IRC log for #asterisk on 20090304

00:01.40*** join/#asterisk KU0N (
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00:05.35*** join/#asterisk crazyx__ (n=crazyx@
00:05.46crazyx__hello everybody
00:06.06crazyx__it's the first time I come to this room for help so sorry if i'm doing the things good
00:06.22jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
00:06.33crazyx__i just wana no what the 102 cause hangup ( Channel 0/31, span 2 got hangup, cause 102
00:06.33crazyx__) refers to
00:07.52crazyx__sorry, i just wanna know what the 102 causes hangup mean or refers to ( Channel 0/31, span 2 got hangup, cause 102
00:07.59crazyx__please if someone can help me
00:08.40crazyx__no one?
00:11.36*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:14.03*** join/#asterisk Steve_J-obs (
00:14.04crazyx__ok another question : i got troubles on connecting a intel dialogic DMV1200_A/4E1 (on pri_cpe mode) to a Digium TE410P. I check everything on dialogic card (Q.931 timers, protocol (qsig) etc..) and put everything the same on asterisk but i got some errors and then calls drops. The dialogic is on a predictive dialer ACD and the error is BAD FCS (8), write to XXX failed unknow error 500 making the span "holder" going down. Any advice from someone please?
00:14.38crazyx__or like now, i can't get call etablished on span 2, all calls hangup with 102 errors.
00:14.45crazyx__please... :'(
00:15.42jayteecrazyx__, what is the signalling set to on the Digium TE410P's side in zapata.conf or system.conf?
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00:17.11crazyx__jaytee : system.conf : span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3
00:17.15Steve_J-obshello everybody!!!
00:17.19rene-hey, is using local channels as dynamic queue members still the recommended approach or is logging in SIP devices directly ok in 1.6?
00:17.25jayteecrazyx__, sorry, I meant chan_dahdi.conf if you're using dahdi.
00:17.25rene-hello Steve
00:17.51crazyx__span2,2,0,ccs,hdb3, as the dialogic is configured
00:18.11jayteecrazyx__, if your dialogic is set to use pri_cpe mode signalling then your digium side needs to be set to pri_net signalling and you need to supply timing.
00:18.22jayteeso the second one in that line should be a 0
00:18.36crazyx__jaytee : group = 1
00:18.36crazyx__signalling = pri_net
00:19.07jayteecrazyx__, but you're not supplying timing and the dialogic is expecting a timing source from the net side
00:19.08crazyx__jaytee : i got the same troubles with span1,1 span2,2 span3,3 span4,4
00:19.13crazyx__span1,1 span2,2
00:19.18crazyx__span1,1 span2,0
00:19.23crazyx__i got the same troubles
00:19.45crazyx__less on span1,1 span2,0
00:19.56jayteecrazyx__, what is span1,1 and span2,2?
00:20.04crazyx__but give me ten minutes i can retry and give u a feedback
00:20.18jayteecrazyx__, are these both located in the same facility?
00:20.30crazyx__i mean span1,1,0,css,hdb3 and span2,2,0,css,hdb3
00:20.38crazyx__jaytee : oups what's facility ?
00:20.49jayteecrazyx__, in the same building
00:20.58crazyx__in the same technical room
00:21.03jayteeare you using crossover cables?
00:21.11crazyx__yeah E1 cross cables
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00:21.20crazyx__it's working well with quintum before
00:21.28crazyx__but now the provider takes his hardware
00:21.44crazyx__and i have to do with the TE410P :(
00:22.18jayteetry changing it from span=1,1,0,ccs,hdb3 to span=1,0,0,ccs,hdb3
00:22.41crazyx__i do it, launch a test
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00:22.47crazyx__and give u the feedback
00:23.09crazyx__thanks a lot i'm trying for more than two weeks it can works 2 days without troubles and sometimes 10 mn not more
00:23.14jayteethe second 0 means YOU supply timing to the dialogic. the fcs errors means a loss of timing sync on the d channels.
00:23.29crazyx__i try
00:23.29*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
00:23.40crazyx__thanks a lot for taking times to answer me jaytee
00:23.51jayteecrazyx__, remember you need to restart zaptel or dahdi, whichever one you're using
00:24.31crazyx__yeah ok i'm restarting it
00:24.48RyushinHow does someone break leaving a voicemail message and go back to the main menu?
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00:26.26crazyx__jaytee one question before starting the test : is it better to erase the customised Q.931 from chan_dahdi.conf before trying or not?
00:27.08jayteecrazyx__, pastebin your chan_dahdi.conf file
00:27.13jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
00:27.21beekevening jaytee
00:27.51jayteeevening beek
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00:34.22crazyx__jaytee something wrong with the config?
00:34.47crazyx__jaytee i'm restarting the dialogic too... just one moment before i can start the rest
00:35.10jayteecrazyx__, just hold on a darn minute
00:37.43jayteecrazyx__, what country are you in?
00:38.44crazyx__jaytee in morroco, but the system calling in france, us, canada, uk, and italia
00:39.06crazyx__the dialogic is on us, and i can't change nothing on the dialogic
00:39.13j_o_ehello, I have a budgetone 200 hardphone. It's able to receive calls and everything works perfectly. However, when I dial out voices are not audible and all I hear on the other end is fast clicking/popping noises (sort of like the predator) ... How can I troubleshoot this? My theory is that it's vocoder related and I tried unsuccessfully to force ulaw
00:39.28jayteecrazyx__, switch to the PM window
00:41.04crazyx__PM window ? oups what's it ?
00:41.10crazyx__ah ok
00:41.59*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
01:03.34*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
01:03.38shmaltzhi everyone
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01:12.28*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:14.25shmaltz~anyone here?
01:14.41jbot*** anyone: No such nick/channel - and yes, there probably is someone, somewhere, who knows or runs it; that doesn't mean /I/ do.
01:15.10jbotwell, stupid is
01:15.23jbotNo TV and no beer makes purl something-something.
01:15.55jaytee"Sorry, but we're all busy and can't come to the chat at the moment. Please leave a message at the beep and we'll return your ping as soon as we can!"
01:16.53shmaltzhi jaytee, was just interested to know what you busy with, you can get back to me at /msg shmaltz if no answer leave a msg with nickserv
01:17.14shmaltzor is it memeserve?
01:17.55shmaltzit's memoserv
01:24.23*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
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01:37.45jbotit has been said that sleep is overrated, and a poor substitute for caffeine.
01:40.06*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
01:45.05*** join/#asterisk Mw3_ (
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01:55.44*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
01:58.56*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 ( called me 16 times
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02:49.34kb3ienlittle fuzzy here, this  should allow all of the loopback class A only pright (in iax.conf in the context of a peer)  deny=
02:51.22*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
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03:08.40*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
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03:12.37k-manis it possible to set up a voicemail box with more than one email address? so it will send the messages to multiple recipients?
03:13.32*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
03:20.50rob0It should be trivial in your MTA to set up an alias to go to multiple recipients.
03:21.24k-manrob0: ok - didn't realise that was the approach
03:21.41*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
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03:32.10crazyx__hello, please a question : if i'm using a TE410P and it's not a cross over cable, then it can work for some minutes or hours before going down?
03:34.08crazyx__i mean can it work with a non cross cable E1 and after making problems? and how it's a cross over E1 cable
03:35.06*** join/#asterisk killown (n=ukendt@unaffiliated/killown)
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03:37.42crazyx__no one ?
03:38.28shmaltzcrazyx__, you there?
03:38.42*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:38.52*** part/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:38.59crazyx__shmaltz i'm there
03:39.01*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
03:39.16shmaltza T/E1 will NOT work with a cross over cable if it needs a striaght thru, or with a striaght thru if it needs a cross over EVER
03:40.22shmaltzhowever if you are using a device (CSU/DSU or EC) between telco and/or asterisk that when it's down it bridges to the 2 sides it MIGHT but SHOULDN'T break it b/c it wants a cross over in that config
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03:41.10shmaltzcrazyx__, you got that answer?
03:42.01*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
03:42.37shmaltzthe basic idea is that Net equipment and end equipment need to have the layer1 connection so that the tx pair of the net is rx pair on the end, and viceversa for the rx to tx
03:42.42crazyx__shmaltz i'm trying to understand u
03:43.10crazyx__i'm trying to get work a dialogic DMV1200(cpe) with a TE410P(net)
03:43.15shmaltzif both are hardwired to the same pair so that the 1st pair (blue) is expected to be TX on both sides then you need a crossover
03:43.32shmaltzcrzyx__, then you need a crossover cable
03:43.45crazyx__yeah ok that what i understand
03:43.51crazyx__from what u said before
03:43.57shmaltzcrazyx__, are you using a crossover?
03:44.22crazyx__it's linking (green) and work for some minutes or some hours
03:44.29crazyx__before HDLC erros
03:44.42crazyx__so i think it's crossed
03:44.50shmaltzthen you are getting layer2 errors not layer1 errors
03:45.22crazyx__PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 2
03:45.28shmaltzcrossover or straight thru problems would leave you in red state indicating a layer1 error
03:45.48shmaltzcrazyx__, what happens after those errors to your phone calls?
03:45.53crazyx__ok. i don't know what's the layer 2 ..
03:45.58crazyx__i'm lost.
03:46.38crazyx__PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 2
03:46.41shmaltz~iso osi model
03:46.49shmaltz~iso osi
03:46.56shmaltzhey jbot cant you answer?
03:47.08shmaltz~wiki iso osi model
03:47.29shmaltz~wiki osi model
03:48.17crazyx__thanks u shmaltz
03:48.27crazyx__i'm going to make some research
03:48.30crazyx__thanks u
03:48.31shmaltzbasicly for the purpose of this conversation, layer1 is the wiring
03:48.48shmaltzwhile anything higher than layer one is configuration and/or software/drivers
03:49.02shmaltzcrazyx__, don't leave yet
03:49.19shmaltzonce you get that HDLC error what happens to your phones?
03:49.29shmaltzcrazyx__, -v?
03:49.33shmaltzwhat version?
03:49.54shmaltz~wiki the reader
03:50.24crazyx__it work sometimes for a whole day
03:50.31crazyx__and sometimes for 10 mn
03:50.40shmaltzcrazyx__ it works after the HDLC errors?
03:50.42crazyx__all the calls in the channels is drop
03:50.56shmaltzwhen you get the error all calls drop?
03:51.01crazyx__asterisk dahdi
03:51.09shmaltzwhy dahdi?
03:51.13crazyx__all the calls on the specified span yeah
03:51.31crazyx__juste because it's working better on dahdi
03:51.34crazyx__on zaptel
03:51.45crazyx__10 mn and error
03:51.58shmaltzand does it stay down? if yes till when? restart?
03:52.11crazyx__checking the logs
03:52.55crazyx__[Mar  4 04:26:53] WARNING[5031]: chan_dahdi.c:3347 pri_find_dchan: No D-channels available!  Using Primary channel 47 as D-channel anyway!
03:52.57crazyx__and then
03:53.02crazyx__== Primary D-Channel on span 2 up
03:57.39andresmujicatime sync source probably
03:58.04shmaltzandresmuijca, didnt' even think about it
03:58.08shmaltzyou might be right
04:00.10ManxPowercrazyx__: are you using sangoma?
04:00.47*** join/#asterisk toddejohnson (n=toddejoh@
04:02.05shmaltzManxPower no it's a TE4xx from digium
04:04.04jayteethe card it connects to is a Dialogic
04:04.14jayteeand he's definitely having timing issues
04:05.10shmaltzjaytee, he says that he can set T timers and q. timers but not clocking source
04:05.48jayteeon the Dialogic? yeah, I guess but I've never dealt with a Dialogic card.
04:06.33shmaltzanyone here watched The Reader?
04:06.54jayteeno, new show?
04:07.05ManxPowerHDLC issues are caused by a variety of problems.
04:07.28ManxPowerThe most common is a basic hardware issue with interrupts being locked by device/driver/etc.
04:07.36ManxPowerthe less common are caused by telco line errors
04:09.46jayteeManxPower, he's connecting them in the same building
04:10.14andresmujicathe abort(6) error is weird
04:11.03jayteeand the HDLC Aborts FCS errors don't happen constantly like with a line problem but intermittently which sounds more like an interrupt issue but he ran dahdi_test and it kept coming back 99.x%. never under 99.something.
04:11.40andresmujicamaybe the USB is sharing the irq? or the ethx?
04:12.13jayteeI was thinking the NIC earlier. He said it craps out under load
04:12.30jayteeand he's running realtime against a remote SQL server.
04:12.47crazyx__two days ago
04:12.55crazyx__it work the whole day without troubles
04:13.00crazyx__before the two days
04:13.03crazyx__a lot of problems
04:13.11andresmujicahmmm that could be the issue... some big load stressing the card and irq's fleeing around..
04:13.18crazyx__and today a lot of problem (not more than then minutes)
04:13.38crazyx__for the sql, is the ACD that's connected to, to read number to send it by the dialogic to TE410P
04:13.49*** join/#asterisk brunner (
04:14.03andresmujicanot that much load.. how many calls? it's only 1 E1 port used right?
04:14.04crazyx__for interrupts i check i never loose then
04:14.33crazyx__i try to make work the 4
04:14.41crazyx__but now i'm trying just 2
04:14.57crazyx__a mistake
04:14.58brunnerhow can I determine what kind of phone line a UK number is attached to?  I mean, are there special area codes for land lines, mobile phones, national, personal, etc?
04:15.23crazyx__the /proc/interrupts :
04:15.34crazyx__thanks to everybody
04:15.45crazyx__really thanks to you
04:16.06andresmujicait's a dell?
04:16.40*** part/#asterisk Mog (
04:16.44crazyx__HP pro liant DL380
04:16.52crazyx__but the dialogic is on a Dell server
04:17.30andresmujicanope, i've seen weirdo things with dell.. not with hp.. hmm maybe with hp too... :P
04:18.11toddejohnsonAnyone know how to do alert-info for both grandstream and polycom phones at the same time?
04:18.39shmaltzcrazyx__, read also this:
04:19.08andresmujicawhih distro is it?
04:19.11shmaltztoddejohnso, are you trying to send the exact same type of alert info?
04:19.13aaroneoushey..  I am filling out the paperwork to order PRI service for my company..  have a few questions about some technical details..  anyone knowledgeable who can help?
