IRC log for #asterisk on 20090124

00:00.07*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
00:00.13seanbrightmartyn-dev: make OPTIONS=-I/usr/include/freetds
00:00.24seanbrightwhich also probably won't work
00:00.29seanbrightbecause asterisk 1.2 is ancient
00:00.38Ineluctablewhat does * provide for me?
00:01.16Ineluctablesorry for the trouble I am just trying to learn
00:01.29*** join/#asterisk macros73_ (
00:01.42IneluctableTo be honest I do not know what i am doing.
00:01.45martyn-devoph seanbright :D
00:01.49martyn-devcompiled :D
00:01.55martyn-devso. then install
00:02.03martyn-devwhat happended?
00:02.07seanbrightno clue
00:02.16seanbrightcentos updated the location they install freetds to?
00:02.18[TK]D-FenderIneluctable: * is a PBX and telephony toolkit.
00:02.23seanbrightthere is a bug in the cdr/Makefile anyway
00:02.30seanbrightbut it's 1.2 and we don't fix that stuff
00:02.33seanbrightbecause we're elite
00:03.23[TK]D-FenderIneluctable: You can use it to build a PBX, act as an answering machine, place automated calls, etc
00:03.27seanbrightbeek: it's 14208 -
00:03.38martyn-devThank you very much  seanbright :
00:03.44seanbrightmartyn-dev: no problem
00:03.57martyn-devare you an asterisk developper  ?
00:04.01martyn-devseanbright:  ?
00:04.14seanbrightmartyn-dev: on occasion :)
00:04.14beekseanbright: You're quicker than I at finding it.  I just found the log from mmichelson in svn.
00:04.23seanbrightbeek: i think i know what happened, hold on.
00:04.41martyn-devoh. i see.. just a question. seanbright what do you think about Freeswitch ?
00:04.49seanbrightmartyn-dev: i have never used it
00:04.58martyn-devoh! ok
00:05.02seanbrightmartyn-dev: but it seems like an interesting project
00:05.09seanbrightbeek: yeah, i got it... bear with me
00:05.12martyn-devyeah. it seems like
00:05.17seanbrightbeek: is a security release
00:05.27seanbrightbeek: so it's basically + a security fix
00:05.35seanbrightbeek: which is why you aren't seeing the fix you were looking for
00:05.51seanbrightit would be relatively minor to patch your local copy
00:05.58beekseanbright: Okay.  I'll patch it locally then.
00:06.18beekseanbright: Thanks very much for your effort!
00:06.25seanbrightbeek: no sweat.
00:07.09*** join/#asterisk mercutioviz (n=michaelc@freeswitch/developer/msc)
00:08.29beekseanbright: I LOVE viewvc...  I'm going to have to install that on my subversion server.
00:08.39seanbrightbeek: it's trivial to setup too
00:08.56seanbrightbeek: and the syntax highlighting gets me all hot and bothered.
00:09.22beekYou betcha.    That is really great.
00:09.28seanbrightso for those of you interested in what happened to
00:09.39seanbrightwe tagged
00:09.58seanbrighta security risk was discovered in the 1.6.0 branch
00:10.13seanbright(actually all of the release branches)
00:10.36seanbrightso we tagged
00:10.53seanbrightwhich was vetoed because 5 digits is silliness
00:11.09mercutiovizholy macarel
00:11.16mercutiovizthat's WAY too many digits
00:11.21seanbrightand since had already been tagged, we bumped her up to and deleted the tag
00:11.37beekseanbright: Unfortunately, the bug report shows that the one I'm talking about will be fixed in and beyond, so there really is a good reason to let it go to 5 digits.
00:11.41seanbrightthere will be a new (i believe) created in the next few days
00:11.55seanbrightbeek: best intentions...
00:12.02mercutiovizmartyn-dev: just curious - why were you asking about freeswitch?
00:12.21interfaithhello asterisk gtalk users, tests here show google gtalk to asterisk gtalk ok but ast/gt/nat to ast/gt/nat not working ?
00:12.46seanbrightbeek: and will contain your fix
00:12.55seanbrightbeek: but as a said, a 1 character local fix for you in the meantime
00:13.09*** join/#asterisk bkw_ (n=brian@freeswitch/developer/bkw)
00:13.11interfaithgtalk users, maybe some tricks are needed for  ast/gtalk to work p2p ?
00:13.32beekseanbright: Absolutely... I'm not complaining at all.  I'm just pointing out that without your help I'd have been really confused.
00:13.51interfaithgtalk users ? anyone done p2p ast/gt to ast/gt ?
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00:14.00seanbrightinterfaith: settle down
00:14.15interfaithi can wait
00:14.30seanbrightinterfaith: you don't need to ask the same question 3 times in 1 1/2 minutes :)
00:14.52seanbrightbeek: your confusion is well founded :)
00:17.05*** join/#asterisk Greek-Boy (n=greek@
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00:23.14jayteehi jared
00:23.30*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
00:24.26mercutiovizjsmith: quick question - are you working with jimvanm on "the cookbook"? just curious
00:24.58jsmithmercutioviz: Not officially no, but yes, I'm working with him on it
00:25.06mercutiovizgot it
00:25.13jsmithmercutioviz: (I'm not an official author, but I'm doing part of the work)
00:25.16jsmithmercutioviz: Why?
00:25.42mercutiovizI was just curious. Jim and I were discussing some other projects and he mentioned that he was working on the *CB
00:26.05mercutiovizI was just curious who all was working on it
00:26.59jsmithA bunch of people
00:27.16mercutiovizI can imagine
00:27.21*** join/#asterisk paulproteus (n=paulprot@2002:db69:2513:0:0:0:0:1)
00:27.25jsmithI think the list of "official" authors is around six or seven people now
00:29.32beekseanbright: All is good -- & patch
00:29.39beekseanbright: Thanks for your help.
00:30.40mercutiovizso it's "Van Meggelen, et al" ? :)
00:32.28Greek-Boywhat is the best open source billing solution for asterisk 1.4? Asterbill?
00:40.24interfaithany sign of upnp support coming to asterisk ?
00:42.41Greek-Boyany sign of smpp support coming to asterisk?
00:44.22manxpowerYou are welcome to add it
00:46.45*** join/#asterisk sosoriri (n=sosoriri@
00:50.23interfaithiax2 and gtalk show limited p2p capability for ast/nat to ast/nat calls , some changes are needed
00:51.20*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (n=IceChat7@
00:51.41interfaitha few changes to iax2 may make it fly p2p
00:51.58Greek-Boymanxpower: what is a current solution to send sms's from asterisk to a smpp sms server?
00:52.45Get_The_Fishhello all, I have an issue that I could use some assistance with.  We have a queue that is set to "least recent" and "auto-fill", with static extensions (not agents.conf). Certain extentions will "ring
00:53.21Get_The_Fishoops.... will ring once (more like a half-ring according to our users), but will not connect the call
00:54.14Mark17is it possible if you have 2 asterisk servers that they automatically look for accounts the other server has and when needed send the call to the other server? when creating new accounts at 1 server that the other automatically detects it?
00:54.19Get_The_Fishone user in particular shows the same number hit her phone 4 times, each time with a call time of 0:00.  It appears from the CDR's that the call was connected to another agent.  No call forwarding enabled
00:54.37Get_The_FishMark17, yes.
00:55.02Get_The_FishI believe that the best way to do this is dundi, although I have personally never tried
00:55.49Mark17Get_The_Fish: i will start working on it in the near future (I would need it for an idea I have)
01:00.56Get_The_Fishany ideas on that?
