IRC log for #asterisk on 20090219

00:00.01Corydon76-digYou cannot.  The interface doesn't support that
00:00.19Corydon76-digIt is literally doing a GET VARIABLE foo
00:00.30LemensTSYea i couldnt find information on it, that explains it. Ill just do it 5 times in a row
00:00.48Corydon76-digAGI is a text-based protocol
00:01.56Corydon76-digLemensTS: try "agi set debug on"
00:02.09jm|homeRypPn: do you have a HOWTO or something regarding chan_sccp ... can't I intercom or announce or something?
00:02.15Corydon76-digLemensTS: you can see the literal strings going back and forth
00:03.18*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@nat/digium/x-1ca33954aa476989)
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00:05.27jeremy_ganyone faced rtp issues or codec negotiation issues with asterisk 1.6
00:05.56jeremy_gi have a missing audio at one party after i do a bridge ()
00:05.56theharcarrar: =)
00:06.24cesauis it possible to send variables along with the originate command?
00:08.11cesauinstead of creating a different context for every "from caller id", i would like to assign the caller id with a variable
00:09.02thansenanyone in here have experience with kannel?
00:15.39Khratosgoing home... brb
00:15.43*** part/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
00:18.43*** join/#asterisk bminish (
00:21.34drmessanoManxpower is always SOOO pleasant
00:22.43*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:28.09watchyis there a way to check if a mailbox exist?
00:28.21hardwireany way to add the uniqueid to the start of all logger lines?
00:28.34hardwiremy life would be so awesome
00:28.53jeremy_gis allow=all valid?
00:31.04jeremy_gwhat happens if i use ulaw at my network in europe where alaw is the norm.
00:31.43jeremy_gwhen they say this alaw is used in europe, and ulaw in US, does that mean if you violate this you would get interoperability problems with other sip phones.
00:32.06jeremy_gWhat if all the sip phones are in your control and you set them all to ulaw e.g.
00:32.10jayteeor you're server would have to do more work transcoding
00:32.38jeremy_ghardwire: hack mktemp
00:32.58jeremy_gthansen:I used it in year 2000.
00:33.07jeremy_gthansen:is it still popular
00:33.39thansenjeremy_g: not sure, just looking at it, but I want to send sms with it
00:33.48thansenjeremy_g: were you able to get that far?
00:35.29jeremy_gthansen:I configured it as a wap gateway
00:35.35thansenjeremy_g: I gotta jet, please pm me with any info and I'll ping you a little later when I get back, thanks
00:35.47jeremy_gthansen:it worked fine.
00:36.46hardwirejeremy_g: rawr?
00:36.49*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
00:38.02hardwire<jeremy_g> hardwire: hack mktemp
00:38.27jeremy_gjaytee:how do i check if rtpstrict=yes or no? what is the default
00:39.17jeremy_gah solved, rtpstrict is disabled by default
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00:51.36jeremy_gany solution to this problem
00:51.44jeremy_gmissing audio in one direction
00:53.36[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: "This might be a NAT problem but a) why it happens occasionally and b) NAT is configured properly and it works for everything else."
00:54.15[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: And the reason I would TRUST that it is actually correct is what exactly?
00:55.10jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: setting allow=all makes you get rid of codec negotiation problems?
00:55.25shmaltzjeremy_g, it should
00:55.47[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: No, its can CAUSE THEM
00:55.50jeremy_gis allow=all valid? I thought its disallow=all which is valid syntax
00:56.08[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Both are valid, some are STUPID for various reasons.
00:56.57jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:I have missing audio on call transfer for one party. I am in EU. It seems * is talking ulaw with other parties happily but after transfer it switches to alaw without a re-invite.
00:57.03jeremy_gdoes that ring any bells
00:57.09shmaltzchanges his mind and now says that he meant to say it could :P
00:58.37*** join/#asterisk j_o_e (
00:59.08[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Show us the CONFIGS.
00:59.13[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: pastebin is your friend
01:01.10jeremy_g:) ok
01:01.27j_o_ehello, I'm hoping somebody can help with a asterisk networking problem I've been struggling with for a while. I have one computer behind a router and I'm trying to connect over the internet to my asterisk server, which is also behind a router. I'm forwarding sip and rtp ports and I've even tried taking the router on my end out of the equation by directly connecting to the internet. However, my outgoing calls connect to my cell, but audio i
01:01.27j_o_esn't transmitted and my cell phone hangs up after 22 seconds. How can I go about fixing this?
01:02.31[TK]D-Fenderj_o_e: sounds like ANOTHER classic NAT setup failure.  Read up :
01:02.33jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
01:03.14jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: sip.conf
01:05.06*** join/#asterisk Khratos (n=Khratos@
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01:05.54jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: extensions.conf
01:07.42[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: your * is not configured properly to work from behind NAT, and [general] is a mess. "host=dynamic" is just one of the things that doesn't belong there
01:08.22[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: and you have not specified your codec anywhere.
01:08.38[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: this is just begging to run into an "impossible transcode" scenario.
01:12.00jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:whats wrong with general beside host=dynamic
01:12.46jeremy_gso i just add a line e.g. disallow=all, allow=g729 \n allow=alaw \n allow=ulaw , remove host=dynamic from general and thats it.
01:13.43jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:does it matter if i put allow=ulaw before allow=alaw
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01:14.26stablerjeremy_g: no, youre allowing both anyway
01:15.35[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Why is setting your codecs a GUESSING GAME?
01:16.39[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: You are missing tons of other NAT related settings, a pile of BASIC stuff including port and interface binding, basic codecs for [general], for your peers, etc.
01:17.31jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:can we set codecs on per sip user basis. Like move allow=g729 to [2010]
01:17.45[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: You should be.
01:18.03[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Each peer should completely define its own needs.
01:19.05*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
01:20.30jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: new sip.conf
01:20.49*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
01:20.59jeremy_gIs it ok now? I have put the codec preferences in general because i expect all peers to conform to that.
01:22.00*** join/#asterisk RB2 (
01:22.08[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: Check your expectations out the window and do the job explicitly for every peer.
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01:22.34[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: and * is STILL not configured properly to work from behind NAT
01:22.40[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: go read the guide.
01:23.13jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:It ain't working from behind the nat actually. So even if i set nat=no it doesnt matter
01:23.36jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender: AFAIR, externip and internal net info is missing. Right?
01:23.39jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
01:23.52*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
01:26.25j_o_e[TK]D-Fender: thanks for those links on NAT. I think I went over them a few months but it didn't solve my problem. I just reconfigured again based on the first howto. However, I'm still having the same issue. One possible clue is that when I configure user [B] (in the howto this is the user behind a router) in sip.conf and set nat=yes I'm no longer able to register. When I take that setting off I can.
01:26.37[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: go fix the rest of [general] and all of your peers and try again. Upon failure pastebin the complete call w/ SIP debug and your new configs
01:27.45[TK]D-Fenderj_o_e: If the remote device does its own NAT keep-alive you can typically treat it as though it were not behind NAT, though a Qualify is still a good idea.
01:30.20jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:the book is not accessible at my place, damnit
01:30.29jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:any mirror
01:30.53jeremy_gthinks digium should pay [TK]D-Fender
01:31.00jeremy_gstill thinks
01:31.04*** join/#asterisk jtodd (
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01:33.42[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: 2nd link works perfectly fine
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01:33.57[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: SPEAKING OF WHICH :)
01:34.18[TK]D-Fenderjtodd: ... Hi :)
01:34.58Qwelljeremy_g: users could pay him too
01:35.29j_o_e[TK]D-Fender: ok, so when I turn off nat I can register and but audio still doesn't come through and the call fails
01:35.33[TK]D-Fendermisrecalled authorship...
01:35.51[TK]D-Fenderj_o_e: this is the part where you pastebin your configs and failed call attempt with SIP debug enabled.
01:35.54jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
01:36.21jeremy_gI did lost the bet the other day when you told me you dont work for them.
01:37.13j_o_e[TK]D-Fender: asterisk -rvvv for debugging output?
01:37.30[TK]D-Fenderj_o_e: Verbose 10, and SIP DEBUG enables <-
01:39.05*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
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01:41.29jeremy_gif both phoen and * can ping each other then does that mean they are not behind a nat. true?
01:41.38j_o_e[TK]D-Fender: here's my
01:42.15jeremy_gi think the phones are just on different sub-net
01:42.20jeremy_gand there is a router in between
01:42.29jeremy_g[TK]D-Fender:Then do i still need this nat
01:43.01*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:43.50[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: it matters if there is NAT anywhere between * and EVERY deveice it talks with
01:48.56jeremy_gis routing also a type of nat. because my understanding is nat is packet re-writting of src and dst ip,port. e.g. when iptables is used to do so.
01:49.45*** join/#asterisk Mw3 (
01:50.00[TK]D-Fenderj_o_e: your ITSP entries should be NAT=NO, and your phone entries NAT=YES
01:50.30j_o_e[TK]D-Fender: ITSP?
01:51.49*** join/#asterisk killown (n=Yamato@unaffiliated/killown)
01:52.00j_o_e[TK]D-Fender: you are my hero!!!
01:53.07j_o_e[TK]D-Fender: omg... sometimes irc is full of unhelpful assholes... but every once in a while somebody like you saves me a lot of work
01:53.08[TK]D-Fenderj_o_e: You're welcome
01:53.35Corydon76-digis one of those unhelpful assholes
01:53.49[TK]D-Fenderj_o_e: a common reversal is resistant idiot users who piss off those who try to help them.  Thanks for not adding to their population :)
01:54.00Qwellnever thought I'd see the day
01:54.03Qwellnot once
01:54.10[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Admit it... you just wanted to say "ass" :)
01:54.51Corydon76-digSee "rhetoric"
01:55.19jeremy_gi thought it was at -dev i tend to see some humour
01:55.29Corydon76-digIf people think I'm an unhelpful asshole, maybe they won't bug me
01:56.04jeremy_gCorydon76-dig:how long have you been coding *
01:56.21Corydon76-digNot long enough
01:56.24*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:57.15jeremy_gCorydon76-dig:Then why are you like this :D
01:57.39QwellCorydon76-dig: NOT long enough?
01:58.00Corydon76-digQwell: maybe in another 10 or 15 years
01:58.53*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=intralan@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
01:59.03Corydon76-digThen I'll have built up some seniority there anybody to still be senior over?
01:59.30QwellI guess cresl1n
01:59.56Corydon76-digQwell: I'm being intentionally tongue-in-cheek
02:00.04QwellI see
02:00.07QwellI'm slow
02:06.34*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:08.03jeremy_gwhat is autokill for/
02:09.40*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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02:09.47hardwirecan anything come after Exten => _X. in the dialplan?
02:09.49hardwireor even before?
02:10.16[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: yes.
02:10.26[TK]D-Fenderjeremy_g: JFGI
02:16.13hardwire[TK]D-Fender: I can't seem to have _0779 matched after or before a _X.
02:16.52hardwiremostly because I'm an idiot
02:16.53hardwiregood day sir.
02:17.07hardwirenotes the . at the end of _0779 that shouldn't be there
02:17.42[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: 11 Steps to go!
02:18.27hardwirenow I have to send you a pin stating I've been idiot free for 2 days.. right?
02:18.31hardwireor do they give me one?
02:18.34hardwireI forget.
02:28.25*** join/#asterisk jbot (
02:28.25*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/01/23), (2009/01/23), *-Addons (2008/12/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2008/12/18), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev -=- jbot is back!
02:32.06seanbrightjbot: don't ever leave me again
02:34.11*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
02:34.19jeremy_gi ll sleep
02:34.43jeremy_gthanks TK, i have gained some knowledge today, i ll test tomorrow.
02:41.28[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: doesn't matter... I'm aiming for the flesh underneath anyway :p
02:41.44hardwireyou prick.
02:42.05[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: careful with those words around here....
02:43.18*** join/#asterisk felipe_ (
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02:44.23hardwireit was a verb.
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03:25.42eric256hey would it be possible to setup a code to transfer a call between two extensions? i.e. caller A is on the phone with ext 100, and a supervisor on exten 101 wants to take over the call, i was thinking they could dial something specific to steal it i.e. 66100 and have a script take the call and Redirect it to 101?
03:26.42JAMMAN2110Definately possible
03:27.12JAMMAN2110Wouldnt they want to go down to the person, whack them on the back of the head and take the phone off them?
03:27.16JAMMAN2110Or get it transferred to them?
03:27.28JAMMAN2110Rather than just take over the call
03:28.45eric256not in this case
03:29.07*** join/#asterisk JonOnt (n=nonya@
03:29.15eric256i was trying to use an AGI script to get a list of channels...but Asterisk::MAnager isn't documented that well...
03:30.08eric256i thought i could use ChannelRedirect but i don't know how to figure out the channel an extension is on
03:30.09eric256any ideas?
03:32.18eric256or i thought about Pickup but it seems to only pickup ringing extensions
03:37.07*** join/#asterisk killown (n=Yamato@unaffiliated/killown)
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04:16.31eric256what about FOP....could i use that to steal a call?
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04:20.38Micchow do I make my include at the top of my context in my dialplan? I'm doing "include = inbound" at the top but when I show my nwd-sip context it shows the include at the bottom.