04:19.14crazyx__ok 'im going to read
04:19.16crazyx__on a debian
04:19.29shmaltzaaroneous, JUST ASK
04:20.14toddejohnsonshmaltz, I'm trying to make a FreePBX ring group ring different than normal calls.
04:20.25shmaltztoddejohnson, before dialing the phones just do 2 lines of alert info
04:20.27shmaltzit should work
04:20.47crazyx__shmaltz, about the link of asteriskguru, i don't have on it IDE devices, but SCSI RAID 15000tr/mn
04:20.48toddejohnsonshmaltz, thanks
04:20.49shmaltzsince the Polycom will ignore what the gs expects and viceversa
04:20.57aaroneousokay..  first off, it asks if I want ESF/B8ZS framing or SF/D4AMI framing
04:21.14shmaltzaaroneous, esf/b8zs
04:21.39aaroneousk..  so that will be good, for, say, an audiocodes or cisco media gateway, right?
04:22.07shmaltzaaroneous, well I assumed you mean for digium hardware
04:22.12andresmujicacrazyx: most probably sas, no?
04:22.15shmaltzbut anyhow I don't see why not
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04:22.29aaroneousshmaltz..  yeah I assume that's the more modern framing
04:23.00aaroneousnext it says "DID" "DOD", or "Combo"
04:23.37andresmujicabut your problem i would say is a timing issue, if * is the net, maybe the dialogic  box is not configured for receive the time sync, or viceversa maye your * is expecting the source from the dialogic...
04:23.38shmaltzyou using this both ways?
04:23.38aaroneousI want DNIS and DIDs, but I would assume DOD is the very purpose of most phone lines, so it's slightly confusing
04:24.58shmaltzthen I guess it's combo
04:25.02shmaltzbut ask them to make sure
04:25.58crazyx__andresmujica, what's sas :$
04:26.04aaroneousyeah I will in the morning..  just trying to get through as much of this now so that I can turn it around quickly and get off our terrible SIP origination experience as quickly as possible
04:26.30crazyx__andresmujica the dialogic is cpe, and TE410P is network
04:26.42crazyx__what i can do for time sync?
04:26.47aaroneousfinally, "DNIS Digits"?
04:27.08aaroneousand "Block Third-Party"?
04:27.44shmaltzDNIS, I usualy ask for 4 digits
04:28.05shmaltzI don't know what the "Block Third-Party" is for
04:28.21aaroneousany disadvantage to asking for 10 digits?
04:28.22*** join/#asterisk scientes (
04:28.38shmaltzaaroneous, not at all, but why?
04:28.46shmaltzare you going to have 10 digit extensions?
04:29.11aaroneouswell we have overlapping area codes here..   just on the off chance that we get two DIDs that share the same last 7 digits..
04:29.12shmaltzusualy you'd make sure the last 4 of the phone numbers match the extensions in which case your dp will look way simpler
04:29.25aaroneousyeah I am going to try to do that anyway
04:29.37shmaltzaaroneous, then you ask 10 digit DNIS just on that second block of DIDs
04:29.52aaroneousah I see..
04:30.15aaroneouswhy not just ask for it on everything and keep things uniform?
04:30.50shmaltzb/c they might change PSTN dialing to 14 digits some time in the future
04:31.32aaroneoushopefully telephone "numbers" will be a dead concept by that point :>
04:31.44shmaltzanyone here watched The Reader?
04:32.07*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
04:32.17shmaltzaaroneous, no what for?
04:32.18DaminHmm.. is T.38 passthrough supported behind NAT?
04:32.21shmaltzI need to make a living :P
04:32.33shmaltzDamin, it's a codec it is
04:33.30shmaltzis starting to watch The Reader don't interuppt unless your phones are down :P
04:33.41aaroneousshmaltz, you'll make a living the same way, just with SIP or XMPP identities instead of this antiquated notion of having to remember a string of arbitrary numbers for every contact in your address book :>
04:34.32shmaltzaaronewous, I still have to remeber his name that gets translated thru my PIM to an IP or 10 digit phone number or WORSE to an IP6 address
04:34.53shmaltzit's all the same
04:35.03shmaltzwho nowadays remembers phone numbers?
04:35.12shmaltzit's all address books in your cell phone or computer
04:35.16*** join/#asterisk iamy_china (n=iamy_chi@
04:35.17aaroneouswell hopefully your DNS server will have a little more functionality by then :>
04:35.32shmaltzi'm the only nut around here that doesn't really use the address book function of my cell phone
04:36.21shmaltzit's the same stupidity, I still have to remeber something, I'd rather it be a 10 digit phone number that has some Geoinfo to it then a 32 bit number or IP6 address
04:36.24aaroneouscool you probably have a better ability to remember phone numbers than the rest of us as a consequence of that
04:36.52shmaltzwell, I know my customers better by their extension numbers than by their names
04:37.00shmaltzand some even by their IP addresses
04:37.11aaroneousI don't think anyone will be asking you to associate IP addresses (v4 or v6) with users..  if they are, they aren't doing a very good job at running the core services of their network
04:37.27shmaltzexactly my point
04:38.03shmaltzall your remembeer is a contact that goes by a common name (i.e. Bill Clinton)
04:38.11shmaltzyou then use either the Yellow Pages
04:38.17aaroneousbut anyway..  D-channel assignment?
04:38.18shmaltzor your MS Outlook
04:38.23shmaltzor your cell phone
04:38.29shmaltzor your whatever to get:
04:38.36shmaltzA. Their phone number
04:38.42shmaltzB. Their fax number
04:38.43*** join/#asterisk hapoteh (
04:38.52shmaltzC. Their email address
04:38.57shmaltzD. using DNS their IP address
04:39.04shmaltz24 of course
04:39.16shmaltzaaroneous, you in the states?
04:39.21aaroneousokay yeah I figured it just seemed weird that it's even an option..
04:39.24aaroneousyes, NYC
04:39.25shmaltzT1 or E1
04:39.35shmaltzgood you'll be using channel 24
04:40.18aaroneousdo they really need to know PBX make and model?  does that determine protocol or is this optional info?
04:40.33aaroneousI guess I could put something like "Cisco 3640"
04:40.49shmaltzaaroneous, this for a Cisco? or Asterisk?
04:40.58shmaltzyes put the make and model, it helps them alot
04:41.19shmaltzaaroneous, you getting my private msgs?
04:41.32aaroneousasterisk is going to be our PBX, but it is going to be doing SIP trunking to the Cisco 3640
04:41.40aaroneousshmaltz, oh sorry..  yes..
04:45.31*** join/#asterisk iamy_china (n=iamy_chi@
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04:46.28brunneris there a prepaid voip provider that allows you to use an unlimited number of concurrent channels?
04:47.00shmaltzburnner, teliax, nufone and tons of others
04:49.34Daminshmaltz: What the hell does "it's a codec it is"
04:50.03shmaltzDamin, if your sound works behind NAT then t.38 should work as well
04:50.09shmaltzit's just a codec just like ulaw
04:50.44Daminshmaltz: What are you smoking? T.38 isn't a codec.. it's a protocol..
04:51.58shmaltzDmain, do a show codecs on your CLI
04:52.11shmaltzDamin, it's a codec
04:53.18DaminWhat codec? Doesn't appear in my codec list..
04:53.25DaminWhat codec number is it?
04:53.34shmaltzDon't know
04:53.49*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-24f5c11b6563bc6c)
04:53.50shmaltzI am still on 1.2 no T.38 for me
04:54.03shmaltzit' doesn't really matter since it's part of the RTP
04:54.59Daminshmaltz: So on what box did you see T.38 show up in the "show codec" list?
04:55.10shmaltzDamin, I didn't
04:55.27shmaltzbut I understood that thats how it was implemented from the dev list
04:55.51*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
04:56.47Daminshmaltz: Asterisk 1.4 implemented T.38 Passthrough... not a T.38 "codec".
04:57.06Daminshmaltz: it allows endpoints that speak T.38 to bridge their traffic....
04:57.18shmaltzDamin, I know
04:57.36shmaltzwhich is a descriptor in the codec as far as I understand
04:57.49shmaltzI just assumed it would show up in codecs
04:57.58*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
04:58.24DaminFrom the document that you just pointed me to: "From version 1.4, Asterisk supports T.38 negotiation for SIP users, and the related passthrough of UDPTL T.38 data. This allows many T.38 nodes to communicate through an Asterisk box. Asterisk 1.4 does not, however, understand the T.38 protocol. It cannot terminate T.38 calls, or act as a T.38 PSTN gateway without external support - i.e. by passing the T.38 data to something which can perform those functions
04:59.34*** join/#asterisk dan__t (
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05:00.03shmaltzDamin, I know that, I remeber when it was announced
05:00.07*** part/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
05:00.10shmaltzhowever it's still part of the RTP
05:00.11dan__tAny AGI hackers around?  More specifically, any that do it in PHP?  I'm trying to figure out some better debugging techniques for debugging AGI in real-time.
05:00.12*** join/#asterisk Micc (
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05:02.13[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: Show your debug, scripts, etc, and ask the questions you have to ask and see what happens
05:02.32dan__tYeah, well, they're more questions of the general type.  Good practice etc etc.
05:02.45shmaltz[TK]D-Fender don't you love it when ppl ask if they can ask a question?
05:02.57shmaltzdid they ask permission to ask THAT question?
05:03.45[TK]D-Fendershmaltz: Like certain people evading a ban asking if they can come back :)  I've seen the answer in the reason code for their summary kick-ban :)
05:04.40DaminHmmm.. [2009-03-04 00:04:20] NOTICE[21057]: rtp.c:1285 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 100 received from ''
05:06.42[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: Good practice?  General coding rules apply.  Nothig to comment on.
05:06.42*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
05:06.42dan__tGot it.
05:06.42dan__tGuess that's something I need to improve on as well heh.
05:07.40*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
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05:22.23DaminT.38 passtrhough works..
05:31.59*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
05:32.35shmaltzbye guys gtg
05:34.00crazyx__guy, plz, did someone ever try to put Intel dialogic DMV1200A/4E1 (cpe) with TE410P (net) without HLDC error ?
05:34.09crazyx__anyone had experience on this?
05:35.48jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
05:35.48stablerbot still down?
05:35.51jbothmm... book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
05:36.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
05:42.57*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
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05:48.14hapotehi'm struggling to get a gs102 to register on my lan
05:49.02hapotehi am following the book, chapter 4 sip.conf example
05:49.21hapotehbut phone says unregistered and sip show peers tells me:
05:49.34hapotehgs102/gs102                (Unspecified)    D          0        Unmonitored
05:50.00hapoteham i missing something obvious here?
05:51.38[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: wel have no idea what you may have misconfigured.  You need to PASTEBIN the SIP debug of your failed register attempts so taht we can see what kind of errors are being thrown off.
05:51.40jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
05:54.41hapoteh[TK]D-Fender: i'm totally new to this, where is the sip debug info?
05:55.42[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: "sip set debug on" at * CLI and pastebin the output.
05:56.48hapotehi do 'sip set debug' but nothing comes out after that, even if i do sip reload
05:57.11hapotehif i do 'sip set debug on' it gives me usage
05:57.22hapotehtelling me to run it either on ip or peer
05:57.27hapotehor nothing
05:57.45hapotehno more debug output
05:57.56k-manhow do i make an extension to log into my voicemail directly? without having to type the voicemail box number or pw?
05:59.28[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: Restart your phone
05:59.39[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Is your phone PSYCHIC?!
06:00.11[TK]D-Fenderk-man: "core show application voicemailmain" <-
06:00.35k-man[TK]D-Fender: its my home asterisk server - i only have one mailbox
06:01.26hapotehoooh psychic phones??!! /me wants.
06:01.45k-manthanks [TK]D-Fender
06:02.28hapoteh[TK]D-Fender: i restarted the phone but nothing
06:02.39hapotehno output in the cli
06:05.06[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: then either you have a networking/firewall issue, or you have misconfigured your phone and it isn't even trying to talk to your * server
06:07.00hapotehphone and * server are on a switch
06:07.10hapotehand the * server isn't running any firewall
06:07.24hapotehso i guess i misconfigured the phone
06:07.35hapotehi gave it std port and the correct ip
06:08.24hapotehthanks for the pointers [TK]D-Fender
06:08.45[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: Go verify that and that hapoteh Wait, try "sip set debug"
06:08.51[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: without "on"
06:08.59[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: I think the syntax may be alittle off
06:10.55hapotehyeah i did that
06:11.04hapotehgifthorse*CLI> sip set debug
06:11.04hapotehSIP Debugging re-enabled
06:11.11hapotehbut i think you're right
06:11.14hapotehthe phone is misconfigured
06:11.26hapotehI saw for sip server
06:11.29[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: Well if you still see nothing... still double check iptables, etc
06:11.31*** join/#asterisk tengulre (n=tengulre@
06:11.33hapotehit should have been
06:11.38[TK]D-Fenderthat'd do it :)
06:11.44hapotehno iptables :)
06:11.47hapotehrunning on fbsd
06:11.47QwellSo, who wants to contribute to the "buy Qwell a new video card" fund? :P
06:11.54Qwell(kidding, of course)
06:11.58*** join/#asterisk The_LightSide (
06:12.14hapotehQwell: if you paypal me shipping i have an ati rage pro 3d 8meg card you can have....
06:12.56stabler8meg FTW
06:13.01k-manif i  want asterisk prompts in a different language, and I only use sip, do I just need to put language=au in sip.conf? will that cover voicemail prompts also?
06:13.40stablerk-man: do you have that critter running smoothly now?
06:13.41[TK]D-Fenderk-man: Yes
06:13.55k-manstabler: yeah, pretty damn well actually
06:14.25k-manstabler: once i ironed out the problems wich mostly were to do with my vsp not telling me they had turned off the DID
06:14.54crazyx__please, is there someone experienced before interco E1 between dialogic Intel (cpe) and TE410P (net) ? i got lot of troubles like Bad HDLC errors and i don't know what to do
06:15.13k-mani noticed today a little bit of disturbed playback of voicemail prompts - not sure why that was
06:15.18k-manbut it was fairly minor
06:15.34hapoteh[TK]D-Fender: now i have it connecting sort of
06:15.36k-manstabler: and now that its all running, i'm really impressed with it
06:15.37[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: pastebin "dmesg" , "ztcfg -vvvv", and "cat/proc/interrupts"
06:15.38hapotehstill unmonitored
06:15.40jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
06:15.50[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: unmonitored is fine.
