IRC log for #asterisk on 20090127

00:00.48*** join/#asterisk [Jasper] (
00:00.55[Jasper]hello people, I have a question about asterisk
00:01.01[Jasper]and a problem I'm running into
00:01.35jbotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
00:01.53[Jasper]I made a standard sip trunk and I'm trying to dial-in to that number,...I also defined context and stuff....weird thing is....when I receive a call, it doesn't go to the correct context...all it does is go to default
00:02.18[Jasper]when i include the correct context in the default phone rings
00:02.34[Jasper]but I want it to go to the correct one immediately
00:02.39manxpower[Jasper]: then the incoming call is not authenticating as who you think it is
00:02.39[Jasper]instead of through some dirty trick
00:02.50manxpowerif it authenticated that way then it would work
00:03.04[Jasper]ok, how can I see how it is authenticated?
00:03.11manxpowerThat is the CLASSIC auth issue
00:03.41manxpowerif it goes to the wrong context
00:03.41[Jasper]what is the classic solution?
00:04.01manxpowerpastebin the output of a failed call
00:07.40manxpowerSIP/  <-- it didn't auth as anyone
00:08.05manxpower[thestuffinhere] would be listed instead of the IP if it had authed at that user
00:08.49manxpowerare you using 1.4 or 1.6?
00:10.27*** part/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
00:10.34manxpower1.6 has an allowguest=no IIRC
00:10.46[Jasper]so I should upgrade?
00:11.07manxpowerHere's a good description of the Polycom WiFi phone.  "In an office of 16 VoIP geeks, the polycom WiFi phone is sitting in a box of junk in a closet."
00:11.29manxpower[Jasper]: all that will do is make your unauthed calls fail
00:11.46manxpowerrather than the calls being accepted and matching the settings in [general]
00:12.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
00:12.49beekevening [TK]D-Fender
00:13.03[TK]D-Fenderbeek: evening..
00:13.25[Jasper]so what should I do manxpower ?
00:14.00*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:14.18manxpower[Jasper]: figure out why it's not authing or authing as the wrong user
00:15.08*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
00:15.58bmoracamanxpower:  wifi phones = lol
00:16.40[Jasper]manxpower could it be in my signing in
00:16.45[Jasper]the register being different?
00:23.45[TK]D-Fender[Jasper]: register => <number><password> /<number>
00:23.45citywokaccording to the wiki you need to compile asterisk to get CDR to be able to log the uniqueid, is this true, or is there some other reason it wont log it (that note is for asterisk 1.2, using 1.4.22 now)
00:24.40[TK]D-Fender[Jasper]: without the spaces at the end
00:24.43*** join/#asterisk johnakabean (
00:24.45icelis there a way to figure out how many concurrent calls are happening in * ?
00:25.01bmoracaicel: core show channels
00:25.06[TK]D-Fendericel: "core show channels concise"
00:25.42codefreeze-lapcitywok: uniqueid isn't always unique. Just remember that. Some drivers allow you to configure some fields
00:26.25johnakabeanhey fender, thanks for help yesterday; i went back to 1.4 though as mpg 123 wouldn't work; but, i started having a major problem with 1.6. Remember when I asked if yours beeped when you shut it down? For some reason asterisk 1.6 was a run away! It wouldn
00:26.32johnakabeant stop uhmm starting up
00:26.46[Jasper][TK]D-Fender where did you get that budgetphone intel?
00:28.36[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Meh... can't account for the rest, but it was a far better try this time
00:30.08*** join/#asterisk km2 (
00:36.58*** join/#asterisk dr0ck (n=dr0ck@nat/digium/x-0e0a53dab05844e7)
00:51.10DarkRift[TK]D-Fender, you know any good voip supplier that ships to the province of Quebec with good prices for both phones and asterisk hardware ?
00:52.38[TK]D-FenderDarkRift: Before the exchange rate got smacked, Telephonydepot was great, even on import
00:53.04DarkRiftStill a good choice ?
00:53.44[TK]D-FenderDarkRift: try :
00:54.02DarkRiftAlright I'll check those 2, thanks
00:54.03[TK]D-FenderDarkRift: decent price and IIRC ships in reasonably without duty
00:56.35*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
00:57.16*** join/#asterisk IvanG (n=IvanG@
01:01.36*** join/#asterisk masteryoda (
01:01.37[TK]D-FenderDarkRift: Clearly the exch rate has indeed hit them too
01:05.33*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:09.24johnakabeanI just don't understand why asterisk 1.6 would be picky about mpg123 while 1.4 wasnt; they didn't change the sound codecs so it should recognize the stream.
01:11.03johnakabeanAs far as asterisk being runaway, I'm sure its an error on my part
01:11.12beekGN all
01:11.22[TK]D-Fenderbeek: Nite
01:14.40*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=lol@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
01:15.07*** join/#asterisk sosoriri (n=sosoriri@
01:15.17johnakabean-- Remote UNIX connection it would be nice if it would provide the ip address
01:15.29johnakabeanin case it was a security issue
01:16.58[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Your GUI monitoring scripts are h4x0ring you!
01:18.26*** join/#asterisk keebler (
01:18.48johnakabeanno i allow 3 other people that use a2billing to login to console
01:19.05johnakabeanbut I would like to be able to see if they give out their password
01:19.24johnakabeanbased on ip address and their current location
01:19.48*** join/#asterisk fun330 (
01:19.56johnakabeanthe gui scripts say manager logged on and off from
01:19.57*** part/#asterisk fun330 (
01:20.05johnakabeanbut when they connect it just says remote unix connection
01:20.15johnakabeanthey onlly installed the asterisk console, not asterisk itself
01:21.08johnakabeanthey only use the asterisk console
01:21.19johnakabeani have on their shell login a script to open the asterisk console
01:21.30johnakabeanand deny everything else
01:21.33citatsjohnakabean: if you want to see the ip they connect with check your ssh/telnetd logs
01:21.33Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
01:21.36*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
01:21.47johnakabeanyeah, citats, but you have to take the tiime to cross reference
01:22.03johnakabeanif it was emergency i would be fuxed
01:22.48citatsjohnakabean: asterisk doesn't know anything about IP address they are connecting from.  its just from a socket.  if you want to grab that info at the same time make their shell a script that also records that somewhere
01:22.58johnakabeani HAVE had my asterisk box hacked before and they made 1000 calls a minute to some home shopping network, created a conference, and put all the operators answering in it.
01:23.33johnakabeanwasn't fun to have 2023243000 call me
01:23.40johnakabeanfbi in washington dc
01:24.09johnakabeanthat's why my firewall is STRICT
01:24.23johnakabeanonly allows sip, rtp, and iax2 packets from my trunks
01:24.35johnakabeanand 5038 is DENIED
01:25.23johnakabeani can hear you guys laughing now
01:25.31johnakabeani thought it was funny until i got the call
01:26.02*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=4579ba4a@about/security/staff/dlewis)
01:26.04*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
01:26.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
01:26.34nix8n82it still is
01:26.57johnakabeanyeah well it was some guy in austrailia (based on ip)
01:27.03johnakabeani had to surrender my logs
01:27.20*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:27.25nix8n82did they find him?
01:27.32johnakabeani don't know but they left me alone
01:27.58johnakabeanthey are watching my ip though you only had to buy one new pair of underware
01:28.26johnakabeanif i didn't surrender the logs i was going to get the charges
01:28.47nix8n82yeah no shit..I would of done the same
01:29.11johnakabeanthey were charging 5 cents a minute for the 800 number's charges and 40 counts of 'annying ringing" class 3 felony
01:29.43johnakabeani was looking at 5 years max and 30000 dollars
01:30.05nix8n82that would suck
01:30.14citatsif they just called you on the phone you werent looking at anything aside from intimidation
01:30.41johnakabeanwell i think they actually did try to find me at first
01:30.55johnakabeanbut my ip shows up in arpa 500 miles from where i'm actually at
01:31.17johnakabeanbad networking on verizons part
01:31.31johnakabeanand i don't use the modem verizon gave me so they couldn't link the mac to my account
01:32.35citatsthats not true at all.  otherwise all anybody needs to do to get free service is just grab a random modem
01:32.36johnakabeani use a Dslplus bridge i bought online and put it in ppoe.....verizon does NOT require you to put in your right username and password to login to the ppoe server.. you just have to pu 3 characters on each
01:33.00johnakabeanno, citats, they have to put the dsl signal on your line from the ATM at the central office
01:33.20johnakabeanI have dry loop
01:33.28johnakabeanno phone just the dsl signal
01:33.35citatsoh thats right, i know nothing about this.  forget i brought it up
01:34.16johnakabeanverizon didn't own this network to start with, it was a small phone company at first
01:34.30johnakabeanso when they switched over, they were lazy at their logging tactics
01:35.01johnakabeanI'm 1000 feet of cable from the central office; I could throw a rock at it
01:35.24johnakabeani get max speed and 98% quality of service
01:35.27johnakabean1 ms jitter
01:35.54johnakabeanthey're running fiber lines now for fios :)
01:36.20johnakabeanthey're done in my part of town but they havent' finished elsewhere so they make us wait
01:36.21nix8n82anyone know of obvious dis advantages to using phpagi for agi scripts? especially if the same agi is going to be called 500 time or so in any given second. for 500 different  calls?
01:36.45johnakabeanagi of asterisk?
01:37.17johnakabeani'm sure they will make the fios network traceable
01:37.33nix8n82yeah that would be the one..I have a couple perl scripts but I want to convert them to php
01:37.34*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:38.32citatsnix8n82: if your using normal agi then you have the startup cost of your agi.  which can be quite high with an interpreted language like php or perl.  a compiled program will be quicker, or you could use fastagi
01:39.10[TK]D-Fender500 calls per second alone is psycho.  AGI on top?
01:39.11johnakabeani only deal with php; i do know running php independtly of the service using it causes more resource usage versus running it as a module. this is experience from apache.
01:39.12jboti guess wglwat is well, good luck with all that
01:39.42Qwellwell, using fastagi there shouldn't be a hell of a lot of overhead
01:40.11johnakabeani have used two php scripts with asterisk that's it
01:40.26Qwellahh, citats said normal agi though.  nm
01:41.00QwellI doubt phpagi works with fastagi, so...there's one major disadvantage
01:41.12Qwellif you're going to be doing anywhere near that volume, you definitely want fastagi
01:41.26*** join/#asterisk maddog01 (
01:41.36johnakabeanon that note qwell, he could use fastagi to execute php as part of the OS but that possible would be a security issue
01:42.25johnakabeanagi is basically commandline execution
01:42.50nix8n82well about 200 to 250 calls open at anyone time
01:42.59nix8n82not really per second
01:43.02johnakabeanif he has asterisk running as root
01:43.06Qwellnix8n82: either way
01:43.25Qwelljohnakabean: don't do that then?
01:43.28johnakabeanwell, nix, the calls wouldn't use the agi the whole time, just when they got to that part of the dialplan
01:43.43johnakabeanno qwell, otherwise your agi scripts will run as root
01:44.03Qwellso whats the problem?
01:44.13QwellDon't run Asterisk as root
01:44.15johnakabeannever heard of php injection
01:44.26nix8n82Why fastagi if it's on one server?
01:44.27Qwelldon't have poor coding skills either
01:44.40Qwellnix8n82: fastagi doesn't have to spawn php every time
01:44.50Qwellfastagi just stays open and handles socketed requests
01:45.13nix8n82so would it create an instance for each channel?
01:45.25nix8n82because I'm having the script collect dtmf data
01:45.40johnakabeanstoring in mysql, nix?
01:47.12johnakabeananyway to have asterisk use its connection to store outside of asterisk's databases?
01:47.32johnakabeanin mysql? If so i would use that otherwise you would have mysql overhead.
01:47.45nix8n82so having an agi being called lets say 15 times for one call over an 10 min period would be a huge burden to the machine?
01:48.05johnakabeanhell yeah
01:48.17johnakabeanlol 15 times? why not collect all you need first then initiate the storage
01:48.35Qwellnix8n82: depends on the frequency.  it can, yes
01:48.51johnakabeanhe just said 15 times PER CALL qwell
01:48.57nix8n82I wouldn't write to mysql 15 times.
01:49.06johnakabeanoh possibly no then
01:49.23johnakabeanyou use php to validate it those other 14 right?
01:49.57nix8n82or store my results in a file then have another gather the data
01:51.20*** join/#asterisk cp5 (
01:51.21johnakabeanclear the file between calls
01:51.23nix8n82so I can keep sql traffic to a min
01:51.25johnakabeanjust reminding
01:51.41nix8n82yeah and each file would be unique
01:51.52cp5hi guys. what's the reason for the "jbforce" flag with the jitterbuffer? for example, in chan_sip, just enabling the jitter buffer isn't enough, you must force it too. why are there two flags?
01:52.32cp5fyi, the changelog for in points to a 404
01:53.11Qwellsamy is my hero
01:53.22*** join/#asterisk fun330 (
01:53.42Qwellcp5: They've got you working on Asterisk stuff now? :p
01:53.53cp5what's up qwell! how are you?
01:53.57fun330what is the best way to secure an asterisk server plugged right into the public interent
01:54.05cp5i've worked on asterisk stuff for a long time man!
01:54.18Qwellcp5: just trolling, heh
01:54.29cp5nice nice
01:54.34QwellI was leading up to a "man, you need more engineers..." joke. :P
01:54.56*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:55.07johnakabeanok, the variables for asterisk are arg1, arg2, arg3 right?
01:55.18johnakabeando you set those in php or ?
01:55.25Qwellcp5: trying to remember the reason for that though
01:56.02johnakabeanor can you make custom variables already in your php scripts
01:56.05johnakabeanfor asterisk
01:56.21johnakabeanor is it just limited to arg1, arg2, arg3, and so on
01:56.29cp5Qwell, yeah, i assume some other channel may behave differently with and without force, but i wouldn't know why. on SIP there just seems little point for the force flag, and the enable flag is just teasing me
01:56.36Qwellcp5: is this 1.2 or something?
01:56.46cp5qwell, 1.6.0
01:56.47Qwellno, nm
01:57.29QwellI think it had something to do with which side the jitter was on...or something
01:58.01Qwellyeah, the comments in the sample config explain it
01:59.37cp5i'm looking at the sip.conf example comments and am confused by what it's saying
02:01.23cp5to me it seems to be saying "you must have jbenable and jbforce in order for the jitter buffer to work". also the line "An enabled jitterbuffer will be used only if the sending side can create and the receiving side can not accept jitter" is a bit confusing to me -- i assume it means "an enabled jitterbuffer will be used if the sending side can create [jitter] and the receiving side [asterisk] can not accept jitter [what does it technically
02:01.43cp5what i don't understand is why you would ever have jbenable=yes but jbforce=no
02:02.32Qwellwell, think of different channel types
02:02.46Qwellif you've got a channel in and a channel out, both sip, if there's jitter, it's fine
02:03.26Qwellso, if you just enable it, nothing is going to happen unless you force it
02:03.36Qwellnow consider a sip channel and a zap channel
02:03.46Qwellsomething like that
02:03.49cp5why would that be ok though? what is the reason for enabling it in the first place if it will never kick in
02:04.07Qwellchan_sip doesn't know or care where the destination is
02:04.58cp5so you're saying it shouldn't account for jitter if it's just passing traffic?
02:05.08Qwellsomething like that
02:05.25Qwellthis is all from memory, and probably not entirely accurate
02:05.36fileit's... the way the person who wrote it implemented the jitterbuffer... it's... yeah
02:08.31cp5it just seems there's no point to the force option then, you either want it on or not
02:09.34filemy mental capacity is not at the level required to comment on such a thing
02:10.32johnakabeancp, what distro of linux?
02:10.56*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
02:17.58*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:19.45cp5johnakabean, me?
02:20.00Qwellcp5: he's dumb, ignore him
02:20.28cp5qwell you ever come out to LA?
02:20.40Qwellyeah..  didn't jjshoe tell you about it?
02:21.07Qwelly'all didn't communicate, and the hotel screwed me over pretty nicely :p
02:21.31Qwell*somebody* there didn't know who I was, so they issued a chargeback on the card that was used for the room
02:21.45cp5wait for what? no i didn't hear this
02:22.11QwellKerry had me come out for a training course at ITEXPO.  Paid for flight+hotel.
02:22.19cp5oh i didn't know
02:22.21QwellPre-paid the room on somebodys card, and apparently didn't tell them
02:22.22cp5wow that's terrible
02:22.31Qwellso the hotel hit me with it like a month later.
02:22.40Qwellit eventually got all fixed up, but...
02:22.42*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=4579ba4a@about/security/staff/dlewis)
02:22.44cp5i wish you had gotten in touch with me
02:23.01QwellI was dealing with Kerry and what's her name...Joyce
02:29.20*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
02:31.20johnakabeanthanks for the comment qwell but where's your degree
02:31.27johnakabeangood night
02:31.29Qwelldon't have one.
02:37.19Juggieclearly the only way to know anything is to get a degree Qwell
02:37.21Juggiedidnt you realize
02:37.29QwellJuggie: yeah..
02:37.50Qwellcp5: You don't have any formal education like that, right?
02:37.57Juggieschool is bullshit
02:38.03Juggieschool basically teaches you how to learn
02:38.13QwellJuggie: I always hated school, heh
02:38.17cp5Qwell, no, dropped out of HS
02:38.18Juggiethere are some areas where school is necessairy
02:38.22Juggieeg, to be a doctor
02:38.24Qwellcp5: highfive
02:38.35cp5but i'm not claiming to know anything ;)
02:38.40Qwelloh please
02:38.40Juggiebut for computers, the bull you learn in school is just a base for what you'll learn on the job
02:38.45*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
02:38.59QwellI know *tons* of people who never did anything like that, and are really smart people or know a ton of stuff regardless
02:39.20Juggiei think thats what i said :P
02:39.22QwellJuggie: the doctor thing...well
02:39.34Juggieschool has its place, but its hardly necessairy to be an expert except in some fields. :)
02:39.38Qwellwhile I agree with that, I'm not sure it's because you *can't* learn it all on your own
02:39.40Juggieyou woudnt want a self tought doctor :P
02:39.47Juggiebut you would like a self tought programmer :)
02:39.48Qwellthat's my point
02:39.57Qwellthere's a stigma with certain things like that
02:40.28QwellI'm sure that if a self-taught doctor had the same resources available, they'd be just as good as any other doctor
02:40.33QwellI wouldn't go to one though.  heh
02:41.04Qwella lot of people have that same idea about self-taught computer people though.  no idea why
02:41.27Juggiethe shit i learned in school was nothing
02:41.28QwellI didn't really have a point, I guess
02:41.49cp5"don't worry. i learned this on youtube. i'm making the incision half a millimeter below the rectum"
02:41.56Qwellcp5: totally
02:43.08*** join/#asterisk petchaw (
02:49.39petchawi am having a hard time enabling the cdr on my server
02:49.51petchawdont know if anybody did it and might helpo me with it
02:50.44petchawi wanted to use cdr_odbc
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02:57.32petchawcan anybody help me configure cdr with cdr_odbc?
03:00.09*** join/#asterisk CwizUser (n=tarik@
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03:01.01CwizUserhow to use QueuePauseCategory
03:01.08CwizUserastman proxy ?
03:04.26CwizUserall user is sleeping :(((
03:05.43petchawi believe they all are
03:05.53petchawwhich i could help you, but never used that
03:06.17petchawme i came here to get some help configuring cdr_odbc to get my cdrs
03:06.26CwizUser$cwiz = new ProgezSantral ( );
03:06.26CwizUser$cwiz->baglan ();
03:06.26CwizUser$cwiz->komut ( "Action: AgentCallbackLogin\r\nAgent: $dahili\r\nExten: $dahili\r\nContext: extensions\r\n\r\n" );
03:06.26CwizUser$cwiz->baglantiyikes ();
03:06.30CwizUsersimple command
03:06.38CwizUserthis is agent login
03:10.26*** part/#asterisk CwizUser (n=tarik@
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04:25.56vjris this thing on?
