IRC log for #asterisk on 20090320

00:00.10martyn-devI have a question about it...
00:01.04NovceGuruman i've really been missing out
00:01.18NovceGuruI never realized how badass blackberry's email system was
00:07.50*** join/#asterisk Magicblaze007 (
00:11.28*** part/#asterisk martyn-dev (n=admin@
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00:16.11Magicblaze007In our company, we have more than 1k phones. I am thinking of adding an ATA adaptor to every phone and connect to asterisk. Is this a bad idea? (I need minimal functionality on each phone, just make and receive calls, nothing more for starters).
00:16.56*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:18.43*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
00:20.10denonMagicblaze007: that is a very bad idea
00:20.38denonyou'd either want to use a channelbank to hook up analog phones, replace them with sip phones, or using a multi-port ata at very least
00:20.46denonone ata per phone would be a management nightmare
00:21.06denonif you really prefer to keep the analog phones, you'd like want to use channelbanks
00:22.04Magicblaze007The problem is that I can not get new wiring done in these buildings.
00:22.22denonthey dont have computers? you can get phones with an ethernet passthrough
00:22.48denon(so you only need 1 drop per office)
00:23.03*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
00:23.17Magicblaze007I can assume that they have ethernet ports.
00:23.30denonif you dont have ethernet, you can do channelbanks
00:25.51Qwellif you have rj11
00:26.53denonyeah, if they have no computers/ethernet at all .. and just one rj11 .. just hook up channel banks
00:27.05Magicblaze007I just have ethernet ports in rooms, nothing else.
00:27.10denonunless you want data, then you can do cobbled up dsl-like stuff, like hotels do
00:27.16denonoh, that's easy then
00:27.23denondo a sip phone with a second ethernet port in the back
00:27.42Magicblaze007That's why I was thinking of ATAs. just an ata in every room.
00:27.51Magicblaze007But then it's a management nightmare probably.
00:27.53denonthat'd be a nightmare to manage
00:28.09Magicblaze007denon: I completely agree.
00:28.15denonno budget for sip phones?
00:28.21Magicblaze007I think I'll try to see if they will give me cheap ip phones.
00:28.42denonwell .. dont go too cheap
00:28.48denona thousand budgetones would be worse :)
00:28.56Magicblaze007lol, yes indeed.
00:29.03denonbut like a polycomm or snom or somethin
00:29.13Magicblaze007any good cheap but good ip phone recommendations?
00:29.14denonmaaaybe a linksys spa941 or something
00:29.26Magicblaze007I don't need any fancy functionality at all, call and receive that's it.
00:29.28denonthat linksys would be as low as I go
00:29.48Magicblaze007I saw that phone earlier...
00:30.31EmleyMoorI'm thinking 942s for home
00:30.31x86I know this probably isn't the best place to ask, but i'm playing with FreePBX and I can't get Asterisk to see any of the SIP peers (phones) i've added
00:30.35denona few bucks more and you can get POE and a passthrough and stuff
00:30.53denonx86: try #freepbx, that's in fact the best place to go
00:31.02x86it doesn't look like asterisk is setup for realtime, and none of the DB tables look like a realtime-compatible table for pulling SIP peers into asterisk
00:31.07x86denon: rock on
00:31.10Magicblaze007denon: any other recommendations? I think spa941 is a good choice.
00:32.44EmleyMoorStill, I also like the fact that you can use traditional phones - I am using one dating from 1971
00:34.04*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:35.29Magicblaze007Why is a ATA harder to maintain than the IP Phone? Isn't it almost the same thing? Just wanted to know the reasons...
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00:39.15denonMagicblaze007: well, with a sip phone you have a screen, when you call the user and ask them to give you info ..
00:39.22denoninstead of messing with #123 kind of commands
00:39.23*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
00:39.25Magicblaze007has anyone here bought 1k voip phones at a time? What is a realistic discount one can expect?
00:39.50EmleyMoorWith an ATA all you can really ask is "does the phone have dialtone?"
00:39.51denonMagicblaze007: we've sold large numbers, discount depends heavily on the model, terms you're paying with, etc
00:40.39Magicblaze007denon: With ATAs, they can just tell me the IP. I can even put a static ip per room and don't even have to ask them...what am I missing.
00:40.45denonMagicblaze007: sip phone also gives native hold/transfer/conference/etc, which I know you're not overly interested in .. but ..
00:41.00denonMagicblaze007: it's when it's acting up ..
00:41.03denonand forgets it's IP
00:41.06denonand you can't get at it
00:41.12denonor whatever other weird thing happens
00:41.15Magicblaze007I see.
00:41.28denonit's also more clutter, but that might not matter
00:41.52denonwith a sip phone you can do POE and have pretty minimal amount of cables/boxes/etc
00:42.04Magicblaze007denon: how much is the margin in ip phones? with 1k phones, you think one can get a 10% reduction in price? 50%? any clues ? Something like linksys SPA941?
00:42.18denonMagicblaze007: 10-15% maybe
00:42.31Magicblaze007That helps.
00:42.34denonI could look up numbers for you, but not at the moment (we're a linksys reseller, among other things)
00:42.44Magicblaze007I've to go, thanks for all the help.
00:43.07*** part/#asterisk Magicblaze007 (
00:43.07denonsure, have a good one
00:46.44Dovidcan I do Set(foo=bad,1=a) or they all need to be on seperate lines ?
00:52.23*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-3d4beae6e665c432)
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01:27.39CapriCoRN^80I am working on Mv-370. I need some help from LAN to Mobile call
01:27.55*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
01:28.35CapriCoRN^80its working when i use static URL and static call num settings in MV  372
01:28.41CapriCoRN^80its working when i use static URL and static call num settings in MV  370
01:29.28CapriCoRN^80but when i enter * and # in URL and num and i dial it give me busy tone
01:32.30CapriCoRN^80need some help in that
01:38.55*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba (n=blackest@
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01:46.20*** join/#asterisk CapriCoRN^80 (n=int@
01:46.31CapriCoRN^80hi again
01:46.58CapriCoRN^80its working when i use static URL and static call num settings in MV  370 , but when i enter * and # in URL and num and i dial it give me busy tone
01:49.22*** join/#asterisk kakashka (
01:50.15kakashkahi! =) sorry for lame question. can i make calls to jabber client via asterisk? e.g. can it replace xlite?
01:51.01kakashkaor there is only notifications feature? :>
01:52.17CapriCoRN^80xlite is softphone. you can use it with asterisk
01:52.19mmlj4kakashka: yes, probably
01:52.39mmlj4you want chan_gtalk or somesuch
01:53.20kakashkayup.. but ... can it used for custom xmpp server(openfire for example)? or only gtalk?
01:53.41mmlj4gtalk uses jabber, so...
01:53.51*** join/#asterisk wantmoore (
01:54.15kakashkaok. lets try ^)
01:57.48kakashkaflexo*CLI> gtalk reload
01:57.50kakashkaIT DOES WORK!
01:58.23*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
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02:54.31shmaltzhi everyone
02:56.06shmaltz~132 is the most symmetric binary when using ones 10 fingers. Since which ever way one puts their hands it will always be the same 2 fingers up.
02:56.07jbotokay, shmaltz
02:56.41jbot[132] the most symmetric binary when using ones 10 fingers. Since which ever way one puts their hands it will always be the same 2 fingers up.
02:57.09shmaltz~132 is the 2 middle fingers
02:57.09jbot...but 132 is already something else...
02:57.17jbotextra, extra, read all about it, 132 is the most symmetric binary when using ones 10 fingers. Since which ever way one puts their hands it will always be the same 2 fingers up.
02:57.41shmaltz~132 is also it's the 2 middle fingers of both hands
02:57.42jbotokay, shmaltz
02:57.48jbot132 is probably the most symmetric binary when using ones 10 fingers. Since which ever way one puts their hands it will always be the same 2 fingers up. it's the 2 middle fingers of both hands
03:06.55*** join/#asterisk stabler (
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04:07.34joobieguys i have got a sip peer setup.. how can i restart just that one sip peer from console?
04:07.42joobiei want to get it to disconnect / reconnect
04:07.48theharsend a notify to the phone
04:07.50*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
04:08.54joobiecan it be done from console?
04:09.00joobieit's actually my sip provider btw (pennytel)
04:12.21*** join/#asterisk techie (
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05:09.18*** join/#asterisk YoMama (
05:09.53YoMamaanyone bored enough to help me figure out what's wrong with my config? :-P
05:14.04*** join/#asterisk timeshell (n=chatzill@
05:14.29timeshellDoes anyone know if the Polycom SoundPoint 500 supports http provisioning?
05:14.43leifmadsenit does
05:14.53timeshellHey leifmadsen
05:15.00YoMamaanyone using gizmo with their asterisk?
05:15.03leifmadsenwait... is the soundpoint different than the IP500?
05:15.14leifmadsentimeshell: howdy :)
05:15.17timeshellI think it's the same
05:15.46leifmadsenya, that's what I tohught
05:15.48timeshellBut, I don't see an option in the startup that allows me to select HTTP.... only FTP and Trivial FTP
05:15.57leifmadsenmy 500 and 501 are provisional via http and https
05:16.08leifmadsenreally? maybe you need to update the firmware?
05:16.30timeshellI have 2.1.3 on the 500 now.... far as I can see, that's the highest SIP it supports
05:16.42timeshellI just put 4.1.2B BootROM on
05:18.00timeshellBought a bunch of IP500's on ebay for $50 each
05:18.47timeshellCouldn't pass that up.
05:18.55YoMamai had a grandstream piece o' crap ip phone, but it broke after a few months
05:19.11YoMamai should just suck it up and buy a real ip phone
05:19.42*** join/#asterisk bobsaccamano (n=CKD683@
05:19.50timeshellEither the my phones don't support the http prov, or I've forgotten something in the config somewhere  :|
05:20.06timeshellI wish some of this stuff was a little more straightforward... or at least had better documentation can i set different ring cadences for two sip channels
05:22.31timeshellAnd I did miss something.  :p  I forgot to set the correct port
05:23.41timeshellTrying again
05:25.24timeshellAnyone ever have an issue with an IP500 where some of the keys stopped working?
05:25.38timeshell7 keys on one of mine don't respond
05:25.41YoMamaok...i'll figure this out must be a firewall problem
05:25.50YoMamai can't even get asterisk to show that my line is ringing
05:25.53timeshellWhat kind of fw?
05:26.02YoMamait's a dumb 2wire device
05:26.12YoMamaAT&T U-Verse
05:26.37YoMama3800HGV-B Gateway
05:27.05YoMamaI opened up 5060 (udp), 10000-20000 udp
05:27.18YoMamaand forwarded it to my asterisk server
05:27.30YoMamai do a sip show registry and it shows i've registered
05:27.37YoMamabut then i call my # and no ringy
05:27.53timeshellSet the extern IP on the asterisk server?
05:28.17YoMamadoes asterisk support stun?  i think my ip is dynamic
05:34.21jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
05:39.41*** join/#asterisk Kumba_ (n=james@
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05:50.55timeshellleifmadsen : What version of SIP do you run on your IP500's?
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06:59.54timeshellleifmadsen : If you truly are doing http provisioning on SPIP500's, you gotta tell me how you do it.  Everything I've found so far suggests that it's not supported on the IP500.
07:00.29*** join/#asterisk sergee (
07:01.04bobsaccamanoHi..ive defined a SIP cahnnel for 911 calling...ive used Dial function as the entry point, but i do not get a 180 Ringing message
07:01.13bobsaccamanoany idea how to get it working?
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07:43.25kaldemarbobsaccamano: be more specific. how have you defined and what? where are you dialing?
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07:47.14bobsaccamanokaldemar, problem solved...just had to put a Ringing and Wait extensions
07:47.54bobsaccamanobut on a different there a way to make asterisk play some music when a call is put on hold?
07:47.58*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
07:48.14kaldemaryes, that's called music on hold.
07:48.50bobsaccamanoso this is enough : exten => 123,n,MusicOnHold(default) ?
07:49.02bobsaccamanoi want the music to play when Flash is hooked
07:49.47jplankanyone ever play with video and *?
07:49.55*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
07:49.59EmleyMoorbobsaccamano: That is for testing
07:50.51bobsaccamanoEmleyMoor, so how is it done?
07:51.31EmleyMoorYou need to set up mouic on hold content and set the musiconhold in the appropriate conf file for the connection
07:51.41*** join/#asterisk mchou_ (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
07:51.52EmleyMoor(musiconhold=default is assumed)
07:52.58bobsaccamanobut default would also play a tune right?
07:53.16bobsaccamanoI dont want any customizations..
07:53.27EmleyMoorbobsaccamano: If you've got a default musiconhold class set up
07:54.11bobsaccamanoEmleyMoor, Okay i have no idea how to do that...can you give some pointers?
07:54.14EmleyMoor(it would play whatever you could hear if you called the MusicOnHold app with the given class...)
08:09.12fcois93good morning!