06:15.52crazyx__ok [TK]D-Fender
06:15.59k-manstabler: and thanks again for helping me out
06:16.04hapotehok sweet
06:16.11hapotehi think it's bed time
06:16.13[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: restart your phone.  If you don't see packets then... still other core issues
06:16.16hapotehbut this is a good first step then
06:16.27hapotehi see things like: <--- SIP read from --->
06:16.32hapotehon the CLI debug
06:16.35stablerk-man: nice.. good to hear
06:16.42hapotehabout ever ... 5 or 10 secs
06:17.30k-manstabler: i'm goint to set up voicemail as our answering machine too - i might even go for the "press 1 for jason, 2 for X, 3 for Y" thing
06:18.00crazyx__[TK]D-Fender  :
06:18.07[TK]D-Fenderhapoteh: WE should be seeing those things... in full
06:18.14k-manwe just had a baby though - so its very hard snatching a few minutes here and there to work on asterisk
06:19.27[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: Wow, TC400 as well?
06:20.35crazyx__[TK]D-Fender yeah cause E1 is G711 and i'm using the TE410P just for translating to SIP from E1, and then G729
06:21.10[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: ok, I see nothing inherently wrong.  New thing to try : start up with NOAPIC
06:21.32crazyx__[TK]D-Fender the dialogic card is on a ACD predictif dialer so many channels to compress
06:21.34*** join/#asterisk The_LightSide (
06:21.38[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: That has helped others in the past.  the TE410 is a fidgety card.
06:22.06crazyx__[TK]D-Fender i try now and make a test and come back with informations. Many thanks for ur help
06:22.20[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: Hope you get things working better soon
06:22.43*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
06:23.05crazyx__[TK]D-Fender i hope i'm working on it for more than 2 weeks, got Quintum DX before but i loose them... i hope it will work
06:23.51stablerk-man: babies.. not important... asterisk.. important!
06:24.20crazyx__[TK]D-Fender stupid question : how to start with NOAPIC on Debian?
06:24.32*** join/#asterisk maddog01 (
06:24.59[TK]D-Fendercrazyx__: No clue... try asking in #debian :)
06:25.10crazyx__lol ok
06:25.19[TK]D-Fenderok, bed time, later all
06:30.07*** join/#asterisk mahiti-irc (n=mahiti1@
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06:31.05jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
06:35.34mcnobodycodefreeze-lap: Thanks.
06:36.09*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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06:37.03Shaun222i want to allow people with no user/pass to connect to my asterisk server via sip and be put into a certian context, where can i find info on this
06:37.28crazyx__hum.. the same
06:38.03*** join/#asterisk intralanman (
06:38.14k-manstabler: yeah - but you know- i can't just let him cry
06:38.33stablerk-man: i kid
06:38.44k-manstabler: i know :)
06:39.01crazyx__<crazyx__> please, is there someone experienced before interco E1 between dialogic Intel (cpe) and TE410P (net) ? i got lot of troubles  ( i tried NOAPIC mode
06:39.04crazyx__no changes
06:39.04k-manstabler: are you in AU?
06:39.16Shaun222anybody recommend a sip client for windows thats free?
06:39.26stablerShaun222: x-lite
06:39.31drmessanoShaun222: X-lite.. many are
06:39.39drmessanoGoogle is your friend
06:39.49jbot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
06:39.52k-manare any of the free ones any good?
06:40.01stablerShaun222: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
06:40.02drmessanoUm yeah
06:40.15drmessanoLook at stabler with the TK action
06:40.25drmessanoTrigger, arrows
06:40.39stablerdrmessano: there are no other options
06:40.53drmessanoWell, yes.. there is level 2
06:41.00jbot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
06:41.06drmessanoREAD ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
06:41.15*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (
06:41.19drmessanoCAPS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ <---
06:41.22stablerk-man: yes! i love x-lite
06:41.43stablerdrmessano: you could point down
06:41.46stablerdrmessano: VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVv
06:42.36drmessanoX-Lite is pretty decent
06:47.06Shaun222ok, i set allowguest=yes.
06:47.11Shaun222now trying to connect using x-lite
06:47.21Shaun222x-lite wont allow me to not specify a user though.
06:51.12drmessanoHoly cow
06:51.24drmessanoYou cant register to asterisk without registering
06:52.04drmessanoYOu said you wanted them to "connect" to asterisk, which means to 99.999999% of us, accept a call from a non-authenticated peer
06:52.20drmessanoNow you want to register without registering..
06:52.40drmessanoWhat are you trying to accomplish here?
06:53.28*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
06:56.22Shaun222ok, maybe i got it wrong.
06:56.30Shaun222This is what i want to do.
06:57.18Shaun222i want my customers to be able to configure there sip devices to connect to my asterisk server so that when they dial 0 or any number they basically get thrown into the IVR context.
06:57.46Shaun222this way international customers with softphones and whatever can call into the phone system with out being charged a ton.
06:58.44Shaun222hmm, kinda got it working
06:59.06Shaun222created a friend entry in the sip.conf with allowguest=yes and no secret.
06:59.14Shaun222default context is ivr.
07:01.38stablerShaun222: sounds alittle unsecure =/
07:01.55Shaun222stabler: what problems do you see?
07:02.28stablerShaun222: well.. i suppose to you make sure everything is setup nicely youll be fine
07:02.31stablerjust be careful
07:03.10Shaun222stabler: this user will be put into the same context that calls from the T1 are put into
07:03.31Shaun222if they can jump out of it, then i would assume anybody calling in on the T1 could also.
07:03.32stablerso that means i can login
07:03.34stablerand make calls
07:03.37k-manif you modify voicemail.conf, do you have to reload anything in the CLI?
07:03.44k-manfor the changes to take effect?
07:03.49stablerk-man: yes
07:03.56k-manstabler: what do I reload?
07:04.11Shaun222stabler: you can log in, but the context your in only would only dump you into the IVR, no dial out from there...
07:04.36Shaun222my context for internal is totally seperate from my context for calling comming from the world.
07:04.59stablerShaun222: oh ok... so outside mistry users can dial out? if that true then youre pretty safe for the most part
07:05.48stablerk-man: i norally just do a full reload
07:05.54k-manok, tahnks
07:05.55stablerby typeing: reload
07:06.07Shaun222ivr context does the norm, feeds them some options and dumps them into a queue()
07:06.10k-manoh - thats nice. I thought I had to quit to do that
07:06.21k-manthanks stabler. GTG
07:06.37stablerk-man: np... later
07:07.09stablerk-man: nice thing about "reload" is it doesnt drop calls
07:07.29stableror interrupt anything important
07:07.49k-manstabler: ah - thats good. thanks bye
07:09.40Shaun222ahh, it's working. sweet...
07:10.00Shaun222course i wonder how it likes having multiple people using the same sip config?
07:10.22stablerit may be fine
07:10.55*** part/#asterisk dan__t (
07:11.00stablersleep time...
07:11.17*** join/#asterisk sergee (
07:13.27Shaun222well that was easy...
07:13.45Shaun222think i'll make my username somthing different than just cuest though.
07:13.52Shaun222that way the bots out there dont go messin
07:16.15*** join/#asterisk ShadowGear2009 (
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07:17.06_omerDoes Asterisk support   MESSAGE  request ?
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07:19.31_omernot even in Asterisk Latest Versions ?
07:19.38ShadowGear2009hey guys, i'm new to asterisk and am trying to set up a home PBX. So far all i got working is asterisk intercepts outgoing calls and plays back tt-monkeys file
07:20.07ShadowGear2009here is were it gets weird, the quality of the playback is not so great
07:20.15ShadowGear2009how do i improve it?
07:20.56*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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07:22.30kaldemarShadowGear2009: are you using gsm encoded sound files and gcc >4.2? there's an issue with the gsm playback.
07:23.11ShadowGear2009i think i might be. How do i go about testing with other files?
07:23.18*** join/#asterisk raasdnil (
07:23.37kaldemardownload some other package from here:
07:23.55*** join/#asterisk yang (i=yang@CAcert/Assurer/pdpc.supporter.base.yang)
07:24.27kaldemarthe sounds are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/<lang>/ by default
07:24.57ShadowGear2009thanks i'll try that
07:25.14raasdnilevening all.
07:26.29raasdnilI have a TDM2400 full of FXSs and I have a TDM800 full of FXOs in the same box.  If I land a fax on the 2400 and pipe it through to a PSTN on the 800, am I going to run into any problems with the fax via Asterisk?  Or will that be totally fine (like I am expecting) ?
07:26.50*** join/#asterisk brunner (
07:27.16brunnerHow can I record the audio of an unanswered/unsupervised outbound call?
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07:41.48mahiti-ircbrunner : what setup you have ?
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07:48.07k-mani'm trying to make a dial plan to dial my voicemail directly to leave a message - i did this but i just get engaged signal: exten => 775,VoiceMail(777@default)
07:48.50k-manand in voicemail.conf i have 777 => 1234,jason,jason@myemailaddress
07:49.05k-manam I missing something here?
07:50.45brunnermahiti-irc: I'm using the Manager API to generate outbound calls over a SIP or IAX trunk (depending on the call)
07:53.30kaldemark-man: put a priority in your extension
08:03.56k-mankaldemar: ah! thanks
08:05.59k-mankaldemar: yeah, that fixed it
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09:10.30angryuserwhen i have "Remote host can't match request BYE to call" it means that remote host has remover allready his this call leg ?
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09:21.43fcois93the end of my make in asterisk_src:
09:21.49fcois93I have an error
09:22.32nix8n82how many channels can IAX2 handle at one time?
09:22.57*** join/#asterisk lbt (n=david@
09:23.14mostynix8n82, as many as your server/network can handle
09:24.47*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
09:28.08nix8n82do you think 1 quad core with 4 gigs of  ram with enough network bandwidth can handle 250 calls at once?
09:29.09mostyprobably, depending on transcoding and other factors
09:29.10nix8n82would sip be better? and would iax2 be the best if going to another asterisk box?
09:29.45mostymost setups use sip to end users and iax to other asterisk servers
09:30.57nix8n82why is that a benefit? for iax2 to servers and not to users?
09:31.46mostybecause there are no good phones that use IAX
09:32.34mostyiax is more efficient and flexible than sip, but almost nothing supports iax besides asterisk
09:34.42nix8n82thank you very much for the info mosty
09:35.39mostyno problem
09:36.19*** join/#asterisk ghento (
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09:41.17fcois93nix8n82: lokkatithat
09:41.31sypherhi guys
09:41.51sypherwas wondering if someone had a link to a guide that would help me configure asterisk to use a betamax service ... im googling but still no real luck ...
09:44.31mostysypher, should be the same as any other SIP provider i imagine?
09:51.19syphermosty, hum ... yeah.
09:51.30syphermosty, next hint would be "rtfm"?  ...
09:52.48mostysypher, well yeah, the book would be a good start
09:52.51jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
09:52.55*** join/#asterisk Pazzo (
09:53.04sypherthank you
09:54.00sypheractually, have another question (and im a total newbie here) ... a "fax" is just a call right? ... i mean .. if i successfully integrate hylafax and asterisk; and configure asterisk to use a sip provider ... i should get charged as a normal call for each fax, that correct?
09:54.40angryusernix8n82: well, i still dont like the idea to have 1 thread for all channels, which is the case of iax
09:55.48mostysypher, fax over sip is a waste of time, until asterisk has full t.38 support. i advise that you give up on that idea
09:56.15syphermosty, ugh ... why? can you elaborate?
09:56.21*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
09:56.39mostysypher, jitter breaks fax
09:57.06angryusersypher: the data is passed by audio, and minimal delay breaks it
09:57.18LuisTorresHi.., Im getting some  issues on Chanspy. When the remote party is putted on hold and then retrieved, I can not hear anymore both parts. do you know what could it be?
09:57.30mostysypher, in short, fax was not designed for voip, and it does not work reliably
09:58.03sypherangryuser, mosty, ok. understood that ... so, if i were in the need to send thousand of faxes, what would you do ? have any suggestion ?
09:58.13mostysypher, get PRI
09:58.29angryusersypher: i am using hylafax with bri lines and multitech modems
09:58.50angryusersypher: directly connected to fxs pci card
09:59.15sypherangryuser, im searching hylafax + asterisk to reducing costs ... what are your costs for 1 ?
09:59.33angryusersypher: what costs ?
09:59.43sypherfor sending it ... oh nevermind.
09:59.49sypherit depends on your carrier i suppose ...
10:00.35mostyi have used hylafax with eicon diva cards and PRI lines, works well
10:01.03angryusersypher: compare prices, some providers are able to provide mail2fax pdf2fax gateways, is more effective sometimes
10:01.21sypherangryuser, yeah, thats what we're using now ....
10:01.44sypheri started searching for asterisk because it seemed to cut costs by 50/60% .. .
10:02.02sypher(with voip) ... but if you guys telling me all the faxes will break .. its not worth it ...
10:02.58mostysypher, you might be able to find a sip provider that supports t.38, but you will need something other than asterisk on your end
10:03.02LuisTorresAnyone know any issue with Chanspy?
10:04.04LuisTorresif Im listen two partys and one of the party is putted on hold, when is retrieved I cant ear that party anymore
10:04.23mostyLuisTorres, i suggest that you submit a bug report
10:04.44LuisTorresmosty: ok thank you
10:05.10angryusersypher: if you are so in need of that faxinf over ip, try to search som gateway with t38 support and a provider with t38 support
10:05.39sypherangryuser, im reading around right now ... seems like i can use asterisk + betamax in G711 ...
10:05.59*** join/#asterisk sergee (
10:06.51angryuserLuisTorres: i dont remember exactly, just make sure that when the person is put on hold there is no another channel created when of - hold button is pressed, just look at sip debug
10:07.57LuisTorresangryuser: thank you for you answer. On the web I found on the bug report that 1.4.19 had some issues like this. But supposed to be fixed on the further versions. Im using 1.4.21 and it seems still happen
10:08.58angryuserLuisTorres: that's why i am happy with here
10:09.13LuisTorresahah really? no bugs on chanspy?
10:10.00angryuserLuisTorres: well i dont use it too much ;) but in general this release was among most stables
10:10.17LuisTorresangryuser: ehe Cheers
10:12.12*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
10:12.50SparFuxHi! Is there some kind of technical term for sending an arbitrary CallerID out as a private person, not one of the own MSNs? Like Fake-CallerID or whatever?
