IRC log for #asterisk on 20090202

00:00.18TrentCreekone like this one: 710 Western Union Telegraph Company - Southern USA
00:00.32TrentCreekDoes that mean it is only used by WU?
00:00.38TrentCreekor by their customers?
00:01.30TrentCreekwell they explain it below....TTY
00:09.51*** join/#asterisk asteriskwow (n=elastixr@
00:10.00asteriskwowhi there
00:10.09asteriskwowneed some help please anyone active?
00:10.17tiberius_anyone have recommendations for SIP trunking providers?
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00:11.49TrentCreekCorydon76-dig: yes, the list is a bit outdatd
00:12.27TrentCreekat least it is a start
00:14.15asteriskwowif i dial a external number that is busy it tells me that " Got SIP response 486 "Busy here" back from" but i dont get ingage tone on my sip phone, how can i change my dialplan to use this info to play ingage tone to me?
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00:14.52variable_officeis there a way to read the 'mailbox' value for a user in sip.conf from the extensions?
00:16.01asteriskwowi am dialing over a sip trunks to my home house number, i just get a dead silence than my phone disconnects, would be nice to hear ingage tone if number dialed is busy
00:16.19[TK]D-Fendervariable_office: "core show function SIPPEER"
00:16.41[TK]D-Fenderasteriskwow: "core show application busy"
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00:16.55[TK]D-Fenderasteriskwow: ANSWER first
00:19.21TrentCreekCorydon76-dig: a litte research shows that list predates 1991 :-D
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00:24.44Corydon76-digTrentCreek: it cannot
00:24.48asteriskwow[TK]D-Fender: do you mean i have to but a answer first in my dialplan,,? sorry if it sounds dumb still new to asterisk
00:25.03Corydon76-digThat list is on the web and 1991 predates the web
00:25.26[TK]D-Fenderasteriskwow: Yes, have * answer the call first, then call busy.  You might need to Playback a least a little recording (silence/1 should do)
00:25.26TrentCreekCorydon76-dig: why not? it lists area code 905 as mexico city...they stopped using it in 1991
00:25.36*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:26.04asteriskwow[TK]D-Fender-how do answe the call first if it is an outgoing call?
00:26.09TrentCreekCorydon76-dig: Much data that was available via archie and gopher was later in in web format
00:26.32[TK]D-Fenderasteriskwow: * answers the call from your PHONES before calling OUT <-
00:26.44[TK]D-Fenderasteriskwow: There are *2* calls involved
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00:29.01asteriskwowmeaning when i dial out it picks up(answers) a sip channel on my side, then connects to another sip channel at the Sip trunk provider side
00:29.45asteriskwow[TK]D-Fender so the call on my side must be live(answered) before i will get ingage tone?
00:29.59[TK]D-Fenderasteriskwow: When you call from your phone, * accepts the call from the phone.  that is 1 end.  then it hits dialplan.  your PHONE has not been "answered".  In your dialplan it dials out.  When the other side says "busy", * just passes that along and your phone sasy "click*
00:30.41[TK]D-Fenderasteriskwow: If you have * ANSWER your phone then when the other side says "sory, busy", in your dialplan you can pass back an AUDIO indication of "busy"
00:30.58asteriskwow[TK]D-Fender thx i learned something new ,, ill give it a go
00:41.17asteriskwow[TK]D-Fender do i still have to use the application busy?
00:41.48[TK]D-Fenderasteriskwow: Yes.
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00:50.53root52So question. I am interested in some asterisk training. Is it true that the only training offered is what is listed on the digium web site? I have done some googleing and could not find any collages or tech schools that offer training closer to home.
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00:55.20[TK]D-Fenderroot52: many places offering the boot camp & dCAP cert training.  If they aren't local, then you'll have to travel.
00:55.37[TK]D-Fenderroot52: If you're looking for a physical class
00:57.09root52[TK]D-Fender: Thanks. I was just unsure if the only "official" training was that listed on the web site I will look for other classes. Thanks!!
01:01.53keeblerWhen setting up a shared network between Asterisk and local LAN, how much Bandwidth would be appropriate to allot to Asterisk for 6 simultaneous internal calls? Asterisk will have priority otherwise, but would it be beneficial or practical to setup a Quota for it? Say, 2MBps of LAN, and the rest to data?
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01:04.03keeblerOr should i just set the Asterisk Server's MAC address as the priority for QoS?
01:04.12[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: 1 call in SIP+ULAW = 85kpbs.  You're on a LAN.  It doesn't matter :P
01:04.26keeblerWireless lan.
01:05.21[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: 510 kbps for 6 calls.  thats 0.510 megabits.  How fast is your WLAN?
01:05.31[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Seriously.....
01:05.32keeblerAnd Just testing my lan right now, I was getting 11KBs per call.
01:06.00[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: You cal sucks.
01:06.15keeblerI'm using the Router's Bandwidth monitor.
01:06.38keeblerWant me to take a Screenshot?
01:06.40[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: ULAW = 64kpbs, UDP overhead = 20kbps
01:06.58[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: I don't doubt that it SAYS that.  Whatever... its just WRONG
01:07.22keeblerSo g.711u as the codec doesn't mean jack?
01:07.37[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: G.711u = ULAW
01:07.54keeblerOkay, then how do I go about testing this crap properly?
01:08.14[TK]D-Fender[20:04]<[TK]D-Fender>keebler: 1 call in SIP+ULAW = 85kpbs. You're on a LAN. It doesn't matter :P
01:08.19[TK]D-Fender[20:06]<[TK]D-Fender>keebler: ULAW = 64kpbs, UDP overhead = 20kbps
01:08.29[TK]D-Fender[20:05]<[TK]D-Fender>keebler: 510 kbps for 6 calls. thats 0.510 megabits.  How fast is your WLAN?
01:08.32keeblerOkay, thats what its supposed to do....
01:08.38keeblerI want to physically chart it.
01:08.43[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Can it get much clearer? :)
01:08.58keeblerI need justification...
01:08.58[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Bits are bits dammit!
01:09.22[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: If you want validation go to #psychotherapy
01:09.36keeblerBut, why the hell is it saying I'm using 11KBps ? Its pretty damn accurate when monitoring this ISO I'm downloading.
01:10.00[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Do we support your router?  I doubt it highly!
01:10.30[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Maybe because its better at calculating bitter numbers
01:10.49keeblerThen you contradict your previous statement.
01:10.53keeblerIf "bits are Bits"
01:11.01keeblerIt shouldn't matter the size.
01:11.24keeblerIts DDWRT, everyone uses it in here.
01:12.54keeblerAnd since I'm only using Asterisk during the call. Its relative to this channel... since My monitor says its 11KB for just a voice call, And I'm more inclined to believe it works properly, then I need to find out what in either Asterisk or the ATA's is forcing such large numbers.
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01:39.09keeblerSo realistically 128Kbps is used for every 2 channels?
01:40.36keeblererm 168?
01:40.59rob0Everyone here uses dd-wrt?
01:40.59keeblerGah. I'm going to bed.
01:41.00[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: math <-
01:41.07[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Statistically... no
01:41.12keeblerrob0: Yes.
01:41.20[TK]D-FenderI don't
01:41.24[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Liar ;p
01:41.26rob0me neither
01:41.51[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Any other questions you already have the answer to you feel like asking anyway? :)
01:42.32rob0Why is the sky blue?
01:42.34*** join/#asterisk killown (n=Yamato@unaffiliated/killown)
01:42.50[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Because if it were green we wouldn't know when to stop mowing :p
01:43.03[TK]D-FenderNEXT!@!@@!@ (c) BKW
01:49.59*** join/#asterisk RAiDENZ (
01:50.52RAiDENZIs there a way to tell in asterisk which end of the call hung up?
01:53.18[TK]D-Fenderin your dialplan you can use "g" in dial, or the "h" exten
01:59.50RAiDENZI have an H extension an tried a dumpchan but doesn't give any information to see which end hung up
02:02.37[TK]D-FenderRAiDENZ: If you use "g" in your dial You'll know they hung up.
02:02.48[TK]D-FenderRAiDENZ: And can flag the CDR accordinging.
02:02.53[TK]D-FenderRAiDENZ: And can flag the CDR accordingly
02:03.09*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
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02:13.58keeblerHow many calls/extensions can the Asterisk enabled WRT54G support?
02:22.00BadHALprobably not a whole lot
02:24.35frogonwheelskeebler: at a guess 2 active calls.
02:25.09keeblerYeah. Just curious. I wouldn't think about deploying it in a corporate environment. I've just got an extra WRT54 lying here and was considering tinkering with it.
02:25.38frogonwheelskeebler: My asus wl500gp  has handled  a meetme with 2 external, 1 internal line  +  one other call concurrently.
02:25.58frogonwheelskeebler: it possibly could handle more.
02:26.04keeblerThat the one with 32MB ram?
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02:26.39frogonwheelskeebler: erm.. yep.
02:27.03keeblerHeh. *laughs at the measly 8MB on this WRT)
02:27.15harry_vlooks like callerID 911 fraud had made its way to msnbc
02:27.26frogonwheelskeebler: depends what else you got running:)
02:27.50harry_vhow many simultanious calls can you make on those units?
02:28.02keeblerThats what I just asked. :)
02:28.12keeblerOur guess is 2.
02:28.29frogonwheelskeebler: obviously no transcoding.
02:29.20harry_vFigured that was the case.
02:29.37frogonwheelskeebler: You using openwrt?
02:29.45[TK]D-FenderCould probably support more calls outside that meetme
02:30.11frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender:  possibly not the WRT54G though.
02:30.32[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: More on any platform :)
02:30.34frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: I'm guessing a few calls concurrently. but never tried.
02:31.05[TK]D-FenderI have seen the number "4" thrown around regarding WRT's
02:32.15frogonwheelskeebler: I've got Asterisk package changes for OpenWRT to break it up into smaller bits so you can fit it in an image.
02:32.28frogonwheelskeebler: I have my * installed on an USB drive under OpenWRT.
02:32.40frogonwheelskeebler: oBviously, not an option for the WRT.
02:33.32keeblerYeah. I'll just stick with this MSIWind desktop as the PBX
02:33.56keeblerIts small enough..
02:34.06keeblerI will eventually go iTX.
02:34.32ricko73if you don't need a pci device, the ALIX boards are nice
02:36.09[TK]D-FenderIf you do, Soekris is a good option, and supports better storage
02:36.59[TK]D-FenderSoekris is kinda pricy, but the combination of functionality is really nice for the size & power reeq's
02:37.25RAiDENZ[TK]D-Fender is there a way in the h extension to see who hung up instead of using the "g" option in dial?
02:37.40[TK]D-FenderI haven't really seen anything interesting or new in 2008 for the embedded space like these...
