IRC log for #asterisk on 20090129

00:00.14rue_mohrwell you havn't heard of kb1 by name either :)
00:00.51rue_mohrwhich is kb1kanobe
00:01.17rue_mohrI dont hold it against you, ya see quite a lot of people in here
00:01.41rue_mohrI think kb1kanobe primarily spoke with Qwell
00:02.02[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: thats a name I do recognize at least..
00:02.21[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: if you really wanted help you'd have taken invites for others to look at your system...
00:02.38rue_mohryou mean irl or in channel?
00:02.54rue_mohrI can set up if you want to walk all over it
00:03.56rue_mohrI really dont think anyone would find anything I havn't
00:04.24rue_mohrI think they might erase it all and try rebuilding it from scratch
00:05.14rue_mohrI chose asterisk 1.4 cause I understood it would give me less trouble
00:05.28rue_mohrI suspect that 1.6 might have better odds of working with oslec
00:05.50rue_mohrbut I also suspect it would have more odds of unexpectidly going belly up
00:05.59[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr>I really dont think anyone would find anything I havn't <- You know... given how long you beat yourself over the head on the simplest little speed-dial issues... you should have more faith in us :)
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00:06.39rue_mohrmy issues are how to make a system that is emulating 4 seperate systems in one
00:06.39xfighterhello there
00:07.19[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: ...."Would you like fries with that, sir?"
00:07.45xfighteram newbie dude and am lookin for answers the internet won't help me answering it
00:07.52rue_mohrI didn't quite get just how simple my system at home is
00:07.53[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: the "* will replace 4 completely different key systems in a way that'll blow your mid" sales-pitch will be the death of your business.
00:08.14rue_mohrno, 4 analog sets on each desk
00:08.18[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: .... we ARE "the internet" :p
00:08.20rue_mohrthats what they have now
00:08.25[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: so...
00:08.26rue_mohr4 analog sets and one voip set
00:08.28jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
00:08.39xfighter:) thanx
00:09.13xfighterabout asterisk , it needs the linux platform , what exactly must be installed also beside that OS??
00:09.58xfighter? why?
00:10.07rue_mohrconfig download for voip sets
00:10.25rue_mohrhtml server for serving xml menus
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00:10.51rue_mohrssh for maintenance
00:12.10xfighterhmmm , the story guyz is that am a 3rd year IT student and am planning for the graduation startin today I know about the ftp and the IIS and the databasing and I tend to be expert in the microsoft OS systems more than the linux sope I have no idea about voip , well not exactly I used to use an html softphone the thing is that ------>
00:12.17xfighterI need to get started
00:12.29rue_mohrgot linux installed?
00:12.35xfighterwhat is the best ever refrence for that
00:12.43xfighterI got ubuntu live CD
00:12.44rue_mohrI suggest debian WITHOUT A GUI DESKTOP INSTALLED
00:13.00xfighterubuntu sucks?
00:13.11nix8n82I really like OpenSuse
00:13.25rue_mohrthe gui will eat up important resources
00:13.38rue_mohrxfighter, are you interfacing with phone lines?
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00:14.01xfighteryea am planning to do all interfaces computer and phones
00:14.17xfighterlike the (OCX idea)
00:14.23beekxfighter: Ubuntu is an excellent "windows-user" converting to "Linux-user" OS.   Really sweet on the desktop.
00:14.51xfighterthanx beek :)
00:15.02beekxfighter: If you're an IT student and are expecting to learn Enterprise-level Linux then I'd suggest CentOS (a spin-off of RHEL) or OpenSuSE.
00:15.04[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: not necessary
00:15.58beekxfighter: I use CentOS with my Asterisk box, as well as any Linux machine around the place not running RHEL.  I use Ubuntu on my friends' and parents' desktops
00:16.33xfighterhmmm so you all sugguest that I dumb ubuntu,, I See , so what's the BEST : Centos? OpenSuSe ?
00:16.36[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: * can run on any sane distro as long as you satisfy its dependencies
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00:17.08[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: Ubuntu can work fine... it also causes a little trouble and doesn't offer anything of value in compensation for it
00:17.17beekxfighter: [TK]D-Fender is correct, however since you're going into the IT biz then it's worth it to learn distros commonly used in business.
00:17.35rue_mohrxfighter, I'm also always in #garfield if you run out of help
00:18.03xfighter:) thanx rue_mohr it seems that I'll disturb you a lot  :D
00:18.32rue_mohrask these guys first
00:18.45[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: Trust me... he was disturbed LONG before you came around ;)
00:18.56xfighterok depending on your opinions folks am going for the centos option
00:19.08xfighterafter that ?
00:19.17[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: But seriously... Ubuntu is a GREAT desktop distro... There's just no way I'd run a server on it personally..
00:19.43[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: where it wants to upgrade your kernel every other week, whic... BTW.. would BREAK Zaptel/DAHDI
00:20.06xfighterI've downloaded it because I felt it's the most updated linux OS I dunno maybe am mistaken
00:20.14beekxfighter: and if you're into some heavy masochism, try Gentoo.
00:20.38xfighter:S mercy beek am already confused enough :D
00:21.14beekxfighter: My recommendation is CentOS5.   When you install it, turn off SELINUX.   That's what I use and it's enterprise-level.
00:21.21xfighterit's ok am downloading centos now :)
00:21.39xfightercan I install it beside the XP?
00:22.01beekxfighter: With some prep work (e.g. making sure that there is freespace on your hard drive) then yes, you can.
00:22.08xfighterI mean 2 OS's at a time
00:22.17[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: business lesson : the problem with bleeding-edge is the risk of exsanguination
00:22.21beekxfighter: And by freespace I mean UNALLOCATED, UNPARTITIONED space.
00:22.44xfighterhmm I can use Acronis , right?
00:22.54xfighterAcronis Disk Director
00:23.49beekNever used it, but if your WinXP installation has hogged the entire drive the usual route is to do defrag, then reduce the size of the disk.   There is plenty of info on the net on how to prepare a WinXP box for dual-booting with Linux
00:24.15beekxfighter: And please note:   TURN OFF SELINUX on installation.
00:25.08xfighterthats great to know beek , and I'll take that note in notice :) I have 8 computers at home 5 notebooks and 3 destops no need to worry I'll back my files before doin anything ;)
00:26.05xfighternow lets go after installing the OS
00:26.22xfighterwhats next
00:26.31[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: Go read the BOOK.
00:26.34jbotit has been said that book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
00:26.57[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: and go download the latest 1.4 release and its associated bits and go follow the instructions in the source tarball
00:27.22beekxfighter: And for CentOS specific info google Asterisk CentOS to find out what packages you'll need to include on installation.
00:27.52xfighterAm downloading 1.6 is that ok?
00:28.07beekThat's bleeding-edge, but it's what I'm using with no problems.
00:28.39xfighterso 1.6 is still in beta?
00:28.51[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: I'd suggest 1.4 for now so you can follow the book and WIKI more
00:28.56beekNo, it's not beta.  But it's young.
00:29.17[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: Many things changed with 1.6 which aren't as well documented in one place for a beginner
00:29.19xfightercanceled... goin for the 1.4
00:30.25xfighterth funny thing is that am the first student in my university to do a project about VOIP , even my doctors know shit about it
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00:31.29xfighterok , now after downloading asterisk 1.4
00:32.10xfighteris there any documentation a full complete documentation about establishing the server and make it ready to go
00:33.19rue_mohrgiz, standard editors DO NOT like vi commands
00:33.46jboti heard book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
00:33.55rue_mohrxfighter, so you have regular phone lines your going to hook into your asterisk system?
00:35.13xfighteryea am planning to use voip gateway of dirct ethernet telephones
00:35.38xfighteram even thinking about making a java small prog for N series (Nokia)
00:35.47xfighterit'll be a new idea :D
00:36.00rue_mohrso you are NOT planning on interfacing with telephone lines
00:37.30xfighterwell for the university ,, nope but for me why not :D I think am gonna make the whole house Voiped , but am thinking about the internet link more than the phonelink
00:37.47xfighterin other words (sort of free)
00:38.15xfighterimagine when I link all my friends on a server at my place
00:38.55rue_mohrok, as long as your not trying to interface with real phone lines your ok
00:39.10[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: And if he did... what goes wrong then?
00:39.18rue_mohreverything goes to hell
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00:39.49rue_mohrinterface cards and drivers and echo and dahdi vs zaptel
00:39.49xfighter?? why rue_mohr
00:40.13xfighterthats a thing surely I know damn nthn about
00:40.19xfighterwho are these people :D?
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00:40.47xfighterdahdi zaptel??
00:40.50rue_mohraround you are 10% experts, 30% lost souls and 70% idlers
00:41.01rue_mohryea I know about how that ads up
00:42.06xfighterI guess I'll need to study the book on the asterisk website before I establish anything
00:42.21[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: rue_mohr is just jaded here :p
00:42.22rue_mohrsetting up a bunch of voip sets is easy
00:42.59lilkidhaving one way audio problems, i know its probably a NAT issue but i want to see if anyone can narrow it down. when I get incoming calls from another sip phone registered from WAN, incoming audio works fine but outgoing audio takes about 20seconds to kick in, and sometimes doesnt at all. any ideas?
00:43.09[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Oh... should I remind you about the weeks it took to get your phone running?  or then presence afterwards?
00:43.10rue_mohryea, nobody wants to help me anymore cause I got spun around a few times with everyone pointing different directions and everyone said I didn't do what they told me to, which conflicted
00:43.29[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No, I haven't given up.. but you appear to have *sigh*
00:43.44rue_mohrI was trying to not end up with the speeddial / prescence thing I have now
00:43.54rue_mohrI'm hurt, I'm a slow healer
00:43.56xfighterwow whos the real expert here :D
00:44.44[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: Don't worry about anything.  Go install * and here, go read this for a SAMPLE of what a simple setup could look like :
00:44.48jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
00:45.14rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, is the expert, and Qwell, bmoraca is pretty smart
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00:45.47[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: and you were warned from the start that * does not support SLA and that the closest you'll get is a bastardized fake-out that pretends to be SLA
00:45.58xfighterone more last question guyz
00:46.23xfighterhow many numbers can I register (create)
00:46.37[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: in terms of?
00:46.40xfighteroh and there'll be another question after that :
00:46.52xfighterI mean how many telephone numbers
00:47.05eppigyi am dave
00:47.06[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: clarify that a bit will you...
00:47.17rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, my later understanding was that the only thing I cant do is have mixed hold/transfer functionality, which i tried to point out I wasn't worried about.  the only reason I had to give up is because the phones cannot support line keys that go 'busy' using their lamp
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00:47.41xfighterI mean my number is 001 my friends is 002 and so how many numbers can I create
00:47.51rue_mohrxfighter, in your closed system, you can make as many number as you want
00:48.13[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: YOU could have sent back a "busy" if it was in use and they tried hitting it...
00:48.23xfightercool , how many calls can my server process in the same time
00:48.40[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: If you're talking "extensions" for like "how many SIP devices can I set up", then the answer is "as many as you want"
00:49.31[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: on hitting a speed-dial that was lit you have your dialplan check the lit status and jsut do "Busy()"
00:49.33rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, having them manually dial hunt for a line is stupid :)
00:50.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Pressing s stupid "line" button to pick a line to go out is "stupid" :p
00:50.13rue_mohrits done, each line has an extension with a hint to the zaptel channel that gives back prescence info
00:50.15xfightergot that , I meant in my second question that if I call one of my friends and one of my friends calls another and so , how many connection will my server accept at the same time??
00:50.47rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, not when the person making the call has to make sure it goes out on the analog line that belongs to the company the person is making the call for
00:50.48[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: as many as you have bandwidth to support
00:51.06[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: <-
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00:51.41[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: have them sign up here and they can call each other more directly all they want.  You can then set Asterisk up with an account instead of a soft-phone, and YOU are using *.
00:52.05[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: then they can call you and if you want to let them do other stuff specifically then you can configure that in your dialplan
00:52.33xfightergenius :D
00:53.09xfighterbut I'd like to learn it first then I'll go for these tricks :D
00:53.17[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: Have them register to you if you want to control everything they dial... if you just want to chat with them... then have them go 'generic" using the free service and you're just one more destinatin they can reach
00:53.21rue_mohrI'v explained it so many times, the 4 busineses and how there are 4 lines and answering and making calls and everything
00:54.00[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Yes, I know.  I've known way back...
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00:54.36rue_mohrand you keep teling me that people have to dial each line to find out if its busy or not so they can make their call
00:55.03[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: its petter to have them press the speed dial/BLF that "represents" the line they want to call out.  Configuring it for BLF = easy.  Configuring it to report "busy" if they try using it while already in use = easy.
00:55.13rue_mohrthe idea to make a predigit for each line is almost acceptable
00:55.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No need for any predigit.
00:55.41[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: have them press the speed-dial in order to get out and you're already in control.
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00:55.53rue_mohrthats what I do have
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00:56.05rue_mohryou do know I have 3 speed dials with presence right?
00:56.13[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: then you've done an incomplete job if you can't do the 2 things I've just described
00:56.17[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Yes.
00:56.39rue_mohrit cannot be done with the line keys on the aastra, their leds cannot do that
00:56.46rue_mohrI cant hear what your saying
00:56.50xfighter[TK]D-Fender : You're the man buddy , thanx for the gr8 info you provided me , as soon as I install everything I'll be back for you with more questions and I hope questions only not problems :) , thanx guyz and excuse me I g2g flee :)
00:57.29rue_mohrI'd swear I'v done what your saying and your still saying I'm doing it wrong
00:57.34[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: their speed dials  with BLF are just that... speed-dials.  Press the "fake line key thats actualy a BLF speedi-dial", then you give them an ASTERISK DIALTONE. and let them dial.
00:57.43[TK]D-Fenderxfighter: np
00:58.01rue_mohrthe key with the lettering "LINE 1" stamped in it cannot be a speed dial with blf
00:58.03[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Where is * providing them tone in your setup?
00:58.11beekxfighter: Get ready to enjoy yourself... Asterisk is a boatload of fun.
00:58.13[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: NOR SHOULD IT
00:58.17rue_mohrits not
00:58.23[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: and it should not even be CALLED "line 1"
00:58.39beekThat's so key-system
00:58.43rue_mohrthe only time they get tone is when they press what I'm calling 'intercom' to dial someone else in the office
00:58.45[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: it should be like "100" or whatever represents the popular "extension" they are known as.
00:58.51[TK]D-Fenderbeek: thats the point
00:59.05rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, there is a key on the phone with LINE 1 stamped on it by the factory
00:59.06[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: it IS like the "intercom" key on a Norstar
00:59.21rue_mohrthere is an led beside it
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00:59.41rue_mohrthe key cannot be used as a speed dial, the lamp on it cannot be used as a blf
00:59.41[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: FUCK the label.  they know their presence BLF keys are what counts.
00:59.51rue_mohrI'v been back and forth over the manual
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01:00.20rue_mohrthe only way to do prescence BLF with a speed dial is to use one of their 7 programmable keys
01:00.32[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Correct
01:00.35eppigyIM BOUT MY PAPER
01:00.36[TK]D-Fender(for Aastra)
01:00.37rue_mohrwhich do not include the 3 buttons stamped "LINE"
01:00.45rue_mohrdo we agree?
01:00.58[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: but you need to ween them off assuming those 3 are their "lines"
01:01.14rue_mohrI have no problemw ith that
01:01.19[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Just take some f-ing LIQUID PAPER and label over them (intercom1), etc
01:01.21eppigyi have to switch out the corporate office PBX this weekend
01:01.30eppigyabotu a month of hell is going to ensue
01:01.32rue_mohrI'm going to tell them their all intercoms
01:01.41[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: there, 1/2 done
01:01.48rue_mohrits all done
01:02.00rue_mohrIhave 3 of the 7 programmable keys set up as speed dial
01:02.12rue_mohrto the extensions for the zaptel channels
01:02.13[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: next is to fix what your BLF/SD keys DO when you dial
01:02.23rue_mohrwhich have hits that the phones use to know if they are busy or not
01:02.52eppigyI have to somehow get the receptionists polycom to show the status of the executives' lines
01:03.12rue_mohr:) this is like you saying "press the brake pedel" and me saying "its already pinned to the floor"
01:03.24rue_mohrits leaving me confused
01:03.34[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Well, what do they actually DIAL?
01:04.13rue_mohrthey hit the speed dial for the 'line' they want, which connects them to the zaptel channel, they get the co dialtone and carry on as normal
01:04.29[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: show me :)
01:04.53rue_mohrtell ya what,I'm gonna post all the config files, ona website, so their easy to browse
01:05.06rue_mohrnot this instant
01:05.07[TK]D-Fenderwhatever works
01:05.13rue_mohrbecorfe I call on ya again
01:05.29rue_mohrcause I think were going around in circles on stuff I already done
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01:07.02bmoracarue_mohr:  so you finally got your hints working?