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04:29.24Khratos... goes to sleep
04:29.30*** part/#asterisk Khratos (n=Khratos@
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05:02.04*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
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05:22.29*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2009/01/23), (2009/01/23), *-Addons (2008/12/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux, dahdi-tools (2008/12/18), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev -=- jbot is back!
05:22.29carrarI had 64 days up connect time!
05:22.31adrianXXXrussellb : how can i fix that  ?
05:22.36*** join/#asterisk rajiv (n=rajiv@gentoo/developer/rajiv)
05:22.50russellbif you use debian or ubuntu, you can just install the "build-essential" package and be done :)
05:22.52Qwellcarrar: donate to FreeNode!
05:22.55drmessanocarrar: I would suggest asking freenode for a refund!
05:22.56*** join/#asterisk brian (n=brian@unaffiliated/brian)
05:23.10adrianXXXRed Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 4)
05:23.10adrianXXXKernel \r on an \m
05:23.12carraror just run my own freenode server
05:23.19Qwellno, but seriously.  FreeNode is awesome, and deserves the support.
05:23.22drmessanocarrar: Good luck with that
05:23.34adrianXXXi try yum but is dont work...
05:23.34carrarI've had almost every other irc under the sun
05:23.40*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
05:23.42russellbQwell: is there a build-essential like package on RHEL?
05:23.45russellbor would that be too useful
05:23.48carrarmultiple efnets, undernet, a ton mor
05:23.49drmessanoI wouldnt run a freenode server.. I like my bandwidth
05:23.56QwellPSA: FreeNode is currently doing a fundraiser to raise money so they can become a charitable org. for more info. :)
05:23.58*** join/#asterisk dogmeat (n=Bob@unaffiliated/dogmeat)
05:24.04Qwellrussellb: HA
05:24.13Qwellrussellb: I wish.
05:24.21[TK]D-FenderQwell: Is that like asking for our money so they can give it away?
05:24.23*** join/#asterisk tAnkOSX (
05:24.23QwellThere's the development-tools group, but...meh
05:24.24*** join/#asterisk `Sauron (
05:24.31Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I
05:24.31*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
05:24.34drmessanoIts only SORTA complete
05:24.35russellbadrianXXX: then I don't know.  I would look up some guides on installing Asterisk on CentOS.  the package list should be the same
05:24.35Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I'm glad you asked.
05:24.44*** join/#asterisk mmattice (i=mmattice@unaffiliated/mmattice)
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05:24.47adrianXXXyum install build-essential
05:24.50drmessanoDevelopment-tools + some more crap = base for Asterisk
05:24.51adrianXXXNo Match for argument: build-essential
05:24.51adrianXXXNothing to do
05:24.52[TK]D-FenderQwell: What do I need intermediaries for!
05:24.55drmessanothe "Some more crap" is the issue
05:24.56QwelladrianXXX: groupinstall
05:25.00Qwellinstead of install
05:25.16russellbhe did build-essential ..
05:25.17*** join/#asterisk lucasb (
05:25.28QwelladrianXXX: you could just install AsteriskNOW and be done with it :p
05:25.28[TK]D-Fendermissing g++ last I saw
05:25.41*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
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05:25.43russellb[TK]D-Fender: don't be a hater
05:25.49*** join/#asterisk hawk (
05:25.52adrianXXXQwell : how ?
05:25.53*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (n=nate@
05:26.00QwelladrianXXX: get the 1.5 beta
05:26.11drmessanoCould be worse.. ever heard of Trixbox?
05:26.16russellbQwell: is 1.5 ever going to be released, or are we going to pull a google?
05:26.23carrarpay for irc
05:26.27Qwellrussellb: I have no comment.
05:26.29russellbdrmessano: yeah, but we still employ the people that work on *NOW
05:26.36Qwelloh burn
05:26.37drmessanoSpeaking of which.. I was at the gas station the other day
05:26.44drmessanoand I got a full service fill up
05:27.28drmessanoDid a crappy job too.. but stated they were working on a fix
05:28.20[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Naw, he's pumping gas in Newark.... alongside Elvis!
05:28.20[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: bai bai :(
05:28.20drmessanoI told him my windshield was dirty and he called his squeegee skills "beta"
05:28.20[TK]D-FenderadrianXXX: Do read that link, it'll tell you all the packages you need
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05:34.25tamseelis there any body how can help me
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05:34.25tamseeli have a problem in asterisk
05:34.59tamseeli can make outgoing international calls from my asterisk server
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05:39.05carrargood times
05:39.07*** join/#asterisk inv_arp ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:39.19carrarshould a server just dedicated to Asteirsk products
05:39.31*** join/#asterisk _Raptor_ (
05:39.45*** join/#asterisk drmessano (n=nonya@pdpc/supporter/active/drmessano) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:39.49*** join/#asterisk Mw3 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM] !!
05:39.57QwellFreeNode has always been rather good to us.
05:40.00*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
05:40.01[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Grammar is English very your good.
05:40.16jbotmethinks netsplit is something that happens when two IRC servers lose their link, thus isolating the users on every side from each other.  a normal part of ALL irc networks, despite what some people bitching about larger networks may seem to think, or an orchestra of poips and thwoops, or something which occurs frequently on OPN
05:40.17carraryeah it's my fault :)
05:40.27carrarI married Japanese and now I speak Engrish
05:40.27drmessanoSTOP CREATING DISSENT
05:40.39*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
05:40.40*** join/#asterisk jks (i=jks@
05:40.48drmessanoJapanese girls are hot.. those giant eyes and funny mouths
05:40.51drmessanoWait, thats anime
05:40.54*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:40.59carraroh it's the sam
05:41.06*** join/#asterisk asteriskmonkey (n=philip@
05:41.06*** join/#asterisk Floppe ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:41.16*** join/#asterisk twisted (
05:41.51carrarI'd host a server just for Asterisk
05:41.57*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@unaffiliated/troubled)
05:42.13Qwellcarrar: not interested
05:42.13*** join/#asterisk eric256 ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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05:42.42Qwellheh, it's interesting seeing some of these hostmasks come in
05:42.43drmessanoFreenode is better idea
05:42.46*** join/#asterisk jeff (i=jeff@unaffiliated/jeff)
05:42.55drmessanoDont need another server to connect to
05:43.06*** join/#asterisk mvanbaak (n=michiel@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/mvanbaak) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:43.11Qwelldrmessano: like...yours.
05:43.15Qwellgood boy.
05:43.23*** join/#asterisk digitalirony (
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05:43.34drmessanoI had been running 2 IRC networks
05:43.40drmessanoHad to ditch one
05:43.43drmessanoBut moved it to XMPP
05:43.47carrarI stopped running irc servers in the 90's
05:44.06QwellRunning an IRC network is...hard.
05:44.13*** join/#asterisk seanbright (n=sean@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/seanbright)
05:44.14Qwellof any decent size, anyways
05:44.19drmessanoNow, an asterisk XMPP conference would be nice
05:44.22Qwellseanbright: It's not what you think.
05:44.35drmessanoIRC is pretty unmanagable.. not friendly at all
05:44.53*** join/#asterisk [netman] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
05:45.00drmessanoServices are a hack, but are a single point of failure
05:45.15carrarCould just run static channels
05:45.19QwellI like services
05:45.20*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
05:45.27Qwellmakes things easy
05:45.33drmessanoServices are better than nothing at all
05:45.35carrarand services server if need be
05:45.42*** join/#asterisk kisu (n=kisu@2001:5c0:1100:9900:1d37:23b5:94db:ec35)
05:45.45drmessanoBut IRC is just unmanagable
05:45.57*** join/#asterisk fors1 (
05:46.05[TK]D-FenderWe seem to have managed for a long time now
05:46.14drmessanoNot really
05:46.40[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Leave your psychotic episodes out of this! :p
05:46.52*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
05:48.16carrar1st bad slit in a few months
05:48.23carrarI'd say it's doing good
05:49.50*** join/#asterisk typename (
05:50.38drmessanoUm ok
05:51.29[TK]D-Fendercarrar: I'd say is WAS going good.. right up until NOW :)
05:52.21carrarget some of that bailout money for freenode
05:52.27QwellToo big to netsplit.
05:52.51carrar50 billion should cover it
05:52.55drmessanoIRC is just inherently flawed.. It's incredibly well designed for what it does, but very poorly designed to handle the attacks it's subjected to, and in a security sense.
05:53.27*** join/#asterisk zafar_ (n=IceChat7@
05:53.34[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: That is uncalled for!  This is NOTHING like Qwell's chan_skinny botnet!
05:53.52carrarIRC servers should be linked by internal interfaces on a IANA network with dedicated point to point circuits between irc servers ;)
05:53.54coppiceIRC's success stems from its great simplicity
05:54.04drmessanocoppice: Indeed
05:54.36zafar_which file should i look for outbound routes
05:54.51[TK]D-Fenderzafar_: extensions.conf
05:54.59drmessanoWith a lot of the advances in IRCd's, it's remarkably self-healing and handled the ebb and flow well.. just has almost no resistance to that same ebb and flow.
05:55.24[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Ride the wave or get washed away...
05:55.46zafar_i can see all the extensions there, what pattron should i look for
05:55.51drmessanoRiding on a wave chicane?
05:56.19[TK]D-Fenderzafar_: Look for?  this is YOUR dialplan, go made whatever you WANT
05:56.34*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (n=nate@
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06:06.17drmessanoAnyone know much about ejabberd?
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06:51.10zafar_can anyone help me by explain this to me "exten => 555,1,Authenticate(1870)"
06:52.13frogonwheelszafar_: Dialing/ calling the context / with 555, will cause a prompt for the password 1870
06:52.29*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
06:52.52frogonwheelszafar_:   show application authenticate
06:53.14zafar_thankx buddy
06:53.44jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
07:01.12*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
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07:10.58ultrav1oletWhat does this message mean? [Jan 27 12:08:37] NOTICE[23096]: chan_iax2.c:9067 socket_process: Rejected connect attempt from, request '2567777@incoming' does not exist
07:11.25ultrav1oletI've just set up asterisk with SIP provider and I cannot make any outgoing calls getting this error
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07:16.33rajjarany body tell me about the telecom channel
07:16.52rajjaris there any telecom channel available
07:18.06rajjarhelp me plzzzzzzzzzz:'(
07:19.03*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=brandon@
07:19.22dssman@uv, looks like your trying to make an outgoing call on ur inbound context
07:19.32dssmantelecom channel?
07:19.33*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
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07:20.18ultrav1oletdssman: that context is just fine - it defines an extension to call my SIP provider
07:20.37dssmanoh, typically inbound would be for incomming calls :P
07:20.37rajjarjoin romtelecom
07:20.45dssmanpaste ur config to a pastebin
07:21.27*** join/#asterisk PeterFA (n=Peter@unaffiliated/peterfa)
07:21.38PeterFAAnyone know of a free outgoing sip server?
07:22.14dssmantermination provider?
07:23.10ultrav1oletdssman: wait a minute
07:23.39dssmanPeterFA -> free to phone line?
07:23.44*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-085afb887b5573ac)
07:24.03PeterFAdssman, I have a VoIP phone and I want to call out for free... know a providor?
07:24.34dssmanI have heard of a few, for certain areas only tho with a one time fee... they were a little too sketchy for me to look into tho
07:25.06*** join/#asterisk dan__t (n=dant@
07:25.25drmessanoPeterFA: No such thing as free termination
07:25.44dan__tSo, just toying around with a crappy one-line returning AGI script.  I'm doing "STREAM FILE beep"
07:25.58dan__tI don't see any problems in the debug or verbose log, both for core and agi, yet I hear no beep.
07:26.13dssmancant help ya there :P
07:26.31dan__t - there's some pastebin love, juts in case.
07:26.34dssmanPeter, there are some cheap services out there... you should expect to pay around 1.1c/min
07:26.43dan__tI've toyed around with paths to that beep file, all kinds of good stuff, to no avail.
07:28.23dssmanI odnt know AGI... thats next in my adventures... have u tried an absolute path?
07:28.31dssmanand are the permissions on the file okay?
07:29.02*** join/#asterisk oej (
07:29.05dan__tThe AGI script runs.  I can try an absolute path to the beep file...
07:32.28dan__tSee, specifying a full path of /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/beep.gsm, yields "[Jan 26 23:31:54] WARNING[19632]: file.c:589 ast_openstream_full: File /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/beep.gsm does not exist in any format"
07:32.31dan__tWhich is expected
07:33.12dan__tI strace'd Asterisk the other day while investigating another problem, and know that it will always try to search ${VARLIBDIR}/asterisk/sounds/{CCODE}, then ${VARLIBDIR}/asterisk/sounds
07:33.22dan__tSo, either way, it does find it, and does play it.  I just don't hear anything.
07:34.09*** join/#asterisk thansen (
07:37.37dan__tYea, evne from the AGI manual:  Asterisk looks for the file to play in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
07:40.02dan__t-- Playing 'why-no-answer-mystery' (escape_digits='') (sample_offset 0)
07:40.05dan__tShould work.  100%.
07:40.25dan__tWhere's [TK]D to tell me I'm doing something wrong heh
07:41.42*** join/#asterisk xrmx__ (
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07:43.31dan__tOk, using "SAY DIGITS" works..... wtf.
07:46.51dan__tSo does just using a Playback(digits/4), so I know that Asterisk can play GSM files...
07:47.48dan__tHah.  What the F.
07:48.00dssmantoo tired to play :P
07:50.42*** join/#asterisk Gary (n=Gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
07:52.26dan__tWell.  I'm out of ideas.
07:57.29dssmanIm out of energy
07:57.44dssmanevery spare minute I seem to play with *
07:58.29dssmanu ever play with TAPI?
08:00.16*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
08:00.51ultrav1oletDoes anyone know why my asterisk uses extensions.ael only and doesn't want to use extensions.conf?
08:01.28dssmanIm out... nite
08:01.31dssmangl ub
08:04.10*** join/#asterisk maddog01 (
08:06.11johnakabeanoookay violet, never heard that one
08:06.45johnakabeananyone know why asterisk stopped recording in the mysql CDR.....i have checked cdr_mysql.conf and everything is correct.
08:07.02johnakabeani just recompiled addons
08:09.44*** join/#asterisk troubled (n=troubled@unaffiliated/troubled)
08:09.51johnakabeananyone know why asterisk stopped recording in the mysql CDR.....i have checked cdr_mysql.conf and everything is correct.
08:10.07johnakabeani just recompiled addons
08:12.54hi365maybe you deleted the config file
08:13.27johnakabeanhave checked cdr_mysql.conf and everything is correct.
08:13.28johnakabeanhave checked cdr_mysql.conf and everything is correct.
08:13.43johnakabeani even see asterisk connected in mysql manager
08:14.19johnakabeanKill 1100 asteriskuser localhost:46055 asterisk Sleep 79 ---
08:18.24fiddurHi.  I use autopause in queues to have an agent paused when he doesn't answer... I want the agent to be paused in all queues, not just the one he didn't answer.  Is there an in-build way for this, or should I make a manager that listens to the pause-event and pauses on other queues... ?
08:27.10*** join/#asterisk kadath (
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08:27.37johnakabeanI hate internet explorer 8
08:28.31johnakabeanit was recording the cdr in mysql the whole time but IE 8 just showed calls from yesterday.
08:28.36johnakabeanfirefox is a different story
08:33.19*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
08:33.59*** join/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
08:34.17Zeeeksex, drugs, rock n roll
08:34.28dan__tfound out what my agi problem was, btw.
08:34.37dan__thad to fflish.  after.  every.  fwrite.  to.  stdout.
08:34.40dan__tThat sucks.
08:34.41MaliutaZeeek: and asterisk
08:35.10Zeeekasterisk schmasterisk
08:35.23Zeeekdrugs first, depending
08:35.32dan__trock and roll, always.
08:35.37dan__tOr some variation thereof.
08:35.40Zeeekyou need to flush always
08:35.55Zeeekjust the way it is
08:36.19dan__tWell.  Alright, I have no problem doubling the number of lines in my code.
08:36.23Zeeekotherwise it acts like a teenager "yeah, yeah, I'll do it when I get time"
08:36.41Zeeekwrite a function writeandflush()
08:36.56dan__tUh, suppose I could do that.
08:37.04Zeeekthere may be a setting to flush after writes
08:37.14Zeeekit's been a long time since I messed with that
08:38.29dan__tHuh maybe that's what ob_implicit_flush() is for.
08:40.05dan__tIndeed, it is.
08:40.10dan__timplied flush durrr
08:49.53dan__tOk, let's play a little game of theory.
08:50.18dan__tSay I made this neat dialplan through AGI.  Say in that dialplan, there was an option for a caller to be able to call some arbitrary phone number.
08:50.22dan__tWhat would be the process for that?
08:50.39dan__tWould I use AMI to dial that number, then join it to the current channel?
08:51.16lanningwhat language?
08:53.08dan__tI'll be doing this in PHP, which I can figure out, I just want to think ahead and know what the process would be within Asterisk.
08:54.01lanningyou should be able to turn off buffered IO on a file descriptor/handle
08:54.19dan__tOhh, that.
08:54.27lanninglike $| in perl
08:54.32dan__tYeah, I've got that sorted.  Never written CLI in PHP before.
08:54.43dan__tHell, never really done anything with Asterisk before, either.
08:54.46dan__tBut thank you.
08:55.56dan__tGot any tips for a dialplan like what I had suggested?
08:57.34lanningyou mean the play sound?
08:58.29dan__tGot that sorted, too :)
08:58.54dan__tI'm talking about making a phone call in a proxy manner.  Some user is on a channel, wants to go ahead and dial some arbitrary number to connect to another party.
08:59.25*** join/#asterisk lilalinux (
08:59.54lanningyou mean like a DISA?
09:00.06*** join/#asterisk steliosk (
09:01.20lanningdial into the PBX get a dialtone and be able to dial out?
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09:01.38dan__tThat's a useful one, but what I'd be doing would come after some menus, some authentication etc etc.
09:02.02frogonwheelsdan__t:   look at DISA
09:02.45dan__tYeah I just read up on it.  My way was a more indirect way.
09:02.53dan__tAuthentication would be done prior to any of this.
09:03.07lanningthat is just steps in front.
09:03.20lanningyou never dial directly into the DISA app.
09:03.22frogonwheelsdan__t: ok.. well that's just Authenticate()
09:03.41frogonwheelsdan__t: and to do the other bit, you just   include=> context_that_dials_out
09:03.41lanningpriority 1 answer
09:03.50frogonwheelsdan__t:  and call   Background(dial-now)
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09:03.56frogonwheelsdan__t: or  WaitExten(30)
09:04.12frogonwheelsdan__t: .. and either loop or whatever.
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09:04.50frogonwheelsdan__t: it's strangely easy :)
09:04.56dan__tSee, I know most all of the pieces, I just need to know how to put them together.
09:05.07dan__tBut this puzzle is one of those big pains in the ass, like a 3D puzzle of Big Ben.
09:05.21lanningnot really.
09:05.31dan__tOr that 1/3 scale LEGO pneumatic race car.
09:06.13dan__tI guess my project/goal is to be able to interact with the channel, join another (dialed) extension on that channel, and be able to do things based on DTMF signals, like recording the call, blah blah
09:06.28lanningwhen you dial to an extension, you run down a list of priorities (like line numbers in BASIC, except you can't skip numbers in your listing)
09:06.34frogonwheelsdan__t:  there's an autoattend menu with timeouts, multiple choices, and an include =>
09:06.35dan__tSo in my mind, it's simply a channel, and I manipulate the channel, not send the channel somewhere else.
09:06.46dan__tYeah, I'm familiar with those.
09:06.51frogonwheelsdan__t: yes - but it's running in a context.
09:07.00dan__tYes, rather.