02:38.00keeblerYeah, this MSIWind doesn't have any PCI slots. But its bigger than need be because it has a 5.25" slot for an internal DVDRM.
02:38.15keeblerThe board itself is tiny.
02:38.39[TK]D-FenderRAiDENZ: If you use the "g" exten you can set the CDR userfield or something to imply the callee hung up.  if this value is NOT et you can then infer that the CALLER hung up.
02:39.00[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: link?
02:39.28keeblerNot bad for $140
02:39.47keeblerUseless as HTPC though.
02:40.27[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Depends on your needs I guess...
02:40.34mrscikeeble, I have looked at that system how well does it run?
02:40.43mrsciHow many calls can it handle?
02:41.25keeblermrsci: I have FreeBSD installed on a 4GB CF Card, running Asterisk 1.4.21 and atm 8 extensions. Only tested 2 concurrent calls, but its not bad.
02:41.26[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Would work for my HTPC needs
02:41.36[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: But thats what My * does already :)
02:42.36keebler[TK]D-Fender: The Intel ATOM can't reliably play 720p, let alone 1080p. Not to mention it only has VGA and its an IntelGMA945. Other than that, just basic movie watching on a VGA enabled LCD, (My 40" Sony), it did pretty good.
02:43.06*** join/#asterisk SkywaIker (n=pirch@
02:43.11[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: I use VGA on my setup as well.... better card though...
02:43.17[TK]D-Fenderactually... scratch that :)
02:43.30[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: VIA KT400 onboard :)
02:43.31keeblerI'm going to get one of these to play around with...
02:43.49keeblerMaybe get it with the Jetway board and minipci slot.
02:44.04keeblerAnd throw an 802.11a/b/g card in.
02:44.32keeblerAlthough, I don't like the idea of running my Router and any sort of server on the same box.
02:49.43keeblerDual Core Intel Atom
02:57.32*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (n=matt@
02:57.39ZX81is digium website down?
02:57.51ZX81or just for me?
03:00.18*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
03:18.01mrscii can't get to the digium site either
03:18.41Qwellmaintenance, I believe
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03:23.10sohumok. I don't quite understand what Asterisk does, but is it possible to use it to plug a phone into a modem and use that as a mic/speakers?
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03:24.29trnzmetaso you're going to turn asterisk to an overglorified recorder?
03:24.57sohumif there's an easier way to do it, I'm be willing to listen. this is just the first thing that came to mind
03:25.27trnzmetawhat do you need to do?
03:25.48sohumbe able to use a physical POTS phone as a speaker/mic pair
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03:27.37trnzmetaso a phone call comes in, and using your phone, you can go hands free?
03:28.15*** part/#asterisk root52 (
03:29.04sohumno - I just want to be able to use the speaker and mic on the phone as inputs and outputs on my machine, theoretically using the modem to connect the phone and the machine
03:32.24[TK]D-Fendersohum: Modem = dead end.  Useless.  Speaker & mic on a soundcard would be using a soft-phone
03:32.27jbot[~softphone] A soft-phone is a program that lets your computer use a compatible audio interface (usually a speaker&mic, or headset), and optionally a webcam, to place VoIP calls with a given protocol (SIP/IAX/H.323/MGCP/etc). For links enter ~zoiper , ~xlite , ~twinkle , ~bria , ~eyebeam , ~ekiga
03:32.56sohumfair enough, thank you
03:33.02*** part/#asterisk sohum (n=sohum@
03:33.06[TK]D-Fendersohum: Ah, if you want to use a phone a speaker & mic I have actually seen a device for this...
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03:38.26iaxyI turned qulify back on and I am getting sip OPTIONS messages every 1 minute about.
03:38.38[TK]D-Fenderiaxy: Yup, thats what it does
03:38.41jqlthat's what it does
03:39.09[TK]D-Fenderslaps jql
03:39.14[TK]D-Fenderjql: Cheap knock-off!
03:39.51iaxyWhy does it say from unknown. kinda silly that it doesn't know itself.
03:39.53jqlI snooze, I lose
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03:40.06jqlI even loose
03:42.25harry_vseems my ip500 is having fits again trying to locate the server. tested the server with same username/password for that account and can login.
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03:45.36harry_vdid get this error in the polycom log 0202031732|app1 |4|00|Loaded application sip.ld successfully, errors 0x4000.
03:46.26[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: Could be an incompatible config issue.
03:46.35[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: (or corrupted)
03:48.16harry_vpossibly. I am installing tftp just to see if its not some odd ftp issue.
03:48.20harry_vcompare the two
03:48.59harry_vdoes tftp use the same home/user directory as ftp?
03:50.07*** join/#asterisk paulproteus (n=paulprot@2002:db69:2513:0:0:0:0:1)
03:51.09[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: TFTP doesn't have "users"
03:51.14[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: or passwords
03:51.24[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: thats why its "trivial"
03:51.24harry_vim sure.
03:51.39[TK]D-Fendertftp = suck
03:51.49harry_vI used it 10 years ago on cisco but never on linux.
03:52.02harry_vand why is that?
03:52.48[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: all the above... lack of timestamps for updates, not having multiple accounts so you can split firmwares.  Or having to worry about possibly conflicting files.
03:53.07harry_vI see
03:53.12[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: Total waste
03:53.19harry_vprobebly best to stay away then.
03:53.27[TK]D-Fenderharry_v: FTP is dead-easy to set up on any platform.
03:53.38harry_vohh sure. it was working before.
03:53.41harry_vjust not this time.
03:54.05harry_vChanged the CFG files to match the mac info of the phone.
03:55.04frogonwheelsharry_v: not that tftp doesn't have some uses.. however they _are_ pretty limited.
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04:02.49harry_vnow if the files were misconfigured would it simulate a failed to ftp server message?
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04:10.27keeblerAnyone here try installing Asterisk on a Gumstix? I'm reading about it now, but looking for first hand experience.
04:10.42harry_vcould not contact boot server. user/pass of phone same as ftp server. Man I dont know.  Might have to work on this tomarro its getting late.
04:11.20harry_vkeebler, I went to a sit in session with the developer of gumstix and he said somone in the community did so that.
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04:11.56keeblerharry_v: Yeah. I know. I'm reading about it now. Just hoping more than one person has tried it.
04:12.13keeblerA 400mhz Xscale processor sounds promising.
04:12.26harry_vyea no kidding. spy pbx
04:13.56keeblerin deed
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04:17.56LemensTSI want to connect SIP/305 with test-asm.agi, i got this: $asm->Originate(SIP/305, NULL, NULL, NULL, DeadAGI, test-asm.agi);
04:18.12LemensTSit gives me: Response = Error; Message = Originate failed
04:18.27LemensTSThis is running a php file from bash...
04:19.53LemensTSI cant find anyone originating a call into an agi app
04:19.57LemensTSon google
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04:32.18[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: You seem to have forgotting the concept of typed variables & parameters....
04:32.45[TK]D-FenderLemensTS: Something in there should be a STRING
04:34.02trnzmetaguys: any one had the experience where they make a phone call, everything goes well
04:34.33trnzmetabut when you hang up, the phone rings and connects the two parties again
04:34.45trnzmetahowever the call is dead
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04:35.44[TK]D-Fendertrnzmeta: Some real details & debug would help
04:36.33trnzmetagoing through the logs now
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04:50.09IPconfighey guys , quick question i have tried installing asteriskNow ver 1.0.2 (32bit) but it bogs out with a bug error while its installing , anyone had that issue with the current asteriskNow from the website ?
04:50.46keeblerHere you go. Asterisk on the Gumstix... supports 40 concurrent calls. apparently
04:51.29keeblerThat was dated 2005 though
04:51.45keeblerI think all development of Astlinux for the Gumstix has stopped.
04:51.51keeblerShame, very powerful system
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04:52.44IPconfiganyone had that issue at all ..
04:52.51IPconfigthis being the version offered right of the website
04:53.08[TK]D-FenderIPconfig: upgrade regardless... 1.0.2 was rPath PITA...
04:53.22[TK]D-FenderIPconfig: New one is considerably better
04:53.43[TK]D-FenderIPconfig: Or do what the rest of us will tell you anyway and roll your own on a distro of yourchoice.
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04:56.05keeblerAsteriskNow 1.5 worked fine except a small issue with ethernet driver support.
04:56.19[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: for which?
04:56.36keeblerMSIWind. Realtek chip
04:57.17keeblerBoth 1.5 and 1.0.2
04:57.38[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Odd...
04:57.49keeblerI got annoyed with all of the distro's though.
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04:58.02keeblerNot a fan of GUI anyways.
04:58.31keeblerTrixbox and PBXinAFLash didn't support my NIC
04:58.33keebleras well
04:59.14[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: What does?
04:59.25[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: these are all CentOS based
04:59.58keeblerFreeBSD is the only thing that worked right out of the box... well, Ubuntu would have worked too.
05:00.06keeblerBut I prefer FBSD.
05:00.36keeblerOnly "problem" is. Asterisk PORT is only version 1.4.21
05:00.42keeblerBut meh.
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05:01.19keeblerMy application is so basic and simple, I'm sure I wouldn't notice any benefit from .23
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05:57.44Gopaul_how to get the Q931 packets from asterisk log
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06:28.44ruben23hi...i installed asterisk 1.4 and registered my sip account on it...problem is i cant get a call asterisk CLI display sip registered..when i call no activity...then call failed..iahve my extensions.conf setup also..
06:33.38keeblerNot an Asterisk question exactly... but does anyone know what is faster? a "High Speed" 4GB CF Flash card, or a Standard 4GB SD Flash Card?
06:34.03keeblerCurrently using a 120x CF Flash card with FBSD/Asterisk.
06:34.30keeblerBut looking at going to a more embedded route and would like to use an SD Card, but I'm afraid it would be too slow for constant Asterisk use.
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07:31.05zeeeshtring to use simple calling card AGI from here " " what shud be the extensions call ... like can i  "exten => _X.,1,DeadAGI(|${CDR(accountcode)}|${EXTEN})"??
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08:03.07ruben23how to see call logs on asterisk..
08:04.39kaldemarby default you'll find them in /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv/Master.csv
08:12.50kaldemarruben23: but you won't find any help there to your problem. in cli, give command "set verbose 10" before making a call to see what happens when you dial.
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10:01.21Chris-NBanyone using snom with vlans?
10:02.28Chris-NBI've two vlans, one for voice, one for data. the phones should get the ip via dhcp. put they dont ...
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10:02.45Chris-NBdo I have to enter the ID of the vlan into the phone to get an ip address via dhcp?
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10:38.26fiddurHmm, asterisk svn branch 1.6.0 doesn't close sound files after Background...  with a lot of menues, that leads to unability to open new sockets due to "Too many open files" after a while.
