IRC log for #asterisk on 20090204

00:00.11jayteeQwell, DING!!! We have a winner!!! "Tell him what he's won, Jay!"
00:00.15Corydon76-digfor 1.6, I believe that's correct
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00:00.41Corydon76-digbut I think Qwell packaged that version, so he'd be the one to ask
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00:00.51Qwellwhat version?
00:00.52Corydon76-diggrins at Qwell
00:01.10DJ_HaMsTaany one having a problem with where it fails to re-register once in a while ?
00:01.25emrahpbxCorydon76-dig: yeah installed that also... make checkconfig tells me everything is fine, but still getting errors. also after doing make uninstall-all and reinstall again...
00:01.26drmessanoDJ_HaMsTa: Turn qualify off
00:01.35drmessanoDJ_HaMsTa: They're probably throttling you
00:02.10DJ_HaMsTawhats qualify ?
00:02.25ACK-NAKQwell: Is /etc/init.d/dahdi restart a different concept than "service dahdi restart"
00:02.28LuisTorresdoes anybody know how to use Outbound fax detection?
00:02.29Corydon76-digYAY FOR GUIS
00:02.54QwellACK-NAK: sort of.  the former isn't too distro-specific.  the latter does the former, on RH-based system.s
00:03.25Corydon76-digDJ_HaMsTa: ask your GUI provider
00:03.52ACK-NAKQwell: I appreciate it.  So therefore best pracitce may be to use /etc/init.d/asterisk restart over service ast...
00:04.07QwellACK-NAK: RedHat would tell you otherwise, but yes. :)
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00:04.36ACK-NAKQwell: :-)
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00:05.33MrNeutr0nare there any tools to help parse through the "full" log to see what is happening with each call?
00:05.39MrNeutr0na visual tracing type of thing...
00:05.45MrNeutr0n(speaking of guis...)
00:05.46QwellMrNeutr0n: no
00:06.14rue_mohrMrNeutr0n, possibly you dont have enough lines?
00:06.36MrNeutr0nah, rue_mohr I do wish that was the case
00:06.55MrNeutr0nhowever there are two bonded PRIs
00:06.57rue_mohrMrNeutr0n, I do agree its REALLY hard to follow a single call in the logs
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00:08.22MrNeutr0nand I did some grepping to find out that at no time was there ever any channel greater than Zap/21-1 for instance
00:09.22MrNeutr0nSo at this point my thinking is that I need to determine if the problem is coming from some sort of asterisk misconfiguration
00:09.24rue_mohrhmm, maybe you should have asterisk phone itself half the number of lines you have
00:09.42rue_mohryou using zaptel or dahdi?
00:09.59MrNeutr0nrue_mohr, I've got zaptel with the wanrouter modules for an A200
00:10.18rue_mohrwould you like to pastebin your config?
00:10.28MrNeutr0nrue_mohr, I've thought about that, but again I am having the problem with only a very few simultaneous calls
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00:16.02LuisTorresanybody knows anything for outgoing fax detection?
00:17.05rue_mohrso I have the office going over their user guide
00:17.08rue_mohrtheir excited
00:17.11rue_mohrthis is good
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00:17.52rue_mohrhmm the user guide for the aastra is pretty thick
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00:19.57MrNeutr0nok so here is something that I thought might be a part of the problem:
00:20.09MrNeutr0nfrom the asterisk console when I type "zap show channel X"
00:20.29rue_mohranyone want to tell me how to have a dialplan put somone on hold? Im reading ...
00:20.30MrNeutr0nit will show that there is a Caller ID
00:20.43MrNeutr0nhowever it also appears to be hug up
00:20.54MrNeutr0nand it's not ringing either
00:21.18MrNeutr0nand i end up with a lot of these in such a state
00:21.49MrNeutr0nbut some others show "Caller ID:" blank when (I'm guessing) they're supposed to be
00:22.26MrNeutr0nCould this lead to the error that: Not yet hungup... calling hangup once with icause"?
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00:22.57_charly_has anyone already made a res_irc for asterisk?
00:23.00rue_mohryou have a T1, I have NO idea WHY your disconnect signaling wouldn't work
00:24.19rue_mohrcan extensions.conf put a call on hold?
00:24.40rue_mohrI realize the problem with that idea, I dont care
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00:25.27rue_mohrdo parked calls get hold music, they must
00:26.19JonOntHey guys, is any one familiar with this issue, if i transfer an incoming call to another extention and that extentions transfers the call to another extention, if it gets tranfered again the call is lost? Any one know whats going on here?
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00:26.40QwellJonOnt: Asking in multiple channels like that is considered incredibly rude
00:26.43rue_mohrand between them all you can transfer ok?
00:27.19rue_mohrdoes it get anymore answers?
00:27.32JonOntQwell: sorry about that, i can see why that would be rude, wont do it again
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00:28.30JonOntrue_mohr: yes, transfers work fine, but we can only transfer a call three times max then it is lost, my boss calls alot and will talk to every one in the office, he ends up having to call two or three times
00:29.03rue_mohrdo you think the phones might be doing the trasfers locally between them?
00:29.23rue_mohraka, are you sure asterisk is handling the transfers
00:29.32_charly_JonOnt: i've seen this too, using snom phones over sip and debians asterisk, it seems that the call is only lost when it is transferred back to the first phone. haven't checked this any further yet (just noticed it 2 days ago)
00:30.38JonOntrue_mohr: was pretty sure asterisk is handling the transfers, im using aastra 57i's
00:31.09rue_mohrdo you see them in the console?
00:31.18JonOnt_charly_: at least some one else has heard of this, ive been googling and havnt found any real hits on that yet
00:31.25JonOntrue_mohr: yes
00:35.51_charly_i haven't checked that yet because transfers are no problem for us, we only have 14 phones, and transfers are done about once a week. but we have some stability issues, 2 of the snoms are crashing and rebooting very often, i still have no clue why :/
00:37.10_charly_anyway, i have to go, good night :)
00:40.19JonOntI just captured some CLI logs on this issue, looks like macro-hangupcall is the one doing the hanging up
00:40.29JonOntThis might be a trixbox issue
00:41.30jayteehuh? how'd I end up joining #trixbox? damn IRC client screwed up again.
00:48.42*** join/#asterisk Gopher_77 (
00:50.03Gopher_77I have cable internet service, and the NAT that they control seems to be getting in the way of my SIP service. Is there a way to get around this?
00:52.17riddleboxGopher_77, are you forwarding the ports?
00:52.29Gopher_77riddlebox: I can't forward the ports; I don't have control of that
00:53.23riddleboxGopher_77, do you have a router?
00:53.48Gopher_77riddlebox: yes, and I can forward those ports, but my router itself is provided a private IP address by my cable company
00:54.21riddleboxGopher_77, where are you?
00:54.28Gopher_77riddlebox: Ohio
00:55.13riddleboxwhich cable co
00:55.18Gopher_77riddlebox: Time Warner
00:55.49riddleboxdo you have an asterisk server up right now?
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00:55.53Gopher_77riddlebox: yes
00:56.02doolphanyone got a softswitch or somethng?
00:56.45riddleboxGopher_77, check that msg I query I sent you
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01:05.48bmoracaGopher_77:  call your cable company and tell them to switch your cable modem to bridge mode.  if they provided the cable modem, they should be able to do that.  if you provided it, then you'll need to figure out how to get into it and do that via its web interface.  any cable modem should be able to do this easily.
01:07.10Gopher_77bmoraca: thanks
01:08.11drmessanoBridge mode on a cable modem?
01:08.14bmoracathat will give your router's WAN side a public IP and remove the possibility of double NAT
01:08.26bmoracadrmessano:  cable companies do some stupid things sometimes.
01:08.42drmessanoWhat kind of modem is it?
01:08.46bmoracadrmessano:  most cable modems and DSL modems now-adays include a basic NAT router
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01:10.46drmessanoDSL modems yeah, but not cable
01:11.02drmessanoMost are dumb DOCSIS boxes unless you get business class service
01:13.17bmoracai'd agree...though i've seen it more and more often.  personally, i think it's a waste of money.  give me a native bridge from the delivery media to ethernet and i'll be happy.
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01:17.52bmoracait's quittin time
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01:58.43*** join/#asterisk Steve_J-obs (
01:58.55Steve_J-obshello everybody
01:59.45digitalironysteve jobs huh?
02:00.01digitalironyI didn't think you were well enough to get on a computer anymore :P
02:01.32drmessanoHows the AZT?
02:01.56Steve_J-obsI am well enough to hang out with my friends in this forum...just dont tell the press
02:02.11Corydon76-digYou have friends in this forum?
02:02.33Steve_J-obsdrmessano: AZT?
02:02.58drmessanoyeah, isnt Steve Jobs HIV positive?
02:03.06Corydon76-digCancer, not AIDS
02:03.09digitalironynah, he has pancreatic canceer
02:03.15Steve_J-obsdr messano: no man, it is cancer
02:03.46drmessanoWell, rumor has it he's HIV positive, and his "pancreatic cancer" is really KS
02:04.17Steve_J-obscoming to think of it.. he is very thin
02:04.29digitalironydoesn't mean he has aids
02:04.34icebrew54yeah that's fubar'd
02:04.40icebrew54apple stock is going to drop like a mofo when he gets sick
02:04.44icebrew54and/or passes ;\
02:04.50Corydon76-digPancreatic cancer is a much more serious affliction nowadays and would spook the market more than HIV
02:04.50digitalironyI don't think so
02:04.52icebrew54not that I own any...
02:04.56drmessanoand theres documents, which may or may not be forged, that show he failed the test
02:05.09*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
02:05.18Steve_J-obspancreatic cancer means that he is not going to be around in 4 years
02:05.20icebrew54yeah pancreatic cancer is no joke, grandma had that stuff and it took her in under 6 months
02:05.34digitalironywell I don't think steve jobs death will hurt apple too much, they are a rather solid company
02:05.35icebrew54chemo, meds etc don't work on it
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02:05.39digitalironywell more so than M$
02:05.43icebrew54digitalirony: ha
02:05.46drmessanoI dont buy the "Hormonal inbalance" crap
02:05.46Corydon76-digSo the idea that pancreatic cancer is a cover story holds no water
02:05.48icebrew54digitalirony: how old are you?
02:05.51drmessanoTheres no way
02:06.04digitalironyicebrew54: 22
02:06.05icebrew54apple was hurting until the ipod showed up
02:06.07icebrew54as I recall...
02:06.16digitalironymight HAVE been
02:06.19icebrew54and I mean MS giving them money because MS was scared of a monopoly
02:06.19digitalironybut is NO longer
02:06.22drmessanoHe may have had pancreatic cancer too.. who knows.. its not an opportunistic infection, but anything is possible
02:06.23Corydon76-digicebrew54: You recall incorrectly
02:06.27DaejeoSun Fire X2200 M2 Server/Sun Fire X2250 Server  which one would be better for running asterisk?
02:06.35Corydon76-digicebrew54: their savior was the original iMac
02:06.36icebrew54Corydon76-dig: yeah I'm pretty sure they were hurting
02:06.42icebrew54yeah okay timing was off
02:06.47icebrew54same difference I guess
02:06.59Steve_J-obsSteve Jobs made Apple, and if he is gone, Apple will collapse
02:07.00icebrew54they were hurting for a couple years...financially speaking
02:07.09digitalironyicebrew54: well for that matter microsoft/billG wass hurting till he stole and sold DOS
02:07.17Steve_J-obshe has rescued Apple over and over
02:07.20digitalironyeveryone was hurting before they weren't hurting
02:07.22digitalironythats dumb
02:07.34drmessanoKids dont know Apple = Steve Jobs.. only fanboys do
02:07.35icebrew54digitalirony: apple has been in the dumps for quite some time, I mean it was an ample amount of time they were hurting man
02:07.40Corydon76-digIn any case, this is rather off-topic for #asterisk, so please let that be the end of it
02:07.40icebrew54macII to iMAC = a long time
02:07.51Steve_J-obsthat's why out of admiration for the man, btw
02:07.57Daejeodrmessano: any advise
02:08.10drmessanoiPods mean "iPod" to 14 year olds.. they could care less about some balding freak with black turtlenecks and jeans with no belt
02:08.55icebrew54I don't think they are as solid as described
02:09.14Corydon76-digicebrew54: Stop, please
02:09.14icebrew54I think the ipod was a savior for sure... apple speaking
02:09.18Corydon76-digdigitalirony: you, too
02:09.23digitalironyIm quite
02:09.26icebrew54ok join me in #stevejobstalk
02:09.40icebrew54bleh, I win then by default :P
02:09.52digitalironyshrugs...doesn't matter to him
02:09.52Corydon76-digicebrew54: I really mean it.  Stop.
02:10.54Steve_J-obsby the way guys, I have a question how to setup yum on this new godaddy server... I want to install asterisk on it, but it does not have the kernel-devel
02:10.55Corydon76-digIf you want to talk about Asterisk on the Mac, that's fine, but talk about Jobs' health is off-topic in here
02:11.26icebrew54ok, I'm done....I got off topic no worries from me
02:11.28Steve_J-obsanybody wants to help Steve Jobs here?
02:11.29Corydon76-digSetup yum?
02:12.07Corydon76-digIf yum isn't installed, it's probably not the right package manager
02:12.32Steve_J-obswell, godaddy provided me this dedicated server, and when I do "yum install kernel-devel" it gives me a message about.. packages available for update
02:13.05*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
02:13.08rob0yum on a Godaddy server is a bit off topic as well. :)
02:13.13Corydon76-digAh, you've probably got RHEL, then
02:13.21icebrew54rob0: ohhhh SNAP!
02:13.26Steve_J-obswell... the topic is about installing asterisk on centos
02:13.31Gopher_77anyone here familiar with voipuser?
02:13.38Steve_J-obsactually, on RHE 4
02:13.45Corydon76-digYeah, that's the problem
02:13.48rob0I never used Centos, so I'd better go. Bye.
02:14.05Corydon76-digYou aren't subscribed to that update repo, so you can't retrieve any packages on it
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02:14.15Corydon76-digEvening, Russell
02:14.20Gopher_77anybody here know if voipuser is congested right now?
02:14.24Steve_J-obsyes, I agree...what do I do?
02:14.43Corydon76-digTalk to your sysadmin about changing your RHEL subscription
02:14.55Steve_J-obsI am my own sysadmin
02:15.01*** join/#asterisk djMax (
02:15.39Corydon76-digWell, you'd either need to get CentOS or get a RH subscription
02:15.55Steve_J-obswhats an rh subscription?
02:16.02djMaxanybody have good SIP trunk provider recommendations?  And perhaps ballpark pricing?
02:16.10Corydon76-digPurchase an update agreement from RedHat
02:16.10djMaxRH = RedHat
02:16.14*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
02:16.22Steve_J-obsoh noo
02:16.25Corydon76-digdjMax: there are a ton of them on
02:16.33djMaxyeah, that's the problem. :)
02:16.43Corydon76-digdjMax: by location, pricing, etc.
02:16.49icebrew54I found that link helpful Djmax
02:16.56Steve_J-obsare there any other repo servers I can use?
02:16.56djMaxthanks, perfect.
02:16.56icebrew54in fact I bookmarked it...
02:17.07icebrew54djMax: you owe me a russian bride for that link
02:17.19icebrew54djMax: it was gold for me :P
02:17.20Corydon76-digSteve_J-obs: You'd do better asking in a centos forum
02:17.47djMaxhmmm.  How about Ukranian, I'm all out of Russian brides at the moment.
02:17.51Corydon76-digSteve_J-obs: because converting to centos is basically what you'd need to do
02:18.33Steve_J-obscentos and RHEL as far as I know, is the same thing
02:18.45djMaxthese look consumerish, I'm looking for biz provider.  Super low latency, 99.9+, etc.
02:19.02Corydon76-digSteve_J-obs: in terms of the underlying platform, yes.  In terms of the support system, repos, and packaging, no
02:19.57drmessanodjMax: yes, that list is consumerish
02:20.00Steve_J-obsmmm. sounds like I have to change that flavor of linux...I tell you, godaddy really sucks
02:20.02drmessanodjMax: and outdated
02:20.14drmessanodjMax: Try voip-info
02:21.03djMaxyeah, reading it now.  I saw one price like 2.5 cents/min, that seem right?
02:21.04Corydon76-digdjMax: the only way you're going to know is to try a whole bunch of them
02:21.16drmessanodjMax: No, thats VERY expensive
02:21.23Corydon76-digdjMax: for domestic? is a good one
02:21.30djMaxyeah, domestic
02:21.31Pryonlikes flowroute
02:21.39Corydon76-dig2.5 c/min is good to Europe, though as well
02:21.46djMaxbasically trying to offer a VXML service in a datacenter
02:21.54djMax(where getting a real T would be hell)
02:22.10Corydon76-digdjMax: to do what?
02:22.11djMaxwill be almost ALL calls within Massachusetts
02:23.00djMaxclick-to-call initially, voice search later.
02:23.00Corydon76-digdjMax: your best bet is actually a cross-connect within the facility.  Takes a fraction of the time to provision
02:23.00djMaxprobably Prophecy-powered.
02:23.00Corydon76-digFind out what telcos have equipment in the same facility
02:23.42djMaxwow, .0098.  Yeah, I asked our provider (Internap), they basically said "we're great for everybody"
02:25.06Corydon76-digSo all your calls are outbound?
02:25.14djMaxinitially, yeah.
02:25.54djMaxgiven expected volume, assuming Flowroute latency and perf was good, I'd be done because it's so low that I don't mind a mistake.
02:26.08djMaxAs opposed to voxeo hosting which is like $500/month + per minute
02:26.51Corydon76-digI have no problem with flowroute (I've met a few of their people)
02:27.09[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: isn't a "few" all of them? :)
02:27.35Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: dunno, I assume they left a few people at home to keep the phones answered
02:28.06djMaxI like that you can signup online without going through some opaque quoting process.
02:28.35[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: ..... please stay on the line to maintain your calling priority!
02:29.25[TK]D-FenderdjMax: Opaque has been deprecated in favour of milky-translucence :)
02:29.36LemensTSTK: ive been reading everything i can find on google, i am still stuck
02:29.38djMaxI've used * with Prophecy, but anybody used another VXML server they liked?
02:29.47*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
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02:31.20LemensTSTK: Im not sure if i need to forget about get_variable, and look into STDIN like on, or what I should do. Ive tried that and other stuff already...need to be pointed in the right direction at least :)
02:31.43icebrew54god, now that I used the make my life easier
02:32.10icebrew54it's making life much more difficult since I want to do some stuff outside of the gui's realm
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02:33.43[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: DeadAGI is supposed to be for hung-up channels, not LIVE channels.  Dead channels don't have access to channel vars <-
02:34.05[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: try AGI, not DeadAGI.
02:35.52*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
02:38.07Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: or use 1.6.0, where AGI becomes DeadAGI at hangup
02:38.32[TK]D-FenderOh Asterisk 1.6.0 is there nothing you CAN'T do! :)
02:38.50[TK]D-Fenderwatches * 1.6.0 ride in on a Unicorn...
02:41.55*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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02:42.10djMaxYeah, I'm running 1.4 and the *Now 1.5 CD is sitting in the tray, tantalizingly waiting for me to press the reset button and go for broke to 1.6
02:43.18[TK]D-FenderdjMax: See you wouldn't have to flush your OS if you'd just roll your own...
02:46.21LemensTSTK:  I set it to AGI, and added line 8...still getting same thing...any other pointers?
02:51.18*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
02:52.20jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
02:53.25LemensTSdocelmo: i read ch. 9 about an hour ago
02:53.29[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: pwned
02:53.55[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Got me a guess!
02:53.59[TK]D-Fender1 sec
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02:55.37[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: DARN, so close, thought I had it
02:56.40[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: I'm pretty sure its a PHP issue, not AGI
02:56.56[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: thought it was an assignment issue.. reviewing my syntax
02:57.16*** join/#asterisk CamelMenthol (
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02:57.58CamelMentholHi everyone :)
02:58.10eric2any 416 or 647'ers around?
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02:59.03[TK]D-Fendereric2: 404\
02:59.05CamelMentholAnyone work much with the Manager API?
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02:59.21LemensTSTK: yea i tried $matt = array();    before    $matt = $agi->get_variable("var1");     and that didn't help. Im just a little above average php programmer tho.
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03:00.29CamelMentholHi denon :)
03:01.04RabenklaueHello, I have a small problem concerning my asterisk server and the openvpn server running on the same host. PC1 is connected to the internet over the openvpn network on SERVER. If I call the asterisk on SERVER with the it works, but when calling it with via ekiga it doesn't react at all.
