IRC log for #asterisk on 20090308

00:03.17*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
00:06.48stokedanyone know where to look for Singapore DID's?
00:08.02*** join/#asterisk RichardLynch (
00:08.56dan__tI don't know.
00:09.01jbotwell, providers is
00:09.25dan__tThat might work, I don' tknow
00:09.26RichardLynchHas anybody successfully installed this:   soundtouch is erroring out in "make" with complaints about memcmp not defined in scope.  Googling tells me it's gcc-4.2 versus gcc-4.3 issue.  Trying to apt-get remove 4.3 and apt-get install 4.2 and then ./configure tells me I have no compiler at all. :-(
00:11.56*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
00:12.58*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
00:14.11doolphthere's any script to configure the dahdi channels in AsteriskNow?
00:14.36*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
00:17.48*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
00:40.50dan__tAny FastCGI hackers about?
00:43.53*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
00:45.01doolphhwo to configure dahdi
00:45.10*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
00:48.28RichardLynchdoolph: As I understand it, you do it just like Zapatel, as it's mostly just a name change...
00:48.42RichardLynchNever done it myself, mind you.
00:50.33RichardLynchCan anybody recommend something like this but which actually compiles?
00:52.31doolphI found it how
00:53.20*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
00:54.43*** part/#asterisk gulden (
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01:18.09*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
01:18.30*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
01:20.04doolphfreepbx doesn't show reports :(
01:23.05jayteeit doesn't?
01:23.16jayteeis it supposed to?
01:28.42eppigyi am dave
01:29.24eppigydoolph: you will need to look in to asterisk+cacti etc
01:30.37doolph[Sat Mar 07 20:20:12 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: tostatsmonth_sday in /var/www/html/admin/cdr/call-log.php on line 450, referer:
01:31.37*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
01:35.59*** join/#asterisk qdk (
01:39.39doolphany idea somebody?
01:39.52kb3ieni just noticed i'm getting no cdrs in /var/log/asterisk/ even though i left [csv] uncommented in cdr.conf is there something else needed to get basic logging?
01:41.25kb3ieni tried decommenting the other fields, to no avail. is there a cdr debugger?
01:41.38rob0kb3ien, did you restart?
01:42.36rob0If you're running as non-root, does the asterisk user have write permissions to the log directory?
01:42.46rob0(rwx actually)
01:43.02*** join/#asterisk davevg-btwtech (
01:43.36drmessanoAsterisk = Boolean Fail
01:43.59[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Say it ain't not never no true!
01:44.19kb3ienno, its wasnt restarted. but why [cdr] alone wasnt enough, i'm not sure. oh well.
01:45.31drmessanoI request all boolean config options IMMEDIATELY be changed
01:45.55drmessanoI expect a reversal of the base logic involved in the options
01:46.09drmessanocanreinvite becomes nocanreinvite
01:46.25drmessanoallowguest to noallowguest
01:46.38[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: And people say you're too negative..
01:47.06doolphhey anyone using AsteriskNow here?
01:47.07[TK]D-Fenderrob0: I hold the patent on "illogical operators".
01:47.18[TK]D-Fenderrob0: X = maybe Y
01:47.29RichardLynchdoolph: Somebody is using $tostatsmonth_sday in a PHP script, and not initializing it.  Either it's a typo of the var name, or they only initialize it sometimes.  You can probably ignore the error, if things are working otherwise.  If you have issues, pastebin the script and I'll look at it.
01:47.36drmessanoAlso, I want options that become more inclusive to use the format veryno, no, yes, veryyes
01:48.02RichardLynchdrmessano: wayno
01:48.10rob0doubleplus yes
01:48.13rob0doubleplus unyes
01:48.19drmessanoor sike, lame, false, true, trudat, and doubleplus (I like that one)
01:48.35doolphRichardLynch I am using AsteriskNow beta 1.5, the Reports on Freepbx just not working, where should I see?
01:48.37drmessanoHang on
01:48.37rob0Thank Mr. Orwell, I'm just passing it along.
01:48.52drmessanosike needs to be reserved for options that do nothing like they claim
01:49.56drmessanoOh, and time to clear up this g726 crap too
01:49.59drmessanoFor now on
01:50.06*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=457e665b@about/security/staff/dlewis)
01:50.56drmessanoITS SIMPLE
01:51.43RichardLynchdoolph: Pastebin this sucker: /var/www/html/admin/cdr/call-log.php on line 450
01:52.01drmessanoAlso, need a trap in the default configs to keep people from using them
01:54.28RichardLynchohnoyoudont | dontyoudare
02:10.31*** join/#asterisk hsv-al (n=pluhngz@
02:11.58*** join/#asterisk cheGGo (
02:18.36*** part/#asterisk Tusker (
02:24.22*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
02:32.28*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
02:44.50mmlj4bah, I'm having trouble compiling wanpipe drivers... include/linux/wanrouter.h:344: error: expected specifier-qualifier-list before ‘get_info_t’  # and google only has a couple of pastebins
03:00.08RichardLynchdoolph:  d7d9f12cb
03:00.41RichardLynchSorry - Went off to dinner.
03:01.34drmessanoYou can take the chump outta Compton, but you ain't eva takin Compton outta the chump
03:02.50RichardLynchthinks drmessano has been replaced by a bot
03:03.34drmessanoOpen to the source, yo
03:04.16RichardLynchSpeaking of source, is ANYBODY willing to give this a go and tell me if they can compile this stuff, or is it just me that can't:
03:04.44drmessanoNo mo hi stepping with my ho's to the MS WORD
03:04.51drmessanoCan I hear a "Oh yell yeah"?
03:05.39RichardLynchI had to install OOo 3 yesterday, as somebody sent me a job offer in .docx format.  Sigh.  I took the job, though. :-)
03:05.43eppigyYEAH COME ON
03:05.49*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
03:06.11drmessanoPREACH IT
03:06.39RichardLynchOr can I do this with AGI and pipe audio in/out of sox???
03:06.55drmessanoWHITE SOX YO
03:07.23QwellI need a physicist.
03:07.38drmessanoMAYBE I CAN HELP, YO
03:07.43drmessanoIM GELLIN LIKE MAGELLAN
03:07.50NovceGuruo qwell </stuey>
03:08.07RichardLynchI can see how I could get AGI to record, and there's playback, but can I pipe one in/out and do something with conference calling to mute one channel (the original voice) while piping the sox output in on a different channel?
03:08.11drmessanoYou said a physicist
03:09.25drmessanoCALL ME DA FALLOUT
03:10.15drmessanoIm meltin down like a reacta
03:11.05drmessanomakes an LOLcat with a cat laying in a puddle
03:11.25jayteeah, I see we're off our meds again! tsk, tsk.
03:11.34drmessanoI CAN QUIT AT ANY TIME
03:12.42drmessanoDont you have a pride parade to organize, Rainbow Brite?
03:12.58drmessanoWait, she didnt have rollerskates
03:14.41RichardLynchmmlj4: What version are you compiling?
03:14.43drmessanoDamn, made coolthreads quit
03:14.55*** join/#asterisk Coolthreads (
03:17.26RichardLynchdrmessano: You got a brand new key?
03:17.34drmessanoOh you bastard
03:17.41drmessanoNow that song is stuck in my head
03:17.49RichardLynchNow that damn thing is stuck in your head, isn't it?
03:17.54drmessanoI hope you die on the toilet
03:17.54RichardLynchLOL async
03:18.25drmessanoCause of Death: "Straining from a hard poo"
03:18.48drmessanoGood think I bought a Janes addiction CD
03:19.00drmessanoLike 2 hours ago
03:19.02RichardLynchWhen I was a kid, my mom found the old lady next door dead on the toilet.  I am not making this up.
03:19.02drmessanoI can drown it out
03:19.12drmessanoNo shit?
03:19.21RichardLynchWhistle the theme from "Benson" tv show, if you can remember it.  It'll drive anything out.
03:19.26RichardLynchFor real.
03:19.39drmessanoGood ole Benson
03:19.52RichardLynchShe wanted to move her before calling the morgue, but decided against.
03:19.54drmessanoRobert Guilliaume or however he spelled it
03:20.18drmessanoI wouldnt move her.. what if she had a clingon
03:20.25drmessanoCould have gone airborne
03:20.50drmessanoWiping a dead old ladys behind is NOT IN MY JOB DESCRIPTION
03:20.53RichardLynchSo, please, can AGI read/alter/write the audio for a channel, bouncing it through sox?  Sample code/example?