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10:47.01dan__tThat sucks.
10:49.00fiddurYes.  Really does.  I'm trying to figure out where it should be closed...  but perhaps I should just post a bug-report...
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11:21.21ultrav1oletWhen I call someone else (Me -> Asterisk ServerA -> Asterisk ServerB -> SIP Provider -> Someone else) there's no sound and I get some error messages (Channel 'IAX2/intaster-13' unable to transfer; Channel 'IAX2/intaster-13' unable to transfer) - can anyone help?
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11:23.59ultrav1oletMe = Softphone (Zoiper)
11:24.18ultrav1oletbetween server A and server B there's a IAX2 channel
11:25.59MiladI want to pass a agent number to AGI which run after agent in Queue pickup phone, I check I did not  find any normal way, I want to rewrite module app_queue but I don't know how pass for example member->membername to pbx_exec
11:26.09Miladanyone has a clue ?
11:30.09kaldemarultrav1olet: notransfer=yes into iax.conf's
11:31.13ultrav1oletkaldemar: the problem is worse - I cannot even call from Server B directly
11:32.06ultrav1oletI mean I can call but there's absolutely no sound in any direction
11:34.54kaldemaris A<->B working?
11:42.24kaldemaris zoiper<->B working?
11:55.03ultrav1oletNow I have connected to ServerB directly and then I try to call a person behind ServerA - while he can hear me perfectly, I don't hear him at all
11:55.54ultrav1oletIn a console I see this message (repeated twice): Operating with different codecs 4[0x4 (ulaw)] 2[0x2 (gsm)] , can't native bridge...
12:09.56*** join/#asterisk BugKhaM (
12:10.51BugKhaMI have a user trying to register with wrong sip password. Is it possible to see that password from asterisk console?
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12:22.47kalibHi people.. I'm having troubles.. I'm not receiving calls from the external world.. How can I check what's goin on?
12:23.32kalibwhen I do try to call to my number.. It looks like busy.. but it's not busy..
12:23.42ultrav1oletkalib: asterisk -rvvvvv and see what's going on
12:23.50nachoxguys, is it possible to use ZRTP+SRTP in asterisk?
12:23.59kalibultrav1olet, I'm on it.. but I got no error message.. that's the problem
12:24.06nachoxor some form of end to end encryption for the connection
12:27.11kalibultrav1olet, I can call the external world... But I can't receive..
12:28.49jpmcallisterultrav1olet: like kaldemar suggested, try notransfer=yes into iax.conf
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12:37.01ultrav1oletjpmcallister: in [general] or for interserver communications only? On both servers?
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12:38.22casixhello, I wants that who recieve a call can transfer it. I have set the Tt options but if I call to a mobil number (using a sip trunk) asterisk don't transfer the call but it recieves the dtmfs from the mobil phone (I see its on the log file) what i'm doing wrong?
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13:11.08ultrav1oletall my problems are due to our ducking ISP :(
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13:46.03bochhello, anyone knows if phpagi-2.14 works fine with ast 1.6 ?
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13:55.03guaxboch, yes, works fine for me
13:56.39bochdo you know what permission needs the user to make calls using Originate command? cause the phpagi api is returning "permission denied"
13:56.57bochalready give "call" permission but nothing
13:57.52guaxhumm, you are using ami not agi interface
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13:59.52bochguax, im using the phpagi API to connect to the asterisk manager interface, login is ok but cant perform Originate action
14:00.16bochmanager debug is very poor
14:02.25guaxOriginate Call (privilege: call,all)
14:02.32guaxboch, sure you gave the right permissions?
14:03.07bochyes, tried with call
14:03.20bochseems originate is the right privilege..
14:06.41guaxif you give read and write permission to call, i dont see why it returns permission denied, perhaps a wrong login, not sure
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14:17.29Dovidhi. i am using stream_file in an agi and the value never comes back to what I pressed in.
14:17.52DovidI tried using get_data but that did pick up in my # entries
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15:19.58casixhello, I wants that who recieve a call can transfer it. I have set the Tt options but if I call to a mobil number (using a sip trunk) asterisk don't transfer the call but it recieves the dtmfs from the mobil phone (I see its on the log file) what i'm doing wrong?
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15:21.12ang-stsorry hello :)
15:22.19ang-stdid someone already use asterisk thru openvpn ?
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15:23.34ang-sti have strange problem: i can register, init call, even answer but i have no sound when i dial another client
15:24.15ang-stbut when i call my test_call with a playback wav ... i can hear it
15:25.48ang-stand it only happend thru the vpn (it work like a charm in local)
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15:31.06zeeeshcompiling Asterisk 1.4.19 .. after installation ..  unable to c any modules save in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules direcotry .. could not found any error while compling .. can anybody guide why its happening?
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15:33.23icebrew54ang-st: what vpn type?
15:33.47icebrew54ang-st: openvpn "scratches" up our asterisk connection
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15:37.24freckleI am trying to find away of marking a call in progress (possibly with a channel variable) so I can flag the call in post hangup processing, anyone have any ideas on how to do this?
15:38.06ang-sticebrew54: openvpn ...
15:38.33icebrew54ang-st: for our point to point, we switched to ipsec and had good luck
15:38.54icebrew54I use iax2 overseas...180 ms ping....and it sounds like I'm calling next door
15:39.06Kobazicebrew54: are you using tcp or udp
15:39.21icebrew54icebrew54: I believe we were using udp
15:39.24icebrew54err Kobaz  :P
15:39.43Kobazwell if your using tcp, packet loss is going to destroy your voip
15:40.08ang-sticebrew54: i would prefer use openvpn but in case i can't manage to make it work maybe i'll switch to ipsec
15:40.17Kobazmake sure #1) openvpn is using udp   #2) you've diable compression
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15:40.31icebrew54yeah I'd check with Kobaz, he sounds like he knows a little more
15:40.42icebrew54I know we had complications with it, so we switched to ipsec for performance benefits
15:40.56icebrew54decreased our ping by 20-30ms
15:40.58Kobazipsec is a royal pain in the ass, in general
15:41.02icebrew54yeah it is...
15:41.23ang-stKobaz: it can be compression so
15:41.42Kobazcompression will kill voip as well
15:42.07ang-stok i'll disable it and try again
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15:42.11Kobazif you have any recurring packet loss, you will lose more voip packets than if you weren't compressing
15:42.11ang-stthanks for the point
15:42.23Kobazcompression will put 10 packets into one
15:42.34Kobazso if you drop that packet, now 10 voip packets are gone
15:42.38Kobazrather than just one
15:42.43ang-stat now i have no packet loss
15:42.51Kobazso you will get long dropouts instead of a tiny little blip
15:43.19Kobazyeah but you'll always have packet loss, given time approaching infinity
15:43.36ang-stlol sure
15:43.47ang-styep but why it work with a playback()
15:44.18ang-stand not with a client ?
15:44.20Kobazit sounds fine with playback, but not extension to extension?
15:44.31Kobazsounds like codecs or buffering
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15:45.00ang-stin debug rtp it seems no packet tx after the client answer
15:45.24Kobazno rtp at all?
15:45.38Kobazis this the same vpn conversation?
15:45.40ang-st5/6 packet until hang up
15:45.40Kobazor something new?
15:46.15Kobazwith ipsec or openvpn?
15:47.05Kobazhave you ran some generic tools like mtr
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15:47.21ang-stnot yet
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15:48.19ang-stbut as until answer every thing goes fine i thought it was rtp related
15:48.28ang-st(i'm quite new to asterisk=
15:51.24ang-sti'll put a wireshark to see if something strange occur
15:51.32ang-st(wrong route or so)
15:52.04ang-stanyway will try try also without compression
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15:52.43ang-stthanks for all that points :)
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15:58.45bcochofelHi, I'm trying to integrate asterisk with openser and I'm trying to put this under an oracle DB. Can anyone help me with the config for openserdbctl (v1.3) for unixodbc?
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16:08.12skirmishahello guys
16:08.21skirmishai have strange problem with asterisk
16:08.31skirmishait is doing a lot of re-transmisions
16:08.38skirmishawhat could cause this problem?
16:09.01manxpowerskirmisha: network problems cause that
16:10.11skirmishacould it be from STP ?
16:10.35skirmishaor could it be from nat config in asterisk?
16:12.09manxpowernot sure what you mean by "STP", but yes, if it does not work at all then the retransmittions could be caused by NAT issues.
16:15.02skirmishaSTP spanning tree protocol in switch
16:15.54skirmishastrange thing is that i can register, but options packages that are send by * to test if peer is alive are retransmited
16:15.59skirmishaand this is very strange
16:16.00Kobazi always thought stp was stone temple pilots
16:16.12skirmishasip_poke_noanswer is coming up
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16:19.52manxpowerregistration = phone -> Asterisk.      OPTIONS = Asterisk -> phone
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16:21.18skirmishayes correct
16:21.28skirmishaso when i set qualify to yes
16:21.35skirmishai always see unreachable
16:21.37manxpowerso you have two different directions, one works, one does not.
16:21.42skirmishaand sip debug shows retransmision
16:21.46manxpowerthat should tell you something right there.
16:21.53manxpowerpastebin the output
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16:23.12norwolfHi, I'm having a lot of problems with a newly purchased Wildcard TE122P in use in Norway (with euroisdn).. I've tried loads of different configs, but the status led blinks red no matter what config used.. any experiences with that?
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16:27.45manxpowernorwolf: pastebin the output of ztcfg -vvv
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16:29.23norwolfwhen running zttool, it reports Alarms: RED
16:29.47bochcan i set an specified name server to asterisk ?
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16:30.48[TK]D-Fenderboch: ...HUH?
16:31.01manxpowerboch: no.
16:32.03rwaitehey all
16:32.10norwolfmanxpower: I haven't got the command zap (this is a default installation of trixbox with the exception of some editor packages)
16:32.50jbotwell, trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
16:33.16norwolfjbot: ah, ok :) I'll reinstall with a clean centos tomorrow then :)
16:34.01norwolfbot.. damn me :)
16:35.02norwolfsomething tells me installing asterisk after 30hours of coding isn't that smart.. better start fresh tomorrow. sorry for wasting your time until now :-)
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16:36.16rwaitecentos noooo, debian.
16:36.24rwaitecentos leaves a dirty taste in my mouth
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16:37.03mchouI am a bit mystified.  I get no ringback after dialing to one extension (* says the extension is ringing) and the person on the other end has also verified the phone rings
16:37.34manxpowermchou: make sure you have a valid /etc/asterisk/indications.conf
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16:38.02mchoumanxpower: huh?? It works for all other extensions I've tried
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16:38.31mchouonly ONE extension doesnt seem to work right....