10:13.27mostysparfux: "unauthenticated" callerid perhaps?
10:13.35SparFuxYes, like that.
10:14.13mostyor "arbitrary"
10:14.35angryuserSparFux: CID ?
10:14.38*** join/#asterisk Xen^ (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
10:15.02SparFuxI think CID = CallerID.
10:15.19angryuserSparFux: just tell me what do you want to send
10:17.16SparFuxangryuser: I am using Alice-DSL german phone provider service. I can call my own Cellphone which is also an Alice phone. And what I want to do is route calls to my home box via asterisk to the cell phone with the CallerID remaining. But what happens is that the CallerID is set to the first MSN I have at Alice, I think because they change it for some obvious reason. I wonder wether there is some code I can type into my Telephone which will tur
10:19.49angryuserSparFux: you just need to verify if you provider is sending you the Caller id and set it before calling your cell phone, also if your provider permit that
10:20.32SparFuxHm... yes.
10:21.02SparFuxI am afraid they don't permit it, but perhaps I can switch it on somehow. So I am doing some searches on the net, but I cannot find anything useful.
10:21.06angryuserSparFux: generally providers do not let you set any called id you want, but only from your trunk
10:21.30angryuserbut only from your trunk DID's you got
10:22.24mostySparFux, if they don't permit it, you're out of luck unfortunately
10:22.58SparFuxmosty: obviously, yes.
10:24.13angryuserSparFux: the feature you might like for a remplacement is a simple follow me, let say the person is calling you, you answer with * then say, "we are location your called person, please tell me your name" then register it, then * call you, play the recording and propose the choice 1 Accept the call 2 Reject to voicemail
10:24.56SparFuxHehe, yes, nice idea :-)
10:24.58mostysparfux: you might be able to hack your asterisk box to call your mobile, play a message "call from <say the original callerid>, press 1 to accept"
10:25.03mostyand then connect the two
10:25.10SparFuxMosty: I read about this on I think.
10:25.14mostyahh, too slow
10:25.46SparFuxYes, slow, but a nice idea for a workaround crap restrictionns :-)
10:26.25angryuserSparFux: our provider is letting us set ani cid we want , but we are using it everyday
10:28.18angryuserSparFux: it is easyer when our provider are us ;)
10:31.16*** join/#asterisk scruz (n=scruz@
10:32.48scruzhello everyone
10:34.17*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
10:34.27stmaherhi guys..
10:34.47stmaheris there a way in the CLI in asterisk to show what lines are used by Dahdi?
10:34.57stmaherlike a more verbose output..
10:35.09stmaherthe dahdi commands channels and channel are not really what im looking for
10:35.43angryuserstmaher: analog ?
10:36.01stmaherits an aex800
10:36.49andresmujicazap show channels, then zap show channel Zap/1-1  (or with dahdi) ...
10:37.37stmaherok.. but they dont show lines in use?
10:38.15*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
10:38.41angryuserstmaher: what i did to see what ports are used is a simple check script (ifavail) for each port and asign to one exten, call it and see status
10:39.35stmaherangryuser cool.. would you have a copy of that script?
10:39.35andresmujicaohh in use.. upps
10:39.37angryuserstmaher: took me 2 min
10:40.11SparFuxangryuser: what is you? I mean, your provider?
10:40.35SparFuxangryuser: the Dial command actually has "follow me" feature, it is option 'p'.
10:41.58angryuserstmaher: it's not a script jsut a simple use of ChanIsAvail for each zap port, look at core show application ChanIsAvail
10:42.27stmaherthank joo!
10:42.37angryuserSparFux: i ment that it helps to be your own provider
10:43.01SparFuxAh, I see. :-)
10:47.41*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
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10:49.56vlttzafrir_laptop: iaxmodem and hylafax works perfectly. Thank you.
10:51.19tzafrir_laptopstabler, for starters: lsdahdi
10:51.25tzafrir_laptop(in the linux command line)
10:52.48tzafrir_laptopAnd in the asterisk CLI:  dahdi show channel 4
10:53.08tzafrir_laptoprather than:  dahdi show channel DAHDI/4-1
10:53.46k-manin this bit of code from ATFOT book, what is the purpose of line 5?
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10:59.14SparFuxIf I call multiple extensions in one Dial() command, can I CLIR the CID on one of the called extensions in sip/extension1&capi/extension2&sip/extension3 ?
11:01.04Jackesure you can
11:01.08mostyk-man, perhaps if there is no voicemail account it goes back to incoming?
11:01.35Jackebuild yourself a nice little local extension like _CLIDX.,
11:02.09Jackeset clir inside it, then make it call your SIP/{$EXTEN} or whatever you want.
11:02.40Jackean make your original Dial call Local/CLID{$EXTEN}
11:05.08LuisTorrescan anyone tell me that this issue (0012837) is resolved on 1.4.23? About chanspy
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11:17.14SparFuxjacke: Ah, yes, I can even Dial(extension@context) I guess.
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11:19.18SparFuxjacke: oh no, then I would have to use Goto()
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11:21.47SparFuxno, I don't get it.
11:24.31SparFuxI am stupid, of course it works, with the local/ channel type. yes.
11:26.30*** join/#asterisk phix (
11:28.22scruztzafrir_laptop: you're on my server??!?!??!?!
11:29.02tzafrir_laptopscruz, no
11:29.08scruzyes you are
11:29.23scruzsaw tzafrir in the zaptel README
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11:39.36scruzthis voip thing is getting troublesome
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11:49.58The_LightSideHi all, does anyone have feedback on issue 0014112?
11:50.12The_LightSidethread deadlocks
11:50.24AndyTanyone have a click2dial script for Asterisk?
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11:54.12scruzi've had to give up on building dahdi on switch to zaptel
11:55.13scruzand zaptel gives the same error
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11:57.52mostyscr, what error?
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12:01.33scruzno rule to make target *
12:01.48mostywhat command are you running?
12:01.55scruz* being a placeholder for the particular dahdi/zaptel package
12:01.59mostycan you pastebin it?
12:04.16scruzmosty: zaptel:
12:04.27*** part/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
12:06.00mostyis /usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-92.el5-x86_64 a proper kernel source tree?
12:07.36phixhey, I am still getting IRC timing issues
12:07.40phixIRQ even
12:07.44phixon my TDM card
12:07.53scruzmosty: i'm a windows guy. i've no idea what a 'proper' kernel tree is, but i assume it is. i installed the sources from the CentOS DVD as the server has no internet access as yet
12:08.06phixHow can I tell Linux or my mobo to not assign any other device except the TDM on a certain IRQ?
12:08.27phixcan I do this with apic? (even though it only work when apic is disabled since by default apic doesnt work)
12:08.35scruzmosty: dahdi-linux:
12:08.35mostyscruz, if you change into that directory, can you do "make modules" ?
12:08.51scruzin the source directory?
12:09.20mostyin the kernel dir
12:09.25scruzmake modules fails
12:11.19mostyi suspect that's your problem
12:11.38mostybut i have no experience with centos, so i don't know how their kernel source is setup
12:14.54tzafrir_laptopscruz, no. No need to run 'make modules' there
12:16.22scruzsince i already did, can i do 'make distclean'?
12:16.26tzafrir_laptopmake -C /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.el5/build ARCH=x86_64 SUBDIRS=/root/software packages/zaptel-
12:17.09tzafrir_laptopThe problem is the space in the PWD
12:18.03scruzmoved the folder. will redo and revert
12:18.25scruzit buildeth!
12:18.35scruzhugs tzafrir_laptop
12:19.11scruzi didn't for one moment think that was the problem
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12:20.02scruzin what order should i build libpri, dahdi and asterisk? it seems i build wanpipe last
12:21.48mostylibpri, dahdi, asterisk, wanpipe (from memory)
12:22.14scruzthanks mosty
12:22.50*** join/#asterisk The_LightSide (
12:23.59mostyyou can possibly build wanpipe before asterisk, depending on what parts of wanpipe you want to compile
12:25.42scruzi don't actually know what parts i need
12:25.54scruzexcept i need to get a sangoma E1 card working with asterisk
12:26.05k-manmosty: ok, makes sense, thanks
12:26.08mostyin that case, you can compile wanpipe before asterisk
12:27.39mostyif you use the BRI cards from sangoma, wanpipe compiles an asterisk module, and therefore needs to be built after asterisk
12:28.11scruzi'll compile it after asterisk then
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12:29.05scruzmosty: once again, thanks a lot
12:30.51scruzhmm, make install for dahdi tried to download a file. when i downloaded it on another machine and upacked it, it gives me a .bin file. do i 'chmod +x' it?
12:31.05scruzthe tarball is named dahdi-fw-oct6114-064-1.05.01.tar.gz
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12:33.23mostythat file is probably a firmware image- you don't have to run it
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12:34.53scruzok. i'll have to work on granting that server internet access, as the 'make install' for dahdi failed because of the download
12:35.06scruzbe ack in a few. gone to lunch
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12:55.08k-mancan anyone recommend a simple audio player for playing emailed voicemail messages in windows?
12:55.08k-manit seems overkill to load windows media player just to hear a 10k wav file
12:55.10k-mantzafrir_laptop: yeah, might try that
12:55.39drmessanoThats better?
12:56.03drmessanoVLC seems like overkill as compared to Windows Media Player
12:56.30Gido-Edrmessano ?
12:56.33phixvlc is great
12:56.39scruzi'd recommend sox. create a batch file, drag and drop
12:56.47phixit actually comes with codecs for watching movies :)
12:56.58k-manvlc doesnt seem to like wav49
12:57.02phixinstead of having to download them all the time
12:57.17phixof corse when media player downloads some it only grabs the audio codec and not the video or vise versa
12:57.25phixI hate microsoft
12:57.26scruzphix: so does mplayer
12:57.36scruzand the kmplayer
12:57.37k-mani hate ms too
12:57.40phixscruz: arn't we talking about vlc?
12:57.42drmessanoOk, skipping the fanboyism, you may as well use Media Player, since the core is embedded in the OS anyway
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12:57.49drmessanoLoading VLC is too much
12:57.50Gido-Eis a real Microsoft lover :-)
12:57.50scruzvlc != mplayer
12:58.02Gido-Emplayer is a great hack
12:58.11Gido-Evlc is verry nice programmed
12:58.13k-mani hate mediaplayer
12:58.29Gido-Emplayer != mediaplayer
12:59.08tzafrir_laptopLame is an encoder. Not a player
12:59.16drmessanoNo, the responses
12:59.26phixGido-E: that statement is wrong if I do this before hand --> mplayer = null; mediaplayer = null;
12:59.33scruzsox/win32 doesn't come with mp3 support though
12:59.50scruzat least not the binary from sourceforge
13:00.17tzafrir_laptopTHose poor win32 folks with their limited system.
13:00.25tzafrir_laptopalmost feels sorry for them
13:00.32Gido-Etzafrir_laptop same for me.
13:00.35scruztzafrir_laptop: why thank you
13:01.44drmessanoscruz: Isnt it great how the original question about windows users playing their voicemail will become a windows/linux discussion, and maybe at some point a linux distro war?
13:04.24k-mani guess windows media player isn't so bad if you change the skin to classing
13:04.41scruzdrmessano: it's human to act emotional and lump together (perceived) ralted stuff
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13:05.46k-manit would be nice if thunderbird could play .wavs directly actually
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13:10.35scruz[TK]D-Fender: o/
13:10.54[TK]D-FenderSombody give this guy a hand!
13:12.02phixok so any way
13:12.07phixyay [TK]D-Fender! you are here
13:12.24phixI want to find out what my phone providers ring / cadence thingy is
13:12.40[TK]D-Fenderphix distintive ring is for cheap bastards.
13:12.43scruz[TK]D-Fender: it's a wave :)
13:12.45phixit says in the asteriek info website that this is logged in debug / verbose mode
13:12.46[TK]D-Fenderphix: get a metronome :p
13:13.02[TK]D-Fendercues the band
13:13.05phix[TK]D-Fender: a what? well I have distintive ring setup on my phone providers end
13:13.18phix[TK]D-Fender: I also want my ring to be the same as my providers ring any way
13:13.25phixcurrently it isn't apparantly
13:14.17phixI started asterisk console thingy with -rddddvvvv but it doesnt tell me the int settings for the ring
13:15.07phixI am also getting some echo (I can hear my self) when the FXS and FXO are bridged
13:15.31phixand not to mention IRQ issues still -->
13:21.21k-manis it possible to get asterisk to email you missed calls as well as voicemails?
13:22.27mostyk-man, yes but most phones can display that themselves
13:24.08k-manmosty: but if i want to do it, whats the approach?
13:25.06mostyuse System() to send an email, or write an AGI script if you prefer
13:25.29k-manok - thanks
13:26.03k-mannight all
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13:31.59vncsnvshello! anyone uses QueueMetrics?
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13:34.34phix[TK]D-Fender: I will talk to you later :) night
13:34.47Gido-Enight it is 2pm here :-)
13:35.18[TK]D-Fenderphix: later
13:35.26AndyTanyone have a click2dial script?
13:35.36[TK]D-FenderGido-E: Night is 6pm everywhere else :)
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13:51.04shazaumyo guys
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13:52.20vncsnvswich is the best call center app 4 asterisk? (open-source)
13:53.35Gido-Evncsnvs how do you mean?
13:55.03ManxPowerThere's too much money and the applications are too complex for there to be many Open Source call center applications.
13:55.41Gido-Ewhat is wrong with asterisk?
13:56.03ManxPowerphix: you have some hardware issue.
13:56.16ManxPowerGido-E: Asterisk is not a call center application
13:56.41ManxPowerAsterisk is a telephony toolkit that lets you build PBXs, dialers, call center, etc.
13:56.58vncsnvsGido-E, I need a call center application to work with asterisk, open source preference
13:57.52ManxPowervncsnvs: if you cant' find anything open source, you can contact my employer for information on my employer's commercial call center application (Assist is the name) that runs on top of Asterisk.
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13:58.30Gido-Evncsnvs /msg vncsnvs for how manny people?
13:58.55shazaumanyone know tell me, where in a call cdr records in the DB?
