IRC log for #asterisk on 20090306

00:00.20bisonitI have been reading all day..  my brain is bleeding.   I am calling it a day guys.  See you later
00:00.33norgsWhat I am doing is Dial(SIP/100,...) from an external call and then trying to pickup with **100, but it can't seem to find the call
00:00.49*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
00:05.21bmoracafrom what i remember, pickup responds to the INITIAL extension the call comes in on, not the currently ringing extension
00:05.42bmoracaso if your call comes in on a did 5551234, your pickup application needs to pickup extension 5551234
00:05.51bmoracabut it's a long time since i've looked at that application
00:05.59bmoracamay have changed
00:07.25*** join/#asterisk axisys (
00:11.12voxteranyone recall when app_queue was changed so the monitor-type became mixmonitor by default?
00:11.57blackest_mambain sip.conf, the line permit= will only allow phones with an in to regsiter.  Is that correct?
00:12.58norgsbmoraca: thanks, that's what I needed
00:19.02*** part/#asterisk nny_1 (n=Scott@
00:23.51*** join/#asterisk Tapout (n=Tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
00:24.49TapoutI'm in Calgary,AB, Canada.   I've got the magic jack, but it kinda sucks in regards to their client software.   I was thinking of getting VOIP setup with asterisk, but Im trying to find a provider that will let me have a 336 area code.. anyone have a recommendation (cheap too) :)
00:27.07mazpesetting a variable in 1.6 remains the same right? exten => s,n, SetVar(AUDIO_DIR=/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/)
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00:30.34mazpei'm getting: WARNING[31960]: pbx.c:3082 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'SetVar' for extension (ivr-recording, s, 2)
00:32.21harry_vmazpe, put your dialplan on pastebin
00:35.08*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
00:35.14norgsOk, I have a question about the order that extensions are processed in. In [app-pickup], the first line is "include => app-pickup-custom", then in [app-pickup-custom] I have "exten => **100,"... rules then back in [app-pickup] the "exten => _**.,"... rules continue.
00:35.43norgsthe _**. rule seems to be trumping my **100 rules
00:37.00mazpeharry_v: still work in progress
00:37.17*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
00:37.46norgsso anyhow, my question is: Do later matching rules supercede more specific earlier rules?
00:39.39harry_vI need to head out.
00:40.12harry_vput that in forums and thay can see what the issue is. Seems okay with me. Paste your errors there also.
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00:47.41Tapoutanyone know of a provider where you pay liek 10 bucks a month for an end-user, choose the phone number, it gives you 1 number that you can use and it's unlimited calling in North America?
00:54.09norgsRe: my previous question, please disregard. I found:
00:54.34*** join/#asterisk xp_prg (n=xp_prg3@
00:54.41xp_prghi all what is that gui for asterisk where you feed the frog?
00:54.43bmoraca$10/mo for unlimited calling?  good luck.
00:54.56norgsxp_prg: FreePBX
01:04.45*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
01:12.54*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
01:14.47*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
01:15.31*** join/#asterisk Steve_J-obs (
01:15.45Steve_J-obshello everybody!!
01:16.04pdmmm10 bux a month?!
01:16.36pdmmmwhy not make it 5
01:16.48norgsno, free!
01:16.54pdmmmwiat wait
01:16.57pdmmmget paid for phone service!
01:17.16norgsoh wait, isn't that what premium sms is about?
01:19.45keith4_Tapout: Vonage?
01:19.48pwellthey have it
01:19.52pwellMagic Jack
01:19.58keith4_yah. magic jack
01:20.03pwellUSB to RJ23
01:20.09pwellsoft phone plug and play no CS
01:20.25pwellhack the SIP information and can use it with *
01:20.43keith4_Tapout: I use voicepulse, which is $11 if you want your own number, and < $0.01/min to all of the US
01:20.46pwellget a local number, voicemail and call forwarding through web interface
01:21.04pwellthere is bad sides to majic jack
01:21.17pwellI prefer voiceplus, but magic jack is proof the game is changing
01:21.29pwellthey just market well
01:21.39pdmmmunlimited calling is a sham anyway
01:22.25pdmmmthere's a wholesale cost per minute
01:22.42pdmmmjust like internet bandwidth
01:22.58pwellbetter off metered
01:23.37x86heh, does magic jack work with asterisk?
01:23.53pwellhave to hack it up
01:24.03x86$11/year or so?
01:24.12pwelldouble + 7
01:24.13x86I might do that to get a trunk into Asterisk ;)
01:24.32x86yeah, $30/year is still decent heh
01:24.35x86for unlimited calling
01:24.52pwellbut you break the TOS
01:24.57x86considering the local cable co is charging $45/mo for their unlimited calling package :P
01:24.57pwellthey could fry you any second
01:25.26*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (
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01:28.35*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-dec8ba71053b15d8)
01:28.52pwellyou figure they give you that price and they say ok... this person can ONLY talk for 24 hours a day max...   that's X amount of bandwidth needed per month / per year.
01:29.17pwellI think they could catch you easy
01:29.31x86I'm not talking about creating an ITSP with it hah
01:29.35x86just home usage
01:29.43pwellI just want a better voice mail system, with a little IVR
01:29.55x86usage would be low anyway -- too low to justify a land line for sure
01:30.41pwellwhat I wonder is if I can do cheaper than magic jack and still get a local phone number
01:30.54pwellmetered would be perfect for me
01:31.45*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba (n=blackest@
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01:50.38Steve_J-obspwell: you want something cheaper than magicjack?
01:51.09drmessanoThats kinda funny
01:51.17*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
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01:51.37drmessanoMagicjack is pretty much as cheap as it gets
01:53.23*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (n=pirch@
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01:53.33Steve_J-obspwell: you would have to have a pop on every market in the country
01:54.13docidwell, if ya wanna limit yourself to 5 minutes per call ya could always find a free did and use to freedial both sides, wholey hokey, but thats kinda where ya at when looking for cheaper than magicjack
01:54.26*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:55.06Steve_J-obsBTW, do you guys know that skype is making its codec public domain?
01:55.44docidyeah, saw that
01:56.06Steve_J-obsskype and magicjack have a very similar codec
01:56.17*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
01:58.00*** join/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
01:58.39exothermcAnyone suggest a non-home built solution that interfaces SIP to a PRI, for legacy PBX installs?
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01:59.02russellb"non home built solution"  ?
01:59.04russellbwhat does that mean?
01:59.12russellbis an asterisk box a home built solution?
01:59.27russellbif so, you're kind of in the wrong room :-)
01:59.30exothermcrussellb: someone cobbling together a atom processor, with a sangoma card.
01:59.41pdmmmrussellb: he wants a class 5 switch
02:00.35exothermcpdmmm: Well a true class 5 switch would be overkill.  This really just needs to be like an SPA8000 except with a PRI interface instead of FXS ports.
02:00.52exothermcoh ya and full 24 port capabilities.
02:01.49exothermcpdmmm: Isn't that device for converting the other direction?  taking legacy PRI feed from the telco and converting to SIP?
02:02.10pdmmmsame thing
02:02.33pdmmmuse asterisk
02:02.50jayteeredfone? run away! run away fast!!!
02:03.20pdmmm2 years ago I had asterisk + digium t1 card
02:03.26pdmmmit worked insanely well back then
02:03.34jayteeit still does
02:03.49pdmmmasterisk isnt windows
02:04.34carraryeah, duh, it's a browser!
02:04.38jayteewhich IMHO is a very good thing
02:04.45*** part/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
02:05.00drmessanoThank you, Ric Romero
02:05.06pdmmmwas it something i said?
02:05.11drmessanoIn other news, Chocolate isn't bread
02:06.03jayteeI don't want my phone system to have a blue screen event when I really need it or get more trojans and viruses than all the STDs that hookers in Manila get.
02:06.33jayteeeven when chocolate is bread they tend to call it cake instead
02:08.13*** join/#asterisk salzh (n=salzh@
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02:08.41salzhhi, how can i mute a channel during a conversation
02:08.49pdmmmhit the mute button!
02:09.27docidany way to compare dial number with cid number and do something specific if they match? ugg, im feelin braindead today
02:09.46salzhis there some commands in cli
02:10.04*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
02:10.13docidlike if dnid=cid then goto vm
02:10.23docidi guess i should just go read more
02:10.55docidthank ya kindly:)
02:11.03pdmmmyer welcome ;)
02:11.36pdmmmwhy does redfone suck?
02:11.38pdmmmi never used it
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02:17.22eric256is there anywhere i can put something in the dial plan so that it will always get called on hangup regardless of the context? or better based on the context it came in on? i.e. a call comes in I run a script, they move around the system, then hang up (and i run another script)
02:17.53*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
02:18.10eric256currently i can only get the h dial plan to run for the context at the end of the call...
02:18.44*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (n=beebuu@
02:19.45carrareric, import your h context into all your contexts
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02:21.48eric256i was afriad you'd say that ;)
02:22.54*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
02:24.44eric256guess i make a macro store the originating context, and one to run the script if that has been set, and then add that to the ends .... it could work
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02:26.49jayteepdmmm, redfone sucks because it uses TDMoE from it's box to Asterisk.
02:27.09*** join/#asterisk MmixX (n=mmixx@
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02:28.13Miccanyone tested the wp04 wifi phone?
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03:00.21doolphanyone here using asterisknow with asterisk 1.6?
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03:02.56stokedhi all, I'm trying to spoof this handset I have, and everything's working except that the handset always sends a 0111 before the #
03:03.14stokedis there a way to strip this only from this handset?
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03:19.32jbotasterisknow is probably based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
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03:24.58BeeBuuhi,all.anyone know is a mysql searching agi faster than a MYSQL command in asterisk?
03:26.08KavanSI'm trying to set a monitor filename....and I find that it's inserting slashes
03:26.30KavanSis there any way to set a variable/replace/etc. to make it so it does not use said "slashes" ?
03:31.56*** part/#asterisk stoked (
03:34.57*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (
03:35.02_abc_hi all
03:35.22_abc_quick question: how do i set the priority of asterisk ? (niceness) ?
03:35.45_abc_command line using nice -5 asterisk ... fails, the niceness is reset to 0
03:35.52_abc_(default system niceness)
03:35.58_abc_renicing works fine
03:36.14*** join/#asterisk freetown (
03:36.34freetowncor...what a crowd
03:36.38freetownhello all
03:37.24freetownit's has probably come up many times but i wonder what sip phones you would recommend, both ethernet connected and WIFI?
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03:37.58freetownnice bot
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03:41.54_abc_bot ? it's a parrot wired to irc
03:42.11_abc_so what about niceness
03:42.29freetownwell...other parrots don't grok s///
03:42.44freetownor this is the first one i saw
03:43.09_abc_neural network or bayesian parrots grok whatever 'looks' right
03:43.17KavanSyeah I need that for my asterisk ;)
03:43.25KavanSI set a variable for filename, but it's setting it with a "/"
03:43.31KavanSand making it so monitor doesn't work :(
03:43.54_abc_so HOW do i set niceness of a process ?!
03:44.02KavanS_abc_: you google that yet?
03:44.08_abc_yes, no joy
03:44.11KavanSI google'd my question....can't find result
03:44.18KavanSpretty sure nice will set it
03:44.28_abc_and don't say nice -5 asterisk ... because it resets its niceness to 0
03:44.31KavanSmodify the init script?
