IRC log for #asterisk on 20090227

00:00.40mapmagicChuggs: I did.
00:00.47mapmagicand i am running both of them on the same machine!
00:01.45mapmagichow can i figure out what is going wrong?
00:02.56*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
00:04.48ghenrywith gtalk on *, can you send messages to * and capture them?
00:05.20Chuggsmapmagic: stop your asterisk server and reload it with "asterisk -cdvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"   that will give you copious amounts of info?
00:06.40*** join/#asterisk SpiritedBB (n=Spirited@
00:06.48Chuggsmapmagic: i'll be back tomorrow.  i dont have access to my server right now anyway. im taking off an image of a fresh CentOS install
00:07.55*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
00:08.11mapmagicChuggs: Thanks.
00:08.15SpiritedBBCan anyone recommend a quality SIP 4/8/16 FXS analog adapter?
00:08.28mapmagicNothing on the asterisk server. My softphone wont talk to it :(
00:09.18Chuggswanders off
00:09.49mapmagicis there a way to check if on a machine asterisk is listening to the 5060 port and there is no firewall or anything else obstructing it?
00:10.55mapmagicI'll try it, just installing it.
00:11.53*** join/#asterisk timeshell (n=chatzill@
00:12.03mapmagicdocid: It shows the line: 5060/tcp open  sip
00:12.23mapmagicshould i be looking for something else as well?
00:12.27docidhrmm, and your doing this from the box running the softphone?
00:12.38mapmagicyes, twinkle is my soft phone.
00:12.56mapmagicit says 503 Service unavailable!
00:13.52mapmagicMy CLI just showed : WARNING[29697]: chan_skinny.c:5602 get_input: read() returned error: Connection reset by peer
00:13.58docidhrmmzz, not sure on that one, i havent really used softphones, we all atas and sip phones, had to do some hokey stun stuff to get through some nats before, is the box with the softphone behind nat? is it setup to work behind nat if it is?
00:14.04mapmagicos that because of nmap?
00:14.41mapmagicit is inside some kind of a virtual lan i think
00:14.49docidhrmm, no clue, nmap just does a smart portscan, lots of other things ya can make it do, but by default its pretty innoculious
00:14.50mapmagichence i was trying to do local experiments.
00:15.25mapmagicyeah, it was because of nmap, everytime i do it, asterisk complains the same line
00:17.09*** join/#asterisk derfum (i=derf@
00:19.02SpiritedBBHave searched high and low to find docs on getting Cisco 2421-8FXS to work as a analog gateway via SIP
00:19.34SpiritedBBhas anyone had success using Cisco router IOS or 2400IAD's
00:19.49SpiritedBB2421's or 2431's
00:20.44*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:29.53*** join/#asterisk SpiritedBB (n=Spirited@
00:30.01*** part/#asterisk mapmagic (
00:30.25*** join/#asterisk dFence (
00:30.29dFencehey guys
00:31.02dFencei'm trying to find the packages "isdnnet" and "suppserv" to get mISDNv2 working... but i just can't find them... hints?
00:31.10SpiritedBBSorry, got bounced out for 7 minutes, did anyone respond about analog gateeways?
00:32.15derfumAnyone know if you can use asterisk on a VOIP phone line through the cable company?
00:32.29*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:32.57*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
00:33.33*** join/#asterisk tuxd00d (n=tuxd00d@
00:33.39SpiritedBBshould be able to use 5060 port traffic on most MSO (cable companies) networks
00:33.42docidshould be able to set it up as a trunk like ya would any other voip provider i would think, unless ya cable company is doing something edd
00:38.07MiccI'm getting some really strange things with
00:38.15*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
00:38.17Miccmy music on hold is jumping between songs.
00:38.26MiccAnd the phone audio isn't working right.
00:40.35*** join/#asterisk qdk (
00:40.36*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-862ff97f65303eaf)
00:42.14Miccthis 1.6 is going to kill my business.

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