03:21.21drmessanoNot sure, not much of an AGI'er
03:21.32RichardLynchOr any other way to achieve that?
03:21.43mmlj4RichardLynch: wanpipe-
03:21.51mmlj4sorry, was flogging my box
03:23.32mmlj4also, ./Setup dahdi doesn't seem to be a valid target, it only wants "install"
03:23.39drmessanoAre you a he/she?
03:24.08mmlj4drmessano: who?
03:24.31RichardLynchmmlj4: It would appear to be something provided by /proc stuff...  get_info_t*, that is, from the comments I can find in another version of wanrouter.h
03:24.48RichardLynchDoes your box have the usual /proc stuff?
03:25.02mmlj4suse 11.1
03:25.12drmessanoI was thinking about flogging and box
03:25.26mmlj4heh, ok
03:25.38drmessanoJaytee usually refers to his "BRB time" as "Flogging the dolphin"... and tried to play it off as "work stuff"
03:25.42drmessanoBut I watch HBO
03:25.46drmessanoI am no dummy
03:26.02RichardLynchIs incredibly new or old?
03:26.14mmlj4lemme gander
03:26.32jaytee3.2.7.1 what?
03:26.47*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (n=jetlag@
03:28.03mmlj4STABLE Voice & Data Drivers ............ wanpipe-  (2008-08-21)  \n (Zaptel/WAN/API)
03:28.14mmlj4you know what, that'll never work with dahdi anyhow
03:28.19mmlj4lemme get the beta
03:28.32RichardLynchmmlj4: get_info_t is defined in /include/linux/proc_fs.h, line 48, according to Google...  You may be able to upgrade your kernel, install proc_fs, or just add an include to the wanrouter.h to get that proc_fs.h file loaded in ...
03:29.29RichardLynchThis is kernel 2.6.8 I'm reading.
03:29.54RichardLynchSo it's fairly old...
03:30.22mmlj4ok, so...
03:30.41mmlj4I'm at
03:30.49mmlj4in other words, not too old
03:31.05*** part/#asterisk mmlj4 (
03:31.37*** join/#asterisk mmlj4 (
03:32.27RichardLynchmmlj4: If you still want to try to compile it, just cram an <include proc_fs.h> at the top and give it a shot...
03:33.57mmlj4the beta drivers are cranking and haven't died yet... maybe it'll work
03:35.41RichardLynchcrosses his fingers for mmlj4
03:35.42mmlj4I think it's happy now
03:35.48*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (
03:36.02RichardLynchDoes anybody do AGI?  Am I in the wrong channel or something?
03:38.11mmlj4i'm interested in some perl agi thingies at some point... but no, sorry
03:38.37RichardLynchalright, time to start with "Hello World" and see what I can wring out of this sucker.
03:40.08jayteeRichardLynch, y'know there's a whole chapter on AGI in "the book"?
03:43.16mmlj4wanpipe setup complete && /me happy
03:43.33mmlj4now comes the harder part :-)
03:52.52RichardLynchjaytee: Yes, but it doesn't make it at all clear if/how I could read the audio, pipe it to sox, and push back out the altered audio.
03:54.08jayteehmmm, maybe you could use Asterisk's built in file convert feature instead?
03:54.13NovceGurucat stuff | sox - blah
03:54.46drmessanocat sox?
03:54.50drmessanoHow fucking adorable
03:55.02jayteewasn't the Clinton's cat named Socks?
03:55.14drmessanoThey're mittens, you cat hating bastard, not sox
03:55.41drmessanopets Mr Wigglesworth
03:56.02NovceGuruthink of all the things that cat has witnessed
03:56.11NovceGuruhow many "cousins" it has seen
03:56.12mmlj4we used to have a cat named ben hur
03:56.26mmlj4well, we had named it ben, but then it had kittens
03:56.50drmessanoThink about the Bush's dog, and imagine it laying the oval office, licking its balls, while its master orders the death of tens of thousands
03:57.16drmessanopours socks a saucer of milk
03:57.20mmlj4i wonder how many zero will starve to death?
03:58.07drmessanoIm lost
03:58.09NovceGurucat giveashit > /dev/null
03:58.20NovceGurume to :(
03:58.27NovceGurutoo, actually
03:58.30drmessanoI wonder how many 9 will drink tea
03:58.34mmlj4my point being, if you make comments about bush, there are ample obama-scoffers in attendance
03:58.46NovceGuruI wonder if 62 will come over tomorrow
03:58.52drmessanoI dont need a lecture, douchebag
03:59.19mmlj4and I don't want to listen to BDS
03:59.33drmessanoSo put me on ignore or leave
03:59.39drmessanoBut please, dont cry
03:59.40*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
03:59.43drmessanoI cant take the crying
03:59.46mmlj4cry? hardly
03:59.49drmessanoIts TOO much
04:00.10drmessanohands mmlj4 a pussykerchief
04:00.29drmessanoIt will be ok, one day another republican will be elected and you can have another recession
04:00.31drmessanoDont worry
04:01.14drmessanoIm sure in 8 years there will still be foreigners that disagree with us that some republican can try to eradicate
04:01.47drmessanoI dont see a shortage of non-white rich people that republicans can try to eradicate
04:02.12drmessanoKeep ya chin up, and ya nutz down
04:02.33*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
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04:33.15mazpeis there a way to change an agi variable from extension.conf? like the agi_extension variable
04:37.53drmessanoHoly cow, Brian James is dead
04:39.05drmessanoI wonder if he did any voice work for phone systems
04:41.40mazpeany special needs to happen to change a variable like agi_extension?
04:42.16mazpeSet(agi_extension=0000000) doesnt seen to be working
04:48.07*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba (n=blackest@
04:48.23*** join/#asterisk Wayhigh (
04:50.30*** join/#asterisk siera08 (n=chatzill@
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05:05.21*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
05:06.08[TK]D-Fendermazpe: What is an "agi variable".  You seem to be setting a perfectly boring normal channel variable there
05:09.23*** join/#asterisk doolph (n=doolph@
05:13.17*** join/#asterisk jjshoe (
05:15.17siera08i have MoH problem in asterisk 1.4.18 now. When i call external phone using cmd dial with 'r' option, i can listen 'connecting...blabla' and call is successed.
05:15.32siera08When dial with 'm' option, MoH music plays. but i can't hear 'connecting...'.and when called party is busy, i can't hear busy message from telephone provider.
05:15.36siera08anyone had problem yet?
05:16.14siera08when i dial internal phone with 'm' option, it's okay...
05:16.17siera08and i applied "internal_timing = yes" in asterisk.conf. but same problem.
05:16.47[TK]D-Fendersiera08: is MoH playing when the busy message should come in?
05:17.14siera08i can't listen busy message.
05:17.43siera08but when i call internal phone, i can hear that.
05:17.51[TK]D-Fendersiera08: Sounds more like you have call-progress issues and * doesn't know when the other side answers
05:18.16[TK]D-Fendersiera08: And calling other phones conencted to *, it at least knows what the call status is.
05:18.23[TK]D-Fendersiera08: What are you calling OUT on?
05:19.02siera08i call out external phone through isdn trunk.
05:19.53siera08and using 'r' option instead of 'm' option, this problem has not occured.
05:20.14[TK]D-Fendersiera08: you should never use "r"...
05:20.20doolphasterisk-addons-mysql doesn't work with asterisk 1.6?
05:20.49siera08yes, i don't use both 'r' and 'm' option.
05:22.06[TK]D-Fendersiera08: you should NEVER use "r"
05:22.23siera08using sip or iax trunk, it's not problem.
05:22.37siera08but using zap or isdn trunk, it has problem.
05:24.32siera08i think that asterisk doesn't catch call status...
05:25.11siera08using sip or iax trunk, if called party is busy, call status is answer status and play busy message.
05:26.44siera08but using zap or isdn trunk, if called party is busy, the telephone provider make call status to ringing status(maintain ring), not answer and play their busy message.
05:29.27doolphomg after upgrade this asterisk 1.6 dahdi stop working
05:31.42siera08[TK]D-Fender: my asking is failed??
05:32.21siera08[TK]D-Fender: please, give me some clue to solve it..
