IRC log for #asterisk on 20090213

00:07.37*** join/#asterisk eric2 (n=nobody@
00:07.50*** join/#asterisk edibrac (
00:09.08edibracwhen you've bricked a Cisco 7940 does that mean there's absolutely nothing showing up on the screen? or is it a certain error message like "unprovisioned"?
00:09.50*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
00:10.06wonderworldhey, i am trying to build chan_mobile on a debian stable box. make menuconfig doesn't let me choose chan_mobile, probably because something is wrong with my bluetooth installation. i apt-get'ed bluetooth and bluez-* . the bluez version should work, according to the chan_mobile website. am i missing something?
00:17.36edibracare cisco 79xx phones considered the cream of the crop?
00:17.42edibracby today's standards
00:20.26*** join/#asterisk carpenike (
00:20.38carpenikehi can anyone help me get IMAP_TK installed on my system?
00:20.45carpenikeI have uw-imap installed
00:20.47carpenikewith Kerberos support.
00:23.58*** join/#asterisk dgoner (
00:24.47*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:27.38_ShrikEedibrac: IMHO you can do better than cisco
00:28.25*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (n=bmoraca@
00:28.46edibracthe speakerphone is pretty good. I really dislike the way you need to configure them throught tftp
00:29.10edibraci can figure it out, just it seems unecessary
00:29.25eppigynot when you have 300 phones
00:29.30eppigyyou have to configure identicaly
00:29.34eppigyand make changes on
00:31.43edibracok tftp isn't the problem, it's the whole maze of ways you do the firmware upgrade that seems unecessarily complex.
00:33.55*** join/#asterisk docelm0 (
00:36.09edibracXMLDefault.cnf.xml and OS79xx.txt seem redundant
00:36.36*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-db8ffe712794bbc2)
00:41.40Qwelledibrac: to answer your original question - no.  not by any stretch of the imagination
00:42.02Qwelland as for the speakerphone being good...well, it *IS* just a Polycom
00:42.35Qwelloh Polycom..  Polycom, Polycom, Polycom. doesn't work, but does.
00:43.05keith4_good for them
00:43.11keith4_i wish more people would stick to that
00:43.30Qwellkeith4_: uhh, no
00:44.29Qwelledibrac: Look familiar?
00:46.43*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
00:48.09JAMMAN2110I have a USB FM Sender (glorified USB soundcard) anyone ever used one with asterisk in any way?
00:48.27QwellJAMMAN2110: does it work with alsa?
00:48.37JAMMAN2110I dont even know what alsa is..
00:48.48Qwellthat's your first step in configuring it
00:49.10JAMMAN2110*googles* cool :)
00:49.16*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:49.31Qwellafter that, it'll work just like any other alsa device
00:49.56JAMMAN2110"All USB devices that are standards compliant will work."
00:50.14Qwellwith is few
00:51.04JAMMAN2110Might have to try it in a virtual machine
00:51.52ruben23after restarting asterisk cannot connect to remote does (/var/run/asterisk.ctl, exist)..what is the command to correct that...?
00:51.58keith4_make sure you use a virtualization method that lets you pass USB devices to VMs
00:57.16JAMMAN2110keith4_, of course :)
00:57.45carrarJAMMAN2110, there are laws regarding replaying radio stations as "on-hold' music
00:57.59JAMMAN2110Its an FM transmitter
00:58.06JAMMAN2110Not reciever
00:58.28carrargonna air peoples calls? :)
00:59.29JAMMAN2110That would be silly
01:00.01carrarunless it's a pager thing
01:00.07JAMMAN2110Just a thought for a cheap way to implement an overhead intercom
01:00.49*** join/#asterisk path_ (
01:01.32dalbaechruben23: it might be a silly question, but is asterisk running?
01:01.50dalbaechand can the user you're logged in as see/access the socket file?
01:01.52dalbaechand what distro?
01:04.56ruben23dalbaech: centos
01:06.33dalbaechruben23: ok; can your current user see the socket file"?
01:08.57*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-94be20e2b604064b)
01:09.18dalbaechruben23: is it owned by the user you are, or by asterisk?
01:09.22dalbaechwhat are the permissions on the socket file?
01:11.18dalbaechhere's a quick test... can you run rasterisk as root?
01:11.30ruben23dalbaech:ill cehck..actually its running..but when i restart it did not run...
01:11.36ruben23yes im running on root
01:11.58dalbaechok; if you're root, it should be working regardless of ownership.
01:12.31dalbaechwell, in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf does the run directory match the directory that the ctl file is in? does..
01:14.06dalbaechthen i'm at a loss.
01:14.37ruben23dalbaech:ill tried a hard  restart
01:21.06*** join/#asterisk timeshell (n=chatzill@
01:26.57*** join/#asterisk mrsci (
01:38.47*** join/#asterisk cguerrero (n=cguerrer@
01:40.14cguerrerohas any one make h232 work with asterisk
01:41.41cguerreroi have no audio when  I make a call and after that asterisk  crashed
01:45.08*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
01:47.00*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
02:05.59*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
02:10.31*** part/#asterisk l2trace99 (
02:17.15*** join/#asterisk edibrac (
02:19.04*** join/#asterisk jeff (i=jeff@unaffiliated/jeff)
02:32.04*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
02:44.11*** join/#asterisk esaym (
02:45.48*** join/#asterisk StanManCan (
02:46.15StanManCanIs it possibe to make it so if you dial extension 100 it rings an ipphone, and if nobody picks up it forward syou to another number ?
02:46.48eric256StanManCan: follow me?
02:47.12StanManCaneric256: is that an application in asteisk ?
02:48.06carrarStanManCan, you can cascade calls or dial multiple numbers at the same time or delayed
02:48.19carrarpretty much anything you can think of
02:48.37carrarSKY *IS* the limit
02:48.48carrarUnless you have a ROCKET
02:48.58eric256StanManCan: dunno its built in to asterisk
02:49.01eric256err trixbox
02:49.02carrarThen space really is your final Frontier
02:49.34StanManCancarrar: Yea i've been meaning to look into how to make all extensions ring when an incoming call comes
02:49.55StanManCancarrar: just don't specify an extension to dial ?
02:49.57*** join/#asterisk JJ2110 (
02:50.12StanManCanyea but that will only dial that one device
02:50.29*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
02:50.31StanManCanwhat happens if you got 30 devices ?
02:50.39StanManCansame thing ?
02:50.42carrarYou put 30 in there
02:50.53carrarthough there are nicer ways to do that
02:51.03carrarbut thats the easy way
02:51.16carrarnot necessary the most nicest
02:51.51carrarYou can dial multiple Local extension
02:52.00carrarthen each local dials like 10 extenions
02:52.10carrarafter testing them 1st to make sure they are registered
02:52.25carrarand any delays you want to add in
02:53.21StanManCanand is there a certain application i would use to dial a second number if the first one doesn't pick up?
02:53.28StanManCanor is it stil dial
02:53.35carrarthe most basic is
02:53.52carrarsomething like that
02:53.57carrardials 100 for 10 seconds
02:54.01carrarthen rolls over to 101
02:54.01*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
02:54.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
02:54.06StanManCanah ha
02:54.07StanManCanthank you
02:54.13StanManCanso i'll be going
02:54.18carrarok then!
02:54.52hardwirebows to the digium-open-source-team-lead
02:55.14theharhi russellb
02:55.16StanManCanand then make extension 100 in outbound dial my  cell phone
02:55.28russellbwaves to thehar
02:55.29carrarI would dial my cell from the dialplan
02:55.33carrarafter a delay
02:55.54carrarbut that works also
02:56.01StanManCanit's still in the dial plan though isn't it? just in a differnet context
02:56.10thehardon't test against an iphone.. they take eons to connect
02:56.25StanManCanlol carrar, what would you do ?
02:56.51carrarI dial both the desk and cell at the same time, but put a wait 8 seconds before actually dialing the cell
02:57.30carrargiving the desk time to answer befor annouying the person with a cell ring also
02:57.48carrarand also allowing both to ring uninterrupted
02:57.57StanManCangood call
02:58.20*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
02:58.26StanManCanbut my incoming context points to my internal, which would then be dialing the extensionand hen i'd need to point to my outgoing context to dial out
02:58.34StanManCanhow would i dial out from my internal context?
02:58.40StanManCanwithout including the outbound
02:58.43carrarlet me create a exmaple for you
03:03.19carrarStanManCan, something like this perhaps
03:03.30carrarwould need to adjust ring times etc..
03:08.24carrarthats sexier now
03:09.04carrargranted you also need to make sure you are monitoring sip phones to make the ChanIsAvail work properly
03:09.34StanManCanI use IAX :)
03:10.13StanManCanyou need to use chanavail for all of them ?
03:10.38carrarIf you don't want too those annouying error messages in your CLI
03:10.52carrarand why try to ring something if it's not there
03:11.12*** join/#asterisk nOgAnOo (
03:12.36StanManCanoh weird I never knew that... I just called the same extension from 2 phone sand one got hung up on
03:13.44eric256okay i have a sip phone that registers properly, rings and then once answered it hangs up immediatly  (its an X-Lite softphone)
03:13.46eric256any ideas?
03:13.53*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=Raymond@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
03:14.29carrarsure it's hanging up or just no audio?
03:14.41*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
03:14.41*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
03:14.41*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
03:15.05eric256pretty sure it hangs up, and if she calls out it works fine
03:15.09Miccdoes the polycom ip 320 support call appearances?
03:15.14StanManCanHow do you reload a conf from rasterisk again :S
03:15.20carrarCodec missmatch?
03:15.29carrardialpla reload
03:15.32carrardialplan reload
03:15.45StanManCanand that reloads the extensions.conf and iax.conf
03:15.47carrar(to reload extensions.conf)
03:15.53StanManCanah thanks
03:16.13carrariax2 reload
03:16.15eric256she also gets audio from the server if she logs in or out etc
03:16.15carrarfor iax stuff
03:16.56carrarWhat does the console say?
03:17.34carrarmight binpaste your sip.conf and extension.conf
03:17.42stablereric256, is it xlite to xlite
03:17.51stablera hardphone to xlite
03:18.37eric256hardphone to xlite and xlite to xlite
03:19.06eric256hmm where can i paste it?
03:19.50carrarthat works too
03:20.00carrarany nat involved?
03:20.40jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:20.52eric256 seems to be the relevant portion
03:20.59stablernat seems to fail sauce alot of things..
03:21.49eric256behinds a linksys router
03:22.05carrareric256, you work for Mike?
03:22.29eric256never heard of Mike
03:22.39carrarah cortland is a company here in Seattle
03:22.41carrarjust curious
03:22.56harry_vcarrar ever work with call files before?
03:23.23stablereric256.. thats way over my head wish i could help
03:23.24carrareric256, thats not enough info, sorry
03:23.54carrartry reducing it to it's simplest form
03:23.57carrartoss the agi
03:24.05harry_vwhat is the correct syntax for adding on more then one sip number in Channell: in the call file? tried a few different combinations like that of Dial in extentions and did not dial the second number.
03:24.24*** part/#asterisk rue_mohr (
03:24.43StanManCanohh god carrar your awesome
03:24.46StanManCanit works :)
03:25.02stablerwoot success
03:25.17carrarharry_v, you are just joining the outside 'call file' with a internal dialplan, say a extension right?
03:25.27carrarStanManCan, thanks, pay it forward!
03:25.29*** join/#asterisk chikkis (n=chikkis@
03:25.34harry_vwell the typical syntax is SIP/200
03:25.44chikkishello everyone
03:25.45StanManCancarrar: i will! :)
03:25.50chikkisi am new here
03:25.56StanManCancarrar: once i'm more familiar at least, ;)
03:25.59harry_vadding on &SIP/201 does not dial the next number
03:26.12carrarnot in a callfile
03:26.39chikkiswow this channel is alive
03:26.42*** join/#asterisk etherealite_ (
03:27.02Talkradiofirst time for everything ;)
03:27.02stablerchikkis, did you expect a dead channel?
03:27.07carrarharry_v, your destination I think only takes one argument
03:27.30harry_vso Channel: is just pointing to a extention or context?