04:22.16Miccshould I use switch = inboud ?
04:23.26Miccswitch Local/${EXTEN}@inbound
04:23.47eric256okay i got AStASsistant and connected it, and i can see the call, but how do i steal it?
04:24.02Micclswitch maybe
04:28.24Miccwhat is the best way to catch a number with our without the preceeding 1?
04:28.36Micc_.2068128319 ?
04:29.46*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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04:32.45asdf-anyone recommend a asterisk compatible service with low priced plans? is quite cheap
04:32.58asdf-but only for regional calls
04:37.10Renn_does anyone have any experience with why my T1 PRI connection keeps repeating "Sending SABME", "Got SABME from cpe peer"... etc. ?  The line is provisioned, active, and OK.
04:40.20*** part/#asterisk eric256 (
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04:53.27asdf-Pan3D, thank you!
04:53.31Pan3Dthey'll work with asterisk users. give them a call.
04:54.07Pan3Dasdf-: np. let me know how it goes.
04:54.33Pan3D(they are a good company, the owners I've known for about 10 years)
04:54.55asdf-do you use them?
04:55.07Pan3Dyes, my asterisk servers
04:55.51Pan3Dand actually several of my network lines
04:57.20Miccis there any recommended way to handle rate center data in the dialplan?
04:57.38MiccSo I the dialplan knows if the call is going to be LD or not.
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05:28.45iguananedanyone have some time to help me out with zaptel issue?
05:29.30iguananedtrying to get an x100p up and working ... ztcfg.. tells me 1 channel to configure
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05:48.02voxterany of you guys use the asterisk .net stuff for c++?
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05:49.18k-manis it possible that the ATA inside my billion ADSL modem is a piece of shit?
05:49.45k-manbecause compared to my linksys sip phone, its gives crap call quality
05:51.07*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
05:52.31iguananed,y name is bob i am an alcoholic\\ho
05:53.19iguananedwhat yall up to?
05:53.58k-manruben23: you ask me that as though you think I have a clue - when in fact, i have no clue
05:54.04k-manruben23: sorry :)
05:54.25k-mani just hang out here so people will think I have a clue
05:55.16iguananedruben that is should work no problem
05:56.04frk2Anybody tried using the XML phone directory on the Cisco 79xx phones?
05:56.15frk2I cant get mine to work for the life of me on a Cisco 7911G
05:56.57frk2phone keeps on saying parsing error
05:57.18ruben23iguananed: how about the do i do it..
05:57.54frk2[TK]D-Fender, I remember you being the man of the cisco's :) are you around?
05:58.20drmessano[TK]D-Fender + Cisco?  Hardly lol
05:59.04frk2drmessano, he certainly knows more than me about their internals :)
05:59.55frk2my customer has gone nuts about this phone directory thing as some of their higher execs have used these phones with CCM and now they want the directory too
06:00.56frk2i tried all the XML formats from voip info- the phone just doesnt like them
06:01.12frk2i wanted to know if there is some special cisco magic involved specially with the 7911G
06:02.52MiccThere must be a better way to do this than using local channels to see if the number is in a rate center.
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06:41.31carrargblx rocks
06:41.51carrargood thing thats all private
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06:51.42carrarGigantic Boobs Laying eXotically
06:51.50drmessanoI see
06:51.54*** join/#asterisk ecret (
06:55.12carrarWhat on earth are you doing?
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06:56.05[TK]D-Fendermy guess... Global Crossing
06:56.19[TK]D-Fenderfrk2: And no.. I don't do Cisco
06:56.24carrarTK wins
06:56.43drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Always love the FAIL attempts at getting help
06:56.58*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
06:57.26drmessano[TK]D-Fender: "TK you around?  Hmm.. I know he's the expert on 3CX PBX for Windoes, maybe he can help :)"
06:57.30carrarI DO CISCO
06:57.36carraruNF uNF uNF
06:57.47drmessanoI R SPERT CISCO
06:59.11[TK]D-FenderYAH I DOES S3X :d
06:59.45carrarfrk2, every Cisco requires MAGIC!!
07:00.33drmessanoThe world is burning.
07:00.39*** join/#asterisk DarKnesS_WolF (n=nu@unaffiliated/sherif)
07:01.04jbotBender : Light a fire for a man and he's warm for a night.  Light a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...
07:01.29carrarAll 10 mins of his life
07:02.15drmessano^^^^^^^ Quickly becoming my fav.. the more I visit it, the more I love it
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07:05.27carrarthe world is NOT burning
07:06.10[TK]D-Fendercarrar: tell that to AUSTRALIA
07:06.22carrarIs their roof on fire?
07:06.38frk2carrar, true :) we got the phone directory to work though, magically :P
07:07.03carrarfrk2, Ciscos are easy
07:07.09carrarbut easy
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07:11.03frk2the world is always burning
07:11.05drmessanoI have to admit the jabber stuff is cool
07:11.08frk2at any given point in history :)
07:11.22drmessanofrk2: Thamk you for stating the obvious
07:11.50drmessanofrk2: Not sure where we would be without you
07:11.58frk2drmessano, i understand
07:12.13drmessanofrk2: Wait, I know.. [TK]D-Fender would be configging all those Cisco's he loves
07:12.16[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
07:12.37[TK]D-Fenderconfigures his Cisco's....
07:12.43[TK]D-Fenderwith THERMITE :D
07:12.46drmessano<frk2> [TK]D-Fender, I remember you being the man of the cisco's :) are you around?  <-- FAIL
07:12.53carrarNO LEAVE CAN YOU
07:13.11[TK]D-Fenderthermite = best "fire"wall EVAR
07:13.14drmessanoMEMORY YOU HAVE SHORT
07:13.23carrarI plug my cat5
07:13.27[TK]D-Fendertalks does funny Yoda hmmmmMMMM!???!??!?
07:13.43trijezdcihi everyone, I:d appreciate if somebody could help with a little problem ...
07:13.47drmessanoHAMMER SMASH DOES PENIS
07:13.50drmessanoWait.. sorry
07:13.57carrarbacks away
07:14.04[TK]D-Fendertrijezdci: #drphil
07:14.15carraraway, further he backs
07:14.27trijezdciI haven:t touched asterisk since about 1.1 or 1.2 and now somebody I promised to help set it up is using 1.4 and for some reason it doesn:t seem to be recognising or reading the extensions.conf file
07:14.28drmessanoIt can help with that "certain part of the male anatomy"
07:14.47drmessano1.1 or 1.2?
07:14.49trijezdciI don:t know AEL so if possible I would like to get going the old fashoned way with extensions.conf without ael
07:14.52carrarOH HELL NO trijezdci
07:14.52trijezdcion 1.4
07:14.59carrarHow is that poissible
07:15.00drmessanoNo one uses AEL
07:15.19carrarin less then 30 mins?
07:15.39trijezdciso why then does 1.4 (vanilla build on Debian) not read extensions.conf but extensions.ael instead
07:15.43drmessanoIts not recognizing the extensions.conf?
07:16.00carrartrijezdci, you could be forced to read the docs
07:16.06carrarthat would suck
07:16.21trijezdciif I do dialplan show, the only thing that it shows is the 700 extension for call parking which I think comes from res=features
07:16.25drmessanotrijezdci: Try REMOVING the .ael
07:16.40carrarcall parking rocks
07:16.44carrarwhy remove that
07:16.56trijezdciyeah, already removed the .ael file and also set to noload in modules.conf
07:17.09trijezdcistill it doesn't show any of the stuff that is defined in extensions.conf
07:17.26drmessanoThen the file is crap.. syntax errors
07:17.36carraruninstall tricbox
07:17.48trijezdcino, we have shrunk it down to only this:
07:18.03trijezdciexten => 777,1,Echo
07:18.05trijezdcithat's all
07:18.12carraryou are hacked?
07:18.21trijezdcibut it won't show up when I do "dialplan show"
07:18.39thansenjermey_g: still around?
07:18.54jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
07:19.01carrarshow us your foo
07:19.13trijezdcilike I said, its only those two lines
07:19.22drmessanoPerhaps its in the wrong location
07:19.22trijezdcithat's the whole extensions.conf
07:19.27drmessanoThis is debian afterall
07:19.28trijezdciin /etc/asterisk
07:19.35drmessanoInstall from packages?
07:19.39carrarwell it's evidently not the case
07:19.54carrarpeople btich at me
07:19.56trijezdciinstalled from packeges
07:19.58drmessanoThen /etc/asterisk may not be correct
07:20.01carrarINSTALL from SOURCE
07:20.12drmessanoSOURCE is always the way to go
07:20.17carrarYou get what you get when you use someone elses pkg
07:20.28carrarYou get what they like
07:20.31drmessanocarrar: i dont touch other dudes packages
07:20.47carraryeah me either
07:20.48trijezdcithe source zaptel stuff doesn't regnise the ISDN card, the packages install does
07:21.03drmessanoFix it
07:21.49carrartrijezdci, whats the end result goal?
07:21.53drmessanoYou're pissing in one hand, vomiting in the other, and wanting to shake hands
07:21.53trijezdciso you are saying that 1.4 should still just read its dialplan from /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf, the same way as it used to be with 1.1 and 1.2?
07:22.05drmessanotrijezdci: there is no 1.1
07:22.10drmessanotrijezdci: and yes
07:22.13carrarnot saying that at all
07:22.18trijezdciwell, there was the development versions under 1.1
07:22.20drmessanoIt will read the file
07:22.22carrarYou are using a pkg
07:22.45drmessanoAsterisk 1.4 will read extensions.conf.. Nothing has changed.. 1.6 will too
07:22.48drmessanoYou have something fucked up
07:22.51carrarthey could have moved extensions.conf to /var/tmp/asterisk/goofiestuff/diaplan/extensions.conf
07:22.59drmessanoProbably from the pkg.. path issue perhaps
07:23.14drmessanoAsterisk has not 'gone to AEL'
07:23.22drmessanoNo one freakin uses it
07:23.29trijezdcisee I am doing this guy a favour, I don't want to spend days on this, all I am trying to do is get a vanilla SIP phone call out on the ISDN card to show him that the card and drivers work fine with the ISDN line, after that he will be on his own
07:23.54drmessanoNo, you dont want to spend days on this, but youre wasting time going back and forth on this crap
07:24.04drmessano1. Forget AEL.. 1.4 reads the .conf
07:24.08trijezdcianyway, it looked as if 1.4 did no longer use extensions.conf, so knowing that it does is of some help
07:24.12carrarspend days on it
07:24.19carrarsleep nights
07:24.21drmessano2. YOUR install doesnt.. we gave you a solution
07:24.46trijezdciI suspect there is something funny with that incredibly huge init.d they have there
07:24.57trijezdciloads of crap in the way they start asterisk
07:25.04drmessano3. Somehow the fact that source didnt seem to work with your ISDN card is supposed to be relevant.  It's not.  Bad config
07:25.27drmessanoGo back and install from source, make it work, move on
07:25.38carrarMAKE IT SO
07:25.41trijezdcibut even if I start /usr/sbin/asterisk without any params, it still doesn't seem to read the extensions.conf, so there is more borked than just the initi I  guess
07:26.24carrartrijezdci, perhaps you should just download SwitchVox
07:26.35carrarit works
07:26.37drmessanoor Trixbox ISO
07:26.37trijezdcinot up to me
07:26.38carrarno worries
07:26.40carrarno learning
07:27.01carrarTrix are for Kids
07:27.24trijezdcibesides, this box will be used in Japan and he's already tried various packaged thingies none of which could be made to do the various things you needed for a Japanese environment
07:27.36carrarI spend lots of time In Japan
07:27.45trijezdciwhich is why I suggested not to use any bundle
07:28.08carrartokyo da
07:28.34trijezdcinow, I got the ISDN card to be recognised and no longer generate any ISDN errors on that NTT circuit, so that was what I promised to help with
07:28.51trijezdcithe only thing I couldn't do because of this dialplan hickup is a test call
07:28.58carrarWhen I think of Japan
07:29.00*** join/#asterisk stabler (
07:29.02carrarI think of this:
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07:32.21carrarOH YEAH
07:35.12carrarI love Japan actually
07:35.17carrargoing back soon
07:36.26trijezdciweird thing is that when we start asterisk with -C then it finds and reads the extensions.conf, when we start it with /usr/sbin/asterisk without any params then it doesn't
07:36.32trijezdcigo figure
07:36.59carrarthats really od
07:37.11carrarnot really
07:37.18*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:37.39carrarWhat do you think might be the reason for that
07:37.41trijezdciat first I  thought it was because of this huge init.d on debian for asterisk that screws up something but I can rule that out now
07:38.01carrarAre you entirely sure?
07:38.41carrarthen you are good to go
07:38.55carrarstart it manually everytime!! :)
07:42.22carrarYou can compile it from source
07:42.28carrarAllow me to QUOE
07:42.31carrar<russellb> apt-get install build-essential ; wget
07:42.31carrar<russellb> there you go :)
07:43.38carrarthat was in respone to someone who said it would take too long to compile from source
07:43.39*** join/#asterisk stabler (
07:44.16trijezdcithat's not what I said
07:44.48carrarThats what we say
07:45.20carrarYou are using a package
07:45.33carrarYou accept the way it's built
07:46.01carrarEmail the creator of the package
07:46.13carrarif you don't like how it's made
07:46.20Nuggetevery time I see "carrar" I want to fix the spelling to "carrera"
07:46.32carrarI'm not a car!!!