05:36.46RichardLynchsiera08: I could be wrong, but I think when he said never use "r" he meant it... :-) But what do I know?
05:39.41siera08RichardLynch: thank u. i gonna use 'm' option instead of 'r' option for MoH now.
05:44.19*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
05:51.40siera08asterisk 1.4.18 enables to config "silence suppression"?
06:05.50*** join/#asterisk styelz (
06:12.24*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
06:30.54*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
06:37.47*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
06:40.30doolphok asterisk 1.6 sucks
06:40.43doolphdahdi got freeze
07:19.01*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
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07:23.09dandate2how do I use chanspy to whisper to my reps?
07:27.32*** join/#asterisk _omer (n=_omer@
07:27.42*** part/#asterisk RichardLynch (
07:28.48_omeranyhelp on CALLBACK billing formula to hangup a call according to the dialed destinations and user balance?
07:30.27_omera user has $2 in his account......he triggers a callback  ... Destination one: Saudi Arabia ($0.15 p/m) ..destination two: USA ($0.02 p/m) ....then how to do billing and let the asterisk know the time of hangup....
07:35.04*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
07:44.59Qwellstupid question for anybody listening..  what time is it currently?
07:45.12QwellMy phone and desktop have both freaked out.
07:47.28rob0Sun Mar  8 07:47:28 GMT 2009
07:48.00rob0still CST
07:59.46*** join/#asterisk HoverHell (n=hell@
07:59.53drmessanoOh man
08:00.01drmessanoI found a bug in Dahdi..
08:00.08Qwelluser error
08:00.14drmessanoTime change happened, and it reverted back to Zaptel
08:00.26drmessanoI'll post to the tracker
08:00.37Qwelloh, hey, neat..  my computer didn't crash with the DST change this time.
08:00.45QwellIt did last time >.<
08:01.19Qwellerr, wait
08:01.26Qwellno, it was the leap second
08:01.33drmessanoDST seems to be one of the damn friggin hardest problems for programmers to overcome
08:01.45drmessanoIve seen more software glitches due to DST
08:01.52Qwellwell, I told you what my G1 did, heh
08:01.54*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
08:02.02QwellIt didn't change a third time though like I expected.
08:02.20Qwellnow I need to figure out how to get it to figure out what time it actually is..
08:02.48drmessanoAt my old job, the radio automation systems used to go apeshit when the time changed.. it was like Y2K twice a year
08:03.05drmessanoand of course, they ALWAYS had bugs at the first of the year due to some legacy code
08:03.12Qwellmy friend was telling me that they had real problems with security alarm systems in Indiana
08:03.25drmessanoApparently If < 2009 is better than some Year + 1 crap
08:03.48drmessanoIndiana would piss me off
08:28.08SparFuxIs there a way for asterisk to make an analogue telephone hangup, by sending a special dtmf code or something?
08:32.05SparFuxBTW I found something about the sending other than the own MSNs to external parties, there is a feature "CLIP - no screening" and it does allow exactly this I suppose. And it is only available for some kind of PMX connection, which I think I don't have. So I can only send one of my own 10 MSNs to the called party.
08:38.06*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
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08:40.22SparFuxBut it's even an opportunity. I plan to set things up so that a caller keeps getting the dialtone even when I pick up the ongoing call, I am presented with audio reading the MSN, then I can decide on wether I want to connect, if so I press some digit and get connected, otherwise I hang up. Even when I hang up, perhaps, the caller should still get a ringing  tone. So it won't be detected I didn't pick up :-D
08:49.04*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
08:55.21*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
08:55.31*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
09:05.20SparFuxCan I interact with the called party without connecting the call? As to for example let the called party decide wether to pickup the call at all?
09:21.37*** join/#asterisk mosty (
09:29.40joakoSparFux: Yes
09:30.44SparFuxjoako: would be needed for my "no callerid workaround" :-) Plus, it is even better than callerid, because people won't see I simply don't pick up the call ;-) And nobody can peek my mobile for the number called. I could even setup a PIN request to be presented with the Callerid ;-)
09:32.29joakoSparFux: see the CLI command "show application dial"  M(x[^arg]) - Execute the Macro for the *called* channel before connecting........
09:34.26SparFuxthe docs say otherwise here. "M(x): Executes the macro (x) upon connect of the call (i.e. when the called party answers)."
09:34.55SparFuxat least on, but you are RIGHT! The asterisk says what you wrote.
09:35.00*** join/#asterisk zafar_ (n=IceChat7@
09:35.01joakoI sitll use asterisk 1.4....
09:35.05SparFuxseems like isn't up to date.
09:35.12joakoLOL voip-info still probably has it from 1.2
09:35.19SparFuxI have 1.4 too. the asterisk only doc says what you say.
09:35.27SparFuxthat's great. :-)
09:35.34joakoWell still, it would be after the called party answers the call, but before the calling party gets connected
09:36.20SparFuxreally. ok.
09:36.21zafar_my IAX truck is saying unreachable to another asterisk box which is behind firewall
09:36.50zafar_can anyone help with it, m in deep sh*t for almost two days now
09:37.04MaliutaIAX truck???
09:37.08Maliutais that b-double?
09:38.12zafar_in mean trunk
09:38.15mostyzafar_, do you control the firewall?
09:38.35*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
09:38.44mostyzafar_, does it work when you disable the firewall?
09:39.03zafar_let me give u the picture
09:39.33zafar_asterisk box has its own firewall, but asterisk box is behind another firewall
09:40.20SparFuxjoako: Great, this seems to work! ;-)
09:40.40zafar_i can access it through web interface
09:41.39SparFuxNow I only have to implement this in dialpaln.
09:41.40zafar_i have open 4569 5004 5060 and some custom ports that i am using
09:44.35SparFuxI can use espeak for saying the number. I think this was the best option with asterisk.
09:45.21*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
09:46.00mostyzafar_, but does it work when you disable the firewall?
09:50.03joakozafar_: See if your firewall has the option "ÐMZ" and enter the asterisk ip there
09:56.46*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
09:59.06SparFuxI remember a way to use espeak in the dialplan without additional modules, I guess by using pipes. But I cannot remembe exactly. How could this be done?
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10:10.25SparFuxHow can I connect the sound output of an apppplication run by System()  to the sound output of the calling channel?
10:13.38mostyyou'll probably need to look into chan_alsa
10:16.18SparFuxWell, there is the problem that I want to forward the sound to the extension, not the sound card. I guess I have to create a wav file and play it.
10:16.56mostywhat are you trying to do exactly?
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10:21.46SparFuxI want to Playback() the output of espeak.
10:23.30SparFux doesn't work. And it is really complicated. I think i remember a really easy solution of this, but it might be it was only System(espeak xxx) and what I did was I heard the output on the local soundcard. But that's not what I want. The output should go to the phone of course. Same as output of Playback().
10:23.59*** join/#asterisk lbt (n=david@
10:28.26SparFuxIt's a pity I can't simply connect stdout of a program to asterisk input.
10:30.41SparFuxperhaps something is in the book.
10:32.34SparFuxor perhaps this agi stuff is what I need.
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10:34.56SparFuxAh, I got a workaround. simply remove -w from at sox line.
10:36.19SparFuxI am stupid! SayDigits can be used, too :-)
10:38.45SparFuxOk, but it is too slow.
10:55.53SparFuxThat's it working so far :-)
10:56.20SparFuxOnly I have to manage the 2: "keep giving caller the ringing tone while the called party hangs up" :-D
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11:04.25SparFuxAnd I have no idea how to do this. Perhaps I can transfer the call to a NULL extension and let it ring on this one.
11:07.40mostyperhaps you could send the caller to a conference with moh that sounds like ringing
11:08.14mostythen if you want to take the call, you just join the conference
11:08.33SparFuxmosty: ah, that would be nasty, you know they would have to pay fee for some connections, you know.
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11:09.04SparFuxSo far everything works without actually picking up the call. That's great. Only letting it go on ringing is the last thing to do.
11:09.23mostywhat are you trying to do, exactly?
11:09.25SparFuxPeople will not even recognize denied calls then. I think this is great.
11:09.36SparFuxmosty: look at
11:09.57SparFux even
11:10.23SparFuxWhen call-beaker-mobile is called, it does not pick up the call, but go to macro. :-)
11:10.41SparFuxthen it presents caller id with name and number, then it asks for dtmf.