01:07.09rue_mohrlong ago
01:07.35bmoracanow go buy a HWEC card and be done with it :D
01:07.46rue_mohrjust sent the order today
01:07.52bmoracaright on
01:08.25rue_mohrI asked and they said that the time for me to play with oslec which I might never get working would be better spent on other stuff
01:08.49bmoracahey, they grew brains...awesome
01:08.53rue_mohrI spent most of yesterday trying to get 1 more freaking wire into a 1" pipe to the tel room for the asterisk server
01:09.11coppiceyou might never get the card with HWEC working, either :-)
01:09.11bmoracarue_mohr: lol
01:09.20rue_mohrafter 3 experianced electricians gave up, I ran pipe on the outside of the building
01:09.53rue_mohrcoppice, as I understand I just need to say the echo canceling is on, and its all automatic
01:10.35coppicethere is a rumour that on board EC "just works". this rumour is far from accurate
01:10.52[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You could be cursed.  Had your karma checked recently?
01:11.03rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, ok, that was easy, here:
01:11.08bmoracai really hope Veritek doesn't sign with boston...i'd love to see their pitching staff fall on their faces.
01:11.30rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, my bed is 5' off the ground, if my carma were off, I'd know it
01:12.01rue_mohrfloor, my house isn't that bad
01:12.04[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Ok, pick one person for me to look at in this
01:12.26[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: I took "Charles" under polycom
01:12.40rue_mohrhe's 2nd owner
01:12.52rue_mohrI started with his phone and copied the others from it
01:13.00rue_mohrthe aastra started with jan
01:13.32[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Ok, so far you've done most of it... if they hit a line thats in use they get rejected...
01:13.38[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: What should it do instead?
01:13.57[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Infact... you give them RAW dialtone.
01:14.04[TK]D-Fenderright our DAHDI
01:14.43rue_mohrthere are only a few tweeks needed, I need to fix the echo problem (card should be in the process of being sent) and I need to tune what happens when people just try to start dialng (which I expect is all phone side dialplan repari)
01:15.31rue_mohryes, it gives them the dahdi right away, they can use the lamp to know if its busy before they hit it
01:16.12beekrue_mohr: While your at it, do yourself a favor and learn the templating format for your sip.conf file...
01:16.12[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Ok, so whats missing?
01:16.30rue_mohrbeek, I tried to avoid modifying sip.conf at all, cause its replaced on upgrade, so the idea was to override only
01:16.56rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, I think just phone side dialplan
01:16.59beekrue_mohr: then put everything into a separate file and just have an #include in the sip.conf file.
01:17.16rue_mohrbeek, already done
01:17.29rue_mohras I understand
01:17.31[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: tip : change all of your 2X BLF extens to TEXT names, not "numbers".
01:17.50[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: you could call it DAHDHI1 for example...
01:18.13rue_mohrI have a chart that maps everything out
01:18.42rue_mohrI was trying to make it in such a way I can use it for other systems with a few mods
01:19.04rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, I hate to say this but I have to go home
01:19.24rue_mohrthere is someone standing at the door offering to lock me in or out for the night
01:19.33rue_mohrand my thermous is empty
01:20.11rue_work[TK]D-Fender, I'll be back :)
01:27.10beekGN all
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01:37.24[gnubie]what are the advantages or disadvantages if tcp will be used over udp on using iax2 channel?
01:37.48Hymiepoints [TK]D-Fender to the url
01:38.52[TK]D-FenderHymie: MBU-400?  Never heard of it
01:39.16[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: IAX does not support TCP
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01:39.35[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: ah, ok.. i thought it supports, too like sip
01:39.40[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: thanks.. ;)
01:39.59Hymie[TK]D-Fender: it's new... just came out
01:40.13Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I can't believe how crappy aastra tech support was over this issue
01:40.17[TK]D-Fender[gnubie]: You seem to mistake "thought" with "randomly guess" a lot these days
01:40.42[TK]D-FenderHymie: their 480i CT/57i CT DECT handset is pretty decent.
01:40.52[TK]D-FenderHymie: just that the phone is not a real "base" for it
01:41.14Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I just wanted a bunch of dect phones with speaker phone on them, and this was the new boy on the block
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01:41.36[gnubie][TK]D-Fender: it's been months that i didn't asked here
01:41.44[TK]D-FenderHymie: Looks similar the the scal of the Snom M3, etc
01:42.07Hymie[TK]D-Fender: it is definitely smaller sized.. like a cell phone
01:42.30Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I basically had to whisper to use the phone, althugh I do have a loud voice
01:42.45Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I'd say a normal person could never raise their voice for any reason, without significant distortion
01:43.16[TK]D-FenderHymie: "craptastic" sounds like it sums it up.
01:43.26[TK]D-FenderHymie: So serious gain issues.  What else?
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01:44.00Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I tried to place a piece of tape over the mic hole, but then the phone did not detect any background noise, and ramped up the amplification or some such.. so, every move of the phone against your face came through like sandpaper against a cat's ass
01:44.47Hymie[TK]D-Fender: and thge speaker phone was definitely quiet... I can't see using it in a room where there would be any other noise, like an open cubicle office environment or outside with traffic
01:44.49[TK]D-FenderHymie: And I won't ask the original of your basis of comparison...
01:45.42Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I think these are all just firmware issues though, but I couldn't risk being stuck with a brick for 2 years, until they fix it
01:45.55Hymie[TK]D-Fender: and, of course, the speaker phone bit could just be underpowered, and unfixable
01:46.24[TK]D-FenderHymie: Firmware has been a thorn with Aastra.. the 57i CT I have was flakey... would reboot on mass presence update, at random, etc....
01:46.33Hymie[TK]D-Fender: funny thing.. I hear that this same platform is going to be used by polycom too
01:46.42[TK]D-FenderOh I'm sorry.. it would LOCK... *I* had to go about rebooting it.
01:46.54[TK]D-FenderHymie: what "platform"?
01:46.56Hymie[TK]D-Fender: anything that defeats laziness is a bad thing
01:47.09*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
01:47.21Hymie[TK]D-Fender: I read an article on the MBU-400.. apparently Aastra just bought it from some other manufacturer and branded it...
01:47.31Hymie[TK]D-Fender: apparently polycom is going to do the same
01:48.03[TK]D-FenderHymie: It might not be the bas at issue...
01:48.19[TK]D-FenderHymie: and Polycom bout out SpectraLink which was always higer end.
01:48.27[TK]D-FenderHymie: I hate the look of them however
01:48.31Hymie[TK]D-Fender: hmm
01:48.40[TK]D-FenderHymie: I swear some looking like dildos...
01:49.04[TK]D-FenderYou won't be able to just whip one out with a straight face
01:49.18[TK]D-Fenderscores 500 points for the multiple double-entendres
01:49.54Hymie[TK]D-Fender: hehe
01:50.19Hymie[TK]D-Fender: anyhow, I might buy the polycom based on the same, just to see how a nice firmware works with that hardware ;)
01:50.26Hymiewhen / if it appears
01:51.43*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (
01:52.26Hymieso, who knows
01:52.29Hymiegrain of salt and all
01:52.32coppiceeveryone seems to have a DECT IP phone now. most are very basic but expensive.
01:53.17bmoracathe Snom M3 is a steaming pile of crap
01:53.26bmoracai'd take an analog phone with a PAP2T over it any day
01:53.47Hymieheh, wow... the config screens I see in this article, are almost identical to the Aastra MBU-400 config screens
01:53.55Hymiebasically, they're identical
01:54.06Hymie(that is, for the M3)
01:54.07coppiceand very expensive
01:54.18bmoracaalthough i'd trust a polycom DECT IP phone over the Snom anyway
01:54.28Hymiecoppice: I don't want to hear any more of that, it is your job to keep the eoncomy moving.. so spend!
01:54.35coppice$150-$200 for a $40 handset is a bit over the top
01:54.55[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: I've heard "iffy" about the M3... never anything so strong.  Maybe they were too kind
01:55.12bmoracai'd bet Polycom has the device at interop this year...i'll check it out then
01:55.22Hymiebmoraca: when's that?
01:55.24bmoraca[TK]D-Fender:  take it from one who has used the's not a good phone.
01:55.25siera08anybody explain to me about AMPEXTENSIONS variable in amportal.conf?
01:56.07[TK]D-Fendersiera08: You're in the wrong channell... try 3 to the left <-
01:56.08bmoraca[TK]D-Fender:  sure, it's got a transfer button...but hitting *2 is just as easy...and analog phones aren't buggy as hell.
01:56.37Hymiebmoraca: well, most aren't buggy ;)   that is, unless you buy some strange seimens phone
01:56.46[TK]D-FenderbmI've always gone ATA + cordless... which.. BTW... Uniden 500 series = uber crap (the cell-like flip phones)
01:57.27siera08[TK]D-Fender: what's the meaning?
01:57.39bmoraca[TK]D-Fender:  the only Uniden phone's i've liked are their ruggedized ones.  for general office, I use the Philips CD1500 phones...they have a MWI that works with Asterisk and a PAP2T
01:57.54[TK]D-Fendersiera08: Go ask in #freepbx . it is not supported here
01:59.58bmoracathe only potentially cool thing about the M3 is that, sometimes, when the moon and planets are in a certain alignment and you're walking in a tub of cooking oil, you can roam from base station to base station with the handsets...usually doesn't work, though...and while a base station can "friend" up to 8 handsets, it can really only accomodate 3.
02:00.31[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: I tend to go for dual handset models because mine get abused.  And by abused I mean brutally raped, Geneva-convention violated kinda things...
02:01.17[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: And cheap enough that by the time they're done killing 2 handsets.. it still costs a ton less than 1 "ruggedized" model that would meet the undercarriage of a fork-lift based on karma alone.
02:01.18frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender:  have you ever tried SMS through an ATA to a SMS -complient phone?
02:01.18bmoracadepends on the firm gets Philips...warehouse goons get the ruggedized Uniden...
02:01.30frogonwheelshas anybody?
02:01.39bmoracatrue that, [TK]D-Fender...
02:01.48*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
02:02.01[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: "Ruggedized" is just another word for "Destined to die a cruel and unusul death worthy of being in Final Destination 4..."
02:02.22[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: You know a funny things happened.... *WHAM*WHAM*WHAM*WHAM*WHAM*WHAM*WHAM*WHAM*
02:02.34bmoraca[TK]D-Fender:  but i've found that people are willing to pay more for the illusion of a potentially better or longer lasting solution
02:02.51[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: I shoose what we buy, they get what I give :)
02:03.13bmoracahence why the Snom M3 is ever sold...DECT IP phone must be better than analog+ATA, right?
02:03.51bmoraca[TK]D-Fender:  yeah..if it was my company, that's how I'd do it...but then, i'm a salesman so i don't mind milking the customer.
02:04.11[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Better still
02:04.44[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Its sold on hope & hype... we keep saying its "better than WiFi"..
02:04.57[TK]D-Fenderbm"shit looks pretty good.... when compared to CRAP
02:05.02*** part/#asterisk Hymie (i=hymie@
02:06.15lmadsenI DON'T WANT TO MEET YOUR MOM!!!!! I JUST WANT!!!!!!!!!!!
02:06.40bmoraca[TK]D-Fender:  well, i will give them that...the DECT IP phones ARE better than WiFi phones
02:06.52[TK]D-Fenderlmadsen: ! ! !
02:09.34jbotrumour has it, !!! is BANG BANG BANG at
02:12.14Kobazyes yes
02:14.21[gnubie]waves.. gtg now.. thanks.. ;)
02:17.53MiccI've turned on CNAM lookups with my provider. Is there anything else I need to do for caller id name to be set when a call comes in? I'm using SIP btw.
02:20.30[TK]D-FenderMicc: No.
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02:36.39keeblercan anyone tell me why asterisk is waiting 8 seconds before dialling the extension? What function in my dialplan sets the timer?
02:37.18keeblermy only line in extension.conf is exten => _XXX,1,Dial(Sip/XXX${EXTEN})
02:37.23frogonwheelskeebler: you using an ATA ?
02:37.32frogonwheelskeebler: you sure it's not the timeout on your phone?
02:37.34keeblerOne ATA another SIP phone.
02:37.53frogonwheels.. as in you need to tell your ATA / SIP Phone when to send the numbers
02:38.17keeblerHmm, its using the defaut dialplan.
02:38.30_ShrikEdoes the 8 seconds occur before or after you see the dial appear in the cli?
02:39.05keeblerbrb... kids are awake
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02:44.21bmoracakeebler:  you need to edit the dialplan of the ATA to add your particular three-digit structure to it, otherwise it defaults to like a 5 second timeout
02:44.25MiccIs it bad to reload extensions while you have a lot of calls, say like 50 calls going?
02:44.37bmoracaMicc:  shouldn't affect it at all
02:45.10Miccbmoraca, trying to figure out how to make my dialplan dynamic without using realtime.
02:45.24bmoracaMicc:  have fun with that, lol
02:45.29keeblerbmoraca: Yeah. I'll look into the specific device dialplan structure, the Linksys SPA901 and ATA PAP2 both have the same dialplan.
02:45.36_ShrikEMicc: func_odbc
02:46.15Micc_ShrikE, does that just make a lookup once when the dialplan loads?
02:46.21bmoracakeebler:  I'm not talking about which context they go to in asterisk, i'm talking about the specific dialplan in the phone/ata in how it treats the characters load
02:46.23bmoracaMicc:  no
02:46.29keebler_ShrikE: And to answer your question, its before it appears in the cli.
02:46.45keeblerbmoraca: Thats what I was talking about too.
02:46.49keeblernot my exten.conf
02:46.59bmoracaMicc:  however, it will allow you to make dialplan changes in a database, but it will not dynamically reload them into asterisk.  for tyhat, you have to issue a reload
02:47.06bmoracakeebler:  gotcha.  that needs adjusting.
02:47.14keebleron the LINE 1 tab, at the bottom. Both have the same dial plan.
02:47.16Miccbmoraca, yeah thats what I mean.
02:47.32keeblerbmoraca:  (9,[3469]11S0|9,<:1408>[2-9]xxxxxx|9,<:1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,011xx.|9,xx.|[1-8]xxx)
02:47.46bmoracakeebler:  what are your extensions?
02:48.02_ShrikEMicc: pretty much, it allow you to fill in the blanks in a dialplan with database queries.
02:48.04keeblerbut I just have it set up as wildcard
02:48.26bmoracakeebler:  try to keep them in the same range...101, 102,'ll simplify things
02:48.30[TK]D-FenderMicc: reloading extensions has no impact on calls in progress
02:48.39keeblerbmoraca: They will be on the producion.
02:48.41frogonwheelskeebler: I use  101 102 103..  1001 1002 1003
02:48.52keeblerAs do I.
02:49.37frogonwheelskeebler: Hre's mine (for Australia) (*xx|0|00|000S0|[2-9]xxxxxxxS0|0[2378][2-9]xxxxxxxS0|04[0-9]xxxxxxxS0|1[358]00xxxxxxS0|13[1-9]xxxS0|10[1-9]S0|100[1-9]S0|70[0-9]S0|xxxxxxxxxxxx.)
02:49.39keeblerIts how our panasonic PBXs have been setup since I got into PBXs
02:50.02bmoracakeebler:  you'll need to add a [1-9]xx|9 in there.  i'm not familiar with the sipura style dialplan, but it'd appear to me that you need  (9,[3469]11S0|9,[1-9]xx|9,<:1408>[2-9]xxxxxx|9,<:1>[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0|9,011xx.|9,xx.|[1-8]xxx)
02:50.24frogonwheelskeebler:  10[1-9]S0|100[1-9]S0
02:50.37bmoracafrogonwheels:  that looks like a PAP2T...he's using a PAP2...different config
02:50.38keeblerI need to look on how to structure it because I have no freakin' clue what it all means.
02:50.51keeblerI should have specified
02:51.05theharquestion ..
02:51.11theharhow would all of you handle overflow calls?
02:51.19bmoracakeebler:  that dialplan doesn't look like any i've seen on a pap2t...should look more like what frogonwheels pasted...
02:51.20frogonwheelsbmoraca: Thought they were similar except pap2 has option to send out the FXO  port
02:51.34theharsay all 4 pris fill concurrently.. you have another pbx that has 3 pri avail on it.. you want to overflow into it.. DUNDi?
02:51.38bmoracafrogonwheels:  one's sipura based and the other's newer...or something like that.
02:51.58bmoracafrogonwheels:  not sure on the specifics
02:52.00frogonwheelsbmoraca:  so you are using 9 as your external extension?
