IRC log for #asterisk on 20090316

00:08.12*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:10.35RonDuttAnyone know of any Skype to SIP bridge services? Don't want the hardware. I can't remember the name but there was a company a while back that provided a service where they ran multiple instances of Skype and provided SIP information for users who signed up.
00:12.08*** join/#asterisk Shizuo (
00:12.16ShizuoHey there, Digium slaves
00:12.41snowboarder04cheers [TK]D-Fender, that looks like it's licked it
00:12.56[TK]D-Fendersnowboarder04: You're welcome.
00:13.11[TK]D-FenderShizuo: Come to spread more FUD?
00:13.26*** join/#asterisk joobie (
00:15.18snowboarder04Shizuo: check out or
00:15.26Shizuosnowboarder04: Why?
00:15.41[TK]D-Fendersnowboarder04: that'd be RonDutt you'd be referring to that
00:15.49[TK]D-Fendersnowboarder04: aim failure :)
00:16.04snowboarder04heh, np
00:16.14snowboarder04Shizuo: because you asked
00:16.26[TK]D-Fendersnowboarder04: no, HE didn't.
00:16.43ShizuoI am confused
00:16.50ShizuoCrappy IRC client?
00:16.50RonDuttAh, thanks.
00:16.54snowboarder04errm, yeah, brain failure :/
00:17.17snowboarder04RonDutt: check out or
00:17.45snowboarder04way too late for me to be up evidently
00:18.04*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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00:41.39*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:50.17AndyMLi'm having problems with dahdi - it 'starts', dahdi_cfg -vvv shows the appropriate stuff, but asterisk won't even run commands starting with 'dahdi' (dahdi show status, etc) i've tried module load etc - no luck. - - I've tried recompiling asterisk to no avail.
00:51.28*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
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00:52.17smash-Hey, does anyone here have a fonality pbxtra box im wondering if there currently having outtage with there webui. as my box is fine but im unable to connect to webui..
00:56.19*** part/#asterisk Shizuo (
01:03.43[TK]D-FenderAndyML: From what you've shown you have no channels defined for * use
01:05.59axisysanyone tell me how do I make a call to my home number and have the home phone to ring? I have a TDM400P (2 fxs, 2 fxo). my land line is going to FXO and my phone is connected to FXS port..
01:06.10axisysso far it is failing like this
01:08.17[TK]D-FenderFrom: "Cell Phone   VA" <sip:5719999999@>;tag=as02ac2474
01:08.19[TK]D-FenderTo: <sip:phone@>
01:08.25[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: wtf IS @PHONE?
01:08.38[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: and * is sending the call to ITSELF
01:09.00[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: and what is your "home phone" in this scenarin?
01:09.06axisys[TK]D-Fender: phone is one of the context in sip
01:10.01[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: host= <- this appears to be your * IP
01:10.04*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:10.15axisys[TK]D-Fender: home phone is not defined.. but matchin with `s' in extension
01:10.28[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: what do you mean "not defined"?
01:10.28axisys[TK]D-Fender: yes that is my asterisk server IP
01:10.42[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: Your description is becoming increasingly broken...
01:10.55[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: WTF is your PHONE entry doing pointing to ASTERISK's IP?
01:11.26snowboarder04anyone know if vonage provide SIP access?
01:11.42[TK]D-Fendersnowboarder04: They do if you sign up for a soft-phone account
01:11.53snowboarder04ah ha
01:12.04[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: exten => s,1,Dial(SIP/phone@phone,10) <- bad format for this.  SIP/phone <- proper
01:12.12[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: no "@phone"
01:12.26[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: And where IS that device located?
01:13.17axisys[TK]D-Fender: [phone] is pointing to context => phone1
01:14.16[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: You misunderstand how to use devices.  You send calls to "SIP/phone" to call the device referred to by [phone] in sip.conf.
01:14.45axisys <-- current extension and sip file
01:15.27[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: WHAT is [phone]?
01:17.48axisys[TK]D-Fender: w/ the change in extension u suggested..
01:18.14[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: WHAT is [phone]? <--------------------------
01:18.19axisys[TK]D-Fender: [phone] is what I defined one of the fxs port
01:18.26[TK]D-FenderNo, it ISN"T
01:18.36[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: that is in SIP>CONF.  How the hell is that an FXS PORT?
01:19.21[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: and what is the device that uses [phone]?
01:20.08axisys[TK]D-Fender: i guess i can change in extention to DIAL(from-internal) ? which is the fxs port where my phone is attached
01:20.53[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: What exactly is your phone attached to?
01:21.41axisysi have tdm400p like pci card w/ 2 fxs and 2 fxo ports.. my phone is connected to one of the fxs port and my phone line is on one of the fxo port
01:21.54[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: then this has NOTHING to do with SIP <-
01:22.09[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: and you are not dialing that other port in your dial statement
01:22.53[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: and I still can't see where you defined any channels for use with *
01:23.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: <-- you show me where....
01:23.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I see a clearly missing file and no reference to one that he DID share.
01:24.09[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: Yes, and there appears to be a file you DIDN'T show us
01:24.20jaytee[TK]D-Fender, what? you think I'm disagreeing? he's obviously not done his homework.
01:24.27AndyML[TK]D-Fender: - is this what I was missing? or is there more?
01:25.02axisys[TK]D-Fender: and
01:25.40[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Ah, that was YOURS
01:26.16[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: Ok, you just need to fix your dialplan.
01:26.33AndyML[TK]D-Fender: sorry to add to the confusion
01:26.53[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Yeah, yours did not define any zap channels due to a bad INCLUDE
01:27.04[TK]D-Fenderanylook at the names fo what's referred to.
01:27.21axisysmy goal is to able to call my nmbr from my cell and my phone ring .. but not sure how to tell it in dialplan
01:27.49[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: what kind of CHANNEL are you calling?
01:29.32[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: Zap/[port#]
01:29.35*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
01:29.51axisysso Dial(Zap/1) since my phone is attached to channel 1 ?
01:29.59[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: Looks right.
01:30.08*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
01:30.57AndyMLok, i've fixed the bad include. here are the results after an asterisk and dahdi restart -
01:32.27[TK]D-FenderAndyML: Where is your attempt to load the module manually?
01:33.01axisys[TK]D-Fender: that worked
01:33.10axisys[TK]D-Fender: thank you so much man!
01:33.34jaytee[TK]D-Fender, you're just racking up the good karma points tonight!
01:34.02[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: You're welcome.
01:34.42[TK]D-FenderAndyML: See if they got alias'd to Zap.
01:35.02AndyMLwhere would i find that?
01:35.29[TK]D-FenderandFirst fix your signaling mismatch.
01:35.43[TK]D-FenderAndyML: and then look for ZAP commands at CLI
01:36.05axisyshmm voicemail is failing
01:36.08axisysExecuting [s@from-pstn:2] VoiceMail("Zap/4-1", "line1") in new stack
01:36.14AndyML[TK]D-Fender: k
01:36.17axisys[Mar 15 21:35:20] WARNING[7075]: app_voicemail.c:3896 leave_voicemail: No entry in voicemail config file for 'line1'
01:36.19[TK]D-FenderAndyML: And FreePBX has turned your configs into repetitive spaghetti garbage.
01:36.47AndyMLno zap commands at the CLI
01:36.53axisysi do have a entry for line1 in voicemail
01:37.09[TK]D-FenderAndyML: I would recompile * from scratch from freshly extracted tarballs again
01:37.09axisysline1 => 1234,Asif Iqbal,
01:37.18AndyMLk - will do.
01:37.19[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: needs to be a NUMBER
01:38.43[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: My karma ran over your dogma :p
01:41.44[TK]D-Fenderfires up his Infinitie Improbability Drive
01:42.00jayteedon't forget your towel!
01:42.17axisys[TK]D-Fender: still failing
01:42.37axisysroot@improvise:/etc/asterisk# cat voicemail.conf | tail -1
01:42.37axisys8720 => 1234,Asif Iqbal,
01:43.14axisysi did the  module reload  and dialplan reload
01:44.20[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: pastebin the ENTIRE config
01:44.56axisys[TK]D-Fender: voicemail.conf ^
01:45.39[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: [other] <- the problem.  * looks in [default] unless you tell it otherwise
01:45.58[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: You seriously need to read the instructions for the apps you are using and the BOOK in general.
01:46.01jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
01:46.53*** part/#asterisk elguero (
01:47.46*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:48.42*** join/#asterisk jcoffi (n=jcoffi@
01:50.39*** join/#asterisk Mog (
01:50.39*** mode/#asterisk [+o Mog] by ChanServ
01:51.19[TK]D-Fender1.5 months til distro upgrade!
01:51.46*** join/#asterisk ghento (
01:52.34axisys[TK]D-Fender: i have been reading it.. it is just not easy to get it ..
01:54.07*** join/#asterisk phix (
01:55.30phixhow does one print out the cadence numbers of an incoming phone call?
01:56.00phixI read somewhere that enabling verbose mode was enough to print it out in the asterisl console however it isn't doing it
01:56.43phixthe reason I want to do this is not just for setting up distinctive rings but for making phones ring the same as if they were plugged directly into landline, asterisk's default ring sounds different
01:56.49axisys[TK]D-Fender: i am looking at extensions.conf.sample.. i see lot of voicemail examples there.. but not one that shows to pick a different context like [other]
01:57.37phixI also need to do some LDAP lookups too :\ but that is for something different
01:59.45[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: "core show application voicemail" <-
01:59.51jayteegood god! I'd forgotten how totally insulting to one's intellect the movie Hackers was to people that actually use and understand computers.
02:00.26carrardoes some circles around jaytee on his roller blades and camo painted laptop
02:01.49*** join/#asterisk AndyML (
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02:04.53carrarjaytee, the only thing still true of that movie is Angelina Jolie is still fricken hot
02:07.01[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Sure... if you're into 2 dimensionaly people like her and Kate Moss :)
02:07.29[TK]D-Fenderwhips up a faux-French brittish accent
02:07.38[TK]D-Fender"Not even if it is wafer thin?"