16:39.18manxpowermchou: if the line gets answered before the Dial then Asterisk must use inband indications -- configured by indications.conf
16:39.59manxpowerif not then you get messages on the console"Dont know inidcation 14" or something similar and the caller won't hear ringback tones.
16:40.23rwaitemanxpower: could that also cause the problem i'm running into where it seems like the other person picks up, but i still hear ringing for a few seconds (while they hear silence)
16:40.45manxpowerrwaite: no
16:41.00manxpowerMaybe you need canreinvite=no
16:41.09mchoumanxpower: no, I dont think the line gets answered.  * says "Asterisk is making progress passing channel blah blah to channel foo bar...."
16:41.15rwaitemy theory was it had something to do with how asterisk was 'emulating' the ring
16:41.54manxpowermchou: That is my suggestion.  take it or leave it.
16:42.09mchoutake it or leave it?
16:42.30manxpower<-- does not work for Digium
16:42.38mchoumanxpower: who do you think you are?  St. Peter?
16:42.41rwaitewhat does 'progressinband' handle?
16:42.53manxpowermchou: No.  I'm someone that volunteers his time to help people here.
16:43.09manxpowerIf you don't want to take my advice, that is fine.
16:43.24moghugs manxpower
16:43.28mchoumanxpower: right.  Saying "take it or leave it" is superfluous
16:43.33rwaitemanxpower has helped me a lot.
16:43.48rwaiteso has tk
16:44.08manxpowerrwaite: On SIP and PRI it tries (and many times fails) to provide inband indications
16:44.16drmessanomchou: Nonsense, that's hyperbole
16:44.33rwaiteindications meaning ringing, busy tone, etc?
16:44.45mchoudrmessano: well, whatever it is, manxpower is full of himself
16:45.03rwaitei saw a random mailing list post saying to use progressinband=no for a polycom phone, so i'm trying that
16:45.33rwaitewell i'd hope he was full of himself. if he were full of someone else, that would be gross. mixing fluids and all that
16:45.35mchoudrmessano: considering he didnt even bother to let me explain the "problem" beyond two sentences
16:45.37wonderworlddamn, in 10 years the pstn will be based on random mailing list suggestions ;)
16:45.38[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Don't forget that your call has *2* legs
16:46.06[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: While your outbound call my have OOB progress, your call from the phone to * may be ANSWERED and INBAND
16:46.23[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: So * will still pass it back as indications.conf audio
16:46.53[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld: Its already a century-old horse build by committee
16:46.54rwaitehmm. how would i force * to do it OOB? or is there no way
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16:47.46[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: If you've answered the its game over.
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16:48.22rwaiteso * has a bias toward inband?
16:49.04manxpowerrwaite: no.
16:49.32rwaitein this doc, i see a lot of stuff like 'send 180 ringing' is this in the sip spec that i havent read yet?
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16:49.39rwaitei need to start that.
16:50.38manxpowersend 180 ringing is OOB
16:50.51zeeeshwhile compling getting this error: "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcap          collect2: ld returned 1 exit status       make[1]: *** [asterisk] Error 1"?
16:52.21manxpowerzeeesh: you must be doing something odd.  asterisk does not use libcap
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16:59.00jayteefile are you around?
16:59.05Qwellfile: hide!
16:59.29filejaytee: yessssssssss?
16:59.43jayteecan you take a look at a grammar file and point me to the error of my ways?
16:59.54fileI have not looked at grammars in months
17:00.00fileand do not remember 'em :)
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17:00.19jayteeoh, ok
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17:03.16ingeniusHi guys ... i'm looking for an agi example do the following, call some number and play an audio file
17:06.28wonderworldingenius: maybe you want to use call-files. generate a call file to call the number and send the call into an extension that simply does a Playback() and hangs up.
17:07.44ingeniuswonderworld: sounds good .. let me check
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17:10.27elredHello. Is it possible to force in my extensions.conf to return some SIP code. Like you do with Busy() function, but what I want is send back 480 (Temporarily not available) and 603 (Declined) ? Thanks
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17:11.32KhratosGood afternoon
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17:12.44ingeniuswonderworld: it's simple is like a call back service... why i don't thing this before.... my dead brain ..
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17:22.22rwaiteingenius: agi is very simple, assuming you're familiar with the programming language you create the agi script with. i suggest you look at the agi chapters in the asterisk: the future of telephony book
17:22.34rwaitethey'll get you up and running fairly quickly
17:22.59ingeniusrwaite: thanks i will
17:23.22rwaite(it's freely available, too)
17:25.44ingeniusrwaite: Cool! :)
17:26.01elreddamn I paid 30$ for it
17:26.08elred(for the online ebook copy)
17:26.31Qwellelred: what?
17:26.56elredQwell : for the "Asterisk, the futur of telephony" book
17:26.58Qwellelred: Please explain
17:27.07QwellFrom who?  What were the conditions?
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17:27.35elredI have buy it from the online webpage, I ignored it was freely available
17:27.47elredanyway it's a very nice book to begin with, not a waste of money
17:28.14Qwellelred: I just wanted to make sure the money didn't go somewhere besides O'Reilly/the authors
17:28.18Qwellthat would have been bad
17:29.03Juggiehow would you dial distincitively on an outbound call?
17:30.41rwaitewith a nice suite, and some tea?
17:30.46rwaiteraised pinky, or course
17:30.50Juggiehah :)
17:30.57rwaitewow look at my typing today.
17:31.00elredwell, nobody know how can I force in my extensions.conf to return a choosed SIP code ? (I need to send a 603 -declined-)
17:31.29manxpowerelred: You can't.
17:31.43manxpowerAsterisk is not designed to do protocol specific things.
17:31.49Juggieany ideas, eg, if a certain number called you, you could ring the phone a certain way.
17:32.14manxpowerYou may be able to figure out what AST_HANGUPCAUSE maps to 603 declined, but that's about it.  Those sorts of things are the job of a SIP Proxy, not a B2BUA (like Asterisk)
17:32.15rwaitemethinks that would make it too easy to break the protocol rolling your own stuff
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17:33.40elredmanxpower : ok, I understand. Thanks a lot
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17:34.12rwaiteis OpenSIPS meant to replace asterisk? the site says it includes 'application-level functionalies'
17:34.53manxpowerrwaite: no.
17:35.04manxpowerif it's not SIP then openSIPs won't handle it.
17:35.33elredI have no idee how to write a dialplan using OpenSips
17:36.16elredOpenSIPs is good as a SIP proxy, I think it better stay it.
17:38.28manxpoweryou don't really write "dialplans" in OpenSIPs, you just route calls and audio based on rules and SIP headers.
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17:48.38rob0tzafrir_laptop: update re: dahdi-linux in 2.6.{27.7,28.2}: I built my kernel with CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS and CONFIG_HZ=1000, but I still didn't get the needed symbols ('rtc_((un)?register|control)'), although they're in the rtc.c code.
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17:49.17tzafrir_laptoprob0, it shouldn't be looking for RTC in the first place
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17:49.28rob0I'll have to figure out why those symbols are not being exported.
17:49.40tzafrir_laptopAre you sure it is built vs. the right kernel source tree?
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17:53.04rob0I didn't even try dahdi-linux on this yet, since I don't have the symbols it said it needs.
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17:59.34kannanhello, on faxing eith asterisk on t.38, is there any reliable (as in telco grade) solution at all, or is it better to go for PSTN faxing only with hylafax. We need to large volume faxing so its important for me to decide correctly. With our current voip provider we are failing many faxes
18:00.19rwaiteHmm. What would the best way to have a line (the receptionist) send calls to a queue but only if the receptionist has done something to indicate that she will not be in?
18:00.49manxpowerrwaite: first define what she does to inidcate that
18:00.55rwaiteMy first thought was to have her set her phone to dnd, but would i be able to differentiate between that and her just being on a call?
18:01.28manxpowerrwaite: set up extension to let her call to set an astdb flag, then check that flag before routing the call to her
18:01.37rwaitewell i was thinking of rolling my own thing, so when she dials *657567567 it will create a touch file in /tmp, but that seems fragile
18:01.59rwaitegood thinking
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18:02.28manxpower*2929  (*AWAY)
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18:04.20rwaitemy only concern with that is then she'll need to do it again to un-away herself. but with no visual indication on the phone that she's away, i'm afraid she'll forget.
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18:05.07rwaitemaybe if i test for the same astdb key and give her an error on any outbound calls
18:05.17rwaiteor automatically mark her back if she makes any calls.
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18:08.02rwaitehmm. or maybe just mark her back on the following day.
18:08.08rwaiteso many possibilities.
18:09.50manxpowerYou can if(away = yes) { ring phone for 1 second then send to queue }
18:10.14[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: I often do *86 fo *VM for outside hidden VM access via primary IVR's
18:10.28manxpowerthat way the phone gives one ring only at the operator phone.  Think of it as a "reminder ring" like you get from the telco when you get a call on a line that has callforward enabled.
18:10.51rwaiteok, so always ring the phone. if she's there, she should obviously answer
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18:11.07manxpowerrwaite: nope, make it so short she can't answer
18:11.18rwaitei see
18:11.34rwaiteto force her to unaway herself
18:11.38manxpowerthey annoyance should remind her to set her status as available
18:12.16manxpoweralso you can have the EXACT same dialplan stuff for avail .vs. away, just change the timeout
18:12.37rwaiteso if i set a 1s timeout, it should do the quick ring?
18:12.47manxpowerrwaite: experiment with it
18:12.52manxpowerit all depends on the phone.
18:12.54rwaitei will. cool.
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18:16.57rwaiteman qos is overrated
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18:22.22workdrafttried this tutorial. but still doesnt work or accessible via -p 8088
18:23.13manxpowermaybe you can ask on the asterisk gui channel
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18:30.36rwaitei am very bad at bandwidth. i always think ulaw uses this ungodly amount of b/w, but really it uses like 6Kb, which is nothing really
18:31.02Qwellrwaite: ~64kbit/s plus overhead
18:31.13rwaiteor wait, i think i even got that wrong
18:31.56rwaiteso 64kbit would be about 8kilobytes?
18:32.02manxpower64Kbps is 1/24th of a T-1
18:32.10manxpowerwell kbps at l;east
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18:32.34rwaiteso on a cable connection, i should be able to handle tons of ulaw connections
18:33.03harry_vif your isp does not limit your rtp
18:33.35Gido-Erwaite on the internet your ulaw is only an rtp tunnel
18:33.45QwellGido-E: ...what?
18:33.53CoffeeIVI have an asterisk office phone system setup, and recently people have moved from using SIP phones on their desks to having their internal extension forwarded to their cell phone.  The problem is they want features like transfering calls, and I would think you could do that with a hook flash, but I don't even know how to send a hook flash from a cellphone.  How do other people handle this ?