13:59.04vncsnvsGido-E, 50+
13:59.11rgsteele||workHey folks.  If I have an asterisk server behind a natted firewall, and a remote location with several sip phones also behind a natted firewall, how will inbound calls work to the remote phones?  E.g., even if the SIP ports are open on the firewall, how will it know which IP to hit behind that firewall?
13:59.41*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (
14:00.01rgsteele||workAll the * box will be able to see is the public IP for the remote firewall.  And, port forwarding seems hacky, it doesn't scale.
14:00.04vncsnvsshazaum, did not understand
14:00.13jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
14:00.46shazaumvncsnvs, eu tb nao
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14:01.09vncsnvsshazaum, lol! :D
14:01.09brutuzany idea on this? chan_ooh323.c:90: warning: initialization from incompatible pointer type
14:01.36tzafrir_laptopbrutuz, is that the first warning?
14:01.47brutuzthats the first warning
14:01.48rgsteele||workManxPower: Thanks.
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14:04.31ManxPowerrgsteele||work: you should only have to port forward on the server NAT, not the client NAT
14:05.00brutuztzafrir_laptop: any idea how to fix that?
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14:14.46Kattyhugs jaytee
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14:26.13shazaumis away: Trabalhando - Working...
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14:27.28dandrehhas anyone trie sangoma B700 hybrid card?
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14:36.20rdahlin_1is there someone that can help me go get Asteriskgui 2 's timespan to work with asterisk 1.4 ??? I just get error's in the message-log  Is the latest versions ofh A-GUI  incompatible with Asterisk V1.4 and only men't to be used with Asterisk V1.6 ?
14:36.31jayteehugs Katty
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14:40.11jayteeManxPowerAsteria, got a quick question for you if you have a second
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14:41.37jayteeManxPowerAsteria, on my TE212P card if I'm running both spans as pri_cpe and take timing from my telco should I have both span definitions use a 1 for timing or should I set one of the spans to a 2 instead?
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14:43.09ManxPowerAsteriajaytee: you can't have more than one primary sync source on a Digium card.  Use 1 for the first span, 2 for the 2nd span.
14:43.22jayteeManxPowerAsteria, thanks
14:44.00ManxPowerAsteriaI think Sangoma does not have this limitation.  However, you very seldom need different sync sources for t-1s plugged into a multi port card
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14:44.27ManxPowerAsteriajaytee: does one of those spans have fax on them?
14:44.44jayteeManxPowerAsteria, I used to have one span setup as pri_net using 0 going to my Nortel pbx and the other setup as pri_cpe with a 1 going to the telco and had no problems, now I have an occassional HDLC Abort(6)
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14:45.23jayteeManxPowerAsteria, yes we have some fax devices that will use either span depending on whether they send a fax or recieve one.
14:45.24ManxPowerAsteriaHDLC abort is almost always an interrupt/driver/hardware issue.  Once in a while line problems can cause it.
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14:46.17jayteeI only had 1 event in the last 24 hours for each span at the same time about 1AM this morning.
14:46.27ManxPowerAsteriajaytee: I recommend using whatever span handles the most faxes be the primary sync source.  clock slips on voice are hardly noticable, but they can cause issues with faxes.
14:46.39ManxPowerAsteriajaytee: that could easily be the telco doing stuff
14:47.06jayteeManxPowerAsteria, yeah, I thought maybe they might be doing circuit testing and that could have caused it.
14:47.16ManxPowerAsteriajaytee: that is what I think.
14:47.36ManxPowerAsteriasee if zttool shows IRQ misses, if so you should deal with it before it becomes a big issue
14:47.49jayteeManxPowerAsteria, I have both spans set as 1 for timing at the moment so I'll change one of them to a 2 and do a restart after hours.
14:49.08jayteeManxPowerAsteria, can zttool be run while the system is in service or should I do it after hours?
14:49.18ManxPowerAsteriajaytee: HDLC Abort means "Got corrupted data on the D-channel, no idea why"
14:50.22ManxPowerAsteriathat corruption could be caused by noise or issues on the T-1 loop, it could be some other card or controller locking interrupts for longer than the card can buffer.  GigE, RAID, and video can all cause this (usually only the ones built into the motherboard)
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14:51.28eppigyi am dave
14:51.32jayteeIt's a Dell 2950 Quad Core XEON with 2 mirrored SAS drives and 2 gigE nics
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14:53.34ManxPowerAsteriajaytee: sounds like devices on the server may be locking interrupts for a long time to improve performance of those devices.
14:56.34jayteeManxPowerAsteria, if I run zttool during the day will it cause problems with the spans?
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14:58.39ManxPowerAsteriajaytee: as long as you don't loop the spans it should be OK.  It mostly just shows you the /proc/zaptel stuff in an easy to see form.
14:59.58jayteeManxPowerAsteria, cool. thanks for your input and advice! always appreciated
15:00.52jayteehmmm, both spans show no alarms and no missed interrupts
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15:01.00jayteemust have been the telco
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15:07.46shazaumis back (gone 00:36:20)
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15:12.04dandrehas anyone tried sangoma B700 hybrid card?
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15:28.56littlerockI connect avaya SES with asterisk using SIP trunk, I can call avaya's phone from asterisk, howoever I can not call asterisk's phone from avaya
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15:47.34mostydo the calls come in to the asterisk server?
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16:03.45*** join/#asterisk Aaron-- (
16:04.40Aaron--I'm looking for a good (cheap but reliable) voip provider for a home line that won't get used much. So far vitelity doesn't look too bad. Anyone have thoughts?
16:06.15jayteeAaron, how's it going?
16:06.32jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
16:06.40Aaron--yay, hi John!
16:06.55KobazAaron--: voicepulse
16:06.59jayteeAaron, the Nortel is completely disconnected
16:07.10Aaron--wow! that's so cool.
16:07.45KobazAaron--: voicepulse gives you 4 channels per account, which is cool... not sure about other providers
16:07.47Aaron--what are you going to do with all that extra space now? =)
16:07.51GameGamer43Aaron: flowroute works great too
16:07.57Aaron--kobaz: thanks
16:08.05theharflowroute is awesome
16:08.10jayteeAaron--, dunno, we'll just leave it for extra headroom
16:08.39jayteestill trying to get Crystal Catering to migrate to Time Warner so we can get rid of that damn Litespan rack
16:09.04Aaron--you actually did it. got rid of the Nortel completely.
16:09.08Aaron--you're my hero
16:09.40*** join/#asterisk Assid (n=assid@unaffiliated/assid)
16:09.57Assidanyone here heard of novatelnetworks?
16:10.20jayteeyep, got 2 2950 quad xeons, rysyncing the config files for the dialplans and if one has problems I just swap T1 cables, restart and I'm back up and running in less than 10 minutes
16:10.44nix8n82thanks fcois93 and angryuser
16:10.47Aaron--so what was the total hardware cost?
16:11.17jayteeAaron--, ballpark, around 30K including servers, T1 cards, phones and ATA's.
16:11.28fcois93nix8n82: no problems
16:11.54Aaron--with all the phones? that's awesome
16:12.00riddleboxjaytee, you could use heartbeat as well and i think there is a t1 box that "splits" to 2 cards for failover
16:12.13jayteeroughly 1/5th of what they spent on the Nortel system total
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16:12.54jayteeriddlebox, I've looked into it and probably will head that way in the future. Trying to pry money out of these assclowns is a tough job, just ask Aaron, we used to work together
16:13.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Quick, BURN IT before they have second thoughts!
16:13.16Aaron--true that. He's a miracle worker for getting the 30k out of them.
16:13.31jaytee[TK]D-Fender, hahaha, though has crossed my mind
16:13.39Aaron--but they would have given $250k directly to cisco
16:14.13riddleboxheartbeat and rsync are two great tools
16:14.17jayteeAaron--, yeah and Will kept going back on his word about getting the second and third cards for testing and redundancy until I threatened to just up and quit.
16:14.52jayteeand of course blaming it on Claudia when it was really him not having a pair
16:15.20Aaron--and whose fault would it be if the card went bad and you didn't have a spare?
16:15.29Aaron--Claudia's, of course
16:15.52jayteeAaron--, well, mine of course!!! if anything breaks it's automatically my fault. mine and Brent's. :-)
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16:16.16jaytee"This is another fine mess you've gotten us into, Stanley"
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16:16.31Aaron--"you really threw me under the bus here John"
16:16.47jayteehahahaaha, I wish I could throw him under a Caterpillar
16:17.27riddleboxwhere are you guys located?
16:17.39jayteeI'm in Indy, Aaron's in Minneapolis
16:17.48KobazAaron--: heh, i've been looking at vitelity... looks like the nickle and dime you to death
16:17.56Assidanyone heard of novatel networks?
16:18.01Assidwondering how they are
16:18.14jayteeAaron, did you decide to go with the Linksys SPA 2102?
16:18.23Aaron--kobaz: thanks for the feedback. I'm looking at flowroute and voicepulse
16:19.06Aaron--jaytee: I went with an 1001
16:19.22Aaron--saved $30, I don't really need more than one port
16:19.42jayteeAaron--, cool!
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16:19.54jayteeAaron--, did you buy it online?
16:20.02Aaron--yeah, ebay
16:20.08riddleboxjaytee, not far from me illinois
16:20.21jayteeriddlebox, what part?
16:20.38riddleboxby stl
16:23.03riddleboxwe do work for teledata here
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16:23.27riddleboxi want to work for someone who sells asterisk
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16:23.33jayteeso do I
16:23.53jayteenot many opportunities there unless you make your own
16:24.16riddleboxi sold 1 on my own
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16:26.02jayteecool, all the markets are moving upwards today
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16:30.23macarthyhello all
16:30.41jayteeoh, on the markets. I wonder if we've seen the bottom or if we haven't even begun to see the really ugly side of this yet.
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16:31.26riddleboxyeah i sold it to an insurance company who loves it and said every new office will have asterisk
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16:32.52Aaron--we'll meet the real markets when economists realize there is no american economy and we've been printing money for years with no resources or gnp to back it up
16:33.01Shaun222i have a screening system, basically a caller comes in, and a sub screen runs on them.  Then the caller is put into a queue.  After that the queue has local/extensions in it that use dial with another sub that screens the callee with options.  I'm having a few problems.  First problem is that if sombody answers a call, it continues to ring the other extensions until they choose a option that bridges the call.
16:33.10jayteeAaron--, shhhh!
16:33.22jbjulywhat are the most used python asterisk API?
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16:34.00riddleboxi just wrote my own python app
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16:34.38riddleboxfor mythtv and asterisk to work together
16:34.49jayteejbjuly, py-Asterisk is one of the most common, but you'd have known that if you tried to Google it.
16:34.50macarthyvery newbie question, I want to build a service that people can call a local number for  private meetings , I need to support about 100 concurrent user , in several meetings ,  where should i start looking on the hardware, hosting and software sides?
16:36.29Kobazadevc: pastebin your pg_hba.conf
16:36.29macarthywhat kind of service. product  am I looking to buy from the telco for that can of service?
16:36.37jayteeponders what to have for lunch
16:36.47macarthy*kind of
16:37.32Aaron--jimmy john's
16:37.36Aaron--it's delicious
16:37.47jayteemacarthy, are you saying that each "meeting" will have 100 concurrent users? or 100 concurrent users spread amongst multiple meetings.
16:37.59jayteeAaron--, hehehe
16:38.06macarthyjaytee:  situation b
16:38.11jayteebut they never have horseradish sauce
16:38.24[TK]D-Fendermacarthy: 4 PRI's , an appropriate card with HWEC, 1 large server w/ 4 gig, RAID5 SAS ought to do.
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16:39.20jayteemacarthy, what [TK]D-Fender said, although if you have the bucks you might split it out into a couple servers.
16:40.29macarthyreally new to telco stuff, so what should I be asking the telcos to support a box like that ?
16:41.14jayteemacarthy, 4 T1 spans configured as PRI will give you 96 channels or simultaneous calls.
16:41.15macarthyor can you point me to any telco who have a package /service where I can place a box like that ...
16:41.54macarthyah ok .. now i'm getting somewhere I understand :-)
16:42.36macarthyjaytee: are there options to host that in a telco, so the T1s aren't needed?
16:43.03macarthyin the cloud as we have to call these days
16:43.11jayteemacarthy, you'd have to check with whatever telcos are in your area, it varies
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16:43.56macarthyjaytee:  thanks
16:44.22jayteeAaron--, hey brother, I'm gonna run to lunch. I'll chat with ya soon, good talking to ya! :-)
16:44.31Aaron--ok, I'll be around
16:44.54jayteemacarthy, you're welcome
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16:48.28Aaron--is there a sip phone that I can put on a usb stick?
16:51.05mvanbaakputs his snom m3 on his usbstick
16:51.17mvanbaakalso tries with the grandstream videophone
16:51.28mvanbaakAaron--: both can be put on a usb stick
16:51.52Aaron--har har har
16:51.53Shaun222on a dial(CHAN,30,U(sub,s,1)) what happens in the sub if the callee hangs up?
16:52.09Shaun222it doesnt look like h, in the sub is running.
16:52.11mvanbaaksorry, couldn't resist
16:52.21Shaun222looks like it just dumps back to the context that ran dial()
16:52.32mvanbaakhad a long and difficult day
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17:06.23tzafrir_laptopoh, nice. let's see if you can pass the test: soxexam(7)
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17:13.08seanmhwhat version of asterisk is asterisk business edition 2.1.1 ?
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17:19.40SparFuxI now have the idea to manage my callerID problem. My ISP sets it to the first MSN on my bri, when I use an invalid MSN for outgoing calls. So I have to make asterisk do the same and set it to an MSN of my choice and not to the first, as I don't want this. It should be a simple case statement.
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17:22.09michaelyis Asterisk Business Edition C.2.1.1 Asterisk 1.4 or 1.6?
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17:23.51putnopvutmichaely: it's based off the 1.4 branch of Asterisk.
17:24.08michaelyputnopvut: thanks
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17:29.12hardwireoy oy you lucky people!
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17:34.50BlargMaN00Is there a way that when you dial an extension, you can test to see if it is ringing before actually dialing the extension??
17:35.06jozzahi, can anyone answer an AMI question?
17:35.49jozzathere should be a way actualy
17:36.38hardwireBlargMaN00: explain more
17:37.06jozzathere is afunction to check for extension status, isn't there?
17:37.44BlargMaN00basically, in the dialplan, I want to test to see if an extension is currently ringing before i actually Dial() the extension...
