IRC log for #asterisk on 20090307

00:07.55*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
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00:20.09hapsgood evening; i have outgoing calls working fine but incoming isn't working.  when i call i get 'not allowed', no rings.  there is no noise in the debug info in the cli when i make a call which leads me to believe that it's a nat problem.  my router is forwarding port 5060 UDP and 10K-20K UDP to the asterisk box.  the connection is via SIP.  I assume I'm missing something obvious, any ideas?
00:23.10*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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00:49.24fatnasty1I have a phone registered to my asterisk server, when Im on a call, if i start talking its like its half duplex of something its like it mutes the audio from the other end while Im talking. The phone has VAD turned off. any ideas?
00:54.41*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
00:57.32fatnasty1so I had VAD enabled in codecs.conf
00:57.36fatnasty1fixed it
01:08.43*** join/#asterisk jcoffi (n=jcoffi@
01:09.54Talkradioanyone have any idea of how many remote users to a pbx on dsl can support? 2 or 5 or ?
01:10.19Talkradiopbx has pri and network has dsl with 768k up
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01:18.31mmlj4are the sangoma wanpipe drivers needed, or can dahdi handle the card by itself?
01:19.31mmlj4Talkradio: you can look at the VoIP protocols and decide... there are charts with bandwidth available
01:19.58*** join/#asterisk joako (n=joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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01:22.11joakoCan I run asterisk on more than one port on the same IP address?
01:23.29mmlj4you mean a particular protocol?
01:23.49mmlj4asterisk runs on zero ports
01:24.08joakoYes, I want to run SIP on two ports
01:24.14joakoI tried two IP but it does not work right
01:24.38mmlj4you can, but A). why? and B). the clients need to be told to look for an alternate port
01:25.02*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (n=bob@
01:25.04joakoYes I know that. I am having problems with a particular device behind nat staying registered.
01:25.49hapsudp session timeout should be >= smallest sipregistration tomeout
01:26.16joakoudp session timeout where?
01:26.29mmlj4I'm getting little segfaults on debian lenny... anyone else have trouble?
01:26.31hapsin your nat router
01:26.55eXcAliBuRwhat would be needed to have say 25 sites connected to a asterisk system, the sites are over a vast area.  say 200 miles .  what i want is to be able to pick up the phone and if calling a number that is local to any site, it be sent there and go out on it's phone line.
01:27.00hapsso, what's your sip reg. timeout?
01:27.04hapsdefault is 300
01:27.13hapsyou could try lowering it, that might help
01:27.18joakohaps: that's not the issue because I have other devices behind the same NAT with no issues. Just this one particular device has a problem (It's a Nokia E71)
01:27.41hapsthen i don't know
01:28.24joakohaps: maxexpiry=3600, minexpiry=55, defaultexpiry=360
01:28.39joakoShould I try to lower defaultexpiry?
01:29.36joakoThe interesting thing is since this is behind NAT and there are multiple devices, in sip show peers the port shown is not 5060. And then e.g. if I do a sip debug on this device after a while the sip debug will start showing stuff from a Polycom phone
01:31.02*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
01:31.22joakoOh and I did take the polycom offline and that did not help
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01:31.44hapsi don't really understand your setup
01:32.02hapsbut you're port forwarding 5060 on your nat router right?
01:32.10hapsit should show 5060
01:32.28hapswhat router/nat are you using?
01:32.31joakohaps: Asterisk on public internet (colocated server)  and then at home I have a wired router (linksys with DD-WRT) and connected to that router I have a handfull of SIP devices
01:33.09joakoI don't forward any ports and it always worked fine. I got the nokia E71 that is a mobile phone with WiFi and SIP support and that device is having problems staying registered, so I will not get inbound calls most of the time
01:33.38joakoI'm trying to avoid setting up a local asterisk because I don't have a machine that runs 24/7
01:34.56hapsi don't know the answer dude
01:35.04hapsbut yeah different ports sounds like it might work
01:35.30hapsin sip.conf you didn't just use [nokia];port=5060 ?
01:35.43hapsor port=5061
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01:44.53Steve_J-obssomeboy please help me with a basic dial question
01:45.33Steve_J-obsso basic, I dont know what's wrong
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01:48.00Steve_J-obsok... I am trying to dial through a proxy for which I have pre-registered
01:48.58Steve_J-obswith I can dial without registration... but where I get confused is because this seems to be instructions for an ATA and not for asterisk
01:49.30Steve_J-obsthey gave the the instructions to register, but not the instructions to dial
01:50.32Steve_J-obsbut I dont get it...the on the sip header invite I have: userid@domain
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02:46.37theharoh do you jbot
02:52.08carrarIn Soviet Russia, jbot would have been shot
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03:40.09kerxHi All, what would the recommended method be to keep call recordings integrated with a database based on what agent answered the phone?
