IRC log for #asterisk on 20090311

00:09.44*** join/#asterisk micols (
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00:20.17areayi've got a sip trunk connected and when i dial the number from another phone it's busy...but i can't make or receive any external calls through asterisk
00:25.51*** part/#asterisk jcoffi (n=jcoffi@
00:27.31*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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00:30.51*** join/#asterisk nemik (
00:32.00nemikso would be nice if there was another Festival()-like command that executed a script that returned text, kinda like AGI instead of just taking in text to the Festival cmd
00:34.09*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
00:36.24Ritzeriskanyoneknow of good sip providers
00:41.06lmadsenRitzerisk: unlimitel is awesome
00:42.08*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
00:43.34*** join/#asterisk f0ner00t (
00:45.10f0ner00tHello Q: If I set up Asterisk on my box is there an service that provide dialin numbers where a T1 is not needed?
00:47.05*** join/#asterisk phix (
00:48.18areayim running asteriskNOW but its cutting and disconnecting calls
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00:56.28areayevery time i take in incoming call through asterisk it disconnects within 10 seconds... anyone got any ideas?
00:57.59*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
00:58.53jblackareay: Learn to talk really, really fast?
00:59.23areayjblack, lol
00:59.26jblackDo you mean the phone only rings for ten seconds, or what?
00:59.31areaynah it connects
00:59.39areayand i can make weird noises down the line for 10 seconds
00:59.43areaybut then it cuts me off
01:00.04jblackno idea. maybe there's a firewall in the way screwing things up
01:00.19areaydunno where would i find logs
01:00.43jblackyou'd look at sip debug, iax debug, maybe there's an rtp ebug to
01:00.44*** join/#asterisk axisys (
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01:00.53*** join/#asterisk asterisk` (n=asterisk@unaffiliated/adrianxxx)
01:00.59asterisk`hi there
01:02.06asterisk`hi there i try to install the g729 codec.
01:02.14asterisk`and i got some errors..
01:02.41asterisk`[Mar 10 09:57:59] WARNING[5102]: loader.c:359 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied
01:02.42asterisk`[Mar 10 09:57:59] WARNING[5102]: loader.c:653 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
01:03.45areayjblack, im getting "hanging up call" in my logs
01:04.39asterisk`someone can help me please ?
01:04.43areayjblack, <-- here's the last few lines
01:07.07*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:07.43jayteeasterisk`, not running * as root I take it
01:07.43*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
01:08.29f0ner00tWhat service can I use to take inbound calls on my asterix server which is free?
01:08.31asterisk`yes i'am running as root
01:08.48asterisk`uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1(bin),2(daemon),3(sys),4(adm),6(disk),10(wheel) context=root:system_r:unconfined_t:SystemLow-SystemHigh
01:09.35f0ner00tAnybody know a good server?
01:09.38asterisk`jaytee can you help me please
01:10.05jayteeasterisk`, well either the file permission isn't set or you don't have a valid license for the codec. g729 isn't free
01:10.37asterisk`i know that
01:10.41asterisk`i just buy the licence
01:10.44asterisk`and is active
01:11.19asterisk`i dont know what kind of module i need form my machine
01:11.25*** join/#asterisk thelordmortis (
01:11.30[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: . They make great servers
01:11.31asterisk`is CentOS release 5.2 (Final)
01:11.50jayteeasterisk`, well then it should work. I don't use 729 though so I'm not much help with it's specific issues but the message you got clearly indicates a permissions issue.
01:11.52bougymanasterisk`: you think SE might be stopping you?
01:11.53asterisk`model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU    Q6600  @ 2.40GHz
01:11.59bougymanthat seems like you're in an SELinux context.
01:12.14jayteethat was my next question, do you have selinux enabled? if so disable it and try reloading
01:14.08*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:14.32*** join/#asterisk astetrg (n=asterisk@unaffiliated/adrianxxx)
01:15.25*** join/#asterisk k-man (n=jason@unaffiliated/k-man)
01:15.50k-manappart from google talk, does asterisk talk to any of the other non SIP voip services?
01:16.08[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Treid reading the book?
01:16.12russellbasterisk supports 7 voip protocols
01:16.33[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Not in the capacity he's looking for :)
01:16.54asterisk``i try to install the codec_g729a-1.4_3.0.3-core2.tar.gz
01:16.57asterisk``but dont load..
01:17.03asterisk``and codec_g729a-1.4_3.0.3-i686.tar.gz
01:17.15[TK]D-Fenderasterisk`pastebin the complete output of "asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc"
01:17.36asterisk``what do you need of paste bin ... ?
01:17.38russellbasterisk``: you should run the "benchg729" tool.  It will tell you which module to use.
01:17.49russellbnot only based on compatibility, but based on which one will run the fastest.
01:18.03asterisk``Recommended flavor for this system is 'athlon-xp' with an average of 361 milliseconds.
01:18.18*** join/#asterisk viq_ (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
01:18.50asterisk``i put the athlon-xp
01:18.50*** join/#asterisk asterisk` (n=asterisk@unaffiliated/adrianxxx) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:18.50*** join/#asterisk Woody2143 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:18.50*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
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01:18.51asterisk``and still dont work
01:18.51*** join/#asterisk f0ner00t ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
01:18.51[TK]D-Fenderasterisk``: PASTEBIN please
01:18.52jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
01:18.58k-man[TK]D-Fender: where should I look in the book for that info?
01:19.21[TK]D-Fenderk-man: one of those nice introduction chapters that tells you all the wonderful things * can talk to
01:19.25f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: I have a server already. I just need a free inbound service to hook it to.
01:19.53*** join/#asterisk orkid (n=orkid@unaffiliated/orkid)
01:20.01jayteeI have driving gloves, I just need a nice free sports car to use them with
01:20.15f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Dank you!
01:20.48[TK]D-Fenderasterisk`: that is not what I asked for
01:23.13*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
01:23.59*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
01:24.05k-manf0ner00t: are you in Aus?
01:24.05asterisk`what do you need. ?
01:24.08k-manAustralia i mean?
01:25.47*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
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01:27.55k-manwell, if you are in Aus, you can get a very cheap indial for $5/year from MyNetFone
01:30.24*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
01:30.43f0ner00tk-man. Nope in the us..
01:31.13f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: It says I have to register my sip ip phone? is thi scorrect?
01:31.46[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: .....huh?
01:32.15[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: They send an un-auth'd call directly to your server, or to a service of your choice.
01:32.27f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: I'm at It says here's how it works: 1. Register your sip phone with a VOIP services like or is that correct?
01:32.36f0ner00tI don't exactly understand.
01:32.45[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: That, or point it directly to your server
01:32.47f0ner00tI understand SIP.. Just not what they are looking for me to do.
01:33.15[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: they do a direct URI dial, there is no registering with them to tell them where to place the call to.
01:33.16*** join/#asterisk ecret (
01:33.40[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: So your server needs a fixed host or has to register to a service that will accept their URI dial.
01:33.54[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: these days would probably be the best choice.
01:34.04[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: since FWD is no longer "free"
01:34.21f0ner00tI haven't installed the software yet. I'm just looking into it.
01:34.36f0ner00tI work for a server provider that does sip.. Just haven't had my own hands on sip.
01:35.15f0ner00tI just want inbound not outbound on it for now.
01:35.23f0ner00tBut Ekiga looks pretty cool!
01:35.36[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: "the software"?  What software?
01:35.57f0ner00tI'm going to install astrixs.
01:36.03f0ner00topps asterisk.
01:36.07[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Never heard of it
01:36.22[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Go right ahead.
01:36.23f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: Thats why your in the channel!
01:36.42[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: yes... I can spell and conjugate.
01:36.56[TK]D-FenderExcellent reasons
01:37.29f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: So when registering for ipkall their is a place for sip phone number what should that be?
01:38.03[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: Whatever number you need to dial to that host for the call to get to you
01:38.34f0ner00tAnd where would I get that info?
01:38.44[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: that depends how you set it up.
01:39.02[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: the # is the exten to dial against whatever server you point them towards
01:39.24[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: If you register to a service like then you point them to your account # there.
01:39.57[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: If you point them directly to your server then you tell them the # you want them to dial and set up an extension in your dialplan to match.
01:40.06*** join/#asterisk path_ (
01:41.02asterisk`[Mar 10 10:37:51] WARNING[5492]: translate.c:175 framein: no samples for alawtolin
01:41.25lmadsenanyone know how to export the XML documentation from asterisk trunk?
01:42.58russellblmadsen: it's automagic.
01:43.12russellblmadsen: it is generated at compile time.  it is placed in doc/<something>.xml i thin
01:43.20russellband installed in /usr/lib/asterisk/documentation  (i think)
01:43.28lmadsenah... I found an old post from you now :)
01:45.21f0ner00t[TK]D-Fender: How do I point it directly to my server/
01:45.27f0ner00tI guess that is what I'm asking.
01:45.44lmadsen/var/lib/asterisk/documentation :)
01:45.46[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: there are some nice clear BLANKS to fill in on their site for your IP.
01:46.58f0ner00tSo the Sip phone number would be the IP?
01:48.37[TK]D-Fenderf0ner00t: no, that is the EXTENSION you want it to dial at the server
01:49.20f0ner00tI don't see a place for IP address.
01:49.41*** join/#asterisk maxagaz (
01:50.02f0ner00tOkay cool cool.
01:56.30f0ner00tGoodnight everyone
01:58.24*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
02:32.53*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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02:34.46*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
02:35.15areayi just had my voip semi-working with SIP, tried IAX which wouldn't work at all, and now I can't even get SIP working again
02:35.22areayi'm using exactly the same settings as before
02:35.54areaymy voip provider  told me to edit sip.conf and extensions.conf
02:36.07[TK]D-Fenderareay: Clearly it is NOT the same
02:36.52areay[TK]D-Fender, i know... its hard because it seems the instructions on my provider's site are for an older version maybe
02:37.17areay[TK]D-Fender, i had to edit users.conf last time, not sip.conf or extensions.conf
02:37.33areayso i did it again but its broken
02:37.38[TK]D-Fenderareay: Had to?  No.  Cose to?  Apparently
02:38.14areayi'm just trying to get it to work... last time i had it connected with sip it kept dropping phone calls
02:38.40areayso i figured i'd try iax... and now it's completely unusable... i've completely reconfigured it from scratch and it won't work
02:39.53[TK]D-Fenderareay: how do "from scratch" and "same settings" coexist"?
02:40.27drmessanoRemember my problem the other night where my PBX was off, the fans werent running, couldnt access it on the network, and my phones wouldnt register?
02:40.29drmessanoI think I may have a power issue
02:40.59[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Grab your flashlight and check :p
02:41.10jayteeareay, if you used the example in "the book" for IAX the examples have their contexts backwards.
02:41.22*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
02:41.26areay[TK]D-Fender, after i couldn't get it working with iax, i changed the settings back to what they were before (with sip).... it wouldn't work so i reinstalled asterisknow and followed the same (as far as i remember) steps i did before with the sip configuration...
02:41.33drmessanoJaytee, you missed it
02:41.46areayjaytee, nah i'm following this:
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02:42.00jayteemissed what? another 30 minute * setup and don't give me any shit?
02:42.27drmessanoPM'ed it
02:43.27[TK]D-Fenderareay: Here's a tip : enable SIP debug at CLI and realize the difference between telling us "I did everything like they said" and "actually looking at configs and what's happening at CLI"
02:43.38jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
02:43.43[TK]D-Fenderareay: PASTEBIN is your friend.
02:43.58[TK]D-Fenderareay: remember to mask posswords, but nothing else
02:44.09apeironrecently signed up for Broadvoice, running Asterisk for his home phone. :D
02:44.53*** join/#asterisk jsoftw (n=Administ@unaffiliated/jsoft)
02:45.02jsoftwAnyone running pabix in a flash in xen?
02:45.24areay[TK]D-Fender, i'm just using the asterisknow vmware image for testing... i need to know how to set this up quickly for my provider... i can pastebin my users.conf, sip.conf, and extensions.conf if u want... those are the only settings i've changed
02:46.10[TK]D-Fenderareay: I would be paying very close attention to the SECOND part I asked for.  Actual debug of CALL ATTEMPTS
02:46.46areayi don't understand how to get the info you're after
02:47.56[TK]D-Fenderareay: got to * CLI.  Enable SIP DEBUG.  Cut & pastebin.  The end.
02:48.18areaywtf is cli?
02:48.29mmlj4well, if you're using asterisknow or any other cookie-cutter distro, you're better off never touching the config files manually
02:48.56[TK]D-Fenderareay: Not knowing this part is like asking "what's a steering wheel" when you go to sit in the driver's seat of a car.
02:49.00mmlj4areay: command-line interface
02:49.07areaylook i run a small business from home and i just want a nice lady to answer the phone when we're closed... i'm not a phone engineer
02:49.19[TK]D-Fenderareay: the lovely terminal interface that shows you what is HAPPENING on your server
02:49.22mmlj4areay: then use the GUI exclusively
02:49.43mmlj4and quick mucking about in the filesystem
02:50.02areayi've set all the settings i can in the gui
02:50.11*** join/#asterisk pmhaddad (
02:50.15areayand it wouldn't work... the only time i had it working was when i edited users.conf
02:50.28[TK]D-Fenderareay: *NOW is not for you.  Just go download and install Trixbox and be done with it.
02:50.56areaytrixbox... i've heard of that... thanks for the pointer i'll check it out
02:51.09mmlj4[TK]D-Fender: you're implying *now is harder than trix-for-kidsbox?
02:51.43[TK]D-Fendermmlj4: Less complete in its hand-holding.  And no, I'm not implying it.  I'm now telling you to your face :)
02:52.04*** join/#asterisk Kumba_ (n=james@
02:52.05mmlj4fair enough
02:52.07areaywhat's the difference anyway... can i run trixbox on vmware?
02:52.15[TK]D-Fenderareay: same thing
02:52.16mmlj4yes, areay
02:52.38Kumba_is dial(sip/provider/${EXTEN}) treated the same way inside asterisk as dial(sip/${EXTEN}@provider) ?
02:53.31[TK]D-Fenderareay: <- There, And they have their own channel when you get stuck : #trixbox .   Have fun.
02:53.37[TK]D-FenderKumba : Should
02:53.49Kumba_Hmmm, ok...
03:15.03*** join/#asterisk lowlevel (
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03:33.27*** join/#asterisk dalbaech (
03:34.15dalbaechI just had to check out the code tonight....
03:34.16areay[TK]D-Fender, how is this supposed to be easier? you've pointed me in the direction of an overly complex gui and told me to go to a support channel with 22 idle people in it
03:34.27dalbaechrussellb: it's all your fault! :P
03:34.41theharewww trixbox
03:34.48areay[TK]D-Fender, the digs i could take, but blatantly wasting my time?
03:34.58areay[TK]D-Fender, why do you even come here?
03:35.15areay[TK]D-Fender, obviously it's not to help people... and you're too much of a smartass to ask anyone else for help
03:35.15[TK]D-Fenderareay: You want something that "just works"
03:35.29[TK]D-Fenderareay: its is a COMPLETE install.  No mucking around.  Fill in a few blanks and go
03:35.38[TK]D-Fenderareay: *NOW's solution is NOT
03:35.58areay[TK]D-Fender, it's useless... i got *now working myself
03:36.22areay[TK]D-Fender, i could spend a week with this trixbox crap
03:36.23[TK]D-Fenderareay: Congratulations then.
03:37.29areayi come here asking for help and all i get is attitude with a side helping of RTFM
03:38.14[TK]D-Fenderareay: No, I pointed you to a solution that will handle to probable extent to which you will care to configure things, and I see you spent the entire sub-hour since I brought it up harldy looking at it
03:38.22[TK]D-Fenderareay: You are the one with an attitude probelm.
03:39.11[TK]D-Fenderareay: You know it all already so I guess I won't bother trying to convince you otherwise.
03:39.12*** join/#asterisk inv_arp (
03:39.35[TK]D-Fenderareay: But best of luck with your continued endeavors.
03:39.58areayi told you my level of experience and you sent me in the wrong direction. good job.
03:40.27[TK]D-Fenderareay: what "level of experience".  Nothing gave any serious indication of any.
03:40.42[TK]D-Fenderareay: And what makes Trixbox a "wrong direction"?
03:41.23areayi said i'm not an expert... i'm just following a guide on my sip provider's website
03:41.30[TK]D-Fenderareay:  And please cool it already.  We've tried pointing you where we figured you would best end up with your minimal answering machine-grade service.
03:41.35jsoftwPerhaps you were heading for the kitchen for a feed, and instead went to work on trixbox. In such a case, trixbox would be a step in the wrong direction.
03:42.54[TK]D-Fenderareay: And what does "jsut following what my provider told me" say?  Are they going to tell you how to do everything you want to do?  Or jsut the minimum to have a peer you could use once configuring so much else?