17:38.05hardwireUse groups
17:39.12hardwireI use that in my dialplans and in my queues
17:39.25hardwireI dial Local/0026@ring-once
17:39.43hardwiresomebody may be able to refactor that completely.
17:39.48BlargMaN00lemme check it out real quick...  thx
17:40.01hardwireBlargMaN00: all other methods are hit and miss.
17:40.02[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: Yes, set a hint on that device, and test for it.
17:40.18hardwireor there's always that.
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17:40.45BlargMaN00what would be the best way to test for the hint??
17:40.58SparFuxIs there a way to span exten lines on multiple lines?
17:41.11[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: DEVICE_STATE()  , IIRc
17:41.18hardwireSparFux: ?
17:41.27[TK]D-FenderSparFux: No.
17:41.40SparFuxI have a very long line which is simply unreadable.
17:41.43hardwire[TK]D-Fender: does that work for remote extensions and agents?
17:41.57BlargMaN00excellent...  I knew you guys would be good for something...  lol     8-)~
17:42.06[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: what is a "remote extension"?  got a GPS attached?
17:42.17[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: then MAYBE
17:42.43hardwireI was thinking more like in my case where I don't want to set a bunch of logic on a remote site where I use asterisk as a local gateway
17:42.47hardwirefor simple simple dialplans.
17:42.57hardwirebut I can call to it via sip/remote/exten
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17:43.22hardwireI use groups for that.. to make sure I don't flood calls from my switch to their switch
17:43.28SparFuxI have to do this, but on one line it is a nightmare coding:
17:43.34[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Your sample doesn't actually directly answer his request
17:43.47hardwire[TK]D-Fender: it was just an example.
17:43.57hardwireI'm not challenging you mr super samurai
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17:44.09hardwire... I haven't forgotten what you called me.
17:44.11[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: hard so i should give you an example of some PHP to draw a pie chart for your request, right? ;)
17:44.24hardwire[TK]D-Fender: oh.. oh..! My example is the shiz!
17:44.30[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: What... peasant? :p
17:44.38hardwireit directly addresses his issews.
17:44.51hardwirejust.. it doesn't use hints
17:44.51[TK]D-Fenderhardhe said RINGING.  Not "limit to one"
17:45.07hardwireI knew what he *meant*!
17:45.10[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: You're cound be in any state.
17:45.19hardwirelets talk this to the judge.
17:45.23hardwireBlargMaN00: !
17:45.36hardwireadmits that [TK]D-Fender is much more literal than I
17:45.43hardwireand therefore better at this crap
17:46.09hardwireBlargMaN00: did you want one call at a time? or only one line ringing at a time?
17:46.38jozzadoes anyone know anything about ami? i have a question
17:47.12jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:47.13hardwire[TK]D-Fender does.
17:47.23hardwire[TK]D-Fender has candy in his pockets.. go get him.
17:47.49*** join/#asterisk harry_v ( heres what im doing, ive got 2 multitech 2410s hooked up to one asterisk box in an attempt to simulate 2 T1s. the dual T1 card in the other asterisk box i have set up to pass through the calls back out the other t1 for now, i get the connection through back to the first asterisk box, but no audio gets through
17:48.38rene-docid: can you setup calls?
17:48.55rene-or you mean you just got green lights on both ends
17:49.31[TK]D-Fendercovers hardwire in HP sauce and pushes him into Kisa's cage at jaytee's office
17:49.45docidno, i monitor both asterisk boxes clis and i see the call passed and connected, and it plays what i have setup for it, it just doesnt have any sound on the headset
17:50.04rene-oh got you
17:50.12BlargMaN00hardwire: sorry, reading up on hints and everything...  I'm still learning all this, and making sure I get everything right so that I don't have to bug you guys too much...
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17:50.22hardwireBlargMaN00: good man!
17:50.26rene-so you ve got two asterisk boxes?
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17:50.40BlargMaN00hardwire: I try!
17:50.51rene-how are you linking the asterisk boxes? voip or t1?
17:50.51hardwirejozza: did you PM [TK]D-Fender?
17:51.07docidbasically this is for testing to see if the main asterisk box can pass through most calls and catch the ones ment for internal lines, or voicemail
17:51.09[TK]D-Fenderjozza: Not if you know whats good for you :D
17:51.19jozzai didnt
17:51.20hardwirejozza: whats your AMI question?
17:51.31rene-docid: but how are the asterisk systems linked?
17:51.51docidthe asterisk boxes arnt exactally linked, one is connected via sip to 2 multitech 2410s, those 2410s talk to th other asterisk box via t1
17:51.53rene-a T1 crossover?
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17:51.58jozzaits about the function ast_manager_register_hook and whats it supposed to hook?
17:52.22rene-id say your issue is on the multitech -first asterisk box side
17:52.42docidim looking at it
17:52.51rene-discard network issues and codec issues
17:52.58rene-are they on the same network?
17:53.18docidare what on the same network? the 2 * boxes?
17:53.28rene-the multitech and the asterisk box is connected to
17:53.39docidthey are on seperate subnets, and the whole point of the test is to test t1 passthrough capability
17:54.00docidthe multitechs are on our voip device subnet, but its all routed correctly
17:54.36hardwirejozza: whats your situation?
17:54.50rene-id say if you can, tackle one problem at a time
17:55.03rene-put both the multitech and the asterisk box on the same subnet
17:55.12rene-to avoid routing, firewalling and nat issues
17:55.21jozzaits about the function ast_manager_register_hook and whats it supposed to hook?
17:55.41BlargMaN00ok........  question on the whole hint thing....  (And yes...  I want to support multiple calls...  WINNER: [TK]D-Fender)
17:55.42rene-something is wrong there, meaning call signalling usually will work but you might get one way audio or no audio
17:56.08SargunWill FXS cards from the US work in China?
17:56.37BlargMaN00If an extension is currently talking on the phone, and another call is ringing into the extension, which devstate will win??  ringing or in use??
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17:57.36hardwirejozza: it's a hook for a main process to use when loading a module.
17:57.48hardwirejozza: whats your situation?
17:58.23rene-is local channels still the preferred way to do dynamic member queues? or can one just login the device to the queue
17:58.32Greek-BoyHow do I prevent indications from generating tones for a particular outgoing trunk only? So tones come from the telco instead of asterisk...
17:58.33jozzai thought that i could hook to the manager_event somehow and make handle the status messages myself also
17:58.47[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: :p
17:58.52[TK]D-FenderVICTORY IS MINE!
17:59.35jozzayou know, if i wanted to make my own module like csta
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17:59.57hardwirejozza: I thought there were module skels for people that wanted to get going with the code
18:00.05rene-asterisk 1.6 queue will run a macro on connect so no real need for an local channel context for agents in my situation, so if i could get rid of local channels and clean up redundant information from logs, cdrs and ami that would be sweet
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18:00.08hardwirejozza: whats it got to do wi.. haha
18:00.11hardwireami.. not ami!
18:00.14hardwireI get it now
18:00.52hardwirewas just converting some d4,ami to esf,b8zs
18:00.57hardwireI was totally lost
18:01.18BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: So what exactly is the difference between DEVICE_STATE() and Devstate()???
18:01.19jozzabecause ami seems to be the center of event reporting, i though it would be the best to start from there
18:01.43hardwirejozza: I'd pop into #asterisk-dev
18:01.56jozzaok, let me see
18:02.00[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: Renaming, IIRC
18:02.05Greek-Boyso nobody knows the answer to my indications question?
18:02.24BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: So nothing really except the name...  excellent...
18:02.27hardwireGreek-Boy: nobody may be working on it?
18:02.45[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: if * is generating tones its because progress is passed OOB to * anyways and the telco isn't sending it as audio
18:02.51hardwireGreek-Boy: explain your situation.
18:02.56[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: Chicken & egg.
18:03.21*** join/#asterisk iCEBrkr (
18:04.04rene-can anybody shred some light regarding local channels and queues on 1.6?
18:04.39hardwirerene-: with respect to?
18:04.48SparFuxWhat is wrong with this conditional?  Log says: GotoIf("ALSA/default:1", "0?msn_na:msn_ok") in new stack
18:05.31Greek-Boyhardwire: Its quite simple, I have a PRI to the telco but they have different ringback tones. * generated its in own tone and in most cases the * users dont know if the dialed phone rang or not
18:05.36hardwirerene-: is something failing?
18:06.21*** join/#asterisk icebrew54 (
18:06.41hardwireGreek-Boy: I dunno how correct I am in saying this but you should think of asterisk as a telephone network switch that receives tones, interps, and relays.
18:07.00hardwiremuch like most telephone network switches that end up converting signaling
18:07.21hardwireso the PRI you have with the telco gives you several different indications back for a ring state?
18:07.43hardwireif so.. talk to their manager.
18:07.50[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: Only reason for * to generate tones is beacuse it thinks it has to.  Like in cases where it answered the incoming channel, or you are forcing ringing.
18:08.18hardwireso I'm off on that one too?
18:08.22hardwireI'm 0/2!
18:08.38hardwireshould go to his peasant box and sit and think for a while.
18:09.05BlargMaN00hardwire: it'll be alright in the morning...  lol
18:10.37Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender and hardwire: I'll look into it more and see if I'm going wrong somewhere
18:11.19rene-hardwire: to if its still recommended to use local channels bounded to devices as dynamic queue members instead of just adding the devices to the queue,
18:11.38rene-taking advantage of the 1.6 queue ability to execute macros on connect
18:12.03hardwirerene-: oh.. neat..
18:12.11hardwireI didn't know you could even do that iin 1.6
18:12.21hardwireI just use local channels in 1.2/1.4 and it's not a prob bob
18:12.25Greek-Boy[TK]D-Fender: Will Asterisk always generate the tone for ougoing calls on SIP channels?
18:12.34rene-yeah but it tends to add to much stuff to ami and cdr
18:12.43hardwirerene-: agreed
18:12.56hardwireit makes cdr parousers confused.
18:12.59[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: * will generate tones for any OOB signal.
18:13.15[TK]D-FenderGreek-Boy: tech agnostic
18:14.01rene-do u think that logging in the devices and using hints would make for reliable queue performance as in not presenting calls to an already busy member and so on
18:15.02hardwirei don't use hints.. I use groups.. because I only want agents handling one call at a time
18:15.10hardwirethe phones ring more.. but the agents are happier..
18:15.46hardwirewe went from a situation before I was hired where agents were answering 4 lines at a time.. putting each one on hold.. then coming back to them.
18:15.52hardwirewhich meant they were making more work for themselves
18:16.09hardwireI disabled that by not letting more than one call per all queues to hit some agents.
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18:19.11hardwirerene-: I work for a sat tv installer company.. and we had a windy weekend in the area
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18:19.30hardwirea crudload of dishes fell off everybodies houses.. apparently last time this happened our entire dispatch center threatened to quit
18:19.44hardwirebut now that it's one call after the other.. nice and orderly.. everybody was super relieved
18:19.49rene-call groups?
18:19.56rene-those are good too
18:20.08hardwireI meant using group and group counts
18:20.27hardwireI don't use call groups because we don't have that diverse of a situation.
18:20.29rene-ups heheh
18:20.41rene-group counts
18:20.44rene-that is the term
18:21.00hardwireanyways.. [TK]D-Fender is eyeing me.. I should go.
18:21.15[TK]D-FenderRUN FORREST RUN!!!
18:22.28hardwireI set up some daily reporting of some stuff and now my boss is all hot and bothered and wants every call in the company audited and reported to him via email
18:22.30hardwireso.. bbl
18:23.24tzafrir_laptophardwire, hmm.... any chance he wants an SMS for every email?
18:23.49hardwiretzafrir_laptop: if he's not smart enough to forward to his phone.. then I quit.
18:24.00hardwireis trying to move along anyways.
18:24.03*** part/#asterisk dandre (
18:25.00tzafrir_laptophardwire, anyway, isn't it exactly what a mixmonitor script is for?
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18:25.44hardwiretzafrir_laptop: I do that for another company.. super awesome many call recording of doom
18:25.48hardwireI love having 8 gigs of ram
18:26.09hardwiretzafrir_laptop: but no.. this one simply looks at userfields set when people progress some ivr.. and as queues progress from tier to tier
18:26.34hardwirethen reports missed calls hourly.. so that our CSR can call back and get people hooked up.. as well as daily reports of all action and what not.
18:26.52hi365_mseem like iaxmodem is causing my iax stuff to get messed up? could it be a port issue? (i.e. bot asterisk and iaxmodem's are set to the same port and the same system)
18:26.54hardwirejust using a shell script and mysql html output
18:27.14hardwireI should add my recording solution to the wiki
18:27.17hardwireit's the bees knees
18:29.10Daejeoasterisk handling a lot calls on freesd os
18:29.13hardwirerecords to memory then processes each memory stored recording one at a time using the postpone program.  uses buffer to slow down the speex encoding to reduce cpu spikes (went from 96% cpu time to 10%)
18:29.34hardwirebuffer and postpone are some of my favorite programs.. evar!
18:33.59CRC-errorHi all, I'm new to Asterisk - Tomorrow I have a test of Installing Asterisk system on a server - This is a test for getting into a new job.
18:34.44*** join/#asterisk seanmh (
18:34.48CRC-errorSo I'm trying to learn some basics before the test... I was wounder what are the major diffarents between Asterisk 1.4 to 1.6? I browsed the Asterisk web site without seeing the diffarents so far...
18:39.04[TK]D-FenderCRC-error: then you're in serious trouble for not knowing the docs are in the source tarball
18:39.42[TK]D-FenderCRC-error: CHANGES & ChangeLog.txt
18:39.56[TK]D-FenderCRC-error: and UPGRADE-*
18:40.45*** join/#asterisk nullable_type (
18:41.41Aaron--so you're trying to fake your way into a job that requires asterisk knowledge?
18:41.53Aaron--good luck =)
18:42.44nullable_typeHey guys, in dial plan how do i do this? while in an exten line i want to switch to another extension. Just like as a user entered 99 while WaitExten()... do i need to use Dial(Local/99@test)? Is there any better way
18:43.11nullable_typeo do u set ${Exten}
18:43.14[TK]D-Fendernullable_type: Goto()
18:43.23*** join/#asterisk intralanman (
18:43.33nullable_typeright! Thanks D-Fender you are the man :)
18:44.33*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
18:45.23ChuggsDoes anyone know how to get rid of this; "WARNING[15743]: translate.c:645 __ast_register_translator: plc_samples 160 format f"
18:45.28CRC-errorAaron--, No I'm not... I have knowledge in the VOIP world, I have knowledge in SIP & trying to earn some new information about Asterisk :)
18:46.19ManxPowerAsteriaCRC-error: read the included docs and the Book
18:46.53Aaron--good call.