02:52.02keeblerWell my PAP2T-NA has the most current firmware.
02:52.15[TK]D-Fenderthehar: SIP
02:52.15keeblerYou know, I don't even NEED an external extension.
02:52.25theharjust SIP?
02:52.34frogonwheelskeebler: nope.
02:52.35bmoracakeebler:  then just replace it all with [1-9]xx
02:52.39theharcould you do it with DUNDi?
02:52.44theharor use SIP or IAX2
02:52.47keeblerbmoraca: Thats it?
02:52.56[TK]D-FenderTheWho gives a grap about search for a route?  You KNOW where to send it.
02:52.58keeblerbmoraca: just dialplan: [1-9]xx ?
02:53.05frogonwheelskeebler: I wouldn't
02:53.11frogonwheelskeebler: you'll get your delay problem
02:53.24keeblerThats the one thing I need to eliminate.
02:53.26frogonwheelskeebler: if you don't want the delay, you have to specify all the (common) possibilities
02:53.37keeblerfiddle sticks
02:54.05frogonwheelskeebler: ok - so how does it know when to stop?
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02:54.40keeblerwhat know when to stop? exten= => XXX,1,hangup() ?
02:54.53frogonwheelskeebler:  no.. the pap2t , not asterisk
02:54.53keeblererm xxx,2,hangup
02:54.57bmoracafrogonwheels:  he is ONLY doing 3-digit dial to internal phones.  he's not doing any external calls of any kind.  he doesn't need provision for anything else
02:55.15frogonwheelsoh. sorry. . well   [1-9]xxS0
02:55.47frogonwheelsyou need the S0 to tell it to 'send as soon as you match that'
02:56.05[TK]D-Fender(x.T|#x.T|*x.T) <-- the only dialplan you'll ever need
02:57.32keeblerThanks frogonwheels and bmoraca, that worked great
02:58.00keeblerI wish I weren't in such a hurry. :/ I really want to learn all this the right way.
03:00.58eppigysmoke purp by the pound
03:03.42russellbeppigy: wtf?
03:03.45russellbyou say that all the time
03:03.49russellbjust ... stop
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03:06.06eppigyi admire you russellb, which makes your admonition that much more hurtful
03:06.18MiccHow can I create inbound calling limits?
03:06.26keeblerNext question. What do I need to do to get my SPA9000 "PBX" to just act like a dummy ATA? I can set it just like my ATA, and it registers, but I can't, for some reason, get a dialtone.
03:06.33MiccSo it would be busy when the 3rd person called lets say.
03:07.02MiccI have a virtual pri from vitelity, 4 channels but I want some did's to be busy after 2 calls.
03:07.54bmoracaMicc:  this is why i route all my inbound/outbound through a different box than my PBXes are on
03:07.56RoyKMicc: show application busy
03:08.19bmoracakeebler:  no idea...good luck :)
03:08.37keeblerbmoraca: haha. I just want to keep it around for a spare ATA is all.
03:08.42keeblerbmoraca: I won't use it in the field.
03:08.47MiccRoyK, thats great but how do I know what the current call count is? Maybe I can use variables to store the current call count.
03:08.50RoyKthe asterisk dialplan isn't really well suited for scripting - better use agi with some language
03:08.58keeblerI've got two more ATA's and some more hardware coming in tomorrow.
03:09.11Miccbmoraca, SER?
03:09.20RoyKMicc: there is a call counter thingie in asterisk, but it's buggy
03:09.31MiccRoyK, even in 1.6?
03:09.50RoyKhaven't tried it with 1.6
03:09.51Miccbmoraca, what do you use for your first box or sbc?
03:10.08MiccI'm running 1.4.22 now anyways.
03:10.14bmoracaMicc:  no, it's Asterisk...but a sip trunk can have call limits placed on even though I may have 150 available inbound channels, i can restrict the SIP trunk between the gateway and the virtual PBX to 3 calls or whatever
03:10.27[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: He says all sorts of things all the time.  Its Internet Tourette's ;)
03:10.40Miccbmoraca, Ah! thats a great idea.
03:11.33edoceoI'm trying to build 1.4.23 and seeing this error message:  chan_dahdi.c:1029: error: 'DAHDI_TONE_DTMF_BASE' undeclared (first use in this function)
03:11.50edoceoAnd it won't compile :(  Do I need dahdi libs somewhere?
03:12.06bmoracaMicc:  if we get enough capacity, i'll probably convert it to a Cisco 2800 w/ call manager or something.  i'm not aware of any DS3 interface cards for asterisk, lol
03:13.10bmoracaMicc:  though Sangoma does make an 8port PRI i'm good up to 24 PRIs.  with FAS, that's a lot of channels.  at that point, though, a DS3 is cheaper according to my provider
03:14.22bmoracai just want to avoid having multiple trunk groups
03:15.07bmoracawell, back to the real world
03:15.53edoceoeven if I configure using --without-dahdi it still fails :(
03:16.59Qwelledoceo: You get the compile error still when you use --without-dahdi?
03:17.38Qwelledoceo: also, what version of dahdi (or zaptel?) do you have installed?
03:18.18frogonwheelsedoceo: you could move the chan_dahdi.c out of the directory - I think it builds all  apps / channels etc in those directories.
03:20.06edoceoTurns out I had to deselect some stuffs with make menuselect
03:20.19edoceoMy ebuild was not automatically configuring that part right
03:20.41edoceoNow I'm moving forward....horray!
03:20.59*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
03:21.01Qwelloh, ebuild.  that explains a lot
03:21.18edoceoYea - and one I wrote myself even....
03:21.37edoceosips more wiskey and has another smoke
03:27.09*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
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03:28.40[TK]D-Fenderedoceo: Put. Down. The. Crack. Pipe.
03:29.09Qwellnotifies JerJer about the blatant trademark infringement
03:29.23[TK]D-Fender(c) JerJer
03:29.29edoceo[TK]D-Fender: Hahaha
03:29.52[TK]D-FenderQwell: I have an unlimited redistribution licence.
03:30.24edoceoAfter ./configure do I have to use make menuselect?  make all seems to fail cause dahdi application is still selected even through I said --without-dahdi
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03:44.59*** join/#asterisk joobie (
03:45.37joobieHi guys,.. im trying to buy a top quality phone.. that supports POE and has only basic functionality.. but excellent call quality.. ive been looking at the polycom 320.. is there any others i should look at or this is probably the best?
03:47.13[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Linksys is a far better $ value in AU IIRC.
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03:47.54[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Polycom is nicer quality, but I'm not sure I would compare its value at the local premium
03:50.14Khratos... going to sleep, see u later.
03:51.12*** part/#asterisk Khratos (n=Khratos@
03:51.14keeblerThis is so frustrating. Its a waste of time I know, but I can't get regular line one working with the SPA9000. I just want to bypass the PBX function.
03:51.49keeblerThe Ext page is almost identical to a PAP2T.
03:56.40keeblerHow bad is the call quality with G729?
03:59.05joobie$180AUD for a polycom 320 isnt bad tho fender
03:59.20joobiehow much is the linksys equiv?
04:01.56*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
04:02.11[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: I don't know currently, I jsut had 2 AU clients who shopped around and from what I saw the difference was pretty wide
04:02.22[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Compar against SPA-942 / 922
04:02.33[TK]D-Fender(seriously I'd splurge for the 942)
04:04.30[TK]D-Fender320 has no passthrough BTW.
04:04.39[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: A factor to consider
04:06.22[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: PLEASE shop around.  You should have a number of sources bookmarked.
04:07.11[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Polycom is a great phone, don't get me wrong, and if was a simple choice of which do I prefer, then it'd in hands down.  But I can say the difference doesn't justify a large $ varience
04:07.12joobiei do is gold
04:07.19joobieand shopbot:P
04:07.54joobie942, cheapest is $153
04:08.00joobie320 polycom, cheapest is $180
04:08.08[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Ok, so shop around and let us know the bottom line and we'll give you some opinions.
04:08.21[TK]D-Fender942 kills it at that range...
04:08.25joobiefender above functionality, i want call quality.. that to me is paramount.
04:08.33joobieyea.. i can see feature wise it's good
04:08.36joobiebut call quality, duno..
04:08.43joobiefeature wise it kills the 320 polycom.
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04:08.55[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Polycom has an edge, but the 942 beats it on a lot of other factors, not just price.
04:09.09[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: It'd be hard for me to turn it down...
04:09.27joobiefender, if call quality was your only concern.. would it be the polycom 320?
04:09.43joobiedrum roll
04:09.52Carlos_PHXDid someone say Linksys vs. Polycom?
04:10.17joobieCarlos_PHX, linksys vs polycom for call quality comparison
04:10.21[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: on the SPA side : backlit display, passthrough port, 4 line-keys (little friendlier), easier to configure (less powerful on the fine-tuning though), and decently less expensive
04:10.27Carlos_PHXExcept speaker
04:10.34[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Polycom audio on the other hand....
04:10.40joobieexcept speaker?
04:10.50Carlos_PHXSpeaker on the Polycom is WAY better.
04:11.01[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: I couldn't in good conscience recommend the 320 over the 942 at that price...
04:11.14Carlos_PHXYeah, I saw that.
04:11.17joobiefender, if call quality was the only consideration though...
04:11.17Carlos_PHXThe 320...ugh
04:11.26[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Polycom > All :)
04:11.29Carlos_PHXSince the 942 is $110...
04:11.35[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: AUD$ <-
04:11.37Carlos_PHXAnd the 941 even less...
04:11.44[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: and he's looking PoE
04:11.45joobiethe issue is, the client is really really really sceptical about call quality.. the polycom 320 feature wise, he's happy with.. so my only goal is to ensure call quality is the best.
04:11.46Carlos_PHXOh, so like $38357?
04:11.57joobiethat's why feature wise, though it's better.. and price is less.. they are not concerns of the client..
04:12.11[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: they WILL be happy with Polycom.  No argument whatsoever.
04:12.21joobiethanks fender
04:12.25joobiethat says it all
04:12.30Carlos_PHXSo here's the thing.  Not one of our customers complained about Polycoms, but...
04:12.31[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: [23:07]<joobie>942, cheapest is $153
04:12.32[TK]D-Fender[23:08]<joobie>320 polycom, cheapest is $180
04:12.47Carlos_PHXOnce we gave them a few Linksys, everyone wanted to replace the Polycoms with Linksys.
04:12.51joobievalid points about the linksys, definitely worth looking at for a standard deployment where features and call quality is balanced..
04:12.55Carlos_PHXExcept one guy who does 4 hours/day on speaker.
04:13.23joobiewhy did they want to replace with the linksys?
04:13.27*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
04:13.44[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: I'd probably be OK on either for normal use... though I love the join/split / weight & audio on Polyc's
04:13.51Carlos_PHXNicer to use, display, etc.  Personally I replaced my own too.
04:14.18Carlos_PHXI have a Polycom 650 in one office but have an SPA525G coming to replace that.
04:14.20[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: On a 430+ I'd remove the "nicer to use" point from Linksys :)
04:14.20joobieBTW, only diff between the 320 and 330 is the 330 can switch off to a PC ya? otherwise the same??
04:14.29[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: ooohhh pricey
04:14.36Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: I only report what the customers say...
04:14.39[TK]D-Fender525G= $
04:14.50Carlos_PHXNot cheap!
04:14.53[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: exactly the same otherwise
04:15.10*** join/#asterisk RypPn (
04:15.14[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: I usually sell the idea of 320's and tell them to invest the difference in wiring infrastructure
04:15.30[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Distintly not cheap
04:15.33Carlos_PHXAnd PoE
04:15.33joobiethat's what im doing here.. well they sorta went half-ass
04:15.38*** join/#asterisk trigeek38 (
04:15.45joobiethey ran 2 cables to a pod of 4 desks.. so we have to put a POE switch at each desk
04:16.00joobieto power the 4 phones.. and uplink one cable for the telephone.. and the other cable has the data for the pcs
04:16.03joobiebit dodgy..
04:16.06Carlos_PHXNo, but now if someone wants a wi-fi desk phone, I will have one.  Assuming they don't suck as much as Linksys portable wi-fi phones do.
04:16.32Carlos_PHXjoobie: Might as well not use PoE then.
04:17.13joobiei dont wnat to push the 4 PC's data through the same cat5 as the voip
04:17.32joobieie. if they go and download a large file from the server.. it will max out the cat5
04:17.37*** join/#asterisk Failrar (
04:17.59joobiethis way i have 1 x cat 5 guarenteed for 4 phones back to the switch..
04:18.15joobieso i'll need to switch that 1 x cat5 into 4.. need a switch for that, so may as well get a POE
04:18.21joobiethat was my chain of thought..
04:19.51*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
04:22.16trigeek38Hi group
04:22.28trigeek38I have an ssh question
04:23.55trigeek38If I putty into my asterisk server and create a tunnel to 5060, should I be able to configure a softphone on that pc to connect through that tunnel?
04:24.32trigeek38or is there going to be NAT issues?
04:25.05joobietrying to bypass firewalls hey
04:25.36trigeek38something like it
04:26.08joobieI haven't tried it.. but my thoughts are; you'd be doing NAT so your * box would need to have nat support enabled.. the other thing is RTP, you'd need to look into that
04:26.11trigeek38I actually am looking for simple secure connection remotely
04:26.32joobieI've only played with SIP .. which to my understanding uses some UDP ports for RTP..
04:26.47joobieyou'd need to tunnel those through too from your PC to the asterisk box
04:27.15joobiecreate a VPN and run the voip through the VPN
04:27.23joobiethat'd be the best solution imhop
04:28.01rob0-m pancakes!
04:30.09[TK]D-Fendertrigeek38: Voip is UDP BTW.... make sure that's what you're tunneling.
04:30.15trigeek38yeah, I'll probably do that but I was looking for a lightweight solution on top of ssh and putty
04:30.39[TK]D-Fendertrigeek38: expect pain (at best)
04:31.17trigeek38forgot about the UDP but I know putty can tunnel those too
04:31.42[TK]D-Fendertrigeek38: And actually.... I really don't see how this is going to be possible... it hosts them off the connected server.... you don't control the ports * will pick... pretty FUBAR'd.
04:31.50[TK]D-Fendertrigeek38: Go set something else up
04:33.10joobieI think you can add multiple ports to forward with putty though
04:33.24joobieso you could specify your range in the rtp conf and match this with the putty range
04:33.32joobievery messy setup
04:33.44joobievpn is much cleaner if it's just security u want
04:34.12joobieor maybe look into stunnel...
04:34.19joobiestill messy:OP
04:34.31trigeek38what was I thinking
04:35.14joobieahh stunnel doesnt do UDP according to the opening speel on
04:41.36rob0ssh cannot tunnel UDP, because ssh is TCP
04:42.25rob0openvpn would be my first choice, but that might cause some extra lag
04:43.51trigeek38looking into CIPE right ...
04:45.46[TK]D-FenderCIPE : Last Update: Aug 03 2004
04:45.48trigeek38nevermind last updated in 2004
04:45.56trigeek38just saw that too
04:46.07[TK]D-Fendertrigeek38: Are you reading a RH7 Bible"
04:46.10[TK]D-Fenderright now? :)
04:46.23trigeek38no, why?
04:46.27[TK]D-Fendertrigeek38: that's just about the last place CIPE was mentioned :P
04:46.35[TK]D-Fendertrigeek38: OpenVPN <-
04:47.39*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
04:48.21trigeek38looking into it now, thanks.  I just googled stunnel and asterisk and came across CIPE
04:48.24*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (
04:48.29mattwj2002hi guys
04:48.33mattwj2002I really could use some help
04:48.56trigeek38I'll look into openvpn, Thanks for your help
04:49.21mattwj2002my softphones don't appear to reach my asterisk server
04:49.33mattwj2002all my settings look right
04:49.45[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Extension cords are on the left.
04:49.57mattwj2002good one haha
04:50.10mattwj2002could I upload my configurations and you guys take a look?
04:50.25*** join/#asterisk SlicerDicer (
04:51.51[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: pastebin away
04:52.21mattwj2002I only have 3 files
04:52.30mattwj2002I'll put them in one pastebin
04:54.06joobieopenvpn is not supported properly afaik
04:54.08joobieopenswan owns.
04:55.15joobiehmm i think im wrong - their site looks pretty up to date now
04:56.31mattwj2002you guys see anything wrong?
04:56.38mattwj2002I don't have a module.conf
04:56.39[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Yup... looks like * 1.0 dialplan, and NO NAT configuration.
04:56.54[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: So... where are your softphones?
04:57.03mattwj2002oh my other laptop
04:57.14mattwj2002so I need to add nat=yes ?