03:45.43_abc_KavanS: there is such a thing as testing. i run the binary directly as above and it sets its own niceness to 0
03:46.09_abc_so, short of reading the *"§$%!! source, WHERE is the niceness setting
03:46.14KavanSok...not sure how to help ya man
03:46.28KavanSthat's how I'd do it....and if it became a crazy problem, I'd upgrade my hardware
03:46.35KavanSwhat do you need to set niceness for?
03:46.43josh77hi all. I have a system with a tdm800p and 2x4 FXO modules. For some reason, the audio sounds quite rebotic and somewhat in slow motion. dahdi_test shows 99.999% avg so it's not quite clear to me what's wrong.  i put a sample at to demonstrate (playback of included vm-msginstruct.gsm).
03:46.43_abc_KavanS: not reboot first :)
03:47.31josh77all 8 channels seem to exhibit the same behaviour
03:47.45josh77i'm hoping it's not due to the PC :(
03:48.24_abc_KavanS: prevents dropouts when other programs compete for cpu
03:48.36KavanSsounds like you need a support contract from digium :)
03:48.56KavanS_abc_: or maybe it's time to upgrade hardware?
03:50.17*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
03:50.53_abc_KavanS: sounds like i need to increase the NICENESS of the virtual cpu this runs on ...
03:51.27josh77KavanS, _abc_, have you guys used tdm800p before? :)
03:51.35*** part/#asterisk jcoffi (n=jcoffi@
03:51.38KavanSnaw I have tdm410p
03:51.43_abc_admires the sense of humor of *nix commands: decreasing the niceness of a process makes it more aggressive - a polite point of view
03:52.05josh77yeah i have another system with a tdm410p and it works well
03:52.13*** part/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
03:52.17josh77i think it's probably the server that the 800p is in :(
03:52.48KavanSonly way to find out for sure is to put it in another machine during "off hours"
03:53.07josh77yeah i think so too.
03:54.42josh77did you hear the sound?
03:54.50josh77i once had a system that stuttered a lot
03:54.59josh77but zttest showed some really low %'s
03:55.11josh77avg was like 70%, had to scrap the pc
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03:55.31freetownhas anybody here used phones from Planet?
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04:02.17freetownbegs for advice
04:02.35freetownthe school where i work is contemplating replacing their telephone system
04:02.59freetowni obviously want to put in Asterisk and get appropriate phones for them
04:03.02*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
04:03.08freetownany suggestions?
04:03.24carrarinstall Asterisk!
04:03.28freetownsome nice wireless phones that can traverse access points would be great too!
04:03.45freetowncarrar, yes, but you also needs phones man
04:03.54carrarHatachi wifi phone?
04:05.29*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
04:06.00freetownaw come on
04:06.05freetowngets on his knees
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04:06.26freetowni have all the info i need except good phones to go with asterisk
04:07.10freetowni have found a sip provider here in HK, i have asterisk running with softphones...i just need good hardware phones to complete the proposal
04:07.19freetownplease, any suggestions?
04:07.27freetownno aastra available in HK :P
04:07.51_abc_pirelli make one of the wifi/dect phones (wireless)
04:07.53_abc_there are others
04:08.59freetownhmm...has anybody blanketed their premises with DECT?
04:09.12freetowndo phones move from dect station to station?
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04:15.46_abc_freetown: no they pair but professional installations have repeaters
04:16.08_abc_afaik dect cannot cell hop
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04:16.53freetown_abc_, ah so wifi phones would be the way to go then i take it
04:18.25freetownthe school is getting a wifi blanket so for those who must be available no matter where they are...i guess i need to suggest wifi for them. Classrooms can have their own dect wireless.
04:22.19jameswfwifi phones == total suckage
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04:23.05eric256anyone heard of a virus that uses softphones?  i have one softphone that made 1100 calls in one day...all bogus
04:23.17eric256changed the security code on that device and they all went away
04:23.55freetownjameswf, 'roaming' solution on the sip side of things? The only way to go would be DECT + repeaters?
04:24.32MaliutaLaperic256: that would be dependant on the OS and the actual piece of software
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04:27.25_abc_freetown: sip can roam in software
04:27.36_abc_it's called handover or something like that
04:28.28MaliutaLapsip is a layer above the things that need to roam
04:29.03_abc_it roams by logging into another proxy which does the 'roaming'. it is not seamless (but it could be)
04:29.11MaliutaLapthe sip would be on an IP network, the "roaming" is done several layers below
04:30.10_abc_no the roaming in this case would have to be done by sip (different networks, not one)
04:30.36_abc_think about using a wifi phone in an internet cafe and walking across the street into another with a different net
04:30.44_abc_that's more or less the picture
04:30.50_abc_for non-integrated networks
04:32.14freetown_abc_, well...i am talking about a single site...the school
04:33.06freetowni suppose roaming would work like...person moves from ap zone a to ap zone b. Looses connection during move
04:33.13freetownphone reconnects
04:33.27freetownso ongoing conversations will probably be cut
04:33.50freetownunless the wifi traversal works properly
04:38.18_abc_freetown: it does not
04:38.34_abc_but depending on size you could get away with a single network and repeaters
04:38.59freetown_abc_, is that DECT you are talking about with 'repeaters'?
04:39.02_abc_each node will cover some 900 m^2
04:39.06_abc_freetown: wifi
04:39.22_abc_dect repeaters should exist but i have never seen one
04:39.29freetownwifi repeaters? that's new...
04:39.39_abc_freetown: really ?
04:39.52_abc_see 'range extender' and the like
04:41.32freetownwe are getting a new wireless-n system put in place and it is supposed to be able to allow you to walk with a laptop all over the school without loosing your connection
04:41.47_abc_see above
04:41.49freetownsupposedly thanks to MIMO support.
04:42.44_abc_wifi roaming works but there are several methods
04:43.02*** part/#asterisk _abc_ (
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05:01.41mahiti-ircanyone knows the GUI setup for asterisk?
05:03.50*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
05:04.08MaliutaLapmahiti-irc: READ THE TOPIC
05:04.17MaliutaLapno gui support here
05:06.14mahiti-ircthen where can i found the GUI suport?
05:06.31MaliutaLapREAD THE TOPIC
05:08.51kb3ientrying to edit a .ulaw file in Audacity (Intrepid Ibex) but the file format is unrecognised. any one else notice this?
05:09.56MaliutaLapkb3ien: use sox to turn it to a wav
05:10.05MaliutaLapedit it then re convert it
05:10.59kb3ienshould have thought of that...
05:14.51*** part/#asterisk eric256 (
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05:29.01*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
05:29.47freetownnow how do you get jbot to do that?
05:30.05MaliutaLapjbot can play with me anytime he likes ... and I won't report him to the cops ;)
05:30.35MaliutaLapfreetown: you have to fiddle with him
05:30.52freetownfiddles jbot
05:31.05freetowni think i broke my fiddle
05:31.17freetownMaliutaLap, you owe me one fiddle.
05:31.25MaliutaLaptry moving one key to the left
05:31.30MaliutaLapthen you get a diddle
05:31.45mahiti-ircnewly installed asterisknow
05:31.58kb3ienyuiiro ?
05:32.00MaliutaLapwonders if the term "fiddle" has the same meaning outside .au
05:32.04freetowngreat, now i can fiddle on my diddle
05:32.11kb3iensorry i'm a dvorak user.
05:32.18MaliutaLapmahiti-irc: great, no support for that hear either
05:32.30freetownMaliutaLap,'s an instrument somewhere
05:32.42MaliutaLapfreetown: no, thats called a violin
05:32.59MaliutaLapever heard the term "kiddy-fiddler"?
05:33.16freetownMaliutaLap, so long as it means instrument in them parts.
05:33.28freetownMaliutaLap, now that one you just mentioned is new to me...
05:33.29MaliutaLapthose parts
05:33.43freetownfiddle with your car or what not...
05:33.48MaliutaLapand no, fiddle is not an istrument
05:34.12MaliutaLapso you fiddle yourself?
05:34.15freetownfirst time i have heard of 'fiddle' being used in that context...messing with yourself...
05:36.02freetownyou aussie are getting far removed from the Queen's english
05:36.27freetownThat first thing i think of is this: you said, voilin
05:36.37MaliutaLapfreetown: a damned sight closer than the yanks
05:36.50freetownMaliutaLap, no contest on that one!
05:36.58MaliutaLapfreetown: and I don't speak gay persons english :P
05:37.47freetownhahaha, them UK unis must turn every man into a fag then eh?
05:38.33kb3ienhrm: sox soxio: Can't open input file `please-hold-silence.ulaw': unknown file type `ulaw'
05:39.26MaliutaLapfreetown: they teach them php and force them to join groups?? you've heard of PHp Abusers Groups??? aka PHAGs?
05:40.33freetownso MaliutaLap ... what do you think of aastra phones?
05:42.41MaliutaLapkb3ien: what was the full command you used?
05:42.53MaliutaLapfreetown: haven't had a chance to play with any
05:43.05MaliutaLapfreetown: I only have a cisco 7941
05:45.23freetownMaliutaLap, oh, so you mainly use softphones with asterisk?
05:46.13MaliutaLapfreetown: no, I have 2 different cordless handsets attached via tdm400p and then I have my cisco
05:46.31MaliutaLapfreetown: I only use a softphone on the laptop when not at home
05:46.42freetownMaliutaLap, ah. i see. a home pbx :)
05:47.39kb3iensox -V  please-hold-silence.ulaw -r 8000 -c 1 please-hold-silence.wav
05:49.29MaliutaLapfreetown: since I'm not working ATM ... yes
05:50.32MaliutaLapkb3ien: sounds like your sox was built without support for ulaw
05:50.43MaliutaLapkb3ien: you could build your own
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05:51.54kb3ienwhats odd is that i MADE that file. i dont seem to have the original....
05:52.08kb3ienit made the file .ulaw...
05:53.12freetownbye all
05:54.26MaliutaLapkb3ien: just re-record the thing in audacity, make it how you want and then try conversion?
05:54.48MaliutaLapkb3ien: then you'd have the wav to turn into other formats if you need it
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06:18.06crazyx__hello everybody. one question plz : where we change the mode of a TC400B from g723 to mixed?
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06:41.21k-manis there some way I can get asterisk to email voicemails in mp3 format?
06:52.31stablerk-man: yea.. record as mp3
06:52.46k-manstabler: how?
06:54.58stablerk-man: no positive :)
06:56.20stablerk-man: after reviewign my voicemail.conf
06:56.32stablerk-man: i see tehre is something like this: format = wav49|gsm|wav
06:56.46k-manstabler: afaict, you cannot just stick mp3 in there
06:56.57*** join/#asterisk Gopaul (n=chatzill@
06:57.19GopaulI am getting liek this error in my asterisk console Got retransmission request sequence numbers greater than 5. Retransmitting 1 message(s). what could be the issue?
06:57.38Gopaulits not a error its a information what it identifies?
06:58.55stablerGopaul: whaaa?
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07:18.53k-manhow can i call a script after voicemail has been recorded to futher process the voicemail?
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07:42.41Gopaulstabler: my connection was disconnecte
07:43.00Gopaulstabler: actually I am getting this message in my asterisk console
07:43.14fcois93I have an interresting question about MeetMe in
07:43.22fcois93please have a look for !
07:44.56Gopaulfcois93: creating a conference is not dependent of the card
07:45.15*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
07:45.31GopaulI am getting this message n asterisk console Got retransmission request sequence numbers greater than 5. Retransmitting 1 message(s) what could be the reason?