03:27.44carraronce thats connected you can hit multiple extensions on the 'extension & priotry' dial part
03:28.13carrarChannel is pointing to something like Zap/
03:28.15carraror SIP/
03:28.21chikkisno but the channels were so dead
03:28.38chikkis"i see dead people"
03:28.51harry_vwell I know it can go to individual SIP or ZAP channels
03:28.51chikkisother channels
03:28.59carrarLets see what you are doing
03:29.04jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:29.45harry_vbut what about context such as [page-out] exten => 200,1,Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201
03:30.19chikkislike work on astersik box
03:30.20harry_vactually it would be something like 300,1,
03:30.39chikkisi am kind not so much of linux kind of guy
03:30.52chikkisi mean i dont know much of linux
03:30.53carrarThats kind of odd
03:31.04carrarBut Kind of ok
03:31.22StanManCanCarrar: the first time i called it works. now when I try to call my number and dial the extension i just made (500) or the extension that just goes tto the desk phone, it says it's not available and please try again
03:31.32stablerchikkis, you should get familar with linux before playing with asterisks
03:31.49carrarwhat does iax2 show peers say?
03:32.00chikkisi have had my hands dirty on liunx before
03:32.02harry_vactually, can channel: in dial a virtual channel to do the multiple sip calls?
03:32.03carrartry removing the Channel checking
03:32.16chikkisbut i am rookee
03:32.17StanManCanyea it's not in there
03:32.51carrarharry, you could do the multi channels once it's connected  using the 'context/extension/priority' part of the call file, not in the 'Channel' part
03:33.00stablerchikkis, what are you wanting to know? did you have a question?
03:33.50chikkisi think it will be too much to ask compared what knowledge i have on asterisk and linux
03:34.01carraryour second line is wrong
03:34.08StanManCanexten 200 still works (goes to brad2) but 100 (goes to brad) and 500 (goes to brad then cell) don't
03:34.11carrarpriority needs to be 1 for the 1st line
03:34.37StanManCanduh, not sure where that came from
03:34.41StanManCanmy bad :S
03:34.46chikkisbut however this is what i want to know
03:35.33chikkisi want to configure the High availbility / redundency on the asterisk boxs
03:35.36StanManCanout of curisotiy on exten 500 whats with the ",Hangup()" and 502,Hangup()
03:35.48*** join/#asterisk brunner (
03:35.51carrarwell thats was part of the ChanIsAvil
03:36.04carrarjump 101 priorities if not registered
03:36.08brunneris there a module I need to load in order to use a wave file as music on hold?
03:36.10carrarreachable I mean
03:36.24stablerchikkis, have you downloaded "Asterisk: The Future of Telephony"
03:36.26stablerthe book
03:36.27StanManCanthank you
03:36.30eric256"Receiving notification about firewall IP address:, voip always possible: 0"...that shows up in the xlite log, does that mean anything?
03:36.39jbotfrom memory, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:36.49chikkisyeah i do have it with me
03:36.55harry_vcarrar simular to this
03:37.25carrarpageout isn't a channel
03:37.32carrarthats a context right?
03:37.39carraror extension
03:37.44harry_vyes context
03:37.53carrarWants a channel
03:38.01harry_vlike 300
03:38.09carrarlike Zap/
03:38.12stablerchikkis, high avalibility/redundancy to created like any other server on a network
03:38.12carraror SIP/
03:38.22harry_vso it ignores context
03:38.23stabler*is created
03:38.25chikkisby teaming
03:38.35chikkisthe nic
03:38.43*** join/#asterisk N|ght (
03:38.57chikkisbut what about the active call status
03:39.04brunnerI have a wave file in my moh directory, but when execute musiconhold(), I only hear silence.  Here's my musiconhold.conf and extensions.conf:
03:39.09stablerchikkis, backup trunks, back up power, etc..
03:39.18carrarharry_v, connext is a error for that field
03:39.21chikkisor rather active calls when failiure happens
03:39.36carrarcontext != channel
03:39.57carrarbrunner, wrong format?
03:40.18carrarfile youraudiofilehere.wav
03:40.19brunnercarrar: I used the exact sox parameters from the asterisk book
03:40.20harry_vso 300/SIP
03:40.21carrarwhat does that say?
03:40.32carrar-r 8000 ?
03:40.35brunnerdoes anyone have a file that *should* work with asterisk
03:40.37brunnercarrar: yes
03:40.45carrarHarry:  SIP/300
03:40.55harry_vyea other way around
03:41.02brunner-r 8000 -c 1 -s -w moh1.wav resample -ql
03:41.17carrarbrunner, do: file youraudiofilehere.wav
03:41.29chikkiswow i love this channel
03:41.33brunnercarrar: where? command line?
03:41.42*** join/#asterisk nbags (
03:41.45carrarunix cli
03:42.19harry_vgoing to give this a test.
03:42.20brunnercarrar: chris@thinkpad:/var/lib/asterisk/moh$ file moh1.wav
03:42.20brunnermoh1.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz
03:42.31carraryeah thats good
03:42.34chikkis@stabler may dum thing to ask
03:42.34carrarbad file then perhaps?
03:42.53chikkisbut if you have two servers
03:43.04StanManCanJust out of curiosity, is this normal?
03:43.09chikkishow do you take care of active calls
03:43.13carrarbrunner, you also have to "restart now" for Asterisk to pick that up
03:43.24brunnercarrar: plays fine in totem
03:43.26brunnerah, okay
03:43.49harry_vbrb, see if this works.
03:44.00stablerchikkis, I dont think you can incorperate that kind of redundancy for active calls.. but im not sure... hopefully someone more knowledgable will chime in
03:44.52nbagshi. i've got a weird problem. i have an analogue line connected to a ZAP channel, but I have call-divert enabled on that line so that incoming calls actually come via a SIP channel, not a ZAP channel. The problem is that Optus (in australia) indicate that a incoming call is being diverted by ringing the line for just a split second. asterisk doesn't realise that the ringing has stopped and processes this as an incoming call. Does anyone kn
03:45.03brunnercarrar: still no luck.  call 253-242-8652 to test.
03:45.14chikkiscause i have work on servers from avaya (the communication manager)
03:45.19carrar<- Bellevue
03:45.29brunnercarrar: <- IPKall
03:45.33carrarI'll let you call
03:45.43chikkisand i think the implement some called as plat
03:46.03carrarbrunner, might check the location of the file
03:46.11carrarand the config for moh
03:46.37stablerchikkis, Ive never had hands on with a live avaya system
03:46.50chikkis8 years on them
03:47.02stablerive only had schooling
03:47.10brunnercarrar: the location matches what's in musiconhold.conf, I promise
03:47.14stableractually in a class im currently taking
03:47.20chikkissome on cisco and nortel also
03:47.45chikkisi worked with avaya for 5 years
03:48.01carrarany other files in that direcory?
03:48.10chikkispretty short time huh
03:48.10stableryea.. it looks like a decent system.. ive only played with simulations
03:48.30chikkiswhich one???
03:48.36*** join/#asterisk etherealite (
03:48.38brunnercarrar: no
03:48.45carrarbrunner, what does the console say?
03:48.52carrarlesseee that
03:49.02brunnercarrar: nothing.  how  can I make it more verbose?
03:49.06stablerchikkis, citrix
03:49.12carrarshow me anyways
03:49.16thehari wanna avaya
03:49.32brunnerConnected to Asterisk currently running on thinkpad (pid = 10825)
03:49.40carrarin binaste
03:49.46carrarset verbose 8
03:49.47brunnerlol, that's all there is
03:49.50carrarthen capture that
03:49.51chikkisthings are still not clear to me
03:49.57stablerbleh... im way more interested in open source administration
03:50.05chikkisas far i know there were no simulators
03:50.20chikkisme too
03:50.42chikkishaha :p
03:50.43stableruhh.. its not a simulator owned by avaya.. its some third party simulation used by DeVry
03:51.05chikkiscan you give me some link
03:51.06stablerDeVry University
03:51.27carrarmoh module is not loaded
03:51.28chikkisi know there is one simulator they are working on now
03:51.31stableri take it you arnt a fan
03:51.40theharuhm no.
03:51.56theharDeVry is as much a "university" as ITT.
03:52.30stablernot so much.. theyre accredited
03:52.33brunnercarrar: but I have this in my modules.conf: load =>
03:52.48carrarbrunner, try "module load"
03:52.58thehari'd rather go to a community college
03:53.06carrarI think thats the right module
03:53.09brunner[Feb 12 21:53:01] WARNING[10864]: loader.c:655 load_resource: Module '' already exists.
03:53.10chikkiscould you give us the exact link
03:53.12stablerhave you attended at DeVry before?
03:53.29theharno i went to Berekely
03:53.34carraris loaded?
03:53.47stablerchikkis are you refering to a link to citrix
03:53.50brunnercarrar: I guess it thinks so.  How can I tell?
03:53.58carrarsame command
03:54.19stablerthehar, i currently enjoy the classes
03:54.23brunnercarrar: same message
03:54.45stablerthehar, i have had very few issues with there teaching practices
03:54.52chikkisDeVry simulators
03:55.04stablercitrix is a paid service
03:55.17thehari'm sorry i just don't have a great image of those fast easy technical schools
03:55.27chikkiswell i only attened high school
03:55.36carrarbrunner, try MusicOnHold(default)
03:56.08carrar(in your dialplan)
03:57.16stableronly reason devry is "fast" is because they attend year round
03:57.28chikkishere is the link of avaya simulators
03:57.41chikkisit is called aes-cm
03:57.45stablerchikkis, citrix is just an application delivery service
03:58.00chikkisversioned as 3.0
03:58.28*** part/#asterisk nbags (
03:58.39*** join/#asterisk yoanis (n=fred@
03:58.42stableri wish i could get into the open source field...
03:58.44yoanishi there
03:58.52stablerjust cant get my foot in the door
03:59.00yoanisi i need some help figuring out why voicemail are not been recorded
03:59.07stabler*open source administration
03:59.50carrarbrunner, what cards do you have in your asterisk box?
04:00.15stablerno one wants to take in an unexperienced admin/tech
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04:00.23brunnercarrar: none
04:00.33carrarusing usb for timing?
04:01.03brunnercarrar: whatever that module is that the book told me to use when I don't have a digium pci card
04:01.19brunnercarrar: I'm trying to develop a dialplan on my laptop, lol
04:02.07chikkisme too
04:02.44chikkisfor me it more i am scared to enter into it
04:02.59stableri have alittle fear
04:03.21chikkisthat it will be shot-in-my-foot
04:03.39stablerbut im sure i would get over it as i posses alot of knowledge im just unsure of myself alot
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04:04.21brunnercarrar: for use on a co-located box
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04:04.30chikkisbut i am sure i can beat you on being unsure on myself
04:04.34brunnercarrar: any ideas?
04:04.57chikkisi have iso image of avaya cm with me
04:05.05chikkisright now
04:05.24chikkisand i am trying to emulate it on the vmware
04:05.25carrarbrunner, I remember something about needing a timing source
04:05.36carrarbut it's been a while as all my boxes have t1 cards
04:05.47chikkisi am getting stuck with File system failures
04:05.58chikkisMBR failures
04:06.07chikkisit sucks big time
04:06.19brunnercarrar: the book seems to think it will work with the timing provided by that kernel module
04:06.32carrarshow application MusicOnHold
04:06.34carrarthat works?
04:06.42chikkisif any one wanna have look at it let me now cause i can show you the installation proccess
04:06.58chikkiscongrats carrar
04:07.19eric256fyi i setup the stun server to point to a real stun server and it fixed my one way audio issues, musta been some kind of NAT issue
04:07.21brunnercarrar: yes, that works
04:07.39carrarbrunner, I am sure it's something obvious I am just missing
04:08.00stablerdarn nat
04:08.02chikkisi can give access to my system to have frist hand assult on self pride kicked to dirt
04:08.37stablerwhat are you trying to install?
04:08.57brunnercarrar: =/
04:09.12chikkisi wanna to work more on some gateways and stuff like that
04:09.13brunnerpages Corydon76-dig
04:09.45chikkisand try integrate with other biggee like cisco and nortel
04:10.27chikkisi have complete lab of cisco cm on my system
04:10.54chikkiseric did have nat on both ends
04:10.59stablerand you want to interface asterisk with cm?
04:11.45chikkisyeah that is also one of the plans i wanna try
04:12.28chikkiswell have done interface with trixbox once before
04:13.00stableri plan to play with trixbox soon
04:13.12carrarbrunner, ensure you having a timing source
04:13.13eric256chikkis: nope, just nat on one end
04:13.13chikkisit is cake walk
04:13.20brunnercarrar: how can I check that?