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03:42.57joakoIf in sip.conf I set maxexpiry=3600, how can sip show peer xxxx show Expire       : 3502
03:43.55joakoIt can show that because I only read the first and last digit :)
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04:08.14scottzPDM!  =)
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05:14.10NewCastleScotthi all, I have been trying to get * up and running with an iaxy and voipstunt. I have pasted my config files as well as some debugging code I got from the cli---->  I havent a clue as to what Im doing wrong. I thank anyone in advance for any help
05:16.37hapshey NewCastleScott i don't know much about iax and i'm a n00b to * as well, so this may be a case of the blind leading the blind
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05:17.20NewCastleScottheh no worrys
05:17.30hapsbut i noticed that your voipstunt address is 5060, isn't that sip standard? should you put bindport=5060 in that section to override  your general?
05:18.51hapswhat does iax2 show peers tell you?
05:18.58hapsit should list the connected peers
05:19.25hapsi only use sip, but when i do 'sip show peers' it lists my phone and provider
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05:20.51NewCastleScott007/007    (S)  4569          Unmonitored
05:20.51NewCastleScottvoipstunt  (S)  4569          Unmonitored
05:21.03hapsah cool
05:21.05NewCastleScottthats what I get from iax2 show peers
05:21.13hapsthat's good
05:21.31hapsi was just on the voipstunt website and i didn't see where they support iax?
05:21.34NewCastleScottyeah but its ignoring the port like you noticed, I did change them in both files
05:22.38hapsyeah but 5060 is the sip protocol port
05:22.51hapsare you sure you should be using iax for voipstunt?
05:23.25NewCastleScottI figured it would work but maybe I dont have the correct device
05:24.06hapsasterisk is the right device :)
05:25.33hapsNewCastleScott: yeah just remove your voipstunt shit from iax2.conf and put it in sip.conf
05:25.43hapsbut do it like they say in that wiki
05:25.48hapslike, don't just cut and paste it
05:26.10hapsalso add 'nat=yes'
05:26.52NewCastleScottI have been reading soe of the book all day
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05:32.06hapsNewCastleScott: yeah i'm not a huge fan of the book
05:32.24hapsNewCastleScott: don't play around with too many things for now, just get the basics going.
05:32.44hapswhich means remove voipstunt from your configs (it shouldn't be in iax.conf anyway)
05:34.17hapsNewCastleScott: in the book there is a section in chapter 3 or 4 where he talks about a basic sip.conf
05:34.45NewCastleScottbut I dont think this is a sip device :(
05:34.52hapsNewCastleScott: doesn't matter
05:35.03hapsasterisk bridges any different protocol
05:35.09hapsthe phone hardware talks to asterisk
05:35.19hapsasterisk talks to the voip provider
05:35.29hapsso they can both talk different protocols
05:35.54NewCastleScottthats what I thought but Im having a heck of a tie with this one
05:36.08hapsNewCastleScott: well, start from the basics
05:36.22hapsremove all the voipstunt shit from your configs
05:36.26hapsbecause it's wrong and broken
05:36.40NewCastleScottright on
05:37.51hapsthen 'iax2 reload' and 'iax2 show peers' should show only your local peer
05:38.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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05:41.42NewCastleScotthaps, that I see
05:42.12hapsyour phone has a dial tone? and when you dial 500 does that work?
05:43.12NewCastleScottits still on the wrong port though, and no no dial tone
05:43.30hapswhy is it on the wrong port ?
05:43.48hapsthe iaxy should be on port 4569 right?
05:44.12NewCastleScottso I guess Im getting a head of myself
05:44.24hapsi think you don't understand the point of asterisk
05:44.30hapsit sits in the middle
05:44.41hapsbetween your phone and the voip provider
05:45.04hapsso the iaxy hardware talks in a different protocol on a different port
05:45.09hapsit's independent of the voip provider
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06:07.57RichardLynchAnybody familiar with the Festival Scheme code around?...  Or even just scheme programming in general?
06:08.42carrar10 print "Hello World"
06:08.45carrar20 goto 10
06:10.10RichardLynch(let ((log (fopen "/var/log/festival" "a"))) (format log "asterisk voice: %s" voice))
06:10.56RichardLynchNada in /var/log/festival   But then, I don't have any connect/disconnect messages there either, for days on end now, but have old ones. chmod 777 /var/log/festival has been tried, to no avail.
06:11.27*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
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06:14.47Jared555this may sound like a stupid question..... but is there any way to use asterisk as an easy to use remote time clock? where someone could use speed dial # 1 to clock in and speed dial #2 to clock out?