03:01.12*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano)
03:01.30RabenklaueCould anybody please help me with the setup of the asterisk NAT configuration?
03:01.30CamelMentholRabenklaue: Have you explicitly set a bind address?
03:02.09Rabenklauefrom sip.conf
03:02.14RabenklaueBut this looks like the default value
03:02.44CamelMentholRabenklaue: Yea that should be the default value.  And it should work
03:02.59CamelMentholRabenklaue: Is your interface a tap/tun?
03:03.29RabenklaueCamelMenthol: Yes, it's a tap interface
03:03.40*** join/#asterisk Chilling_Silence (n=Josiah@
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03:04.12[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: I'm not much better....
03:04.25[TK]D-FenderRabenklaue: READ <-
03:04.28jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
03:04.33CamelMentholRabenklaue: Can you try setting the bindaddr to the tap ip?
03:05.00CamelMenthol[TK]D-Fender: I had similar issues.  I think it's something to do with the virtual interface
03:05.10Chilling_SilenceQuick Q - Does anybody have a moment to help me try and diagnose a CDR logging bug?
03:05.16CamelMentholChilling_Silence: I can try
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03:05.28[TK]D-FenderCamelMenthol: I'd want to see configs & SIP debug.
03:06.28Chilling_SilenceLegend CamelMenthol :) thanks
03:06.28Chilling_SilenceBasically, inbound call -> Ext (205 for example), then transfer to External number
03:06.28Chilling_SilenceMy theory is the inbound call should be logged, the transfer should be logged, but the call to the external number and then the joining with the inbound call *wont* be logged, when it should be
03:07.30CamelMentholWhat sort of CDR logging do you have?
03:08.16RabenklaueCamelMenthol: Nope, this also doesn't work
03:08.49CamelMentholRabenklaue: Why is it an issue to have to use the real interfaces address instead of the VPN ?
03:09.09CamelMentholChilling_Silence: Have you tried setting "unanswered = yes" in cdr.conf?
03:09.32Chilling_SilenceCamelMenthol: No, to be honest I havent, what does that do?
03:09.47Chilling_SilenceIve been using the MySQL logging
03:10.25CamelMentholChilling_Silence: It forces a CDR record to be created even if a call is never answered by asterisk or an extension.  Which may be the case with your setup, I'm not sure what your config is.  I also use MySQL and using this asterisk manager desktop app I wrote, I needed to enable this to keep track of some calls that get strewn about
03:10.48[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: What ver of *?
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03:11.09RabenklaueCamelMenthol: As I'm not sure whether I'm at home to do my calling jobs or not. I'm using a mobile device to get connected to my home network. So I want it to be a consistent way of using it.
03:11.29RabenklaueOn the other hand, as I'm connected to the local network the internal IPs work, too
03:11.39rob0Speaking of Chilling, it's darn COLD in Alabama, and I want to lodge a complaint with Digium support about that.
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03:11.52Chilling_Silencerob0: :D
03:11.55CamelMentholrob0: I'm in Wisconsin...
03:12.03Chilling_SilenceCamelMenthol: Thanks mate, will give that a whirl, appreciate your time
03:12.06RabenklaueOk, I think it isn't necessary at all right now, but thanks anyhow
03:12.31CamelMentholRabenklaue: No problem.  I had to settle on doing a little more intense config as well because of using OpenVPN w/ *
03:12.42[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Oh, how cold?
03:13.39CamelMentholChilling_Silence: There is also another param in cdr.conf "endbeforehexten" try messing with that as well
03:13.40rob024F now, headed down to 16F. And I know it's colder in Canada, but it's your own damn fault for being there. :)
03:14.03CamelMenthol17F, feels like 2F here....
03:14.24[TK]D-Fenderrob0: try sub-zero :)  Farenheit :p
03:14.40[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Feels WORSE
03:15.18rob0But guys, I'm a thin-blooded redneck in the deep south! I moved here to get away from that!!
03:15.21Chilling_SilenceCamelMenthol: No idea what that does, looks semi-useful, will give it a whirl. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :)
03:15.40rob0Let's start a flame war to stay warm.
03:15.51[TK]D-Fendergets some kindling
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03:16.27CamelMentholShit I'll bring in a truck load of trolls if someone can point me in the direction of some manager 1.1 documentation :)
03:16.47Chilling_SilenceCamelMenthol: Ah yeah, just saw that in the cdr.conf :D
03:17.12Chilling_SilenceCamelMenthol: AMI?
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03:17.48CamelMentholChilling_Silence: Yes
03:18.01Chilling_SilenceCamelMenthol: what specifically are you wanting to do with it ?
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03:19.05CamelMentholChilling_Silence: I was using asterisk-java but my company upgraded to * 1.6 w/ AMI 1.1 and now asterisk-java no longer works.  I am basically looking for enough documentation on what parameters to send with commands for asnwering, transferring, getting peer/channels statues, dbput/get, dahdi channel mgmt, etc.
03:19.28CamelMentholI think I am going to write a full java library for AMI 1.1
03:21.32Chilling_SilenceTheres some semi-decent stuff on, and I saw another page just recently which helped me enough for making a Web-to-Call page
03:21.46Chilling_Silence -- Is a start :)
03:21.48CamelMentholI've seen, some of their info is out of date
03:22.56CamelMentholI think what I'm going to do is write a program to pry through the source code for various modules to find out what parameters they look for in the AMI
03:23.10CamelMentholI'm not even seeking documentation I guess, just a list lol
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03:23.43russellbisn't that info available through the asterisk CLI?
03:24.13CamelMentholrussellb: No, just the commands and what scopes are required to use it
03:24.23CamelMentholall, system, call, command, etc...
03:25.09CamelMentholNot scopes, permissions.  my bad
03:25.45CamelMentholThere are some commands that are well documented, but others have nothing
03:25.48russellbIt should also print out the description, though, which includes all the parameters
03:25.50russellbah ..
03:27.01CamelMentholMy boss is willing to pay me to create a fairly concise Java library for * integration so I'm seeking to do most of the commands.  Or atleast the relevant ones for use in a workstation-based end-user or administrative application
03:27.03russellbi would be ok with calling it a bug for any actions that are not sufficiently documented to tell you what headers are required (and optional)
03:27.24CamelMentholI'm just gonna blame it on laziness heh :)
03:27.32russellbmeaning if you want to put it on, we can get it taken care of
03:27.44russellbotherwise you're stuck reading the code to figure it out, i guess, heh
03:27.58russellbthe o'reilly book has a section on AMI, as well
03:27.58CamelMentholFor now I'm just going to get the basics taken care of for my program then in the future maybe I'll press into the issue further
03:28.03russellbcan't remember how much they have
03:30.04russellbwhere'd the nick come from btw?
03:30.09russellbjust a smoker?  heh
03:30.16CamelMentholMy cigarettes I'm smoking today
03:30.22russellbah :)
03:30.45CamelMentholI usually hate menthols but I'm enlisting in the marine corps and leaving in 19d so I need to quit and these nasty cigs are forcing me to start stopping
03:31.14russellbheh, oh dear ..
03:31.21russellbboot camp?
03:31.30CamelMentholI always thought people were full of shit when they said quitting gives you the most unusual thoughts and dreams.  But damn.  The last two weeks I've been slowing myself down I have had the most vivid and ridiculous dreams ever
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03:31.41russellbwell i wish you the best
03:31.44CamelMentholThanks a lot
03:32.21Chilling_SilenceCamelMenthol: Unfortunately still having the same issues, its not logging, even though Ive changed both those options in cdr.conf and restarted asterisk .. :( At least its some info for me to add to the bugreport
03:32.22CamelMentholI was going to a private uni but then ran out of money to continue.  and in fear of getting stuck in a stagnant job market and working the same freelance crap for years, I decided to enlist and do reserves for a year to finish my last year of uni
03:32.43CamelMentholChilling_Silence: Other calls are logging just fine though eh?
03:33.57Chilling_SilenceYup, everything else logs brilliantly
03:36.55CamelMentholWish I could help you more pal, sorry
03:37.44Chilling_SilenceNo worries, thanks for pointing me towards the cdr.conf though, it was a good start :) appreciate your time
03:38.11CamelMentholNo problem :)
03:39.25russellbChilling_Silence: the first thing you're going to hear on the bug is that you need to try the latest version
03:39.28russellbwhich is
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03:39.57LemensTSany agi people have a clue on why GET VARIABLE var1 will show 41283, but when I do vardump($matt)    41283 is not contained in $matt
03:42.11Gopher_77I have asterisk using an SIP account at voipuser, it's registered, but the CLI with verbose says this for every call: == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/0/1). Does anybody know how to fix this?
03:42.29Chilling_Silencerussellb: Yeah Im just trying to put together a non-production box that I can use for testing
03:43.39Chilling_SilenceGopher_77: Outbound routes?
03:43.50Gopher_77Chilling_Silence: yes, outbound
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03:44.33Chilling_SilenceGopher_77: No i mean have you defined outbound routes?
03:44.49Gopher_77Chilling_Silence: apparently not; how do I do that?
03:45.42Gopher_77Chilling_Silence: I hope you don't live up to your name now...
03:46.04russellbChilling_Silence: ok.
03:47.09Chilling_Silencerussellb: There has been a bit of activity I can see in the changelog, but yeah .. :-/
03:47.29Chilling_SilenceGopher_77: You installed just asterisk or you using a distro like trixbox / elastix / asteriskNOW?
03:50.08Gopher_77Chilling_Silence: just *
03:50.23Gopher_77Chilling_Silence: do you know if I can check to see if there are minutes in the pot at voipuser?
03:50.40Gopher_77Chilling_Silence: nvm, there are plenty :)
03:50.50Chilling_SilenceGopher_77: No idea, Im from New Zealand ;)
03:51.12Gopher_77Chilling_Silence: location doesn't matter; what matters is that it's free ;)
03:51.31MrNeutr0nhi everyone i have two T1s in an A102 and I want to only use a single D-chan
03:51.48MrNeutr0nhowever i am pretty clueless
03:51.51Chilling_SilenceAnd to be honest, Im no whizz with plain asterisk, prefer to fluff around with the likes of FreePBX (Plz dont shoot me people), but yeah, sounds like you need to define an outbound route so your calls know which sip trunk to use
03:51.52MrNeutr0nany idea where i should look first?
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03:53.09MrNeutr0nactually i think i have the zaptel.conf/zapata.conf thing down
03:53.18MrNeutr0nbut wanpipe is where i run into trouble
03:53.49MrNeutr0ncan i configure two physical interfaces as a single logical one?
03:53.51*** part/#asterisk Khratos (n=Khratos@
03:53.57CamelMentholMrNeutr0n: I've never dealt with anything more than POTS as far as telco side, is there some reason you dont upgrade to dahdi?
03:54.34MrNeutr0nunfortunately my client is currently ... bewitched?  by trixbox
03:54.39MrNeutr0n2.6.1.13 nevertheless...
03:56.33CamelMentholWhat kind of hardware connects the T1's to your box?
03:56.45MrNeutr0nCamelMenthol, ha - actually I haven't ever really dealt with anything beyond pots myself!
03:56.54MrNeutr0nsangoma A102
03:57.03CamelMentholWell I can try and help you work through it :) I always like learning new shit
03:57.33MrNeutr0nhaha cool - well, at this point i think we are reduced to finding somebody else's config files =D
03:58.21russellbif you have the zaptel config down, guess you should just get a digium card
03:58.26russellbthen that would be all you have to configure :-p
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03:59.13CamelMentholMrNeutr0n: Do you have one A102 getting both T1s or two?
03:59.43MrNeutr0njust the one A102
03:59.53MrNeutr0nsetup-sangoma gave me two files
03:59.58MrNeutr0nwanpipe1.conf and wanpipe2.conf
04:00.11MrNeutr0neach are similar with the exception that some "1"s are replaced with "2"s
04:01.58MrNeutr0n1 sec i nuked it
04:02.12Juggieis there a doc anywhere on chan_mobile?
04:03.03CamelMentholJuggie: Have you read
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04:04.19JuggieCamelMenthol, nope, i guess i should start there :)
04:04.40*** join/#asterisk hadi- (
04:05.00hadi-hello... is there a way to set a max of 2 concurrent calls for an incoming DID
04:05.02hadi-on asterisk 1.4?
04:06.10CamelMentholhadi-: Have you tried using a channel status split in the dialplan
04:09.58[TK]D-Fenderhadi-: "core show function GROUP_COUNT"
04:10.03CamelMentholThere ya go!
04:10.09CamelMentholBuilt in solution :)
04:11.32[TK]D-Fender#freepbx [23:10]<hadi->is there a way to set a max of 2 concurrent calls for an incoming DID under freepbx?
04:11.40[TK]D-FenderCamelMenthol: Now with strings attached!
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04:13.30ocnarfNeed help.. Im using AgentcallbackLogin for my queues. The problem is even they are already logged in, asterisk doesnt say that they are already login.. Any idea?
04:13.47ocnarfHere is my dialplan: exten => 2323,1,AgentCallbackLogin(,,${CALLERID(num)}@from-internal)
04:14.12ocnarfAgent can login again even they are already logged in
04:15.56[TK]D-Fenderocnarf: Show us the login attempt, your agent dump from CLI, your queue dumps, etc.  One big pastebin
04:15.59jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
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04:16.47CamelMentholriddlebox: ICP fan?
04:20.09ocnarfHope that helps
04:20.36CamelMenthol[TK]D-Fender: Just curious, how long you been working with asterisk and linux?
04:20.56[TK]D-FenderCamelMenthol: About 5 years
04:21.01riddleboxCamelMenthol, used to be
04:21.48[TK]D-Fenderocnarf: OH, I think I misread.  Indeed * does not say they are already logged in.
04:22.08[TK]D-Fenderocnarf: thats jsut the way it is... agents can hop around because there is no dedicated log OUT feature
04:22.29riddleboxGopher_77, did you get everything working?
04:22.38Juggie[TK]D-Fender, have you ever setup chan_mobile?
04:22.41[TK]D-Fenderocnarf: Its only if you don't pass an exten to login to that it will then prompt and if you tell it "blank" THEN it will log you out
04:23.17[TK]D-FenderJuggie: Nope... I should though since I don't have POTS..... don't need VoIP... * might be more for call recording, so using my cell as FXO would be nifty..
04:23.27[TK]D-FenderJuggie: Gotta get me a compatible BT adapter first :)
04:23.45CamelMenthol[TK]D-Fender: Can you do it via USB?
04:24.06[TK]D-FenderCamelMenthol: "It"?  You mean chan_mobile?  IIRC its only BT
04:24.23CamelMentholYea alright
04:25.10Gopher_77riddlebox: sip isn't working
04:25.28riddleboxon voicepulse?
04:25.57riddleboxor voipuser
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04:27.39[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: IAX may be for you...
04:27.49[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Or proxy it through a VPN relay
04:29.23[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: Registering isn't the issure
04:29.29riddleboxohh ok
04:29.46Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: x-lite uses my SIP provider ok
04:29.47[TK]D-Fenderriddlebox: its getting that inbound call when the mapping isn't fresh and it decides to start hijacking...
04:30.09ocnarfD-Fender: Is there anything i can do so agent wont be able to login when they are already logged in?
04:31.39[TK]D-Fenderocnarf: What is the negative consequence to a double-login for you?
04:31.58[TK]D-Fenderocnarf: it still requires a pass....
04:33.09ocnarfD-Fender: We have an app which counts the login time of the agent. But looking at the logs, it shows the there are multiple login
04:33.10Gopher_77very interesting: when I use x-lite successfully, my voipuser says that I'm NOT behind NAT
04:34.33[TK]D-Fenderocnarf: Ah... then you'll need to make some special script to see if they are logged in first and if they are call the AgentCallbacklogin for them.
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04:35.09[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Maybe your modem is proxying it.  I've heard of some that track inside clients.... those with soft-phone accounts, etc...
04:35.41ocnarfD-Fender: hmm.. I guess there is no workaround using AgentCallbackLogin
04:35.51ocnarfD-Fender: thanks!
04:35.56[TK]D-Fenderocnarf: Not directly
04:38.30Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: when I set * up as non-nat, voipuser still detects the nat
04:41.16Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: when I set up * as nat, voipuser doesn't detect nat
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04:42.00loompeksmee again
04:43.13[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: thats the point...
04:43.41[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: When you tell * its behind NAT then it will present the WAN IP appropriately so the remote end doesn't not NEED to go hunt you down.
04:46.42loompekcan asterisk answer with 'moved temporarily' command in sip?
04:47.12loompek3xx redirection
04:48.33[TK]D-Fenderloompek: Might work if you haven't answered and they are OK getting a 100 Trying
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04:51.31Gopher_77what is the third argument to Dial?
04:52.00carrarshow application dial
04:52.47carrarDo you mean "options"?
04:53.03thehari want asterisk to respond with http error 418
04:53.09theharand Hangup()
04:53.10Gopher_77carrar: that's probably it, after the second comma
04:53.26carrarrun the show command as there are LOTS of options
04:54.51[TK]D-Fenderthehar: When my PHONE gets an HTTP 418 ... then I'll feel rejected
04:55.02carrarI'm tall
04:55.09carrarI can't get a 418 error
04:55.44carrarI don't think Asterisk supports rfc2324
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04:59.47Gopher_77I'm getting some dialplan entries and I don't know where they came from. Does anyone know where they might be coming from?
05:00.23Gopher_77"created from 'pbx_config'"
05:00.35[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: extensions.conf <-
05:00.51[TK]D-Fenderperhaps some users.conf...
05:01.07[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Perhaps you could... SHOW US
05:01.07frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: I foundmy 3-way call issue.  It was actually your answer to somebody else that clued me in to it.. which is that the MusicOnHold is associated with the a particular channel.
05:01.22frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: All I needed to do was press <flash> once more.
05:01.48Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: looks like it was users.conf. thanks :)
05:01.49[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Glad you found it
05:02.00jbotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
05:03.10Gopher_77lol toaster grade?
05:03.21Gopher_77~toaster grade
05:03.34frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: Kinda weird that the MOH was playing on a hung-up channel - but it's similar to what happens when the other party hangs up.. so not inexpicable.
05:04.04[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: DUMB APPLIANCE
05:04.11frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender:  hmm. so my instincts on that particular config were correct then (users.conf).
05:12.35*** join/#asterisk joako (
05:13.11joakoI got a SwitchVox CD from Digium but when I tried to boot it, it wouldn't. Upon closer inspection the disc only contains an ISO file... :wtf:
05:13.48frogonwheelsjoako: huh.. easy mistake to make.
05:13.55frogonwheelsjoako:  why don't you just mount it then?
05:14.26frogonwheels.. like growisofs myiso.iso     instead of  growisofs +myiso.iso  (I think) :)
05:16.11[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Careful... its like crack....
05:16.48[TK]D-Fenderjoako: Turn the other cheek and the shit'll never stop flowing :p
05:18.14Qwelljoako: from where?
05:18.20Qwellfrom where did you get the CD, that is
05:19.23*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (
05:21.47rue_mohrif I may stretch my luck and ask a question without looking for an answer first,  if you have a music on hold box, with an audio out, can asterisk get its hold music from the audio card to use the external box? (lets just assume the box already cost $300 and scraping the recording from it isn't an idea met in a friendly way)
05:23.25joakoQwell: Yes....
05:23.32[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Sure
05:23.49rue_mohrI mean its not like you can just link /dev/dsp to /var/... /moh/...
05:23.57rue_mohrer cool
05:24.12rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, you do sleep, right?
05:24.18frogonwheelsrue_mohr:  /Using a sound card as the source
05:24.41frogonwheelsdon't know if it's the best way..
05:24.48joakorue_mohr: I always see him here, I assume not. Then again I usually sleep mornings...
05:25.15Qwelljoako: thanks, I'll poke somebody...
05:25.25Qwellunless you want to, of course.  since you're there :p
05:26.30joakoQwell: Maybe I'll find Mark again tomorrow
05:27.40rue_mohrwell thats enough of an answer for me
05:27.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Almost time for my 8 minutes....
05:28.05rue_mohrfor refernce, I'm in bed now
05:28.29rue_mohrI'm so geek there's a computer shelf built into the bed :/
05:28.39rue_mohrwith its own computer...
05:29.39ScribbleJDumb one - how do I see logging output that is LOG_DEBUG ?