07:46.14fcois93Gopaul: MeetMe use a channel. if we have a card, it use the card to create the channel, no?
07:46.53Gopaulfcois93: you mean zap/1?
07:47.14fcois93Gopaul: "To be able to run MeetMe, your Asterisk server needs a Zaptel timer. This is provided from Digium cards or through various drivers"
07:47.15Gopaulfcois93: zap/1, zap/2, etc..?
07:47.24fcois93Gopaul: ""
07:47.27Gopaulfcois93: yes
07:47.34Gopaulfcois93: we need timer
07:47.57Gopaulfcois93: for timer if you have the card you can load the zaptel module if you dont have card you can load ztdummy
07:48.17fcois93Gopaul: if we need timer, with a card is it better?
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07:48.58Gopaulfcois93: if you have card its better
07:49.34fcois93Gopaul: is it better to have a card for that ?
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07:51.02Gopaulfcois93: its not a thing like it will better by using a card
07:51.16Gopaulfcois93: without the card also it will be better with dummy timer
07:51.42Gopaulfcois93: if you feel any difficultied a USB timer is available you can use that
07:52.12fcois93Gopaul: but, is there a difference between zaptel and dummy for the eprformance ?
07:52.32Gopaulfcois93: no
07:53.20fcois93Gopaul: I thought that with a card, the CPU and RAM are less use...
07:54.02Gopaulfcois93: most probably yes bcoz the card will handle the timer
07:54.17Gopaulfcois93: if you want to use in prodcution environment you can use card
07:54.30Gopaulfcois93: otherwise you can use dummy timer itself
07:55.11fcois93Gopaul: I need to have a lots of conferences in one server, I need to have the best performance
07:55.26fcois93Gopaul: in production environment
07:55.39Gopaulfcois93: then better you use card itself that will give you good performance
07:55.58Gopaulfcois93: use sangoma card its the best one
07:56.15fcois93Gopaul: is it from digium ?
07:56.31Gopaulfcois93: its different from digium
07:57.00fcois93Gopaul: and it works with asterisk!
07:57.08*** join/#asterisk sjobeck (
07:57.17fcois93Gopaul: why is it better?
07:57.24Gopaulfcois93: yes its very much compatible with asterisk, yate, freeswitch, 3cx
07:57.52Gopaulfcois93: bcoz sangoma will have difference of 30% less of CPU utlization when comparing to digium
07:58.11Gopaulhave any one faced this kind of message in asterisk Got retransmission request sequence numbers greater than 5. Retransmitting 1 message(s)?
07:59.11fcois93Gopaul: is there a doc for that compare ?
07:59.38Gopaulfcois93: I had one let me check whether its there with me
07:59.38fcois93Gopaul: is there some doc to install? or is it same as install a digium card ?
07:59.57Gopaulfcois93: for installation you can find here
08:01.34fcois93Gopaul: what is the price difference ?
08:01.49*** part/#asterisk vlt (
08:02.10Gopaulfcois93: price I am not sure actually where are you from?
08:02.59fcois93Gopaul: from france
08:03.10fcois93Gopaul: that can be ok?
08:03.30Gopaulfcois93: so are you going to use T1 line?
08:03.58Gopaulfcois93: If yes then A101 is fine..
08:04.50fcois93Gopaul: I just want a card to do MeetMe from SIP to SIP I dont use T1 or others
08:05.15Gopaulfcois93: then you can buy USB timer device, let me provide the link for you
08:07.16fcois93Gopaul: I cant see how USB timer can be better than use ztdummy? it is a usb!
08:11.00*** join/#asterisk _TrentCreek_ (
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08:16.17fcois93Gopaul: I cant find USB controler !
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08:36.15awkhi, hmm, what would be the best way going forwrad to 'encrypt' voice recordings.. copy codec_gsmc to codec_encgsm.c add some encryption function directly on the codec_encgsm.c and set monitor format to encgsm (fake codec). and then i can have codec_encgsm.c read my software license as encryption key?
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08:52.16dr_gogeta86hi to all
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09:03.04Cornev3Hi all
09:03.24Cornev3what codec to load on asterisknow 2.0 beta 6
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09:39.57NewCastleScotthello all, Im trying my hand at setting up * for a one phone system for now. Im having issues with starting it. I have pasted the debuging info along with the "use flags" (Im on a gentoo box) here --->  I thank you in advance for any direction one can point me.
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09:58.08jermey_gNewCastleScott:sure we can give you a hand
09:58.58NewCastleScottthanks jermey_g , Is it required to use mysql if the setup is going to be only for outgoing calls with no hold?
10:01.35jermey_gNewCastleScott:no its not.
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10:15.56kaldemarNewCastleScott: you either need to make a configuration file for chan_phone or disable the module. most likely you won't need the module, so you can disable it by adding "noload =>" in /etc/asterisk/modules.conf under [modules].
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10:22.56NewCastleScottthanks kaldemar
10:24.44NewCastleScottwhat am I missing for sip dev's not to be found? Im using a digium IAXY box
10:29.33kaldemarwhat do you mean by sip dev's?
10:31.51NewCastleScottisnt the digium iaxy box a sip device?
10:33.12NewCastleScottlike I said this is all new to me. I know its a powerful platform but can be somewhat simple.... so I have been told
10:35.22NewCastleScottfrom what I understood I only need a few files; sip.conf and iax.conf
10:35.38NewCastleScottIm not using voicemail or incoming calls for now
10:36.35kaldemarNewCastleScott: no, the iaxy is an IAX device.
10:37.16NewCastleScottahh so thats why "sip show peers" is not found
10:37.30kaldemaryou need more files than sip.conf or iax.conf. your dialplan for example is in extensions.conf, without it, you can't make any calls.
10:38.06*** join/#asterisk scruz (n=scruz@
10:38.16scruzgood day
10:38.19kaldemarin case you haven't already taken a look at this, you'll find this very useful for the basics and also for advanced stuff:
10:38.44jbotrumour has it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
10:38.44NewCastleScottahh right on, thanks
10:39.21*** join/#asterisk ringing (n=who@
10:39.51scruzin * 1.4+, chan_ss7 is supposed to be replaced by chan_dahdi, right?
10:40.36ringingrunning * and having problems matching incoming calls to the right peer
10:41.04ringingi have multiple accounts from the same sip provider, same host but different usernames
10:41.41ringingwhen a calls comes in, * matches the last peer defined in sip.conf
10:42.12ringingit goes to the right context/extension defined with register, but the channel get set to the wrong peer
10:42.34ringingi've been reading the docs and lists for a couple of days now and can't get it sorted
10:43.25ringingsometime in the past there was chan_sip2, a temporary channel driver that fixed this but it's no longer developed and i don't think it works with 1.6
10:43.35ringingdo you guys have any ideas?
10:44.19ringinghow to match incoming calls to peer by username, not by ip/port
10:47.15scruzringing: may i see a sample from your extensions.conf? i've never had that problem before
10:47.24angryuserringing: hello, the problem is that some providers dont like more than one trunk registered to 1 Ip , normally if you want to have multiple DID you need to have one trunk
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10:47.58angryuserringing: and when the negociation comes in * identify a wrong peer
10:48.22ringingangryuser: my provider seems to like to have one trunk for each phone number.. :(
10:48.24angryuserangryuser: look at sip debug carufully and i think you will the the problem
10:48.36*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
10:48.36angryusersee the*
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10:49.04SparFuxIf I don't want to call out with prefix "0" but instead use a prefix for all internal stuff, what would be a good prefix then?
10:49.24angryuserringing: if you are sure of that have you setup the fromuser for each sip peer ?
10:49.59MrChimpyguys any thoughts on how to monitor the audio coming from a specific channel? ie. just what a caller is saying - not what they're hearing.
10:50.10lstepHello, When in a conversation, I'd like to be able to send a stream to the called party (an mp3 file for example). Is it possible with Asterisk?
10:50.17ringingangryuser: yes, here's an extract from sip debug
10:50.18MrChimpychanspy does both, which is no good to me :(
10:50.21ringingUsing INVITE request as basis request - 00181-UE-0105ee72-2db81ba06@cirpack-e164
10:50.21ringingNo user '07xxxxxxxxx' in SIP users list
10:50.21ringingFound peer '021xxxxx40' for '07xxxxxxx' from 212.xxxxxx:5060
10:50.40ringingthe placed was called however via 021xxxxxx32
10:51.01ringingyes, the entries in sip.conf for each trunk contain fromuser, fromdomain et al
10:51.06scruzlstep: consider the Playback() application. it won't work if * doesn't have mp3 support built-in, or it can't transcode the media
10:51.52angryuserringing: paste the sip debug of the invite which comes in with the notoce of the peer who should be ringed and the userd who is actually ringed
10:51.58lstepscruz: ok, but if the conversation is already "running", that means I already have 2 bridged channels, how do I add a third one (that has the mp3) ?
10:52.03scruzlstep: if the conversation is already ongoing between two people, you might need to activate dtmf
10:52.04SparFuxPerhaps whan I use 0* as a prefix for internal stuff, that would be the best. But I wonder wether there would be clashes with some other use of *.
10:52.37scruzand provide for it in the dialplan
10:52.49lstepscruz: doesn't the Dial() function block ?
10:53.29scruzDial blocks
10:53.36lstepscruz: I thought that if, in my dialplan I've already Dial()'ed, I couldn't get anything more from the Dialplan until someone hangs up
10:53.57ringingangryuser: the dialplan works ok, the call goes where it should.. the problem is that the call gets the channel (and peer-id) of a wrongly matched peer
10:54.03lstepscruz: so how can asterisk get the dtmlf, then ?
10:54.43angryuserringing:  No user '07xxxxxxxxx' in SIP users list who is user '07xxxxxxxxx'  ? try to create a peer [07xxxxxxxxx]
10:55.06ringing07xxxxxx is a mobile phone ringing
10:55.31ringingas far as i see, it's a shortcoming in asterisk
10:56.22lstepscruz: Is there something special in asterisk to intercept dtmf ?
10:56.45ringingall users that bumped into this got a reply that asterisk can't differentiate calls inbound via multiple trunks with same host and port, but different usernames
10:56.53lstepscruz: like there's 'h' for hangup, 't' for timeout in dialplan
11:01.46scruzlstep: maybe the 'G' flag for Dial is what you need
11:02.15lstepscruz: OK, thanks, I'll have a look
11:03.14*** join/#asterisk raasdnil (n=mikel@
11:03.51raasdnilanyone know how to make use of the making progress sip messages?  I want to run "stoptones" when I receive making progress message from a sip peer
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11:37.09scruzhow do i set up ss7 for asterisk? install zaptel? dahdi?
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11:40.54*** join/#asterisk jamespass ( using a CPE containing two rj-11 lines to talk to asterisk for a VoIP-SIP i get a 401 unauthorized message when i enable both lines..i found out that asterisk has an option to disable authentication on INVITE messages...anyone knows how to do it?
11:44.14bobsaccamanoapparently insecure=invite is supposed to do the trick..but it isnt ;(
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11:44.23jamespassGuys, need some assistance with the queue app. Basically it's not functioning right (i'm not a newbie BTW). Calls don't get presented to the agents until >30 seconds pass
11:44.38jamespasswe have multiple queues with agents cross populating the queues
11:44.51jamespassI think it's a bug, but i could use a guru's eye on it!!