09:07.11dan__tI understand sending the channel to a new context for another application or function or something.
09:07.18frogonwheelsdan__t: have a look - it shows how the include => extensions allows you to dial an extension.
09:07.19dan__tI'm all about making this dialplan as atomic as possible
09:07.24dan__tWill do, brb.
09:07.58lanningsees a flash of blinding white light...
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09:08.51dan__tGot it.
09:09.03dan__tJust introduce more extensions into the picture as needed, based on an action.
09:09.38dan__tThen I can do things like if DTMF == 44 goto (somemenu/1) or something
09:09.49dan__tthat context would be responsible for maybe dialing out, or whatever
09:11.02lanningright, but you don't do VAR == num, you let the extensions be the menu itself.
09:11.39dan__tyeah, just doing some psuedocode
09:12.02dan__tI see now how that 'n' priority can come in handy
09:12.07dan__tHaving to inject switches and things like that
09:12.20dan__tI couldn't have imagined having to hack it up without that.
09:12.22*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
09:12.43dan__tI made a little authentication thing based off of raw SQL lookups for SugarCRM.
09:13.11dan__tSo, callerid is taken, matched against a number stored, if its there then you're prompted for DTMF input, if you pass... well, haven't gotten that far yet.  But still.
09:15.08dan__tAnyway, I'm liking this, it makes my brain hurt.  Bad.
09:17.40dan__tThanks for the help, lanning.
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09:25.03mercutiovizout of curiousity, does * have T.38 gateway support?
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09:30.24strummulahello, can you suggest me a sip client?
09:30.28strummulafor windows
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09:37.19rvhihi, anyone uses PauseQueueMember?
09:37.29rvhiif it fails, it didn't jump to n+101
09:39.22kaldemarrvhi: all applications don't support that even if you had priorityjumping=yes set.
09:39.59*** join/#asterisk araknattack (
09:40.21araknattacksay hi
09:40.24rvhikaldemar: how do i jump then? it says that there is an option
09:40.32araknattacki installed asterisk, how should i configure it?
09:40.43rvhiThe option string may contain zero or more of the following characters:
09:42.29*** join/#asterisk Slashman (
09:45.07kaldemarrvhi: what version are you using?
09:45.43jbotmethinks book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
09:46.33kaldemararaknattack: decide what you want to do with your asterisk, read that book so you start to understand it and then please ask specific questions. :)
09:51.21*** join/#asterisk beherit (
09:51.39kaldemarrvhi: hmm. looking at the code, it should try to jump if the given interface is not found.
09:52.13rvhikaldemar: i looked at the code too, can't figure out why it didn't jump
09:52.54kaldemarhow exactly are you calling the app?
09:53.30strummulasorry for repeat: i'm searching for a windows client that can interface with asterisk. can you suggest one?
09:54.17*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
09:56.12kaldemarhm. you could always just check PQMSTATUS in the next priority and do a jump then if necessary. the jumping option is removed in 1.6 anyway.
09:56.53araknattackkaldemar: i just wanted to access the asterisk gui
09:56.55kaldemarand is it so that you don't have SIP/101 defined in queue queue-1?
09:56.59araknattackis that too much to tell?
09:57.08kaldemararaknattack: did you install it?
09:57.11araknattackon the book ther is nothing about it
09:57.23araknattackand i can do asterisk -r
09:57.35kaldemarit's not too much to tell but you didn't say a word about the gui.
09:58.06araknattackwell i tought it was the easiest way to configure it
09:58.21*** join/#asterisk hi365 (
09:59.11kaldemararaknattack: the best way is to edit the configuration files directly.
10:01.04kaldemararaknattack: in manager.conf, you have to have webenabled=yes and a defined user, and enable the web interface in http.conf. then restart asterisk.
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10:09.04araknattacktnx kaldemar
10:09.48Faustovbasically to connect 5 asterisk servers, each server has to register with the other 4, right?
10:10.23*** join/#asterisk [Jasper] (
10:10.25[Jasper]hej guys
10:12.00kaldemarFaustov: the registration is basically just a way to tell the other end where you are, so it is not necessarily needed. but you have to configure clients for all other servers in each server.
10:13.29Faustovkaldemar: thanks, i just found that out from here:
10:14.05Faustovhowever it doesn't show a good example of how 2 asterisk servers should cooperate based on sip only - what entries in sip.conf would be required?
10:15.27Faustovall my servers got static ip address, so no registering is required, but i suppose i need to implement some authentication and define encryption or digest?
10:17.34*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
10:18.04kaldemarFaustov: the book has an example on that starting from page 101.
10:18.21jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
10:18.27*** join/#asterisk scurb (n=scurb@
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10:18.55kaldemar"Connecting Two Asterisk Boxes Together via SIP"
10:19.24*** join/#asterisk Poincare (
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10:22.41lanningfaustov, it's free, unless you want a dead tree.
10:23.39*** join/#asterisk bn43 (n=dhashen@
10:24.02Faustovi want healthy eyes, and reading electronic stuff is killing my eyes obviously
10:24.51bn43hi I've just set up asterisk and can make and receive calls locally - I'm now testing the mailbox feature and find the default voice prompts very scratchy and unclear - yet voice to voice is very good - how can I fix this?
10:26.21*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
10:30.14kaldemarbn43: do you have the gsm coded versions of the sound files?
10:31.32bn43um how do I check this?  I compiled asterisk from source on my ubuntu box and have not changed defaults
10:32.03*** join/#asterisk Rabenklaue (
10:32.49kaldemarcheck whether the files in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds have .gsm extensions. there's something with the gsm codec and gcc >= 4.2. as a workaround you can use sound files in other formats.
10:33.43bn43yes there are gsm extensions - lots
10:34.21bn43in fact there are no other type of file extensions
10:34.31kaldemarwell, remove *.gsm and take one of these:
10:34.32*** join/#asterisk KermitTheFragger (
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10:35.26bn43which do you recommend?
10:35.50kaldemarwav or alaw/ulaw depending on what codecs you use.
10:35.50bn43and is there some setting to change or do I just copy the sound files into the sound directory?
10:36.03bn43using alaw at the moment
10:37.07kaldemarjust copy the sound files into the directory. alaw would be nice then to avoid transcoding.
10:37.54araknattackjust a question, i need to make simple call recording.
10:38.05araknattackwhat card do you suggest?
10:38.34bn43what is transcoding?
10:39.33*** join/#asterisk Rabenklaue (
10:41.00kaldemarbn43: transcoding is coding audio from one format to another. it eats resources.
10:41.46kaldemararaknattack: you don't need a card to record calls.
10:42.12bn43ahh - ok - what is the recommended coding to start with?  I'm just testing on an internal network at the moment
10:43.42kaldemardepends on your environment. if you use alaw as your call codec, then alaw is fine.
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10:51.40Gh0styhello i have a small configuration problem with call queues,
10:51.56Gh0sty this is part of the configuration
10:52.09Gh0stynow when i dial 9200 i get immediatly to the SIP/9000
10:52.23Gh0styif i dial 9150 i get immediatly the voicemail for 9150
10:52.40Gh0styso it seems it does nothing with the queue
10:55.57[Jasper]loader.c:371 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module ''
10:56.01[Jasper]what can I do about that?
10:59.34*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
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11:01.39fiddurWhen app_queue sets Auto-Pause on a realtime queue member, it sends a manager event QueueMemberPaused, but it doesn't say if it was done because the member didn't pick up, or if the interface was busy!  I don't want to auto-pause members who are on the phone, just those who doesn't answer whithin timeout!  How can I detect this?
11:01.48fiddurdo I have to page the interface myself?
11:07.53bn43kaldemar: thank you very much - the sound is much better now!
11:10.16bn43just a question - was searching on the forums for this and nothing was coming up - what terms should I have been search for?
11:13.21fiddurExtensionState (from Manager) returns the same no matter if the phone is occupied or not.. and status is 0 ...   the extension is specified from users.conf and is correctly identified in managers answer by Hint that has correct interface...
11:13.48fidduris there a better way to see if an interface is busy?
11:13.53fiddur(a sip interface)
11:14.07*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
11:16.01bn43fiddur: learnt a trick yesterday - u can use the asterisk console to monitor for errors
11:23.38*** join/#asterisk guax (n=guaxinim@unaffiliated/guaxinim)
11:36.04fiddurbn43: There is no error message on the console nor the debug-log when my manager issues ExtensionState...
11:36.50*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
11:41.43ultrav1oletHow can I create an extension for any unknown (not registered in any extension) number?
11:42.42NoxIn-ultrav1olet: it think somethink like    exten => _X.
11:42.55*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
11:43.41ultrav1oletNoxIn-: can it possibly intersect with existing extensions? I mean I have a valid extension and _X. one - will asterisk still work correctly?
11:44.15*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]
11:44.47[gnubie]anybody here uses package management to install asterisk?
11:46.54NoxIn-ultrav1olet: if you have like    exten => 1243   and exten => _X.       when you dial 1243 it won't take the _X.
11:47.08ultrav1oletNoxIn-: excellent, thank you
11:47.15NoxIn-if they have the same priority
11:48.04NoxIn-now if they have different priority then it will take the one with the first priority
11:48.23ultrav1oletNow camoing back to my yesterdays' question: I cannot link two asterisk servers, one of which runs _only_ as a proxy for another SIP provider
11:49.08ultrav1oletRight now I get this error message from the internal asterisk server:
11:49.11ultrav1olet[2009-01-27 16:33:48] NOTICE[13516]: chan_iax2.c:2991 __auto_congest: Auto-congesting call due to slow response
11:50.38ultrav1oletmy internal server has this extension: exten => _9.,1,Dial(iax2/outside_asterisk:password/${EXTEN:1},30,r)
11:51.14ultrav1oletroughly so
11:51.33ultrav1oletI get zero messages from B server
11:51.33*** join/#asterisk Rabenklaue (
11:51.48ultrav1oletit looks like server B doesn't get any calls from server A
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11:57.46snafuhi everyone :)
12:05.50*** join/#asterisk IvanG (n=IvanG@
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12:07.06[Jasper]hej guys
12:07.09[Jasper]when is the context used
12:07.11[Jasper]on incomign calls?
12:07.13[Jasper]or outgoing calls?
12:07.15[Jasper]or both?
12:08.07frogonwheels[Jasper]: both
12:08.09*** join/#asterisk gambler1 (n=mene_sun@dragan.eunet.yu)
12:09.08frogonwheels[Jasper]: contexts are pretty much used until the call is connected/bridged between two interface / endpoints.
12:09.35frogonwheels[Jasper]: I think my nomenclature could be a bit clearer, but you get the idea.
12:09.40*** join/#asterisk Mark17 (n=mark@freenode/sponsor/mark17)
12:09.41gambler1Does gotoif application supports more conditions? Something like Gotoif device_state = [BUSY or DONTCALL or BLABLA] then jump handlebusy
12:11.06kaldemarultrav1olet: your dialstring is invalid. you can't use peer:password. if you want to use password in the dialstring, the form is IAX2/local:pass@remote/exten.
12:11.14frogonwheelsgambler1:   $[ $[${device_state} = BUSY] or .
12:11.17*** join/#asterisk prxtien (
12:11.25frogonwheelsgambler1: ergh forgotton what the or symbol / thing is.
12:11.34prxtienhey all, whats the best way for me to add the app_transcode module to my install
12:12.34frogonwheelsgambler1:   $[ $[${device_state} = BUSY] | $[${device_state} = DONTCALL] $]   etc...
12:13.32ultrav1oletkaldemar: thanks, wait a minute
12:14.13ultrav1oletkaldemar: what is 'local'? Is it my iax [peer name]?
12:15.19gambler1frogonwheels: thanks, I thought something like GotoIf($[${DEVICE_STATE(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@myvoipupstreamprovider)} = BUSY|CHANUNAVAIL|CONGESTION|CANCEL|DONTCALL]?:busy)
12:15.34kaldemarultrav1olet: it is the name of the dialing server, as defined in the other server as peer.
12:15.43gambler1frogonwheels: but it does not... :) Tnx for help
12:17.25snafuanybody knows if the odbc idlecheck patch is avaiable for 1.2.x versions?
12:17.48snafuwe're running too much applikations on 1.2.x that we cannot easily migrate to 1.4.x
12:19.04*** join/#asterisk path_ (
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12:28.52itguruMy asterisk server all of a sudden stopped accepting SIP registrations? my entire phone net is down
12:29.17itgurusip show subscriptions comes up blank?
12:32.57kaldemaritguru: subcriptions doesn't list registrations. sip show peers does.
12:33.01prxtienhas anyone compiled app_transcode before?
12:34.28[Jasper]hej guys, I'm trying to figure out why asterisk isn't using my context
12:34.33[Jasper]anyone who can help a bit?
12:35.09itgurukaldemar - 0 sip peers?
12:35.18kaldemar[Jasper]: ask a specific question. what context are you referring to? where did you define it? how does it not use it? what are you doing when it doesn't use it?
12:35.21itguruwhat could cause asterisk to stop accepting connections?
12:37.03prxtienmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `gcc', needed by `'.  Stop.
12:37.04prxtienmake: *** [apps] Error 2
12:37.11prxtienim getting this error when trying to compile my modules
12:38.38[Jasper]kaldemar I made a trunk with a context...I can dial the enters asterisk
12:38.46[Jasper]but goes to default instead of the correct context which I defined
12:39.43kaldemar[Jasper]: pastebin configs and a cli output of a call
12:40.34*** join/#asterisk adnc (n=adnc@unaffiliated/adnc)
12:40.58[gnubie]how can i uninstall asterisk-
12:41.05itguruHas anyone ever encountered an asterisk box all of a sudden not accepting any connections? How can I test if this is the case?
12:41.34adncin order to be reachable via your email adresses, do i have to have a registrar server running?
12:41.35kaldemar[gnubie]: how did you install it?
12:41.49[gnubie]kaldemar: make install
12:43.00kaldemar[gnubie]: make uninstall
12:44.03*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (n=c0rnoTa@
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12:46.08[gnubie]kaldemar: ok, thanks..
12:47.10[Jasper]kaldemar <- debug of a call
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12:47.59tamseelhi gyz
12:48.04tamseeli have a problem
12:48.44tamseeli want to send voice mail to my email address i have mentiond to that how can it be possible
12:51.37bn43hi - I am seeing these errors coming thru from the asterisk console -
12:52.04bn43everything is working hunky dory otherwise so I'm not sure why this is happening
12:52.17[Jasper]kaldemar seeing anything weird?
12:53.06kaldemar[Jasper]: none of your defined peers match to whoever is calling you, and the one who is calling you is not sending any number, but "s". you'll debug that after you get your peers right.
12:53.38[gnubie]is wondering if there is an asterisk binary rpm for centos-5.2 or binary deb for debian etch or ubuntu 8.04.2 lts
12:54.27[Jasper]kaldemar how will I know whos'calling me?
12:55.20kaldemar[Jasper]: i sure as hell can't tell you who's calling you. :)
12:55.27RypPnbn43 It might help if you also pastebi zaptel.conf, it seems to be referring to it
12:55.51bn43will do
12:56.15RypPnI have the sneaky suspicion you haven't edited it after running make samples
12:57.22tzafrir_laptopbn43, that message is generated due to a very ugly hack of asterisk-gui - using the asterisk configuration parser to parse zaptel.conf
12:58.01bn43would you believe it! there is no zaptel.conf in /etc/asterisk!
12:58.06tzafrir_laptopI think it is completely harmless (besides being a pain and hiding other messages in the flood)
12:58.38tzafrir_laptopbn43, grep '#include zaptel.conf' /etc/asterisk/*.conf
12:59.22tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], why do you need that version specifically?
12:59.22bn43nothing found
13:00.09bn43RypPn: were u talking to me?
13:00.42RypPnzaptel.conf is usually in /etc bn43
13:00.49[Jasper]kaldemar why should I define that?
13:00.54[Jasper]whos calling me
13:00.55bn43cause I did run make samples but there was no instruction afterwards the make
13:00.55[Jasper]as a peer?
13:01.20bn43at least none that I could see :-)
13:01.27[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i got a running 1.4.21 from debian unstable and i got 2 major problems.. for the past few weeks, i don't have time on my own box and i just decided to upgrade it to the latest probably the problems that i have are fixed already
13:01.42bn43are yes it is in /etc
13:02.56kaldemar[Jasper]: to be able to control where the call lands in your dialplan, i.e. _in what context it goes_.
13:03.11*** join/#asterisk kannan (n=kannan@
13:03.12bn43as far as I can see everything is commented out
13:04.57tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], what problems? Are there open bugs for them?
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13:05.09[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: the problems are: [1] the callee from a pstn cannot hear me if i am calling from one of my sip phones (one way audio from sip) and [2] the callee (sip phone) from asterisk-b cannot hear me for a minute or less if i am calling from analog or sip phone connected to asterisk-a while peered both asterisk-a and asterisk-b via iax2
13:05.11tzafrir_laptop(in Debian)
13:06.00tzafrir_laptopif you want a harmless (does-not-break-system) installation from source, try live_ast
13:06.29*** join/#asterisk arpu (
13:06.29[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i already posted the first problem on the asterisk-users mailing list but since i was so busy with my work, i wasn't able to give a follow-up to what i started on the mailing list
13:08.02tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], please reportbug . Also specifcaly I'm interested to know if the audio is OK (bidirectional) when recorded in ztmonitor
13:08.24[Jasper]kaldemar what i I wanna let ALL calls go to a certain dialplan?
13:09.01[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: for the 2nd problem, the communication is good for both sip caller and the sip callee connected via iax2 but in the middle of the conversation, the callee will not hear me for a minute or less.. it is like having a pause on the other side..
13:10.45[Jasper]and what do you mean by the one who is calling me is sending a s kaldemar ?
13:12.24[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: the 2nd problem has a setup like this:  sip_phone =lan-sip=> asterisk-a =internet-iax2=> asterisk-b =lan-sip=> sip_phone
13:13.43[Jasper]I understand that s means no extension kaldemar ...but is that why it goes to default?
13:13.46[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: for the 1st problem, the setup is like this:  sip_phone ==lan-sip==> asterisk ==pots==> analog_telephone
13:13.52[Jasper]it should still go the trunk it's specified context right?
13:14.56*** join/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
13:14.56KhratosGood morning!
13:16.31[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: you want me to report the bug on both problems?
13:16.38kaldemar[Jasper]: if the call doesn't match any peer, it goes to default. if it matches a peer but doesn't match any extension, it falls through to default unless you have autofallthrough=no in extensions.conf. but as i said earlier, the call doesn't match any of your peers, that is your first issue.
13:17.19tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], yes, please
13:17.43[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: ok, i will
13:17.51[Jasper]I don't get can it not match ? :p
13:17.57[Jasper]should I rename it or something?
13:19.47*** part/#asterisk Gh0sty (
13:20.16kaldemar[Jasper]: you don't have a peer with name 0613442399 or ip where the call in your debug comes from.
13:20.56[Jasper]no true kaldemar
13:21.05[Jasper]but that's my mobile phone which I dialed with
13:21.13[Jasper]how can I make a peer for every number which could be dialing me?
13:21.14[Jasper]thta's weird
13:21.16prxtienis there any wnidows softphones with h.264 support?
13:23.47kaldemar[Jasper]: use a context under [general] and take a look at insecure parameter in sip.conf.
13:26.49*** join/#asterisk itguru (
13:27.53itguru - I'm getting this from my Mitel SIP phone, 5340 - This is it's registration status - I'm guessing this means broken asterisk instance?
13:28.42[Jasper]under general kaldemar
13:28.45[Jasper]so not under default
13:29.03kaldemarsorry, under default that is. my bad.
13:29.46kaldemarmmm.. i'll take that back. it is under general.
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13:37.05prxtienvideo softphone anyone?
13:37.16*** join/#asterisk kamh (
13:37.33kamhhi all
13:38.09kamhdo U know if there is a problem with CALLERID() function in ast v1.6????