07:46.40NuggetI know but I can't stop my brain
07:46.48Nuggethappens when people say "911" too  :)
07:47.48carrars/carrar/Aston Martin/g
07:48.55drmessano911 was teh jews
07:49.00drmessanoWait, thats 9/11
07:49.18SunnyDPe911 :D ROxxxxx
07:49.19carrarsome racical islaam thing
07:49.39drmessanoE911 rox?
07:49.48carrarBut a few days later we were vicotorious
07:49.53drmessanoSeems a bit mundane to "rock"
07:49.55carrarthe banner said so
07:50.26carrarMission Accomplished!
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08:53.01cjkhi, when someone puts me on hold over zap, asterisk plays the musiconhold of my server instead of passing the audio from the other side
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08:53.06cjkany idea how to change this?
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08:59.10Dovidcjk: This is an external call like when you call some one ?
09:00.26cjkDovid, yes
09:00.34cjkthats the problem
09:02.01Dovidasterisk should not be doing that
09:02.03Dovidwhat version ?
09:12.09*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
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09:39.07mlacihi guys! i've changed to naked dsl and my isp put a smart pirelli box on my desk which is a voip router with rj11 ports. i'd like to replace it with my openwrt asus router. is asterisk able to handle multiple sip providers? one provider is my isp to be able to receive incoming calls from the pstn through sip. the other one would be a free sip provider. this way i could call our home phones for free through the net.
09:39.45Gido-Emlaci yes
09:40.26mlaciGido-E, sounds sweet, but i need a device with rj11 ports to connect analog phones. what is your recommendation?
09:44.34Gido-Emlaci look for cards that have FXS ports.
09:52.24*** join/#asterisk ghenry (
09:52.48ghenryDoes anyone have a 1.4 vs 1.4 features list?
09:52.58ghenryi've got
09:53.29*** join/#asterisk Dj-Neo (
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09:54.18Dj-NeoAnyone can tell my how it's possible to dial all command like *72[EXT]#[Fwd-To-Ext]#
09:54.33Dj-Neobecause I would like bind 1 key on each phone
09:54.58Dj-Neonow I need to call first *72 after I tape my extension and after the extension to fwd
09:55.52Dj-Neoanyone can help me ?
09:57.25Dj-Neoomg 291 users and nothing speak
09:59.47*** join/#asterisk sm4sh_ak (i=sm4sh@
10:01.29Dj-NeoHo anyone here please ?
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10:18.37kaldemarDj-Neo: yes it is possible.
10:20.17kaldemarneeds some cheking in the dialplan, but it is possible. functions CUT and LEN will be useful with that.
10:22.30Dovidwhat is the paramater to chace dns lookups so asterisk does not freeze when it can not do a DNS resolution ?
10:26.50*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
10:27.14tzafrir_laptopAgain today, same time
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10:28.30kaldemartzafrir_laptop: you mean jbot? it looks like it always welcomes Sargun in that manner. :)
10:33.13*** join/#asterisk Silicium (n=marco@2001:1410:0:1337:0:0:0:23)
10:33.14Siliciumhi there
10:33.37Siliciumi got the following error in dmesg:
10:33.38Silicium[ 2053.639385] qozap: CRC error for HDLC frame on card 1 (cardID 255) S/T port 4
10:34.12Siliciumi dont know if its the card, the ISDN Port or the zapata config
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10:39.06tenagliahi everybody
10:39.07tzafrir_laptopSilicium, could generally be either. It basically means that the D channel's content was't sent properly
10:40.07tenagliaI'd like to use SIP only to call outside. Do I need any firewall rule on the Asterisk box , assuming that I accept all outgoing connections ?
10:40.24medjrhi all, the command "sip show users" doesnt work anymore
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10:40.46medjri meant the command "sip show peers" doesnt work anymore
10:41.01medjrit tells me that there is no such a command
10:41.13medjrbut i'm pretty sure it exists, right ?
10:41.32medjrright ?
10:41.43medjrhello, anybody in there ???
10:42.42*** join/#asterisk dandre (
10:43.30Dj-NeoOther question. Now we have arround 5 phones and on my phone I've created a Phone Directory with all customers numbers but I would like all IP phone download a file with Phone directory
10:43.44Dj-NeoSo when I update the Phone directory all ^phone receive the update
10:43.55Dj-NeoI don't need to export/import everytime the phone book
10:44.56Dj-NeoOr when  the user press a key on the phone the user show all phone book with all customers number
10:45.02Dj-Neolike a shared phone book for all
10:45.13Dj-Neohow it's possible to do that ?
10:49.50*** join/#asterisk Bladerunner05 (
10:50.22Bladerunner05anyone use blackberry storm as asterisk client ?
10:51.09kaldemarDj-Neo: configure the phones to get their configuration file (including the phone book) from a server and use
10:52.55Dj-Neook but if I have 2 different model :( ?
10:53.51kaldemar2 different configurations then.
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11:01.05medjrwhen i type the command "sip show peers" in the CLI, it tells me "no such command"
11:01.11medjrwhy is that ?
11:02.41Dj-Neokaldemar phone book is not on configuration file when I export it
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11:03.09frecklemedjr: sounds like you dont have chan_sip loaded
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11:08.06kaldemarDj-Neo: well, take a look at the phone's admin manual and try to find a way to get the phone to download a phone book.
11:08.16medjrhow to load it then freckle ??
11:08.34*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (n=pirch@
11:08.42xnixanHi, i was wandering what are the specs of the machine that can handle 100+ asterisk extensions?
11:09.49frecklemedjr: is your sip.conf valid, check log files for errors
11:10.12trijezdcinumber of extensions means nothing
11:10.27trijezdcithe limiting factor is simultaneous calls
11:10.41freckletrijezdci: not strictly true if they are registering then there is a overhead
11:10.56trijezdciyeah, but that is almost negligible
11:12.15freckletrijezdci: when i tried 300+ externsions it put a massive overhead on, ended up fronting with openser
11:12.57trijezdciyou mean 300 active sip clients?
11:13.15xnixanok, trijezdci i will rephrase my question.  what are the specs of the machine that can handle 50+ simultaneous calls?
11:13.28frecklenot 300 concurrent calls
11:13.54kaldemarxnixan: go take a look at the dimensioning page, it concentrates on hardware setups with call volumes.
11:14.06trijezdciwell, 300 "extensions" can mean 300 dialplan shortcuts and a much smaller number of sip clients
11:14.24xnixankaldemar, thanks :)
11:14.26trijezdciit can also mean 300 PRI channels, much less work than sip
11:14.35frecklethe overhead was sip registration
11:14.36Gido-Eif hou dont need to transcode, it will also help alot of load.
11:15.10trijezdciasterisk's sip stack is not exactly the most efficient piece of code out there to put it diplomatically
11:15.19kaldemartrijezdci: 300 PRI channels is quite a bunch for a single machine
11:15.37frecklecorrect sip reg sucks if you have a lot of clients and low re-registration times
11:15.56trijezdci300 PRI channels is a lot if you also get all those channels to be used at the same time with host based EC and transcoding
11:16.41trijezdcibut it is fair if you have hardware EC, no transcoding and only very seldomly peak periods where all channels are actually being used
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11:32.42jermey_gIn what situation * is caused to change source udp port
11:35.35jbot[book] probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
11:36.50jermey_gcmon, i need a quick one here. i think i should add nat=yes
11:39.03kaldemarjermey_g: the book link was not a rtfm for you. :)
11:42.51*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
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11:47.10qdkWhat would be the best option (or one of the best) if I just need a routing SIP gateway? Where I have a number of trunks connected where I buy traffic, and another group of SIPs where I sell trunks... I?ll ofc. need to do some accounting and billing.
11:53.58*** join/#asterisk shenhaoyu (
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11:57.28jbjulyhow do I add a sip.conf entry via CLI?
11:59.21jbjulyi'm looking for a way similar to 'dialplan add extension' but instead of extensions.conf, via sip.conf
12:00.59jbjulyhow do I add a 'register' line and 'include/exten' line in sip.conf using CLI?
12:01.54*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
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12:40.08axarobwith tdm400p or rather tdm31 and asterix is it possible to make free calls to pstn?
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12:43.31kaldemaraxarob: no. the price depends on the telco, not the type of card used.
12:44.06trijezdcisure its possible, if you dial a toll-free number on the PSTN, it will be toll-free
12:44.27kaldemarjbjuly: you don't, unless you feed system commands from cli and modify sip.conf that way (and then sip reload). use some other method.
12:45.34*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (n=zavoid@
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12:46.40KhratosGood `date +%r`
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12:48.17jaybinksanyone about with astlinux experience ?
12:49.42trafimhi. i've set waitexten(10|m) in my dialplan and also some extension to fall to, but when i dial any numbers during musiconhold, looks like nothing is happening. why can it be like that?
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12:54.15tzafrir_laptopjaybinks, maybe those in #astlinux ?
12:54.26jaybinksyea.. nobody about, but lurking
12:54.28jaybinksthanks anyways
12:55.12trijezdcimy experience with astlinux has been that it has always been impossible to get hold of anyone who uses it
12:55.18trijezdcior develops it
12:55.30jaybinksive got the original dev, on my google talk..
12:55.35jaybinkshe seems quite approachable .
12:55.39jaybinksbut he isnt about at the moment..
12:55.53jaybinksmaybe I just got lucky
12:56.19trijezdciI am not saying they don't exist or they are unapproachable
12:56.37trijezdciI am just saying I never had any success getting hold of anyone
12:56.45jaybinkspitty hey
12:56.48medjri have a big problem guys
12:56.57medjrnone of my moules is loading
12:58.04kaldemarmedjr: do you have any configuration files?
12:58.09medjrthe problem is : i have 2 desktops with asterisk installed in both of them, i wanted to try something so i deleted the /etc/asterisk folder from pc1 and paste /etc/asterisk folder (from pc2) instead of it
12:58.19medjryes i do kaldemar
12:58.20trijezdcias in moules and fries
12:58.58trijezdcimay want to try some belgian pub perhaps ;-)
12:59.42kaldemarmedjr: did it work before del/copy?
12:59.50medjrany help ? :s
13:00.21tzafrir_laptopgmail breaks "bounce" on mutt
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13:08.56jbjulyCharozt. lol
13:10.21kaldemarwhat the hell?
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13:16.57jbjulyCharozt MOH uploader and converter for GNOME, it has a funny description.
13:18.05*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
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13:22.14kippihas asterisk 1.6 now got the option to be able to busy out channels?
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13:27.13[TK]D-Fenderkippi: no more than 1.4
13:27.42kippi[TK]D-Fender: so there is no way to busy out channels?
13:27.50[TK]D-Fenderkippi: no more than 1.4
13:28.00russellb_"busy out channels" is kind of specific
13:28.03russellb_non specific
13:28.15verywiseman[TK]D-Fender, what is good specifications for * server that serve 10 Teleco lines and 120 extensions, with voicemail and other features?
13:28.25russellb_surely you can write dialplan where you can optionally prevent channels from being used
13:29.06kippirussellb_: that's not a bad idea
13:29.37russellb_or even an AGI script if asterisk dialplan programming isn't your cup of tea
13:30.10kippirussellb_: but that incomming calls with still be able to come in
13:30.28russellb_kippi: you can reject them in the dialplan
13:30.35[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Probably jsut a basic PC.
13:30.56[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Typical E8400 w/ 1 gig is plenty
13:31.08russellb_emachines with a celery processor?
13:31.21*** join/#asterisk pa (n=pa@unaffiliated/pa)
13:31.34[TK]D-Fenderrussellb_: I'd say yes if they didn't actually break :)
13:32.19awkyo, anyone suggest why I get this at odd ocasions; [Feb 19 17:28:24] WARNING[25527]: translate.c:175 framein: no samples for g729tolin
13:32.31awkI don't see where i'm doing g729 -> slin
13:32.32russellb_awk: feel free to ignroe it
13:32.40russellb_ignore it, too
13:32.41awkok, thanks
13:33.41*** join/#asterisk russellb_ (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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13:35.48verywiseman[TK]D-Fender, how many simultaneous calls it can handle?
13:36.14[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Enought for everyone
13:38.52shazaumanyone know why no cdr records the src of a call when I have a "Transfered/Local/0355@ramais-c3da,2<ZOMBIE>" ?
13:39.00*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
13:39.06shazaumbeacause ir zombie?
13:39.27shazaumasterisk does not like zombie?
13:42.02medjrhow can i retrieve a list of my sipPeers using asterisk-java guys ???
13:42.55codefreeze-lapshazaum:  looks like an attended transfer happened. There's CDR related problems with that
13:45.37codefreeze-lapshazaum: zombies are the result of an operation called "masquerading", that is often used in transfers and parks, to split a channel in two, the new channel gets the name and most of the attributes of the channel. The old (orig) channel gets renamed to zombie, and pretty much is stripped of all its useful info, and basically is just waiting to die.