02:07.44carrarI wouldn't push her out of my bead for being a hacker and eating crackers
02:07.45[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: ;)
02:14.41*** join/#asterisk ghento (
02:16.02jaytee"RISC architecture is the future." ???? WTF? when did Intel put out Pentiums that were RISC? hahahaha ROFL
02:16.53[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And since when were Pentiums anything but the past regurgitated ;)
02:22.23apeironegad, my beautiful Ogg Vorbis music sounds terrible when I encode it for music on hold. :(
02:23.09apeironWould I, um, break the internets if I tried to play 44.1khz music over a phone line? :)
02:26.18apeironconsiders streaming WBUR instead
02:35.16*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
02:36.06apeironHmm. I'm following the directions from, copy-pasting, but all I hear is silence when I place a call on hold. What am I missing?
02:36.14axisys[TK]D-Fender: thanks a lot
02:36.21apeiron(yes, I changed the stream URL to a valid stream)
02:36.44apeironThis is the icecast example I'm trying to get to work.
02:44.06*** join/#asterisk joobie (
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03:00.12AndyML[TK]D-Fender: i had fxols in system.conf and fxoks in chan_dahdi.conf - fyi...
03:03.03*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
03:05.39apeironwhee, it works.
03:06.01apeironThe sound really, really, really *has* to be 8000 hz coming to *, it seems.
03:08.14[TK]D-FenderapeapeYou'd almost think it was documented and the waved in front of your face furiously....
03:08.21[TK]D-Fenderapeiron: You'd almost think it was documented and the waved in front of your face furiously....
03:09.17jayteehmmm, maybe that's why none of my Slim Whitman mp3's won't play on MOH?
03:09.30apeironjaytee, Yeah. You *have* to transcode them to 8000 Hz.
03:09.39apeironjaytee, sox is really handy for that.
03:09.44keith4_shakes his fist at debian
03:09.52jayteeomg! someone took something I said as if it wasn't really sarcasm!
03:10.23jayteeyeah, sox works better than Audacity in most situations
03:10.35apeironEspecially on-the-fly as with a radio stream...
03:10.50apeironLet's spawn an X11 app each time someone goes on hold!
03:12.02*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:16.02keith4_assaults the debian kernel with a shovel
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03:32.44apeironwhee, I have NPR MOH. :D
03:42.20snowboarder04cool, did you follow a HOWTO?
03:43.50*** join/#asterisk trymi1 (n=please@
03:44.13apeironCombination of the pipe method and the ogg123/sox combination for recoding to raw, 8000 Hz.
03:46.59*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
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04:11.30*** join/#asterisk AJayMN (
04:11.36AJayMNAnyone use Asterisk for Video?
04:11.46*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
04:13.04apeironhas, but not too extensively
04:13.25AJayMNim trying to find a decent video conferencing program..
04:13.35apeironqutecom/wengophone works well.
04:13.46AJayMNtried Bria, X-Pro, etc... from CounterPAth but the video quality is horrid
04:13.50*** join/#asterisk ghento (
04:14.09AJayMNa customer of mine wants to stream a radio station online with video from each guest...
04:14.27apeironheh, exactly what I was looking at doing.
04:15.02apeironAs I said, qutecom/wengophone is decent, and fairly cross-platform (and is open source, so it's as cross-platform as your C++ skills can make it).
04:15.23AJayMNill have to take a look
04:15.41*** join/#asterisk fnordus (n=dnall@
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04:59.37Gopaulhow to get the hangup event with manager events?
05:32.30*** join/#asterisk apeiron (
05:33.23jplankI have a peer trying to connect to asterisk on port 5061 and the user in sip.conf has port=5061, but * asterisk is ignoring the registers on port 5061 and still thinks its talking to it on 5060. Any ideas?
05:33.39*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
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05:36.52Bryon_tmi_solutiHello there.
05:37.12Bryon_tmi_solutiIs anyone here knowledgable about STUN and recent * builds?
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07:17.02Gopaulhow to get the hangup event via manager event?
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07:44.26phixhi mate
07:44.30phixhow are you?
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07:53.14*** part/#asterisk Kumba_ (n=james@
07:54.46tlyngAnyone got any idea on how to create something similar as WaitForSilence() and WaitForNoise() but instead waiting for silence or noise, it should wait for a particular sound. I know it's perhaps complex, the sound is a classic beep so it should be possible to identify without to heavy algorithms :-) Unfortunately I'm kinda inexperienced in using asterisks C-api, so I was wondering if anyone could point me in a direction. I've been studying t
07:59.28*** part/#asterisk trymi1 (n=please@
07:59.53jblacktlyng: Good luck.
08:00.09*** join/#asterisk Frogzoo (n=Frogzoo@
08:10.27tlyngjblack: hehe, promising :-) Well I'll hack around and see what I come up with.
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09:04.06telephonyanyone around?
09:11.40*** join/#asterisk unk^ (
09:12.11unk^What are the hardware requirements for asterisk?
09:15.22telephonyit depends on what you want to do with it
09:15.56unk^2 IP-phones , just a laboration.
09:16.13unk^Basic. Just to get it work.
09:16.31unk^2 network cards or can it go threw a switch?
09:16.45telephonyyou could run it in a virtual machine if you have a fast enough desktop
09:17.06unk^im running kubuntu 8.10
09:17.10unk^its installed
09:17.12telephonyi have it running on a 2.4 ghz amd with tons of room to spare
09:17.16telephony1 gb of ram
09:17.29unk^ok, nice. How many calls can it handle at the same time?
09:17.48telephonymore than my internet connection is capable of
09:17.56telephonyive never set out to test it
09:18.20telephonyive run a dual core 2.4 with well over 20 calls before
09:18.33telephonyand asterisk cant really take advantage of the second core
09:18.36telephonyfrom what i understand
09:19.30*** join/#asterisk bobsaccamano (i=cb7e888e@gateway/web/ajax/
09:20.04*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@ do i configure 911 dialing in asterisk 1.6 for SIP Channels?
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09:29.58bobsaccamanoi need help with the dial plan
09:30.01bobsaccamanoanyone here?
09:31.09WeazelONjust ask mate, asking anyone here will probably get you nowhere.
09:32.41WeazelONtelephony, try installing "htop" you would be able to see your core levels realtime,  and every mem or cpu usage is displayed there tied to its running process.
09:33.31telephonyill check it out i was usting top prior
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11:22.44bobsaccamanohow do i get a cisco phone to register with asterisk? I have configured the server address and extension in sip config of the Ciso 7940 Phone. But when i make a SIP Call, i get 404 not found
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11:24.12maverickHow can I find you is asteriks is running in real time mode ?
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11:24.49maverickthere is some issues in asterisk real time mode and changes in system time ?
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11:33.51neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Do you use teh Manager in 1.6?
11:34.17maverickhow can I find if asterisk is running in real time mode ?
11:34.36[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Not yet.
11:34.46maverickthere is any issue regarding real time and changes in system clock time ?
11:35.44neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  It seems the Originate command has changed or is gone. Or there is a new access level for manager.conf. I have it set to persmission all, but cants find the originate command.
11:35.47WeazelONmaverick, I dont understand your question mate,
11:36.12[TK]D-Fenderneurosys: Feel free to actually show something....
11:36.35WeazelONmaverick,  are you searching for a certain bug or you have a problem which you are looking an answer for ?
11:36.38maverickweazelON: is there any way to find if asterisk is ruuning in real time mode ?
11:36.55neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  Sorry TK. The Message response is : Permission Denied
11:37.07WeazelONwhen you say real time, you mean when you don't enter the CLI and check for yourself ?
11:37.33*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (
11:37.37mattwj2002hi guys
11:37.55mattwj2002I know this is off topic....
11:38.11*** join/#asterisk trymi1 (n=please@
11:38.15maverickweazelON: ?
11:38.25mattwj2002but Boost Mobile is doing unlimited talk, text, web, etc for $50 per month
11:38.40WeazelONmaverick, are you asking "how can you know asterisk is running the background ? "
11:38.59mattwj2002ps aux | grep asterisk
11:39.22maverickweazelON: no .... I asking if is running in real time
11:39.58mattwj2002ooh sorry
11:41.23WeazelONif you are running asterisk 1.2 and above, its probably realtime.
11:41.39neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  i think i found it
11:42.21neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  There are some added auth classes added into manager.conf
11:43.21neurosys[TK]D-Fender:  The sample file for 1.6 articulates them. That's what i get for assuming I had read it before. in 1.4 :P
11:43.34maverickweazelON: but .... is there anyway to find out ?
11:44.01maverickweazelON: and ... there is any known issue regarding asterisk in real time and a change in system time ?
11:44.18WeazelONmaverick, do you have a clock system time issue ?
11:44.38*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (
11:45.37maverickweazelON: yes ... my clock resync in ntp with an early hour and asterisk died
11:46.41WeazelONmaverick,   and how do you know those 2 are connected ?
11:47.35*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
11:47.38maverickweazelON: don't know ....... that is what I asking you
11:47.52maverickIs there any known issue
11:48.07maverickwith asterisk and a change in system clock
11:48.13maverickI'm asking ....
11:48.17maverickdo you know ?
11:48.18WeazelONmaverick,   then my answer would be  " not likely " but anything is possible...
11:48.24*** join/#asterisk criten (
11:48.52maverickweazelON: thanks for your help
11:49.00WeazelONis the ntp server you are synchronizing is a local one ? or via wan ?
11:50.45*** join/#asterisk jstew (
11:50.54[TK]D-Fendermaverick: the words "wild conclusions" and "paranoia" come to mind
11:51.02WeazelONhow did you do the settings for the ntp ?
11:52.47*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
11:52.48maverick[TK]D-Fender : why ?
11:52.54*** join/#asterisk paulproteus (n=paulprot@2002:db69:2513:0:0:0:0:1)
11:53.22maverickweazelON: just put a ntp address server on ntp configs
11:54.43[TK]D-Fender[07:43]<maverick>weazelON: and ... there is any known issue regarding asterisk in real time and a change in system time ? <- because you're throwing random guesses out in the air on partial word-matches.
11:55.19*** join/#asterisk caliel (n=caliel@unaffiliated/caliel)
11:55.33WeazelONi'm only trying to fix his clock :D
11:55.59calielhello. i'm totally new to asterisk. my question is : is it possible to send FaXes via VoIP / ADSL line ?
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11:56.20jstewcaliel: Not reliably.