13:38.57kamhI set it adn it does not change the called number e.g. from 1111 to 555
13:39.12kamhis it ok?
13:39.53kaldemardrop the ""'s
13:40.27kamhI have£
13:40.32kamhexten => 100,1,Set(CALLEDRID(num)=555)
13:40.43kamhexten => 100,2,Dial(SIP/1111)
13:41.00kamhbut it does not change 100 to 555
13:41.09*** join/#asterisk ickmund (
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13:41.32fexyHave any of you chaps attempted to use the real time patch for chan-sccp with chan-sccp-b?
13:41.46fexyI'm sure the patch is totally broken and would even compile
13:41.53fexybut has anyone tried? :)
13:42.00fexyerr wouldn't
13:42.45kamhI think that there is a problem with CALLERID() functionin v1.6
13:44.22kaldemarkahyou have a typo in the function name
13:44.53itguruIf this disc on which asterisk resides, is full, can this cause any failures in asterisk?
13:45.00*** join/#asterisk DarkRift (n=dark@
13:45.05*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
13:45.13beekitguru: A full disk is never a good thing.
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13:45.16beekMorning jaytee
13:45.22jayteemorning beek
13:45.58beekjaytee: POTS lines were ported from Level 3 yesterday.
13:46.09beekjaytee: PRIs will move on 2/17
13:46.23[Jasper]kaldemar I expect you wanted me tro try insecure = invite?
13:46.24jayteefrom Level 3 to whom?
13:46.29beekjaytee: support will come from a town 45 minutes away.
13:46.55beekjaytee: The company is called D&E.  They're a local and cover this part of the state through the center of the state.  I've checked around and they have a good rep.
13:47.45Faustovif i have 2 asterisks with static ip, how do i set passwords for each site without using "register"? just secret=xxx on each side in the appropriate [section]?
13:48.05kamhkaldemar: Yes but only here, in ast I have exten => 100,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=555)
13:48.14jayteeso 45 minutes to a couple hours versus 1 to 2 weeks of fingerpointing, 2 to 3 weeks of hemming and hawwing and then 1 and a half weeks actually trying to work the problem.
13:48.56beekjaytee: You got it.   It took a little over six weeks to get that damed problem fixed.  I can't even tell you how many hours I wasted in the evenings and weekends
13:50.10beekjaytee: I'm still very appreciative of your suggestion for the loop back.  With that successful test I was well-armed to fight the "it's CPE" argument I was being given.
13:50.33*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:50.50beekActually, they have two offices in the two neighboring towns.  One is 35 minutes, the other is 45 minutes.
13:51.05jayteebeek, buy O'Reilly's T-1 Survival Guide. The chapter on troubleshooting alone is worth the cover price
13:51.28[Jasper]kaldemar I have no idea what to do here
13:52.26lilalinuxsomebody here using T.38 with Sipgate?
13:52.48beekjaytee: Already purchased.  I now know more than I ever thought I'd need to about T-1s
13:53.17beekBut as the song from The Who says:  " I won't be fooled again."
13:54.45beekjaytee: Best part about the new company is that I'm getting two PRIs for less than what I was paying for one.
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14:07.00Faustovok i got 2 asterisk servers to talk to each other, but the voice is only one way. ports 5004, 5060, 10000-20000 are open on iptables on both server, [general] has the same selection of codecs - what else could it be?
14:07.36[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i already submitted the first problem to
14:07.53[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: and i Cc you
14:08.08*** join/#asterisk pecanha (n=e@
14:08.12Faustovno nat, both are on public IPs
14:08.33[Jasper]kaldemar did you leave?
14:08.42tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], Package: should be simply asterisk
14:09.18tzafrir_laptopDid you get a bug number?
14:09.18[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: ah, sorry..
14:09.23[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: nope
14:09.27tzafrir_laptopyou can also let reportbug handle that for you
14:09.41tzafrir_laptopLet me know when you get it, and I'll reassign the bug to asterisk
14:11.09[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: ok. i'm waiting for my ticket number
14:14.25*** join/#asterisk prxtien (
14:14.32prxtienNOTICE[5187]: rtp.c:1586 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 127 received from , anyone familiar with this error
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14:22.26[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i got it already... it's the Bug#513229
14:22.46tzafrir_laptopok. it somehow worked well
14:23.19[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: it was only for the 1st problem.. for the 2nd problem, i will submit it maybe tomorrow..
14:23.50[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: but, any plans on creating a src deb package for the asterisk v1.4.23.1 for debian stable/testing?
14:23.54itguruI should not be getting 404 errors from my SIP clients, because I can ping the asterisk box. What else would cause 404 errors, even if the network connectivity is correct?
14:24.12tzafrir_laptopBTW: no need to CC us, as we alterdy get this mail (it's sent to the pkg-voip-maintainers list)
14:25.17[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i see.. ok.. ;)
14:26.28frogonwheelsgambler1:  oh - btw  that matching problem - I forgot about regular expressions. use the regexp match.
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14:28.30frogonwheels$DEVICE_STATE(..) : (A|B|C)
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14:36.39Faustovit can't be firewall, i've set default policy accept to all
14:36.50Faustovallow=all on both sides
14:37.02Faustovand still the called person can't hear me, i can hear him tho
14:38.55*** join/#asterisk The_Boy_Wonder (n=davidvos@nat/digium/x-2ba03dc7dc57e260)
14:43.03tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], those sound files have complete silence (both ways). Were they recorded at the time of a call?
14:43.52[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i was the one who was speaking at that time
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14:49.21tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], maybe you recorded the wrong channel
14:49.50x86hey guys, I can't get the time right on my Polycom phones... it sync's with my NTP servers just fine, but the offset is 6 hours ahead of local time
14:50.14[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i mean, based on the command that i executed, was it the right one?
14:50.53x86my offset should be -06:00, but the polycom provisioning files expect it differently, and I'm not sure if it's in seconds or what, but it's showing -21600
14:51.08ur8uprunning asterisknow 1.0.2 server seems to loose the ip address from time to time.  I have to restart the server.  Is this a known issue
14:51.13x86how do I convert "-06:00" into a format that the polycom configuration files will like?
14:51.23*** join/#asterisk drepan (
14:51.37x86ur8up: we don't support asterisknow here, try #asterisknow
14:51.41tzafrir_laptop[gnubie], the call went through Zap/1 ?
14:52.00drepanwhich is the better codec to use for voice currently?
14:52.05ur8upok thanks.  is this just for asterisk?  what is the differnce?
14:52.10[TK]D-Fenderx86: that is correct
14:52.20pecanhahey all, is it possible to pass call transfer parameter to RetryDial()?
14:52.22[TK]D-Fenderx86: in terms that it is seconds,a nd the math is right
14:52.30*** part/#asterisk drepan (
14:52.37[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: zap/1 is fxs
14:52.49[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: does it mean, i got a wrong one?
14:52.50[TK]D-Fenderpecanha: "core show application retrydial" <---
14:53.24tzafrir_laptopaparantly . The number in the command ztmonitor is the number of zaptel channel to record
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14:54.00x86[TK]D-Fender: well it's using GMT time I guess, and not local time, since it's 6 hours ahead of local time (As is GMT)
14:54.09x86[TK]D-Fender: so it's ignoring my offset?
14:54.12[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i see.. so, i will try to call again and execute the ztmonitor command
14:54.25[TK]D-Fenderx86: Possible.  Would help if you PB'd what you're doing.
14:54.34drepanSorry got dropped, which is the better codec to use for voice?
14:54.42[TK]D-Fenderdrepan: G.722
14:55.31x86[TK]D-Fender: i'm retarded man... that was only set in one phone's config (a phone we no longer have lol)
14:55.37*** join/#asterisk thepacmanfan (
14:55.39pecanha[TK]D-Fender: thanks
14:55.41x86[TK]D-Fender: setting it now in sip.cfg ;)
14:55.57itguruRegistration from '<sip:12345@>' failed for '' - No matching peer found - What can cause such an error message to come on suddenly? - As in a fully working system, to a not working system?
14:56.04[TK]D-Fenderx86: SMRT :)
14:56.18drepanOkay let me rephrase, which codec will give the best quality to least bandwidth ratio?
14:56.22[TK]D-Fenderitguru: Bad auth.  Plain and simple
14:56.36[TK]D-Fenderdrepan: G.729
14:56.52thepacmanfani want to set up an extension for users to change the time value of a dial command in another extension. what's the cleanest way to do this? AstDB?
14:57.11[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: If you don't need to do a ton of these, yes
14:57.11drepanThanks that is what I thought
14:57.12Faustovomg i made it
14:57.15Faustovi'd like to report a bug
14:57.21*** join/#asterisk angryuser (
14:57.28Faustovdefault rtp.conf says 10k-20k ports
14:57.34Faustovin fact it tries 5k-31k
14:57.57Faustovwell maybe not a bug but it's misleading
14:58.12thepacmanfan[TK]D-Fender, no i don't. the problem i'm running into right now is how to echo the current value in the database back to the use. does SayDigits support variables pointing to a DB?
14:58.35*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
14:58.46[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: AstDB just puts & gets raw text.... you can use this anywhere in your dialplan apps
14:58.50drepanwhat could cause this? retrans_pkt: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission
14:58.57thepacmanfaneven in Swift()?
14:59.59[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: Set(DB(abc/123)=Yo fred you suck)     Swift(${DB(abc/123)})}
15:00.08[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: Set(DB(abc/123)=Yo fred you suck)     Swift(${DB(abc/123)})
15:00.29[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: go read up
15:00.45[TK]D-Fenderdrepan: Bad network setup or other related failure
15:01.06*** join/#asterisk thepacmanfan (
15:01.13[TK]D-Fenderhopes his name wasn't "fred" :)
15:01.27[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: Comical sample, do not take as spite ;)
15:01.32thepacmanfanwhoops. could you repeat what you said to me? stupid webchats are too easy to close.
15:01.42[TK]D-Fender[10:00]<[TK]D-Fender>thepacmanfan: Set(DB(abc/123)=Yo fred you suck) Swift(${DB(abc/123)})
15:01.58[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: Assign a value, reference it "whenever"
15:02.00*** join/#asterisk n3hxs (
15:02.03x86[TK]D-Fender: hmm, set it in sip.cfg, rebooted the phones, still no dice... I'm wondering if I have to format the filesystems on the phones for the changed files to take effect?
15:02.15[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: just remember how dead-simple DB2 is and you're set
15:02.21[TK]D-Fenderx86: nope
15:02.31thepacmanfanawesome, thanks! i'll give it a shot. i've used the DB before, but never called it from apps like SayDigits or Swift
15:03.06[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: its no different for 1 app than another.  Values are values.
15:04.24x86[TK]D-Fender: i'm PB'ing my sip.cfg now
15:05.11*** join/#asterisk Nuitari (
15:06.07Nuitariwhy is sip authentication so frustrating?
15:08.39thepacmanfan[TK]D-Fender, so what command would i use to "capture" user keypresses before using Set to save them in the DB?
15:09.08*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:09.20[TK]D-Fenderx86: Sure your NTP server is running on that IP?  query it direct to make sure its settings are right as well
15:09.32[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: "core show application read"
15:10.05x86[TK]D-Fender: yeah, the phones query the NTP server just fine
15:10.17x86[TK]D-Fender: the phones have the right minutes, etc, just the wrong offset
15:10.21[TK]D-Fenderx86: and make sure its ANSWER is fine
15:10.40*** join/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
15:11.08ruben23hi nayone have idea on this..?
15:11.46[TK]D-Fenderruben23: says nothing.  "sip show peer [peername]" and enable SIP debug and look at what's actually ahppening.
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15:14.54Nuitariwhy would asterisk keep  finding a user instead of the peer?
15:14.59Nuitarieven if the peer is set properly
15:15.07Nuitariand the identical peer works on another server
15:16.36itguru[TK]D-Fender - Bad authentication from every handset at the same time, when there has been no changes made to the handsets?
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15:18.02x86[TK]D-Fender: answer seems fine
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15:21.23x86[TK]D-Fender: i know the NTP server is fine because my Linksys phones have no problems
15:21.40x86[TK]D-Fender: for whatever reason these polycom phones just seem to be ignoring the offset
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15:23.13jjshoex86 are you setting an offset via dhcp?
15:23.33[TK]D-Fenderx86: Not sure what to tell you.. the XML segment lokos OK to me... I'd only wonder if its pulling the file ro not...
15:23.42otavio_Hello ... I'm using asterisk 1.4 with zaptel ... callerid is not working ... do someone has any hint how I can make a test to see if I can fix it?
15:25.53beekotavio_: Are you saying the INCOMING callerid is not working?
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15:27.54thepacmanfan[TK]D-Fender, here's my context:
15:28.30thepacmanfani've tried several different formatting options, but Swift keeps breaking at the beginning of the DB part in s,1
15:30.53Nuitariwhy, when I have host=therightip port=5060 for a friend in sip.conf asterisk can't find the peer when I call it from the right ip
15:31.06thepacmanfanerr, i mean at the db part in s,2
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15:34.01otavio_beek: yes
15:34.23beekotavio_: POTS lines or BRI/PRI?
15:34.59otavio_beek: POTS?
15:35.06beekotavio_: Analog
15:35.11otavio_beek: sorry but I'm not used to telephony language
15:35.16otavio_beek: yes, analog
15:35.45beekotavio_: And you're sure that the telco is providing you callerid?  Have you plugged in a phone w/callerid or a callerid box and ensured that you're really getting callerid?
15:36.18*** join/#asterisk ReDNeQ (n=ReDNeQ@
15:39.15otavio_beek: yes. One of the lines are commenting to another  PBX (an analog one) thata also provides callerid and it is also not working
15:40.23beekotavio_: Now I'm confused.  You have another PBX connected to the PSTN and it is NOT getting callerid?
15:40.52*** join/#asterisk RMod (n=nicolasj@unaffiliated/rmod)
15:40.59Faustovyay, made a mesh of 3 asterisk servers
15:41.03Faustov2 more to go...
15:41.46NuitariI've got a mesh of 10 servers, they all can talk to each other just fine, except 2 of them, and only one way
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15:42.07Nuitariand I can't find the problem and I'm about to give up throw it all away and call cisco
15:43.30otavio_beek: this have three ports
15:43.38otavio_beek: two, are analog POTS
15:43.54otavio_beek: and one connect to another PBX (an analog one)
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15:44.57beekotavio_:  I understand.     Have you plugged just a phone into the POTS lines to see if you get callerid information from your Telco?
15:45.37FaustovNuitari: i just had a similar problem, the default rtp ports are different from the ones defined in the default config (was my solution)
15:45.43Faustovbut 10... damn :>
15:45.52Faustovur configs must have 50KB
15:45.57Nuitariin this case I don't even get authentication
15:45.58Faustovif not more
15:46.02Nuitariit just doesn't see it as the peer
15:46.06*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
15:46.15Nuitariand it's only one way, and it's only these 2 servers
15:47.03NuitariFaustov: the joys of scripts
15:47.15otavio_beek: the PBX gets the callerid from their extensions but those are not provided
15:48.18*** part/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
15:48.23beekotavio_: Lets start from the beginning.   When someone calls your number you do not get their callerid information.  Is that the problem?
15:48.30dlewisNuitari: if you throw it away, please let me know... i haven't been dumpster diving in a few years...
15:48.40otavio_beek: yes ...
15:48.57otavio_beek: and when someone behind the other PBX calls I also do not get it
15:49.39Nuitaridlewis: with the amounts of frustration that this is causing me I'll smash everything with a sledgehammer first
15:50.01*** join/#asterisk zchaos (
15:50.04beekotavio_: Pastebin your /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf file
15:50.05prxtienNuitari, firewall issue?
15:50.09jbot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
15:50.13dlewisNuitari: lol
15:50.34Nuitariprxtien: doubt it, the server can talk to the 9 others fine
15:50.35beekotavio_: You should have a "usercallerid=yes" in that file somewhere.
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15:51.47Nuitariprxtien: no the packets reach the other server, the problem is that it doesn't do the peer authentication
15:51.50otavio_beek: and
15:52.01Nuitariit skips it then tries with the user I'm calling from
15:52.02prxtieniax2 trunk?
15:52.23prxtienhow come not iax2 trunks between servers?
15:52.24Nuitariiax2 ties all calls to one cpu
15:52.45[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: pastebin your failed attempt
15:52.52[TK]D-Fenderthepacmanfan: along with DB dumps from CLI
15:53.12prxtienthis app_rtsp module is driving me nuts
15:53.17prxtienive given up on it with 1.6
15:53.19Nuitarithough I might do iax2 between these 2 and just give up
15:53.20*** join/#asterisk CapriCoRN^80 (n=int@
15:53.32CapriCoRN^80hi all
15:54.53beekotavio_: It looks okay for the U.S.
15:55.08otavio_beek: heh, I'm in Brazil ;-)
15:55.21otavio_beek: just a little far :P
15:55.38otavio_beek: but let's solve one problem by time. How I could check the PBX2 issue?
15:55.52CapriCoRN^80hi [TK]D-Fender
15:56.23beekotavio_: I'm less interested in the PBX2 issue.  If we get it fixed for your Telco then it should work for your PBX2 as well.
15:57.03beekotavio_: What version of Asterisk?
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15:57.52otavio_beek: 1.4.21
15:58.16beekotavio_: I don't know the callerid specs for Brazil.  Are they the same as in the US?
15:58.41Nuitariwell iax2 works
15:58.45Nuitarigood enough
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15:59.28tzafrir_laptopotavio_, caller ID for analog (POTS) in Brazil doesn't work for you?
15:59.50otavio_tzafrir_laptop: exactky
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16:00.11otavio_I'm interested to know if there're a way to test another signaling or something like
16:00.22otavio_beek: not sure..
16:01.36otavio_tzafrir_laptop: let me try this
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16:02.02beekotavio_: My googling points to issues with Brazil & CallerID.   Look up what tzafrir_laptop posted.
16:03.13otavio_wctdm doesn't look to support dtmf=1
16:04.00beekotavio_: The bug he pointed you to has some patches.
16:04.07otavio_hummm found the patch
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16:10.23otavio_tzafrir_laptop: I noticed you commited it
16:10.31otavio_tzafrir_laptop: does Debian zaptel source has it?
16:10.49*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
16:12.01tzafrir_laptopotavio_, there's a pending patch there
16:12.42otavio_tzafrir_laptop: where?
16:12.42otavio_tzafrir_laptop: there're many patches :P
16:13.23*** join/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=chatzill@freeswitch/developer/msc)
16:13.38tzafrir_laptopthat patch is a patch to our specific driver that uses a similar approach
16:14.13tzafrir_laptopand latest patches there are vs. dahdi . They may require some small adjustments to apply to zaptel
16:14.22dlewistzafrir_laptop: the echo cancellation software offered by digium, will that work for the x100p card?
16:15.09tzafrir_laptopdlewis, hpec? It will work (as for any Zaptel/DAHDI driver)
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16:15.45otavio_tzafrir_laptop: and there're dahdi packages for Debian?
16:15.52otavio_tzafrir_laptop: compatible with lenny?
16:15.59tzafrir_laptopthere are. Not yet uploaded
16:16.10tzafrir_laptopas there's a compatibility issue
16:16.17otavio_tzafrir_laptop: which?
16:16.18[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Give OSLEC a shot firs
16:16.21otavio_tzafrir_laptop: I can build and test, np
16:16.22tzafrir_laptopAnd you'll have to have a version of Asterisk that uses DAHDI
16:16.40otavio_tzafrir_laptop: lenny one doesn't support it?
