IRC log for #asterisk on 20090212

00:01.14trapaso what do we do instead?
00:01.43jplankactually, it worked perfectly for s with me
00:02.53*** join/#asterisk WindBack (
00:03.40*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
00:03.50*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
00:04.11*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
00:04.55trapajplank: I'm thinking, that this may be a issue stemming from the voip provider ...   So in the end if we can't resolve this .. maybe i could just playback silence forever .. I mean basically it'll only become a issue if somone hits # at the end of the voicemail .. that being said we just have to bore them till they hang up (and yes this is not the right way of doing things, and certainly not how i WANT to do it, but if i have no other
00:06.29*** join/#asterisk jplank (
00:06.52jplankdamn power outage, not enough to reboot my computer, enough to reboot my cable modem :(
00:07.09trapaThat sucks. Did you get my last message?
00:07.30jplanktry this
00:08.45*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (n=nate@
00:09.48trapaStill twice (Feel free to call 778-216-1820)
00:09.54JAMMAN2110Our washing machine exploded thismorning
00:09.58JAMMAN2110Power has died 5 times since then
00:10.02trapaBut it does display "Done!" twice
00:10.04JAMMAN2110Internet 3 times + power outages
00:10.10JAMMAN2110Stupid water
00:10.29jplanktrapa, I'm sorry, I can't help then, I tried that same thing on my box and worked perfectly
00:10.35jplankI'm not sure why thats happening
00:10.49trapajplank: I'm thinking, that this may be a issue stemming from the voip provider ...   So in the end if we can't resolve this .. maybe i could just playback silence forever .. I mean basically it'll only become a issue if somone hits # at the end of the voicemail .. that being said we just have to bore them till they hang up (and yes this is not the right way of doing things, and certainly not how i WANT to do it, but if i have no other
00:11.09jplankyou could always end with a Busy()
00:11.10*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
00:11.15trapaBut yeah .. it sure has me stumped, and thanks for help :) ...
00:11.21trapaOh .. hrmm .. that might be a good idea.
00:11.26*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
00:11.27jplankI'm not sure how the provider could be doing that
00:11.33jplankhave you looked at a debug?
00:11.40harry_vJAMM, exploded? Is the cb to the washing machine off?
00:11.53jplankis it re-inviting after the initial call end?
00:11.56JAMMAN2110Someone decided they would be smart and hit a water pipe
00:12.04JAMMAN2110So dirt went into the pipe
00:12.07JAMMAN2110Clogged the pipes
00:12.14trapaI thought it might be reinviting too .. I put canreinvite=no in the sip.conf ...
00:12.18JAMMAN2110Washing machine turns on
00:12.23trapaHow do i watch for the reinvite on the debug?
00:12.24JAMMAN2110Dirt blocks washing machine
00:12.30JAMMAN2110Washing machine goes BOOM
00:12.46JAMMAN2110Murdered the hot water tank too...
00:12.51jplankhow are you connected to your box?
00:12.57harry_vsounds like the sand.dirt tore the pump seals.
00:13.27trapassh from this machine(laptop)   and at the console in front of me beside the laptop
00:13.27JAMMAN2110Council should be paying for electrician + plumber + washing machine
00:13.43harry_vits not your house then
00:13.50trapajplank: It's a ubuntu server (cli only) machine with just asterisk installed.
00:13.52JAMMAN2110It is :)
00:14.00harry_vI see
00:14.27JAMMAN2110But they broke the pipe, and didnt give any notice that such works were taking place etc
00:14.28jplankare you ssh'd in or setting at the physical cli?
00:15.10trapaBoth. But mostly i'm sitting at the cli.  i'm only using the ssh when your asking for pastebins
00:15.21harry_vWhats worse, construction equipment bridging the 7,200 volt line with 240 line. Fry every electronic device on that circuit in that area.
00:15.33JAMMAN2110Oh nice
00:15.49jplanktheres a couple ways you could do it
00:16.11jplankif you have wireshark installed, you could run tshark -i any port 5060 and watch the screen while you make the call
00:16.16jplankyou can also use tcpdump
00:16.52bmoracadoes anyone have a good recommendation for an overhead paging system that would allow background music and paging from asterisk (preferably not via line-out)?
00:16.54jplankor you could do SIP debug on at the cli and use your ssh software to log all the text (SIP debug will display a ton of information to fast to be able to watch)
00:17.57jplanksee if you see a second invite after the call ends from you provider
00:18.10Corydon76-digbmoraca: you can do that with any standard paging system, a UPAM, and an IAXy
00:18.19jplankthat will tell you if they are reinviting the call after you tear it down
00:18.20trapajplank : Installing wireshark
00:18.33jplankI'm not sure why they would do that, but it would make sense with your issue
00:19.07trapaWell I'm not using them as a iax exchange .. and i'm thinking maybe thats why ..   I just have a register command and a peer definition
00:19.20jplankdon't use port 5060 then
00:19.30jplankwhats IAX 5006 or something like that?
00:19.48trapano no i'm NOT using Iax
00:20.39trapaYup .. two invites
00:21.11trapaHangup is even requesting BTE properly.
00:21.20trapaBTE = BYE
00:21.35jplankcan you sent me what you see?
00:21.54trapaI send Sip Request: BYE.      then i get from them   SIP Status: 200 OK. Then i get a invite
00:21.57jplankif you run the command like this, it will save it as a file, and you can send me the file
00:22.06*** join/#asterisk phix (
00:22.16jplanktshark -i any -w sip_capture.pcap port 5060
00:23.27*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
00:24.23trapatshark: Promiscuous mode not supported on the "any" device.
00:24.31*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
00:24.32jplankthats fine
00:24.37jplankyou see that number counting up
00:24.44jplankthat means its capturing
00:25.02trapaThen it tells me the file could not be opened , permission denied ...    and dumps me back to the command prompt (and yes i'm sudo-ing the command so it shouldn't tell me that)
00:25.05jplankjust hit ctrl+c when your done, and there will be a file name sip_capture.pcap in the dir you ran it
00:25.06JAMMAN2110All circuits are busy now
00:25.09JAMMAN2110Stupid card
00:25.19jplankthat sounds like a linux issue
00:25.32TommyTheKidcan I use the math function inside an execIf ?
00:25.35jplankmaybe touch sip_capture.pcap and then chmod it 777
00:25.42jplankor try doing it in /tmp or something
00:26.19bmoracaCorydon76-dig:  that would interface with an FXS port from an ATA, correct?
00:26.21trapaokay that worked
00:26.34TommyTheKidsomething like... ExecIf(MATH(${calls}%10,PlayNumber(${calls}))
00:26.49jplankbrb again
00:26.52Corydon76-digbmoraca: yes... however, I've had ATAs that do not work with that
00:27.07Corydon76-digbmoraca: I know the IAXy works with that setup, which is why I recommended it
00:27.58Corydon76-digOne was an ATA that worked absolutely brilliantly with fax, but wouldn't work with paging
00:28.53bmoracai've used CyberData's VoIP speakers, but i'm not familiar with how to make them prioritize pages such that I can run background music and supercede it with a page...
00:29.13bmoracai'm reading up on it now and aparently I can feed a raw RTP stream to them, but I'm not sure how
00:29.22*** join/#asterisk implicit- (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
00:29.39Corydon76-digbmoraca: that's one of the joys of a UPAM... music and paging come in on two different ports
00:29.43*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
00:29.59*** join/#asterisk [Outcast] (
00:30.13[Outcast]are there any mobiles out that support sip video calls?
00:30.23Corydon76-digbmoraca: however, if you're using Asterisk for it, what you could do is tie the paging continuously to a MeetMe room, then join the room when you want to page
00:30.43Corydon76-digWhen the paging system is the only participant, they hear music.  When the paging user joins, the music stops
00:30.56bmoracahowever, i'm dealing with an office that does not currently have a paging system, and something tells me that it would be more expensive to purchase a traditional system than it would be to use these Cyberdatas
00:31.07bmoracaCorydon76-dig:  the only problem with that is that I need multiple zones.
00:31.08TommyTheKidoh, wait, I can just use $[${calls} % 10] .. but I need to "not" that :)
00:31.19Dovidis there any way to create a random number with the asterisk dial plan ?
00:31.30Corydon76-digbmoraca: that's definitely a reason to get a paging system
00:31.31JAMMAN2110Hmm, if I call in, I get "Goodbye" and hungup on, if I try to call out I get "all circuits are busy now"
00:31.33[TK]D-FenderDovid: "core show functions" <- read the list
00:32.05JAMMAN2110Ideas anyone?
00:32.18[TK]D-FenderTommyTheKid: Whuddya think yer doin' just HANDING him the answer like that?  He need to strech his legs a little!
00:32.31bmoracaCorydon76-dig:  i've never had an issue with it before...I just use MeetMe with different sets of speakers depending on the zone.  if I can figure out the multicast RTP broadcast, that'd work perfectly for what I want.
00:32.32[TK]D-Fenderslaps Dovid back on the rack
00:32.41TommyTheKidI could have done the "let me google that for you" :)
00:32.43Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: if Dovid hasn't learned yet, he's not going to
00:33.03[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: yeah, he's our "sernoir newb"
00:33.56jayteesome people play Halo or COD4, other come in here and harrass the newbs for fun :-)
00:34.00Dovidsorry TK: i searched and dint find it. only found it on voip-info if i looke on google its self. weird
00:34.35JAMMAN2110is stumped
00:34.43JAMMAN2110begs #asterisk to help him :)
00:35.04trapajplank: incase you missed it
00:35.08TommyTheKidDovid:  google rocks, trust google ... "asterisk cmd SOMECOMMAND" or "asterisk func SOMEFUNCTION" are awesome searches
00:35.23TommyTheKidbut [TK]D-Fender is right, you can also use core show functions and core show applications on the console
00:35.48jplanki did, I'm opening it right now
00:36.37jplankhmmm thats interesting
00:36.56trapaYou may see a couple of extra sip packets from another sip call that was in progress
00:36.57TommyTheKidif I wanted the asterisk lady to announce every 10 iterations is "$[$[${calls} % 10] = 0]" the most "efficient" way of doing that?
00:37.18jplankthats no problem, I can filter those out
00:37.19trapajplank: If it's not going between, it's not a packet for the call we were doing
00:37.23TommyTheKidi mean as the "condition" inside my ExecIf
00:37.24trapajplank : Okie
00:37.31jplankI'm assuming is your provider?
00:37.39trapajplank: Yup
00:37.47jplankfirst they are using asterisk
00:38.01trapaI suspected. But how do you know?
00:38.05jplankbut the question is, why are the reinviting the call RIGHT after you send a bye
00:38.27jplanktrapa: their user agent in the invite is Asterisk PBX, that was a little hint
00:38.39trapaHehe .. Didn't catch that. Too Funny :)
00:38.48jplankUser-Agent: Asterisk PBX
00:39.01*** join/#asterisk arpu (
00:39.22jplankcan you catch me a register?
00:39.26trapajplank: I suspect that their company isn't very big .. Maybe 20 employees would be my guess ... So if i could get past the front line support goons i bet i could get some decent wokring going with them.
00:39.55[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: Yet you haven't shown us the problem yet
00:40.02jplankwhats also weird is the to: field is to s@ which is a no no in general
00:40.06JAMMAN2110Thats because I dont know what it is!
00:40.09*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
00:40.19JAMMAN2110Hi ruben23
00:40.25[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: Where's the broken call attempts for us to look at?
00:40.39JAMMAN2110En route
00:40.40trapajplank: Working on capturing a register
00:41.03jayteeravioli or homestyle chicken soup?....ravioli or homestyle chicken soup?......ravioli or homestyle chicken soup? decisions, decisions.....damn!
00:41.30NovceGurugahhh 1/2 duplex audio through my damn tdm card
00:43.01trapajplank: I think i caught it .. it's downloadable in the same location
00:43.13ruben23hi anyone have  idea with this error..? - i setup a local SIP client...
00:44.13JAMMAN2110local as in on the PBX itself?
00:44.26[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: pastebin your zaptel configs
00:44.32jplankyea I got it
00:44.43JAMMAN2110Will do
00:44.50JAMMAN2110zapata.conf zaptel.conf any others?
00:44.51jplankyour register looks fine
00:45.11jplankwhy do you register as coming from their domain?
00:45.25JAMMAN2110Your not going to like them [TK]D-Fender :S
00:46.01*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:46.56JAMMAN2110Two different pastebin sites...
00:47.04trapajplank: Well to be honest .. I dunno ... I was copying the sip.conf from a example i had from a callcentric registration that worked before .. fromdomain was listed as the ip address of callcentric, not us.   So although i thought it was unusal i just did it the same.
00:47.36jplankit shouldn't make too much of a problem
00:47.42jplankjust curious
00:47.53*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:48.03jplankwell as long as they don't authenticate by domain at least
00:48.27[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: #include zapata_additional.conf <----?
00:48.34jplankbesides that, your registration looks good. (again other then your sip uri)
00:48.40jplankI would def talk to them about this
00:49.00JAMMAN2110[TK]D-Fender, it was in the how-to.. it has 0 lines and 0 characters
00:49.02jplankthey should not be reinviting the call after the bye
00:49.14JAMMAN2110I shall remove that line
00:49.27[TK]D-FenderjAMMI see the problem
00:49.29jplankthey should also not be sending the call to the uri s@
00:49.34[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: I see the problem
00:49.39JAMMAN2110What is it?
00:49.44JAMMAN2110You will be my hero
00:49.54[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: group=1 <- zapata.conf
00:50.00jplankthey should also not be having you register directly to their asterisk, but thats a whole nother issue
00:50.08trapajplank:  On their online chat atm, so i'll be a bit slow, will let you know what they say.
00:50.13[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:19] Dial("SIP/102-081f7480", "ZAP/g0/0800838383|300|") in new stack <- extensions.conf
00:50.16JAMMAN2110Should I change or remove that line?
00:50.29[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: You are trying to dial out "Group 0".  THERE IS NO GROUP 0
00:50.44TommyTheKidtry g1 :p
00:50.47JAMMAN2110So change g0 to g1
00:51.00JAMMAN2110I did that yesterday
00:51.01JAMMAN2110Didnt work
00:51.02JAMMAN2110But ok
00:51.03[TK]D-Fender~cluebat JAMMAN2110
00:51.04jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps JAMMAN2110.
00:51.04jplanktrapa: dont think down on them because they use asterisk though, i'll let you in on a little telecom secret, MOST carriers (major ones at that) use asterisk somewhere in their network, or openser or something of the sort
00:51.09jplankthey just don't broadcast it
00:51.39*** join/#asterisk dmz (
00:51.42JAMMAN2110Reloading config..
00:51.57JAMMAN2110Busy signal.. hmm
00:52.02JAMMAN2110Thats better.. but..
00:52.52JAMMAN2110[TK]D-Fender is AN HERO! :D
00:52.55[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: Where is the call?
00:52.57trapajplank : Actually i'm happier if they use asterisk , because then somone there knows what their doing most likely and can help
00:52.58JAMMAN2110I can dial out at least
00:52.59[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: Good :)
00:53.12JAMMAN2110Now lets try in
00:53.16jplankunless they are running trixbox ;)
00:53.45JAMMAN2110On dial in
00:53.55JAMMAN2110I get high pitched squeling
00:53.58JAMMAN2110And then "Goodbye"
00:54.21[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: And what do WE get?  NOTHING :p
00:54.31[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: Except the free story
00:54.39[TK]D-Fenderhates stories
00:54.40JAMMAN2110If I had something to give you I would
00:54.50[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: PASTEBIN
00:55.01JAMMAN2110Im working on it :P
00:55.55TommyTheKidtrapa:  it might be worth checking chan_zap.conf (chan_dahdi.conf) ?
00:56.06JAMMAN2110I see what happened there..
00:56.33JAMMAN2110But no idea how to fix it :/
00:57.03[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: Thats an incoming call isn't it?
00:57.58[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: Line is fine.  Card is fine.  Zaptel is fine.  FUCK GOD-DAMN MOTHER-FUCKING FREEPBX!
00:58.02[TK]D-Fender~cluebat JAMMAN2110
00:58.03jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps JAMMAN2110.
00:58.14[TK]D-FenderClueBat (tm) NEVER MISSES!!!!
00:58.19JAMMAN2110This would probably be a good time
00:58.29JAMMAN2110To point out, that I recently had surgery and am still on the headfuckingwith pain killers
00:59.17[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: And thats when you decided "Hey FreePBX... great idea lets start while the throbbing continues!"
00:59.33JAMMAN2110Pretty much :)
00:59.49[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: Cry me a river....
00:59.56[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: So I can hold your head under <-
01:00.01jayteehmmm, I think I'll have my rectum cauterized and then install Freeswitch, yeah! that's a fuckin plan.
01:00.17[TK]D-Fenderchecks if thats OK by the Executive Branch.....
01:00.34[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: or a "No Fucking" plan depending which way you swing ;)
01:00.36JAMMAN2110Now now, no need for the anger
01:00.38JAMMAN2110Point taken
01:00.52TommyTheKidthinks [TK]D-Fender has anger issues
01:01.05jayteewho's angry? I'm just indulging in some well earned shadenfreude
01:01.23*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
01:02.16JAMMAN2110Wasnt aimed at you jaytee :)
01:02.58[TK]D-FenderHULK SMASH!!!
01:03.06*** join/#asterisk icebrew54 (
01:03.08keeblerAt the risk of pissing someone off. I'm going to ask the question again, since I didn't get a decent answer last time. "What is the best US based VOIP SIP Provider? By best, I mean quality, not price." I've seen the list on voip-info but I haven't seen any decent reviews on anyone in particular.
01:03.43keeblerI want to avoid Vonage if at all possible.
01:03.48[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Vitelity & seem to get the most consistent good reviews around here.
01:04.10keebler[TK]D-Fender: Thanks.
01:04.46[TK]D-Fenderfinally #&^$ing beat his laptops NTFS partition into compliance in resizing for an Ubuntu install.
01:05.17*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-5d275216277ea6ee)
01:05.33rob0mkfs.xfs /dev/$NTFS
01:06.01*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
01:06.09[TK]D-Fenderrob0: is the resize when the pagefile & hibernation prevented it.
01:07.06JAMMAN2110apologises to [TK]D-Fender for any issues he caused and thanks him greatly for his help and support :)
01:07.11jayteeI had fun installing 'buntu on my lappy. After installing 'buntu and setting everything up I accidentally started the MediaDirect system and it wiped out my grub and partition info so I had to low level format the bitch to get rid of the hidden partition. even Partimage couldn't fix the damn thing.
01:07.28*** join/#asterisk Micc (
01:08.47MiccIs there a bug in asterisk 1.4.22 or in the SIP protocol that does not send the callerid information in two parts, the name, and number? If I set the name, the name will show up, but the number will not be in the number field. If I clear the name, the number will show up in the name field.
01:09.03MiccThis is on all my customers phones. In asterisk it is in two parts just fine.
01:09.19MiccIts just once it gets to the phones its only setting the name field.
01:10.03*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
01:10.44JAMMAN2110And a power cut kills it..
01:10.49JAMMAN2110And it stops working again
01:11.08*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (n=yogurt2u@
01:19.12etherealitecan anyone help me out with a zapata.conf
01:19.16harry_vJAM imagine if it was a quake. I was in south seattle when the Nisqually quake hit. All the water mains broke from earth movment. If you may recall from history, that is how sanfrancisco burned in the 1908 quake because the mains broke.
01:20.29JAMMAN2110Next time it happens here it could well be a quake :P
01:20.31etherealiteI'd like to not have to configure it manually if possible
01:20.37harry_vBTW, been thinking of a script that would monitor sizmographic data of 5.0 or greater within a radius of 250 miles that may ring my polycoms with a alert ring.
01:21.25harry_vwho is heavy into scripts here?
01:21.49etherealiteshell scripts?
01:23.16*** part/#asterisk Mog (
01:23.22harry_vor perl
01:24.35[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: If you hit a 5.0 you won't NEED your phones to ring to warn you :)
01:24.55jayteeget out! get out now!!!! run for your lives!!!
01:26.51harry_vTK well, if it under neath me then it would be moot. If it is 250 miles under the pacific plate then it would mater. All I know, is we are overdue for a 8-9.0 quake. Been though two already.
01:26.54JAMMAN2110harry_v I was thinking about a similar solution the other day
01:27.26harry_vmy house in seattle was damaged. all the chiminey brickes ripped off the top and tumbled to the ouside of the house and down the flue into the living room.
01:29.01*** join/#asterisk bgmarete (n=marebri_@
01:29.10harry_valso, anothergood use. DTMF paging be played to open up critical fire department doors in advance of a major quake so thay are not jammed shut if the quake distorts the door frame. Of course, dtmf tones to turn off gas.
01:29.47*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-7d2e8630b5a769c5)
01:29.47*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
01:29.53harry_vwoman would love that feature in a asterisk box :)
01:30.10carrarYou are in Seattle?
01:30.10JAMMAN2110I like where this is going harry_v
01:30.18carrar<- Bellevue
01:30.20JAMMAN2110If you need help / someone to test with :)
01:31.32harry_vcarrer, were you in the puget sound when the quake hit?
01:31.35carrarharry_v, would be easy to RSS get the quake data and fireoff a call script
01:32.00carrarwas in federal way that day
01:32.06carrarsounded like a friegh train
01:32.10carrarI was out walking on a trail
01:32.19carrartree's were moving
01:32.20harry_vI was up past 200th street but was bad enough:)
01:32.30carrarwas trying to figure out where to run to, to avoid a tree
01:33.20harry_vI did a call on the puget sound repeater network kk7rp? anyway, it covers most of the puget sound. Asked everyone if thay could use there cell phones and as expected, no one could.
01:33.38jayteeeventually the supervolcano in Yellowstone will erupt and everyone living in North America east of Yellowstone will be asphyxiated and the rest of the world will freeze within a year.
01:33.39harry_vthats it
01:33.56*** join/#asterisk bgmarete_ (n=marebri_@
01:34.19harry_vcareer, been to StHellens?