04:13.33carrarwell it was like ztdummy in the older version
04:13.54brunneruhg, gotta run. taxi waiting. bbl
04:13.59chikkis@eric if you have nat on both the ends nat fails what what i have seen
04:14.04brunnercarrar: thank you so much for your help!
04:14.09carrarcome back
04:14.13carrarwhen you are done
04:14.15chikkisyour link keeps flaping
04:14.17brunnerwill do
04:14.17carrarI'll find it
04:15.02chikkisokay  here is one of the most major project i want to try
04:15.23chikkistake a router simulator of cisco
04:15.36chikkislike dynamips / gns3
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04:15.48chikkisand add telephony part to it
04:16.27chikkisso that i can simulate the funcational aspect of telephoney on the simulator
04:16.32carrarchikkis, hi
04:16.43carrarI missed your message :)
04:17.16stablerchikkis, sounds interesting
04:17.37chikkisand i thinking of doing this buy taking the TAPI code and
04:17.41chikkisfilling in
04:17.56chikkisby then i will be dead
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04:18.42chikkisnothing carrar me just being stupid
04:18.43yoanisis there a way to send 'voicemail' from command line
04:18.58chikkisand nominating my self to darwin awards
04:19.09yoanislike reading from a wav file and forwarding it to a voicemail
04:19.58chikkisso @stabler
04:20.31chikkisi am still try to figure the citrix simulator part '
04:20.41chikkislooks very interesting
04:23.09stableri basicly just log into the citrix server
04:23.17chikkisoh okay
04:23.24chikkisgot it
04:23.25stablerand it is a software based simulation
04:23.45stablerim sure devry pays a pretty penny for it
04:24.09chikkiswhen you say software simulation
04:24.13chikkiswhat do you mean
04:24.32chikkisyou mean like you do "remote desktop"
04:24.46drmessanoUsing "Citrix" doesnt make anything a friggin "Simulator"
04:25.04chikkisbeacause to critix is used  for that
04:26.40chikkis@drmessano i am little confused here
04:26.57drmessanoMe too
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04:28.37chikkisis it remote desktop
04:29.06*** part/#asterisk eric256 (
04:32.45stableruhh its basicly.. i think its called "ip office manager" or something like that
04:33.34chikkisyou acctuly download "ip office" image for free
04:33.43chikkislet me give you guys a link
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04:34.01chikkisip office soho sytem
04:34.34stableri dont know why we work through citrix
04:35.21chikkisa question here
04:35.24*** join/#asterisk jablko (n=jablko@gallery/soc/jablko)
04:35.42chikkisdo you get the login prompt directly
04:36.03chikkisor you login to some windows/linux system
04:36.04stableri think so
04:36.10stablerlogin directly
04:36.25stablerbut im pretty sure it starts a vm
04:36.31chikkisand the you use Avaya site administration tool
04:37.15stablerjust ip office manager
04:37.16chikkisdid have look at the lin whihc i gave for "AES-CM" avaya simulator
04:37.42stableri was alittle disappointed that we didnt go more in depth
04:38.26chikkisi have seen enterpise installation and managed them right from citi gruops
04:38.36chikkisto JPMC's
04:38.38stablerdo you currently work as an avaya engineer/admin
04:38.50*** join/#asterisk Gopaul (n=chatzill@
04:39.07chikkismore on voice consulatant
04:39.24chikkiscause i moved on to management levels
04:39.35chikkis15 yers on this work
04:39.43jablkothe first line of my dialplan needs to check an expression, and exit if it is true
04:39.47chikkisi am from india by the way
04:39.48jablkois there a convention for this?
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04:40.18stablerwow india
04:40.43chikkis@drmessano DDC
04:40.58jablkobasically i do not want asterisk to pickup if the callerid is null
04:41.38chikkiswhat it is saved a file on desktop
04:41.59jablkoi am toying with s,1,GotoIf(${ISNULL(CALLERID())}?something)
04:42.08chikkisstill a blank file
04:42.13jablkobut i am not sure what something i should use
04:42.40chikkis@stabler where you from?
04:43.21stablernot really.. lol
04:44.07stablerits ok
04:44.13stableri suppose
04:45.57chikkis"land of oppertiunity "
04:47.36stableryea.. im a poor SOB.. lol
04:48.05stablerscraping along barely affording life
04:50.02chikkisso i am dude
04:50.53chikkisbut i am sure richness is sickness
04:51.25stableri dont want to be rich by any means.. i just want to comfortably afford life
04:51.28jayteejablko, something would be the named priority that you Goto IF the condition resolves true otherwise it will simply go to the next priority in that context
04:52.10chikkishere is the link for avaya simulator
04:52.28chikkisfor enterprise system
04:52.31jablkojaytee: what named priority do folks usually use if they want to exit from the dialplan?
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04:53.44jayteejabklo, something is just a word. you could have 9999,n(something),Hangup() if you wanted.
04:56.08jablkojaytee: there is no common practice - like "i" for invalid, "t" for timeout...
04:56.23jayteelabeled priorities allow you to jump to that priority by using the label name of the priority. Earlier versions of Asterisk didn't have the n priority and had to be in numeric sequence so if you modified or added lines to a context you had to renumber all the priorities.
04:59.10jayteei and t are special extensions in Asterisk.
05:01.11jablkothere is no "exit" extension? something i could put in GotoIf() to simply exit from the dialplan?
05:01.30jablkoor an alternative application which would exit from the dialplan when an expression is true?
05:02.27jayteejablko, what about h?
05:03.08jayteeor just add a line at the end of the context, exten => "extensionnumber",n(something),Hangup()
05:03.20chikkishere is the link to download "IP office"
05:03.36chikkisthere are some files
05:03.43jablkojaytee: hey, thanks - there is an "h" standard extension
05:03.44chikkisand an iso image
05:03.48jablkodid not realize
05:07.21chikkisanyone wanna have look at the installer
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05:40.19tamseelhi all
05:41.00tamseeli want to update the asterisk but i have g729 on the server is this update will create some problem to g729 installed on the server?
05:47.09carrardid you read the readme file?
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06:24.43xacatecashi, is it possible to configure an IAX2/SIP user to be allowed from a set of IPs?  Eg, or or (as an example)?
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06:27.24kaldemarxacatecas: yes, take a look at the permit parameter
06:28.17xacatecasok.  that solves that.  is it possible to construct a peer with multiple host= lines such that it'll load balance the calls to those destinations?
06:28.36xacatecasor do I need to create multiple peers and then do some special handling in the dialplan?
06:29.29[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: No
06:29.43[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: All dialplan
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06:30.42xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, i faintly recall there being some function that can tell me how many calls is currently going out over a specific peer definition - is this the case and can you maybe recall the function name off the top of your head?
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06:31.23[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: Not peer specific, but dialplan control specific "core show functions like GROUP"
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06:32.30xacatecasput each "peer" in it's own group and then do GROUP_COUNT ?
06:32.47xacatecasactually no, each channel ...
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06:41.34[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
06:57.00*** join/#asterisk yoanis (n=fred@
06:57.42yoanisi'm running asterisk and when a message is recorded file permissions are set to 0006
06:58.16yoaniswhich causes a conflict because the file is owned by the asterisk user
06:58.40yoanisand then the voicemail app is unable to read recordings
06:58.52yoanisis this a bug?
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08:04.46SigniusI have compiled and installed the zaptel drivers with the following: make clean * ./configure * make * make install * make config and then configured zaptel.conf but for some reason i dont have /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
08:05.16SigniusThis is my first time trying to setup and install asterisk so if i have done something dumb i dont know what it is
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08:08.30ultrav1oletwhy doesn't exten => 1000,1,VoicemailMain(${CALLERID(num)},s) work as expected?
08:09.23ultrav1oletI want anyone who calls 1000 to be able to work with his/her mailbox immediatly without entering number and password ... but asterisk still asks for a number and password
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08:17.24tzafrir_laptopSignius, it is now called chan_dahdi.conf
08:17.32tzafrir_laptopWhat version of Asterisk do you have?
08:17.40kaldemarSignius: zapata.conf is (or was) a part of asterisk. it got removed from the source package in favor of chan_dahdi.conf.
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08:18.37Signiustzafrir_laptop: I have asterisk-
08:19.01tzafrir_laptopThe file in samples is chan_dahdi.conf .
08:19.13tzafrir_laptopIn your case, just rename it to zapata.conf
08:19.13und3ris there anyone who can help me with a problem with dahdi pri on E1?
08:19.47tzafrir_laptopThough if this is a new installation, DAHDI instead of Zaptel is something to consider
08:19.53ultrav1oletwhat about my question? ;)
08:20.12Signiustzafrir_laptop: Thank you ......Should i have gone for a more recent Asterisk release ? I went with 1.4 coz it said current
08:20.22tzafrir_laptopund3r, maybe. Depending on the details :-)
08:21.21tzafrir_laptopultrav1olet, what does happen?
08:21.40tzafrir_laptopWhen a call comes in, what do you see in the CLI trace?
08:22.02ultrav1oletNow I see I'm wrong ;)
08:22.25kaldemarultrav1olet: and show voicemail.conf
08:23.04ultrav1oletis there a variable to extracts user's mailbox number from iax2.conf?
08:24.44ultrav1oletand one more question: what is the point of mailbox in iax2.conf user configuration?
08:24.48tzafrir_laptopCALLERID(num) gives you that name?
08:24.55kaldemarquite strange to feed a string to CALLERID(num).
08:24.58ultrav1olettzafrir_laptop: yes, it should
08:25.13kaldemarnum is for numbers, name for names.
08:25.41ultrav1oletMy iax2.conf lacks any number except mailbox
08:25.44tzafrir_laptopAnd 'ultraviolet' is a name, rather than a number
08:25.48ultrav1oletI see
08:26.13ultrav1oletso, how can I resolve this conundrum?
08:26.14kaldemarwhat is iax2.conf?
08:26.24ultrav1oletI meant iax.conf ;)
08:26.55kaldemardo you have ultraviolet => ... in voicemail.conf under [default]? show some facts so we don't have to guess what's wrong.
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08:29.10kaldemarultrav1olet: show something relevant to your problem.
08:31.45ultrav1oletThat way it doesn't work - it still asks voicemail number and password
08:33.23kaldemarand you have tested it with that particular user?
08:35.39kaldemarin stead of yes, you should be showing an output of a call...
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08:36.52kaldemaryour callerid parameters are wrong
08:37.05ultrav1oletI see that
08:37.12kaldemarit's "name" <number>, NOT "number" <name>.
08:37.58kaldemaryou're trying to access a mailbox called "birdie", but you don't have one since the mailboxes are named with numbers. fix the caller id's.
08:38.00ultrav1oletIs my iax.conf is also wrong?
08:38.22ultrav1oletI see, wait a minute
08:38.27kaldemaryour iax.conf is the ONLY thing that is wrong.
08:38.40ultrav1oletI got that
08:39.22ultrav1oletso, callerid must be something like "Peter Pan" <NNN>, right?
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08:42.27und3ris there who anyone can help me? i've a problem to reach all numbers start with 199 from a pri E1 with DAHDI...
08:42.40und3r-- Executing [s@macro-call-milano:2] Dial("SIP/449-b68a17a8", "DAHDI/g1/199309241|48|tT") in new stack
08:42.43und3r-- Requested transfer capability: 0x00 - SPEECH
08:42.45und3r-- Called g1/199309241
08:42.48und3r-- DAHDI/4-1 is proceeding passing it to SIP/449-b68a17a8
08:42.50und3r-- DAHDI/4-1 is making progress passing it to SIP/449-b68a17a8
08:42.55und3r-- Channel 0/4, span 1 got hangup request, cause 1
08:42.57jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
08:42.58und3r-- Hungup 'DAHDI/4-1'
08:43.00und3r== Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1)
08:43.05und3rops sorry :)
08:45.13kaldemarund3r: find out what numbers the other end accepts and wants to route your call. cause 1 means unallocated number.
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08:54.51und3rkaldemar: there's a FAQ about the "causes" that describe each error number?
08:57.36kaldemarund3r: :)
08:59.54und3rkaldemar: tnx! :)
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09:04.47und3rkaldemar: the strange thing is that the customer say that he was able to call that number with his old PBX...
09:05.20und3ri think there's someting that i've wrong in configuration..
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09:06.20und3ror is possible that there are some tuning for numbers that have an IVR responder?
09:07.47und3rsed -e s/tunign/particular configuration parameters/ :)
09:08.20mort_gibWhy would you need that???