05:30.17LemensTSrue_mohr: if you got a lap you got a computer shelf in bed...
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05:30.24rue_mohrcore set debug something?
05:30.53rue_mohrwell this involved making the bed about 18" longer than the matress
05:31.13LemensTSwhat do you lay on your stomach
05:31.18LemensTSthat hurts my neck
05:31.39rue_mohrit involves pillow craftyness
05:32.22LemensTShah. i just have a mattress on the floor against the wall, and i sit up against the wall with the laptop on my lap...kiss lol
05:34.12[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Gah
05:34.20rue_mohrits interesting how having a bed 5' off the floor feeds a paranoia about heights
05:34.36rue_mohrother downside: DONT SIT UP FAST IN MORNING
05:34.37LemensTSlmao u sleep on plywood?
05:34.53[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Building a a computer shelf into a bed is sacrilege.
05:34.54rue_mohrno, I decided there was too much clearance and put a matress on there
05:35.15rue_mohrand a pillow
05:35.24LemensTSshould we donate money so rue can buy a new desktop
05:35.33[TK]D-FenderProper bedroom should not have a computer... laptop or otherwise.
05:35.45rue_mohrno worries, thats before I finished moving in
05:35.51rue_mohrhah, mine has 3
05:36.16LemensTSi got a 7 foot 4 post rack in my bedroom :shrug:
05:36.16rue_mohr4 if you count the old 486 thats a step for the cat to get to the bed
05:37.19rue_mohrmy asterisk machine is actually in my room, the houses data closet is out of space
05:37.50rue_mohrI cant use the 1U machines cause even with 60% of the fans unplugged its too loud for hte nearby bedroom
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05:38.35rue_mohryou can only put so many machines in a 1' x 2' closet before your at its thermal capacity anyhow
05:39.12LemensTSrue: lol yea i had a rackmount switch in my room and it didnt take long for me to move it out of here
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05:39.49sipyI sleep better with the hum of fans. kinda like rain
05:40.01rue_mohrgets real quiet in here right after a powerfailure, before I start the genorator
05:40.08rue_mohrmmm white noise
05:41.38rue_mohrtries to reclaim some realestate from the cat
05:44.43ScribbleJrue_mohr, core set debug was the key, thanks.
05:45.29ScribbleJI try to keep it simple at home.  One server, in a 'vcr' form factor, stacked with the stereo, does mythtv, asterisk, etc.
05:45.59rue_mohriirc 11 machines at last count...
05:46.12ScribbleJWe just got a bunch of extra racks at the office though and I've been kinda' eyeing one
05:46.17ScribbleJDoes it cost you a fortune in power?
05:46.21rue_mohrbetween firewalls, servers, and workstations
05:46.36rue_mohronly 2 monitors among them
05:47.03rue_mohrI claim they dont use up too much power
05:47.14rue_mohrit all offsets heating bills, right?
05:48.04ScribbleJMy C is so bad it makes me want to cry.
05:48.10ScribbleJPerl has rotted my brains.
05:48.21rue_mohri'm always glad to help if I can
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05:48.50rue_mohr(rue_mohr && C) == true
05:48.53ScribbleJrue_mohr, the only real problem I keep haivng is stupid simple C stuff...
05:49.25ScribbleJrue_mohr, nothing worth pastebinning... maybe you haev a link to a good something to read - the real problem I run into over and over is in wanting to return a string to a caller.
05:49.56rue_mohrk, thats not bad
05:50.08ScribbleJWhich I know, this is an easy one, but if I alloc memory for the string, then return the pointer, then who releases it? What if the caller doesn't care about ym return vaule and the memory is lost forever?
05:50.18Pryonjust don't return the address of an object with automatic storage
05:50.19rue_mohra) have the caller provide you a char * you can manipulate
05:50.30rue_mohrb) have the fn return a char* that was malloced
05:51.12rue_mohrvoid saymyname(char ** foo)
05:51.41rue_mohrchar * foo;  saymyname( &foo);
05:52.03rue_mohror if its not allocing the memory
05:52.14ScribbleJThat's a, then, I get it.  But B is the situation I'm complaining about right?
05:52.25ScribbleJOh, I see.
05:52.26rue_mohrchar foo[1024];  saymyname( &foo, sizeof (foo));
05:52.36ScribbleJYou're just saying always do it this way when I need to.  Hrm.
05:53.10ScribbleJI guess I'm just spoiled lazy by Perl.
05:54.05rue_mohror make a wrapper object that has initialization, processing, and destruction calls
05:54.16PryonIf you're doing a lot of string maniplation C's probably not a good choice anyway
05:54.17ScribbleJOh yeah... I should just use C++. :P
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05:54.55rue_mohrmyobj_t foo;   initthing(&foo);  dostuffto(&foo);  destroymy(&foo);
05:55.03rue_mohrna c++ sucks
05:55.03ScribbleJNah, Pyron, it's actually just the one thing I guess I didn't know how to handle in a 'clever' way and I suppose there isn't a 'clever' way then.  I'm actually working on a plugin to the Asterisk Generic Speech API.
05:55.28rue_mohrout or in?
05:55.37PryonAh.   I think the key to your sort of problem, then, is to decide who does the allocation, who does the freeing, and just be consistent.
05:55.38rue_mohrtts -> sst?
05:55.51ScribbleJPryon, I agree.  :)  Bother!
05:55.57rue_mohryou want to be consistant
05:55.59PryonWell, that's C for you.
05:56.18PryonI love C, but it doesn't reciprocate.
05:56.28ScribbleJrue_mohr, the Generic Speech API is what LumenVox plugs into; I'm basically working on a drop-in replacemnent for it with all Free parts.  I don't expect it to be practical.
05:56.33ScribbleJBut it does already work at this point.
05:56.55GameGamer43ScribbleJ: nice
05:57.21ScribbleJI'll probably put the code up on a site soon in it's present state considering how little time I have to work on it.
05:57.58rue_mohrthis is the speach rekg that needs to understand "HUMAN!!!" at every level of screeming shouting tone and stress level?
05:58.10ScribbleJYes, rue
05:58.12ScribbleJYou nailed it
05:58.44ScribbleJYouknow, that's basically true - I used to call comcast, get the voice tree, and politely say "fuck you" - and would promptly get transferred to a human.  I liked that, don't think it works anymore.
05:59.50rue_mohrby no means let me bilittle your work, that sounds great and I'm SURE there is somewhere its really good for
05:59.55ScribbleJNo no,
06:00.12ScribbleJI fully expect this project to be good only for experimentation.
06:00.28rue_mohrand I'm sure that if managers saw that asterisk could do it, they would totally want to get it installed
06:00.53ScribbleJMy coworkers are all excited to try it out; we use Lumenvox at the office for some products already and they have been wanting something they can plug in to release without making people pay for licenses -
06:01.18ScribbleJI don't actually think this will fulfill that role; beyond letting them physically do it, play with it enough to realize lumenvox is wortht he price and buy it... heh
06:01.50rue_mohrwhy am I sure someone said that once about asterisk echo cancelers
06:01.54ScribbleJAlthough, there's one other thing I wanted to try... taking call logs and parsing them through a continuous speech recognizer and making autoamtic transcripts.
06:02.09GameGamer43ScribbleJ: but you will get those people who try it and decide they don't want to spend the money on lumnevox licenses
06:02.15ScribbleJI'm sure it'll only get like every third work but even at that I could see it being useful.
06:02.28ScribbleJGameGamer43, basically why I wrote it, I'm a cheap fuck.
06:02.29GameGamer43just like all the people who use asterisk with x100p cards trying to spends little to nothing on it and make money
06:02.49rue_mohrx100p eh?
06:03.05rue_mohraren't those echo city?
06:03.48GameGamer43ScribbleJ:  understandable, but as you stated, u expect it to be useful for experimentation
06:04.08rue_mohrsee, I dont get this, if the reason there is no echo on my channelbank is cause of tdm, why aren't the digium cards running tdm internal?
06:05.03rue_mohrsomehting dosn't lign up
06:05.15rue_mohrwhen did I start speeling line like that
06:05.20ScribbleJI should actually go into the office someday and get the other guys to show me our new Asterisk implementations.  Apparently we paid digium to put together an IVR for us, which must be nice.
06:05.43ScribbleJBut all I have seen is what I've been playing with at home, which is basically just my upstream SIP provider and this speech stuff.
06:05.49rue_mohrScribbleJ, do your company sell * systems?
06:06.12ScribbleJrue_mohr, no, we actually do payment processing - credit cardy things, the IVR is for making payments.
06:06.56rue_mohrhave you been though the ivr? digium wrote the do/dont book on ivr didnt' they?
06:06.58ScribbleJI've been there since almost the beginning, and we've had this horrible Cisco phone system for six years now...
06:07.06*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
06:07.18ScribbleJAnd we just replaced that with Asterisk in the office, too, so tht's swell!
06:07.33ScribbleJFinally I might get the /office/ to SIP me at home... brilliant.  None of this SKINNY crud.
06:08.04ScribbleJrue_mohr, I /haven't/ - I've been uninvolved in the project so far, but I'm excited to get time to ask the kid who's been on it to show it all to me.
06:08.08rue_mohrI know a big office that just got a voip nortel system, they dont like it, wish it'd been cisco, so whats the downsides with the cisco?
06:08.12ScribbleJrue_mohr, like you said, I'd expect Digium to do it right.
06:08.50ScribbleJrue_mohr, mainly price, licensing.  TBH Cisco Unity / Cisco Callmanager are probably /fine/ systems, but I wouldn't know it because we could never afford to keep current or buy modules for interesting functionality.
06:09.15ScribbleJSo we were stuck with an outdated unmaintainable thing with severe limitations as to how many lines it would handle and what data it could provide...
06:09.34ScribbleJWhereas Asterisk dropped on the same hardware gives us the whole freaking world.
06:10.23ScribbleJI know it seems weird that we'll pay hundreds for the fancy Cisco phones, and not the money for the servers -
06:10.54ScribbleJBut you know how it is... the phones sit on the managers desks, they are real.  The server is a nearly imaginary thing that /might/ have a physical embodiment in some dingy closet somewhere....
06:10.58rue_mohrsee, I work for the phone/data division of an electrical company, I WANT to be able to provide asterisk systems, the keyd systems I provide right now suck, but I dont know what other voip systems are like, I know of nortel, cisco, and mitel
06:11.34[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Nortel? LOL
06:11.37rue_mohrso far the price/feature for asterisk beats everything
06:11.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: BCS = garbage... picture a web interface to DR5
06:12.01ScribbleJrue_mohr, it's inifitely good if you list it as feature/price.
06:12.06rue_mohrwell, the nortel keyd systems cost less than the panasonic ones
06:12.13[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No.. not more feaures.. same shit, jsut not configured via the phone display
06:12.48rue_mohrno, a panasonic tda30 costs about $1400 to add voicemail to
06:13.21rue_mohrI alsmost refuse to sell nortel 616s anymore
06:13.50rue_mohrsee where I am? why I want to get into providing asterisk?
06:14.37ScribbleJYeah - you're basically just on the other end of the same problem we had.
06:14.42GameGamer43rue_mohr: nortel still won't be around in another 5 years
06:14.46rue_mohrthere are so many types of phones avilable, and their all optional, customers can not buy sets and use their workstations if they like
06:15.27rue_mohrI have to remmeber to demo that at the office
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06:18.43Gopher_77so I guess dialing an invalid number comes back as a congested or busy line?
06:18.56Gopher_77on sip that is
06:19.11[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Depends
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06:20.26Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: well, I'm getting this busy/congested signal from voipuser whenever I try to use voipuser
06:20.29ScribbleJDoes anyone have any more complicated examples of how to use the Speech API in the dialplan than the one int he readme?
06:20.54ScribbleJAnd the pizza one, I've seen that!
06:21.30[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: "signal".... lot of things are "signals"
06:22.03[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: This last one was "annoyed' :)
06:24.14rue_mohrGopher_77, so you cant dial anything without it just being annoyed?
06:25.57Gopher_77rue_mohr: nothing routed to voipuser
06:26.16Gopher_77rue_mohr: I see something about a trunk configuration? How do I do this?
06:26.28rue_mohrif I may clearify your terminology...
06:26.44rue_mohrno phone calls can get to voipuser?
06:26.48rue_mohror from?
06:27.23Gopher_77outgoing from asterisk through voipuser to a number
06:27.25rue_mohrtrunks have to do with zaptel or dahdi channsls
06:27.38Gopher_77oh, ok, so not a trunk
06:28.05rue_mohrI'm still trying to work out what your talking baout, through voipuser, is the hangup
06:28.17Gopher_77rue_mohr: my SIP provider
06:28.51rue_mohrok so phone->asterisk->external sip provider -> pots network
06:30.20rue_mohrok, now, you cant get your sip provider to give you anything other than a 'it didn't work' tone of some sort
06:30.49rue_mohr(warning I might fall asleep any second)
06:30.57rue_mohrunless you answer quick
06:31.29rue_mohrquick is a reply in less then 4 seconds
06:31.45Gopher_77rue_mohr: it fails the dial, CLI returns a message of Busy/Congested, and it goes to the next priority
06:32.17rue_mohrok, so, what codec is your sip provider trying to use with you
06:32.23[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: CLI warning means NOTHING
06:32.26Gopher_77rue_mohr: I have no idea
06:32.33[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Look at the SIP debug respons
06:32.39rue_mohrwell make sure its not gsm729
06:32.56Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: what am I looking for in the SIP debug?
06:33.12[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: the answer it comes back with on the INVITE
06:33.20[TK]D-Fenderwhich... i wil not be here to see..
06:33.24[TK]D-Fenderbed calls...
06:33.36rue_mohrhe does sleep...
06:33.46rue_mohrI'm already in bed
06:34.43rue_mohrGopher_77, make sure they aren't using gsm729, if they are, asterisk prolly has fialusre messages to do with not being able to transcode
06:34.46Gopher_77voipuser has a section on what protocol is used, but unfortunately, it doesn't tell which one
06:35.31rue_mohrlook in the console of asterisk
06:36.04rue_mohryou will have to be ready to copy /paste the terminal data, lots of stuff scrolls by and its impossable to try to read it live
06:36.18Gopher_77rue_mohr: what's the command?
06:36.33rue_mohrwell, from the command line     asterisk -r
06:36.53rue_mohrin the console you can dial up all the messages with
06:36.57rue_mohrcore set verbose 10
06:36.59Gopher_77rue_mohr: sip show registry shows that it's registered, but not which protocol
06:37.03rue_mohrcore set debug 10
06:37.18rue_mohrthe protocol dosn't happen till the connection is made
06:37.40Gopher_77I see
06:37.57rue_mohrthey go back and forth over what is available, asterisk wil accept gsm729, then choke cause it cant do anything with it
06:38.25rue_mohrto do debug for a particular sip thing,    sip set debug
06:38.45rue_mohryou will need to do the help, there is a way of specifying the ip of the end to debug
06:39.09rue_mohryour almost at the end of what I can help you with
06:39.25rue_mohrI can tell you to look for errors, and try to find out why they happned
06:39.37rue_mohr'failure'  or 'error'
06:39.45rue_mohrwatch when you try to dial
06:40.01Gopher_77I have a bunch of stuff from sip debug
06:40.46Gopher_77SIP/2.0 404 Not Found
06:41.06rue_mohrsounds like your hot on the trail
06:41.33Gopher_77feels cold to me :)
06:41.48rue_mohrno, numbers are called on as urls
06:41.50Gopher_77hmmm... SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
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06:42.24Gopher_77I guess I should pastebin?
06:42.46rue_mohrI doubt I can help ya, but sure
06:42.48rue_mohrQwell, ?
06:43.23*** join/#asterisk sandorp (
06:43.53sandorpI recently had to reboot my asterisk server (had been up for 300+ days)
06:44.16rue_mohrGopher_77, you need to include more I think
06:44.21sandorpnow remote users are unable to connect using SIP phones (x-lite, actually)
06:44.26rue_mohrI'm not good at reading these
06:44.46sandorpI get  "Network unreachable" error in the CLI whenever they connect
06:44.46rue_mohrsandorp, check your sip.conf ?
06:44.49Pryonsandorp: have they tried de and re-registering?
06:44.59Gopher_77more >
06:45.24rue_mohrsandorp, is the network connectin on your machine working?
06:46.14sandorpyes, I can connect from a local SIP phone
06:46.44sandorpmy * machine has a public IP; my working SIP phone is behind a corp firewall
06:47.32rue_mohrQwell, ?
06:48.07rue_mohrsandorp, can your cients get to port 5060?
06:48.38rue_mohrnetwork unreachable is a big network fualt though
06:48.49sandorpyes, they are opening a connection to the * machine
06:48.54rue_mohrmeans it cant get to the dest network
06:48.57rue_mohrno route
06:49.16Gopher_77default gateway?
06:49.17sandorpso I did a traceroute and I get as far as their provider's network
06:49.36sandorpI believe the provider is blocking ICMP to their home user's DSL
06:49.59rue_mohrk, they get network unreachable?
06:50.05sandorphmm, didn't check the default gw
06:50.15sandorpI figured it was working if I can reach it
06:50.22rue_mohrits not trying to return to your local ip is it?
06:50.41rue_mohralways test from outside
06:50.41Gopher_77yeah, gw should be good if you can reach it
06:51.02Gopher_77but doesn't the "network unreachable" mean that you can't reach it?
06:51.08rue_mohrnothing like a machine on the internet trying to reach 192.168....
06:51.15sandorpwhen I run "route" I don't see an entry for "default"
06:51.24rue_mohrit means there is no route to the network its trying to get to
06:51.28rue_mohrfrom where it is
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06:52.41Gopher_77gw problem would also mean he can't get to any ip outside his lan
06:52.44rue_mohrdont forget that resolv.conf and routing data get overwritten for machines using dhcp
06:53.09Gopher_77that's with network manager in linux, right? Is he using linux?
06:53.40rue_mohrif the problem only came up when you rebooted the * server, then the problem is there
06:53.40sandorpyes, using linux
06:53.53rue_mohrhow did the cat get back to the middle of the bed again?
06:53.54sandorpand I had no default route after reboot
06:54.04Gopher_77not surprising
06:54.08rue_mohrthat wouldn;t help
06:54.10Gopher_77have to put it in the network-script
06:54.15sandorpjust added it and having user try it again
06:54.21sandorpwoo hoo
06:54.24sandorpthat was it
06:54.26rue_mohrwhere does its network config come form?
06:54.32sandorp<- feels stupid now
06:54.37rue_mohrit happens
06:54.51rue_mohrits good to reboot a machine once in a while to make sure its configsafe
06:54.51Gopher_77try /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
06:54.55sandorpform /etc/sysconfig/network?
06:55.07rue_mohrok, its static then?
06:55.13rue_mohrnot dhcp?
06:55.18sandorpgateway address is set
06:55.23sandorpyeah, static
06:55.25Gopher_77not network, network-scripts
06:55.42Gopher_77ifcfg-eth0, for example
06:55.45rue_mohron debian its /etc/networking/interfaces
06:55.59sandorplooking at ifcfg-eth0
06:56.00rue_mohron redhurt its different
06:56.04sandorpgateway is missing
06:56.11Gopher_77yes gateway=
06:56.35Gopher_77I happen to use redhurt flavors
06:57.12sandorpok, so next reboot should be ok ... it had a route to the local corp firewall, so I guess that's why I was able to connect
06:57.30sandorpthanks for the nudge in the right direction
06:57.43sandorpg'night all
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07:00.03sofhhi all
07:01.01sofhsuppose i've some analogue card installed on my asterisk box and a PSTN line is connected with that card
07:01.33sofhcan i dial out to some "calling card" to place my international calls ?
07:01.50sofhin other words , may i use any calling card as "my termination" gw ?
07:02.13TrentCreekwhy not just pick up a phone?
07:02.48TrentCreekyes, you could program the system to dial for you and   enter the code and number for you
07:02.51sofhwhat for my users behind the pbx ? they are on lan and i don't want to give all of them direct connectivity to PSTN line
07:03.00Gopher_77should be able to dial a number through the PSTN line through an extension, right?
07:03.27TrentCreekyes, or have the box do it
07:03.43sofhi am getting an idea , suppose i want all number starting from 345 will dial the calling card first but how to keep the number user dialed
07:03.53Gopher_77here's a question: is there a way to put a pause in dialing for the phone card provider?