03:43.20areayi can figure out the IVR stuff
03:43.24[TK]D-Fenderareay: We did not see your configs.  Or the actual errors if any.  Yet you rave at us.
03:43.26*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
03:44.16areayi'm not raving at anyone... i was pointing out that you belittled me and sent me away to the noob channel without fully considering what i had to say
03:44.29areayand pointing out that i didn't appreciate it.
03:44.30[TK]D-Fenderareay: Belittled?  How so?
03:45.05*** join/#asterisk tecnico (n=tecnico@
03:45.11[TK]D-Fenderareay: And I can already see how little consideration you've given to the alternative.  "Outright dismissal" seems to sum it up.
03:45.44areayyeah because i asked a simple question and you've told me to go back to the drawing board because i'm too stupid
03:46.26[TK]D-Fenderareay: That assessment of my evaluation is incorrect.
03:46.30[TK]D-Fenderareay: Any more words you'd like to put in my mouth?
03:46.46areay<[TK]D-Fender> areay: PASTEBIN is your friend.
03:46.59[TK]D-Fenderareay: That doesn't say "you're stupid" to me.
03:47.00areayTK]D-Fender> areay: how do "from scratch" and "same settings" coexist"?
03:47.12areayeverything says "you're stupid"
03:47.23[TK]D-Fenderareay: that seems to say "please show us what you've got and not spam in the channel while doing it"
03:48.41[TK]D-Fenderareay: and You say "same settings" and then something that does not imply a serious level of confidence that you did indeed recreate everything the way it was.  Especially when if everything is the same as it was it would work the way it used to.  Thats the laws of physics.
03:49.06[TK]D-Fenderareay: Doing the same thing = get the same results.  Different results = differnt situation.
03:49.10areayof course
03:49.23areaybut stating the obvious when someone's asking a question doesn't work
03:49.27[TK]D-Fenderareay: So again, this was not a persectution.
03:49.46[TK]D-Fenderareay: You are overly sensitive and I don't feel like taking the fall for your frustrations.
03:50.14areayi didn't come here to argue with you... i came here to set up a sip trunk
03:50.36*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
03:50.45[TK]D-Fenderareay: Well you seem to have acheived both.  Again, congratiulations on the latter.
03:51.20areayactually it's been a complete waste of time, and i'm no further than i was four hours ago
03:52.23[TK]D-Fender[23:36]<areay>[TK]D-Fender, it's useless... i got *now working myself
03:53.02[TK]D-Fenderareay: I had this funny thought that "working" and the "in my face" tone to mean you did it and somehow in spite of us
03:53.15*** join/#asterisk whirrclickk (
03:53.19[TK]D-Fenderareay: So what does this new state of "working" mean?
03:53.46areay[TK]D-Fender, i was referring to before, when i had it working with a sip connection
03:53.56areay[TK]D-Fender, well at least connecting anyway
03:54.38areay[TK]D-Fender, i meant there was no way i would be getting trixbox working myself because the gui is more complicated than config files in the first place
03:55.02areay[TK]D-Fender, which defeats the object of having a gui in the first place
03:55.13[TK]D-Fenderareay: Have to admit, thats not something I hear almost ever
03:55.45[TK]D-Fenderareay: So, go to * CLI and look at the SIP debug for your failed call attempt and pastebin it.
03:55.58[TK]D-Fenderareay: at Linux CLI : "asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvv"
03:56.15[TK]D-Fenderareay: and then "sip set debug on"
03:56.21[TK]D-Fenderareay: and try a call.
03:57.23[TK]D-Fenderareay: And since you're going down the route of doing it yourself, go grab the Book and spend some time later learning how * works.
03:57.26jboti heard book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:57.49areayi skimmed over that the other day
03:58.17areayit pretty much tells you if you're using *now to skip the entire book
03:58.19jayteeskimming is like reading Cliff notes for a final exam.
03:59.15areayjaytee, agreed... but i wasn't looking for a qualification... i just wanted the thing up and running... i learn quicker through experience than by reading
03:59.16[TK]D-Fenderareay: I'm sure you spent jsut as long reading it as following previous advice.
04:00.53areay[TK]D-Fender, if i wanted to set up 1000 lines for a fortune 500 company i'd be studying a lot more than i am now... but what i want to do is pretty simple... once i get it basically set up i can learn the different features as and when i want to use them
04:01.26areayall i'm trying to do is get these settings to work in *now -->
04:01.46[TK]D-Fenderareay: Yes, but at the same time your saying " i just want a nice lady to answer the phone when we're closed" doesn't say "I want to learn Asterisk".  A gui will let you fill in a few blanks for provider setting, and they usually even give specific instructions for this.  Set up a defau;t route in the GUI toa VM box and you're done.
04:02.13[TK]D-Fenderareay: Fo someone who didn't want to be a phone engineer, you sure turn a mean 180
04:02.44[TK]D-Fenderareay: But I have also jsut given you specific instruction to follow to try to debug this.  Please go and do them.
04:03.08areayok brb
04:06.06whirrclickkdoes anyone know of if its possible to use MRCP with asterisk?
04:06.26areay[TK]D-Fender,  im doing this from a fresh vmware image too so it'll take a couple mins to reconfigure...
04:06.38k-manwhirrclickk: what is MRCP?
04:06.59[TK]D-Fenderareay : Didn't you just say you put everything back?
04:07.33whirrclickkk-man: TTS/AVR interface standard.
04:07.53k-manwhirrclickk: oh
04:08.02k-manwhirrclickk: what is TTS/AVR?
04:08.13[TK]D-Fenderwhirrclickk: No.
04:08.22k-mantext to speech?
04:08.25areay[TK]D-Fender, it only takes a min to set up... i just wanna make sure im doing it right
04:08.26*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:08.37k-manwhirrclickk: ah, ok
04:08.46k-manwhirrclickk: well - i have no idea ;)
04:09.02whirrclickk[TK]D-Fender: no, you don't know? or no, it cant? :)
04:09.16[TK]D-Fenderwhirrclickk: No, * does not do this.
04:12.10k-mani have read that asterisk is not a SIP Peer - is that a good/bad or indifferent feature of asterisk?
04:12.27k-mansorry for the slip
04:12.55jblackIt's just what it is.
04:13.09jblackit can be used as a sip intermediary, btw
04:17.04areay[TK]D-Fender, i tried "sip set debug on" and its the wrong syntax... it wants an ip
04:17.14areayor a peername
04:17.30[TK]D-Fenderareay: "sip set debug"
04:17.40areayah sorry
04:18.13[TK]D-Fenderareay: No need, syntax has changed, I do mix these up often enough
04:18.22*** join/#asterisk zenfox (
04:18.34*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
04:19.37areay[TK]D-Fender, ok it's kicking some stuff out now
04:20.18areay"scheduling destruction of sip dialog..."
04:21.30[TK]D-Fenderareay: Should be getting a LOT more than that on a call attempt
04:21.31areayits having trouble registering to
04:21.36areayi am
04:21.43[TK]D-Fenderareay: that last message can be ignored.
04:21.54areayhold up i'll go use my "friend"
04:22.06[TK]D-FenderExcellent idea.
04:23.51areay[TK]D-Fender, i'll have to screenshot it i can't get it to transfer the clipboard data out of vmware player
04:24.19[TK]D-Fenderareay: Connect to it via SSH from another session / PC
04:24.32[TK]D-Fenderareay: 1 screen doesn't give enough.
04:24.42[TK]D-Fenderareay: You'll need a lot more scroll-back
04:24.47areay[TK]D-Fender, i tried but it was giving me an error... hold up
04:25.33[TK]D-Fenderareay: use "exit" to get back to Linux CLI.  then "chkconfig sshd on" , "service sshd start"
04:26.05areaythe ssh connection was fine... just the asterisk command giving me errors...
04:26.50k-manwhat distro is areay using?
04:27.18areayubuntu on my machine... im not running asterisk on ubuntu tho
04:28.49k-manwhat distro is asterisk running on?
04:28.50areay*now... i forgot to sudo i got it workin now
04:29.51*** join/#asterisk Coolthreads (
04:31.14[TK]D-Fenderareay: "admin" doesn't have rights to *
04:31.38k-manwhat distro does asterisknow run on?
04:31.46[TK]D-Fenderk-man: He's on the OLD one.
04:32.03[TK]D-Fenderareay: You very seriously should be on 1.5 Beta....
04:32.14[TK]D-Fenderareay: That looks like the old rPath junk they dumped
04:32.38areayshit i thought i was using the new one... i should make my own vmware image really
04:32.58[TK]D-Fenderareay: look at the COPYRIGHT date for a clue
04:33.10[TK]D-Fenderareay: 1.4.0 is ancient
04:33.37[TK]D-Fenderareay: and words fail me as to just how bad the first few releases are.
04:33.38Kobazi have a completely random question... how would one detect if someone is calling from a payphone
04:34.01[TK]D-FenderKobaz: "module load"
04:34.05*** join/#asterisk jsgoecke (
04:34.12Kobazyes, that would work lovely
04:34.21Kobazi only i could use that module for everything
04:34.47areaythere's only one *now virtual machine on the vmware site
04:35.15*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
04:36.05[TK]D-Fenderareay: Found no matching peer or user for '' <- first it can't ID the incoming caller
04:36.25[TK]D-Fenderareay: Looking for 908702404040 in default (domain -- SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
04:37.02[TK]D-Fenderareay: Next it can't find a match for "908702404040" in [default] (which is where the call lands in your dialplan due to your SIP config).
04:37.41[TK]D-Fenderareay: The mere fact you even get the call does suggest that if you had to register to them, you have got that part working at the very least.
04:38.06areayoh this is me dialling out from a softphone
04:38.21areayto an outside line
04:38.31[TK]D-Fenderareay: AH, I did "skim" that myself...
04:39.02[TK]D-Fenderareay: All this time you described what would effectively be an "answering machine".  This does not seem to be your approach
04:39.38areay[TK]D-Fender, i know... but the incoming and outgoing are using the same trunk
04:39.52[TK]D-Fenderareay: And indeed is is very bad that your softphone is not matching a peer on your system.  Did you try to set one up for it?
04:40.05[TK]D-Fenderareay: Your problem has nothing to do with your provider.
04:40.08areay[TK]D-Fender, nah i just set up an extension and password
04:40.21areay[TK]D-Fender, when i dial my voip number from a regular phone i just get a busy signal
04:40.21[TK]D-Fenderareay: Your problem is currently solely between * and your phone
04:40.31[TK]D-Fenderareay: Try again now.
04:40.39[TK]D-Fenderareay: Since SIP debug is enabled
04:40.46[TK]D-Fenderareay: perhaps you'll see something
04:40.47*** part/#asterisk SparFux (
04:40.59areaynothing at all...
04:41.13areayif asterisk isn't running i get an error message when i dial that number tho
04:41.13*** part/#asterisk Mog (
04:41.17areayso asterisk must be doing something
04:42.18k-mantheres 2 mistakes i made when setting up asterisk. 1. my voip provider didn't give me a DID when I thought they did - so i always got engaged signals until i found that out and fixed it. 2. i made a mistake in the password in the sip register line - so nothing worked until i fixed that either
04:42.26k-manboth were hard to track down
04:42.59[TK]D-Fenderareay: What is the networking between * and the internet?
04:43.03*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-728a0695ce50235c)
04:43.42areaya router/firewall... it's not direct
04:43.50areaybut it worked before
04:44.00[TK]D-Fenderareay: * needs all sorts of ports forwarded to it, config file settings, etc.
04:44.23[TK]D-Fenderareay: I hate to say this is going to be a very long process.
04:44.34areayi know how to forward ports... i just need to know which ones
04:44.47jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
04:44.53[TK]D-Fenderareay: First link.
04:45.07[TK]D-Fenderareay: Here, for some "inspiration" :
04:45.11jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
04:45.53[TK]D-Fenderareay: fix the fact that Ekiga is not authing to a peer first.
04:46.20areayhow do i do that?
04:46.30[TK]D-Fenderareay: Then confim the dialplan in the context it points to.  then fix your NAT setup and try to integrate the bits your provider told you to do for the basics
04:46.35areayjerry mcnamara link is broken btw
04:46.48[TK]D-Fenderareay: You are starting practically from scratch.... you have a LOT of learning to do....
04:47.33areay[TK]D-Fender, i had monkeys screeching down my phone earlier
04:47.50*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:48.03[TK]D-Fenderareay: Ignore everything except the extensions, sip, & voicemail bits
04:48.26areay[TK]D-Fender, it was all working perfectly (for the first 30 seconds of the call)... if only i didnt mess it up
04:48.42[TK]D-Fenderareay: Your peer (if you have one) can't ID the phone and the call is being allowed in un-authed.  Not a good thing normally.
04:49.11Kobazused that line because 1-866-IDOLS-13 is owned by a phone sex operation which promises to connect listeners to a "nasty girl" for $3.99 a minute.
04:49.14[TK]D-Fenderareay: well this is going to be an extreme hand-holding process from the looks of it, and my time is almost up for tonight
04:49.33KobazVoters for final performer Alexis Grace, the 21-year-old single mother from Memphis, Tenn., were directed to 1-866-IDOLS-36. The singing contest - which has 13 finalists this season instead of the usual dozen - used that line because 1-866-IDOLS-13 is owned by a phone sex operation which promises to connect listeners to a "nasty girl" for $3.99 a minute.
04:49.38Kobazthere you go
04:49.41areay[TK]D-Fender, its frustrating me because i had it working before and i barely changed anything
04:49.52k-manwhat is it with jbot talking about soviet russia?
04:50.04Kobazin soviet russia, asterisk calls you!
04:50.42[TK]D-Fenderk-man: In-joke that only Sargun and I get.
04:51.08k-man[TK]D-Fender: ok
04:51.12SargunYeah, exactly.
04:51.37[TK]D-FenderSargun: You are done playing with my bitch, right? :)
04:54.02joakoDoes anyone use a Nokia WiFi phone with asterisk?
04:54.26[TK]D-Fenderjoako: I've head of the E61/62 being used with *.  Sucks hard with NAT though.
04:54.37[TK]D-Fender(or so people have consistently claimed)
04:56.38joakoThat sort of answers my question. I have an E71 with massive NAT issues
04:56.56joakoAnd I thought the E62 was a Cingular version w/o WiFii.....
04:57.45joakoBut OTOH VoIP calls over 3G on the E71 work *surprisingly* well
05:02.33[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Lower your expectations far enough and lots of things will surprise you.
05:04.39joakolol over the 3G I was able to make a VoIP call while I drove around without it breaking up, I was expecting it to not be usable at all
05:04.52k-manthats cool
05:05.04k-mani see there is a SIP client for the iphone now
05:05.14k-mananyone tried that?
05:11.56drmessanoDoes it look like a sunflower?
05:21.17*** join/#asterisk orkid (n=orkid@unaffiliated/orkid)
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05:30.58*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
05:44.45*** join/#asterisk MmixX (n=mmixx@
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05:46.56[T]ankI am trying to place a call from my softphone and I am getting errors that the call failed with a cause 99. configs are here:
05:47.04[T]ankcan anyone see what might cause this?
05:47.50[T]ankif I do a console dial and that same number, the call will go through just fine.
05:49.28ecretone of the svn sources on      seem to be down : svn checkout libpri             Can someone else verify please?
05:50.30apeirontrunk is gone, but the parent directory works.
05:51.08ecretshould site be updated?  i will just use, heh, great hostname.
05:52.30[T]ankIf I google:     -- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup, cause 99 I find others who have had the same issue, but no resolution.
06:03.14[T]ankanyone have any ideas at all as to why I cant get my call to work when using a softphone?
06:03.48*** join/#asterisk l0gis1c (
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06:12.42[T]ankwhere is everyone? Its dead
06:18.54*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
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06:22.08*** join/#asterisk TrentCreek (
06:22.48TrentCreekwhy would my box be asking for callers to record their voice befor progressing the call?
06:24.41jblackyou're not sending them where you think. check your dialplan, and look at asterisk -r output with debug and verbose bumped up
06:25.34TrentCreekokay..i got was screening the calls..I disabled it
06:28.03*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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07:04.29*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:20.04Kumba_I wonder if you can license some george carlin stand-up one-liners for inclusion into the open-source sounds project...
07:20.53j_kroonhi, is it possible to at the end of each call for each channel log the jitter, latency and packet loss for each of the two channels (or one of them at least)?
07:26.25stablerwhat the best way to add a 2 sec pause in my ivr?
07:26.47stablerive done it before but cant seem to find the syntax i used before
07:31.01*** join/#asterisk ghento (
07:31.23ecretI setup asterisk and was hoping someone could try to see if it works. dial 1000.   Thanks
07:33.32stablerecret: do you not have an inbound/outbound trunk
07:34.37ecretstabler just inbound i think. I did the default install and asteriskgui.  I am able to call it locally adding in 1000 as the call #
07:35.17*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (
07:35.39stablerdo you have a DID?