01:34.40jayteebitch blew up on my birthday
01:34.48phix[TK]D-Fender: hehe
01:35.05carrarI've talk to Pete in person a few times
01:35.11carrarnice guy (k7pp owner)
01:35.26carrarhe's trying to get out of the ownership of that system
01:35.29jayteeclosest I've ever been to Mt St Helens was Kelso. Never want to get any closer than that.
01:35.54harry_vI remember many of its eruptions when living in Tacoma ;) I said to mom, hey look, russia nuked castle rock! it was a bright sunny day and a perfect stalk and mushroom cloud rose to 30,000 feet.
01:35.54carrarharry_v, I volunteer for Mt. Rainier National Park so usually there instead
01:36.20harry_vcareer, talked to him in the past. how is the network doing?
01:36.45carrarit's doing great
01:36.47*** join/#asterisk JJ2110 (
01:37.11JJ2110And there goes the internet + phoneline again
01:37.12harry_vokay, I remember a email once in the past that he thought of selling it or what not. Thats good to know.
01:37.37carrarHis health is limiting his involvement in maintaining that system
01:37.50carrarso wants to pass it to someone who will care for it correctly
01:37.52harry_vI am sure it is.
01:38.28carrarYou still in the area?
01:38.38harry_vI wonder if the emegency alert system is hooks to the sizmograph network.
01:38.58harry_vSeismic Network
01:39.18harry_vcarrer, up here in Vancouver BC
01:39.21carrarYou can access most of the graphs
01:39.25carrarthey are public
01:39.32harry_vBut pugetsound is home :)
01:40.07carrarham radio phix
01:42.12NovceGurudo polycoms have an issue with cutting out the callers audio when you try to interrupt them?
01:42.16NovceGururips hair out
01:42.50*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
01:42.53carrarharry_v, here are the volcanoes:
01:44.09dlynes~seen cunningpike
01:44.11jbotcunningpike <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk, 29d 1h 55m 30s ago, saying: 'Is voip-info kaput?'.
01:45.37harry_vcheck this out
01:46.17dlynescarrar: , harry_v :  you're both in van?
01:46.47NovceGuruperfect example...when on hold with hold music, and you say something, or theres moderate background noise, the audio cuts in/out as if its being muted
01:47.08harry_vim in van
01:47.20carrarharry, I'd just use RSS:
01:47.33dlynesharry_v: ah...I work for a vancouver company...I'm in Brantford atm
01:47.45harry_vwhat type?
01:48.05harry_vcarrar, never used RSS before so need to do my homework
01:48.11carrarit's simple
01:48.18carraruse the 5+ feed
01:48.37harry_vtype this on the command line?
01:48.48carrarYou can use a XML parser in perl
01:48.56carrarrun it every 5 mins
01:49.05carraror whatever
01:49.21carrarthen fireoff some pre-recording calls
01:49.36carrarif it's near you or whatever
01:49.45*** join/#asterisk talntid (n=eric@
01:50.13keeblerIS G729a GSM/Cell quality?
01:50.58harry_v5 min to late :)
01:52.34carrarharry_v, what would be cooler is to get lat/long and then calc out a radius of effected range bsaed on depth and then call based on that
01:52.54carrarmight have to do some math!!
01:53.59carrarKepulauan Talaud, Indonesia has a lot of 5+ quakes
01:54.19carrarevery hour lately it seems
01:55.04harry_vAnything up to and out into the pacific plate which I think is 120 miles out from the west coast.
01:55.20harry_vI know.
01:56.26carrartie that in with sunami reports since you are also on the coast
01:56.27harry_vthe puget sound was inudated by a giant Tsnumi once. We are due again
01:58.05carrarRSS for that too:
02:00.45carrarLet me know when you have that completed
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02:03.35harry_vThis is what I was looking for.
02:04.45carrarwrong one
02:05.02carrarthre is a experimental one for the wes coast
02:05.48harry_veven ones out in the pacific near japan can send a deadly Tsunami to the west coast. Entire pacific should be covered.
02:05.59*** join/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
02:13.13jayteeever hear of a soliton wave?
02:14.41harry_vno what is it
02:14.50harry_vyou mean s and p wave?
02:15.05harry_vbut not the same terminoligy
02:15.28jayteeit's a displacement wave that doesn't lose kinetic energy until it hits land
02:17.16jayteeone of the island in the Canary Island chain is an unstable mountain that under the right conditions could dislodge the entire western side of the mountain and send a soliton wave that would devastate the east coast of the US
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02:23.12harry_vjaytee, yes im aware of that one. It is a pretty deep crack on the top of that mountain.
02:23.59harry_vBiggest Tsnumi was 200 feet in some Alaska bay when a mountain side collapsed into the bay.
02:24.15*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
02:24.30jayteeyeah, but a soliton wave is different than an earthquake generated tsunami. it keeps almost all of it's energy until it reaches shore and then BAM!!!
02:27.31*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
02:27.37rue_mohrisn't there an app called getdigits?
02:27.40stevetotarowell in the 90s i was at the epicenter of several earthquakes on the east coast
02:27.50stevetotaroColumbia MD
02:28.13stevetotaroand I was just at the epicenter in Harrisburg PA 3.5
02:28.22rue_mohrI'm making a honeypot for a hacker trying to access account 1111, I want to supply a dialtone and get digits, log them, and give a busy signal
02:28.28stevetotaroso the east coast is pretty active
02:29.28rue_mohrI thought there was a dialtone() but cant find it in google or the manual, and then i thougth getdigiits did it, but cant find any existance of that either
02:29.39*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=4579ba4a@about/security/staff/dlewis)
02:30.00stevetotaroSIP and dialtone?
02:30.14stevetotarothe phone or device generates dialtone
02:30.40stevetotarosome do not generate dialtone unless registered
02:31.12ruben23hi to know that you install codec g729...i tried to view it on core show translation..
02:31.24rue_mohrso then, what app do I use to collect digits?
02:32.02rue_mohrif I collect a valid NA dialplan, log what they dial, then send a busy
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02:34.12stevetotarocore show translation should give you numbers for g729 if installed properly
02:36.35rue_mohris nop noop?
02:36.57stevetotarothe bootleg g729 has more translation load usually
02:37.25rue_mohrthere it is
02:37.36stevetotaronoop does nothing
02:38.56ruben23stevetotaro: i just see - line bewwen g729 on row and column..
02:38.56stevetotarojust do exten=_.,1,Answer()
02:38.56ruben23stevetotaro: i just see - line between g729 on row and column..
02:39.01stevetotaroyes, that means it is not loading
02:39.42stevetotarocan you issue a load
02:40.52stevetotaroruben23:  you using the bootleg g729?
02:41.23stevetotarofor educational purposes of course
02:42.03rue_mohr <-- that look right for my honeypot sip account? I'd like to actaully write the dialed digits to a log
02:42.34stevetotarocollect them in your CDR
02:42.47*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
02:44.01rue_mohrinteresting how the word collect does not occur int eh asterisk book
02:44.04stevetotaronot sure why you don't just let them send whatever digits they want
02:44.18stevetotaroyou don't need to collect anything
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02:44.44rue_mohrI need to know when they finish to send a busy
02:44.45stevetotaroi think it would be more interesting to see what international numbers they try to dial
02:44.55rue_mohrwait I dont do I, sip is going to dump the digits anyhow
02:45.13rue_mohrif I do a 2 second delay and then busy, they will have already spilled their digits
02:45.14stevetotaroyes, the UA will send them when ready
02:46.01ruben23stevetotaro: i try to run load got this error...
02:46.48rue_mohrwill I see it in the logs?
02:46.50stevetotarodoes it exist?
02:46.56rue_mohrno, I need a verbose in there dont I?
02:47.21stevetotarorue, you are making a big deal out of nothing
02:48.00stevetotaroruben does exist in that directory?
02:48.10stevetotaroif so then it is a permissions issue
02:48.37stevetotaroif not, you did not wget your bootleg codec in the right directory
02:48.40rue_mohrstevetotaro, nothing? you mean people trying to hack my system for long distance calls?
02:49.12stevetotaronothing, i mean a simple task that you are making out to be a big deal
02:49.26stevetotarowho cares about long distance
02:49.34stevetotaroyou better check international
02:49.49ruben23stevetotaro: does not exist but i got the
02:49.49stevetotarojust google "nufone scam"
02:49.53rue_mohrstevetotaro, you want to give me all you credit card info so I can pay for them getting in?
02:50.15rue_mohrI want to know what their trying to do
02:50.22rue_mohrand why not
02:50.33stevetotaroyeah, you are dense
02:51.22rue_mohrI think its a good idea to know a little more about the people trying to hack me
02:51.25stevetotarothat is fine, but you are making the simple task of making this "honey pot" account and limiting to US numbers
02:51.45rue_mohryou didn't list my new one there
02:52.01stevetotaroi am bored with your honey pot
02:52.15rue_mohrdumb peopel get borred quick
02:52.26stevetotaroand retards cannot type
02:52.41rue_mohrits the keyboards fault
02:52.48jayteei think he's actually one of the few people who've gone to all the trouble of posting a link to a picture of a waveform of a call in progress on an oscilloscope.
02:52.54stevetotaroi think it is your mom's fault
02:53.32rue_mohrjaytee, no, I posted the waveform the the votlage and current I'm getting back from the pots for their 1mw going into my channelbank
02:53.41rue_mohrit has to do with echo
02:54.04jayteewhich shows you have way too much free time on your hands but not much upstairs to do anything with it
02:54.07stevetotarofunny, i never have echo on a channel bank
02:54.09rue_mohrecho is a complex thing that I think you lot avoid like the plauge
02:54.34stevetotarowrong again, i have been dealing with echo since you were a child
02:55.00stevetotarofirst gen Digium stuff was absolute crap
02:55.04rue_mohrstevetotaro, so, why dont you tel me that level and impedence have nothing to do with echo
02:55.18rue_mohrthe tdm800P I got has problems
02:55.44rue_mohrI scoped my analog phone as a ref on what a signal should look like
02:55.49stevetotaroso where does your channel bank come into it..... confused.....
02:56.03rue_mohrI'm gonna take the equip to the tdm800P and compare
02:56.32stevetotarois it populated with FXS ports?
02:56.41rue_mohrmy house runs a channelbank w a t1 to a local machine, for seperating out the calls to the different rooms
02:56.47jayteebrings a whole new meaning to the word nerd, don't it?
02:57.01stevetotaronot really
02:57.23rue_mohrI'm glad that dosnt' make me a nerd
02:57.25jayteesee! anyone with a channel bank in their house has way too much time on their hands and probably doesn't have a girlfriend.
02:57.41stevetotaroi have two channel banks
02:57.42rue_mohrno I dont mix well with the humans
02:58.01stevetotaroan hp dl380 tons of Digium and Sangoma stuff
02:58.06rue_mohrso you avoided my comment about level and impedence
02:58.06*** join/#asterisk afink (
02:58.17stevetotarono i didn't
02:58.18jayteeok, Mr Spock, put down the soldering gun and step away from the workbench, it's time to return to "reality".
02:58.36stevetotaroit's how i make a liviing
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02:58.39rue_mohrstevetotaro, out of the box, does sangoma not have echo problems like digium?
02:58.49*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
02:59.09stevetotaroi really only do T1 PRIs and up
02:59.11rue_mohrI have a digium card, but the echo is pretty bad without the canceler
02:59.30rue_mohryea, the shop I'm setting up with the tdm800P cant afford the T1
02:59.32stevetotarothat would depend on where you install it i would think
02:59.39rue_mohrand bri isn't avail
02:59.48afinkrue_mohr: the HPEC software helps a ton
02:59.54telnettechTK: if port 5060 is registered to an ip address and there is another device that comes from same ip address and says i want to use 5060 , the asterisk tells the device that it is in use. Which side decides which port to register to after 5060 ids taken?
02:59.55stevetotarobri doesn't work in the US correctly
03:00.03afinkrue_mohr: you might be eligible for free HPEC licenses
03:00.20rue_mohrno, the hpec software does NOT work with a tdm800P with asterisk 1.4 and the dahdi drivers
03:00.30rue_mohrI had to buy the hwec
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03:00.38stevetotarowow, calm down with dahdi
03:00.47rue_mohrI tried for a week
03:00.49rue_mohrask [TK]D-Fender
03:01.09rue_mohras soon as you turn on ec, the dahdi driver dosn't load
03:01.20stevetotarohave you tried echocancelwhenbridged=yes and no
03:01.26afinkrue_mohr: Mine works fine
03:01.33rue_mohrit was set to yes
03:01.44rue_mohrafink, tdm800P?
03:02.17rue_mohrwell I'd like to see how you did it, cause recompile after recompile (modding the source every time) didn't work for me
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03:02.27stevetotaroyou are putting a customer on dahdi?
03:02.48stevetotarowow, too risky
03:02.50rue_mohr4fxo 2fxs
03:03.05stevetotarobeta code for no reason
03:03.08rue_mohrI was told to by the people in this channel
03:03.10afinkAsterisk 1.4 with dahdi and a TDM 800p.  I didn't do anything out of the ordinary just followed the directions from digium
03:03.34stevetotaroi like zaptel, tried and true
03:03.41rue_mohrcould you show me which ones you followed? I was given alot of links that didn't work
03:03.45jaytee"I can't get my computer to boot!" "Is it plugged in?" "There's no cord or place to attach one." "What make of computer is it?" "It's a Sauder" "Sauder?" "Yeah, it came with the desk I bought that was a display model marked down on sale." "um, your computer is just a cardboard box, dude."
03:04.13afinkrue_mohr: I will check but it was like the day after dahdi came out so it has been a while
03:04.30rue_mohrah, most all zaptel references are gone
03:04.42stevetotaroyou installed a version the day after it came out for a customer?!
03:04.48rue_mohrthough it seems every time I'm looking for the source all I can find is the one I'm not looking for
03:04.54rue_mohrnot me
03:05.12stevetotaroi will let you find the bugs in dahdi and steal your customer
03:05.16rue_mohrI had a problem with the zaptel driver, I was told I shoudl be using dahdi
03:05.34rue_mohrthis customer is my boss actaully
03:05.38*** part/#asterisk dlewis (i=4579ba4a@about/security/staff/dlewis)
03:05.43telnettechjaytee: if port 5060 is registered to an ip address and there is another device that comes from same ip address and says i want to use 5060 , the asterisk tells the device that it is in use. Which side decides which port to register to after 5060 is taken?
03:05.45stevetotaroyeah, Digium would tell you that so you can field test their beta stuff and find bugs for free
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03:06.25stevetotaroin that case, give your boss my number for when he is done fooling around with the bush league
03:06.30jayteetelnettech, what "device" are we talking bout here?
03:06.43telnettechhere is the scenario
03:06.55stevetotarojust answer the question
03:07.06stevetotarowe don't need scenarios here
03:07.14afinkstevetotaro: I had to re-compile and i wanted the new driver hoping for better performance and reliability...and so far so good
03:07.34jayteeaw, c'mon! I was hoping he paint us a pretty picture with some happy little trees and shit.
03:07.55jayteebut then again this is #asterisk and not #bobross
03:08.01rue_mohrso, in the meantime your saying I'm an idiot for analyzing what hackers are trying to do with my sip accounts
03:08.25rue_mohryou know its interesting
03:08.34stevetotarono, you are making the collection of such data harder than it needs to be
03:08.43jayteeno, we're saying you're an idiot in your approach to solving the issue. it's a clear cut case of "overthinking"
03:08.46rue_mohrin the process of trying to get help out of this channel, everyone has called me an idiot for doing what another person said
03:09.04afink^^^ some more than others I'm sure
03:09.09telnettechthey have an ip phone and an analog phone that is plugged into a router. The router has a built in ATA device for the analog phone. If the ip phone registers to the asterisk and grabs 5060, and the analog phone goes to register and says i am on port 5060. The asterisk says that 5060 is used by another phone on the same ip address. Does the analog phone(ATA) or the asterisk tell what port to register to.
03:09.13stevetotarojust listen to me.
03:09.24jayteetelnettech, so? what kind of device?
03:09.27rue_mohrits also interesting how your happy to tell someone their doing someting all wrong and not tell them another way of doing it
03:09.33rue_mohrits quite unhelpfull
03:09.44stevetotaroi did
03:09.52stevetotarouse tried and true code
03:10.02telnettechand ip phone and an ATA device which has an anlog phone plugged into it
03:10.02stevetotaroat least in production
03:10.24jayteeso two different devices, not one?
03:10.26stevetotaroso set the ATA or the phone to use 5070
03:10.44rue_mohrI'm back to working on the sip hacking attempts from
03:10.52stevetotaronat=yes for those devices should take care of it
03:10.52telnettechcorrect 2 devices
03:11.16afinkrue_mohr: My bad...I do still have zaptel on the tdm800p
03:11.16telnettechthat is already set
03:11.18jayteehow can you have two devices with the same IP address? you've messed something up.
03:11.32rue_mohrafink, bingo
03:11.34stevetotarothey are behind a nat
03:11.35afinkI realy thought I had upgraded to dahdi but I haven't
03:11.43afinkjust on the digital cards
03:12.02rue_mohrafink, I have no reason to go back since I have the hwec now
03:12.08rue_mohr$300 later
03:12.08stevetotaroi wouldn't call it an upgrade until it can do more than zaptel
03:12.09telnettechyou have a router with an ip phone and an ATA(analog phone) the router connects to another network where the asterisk is sitting
03:12.17afinkrue_mohr: I'm sure its worth it
03:12.19rue_mohrnobody here could get oslec working
03:12.58stevetotarosounds like dahdi is a downgrade to me
03:13.09rue_mohrlike I say, I'm planning on a sagnoma card next time
03:13.27afinkrue_mohr: I had a horrible experience with a sangoma t1 card
03:13.30rue_mohrI can only go with what I'm told
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03:13.49rue_mohrhmm, I hear that they dont ahve the echo problems in the first place
03:13.51afinkmaybe it was just me but I couldn't get the bugger to work and support was nearly non-existent
03:13.53telnettechthe ip phone goes out thru the router and says "i am port 5060" and asterisk registers that. Then the analog phone goes out and says " I am port 5060
03:14.07afinkI like calling Digium and talking to a human
03:14.12rue_mohrI'm wondering if the echo is a result of bad default level/impedence on the card
03:14.40stevetotarotech: PB your SIP entry for those peers
03:14.47rue_mohrthats why I broke out the scope, I like ANSWERS
03:14.54telnettechthe asterisk says "you cant register to 5060." to the analog phone. Does the analog phone or asterisk decide then what port to register to so that the asterisk knows where to send calls for that user
03:15.01jayteetelnettech, so in the configuration of the sip phone or the ATA just set one of them to use port 5061 instead of 5060. Remember in class when we setup the X-lite phone on the server? similar scenario.
03:15.06afinkrue_mohr: I'm not sure before asterisk I used a 3com pbx and never had any issues
03:15.10rue_mohri also need to recal the outgoing levels from my channelbank
03:15.34rue_mohrI'v never had issues with my cahnnelbank, but I use analog sets at home
03:15.37stevetotaro3com has onboard DSPs
03:15.50afinkexcept I couldn't configure it to do anything I wanted it to b/c of its god forsaken software
03:15.52stevetotarothat is why they cost thousands of dollars for a single t1 card
03:16.15telnettechunderstand.....we can do that but we are trying to figure out who says what port to register to if 5060 is taken....the device or asterisk
03:16.16stevetotaroare you talking about the 3com NBX?
03:16.28hardwireand thats where I leave you all
03:16.31stevetotarosip debug.....
03:16.33afinkahh I see.  I wasn't around for the purchase but they said they spent like $50 grand on the system .  Yes NBX100
03:16.35rue_mohrI have two 'industrial' T1 echo canceler modules, but without a T1 they aren't much use
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03:17.11rue_mohrtheir the ones kb1 did the pinout of on voip-info (literally)
03:17.12hardwirerue_mohr: hah.. so what cancels echo between the asterisk server and the echo canceler?
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03:17.21jayteetelnettech, I'm not sure why external devices can't all register to asterisk using 5060. All my polycom phones register using 5060. If this is a NAT issue then that's something entirely different.
03:17.23stevetotaroyes, that is one reason why proprietary stuff seems overly expensive
03:17.27rue_mohrat home I have no echo problems
03:17.44stevetotaromy money is on a nat issue
03:17.48rue_mohrmy echo problem is on the system with the tdm800P (before we bought the echo canceler card)
03:17.50telnettechbut your devices have different ip addresses
03:18.00jayteeyes, they do
03:18.04stevetotaroasterisk should not see 192.168 if the remote side is behind a nat
03:18.04jayteeand so should yours
03:18.24rue_mohrthe phone's nat setting has to be on toooooo
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03:18.36telnettechfor some reason this customer diddnt and they are in charge of the network not us
03:18.47telnettechthat is why it is having issues
03:18.49jayteetelnettech, let me get this completely clear. You are saying the phone and the ATA both have the same IP address?
03:19.04telnettechcaause they are on the same router
03:19.36stevetotarothey should appear that way but you should not see 192.168 private address in asterisk
03:19.46stevetotaroyou should see the routers pub addy
03:20.10jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
03:20.26stevetotaroyour sip.conf
03:20.47telnettechright steve. We get the ip address of the router. Basically the ip phone and the analog phone share the same ip address as far as the asterisk sees
03:21.09jbotyou are, like, an IRC nub
03:21.28jayteestevetotaro, hey! I didn't put any money down on the bet. you win but I wasn't betting against you.
03:21.46stevetotaro~ron paul
03:21.46jbotRon paul could kick chuck Noris; Arse
03:21.56jayteejbot botsnack
03:21.56jbot:), jaytee
03:22.10jbothmm... qwell is a patented liquid formula that contains three plant-based bio-active agents that work together in a perfectly balanced combination. These agents act synergistically to boost your good cholesterol and slash the bad.
03:22.54jayteewasn't there a formula for removing crab lice that came with a special comb and was also called Qwell?
03:23.09telnettechso steve and jaytee: if the device registers the ip phone as 5060 and the analog phone comes and says i want 5060 and the asterisk says it is taken, which side decides the port to register the analog phone to. The device or asterisk server
03:23.09stevetotaronot very versed with lice
03:23.10rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, what do you think it is about me that ends up making everyone cut me down as an idiot?