07:04.06sofhi mean user is on ip phone , he picks the phone and dials 00441xxx
07:04.06TrentCreekyes, you can do what you want
07:04.35sofhwhat i am confused is to where to store his dialed number , till asterisk dials the calling card access number and  then its pin number
07:05.33TrentCreekcommands start when the user picks up the phone
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07:06.50sofhi think it could be done
07:06.56sofhbut question is HOW :-S
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07:07.03TrentCreekKNOW it can be done
07:07.18GameGamer43ScribbleJ: you still around?
07:07.41sofhTrentCreek, i didn't get your "no" or "Know"
07:07.57TrentCreekjust program it in the extension..i already told you commands start when the user picks up the could even have it play a voice message of "FUCK YOU" when they pick up their phone
07:08.21TrentCreekdont THINK it can be done...KNOW it can be done
07:08.35Gopher_77maybe something like exten => _00411.,n,Dial(SIP/user/<number-for-card>${EXTEN:5})
07:08.35sofhnow i got  you
07:09.09TrentCreekthen next line they dial the number to call
07:09.30TrentCreekwell the PIN number then number to call
07:09.55Gopher_77or would that all go in <number-for-card>?
07:10.23TrentCreekyou should put each event as seperate commands
07:10.31TrentCreekon seperate lines I mean
07:10.42Gopher_77or just take out ${EXTEN} altogether to transfer control from * to the card provider
07:11.11ScribbleJGameGamer43, ?
07:11.20TrentCreekDial (Card Access Number)
07:11.24TrentCreekDial (PIn)
07:11.35TrentCreekDial (person you are calling)
07:11.50GameGamer43ScribbleJ: let me know when you post that code, it'll be interesting to see what you got and play around with it
07:12.00ScribbleJSure, no problem!
07:12.02Gopher_77so the third line would contain the ${EXTEN}
07:12.25Gopher_77some version of it
07:12.51sofhok everybody thanks for your tips..let me test it i will be back if i face something new :)
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08:28.42jbotHowdy Bub
08:29.43contrabandai need help with extensions. i receive error when calls come from PSTN - E1  --->
08:29.53contrabandaplease help me to fix problem
08:31.28Gopher_77no such device as 1?
08:32.08contrabandawhat do u mean
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08:32.51Gopher_77dahdi show channel 1
08:34.04Gopher_77or: dahdi show channels
08:34.57contrabandaill paste output
08:35.23contrabandai have pasted my extensions.conf and output of dahdi show command
08:38.31Gopher_77paste chan_dahdi.conf?
08:40.29contrabandahere is config
08:42.05*** join/#asterisk ScriptFanix (i=vincent@2a01:e35:2f43:ae90:21a:70ff:fea3:44ab)
08:42.53Gopher_77contrabanda: so it appears you should assign a context to these channels in chan_dahdi.conf and define this context in extensions.conf
08:43.27Gopher_77contrabanda: this way when a call is received on these channels they have instructions to follow as defined in the context
08:43.29ScriptFanixwhat are the best sip codecs for inband DTMF ? currently i allowed ulaw, alaw and speex, but asterisk doesn't receive DTMFs from my GSM
08:43.59ScriptFanixi have dtmfmode=auto
08:45.48contrabandaGopher_77: should i change context=default to context=egrisigroup, which i have defined in extensions.conf?
08:46.00*** join/#asterisk Chaz6 (
08:46.45Chaz6Hi there, does anyone know if the problem that SIP URIs containing IPv6 literal addresses violate rfc 3986, and are thus not valid absolute URIs, been fixed?
08:47.21Gopher_77contrabanda: that would tell those channels to follow the instructions for context egrisigroup. If that is what you want, do that.
08:48.37Chaz6For example, <sip:callee@[2001::1]> is a valid SIP URI but not a valid URI
08:48.46Gopher_77contrabanda: I think I see more problems with extensions.conf though
08:49.23Gopher_77Chaz6: sorry, I know nothing about IPv6 or the rfc's
08:51.42contrabandaGopher_77: what problems?
08:52.05Gopher_77contrabanda: for one, I don't see why you have g1 in these places
08:53.11contrabandaGopher_77: is it mistake?
08:54.01Gopher_77contrabanda: I think so; I don't know all the rules but I know that this place is normally used for a number representing the dahdi channel
08:54.39Gopher_77contrabanda: also after this place, it is normally a comma before the ${EXTEN}
08:55.26Gopher_77contrabanda: I'm sorry I think I may be wrong about the second part
08:55.37Gopher_77contrabanda: I haven't used it in my configuration
08:56.30Gopher_77contrabanda: yes, I believe the ${EXTEN} part of your configuration is correct
08:56.41contrabandaGopher_77: I have one more problem , when im calling to PSTN throuugh DAHDI E1, A number is not displayed on the other side
08:57.01contrabandawhere can i fix this?
08:59.03*** join/#asterisk af_ (
08:59.18Gopher_77contrabanda: I believe that is in the callerid directive in chan_dahdi.conf
08:59.31Gopher_77contrabanda: can you now call from one line to the next line?
09:02.24contrabandaGopher_77: now when i am calling from pstn i got such error: Spawn extension (egrisitrunk, 245263, 1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/499994-093bc3a8'
09:02.52Gopher_77contrabanda: I'm not familiar with the pri_cpe signalling, so forgive me if I have extra questions
09:03.02contrabandaGopher_77: but in extensions.conf i have such record exten => _499XXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
09:03.11Gopher_77contrabanda: which dahdi channels will have telephones on them?
09:03.32Gopher_77contrabanda: ${EXTEN} will return all 6 digits dialed
09:03.46Gopher_77contrabanda: to reduce that to the last three, use ${EXTEN:3}
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09:04.00Gopher_77contrabanda: it strips the first three with this number 3
09:04.28Gopher_77contrabanda: so it will attempt to use dahdi channel 994
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09:04.51Gopher_77contrabanda: sorry, I'm getting confused
09:05.01Gopher_77contrabanda: this is SIP
09:05.45contrabandaGopher_77: yes i have SIP clients asigned with 6 digit numbers 499XXX. they can call each other, also can call to PSTN through DAHDI
09:05.52Gopher_77contrabanda: with this exten line, it will dial the 6 digit extension to SIP, but the SIP peer is not defined
09:06.03contrabandabut incomming calls through dahdi are not working
09:06.26Gopher_77contrabanda: so this is a successful configuration for SIP telephones?
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09:06.44contrabandano i have defined
09:07.04Gopher_77contrabanda: oh, so 499994 is the name of the SIP device
09:07.52Gopher_77contrabanda: what extensions do you want to use for the dahdi channels?
09:08.14*** join/#asterisk LuisTorres (
09:08.38Gopher_77contrabanda: first, are the dahdi channels for telephones or outgoing lines?
09:08.50contrabandai have defined all extensions in content egrisigroup
09:09.24contrabandadahdi chanels are for incoming and outgoing through E1 interface
09:09.55Gopher_77contrabanda: ok so they are to the telecommunications company
09:10.35Gopher_77contrabanda: when calls come in from outside they will enter the egrisigroup context, unless you wish to use another
09:11.45Gopher_77contrabanda: unfortunately, I haven't configured this part of my system, but I would think that you Dial(dahdi/<channel>/<number>) to use these for outgoing calls
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09:12.05Gopher_77contrabanda: I'm not sure how to use them in a pool
09:12.24contrabandaGopher_77: yes, exactly when i call from other telephone network, call is routed to context=egrisigroup
09:12.30ludanis there an alternative to
09:12.43contrabandaExtension '499994' in context 'egrisigroup' from '2245263' does not exist.  Rejecting call on channel 0/1, span 1
09:13.10contrabandait says that there is not 499994 in this context
09:13.13Gopher_77contrabanda: what is '2245263'?
09:13.35contrabandaits a number of telephone in telecom company
09:13.49Gopher_77contrabanda: ok
09:15.18Gopher_77contrabanda: try before the _499XXX line, exten => _499XXX,1,Answer
09:15.36Gopher_77contrabanda: and change the existing _499XXX,1 to _499XXX,n
09:16.04Gopher_77contrabanda: sorry, s/Answer/Answer()/
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09:21.06kaldemarGopher_77: that won't help anything
09:21.40kaldemarcontrabanda: pastebin the context in extensions.conf
09:22.23Gopher_77contrabanda: he probably knows more than I do
09:22.42contrabandaGopher_77: exten => _499XXX,1,Answer()
09:23.38jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
09:23.41Gopher_77contrabanda: then after that exten => _499XXX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
09:24.33kaldemarhaving an answer as the first priority has nothing to do with the exten not begin found in the context.
09:24.50contrabandaGopher_77: exten => _499XXX,1,Answer
09:24.51contrabandaexten => _499XXX,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
09:25.01contrabandai have this but the same error :(
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09:25.40Gopher_77contrabanda: yes, I think it did nothing, now that I think about how you are successful calling from SIP to SIP
09:26.22Gopher_77contrabanda: did you reload chan_dahdi after changing context for the dahdi channels?
09:29.43Gopher_77contrabanda: and the SIP channels are registered?
09:29.55Gopher_77contrabanda: sip show registry
09:30.50kaldemarcontrabanda: you have "egrisitrunk" in extensions.conf and "egrisigroup" in dahdi configuration. there's your problem.
09:30.55Gopher_77contrabanda: sometimes it takes a minute if you reload SIP or *
09:31.06Gopher_77ah, that would do it
09:32.10contrabandaGopher_77: oh noooooooo
09:32.19Gopher_77contrabanda: ?
09:32.58contrabandaGopher_77: ill change it now
09:33.51contrabandaGopher_77: Thanks a lot dude. its working now :) many many thanks
09:34.03Gopher_77contrabanda: np
09:34.15Gopher_77contrabanda: it turned out to be one simple thing :)
09:34.50*** join/#asterisk Faustov (i=user@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:35.40Gopher_77kaldemar: he didn't have it defined at all before, guess it was a typo on top of that
09:36.02Faustovhello, is hardware echo cancelation on pstn cards a demanded feature? I got a sangoma a200d card recommended but the only available is 2x cheaper a200 which comes without this feature
09:36.55contrabandaGopher_77: exactly :)
09:37.47contrabandaGopher_77: I have one more question please :) When user ins not online how can i transfer call to some anouncement? For example nowonline.wav?
09:38.57*** part/#asterisk Chaz6 (
09:39.46kaldemarFaustov: it is not a demanded feature, of course you can interface pstn without any echo cancellation, but if you run into echo problems, hardware cancellation is probably the best solution. software solutions tend to perform worse and cause more work.
09:40.44*** join/#asterisk Mr_BOnD_007 (i=bond0070@
09:41.19Faustovkaldemar: i see, what is the likelyhood of getting into problems with echo?
09:42.06Gopher_77contrabanda: after the priority with the Dial application, put in another priority to call a file-playing application (I don't know what that is)
09:42.59contrabandaok thanks
09:43.00kaldemarFaustov: depends on the environment, but it is likely that you will get echo. i'd recommend hardware cancellation to avoid a headache.
09:43.16*** join/#asterisk dominic1 (n=dob@
09:44.10dominic1morning, is there any function in asterisk 1.6 to get the callerid(Name) of the person I called? I think there is a function in the sip protocol to do that....
09:45.15kaldemarcontrabanda: you might also want to put a timeout for the dial command (for syntax, see core show application dial in asterisk CLI) depending on what you mean by online, and like Gopher_77 said, use app Playback to play the announcement in the next priority.
09:46.18Faustovkaldemar: since u're around, mind if i ask another question? This time regarding means of connecting asterisk to cellular network - what would you suggest? I've found one pci card but it costs 3k usd...
09:47.05Gopher_77kaldemar: very useful; now I know how to get a list of applications
09:47.26*** join/#asterisk bgmarete (n=marebri_@
09:48.08kaldemarFaustov: i've only tried junghanns gsm cards. seemed to work and be relatively easy to configure based on brief testing.
09:50.23kaldemardominic1: probably not a real straight forward way, but that MIGHT be achievable with M() parameter of the Dial app and CALLERID function.
09:52.06Faustovkaldemar: that's the one that's so expensive! Are we talking about the same card?
09:52.27kaldemarFaustov: yes, that's the one.
09:53.37kaldemaryou can also find some cheaper gsm gateways, but i won't give comments on those since i haven't tried any myself. :)
09:54.09Faustovthis is hard, hardly anyone can share experience with connecting * to gsm
09:54.28Faustovthis card is mostly mentioned but i'm pretty sure i won't get the funding for it
09:55.28dominic1kaldemar: but I think it's not possible to change the callerid while already calling to another person. The callerid is transmitted when connecting (I think).
09:55.54*** join/#asterisk scruz (n=scruz@
09:57.05kaldemardominic1: what exactly are you trying to do? now you're talking about changing the callerid.
09:58.35Faustovkaldemar: yeah i've been checking those out, one thing i'm not sure about is how a dialplan would work there (as in, it would have to be connected to that pstn fxo port, then if someone made a call to another cell, i'd like to route it via this gateway - but it's external so how?
09:59.05*** join/#asterisk bobsaccamano (n=ckd683@
09:59.29bobsaccamanohi..does anyone know the right place to get info on TAPI 3.0??
09:59.35kaldemarFaustov: that's no problem
10:00.16mvanbaakbobsaccamano: google ?
10:01.37Faustovkaldemar: any hint? What comes to my head would be directing that traffic to the specified fxo port on he card, but i don't have one yet so i'm just guessing
10:01.51kaldemarbobsaccamano: this is most likely not a great place to get information on windows API's. ggi.
10:02.02bobsaccamanomvanbaak, okay ill state the problem: I'm connecting a POTS phone to a laptop where Im running a SIP i want to initiate a call from the phone which should be converted into a SIP URI and sent as input to the client on the laptop...
10:02.25bobsaccamanocan i use asterisk here
10:04.07kaldemarFaustov: if your fxo channel is busy, direct it to some place else in the dialplan. that's really basic stuff.
10:04.53scruzi want to connect two asterisk servers, one with a (more-or-less) dynamic IP, the other with a static IP. how can i do this? (tried it and can't get it working)
10:05.43mvanbaakbobsaccamano: how are you connecting the POTS phone to your laptop ?
10:05.44kaldemarbobsaccamano: you can do just about anything you want with asterisk. but sounds like you're trying to get the laptop to work like an ATA. no need for asterisk in that case.
10:06.32bobsaccamanomvanbaak, using the RJ-11 port
10:06.51dominic1If I call a person, I can only see the number I dialed in the display. On other systems like Siemens it's possible to see the name of the called person in the display
10:07.06dominic1kaldemar:  If I call a person, I can only see the number I dialed in the display. On other systems like Siemens it's possible to see the name of the called person in the display
10:07.58mvanbaakbobsaccamano: it most probably is not going to work, because your laptop modem is not supported by zaptel I think. Most modems are not.
10:08.28bobsaccamanokaldemar, how do i convert the analog DTMF tones into a string containing the sip uri?
10:08.58kaldemardominic1: use the phone's phonebook. personally, i think that's just a waste of time. a caller should know who is being called.
10:09.18Faustovkaldemar: ok i guess it will be easier once i look at it, thanks for the info
10:09.45kaldemarbobsaccamano: why are you trying to do that?
10:10.15bobsaccamanokaldemar, because i want to test a custom SIP stack
10:10.27bobsaccamanoand want to make it interoperable
10:11.19dominic1kaldemar: That's the problem, sometimes when a user is dialing a internal number, he mixes the numbers up. So if he is able to see the name of the called person, he can hangup up the call before somebody is picking it up. Enterprise class systems are able to do that.
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10:16.32kaldemarbobsaccamano: you hardly need an analog telephone for testing a SIP stack against some SIP device.
10:18.13bobsaccamanokaldemar, i know it sounds silly but its important from an end-user perspective
10:19.01kaldemarbobsaccamano: so that the end user can plug an analog telephone in their laptop and make calls?
10:19.48kaldemarjesus, use a soft phone, ATA or a hard phone.
10:21.27kaldemari wouldn't re-invent the wheel since all laptops don't even have modems nowadays. besides there are plenty of handsets (for w.g. USB ports) that work with soft phones in case the users wants a traditional looking device to dial with.
10:22.27Gopher_77softphone with a bluetooth headset isn't bad either
10:23.15Gopher_77besides, even if the laptop has a standard modem, it's not the modem you need to plug an analog phone into the laptop
10:23.15*** part/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-6e3a7e315cef01e6)
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10:24.54jbotbook is, like, probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
10:25.15kaldemarscruz: ^^ good detailed examples found there also
10:25.39*** join/#asterisk clintc (
10:28.53jbotanalog is, like, Analog refers to a representation of a quantity that varies over any continuous range of values. Analog signals can be thought of as pure in nature and not processed. Thus, the debate over whether record albums (analog representation of sound) sound better than CDs (digital representation of sound). Think of nature as analog. Values are exact, but it is impossible to correct errors in reproduction.
10:30.00scruzkaldemar: i've both the book and that url open as at when i posted my question. i couldn't get it to work
10:30.29kaldemarscruz: what is the problem?
10:31.17scruzi want to call a registered extension on the second server from the first
10:31.30scruz'first' being the dynamic, the second being the static
10:31.44scruzbut the call isn't handled
10:33.06scruzhere's the dialplan from the dynamic:
10:33.15*** join/#asterisk AdvoWork (n=AdvoWork@unaffiliated/advowork)
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10:33.52AdvoWorkHi there, trying to eliminate echo problems, and it says echocancel should be 64 in zapata.conf but ive got echocancel=yes and thats it,whats the name of the setting to do echocancel?=64?
10:34.09kaldemarwhat is the EXACT problem? show CLI output of a failed call, channel configuration files and extensions.conf
10:34.27scruzcall just drops
10:34.36scruzno o/p in cli
10:35.07kaldemargive "set verbose 10" in cli and try again.
10:35.41kaldemarand look at both cli's
10:36.49scruznothing, still
10:37.12kaldemarthen the call is not even going to either asterisk. you need to configure your client right.
10:38.25scruzseems the client is configured right, since it shows on the cli of the server it's registered to when i started it again
10:41.57kaldemarif the cli says nothing upon dial, it is not.
10:44.58*** join/#asterisk JJ2110 (
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10:47.07emrahpbxheya all
10:52.40scruzi changed the context for the account i'm using with the softphone (only!) and dialled the extension 99992 , which has the sayunixtime application for that extension, and it works
10:54.23scruzbut it doesn't do anything when i changed it back to the linkin extension
10:54.34scruz*linkin context
10:54.50kaldemari can't help you if you don't give information.
10:58.45kaldemarscruz: you said that already, but didn't show a cli output of a failed call on verbosity 10 nor show channel configuration files.
10:59.10scruzon the cli, there was no o/p for the failed call
10:59.41kaldemarthen the call must be going some place else.
11:00.14scruzfor the dynamic host
11:01.14kaldemarhow have you configured the client you're using?
11:01.52kaldemarand change SIP/asterisk_linux/3590003 to SIP/3590003@asterisk_linux
11:02.15*** join/#asterisk ultrav1olet (n=telnet@
11:03.29scruzis the register statement correct? is it in the right host?
11:03.43ultrav1oletWe have one telephony ZAP line and when it's busy the next person trying to call receives Normal Clearing message when he or she tries to call this line. How can I turn this message into sound message saying "The line is currently busy. Call again later" or somethingh like this?
11:04.12kaldemarAdvoWork: check the sample config, it will tell you what you can set echocancel to.
11:05.50kaldemarscruz: the register statement doesn't affect outgoing calls in any way. but, if you don't use secrets, it is correct.
11:05.59ultrav1oletand one more question: right now our asterisk doesn't detect BUSY signal on Zap channel, so when you have finished calling you will be listening to busy signals indefinitely
11:07.10scruznow i'm going to lie down since it doesn't still work :)
11:07.55kaldemarscruz: just do it exactly as in the book and it will work.
11:11.06scruzwill buzz back and give you info
11:13.19*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
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11:27.13scruzhi again
11:28.33scruzthe remote host has registered my local asterisk, but my local asterisk keeps throwing up registration timeouts :(
11:29.04scruz9 attempts & counting
11:29.22kaldemaris there a firewall blocking port 5060 in between?
11:29.58kaldemaris 5060 open in the remote machine?
11:29.58scruzor the softphone wouldn't work
11:30.25kaldemaryour softphone is not the remote asterisk
11:32.54*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
11:36.31AdvoWorkkaldemar, wheres the sample config?