11:10.58SparFuxaccept already works fine. replay callerid works fine, too.
11:11.23SparFuxnote that even a PIN is asked in the beginning. Ppl won't even be able to check for calls I get when they steal my mobile.
11:11.27SparFuxor peek on it.
11:11.45SparFuxNow, when I deny the call with "2", the caller gets disconnected.
11:11.56SparFuxThis is not what I want, I want the caller to not notice a thing.
11:12.17SparFuxthe called phone should be disconnected and the caller should still get the ringing tone :-)
11:13.08mostyi don't quite understand what you're trying to do, but just put Wait(999) then then Goto the wait priority after that exits
11:13.30mostyinstead of ExitMacro
11:13.59SparFuxreally nice feature.
11:14.13SparFuxhm... I will try.
11:14.41mostyhow does the present-callerid macro get called?
11:15.04SparFuxWhat I am trying again: in the present-callerid macro the call hasn't been picked up yet. And if I press 2 then (the called party) then the call should keep ringing on the caller side, but the called phone should be disconnected.
11:15.22SparFuxmosty: check It is called in the M()
11:15.44SparFuxThat's why in asterisk 1.4 the call isn't being picked up then.
11:15.52SparFuxonly if the macro reaches Answer()
11:17.40mostywhat happens if you just hangup if you don't want to answer the call?
11:18.15SparFuxI think it gets disconnected, too. Let me try.
11:19.09SparFuxYup, gets disconnected. I need to have a hangup extension which will do the unknown trick of letting it ring even if I hangup.
11:20.51mostyexten => h,1,Wait(999) ; exten => h,n,Goto(h,1)
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11:21.13mostytried that?
11:21.27SparFuxYes, it doesn't work.
11:22.31SparFuxIt seems in the macro it doesn't even go to h extension :-(
11:22.31mostyhmm, how about changing your Dial command to add LOCAL/s@wait-forever
11:22.48SparFuxsure I have to define it in the dial command in call-beaker-mobile context.
11:23.48mostyand do the Wait thing in wait-forever
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11:24.46SparFuxperhaps MACRO_RESULT is the key.
11:25.11dmcnhi - i'm getting the following error when doing DigitTimeout,10 in extensions.conf: No application 'DigitTimeout' for extension - what could be the reason?
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11:28.56SparFuxdoesn't work so far:
11:29.07SparFuxIt seems the h extension isn't used at all in a macro?
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11:32.27SparFuxGOT IT!
11:32.53Gido-Ewhat did you do wrong?
11:32.56SparFuxCheck this out:
11:33.08SparFuxI use Set(MACRO_RESULT=CONTINUE) and THEN I Wait forever.
11:33.23SparFuxCONTINUE :CONTINUE - Hangup the called party and continue on in the dialplan from where you called Dial
11:33.36SparFuxis eXACTLY what I want. hangup the CALLED party and GO ON :-D
11:33.57SparFuxOnly that whan I don't press 2 but just hang up, it won't work. But perhaps I can figure that out, too.
11:34.25SparFux is the working thing so far. Really great stuff.
11:36.24SparFuxEven better wait_forever sthing:
11:36.47dmcnmosty, thanks, i'll check it out :)
11:37.31mostySparFux, have you tried Dial(LOCAL/${CALL_MOBILE}&LOCAL/s@wait-forever,...) ?
11:37.47mostyalong with MACRO_RESULT=CONTINUE
11:38.00SparFuxI have a context wait-forever?
11:38.09SparFuxI get you.
11:38.38mostyyou can create one, and put Wait(999) in it
11:38.50SparFuxyes, nice idea.
11:40.50SparFuxIt should not work, I have other extensions ringing, but the call was terminated without this wait_forever behind the macro call.
11:41.24SparFuxthe continue continues the former channel. This one has to wait. Still calling an extension does not help, if this channel which took over the call does terminate in some kind.
11:44.41SparFuxsorry my fault. it is a test env in which I DONT have other extensions ringing. so your idea should work.
11:46.46mostyi'm not sure if it will work- but it's worth trying
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11:47.21SparFuxI have a big problem. When calling from bri the whole thing doesn't work. The call gets connected immediately.
11:50.22SparFuxdoes the call get bridged or someting?
11:50.51SparFuxah, no.
11:50.56SparFuxthat's complicated.
11:52.09mostywhat kind of bri card are you using? and are you using bristuff?
11:52.14SparFuxok, from my sip phone I call out to pstn in pstn-dialout context, which means, the call does not go to call-beaker stuff, but Dial is called in pstn-dialout immediately :-)
11:52.53SparFuxmosty: I am using LCR, which is great, I have to say.
11:52.53SparFuxOk, but this is a dialplan issue, I suppose.
11:53.26SparFuxI tried from one of my sip phone and these directly call Dial form pstn-dialout context.
11:53.27mostysounds more like a channel driver isse to me
11:53.32mostyissue, even
11:54.05SparFuxOh wtf, I am so stupid, I called my mobile phone number directly. This does not eeven go thru asteirsk :-:
11:54.14SparFuxno no, wrong number.
11:54.37SparFuxI directly called my mobile phone. But I of course have to call my asterisk box's number which is forwarded to the mobile phone. :-D
11:56.51SparFuxanyway , the mobile doesn't ring.
12:04.33SparFuxis it critical to have more Dial() commands in a row, like Dial(Local/*)
12:08.47Maliutagets critical on peoples communication skills
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12:10.04SparFuxCalling s@call-beaker-mobile together with other sip extensions in one Dial() doesn't seem to work.
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12:12.06SparFuxDialing "sip/Ekiga&sip/Twinkle&sip/Yate&iax2/Yate&sip/SPA2&Local/017648313720@call-beaker-mobile|60||TW" doesn't seem to work.
12:12.23SparFuxall extensions ring, but not Local/017648313720@call-beaker-mobile
12:13.18mostywhat do the asterisk logs say about the local channel?
12:13.31SparFuxah, I think again my fault. I am using three lines on a bri! STUPID!
12:14.23SparFuxhave to get a second mobile. hold on.
12:16.42SparFuxworks. :-)
12:16.58SparFuxBut I have a callerid clash, I think. Somewhere I set callerid to a deafult. this isn't wanted here :-)
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12:39.46SparFux*sigh* the typos...
12:47.52SparFuxin the macro called by M(), the callerid seems to be wrong.
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12:50.16op3rhello is it possible to have a separate asterisk recording server?
12:51.32mostyop3r, for recording what?
12:54.40op3rcall recordings
12:54.55op3rcos it takes a lot of resources
12:55.01op3rand I want to offload it to another server
12:55.05op3ris that possible?
12:57.05mostythat's possible i believe
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13:12.20SparFuxWhy aren't my NoOp() s being printed on log for debugging?
13:16.37SparFuxAnyways, my feature is ready for use.
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13:26.39possygood day
13:28.34possyI downloaded the current to get asterisk to work with the lcr (mISDN v2) channel. After completion of configure && make install in both lcr and asterisk, trying to start asterisk -cvvvv I get an error in line 3306 re DAHDI support not correctly configure. Exact error is
13:29.27*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
13:29.41possyThe modules.conf already contains lines to noload => anything with dahdi in there, i.e.
13:30.09possyIs there anything else that I need to do?
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13:32.53dlynesIs asterisk 1.6 stable yet?
13:33.40dlynesI'm thinking about installing it on my home phone system, but it'll be connecting to predominantly 1.4.22 and 1.4.23 asterisk boxes
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13:56.30possyThere is NO more dahdi module in the /usr/lib/asterisk/modules asterisk:/etc/asterisk# ls /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/|grep dah
13:56.51possyand it still complains about a wrongly configured dahd
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14:05.39SparFuxCan I Dial() into a macro or extension and give arguments to it?
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14:09.10possyIs my DAHDI error part of a FAQ, or is just everybody asleep, that might know the answer ;)?
14:09.20SparFuxI don't mean the M() thing, but the main Dial() argument.
14:13.28SparFuxdialplan stuff can get really complicated.
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14:17.05dlynesSparFux: No, you do a Macro(macroname,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,...)
14:17.42dlynesSparFux: i.e. use the macro application not the dial application
14:18.40SparFuxOk, I have this nice feature implemented which will let me choose wether to answer a call or not after espeak read the CID to me. Here it is:
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14:19.14SparFuxNow I would like to use this not only for ${DEV_BEAKER_MOBILE} which is LCR/somenumber , but even for my SIP channels. I am looking for a more general approach.