03:23.28stevetotarodo a sip debug
03:23.37stevetotaroand watch the device register
03:23.58jayteewhichever device tries to register to port 5060 first wins the prize
03:24.03telnettechok thanks....wasnt what i was looking for but i guess we can do that
03:24.06Kobazis there an easy way to make the audio on calls a bit louder
03:24.10Kobazlike the speakerphone on polycom 320's isn't very loud
03:24.27stevetotaroi would think the second device would take over the first's registration
03:24.28Kobazbumping it up on the server side may help
03:24.31rue_mohrKobaz, T1?
03:24.39Kobazpolycom to polycom, sip
03:24.46stevetotarosimilar to two devices registering as the same exten
03:25.00rue_mohrKobaz, what!? sip to sip is too quiet!?
03:25.13Kobazthe speaker volume on the polycom just doesn't go up very much
03:25.15jbot[vad] Voice Activity Detection or Silence Suppression. Asterisk does not currently support this, so please turn it off on the client
03:25.37rue_mohrgood point,
03:25.44rue_mohrKobaz, on speakerphone?
03:25.45stevetotarocomfort noise generation...
03:25.45jayteeso you need to change the port on one of the devices to 5061 or something else and make sure if there's a firewall between them that that port is also open and if you've forwarded the port traffic to your asterisk server's address then you need to forward that port as well.
03:25.50Kobazrue_mohr: yeah
03:26.02Kobazi mean it's maxed out, but it's still low volume audio
03:26.09rue_mohrKobaz, ok, the phone will mute the incomming audio when it hears noise on its mic
03:26.13*** part/#asterisk Khratos (n=Khratos@
03:26.33rue_mohrso if you have something making noise in the room, the incomming audio will most always be muted
03:26.40Kobazit's not muted
03:26.46telnettechok we are talking in circles.....i will do a google search or do a sip debug and capture it
03:26.47rue_mohrtry muting the mic and see if it gets louder :)
03:26.52Kobazit's just softer than say, if someone calls in on an fxo
03:27.02Kobazmuting isn't going to make a difference
03:27.02rue_mohrjust try it for me...
03:27.04Kobazit doesn't
03:27.13rue_mohryou tried the mic mute?
03:27.26Kobazi've muted a call plenty of times, and never noticed any change in volume
03:27.27rue_mohrI'm serious, it CAN be that simple
03:27.38jayteestevetotaro, asterisk will balk at any second device trying to register to the same port from the same IP address
03:27.44afinkrue_mohr: Is the hwec working well for you?
03:28.07rue_mohrafink, yes, and no, I was told that a long dist call started to echo toward the end
03:28.39rue_mohrkb1 said sometimes when the line paramiters change (middle path changes during call by carriers) the echo cans will freak out and turn off
03:28.47afinkok thanks
03:29.09rue_mohrso I dialed down the volumes by half (-3db) and am waiting for results
03:29.12jayteestevetotaro, in our asterisk class we ran X-lite on the server and we had to load xlite after asterisk because it used 5060. If we loaded xlite first asterisk couldn't bind to port 5060 and would throw an error.
03:29.47rue_mohrI want to know if the audio levels are right, but the dahdi_monitor uses abstract , meaningless numbers
03:29.57rue_mohrso I cant tell where 0db is
03:30.08jayteeI get the same thing with Sipura ATA's. Their two FXS port 2102 will register line 1 as 5060 and line 2 as 5061 with the same IP address of course..
03:30.50*** join/#asterisk implicit- (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
03:30.50telnettechbut if line 2 told asterisk that i want 5060 and asterisk says you cant have it
03:31.04*** join/#asterisk khronos (
03:31.10telnettechdoes the device come back with a new port or does asterisk assign the port
03:31.11jayteethen line 2 needs to have it's port changed in it's config ON THE DAMMED DEVICE
03:31.33jayteeto quote [TK]D-Fender this ain't Raw-Cat science boys!
03:31.42khronosHi, trying to configure a Digium te122 to act as a sip to pri converter.
03:32.00jayteepick one of them, the sip phone or the ata and set the damn sip port to 5061 and reboot it.
03:32.06khronosthis way the asterisk handles pri to a pbx, then sip out to the net.
03:32.17khronosI have the zaptel.conf file correct I think.
03:32.22telnettechbut what if it is by coincidence that the devices do this, who decides the new port without you configuring it
03:32.25rue_mohrI'm told 0db is about 14000 on the dahdi monitor, but that makes no sense, unless the audio is 15 bit signed and the 0db is just under where the real 0db is (16384) which would make the real audio 15bit signed
03:32.29khronosMy problem is with the zapata.conf is where I have trouble.
03:32.50khronoshttp:// is the url to the file I currently have.
03:32.55rue_mohrT1 audio is 8bit signed and I have no idea what sip codecs use
03:33.09*** join/#asterisk Micc (
03:33.34jayteekhronos, for one thing you've got a ] at the beginning of the second line. get rid of it
03:33.35rue_mohrI dont think anyone here knows enough to answer that one
03:35.18jayteekhronos, and why are you using pri_net? if you're T1 comes from a telco you should have your signalling be pri_cpe. pri_net is the network or PSTN side of the circuit.
03:35.51khronosI'm trying to provide dial tone to the pbx.
03:35.53jayteerue_mohr, T1 audio is ulaw encoded. same specs. they're in the book
03:36.03khronosBasically I'm hooking up an old pbx to a sip turnk.
03:36.05theharthere's a book?
03:36.07thehari joke.
03:36.12khronosAh, trunk
03:36.34rue_mohrjaytee, then why is 0db on the dahdi_monitor "about 14000" ?!?!?!?!
03:37.13rue_mohrI'm told by one audio guy that on older analog mixers 0db is just under the max peak level
03:37.31jayteekhronos, in that case your signalling is right but you still need to lose the closing square bracket at the beginning of your second line.
03:37.44khronosK, gone now.
03:38.25khronosSystem still doesn't seem to be seeing the channels.
03:38.33khronosIf I do a zap show channel 1 it doesn't see it.
03:39.03rue_mohryou remember that fxs and fxo need to be reversed?
03:39.23rue_mohrit ways that in the warning when you say "reload"
03:39.33*** join/#asterisk gones (n=gones@
03:39.42gonesanyone explain why the channel didn't  Hangup when I input digits end with # .
03:39.42gonesexten =>  s,1,Read(variable)
03:39.42gonesexten =>  s,n,Hangup
03:39.59rue_mohroh its read eh?
03:40.19rue_mohrgones, nobody told me that, I think they didn't know
03:40.47rue_mohr(I'm just angry at everyone for telling me I'm wrong and not saying any more)
03:41.15jayteekhronos, for an example you an reference my zapata.conf, it's for two spans using a TE212P. In this pastebin example both are set to pri_cpe but you can just use it as a reference. Note that [channels] is plural.
03:41.51jayteerue_mohr, you're wrong! and that's all I'm gonna say! :-)
03:42.21gonesrue_mohr:  ??
03:43.13telnettechdont let the guys in here get you should really read the will be surprised how much you learn from it
03:43.57telnettechi know cause i have been doing asterisk for 6 months only now and ask jaytee, i may ask circle questions but i have learned quite abit since our class in november
03:44.35gonestelnettech:  read the book ? which book ?
03:44.47jayteehe has! and the sonofabitch got to go to Aruba on the company's dime. wish I could work a sweet deal like that! :-)
03:44.50jbotwell, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:45.03telnettechright jbot
03:45.21Kobazand the book is free too
03:45.30telnettechyes the digital copy
03:45.32sipy604 pages worth
03:45.41*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
03:46.05jayteeI prefer the print version myself, it's amazing how much you can absorb while taking a dump
03:46.11theharjaytee: i agree
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03:46.21sipy* on the can!
03:46.28telnettechi carry mine with a chain on hip
03:46.31gonesKobaz: yeah, I know this book , and I have read !
03:46.37jayteebeats dragging the laptop into the can with you :-)
03:46.54theharmacbook pros keep your legs warm while doing the deed tho
03:47.21jayteeor burn your legs
03:48.04thehardepends on how long you're shitting
03:48.31theharmost importantly your legs are not cold
03:50.52telnettechthe point is rue_mohr is that is is a good thing to read the book to get a basis and dont take anything said in here personal
03:51.40Kobazespecially insulting remarks, do you best to ignore those
03:53.47*** join/#asterisk khronos (
03:54.24khronosjaytee: Tried the url you gave for your zapata file and the site wasn't found. didn't resolve.
03:55.07jayteeI couldn't get to tonight. it's down or incredibly slow
03:55.40jayteecan anyone else get to this?
03:56.07theharjaytee: i can browse it
03:56.57jayteemaybe it's his ISP
03:59.59*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
04:01.24khronosTried it from two different connections here.
04:03.22jayteeemail was sent
04:04.02jayteekhronos, what distro are you running?
04:05.50telnettechok guys talk at you all tomorrow....going to bed
04:05.55rue_mohrjaytee, and whats what I do keep getting from people, "your wrong"
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04:06.31rue_mohrits like windows telling you that the driver you have isn't for the hardware, well damnit tell me what the hardware IS then!
04:07.01rue_mohrANd ontop of that, i have one person tell me to do something one way, and another person tell me its all wrong and to do it a different way
04:07.32rue_mohrI ran my hardware selection by tk, I was gonna get all aastra sets, he said they were junk, and to get polycom 601's
04:07.47rue_mohrturns out we would have been better off with the aastras
04:08.14rue_mohrthe only advantage to the polycom is they look better, they fall short in every other catagory
04:08.50rue_mohraccept speakerphone sound quality, and damn, its talking, not freaking music
04:12.33thehari love my polycoms
04:13.07telnettechrue: dude take time it a night and go out and get drunk.....raise hell amongst the town and get all this stress off your chest. You will feel better
04:13.28telnettechthere are alot of ways to do some things in asterisk, if it works then it is not the wrong way
04:14.14rue_mohryea, but you can see why I am a little on edge in here
04:14.22telnettechi work in the hotel industry and each customer site has different requirements. I have a sales dept that tells the customer we can do anything
04:14.32thehartelnettech: horrid
04:14.52rue_mohrI dont want to come though as one of the guys who just has something jammed in an oriphace that he makes the problem of everyone lese
04:14.57telnettechso we have to go to sites and actually do what they say can be done: WITHOUT PRIOR TESTING
04:15.44telnettechyou will learn asterisk. But ud will not be an overnight curve
04:16.06rue_mohrI run the phone side of a business that does keyd systems, and I REALLY want to ditch them and use asterisk
04:16.26telnettechdont come in here and let some of the a**holes that also come in here run you off.
04:17.06theharwhat happened?
04:17.12thehari've seen you in here for a while rue_mohr
04:17.20rue_mohresp when the tech support for them a) dosn't even understand the concept of call path  b) takes 4 hours to work out how to get th sytem to take two line groups, ring them to their own sets of phones, and take them to different mailboxes if thereis no answer
04:17.35telnettechfind a  few of the guys you can trust and just stick with them
04:17.36rue_mohrhell ya
04:18.12*** join/#asterisk Kisu (
04:19.21rue_mohrwhy cant all the tel work be terminating 300 lines to bix strips?
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04:26.03rue_mohrnice straightforward
04:26.33rue_mohrblue ornage green brown blue orange green brown... blue brown green orange...
04:26.53rue_mohrfix the errors, punch it all down
04:27.14rue_mohrzip, clip, tuck, label,
04:27.33rue_mohrI make about 4 mistakes a year
04:27.48rue_mohrincluding male ends on cords
04:28.14rue_mohrI catch them, but normal is about 4
04:28.19*** join/#asterisk mascool (
04:28.55mascooldoes Pickup() have a return value if the channels it's trying to pick up doesn't exist ?
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04:32.12rue_mohrhmm book dosn't say
04:33.47rue_mohrwonder what I can find in the source
04:36.20rue_mohrsounds like it returns -1
04:37.14rue_mohrmascool, ok?
04:37.37mascooloh let's see if that works
04:38.24*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
04:39.00rue_mohrdoes anyone know if the voicemail is just a hack?
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04:40.21mascoolrue_mohr, so how can I check that return value, doing RESULT=Pickup(blah blah) does not set RESULT to anything
04:40.49rue_mohrI dont know
04:41.28rue_mohryou could ask [TK]D-Fender Jaytee, qwell, ....
04:42.40rue_mohrdrmessano, maybe
04:43.02mascoolok, thanks for your help so far
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04:52.36monstertruckHello children
04:52.43monstertruckhas anyone seen this before: asterisk[21426]: rc_avpair_new: unknown attribute 1490026597
04:53.28monstertruckI cant associate it with any visible errors
04:53.37monstertruckbut looking it up on google I found this post
04:54.11monstertruckthe guy says some of his calls have no audio, but cant be differenciated from normal calls
04:54.36monstertrucki see about 2000 calls a day, so I have no idea which ones are successful and which arent
04:55.05monstertruckbut i've had customers complain that they have their credit reduced without having talked
04:55.27monstertruckand now im worried that could be because of silent calls, related to that error
04:56.29monstertruckthats from syslog, it doesnt show on the cli
04:57.56*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=Raymond@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
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05:02.18LemensTS   Line 68 does not play the audio, and does not wait for me to enter the digit. Anyone know why?
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05:06.00LemensTSif i put sleep(10); after $keypress = $agi->get_data('vm-Work',10000,1);
05:06.00LemensTSit will say the vm-Work and let me enter a digit
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05:13.40bombaclat667If I want to access my asteirks box via aix, do I have to setup the bindaddr in aix.conf to my ISP provided IP?
05:13.50bombaclat667from the internet
05:15.56rob0AIX? Um, maybe you're talking about IAX?
05:16.04bombaclat667lol..yes iax
05:17.23bombaclat667caus basicly, from inside the network I can access the box just fine, but when I change the ip from internal to my external ip, it doesn't work. (The port forwarding is setup AND owrking, and there is no firewall on the asterisk machine
05:17.50rob0bindaddr default is probably, what's wrong with the default?
05:18.06bombaclat667I am unable to connect to the box
05:18.57rob0what port forwarding ... you NEED to understand how IP networking works, the more you answer, the less clear the situation is to me.
05:19.27monstertruckyour external ip he is talking about is the external interface of his router
05:19.55rob0That was far from clear. In fact, I'm not sure you're right.
05:20.02bombaclat667yes he is :P
05:20.13bombaclat667I meant my internet IP
05:20.14rob0so ... IAX through NAT
05:20.40monstertruckeh, bombaclat667, the external ip of your router has nothing to do with the asterisk machine
05:20.47monstertruckthat is why asterisk cant bind to it
05:21.07rob0Like I said, leave bindaddr at the default.
05:21.43bombaclat667but the problem remains that I cannot access the box from outside the internal network
05:21.53bombaclat667thats why I was wondering maybe it was the bindaddr
05:22.08monstertruckif you can access it from the internal network, then your asterisk is fine
05:22.15rob0"The port forwarding is setup AND owrking", however, I tend to think not.
05:22.29bombaclat667while I would tend to agree
05:22.38bombaclat667how I tested to make sure it worked:
05:22.38rob0So, talk to your router support
05:23.01bombaclat667I changed the forwarding to MY pc, set utorrent to use that port, and ran the test, port forwarded np
05:23.23rob0Is that like a bittorrent app?
05:23.25bombaclat667a bittorent client that has a built in port test
05:23.46monstertruckdoes it use udp?
05:23.54rob0no, bittorrent is TCP
05:24.11bombaclat667but its set as both on the router..hmmm
05:28.06*** join/#asterisk frk2 (n=frk2@zivios/member/fkhan)
05:31.06frk2Hi- anybody used the XML directory on a cisco 7911G Phone?
05:31.09frk2cant get it to work
05:31.17frk2i send it the same damn XML that works on a 7960
05:31.20frk2or 7940
05:31.29frk2but the 7911 responds with 'parse error'
05:34.01monstertruckis it valid xml?
05:35.56frk2am using this
05:36.13frk2doesnt work and the phone barfs on the xml for some reason
05:37.00frk2some cisco guys told me that the 7911G uses some really different format. wonder if thats true. have you used a 7911G phone with the xml directory successfully?
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05:41.59monstertruckno, never. thats why i asked if it was valid xml
05:42.30monstertruckmaybe the others didnt mind about somewhat invalid xml and the 7911 was choking for that reason
05:42.36mizerydeariaBesides computer-based setups using Asterisk, are there any other hardware available that do not require a computer to use Asterisk for voip to make and/or receive phone calls using phone numbers?
05:45.01mizerydeariamm, looks interesting
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05:46.49contactdqhi everyone -i have a problem - when i call into a zap line (sangoma card) - 1/5 times it plays a tone and then hangs up - it then proceeds to progress through the usual thing - but gives no audio - any ideas?
05:48.02alibbcontactdq, what the 4/5 happens ?
05:48.24contactdqit goes into an ivr
05:48.30contactdqand works fine
05:48.39contactdqit doesn't show up differently on the cli
05:48.43contactdqat verbose 10
05:49.36alibbcontactdq, it seems u have a hardware problem
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05:50.22alibbon sangoma or irq conflicts
05:50.31contactdqthat's what i thought
05:51.08contactdqdo you know anything about debugging wanrouter?
06:00.30*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
06:05.18LemensTS   any clue why it does not play the audio on line 68 or wait for a response from it? If i add sleep(10); on line 69 than it will play and let me leave a keypress
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06:30.59drmessanoAnyone know if the "parking bug" in has been fixed in SVN yet?
06:31.54rob0Whoever reported that bug, was it a "parking ticket" in the bug database?
06:37.00jplanktrapa: what ever happen with the chat with your provider?
06:37.03baliktaddrmessano: the one that causes * to crash when you park a call?
06:39.10drmessanobaliktad: I suppose.. just heard about it in here
06:41.17baliktadif that's the one, the fix was checked in january 16th:
06:41.18*** join/#asterisk d-tech (n=d-dtech@
06:43.13drmessanoOk, cool
06:43.15*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
06:55.46*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
06:55.52MiccIn a sip packet where would the caller id phone number be?
06:55.56MiccIn the From header?
07:03.19*** join/#asterisk dgoner (
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07:06.49MiccSo its suppose to be <sip:number@ip>
07:07.11Miccin the From header, but its always From: "Name" <extension@ip>
07:07.18Miccthe extension being called.
07:07.30Miccnot the callers phone number.
07:07.42MiccCALLERID(num) is correct though.
07:19.34jplankMic it depends
07:19.46jplanksome use the from header
07:19.53jplanksome use p-asserted-ID
07:19.59jplanksome hard code it
07:20.23*** join/#asterisk ultrav1olet (n=telnet@
07:20.42Miccp-asserted-id isn't present.
07:23.03Miccwhen I NoOp($CALLERID(number) $CALLERID(name)) it shows both just fine.
07:23.06jplankright, but what I'm pointing out is, just saying "how does caller ID work?" is too general of a question to be answered
07:23.10MiccSo why would the SIP headers not be correct?
07:23.21jplankwho said the sip headers are incorrect
07:23.32jplankwhere are you capturing the call?
07:23.39jplankbtween the phone and the switch
07:23.45jplankbetween the switch and the provider?
07:23.53jplankbetween the provider and the PSTN?
07:24.09jplankis it a internal extension cal
07:24.17jplankare you calling another sip URI?
07:24.42MiccI'm calling from my cell phone to my vitelity number.
07:25.12Miccand I'm capturing between asterisk and my phone.
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07:26.30jplankyou know thats not the whole SIP header right?
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07:27.03Miccyeah, I'm just showing you the part I thought was relavent.
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07:29.55Micccall comes into asterisk then dial's my phone. so I would say no.
07:30.05Miccthat is the only sip URI I think.
07:30.15Miccfrom asterisk to the phone.
07:30.24drmessanoI accidentally the whole PBX
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07:32.46jplankyour def missing something
07:32.57jplankdo you have  a whole capture of the call from beginning to end?
07:34.38jplankis your IP address, or your providers?
07:34.39*** join/#asterisk Kage` (
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07:37.19vltHello. I moved from asterisk 1.2.13 (Debian Etch) to 1.4.21 (Debian lenny). Now my SIP subscriptions don't work anymore. `sip show subscriptions` shows me a valid list but the "last state" field is "idle" everywhere even when a channel is actually active. Was there a syntax change how to define the hints?
07:37.24vltI enabled sip debug and there's no status message sent out from Asterisk.
07:37.49vltWith the very same extensions.conf on Asterisk 1.2 it works perfectly.
07:38.52*** join/#asterisk etherealite_ (
07:39.54lanningvlt, have you looked at upgrade.txt?
07:40.15jplankvlt, do me a fav, can you post sip show peer xxx into a PB?
07:41.38keeblerHas anyone done a Voltage/amp check on the PAP2T-NA? I know it uses/needs 5 vdc (stepdowns to 3.3 for most chips), but I don't know the amps.
07:42.55drmessanoI'd say... Close to 2 amps ringing
07:46.06Miccjplank, is my asterisk IP.
07:46.48jplankthen you are incorrect about that invite in your PB
07:47.02jplankthat invite originated from that 216 address
07:47.03keeblerI was hoping to keep it under an Amp.
07:47.13jplanknot from your provider
07:48.18jplankyou said that call originated from your cell phone, if that was true, then the from address should be your provider, not your asterisk
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07:50.53Miccjplank, well you would think. My asterisk is the proxy in this case I think.
07:51.03drmessanokeebler: If you can run it at 3.3V, the current draw will be higher as well
07:51.09Miccjplank, call comes into asterisk then asterisk dials the sip phone.
07:51.31keeblerdrmessano: Reduce voltage increase amperage, that how it works?
07:51.36jplankis your sip phone?
07:51.43drmessanoMore or less, yes
07:52.11drmessanoWill also generate more hear and decrease MTF
07:52.21jplankmicc do you have reinvites on?
07:52.37keeblerI've got a 12vdc power adapter with some voltage regulators powering my WRT as well.
07:52.58jplanksomething mystical is happening then if you seen caller num on your phone
07:53.04jplankbecause its not in that packet
07:53.05keeblerHaven't soldered in the PAP2T yet.