06:14.57Jared555or something along those lines
06:15.22Jared555basically for a company that has multiple job sites, some with very limited time availability
06:15.30carrarcan write your ins and outs to a db
06:15.33Jared555limited electric*
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06:17.31Jared555trick would be making it so it could be used quickly and in a way that you know for sure if you are clocking in or out
06:17.53carrarmake a voice prompt
06:17.57carrarand voice confirmation
06:18.02Jared555yeah, what I was thinking
06:18.51Jared555right now it is only like 3-5 employees..... what sucks for the boss is there is frequently more job sites than employees :)
06:19.58RichardLynchWouldn't they want to know WHERE they were clocking in/out from?  Which site/job?
06:20.20Jared555RichardLynch, well in that case a voice recording would be possible
06:20.34RichardLynchOr perhaps you could get really slick and tie in GPS :-)
06:21.11RichardLynchSo they can't lie and clock in for a job site from the golf course too. :-)
06:21.12RichardLynchI don't think that would qualify as simply anymore though...
06:21.23Jared555unfortunately it would be using employee phones LOL
06:22.48Jared555jbot, I know
06:22.56jbotYou know?
06:23.09Jared555btw. not talking about simple for me.... simple for the people having to use it
06:23.10RichardLynchCan I turn of jbot for s///
06:23.57Jared555crap.... lol.... anyway.....
06:24.11RichardLynchI think it would be both, actually, if it's just in/out.  You could even just use some kind of Log file and grep those with a cron job and call it done.
06:24.41Jared555yeah, and it is kind of obvious if work has been done or not (construction)
06:25.22RichardLynchYour dialplan would just be exten => clock_in,1,Log(${CID})\nexten=>clock_in,n,HangUp()
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06:32.22Jared555is there actually a password option or would I just have to put the code into dialplan?
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07:39.38dan__tOk, so, I'm still trying to wrap my head around this.  Using FastAGI, can I literally fire off at a lighty or apache server that has a PHP script which responds in an AGI-ish manner, and go from there?
07:40.11dan__tLike AGI(agi:// ?
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08:01.52halsteadI'd like to setup a system that will accept calls to my current cell phone number, take a voicemail, compress it, and e-mail it to me. I'm tired of my cell and this sounds like fun. Does anyone know a SIP/AIX that offers LNP for a good price?
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08:05.01jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
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08:42.27EmleyMoorI have managed to register my N95 with my Asterisk box from another house but, over the same network, cannot register ekiga with it. IPtran and STUN both just time out and connecting without either connects but ekiga won't ring. Why would that happen?
08:43.49EmleyMoornat=yes in sip.conf for both
08:49.13halsteadOut of passing curiosity, does anyone know why at&t, t-mobile, comcast, verizon, etc can port a number in 12-72 hours while all the PSTN DID providers I see need 10-30 days?
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08:50.03specialist1halstead :wassup pal
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08:51.09Frogzoois *'s voice quality comparable to cisco's CME?
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08:54.44brunnerare there any voip providers that activate instantly?
09:05.01siera08hi, I have MoH problem in asterisk 1.4.18 now. When i call external phone using cmd dial with 'r' option, i can listen 'connecting...' and call is successed.
09:05.20siera08When dial with 'm' option, MoH music plays. but i can't hear 'connecting...'.  and when called party is busy, i can't hear busy message from telephone provider.
09:05.32siera08anyone had problem yet?
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09:05.47siera08and i applied "internal_timing = yes" in asterisk.conf. but same problem.
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09:06.49siera08when i call internal phone with 'm' option, it's good.
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09:36.31Great_Anta_BakaI have a golf estate that I am in the process of locking down. Since the site was so big it was decided that the best way to provide broadband access would be to use dsl.. so the place is full of copper infrastructure.. this heads into a DSLAM and then into these things called audiocodes (  only thing is the damn things kee
09:37.08Great_Anta_Bakaso what can i use in place of those wonderfull hybrex's as analog voip gateways?
10:06.14tzafrir_laptopGreat_Anta_Baka, what's wrong with those AudioCode devices?
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11:38.41funnymashi want to have a dedicated * to be a dialer and the other * will be the registrar and storage of voicemail etc etc. I have already create a trunk between the two * but i can't make the outside call
11:40.35funnymashwhat did i miss?
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16:28.16brunnerdoes anyone know of a voip provider who activates instantly?
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16:43.15eppigyi am dave
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17:17.01stablerbrunner: flowroute will activate instantly and give you a $.25 credit
17:17.15stablerbrunner: to test there service
17:17.35brunnerstabler: thanks
17:17.39brunnerstabler: are there any others?
17:18.14stablerbrunner: there probably are
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17:18.28stablerbrunner: but i dont have knowledge of any others
17:18.33brunnerokay, thanks
17:18.47stablerI was fully satisfied with flowroute when i tried there service
17:19.08stabler$.0098/min in the US
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17:26.32brunnerI can't figure out why I can't get calls through IPKall sometimes
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17:42.19brunnerit seems to work sometimes after I restart
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18:01.34tehfoxhello there.