04:57.40mattwj2002*on my
04:58.41[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: And WHERE is your laptop relative to your * server?
04:59.02mattwj2002my laptop and my asterisk server are both on my home network
04:59.18mattwj2002my laptop is on wireless and my asterisk server is hard wired
04:59.21[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: When someone asks "Where do you live" answering "In my appartment" really isn't meaningful :p
04:59.36[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: so they are on the same local subnet?
05:00.01joobiehey fender
05:00.04[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Ok, so * doesn't seem to see anything coming from the phone?
05:00.09joobieyou are from AU ya?
05:00.14*** join/#asterisk jameswf-home (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
05:00.34mattwj2002it doesn't show the registeration or anything
05:00.36[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Montreal, QC, Canada
05:00.47[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Enable SIP DEBUG at CLI and watch for packets.
05:00.47mattwj2002I am getting time out on my softphone too
05:01.05[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: and PB "iptables --list" from your server
05:01.20trigeek38maybe a dumb question but what about windows firewall
05:01.23joobiewell, you may be interested anyway :P I just spoke to polycom australia, and they told me who their AU distributors are.. i signed up for an account with one of them and they sell the 320 phone for $217.19
05:01.30joobiemore expensive than that 180$ place
05:01.53trigeek38mattwj2002 - firewall issue?
05:02.08mattwj2002I don't think there is a firewall up
05:02.11mattwj2002let me check
05:02.18[TK]D-Fendertrigeek38: Not dumb... only unconfirmed :)
05:02.37*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
05:02.43[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: OUCH .
05:02.54mattwj2002it is down
05:03.05[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: Holy shit, I could not do it personally... SPA-942 wins on too many other fronts.
05:03.24mattwj2002how do I turn on sip debug?
05:03.25[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: please show us some backup...
05:03.34[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: "sip debug on" should do it
05:03.37joobieyaa.. i read into features, it's 10 times better...
05:03.46joobieif only they had a hybrid:P
05:03.54mattwj2002no such command
05:04.07[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: No, I wouldn't say that, just that it has more simultaneous calls, passthrough, backlight and a lot cheaper
05:04.21[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: "sip set debug on"
05:04.29[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: what version are you on?
05:04.36jayteenite everyone
05:04.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Later
05:05.05trigeek38jaytee: later
05:05.07joobiefender, have u seen this phone -
05:05.08mattwj2002the ubuntu package
05:05.15joobiedoesnt have a price.. but it looks nuts.
05:05.22joobiethat rips the linksys:P
05:05.29trigeek38mattwj2002: and what softphone
05:05.33*** join/#asterisk siera08 (n=sosoriri@
05:05.36[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: EW... and your dialplan and SIP setup says "1.0"
05:05.39*** join/#asterisk johnakabean (
05:05.48mattwj2002x-lite in windows vista
05:05.59johnakabeanAMD([initialSilence][|greeting].... Is this milliseconds or seconds? I'm guessing Milliseconds.
05:06.08*** join/#asterisk Gopaul (n=chatzill@
05:06.14[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Go check your windows side
05:06.18mattwj2002what changes do I need to make
05:06.29johnakabeanmatt, is your softphone breaking up and having problems...x-lite
05:06.33mattwj2002I tried it in linux and on a seperate computer running xp
05:06.36[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Go ask in #windows :)
05:07.02johnakabeanmine started doing that recently; I have to close it and open it up again to make it stop...its not asterisk!
05:07.03[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: So wheres the iptables dump?  How about "netstat -an|grep 5060" while you're at it....
05:07.03mattwj2002it doesn't appear to be a vista or even a laptop issue
05:07.17mattwj2002can we do the debug first
05:07.19[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: NOTHING is apparent.  You haven't shown us anything...
05:08.14johnakabeanIts a windows update applied recently that started causing the does it in windows 7 beta too
05:09.00*** part/#asterisk gloin (i=me@unaffiliated/gloin)
05:09.03johnakabeanThat big flaw in windows that allows hackers  to compromise the remote procedure call service in windows
05:09.28johnakabeananyway,hey fender. AMD([initialSilence][|greeting] is this in milliseconds or seconds?
05:09.36[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: No idea
05:09.52johnakabeanWaitforsilence is milliseconds so I was guessing its thorough throughout
05:10.00johnakabeanto be milliseconds
05:10.52[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Source would confirm that
05:11.00trigeek38mattwj2002: for shi*tz and giggles, try zoiper or sjphone
05:11.02[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: I see 4 digits all around
05:11.09jbot[~zoiper] Zoiper (Formerly known as Idefisk) is a free SIP and IAX soft-phone for Windows, MacOSX, and Linux that can be found at
05:11.48mattwj2002okay I'll give it a try
05:12.44frogonwheelsmattwj2002:  argh Telstra.. they have such lovely people answering the phone.  .. and they're still useless.
05:13.17frogonwheelsah sorry - thought you were from Oz
05:13.23frogonwheelsmy ad
05:14.11[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: I hear nothing but ill of them
05:14.30[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: My clients were contantly frustrated by their lack of CID support, etc
05:14.37[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: CDS issues, etc
05:14.44*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-8d1de12135c604e5)
05:14.45*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
05:14.48frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: they are evil. and their evil twins @ bigpond are worse
05:15.00frogonwheels(being their ISP arm)
05:15.29mattwj2002I just had an idea
05:15.32frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: but if you want a new land-line installed -you have to go through them.
05:15.39mattwj2002I wonder if Skype is causing me problems
05:15.44[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: AU Telecom gets the shaft and the Socialist (s//fasciast) tendencies are just flat-out scary
05:15.47johnakabeandigging up source
05:15.54[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: No
05:16.25[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: I already did... looks like MS
05:16.50mattwj2002let me try using the sample configs
05:17.01mattwj2002and see if those work
05:18.14[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Nope
05:18.45[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: if you enabled SIP debug on your * machine and you don't see PACKETS then configs aren't involved much.
05:19.19mattwj2002the syntax you gave me for sip debug didn't work
05:19.53[TK]D-Fender[19:21]<[TK]D-Fender>Don't worry about traffic if your car won't even start <-
05:20.05*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
05:20.11[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: sip debug on
05:20.37mattwj2002I have no module.conf
05:20.44mattwj2002could this be causing the problem?
05:20.51[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Could be.
05:21.03[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: in the case that NO modules are loading.
05:21.46mattwj2002that worked
05:22.03mattwj2002a round of virtual beers for all those that helped
05:24.26mattwj2002now the next challenge
05:24.30*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (
05:24.32mattwj2002skype to sip
05:30.07*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
05:31.48*** join/#asterisk moy (
05:38.53*** join/#asterisk kisu (n=kisu@2001:5c0:1100:9900:1d38:54e9:2689:a280)
05:45.24edoceoI'm specifying some callerid values in my .call files that don't seem to be passed along - issue at my provider?
05:46.57frogonwheelsedoceo: you're expecting the provider to pass on the callerid values?
05:47.13frogonwheelsedoceo: I suspect many providers would shut that down as a security risk.
05:47.28edoceoHmm - I've seen it with some (odd I guess)
05:47.51frogonwheelsedoceo: possibly some providers allow you to have a callerid set?
05:48.03frogonwheelsedoceo: if I were a provider, that's the way I'd handle it.
05:48.05edoceoYes - they would pass the info from * alon
05:48.22frogonwheelsedoceo: - no I mean they would apply whatever they had set at _their_ end
05:48.23edoceoSome require it to be set in their "web portal"
05:48.25johnakabeanAnyone know where to get NVlinedetect for asterisk 1.4
05:48.28edoceoYes -
05:48.31frogonwheelsedoceo: yep.
05:48.45edoceoHmm - diamondcard will pass whatever you tell them
05:48.54frogonwheelsOtherwise you could set your callerid name and/or number to be   000  or 911  or whatever you wanted to
05:50.41edoceoThis page says Teliax will pass it along (but right now they done)
05:51.08bmoracaedoceo:  most telcos force your caller id to be your pilot number.  some don't.  some doe.
05:51.08frogonwheelshey.. clever jbot
05:51.08edoceothinks that jbot is cute
05:51.16bmoracawow...jbot understands sed
05:52.25frogonwheelsneed to terminate it
05:52.51frogonwheelsx en de pedant
05:52.55frogonwheels~x en de pedant
05:53.39frogonwheelsshould really play with the jbot in a private channel I guess.
05:53.41bmoracai don't remember ever having to terminate...unless i was using an option like g or something
05:54.03frogonwheelsbmoraca: well you should really. but no, you generally don't have to.
05:54.36drmessanofrogonwheels, you're cool
05:54.41drmessanos/cool/a douche
05:54.42bmoracai haven't used sed in like 5 years...
05:54.49drmessanoDidnt work
05:54.55frogonwheelsdrmessano: .. you need to terminate it
05:55.05drmessanofrogonwheels, you're cool
05:55.09drmessanos/cool/a douche/
05:55.13frogonwheelsthat's better
05:55.41drmessanosorry, you could just as easily have been anyone else
05:55.46drmessanoNothing personal
05:55.59*** part/#asterisk ABom9 (
05:56.19frogonwheelsI've probably been called worse by yourself and [TK]D-Fender ..
05:57.02frogonwheelswhen I was being particularly annoyingly newbish.
05:57.15[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: I don't normally resort to petty name calling :)
05:57.23drmessanoI doubt it
05:57.46frogonwheelsok. maybe not from drmessano.
05:57.48drmessanoI'll imply the hell out of you being a dumbass, newb, neo-dweebie douchbag, but never SAY IT
05:58.18drmessanoIt's not my style
05:58.32*** join/#asterisk robwafle (
05:58.42drmessanoUnless someone is headed for a Darwin aware
05:58.44drmessanoUnless someone is headed for a Darwin award
05:58.55drmessanoLike "I just installed AsteriskWin32"
05:58.58robwaflehow is everyone tonight?
05:59.02drmessanoThen I may insult their mom
05:59.18robwaflelol drmessano
05:59.23frogonwheelshm.. yeah. I installed that for fun once so that I could muck around with it.
05:59.37frogonwheelsneedless to say it wasn't.
05:59.43robwafleI just installed trixbox for the first time
05:59.56drmessanoI love Windows.. I admin it all day long.. Needless to say, there's some things that dont go well together...
06:00.06drmessanoI like Peanut Butter, I love Shrimp.. but yeah
06:00.20[TK]D-Fenderrobwafle: "not supported here"
06:00.48bmoraca[TK]D-Fender:  lol.  you'd probably like forumwarz INCIT.
06:00.51drmessanostabs robwafle
06:00.52robwafleTrixBox is pretty nice.. seems the current beta of AsteriskNow has FreePBX now, but it was incomplete.
06:00.57[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I love szcechuan... they go GREAT together
06:01.05robwafleI am running Asterisk too
06:01.11joobiehey guys is there a way to send a CID to say "use private" ?
06:01.27robwafleI have two servers setup to get experience with both
06:01.33drmessanostabs robwafle repeatedly, OJ Style.. /////\\////////////////\////
06:01.34[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: "core show application setcallerpres"
06:01.46robwafleplease don't hate ! :)
06:01.54drmessanogoes off to find the real killer
06:02.12[TK]D-Fenderghost writes for drmessano "If I did it....."
06:02.18robwafleat least I never tried the Win32 version
06:02.30[TK]D-Fenderhi-5's drmessano
06:02.32drmessanoNow that... was ... OJFAIL
06:02.34joobiefender, per extension?
06:02.42joobiei use the sip.conf atm to set specific CID..
06:02.52drmessano"I didnt do IT!!.. But man, if I did.. lemmetellya"
06:02.57[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: before you dial
06:03.21*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
06:06.46johnakabeanFender, know of an application that detects zapateller tones?
06:07.24[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: IIRC they get picked up as A-D
06:08.20frogonwheelsIs there an easy way of doing a  background sayUnixTime  ?
06:09.07[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: Doesn't look like
06:09.17johnakabeanuhmm that picks up busy tones; i'm looking in regards of disconnected number tones
06:09.22johnakabeanlike Zapateller
06:09.34johnakabeanNvlinedetect is too old for 1.4
06:09.39johnakabeanits included in 1.6 though
06:09.52frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: what I figured.  possibly the agi version backgrounds.  but don't really want to get into that if I don't have to.
06:09.58johnakabeanThe source is too old per say
06:10.10[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: nope
06:10.34*** join/#asterisk smokebowl (
06:10.54[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: people keep thinking AGI is magic.  The apps you call are EXACTLY the same as normal dialplan.  Only this you can do is stream straight audio while doing other stuff.
06:11.09joobieThanks fender, it works a charm.
06:11.53[TK]D-Fenderfrogonwheels: You could create your entire time phrasing script to pick out the files tos tream, but boy thats a lot of trouble
06:11.53[TK]D-Fenderjoobie: np
06:11.53frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: yeah - I know it's not magic - but saw some doco that said say unixtime  backgrounded - but it seemed weird they'd be different.
06:11.59frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: yeah - I've done that for sayNumber - but that's easy.
06:12.14bmoracafrogonwheels:  use Cut() and parse it yourself, lol
06:13.10frogonwheelsbmoraca: oh wow - that sounds like SOOO much fun. :)
06:13.36bmoracafrogonwheels:  nothing worth doing is easy :P
06:13.56bmoracafrogonwheels:  except that I can't think of a more worthless thing than a speaking clock in your phonesystem
06:14.18frogonwheelsbmoraca: I've got a speaking clock :) .. but it's not for that.
06:14.29frogonwheelsbmoraca: it's for saying the time of a missed call.
06:15.56bmoracafrogonwheels:  uhh...just make them listen to the voicemail envelope or look at the missed calls directory on their phone
06:16.04*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
06:17.04frogonwheelsbmoraca: ok ... missed call /last call / last received call   -  so you can dial back .. but I've had an idea.
06:17.33frogonwheelsbmoraca: the answer is not to play back the time.  have an option to do it..
06:17.50*** join/#asterisk MrNaz (
06:18.12frogonwheelsbmoraca: and I did it b4 I had a phone that _handled_ missed calls.
06:18.21bmoracafrogonwheels:  i don't understand the point of the application.  virtually all IP desk phones can already do that and have an option to dial
06:18.39bmoracain fact, most analog phones with caller ID can do it too
06:18.54bmoracain any case
06:19.05frogonwheelsbmoraca: 'cause its designed for a home system .. and I didn't _have_ a phone with callerid.
06:19.17bmoracait's nyquil time...have fun all
06:19.22bmoracafrogonwheels:  ahh, gotcha
06:20.46*** join/#asterisk drfreeze (n=Jim@
06:21.32drfreezeAnyone know of an example of how I can allow specific callers to dial an internal extension?
06:23.05edoceodrfreeze: put those specific callers in a specific context that permits connection to extensions
06:23.22frogonwheelsdrfreeze:   exten=_X./04111111,1,DISA(000|mycontext)
06:23.48frogonwheelsdrfreeze: look at DISA
06:24.02[TK]D-FenderWhat does DISA have to do with that?
06:24.11[TK]D-FenderCRAZY talk
06:24.46frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: erm.. presumably he's talking about somebody calling from outside on a specific phone.. and wanting to dial an internal extension...
06:25.02drfreezefrogonwheels: yes
06:25.30[TK]D-FenderYou don't need DISA for this...
06:25.34frogonwheelsdrfreeze: there are other solutions -
06:25.37*** join/#asterisk robwafle (
06:25.37[TK]D-Fendertotally nuts
06:25.51[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: pastebin what you've got
06:25.59robwafleso... what did I miss?
06:26.31drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: I have a set of internal extensions 6xx and 5xx
06:26.57frogonwheelsdrfreeze: you could also put them into an IVR and  include your extensions into that.
06:26.59[TK]D-Fenderdrfreeze: pastebin....
06:27.03drfreezeWhen calls from 5551234 come in, they need to be able to connect to a 5xx or 6xx number
06:27.23[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: put them in a context that includes one that contains those then
06:27.33drfreeze[TK]D-Fender: sorry, nothing to paste but the 2 line description above
06:27.51*** join/#asterisk GameGamer43 (
06:28.08[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: put them in a context that includes one that contains those then <---
06:29.08[TK]D-Fenderthat too
06:31.05*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
06:31.12drfreezesomething like: exten => s,1,Dial(Zap/tgExternalPtP//${CALLERIDNUM})
06:31.29drfreezewhatever tgExternalPtP means
06:33.05*** join/#asterisk maddog01 (
06:34.39frogonwheelssorry.. there's an 'extern' in there that should be 'exten'
06:35.01drfreezefrogonwheels: thx. will try that
06:35.19drfreezewhat does the /0411111... do?