07:53.13jplankyou sure you provider isn't reinviting?
07:53.27Miccjplank, I don't see the caller id number when the name is present.
07:53.45jplankoh, then whats the issue?
07:53.47Miccjplank if the name is not present, then the number is in the place where the name is now.
07:53.56jplankFrom: "CRAMER M       ICHAEL" <sip:nwd1@>;tag=as511a7e6e
07:53.59jplankcaller ID
07:54.08MiccThats the name, I need the number too.
07:54.29jplankwhere the packet between your provider and your *?
07:54.35drmessanoCRAMER M       ICHAEL  <-- Sounds like your PBX is studdering
07:55.02Miccdrmessano, yeah it always does that. I think its my ssh client or windows.
07:55.22Miccjplank, I'll sip debug that side.
07:55.45drmessanoI ran Asterisk on windows once.. I accidentally the whole PBX
07:55.50drmessanoThen I was like "Then who is fone??"
07:56.08drmessanoIt was much lulz
07:56.13Miccjplank, both are present in the provider to asterisk side.
07:56.23MiccFrom: "CRAMER MICHAEL" <sip:2062914090@>;tag=as3e5e72cd
07:56.57jplankwhat is nwd1?
07:57.21Miccthats the phone.
07:57.30Miccjplank, nwd1 is the username.
07:57.39Miccjplank, the sip username.
07:57.44Miccfor the phone.
07:58.11Miccsip show peers shows nwd1/nwd1            D   N      5060     OK (48 ms)
07:59.45MiccI turned on reinvites for my provider, but I suppose I need to turn it on for my phones too.
07:59.50keeblerdrmessano: MTF: modulation transfer function?
08:00.55*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
08:01.23*** join/#asterisk unasi7 (
08:02.02vltjplank: Output of `sip show peer 0` (the subscriber):
08:02.30*** join/#asterisk fcois93 (
08:03.02jplankvlt please at least look up the question before coming in here looking for an answer
08:03.20jplankif you would of googled your problem for 1 minute, you would of found your answer
08:03.50jplankmicc, take a look at your context, your over-writing the caller num somewhere
08:04.08jplankor even read the upgrade.txt
08:04.15jplankgod forbid
08:07.46Miccjplank, I've looked, I really can't find it.
08:08.12MiccIt goes right to a dial.
08:08.27vltjplank: I'm sorry. I actually googled the problem but couldn't find an answer (even in 5 minutes).
08:08.35vltWhere can I find upgrade.txt?
08:08.40jplankmicc: let me see your extensions.conf and sip.conf
08:08.41MiccI do a NoOp to show the caller id info, which is good, then I call my macro that does a dial first thing.
08:09.07jplankand a verbose cli
08:09.22jplankvlt: # find / -name upgrade.txt
08:10.07jplankvlt: i'm not as good as fender at giving subtle hints, so thats the best I can give you
08:10.29jplankor check the wiki
08:11.06vltjplank: I used that find command (before asking) and it returned no matches. I'll check the wiki. Thank you.
08:11.10jplankI'm sure in the wiki's "presence" you'll be able to find the answer
08:11.45mvanbaakvlt: in the directory where you unpacked the source, the file is called UPGRADE.txt
08:12.13mvanbaakjplank: better use -iname the next time ;)
08:12.21*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
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08:12.32jplank-name is case sensitive?
08:12.41jplanknever noticed
08:13.18jplankmy last "hint" was the best though
08:14.55vltjplank: I'm unsing the Debian package. But I'm sure I'll find it soon ;-)
08:15.02vltis still looking for the wiki ...
08:15.16jplankdid you try googling for asterisk wiki?
08:16.15vlthas found it, thanks jplank.
08:16.31jplankdid you find the answer?
08:17.47vltjplank: Not yet. (I'm a little slow today)
08:18.18vltjplank: Ok, at least I've found the "New in Asterisk 1.4" section ;-)
08:18.21jplank3:10:23 AM) jplank: I'm sure in the wiki's "presence" you'll be able to find the answer
08:19.49Miccjplank, any ideas?
08:20.03jplankdid look at it yet, give me one minute
08:21.18Miccthe extensions.conf just does a goto(nwd-main,s,1) when a call for that number comes in.
08:21.53*** join/#asterisk voxter (
08:22.18MiccIt would work fine if I was going directly to my provider without asterisk between.
08:22.50MiccBut since asterisk is in between its changing the from header to <sip:nwd1@>
08:22.59*** join/#asterisk tamiel (n=tamiel@
08:23.43*** join/#asterisk pif (
08:25.22Miccdo I need like user=phone or something?
08:26.24*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
08:26.29*** join/#asterisk jape44 (n=jape44@
08:26.29Miccor maybe I have the wrong type for my users, maybe I should have type peer for my provider.
08:29.15MiccI don't see the difference between peer and friend.
08:34.10Micchmm it seems like the term friend would mean you trust that device more. But in fact its using matching more on the username.
08:34.41MiccThey should change the name for type friend to something else.
08:34.58drmessanoPeer, user, and friend are going away in 1.6.2
08:35.07drmessanoThey're all gonna be "peers"
08:35.13drmessanoWhich is actually = friend
08:36.24drmessanoSo get used to the behavior or "friend"
08:36.36voxterfriend is where its at.
08:36.59*** join/#asterisk IsUp (n=nocturne@unaffiliated/isup)
08:37.16IsUpi am using m() parameter on Dial command
08:37.16jplankwait, how is that going to work?
08:37.30IsUpbut MOH is not starting
08:37.41jplankhow are you supposed to specify who needs to register and not?
08:38.20IsUp'Started music on hold, class 'default', on SS7/link/4' after 1 sec i am getting 'Stopped music on hold on SS7/link/4'
08:38.41jplankmicc what device is the call coming in from?
08:38.42*** join/#asterisk mikkel (
08:38.53drmessanoWhat does registration have to do with anything?
08:39.24jplankyou can't have a friend relationship in asterisk without invites
08:39.29jplankpeers don't need them
08:39.35jplankand user could go either way
08:39.46jplank(could be wrong on user though)
08:43.09jplankmicc: unless I'm missing it, I don't see this inbound context that your trunks use, and most of your other contexts include
08:43.39Miccjplank, yeah its not in there.
08:43.43*** join/#asterisk pif (
08:43.52Miccjplank, I told you it just does a goto(nwd-main,s,1)
08:44.46*** join/#asterisk lbt (n=david@
08:44.49jplankset your inbound trunk as a peer
08:44.55Miccjplank, you can see that the NoOp is there and at that point CALLERID(number) and CALLERID(name) are correct.
08:45.10jplankerr yea
08:45.12jplankhold on
08:45.13Miccjplank, I just tried that.
08:45.41*** join/#asterisk oej (
08:45.51jplankdoes your VM pick up the caller ID num?
08:46.18Micchmmm.. lets see.
08:47.00jplankyou try removing fromuser from the extensions?
08:47.14jplankthat right their is probably your problem
08:47.20Micchmm.. I don't know if fromuser is in there?
08:47.23Miccwhere is that?
08:47.29jplankin your extension
08:47.35jplanknwd1 and nwd2
08:47.41jplankthats setting the from field
08:47.57Miccyour right
08:48.01Miccthatas got to be it!
08:48.07jplankthats if you need to spoof your from header
08:48.58jplankThis is used when calling TO this peer FROM asterisk.
08:49.26Miccjplank, You've been a great help. That was it!
08:49.45Miccjplank, thank you!
08:49.59Miccjplank, this has been a problem for months.
08:52.39*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
08:53.20jplankwhat is this nwdcustomercare script thats generating your configs?
08:53.55mvanbaaklol, I was wondering as well
08:58.03Miccjplank, its just a simple bash script.
08:58.07*** part/#asterisk dandre (
08:58.24Miccjplank, I just pass it a few parameters and it creates all the .conf files in a directory for the customer.
08:58.34MiccThen I just include it from the appropriate .conf files.
08:58.51MiccIt makes it easy to setup new customers.
08:59.01jplankwhy use something like that instead of something like freepbx?
08:59.12Miccjplank, doesn't freepbx suck?
08:59.20jplanki dont think so
08:59.26Miccjplank, thats what I've heard in here anyways.
08:59.36jplanki personally really like freepbx
08:59.52Miccjplank, whats different about it? Its still asterisk, right?
09:00.00jplankbut its a GUI
09:00.22Miccso is it a replacement for asterisk-gui?
09:00.29jplankthe draw back is you can't directly edit the conf files because they are auto generated
09:00.39jplankyea, I'm not a big asterisk-gui fan personally
09:00.50Miccjplank, I'm pretty good with editing the files myself.
09:00.56mvanbaakI dont like freepbx
09:00.57Miccjplank, except for this little fromuser mishap.
09:00.59jplankfor every conf, theres a _custom.conf file
09:01.05jplankyou could edit
09:01.09jplankmvanbaak: why?
09:01.14mvanbaakfreepbx has it backward
09:01.21mvanbaakthe gui should never edit the default config files
09:01.34mvanbaakit should instead create files like: fpbx_extensions.conf
09:01.47mvanbaakwhich you have to include in extensions.conf where you need them
09:02.01jplankyou could do that yourself though
09:02.30jplankuse the _custom.conf and change the context from the default from-internal
09:02.44jplankI like it because its easy to use for end users
09:03.03jplankand its a quicker deploy
09:04.04mvanbaakjplank: you're missing the point
09:04.22mvanbaakfreepbx edits the default config files. That's bad
09:04.29jplankno, I get what your saying
09:08.04vltjplank: Ok, subscriptions are working again. Thanks for all your subtile hints ;-)
09:09.41*** join/#asterisk HoverHell (n=hell@
09:10.15*** join/#asterisk Mr_BOnD_007 (i=Mr_BOnD_@
09:11.39drmessanomvanbaak: It does do that..
09:13.30drmessanoAll of FreePBX's configs are written as includes..  The default config files that come with FreePBX point to those includes, with instructions NOT to edit, since edits usually lead to broken installs..
09:14.31drmessanoHowever, FreePBX upgrades will overwrite those configs if theres needed changes to the includes..
09:15.23*** join/#asterisk verywiseman (n=verywise@unaffiliated/verywiseman)
09:17.56Miccthat sucks that 1.4.22 doesn't support multiple parking lots.
09:18.22MiccI fear upgrading the 1.6 is going to require a lot of updates to my conf files.
09:18.43drmessanoWhy do you need multiple lots?
09:18.52Miccfor multiple customers.
09:19.27MiccI don't want to have to use another machine for each customer that wants this functionality.
09:20.58Miccwell I'm off to bed. good night all.
09:21.06Miccthanks again, jplank.
09:21.34*** join/#asterisk dandre (
09:25.43tjzdo i still need a number after i install asterisk?
09:25.56drmessanoOf course
09:26.12tjzlike forwarding number ,right?
09:26.29drmessanoIts a PBX
09:26.57drmessanoYou need to interface to the public phone network via SIP/IAX or PSTN lines
09:27.55tjzi have buy a line..
09:28.04tjzand i can get my system working?
09:28.14drmessanoIf you want to get calls from the public phone network, you need connection to it, yes
09:29.41tjzwhere do you get the line?
09:29.49tjzlike in USA
09:29.52jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
09:30.06drmessanoor from a telco, like AT&T
09:30.11*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
09:30.13drmessanoBut you need an interface card for that
09:30.25drmessanoLike for a PRI or Analog lines
09:30.43jbotrumour has it, pri is [~pri] Primary Rate Interface, often called T1 or E1 (European Standard). E1 offers 30 ISDN B-Channels a 64kBit/s + 1 D-Channel with 64kBit/s. The T1 has 23 B-Channels + 1 D-Channel. Cards to use with *: T100P, E100P, TE410P, R1T1,R2T1,R4T1, etc.
09:30.53jbotit has been said that analog is Analog refers to a representation of a quantity that varies over any continuous range of values. Analog signals can be thought of as pure in nature and not processed. Thus, the debate over whether record albums (analog representation of sound) sound better than CDs (digital representation of sound). Think of nature as analog. Values are exact, but it is impossible to correct errors in reproduction.
09:31.01jbotforeign exchange office - type of port you need to connect a POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) line from your telco to a pbx
09:31.06tjzthat is non-voip ,right?
09:31.27tjznvm.. i must read up more first
09:31.33drmessanoVoIP is Voice over IP.. so by definition, an analog phone line would not be IP based
09:31.52tjzmy noob-ness can make you crazy
09:31.59jbotwell, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
09:32.44drmessanoNo, your newbness is welcome here.  Those of us that haven't eaten yet look forward to the meal.
09:33.10tjzbtw... i have to go for my dinner now
09:36.48mvanbaakit's /12
09:58.46*** join/#asterisk sheri_rao (n=sheri_ra@
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10:39.27*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
10:40.02sheri_raocan anyone call me on my asterisk server
10:40.16sheri_raojust for testing purpose
10:41.03angryuserhello i would like to disable framing on my sangoma a101 card, wright now framing is crc4, but when i choose option "unframed" insteda of crc4 in setup-sangoma i got "Error: invalid line framing UNFRAMED" and the sript quits, is it possible ?
10:41.40angryuserits a T1/E1 card
10:45.09*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
10:47.12*** join/#asterisk Mr_BOnD_007 (i=Mr_BOnD_@
10:47.32sheri_raoi want someone send me test call
10:47.36fcois93anyone can help me for my openser?
10:47.49fcois93I can get some headers:
10:51.59sheri_raoDovid, hi
10:52.54mort_gibAfter that msg SIP phones are unreachable!
10:55.17fcois93angryuser: can you help me for ? I have some problem with Remote-Party-ID
10:59.51sheri_raocan anyone call me
11:00.35jermey_gany man out there to answer my question
11:00.38sheri_raoi want to recieve calls on asterisk server for testing
11:00.39jermey_gsorry no girls
11:01.07jermey_gsheri_rao:i know someone who can flood your box with calls
11:01.20jermey_gbut damn he wont do it for free
11:01.44sheri_raoi want it for free thats why i am here
11:01.56jermey_guse sipp
11:02.06jermey_gor better use * for generating tons of calls
11:02.10jermey_gDial is your friend
11:02.23jermey_gi am myself working with this Dial (,,G()) option
11:03.21sheri_raocan anyone help me test my servers by sending a call
11:03.24jermey_gsomehow if i expect Dial app to do other things after successfully dialing a sip user, the G option is to be used. but it hangs up the call
11:03.55jermey_gsheri_rao:yar, koi nahein kurray ga
11:04.24angryuserfcois93: can you add line fromuser=Acro for that peer ?
11:05.21sheri_raojermey_g, yar tu hee kr ly
11:05.25fcois93no, I receive a frame from a server, I cant add information from it.
11:05.25fcois93I have to analyze it :(
11:05.55IsUpif you want to disable CRC4, edit /etc/wanpipe/wanpipe#.conf and change 'FE_FRAME = CRC4' to 'FE_FRAME = NCRC4'
11:06.20IsUpalso edit /etc/zaptel.conf and remove 'crc4' flag on your span
11:06.57fcois93angryuser: no, I receive a frame from a server, I cant add information from it.
11:07.04fcois93angryuser: I have to analyze it :(
11:07.38angryuserIsUp: well i did that and still span go up and down ;(
11:07.53IsUpangryuser: post your wanpipe#.conf and zaptel.conf to pastebin
11:07.56IsUpand error outputs too
11:09.04angryuserIsUp: ok wait a sec i will retest it again to be sure
11:09.11IsUpokay, i'am here
11:10.58sheri_raotest call plz
11:11.08IsUpsheri_rao: what's wrong?
11:13.29sheri_raoIsUp, i have asterisk server my ISP is involved , i have little problem with routing from ISP side. i want to do test call
11:14.34IsUpyou can use "sipp" tool
11:14.55IsUpangryuser: any issues?
11:14.58angryuserIsUp: crap, i have stopped wanpipe, now on wanrouter start i am getting this "(/lib/modules/2.6.18-92.1.18.el5/kernel/drivers/net/wan/wanpipe.ko" i have a latest version of wanpipe
11:15.11IsUpangryuser: provide SSH if you mind
11:15.18angryuserIsUp:  wanpipe FATAL: Error inserting wanpipe (/lib/modules/2.6.18-92.1.18.el5/kernel/drivers/net/wan/wanpipe.ko): No such device
11:15.22IsUp1 sec
11:16.00IsUpwanrouter stop; /etc/init.d/zaptel stop; wanrouter start; /etc/init.d/zaptel start;wanrouter hwprobe
11:16.05angryuserIsUp: it's a server with a stelite link from loooooong away , so if you dont mind 600 sek ping
11:16.07IsUpi hope you have zaptel init scripts
11:16.14IsUpi dont mind i think
11:16.24IsUpyou can provide
11:18.32*** join/#asterisk superpop02 (
11:18.34superpop02hello all
11:18.56superpop02I wanna to know if asterisk dev team plan to developp a configuration API for asterisk ?
11:20.13jermey_gwhy in the world G option with Dial hangs up the call
11:20.38IsUpjermey_g: ive stucked in that too
11:21.37*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
11:23.50jermey_gIsUp:any clues
11:24.23*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (n=pirch@
11:24.43jermey_gIsUp:i just want to continue on falling in the extension priorities after dialling a sip user
11:26.06*** part/#asterisk ultrav1olet (n=telnet@
11:27.12jermey_gdenotes a rug to #asterisk with logo printed
11:28.37kaldemarjermey_g: are you mixing G with g?
11:30.37*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
11:30.40*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:37.01*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
11:41.09IsUpjermey_g, why you need G() param?
11:41.18IsUpjust use extension, i think it will be work
11:41.43IsUpexten => 111,1,Dial(SIP/xxx) | exten => 111,2,dosomething()
11:41.56IsUpbut i am not sure
11:42.38wonderworldhey, i want to use ChanSpy to listen in on agent calls. i want to be able to listen in on several calls from the same agent in a row. ChanSpy(SIP/150) for example hangs up on me (the listener) after two calls in a row. i tried to put a GoTo behind ChanSpy to restart it, when the agent finishes her call, but asterisk doesn't seem to reach the GoTo at all, it just hangs up. is there a way to "stay" on an extension, even if the person
11:42.40wonderworlddoesn't have a call at the moment?
11:44.05*** join/#asterisk tokozedg (n=toka@
11:44.31jermey_gIsUp:let me try
11:45.11IsUpwonderworld: you can't control ChanSpy at all
11:45.20IsUpand you can't exit from ChanSpy too
11:45.30tokozedghi, i install asterisk in fedora, and i want to install sounds, i make a directory /var/lib/asterisk/sounds  and places wav files there, than i write exten => 10,1,Playback(vm-sorry) but it says vm-sorry doesn not exist in any format
11:45.43IsUpif you use Zaptel or DAHDI, you can try to use zapbarge or dahdibarge applications
11:45.50wonderworldIsUp: then its buggy somehow. asterisk hangs up on me
11:46.30tokozedghow can i sole this?
11:47.05IsUptokozedg: i think default sounds already in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds, so you don't have to create a dir
11:47.59tokozedgin /var/lib/asterisk was only one file astdb, and then i created
11:48.34IsUpokay, can you try to playback with full path and WITHOUT example. put your sound file to /tmp and then try: "Playback(/tmp/myfile)"
11:48.43IsUp*without extension
11:49.13jermey_gexten => 2010,5,Dial(SIP/2010) | exten => 2010,6,Set(DB(ch/c2)=${CDR(channel)})
11:49.49IsUpjermey_g: and whats on your CLI*
11:49.49jermey_gIsUp:and i got this
11:50.24IsUpso its continue to execution?
11:50.36jermey_git turned weird
11:50.45tokozedgIsUp, worked in /tmp
11:50.50jermey_gas if some other dial param has been passed. i am not doing any privacy sh##
11:51.23IsUpexten => 2010,5,Dial(SIP/2010) | exten => 2010,6,NoOp(${DIALSTATUS})
11:51.37*** join/#asterisk angryuser_ (
11:51.47tokozedgso where can i enter default sound directory?
11:52.07angryuser_pff i get disconnected
11:52.22angryuser_IsUp: you here ?
11:52.43IsUpyes angryuser_, pm
11:53.02IsUptokozedg: it's '/var/lib/asterisk/sounds'  default
11:53.12IsUpwhat's your asterisk version?
11:53.33IsUpand please do 'cat /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf' and paste output to
11:54.32IsUpjermey_g: please paste your extension.conf to pastebin
11:54.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
11:54.44kaldemartokozedg: check your astvarlibdir in asterisk.conf. under that directory is the "sounds" where asterisk looks for sounds.
11:55.09IsUpyes, but theres a new languageprefix too
11:55.21IsUpif you didn't disable that, then you should put your file to /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/
11:56.31*** join/#asterisk TheIceMan (n=theicema@
11:57.09TheIceManhow can i see what cards * is accesing ?
11:57.44IsUp'zap show status' for zaptel
11:58.28TheIceMani just installed 1.6 with dahdi, no more zap :D
11:58.32TheIceManvery confused
11:58.55IsUpokay 'dahdi show status' maybe
12:00.12TheIceMan### Span  1: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM410P Board 1" (MASTER)
12:00.40IsUpdon't paste long outputs please, use pastebin.
12:00.49*** join/#asterisk tokozedg (n=toka@
12:00.53IsUpso your card is working well, but you are in red alarms
12:01.24TheIceManwhat does that meen ?
12:02.45*** join/#asterisk tokozedg (n=toka@
12:02.58IsUpit's mean, your card is not configured or misconfigured, or theres a physical problem
12:03.13tokozedgIsUp, my asterisk version is Asterisk
12:03.41IsUpmkdir /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en; cp myfile.gsm /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/
12:03.41jermey_gwhere is TK
12:04.19TheIceManthe card works fine with 1.2.X so ther is no physical problem
12:04.55IsUpTheIceMan: so check your configuration. if you switched zaptel to DAHDI, theres some changed. read Zaptel-to-DAHDI.txt in asterisk source
12:05.07tokozedgthe same  :(
12:05.28IsUptokozedg, provide SSH if you mind. then i can take a look
12:05.55TheIceManIsUp okey. doing that now
12:09.19*** join/#asterisk orn (
12:11.00wonderworldIsUp: i think i found out what was wrong with cahnspy
12:11.20wonderworldthe sip peer needs a canreinvite=no in sip.conf
12:11.44IsUpno idea about Chanspy on SIP
12:11.47IsUpi am using SS7
12:12.45wonderworldwe have sip softphones, dialing out on Dahdi
12:13.57jermey_gthis can't be. after using a Dial(,,G()), the call would hangup
12:16.52kaldemarjermey_g: what do you expect it to do? feel free to show the dialplan and a cli output of a call.