18:01.36brunnerI can't tell if it's a problem on my end or if it's IPkall
18:02.02tehfoxanybody here tried to interconnect asterisk with IMS (specifically OpenIMSCore)?
18:02.54brunnerwould someone call
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18:12.02SparFuxHello all. My whole dialplan is way too complicated.
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18:12.19SparFuxToo many weirdly named variables and contexts.
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18:12.51NewCastleScotthey hey all, What would be the *best* way to debug the 500 ext. echo test only giving a busy signal?
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18:16.53hapsNewCastleScott: iax2 set debug
18:17.04hapsthen watch what scrolls by on the cli when you dial that extension
18:17.27hapsdoes your phone give you an error message, like 404 when you hangup?
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18:40.25SparFuxIs there a command line tool to convert letters to predictive text T9 ?
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18:58.05harry__can I play a file *while* receiving input form the user? that is, the audio file continues to play while I receive and handle entered digits?
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19:22.43SparFuxFender: So, you say it is ok to just not use a prefix. In order to be able to simply call an incoming number back. And there should not even be a prefix for local service, just a simple number which does it.
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19:27.59unixdawgok we have a issue in 1.6.1
19:28.13unixdawgit does not look to be compiling and installing chan_sip
19:28.26unixdawgI just did a build
19:28.37unixdawgand a install
19:28.44unixdawgand there is no chn_sip
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19:29.05unixdawgchan_sip in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
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19:39.32pdmmmisnt 1.6.1 beta ?
19:39.47unixdawgits rc
19:41.39unixdawgbut I think I found a issue
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19:55.26axisysi am planning to install asterisk on my ubuntu server.. i just got a fxs/fxo card.. which version do I install? 1.4.x or 1.6.x ?
19:56.49unixdawgand the gui
19:57.23axisysunixdawg: what gui are u referring to? sorry i am newbie
19:58.01unixdawgthe digium asterisk-gui
19:58.05unixdawgits inthe svn
19:58.23Dovidunixdawg: better if people learn with out the GUI IMHO. That way they "really" learn Asterisk
19:58.28unixdawgwe have debian install scipt
19:59.59axisysunixdawg: how about ubuntu ?
20:00.20axisysDovid: i think so.. which one would u recommend ?
20:00.24axisysDovid: version wise
20:02.04drmessano1.4.0 is a dinosaur now
20:02.24drmessanoWell, 1.4 rather
20:03.17axisysdrmessano: ok
20:03.24Dovidi am still using 1.4.x
20:03.43Dovidafter 1.4.x came out there was a lot of issues. i am nervous about going to 1.6.X
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20:04.38drmessanoThere's no real issues with 1.6
20:04.49drmessanoand 1.4 is soon to be 2 versions back
20:04.57drmessanoWith 1.6.1 being released
20:05.08drmessanoSo no point not migrating now
20:06.24unixdawg1.6.1 seems to have a issue
20:06.35unixdawgit is building chan_sip but not installing it
20:07.08unixdawgI have 3 boxes I have built todat and all of then are missing chan_sip in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
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20:07.42unixdawgso I would stick to
20:08.55axisysunixdawg: have a asterisk gui ?
20:09.18axisysunixdawg: i see only 1.4.x for asterisk gui so far
20:09.36unixdawgyes has the gui also
20:09.42unixdawgand 1.6.1
20:11.46axisysunixdawg: hmm i have been googling and can find a link
20:16.11unixdawgkeep looking brb on a call
20:16.31axisyshmm.. zaptel is only 1.4.12 .. will it work with asterisk 1.6.x ?
20:16.34axisysunixdawg: k
20:18.23NewCastleScotthi all, I cant for the life of me get my iaxy box to register...... has anyone been able to resolve tis issue?
20:23.08drmessanoaxisys: No, Dahdi replaced Zaptel, you use Dahdi with 1.6
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20:36.31axisysdrmessano: glad i ask that question
20:37.02axisysdrmessano: i dont see dahdi here
20:38.26[TK]D-FenderNewCastleScott: Issue?  You make it sound like a design flaw...
20:39.05axisysdrmessano: found it under telephony
20:39.23NewCastleScott[TK]D-Fender, Ill blame user error
20:40.14axisysunixdawg: is this the one that installs to 1.6.x
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20:48.09NewCastleScott[TK]D-Fender, after I provision it and power cycle the device keep getting an "error" stating "[Mar  7 14:35:11] NOTICE[19608]: chan_iax2.c:6307 register_verify: No registration for peer 'Scott' (from"  have you got any insight on it?
20:48.38[TK]D-FenderNewCastleScott: pastebin your iax.conf masking only password
20:49.20SparFuxI am working on my dialplan and I am using variables for every sensitive information, so I could simply post the whole dialplan then without the variables, which I put in a file I #include.
20:49.29unixdawgit works on 1.4 and 1.6.0 and 1.6.1
20:50.57[TK]D-FenderSparFux: You should not have sensitive information in your dialplan normally.