01:01.00*** join/#asterisk joako (
01:02.34*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-6b6f418a056cb0af)
01:02.44*** part/#asterisk martyn-dev (n=admin@
01:04.22Mark17well i need something for processing calls through 4 servers to start with, if could increase in the future to 20
01:05.01Mark17and an other option is to update all configs when needed (need to check what the best options is)
01:05.42Get_The_Fishsorry Mark17, I was referring to the issue that I posted earlier
01:06.22Mark17one moment, i will have a look to your question
01:07.31Mark17i did not work with a queue and i dont know it to be honest
01:07.32[TK]D-FenderWhat on earth does "and when needed send the call (what call?!) to the other server" mean?
01:09.11Mark17[TK]D-Fender: i would setup 2 servers (with phones on both servers)
01:09.55Mark17when a call is recieved for a phone on the same server it should proces it directly, when it is for the other server it should be processed and forwarded to the other server
01:10.07Mark17this second server than will need to proces it
01:10.51Mark17i want to know if it is possible to automate this selection proces without the need of adding new lines to the configs on server 1 when new accounts are created on server 2
01:12.20[TK]D-FenderMark17: the extens should never be the same and DUNDi can handle this... mind you, with prefixes even basic connectivity can handle this.
01:12.45[TK]D-FenderMark17: 1XXX = send to server 1, 2XXX=send to server 2, etc
01:12.51Mark17no prefix for looking if they are on server 1 or server 2
01:13.30Mark17an extension on server 1 wont be used on server 2
01:16.35Mark17lets start with testing it tomorrow
01:28.01D3b|4ni have a problem
01:28.04D3b|4nI have a problem when you make a call recording is saved well again but if the same number to the previous recording me and let me just delete the last recording
01:28.25seanbrighti can't parse that sentence
01:28.29seanbrightcould you try again in english?
01:28.53seanbrightmaybe use an occasional period (.) or comma (,)
01:31.20[TK]D-Fendertalks does funny Yoda hmmmMMMM!??!??!?!?!
01:32.29*** join/#asterisk SparFux (
01:32.55*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
01:33.30SparFuxWhen using my dsl-modem as a router, I have the advantage of being able to use ATA's to plug my pots phones directly into the net and use sip without any computer, right? Whereas with pppoe on my computer and no router functionality on my modem, I am boned and have to use the computer.
01:34.26[TK]D-FenderSparFux: I've seen plenty of ATA's W/ PPPoE Clients...
01:34.50[TK]D-FenderSparFux: And most people with DSL modems use a SEPARATE router anyways
01:34.51rob0Yoda Miss Piggy was. Kermie!!
01:34.55SparFuxok, but when my computer already does pppoe, can the ATA do it, too? Will my isp allow two  such pppoe connections?
01:35.21[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Many I know of do
01:35.47[TK]D-FenderSparFux: thats single-link ML-PPPoE
01:35.47rob0I use my DSL modem in bridge mode, where it does the PPPoE, but the computer gets the external IP.
01:36.29[TK]D-Fenderrob0: one cool thing the Mediatrix 2100 series ATA's do : transparent proxying.
01:36.56SparFuxwell, I think I use bridge too, but the computer runs pppoe.
01:37.52rob0mine's a Siemens / Speedstream
01:38.06[TK]D-FenderSparFux: Seriously, get a router and jsut run both behind it.
01:38.39SparFuxwhy not use the modem as a router? has it disadvanntages?
01:39.15[TK]D-FenderSparFux: or whatever
01:39.19rob0I prefer having full control of things, and the modem would not give me that.
01:39.53SparFuxrob0: that's true, indeed.
01:40.10SparFuxI wonder wether I can do the bridge thing with modem doing pppoe.
01:40.28SparFuxI see no point in having the computer do pppoe and not having multiple computers do it!
01:40.45SparFuxon the other hand, router setup would be safer than bridge setup.
01:41.13[TK]D-Fenderok, off to play pool for a while.  back later
01:43.16SparFuxI have the problem that I can connection downgrades. ping times get bad and I get paket loss. I think even the ping to the modem is bad. so is bridge mode more expsnsive for the modem or router mode? might it be the connection downgrade disappears when doing router mdoe?
01:45.21joatis away: Away
01:45.33joatis back (gone 00:00:00)
01:49.37*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=kutimoy@
01:50.19`paulhow can i play a tone similar to the recording (pls leave the msg after the TONE).... the beep after the tone.
01:52.29Mark17you can make a recording for it and use PlayBack
01:53.55`paulill try playback beep :)
01:54.16*** join/#asterisk trumarc (n=marco@
01:57.24*** join/#asterisk path_ (
02:01.06*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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02:02.50*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (n=brandon@
02:03.11*** part/#asterisk rcy (
02:04.01D3b|4nI have a problem when you make a call recording is saved well again but if the same number to the previous recording me and let me just delete the last recording
02:06.52SparFuxrob0: how do you use a dsl modem in bridge mode and have it do the pppoe stuff at the same time?
02:12.23seanbrightD3b|4n: what is your native language?
02:12.45D3b|4nspanish sorry for my english
02:13.24seanbrightD3b|4n: you need to ask your question another way.  the way you are asking now does not make sense to me.
02:14.57D3b|4nI make a call is recorded well, but if you call the same number is cleared and only the first recording is the recording of my second call
02:14.57rob0Spar, I suppose it's a feature of the modem. Maybe yours won't do that? Ask your ISP or see the modem manual.
02:15.35seanbrightD3b|4n: how do you start the recording?
02:16.26seanbrightMonitor()?  MixMonitor()?
02:16.55D3b|4nrecording begins when the call begins
02:17.14*** part/#asterisk `paul (n=kutimoy@
02:17.28seanbrightD3b|4n: are you running asterisk?  freepbx?  trixbox?
02:17.48*** join/#asterisk keebler (
02:18.58seanbrightD3b|4n: ok, could you put your extensions.conf file contents on ?
02:21.49*** part/#asterisk trumarc (n=marco@
02:25.50*** join/#asterisk mejymejy (
02:26.48seanbrightD3b|4n: is it posted yet?
02:26.49*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (
02:26.58*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
02:28.45*** join/#asterisk amessina (n=amessina@2001:470:1f11:68:20e:cff:fe01:d5ec)
02:31.38*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
02:37.58seanbrightD3b|4n: are you there?
02:39.48keeblerAre there any notable differences between Asterisk 1.14.21 and 1.14.23? Like MUST HAVE updates?
02:41.15seanbrighti assume you mean 1.4.21 and 1.4.23
02:41.25seanbrightand there are only bug fixes
02:41.33seanbrightsome security and some functional
02:41.43seanbrightyou can see the details from the ChangeLog
02:42.05keeblerWell, just wondering if its worth waiting to build again on this FBSD box.
02:42.14keeblerThe port for FBSD is 1.4.21
02:42.31keeblerAlready did a CVSup through the FBSD database.
02:42.47seanbrightare you having specific issues?
02:43.06*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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02:43.16keeblerNope. I'm rebuilding the system and wondered if its worth the trouble.
02:43.38seanbrightdon't fix what ain't broken
02:43.44seanbrightesp. if it's a production machine
02:44.02keeblerThis will be going into full service next week.
02:44.20seanbright1.4.21 it is
02:44.23seanbrightdo you use IAX?
02:44.31seanbrightdon't upgrade
02:45.58keeblerConsidering its taking 20 minutes just to build IRSSI.
02:46.05keeblerI don't want to wait anymore. haha
02:46.09seanbrighton your production machine?