18:47.05CRC-errorThank you :)
18:52.13SuPrSluGwhat's a good way to get sip debug and agi debug info from the cli? can I enable it in logger and get the sam info?
18:52.28SuPrSluGsam = same
18:55.22*** join/#asterisk dmz (
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19:02.55deadpigeonI know this isn't the right channel, hell I don't think there is one. Atleast this is telephone related. Anyone familiar with GR-303 services?
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19:05.17deadpigeonNobody eh?
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19:14.57SuPrSluGhow to capture cli output?
19:17.21_BBV_asterisk -x "show chanels"
19:17.55_BBV_asterisk -rvvvvvx 'iax2 show registry'|grep Registered |wc -l
19:18.01[TK]D-Fender_BBV_: ...
19:18.15*** join/#asterisk voxter (
19:18.17[TK]D-Fender_BBV_: this isn't the shell you're looking for...
19:18.26[TK]D-Fenderpulls the old Jedi Mind Trick
19:18.45_BBV_i show how capture cli result
19:19.16[TK]D-Fender_BBV_: And... how's that working for you?
19:22.43russellb[TK]D-Fender: what's wrong with it?
19:22.54*** join/#asterisk FunkyGMT (n=Hayes@
19:23.49[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Aside from the speeling earors and the over-specific nature? ;)
19:24.15[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: That isn't "just CLI output", those are target tasks, not a general dump for logging / review
19:24.26russellbMr. Pedantic!
19:24.49russellbbut sure ... i suppose if you wanted to capture cli output for an entire CLI session ... asterisk -r | tee cli_output.txt
19:24.52[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: it pays off.  Constantly.
19:25.03*** join/#asterisk joshaidan (
19:25.11russellbthe previous is a good example, but only if you want the output for a single command.  :-)
19:25.12[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: I also like my "#" in sip.conf with that
19:25.34[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: and the first sample could use a spelling fix
19:25.57russellbheh, that's the command to show what designer purses asterisk has available
19:26.37[TK]D-Fender#5 Alive!
19:31.50hardwireI usually have to pass asterisk -x 'blah' | strings
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19:45.42brunnerdoes anyone here have NuFone?
19:47.10BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: is there anyway to use variables with hints???   e.g. exten => 16XX,hint,SIP/${EXTEN}
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19:54.56[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: in 1.6 (or 1.6.1 Yes, IIRC)
19:58.03*** join/#asterisk action_one (n=betatest@
19:58.10action_onehi all
19:58.25action_onecan someone help me please ?
19:58.31*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
19:59.13action_onea have this message when i receive an h323 call : WARNING[5642] channel.c: No translator path exists for channel type SIP (native 65535) to 0
19:59.46action_onebut when a do the test from openphone that work perfecly
20:00.20[TK]D-Fenderaction_one: go enable H.323 debug to see what codecs are being offered
20:00.32Shaun222when i caller hangs up during a sub shouldnt the h extension run?
20:00.33[TK]D-Fenderaction_one: And look at your SIP peer to see which ones it supports.
20:00.37Shaun222in that sub
20:00.40[TK]D-Fenderaction_one: there is clearly a mismatch
20:00.58[TK]D-FenderShaun222: What is happening?
20:02.15Shaun222when the callee hangs up right a sub is running it's just exiting that sub, not going to h.
20:02.33Shaun222basically the queue calls a local/exten which dials a agent using a gosub
20:02.55Shaun222if the local/exten hangs up while that sub is running the caller exits the queue.
20:03.24Shaun222from what i can tell it's because the sub just exits and doesnt go to h which would set GOSUB_RESULT=CONTINUE
20:04.11BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: 1.6.1-rc1
20:04.24*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
20:05.09action_one<[TK]D-Fender> i activate the debug
20:05.45action_one<[TK]D-Fender> and where can i see the codecs offered ?
20:07.03action_one<[TK]D-Fender> another things i have this issue when i upgraded the freepbx to the new version 2.5
20:07.50lesouvageWhen starting my irc client I see the message "your forward and reverse dns don't match". On my sip trunk I miss the incoming audio stream during a phonecall. Can there be a relation and if yes is this my cable company to blame?
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20:07.54action_one<[TK]D-Fender> i use currently the version 1.2.27 of asterisk
20:08.23jayteethat's ok, I'm still running Windows 95
20:08.59*** join/#asterisk KC42 (
20:09.10harry__I'm trying to convert mp3 -> alaw. atm I'm using this sox(1) commando: `sox foo.mp3 -r 8000 -A` - but at some frequencies of the mp3 file the resulting alaw is kinda broken (you know, distorted, slow). any tricks w/ sox to convert all mp3 files to some alaw that asterisk will play nicely?
20:10.44BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: you there??
20:12.06action_onehow can i verify if my ooh323 module is ok and the channel.c is ok
20:15.06Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: ahh, figured out a workaround.
20:15.51Shaun222first thing i do in the sub needs to be to Set(GOSUB_RESULT=CONTINUE) that way if it craps out for any reason asterisk see's CONTINUE and goes on.
20:18.31*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
20:18.54Shaun222ok now for problem number two.  I have a queue with two weights for agents. The first weight calls 10 phones, and using dial() with a gosub.  The problem is that when one person out of those 10 phones picks up a call and goes through the gosub the rest of the phones still ring.  But whats weird is as soon as they time out the queue doesnt go on to dial agents from the next weight until that sub exits.  I want it to ring all phones from the
20:19.01*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
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20:21.19action_oneplease i need somme help with the new ooh323
20:21.25keith4we sound like a Metro PCS commercial
20:22.00rdahlin_2Do you know if there is a uncompability between Asterisk GUI 2 and Asterisk 1.4... i'm thinking about time intervals ans incoming calling rules...
20:22.12rdahlin_2ans = and
20:22.59[TK]D-Fenderaction_one: type "help' at CLI and see what H.323 debug options you ahve
20:23.22[TK]D-Fenderrdahlin_2: Ask in #asterisk-gui , it isn't supported here
20:23.45[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: Yes, and I've answered you on this.  Go try and see what happens
20:24.00rdahlin_2[TK]D-Fender: OK. thanks...
20:24.21[TK]D-Fenderharry__: any issue jsut letting * playt he MP3's?
20:26.42*** join/#asterisk vncsnvs (
20:26.48BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: I tried, and it doesn't seem to work...  when I 'core show hints' it just shows 16XX and always says it's idle...
20:26.48vncsnvsany con about
20:27.10harry__[TK]D-Fender: 95% of my users are on cell phones, so they don't get any quality increase w/ mp3's, so I though I'd spare some CPU on playing straight alaws
20:27.13[TK]D-Fendervncsnvs: unload
20:27.30[TK]D-Fenderharry__: use 8 to convert them and save yourself the effort
20:27.46[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: PASTEBIN is your friend.  use it.
20:27.49jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
20:28.35harry__[TK]D-Fender: so, just playing them straight? same with WAV files? how much of a CPU hog will it be..
20:29.10[TK]D-Fenderharry__: I said CONVERT, not transcde live
20:29.35harry__uh, I didn't know I could use asterisk for that
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20:31.09t_corrif i were having problems with call quality using sip, where the audio would cut out for a split second over and over, where would be the best place to look? the rtp?
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20:40.24vncsnvsateh logo
20:40.25*** part/#asterisk vncsnvs (
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20:45.39brad_msswI've got a phone line coming into Zap/g1 (a digium TDM400P), I want it to make it a dial-out only line, and ignore incoming calls ...  is there some flag I can set to tell it not to go to any context?
20:47.30[TK]D-Fenderbrad_mssw: No.
20:47.41[TK]D-Fenderbrad you send it into a context that will not answer the call.
20:48.35Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: anyway to get the ip of the sip connection in the extensions.conf?
20:49.16*** join/#asterisk esaym (
20:49.26[TK]D-FenderShaun222: "core show functions like SIP" <- go read the list a bit
20:49.40e4I've got an IAX2 configuration that's not connecting properly.  It's sending packets out, doing the poke, pong, ack, but no registration is occurring.  Any recommendation for a place to start troubleshooting?
20:50.41Shaun222lol, wth... what greating is the default greating for voicemail... i've set unavailible and busy and it still does the stupid default anounce.
20:51.07Shaun222i just want one fricken greeting, not a busy, unavailible, taking a crap, etc... :))
20:52.23*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
20:54.31Shaun222exten => _X!,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=${SIPCHANINFO(recvip)})
20:54.53[TK]D-FenderShaun222: "core show application voicemail" <-
20:55.56Shaun222which greeting is it playing by default, the temp?
20:56.50[TK]D-FenderShaun222: temp overrides the other 2
20:57.02harry__[TK]D-Fender: meh, I might be stupid, but all my google results returns something w/ sox(1)
20:58.23[TK]D-Fenderharry__: CLI
20:58.59Shaun222[TK]D-Fender: you see any problems with creating a sip account for guest calls?  Basically i created a sip context for username=customer that dumps into my IVR (same context that incomming PRI calls dump too), i set allowguest=yes and no secret.  SO far it's working great, not sure how multiple connections on the same context will be handled though.
20:59.26Shaun222the idea is to allow international customers the ability to connect into our * server and press any key and get dumped into the IVR
20:59.29NotForResale-UScan anyone tell me what? y0 b0x is 0wned? is when i boot up? it tells me that cannot find asterisk
20:59.30*** join/#asterisk gulden (
20:59.40[TK]D-FenderShaun222: Every call is jsut a call.
21:00.24[TK]D-FenderNotForResale-US: means somebody probably hacked your box and raped it both ways, no K-Y
21:00.28NotForResale-USguess i have to reload the backup
21:00.38harry__[TK]D-Fender: checked that, still no luck.
21:00.51NotForResale-USi have a 1tb server that backs up my Asterisk box bit by bit
21:00.51*** part/#asterisk gulden (
21:00.54harry__thinks he is missing something obvious here.
21:01.02[TK]D-Fenderharry__: "help convert"
21:01.05*** join/#asterisk stbuehler (n=stbuehle@lighttpd/stbuehler)
21:01.34harry__meh, one module missing. found it. and thank you very much, as always.
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21:10.57hardwirenever fear! hardwire is here!
21:11.37[TK]D-Fenderflees in terror
21:11.46hardwirenow that the air is cleared.
21:16.57*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (
21:17.40e4Iptables + selinux is your friend.
21:17.40[T]ankdoes anyone know of a usb connected ATA? I am looking for a hardware solution similar to magic-jack or
21:18.06mvanbaak[T]ank: what you want to do ?
21:18.37*** join/#asterisk double_cheesburg (
21:18.54double_cheesburgWhat command tells you the version of dahdi you are running?
21:19.10[T]anki have built a "work at home agent" solution for my office, but many of these agents that use it are not savvy enough to add a device into their network in addition to their computer.
21:19.25[T]ankthey dont have routers or switches for example
21:19.26theharthen teach them.
21:19.32theharjetblue does it just fine.
21:19.44theharas do many others.
21:19.51[T]anki agree....
21:19.56[T]ankthinking outside the box
21:20.05thehardiagrams printed on papers are best.
21:20.21e4[T]ank:  Sounds like you found a part-time job if they won't/can't/can't be bothered to learn.
21:20.38mvanbaak[T]ank: just give them an usb headset and install a softphone
21:21.05[T]ank... back to my question... does anything like that exist that is not specific to skype?
21:22.00[TK]D-Fenderdouble_cheesburg: "dahdi_cfg -vvvv"
21:23.39mvanbaak[T]ank: you want a device that is plugged into the usb port and uses the pc's internet connection to connect to a sip server ?
21:23.49double_cheesburg[TK]D-Fender : My output says I'm running dadhdi-tools version 2.0, but says nothing about Dahdi-Linux. Should I take this to mean I'm running 2.0?
21:24.24[TK]D-Fenderdouble_cheesburg: And the more userland stuff... not sure
21:24.37[TK]D-Fenderdouble_cheesburg: check the "--help" for the given app, etc
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21:25.42[T]ankmvanbaak: correct. I am finding a bunch out there made for skype.
21:25.51nullable_typeI want to ask the user "Press 1 to continue". which method is more reliable using WaitExten() or Get Data to compare if 1 was entered?
21:26.02[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: jsut a USB headset.  No magic here.  Loitech makes plenty
21:26.04mvanbaak[T]ank: I am not aware of such a device
21:26.15hardwiree4: random iptables/selinux plug?
21:26.35e4@ NotForResale-US
21:26.39hardwire[T]ank: usb headset?
21:26.43hardwireno go?
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21:27.01mvanbaakhardwire: he doesn't want a softphone
21:27.14nullable_typeD-Fender >> Can you look at my question?
21:27.15mvanbaakbasically an ATA that connects over usb instead of lan
21:27.18hardwire[T]ank: yer just gonna have to learn em up
21:27.36jayrod422im trying to compile in cdr_odbc but for some reason asterisk wont build the module.. i have unixodbc and freetds install and can do a isql asterisk.. any ideas?
21:27.40[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: No such thing that I can think of.
21:27.51[TK]D-Fendermvanbaak: Get him a bloody ATA or SIP phone
21:27.54hardwire[T]ank: if you can find an ATA with a 2 port switch in it.. that may make it easier.. if the remote agents are using router/firewalls.
21:27.54[T]ankthis looks promising
21:28.19e4mvanbaak:  I'm assuming that what he wants involves setting up NAT on the machines in question and using the headset as an ethernet over usb device or something like it.
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21:28.32[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Extremely doubtful
21:28.49bulliumis there a setting to make the system accept key presses while the system voice is giving options after you first login to voicemail? exp. you call in and have to wait for her to finish talking before it will accept your input...I'm connected in through a T1 card from a definity PBX
21:28.50*** join/#asterisk Badrobot- (
21:28.56[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: its just a FXS matched SOUND CARD.
21:29.05mvanbaak[T]ank: Just teach them how to use a softphone with an usb headset, or use an ATA or use a sip hardphone
21:29.17mvanbaakeeeeeew, fxs sound cards .......