20:51.16SparFuxFender: Well, there are some passowords in it.
20:51.26[TK]D-FenderSparFux: DEFINITELY should not have those.
20:51.29SparFuxAnd I consider my MSN numbers sensitive info.
20:51.36[TK]D-FendersapMake a peer entry like everyone else
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20:52.37axisysunixdawg: thnx
20:52.50axisysunixdawg: i am looking for a installation procedure..
20:52.51SparFuxFender: well, I have it, like this: Dial(IAX2/${FWD_NUMBER}:${FWD_PASSWORD}${EXTEN:6},60,r${DDOPT})
20:53.07[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Like I said, make a PEER ENTRY for them instead
20:53.12axisysdo I install dahdi and pri and then asterisk like 1.4.x ?
20:53.15SparFuxAh, ok.
20:53.28SparFuxpeer entry goes to iax2.conf, right?
20:53.38[TK]D-FenderSparFux: in that case, yes
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20:55.03SparFuxFender: Ok, I have a type=user entry. I think that's the point, right?
20:55.14NewCastleScott[TK]D-Fender, AWESOME!! I looked over it again and I got it to register so again I blame user error.
20:55.21[TK]D-FenderSparFux: "user" is for inbound-only.
20:55.39[TK]D-FenderNewCastleScott: Let me gues.. you tried specifying the host, didn't you?
20:56.09harry__can I play a file *while* receiving input form the user? that is, the audio file continues to play while I receive and handle entered digits?
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20:56.23NewCastleScottno, I didnt have all the "names" the same in the file....
20:56.38[TK]D-FenderNewCastleScott: that would do it...
20:56.56[TK]D-Fenderharry__: nothing I can think of off-hand
20:56.59axisysman there is addons,g729 codecs, patch,dahdi .. all kind a stuff.. would be nice to have a step by step install process
20:57.26harry__damn. I'm replacing an existing VoiceGuide system. that one is able to do it  :/
20:57.27unixdawgdahdi is for zap devices
20:57.46unixdawgand most zapdevices only do ulaw/alaw
20:58.12unixdawgwait a dahdi patch for g729
20:58.27unixdawgsorry miss read
20:58.35[TK]D-Fendersure is a lot of crack going around here these days
20:58.37unixdawgbeen up for 27 hours
20:58.55axisysunixdawg: heh
20:59.01unixdawgand still have to make it threw today
20:59.07axisysunixdawg: ouch!
20:59.12carrarshares his PRI crack covered g729 codec with [TK]D-Fender
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21:05.22SparFuxFender: Do I need a user AND a peer entry in iax.conf, or simply a peer entry?
21:06.11[TK]D-FenderSparFux: just a peer
21:06.33[TK]D-Fenderusually.  Sometimes as a "friend"
21:06.37SparFuxSo I need a register line in general section and the peer entry.
21:06.51[TK]D-FenderSparFux: You should
21:09.09SparFuxAnd then I have to use context= in the peer section to tell it where to receive the calls in.
21:11.16carrarI swear I saw all that in the book
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21:14.06[TK]D-FenderSparFux: They're going to go SOMEWHERE you know....
21:14.46SparFuxAnd NOWHERE is somewhere, too! :-P
21:15.01brunnerIf someone sets CALLERID(ani) to be blank or "Unknown", and the VoIP provider allows this, does that result in the Called Party Number field in the ISUP IAM being blank or invalid as well?
21:16.09[TK]D-FenderSparFux: [nowhere] <- it is now.
21:16.19SparFuxLOL :-D
21:16.41brunnersorry, I meant the Charge Number field, of course
21:17.16carrartry it
21:17.47brunnerI have no way to get the SS7 field values
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21:29.36axisysfailing to compile dahdi on 2.6.27-11
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22:07.55eXcAliBuRcan i talk 1-on1 with someone that knows enough to have a asterisk certification but doesn't...
22:08.31eXcAliBuRhey dan
22:08.43eXcAliBuRare you able to help me?
22:08.52dan__tI think the combined knowledge you would find here far exceeds a single individual who might know enough to have an asterisk certification but doesn't.
22:09.10pdmmmim smrt
22:09.16eXcAliBuRcisco call manager compared to asterisk
22:09.29pdmmmask your wallet!
22:09.32eXcAliBuRmoney not being a issue
22:09.37eXcAliBuRwhich would you pick?
22:10.06GameGamer43I'd pick Asterisk over almost anything out there atm
22:10.43pdmmmits way more versitile
22:10.43eXcAliBuRok 18 sites, within different calling areas, can asterisk send an outgoing call out from any 1 site, based on where the call is going?
22:11.08eXcAliBuRso that most calls will be local calls instead of long distance
22:11.23pdmmmleast call routing
22:11.25eXcAliBuRhow would all them be inter-connected
22:11.33eXcAliBuRall the asterisk boxes
22:11.42eXcAliBuRis this easy to do
22:11.55pdmmmjust like any other would be connected
22:11.58dan__tDoesn't matter, its just another technology.