18:34.16rwaitewell no, because this is iax. and if my isp limited anything of the sort, i'd be getting a new isp
18:34.16manxpowerrwaite: RTP == audio protocol for most VoIP protocols
18:34.41rwaitethat's what i thought
18:34.52Qwellwhat exactly is an rtp tunnel?
18:35.22Gido-EQwell for the tcp/ip model it is only the applicatioln layer
18:35.41rwaiteactually i think tunnel has a very specific and well-defined meaning
18:36.00jaytee"it's a series of tubes!"
18:36.09rwaiteit's not a big truck
18:36.21rwaiteyou can't just dump stuff in it
18:36.41jayteemoles are in my backyard :-(
18:38.52bmoracabunch of savages on the internet...arg
18:39.24bmoraca3 of my servers have been the target of an SSH botnet trying to brute-force my password...woo...
18:40.56drmessanosorry about that
18:41.00drmessanoI just turned one off
18:41.36jaytee"Hakka Palle!!!!"
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18:43.27dsp2877hi all
18:43.29drmessanoSorry, been a bad day
18:43.36jayteesame here
18:43.49drmessanoI may be getting my gall bladder sucked out
18:44.05dsp2877am trying to compile zaptel 1.4.21 with a kernel but have some syntax errors, is it not compatible with newer kernels is it
18:44.26jayteethey suck them out now? i thought they cut them out?
18:44.50drmessano2 holes now I think.. little cutting, little SLURP and its gone
18:44.53errrbmoraca, you should setup that pam module that works with ssh and iptables that if you get the passwd wrong x number of trys it will block incoming connections from the ip for x ammount of time
18:45.05bmoracai am using PAM
18:45.12rwaitedsp2877: err, no i actually think it should be fine
18:45.32rwaitespeaking of kernels. i need to compile 2.6.27 sometime soon now
18:45.41bmoracai just set hosts.allow to deny everyone...i don't need to use SSH to access the servers anyway
18:46.04jayteedrmessano, sorry to hear about that. hope everything works out ok
18:46.11errrrunning ssh on a non standard port helps that too
18:46.40drmessanojaytee: Should be fine.  Just pissed me off.. I had made a commitment to my Gall Bladder.  Sad that we wont be making it to the finish line together :(
18:46.43dsp2877rwaite : am actually trying to just compile ztdummy
18:47.01drmessanojaytee: I feel like I am losing a part of me.  Wait, I am
18:47.14dsp2877not sure why its giving some error at  In function a??init_modulea??:
18:47.50tzafrir_laptopdsp2877, what errors?
18:48.05jayteedrmessano, you should have listened to your mother when she told you not to swallow your gum.
18:48.05tzafrir_laptopDo you mean zaptel 1.4.12 ? ?
18:48.39dsp2877sorry tzafrir , your right its 1.4.12
18:48.58dsp2877i have a 1.4.21 asterisk installation just getting confused tehre
18:49.14drmessanojaytee: I got my lessons from Mom mixed up.. apparently had that one and the birds and the bees confused.  That poor girl I had my first time with.  I bet she still tells people about it.
18:49.57dsp2877tzafrir : i started with configure, all was fine there.  then i did make menuselect to select only ztdummy, then make ,
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18:50.26dsp2877during the make i get some errors
18:50.28dsp2877make[3]: *** [/usr/src/zaptel-] Error 1
18:50.28dsp2877make[2]: *** [_module_/usr/src/zaptel-] Error 2
18:50.28dsp2877make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/linux-'
18:50.40dsp2877sorry for the pasting
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18:50.56jayteedrmessano, with those lewd and lascivious thoughts it's a sure thing you're going to Hell. Rest easy though! I'll save you a good seat :-)
18:51.03rwaitethose lines tell us nothing, only that it failed while compiling the ztdummy.o object
18:51.10rwaitepaste the full output to a pastebin
18:51.18dsp2877ok one sec
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18:52.27drmessanojaytee: If theres anyone I want to rot in hell with, dude, I am so there with you.. Minus the rainbow laced rollerskates.
18:52.32dsp2877just the start from the point of configure till the make
18:52.59jayteedrmessano, lol
18:53.54drmessanojaytee: Nevermind, i'm in for the rollerskates too.. and 24/7 Skating Rink songs from the 80s
18:54.21rwaitewell. first i would look at ztdummy.c, line 320
18:54.43rwaitemaybe there is a bug in that file?
18:54.48tzafrir_laptopdsp2877, and what were the errors right above it?
18:56.03dsp2877tzafrir : thats the only errors there it nothing else above it just the compile information
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18:57.13dsp2877rwaite : line 320 of ztdummy.c just says :    ztd->counter = 0;
18:57.25dsp2877not sure what that means
18:57.26rwaitehold up
18:57.26RypPndsp2877 for me zaptel-1.4.12 wont build on a kernel newer than 2.6.25
18:57.49dsp2877ryppn: okay i think its the same here as well
18:59.00RypPnsaying that I'm using dahdi now and I'm still on 2.6.25 cos it barfs on newer versions, but thats more to do with wanpipe sucking
18:59.02rwaitethat sucks
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19:10.29kfifeCan someone give me a pointer:  I'm trying to update my hardphone's display using sip update.   Can someone point me to the asterisk syntax for such a thing?  I'm stumped.
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19:16.07rwaitekfife: no clue, i spent a few afternoons trying to get that on my polycom phones and i could not get it to work.
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19:19.41kfiferwaite: thanks.  The idea is to use sip update to populate the CNAM on outdial.  I know it can be done, because ZipDX does it,
19:21.01kfiferwaite: ... it's a great idea for a number of reasons, including confirming that you have not misdialed, and it makes it easier to manage parties in an ad-hoc conference using a sip hard phone
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19:23.28kfifeAnybody know which version of asterisk will drop its dependency on span dsp for app_fax?
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19:34.49kfifeThe channel is awfully quiet today!
19:35.11rwaiteevery day i get less sleep, and i sit here at work and everything just blurs
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20:06.48Kattyi'm bummed.
20:06.58Katty2.6 Million lay offs in 2008
20:07.07Kattyrioting in France and UK over economy hardships.
20:07.30KattyNorth Korea has just abandoned a few peace treaties with South Korea
20:07.43KattyRussia threatening to leave the UN over propetry disputes of the north pole
20:08.27Kattynot to mention the clashing of civil and religious bliefs that are running rampant all over the place
20:08.44jasonwootRelax.... Obama is our white knight... he's going to fix everything
20:09.04jasonwootI could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure he is both the way, and the light
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20:09.30KattyI'm not sure Obama's going to fix anything.
20:09.34KattyI imagine he really wants to.
20:09.52Kattybut what can obama really do to straighten out North Korea and South Korea?
20:09.56Kattyif they go to war, china will get involved
20:09.58Kattyand that will just be Bad
20:10.52russellbpretty sure there might be a #politics, or #depressing-discussion that would welcome this topic
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20:11.31jasonwootI kid Katty, I kid.... the shit sandwich is still flying through the air, and hasn't reached apogee yet
20:11.32rob0NK & SK both really want peace with one another. And big bux from abroad.
20:11.37kaldemarwould videoconferencing be as depressing a subject?
20:11.48Kattyi think it'd be worse, kaldemar
20:11.59russellbit might be depressing, but at least it is about asterisk :)
20:12.04Kattyi honestly dunno how we're gonna fix this mess.
20:12.17Kattythe unemployment rate hasn't been this low since WWII
20:12.30kfifeCan someone give me a pointer:  I'm trying to update my hardphone's display using sip update.   Can someone point me to the asterisk syntax for such a thing?  I'm stumped.
20:12.43bmoracaobama is only going to make things worse.  entitlement programs, big government, and government spending is what got us IN to this mess.  having more of it is not going to bring us out.
20:12.49Kattydamn you reaganomics!!!
20:12.54russellbstop the politics discussion now please
20:12.58kfifeThe idea is to use sip update to populate the CNAM on outdial.
20:13.09bmoracasorry :)
20:13.17Kattyrussellb: why? don't you want to be mopey with me?
20:13.35cvnetcan u have a sip users be identified by its IP and not user/pass ?>
20:13.35russellbkfife: you may want to check out issue 8824 on .... there is a branch that supports connected party info updating
20:13.43bmoracapolitical discussion on the internet is never a good idea
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20:13.49jasonwootI can be mopey AND talk about asterisk... to me, they are closely related
20:13.58kfiferussellb: thanks!
20:14.25bmoracacvnet:  yes...but why?
20:14.44cvnetI need to set it up, how do I do that?
20:14.54bmoracause the "host" setting
20:15.15cvnethum ok, let me do some reading on host, thanks
20:15.32bmoracacvnet:  it's in sip.conf...check the wiki
20:15.42beekkfife: In one of the after-conference VUC sessions you had mentioned a click-to-dial app for Windows that you liked.  What was that?
20:15.45cvnetpl thamx
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20:16.08cvnetok thanks
20:16.29bmoracai love it when people put their finger in the wrong place when they's so much fun
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20:18.24john_fbacI'm trying to put a plan together for an upgrade from asterisk 1.2.24 to 1.4 or higher.  what is this transition like; what things do I need to prepare for?
20:18.54[TK]D-Fenderjohn_fbac: Everything breaking
20:19.33john_fbac:) that's what I figured.  is it best to just start over and build from scratch, rather than trying to upgrade?
20:19.34[TK]D-Fenderjohn_fbac: You know that asking what you just did is like asking us to read the UPGRADE.TXT file to you line by line over IRC... right?
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20:19.42[TK]D-Fenderjohn_fbac: Read the damn docs :p
20:20.09john_fbacI deserved that, thx.
20:20.09[TK]D-Fenderjohn_fbac: Which means go download the version you're looking at, make sure you aren't doing things the 1.0 way anywhere or you're relly in trouble, etc
20:20.56[TK]D-Fenderjohn_fbac: Plenty of info right in the tarball...
20:20.56workdraftany recommended ip phones for less than a hundred units?
20:20.56john_fbacokay.  thank you!
20:20.56[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Same as those for more than 100 units :)
20:21.14workdraftany recommendations? or any favorites?
20:21.28maqrthought not strictly asterisk-related, maybe someone here can point me in the right direction... i have a polycom phone which until today worked fine, but now can't acquire a dhcp address.  has anyone seen this kind of behavior before?
20:21.36[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Given your area Linksys is probably the most cost effective choice.
20:21.55[TK]D-Fenderworkdraft: Polycom is a better product, but IIRC the margin isn't work it there.
20:22.09kfifebeek: That must have been ADA
20:22.10[TK]D-Fendermaqr: VLAN issue perhaps?
20:22.17workdraftok. thnx for the inputs
20:22.24beekkfife: That's the one that Digium now owns?