07:36.28ecretyes, but its not setup, i am trying to figure out how to configure it.  I think I did it correctly but its not calling my asterisk so was hoping to see if someone outside localhost could call
07:38.17ecretthe site is not very helpful for the did provider.  They ask for URI or public IP and offer no tips or other info.  Tried my IP so hope someone with a SIP phone can try to call me
07:38.24stableris your asterisk box behind a router?
07:38.42ecretyes , i dmz'd though and the 5060 port is open
07:39.09stablerdid you setup nat?
07:39.10jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
07:40.34*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (
07:40.37ecreti am dmz'ing though, dont think I need to nat
07:41.00dandate2my speed test sayts i get 16000kb down and 4000kb up, is this enough to handle 10 sales reps with concurrent calls?
07:41.02stablerdmzing is not good for security
07:41.38*** join/#asterisk dandre (
07:42.19stablerdandate2: what codec/
07:43.17ecretstabler ok thanks i will setup NAT .  Were you able to connect?
07:43.31*** join/#asterisk mosty (
07:43.51stablerecret: i didnt try
07:44.04stableri dont currently have a phone setup to make a direct ip call
07:45.47stablerdandate2: you should be fine
07:46.45stablerdandate2: i believe you need 82.1 kbps per call
07:46.49stablerif i remember correctly
07:47.28dandate2k 16000kb is business class cable right?
07:47.45dandate2i ordered the ugprade a couple days ago but wasn't able to test my speed before hand so i dno if its improved or not
07:47.53dandate2but i was getting choppyness before at that load so i ordered the upgrade
07:48.06stablerthat would all depend on provider and there package levels
07:48.31dandate2they said it would be 16mb download, thats what 160000kb comes out to right?
07:48.34stableri have a 15mb residental connection
07:48.46dandate2are you using cablehack?
07:48.54stablerdandate2: correct
07:49.07dandate2damn how do i get involved with that
07:49.18dandate2do i need to order their modem mod?
07:49.29stablermodem mod?
07:49.39dandate2i saw config scripts and actual modems at cablehack
07:49.46dandate2didn't know where to begin heh
07:50.12stableruhh if its for a production environment i wouldnt run anything hacked
07:50.34dandate2well could i throw up a second cable modem based off the TV route?
07:50.40stablerproduction environments you should always remain legit
07:52.05stablerif you get caught doing something illegal itll come back on the company
07:52.18stablerand put there reputation on the line
07:52.29stablerwhich in you in turn caused
07:52.32stablernot a good idea
07:53.00stabler*which in turn you caused
07:53.36stablerits getting late =/
07:53.49stablerim not making sense anymore
07:53.54dandate2i know
07:54.13dandate2i guess i shall risregard cable hack for now unless i go relaly underground
07:55.13stableri would give you current connection a whirl
07:55.50stablerit should be very close to working fine
07:56.12stableras far as i know
07:56.36dandate2yeah i hope its already been upgraded
07:56.48dandate2i am trying to get onto an open box with wireless but can never obtain ip
07:56.59*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
07:57.24stabler4mb upload sounds like buisness class
07:57.29dandate2listening to my reps its been sad there was so much chopyness the last days
07:58.19stablerso the call quality has been bad with the current setup
07:58.40dandate2yeah i dont know about now though i just did the speed test
07:58.46*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
07:58.46dandate2we took on a lot of new reps and the choppyness got bad
07:59.11dandate2but i ordered business class cable 2 days ago and it might already be installed i think
07:59.16stableryou could always get two connectinos and load balance them
07:59.45dandate2they said thursday morning but i think it might have kicked in
08:00.07dandate2thats the only solution anyone could tell me as far as that heh
08:00.08stableror T1 :D
08:00.27dandate2how fast is t1 usually and how much
08:00.55stableraround 300/month
08:01.02*** join/#asterisk thansen (
08:01.09stablerhow many users total do you have
08:01.15jblackand that's large cities. small cities, it can go up to 700 or so
08:01.20dandate2about 15
08:01.28dandate2bu we bring in thousands of calls a day also
08:01.41jblackYou could fit that on a dedicated cablemodem
08:01.46stableryea your connection is alittle weak for 15 concurrent calls
08:02.00dandate2should i put the cable directly to the box then
08:02.25stablerhow many connections do you have?
08:02.27jblackthat's what dedicated means. It depends upon the bandwidth of the provider, and what codecs you chose.
08:02.41stablerhes using g.711
08:02.46dandate2the box is hooked up to a router with all its ports full
08:03.19stablerhes working with a 16/4 connection
08:03.26stablercable provider
08:03.57*** join/#asterisk brunner (n=chris@
08:04.03stablerso youre using one 16/4 connection to serve 15 reps with internet access and serve for 15 concurrent calls?
08:04.19dandate2the reps are over sees
08:04.21dandate2but yes
08:05.00stablerdandate2: but the connection you have only is used for the  asterisk box.. right?
08:05.16dandate2no its shared with my other boxes that dn't use it for much
08:05.20mostydandate2, any reason you can't use g729?
08:05.34dandate2don't know much about g729
08:05.38jblackTry gsm. That's very good bang for the buck.
08:06.04dandate2connection goes to router which directs to the * box
08:06.12mostygsm doesn't cost anything, but more phones support g729
08:06.13dandate2router also shares with a couple pcs for internet use
08:06.27stablerchange codecs may help alot
08:06.38stablerg.711 is alittle harsh on bandwidth
08:06.41stableras far as i know
08:06.47dandate2gee will that be stable?
08:07.00dandate2where do i learn about changing codecs
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08:10.23mostydandate2, disallow=all then allow=gsm in your sip.conf
08:10.28mostythen do a sip reload
08:10.48mostybut beware that not all phones support gsm
08:10.54stableryoull have to let you reps know though.. depending on what phones they use
08:11.23stablermay have to change settings on there phones
08:11.36dandate2they all use x-lite
08:11.39dandate2will that be fine?
08:11.48dandate2i am readign now and have much realized that i do need to change codec
08:11.54dandate2since all my reps work off the WNA
08:12.09stablerg.711 is pretty much fail
08:12.12dandate2whats the license fee on g729?
08:12.15mostydandate2, some older versions of x-lite support gsm
08:12.32dandate2hm so if i setup gsm my reps using xlite won't beable to use?
08:12.35mostydandate2, on the asterisk side, g729 costs 10 USD per simultantous call
08:12.45mostysimultaneous, even
08:13.00[T]ankwhen using a callfile to place a call, if I set the field callerid: the call will fail with a cause 99. But if I take out that line, the call goes through just fine.
08:13.08[T]ankHow do I set caller id in a callfile?
08:14.05stablerdandate2: just use gsm if cost is an issue
08:15.27dandate2all my workers use newer x-lite download though will they all crash?
08:15.36dandate2i just set gsm in the trunk settings then nothing else?
08:15.55mostyrecent free versions of x-lite don't support gsm
08:16.32stablerdandate2: how do you find a sweet job such as yours
08:16.34[T]ankdandate2: I thing zoiper supports it
08:17.13[T]ankdandate: yes, zoiper does support it
08:17.19dandate2gotta make it
08:17.19dandate2find a product, learn how to sell it and resell it online, over the phone, however you can get the money
08:17.29dandate2so i should dig through the and find an old x-lite?
08:17.31*** join/#asterisk tamiel (n=tamiel@
08:17.39dandate2zoiper will take my gsm calls then, and that is free and works like x-lite?
08:17.55[T]ankno... zoiper is a softphone... like x-lite
08:18.02[T]anksorry, misread...
08:18.07dandate2lol right
08:18.11[T]ankyes, it works LIKE xlite
08:18.19*** join/#asterisk Weazelon (
08:18.20dandate2so i tell all my reps to get zoiper and i'm set, is the configuration all confusing or same?
08:18.28[T]ankthought you said WITH xlite
08:18.36[T]ankbeen up way to late tonight
08:18.40stablerdandate2: sounds cool.. great idea
08:18.46[T]anksuper easy config
08:18.50[T]ankdownload it and check it out
08:19.04[T]ankwindows, linux and mac versions I believe
08:19.17[T]ankand doesnt crash like xlite sometimes does
08:19.40stablerive been trying to find asterisk work for a while with no luck :(
08:19.42dandate2gunna try this gsm thing out
08:19.59[T]ankone thing i like about zoiper is it can be installed to a usb key and the settings stay local to that directory. So its a portable softphone as well
08:20.18stabler[T]ank: good to know
08:20.20stablerthats sweet
08:20.51[T]ankuse a autorun.inf file and it autolaunches when you plug it in. Softphone for idiot users :-D
08:20.55Weazelonby the way for zoiper
08:20.58Weazelonif you use linux
08:21.05Weazeloni totally suggest using 2.07
08:21.13Weazelonthe 2.09 has a wierd crash issue
08:21.19Weazelonusing ubuntu myself...
08:21.31stablerlinux is all i use
08:21.36[T]ankis 2.09 released?
08:21.39stablermy favorite flavor is unbuntu
08:22.20Weazelonyea 2.09 is available for download, but its crap imo
08:22.29[T]anklooks like it.
08:22.47Weazelonfor linunx that is... windows has no prob as far as i checked
08:23.02Weazelonbut its still a windows.... yuck...
08:23.03[T]ankwhen do you experience the crash? is there a trigger?
08:23.19Weazelonyea, its called "double click to open the damn thing"
08:23.38[T]ankim gonna test it out really quick....
08:23.46*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
08:23.50WeazelONgood luck ;D
08:24.24WeazelONu might not experinence it right away though.. it might work the first few times, but as soon as you see "Zoiper got a sigkill something" know that this is the time the test is over ^_^
08:24.52[T]ankhow many times would you say it would take?
08:24.56[T]ankso far its working for me
08:25.16WeazelONas i said, it looked promising the first couple of tries, but then suddenly it flipped
08:25.42stablersounds like windows in general
08:25.56WeazelONi know.. but its on a linux... wierd..
08:26.19stablerwell im refering to the windows OS
08:26.43stablerlooks promising the first couple tries but suddenly flips
08:30.24[T]ankso far so good... I'll keep running with it.
08:30.50[T]ankso, anyone here know anything at all about callfiles?
08:31.06[T]ankI can make them work so long as they do not include a callerid: line
08:32.12*** join/#asterisk Avinoash (
08:32.20Avinoashhelo world
08:33.50dandate2damn zoiper won't open or close heh
08:34.34[T]ankif you cant open it, how do you know you cant close it?
08:34.34WeazelONdandate2, did your problem got fixed since yesturday ?
08:37.15mosty[T]ank, can you pastebin a sample call file?
08:41.27dandate2yes weazel i had to hire them over at freepbx
08:41.33dandate2actually the problem was within my router
08:42.07dandate2broken settings, had configured the router to be and also which was also the localnet for the pbx
08:43.05*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
08:43.07WeazelONwell glad to hear its ok now
08:43.13dandate2yeah it was an ightmare!
08:43.29WeazelONhow fast was it fixed?
08:45.18WeazelON[T]ank, are you using ubuntu by the way ? {regarding the zoiper}
08:45.34[T]anknot for asterisk... but for desktop
08:46.00[T]ankmosty: What i get when I have the CallerID: line is is a - Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup, cause 99 error
08:46.14[T]ankif I take out the callerid line it goes through no problem at all
08:46.15dandate2i got zoiper, i am using a sip inbound calling and iax outbound calling, do i need to make both sip and iax accounts?
08:46.47mosty[T]ank, is the caller id number valid for that zap channel?
08:46.50WeazelONdandate2, i'm gussing you are refering to the trunk
08:46.57[T]ankmosty: yes
08:47.04dandate2no no in the zoiper setting
08:47.34WeazelONno what i mean is, when you say   "Iax outbound calling"   its through the IAX trunk right ?
08:47.37mosty[T]ank, as a workaround, you could try setting a channel variable with the callerid, and use that channel variable in your starting context to Set(CALLERID(number)=XXX)
08:48.00dandate2i use an iax trunk for outgoing calls
08:48.21WeazelONwell then it doesnt matter which type of account u use
08:48.25WeazelONsince its only the extension
08:50.26WeazelONthe calls you'll make will start with sip and if outgoing it'll go using sip to the pbx and iax outgoing on the trunk itself
08:50.42*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
08:50.49WeazelONalthoguh if you plan on saving some bandwidth, you better off using iax
08:50.58WeazelONsince its only in need of one initiation packet
08:51.09WeazelONand NOT every single call as for SIP
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08:54.26dandate2do i want to set allow=gsm on my iax trunk as well as sip?
08:56.33WeazelONallow=gsm   means less bandwidth on the trunk itself not the extension's codec...
08:57.59WeazelONwhich means if you allow=ulaw or alaw which is the highest quality codec,    your softphone will use the first priority of the codec in his list that fits the trunk's settings, in this case is ulaw or alaw if i remember ur trunk
08:58.03dandate2hmm my phone system stopped working when i set allow=gsm
08:58.17dandate2when i dialed in it said theire was nothing in existance here
08:59.14dandate2was my settings that worked, when changing to gsm i can no longer receive inbound calls
09:01.54*** part/#asterisk [T]ank (
09:02.53WeazelONZoiper shouldnt be a problem when using allow=gsm
09:03.07WeazelONthe problem maybe with your sip provider who doesnt allow that codec
09:03.10WeazelONdont forget
09:03.18WeazelONTrunk settings must be identical at both sites
09:03.19WeazelONwhich means
09:03.27WeazelONyour site and your sip provider's
09:03.38WeazelONunless its half duplex.
09:06.35dandate2i see
09:06.47dandate2i'm using would i have to contact them to know if they allow gsm?
09:07.16mostybesides just trying it, yes
09:08.20WeazelONtbh i believe you can try " allow=g729 "
09:08.30WeazelONthats another compressed codec which most can allow
09:08.39dandate2i thought you had to purchase that no?
09:08.52WeazelONwell that is totaly depending the sip provider i guess
09:09.23WeazelONi myself use a PRI line that is connected to the PBX and i handle all the codecs myself
09:09.29WeazelONso i can allow whatever i need.
09:09.36dandate2hmm still failed
09:10.02WeazelONif you allow=g729
09:10.06WeazelONit may not be enough
09:10.36WeazelONsince you need to see if in the extension field of the FreePBX  it has a disallow all , and in that case you need to add g729 in the allow field
09:10.53WeazelONotherwise, even though the trunk is set to take codec g729, the extension has it disabled, and will fail
09:11.02dandate2i see
09:11.07dandate2well the calls are suppsoed to go to queue
09:11.18dandate2so any other setting but ulaw,alaw seems to be not even connecting to that
09:14.50*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:15.52dandate2where can i find a did provider that will allow gsm?
09:16.13WeazelONi see, you are reffering solely for the inbound. well your inbound is sip provider only i'm afraid.
09:17.15WeazelONyou can explore the terf of maybe adding a PRI card to the pbx and turn yourself into a self working PBX provider
09:18.09*** join/#asterisk pcrack (n=pcrack@
09:18.48pcrackhi i have an asterisk hosted ip phones inside my LAN invironment having some problems its said congestion...
09:19.23pcracki have a siproxd installed on my firewall to help my IP phone for NAT problems on sip
09:20.01pcrackany one can help me
09:21.44*** join/#asterisk aiksa[LV] (
09:21.52aiksa[LV]Hi everyone.
09:22.46aiksa[LV]I occasionally see a calls stuck at a Busy() application for ever. How could I catch them from AMI interface to do a forced doft hangup?
09:23.43aiksa[LV]that relates to Congestion() as well disregarding of channel type (Untill now I have seen it on ZAP, SIP and IAX)
09:24.56aiksa[LV]i could theoretically do a cron with "asterisk -rx "show channels" | grep Busy" but i consider this to be dirty workaround hack which I would rather avoid.
09:25.05*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
09:25.12aiksa[LV]any other ideas
09:25.28aiksa[LV]and how it gets into this status anyway>
09:25.43aiksa[LV]remote party not correctly signalling end of call?
09:30.07*** join/#asterisk luca`gervasi (
09:31.02Ashetic1how can i have a verbose like the one you see on the second post here?   . I setup verbose 9999 and debug 9999...but it doesn't work. (Ast
09:32.58aiksa[LV]Ashetic1: what is that part which is shown on that linmk but which you are not able to see?
09:33.00*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
09:33.16aiksa[LV]most of that looks pretty like standart verbose output
09:33.46Ashetic1the part which says "-- Executing SetVar" and so on
09:34.07Ashetic1i can call some extension from my phone, but the "verbose" output is not so verbose at all...
09:35.34aiksa[LV]dont know works for me verbosity of 4
09:35.37Ashetic1this is the only output i get when using "core set verbose 9999; core set debug 9999" and dialing in or out happens: "== Using SIP RTP CoS mark "
09:36.19aiksa[LV]Are you sure the output is routed to cli for you
09:36.33aiksa[LV]what does core show verbose says?