13:47.34shazaumcodefreeze-lap, now I understand how it works
13:47.41*** join/#asterisk Dj-Neo (
13:47.45shazaumbut, this affect my report
13:48.10Dj-NeoDo you know where it's possible to order a small serve rjust for Asterisk ?
13:48.17Dj-Neofor a little price
13:50.11*** join/#asterisk jayrod422 (
13:50.59shazaumcodefreeze-lap,  when "zombies", I also miss the information userfield?
13:51.58jayrod422anybody got any idea on how i can do this... i want to increase my acd so providers dont flip out.. when a call is hungup is there a way I can keep the connection open for 30 more seconds or so before i hangup?
13:52.54*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:58.35[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422: You can't keep a connection up when THEY slam the door in your face.
13:58.50russellbright ..
13:59.00*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@2001:770:180:0:219:d1ff:fe80:ea64)
13:59.03russellbI think the right answer is just delaying the time you try your next call
13:59.12codefreeze-lapshazaum: in general, if you are running an h-exten on a zombie, you are in trouble. The CDR is on the other channel, and you can modify the zombie's CDR all you want, it will most likely not get published.
13:59.16[TK]D-FenderrussellbIf he's talking about outbound
13:59.31[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : Speaking of Zombies... you've got your own tail to cut here :0
13:59.45russellbi know :(
13:59.52*** part/#asterisk jaybinks (
13:59.55russellbglares at russellb_
14:00.25[TK]D-Fenderstares into a mirror
14:00.27*** join/#asterisk arpu (
14:00.47Dj-NeoWho use SNOM phone ?
14:01.00codefreeze-lapspeaking of zombie.... staring.... ;)
14:01.17[TK]D-Fender[TK]D-Fender: You handsome devil you!
14:01.47shazaumcodefreeze-lap, I'm really doing this, I see that is not a good practice
14:02.02jayrod422what im pretty much looking to do is if one of my boxes or users hangs up
14:02.20jayrod422delay the sip hangup for a little bit to the provider
14:02.32[TK]D-Fendershazaum: Feel free to code an alternative :)
14:03.11codefreeze-lapshazaum: well, running the h-exten on the correct channel at the right time is not always happening in Asterisk, and there's no easy answers on how to make it do it right, either, --- at least, at this time.
14:03.17[TK]D-Fenderjayrod422: "core show application dial" - "g" <-----------
14:04.13shazaum[TK]D-Fender,  imagine that a glass of beer to help me think better
14:04.23*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=intralan@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
14:04.32jayrod422[TK]D-Fender> jayrod422: "core show application dial" - "g" <-----------
14:04.32jayrod422<shazaum> hehhe
14:04.32jayrod422<shazaum> [TK]D-Fender,  imagine that a glass of beer to help me think better
14:04.32jayrod422* [intra]lanman (n=intralan@freeswitch/developer/intralanman) has joined #asterisk
14:04.38jayrod422damn mouse
14:04.46jayrod422fender thx
14:04.54jayrod422i think that can work
14:05.01*** part/#asterisk trafim (n=reallyma@
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14:09.43jermey_g[TK]D-Fender:tough question coming up
14:10.01jermey_g[TK]D-Fender: btw the codec problem got solved. thanks
14:12.10jermey_gI bridge an incoming call to another ongoing call, after the bridging, the incoming call leg has rtp sequence numbers very different from the earlier. Why? This is causing the b-party sip phone to miss the rtp
14:12.22jbot[book] probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
14:12.39[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: No show, no comment.
14:12.54jermey_g:) me loves this
14:13.14*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
14:14.57[TK]D-Fenderwas wondering what that burning smell was
14:15.20*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
14:15.28jad_jayxD krrr
14:16.54*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:18.10jermey_gany comments
14:19.03jayrod422anybody here offer lidb lookups?
14:20.10*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:23.47[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: Your sip.conf is still a horrible mess, over 50% comments, and missing all the basics.
14:25.55[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: And God only know what you expct by posting a bunch of configs like that.  Ear you expecting us to LOOK for problems you don't know you have?
14:26.01[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: Are we supposed to guess?
14:28.24*** join/#asterisk tobias (
14:30.46jermey_g[TK]D-Fender:you want me to remove comments
14:31.00[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: its over 50% useless crap
14:31.16[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: and missing NORMAL stuff I told you you should fix yesterday
14:31.28russellb[TK]D-Fender: do you have a useless crap calculator?
14:31.46[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : yes
14:31.57[TK]D-Fenderrussellb : this channel is approaching critical mass L:p
14:32.29[TK]D-Fenderslams another chunk of U-235 to the cluster and awaits neutron migration.
14:34.05*** join/#asterisk nitam (n=nitam@
14:34.46jermey_g[TK]D-Fender: sip.conf <-- no comments
14:35.16*** join/#asterisk zar_ (
14:35.40jermey_g[TK]D-Fender:cmon defender, do your stuff ;)
14:36.06[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: permit=*.*.*.* <- GAH!
14:36.20[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: host=dynamic <- not applicable to [general]
14:36.46[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: No bindport, no bindaddr, no context specified for [general]
14:36.47jermey_gjermey_g:permit= ok
14:36.52[TK]D-Fender~cluebat jermey_g
14:36.53jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps jermey_g.
14:37.23[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: and I told you to specify your complete set of codecs in EACH peer
14:38.05[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: and you don't even have SECRETS for your peers.  You want the world at large placing calls through your system?
14:38.42zar_Hi all, I am running 2 asterisk servers in 2 area codes different. My goal is to be local everywhere so when I make a call to area code of site #2, it will call locally using my asterisk server in site #2. How do I configure my extension file so that when a call has lets say the site 2 area code in the phonenumber, it will automatically use the site #2 zaptel line to dial out? And if it is local then it will use its local zaptel line
14:38.56*** join/#asterisk deadpigeon (
14:40.44frecklezar_: I would strip the characters that hold the area code into a variable then use a gotoif to send the call local or via the 2nd box, probably via a IAX2 trunk
14:41.20zar_freckle: Do you have any example doc on this?
14:41.36freckleactually I would probably do it in AGI but thats not strict dialplan
14:41.48[TK]D-Fenderzar_: "core show application gotoif", and read CHANNELVARIABLES.TXT
14:41.52frecklelookup gotoif on
14:42.01zar_ok thanks
14:42.05[TK]D-Fenderfreckle: this is jsut dumb dialplan.
14:42.16freckleyes I know
14:42.41[TK]D-Fenderfreckle: No need for AGI or any complicated trickery.  Make extension patterns for the area cord you want or check for the AC in a more global match
14:42.48BeerSercHi there. I have some problems getting a gigaset c450ip working with asterisk
14:43.07frecklei tend to do as much as I can in AGI. I hate complicated dialplans... just the way I am
14:43.07[TK]D-Fenderzar_: See above
14:43.09BeerSercI have an asterisk 1.6 which is my gateway, and which is connected to sipgate
14:43.38BeerSercwhen I try to call from the phone, I get pbx_extension_helper: No application 'SetCallerId,1884142' for extension
14:43.52freckle[TK]D-Fender: if you read up thats what I actually recommended in the first place
14:43.55BeerSercI just upgraded from 1.2 to 1.6. maybe I missed something
14:44.16[TK]D-Fenderfreckle: Yeah... I missed your first swing at this
14:44.25freckleBeerSerc: setcallerid is depricated in 1.6
14:44.34[TK]D-FenderBeeyeah.. the fact that that app was DEPRECARD in 1.2
14:44.45[TK]D-FenderBeeyeah.. the fact that that app was DEPRECATED in 1.2
14:44.51[TK]D-Fenderwow, nifty typo...
14:45.04freckletoo many Bees?
14:46.10freckleis so bored...
14:48.46nitamdoes anybody know if there is a way (repository or whatever) to download asterisk-addons as a binary package on debian ?
14:50.46jermey_g[TK]D-Fender: new sip.conf
14:51.25jermey_g[TK]D-Fender:i dont need secrets.
14:51.43jermey_g[TK]D-Fender:its not connected to a public net and there aint any security requirement
14:52.14*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
14:52.27BeerSerchm, it seems a lot has changed. where can I find documentation to start with 1.6 from scratch?
14:52.58*** join/#asterisk assinkie (
14:53.37jermey_g[TK]D-Fender:I am using 1.6
14:53.42[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: Still vulnerable to inside attack.  1 inside PC gets compromised and you're asking for trouble.  Not too bright.
14:53.58assinkieone think i would like to know for sure:) its still not possible to connect active directory right?
14:54.03[TK]D-FenderBeerSerc: in the source tarball
14:54.25[TK]D-Fenderassinkie: To what?  how?  For what purpose?
14:54.43assinkieimporting users and so
14:54.56*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
14:55.12jermey_g[TK]D-Fender:I have worked as a penetration tester for 2 years. I know what its like. I really dont need it. Its my own net with three phones, no outsider.
14:55.16jermey_gNo human soul
14:55.16[TK]D-Fenderassinkie: * can use LDAP for that IIRC
14:55.35[TK]D-Fenderprobably ate them last night...
14:55.41assinkie[TK]D-Fender: i like that idea, but this company doesnt
14:56.13[TK]D-Fenderassinkie: thats the best you're going to get.  Otherwise go sell your own soul away on MLCS
14:56.26*** join/#asterisk killown (n=Yamato@unaffiliated/killown)
14:58.13Kattydistributes muffinery
14:58.22Katty[TK]D-Fender: did you blog?
14:58.33*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
14:58.46Kattyriddlebox: hai der
14:58.49[TK]D-FenderKatty: Blog what?
14:58.58jayteeKatty, morning
14:59.04Katty[TK]D-Fender: the list of stuffery you've been eating
14:59.06Kattyjaytee: OHAI
14:59.08Kattyhugs on jaytee
14:59.10[TK]D-FenderKatty: <poshumous>Mew.</poshumous>
14:59.17riddleboxKatty, hey
14:59.22jayteehugs back on Katty
14:59.26[TK]D-FenderKatty: Oh yeah, that... no, completely forgot...
14:59.32Kattyriddlebox: is it really cold up there too? :<
14:59.44riddleboxKatty, it sucks
14:59.52riddleboxand flurrying
15:00.00Kattydon't let it move south
15:01.22riddleboxmuahaha i will send it right to you
15:02.01riddleboxhas anyone tried the aastra 9417CW analog phones?
15:02.32jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
15:02.40Kattyriddlebox: what? analog phones?
15:02.44Kattychecks riddlebox for fever
15:02.49jermey_gguess my problem's solution lies in rtp keep alives
15:02.56Kattysomeone is delusional, call an ambulance
15:03.14path_ anyone willing to help? My problem is that after Playback it just hungs up and doesn't dial to operator even though t, is defined to dial
15:03.21[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Why would you pay that kind of money for a dumb analog phone?
15:03.36Kattyriddlebox: yeah, you could buy...a ...umm..
15:03.40Kattyriddlebox: a really nice steak instead
15:03.43riddleboxwe have a customer who researched asterisk and wants asterisk but is not willing to recable
15:03.56[TK]D-Fenderpath_: the message you get in CLI TELLS you what your problem is <-
15:04.08assinkieanyway [TK]D-Fender its better to sell my soul then connecting with ms AD right? thats what i am going to tell here :)
15:04.19*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
15:04.23[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Yes, but whats the point of a 2-line phone?  Esp a psycho priced one?
15:04.43[TK]D-FenderassForget the whole mess
15:04.44Kattyriddlebox: bummer )=
15:04.50Kattyriddlebox: i hate it when clients do that.
15:04.50[TK]D-Fenderassinkie: Forget the whole mess
15:04.54Kattyriddlebox: and it's so typical of this area
15:05.03riddleboxwell i was basically trying to find something with transfer
15:05.13Kattyriddlebox: but hey, it's their choice...their crap.. they have to deal with it ;)
15:05.15riddleboxKatty, i know
15:05.17Kattyriddlebox: whatever pays for steak, eh?
15:05.20[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: its &#^$ing analog, there IS NO TRANSFER on the phone itself
15:05.38[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: its handled by your FXS interface
15:05.58riddleboxyeah i know
15:06.49[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: CA$279.00 <- and holy &#%$ it does not cost the difference in price to recable.  You'd SAVE a lot of mony with this idiot plan.
15:06.50riddleboxwhich brings up the other part they have 80 stations so i guess a gateway would have to be used
15:07.50riddlebox153 on telephonydepot
15:07.59[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Still utter shit.
15:08.08riddleboxyeah i know
15:08.18[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: they don't have PC's whre they have phones?
15:08.29[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: and for analog its better cap off ar $50
15:08.59riddleboxi asked the salesman to have them email me directly so i can ask them the right questions
15:09.36jayteeI've been stuck with having to use ATAs in some locations but at least I've been able to put them in the same buildings the phones are in instead of using the buried 25 and 50 pair underground cables that have been in the ground since 1989 and are constantly getting shorts in the pairs.