20:22.38maqr[TK]D-Fender: i don't see how, everything is identical to the way it was before, it's just hooked up to a little linksys home router
20:23.06[TK]D-Fendermaqr: So the phone says it failed to pull an IP?
20:23.08maqr[TK]D-Fender: the LED says it's plugged in, and unfortunately i don't have a good way of getting between the linksys and the phone to sniff out the dhcp traffic
20:23.09kfifebeek: Correct.  I was originally looking for a windows shell extension type implementation, but with ADA's TAPI support it may be just as effective.
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20:23.39maqr[TK]D-Fender: yeah, i picked it up to make a call and got a fast busy when i tried to dial anything, so i pulled the AC to reboot it, plugged it back in, and now it won't get an IP
20:23.51beekkfife: I am using noojee's firefox plugin, but I'm interested in something integrated in 'doze.    Thanks for the info!
20:24.02kfifebeek: NP!
20:24.03maqr[TK]D-Fender: it's not in the linksys 'dhcp table' on the router even
20:24.17[TK]D-Fendermaqr: that isn't what I'd call "real"
20:24.26[TK]D-Fendermaqr: Look on the PHONE ITSELF
20:24.32kfifeAnyone know which version of Asterisk will drop its dependence on SpanDSP for app_fax?
20:24.44[TK]D-Fenderkfife: Odss are... NONE
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20:25.07maqr[TK]D-Fender: it says "Server Address Resolving..." , then if i click "next", it says "IP Address Resolving...", and the red light blinks a lot
20:25.14[TK]D-Fenderkfife: Who do you think at Digium is expert enough at DSP's that will dedicate the time to reinvent this wheel?
20:25.24[TK]D-Fendermaqr: "click"?  Pardon?
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20:25.52maqr[TK]D-Fender: well, there's 3 buttons, two of them have words above them on the display... one is 'prev' and the other is 'next'
20:26.20maqr[TK]D-Fender: maybe 'push' is the right word to use, but i'm activating the buttons for 'next' and 'prev' to see the status of the phone, and it's definitely inidicating it isn't getting an IP
20:26.23[TK]D-Fendermaqr: That sounds more like a PROVISIONING issue... not a DHCP issue
20:27.11kfife[TK]D-Fender: It surprised me when I heard it, but I believe it was Steve Sokal in a visit with the VOIP Users Conference.
20:27.21maqr[TK]D-Fender: when i first turned the phone on, months ago, it got an IP automatically and i set it up via the web interface
20:27.53[TK]D-Fendermaqr: If you see the web interface what does that tell you about LOOKING at it again?  Where did it get that IP from if you've succeeded in going back in?
20:28.02[TK]D-Fendermaqr: I said ON THE PHONE.
20:28.13[TK]D-Fendermaqr: As in the LCD menu, not some web interface.
20:29.47maqr[TK]D-Fender: i can't get to the web interface now... and actually, i think i found the issue, i plugged in another dhcp device and that won't get an address either... must be something messed up with the linksys
20:29.55kfife[TK]D-Fender: Perhaps it would be forked and included with the distribution?  Not sure.   Like I said, I was surprised.
20:30.06[TK]D-Fendermaqr: Good... no fix your router :)
20:30.25[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: ....
20:30.38[TK]D-Fenderchannel eppigy
20:30.55rue_workwhat does TRABAJO stand for?
20:31.02maqr[TK]D-Fender: thanks, sometimes i have to talk it out :p
20:31.09rue_workno M so its not manual related
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20:31.30[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: Go translate... we all had to to make sense of his ramblings :0
20:32.08rue_workThats Rediculous And Bad As Jerry's Output?
20:32.52bmoracaso, rue_work, how's your HWEC working out?
20:33.01rue_workits not
20:33.12rue_workwould prolly help if I had it plugged in
20:33.24rue_workbut I cant right now
20:33.37rue_workI havn't recieved it yet
20:33.47bmoracawow, long shipping delay
20:34.04rue_workI'm in a town in west canada, it takes a LONG time for things to get here
20:34.09rue_workI expect about 2 weeks
20:35.05rue_workI wish oslec were more usable
20:35.51[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: CRAZY.  Purolator can't possibly take more than 5 days TOPS.
20:36.36rue_workthis aint the big city
20:36.49[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: thats why I sad 5 and not 2 <-
20:37.33rue_workthe only comany that can get things here in less than a week seeme to be digikey, somehow they get stuff here in 2 days
20:37.52rue_worknobody knows how they do it
20:38.05[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: What city exactly?
20:38.21rue_workwell, you will be able to find sechelt on a map
20:38.27rue_workcoast of bc canada
20:39.21[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: I see it...
20:39.33[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: Yup... its a truck-stop.
20:39.53rue_worknot really, ferry on either end
20:39.54[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: Still.. Puro can't take more than 5 days.. that'd be crazy
20:40.10[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: Ferry, or that long northern detour
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20:40.42[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: Which... yeah.. that'd suck
20:40.51rue_workthe equip is comming out of east canada, "Williams" is the ONLY canadian place I was able to find that could provide digium equip there is nothing on the west coast
20:41.34[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: Yeah they are the Canadian distributor... see if you went with Sangoma, they're right out of Markham and you could have gone direct :)
20:41.45rue_workok, are my configs ready for the hwec?
20:42.59[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: Yes, the card only requires "echocancel=yes" the driver does the rest.
20:42.59rue_workwhats sangoma?
20:43.12[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: ....
20:43.53rue_workis that a knockoff or an alternative
20:44.00bmoracai like sangoma cards, but it seems like wanrouter is a weird driver model
20:44.07bmoracarue_work:  alternative
20:44.32aatmaa_have anyone used vicidialer. Does it costs money ?
20:44.51kannanaatmaa_, i am using
20:44.55kannanits free
20:45.09kannansee #vicidial
20:45.21rue_worklooks like sangoma is twice the price
20:46.05rue_workI dont like the way they do card ganging, I'm trying to keep the pc's small
20:46.29rue_work(this one is an EVO)
20:46.38[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: Same price pretty much
20:47.06bmoracathey have an 8 port PRI card
20:47.22rue_workdont want pri, not available here
20:47.29bmoracai know, i was just saying
20:47.40[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: FFS its a miracle you HAVE POTS at all and aren't on sat-phones :p
20:48.05rue_worktoo many people still using rotary
20:48.21[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: I'd say that rue_work is "just left of nowhere".... but he's got OCEAN on the left :p
20:49.04[TK]D-Fenderrue_work: You've gained a little pity from me at least...
20:49.23rue_workok, I need to get one phone to register again (I offended it) and need to tune dialplans
20:49.41seanmhI have a 7960 where if I have the CFwdALL set to my cell phone and I don't pickup my cellphone Asterisk voicemail picksup as opposed to my cell phone voicemail. Any idea how to change this?
20:49.50seanmh7960 with a SIP load, btw
20:50.25[TK]D-Fenderseanmh: If * VM picks up its because * gave up ringing before your Cell carrier did.
20:50.34[TK]D-Fenderseanmh: Change your dial timeout
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20:55.47seanmh[TK]D-Fender, I changed it to 120 seconds and it still picks up voicemail a lot sooner
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20:57.21rue_workok aastra question, there are 3 lines in the config for line 1  'phone number' 'caller id' and 'auth name' it SEEMS if I change ANY of them, the phone is unable to log into asterisk, I need/want calls from the phone to come up with a name, not 14 (the account name)
20:59.37rue_workI have found that the aastra is REALLY bad at naming paramiters what their really for.
21:00.16rue_workit almost seems that they just grab them at random, but within limits
21:00.16Jeff_PhillipsI have an issue where if I try to dial *2 or ## to transfer a call, the DTMF tone "hangs" such that the caller thinks I'm pressing and holding the button indefinately until they hang up, and the system fails to recognize the key sequence as being a valid feature code so I am unable to transfer the call
21:00.47rue_workJeff_Phillips, does the tone come from the phone or asterisk
21:00.52rue_workanalog phone?
21:01.13Jeff_PhillipsThey are analog phones connected through an Audiocodes MP-124 24-channel FXS gateway
21:01.31rue_workI wasn't able to get me analog phones to trigger transfers on anything but a hook flash
21:01.31Jeff_PhillipsI've also seen it on one of the two extensions I have wired up using an SPA-2000
21:01.43rue_workok, if the tone sticks its the phone, has to be.
21:01.56Jeff_Phillipsno it only sticks on one end of the call
21:02.00rue_worksounds like my setup at home, I'm using a mainstreet channelbank
21:02.30rue_workI had to use hookflash for transfers
21:02.34Jeff_PhillipsIf I place an outbound call I have no problem navigating touch tone menus of various businesses
21:02.39rue_workI suggest you use hookflash
21:02.41Jeff_Phillipshow do you use the hookflash for transfers?
21:02.46Jeff_PhillipsI thought I had to dial the feature codes
21:02.57Jeff_Phillipsi tried using a hookflash and lost the call but I figured I did it wrong
21:03.05[TK]D-Fenderseanmh: Some more details would help and I trust nothing without a clear pastbin...
21:03.10rue_workyou flahs the hook and it takes you to you pickup context, you dial your extension and hang up
21:03.27Jeff_PhillipsCan you do an attended transfer somehow this way?
21:03.41Jeff_Phillipsor will the hookswitch only perform a blind transfer?
21:03.52rue_workyou can to attended
21:03.59rue_workit is by default
21:04.08Jeff_Phillipsokay let me try...
21:04.10Jeff_Phillipshang on
21:04.11[TK]D-FenderJeff_Phillips: For you go read your admin guide... the gateway itself provider transfer capabilities.
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21:04.56rue_work[TK]D-Fender, you know anything on the aastra issue?
21:05.12rue_workto my understanding the callerid data comes from the phone
21:05.26rue_workI suppose I can have the dialplan overwrite it
21:05.55Jeff_Phillipshmm well the hookflash transfer seems to work
21:06.18Jeff_Phillipsthat will at least get my boss off my back for a while
21:06.27rue_workwhy did you use analog phones?
21:06.46Jeff_Phillipsbecause we already had tons of them wired up all through the plant
21:07.13rue_workso voip phones cost too much then?
21:07.20Jeff_Phillipsand it's a really dusty shop enviroment. Any fancy electronics we put in will die within a month
21:07.45Jeff_Phillipswhere as this way I can put cheap $5 phones in, and just keep replacing them, while keeping the device they are wired to locked away in a nice clean closet somewhere
21:07.46rue_workdo you have a receptionist using a single line analog phone?
21:07.59rue_workno i can understand the env thing
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21:08.10Jeff_Phillipsfor the moment, i want to get her a fancy IP phone for her desk
21:08.29rue_workso she has call notify?