11:39.57kaldemarAdvoWork: in the source package under configs/
11:40.26*** join/#asterisk peaquino (
11:41.25peaquinoI've got a problem with dahdi_cfg (or zaptel_cfg if I try the old drivers)
11:42.10peaquinowhen I run it, it completely freezes the server
11:43.01peaquinoI've got a Digium TE220p card, the server is and AMD Phenom 9850, with Gigabyte AMD 780 motherboard
11:43.29peaquinoI've installed Ubuntu Server 64 bit and the latest dahdi drivers and tools
11:44.25MaliutaLappeaquino: you want to pay someone to get it working???
11:44.26peaquinoon a very similar server (the only difference is in the processor, it uses Athlon 5600) everything works fine
11:44.29MaliutaLaphas time :)
11:45.22peaquinoMaliutaLap: I'm thinking about it, but right now I'm doing some research first
11:46.54MaliutaLapOffer only Valid until 06:30 09/02/2009 (GMT+10:00) and after release with shiny hip
11:47.17*** join/#asterisk joelsolanki (i=joelsola@
11:47.22joelsolankiHello all
11:47.45MaliutaLapjoelsolanki: goodbye
11:47.48joelsolankii want to configure 111 extension when called then the dialing extension should listen his own extension numbe
11:48.14MaliutaLapjoelsolanki: you want echo?
11:48.28MaliutaLapas in echo what the caller is saying down the line?
11:48.48joelsolankii just want to know the dialer that from where he is dialing
11:49.20joelsolankimeans if my extension is 200 and i dial 111 then i should get message " Your extension number is 200 "
11:49.38kaldemarthe user has serious problems if he doesn't know where she's dialing from. ;)
11:49.56MaliutaLapso you want Say($(CALLERID)) or something like that
11:50.09MaliutaLapthat is off the top of my head and probbably doesn't work
11:50.24*** join/#asterisk scruz (n=scruz@
11:50.25kaldemarSayDigits(${CALLERID(num)}) to be precise
11:50.34MaliutaLapis adding disclaimers to everything tonight
11:50.35dominic1Is it possible that the asterisk 1.6 sends local and remote tags in the notify messages? I want to display a popup with the information of a caller which calls somebody on my blf-keys
11:50.55MaliutaLapkaldemar: and if the callerID id "John"???
11:51.00scruzif asterisk says 'no such command sip', i assume sip support wasn't compiled in?
11:51.22MaliutaLapscruz: or chan_sip isn't loaded
11:51.22scruzjbot seems to be quite a bot
11:51.34MaliutaLapscruz: show module like chan_
11:51.49kaldemarMaliutaLap: John is not a number. :)
11:51.51MaliutaLap<3 jbot
11:52.03MaliutaLapkaldemar: but is a valid callerID
11:52.12MaliutaLapkaldemar: :)
11:52.23scruznope, it's not loaded. any way to load it?
11:52.37scruzmaybe i should build asterisk 1.4 on this box
11:52.43MaliutaLapkaldemar: to do it properly you'd need to test what is in the callerID string
11:53.04MaliutaLapscruz: well we don't know what your config is loading
11:53.08kaldemarMaliutaLap: well he can combine all the Say-applications if he wishes to get lots of information.
11:53.33MaliutaLapscruz: you may very well just have missed something in the config
11:54.28MaliutaLaphe was no fun anyway
11:55.10kaldemarscruz: load will probably give you some hints on what might be wrong.
11:55.49scruzsip support wasn't built in :'(
11:55.56scruzfreaking office servers
11:56.12MaliutaLapkaldemar: probably nothing wrong except in modules.conf ... but we can't say for sure with out an attempted load and/or a config
11:56.32scruzUnable to load module
11:56.33scruzFeb  4 12:33:40 WARNING[12069]: loader.c:326 __load_resource: /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
11:57.33MaliutaLapdoes that file exist? is * looking for modules in the right places?
11:57.51MaliutaLapdoes it exist somewhere else on the system?
11:58.23scruznew to linux...any way to search?
11:58.33scruzfind doesn't work
11:58.56scruzno results from whereis
11:59.55MaliutaLapif find doesn't work you're doing it wrong ...
12:00.01MaliutaLapbut I bet you hear that alot ;P
12:00.08kaldemarif there are no results, it doesn't mean that find doesn't work. it means that there is no such file or you're using find wrong if the file really exists.
12:00.18MaliutaLapfind / -type f -name '*'
12:00.42MaliutaLapif that returns nothing and #? is 0 then the file doesn't exist
12:00.51MaliutaLapfind is a very powerful tool when used right
12:04.25scruzi found it somewhere, but it seems nothing short of building asterisk myself will solve this
12:04.53scruzi cannot load the shared object because of some undefined symbol
12:05.16scruzguess i need to read up the man pages for find
12:09.44MaliutaLapthat sounds like the module you have is for the wrong arch
12:09.51MaliutaLapwhat disr
12:09.56MaliutaLapdistro even
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12:23.08scruzi can't dl asterisk 1.2?
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12:24.54MaliutaLapI wouldn't touch 1.2 at this stage
12:25.13MaliutaLapI thought someone had packaged for Fedora ... it should be usable
12:25.26MaliutaLapI normally roll my own packages anyhow
12:26.53scruzwhy not? touch 1.2? we use 1.2 here
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12:28.55MaliutaLapbecause it's ancient and if you run into problems most ppl will tell you to upgrade
12:29.06scruzanyhoo, what goes for SIP should go for IAX2, right? just add the config info in the IAX config instead
12:29.27scruzour dinosaur works just fine, thankee ;)
12:29.34MaliutaLap1.4 fixed lots of stuff, 1.6 is better still (I need to get around to putting 1.6 on my poor little PIII Celery 733)
12:29.57MaliutaLapIAX is a little different, 'specially with nat
12:30.06MaliutaLapmost of the config is similar enough
12:31.15scruzno nat involved. local network
12:31.47MaliutaLapthey _all_ say that at the begining
12:32.12MaliutaLapIAX is much nicer to nat
12:32.40scruzi gathered
12:32.54scruzbut it's a local network. really. 0 nat inside
12:33.49scruzi've got to dl asterisk 1.4 on a linux box, transfer to a windows box, then transfer to another linux box for building
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12:43.59ultrav1oletWe have one telephony ZAP line and when it's busy the next person trying to call receives Normal Clearing message when he or she tries to call this line. How can I turn this message into sound message saying "The line is currently busy. Call again later" or somethingh like this?
12:44.03*** join/#asterisk ScriptFanix (i=vincent@2a01:e35:2f43:ae90:21a:70ff:fea3:44ab)
12:44.24ultrav1oletand one more question: right now our asterisk doesn't detect BUSY signal on Zap channel, so when you have finished calling you will be listening to busy signals indefinitely. busydetect option is set to on however it doesn't help
12:44.50MaliutaLapultrav1olet: user calling out of your system or into it over ZAP?
12:45.09MaliutaLapultrav1olet: if it's outside you'll need to talk to the PSTN provider
12:45.10ultrav1oletcalling out
12:45.40ultrav1oletI see some options related to busy signal detection - what if I need to change them?
12:47.01MaliutaLapso you could record the msg anyway you want (on a pc and convert or in a recording studio and convert ... even using record()) and the set the exten[num+100] to Play($file)
12:49.24MaliutaLapif a line is busy on an attempted dial you jump to exten[#+100] .. so if dial is at exten xxx => s,2,Dial(ZAP/foof/bar) and it's busy you end up at exten => s,102,Stuff(tm)
12:49.32MaliutaLapit's in the manual for Dial()
12:49.36MaliutaLapRTFM :)
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12:58.24scruzwhat would cause an iax reg req to be rejected? there's no scret
13:01.40MaliutaLapand host=?
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13:01.58MaliutaLapif host is dynamic you _must_ have a secret
13:02.13kaldemarMaliutaLap: actually, priorityjumping is not enabled by default anymore. priorityjumping=yes needs to be set to enable jumping for the applications that support it. and the jump is +101. ;)
13:02.34sipy_awayWhy is that not in the docs ANYWHERE???
13:02.36MaliutaLapkaldemar: that is in 1.6? da?
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13:02.50scruzhost is static, so i put in the ip addr
13:02.52MaliutaLapscruz: and host?
13:03.13MaliutaLapscruz: you run a debug on the connection?
13:03.26kaldemarMaliutaLap: it's been like that since 1.2 releases.
13:03.26MaliutaLapthat should tell you why it failed
13:03.32scruzi commented the permit/deny blocks, and still the same can i?
13:04.01MaliutaLapscruz: iax debug
13:04.18kaldemarpretty much no point in using registers with static hosts.
13:04.31MaliutaLapscruz: or iax2 set debug
13:04.48MaliutaLapkaldemar: something seems screwy
13:05.04scruzRx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREQ
13:05.05scruzTx-Frame Retry[000] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: REGREJ
13:05.07MaliutaLapscruz: oh, and did you reload the conf after making all these changes?
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13:05.26scruzmy bad
13:05.27MaliutaLapis fecking off to fix his own shite
13:05.39MaliutaLapDisclaimer: not * related
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13:36.50LuisTorresanybody knows out to do outbound fax detection?
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13:41.07coppicelisten for the pleasant gentle burbling of the V.21 preamble?
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13:46.17Mr_BOnD_007can i install on REDHAT ?  ASterisk ?
13:46.31Mr_BOnD_007zptel and other library will be there with REDHat?
13:46.36loompekthe question should be... can i install asterisk on redhat?
13:47.15loompeki successfully installed asterisk and zaptel dummy on centos, which is some kind of a 'free rhel'
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13:49.16[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: Yes <-
13:49.49[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: * will not COME pre-installed, but you can install it yourself
13:49.57[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: Just like everybody else.
13:51.00MaliutaLapwaves to [TK]D-Fender
13:51.02Mr_BOnD_007[TK]D-Fender okie sir i need to download from site and install just asterisk that's all ?  or some thing else ? packages i need to download and install
13:51.32[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: go read THE BOOK, and the INSTRUCTIONS tell you what *'s requirements are for packages.
13:51.40MaliutaLapMr_BOnD_007: there are packages, there are also files it the tgz that will tell you what you need
13:51.59[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: a stock install of RH can come with all the core stuff * needs right from the start
13:52.00MaliutaLapMr_BOnD_007: and google has all this for you to find, you just need to use your foo
13:52.02jbotbook is probably probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
13:52.14MaliutaLapmmm boook
13:52.55Faustovi has the book! :P
13:52.55[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: effectively the same as RHEL 5
13:53.04Mr_BOnD_007okie [TK]D-Fender thanks
13:53.53Mr_BOnD_007one more thing i want to ask  that wat's this VICIDIAL ?
13:56.09[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: something you can GOOGLE
13:57.00Mr_BOnD_007okie i got it
13:59.31MaliutaLapcovers his butt re mothers b'day
13:59.54MaliutaLap'specially since they are putting $$$'s in my account for hip surgery related things
13:59.59dominic1short question: my telephone is using g722 and fallback to alaw, iax trunk alaw. If I dial a number over iax I get the error: Don't know any of 0x6000 formats
14:01.16DavidR2008anyone have any aastra experience? I can get a soft phone to register, but not my aastra hard phone.
14:01.42MaliutaLapblow me down! g722 is supported
14:02.20MaliutaLaphard phones can be "interesting" to configure if you don't have the right docs to read
14:02.46MaliutaLapor you're dhcp is screwed and they're not hitting your tftp server
14:03.15DavidR2008I think it's a docs issue, I've got it reading the config from my tftp server.
14:05.41MaliutaLapthe right config? ;)
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14:07.24DavidR2008I think that might be the million dollar question right there :-)
14:08.06MaliutaLapso strip out all but the one you want it to hit and put in something kinky to see if it picks it up
14:08.15MaliutaLapor read the logs really well
14:08.44dominic1how can I see which codecs 0xe703 mean?
14:09.02MaliutaLapincluding matching the filename with the mac address (if they look the same way cisco's do for a file with the MAC in it)
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14:09.36MaliutaLapdominic1: core show codecs much?
14:09.46DavidR2008well I know it's picking up my config (tcpdump verifies that) I just don't know that my config is correct. :-S
14:09.50MaliutaLapok, so that one was a tad narky
14:10.16MaliutaLapDavidR2008: so RTFM for you? ;)
14:10.33MaliutaLapI can do cisco's, they're easy
14:11.10MaliutaLaphaven't got any astra experience though ... nobody will buy me hardware to play with
14:11.32MaliutaLap_thinks_ the the misso's use astras
14:12.01MaliutaLapI should beg one to play with
14:12.05DavidR2008well I can't find the FM, I was hoping someone might be able to point me to the right FM (I found one via google, but it isa draft and seems to have some errors) or someone might have some experiance and be able to guide me through a very basic config
14:12.52MaliutaLapFMs can be a PITA sometimes, other you end up ROFPML at what they call an FM
14:13.02MaliutaLaphas a TLA crisis
14:14.25dominic10xe703 (g723|gsm|g729|speex|ilbc)
14:15.23dominic1I don't know why asterisk always wants to encode it to these codecs first and then to alaw
14:15.41MaliutaLapdominic1: because you screwed the conf?
14:16.14MaliutaLapcodec selection is dependant on many things, and is infact a negotiation with the the other end
14:16.30dominic1now I have phone to asterisk1 G722 ; asterisk1 -> asterisk2 gsm (slin write format), and asterisk2 -> isdn (alaw)
14:16.35MaliutaLapmay have something to do with you allowing something the other person wants higher
14:16.48dominic1my codec order for iax trunk is alaw;g722;gsm
14:17.00dominic1codec order for my phones is G722; alaw
14:17.13MaliutaLapso they will try g722 first
14:17.51MaliutaLapany reason you're using g722 on the phones?
14:18.09dominic1better quality for internal speaking
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14:18.50MaliutaLapyou read I take it?
14:21.01Gido-Eis there anyreason that callpickup does not work in and worked in 1.4.22?
14:21.20MaliutaLapright, bed time!
14:21.20dominic1okay I am an idiot
14:21.36dominic1didn't see bandwidth=low in iax.conf *dong*
14:21.39MaliutaLapdominic1: I wasn't going to say it .... ;)
14:21.58*** join/#asterisk Ryushin (
14:22.00dominic1MaliutaLap: thank you ;-)
14:23.23RyushinI've done about 6 asterisk set for businesses using PRI's and analog.  I'm thinking of setting up an asterisk box for home use.  I'm wondering if a BRI can act like a mini PRI so that I can have multiple DID's?
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14:23.32RyushinI'm in the US as well.
14:26.30dominic1does slin have the best quality?
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14:26.50dominic1then g722 and then g711?
14:27.05Corydon76-digHeh.  Considering slin is uncompressed audio, yes
14:27.24Mr_BOnD_007how to check where GCC compiler is intalled or not ?
14:27.38Corydon76-digthough slin16 is a bit better
14:27.46bamsefarHi, I need to make a cluster that simply "listens" to incoming calls, to benchmark an application. How would I go about distributing the calls to my asterisk boxes in the best way?
14:28.11bamsefarA simple round-robin seems like a good idea, but do I use Asterisk for this or something else like regular PAT/NAT or SER?
14:28.16dominic1core show codecs just shows me slin   (16 bit Signed Linear PCM). This should be slin16, right?
14:28.28Corydon76-digNope, that's slin
14:28.45Corydon76-digThe difference is in rate, not number of bits
14:29.09Mr_BOnD_007make menuselect   Error1  the confugure script must be excuted before running 'make'  ?
14:29.10Corydon76-digslin is 8000Hz, slin16 is 16000Hz
14:29.20Corydon76-digMr_BOnD_007: ./configure
14:29.23dominic1So allow=slin16 should help, correct?
14:29.32Mr_BOnD_007Corydon76-dig how to do that ?
14:29.53Corydon76-digdominic1: slin is an internal format that isn't generally used for voip clients
14:30.04Corydon76-digMr_BOnD_007: type that
14:30.25Mr_BOnD_007? where in same directory ? asterisk ?  /usr/src ?
14:30.44Corydon76-digIn the Asterisk source directory, same place as you typed 'make'
14:31.12Mr_BOnD_007gcc no  cc no cl exe no  no acceptable c compiler found in $path
14:31.15Mr_BOnD_007ya done
14:31.29Corydon76-digWhat distro?
14:31.50[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: go read the WIKI page I gave you, it tells you how to install all of *'s dependencies <---
14:31.58[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: <------
14:33.16Ryushin[TK]D-Fender:  How much do you know about BRI's?  Can they be used like mini PRI's so that I can have DID's and such?
14:33.16Mr_BOnD_007i think i have unziped the 686  64Bit something
14:33.43[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Yes BRI supports DID's in the form of MSN's IIRC
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14:33.57[TK]D-FenderRyushin: No direct experience, just bits I've read
14:34.31[TK]D-FenderMr_BOnD_007: 1.6's core dependencies are the same as 1.4's for the most-part
14:34.46RyushinI've been meaning to set up a Asterisk box at my house, and I wanted to get something that was cost affective and still provided the same learning potential of a PRI.
14:35.12dominic1Corydon76-dig: Thank you very much for you help!
14:35.39[TK]D-FenderRyushin: The concept of "for learning" with * and any kind of hardware, especially for learning as an analogy to ANOTHER tech is worthless.
14:35.56[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Like all those people who get an X100P to "learn zaptel".
14:36.18[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Configuring Zaptel is a TINY shit-for-all portion of configuring *.
14:36.56[TK]D-FenderRyushin: so you "learn" how to make 20 lines of config files..... and then causually go on to just placing calls.
14:37.03RyushinI know.  But I'd rather have the flexibility of having DID's and such, instead of just static analog lines.
14:37.20RyushinSangoma's new hybrid card got me thinking about it for home use.
14:37.21[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Same goes for "I wannt set up an IAX soft-phone" people.
14:37.49[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Physical lines cost you in monthly service fees and in hardware.  For what?  Want DID's?  VoIP work just fine
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14:38.03[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Yeah, Sangoma's line is kinda badd-ass these days
14:38.18[TK]D-FenderRyushin: B600 = awesome value by todays standards
14:38.44[TK]D-FenderRyushin: and I've seen the BRI/Analog model specs as well... nifty... but a very niche product
14:39.18Mr_BOnD_007GCC NO cc No el.exe  no same error
14:39.44Ryushinyea, it is going to be a niche product.  But it was cool enough that I can have BRI's coming in, and the analog for the house and fax machine.
14:39.47*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
14:40.30[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Well... I'm sure it does its job... if it really fits your needs in one shot, go for it.
14:40.38[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Just don't say "testing" ok? :)
14:41.01[TK]D-FenderRyushin: "z0mg a perfect fit!" is a perfectly valid reason...
14:41.22[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Esp as we know you don't want to cram a bunch of cards in 1 box for that
14:41.31RyushinOkay, how aobut furthering my education in asterisk in a home environment.
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14:41.42[TK]D-FenderRyushin: :/
14:41.52[TK]D-FenderRyushin: FFS use that thing... lots :)
14:42.06RyushinI saw Sangoma's new USB analog.  It looks like Sangoma is really starting to branch out.
14:42.41[TK]D-FenderRyushin: Thy are... the B600 pwns the SMB server for analog use...
14:43.07RyushinI'm going to have to look at that too.  First I've seen it.
14:43.59Dovidanyone here work with a Grandstream 286 ? Seems to always send + infront of the number called. I don't see any setting for it. The prefix option is blank
14:44.06*** join/#asterisk timeshell (
14:44.33timeshellAny word on the digium chan_skype release?
14:44.45[TK]D-Fendertimeshell: "when its done"
14:44.58[TK]D-Fendertimeshell: "Next spring...SHARP!"
14:45.02timeshellI guess that means no
14:45.18[TK]D-Fendertimeshell: "arewethereyetAREWETHEREYETarewethereyetAREWETHEREYETarewethereyetAREWETHEREYETarewethereyetAREWETHEREYETarewethereyetAREWETHEREYET"
14:45.37timeshellHey, I only ask every couple weeks.
14:46.00Gido-Echan_skype would be UBER kewl :-)
14:46.01timeshellI figure the first place that's going to know is here.
14:46.53timeshellAnd I'm really anxious to get rid of's channel.  I find it annoying.
14:47.30timeshellEspecially since asterisk-gui doesn't work with it.
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14:48.08[TK]D-Fendertimeshell: Considering that its taken forever for it to work with DAHDI.... I wouldn't get my hopes up about it...
14:48.40timeshellWell, that's not very positive.  If one has no hope, nothing gets done.  :D
14:49.18timeshellI guess I'll get around to adding support for it in the gui someday.
14:49.22timeshellI just don't have time.