09:36.46Ashetic1using agi set debug on, i can see the verbose debug of my agis
09:37.02Ashetic1no such command
09:37.30Ashetic1core show settings:
09:37.37Ashetic1Verbosity:                   2147483647
09:39.35aiksa[LV]nevertheless there is a configuration file /etc/asterisk/logger.conf
09:39.58aiksa[LV]which controllos what gets displayed where. take a look at it perhaps it has some strange settings
09:40.14Ashetic1thanks... reading it :D
09:42.05*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
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09:47.09dlu_dushi all
09:52.52dlu_dusis libss7 broken?
09:53.37dlu_dusi have tried to instal it like the readme in lib_ss7 explained and get a chan_dahdi error on making asterisk
09:53.53dlu_duschan_dahdi.c: In function ‘ss7_reset_linkset’:
09:53.54dlu_duschan_dahdi.c:9548: warning: passing argument 2 of ‘isup_grs’ makes pointer from integer without a cast
09:53.56dlu_duschan_dahdi.c:9548: error: too many arguments to function ‘isup_grs’
09:53.57dlu_duschan_dahdi.c: In function ‘ss7_linkset’:
09:54.15dlu_dusand many more "too many argument" errors
09:54.59Ashetic1             <--- inbound calls doesn't hit the "inbound" context...they just get rejected... why?
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11:00.53merlan8282I have a problem with snom360 and BFL.
11:02.03merlan8282All works well, but when one does a blind transfer and this called third person is busy, the LED on the monitoring snom360 keeps blinking until I reboot it.
11:02.13merlan8282No change when user hangs up, and so on.
11:02.22merlan8282Does anyone have a clue ?
11:02.22dude7064The calling card companies usually have one single number for customers to use when calling,, to avoid having a busy signal, I am guessing they route the calls somehow to somewhere else,, but do they require one single phone line for every call ? meaning that if they had 200 simultaneous calls, they would need 200 different phone lines ??
11:03.45merlan8282BLF* I mean.
11:25.18*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
11:31.02angryusermerlan8282, how do you do your blind transfer ? * key code or transfer button ?
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12:22.24merlan8282angryuser: through asterisk, with *[keycode]
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12:24.18SG25hi there
12:24.42leikhI'm looking for 'Register expires' in sip.conf, but it isn't there. Wrong place?
12:24.45merlan8282Mmm, found this, i'll try it out
12:25.04SG25i have a little question..
12:25.54jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
12:26.17SG25i want to use a pbx at my home.. max. 5 sip phones, 1 isdn out/in line, but i have only a 350mhz, 512 ram pc here..
12:26.30ChainsawSG25: Compared to most embedded systems, that's quite a powerhouse.
12:27.05ChainsawSG25: For up to 8 extensions I don't see a problem there.
12:27.06SG25i read asterisk need min. 500mhz so? can i use it?
12:27.50ChainsawWhere did you read that?
12:28.12SG25website and in the oreilly book
12:28.39leikhSG25: my asterisk is running on an nslu2 with just 266 MHz :)
12:29.38Chainsaw(Which is a Linksys device)
12:29.38SG25what codec are you all using? ulaw? gsm?
12:29.38SG25i think i want alaw.. because im in europe
12:29.47ChainsawYou want whatever your devices can support, basically.
12:30.09merlan8282gsm is good too
12:30.25SG25hm ok..
12:30.47leikhSG25: I'm using G711u (ulaw)
12:30.57ChainsawGSM is computationally more expensive.
12:31.11SG25leikh: with how many calls? :)
12:31.16ChainsawSo with the more minimal machine you'll be using, probably ulaw/alaw.
12:31.44leikhSG25: max 3
12:33.41SG25hm.. i need 4.. maybe i must test that..
12:35.11SG25my 350 mhz pc is all ready in use a my router.. so.. ya.. thx all.. i will test it
12:35.30*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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12:35.39SG25is there a guide how i can connect a "AVM Fritz!Card" (euroisdn card 1port) whit asterisk?
12:36.05SG25with* sry
12:36.16jayteegoogle is your friend
12:36.30SG25no normaly he dont like me ;)
12:36.47leikhwhen using asterisk as a sip client, is 'register expires: 3600 sec' the correct setting for sip.conf? or should I use maxexpiry and minexpiry values?
12:38.44mostyleikh, "register expires" is not a valid setting in sip.conf
12:39.21leikhmosty: thx :)
12:39.27SG25what version would you recommand to use with my 350mhz machine? 1.4?
12:40.07merlan8282at least
12:42.48SG25k thx for now.. bye bbl
12:44.00jaytee350mhz? wow! what a speed demon
12:44.37leikhmosty: is defaultexpirey the equivalent of register expires?
12:44.44[TK]D-Fenderexorcises SG25's "server".
12:45.21*** join/#asterisk bird_of_Luck (
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12:49.01mvanbaakhhmm, I have a party soon. Can I hire you as entertainer [TK]D-Fender ?
12:49.10mostyleikh, kind of, i suppose
12:50.18leikhmosty: my voip-provider blocked my ip-address because asterisk was registering all the time. They tell me to set it to 3600...
12:51.29jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I know I can get pri debug info to dump to a file but other than the CLI how can I get sip debug info to go to a file. Does it already go to a history log somewhere? I can't find anything in either the book or the WIKI that's current for 1.4. Just a mention of LOG_DEBUG for 1.2.
12:51.50*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
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12:52.18merlan8282jaytee: oh yes, i've got the smae problem, with incoming SMses
12:52.46merlan8282I only see incoming SMS whether on the CLI or trough telnet if i'm connected to my server
12:53.02*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-e9328d3bfda5003b)
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12:53.39mostytry defaultexpirey and run a packet tracer to confirm that it's not re-registering too quickly
12:53.52jayteeI've been using a separate console instance and piping it's output through TEE to a file for now but that seems too roundabout. why didn't they put a sip set debug file command in 1.4 like they did for pri debug?
12:57.11*** join/#asterisk bob_slacker (
12:57.34bob_slackerhello! :D ne1 uses VICIDIAL ?
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13:12.02stefanlsd_Can i use blind pickup *8 for sip calls?
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13:14.18merlan8282stefanlsd_: sure
13:15.00[TK]D-Fendermerlan8282: * does not support SMS receipt or "SIP messaging"
13:15.07*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:15.14[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Dunno
13:15.26[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: My rates are very accessible :)
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13:15.38merlan8282[TK]D-Fender: mmm, why then can I send SMS with my DuoGSM card ?
13:15.43merlan8282Maybe it's part of Bristuff ?
13:16.10[TK]D-Fendermerlan8282: * can SEND SMS on certain channel types, but thats it.
13:16.23*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@2001:770:180:0:219:d1ff:fe80:ea64)
13:16.42jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I figured it out, at least as far as dumping debug info to a separate file other than messages but I think I'd need to modify my logger.conf file everytime I wanted to turn on sip debug or turn it off again so I don't end up with a terabyte of crap I don't need.
13:18.55[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: rotating logs
13:19.15*** join/#asterisk bob_slacker (
13:19.23jayteerotating logs
13:19.28jayteelogger rotate
13:20.17mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: ;)
13:21.04*** join/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
13:21.08jaytee[TK]D-Fender, sure that's fine, but that won't keep me from running out of disk space, I'd still have to disable debug logging or would doing a sip set debug off stop any logging to that file?
13:21.47merlan8282In fact, my bristuffed asterisk is able to receive SMSes, but only visible in the console. And they're not decoded, they're shown in "PDU" format.
13:22.19*** join/#asterisk fcois93 (
13:22.29fcois93anyone know SS7 ?
13:22.46fcois93I need to know all the 3 first digist possible
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13:26.08espentthis shit is sent to asterisk from my sip-server:
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13:26.55espentwhy isnt that read as hangup, and then could be catched by extension h, which in my situation runs a DeadAgi-script
13:27.43[TK]D-Fenderespent: If an INVITE is getting refused then there is no accepted call to hangup.
13:27.49*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
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13:31.18espent[TK]D-Fender: hm it is not refused, it just says internal server error after the invite is completed
13:32.08espent[TK]D-Fender: i think it happens because i started 90 channels, and all the bandwidth got used up
13:33.55[TK]D-Fenderespent: You'd have to show actual CLI to back up the call's overall process
13:34.54ThoMeis it posible sip over secure phone connection?
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13:35.51WeazelONmorning idd
13:37.14drfreezeI was at an office the other day and noticed a phone system where the staff would call a phone and instead of ringing, the speaker would activate
13:37.51drfreezeAnyone know what that feature is called?
13:38.10[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: "auto answer"
13:38.53*** join/#asterisk mbranca (n=matteo@2001:1418:130:0:21e:8cff:fe51:5b05)
13:40.59WeazelONyou can check the feature for it "Paging & intercom" at Freepbx gui
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13:53.31espent[TK]D-Fender: show actual CLI? you mean turn on debug on the channel? problem is that this only occurs when i got about 40+ channels running, so its a bit difficult to find out whats going wrong
13:54.01[TK]D-Fenderespent: Well we have nothing solid to look at.  We really can't comment at this point.
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13:58.36jbotsomebody said book was probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
13:58.50*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
13:59.30lmadsenjbot: no, book is Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
13:59.31jbotlmadsen: okay
14:01.14*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
14:01.52*** join/#asterisk nima0102 (n=nima@
14:02.19jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:02.28jbotYou can buy "Asterisk the Future of Telephony" at so go buy it SERIOUSLY
14:02.45lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: I changed the link to the HTML version
14:03.23[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: I know... and I host a mirror of it ;)
14:05.49lmadsenhave you seen the new site though?
14:06.08lmadsenwe generate our own html now from the svn docbook sources
14:07.40drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: thanks
14:08.28*** join/#asterisk arpu (
14:08.29[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: Nope, will have to get around to that
14:09.00*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (n=HAMming@
14:10.25lmadsen[TK]D-Fender: we're using the stuff from the subversion guys now, so we can generate some nice looking html :)
14:10.54[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: As long as I can wget-mirror it, its all good :)
14:11.13lmadsenmost likely should be able to :)
14:11.24lmadsenso that's your "update" notice :)
14:15.36*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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14:16.39Arsenick-Hi all, I have a polycom related question if anobody can help... I want my phone to get their config from a ftp server provided by dhcp via the boot-server option but in the option 66 string I provide the username/password (  ftp://user:pass@") but the phone don't use it.. I tried to reset to factory default but the phone still don't want to log into my ftp server, is there a special setting for this kind of set
14:16.39Arsenick-up to work ?
14:16.49Arsenick-j #trixbox
14:17.12espent[TK]D-Fender: anyway, generally, if a channel is just terminated, without any hangup, is there a posibility to catch it in my extension-table?
14:17.20jjshoepolycom has an option in it for specifying the user/pass i thought
14:18.11*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
14:18.25Arsenick-but i don't really want to pass phone by phone to change the username apssword... in a lot of howto I've read they apss the username apssword in the url like I said and nobody talk about special setting on the phone..
14:18.58jjshoeso temporarily change the user/pass to whatever is already in the phones
14:19.51Arsenick-yup I know this option but I'm trying to find out why he don't read my boot-server string correctly..
14:19.54*** join/#asterisk harry__ (
14:20.04espent[TK]D-Fender: not extension, but dialplan i mean
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14:21.22Arsenick-jjshoe, anyway thx for helping
14:21.52*** join/#asterisk orkid (n=orkid@unaffiliated/orkid)
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14:24.09orkidI have a weird issue that I can't find on google. Recently (within a day or so) I've been getting weird 'beeps' when I'm on a zap channel (digium FXO pci card) via my ATA.. both incoming and outgoing... it does not happen with calls via sip alone, so I'm ruling out the ATA. Any ideas?
14:24.47orkidtry a different pci slot? :)
14:25.10orkid(I've change motherboards recently.. actually this started to happen after a motheboard change probably)
14:25.37jjshoemessage waiting?
14:26.38Chainsawjjshoe: That's supposed to be an intermittent interruption in the dial tone though. Should not occur during a call.
14:26.45orkidno, i don't have that service. it actually sounds like the beep that our phone makes when you dial a button (not dtmf, and not like it really says much, unless you knows how a uniden cordless from a while ago sounds :)
14:27.45Chainsaworkid: It's worth checking whether a BIOS upgrade is available for said mainboard.
14:27.48orkidand it's not periodic really, but it's the same pitch all the time. and also sometimes the call will not go through, though console says Zap-1 'answers' the call is silent.
14:28.09Chainsaworkid: What OS are you on? Linux?
14:28.14orkidChainsaw: will do, but i doubt it. it's a k8v-x out of production. Could it be that it doesn't like a certain pci slot?
14:28.21orkidyes, ubuntu hardy server.
14:28.44Chainsaworkid: If said slot forces it to share resources with other hardware, yes, that wouldn't help.
14:29.10orkidI'll check on that, since I've had issues with this card and a certain PCI slot on another mobo
14:29.27ChainsawGenerally the lowest one on the board is shared with on-board devices.
14:29.34Chainsaw(Assuming a tower case, standing upright)
14:29.50ChainsawIt's worth checking in /proc/interrupts.
14:30.05ChainsawIn my case, the wctdm driver has the interrupt line to itself:
14:30.13orkidI also went from a 'real' CPU (P3) to a low cache one, a duron. would that help?
14:30.23orkiderm hinder
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14:30.46ChainsawDepends on the speed of the Duron really. Asterisk isn't a supercomputing application that needs tons of CPU.
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14:31.00orkidoh yeah sharing interrupt with ethernet, i bet that's doing it :P
14:31.03VJFROMGTin which file can i set fake ringback for zap channels?
14:31.26Chainsaworkid: Quite likely. As they come, NICs are fairly interrupt-intensive.
14:31.37Chainsaworkid: If you have the lowest PCI slot, try moving the card up one slot.
14:32.13orkidIt's not in the lowest slot iirc, but I'll try to find a slot where the interrupt's not shared. Thanks a lot for the help.
14:32.19ChainsawAny time.
14:34.28*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
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14:38.51[TK]D-Fenderespent: If you're in the dialplan it'll look for "h" whever they are
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14:49.00dweryhi, I'm getting a bunch of zaphfc: bchan rx fifo not enough bytes to receive! (z1=6138, z2=6131, wanted 8 got 7), probably a buffer overrun.
14:49.05dweryanything I coul do?
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14:57.39espent[TK]D-Fender: thats the point - i got the h extensions, but its not called
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14:59.23[TK]D-Fenderespent: remember its in the current context... careful where you are in your dialplan.  Also... show us.
14:59.31[TK]D-Fenderespent: you need to find an error to report
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15:12.09espent[TK]D-Fender: i think maybe you gave me the right hint there
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15:17.01ThoMe14:35:26 < ThoMe> is it posible sip over secure phone connection?
15:19.13ThoMei mean, sip over a secure connectino? wihtout vpn?
15:19.41merlan8282SSL/TLS ? SSH ?
15:19.42ThoMemerlan8282: hm?
15:19.50mostythome: i don't believe asterisk supports SRTP (yet), see here:
15:19.56*** join/#asterisk SamaelA (
15:20.03mostyyou might be able to get that patch to work
15:20.15brutuzhow can you say to stop the loop in the dial plan?
15:20.35brutuzget a leased-line upto the sip provider..
15:20.39ThoMemosty: hm. end SRTP iss standard in snom?
15:21.03*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
15:21.16mostyi believe snom phones support SRTP
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15:21.40ThoMemosty: ok.
15:21.42brutuzwhen will Goto stop from Goto?
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15:21.46SamaelAI have one problem with conference. MeetMe creates room, all ok, but voice is so distorted and delay is nearly 4-5 sec. Using g729
15:21.57ThoMemosty: i have a question > dialplan. can you help me also? :-)
15:22.09mostyThoMe, ask here, maybe someone will help
15:22.15ThoMemosty: hihi :-) ok
15:22.23jjshoeSamaelA all sip system?
15:22.23filethere is a branch for SRTP, don't use the patches
15:22.29mostySamaelA, do you have a hardware timer or are you using ztdummy?
15:22.48SamaelAztdummy. and asteriskNOW
15:22.59jjshoeSamaelA buy the sangoma timing device.
15:23.01ThoMemosty: have a little menu. and: Read(ziel,vm-extension) and GotoIf($["${ziel}" != "0000"]?durchwahl:spy)
15:23.29brutuzjasonwoot: any bright doc supported soln?
15:23.29SamaelAjjshoe: Yes, all sip. Polycom phones
15:23.29jjshoeSamaelA buy the sangoma timing device.
15:23.29ThoMemosty: but i must press the "#" after the numbers. can i say only the numbers without "#" ?
15:23.29mostySamaelA, what kernel version, and is this by chance a dell computer?