22:12.08eXcAliBuRcos i have like a 500 page manual ... if i read it.. will i know how to do this?
22:12.21dan__tIf the manual tells you how to, sure.
22:12.29dan__tWhich manual is it?
22:12.35eXcAliBuRumm one from site
22:12.40eXcAliBuRasterisk in a nutshell
22:12.43eXcAliBuRor something ike that
22:12.47dan__tI see.
22:12.49pdmmmi think you need to read the manual
22:12.51dan__tI don't know.  Read it and let us know.
22:12.58*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
22:13.09pdmmmyou're asking questions like "if i install asterisk and go to school, will I know how to dial?"
22:13.14pdmmma lot of the answers depend on you
22:13.16dan__tI've found the O'Reilly Asterisk book to be fantastic.
22:13.19dan__tThe second edition, not the first.
22:13.22eXcAliBuRok hang on i have it right here
22:13.23dan__tThe first was crap compared to the second.
22:13.25eXcAliBuRlets read it together
22:13.39eXcAliBuRpage 1
22:13.41dan__tAlso, Asterisk AGI Programming, is fantastic.
22:14.02dan__tYou can even download the O'Reilly book for free.
22:14.04eXcAliBuRwhat is agi ?
22:14.13dan__tAsterisk Gateway Interface
22:14.44dan__tWhich I still have some questions on, actually... Any FastCGI fans around?  Trying to see how I can use that with Apache or lighty.  Can I literally fire requests over the wire to a lighty server running my fancy PHP AGI script
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22:17.44eXcAliBuRdon't you love when ur printer says it's got a paper jam and it doesnt
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22:17.55eXcAliBuRwill give it something to jam about
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22:18.32eXcAliBuRgreat, now i need a new printer
22:18.58eXcAliBuRaren't you s'pose to be able to drop these things?
22:19.28eXcAliBuRok... now everyone things i'm nuts
22:28.41eXcAliBuRhow many asterisk boxes can i connect together?
22:28.48eXcAliBuRthinks the answer is as many as i need
22:29.12dan__tWhat makes you think you need more than one?
22:29.21dan__tGot like a billion phones or what
22:29.49eXcAliBuRwell i have a lot of sites
22:29.56eXcAliBuRover a lot of miles
22:30.01dan__tcan't make them all just speak sip to one server?
22:30.04eXcAliBuRso many calling areas
22:30.34eXcAliBuRif i want to call area 1 from area 4 ..
22:30.40dan__tSo you're going to use like many FXO cards in each area?
22:30.55eXcAliBuRummm nops
22:31.11eXcAliBuR1 live phone line per area
22:31.29eXcAliBuRthat makes sence.. right?
22:31.32dan__tWhy not just use a SIP or IAX2 provider and tie Asterisk in to that?
22:31.39dan__tI guarantee it would be cheaper.
22:31.46hapsand better
22:31.54hapsdoes that
22:31.57eXcAliBuRyou mean one of them $40 a month things for unlim calling?
22:31.59dan__tTo do that you'll need one FXO card per calling area per machine... these other providers already have that established.
22:32.01hapsmultiple dids
22:32.10dan__tOne DID in each diling area.
22:32.12dan__tdialing, too.
22:32.26dan__tIt's a lot more than "one of them $40 a month things"
22:32.31eXcAliBuRoverall budget is $100k
22:32.32hapsdan__t: why fxo cards?
22:32.38hapsjust use sip phones
22:32.38dan__thaps, how much does a basic 4channel fxo card go for?
22:32.43hapsgot me
22:32.48dan__ter, fxo == phone line -> asterisk
22:32.50hapsi stay the fuck away from fxo/fxs
22:33.07eXcAliBuRwhat do you use then?
22:33.11dan__tI'm just saying.  Sounds like he plans on tying a physical phone line in to each asterisk server which then sits in each calling area.
22:33.14dan__tI use Vitelity.
22:33.26eXcAliBuRyups.. thats the plan dan
22:33.33dan__tI've used Teliax before, as well.
22:33.40dan__tWhy bother?
22:33.46dan__tThat's way too much trouble.
22:34.07dan__tUse a provider, and only $140 of your $100k budget gets spent.
22:34.14dan__tDo you have any idea how much beer that is?
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22:34.50eXcAliBuRdoes voip work with fax now?
22:34.55eXcAliBuRhas that been fixed?
22:35.15hapseXcAliBuR: you want to have a bunch of people from different areas able to call the other offices for free, right?
22:35.41hapsor do you have one office that you want to be able to call multiple areas locally?
22:35.53hapseXcAliBuR: avoid fax, use email
22:35.53dan__tWhere are my FastAGI hackers.