08:11.56*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
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08:29.06*** join/#asterisk pimpwell (
08:29.38pimpwellfor the past 10 years there has been this cookie cutter chat line... DefCon used to use it and they use it for all the local number phone chats...   the format goes like this:
08:30.12pimpwellListen to long disclaimer or press 7 to by pass,   join the lobby,  have 6 rooms to choose from,  have private rooms  and a voice board..
08:30.26pimpwellwhat system is this?    It's always the same guys voice too.
08:31.38*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
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08:39.17SunnyDPpimpwell: do you hav ethe number ?
08:41.51nfi|ermesi use externnotify parameter in voicemail.conf; is there a way to be notified on ly when a new message is arrived, and not when someone log in tho the voicemail ???
08:43.08pimpwellIts called Talkee
08:43.20pimpwellthey run party lines all over the USA for many years now
08:52.55pimpwellthe pervs on those lines are siiiick
08:53.11pimpwellthese are the guys from 1980s who never learned the internet, bad bad
08:56.25ghenry64bit asterisk or 32bit more stable?
08:56.41ghenrywith 1.4
08:56.50ghenryI think 1.4.22
09:01.10*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
09:02.08p1mrxI finished up my google voice click2call script today:
09:02.29p1mrxthat said, it's still a dirty hack
09:03.54p1mrxand, for some reason DTMF doesn't seem to work
09:19.58*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
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09:37.25lanningI have an IVR with  exten = s,3,Background(Resilience/main_message)
09:37.55lanningthe file /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/Resilience/main_message.gsm exists
09:38.02lanningbut I get:
09:38.17lanning[Mar 20 02:20:31] WARNING[2883]: channel.c:2734 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g723 to gsm
09:38.17lanning[Mar 20 02:20:31] WARNING[2883]: file.c:868 ast_streamfile: Unable to open Resilience/main_message (format 0x1 (g723)): No such file or directory
09:38.29ectospasmlanning: what codec is the channel?  G.723?
09:38.58lanningthere is also
09:39.00ectospasmlooks like the channel is in G.723, not ulaw.
09:39.06lanning[Mar 20 02:20:30] WARNING[2883]: channel.c:2734 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g723 to ulaw
09:40.24lanninglet me go disallow g723
09:40.41ectospasmI'd disallow=all, and only allow the codecs you want.
09:42.22*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
09:42.58lanning@!%%!%%%%%! works now.
09:43.31lanningit had been working before.  I think the ITSP changed their codec priorities
09:44.31lanningit was just weird timing, as it all stopped working after I put in new prompts.
09:44.50lanningI thought it was something I had changed.
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09:45.23*** join/#asterisk shyam_k (n=user@unaffiliated/shyam-k/x-8459115)
09:46.05shyam_kwill it work if i try to connect the two ekigas one on my desktop and laptop to connect eachother?
09:46.19ectospasmshyam_k: will what work?
09:46.31shyam_ki mean some logical error? like i can't connect between the ekiga and asterisk on the same computer..
09:46.34ectospasmIf their both registered to the Asterisk system?
09:47.04ectospasmare the ekigas showing up as registered?
09:47.05shyam_khmm i am doing it like, connecting the ekiga in desktop to laptop and connecting the ekiga in laptop to desktop!:) crossover..:)
09:47.32shyam_khmm sip show peers at desktop shows both asterisk and ekiga online but the other one is showing only asterisk online
09:48.35jblackset qualify=yes in your sip or iax conf files
09:49.04*** join/#asterisk joobie (
09:49.17ectospasmwait, so you've got asterisk loaded on both the desktop and the laptop?
09:53.03shyam_ki get [[][this]] when i try to call from the "unconnected" ekiga and ekiga says remote user rejected the call.. may be i should give qualify=yes on both sip.conf? i
09:53.19shyam_kto study connecting and calling asterisks..
09:53.22ectospasmno, qualify has nothing to do with that.
09:53.49ectospasmshyam_k: you have an IAX peer and user on both ends?
09:54.00shyam_kyeah sip actually.
09:54.18shyam_k(i think)
09:54.37ectospasmit may be easier to do it with IAX
09:55.00shyam_kic.. i'll try that then.. The holy biible have sip at first;-)
09:55.17ectospasmbible, you mean TFOT?
09:55.26*** join/#asterisk ravib123 (
09:55.37shyam_kany other of the same status?
09:55.43ectospasmI always found it to be easier to set up IAX, but ymmv
09:55.49ectospasmshyam_k: nope
09:55.59shyam_kwhich sip phone do you use?
09:56.12ravib123wow this one has some live folks
09:56.18ravib123hows it going tonight?
09:56.27ectospasmI use Polycom at work, and a cheap cordless AT&T connected to an IAXy at home.
09:56.47shyam_kravib123: its just a fine morning here..and am gonna rock it with asteRISK:)
09:56.55ravib123hehe cool cool
09:57.26ravib123Being a consumate noobie I was having some odd problems, any chance you could share some of the rocking knowledge?
09:57.38ectospasmIt's waay to late for me to be up, but I've got a milestone coming in about 40min...
09:57.52ectospasmAnd, I don't have to be at work until 4pm
09:58.04shyam_kwhich free(As in freedom and not as in free beer like that one linked on the "BIble") softphone work the best with asterisk?
09:58.20ectospasmthey're all about the same
09:58.21shyam_kekiga? wengophone? or some other less appealing command line tool?
09:58.28ectospasmYou just gotta figure out which one works best for you.
09:58.49jblackthey each have a different fatal flaw. :)
09:58.54ectospasmThe nice thing about freedom is that what works for me won't necessarily be right for you.
09:59.12shyam_khmm.. would be better if bible says about these things instead of the screenshot of that ** THING
09:59.15ectospasmI tend to eschew softphones in favor of hard phones.
09:59.28shyam_kah sure freedom is costly:)
10:00.01ectospasmwhile a softphone can definitely be more economical than a hard phone.
10:00.03shyam_kokay i get it.. and now am paying that:)
10:00.20jblacksure, but it's a one time cost.
10:00.21*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-9c97e8a0f1352b15)
10:00.31jblacka low end polycom is what? maybe 150 bucks?
10:00.44ravib123So I have been working on my 1st *now server, kinda been a fun project thusfar. Anyway, it works well for internal calls (between extensions). However when I make outgoing I get no sound, and no incomming at all. ... the server is DMZ on the router however it is not responding to any external ports at all
10:00.45ectospasmshyam_k: you might want to try getting both softphones to register to the same asterisk system...  maybe trying to set up two is a bit ambitious?
10:00.47jblackYou'll save that in electricity within a year or two.
10:01.20ectospasmravib123: what technology are you using to make the outbound calls?
10:01.40ravib123it does actually ring through the trunk just fine
10:01.55ectospasmSIP is notorious for not dealing with NAT very well.  To get it working you usually have to set up a STUN server, which is a major pain.
10:01.58ravib123just nothing is getting back to the *now server because it wont respond to external ports
10:02.12ravib123not even port 80
10:02.14ectospasmright, classic problem with SIP
10:02.23ravib123which made me think firewall problem
10:02.28ravib123but it isn't on
10:02.45shyam_kjblack: also you have to go for softphones when you are in a lill town barely sells even a wifi router.. and when you have a gsoc dream coming next week:)
10:03.47jblackSome little town without a wifi router... If only there were some sort of international network, where you could purchase equipment from hundreds.. nay.. thousands of retailers.
10:04.17jblacksome sort of... inter.. net.
10:04.49jblackloaded with a google different places to buy.
10:04.52ectospasmA network of networks?  By jove, I think you're on to something!  We should get together and sell the crap out of it!
10:05.10Frogzooectospasm: it will never sell
10:05.23ravib123So my thought is if it was a nat problem wouldn't being DMZ on the router remove that issue?
10:05.24jblackSure it will! We just need to add xml to it.
10:05.27ectospasmOh, yeah?  That's what they said about the PC, too.
10:05.30jblackEveryone buys crap with xml.
10:06.12ectospasmI pirate all of my XML
10:06.46jblackThat's the way it should be. :)
10:07.08jblackspeaking of which, wil someone please convert the * book to mobibook?
10:07.12ectospasmravib123: no, because you're still going through a NAT
10:07.53ectospasmravib123: I'm telling you, you'll have far less problems if you use IAX.
10:07.55jblackravib123: That solves half the problem. The other part is that the protocols embed the natted ip, so you have to convince them to lie. That's where things like stun and nat=yes comes in.
10:08.37jblackI'm not sure, but I think iax has powerful nat magic.
10:08.51ravib123so, it's a pain to setup a stun server?
10:09.02ectospasmIAX was designed with NAT in mind, whereas SIP was not.
10:09.07jblackheh. you don't set one up. You use one of the zillion out there.
10:09.16ravib123I see
10:09.25jblackI've set iax on natted machines, and they Just Work. Freaky.
10:09.55ectospasmjblack: that wasn't an accident (-;
10:10.30jblackit's a little creepy, all the same, to find that my firewall is wearing no clothes.
10:11.10ectospasmmine doesn't either.  I got used to it a long time ago.
10:11.46jblackbtw, be careful of promoting iax here. There's a handful of mostly-daytimers that despise iax2.
10:12.27jblackclosest I've ever figured out is that iax2 used (as in years) to have some serious problem with large deployments.
10:12.33ectospasmOne thing about IAX wrt to Asterisk and SIP is I like SIP's Asterisk debug better than IAX.
10:12.49jblackyeah. iax's debug isn't very good. trying to enable distinctive ringing for sip essentially i want the sip phone to ring differently based on the caller id...and I want to configure this on the asterisk server
10:13.12ectospasm...but that's because I see it much more on a daily basis
10:13.36ectospasmbobsaccamano: what kind of endpoint?
10:13.55jblackI rarely need it. By the time I'm debugging iax2, there's usually something drastically broken going on in the network.
10:14.02bobsaccamanoits an analog phone connected to a WiMAX CPE with an inbuilt SIP Stack
10:14.02ravib123well, doesn't it seem odd that I can't even get to the freepbx web panel remotely?
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10:14.39bobsaccamanoectospasm, i just need to send an ALERT_INFO in the header
10:14.40ectospasmbobsaccamano: best you'll get is by setting SIPAddHeader() with the right magic to get the analog phone to ring with a distinctive ring.
10:14.41jblackwe couldn't tell you anything about freepbx here. There's a channel for it here on freenode, #freepbx
10:14.47ravib123I had a different machine running sourceforge DMZd running for months no problem for port 80 and more
10:14.59ectospasmbobsaccamano: there ya go, then
10:15.01ravib123well *now comes with it by default :P
10:16.04bobsaccamanoectospasm, is this good for the control statement ;exten=>4444,n,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "5555"]?ring5:ringdefault) ?
10:16.33bobsaccamanowhere ring and ringdefault are extensions that add the SIP Header info
10:16.42ectospasmthat should work, then.
10:17.02ectospasmI admit I'm not a SIP guru.
10:17.07bobsaccamanoectospasm, thanks..ill give it a shot
10:17.35bobsaccamanoectospasm, btw can i set the ring type in asterisk for the channel?
10:17.46bobsaccamanolike in indications.conf or something
10:18.00ectospasmI'm not sure what you mean.
10:18.48bobsaccamanowell indications.conf has a list of available ring cadences..that you can specify, so i was wondering if I could use those to make my endpoints ring differently
10:18.55*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
10:19.11ectospasmI thought that was only for analog channels.
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10:19.34bobsaccamanocoz im clueless on what ring types my endpoints support
10:19.54ectospasmUnless your SIP frontend can accept ring cadences, I dunno how it will work.
10:20.58ectospasmyou said yourself you've got a machine between your analog phone and Asterisk, right?
10:21.41Arkaos`Hi guys, i have had a look at asterisk docs and cant find out how to keep the originating caller id after an attended transfer.  Can anyone point me uin the right direction?
10:22.02bobsaccamanoectospasm, yeah..ohk
10:22.07ectospasmArkaos`: try the 'o' option to Dial
10:22.10bobsaccamanoectospasm, thanks again
10:22.22*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
10:23.05Arkaos`ectospasm: what conf file would that be in?  Apologies I have little experience of this and dropped in at the deep end
10:23.18ectospasmit will be in yur dialplan, extensions.conf
10:23.32Arkaos`brilliant thanks
10:23.57ectospasmArkaos`: I'm not 100% sure it will work, but that's where I'd look first.
10:24.25ectospasmYou'll also want to look for the Dial() application calls that have the 't' and 'T' options (for transferring)
10:24.39ectospasmconsult the book if you get lost
10:25.37shyam_kgrr i have the ekiga process killed but asterisk server on the other side still says its online.. should i reload the conf or something?
10:26.21shyam_ki just have the very default three line config in sip.conf for the softphone..
10:26.50ectospasmshyam_k: how did you try to stop asterisk?
10:27.29*** join/#asterisk Dekken (
10:28.16shyam_kectospasm: i didn't stop asterisk.. its running.. i just closed the ekiga which was online.. and the asterisk still shows its online.. while wengophone works fine.. asterisk shows its unregistered when wengophone goes offline..