11:47.30bobsaccamanowill the real gurus please stand up?
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12:36.27synthetiqin asterisk 1.6, how can i get jingle and res_jabber to compile? it doesnt compile by default, and is there more documentation on these modules? all the docus i can find seem to be for v 1.4
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12:42.02bobsaccamanoguys..i have two phones behing a NAT device and when i try to register the phones using SIP i get a 401 unauthorized message. What might be wrong here?
12:42.03SparFuxIs there a chance to do SMS over a ulaw compressed line?
12:44.40pwellSpar, is SMS already optimized since you can SMS any # with an email basically?
12:44.46pwellI am new to this
12:45.26SparFuxpwell: Ok, I have an analogue phone, a DECT phone, and it would be nice if I could send SMS to it from asterisk, as to be able to notify about stuff.
12:46.28SparFuxFor now I already do the MWI thingy with an asterisk mailbox. That rocks already :-)
12:46.46*** join/#asterisk cianmaher (n=Cian@
12:48.27cianmaherHi all I want to originate a call through manager without it needing 2 channels. For example if i originate now i need to supply an EXTEN to dial then when that answers it will dial the CHANNEL. Is there anyway of dialing the CHANNEL without needing to supply the EXENT? Or any way around this?
12:52.37*** join/#asterisk prxtien (
12:54.23scruzcianmaher: the exten/context/priority simply points to a dialplan context/extension/priority where *processing should continue* after the dialled channel answers the call.
12:54.35scruzack. he left
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13:15.41double_cheesburgI'm looking through some kind of old documentation on Asterisk cmd Curl :
13:15.43double_cheesburgSeems to indicate that 1 variable is returned, "Sets Curl channel variable (CURL) upon completion of retrieval"
13:15.45double_cheesburgI'm wondering if anyone knows if the Curl channel variable can be broken down from an array within the dialplan...
13:16.16*** part/#asterisk gulden (
13:18.14[TK]D-Fenderdouble_cheesburg: "from" an array?  it is just a variable, like any other.
13:19.07double_cheesburgOk, so let's say the variable contains an array. I guess I'm asking if you can extract the array within your dialplan script. Does that make sense?
13:20.10double_cheesburgThe Voip Info documentation doesn't seem to indicate that this is the case.
13:20.42double_cheesburgEssentially, you'd be using an array to store multiple variables that you receive from the one cURL call...
13:21.03double_cheesburgand then you'd just distribute those variables throughout the dialplan as needed
13:21.20double_cheesburgI'm just wondering if asterisk supports that
13:21.25[TK]D-Fenderdouble_cheesburg: go read CHANNELVARIABLES.TXT(/ .TEX)
13:21.45double_cheesburgThx. Where's it at?
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13:22.16[TK]D-Fenderdouble_cheesburg: Int he DOC folder of your source tarball
13:22.28double_cheesburgCool. Thx
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13:24.46scruzi never knew wanpipe had so many options. i've no idea what to build. all i want to do is be able to use a sangoma e1 card with asterisk and ss7 on an x64 server
13:26.55[TK]D-Fenderscruz: Go read their wiki.
13:27.46scruz[TK]D-Fender: thanks. better hop over there
13:29.36bobsaccamanohow to restart asterisk so that i can apply config changes?
13:30.16*** join/#asterisk takashi_85 (n=ahmed@
13:31.22[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: What kind of changes?
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13:31.43bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, sip.conf
13:31.54[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: "sip reload"
13:31.56bobsaccamanoi did restart now
13:31.57scruzsip reload
13:32.42scruzbobsaccamano: do you use windows most of the time?
13:32.59*** join/#asterisk tobias (
13:33.38scruzi was also surprised that asterisk could reload parts of itself without needing to restart the whole service
13:34.06scruzex: 'extensions reload', 'iax2 reload', 'sip reload'
13:34.29bobsaccamanoscruz, any idea how to disable authentication for SIP REGISTER messages on asterisk?
13:35.11bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, scruz: thanks for the previous tip
13:35.16[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: AFAIK its not possible, nor is that sane
13:35.48scruzyou can skip using passwords though
13:35.54bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, hmm..i need a way to enable two phones behind a NAT to register with asterisk
13:36.12[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: Not the way.
13:36.37jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
13:36.37scruzSIP & NAT don't play nice together
13:36.38scruzkicks jbot
13:36.38[TK]D-Fender^^^^scruthey do just FINE
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13:36.55bobsaccamanoscruz, well its more like a single device - a CPE that has two RJ-11 ports with normal analog phones connected to each
13:37.10bobsaccamanothe CPE has a public address
13:37.15bobsaccamanoand its own sip stack
13:37.24[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: So it isn't behind NAT then?
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13:37.47bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, not in the true sense no
13:38.19[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: that'd be "false" then if boolean logic serves be correctly.  It only does so 50% of the time....
13:38.36*** join/#asterisk brunner (
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13:39.06brunnerdoes realtime *replace* extensions.conf, or do the tables supplement it?
13:40.51[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Supplement.  You need to "switch +>" in your dialplan to tell * to use Realtime on a context by context basis
13:41.09[TK]D-Fenderbruthere is a new patch to change this.  Not sure when its hits mainline.... 1.6.1 perhaps
13:42.24bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, okay..its like this: I have a SIP device that can connect to 2 analog phones. A call originated from either phone is tranlated to a sip uri with the respective user name (aka phone number) and the ip address of the sip device (and a different port no).
13:42.50bobsaccamanonow i am unable to register both the phones with asterisk
13:42.59bobsaccamanoi get a 401 unauthorized message
13:43.10*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
13:43.21bobsaccamanohowever when i connect only one phone to the device it works sweet
13:44.03[TK]D-Fenderbobsaccamano: And i don't see the SIP debug or your configs.  PAStebIN is your friend
13:44.06jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
13:44.08scruzis there any way to stop the firmware download when building dahdi-linux from the makefile? it borks my setup and dahdi-tools doesn't recognize that dahdi-linx is installed
13:44.47*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
13:46.07scruzbasically, when doing 'make install', the make fails on the firmware download (no internet access), and maybe something required isn't installed
13:49.08bobsaccamano[TK]D-Fender, how do i capture them in asterisk?
13:49.14bobsaccamanoi have the wireshark tracefile
13:49.17bobsaccamanobut its too huge
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13:58.19scruzasterisk has dahdi support built (yay!), but dahdi-tools won't build
13:59.58Dovidscruz: check your dns settings
14:00.03Dovidmaybe thats the issue ?
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14:09.38SparFuxI am afraid I won't be able to send SMS to my analogue phone connected to ATA because SMS() is bound to PSTN / ISDN.
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14:12.24scruzDovid: the server *doesn't* have internet access
14:13.35scruzokay... dahdi-tools is now properly configured
14:14.32*** join/#asterisk Chesther (
14:17.36jayteewhy should I get this on the CLI if I have call-limit=1 for the peer entry and limitonpeers=yes in sip.conf?
14:18.31russellbis the peer already in use?
14:18.37jayteedoesn't impact my dialplan, the call rolls to VM as intended but is this showing up because I have my verbose setting at 6?
14:18.40jayteerussellb, yep
14:18.41russellbbecause you did set the limit to 1 :-)
14:19.05russellbyeah, so, only 1 call allowed ... if it's in use, further calls will be rejected
14:19.06jayteeso asterisk considers it an Error?
14:19.20russellbwell.  it shouldn't be an ERROR
14:19.31russellbNOTICE, maybe.
14:19.46jayteeit's intentionally defined in sip.conf, it should report on the console as NOTICE. This just muddies the waters.
14:19.59russellbi'd call the log level a bug
14:20.06russellbyou could submit a patch :-)
14:20.07jayteerussellb, I'm sure you'll get right on that :-)
14:20.27russellbor i could just do it, but that's no fun
14:20.38jayteeme, a patch? messing with c code? do you go around your area handing out dynamite to blind people?
14:21.03russellbheh, just search for "rejected due to usage limit" and change LOG_ERROR to LOG_NOTICE
14:21.30*** join/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
14:22.00jayteerussellb, seriously, I'll dig around and look for the lines in the source code this weekend and look into creating my very first diff file for c code, then I'll submit it as a suggestion :-)
14:22.20russellbyay :-)
14:22.37KhratosGood morning
14:22.51jayteewhich file would that be in? sip.c I'd think?
14:22.56russellbthe diff is easy to create once you make a change.  Just use an svn checkout to make the changes, and run "svn diff" .... svn diff > my_patch.txt
14:23.00russellbchan_sip.c, yup
14:23.32jayteeI'd have to setup svn at home, don't have the wherewithall here at them moment.
14:23.44KhratosHave anyone faced a problem that, when using an analog lines card, the TelCo apparently does not gives the dialtone inmediately and Asterisk found the channel as busy?
14:23.46jayteebut I should do it just so I learn how
14:25.30*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
14:25.41russellbyeah, and then you can just run trunk on your production boxes
14:25.47russellbupdated every hour
14:26.24russellbbeyond bleeding edge!
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14:27.14jermey_gwhat the f is this microsoft unified communication server
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14:33.56FireSlashWhat event in the manager is fired when someone picks up a call ringing in from a queue?
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14:43.07scruzyay! dahdi-tools built and now i know the type of card
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14:43.13agxsomeone has one-way audio between phones with the following message "app.c: No audio available on SIP/RANDOM" with v 1.4 ?
14:43.37fbcitwhen configuring * w/dahdi --with-dahdi should point to what? (dahdi is already built and installed)
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14:45.25russellbfbcit: usually nothing
14:46.35scruzthis is really offtopic, but i want to know how i can get the amount of phys mem on my machine in linux on the cmdline so i can configure wanpipe properly. any help?
14:48.13*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=intralan@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
14:48.18muiroscruz: cat /proc/meminfo
14:48.37scruzmuiro: thankee *windows user*
14:49.04muiroscruz: no worries
14:51.17scruzok...determined the server has 2GB RAM, but is 64-bit
14:52.00jayteejermey_g, Microsoft Unified Messaging is a feature in Exchange 2007 that allow voicemail and email integration. We use it here at  my work instead of "Comedian Mail".
14:52.26fbcitrussellb: I'm actually upgrading from zaptel to dahdi; do I need to rebuild * ?
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15:00.55muirolol, comedian mail
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15:05.05XtremXpertAnybody using AsteriskNow 1.5 Beta???
15:06.07XtremXpertI have an issue with it and need to know how to report it
15:06.10UQlevXtremXpert: why don't use original one?
15:06.45XtremXpertI am, but I try 1.5 on an other server
15:07.25XtremXpertI tought Beta are to be try, nope :-)
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15:07.46UQlevI would not do it
15:07.59XtremXpertTry a Beta??
15:08.13UQlevbest to configure asterisk manually w/o web-interface
15:08.52UQlevmy colleague use it asterisk now with plenty of problems I don't want to study
15:09.24jayteedamn, I forgot about the change to daylight savings time this weekend.
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15:10.48XtremXpertWell, I don't plan to setup and administrate enought asterisk to learn all the different config file, it's why I rely on prefab distro like asterisknow, trixbox ans elastix
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15:11.30jayteeI really wish they'd change the name of Comedian Mail to something more professional sounding.
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15:11.58UQlevXtremXpert: if you like to bother with CentOS i.o decent OS go on..