09:08.33kaldemarNugget: customers are known to say strange things. you can't know what the old PBX has done to the number before sending it forward.
09:09.48brunnerhow do I determine what my installation is using as a timing source?
09:10.05und3rkaldemar: right. but in that case i don't know how can i solve my problem :/
09:12.02kaldemarund3r: contact who ever is controlling the other end and ask how they route numbers. you might need to do some number translation, e.g. prefix the number with something.
09:13.12brunnerztdummy is an adequate timing source for music on hold, correct?
09:14.40und3rkaldemar: i'll try, thank you very muxh!
09:14.48unasi7simple question: when i place a register in sip.conf, in which context will asterisk try to find my extension? Now all register go to the same context? how can i define the context?
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09:16.21jermey_gis this still a problem in asterisk
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09:21.06unasi7again: in which context asterisk search for the extension defined in a sip.conf register?
09:23.09jermey_gunasi7:who is again?
09:23.11kaldemarunasi7: be more specific. do you mean a register statement?
09:23.42jermey_gprobably he means the /incoming at the end of register
09:23.48kaldemarjermey_g: is that really a problem or just an attempt to use a function in a way that it doesn't work?
09:24.35jermey_git seems to be a problem because option G is never suppose to hangup any party
09:24.38jermey_gbut it does in 1.6
09:25.11kaldemarof course it is supposed to if the dialplan makes it hang up.
09:25.21jermey_gdialplan doesn't make it hangup
09:25.49jermey_gread second last box on this
09:26.12kaldemara dialplan doesn't need an explicit Hangup for a hangup.
09:26.13jermey_gthats a very old paste though and the problem is of a different nature though
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09:27.34jermey_gin my case, Dial(A,,G(4)); at 4, just store callerid in a variable, at 5,again store callerid in a different variable. thats it. the call hungup for no reason. the callerid did get stored but it executed 4,5 twice
09:27.35kaldemarwhat are you trying to achieve?
09:27.40unasi7kaldemar, in sip.conf i have in [general] 3 registers. One sould end up at [default] extension 1670 another should end up in [anothercontext] 1671. But all registers end up now in the same context. Know what i mean?
09:28.02jermey_gkaldemar:actually it was not the callerid, it was the channel name i needed.
09:28.19jermey_gchannel towards a party, store in a different variable
09:28.30jermey_gchannel towards b-party store in a different variable
09:28.40jermey_gG has some issue i think
09:28.41kaldemarunasi7: they are just registers to let the other side know where you are. to handle calls in different contexts, use peer contexts.
09:29.36jermey_gkaldemar:how long have you worked with *, since which version
09:29.42kaldemarjermey_g: where what happens after 5 in your dialplan? where and how are you trying to store the caller id?
09:29.48unasi7kaldemar, okay.. will google peer contexts
09:29.51unasi7kaldemar, thx
09:29.55kaldemarjermey_g: since version 0.7.something
09:30.08jermey_gkaldemar:wait a sec
09:31.25xacatecasok, a funny question, normally if I do a ring group I basically do Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2&SIP/3,${timeout}) ... now I can easily add SIP/prov/extnumber in there too, however, generally when I dial extnumber it goes through a hunt sequence of sorts to detemine which outbound "trunk" to use ... is it possible to perform this hunting via some other mechanism whilst the local SIP/* accounts are ringing and if that channel answers before any of
09:31.30xacatecasthat's too long ...
09:31.57*** join/#asterisk medjr (n=medjr@
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09:34.15kaldemarxacatecas: you could use a Local/exten@context to do additional decicions in the dialplan while the other peers are getting called. was that what you meant?
09:34.53xacatecasI'm not familiar with Local/.  where can I find more info?
09:34.57Gido-Ewe just recorded our regression test of our Asterisk server:
09:35.20xacatecasdoes this imply I can do something like Dial(SIP/1&SIP/2&Local/${extnumber}@from-internal,${timeout}) ?
09:35.41jermey_gkaldemar:it was basically like this, Dial(SIP/someuser,,G(5)); At 5,store the channel name in  db/f/1 for one party; At 6, store the channel name of other party in db/f/2
09:36.40*** join/#asterisk kjs (i=kjs@fedora/kjs)
09:36.50jermey_gbut in the cli, the G option jumped to 5 and then 6. but it then again goes to 5 and 6. so 5 and 6 were exected twice in a row.
09:37.11kaldemarxacatecas: Local creates a pseudo channel which sort of dials the given extension in your dialplan.
09:37.11jermey_gGido-E:what did you use
09:37.29kjsHi guys, I have setup a call queue, atm it plays hold music when people are in the queue, I want it to just ring like a normal phone would, is there a sound file i can use for this?
09:38.15kaldemarxacatecas: and yes, you can do that.
09:38.31*** join/#asterisk freckle (n=chatzill@
09:38.42Gido-Ejermey_g it is not just one tool.
09:38.47xacatecaskaldemar, looks exactly like what i want ... only one risk - that of hitting voicemail too early :(
09:38.55xacatecasat least, that I can think of.
09:39.14kaldemarxacatecas: make a new context that doesn't hit voicemail.
09:39.56Gido-Ewe will boost the regressen test to a 10K useraccount etc... test.     Lately a lot of crashes in production environments. :-(
09:41.11kaldemarjermey_g: still i'd like to see the actual dialplan and know what you expect it to do.
09:41.24xacatecaskaldemar, can't be controlled if you dial outbound to things like cell phones I think ?
09:42.04kaldemarxacatecas: sure, that's always a risk when dialing outside.
09:42.19xacatecasfor local extensions i'll always just use the direct account for this specific application.
09:42.41xacatecasok well, it's good to know about Local/ but I'm guessing that I'm going to use it sparingly.
09:42.56xacatecasi don't quite follow the difference between /n and without it though.
09:43.34kjsanyone know of a sound file for a phone ringing noise?
09:44.15[psy]jermey_g various tools and a lot of scripting (pjsua as sipclient)
09:44.54[psy]we found a reproducable segfault in meetme, in asterisk
09:45.09kjsinbound ringing sound
09:48.50*** join/#asterisk JJ2110 (n=James@
09:53.38xacatecascan anybody think of a better name for the trixbox daynight mode feature thing?  the name is crap imho as it's not very generic.
09:54.46xacatecasand no, i'm not working on trixbox ... looking to get my last install migrated away from it.
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10:16.11jermey_gGido-E:which toolS :)
10:16.20jermey_gi used sipp and winsip
10:17.37Gido-EFri 13-Feb-09 10:44 < [psy]> jermey_g various tools and a lot of scripting (pjsua as sipclient)
10:19.13*** join/#asterisk medjr (n=medjr@
10:19.27[psy]jermey_g we used pjsua (gido and i)
10:19.40[psy]however its a bitch to wrap shell script around
10:20.22[psy]i'll have a look at sipp too
10:21.13[psy]i wrote the tests in such a way that it should be easy to use another sipclient
10:32.41*** join/#asterisk nfi|ermes (n=ErMeS@
10:33.23jermey_g[psy]:lemme know of other various tools you used. cuz i did this testing for a big telco and sipp and winsip worked. sipp is best at inter-operability while winsip rocks when it comes stress testing. winsip is commercial.
10:33.56[psy]there is also sipsak for stresstesting i believe
10:34.01[psy]but it cant make actual calls
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10:42.03jermey_gi used sipsak but its very primitive compared to sipp
10:42.39jermey_g[psy]:what results did you get. thruput?
10:43.11[psy]ah k
10:43.19[psy]we didn't stresstest and performance test yet
10:43.42[psy]we have 2 tests now: one that uses webinject to test and configure via asterisk_gui
10:43.56[psy]and one that tests if the configuration actually works using pjsua
10:44.36[psy]we will start on the thrird test soon, that will test performance and stress
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11:04.16freckledoes anyone know of a way to stream live a phone call made from a SIP client on the web?
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11:25.10joatfreckle, does it pass thru an * box that you manage?
11:25.26frecklejoat: yes
11:25.38joatsearch voip-info for Ices
11:25.47frecklejoat: ok thanks
11:25.52joat* allows you to stream calls to Icecast
11:26.23joatgive a yell if you have issues
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11:34.57TheIceManCLI> dahdi show status
11:34.58TheIceManNo such command 'dahdi show status' (type 'help dahdi show' for other possible commands)
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11:35.05TheIceMani get this error in 1.6
11:35.17TheIceManno dadhi ?
11:35.33kaldemarno dahdi.
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12:23.34chikkishello everyone
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12:40.13sheri_raocan anyone send me test call
12:40.49sheri_raoDovid, can u help me please
12:45.18sheri_raocan someone help?
12:45.32sheri_rao./j #trixbox
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12:46.42Zeeekmorning all
12:46.49Zeeekor evening as the case may be
12:55.28*** join/#asterisk ta^3 (n=tacvbo@
12:57.47path_I have one FXO port, it is possible to connect a fax and use it as a extension?
12:58.07coppicewhat if its afternoon (though in practice its evening anywhere that matters)?
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13:24.17carrancaHi, I have a question about an error a coworker is having with an Asterisk I am administrating. He is getting an error 488 "Not acceptable here". He is sending an invite with an empty media for doing late sdp negotiation. Does someone knows what this could be?
13:24.29carrancaDoes Asterisk supports late sdp negotiation?
13:25.01[TK]D-Fendercarranca: Probably not.
13:25.22xacatecasis there any text-to-speech engines available in asterisk?
13:25.28xacatecasand are they any good?
13:25.32[TK]D-Fendercarranca: Because the 488 tells right up it doesn't like the selection.  pastebin the * side SIP debug
13:25.35jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
13:25.47[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: Cepstral is pretty good.
13:26.08xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, 3rd party tool?
13:26.26coppicesome people think he is
13:26.27[TK]D-Fenderxacatecas: Always... Digium doesn't make one.
13:26.48[TK]D-Fendercoppice: This is a 2 horse race, whuddya talkin' bout?!
13:26.55anonymouz666coppice: a local vendor is offering AGC on their E1 channels
13:27.12[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Good one by the way ;)
13:27.27[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666: Oh no.. now you're rally gonna get it!
13:27.31[TK]D-Fenderreally even!
13:27.38coppiceanonymouz666: a local vendor is offering crack. you want some?
13:29.40*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
13:31.03SparFuxHi all! Before buying even more crap, I would like to  ask here first. What do you think about this hifi headset to do online telephony.?*NO/articleId*142170/action*2563/searchMode*1/bySearch*bsh-240
13:32.38coppiceSparFux: it seems to lack a mic
13:33.45[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Has nothing to do with anything except bluetooth
13:33.46SparFuxcoppice: the description says, it has a mic. Besides, isn't a headset something with earphones and mic?
13:34.34coppiceSparFux: my daughter's hair band is set on her head. terminology is flexible :-)
13:34.45M07wdoes asterisk directly run the phones, or control the server that runs the phones?
13:34.48SparFuxFender: so it should work and would be quite cool for using my software telephones. and I can even listen to music with that one.
13:35.13SparFuxM07w: it controls the server which the phones are connected to.
13:35.14[TK]D-FenderSparFux: If yoursystem supports BT and softphones suck.
13:35.47M07wdo you know of an opensource phone server for hipath 4000?
13:36.06SparFuxFender: I can even use it with my mobile and I can call my asterisk box via mobile for free.
13:36.11[TK]D-Fendercoppice: My hair band opens for Spinal Tap in 2 months :p
13:36.46coppicedoes that hair band go to 11?
13:36.49[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Stop treating it like its something special. ITS A FUCKING BLUETOOTH HEADSET.
13:37.05[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Everything louder than everything else - Meat Loaf
13:37.19xacatecas[TK]D-Fender, thanks.  that cepstral does indeed sound pretty impressive.
13:37.19carranca[TK]D-Fender, sry for the delay, here is the pastebin
13:37.26SparFuxFender: I have to admit that I had problems finding a headset which would give me a mic and stereo hifi sound.
13:37.31xacatecasi think that is some of the best I've heard in a LONG while.
13:38.13carrancathe scenario im using is describe as the flow 4 in the rfc3725
13:38.17[TK]D-Fendercarranca: [Feb 13 11:34:18] WARNING[4251]: chan_sip.c:5108 process_sdp: Insufficient information for SDP (m = '', c = 'IN IP4') <-- no late media neg allowed here
13:38.40[TK]D-FenderSparFux: And are you 100% sure your other devices SUPORT these features?