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15:01.41dominic1is there any possibility to change the callerid of the person I called in my display? A few months ago I saw there is a feature in the sip protocol to do this
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15:04.51naitramis there an archive of older deb packages, looking for 1.2.20 deb
15:06.30rob0Probably someone here will know, but isn't that a #debian question?
15:07.49rob0dom, core show function CALLERID (not sure if that's the best way)
15:08.01naitramrob0: will try there
15:08.30xrmx__naitram, see
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15:10.53dominic1rob0: But I thought with the callerid function I just can change the callerid of the caller and not the callerid in my own display to see who am I calling
15:11.09[TK]D-Fenderdominic1:  -->
15:11.10jbot[~cpid] Called-Party ID is possible with * using patches on Mantis.  See :
15:12.02rob0I want to set up a site-to-site connection via SIP, so each site can call the other's extensions. Static IP via VPN, so NAT is not an issue. Is a "type=friend" what I need, or should I do separate user & peer?
15:12.21dominic1cool looks like it's already in 1.6
15:13.02rob0BTW each site has easily distinguished extensions, _6XXX and _7XXX
15:13.30rob0and each is 1.6.x
15:15.25rob0I don't see a good example of this in the sample sip.conf
15:15.46[TK]D-Fenderrob0: "friend" was all but phased out in 1.4
15:16.09[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Its little different than setting up any other ITSP
15:16.15[TK]D-Fenderrob0: SIP is SIP....
15:16.47rob0so set a peer up for inbound from the other site, and a user for outbound to the other site
15:17.15mort_gibrob0: What's wrong with IAX
15:17.47dominic1okay, the function seems not to be available in :-(
15:17.53[TK]D-Fenderrob0: both "type=peer"
15:18.02[TK]D-Fenderrob0: but yes, 2 accounts
15:18.25rob0Would IAX make it simpler in any way? I'm already using SIP, don't otherwise need to add another protocol.
15:19.11[TK]D-Fenderrob0: No
15:20.12mort_gibI though that IAX would perform slightly better in trunk mode....
15:20.39[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: if you NEED the BW
15:20.51[TK]D-Fendermort_gib: Otherwise its trouble you jsut don't need
15:21.06mort_gibHey, you ALWAYS need the bw
15:21.50rob0how much difference, roughly, are we talking about? Both sites are at least 256Kbps up.
15:22.27mort_gibrob0: And the bw is reserved for SIP??
15:22.28rob0probably won't matter, since there's only one phone at one of the sites, won't be multiple active calls at once :)
15:23.33[TK]D-Fenderrob0: NO point then :)
15:25.14DarylVOIPDoes anyone know a reasonable string to sent to an Asterisk box to see if IAX2 is working?  I'm trying to check it with an F5 BigIP rule and can send <something> and need to get back some response that I can predict at least a portion of.
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15:28.35_RomanHello, I was looking at asterisk a while ago, I found a command line tool that let me look at the status of a PSTN line (was it on/off hook, etc) for diagnostic purposes.  Does anyone know what that command was?
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15:29.54jameswfI should look at tieing this google latitude thing in to asterisk....
15:31.28rob0So, I need two type peer, secret (won't hurt), host, and context. The context would be something like [site1-in] and [site1-out]. I use Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@site1-out) to get to site1 from site2, and that hits [site2-in] context on site2.
15:32.09rob0um, I didn't mean the [] as context, but those would be the sections in sip.conf
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15:35.40rob0[site1-in] will go to context=to-site1 ; [site1-out] context=to-site1 (sounds clearer to me)
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15:41.06Odd_BlokeHello all.  I'm looking to replace one of the stock Asterisk sounds with one of my own.  Is it possible to do this without actually recording over the file on my filesystem? (i.e. what search path does Asterisk use for sounds?)
15:41.09rob0maybe this is simple, or maybe I am confused :) ... about to try it
15:41.49[TK]D-FenderOdd_Bloke: copy the original somewhere else.
15:41.56rob0by default sounds are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds, paths are relative under that
15:42.25*** join/#asterisk killown (n=Yamato@unaffiliated/killown)
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15:44.43ghenrywhat's the cause again for not accepting a password at voicemail or DISA? The password is right, but I've hit this before when  amodule wasn't loaded for some reason. Anyone remember?
15:45.53[TK]D-Fenderghenry: "core show application voicemailmain" , "core show application disa"
15:46.05Odd_Bloke[TK]D-Fender: OK, thanks. :)
15:46.34[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Neither of these should refuse a correct PW.
15:46.46ghenryI'm not sure.
15:46.51[TK]D-Fenderghenry: Meetme can report back a bad PW if no Zaptel timer is available
15:46.52ghenryit's on the tip of my toungue
15:46.59ghenryyeha, that was it
15:47.05ghenrythat's what I was thinking of
15:47.09[TK]D-Fenderghenry: But neither of the others has any dependency
15:47.10ghenrywill check console
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15:49.18flujanhello guys.
15:49.24flujanI have the two asterisk box
15:49.39flujanon the fist box, i have two "sip trunks" that connets to the second box.
15:49.46flujanhere is the sip.confs
15:50.22flujanthe problem is with the incoming calls on box1
15:50.32flujanthe calls enters box2 and dial to the sip of box1
15:51.13flujana show channel commands just show channels from the first sip trunk ... no matter what asterisk consider all calls comming from box 2 to box 1 as comming from the first sip trunk that registers
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15:51.23flujanis it a bug or i need to do additional configuration?
15:51.51flujanbox1 is registering at machine two
15:53.19[TK]D-Fenderflujan: insecure=very <-------
15:53.40flujanhey [TK]D-Fender but on box one or box two?
15:53.48[TK]D-Fenderflujan: First come... first served.
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15:54.52Dovidhas anyone used stream_file in an agi ? no matter what I try the value of the input comes back as 50
15:55.08[TK]D-Fenderflujan: <-- between lines 45-47... notice something missing?
15:55.46flujan[TK]D-Fender: didn't pastie a extension that i use... no problems with that
15:55.55flujani will remove insecure and give it a try.
15:58.20Dovidupto how long can an extension be in asterisk ?
15:58.46loatheras many as you want
15:59.00Dovidso it can be 2000 if i want ?
15:59.11*** part/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:59.21Faustovless than 2000 can get lost in dtmf, i'd use 3000 or more
15:59.41loatherwell, there's probably a practical limit, but it's likely high enougn that you'd never hit it under normal circumstances
15:59.42Dovidbecause I am trying to use an AGI to get a logn string of digits
15:59.48*** part/#asterisk bamsefar (
16:00.20flujan[TK]D-Fender: removing the insecure=very from the sip.conf i still have the same problem all calls from box2 to box1 shows the first sip trunk... not showing calls on the second one with show channels command.
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16:00.34Dovidbut i am not getting back what i need. if i use stream_file then i do not get back the correct value if I use get_data then it does not record the # sign
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16:01.09[TK]D-Fenderflujan: Complete PB's please
16:01.18flujan[TK]D-Fender: ok
16:01.43[TK]D-FenderDovid: In AGI don't read an exten <-
16:01.51[TK]D-FenderDovid: this isn't a pattern match.
16:02.16[TK]D-FenderDovid: And don't forget * has a var length and dialplan line lenth limit....
16:02.18DovidTK: That I know. i am not trying to get an extension. I want some one to enter a string of numbers along with * and #
16:02.34[TK]D-FenderDovid: Fine then collect 1 char at a time YOURSELF in AGI
16:02.39flujan[TK]D-Fender: box1 updated
16:02.55DovidTK: I just have a loop that gets it all
16:03.05Dovidbut my issue is that i cant seem to get #
16:03.15Dovidand with stream_file its sending me what i put in
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16:04.06[TK]D-FenderDovid: ??
16:04.31[TK]D-FenderDovid: And WTF are you using "stream_file" for?  That doesn't say "read DTMF" to me...
16:04.49rob0drat, first I have to get the dahdi FXS working. dahdi-genconf generated a dahdi-channels.conf, but it's not being parsed, do I need an include in chan-dahdi.conf?
16:05.25Dovidthen i understood escape_string wrong. thought it would put that value in to the variable.
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16:05.38[TK]D-FenderDovid: It does.
16:05.48[TK]D-FenderDovid: You just don't understand what the VALUE IS
16:06.31[TK]D-FenderDovid: You pressed "2"
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16:06.59JayTee52flujan, what version of Asterisk are you running? 1.2? or higher?
16:07.07DovidTK: If I have $foo = $agi->stream_file('enter-data', $escape_digits='1234567890*#', $offset=0);
16:07.22Dovidif i verbose $foo[result] i get 50 when I press # or 1 or 2
16:07.24[TK]D-FenderDovid: Yes, and it escaped on "2"
16:07.44Dovidok. so escaped on 2 meaning ?
16:07.52[TK]D-FenderDoYOU PRESSED 2 DAMMIT
16:08.05[TK]D-FenderDovid: Please.... go caffeinate!
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16:08.20[TK]D-Fendergrabs his ClueBat (tm)
16:08.33JayTee52it's mad cow I tell ya! it's infected almost everyone.
16:08.56[TK]D-Fenderprepares for a mass-purge
16:09.10Dovidok so 1 was 49 2 was 5
16:09.21Dovidi dont understand why is that.
16:09.43[TK]D-FenderI've seen larvae with greater deductive capabilities
16:09.57[TK]D-Fendergoes to feed his maggot-farm
16:10.06loathermaggots are nasty
16:10.14[TK]D-Fenderdisposes of the rest of the last newbs personal effects
16:10.55loatherDovid: find your nearest handy ASCII code chart and look up the decimal values for characters 49 and 50. Then wait for the lightbulb.
16:11.05[TK]D-Fenderloather : Seen a great video of them used medically to remove infected material from patients.
16:11.47Dovidloather: THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
16:11.52[TK]D-Fenderloather : amggots only eat necrotized flesh
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16:12.13rob0Oh duh, it's right there in the comments of the generated file.
16:12.14loatherI've heard of that. It's actually an old folk remedy. But seeing as I loathe the creatures more than just about anything, I think i'd complain quite loudly if some were introduced into my festering wounds.
16:12.41geninanyone know anything about 3gp video streaming using asterisk and a T1 card
16:12.52[TK]D-Fenderloather : Along with my resolute acceptance of death is the means by which life can be preserved.
16:13.05[TK]D-Fenderloather : Helps when in the dentist's chair as well :)
16:13.17BBHossyeah they used the maggots on a house episode once
16:13.26loatherto be honest the dentist never really bothered me that much
16:13.36Faustov[TK]D-Fender: can they play chess?
16:13.38[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: Wouldn't put it past them... Only seen 2 eps of it personally.
16:14.00BBHoss[TK]D-Fender: i like the show, but the story can get repetitive at times
16:14.03FaustovBBHoss: true, poor kid
16:14.14[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: Hasn't been an original thought since 1969 :)
16:14.42loatherblame the hippies.
16:14.55[TK]D-Fenderloather : or lack thereof
16:17.16rob0[Feb  4 10:16:58] ERROR[27562]: config.c:1093 process_text_line: The file '= /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf' was listed as a #include but it does not exist.
16:17.27rob0oh haha it's the =
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16:17.56rob0[Feb  4 10:17:40] ERROR[27562]: chan_dahdi.c:8394 mkintf: Signalling requested on channel 1 is FXO Loopstart but line is in FXO Kewlstart signalling
16:18.44loatherif it can detect that then why bother configuring it?
16:18.49geninor better yet anyone know a chan on freenode where people talk about video streaming solutions
16:18.55loather(sorry, rhetorical).
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16:20.46flujanJayTee52: 1.4.22
16:21.04flujan[TK]D-Fender: any hint besides the insecure removal?
16:21.28loatherwhy do you need two trunks?
16:21.30JayTee52insecure=very is deprecated in 1.4 you want to use insecure=port,invite
16:21.35[TK]D-Fenderflujan: I didn't get the COMPLETE picture like I asked.
16:21.48[TK]D-FenderJayTee52: And he shouldn't be using EITHER
16:22.29flujan[TK]D-Fender: and the sip.conf from box1 without the insecure
16:22.38rob0So does dahdi-genconf get the signalling on FXS/FXO reversed?
16:23.06flujanloather: each trunk is associated with a E1 link on box 2. I need to separate them.
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16:24.38loatherthen they each are going to need separate contexts. when a call arrives on the first e1, have it dial extensions in a context pertaining to the first trunk. when a call arrives on the second e1, have it dial an extension in the other context pertaining to the other trunk.
16:25.53flujanloather: they are... here is the sip.conf from box2
16:26.43loatherpastebin both the sip.conf and extensions.conf from the two machines and we'll take a look
16:28.24loatherand the zaptel/dahdi conf from the box with the e1 spans
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16:34.57disposableI've got static conference rooms for which i would like to be able to change PINs using a phone. has anyone built this into their dialplan before so that i don't have to reinvent the wheel? (call an extension, enter a conference room number, enter new pin, have it read back, reload asterisk, hangup)
16:35.51flujanloather: zaptel and zapata.conf are working, do you wanna see zapata.conf right? zaptel is just driver stuff.
16:36.37cesau2if cli> show odbc ==> "Connection 1: connected" -- and yet i still get "Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'odbc', but the engine is not available" -- where can i do next to debug the problem?
16:37.27loatherflujan: yeah, zapata.
16:40.08loatherok, i'm stumped. it should do what you want it to do.
16:40.51flujanloather: my config is right?
16:41.17flujanloather: it is doing that but showing always that all calls comes from the e1 link
16:41.37flujan[TK]D-Fender: any tips?
16:41.56loatherunless i'm missing something glaringly obvious, yeah. i'd expect it to do what you describe: use the first sip trunk for calls into the first span, and the second for the second span
16:42.04[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: Read new PIN and reload *?  Why bother.  Pure dialplan with AstDB <-
16:42.11[TK]D-Fenderdisposable: And yeah.. jsut code it yourself
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16:43.27rob0rerunning dahdi_cfg seems to have helped, but still no dial tone :(
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16:44.01[TK]D-FenderRobPlugged in the molex?
16:44.54flujanloather: yeap asterisk is missing the registry and is not reading the right sip trunk on box2 when it receives a call
16:44.55rob0yup, how do I get debug to the console for dahdi?
16:45.08rob0like to show offhook/onhook changes?
16:45.11flujanloather: i will try to ping the bug channel before openning one
16:45.40rob0maybe I'll try a different phone too :)
16:45.46rob0but I think this one works
16:46.09rob0unfortunately no telco line to plug into
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16:56.20elredrob0: what kind of debug for dahdi do you want ?
16:56.23prg3[TK]D-Fender: Sangoma has a 64-bit 4Gb ram option that is needed to be set for the cards I have.. set that, and my voice issues seem to be gone. need more testing to be sure.. next, I have to sort out my dialplans
16:57.32elredrob0: if you run asterisk with -dd option you will have lot of message from
16:57.49elredrob0: otherwise you can load your drivers module with debug=1 and see in dmesg what appears
16:58.05elredor you can also use ztmonitor [channel] -v to follow the life of a channel
16:58.08rob0core debug is 5, does that matter?
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16:58.39elredI don't have in mind what core debug you need to do that. I personally run asterisk with -cvvvvvvvvvvvvv when I want debug output
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17:01.47rob0Well, something is working on the FXO. The inactive (but powered) telco line being unplugged caused a red alarm, plugging in again cleared it.
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17:01.58rob0but I need to get the FXS working :)
17:03.02dominic1is there any support for g.772 in misdn or dahdi?
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17:03.45rob0The phone seems to work as best I can tell; being plugged into the telco line it generates tones when buttons are pushed. But nothing, when in the FXS. :(
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17:09.16elredrob0: did you ztcfg -vv properly before launching asterisk ? Is your /etc/zaptel.conf well configured ? In etc/asterisk/indications.conf do you have the rigth country= tag ? etc
17:09.48rob0It's all dahdi, I'll start making a pastebin
17:10.31rob0the FXS module has a lit LED, I'm plugged in right, that's for sure.
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17:17.10demivhello there...  WARNING[14299]: file.c:1162 waitstream_core: Unexpected control subclass '20'
17:18.20demivthat is an error by bandwitdh ?
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17:41.07rob0 summary of my dahdi woes
17:41.10rob0elred: ^^
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17:41.59rob0BTW this FXS used to work, back when I had a phone line on the FXO.
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17:46.49rob0Sorry for the repeat so soon, but being that there are new folks since then, including two Digiummy ... summary of my dahdi woes
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17:47.43myselfhimselfhi !!
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17:48.29rob0I guess the plural of Digium is Digia.
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17:50.41myselfhimselfin function Dial()
17:50.46myselfhimselfwhat does the @ stand for ?
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17:53.17Qwellmyselfhimself: You're going to need to give a little more context.
17:55.18rob0Frightened himself!
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18:19.34Ritzeriskanyone know if asterisknow is embedded with asterisk gui 2.0
18:20.06hardwirewhere'd all the hawaii peeps go
18:20.12hardwirewaits an hour or so.
18:28.39[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: look at the release dates
18:31.28rue_mohrthe hwec arrived!
18:32.02rue_mohrI thought the tms320 was obsolete?
18:33.22kannandoes the asteriosk +iaxmodem+hylafax still require spandsp lib and udptl set in sip.conf?
18:33.37kannanfor sip to sip faxing
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18:43.17eric2is there a quick and dirty way to have the phone go to vm when one is alredy on the phone instead of having it ring for the 20 seconds before going to vm?
18:46.47rob0sounds like call waiting, try disabling it?
18:48.42lmadseneric2: in sip.conf you could try setting the call-limit=1, or there is a dialplan application you could use to check the status (I can't remember off the top of my head as it's been so long, so I'm checking)
18:49.18lmadsenwith option 's'
18:49.57lmadsenthen you could check on the variable, and use a GotoIf($["${AVAILSTATUS}" = "BUSY"]?voicemail,s,1) or something like that
18:50.13lmadsencheck on what ${AVAILSTATUS} actually returns... might be a number or something... I haven't used it in a while
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18:55.57eric2ok, I'll look at that... tx
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18:58.05rue_mohrhmm ok
18:58.12rue_mohrit takes a second to train eh?
18:58.28rue_mohrshould my audio cut out the incomming audio?
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19:06.10TommyBJWhat is the CLI command to show how much CPU a codec conversion "costs"?
19:08.00rue_mohrok, well
19:08.13rue_mohrmake a few adjustments
19:09.54TommyBJNever mind... Found it. For interested viewers, it's core show translation
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19:10.51oh2gmaHow can I enable debugging on 1.6.1-rc1? core set debug 1-10 doesn't give me any debug messages.
19:11.42rue_mohryou know, I never asked about paging, we dont need it...
19:12.27DavidR2008is there a SIP expert (or at least more expert then I :-) ) that can answer the following question? In a REGISTER message is it ok for the From: header to be "name" <sip:user@> instead of "name" <sip:user@> {for example}
19:12.49rue_mohrpretty sure the ip needs to be in there
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19:13.35martyn-devI need update the date of a grandstream bt100 and bt200 .. how can I do it ?
19:13.40martyn-devsome help ?
19:13.45DavidR2008ok, that's the only thing I've been able to find that is different between my softphone which registers and my aastra hardphone which doesn't
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19:18.39jbotThis problem, like many others in the computer industry, can be solved by the application of monkeys.
19:18.48jbotThis problem, like many others in the computer industry, can be solved by the application of monkeys.
19:19.13Gopher_77anybody know the number for monkeys?
19:20.19Gopher_77or any other number leading to audio that will verify an SIP trunk connection
19:20.26joesuffcerenmy telco has recently started offering sip termination. I currently have a PRI with them and wanted to try their sip implementation to gauge quality and see if it would make sense for me to think about switching. they say that they "support asterisk as long as it is switchvox, but won't support open source asterisk." And, but"won't support" they don't just mean they won't help me configure...
19:20.27*** join/#asterisk Ritzerisk ( they actually won't sell me sip because "a hacker could put malicious code in the source for asterisk and use our customers' systems to attack our network"
19:20.54joesuffcerenany good references showing the similarities between asterisk and switchvox codebase
19:21.14Gopher_77geez, they can inspect the code themselves
19:21.39Ritzerisksoo tkD i had to go into a vpn so it dropped my connection but anyways is the asterisk gui 2.0 not released on an iso or do i have too look up the yum install for the gui portion
19:21.41Gopher_77or you can argue that you can
19:22.17joesuffcerenyeah. I mean, switchvox runs on centos, correct?