15:23.29[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: huh?
15:23.39ThoMemosty: wait 2 seconds after the last press... and then gotoIF ?
15:23.49SamaelAmosty: No... Old Cel 433 Calculator )))
15:23.55mostyThoMe, you can specify maxdigits in the Read command
15:24.16ThoMeah ok
15:24.22*** join/#asterisk harry__ (
15:24.23ThoMe, 4 ?
15:24.30brutuz[TK]D-Fender: if user didn't give any input use Goto .. but when will it stop?
15:24.45SamaelAjjshoe: And what mixing device astrix is using? Sound card or software?
15:24.55[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: What on earth are you talking about?  Any input on WHAT?
15:25.07[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: pastebin what you're working on.
15:25.10jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
15:25.33SamaelAmosty: 2.6.22 kernel
15:25.38jjshoeSamaelA hu?
15:25.40jjshoeSamaelA huh?
15:25.53brutuz[TK]D-Fender: im on it..
15:26.17mostySamaelA, is it a dell machine?
15:26.30[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: that already looks fine.  On timeout it will repeat the menu
15:26.39SamaelASamaelA: Means i know, that ztdummy is not the best way. But who multiplex channels?
15:26.47ThoMemosty: but what is the difference ReadExten and Read ?
15:26.52SamaelAmosty: No
15:27.06SamaelAjjshoe:  Means i know, that ztdummy is not the best way. But who multiplex channels?
15:27.25mostyThoMe, well Read is an asterisk dialplan command, and i have never heard of ReadExten
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15:27.40harry__apparently rev 43814 added BACKGROUNDSTATUS, but yet:
15:27.48ThoMemosty: but is it posible set a timeout with read?
15:27.53brutuz[TK]D-Fender: programmatically speaking it will do an endless loop.. unless the use inputted something usefull
15:28.01mostySamaelA, asterisk does the multiplexing itself with the help of a timing source (in your case, ztdummy)
15:28.02harry__the first one was played through, the second not.
15:28.06harry__yet both returns "0"
15:28.14ThoMeah ok
15:28.22[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: well... you also show no options in there.  there is nothing for them o dia, and you don't have an invalid handler
15:28.25mostyThoMe, sure.
15:28.31ThoMeok :-) thank yo U
15:28.40*** join/#asterisk rbd (
15:29.07SamaelAmosty: Maybe better processor can help me? )))
15:29.14[TK]D-FenderSamaelA: * uses a Zaptel card for timing, or if not present, ztdummy (or DAHDI equivalent)
15:29.23*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (n=mjensen@
15:29.26[TK]D-FenderSamaelA: What are you running on now?
15:29.39SamaelA[TK]D-Fender: Yes
15:29.50*** join/#asterisk Illarane (n=heifer@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/illarane)
15:29.53rbdhi, for SIP or Local type channels, what's the best way in an extensions.conf dialplan to detect if the caller is still on the line (e.g. I want to execute some steps after a Meetme() command only if the caller didn't hang up during the Meetme() command) it is now I'm just running these commands after and asterisk is saying the channel doesn't exist any more
15:29.59mostySamaelA, what CPU do you have?
15:30.09brutuz[TK]D-Fender: i didn't paste the whole thing..
15:30.17SamaelAmosty: Celeron 433 )))
15:30.32rbdSamaelA, lord Jesus
15:30.36brutuz[TK]D-Fender: i don't know if that's relevant to my inquiry
15:30.48[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: exten => 3,1,Goto(s,1,supportment) <- order is wrong
15:31.03brutuz[TK]D-Fender: typo error
15:31.11SamaelAmosty: But according to TOP CPU usage nearly 2-3%
15:31.12[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: Ok, so you have it loop on invalid, and on timeout.  What do you want it to do instead?
15:31.21SamaelArbd: ))) Old server
15:31.48[TK]D-FenderSamaelA: 2-3% hile this conference is going on?
15:31.50IllaraneGot a weird thing happening with out phones.  They seem to be syncing to exactly an hour ahead of the actual time (we're in London, and they should be showing 15:30, but instead show 16:30).  I'm not entirely sure if this is down to something my predecessor did, or the fact that we're using trixbox to run the phone system, but it's really annoying and changing it on the phone is only temporary.  Anyone got any ideas?
15:32.00IllaraneThe time on the trixbox... box... is correct.
15:32.17mostyIllarane, are the phones autoprovisioned?
15:32.18ThoMemosty: is this correct: Read(ziel,vm-extension,4, 1)
15:32.20[TK]D-FenderIllarane: Its probably using the new US DST changes
15:32.58ThoMemosty: ah right, works fine :-) thank you
15:33.02[TK]D-FenderIllarane: and Trixbox is not supported here.
15:33.09brutuz[TK]D-Fender: so if the user didn't input anything.. timeout will be executed/run.. w/c is Goto if the user will not input anything when will it break from the loop?
15:33.16SamaelA[TK]D-Fender: 2-3% CPU usage. Means much system res is free ))
15:33.35SamaelA[TK]D-Fender: While conf
15:33.38[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: No, it LOOPS if they enter nothing.  thats what "t" is for
15:33.44Illarane[TK]D-Fender: I know nothing about asterisk apart from that it's a pain. ;)
15:33.49[TK]D-FenderSamaelA: rather unusual
15:34.12[TK]D-FenderIllarane: And your probalem has nothing to do with Asterisk
15:34.22SamaelA[TK]D-Fender: I switched to g711. Result the same
15:34.26Illaranemosty: I think so, yes.  They're Linksys SPA942s which reboot every couple of hours for no apparent reason, which I assume is to do with the auto-prov.
15:34.42brutuz[TK]D-Fender:  ok if they enter nothing it loops.. on the next loop they didn't enter anything.. on the next loop same thing.. when will it break from the loop?
15:34.56[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: When they hang up
15:35.00Illarane[TK]D-Fender: If Asterisk sends out the time to its peers, then it does. :)  But I don't know if it does, hence asking here.
15:35.10[TK]D-FenderIllarane: It doesn't
15:35.11mostyIllarane, that's most likely where your problem is, but i can't help with trixbox, you should try #trixbox
15:35.27brutuz[TK]D-Fender:  if they didn't? what happens is there something like after 5 loops hangup
15:35.27Illarane[TK]D-Fender: Incidentally, if you don't want me to ask in here, some pointers as to the correct place would be nice. :)
15:35.30Illaranemosty: Thanks.
15:35.50brutuz[TK]D-Fender:  if they didn't? what happens?  Is there something like after 5 loops hangup
15:35.57[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: when the CALLER hangs up.
15:36.06[TK]D-Fender\brutIf they don't hang up it will go on forever.
15:36.21[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: YOU have to put logic in your loop to limit how many chances they get
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15:36.53brutuz[TK]D-Fender:  how do you do that? is there a counter that i can increment?
15:37.14brutuzlike while [ loopctr < 5 ]; Goto bla... ;
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15:38.06[TK]D-Fenderbrutuz: There is... after you code it all in your dialplan yourself
15:39.39*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
15:39.51brutuz[TK]D-Fender:  can you give me a simple example?
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15:44.09SamaelAOk.... Thanks ) Try to find better calculator )))
15:51.21WeazelONWeazel Off
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15:57.26SuPrSluGis there a way to detect voicemail and go to another number if not answered. I'd like to call several cell phones but not got to their cell phone voicemail.
15:57.47jjshoeSuPrSluG most folks ask the user to press one to accept the call
16:01.12*** join/#asterisk questprojects (
16:01.35czindyHello, I would like to ask for helpof the following: I installed unixodbc / freetds to connect asterisk cdr to mssql. the odbc connection is tested and working to the mssql server, but I got the error from asterisk cli: ERROR[15790]: cdr_odbc.c:133 odbc_log: Unable to retrieve database handle.  CDR failed. Please help why asterisk cannot handle this.
16:01.38SuPrSluGjjshoe, thanks i'm trying to get * to ring each cell as many times as it can, but NOT go to vm. Then it will dial the next number and loop 3 times and then it will go to an answering service.
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16:03.33[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: M() + AMD
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16:05.23SuPrSluG[TK]D-Fender, thanks that sounds like what i need. documented?
16:06.35SuPrSluG[TK]D-Fender, is it reliable? %=
16:11.16czindyHello, I would like to ask for help of the following: I installed unixodbc / freetds to connect asterisk cdr to mssql. the odbc connection is tested and working to the mssql server, but I got the error from asterisk cli: ERROR[15790]: cdr_odbc.c:133 odbc_log: Unable to retrieve database handle.  CDR failed. Please help why asterisk cannot handle this. (debian / asterisk 1.6) Can I check it why asterisk cannot get handler?
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16:23.17SuPrSluG[TK]D-Fender, What's the M()
16:23.32[TK]D-FenderSuPrSluG: "core show application dial"
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16:31.46docidso, anybody know what the asterisk equlivant signaling is for T1 CAS?
16:32.29tzafrir_laptopdocid, depends what you run on top of it
16:33.05tzafrir_laptopCAS is a somewhat equivalent of having 24 (T1) or 30 (E1) separate copper wires
16:33.26tzafrir_laptop(somewhat. Not complete. I know)
16:33.35docidhrmm, well, the UTStarcom box is configured for T1 CAS, AMI, D4, and uses a table called em.dat.... yes, been doing lots of reading on it, just cant figgure out how to configure asterisk to work with it
16:34.17tzafrir_laptopThose parameters should help you set zaptel.conf / system.conf
16:34.40tzafrir_laptopMaybe they just use FXS/FXO signalling on top of that?
16:34.49docidwell, i got most of just haveing trouble with the signaling= field
16:35.06tzafrir_laptopwaits for someone with experince to offer a better advice
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16:35.32docidhrmm, didnt think of that......the telco says we have MF signaling... but cant seem to get what feature group MF were useing
16:35.50docidtelco not being helpfull
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16:47.36Imoi want uninstall asterisk 1.6 and install asterisk 1.4
16:47.45Imohow can i do this ?
16:48.21mort_gibimo: Did you run into problems??
16:49.01Imoyes very big problems with asterisk 1.6
16:50.01Imomort_gib:  you want listen what for problems ?
16:50.03Ritzeriskis it possilbe with asterisk for voicemail to text
16:50.12Ritzerisklike an addon
16:50.31mort_gibImo: Yeah, I'm going live with a "demo" system with a clients this week
16:51.19*** join/#asterisk takashi_85 (n=ahmed@
16:51.23Imomort_gib:  my first problem was, when i call a registered sip account, i dont get the incomming call
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16:52.14mort_gibImo: Huh?? So incoming calls from a SIP account didn't work for you??
16:52.37Imomort_gib:  i needed insecure=port,invite
16:53.06Imoand now i can't call stabil
16:53.22Imoall the time broke up the calls after 1 minute
16:53.24mort_gibImo: So the SIP account didn't register correctly??
16:53.28Imosorry for my bad english ;)
16:53.43Imono my sip account registered
16:53.48mort_gibI have a Soekris 5501/Debian/Asterisk 1.6 running rock solid
16:54.10mort_gibDon't worry about your English
16:54.28Imowith this line i can get incomming calls
16:54.59tzafrir_laptopImo, what version of 1.6, exactly?
16:55.13ImoConnected to Asterisk currently running on server (pid = 4260)
16:56.13Imosometimes i can call
16:56.28Imobut its so often that the call brokes up after a few minutes
16:57.01Imoand i have installed the asterisk server in a company and the peoples are very angry about me ;)
16:57.30Imowith asterisk 1.4 i dont had problems
16:57.56Imohow i can uninstall the version 1.6 and install asterisk 1.4 ??
16:58.15mmlj4while trying to compile wanpipe on suse linux: ‘struct dahdi_chan’ has no member named ‘rxsig’
16:58.46Imocan anybody help me ?
16:59.02Gido-EImo isn't that related to your distro?
16:59.46apeironmort_gib, What kind of volume does your Soekris see?
17:00.28mort_gibaperion: I had 5 calls over it to test it... Not much normally, never more than 3 concurrent calls
17:00.57apeironmort_gib, Excellent. Thanks for the info. Probably going to pick up one of those, then, or one like it.
17:01.19ImoGido-E: what du you mean ?
17:01.28mort_gibaperion: I have a Soekris 5501/Debian/Asterisk 1.4/Sangoma A200 system that has 10 phones connected and at least 2 calls at any given time
17:01.59mort_gibaperion: I had 5 participants in MeetMe using g729 and CPU was at 75%
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17:02.13mort_gibYelling their silly little heads off :-)
17:02.39mort_gibaperion: I'm running that 5501 off a Sandisk 2GB card :-)
17:04.33ImoGido-E: i have ubuntu server 8.10
17:04.51*** join/#asterisk StanManCan (
17:05.16StanManCanokay.......  did anybody here take my number and am using it to span phone calls to people.. ?: (
17:05.34apeironmort_gib, rofl, nice. :D
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17:07.12StanManCanAbout a week after I got help in here I was getting phone calls from people in south carolina saying that they got a call from me and blahblahblah... Got about 40 of them in a weekend. Then it stopped.
17:07.50StanManCanNow it's happening again excepting I've got about 75-80 in the lsat 48 hours saying that they got a message or a phone call about creidt card fraud /or/ accounts being deactivated ect.
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17:09.27kaldemarStanManCan: do you see such calls in your log?
17:10.04[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Has anyone traced any of those calls?  And indeed, do you have any activity to hint that your system has been compromised?
17:10.30Corydon76-digStanManCan: I'd say that somebody has cracked one or more of your accounts.  Tell me you aren't using all numeric passwords
17:10.54Qwellnumeric passwords that also happen to match your username...
17:11.24russellbthat's bad, mmmkay
17:11.26StanManCanUser name and password is the same, something wrong witht hat ?
17:11.34StanManCanlol!! kidddding
17:11.57russellbthere are a _lot_ of voip brute force attacks going on
17:12.00StanManCanusername and passwords are different, my PBX and Voip accounts are safe and fine. I've checked the outgoing call logs on my Voip provider
17:12.03russellbpeople looking for systems to use for making calls
17:12.03[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Yes, somethine is very wrong with that.  Were all the cool PW's like "12345" and "qwerty" already taken?
17:12.46StanManCanFender: I've always been careful with my passwords. 8 characcters or longer using letters, numbers, and symbols
17:12.52*** join/#asterisk |Krnl| (n=kvirc@
17:13.08Qwellon *all* accounts?  with guest disabled?  on a recent version of Asterisk?
17:13.08*** part/#asterisk |Krnl| (n=kvirc@
17:13.54StanManCanMy PBX is fine. My VOIP provider logs all calls in and out and there's nothing fishy in there
17:14.44StanManCanIt's also pay as you go, and with like $7 on my account that wouldn't last long
17:15.59*** join/#asterisk RobH (n=RobH@
17:16.20StanManCanAnyways... Nobody in here would of grabbed my number, spoofed it, and used it to spam people /
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17:17.00pmhaddadis there a way to reload asterisk gracefully from a bash cli? not the asterisk cli
17:17.13pmhaddadoh nvm
17:17.17mostyasterisk -rx '<put your CLI command here'
17:17.29pmhaddadmosty, yeah, i forgot about -x :P
17:17.56kaldemarbut unless i need cluebat, there is no graceful reload. :)
17:18.10pmhaddadgraceful restart
17:20.34StanManCanIs there a way to connect a call to another phone number ?
17:21.00StanManCanSomebody calls in and I want them to be connected to another number, but have it not run through my Voip Provider anymore
17:23.51mostycalls in from where?
17:24.59StanManCanphonecall comes in from anybody, if they're from this area code then this happens, the rest of them get forwarded to my cell phone number
17:25.16mostyhow does the call arrive at your asterisk machine?
17:25.50StanManCanthey will call my old cell phone number which will forward them to one of my phone numbers with my voip provider
17:27.35mostyso, the call comes to you from your VOIP provider?
17:27.58StanManCanI'm confused at your question...
17:28.27mostyi'm trying to figure out the path that the call takes to your server, and where you want the call routed
17:29.10StanManCanI'll explain the situation if it helps better....
17:30.14mostyplease do
17:30.53StanManCanMy cellphone is being spammed on and off by numbers in different area codes... I'm going to get a new cellphone number and get my Cell Provider to forward my old number to one of the phone numbers I have with my voip provider..... My asterisk box will then filter the calls based on the area codes... I'll write a dial plan to disconnect certain area codes and forward the rest of them to my NEW cellphone number
17:32.15StanManCanBut, I want it to disconnect from my voip provider so that after the calls been forwarded, I'm not usin all my voip-providers minutes
17:32.56mostyif your voip provider supports sip with reinvites, then you might be able to do it
17:33.23mostyotherwise, you might want to look for a "hosted pbx" provider, and just move your dialplan to the voip provider's machine
17:33.47*** join/#asterisk didz_ (n=dsad@
17:33.48StanManCanWhat would the difference be ?