02:46.15seanbrightmight be time for a faster machine
02:46.17keeblerintel atom with 4GB CF flash card
02:46.22keeblerand 1gb ram
02:46.29*** part/#asterisk amessina (n=amessina@2001:470:1f11:68:20e:cff:fe01:d5ec)
02:46.32*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:46.35seanbrighttakes me about 8 seconds to build asterisk on my production box
02:46.40seanbrightgood ol 'make -j9'
02:47.05keeblerThis is going into a solar powered system.
02:47.11keeblerSo it has to be as low power as possible.
02:47.21seanbrightit's either a dual quad-core or a quad dual-core
02:47.24seanbrighti forget
02:47.45keeblerHahahhaha, I guess when its that much power, it doesn't really matter.
02:47.57keeblerHow many active clients?
02:48.00esaymwhat is the process to go from zaptel to the new dahdi? I see dahdi tools and dahdi linux?
02:48.18seanbrightkeebler: 40 or so agents
02:48.25seanbrightkeebler: barely touches the machine
02:48.35keeblerseanbright: Ah. Wow. Why so much power?
02:48.36esaymI am guessing that meetme still needs a timing source? (now provided by dahdi)?
02:48.56seanbrightkeebler: why not? :D
02:49.04keeblerI guess.
02:49.48seanbrightwe're not concerned about power consumption.
02:49.55seanbrightwe also club baby seals in the server room
02:50.03keeblerThen again, I'm still running FBSD 4.7 on a P266 with 256mb of ram
02:50.12keeblerand apache 13
02:50.27seanbrighti remember pre-2.0 apache
02:50.31seanbrightthe good ol' days
02:51.20jbot[~dahdi] Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAhdi). The new name of zaptel More info at , and is pronounced "dah-dee" with a short A, or pronounced like
02:51.20keeblerYeah. It runs a personal site. Nothing fancy. And a random ftp sometimes.
02:51.20seanbrightjbot: dahdi
02:51.21jbot[~dahdi] Digium/Asterisk Hardware Device Interface (DAhdi). The new name of zaptel More info at , and is pronounced "dah-dee" with a short A, or pronounced like
02:51.31keeblerIts not actually on the net right now though. Just moved.
02:52.50keeblerYeah, I'm still very new to Asterisk. Didn't like any of the all-in-one solutions.
02:53.14keeblerThat, and none of them had updated NIC drivers for my client.
02:53.27keeblerMSIWind Desktop
02:54.01keeblerSo I had to manually install them... PITA with trixbox. Just to have to reformat cause of bloat.
02:54.13icebrew54keebler: debian?
02:54.52*** join/#asterisk prxtien (
02:55.20keeblerI'm Using FBSD NOW
02:55.30keeblerevery allinone uses CentOS
02:55.34keebler..... I hate Red Hat.
02:55.50seanbrighti use centos for all my production boxes
02:55.54keeblerEveryone does.
02:56.02keeblerIts the standard.
02:56.03icebrew54I use debian or centos on my end....
02:56.09keeblerfor Asterisk it seems.
02:56.11prxtienhey all, im running on a couple boxes.. im trying to register my private asterisk box as a client of another asterisk box like i would with my other sip providers... but when i try to pass a call to the remote sip box i get Received response: "Forbidden" from '"NAASANORTH" and on the remote server username mismatch, have <1001>, digest has <1002>
02:56.11seanbrightyeah, but i build asterisk et all from sources
02:56.17prxtienany help would be great... thanks guys!
02:56.28bmoracakeebler:  i hope you don't plan on running all 12x30 extensions on that box :P
02:56.29icebrew54keebler: sometimes it's good to stick with the pack if you are unfamiliar with a certain software set
02:56.35keeblerMeh, I've been using FBSD for 8 years now.
02:56.52keeblerbmoraca: No no no...
02:56.53icebrew54keebler: FBSD with asterisk? :P
02:57.03keeblerOnly 12 extensions one one box AT MOST.
02:57.13keeblerBut typically not more than 6.
02:57.28keeblerAnd there will only be one call at a time.
02:57.40bmoracakeebler:  you're putting a box on each rig?  why?
02:58.05keeblerbmoraca: Because each rig is different and independent, and owned by a separate company.
02:58.18bmoracathat sucks, lol
02:58.24keeblerMore money for me.
02:58.31keeblerEspecially if I build the systems by hand.
02:58.35bmoracamuch, much more liability, though
02:58.39bmoracai'd virtualize them
02:58.45keeblerNot anymore than I'm running now.
02:58.57bmoracaESXi is free and asterisk runs great in it
02:59.04keeblerbmoraca: How would you support 30 rigs in a 200 mile radius that move every 12 days?
02:59.24bmoraca200 mile radius?  you said 1 mile yesterday
02:59.35keeblerOne Rig is 1 acre
02:59.37keeblernot mile
02:59.53keeblerThe "pad" site is about 1 to 5 acres.
03:00.33keeblerErm, I should have said 200 square miles. About a 50 mile radius from where I'm at.
03:00.44bmoracathat's a little better, lol
03:00.57keeblerAlthough, I DO have two rigs in Colorado.
03:00.58bmoracaeither way, though, it sounds like a job for cell phones of 2-way radios :P
03:01.19keeblercan't have Cell phones onthe rigs, and most don't have services anyways.
03:01.32keeblerAnd can't have walkie talkies either.
03:01.52bmoracawhy not?
03:01.58keeblerThey have to be perma mounted. explosion proof, and can't be detached.
03:02.10bmoracahaha, that sounds like a LOT of fun, lol
03:02.22keeblerAnd expensive
03:02.31keeblerI just retrofitted one of the phones today though.
03:02.45bmoracado you get to test the "explosion-proof" yourself?
03:02.47keeblerPut a Linksys WRT54G with DDWRT running in Bridged mode, an ATA.
03:02.58keeblerI already have the phones.
03:03.06keeblerDamn things are $600
03:03.17bmoracaholy crap
03:03.34keeblerThey also have noise and interference canceling circuitry.
03:03.55keeblerAlthough... using a Linksys PAP2T, there seems to be some static on the line.
03:04.02bmoracaweren't you looking at using ATAs and cheap cordless phones?  or was that a different client?
03:04.02keeblerJust in my testing today.
03:04.13keeblerThat was me, that was for the trailers.
03:04.18keeblerThis is a two part setup.
03:04.33echinosmediatrix fxs gateways? anyone used one, liked it or not?
03:04.49bmoracaechinos:  i've heard they're good...never used one, though
03:04.54keeblerOn the rig itself it has to be explosion proof. Then there's mobile trailers. (aka offices), that have a regular office setup.
03:05.05keeblerbmoraca: I meant to ask, does TechData sell ATAs?
03:05.30bmoracakeebler:  no.  i don't think so.  I usually get my IP telephony stuff from
03:06.04keeblerbmoraca: Also, using the Linksys WRT54G, and DDWRT, I managed to pump up the mW to 150mw. From inside my brick home, and using netstumbler, I managed to get a solid signal with no interference for 150M.
03:06.22keeblerAfter 150m it went into the yellow.
03:06.41keeblerThats using the stock antennas.
03:06.59bmoracakeebler:  don't expect the router to last long at that power...they're not meant to run over 84
03:07.13keeblerThis was just for a proof of concept.
03:07.26keeblerIts not going into the production model.
03:07.36keeblerIt only has to last 3 days.
03:07.40bmoracakeebler:  the other issue with using 802.11 is that it's inherantly half-duplex.  what that means is that for every client, your performance decreases linearly
03:08.40keeblerWell, There's going to be upto 12 phones, and for the time being, I was going to keep the wireless VOIP network separate from the internet. Until I can determine usage and loss.