14:19.56SparFuxBut I use the feature with DIal() like this: Dial(${BEAKER_SOPH}&${BEAKER_ATA}&${CALL_BEAKER_MOBILE})
14:20.01SparFuxSo other extensions are involved, too.
14:21.32SparFuxSo, ${CALL_BEAKER_MOBILE} is s@call-beaker-mobile and in this extension DEV_BEAKER_MOBILE is used to call actually. But how can I accomplish some other channel like SIP/example is used? I am thinking of something like Dial(${BEAKER_SOPH}&${BEAKER_ATA}&s@call-beaker-mobile^SIP/example) or the like.
14:21.56dlewisnice, even the president uses a Cisco 7970:
14:23.18SparFuxBasically what I want to do is, I want to do a Dial(ext1&ext2&ext3&...,M(..)) but the M macro should only be used for some of the extensions.
14:23.21SparFuxnot for all.
14:23.31mvanbaakdlewis: you think he uses it with asterisk+chan_skinny ?
14:26.22[TK]D-FenderSparFux: then call multiple local channels and have those implement your macro
14:26.58[TK]D-Fender(or not, as applicable)
14:27.00SparFuxSo I need a local channel context for every device I want to call.
14:27.12dlynesSparFux: for every device you want to call through a macro
14:27.29SparFuxYes, somehow overhead, but I think that's the only way.
14:27.49SparFuxOtherweise I would have to set a variable for the device to use.
14:27.53dlynesSparFux: eg:  Dial(Local/ext1&SIP/ext2&SIP/ext3&IAX2/ext4&Local/ext5&Local/ext6)
14:28.25SparFuxYes, and then in the local chanels ext1, ext5 and ext6 I do the M() call.
14:28.37dlynesSparFux: correct
14:28.57[TK]D-FenderSparFux: A local channel for each dial you want to use the macro
14:29.32SparFuxI think that's the easiest way, unfortunately.
14:29.39dlynesSparFux: exten => ext1,1,Macro(...) and same for ext5 and ext6
14:32.18dlynes[TK]D-Fender: Do you happen to know if 1.6 has stabilized yet?
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14:32.40dlynes[TK]D-Fender: or is still just as flaky as 1.4 used to be?
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14:33.08[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: NO
14:33.20[TK]D-Fender[10:29]<dlynes>SparFux: exten => ext1,1,Macro(...) and same for ext5 and ext6 <- to this
14:33.33joakoHow do I update polycom phones for the change in DST? I had this same issue last year....
14:33.44[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: 1.6 is moderately stable... still some quirks, but it matured much faster than 1.4
14:34.14[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Upgrade toa  firmware that knows of the change
14:34.20SparFuxFender: to this?
14:34.27[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Or search for "day" in sip.cfg
14:34.56[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Why are you showing him how to call a macro manually?  He does not want this.
14:35.07[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: it is a DIAL MACRO to auth the call.
14:35.31[TK]D-FenderSparFux: He's backwards on this.
14:35.41SparFuxFender: to auth the call AND to let the called party ACCEPT the call. Otherwise the call will not even be picked up.
14:36.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: ah
14:36.36[TK]D-FenderSparFux: thats the auth I'm talking about
14:36.49joako[TK]D-Fender: Yep it was in sip.cfg. Firmware IIRC is pretty new
14:36.57dlynes[TK]D-Fender: thanks
14:37.05dlynesSparFux: sorry for confusing you
14:37.11SparFuxdlynes: it's ok.
14:37.38SparFuxBut the said things apply anyway, I guess. I will have to have one context like [call-beaker-mobile] for every extension I want to use this for.
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14:38.02possyis away: Doing girls stuff
14:38.21dlynes[TK]D-Fender: Will running on one machine affect other machines that it's talking to, if they're running 1.4.22 or 1.4.23?
14:38.59SparFuxOtherwise I think I cannot tell the [call-beaker-mobile] what device to use. I would have to give it arguments from within the Dial() statement.
14:39.00dlynes[TK]D-Fender: shouldn't affect them adversely, right?
14:40.10[TK]D-FenderSparFux: I don't know why you made that context the way you did.  Looks like half a macro.
14:40.32SparFuxPerhaps it's because I am an asterisk noob.
14:41.19SparFuxactually, the way you do it in the [sample] is the way I do it. But the question is, wether I can use [call-beaker-mobile] for other extensions, too.
14:41.39SparFuxHalf a macro?
14:41.57SparFuxBut I have a small update.
14:42.45SparFuxthere now is a context wait-forever
14:44.10SparFuxWhy is it half a macro?
14:45.13SparFuxI call this pcid = private cid feature. It is a password protection for cid of incoming calls :-)
14:47.26[TK]D-Fenderthis "wait forever bit" makes no sense
14:48.13SparFuxYeah fender!
14:49.11SparFuxThat looks nicer.
14:49.30SparFuxdialwithaccept is a more general approach alrady. :-)
14:50.06SparFuxFender: wait-forever is needed to keep ringing on the calling party while the called party is already disconnected.
14:51.33[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Whats teh point?
14:51.48SparFuxThe caller shouldn't notice anything of the denial of call.
14:52.13[TK]D-FenderSparFux: You should cap it globally however
14:52.28SparFuxcap globally?
14:55.34[TK]D-FenderSparFux: You shouldn't ring forever...
14:55.56SparFuxok, there should be a timeout.
14:57.26SparFuxshould dialwithaccept use ${ARG1} ?
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14:58.18[TK]D-FenderSparFux: oops
14:59.14SparFuxextensions have to be numbers, right? they can't be names.
15:00.15[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Sure they can
15:00.35[TK]D-FenderSparFux: exten => fred,1,NoOp(zomg!)
15:00.38SparFuxthen it's quite comfortable. I can rename sample to pcid-extensions and name them sanely.
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15:01.16SparFuxMacro(macro-dialwithaccept,SIP/200) becomes Macro(dialwithaccept,SIP/200)
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15:02.44[TK]D-FenderSparFux: mORE "OOPS" -
15:02.56SparFuxok ok :-D
15:04.35SparFuxremoved the wait-forever and used dummy-ring :-)
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15:05.27[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Now you forgot the ARG1, and I don't see the sample of you calling anything
15:05.51SparFuxThe calling stuff is way up in my dialplan in some mailbox macro :-)
15:06.00[TK]D-FenderSparFux: ok, well play with it a bit...
15:06.12SparFuxno, I just haven't added ARG1 yet. I just saw it was missing, but never added it.
15:06.29SparFuxBut true, it has to be there.
15:06.57SparFuxthe pastebin reader has to just assume he can Dial(Local/beaker-mobile@pcid)
15:08.53brunnerSendDTMF seems to always drop the first digit... is there a way to remedy that?
15:09.42[TK]D-FenderSparFux: ... *I'm* the reader and if you think I'll assume anything I don't see is actually done correctly, then Put. Down. The. Crack. Pipe (c) JerJer
15:09.50SparFuxbrunner: perhaps voice channels aren't setup fast enough, add a Wait(2) in front perhaps?
15:09.57[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Send it twice, or wait
15:10.20brunnerI'm waiting 5 seconds before sending anyhting
15:10.32brunnerit still drops it
15:10.34[TK]D-Fenderok, BBIAB
15:11.26brunnereven if I put a w in front of the digits in the dial command, it still drops it
15:11.54brunnerexten => s,n,Wait(3)
15:11.54brunnerexten => s,n,SendDTMF(w1#########1)
15:12.04brunnerthe first 1 never sends
15:12.09SparFuxFender: I bet the missing /n in my dialplan is what made my CALLERID be wrong!
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15:14.10brunnersending an "a" first seems to work
15:19.05SparFuxFender: but nice thing, right? I like the pcid feature. :-)
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15:20.18SparFuxFender: but nice thing, right? I like the pcid feature.
15:21.00[TK]D-FenderSparFux: I didn't read the full logic that close, but yeah, a somewhat normal thing to do.
15:21.03SparFuxWhat I still have to implement is erasing the CALLERID and just giving it as audio.
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15:29.31[TK]D-Fenderarg, back later still
15:31.13SparFuxWith hiding CID:
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15:38.52[TK]D-FenderOh God... running Windows at home... I feel... dirty....