16:17.03*** join/#asterisk Octothorpe (n=Octothor@pdpc/supporter/professional/octothorpe)
16:17.09dlewis[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanks man
16:17.35dlewisI was just searching for an os version
16:17.48tzafrir_laptopotavio_, dahdi/zaptel is a compile-time option, even if we did use 1.4.22 or later
16:18.31otavio_tzafrir_laptop: oh .. that would require me to build asterisk ... what i'd like to avoid :P
16:18.58itguruAs soon as I dial - even with the output of - I get a straight engaged tone - which I thought *should* be impossible
16:20.41[TK]D-Fenderitguru: umm... what is that supposed to mean?
16:21.33itguru[TK]D-Fender as in it is identical to every other extension that I have, it registers normally, but can't make calls
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16:21.55itgurueven though another handset, configured exactly the same, can make calls
16:22.25[TK]D-Fenderitguru: And you aren't showing us the SIP debug of the failed attempt
16:22.42[TK]D-Fenderitguru: Nor device configs (which we equally have no reason to trust)
16:22.47sigmountehi ! i'm using asterisk 1.6.x and the command MONITOR , but it look like it does record anything , how can i debug it (i'm in -rvvvvvvvvv and does not see anything relatd to monitor ) thanks
16:22.49[TK]D-Fenderitguru: Its failing for a reason.
16:23.11[TK]D-Fendersigmounte: Pastebin what you're doing and mayb e we can tell you what's wrong.
16:23.14jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
16:23.55sigmounte[TK]D-Fender, you want a pastebin about what my log in the asterisk console ? or of my command MONITOR in my extension.conf ?
16:24.08[TK]D-Fendersigmounte: The entire call from beginning to end
16:24.30*** part/#asterisk ur8up (n=ktuttle@
16:25.04CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: I have a server which has a private ip address scheme.The System is connected using a wireless router which got public ip address . I am using that server right now as i opened its ssh port. Asterisk is configured on that server and now i want softphone from other networks can use that server
16:25.15CapriCoRN^80what should i do in that case ?
16:25.32[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: what "other networks"?
16:25.36CapriCoRN^80i haave few things in mind that i will open 5060 port in that wireless router which is connect to that server
16:26.15itguru[TK]D-Fender I'm get a sip debug of the failed call
16:26.26CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: other networks means that i am in different network now with my laptop and i want that my softphone got working using that server
16:27.39[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: then you are implying "anywhere out on the internet"
16:27.52[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: with that in mind , READ UP :
16:27.53*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (n=bmoraca@
16:27.55jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:28.27CapriCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender: right now i am using that server using ssh. It means that if open port 5060 on that wireless router . i hope that will work
16:28.32*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
16:28.44[TK]D-FenderCapriCoRN^80: you need to do a LOT more.  READ THE GUIDE
16:28.50itguru[TK]D-Fender - This is the SIP debug of the failed call
16:29.07rootforcewhat is the list of questions that you can ask jbot?
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16:29.57[TK]D-Fenderitguru: SIP/2.0 488 Not acceptable here
16:30.28[TK]D-Fenderrootforce: For things its been trained for like these last few tips, there is no "dump" feature
16:32.19[TK]D-Fendersigmounte: I think DISA is screwing you up.  Test without it.
16:32.47itguru[TK]D-Fender - It's a codec issue?
16:33.35[TK]D-Fenderitguru: It refuses before showing the comparative list, and I see ulaw/alaw in common from what you have shown.  I'm wordering about enforced encryption
16:33.53[TK]D-Fendera=crypto:1 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80 inline:Y2UwMDg3NzA4MmNmNmZlNmNlMDA4NzcwODJjZjZm|2^20
16:33.55[TK]D-Fendera=crypto:2 AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32 inline:MzgxM2U3NTkwNzY3YmUyYTM4MTNlNzU5MDc2N2Jl|2^20
16:33.58itguruwordering..... I'm guessing you mean wondering!
16:34.12russellbwordering is just wondering in words.
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16:34.38[TK]D-Fenderitguru: This is my current theory..
16:35.10[TK]D-Fenderitguru: 488 is usually a codec issue, but the pieces look OK.  Sometimes its an "OMG you can't report that IP for RTP", but that looks sane as well
16:37.52*** join/#asterisk keith4 (n=keith@lust.CC.Lehigh.EDU)
16:38.35beheritHello guys, I have a prevoiusly working * box, when I tried the MySQL Realtime I was not able to call even the local extension. any idea?
16:38.57ruben23whan i tried to call there is no ring tone or sign of connection and this is my CLI output           it say no route destination...
16:39.17ruben23and also this
16:39.58[TK]D-Fenderbeherit: Idea : pastebin actual call debug for us to look at
16:40.34[TK]D-Fenderruben23: and I told you to enable SIP DEBUG and look at the call
16:41.38beherit[TK]-Fender- Ok wait
16:43.20ruben23what this mean===> Jan 28 00:32:10 NOTICE[7830]: rtp.c:587 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 126 received it always appear..
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16:45.01rue_mohrso! there is a new version of dahdi out!
16:45.12rue_mohrwhich seems to include support for oslec!
16:45.55[TK]D-Fenderruben23: Means "I don't know that codec"
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16:46.24rue_mohror so it seemed last night
16:46.37b0ltdoes anyone know if the tigerjet 560C is usable with asterisk?
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16:50.34rue_mohrARG, every time I'm looking for zaptel all I can find as dahdi, and every time I'm looking for dahdi all I can find is zaptel
16:51.34pecanhahey guys, do x-lite support call transfer?
16:51.40rue_mohr  <-- cant find an dahdi there
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16:52.28rue_mohrfound it, whys it hidden under there
16:53.15rue_mohrI'm confused, when I opened dahdi-linux- last night at home there was a oslec entry in it, but the one I have dons't
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16:56.45[gnubie]tzafrir_laptop: i already attached the right one.. kindly check your inbox.. thanks.. ;)
16:56.48b0lt[TK]D-Fender: thanks
16:57.03b0lt[TK]D-Fender: i can't tell if that does on/off hook detection though
16:57.56beherit[TK]D-Fender: here it is
16:58.48tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, it's disabled by default
16:58.53tzafrir_laptopin Kbuild
16:59.12rue_mohrah, please help me or point me to help or something
16:59.12[TK]D-Fenderbeherit : [Jan 28 01:54:50] VERBOSE[12465] logger.c: Looking for 6001 in from-internal (domain   SIP/2.0 404 Not Found^M
16:59.18tzafrir_laptopSee the section about oslec in the README:
16:59.21[TK]D-Fenderbeherit : Go fix your dialplan
17:01.02rue_mohrtzafrir_laptop, drivers/dahdi/Kbuild ?
17:01.59rue_mohrare there options on make I can use to have oslec support enabled?
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17:02.43tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, yes. But see that section above
17:04.46rue_mohrtzafrir_laptop, I did that source merge thing before and it landed me with a driver that wouldn't load every time I turned on echo canceling
17:05.16rue_mohrin a half hour I'm gonna try going back to the zaptel drivers if I cant get anywhere
17:06.32beherit[TK]-Fender: ok thanks.
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17:06.50rue_mohrwill someone help me work out why the dahdi driver wont load when I turn on echo canceling?
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17:10.18rue_mohrdownloads the zaptel drivers
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17:12.24rue_mohrthose were the directions I followed, with fixed directories
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17:13.58rue_mohrechocanceller=mg2,5-8  <- it loads with that set...
17:14.36jayteebut that's not oslec, it's mg2
17:15.15rue_mohryes and the dahdi loads in asterisk with that set, but as soon as I set it to oslec, the dahdi goes poof, and I have no idea what went wrong
17:15.31rue_mohror how to find out
17:16.43jayteeand tzafrir posted a link to a doc on his website. did you read it? it means dahdi support for oslec is still in the "experimental" stage.
17:17.12rue_mohrI would think it should atleast load
17:18.22rue_mohr[Jan 27 09:15:55] ERROR[4972] chan_dahdi.c: Unable to register channel '6'  <- comes up in messages when i have oslec turned on
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17:19.12rue_mohrok, so I either go back to zaptel, which it sounds like oslec works fine with, or I buy the hardware echo can
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17:23.04[gnubie]waves.. gtg now.. thanks.. ;)
17:23.22jayteeI'd buy the hardware echo cancellation but then we've beaten this dead horse before, last week in fact IIRC
17:24.34rue_mohryup, I give up, the office people said their ok if I buy the card
17:24.45*** join/#asterisk doger (
17:24.54rue_mohrbut I'd like it to be known OSLEC DOES _NOT_ WORK WITH DAHDI
17:25.01dogerhi, a queue question
17:25.08ftp3hey.. i am trying to troubleshoot why my did isn't ringing.. can someone tell me the command to watch the asterisk logs in real time so I can see what I am doing wrong? :-)
17:25.42dogeris there some way to do a roundrobin strategy in 1.4 ? I mean a call A->B->C->D, always same behaviour
17:26.08dogerftp3, try "tail -f /var/log/name_of_asterisk_log"
17:26.19[TK]D-Fenderftp3: "asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv"
17:26.28[TK]D-Fenderftp3: and then "sip set debug"
17:26.29Qwelldoger: there's rrmemory
17:27.05[TK]D-FenderdogAlways starts with "A"  Or that a new call resumes where it last left off?
17:28.31dogerI want to always starts with "A". I could do this in 1.2 with roundrobin, and putting B penalty 1, C penalty 2, D penalty 3, etc.
17:28.56[TK]D-Fenderdoger: IIRC the old "roundrobin" is pretty much completely removed as a strategy
17:29.23Qwell[TK]D-Fender: in favor of rrmemory
17:29.27dogeri know that roundrobin is deprecated, but I don'k know actually was removed or deprecated... Someone's have a good argument for doing this ?
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17:29.42[TK]D-Fenderdoger: RRMEMORY was the one in 1.2 that remembered where it left off, and 1.4 absorbed it into "roundrobin"
17:30.02[TK]D-Fenderdoger: Guess nobody cared about the old style..
17:30.13[TK]D-Fenderdoger: I don't see a practical reason to remove a strategy like that
17:30.51dogerI think that adding again the "break" statement in app_queue.c for roundrobin I'll get the old roundrobin strategy
17:31.11ftp3thank you :-)
17:31.35*** join/#asterisk otavio (n=otavio@debian/developer/otavio)
17:32.16manxpowerIn the Asterisk world "deprecated" = "will be removed in the next major release"
17:33.02dogeryes I know
17:33.12dogerprobably I'll ask in asterisk-dev
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17:34.40beherit[TK]D-Fender: thank for pointing out the root cause of my problem its now working
17:34.59[TK]D-Fenderdoger: You'll want to think twice about mixing thisk 1.2" and "DEVELOPMENT" in the same sentence :p
17:35.21[TK]D-Fenderdoger: You'll want to think twice about mixing things like "Asterisk 1.2" and "DEVELOPMENT" in the same sentence :p
17:35.44beheriti have another question whats the cause of this error----   " app_dial.c:1286 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)"
17:36.15angryuserbeherit it is unable to create the sip channel
17:36.32[TK]D-Fenderbeherit : LAST TIME : that message is meaningless junk by itself
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17:36.47[TK]D-Fenderbeherit :Enable full debug and open your eyes
17:37.43bn43hello I'm trying to enable recording on my snom320 phone - I'm following this guide
17:37.57beheritangryuser: yeah what might cause this problem?
17:38.09[TK]D-Fenderbeherit : It could be ANYTHING
17:38.56bn43but I'm confused by the last bit - [my_context] - I used asterisk-gui to start of now when I am looking at the actual extensions.conf, I can't find anything similar to mycontext
17:40.03[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Because when the GUI parses your users.conf it generates extens LIVE that aren't part of your extensions.conf into a context all its own
17:40.13[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Welcome to TOASTER-LAND
17:40.15angryuserbeherit most of the time it's when asterisk is unable to join the destination, i.e sip peer is no present, but can be many things, you need to read debug as fender said
17:40.30jbotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
17:40.55bn43um right - I
17:41.14*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=a7ce8021@gateway/web/ajax/
17:41.18bn43I'm getting fairly good at looking and manipulating the actual files now
17:41.42bn43can I get rid of asterisk-gui without causing nonsense?
17:42.19[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Removing GUI's removes nonsense
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17:43.53bn43once I remove the gui, will it reset my files to defaults or leave them as is?
17:44.14hgriffinI have 2 pseudo channels when I do a 'zap show channels'. Does anyone have a clue why?
17:44.29[TK]D-Fenderbn43: No, if you stop using it, the carpet stops being pulled out from under you.
17:44.56bn43u got a healthy opinion of the gui
17:44.59[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Although since it was built with users.conf in mind I would highly recommend TRASHING just about your entire setup anyways
17:45.27angryuseris there any way  to see in console which credentials are used when someone connect's to ami ? (i need the used password)
17:45.28[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Yes... I would say "healthy".  Don't go picking a PBX you can actually control and make that the first thing you sacrifice
17:45.42[TK]D-Fenderangryuser: Nope... uber-patch-worthy
17:45.56[TK]D-Fenderhgriffin: MeetMe <-
17:46.20[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Never forget to back up your configs anyway
17:46.33bn43ok I just wanted to ease myself into seeing what asterisk can do and chose the gui to 'see'
17:46.56bn43but now that I'm familiar I can thrash and do again
17:47.15[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Excellent... progress is a process....
17:47.39keeblerAsterisk has nice hold music.. too bad I can't hear anything said from the remote terminal.
17:47.50RobHmeh, i forget, what is the sip.conf setting to set  aport range for sip rtp traffic and what are the defaults?
17:47.53[TK]D-Fenderbn43: In some ways its almost easier coming from FreePBX back to "basic" because they at least break up SIP & VM into sensible segments.
17:48.11[TK]D-Fenderbn43: At which point you can concentrate on dialplan with it the real 95% of configuring *
17:48.29[TK]D-FenderrobIsn't in sip.conf <-  rtp.conf
17:48.49keebler[TK]D-Fender: Do I need to setup port forwarding or listening on the routers/bridges?
17:48.52*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
17:49.01RobHahh, thx!
17:49.04bn43I followed a howto on installing from source - asterisk. then asterisk-gui from svn - what is the recommended course of action to thrash and start again?
17:49.04hgriffin[TK]D-Fender: Does MeetMe create new pseudo device whenever a conference starts?
17:49.04[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: ... huh?
17:49.19keebler[TK]D-Fender: Uh. Well. Not sure what I'm doing at this point with asterisk.
17:49.31[TK]D-Fenderbn43: just look at the configs that enable HTTP for *, and trash the GUI folder I guess...
17:49.34angryuserkeebler: its port forwarding
17:49.45[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: And I have no idea where you're going with that insanity :0
17:49.55[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: What kind of forwarding do you assume I need? :)
17:50.18[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Forwarding what?  listening for what?
17:50.25[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Talking IDS here?
17:50.31keeblerI've got two bridges, technically the same subnet. But, one phone on one bridge and the other phone on the other bridge. Do I need to direct the traffic?
17:50.39[TK]D-Fenderhgriffin: IIRC yes.
17:50.55[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Ah talking about your WifFi bridge?
17:51.01keeblerI can make each phone ring from one or the other, but I can't hear any voice.
17:51.04keebler[TK]D-Fender: Yes.
17:51.09[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Never did a "same subnet" bridge before.
17:51.13bn43[TK]D-Fender: but will that restore my configs to defaults? ie as in a virgin installation?
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17:51.43[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Shouldn't... you're just disabling a daemon and ripping the supoprt bits out
17:51.55keeblerEach phone is statically set, as or the bridges.
17:51.58[TK]D-Fenderbn43: then again thats why I told you to back up the folder... just in case
17:52.01bn43I'd like to start from afresh and become a cli junky like u guys
17:52.30bn43nothing needed to save as I been only testing 2 phones on basic configurations
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17:52.53keeblerbn43: Whats stopping you from starting over?
17:52.59[TK]D-Fenderbn43: *-GUI almost forces you to because it doesn't do a "complete" job and the bits its missing have you finding you've painted yourself into a corner and the antural expansion reflex has you learning you should have done it yourself in the first place.
17:53.15[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Here's some quick "inspiration" :
17:53.18jbot[~jerjerguide ] Jeremy McNamara's quick sample guide to setting up * :
17:53.32bn43keebler: basically I don't know how to start afresh
17:53.39keebler[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for that one BTW, he helped me a ton.
17:53.41bn43cool - I'll look
17:53.52keeblerbn43: Download favorite flavor of *nix.
17:53.58keeblerStart from there.
17:54.11bn43I'm running mine on ubuntu
17:54.28*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:54.32bn43but I compiled from source - so can't aptitude purge
17:54.43bn43and reinstall afresh
17:54.54keeblerHeh. Delete-reinstall
17:55.04manxpowerbn43: To start fresh remove /etc/asterisk /usr/lib/asterisk  /var/spool/asterisk
17:55.19bn43that all??
17:55.26manxpoweranything left over will be overwritten when you reinstall
17:55.49keeblerrm -rf /etc/asterisk
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17:56.25[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Ok, you already know your packaging... You should do just fine...
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17:57.39keeblerNow that he's got his direction.. anyone have an idea where I should start looking as to why I'm not getting any voice? I can put the line on hold and get music, but can't talk.
17:57.54manxpowerkeebler: NAT
17:58.15keeblerEnable nat on the ATAs or the router?
17:58.21n3hxs?? nat
17:58.29n3hxs?? nat
17:58.32[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: He's running a same-subnet wireless bridge locally
17:58.34keeblerAnd whats nat going to do?
17:58.43[TK]D-Fendern3hxs: this isn't #freepbx
17:58.44keeblerAh, he didn't know.
17:59.05keeblerBut yeah, I am on the same subnet.
17:59.15keeblerEach phone is on a remote bridge.
17:59.36FuriousGeorgeis it safe to say that asterisk 1.6 is "not ready for primetime"?
17:59.38keeblerthing triangle with the top being the host, and the two corners being the client bridges/
17:59.47FuriousGeorgeand i should stick with 1.4.2X?
17:59.58beekFuriousGeorge: Depends on your definition of "primetime."  I'm using it with no problems.
18:00.32FuriousGeorgebeek: ive had less than 100% reliability with 1.4.X, so I'm open to change...  i just can't let it get worse
18:01.09beekFuriousGeorge: If you're uber-conservative, stay with the 1.4 branch.   I've had no show-stoppers for my 1.6 installation and it's been running now for about eight weeks, situated between the PSTN and my legacy PBX
18:01.14*** join/#asterisk cp5 (
18:01.16cp5has anyone ran into asterisk 1.6.0 call file issues? the call file exists, asterisk *sees* it but says "no such file or directory" when opening it
18:01.30beekcp5: Permissions issue?
18:01.34FuriousGeorgei just got a call from a client that in rapid succession an inbound call over zap and an outbound call over iax2 disconnected mid-conversation with a 'pop'
18:01.47cp5i've confirmed the user that's running asterisk can read it -- i can run: "!cat /.../path/to/call.file" and it works
18:01.48cp5in asterisk
18:01.58cp5and can list files in the directory
18:02.03[TK]D-Fendercp5: Show us your complete process
18:02.09[TK]D-FenderpcPASTEBING it all
18:02.16jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
18:02.20FuriousGeorgeother servers will sometimes (once every few months) not hangup a zap call...  i should probably go back to restarting nightly
18:02.23*** part/#asterisk Zeeek (n=Zeeek@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
18:03.35manxpowerFuriousGeorge: using analog?
18:03.41cp5[TK]D-Fender, just got it working. had to set the gid the same as the uid -- weird
18:03.47FuriousGeorgemanxpower: no choice
18:04.02[TK]D-Fendercp5: Alrighty...
18:04.03manxpowerFuriousGeorge: in my experience analog cards in Asterisk just randomly lock up.
18:04.07FuriousGeorgei guess ill wait for 1.6 to be in double digit point release territory
18:04.12manxpowerGood thing not everyone experiences this.
18:04.13FuriousGeorgemanxpower: mine too
18:04.31manxpowerFuriousGeorge: Oh, I've not used analog since early 2003 because of this issue.