11:57.05jstewYou can if your provider supports T.38
11:57.26calieljstew: oh well, i have a VoIP number provided by my ISP, i would like to send / receive faxes without using paper and toner ('cause i don't have a fax machine)
11:57.30WeazelONor, if you use an iaxmodem soft u can make the faxes go through the print option
11:57.52*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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11:58.23jstewAn analog line is the only way to reliably receive faxes from other people in my experience.
11:58.48calieldo i need a 52k modem, doesn't I jstew ?
11:58.50jstewIAXmodem works on a lan just fine though
11:59.36calielmmm ok
11:59.37jstewHmm.... Well you can get something like one of the TDM cards or you can set up hylafax and get a modem that's compatible with that software
12:00.44calielthat's cause I read about FoIP or something like this. next question is a step before that one : what can I read to configure asterisk on my Gentoo box ? I have this VoIP number, and I would like to call and receive calls, but i'm too noob for now in asterisk technology. can you help me ?
12:01.05maverick[TK]D-Fender : have you ever tried to do the test yourself ?
12:01.31bobsaccamanoguys does a cisco phone require any special extensions or sip channels defined for asterisk?
12:01.54bobsaccamanoim getting a 404 not found for a 7940 number
12:04.44*** join/#asterisk tokozedg (n=slA@
12:05.15maverick[TK]D-Fender : have you ever tried to do the test yourself ?
12:06.05tokozedghello. when i register for example X-lite , it has 2 lines, if one is busy asterisk calls in second, and i want to make so that every client has only one line, anyone can help me?
12:07.48WeazelONcancel "CallWaiting" via asterisk's extension or if you are using FreePBX you can do it from there
12:08.08WeazelON<--- tokozedg
12:08.15[TK]D-Fendermaverick: "the test"?  What test?
12:08.34[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: Please PB the complete failed call with SIP debug.
12:08.36jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
12:08.49*** join/#asterisk keith4 (
12:09.51tokozedgWeazelON, no i`m not using freepbx, and how can i cancel call waiting?
12:10.23*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=intralan@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
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12:12.02WeazelONtokozedg, in the asterisk CLI --- >   database del CW <ext number>
12:12.32*** join/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
12:12.50tokozedglinux-z93h*CLI> database del CW 151
12:12.50tokozedgDatabase entry does not exist.
12:13.17*** join/#asterisk coppice (
12:13.18tokozedgasterisk version is 1.4
12:13.36c0rnoTahello guys
12:14.07c0rnoTai want to define russian tone data for answer detection on FXO
12:14.26c0rnoTai know, i must write it in main/dsp.c
12:14.40[TK]D-Fendertokozedg: pastebin your complete attempt along with the database dump so we can see the key-pair you're aiming for.
12:14.54maverick[TK]D-Fender : run asterisk ... put the system time a hour behind and check what happens to asterisk ?
12:14.58[TK]D-Fenderc0rnoTa: No, indications.conf
12:15.37[TK]D-Fendertokozedg: Hold on.. cancel call waiting?  On what?
12:15.59c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender: i read on asterisk knowlage base, that parameter progzone make answer detection, isn't it?
12:16.03[TK]D-Fendertokozedg: Ah, Scrolled up and saw.
12:16.18tokozedgi dont know, i just want to have only one line for each client
12:16.51[TK]D-Fenderc0rnoTa: the zone tells * what entry to use for progress tones, etc.  the setting in indications.conf should match the local signaling for the specified zone
12:17.23c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender: i'll try
12:17.24[TK]D-Fendertokozedg: "call-limit=1",  in sip.conf should do it.
12:17.52tokozedg[TK]D-Fender, ok, i`ll try
12:19.35*** join/#asterisk jcoffi (n=jcoffi@
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12:22.55tokozedg[TK]D-Fender, failed
12:23.21tokozedgclient has incoming and outgoing lines at the same time
12:23.22[TK]D-Fendertokozedg: add "type=peer", "limitonpeer=yes"
12:24.06[TK]D-Fendertokozedg: If this fails, check the WIKI for the other in/out limit options for sip.conf, and if that fails you'll have to check in the dialplan with ChanIsAvail
12:24.30tokozedg[TK]D-Fender, ok thanks
12:30.46*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
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12:36.53c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender, could you help again?
12:37.25[TK]D-Fenderc0I've answered about everything I can for this particular topic....
12:37.32[TK]D-Fenderc0rnoTa: I've answered about everything I can for this particular topic....
12:42.43WeazelONtokozedg, if you type in asterisk cli -- > database show CW  <   is the extension you have problem with enlisted ?
12:42.44c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender, i have set in indications.conf my tone parameters (frequency and delays), but when i dial to Busy (dial throu line4, receive to line9, line9 have exten => s,1,Busy), my dial line  (line4) still have answer, but answered line (line9) generating busy tone. After that answered line gives hangup. But dialed line still up and i receive second ring on line9
12:42.58c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender, what is it?
12:43.27c0rnoTa[TK]D-Fender, why it appers?
12:43.34*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
12:43.35c0rnoTasorry 4 my english plz
12:44.12tokozedgWeazelON, when i type database show CW , there is nothing
12:45.27bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, here is the pastebin..
12:46.21bobsaccamanoim getting a 404 for the Cisco phone no
12:46.43WeazelONthat is very strange
12:46.54WeazelONwhat is the asterisk version ?
12:47.06tokozedgAsterisk 1.4.23
12:47.20bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, you still there?
12:47.51bobsaccamanoalso sip show peers gives an unspecified host for the Cisco phone
12:49.30[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: Issue isn't the Cisco.
12:49.32*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
12:49.45[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: Looking for 8888 in motorola (domain SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
12:49.54[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: Dialplan error, go fix it
12:51.00tokozedghow can i register DEVICE_STATE function in asterisk 1.4?
12:51.43*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:53.40kaldemartokozedg: the function is not a part of 1.4. you'll have to backport it from 1.6 if you want it.
12:55.41*** join/#asterisk jjshoe (
12:59.41jjshoeop up?
13:00.58jjshoenice little onjoiner
13:00.58jjshoe[07:57] <c0ldk1ll3r> hi, you should take a look at freeswitch, it's a lot better than asterisk... join #freeswitch or visit us at
13:03.02*** join/#asterisk Faithful (
13:03.02*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!n=c0ldk1ll@*.com] by russellb
13:03.02*** kick/#asterisk [c0ldk1ll3r!n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb] by russellb (russellb)
13:03.32snowboarder04can anyone recommend a decent UK SIP/VoIP provider?
13:03.36russellbtokozedg: there is a backport available
13:03.42jbot[~devstate] Devstate is an Asterisk 1.4 module for custom BLF device state, see the following link -=-, or
13:03.59russellbkaldemar: FYI ^^
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13:04.18lmadsenjjshoe: eh?
13:04.57jjshoerussellb <3
13:05.52russellblmadsen: already took care of it, but thanks
13:08.44dpryoIs there any "STABLE" branch of Asterisk?
13:08.59lmadsenwe don't tag things as "stable"
13:09.07lmadsenuse the latest release
13:09.21kaldemarrussellb: affirmative. :)
13:09.23lmadsenyou have a choice between latest 1.4, and latest 1.6.0 at this time
13:11.04tokozedgrussellb, DEVSTATE not registered, fuckk
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13:52.27Chainsawlmadsen: I have two easy patches in the bug tracker that haven't been applied yet.
13:52.47Chainsawlmadsen: Anything special I need to do please? The clearance from legal has been received, so the patches should be visible now.
13:56.23*** join/#asterisk L84Supper (
13:56.41bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, does the dial plan for sip nos change with the user entity?
13:56.59[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: huh?
13:57.45[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: the error tells you explicitly what extension it is looking for and that it does not exist.  This is a complete non-issue.  Go look in your dialplan why you don't have a match for 888
13:58.13bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, hmm..okay..thanks
13:58.47*** part/#asterisk L84Supper (
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14:10.38Chainsawputnopvut: Who would I need to speak to about getting a dahdi-tools build fix applied please?
14:11.49putnopvutChainsaw: The best way would be to open a bug report, then someone will take care of it.
14:11.56Chainsawputnopvut: I did that:
14:12.00GeminiDominoStrange issue, hopefully someone can help me out.  When I feed a script to the manager via netcat, I get a "Connect attempt from x.x.x.x:  unable to authenticate" It does not parse the manager.conf file like it would if the login/pass was bad. However, when I telnet from the exact same host, and cut/paste the exact same commands, I get successful authentication. Any ideas?
14:12.20putnopvutChainsaw: Ah, I see...and six days ago, too.
14:12.39putnopvutI'll bug someone about taking a look at it.
14:13.02Chainsawputnopvut: Thank you. There's a new one just like it (similar problem). 14671
14:14.19putnopvutChainsaw: thanks for the bug reports. I'm surprised no one has at least commented on 14638
14:15.00Chainsawputnopvut: I got a "so don't do that" reply out of Qwell, but it was on IRC, not the bug.
14:15.14Chainsaw(With regard to using LDFLAGS="-Wl,--as-needed")
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14:15.53putnopvutChainsaw: oh I see, it's because you passed explicit LDFLAGS instead of appending them to the ones already there.
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14:16.28Chainsawputnopvut: Not really, no. It's about the ordering of object files versus libraries in the Makefile.
14:16.45telephonyi had a question about jabbersend is anyone familiar with it
14:17.15putnopvutChainsaw: Right, I understand that the behavior is incorrect, I was just wondering why the LDFLAGS were being overwritten. I understand now.
14:17.46Chainsawputnopvut: Well, they don't get overwritten as such.
14:17.57Chainsawputnopvut: The library gets discarded because it isn't "used" by the object file.
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14:18.16putnopvutChainsaw: ah, it is now becoming more clear :)
14:18.22Chainsawputnopvut: Ordering gets significant with that flag on.
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14:18.29telephonyas far as adding a line somewhere that sends a jabber message when the extension is answered i cant seem to find where the code is that passes the call from hold or the ring group to the individual caller
14:19.14telephonyanyone have any insight on it
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14:27.38mw-homeHaving argument with coworkers.  I have 1 GHz asterisk box I'm using to handle calls for < 5 people.  I use top to watch the CPU state.  If the CPU is 90% idle, is that a sign that I don't need a faster box?
14:28.49florzmw-home: what is a "faster box"?
14:29.19tzafrir_laptopmw-home, no. This is not a sign that you need a faster box
14:29.25mvanbaaktelephony: I have this here at home: JabberSend(asterisk,my_jabber@account/BitlBee,Incoming call from [${CALLERID(num)} - ${CALLERID(name)}]);
14:29.44pollerIf the CPU is 90% idle, that means you're using 10% CPU.