06:35.39frogonwheelsthat is a shortcut to check for callerid(num) matching 0411111  or whatever you want there
06:36.21frogonwheelsdrfreeze: so there should be a line after that saying   exten => _X,1,Dial(SIP/myexten1&SIP/myexten2)  or howeveryou do it now.
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06:56.31johnakabeanwhat happened to asterisk
06:56.47johnakabeanwhat happened to asterisk
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06:59.37drmessanoNot out yet
06:59.56drmessano--> /topic
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07:50.58ajmcelloi'm having a problem with nat and asterisk. it seems as though asterisk is seeing my phones internal ip address of instead of my comcast ip.
07:51.09ajmcelloi have nat=1 in sip.conf and NAT is set to yes on my phone
07:51.12ajmcelloany idea what is happening?
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07:56.22frogonwheelsajmcello:  nat=yes  would be what I expect..
07:56.48frogonwheelsajmcello: Does the phone have an 'externalip' setting?
07:57.03ajmcellolet me try that
07:57.10ajmcelloit works fine in asterisk 1.4
07:57.12frogonwheelsajmcello: presumably your asterisk box  and your phone are not on the same private network.
07:57.15ajmcelloim using 1.6.1
07:57.28ajmcellofrogon correct, im at home using comcast and the server is at work
07:57.49ajmcellothe phone does have an external ip and im trying to figure out how to set it using the config file..
07:58.19frogonwheelsajmcello: hopefully that's a static external ip?
07:58.59frogonwheelsajmcello: I haven't touched 1.6 - so I may not be of help.  .. however..
07:59.32frogonwheelsajmcello: I'd collect together a pastebin of configs and logs with stuff obfuscated if need be.
08:00.15ajmcelloi set nat_address=myip on my phone
08:00.20ajmcelloand i think that did the trick
08:00.35ajmcelloweird thing about is that it worked for about 3 minutes and then went unreachable and never came back....
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08:31.36chosigis it possible to use asterisk in with softphones (if that's the right word, use the computer as a phone)?
08:33.28*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
08:34.49viqyes, they are called softphones, and yes, you can use them with asterisk
08:37.49chosiggreat :)
08:38.06chosigfeels likes out in deep water...
08:40.24frogonwheelschosig: life raft perhaps?
08:40.27jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
08:44.16frogonwheels~tell chosig about thebook
08:44.25Thiago_LimaGood Morning... Any idea what may be happening in these log errors?
08:44.36frogonwheelsjbot, tell chosig about thebook
08:44.54frogonwheelsah.. sorry chosig
08:47.53chosigno worries :)
08:48.16chosiga friend asked me to set up a pbx for hes (small) company
08:49.41chosigbtw, the html link jbot sends for the book is broken
08:51.37frogonwheelschosig: nope - not here it isn't.
08:52.04chosigfrogonwheels: strange, have to try later i don't get a response
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09:03.39synthetiqwhat would cause chan_sip to hang dead an not do anything with incoming sip messages
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09:08.06oejsynthetiq: Severe DNS issues
09:10.29synthetiqeven if i specify the ip in the registe message?
09:12.10synthetiqdns seems to be fine
09:17.57mattwj2002hi guys
09:18.09mattwj2002I have been trying to connect asterisk and skype all night
09:18.12mattwj2002with no luck
09:19.22mattwj2002any suggestions?
09:19.55jbot[~skype] Skype is a free VoIP software and service using a closed client and propritary protocol. Only commercial channel drivers exist, with most solutions being complex, complicated, and hack-ish . Digium's SkypeForAsterisk (see ~SkypeForAsterisk) is a new solution that is a cleaner non-dependent option.
09:20.14jbot[~skypeforasterisk] is a Digium-made channel driver that allows Asterisk to connect to the Skype network using a Skype-supported connection method. Unlike all other solutions it does not require X11, kernel modules, or a Windows machine. See for beta details.
09:21.04mattwj2002any other suggestions?
09:21.40mattwj2002would an fxs connected to a skype phone adapter work?
09:22.41*** join/#asterisk af_ (
09:29.12frogonwheelsmattwj2002: hadn't thought of that - yeah should be able to...
09:29.46frogonwheelsmattwj2002: thought don't know how you dial users...
09:30.45mattwj2002maybe I'll just stick with Asterisk as a toy and buy service for it
09:31.02mattwj2002I'll use Skype to call my parents because it is cheap
09:31.18frogonwheelsmattwj2002:  my ISP provides my Voip - and it works great..
09:31.27frogonwheelsmattwj2002: I've not used skype hardly since.
09:31.28*** join/#asterisk virtualme123 (
09:31.56angryusermattwj2002: asterisk <> skype  i a stotal crap if you want my opinion
09:32.00frogonwheelsmattwj2002: don't have a landline even (all over adsl2+)
09:32.27angryusermattwj2002: quality like you talk from the toilet
09:32.36frogonwheelsangryuser: I think the only good thing about such a gateway would be to call skype users you know...
09:32.54mattwj2002what is total crap angryuser?
09:33.00virtualme123I got some warnings in my Asterisk log while on some calls to say that the 'chan_iax2.c had Max retries exceeded to host', does anyone know what this could mean?
09:33.11angryuserfrogonwheels: no, the only good thing it to let OTHERS call you
09:34.41edoceomy pbx_spool is not accepting the caller ID in the file - however my carrier says they do support me passing caller id - seems I can't get pbx_spool to set caller ID before dialing out
09:37.19frogonwheelsedoceo: have you tried making your call file drop you into a context with some variables set to set your callerid - just to test things out?
09:37.34*** join/#asterisk mort_gib (
09:37.38edoceoThat call file drops into context _after_ the call answers :(
09:37.49edoceoI don't know how to get it to do stuff preDial
09:38.19frogonwheelsedoceo: which phone are you dialing with the call file?
09:38.25edoceoMy mobile
09:38.51frogonwheelsedoceo: and where's the other end connecting to?
09:39.08edoceoIt's calling and * is just playing a file to me
09:40.10frogonwheelsedoceo:  ok - and you are using   Callerid: Name<number>   (or whichever way it is)
09:41.00edoceoI can see the NoOps in my context - after connection - but can't see where in the dialplan it goes before that - seems default-=> trunk but I can't tell
09:41.12frogonwheelsedoceo:  ok - just to test, how about reverse it...
09:41.42frogonwheelsedoceo:  call a   Local/number@context  and get it to set the callerid and Dial(SIP/yourmobile)
09:42.08edoceoI don't know how to make call from CLI
09:42.22edoceoI don't have any devices (SIP or otherwise) connected to this *
09:42.24frogonwheelsUsing a call file.
09:42.53frogonwheelsyou know you can Dial(Local/) ?
09:43.08edoceoHmm, so...
09:43.19frogonwheelsedoceo: though really, what you've done should work.
09:43.58frogonwheelsI've had callerid set from a call file work.
09:44.29frogonwheelsedoceo: here's an idea - connect a SIP softphone to your * and TEST it.
09:44.29edoceoSo I had this: Channel: IAX2/teliax/12223334444
09:44.54edoceoAnd switch to this: Channel: Local/2065551213@spool
09:45.10edoceoAnd now the stuff in my * console looks more like I want
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09:47.38mattwj2002well an iax provider sure is easier than skype
09:48.05*** join/#asterisk asim- (n=asim@
09:48.57asim-Hey guys I'm getting reports of echo and crackling from users on my asterisk iax/sip server. Are there any basic config settings to help me resolve this?
09:54.58mattwj2002I got incoming and outgoing calls
09:55.26edoceoI'm using the right syntax for a caller id:  "edoceo <2065551212>"
09:55.49edoceoAnd I explicitly set callerid before Dialing out my Trunk (IAX2/teliax)'
09:56.11edoceoHowever it's not set when displayed at the called party end of the line :(
10:03.19mattwj2002hey guys
10:03.34mattwj2002has freeworlddialup changed their homepage?
10:06.00mchoumattwj2002: you still use that crap?
10:06.46mattwj2002I thought it would be good for free toll free
10:07.06mattwj2002oh nevermind
10:07.10mattwj2002they are charging now
10:09.35mchoutheir voice quality was never good to begin with
10:10.09mattwj2002any recommendations for free toll free?
10:10.19mchouthere are better options for toll free termination has free toll free term
10:12.14mchouit's generally way more stable than
10:12.19mattwj2002oh really
10:12.25mattwj2002that is my service provider
10:12.30mattwj2002I didn't know that
10:14.11mattwj2002no they charge for tollfree
10:14.14mattwj2002I just checked
10:14.44mchouumm, I get thru with no problems, and I'm not even a customer.....
10:15.33mattwj2002I am getting charged 0.0020 usd
10:15.44mattwj2002which is 2/10 of a cent
10:15.52mchoudude, I'm not even a customer.....
10:16.04mchouI dont get charged anything using them
10:16.23mchouI dont know what crack pipes you smoking
10:17.17mchouthey dont even have my demographic info.  all they have (perhaps) is my ip address and the 800 numbers that I call
10:17.48mchouso they cant exactly be "charging" me
10:20.32mattwj2002I don't know how your doing it....but according to my CDR they charged me
10:20.34mattwj2002let me try again
10:22.49mattwj2002yeah they are definitely charging me
10:29.11*** join/#asterisk whynotwhy (n=elastixr@
10:29.28whynotwhyhi there what does ztdummy do?
10:30.44frogonwheelswhynotwhy: asterisk requires a timing channel for various operation - including keeping the meetme in sync.
10:30.55frogonwheelswhynotwhy: it gets this from the Zaptel drivers.
10:31.16frogonwheelswhynotwhy: if you don't _have_ any ZAP channels, then you can use ztdummy to provide the timing.
10:31.19*** join/#asterisk cjk (
10:31.26jbothmm... ztdummy is a driver that interacts with zaptel to provide a timing source to Asterisk. On 2.4.x kernals, timing is obtained from a UHCI USB controller. It will not work with OHCI controllers. On 2.6.0 and later kernels, the timing is provided by the kernel, thus no hardware is required at all.
10:31.34frogonwheelshuh that'd be easier.
10:31.51cjkhi, i just got a digium dual pri card and i want to put one port into NT mode but i can not find this in the docu. any idea?
10:35.34*** part/#asterisk ddl (
10:36.02mattwj2002can you provide me with how you have it setup?
10:36.08mattwj2002for toll free
10:36.20mattwj2002I think I have to send it through to
10:38.34*** join/#asterisk nomad_cz (
10:39.09mort_gibHi, I need to create a chan_dahdi.conf with one Digium B410P (Pri card), are the any sample configs??
10:39.52kaldemarcjk: there is no NT mode in PRI, but put the other end into CPE mode and the other into NET mode. it's done with the signalling parameter in the config.
10:40.51nomad_czHi. Is there some comparision of asterisk 1.4 vs asterisk 1.6 ? I do not know which one to choose :/
10:41.12kaldemarmort_gib: configs/chan_dahdi.conf.sample in source packages
10:41.17cjkkaldemar, ok, so not jumbers or modules parameters... great
10:42.56mort_gibkaldemar I have the chan_dahdi.conf (sample) But it's not making a lot of sense to me...
10:43.19kaldemarmort_gib: what is unclear?
10:43.46kaldemardo you have a concrete problem?
10:44.54mort_gibYeah, I have the card installed, dahdi_scan show the card and the spans, so hardware is installed fine, module loaded
10:45.17mort_gibI need to create the chan_dahdi.conf so I can start using it... Last bit
10:46.45mort_gibMy actual problem is like this...
10:47.09mort_gibI have clients in Spain, using a Sangoma A500 card (BRI) and it works really well
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10:47.23tamseelhi buddiez
10:47.36tamseeli need help
10:47.40mort_gibI have clients in Gibraltar that uses the same setup, but they are having some calls dropping
10:48.02tamseeli have installed a 64 bit sentos 5.2 on my machine
10:48.20tamseelis there some issues
10:48.48tamseelabout 64bit or should have to migrate to 32 bit
10:49.16mort_gibLocal telco is unhepful (Surprise) so I'm testing with a Digium card to see if that makes any change
10:49.25mort_gibGrasping for straws
10:51.32tamseeli need help for 64bit sentos 5.2
10:52.04*** join/#asterisk ultrav1olet (n=telnet@
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10:52.21kaldemartamseel: do you just need a tap on the back or do you have a problem?
10:52.30ultrav1oletHow can I call the second zap channel of a different asterisk server?
10:52.53ultrav1oletwithout creating an extension
10:53.08tamseelwell i am configuring new asterisk server
10:53.37tamseelso i am now installing 64bit sentos version 5.2 on my i7 server
10:53.38ultrav1olet[Jan 29 15:51:20] WARNING[20400]: app_dial.c:1502 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'login:pass@IP' (cause 66 - Channel not implemented)
10:53.42kaldemarmort_gib: i haven't used dahdi nor newer digium BRI cards but with other cards and zaptel it was pretty straight forward the same as with PRI. only that signalling was e.g. bri_cpe
10:53.51tamseelso i am not familiar with 64 bit sentos
10:54.17kaldemarultrav1olet: you can't dial anything without creating an extension. show your dialtring, there's something wrong with it.
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10:54.33frogonwheelsultrav1olet: You probably need  ZAP2/
10:54.39tamseelso i am asking that is this operating system will create problems in future
10:55.31ultrav1oletDial(iax2/user:pass@,30,r) doesn't work either
10:55.57mort_gibkaldemar: Hmmmm
10:57.17ultrav1oletif I call a zap/2 extension a wh*re, do you think the owner of that phone will be offended?
10:57.38tamseelso what should i do now
10:58.39tamseelany body is aware of any known issues with asterisk on 64bit CentOS
10:58.44kaldemarultrav1olet: depends on whether she/he is a wh*re and fine with it. show your dialstring.
10:59.33kaldemarfrogonwheels: forgetting Zap2/ isn't his problem, you can't pass "login:pass@IP" to a zap channel. and besides, it would be "Zap/2"
11:01.39kaldemarultrav1olet: you can't dial a channel like that, you have to make an extension in the other end that dials Zap/2.
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11:02.12ultrav1oletkaldemar: got that, trying to figure out how to implement that
11:03.20kaldemarultrav1olet: in the originating end: Dial(iax2/user:pass@,30,r) - in the receiving end you put exten => 123,1,Dial(Zap/2) in the context where the call lands.
11:04.10ultrav1oletkaldemar: I've just done everything like that but it doesn't seem to work
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11:05.23kaldemarultrav1olet: doubt it. show your iax.conf's and extensions.conf's.
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11:23.35frogonwheelsbut way too late :)
11:23.44frogonwheelsand probably wrong anyway.
11:24.34kaldemarright on that one, but it wasn't the only problem.
11:25.48mort_gibTrying to load chan_dahdi.conf I get unknown signalling method bri_cpe
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11:26.06mort_gibWhat is the right signalling method for BRI in UK??
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11:31.46kaldemarmort_gib: have you built libpri?
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11:32.08mort_gibDo I need libpri for bri??
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11:40.47mort_giblibpri is installed, was installed
11:43.40mort_gibdahdi is not accepting signaling bri_cpe
11:43.44defsworkI've got a site, E1, Sangoma Pri, that occasionally starts ringing engaged.  No errors on wanpipe card, outgoing calls work, and nothing registering anywhere that I can see on incoming calls
11:44.28kaldemarmort_gib: asterisk needs to be built with libpri support also, are you sure you compiled them in the right order?
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11:44.56mort_gibI can try one more time, libpri-dahdi-asterisk -Right??
11:45.05defsworkI'm suspecting external issue, but rebooting the box makes it work - although not immediately - appears as if the exchange suddenly realises they are there
11:45.36t3rr1cHi guys. Hoping you can help. I am looking for a list of all the syntax for Lumenvox so I can get the $50 lite kit working. Any ideas where I need to look? Counldn't find on Lumenvox's site
11:46.15t3rr1cI am struggling with the names for the already present grammer (the only thing that I am struggling with currently)
11:47.30kaldemarmort_gib: dahdi-libpri-asterisk
11:47.34whynotwhyhi there i have another question if i may, i have 4 sip trunks witch if the one is busy i want it to overflow to the other ans so on an so on,, the problem is that i can not use ${DIALSTATUS} to route to the second line for i can make more that one call per sip trunk but i want to force it to go to second sip trunk,, ZAP is easy for u got groups,, is there a way to limit the calls over a sip trunk and maybe get a dialstaus of busy then i can route it t
11:47.50whynotwhysorry that was a mouth full, any help welcome
11:50.06mort_gibWoud I need misdn??
11:51.05frogonwheelswhynotwhy: er.. there's a function somewhere to get at how many lines in use for a trunk..