03:09.17bmoracakeebler:  just FYI, i checked techdata and they have PAP2Ts for $10 cheaper than I've seen anywhere else...$46 each
03:09.17prxtienFailed to authenticate on INVITE to '"james" <sip:1000@> , anyone experience this calling between two asterisk boxes?
03:09.47keeblerbmoraca: COOL. heh, I need to talk to my boss about getting an account.
03:10.08bmoracakeebler:  can't hurt.  they don't charge membership fees or anything and they have a great selection of product
03:10.12keeblerThe $100 isn't anything. Considering I'll spend about $10K in the first purchase.
03:10.29keeblerTheir App fee is $100
03:10.40keeblerWhich they refund after your first purchase of $1500 or more.
03:11.08bmoracakeebler:  also, free shipping on orders over $1000 you place via their website, too
03:11.21bmoracakeebler:  that alone saves me several hundred dollars per week
03:11.28keeblerbmoraca: I was also looking into this....
03:12.10bmoracakeebler:  that looks to be similar to a canopy system, except that the canopy system has longer range
03:12.19keeblerbmoraca: Well, they have a center here in Ft Worth.
03:12.24keeblertechdata  i mean
03:12.44keeblerWell, for a more expensive but reliable system, I was thinking Firetide.
03:12.52keeblerAfter the first few months.
03:13.02keeblerUses Triband Mesh Nodes.
03:13.24keeblerIt all depends really on how these units perform.
03:13.26bmoracaa mesh network might work.  but if it's 802.11, you still run into the half-duplex problem
03:13.43keeblerWhat would you suggest then?
03:13.45bmoracaevery hop, you lose half your bandwidth
03:14.01bmoracakeebler:  not sure.  i've never done anything like this before
03:14.07keeblerNo one has.
03:14.30keeblerThats why I'm doing it. :) My competitor is killing us in service fees.
03:14.53bmoracakeebler:  i'd talk to that company that had the $83 device and see if they have a good omni-directional antenna option (i doubt it)
03:14.56keeblerGranted his internet sucks.
03:15.03keeblerbmoraca: They do.
03:15.17keeblerbmoraca: it has a secondary external antenna connection.
03:15.34keeblerAnd its 250mW
03:15.35bmoracakeebler:  well, that's 30 bridges, asuming their omni has the range to cover the whole area...but 50 miles is a lot
03:15.55keeblerEach rig is independent.
03:15.55bmoracai got that wrong again
03:16.10keeblerAlone, separate network.
03:16.16bmoracayes yes, i get it
03:16.40bmoracabut, actually, that'd be done at the central point, via a managed switch
03:16.58bmoracarouter-on-a-stick or layer 3 switch...the first option is cheaper
03:17.26keeblerI have a central AP, that broadcasts, then all the others listen.
03:17.39keeblerpoint to multipoint
03:17.57bmoracahow many client points will you have, though?
03:18.13keeblerONe central AP, 7 bridges, at most.
03:18.22bmoracaand that's per rig?
03:18.57keebleryes.. although, others will be one central AP and 5 bridges
03:19.28icebrew54can anyone point me to a list of applicable variables (ext, dialed number, etc.)?
03:19.30bmoracahow many simultaneous calls do you expect on each rig?
03:19.48keeblertwo at most
03:19.48icebrew54I'm having trouble setting my "monitor" filename....I can't get it to show the dialed number
03:20.21bmoracakeebler:  how do these calls get to the PSTN or do they need to?
03:20.48keeblerthey're isolated
03:20.53keeblerNo PSTN
03:21.05icebrew54^^^ what would I add to that to show the number dialed?
03:21.14icebrew54maybe minus the 9 in front :P
03:22.13bmoracakeebler:  for 2 simultaneous calls, you won't need to worry about the wireless speed, then
03:22.28keeblerYeah, I'm just worried about interference.
03:22.32bmoracaicebrew54:  read the link I stated.
03:23.01keeblerI can't believe its January and I'm having to turn the AC on.
03:23.39bmoracakeebler:  then go 5ghz.  in open air, you get better range and less interference.
03:23.49keeblerbmoraca: 802.11a?
03:23.55bmoracakeebler:  yes
03:24.21bmoracamuch much more expensive...but if you're worried about interference...
03:24.28icebrew54seanbright, trying exten now
03:24.36seanbrightwill wait here
03:25.08keeblerbmoraca: What about 802.11n?
03:25.11bmoracakeebler:  what kind of 2.4ghz interference would you find in an oilfield?
03:25.52bmoracakeebler:  avoid pre-standard 802.11n equipment like the plague.  it's pre-standard for a reason.  and most equipment will not be compatible with a standard should one ever be finalized.
03:26.01icebrew54seanbright: here's what I get: Set("SIP/201-b656efe0", "CALLFILENAME=OUTGOING_2009-01-23-19:24_XXXXXXXXXX_-dial")
03:26.09icebrew54doesn't seem to set EXTEN correctly
03:26.19keeblerbmoraca: Well, we do wireless routers for internet, but they're on channe; one, and I'd have the VOIP on 11. Othe than that, they have 3-440 herts Generators that put out a lot of potential interference. We
03:26.30seanbrighticebrew54: exten is literally XXXXX...?
03:26.33keeblerWe've have problems with 5.8ghz Analog phones.
03:26.51bmoracachannels 1, 6, and 11 do not overlap, so you don't need to worry about it
03:27.01seanbrighticebrew54: or you masked it for privacy reasons?
03:27.02icebrew54seanbright: that's callerID, and I commented it's at the end it has "dial"
03:27.04bmoracakeebler:  use 900mhz phones
03:27.15seanbrighticebrew54: ah.  macro.
03:27.20keeblerbmoraca: I moveds to Panasonic DECTs
03:27.25icebrew54seanbright: ${EXTEN:1} is showing dial
03:27.27keeblerbmoraca: Problem solved onthe phones
03:27.29bmoracayou should be fine then
03:27.30icebrew54I think might be because asterisk-gui?
03:27.37seanbrighticebrew54: yeah
03:27.58keebler802.11n or a? Both are 5.8 aren't they?
03:28.23bmoracayes, but you don't want 802.11n
03:28.26bmoracastick with A
03:28.48icebrew54seanbright: any suggestions?
03:29.25bmoracaicebrew54:  pastebin the relevant contexts in your dialplan (extensions.conf)
03:29.26seanbrighticebrew54: not really.  what version of the gui are you using?
03:29.55icebrew54Asterisk GUI-version : SVN-branch-2.0-r4306
03:30.31bmoracakeebler:  technically, N can operate in both 2.4ghz and 5ghz range...but like I said, it's not standardized yet
03:31.03coppicethe eternal beta :-)
03:31.14keeblerbmoraca: Yeah...
03:32.02bmoracait will always be beta...device manufacturers will never agree...they just need to do like every other networking technology and take Cisco's implementation and call it 802.11n2
03:32.36keeblerHeh. I've never used 802.11a before.
03:32.58bmoraca5ghz doesn't penetrate walls as well as 2.4ghz, but you don't need to worry about that in your case
03:33.00keeblerNever had to. I remember when wireless first came out it was serverly limited.
03:33.10keeblerbmoraca: Yeah, I know.
03:33.19bmoracait still is limited, lol
03:33.47bmoracai hate it...i push all of my clients to wired as hard as i can
03:34.28keeblerHeh. The whole industry is wired... Tired of wasting money.
03:34.34seanbrighticebrew54: what context are you adding this to?