15:09.54riddlebox80 sip phones would require QOS on the network or seperate vlans if their switches are good
15:10.38*** join/#asterisk Mog (
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15:11.16*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
15:11.31riddleboxjaytee i just dont think this guy knows what he is getting into
15:12.23Dr-Linux|homei've nothing in sip.conf [general] section for canreinvite=yes/no , what does it mean be default? am i reinviting bydefault?
15:12.31jayteeriddlebox, pain is a very good teacher but it's two main purposes are just to tell you 1) something's friggin wrong and 2) you're still alive.
15:12.49riddleboxthe salesman said this guy is the type to ask for a bid and use it  to buy the stuff himsel cheaper and then want us to put it in
15:12.56path_isn't supposed to dial the t,1, extension ?
15:13.02[TK]D-Fenderpath_: == Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/10203-0865bd00' status is 'UNKNOWN' <-- do read channelvariables.txt
15:13.17[TK]D-Fenderpath_: AUTOFALLTHROUGH <_
15:13.39[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Balogna
15:13.57riddleboxthats what i told the salesman
15:14.03*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=zeeesh@
15:14.07riddleboxthen he can do it himself
15:14.44riddleboxKatty, its in peoria illinois too wayyyy out there
15:14.56jayteeriddlebox, then the bid should only use very general descriptions of equipment, not name brands and model numbers
15:15.16Kattyriddlebox: ugah
15:15.31Kattyriddlebox: have fun with that one
15:15.40Kattyriddlebox: in dah boonies
15:16.02riddleboxf-ing right its in the boonies
15:16.41riddleboxjaytee i kinda want to let the guy screw it up then charge all the time to fix it
15:16.45*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
15:17.04jayteeriddlebox, Cha-ching!!! now you're talkin! :-)
15:17.13*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
15:17.47jayteeriddlebox, to quote Anthony Hopkins' character in Legends of the Fall, "Screw 'em!!!"
15:18.39riddleboxthats what i am thinking cause he would have to pay my hotel and everything
15:19.13Dr-Linux|homeanyone please answer my quesiton?
15:19.39Dr-Linux|homeby default in asterisk canreinvite= is yes or no ?
15:19.49*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@nat/digium/x-a7816f5ef2f0333c)
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15:19.51Dr-Linux|homeI mean in sip.conf
15:20.25[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Set it yourself
15:20.29[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: and stop guessing
15:20.56Kattyhai Deeewayne
15:20.59*** join/#asterisk cesau (n=cesau@
15:21.05Deeewaynehugs Katty
15:21.24*** join/#asterisk icebrew54 (
15:21.37Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: this is not answer for my question
15:21.39Kattyhuggeths teh Deeewayneith
15:22.25[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: No, it only solves any problem associated with it rendering it moot.
15:23.58Dr-Linux|home[TK]D-Fender: we are facing issue since for two months, i checked and found there is no settings for canreinvite=  in sip.conf, just wanted to know byefault it is Set to yes or no
15:25.25jayteeDr-Linux, if you read the sip.conf.sample file the answer to your question about which is the default is plainly obvious.
15:25.31[TK]D-FenderDr-Linux|home: Again, by setting it you can forget about the result of your guess.
15:27.35jayteei want blueberry pancakes and real maple syrup
15:28.14riddleboxsounds good make it a double with a glass of milk
15:28.19[TK]D-Fenderlives in the land of Real maple Syrup
15:29.00*** join/#asterisk axisys (n=axisys@
15:29.03jaytee"are you drinking 2% milk because you think you're fat? Cuz you're not! You could drink whole milk if you wanted to!"
15:29.06[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Quebec more specifically :)
15:29.27jayteeand the canucks make the best cheddar, way better than that wisconsin crap
15:29.59riddlebox[TK]D-Fender, do you secretly work for nortel
15:30.35*** join/#asterisk dmz (
15:30.54[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: I contracted an inventory job for them once :)
15:31.11riddleboxi knew you are a spy
15:31.11cesauif i am using the manager, and specify "Variable: var1=23|var2=24" in an originate context, can i pull var1 and var2 values in my dialplan?
15:31.25[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Queubec beat out FRANCE in many cheese competitions :)
15:31.25cesauliterally var1 and var2
15:31.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And thats just a film industry!
15:31.46riddleboxi do a lot of work for nortel they hire us to be the hands on people
15:31.49[TK]D-Fendercesau: Yes
15:32.02cesau${var1} ?
15:32.20[TK]D-Fendercesau: yes, like a NORMAL variable
15:32.30cesauawesome, thanks again d-fender
15:35.23*** join/#asterisk dmz (
15:43.22jermey_gif rtpkeepalive=1 does that mean, * will send a keey alive msg after every one second.right?
15:44.41cesauanyone have advice for my obviously incorrect manager command syntax?
15:45.10jermey_gtries to construct an advice
15:45.35plundraIs there any recording for "to" in the standard packages? (Our business hours are NN:00 <missing word> MM:00, is what I want to play) I can't seem to find it, anyway :)
15:46.37*** join/#asterisk Chuggs (
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15:47.40[TK]D-Fendercesau: ActionID: 2 <- remove
15:48.38medjri want to know how to use asterisk-java to retrieve all my sip peers, i sent a SipPeersAction to the server, but i dont know how to read its feedback, help me please
15:48.50[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Grabs the stakes, we've got another vamp....
15:49.37cesauaside from that, everything looks as it should?
15:50.28medjrso, anyhelp .??
15:50.34cesau(removed it with no change)
15:50.48[TK]D-Fendercesau: pastebin....
15:51.06[TK]D-Fenderplundra: Go look.
15:51.51plundra[TK]D-Fender: Were? :) I'm find .|grep'ing  sounds/ and then try some.
15:52.24[TK]D-Fendercesau: that isn't a full AMI call.... show EVERYTHING.
15:52.32[TK]D-Fendercesau: The more you hold back the less we trust
15:52.47cesaunot intentional =)
15:53.10cesauthats the only thing comming over the wire
15:53.15cesauafter authenticate
15:53.45[TK]D-Fendercesau: Show us
15:55.25jad_jayIs there any good howto for connecting cellphone (bluetooth or usb) ?
15:55.49Kattypings off walls
15:56.07*** join/#asterisk heison (
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15:56.37Kattyhugs anthm
15:56.51heisonhi anthm
15:57.29heisonanyone with cisco IAD 2431 experience?
15:57.30jad_jaythe pages for bluetooth jbot gives are incorrect
15:58.45heisoni have built config for an IAD, i have dialtone on the FXS port but i don't see any IP traffic out from the cisco; sh run returns the sip stuff i have put it...
15:59.30jad_jay[TK]D-Fender: you save my day
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15:59.53[TK]D-FenderJFGI <-
16:01.11jad_jayarf! i had to google it (JFGI) xD
16:05.48*** join/#asterisk jsolis (n=Jimmy@
16:06.39jsolishi guys anybody knows if i can set savecallsin (agents.conf) on extensions.conf
16:07.25Kattyhai russell
16:07.41path_fixed, thanks [TK]D-Fender
16:07.44cesau(full dialog)
16:07.51path_autofallthrough=no made it
16:09.13[TK]D-Fendercesau: is this actual real complete output?
16:09.27cesauyes, short of the actual username password
16:09.48cesaumy extension pattern is only _X. though, would that create a problem?
16:09.55[TK]D-Fendercesau: no
16:10.11*** join/#asterisk af_ (
16:10.18*** join/#asterisk scruz (n=scruz@
16:10.28scruzgood evening everyone
16:11.07jsolishi guys anybody knows if i can set savecallsin (agents.conf) on extensions.conf
16:11.15cesauand the numbers im using are not 5551212 numbers, but actual numbers
16:11.24[TK]D-Fendercesau: What ver of *?
16:11.25scruzi'm trying to set up ast1.4 on a CentOS system, then i realized that i'd need to build dahdi. so i downloaded dahdi
16:12.03scruzhere's the problem: after getting dahdi to kernel sources it needed, it tells me there's no rule to create the driver
16:12.07scruzin the makefile
16:12.20russellbwaves back to Katty
16:14.39*** join/#asterisk Assimilate (n=Assimila@
16:14.53cesauD-Fender, you're awesome
16:14.59scruzhere's the output:
16:14.59cesauhugs D-Fender
16:16.06*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
16:16.45scruzi need dahdi because there's going to be an ss7/e1 link to the server
16:18.48*** join/#asterisk esaym (
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16:20.23felix_da_catzHow hard do you think it would be to setup a service like with asterisk?  Anyone here wanna give me a quote to setup the asterisk side of things for me?
16:22.50*** join/#asterisk JJx3 (
16:23.07JJx3aaahhh finially, I can get in, LOL... glitch in the nickserv
16:24.02JJx3Hiya peeps, just wondering if anyone could help me shed some light on a prob I'm having with *Now 1.2 with an external trunk over a FX100P ?
16:26.19*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
16:26.39*** join/#asterisk rene- (n=renemend@
16:27.00rene-hello, i am looking for somebody who can sell and remotely configure a Cisco E1 data router
16:27.05rene-single port
16:27.32rene-for an asterisk system i have,
16:28.10*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
16:28.30rene-ive done some zaptel-hdlc systems and it worked fine but it seemed britle since i had to compile my own kernel
16:28.59[TK]D-Fenderrene-: Sangoma FTW :)
16:29.49*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
16:30.03rene-hey Dfender
16:30.56rene-in the past i ve used  a digium card for that, in the end it became unstable but it turned out to be a bad card, i then bougth a cisco router and that was it
16:31.15rene-the tricky question is, i have a machine with a single PCI slot, and a 2 slot risers,
16:31.44rene-ive been told that risers do not play with digium, do u know if they do the trick for sangoma? since i already have an analog digium board in one of the slots of the riser
16:32.30rene-it is a really sweet mini-itx dual core machine, it is even wall mounted,
16:32.55JJx3why would * disconnect an external call once it was answered ? anyone have any ideas?
16:32.56rene-do u think a digium and a sangoma board would co exist in a riser?
16:33.17JJx3is what I get in the console
16:33.30*** join/#asterisk snapple42 (
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16:34.17rene-post your dialplan somewhere so we can see
16:35.18*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
16:35.48scruzmight someone be able to help me?
16:37.57*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
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16:44.09JJx3theres my dialplan
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16:45.31Qwelldrmessano: .
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16:50.18JJx3i can receive calls fine over the trunk, cept when I make a call & the other party answers * then discon's the call !??!! strange
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16:56.50rene-it is strange
16:56.57rene-is it an analog trunk?
16:57.49*** join/#asterisk zpertee (n=chatzill@
16:57.59rene-if so, do you have any other equipment on the same trunk? like modem, alarm system, etc?
16:58.20zperteeAnyone have any recommendations for good voip provider for a poor college student?
16:58.52JJx3yeah, its an analog trunk on a FX100P & it's the only device on the line
17:00.17mchouzpertee:, pay as you go
17:02.52*** join/#asterisk madgeek (
17:04.36JJx3zpertee what country are you in ?
17:04.43*** part/#asterisk Mog (
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17:08.49JJx3aahh ok, I have a UK VOIP provider that give good rates & a free VOIP number for inbound, but they dont operate in the US :( soz
17:12.42*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@2001:770:180:0:219:d1ff:fe80:ea64)
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17:31.05_pepo_hi friends
17:35.49kannanhello, i have some phones on a SIP trunk and others on a ZAP trunk. I want to switch all phones to ZAP, and have edited the configs. If i reload , will existing SIP trunk calls get disconnected?
17:36.09kannanall phones are eyebeam soft phones only
17:36.11*** join/#asterisk hatoon (
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17:41.47[TK]D-Fenderkannan: No.
17:46.38*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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17:58.48kannan[TK]D-Fender, thanks, the switch over ran smoothly
17:59.06*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
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18:03.40*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=greek@
18:03.54Greek-BoyHas anyone here ever used CitrusDB or Trabas for billing in asterisk?
18:09.26kannanwhere can i get a comprehensive list of area codes for caribbean and canada
18:11.58kannanmadgeek, thanks
18:17.35*** join/#asterisk [T]ank (n=ckwall@
18:17.39rene-kannan look for nanpa ?
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18:18.26madgeekkannan, in all seriousness, how accurate/up to date does it need to be?
18:19.01kannanrene- , madgeek, looking at nanpa site now
18:19.07[T]anki have been able to successfully do one pri plugged into my TE420P, but now I am trying to add a second one and am not figuring out how to do it. I added the channels to the chan_dahdi.conf and it is giving me the error that chan 24 is reserved for dchan... here is what I have done:
18:19.14kannanit needs to be somewhat accurate , a frew errors are toerable
18:19.22kannanits to do an LCR routing
18:19.41madgeekthere are services you can use but they get pricey and they tend to only update quarterly
18:19.45madgeeklike that
18:19.58kannanoh ok
18:20.35madgeeknot * related, but we have a product that uses that
18:20.43madgeekto keep area codes up to date
18:21.53kannanmadggek, thanks
18:22.37Greek-Boyis considering using freeside for billing
18:23.21[T]ankspecifically what I am doing is a tie line between two systems. I need to actually change my signalling line on the second group to be pri_net. I have a pri in port 1 and the tie line in port 4. but, i cant even get asterisk to recognize my config yet
18:24.13*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
18:24.37MrTelephonehow come there is no dialplan variable for username/authid?