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15:45.31SparFuxWhat do I have to set CALLERID(num) to, to actually have an unknown callerid?
15:48.07[TK]D-FenderSparFux: core show application setcallerpres"
15:48.49brunnercan I concatenate values like this? a${EXTEN}
15:49.01brunnerto prepend "a" to ${EXTEN}
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16:00.45riddleboxdo you guys sell any other pbx's beside asterisk?
16:01.37[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Katty's company will whore any product you'll buy from them :)  Most recently Panasonic PBX's
16:02.36riddleboxyeah our company is even worse avaya,win,vodavi,samsung,panasonic,nortel,hitachi.......
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16:09.05axisysthis does not look right
16:09.06axisyswhy is it looking for zaptel?
16:10.54[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: because it SUPPORTS it perhaps?
16:12.46axisys[TK]D-Fender: how do I make it look for dahdi instead ?
16:13.00axisysi am trying to use it with asterisk-
16:13.20[TK]D-Fenderaxisys: how about asking in THEIR channel.
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16:17.49axisysi installed a digium like card from openvox.. two of them fxo and two of them are fxs ports.. is there a way i can tell which one is which ?
16:18.13luca`gervasii need to debug my extensions, is there a cli command to show the contexts called by an agent?
16:18.18axisysi tried to plug a phone in one port.. i was hoping the asterisk console would display a message
16:19.18[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: core set verbose 10
16:19.53luca`gervasitnx, tring now :D
16:20.24luca`gervasinot working
16:20.47luca`gervasiit just says "== Using SIP RTP CoS Mark 5"... nothing more
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16:21.41[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: then your description was a little poor and its not even hitting the dialplan.
16:21.52[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: you need to debug your SIP PEER
16:21.59[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: "sip set debug on"
16:23.29dlynesDoes asterisk 1.6 not have a module?
16:23.29luca`gervasitoo much data...
16:23.29dlynesJust asking, because it ships with a features.conf file
16:23.37luca`gervasisome times ago, someone suggested me a way to have like a call trace for contexts
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16:39.32[TK]D-Fenderdlynes: Of course it does
16:40.07[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: if you set verbose to 10 and saw nothing then you aren't even executing dialplan.  there are no contexts in play
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16:48.27luca`gervasii have a client, with a "context=internal" field. I have a [internal] context, with some extensions on...what could lead my agent not to go inside this extension?
16:50.02[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: I'm not going to waste time guessing until you show us the SIP debug.
16:50.06[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: PASTEBIN
16:50.15luca`gervasiimmediately :D
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16:59.23[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: where's the rest?
16:59.36[TK]D-Fender(not that I need it)
17:00.01luca`gervasiis there missing parts?
17:00.06luca`gervasitryiong again
17:00.53[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: We didn't even get to the end of your call attempt.  Also include your dialplan.
17:03.23luca`gervasido you know how to instruct gnu screen to save the current buffer? :D
17:04.27SparFuxFender: next thing for me is to write a spam killer dialplan. The caller should be prompted with an announcement about forbidden spam, then some keypad codes are offered for the different concerns.  :-D
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17:13.23murraytmwhen i use the Dial command with multiple numbers (i.e., Zap/r0/5551212&Zap/r0/5551213), is it possible to find out which of the numbers actually connected from inside the dial macro?
17:16.04luca`gervasifinally :|
17:16.24luca`gervasisorry, i was unable to strip down the console colors
17:18.03luca`gervasi            <---- stripped version
17:22.30luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, you there?
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17:29.16keith4_oh jeez. why is it triple-spaced?
17:30.15[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: and where's the DIALPLAn?
17:31.36luca`gervasihere :D
17:32.30luca`gervasi <--- agent definition
17:33.13[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: Looking for 222 in inbound (domain SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
17:33.23mvanbaakexten => _X.,1,Verbose(1,Upset [TK]D-Fender)
17:33.32mvanbaak^^ my dialplan
17:33.45[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: do YOU see a "222" in [inbound] ?  I know *I* don't
17:34.25luca`gervasibut... it should search for 222 in "internal" context... am i wrong?
17:34.34luca`gervasilook in the third paste pls
17:34.38luca`gervasithe phone definition
17:34.45[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: perhaps you forgot to actually apply your changes
17:34.57luca`gervasirealoaded astersisk 2 times
17:35.08luca`gervasionce i killed the process for sure
17:35.08dlynes[TK]D-Fender: hrm...don't see anything about the file in the 'make menuselect' menu, either
17:35.41mvanbaakdlynes: has been moved to main/features in trunk (and prolly some 1.6.X version
17:36.20dlynesmvanbaak: why is it still looking for, then?
17:36.36dlynesmvanbaak: oh...nvm
17:36.43[TK]D-Fenderluca`gervasi: you've clearly got something screwed up there.
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17:37.03dlynesmvanbaak: I'm still using an asterisk 1.4 modules.conf file
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17:38.33mvanbaakdlynes: :) remove the line and you should be all set
17:40.55op3rhow can you send a call to an extension of an asterisk server for example extension 1234 from another asterisk server without having an account?
17:41.10op3rsome sort of like sip://1234@ ?
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17:41.34mvanbaakop3r: only if you allow guest calls
17:42.12op3ryeah I know but how can you send a guest calls?
17:42.25op3rfrom an asterisk server?
17:42.45[TK]D-Fenderop3r: Dial(SIP/1234@otherserver)
17:43.02op3rok gotcha
17:43.07op3rthanks thanks
17:43.17mvanbaakboth ways will work
17:44.43DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: hey my old friend :) how are u doing ?
17:45.15[TK]D-FenderDarKnesS_WolF: Still breathing
17:46.18DarKnesS_WolF[TK]D-Fender: ya i can see and kicing n00bs butts about reading manuals and the book :P
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18:20.25luca`gervasiwhat could give a "401 Unauthorized" ?
18:23.56luca`gervasiwhy would my phone get a "SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized" when dialing out?
18:24.03[TK]D-Fenderlucawrong user/pass jus like the error says
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18:26.53luca`gervasithe agent registers...shouldn't it mean that the agent usese user/password correctly?
18:27.06possygood evening
18:27.16luca`gervasihi possy
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18:27.53possyI am using Asterisk with mISDN v2 and LCR 1.3 - Call comes in, Asterisk answers, but the remote side does not hear a thing.
18:27.56possyhey luca`gervasi
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18:28.35luca`gervasipossy, behind nat?
18:28.52possyno. It is an ISDN card that is in the asterisk box (hfc)
18:28.58luca`gervasii had similar problems till i setup correctly "externhost and localnet"
18:29.09possyluca`gervasi, yep, for SIP that is needed
18:29.21luca`gervasisorry, read now
18:29.33possythanks for trying :)
18:29.57possyI wonder if any of the bri ISDN using folks from Europe are alive
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18:32.31possyand calling out on the ISDN channel does not work either. The ISDN side of things (lcr) shows a dialout attempt (and keeps the line busy until the timeout), but the other end does not see an incoming call
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18:40.48luca`gervasi[TK]D-Fender, found the glitch! :D
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18:50.12luca`gervasisorry, here i am :D
18:50.50luca`gervasi...the domain context override the agent context context :|
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19:39.44tlyngis there any howto/tutorial on developing plugins for asterisk? (Using C)
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20:12.13keith4_what's the status of FollowMe in 1.4? the wiki has conflicting information
20:13.14mvanbaakcore show application followme
20:13.53keith4_hmm. helps to load the damn module
20:14.23mvanbaakrun make menuselect
20:14.29mvanbaakit will show you what it needs
20:14.50mvanbaakprolly needs meetme and dahdi
20:15.46[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Differentiate between "load" and "compile"....
20:15.53[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: And no, certainly not.
20:15.59keith4_just wasn't loaded
20:16.12[TK]D-Fenderapp_followme=BLEH.  Nothing you couldn't do in dialplan easily already.
20:16.30[TK]D-FenderAnd HAS been done a dozen times over.
20:16.50keith4_yah, i've had a very basic "followme" for a long time....
20:17.06keith4_but people bitched about having to press a button to accept a call
20:17.08mvanbaak[TK]D-Fender: my idea. but ppl seem to like it ...