18:04.48bn43ok I've removed those folders - I'm searching for references to asterisk-gui and only find it in /usr/src - do I just delete that folder and I'm rid of any remnants of the gui?
18:05.20manxpowerbn43: I can't help with GUIs
18:05.23keebleryou could ignore it and don't even worry about installing *-gui.
18:05.35bn43not going to :-)
18:05.45bn43just want to remove it from my system
18:05.50*** part/#asterisk Ericounet (
18:06.12keeblerIf nothing else depends on it, then why should it hurt if you remove? Delete away. :)
18:06.30FuriousGeorgemanxpower: i foolishly hold out hope for zaptel
18:07.24*** join/#asterisk macli (
18:07.39[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: * dev doesn't work like that now...
18:07.47bn43right here i go.....
18:08.01[TK]D-FenderFuriousGeorge: 1.6.0.X is a semi-major ver, 1.6.1.X is in the works already with RC's
18:08.15*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
18:10.03FuriousGeorge[TK]D-Fender: thanks for the heads up
18:10.24FuriousGeorgei gotta take off.  thanks for the conversation all
18:11.22bn43um - the make and make installs processed extremely fast this time - should I have untarred afresh in /usr/src?
18:12.22bn43pardon my ignorance but I have become used to aptitude to install my software - don't come from the ./configure generation!
18:13.14jayteethe ./configure generation? is that an oblique method of calling us all dinosaurs?
18:13.28bn43nope - paying respects......
18:13.30jayteeRaptors!!! To the attack!!!!
18:13.56beekbn43: Don't smile -- jaytee can call the raptors!
18:14.21manxpowerIs there a GOSUB_EXTEN like MACRO_EXTEN?
18:14.23bn43kind sirs...have mercy....
18:14.24*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
18:14.30jayteeI'm not only older than dirt, the day after dirt was invented I invented the shovel, stupidly I made it open source :-)
18:14.59manxpowerbn43: your problem is that all the GUI users are, strangely enough on #asterisk-gui
18:15.11beekmanxpower: I haven't found one.  I end up using ${EXTEN} in the call to the gosub.
18:15.11jayteemanxpower, don't recall seeing that in the channel variables text file
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18:15.44jayteewhat about using _ to make it inherit like in macros?
18:15.55bn43yes but I am trying to correct the error of my ways - somehow I think going to asterisk-gui will not endear me to them
18:16.02bn43so am I ok?
18:16.15[TK]D-Fender${MACRO_EXTEN} = lazy.  real men pass it like the ARG it deserves to be
18:16.16manxpowerbn43: you're already ruined your system.
18:16.29bn43that bad?
18:16.32manxpower[TK]D-Fender: and yet Gosub does not support ARGs in 1.4
18:16.34[TK]D-Fenderbn43: You're doing fine, just keep trudging through
18:16.46[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: So you should be using MACRO.
18:17.08[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Get off that fence or I'll have Vlad sharpen the ends for you :p
18:17.09beekmanxpower: I like passing it in as an argument to make it clear what I'm doing.
18:17.26manxpower[TK]D-Fender: macro is going away
18:17.33manxpowerbeek: I think your way is what I'll use.
18:17.45sigmounte[TK]D-Fender, thanks for your help , indeed disa is doing something stupid and don't allow Monitor to work
18:17.59jayteewell, if macro is going away then whatever replaces it better be as good and frankly, Gosub ain't it.
18:18.33[TK]D-Fendersigmounte: How NOT to use DISA : go record a LOT of dialtone and BACKGROUND it in an IVR.  Same effect, less BS
18:18.58[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: GOSUB has been hybridized in 1.6
18:19.24jayteehybridized? you mean the gene spliced it with some corn?
18:19.28manxpowerjaytee: as I understand it 1.6's Gosub is pretty good.
18:19.46jayteeI don't have a 1.6 box handy to do a core show
18:19.47beekjaytee * manxpower :  I'm quite happy with it.
18:20.27manxpowerVirtually all of my stuff is 1) Set variables 2) run macro/gosub so I don't really need Gosub args (except for EXTEN)
18:20.48*** join/#asterisk arpu (
18:21.20manxpower[TK]D-Fender: I'm finally rewriting some of my macros
18:22.11*** part/#asterisk ftp3 (
18:22.19[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Yeah that last mostrosity of yours.... *shudder*
18:24.22manxpower[TK]D-Fender: the new version should be just ugly rather then hideous
18:24.33[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: IMPRESSIVE!
18:26.05*** join/#asterisk km- (n=pgrace@2001:470:8a93:2:0:0:0:2)
18:26.28km-can iaxmodem be used with minicom or seyon to use for remote access?
18:26.42km-all I see mentioned on iaxmodem forums are fax, fax, fax
18:27.30km-we have a purely voip setup going to a PRI, hoping that we might use something like iaxmodem to allow us to do remote console for a different site.
18:28.27rue_mohrso to be clear, the oslec drivers require you to collect source from kernel source and modify a few files, and it dosn't work. what is oslec used for if not for asterisk?
18:28.33*** join/#asterisk hardwire (
18:28.54cp5where are there docs on state_interface in 1.6? anything i've seen says to search for "asterisk queue state" on the asterisk-users list, and when i search google for the archive and that text, all i can find is an email saying to search for that :\
18:29.42rue_mohrand the dahdi drivers have provisions for oslec that are useless?
18:30.41manxpower[TK]D-Fender: using something that tries to be a programming language will make things much easier.  That and getting rid of all the 1.0isms and 1.2isms.
18:31.48[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: taht too.. just seriously... AEL... don't
18:31.48jayteei hate isms
18:32.02rue_mohrinfinite state machines!?
18:32.35[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: In order to form a more perfect union...
18:37.57[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I avoid cliches like the plague
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18:41.45bn43i'm following jeremy's howto on a basic config - I find that the files he refers to already have contents and some lines are uncommented/active - should I delete those files and only have his contents in the files?
18:42.37[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Read the sample to understand the structures that were created and why
18:42.44[TK]D-Fenderbn43: then build your own.
18:43.08*** join/#asterisk icebrew54 (
18:45.06eppigyhello [TK]D-Fender
18:45.13eppigyi am glad to see you are well
18:45.16[TK]D-Fendereppigy: You are dave
18:45.32eppigythis statement proves to be factual
18:46.06icebrew54using asterisk-gui's trunkdial-failover-0.3 and am getting a "Congestion" error message on attempting to dial out via 2nd channel....primary trunk is PSTN/Zaptel, secondary is SIP
18:46.19icebrew54can anyone suggest troubleshooting methodology on this?
18:48.13[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: Go look at actual CLI output, verbose 10 w/ whatever channel debug is appropriate to what you're calling.
18:49.43icebrew54[TK]D-Fender: it's attempting to dial out via Zaptel/g1 twice
18:49.49icebrew54[TK]D-Fender, [Jan 27 10:41:58] WARNING[28557]: app_dial.c:1196 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'Zap' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion)
18:49.53*** part/#asterisk km- (n=pgrace@2001:470:8a93:2:0:0:0:2)
18:50.02icebrew54at this point it should hit the SIP trunk
18:50.10[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: In some ISDN implementations that can actually mean the CALLEE is "busy"
18:50.33icebrew54using digium PSTN 410p (analog) card
18:50.41[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: And if you think it should do something more, then go look at your dialplan.
18:50.41icebrew54and that line (g1) was in use during that time
18:50.51icebrew54ok...can you suggest reading for "failover" trunk dialing?
18:51.31[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: No such thing.  Its all just dilaplan.  Go look at what you're DOING
18:52.28icebrew54ok, understood
18:56.21*** join/#asterisk chi6IT41 (
19:00.05bmoracayay for GUIs, lol
19:01.41eppigythats like saying yay for downs syndrome
19:02.12eppigyYAY FOR AUTISM
19:02.38bmoracai was being facetious...but, yeah
19:02.57eppigycalm down killer
19:04.21*** join/#asterisk arpu (
19:05.24[TK]D-FenderKnow whats really funny?  Watching clueless GUI users try to help other equally clueless GUI users :)
19:05.40[TK]D-FenderRun in circles loking at crap that doesn't matter...
19:06.09hardwiredoes ztd-eth imply ztdummy? or will you still need ztdummy if you don't have a valid timing source.
19:06.19bmoracai would agree...if you don't understand what's going on behind the GUI, then you shouldn't be using the GUI
19:06.59[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: No... if you don't understand much of anything you should refrain from "helping" people a bit :p
19:07.52bmoracawell, that too
19:09.00*** join/#asterisk dmz (
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19:10.03eppigybe cool russellb's here
19:10.15*** join/#asterisk xpat (
19:10.59[TK]D-Fenderdumps eppigy into a vat of liquid nitrogen
19:11.10russellb~thwack [TK]D-Fender
19:11.10jbotACTION hits [TK]D-Fender on the thumb with a 5ESS Switch
19:11.21*** join/#asterisk viq (n=viq@unaffiliated/viq)
19:11.38xpatI'm looking for a current master list of sounds for Asterisk (with transcriptions hopefully). Does such a list exist?
19:11.55Qwellxpat: yes.  in the sounds tarball
19:11.57[TK]D-Fenderrussellb: Already been sliced open by a sword, do you think a bruise'll faze me?  hah!
19:12.00Qwellgo figure..
19:12.09xpathmm, think I would have checked there first...
19:12.11xpatOK thanks!!
19:12.23[TK]D-Fendereppigy: TYOP
19:13.57jayteeTRABJAO? don't you mean TRABAJO?
19:14.24eppigyjaytee: SI GRACIAS MUCHACHO
19:15.46rob0JOATBAR (jack of all trades beyond all recognition)
19:15.49[TK]D-FenderToday's deep though : Do dyslexics with Tourettes shoot people at random?
19:16.50*** join/#asterisk mahlon (
19:18.08sigmounteAnyone know where i can find soxmix ? (i've downloaded the sox source and not soxmix present in it ? )
19:18.14jayteeif i set pri debug file to a file do I need to go and set pri debug span (some span3) or does just setting pri debug file /someplace/somefile.txt initiate the pri debug?
19:18.22Qwellsigmounte: it's part of the main sox binary, using a switch
19:18.33sigmountea switch ?
19:18.44Qwellman sox
19:19.24eppigyjaytee: you must set the span to debug
19:19.29Corydon76-digQwell: or a hardlink
19:19.44jayteeman woman
19:19.49sigmountehmm, i use a script who use somix directly , i'll have to add the switch to it , i hope it's compatible
19:19.53jayteeNo manual entry for woman
19:20.24*** join/#asterisk plc5_250 (
19:20.58plc5_250Hi everyone - I need some help with a non-working MWI between * 1.4 and a SNOM 220
19:23.13plc5_250is anyone from Digium support on here?
19:26.36*** join/#asterisk chi6IT41 (
19:27.00Qwellplc5_250: What is your question?
19:27.26plc5_250I can't get MWI to work between a SNOM220 and *1.4.17
19:27.36QwellWhat does that have to do with Digium support?
19:27.49plc5_250digium == *, correct?
19:28.10QwellSo, you want free Digium support for an Open Source program?
19:28.30plc5_250digium directs people to this resource for support
19:28.52QwellI think you may have failed to see the reasoning.
19:29.06QwellIt doesn't say "Go here and Digium will give you free support."
19:29.10*** join/#asterisk moy (
19:29.13keeblerIf nothing else depends on it, then why should it hurt if you remove? Delete away. :)
19:29.20bn43mmm I followed the tutorial but I think I may have stuffed up somewhere - the phone says error 404 on the logs and the console says "no matching peer found"
19:29.30keeblerWhat is the likelihood that flashing two WRT54G v6's would produce two routers with the exact same MAC Addresses?
19:29.33bmoracakeebler: lol
19:29.45Qwellkeebler: How many in 48 bits?
19:29.49*** join/#asterisk ricko73 (n=dhartman@wilug/newlug/ricko73)
19:29.54bn43how do I list the peers again?
19:30.07bmoracabn43:  sip show peers
19:30.42bn43yeah I should have just typed help!
19:30.59bn43says not found - mmm - weird
19:31.13keeblerQwell: How many what?
19:31.21keeblerQwell: All three of them are the same.
19:31.42manxpowerkeebler: Using the sveasoft stuff?
19:31.58manxpowerDunno about that, but sveasoft does something with your MAC
19:32.17keeblerI've got a WRT54g V2.2 and its got its original MAC iirc.
19:32.19plc5_250keebler - MAC addresses are usually stored in a PROM as a part of the ethernet circuitry
19:32.22manxpowerare the MACs on the bottom of the router the same?
19:32.44bmoracakeebler:  MAC addresses have a specific structure, they're not random.  The first 24 bits are the manufacturer.  the next ones are dependent on the device and serialization.
19:33.31*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
19:33.54manxpowerMany devices (especially consumer routers) let you override the system MAC with one you specify
19:34.10keeblermanxpower: no
19:34.20eppigyFINISH HIM
19:34.33plc5_250that's usually done via software - letting the software driver handle the MAC decisions.
19:36.51[TK]D-FenderSame thing
19:37.04[TK]D-Fenderperception = reality
19:37.20[TK]D-Fendergoes to install his Heisenberg Compensators
19:37.21bmoracakeebler:  it appears that DDWRT uses the 00:40:10 mac scope quite a bit.  the 01, 02, 03 is just serialization.
19:37.25manxpower[TK]D-Fender: You have apparently never used LSD
19:37.45*** join/#asterisk Micho123 (n=mcho123@
19:37.45[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: You apparently haven't done it with Incredible Cosmic Powers :p
19:37.56keeblerbmoraca: crap, well that sucks. Because I can't bridge two identical routers together.
19:37.58manxpower[TK]D-Fender: true 8-
19:38.07manxpowerkeebler: so CHANGE the mac
19:38.23keeblermanxpower: Yeah, I'm just pissed cause I shouldn't HAVE to .ahah
19:38.25manxpowerheck, I'd change them back to whatever is on the sticker on the box
19:38.25bmoracakeebler:  you can change the MAC.  and if they're 01, 02, and 03, then they're not identical.
19:38.30manxpowerkeebler: I agree with that.
19:38.39manxpowerI like keeping the MAC correct.  Helps down the road
19:38.41plc5_250be careful when setting 2 interfaces to the same MAC, some switches really don't like seeing that happen
19:38.59bmoracakeebler:  unless you're saying that each of the three interfaces (wan, lan, wlan) takes 01, 02, and 03 respectively
19:39.02keeblerbmoraca: The device has three.
19:39.11Micho123Hi all, i was trying to enable t.38 om my asteriks installed asterisk-trunk and compile ie...when trying to restart asterisk I got the following error...
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19:39.20Micho123can someone help please?
19:39.24*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=lol@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
19:39.43manxpowerMicho123: you either installed or you installed trunk.  Which is it?
19:40.03Micho123manxpower, I had asterisk installed...Just instaled asterik trunk
19:40.22Micho123manxpower, asterisk was running smoothly
19:41.28bn43I'm really puzzled here - extensions.conf shows the stations and details but I still get error no peer
19:41.43*** join/#asterisk unpaidbill (
19:42.16hardwireis ztd-tdm and zaptel support multi-span dynamic tdmoe by default?
19:42.28hardwirethat's a big yes!
19:43.00*** join/#asterisk stevetotaro (
19:43.12kaldemarbn43: peers are not defined in extensions.conf. extensions.conf is the dialplan.
19:44.02[TK]D-Fenderbn43: sip.conf <-
19:44.11[TK]D-Fenderbn43: (hoping you've now ditched users.conf)
19:45.42bn43um - I have put in the details at the end of the sip.conf file
19:45.43*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
19:46.41bn43the only thing I changed was host=static as the phones have a static address
19:47.25[TK]D-Fenderbn43: no
19:47.39[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Let your phones register like normal.  that isn't a valid value anyways
19:47.50[TK]D-Fenderbn43: it would have been "host=theiphere"
19:47.56[TK]D-Fenderbn43: But seriously... don't
19:48.05[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Unless you have DHCP spanning issues of course.
19:48.13[TK]D-Fenderbn43: at which point follow the above format
19:48.53bn43I'm not following - I'm not running a dhcp server - is that recommended?
19:49.19bmoracabn43:  doesn't matter.
19:49.40[TK]D-Fenderbn43: thats fine... unsual and tends to show people set duplicate IP's and other sillyiness but you may require it so.
19:49.55[TK]D-Fenderbn43: "host=" <-
19:51.17bn43ita now working!
19:52.29bn43it actually is easy to set up a basic system
19:52.42*** join/#asterisk andrewct (
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19:53.22[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Quite
19:53.25andrewctAnyone from digium here that can help with chan_sip ?
19:53.44[TK]D-Fenderandrewct: Ask a specific question, you might get a specific answer...
19:54.40Kobazvoicepulse gives me callerid name now
19:54.46rwaiteasterisk <-> NAT router <-> internet <-> NAT router <-> iax softphone (zoiper)
19:54.57andrewctWith SIP authentication, if I have a conflicting user as a phone number, then an incoming call with the same number from another gateway fails because it does not use that username for authentication.
19:55.07*** join/#asterisk ecret (
19:55.09rwaitewhy would the ip show as the nat router's ip when registering?
19:55.59Kobazrwaite: because of nat of course
19:56.20rwaitewill this cause a problem?
19:56.31Kobazif your configuration is borked, it would
19:56.34andrewctIf I rewrite chan_sip to do peer authentication first then there seem to be some issues with username authentication, but it solves the ip peer gateway issue.
19:57.08Micho123manxpower, still around?
19:57.13[TK]D-Fenderandrewct: 6 of 1 , half-dozen of the other...
19:57.20*** join/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
19:57.34andrewctOnce a user is authenticated in chan_sip, does asterisk add it's IP to the peer list? Thus causing the problem with future authentications.
19:58.33[TK]D-Fenderandrewct: thats normally "insecure=port,invite" territory
19:58.42mikealeonettidoes users.conf work with every asterisk version?
19:59.01andrewctTrue, but because of the matching user it fails authentication and does not match the insecure peer.
19:59.33Kobazyou may need fromuser= in the sip peer
20:00.09andrewctBut the from user is different because it's a PRI gateway (cisco AS5300) and the from is the PSTN caller ID.
20:00.14bmoracamikealeonetti:  only if it's included in sip.conf
20:00.31mikealeonettibmoraca: so is pretty much the same thing as sip.conf?
20:00.36mikealeonettiin that it defines more sip channels?
20:00.38andrewctThis is the old problem of "don't name your users 10 digit phone numbers"
20:00.44mikealeonettior users rather
20:00.51bmoracamikealeonetti: yes.
20:00.55mikealeonettiokay I see
20:02.02[TK]D-Fenderandrewct: SIP = Fun (if you LIKE pain that is)
20:02.15jbotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
20:02.29[TK]D-Fendermikealeonetti: Only warning : Don't
20:02.50mikealeonettiwell, I'm trying to set up this ADA demo
20:03.06mikealeonettiand the config told me to edit my users.conf so I was like "my what...?"
20:03.38[TK]D-FenderOh God... *THE* Toaster
20:03.42mikealeonettiAsterisk Desktop Assistant (beta)
20:03.47andrewctAsterisk SIP = Problems with authentication
20:03.57mikealeonettiwhy are we talking about Cylons?
20:04.19mikealeonetti(that was funny to me...)
20:05.11*** join/#asterisk op3r (
20:06.03mikealeonetti[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by "THE Toaster?"'
20:06.16bmoracamikealeonetti:  It looks like that's meant to be used with AsteriskNOW which uses asterisk-gui which uses users.conf.
20:06.27hardwireanybody set up RBS w/ zaptel?
20:06.57bmoracaAsteriskNOW is a toaster.  a pretty crappy toaster by comparison to some of the other toasters.  there are toasters that can make egg mcmuffins in one pass...complete with a poached egg.
20:07.26mikealeonettibmoraca: but surely it can be used with all versions of astiersk, no?