18:25.30[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: channel=>25-48 <- this does not look like port 4 to me.
18:25.46[T]anki know... i just changed configs comming...
18:26.28MrTelephone${USERNAME} ?
18:26.55[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: please include all DAHDI confs
18:28.23*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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18:31.34[T]ankone more dahdi-channels.conf
18:31.41*** join/#asterisk tobias (
18:33.10[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: span=4,4,0,esf,b8zs <- if you are NET you should be PROVIDING timing
18:34.24[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Check users.conf and zaptel/zapata for legacy crap leftover
18:34.56*** join/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
18:35.55[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: be sure to redo "dahdi_cfg -vvvv" before restarting *
18:36.17cjkhi, i have the following problem. i call with my sip user over ZAP my mobile. if i put the user on hold on my mobile, asterisk plays musiconhold, but it should not. it should pass audio from my mobile operator
18:37.25[T]ankok, i deleted /etc/zaptel.conf. I made /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf blank and users.conf is default. I ran dahdi_cfg -vv then asterisk -c
18:37.26[T]anksame results
18:37.31*** join/#asterisk BuSyAnToS (
18:38.11[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: pastebin EVERYTHING.  Do not filter ANY of *'s startup either.
18:39.24[T]ankis there a config I am not providing that I should? I am not sure I know what EVERYTHING should include
18:40.11[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: unfiltered dahdi configs, asterisk.conf, full CLI attempt of everything, "dahdi show status" dahdi show channels", etc
18:40.18[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: 1 giant PB
18:41.47*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
18:50.25[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: span=4,4,1,esf,b8zs <- again you should be SETTING timing, nut using it
18:51.12kaldemari remember having trouble with zaptel when all spans were not defined, whether used or not.
18:51.20[T]ankok, so i guess i dont understand how to do the timing
18:51.34[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: 4,0,0
18:51.46[T]ankthe middle number is what sets it?
18:51.55[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: And you did not includ "dahdi_cfg -vvvv" like I asked, and you filtered the CLI output like I told you NOT to.
18:51.59[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Yes
18:52.09[T]ankI did not filter any output.
18:52.16*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
18:52.20[T]ankjust so I know what you are seeing... what is it that makes you think i am filtering?
18:52.28[TK]D-FenderFeb 19 11:43:57] NOTICE[11254]: loader.c:874 load_modules: 149 modules will be loaded.
18:52.30[TK]D-Fender.......[Feb 19 11:43:57] WARNING[11254]: res_smdi.c:1335 load_module: No SMDI interfaces are available to listen on, not starting SMDI listener.
18:52.32[TK]D-Fender................................................................................[Feb 19 11:43:57] ERROR[11254]: chan_dahdi.c:7499 mkintf: Channel 24 is reserved for D-channel.
18:52.38[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: All the damn dots
18:52.44[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: I said filter NOTHING
18:52.53[T]ankdunno what that is... thats how it does it for me?
18:52.54*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
18:53.04[T]ankI can take a screenshot instead would that help?
18:53.16[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: "asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc"
18:54.20*** part/#asterisk CrazyTux (
19:06.31*** join/#asterisk gsiener (n=gsiener@
19:08.38gsienerHi all.  I'm running on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and am getting "SIP INVITE (407 Proxy Authentication Required)" warnings when connecting to Voicepulse SIP service.  I think the issue is that I'm binding to even though I have a public static ip I'm using.  Am I correct that binding to the static IP would solve this, or do I need to set that static ip w/in the ifconfig?
19:09.33*** join/#asterisk deeperror (
19:10.09cesaud-fender, just for confirmation, you were totally right about the bug you linked me, i made the change, recompiled, and everything started working
19:10.15deeperrorAnyone ever have the cli stop displaying activity?
19:10.32[TK]D-Fendergsiener: in your voicepule inbound peer you should have "insecure=port,invite"
19:10.54gsiener[TK]D-Fender: correct, I do
19:11.02*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=eric@
19:11.20[TK]D-Fendergsiener: pastebin your complete failed call attempt w/ SIP debug and your sip.conf masking ONLY passwords
19:11.44gsienerokay, hang on
19:12.08kaldemardeeperror: not without setting verbose to 0
19:12.45deeperrorkaldemar, well the screen is filled with activity and it seems that i'll type a few commands and if i tab to auto complete then it will lock up and no longer display output
19:12.56deeperrori reconnect   and it brings up cli but doesn't show any activity
19:14.13deeperrorkaldemar, i'll have to killall asterisk and restart to get the cli working again
19:14.16cjkhi, when passing through my digium pri card (with EC module) i have an effect of annoying silence suppression. how can i disable this effect or how can i disable the echo canceller?
19:14.53kaldemardeeperror: seen this: ?
19:15.33deeperrorkaldemar, ha yep that is the commands i'm auto complete on
19:15.48*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (n=bmoraca@
19:15.53kaldemarare you running pre 1.4.23?
19:16.51[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: now for the THIRD TIME : "dahdi_cfg -vvvv" <----
19:17.37[TK]D-Fendercjk: "echocancel=no"
19:18.19cjk[TK]D-Fender, even for the built in hardware echo canceller?
19:18.29[TK]D-Fendercjk: Yes
19:20.58deeperrorkaldemar, yes i am on  i'm concerned about upgrades going from zaptel to dadhi is that required?
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19:21.12deeperroror can i keep zaptel and still upgrade ?
19:21.58jov4nI've got some trouble regarding MOH with a new asterisk Box
19:22.20*** part/#asterisk lehel (n=lehel@
19:22.39[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: stop * and restart.  Also notice that it doesn't seem to take your 96 d-chan
19:23.23[T]ank[TK]D-Fender: Ive just been doing asterisk -c so its restarted every attempt
19:23.59jov4nI have a system that does not restart MOH every announce
19:24.36jov4nbut in the new system the music start again from begin every announce
19:24.39kaldemardeeperror: see Zaptel-to-DAHDI.txt in the source package. can be compiled with zaptel.
19:24.59deeperroryea reading over all the changelogs now
19:25.15deeperrorlooks like some very important stuff in there that could fix me up
19:25.29[T]ank[TK]D-Fender: I do see that it does not get the dchan, but isnt that because it cannot register that second span?
19:25.48gsiener[TK]D-Fender: any thoughts?
19:25.57*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
19:26.12[TK]D-Fendergsiener: Looks like they aren't answering back.  Verify thir host and your firewall / forwarding
19:26.35[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Any reason it should fail?
19:26.54gsiener[TK]D-Fender: Hmm. It's probably worth mentioning that I can usually make calls out, but sometimes not
19:27.45[TK]D-Fendergsiener: And its also worth noting that what you showd as the problem (INVITE w/ 407) is NOT what's happening here.
19:27.48deeperrorI have phone - channel bank - sangoma - * - sip termination....when agents hook flash sometimes the channel gets locked in a conference status but the line is dead.  Any way to release or hangup that call or reset the port without restarting *
19:27.57[T]ank[TK]D-Fender: Thats why im here... I dont know :-D
19:28.15[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: is it PLUGGED?  Are you sure its PRI to your other device?
19:28.42gsiener[TK]D-Fender: right. I will take another look at the firewall, thanks
19:28.52[T]ankIt is plugged in. And I am the one configuring what it should be. Have I not done it correctly?
19:28.55[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror: "soft hangup [channel]" or use an AMI redirect to a hangup exten.
19:29.06[TK]D-Fender[T]ank: Rest looks fine so far
19:29.32deeperror[TK]D-Fender, so if when doing soft hangup [channel] if it says channel not available is it deadlocked?
19:30.08[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror: PASTEBIN
19:30.45deeperrorwill have to once it occurs's the only issue i have but only occurs once / 200,000 calls
19:31.01cjkok, proven by some tests, the annoying silence suppression effect is gone when i disable the echo cancellation for zap channels. is there any other solutions than disabling echo cancellation completely? with oslec the problem does not appear so often and obviously. any idea?
19:32.48deeperror[TK]D-Fender, this AMI redirect?  what would you suggest redirect to h extension?
19:33.01[TK]D-Fenderdeeperror: to an exten that calls HANGUP
19:33.05deeperrorok cool
19:33.10deeperrornever thought of that
19:33.35[TK]D-Fendercat call > cliff
19:34.09*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
19:36.30*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
19:37.27hardwireI'm just not happy trying to configure polycom phones w/o tftp
19:37.34hardwireit's like they have no brain if it's not there.
19:38.57[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: sure they do.  They're even smarter when you use FTP instead :p
19:39.28hardwiresee: lack of brains
19:41.00hardwireI'm not to happy that it won't just boot and sit there like a good little bot until I connect to it via http.  instead it's all "where's my sip.ld.. waah.. I need love."
19:41.10hardwireneedy little bastard
19:41.15[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Oh that.. BS
19:41.23[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: You don't need the server around to BOOT them
19:41.32[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: they keep whatever they were last loaded up with
19:41.42hardwireYou'd think.. right..
19:41.46hardwireyet I can't get into the menu
19:41.50jayteehe'd know
19:42.45jayteeif the server isn't online the attempt to download configs from FTP should timeout and it'll default to what's on the phone already
19:42.53hardwireI don't doubt that TK knows his stuff
19:43.04hardwireI just feel like complaining.. you can safely ignore me for 5 more minutes.
19:43.06jayteeTFTP is another animal and it's not the phone that's dump, it's the TFTP
19:43.30jayteeI'll ignore you for an hour since I have to go to red-ruffed lemur holding and tone out a phone pair
19:43.40*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
19:44.07gsiener[TK]D-Fender: here is an updated capture with the 407 in the debug output:
19:44.27hardwirered-ruffed lemur holding?
19:45.15hardwire[TK]D-Fender: hah.. got it
19:45.28hardwireturned off option 66 and what not in the initial boot config.. fixed the vlan config.. etc.
19:45.34[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Sorry... can't hear you for another 2 minutes :p
19:45.35hardwireit's up.. running.. sexy..
19:45.40hardwire[TK]D-Fender: you lie!
19:45.54hardwirealso.. when is the next astericon love? cause I need to meet most of you in person.
19:45.59hardwireIt will explain a lot, for all of you.
19:48.17[TK]D-Fender[5min] Completed.
19:48.43[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: So what you're saying is the signed of mental retardation are visible from a minimum of 20ft? ;)
19:54.18hardwiregee goerge I don't get it.
19:54.23hardwiregeorge :)
19:54.29hardwireok we're all sorts of screwed up.. tootles.
19:58.28*** join/#asterisk trillaan (
20:00.34trillaanis there anyone with wokring success using SS7 protocols ?
20:02.46hardwiretrillaan: only everybody.
20:03.31*** part/#asterisk MrTelephone (
20:03.39trillaanthanks hardwire .... i am new to this and i need information about transfer point and point codes and how all that works with asterisk
20:04.17*** join/#asterisk Coolthreads (
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20:07.01trillaanwhat do i need to do to get information about STP and SPC numbers when using asterisk with SS7 ?
20:07.31stablertrillaan: have you tried google?
20:08.10trillaani have tried google and have not had much success in finding how to use asterisk with this
20:08.18[TK]D-Fendergsiener: CANCEL SIP/2.0 <- it got cancelled on *-side.  No error
20:08.58gsiener[TK]D-Fender: yeah, that's me ending the call once I confirm it rings on the other end.  the 407s are occurring even when the call goes through
20:09.05trillaani find alot of information about SS7  and i know somthing about asterisk , but i have not found anything conclusive on the combination of the 2
20:09.12gsiener[TK]D-Fender: even so, I'd like to figure out what the root cause is
20:11.19jbotkonamicode is, like, Up-Up-Down-Down-Left-Right-Left-Right-B-A-Start
20:11.36seanbrightis bored.
20:11.40outtoluncyou now have free nintendo for life
20:14.58*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:16.05[TK]D-Fendergsiener: they WANT auth when you call out.  And you give it and it WORKS.  Whats the problem?
20:17.05trillaanthanks for the help ...
20:17.05gsiener[TK]D-Fender: Not sure.  Usually calls go through, sometimes they don't.  I don't feel great about ignoring an error message, so trying to figure out why it's being sent.
20:17.50[TK]D-Fendergsiener: that isn't an error.
20:17.59[TK]D-Fendergsiener: You have not shown one yet
20:18.45gsiener[TK]D-Fender: Okay.  Sorry for mis-speaking.  I think I get what's going on now, thanks for your time and clarification
20:25.34*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
20:25.39cesauhow do you get more details into the cdr, like which specific extensions were dialed throughout the call?
20:26.17*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
20:27.58[TK]D-Fendercesau: You need to do your own loggin throughout your dialplan
20:29.25cesauah, cool
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20:46.03hardwirethis phone thinks it's smarter than me!
20:48.00Kobazdamn those smartphones
20:49.18Qwelldrmessano: ...
20:50.14denonhardwire: is it right? :)
20:50.40hardwirewe'll see.
20:50.51hardwiredislikes how slow polycom phones start up.
20:51.51hardwirewades through a metric ton of xml to configure the phone.
20:54.55vncsnvsasterisk is stable for production purposes?