15:12.33XtremXpertI am more a Debian guy
15:13.08XtremXpertbut, can live with centos
15:13.20UQlevcan't live with goats, camels and CentOS ;)
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15:14.03XtremXpertlol, got 2 out of 3, Goats and Centos
15:14.27XtremXpertSo you are a debian user
15:14.38UQlevnope, Gentoo and FreeBSD
15:15.35XtremXpertI was using gentoo about 3 or 4 years ago, but never try any bsd
15:15.36UQlev.. and Ubuntu I promote as 1st step to migrate from Windows
15:15.44XtremXpertnice choice
15:15.59XtremXpertI am behind ubuntu for new comer in linux world
15:16.33XtremXpertdid you try voicebuntu
15:16.33UQlevFreeBSD is the best option for Internet server, Gentoo - for LAN
15:16.47UQlevI didn't try voiceubuntu
15:17.26XtremXpertMay be I gonna give a try at bsd, when I'll have time.  It may replace my ClarkConnect in time
15:17.33UQlevand Gentoo is my favorit option for desktop
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15:17.58scruzyay! e1 card set up
15:18.00muirocan't you just change the sound file that the vm app is referencing?
15:19.25XtremXpertdid you give a try at funtoo
15:20.23UQlevXtremXpert: I prefere traditional distro rather than specialized
15:20.52XtremXpertin what way funtoo is a specialized distro
15:21.24XtremXpertI tought it was just a fork
15:23.56UQlevis reading funtoo
15:25.12*** part/#asterisk khronos (
15:25.15XtremXpertis reading Asterisk on BSD
15:26.49[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I've commented about that for years
15:27.49jaytee[TK]D-Fender, about Comedian Mail? Well, I just think it might in some cases put some potential customers off from using Asterisk. It sounds like a toy or childish.
15:28.12muiro[TK]D-Fender: can you change the sound files that VoiceMail uses?
15:28.53[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: you're right, and "DAHDI" and that hardware interface layer named after a film Aussie.... BRILLIANT marketing.
15:29.02[TK]D-Fendermuiro: Of course.
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15:34.13jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I'm having a brain fart when it comes to thinking of the "film Aussie"
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15:34.33BlargMaN00My company won't switch to * until it can manage it's voicemail through it's e-mail box like "Call Mangler" does
15:34.35kannanhello, I have a occasional link fluctutation on an E1 9the alarm goes RED or YELLOW for a few). What is the steps I can suggest for the telco. Also, How can I monitor the alarm status, eg get an alert by email as soon as the alram is not OK?
15:34.37jayteebut it's been a long, long, week of long, long days.
15:34.53kannanUsing Digium single span TE120 card
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15:38.32jayteekannan, only thing I can think of would be to run a script once every minute or two that greps the /var/log/asterisk/messages log for the alarm string and then sends an email/page/alert/something.
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15:39.41kannanjaytee , thanks i was thinking the same thing, only wondered if there is a ready made thingy available
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15:40.26kannanany idea what YELLOW alarm indicates
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15:40.52jayteekannan, not that I'm aware of. Nagios can monitor servers for certain conditions but I don't think the folks at Digium have thought it worthwhile to put "hooks" into their system or write a Nagios plugin for their cards.
15:41.26ChestherNagios plugins for digium cards/* would be pretty nice.
15:41.31jayteekannan, yellow alarm depends on what kind of circuit. if you add the yel to your pri defines it will yellow when no channels are in use.
15:41.41kannanoh ok, is this a rare issue then, i am struggling with it for the last week
15:42.19kannanjaytee, actually , an issue is that when the alarm turns yellow, current call channels gets disconn
15:42.42kannanit clears of its own in a couple minutes
15:42.44jayteewho knows? you've just told us a little info. Is this circuit been in service for a long period and just now malfunctioning?
15:42.57kannanjust now malfunctioning after 2 months
15:43.28jayteeloose cable? if you loopback and test and it clears and it stays stable then it's the other end.
15:43.38jayteefirst check cables, then test in loopback
15:43.59kannanjaytee , ok thanks
15:49.46brunnercan anyone recommend a voip provider that offers unlimited outbound trunking?
15:50.45doolphanyone can help me with AsteriskNow?? the logging is not working
15:56.02[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: DUNDI <-
15:56.24*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:56.46jboti guess asterisknow is based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
15:59.33Kobazbrunner: search for virtual pri
15:59.59brunnerKobaz: thanks
16:00.36Kobazbrunner: most places will charge about like 8 bucks a month per channel
16:00.46Kobazbrunner: actually, but that's free incomming
16:01.08brunnerwell that sounds like a pretty good deal
16:01.23Kobazoutgoing will usually be in the range of 1.5 to 2 cents a minute
16:01.51brunnerare there any that are cheaper than 1.5?
16:02.16Kobazif you look for them... but mostly you need a high commitment to get below that
16:02.50Kobazbut if you have a high commitment to a vitual pri, might as well get a real one
16:03.32Kobazif you're gonna push like 10k minutes a month or more, you'll be able to get around 1 cent or less a minute from a regular telco
16:03.41brunneroh wow
16:04.37phixlets asterisk!
16:04.42Kobazlicks phix
16:04.47phixKobaz: <3
16:05.08Kobazyou loves teh axeterisk
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16:06.12brunnerKobaz: are there any voip providers that will do that?  I'd really like to do this on a dedicated server instead of installing a PRI and buying a PCI card.
16:06.22Kobazbrunner: do what?
16:06.40brunnerI mean, offer rates closer to 1 cent per minute in exchange for a commitment
16:06.54Kobazoh, you'll have to call
16:06.58Kobazdepends on the provider
16:07.19phixbrunner: I has 8 cents untimed to 20 countries including my own cept mobile phones
16:07.48brunner8 cents untimed?
16:07.57Kobazi dont deal with any voip companies in bulk
16:08.04Kobazphix: 8 cents per call you mean?
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16:08.12phixKobaz: yes
16:08.16brunnerI see
16:08.25brunnerdo you get charged if the call doesn't supervise?
16:08.32phixKobaz: per call, howeevr that call may be
16:08.41eppigyi am dave
16:08.43phixbrunner: sup
16:08.47phixeppigy: hi dave
16:08.51brunnerphix: suup
16:10.47brunnerwhat's the cheapest SIP trunking service you guys know of that doesn't require a commitment?
16:10.55brunnerlink2voip is 1.5 cents
16:10.57Kobazvoicepulse is pretty cheap
16:10.59phixbrunner: your mum
16:11.31jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
16:11.31Kobazslaps jbot
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16:22.44jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
16:25.50*** part/#asterisk dandre (
16:26.48brunnercheck it out:
16:27.37*** join/#asterisk dandre (
16:27.50Tapoutbrunner, i'm looking for a flat rate.. seems to have one
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16:28.36brunnerTapout: sorry, I was referring to something from earlier.  I was looking for a flat rate, too, before I spoke to someone about the Fair Use clauses
16:28.41*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:28.46phixyou know why they call it tap water?
16:28.52phixbecause you just tap it on your nuts
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16:31.17pwellgood point
16:31.28pwellits so bad for you
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16:31.52Kobazi know there's Ringing() to send ringback
16:32.09Kobazhow would i tell the endpoint to just have silence?
16:33.32[TK]D-FenderKobaz: When?
16:33.33*** join/#asterisk trippsss (
16:34.56Kobazwhen Dial()ing
16:34.56Kobazwell actually
16:34.56trippssscalls into my queue using AgentCallbackLogin() are ending up on my cellphone voicemail. Isn't there a setting to require answering agents to press 1 to prevent this?
16:35.17mostykobaz: well you could use m(silence) - if you create a moh class called silence
16:35.28mostyif there's no simpler way
16:35.43[TK]D-Fenderyup, thats the way to do it
16:36.01*** part/#asterisk Chesther (
16:37.16brunnerHow much horsepower do I need to handle 20 concurrent calls doing Playback() and no transcoding?
16:37.28[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: a Timex analog watch
16:37.37brunnerokay, so a P4 should handle that fine, right?
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16:37.49[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: More than
16:37.55brunnerhow about 60 calls?
16:38.57brunnerare there any benchmarks I could look at?
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16:39.20guaxbrunner, you do record the calls?
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16:40.54guaxa core 2 duo 2.5ghz should handle about 120 calls (simultaneous) (without quality decrease) maybe more
16:41.14guaxthis on our experience in call centers
16:41.25pdmmmHow much horsepower do I need to handle 30 concurrent calls with people driving on cellphones and their not at red lights?
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16:42.19brunnerguax: what about while recording?
16:43.09guaxbrunner, we do limit to 60 calls, but the machine can handle more. but for safety and good  of all nation...
16:43.30brunnerguax: do you record?
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16:45.43trippsssis there a setting to require queue agents to acknowledge a call, so queue calls going to cell phones don't end up in their voice mail?
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16:50.23jasonwootwill agentCallBackLogin route calls to extensions which are paused?
16:50.55Qwellextensions don't get paused.  queuemembers do
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16:52.26trippsssQwell, do you if anything like I'm asking exists?
16:52.36doolphare you back?
16:55.04jasonwootQwell: I have two queues, one with extensions defined, one with agents defined...
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16:55.34jasonwootQwell: if I have an Agent login using agentcallbacklogin, but they log in from an extension that is a member of the other queue,
16:55.55jasonwootQwell: will the agent receive a queue call if the extension is paused?
16:57.45*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
17:01.10Qwelljasonwoot: They are all just queue members.
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17:08.42trippsssugh got disconnected. does ackcall=yes require agents to ack the call by pressing #?
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17:13.17djMaxshould "manager debug on" show me all the commands submitted via the manager interface?
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17:25.32mazpeisnt this a valid statement to declare a variable in exten => s,n, SetVar(AUDIO_DIR=/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/mypbx)
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17:28.26russellbIIRC, SetVar was not valid in 1.4, either
17:30.08mazpethanks russellb
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17:41.59djMaxis there a way to log all manager commands other than wireshark?
17:45.26iMacGyverhow many interrupt misses are 'normal' for a Wildcard TDM800P
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17:55.34brunnerI'm sure this is stupid question, but there's no way to blind transfer someone to a phone number on the PSTN under any circumstances, right?
17:55.55brunnermy friend says he can do it with his Vonage phone, so I'm wondering how that works and whether it's possible with asterisk
17:59.31Kobazsure you can
18:00.19Kobazpick up your phone, hit transfer, enter in the 10 digit phone number
18:00.46*** join/#asterisk alecdavis (
18:00.50brunneryes, but how can I do that with Asterisk?
18:02.28brunnerwell I meant without using my trunks, but I guess Vonage is listening for the DTMF tones and using up their trunks while the call is occurring
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18:08.06mostybrunner: your question does not quite make sense
18:09.03mostybrunner, pretty much every sip phone supports call transfer, it does not matter that kind of number the destination is
18:09.19mostys/that kind/what kind/
18:09.39Khratos[TK]D-Fender, is there a parameter that I can adjust in zaptel in order to make Asterisk to wait a little before try to send a call to a channel ?
18:11.44mostyKhratos, i believe you can add w to the number to add a half second pause
18:12.27Khratosoohh, thanks mosty, I will check that now...
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18:13.02mostyi have not had to use it personally, see the dial docs for more info
18:13.35KhratosActually, the 'w' parameter is used for other purposes
18:14.05mort_gibKhratos: You can use Wait(XX) in extensions.conf
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18:14.20djMaxso I see a manager logon on the asterisk CLI, which implies to me that the fputs() of the user information must be working.  They are immediately followed by more fputs to originate a call, which isn't working.