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20:07.51op3rshould I worry about this error? [Jan 27 12:40:20] WARNING[5734]: translate.c:163 framein: no samples for ulawtolin I get this alot on the cli then my asterisk crash
20:07.54bmoracai would imagine.  i've never looked at it before, except to see a press release that mentioned both it and asterisknow in the same paragraph
20:08.08*** join/#asterisk Juggie (
20:08.30manxpowerop3r: the message is caused BY the crash,  the message does not CAUSE the crash
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20:08.42manxpowerhardwire: what RBS stuff do you need?
20:09.05op3rmanxpower: so any way to find out the cause?
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20:09.18manxpowerop3r: not from that message.
20:09.38mcargilewhat is the option in iax.conf to change the time between registers? I cannot find it in the config example
20:09.39manxpoweryou can compile asterisk with debug, do a backtrace, etc.  all should be listed in backtrace.txt in the Asterisk source.
20:10.04Micho123Hi all, iguess that asterisk-trunk is not compatible with asterisk 1.4...Is that correect?
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20:11.40Micho123If I need to enable T.38 on asterisk then should I install asterisk-trunk or not?
20:12.05hardwiremanxpower: experience, mostly.
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20:13.21ocnarfWhat does "no samples for ulawtolin" means?
20:13.30ocnarfIm getting this msg, all the time
20:13.31hardwirefailed to get samples
20:14.03manxpowerhardwire: well the only time you care about RBS is on PRI (won't work with PRI) or when using the Zaptel/DAHDI DACS festures.
20:14.30ocnarfThis error to be exact: WARNING[25732]: translate.c:163 framein: no samples for ulawtolin
20:14.36manxpowerMicho123: there are several levels of T.38 in Asterisk.  Which one do you want?
20:14.49Micho123manxpower, pass thru is OK
20:15.05manxpowerocnarf: That means "Asterisk crashed, but I didn't realize it until I tried to get audio and there was none"
20:15.21manxpowerMicho123: then 1.4 should work just fine.
20:15.32manxpowerYou can use 1.4 or 1.6  no reason to use trunk\
20:15.41Micho123manxpower, I see
20:16.11manxpowerBEFORE 1.4 was released then you could only get that feature from -trunk
20:16.30ocnarfmanxpower: what do you mean by that?
20:16.57manxpowerocnarf: What I mean is what I said earlier.  The error message means nothing because asterisk crashed.
20:17.11hardwiremanxpower: I need to trunk to some RBS voice T1's
20:17.27hardwireand I see the DACS stuff in zapata.conf
20:17.27manxpowerocnarf: It is like you saying you are seeing a bright light when you are dieing.  Does the bright light cause you to die?
20:17.35hardwirebut I know that's not the right thing.
20:18.04ocnarfmanxpower: ok, got your point.
20:18.06manxpowerhardwire: do you want asterisk to process the calls or not?
20:18.20hardwireI'll be doing monitoring/recording with whisper
20:18.25manxpowerhardwire: then do it EXACTLY as you would with non-RBS channels
20:18.39hardwireas fxs?
20:18.52manxpowerhardwire: however you would do it excluding RBS
20:19.09manxpoweryou only care about the RBS stuff if you are doing actual DACS
20:19.14hardwiremanxpower: yeh.. working as an active pass-thru
20:19.21manxpowerotherwise Asterisk can't tell the difference.
20:19.44hardwireI need to make sure I'm RBS in from the CPE and RBS out to the NET
20:20.30manxpowerhardwire: robbed bit signaling == CAS == voice T-1
20:20.49hardwireand the call information is stored in the robbed bits aye
20:20.50manxpowerhardwire: have you actually tried it?
20:20.53hardwirelike e&m
20:20.58manxpowerno, the signaling is in the robbed bits
20:21.02hardwiremanxpower: I don't have the equipment here, unfortunately.
20:21.15hardwireI'm more used to E&M and PRI
20:21.26manxpowerhardwire: my statements stand unless there is something you don't know.
20:21.36manxpowerlike it wants a 56K channel
20:21.49hardwireso what signalling is it?
20:22.03hardwirethat's as close to pass-thru as possible right?
20:22.14manxpowerI can't know that unless we know what the far end is expecting
20:22.31manxpowerhardwire: the only real "passthru" on a T-1 is DACS.
20:22.39hardwireall they are telling me is RBS with jb7/d4
20:22.58hardwiremanxpower: I don't mean passthru in that design.
20:23.04hardwireI meant more for the audio of the call.
20:23.08hardwiresince the bits are in the audio
20:23.32Micho123manxpower, One question...Can i specify a codec for T.38 or the codec is just defined for the extension?
20:23.50beheritis it possible to restrict * to allow only one user at a time can use the extension? right now multiple user can use same ext number.
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20:24.31beheritlet say me and my friend can use the extesion 6060 at the same time just use a seperate machine
20:24.38hardwiretrying to get more info from client
20:25.45[TK]D-Fenderbeherit : use the "GROUP_COUNT" function for this
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20:28.33bn43I'm having a weird problem now - one of the phones shows NR and the console says wrong password on registration attempt - double checked passwords and its fine - this is straight after testing voicemail
20:29.03rue_mohronly one?
20:29.15rue_mohrsame model phones?
20:29.45eppigyKILL YOUR FAMILY
20:30.19bn43btw I'm a noob and followed jeremy maknamara's tutorial to set up my syste,
20:30.26eppigywrong window
20:30.37rue_mohrjust a sec eating lunch
20:30.57Juggieanyone know of a working free sms gateway?
20:31.05hardwiremanxpower: I'm better now
20:31.38beherit[TK]-Fender: is that in sip.conf or extension.conf?
20:32.17bn43ok - false alarm - phone lost its settings - went to the web interface to double check
20:32.53[TK]D-Fenderbeherit :extensions.conf
20:33.00manxpowerbeherit-: An extension is just a line in extensions.conf.  everything else is device, callerid, did, etc
20:33.28beheritok thanks
20:39.54andrewctIs there a programmer from digium here?
20:40.21*** part/#asterisk FuriousGeorge (
20:41.39manxpowerdoes AEL2 care what case the applications are in?
20:42.08[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Shouldn't... extensions.conf doesn't
20:42.32rue_mohrWARNING: "oslec_create" [/usr/src/dahdi-linux-] undefined! <- thats provided by the kernel module, right?
20:46.23rue_mohrwhy do i get the feeling i'm standing in the middle of a desert asking which way to the library, and there's nobody around for miles?
20:46.34hardwiremanxpower: have you use dacs as passthru before?  it seems pretty awesome.
20:46.57manxpowerhardwire: I did quite a bit of DACS
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20:47.17hardwiremanxpower: did?
20:47.20manxpowerWe passed some data channels thru asterisk
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20:47.40hardwireI'll have to play with it at some point
20:47.43manxpowerhardwire: I started at working a real job a few weeks ago.  no more of my old customers
20:47.44bijitwhen I have this error "chan_sip.c: username mismatch, have <306>, digest has <>"
20:47.54hardwireI'm just a consultant atm and haven't made enough moolah to get his hands on t1 cards yet. :)
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20:47.56manxpoweralso, we switched to PRI, got the data off the T and never needed it again
20:47.58bijitwhere can i start looking for the error?
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20:48.15hardwiremanxpower: yeh.. I hope this company moves to PRI
20:48.27MiccIs there any drawback to setting the registry timeout to like 2 minutes instead of 3600 seconds?
20:48.47MiccIf a phone lags out I want it to reconnect as soon as possible.
20:49.07MiccI like the "dial without reg" option on the linksyss'
20:49.46manxpowerMicc: not really.  once you go 60 seconds you should punch thru any NAT translations
20:50.30[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: 60sec pretty much kills off the need for qualify, thats for sure :)
20:52.17tzafrir_laptoprue_mohr, "oslec_create" should be provided by the module oslec
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20:57.41lilkidHow can I go about managing minutes used/billing etc. ?  Easiest way just to install a billing package? -I don't particularly have time to write a whole billing system
21:04.48[TK]D-Fenderlilkid: Lookup a2billing on the WIKI
21:05.08jbot[~wikis] VoIP Wiki covering Asterisk, FreeSWITCH, TrixBox, SER, OpenSER, sipX, CallWeaver, and YATE. (c) Arte Marketing Inc / CommPartners
21:05.30Micho123Hi all, is there a way to auto select codec when trying to send a FAX?
21:06.16*** part/#asterisk `bensh (n=Ben@
21:07.37lilkidthanks d-fender
21:08.08manxpowerMicho123: faxes only work with ulaw, alaw, and T.38 (in theory)
21:09.42bn43Hi - I'm encountering a problem with one of my phones - it just loses the password and I have to go in the web interface and put it in again
21:10.02[TK]D-Fenderbn43: Your phone sucks.  Kick it in the nads.
21:10.24Micho123manxpower, thanks
21:10.30bn43but it wasn't doing that before on my previous configuration
21:10.37bn43had it on the whole day
21:11.51bn43maybe I bumped it on the way home but i doubt that would have made a difference - these phones are pretty rugged
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21:13.39LinuturkI'm trying to find a solution that works as follows. I want to be able to allow users to use a regular analog phone at their homes, but have an ATA register to my asterisk server and allow them to make calls to other user's, all without messing with the user's gateway firewalls
21:14.03Linuturkmaybe an ATA with an OpenVPN client?
21:14.33bn43another thing that worked on my previous configuration was that I got a vmail notification on the phone and received the email - now no vmail message - I have followed this but no luck
21:16.19lilkida2bill vs astbill, anyones opinions? deciding whether to ditch astbill for a2bill
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21:22.55rwaiteastbill killed my first born child, i'd stay away.
21:23.26MiccIs there a simple way to impliment hunt groups without that agi php script?
21:23.59MiccI know its simple to get the channel state and move to next if in use. But I just need a little example dialplan code.
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21:27.50[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
21:28.11bn43anyone know how I can get the mwi button to work on my snom phone?
21:28.25bn43mwi indicator that is
21:38.10*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
21:41.10rootforcedid you set mailbox in sip.conf
21:41.21rootforcebn43: ?
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21:42.03flohackHi! Is someone familiar with SIP transfers on asterisk?
21:42.09bn43got answer? :-)
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21:42.21bn43its driving me nuts!
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21:43.59lilkidrwaite: hah, will do.
21:45.36wonderworldflohack: what do you want to do?
21:45.39flohackDoes asterisk support direct attended transfers between sip users? Currently asterisk acknowledges the attended transfer and simply goes into the dialplan, event though there is already an active call the the transfer target .
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21:46.35bn43rootforce: sorry did not see your previous question
21:46.42flohackwonderworld: Hi! Ok I have three sip phones. A calls B, B wants to transfer A to C, B calls C, C picks up. B says: attended transfer (SIP REFER). Now the call from B->C should be replaced by the call from A->B
21:46.50flohackbut that's not what happens.
21:47.10bn43where do you set mailbox in sip.conf? is it the one u specify for each user?
21:47.15flohackas soon as I send SIP REFER, asterisk says OK and dials C using the dialplan
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21:47.48rootforcebn43: one moment i will give you a pastebin example
21:47.49brunnerwhat is the best channel for asking about non-asterisk small business telephone systems?
21:49.06wonderworldflohack: are you sure you tested it with the right digits? did you check features.conf?
21:49.09flohackwonderworld: Here is the sip debug log Thanks for helping me!
21:49.18*** part/#asterisk mikealeonetti (
21:49.31wonderworldthere is blind transfer and attended transfer
21:49.37flohackwonderworld: I don't want to use the features.conf transfer feature, because I'm using sip phones.
21:49.51wonderworldyou can use it with sip phones
21:50.14flohackwonderworld: I know, but SIP REFER is just so much better.
21:50.24flohackwonderworld: It used to work a while ago...
21:50.26wonderworldnever did that, sorry
21:50.43flohackwonderworld: thanks a lot anyway!
21:50.59flohackHas someone else ever done SIP REFER attended transfer with asterisk?
21:51.15bn43rootforce: is the vmbox their individual box?
21:51.16rootforcebn43: that goes in sip.conf in case i did not already mention that
21:51.40rootforcebn43: it is whatever mailbox you want to receive the notifications for
21:51.56rootforcebn43: 9 times out of 10 it will be their personal mailbox
21:52.21bn43I followed which shows (username)@default as an example
21:52.54rootforcebn43: there may be some additional configuration on the snom side. I have never used snom phones before, but what I sent you will tell asterisk what to send to the phone.
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21:56.14bn43hey its now working!!!
21:57.34bn43last one for the nite - when I access the mailbox  I get the prompt saying "comedian mail - mailbox" and I have to wait about 3 seconds for password prompt
21:57.53bn43how do I get to the password prompt immediately?
21:57.53rootforcebn43: press pound
21:58.02rootforcebn43: er #
21:58.25bn43is there a way to take out the first bit?
21:59.32rootforcebn43: you can set up the dialplan so that when you dial your extensin from your extension you go straight to your vmbox
22:01.08bn43According to the tutorial, I set the number to 4242
22:01.13bn43is that the problem?
22:01.35citywokhas anybody else run into problems with SOX not accepting files named like asterisk-1251231.12512.wav
22:01.48citywokcomplaining about .12512 being an invalid extension
22:02.12frogonwheelscitywok: that sounds right. you probably need to explicitly tell it the file format :|
22:02.19rootforcebn43: what tutorial are you using?
22:02.42citywokfrogonwheels: it works fine as long as the .12512 isn't there, its not smart enough to be able to handle files with .'s in the name
22:02.48bn43recommended by the guru's here :-)
22:03.00frogonwheelscitywok: I actually ran into that error yesterday :0
22:03.23citywokhahaha, may i ask what the option is to specify type then, if you just played this game hahaha
22:03.49frogonwheelscitywok:  sox -t wav
22:03.55frogonwheelscitywok: I think
22:04.21rootforcebn43: try dialing extension 100 from the phone that is registered to 100 and press *
22:04.31Linuturkcan someone recommend a good analog telephone adapter with VPN capabilities?
22:04.51citywokfrogonwheels: yup, i just found it on google too, tyvm, that was an easy fix
22:05.15bn43it rings itself
22:05.16citywokit was already specified on my sox command, but not on the soxmix, whoops
22:05.16frogonwheelscitywok: you could try  sox -t ${FNAME#*.}  ${FNAME}  outputfilename
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22:05.48frogonwheelsnp citywok
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22:08.42lilkiddoes a2billing manage the configuration of asterisk? e.g. accounts/dialplan etc., or does it just handle billing?
22:10.08manxpowerAEL2 sure does make complex dialplans easier to read
22:10.30citywoki have one other problem.  i'm receing a call from sip, and then dialing out of a zap channel, but the callid seems to be incremented by one, any ideas? dialplan:
22:10.49rootforcebn43: hmm simple fix is to change [stations] to the following
22:11.28citywokcrap, nevermind, i know what it is
22:11.51bn43do I replace the top 2 with the bottom 2?
22:12.57[TK]D-Fenderlilkid: Just billing with some minimal dialplan you have to insert
22:13.36bn43oh stupid! sorry
22:13.48bn43its early in the morning here
22:14.54MiccI think asterisk-gui converted my voicemail.conf to mac format.
22:15.01MiccHow do I convert it back to unix format?
22:16.30bn43thank you!
22:17.20[TK]D-FenderMicc: what is "mac format", and why do you think that?
22:17.52MiccTKD-Fender, because it has ^M at the end of each line instead of a line feed.
22:18.01MiccAnd pico says its mac format.
22:18.02[TK]D-FenderMicc: tahts actually DOS format...
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22:18.11[TK]D-FenderMicc: "dos2unix thefile"
22:18.20MiccTKD-Fender, dos is actually CRLF.
22:20.08flohackwonderworld: I found the problem. It's a bug in asterisk. It searches for a "REPLACES=" in the Refer-To header, but only at the beginning. My softphone sends: Require=replaces&Replaces=9ccf and therefore asterisk does not detect an attended transfer, but a blind transfer....
22:20.21Miccdos2unix isn't working.
22:20.31MiccIt says it converted but the file is exactly the same.
22:20.50rue_mohrdidyou open it in windows?
22:20.50frogonwheelsAm I correct in thinking that the only way of 'background'ing SayUnixTime for inside an IVR is through the agi system?
22:21.16rue_mohrMicc, it just changes the codes used for end of line
22:21.28MiccOk, I had to tell it what type of file it was.
22:21.44Miccdos2unix filename doesn't work but dos2unix -c Mac filename does work.
22:22.06rue_mohrMicc, if you use hd (iirc) you can see the old linefeeds and the new one
22:22.09frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender:  just ^M is mac. (I know from vim)
22:22.40frogonwheels[TK]D-Fender: if you see ^M at the end of your lines - you're reading DOS format as unix.
22:23.03[TK]D-FenderI'm sure there is a similar easy script to correct....
22:23.23MiccIts good now.
22:23.39Miccasterisk gave me a strange error though. it said line 2 did not contain an =
22:24.02frogonwheelsMicc: vim's always good for changing different file-formats too :)
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22:24.18manxpowerdoes anyone know in AEL2 if case ${MYVAR} < 100: is valid?
22:24.44Miccvim seems like too much learning curve.
22:24.46ftp3hi, question.. in a billing rates .csv.. is "1,1" the same as "60,60" ?
22:25.02danievhello guys. i'm selling an sangoma A101D card. never used
22:25.07frogonwheelsMicc: not too much.  if you run vimtutor you can get going quickly.
22:25.23[TK]D-Fendermanxpower: Boolean case = if :)
22:25.24MiccI know basic vi commands.
22:25.49frogonwheelsMicc: well vimtutor is still worth running.  it shows some of the basic vim extensions as well.
22:25.55flohackIs an asterisk core hacker here? I'd like to have a chat about a patch to chan_sip.c
22:26.12frogonwheelsMicc: and vim has excellent documentation.
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22:26.35manxpowerflohack: dev questions should be on #asterisk-dev
22:26.54flohackmanxpower: Oh, ups...sorry...
22:26.59myselfhimselfI really need help to configure a simple softphone+asterisk on a same local host for SIP
22:27.28myselfhimselfI have tutorials before my eyes but I really can't manage to make it work even when following those tutorials precisely
22:27.44myselfhimselffor example if someone would want to help me out with ekiga...
22:27.46[TK]D-Fendermyselfhimself: Softphon on the same PC as *?
22:27.46frogonwheelsmyselfhimself: look at the errors generated on the asterisk -r console
22:28.14myselfhimself[TK]D-Fender yes
22:28.20myselfhimselffrogonwheels there's no error for now
22:28.26myselfhimselfand I do have loaded the sip module
22:28.32myselfhimselfwith module load
22:28.45frogonwheelsmyselfhimself: so you're seeing it register? or nothing?
22:28.52myselfhimselfupon each change of sip.conf, I do sip reload
22:28.52[TK]D-Fendermyselfhimself: in your peer setp "port=5061" and change the port your softphone binds to to 5061
22:28.57myselfhimselfI see nothing registering
22:29.09[TK]D-Fendermyselfhimself: otherwise * and your softphone will fight over the port and bad things will happen
22:29.37myselfhimself[TK]D-Fender what do you mean by "in your peer setup", sip.conf ?
22:29.55[TK]D-Fendermyselfhimself: Yes
22:30.09myselfhimselfI had that port change thing in a tutorial
22:30.22myselfhimselfI'm putting that back doing sip reload
22:31.16[TK]D-Fendermyselfhimself: also do "sip show peers" to make sure that the module is even loaded.  Then do "sip show peer [yourpeer]" after attempting to register to confirm if it has.  All the while make sure to have enabled gloabl SIP DEBUG.
22:31.44myselfhimselfok for the debug and sip show peers
22:31.59myselfhimselfekiga has waken up and has tried to login
22:32.05myselfhimselfso I sse things in the asterisk CLI
22:33.20myselfhimselfI see thinks like Trying, Non Authorized and then Destruction blocks in the CLI
22:33.22brunnercan asterisk work with existing Nortel Norstar phones?