13:39.05SparFuxFender: Isn't it like hands-free-profile and then it should support it?
13:39.22[TK]D-Fendercarranca: Asterisk..... where RFC meets "no fucking comment" :)
13:40.29carrancais there a page where it says which RFC features/scenarios are supported?
13:41.15ZeeekHas anyone here written an application for Polycom? If not have you tried their samples? TKDfender?
13:42.30*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
13:42.53Zeeeklove Spinal Tap
13:43.05Zeeekalmost ready to watch it again for the fifth time
13:43.15Zeeekbut we digress.... Polycom apps?
13:44.11[TK]D-Fendercarranca: Thats the best part... NO :|
13:44.53[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Apps?  I've don't XHTLM browser stuff, but The new stuff is more than that, isn't it?
13:44.58SparFuxWhat is it with software phones, that sucks so much?
13:45.15ZeeekTKD I can't figure out how they work!
13:45.40ZeeekI can see them on a browser, I can see them on the microbrowser, but they don't actually work once I log in
13:45.52ZeeekHowever, I have a radical app wirkong on my own server
13:46.07ZeeekIt shows the latest asterisk versions :)
13:46.11Zeeekexciting, no?
13:46.13coppiceSparFux: developing softphones is like being a politician. the kind that *want* to do it, really shouldn't
13:46.24Zeeekcoppice: LOL
13:46.53Zeeekis happy cause I found the PC --> Sony TV cable
13:47.12SparFuxcoppice: Yes, only people who don't understand how to use the ALSA API seem to actually develop softphones.
13:47.33[TK]D-FenderZeeek: Yeah, I'm reading the new integration guide... they did add quite a bit including soft-key control
13:47.57coppiceI thought it was people who lack a grasp of the flow of time that develop softphones
13:48.10*** join/#asterisk gremly (n=gremly@
13:48.30SparFuxcoppice: hm...
13:48.59coppiceor maybe its just people who actually stutter in real life
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13:50.14SparFuxAll I can say is that it is brainwashed to have a fast personal computer up and running all the time and connected to the internet and the pstn and then buy a 100$ hardware phones with additional electrical power consumption and use this device  to do the phoning.
13:50.25*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:51.06ZeeekTK where is this, do you have a lonk? ARe you referring to those Java apps thazt work only on WIndows?
13:51.49[TK]D-FenderZeeek: No, they seem to have beefed up the base XHTML we've used before.... maybe there is other stuff too... but I' haven't looked into more yet
13:52.35Zeeekmaybe I don't have the most recent version, either
13:52.38[TK]D-FenderZeeek: the guide is on their site : Web_Application_Developers_Guide_SIP_3_1.pdf
13:53.36ZeeekI'm looking at SampleAPps 220 somthing
13:55.41Zeeekthis is where you see how useless the search is on those sites
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14:09.46Kattymorning (=
14:10.07laggoi've recorded a call with MixMonitor(), but every program i use to try and play back the .wav seems to play it back too fast (im guessing because of the 8000 hz sample rate). is there a special program or conversion i should use?
14:10.25Kattyhow is everyone?
14:10.40Zeeek{{{{{ Katty }}}}}
14:10.54Kattyhugs Zeeek
14:11.07_ShrikEGood morning Katty
14:11.08Zeeekfalls down the stairs
14:11.25Kattyhugs _ShrikE
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14:20.32medjrwhen i type asterisk -r in the shell i cannot connect to asterisk and i get the following error message : "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)"
14:21.35medjrkifech na3mel rani faddit
14:21.46[TK]D-Fendermedjr: Either the user you are running as doesn't ahve the rights to see the .ctl file, your installation is screwed up, or most likely : Asterisk isn't RUNNING
14:22.15medjrasterisk is running
14:22.53medjri typed /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
14:23.12medjrroot@med-desktop:~# /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
14:23.13medjrStopping Asterisk PBX: asterisk.
14:23.13medjrStarting Asterisk PBX: asterisk.
14:23.44medjrbut still the same error message
14:24.07medjrthe user is "root"
14:24.26medjrso i guess he does have every possible right, true ?
14:25.30*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
14:28.02[TK]D-Fendermedjr: "ps -A|grep asterisk
14:28.18[TK]D-Fendermedjr: a stupid init script doesn't prove much to me.
14:28.52[TK]D-Fendermedjr: It could be crashing in a loop for all you know
14:29.36medjrps -A doesnt have any asterisk in its output
14:29.46medjrasterisk not running
14:30.36[TK]D-Fendermedjr: so run it MANUALLY and look at what happens.  asterisk -gvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
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14:51.00brunnerWhen I try to play music on hold, I get the following message in my console:    -- Music class default requested but no musiconhold loaded.
14:51.28brunnereven though the moh module is set to load in modules.conf
14:53.24*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (
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14:58.10WhitorHola. Lurk mode enabled.
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15:00.18flujanhello guys, it is possible to customize the service unavailable message on asterisk for congestion problems?
15:00.24flujanhere is the why
15:00.29flujandamn softphone do not work...
15:00.53flujani am looking for a alternative to change asterisk without messing up the chan_sip.
15:06.33jerany ideas how i can go about troubleshooting a bad file descriptor error returned from sip_xmit ?
15:06.59jer(there's no firewall running on ths box)
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15:08.40jad_jayhi all
15:08.53jad_jayi'm in trouble with asterisk package on lenny
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15:09.04jad_jayi can't switch the voice to french
15:09.54jad_jayi installed the prompr-fr I change every occurence of language in conf files, i restarted and reload but  => english voice ...
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15:10.25jad_jaythus the prompt-fr have demo voice
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15:11.00jeroh nm, in my sip.conf i was binding to the old ip
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15:11.45ornbrunner: Did you install the moh packages?
15:11.47*** join/#asterisk Dr-Linux|home (n=Nothing@
15:11.50ornbrunner: Do you have the actual audio files?
15:12.10brunnerorn: yes, I have audio files, created using the sox parameters in the book
15:12.11Dr-Linux|homei' using asterisk 1.4.22 and i'm having this problem:
15:12.21Dr-Linux|homeis it a bug in new version?
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15:13.40brunnerorn: I'm not sure what moh packages you're referring to, but the module seems to exist already
15:13.40jad_jayis there anybody who use the debian lenny packages
15:14.22ornbrunner: I was talking about the actual songs that come with it, but since you made your own it doesn't apply.
15:14.58ornbrunner: When are you playing this? Are you doing it in a meetme conference or just using the application MusicOnHold?
15:15.06jad_jayi could i tell asterisk to use the voice in /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/fr
15:15.51brunnerorn: MusicOnHold
15:16.06ornalso put up your musiconhold.conf
15:16.14ornoh sorry, you did
15:16.52ornls -l /var/lib/asterisk/moh ?
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15:18.08brunner-rw-r--r-- 1 chris chris 7615262 2009-02-12 14:06 moh1.wav
15:19.11dalbaechhey guys...
15:19.15dalbaechanyone using the "new" queues?
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15:19.41dalbaech'wrandom' isn't a valid strategy for queue
15:19.45dalbaechany idea?
15:19.46orndoes it make difference if you do MusicOnHold(default) ?
15:20.13medjr[TK]D-Fender i found the problem dud
15:20.15medjr[TK]D-Fender i found the problem dude*
15:21.46*** join/#asterisk beherit (
15:22.37beheritI have two * and I want to have a conference room that both user in the two * can meet. what do i need to do?
15:23.14ornset up a conference room on either one of them and create a trunk between the *'s
15:23.42Dr-Linux|homeany clue on my question?
15:24.09ornbrunner: also, what does "moh show files" show you?
15:24.19asteriskmonkeyanyone know what cause a � to be stuffed infront of callerid name?
15:24.28brunnerorn: nothing
15:24.29beheritorn, I already done that, users on both * can connect to the conference room but they can't hear each other
15:24.56brunnerhmm.... that's an interesting sign
15:25.50brunner"moh show classes" returns nothing, either
15:26.06ornbrunner: then run "moh reload" and re-run the previous command
15:26.37ornbeherit: is either one of them behind nat? also you might want to try adding "canreinvite = no" to the SIP trunks in sip.conf
15:26.48jad_jayhé i don't know what i did but all my conf files disappeared and ther is only .conf.orig files
15:27.05ornjad_jay: most likely you deleted *.conf?
15:27.14jad_jaynever did that
15:27.27*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
15:27.56jad_jaywell could you explain me for the language
15:28.48ornjad_jay: They don't just vanish on their own..
15:28.53ornjad_jay: What language?
15:29.09[TK]D-Fendermedjr: Good
15:29.11jad_jayfrench with prompt-fr of lenny
15:29.27brunnerorn: IT WORKS!!!!!!!
15:29.30brunnerhurray! thank you!
15:29.35ornno problem :-)
15:30.04medjr[TK]D-Fender : i changed the bindaddress in manager.conf
15:30.37brunnerorn: if I use a stream instead of static files, will it create several instances of the stream for each caller, or will it use one stream for everyone?
15:30.41jad_jayorn: well could it be that destar do this trick
15:31.16ornbrunner: I'm not sure. I've never done it, but I think it will create one stream per user
15:31.38brunnerhmm.. that will eat gobs a bandwidth.  is there any way to prevent that?
15:31.39ornbrunner: If you find out, please let me know :-)
15:31.44brunnerorn: will do
15:32.04brunnerbets Corydon76-dig would know
15:32.14ornbrunner: Maybe some sort of a wrapper... a process running outside of * that fetches the stream remotely and then allows local connections to itself?
15:32.29brunneryeah, that would work
15:32.51brunnerstill wasteful of resources, but not as bad as downloading the same stream 30 times
15:33.29ornyeah, i've never really found out whether asterisk can multicast, so to speak, a stream but often wondered
15:33.55asteriskmonkeyis 1.6.05 stable? for production
15:34.19wonderworldasteriskmonkey: i am using it and it hasn't crashed in a month
15:34.39*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
15:34.42wonderworlddahdi sometimes doesn't bring up the card though
15:34.57wonderworldbut we don't reboot often, so it's not really a problem
15:35.03asteriskmonkeywonderful, any issue compiling sangoma drivers with the new dahdi/ast 1.6?
15:35.17wonderworldno idea, have a digium card
15:35.37asteriskmonkeyi have loads of digium cards :) just the box im upgrading dosnt boo
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15:36.52wonderworldit *seems* to be very stable for me. but it probably depends on what you want to do with it
15:38.06*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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15:38.59Mogi run 1.4 / 1.6 in my production box
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15:40.13brunnerorn: have you ever tried streaming music on hold?
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15:42.15brunnerit works!!
15:43.02beheritorn, they are in local network so no nat.
15:43.10wonderworldi'd say most of the stuff in asterisk runs surprisingly well
15:43.58guaxwonderworld, i dont think it should be different
15:44.20guaxwell, it should be better in some cases
15:45.44wonderworldi think in general SIP is a big problem. a pitty that it became the "free industry standard". all that NAT'ing makes things ugly.
15:46.03wonderworldbut that's not asterisks fault....
15:46.31ornbeherit: Do they hear the music on hold?
15:46.39ornbrunner: no
15:46.59ornbrunner: what works? the streaming moh?
15:47.38wonderworldbeherit: can they hear eachother when they call eachother?
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15:51.34tAnkOSXAnyone suggestions for a wireless SIP phone? I have a Siemens Gigaset S675IP but I do not like the build quality, settings and webinterface.
15:51.50tAnkOSXBit dissapointed...
15:52.45brunnerorn: using a shoutcast stream as moh
15:52.49*** join/#asterisk mintee (
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15:54.34brunnernow it's time to get call queuing working =]
15:54.42ornyou should make two calls and see whether the shoutcast server registers another connection :)
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15:56.44brunneryeah, I'm about to borrow a bunch of phones from a friend of mine that owns a taxi company
15:57.07brunnerorn: but if you want to call it when I do to test with me, we can
15:57.45brunnererr, nm
15:58.10*** join/#asterisk grabes (n=gaving@
15:58.29jplankbrunner: that sounds interesting, I'd love to hear how that turns out
15:59.10brunnerjplank: I'll let you know what I learn
15:59.15brunnerdoes anyone here have experience with call queuing?
15:59.38orni'm sure a lot of people do :)
16:00.21brunneryeah, stupid question
16:00.31brunnerI wish there was more info about it in the asterisk book
16:01.07mort_gibbrunner: Sure what's up??