12:24.30*** join/#asterisk path_ (
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12:30.20wonderworlddoh, no it doesn't work
12:36.26IsUpwonderworld: you cannot exit from Chanspy application
12:36.39IsUpyou can only switch channels with * key
12:36.50IsUp'core show application chanspy' for more details and usage
12:41.09*** join/#asterisk aiksa[LV] (
12:44.10*** join/#asterisk Thorn (n=thorn@unaffiliated/thorn)
12:45.01aiksa[LV]i just figured out how to catch almost any attended transfer event in AMI (on 1.4 asterisk) :)) yay
12:46.03TheIceManIsUp WARNING[7217]: app_dial.c:1502 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Dahdi' (cause 0 - Unknown)
12:49.40*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@2001:770:180:0:219:d1ff:fe80:ea64)
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12:51.20IsUpTheIceMan, use 'DAHDI' instead of 'Dahdi'
12:51.29IsUpand please put your dahdi conf files and outputs to pastebin
12:51.43IsUpi can't say anything with just an error output
12:53.43everi have an old fritzcard pci and i would like to use asterisk 1.6 with it.. is this possible?
12:53.52wonderworldIsUp: i don't want to exit but it seems to crash on me
12:54.22wonderworldIsUp: in case you want to have a look:
12:55.44IsUpagent is using DAHDI or not?
12:56.00IsUpwonderworld: theres nothing wrong with the output. its not an error.
12:56.25wonderworldyes, but why does it exit?
12:56.57IsUp'core set verbose 0' and 'core set debug 0'
12:56.59wonderworldon another installation, i have been able to stay on the channel for hours...chanspy just reatached itself when a new call started instead of exiting
12:58.18IsUpare you attaching to agent's channel or caller's channel?
12:58.52wonderworldagents have SIP/1xx
12:59.03wonderworldi attach to SIP/110- for example
13:03.18IsUpno idea wonderworld
13:03.32wonderworldwell, tnx anyway
13:04.12wonderworldi think it might have something to do with changing channel names.. like SIP/101-sdf3453443t to SIP/101-3453tewrgw
13:04.36wonderworldwhen using chanspy without a specific channel, it just gives me another one, when a call ends
13:04.50wonderworldbut i want to stay on one agent
13:05.33IsUphm hm hm
13:05.38IsUpi think its not possible
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13:06.06wonderworldwell, it worked somewhere else and i can't find out whats different here
13:06.08IsUpChanSpy(channel) works like regexp, goes to first matched channel
13:06.32TheIceManIsUp here are the conf files
13:06.55wonderworldyeah, but when i set my "regexp" to SIP/101- it should catch any call from 101, shouldn't it
13:07.11wonderworldso it would work. i think it exits, when it can't find a valid channel
13:07.23*** join/#asterisk E-bola (
13:07.51wonderworldi tried to restart it with a GoTo, just going to ChanSpy again, but it doesn't work either, because it exits and asterik hangs up on me
13:07.59*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
13:08.17IsUpTheIceMan: theres nothing configured at all..
13:08.42E-bolastarts investigating options for integrating asterisk and skype
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13:17.08TheIceManIsUp sorry, wrong file, i'll upload again
13:21.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
13:22.34E-bolahave anybody tested the channel module on ?
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13:25.30TheIceManstill getting WARNING[8007]: chan_dahdi.c:4301 handle_alarms: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
13:26.27*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
13:31.24ornI'm having an odd problem with call parking. It was fine yesterday and I don't remember having changed any settings... basically user blind transfer to xfer to parking extension, I hear the parking lot number and the user gets transferred. MOH stops the moment I select the parking lot extension for the user waiting. The user can be retrieved by dialing the parked extension and voice resumes. If the holding user hangs up, the channel state does not update. If the
13:31.34ornfull info with config files:
13:32.20*** join/#asterisk tokozedg (n=toka@
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13:55.43razdoes anyone know what the telephony backbone providers speak over those big undersea cables?
13:55.47angryuser_when the framing is "no crc4" for E1 what do you type in zaptel.conf ?
13:55.56razdo they speak SIP over IP or something else?
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13:58.58TheIceManIsUp still around ?
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14:01.49corhi all, anyone here running asterisk on a pretty large scale system? say 2000-5000 concurrent lines with STM1 type connectivity?
14:04.36corwondering if asterisk can scale there, and how. if it can scale parallel or needs to scale monolithic
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14:05.40dominic1anybody used gemeinschaft yet?
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14:08.30coppiceangryuser_: don't mention crc4 in zaptel.conf, and you won't get it
14:08.57angryuser_coppice: thank
14:13.55*** join/#asterisk brunner1 (
14:15.12brunner1when I modify and save /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf, and then type "dialplan reload" and "dialplan show" at the asterisk console, it shows me my old dialplan
14:15.27brunner1how can I figure out why my old dialplan isn't reloading?
14:17.03ornbrunner1: Maybe an odd question, but are you sure you are editing the right file?
14:17.21*** part/#asterisk dlewis (i=c7340d65@about/security/staff/dlewis)
14:18.02brunner1orn: there's only one instance of extensions.conf in my filesystem, and it resides in /etc/asterisk
14:18.29tzafrir_laptopdominic1, are there decent English docs?
14:19.18NoxIn-brunner1: have you checked if asterisk user have read right on the file extension.conf ?
14:19.21[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: pastebin an "ls -la" of /etc/asterisk including the call, "cat" your extensions.conf, and the show us the CLI attempt to reload it
14:19.28jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
14:21.16*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
14:21.24brunner1NoxIn-: yes
14:21.30brunner1[TK]D-Fender: working on it
14:21.35plundraI'm looking for a iax-capable client, with a gui, that uses alsa AND can handle multiple devices, I want to select what input/output device is used in the gui, that is.
14:23.09ornI'm having an odd problem with call parking. When I park call, either via transfer to xten or park digit sequence from features.conf, I hear the parking lot number and the user gets transferred. MOH stops for the caller the moment user is transferred. The user can be retrieved by dialing the parked extension and voice resumes. If the parked user hangs up, the channel state does not update and call seems to be live still. If the timeout for the park is reached, t
14:23.56orneverything worked superbly yesterday, then i arrive today and test it again and it doesn't, and I don't remember having changed anything
14:24.29IsUpplundra: there was a softphone named ... mm mm, i cant remember :D
14:25.07plundraIsUp: Yast? :-) I found that a bit too simplistic. (The gtk2-client)
14:25.16ornbrunner1: what does dialplan show show you?
14:25.28ornbrunner1: are you trying to remove the things that are in there, but don't seem to be in extensions.conf?
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14:26.16IsUpbrunner1: extensions.conf owned by root?
14:26.16[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: -rw-r--r--   1 root     root       113 2009-02-12 08:12 extensions.conf <- ROOT
14:26.32brunner1orn: dialplan show
14:26.35IsUpplundra: no, it wasnt yast
14:26.37TheIceManstill getting WARNING[8007]: chan_dahdi.c:4301 handle_alarms: Detected alarm on channel 1: Red Alarm
14:26.47brunner1[TK]D-Fender: it should still be about to read it, though
14:26.51brunner1shouldn't it/
14:27.09IsUpTheIceMan: theres nothing configured yet
14:27.11ornbrunner1: this seems to be all loaded from extensions.ael
14:27.22plundraIsUp: Was it open source or a closed one? (I just stumbled upon a non-open one, Zoiper)
14:27.25TheIceManIsUp i uploaded the right files
14:27.30[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: And it DID take your extensions.conf  <-
14:27.41IsUpplundra: it was Zoiper :D
14:27.53brunner1wtf is extensions.ael
14:28.04plundraIsUp: Mkay :-) I'm looking into it right now, thanks.
14:28.05ornit's a file in your /etc/asterisk directory
14:28.07[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: AEL <
14:28.20brunner1yeah, yeah, I didn't mean that literally
14:28.32[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: an optional extensions-type config file
14:28.35brunner1what I meant was, can I rename extensions.ael without breaking anything?
14:28.51[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: in modules.conf do "nolad =>
14:28.56brunner1awesome, thanks
14:28.57[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: in modules.conf do "noload =>"
14:28.58TheIceManIsUp something like this worked with zaptel
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14:29.11brunner1[TK]D-Fender: okay, thanks
14:29.57Carlos_PHXAnyone have experience and recommendations for a DID provider in Latin America?  Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, etc.
14:30.00orndid anyone find anything wrong with my parking configuration?
14:30.13*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
14:31.17brunner1uhg, I renamed extensions.ael to extensions.ael.old and reloaded my dialplan, but I still have 26 extensions
14:32.03orndid you do the noload too?
14:32.09orn(and restart asterisk)
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14:32.13E-bolaIf i add accounts in sip.conf do i need to restart asterisk for it to work, or is a reload enough?
14:32.22ornE-bola: you can do sip reload
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14:32.51brunner1not yet
14:32.55brunner1I'm doing that now
14:33.04brunner1at first I thought that renaming it would do the trick
14:34.05brunner1-= 1 extension (1 priority) in 5 contexts. =-
14:34.07brunner1sweet =]
14:38.20*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
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14:58.16superpop02E-bola, just reload is enough
14:59.13brunner1is there a way to get more verbose output than this?
14:59.15brunner1[Feb 12 08:57:57] NOTICE[23568]: chan_sip.c:7517 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #1)
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15:02.29brunner1when I stop asterisk and open my softphone, it registers fine with the same credentials
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15:04.13[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: And the reason you aren't showing us SIP debug for this conversation is...?
15:04.44brunner1...because I haven't learned how to access it yet
15:05.00[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: * CLI > sip set debug on
15:05.55*** join/#asterisk medjr (n=medjr@
15:06.27medjrhi people
15:06.34medjri need some help please
15:07.00medjri'm a new user of asterisk java and i need some help and some documentation on asterisk java
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15:07.35[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: Contact: <sip:s@>
15:07.52[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: You have not set * up properly to work from behind NAT
15:07.55jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
15:08.00[TK]D-Fenderbrunner1: ^^^ read up
15:08.21beek[TK]D-Fender: Morning TK
15:08.32[TK]D-Fenderbeek: mornin'
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15:15.29brunner[TK]D-Fender: that first link is 404, btw
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15:19.04medjrhi people
15:19.55[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Nope
15:20.11[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Both work 100%
15:20.21*** join/#asterisk sheri_rao (n=sheri_ra@
15:20.59sheri_raocan anyone send me test call on my astarisk server
15:21.07jermey_ga quick question, if we use dial to make a sip call, then is the callerid change in the same context
15:22.29jermey_grather, 5,Dial(someone,,G(6)) \n 6,store CALLERID(num) as an outcome of prio 1,2,3,4 in database
15:22.55jermey_glike i got this callerid by doing things in prior 1-4
15:23.04jermey_gso does a dial() change callerid from previous steps
15:24.14sheri_raoI need help if someone can call me on my asterisk server
15:26.26sheri_raoi like to solve some issues in asterisk based server can someone help me
15:27.52*** join/#asterisk greengiant (n=tdeland@
15:28.01sheri_raodovid are you there
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15:29.20[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: CID doesn't change unless you change it
15:29.23ornjermey_g: I'm not quite sure what you are saying, but no, Dial does not alter the CALLERID
15:29.38[TK]D-Fendersheri_rao: ...
15:29.40jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:31.38medjri need some help with java-asterisk api , can someone afford me with a tutorial and/or examples (other than those ine asterisk-java website) ???
15:31.47sheri_rao[TK]D-Fender, i want some help if you can call my server asterisk
15:32.17IsUpsheri_rao: you are looking for someone about 3243242 hours. i told to you. use "sipp" tool
15:32.20medjrsheri_rao you can't call the server dude, you can only call a client
15:32.26jermey_gorn:yeah thats what i found out to be. thanks
15:32.48jermey_g[TK]D-Fender:good to c u btw
15:33.06jermey_gis there anything wrong in this ${DB    (ch/    ${  DB(call/${  DB(map2/${CALLERID(num)})})})   }
15:33.10jermey_g${DB    (ch/    ${  DB(call/${  DB(map2/${CALLERID(num)})})})   }
15:33.15jermey_gah there! :)
15:33.22*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
15:33.42medjrthere are too many brackets jermey_g :P
15:33.47sheri_raoi want someone who can call from outside i mean from us europe
15:34.07jermey_gcmon, is it possible or not?
15:34.49jermey_gwhy doesn't someone help this poor guy sheri? Hez been here since morn
15:35.04jermey_gat least for past 5 hours
15:35.08*** join/#asterisk madgeek (
15:35.35jermey_gmedjr:btw, um also upto soon, what you are upto now
15:35.36ScribbleJI was asking someone to call m e the other day, I never got anyone to do it.
15:35.46jermey_gyeah, people dont tend to trust such requests
15:35.49ScribbleJsheri_rao, if you have a SIP number, I will dial it.
15:36.14medjri really dont tend to jermey_g
15:36.21ScribbleJWhat's someone going to do?
15:36.51ScribbleJCalling someone from my SIP phone isn't going to tell them anything they can't get from a WHOIS on me
15:37.03ScribbleJThere's no special risk
15:37.14ScribbleJUnless you're just scared of talking to people, which I could understand.
15:37.17*** part/#asterisk greengiant (n=tdeland@
15:37.20jermey_gmedjr:its fun, like i want to have my ejb running on a glassfish server to which my asterisk agi points to. then i want to sell my java server :D to a bastard .com
15:37.52medjrlol jermey_g
15:37.54jermey_ga commercial solution
15:37.56jermey_gno gpl bound
15:38.01sheri_raoi have pm you r u calling
15:38.19jermey_gsheri_rao:your routing is phuked up
15:38.35xrmx__anybody using munin to monitor asterisk 1.2?
15:39.41ScribbleJThere is nothing, sheri.  Keep trying.
15:42.38*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-db8ffe712794bbc2)
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15:43.56medjri need some help with java-asterisk api , can someone afford me with a tutorial and/or examples (other than those ine asterisk-java website) ??? please
15:45.39*** join/#asterisk telnettech (
15:45.51madgeekmedjr, no one can afford that
15:46.47telnettechTK: I have a question. which side of a SIP registration controls the port that the phone binds to if 5060 is already being used by another device with the same ip address
15:47.04telnettechthe device or the asterisk
15:47.25ScribbleJIt depends, which port 5060 do you mean, the server's sport or the client' sport?
15:47.40ScribbleJOR the client's dport? Or the server's dport, I suppose... although... two of those are the same.
15:48.02ScribbleJI guess client's sport is what you mean by 'phone bind' and of course then it's the phone.
15:48.29telnettechthe clients port. Like in the case of 2 phones behind a router and the router's ip address is used by asterisk to register the phones
15:48.55ScribbleJThen the router is performing NAT and it's NAT layer is responsible for that.
15:49.01*** part/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
15:49.22ScribbleJIf the router is NOT performing NAT then you wouldn't have the issue, right?
15:49.30telnettechok so it would be the device side.....thanks SfribbleJ
15:49.33*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
15:49.47sheri_raojermey_g, how did u know my routing is phuked up
15:49.47NoxIn-telnettech: no, it would be the router side
15:49.49jermey_gScribbleJ::D you just did him
15:50.03jermey_gsheri_rao:cuz i sent another call and it still doesnt work
15:50.04NoxIn-(if there is nat)
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15:50.32telnettechthats what i mean is the router but it is the router on the device side of the sip registration not the asterisk
15:50.44sheri_raocan you send me now
15:52.05asteriskmonkeyif you have 2 asterisk boxes (1 acting as a pri gateway) and the other just for handling sip, how can you set a sip channel status of number not available when you get a pri code for that... ie you get a cause 2 on a pri and the sip recieves a congestion in stead, is there a work around for that?
15:53.21[TK]D-Fendertelnettech: the PHONE sets its own inbound port #
15:53.26asteriskmonkeyhow do you assign sip cuase codes!
15:53.34sheri_raocan anyone send me test call
15:53.44[TK]D-Fenderasteriskmonkey: Not sure for your question.
15:56.05asteriskmonkeyhave an asterisk 1.2 box running all my pris, have a client box running asterisk 1.4, when the asterisk 1.2 box gets a call passed that isnt a number thats routable (ie a dead number) the pri cuase code is 2, but the sip channel is getting a congestion cause back, how do i fix that mapping
16:00.35telnettechthanks TK
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16:07.06fiddurasteriskmonkey: don't you get any ${HANGUPCAUSE}
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16:10.17asteriskmonkeyfiddure : yes, ive just discoverd that, i was doing mappings on dialstatus doh!
16:10.27jpcansaHI, i got a problem, telephone A calls B, then A transfers B to C, after that transfer, B still listens to MOH while C can listen to B. A and C are sip extensions in the same * while B is and outside Zap Channel. Any idea?   This is my CLI output:
16:11.41asteriskmonkeybut i one thing i noticed is you still need to setup hanggup cause on the pri gateway or the false hangup cause mapping is sent on the sip side
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16:15.24jayteedoes anyone know where is the list of the core asterisk sound files stored? I can't find the copy I had downloaded awhile back
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16:16.18Qwelljaytee: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ ?
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16:17.25jayteeQwell, thanks. Thought I'd checked in there already and I'd looked in the sounds tarball but I must have missed it.
16:17.47jayteerushing to get a queue ready in half the time I'd planned on having
16:18.21Qwellsurely your estimate was 4x over what it'll actually take though? :D
16:21.20angryuser_i have a problem with sangoma a101 card the span is going up/down al the time it is connected to the alcatel omnipcx and configured in 'normal' ie no in master mode, please if you have any clues here  is the debug
16:21.32fiddurTime estimations should be doubled, and then raised to the nearest larger time unit.  So, if it should take 1 day, plan it for 2 weeks.
16:22.21[TK]D-Fenderangryuser_: So your Alcatel provides timing?
16:22.33angryuser_[TK]D-Fender: yes
16:22.57angryuser_it is telco >>alcatel >>asterisk
16:23.31angryuser_maybe i need a special cable for that pbx ?
16:23.42[TK]D-Fenderangryuser_: If it works at all, no.
16:24.24angryuser_[TK]D-Fender: it is straight cable or cross over normally ?
16:26.28[TK]D-Fenderangryuser_: I would think a cross-over if they're treating you like they might a channel-bank
16:27.18angryuser_[TK]D-Fender: they have used a  cross over
16:28.00*** join/#asterisk Mr_BOnD_007 (i=Mr_BOnD_@
16:29.35asteriskmonkeywhat do you setup the hangup cause as if the number from a pri gateway is longdistance? what is a good match for that on the sip hangupcause
16:31.07sheri_raocan anyone help, i want someone give me test call
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16:32.46jpcansahi [TK]D-Fender, do you have any idea of whats happening with my *, with the problem i described above?
16:34.40icebrew54can anyone advise me of the technical challenges with using openvpn + asterisk?
16:35.26bmoracaicebrew54:  what exactly is your goal?
16:35.28asteriskmonkeyok so this sucks sip hangup cause codes suck, there is no differiantor for unallocated number , no route to destination, etc.. it seems you have to blanket everything with a 404 error, is there away around this?
16:35.42icebrew54we get VERY bad sound quality
16:35.54icebrew54clicking, bad noise, very bad lag
16:35.59icebrew54our ipsec connection works perfectly
16:36.04icebrew54openvpn = performs very bad
16:36.13bmoracaicebrew54:  what is your current setup?  are you trunking two asterisk boxes or do you have phones on one side?
16:36.33bmoracaicebrew54:  well, your IPSec VPN is probably hardware accellerated and openvpn is a software solution.
16:36.49icebrew54bmoraca: no ipsec is software
16:37.00icebrew54softphone ----> openvpn ----> asterisk
16:37.18Kobazi'm having problems pass callerid number over sip to another asterisk boc
16:37.45bmoracaicebrew54:  is the openvpn concentrator installed on the asterisk server or a different?
16:37.48*** join/#asterisk queuetue (
16:37.56icebrew54different box
16:38.14bmoracawhat is your bandwidth and latency through that connection for normal purposes?
16:38.25bmoracaand what is your IPSec concentrator?
16:39.51*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
16:39.57queuetueHi.  I've got a new box set up yesterday with a backup SIP VoicePulse trunk.  Yesterday, the VP connection was fine, and we called in and out of it testing all day.  This morning, sip show peers reports those peers UNREACHABLE, and calls do not work in either direction over it..  I can ping the VP server just fine ... what else can UNREACHABLE mean?
16:40.12jermey_gjermey_g> on cli> database show ch
16:40.13jermey_g<jermey_g> i get
16:40.13jermey_g<jermey_g> ch/                                              : SIP/2011-08277f58
16:40.13jermey_g<jermey_g> ch/2000                                          : SIP/
16:40.13jermey_g<jermey_g> ch/2010                                          : SIP/2010-08287228
16:40.13jermey_g<jermey_g> ch is the family, howcome it get the value ...f58 ???
16:40.19*** join/#asterisk sack (
16:40.22jermey_gch/ --> ??
16:40.30Kobazqueuetue: invalid login, or the remote side isn't accepting sip traffic
16:40.43Kobazqueuetue: contact voicepulse support
16:40.53queuetueKobaz, Ok.  Thanks.
16:41.00ruben23hi what are the codecs this output,
16:42.16*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (n=arodgers@
16:43.08[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: Because thats what was put in there.
16:43.21[TK]D-FenderjerHow do you NOT know what puts entries in there?
16:43.58[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Every one with an entry
16:44.56Kattyread. now.
16:44.59SunnyDPohh yeah
16:45.02SunnyDPactually i did
16:45.13Kattythis makes me incredibly happy.