10:28.46Dekkenis there rules I should know about before asking questions?
10:28.55ectospasmdo you have qualify=yes for the ekiga?
10:29.01Dekkenplease disregard my previous question if that is the case ^_^
10:29.03ectospasmDekken: be polite, and don't ask to ask.
10:29.17shyam_kectospasm: ops not yet.. i'll try that..
10:29.31shyam_know i am working on a single asterisk anyway..
10:30.27ectospasmfirst things first, baby steps, and all that.
10:30.45shyam_kyeah sure..
10:33.04ectospasmfor setting up Asterisk to Asterisk, normally you'll have to set one to be the peer, and the other to be the user, for one direction of call flow... then vice versa for the other direction.
10:34.51*** join/#asterisk Gido-E (
10:35.00shyam_koh ic.. but then bible goes to that straightly and it seemed plain other than that i have problem with these softphones. i could understand the connection between two asterisks..
10:40.56ectospasmand with that, I must retire.  Catch y'all l8r!
10:41.35shyam_kectospasm: thanks a lottt! and tc
10:50.29Arkaos`ectospasm: i think my nose is about to bleed now ;P
10:51.36jblackArkaos`: You can always sweat cash instead of blood..... :)
10:51.59*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
10:56.17joobieguys is there a dialplan function that can be used to grab /var/spool/moo from /var/spool/moo/bah.txt in the dialplan?
10:56.28joobieplaying with cut, but cut seems to remove the / if i use / as the delimiter
10:56.31*** join/#asterisk MatBoy (
10:59.22shyam_khow to clear the unreachable users?
11:03.16*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
11:03.27DelphiWorldhello my friends (All Asterisk Users)
11:03.43shyam_khi here too..:)
11:03.45DelphiWorldplease any JAVA or Flash based softphone to use for C2C using asterisk ?
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11:08.56joobiehmm which function in the dialplan can run a system command?
11:09.12joobielike say i want to run a script on the filesystem
11:10.34shyam_kjoobie:  ! command?
11:10.44shyam_ki mean the command "!"
11:12.55DelphiWorldplease any java web dialer ?
11:13.13shyam_kjoobie: nevermind..
11:13.49joobiei want to like run a binary on the asterisk server, using the dialplan
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11:46.59DelphiWorldplease any java Web softphone (C2C) ?
11:55.25leifmadsentimeshell: hmmmm.... well I could be wrong then.... I had an IP500 a while ago, and now I have an IP501, but I really thought it had http provisioning -- apparently I was way wrong
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12:03.11SuPrSluGip 500's have web provisioning
12:04.42joobieguys how do u run a shell script from a dialplan
12:04.45joobiewhat function can u use?
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12:06.35timeshellSuPrSluG :  Please support your statement
12:07.05timeshellSuPrSluG : I have been monitoring traffic from it.  It makes no HTTP request.
12:07.20timeshellNo setting that defines http as the boot server
12:08.09timeshellAnd I have found a webpage that says it was specifically supported in ROM that doesn't work on the IP500
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12:34.44leifmadsenjoobie: how about SHELL()?
12:34.47leifmadsen(in 1.6.x)
12:34.59leifmadsenor you can try the more limited 'System()' command in 1.4
12:38.38joobiei have 1.4
12:39.06joobiethanks leifmadsen exactly what i was after :)
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12:55.43bartpbxanyone knows a patch to implement rtsavesysname for iax clients?
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13:07.19Kattytummy hurts today )=
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13:09.18awk_rhands Katty some Pepto.
13:09.47Kattyi dun think that's going to fix me
13:10.19awk_rhands Katty some morphine.
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13:11.40Kattyi will feels better next week.
13:12.09Kattyuntil then, i will be a bitch )=< RAWR
13:13.39Kattyand then sob )_=
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13:26.47gambler1Hi, is there anyway * could "load balance" outgoing calls to two or more E1/T1?
13:27.27awk_rgambler1, yes
13:27.53gambler1awk_r: Can you please point me to right direction?
13:27.55[TK]D-Fendergambler1: You are the one choosing what channels to send calls to... its your job and yes you can do this in dialplan.
13:28.25awk_rredirects gambler1 to [TK]D-Fender's answer.
13:28.35gambler1[TK]D-Fender: oh, I tought something like grouping multiple PRI's to one..
13:29.12[TK]D-Fendergambler1: there is no "load balance on a group", it has to be you balancing against multiple groups
13:29.22[TK]D-Fendergambler1: Otherwise you're just sequentially spanning.
13:29.54gambler1[TK]D-Fender: multiple groups? You mean per PRI?
13:30.38[TK]D-Fendergambler1: Each PRI as a group, and you doing the determination of which to use for the next call
13:31.44gambler1[TK]D-Fender: hmmmm.. ok, then I'll do some dialplan magic.. I want just to be sure, that there is no other elegant soultion
13:32.03gambler1[TK]D-Fender: thank you for your support
13:32.51[TK]D-Fendergambler1: You're welcome.
13:32.56*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
13:32.59gambler1[TK]D-Fender: just one more question please
13:33.30gambler1[TK]D-Fender: is there snmp support for TE420 cards?
13:33.51[TK]D-Fendergambler1: ummmm... can't make much sense of that question...
13:34.17[TK]D-Fendergambler1: Its not the card that offers this, and I don't know SNMP software
13:35.14gambler1[TK]D-Fender: sorry :) I want to read some statistics from those cards (yes I know it's not the card feature but, you still need  MIB in order to know what to read)
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13:35.45[TK]D-Fendergambler1: Unfortunately I have experience in that arena
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13:37.12gambler1[TK]D-Fender: Thank you, I will try to find out is there anyway I could find some mib's from Digium
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13:38.46jeff_phillipsgood morning
13:39.05[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: No.
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13:39.29jeff_phillipsaww, sorry you're having a bad morning TK-Defender
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13:46.37[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: No, this is in answer to your "can I turn chan_alsa into a multi-track paging system" :)
13:46.58[TK]D-Fendertouts his private beta copy of
13:47.48*** join/#asterisk DavidR2008 (
13:48.21jeff_phillipswell actually -- I still only intend to use one track at a time
13:48.45jeff_phillipsi bet it can be done if I waste enough time with it
13:48.56[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: So you want to try to do "split zones" without being simultaneous?
13:49.32jeff_phillipsthe easy solution (in my expectation) would be to trigger something to just shift the soundcard's left/right balance when initating the call
13:49.44[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: Possible if of course you massively rewrite stuff, everything else is a hardware cost
13:50.15[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: Yeah, balance could do it perhaps as a hack.. you'd have to personalize it to that system perhaps, but yeah, maybe...
13:51.18*** join/#asterisk _theHub (
13:51.27DavidR2008need some help compiling asterisk I already had it installed, now I want to add some zap channels. I installed zaptel- and libpri-1.4.9 and reinstalled asterisk: ./configure make make install. however asterisk didn't have cli zap commands so I checked menuconfig and it doesn't have a chan_zap. what should I do?
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13:59.29[TK]D-FenderDaviDAHDI replaced Zaptel as of 1.4.22.  use that instead
13:59.39kaptenguwhen I forward some to en external number, my pbx number is showing up at the external number instead of the caller's, how can I change this?
13:59.48[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: DAHDI replaced Zaptel as of 1.4.22.  use that instead
14:00.16[TK]D-Fenderkaptengu: Depends what you are dialing out of and how its configured
14:00.19DavidR2008[TK]D-Fender: I'm trying to install sangoma and the stable drivers only support Zaptel
14:00.48[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: then don't.  Their "beta" drivers are rather stable typically
14:01.03DavidR2008k, thx
14:01.11kaptengu[TK]D-Fender: it's a SIP-trunk, what do you mean how it's configure?
14:01.41[TK]D-Fenderkaptengu: I mean that certain settings will prevent you from passing on the information in a way your ITSP will process.
14:01.52[TK]D-Fenderkaptengu: And it also depends if they even permit you to change it
14:02.20kaptengu[TK]D-Fender: can I do something about it or do I have to talk to my SIP service provider?
14:02.45[TK]D-Fenderkaptengu: My answer said it all... depends if you are forcing on your side, and if they permit it
14:02.57[TK]D-Fenderkaptengu: The 2nd you obviously have to talk to them about
14:03.07kaptengu[TK]D-Fender: so, how can I force it?
14:03.25[TK]D-Fenderkaptengu: pastebin your config masking only passwords
14:05.44pdmmmi rock
14:05.47pdmmmi got h323 working
14:05.49pdmmmwhat a pile
14:06.28kaptengu[TK]D-Fender: which file do you need to see?
14:06.42[TK]D-Fenderkaptengu: sip.conf
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14:08.40anonymouz666SELECT COUNT(*) from [TK]D-Fender where file = 'sip.conf';
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14:09.07anonymouz666Segmentation fault
14:09.30[TK]D-Fendergrabs his katana and segments anonymouz666
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14:11.56DavidR2008which is worse: a segmentation fault or a segmentation?
14:13.06timeshellCan't asterisk do phoneprov with ftp instead of http?
14:14.22[TK]D-Fenderkaptengu: "fromuser=105110228" <- this usually forces taht to be the CID #.  Try adding "sendrpid=yes" , "trustrpid=yes" to that peer and test.  If that fails then either th fromuser is interfereing or your provider is blocking you
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14:14.49[TK]D-Fendertimeshell : * is not an FTP server.  * shouldn't even HAVE phoneprov
14:14.55kaptengu[TK]D-Fender: ok, thank you very much
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14:20.29timeshell[TK]D-Fender You're wrong
14:20.50timeshellEVERY phone server should be able to provision.
14:21.33timeshellA hard core programmer may not like it, but the fact is, you'll have a lot less support for your product if you don't support the needs of those who want to use it.
14:21.35[TK]D-Fendertimeshell :
14:21.50[TK]D-Fendertimeshell : "phone server".  Lol... * is a toolkit, not an assembled 747.
14:22.21timeshellDon't go into literals.  You know what I mean.
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14:22.58timeshellA large number of real IT people HATE MS.  However MS has the market because they give the rest of the world what they need.
14:23.15[TK]D-Fendertimeshell : Drag your sorry ass out of GUI-Dream-Land where 1 app does your web, ftp, mail, sip, routing, HTPC all in one miracle package named "Asterisk"
14:23.32DavidR2008if you consider the "phone server" as the physical box, then yes it can do all that install the tftp, ftp or http server of your choice and presto! you have a "phone server" that can "phoneprov"
14:23.35Chainsawtimeshell: So you're saying there's a market for Ultimate Asterisk.
14:23.36[TK]D-FendertimeshellAnd those that try to do everything end up doing nothing particularly well.
14:23.45Chainsawtimeshell: Go ahead, package it up.
14:24.13[TK]D-Fendertimeshell : Yup clearly time to "segment" * into a minimum of 10 flavours and introduce a pricing scheme.  Oh and of course close the source.
14:24.17DavidR2008oh, don't forget DHCP, you'll probably want that too!
14:24.23timeshellChainsaw : Why should I re-invent the wheel?  Asterisk-gui, Trixbox, FreePBX are all headed in that direction.
14:24.26[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: YEAH!
14:24.38Chainsawtimeshell: So run off and use those?
14:24.59[TK]D-FenderChainsaw: You say that like he isn't the majority speaker in at least on GUI channel already ;)
14:31.22awk_rdoesn't astlinux try to do everything?
14:31.28jeff_phillipsWill T38 calls be okay without QoS?
14:31.39jeff_phillipssince it handles it differently
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14:55.40Kattymichelle obama is putting in a garden.
14:55.47Kattyin the south lawn!
14:56.12Kattyhugs yawny jaytee
14:56.26jayteehugs Katty back
14:56.33Gido-EKatty ?
14:56.40KattyGido-E: yes?
14:56.46mmlj4thanks for telling us, i don't know if I would have made it through the day, not knowing what the ugly woman was up to
14:57.21Kattymmlj4: if you're going to be grumpy and anal, please do so quietly (=
14:57.26jayteeugly? man, you've got some serious issues
14:57.34*** part/#asterisk Defraz (
14:57.39mmlj4and you need glasses, apparently
14:57.49kaptenguis it possible to let the caller enter some dtmf digits when entering a queue, to later pass it on as a CID name prefix?
14:58.03jayteeand you've probably got a car up on block in your front yard right in front of the trailer
14:58.16Kattyokay come guys
14:58.24mmlj4at least mine runs
14:58.29Kattylet's at least TRY to be positive
14:58.29Gido-EKatty on your face? :-)
14:58.42KattyGido-E: you do not parse. please try again.
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14:59.34jayteewow, SciFi is running a full day's marathon of BSG leading up to the show's finale tonight
14:59.45jsmithkaptengu: Sure... use the Read() application to gather those digits
15:00.04jsmithkaptengu: Then use the Set(CALLERID(num)=${read_digits}) to overwrite the caller-id number
15:00.13jsmithkaptengu: Then send the call to the queue with the Queue() application
15:00.39kaptengujsmith: that's great, thank you!