18:14.31djMaxbut "manager debug on" doesn't show any of this
18:15.12L2SHOIs there a way to make asterisk only offer video to the B-Leg of a call if the invite from the A-Leg offered video?
18:15.19Khratosmort_gib, the problem with my marvelous(!?) TelCo is that apparently they are not giving the dial tone inmediately, and when asterisk try to send out a call it finds the channel busy
18:15.50mostyKhratos, it's not an option- i think it's part of the channel string, like DAHDI/1/w123
18:16.04mort_gibKhratos: immediate
18:16.42djMaxyeesh, manager doesn't debug to console, only to full log.
18:17.00KhratosThanks mosty and mort_gib , I will see (I'm using zaptel instead of DAHDI)
18:17.22mostyWait() won't do what you want
18:17.35mort_gibKhratos: immediate=no should wait until you have finished dialing the number
18:17.54mort_gibmosty: I didn't know in what direction he wanted it :-)
18:18.19mostymy guess is that zap/dahdi needs to pick up the line, wait a second or so and then dial the numbers
18:18.34KhratosExactly mosty
18:19.00KhratosTelCo's here are a little... prehistoric, I would say, and some strange behaviors hapens
18:19.04mostytry ZAP/1/w1234
18:19.10mostyor ZAP/1/ww1234
18:19.39mort_gibmosty: I understood that, but it's really strange that Zaptel starts dialing before it gets a dialtone!
18:19.55mort_gibIs there a divert on the line??
18:20.20KhratosWait a minute, let me see what 'divert' is (non native English speaker)
18:20.58KhratosAh!, no, theres no divert
18:20.59mort_giblocally I can ask my Telco to divert, so when the line is buse the call is passed to, say my mobile
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18:21.21mort_gibBut that means that my dialtone is different for the first 10 sec or so
18:21.22SparFuxCan't I do FSK for SMS service over a G711 line?
18:21.59KhratosHere I could to, but Asterisk is detecting it busy because its not receiving de dialtone inmediatelly... I will test with the 'w'
18:23.10*** part/#asterisk KU0N (
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18:24.27[TK]D-FenderKhratos: Dial(Zap/g1/wwww1234567890)
18:25.56djMaxis there a "better" way to use the manager interface from PHP than fputs/fgets and sockets?
18:26.20KhratosThanks. Just to know, where was that documented? (Im not an expert, but I think that this kind of things are basic)
18:26.34KhratosI dont know how did I missed that :/
18:26.45[TK]D-FenderKhratos: Not sure where its best documented... ti is somewhat rare
18:27.06[TK]D-FenderdjMax: AMI = sockets.  Do you know of another way to do socket work in PHP?
18:27.32KhratosdjMax, not at all
18:27.45Khratosthere isnt
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18:28.31djMaxok, it's just seemingly hard to debug this way, so not sure if it's my fault or what
18:29.11KhratosWhat do you want to debug?
18:29.20djMaxthe logs say they are getting an Originate command, but no details about it and it doesnt' work
18:29.45djMaxI'm on * 1.6, so not sure if the source for this code is out of date in some way, though looking at the docs it doesn't seem so
18:29.45*** part/#asterisk Ericounet (
18:30.28djMaxThe code issues login and originate, then does a fgets and quits
18:30.53KhratosWell, What I do is that things that I write to the socket (I use general purpose socket, not streams oriented socket) I also write it down to a file
18:30.54djMaxI just added Async: 1, though that didn't seem to help
18:30.54KhratosAnd the response is read by a php function, saved in an array
18:30.57djMax(this is all inside sugarcrm)
18:32.20KhratosYou could store the complete response inside an array  (something like while( $out = @socket_read($Socket, 1024, PHP_NORMAL_READ) ) { do asigning stuff here } )
18:32.43[TK]D-FenderKhratos: I would recommend using one of the pre-made libraries for this
18:32.45KhratosThen going through the array and getting your response with regexp
18:32.59[TK]D-FenderKhratos: like PHP-AGI ' s AMI stuff
18:33.20djMaxyeah, just logged the responses.  My first suspicious sighting is that the response I'm reading for login looks a lot like a welcome header.
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18:34.47djMaxthis sugarcrm auto dialer plugin is just not especially well written.  It ignores the responses from the manager.
18:34.49KhratosdjMax, when using php and sockets, you must have a good understanding on how they behave in different conditions... for example, socket_read will hang or do strange reads if you dont use PHP_NORMAL_READ flag parsing AMI responses
18:35.18Khratosreading** AMI responses
18:35.26djMaxthis is all fgets/fputs, so I assume PHP takes care of common options?
18:36.00djMaxIs there a "good" php outbound dial script from some system I might look at?
18:36.06Khratosfgets and fputs is for stream oriented sockets, and are easier to mange that general type sockets
18:36.18djMaxI assume the manager is stream oriented
18:36.47djMaxI'm aware that the multiple uses of "assumption" should clearly communicate my problem. :)
18:36.51KhratosWhat you could do, is to write the command that you are sending to the AMI also in a /var/something.txt
18:37.04Khratosso you can copy that to the AMI directly through telnet
18:37.10Khratostelnet yourserver 5038
18:38.01djMaxI think what's happening is the script is disconnecting before reading a response for the Originate command, which must terminate the command or something
18:38.14KhratosI had that problem
18:38.32KhratosSomething changed in Asterisk ast_write function or something like that, and will give you a broken Pipe
18:38.37*** join/#asterisk dan__t (
18:38.58djMaxyeah, that's exactly what's happening
18:39.13dan__tSo, I got that Programming Asterisk AGI book yesterday.
18:39.20djMaxthe strange bit is that I would assume I get one response line for each \r\n\r\n
18:39.21dan__tI like it a lot.  Just wanted to throw my $0.02 out there.
18:39.27KhratosYour script is sending the command, and is not waiting for asterisk to write the response to the socket... as it has closed the connectiong (before, asterisk did not test if it was opened yet) asterisk warns you about broken pipes
18:39.40dan__tSeems like the author ran out of steam towards the end and used a lot of fluff, but it was all good for demonstration purposes.
18:40.27*** part/#asterisk airjump (
18:41.15KhratosThis is not really Asterisk fault, the problem is that, as PHP execution ends before asterisk has completed the 'dialog' with it, then there come problems
18:42.04KhratosI did a little exec("wait 01.") just before closing the socket (in php) and it worked for me (its dirty, but worked)
18:42.18Khratosexec("wait 0.1"):
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18:42.55Khratossorry I meant exec("sleep 0.1")
18:43.06djMaxooh, I see, it's not one line per request, it's \r\n\r\n terminated.
18:44.00Khratos\r\r\r\r does not really ends the connection, It will end if you close it (your php script) or if you send the logoff command
18:44.12dan__tI'm fascinated by FastAGI.
18:44.26dan__tFastAGI + lighty = hardcore
18:47.14Khratosdan__t, what language do you use for AGI ?
18:47.44dan__tIt was CLI, but now I'm going to see about moving exclusively to FastAGI.
18:48.51KhratosI see, there's a PHP compiler project (PHc) that translates your code to C, so you can compile it (speed of C is... awesome)
18:49.20KhratosBut I think it does not support classes yet
18:49.28Khratos(the PHc, I mean)
18:49.46dan__tEh I could do the same with Zend, ionCube, etc etc
18:50.14KhratosWithout encryptiong
18:50.25Khratosno bytecode things, and you have the resulting C
18:51.03dan__tOh, directly in to C source?
18:51.05dan__tThat could be kind of rad.
18:51.41Kobaza polycom sidecar adds 10 lines?
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18:55.25t_corrCan an AGI script return a numeric code? So I can do a GotoIf(AGI(blah.agi)?blee:bloo)
18:57.26Kobazuse goto within your agi application
18:57.34putnopvutShaun222: Are you "Shaun R." on the asterisk-users mailing list?
18:59.52t_corrPHP? Yuck.
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19:02.11djMaxprogress... Getting permission denied now.
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19:05.02djMaxquestion is how do I debug permission denied...
19:06.54Khratosmmm... who gave you the 'permission denied' ? Remember that you have to log in into the AMI before sending any command to ti
19:07.19djMaxyeah, login came back ok
19:07.31djMaxthere's some mail list discussion that originate is now a new privilege?
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19:08.26KhratosI don't really know, I have not used 1.6 yet... I'm planning to do it soon in order to help in the feedback process
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19:14.32bijitIf I want to listen to a call coming from my telco can I use ExtenSpy()?
19:15.25[TK]D-Fenderbijit: Depending on what stage of processing your call is in.  iw ould sue ChanSpy most of the time
19:18.12*** join/#asterisk KavanS (
19:26.57djMaxall working now, just needed originate privilege.
19:27.09djMaxIs there a way to get Originate NOT to connect the call if it goes to voicemail?
19:27.16djMax(on the * side, not the outbound)
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19:29.15Khratoserm... I think that  you could manage that from DialPlan
19:30.26Khratos[TK]D-Fender, about g1/ww${EXTEN} question, after having done a little grep -irE '(.*g[0-9]+/w.*)' . on asterisk, zaptel, libpri, etc. source, only two lines appear
19:30.36Khratos./asterisk/asterisk-; exten => _9XXX,1,Dial(vpb/g1/ww${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
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19:30.47Khratos./asterisk-; exten => _9XXX,1,Dial(vpb/g1/ww${EXTEN:${TRUNKMSD}})
19:31.59ricko73anyone familiar with the parking changes in
19:32.01[TK]D-FenderdjMax: You are the one sending it to voicemail in the first place.  Stop
19:32.30djMaxI'm just using a regular extension, but I see your point (I think) - make a separate extension that doesn't go to VM but rings the same device?
19:32.38djMaxdidn't know if there was some standard dial option for that
19:32.47ricko73I'm trying to find out why when a call times out, it's no longer going back to the device that parked the call
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19:37.00harry_vanyone know how i can take a object and make it lumpy like a chunk of carbon or coal?
19:40.51Qwellharry_v: put it under pressure and wait a million years?
19:49.08*** join/#asterisk jbot (
19:49.08*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/02/23), (2009/01/23), *-Addons (2008/12/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2009/02/03), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
19:49.19harry_vQwell, I asked in the wrong channel by accident. Anyway, there are now man made ways to make diamonds with extreem pressure and heat using hydralics and steel rams. It was a interesting documentry on Discovery.
19:51.16[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: "now"?  More like "how many decades...."
19:51.26jplankharry_v: are you talking about those diamonds that are almost impossible to tell they aren't real?
19:51.37jplankthat even a trained jeweler cant tell by eye
19:51.43[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: Diamons should have very little intrinsic value and it is almost solely propagated by DeBeers
19:53.16coppicethey are real. they just aren't the work of nature
19:53.33NewCastleScottdiamonds are not the hardest substance on earth anymore
19:53.46jplankdont they say theres enough diamonds in the world that every person could have a handful?
19:54.20coppicea politician's heart is harder than diamond
19:55.52*** join/#asterisk froud (
19:56.41jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:57.41froudStarnge question perhaps, but does anyone know of a addon that will enable DTMF to CGI
19:58.35*** join/#asterisk javawebdev (
19:59.54[TK]D-Fenderfroud: ... HUH?!