16:45.19SunnyDPthey could not trace hiv after a steamcell transplant?
16:45.23Kattyi hope they can duplicate it.
16:45.23SunnyDPit should not
16:45.31SunnyDPAIDS are here to stay
16:45.46SunnyDPits harder than it seems
16:45.49Kattymany diseases linger on.
16:46.19Kattybut it is an amazing step in the medical field.
16:46.45Kattykinda like the ibex (=
16:46.55Kattythat was an amazing first step too.
16:47.35*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
16:47.39ruben23[TK]D-Fender:so my g729 codec is working..? but i tried it with asterisk demo..the voice is really distorted...tired ulaw & alaw also..
16:47.46Kattynow i wonder if i have the CCR5delta32 mutation.
16:48.08*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
16:48.26[TK]D-Fenderruben23: it appears to be INSTALLED
16:48.30*** join/#asterisk aGGiS (n=nh@
16:48.33[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Go look at your CALL.
16:48.38Katty[TK]D-Fender: no comment?
16:48.47Katty[TK]D-Fender: you always have a comment.
16:49.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: Stem cell research is the work of the DEVIL!  We need a faith-based solution!
16:49.48Kattyi wonder how mississippi feels now.
16:50.19*** join/#asterisk intralanman (
16:50.24Kattyhi ray
16:50.26*** join/#asterisk mog (n=mog@nat/digium/x-00d414b5c07d14ae)
16:50.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
16:50.28Kattyhi mog
16:50.41eppigyi am dave
16:50.43*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
16:50.45intralanmanhi Katty
16:50.55Kattyhi dave
16:50.55moghi Katty
16:51.08Kattyintralanman: did you read the HIV article on reddit today?
16:51.23intralanmanKatty: nope... why?
16:51.43Kobazi'm having problems passing callerid number over sip to another asterisk boc
16:51.45intralanmanKatty: i try to avoid reddit like it IS HIV
16:51.53Kobazit's always set to the username of the sip peer
16:52.03[TK]D-Fenderintralanman: I avoid cliches like the plague...
16:55.03bijitCan i connect an E1 from an asterisk to and E1 to an analog PBX?
16:55.58Qwellbijit: how is the other end of the E1 getting to the analog PBX?
16:56.13bijitTelco ---> E1 Asterisk -------> E1 Panasonic Analog E1
16:56.35Qwellif it accepts an E1, it's not an analog PBX :)
16:57.31Qwellbijit: yes, that would work fine.  you would just need a dual-span card in the Asterisk box.  1 for the E1 coming from the telco, 1 for the E1 going to the other PBX
16:58.14bijitQwell: sorry its this KX-TDA200 - Hybrid IP-PBX Phone Systems
16:58.59bijitQwell: Thank you very much.
17:00.24*** join/#asterisk sob0l (
17:05.52Kobazso hmm, noone knows how to fix my callerid problem?
17:05.59sob0lI get  chan_sip.c: Supervised transfer requested, but unable to find callid '42c1cba8-c1d5dfaf@'.  Both legs must reside on Asterisk box to tr
17:06.02sob0lansfer at this time.
17:06.14sob0lIt's on Asterisk 1.2.31.
17:06.38*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
17:06.50KobazoooOOoo, never mind, i got it... i had to turn on sendrpid
17:10.22Kattyhugs Qwell
17:10.34QwellKatty: What did I do? :(
17:11.15Kattyhugs Qwell again
17:11.23QwellKatty: What did I do again? :(
17:11.46Kattyhugs on Qwell awhile
17:12.41jermey_g[TK]D-Fender:have you ever used Dial with option G()
17:12.41QwellI'm slightly disturbed.
17:12.53mvanbaakKatty and Qwell sitting in a tree .....
17:13.11KattyQwell: you would be.
17:13.17QwellKatty: I always am.
17:13.55[TK]D-Fenderjermey_g: No, but whats your question on it?
17:16.21*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
17:16.34*** join/#asterisk medjr (n=medjr@
17:21.51*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
17:28.55*** join/#asterisk Torrieri (n=Torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
17:31.35fcois93work day is over!
17:31.39*** part/#asterisk fcois93 (
17:35.57bmoracai wish digium and sangoma used traditional distribution channels for their hardware.
17:36.07*** join/#asterisk freddyk (
17:36.32Qwellbmoraca: convince a "traditional distributor" to sign up
17:37.41bmoracai just don't like ordering from fly-by-night internet-only outfits.  i'd much rather order from Ingram or Techdata
17:38.19Qwellbmoraca: you can always buy Digium direct
17:39.34*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
17:41.43*** join/#asterisk smurf (n=smurf@debian/developer/smurf)
17:43.09*** join/#asterisk Talkradio (
17:45.26Kobazif you call them direct.. the parent company is e4strategies... you can get better prices
17:46.13*** join/#asterisk Esperegu (n=Esperegu@
17:46.46Kattyi'm thinking about taking my fiance home something
17:46.48Kattyi'm thinking vodka
17:46.49*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
17:46.50Kattyis this a good idea?
17:47.07Espereguanyone knows why it might be I don't see anything on the console when I have an incomming sip call?
17:47.09madgeekyour fiance?
17:47.10Kattyvodka and pizza?
17:47.18madgeekand you still need to liquor her up to get action?
17:47.31*** join/#asterisk xacatecas (
17:47.34Kattyintralanman: is vodka a good idea?
17:47.46madgeekin all seriousness though, that's a smashing idea, bring mixers too
17:47.53Kobazcan i come?
17:47.57madgeekat least vermouth for matinis if she's into that
17:47.59bmoracais vodka ever a bad idea?
17:48.02Kattyfirst of all
17:48.05Kattymadgeek: i am a female.
17:48.07Kattymadgeek: my fiance is NOT
17:48.08*** join/#asterisk RobertLaptop (n=rmiddle@
17:48.17madgeekthen HE isn't your fiance
17:48.20madgeeklearn some french
17:48.31Kattyis vodka a good or a bad idea?
17:48.51madgeekfor you maybe
17:48.52bmoracafiancé is the male form...fiancée is the female form...
17:49.00madgeekwhiskey or bourbon if he indeed still has a penis
17:49.01bmoracahello face, meet palm.
17:49.11Kattyare there any sane males in here.
17:49.13Kobazshe had it right then
17:49.18bmoracayes, she did
17:49.19QwellKatty: nope
17:49.24Kattyjaytee: i need your help
17:49.27madgeekfuck you bish
17:49.43QwellKatty: you want somebody sane, and you turn to jaytee?
17:49.45Kattyjaytee: you are the only sane male available for consultation
17:49.46madgeekis this #getdrunkwithmyman??
17:49.54bmoracaKatty:  gin is a bit more classy than vodka...  grab some collins mixer and you've got a good drink :)
17:49.57KattyQwell: well you certainly aren't :P
17:50.01*** join/#asterisk bminish (n=bminish@2001:770:180:0:219:d1ff:fe80:ea64)
17:50.13Kattythink valentines day
17:50.17Kattygirls want flowers
17:50.20Kattyguys want vodka and...
17:50.22Kobazno they dont
17:50.28Kobazgirls want chocolate and porn
17:50.44madgeekyeah that's saturday
17:50.46intralanmanvodka is generally a bad idea
17:50.55Kattyintralanman: what do YOU want for valentines day
17:51.07intralanmanthe day off
17:51.09madgeekif you have to ask advice about liquor, then you shouldn't be drinking it
17:51.24Kattyi think somehow the point is being missed.
17:51.24madgeekjust get a nice microbrew
17:51.40madgeekyeah and you're the one missing it
17:51.46Kattyi guess.
17:52.04madgeekif bringing home booze is your best romantic idea then you're totally effed (or not as the case may be)
17:52.20madgeekbut i'm just an "insane" male so what do i know
17:52.27bmoracai always tell my fiancée that she should take pictures of herself for valentine's day and give them to me.  she never does, but I'd prefer that to her buying me something.  I usually buy her jewelry...last year it was a pearl ring...this year, a pearl necklace...
17:52.46intralanmanKatty: have you seen this?
17:52.58Kobazlove shouldn't be about spending money on each other
17:53.06KobazKatty: take your guy skiing this weekend
17:53.20Kattyumm no. he doesn't like that.
17:53.20postelbmoraca: next year get her a Blackberry Pearl
17:53.26xacatecasusing the SIPpeers manager action, is it possible to get some extra fields returned from asterisk, eg, the account code perhaps?
17:53.44bmoracapostel:  next year, we'll be married and then i'm not obligated to get her anything
17:53.46intralanmanpostel: that's like saying "give her a pearl necklace"
17:53.56Kobazbmoraca: haha
17:54.16intralanmanbmoraca: have you ever been married?
17:54.29bmoracaintralanman:  nope
17:54.33intralanmanthat's soooo not the way it works
17:54.41intralanmanin my experience anyway
17:54.42madgeekmarriage is merely for tax reasons
17:55.06bmoracaactually, i'd wager taxes are higher from being married if either of you make any decent amount of money
17:55.19intralanmannah, marriage should be for love... kids are for tax reasons ;-)
17:55.28Kobazyou have a million writeoffs for a married couple
17:55.54Kobazit's extimated that each kid will cost you about a million dollars over your lifetime
17:56.21bmoracaright, but those writeoffs aren't going to get you out of the higher tax braket from filing jointly
17:56.44bmoracaanyway...back to telephony...which is superior:  Sangoma A400 or Digium TDM2400?
17:57.08ReDNeQi had better success with SANGOMA
17:57.11bmoracathat's what i was thinking
17:57.18Kobazmuch more debugging information as well
17:57.28Kobazyou have access to the low level t1 counters and crc counters, and etc
17:58.04bmoracawell, these are analog cards, so i don't care about that...but, I have found debugging PRI issues on sangoma cards is much simpler than Digium cards
17:58.08bmoracawanpipemon kicks ass
17:58.30Kobaza400 is a 4 span t1 card
17:58.41bmoracano, that's the a104
17:58.46Kobazoh, right
17:58.53bmoracaa400 is a 6-module analog card
17:58.56Kobazokay, yeah
17:59.01Kobazso with the analogs you get good info too
17:59.04Kobazyou get voltage levels
17:59.12Kobazdigium/rhino do not
17:59.40Kobazi've had some digium modules fry too
17:59.42bmoracacould be be honest, though, i try to stear my customers away from analog trunking...
18:00.16bmoracathis customer wants prices on both...and since the digium and sangoma cards were both $1090 with echocancellation and 8 FXO ports, it seemed a wash
18:00.39Kobazthe echo cancelation is worth it
18:00.44bmoracano doubt
18:01.28*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
18:01.47SparFuxDamn! I bought telephones and they make a bad noise! I am really annoyed.
18:02.10Kobazas opposed to a good noise?
18:02.11bmoracadon't buy crappy telephones anymore?
18:02.29SparFuxbmoraca: I won't!
18:02.51SparFuxI hate this crap hardware! The noise is almost as loud as the voice!
18:02.52bmoracaout of curiosity, which phones did you buy?
18:03.12SparFuxbmoraca: Like these ones.
18:03.32*** join/#asterisk _mwoodj_ (n=mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
18:03.47bmoracatrendy looking
18:03.56SparFuxYes, they are really stylish.
18:04.09bmoracaPhilips CD1 ftw
18:04.25Kobazyou should get a high quality, all-weather phone
18:04.46SparFuxAnd I also bought this one and hope it's better!
18:05.07bmoracaGai-tronics?  rofl...tell me that's a the RTFM button on CyberData speakers...
18:05.29SparFuxkobaz: I should get a Bluetooth Hifi headset, that's what I will be best off with.
18:05.41KobazSparFux: polycom
18:06.02[TK]D-FenderSparFux: "neuwertiges Sinus PRO 800 ISDN VOIP TAE Adapter" <- Probably will only report back "Congestion"
18:06.26[TK]D-FenderSparFux: And you are buying garbage at random off ebay. Good &^$#ing luck with that
18:06.44Kobazman i'm rich
18:06.45KobazI am Lim Yang,an attorney at law.A deceased client of mine,
18:06.45Kobazthat shares the same last name as your's,died as a
18:06.45Kobazresult of a heart-related condition in March 12th 2007.Leaving behind a
18:06.46bmoracawhat is it with Germans and ugly-ass phones?
18:06.47Kobazdeposit valued at $19 million dollars,
18:07.00bmoracawhat's the source IP of that email in the header?
18:07.05[TK]D-FenderSparFux: You are clearly just a cheap bastard.
18:07.07jbotrumour has it, cheap is a bad idea.  If you're setting up an Asterisk system, one of the wisest pieces of advice you can take is this: DON'T BE A CHEAPSKATE.
18:07.48bmoracayeah, just ask rue_mohr about being cheap and how much aggrivation it caused him
18:07.52jplankheh, I just said that to someone last night
18:08.14Kobazbmoraca: heh... Received: from [] (port=45114
18:08.15*** join/#asterisk bob_vncsnvs (
18:08.18jplankfender you would of been so proud of me last night, I helped someone without giving them the answer, and using subtle hints
18:08.34[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Hes in the "just doesn't get it / whiner / too smart (about everything else not relevent) for his ow good" category
18:08.34jplanktwo people at that
18:08.59[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: HI! :)
18:10.00KobazSparFux: why can't you just buy from a regular store:
18:10.19bmoracawhat's the saying?  give a man a fish, feed him for a day...teach a man to fish and he'll leave me alone forever?
18:10.58Kobazit's: make a fire for a man, he's warm for the day... set the man on fire, he is warm forever
18:11.20SparFuxI think you guys are right.
18:12.00SparFuxPolycom IP320 looks GREAT.
18:12.05Talkradio320's are nice but for a few bucks more you can use the 330 and only use one cable run :)  great so far on small 10 user setup
18:12.05SparFuxCrap, I should have bought.
18:12.25KobazSparFux: i have three of them here
18:12.42KobazTalkradio: yeah 330's are cool too, i think it's like $20 more, for the second ethernet port
18:13.10Talkradioactually 109 is what i paid for the last 15 one week ago from voipsupply
18:13.12Kobazi like the 650 with sidecar
18:13.22bmoraca650's a nice phone, aye
18:13.22Kobazbut then you're looking at a 500 dollar phone
18:13.25bmoracaexpensive, though
18:13.40bmoracai still like the Polycom 501
18:13.43bmoracabut the 330's nice too
18:13.53Talkradioi have a customer with a 650 and with the speaker all the way up it's still not loud enough.. any cures for that
18:13.55[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: ....
18:13.57jbotBender : Light a fire for a man and he's warm for a night.  Light a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...
18:14.17bmoracatrue that
18:14.23Kobazthat's what i said
18:14.48Talkradioyou guys hear about that stripper they set on fire outside a club? i bet she has a smoking bod lol
18:14.56KobazTalkradio: get one of those polycom conference phones
18:15.21Kobazi have the same problem with my polycoms, the speakerphone just isn't very loud
18:15.21Talkradioi will when a request is made for one :)
18:15.31SparFuxFender: On the other hand, "neuwertiges Sinus PRO 800 ISDN VOIP TAE Adapter" runs on linux.
18:15.43Talkradiopurp kush? heh
18:15.46bmoracanever had a problem with volume on the polycoms...or the Ciscos...haven't used any others
18:15.47*** join/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
18:15.56Kobazwhy do you want isdn
18:16.03Kobazdont you just want ip phones
18:17.10bmoracai want someone to invent a USB FXS adapter for use on customer machines
18:17.18Kobazthey have those
18:17.31bmoracaare they an open standard?
18:17.53Kobazi doubt it
18:18.02bmoracawell there ya go
18:18.29SparFuxAnd why not buy Polycom IP320 on ebay?
18:19.27bmoracabecause then you're giving business to ebay and ebay is evil
18:19.40SparFuxYes, ebay is evil. That's right.
18:19.45KobazSparFux: phones may be damaged or who knows
18:19.56SparFuxkobaz: I can give them back.
18:20.12telnettechper Nugget......Telnet is evil!!!!!!
18:20.27*** join/#asterisk M1s3ry (n=M1s3ry@nat/digium/x-33a0c91bb135fca9)
18:20.37SparFuxtelnet: telnet is good on secure channels.
18:21.18telnettechi agree but someone said that ebay is evil and I think nugget would disagree
18:21.23Kobazwhy are you so obsessed with ebay
18:21.29Talkradioif you buy 10 on ebay and even one is bad and you can't return it you lose
18:21.47bmoracaplus shipping is generally more
18:21.53bmoracaespecially if you have to return it
18:21.58Kobazyou'll pay more one bay than from a dealer
18:22.11Kobazit'll be 20 bucks below retail but then 35 bucks shipping
18:22.25Talkradioahh the ol' shipping scam
18:22.36Kobazwell it's not a scam, it's written right there when you bid
18:22.52rene-there are good retailers who also will sell over ebay
18:22.57rene-like reputable retailers
18:23.26[TK]D-FenderNo, SparFux is mean an addicted cheap-ass.
18:25.28*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
18:25.30Kobazif you need cheap phones, go to walmart
18:25.51Kobazand get some analog gateways
18:26.01*** part/#asterisk MikeJ (n=MikeJ@freeswitch/developer/mikej)
18:26.32telnettechnobody is cheaper than a hotel owner.....they dont want to spend a penny for anything
18:27.03Kobazi was in a motel in hot springs south carolina
18:27.03Nuggetthat's how copper wire was invented.  a dispute between a hotel and a guest over a penny.  :)
18:27.06telnettechbut they want to meet the brand "standards"....what a joke
18:27.14Kobazthey didn't even have any phones in the rooms
18:27.18Kobazthere was one payphone outside
18:27.32telnettechsee what i deal with daily
18:27.56Kobazheh, penny
18:28.10Kobazthe best is the guy calling verizon disputing his bandwidth bill on his cell phone
18:28.23Nuggetoh that verizon math call is classic.
18:28.46Kobazthe rate on the contract was .02 cents per kB, but the girl at verizon was saying .02 cents is the same as .02 dollars
18:29.02*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
18:29.30bmoracaSprint tried to do that with my bill...i received 26 bills for a 24 month contract
18:35.06jayteeKatty, sorry. I was away getting lunch. What's up?
18:35.27*** part/#asterisk M1s3ry (n=M1s3ry@nat/digium/x-33a0c91bb135fca9)
18:40.24icebrew54does anyone have experience with openvpn + asterisk?
18:40.44bmoracaicebrew54:  i tried to help you before.  what's your latency and bandwidth between the two peers on other applications?  also, what is your IPSec concentrator?
18:41.01*** join/#asterisk Whitor (
18:41.19icebrew54latency is low and bandwidth is sufficient....asterisk box has 5mbit in/out
18:41.29icebrew5450ms latency via vpn to box
18:41.39bmoracavia ping?
18:42.09icebrew54our ipsec iax2-iax2 works fine...
18:42.13bmoracawhat is the speed if you attempt to download a file over the openvpn?
18:42.29icebrew54when we use openvpn sip quality goes very bad
18:42.55*** join/#asterisk jmodigb (
18:43.12madgeekjmo what
18:43.15madgeekwhat's happenin
18:43.16bmoracasip quality goes bad when latency sucks, there's packet loss, or your bandwidth is low
18:44.08jmodigb@madgeek, same old
18:44.27icebrew54the amazing thing for that the openvpn is half the "hops" from asterisk....better ping time, more bandwidth and still bad quality
18:44.30*** join/#asterisk kim0 (n=kimoz@unaffiliated/kim0)
18:44.34icebrew54I suppose I should try iax2 + openvpn
18:44.53icebrew54we use ipsec for overseas iax2 connection and it sounds flawless...200ms
18:45.11bmoracaicebrew54:  what is terminating the IPSec connection?
18:45.39icebrew54both ends
18:47.09SparFuxFender: the cheap shit neuwertiges isdn phone on ebay will report back whatever I want 'cause it runs on linux.
18:48.03SparFuxFender: The german telekom has stopped shipping this device and eBay was my only chance. 60 Euro isn't dirt cheap and I honestly thought it would be much more and bid a much higher price, I just had good luck in this auction.
18:48.41QwellSparFux: just because it runs Linux doesn't mean it's open to those types of things
18:49.16SparFuxQwell: why wouldn't it? I could fix it and put stuff in. I think.
18:49.36QwellSparFux: I find it incredibly unlikely that they offer the source for their ISDN stack.
18:50.16SparFuxHm... OMG.
18:50.36QwellThis is why you need to research your purchases before you make them...
18:50.38SparFuxYes, it might not be possible to use my favorite mISDN.
18:50.47icebrew54bmoraca: that's why I'm confused as to why we are having quality issues....we have an overseas connection literally that sounds better than our "local" openvpn/sip combo
18:51.07icebrew54less hops, more bandwidth etc
18:56.26*** join/#asterisk davevg-btwtech (
18:56.31[TK]D-FenderSparFux: ISDN phones for *?  YUCK.  And I don't give a rats ass if my devices run Linux or not.. I want them to NOT SUCK.
18:57.04SparFuxOk ok ok. You are right. On my second thought I feel, I should not have bought this phone.
18:57.40SparFuxSo, what do you guys say to the Sipura SPA-2000 ATA?
18:58.37bmoracaicebrew54:  this is why people don't generally use opensource/software-based connectivity solutions in business...
18:59.06bmoracaget yourself a hardware VPN solution
18:59.10icebrew54lol right...
18:59.11bmoracaa cisco ASA or something
18:59.38bmoracai've never heard of any company actually using openvpn in their day-to-day operations.  if you were to ask that in a networking forum, you would be laughed at
18:59.48Qwellbmoraca: umm
18:59.49icebrew54lol really?
18:59.53icebrew54dude you need to get out more
18:59.56bmoracalol yes
18:59.57Qwellyeah, seriously
18:59.57jmodigbwe use astaro client, which is based on openvpn
18:59.58bmoracalol no
19:00.05icebrew54we use it as a firm...
19:00.06jmodigbit works great
19:00.14icebrew54I've used it at previous firms as well
19:00.26*** part/#asterisk brunner (
19:00.33ScribbleJbmoraca, I use openvpn /lots/ of places.  #openvpn is on Freenode you know...