15:00.43jayteeOhayo goziamasu, Sensei!!!
15:00.59jsmithjaytee: How long you been speakin' Japanese?
15:01.08jayteebout a week :-)
15:02.35jayteejsmith, are you going to teach any of those overseas classes that were in the email I got yesterday?
15:03.25jsmithjaytee: It's possible I might do the one in India, but most of the international classes are taught by our training partners (in the local language, no less)
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15:03.48[TK]D-FenderMost of my Japanese is restricted to wrods involving cutting people down with sharp metal objects :)
15:03.50jsmithjaytee: There are always exceptions, however... like in Belgium, we've got classes in both English and French scheduled
15:03.58jayteeah, that's a pity. I'd be boning up on spanish with Rosetta Stone if I had a chance to teach in Barcelona
15:04.20jayteeBelgium, mmmmm, that'd be a nice road trip for waffles :-)
15:04.24[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Boning Rosa indeed ;)
15:05.22jsmithjaytee: I'm quiet good at Spanish, actually... I wouldn't say I'm fluent anymore, but I can hold my own
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15:05.49jsmithjaytee: And yes, I'd *love* to get a chance to spend some time in Spain
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15:09.21ayesoin comedian mail, if someone changes their mailbox greeting. Where is the audio file kept?
15:10.42leifmadsenanyone used Rosetta Stone?
15:11.58jayteemy buddy used it for French and liked it alot
15:12.07jayteeit has the best rep
15:12.24leifmadsenI'm really interested in finally learning french...
15:12.33leifmadsenand maybe someday will learn danish
15:12.42jayteeplus they use it at the Monterey language center where they teach foreign languages to members of the armed forces.
15:12.53jayteeit's expensive though
15:13.15jsmithayeso: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/[voicemail context]/[mailbox number]/greet.*
15:13.24ayesojsmith: thanks
15:13.42jsmithleifmadsen: You might also check out the Michel Thomas CDs... they're good, and less expensive than Rosetta Stone
15:14.15jayteeI've used Berlitz myself and found their books and "tapes" of decent quality (<---- look everyone! a dinosaur! )
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15:14.54coppicelinguaphone recently died. they've been around a long long time
15:16.12[TK]D-Fenderayeso: In the voicemail folder for their box
15:16.25[TK]D-Fenderayeso: asterisk.conf <- look for a clue
15:16.36[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: Darn you jsut handed it right over! :p
15:17.02jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Well, you know... I've given up on teaching people to fish... now I just throw them a plate of sushi...
15:17.16[TK]D-Fenderjsmith: At least its uncooked
15:18.11jsmith[TK]D-Fender: Like I have the time to cook things for people :-)
15:18.15awk_rjsmith, if you give them bad sushi they probably won't ask for fish again...preventing the same problem from happening again!!!
15:18.30awk_r(i jest of course)
15:18.35jsmith(and to those who are wonder, I'm just joking... I'll never give up on trying to teach people to fish!)
15:18.41jsmithawk_r: Of course!
15:19.01coppiceif you have bad sushi give it to an AIG director
15:19.34jsmithcoppice: But those receiving the bonuses are supposed the good guys... uh huh.... right....
15:19.36ayesoHow can I run a system command after someone has checked their voice mail? and after someone leaves a voice mail? Is this even possible?
15:19.38[TK]D-Fenderawk_r: I'll make your cut of fugo extra lean ;)
15:19.38awk_rcoppice, they don't deserve bad sushi
15:19.55leifmadsenjsmith: ya, I a Michel Thomas CD actually, and like it quite a bit
15:19.57coppiceteach a man to fish, and he'll undercut you and drive you out of business
15:20.02[TK]D-Fenderayeso: Read the sample voicemail.conf
15:20.03leifmadsens/I a/I have a/
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15:20.40jsmithcoppice: Then why do you try (in vain, mostly, I know) to teach people about faxing? :-p
15:21.18awk_rayeso, [TK]D-Fender has a point. A lot of the basic questions about features can usually be answered in a sample config files. :-)
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15:22.01coppiceIts strange. when I talk about something I know a fair amount about things seem to go OK. when I talk about something I'm a genuine expert in I seem to collect a bunch of weirdos :-\
15:22.28awk_rs/(questions) about (feature)(?=s)/\2 \1/
15:22.37awk_rheh, figured
15:22.54jsmithcoppice: That's unfortunately the way it works :-(
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15:29.30DavidR2008coppice: do you teach people about faxing? if so, where do I sign up?
15:30.23coppice1: insert sheet
15:30.24coppice2: dial number
15:30.26coppice3: profit
15:30.45DavidR2008aw dang, I was missing step three :-)
15:30.52jsmithDavidR2008: and
15:30.59ayeso[TK]D-Fender: OK, I see that if I uncomment "externnotify" I can run an external script, but how can I pass an asterisk variable to that app? I need to pass some of the callerid info to it.
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15:32.34DavidR2008in actuality I need to run a fax from an analog port on one asterisk server to a PRI channel on another asterisk server in the same room. I would like to do this in the least complicated way possible.
15:32.48ayeso[TK]D-Fender: actaully i could just pass the current mailbox number rather than callerid, but I cant see how to do that either.
15:35.18DavidR2008I have a really dumb question: I have an analog card in my asterisk server with FXO ports. the channels show up in asterisk. I plug a standard phone in to one of the ports and lift the handset, nothing. no messages in asterisk either. Where should I start looking? and/or what am I doing wrong? (if it's simple)
15:36.08coppicearen't FXS ports rather better for plugging phones into?
15:37.02DavidR2008I got it backward?! dang, that's dumb ... reference the first line :-S
15:37.28jayteeDavidR2008, just buy a single port Grandsuck Handytone 286 ATA and run the fax off that to the server the PRI is on.
15:37.35coppicesomeone needs spanking for that stupid naming
15:37.59jayteecoppice, that convention has been around long before VOIP was even an idea
15:38.02iCEBrkrWhy does SMS have to be so $$$
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15:38.30[TK]D-FenderiCEBrkr: So the telco still has was to gouge you.
15:38.30coppicejaytee: and that makes the names less stupid? they were just as stupid in the 80s
15:38.47iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: I know. I know.. But it's such a simple protocol/technology.
15:38.58iCEBrkr[TK]D-Fender: I wish I could get SMS into my Asterisk box...
15:38.59coppiceiCEBrkr: is the price holding back sales?
15:39.29iCEBrkrcoppice: pfft, I'm just wanting to built a SMS toy.. and it's too much to spend on something that's a toy.
15:40.12jayteecoppice, true but all you have to do is think, FXS=station=phone FXO=office=line. Anyone who isn't a mouth breather with a room temperature I.Q. should be able to get their head around that.
15:41.03[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Yeah, its their kind that give the other .02% a bad name....
15:41.05coppiceyeah, but then people make it complex by saying they put fxo signaling with fxs hardware and vice versa
15:41.18ayesoWhere can I get the source code for comedian mail?
15:41.37iCEBrkrayeso: download asterisk source
15:41.53[TK]D-Fenderayeso: Same place as the rest of *
15:41.55ayesoiCEBrkr: thanks, you know what language its written in?
15:42.05[TK]D-Fenderayeso: C
15:42.06coppicethe FXS port is actually the office, and the FXO is actually the station
15:42.17jayteethe signalling nomenclature IS assbackwards or counter-intuitive as far as the zaptel/zapata/dahdi configs are concerned but hey, just blame it on russellb :-)
15:42.29ayeso[TK]D-Fender: thanks.
15:43.20DavidR2008jaytee: have to used the HT 286 ATA with faxing before? as long as it's on the same switch as the asterisk server with the PRI, should be stable enough to work?
15:43.32jeff_phillipscoppice: I thought FXS = forign exchange "station" and FXO = forign exchange "operator", thus operator = the telco & station = the phone
15:43.51coppicethere's the "thing wat puts out the volts" and there's the "thing wat takes in the volts"
15:43.52jayteeDavidR2008, yeah, with T38 passthrough it works fine
15:44.14coppiceFXO is actually foreign exchange office, as in central office
15:44.35Kattyhmm. hungry.
15:44.37jayteewhich means to me "line side"
15:44.43coppiceand the FXO port does *not* go in the central office
15:44.49jayteehands Katty a sammich
15:45.24coppiceand what's so bloody foreign about them? they might be made in China, but its to a local spec :-\
15:45.37jeff_phillipscoppice: me confused. what does "office" in "forign exchange office" refer to then?
15:45.57coppicethe central office, i.e. the exchange building
15:46.21jeff_phillipsthen fxo=telco's office, and fxs=the phone... like I thought
15:46.44Kattyjaytee: i was actually plotting mexican
15:46.45jeff_phillipsi don't see what's backwards about the zaptel then
15:46.56jayteecoppice, trying to undo 30 some odd years of bad naming conventions is impractical. when I was younger and having to debug some old poorly documented COBOL code I thought of going back in time to murder the guy who invented the GOTO but a friend said, "Nah, someone else would just invent the COMEFROM". I surrendered to the inevitable.
15:47.02tompawis there a way to set CallerID for DISA?
15:47.05coppiceexcept the ports called FXO are the station, and the ports called FXS go in the central office
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15:48.56coppicejaytee: outside the US we didn't have this bloody stupid naming until VoIP came along. how come the dumb names are the ones to become universal?
15:48.58jeff_phillipsI think it is correct as it is
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15:49.29jayteecoppice, so you're saying an analog line to the telco is supposed to go into an FXS port? WRONG!
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15:49.53jeff_phillipsI think the confusion of naming conventions is the "forign exchange" part of the name.
15:49.59coppiceno. the port at the exchange is the FXS port, but its not the station, its the office
15:50.33deadpigeonif I'm just changing echotraining and echocancel settings, can I do a dahdi restart to test, or do I have to restart the server?
15:50.41coppiceI think it was named by some sadistic bastard the day he was laid off
15:51.27jeff_phillipscoppice: I think it was named this way because they have FXS ports for each customer's "station" on the local exchange, and FXO ports for each connection to a "forgin exchange operator"
15:51.35jayteecoppice, or deliberately obfuscated by AT&T in a blatant attempt to control their monopoly and create a kind of "guild" knowledge base where information was cloistered.
15:51.51jeff_phillipsIn our private PBX, we have FXS for each end user's "station" and FXO for the "forign" telephone company operator's lines coming into our system
15:52.18deadpigeonwhich is correct.
15:52.20jayteejeff_phillips, makes perfect sense to me, but then I'm a dinosaur :-)
15:52.20jeff_phillipsthink of your PBX as BEING a telco exchange
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15:52.42jeff_phillipsthe telco's excahnge is "forign" to our local PBX exchange
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15:53.08coppice"damn foreigners took our jobs. I'll show 'em"
15:53.15deadpigeonso..... can I just do a dahdi restart to test echo settings? or does the server have to be reboot?
15:53.19tompaw"they took our jobs!"
15:53.38jayteehell, I remember working in a RCA telco facility on Elmendorf AFB in Anchorage back in the 70's that had the old electromechanical rotary switches. You needed earplugs just to work.
15:54.05coppiceand they lasted a lot longer than any electronic exchange
15:54.12jayteeit's so hard to find a good anglo-saxon gardener in America these days!
15:54.20jeff_phillipsjaytee: Verizon bought out the old GTE Michigan exchanges and until around 1996 or so we still had that in our local exchange!
15:54.33jeff_phillipsThey had some equipment that decoded the DTMF tones and converted it back to rotary dial
15:54.45jeff_phillipsif you walked in there you could hear all the melchanical switches working
15:55.16jeff_phillipsI want to say around 1989 or 1990 was when we got private lines. I remember a party line growing up in the 80's
15:55.36coppiceIn 1996 Indian Telephone Industries was still making that stuff
15:55.37deadpigeonour central office here is relatively loud just with a dozen or so clec's equipment in the general area.
15:56.15DavidR2008I'm a little confused by the statement "T.38 passthrough" the problem may be that I don't understand T.38 well enough, but the asterisk server is connect to a POTS PRI so it seems like the asterisk server would have to convert T.38 back in to the "normal" fax on the PRI voice channel
15:56.17jayteeremember the original Bell "Princess" phone? it had to have a second pair to the jack just to light the dial and good old Ma Bell charged extra for it. Then they finally came out with a phone with an A/C adapter for the light.
15:56.40jayteeWTF is a POTS PRI?
15:56.41deadpigeonpots pri? heheh.
15:57.34deadpigeonpri signalling is digital. t.38 is old at&t signalling right?
15:57.35jeff_phillipsWhen you'd dial an adjacent rate center, which was a call completed over local trunks to the adjacent CO -- whenever those trunks were busy the call would route from Verizon's CO to a Michigan Bell & later Ameritech operator who would say "Number please?" and was expecting you to say YOUR OWN number, not the number you are calling... so they'd know who to bill the call to
15:57.39deadpigeonpots is typically fxs or gr303
15:57.41deadpigeonthese days.