20:55.17[TK]D-Fenderdislikes hardwire for not having done it right the FIRST time... or the 20 that followed
20:55.27*** join/#asterisk blackest_mamba (n=blackest@
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20:57.59vncsnvsasterisk is stable for production purposes?
20:58.27JJx3anyone have any ideas as to why an external call placed over an analog trunk (FX100P SE) would disconnect once the external party answers the call ?
20:58.52*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=obnautic@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
20:58.56JJx3using *NOW 1.2 (Asterisk 1.4)
20:58.58murdock_utvncsnvs: It isn't bad.  I would wait for
20:59.19vncsnvsill chang
20:59.34murdock_utvncsnvs: I have one location using it without issue.
21:02.30murdock_utvncsnvs: Make that two actually, but my house doesn't count.
21:03.19hardwire[TK]D-Fender: don't be a hater.. I'm highly distracted.
21:04.18[TK]D-FenderJJx3: Doesn't tell us anything useful.  Includ the actual call CLI output with full debug and verbose for all related channel-types
21:04.23hardwirefreaking glustrefs
21:06.49*** join/#asterisk telecos (n=sergio@
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21:09.55brunnerdoes anyone know of a voip account that has a minimum of less than $10 to activate?
21:11.14murdock_utbrunner: Have you looked at
21:11.25brunnernot, but I will now
21:11.32murdock_utI don't remember if they have a setup fee or not.
21:13.33brunnersorry, I meant an account that would let me do some very brief outbound calls to the PSTN
21:14.28*** join/#asterisk djMax (n=chatzill@
21:14.50djMaxwhat's the current state of the art on * voicemail/email integration?  Can you delete from email and delete from asterisk?
21:15.13talntidthere is no setup fee
21:15.16talntidon callwithus
21:15.17talntidi use them
21:16.57[TK]D-FenderdjMax: If you use IMAP storage, yes
21:17.23djMaxok, so that you basically check it as a separate email account.  I saw some mention that there was a crashing bug w/IMAP, is that old?
21:17.51*** part/#asterisk dkwiebe (
21:18.23[TK]D-FenderdjMax: did you LOOK at the bug tracker looking for "IMAP"?
21:18.37djMaxI looked at voip-info, I'll check the tracker.
21:20.28djMaxthis'll be interesting... combining * IMAP with postfix, spamassassin, and a mail relay
21:26.49*** join/#asterisk umpc (n=Justin@unaffiliated/umpc)
21:27.13[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
21:34.31Shaun2222is it better to set caller id using all or to set name and number seperate?
21:36.24Shaun2222ya does it make a difference at all?
21:36.47cesaui would imagine it's effectively the same
21:37.02cesauprobably a couple ticks less proc to do in one swipe
21:44.36*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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21:48.07stablerI have mentioned this in here before but im still having issues with inbound calls, outbound works fine
21:48.12stablerthe server is on a public ip
21:48.19*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
21:48.32stablerhere is a pastebin of my sip.conf extentions.conf and sip debug
21:49.06stablernotice in the sip debug how it never registers inbound
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21:49.08stablerim not sure if this is normal or not
21:49.54stableri have a feeling im missing something dumb in my .conf's
21:51.10stablerlet me know if anything else is needed
21:51.23stablerthe inbound call just goes straight to the providers vm
21:55.38jasonwootstabler: are you doing nat on one interface, but not on the other?
21:56.43stablerone interface is local online
21:56.54stablerand is behind a router
21:57.02stablerbut get no internet connect via the router
21:57.19stablerits simply to support my local phones
21:57.25stablerand to have access to my file server
21:57.32jasonwoottry defining localnet for both networks
21:57.49stablereven though outbound calls are fine?
21:57.50jasonwootI'll pastebin you an example
21:57.55stablerok cool
21:59.30*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
22:03.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:07.27cesauis there a dialplan command that makes a dialplan wait until the b-leg has been connected?
22:09.07[TK]D-Fendercesau: Do seem to not understand that you are sitting in app_dial.  The dialplan doesn't CONTINUE wihle you place your call
22:11.43wolv_has anyone encountered thhis, I have 2 different ATA's ( both grandstream) one is a ht386 one is a gxw4004 neighter will sta registered to accept incoming calls. I cnnot find any usefull info from syslog data from either asterisk or the gs devices
22:12.35wolv_the 4004 claims its registered to the * box, however the * box only say its registered for about 4 seconds each time I rebot the 4004
22:12.54cesauok - this works great: originate Local/2165551212@cgi-fidelity extension s@tst_notify_2 -- the problem is that the CDR only records on the first part, the dial command to the sip server -- so i tried swapping the two: originate Local/s@tst_notify_2 extension 2165551212@cgi-fidelity -- but it goes through the script first, then dials
22:12.54Miccwolv_, sounds like they are fighting for your firewall.
22:13.07wolv_there is no firewall, all internal
22:13.23Miccwolv_, internal? internal means something is nating.
22:13.47Miccwolv_, which means only one can receive the port forwarding from the udp port.
22:14.23wolv_all on the same netwok 192.18.0.* and on same physical lan / switch
22:14.30Miccwolv_, just try this, turn off one of them and just use one at a time. Does that work?
22:14.34wolv_all told nt to use na
22:14.56wolv_no I have also tried only  connecting strait to the * box
22:15.04Miccwolv_, oh, ok, so if asterisk is on the same network, then you have a different problem.
22:15.37wolv_its rather frustrating that there is no usable logged data
22:15.43Miccwolv_, so are you saying you've tried just one at a time and it behaves the same?
22:16.08wolv_I do have other GS 200 series phones ( non ATA) that work great
22:16.09Miccwolv_, does it have an option to receive calls without register?
22:16.28codefreeze-lapcesau: I've been hacking at CDR's pretty solid for weeks, trying to solve such problems.  Local channels create two linked channels, both have their own CDR. It's 50-50 you'll get the right one.
22:16.31Miccwolv_, when you do a sip show peers, what port are they all on?
22:16.34wolv_closst is direct IP calling
22:17.09codefreeze-lapcesau:  where "right" is the one you want, at least...
22:17.16Miccwolv_, are you using host=dynamic? if so you might try using the ip of the ata.
22:17.47wolv_hmm let me try that
22:18.49cesaucurrent config:
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22:21.16wolv_power loss,, sorry
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22:25.27Steve_J-obsHello everybody!!
22:25.42*** join/#asterisk trumarc (n=marco@
22:26.10eppigyoh hay bro
22:26.12trumarcAnyone can I help me?
22:26.32Steve_J-obshelp me or help you?
22:26.58trumarcI see in asterisk console: Connect attempt from '' unable to authenticate
22:27.16jasonwootanyone can I help me?  what are you, yoda?
22:28.14trumarcI'm sysadmin storage/backup
22:28.19trumarcand you?
22:28.23Steve_J-obstrumac: when you say "can I help me"... do you mean "help me me", or "help you me"?
22:28.31JJx3[TK]D-Fender : what info would be needed?
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22:29.12[TK]D-FenderJJx3: I was rather explicit.
22:30.09JJx3thats the CLI output
22:30.17jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:30.26*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
22:30.50[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: Need to pick up faster on the Spanish / Portuguese phrase reversal
22:31.09JJx3[TK]D-Fender is the CLI output
22:31.15[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: Good sign that the person my be flat out incapable or equally demotivated from RTFM.
22:31.47JJx3[TK]D-Fender how do I do the full verbose & debug output?
22:31.49[TK]D-FenderJJx3: and the problem with this call is....?
22:32.04JJx3when the external call is answered the call disconnects
22:32.19JJx3I am able to recieve calls fine tho
22:32.25Steve_J-obsTK: ha ha ha
22:32.31[TK]D-FenderJJx3: enable SIP debug and call again
22:32.47[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: it is quite true.  The signs of ESL are clear
22:34.30Steve_J-obsTK: phrase reversal is in all latin languages, it could be italian
22:34.36[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: Now I might personally attach my own socio-political-economic viewpoints to this thought-process so you can simply use your imagination as to how I immediately evaluate cases like this on sight.  Then we see how long till the decide to go up/downhill.
22:35.22[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: True, but statistcally Spanish has all others combined beat here.
22:35.34[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: And the fact I looked hi up :0
22:35.43JJx3[TK]D-Fender is the SIP debug output
22:36.03*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
22:36.33Steve_J-obsTK: so, your conlusion for the phrase "can I help me" is spanish?... I will say the man is american, and it was a typo
22:37.25Steve_J-obsthe "I" was inserted by mistake in the hurry
22:37.30*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
22:37.52[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: no the phrase "anyone can help me"
22:38.05[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: combined with having looked him up.
22:38.54Steve_J-obsoh yes..."anyone can help me" ....definitely esl
22:39.11[TK]D-FenderJJx3: That is odd looking # you are dialing. should that be legit as dialed?  Enable PRI debug next if thats an E1
22:39.23[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: yup.
22:39.37JJx3the trunk is using an analog FXP100 SE
22:40.30Qwelldrmessano: Don't make me find you and stab you.
22:41.06JJx3[TK]D-Fender i'm in the UK, the number I am dialing is a UK mobile number for testing
22:41.08*** part/#asterisk mphill_ (n=mphill@
22:41.37JJx3my extension.conf is
22:41.42JJx3my extension.conf is sorry
22:43.01[TK]D-FenderJJx3: I don't need to see your dialplan, we can see whats executed.  what card is that exactly?  And what signalling on it?
22:43.58JJx3its a FX100P SE set to the UK
22:45.18[TK]D-FenderJJx3: That looks like some chinese knockoff piece of crap.  I can't even tell what KIND of car... and I asked about its SIGNALLY
22:46.02*** join/#asterisk trnzmeta (
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22:47.11JJx3[TK]D-Fender is a genuine FX100P SE card (
22:47.30JJx3[TK]D-Fender how do I tell what signalling it's set to ?
22:47.48[TK]D-FenderJJx3: a genuine KNOCK-OFF
22:48.33JJx3well i purchased it through that website
22:48.38Steve_J-obsguys, question... if I had to read an incoming SIP header, what would be my best bets on a carrier level solution?... I have done this before with the dial plan, and it workds well, I dont find a way to do it with the AMI, although I am very confortable using it... I am just kind of afraid that if I say "I can do it with the dialplan, it may sound unprofessional... this is a job interview...
22:48.47[TK]D-FenderJJx3: And thats an FXO card, at least we've got that down.
22:48.55Steve_J-obsread and parse
22:49.12[TK]D-FenderJJx3: So?  DIGIUM was the producer of the X100P.  These guys are just WinModem vendors
22:49.54[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: it is dialplan-only.
22:50.05[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: AMI has nothing to do with this.
22:50.31[TK]D-FenderJJx3: Either way I don't see the issue offhand
22:50.54JJx3[TK]D-Fender would SSH access to the box be easier ?
22:51.00Steve_J-obsthat's what I thought... I guess the only other way to read and parse the header will be making changes to one of the modules?
22:51.12[TK]D-FenderJJx3: pastebin your card configs
22:51.29[TK]D-FenderSteve_J-obs: chan_sip.c
22:51.30JJx3from zaptel.conf ?
22:52.45[TK]D-FenderJJx3: zaptel.conf, zapata.conf
22:53.14[TK]D-FenderJJx3: You are probably getting a polarity reversal from BT which is telling your card that the remote end hung up.
22:53.29[TK]D-FenderJJx3: which is its way of signalling it was actually ANSWERED
22:53.39Steve_J-obsTK: do you think that when you do something on the dialplan the overhead increases?, or nowadays it is just the same as making a change on the chan_sip?
22:53.49kb3ienin the context of answering a call, i want to do something like find-me-follow me as seen here but i want to do it without answering the (inbound) call. Is there a way to envoke Dial without it passing the Answer() up the stack?
22:53.54JJx3[TK]D-Fender i dont use BT
22:54.06[TK]D-FenderJJx3: Who then?
22:54.54Corydon76-digonly uses Virgin for volcano sacrifices
22:54.57[TK]D-FenderJJx3: High likelyhook they use the same
22:55.12JJx3anh, Virgin dont use BT
22:55.34[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: That's where the Muslim's get theirs from when they die for the cause...
22:55.38JJx3aahh u mean the polarity reversal
22:55.51[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Cheap pacific exports :p
22:55.51kb3ienextra crispy?
22:56.03harry_vyou mean extreemist TK
22:56.07Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: white raisins?
22:57.43JJx3[TK]D-Fender if it is polarity reversal, anyway of testing this ?
22:58.00harry_vKind of amazing to see 8 presidential cars flown in front of Airforce1 into Ottawa. One would think our goverment limos are safe enough ;)
22:58.49*** part/#asterisk trumarc (n=marco@
22:59.29Steve_J-obsharry_v: Obama is and will always be a president with much higher risk to be assassinated... it is good to know the secret service takes extra precautions
23:00.18carrarSpeaking of Obama, funny video:
23:00.18Corydon76-digThat's not anything extra from normal
23:01.09Corydon76-digAllegedly, you can hit the side of his limo with a bazooka and the worst it'll do is mess up the paint job
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23:01.57Qwellthe limo allegedly also stores extra blood (of his) in case he needs an on-the-spot transfusion
23:02.12JJx3[TK]D-Fender is the other config file I think you requested
23:02.27harry_vSteve, I know. I am kidding of course. One of the main reasons of course is his own limo is lined with communications equipment that can reach DOD and heads of goverment in any event of a emergency. Plus thay know, there will be no questions of bombs left inside there cars.