22:35.54eXcAliBuRi want offices to be able to call other areas for free... as in outside the office in such area
22:36.33doolphwhat you mean with other areas
22:36.39hapswell then use a voip provider for calling, and it'll never be 'free', since a local line in each calling area costs, plus you need a colo and a network connection there
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22:36.56dan__tAnd specialized hardware to tie it together.
22:36.58eXcAliBuRwe have a fiber link between sites
22:37.02hapseXcAliBuR: but say you want to call anywhere in north america for dirt cheap, then use a voip provider
22:37.04dan__tAnd, let's be honest.  Digium doesn't sell bargain basement stuff.
22:37.06hapsthey do the hard work for you
22:37.53hapsrun a * server at each office that deals with the dialplan, connecting to your voip provider for outgoing and connecting to the other offices for inter-branch extensions
22:37.58eXcAliBuRwe have locations all over quebec ;(
22:38.05eXcAliBuRbig area to cover
22:38.18hapsquebec? get out of here you dirty french fuck.
22:38.26eXcAliBuRhey am i talking french?
22:38.44hapsi'm just poking because I can.
22:39.07eXcAliBuRmy keyboard has french tho
22:39.22hapsdude your idea of hooking up * servers and using local lines to get local calls seems good on the outside but it's very costly when you get down to it
22:39.34eXcAliBuRsi jài besion du parle...
22:39.56eXcAliBuRok, good idea, wrong way of doing it
22:40.11hapseach office can have a * server, that's fine
22:41.05hapsthen that * machine can deal with multiple handsets at the office, and it can connect to a central office * server or all other offices, I don't know the best idea in terms of network topology
22:41.07eXcAliBuRit's required to have a live phone line in each site.. for emergency reasons... so i wanted to make use of it
22:41.09hapsbest to get a consultant on that
22:41.30hapswell, don't make use of it
22:41.37hapsleave it alone with a single dedicated handset
22:41.46hapsotherwise, it could be in use when you need it
22:42.12hapsor, it's plugged into the * box but you had a power outage and the internet is down, etc
22:42.26hapsalthough hopefully the equipment is on backup
22:42.36hapsthat's my 2cents anyway
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22:58.26brunnerwhat's the cheap way to get a single FXS port?
22:59.49eXcAliBuRi would say like a linksys or dlink gateway
22:59.55eXcAliBuRnot sure which on makes it
23:00.15eXcAliBuRit ties into your network, then u add it to your asterisk box
23:00.36drmessanoSingle port costs more
23:00.42drmessanoSo get a PAP2
23:01.09brunnerwell, I'm looking to build an ATA out of a Mini-ITX board that runs asterisk so I can use ZRTP for encrypted conferencing
23:01.36brunnerso I really wanted a PCI card
23:01.54eXcAliBuRsearch ebay for a cheap knock off
23:02.13brunnereXcAliBuR: knock off of what?
23:02.20drmessanoTry being more specific
23:02.31drmessanoThere is no cheap single FXS PCI card
23:05.12eXcAliBuRthat is cheap knock off
23:05.44eXcAliBuRit's basically a 56k modem that somehow works with asterisk
23:05.56brunnerthat's perfect, thanks
23:07.47russellbif you're looking for a way to hook up a phone, that's not it
23:07.58brunnerrussellb: no?
23:08.05russellbthat car is an FXO
23:08.08jbotfxofxs is, like, An FXO port (red Digium module) expects to receive dialtone and receive ring voltage. You can connect it to a PSTN line from the telco. An FXS port (green Digium module) expects to provide dialtone and provide ring voltage. You can connect a phone or a fax to it.
23:09.12drmessanoThats NOT an FXS
23:09.22brunnerrussellb: sorry, I hadn't read carefully enough.  I heard it was a voice modem and thought that perhaps the 'phone' port would work as an FXS
23:09.24drmessanoEven says it in the LINK and the title
23:09.31brunnerdrmessano: yes, I understand that
23:10.12russellbif it has a "phone" port, it's just passthrough
23:11.06brunnerI understand that.
23:11.21brunnerI hadn't thought it through
23:14.02hapswhile we're on the topic of fxs, let me change the topic a little
23:14.19hapsanyone have any good experience with a wifi voip handset?
23:14.54hapsor is the trend these days to run software on smartphones?
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23:20.01stablerhaps: they work well but avoid imlementing too many of them
23:20.29drmessanoWifi voip phones have a horrid battery life
23:20.35drmessanoand wifi isnt best for VoIP anyway
23:20.48drmessanoATA + DECT is a good solution
23:21.34hapsi just need one :)
23:21.39hapsata + dect ...