03:34.46seanbrighticebrew54: and you realize this will all be overwritten the next time you save anything from the GUI
03:35.12icebrew54seanbright: yeah adding this to macro dialout
03:35.25icebrew54it's a failover dialout, I suppose I need to create my extensions manually at some point
03:37.12bmoracai love networking...way more than i like voip
03:37.34keeblerbmoraca: Heh.
03:37.40keeblerbmoraca: Me too.
03:37.55keeblerbmoraca: Sadly I spent all my time working on nukes.
03:38.02keeblerSo I'm having to start over.
03:38.11icebrew54outstanding...ok, used the ${CHANNEL} var and cut it down with the : stuff, and used ${ARG1} and cut it down too
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03:38.31bmoracakeebler:  nukes were probably fun, too...
03:39.09keeblerFor the first 10 minutes.
03:39.16keeblerThe 4 years following is crap.
03:42.05seanbrighticebrew54: yeah, looking at the source, the raw "number dialed" isn't passed into that macro
03:42.06keeblerbmoraca: Have you deployed any 802.11a clients?
03:42.37keeblerThe Cisco stuff is $400
03:42.40keeblerfor a Cisco Aironet 1240AG
03:43.07bmoracanever done an A office, but i've done A bridges
03:44.33icebrew54seanbright: yeah it's kinda disgusting, I just needed something to get our system up and running....I didn't have a lot of time on my hands originally and since it was from digium I trusted it
03:44.49bmoracakeebler:  you want the 1300 series for 2.4ghz bridge or the 1400 series for 5.8ghz
03:45.02seanbrighticebrew54: for most installs the -gui is probably more than sufficient
03:45.10seanbrighticebrew54: unless you're doing call center or integration
03:46.19icebrew54yeah using it in a small office, adding some basic monitor capability, hylafax/fax2email/email2fax....and some other random macro's
03:47.09carrarhylafax works awesome with asterisk for in and outbound faxes
03:47.35icebrew54yeah I was using rxfax and getting inconsistent results....all my test faxes worked, but production faxing didn't fair as well
03:47.49icebrew54now I need to learn how to integrate the fax2email/email2fax into hylafax
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03:48.12carrarfax to PDF/Email you mean?
03:48.37carraror a OCR to text?
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03:48.53icebrew54no just fax to pDF email....and then retrieve email'd PDF's to fax to destination
03:49.01carraryeah thats pretty much default
03:49.17carrareasier to use the printer driver to send faxes
03:49.17keeblerIf I were to go with the Cisco price points. I might as well just go with the Firetide.
03:49.26carrarthere are  a handfull of free printerdrives
03:49.28carrarthat work awesome
03:49.41carrarand you can setup authentication
03:50.27bmoracakeebler:  probably.  for as many clients as you have.  however, if the $83 bridges have omni-directional antennas that will get you the full acre range you need, then those would probably be the best bet
03:51.03bmoracakeebler:  your call volume is such that you probably won't have to worry about bandwidth
03:54.24keeblerYeah, I'm still just worried about the interference. I suppose I could go crazy on the dBi.
03:54.49keeblerAnd I won't know until I fully test these 802.11gs.
03:55.18keeblerIf I'm lucky they'll work right out the gate.
03:55.39keeblerBut I'm actually doubtful. Since no one has done this.
03:56.00bmoracawell, now that i understand what you're trying to do a little better, it seems quite a bit more plausible
03:56.40keeblerI was supposed to have this all done last year, but again, very long story. Short story is, I'm running the Tech side of the company now, and have full control.
03:57.13bmoracayou've got 30 small networks with 30 small pbxs with 12 phones each...the wireless connectivity should work fine
03:57.15keeblerThe Panasonic TDA50 uses 900mhz with 2.4ghz Switching Cell Stations for their Wireless.
03:57.44keeblerBut you have to manually run a cable to each station from the central PBX.
03:58.00keeblerAND each phone is $300.
03:58.50keeblerAs it is now, I keep my current phones and just spend the $50 for the ATAs
03:59.02bmoracaare those the explosion-proof phones?
03:59.14keeblerWhich was the other hurdle
03:59.31bmoracawhich phones are the TDA50?
03:59.59bmoracaoohhh, that's for a panasonic phonesystem
04:00.06bmoracai thought they were analog phones
04:00.47keeblerWell, I'm using Panasonic analog phones now
04:01.01keeblerDiffrent than the TDA phones
04:01.24bmoracaand just as good, no doubt
04:01.56keeblerTHese are whatim using
04:02.01keeblerfor the office phones
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04:02.37bmoracado those have a MWI?  or do you not care?
04:03.23bmoracamessage waiting indicator
04:03.31keeblerI don't care, but they do.
04:03.46keeblerAnd these are the explosion phones...
04:03.54keeblerThey sell a VOIP phone, but its $1200
04:04.19bmoracaoh those are neat looking
04:04.43keeblerdamn near indestructable
04:05.16bmoracathe philips cd1 phones have a message indicator if the panasonics don't...and i can confirm that it works with asterisk voicemail boxes and a pap2t
04:05.18keeblerAnd lots of room for me to put my hardware in.
04:05.42keeblerWell, I don't even need MWI.
04:05.56bmoracaoh, ok
04:06.02keeblerIts actually pretty basic needs.
04:06.12keeblerMy competitors use regular corded phones from walmart.
04:06.17keeblerThe $9 variety.
04:06.38keeblerWhich is another reason they're killing us.
04:06.52keeblerBut I think with better hardware, I can come out better in the end.
04:07.18bmoracano get what you pay for
04:07.30keeblerAnd I have a faster response time.
04:07.56keeblerAnd I can check my equipment from home and diagnose the problem from here.
04:08.27coppice$9 for a walmart phone seems quite expensive
04:08.42keeblerIt was an example.
04:08.47keeblerThey use very cheap hardware.
04:09.08keeblerHell, they put the phone inside a lockbox and call it "industrial".
04:09.08bmoracai have a $5 GE wired phone in my works fine for sitting on the wall
04:09.15coppicecheap phones leave the factory at about $1
04:10.01bmoracaeveryone's entitled to make their money...distributors, marketers, retailers...all need a cut :P
04:10.25coppiceyeah, everyone except the people who actually make stuff :-)
04:10.30keeblerTomorrow I'm going to put my hacked phone on the roof and see how much of a reception I can get.
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04:10.44keeblerAt 250mW
04:11.26keeblerbeen almost an hour and Asterisk is still building.
04:12.01keeblerdidn't think the Atom was that "slow", could it be the CF card?
04:12.08keeblerits supposed to be a "High speed"
04:12.21keebler166x faster or some shit.
04:12.27bmoracacould be either
04:12.42bmoracaalthough Atoms are notoriously slow at things such as compiling
04:12.44keeblerI want to keep moving parts and power consumption to a min.
04:13.03bmoracai'd have chosen a Via C7 myself...but the Atom should work
04:13.18keeblerI'm eventually going to deploy some solar units.
04:13.59bmoracathose'll work great when the next hurricane hits texas, i'm sure :)
04:14.22keeblerYeah, heh. My boss is actually working on a grant with FEMA right now.
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04:22.52keeblerI could do RF
04:23.19bmoracastop worrying about it
04:23.33bmoracatry out the $87 units...they'll work fine
04:23.52bmoracaif your current wireless networks are on channel 1, these on channel 11, the two will never meet
04:23.57jayteeisn't it possible to compile for one processor on a different processor? maybe asterisk or another program could be compiled on a dual core and moved to an atom system.