15:57.48DavidR2008a standard PRI. I'm not sending VoIP over the PRI it's standard channelized T1
15:57.51jeff_phillipsbecause the mechancial switch would lose the information of who was the dialing party when it reached the overflow routes
15:58.00DavidR2008maybe I shouldn't have said POTS
15:58.17deadpigeonno you shouldnt have. is it just a channelized T1 loop? or is it actually a pri?
15:58.44DavidR2008actually a PRI
15:58.56coppiceDavidR2008: most people still consider them POTS if they have none of the clever stuff enabled
15:59.02jayteein laymen's terms do you have 24 voice channels or 23 voice channels and a D channel?
15:59.09jeff_phillipsmy friend Nick who grew up just down the street from me had CenturyTel, where private lines & touch tone service seemed to always exist as far back as he could remember. when he tried to call his mom from my house one time and had an operator cut in asking "number please?" when we were teenagers, it threw him for a loop
15:59.22deadpigeonright. so wheres the issue david? fax troubles?
15:59.25jeff_phillipshe said his own number -- the number he was trying to dail. The operator said "no it's not" and hung up on him
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15:59.51DavidR2008maybe no issue, I'm trying to set it up and make sure I purchase the right equipment
16:00.23deadpigeoni never cared much for fax over pri's via asterisk, although that was years ago when I had issues with asterisk and faxing.
16:00.26jayteeDavid, the ATA adapter treats the fax on the FXS port as SIP device. * handles the channel bridging between SIP (VOIP) and PRI. T38 passthrough means * doesn't handle any of the T38 stuff, it just routes the packets.
16:00.29deadpigeonim sure it's had some work since.
16:01.11DavidR2008ok, great! so it should just work (tm) :-)
16:01.35deadpigeonstill wondering if I can test echo without rebooting =/
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16:02.32jeff_phillipsMy solution to the fax problem was to just get an ATA device that supported T.38 and configure it to talk directly to the SIP termination provider and forget about sending it through asterisk
16:02.36jeff_phillipsworks just dandy
16:03.04DavidR2008well I am the SIP termination provider :-) I have voice PRIs from the telco
16:03.07jayteeDavidR2008, you need to have t38_udptl=yes in the general section of your sip.conf and set the ATA to enable T38 passthrough.
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16:03.26DavidR2008jaytee: thx!
16:03.36jeff_phillipsDavidR2008: Ah, I'm stuck with a couple of POTS lines and the rest of everything is over IP in some flavor.
16:03.37jayteeDavidR2008, yw!
16:03.53jayteejeff_phillips, hopefully chocolate
16:04.04beekmorning jaytee
16:04.15jayteemorning beek
16:04.26jeff_phillipsonly issue I have now is we are paying 1.6 cents a minute to terminate the occasional local fax that could have been free over the POTS. But when we had it plugged into the POTS we were paying like 7 cents a minute for long distance, and most of our faxes are long distance. So the boss is happy as the bill is a lot lower now overall
16:04.38beekjaytee: How's the Nortel removal coming?
16:04.51jeff_phillipswe did introduce one new issue though that I'm telling the office secretaries to just deal with
16:05.01jayteebeek, it's off the wall and sold for peanuts already
16:05.12DavidR2008now to throw a curve ball, can I have * take the T.38 and send the fax out a POTS line (true POTS: DS0)?
16:05.16beekSo you get to admire that empty space.
16:05.26jayteebeek, yup
16:05.50jayteeDavidR2008, you'd need an FXO line in the * box to route the call to the POTS line
16:05.52jeff_phillipsDavidR2008: I'm sure you can, the only reason I didn't was because I was tired of fussing with the gateway I had the building extension wiring hooked up to
16:06.09jayteeand a way to handle it specifically for that fax in your dialplan
16:06.27DavidR2008ok, I've got a sangoma A200 with four FXO lines
16:06.30jeff_phillipsuse a custom context so calls from that extension go to that channel
16:07.42jeff_phillipsour secretaries apparently had the habbit of sending a fax to ourselves by dialing the number of the fax to e-mail service we ported our fax over to a long time ago. When I spoofed that same # on the outbound caller ID sent on our SIP trunk which we're using to send faxes now, they discovered they can't send a fax to themselves anymore
16:08.18jeff_phillipswhen the fax-to-email provider receives a call from the same # that they provide it goes to some voice mail pin number prompt which they say is ran by the same software that does their fax service.
16:08.36jayteeDavidR2008, so make sure that the SIP account for the ATA the fax is hooked to has no other outbound route in it's context for routing outbound calls other than the zap channel the POTS line is plugged into.
16:08.45jeff_phillipsI asked the secretaries why they dont' just use the "scan" button---all that faxing it to ourselves did was get a crappy scan to their e-mail.
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16:09.03jeff_phillipsThey can't give me a straight answer but want me to fix it so they can use the "fax" button to scan stuff to the computer right next to the machine
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16:09.34deadpigeoni'd just slap them upside the head.
16:09.43jeff_phillipsi'd like to
16:09.44DavidR2008jaytee: what I need to do is route a normal faxes out over the PRI (using T.38 pass through) and any 800# faxes out over the POTS line (I can't dial an 800# on the PRI)
16:09.53jayteejeff_phillips, when you've worked in IT as long as I have you never underestimate the stupidity or the laziness of the average computer user.
16:10.13jayteemost of them are totally perplexed just trying to create a shortcut on their desktops.
16:10.36jeff_phillipsthe best answer they've come up with is that the scan button produces "nicer" results and therefore it doesn't "match" the poor quality of the other faxes they have saved in the same folder
16:10.56deadpigeonnicer results, that's unacceptable.
16:11.08jeff_phillipsyeah, lol! that's their complaint!
16:11.18jayteeDavidR2008, so just do a pattern match for standard numbers to dial out the PRI and a pattern match for 18XXNXXXXXX numbers to go out the FXO zap channel number
16:11.33jeff_phillipsand as such they've actually put a ticket in for me to 'fix' this 'problem'
16:11.51DavidR2008I'll be picking up a HT 286 ATA and testing this out post haste
16:12.01jayteejeff_phillips, can't you just close the ticket with a PEBKAC or a RUTOK?
16:13.00deadpigeonjeff_phillips: In situations like that, I tell people "That isn't possible, because it will cause I D ten T errors on our equipment."
16:13.03deadpigeonheh =/
16:13.29jeff_phillipsWell they've pressured me for details as to why it's a problem now and it wasn't a problem when we just had the fax line plugged directly into the POTS line
16:13.41jaytee"that's a Layer 8 switching problem"
16:13.54deadpigeonIt's an ID10T error!
16:13.59jeff_phillipsso I tried to explain it to them that when we did it that way the outbound caller ID was incorrect and showed our phone number, not our fax number.
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16:14.19jeff_phillipsSo now that I have the fax's outbound caller ID correct, they want me to change it to not be correct anymore so that they can continue sending faxes to themselves instead of pushing scan
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16:15.18jayteejeff_phillips, sounds like one of those "stay with Charlie Babbitt or go back to Wallbrook" issues.
16:17.37sacitechello everyone, i was doing research about wireless IP phone 7925G( that uses sccp protocol. I see in that this model is supported. Does anyone have a success case with this protocol and this ip phone model ? thanks in advance
16:18.31DavidR2008jeff_phillips: is this in *? if so couldn't you munge the the outbound caller id if they're dialing their own number? (Not really suggesting continuing to support their bad habbits)
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16:27.38jeff_phillipsNo I just put an ATA device and went straight to the SIP provider for a cheap fix rather than having to fuss with setting everything up properly
16:28.03jeff_phillipsSo yes, I could "fix" it so they can fax themselves, i suppose... but I'd rather they just learn to push the right button
16:28.18jeff_phillipsin other words, I'd rather they learn to do things right even when I don't. haha
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16:30.06Ritzeriskany of you gotten t38modem to work or even messed with it yet
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16:30.29DavidR2008jeff_phillips: that's always best! :-D
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16:33.50jeff_phillipsOne thing I'm wondering about -- does T38 get crummy without QoS on the IP connection? Because they have crappy IP connectivity in the building I threw that ATA in for their lousy fax machine. The phone extensions over there I have hard wired to a VoIP gateway in this building (different IP connection)
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16:34.49hjb_256I'm using a softphone with ABE on the local LAN.  The HOLD button on the softphone will place a call on hold but will not pick the call back up.  Soft phones that traverse my InGate work fine.  Hard phone on the LAN also work fine.  Anyone have any suggestions?
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16:45.07hjb_256nobody has any clues?
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16:45.28martyn-dev2I need your help.. look it.
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16:45.51CapriCoRN^80i am using Mv 370 gateway with asterisk. I have configured it and my sip users call to outside using sim. i just want to put a sound when i user call to MV sip account after that a sound is play saying enter your mobile no
16:45.56awk_rlooks it.
16:45.59CapriCoRN^80how can i accomplish that ?
16:46.32martyn-dev2i have some grandstream bt100 and some bt200 phones on my networks companny. the bt200 registered ok but all the bt100 is not registered. :(
16:46.40DavidR2008awk_r: you definitely look it!
16:46.43martyn-dev2Yesterday was works :( but today no.
16:47.25martyn-dev2my asterisk server is on network2 and my phones are on network1
16:48.13rue_mohrand the address of your gateway is?
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16:49.51awk_rmartyn-dev2, sounds like you need to replace your flux capacitor.
16:49.51*** join/#asterisk path_ (
16:49.54awk_r(was just kidding). check your Asterisk CLI to see if it is receiving the SIP registers or not
16:50.31martyn-dev2awk_r:  not recive that. i try with ngrep -d any port 5060 | grep some_bt100ip, but not request is there :(
16:50.58awk_rmartyn-dev2, then it looks like a network issue? talk to your network guru
16:51.26martyn-dev2no, really not
16:51.55awk_rmartyn-dev2, have you changed your phone configs recently?
16:51.56jayteemartyn-dev2, are the bt100's on the same net as the bt200's?
16:52.01awk_ror the IP of Asterisk?
16:57.13zeeeshhow and where can i identify either both legs answered or not... i hv try to find in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv... but if peer B receiving ring from peer A , and if peer a will not even answer the call ... and peer B hangup ... it shows in Master.csv like this ... 17,17,"ANSWERED","DOCUMENTATION" ... how can i know either both legs open or not ?
16:58.25CapriCoRN^80can i get some help ? ;)
16:58.45*** join/#asterisk quintana ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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17:00.18martyn-dev2awk_r: jaytee yes the network is the same
17:01.17awk_rmartyn-dev2, and you've verified that the bt100 phones are attempting to register to the correction IP/domain
17:02.13jayteemartyn-dev2, yes, verify that the bt100's are set to register to the correct address
17:03.01*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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17:07.21Ritzeriskanyone messed with getting t38modem to work
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17:12.41DavidR2008hey all, I've got a POTS line from the phone company and * isn't detecting hangup on it, any suggestions?
17:15.55ChainsawDavidR2008: Normally means you need kewlstart signalling (if you're currently on loopstart, that is).
17:16.07ChainsawDavidR2008: Also, make sure you're on the correct country setting for your telephony adapter.
17:16.18DavidR2008that would be FXO_ks right? that's what it is now
17:16.19QwellDavidR2008: What hardware?
17:16.27DavidR2008Sangoma A200
17:18.34jayteeDavidR2008, no you need to use fsx_ks signalling for FXO ports. I know that sounds backwards but that's just "the way it is" in happy Asterisk land.
17:18.56jayteeoops, that's fxs_ks not fsx_ks
17:19.18DavidR2008sorry!!!! I started a whole firestorm a few minutes ago by saying the wrong port. it is fxs_ks
17:19.44ChainsawDavidR2008: Alright, so you're on kewlstart already. Is your country set correctly?
17:19.49*** part/#asterisk martyn-dev2 (n=admin@
17:20.01*** join/#asterisk elred (
17:20.14Qwellelred: interesting...err...hostname
17:20.23Qwellthe .org is a nice touch
17:21.05QwellAre you 503(c)?
17:21.07DavidR2008where is country set?
17:21.15jayteebet if I did a whois on the domain it would either come up Wyoming or Australia (ducks and runs away)
17:21.15Qwellerr, 501*
17:21.26elredI am trying to automate the detection of number of available channel (FXO) on a given zaptel-compatible card. Any idee how to do ?
17:21.26ChainsawDavidR2008: Generally in the same config where you select fxs_ks signalling.
17:21.26Qwellboth.  whatever.
17:22.17*** join/#asterisk martyn-dev2 (n=admin@
17:22.23jayteeelred, checkout the Groupcount dialplan function
17:22.25martyn-dev2hi awk_r
17:22.51martyn-dev2i'vebeen talked with network guru. and the request frombt100 is none across firewall :(
17:23.07elredAlso, I am coding an AGI to allow outbound call thru Zap channels, but I don't know which one is in use and which one is free. I first thought of doing Dial(Zap/1/${number}&Zap/2/${number}&etc) but what is the right way to do it ? I am afraid it use all channel available trying all to call the same number, and if it doesn't reply within 30 seconde for example, all my ZAP channel will be "busy" when only one would have been enough. Any idee?