21:08.38Jeff_Phillipsthey moved the office into a different building and asked me to wire up the phones. That was my excuse to get us to switch over to an IP phone system
21:08.41rue_worksingle line only ?
21:09.26Jeff_Phillipswe used to have two POTS lines wired everywhere and 2-line phones everywhere. I switched out one of the POTS lines a long time ago with a VoIP service to cut long distance, so everyone presses line 2 to make a long distance call.
21:09.39Jeff_PhillipsThen I switched everything over so each phone has its own extension and you dont' use the "line 2" button anymore
21:09.47rue_workah so you can use the 2line set and give her both then
21:10.04Jeff_Phillipswell I got all kinds of complaints from people saying they couldn't make any outgoing calls. I've explained it 100 times that you dont' have to push line 2 anymore.........
21:10.08rue_workcall in progress and call incomming
21:10.17Jeff_Phillipsbut they can't comprehend it for some reason so I had to rip out all the 2 line phones and put in just 1 line phones
21:10.24rue_workwire them both togethor
21:10.41Jeff_Phillipsyeah I can do that in the office
21:10.58rue_worksay you fond a fix online, and they have to pay the consultant who devised it $400
21:11.04Jeff_Phillipsactually it is already wired that way but it confused the daylights out of them when I had line-1 be ext 110 and line-2 be ext 111
21:11.17rue_worknono, same pair
21:11.29Jeff_Phillipswait, what??
21:11.53rue_workput pair 2 in parallel with pair 1 for the nitwitts, and make it a seperat line for reception
21:12.20Jeff_Phillipsoh that's a good idea to use up these 2 line phones until they all die off
21:13.09rue_workwhat continent you in?
21:13.18Jeff_PhillipsI'm in the US
21:13.42rue_workhmm any of the 2line sets in at all descent shape?
21:13.51rue_worklooking for some
21:14.00Jeff_Phillipsthey're kinda rugged
21:14.31Jeff_Phillipsand i have a boss who won't part with anything even if it's stuff we don't have a use for
21:14.37Jeff_Phillipswe have to wait until he's gone to use the dumpster
21:14.56rue_workI'z gonna suggest buying them from ya
21:15.18Jeff_Phillipswell if they were mine I'd go for it. Being his I'd have to sneak them out of here
21:15.38rue_workok, did someone say that the reason echo isn't a problem with a channelbank is cause its nativly bridged?
21:15.38Jeff_Phillipsanyway there's one other issue I can't figure out
21:15.53rue_workwhats that
21:16.13Jeff_Phillipsthe extensions that get used the most often tend to do this thing at random times where they just cease having a dial-tone
21:16.24Jeff_Phillipsyou can still make and receive calls. You just don't hear a dial tone when you pick it up
21:16.39Jeff_Phillipsand, if it is an extension that is an agent of a queue, it triggers the queue to fail
21:16.58Jeff_Phillipswhat's really goofy is that if I set the fail option on the queue to direct the call to that same extension, it rings
21:17.02rue_workis immediate yes or no?
21:17.13Jeff_PhillipsFor example...
21:17.22rue_workmight be picking the click up as a pulse dial
21:17.23Jeff_PhillipsI have a queue that rings 110, 112, and 113 simultaneously
21:17.38Jeff_PhillipsIf you're on the phone (on any one of these) the other two ring
21:17.46Jeff_Phillips110 spontaneously ceased having a dial tone
21:17.50Jeff_Phillipsbut if you call it directly it rings
21:17.56Jeff_Phillipsif you place an outbound call, it works
21:18.03Jeff_PhillipsBut if you call the queue, then it was going to voice mail
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21:18.11Jeff_PhillipsI changed the fail option from voice mail to 110
21:18.33Jeff_PhillipsSo now if all three have a dial tone then all three will ring when a call hits the queue
21:18.56Jeff_Phillipsbut if 110 quits having a dial tone, then only 110 rings and 112 and 113 do not
21:19.04rue_worknot sure there, wanna pastebin your extensions.conf?
21:20.18Jeff_Phillipsis it okay to just paste it here? (worried about flooding)
21:20.34jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
21:20.35rue_workuse pastebin
21:21.14Jeff_PhillipsOOHhh I thought that was a typo
21:22.07rue_workif all internal extensions are 2 digit, shall the dialplan be XX  ?
21:22.21rue_workont eh phone
21:22.37rue_workso it automatically does the call instead of pressing send?
21:23.56Jeff_Phillipsthat's kinda cool
21:24.53Jeff_PhillipsI would think so... My phones are analgo so no "send" key. But, mine it just works by timing. If you dial a short number and pause then it will connect to an extension, if you dial a long number and pause it will try to make an outgoing call
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21:25.12rue_workno this is for my problem, my phones are voip
21:25.44rue_workyikes, cant help much with the dialplan [TK]D-Fender ?
21:25.51Jeff_Phillipsyeah i get you, sorry
21:26.40rue_workwholy gazoo I'm glad I write my own dialplans by hand
21:26.51rue_worker extensions.conf
21:27.09Jeff_Phillipslol well i thought the trixbox thing would make it easier
21:27.11Jeff_Phillipsnow i'm not so sure
21:27.32Jeff_Phillipsi'm a newbie at this phone stuff
21:27.48rue_worksounds like your doing ok so far
21:28.28Jeff_Phillipslol, thanks
21:29.00rue_workwell you managed to get asterisk, a T1 card, and a channelbank all talking and thats non-trivial
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21:29.24kaldemaras is getting someone here to debug trixbox
21:30.00rue_workFrom: "Val" <sip:11@>;tag=39D34B9C-20472983  <-- where does that quoted name come from on an aastra?
21:31.11hardwireany fft masters ?
21:31.27rue_workIm not a master, but I might be as close as you get
21:32.03Jeff_PhillipsWell I don't have a T1 -- it would cost us a fortune.
21:32.10hardwirewell have a good day then ;P
21:32.13rue_workhow did you hook up the channelbank?
21:32.25Jeff_PhillipsThe MP-124 is just for internal extensions -- 24 FXS ports
21:32.39rue_workhow do you hook it to asterisk?
21:33.01Jeff_PhillipsI have an Openvox PCI card with for analog FXO ports I use for the POTS line
21:33.18Jeff_PhillipsPlus some sip providers for outbound calling
21:34.00Jeff_Phillipsi have two POTS lines and two VOIP lines that I can't setup in asterisk because they aren't SIP, they are SPA so I have to use the box the provider sent me which gives me analog RJ-11 jacks, and connect those to the FXO ports
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21:34.37x86Jeff_Phillips: SPA is just a model of Linksys SIP ATA's...
21:35.04Jeff_Phillipsyeah it's a linksys but it has some goofy GSM protocal
21:35.15x86Asterisk supports the GSM codec
21:35.29Jeff_PhillipsOh really? Well where do I put the SIM cards?
21:35.39Jeff_Phillipsbecause if I take them out of the little linksys box it won't work anymore ;-P
21:35.42x86codec != radio
21:35.56Pan3DSPA started with Sipura
21:35.59x86you can buy GSM radios for Asterisk too
21:36.08x86Pan3D: until Linksys bought them ;)
21:36.11Jeff_Phillipsno it doesn't actually have a radio
21:36.21Jeff_PhillipsWhat they do is backhaul GSM protocal over IP
21:36.22Pan3DI've got an original Sipura one
21:36.26rue_workthe default asterisk hold music is funkey!
21:36.31Jeff_Phillipsso t-mobile's network sees it the same way it sees a call that comes from a cell phone tower
21:36.36Jeff_Phillipsbut it is actually coming to them via IP
21:36.41Jeff_Phillipsand I get an RJ-11 analog jack out of it
21:36.45x86Jeff_Phillips: that's retarded
21:36.50Jeff_PhillipsThat's what I thought
21:37.06Jeff_Phillipsbut the service is only $10/month per line unlimited to the whole US, and I got two free airline tickets out of the deal
21:37.42Jeff_Phillipsit's cheap and it works like a POTS line
21:38.07Jeff_Phillipsand they are able to do number portablity here and get local numbers in my rate center
21:38.16Jeff_Phillipswhich most providers can't do
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21:38.23harry_vJeff, what line?
21:38.38Jeff_PhillipsT-mobile's "@Home" service
21:39.24Jeff_PhillipsI had to buy a prepaid cell phone at the dollar store for $15 and activate it to get a local number, then port it to this thing
21:39.33Jeff_Phillipsthey couldn't give me a local number directly unless I already had one
21:39.41Jeff_Phillipsso I threw the cell phone away two days later
21:40.15Jeff_PhillipsWe live in a town with a lame local phone company that is stubborn to let any other providers do anything here
21:40.36Jeff_PhillipsSo I could either pay $50 / month per line plus 5 cents a minute
21:40.47Jeff_PhillipsOr I can pay $10 / line plus zero cents a minute by doing it this way
21:40.52rue_workSIP/2.0 403 Authentication user name does not match account name hmmm
21:41.04Jeff_Phillipsbut I have to put up with the fact that they give me this VoIP device that converts it to analog, only for me to plug it into an FXO card and convert it back to IP
21:41.30Jeff_Phillipsrue -- ?huh
21:42.59rue_workcheck_auth: username mismatch, have <14>, digest has <14c>  <-- what is this digest thing!
21:43.34rue_workSIP/2.0 403 Authentication user name does not match account name  <-- please tell me what two strings dont match!!!
21:43.42rue_workor is that whats above?
21:43.47rue_workwhats digest!?
21:44.03rue_workQwell, bmoraca ?
21:45.28Jeff_Phillipsoh shoot i didn't realize the time
21:45.40Jeff_Phillipsgotta go before they get on me for unauthorized overtime
21:46.10kaldemarrue_work: look at the SIP debug and you'll figure it out.
21:46.53Kattydoes the name John Wicks ring a bell with anyone?
21:46.58rue_workhere is what I see... 'phone number' is the account (>>14<<@192.168...")  'caller id' is the alias (>>"14b"<< <sip:14@...)  and 'auth name' is the "digest username"
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21:47.40rue_workso, if I want a phone to come up with someone name instead of their account name
21:48.28rue_workkaldemar, I dont understand what digest *IS* though
21:48.29n3hxsKatty, Garage band Christmas?
21:48.56Kattysome how i think that's someone else.
21:49.16Kattysome person named John Wicks working for Inter-tel wanted to follow me on twitter
21:49.21Kattythought maybe it was one of you people
21:49.32n3hxsI don't twitter.
21:49.38carrarWhats your twitter page?
21:49.41errrKatty, he is a sales man for intertel I bet
21:49.47Kattyerrr: probably.
21:49.52Pan3Dyeah, that smacks of sales
21:49.57Kattycarrar: you don't need to know.