17:34.07StanManCanI have no issues running it from home
17:34.15didz_is it possible to use dynamic_features under meetme?
17:34.19jksMStanManCan, the difference is that you won't be using the minutes...
17:34.41StanManCanoh.. kk
17:35.49mostyStanManCan, just want to check, which outbound route do you want to use for these forwarded calls?
17:40.11*** part/#asterisk fcois93 (
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17:59.19areayim having trouble receiving calls through asterisk... i've enabled sip debugging and i can see stuff happening when i dial the number from a regular phone (i get a busy signal from the phone), i just have no idea what any of it means... here's a pastebin:
18:00.52mostycan you pastebin your dialplan (extensions.conf) and sip.conf with the usernames/passwords blanked out?
18:01.36*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
18:01.48[TK]D-Fenderareay: Contact: <sip:s@> <- you are not correctly configured to work behind NAT
18:01.52jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:02.11[TK]D-Fenderareay: and the inbound call is requesting auth and it doesn't look like they are liking that.
18:02.50[TK]D-Fenderareay: Also looks like you used the GUI to create the peer its matching against as opposed to the "do it all yourself" approach you mentioned yesterday
18:03.23areay[TK]D-Fender, yeah i did... the new one this time tho
18:03.59[TK]D-Fenderareay: Screw * GUI.  ESPECiALLY that ancient version
18:04.11areay[TK]D-Fender, nah i'm using the CURRENT version now
18:04.26[TK]D-Fenderareay: slightly better, but BLEH...
18:04.34jbotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
18:04.41bmoracaFREEPBX FTW!  lol
18:04.58[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Currently... yes
18:05.23areayi wondered why it was using users.conf
18:05.36[TK]D-Fenderareay: because thats what the GUI was built around.
18:06.04areay[TK]D-Fender, how can i make it use sip.conf and extensions.conf like normal?
18:06.12[TK]D-Fenderareay: Stop using the GUI
18:06.26areaythere really is no easy way to do this is there
18:06.39[TK]D-Fenderareay: I told you yesterday but you wouldn't hear of it
18:07.21[TK]D-Fenderareay: Either way you probably need to set the "insecure=port,invite" for your trunk definition nd fix your NAT settings either way
18:07.28*** join/#asterisk chrismaster1 (
18:07.51areay[TK]D-Fender, ok kool... then it should work (for the most part), yea?
18:08.04[TK]D-Fenderareay: It can be made to work.
18:08.21chrismaster1what is the best way to check if a peer is online? sip show peers and qualify=yes ?
18:08.24[TK]D-Fenderareay: but you have to play more by its rules. and there may be snafu's to deal with
18:08.28*** join/#asterisk CapriCoRN^80 (n=int@
18:08.36[TK]D-Fenderchrismaster1: Place a call to it.
18:08.57CapriCoRN^80hi all
18:08.59areay[TK]D-Fender, ok i'll give it a go
18:09.17CapriCoRN^80any body tell me about this error  .. app_dial.c:1242 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
18:09.38mostychrismaster1, depends how you define "online", and why you want to check that in the first place
18:10.07chrismaster1i want to write a tool where everybody sees who is online and who he is calling
18:10.17chrismaster1like asternic
18:10.20chrismaster1but not flash
18:11.04mostythen just use qualify=yes and the asterisk manager interface
18:11.38[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: what does SIP debug say?  that message by itself means little
18:11.55chrismaster1mosty: ok, thx
18:12.05bmoracachrismaster1: don't reinvent the wheel.  use either HUDlite or iSymphony
18:12.27bmoracamy preference is for iSymphony, but it's a bit pricy
18:12.40bmoracacheaper than writing one yourself, though
18:12.49mvanbaakbmoraca: you think ?
18:12.56bmoracamost definitely
18:13.11bmoracaunless you plan on selling it yourself...but it's a crowded market
18:13.16mvanbaakI disagree
18:13.19CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: the same i pasted above
18:13.37mvanbaakwe put something together in our webbased CRM app. Took roughly 1 hour
18:13.51chrismaster1oh, thx. i take a look at isymphony, didnt like hudlite
18:13.51mvanbaak1 hour = 150 euro
18:14.09bmoracamvanbaak: that's entirely different than a real-time event-driven application.
18:14.27mvanbaak19:09 <   chrismaster1> i want to write a tool where everybody sees who is online and who he is calling
18:14.30bmoracayes, i could create a simple extension state hook in PHP or ColdFusion very easily.
18:14.34mvanbaakyou can fix that in roughly an hour
18:14.40[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: that is not SIP DEBUG
18:15.18cvnetif i want to change the default port of sip i just add bindport=5555 in sip.conf correct?
18:15.31bmoracabut a full application which will allow you to see, in real time, that information is much more complex.  hence why i9 is able to charge so much for iSymphony and people will pay it.
18:16.26bmoracai have it deployed at atleast 5 with 70 CALs.  most just use it for the receptionist, though.
18:16.29mostycvnet, yes- and then do a sip reload
18:17.22[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: "sip show peer sid"
18:17.23chrismaster1bmoraca: isymphony looks good, is it stable?
18:18.02bmoracachrismaster1: i've never had a problem with it.  the new version's interface is much improved over previous versions.
18:18.17chrismaster1bmoraca: eclipse like
18:18.26bmoracachrismaster1: that's what it's built in.
18:19.40chrismaster1bmoraca: so i would need a isymphonyServer + client 4 all clients
18:19.44*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:20.01CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: i be right back. then i will discuss this issue
18:20.11bmoracachrismaster1: no.  one server and CALs for each client.  so, if you had 10 clients, one server + 10 client licenses.
18:20.20*** join/#asterisk jcoffi1 (n=jcoffi@
18:20.54bmoracachrismaster1: there's a free version too that gives up to 5 concurrent connections
18:21.15bmoracayou don't get all the features, such as queues and chat, but everything else works
18:21.21jayteeiSymphony? CALs? sounds like a linux version of a Microsoft application
18:21.55bmoracaMS isn't the only company that charges per-user fees
18:21.58chrismaster1bmoraca: full working? only 5 connection limitaiton?
18:22.12bmoracachrismaster1: with a couple of features turned off, yes
18:22.13jayteevery true
18:22.46chrismaster1bmoraca: thx
18:22.47jayteelotta companies charge by number of "users", "seats" or "ports".
18:23.16bmoracathat's all this is...they aren't really CALs, i pay for a number of "seats"
18:23.25cvnetI change the default port to 5555 in sip.conf (bindport=5555 ) under general, and now im trying to connect via Zoiper to the server, where shows domain i put IP:5555 and also under advance i changed the sip port to 5555, now mater what i try i can not register
18:23.48cvneti did reset it as well
18:24.33jasonwootDoes iSymphony support have a pay-per-incident support arrangement?
18:24.58cvnetfirewall is off
18:25.00bmoracai've never had an incident, so I wouldn't know.  as far as I'm aware, you can post on their forum or email them for free support
18:25.37bmoracawhen i was evaluating their product, i spoke with them on the phone a couple times and they were very helpful
18:26.55mostycvnet, verify the server is listening on the correct port with netstat, and verify that the client is using the correct port with a packet tracer
18:27.26jasonwootisymphony is like this _ far away from being a really useful product
18:28.30bmoracawhat's it missing?
18:28.42jayteeBop bopa-a-lu a whop bam boo
18:30.56jasonwootlooks like defining "extension directories" is not shared between users, stays local, prefer it to be global
18:31.24bmoracai believe you can define extension directories to be local...however, user-defined ones are per-user
18:31.55jasonwootyeah, I could be missing in in the man page
18:32.52cvnetwhen i do netstat | more i dont c anything listnhing to port 5555
18:33.26jayteeTutti frutti, oh Rudy
18:33.59[TK]D-Fendercvnet: And you're showing us nothing.
18:35.14cvnetone min
18:35.22jayteeGot a girl named Sue, she knows just what to do
18:35.50*** join/#asterisk yang (i=yang@CAcert/Assurer/pdpc.supporter.base.yang)
18:37.11coppiceSue Yu?
18:37.44jaytee"Help me!!!!! I'm channeling Little Richard!!!!"
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18:38.32coppicewhy would someone want to be known as little dick?
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18:38.40[TK]D-Fendercvnet: Why am I only seeing TCP, and where are the configs?
18:39.25cvnetone min
18:40.16cvnet <-- sip.conf
18:40.54Kobaz[Mar 11 14:38:09] WARNING[20871]: pbx_config.c:2358 pbx_load_config: The use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior.  Please use '_X.' instead at line 0
18:41.00Kobazhow would i turn off that warning
18:41.06Kobazi really *do* want to use _.
18:41.06Qwellby not using _.
18:41.28[TK]D-Fender"Doctor, doctor, it hurts when I raise my arm like this"
18:41.38[TK]D-Fender<doctor> Then... awww FUKKIT
18:42.01[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Go into the source and rip it out then.
18:42.06Kobazwell i think it would make sense to have an option to turn it off for uses where you really do want to match anything and everything
18:42.13Kobazyeah i could... heh
18:42.18cvnet <-- sip.conf
18:42.25mostyKobaz, it's just a warning, you can ignore it
18:42.33QwellKobaz: asterisk.conf, dontwarn=yes
18:42.36Kobazyeap. i know... but i dont like seeing warnings
18:42.46QwellThat'll be $499.99
18:42.47[TK]D-FendercvnGo do a REAL netstat, your last lookup attempt was poort
18:42.49Kobazbut then that's all warnings
18:43.03QwellKobaz: it's 2 warnings
18:43.04cvnetwaht u mean by real?
18:43.06cvneti did netstat
18:43.13[TK]D-Fendercvnet: "netstat -an
18:43.13Kobazah... what's the other warning?
18:43.20*** join/#asterisk JafoJ (i=40506c37@gateway/web/ajax/
18:43.25[TK]D-FenderKobaz: ANY OTHER WARNINGS
18:43.32QwellKobaz: core show translations
18:43.43Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: he said there's two
18:43.51Qwellyeah, it's just those 2.  no idea why
18:44.08Kobazwhat about translations?
18:44.12Qwellerr, not translations
18:44.15Qwellcore show codecs
18:44.18Kobazi don't have a translations... i have ah
18:44.39*** join/#asterisk jcoffi1 (n=jcoffi@
18:44.41Kobazi have core show transation... but anyway
18:44.44Kobazwhat about codecs?
18:44.49cvnetudp 0 0*
18:45.03Qwellit lists all codecs Asterisk knows about.  It doesn't matter whether Asterisk can use them or not - it still shows them in that list.
18:45.04bmoracai had a teacher in junior high school whose name was Richard can guess what we called him...
18:45.07Kobazer. translation
18:45.14Qwellso it gives a warning saying "blah blah informational purposes blah blah"
18:45.20KobazQwell: yeah... oh
18:45.43Kobazi don't see a warning... i see disclaimer
18:46.04Qwellsame thing
18:46.06*** join/#asterisk Titanous (n=titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
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18:47.10jayteeGot a girl named Daisy, she almost drives me crazy
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18:47.31TitanousI just upgraded to 1.4.24-rc1, and I'm getting (a problem with astrealtime)
18:48.27cvnet[TK]D-Fender: did you find any issue?
18:49.14[TK]D-Fendercvnet: sure looks like it is listening
18:49.31tokozedghi, when i was trying to have two sip gateway for asterisk, there was problem registering second sip number, do i have to set different source port for both sip gateway? and if so how
18:52.06Kobazanyone know why a call would get randomly dropped when it's on hold
18:54.02cvnetbut i cant connect
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18:55.29TitanousI'm gwtting `Unknown column 'lastms' in 'field list'` with astrealtime on 1.4.24-rc1
18:55.35sumawhen I originate calls to two persons from asterisk, I want to disconnect from either of the one and connect to a different destination, how is that possible ?
18:57.40[TK]D-Fendercvnet: Check your firewalls & routing, and whree is your softphone relative to *?
18:58.02sumaA & B are talking through asterisk ZAP, I want to disconnect either A or B and connect to C
18:58.11cvnetya it was the firewall
18:58.15cvnetthanks a bunch
18:58.20tokozedgTitanous, create column lastms
18:58.23Kobazactually the music on hold drops the caller after exactly 28 seconds
18:58.37Titanoustokozedg: what column type?
19:00.02tokozedgTitanous, do you write calls in mysql?
19:00.32tokozedgactually source and dst number ...
19:00.50Kobazcould maybe the music on hold file is corrupted/
19:00.54Kobazwould that cause a call to dro
19:00.55Titanoustokozedg: I use MySQL for CDR, realtime peers (sip/iax), and voicemail
19:01.32tokozedgso connect mysql and use that database and table, and create a lastms column varchar(255)
19:03.12*** join/#asterisk ingenius (n=alektro@
19:03.57BlargMaN00does anyone in here have any experience with using asterisk as Voicemail for Cisco CallManager??
19:04.47BlargMaN00yeah, pretty much
19:09.32[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: What does "voicemail' have to do with it?
19:10.12Kobazso anyone have any idea about moh dropping calls?
19:11.19cvneti have someone from some Arabic country trying to register to my box, i know they have blocked the 5060 but now i changed it to 5555 and also 80 but she still cannot register, is it possible for a isp to block UDP all together?
19:11.39mostyBlargMaN00: no, but the asterisk config would be pretty simple
19:11.54apeironIf an ISP blocked UDP, DNS would be pretty screwed.
19:12.12mostycvnet, run a packet logger and see what packets are coming from the client's ip address
19:12.53Kobazwell, they might block everything but 53
19:13.24cvnetmosty not sure what you mean
19:13.37*** join/#asterisk aaroneous (
19:13.43apeironwonders if he will ever stop reading mosty as 'moisty' or 'mostly'
19:13.56[TK]D-Fendercvnet: And do you, or do you not get packets?
19:14.15[TK]D-FendercntBecause its getting annoying seeing "doen't work" with no useful description.
19:14.24mostycvnet, run something like wireshark (or the command line version, tshark)
19:14.25cvnetfrom that clients? she can not register, but i dont know if i get pockets or not
19:14.31aaroneousdoes anyone know which ISDN protocol I want my PRI configured for?
19:14.40Kobazaaroneous: ask your telco
19:14.50aaroneousKobaz: they're asking me
19:14.58mostycvnet, a packet logger can tell you exactly which packets come to/from a particular ip address
19:15.17cvnetmostly: what command do i use for that?
19:15.32[TK]D-Fendercvnet: Don't know if you're getting the packets?  that is a lame thing to hear.  Open your damn eyes :p
19:15.40*** part/#asterisk Titanous (n=titanous@unaffiliated/titanous)
19:15.47Kobazcvnet: join #your_favorite_operating_system_channel  and ask about packet logging
19:16.00tokozedgcvnet, use wireshark
19:16.10aaroneousKobaz: thanks..  I am going to be using this with a digium card initially and then with a cisco 3640 configured as a SIP<->PRI gateway..  should be cool right?  I only ask because google showed various people having trouble with NI2
19:16.16BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: voicemail has to do with the fact that I am out of Unity licenses, and don't want to spend the money for more, so instead, I am putting all new users on * VM...
19:16.20Kobazni2 works fine
19:16.33aaroneousgreat..  tnx
19:17.00bougymanaaroneous: we've had no trouble with NI2 on *
19:17.06bougymanhave dozens of PRIs up with it.
19:17.11BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: i can't go 100% asterisk until the IMAP Storage feature is working correctly, because all my users are spoiled with the whole unity-manage your voicemail in your e-mail box concept...
19:18.01bougymanso when they delete the email it deletes it from the voicemail system?
19:18.18aaroneousbougyman: cool..  just wanted to make sure
19:18.27bougymani have a hook for that in mutt, BlargMaN00
19:18.33bougymani guess that doesn't help your users :)
19:18.50[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: Now what does that have to do with getting CM to talk with *?
19:18.52BlargMaN00not really...
19:19.00QwellBlargMaN00: Asterisk can do IMAP voicemail..
19:19.19apeironAnd the * book covers setting it up.
19:19.23jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:19.23areay[TK]D-Fender, i've got it working and u were right i had to forward the ports to the asterisk server... i've invested in another static ip for it too... im setting up voice menus (yes in the gui again, sorry) and i can't get it to "listen for keypress" on a particular step. it just defaults to donot listen for keypress
19:19.38*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
19:19.39BlargMaN00because all my users are on CM, and I am using IMAP voicemail on *, but it doesn't work 100% yet because i'm using it with exchange 2003
19:20.09bougymanexchange is not standard imap, is it?
19:20.09BlargMaN00the only exten that is registered to my * box is my personal exten
19:20.31[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: You asked specifically about * & CM.  Your problem is exclusively * VM.