11:52.52*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
11:53.08jpmcallisterwhynotwhy: have you tried using call-limit=1 at the sip peer definition
11:53.09whynotwhy: frogonwheels: do you know what is called
11:53.28frogonwheelswhynotwhy: nope.
11:53.41frogonwheelsjpmcallister: does that help with overflowing?
11:54.53whynotwhythx will give it a go : jpmcallister
11:54.57jpmcallisterwhynotwhy: it should allow a sip peer to receibe only one call.
11:55.52kaldemarwhynotwhy: take a look at dialplan functions GROUP and GROUP_COUNT
11:57.34t3rr1cI am working with Lumenvox. Does anyone have any documentation of how to program this with an Asterisk server?
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12:00.53awkhi, what is the best way to monitor asterisk remotly, eg: pri down, etc.. anything other than nagios or zabbix
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12:06.17t3rr1cAwk: how remotely? on the LAN or from a totally different location?
12:08.01t3rr1cawk: If you for instance use a windows os and want to view all things that are going on through the asterisk box you can use putty (I am using this anyway) via a LAN alternatively if you are somewhere else use the outward facing IP address and forward port 22 to the Asterisk PBX box on the inside of the network
12:08.41whynotwhyjpmcallister: thx where did u find that i've been googling and reading anything on sip for 2 days. call-limit=1 and u rule!!!!
12:09.48kaldemarwhynotwhy: call-limit was deprecated in 1.6 and will be removed in the next release, keep that in mind.
12:13.05*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
12:13.46jpmcallisterwhynotwhy: I think I found that on the documention that comes with asterisk source code.
12:13.56awkt3rr1c: I need to monitor 500+ pbx's.. need reports the second a pri goes down, etc.
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12:17.46t3rr1cawk: cant help you with that sadly other than suggesting writing some code that monitors the output from admin of each server or something. I am fairly new to all of this and only currently have 2 asterisk units. I have hit a wall trying to make a custom IVR with voice recognition (using Lumenvox) on a Asterisk based trixbox package. I have the package working just have run out of code...
12:17.48t3rr1c...examples so am not fully aware of how the grammer feature works in it correctly (as I dont have a list of code to assist other than example projects)
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12:31.16virtualme123When you use the manager API to place calls you get a response back as to whether it is successfull or it failed. Are there some cases where the response can be delayed and in the mean time the call get placed?
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12:41.20virtualme123Anyone used the Manager API to place calls?
12:43.28jpmcallisterawk: Asterisk has support to SNMP. Maybe you can use that and a monitor like Nagios to constantly monitor asterisk
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12:44.33awkjpmcallister looks like the best option i have
12:44.46jpmcallisterawk: Maybe it's possible to configure asterisk to send traps through its snmp agent
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13:17.12vncsnvsa2billing or astbill?
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13:23.31KhratosGood morning
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14:00.43Cheetahhey guys
14:00.58Cheetahwe've got an asterisk server with a bunch of Snom 360s in our company
14:01.26Cheetahand lots of our workers are enableing "redirect after timeout" or "always redirect"
14:01.36Cheetahis there a way to disable that feature for an incoming call?
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14:13.41KhratosMaybe not, because that's something that is being set directly on the phone
14:13.51KhratosI have had that incident too
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14:15.36kaldemarCheetah: sure there are ways to prevent that in the asterisk side, but they're agly as hell. do it on the phone side.
14:16.26KhratosOn Asterisk side you would have to deal with headers
14:17.14Cheetahwe have a number of phones that take incoming calls
14:17.38Cheetahi figure that if I put those into a queue and use ringall, asterisk would not redirect a call if a phone tells it to?
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14:18.54kyperhi. quick question regarding using asterisk and a spa400
14:20.10kyperI'm trying to dial #21# out to the spa400 on one of the lines. THe problem is that the spa400 stop dialing when it gets to a #. Asterisk is actually sending the correct number via sip (SIP/SPA400/#21#)
14:20.15kyperany ideas?
14:20.42KhratosCheetah, I have not tested that yet, but I think that the redirection will occur anyways
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14:22.29awannabehello all, on cisco 79xx phones the media ports should be mapped to the same setting asterisk is mapped to, correct?
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14:27.56KhratosAre you facing audio problems awannabe ?
14:28.37awannabeKhratos, the phones work *most* of the time, but they do get some jitter. everyone else on the same proxy has no call quality issues, and we are connected via a P2P T1 to the carrier
14:29.15awannabeso it appears its not the connecton or the carrier. It just like random, only thing else I can think of is the RTP is wrong and causing spurastic problems
14:30.58KhratosIs the problem present when using other phones?
14:31.15KhratosOr xLites softphones (just to be sure) ?
14:31.45awannabePolycom's seem to be fine, the customer says they "all" do it, but you know how that goes. from what I have seen its only this cisco'
14:32.26awannabeI have faxes that are working fine over the same circuit, so the carriers and all that seem fine, using straight up ulaw (on a GXW4024 gateway)
14:35.02Khratosuuumm... Then it would be reasonable to make changes on Cisco port settings
14:35.48awannabein the configs I never set the ports, and then i remember that asterisk doesnt use the 16xxx to 32xxx by default for RTP ports
14:36.03awannabeI havent setup any Cisco's in years, so I kind of spaced that, heh
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14:38.55KhratosI think that asterisk uses a different range than the one you mentioned, let me confirm
14:39.13KhratosYes, on rtp.conf I see
14:39.24mort_gibkaldemar: Are you still here??
14:39.36awannabeKhratos, yeah default is 10000 to 20000
14:39.38KhratosAt least on 1.4.X
14:39.45awannabeyeah, thats what made me think of that
14:40.56KhratosMaybe the 16000 - 32000 range sometimes does not match with the 10000 - 20000 that Asterisk uses, and the jitter problem is present (just a theory)
14:41.13KhratosBut accoring to Murphy's Law, it can happend
14:41.28KhratosAnd surely will happend to the Client's phone a lot of time
14:43.00mort_gibTHe correct install for Asterisk is Dahdi-linux - Dahdi-tools libpri Asterisk -RIght??
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14:43.52awannabeKhratos, yeah, thats what im hoping, gonna try and see if it helps at all
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14:45.06KhratosYes, give it a try. I know what does it feels when a client generalizes the problem and says that it 'allways' happend
14:45.17awannabeyeah, gotta love that, makes troubleshoot IMPOSSIBLE
14:45.27awannabejust like they said their fax didnt work, have to let it ring more then once lol
14:46.30Khratoshaha, I thought that clients on my country were the only ones that behaves like that
14:46.53stix_I am trying to make snom-phones update its settings from a global URL. Can anyone give me a hint on how my Asterisk can respond with an URL when a phone sends a SIP SUBSCRIBE?
14:49.51awannabeKhratos, heck no! that's one thing I think we ALL have in common
14:50.45mort_gibI need a little help to install a B410P Digium card
14:51.40tzafrir_laptopmort_gib, dahdi?
14:52.06virtualme123Does anyone know if this is still a bug - because I believe I had this problem recently ...
14:52.13mort_gibDahdi installs fine, I install libpri after Dahdi but I get "unknown signalling method 'bri_cpe'" When I try to load Dahdi
14:52.34tzafrir_laptopwhat version of asterisk and libpri?
14:52.37mort_gibtzafrir_laptop: I have seen your posts
14:52.49mort_giblatest, libpri 1.4.7
14:53.14tzafrir_laptopseems chan_dahdi was built without libpri support
14:53.32mort_gibDahdi-linux-complete (
14:53.33tzafrir_laptopldd /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ | grep libpri
14:53.53virtualme123It suggests that channels can get stuck in an error loop if there is a network read error ... => /usr/lib/ (0x00c49000)
14:55.13mort_gibI tried it all over again a few times
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14:55.55awannabeKhratos, ahh yes, default ports are 16384 to 32766 on the Cisco. yeah that could be a big problem
14:56.40mort_gibtzafrir_laptop: I would really appreciate help on this one....
14:57.54KhratosYou could increase the asterisk ending rtpport limit
14:58.07KhratosSo it includes the ones that phone uses
14:58.30KhratosAnd you don't have to touch phones settings
14:58.53tzafrir_laptopmort_gib, hmm.. asterisk 1.4 or 1.6 ?
14:59.38mort_gibAsterisk 1.4.22
15:01.23tzafrir_laptophmm... I'm not sure if it is supported in 1.4.22 (that is: before 1.6.0)
15:03.26mort_gibSo I should go for Zaptel
15:03.45mort_gibI get Dahdi show channels in i1.4.22
15:03.59mort_gibbut only if Dahdi loads
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15:06.01stix_How do I provide this configuration on my Asterisk: ?
15:06.46jayteechanging something if features.conf requires a full restart of asterisk?
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15:32.05lirakishey everyone
15:33.32lirakisive got a peer with a dynamic IP, so i've set up the peer host as the FQDN and i've enabled refresh lookups dnsmgr.conf - however asterisk seems to never refresh the ip of the peer
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15:34.29lirakisive read that "chan_sip doesnt support dns refresh" ... but i dont know if this is still the case, and if so - is there any way to get asterisk to not cache the dns lookup of the peers fqdn
15:35.12oejNot really.
15:35.27oejWhy don't you let the peer register?
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15:37.01lirakisoej: .. the peer is for outbound termination (aka carrier) ...
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15:38.34lirakisoej: there are actually multiple termination points (ip's) and the company has you terminate to a domain, which uses dns to randomize which gateway you go to
15:39.13lirakisoej: so ... id like for asterisk to stop caching the dns result on startup, and instead refresh it every once in a while
15:39.19oejA carrier on dynamic IP? That's very strange
15:39.32lirakisoej: its not really dynamic as ive described
15:39.35ChestherSounds more like round-robin than dynamic
15:39.37oejI got that now...
15:39.56oejWell, according to SIP we should stay at the first choice until it fails.
15:40.11lirakisoej: and it does fail...
15:40.16lirakisoej: but asterisk doesnt update
15:40.41lirakisoej: which is why i want it to refresh to dns every once in a while
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15:41.32oejWell, there has been work in trunk and some of the 1.6 releases to make that better
15:42.46lirakisoej: hmm okay... do you have any info on where that refresh happens?  im suprised its chan specific
15:42.54lirakisoej: i mean where in the source
15:43.18oejNo, not really. Sorry.
15:43.39oejIt's some magic in the dnsmanager that kevin worked with at a stay at an airport and some stuff in chan_sip very recently
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15:46.25lirakisoej: yeah i just saw dns.c and dnsmgr.c in main/ .... ill poke around in chansip ... not sure if i can do anything... but it sure would be nice to be able to do this
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15:48.44beherit-i have two * registrar with dundi on it, if the user 1001 is registered to * server 1 and something happen to register 1 is their a way to for the user 1001 to still make a call using the secondary *?
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15:50.23FabiOnehi all
15:53.00ajohnsonHmmm found an Asterisk crash, but I'm not sure I want to admit to finding it
15:53.32ajohnsonWhen you send a manager redirect action with a channel and extrachannel set to the same channel name and leave out a priority... Asterisk crashed
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15:59.01merlin8282I got a problem again with my asterisk installation, in fact ISDN installation. I have a QuadBRI ISDN PCI card in my * server, 2 ports in TE mode and the 2 other in NT mode.
15:59.30merlin8282All works, but ISDN : i have one ISDN phone, and it doesn't have any current.
15:59.47merlin8282The phone works, i plugged it directly to the line, it's ok.*
16:00.33merlin8282I tried this one : plug the ISDN line into the TE port : the LED goes green, but the port on which the phone is keeps red.
16:00.49merlin8282(NT port, for the phone)
16:01.00merlin8282Anybody has an idea ?
16:04.41kyperhi. anyone any good with spa400?
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16:07.01merlin8282Is the Junghanns card supposed to give (so to say "transfer") the power to the NT ports when a line is connected to a TE port ?
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16:19.00thansenI'm looking for some help with chan_mobile...I'm running mobile search and getting.. All Bluetooth adapters are in use at this time. this good?
16:19.25rue_workhmm cant help there
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16:21.35rue_workmerlin8282, never worked with that card before, is the channeltype comming up in asterisk when you say core show channeltypes
16:23.08merlin8282rue_work: it should be this one : Zap         DAHDI Telephony Driver w/PRI             no           yes          no
16:23.14merlin8282although it's a BRI line
16:25.22rue_workyour sure system.conf is right?
16:26.13merlin8282what is system.conf ? Don't see such file in /etc/asterisk/
16:26.59*** join/#asterisk keebler (
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16:28.28keeblerbmoraca: Had another WIFI theory/question.
16:28.29merlin8282The * server is running well, with FreePBX, its analog phones and its SIP phones. The only problem is this ISDN phone (got only one).
16:29.00keeblerbmoraca: What if I did like you originally said, did a Canopy system then just had Clients + ATA's.
16:29.18keeblerOr would the latency be too high?
16:29.35bmoracakeebler:  probably not any higher than 802.11
16:30.00bmoracakeebler:  however, that solution is overkill.  you're looking at $15k per oil rig under a canopy system.
16:30.13keeblerbmoraca: I know. Haha.
16:30.22keeblerbmoraca: Just wondering if it would work.
16:30.25bmoracakeebler:  when i made that recommendation, i misunderstood your requirements
16:30.42*** join/#asterisk arpu (
16:31.17keeblerbmoraca: Well. What about a pseudocanopy? Using just 802.11a hardware?
16:31.25bmoracakeebler:  your best solution is Cisco Aironet.  1300 series for 2.4ghz or 1400 series for 5.8ghz.  1300 is what i would go with, personally.  point to multipoint bridges with their high-gain omni antenna will get you ~.21 miles.
16:32.00SargunDoes anyone know of any VoIP carriers that do custom phone numbers?
16:32.38*** join/#asterisk tobias (
16:32.39awannabeSargun, custom?
16:33.13SargunLike, not in the carrier's standard phone space...
16:33.33awannabelike a vanity number?
16:33.46awannabelike 123-SIPLOVE
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16:38.20mort_gibI'm trying to get a Digium B410P card to work
16:38.51mort_gibBut I'm having loads of issues with Dahdi, not loading bri_cpe signalling
16:39.24mort_gibI HAVE installed libpri so what do I do short of starting all over with the OS again??
16:39.44mort_gibOr is the problem that the cards are not yet plugged in??
16:39.58kyperis there a way to escape the first # so that # is dialled on the trunk?
16:40.24beherit-i have two * registrar with dundi on it, if the user 1001 is registered to * server 1 and something happen to register 1 is their a way to for the user 1001 to still make a call using the secondary *?
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16:46.55Sargunawannabe, basically.
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16:47.37awannabeSargun, got a ideal of the number?
16:48.34SargunI know the number I want
16:48.39Sargunit wasn't allocated before
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16:57.22keeblerThis might sound really naive, but is there any "Asterisk Certification/Training" classes?
16:57.50russellbgrabs a link
16:58.08russellbi lose
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17:08.45keeblerAnyone order parts from
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17:26.58rbd_does format_mp3 give asterisk mp3 playback support for AGI's STREAM FILE command?
17:30.06rbd_sweet, thanks
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18:16.10StephenFIs there a way to warn a caller when recording a voicemail that the message length is nearing the limit, or atleast explain the limit has been reached instead of just hanging up?
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18:33.27rue_workhmm so merlin didn't know about system.conf in /etc/dahdi
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18:35.30dandanhey guys, does anyone have a TE405p for sale?
18:35.36dandanThe Revision A card
18:35.39dandanmust be Rev A.
18:39.09edoceoI have TDM400P
18:40.01dandanawesome, but no, thanks
18:40.23dandanI will pay good money for any number of those, must be Rev A 405p, please ask around
18:41.32hardwireAnybody have User-1/2 rings on SPA-94x?  I can set the Alert-Info header to choose any ring except those two.
18:41.33rwaitewhat would cause a call going through an iax provider to "reach" the pstn destination, but no audio to be there?
18:41.34hardwireit's annoying
18:44.08manxpowerrwaite: NAT
18:45.23manxpowerhardwire: can you set those rings in the config for the SPA and do they work?
18:45.58hardwiremanxpower: you have to submit a URL to the phone to set the ringtone
18:46.02hardwirewhich it sucks from a tftp server
18:46.14manxpowerhardwire: I bet the ringtone does not work at all
18:46.15hardwireit set's it into the phone nicely.. but grr.. you can't seem to use it on demand.
18:46.21hardwiremanxpower: it works fine.
18:46.29manxpowerthat was my question
18:46.43manxpoweryou're not doing something stupid like using quotes are you?
18:46.44hardwiremy sleep level is low late.y
18:46.52theharhardwire: mmhm
18:46.56theharanyone have success with asterfax?