04:24.32Dwevasterisk vs switchvox vs trixbox vs asteriskNOW - what are the differences?
04:24.38Dwevhello again by the way
04:24.47bmoracaelastix is better than them all :P
04:24.52jayteeDwev, Google is your friend
04:25.00keeblerjaytee: Interesting idea
04:25.12keeblerI have an unused 1.8 C2D sitting right nere
04:25.17Dwevare they like different distributions of asterisk?
04:25.27Dwevlike ubuntu and debian are distros of linux?
04:25.46keeblerDon't forget PBX in A Flash.
04:25.56keeblerAll are are CentOS iirc.
04:26.14Dwevso asterisk is part of all of them
04:26.28bmoracakeebler:  the Atom is an X86 long as you use the same versions of libraries/kernel, you should be able to just move the binaries over
04:26.33jayteekeebler, I'm just sayin. I'm pretty sure my Visual Studio will let me set compiler options for certain CPU types and I think GCC can have options set to compile for a particular processor even if it's not the one your running. Of course the program wouldn't run on that system but you could move it to the target system to test.
04:26.53Dwevsee, i get a more concise answer by asking people who know, jaytee
04:27.05Dwevit could have taken me ages to get to that conclusion just from google
04:27.15bmoracakeebler:  I'd be wary of the Atom,'s out-of-order capabilites suck
04:27.15Dwevthanks bmoraca and keebler
04:27.24bmoracawhich is why it's taking so long to compile
04:27.29keeblerWell the glory with FBSD that I love, install i386 versoin and I can move from whatever to whatever
04:27.39jayteeDwev, and when you were in junior high you kept asking other people to do your homework for you too I bet
04:27.51Dwevyou miss my point
04:28.04Dwevi can do long division, or i can grab a calculator
04:28.17Dwevi'm capable of both, but one gives me an answer with a lot less effort
04:28.20frogonwheelsDwev: but you would have learnt more by googling.
04:28.25jayteeAhm jus fuckin wich ya!
04:28.29frogonwheelsDwev: not just the footnotes ;)
04:29.23Dwevbut now i have a big picture understanding, (i can see the forest), i can look deeper and more closely at the different parts of it (the trees)
04:29.42keeblerDwev: You can do like a few of us and just roll your own package.
04:30.10keeblerDepending on what you need.
04:30.19Dwevbased on asterisk, yeah?
04:30.32Dwevdl the source etc.?
04:30.46keeblerBut read a lot more.
04:30.48bmoracakeebler:  depends on who the target is...
04:30.58jayteeDwev, Trixbox is Asterisk at the core with FreePBX gui and SQL for storing config data on users/devices. AsteriskNOW is similar to Trixbox in that the 1.5 version also has the option of using FreePBX. Switchvox is a GUI enabled PBX but I'm not sure what's at the core of it.
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04:31.34bmoracaelastix is my favorite asterisk-based distribution
04:31.45bmoracaEvolutionPBX is pretty decent, too, but it's not free
04:32.21bmoracathey do some things better, but Elastix has almost everything it has and is easier to customize
04:32.47jayteeand of course there's Asteriskwin32 :-)
04:32.51drmessanoI couldnt stand Elastix
04:33.25bmoracai've found that it's much easier to convince customers to buy stuff when they could actually see something going on...kinda hard to do with a stock asterisk install
04:34.01drmessanoWhen do customers need to see/care about the GUI on their PBX?
04:34.22NovceGurujaytee: asterisk 1.4 is at the core of switchvox
04:34.33bmoracadrmessano:  when the web gui can let them set up unified messaging, find-me-follow-me, listen to voicemail, and access call logs
04:34.52drmessanobmoraca: Tell that to Cisco
04:35.17drmessanobmoraca: and M$ for that matter
04:35.26jayteeyeah, since most customers don't know shit from shinola they get wowed by a GUI and then after the install they say, "Hey, how can we make the system do "THIS" and several months and thousands of dollars in consulting fees they get what they really wanted but it's usually Asterisk plain vanilla with some custom AGI scripts or a custom hacked version of whatever GUI version they got sold in the first place.
04:35.55bmoracadrmessano:  they all have their own GUIs for various things, whether configuration or convinience.
04:36.14drmessanobmoraca: Really?  No.. UC500 doesn't
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04:36.36jayteeNovceGuru, aha! so that's the secret! thanks for solving another perplexing mystery for me.
04:36.52bmoracai'm aware of that, but it's also the bottom barrel of Cisco's telephony solutions.
04:36.58NovceGuruI wasn't sure if you were serious :(
04:37.16drmessanoAs far as "Unified Messaging" goes, the idea is TRANSPARENCY to the user.. so a GUI to set that up ruins the "UNIFIED" part
04:37.19jayteeI was serious, I didn't know what was at the core
04:37.21drmessanoSo thats untrue
04:37.54NovceGuruoh, yeah, you can get an asterisk console on ttyp9
04:38.02drmessanoUnified Messaging GUI for the average business user = OUTLOOK
04:38.06jayteewhat's the other VOIP software out there that alot of people are hyping now? we were talking about it last week and now I can't remember. It's not an Asterisk derivative.
04:38.10drmessanoNot some PBX page
04:38.19NovceGurujaytee: sipxpbx?
04:38.28jayteenope, not that one.
04:38.44bmoracadrmessano:  er...what?  someone has to set up what their cellphone number is, what their email address is, etc.  sometimes the needs change, and customers like to know that they can do it themselves, even when they may never end up doing it
04:39.07drmessanobmoraca: They should never be setting that up... their admin should
04:39.28bmoracadrmessano:  not necessarily.
04:39.39NovceGurusomeone hack polycoms firmware to use a rarely used button for an intercom hardbutton
04:39.43drmessanobmoraca: Letting end users config the PBX.. now that is stupid
04:39.56bmoracadrmessano:  they're NOT configuring the PBX
04:39.58Dwevit would be nice if the admins could prevent customers from doing their own admin, but it doesn't always work like that
04:40.11drmessanobmoraca: Wait until the CEO or branch office manager types in his email address in the PBX wrong
04:40.23drmessanobmoraca: "Why didnt someone do this FOR ME?"
04:40.34bmoracadrmessano:  that's the point of the interface.  they're populating fields that say "send my faxes to this email" or "if i don't answer my phone, call this number"
04:40.40Dwevthe answer will come back "Because you didn't want to pay for it"
04:40.55jayteebut it usually ends up with, "Hello? My admin assistant added 4 phones yesterday and now no one has dialtone. Could you come over and fix the system for us right now?"
04:40.59bmoracadrmessano:  that's always an option, too, but you've clearly never delt with a small business owner before.  they're the worst kind of "i want to do it myself" people.
04:41.09drmessanobmoraca: and gives the average uneducated end user 100 ways to screw up his messaging by hitting something wrong, like a number or email address.. FAIL
04:41.29drmessanobmoraca: Ive dealt with hundreds of them, so dont start a pissing contest with me
04:41.38bmoracadrmessano:  instances of that actually happening in my deployments have been 1 user out of 300.
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04:41.56bmoracadrmessano:  whatever.  you do business your way and I'll do it mine.
04:42.13drmessanobmoraca: Yes, I like my customers to function
04:42.20Dweveasy people
04:42.20jayteeI won't even let my users have access to the Control Panel in Windows because most of them are stupid enough to cripple their systems just trying to change their wallpaper.