20:17.38keith4_so, i made it connect immediately. which then breaks for people who turn their cellphones off, because it goes immediately to voicemail
20:18.44keith4_I think this is a "can't please everyone all the time" situation, so I'm going to go back to how it was. and in looking for more robust implementations, I ran across the "official" followme app. but it's sequential, which I don't like
20:19.28keith4_yet, the potential integration with AstDB is enticing. *if* it's true. there seems to be some dissenting opinion about it in the wiki, however
20:20.21mvanbaakyou can use the astdb i your dialplan followme setup as well
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20:20.48keith4_I'm not sure I trust people to remember to "log in" to the follow me system
20:21.21[TK]D-FenderI'm pretty sure I don't trust people to dial normal PSTN phone #'s, but I try to let go a little...
20:22.08keith4_thoughts on the first example that's listed here?
20:23.49keith4_meh. I'll give app followme a shot, before I judge it
20:25.29keith4_it can't be *that* bad
20:26.26mvanbaakit isn't. but it's also something that can be done in dialplan
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21:17.17keith4_ugh. F this
21:17.20keith4_i'm doing my own
21:17.44keith4_writes "I will not question the wisdom of #asterisk" 100 times on a chalkboard
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21:18.55keith4_what's the best way to test if an optional ARG is defined? compare it to ""? test for length > 0? or... is there an "isdefined" test?
21:19.38thehardepends if you're using LEN or not
21:23.15[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : its a variable.  Test it like every other
21:23.38hapsany common 'gotchas' for checking voicemail?  my sip phone (gs budgetone) is registered to the right voicemail, since it knows there's a message waiting, but when i dial voicemailmain() it doesn't recognize user/pass
21:24.07hapsalthough i'm sending dtmf via rfc2833
21:24.23haps(before I did that it would time out on user/pass, now it just says they're wrong)
21:25.27hapsthe cli says: [Mar  8 17:24:21] WARNING[954]: app_voicemail.c:6874 vm_authenticate: Couldn't read username
21:26.07jayteeyou need mailbox=username@default in your sip.conf
21:26.38jayteeand the username should be your extension
21:27.30keith4_[TK]D-Fender: does [${ARG4}] evaluate to true for non-null ARG4?
21:27.55keith4_i can only find the opposite. e.g., that ! is valid as a unary operator
21:28.04joakoany advice how can I get apache2 to allow the polycom phones to use http upload of the log files?
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21:28.49keith4_["${ARG4}" != ""] seems so... inelegant
21:28.50jchonigStupid AEL question time.
21:29.48jchonigIs there a way to recursively expand variables (X=A; Y=B; Z=${X}${Y}; so that Z ends up being AB)?
21:29.56mvanbaakkeith4_: inelegant but working
21:30.27keith4_mvanbaak: true. inelegant-but-working trumps elegant-but-not-working, any day
21:31.26keith4_I found an example of using ["${ARG4}3" != "3"]... which seems like something a VBscript programmer would do
21:31.43keith4_... but it would be <>, I guess
21:32.05jchonigkeith4_ are you talking about sh scripts and test?
21:33.02[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : $["${ARG4}" != ""] or ${ISNULL(${ARG4})}
21:33.32[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: Set(Z=${X}${Y})
21:33.39[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: And that isn't recursion.
21:33.52keith4_[TK]D-Fender: perfect! (except that those two are logically opposite ;-)
21:33.57jchonig[TK]D-Fender Can I do that in a global?
21:34.20[TK]D-Fenderkeith4 : Yeah yeah.. you know what I mean...
21:34.28keith4_[TK]D-Fender: Set(Z=${Z}${X}) !
21:35.39hapsjaytee: I have that, only the context in voicemail.conf is 'home' so I have mailbox=101@home
21:36.11jchonig[TK]D-Fender: I mean, is there a place to set that globally?  wiki says [globals] can only have VAR=VALUE
21:38.18jchonigI meant 'globals {'
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21:41.36[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: Have you TRIED?
21:42.21jchonignope, will do it right now
21:42.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Not quite...
21:42.46[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: You are mixing VM notifications with his call to voicemailmain....
21:43.14jchonig[Mar  8 17:42:48] ERROR[6965]: ael.y:812 ael_yyerror: ==== File: /etc/asterisk/extensions.ael, Line 162, Cols: 9-9: Error: syntax error, unexpected '(', expecting '='
21:43.22[TK]D-Fenderhaps: Do you see it acknowledging the # you entered?
21:43.38[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: Show us what you did, not jsut the error it generated
21:43.38keith4_if his MWI is working, he must have the voicemail set correctly in sip.conf
21:43.47[TK]D-Fenderkeith4ARGH.  NO
21:44.05jchonigreverse that order
21:44.12[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: You don't use Set() is globals <-
21:44.13jchonigBoth in the globals { section
21:44.21[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: No apps in there
21:44.41jchonigSo I need to use the Set command where I reference that variable
21:45.05[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: No.  You reference it by REFERNCING IT.  ${somevar}
21:45.17[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: You use Set() to SET a variable
21:45.30jchonigIf I use this:
21:45.50jchonigglobals { PHONE_JEFF=SIP/ext-jch; PHONES_JEFF=${PHONE_JEFF} }
21:46.13jchonigWhen I reference $PHONES_JEFF in a DIal I get a value of $PHONE_JEFF
21:46.42haps[TK]D-Fender: I don't know what you mean there; now that i have the dtmf set to rfc2833 if i do "mailbox#" it goes straight to the password prompt... before it didn't matter if i pressed # or not it would timeout before giong to password prompt
21:46.53hapsis there a voicemail debug setting i should turn on?
21:47.08[TK]D-Fenderhaps: pastebin the entire failed attempt
21:47.13jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
21:47.33haps[TK]D-Fender: there's just the one line, unless you want me to turn on sip debugging too?
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21:47.43[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: haps there is MORE
21:47.54[TK]D-Fenderhaps there is MORE
21:48.07[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: And is that not what you are looking for?
21:48.33jchonigI wanted to the dial command to set SIP/ext-jch
21:49.19[TK]D-Fenderjchonig: Please learn to pastebin this stuff to.
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21:57.30haps[TK]D-Fender: what debugging options should I have on in the CLI?
21:58.31[TK]D-Fenderhaps: You telling me you see NO CALL to Voicemailmain?  No output of the sounds its playing?  NOTHING?
21:58.56hapsunless i have sip set debug
21:58.59hapsotherwise no
21:59.10[TK]D-Fenderhaps: then you don't even have BASIC VERBOSE up yet
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21:59.18[TK]D-Fenderhaps: "core set verbose 10"
21:59.25[TK]D-Fenderhaps: You are running completely blind
21:59.35hapsthanks for that hint
21:59.56hapswas watching dtmf via the sip debug but there is a *lot* of output
22:00.05hapssorry for being a dumbass n00b
22:00.18[TK]D-Fenderhaps: Want to prove DTMF, jsut doo a bloody READ.
22:02.26hapsoooh dude, your advice is fantastic
22:02.41hapsnow I see that it's looking at 'default' context instead of 'home' context
22:03.03[TK]D-Fenderhaps: as I figured baseed on your call to Voicemailmain <-
22:03.09[TK]D-Fenderhaps: you have to specify where
22:06.05[TK]D-Fenderok, out for a while.
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22:08.46hapsMaybe someone here could help me narrow this down further:
22:12.05jayteeit's not passing a mailbox number
22:12.20jayteehow about a pb of extensions.conf
22:12.53hapsexten => 700,1,VoiceMailMain(@home)
22:13.13hapsi included '101@home' and tried that but got the same result
22:13.43hapsbut it's weird because in sip.conf i have mailbox=101@home and it flashes now because there's a message
22:14.38hapsoooh i did a 'reload' and it's working now
22:14.58hapsthanks all
22:15.19SparFuxah, was looking for it. But ok, if it now works :-)
22:15.37SparFuxI did the sip mailbox stuff to have my analogue phone connected via ATA display the MWI :-)
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22:16.40hapsworking through these configs is amazingly rewarding
22:16.59hapsi feel like i just level up'd - new skill: voicemail!
22:17.12jayteeyeah, especially rewarding when you COMMIT the changes :-)
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22:17.47SparFuxstill can't track down the callerid problem with the missing leading zero and sometimes 49 instead of zero. Anyway, it seems to be a lcr problem.