23:03.24harry_vQwell, that is a interesting note. Majority of shapenel deaths is from blood loss.
23:03.33Steve_J-obsIf they want to get him, all the precautions will misteriously fail, the head of his secret service detail will strangely not show up to work that day, and the limo will blow
23:04.07harry_vor the inability to get enough oxygen to the brain or heart before immediate tissue damage occures.
23:04.46[TK]D-FenderJJx3: I never got your Zapata.conf and I'm out of time, maybe someone else can help you
23:05.37JJx3ok [TK]D-Fender  fyi..., my zapata.conf is empty
23:05.46JJx3i'm using AsteriskNOW 1.2
23:05.52harry_vusally, secret service will head to the desitnation 48 to 72 hours before potus arives to see if the geography leaves a place of escape and secure the area.
23:05.53JJx3but thanks for your help
23:06.09watchytk: anything i need to enable in * to get feature codes working?
23:06.10kb3ienthey fly in the extras as decoys and spares.
23:06.22[TK]D-FenderJJx3: that falls flatly under :
23:06.25jbotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
23:06.37harry_vI have only come across VP and president of the united states before.
23:06.41[TK]D-Fenderand "EXPLETIVE DELETED"
23:07.38harry_vDanny Quall motorcade drove past me. One thing that got my heart racing was when some guy pulled a riffle out of his trunk at the intersection.
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23:07.58kb3ieni stumbled on a cache of presidential limos hanging inside local firehouses when Cliton came to town.
23:08.21harry_vWell, he was taking it into the pawn shop. The police that blocked off the intersection so the VP could pass though did not notice.
23:08.25kb3ienfirehouses have big enough garages to hide them from areal surveylance.
23:09.05kb3ienany way to call Dial and not have it answer()?
23:09.20harry_vkb3 probebly true. I have seen some VIP's come to my base.Lots of very interesting percautions usally happened.
23:09.38Steve_J-obsWho in world could have possibly wanted to kill Dan Quayle, except the far right itself, maybe out of dissapoinmenet, or perhaps the make him the usable political figure that he never was
23:10.31JJx3[TK]D-Fender so I should ditch asteriskNOW & just install * on something like Ubuntu Server 8.10 ?
23:10.52kb3iena gigs a gig. if he gets killed on my watch what president wil lhave me?
23:11.14kb3ienasteriskNOW seems to be a common src of complaints.
23:11.21watchyman i cant figure out why * isn't reconizing things from features.conf when i dial them
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23:13.03kb3iensupport wasnt compiled in, or the relaoad was incomplete? watchy.
23:13.39watchyhmm, its not compiled in by default?
23:15.35watchyparking works fine, but testfeature => #9,peer,Playback,tt-monkeys  ;Allow both the caller and callee to play
23:15.38watchythat doesn't work
23:16.33JJx3kb3ien so native * would be better than asteriskNOW ?
23:23.48*** join/#asterisk russellb_ (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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23:25.02*** join/#asterisk watchy2 (n=watchy@
23:25.13watchy2i cannot figure out why my features.conf is not working
23:27.23*** join/#asterisk Hadi- (
23:27.31Hadi-question for you guys
23:27.36Hadi-when I check active channels
23:27.43Hadi-on my asterisk box
23:27.55Hadi-there is 1500+ register attempts...
23:28.07bmoracakb3ien:  AsteriskNOW is only the source of complaints because it dumbs things down to the point where people who shouldn't be using asterisk think that they can
23:28.16drmessanoHadi-: Is the box exposed to the outside?
23:28.17Hadi-im wondering if anyone has any ideas whats going on here
23:28.23Hadi-its on the net
23:28.39drmessanoSomeone is trying to hack you
23:29.30Steve_J-obsHadi: you better allow access only to known ips
23:30.03drmessanoJust make sure you have strong passwords
23:30.07harry_vdrmessano,  thats funny, I had the same feeling when he said the same thing about his 1500 users on another channel ;)
23:31.30Steve_J-obsdrmessano: they are probably trying to break the password, that's why the 1500 attemps
23:31.45drmessanoSteve_J-obs: Duh, what else would they be trying to break???
23:31.53*** join/#asterisk elitecoder (
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23:32.22bmoracacould be a DoS attempt...
23:32.46Steve_J-obsyes, but if they have the correct software, they will eventually break the password
23:32.55elitecoderI have a few questions :) 1. Should I be using the latest and is it considered stable? 2. Where can I find the documentation for it?
23:33.05harry_vSteve, I had the same issues a few days ago. dozens of lines scrolling rapidly across my screen with increasing non existant extentions and wrong passwords. So shut my ssh down.
23:33.16elitecoderI'm looking around on the site i'm just a bit lost as to whether the dev docs are what I should be using or no
23:33.22Hadi-I think thats the solution
23:33.34Hadi-I need to do that it looks like.
23:33.37bmoracaHadi-:  check your secure log
23:33.42bmoracathat'll tell you for sure
23:33.48bmoracatail -f /var/log/secure
23:33.52drmessanoStrong passwords and dont make your SIP users easy to guess
23:34.08drmessanoIsnt raw cat science
23:34.16Steve_J-obsone thing I can tell you... the number of hacks to sip based pbxs has increased tremendously, 2 of my servers have been hacked in the last 10 days
23:34.25Corydon76-digWhat, you don't like all-numeric usernames and passwords?
23:34.34drmessanoCorydon76-dig: No shit
23:34.55Hadi-brb in a few minutes
23:35.17Qwelldrmessano: ISO.  go.
23:35.17bmoracahow about closing your eyes and pounding on the keyboard a few times?  that's how i get my SIP passwords
23:35.27Qwelldrmessano: Do your thing
23:35.35hardwire[Feb 19 15:39:43] WARNING[2456] chan_zap.c: We're Zap/53-1, not P^A
23:35.38elitecoderIs 1.6 considered stable?
23:35.39hardwireanybody seen that in their logs?
23:35.45hardwirenot that.. but something LIKE that.
23:35.54Corydon76-digelitecoder: yes
23:36.01carrarcloses his eyes and pounds on his keyboard and hacks bmoraca's passwords
23:36.01Qwellelitecoder: we wouldn't have released it if we didn't think it worked
23:36.23elitecoderQwell: The site didn't make it clear to me whether it was a development release or stable
23:36.34elitecoderlike on mysql for example, it says right on it
23:36.40Corydon76-digI used to use:  ps auxwww | gzip -9 | uuencode foo
23:37.09Corydon76-digpick the 3rd or 4th line down, skip the leading M, and that's the password
23:37.13murdock_utQwell: When do you think will be final?
23:38.00Qwellwhen we decide to release it, basically.  looks like all the issues on the roadmap are done
23:38.18carrarWOAH I got Corydon76-dig passwords!!
23:38.49murdock_utQwell: I wasn't sure if some issues were found with RC1 or not.  Is there a way to find out?
23:38.50carrartesting said passwords
23:38.51bmoracaCorydon76-dig:  interesting...any problems ever with characters?
23:39.02carrarCorydon76# rm -rf /
23:39.12Qwellmurdock_ut: look over the issues on
23:39.19*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
23:39.49elitecoderI need to make an outbound dialer, is there a good place in the docs to start reading for that?
23:40.24ManxPowerelitecoder: is good place to start looking.  My employer also sells dialers.
23:40.25bmoracause /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
23:40.53drmessanoLovely.. No, the warranty on my car has NOT expired
23:41.07bmoracayou get those too?
23:41.13drmessanoEveryone does
23:41.18murdock_utQwell: Why do you make it so hard  :)
23:41.19ManxPowergets what?
23:41.26bmoracai actually press 1 once and spoke to the lady...yelled at her for a few minutes...haven't gotten one since
23:41.32Qwellmurdock_ut: That's what s...nevermind
23:41.40drmessanobmoraca: It's pretty widespread
23:41.44Qwelldrmessano: downloaded/installed yet?
23:41.46murdock_utQwell: Ha Ha.
23:42.01Qwelldownload faster.
23:42.22Qwelldrmessano: actually, did it show beta2 on the site properly?
23:42.27drmessanoNo it didnt
23:42.33drmessanoI had to fix the URL and download
23:42.43Qwellstupid drupal caching
23:43.15bmoracawishes a T1 was still considered "fast" :(
23:44.21carrarthink of it more of quality
23:44.42carraryeah get 50 meg comcast
23:44.48carraror get a T1 with QoS
23:44.52carrarand SLA
23:44.57*** part/#asterisk elitecoder (
23:45.19hardwirehow much of the 50meg are you at all guaranteed?
23:45.32bmoracaright now we have a point to point T1 to our colocation cabinets...1.5mbit is not enough
23:45.37hardwirecarrar: so why bother?
23:45.52carrarYuou tell me!
23:45.58hardwireno you tell me!
23:46.04carrarYou tell me !!
23:46.12drmessanoYOU BOTH EFFFIN TELL ME
23:46.16hardwireI played this game with a 4 year old today.
23:46.31drmessanoI get 20/2 from my 6/1 Comcast Business
23:46.34carrarbmoraca, get bonded T1's
23:46.35hardwirehe was leaning over the chair at the coffee shack I was at and playing peekaboo with me
23:46.44hardwireand then I told him he was a freak.. and he said NO@!
23:46.46hardwireand I said Yes!
23:46.49hardwireand it kinda kept going
23:47.12hardwireI dunno if I should be blaming my channel banks or what
23:47.18bmoracacarrar:  i'd love to.  bossman doesn't want to pay for it.
23:47.30hardwirebut the client is using Zhone CB's ala FXO to my asterisk box..
23:47.32eppigyi am dave
23:47.33carrarthen 1.5 is enough :)
23:47.34ManxPowerbmoraca: I still consider a T-1 to be "fast"
23:47.46hardwireand for some reason it received 14 as the dialstring (usually 11 digits)
23:47.51hardwirewhich then make asterisk die
23:48.04Qwellhardwire: back up..  a random 4 year old?
23:48.14carrarbmoraca, try getting a better T1 price
23:48.17hardwireand it wrote over 50k lines of  chan_zap.c: We're Zap/53-1, not P^A
23:48.23hardwiremy log file is in ram
23:48.49bmoracacarrar: with datacenter crossconnect, it's $510/mo.  mileage sucks.
23:49.07carrarWhat city are you in
23:49.20ManxPowerbmoraca: I believe MPLS is priced similar to Frame Relay i.e. based on port speed not distance
23:49.24bmoracawe're in a city off of a top 100 city
23:49.45bmoracain the US
23:49.58carrarsecret city
23:50.02carrarI got yah!
23:50.05bmoracawe're 30 miles south of Stockton
23:50.19bmoracathe urethra of the US
23:50.30ManxPowerbmoraca: so a "B" rate center?
23:51.05carrarCity of Ceres, CA?
23:51.16bmoracayay for IP Whois
23:52.00carrarI'm sorry
23:52.10bmoracaactually, we don't use them for our bandwidth
23:52.14ManxPowerbmoraca: It would not hurt to check out MPLS.
23:52.37carrarMPLS is probably cheaper, more hops
23:52.39ManxPowerThe telcos are pretty desperate for customers these days
23:52.41bmoracasomeone well before i got here leased some IPs from them and we've been on them for so long that it's taking a long time to get off them
23:53.25hardwirecarrar: you work for paetec?
23:53.36bmoracaManxPower:  that would require upgrading our routers.  it took me 2.5 years to convince them to let me upgrade the ancient bay networks switch that's at the core of our colocation network.
23:53.54carrarhardwire, hell no
23:54.51bmoracawe've got a 2500 here running a version 10 IOS and a 7206 there running a version 10 IOS...neither supports MPLS
23:55.20carrarYou don't need to 'run' MPLS
23:55.34carrarMPLS is done behind the scene
23:56.11carrarTo you it's just a t1, or multiple T1's in a MLPPP bundle or a a larger circuit hand off
23:56.13bmoracacarrar:  your equipment still needs to support MPLS PE mode.  unless you lease from the provider
23:56.28carrarand if you use MPLS VPN's they are typically in sub interfaces in vlans
23:56.29ManxPower*nod*  From YOUR point of view it is a PPP or MLPPP link
23:56.39carrarbmoraca, no
23:56.42ManxPowerThe MPLS stuff is all hidden from the customer by the carrier.
23:56.59carrarThe MPLS PE Router is owed my the carrier
23:57.04ManxPowerNow if you wanted to BUILD your OWN MPLS network out of T-1s, then yes, your routers would require specific MPLS support.
23:57.19bmoracathe only MPLS provider here (that I know of) does not deliver it via PPP unless you're doing the PE yourself.  if you lease from them, you get an ethernet handoff from their equipment.
23:58.43carrarno carrier in their right mind would allow a customer to run the PE point of their MPLS netwrok
23:59.10carrarPE being Provider Edge router
23:59.15bmoracaright, i know
23:59.45carrarthats like giving access to their network devices

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