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16:02.06grabesCan someone take a look at this SIP debug for me.  I have a meditrix ATA behind NAT that fails whenever an incoming fax comes in, but works fine when a call is made outbound, or if I take NAT out of the equation
16:02.08brunnermort_gib: do you know of a good resource for learning how to set up call queues?  I only have one phone number, and I'd like for agents to be able to login through the same number that everyone else is using
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16:02.40mort_gibbrunner: Eh, it wont work like that
16:02.53mort_gibYou need different numbers
16:03.12mort_gibLike 1234 (Reception girl)
16:03.44mort_gib56789 queue of Indians supporting hardware
16:03.45brunneraww, really?  there's no workaround or function I can redirect someone to so they can log in as an agent?
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16:04.19mort_gibbrunner: Sure, you can give callers a choice between the nice reception and a queue of hapless....
16:04.25*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
16:05.14[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: ping :)
16:05.18jameswfjbot is now randomly chatty?
16:06.15Zeeekok, so messing with the "new" Polycom 3.1 app document
16:06.19mort_gib[TK]D-Fender: 150 bytes from mort_gib
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16:06.45Zeeekstill nothing that works, but more fun
16:06.56ornbrunner: What do you mean log in through the same number everyone else is using? Do you mean they call the same phone number the customers do, or do you mean that there is only one number for the PBX?
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16:07.47Zeeekin around an hour we'll be partying with VoIP Users on #voip-users-conference and talking via g722 see the IRC channel for how to dial in
16:08.07[gnubie]is there a binary .deb asterisk- for debian etch somewhere?
16:08.15ZeeekIt's the big Friday the 13th bash with Allison Smith
16:08.42jameswfZeeek: word of the day Paraskavedekatriaphobic
16:09.00brunnerorn, mort_gib: I have two people on the line, and only one instance of the stream app is running
16:09.15ornbrunner: Brilliant... thanks :)
16:09.26Zeeekjameswf: how do I react?
16:09.50brunnerorn: np
16:09.59Zeeekfear is not irrational
16:10.15brunnerorn: btw, asterisk seems to run the stream 24/7 once it starts
16:10.16coppiceonly G.722? that's soooo last year. what about some serious wideband?
16:10.17Zeeekfear can be used to create party atmosphere
16:10.36Zeeekcoppice: sure, bring it on and the bandwidth to carry it!
16:11.06ornbrunner: Good to know... thanks :)
16:11.07coppiceultrawideband works great at bit rates a lot lower than G.722
16:11.15ZeeekI do not allow any codecs on my system that might interfere with the smooth downloading of multiple pr0n streams
16:11.24ornbrunner: but back to the queue question -- can you clarify a bit better what you mean?
16:12.28ZeeekOrange is really pissing me off with their daily service message spam
16:12.34brunnerorn: sure.  the PBX current has only one phone number.  I want call screeners to be able to call in remotely and log in as agents and start taking calls from the queue
16:13.14ornahh i see...
16:13.30brunneris that possible?
16:13.32ornso they would not be sip devices registered on the asterisk?
16:14.43coppiceG.722 is a great illustration of what's screwed up about patents and codecs. nobody would pay the slightest attention to G.722 is its patents hadn't run out
16:15.31rene-when will g729 run out?
16:15.38rene-g729 patents
16:16.10coppiceanother 10 years or so
16:16.55ornbrunner: They would not be SIP devices registered on the Asterisk box?
16:17.00coppiceand by then I hope G.729 will have no real significance. what's more important for the future is patents on things like G.729.1, AMR-WB, AAC LD, etc
16:19.29jad_jayorn: what is the file where i tell asterisk to use only files in fr dir for voices?
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16:23.47grabesAnyone help me out with a SIP debug?
16:24.19ornjad_jay: try setting language = fr in sip.conf
16:24.33jad_jayi did it
16:24.37ornjad_jay: But I'm not sure... I've never used it. Try using
16:24.42jad_jaythen reload then nothing
16:25.03jad_jayi'm on it until this morning
16:25.10jsolisAnyone help me if i can change the varaiable savecallsin in agents.conf per queue
16:25.43[TK]D-Fenderjsolis: Clearly not.
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16:25.58orngrabes: Have you tried to use nat=yes ?
16:26.07brunnerorn: there's only phone number, no SIP phones.  I can get more phone numbers, but the box will be co-located
16:26.28grabesThat is the setting in the sip.conf now, and the device itself is using STUN
16:26.28brunnerorn: the one phone number is connected by SIP
16:26.36brunnerorn: that is, asterisk is acting as a SIP client
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16:27.06ornbrunner: There are two things I can think of you could do... 1. You could put up dialplan rules to match the incoming numbers -- if it is the known number of an agent it will put them to the agentlogin script
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16:27.32brunnerfolks, there is a problem with the shoutcast stream.  it seems to work, but it also seems to pause when nobody is listening, so the method I'm using now is no good for playing a live radio broadcast while people are on hold, as it lags
16:27.46orn2. You could use an un-announced DTMF digit (like # or * or something) to redirect them to the agent login script
16:28.03brunnerorn: #2 is what I had planned
16:28.19ornor option 3... use a script on a webpage to make them type in their phone number and click login or something
16:28.48brunnerorn: I can't do outbound very easily.  ideally, it would all work through the inbound numbers.
16:29.16brunnerorn: if I do option 2, what should my agents.conf look like?
16:30.52ornsame as regular
16:31.15ornthe only thing that woudl be different would be your extensions.conf, where you make the IVR redirect them to the agentlogin()
16:32.29brunnerokay, thanks
16:33.49brunnerorn: once an agent accepts a call from a remote phone, how can he or she transfer the call to a different extension?
16:36.11brunnerorn: where should I start setting this up?  agents.conf? queues.conf?
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16:36.17sheri_raocan anyone send me test call
16:37.02brunnersheri_rao: sure... what number?
16:37.05ornbrunner: You need to setup your functions.conf to allow transfers... then the agent could press a DTMF sequence to transfer...
16:37.14ornbrunner: I'd start in queues.conf
16:37.21brunnerorn: thanks
16:38.15sheri_raobrunner, wait let me do some settings
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16:39.37CrashSysAnyone ever had any luck changing PRI protocol without restarting zap/asterisk?
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16:47.37sheri_raobrunner, can u send me call
16:48.36kaldemarsheri_rao: why on earth are you not making the call yourself? a bit easier than asking here every day.
16:49.31sheri_raokaldemar, i want to do from external .outside my country
16:49.59ZeeekPartying with VoIP Users on #voip-users-conference and talking via g722 see the IRC channel for how to dial in
16:50.11sheri_raokaldemar, tu chootia hai
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16:51.19kaldemarsheri_rao: come again?
16:52.53ornsheri_rao: Why does that matter? If you are terminating a SIP call, asterisk doesn't care where it comes from..
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16:54.13km-does anyone here have experience with using sipp with pcap audio
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16:56.33agxhi, any idea why with notifyringing=no in sip.conf the BLFs on grandstream phones still blinks while on Snom they looks like busy ?
16:56.41*** part/#asterisk fred-tmft (
16:57.37jeffp81Is there an easy way to pump arbitrary audio data onto one end-point of an Asterisk SIP connection. Or libraries to do so?  This is for an situation where the audio device on one end is not SIP enabled and will have to manually have data gathered and sent across the pipe.
16:58.19ZeeekAllison Smith live now if you want to meet her and say hi: to join the call
16:58.27*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
16:58.55carrarjeffp81, if it's not SIP enabled, how are you gonna do it over SIP?
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17:00.23jeffp81carrar: I assume I'll have to create the connection in software. I should have mentioned this will interface through a PC
17:00.44carrarusing the SIP protocol?
17:01.07jeffp81If you have other suggestions I am very open to hearing them
17:01.11carrarcould just get a softphone to do auto answer
17:01.31carrarwhats the goal?
17:01.36jeffp81This will be a large distributed system with asterisk residing on a central server
17:01.41jeffp812-way audio
17:01.44jeffp81is the goal
17:01.51carrarhow about a phone?
17:02.00carrarauto answer to speakerphone
17:02.03jeffp81One endpoint will be a phone
17:02.04jpcansawhats the best way to cancel vm feature for everyone in my * ??
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17:02.37carrarremove the config jpcansa
17:02.46jeffp81The other endpoint will be a device that can produce digital audio, but not designed for SIP specifically
17:02.56carraror remove the voicemail command from the dialplan
17:03.06jpcansacarrar: the config in every ext?
17:03.32carrarYou did say cancel
17:03.52carrarI assume cancel == remove
17:04.22carraruse sed to remove it all with 1 line
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17:04.59jeffp81carrar: I'm assuming that this is a non-standard requirement and there is not a lot of available resources to assist me?
17:05.07Dr-Linux|homeHow long i can set CallerID?
17:05.25Dr-Linux|home15 digits according to E.164?
17:05.34Dr-Linux|homeplease suggest
17:05.50carrarjeffp81, "non-standard" is relative :)
17:06.17jeffp81carrar: But sounds like no one here has done it before :(
17:06.41carrarDr, Set(CALLERID(number)=8675309)
17:06.57carrarjeffp81, you said remove
17:07.01carrarso remove it from your config
17:07.07Dr-Linux|homecarrar: you didn't understand my question i guess
17:07.14carrarnot seeing why that doesn't make sense
17:07.25jpcansacarrar: can i remove deactivate it from voicemail.conf?
17:07.48carrarYou can, but then you have all those commands that will errror
17:07.57Dr-Linux|homecarranca: will it work? Set(CALLERID(number)=30 digit here)
17:08.04carrarand your dial by directory won't work if used
17:08.25carrarDr-Linux|home, yes
17:08.27carrartry it
17:08.54Dr-Linux|homecarrar: is it not E.164 format?
17:09.03Dr-Linux|homecarrar: what's the limit?
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17:23.55brunneris there any way to get asterisk to kill the custom moh process when nobody is listening?
17:24.09brunnerwhen nobody is on hold, I mean
17:24.14carraryou install the dummy dadhi driver brunner?
17:24.21carrarpretty sure that was your issue
17:25.06brunnercarrar: after sleeping, I realized musiconhold.conf wasn't readable to asterisk. doh. sorry about the trouble.
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17:25.20carrarworked after that?
17:25.27brunneryep, works great now ==]
17:25.49brunnerexcept that it builds up this giant buffer when nobody is listening
17:25.53brunnerI'm using a shoutcast stream
17:25.59brunnera custom process
17:26.21brunnerand when I call, listen, hang up, wait 30 minutes, call back, it picks up right where it left off
17:26.26brunnerI need it to be live
17:26.40carrarcould pipe it to the sound card
17:26.48carrarso something is reading from it
17:26.57brunnerI mean, I just need it to cut off the process when nobody is listening
17:27.03carrarI think there are some examples of using streams
17:27.08carrarif you look around
17:27.35brunnerthere are on, but they don't talk about how to get asterisk to stop using the custom moh process when somebody hangs up
17:28.42Corydon76-digbrunner: it does not work that way
17:28.50Corydon76-digbrunner: but we accept patches
17:28.51carraruse a outside process to stream it to your audio card
17:29.06carrarand then just tape into that channel when you need it
17:30.08carrarI have a box that is slightly different then that, they have a remote audio streaming device that i put in the linein jack and it plays that whenever someone is on hold
17:30.11sheri_raoone end having CISCO gateway 3745 & other is Asterisk , Protocol SIP, COdec g729. no reason , it should not work
17:30.13brunnercarrar: that's a good idea, but I'm not sure that the server this will be running on will have a sound card
17:30.19brunnerbut I guess they all do these days
17:30.29carrarput one it
17:30.32*** part/#asterisk tAnkOSX (
17:30.35carrarthey are cheap
17:30.49carraror there might be some app out there to do something like that
17:30.50brunnercarrar: I don't have physical access to the box
17:31.24brunnerCorydon76-dig: what would it cost to hire someone to write such a patch?
17:32.10sheri_raoanybody has has used CISCO 3745  gateway with asterisk?
17:33.21brunnercarrar: that's what I'm already doing
17:34.43carrarkeep searching, you'll figure it out :)
17:35.08Corydon76-digbrunner: if you're willing to test it, won't cost anything.
17:35.14brunnerI guess I could use an external program to monitor the number of people on hold and kill the process when it reaches zero
17:35.35brunnerCorydon76-dig: I'll test it
17:36.25Corydon76-digbrunner: give me some time to write it
17:36.44brunnerCorydon76-dig: you are my hero.