20:00.52froudAs I said weired request perhaps
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20:01.54froudbasic use case is user calls in and enters codes in DTMF which are captures and sent to a server where a bunch of CGI scripts exist that talk SOAP:Lite to a Web Service
20:02.30[TK]D-Fenderfroud: What yuo have 8 do with DTMF input in your dialplan is up to you.
20:03.16[TK]D-Fenderfroud: Have your dialplan call whatever scripts you want.
20:03.57jplankcouldn't you use read to capture the DTMF string then just push it out to a script?
20:04.15froudOK so it says dial 1 to add credit, next prompt is enter your meter #, next enter your amount, enter your 4 Digit pin
20:05.01[TK]D-Fenderfroud: All fine
20:05.36froudjplank yes could do that thx, just wondering if there is any plugin that already provides most of this
20:05.43froudbefore I start to write the wheel
20:06.02[TK]D-Fenderfroud: No such thing as a "plug in".  What you do is CUSTOM.
20:06.28[TK]D-Fenderfroud: What kind of plugin do you think could exist that would know what to do with your CGI?
20:07.05Miccanyone have problems with g722 to ulaw transcoding?
20:07.39QwellMicc: "problems"?
20:07.53froudBasically anything that read the DTMF to a TEXT file will do it. Once in Text I can process the text file and pass it to the CGI
20:08.04[TK]D-Fenderfroud: All up to you....
20:08.12froudok thx
20:08.56MiccQwell, yeah I get robot audio, or stuttered audio. I'll try some more tests but polycom on g722 to an aastra 480i on ulaw, it stutters.
20:09.05QwellMicc: What version of Asterisk?
20:09.37Qwellshould work fine..
20:09.39Qwellrussellb: ^^?
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20:09.59[TK]D-FenderMicc: What do you get on a Polycom G722 to Polycom G.711?
20:10.35javawebdevHi everyone. I was wondering, is it possible to have asterisk send extra info to be displayed on the phone's LCD? For example, Show callers' Caller ID and also show the number of the DID called as well as an extra line of text?
20:11.19MiccTKD-Fender, I'll try that when I get another polycom in.
20:11.49*** join/#asterisk tid-wave (n=ovidiu@
20:12.14MiccI got a Lookit wp04 wifi phone that does g722. Its got some echo problems for me and its not very english friendly, but its kinda cool.
20:12.27tid-wavehello. I've installed asterisk on a wireless router and it only works with -f option (no forking). any ideas why? thanks
20:13.19Qwelltid-wave: because your router can't fork
20:13.37javawebdevInstead of getting a phone with multiple sidecars for a receptionist, it would be nice if I could send text to the phone to let the receptionist know what DID was dialed and how to greet the caller. Is that possible? Is there a specific feature in a phone I need to look for?
20:14.38SparFuxWhat would you guys suggest for a prefix if I don't want to prefix every outgoing number with "0", but instead want a prefix for numbers going to my asterisk box. "0*" perhaps?
20:14.39tid-waveQwell: but I see three asterisk processes after starting asterisk
20:14.48Qwelltid-wave: Those are threads.
20:15.39tid-waveQwell: so I guess I should run asterisk with -f ?
20:15.42[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Whatever you feel like.
20:15.57SparFuxFender: I am afraid of prefix clashes, you know.
20:16.20Qwelltid-wave: if it doesn't start otherwise...yeah, that's probably a good idea.
20:16.30tid-waveok, thanks for the help :)
20:16.56[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Whats to fear?  this is YOUR system.  You can't tell already if there is a pattern that will clash?
20:17.00NewCastleScotthey hey all, does anyone know what prerequisites is needed by I cant load it, I get this error "loader.c:326 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_parking_ext"
20:17.28QwellNewCastleScott: res_features.  this is documented
20:17.43NewCastleScottI thank you Qwell
20:17.51SparFuxFender: Hm... yes, I can't. I think there are some things predefined. For example I wanted to use *, but there is my ATA which uses **** for a menu and *<numbers> for some codes.
20:19.37*** join/#asterisk jbot (
20:19.37*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/02/23), (2009/01/23), *-Addons (2008/12/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2009/02/03), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
20:20.28javawebdevbmoraca: Thanks. I thought of that but that is not as elegent. I know there is a SendText() app. But not sure where that goes. I've only tried testing it with X-Link softphone so far and it didn't show anything
20:20.30SparFuxFender: the "0" prefix for outgoing numbers is stupid, because it can wreck my phonebook, in case some day I am on a box without this "0". So that's why I am thinking about using some codes for accessing the stuff on my asterisk box instead.
20:21.08*** part/#asterisk Mog (
20:21.16[TK]D-FenderSparFux: I haven't done prefixes in years and people can re-dial the CID they got from missed calls with impunity
20:21.40SparFuxbesides, is there an asterisk function which can make me use extension numbers specified as their T9 counterpart in letters. Like 278 for AST and the like.
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20:22.02brunnerUsing expensive codecs won't take any more CPU power than ulaw as long as the sound clips aren't being transcoded, right?
20:22.06bmoracajavawebdev: not elegant?  how so?  all you need is 3 letters and a dash and that's more than enough to work it.  for instance, if a call is for Service, prepend SVC-.  How is that any different than sending text in a method your phone may or may not understand?
20:22.19SparFuxFender: Ah, that's what you mean. Yes, the redial stuff is what I want too. I mean, when using the "0" I cannot simply redial the CID sent in.
20:23.09SparFuxFender: but I have to distinguish phone numbers from all the stuff on my asterisk box. So, I am thinking of using 0* as a prefix for my asterisk instead.
20:23.34javawebdevbmoraca: This would be for a virtual office type situation. So I would like to show the receptionist something that indicates the name of the company or person being called without having to look it up somewhere else.
20:24.20[TK]D-FenderSparFux: "stuff"?  Could you be a little more vague please?
20:25.11SparFuxFender: For example, if I want to turn off telephone rings, like at night, there is a number I can dial. For accessing things like this, I would like to use an asterisk specific prefix, like e.g. 0*
20:25.11bmoracajavawebdev: I don't know about you, but it's not hard to translate 3 letter codes into their actual meaning from memory.  If it really becomes a problem, you could always overwrite the entire callerid name data and then swap it back when the call is transferred.
20:26.26bmoracaSparFux: if you just use * codes for that, you'll be fine.  for example, nightmode could be *65.  you just need to plan for it.  and if you have more than 100 star codes, you have bigger problems.
20:27.11bmoracaor you could do 3 digit star codes if you need more
20:27.22bmoracayour ATA and asterisk will match the most precise pattern
20:27.33SparFuxThat's true. Perhaps it is pointless to have all star codes of my ATA be available plus the 50 codes I have for my asterisk box. I cannot keep them in mind anyways.
20:27.40bmoracaso if your ATA uses *X for its features and your asterisk codes are *XX, they will not overlap
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20:28.28SparFuxbmoraca: Yes, and the XX could be some sane T9 code. Then I know the code immediately when looking at the dial pad.
20:29.15brunnerDoes anyone here have experience with Amazon Elastic Cloud services?
20:29.29javawebdevbmoraca: There could be dozens of 3 digit codes to remember. There is a SendText() app. What is the point of it? Is there a specific feature in a phone that would allow the SEndText() app to work?
20:29.37bmoracaSparFux: well, if that's what you want to do, then you'll need longer numbers.  it'll be a tradeoff.
20:30.09bmoracajavawebdev: not all phones support SIP text.  have you looked at the wiki page for it yet?
20:30.58SparFuxbmoraca: I can keep 3 digit predictive text in mind quite well. And I think I will use the 0* for the master prefix of asterisk, then I have no clashes, dialing is fast, and 5 digits is ok for all the asteirsk functions to access.
20:31.11javawebdevbmoraca: no I have not. Would you happen to have the URL? I didn't even know there was an asterisk wiki
20:31.18SparFuxIs there a way to specify extension numbers as letters in predictive text T9 ?
20:31.52bmoracajavawebdev: google the term "asterisk sendtext".
20:32.31bmoracajavawebdev: in fact, any asterisk application or feature can be found in that manner.  "asterisk (function)" in google.  the first link will almost always be for which is the wiki
20:32.45*** join/#asterisk specialist1 (n=research@
20:32.50specialist1hello everyone
20:32.58javawebdevbmoraca: are you talking about
20:33.31specialist1Any folks using a reseller module for opensource billing of astersisk
20:34.19javawebdevbmoraca: Oh. I thought that was some spam site, I avoided clicking on it in google. Anything with a dash and the word info in the domain name triggers my subconcious spam filter :)
20:34.47stablerjavawebdev: lol voip-info is baller
20:34.51bmoracajavawebdev: that site should be your friend.
20:35.05stableri <3 voip-info
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20:36.15javawebdevjust messing arround. I visit the site regularly, but that was my first impression. I just didn't know that was "the wiki"
20:37.30stableri think TW is throttling my connections :(
20:41.10bmoracamy upstream provider had a service outage 2 days ago...uhg...that was bad...
20:41.12stableri guess they dont like it when you start moving 5GB+/day in a residential area
20:44.22SparFuxIt would really be nice to have a function like T9(asterisk) which would become number 27837475
20:44.33SparFuxIn the dialplan.
20:44.52muiroSparFux: write it yourself in pure dialplan. Put it in the wiki.
20:45.24SparFuxmuiro: you think it can be written in the dialplan only? without any other stuff?
20:45.30muiroSparFux: absolutely
20:46.08muirojust out of curiosity, what would you use that kind of output for?
20:47.16muiroit could be done in dialplan, but I bet most people would write a parser in python or something and shell out
20:47.41muiroit's probably already been done before
20:48.22muirolol, you could shell out and replace everything with a long call to sed
20:50.02SparFuxmuiro: I would use it for defining all the codes I use with asterisk. Like my VoiceMail is VM<mailbox> and VM is 86. So to access mailbox 1234 I dial 861234. But it can become a pain to define longer codes. I can for example define a code to reboot by fiddling with numbers, or simply with exten => T9(reboot),1,System(reboot)
20:51.14muirohmm, defining an extension that way would be a little weird. You could set a variable equal to ${EXTEN}, run your parser on it, then goto in another context
20:51.31muiromore than a little weird. It isn't possible, far as I know
20:51.51muiroif you want to get into writing a module to parse those, have a blast.
20:52.33SparFuxit might not be possible, but as I said, it would be really great.
20:53.29muiroSparFux: to do your vm, you could name the extension something like _86XXXX, then pass ${EXTEN:2:4} to VoiceMail
20:54.08*** join/#asterisk Arsenick- (
20:54.49SparFuxmuiro: yes, yes, that's what I do. But the point is, the 86XXXX is unreadable. And with longer codes it becomes more and more painful. Nicer would be _T9(VM)XXXX, ...
20:55.44muiroSparFux: I'm sure a smarter mind than my own could come up with a better solution
20:56.07[TK]D-FenderSparFux: thats only for your benifit in reading the exten.  You COULD use a little IQ and jsut put a COMMENT on the end of the darn line like any sane person would do.
20:56.30muiroI was about to suggest that
20:57.52javawebdevanybody know if there are any phones that you can program soft keys on the fly from the asterisk dial plan?
20:57.56SparFuxFender: it is even really hard to generate the code oneself. Like "sipgateout" would become, hm... let me see, oh, I use my mobile, type it in and READ the number. That's lame. It should be done by a preprocessor of the dialplan or what. Hey, that's it. M4!!