22:33.59[TK]D-Fendermyselfhimself: Progress... they're talking.. and DISAGREEING.  Excellent
22:33.59rob0Nope, only with phones that do NOT exist.
22:34.40[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: There are gateway devices for those, but the words "very not cost effective" come to mind
22:34.46rob0iPhone = Phone * i
22:34.59brunner[TK]D-Fender: what sort of gateway device?
22:35.47myselfhimselfwhat is the qualify= option for ?
22:37.23[TK]D-Fendermyselfhimself: NAT keepalive primarily
22:37.34[TK]D-Fendermyselfhimself: if thats what its complaining about, don't worry
22:37.43[TK]D-Fendermyselfhimself: Watch the regsiter & invite requests
22:39.38brunnerif I wanted to use an asterisk box to take advantage of unused channels on my T1, would it be possible while the current system is still set up?
22:39.45brunnerI have a nortel system right now
22:39.56brunnerone of these:
22:40.32[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Clarify "take advantage"
22:40.40brunneruse them to make outbound calls
22:40.58[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Why are they "unused" right now?
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22:41.18brunner[TK]D-Fender: because I'm not taking calls for an internet radio station right now
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22:41.52[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: If you want * inline with your existing PBX its certainaly doable with a 2-port card.
22:42.00keeblerWhere's the best play to buy VOIP hardware?
22:42.19keeblerDamn brain.
22:42.31keeblerWhere is the best place to purchase VOIP hardware?
22:42.44[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: in USA : is very competitive and very good service
22:42.49keeblerAnd wireless bridges.
22:43.14brunner[TK]D-Fender: how would that work?
22:43.55[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: telco got into *, PBX goes into *.  * takes calls on the channels you want and dials them out to the norstar and does what it wants with the rest
22:44.51keeblerHoly crap [TK]D-Fender, they have some damn good prices.
22:45.33[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Probably the best place for general VoIP gear
22:46.20keebleryeah, just needed 8-ATAs. And a couple cheap phones.
22:47.41keeblerNow I need to find a good online supplier for some bridges. :)
22:52.55ftp3so, does anyone know... in a billing rates .csv.. is "1,1" the same as "60,60" ?
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22:56.39[TK]D-Fenderftp3: Whose "billing rates" CSV?
22:57.10myselfhimself[TK]D-Fender I think that I neeed to set a realm for the connection to work
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22:57.18rootforcekeebler: i agree with [TK]D-Fender td is very good
22:57.20myselfhimselfmy Ekiga version doesn't seem to allow that
22:57.32myselfhimselfI'll get a newer one
22:57.55brunner[TK]D-Fender: what equipment would I need for that?  it's not a PRI line.  it's a channelized T1.
22:58.19rootforcekeebler: what kind of bridges are you looking for?
22:59.08[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: 2 port digital card
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22:59.56keeblerrootforce: , Outdoor bridges.
23:00.13zambawhat's the closest thing we have to a bullet-proof nat setup?
23:00.33[TK]D-Fenderkeebler: Suspension, or straight support beams?
23:00.35zambai need a howto or document that describes this and all the possible failures that can occur when trying to set up a connection
23:00.43jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:00.51keeblerrootforce: Right now I'm using WRT54Gs, but they have MAC address issues. And if I'm going to be deploying 230 of these things, I don't want to manually have to change each one.
23:01.02zamba[TK]D-Fender: thanks
23:01.04rootforcekeebler: 802.11 or something good
23:01.35*** join/#asterisk CapRiCoRN^80 (
23:01.36johnakabeanhey room, any way to disable "please leave your message after the tone" for just one extensions using custom context or similiar?
23:01.38CapRiCoRN^80hi all
23:01.38keeblerI only need to go 950ft.
23:01.47zamba[TK]D-Fender: if you set nat=yes globally, how will this work if the asterisk server isn't behind nat?
23:01.57johnakabeanno effect zamba
23:02.00zamba[TK]D-Fender: i've set this option, believing this to then be a default setting for all peers..?
23:02.03[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: "s" <-
23:02.04zambaah, ok
23:02.12zambajohnakabean: thanks :)
23:02.20ftp3d-fender, i was just googleing peoples rates.. and i see some people say 1,1 and some people say 60,60 (and other variables), but I think 1,1 and 60,60 are the same.. but I am not sure.. so I was asking
23:02.28[TK]D-Fenderzamba: Set per each
23:02.31johnakabeanit does have an effect of course if you do have a nat, for nat = no
23:02.41zamba[TK]D-Fender: hm?
23:02.50[TK]D-Fenderzamba: It can have a nasty impact on your ITSP's, not so much for your remote phones.
23:02.50zamba[TK]D-Fender: i should set nat=yes for every client?
23:02.57[TK]D-Fenderzamba: Yes
23:03.04jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
23:03.14rootforcekeebler: you might look at or
23:03.23[TK]D-Fenderzamba: This is in the guide...
23:04.10zambai've set all the peers to nat=yes now, but when i do 'sip show peers' it says 'N' on every user for the nat column.. hm..
23:04.14johnakabean[TK]D-Fender: VM Context: default,s ??
23:04.33[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: voicemail CLI OPTION
23:04.44johnakabeani understand the dialplan to how to add it
23:04.46johnakabeanbut in freepbx
23:04.50johnakabeanis my question
23:04.55[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Bend over, insert shaft
23:04.59rootforcekeebler: you are deploying 230 bridges?
23:05.13johnakabeanif i edit the dialplan freepbx will overwrite it
23:05.29[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: If they don't offer it on the "Extension setup" then you're FUBAR'd
23:05.38[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: See above...
23:06.28*** part/#asterisk ruben23 (n=IT-ADMIN@
23:06.51keeblerahah rootforce, YES, But not all on the same network.
23:07.20keebler30 separate networks.
23:07.25keebler8 bridges each.
23:07.51keeblerAnd behind each bridge is a Asterisk phone.
23:08.37brunner[TK]D-Fender: does digium sell the kind of 2-port card that I would need?
23:09.14johnakabeanattach=no|saycid=yes|envelope=yes|delete=no anyway to add it here
23:09.43myselfhimselfwith kphone I manage to connect to my asterisk server
23:09.45myselfhimselfthough I get Looking for 007 in home (domain
23:09.45myselfhimselfDisconnected from Asterisk server
23:09.51myselfhimselffrom the asterisk windows
23:10.05myselfhimselfand asterisk doesn't list in the processes anymore (so it's shutdown)
23:10.27myselfhimselfand that happened when I tried to call 007@localhost from kphone (it had been able to register first)
23:10.36[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: All the major makers do
23:10.49myselfhimselfso .. the reason for that is that my extensions.conf is misformatted and makes asterisk crash ?
23:11.07brunner[TK]D-Fender: so any of these T1 cards are capable of acting like the C/O does, as far as my existing Nortel system is concerned?
23:11.11bmoracakeebler:  no luck with those EZGO bridges?
23:11.20[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: All of them
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23:11.35keeblerbmoraca: I can't find ANY reviews on them. so I'm very scared.
23:11.50bmoracawell, best you can do is try them, really
23:12.02keeblerI'm buying all the equipment today though... And just wanted to avoid wasting time.
23:12.13keeblerbmoraca: I've got 7 days.
23:12.16bmoracayou're buying it ALL?  without testing them?
23:13.17CapRiCoRN^80i have read some tutorials for NAT and come up with follwing linex
23:13.38keeblerbmoraca: No. I'm buying 8.
23:13.43bmoracaoh, ok
23:13.48keeblerbmoraca: enough for one system.
23:14.06[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: Read AGAIN :
23:14.09jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
23:14.23vader--does the cisco ata 186 take the same config files and use the same tftp loading process as the 7940g phones?
23:14.34bmoracakeebler:  remember that they're directional with a 35 degree may not be able to get all remote clients with a single central access point...and they may not support point to multipoint
23:14.38johnakabeanoh sit fender, i forgot, i could create a voicemail_custom.conf and then include it and freepbx won't delete that line.
23:15.05johnakabean* the include line
23:15.20keeblerbmoraca: Well, I do know they support upto 6 in WDS mode.
23:15.30keeblerbmoraca: I forgot the rest of the stats,
23:15.38bmoracaWDS is no good for VoIP...
23:15.47keeblerFor the ones that CAN't get directly, I was going to put some Omni's.
23:16.01*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:16.16keeblerWait... My gateway isn't going to be an EZgo, so if they're all the Multipoints pointing to the POINT.
23:16.16bmoracaat BEST you'll be getting 3mbps throughput, and that's assuming there's enough power to push a full 54mbit
23:16.20keeblerShould it matter?
23:16.36bmoracawhat's your central access point going to be?
23:16.37keeblerI wasn't goint to use WDS, jsut saying thats all I remember of the stats.
23:16.41bmoracaoh, ok
23:17.27brunnerRight now my organization has 20 extensions, each with its own dedicated T1 channel.  Each channel has its own phone number.  Would it be possible to use only 10 of those T1 channels to service 20 extensions, and still keep the 20 phone numbers assigned to their respective extensions?
23:17.34keeblerbmoraca: Well, for the time being, a Basic DDWRT router.
23:21.29brunnerare PRI lines significantly more expensive than channelized T1s?
23:22.47[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: no reason for them to be
23:22.56brunnerwe currently have two channelized T1s.  If I switch to PRI, can I use unused channels for internet service?
23:23.03[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: and you do whatever the hell you want with your channels.
23:23.22[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: T1 can be split voice / dart /CAS or PRI, your choice
23:24.04brunner[TK]D-Fender: can the channels be dynamically allocated for different purposes?
23:24.34[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Statically yes, dynamically no
23:24.35brunnerI mean, if I'm using one PRI line for voice and internet, can I drop channels from the internet if my voice channels start getting used up?
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23:27.08Mark17brunner: technically: yes
23:27.37brunnerMark17: is it like almost impossible to setup that way?
23:28.20*** part/#asterisk ftp3 (
23:30.29johnakabean[TK]D-Fender: 202@default,s is allowed in the extensions setup of freepbx but it ignores it.
23:30.30Mark17if i understand it correctly it would take some time, but it is possible
23:30.43brunnerif we switched to PRI, we could stop paying for 24 channels if we never use more than ten, right?
23:31.02johnakabeani even tried the | sign
23:31.14Mark17depends on how the design is currently
23:31.18*** join/#asterisk edibrac (
23:31.24drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Since when do you support FreePBX ??? :P
23:31.43johnakabeanok, drmessano, you're the freepbx expert
23:31.48edibracwhat's the going rate for an asterisk consultant?
23:32.05brunneredibrac: I was quoted 170 today
23:32.10johnakabeani'm trying to disable the vm-intro for one extension but if i add it in the dialplan, of course asterisk will overwrite it
23:32.21[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: if freePBX ignores it, TFB.  * ignoring it would be another matter
23:32.26brunneredibrac: sorry, it was 175
23:32.38*** part/#asterisk digitalirony (
23:32.48johnakabeanfreepbx will overwrite it
23:32.55Mark17i normally ask 60 E/hour, but for persons with papers and that know asterisk totally 200 sounds normall
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23:33.02[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: PRI is just a T1 signalling.  How many channel you want is still your choice
23:33.23*** join/#asterisk BadHAL (
23:33.31jbottfb is, like, Too #&^$ing bad....
23:34.11brunnergod, I hate Nortel.
23:34.13johnakabeanwhere's jbot for that one fender
23:35.05johnakabeananyway, drmessano, i have tried adding it to VM context too
23:35.23brunnerDoes this mean I don't need a physical PRI card for my Nortel system?
23:36.02edibraccan anyone here recommend a good asterisk consultant in the bay area?
23:36.07edibracSan Francisco bay area
23:36.41[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: this is a dialplan option, not a BOX option.
23:37.06edibracthe problem is this - HDLC errors from different hardware setups (2 supermicro boxes, and an ASUS mobo, with 3 different Digium cards)
23:37.17[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Depends what signalling you want to sue with it.
23:37.21Mark17is it possible to include a file in the extensions.conf? so it would be used like all content from that file was located in extensions.conf (with the context where you include it)?
23:37.27drmessanojohnakabean: You're wasting your time.  Not helping you.  I could be the bigger man and ignore how you've been a total dick towards me when i've helped you, then boasted about it, but I would rather be the bigger douche.
23:37.37drmessanoSo GLWT
23:38.21jayteebrunner, you hate Nortel? wow! what a surprise :-)
23:38.43brunner"The Norstar PRI Key Code is NOT a generic key code. The Norstar PRI              Key Code requires a Norstar certified installer to program the system."
23:39.31jayteehmmm, and they're filing for bankruptcy protection in the US because...???
23:39.32drmessanobrunner: Try 1111
23:39.34johnakabeansorry, messano, that' your naive to think i have been a dick. With every time i have tried to help someone the best i can, I get smart ass, demeaning remarks from you; its like a hypocritical think with what you say.
23:39.43johnakabeanand I don't believe you know how to do it.
23:40.07drmessanojohnakabean: If you didnt believe I could, you wouldnt have asked.  Now you're showing just why I wont help you.
23:40.08*** join/#asterisk amessina (n=amessina@2001:470:1f11:68:20e:cff:fe01:d5ec)
23:40.17drmessanojohnakabean: So good luck
23:40.37johnakabeanNO, i'm proving the point you have no wish to help someone you're afraid of
23:41.03drmessanoI'm afraid of you?
23:41.08johnakabeanyou think by me trying to help someone and suggest something, and if it worked, you would lose reputation in here
23:41.08drmessanoI have chunks of you in my stool
23:41.11johnakabeanyou think its a game
23:41.19drmessanoOf course
23:41.34johnakabeanplay your game and I'll live a life
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23:41.45drmessanoYes sir
23:41.46drmessanoYou found me out
23:42.03drmessanoborrows jaytee mascara and puts on some yellowcard
23:42.29jayteethat color just doesn't go with your skin tone!
23:42.30johnakabeani have said nothing off the wall to you and you come out with a hypocritical remark that I'm the dick?
23:42.41drmessanojaytee: :(
23:42.48*** part/#asterisk amessina (n=amessina@2001:470:1f11:68:20e:cff:fe01:d5ec)
23:43.15johnakabeanOh, and 1.6 is not a drop in for everyone; a microsoft remark.
23:43.24drmessanoActually it is
23:43.31drmessanoJust not for you
23:43.36drmessanoSince you cant do it
23:43.42drmessanoand seems you cant do a lot..
23:43.54johnakabeansorry i followed the guidelines for my provider which wouldn't work on 1.6
23:44.00johnakabeanfender was there and verified
23:44.10jaytee1.6? other than some SIP TCP issues it's a walk in the park!
23:44.16drmessanoYeah, I dont buy that
23:44.35johnakabeani'm not here to prove anything to you; you prove you're a dick on your own
23:44.36manxpowerYou can learn about the 1.6 changes in upgrade.txt
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23:44.58johnakabeanPeople don't gravel at your feet messano
23:45.09drmessanojohnakabean: :)
23:45.19drmessanojaytee: 18 or 25?
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23:45.48[TK]D-Fenderplenty of gravel at drmessano's feet.  Now THERE's a foundation we can build on!
23:46.13[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: and as I've said, this is not s VM box parm, its the CLI call.
23:46.19jaytee18 or 25? what?
23:47.13johnakabeanexcuse me grovell
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23:47.25jayteeone l in grovel
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23:48.33johnakabeanI know, fender, but there is an input field in freepbx to edit it
23:48.45brunnerStrom Carlson is such a dick
23:48.58johnakabeanmessano, is your last name carlson?
23:49.22drmessanojohnakabean: Keep proving me right
23:49.42johnakabeanwhenever i put comma S (,s) behind the other parameters it puts in the dialplan, it doesn't get carried over
23:49.58[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Ok, so show me what the field looks like (imagbin) and what it does (pastebin the CLI)
23:50.18brunnerhey Corydon76-dig, very long time no chat
23:50.33[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Why do you say that?
23:50.44brunner[TK]D-Fender: because he was rude to me
23:50.55[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Where? concerning what?
23:50.57Corydon76-digbrunner: greetings
23:51.08CapRiCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender:  check now please
23:51.22brunnerAIM, concerning Nortel and vendor lock-in
23:51.29jayteehurry! and don't give me any shit!!!
23:51.51[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: NAT stuff looks better, your dilaplan is broken however
23:51.52brunner[TK]D-Fender: I'm a friend of noogums -- I think that was his nick
23:52.18Corydon76-digbrunner: I'm not aware that n00gums has ever gotten involved in Asterisk
23:52.33[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Well he's perfectly right about vendor lock in.  You're already looking to expand a DEAD-END system
23:53.00brunner[TK]D-Fender: no, I complained about the vendor lock-in, and he told me to grow up
23:53.13[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: that field looks more like you attempting to ABUSE it than it intending for you to add stuff to the end
23:53.27[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: .... GROW UP :)
23:53.31brunnerhar har
23:53.34CapRiCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender:  can you tell me how its broken ?
23:53.37[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: Its a dead end, so stop whining.
23:53.42[TK]D-Fenderbrunner: You can now add me to that list.
23:53.51[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: "SIP," <-
23:54.24brunnerCorydon76-dig: I don't think he has.  I meant to address you, not [TK]D-Fender
23:54.38jayteeI've got 65% of my users migrated from Nortel to Asterisk. In another month and a half I'll be able to pull the plug on the Option 11C and put the bitch on Ebay.
23:55.13Corydon76-digbrunner: I'm aware of who you are
23:55.15*** part/#asterisk Khratos (n=khratos@
23:55.30Corydon76-digbrunner: Names sometimes escape me, but I never forget a cutie
23:55.44brunnerjaytee: how did you get the systems to inter-operate during the migration?
23:55.53brunnerCorydon76-dig: apparently not =p
23:56.06Corydon76-digbrunner: PRI is going to be your best bet
23:56.06jayteebrunner, through a mixture of trickery and cunning
23:56.22manxpowerjaytee: quite a bit of both, I imagine.
23:56.28CapRiCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender:  you mean the problem is in sip.conf ? . i wish you tell in straight words
23:56.43jayteemanxpower, ya don't know the half of it buddy :-) How's the new job treating ya?
23:56.55manxpowerjaytee: so-so
23:57.04[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: I said your DIALPLAN.
23:57.05Corydon76-digThe best method I've seen, to minimize the amount of tinkering you have to do with the Nortel is to put a passthrough on all of the lines going to the Nortel
23:57.16brunnerCorydon76-dig: yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what would be involved in switching the current system over to PRI
23:57.21[TK]D-FenderCapRiCoRN^80: then I quoted precise characters you could have TEXT SEARCHED.
23:57.29manxpowerjaytee: I still have a former customer with a frankenpbx - Asterisk and Nortel MICS
23:57.31Corydon76-digbrunner: what is it currently, E&M?
23:57.31jaytee:-( oh, well, better than poverty or unemployement I guess is good enough for now in this economy.
23:57.43Corydon76-digbrunner: you can frontend the E&M, as well
23:57.58manxpowerjaytee: I can't form a good opinion until I've been here for a few months
23:58.11jayteemanxpower, understandable
23:58.19brunnerCorydon76-dig: it's one of these.  what is the short hand for these models?
23:58.35manxpowerjaytee: their customers are just as stupid as my customers were.  they are just as disorganized as I am.
23:59.00manxpowerbrunner: MICS, IIRC
23:59.09brunnermanxpower: thanks
23:59.11CapRiCoRN^80[TK]D-Fender:  brb
23:59.17manxpowerand the MICS have about as much smarts as a turnip
23:59.29jayteeactually I've met smarter turnips
23:59.30brunnerso I've learned
23:59.48jayteebut I never worked on a 0x32. just a 0x16
23:59.59*** join/#asterisk voxter (

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