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17:48.51ruben23does this cahnnel support asterisk:AGI...scripting..?
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17:50.03SparFuxruben: I bet yes.
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17:57.50blackest_mambaI'm just getting started.  I'm pretty proficient with FreeBSD, but haven't touched Linux in a long time - not sure I care to.  Is there a particular OS that is more friendly to Asterisk over another?
17:58.35*** join/#asterisk esperegu (n=esperegu@
17:58.54espereguhow to see which codecs are available in asterisk?
18:02.02kaldemaresperegu: core show codecs in asterisk's cli
18:03.00esperegukaldemar: but it saids:   It does not indicate anything about your configuration.
18:03.27esperegukaldemar: I thought that that meant that asterisk could use them. not that they are available?
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18:03.49espereguI want to know which ones I can enable.
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18:04.16esperegukaldemar: or does it print only the ones that are on the system?
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18:05.57kaldemaresperegu: ah, core show translation will show translation times for the codecs that you have in use.
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18:06.24kaldemaresperegu: show codecs also prints such codecs that are not in use.
18:06.39esperegukaldemar: but they are all on the system?
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18:07.04jeffp81Does anyone here have experience with AGI?
18:07.22kaldemaresperegu: no, not necessarily.
18:07.28kim0Hi any idea why 'ztcfg -vv' results in ==> "1 channels to configure"
18:07.32esperegukaldemar: how can I check that?
18:07.38esperegukaldemar: which are available?
18:07.53Corydon76-digbrunner: what version are you on?
18:08.19kaldemaresperegu: another way would be to check which codec modules you have in the modules directory, /usr/lib/asterisk/modules by default. they're named
18:08.55kaldemaror module show like codec in cli.
18:13.09espereguI keep getting SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here
18:13.25espereguthat is codec issue if I'm not mistaken?
18:15.32kaldemarlikely so. have you configured codecs with allow and disallow parameters in sip.conf?
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18:15.52Corydon76-digbrunner: it may actually work with the latest version
18:16.24Corydon76-digbrunner: (1.4 SVN)
18:16.24esperegukaldemar: in freepbx
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18:17.07kaldemaresperegu: well that's a whole another story. have you asked in #freepbx?
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18:17.47espereguIt now answers
18:17.54esperegubut I don't hear anything.
18:18.22esperegukaldemar: it's even worse.... it is ;-)
18:18.37kaldemarmost likely a nat issue or still something with codecs.
18:19.20kaldemari doubt it could be any worse. :)
18:20.17kaldemari suggest you ask in #freepbx, people here don't generally use it nor like to debug it.
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18:28.23*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=kutimoy@
18:29.08`paulif i want to allow/receive calls from a certain ip ill do type=friend on sip.conf right?
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18:29.46jupetersondoes anyone know why asterisk leaves files open?
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18:30.09jupetersonI have a large number of recorded IVR files they seem to stay open forever
18:35.14[TK]D-Fender`paul: "type=peer" for almost all entries
18:35.32[TK]D-Fender`paul: "type=friend" = hardly used since 1.4
18:36.13jupetersondoes anyone know why asterisk leaves files open?
18:36.29Corydon76-digbrunner: revision 166262 should fix it for you
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18:41.56[TK]D-Fenderkick WinXP in the nads
18:42.34CrashSysCareful, windows XP might go Dr. Watson on you
18:45.24bmoracafreakin idiots...
18:46.00bmoracasomebody designed a network of web servers running all off of a 10mbit port on a router with all the servers in a different subnet, thus having to constantly pass through the router even though they're on the same switch
18:46.06bmoracaand they didn't even do THAT right
18:46.13bmoracadidn't even fuck up correctly
18:48.33Kattyi have this weird dread feeling
18:49.52Nuggethuggles Katty
18:50.06Kattyhugs Nugget
18:50.26Kattywhy don't girls come with readme-emotions.pdf
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18:51.11Corydon76-digKatty: the manual is out of date as soon as it's published, of course
18:51.22Qwellpublished?  it's out of date before it's written
18:51.27[TK]D-FenderKatty: And then it gets read out of context.
18:51.57CrashSysvi readme-girls-emotions.txt
18:51.59Kattyi'm just tired of having these weird emotions and moods and not knowing where it's coming from!
18:52.03[TK]D-FenderKatty: And then you get the Uncut, Director's Cut, Unrated, and Indecipherable releases out out on simulcast a week after
18:52.46Corydon76-digI think women should date other women for a time... and let them figure out how men ever put up with it
18:53.13Corydon76-digMen are FAR easier to date
18:53.25Kattyi don't know that i could date myself.
18:53.50CrashSysMy father is a landlord and he's gotten to where he wont rent to lesbians if he can help it... they always fight and destroy the place in the process...
18:54.46Corydon76-digCrashSys: clearly, your father should rent only to gay men
18:55.01CrashSysGay men, on the other hand, usually end up fixing the place up, pay their rent on time, and are happy to not get hassled.
18:55.01*** join/#asterisk timeshell_atwork (
18:55.48CrashSysHe also hates renting to "mechanics" too... they usually leave 2-3 cars in the yard and 1 or 2 cars worth of parts in the house
18:55.56*** join/#asterisk xbmodder_ (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
18:55.56CrashSysnot to mention the oil stains
18:55.57*** join/#asterisk farkus (
19:10.11MiccHow can I prevent someone from accidently transfering someone to their own voicemail?
19:10.40MiccI want it in the context so they can get to it with a button on the phone.
19:11.06MiccBut if they hit transfer then accidently hit the voicemail button, the person is traferred into their voicemail without needing a password.
19:11.19MiccI suppose I could always require the password.
19:11.37manxpowerthat happens when you don't use passwords
19:11.53[TK]D-FenderMicc: only 1 kind of transfer is detectable.  Go read channelvariables.txt to find out which and select based on that.
19:12.10[TK]D-FenderMicc: and that IS a bad idea.
19:12.25[TK]D-FenderMicc: Coworkers listening in on their VM's
19:12.30manxpowercd /tftpboot
19:16.20Kattyputs imperial march on new phone
19:18.02*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (n=rue@
19:19.30rue_mohrok, I have an interetsing problem, the test line keeps ringing (dahdi origin) and when they pick up nobody is there, a test calling in with a phone worked fine, in the logs I see the test channel (on the dahdi card) keeps going in and out of red alarm between ring detects. any idea whats going on?
19:19.43rue_mohrI dont know where to find out what sends a dahdi channel into red alarm
19:20.38*** join/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
19:20.42rue_mohrto me it seems that red alarm shoud be when it dosn't see battery on the line
19:20.58CrashSysmahmi sent dahdi into an alarm cause she caught him messing around with a PRI!
19:21.18rue_mohrok, I'm going to assume a) nobody knows anything about this
19:21.49rue_mohrb) that the dahdi drivers are junk, totally non-production ready, and I need to switch over to zaptel drivers if I can find them
19:22.04rue_mohrcan anyone argue with that using facts?
19:22.14*** join/#asterisk FarrisG (
19:22.17CrashSysPfft, facts...
19:22.55CrashSysa red alarm is usually loss of connectivity (layer-1 or layer-2)
19:23.02CrashSyscheck yer cabling, provider, smartjack, etc etc...
19:23.11rue_mohrits a pci card, and its a pots line
19:23.15CrashSysT1/POTS configuration
19:23.21rue_mohrthe pci card is a tdm800P
19:23.39rue_mohrto me, on a pots line, red alarm means no battery
19:23.49FarrisGI've got a hosted asterisk environment, and several sites with multiple phones. Ever since we switched some of our sites to a new ISP, ALL of our Cisco phones are having intermittent issues with not receiving calls. All other SIP phones (Polycom, Grandstream, X-Lite) are working fine. Any idea where to start investigating?
19:24.11FarrisGMy first instinct is some kind of keepalive/timeout issue
19:24.19rue_mohrdoes your new isp be port filtering?
19:24.22CrashSysdid you plug in the power plug on the card? did you set fxo/fxs correctly in zapata.conf/zaptel.conf?
19:24.24rue_mohryou couldbe right
19:24.37rue_mohrCrashSys, yes, its all configured right
19:24.50rue_mohrand the aux power is in
19:25.17CrashSysJust for fun, have you tried reversing the FXO/FXS setting?
19:25.19rue_mohrthe card works, the two analog sets and the pots lines work
19:25.29rue_mohrwe can make calls out on it and get them in
19:25.34CrashSysHow can it work if it has a red alarm?
19:25.49bmoracaFarrisG:  the only issues I've had with Cisco phones have been related to NAT settings...Cisco phones are much more picky about them than Polycoms i've noticed
19:25.50FarrisGrue_mohr: No, we handle all the port filtering ourselves, and I've verified all the proper ports are open on both ends
19:25.56rue_mohrIT SEEEMS to go out of red alarm when there isa call, then go back into it after
19:26.33rue_mohrit must be the dahdi drivers
19:26.36FarrisGbmoraca: Makes sense. Do you have any details or remember any of the parameters on the phones that I should check out?
19:26.40rue_mohrI shoudl switch to zaptel
19:26.55bmoracaFarrisG:  are you configuring them via TFTP?
19:27.00FarrisGbmoraca: Yes
19:27.45bmoracaFarrisG:  and you said that they work intermittantly?
19:28.58rue_mohrthe other thing I dont understand is that there is a few rings of delay between the analog set on the pots line and when asterisk rings the digital sets
19:29.03FarrisGbmoraca: Correct. They can ALWAYS dial out, but will only ring about 50% of the time
19:29.27*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
19:30.36bmoracaFarrisG:  that's not a NAT issue then.  a NAT issue would keep them from registering correctly.  check your TFTP config file to make sure nat_enable is set to 1 and in your sip.conf that NAT=yes, but this likely isn't the issue
19:30.50bmoracaFarrisG:  what kind of router are they using?
19:35.12Khratos[TK]D-Fender, may I ask you something?
19:35.28rue_mohrdoes anyone know what the ring delay from a tdm800P pots line to the sip phone should be ?
19:35.50bmoracarue_mohr:  i've seen it anywhere from 2 to 5 seconds
19:36.25SigniusIs dahdi-linux a directly replacement for zaptel ?
19:36.44StanManCanWhat are some cool things to setup in asterisk ?
19:37.31StanManCanSignius: backup your configs before installing dahdi, it's personally given me alot of grief.... like 3 formats before giving up grief
19:37.51bmoracarue_mohr:  one of the detriments to using analog...which sucks
19:37.58StanManCanSignius: but also keep in mind it's likely that could of been a PEBKAC
19:38.04SigniusIts a brand new test install i am only just learning so the test machine can be wiped as many times as needed
19:38.06FarrisGbmoraca: on the host side it's all cisco. on the user agent sites we have various routers. Edgemarc at two, cisco at another, and just a linksys at one small one
19:38.45bmoracaFarrisG:  and which ones are giving issues with Cisco phones?  all of them?
19:39.22SigniusStanManCan: I had an issue with my first attempt with using Asterisk 1.6.2-current with Zaptel-1.4 bacuase i knew nothing about the dahdi stuff
19:39.56[TK]D-FenderSignius: * 1.6.x knows nothing of Zaptel
19:40.06SigniusStanManCan: So for my second attempt i am going to try and do it with all the latest versions ? but i didnt know if still needed zaptel or just use dahdi instead
19:40.29FarrisGbmoraca: issues at all sites
19:40.32Signius[TK]D-Fender: Thats exactly problem i didnt know that
19:41.28bmoracaFarrisG:  what does sip show peers and call logs say when you attempt a call to an affected phone?
19:43.14Khratospeople, If exten [A] calls exten [B] , on the same Asterisk box, AMI ExtensionState should return the status number corresponiding to 'InUse' for both of them, right ?
19:43.22ruben23i installed asterisk-perl...and test if its installed...i make a test script then run this error: and this is my script: any ideas.
19:44.25*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@nat/digium/x-9deed7a600296ef5)
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19:45.40FarrisGbmoraca: show peers usually shows them registered, sometimes doesn't. Call log shows unanswered or unreachable
19:46.59*** join/#asterisk zeeesh (n=zeeesh@
19:47.19zeeeshgetting error at console: Remote host can't match request CANCEL to call?
19:48.00bmoracaFarrisG:  I'd wager it's a problem with the customer premises equipment.  is SPI turned off on them?  is fixup turned on for the Cisco?