14:29.53pollerie, no need to upgrade
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14:31.03ayesoCan I send faxes over the g729 codec?
14:31.32telephonyprobably not
14:31.37*** join/#asterisk Lyma (n=Lyma@unaffiliated/lyma)
14:32.34[TK]D-Fenderayeso: No
14:32.43*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (n=davidvos@asterisk/batman-developer/dvossel)
14:32.59ayeso[TK]D-Fender: Thats the answer i was looking for, thanks... and that is a no for sure correct?
14:33.25JTdefinitely not
14:33.27[TK]D-Fenderayeso: In the back of the head, mafioso-style.
14:33.37JTg.729 is a voice codec
14:33.48ayeso[TK]D-Fender: Excellent
14:34.21JTdesigned for the express purpose of transporting compressed typical human voice signals at telephone quality in ways that can be understood by other humans
14:35.54lmadsenfax needs an uncompressed codec, with no packet-loss or jitter
14:36.27apeironhm. Let's say I want to use T.38 for sending faxes. Does my provider need to have an H.323 gateway setup, or can I do that through SIP?
14:36.28coppicefax needs G.711, which is a compressed codec, but the one modems were designed to live with
14:36.45*** join/#asterisk soulclaimer (
14:36.59ayesocoppice: My understanding was that g711u is uncompressed... is that not the case?
14:37.13coppiceG.711 is a lossy compression scheme
14:37.50*** join/#asterisk ghento (
14:39.25soulclaimerHello everyone, I have a .lock file issue with my voicemail was wondering if someone had seen this before. Everything I find online is either a cron job every minute or update asterisk
14:40.52soulclaimerHappens to random voicemails, .lock file prevents new voicemail from being received and keeps users from accessing voicemail.
14:41.38Mr_BOnD_007can i use asterisk for inbound calls also ?
14:42.08apeironMr_BOnD_007, er, yes?
14:42.20*** join/#asterisk hi365 (n=hi365@
14:42.58Mr_BOnD_007okie :D
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14:43.34Mr_BOnD_007i want to setup VICIDIAL GUI  i had allready installed the Asterisk but now what to do i dont know the manual configuration  using   SIP VOip Account
14:43.41*** part/#asterisk telephony (
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14:47.39bougymanMr_BOnD_007: which asterisk did you use, and which vici version?
14:48.01bougymanyou have astguiclient working?
14:48.36mw-homepoller: so, can I use the CPU idle state to tell me when I need a better box?  In other words, when the CPU load is really high, then I should spend some $$$.
14:49.10mw-homeIs a 1 GHz CPU acceptable for a small office (<5 simultaneous calls)?
14:49.18[TK]D-Fendermw-home: Sure
14:49.31pollerIt's more then acceptable
14:49.35bougymanif you aren't recording the calls.
14:49.44bougymanor doing any other funky stuffs.
14:53.16jjshoemw-home plenty of power
14:53.35jjshoejust make sure you're not transcoding where you don't need to be.
14:55.40mw-homeWhen I do an asterisk call, I hear my own voice echoed back.  How do I block that out?
14:55.44Kattyguys, i have some sad news.
14:56.02jjshoemw-home depends on lots of things. pri? analog? voip?
14:56.04Kattyapparently. i have been labeled as a terrorist.
14:56.17Kattywell, not directly labeled.
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14:58.29mw-homejjshoe: I have a T1 plugged into a switch and the asterisk box on the other side of the switch.  Using voip through a company called flowroute.
14:58.56*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
15:00.34jjshoemw-home and on which one is the echo?
15:00.46apeiron"Troopers have been shot by members of groups,"
15:00.48apeiron^ such fail
15:00.49jjshoeoh sorry, data t1 mw-home?
15:01.06jbothmm... echo is an issue which can be best fixed using this link:, or fixed with fxotune:, or best fixed by troubleshooting your pci bus:, or of course mentioned in this bad summary: ...
15:01.29mw-homejjshoe: yeah, it is a data T1.
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15:13.04lmadsenwoh... that link is severely out of date from astdocs
15:13.24lmadsenI wonder what page it was referencing...
15:16.42jboti heard echo is an issue which can be best fixed using this link:, or fixed with fxotune:, or best fixed by troubleshooting your pci bus:
15:18.52soulclaimeranyone know how to fix .lock files poping up in voicemail directories>
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15:26.19freeportwayok, I'm a little confused. If I have a phone number that is on a provider, how do I get that phone number routed to my asterisk box?
15:26.39freeportwayor better, how can i get a phone number routed... this part really confuses me
15:28.49styelzregister your asterisk server with the provider
15:31.30freeportwaywell, that would be interesing.  Say I have Packet8... I doubt they'll allow for that. How would i get some phone numbers and do that myself?
15:31.55freeportwaymaybe thats the answer? I find a provider, port those numbers to them?
15:32.00jjshoefreeportway ?
15:32.09*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
15:32.24jjshoefreeportway Packet8 is an itsp no? why wouldn't they point the numbers for your account at where the account is registerd?
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15:32.51freeportwaypacket8 is a provider like Vonage, for example
15:33.00freeportwayim not sure their business is pointing numbers...
15:33.04jjshoefreeportway oh, you're looing to violate tos?
15:33.16freeportwayHeh, well. No
15:33.26jjshoebest of luck!
15:33.38freeportwayYou misunderstood
15:33.49freeportwayI want to replace packet8
15:33.56freeportwaythey have our phone numbers
15:34.04*** join/#asterisk strathisla8282 (
15:34.11strathisla8282Hi people
15:34.18freeportwayIm confused as to how a phone number is pointed to an astrisks box
15:34.24areayis there an IAX2 client for symbian? for some reason, when I'm outside of my LAN I get one-way audio with SIP, but IAX works fine... I've tried the port forwarding for SIP but it still doesn't work, so I'm pretty much limited to IAX2...
15:34.59*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
15:35.01jjshoefreeportway it never is.
15:35.08jjshoefreeportway a phone number is pointed at service.
15:35.14freeportwaymaybe i just need a "provider" that will host the phone number, you called them a itsp provider?
15:35.32jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
15:35.33jjshoeyes, typoe.
15:35.42strathisla8282Anybody knows how to set up call deflection ?
15:36.02freeportwayi'll look
15:36.07jjshoestrathisla8282 what's call deflection? :P
15:36.56strathisla8282jjshoe: when for example you have an incoming call on a gsm card and you want to reroute it without taking it.
15:37.17strathisla8282it's like transfer, but without answering
15:39.10apeironUsually that sort of thing results in voicemail.
15:39.38*** join/#asterisk marv[work] (
15:40.16jjshoestrathisla8282 are you asking how to use asterisk dialplans? I'm confused on what you need help with.
15:41.06strathisla8282take a look at this, maybe it helps you :
15:41.17strathisla8282sorry for my poor english...
15:42.12apeironSo your question is "can you translate this page into a dialplan for me"
15:42.29strathisla8282lol, no.
15:42.43strathisla8282I already have a complete dialplan that works ;)
15:42.46*** join/#asterisk angler (n=angler@pdpc/sponsor/digium/angler)
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15:42.52strathisla8282but i'm trying to implement this feature
15:43.16strathisla8282the capiCD command doesn't seem to exist on my server
15:43.27strathisla8282wheter capiCD nor ZapCD
15:44.15strathisla8282For the moment, I simply do a Dial() to the destination, but that implies placing a new call on a second line.
15:44.35strathisla8282With call deflection, the incoming call is re-routed and there's no need for a second line.
15:45.17apeiron[implodedHow is this different than "if dialed extension doesn't pick up in x seconds, fall-through to next item in dialplan"?
15:45.28*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:46.11strathisla8282the difference is that I dial an external number (a GSM in fact), that implies costs.
15:46.21strathisla8282If it's rerouted, no new call needed.
15:46.52strathisla8282Now, I don't even know if it's supported on a GSM line.
15:47.03*** join/#asterisk UQlev (
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15:48.17fcois93in asterisk 1.6  Set(${CDR(accountcode)}=${SIP_HEADER(x-accountcode)})  dont work !!!   the debug display  Set("SIP/5067-b6d23ae8", "=Acro") in new stack
15:48.18*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
15:48.18strathisla8282Said differently, the incoming call doesn't need to be answered, and thus doesn't imply to place a new call.
15:51.53strathisla8282apeiron: do you understand the difference ?
15:52.08apeironstrathisla8282, Yes, but not sure how to do it, sorry.
15:52.17strathisla8282ok, no matter.
15:52.41[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: What is in the accountcode?
15:52.50[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: So far looks like nothing at all
15:54.31*** join/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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15:54.59Gido-Edocumenteur-extraordinaire :-)
15:55.51fcois93[TK]D-Fender: I want to use accountcode to insert the user account (like Acro here)
15:56.47fcois93[TK]D-Fender: asterisk can read =Acro but dont read that I want to write on accoundcode var! the debug display "=Acro"!
15:57.28*** part/#asterisk freeportway (n=freeport@
15:57.44*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
15:57.57[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Stop putting ${} around the function you want to WRITE TO
15:58.55[TK]D-FenderGido-E: documenteur = book that lies? ;)
15:59.22Gido-E[TK]D-Fender see whois of blitzrage
15:59.39fcois93[TK]D-Fender: yes! I just found it 10sec ago :)
15:59.45fcois93[TK]D-Fender: thank you
15:59.54*** join/#asterisk RobH (
16:00.02[TK]D-FenderGido-E: We'd met a few times, I know full-well who he is :p
16:01.04[TK]D-Fenderok, lunch time, BBIAB
16:01.06*** join/#asterisk mazpe| (
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16:01.57blitzrage[TK]D-Fender: book that lies? wtf?
16:02.22strathisla8282blitzrage: docu-menteur
16:02.28strathisla8282menteur => liar
16:03.05*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
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16:04.57mazpe|is there another command in 1.6.0.x for g729 show?
16:06.45*** join/#asterisk Imo (
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16:15.44blitzragestrathisla8282: oh.... damn french :)
16:16.40*** join/#asterisk sack (
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16:16.48strathisla8282blitzrage: yes, this sort of people is not completely dead :D
16:17.16jjshoestrathisla8282 are you thinking of centrex transfer and clear?