19:00.48ScribbleJbmoraca, that said i've never tried routing SIP over it, can't seew hy it wouldn't work.
19:01.05icebrew54I'm going to try a different codec, I found a forum article that states other people are doing openvpn + sip combos
19:01.07bmoracayour issue is coming from one of two places:  either your VPN concentrator cannot handle the load or you have an MTU issue (VPN adds overhead)
19:01.22citywokis therea ny way to tell why an idle asterisk install is using 100% cpu of 1 core?
19:01.34citywokit's never happened until i installed asterisk 1.6 on a test box yesterday
19:01.45citywokyes, thats how i can tell that it is using 100%
19:01.46icebrew54bmoraca: I'll look into MTU as well
19:01.56bmoracaMTU issue will cause fragmentation which will cause sip quality problems
19:01.57citywoki asked why not how
19:02.00icebrew54bmoraca: I guess it's connectivity related or codec related
19:02.02bmoracarather, i should say excess fragmentation
19:02.30ScribbleJicebrew54, you don' thave compression enabled in your openvpn, do you?  Are you using udp or tcp for it?
19:02.31bmoracaicebrew54:  switching to a more compressed codec will only mask an mtu problem and may not help at all
19:02.31QwellRTP is small packets.  Much smaller than MTU.
19:03.01icebrew54ScribbleJ: yes compression is being used....we are thinking of disabling that as an attempt as well
19:03.05bmoracaQwell:  one would expect so...unless openvpn is improperly configured
19:03.08SunnyDPrtcp smaller than rtp
19:03.14ScribbleJicebrew54, that would be my number 1 guess.   Drop that first.
19:03.26icebrew54ScribbleJ: will do, I will test later today via coffee shop
19:03.30SunnyDPrtp is rather large as its carries the payload
19:03.31icebrew54going to modify our local vpn here first
19:03.42ScribbleJicebrew54, good luck.  You might try asking in ##openvpn here too.
19:03.55icebrew54ok, will do that as well
19:03.55QwellSunnyDP: The individual packets are tiny.
19:04.09SunnyDPcompared to ?
19:04.21SunnyDPahhh ok :D
19:05.09*** join/#asterisk talirk81 (i=434e2716@gateway/web/ajax/
19:05.26SunnyDPwe were just doing some voip attacks
19:05.42SunnyDPman in the middle
19:05.50SunnyDPconversations in the clear
19:06.00SunnyDPjust like an ftp transfer
19:06.09talirk81Can someone look  at   using  Get Variable and get full variable  dont seem to be working in a DEADAGI im using but  when i was in the normal phase of the call using a AGI() it worked fine, what am i doing wrong?
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19:16.27icebrew54SunnyDP: heh yeah....that's the way most protocols are from my understand
19:16.42icebrew54unless they encompass some sort of built in encryption, which a lot of them do not
19:17.16SunnyDPlike https ? ssh?
19:17.21SunnyDPstuff like that ?
19:17.41icebrew54yep, and even those are susceptible
19:17.52icebrew54just not as easy :P
19:18.00SunnyDPyour right
19:18.19SunnyDPmost secure has to be VPN
19:18.57Nuggeteverything is susceptable  :)
19:19.15Nuggethas worked at facilities that employed pressurized conduit because they were scared of cat5.
19:19.16madgeeksunnyDP, you had to do your own attacks to figure this out?
19:19.30icebrew54haha nice
19:19.57SunnyDPyes as  a presentation on a Nortel BCM system at the Nortel Offices :D
19:20.04madgeekthat article is from 2006
19:20.33SunnyDPquite old yes :D
19:20.56madgeekand i'm having a feeling that i read a simialr article on the register some time last year
19:21.33madgeekbut yeah, IAX or whatever you're using doesn't have any security
19:21.46*** join/#asterisk talirk81 (i=434e2716@gateway/web/ajax/
19:21.47madgeekVPN is the way to go if you're talking about the torture you're not doing to ppl
19:22.37SunnyDPonce an employees laptop is configured for vpn, you can set it and forget it :D:D:D
19:22.37Corydon76-digmadgeek: saying it doesn't have any security is going a little far
19:22.46SunnyDPthats right
19:22.58madgeeknothing i would trust as much as VPN
19:23.02talirk81Sorry i got knocked offline.... was my issue, I cant seem to use GET VARIABLE or GET FULL VARIABLE  to get varibles into a deadagi, that were availible just fine to normal AGI's before the hang up phase , plus one varible i defined in the hangup phase  and the deadagi cant even see it. Any ideas?
19:23.07Corydon76-digWell, that's true enough
19:23.11SunnyDPhe is only saying it's succeptible to attacks
19:23.17madgeeknot trying to bad mouth it Corydon76-dig
19:23.42madgeekjust saying that's true of anything that's not EXPLICITLY secure, run it over a secure tunnel
19:23.43Corydon76-digmadgeek: but then again, to what attack are you trying to protect it?
19:24.15SunnyDPusers who understand the complexity behind VPN swear by it
19:24.17madgeekindeed Corydon76-dig
19:24.50Corydon76-digvpn is overkill for most applications
19:24.50Qwellmadgeek: So, you run IRC directly to a VPN on a Freenode server?
19:25.15madgeekb/c i'm not trying to secure my shit talking in #wolson or my curiosity in #asterisk
19:25.27madgeeki'm not sending anything sensitive here
19:25.34SunnyDPLL :D
19:25.38Qwellyour messages to nickserv
19:25.48SunnyDP./identify ;)
19:25.52Corydon76-digI'm not sending anything sensitive over voip, either
19:26.11SunnyDPcredit card #'s ???
19:26.16SunnyDPbanking information ?
19:26.21madgeekoh yeah? the password the i ONLY use for IRC is sensitive?
19:26.26Corydon76-digI use HTTP SSL for CC #'s
19:26.27madgeekand if someone gets it what happens?
19:26.30madgeeki lose my nick?
19:26.36madgeekoh HORROR OF HORRORs
19:26.37SunnyDP<Corydon76-dig>: what about those
19:27.02Corydon76-digSunnyDP: see above
19:27.07bmoracavoip is no more susseptable to listening than a land-line.  hell, i'd wager it's easier to tap a land-line than it is to tap a voip call
19:27.24madgeekbmoraca, i agree with that
19:27.32madgeeki don't efven need to get in the bldg to tap a landline
19:28.06Corydon76-digAttackers don't monitor voip for CC#'s... It's far easier to break into a site and steal a DB full of thousands of CC #'s than to listen into a voip call and transcribe a single one
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19:28.33icebrew54lol remember that hack done to the p2p company awhile back....they sniffed their voip calls
19:28.35madgeekor break into a site and steal a DB full of SSNs and just create your own CC accounts
19:28.37SunnyDPnot if you are trying to attack a person in particular
19:28.41SunnyDPmany are these days
19:28.43icebrew54what company was that...
19:28.45SunnyDPthey focus
19:28.51Corydon76-digAnd honestly, what's the point?  You're not liable for theft of your CC#
19:28.59SunnyDPi dont care
19:29.02SunnyDPbut some do
19:29.14madgeekliable or not, it's a HUGE hassle to clean up after the fact
19:29.38icebrew54yep, regardless it's the risk you take by utilizing plastic
19:29.43Nuggetnot really.  it is a pain for a debit card, but a credit card compromise is pretty low drama
19:29.57icebrew54the problem is...the CC companies don't want to make it "too hard" to spend money
19:30.00Corydon76-digThis is why my debit card is not a Visa
19:30.11SunnyDPLOL :D:D:D
19:30.27icebrew54it's counter productive in some ways for them to involve extra security mechanisms
19:30.37icebrew54I mean at fast food restaurants you can just "scan" and not even sign
19:30.40ScribbleJWell, VISA doesn't pay when there's fraud - usually.
19:30.46ScribbleJIt's the /merchant/ that pays when there is fraud.
19:31.16ScribbleJSo when the fast-food resturant makes a deal for that kind ofscanning, they do it knowing full well if someone rips them off that way, they will pay.
19:31.43icebrew54hehe nice
19:31.49icebrew54well it screws the merchant
19:32.19icebrew54hence the point....
19:32.25icebrew54they are in a perfect position of the market
19:32.28ScribbleJI work for a payment gateway and ISO so I do this stuff all day long.
19:32.34icebrew54taking a cut :P
19:32.36ScribbleJAnd yeah, VISA has got a /great/ racket.
19:32.43icebrew54yeah they are crooks in the end... :P
19:34.18Nugget*shrug*  my experience with credit cards as a consumer and as a merchant has been pretty positive.
19:34.42ScribbleJThat new scan- without-signing program is very popular.  There's a limit, though, your average ticket has to be < $25 IIRC
19:35.00ScribbleJNugget, you prolly didn't have to deal with many chargebacks.
19:35.09ScribbleJNugget, which is GOOD - that means you were doin' it right.
19:35.26Nuggetonly one in three years.
19:35.34talirk81anyone around that could help on why  im unable to pull in varibles to a deadagi, that i can see are being set in that context (used full and normal get variable)
19:35.39ScribbleJWow... you need a new merchant account?  We'll sign you up!
19:35.44Nuggetheh  :)
19:37.07bmoracawe need a new merchant account...boss-man is too cheap to bother though...we'd need to upgrade our ISP's payment gateway in order to do that.
19:37.11ScribbleJWe just learned one of our merchants got hacked, I heard this morning.  Tht guy is feeling some major pain right now.
19:37.13AndyTanyone using the FOP from with a large number of stations?
19:37.51ScribbleJNot only does he have to cover something like up to $5000 per card, but he's got to cover the cost of a forensic analysis, and after that we're gunna slap him witht he cost of a level 1 PCI audit.
19:38.31bmoracaouch, lol
19:39.02ScribbleJYeah, well, from what I know so far, he was storing card numbers, which is stupid for a merchant, not only that, but unencrypted, and not only that,but in a system with no firewall and major SQL injection issues.
19:39.19ScribbleJSounds to me like he was asking for it.
19:40.08bmoracawhat a mook
19:40.53autscribblej: where did he agree to cover the $5000? is that part of the visa regulations? or part of the contract with your company?
19:41.10ScribbleJaut, the $5000 per card incidence is part of VISAs regs, applies to all merchants.  See "PCI-DSS"
19:41.43ScribbleJScrewing up PCI is /very/ fucking expensive to anyone in the chain.
19:41.54autive had processors tell me that PCI is a joke :)
19:41.58ScribbleJIT depends.
19:41.59Miccdoes asterisk support g722 wideband?
19:42.11ScribbleJIt dpends.  I've said PCI is a joke a lot of times, myself.
19:43.15ScribbleJI've had PCI auditors that were a joke, too.  But the bottom line is, if you are out of your depth, like 99% of merchants I've seen witht heir own solutions are, then PCI at least gives you a good checklist to cover to make sure you're not /STUPID/.
19:43.29autyeah, good point
19:44.40ScribbleJPCI is a lot less of a joke than it's older cousin, CISP, though... PCI auditors also seem to get more clueful every year.  Heck, VISA is finally allowing us to run  VMs in the production environment this year!  Hooray, it's only been popular for a decade now.
19:46.29*** join/#asterisk carranca (n=carranca@
19:47.35icebrew54I had heard (over beers mind you) of a major payment processor who is using pre-set keys (hard-coded to be exact) for their encryption policies
19:48.19ScribbleJHah, oh boy, you want some stories?
19:48.42ScribbleJWhen I started at the company I'm at now, they had purchased a gateway-in-a-box, I won't name it, but I'll tell you there are some glowing reviews of it on
19:49.19ScribbleJSo I connect to the thing, and find if you have disabled javascript in your browser, clicking the 'login' button with nothing int he box logs you into the first account created (usually the admin)
19:49.53*** join/#asterisk jeffp81 (
19:50.54bmoracalol, nice
19:51.07ScribbleJEffin brilliant.
19:51.47bmoracawheee...just quoted an asterisk system to a beauty
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19:52.22ScribbleJDid they specify its color on the request for quote?
19:52.46manxpowerDoes anyone know how to make a polycom re-read the system-wide directory (000000000000-directory.xml)
19:52.50bmoracano, but i hope they buy the Polycom 550s instead of the Cisco 7940s because i make more money on them
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19:54.23jeffp81I need some advice. I'm trying to design a system that bridges communication from an arbitrary audio input device (microphone) to a cell phone or land line. Can anyone help me find a place to start?
19:54.30brunnerdoes musiconhold.conf need anything other than a 'default' section?
19:56.22ScribbleJjeff, you need to do what, exactly?  Like place a phone call with input from a guy sitting at a pc to a guy with a cellphone?  Or is this more like a dial-a-baby-monitor?
19:57.22jeffp81More like a dial-a-baby monitor
19:58.07ScribbleJWell, I could see doing that using ASterisk as a peice of the puzzle.  Would it be acceptable for you to just get a SIP provider, a copy of Ekiga softphone, and dial the phhone number you want?
19:58.16ScribbleJAsterisk might not even be necessary.
19:58.19jeffp81Basically scraping audio information from that device and magically connecting it to a user on a phone
19:58.39jeffp81Cool, I'm listening... err.. reading
19:58.42bmoracasoftphone and a computer i think...
19:58.49ScribbleJYeah, I duno how complex you need it.
19:59.15jeffp81Well, it will be a server infrastructure with multiple devices connecting to multiple outside lines
19:59.19ScribbleJHere's a couple parts you might want, though - a SIP ITSP provider, they will take data over the internet and turn it into a real plain old telephone call.
19:59.28jeffp81Thats why I figured I'd poke you guys in the Asterisk room
19:59.47ScribbleJOr, an FXO, I guess, this lets you plug in a plain old phone line to a computer and pull data off it - then you would need Asterisk or similar.
19:59.58ScribbleJWait, FXS?  I always get those backwards.
20:00.21bmoracaS = station
20:00.23NuggetI got a PRI because I got tired of trying to keep FXO/FXS straight.  :)
20:00.30ScribbleJSo either of those would handle the 'how do I make my computer make a phonecall with data I lke" part of the puzzle.
20:01.08ScribbleJThen the other part is, how do I get the data I like into that phonecall.  You might be able to just tell Ekiga Softphone (I X-lite, or any softphone) to read your mic, and place the call with it like normal, simple and easy.
20:01.31ScribbleJOr, you might want to get more complex, use Asterisk, have it handle the call, theny ou can pull in the data from anyhting ASterisk can manage - or add code to do it.
20:01.55ScribbleJYou could even use some combination thereof, softphone calls aserisk which manages the FXO talking to the phone network...
20:02.00ScribbleJI guess I gave you plenty to google.
20:02.13bmoracamy question is more elemental...what is at the core of what you're trying to do?
20:02.41Nugget"pick up chicks"
20:02.50ScribbleJFundamentally, isn't that alwys the answer?
20:03.05Nuggetsometimes it's "find hot guys"
20:03.11Nuggetbut fundamentally, yeah
20:03.29bmoracasee, that's what i like about maintaining all of my company's phone numbers...i have hundreds that i can leave active for a weekend and then turn off...
20:03.50jeffp81Thanks ScribbleJ, I've made a list of your suggestions and yes, I have a lot to figure out
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20:04.05wtsexton00oh really
20:06.25wtsexton00looking for a pointer in the right direction on choppy playback from menu and voicemail, system has a AEX800, so it should have a timing source
20:06.37ScribbleJIs on the recommended itsp list?
20:06.43ScribbleJWhat's that list uh
20:06.45jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
20:06.53jbot[~itsplist-us] Here are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones : , , ,, , ,
20:06.59[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton00: How do actual calls sound?
20:07.05wtsexton00TK, great
20:07.14wtsexton00only happens on playback
20:08.24wtsexton00zttest shows timing to be 99.9999999xx accurate
20:09.00talirk81[TK]D-Fender:  Do you know why is im using SET(__CallLength=${CDR(duration)}) in the h  extention  and i can see in console where its setting why in a DEADAGI right after that I cant  use GET VARIABLE or GET FULL VARIABLE to get at it?  i also tried SET(CallLength=..)
20:09.58wtsexton00listening to voicemail play back via the phone will chop but when they get the email its perfect
20:10.58wtsexton00guess I could try the internal timing
20:11.02bmoracawtsexton00:  check top and see what your process utilization is
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20:12.07wtsexton00asterisk :P
20:12.40bmoracawhat is the utilization, though?  only time i've ever seen that is when something causes asterisk or another process to eat up all the CPU resources
20:14.35wtsexton00only thing that runs on this system is asterisk
20:16.15brunnerlame. I can't get moh to work at all.
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20:17.40wtsexton00highest load I've seen is .2%
20:17.53wtsexton00very odd, thats why I was wondering if it was a timing issue
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20:18.46wtsexton00may try enabling internal_timing to see if that'll do anything
20:19.41wtsexton00told the boss we don't need quad core xeons with 8gig of ram for asterisk lol
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20:22.03wtsexton00lol, at the onion saying A-Rod is dead
20:22.35wtsexton00"A-Rod is survived by 33-year-old Alexander Emmanuel Rodriguez, a divorced father of two who is currently in therapy and who, despite being in extremely good physical condition and possessing the ability to hit 500-foot home runs, has no future in baseball whatsoever."
20:24.52jbot[~itsplist-ca] Here are some popular ITSPs (Canada) starting with the more respected ones : , ,
20:25.15_Vilehey, i've got an interesting one... Backgrounding a message and in the context, i have multiple single digit extensions... but when someone presses 1, for example, it's waiting 5+ seconds to jump to 1,1,.... is there a way to allow it to jump with a single digit key press even and not pause ?    did dtmf debugging, all good there... it's waiting on something..
20:25.23bkw__Vile: wtf are you doing?
20:25.36_Vileain't for me
20:26.39gmfm_Vile: that happens if your context has includes to others with multi-digit extensions starting with 1. it's waiting for timeout to see if you are entering 1 or 101
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20:27.28_Vileyah that's what i figured... it shouldn't though... i reviewed everything...   was hoping there was a wait to say DTMF length expected... to curb that timeout
20:27.32ruben23hi....i installad asterisk 1.4 when i test it with digium demo....the voice is distorted...but i already installed the codec...g729,alaw,ulaw...i test it its all the same...any idea..?
20:28.00clive-does anyone know what could cause a sip 404 error code to be displayed after a 302 redirect ?
20:28.07gmfm_Vile: Set(TIMEOUT(digit)=1)
20:28.23_Vilerockin' will test TY
20:28.28bmoracahas everyone seen ?
20:28.31clive-ruben23 whats your zttest score showing?
20:29.44ruben23clive-: whats the command to test...?
20:30.46clive-you may have to search for the correct directory
20:31.06jplankbmoraca: see it? I'm sure most people in here live it
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20:32.45madgeekwhat's your password?
20:32.59tuukkahhi all! could anyone explain briefly, which options we have to convert an ericsson md 110 pbx to asterisk use?
20:33.06bmoracajplank:  true that, lol
20:33.15madgeeki *literally* have the mayor breathing down my neck
20:33.21tuukkah(1300 phones)
20:33.41madgeekdidn't you get my email?
20:33.48bmoracamadgeek:  we do work for a small city who thinks they're the most important thing in the world...that part really hit home
20:34.18madgeeki lvoe how he says "city of arvada,. population 5000"
20:34.30madgeekthere is no arrange by penis
20:34.52madgeeki love how he connects to his boss's mailbox and deletes the email from the sent folder
20:35.03wtsexton00yea, those are likely the people that want to pay the least also
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20:35.24bmoracaactually, the city we work with does pay their bill
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20:36.54madgeekyeah the ones who pay on time, every month, i can't get mad at
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20:37.26madgeeki also love how he's says "oh fuck" cuz he fets fragged in halo and the dude thinks he's generally concerned about his problem
20:37.28bmoracathen we get others who are consistantly late...they make me a sad panda
20:37.30wtsexton00hmm, I need a rack mount printer, my desk is full
20:37.40voxterHey, i installed the func_devstate 1.4 backport, and every time i query a device, it returns NOT_INUSE even though it is in use. Ideas?
20:37.49madgeekconsistently late AND demanding
20:37.53madgeekthat's the worst
20:38.31SigniusI am trying to setup my first Asterisk box i have edited the /etc/zaptel.conf for a singel X100P card with loadzone=uk defaultzone=uk and fxsks=1 but when i run /sbin/ztcfg -vvvv  i am getting this
20:38.48wtsexton00I've gotta figure out this tarded choppy playback
20:39.13Signiusdo i need edit the zaptel.conf some more ? if so what have i not done ?
20:41.39Signiusok sorry i have worked it out i had edited correctly i just hadnt ran /etc/init.d/zaptel start
20:42.08madgeekawesome, someone answering their own question
20:43.37Signiusmadgeek: cheers i do try and RTFM but this being my first attempt its quite a steep learning curve
20:46.47bmoracaholy fuck...we've received 400,000 emails so far today...only 15,000 have been deemed legitimate
20:46.53voxterrussellb: ping!
20:47.12voxterrussellb: didnt you do the work on the func_devstate stuff?
20:47.18bombaclat667I have a weird box is up and running, I changed the port in iax.conf from 4569 to 16859.I setup zoiper's IAX port to 16859. I setup my router to forward the port 16859 TCP/UDP to the asterisk box. Here is the wierd part: it does not connect, UNLESS I also forward port 4569 to the asterisk box on the router
20:47.22russellbbut the module doesn't have much intelligence in it
20:47.42voxterrussellb: i'm using the 1.4 backport. Any idea why when i query ${DEVSTATE(SIP/mypeer)}) and SIP/mypeer is on the phone, it still returns NOT_INUSE ?
20:47.44bombaclat667I rebooted the machine to make sure the listening port was changed
20:47.54wtsexton00bmoraca, sounds normal to me
20:48.06russellbvoxter: no clue ... have the call-limit option set?
20:48.07russellbin sip.conf
20:48.13voxterrussellb: i do not.
20:48.36voxterive been tryign to find somewhat of a 'setup guide' but havent been able to find anything. of course its probably right under my nose.
20:48.53russellbtry setting that option on mypeer
20:48.56bmoracain my experience, call-limit needs to be set before any kind of sip state functions properly
20:49.00russellbthere are something you have to set for device state to work ...