19:20.33BlargMaN00nope, but i did find a way to make it work with a single user and password though...  8)~
19:20.38aaroneousthere shouldn't be any problems setting outbound CPN to anything we want on this PRI right? (or do I need something special other than "Calling Party Number" from the telco?)
19:21.01*** join/#asterisk ccitt (
19:21.04[TK]D-Fenderaaroneous: they frown on you setting to "911", etc
19:21.05ccitthey guys
19:21.16Qwellputnopvut: app_voicemail doesn't work with Exchange?
19:21.26aaroneous[TK]D-Fender: okay but setting it, say, to my cell phone number wont be an issue right?
19:21.29[TK]D-Fenderaaroneous: Your telco may also restrict you to DID's that you obtain through them, etc depending
19:21.37ccitti just have a quick, dumb question about the new asterisk setup i'll have shortly:
19:21.40aaroneousah..  that's the restriction I am trying to avoid..
19:21.45[TK]D-Fenderaaroneous: or they may ban your setting the number at all
19:21.46BlargMaN00no, not actually...  my problem actually has to do with call routing and 201 forbidden sip notifications...
19:21.50putnopvutQwell: you mean in IMAP mode? That may be, but I'm almost certain that I've seen reports to the contrary.
19:21.51aaroneouswondering if I had to order it in a special way to avoid that restriction
19:21.59[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: then thats another matter.
19:22.04Qwellputnopvut: that's what I thought..
19:22.20bougymanQwell: google says it's problematic.
19:22.35ccitti wil have an asterisk box with a number of sip lines, and be using softphones on workstations as the phones - do i need any sort of channel banks or anything, or can i just do it all with straight ethernet/ip?
19:22.53[TK]D-Fenderccitt: ccOf course not.
19:22.58BlargMaN00but it deals with voicemail at the same time, because it only happens when voicemail is involved...
19:23.04ccittof course i wont need the channel banks?
19:23.32[TK]D-Fenderccitt: you said you're runing pure SIP.  CB's are to connect analog lines to a T1 card.  You said you won't ahve any of that.
19:23.33ccittor of course i cant use straight ethernet?
19:23.58[TK]D-Fenderccitt: "Hi I want to listen to MP3's on my computer, do I need a lawnmower?"
19:24.37[TK]D-Fenderccitt: That equipement is for connecting stuff you're telling us you have no intention of using.  Answers itself
19:24.39BlargMaN00the issue is i get 201 Forbidden when this scenario happens:  * exten -> CM Exten -> No Answer -> * VM...  I think it has something to do with the Caller ID and the way it is being routed...
19:24.40ccittlmao - i figured id look dumb but oh well - id rather know for sure - secondly, does anyone have the "inside" knowledge of any voip/sip carriers that offer unlimited calling at decent rates, possibly with bulk deals on lines?
19:24.49Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: what are you talking about... of course you need a lawnmower... i have my lawnmower hooked up via usb
19:25.20ccittfor pc-to-phone obviously
19:25.40coppice"Lucent in the carrier space is WAY ahead in the hopelessly filled with bugs category." :-)
19:27.10BlargMaN00putnopvut: BTW...  My server is not stressed yet, but I have IMAP VM using Exchange, and it seems to be holding up fairly well, at least on the IMAP side now...  I still see some issues every once in a while, but they seem to be slowly going away with each new release...
19:27.44putnopvutBlargMaN00: well, that's a good thing, I suppose. I've never been very happy with Asterisk's IMAP implementation.
19:27.46BlargMaN00once it works like it's supposed to, then I will be using exclusively asterisk for VM>..
19:28.19*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
19:29.05BlargMaN00putnopvut: I wouldn't necessarily say that I really like it, but i'm pleased with the fact that it accomplishes what I'm trying to do...  I still have issues where it likes to die when making some calls the the app_voicemail and c-client, but like I said, the server isn't stressed ...  yet....
19:29.39*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
19:31.14BlargMaN00I guess that's one of those things where you really just want to scrap it and start over, but every time you think of doing that, you think to yourself "screw that"
19:34.38*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
19:35.11putnopvutBlargMaN00: you don't know how many times I've said that...
19:36.35BlargMaN00putnopvut: I can only imagine....
19:37.33BlargMaN00putnopvut: I say it to myself from time to time...
19:38.56putnopvutBlargMaN00: one thing that may change things is that we're planning on participating in the Google Summer of Code project. One of the projects we have proposed is to re-write the way that storage is accomplished in app_voicemail. If this gets done, then it would help to isolate the IMAP stuff away from the rest of the code and hopefully make it a bit easier to rewrite that stuff.
19:39.36mmlj4I've got a problem with a sangoma card:
19:39.51*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
19:40.16BlargMaN00putnopvut: yeah, it wouldn't hurt to have an app_voicemail, and an app_imap_storage...  ya know...
19:40.21*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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19:40.38putnopvutBlargMaN00: that's pretty much the idea behind the project.
19:41.54BlargMaN00i remember when I first started writing code, I wanted to put everything into one file as messy as possible, so that way only I could debug it...  "job security" right??  nope...  when you can't debug your own code, you don't get to keep your job long...  lol
19:42.57*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
19:43.18putnopvutBlargMaN00: yeah, what sucks is that I inherited that code. I'd be embarrassed to say that I wrote it myself.
19:44.19BlargMaN00putnopvut: lol...  yeah, that does suck...  but like you said, the good thing is, you can say you didn't write it to begin with...
19:44.37KavanS[TK]D-Fender: what would you suggest for a least cost dial solution....I have 3 charges flat fee long distance (except foreign countries), the other charges flat per minute usage, and other has that standard csv rates file
19:45.40UQlevKavanS: it is wise to work with 3-4 at once
19:46.00UQlevKavanS: 1 of all will be down from time to time
19:46.20KavanSUQlev: hrm, okay...I expect to run into the same situation
19:46.31KavanSUQlev: what application/macro/script do you suggest for such?
19:46.31UQlevKavanS: 2 will not be able trace your payments
19:47.04UQlevKavanS: I switche them manually
19:47.30KavanSwell I want something a little more automatic...choosing the route that's up, as well as the cheapest one
19:47.34UQlevKavanS: keep them all registered but switch your customers
19:47.43KavanSbut I understand that I may not get every feature I desire
19:47.54KavanSnaw this is for small office...
19:48.08KavanSbut I don't want to deal with failure (like everyone in this world right?)
19:48.17UQlevKavanS: it will work perfect for a small office
19:48.46CapriCoRN^80why my status is unreacable
19:48.49UQlevKavanS: how will you avoid failures with VoIP providers
19:48.56KavanSUQlev, lol but it will require me doing shit...
19:48.56CapriCoRN^80be right back
19:49.06KavanSUQlev, going to set it up so it cycles through during dial
19:49.29KavanSUQlev, just like my current PSTN/SIP configuration
19:50.02UQlevKavanS: doubtfully it ill work
19:50.16KavanSUQlev, what experience(s) lead you to believe this?
19:50.51UQlevevery call you should wait for 35-40 sec
19:51.00BlargMaN00putnopvut: well, when you are actually ready to fix it the way it should be, let me know...  I will do extensive testing, and even help you debug...
19:51.13putnopvutBlargMaN00: thanks!
19:51.52BlargMaN00putnopvut: my coding isn't up to the caliber required to write something like that, but I can sure debug code, and test...  especially seeing is how that is the only standing in my way of moving from an CM shop to a 100% * shop...
19:52.17KavanSUQlev: most calls are made via the PSTN line...and that's quite reliable
19:52.33KavanSUQlev: I only want to push certain area/country codes via the SIP
19:52.42KavanScurrently only SIP is used when PSTN is already in-use
19:52.55putnopvutBlargMaN00: Well, like I said, the Summer of Code could be the opportunity to get it right.
19:53.32UQlevKavanS: look for providers which allow several simultaneous calls at once
19:53.52BlargMaN00putnopvut: let's hope so...  I'm looking forward to it, because I hate CM with a passion...  8)~
19:54.07KavanSUQlev: we are not even discussing the same subject
19:54.13*** join/#asterisk jchonig (
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19:55.02jchonigAny of you fine folks know how to disable MOH on a given channel?  SetMusicOnHold(none) where none of type files and directory of /dev/null does not work because /dev/null is not a directory?
19:55.11UQlevKavanS: do we?
19:55.26jblackjchonig: How about giving an empty directory. :)
19:56.02jchonigjblack I can do that, but it seems like a bit of a hack to me.  Or an omission
19:56.20jblackSo call the directory "nomoh"
19:57.11*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
19:57.20jblackThen you're stuck.
19:57.40jchonigOh, I'll do it, I just won't like it.  ;-)
19:57.52jchonigGot slammed on a con-call, didn't realize * defaulted to MOH
19:58.02jchonigGot a call from school and put them on hold...
19:58.38KavanSjchonig: I sent a salesmen to the "blackhole" today :) it's nelson from the simpsons saying "ha, ha" then a dialtone....disconnects then blacklists them
19:58.38jblackso now you know what '[default]' means. :)
19:58.45ChainsawKavanS: :D
19:59.21jchonigJust upgraded to 1.4 this weekend, fun stuff like telemarketer torture scripts are lower on my todo list. ;-)
20:00.01jblackyou should play some sort of audio while people are on hold, so they know the phone is still off hook.
20:00.52jchonigWell, that doesn't work when you are on a con-call, if one person puts the call on hold, everyone gets to listen to music.  They get mad at you
20:01.09jblackgentle white noise is an option. perhaps rip a $3.00 nature sounds cd from target, with a low volume.
20:01.11*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:01.35jchonigRight now I'm going to disable it on my work line (I'm in a home office), but in the future I may figure out an option to disable it on conference calls
20:01.40jblackMaybe you souldn't put con men on hold. :)
20:01.54jchonigWell, it was a call with marketing....
20:02.08*** join/#asterisk docid (n=eris@
20:02.22dociduggg, so hard to stay connected
20:06.17*** join/#asterisk flujan (
20:07.21flujanhello guys, I need to use a asterisk function on my dialplan.
20:07.26flujanThe function is new and called AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT
20:07.32flujanhow can i set it up on my dialplan?
20:08.51*** join/#asterisk horvath (
20:10.11horvathAnyone know where I can find a PDF or powerpoint file of Virtualizing Asterisk - Presented at Digium Asterisk World? The one on scribd wants me to register to download ugh.
20:11.16CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: you there ?
20:12.27*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
20:13.05joshaidanHey does anyone else get brute force sip REGISTER attacks?
20:13.48*** join/#asterisk orkid_ (n=orkid@unaffiliated/orkid)
20:14.15mmlj4joshaidan: what's your IP?
20:14.39joshaidanmmlj4: why?
20:14.45mmlj4i'm kiddinfg
20:14.48horvathjoelbryan:  Thankfully no just your standard ssh brute force attacks
20:14.59orkid_Chainsaw, switching PCI slots seemed to have helped. I added another network card though. I notice a problem after a while again (beeps), and move net cards so that they weren't on the same interrupt. So now every device is on its own interrupt, but the beeps are still there :S
20:15.00joshaidanmmlj4: I thought u were, just checking. :)
20:15.10NoxIn-joshaidan: don't see bruteforce attack on my asterisks either
20:15.13*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
20:15.26joshaidanWe've been getting them now and them, seems to be more frequent
20:15.33horvathjoshaidan: Setup OSSEC-HIDS to ban ips for 15 min after x number of bad passwords?
20:15.54joshaidanThe first attacks were successful, but since then we've tighten things up
20:16.03ghenryIs this like followme with presence?
20:16.13Chainsaworkid: Hm, okay. Just in case there is a firmware bug causing slow interrupt delivery... that BIOS upgrade still sounds like a good idea.
20:16.17ghenryAnyoen have ISDN BRI details for Dubai?
20:16.18joshaidanhorvath: thanks, I was going to ask what people do to block them
20:16.25ghenryI'm setting up msidn.conf here
20:16.30riddleboxoops sorry
20:16.31ghenrywill check
20:16.51horvathjoshaidan: you will have to make a custom rule but yea ossec is awesome
20:16.56ghenryriddlebox: that's my link ;-)
20:17.00orkid_Chainsaw, yes ok. Is there anything I should check in BIOS too? Any Latency/ACPI/etc settings that might affect the situation?
20:17.12flujanping putnopvut
20:17.20NoxIn-joshaidan: are you attacker from a unique IP or multiples ?
20:17.21riddleboxghenry: yeah went to copy it to check it out cause IP-Office is avaya and thats primarily what we sell
20:17.27putnopvutflujan: I've got about 5 minutes before I need to go to a meeting...
20:17.30Chainsaworkid_: I'm assuming you have a linux OS?
20:17.35joshaidanWe get them from multiple IPs
20:17.40flujanputnopvut: ok it will be enough
20:17.41orkid_Chainsaw, yes Hardy 8.04
20:17.43orkid_Chainsaw, updated
20:17.49flujanputnopvut: I am trying to use AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT
20:17.54joshaidanThey usual exploit us for LD and send telemarketer calls/scams
20:17.56putnopvutflujan: is it working for you?
20:17.57Chainsaworkid_: Indeed, please make sure you have full ACPI support enabled.
20:17.57ghenryriddlebox: k. It's an old feature which I guess is just done on * via a dialplan I'd write
20:18.03riddleboxghenry: what was your question?
20:18.10Chainsaworkid_: If you have an OS selector, it should be on Win2K/XP.
20:18.13joshaidanThe worst was one that sent calls to Cuba
20:18.17Chainsaworkid_: (In the BIOS)
20:18.24ghenryriddlebox: if it's just followme with presence for BLF etc.
20:18.24orkid_Chainsaw, ok. Also PnP OS should be 'yes' correct?
20:18.32horvathjoshaidan:  Interesting I wonder if theres some new botnets out in the wild that are just focusing on brute force SIP attcks
20:18.42Chainsaworkid_: Indeed, that is the correct setting. Any APIC support should be enabled, as should MPS1.4
20:18.47joshaidanhorvath: I wouldn't be surprised
20:18.50CapriCoRN^80i am very much confused
20:18.55Chainsaworkid_: (If you have an MP table selector, it should be on 1.4, not 1.1)
20:19.02riddleboxghenry: yeah the twinning, actually is a bit more than follow me, it also lets you pass the call from the cell phone back to the desk phone
20:19.05flujanputnopvut: no where can i put it on the dialplan? here is a pastie
20:19.12CapriCoRN^80my usera connectioned to * but both user's status are offline
20:19.14NoxIn-joshaidan: care to a few of the attackers IP so I can see if I have some of them in my logs ?
20:19.26orkid_Chainsaw, hmm, should I take a 'beta' bios? (1012.004) released 3.5 years ago, about a month after the latest 'stable' bios
20:19.27jchonigHow do I print the musiconhold classes from the console?
20:19.27CapriCoRN^80my users are connected to * but both user's status are offline
20:19.39ghenryriddlebox: ok, so a transfer feature too. So a custom dialplan would be needed
20:19.43putnopvutflujan: The place where you have it will work. The problem is that you aren't using the syntax correctly.
20:19.46Chainsaworkid_: Can I see the Changelog for it please?
20:19.47riddleboxghenry: yeah
20:19.48putnopvutflujan: what you need to to is:
20:19.52joshaidanNoxIn: sure, the most recent is
20:20.26orkid_Latest beta BIOS.
20:20.26orkid_[ 1012 ]
20:20.26orkid_Support new CPUs. Please refer to our website at:
20:20.29putnopvutexten => _XXXX,1,Set(AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT(mixmonitor)=yes
20:20.30riddleboxghenry: you could maybe set it almost as a conf call between the phone and the cell so you could pass it back and forth
20:20.34orkid_That's not much I know
20:20.38putnopvutexten => _XXXX,1,Set(AUDIOHOOK_INHERIT(mixmonitor)=yes)
20:20.51joshaidanhorvath: do you have links to tutorials/info on setting this up to catch those SIP attacks?
20:20.51putnopvutI left off the final closing paren the first time.
20:20.51orkid_Chainsaw, and nothing in the zip file
20:20.52flujanputnopvut: thanks i will give it a try
20:20.59flujanputnopvut: have a nice meeting bro.
20:21.07putnopvutflujan: it won't be a nice meeting :(
20:21.15ghenryriddlebox: true, that makes sense
20:21.16putnopvutWell, it won't be bad either. It won't be fun though.
20:21.16Chainsaworkid: New CPU support does not seem harmful. In doing so they may have fixed up embarassing ACPI bugs that they did not feel like publically admitting.
20:21.17orkid_Chainsaw, the 'beta' is .11 KB bigger.
20:21.20flujanputnopvut: there is no nice meeting lol
20:21.23ghenryriddlebox: seen anyone do it already?