16:17.59jjshoestrathisla8282 this is the closest thing I know of in asterisk that might be able to accomplish what you're asking for, although it might still cost you.
16:18.25[TK]D-Fenderblitzrage: Salut mon-ostie!... I mean "hi!" :)
16:19.52strathisla8282jjshoe: if I have correctly understood what a centrex is, yes, it's something like this.
16:26.13*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (i=48595da5@gateway/web/ajax/
16:27.10jjshoemerlin8282 you're simply hoping you can tell an incoming call 1) wrong number 2) try this number
16:27.15Kyoshis there an open-g729 available for asterisk?
16:27.55Kyoshi know i know but its been requested so much for use
16:28.01Kyoshid rather use ulaw or gsm
16:28.36jjshoeg729 is so cheap
16:29.11Gido-EKyosh check:
16:29.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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16:34.43*** join/#asterisk PTorres (n=PTorres@
16:35.14merlin8282jjshoe: No, already did that for 2 weeks ^^
16:35.25PTorreshi everyone
16:35.30jjshoemerlin8282 no, I'm saying that's a much easier way to explain it.
16:35.32merlin8282I mean, I played a message saying this
16:35.39merlin8282oh, yes
16:35.53merlin8282Not exactly, in fact
16:36.05merlin8282not a wrong number. It has to be transparent to the user
16:36.09jjshoe"bugger off and try 123-456-7890"
16:36.12jjshoeyes, I know.
16:37.27jjshoeinstead of mom->pbx->cell you want it to do mom->pbx | pbx->mom try cell | mom->cell
16:37.47PTorresI have a isdn question , any takers ?
16:37.58jjshoemerlin8282 is this a feature in the legacy world?
16:38.01jjshoePTorres 42.
16:38.34merlin8282jjshoe: functions exist for call deflection, yes, if it's your question.
16:38.38jjshoePTorres right now you have 0 takers, since you haven't asked a question, your chances are none. If you asked, there's 305 people, I bet your chances go up.
16:38.45jjshoemerlin8282 "functions"? on which systems?
16:39.05merlin8282In Asterisk I mean, especially in Bristuff, appearantly
16:39.08PTorreslol, I guess I will go ahead
16:39.12merlin8282Like capiCD or ZapCD
16:39.22jjshoemerlin8282 problem solved, get a bri then.
16:39.25merlin8282But I don't know the internals
16:40.03merlin8282Sorry I've  to go, i'll try to understand this better than today, tomorrow...
16:40.15merlin8282I already sent an email to for support
16:40.17kb3ienIs mysql for cdr not in the basic tree, but in something called addons?
16:40.26PTorresI have this e1 isdn trunk,  it starts to link , but then the telco does not respond to the RR messages, all standard configuration, we have many e1 already working fine
16:40.41*** join/#asterisk Shaun2222 (
16:41.35merlin8282thanks all, bye ;)
16:41.35PTorresit goes like >>SABME <<UA  >> RR >> RR >> RR .... timeout
16:41.35fcois93[TK]D-Fender: I need to do a gotoif with 2 condition. I have to do like that: GotoIf($["$var_1 == "yes" && $var_2 == "yes"]?1,2)  ?  is the && is right?
16:41.35*** part/#asterisk merlin8282 (
16:41.35Shaun2222any problem with routing a fax call through asterisk over VOIP?  I want a call in from my PRI T1 to go through asterisk over SIP to a converter to the fax machine...
16:41.35PTorresit works time to time, but then it gets kinda looked in that cycle
16:41.50[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: You have other errors in there.
16:42.22ChainsawShaun2222: If your Asterisk server and the converter device both support T.38 fax, you should be fine.
16:42.42*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
16:42.46Shaun2222uhh, does asterisk support that by default?
16:42.48PTorresI dont think I have a problem on my end... what should I do, or ask the telco guys to do?
16:43.07fcois93GotoIf($[$var_1 == "yes" && $var_2 == "yes"]?1,2), and like that?
16:44.13ChainsawShaun2222: 1.6 should, provided you compile in spandsp.
16:44.21ChainsawShaun2222: Not sure about 1.4 or lower though.
16:47.17PTorresstill no takers ?
16:47.36Shaun2222i'm on 1.6
16:47.51Shaun2222but if it's somthing that new i'm wondering if my devices will support it.
16:48.01*** join/#asterisk mmlj4-play (n=jkelly@
16:48.02ChainsawShaun2222: Provided you have spandsp compiled into Asterisk you should be fine.
16:48.12ChainsawShaun2222: Unless the conversion device isn't T.38 compliant, that is. But you'll see soon enough.
16:50.02Shaun2222Chainsaw: whats the module for 1.6 called
16:50.09ChainsawShaun2222: spandsp
16:50.28Shaun2222ya nothing in the modules dir with *sand*
16:50.37Shaun2222is it a addon or i just need to tell it to build
16:50.38*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
16:50.39ChainsawTry span.
16:50.43ChainsawInstead of sand.
16:51.00ChainsawYou need the Asterisk configure script you want it.
16:51.02Shaun2222no, nothing of span either
16:52.36Shaun2222what do you mean i need th config script
16:53.16Shaun2222i dont see it in a make menuselect
16:55.37PTorresso... nobody saw nothing like that before ?  _sniff_
16:56.00*** part/#asterisk Ericounet (
16:56.01kb3ienanyway to build only the mysql parts of asterisk-addons, quickly?
16:56.25Shaun2222Chainsaw: why is this needed, i just want the call to route directly to the fax machine/device.. i dont need asterisk to answer it at all.
16:56.49ChainsawShaun2222: Because you want Asterisk to select the correct codec for this "call".
16:57.07Shaun2222what codec is correct?
16:57.20ChainsawG711 I believe.
16:57.22Shaun2222cant i just force that codec if a call comes in on the fax number.
16:57.34ChainsawDo feel free to ask others.
16:57.52Shaun2222or force the converter device to use G711
16:58.14kb3ienthe typos in ooh323 are messing up my build.
16:58.45Shaun2222bah, i dont even have g711
16:58.50Shaun2222g722 :)
16:58.51[TK]D-Fenderfcois93>GotoIf($[$var_1 == "yes" && $var_2 == "yes"]?1,2), and like that? <- you apparently still have no clue how to properly use variables & functions.
16:59.32fcois93[TK]D-Fender: how have I to do ?
16:59.53Shaun2222my linksys VOIP router has G711u support.
17:00.03Shaun2222and g711a
17:00.13[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: Go read the CHANNELVARIABLES docs in your tarball and the WIKI page of function usage
17:00.47Shaun2222[TK]D-Fender: your the man, i just want to route a call from my pri t1 to a SIP converter box so the fax machine can answer it... what needs to be done?
17:01.18[TK]D-FenderShaun2222: "core show application dial"
17:01.34Shaun2222noo... i mean any special codecs or modules i need to use?
17:01.38Shaun2222i know how to route the call to the device
17:01.41*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
17:01.49[TK]D-FenderShaun2222: g.711 of some sort.
17:02.38Shaun2222where do i get that from, asterisk doesnt look to ship with it.
17:02.43fcois93[TK]D-Fender: the vars are examples. I test headers instead of $var_1 and $var_2
17:03.34[TK]D-Fenderfcois93: I only comment on actual code, not pseudo-code junk
17:03.55[TK]D-FenderShaun2222: ULAW & ALAW
17:04.56*** join/#asterisk mosty (
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17:05.09Shaun2222ah, it's just not called g711 they call it ulaw and alaw.  makes sense after reading a blurb on it.
17:05.47*** join/#asterisk nima0102 (n=nima@
17:06.05[TK]D-FenderShaun2222: G.711u(law) , G.711a(law)
17:06.14coppiceand in the SDP they call then PCMA and PCMU when they aren't really PCM at all :-\
17:07.18[TK]D-Fendercoppice: SHHHH!!! thats a seek-rat!
17:09.24dnihow do u turn off sip debug ??  i thought ti was sip debug off from the console
17:09.44henksip set debug off
17:10.02dnilocalhost*CLI> sip set debug off
17:10.02dniNo such command 'sip set' (type 'help' for help)
17:10.46henkdni: works in my 1.4.21
17:11.14dniim using Asterisk SVN-branch-1.2-r170580
17:11.19henkdni: and to 'sip debug off' it says The 'sip debug' command is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use 'sip set debug' instead.
17:15.35*** join/#asterisk mintee (
17:16.03minteewhat's a decent webgui monitoring and cdr billing platform?
17:16.20minteeanything good about a2billing?
17:16.40minteeor am i just better off writing my own?
17:17.36UQlevmintee: why not if you have skills
17:19.16nima0102<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<please note>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
17:19.45nima0102d6d3 are braodcatsting this message
17:19.47nima0102" hi, you should take a look at freeswitch, it's a lot better than asterisk... join #freeswitch or visit us at"
17:20.08minteeoh snap
17:20.47EmleyMoorTrying to get an mplayer stream as a moh option - followed method on and it fails... running the script alone gives ls: cannot access /tmp/asterisk-moh-pipe.*: No such file or directory ; mplayer: could not connect to socket ; mplayer: No such file or directory and then needs ^C to stop
17:20.51jayteeany software that needs people to broadcast that it's better than brand X is obviously crap
17:20.51[TK]D-Fendernima0102: and who is "d6d3"?
17:21.09mintee13:30 [FreeNode] -!- d6d3 []
17:21.09mintee13:30 [FreeNode] -!-  ircname  : c0ldk1ll3r
17:21.09mintee13:30 [FreeNode] -!-  server   : []
17:21.09mintee13:30 [FreeNode] -!-           : is signed on as account c0ldk1ll3r
17:21.09mintee13:30 [FreeNode] -!- End of WHOIS
17:21.43*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
17:21.46[TK]D-Fendernima0102: to who?
17:21.48nima0102[TK]D-Fender: I do not know him
17:21.59[TK]D-Fendernima0102: I do, he's been banned here before.
17:22.06dnii jsut downloaded a more recent version of asterisk 1.4)  and im getting this compile error: configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
17:22.08[TK]D-Fendernima0102: and earning it more all the time.
17:23.02jayteeI should talk to one of the freenode ops I know and have him klined
17:23.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I never got the message, it doesn't appear to have made its way in here and he's not in any channel.  I'll loeave well enough alone for now.