04:42.51Dwevyou should be grateful that they are giving the opportunity to return to make some money on a service call
04:43.06drmessanojaytee: Exactly.. and most DONT WANT ACCESS and would rather have an admin DO IT RIGHT instead of them
04:43.12jayteeruns around chat stabbing people at random in a joyous expression of "Ultra Violence"
04:43.35jayteemaybe I'll go to a milk bar after this :-)
04:43.52Dwevopen up some admin to your customers, explain that you charge to come and fix stuff, and maybe a paid maintenance agreement might be in their best interests
04:44.06drmessanojaytee: Apparently bmoraca has only dealt with small business owners that are IT people.. because most of ours "dont want to deal with the IT shit, just make it work and send the bill"
04:44.27[TK]D-Fenderhands jaytee a clementine timepiece...
04:44.27drmessanoWhich is how it SHOULD BE for them.. they're running a business, not configging their own equipment all day
04:45.32jaytee[TK]D-Fender, thank god! for a bit I thought no one here would get the references :-) Shoulda known you would.
04:46.13[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm just BEHIND my time...
04:46.24Dwevthere seems to be a bit of a techno-elitism thing happening here causing some of you to miss opportunities to make more money
04:46.34Dwevmaybe i'm wrong
04:46.50drmessanoDwev: How long have you been using asterisk?
04:47.07Dwevbarely a day
04:47.12drmessanoDwev: Ok then
04:47.18Dwevbut i'm involved with technical support as a career
04:47.21jayteesome say "we're all bozos on this bus" but I prefer "we're all anachronisms in this Tardis"
04:47.36drmessanoWe're all much dumber than the new guy, always..
04:47.50drmessanoWe're always doing it wrong, not getting it, or missing an opportunity
04:48.04Dwevi didn't say that
04:48.20drmessano[23:46] <Dwev> there seems to be a bit of a techno-elitism thing happening here causing some of you to miss opportunities to make more money
04:48.22drmessanoThe hell you didnt
04:48.29Dwevok, well the last part i did
04:48.32keeblerMy clients get paid $380K a year to tell people what to do, yet when they need to reboot their laptop cause of too much porn, they freak out.
04:48.34Dwevi ddn't say you were dumber
04:48.46keeblerYet I barely make enough to servive and I keep their entire system running. :(
04:48.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: t-t-t-talkin 'bout my regeneration....
04:48.52drmessanokeebler: Wow, THANK YOU.. someone with REAL CLIENTS
04:48.57Dwevkeebler: this goes to my point
04:49.10drmessanokeebler: Apparently not the "Degree in IT clients" every newb seems to have
04:49.27drmessanokeebler: The CEO that cant reboot a laptop.. "REAL LIFE"
04:49.38drmessanokeebler: The CEO that can set up accounts in AD..
04:49.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I remember back to the first...
04:49.43drmessano"PETER PAN"
04:49.46keeblerMost of these guys never graduated high school too.
04:50.05drmessanokeebler: "Just fix it"
04:50.09jayteedrmessano, "remember, you have to hold it over your head and shake it to get it to reboot"
04:50.10drmessanoAm I wrong?
04:50.11keeblerThe Oil Field, everyone's a roughneck.
04:50.16keeblerdrmessano: Exactly
04:50.16bmoracakeebler:  such is the plight of technical consultants
04:50.28keeblerdrmessano: Its our fault when THEY cut the CAT5.
04:50.46keeblerdrmessano: its OUR fault when THEY get a virus for opening "VIAGRA NAIO!"
04:50.47drmessanokeebler: The server is down.. Of-fucking-course it is!
04:51.13drmessanokeebler: But that's why they pay a contract.. and why we service them.. to be wrong.. and to make it right
04:51.40drmessanokeebler: Not to set them up with Active Directory Users and Computers on the CEO's laptop so he can config group policy
04:51.42keeblerI wish I could charge more.
04:51.53Dwevwhy can't you keebler?
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04:51.59drmessanokeebler: So he can call up and yell about too many people on MySpace and tomorrow they're NOT
04:52.01Dwev(serious q)
04:52.05keeblerDwev: Because my EX-Owner fucked my company.
04:52.09jaytee"Hi, I'm the IT guy! It's kinda like a janitor but I clean up after people that probably shouldn't use a computer in the first place."
04:52.24keeblerjaytee: Haha, spot on.
04:52.35drmessanoPeople act like there's something WRONG wih that
04:52.38jayteeit's a living!
04:53.04drmessanoIt's why they run fucking businesses doing "NOT-IT" and pay *US* to do their fucking IT
04:53.06Dwevare you contractually obliged to charge what you do?
04:53.11keeblerDwev: Yes.
04:53.18Dwevfor how long?
04:53.20jayteeI'll never go hungry as long as the average IQ in this country equals the average room temperature of the office they're working in. Job security.
04:53.21drmessanoNot so we can overly empower them and bother them with BS trivial tasks
04:53.48keeblerDwev: Thats the fucked up part. Indefinitely...until they no longer need my services... which is NEVER.
04:54.05drmessano$200 to fix their Outlook is chump change compared to missing 2 days worth of emails
04:54.13drmessanoCODB = Cost Of Doing Business
04:54.14Dwevyou may be able to get that looked at though keebler
04:54.20keeblerMy exowner did that gig, $50 a service call, at $17 an hour.
04:54.39Dwevyou can terminate the contract
04:54.47keeblerNot when its my only client.
04:54.47Dwevif you can afford to lose the client
04:55.00drmessanoand $200 to fix their e-mail account in the PBX so their voicemails go to their BlackBerry properly = CODB and happily paid to not have to fuck with it themselves
04:55.04Dwevso, diversify
04:55.10keeblerI do have one other actually, but only two rigs.
04:55.14keeblerDwev: We're trying.
04:55.24Dwevi'll be quiet now
04:55.30keeblerDwev: I'm even opening up another company. Computer Repair...I've sunk so low.
04:55.33drmessanoEmpowering your users to do more is just setting them up to fuck it up, and for them to wonder why they need you in the first place.. since they can make it NOT work WITHOUT you
04:55.35Dwevoh no
04:55.39Dwevnot repairs...
04:55.44keeblerYeah, and parts/
04:55.53bmoracakeebler:  being that it's such a specialty market you're in...i'd think that you could probably just get hired as a full-time consultant to them
04:56.07keeblerbmoraca: I'm working on it.
04:56.14Dwevit all helps though keebler
04:56.15bmoracaor maybe the oil-field-technical-support market is really booming in texas
04:56.21keeblerbmoraca: I want to get this wireless networking inished before I confront them.
04:56.32keeblerbmoraca: Well, they have their own In House IT.
04:56.32Dwevwhen there's a downturn in service work, you'll find the repair/parts work picks up
04:56.40keeblerbmoraca: And the guy is an idiot.
04:57.05bmoracakeebler:  that's almost always the case with "in-house IT guys"
04:57.08keeblerDwev: Yeah, because people try to make do with the older hardware.
04:57.19Dwevvertical market
04:57.28Dwevget as much of it as you can
04:57.38keeblerThat, and I live in a retirement/resort town.
04:57.42keebler90% old people.
04:57.47keeblerAnd the only computer store is Staples.
04:58.05Dwevretirement villages don't have networks or phone systems?
04:58.25Dwevhmm, i said i was going to be quiet
04:59.10bmoracawe charge $80/hr for inhouse support, $125/hr for onsite support and you'd be surprised how many people will pay it
04:59.22bmoracawe server a mostly-niche market of dental offices, though...but still
04:59.23jayteeWith the economic downturn and the loss of expertise in retail electronics Tandy Corp has had to change their Radio Shack slogan from "You've got questions, we've got answers." to "Yeah, we got stuff."