20:21.29NoxIn-well, don't appear on my grep
20:21.36orkid_I've been running the beta on another comp no problem, maybe i'll try that (if it's not already). anyway, no more rambling from me for now
20:22.45riddleboxghenry: nope, just thought of it since you were wanting to implement the feature
20:22.56ghenrythanks riddlebox
20:23.13horvathjoshaidan: I don't think theres a tutorial out there but lemme see if I can find the guide about creating new rules
20:23.24riddleboxghenry: haha they are advertising the oneX its on its way out
20:23.28jchonigUgh, not only do I need an empty dir, I need an emtpy file in that dir, or a WAV of silence...
20:23.39BlargMaN00putnopvut: quit
20:24.09ghenryriddlebox: means nothing to me.
20:24.37NoxIn-joshaidan: you could also use fail2ban
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20:25.04joshaidanNoxIn: thanks
20:26.25*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
20:27.02KavanSwho can point me in the direction of a solid least call routing plan?
20:27.10KavanSi.e. lcdial/lcdc/
20:27.11mmlj4I've got a problem with a sangoma card, anyone?:
20:27.19docidcall = cost?
20:27.38docidtried sangoma customer service? ive had great results with um
20:27.48KavanSdocid: yep lol
20:27.53KavanSleast *cost* routing! :)
20:28.05horvathjoshaidan: I must be blind but I cant seem to find the page on their wiki
20:28.39horvathjoshaidan: fail2ban should work as well but ossec does other things like rootkit checks etc its really quite nice
20:29.10mmlj4docid: how many questions can you ask before they start charging?
20:29.12NoxIn-mmlj4: when you compile wanrouter you specifie the protocols to compile in
20:29.17joshaidanhorvath: cool, I'm going to take a look at both
20:29.21mmlj4NoxIn-: aye
20:29.27*** part/#asterisk jchonig (
20:30.25NoxIn-mmlj4: for instance on my case I used the option --protocol=TDM-AFT_TE1
20:30.25mmlj4hrm, I can try that
20:30.25mmlj4./Setup install --something ?
20:30.25NoxIn-I created a .deb   so the complete line I used was  ./Setup builddeb --protocol=TDM-AFT_TE1
20:30.26NoxIn-but should be the same with install
20:30.51docidummm, dunno, im up to 8 calls and 5 times ssh'd to my box and there was no talk of chargeing
20:31.09*** join/#asterisk DavidR2008 (
20:31.44docidmostly stuff that was broke etc.... just fighting to get some real info from the telco atm
20:32.05DavidR2008how do you (can you) reload the features.conf without shutting down?
20:36.16Gido-EDavidR2008 do you know it for voicemail?
20:36.41DavidR2008Gido-E I don't understand your question
20:37.16Gido-Ei needed to know it for voicemail. maybe you would know.
20:37.25*** join/#asterisk tobias (
20:37.47DavidR2008oh, I understand now, I don't know. I ended up restarting my * server
20:37.58*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
20:38.25Gido-EDavidR2008 i think that is the only option. for feature config.
20:38.57Gido-Ebut i was yust wondering what the minimum is for voicemail.conf changes.
20:39.00Juggiedoes anyone have a list of north american areacodes in csv?
20:39.59DavidR2008Juggie: I was able to google some
20:40.04kaldemarDavidR2008: features reload
20:40.32DavidR2008No such command 'features reload' (type 'help features reload' for other possible commands)
20:41.00DavidR20081.4.23.1 (sorry I forgot to mention)
20:41.14*** join/#asterisk orkid_ (n=orkid@unaffiliated/orkid)
20:42.28DavidR2008If no one knows it's not a big deal. I'm trying to test one touch recording and I can't seem to get it to work.
20:42.52orkid_Chainsaw, not sure what the bios ver really was because I read it inside the BIOS menu (and after update it was the same there.. but on POST screen it was the updated version).. I thought the beeps were gone (for the first few seconds of the call they were) but then i heard them again .. Hmmm. I didn't have this issue on another motherboard. Could it be the chipset/CPU combo or something?
20:43.14DavidR2008I copied the example from but it doesn't work for me. Does anyone have any experience with one touch recording?
20:43.42mmlj4NoxIn-: when I do ./Setup dahdi, it displays "Enabling the TDM Voice Asterisk Support", and remember choosing TDM voice... bah
20:44.07kaldemarDavidR2008: reload or module reload might do it for 1.4.
20:44.17Chainsaworkid_: It is possible. Some systems have SMI (System Management Interrupt) activity going on in the background all the time.
20:44.31orkid_Chainsaw, The current computer is a Duron1600 on asus k8V-X (via chipset), it was before on a P3-1000, gigabyte motheboard, with via chipset
20:44.32Chainsaworkid_: Which makes them unsuitable for applications like this, where you really want near-realtime response.
20:44.48Chainsaworkid_: I'm not a fan of VIA chipsets. If you can get something nForce-based it'll probably work better.
20:44.48orkid_Chainsaw, How can I check if this is the case?
20:45.13Chainsaworkid_: I can't think of a quick yes/no way to check.
20:45.27orkid_Chainsaw, yeah you live and you learn. I've got burned with this chipset already because it doesn't do sata2 (or sata DVD burning)
20:46.18orkid_Chainsaw, well. thanks for your help. I might go back to the old motherboard/chipset and see if that fixes the problem, then I'll know pretty much for certain that it's the hardware
20:46.27Chainsaworkid_: I mostly remember VIA for the 686B southbridge.
20:46.31orkid_(or perhaps implementation in linux, who knows though)
20:46.40orkid_well, the gigabyte has that 686B
20:46.48ChainsawAwful chipset.
20:47.01ChainsawIt doesn't implement PCI bus parking. You'll have stability problems with SoundBlaster Live! cards as a result.
20:47.24orkid_should I be seeing interrupts atm on the wcfxo device?
20:47.43DavidR2008kaldemar: that worked, thanks!
20:47.45*** join/#asterisk Toerkeium (i=Toerkeiu@
20:47.55orkid_Btw, the line is "
20:47.55orkid_" .. Could disabling APIC help?
20:48.12Chainsaworkid_: All disabling APIC will do is limit you to 16 IRQs again.
20:48.18DavidR2008Gido-E: if you're on 1.4 module reload will re-parse voicemail.conf
20:48.34Chainsaworkid_: So sharing becomes more likely again. You might have to reshuffle hardware yet another time to avoid that.
20:49.09ChainsawUnless you have grave IRQ routing difficulties (which you don't seem to have as you can boot fine), disabling APIC is usually a bad idea.
20:50.02orkid_Chainsaw, weird that I didn't have this problem on the 686B, but do on the 8237. So disabling APIC won't help you think? Hmm, maybe I'll just try it before I switch back to the other mobo
20:50.20Chainsaworkid_: Yeah, worth a go but it seems unlikely to me.
20:50.25docidanybody got any idea what the trick to getting the dahdi interface to come up in asterisk when    signalling=sf_w    is set?   i get dahdi show channels no such command, but if i change it to em_w or featb or featdmf its there
20:52.54*** join/#asterisk bijit (n=benji@
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20:54.56mmlj4just a sanity check, please... on *, what do I need to do to make * compile with dahdi?
20:55.03mmlj4or support for it, etc.
20:55.24mmlj4i mean aside from compiling dahdi separately
20:56.32*** join/#asterisk orkid_ (n=orkid@unaffiliated/orkid)
20:56.56orkid_Chainsaw, I can't believe it, it works!
20:57.08Chainsaworkid_: Neat!
20:57.15orkid_"  5:     217893    XT-PIC-XT        ehci_hcd:usb5, wcfxo, VIA8237
20:57.28ChainsawFair play to you. I hadn't expected that.
20:58.13orkid_I loaded defaults, turned off ECC (ON BY DEFAULT! i guess it just disables if you don't have ECC RAM), disabled APIC and ACPI, enabled PnP OS again (disabled by default), and it works.
20:58.25orkid_Could it be something with the APIC implementation?
20:58.46ChainsawI would look at buggy ACPI firmware more then APIC myself.
20:58.53orkid_of linux? Anyway, I will turn on ACPI 2 extensions and see if it still works.
20:58.55ChainsawBut I've been proven wrong before, so who knows :)
20:58.56orkid_brb again
21:01.33jbot[~book] Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:07.41*** part/#asterisk flujan (
21:07.50DavidR2008how are features supposed to work? I can't get my asterisk box to do anything when I press # or * the tone just get passed on the the other side of the call
21:10.53docidmine work fine, ## transfers, if i could jsut get my t1 configuration information from the stupid telco
21:11.09jplankhas anyone every used a viking control module with *?
21:11.35*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
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21:13.39CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: you there ?
21:16.00DavidR2008it looks like it had something to do with the Set(DYNAMIC_FEATURES...) command. I removed that and it started working as expected.
21:16.14[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: yes
21:17.12*** join/#asterisk strk (
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21:18.24CapriCoRN^80my users are unreacable
21:18.30*** join/#asterisk orkid_ (n=orkid@unaffiliated/orkid)
21:20.25orkid_Chainsaw, so ACPI2 can be enabled and it still works ok (I don't see APIC-fastio but XT-PIC-XT in /proc/interrupts), but when I turned on ACPI APIC (pointer?) then I get the beeps. I remember there being some issues with APIC, pointer, RSDT or DSDT or somesuch, and linux; this was a while ago though. unrelated perhaps
21:21.09orkid_I didn't try APIC w/o ACPI2 extensions though
21:21.16*** part/#asterisk Sparky1 (n=Sparky1@
21:27.58CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: you checked the pastebin ?
21:29.38*** join/#asterisk telecos (
21:32.58[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: Check all your networking
21:33.30*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
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21:36.42CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: if its networking problem why my user is connecting to the server
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21:41.43CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: i am little bit confused
21:42.17CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: if you can tell me why i am getting request and connecting to server but my status is unreacable
21:49.46*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
21:50.50*** join/#asterisk Der-Tim (
21:50.54Der-Timhi there
21:52.31brunnerdoes asterisk do a good job of taking advantage of multi-processor environments?
21:52.57russellbit depends on what your system is doing
21:53.09russellbbut in general, Asterisk is very heavily multi-threaded, and will use multiple CPUs.
21:53.53brunnerin what scenarios would asterisk not take full advantage of multiple CPUs?
21:54.39apeironerm. That's more a question for your kernel / scheduler / threading library.
21:54.53*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
21:57.28*** join/#asterisk RoPBX (n=nickserv@
21:57.35RoPBXhello all
21:57.49wonderworldwould the DoS described here --> crash asterisk or the whole box?
21:57.53RoPBXplease, somebody knows about glare management?
22:00.42*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
22:01.38brunnerSo in theory, is there any reason why a server like this couldn't handle at least 1000 calls, if there's no transcoding going on?
22:02.35russellb8 quad core CPUs?
22:02.37russellbthat's hot.
22:02.40brunnerno doubt
22:02.52russellbIt's really hard to say until you get to testing, but yeah, I would say that should be fine
22:03.01brunnerout of my price range, of course, but I'm still curious about whether there'd be any bottlenecks
22:03.20russellbyour bottlenecks would certainly not be CPU
22:03.25brunnerlol, yeah
22:03.25russellbit would be network throughput probably.
22:03.35russellbor performance of the NIC(s)
22:03.45brunnerwell, I'll have to interface via TDM
22:03.56brunnerno sip for me, from my telco I'm racking up with =/
22:04.14russellb1000 calls worth of T1 cards?!
22:04.15brunnerat least not right now. they say they'll offer it before the end of the year
22:04.31brunnerrussellb: I'm not actually going to buy that thing.  I'm only going to try to support 500 calls.
22:04.55russellbSo, like, 4 quad span T1 cards perhaps ...
22:05.05brunnerbut yes, I plan on buying 6 T1 cards
22:05.29brunnerI thought about getting a SIP gatway, but I think they're just as expensive, right?
22:05.30[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: What are you doing with these calls?
22:05.34russellbI would actually recommend 2 servers (maybe 3) because of the number of T1 boards.
22:05.44brunner[TK]D-Fender: conferencing
22:05.50wonderworldbrunner: model name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     E6850  @ 3.00GHz -> handles about 20 calls with transcoding with 10% load on 1 cpu
22:05.54brunnerrussellb: oh yeah?
22:05.56russellbso yes, conferencing takes some CPU, as well
22:06.04[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: massive overkill.
22:06.15brunner[TK]D-Fender: what is?
22:06.27russellbthat huge server?  heh, yeah
22:06.29brunner[TK]D-Fender: like I said many, many times, I'm not buying that server I linked to.
22:06.37russellbbut it was awesome.
22:06.38[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: get AudioCodes Mediant SIP gateways, and span 2-3 small servers.
22:06.44brunnerrussellb: yes
22:07.00russellbnooo, get Digium T1 boards :-D
22:07.09russellb(I work for Digium.)
22:07.14brunneryeah, I figured
22:07.22brunner[TK]D-Fender: I'll take a look, thanks
22:07.35wonderworldwould the DoS described here --> crash asterisk or the whole box?
22:07.49russellbif it's an asterisk vulnerability, it's Asterisk
22:10.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
22:12.34RoPBXrussellb, please do you know something about anti-glare?
22:13.18brunner[TK]D-Fender: the Mediant 2000 only support 16 T1's
22:13.20russellbI know nothing :-(
22:13.23russellbabout anything.
22:13.43RoPBXoh ok
22:14.03outtoluncis it friday already? <G>
22:19.29[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: 18:06]<[TK]D-Fender>brunner: get AudioCodes Mediant SIP gateways, and span 2-3 small servers. <- today's magic word is "plural"
22:20.20Juggiedoes anyone have a CSV/DB of area codes, eg areacode,state/province,country
22:20.33brunneryeah, yeah, I was just hoping to do everything on as few devices as possible
22:20.34Juggiefor north america
22:21.09[TK]D-FenderbruAnd did you think you were going to cram all of those T1's into 1 server directly via PCI?
22:22.23[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: that 1U / 368 channels.  Not half bad if you ask me.
22:22.25*** join/#asterisk nullable_type (
22:23.00nullable_typeQ: What's the best way of upgrading Asterisk from an older version(Without source) to new version (using new source)? Thanks
22:23.37brunner[TK]D-Fender: yep. what's wrong with cramming a bunch of T1's into one box with PCI?
22:24.48*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
22:35.00tompawI need some nice cdr browser that will let me generate and view stats, call history etc. * 1.6, could be either based on filed cdrs or mysql, don't care.
22:35.04tompawAnything you could recommend?
22:35.23tompaw(I don't need billing, account management or anything like that, just pure CDR browser)
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22:43.06KavanSanyone use least cost routing?
22:43.28nullable_typeIs Asterisk stable enough for production. Whats the best version to use for production?
22:45.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (n=chainsaw@gentoo/developer/atheme.member.chainsaw)
22:46.45bmoracabrunner: Sangoma makes a single height 8port T1 card...
22:48.31tompawKavanS: I used to use it with a2billing.
22:48.51KavanSdamn a2billing looks involved
22:49.24KavanSi.e. multiple hours/dependencies of software to configure/mess with to get it working
22:49.31KavanSanyone use LCDIal yet?
22:49.45tompawKavanS: now we're using voipswitch for that purpose.
22:49.55tompawa2billing does just... the billing ;)
22:52.16KavanSno need to mess with billing...
22:52.17KavanSI don't resell
22:58.31*** join/#asterisk RobH (
22:58.55nullable_typeHey guys I installed over 1.2 without installing, now all screwed up. How do i uninstall everything and then start from scratch?
22:59.42jameswfmake uninstall
22:59.58*** join/#asterisk jsgoecke (
23:00.20nullable_typewill that uninstall both versions?
23:00.55jameswfno.... get 1.2....source and make uninstall as well
23:01.01Qwell1.2 doesn't have uninstall
23:01.10jameswfwell hell
23:02.16Juggiethere isnt that much to remove
23:02.17*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
23:02.24Juggieand uninstalling really doesnt do anything that fancy
23:02.33nullable_typeHey guys whats the best version to go for Production, 1.6 or 1.4
23:03.21Corydon76-dignullable_type: depends upon the feature set you need
23:03.59nullable_typepretty much i need is call bridging, http AMI, SIP Reinvite
23:06.59nullable_typeIs that all available in 1.4
23:08.02Qwellnullable_type: doesn't sound like you've done very much research...
23:09.05nullable_type@Qwell >> Yes, sounds like I will have to :) . I only used in dev and wondering if 1.4 is more stable for production
23:12.10*** join/#asterisk macli (
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23:44.59trnzmetaguys: when someone transfers a phone call whilst I'm on the phone or phone is ringing/busy, it automatically goes to voicemail/engeaged
23:45.15trnzmetawhat should I be looking at make sure it rings... (2nd line?)
23:45.27[TK]D-Fendertrnzmeta: your phone.
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23:57.09Merlinwhat does switchvox use for their fax solution?  3rd party software or something open source?
23:58.02[TK]D-FenderMerlin: Yes.
23:59.38Merlin[tk: which?
23:59.47Merlin[tk]d-fender: which though?

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