17:23.15elredjaytee : thx let's look at that
17:23.50Qwellelred: Zaptel has groups you can use...
17:23.53DavidR2008I'm using dahdi and I can't find anything about setting a country in span_dahdi.conf
17:24.04QwellSo instead of dialing on a specific channel like Zap/1, you use Zap/g1, and it'll use any line in that group
17:24.10Qwell(any available line, I should say)
17:24.19ayesoIm trying to create a conference, i have setup the room in meetme.conf, when I try to join i get this error:  app_meetme.c:800 build_conf: Unable to open pseudo device  anyone know why?
17:24.30Qwellthat's all built-in - you don't need any fancy logic for it
17:24.36jayteeDavidR2008, it's in /etc/dahdi/system.conf and it's called loadzone="countrycode"
17:24.39elredQwell : oh I see, thanks
17:24.40Qwellayeso: got ztdummy loaded?
17:24.51*** join/#asterisk bob_slacker (n=alberthf@
17:24.59ayesoQwell: probably not, what is it?
17:26.01Gido-Eayeso do you use dahdi?
17:26.45ayesoGido-E: I dont know, I always install * from a repo, and I only use SIP, no cards
17:28.59Gido-Eayeso is there a zaptel script in your /etc/init.d?
17:29.40ayesoGido-E: no there is not
17:30.16DavidR2008jaytee: I didn't have a system.conf I created on and put the line in it, but no change.
17:30.28*** join/#asterisk filo1234 (n=filo@unaffiliated/filo1234)
17:30.36ChainsawDavidR2008: You want loadzone & defaultzone.
17:30.41ayesoGido-E: core show version: Asterisk
17:30.42jayteeDavidR2008, are you running dahdi or zaptel?
17:30.46ChainsawDavidR2008: Afterwards, unload & reload your dahdi modules to apply the settings.
17:30.53Gido-Eayeso, you need a pseudo timer to get meetme working. That is your problem. You can get it with dahdi or zaptel.
17:31.24ChainsawDavidR2008: You may also need it on the module options itself. Before I got it right:
17:31.25ChainsawPort 1: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
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17:31.29jayteeDavidR2008, and these ports have been working? without a system.conf file?
17:31.35ChainsawAnd after I fixed that up:
17:31.36ChainsawPort 1: Installed -- AUTO FXO (UK mode)
17:32.00ayesoGido-E: know of any URL that can get me started? I do have dahdi in my init.d
17:32.04DavidR2008well, sort of. I can dial out and dial in, the * server just don't recognize when the far end hangs up
17:32.05filo1234hi i have installed asterisknow, and i have connect 2 analogic phones on my card, but i don't know how to test it
17:32.24DavidR2008I just installed the card about 30 minutes ago
17:32.25[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: place calls <-
17:32.53jayteeI wouldn't think that dahdi would even work without a system.conf file
17:32.55Gido-Eayeso, i sould try     /etc/init.d/dahdi start . then restart asterisk
17:33.23*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
17:33.33hardwireanybody using broadvoice.. please plug your ears
17:33.39hardwireok it's over.
17:33.52hardwirerather.. anybody here working for them.. :P
17:33.52Gido-Eayeso : check with lsmod if the modules are loaded: dahdi, dahdi_dummy, dahdi_transcode
17:34.07filo1234[TK]D-Fender: where?
17:34.11*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
17:34.30[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: Configure your devices & your dialplan and place calls.
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17:36.47ayesoGido-E: I get a bunch of failures when trying to start dahdi.... should i reinstall it?
17:37.10jeff_phillips[TK]D-Fender: a bit embarassed to admit but in wiring up this new amplifer i discovered that using the 70 volt speaker output to use speakers with transformers requires the entire amp be put in mono mode instead of stereo. so much for trying to seperate the left / right * console audio output as seperate extensions
17:37.31Gido-Eayeso hmm, i dont know. Did you upgrade the kernel?
17:38.30ayesoGido-E: i probably have since the initial installation of *
17:38.35[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: SMRT
17:38.43Gido-Eayeso then i would give it a try.
17:38.54ayesoGido-E: ill give a shot
17:39.03filo1234[TK]D-Fender: sorry but i don't know how configure my devices
17:39.05[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: Still a few more corners to paint yourself into.... keep at it DaVinci
17:39.11jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:39.13[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: ^^^^
17:39.50jeff_phillips[TK]D-Fender: Working on it. believe it or not I got 3 buckets of paint sitting behind me & am intending on finshing painting into the corner of my office next week hopefully
17:41.26DavidR2008I can't find a system.conf sample file. I tried running make samples in my * src directory
17:42.04Ritzeriskanyone messed with getting t38modem to work
17:44.15[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: maybe because it isn't part of ASTERISK
17:45.35DavidR2008well chan_dadhi is in * menuconfig so I thought it was worth a try
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17:46.19CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: i am using Mv 370 gateway with asterisk. I have configured it and my sip users call to outside using sim. i just want to put a sound when i user call to MV sip account after that a sound is play saying enter your mobile no
17:46.55[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: "core show application playback"
17:47.13CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: any site containing example of such scanrio
17:47.29*** part/#asterisk codebanshee (n=chris@
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17:47.33[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: Scenario?  Its a &^%#$ing single PLAYBACK
17:47.43[TK]D-FenderSHEESH!! :p
17:47.48DavidR2008ok, I continue to stumble through this. :-S I didn't run dahdi_cfg which creates system.conf
17:49.03jeff_phillipswhere to i turn up the volume level on the console sound card output?
17:50.17[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: alsamixer
17:50.54*** join/#asterisk CapriCoRN^80 (n=int@
17:51.45DavidR2008I'm not thinking clearly. I'll come back after lunch and take a shot at this again. thanks everyone for the help
17:51.51jeff_phillipsthanks. :)
17:54.34jeff_phillipsOk, I get the master, PCM, CD, line in, etc etc... But what's this volume slider for an item named "IEC958 Playback AC97-SPSA"?
17:54.51*** join/#asterisk raden_work (
17:55.35raden_workwe have 22 phone lines total between office and apartments is there a way to get like wholesale pricing on SIP ?
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17:56.07CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: you are right but as i told you in my case that i am little confused. As when sip user dial exten 200x which is my MV 370. it will connect to it and i get a different dial tone and i enter any mobile no to dial
17:56.29jeff_phillipsraden_work: there are tons of sip termination providers. where do most of your calls go?
17:56.36[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: Go read your device's manual
17:56.39CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: i placed playback after dial but it didnt work
17:57.05raden_workjeff, mostly inbound i figured switch apartments over save tenants money verizon  66 mo for unlimited long distance up here
17:57.06[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: Nevermind the "playback", that was before you properly explained what you wanted
17:57.16CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: why device manual , why not * ?
17:57.22raden_worki mean i want to be down to like $ 20 per line
17:57.36raden_workjeff_phillips, ^
17:58.03[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: because if your device gives a dialtone to * then IT has already answered the call and is in control.
17:58.07jeff_phillipsraden_work: I was looking at It's a worldcom reseller $8.99/did
17:58.20jeff_phillips20 channels unmetered, and 20% of the channels can be shared
17:58.38raden_workwhat you mean shared ?
17:58.42CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: ok
17:59.28jeff_phillipsraden_work: from what they tell me, each DID has 20 channels. If you need more it's $2 per channel, but if some DIDs are only using a couple of channels while you're going over 20 channels on just one or two of them, you can "share" 20% of the other DID's unused channels to pool with the high-traffic DID
17:59.30*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@nat/yahoo/x-9c42d130b8ef67f6)
17:59.47jeff_phillipsI'm using for outbound right now. Seems to work well.
17:59.50[TK]D-Fenderjeff_phillips: DID's don't have "channels"
17:59.59raden_workyeah im confussed
18:01.25raden_work[TK]D-Fender, well i see why he said that checkout this
18:02.10raden_workwhat do they mean 20 channels on one number im lost
18:02.43*** join/#asterisk jeff_phillips (
18:02.50raden_work5. Each DID comes with Up to 20 Simultaneous channels.  << on there website
18:03.06jeff_phillipsback sorry, DSL seems to be crappy todya
18:03.26filo1234[TK]D-Fender: can i configure all from webpage?
18:03.59jeff_phillipsYes, each DID includes 20 channels, $2/channel for additional. OR if you have multiple DIDs on the same account you can share 20% of the included 20 channels on the lightly used DIDs with the channels you need over 20 in the high traffic DIDs
18:04.02[TK]D-Fenderfilo1234: GUI's are not supported in this channel, please read the topic for a list of other related palces
18:05.28raden_workwhats the difference in a DID vs a channel I'm confused
18:05.37jeff_phillipsDID = a phone number
18:05.49jeff_phillips# of channels = number of simultaneous phone calls
18:06.31jeff_phillipsYou pay $8.99 and you can receive 20 simultaneous phone calls on that phone number. Additional simultaneous calls = $2/month or you do the 20% sharing trick
18:07.01jeff_phillipsit's the cheapest provider I've found for high-volume inbound calls
18:07.03*** join/#asterisk BBMitch (n=Miranda@
18:07.08jeff_phillipsfor low volume you can do better
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18:07.32raden_workhow manyoutbound can i have
18:07.43jeff_phillipsNone from them. They only sell inbound.
18:07.44*** part/#asterisk filo1234 (n=filo@unaffiliated/filo1234)
18:07.51raden_workim confussed
18:07.57raden_worki need inbound & outbound
18:08.10jeff_phillipsJust setup a different provider with low rates for SIP termination for your outbound
18:08.22*** join/#asterisk HouseMD (n=nandateb@unaffiliated/geek)
18:08.28jeff_phillipsI'm using for my outbound, but you can setup multiple SIP providers to do least cost routing depending on where you are dialing
18:09.15jeff_phillipsThe package deals that include both inbound & outbound usually cost more than if you break it down into specific services
18:09.21raden_worksip termination is outbound i take it origination is inbound ?
18:09.23BBMitchHi guys - I have a weird RTP issue - I captured it with wireshark - an older phone (linksys SPA942 with firmware 4.1.18) starts a malformed rtp as identified by wireshark - thish causes asterisk to start a stream of about 10000 packets per second - when a few of these occur at once the switch flips into blocking mode... is this a known issue? Even though the firmware should be updated, it does see
18:09.23BBMitchm like a vulnerability - what should I do to help - I have packet traces
18:09.36jeff_phillipsyes, termination = outbound, origination = inbound
18:10.57raden_workwhgats a rate center for origination ?
18:11.20jeff_phillipsrate center is the city the phone number is in that people dial to reach you on.
18:11.21bmoracaraden_work: doesn't usually matter.  rates are billed based on source and destination ANIs
18:11.31BBMitchraden: rate centers are the local region around a calling area...
18:11.54DavidR2008ok, I finally have everything sorted out. Here are my two config files: the problem is that * doesn't recognize hangups from the POTS line
18:11.57BBMitchraden: lnp (local number portability) is only possible WITHIN a rate center for example
18:12.13raden_workok that makes sense
18:12.17jeff_phillipsGood point, you probably want to keep your existing phone numbers, right?
18:12.44raden_workdont really matter but its nice
18:12.55*** join/#asterisk roy_hobbs (
18:13.03raden_worki just want $20 per phone number but i want to have extra outgoing if needed
18:13.07*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
18:13.24raden_work$20 unlimited incoming / outgoing nationwide  or less
18:13.44jeff_phillipsraden_work: I was unable to port our local POTS # to any DID provider because of limited CLEC competition in our rate center
18:13.57BBMitchDoes anyone know the prefered method for submitting a bug report - I don't know for sure, but this RTP issue could be a possible denial of service attack on asterisk
18:14.05*** part/#asterisk roy_hobbs (
18:17.50[TK]D-FenderDavidR2008: You need to ask your telco to provide CDS.
18:17.52jbot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
18:18.27*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
18:18.29DavidR2008[TK]D-Fender: thanks
18:22.15*** part/#asterisk Ericounet (
18:23.07BBMitchI see the mantis tool - I guess I'll post some information there - but I don't think I can attach the packet trace - it's only 1 minute long but it's over 100MB
18:25.16QwellBBMitch: not much the bug tracker can do to help with a DoS..
18:25.30BBMitchIt's not a DOS though....
18:25.39BBMitchI have it happening twice.
18:25.51Qwellyou just said you thought it might be
18:26.06BBMitchSaid it could be turned into one... First the phone sends an RTP packet which wireshark reports is "malformed"
18:26.26BBMitchThen asterisk responds with about 10000pps of rtp traffic until the port is blocked
18:26.50BBMitchI have the packet capture, the asterisk logs...
18:27.31BBMitchIt only happens with a phone with older firmware, so I can fix MY problem by updating the phone, but if a phone can trigger that effect I figure something else could to...
18:28.02Ritzeriskanyone gotten any t38 working .. ..
18:28.29raden_worki know this is problaly a dumb question but my phones are G.711 is there a way to run g.729 to my provider and g.711 internally  ?