19:22.26joesuffcerenso there's still open-source-ness going on there. lol
19:22.48Gopher_77you could argue that a hacker could slip something in switchvox code
19:23.15rob0Wow, Joe, they're real smart. No one can slip malware into prorietary/closed source crap. Sony never happened.
19:23.21Gopher_77or microsoft windows for that matter; but we know that would never happen ;)
19:23.38[TK]D-FenderRitzerisk: You have to and LOOK at the release date of the ISO and the release date of the GUI version and COMPARE
19:24.00Gopher_77just call back and see if you get somebody else who has some sense
19:24.15Ritzeriskk so would i look at the for taht one and the for the iso ....
19:28.33joesuffcerenI asked to have the project manager give me a call, so hopefully I can talk some sense into her
19:33.05bmoracaRitzerisk:  asterisk-gui is no longer included in asterisknow.  they use freepbx as the default.  you have to manually install it (yum install asterisk-gui or some such)
19:35.04Ritzeriskis it not a good gui ....
19:35.17Ritzeriski just liked it because i saw that it does BLf functionality
19:39.00Gopher_77When I try to connect to my SIP provider (voipuser) I always get a busy/congested message with status of 'CHANUNAVAIL'.  I've never successfully made a call. Can someone point me closer to a possible solution?
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19:39.53Gopher_77joesuffceren: I would have them call digium, since they sponsor the software ;)
19:40.02rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, you answering today?
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19:40.16Gopher_77rue_mohr: ~Hello
19:40.28rue_mohrhow are you with polycom phones
19:40.55Gopher_77rue_mohr: Me? I've used them, but never set up * for them
19:41.35jbotHowdy Bub
19:41.40Gopher_77there it is :)
19:41.55rue_mohrk, in my system you have to dial 2 digits to get a particular line, so, how can (or can I at all) have a speed dial append its digits to the current call
19:42.56Gopher_77rue_mohr: to the current call? Doesn't that mean you'd change the configuration of * in the middle of the call?
19:43.10Gopher_77rue_mohr: or do you mean transfer the call to a different line?
19:43.30rue_mohrno, I need to dial 2 digits to select the line, then I want to have the speed dial send more digits to the "call I'm already on"
19:43.53rue_mohrright now It tries to use the speed dial as a whole new call, which dosn't work cause the line needs to be selected first
19:43.57pfnit's surprising how many big companies use asterisk now
19:44.31pfnselecting the line... such a pita
19:44.37pfnI do that now (using appearances on the phone)
19:44.50rue_mohr4 businesses in one office with 2 people working for all 4
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19:45.11pfneasiest thing is to use a sip phone with line appearances
19:45.16infinity1do polycom 501's have paging functionality?
19:45.22pfn4 line appearances will handle that just fine
19:45.23rue_mohrbut I cant use appearances on the phone because no voip phone can do presence to say if the line is busy
19:45.29Gopher_77rue_mohr: I haven't done this sort of thing with a polycom system before, but I would think that you could set one speed dial for the line and another for the number
19:45.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Somewhat
19:45.54Gopher_77rue_mohr: or just put all the numbers in one speed dial, and have * parse it
19:45.55rue_mohryea, I have speed dials with buddy watch for all the lines, so they can tell which ones are busy
19:45.58pfnrue_mohr, isn't there a hack in * for that?  max channels or something on the SIP channel
19:46.09pfnso if you set maxchannels=1 then any calls more than 1 will result in busy?
19:46.13pfnor something like that
19:46.14Gopher_77rue_mohr: never heard of buddy watch
19:46.35[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Presence
19:46.38rue_mohrbut in this office the users have to select which line their going out on cause each has a different call display on the pots
19:46.43pfnrue_mohr, in any case, if you can't be bothered to figure it out, a dialplan using prefixes should work easily
19:46.49Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: haven't heard of that either
19:47.01rue_mohrthe users have to select which line their call goes out on
19:47.16rue_mohrcause the call has to be made on the line for the business its relivent for
19:47.22pfnrue_mohr, _91NXXXXXX, _92NXXXXXX, _93NXXXXXX, _94NXXXXXX and have each send to a different line
19:47.47rue_mohryea, but that means having them program 4 speeddials for each number they want to speeddial
19:47.56[TK]D-Fenderpfn: He's whoring himself to key-system junkies
19:47.59pfnrue_mohr, use a macro
19:48.09pfnI guess
19:48.10rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, I'm using your 'its not keyd
19:48.30pfnoh, speeddial is on the phone itself
19:48.38pfnuse a phone with 4 actual lines then
19:48.38rue_mohrwhy can nobody understand this office
19:48.56rue_mohrI cant do that because prescence dosn't work
19:48.56[TK]D-Fenderpfn: then he loses the PRESENCE info for occupancy <-
19:49.10[TK]D-Fenderwatches rue_mohr build a new house of cards....
19:49.18pfneven on a phone with 4 pots lines or key-system type phones?
19:49.23[TK]D-Fenderbangs the table
19:49.32rue_mohrthe design of this office is killing me, I so look forward to doing an asterisk system for a normal office
19:49.35[TK]D-FenderCRISIS!  Bailout time!
19:50.04rue_mohrpfn,  right now everyone has 4 pots phones and 4 call display modules on their desk
19:50.06Gopher_77rue_mohr: so basically, they're trying to account for the calls that go out for each business
19:50.40rue_mohryea, if they are making a call for olson electric, the obd development line cant be used
19:50.51pfnis confused why sip presence doesn't work
19:51.06rue_mohrcause the customer would get the wrong call display data
19:51.29rue_mohrprescence dosn't work on lines, it only works for watching other extensions
19:51.52pfnhow is this a problem?
19:52.09rue_mohrso each dahdi line has an extension so that prescence can be used to tell if the line is busy
19:52.37rue_mohrthere is only 1 line for each business, with 1 of the lines having distinctive ring for the other business
19:52.45rue_mohryour head spinning yet?
19:52.57pfnso you mean you want the handset to show if a given line is busy...
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19:53.14pfnthat's kind of silly
19:53.18[TK]D-Fenderpfn: Trust me... its complicated.  You can't assign presence to a "line appearance line", only a speed-dial
19:53.24rue_mohrit has to, you cant have people have to try dialing their number 4 times if all the lines are busy
19:53.42pfnif you've got 2 people, add more lines  :p
19:53.47rue_mohrand the speed dial dosn't seem to work with pre-started calls
19:53.50[TK]D-Fenderpfn: I spent 2 weeks watch rue_mohr run in circles over it :)
19:54.04Gopher_77rue_mohr: I see
19:54.11rue_mohrits 4 main desks, 4 businesses on 3 lines plus a fax line
19:54.27rue_mohrwith everyone at each desk working for all 4 businesses
19:54.58rue_mohrno they wont get anymore lines
19:55.29rue_mohrno a T1 at $1000/mo isn't an option
19:55.42Gopher_77rue_mohr: not very efficient
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19:55.47rue_mohrand a isdn isn't available
19:56.06rue_mohr(you cant belive how much I wish it were)
19:56.07Gopher_77rue_mohr: could get an SIP provider and screw the lines
19:56.14rue_mohrnot here
19:56.40rue_mohralso, our network provider isn't reliable enough for sip lines
19:56.50Gopher_77rue_mohr: that sucks
19:57.12rue_mohrwhat I need, is for the speeddial to provide a way to enter a line
19:57.23*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
19:57.30Gopher_77rue_mohr: sounds like you need phone macros
19:57.33rue_mohrand the polycom 601 starts a new call when you use the speed dial
19:57.35Gopher_77rue_mohr: but they probably don't exist
19:59.57Gopher_77rue_mohr: so the presence doesn't work without speed dial?
20:00.17rue_mohrthe only other thing I can think of is to have asterisk manage the speed dials somehow
20:00.30rue_mohrprescence dosnt work on lines
20:00.32Gopher_77rue_mohr: define an extension for each commonly used number?
20:00.44rue_mohrjust extensions, so I made the lines into extensions
20:00.45Gopher_77rue_mohr: but each line has an extension right?
20:02.21joesuffceren <--my response to my telco if anyone is interested. hopefully I'm not reaching too far in this response...
20:02.22[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You cannot have a speed-dial act upon an active channel
20:02.34[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Aastra's can do this however
20:02.37rue_mohrits frustrating the problem is that the speed dials are too smart, they dont just blurt digits
20:02.51rue_mohrhmm ok
20:03.17rue_mohrI'm seriously looking at using aastra for 'the first client'
20:03.28rue_mohrtheir dumbness is their advantage
20:03.30Gopher_77rue_mohr: the proof-of-concept?
20:03.39rue_mohrand the main office
20:03.53rue_mohrlike I say right now everyone has 4 phones on their desk
20:04.09Gopher_77rue_mohr: really excessive
20:04.11rue_mohr1 of them is cordless
20:04.21rue_mohrother are mixed brands
20:04.25Gopher_77rue_mohr: cool, so he can pass it around
20:04.43rue_mohrno its a 4 set cordless
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20:05.11rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, I need ideas
20:05.12Gopher_77is the cordless dumb?
20:05.25rue_mohrno, it can rings its buddies for 'transfers'
20:05.36Gopher_77I mean for speed dial
20:05.43rue_mohrthey dont have speed dial
20:05.51Gopher_77even better :)
20:06.00rue_mohrthe other desk phones have the speed dial
20:06.09[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: make a web-panel for their speed-dials that picks the line they want to ID as
20:06.33rue_mohrfor use on the phones?
20:06.52rue_mohror from their pc's?
20:06.53[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: On their PC.
20:07.04[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You could use the microbrowser if you wanted...
20:07.08rue_mohrk, how would that work
20:07.10[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: more painful of course
20:07.30rue_mohrit would use meeting to make a call between the line and their phone?
20:07.35[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You would actually be well serverd to use a common back end and make a front-end for each
20:07.56[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: "AMI originate" , "call file" <-
20:08.15rue_mohrtakes a deep breath
20:09.40rue_mohrhow about I just give each person on their speed dial list a voip set? :)
20:09.57rue_mohrok, ....
20:10.14rue_mohrgoes back to page 1 of the asterisk book
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20:10.53Gopher_77rue_mohr: the silver lining to a simple but imperfect solution would be that you have more phones to experiment with :)
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20:11.10[TK]D-Fenderholds the book and points for rue_mohr to look closer, then slams it shut on his face
20:11.32rue_mohrbe nice
20:11.38[TK]D-Fenderchannels a little more eppigy
20:12.08rue_mohrif you were doing this system, you would just insist they get a t1 wouldn't you?
20:12.22[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No... totally not cost effective
20:12.41rue_mohrwell, I'd love to hear how you would do this office
20:12.44[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: maybe get them on an ITSP instead
20:12.59jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
20:13.11[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: the real problem you have is getting people to deal with the user interface
20:13.26rue_mohrthere are none here, you might find one in vancouver, the data network here is really unstable though
20:13.35[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: it isn't the hardware... its the constant ass-kissing and concessions being made
20:13.56[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Analog it is.  The problem is your USERS
20:13.57Gopher_77rue_mohr: do you use satellite?
20:14.00rue_mohryou back to having a system that dosn't work cause of isp problems
20:14.09rue_mohrhah, too much delay
20:14.24Gopher_77rue_mohr: exactly
20:15.01Gopher_77rue_mohr: maybe a reason to get a redundant internet provider
20:15.10rue_mohrthere are none
20:15.15[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Diminshing returns
20:15.33Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: possibly, but they would save on 4 lines
20:15.34[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Analog is fine... its all this user interface crap.
20:15.59Gopher_77rue_mohr: yep, the most difficult part of IT: users
20:16.06rue_mohrcan we not have this system emulate 4 analog circuits?
20:16.08[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: BS, how much do redundant internet connections / ISPs / etc add up when they have 4 lines?
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20:16.32[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You already ahve the answer to that
20:16.40[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Yes... and it works SHITTY
20:17.04rue_mohrcurrent answer is "no, asterisk cannot emulate 4 phone circuits"
20:17.41rue_mohrits all working fine, this is just a little hurtle, speed dial
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20:19.16rue_mohrthink I could call polycom on this? see if they have a magic switch?
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20:20.10pfnrue_mohr, you can use my same suggestion from earlier, _91..., _92, _93, etc for speed dials
20:20.26pfnrue_mohr, only program the speed dials into asterisk
20:20.31rue_mohrI alreayd have it accept its 25, 26, 27, 28
20:20.47pfnso call 2501 for speed dial 1, 2502 for speed dial 2, etc.
20:20.58pfnuse a web interface to manage speed dials, or an ivr
20:21.03rue_mohrand how are the users to know whats what?
20:21.09pfnuse a web interface to manage speed dials, or an ivr
20:21.19jboti heard ivr is Interactive Voice Response
20:21.24rue_mohrno I got ya
20:21.25pfn2601 would call the same speed dial on 2501, except on line 26
20:21.27rue_mohrI'm thining
20:21.49pfnno more phone speed dials, which kinda sucks, but at least there's a web interface or ivr and it's somewhat simple
20:22.16pfnit could be made more advanced, as [TK]D-Fender said, use click-to-call on the web interface, even
20:22.22Gopher_77and a central database of some sort so the users can store it there instead of sticky notes on the desk
20:22.24pfnfor people that can't be bothered to punch in 4 digits
20:22.26rue_mohralmost use a messaging interface for it "please say your name and dial your extension"
20:22.31icebrew54click2call is fucking sweet
20:22.37icebrew54just as a random interjection...
20:22.41rue_mohrI'm working on the click to call thing
20:22.47icebrew54using this nojeeclick 2 dial
20:22.50icebrew54firefox extension....
20:22.54rue_mohrwait is there already a system set up for that?
20:22.55beekwho is sweet, and why is click2call fucking him/her?
20:23.25[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Better option : Your "line" SD's call DAHDI directly.  STOP.  Make an IVR with dialtone backgrounded where they can dial out or use a secondary SD
20:23.26pfnrue_mohr, dunno, but it can't be very hard to set up a dialplan for it
20:23.47[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: WAY wrong for him...
20:23.56[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: See above
20:24.08[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And that will help with CDR's as well
20:24.30icebrew54just sending him to the click2call page...virtually anyone who uses asterisk can find it useful
20:24.35icebrew54well asterisk + firefox
20:24.42icebrew54wrong advice applies I'm sure...
20:25.16icebrew54works with our sugarcrm too which is nice
20:25.43[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: its a nice idea, but you don't understand how he has complicated things
20:26.02rue_mohrso ok, now I have 4? leads to follow?
20:26.10Gopher_77want more?
20:26.22rue_mohrno I want lunch, back in a half hour
20:26.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Start with mine, its a freebie and fixes some immediate backdraws
20:27.44icebrew54heh yeah my advice is prolly whack, I'm one of those idiots that started out using asterisk-gui and am regretting it
20:28.06icebrew54I liked it at first, but now I'm yanking out what it's done and replacing with manual
20:28.21icebrew54for a simple setup it's great, but I wanted call monitoring, fax2email, etc.
20:30.15rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, so you say I do a virtual dialtone and ... or the manager interface with the call file?
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20:30.51[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: no AMI, etc for this
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20:31.20[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: this replaces the "raw" tone from DAHDI with * generated where you can let them dial out while implenting SD's as well
20:31.39KhratosOk, I know this is the wrong channel, but... here I go... I'm writting a class in php for the AMI interface, and Writting to the socket used to connect to AMI i get a sudden 'connection reset by peer', does anyone knows about some possible causes of this behavior ?
20:31.55pfnrue_mohr, no, the idea is that you have say 20 speed dial buttons on the phone, 4 will be dedicated to "selecting a line"
20:31.56[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: so they can press the "line 3" SD, get a tone, enter #24 and dial entry 24 from their speed-dials
20:32.02pfnrue_mohr, the remaining 16 will dial the actual number
20:32.21default23434hello.. i was wondering if someone could assist me for a sec.... i have noticed that having an ATA with two lines ( Eg. sipura 2100 ) registered sometimes I have a registration problem. Eg. Line 2 continues to register however Line 1 fails after say 2 days.  not sure why it doens't keep trying but once I reboot the device it works properly again for a perid of time. Also I am running a realtime server and once I reload configuration i am able once aga
20:35.04pfnso you end up doing something like, exten => 25,1,Set(LINE=Zap/whatever); ...,WaitExten ...
20:35.37[TK]D-Fenderpfn: Something like that.
20:35.43pfnyeah, something like that
20:36.01pfnyou'll need to switch contexts and stuff to make what I say work right
20:36.19[TK]D-Fenderpfn: Yes, optionally.
20:36.34[TK]D-Fenderpfn: More if you want to make your dialplan based SD's overlappable, etc
20:36.49[TK]D-Fenderpfn: So each div can have 1-100 for instance, etc
20:37.00[TK]D-Fenderpfn: Makes the whoel process more brain-dead
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20:43.42D0C5i5can someone help me get the terminology right/point me in the right direction? i'm just starting with asterisk... if I want to connect one vonage line (via the existing CPE) to an asterisk box, and then at a remote location have a PCI card in a computer that allows me to use a regular phone, what are those pieces of hardware called? (and/or maybe let me know a nice/inexpensive to get them?) :)
20:49.01Gopher_77D0C5i5:  you can look at some equipment at
20:49.55Gopher_77D0C5i5: but it's not cheap
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20:54.02rue_mohrD0C5i5, [TK]D-Fender heh, another issue was just brought up was that people cant see the digits they have dialed
20:55.06D0C5i5Gopher_77: yea, that's where i started
20:57.18D0C5i5i was hoping to get into something for under $200
20:58.15rue_mohrtdm400 is $500
20:58.53[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: overkill, and quite wrong on price :)
20:59.01rue_mohryou can get a tdm100 cheap :)
20:59.31[TK]D-FenderD0C5i5: You should switch to a "softphone account', that that in DIRECT off of Vonage and jsut buy your own ATA.  Cost = $50
20:59.48[TK]D-Fenders/that that/get that/
21:01.15ruben23anyone have idea on this error:
21:02.36Qwellpsps ax
21:02.48rue_mohrso I split the dialplan where they might dial #
21:03.14rue_mohrotherwise use the 10 or 11 digits and send to the dahdi
21:03.19[TK]D-Fenderruben23: "No such extension/context" <- what part of this is not excruciatingly clear?
21:03.56rue_mohrit could say if the problem is a missing extension or context
21:04.21*** join/#asterisk VoipForces (n=courchea@
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21:04.47frogonwheelsruben23: show dialplan default
21:04.57rue_mohrI'm going to try one thing first and call polycom
21:05.06VoipForcesHi, I have a queue question. Anyone knows a way that a non-queue member can pickup a call from a queue. And I mean a single call.
21:06.25jjshoeVoipForces walk over to the queue phone and pick it up? ;)
21:07.35frogonwheelsVoipForces: temporarily add them to the queu perhaps?
21:07.39VoipForcesjjshoe: Not an option.
21:08.42VoipForcesfrogonwheels: well, would have to join for only 1 call then remove that member...
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21:10.56rue_mohrhmm one of the ladies jsut said they were getting echo again...
21:10.59[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Go look for "No such extension/context 912127775678@default"
21:20.01*** join/#asterisk hfb (
21:20.02VoipForcesrue_mohr: what telephony card and phone are u using?
21:20.38VoipForcesrue_mohr: no hardware echo canceler?
21:20.42rue_mohr2 fxs ch   4 fxo channels with echo hardware
21:21.05rue_mohrit was a call of a few mins, she said that toward the end she was starting to get echo
21:21.08frogonwheelsVoipForces: what v of * ?
21:21.18VoipForcesfrogonwheels: 1.4
21:21.28rue_mohrAsterisk 1.4.22
21:21.48[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: TDM400 does not have HWEC
21:22.04rue_mohrhah its an 800!
21:22.14VoipForcesrue_mohr:  TK is right. Again.
21:22.53*** part/#asterisk AndyML (
21:23.53VoipForcesfrogonwheels: what I would like it something like Pickup, but instead of pickup a call from a ringing extension in the group, do a pickup of a queue caller...
21:25.02frogonwheelsVoipForces: hmm.. only way I can think of (bearing in mind I'm no expert).. is to use AddQueueMember to add a local channel .. and to set up a MeetMe() .. and get the local channel to dial into the meetme.
21:25.19VoipForcesrue_mohr: make sure that your rj-11 cables going to your patch panel are the shortest possible.
21:25.22default23434question.. does someone understand ringback?
21:25.34frogonwheelsVoipForces: .... then the local channel can also remove itself from the queue when it's called.