18:46.59hardwiremanxpower: I can set it to any other ringtone
18:47.08keeblerOkay. I've got two bridges same subnet. A phone on each bridge. with the asterisk server on the host AP. I can call each phone, but I cannot get any audio. If I move both of the phones to one client bridge and cut out the second client bridge, I can talk between phones. Any idea as to why I'm not getting audio on separate client bridges?
18:47.09manxpowerhardwire: get some sleep
18:47.13hardwiremanxpower: no
18:47.38hardwireanyways, so you've not done it?
18:48.10manxpowerI was just trying to eliminate any obvious issues
18:49.03hardwiregah! linksys changed their site layout!
18:51.13hardwirenice .. fanc new firmware for spa-942
18:51.32edoceoWhat was the code to strip MSD from my EXTEN?  ${EXTEN:1-} ??
18:51.54hardwireno... I was correcting edoceo
18:52.04hardwiredon't assume jbot! you know what happens when you assume!
18:52.23edoceohardwire: ${EXTEN:1} will give MSD or strip MSD?
18:52.30*** part/#asterisk Pro` (
18:52.45hardwireedoceo: there's only one way to find out :)
18:52.55hardwireincluding lots of docs :)
18:52.55edoceofinds out
18:53.19edoceobut then I'd have to google search for at least three minutes!
18:53.53hardwireshaves a few minutes off
18:54.02hardwireedoceo:  place your hand on
18:54.09edoceoSee - folks like you make it so easy for me to slack!
18:54.17hardwireDo you solemnly swear to use this wiki to your advantage and learn it's ways?
18:54.44edoceoI'm on voip-info all the time - just lazy - thanks!
18:54.57edoceobuys hardwire virtual beer
18:55.14edoceoHmm - is virtual beer like VB (Victoria Bitter)?
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18:57.18hardwireedoceo: virtual beer is useless to me
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19:22.06RoyKhi. my fs box sends an options message (OPTIONS;transport=udp SIP/2.0) to an asterisk box, and the asterisk box answers 404
19:22.13RoyKany idea why?
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19:24.23citatsRoyK: without looking too deep it looks like the OPTIONS are sent to instead of
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19:27.29RoyKcitats: it seems to be trying to pass the options package onto the dialplan
19:28.23[TK]D-FenderRoyK: * responds to OPTIONS (use for Qualify NAT keep-alive).
19:28.37[TK]D-FenderRoyK: the fact it answers is important, not the response itself
19:28.57RoyKwell, here it answers 404
19:29.08[TK]D-FenderRoyK: thats jsut what * does
19:29.22[TK]D-FenderRoyK: it isn't a "negative" response per-se
19:29.25RoyKit tries to find stdsip,s,1
19:29.35RoyKto look there for something
19:29.47RoyK404 is negative - not found
19:29.57RoyKas opposed to 200
19:30.18[TK]D-FenderRoyK: Feel free to write a patch for chan_sip to change the response :)
19:30.41RoyKI was just wondering, really. I'm done spending time in that codebase
19:30.43*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
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19:34.37dlewis[TK]D-Fender: I'm going to install OSLEC. I currently have zaptel 1.4.3 and it'll be tough to install the current version of dahdi... Are there any major changes that would make it mandatory to install dahdi in order to get OSLEC to work properly?
19:34.37*** join/#asterisk punkgode (
19:35.20jayteethis sounds like a 180 degree twist from rue_mohr
19:35.30*** join/#asterisk killown (n=Yamato@unaffiliated/killown)
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19:36.30Micho123Hi all, I'm getting the following notice when trying to send a FAX..rtp.c: Unknown RTP codec 100 received from 'GW_IP'
19:36.49*** join/#asterisk dfkl (
19:36.53dfklhi there
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19:37.56punkgodehello...maybe someone can help me on this. Can a call queue be transfered by a local channel agent to another queue?
19:38.11punkgodeThe local agent its not a real agent, just a point in a dialplan that checks a few things and sends the call to another queue.
19:43.09dfkli just got a small question, i try  to configure " dial plan " on my linksys pap2 ATA i live in France  to make a local call i do this 0122334455 from my linksys ATA and to make a international i have to 00442334455667 for example
19:44.25dfklnow i want to shift to london with my linksys ata and i don't to do each 00442334455667 from london to make a local
19:45.35dfklwhat dialplan  i have to configure on my ATA to use simply compose 02334455667 from UK to make a local call ?
19:45.45*** join/#asterisk killown (n=Yamato@unaffiliated/killown)
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19:47.00dfklthx to cooporate
19:47.05fexyI'm running asterisk with chan-sccp-b v3 (for realtime support). I want to find the most elegant way to add an entry in to my mysql server when a phone attempts to register with the server.
19:47.08fexyAny thoughts?
19:47.45fexyI could poll a file in /var/log looking for the SEPs and add them to mysql when I find them, but that seems a bit hackish
19:48.11fexyOr if someone has done this already I would be very interested in that. No need to reinvent the wheel! :D
19:49.17dfklis there anyone here ?
19:50.21dfkli can't understand the notion of the dialplan
19:50.32jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
19:50.47dfklread a lot not understand
19:50.57dfklneed pratic i m here
19:51.00*** join/#asterisk JerJer (
19:51.01dfklneed pratice i m here
19:51.03Corydon76-digdfkl: If you pick up a phone and dial a number, what happens?
19:51.36dfkli join the end user
19:51.39kaldemari still can't tell if he's trying to configure asterisk or just the linksys ATA.
19:51.46Corydon76-digdfkl: without the dialplan, nothing happens
19:51.58Corydon76-digdfkl: dialplan is what determines what happens
19:52.40*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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19:52.47dfklyes that's right
19:52.57dfklnow what i just trying to do is
19:52.59*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
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19:53.11dfkli just register with an sip provider
19:53.24dfkland i m trying my ata
19:53.35dfkland i m trying to configure my ata
19:53.58dfklas i said before
19:54.49dfklfrom france if i dial 0122334455 i able to make to make a local
19:54.55JerJeranyone know of a way to change the caller*id of a call that is being transfered to another exten?
19:55.16Gido-EJerJer change CALLERID(num)
19:55.16bkw_JerJer: attended transfers?
19:55.21JerJerthey want the calling party number of the call being transfered
19:55.31JerJernot the exten transferring the call
19:55.41JerJerbkw_:   both types would be nice
19:55.49dfklif i try to do same thing from london for example to make a local call 02334455667 for example not
19:55.52bkw_thats a fun one...
19:56.02*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
19:56.10JerJerGido-E:  i know that, but explain how you do it for just transfers ?   : )
19:56.16dfkli have to do 00442334455667
19:57.03kaldemarmy all time favorite paratemer in asterisk is/was "useincomingcalleridonzaptransfer".
19:57.41dfklwhat i want to do is : i simply want to compose 02334455667 as make a local from london
19:57.42Gido-Ebefore transfer set an VAR?
19:57.49*** join/#asterisk killown (n=Yamato@unaffiliated/killown)
19:57.52dfklthat"s all
19:58.17dfklso what dial plan i have to put on my ata ?
19:58.39*** join/#asterisk jsolis (n=jimmy@
19:58.49manxpowermy fave was always randomlydisconnectmycalls=yes  It's an alias for callprogress=yes
19:59.55rob0anyone here from Digium training? Have y'all considered offering self-study+IRC courses? And then the student could make an appointment for the hands-on testing and certification.
20:00.56Qwellrob0: I do believe you can take just the dCAP by itself
20:01.42*** join/#asterisk tomcontr3 (
20:01.52rob0yeah, but I think I could benefit from the advanced course
20:02.01Qwellthen take the advanced course.  heh
20:02.16tomcontr3hi... Im having some problems with a SIP trunk that I hired.
20:02.17tomcontr3here is the log
20:02.37Gido-Etomcontr3 :-)
20:02.37rob04 days in HSV, would rather do 3 days at home and *one* day at HSV. :)
20:03.05rob0Besides, I've never been very impressed with the classroom education model.
20:03.33rob0And $3k is a bunch of bux for an unemployed trailer trash bum.
20:04.31jayteethe Advanced Course wasn't bad
20:04.54*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
20:04.58jayteethey just need to add more "Advanced" stuff to it.
20:05.30dlewisQwell: I'm going to install OSLEC. I currently have zaptel 1.4.3 and it'll be tough to install the current version of dahdi... Are there any major changes that would make it mandatory to install dahdi in order to get OSLEC to work properly?
20:05.51tomcontr3any idea?
20:05.52kaldemartomcontr3: [Jan 29 16:52:56] NOTICE[6558] chan_sip.c: No compatible codecs, not accepting this offer!
20:06.13*** join/#asterisk Micc (
20:06.14tomcontr3yep,  I read that...  but what codecs... I mean I hace the G729
20:06.39tomcontr3and the G723
20:07.15kaldemartomcontr3: the caller tells in the SDP that he speaks G.729 and G.723. on the other hand, "Capabilities: us - 0x0 (nothing)". have you allowed codecs in sip.conf?
20:08.41jayteeand on the phone too, not just in sip.conf
20:09.57tomcontr3It has also support
20:10.54kaldemari don't see that one reaching the phone yet. pastebin your sip.conf so you'll get an extra pair of eyes.
20:15.39*** join/#asterisk becks` (
20:16.33becks`hi, is it possible that when i call a number, asterisk first sends some DTMF and then sends a re-invite so i'm connected to that number?
20:16.47kaldemartomcontr3: you have a disallow=all under [Redvoice1]. remove it.
20:17.28jayteetomcontr3, yes disallow always comes BEFORE an allow= statement
20:17.41jayteeyou're crippling your phone in sip.conf
20:18.01jayteenow might be a good time to review some documentation?
20:18.05jbothmm... book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
20:19.43tomcontr3but the only codec that the provider allow me to use is the G729... thats why I use disallow all
20:20.35kaldemaryes, but by using disallow=all BELOW allow=g729, you also disallow g729. codec lines are read top-down.
20:23.19jayteewhich if you read the book it's spelled out pretty clearly
20:25.44tomcontr3I see... thanks!
20:25.46kaldemartomcontr3: it doesn't matter if you allow more than just one codec, the codec negotiation in the call setup takes care of choosing a codec that both have. and besides, in the invite the provider tells that you also can use G.723.
20:27.45*** join/#asterisk Micho123 (n=mcho123@
20:30.43beekafternoon jaytee
20:30.59jayteehi beek
20:31.41Micho123Hi alll, I'm trying to send a FAX thru asterisk..I got the following error...rtp.c: Unknown RTP codec 100 received from 'GW address'...I tried to add the following to rtp.c and compile Asterisk [100] = {1, AST_FORMAT_H100},...Got the following error during make... advice is really appreciated
20:32.46Micho123soory the erroris located on
20:33.15*** join/#asterisk boynas (
20:33.18Micho123anybode face such issue befor?
20:34.14boynasI was looking for something like QueueMetrics to get calling reports. Anybody knows a open source replacement or alternative to this?
20:40.57JerJeranyone see why this isn't workin?    exten => s.n,GotoIf($[${ISNULL(${BLINDTRANSFER})}]?retrieve,1)
20:41.14JerJeri print a noop and then that goto:
20:41.24manxpoweryes.  you have an extra .
20:41.28manxpowerbetween the s and the n
20:42.10manxpowerJerJer: try ${LEN} instead.  it may be empty no null
20:42.11JerJercopy/paste error in here (i typed the everything up until the Gotoif...
20:42.14manxpowernot null, that is
20:43.16Micho123manxpower,  [100] = {1, AST_FORMAT_H100} is supported by asterisk?
20:43.40manxpowerGotoIf(${LEN(${BLINDTRANSFER})} = 0]?retrieve1)
20:43.47manxpowerMicho123: never heard of it
20:44.14kaldemarmanxpower: yours is missing $[
20:44.24manxpowerkaldemar: goo catch
20:44.26twistedhaha, YEAH MANXPOWER
20:44.26Micho123manxpower, I guess  [100] = {1, AST_FORMAT_H263}...This could work when using T.38?
20:44.32kaldemarand a comma, but maybe that's irrelevant with JerJer.
20:44.59manxpowerMicho123: I know nothing about T.38 or codec 100
20:45.19twistedt.38 doesn't use h263
20:45.22twistedh263 is video
20:46.03Micho123manxpower, I'm getting the following error when trying to send a FAX...rtp.c: Unknown RTP codec 100 received from 'GW address'
20:46.11Micho123manxpower, what do you suggest?
20:46.12twistedand generally speaking, in SDP, codec mapping of 100 is an alternate dtmf
20:46.24twistedmicho: get a sip debug and look at the sdp message
20:46.31JerJertwisted:   woot woot
20:46.34twistedsup jerjer
20:47.18JerJertwisted:   keeping a customer happy  :)
20:47.37twistedjerjer: hehe, cool
20:48.05manxpowerMicho123: I suggest you try to find someone that can help you.
20:48.25manxpowerRather than just assuming I know everything in the universe about Asterisk
20:48.28Micho123manxpower, WhT ABOUT YOU?:)
20:48.53*** join/#asterisk Cheetah (
20:49.16jjshoemanxpower get your root password reset?
20:49.19manxpowerI know QUITE a bit about the features I USE.
20:49.31manxpowerjjshoe: yup.  boot to single user mode
20:49.42manxpowerI don't know much about the features I don't use.
20:50.02*** join/#asterisk ^conner (
20:50.23^connerHi Foks, is it possible to completely disable all voicemail?  I can't see to figure out a global config option
20:50.31manxpowerI'm starting to learn some AEL2 now.
20:50.43manxpower^conner: GUIs are not supported here.
20:50.56^connermanxpower, that's fortunate as I'm not using one
20:51.07^connermanxpower, however there doesn't seem to be an option in voicemail.conf
20:51.08twistedlikes AEL
20:51.10manxpower^conner: then remove all instances of "Voicemail" from your dialplan
20:51.13twistedhaven't played with AEL2 yet
20:51.22^connermanxpower, well that's the issue, there aren't any
20:51.46citats^conner: add noload => to your modules.conf
20:51.58manxpowertwisted: Not not as easy as I thought to convert from what I call "stone skipping programming" i.e. use Gotos to "the right way" i.e. use other methods.
20:52.05^connermanxpower, I have some polycom 501 phones and it seems like after some many rings they refuse the call and somehow it's ending up in voicemail although there is no way to reach it via the dailplan
20:52.09twistedmanxpower: hehe
20:52.18twistedmanxpower: you should see my old standard dialplan lol
20:52.20^connercitats, i'll give that a try, thanks
20:52.35dandanhey guys, does anyone have a TE405p for sale? Rev. A? Thank you. :)
20:52.39citats^conner: though if your calls are ending up in voicemail then somewhere you must have it in your dialplan
20:52.51manxpower^conner: watch the Asterisk CLI
20:53.18kaldemardandan: stay away from those if possible. go for rev c or d if you want old cards.
20:53.56^connercitats,  grep -i voicemail extensions.conf
20:53.56dandankaldemar: I know it, but I have about 12 *, 0.8 or pre-1 with an old zaptel that I can't touch
20:53.59^connercitats, returns nothing
20:54.02dandanI need those very cards...
20:54.10^connercitats, so there is clearly some default behavior at play here
20:54.13Qwelldandan: ...upgrade
20:54.23manxpower^conner: No.  There.  Isn't.
20:54.32dandanQwell: unfortunately, that is for tomorrow, for today - I need those cards...
20:54.36manxpower^conner: Asterisk does *NOTHING* unless you configure it to.
20:54.38citats^conner: maybe you include some other config file in your extensions.conf?
20:54.42kaldemardandan: oh, with such old asterisks they do work. but with newer ones you might experience funny hangs.
20:54.43manxpower^conner: something else is going on
20:54.44dandanI am even willing to buy the newest rev. and swap them with rev. a
20:54.54^connermanxpower, I know something else is going on ;) I just don't know what
20:54.54dandanif anyone has 'em
20:55.12^connercan sip devices request Voicemail specifically?
20:55.26Qwelldandan: This is precisely why you should be upgrading.
20:55.27dandanmanxpower: is 1234 still a default extension in [demo]? :)
20:55.34manxpower^conner: yes, but it won't work if it's not in the dialplan
20:55.50dandanQwell: Grandfathered systems, can't do it right this moment, but in the next 12-18 months - for sure
20:55.56^connermanxpower, it's most definately not in the dialplan
20:56.10QwellYou should have upgraded several *YEARS* ago.
20:56.18^connermanxpower, or in any macro's invoked from the dialplan
20:56.28dandanQwell: *THEY*, not me :)
20:56.33^connermanxpower, nor is "Voicemail(" used anywhere under /etc/asterisk
20:56.57dandan^conner: call, and use pastebin to show us what is going on on the CLI
20:57.03citats^conner: like manxpower said I'd check the console output
20:57.13^connerok, i'm gonna try that now
20:57.20^connerany particular debug needed?