17:23.57jayteeyeah, until it becomes a nuisance
17:24.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm giving him some rope ;)
17:24.32jayteethat's being fair
17:25.32nima0102[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your attention
17:25.32*** part/#asterisk blitzrage (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
17:27.38dnidid anyone get this error when compiling 1.4 or 1.6 ?   configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
17:28.37*** join/#asterisk delphus_ (n=delphus@unaffiliated/delphus)
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17:29.55delphus_is there any app command that do exactly what waitexten do when someone dials an exten, it resets the context and start looking for exten paterns again
17:30.51*** join/#asterisk macli (
17:31.55KavanSis there any way to ring an extension (cell phone) and use the feature to "press 1 to accept call"....but NOT use followme?
17:33.06delphus_I mean, it should get the variable like an exten and go back to the context and match the default patterns...
17:33.11*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
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17:34.20[intra]lanman[TK]D-Fender: he's been told about doing that... he's not "affiliated" with us, just FYI
17:35.46[intra]lanmanit's just unfortunate... the fact that he's speaking the truth and noone will believe it cus he's being a retard about it ;-)
17:35.49*** join/#asterisk ttyS1 (
17:36.45apeirondni, Do you have a C++ preprocessor at /lib/cpp?
17:36.50mercutioviz[intra]lanman: are you *trying* to get kickban'd from this channel? :P
17:37.16dniapeiron, [root@localhost src]# ls -al /lib/cpp
17:37.16dnilrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 14 Mar 12 10:12 /lib/cpp -> ../usr/bin/cpp
17:37.19ttyS1How can I make the RTP media to be peer to peer  instead of being handled by Asterisk ?
17:37.21[intra]lanmanmercutioviz: lol, no... i don't think they'd do that for something so petty... just poking a little fun
17:37.30[intra]lanmanbut i'm done now
17:37.35apeirondni, And is /usr/bin/cpp valid?
17:37.54dniapeiron, yes
17:37.56*** join/#asterisk bob_slacker (n=vncsnvs_@
17:38.09apeirondni, Not sure then. Sure you've got all your compiler tools installed?
17:38.21*** part/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=michaelc@freeswitch/developer/msc)
17:38.40dniapeiron, yea man, everything should be proper..  i compiled and ran 1.2 with no issues
17:39.06apeirondni, Really unsure, then. Ask your vendor about it, perhaps?
17:39.24dniim running centOS
17:39.30apeironI'm sorry.
17:39.37dniok thanks for the feedback tho
17:39.49*** join/#asterisk rnst (
17:39.49apeironYou might want to see a doctor about the CentOS thing.
17:39.59*** join/#asterisk shaun2222 (
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17:44.12kb3iennice Freepbx just reset my mysql root password!
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17:46.06*** part/#asterisk HubguruJR (
17:49.14shaun2222dni: i've gotten those before, not with asterisk but with other peices of software.  Those ones are always fun to figure out wtf went wrong.
17:49.19shaun2222dni: check the config.log
17:51.58*** part/#asterisk mintee (
17:52.12dnishaun2222, this si where it failed
17:52.12dniconftest.c:9:28: error: ac_nonexistent.h: No such file or directory
17:55.25*** join/#asterisk m3F (n=m3F@
17:55.48*** join/#asterisk Eduardo_Assis (
17:56.55m3Fi am an openSUSE user, and want to install Asterisk
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17:57.08bob_slackerEduardo_Assis, hello, this is Linus Torvalds, and i pronounce Linux as Linux.
17:57.13m3Fbut my question is, is it include a GUI?
17:57.30Eduardo_Assisbob_slacker, wathever ... rs
17:58.00dnishaun2222, i also see this error regarding g++ ... ./configure: line 5324: g++: command not found
17:58.13*** join/#asterisk tobias (
17:58.22m3Fwhich packages do i need to install to have a GUI to manage a Call Center of about 15 phones
17:58.24dniim running gcc 4.1.2
17:59.12Eduardo_Assism3F, install Trixbox
17:59.31*** join/#asterisk iure_da_luz (n=t7DS@
17:59.31apeirondni, um, no... cpp and g++ are different.
17:59.36iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis hello
17:59.39apeirondni, It seems you do not, in fact, have a full toolchain installed.
17:59.44iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis you no speak english!
17:59.51apeironDoesn't anyone know how to build things from source these days?
18:00.01*** part/#asterisk Math` (n=mrene@
18:00.02Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz, more less
18:00.27dniapeiron, i built 1.2 with no issues. Im just getting these odd errors in 1.4 and 1.6
18:00.41iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis sorry
18:00.42apeirondni, Something changed between then and now, obviously.
18:00.53Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz, no problem
18:01.13m3FEduardo_Assis, but i do not want to install the whole Trixbox distro, i would want to install it in my openSUSE
18:01.36iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis yes, i have a problem!
18:01.55*** join/#asterisk ddickenson (
18:02.01Eduardo_Assism3F, Run your own gui
18:02.15m3FEduardo_Assis, if i add the Trixbox repository: , which packages do i have to install?
18:03.10Eduardo_Assism3F, download packages freepbx
18:03.12iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis I do not understand why you left the asterisk-us, why?
18:03.31Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz, I lesft asterisk-br
18:03.45kb3ienim trying to install asterisk-addons 1.4.7 my mysql options are XXX out in make menuconfig. all that is missing in ./configure is mysql_config what is that file supposed to do?
18:04.05iure_da_luzbecause you is not here and there?
18:04.15ddickensonIs this where I'd go to find some information about sharing extensions on multiple phones?  I don't necessarily need the "SLA" key system type effect, just to be able to see if an extension is off hook and or pick up that extension from another phone
18:04.51dnifinally got it working
18:04.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:05.14kb3ienoffhook is a littel hard to detect. its easy to use presence to see if a call in in progress.
18:05.29ddickensoncall in progress would work
18:05.38iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis how can I create a dialplan to dial the extensions that are with "username" and not with "3001"?
18:05.41Eduardo_Assism3F, You have experience with php?
18:05.51kb3ienwhat kinds of phones?
18:06.17m3Fno, Eduardo_Assis
18:06.32Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz, [3001] to [name]
18:06.53ddickensonThe basic setup is going to be 2 pots lines coming in that ring a ring group of 4 main "common area" phones then goes to an IVR that can transfer to one of 8 rooms.  Problem is I want to be able to put the main phones on the "room" phones so they can know if one is in use.
18:07.01ddickensoncisco 7960's with sip firmware
18:07.10Eduardo_Assism3F, then downloads freepbx and use
18:07.12KavanSis there any way to ring an extension (cell phone) and use the feature to "press 1 to accept call"....but NOT use followme?
18:07.24iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis I have to assign a username to the branch?
18:07.39kb3ienhrm, not my forte, but 'presence' is what you seek i think.
18:07.50Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz, yes
18:07.52[TK]D-FenderKavanS: I've already answered this before... "core show application dial" <- M()
18:07.55ddickensonexcellent, I'll check into it
18:08.02iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis exten => _XXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,tTr)
18:08.10KavanS[TK]D-Fender: ok, sorry I did not see reply....looking into now
18:08.43iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis have no variable available for usernames such as this?
18:08.44[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: On many common SIP phones you can assign a BLF+SD key and make the SD exten check the status of the device its meant to refer to and act accordingly.
18:08.50iure_da_luzexten => _XXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,tTr) Eduardo_Assis
18:08.52ddickensonjust out of curiosity has anyone been able to make the SLA (Shared line appearance) work in trixbox 2.6.2...?
18:09.03Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz, Calls of entry or exit?
18:09.14iure_da_luzexit and entry
18:09.15KavanS[TK]D-Fender: sweet, that's what I was looking for
18:09.24iure_da_luzor entry and exit
18:09.35ddickensonforgive my igrorance but what do those acronyms stand for?  BLF+SD
18:09.45[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: AFAIK, trixbox's FreePBX fork doesn't do this, nor does the oridignal.
18:09.51jbot[blf] Busy Lamp Field, aka little lights next to speed dials that light up when the person is on the phone and blink when that line is ringing.  hint extensions are static mapped to SIP or other channels.
18:09.56[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: + Speed Dial
18:10.12[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: basic presence.
18:10.12Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz,  _XXXX,1,Dial(SIP/username,20,tTr)
18:10.12ddickensonahh, yes.  that would be good
18:10.18iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis nops
18:10.35ddickensonany pointers to pubs that explain how to implement this?
18:10.39iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis I want to dial using the username
18:10.51iure_da_luzexten => _iure,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,r)
18:11.10[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: Look at the pickup apps.  use the HINT priority.  thats it
18:11.21iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis dialplan seek a rule for all usernames
18:11.42ddickenson[TK]D-Fender: thanks
18:12.05Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz, Never used so _name,1,Dial() sorry
18:12.31Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz, only Dial(SIP/name|120|tT)
18:13.08Eduardo_Assisiure_da_luz> exten => _iure,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,r)
18:13.53[TK]D-FenderEduardo_Assis: No point in ${EXTEN} there
18:14.14iure_da_luzEduardo_Assis guax we be spying
18:14.30ddickensonIt's been quite a while since I've done anything IRC is there a PM function somewhere?  Also I wanted to talk to anyone willing that has any experience hooking up Nortel Option 81c with lineside t1 cards to an asterisk system.
18:15.07kb3ienokay getting closer: cdr_addon_mysql.c:314: error: �ast_config_load� undeclared (first use in this function)
18:15.17PTorreshey guys... me again :) ... can anyone take a look at this isdn trace please
18:17.03*** join/#asterisk farkus (
18:17.21kb3ienwell its right. that function isnt declared anywhere the complier was told to look.
18:18.06apeironddickenson, What was the issue with your toolchain setup?
18:18.09apeirondni, ^^
18:19.10*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
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18:20.16ddickensonapeiron: I am trying to figure out the programming on both nortel side and asterisk side to hook up my 81c to my asterisk box via lineside t1 card.  Problem that I've seen in all the step by steps online is that they assume that your pbx is licensed for pri and dchannel use which mine is not.  I can only do basic 24 channel t1's, no dchannel
18:20.37apeironddickenson, Sorry, I meant dni. Not familiar with your setup.
18:20.46ddickensonah, np
18:20.59apeironis quite the * nub
18:21.11ddickensonyou're not alone
18:21.19*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
18:21.22dniapeiron, g++ was the issue
18:21.30apeirondni, Not installed?