18:28.52BBMitchit seems to happen around the time the phone call is put on hold - then he puts a second call on hold to return to the first, but these rtp streams saturate the update storm limit on the switch triggering blocking mode
18:29.26BBMitchWe've seen it happen a few times, but this time we had wireshark running (we leave it running all the time now ;-)
18:30.10QwellBBMitch: well, if you can show the trace leading up to it, that might be most useful
18:31.08[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Of course, but you'll need to purchase G.729 licenses for * to be able to transcode to it
18:31.10BBMitchI have asterisk full output and the full packet capture - there's no "gdb" output or similar though. Is that enough?
18:33.04raden_workso trascode at my server i can run phones 711 on network and 729 to provider from server
18:34.06[TK]D-Fenderraden_work: Sure
18:36.34*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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18:57.05ShadadTrying to reslove a problem installing asterisk-addons on FreeBSD 7. ./configure works fine but running gmake I get "error: asterisk.h: No such file or directory". I have tried ./configure --with-asterisk= pointing it to my src directory and adding +CFLAGS+=-I to the makefile with no success. Any suggestions?
18:59.01mmlj4Shadad: stick your asterisk source in /usr/include and recompile that, then work on the addons
18:59.19mmlj4/usr/include/asterisk, i mean
18:59.49ShadadThanks mmlj4, ill give it a try
19:00.14*** join/#asterisk stoffell (
19:02.16rue_mohrI need a variable name that holds the extension number of the person who is on the phone
19:03.44EmleyMoorI have a macro that is called on answer by using the M option of the Dial app... is there any way in 1.4 to make this a Gosub instead?
19:04.29rue_mohrhmm could you show us what you want to change using a pastebin site?
19:04.32jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
19:04.52Kattymmm, bww
19:05.35Shadadrue_mohr: ${EXTEN} is a predined variable that tells you the current extension.
19:05.46rue_mohrno it tells you what the user dialed
19:05.52rue_mohrnot what their phone is
19:05.56[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No, it doesn't
19:06.05rue_mohryea, I been using it
19:06.10[TK]D-Fender[15:05]<Shadad>rue_mohr: ${EXTEN} is a predined variable that tells you the current extension. <- true
19:06.28rue_mohrthen why does it only contain what they dialed?
19:06.40rue_mohrI want to kow who they are not what they dialed
19:07.11rue_mohrI think I worded my question wrong to be fair
19:07.21rue_mohrI want to know the call origionator
19:07.49rue_mohrbut I think that would be a problem if I didn't have the sip accounts with the same number as their extension
19:07.57[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Look at the channel name
19:08.10rue_mohrok, ${CHAN}?
19:08.30[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Go rad the CHANNELVARIABLES texts in your DOCS folder
19:08.49rue_mohrhah, silly me, I had my head burried in the book
19:10.27EmleyMoor shows the macro and why I think it currently has to be one...
19:12.39*** join/#asterisk Snublefot (
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19:17.33EmleyMoorI have migrated all my other "no parameters" macros...
19:19.54EmleyMoorI have to wait for 1.6 to migrate the others
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19:27.24leifmadsenAsterisk,, & Asterisk-Addons, Now Available!
19:27.46*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
19:28.16jplankw00t rc2!
19:28.32EmleyMoorI'm likely to be sticking with 1.4 for some time
19:29.33jplankI wont be upgrading existing clients, but I'm looking forward to start working with it in my lab
19:29.46jplankI'm looking forward to the better video codec negotiation
19:31.34*** join/#asterisk RoPBX (n=nickserv@
19:31.43RoPBXhello all
19:32.05RoPBXplease how do I activate MySQL CDR on asterisk?
19:32.29Kattyso i'm thinking of taking the rest of the day off
19:33.22shyam_kafter configuring the s extension, to make it working, how to call? i just call "s" from the softphone?
19:33.50Katty1111111 => Goto(context,s,1)
19:34.01Kattyor something like that
19:35.08Kattyexten => 11111111,1,Goto(context,s,1)
19:35.18Kattybeing braindead today, apparently
19:35.39shyam_khmm.. k..
19:36.12rue_mohranyone know reasons why read wouldn't work?
19:36.30Kattybecause you're not giving it anything to read.
19:36.36rue_mohraka, you sit there pushing buttons like mad and it times out with "no user input" or the like
19:37.01Kattyi think i have a read example on my blog.
19:37.39Kattyyou can dig the read bits out
19:37.41*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
19:38.15rue_mohrhuh, thats no different thatn what I did
19:38.27rue_mohraccept my variable wasn't all uppercase
19:38.40mchouCall 1 Round Trip Delay:34218843 ms
19:38.43Kattythen as fender says
19:38.51Kattycause we don't read minds :P
19:39.06rue_mohryep, just asking if there was a common gotcha
19:39.28shyam_kthe TFOT says "when calls enter a context without a specific destination extension( for example, a ringing FXO line), they are passed to the extension." i didn't get what that situatio n is..
19:39.35Katty <- more read
19:40.42Kattyi have another read example in some call barging stuff
19:40.55Kattybut it's not user input
19:41.26Kattyhi moggy
19:41.43Moghi katty
19:41.51Mogi need to figure out why it keeps doing that
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19:49.39Kattyhehe peas out
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19:58.43hardwiredoes anybody have a firmware pusher for an older spa941?
19:58.53hardwireit's not looking on my servers via the provisioning options on it's web ui
19:58.58hardwireand ignoring dhcp
19:59.08rue_mohrsweet, I have an extension that reads you your incomming extension number
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20:01.54rue_mohrif I make a global thats set to ${CHANNEL:4:2}  will it be reevaluated properly for each call?
20:01.58hardwireit's completely ignoring provisioning.. even directly using the UI
20:02.34rue_mohrI dont know when the globals are evaluated, if its when * starts of if its done realtime aka substitution
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20:05.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No, you cannot
20:05.09rue_mohrok, thanks
20:05.25rue_mohrso their not macros
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20:15.05mcargiledoes the TDMoE driver provide any kind of a timing signal or do I need to use like ztdummy or a real tdm card with it?
20:17.43jplankgrrr my polycom distributor's support sucks. I call to find out if the new vvx1500 can make a SIP video call to their HDX or VSX series, his first answer in a snotty attitude was "sir video is built into the SIP standard" then I reply saying I understand that, but I'm asking if the HDX/VSX support video over the SIP standard, he then replies with the same thing with the same attitude "video is built into the SIP standard so of cour
20:18.26[TK]D-Fenderjplank: Lets summarize then : "YES"
20:18.53jplankactually the answer is NO, not until the end of the year
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20:19.32jplankThey are pushing this vvx so hard, yet it doesn't even interop with their other video conferencing products
20:20.28jplankso now I have a VVX1500 on order, and nothing to do with it until the end of the year
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20:20.49jplankanyone have a video phone and looking for someone to call :)
20:21.30jplankfender, maybe I could show you how well I've gotten my g chords :P
20:21.52telnettechi am wanting to setup a small 5 user test system with baisc functionality that can ater be expanded as I need to. Which version of asterisk would be stable enough to run as a home PBX.
20:22.55[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: any
20:22.55Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
20:24.29jplankI once had a customer tell me he didn't want me to enable telnet on a router I was installing because its so much easier to brute force telnet then ssh....I went to explain to him why that wasn't true..stopped...and just agreed
20:25.44[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
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20:31.05ayesohow can I tell if I have zaptel or dahdi installed?
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20:31.29jplankdid you install it?
20:32.02ayesojplank: Im looking for help.
20:32.29jplankif your using zap the command is zap channel status
20:32.44jplankI dont know the command for dahdi, but I'm sure its similar
20:33.41jplankzap show status**
20:34.34ayesojplank: Well let me explain what Im trying to accomplish. I use asterisk stictly for SIP traffic, no cards are installed. I am trynig to get the meetme app to work, but when I try to join a meeting it fails bitching about "unable to open pseudo device" I was advied that I needed zaptel or dahdi.
20:35.06jplanktheres ztdummy for that if you don't have a zaptel card
20:35.21jplankzaptel/dahdi is for analog or T1 devices
20:35.37jplankdo a zap show channels
20:35.43jplankdo you see somthing along the lines of
20:35.49jplankpseudo            default         en         default
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20:36.41ayesojplank: yes but nothing appears below, other than some verbiage advising to use dahdi instead
20:37.39ayesocore show version: Asterisk
20:39.21mcargilethen you do not have a timing source loaded.
20:41.00mcargiletry running "modprobe ztdummy" on the command line. If that fails try running "modprobe dahdi_dummy". and if that fails install either of them and try again
20:43.29ayesomcargile: odd, when I do modprobe ztdummy, I get an error... but when I do, modprobe dahdi_dummy, there is no output at all... I did a locate and found: /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.1.22.el5/dahdi/dahdi_dummy.ko
20:43.47mcargilethen you have dahdi compiles
20:44.02mcargiletry meetme now
20:44.28ayesomcargile: I get the error that no pseudo device an be found
20:44.41mcargileyou might need to restart asterisk
20:45.25ayesomcargile: I have.... unfortunately no luck.    Should there be a dahdi daemon running?
20:45.58mcargilenope... sorry I dont use dahdi so I am at the end of my knowledge
20:46.25ayesomcargile: Thanks anyway...
20:48.05jsmithayeso: What kernel are you currently running (type "uname -a")
20:48.54ayesoll /etc/init.d/ | grep -i dahdi   = nothing
20:50.01ayesoll /etc/init.d/ | grep -i zap = nothing
20:50.01jayteeayeso, did you run make config after running make with dahdi?
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20:50.01jayteeand chkconfig dahdi on?
20:50.56jsmithayeso: It looks like you've got DAHDI compiled (at least the dahdi_dummy driver) for your kernel, but don't have it loading with an initscript
20:50.56ayesojaytee: well I actually installed with YUM from the atrpms repo.. I uninstaled it earlier today after talking to you guys and complied from source, but had the exact same issues, so I have now reinstalled via YUM because I prefer to use a package manager whenever possible.
20:51.22jbotfrom memory, wglwat is well, good luck with all that
20:52.23jayteeayeso, try running dahdi_cfg -vvv from a terminal and see what the output says
20:52.35ayesojaytee: 1 sec
20:52.42jayteethat's assuming your "package" contains the dahdi tools
20:54.16*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
20:54.30ayesodahdi_cfg not in the path anywhere.. but located it in /usr/sbin... I get the following output
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20:55.01pigpenhi all, I setup a test server with Asterisk, with a single fxo module (digium).  I am getting:  chan_dahdi.c:2010 dahdi_enable_ec: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 4 (No such device)
20:55.27pigpenOf course I am getting a huge echo on calls via this port.
20:55.40pigpenBut it is only my side that is geting echo.
20:55.48jayteedahdi, since it's 1.6
20:55.52pigpendahdi, zap is gone in 1.6
20:55.57rue_mohryou didn't but the echo canceler card did you?
20:56.14jayteepigpen, pastebin your system.conf and chan_dahdi.conf files
20:56.22pigpenjaytee, k.
20:56.46rue_mohryour gonna need it add $300 to budget and done pass go
20:57.14rue_mohryou can try getting the hplec to work, good luck
20:57.42rue_mohrI couldn't on 1.4, the dahdi drivers and hplec dont seem to be compatible with each other*     *yet
20:57.50jayteerue_mohr, why? I'm using the TDM410 card I got in class with one FXS and one FXO and I use software EC with mg2. Works fine for me.
20:58.23rue_mohrall your guys help with software echo here didn't do a thing, you using it with pots lines?
20:58.33rue_mohrk, good
20:58.54jayteeno, I'm using it with kettle lines
20:59.23rue_mohrmy experiance is that 1.4.22 with dahdi cannot work with oslec
20:59.35rue_mohrif there was a channel history you could learn more
20:59.53pigpenjaytee, well, my config is pretty bare, standard loadzone = us, fxoks=1, fxoks=2, fxoks=3, fxsks=4
21:00.06pigpenand echocanceller=mg2,1-4
21:00.10jayteerue_mohr, I'm sure if I searched the chat archives on I'd fine all kinds of cool stuff with your nick attached
21:00.26rue_mohrI wouldn't say cool, but ok
21:00.27jayteepigpen, you only have one module you said?
21:00.33pigpenwell, one fxo.
21:01.06jayteeok, so 3 fxs mods (green) and 1 fxo (red)
21:01.24jayteeis this Digium card?
21:01.30pigpenI have been running since 1.2.3, been on bleeding edge through 1.4.x
21:01.44pigpenbut, just haven't taken the time to get familiar with 1.6
21:02.34jayteeand you have echocancel=yes, echotraining=yes and echocancelwhenbridged=yes in chan_dahdi.conf?
21:03.20pigpenechocancel=yes, yes.  bridged = no, training = 800
21:03.49pigpenone thing to note, when I run dahdi_cfg -d -5 -f -v I get:
21:04.13pigpenAll is fine but:
21:04.13pigpenSetting echocan for channel 1 to mg2
21:04.13pigpenDAHDI_ATTACH_ECHOCAN failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
21:05.01pigpenhmm..maybe the echocanceller port range does not like the range....I'll do one line for each.