20:57.26dandanQwell: I am getting desperate, as I said: I am willing to trade a brand spanking new card for a Rev. A...
20:57.38dandan^conner: connect with asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvr
20:57.41*** join/#asterisk telecos (
20:57.42citats^conner: just verbose at least 4 or so
20:57.44dandanand call in
21:00.34manxpowerdandan: I've not used the default config is 5 years
21:00.48*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@pdpc/supporter/professional/beek)
21:00.50manxpowerdandan: ask on the asterisk-users mailing list
21:03.17bmoracadoes verbose above 5 actually change what you can see on the console without enabling any other feature-specific debugging?  i don't think i've ever noticed a difference.
21:03.41dandanmanxpower: lol, no need
21:04.20dandanbmoraca: i think 6 is max
21:04.30dandanalthough I haven't checked the source in a looong time
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21:05.05manxpowerI meant the Rev A card
21:05.14dandanmanxpower: ah!
21:05.16dandanwill do
21:05.26dandan(did ebay, Clist and linkedin already)...
21:06.05manxpowerdandan: I expect there would be many people wanting to get rid of Rev A cards.
21:06.17*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
21:06.18manxpowerDigium doesn't have a great history of getting hardware right the first time.
21:06.43dandanmanxpower: the funny thing is they have not a single Rev. A card in stock!
21:06.50dandanI was sold the last one they had...
21:07.00manxpowerdandan: I meant the used marke
21:07.25^connermanxpower, citats
21:07.27dandanright: neither used, nor for reference, not even techies...
21:07.38*** join/#asterisk Micho123 (n=mcho123@
21:08.15manxpower^conner: whatever device is connected to Zap/1 is pretending to be a voicemail system
21:08.31manxpowerI have a vintage T400P
21:08.58dandanneed quad-*T* card... not the quad FXO/S...
21:09.13kyperI have a questions regarding a SPA400 and asterisk. anyone familiar with both?
21:09.24manxpowerT400P is a T-1
21:09.25^connermanxpower, is there some sort of default for zaptel devices then?
21:09.27manxpowerTDM400P is analog
21:09.31outtoluncdandan, the T400P is a 4 port t1/pri card
21:09.37manxpower^conner: what is plugged into zap/1
21:09.49^connermanxpower, $10 analog phone from walmart
21:09.53*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
21:09.59dandanmanxpower: oh!....
21:10.06manxpower^conner: and zap/4 is the telco?
21:10.08dandanhm, are you able to send me a pic of it?
21:10.21^connermanxpower, ya, that's the pots line, this is a tiny remote site
21:10.23manxpowerdandan: It locks up about once per week.
21:10.32manxpower^conner: you have the ports reversed.
21:10.37manxpowerport 1 is the telco
21:10.47*** part/#asterisk dfkl (
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21:11.12^connermanxpower, uh, no I don't
21:11.17manxpowerThe top port is port 1
21:11.18dandanmanxpower: keep it for me, I will try asterisk-users, if that fails, we will talk business
21:11.28manxpowerdandan: I didn't say I wanted to sell it.
21:11.35dandantrade it?
21:11.37manxpowerI was given the card because it was flaky
21:11.56^connermanxpower, i would think it rather matters more where the fxo and fxs modules are installed on the card
21:12.08jayteeflaky is good but only when talking about a croissant
21:12.13^connermanxpower, and seeing as you can actually dial into the system and iit's been working for 2 years
21:12.25manxpower^conner: not really.  If you plug the wrong line into the wrong port you just blow the ports and have to buy new ones.
21:12.45^connermanxpower, the only problem is that you end up in voicemail if nobody answers
21:12.52rwaitewhat could cause an iax call to answer but then be silent?
21:12.57citats^conner: your pastebin says app_voicemail.  so if something is playing a voicemail announcement it isnt asterisk
21:13.06boynasI was looking for something like QueueMetrics to get calling reports. Anybody knows a open source replacement or alternative to this?
21:13.07citats^conner: er app_voicemail is unloaded
21:13.25manxpowerrwaite: NAT
21:13.35manxpower^conner: not on the asterisk system you don't
21:13.41jayteeor a deaf mute on the other end
21:14.21rwaitemanxpower: i thought iax didnt have that issue?
21:14.24manxpower^conner: BTW, in the future run at verbosity 3 when you do pastebina
21:14.39manxpowerrwaite: any time you run a server behind nat you have to forward a port.
21:14.48rwaitei am, thought
21:14.53^connerok, maybe somebody changed the phone to something with voicemail
21:14.56manxpower"In this house we obey the laws of thermodynamics!
21:14.57^connerlet me call the remote site
21:15.28jayteewonders what you hear if you call the home phone of Marcel Marceau
21:15.36SargunSS7 Question -> 1) How does switch A know to send the signals to switch be for subscriber B? 2) How are the routing tables for the STPs built? ( )
21:15.43manxpowerrwaite: IAX2 has fewer/easier to fix NAT issues than SIP, but you still have to obey the laws of NAT
21:16.28kyperdoes anyony know how to get a number like #21# to be dialed on a FXO port?
21:16.54kyperim sending sip/PSTN/#21# where PSTN is my ATA gateway
21:17.24^connermanxpower, citats LOL - you were right, somebody had purchased a fancy panasonic cordless phone
21:17.37manxpower^conner: we usually are.
21:18.01twistedit's martini time
21:18.04rwaitemanxpower: but the port is forwarded? that's my major misunderstanding, it seems to be forwarding fine but only some calls will "connect" and then be silent and hang up
21:18.07citatskyper: look at the D option for app_dial
21:18.11rwaitemaybe the router is just screwing up the nat
21:18.22rwaiteor maybe its my provider, i dont know today sucks.
21:18.23manxpowerrwaite: or firewall
21:18.46rwaitemanxpower: if it were firewall i would expect it to happen consistently
21:19.28kypercitats: im sending it to a SPA400 device.
21:20.10citatskyper: and your using Dial to send the call there right?
21:21.26kypercitats: im using trixbox. A custom extension that's dialing sip/PSTN/#21# so i assume it's using dial
21:21.57jayteeTrixbox? LEPER!!! OUTCAST!!! UNCLEAN!!!!
21:22.18manxpowerA GUI?  Think of the children!
21:22.27jayteeno one was spared
21:22.38kyperim just fixing a friends business pbx and it runs trixbox
21:22.51jayteefriends don't let friends......
21:22.55citatskyper: so look into the D option to dial.  I couldn't tell you how to get the options onto it on trixbox though
21:23.11jayteeshoe horn, some duct tape and prayer?
21:23.44citatsjaytee: might need some bungee cord too
21:23.57citatsor at least some rubber bands
21:24.21jayteeand a left handed phillips screwdriver
21:24.24kypercitats: so it's the D option for Dial() ?
21:24.40Kobazrwaite: check your rtp port range, i had a problem where the rtp port range was 1000-1500, but the firewall was only allowing 1000-1050
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21:24.51Kobazrwaite: so some calls would work, and others would get silence
21:25.32^connermanxpower, citats thanks guys
21:26.49rwaitei thought iax didnt use rtp?
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21:28.03kypercitats: so Dial(sip/PSTN, 20,D(#21#))
21:28.12kypercitats: is that the correct syntax?
21:28.51Kobazrwaite: oh if it's iax then, just make sure the iax ports are open
21:29.12rwaiteheh... thats what i thought...
21:30.17thansenanyone have some pointer on how to get chan_mobile SMS working with an android phone?
21:30.45thansenI've got a voice connection, I just want SMS functionality
21:31.27rwaiteso iax passes the audio through 4569 too?
21:32.30kypercitats: I seem to have gotten somewhere. Thank you :)
21:33.31Kobazrwaite: yeah
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21:33.40rwaitethis is confusing
21:36.27*** join/#asterisk mik3 (
21:44.49*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
21:45.31CrashSysAnyone know what's involved to get asterisk 1.2 to install with zaptel 1.4
21:46.14tzafrir_laptopRebuild of Asterisk
21:46.28CrashSyszap show status doesn't list anything
21:46.42tzafrir_laptopzaptel 1.4 is binary incompatible but source-level compatible with zaptel 1.2
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21:55.13citatskyper: glad I could help.  sorry I had to step away to put the munchkin down for a nap
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22:10.32CrashSyswell damn, that sucks, i'm having a problem with 1.4 not setting the channel to hung-up and causing my AGI's to become defunct
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22:33.34adr|anhi there
22:33.45*** part/#asterisk CrazyTux (
22:40.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:43.28eppigyhello [TK]D-Fender
22:43.45[TK]D-Fendereppigy: you are dave
22:44.11manxpowerNever EVER add extra spaces to Asterisk config files
22:48.55*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=greek@
22:49.13Greek-BoyHas anybody successfully setup asterfax? Does it require iaxmodem to function?
22:54.38*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
22:57.06*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
22:57.59voxterSo, pressing '*' kills audio in a call on this one box I have, even though I changed the disconnect code from * to *0. What gives?
23:01.02manxpowerGreek-Boy: Do you have H or h as the Dial options
23:01.15manxpowersorry, that was for voxter
23:01.43voxterit doesnt hang up, it just stops passing audio
23:04.06*** join/#asterisk michaely (n=Mike@
23:07.00adr|anhi there
23:07.04adr|ani just instaled the asterisk
23:07.09adr|ani got :
23:07.09adr|an[Jan 29 11:50:52] WARNING[11777]: pbx_spool.c:476 scan_thread: Unable to stat /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
23:07.18adr|anwhat is wrong ?
23:07.24michaelyI'm writing an application that utilizes the AMI. I noticed that when sending a channel to the parking lot via a blind transfer and the ParkAndAnnounce command the "from" field is reported on the AMI event, Parked Cal,l as null. Is there aye way i can get this information to report correctly by some type of dial plan modification?
23:08.21voxteradr|an: mkdir /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
23:09.23*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
23:17.22adr|anvoxter : thank you
23:19.54Greek-Boyhow does one check which modules are FXS and which are FXO through the console?
23:20.16*** join/#asterisk murdock_ut (
23:22.41*** join/#asterisk stream (n=stream@
23:23.03streamwhat is the differece between asterisk and trixbox
23:23.33jbotit has been said that trixbox is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes trixbox VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #trixbox or on their forums & wiki at  We do not recommend using it.
23:23.51jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
23:24.16frogonwheelspats the jbot.
23:26.02*** join/#asterisk nighty^ (
23:27.51jbotACTION has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))
23:28.09frogonwheelsvery funny
23:28.58*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=4579ba4a@about/security/staff/dlewis)
23:29.43streami'm trying to setup asterisk for the first time, been reading the manul.. on page 137 :)  i hve a SIP trunk and a Soft phone
23:30.26jbotACTION takes two shots to the head and crumples to the ground, lifeless.
23:30.56Deeewaynehe doesn't seem to like beer
23:32.03frogonwheelsstream: going good so far?
23:32.23streamso far so good.. trying to get the SIP trunks working for inbound/outbound calling..
23:32.53streamcan I put a register => line in sip.conf?
23:33.05frogonwheelsstream: That's exactly what I was going to make sure you have done.
23:33.12frogonwheelsstream: yep - that's where it goes.
23:33.18streamat the top?
23:33.51frogonwheelsstream: in the [general] section - which should be at the top.
23:34.38streamwhat ports do i have to forward in the firewall. only 5060? udp
23:35.07frogonwheelsstream: nope. you possibly gotta forward the RTP stream as well
23:35.40frogonwheelsstream: unless (I think) you've got the proper SIP/RTP masquerading in the firewall..
23:35.49frogonwheelssuck -it and see
23:36.04streamthat works ok b/c i have another VOIP pbx that works with this sip provider
23:36.50frogonwheelsstream: cool.
23:36.51*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
23:36.53*** join/#asterisk watchy2 (n=watchy@
23:36.59streamits not opensource though
23:37.10watchy2looks like we are gonna put in about 50 of those cyberdata paging speakers
23:37.16watchy2they seem pretty neat
23:38.38streamshould i setup my provider as SIP or IAX
23:38.59frogonwheelsif it's a SIP provider, then it's SIP.
23:39.06streamthey support both
23:39.21frogonwheelsI think IAX is better then.
23:39.24watchy2i think iax would be best
23:39.32*** join/#asterisk incoherence_ (n=gnucrack@
23:39.32frogonwheelsstream: apart from anything, it plays nice with firewalls.
23:39.47streamso the config would be different ?
23:40.57*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
23:41.34streamok so how do i setup my softphone to dial out of the sip trunk
23:42.22watchy2setup your softphone to connect to *
23:42.23incoherence_question for any/all:  i'm running asterisk on a i386-compatible with a sis7019 audio ctrl/dsp (only have driver for oss, not alsa).  i can do SIP calls just fine, audio works etc.  i can play sounds outside of asterisk through /dev/dsp with mpg123.  but using console dial to an extension that just plays tt-monkeys, there's no audio.  any ideas/pointers?
23:42.31watchy2and on outgoing calls use your iax provider
23:42.42streamnot sure how to config that just yet.. brb
23:43.20frogonwheelsstream: Get your softphone to connect to * - make a dummy context that just plays a sound file.
23:43.29streamsoftphone is connected
23:43.30stream[Jan 29 18:43:03] NOTICE[29209]: chan_iax2.c:8647 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, request '8007672775@phones' does not exist
23:43.32frogonwheelsstream: there are examples in the default extensions.conf
23:43.42*** join/#asterisk [intra]lanman (n=Raymond@freeswitch/developer/intralanman)
23:43.56streami set
23:43.58streamexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@vitel-outbound)
23:44.25manxpowerstream: that is for outgoing calls, not incoming calls
23:44.39manxpower(the exten line)
23:44.40streamiim working on outgoing first
23:44.47manxpowerthe message you pasted is for phone -> asterisk
23:45.18manxpowerthe phone has a context=phones in it's sip.conf entry and you don't have anything that matches 8007672775
23:45.34drfreezeI'm trying to debug the following: exten => s,n,_X./8885551212,1,Goto(...), because I can't get it to match the callers number
23:46.02drfreezeI am printing out the CALLERID(num) and CALLERID(all) and it looks like it should match
23:46.05manxpowerdrfreeze: All extensions start with a priority 1
23:46.16drfreezemanxpower: hmm, ok. let me try that
23:46.29frogonwheelsdrfreeze: or pastebin the entire context.
23:46.35manxpowerextensions that do not start with a priority one are *ignored*
23:47.04frogonwheelsdrfreeze: presumably you have   s,1,NOOP($CALLERID(num))    s,n,_X./8885551212,1,Goto()
23:47.40frogonwheelsdrfreeze: presumably you have   s,_X.,1,NOOP($CALLERID(num))    s,_X./8885551212,n,Goto()
23:47.47frogonwheelsdrfreeze: actually look at that line - it's screwed.
23:48.14frogonwheelsdrfreeze: it's soooo confused.
23:48.31frogonwheelsexten => _X./8885551212,1,Goto(...)
23:48.50frogonwheelsdrfreeze: is _that what you mean?
23:49.01streamhow do i know what extension my client got
23:49.04streamsoftphone client
23:49.19frogonwheelsstream:  it doesn't "Get" an extension.
23:49.43frogonwheelsstream: you add an extension into your local dialplan context that calls the phone given a particular extension
23:49.55frogonwheelsstream:  work through some more examples in the book.
23:51.27streamlooks like the firewall is setup right b/c the SIP calls are coming into the system
23:51.32drfreezefrogonwheels: this is what I get:
23:52.28stream[Jan 29 18:52:05] NOTICE[29219]: chan_sip.c:16968 handle_request_invite: Failed to authenticate user "4126933356" <sip:4126933356@>;tag=as69b8de80
23:52.31frogonwheelsdrfreeze: arghh.. you're coming in on an 's' extension. not expecting that.
23:52.49frogonwheelsexten => s/8885551212,1,Goto(...)
23:53.33frogonwheelsexten => s/8885551212,n,Goto(...)
23:53.49frogonwheelsactually - otherwise that line will replace the Answer() when it matches.
23:54.01frogonwheels.. and you won't get your NoOps happening.
23:54.57streamok i'm stuck
23:55.26streami dont see where i bind my softphone to use the SIP trunk for outbound calls
23:55.49*** join/#asterisk lmadsen (n=Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
23:55.49*** mode/#asterisk [+o lmadsen] by ChanServ
23:56.06*** part/#asterisk michaely (n=Mike@
23:56.19lmadsenAsterisk 1.6.1-rc1 is now available for testing!
23:56.34drfreezefrogonwheels: ok. working on the next step now
23:58.57*** join/#asterisk grantm (n=grant@

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