21:50.08carrarnot that interesting? :)
21:50.14Kattyi'm horribly boring.
21:50.52kaldemarrue_work: take a look at rfc 3261 for example
21:51.16rue_workoooh, must I know every neuance of how it works to use it??
21:51.21Pan3Drue_work: digest is authentication type
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21:51.44rue_workhmm, that requires having 3 usernames that match?
21:51.47errrKatty, do a google for that guys name + intertel he is a spammer spamming:
21:53.35kaldemarrue_work: no, digest only requires the digest username, but asterisk has other requirements too to authenticate a caller.
21:53.41rue_workits interesting that when the polycom phone logs in its "myname" <sip: myaccount@myip>   and with asastra its just <sip: myaccount@myip>
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21:54.08rue_workand I cant find aparamiter on the aastra to submitt that
21:54.15_charly_hi :)
21:57.54rue_workanyone used to configuring aastra sets?
21:58.42rue_workso frustrating when the paramiters aren't what they say they are
22:00.45*** join/#asterisk manxpower (
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22:01.40manxpowerI'm looking for some suggestions, using manager, to keep track of the state (in use, avail, etc) of a device using the manager interface.
22:05.55manxpowerWhoo!  Whoo!  I made everyone stop talking.
22:06.21rue_worksorry, I'm on company time making phone system
22:06.33rue_workwhere did our support people go??
22:06.33beekkfife:  are you still around?
22:07.41kfifebeek: indeed
22:08.31beekkfife: Do you use users.conf to configure ADA or do you configure the files manually?
22:08.56*** part/#asterisk hardwire (
22:09.17kfifeHaven't actually gone life with it.   Have you seed the configuration docs?   They're pretty detialed.
22:09.50beekkfife: They are if you're using users.conf, which I don't.
22:10.03beekThe problem I'm having is that I don't grok where the password goes in the ADA client on the PC.
22:10.18beekWhen I use noojee, the configuration screen asks for a password so getting this to work is trivial.
22:10.28beekADA doesn't appear on the client to have anywhere to throw a password.
22:10.30kfifebeek: I see.  I don't use users.conf either.
22:10.59kfifeMy ADA client propmts me with a username & Pass
22:11.01beekI can use 134@myasteriskbox for the server name to get the correct extension.
22:11.10beekReally?  Mine hasn't done that.
22:11.51beekkfife: Does it do it every time you start your 'doze box?
22:12.06kfifeWhat happens when you double click on the system tray icon?
22:12.18kfifeI'm running 1.0.  You?
22:12.18beekkfife: nevermind, I'm a dumbshit.
22:12.25kfifeno worries.
22:12.36beekkfife: Mine must have it cached somewhere.  If I tell it to log off then it seems to have this right.
22:13.10*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
22:13.10beekkfife: sorry to have bothered you.l
22:13.10kfifeNo worries.  I may have some TAPI questions.  Are you going to be using TAPI to drive ADA at all?
22:13.10*** join/#asterisk xacatecas (
22:14.16beekkfife: I don't think so.  We don't use outlook here, and I can't imagine that I have any other programs that would use it.
22:14.35kfifeNP.  Thanks!
22:14.47beekthank you
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22:22.27xacatecason the Dial() application - is there a description anywhere of the individual values for the DIALSTATUS variable?
22:23.09xacatecasand also, the traditional behaviour of Dial() was to terminate the dialplan if a call got answered, this seems to have changed, am I correct?
22:27.25*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
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22:40.54dominic1hi, just one problem I get this string from the database Dial(SIP/chw\,12\,t)
22:41.07dominic1before the upgrade to 1.6 the result was Dial(SIP/chw,12,t)
22:41.31dominic1can I change this? The system automatically escapes this stuff
22:41.36*** join/#asterisk jplank (
22:42.02dominic1this isn't working to: Dial(SIP/chw|12|t)
22:43.19jplanktell me if this make sense to anyone, polycom 550, first call comes in everything works, second call comes in and while the call is ringing, the person can't here the first call anymore, if you put the first call on hold, and then go to the second call, the first call hear hold music, but you can't hear the second caller. if you then put the second caller on hold, and go back to the first, everything starts working
22:47.34rue_workjplank, what kind of firewall is the data going though
22:48.33rue_workjplank, you have to answer or we cant help
22:48.50dominic1was my solution
22:50.17*** join/#asterisk ingenius (
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22:53.01manxpowerjplank: sounds like you are sending the call to the same line appearance
22:56.52ibercomAnybody know if vmail.cgi support voicemail with odbc ?
22:59.41dominic1hi, is the handling of macros different in asterisk 1.6?
23:00.02*** join/#asterisk edibrac (
23:00.40edibrachas anyone had problems with a sangoma card...then switched to digium and all was good?
23:00.43bmoracai wonder if asterisk would work through a hardware loadbalancer
23:00.47edibracfor T1 PRI connections.
23:01.06edibracbecause, from what I hear/read, it's  usually the other case.. .going from Digium to Sangoma?
23:02.26manxpoweredibrac: The current generations of both the Digium and the Sangoma cards are good.
23:02.30edibracand was the case for me, where I was getting HDLC errors and did everything I could find in the mailing list to troubleshoot -- but with the PCI sangoma A101 in (instead of PCI-E Digium TE121), there are no more HDLC errors. This is after testing in 3 difference supermicro servers
23:02.42manxpowerOlder Digium cards did have significant issues in a few system
23:03.01dominic1sind I upgraded to asterisk 1.6 I get this error when executing a macro: possible infinite loop detected.  Returning early.
23:03.05edibracthe TE121 is fairly recent though -- have you heard about that model specifically?
23:03.19jplanksorry I went afk
23:03.27jplankrue_work: no nat involved
23:03.30manxpoweredibrac: "older card" = 0 in the middle digit
23:03.54jplankmanxpower: The phone has all 4 line appearances programmed and 1 registration
23:04.03edibracour current theory is that somehow Sangoma A101 is more lenient or resilient against low-level problems
23:04.07rue_workjplank, its a rtp problem for sure
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23:04.40jplankthe csutomer said the call automatically goes to hold
23:06.15jplankim kind of interested in what manxpower said "sounds like you are sending the call to the same line appearance" but I wouldn't know how to do that on purpose, let alone on accident, and I have a bunch of other systems out with the same config, and they dont have the problem, so I'm stomped
23:07.40manxpowerjplank: calls.per.line.appearance=1 or something like the in the polycom configs
23:07.49jplanklet me take a look
23:07.52*** part/#asterisk mog (
23:07.55jplankshould be 1 right?
23:08.14manxpowertry it and see if it help
23:08.38jplankcall.callsPerLineKey is blank
23:08.45*** join/#asterisk florz (i=nobody@2001:1a50:503c:0:0:0:0:1)
23:11.12edibrachmm.. now that i've dealt with my HDLC problems...I'm getting crackling sounds
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23:12.12rob0mmmm, rice krispies!
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23:13.38jplankmanxpower: I don't know if thats it because a) the second line does show up on the second line appearance, b) I used the same sip.cfg from a working system and I just tested it on the other system and it doesn't happen c) seems to only happen on the ip550s not the 320s. But I'll try anyway
23:13.51jplanka) the second CALL*
23:15.51ruben23what is the firewall setup of asterisk behind a gateway firewall...using g729 codec....
23:16.03jplankwouldn't I want to keep that setting as default so the customer can conference in multiple people and only use one line key?
23:16.28dominic1ARNING[26030]: app_macro.c:201 _macro_exec: No such context 'macro-quick-conference-start' for macro 'quick-conference-start'
23:16.41dominic1I don't understand why this worked in 1.4
23:16.44dominic1and not in 1.6
23:17.35edibrachmm could this in /etc/zaptel.conf, cause crackling sounds if the timing is incorrect: span=1,0,0,esf,b8zs
23:18.03edibracshould be span=1,1,0,esf,b8zs for a regular US PRI where timing source is the telco ...AFAIK
23:23.51manxpowerdominic1: Do you HAVE a [macro-quick-conference-start] line in extensions.conf
23:24.39dominic1Hurray, I found the problem, there isn't any macro quick-conference-start anymore. I changed it to context macro-quick-conference-start
23:24.44dominic1then it worked
23:24.47manxpoweredibrac: The typical symptom of wrong sync source is audio blips, usually causing faxes to fail
23:24.55dominic1thank you manx
23:27.04*** part/#asterisk Spirits-Sight (
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23:33.44maclihi I set TRUNKMSD=0 in extensions.conf, stop and start asterisk, dialplan show globals shows TRUNKMSD=1, I am running asterisk-1.6.1-rc1
23:34.50jplankgrrr I really think there is something wrong with this asterisk
23:35.15jplankafter a reboot, asterisk didn't start up right away, and theres no color in the cli
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23:43.31dominic1what does that mean: Rejected connect attempt from, requested/capability 0x8/0x6008 incompatible with our capability 0xe703
23:43.52manxpowerusually that means "no codecs can be agreed on"
23:44.31*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
23:44.47dominic1but what is the codec 0xe703?
23:45.03dominic1both server are configured with disallow=all; allow=alaw
23:45.04rue_workis it a bitmask for a few of the,?
23:45.06Qwelldominic1: It's several combined
23:45.41iaxyhi guys!!
23:46.23iaxyhow do you set the rtp for a IAX? gots to set it to 20ms and what is it set default as?
23:46.28rue_workQwell, you a polycom or aastra guru?
23:47.05rue_work(guru&aatra) | (guru&polycom)
23:47.39carrarNice PIPE
23:47.49dominic1seems my asterisk always wants to use slin16 as codec
23:47.50rue_workits not a pipe! its a or
23:48.11rue_workdominic1, did you compile asterisk?
23:48.41rue_workwere you missing a library it needed for the other codecs?
23:48.50rue_workyou would see it in the configure
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23:49.08dominic1sip is using my setting alaw
23:49.27dominic1only the interconnect of my two asteriskboxes always wants slin
23:49.27rue_workit would look like :  do I have this?  NO      do I have that? NO  do I have other? NO
23:49.43rue_workyea, can your asterisk handle anything else
23:50.11dominic1yes I can  there are a lot of entries in core show translations
23:50.30rue_workok, good, your beyond my help
23:50.54dominic1and I wanted to use alaw on the iax trunk, but only slin seems to work with iax
23:51.34rue_workanyone an aastra or polycom guru? atleast say no...
23:51.51iaxywho knows how to set the rtp packet size?
23:53.14carrarfor what phone?
23:53.36rue_workI cant get it to auto match and dial
23:54.00rue_workaka the dialplan is set to XX  and when I hit '12' it just sits there looking stupid
23:54.37rue_workon the polycom I set <dialplan dialplan.applyToUserDial="1" dialplan.digitmap="xx" />

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