jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
23:56.38[TK]D-FenderNMR_1122: Get chopping
23:56.43[TK]D-Fendershopping* :)
23:57.01florzNMR_1122: well, just look for an ITSP that does allow enough concurrent inbound calls for your needs - either directly for terminting the toll-free number, or as suggested by others, for forwarding your overflow-calls to, just remember that you'll have to pay for the second (forwarding) call, too, then, probably
23:57.07jeff_phillipsgotta go, ttyl
23:58.55NMR_1122so if i use an ITSP with the toll free number, we don't have to use forwarding then, because the ITSP handles that?
23:59.06NMR_1122bye jeff

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