18:21.34dniits in a diff package on centos
18:21.53dnii needed to install gcc-c++
18:21.59dnithanks for the feedback and help
18:22.13apeironI would hope that they have a meta-package for the toolchain.
18:23.19*** part/#asterisk iure_da_luz (n=t7DS@
18:26.22kb3ienprogress: --with-asterisk=/a/sane/path fixed on problem. uncovered another.
18:26.25kb3iencdr_addon_mysql.c:314:30: error: macro "ast_config_load" requires 2 arguments, but only 1 given
18:26.58kb3ienis there a chart of compatability between asterisk and asterisk-addon ?
18:27.49kb3ienfunctioncalls get away with that sort of thing, macros dont.
18:40.56kb3ienwell addons 1.4.7 and 1.4.6 are both broken in this regard.
18:41.58ddickensonfrom what I hear cisco call manager phones are now supported in asterisk, is that correct?  can you now use some of the features that were lost in the sip firmwares for the cisco phones?
18:48.56pdmmmddickenson: chan_sccp-b or chan_skinny
18:56.50ddickensonI guess sccp... I thought those two were interchangeable
18:59.40ddickensonhow do you reply to a certain person
18:59.56[TK]D-Fenderddickenson: So don't set for PRI.  Use FXOLS for your signaling to your nortel if * is acting like the telco to it
19:01.27ddickensondo you need to set it up as a digital loop?  actually currently the nortel would be acting as the telco to asterisk.  all my t1's are coming in through there
19:02.15soulclaimerAnyone seen .lock files getting hung up in voicemail folders in asterisk
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19:12.50jblackWho wants to hear some off topic insanity?
19:13.30*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
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19:18.35Ritzeriskanyone in here know hylafax pretty well
19:18.47jblackI've never managed to get it to work.
19:19.37mostyi've used hylafax for years
19:20.11Ritzeriskhave you ever gotten a msg MODEM TIMEOUT: waiting for v.21 carrier
19:20.24Ritzeriskive seen this around the net quite a bit so i think im in the same boat
19:20.46Ritzeriskinbound is FINE i can get 8 - 14 page faxes 100% all the time its just issues outbound
19:21.20RitzeriskNo answer (T.30 T1 timeout)
19:21.46mostyfrom memory the t.30 t1 timeout means there was no fax machine at the other end
19:22.56mostytry the hylafax-users mailing list- they're pretty good
19:23.06Ritzeriskhmmm trippy of course ive tested dozens of differnt landlines and other boxes
19:23.29Ritzeriski saw taht lee guy on there is pretty good but cant seem to find an answer to an issue that ive seen come up
19:24.46mostycan you test it with a standalone fax machine?
19:26.23Ritzeriskyea ive tested it with that too  i might put a butt set on the end of it to see what i hear and if i lost audio somewhere
19:26.36Ritzeriskbut what gets me is inbound is fine
19:27.26EmleyMoorRitzerisk: Your nickname makes me think of an open source hotel telephone system <g>
19:27.33Ritzeriskbut when i called my cell phone once with the sendfax -n -d i heard beep     beep
19:27.40Ritzeriskbut that could be different
19:27.48Ritzeriskhaha ;)
19:31.14*** join/#asterisk hawk (
19:33.00mchouanyone have experience with Zulty ip hones?
19:34.36SuPrSluGanyone using AMD? my problem is when the call is answered it still sees it as a machine, using pretty much the standard amd. conf file for configuration.
19:40.04*** join/#asterisk chrisbdaemon (n=chris@unaffiliated/chrisbdaemon)
19:40.15EmleyMoorAnyone installed AstyCrapper yet? I've been contemplating it.
19:42.14jayteewhat the hell is AstyCrapper?
19:42.28*** join/#asterisk aenaus_ (n=hdgfghf@
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19:42.40EmleyMoorIt attempts to engage telemarketers in conversation
19:43.16mchouI was tempted but just decided to send telemarketers to /dev/null
19:43.58mchouastycrapper doesnt work well over voip
19:44.10mchousilence detection borked
19:44.15EmleyMoorHmmm... fair enough
19:44.26mchoukinda defeats the whole purposed
19:44.30reallost1I'm having a weird problem writing to a db from asterisk.  I can select from the db just fine, but it won't seem to write to the db.
19:45.02[TK]D-Fenderreallost1: If you pastebin something substantial for us to look at maybe we can tell you why
19:45.12jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
19:45.15reallost1Well, it doesn't give any errors.
19:45.27[TK]D-Fenderreallost1: Doesn't mean its being done right
19:45.42reallost1It displays the query with the debug set and I can take it and perform the insert manually.
19:45.53mostyreallost: what about the database server logs?
19:45.57[TK]D-Fenderreallost1: If you don't show us, we can't help you
19:46.20mostyreallost: and if you try it manually using the same username/password as asterisk, does it still work?
19:46.26reallost1I am not getting any errors in the db server logs also.
19:46.37reallost1mosty, yeah I checked permissions.
19:47.01reallost1let me see if I can pastebin anything...
19:48.19PTorresthere were also 'ip' permissions (at least in postgresql)
19:50.15*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
19:52.32reallost1PTorres, yeah I have the IP permissions set.  This is postgres.
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19:53.37Ritzeriski wonder if i could use hylafax in the future as like setup for like virtual modems and terminals to virtual modems only because we have a big mitel customer database and we have alot of Remotes we do
19:54.16Ritzerisklike a vt100 ;)
19:56.48*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
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20:02.16cbullock81is there someone available that might be able to help me with a strange problem with a very simple dialplan?
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20:04.46[TK]D-Fendercbullock81: Show us what you've got, and what its not doing that it should
20:04.50jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
20:05.06cbullock81will do. thanks!
20:05.36*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
20:10.17cbullock81  ok. this is totally basic, but I'm a newbie and just trying to get the basics going.  i can make internal calls between extensions w/o any problems, but when I get an incoming call on one of my dahdi channels (x100p card), it rings for the incoming caller, and it rings the internal extension that it's supposed to, but after 2 rings the incoming caller gets a fast busy.
20:10.33cbullock81if you try to answer the call from the internal phone, you just get a dialtone
20:11.34*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
20:11.47[TK]D-Fendercbullock81: Huge oversight : you have not defined your codecs for your phones
20:12.09[TK]D-Fendercbullock81: Set ONE explicitly
20:12.38[TK]D-Fendercbullock81: Correct this, then enable SIP debug and pastebin a failed call if it doesn't solve it
20:12.48cbullock81ok. will do that. thanks so much!
20:13.16jplankbesides setting port=5061 is there anything else I have to do to * to listen on that port?
20:13.34jplanksetting port=5061 in the endpoint in sip.conf**
20:13.54jplankassuming I'm not using bindport in [general] of sip.conf
20:18.20*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
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20:26.52[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, bbiab
20:26.59cbullock81[TK]D-Fender:  Here is my sip debug.  Still same thing.
20:27.31cbullock81ah... just missed him.... anyone else want to take a stab at this problem
20:28.53*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
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20:42.06jayteeanyone good with shell scripting in here? I'm using a script to run a mysqldump for the current date and using a variable called present that's set as present=`date +%b%d%y` but I'd like to have a variable called yesterday set the previous day's date value in the same format.
20:47.24pdmmmjaytee: date +&b&d&y -24H
20:48.27pdmmmdate -v1d +%b%d%y
20:49.03jayteepdmmm, ok, now I'm totally confused. are those two different methods?
20:49.13pdmmmi'm off
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20:51.20pdmmmon linux
20:52.14cbullock81anyone available to help me with a strange problem: incoming calls on dahdi channel go to fast busy, but ring the appropriate internal sip channel
20:53.13rbdany opinions on running asterisk reniced at -15 or so? I don't want to run asterisk -p (the system does some other things), but I would like to reduce the chances of voip jitters as much as possible
20:57.47Qwellrbd: jitter is a network latency thing
20:58.09Qwellalso the phrase "voip jitters" is kinda funny
20:58.11rbdQwell, sorry, I meant choppyness due to CPU-related issues
20:58.11*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:03.59cbullock81[TK]D-Fender: I added the codec, but I've still got the same thing going on.  I know nothing about the inner workings of SIP, but I've been studying the sip debug ( and it looks like there is a SIP Cancel: that goes out right after the call starts ringing
21:06.46*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:08.37[TK]D-Fendercbullock81: Answer the line first, wait (2), then move on to your dial.  See what heppens
21:09.02cbullock81ok. will try it now
21:10.36cbullock81D-Fender: that worked!  so, what could be the explanation for that?
21:12.55[TK]D-Fendercbullock81: Not 100% certain just yet
21:14.10cbullock81D-Fender: well you have just saved me so much grief!!! thank you so much!  do you think its something within asterisk, or within dahdi, or still unknown?
21:18.34henksomehow i got asterisk to display something like 'incoming call to FOO from BAR'. can anyone tell me what to do to get that?
21:22.46lesouvageHenk: You can use something like exten => s,n,NoOp(incoming call to ${EXTEN} from ${CALLERID(num)}) and the inf will show up in the cli
21:26.01henklesouvage: good you mention it, but i thought my asterisk already did that somehow... i probably confuse the systems...
21:27.40*** join/#asterisk watchy (n=watchy@
21:27.56watchyanyone ever had issues with a Mediatrix not responding to DTMF tones?
21:28.58lesouvagewatchy: perhaps dtmf=inbound in combination with a compressed codec like gsm or g729
21:29.23bijitwatchy: had problems with mediatrix not connecting to asterisk...had to use realm = asterisk..
21:29.38watchyproblem is. i can pickup and dialout fine.
21:29.51watchythen hang up, pick up again. get dialtone. dial, but the dialtone never foes away
21:30.02watchyand i'd paypal someone $100 right now to fix my issue
21:34.11watchybijit: can you paste me one of your auth statements in your sip.conf?
21:35.20bijitwatchy: what model you using?
21:35.57watchyi got 3 4124s
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21:38.58jplankwatchy: seems pretty easy to configure
21:40.28bijitwatchy: you got this dtmfmode=rfc2833 ?
21:41.12watchyyea actually they are easy jplank and it works fine
21:41.30watchyexcept when you hang a call up. you pick back up, you get a dialtone
21:41.36watchybut when you hit digits it doent work
21:42.05jplankthat happens on all three of your boxes?