21:29.23mvanbaakthat's _NOT_ going to work
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21:29.53[TK]D-Fenderbullium: Nowhere should you have to wait
21:30.25bulliumthe system simply doesn't notice the keypresses until after the system has finished talking
21:30.28e4[T]ank:  An alternative solution is hooking up a router to those offices/lan's and using regular voip phones.  That would be cheap and simple.
21:30.28hardwire[T]ank: I deal with some extremely wonky people myself
21:30.55hardwire[T]ank: I usually just forward to their land line through a local PRI.  It's a shame I can't fire people who can't deal.
21:30.57bullium[TK]D-Fender: sorry: the system simply doesn't notice the key presses until after the system has finished talking
21:31.16[TK]D-Fenderbullium: Sorrier still that I see no debug and am out of time.
21:31.17hardwire[T]ank: then I make sure they press an ack key before I transfer the call
21:31.19[TK]D-FenderHeading home, BBIAB
21:32.03hardwirebullium: using Background or Playback?
21:32.37bulliumhardwire: I'm not sure I understand your question
21:33.00bulliumhardwire: I'll look at the link
21:33.01*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
21:34.29*** join/#asterisk StanManCan (
21:34.43StanManCanHow do you setup your outgoing callerID number in Asterisk ?
21:35.02hardwirebullium: ah.. that may not be what you need
21:35.32bulliumhardwire: OK, then what do I need :)
21:36.32*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
21:37.08BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: OK.. back to grinding wheel...  You want me to put that output from 'core shoe hints' on pastebin??
21:37.14BlargMaN00crap...  he left
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21:41.46BlargMaN00can anyone else help me out with my hint issue?
21:44.18mvanbaakhey lesouvage
21:44.31mvanbaakyou in hannover for the cebit ?
21:45.58*** join/#asterisk jplank (
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21:47.54jplankanyone have any experience with any multi tenant guis for *?
21:48.24mvanbaakjplank: they all suck++
21:49.28*** join/#asterisk nullable_type (
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21:49.56nullable_typeexten => s,1,WaitExten() ; Wait for 9 to be entered.
21:49.56nullable_typeexten => 9,1,DoSomethingWith9()
21:49.56nullable_typeexten => [012345678],1,DoSomethingWithOtherNumbers()
21:49.56nullable_typeDo you guys know why i get a warning when a # like 7 is entered? I was hoping it will go to Line 3
21:50.23*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
21:51.32jplankone of our uses for asterisk today is as a hosted PBX. We currently do everything manually (the best way to go), but my boss wanted me to look into some gui setups, so he can have non-tech people do adds moves and changes and whatever
21:51.53Corydon76-dignullable_type: you forgot to prefix the pattern with a '_' ?
21:52.14lesouvagemvanbaak: unfortunately not, you are?
21:52.15nullable_typeoh ya u mean like _[0123]
21:52.28Corydon76-dignullable_type: correct
21:52.36nullable_typeoh thanks!
21:52.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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21:53.02nullable_typeCory >> but if i had a wildcard pattern and a exact match pattern both with priority 1. Which will it go to
21:53.03t_corrHmm. After a Dial() in extensions.conf, should I need to test to see what the results were? (Busy, etc) and play the appropriate tone?
21:53.21mvanbaaklesouvage: nope. not going there this year
21:53.30mvanbaaklesouvage: I have real work to do
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21:53.58lesouvagejplank: scopserv is, within the limitation of a gui, a good working solution, but it is licensed .
21:54.30lesouvagemvanbaak: enjoying the city?
21:54.58[TK]D-Fendert_corr: ${DIALSTATUS}
21:55.14*** join/#asterisk Non-ICE (
21:56.06t_corrShould I have to do a Playtones, though?
21:56.46t_corrOr maybe a better question would be: When Dial()ing out, when no one picks up in the limit (currently 60s), what's the best thing to do?
21:56.56mvanbaaklesouvage: yeah, a LOT
21:56.58t_corrright now i just Hangup, but that confuses my users
21:57.29Non-ICEi'm trying to get asterisk running to my sip provoider using only static NAT mappings.... only thing i'm having trouble getting to work is audio in.... having nated 1024-1036, 3478-3479,5060-5070,10000-10007,16384-32767,48000-64000, still no luck....
21:57.46[TK]D-Fendert_corr: Playback(slackers_arent_answering)
21:58.04t_corr<< is rwaite, in case anyone cares
21:58.09t_corror remembers me.
21:59.38Non-ICEis recieveing audiostreams totally unpredictable?
21:59.48Non-ICEregarding to tcp/ip ports?
22:00.43t_corror i think maybe i will just not set a limit, if they want to sit there for 5 minutes, let them, and then they can hang up when they're ready
22:01.34BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: ok, so i'm not making any headway on this whole hint thing...  I have a wildcard dialplan setup (_16XX) and I can't get the exten => 16XX,hint,SIP/${EXTEN} to work...  any ideas??
22:02.19[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: pastebin "dialplan show" and your subscription attempt
22:02.35ManxPowerAsteriayou cant's wildcard hints last I heard.
22:02.44stbuehlerhi, i am trying to get capi working via misdn (avmfritz pnp,, patched with std2kern + some extra work); the output of misdnportinfo looks fine (one Port listed)
22:02.46ManxPowerAsteriathat may have changed in 1.6
22:02.48stbuehlerbut capiinfo still shows "capi not installed - No such device or address (6)" (capitutils 1:3.9.20060704-3.6 from debian)
22:03.34t_corrhmm i just noticed that i am using 'r' in my Dial()
22:03.43t_corrmaybe that is why i am running into these problems
22:04.57BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: ok...  I highlighted the pertinent parts...
22:05.58BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: how do i show subscription attempts??
22:06.31[TK]D-FenderBlargMaN00: enable SIP DEBUG and watch the subscription attempt
22:07.04t_corrOK, if I remove the 'r' option from Dial() it seems like the channel is silent until I see an 'Is Ringing' on the console
22:07.23t_corrponders which one would be better
22:10.17nullable_typeDoes Dialplan has commenting syntax other than ; ? Like /****/
22:10.19*** join/#asterisk crazyx__ (n=crazyx@
22:11.22BlargMaN00[TK]D-Fender: ok...  I think I got everything you asked for in there...
22:13.22nullable_typeD-Fender ==> Dialplan supports comments with syntax /****/ instead of ; ?
22:13.42russellbit does not.
22:13.57russellbmulti-line comments are done using ;-- some stuff \n more stuff \n whatever --;
22:14.00Corydon76-digNo, if you want multiline comments, use ";--" and "--;" to end
22:14.17theharrussellb beat you
22:14.29Corydon76-digI think my explanation was more clear
22:15.09t_corrwouldn't harhar be more appropriate
22:15.18russellbyour statement claimed that both ";--" and "--;" were used to end
22:15.25thehargets popcorn for the fight
22:15.30russellbthat's not very clear :-p
22:15.45Corydon76-digthehar sounds much like "the whore"
22:16.13thehartilghman: learn to be nice.
22:16.18t_corrthe tortoise and the whore?
22:16.24theharMy name is Harley.
22:16.29theharmy nickname is the har
22:16.32theharor harles
22:16.38thehari don't like harles. so it's thehar
22:16.39t_corrharles in charges?
22:16.41theharhaha yes
22:20.42crazyx__hello everybody. please how can i set on asterisk the Q.931 TEI retry timer ? thanks by advance
22:21.56StanManCanAnybody have any information on changing the outgoing callerID number?
22:22.04*** join/#asterisk mphill (
22:22.36StanManCanI have multiple phone numbers and owuld like to be bale to control which one it appears I'm calling from
22:22.50StanManCanbusiness 1's line.. business 2's line..
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22:29.13crazyx__please is there somebody know how can i set on asterisk the Q.931 TEI retry timer ? thanks by advance !
22:29.58ManxPowerAsteriaStanManCan: change it in the dialplan
22:33.24*** part/#asterisk harry__ (
22:38.48nullable_typeIs there a way i can get call duration in the DialPlan? without looking at CDR Database?
22:39.16*** join/#asterisk dwery1 (n=dwery@nslu2-linux/dwery)
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22:40.25dwery1hello. I'm trying to compile wanpipe but got an error:  'struct device' has no member named 'priv'  . anyone knows if there's a patch?
22:41.21dwerys/struct device/struct netdevice/
22:41.22codefreeze-lapnullable_type: how about CDR(duration) ?  ${CDR(duration)}
22:41.58codefreeze-lapIt'd only be useful in the h exten
22:42.08nullable_typethank you so much, I was just looking at wiki about that
22:42.12codefreeze-lapIf you set endbeforehexten
22:42.35codefreeze-lapAnd in xfers, parks, etc, you can kiss it goodbye
22:42.53nullable_typeyes, But if i was trying to bridge calls, CDR(duration) gives the last call duration rite?
22:43.22codefreeze-lapIt gives you whatever is sitting in the CDR on the current channel
22:43.49nullable_typeohh ok thanks
22:44.20*** join/#asterisk ^Bloo (
22:44.21codefreeze-lapDIAL sets some vars; see the docs for the Dial() app
22:44.36codefreeze-lapnullable_type: That might be easier
22:45.20codefreeze-lapYou might be able to fetch that info after dial returns, nullable_type
22:45.23nullable_typeFrom what i read i can set the vars there but to find the actual duration i use CDR(duration) right
22:45.33nullable_typehow can i fetch them back?
22:45.43nullable_typeoh u mean the vars that was set, nm
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22:46.49nullable_typethat one?
22:48.25codefreeze-lapnullable_type: yeah, just checked the code, that and DIALEDTIME
22:48.55codefreeze-lapsame diff as billsec and duration
22:49.28nullable_typeIs there any example app on how can i bill if i am briding two channels?
22:49.32nullable_typeexample DialPlan
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22:50.48kb3ienanyone seen the linkydink PAP2t (NA version) work fine for outbound, but loose audio in both directions for inbound?
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22:52.41kb3ienseems to be a history of people writting about this particular product doing this, but no solutions.
22:55.30crazyx__if i get my E1 card (TE410P) working well with no problems with span1,1,0... and span2,2,0... , but when i plug the third one with span3,3,0... i got errors, what's the better way to stop having this issues ? span3,0,0 ??
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23:03.25joakowould their be a problem to have asterisk listen on multiple ports on the same ip address? e.g. 5060-5069?
23:08.13edoceoWhat's the terms to Google so * understands when users 'Say One' rather than 'Press One' ?
23:09.00nullable_typeHey guys, Can i set multiple variables using exten => s,1,Set(Var1=0,Var2=0) ?
23:10.04*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
23:10.23edoceonullable_type: I always have multiple lines - for readabilty
23:11.23nullable_typethanks guys
23:11.56dweryanyone is using the wanpipe drivers with a recent kernel? (2.6.28/29)
23:22.55*** join/#asterisk Aaron-- (
23:23.24Aaron--is there speech-to-text magic I can use to give people an email transcription of their voicemail?
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23:26.55joakoedoceo: LumenVox?
23:27.44^BlooS2T of freeform text is gonna be garbage, tho.. have fun.
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23:34.03SkykingOHHaving a bit of trouble with some extension syntax
23:34.14SkykingOHexten => _X!,n,GotoIf($["${CALLERID(num):0:2}" != ",1"]?nodigitstrip)
23:34.26SkykingOHIs evaluating false and jumping to nodigitstrip
23:34.28jayteeAaron, speech to text?
23:34.46DaejeoAaron: he meant- tts
23:34.59jayteeno, I think he meant the other way
23:35.09Daejeospeeh to text- ASR
23:35.47jayteeyou'd have a hell of a time getting Lumenvox to handle that
23:35.56SkykingOHThe caller ID is beginning with the ,1 I want to strip tested with a noop - any assistance appreciated
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23:37.22DaejeoAaron: you can use voicexml browser
23:38.21jayteefor real speech to text you need something like Dragon Dictate which I don't think they have a linux version and it requires training the engine so random voices would throw it off.
23:39.29Aaron--I meant speech to text, like simulscribe
23:39.30jayteeand Lumenvox works on keyed grammars so it recognizes random voices but the grammar has to be built, it ain't free and the 12,000 vocabulary engine license per port is a bit daunting in price
23:39.35hardwiredwery: checked with sangoma?
23:39.48jayteeAaron--, never tried simulscribe
23:40.06dweryhardwire: haven't called them yet. I managed to compile the drivers bt it seems I'm having problems with the utilities
23:40.19Aaron--I've got it on my cell phone. voicemail forwards to them, then they email me a transcription of the voicemail, and a wav
23:40.31hardwiredwery: what kind of issues?
23:40.44^Blooeven the very best ASR engines cannot do freeform (ie grammarless, untrained) speech recognition well. Especially over a phone-quality audio.
23:41.01jaytee^Bloo, very true
23:41.12^Blooit's like 60% recognition or some such
23:41.12dweryhardwire: the ./Setup dahdi  compilation script failed when building the utilities, so I'm now trying to understand how to do the same things manually.
23:41.16Aaron--so there's no easy way to do it. works for me.
23:41.22^Blooyeh, sorry
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23:41.37^Bloothe services that do it actually use slave-labor-rate callcenters
23:41.58^Bloothey pre-process it with asr, but they touch all of the messages
23:42.29Daejeo^Bloo: try my ASR
23:42.31hardwiredwery: did you just change the kernel?
23:42.37Daejeoit does work
23:42.48Aaron--I guess I could forward it all to spinvox if I really cared
23:42.55dweryhardwire: no, first compilation, I've just received my sub fxo device ad my kernel is .29-rc6
23:43.18hardwireah ok.. so the kernel part of it seems moot.
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23:43.32dweryhardwire: But I managed to compile the kernel part
23:43.37hardwireI'd report your dahdi version, asterisk version, kernel version, to sangoma
23:44.05hardwirewanpipe is kinda a naughty word around here.
23:44.06hardwiretee hee
23:44.26hardwirewell.. probably not
23:44.31hardwirebut I like chaos.. so lets pretend.
23:44.39dwerygive me another usb fxo device and I will be happy to use it :) I'll try to contact them tomorrow..
23:45.01jpcansahow can i make dahdi to start on boot on opensuse?
23:46.00hardwirejpcansa: dahdi-tools-
23:46.17dweryhardwire: I think I ust need to generate the configuration files now
23:47.45Aaron--daejeo: thanks, I'll take a look at voicexml
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