21:25.42default23434i receive 180/sdp indicating early media ringback and the accompanying RTP packets.
21:25.55frogonwheelsVoipForces: does that make sense?
21:26.02default23434and then send 183/sdp indicating early media ringback but does not send any RTP packets with this ringback.
21:26.09default23434why am i sending 183??
21:26.15VoipForcesfrogonwheels: 1 sec on the phone
21:26.26default23434the termination party stop the ring because it assumes i am providing it.. this is not the case
21:26.33default23434i want to send back 180.. what do i haev to do?
21:28.09rue_mohrhmm polycom support sucks too
21:28.15rue_mohryou know, I think polycom just sucks
21:28.33rue_mohrVoipForces, yea, its properly connected
21:28.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No.... its just you :)
21:29.01[TK]D-Fenderok, checkout time... later all
21:29.15rue_mohrlooks like you have to go tot he distributor with all questions
21:29.34rue_mohraastra was happy to answer all my questions
21:29.51rue_mohrpolycom says get lost
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21:32.25VoipForcesfrogonwheels: wow, will have to think about that one...
21:32.57xacatecasok, i'm going to get shot for this, but i must try.  Using a GS GWX4104 gateway (4-port FXO).  Inbound (PSTN -> SIP) calls are quite happy, and quality is fine.  However, when I try to place a call outbound it on some numbers connects me, and then shortly after creating the packet bridge asterisk receives a INVITE from the gateway for weird extensions (seems to be correlated, but not exactly always) the dialed number, at which point
21:32.58xacatecasasterisk rejects the INVITE and the RTP stream stops, causing an eventual hangup on the call due to no RTP traffic.
21:33.01VoipForcesrue_mohr: how long are your cables going from your TMD800 to telephony provider patch panel?
21:33.02xacatecasany ideas what could be wrong?
21:33.53frogonwheelsVoipForces: I know it seems rather convoluted.. but I've been mucking about with connecting two streams.. and you just can't quite do it  yet... well you can but it's restricted.
21:34.00VoipForcesxacatecas: reinvite=no maybe?
21:34.35xacatecasvoipforces reinvite=no or canreinvite=no ?
21:35.00VoipForcesxacatecas: canreinvite is the 1.6 syntax I believe
21:35.19xacatecasok, running 1.6
21:35.26xacatecaseither way, same problem.
21:35.32VoipForcesxacatecas: and I think it's the reverse of reinvite... not sure. I would try it both ways (yes and no() to see.
21:35.47VoipForcesxacatecas: you did a reload chan_sip ?
21:36.26xacatecasok, multi-homing sucks.
21:36.35hardwirexacatecas: what are you doing?
21:36.48VoipForcesxacatecas: The my next step would be to check if you have the latest GS firmware for your device.
21:37.14xacatecashardwire, i'm not on site, so the phone i've got is connecting to the switches public IP.
21:37.26hardwirewhat kind of multi-homing?
21:37.35xacatecaswith canreinvite=yes it doesn't kill the call but the audio sucks.
21:37.35hardwireknows mh-fu
21:38.01rue_mohrnec makes phone systms eh?
21:38.05hardwirexacatecas: whats the dial string and flags for the GS to dial out on?
21:38.11xacatecasphone --LAN-- NAT GW --DSL-- inet --DSL-- asterisk --LAN-- GWX4104
21:38.16xacatecasdoes that make sense?
21:38.29hardwireeverything but phone and inet
21:38.32hardwirewhat are those
21:38.38VoipForcesrue_mohr: yes they do or at least did
21:38.51xacatecasGS BT200 (silly piece of junk that happened to be lying around)
21:39.00VoipForcesxacatecas: what codec are u using?
21:39.07xacatecasg729 right through.
21:40.14toadonsurboardI'm confused
21:40.36VoipForcesxacatecas: one thing is sure is that you can not use canreinvite=no as this tells asterisk to get out of the RTP path.
21:40.53VoipForcesxacatecas: and in your case that kills your call.
21:41.03toadonsurboardwrong, it tells Asterisk to STAY in the RTP path
21:41.58xacatecasis with toad on this one. however, not too much experience with that.
21:42.32VoipForcesxacatecas: yeah I got it reversed. the canreinvite is the inverse of reinvite...
21:43.17*** join/#asterisk ecret (
21:43.53rue_mohrthe nec systems look pretty slick
21:44.13xacatecas <-- asterisk config for the sip account.
21:44.22toadonsurfboardcanreinvite is just an option. if set to yes it allows the phones to reinvite so that their RTP streams don't go through the Asterisk server. If set to no as in the case of MeetMe it locks the phones from reinviting and keeps the RTP locked to the server.
21:44.52xacatecasit should thus not make a difference?
21:45.57rue_mohrdid the people who made these phones ever use a phone before they designed these?
21:46.07toadonsurfboarddepends on the nature of the call, from phone to phone on the same network why burden the server with handling the RTP media when the two phones can just manage it. With SIP to ZAP channel going to PSTN you don't have a choice.
21:46.09rue_mohrI swear I'm at 110% frustrated
21:46.22toadonsurfboardrue_mohr, what phones?
21:46.23rue_mohrif the echo can comes apart I think I'm gonna lose it
21:46.53rue_mohrthe freaking $2000 in voip equip I bought to show how great asterisk is thats just ruining everything
21:47.11toadonsurfboardwhat brand?
21:47.23rue_mohrpolycom is my problem
21:47.38pfnpolycom is a problem?
21:48.14xacatecasnot the easiest phones to initially work with and i bricked one, but that's about the only problems I've had.
21:48.34pfnstill happily uses his 7960
21:48.42xacatecasthey worked well after initial struggles, and that was mainly due to me knowing _nothing_ about VoIP at the time.
21:48.55toadonsurfboardreally? I've got 92 sip peers on my asterisk server right now. 85 of them are polycom phones, the rest are Linksys ATA's. not had a problem with Polycom. Got 2 port T1 PRI connecting to my PSTN and a Nortel PBX.
21:49.34VoipForceshates polycom, they are a bitch to configure. I will be staying with Aastra for phones
21:49.50pfnhow are they a bitch to configure?  they don't boot tftp?
21:50.03xacatecasja ja.  i just want to fix this GXW problem.  then I'm off to bed.
21:50.16toadonsurfboardso the problem is probably not the equipment but the person blaming the equipment that configured it improperly because they didn't want to read through the documentation or just skimmed it and didn't understand it.
21:50.17VoipForcespfn, they do, but the digimap feature for one thing is a bitch I find.
21:50.27pfnno idea what that is
21:50.37pfnis very out of date on voip handsets
21:50.49pfnstopped looking once he started using the 7960
21:50.52toadonsurfboarddigitmap is the dialplan for the phone itself. it acts like a pattern matching filter
21:50.54pfnand we use the spa942 at work
21:50.58VoipForcespfn: basically allos the phone to only dial predefined digit paterns.
21:51.11pfnlike dialplan.xml for cisco
21:51.17VoipForceshates phones that think they are more intelligent than the PBX they are connected to.
21:51.46VoipForcesI rather have the PBX do the intelligent work.
21:52.00pfnthat's not a problem of the phone
21:52.00pfnthe phone doesn't send numbers over to the pbx while it's dialing
21:52.01toadonsurfboardwith great power comes great responsibility. if can't play with the big boys, stay home!
21:52.27pfnVoipForces, that's not the phone's fault
21:53.11xacatecas <-- this may explain my issues.
21:53.20VoipForcespfn: well, never had any issues with Aastra. Their sonfiguration files are very straight forward and complete, and their support is just great.
21:53.51jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
21:54.05VoipForcesdoes not want to start a phone war BTW. :-)
21:54.26toadonsurfboard"Kill them all! God will know his own!"
21:56.02icelAnyone interested in helping me with a dialplan and tweak an existing * setup?  It would probably take a couple of hours.  I can pay, let me know if you are interested.
21:56.41*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
21:58.29rue_mohrI need a break, there must be some 4/0 wire that needs to be pulled somewhere
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22:07.34rue_mohrcan I dial up the echo buffer on the hwec?
22:08.02rue_mohraka were still getting some echo
22:08.12rue_mohrhow do i make it go away...
22:08.46rue_mohrwell it was a call to the states
22:08.57rue_mohrmaybe it'll only be a problem on long long distance calls
22:09.10rue_mohrdelays are too long
22:10.51rue_mohrpfn your idea dosn't work cause you can press speed dials in succession on a polycom phone, every time you do a speed dial the phone starts a new call
22:11.30rue_mohrthis wouldnt be an issue if they had prescence on line keys
22:11.43rue_mohrchases tail
22:12.23rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, I have no reason to have it give them a fake dialtone
22:12.58[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You do. 2 of them.  Gain CDR for tracking calls, second to allow for numbered speed-dials.
22:13.53rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, why even have the line selected first?
22:13.57[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Lets add : more control over dial timeout, # manipulation, etc
22:14.17rue_mohrwhy not have the speed dial dial the outside number and the system wait for you to tell it what line you want after
22:14.24*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
22:14.50rue_mohrthen process the pile and execute the call
22:15.03[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: My speed dials are OFF HOOK with tone once you've SELECTED the line already
22:15.21SparFuxHi. When somebody calls without callerID and I route the call to an ISDN card with Dial() command, I will get the first MSN of the isdn installation as callerID. How can I have no callerID when there was no callerID transmitted in the initial call?
22:16.34rue_mohrbut on this system as it stands you cant select a line without being in a call, but you cant exec speed dial..... arg, my head hurts
22:17.06rue_mohri wish the damned speed dials on the polycom just sent digit strings
22:18.20rue_mohrI'm trying to work out how to implement what you said
22:19.01*** join/#asterisk lore20 (n=lorenzo@unaffiliated/lore20)
22:19.09lore20hello everybody
22:19.17[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Speed dial done through DIALPLAN not a damn LINE KEY
22:19.27rue_mohra good analogy here is if a person were using speed dial to navigate an external ivr
22:19.40[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Punch "line 2", hear tone, DTM #13 for entry 13
22:20.10[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And you aren't using a Polycom SD for anything except starting a new call.
22:20.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Aastra can do in-line DTMF.  Their use of soft-keys is Godly
22:20.39rue_mohrand I get to write a php /postgres webpage for managing speed dials
22:21.02rue_mohraastra also has tech support you can just phone
22:21.16rue_mohrand they have more freely programmable keys
22:21.19rue_mohrand a better manual
22:21.55lore20I have a network with one asterisk server and 5 sip client; everything works between client and from pstn to server; now i'm trying to pair my server with SIP Broker, i configured sipbroker peer in sip.conf, i forward any * entry to sipbroker peer in extension.conf, and now i'm trying to call SIP welcome number from a sip client, call is established correctly but i can't hear anything
22:22.02[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Dunno about the manual part....
22:22.05*** join/#asterisk talirk81 (i=434e2716@gateway/web/ajax/
22:22.15rue_mohrthe aastra manual is 1200 pages, the polycom is like 300
22:22.34rue_mohrthe aastra web interface is better to
22:22.54lore20i think i need to set port forwarding on my router... could you help me?
22:22.57rue_mohrits just a shame the aastras look like junk beside the polycom
22:23.14talirk81Is there an agi command  for playing  a sound file  similar to Background()
22:24.54Gopher_77how do I set up * to connect to a softphone?
22:25.12lore20Gopher_77: sip
22:25.28talirk81stream file looks to be the onlything close, but  its not exactly the same right?
22:25.37Gopher_77rue_mohr: isn't the point to have only one telephone at each desk?
22:25.57Gopher_77lore20: of course, but I don't have any login information or anything
22:26.05[TK]D-FenderlosrQuick guess, server behind NAT?
22:26.21[TK]D-Fenderlore20: Quick guess, server behind NAT?
22:26.24lore20[TK]D-Fender: if you are talking with me.. yes
22:26.30lore20i'm behind a router nat
22:26.31jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
22:26.35[TK]D-Fenderlore20: read up
22:26.44rue_mohrGopher_77, yea, I'm testing mostly on one desk
22:26.55emrahpbxhello all
22:26.55lore20i already forwarded 5060 e rdp
22:27.12[TK]D-Fenderlore20: takes a hell of a lot more than that.  READ
22:27.33[TK]D-Fendertalirk81: Yes, Stream File is pretty much "background" + more
22:27.48lore20could  i set externip to a dynamic dns?
22:28.36jbot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
22:30.49*** join/#asterisk harry_v (
22:31.07rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, all the outside lines start with 2, I can use that as a prefilter to look for a speeddial or not
22:34.38rue_mohrwill asterisk be able to link fax calls though the dahdi card ok?
22:34.47*** join/#asterisk McUrex (
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22:35.39[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Doesn't let you select the LINE its going out unless you embed the # in it
22:36.28rue_mohras an alternate stratagey?
22:36.29*** part/#asterisk cheriff (n=davidm@
22:36.31[TK]D-Fenderlore20: "externhost" + "externrefres"
22:36.41[TK]D-Fenderlore20: "externhost" + "externrefresh"
22:36.52lore20yes... i'm seeing it now
22:38.51SparFuxIf I Goto() a different context to standard extension, will the CallerID be dropped?
22:39.53[TK]D-FenderSparFux: no
22:39.58*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
22:45.03rue_mohrso if a line pool is full on a large asterisk system, you dont find out till after you dial all your digits?
22:45.44[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Holy crap drop the Norstar lingo!
22:45.55[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And what a psycho mess it is!
22:46.20[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Please be EXTREMELY clear about what is in control, at which point.. the PHONE, or ASTERISK
22:46.26rue_mohrso if all channels are occupied  on a large asterisk system, you dont find out till after you dial all your digits?
22:46.48[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: depends how you dial.
22:46.52rue_mohrstandard implemenation
22:47.00*** join/#asterisk path_ (
22:47.03[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: NO SUCH THING
22:47.11[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat
22:47.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Push for that 3rd strike!
22:47.27rue_mohrwell, as I understand a standard implementation the phone wont even connect till you have dialed all your digits, as per the dialplan
22:47.46[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: WHOSE dialplan?
22:47.51[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: YOU'RE OUT!
22:47.57[TK]D-Fenderstarts swinging
22:48.03jayteehe's whining about the Polycoms again
22:48.04[TK]D-Fender~cluebat rue_mohr
22:48.05jbotACTION pulls out a ClueBat (tm) and thwaps rue_mohr.
22:48.08rue_mohrthe phones come with the (whatever its called north america unifed dialing plan) built in
22:48.36rue_mohrI'm trying to understand 'normal' so I can better understand how this is 'not normal'
22:50.23jayteeit's easy! normal is how other people configure their stuff. not normal is how you've done it!
22:51.05rue_mohrok they use *98 to get to the voicemail, so that works
22:51.34jayteeweird, Linksys ATA's use *98 to do transfers
22:51.47rue_mohrthere has to be a 'its desgned to work like this' it'd be nice if it were written somewhere
22:52.05*** join/#asterisk joobie (
22:52.06jayteethey call them manuals or at least they did back in the day
22:52.24rue_mohrthere is onyl only manual for asterisk and its a book
22:52.38jayteePolycom even has this thing called a SIP Admin Guide. Go figure!
22:52.45rue_mohrhave it
22:52.53rue_mohrand the user guide
22:53.03jayteeoh, you mean "the book"?
22:53.08jayteeI have 3 copies
22:53.12jayteein print
22:53.19rue_mohrwhich promptly ended one of my users trying to make a speed dial that brought down the system
22:53.25jayteeone right here and two at work
22:53.40rue_mohrcasue the polycom phone is too smart and tries to start a new call every time you use the speed dial
22:55.37rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, if I split it after the 2, use the 2nd digit to determine the line, and if the 3rd digit is a # then I go with speed dial, otherwise connect to dahdi, dump the 1 digit and pass over to let the rest of the digits fall through
22:57.25rue_mohrI'm gonna have to brush up on my extensions programming
22:57.46rue_mohrI have to go take a look at a installation for a new client, see ya tommorow
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23:31.24Gopher_77I'm trying to use voipuser for an SIP provider, but I keep getting a congestion response from the server. I've confirmed that voipuser registers, but I still get the congestion response. Here are my sip.conf and debug info from a ping: Can someone help me get calls through?
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23:35.12cesau2if cli> show odbc ==> "Connection 1: connected" -- and yet i still get "Realtime mapping for 'sippeers' found to engine 'odbc', but the engine is not available" -- where can i do next to debug the problem?
23:35.13[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Meaningless. Look at the SIP debug of a CALL.
23:35.31[TK]D-Fendercesau2: Go look at all of your ODBC configs
23:36.21cesau2i can sqsh and isql to the database using the same dsn -- infact, i can see that im logged in on the sql server...
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23:36.41cesau2(from asterisk)
23:37.01[TK]D-Fendercesau2: PASTEBIN is your friend...
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23:40.28edibraci've been battling intermittant, random  HDLC errors 2-3 times per day with my Digium TE121 T1 card for several months now... I switch to Sangoma and all looks good.. is there a technical explanation for this?
23:40.39*** join/#asterisk StanManCan (
23:40.45StanManCanI'm getting an error
23:40.49edibracthat somehow Samgoma A101 cards are more resilient against low-level errors of some sort
23:40.57[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: Superior board design :)
23:41.04StanManCanRejected connection attempt from **IP** request 'NUMBER@mycontext' does not excist
23:41.08[TK]D-Fenderedibrac: And a common reason people pick Sangoma.
23:41.58edibrac[TK]D-Fender: i am a Believer now :) i was quite skeptical before.. I previously was thinking it might be just good marketing.
23:41.59[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Then it likely doesn't
23:42.21StanManCanFender: Well what do I need to change/fix ?
23:42.38StanManCanis it something in my iax.conf or extensions.conf
23:43.07[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Yes.
23:43.24StanManCanFender: which one.
23:43.35[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Maybe one, maybe both.
23:43.50StanManCanFender: aka. I'm on my own ?
23:43.54[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Show an ACTUAL error, with ACTUAL configs and you'll get a DEFINITE answer.
23:44.15[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: this whole "vague" thing isn't going to get you very far
23:44.59cesau2[TK]D-Fender:  config @
23:49.37ruben23hi any idea on what is SVN trunk..?
23:50.30StanManCanERROR =
23:50.30StanManCaniax.conf =
23:50.30StanManCanextensions.conf =
23:52.40[TK]D-Fendercesau2: dsn => Principal-Asterisk <- try "asterisk"
23:52.54*** join/#asterisk voxter (
23:52.56cesau2will do, thanks!
23:53.00[TK]D-Fendercesau2: res_odbc.ini: <- This SHOULD be ".conf", not ".ini"
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23:53.50[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Well from what we can see.... nothing.
23:53.54cesau2aye, it is, good catch (just a typo)
23:54.07voxterdoes anyone know a way to do more than 3 user conferencing on a polycom phone?
23:54.17voxterI feel like they added many user conferencing to recent firmware
23:54.38[8none1]voxter, you have to buy a license for that feature.
23:54.49voxter[8none1]: but it does work?
23:54.50Gopher_77[TK]D-Fender: there isn't any debug for my SIP calls
23:54.54[TK]D-Fendervoxter: Its a licensed add-on for the models that support it
23:54.58StanManCanFender: what else do you want. those are my full iax.conf and extenions.conf _and_ errors
23:55.09[8none1]Just use a Asterisk MeetMe conference.
23:55.20[TK]D-FenderGopher_77: Go place a call and pastebin the entire attempt.
23:55.47voxterThis one client of mine is too inept to change from a key system and to transfer people they want into a conference room
23:55.48[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Exact names & numbers matter and you're masking everything.  I trust none of what you've shown.
23:56.08voxterI cant think of an easier way to suggest either call, blind xfer to meetme, or set up DID for the meetme.
23:56.40[TK]D-Fendervoxter: Ineptitute is par for the course these days...
23:56.58StanManCanFender: why would i want to provide you with my account numbers, phone numbers, user names and passwords
23:57.07voxter[TK]D-Fender: yep. and when you're dealing with movie production studios they dont take "re learn it" as an answer
23:57.40[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Do think I need to know the passwords?  No, THAT you can mask.  Please show some intelligence here...
23:58.26StanManCanthe actual accounts and numbers are redundant
23:59.18[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: We can dance around in circles forever on this, but until you should all of the exact info to match the full inbound request (which you SHOULD have provided with full IAX debug) you simply aren't going to get anywhere
23:59.37[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Numbers matter.Something doesn't match and you're hiding the evidence
23:59.41[TK]D-FenderStanManCan: Not too bright

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