21:42.12watchyyea unfortunately
21:42.29watchyyou pickup and get nice sounding dialtone, but no digits do anything
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21:42.40watchyhang ity up wait a minute+ then it worksd
21:43.11jplankthat sounds like either a flashhook problem, or the call isn't properly ending (or a little bit of both)
21:43.26jplankI've seen issues like that with other devices
21:43.27watchywould it be on the * side or mediatrix side?
21:43.41jplankI would guess the mediatrix side
21:43.46jplankdo you have flashhook enabled?
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21:43.56jplank(assuming theres a setting for it)
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21:44.14watchylemme search for the setting in the mediatrix pdf
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21:45.06watchyfxsFlashHookDetectionDelayMin  R/W Minimum time in ms the hook switch must remain pressed to perform a flash
21:45.07watchyDefault Value: 100
21:45.13watchythats a setting in the mediatrix
21:45.27jplankare you going to be using flashhook?
21:45.46MainMaxHi, does anyone know s SIP Trunk provider that have free demo accounts without credit card registration...
21:45.48jplankI'd def move it higher then 100ms, I'd set it closer to 750 to 1000ms
21:46.08jplankMainMax: a stupid one?
21:47.20MainMaxany one :) just to try out dailout
21:47.25*** part/#asterisk PTorres (n=PTorres@
21:47.30bijitwatchy: when you hung up does CLI says hunup?
21:48.32watchyi tried to debug just 1 line it floods the console to much to see anything readable
21:49.14lesouvagemainmax: you can setup 2 asterisk boxes and give one of them the role of provider.
21:49.59watchyi'm gonna try to change the flash hook setting
21:51.12*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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21:52.04MainMaxI need to show my boss that all this could work before making a decision about getting into all this VOip stuff
21:53.20jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:53.25MainMaxAnd how can you try a certain provider out before signing s contract with it...
21:53.48stablerMainMax: gives you a free $.25 credit to test out there service
21:53.49*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
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21:54.19stabler.25 gives you plenty of test calls
21:54.38watchyi changed it jplank: but i cant test it till tommorow
21:54.49MainMaxstabler: thanks. i need to make about 3 call 2 mins each :)
21:55.05joakoMainMax: If you never used asterisk I would suggest you play with it a bit, buy 2-3 phones, use it for a month
21:55.18stablerMainMax: the $.25 credit will be plenty to do that
21:55.43*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
21:56.01jplankwatchy: I'm not saying thats def the issue, I've just had similar problems with similar devices (Adtran, Verilink) and it always turns out to be a flashhook problem. Hope it helps
21:57.49MainMaxi need kinda callcenter for 10 users. planning on using softphones with stereo headsets. AsteriskNOW on a linuxbox. Is that a good idea?
21:59.39jplankanyone in here roll their own ISO (kind of like trixbox or PIAF)?
21:59.44*** part/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
21:59.59jblackInstead, you could announce to the world that you're instead hiring the deaf, and all support will now happen via im.
22:00.13jblackdisabled people need jobs too. :P
22:00.27jplankwrong channel jblack?
22:00.39jplankoh, I get it
22:01.01jplankyou'd def get brownie points for that from someone
22:01.22watchyhopefully this fixes it
22:01.32watchyi've been trying to get in touch with support at mediatrix
22:01.35watchybut jesus do they suck
22:02.27MainMaxcan anyone advise on a SIP provider with unlimited plans for outgoing calls (or a cheap ones if you buy in a bulk) and i dont need DID...
22:03.02UQlevMainMax: checkbox is good enough
22:03.16jbotextra, extra, read all about it, voip is Voice over IP
22:03.35bijitjbot: lol
22:03.35jbotextra, extra, read all about it, lol is stands for Laughing Out Loud. It is grammatically incorrect to use LOL in the first person; use 'heh' or 'haha' instead. If you want to use LOL, do '/me lol' instead.
22:03.42jameswftotaly digging druid... quite sexc
22:04.02jbotextra, extra, read all about it, botabuse is fun
22:04.47jbot[TK]D-Fender is the Zen Master of the blatantly obvious, and #asterisk 's resident Google-proxy.
22:04.53*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
22:05.03tzafrir_laptophmm... who edited ~botabuse?
22:05.05bijithad one that list good Voip provider :-)
22:05.12MainMaxthanks ill check it out.
22:05.21jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
22:05.53jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
22:06.01jplankthere you go
22:07.26jbotrumour has it, 42 is the answer to life the universe and everything, see also,_the_universe,_and_everything
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22:33.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
22:34.03*** topic/#asterisk by lmadsen -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/02/23), 1.4.24 (2009/03/16), *-Addons (2008/12/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2009/02/03), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
22:34.06*** join/#asterisk ecret (
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22:34.17lmadsenAsterisk 1.4.24 is now available via  Thanks!
22:35.01apeironer, really?
22:35.10apeironI'm getting "Index of /"
22:36.43apeironah, it's a few levels down.
22:36.53apeironwas expecting a pretty download page
22:38.24lmadsenwe don't directly link because the main page where they are linked changes and only contains the latest releases
22:38.31*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
22:38.37lmadsenso every time we created a release, the link would break :)
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22:39.49apeironah. Okie.
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23:34.15phixhmmmm, debian package of asterisk doesn't seem to have NVFax, NVBackgroundDetect, etc.
23:34.53phixmy zaptel drivers pick up a fax and complains if I don't have a fax extension, but when I do have a fax extension it tells me the call is UNKNOWN and fails
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23:37.55phixhow's it going?
23:38.00jeff_phillipsgood, yourself?
23:38.14phixgreat except for my issues with asterisk
23:38.26phixwell in particular the asterisk package that comes with debian lenny
23:38.29[TK]D-Fenderphix: those are 3rd party apps, and not maintained, either
23:38.40*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
23:38.49phix[TK]D-Fender: oh, what what app do I use for fax detection instead then?
23:38.52*** join/#asterisk hohum (n=dcorbe@
23:39.43[TK]D-Fenderphix: Only the "fax" standard extension for Zap IIRC
23:39.44phixthank you jbot
23:40.15phix[TK]D-Fender: so I can only fax detect on ZAP?
23:40.23[TK]D-Fenderphix: last I checked
23:40.27phix(that is fine though, that is what I want it for)
23:41.04jeff_phillipsi'm debating what hardware to use for the next project I'm working on
23:41.07phixs/(that) is/\1\'s/
23:41.13buzkashii have a tdm400p card installed and the caller can barley hear the enter the extension of the person you are trying to reach, how can I increase the volume?
23:41.14phixcome on jbot :)
23:41.29phixbuzkashi: easy
23:41.33lesouvageIs it correct/as intended that an outbound call innitiated by a callfile isn't traceble in the cdr?
23:41.43jeff_phillipsI'm wondering how asterisk handles on 512 mb of ram -- I'd throw more in, but it's on a hosted server & they use ram as a big reason to upsell you to a much bigger monthly bill
23:42.00jeff_phillipsI'm just doing straight sip-to-sip with an IVR in the middle
23:42.03[TK]D-Fenderbuzkashi: "rxgain" / "txgain" in zapata.conf/chan_dahdi.conf
23:42.35buzkashiIs there a document for dahdi.conf to tweak this out on the net somewhere?
23:43.03buzkashiphix this increases the volume?
23:43.04phixuncomment them of corse and change the 0's to something higher, for txgain that is
23:43.24phixyes, tx == transmit, rx == recieve?
23:44.36phix[TK]D-Fender: ok, well it is putting it in the wrong context :\
23:45.25phix[TK]D-Fender: I have faxdetect = on in zapata.conf
23:45.50jeff_phillipsphix: You should probably tune the gain levels by calling your telco's milliwatt test # & watching it in ztmonitor
23:45.52phixI also tried = both as well, it seems to pick it up and complain if I dont have a fax exten for it, but when I do it fails
23:46.04jeff_phillipsi had instructions bookmarked somewhere, one sec
23:46.09phixjeff_phillips: I see
23:46.48[TK]D-Fenderphix: then its in the wrong place.
23:47.00phix[TK]D-Fender: <3
23:48.13jeff_phillipsi had a better link somewhere -- i think it's about time I organize my bookmarks
23:48.52buzkashiWhat number do I begin with ?
23:49.49freddykhi all
23:49.51jeff_phillipsbuzkashi: you mean in ztmonitor?
23:50.05freddykany expert of sip here ? i have a problem with sip registration on 1.6.1 trunk
23:50.47jeff_phillipsbuzkashi/phix: call your telco's 1004hz tone test generator #, run ztmonitor, and adjust rxgain until you get numbers around 14800 if my memory is right
23:53.10buzkashithe is being tested using cable telephone access can I still do this?
23:54.02jeff_phillipshow are you connected to the cable service?
23:54.21buzkashithrough a cable modem
23:54.38buzkashicable modem is for internet, cable and telephone service
23:55.02jeff_phillipsso the cable company gives you a box with a regular phone jack on it, and you plug your zap card into that?
23:55.47jeff_phillipsthen treat it like a regular phone line... except you might have a hard time getting the cable company to give you a 1004 hz tone test # to call so you might have to dial another telco's test #
23:56.17buzkashithis can be done? dialing another telco test?
23:56.18jeff_phillipsMy company is getting a cable modem installed in our warehouse and the cable company intends on giving us a bundle deal with unlimited phone to the US & canada.
23:56.37jeff_phillipssure but it's preferred to dial the local one
23:57.01buzkashiYes I worked with a client that did the same but there was no SLA offered and it was not asked for
23:57.04jeff_phillipsI was wondering if there is a way of getting a cable phone service into asterisk digitally without doing the analog conversion
23:58.08UQlevjeff: sip/iax origination/termination services
23:58.10jeff_phillipsWell I asked our cable company (Charter Communications) if their phone service was VoIP and they insist it isn't and doesn't use the connection's IP bandwdith at all but just uses their cable lines in some other way
23:58.29jeff_phillipsbut the cable company generally has lied to me about most things so far
23:59.05UQlevjeff: cable company may resell you others voip providers with their commission
23:59.10buzkashicorrect man of the clec's while provide hardware that will support voip but what you wrote above is correct
23:59.50buzkashiThe main issue is no SLA and I know of companies and organization who go down and it takes 3-4 days to get service restored

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