23:21.50stablerone should be fine
23:22.12drmessanoGet an ATA
23:22.13stablerunless your wireless network is already overloaded
23:22.16drmessanoand a DECT phone
23:22.49*** join/#asterisk Tusker (
23:22.50drmessanoYou dont need to google ATA + DECT unless you know what neither means
23:22.55drmessanoTheres no magic to the combo
23:23.41Tuskerheya guys, trying to get voxalot inbound trunk working, and voxalot keeps on using a different peer to connect to the asterisk server (eu, then us, then premium)... how do I configure the peer to recognize all IPs ?
23:24.02hapsah dect :)
23:25.32Tuskerdrmessano: i already have insecure=very
23:25.40Tuskerbut I still get the "Found no matching peer or user for ''" error
23:25.44stablerTusker: what version of *
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23:26.42stablerdrmessano: could he use host=dynamic?
23:27.09drmessanoFollow that
23:27.10stableror am i thinking cmpletely wrong
23:27.50Tuskerstabler: isn't host=dynamic for the asterisk host, not the remote host...
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23:28.19stablerTusker: yea
23:28.43stablerTusker: im newer to * so i was just throwing it out there
23:28.46stablerdont listen to me
23:29.00drmessanoIgnore stabler, he just got out of prison last monday
23:29.05drmessano"computer fraud"
23:29.13Tuskerfun :)
23:29.38jayteehe needs to change insecure=very to insecure=port,invite as drmessano said since he's running 1.4. very was deprecated after 1.2
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23:30.35drmessanoDamnit jaytee!
23:31.18drmessanoStop helping him.. hes on 1.4, config just works on 1.4 by guessing
23:31.34drmessanoUnless he had nodialplanguess=yes set
23:33.02Tuskerif i were using 1.2 ? how would I fix it ? (for my benefit)
23:33.32jayteeasterisk core: "hmmm, I don't have extension 4566 in my dialplan so......... I know! I'll dial 2673! Yeah! That's the ticket!"
23:33.50jayteeTusker, upgrade.
23:34.07stablerTusker: now... "passwd root letstablerin"
23:34.20Tuskerah, i know that one stabler
23:34.27stablerTusker: then "/etc/init.d/sshd start"
23:34.28*** part/#asterisk harry__ (
23:34.36Tuskersshd already started...
23:34.44stablerTusker: JK!
23:34.56Tuskerjust wanted to see your connection attempt :)
23:35.48stableronly reason drmessano knows i was in jail for computer fraud is because he was my cell mate
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23:36.54jayteesome of the most romantic nights of your life, I'd imagine.
23:38.26drmessanoJaytee says, as he's sitting next to me, playing with my hair
23:38.35drmessanogiggles and swoons
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23:39.30stokeddoes anyone have links for client behind NAT to asterisk behind NAT ?
23:39.47jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:39.58drmessanoSlow old man
23:40.00stablerdrmessano: beat me to it
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23:40.27stokedthanks guys
23:40.40jbotthanks, jaytee
23:41.05stableri couldve added the "^^^^^^" though
23:41.20drmessanoOk, going to petco to continue my quest to modify an off the shelf pet scoop to work with feline pine
23:41.34drmessanoWhich I plan to wiki
23:41.35jayteereally? I was just thinking of going there too
23:41.46drmessanopinches jaytees ass
23:41.52drmessanoSee ya there, cutie
23:42.04stablerawww... a date
23:42.13stablerthats sooo cute
23:42.24eppigyoh man
23:42.27jayteehahaha, in your dreams maybe
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23:42.38drmessanoIm glad I stayed for that
23:42.46drmessanoSleep on the sofa then, dolphinboy
23:42.51drmessanostomps off
23:43.02SparFuxIt seems to me the order in "dialplan show <context>" is NOT the criteria for what is matched first!
23:43.36jayteeSparFux, maybe it's because you don't understand how the dialplan actually matches?
23:44.23SparFuxjaytee: I think _00NN. matches 0011
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23:45.02SparFuxjaytee: And I include some contexts, with the includes their order should be key. And their order is reflected in "dialplan show <context>".
23:45.55SparFux is my contexts.
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23:48.07SparFuxAh, I am sure it is because I use _[0-9#+*] in pstn-dialout. It seems to match before _00NN. But on the other hand, I use the include trick, so it should no matter!
23:48.22jayteeSparFux, N does not match against 1
23:48.44jayteeN matches against 2-9
23:49.05jayteepage 138 of the book, pal
23:50.53SparFuxThe book?
23:51.04jboti guess book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
23:51.16jayteegrab the free PDF and start reading
23:52.04jayteein your example you'd want to use either Z which matches 1-9 or X which matches 0-9. N only matches 2-9
23:52.23jayteeyour welcom
23:52.37jayteegotta go play the lottery, back in a few
23:52.50SparFuxHave luck!
23:54.29SparFuxoh, then I made some serious mistakes and in some cases, where I never used 0 and 1 it worked even with N.
23:54.56SparFuxSeems like I am in trouble for not having read enough, even though I am peeking on all the time :-\
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