19:49.11[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Can't locate object method "new" via package "Asterik::AGI" (perhaps you forgot to load "Asterik::AGI"?) at ./ line 4. <--- learn how to spell
19:50.39[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You know what the best part about must of the advice I hand out here is?
19:52.45Khratospeople, If exten [A] calls exten [B] , on the same Asterisk box, AMI ExtensionState should return the status number corresponiding to 'InUse' for both of them, right ?
19:52.49ruben23[TK]D-Fender::-D thanks
19:53.17*** join/#asterisk esaym (
19:53.47[TK]D-FenderKhratos: that is a dangerously worded question.
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19:55.28Khratosmmm, ok. I will try to make it simpler
19:57.04Beaveanyone have any idea what's up with nufone?
19:57.23KhratosExten A calls Exten B on the same Astersisk box,    B answers.      ExtensionState to A, and ExtensionState to B, should return the same state number, right?
19:57.53[TK]D-FenderKhratos: STILL dangerously worded.  SHOW US
19:58.52*** join/#asterisk farkus (
20:00.28KhratosA bridge call beetwen 123 and 221 :
20:00.29zeeesherror, Remote host can't match request CANCEL to call?
20:00.45*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
20:01.12KhratosIt should indicate the same status on the AMI response, is that correct?
20:01.34KhratosOr only for the extension that received the call
20:02.22KhratosI as because the 'ExtensionState' command shows the 'InUse' status number for the extension that received the call
20:02.41KhratosThe extension that initiated the call still appears as 'iddle'
20:03.25*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak_ (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak)
20:03.53SuPrSluGwhat would cause one way audio when paging. regular calls work. any ideas/
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20:07.25[TK]D-FenderKhratos: that is anything but complete.  Try again and include EVERYTHING that is going on and being checked
20:09.04KhratosLook at a complete session through Telent to AMI interface:
20:09.24KhratosIn that moment, there was a briged call from 140 to 122
20:10.28path_DigitTimeout was replaced on newer versions ?
20:10.35path_can't find it on core show applications
20:10.58[TK]D-Fenderpath_: ANCIENT.  Was deprecated in 1.2
20:11.10[TK]D-Fenderpath_: read your upgrade docs.
20:11.25path_I only need to new for what was replaced
20:11.54[TK]D-Fenderpath_: "core show cuntion TIMEOUT"
20:12.03[TK]D-Fenderpath_: "core show funtion TIMEOUT"
20:12.27*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
20:12.29path_thanks [TK]D-Fender
20:12.35[TK]D-FenderKhratos: Try again and include a complete channel dump from CLI and "core show hints, dialplan, SIP configs, etc
20:16.41*** join/#asterisk SQLDarkly (n=dakendri@
20:17.09SQLDarkly>AGI Tx >> 510 Invalid or unknown command
20:17.18SQLDarklyoops sorry for double
20:17.38SQLDarklyThe console is spitting this out when I call my AGI script
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20:17.47SQLDarklywhat the heck does that mean
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20:18.08mighty-dhow many octastic softecho license would i need for 4 FXO?
20:18.15mighty-dis it a license for each line?
20:18.20[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: Means you sent something that was not a recognized AGI comamnd
20:18.22bkw_mighty-d: well Hi to you too
20:18.31bkw_mighty-d: I suspect its one per line
20:18.47SQLDarklyD-Fender. Is there any way I can get a more verbose error?
20:19.03[TK]D-FenderSQLDarkly: Do you get other AGI debugin that call?
20:19.25SQLDarklyI do
20:19.55SQLDarklybrb going to run the AGI on teh *nix shell. Maybe that will provide an error I can troubleshoot
20:20.27`paulif a number is dialed and it enters the queue how come it does not appear on CDR? waht appears is the callerid of the person and the agent extension... but not the number dialed :(
20:21.36`pauloh nevermind its in the database :D
20:21.47[TK]D-Fender`paul: Queue's generate EXTRA CDR's fromt he call prior to hitting "queue"
20:22.16mighty-dbkw_ sorry for beeing rude... :( and thanks a lot btw
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20:35.31bkw_mighty-d: Its ok
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20:41.32cp5how can i identify which thread crashed in gdb from a core? i've enabled DEBUG_THREADS and DONT_OPTIMIZE
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20:44.32punterHi all
20:45.55carrarHows the land of gods?
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20:59.52SQLDarklysolved it.... sweet ;) the linux CLI revealed more info so I was able to diagnose and correct the problem in my AGI script
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21:08.49sacitechello everyone, does asterisk 1.4.22 comes with polarity reversal for zap ?
21:09.49jameswfsacitec: rhino cards do reverse polarity in all versions...
21:09.53*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@nat/digium/x-544e5e482f41ace9)
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21:10.24saciteci'm working with sangoma (A200) any clue about them ?
21:11.05[TK]D-Fendersacitec: Same
21:11.45*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=dwayne@nat/digium/x-af8b72bb3ca4b2ab)
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21:11.58sacitecthanks :)
21:12.04jameswfsacitec: revp is usualy done at driver leve afaik
21:12.56sacitecbut, i i still have the issue, i'm able to work with 'hanguponpolarityswitch' parameter in zapata.conf ?
21:21.50*** join/#asterisk martyn-dev (n=admin@
21:22.12martyn-devHi, somebody here used JAGIServer ?
21:22.17martyn-devI'm trying to use it and i get a message ("510 Invalid or unknown command") from res_agi.c, but i dont know why JAGIserver send or detect this message . Do you know some about it ?
21:22.24martyn-devI'm seeng that in the the function readLine() try detect some from asterisk-agi but res_agi.c send to JAGIClient this message. Do you know why ?
21:27.28[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
21:31.11pfn[FAX ERROR] code: 13 Unexpected message received
21:31.15pfnwtf does that mean...
21:31.32pfn13   Far end cannot receive at the size of image
21:31.34pfnthat doesn't sound right
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21:34.49pfnkicks rxfax
21:35.41jbotpickles are very hard to digest
21:50.21cp5i'm able to crash asterisk...when i load the core into gdb, is the current thread always the thread that crashed?
21:52.50edoceoIs there a command in the Asterisk CLI to batch delete everything in a VM box?
21:54.27*** join/#asterisk lilkid (
21:55.17lilkidMay I ask for help installing a2billing (on *) in this channel?
21:55.56bombaclat667If I want to change the port asterisk listens to for incoming iax/iax2 connections, do I need to edit the aix.conf, aix2.h in the sources or both?
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22:00.59pfnhmm, how do I check return code in apps?
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22:01.58lmadsenFYI: Asterisk has been released!
22:02.40rob0Just in time for 1234567890!
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22:10.50icebrew54jbot: in Capitalist America, we socialize our Banks....and BOTS!
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22:15.32`g0rtanyone could explain or point me to a url which explain the concept of "sip trunk" ?
22:15.37`g0rt( if it even exists )
22:16.24jbotNo such thing, my friend.. Like too much salty plum soda.
22:16.37*** part/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
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22:16.41SkramX perhaps
22:19.32*** part/#asterisk Mog (
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22:19.59path_`g0rt, you mean voip/sip trunks maybe
22:20.52`g0rtpath_: maybe, i do not know so much, it started with sending faxes over voip infrastructure
22:20.59`g0rtseveral docs point me to "sip trunk"
22:21.02`g0rti was "lol wat"
22:21.42path_it meant normally your voip provider
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22:49.53freezeycan you downgrade from SIP8.2 to SIP6.3 on asterisk 7940G phones
22:51.26freezeyi mean cisco asterisk=cisco
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23:10.27pfnfreddyk, why would you want to downgrade?
23:12.04pfncalling it sip trunk is confusing in the face of iax trunking... I guess it's not a term coined by the asterisk crowd
23:13.41carrar*** Signoff: freezey ()
23:15.10jameswfOnly 16 minutes and 26 seconds until the Epoch Time is 1234567890! (Friday, February 13th 2009, 23:31:30 UTC)
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23:22.05cp6i've sent ~20k calls into asterisk 1.6.0, but there are no active calls right now. asterisk res is at 330mb, is there a mem leak?
23:23.49yoanisjameswf: watch -n1 date +%s
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23:30.08Qwellyoanis: ha, I just looked at the manpage for watch...
23:30.59drmessanoHappy 1234567890!!!!!
23:31.03Qwellbetter ntpdate now before the ntp servers all die
23:31.06Qwelldrmessano: slow.
23:32.24Micccp6, how many peers do you have?
23:32.43jameswfWE ARE STILL ALIVE.... guy across from me playing celebrate good times....
23:33.35cp6Micc, about 50
23:33.46cp62 PRIs, < 50 peers
23:33.51Corydon76-digAre you sure you're alive?
23:34.02Nuggetcome on!  (let's celebrate)
23:34.14Corydon76-digYou may have entered into a dreamlike state just now.
23:34.15drmessanoOh crap
23:34.20Micccp6, what is your average mem usage?
23:34.20drmessanoAll my calls just dropped
23:34.22Corydon76-digProve that you're alive.
23:34.29cp6Micc, asterisk's?
23:34.33drmessanoY1234567890 BUG!
23:34.36Micccp6, yeah.
23:34.39Qwellcp6: When'd you get an upgrade?
23:34.52cp6qwell, i'm just playing with it
23:35.09drmessanoQwell, I got a dozen virtual PRIs now
23:35.25cp6Micc, well i'm not was at 100mb earlier, then was at 200mb for a while, then at 330 for a while -- it won't go down from 330mb though and there are no calls going through at all +r broken?
23:35.48jameswfdrmessano: you twitter?
23:35.52Micccp6, if you place a call is everything still working?
23:35.54drmessanojameswf: Yeah
23:36.07drmessano<-- drmessano
23:36.08andresmujica1hi all, i'm working with an asterisk HA, but i'm having some trouble with IAX2 using the virtual ip or as bind address...
23:36.14cp6Micc, yeah, everything works fine. the problem is the memory usage seems very high for a system with 0 calls
23:36.25cp6my concern is it will grow during high call usage and not free
23:36.36Micccp6, its probably fine. do you have history turned on?
23:36.39cp6i'm not sure if this is a memory leak or not
23:36.55Qwellcp6: I mean your nick
23:36.57cp6Micc, what do you mean history? i'm logging up to verbose
23:37.02cp6Micc, haha!
23:37.08cp6Qwell, haha! cp5 timed out
23:37.14cp5changed internet
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23:38.00Micccp6, sip history, it keeps track of sip debug info in memory I assume of calls.
23:38.11Micccp6, so even if nothing is happening it could have all that history still there.
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23:39.19Qwellif the world explodes, I apologize in advance.  I have no idea what this does.
23:39.20cp5Micc, ahh
23:39.29cp5Micc, i'll check that
23:40.21cp5Micc, yeah
23:40.32cp5er, sorry, ignore last message
23:40.56Micccp5, how long has it been running?
23:41.03cp5few hours tops
23:43.55cp5i'll turn sip history off and see how it goes
23:46.32cp5very weird, call won't enter a queue until queues.conf has a new mtime since load and a reload occurs. it assumes the queue is empty if the queue only points to Local/ channels
23:46.48cp5i have to: touch queues.conf + asterisk -rx reload every time i start asterisk for queues to work
23:46.53cp5in latest 1.6.0
23:47.24cp5seems like it doesn't set member->status until reload i think
23:48.06jameswfdamnit Error calling settimeofday({-59357590,0}): Invalid argument
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23:49.25Qwelljameswf: wanna be a test dummy for something for me?
23:49.52jameswfdepends will my wife be mad?
23:50.28*** mode/#asterisk [+b jameswf!*@unaffiliated/jameswf-home!#lolnub] by Qwell
23:50.29*** kick/#asterisk [jameswf!i=north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (Qwell)
23:50.49Qwellcounts to 10
23:51.04*** mode/#asterisk [-b jameswf!*@unaffiliated/jameswf-home!#lolnub] by Qwell
23:51.26*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
23:52.23QwellI'm going to have a lot of fun with that.
23:55.56*** join/#asterisk farkus (
23:56.31*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
23:57.11Micccp5, thats a little worrisome if queuesdon't remember their status.
23:57.30MiccI'm feeling less tempted to upgrade to 1.6
23:57.41cp5well this is using Local/ channels only
23:57.44cp5this bug it seems
23:57.59Micccp5, I won't have local channels, so hopefuly I'll be ok.
23:58.07cp5hope so!
23:58.11Micchows the mem with history off?
23:59.49cp5well i just produced another crash and am tracking it down

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