20:58.08SparFuxI could simply m4 the whole extensions.conf
20:59.39SparFuxBut even then the logging output would be annoyingly complex. Better have it parsed in asterisk.
21:00.19[TK]D-FenderSparFux: You are about the only person who cares about this.  Congratulations.
21:00.29SparFuxFender :-D
21:00.38SparFuxIt might be because I am a little weird.
21:00.58[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Don't be modest, you are a complete FREAK!
21:01.13SparFuxPeople say I am totally nuts.
21:01.46SparFuxCan I define fixed variables in a context? Like one which would not change?
21:02.25[TK]D-FenderSparFux: What is a variable in a context/
21:02.40[TK]D-FenderSparFux: * variables have no functional "state" in the first place.
21:03.40SparFuxhm... some kind of a fixed expression. Like when I choose a prefix for my fwd-out number and I say FWDOUTPREF=888 and then it would be changed every time to 888. Like a preprocessor thingy.
21:05.12SparFuxI notice many of my fixed stuff is defined in [globals] This is overhead. Variables which would not be changed, are defined there.
21:05.20[TK]D-FenderSparFux: We call these things "tuff you should have under [globals]
21:05.43SparFuxas a global variable? hm...
21:05.48*** part/#asterisk L2SHO (
21:06.00SparFuxthe prefix of fwd-out? I think it will never get changed.
21:06.15muiro"fixed variable". I lol'd
21:06.32[TK]D-FenderSparFux: the word you're looking for is "constant"
21:06.52SparFuxah! yes. Are there constants in asterisk?
21:07.37SparFuxCome on, I simply define every prefix for my outgoing voip providers in globals and that's it.
21:10.49*** join/#asterisk voxter (
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21:26.46k-manhow would i make a voicemail message that would say "to leave a message for X, press 1, for Y press 2 and for Z press 3
21:27.41[TK]D-Fenderk-man: You don't.  this is not a "voicemail message".  this is YOU making an IVR in the dialplan and dumping them in the appropriate box based on their input.
21:28.16k-man[TK]D-Fender: ok - so do i read up on IVR?
21:28.27jbotwell, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
21:28.29jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
21:29.11[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, heading home, BBIAB
21:31.08*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
21:34.51jayteequittin time for me too, be back later
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21:43.38ayesoso i have the following: GotoIf($["${CALLERID(ani)}" = "5555555555"]  what if i want to match the ani to a list of numbers, can that be done? or do i need multiple GotoIfs?
21:43.41*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
21:45.30ayesoanyone here?
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21:59.39NewCastleScottIm trying to configure an IAXy with *. Im getting eather code 50 or 29. can someone point me to a chapter or something to google to solve this issue? thanks in advance
22:09.24javawebdevany of you guys using asterisk on OpenSolaris?
22:11.22keith4javawebdev: put me down for a "no" on your poll
22:12.27Qwelldefine "using"
22:18.03muiroundefined symbole "using" in context OpenSolaris
22:18.22javawebdevQwell: using meaning in production or even testing
22:18.39Qwelldefine "testing"
22:18.58Qwellor just ask your question and stop making us guess...
22:19.03javawebdevWith the performance results reported on I'm surprised that there isn't more interest with Asterisk on Solaris
22:20.22*** join/#asterisk takashi_85 (n=ahmed@
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22:20.28javawebdevQwell: In addition to Solaris 10, I've been trying to get asterisk compiled on OpenSolaris and I ran into this bug  I was just curious how important getting Asterisk to work on Solaris/OpenSolaris was to the asterisk developers
22:21.17*** join/#asterisk Tusker (
22:22.04Tuskerheya guys, trying to diagnose a 401 auth denied error for incoming calls from, any idea how to resolve this?  I can only see the INVITE in a packet sniff, but not in the CLI.
22:23.44*** join/#asterisk nima0102 (n=nima@
22:24.33[TK]D-FenderTusker: enable SIP DEBUG at * CLI
22:24.44[TK]D-FenderTusker: it doesn't show up unless you enable SIP debugging
22:25.16javawebdevTusker, isn't freedigits going offline?
22:26.12Tuskerjavawebdev: not as far as I know, is that true ?
22:26.59javawebdevTusker, they haven't been accepting new applications for a while. I thought they were having issues.
22:27.30Tuskeri do have a number, so maybe they are just unstable...
22:27.31*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
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22:29.53javawebdevTusker: I just checked the website. If you click on the link or on the link, I get Address Not Found errors. Makes it seem like the site was abandoned
22:30.00*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
22:30.24Tuskerok, too bad then :(
22:33.38javawebdevTusker: not sure of anything. All I know is I'm having trouble acccessing their websites, including which I think is the parent site. Not sure if it's just my connection. I don't have an account with them.
22:37.54*** join/#asterisk javawebdev (n=me@
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22:41.40javawebdevQuell: have you been able to get any version of Asterisk to compile on OpenSolaris? If so would you mind telling me which versions?
22:42.38mazpei'm trying to use Realtime queues... any particular reason why i get this errror: app_queue.c: Unable to join queue 'myqueue'
22:45.08Qwelljavawebdev: many
22:45.36bmoracai shouldn't have a problem using a 56k dialup modem plugged in to an FXS port going through asterisk and out a PRI, should i?
22:46.09Qwellbmoraca: Get an analog line for the modem...
22:46.44bmoracawe have one currently, but we're trying to cut it out of the costs
22:47.02bmoracawill it cause problems?
22:47.13QwellYou're adding 3 extra layers.
22:48.10QwellI'm not going to say "yes it will work" or "no it won't work".  I'm telling you what I would do.
22:48.29*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
22:48.38bmoracawell, i'd keep the analog line, too, but it's not my decision.
22:48.45bmoracait's used once or twice a month
22:49.03bmoracaand bossman doesn't see the need to pay $15/mo for something we hardly use
22:49.25ayesoI have this gotoif: GotoIf($["${CALLERID(ani)}" = "555555555"]    If I want to match the ani to several numbers do I have to make mutiple gotoifs or can i make a list varialble somehow?
22:49.26Qwelluntil it fails miserably one day when you absolutely need it.
22:49.27*** join/#asterisk maddog01 (
22:49.32QwellPeople do the same with 911.
22:49.40Qwellor PRIs vs SIP
22:50.01Qwellbmoraca: Ask him how much it would cost if it stopped working one day for reasons out of your control.
22:50.11Qwelldoes that justify the $15/month?  Probably, yes.
22:50.25bmoracait wouldn't cost anything...we use it for testing dialup internet on customers' computers.
22:50.38bmoracait's not for anything that's remotely business critical
22:50.52QwellIf it may or may not work, why bother doing the testing?
22:51.07QwellIf you're going to test something, you need an absolutely known good always works setup.
22:51.22QwellHow much is it going to cost you if you mis-troubleshoot an issue?
22:52.18bmoracanothing.  our walkin customers are the dregs of society.  we lose money on our inhouse service department already.
22:53.31bmoracai understand your concern, and I wouldn't do this in a production system, but it's about the lowest priority function in our company...making sure the toilets are flushed ranks higher...
22:53.44voxterbmoraca: so stop offering it.
22:53.54Qwellwhat he said ^^
22:53.56bmoracai'm not.  i just want to know if it works.
22:54.05voxterbmoraca: the quick and simple answer is no.
22:54.19voxterbmoraca: i bet you could get it to work, but like qwell said, not reliably
22:54.27voxteryou're doing like 3 da/ad conversions
22:54.31voxteryoure bound to run into problems.
22:54.31QwellI never even said not reliably.
22:54.49voxtertakes back what qwell didnt say
22:55.18voxterbmoraca: its the cost of 3 coffee's a month. you're looking at the problem the wrong way, man.
22:55.51javawebdevbmoraca: why not just try it and see if it works?
22:56.04voxterbmoraca: if youre looking to eliminate $15/month cost to you, for the headache of some hacked up thing that ill tell you right now will not be a set it and forget it job, youre much better off just not offering the service to your customers
22:58.10ayesoI have this gotoif: GotoIf($["${CALLERID(ani)}" = "555555555"]  If I want to match the ani to several numbers do I have to make mutiple gotoifs or can i make a list varialble somehow?
22:58.17bmoracawell, i'm going to try it and see what happens.  i'm not a doom and gloom kind of person, and i can't see any reason why it wouldn't work.  if it's not reliable, i'll tell my boss we need to keep the analog circuit.
22:59.59javawebdevQuell: I've been trying all week to get Asterisk latest svn checkout to compile on OpenSolaris but I'm running into bugid 0013704 any thoughts on how to get it to compile? I tried adding -D__EXTENSIONS__=1 in makeopts GC_FLAGS and also trying GMAKE CFLAGS="-D__EXTENSIONS__=1" but that didn't help
23:00.10voxterbmoraca: you blow my mind.
23:00.57voxterbmoraca: I run a large asterisk based ITSP and Qwell is one of the key developers @ Digium.  I'm offering you a suggestion based on actual testing that will save you a retarded amount of stress and headache.
23:01.03voxterbmoraca: go ahead though, try it out!
23:01.09voxterI'll wait. :)
23:02.13bmoracawhat stress and headache?  my expectations are extremely low.
23:02.28voxterLike i said. Go forth and prosper!
23:04.57javawebdevQwell: if I run 'gmake CFLAGS="-D__EXTENSIONS__=1" I get a different set of errors related to tgetent. 'conflicting types' and 'previous declaration' in editline.c
23:05.17*** join/#asterisk Steve_J-obs (
23:05.29Steve_J-obshello everybody!!!
23:05.55javawebdevhello Steve
23:08.44mazpein queues how do i tell it to say how many callers are in queue?
23:09.21jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
23:09.22mazpein periodic-anouncement i have queue-thereare
23:09.22*** part/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
23:09.23jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
23:09.23Qwellor not
23:09.28Qwellsmacks jbot
23:09.29denonoh yeah, list
23:09.59mazpebut, it doesnt sayt the actual numbers of callers in the queue.. is there another parameter for that?
23:12.37[TK]D-Fendermazpe: Yes, go read the sample config
23:24.02dalbaechhmmmmm. after recompiling "originate" isn't in my CLI anymore... it is on one box, but not on this one....
23:24.04javawebdevQwell: I just got it to install on OpenSolaris. In makeopts I set GC_CFLAGS="-D__EXTENSIONS__=1" and that seemed to do the trick. I didn't have the quotes before
23:25.35javawebdevoops... I mean compile... installing now
23:25.38javawebdevsmacks head
23:28.08dalbaechok; it's listed in applications, so why isn't it in the CLI anymore?
23:28.27dalbaechit moved.
23:29.42NewCastleScottIm trying to configure an IAXy with * using voipstunt that uses sip protocol. Im having issues according to debugging about codecs "equested/capability 0x4/0x24 incompatible with our capability 0xf800." I have set it to allow=ulaw and disallow=all. can anyone shed some light on what I might be doing wrong?
23:34.03MiccIs there any kind of sip echo canceling setting in asterisk?
23:34.17MiccI guess this would be a codec specific thing.
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23:35.34NewCastleScottis there any info I can provide to make getting help easier? I dont know about echo canceling
23:35.49javawebdevDoes the test with digium by dialing 500 in the sample IVR no longer work? I tried it but keep getting circuit-busy messages
23:36.29*** part/#asterisk gego (
23:40.04NewCastleScottevery once in a while I get the codec error but Im getting a "register_varify" " code 29" most of the time
23:41.22*** part/#asterisk elitecoder (
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