20:49.06voxterrussellb: to anything, right?
20:49.20bmoracaa number
20:49.37russellbcall-limit=99 or something if you don't care
20:50.26voxterHmm. still not workin. Does SIP/mypeer have to get off the phone and back on it after i set call-limit in sip.conf?
20:50.28eppigyand limitonpeers=yes
20:51.41[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton00: this is likely your problem :
20:51.44jbot[~gsmbug] there is a bug compiling Asterisk with GCC 4.2 where optimization errors cause GSM transcoding to distort heavily. Compile with GCC 4.1 or lower, or follow this patch : Also please read :
20:51.59voxterhmm. so limitonpeers=yes is set, call-limit=99 is set for SIP/mypeer. granted SIP/mypeer has been on the phone this whole time, but im still getting NOT_INUSE
20:52.04[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton00: As tahts the default format of prompts when a basic install is done
20:52.24wtsexton00gcc version 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)
20:52.27eppigyvoxter: did you restart or were the settings already inplace?
20:52.36[TK]D-Fenderwtsexton00: May still be involved.
20:52.45voxtereppigy: just did a reload after adding those settings. and SIP/mypeer has been on the phone the whole time.
20:52.59eppigyvoxter: what does "show hints" show?
20:53.16wtsexton00whats odd is this system has been running for months without complaint of this issue
20:53.24wtsexton00TK, thanks for digging for me
20:54.07*** join/#asterisk bt50 (
20:54.39voxtereppigy: it shows that extension as "Idle" which is wrong
20:54.52voxtereppigy: now, that extension is on a call that was initiated by someone else bringing them into a 3 way call.
20:55.00voxtereppigy: i dont think that should matter though.
20:55.37voxternow that i look closer, all the people on the phone have hints set to 'idle'
20:56.10bt50hello, I am using the Digium TDM410 and I was hoping to do some redundancy.  I called e4 and they said it didn't exist, but is there switching mechanism (like foneBridge for T1/E1) for us people still on analog?
20:56.39bt50I would like to have two duplicate servers and failover to the backup if the primary goes down for any reason
20:57.57clyrradhave any of you guys gotten phpagi to properly get_variable()?  It never returns the variables data for me, even though I can see the variable is set when I DumpVars.  Any of you have any points what I may be doing wrong?  Anyone else exprienced this?  I am wonder if its a bug, or something I am doing wrong
20:58.21[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: PASTEBIN <-
20:58.48wtsexton00sound isn't really distorting when playing back, just chopping
20:59.41bmoracaclyrrad:  you could always pass the variable to the agi script as an argument
20:59.59clyrradbmoraca: not in this case, the AGI sets the variable
21:00.15eppigyvoxter: I dont know if allowsubscribe=yes matters
21:00.20clyrradactually it calls a macro that sets the variable
21:01.03voxtereppigy: ive gotta figure out why hints in general arent working now first.
21:02.19voxterthere it goes. it almost seems like calls have to hang up and re initiate for it to start working
21:03.03clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: I also did a DumpVars from inside the AGI, and I can see the variable CALL_ANSWERED is infact set
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21:05.59eppigyvoxter: are they showing the correct context?
21:06.10eppigyvoxter: oh
21:06.13eppigyjust read down
21:07.52hardwiretzafrir_laptop: yo homeslice
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21:07.58hardwireIs Diego on IRC at all?
21:08.07hardwireI broke him.
21:10.04clyrradhrm, anyone know the answer to my PHPAGI question?
21:12.28[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: COMPLETE pastebin please...
21:13.07clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: which other part do you want me to pastebin? the AGI is huge, but that is the part that gets the variable
21:13.37clyrrador tries to anyway
21:13.40[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: More code, CLI output, Varible contents, AGI debug...
21:14.39[TK]D-Fenderhardwire: Diego who?
21:17.27talirk81TK did you see my message earlier about issues with   using GET VARIABLE in an AGI when using a DEADAGI()?
21:18.03clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: I had the AGI debug on, it literrly outputs nothing about the variables, the NoOp as shown in the pastebin outputs to the CLI "200,6 <-------- Was the Answer", as for the DumpVars, the CLI shows all the channel variables including the one I am trying to get, after calling DumpVars I can see CALL_ANSWERED=No
21:18.15hardwire[TK]D-Fender: Diego the debian packager mang @ xorcom
21:19.02jpcansaHI, i got a problem, telephone A calls B, then A transfers B to C, after that transfer, B still listens to MOH while C can listen to B. A and C are sip extensions in the same * while B is and outside Zap Channel. Any idea?   This is my CLI output:
21:19.06clyrradso what I am wondering is, perhaps DumpVars is sent to Asterisk, and Asterisk can see all the channel variables, if thats the case the Agi is not technicaly aware of the Channel Variables, and if thats the case it explains why I can not get the variables values..... so the question then becomes, how do I make my AGI aware of the Channel Variables
21:19.38[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: You are still failing to show us the debug <-
21:19.48[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Or how you are attempting to look at the daya
21:19.52*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
21:20.03[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Stop dodging or you're only going to waste time
21:20.04clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: I am looking at the CLI
21:20.55clyrradI am not trying to doge, I am supplying the necessary information, I cant pastebin the whole AGI and Macro code
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21:21.37clyrradI am more curious to know if the AGI is aware of the channel variables or not, and if not, it would explain why the code I pasted is not working
21:21.59[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Show the necessary bits to prove you are being thorogh.
21:22.32*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
21:22.32[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: "aware".  Kinda meaningless.  Yes AGI can get variables.. thats what GET VARIABLE is for.
21:22.45clyrradhonestly those are the necessary bits, there is nothing more to it, my Macro sets a channel variable, and I am trying to have my AGI retrieve its value
21:23.05voxteranyone have experience with extenspy? It seems to be working, except Im not getting any audio out of it
21:23.17[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Prove its contents and you aren't showing the results of your code.  This is anything but thorough
21:23.23clyrradI looked at the PHP AGI code, and it does call GET VARIBLE, it has a wrapper function get_variable
21:24.30[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: You are continuing to dodge by not showing us.
21:25.00clyrradI am not sure what else to show you, there is no agi log to show you, and I have shown you the relivant code
21:26.59clyrradive actually been at this all day trying different things and google before I came here to ask
21:27.14manxpowerclyrrad: My suggestion is to stop asterisk and start it in the foreground with "asterisk -cvvv" then any AGI errors will be sent to the console
21:27.36clyrradmanxpower: ok that is one thing I have not done yet, i will try that now
21:28.04manxpowerclyrrad: in 1.4+ there is some other way to accomplish the same thing, but I don't know what it is
21:28.36clyrradmanxpower: which same thing?  Starting asterisk in the foreground or debugging the AGI?
21:29.11manxpowerclyrrad: getting STDERR from AGIs to show up in the Asterisk console.
21:30.05*** join/#asterisk e4 (
21:30.15[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: No log no CLI output shoing us the results.  Sorry, this is a complete waste of time.
21:30.40clyrradI can see the AGI does not error out, but I did notice that PHPAGI uses a function evaluate() to parse the results from GET VARIABLE, and I am wondering if there is a bug in that function, was kinda hoping someone else here was using PHPAGI with Asterisk 1.4 whom could confirm or deny this.  That way I know if its me, or a bug in PHPAGI
21:31.06manxpowerclyrrad: In my experience it's almost always a problem with the script.
21:31.13clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks for trying, I will research this some more, I have given you the CLI output
21:31.50[TK]D-Fenderclyrrad: Not working off that tiny snippit....
21:31.54clyrradmanxpower: the PHPAGI script?  Or the one I wrote here:
21:31.57*** part/#asterisk xacatecas (
21:32.35clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: honestly that is all  there is to it......... those are the only lines that SET and try to GET the variable CALL_ANSWERED
21:32.51e4We have a asterisk setup with a POTS line.  Outgoing and SIP plans are fine, when we get an incoming call we get "Channel 'DAHDI/1-1' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler." Any pointers as to where to start looking?
21:32.57[TK]D-Fendergoes off to do something productive.
21:33.14*** part/#asterisk _ShrikE (
21:33.30ScribbleJThat means it's working, e4, you just screwed up your extensions.conf soit doesn't knwo where to send the call.
21:33.35[TK]D-Fendere4: You have no exten "s" in [default] which is where your calls are being sent.  How much more specific can you get?
21:33.43timeshell_atworkDoes res_phoneprov support multiple registrations on the same phone?
21:33.45*** join/#asterisk ludan (n=daniele@unaffiliated/ludan)
21:33.48[TK]D-Fendere4: EXTENSIONS.CONF <-
21:34.27[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
21:34.39rob0tr [A-Z] [a-z]
21:37.14voxterhmm. sip.conf, i set a particular peer (friend actually)'s musicclass=custom, musiconhold=custom, but when i put someone on hold from that exten, it picks 'default' as the moh class.
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21:38.39SigniusThis is my first time trying to setup Asterisk ? I have got Zaptel.conf configured and not getting any errors.... I am not trying to setu zapata.conf which should be in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf    my questions is should this be file be totally empty the first and i have to put all my configs into this from scratch ?
21:38.52Signiusnot = now
21:39.55beekSignius: Did you run 'zapconf'?
21:41.04Signiusbeek: no i dont think i have ....that wasnt in the guide i am follwoing at the moment
21:41.32*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
21:41.43beekI'm using DAHDI and am thus rusty with Zap but IIRC I ran that command to get a base configuration.
21:42.06beekAfternoon jaytee
21:42.11Signiusjust "zapconf"
21:42.40AndyTanyone here use polycom ip4000 conf phones?
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21:42.59Signiusget this if i try and run just zapconf /usr/sbin/zapconf: Failed to open /etc/asterisk/zapata-channels.conf: No such file or directory
21:43.04beekSignius: you can add command line parameters to that -- check to see if there's a man page.   If not, the docs should be complete.
21:43.16*** part/#asterisk M1s3ry (n=M1s3ry@nat/digium/x-33a0c91bb135fca9)
21:43.22Signiusok i will go off and have a search and read thanks for th epointer
21:45.10*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
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21:47.13voxterIf i use SetMusicOnHold() in the dialplan i can change moh class, but putting musiconhold=class in a definition in sip.conf doesnt seem to work, in - ideas?
21:48.53wtsexton00lol, I'm growing tired of spam filters blocking me due to my lastname
21:49.19*** join/#asterisk Kage` (
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21:55.13Rabenklauehi, could anyone help me with following error msg I get when calling into ISDN net via asterisk and a softphone.
21:56.56jayteeafternoon beek
21:57.26dweryRabenklaue: no more B channels available or drive rbug :)
21:57.47RabenklaueWhat does this mean, when no B channels are avaliable?
21:58.07Rabenklauecat /proc/zaptel/1
21:58.07RabenklaueSpan 1: ZTHFC1 "HFC-S PCI A ISDN card 0 [TE] layer 1 ACTIVATED (F7)" AMI/CCS
21:58.13talirk81if MaxDuration=90  why does  exten =>s,n,Set(MaxDuration=${MATH(1000*60*${MaxDuration})}) ;       Result in 60000.000000
21:58.24dweryyou have ISDN BRI or PI ?
21:59.05*** join/#asterisk watchy (n=watchy@
22:01.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:01.28talirk81i think 90  which is a result from a mysql query is being treated as text not a numeric. Is their a way to "cast" it?
22:02.54subif that were the case, the value of "9" would be 57...
22:03.39subhow are you setting MaxDuration?
22:04.24*** join/#asterisk SirThomas_Home (
22:04.47e4ScribbleJ:  We are using dahdi if that makes a difference.  I can't figure out what is sending calls to the context default in extensions.conf, it should be sending them to context incoming.  There's something big I'm not understanding.
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22:06.18subtalirk81: oh, interesting
22:07.00*** join/#asterisk etherealite (
22:07.31[TK]D-Fendere4: pastebin your chan_dahdi.con
22:07.37jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
22:08.15*** join/#asterisk etherealite (
22:09.01subtalirk81: I'm not well-versed in *, but I wonder if it's related to setting MaxDuration to something dependent on its current value? maybe set a temporary dummy variable before assigning to MaxDuration?
22:09.28Espereguhow is the DID determined in a SIP call?
22:09.34Espereguwhere to find it?
22:09.42talirk81trying that
22:10.12[TK]D-Fendere4: Hav you just recently made that change?  a basic "reload" will not put it in effect.  Restart * completely
22:10.25e4Just in case, there's the included dadhi-channels.conf
22:10.30[TK]D-FenderEsperegu: that is the EXTEN it lands on.
22:10.36e4Yep, restarted everything completely.
22:11.51[TK]D-Fendere4: restart * completely and pastebin "dahdi show channels"
22:12.12talirk81Unfortunatly , that didnt help :(
22:12.31Esperegu[TK]D-Fender: I thought it was for incomming calls?
22:13.09[TK]D-Fendertalirk81: MATH(<number1><op><number2>[,<type_of_result>]) <- the instructions
22:13.18[TK]D-Fendertalirk81: See the problem yet?
22:13.34talirk81so i have to nest math's
22:13.58suboh interesting
22:14.03talirk81I was thinking it did  MATH(<NUM><OP><NUM><OP>.... until you got a ,
22:14.07[TK]D-Fendertalirk81: for what you want you should be able to do it in $[]
22:14.27[TK]D-FendertliTHINK?  It prints the instructions nice and clear... not "..."
22:14.47*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (n=cesar@
22:14.50[TK]D-Fendere4: pastebin your complete "loadup" CLI output
22:15.12e4whew, that might be the issue:  No such command 'loadup' (type 'help loadup' for other possible commands)
22:15.20talirk81[TK]D-Fender: whats that operator called so i can find it on
22:16.19[TK]D-Fendertalirk81: Go read up on "Asterisk Expressions"
22:19.29e4[TK]D-Fender: asterisk -v =>
22:20.09cesar_CRhello guys, does Flash Operator Panel works with 1.6 ?
22:20.43talirk81awesome that fixed it.  also regarding the other issue i found out you cant send data back to the astrerisk server with DEADAGI() so I have to pass the channel variables i needed into  script manually.
22:21.34Espereguwhen I have this: exten => _0.,2,SetCIDName(31786144881) it does not work. What might cause that?
22:22.24Esperegualso SetCIDNum(31786144881) does not work
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22:40.30TommyTheKiddang, if I knew hacking was that profitable I would do it :p
22:40.39TommyTheKidoh except for the whole jail stuff
22:43.19[TK]D-Fendere4: users.conf please
22:45.21[TK]D-FenderEsperegu: those command have not existed for a LONG time.
22:45.31[TK]D-FenderEsperegu: "core show function CALLERID"
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22:59.50cobnokanyone knows how to get ring to work when using azatel ipcall104 voip phone, whats happening is that every time I place call, there is silence instead of usual ringing when calling someone
23:00.22bombaclat667I have a weird box is up and running, I changed the port in iax.conf from 4569 to 16859.I setup zoiper's IAX port to 16859. I setup my router to forward the port 16859 TCP/UDP to the asterisk box. Here is the wierd part: it does not connect, UNLESS I also forward port 4569 to the asterisk box on the router.
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23:02.41e4[TK]D-Fender:  I actually think I figured it out!  Thanks for all the help!
23:03.21[TK]D-Fendere4: Left-over zaptel or users.conf bits?
23:03.33e4users.conf bits :)
23:03.49jbotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
23:03.56e4SIP and dial plans and it looks like we're setup!  Thanks again!!
23:04.29e4Interesting.  Is there a better way?
23:04.38[TK]D-Fendere4: Yeah... you're doing it
23:05.33e4awesome :)
23:07.12bombaclat667I do a netstat -nap, and asterisk is also listening on port 4569 instead of teh designated port. I rebooted the machine and recheck the iax.conf file to make sure, yet it still occurs like that
23:07.46clyrrad[TK]D-Fender: I found the bug :)  Also learned there is a new command agi debug
23:08.03clyrradwhen you said agi debug before i though you meant the one in phpagi.conf
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23:12.44cobnokhow can one fake the ringing for ip phone from asterisk, when dialing with it
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23:16.01Mitsui_Samhi! can anybody help me with dahdi+openR2? I've have a forced disconect with this log Protocol error. Reason = Invalid CAS, R2 State = Clear Forward Transmitted, MF state = MF Engine Off, MF Group = Forward Group II, CAS = 0x04
23:16.16Mitsui_SamI found lots of tips in google, but nothing solves my problem
23:16.59Mitsui_Samonly for test my * is linked to a leagy pbx using E1/MFCR2
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23:22.13daniel_itpHi. Does anyone know if a version of app_jack exists for 1.4.10? Will the version for 1.6 work? Forgive my ignorance.
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23:24.08manxpowercobnok: asterisk will provide ringing if it thinks it should.
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23:25.21FlashtekI have a question, and I will admit to being a bit of a noob on this..
23:25.29cobnokmanxpower, it doesnt in my case, but I found a workaround with Dial(....,r)
23:25.50manxpowercobnok: good for you!  that option almost never works
23:25.57FlashtekI have an X101P card, I want to get the FXO port setup to interfce with my analogue phone line
23:26.00cp5i think i found a bug in asterisk 1.6.0.x, not seeing anything on the tracker about this. anyone know if this is an issue -- going into a queue with members using Local/ channel fails until a modification to queues.conf + reload ?
23:26.33cobnokmanxpower, seems to work fine here with 1.4.21
23:26.39cp5i can reproduce every time. the change that i make to queues.conf to "fix" it is meaningless, just any change to the file (an extra whitespace, even) plus a reload fixes the issue
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23:26.54FlashtekI finally have dahdi_tool showing the device as "OK"
23:26.57cp5what up jj
23:27.12manxpowercobnok: What I mean is that the things that cause lack of ringing signal by default almost always akso make "r" and "Ringing" not work
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23:27.27jjshoecp5 chillin like a villan, sup wit you?
23:27.31Flashtekbut i'm not sure how to get it to talk to the outside world..
23:27.33jjshoecp5 I have a snom shirt to mail to p-mad.
23:27.37cp5jjshoe keepin it real
23:27.39cp5haha awesome
23:27.49cobnokmanxpower, ah ok
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23:27.57cp5how's life out there?
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23:28.23eric256hey i have a trixbox setup, its on a static ip (not behind a NAT of any sort) with three phones connected.  2 work perfect, the third can make calls but when its called it hangs up as soon as she answers it...
23:28.27eric256any ideas what could cause that?
23:28.47*** part/#asterisk tuukkah (
23:29.01jjshoecp5 cold, but I pay $680 a month for 1,200 square feet
23:29.12cp5jjshoe that's ridiculous
23:29.24jjshoecp5 s/ridiculous/average ? :D
23:29.44cp5eric256 do you have a sip trace? what side does the hangup? what shows up in asterisk
23:29.59eric256i don't even know what a sip trace is ;)
23:30.02manxpower$680/month will get you a very nice place in Huntsville, AL and will get you a broom closet in Los Angeles
23:30.38eric256but if i look at the channels it shows her internal IP, and if i do sip peers it shows her external IP
23:30.59eric256for both of the other phones they show the same IP, so i think its something on her end (using X-Lite)
23:31.05jjshoemanxpower $680 will get you a liveable space in the hood.
23:31.19cp5eric256 it's probably just an issue because you have multiple phones behind the same NAT
23:31.19jjshoemy office now is bigger then my last apartment, I can close the door and masturb... work all day long.
23:31.27cp5eric256 if you can, change the source UDP port for SIP on the phone
23:31.39cp5jjshoe that's awesome...all the mast^Wworking
23:32.08jjshoecp5 nothing changes ;)
23:32.12eric256cp5 we are all three on different networks
23:32.37cp5eric256 you said the other phones show the same ip
23:32.55eric256the same ip on channels vs sip peers
23:33.08eric256hers shows external on peers and internal on channels
23:33.47wonderworldis chan_mobile in asterisk-addons already?
23:34.15eric256could it be the topology settings in xlite?
23:35.07watchymanx: u from alabamas?
23:35.20manxpowerwatchy: no, I'm from Michigan.
23:35.29manxpowerI current live in AL.
23:35.36watchyi was thinking of going to tulagaski or some shit
23:35.44watchyto see lord t and elois in concert
23:35.53watchythey are playing tommorow night
23:35.57ruben23hi i got this error when i run ztcfg -vvvv : ZT_CHANCONFIG failed on channel 1: No such device or address (6)
23:36.03watchyhow far are you from that?
23:37.22*** join/#asterisk jupeterson (
23:38.25jupetersonhello all... I have a question.  I've got Asterisk 1.6.1-rc1 running and I'm getting max files opened error messages sometimes.  I look at the OS's max files opened and it keeps incrementing.  When do these files get closed?
23:40.56Mitsui_Samhi! can anybody help me with dahdi+openR2? I've have a forced disconect with this log Protocol error. Reason = Invalid CAS, R2 State = Clear Forward Transmitted, MF state = MF Engine Off, MF Group = Forward Group II, CAS = 0x04
23:40.59Mitsui_SamI found lots of tips in google, but nothing solves my problem
23:41.10Mitsui_Samonly for test my * is linked to a leagy pbx using E1/MFCR2
23:42.03*** part/#asterisk Flashtek (
23:42.27*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
23:44.03*** join/#asterisk Bonix (
23:45.27watchytk: you there i got a quick question
23:48.50cp5is considered 1.6.0 trunk?
23:50.18Qwellcp5: No, it's branch 1.6.0
23:51.01*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
23:51.03watchywhats a command i could use to set callerid if someone calls in and callerids blank
23:51.18cp5Qwell, is there a 1.6.0 trunk? or is trunk always 1.6.1?
23:51.18jupetersonanyone know why max files keeps increasing and neve decresses when Asterisk is running
23:51.32mchouwatchy: blacklist or PrivacyManager :)
23:52.06watchywell when someone calls with no cid here, it shows Asterisk as the caller
23:52.14Qwelltrunk is trunk
23:52.20watchyi want to take that and make it say like "No CID Available"
23:52.22watchyor something
23:54.38watchyi guess using set and if would work?
23:54.58*** join/#asterisk axisys (
23:57.57*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)

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