21:05.54*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
21:06.42pigpenI'll set the echo settings in chan_dahdi to your reccomendations.
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21:09.01pigpenchan_dahdi.c:2010 dahdi_enable_ec: Unable to enable echo cancellation on channel 4 (No such device)
21:09.07pigpen^^upon a call.
21:10.06jayteethe syntax should be correct for your system.conf echocanceller=mg2,1-4
21:10.28pigpenyeah, it didn't help splitting them out.
21:10.32rue_mohrah thats it, the dahdi drivers bailed every time I turned on the software echo can
21:11.55pigpenI'll get it running some how.  For that matter, I have had more issues with echo canceler hardware than they are worth.
21:12.02*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
21:12.42jayteepigpen, do a locate dahdi_echocan_mg2.ko from the command line
21:13.14pigpenmaybe it doesn't like mg2
21:14.33jayteeso try kb1, sec or sec2?
21:18.12jayteewell, that's oslec, not mg2 or kb1
21:20.17jayteepigpen, what happens if you just run dahdi_cfg -vvv instead of -d -5 -f -v?
21:20.56*** join/#asterisk s14ck (i=c82302dc@gateway/web/ajax/
21:21.38pigpenSetting echocan for channel 1 to kb1
21:21.38pigpenDAHDI_ATTACH_ECHOCAN failed on channel 1: Invalid argument (22)
21:21.47pigpen^^^less output, but same resule.
21:22.25jayteeis the echocanceller="something" the last line in system.conf?
21:22.32pigpenI bet the version of dahdi has an incomplete echo package.
21:22.44pigpenyes, last line
21:22.47s14ckmoy: hi, i install SVN-moy-mfcr2-r182170 but i can't load
21:22.50jayteewhat version?
21:23.11*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
21:23.44pigpendahdi -
21:24.15jayteetry going backwards. use 2.0.0
21:24.33jayteeand download the dahdi complete package
21:24.53pigpenyeah, kinda what I was thinking.
21:24.59s14cki did try with
21:25.06pigpenwe build everything from source (gentoo)
21:25.21s14ckyes, me too on debian
21:25.22jayteebut I'm pretty sure you'll need to recompile and reinstall * afterwards
21:26.00pigpenoh, yeah.
21:26.19s14ckbut the drivers load ok
21:26.26pigpenactually I'll have my business partner do it.  He is a kernel dev for gentoo, along with strongswan and others.
21:26.40pigpenone spooky bastard.
21:27.02s14ck*CLI> module load
21:27.51s14ckand when i do *CLI> module reload
21:28.00s14cknothing happend
21:29.06hardwirethere needs to be some sort of "Original-Destination" standard.
21:29.21s14cki readed about the --prefix=/usr parameter
21:30.23s14ck# file /usr/lib/
21:30.48s14ck\/usr/lib/ symbolic link to `'
21:31.17s14cksome idea?
21:33.27*** join/#asterisk gaetronik (
21:33.27moys14ck: ldd /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
21:33.39moyread the guide in google code, and follow the steps there
21:34.00moyif the output of ldd does not show then you did not installed asterisk/openr2 correctly
21:34.10s14ckmoy: yes, i do step by step the guide
21:35.34s14ck# ldd /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/
21:36.43gaetronikHi there =>  (0xb7fd3000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7f56000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb7f41000) => /lib/i686/cmov/ (0xb7f27000) => /lib/i686/cmov/ (0xb7dcc000) => /lib/i686/cmov/ (0xb7da6000)lib/ (0xb7fd4000)
21:37.15s14ckmoy: => /usr/lib/
21:37.23moyenable debugging in /etc/asterisk/logger.conf and try to load the module, the output of module load
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21:42.21moyyou don't have dahdi devices, the guide you said you read clearly say you need to have dahdi devices, that is /dev/dahdi/1, /dev/dahdi/2 ... etc
21:43.21*** join/#asterisk _theHub (
21:43.47moyalso you have parameters commented with # and that is not accepted by Asterisk, accepted comments in chan_dahdi.conf start with semicolon ;
21:44.45moys14ck: which branch is this?
21:44.53gaetronikis the atxfer ami action present in the 1.6.0 branch?
21:45.43s14ckmoy digium TE121
21:47.00moy?? I asked which branch, where did you get the code from?
21:47.58*** join/#asterisk CapriCoRN^80 (n=int@
21:51.30moyok that branch is kind of deprecated, I need to update the guide, 2 or 3 days ago the branch was merged with asterisk trunk, that is now has R2 code in there
21:52.29s14ckmoy the same error
21:52.50Qwellmoy: and 1.6.2!
21:53.13moyQwell: oh right :)
21:53.15Qwell1.6.2 was basically merged immediately after r2 went into trunk.
21:53.22Qwellerm, branched
21:53.34moys14ck: try 1.6.2
21:54.01moyin any case the problem seems to be chan_dahdi does not see the devices, try upgrading, if it does not work send an e-mail to asterisk-r2 mailing list with your findings, I will check it as soon as I can
21:54.02s14ckmoy i did it, and the same error
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21:58.03moys14ck: did you fixed the comment issues btw?
21:58.34s14ckmoy: yes, i do
22:00.30moysecond thought, it seems it finds the device, open()n succeeds, but DAHDI_SPECIFY fails
22:02.21moyQwell: any idea of why that could happen? open() on /dev/dahdi/channel goes well but DAHDI_SPECIFY fails with "No such device or address", even though ls -la /dev/dahdi shows device 1 there
22:03.24moys14ck: what dahdi version u have?
22:06.22s14ck# /etc/init.d/dahdi stop Unloading DAHDI hardware modules: ERROR: Module dahdi is in use
22:07.44moys14ck: try using a dahdi release and make sure you restart the dahdi service (which I expect to unload and load the kernel modules) when asterisk is stopped, otherwise the old modules are still in use
22:08.41s14cki will try it
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22:14.53gsienerHi all.  I'm using Voicepulse with Asterisk 1.4.21-2.  I'm recently having an issue where I'll often dial and the call won't go through.  There's just a long pause after "-- Called HoD95nTb93/17323395100" and eventually nothing.  Sometimes I have to redial 3 or 4 times just to get through.  I have no idea where to start troubleshooting, any thoughts?
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23:18.43jeff_phillipswe've got a DSL line that seems to ... well it's hard to describe but some days it's rock solid, other days it goes a lot slower and is kinda iffy
23:18.58jeff_phillipsI also have a server at a dedicated hosting facility with tons of bandwidth.
23:20.02jeff_phillipsWhat I'm wondering is if I can have a DID # ring into the asterisk box that's behind the DSL line for at least the first couple of calls, and any remaining calls beyond what the DSL line seems to be able to handle that day I want to have answered on a hold queue on the dedicated server and passed through when there is less congestion on the DSL line...
23:20.05jeff_phillipsis this feasible?
23:23.48hardwireSo.. apparently.. when running a calling card business it's common practice to make sure the first call will be able to use 100% of it's minutes for a domestic call.. and after that first use you can just charge whatever?
23:24.26hardwiretake it from 0.8/min to 1.2/min if you wanted to.  no big deal. no legal hairy funky?
23:24.26jeff_phillipshardwire: Whaaaa??  if I bought such a calling card I'd be ticked
23:24.38hardwirejeff_phillips: of course.. that's how I'd feel too.
23:24.52hardwireI'm just trying to figure out more information on how calling card ethics work.
23:24.58hardwirepersonally I'd only sell clean cards.
23:25.15jeff_phillipsBack in the day I'd use the Sam's Club version of the AT&T calling cards a lot
23:25.16hardwirebut that's because I like to think before I spend money.. that's not our target audience apparently.
23:25.24jeff_phillipsthe ones that were like 3.9 or 4.3 cents a minute
23:25.28hardwireme as well.. I knew there were connect charges, etc..
23:25.35hardwirebut they weren't horrible.
23:25.41jeff_phillipswhat ticked me off was one day the charge for calling from a pay phone suddenly jumped from being "35 cents" to all the sudden "35 UNITS"
23:25.57hardwire25 * 3.5
23:26.05hardwire35 * 3.9
23:26.08jeff_phillipsYou realize 35 UNITS at 4.9 cents a minute or whatever they had hiked the rate to at the time ...
23:26.21jeff_phillipsIt was like $1.70 just to dial the #
23:26.22hardwirewell.. I'm a bit miffed
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23:26.36jeff_phillipsand this is what really ticked me off... You can press *** to terminate the call and go back to the menu to make another call without hanging up
23:26.42hardwireI need to program in all sorts of logic to handle all calls AFTER the first call differently
23:26.52jeff_phillipsWell they'd charge the $1.70 AGAIN for having called from a pay phone! But it was the same originating call!!!
23:27.09hardwireand make sure that when a card is sold it uses a specific static rate deck.. and then use a completely different rate deck after it's first use.
23:27.35hardwireThankfully we aren't selling in "minutes"
23:27.38jeff_phillipsso in other words you want to scam people
23:27.52hardwireexcept he took the liberty to say "calling cambodia? this card can reach 22 minutes there"
23:28.08hardwireI'd love to have a legit system
23:28.25hardwireI'm still trying to get this guy to "make sense" of his rate decks he magically finagled together.
23:28.38jeff_phillipsWell I'm working on setting up a calling card system... except I'm going to be such a cheap bastard I won't even provide a toll free # as the access number
23:28.50hardwirewhat backend software?
23:29.16hardwireI'm using a2billing at the moment.. there hasn't been a commit to trunk since 2008 sometime.
23:29.19jeff_phillipsI'm evaluating stuff right now -- the idea came to me last week
23:29.27jeff_phillipshow is a2billing workin out for ya?
23:29.36hardwireit could be less frustrating.
23:29.47hardwireI'm not a huge fan of how the db's are arranged.
23:30.00hardwireit makes it nearly impossible to make dynamic rate decks
23:30.03jeff_phillipsI am using over a dozen different SIP termination providers that all have different rates that keep changing to different countries, some with "expiring" pools of minutes
23:30.20jeff_phillipslike one gives me x number of minutes per week at one rate on x number of channels after which it switches to a different rate
23:30.37hardwirethe problem there is garanteing the first call on the card reaches the total time advertised
23:30.37jeff_phillipsI'm trying to find a program that would make it easy to download in all the rate tables and let it figure out the least cost routing
23:30.55hardwireso if I buy a $5 card from you and it says I have 1000 minutes on the iVR.. I get to use that all up.
23:31.07hardwireso you need to compute your disconnect charge and connect charge into the initial amount.
23:31.18jeff_phillipsisn't that the whole idea?
23:31.24hardwiredisconnect charge?
23:31.27hardwireI hate this line of work.
23:31.33jeff_phillipswhat the frig a disconnect charge?!
23:31.43hardwireit's a charge that you get when you hang up the phone :0
23:31.50jeff_phillipsOh for godsakes
23:31.52hardwirejeff_phillips: you get charged for hanging up.. basically.
23:32.10hardwirebut it's also a good method of charging the card AFTER the first call.. and for every call thereafter
23:32.33jeff_phillipsI'm going to keep it simple. a unit is a unit is a unit. Some destinations cost 1 unit per minute, others 2 units per minute, and so on.  No connect or disconnect fees
23:33.23jeff_phillipsI would like to add voice activated dialing with a speed dial list... not sure how to do that yet
23:33.29hardwireapparently you can't make money that way..
23:33.36hardwireI'm interested to prove otherwise
23:33.43jeff_phillipsHow can you not make money that way?
23:33.44hardwirehigher cents/minute vs funky charges.
23:33.54hardwirewell you have to make and distribute the cards if they are physical
23:33.59hardwirethen of course your time is added in
23:34.05hardwirejeff_phillips: lets put it this way
23:34.09jeff_phillipsI can call england for 9 tenths of a cent and charge people 10 cents a minute to call from a US cell phone which direct dialing costs 26 cents with a $4 monthly fee, or $1.69 without the monthly fee
23:34.18hardwireI have a server in cali that could terminate a million minutes a month if I just had the audience to use it.
23:34.35jeff_phillipsoh see, I'm just e-mailing people their pin # and dialing instructions. If they want the "card" they can print it out themselves
23:34.54bougymanhardwire: i'll take 600,000 of them.
23:35.02hardwirebougyman: whats your anti?
23:35.04bougymanwill you do $0.008 flat?
23:35.06hardwirepulls out an ace.
23:42.04deadpigeonmost long distance carrier's require a million minutes a month just to do business.
23:42.14deadpigeonand thats on the clec level.
23:51.53*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:53.42Kyoshthen comes the headaches of the fusf
23:56.15jeff_phillipsoh god, I don't even want to think of the FUSF tonight
23:58.44*** join/#asterisk infinity1 (
23:59.01infinity1whats the list of recomendded sip providers?
23:59.07infinity1i know the bot has one. how do i get it?

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