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22:23.24doolphif I want to record a call when dial *1 is not working...
22:25.32SparFuxdoolph: there is a Dial() option which allows for recording. Have you set that?
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22:26.59double_cheesburgI'm getting errors when I dial into my box. I've been putting the errors into search queries but don't seem to get much
22:27.09double_cheesburgCan anyone advise on this?
22:28.52jayteedo you have an extension s with priority 1 in the [from-zaptel] context in your extensions.conf file?
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22:29.13asdf-can anyone recommend an IAX2 compatible softphone for windows?
22:30.23jayteeZoiper, MediaX, take your pick
22:30.48asdf-thanks... didnt care for zoiper's setup... will try mediax
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22:36.44double_cheesburgjaytee: nope
22:36.59double_cheesburgI didn't know I need a [from-zaptel] context
22:37.01SparFuxanyone using linux-call-router?
22:40.01SparFuxIf a mobile calls, the callerid should be 0177... if this is the number of the mobile, right?
22:40.42SparFuxBecause I get this log: [Mar  8 23:28:48] NOTICE[3497]: chan_lcr.c:750 lcr_in_setup: [call=10 ast=NULL] Incomming setup from LCR. (callerid 17XXXXXXXXX, dialing XXXXXXX)
22:40.59SparFuxthe 17XXXXXXXXXX seems to be wrong! there is a 0 missing.
22:41.04jchonigCan anyone point me to how to diagnose this error message:
22:41.06jchonigReally destroying SIP dialog '47f5dded0625c65b77646d653f462401@' Method: INVITE
22:41.06jchonig[Mar  8 18:40:18] WARNING[16849]: app_dial.c:1286 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)
22:41.34double_cheesburgStarting simple switch on 'DAHDI/4-1'
22:41.39double_cheesburgWhat does this mean??
22:41.48double_cheesburgI'm running my fxo channel on 3
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22:45.29jchonigAh, a bogus qualify parameter....
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22:59.24pdfhackerIs there a free app that will let me do reasonably accurate, simple voice recognition?  ("Press or say 1")
23:01.14SparFuxThere is this message and this: And the guy seems to have solved the leading 0 problem, but I don't understand the second posting and what he exactly did better. Any idea?
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23:04.30luca`gervasii have some custom .gsm files. in asterisk 1.4 i copied them in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds. Doing the same copy-paste on my new 1.6 installation gives no results. is there a way to understands where asterisk is looking for the sound file i call through "PLAY" ?
23:06.50pdfhackerluca: If you know the name of a file that it can play, you find search to find the directory the working file is in...
23:07.45luca`gervasi...i created the file, i know its name :) but i need to find the directory where asterisk looks for it, because it doesn't get played
23:08.29drmessanoluca`gervasi: Permissions, perhaps
23:08.42luca`gervasiall the permissions seems correct
23:11.08luca`gervasigood night everyone :D
23:11.14luca`gervasigoes to sleep
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23:12.04asdf-i have a 450mhz computer with 512mb of ram... and i have a 1ghz computer with 512mb but with 500gb.... i want to run pfsense, NAS and asterisk... should i put asterisk and the nas on the same server?
23:12.09asdf-and pfsense on the 450mhz?
23:12.27asdf-or just jam it all together on the same server?
23:14.28pdfhackerAssuming low call volume, just use Asterisk on the 450mhz computer.  Doesn't use all that many resources unless your transcoding lots of audio
23:14.53asdf-and pfsense and freenas on the other computer?
23:15.05hapsasdf-: i run pf, nfs, and wifi (AP) on a 500mhz p3
23:15.35hapsi'd run * on there too but the p3 bus is slow and it's not good at dealing with high-speed ssh traffic
23:15.38rob0If you're planning to have a Digium DAHDI card, you might have trouble on older machines.
23:15.58asdf-yeah... 4 maximum concurrent calls
23:16.02hapsbut you could run all that on 1ghz, assuming it's a 'home network' setup
23:16.18hapsnice thing about pf is you can use altq
23:16.29hapsbut if you are new to the game i'd start with * on a separate box
23:16.34asdf-haps, are you running pf or pfsense?
23:16.36hapsjust until you get the router configured as you like it
23:16.44hapsruns pf on freebsd7.1
23:16.48*** part/#asterisk tehfox (
23:16.48rob0(the telephony cards need PCI v. 2.something, which older motherboards might not support.)
23:16.59asdf-i am not going to use telephony cards
23:17.02hapspfsense is a distro, pf is the firewall
23:17.13hapspfsense has all this gui crap afaik
23:18.27*** join/#asterisk maddog01 (
23:18.41asdf-yeah, i am trying to get everything setup asap... i dont have the time to tweak every little thing
23:20.03*** part/#asterisk jcoffi1 (n=jcoffi@
23:21.06asdf-haps, rob0 & pdfhacker... thanks for the help
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23:28.55dan__tWhat's goin' on
23:29.32SparFuxI did it!
23:30.44SparFuxnow my lcr doesn't omit the leading zero for incoming calls.
23:34.06SparFuxWhatever reason there is for it to remove it.
23:34.10dan__tSo, still got some lingering questions about AGI.  Do I understand this correctly that I could make Asterisk speak AGI to a web application that I have set up beind Apache or lighty, and work in that manner?
23:36.03*** join/#asterisk jcoffi (n=jcoffi@
23:36.10pdfhackerdan__t: essentially AGI lets you transfer control of a call to any command (or -- in the case of fastagi -- tcp/ip port)
23:37.16dan__tI understand what AGI is, sure
23:37.28dan__tJust wondering if my proposed practice was an acceptable route
23:37.43dan__tThis new Asterisk AGI Programming book is really bad-ass, but its not entire clear on that.
23:37.47pdfhackerYou could make it work -- have you looked at the AGI libraries available?
23:38.08dan__tPHPAGI and friends?  Yep.
23:38.19dan__tJust, like I said, wanting to do this over HTTP as much as I can
23:38.20pdfhackerI'd recommend using one of those
23:38.22dan__tWell.  Kindof.
23:38.31dan__tI can just set the content type or something.
23:38.34possyis away: Doing girls stuff
23:39.34pdfhackerdan__t: AGI doesn't operate over HTTP -- that's another layer of abstraction that you'd have to deal with
23:39.47dan__tI understand that much as well.
23:39.59pdfhackerdan__t: so why do you want to do it?
23:40.01*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
23:40.02dan__tGuess I should just stick to like xinetd as proposed in this book.
23:40.27dan__tBecause I can debug 100x better when developing AGI that runs in that manner.
23:41.24pdfhackerOkay.  For the sake of simplicity and speed I'd recommend you strongly consider a FastAGI server though
23:41.43dan__tOh, there are specific FastAGI servers?
23:41.50dan__tLike purpose-built FastAGI servers?
23:42.36dan__tOoh I misunderstood.
23:42.38pdfhackerPersonally I use Asterisk.NET , which works really well, though I've had to make more than a couple updates (I guess I should submit the patches...)
23:43.34dan__tAwesome, Firefox just took a shit.
23:43.58drmessanoThat never happens
23:44.03drmessanoFirefox is perfect
23:44.04dan__tI guess when it comes down to it, something as simple as xinetd still might work just fine.
23:44.16dan__tPerfectly imperfect.
23:44.42drmessanobrings in the FBI (Firefox Bureau of Intelligence), clubs dan__t, drags him off, and removes all evidence of his existence
23:44.44*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
23:44.46drmessanoNothing to see here
23:44.57drmessanoMove along
23:45.08drmessanoFirefox = perfect
23:45.13drmessanoCarry on
23:45.15*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
23:45.29jblackI wish firefox were perfect.
23:45.39*** join/#asterisk sergey (
23:45.50drmessanobrings in the FBI (Firefox Bureau of Intelligence), clubs jblack, drags him off, and removes all evidence of his existence
23:46.00drmessanoReally, nothing to see here.. again
23:46.11jblackdamn. outfoxed. again.
23:46.42*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
23:46.56drmessanoOh screw it
23:47.37drmessanodrags the Asterisk devs off to a secret bunker (the ones we like, anyway), locks the #asterisk doors and chains them, and sets the room on fire
23:47.56drmessanoNothing to see here.. Firefox is perfect
23:48.10drmessanoNow to go take care of FreeBSD.. those guys THINK they found a bug..
23:49.09*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
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