04:59.25bmoracayes, USD
04:59.43Dwevwhat sort of support, straight IT?
05:00.00Dwevor more specialised?
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05:00.23drmessanoThat's easy to do with managed services work
05:00.31bmoracaDwev:  full service...networking, web design, managed systems support, phone systems, computer support, name it...with dental offices, it's mostly Dentrix (practice management software) and digital x-ray and imaging systems
05:00.47drmessanoDentrix lol
05:00.56Dwevahh proprietry software?
05:01.11drmessanoGreat software, semi well supported by the developer
05:01.16bmoracawell, it's made by Sullivan Schein, the world's top dental supply supplier
05:01.25Dwevi charge our techs out at $150 p.h. plus a $90 callout fee
05:01.36Dwevand then $250ph outside business hours
05:01.50Dwevbut then we have maintenance agreements
05:02.13Dwevthey pay up front
05:02.23Dwevand then they get 50% off the price of service calls
05:02.26Dwev30% off parts
05:02.30Dwevbut they still pay
05:02.42drmessanoThe same company that doesnt know which version of .NET works with G2 or G3, and barely supports their PCMCIA sensor they happily sell all day long
05:02.48Dwevit's more specialised though
05:02.53drmessanoOtherwise, it works well
05:03.13bmoracawhat's your primary market?  general support?
05:03.26Dwevhotel access control systems
05:03.28Dwevand safes
05:03.42Dwevso hotels is the main customer
05:04.02bmoracathat's definitely more specialized than we are
05:04.19drmessanoSpecializing is easy.. being diverse is hard
05:04.40bmoracathe best thing about our market is that people hire the cheap guys who screw it up and then they have to call us anyway and it always takes longer to fix after someone else has screwed it up first
05:04.59Dwevbut the maintenance agreements are awesome for us
05:05.08Dwevwe get money whether they need service or not
05:05.13Dwevand then we get more when they do
05:05.22Dwevbut they pay for the piece of mind
05:05.56Dwevand sometimes we get the customers who will go in and make their own changes and then have to call us to fix them every week
05:06.05drmessanoYou dont monitor or provide ongoing service like support of backups?
05:06.14icebrew54lol hell no
05:06.20icebrew54he prolly doesn't
05:06.23icebrew54just the security blanket
05:06.37icebrew54"pay and you have 24/7/365 support with X incidents"
05:06.46Dwevno no
05:06.50Dwevwe do preventative maintenance
05:06.55Dwevand store backups offsite
05:06.56drmessanoThats messed up.. no value added services and no preventative care.. good luck with that
05:07.10drmessanostore them?
05:07.12Dwevunlimited incidents
05:07.16drmessanoDo you facilitate them?
05:07.27drmessanoMonitor them, ensure they're running daily?
05:07.32Dwevwe encourage their IT department to implement a backup protocol
05:07.40Dwevbut that's not our job
05:07.49icebrew54yeah best to steer away from their data backup
05:08.08icebrew54unless it's what you do
05:08.15drmessanoWell, we do
05:08.23drmessanoThat's part of ongoing
05:08.42bmoracaenforcing backup protocol is always the responsibility of the customer...unless they want to pay me to come swap their tapes every day, but that could get expensive.
05:08.56drmessanoThe way it should be IMO.. Supporting them on a good day is easy.. on a bad day is when you earn your contract money
05:09.00NovceGurubmoraca: familar with suni?
05:09.21drmessanoor you give them a backup solution like an autoloader or NAS
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05:09.29NovceGuruI support a dental office that runs dentrix and suni....fuck me
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05:09.42drmessanoDentrix is always fun
05:09.45drmessanoSoftdent is worse
05:09.59icebrew54thank god I don't have to support that shit...
05:10.06NovceGuruthe GX version of dentrix is TERRIBLE
05:10.07bmoracasuni are like the k-mart of sensors, aren't they?
05:10.10drmessanoSoftdent is the only piece of software I have ever seen that has repair utilites more robust than the APP ITSELF
05:10.24drmessanoIm serious
05:10.32NovceGuruthey get notifications that popup behind the main program that locks the program up unless you alt-tab to the notification
05:10.40NovceGurutry explaining that to a bunch of dental assistants
05:10.46drmessanoTheir "Utilities" program has more shit in it than the practice app itself
05:10.52bmoracai don't do much of the dentrix support, but i do know that most of the offices we have use dexis
05:11.04NovceGurudrmessano: awesome!
05:11.08drmessanoDexis with the Dexis sensor is SO SO
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05:11.13drmessanoThe new USB one rocks
05:11.19drmessanoThe old PCMCIA one is crap
05:11.45drmessanoPCMCIA 5.25 bays FTL
05:12.06NovceGuruis that for digital xrays?
05:12.34drmessanoI had an issue with Dentrix G2 where their appointment book wouldnt open... and one of the mem resident startup apps for Dentrix as well
05:12.49drmessanoIt was one of the few EXE's in G2 that was compiled in .NET, rest in C++ at that point
05:13.02drmessanoTen phone calls later to Tier 2 at Dentrix
05:13.09bmoracayes...i just googled suni, they're intraoral cameras...but from all I've heard, they're still the worst quality and the cheapest
05:13.11NovceGuruI have a g4 cd sitting in my closet....dreading
05:13.24drmessano"Oh, you need .NET 2.0, but you MUST REMOVE 1.1 and 1.0 because they WILL cause problems"
05:13.34bmoracaG4 isn't much different than G3
05:13.40NovceGurutheir solution is always reinstal
05:13.49NovceGurubmoraca: I guess it allows family-wide flagging is the only new feature i've heard about
05:13.51drmessanoWe did that.. same issue
05:13.56drmessanoHad to remove 1.1
05:13.58drmessanoBut get this
05:14.06drmessanoSame setup worked fine on 10 other workstations
05:14.11bmoracathat's one of the biggest complaints about previous versions, i hear
05:14.12drmessano2 of them crapped out
05:14.12NovceGuruthe CUST folder always needs it's content renamed
05:14.16drmessanoSame issue
05:14.25drmessanoSuddenly, .NET was an issue
05:14.36bmoracaG3/G4 is required for HIPPA 2009, though
05:14.37drmessanoRemoving .NET 1.1 resolved it
05:14.48NovceGurudrmessano: haha hardlinking to files? fail
05:15.06NovceGurubmoraca: yes suni...omfg
05:15.13drmessanoNovceGuru: Yes, that would be my only guess
05:15.17NovceGuruthe usb sensors always randomly stop working
05:15.43drmessanoThe Dexis USB sensor is decent.. good quality.. drivers come with the latest Dexis
05:15.49drmessanoSo its pretty idiot proof install
05:16.10NovceGurui'll take note of it, for when the suni sensors start to die
05:16.32NovceGuruThey do have a digital planmeca panoral camera that has been pretty decent
05:16.34bmoracahave you ever looked at opendental at all yet?
05:16.57NovceGurubmoraca: I stopped messing with OSS for healthcare, I can't support it
05:17.17NovceGuruI should say..OSS without commercial, hand off to them support
05:18.05NovceGurudrmessano: this office has a bunch of 2.8ghz P4s though and dentrix is starting to get slowwwwwwwww
05:18.18drmessanoNovceGuru: Yeah, have run into that
05:18.18NovceGuru12 P4s and 10 CELERONS haaha
05:18.32NovceGuruI didn't setup the office but their front office girls are on celerons and complain so much
05:18.45NovceGuruI maxxed out the ram in them...helped a bit. But it's a hog
05:18.55drmessanoNovceGuru: tell them to close myspace when they're setting up appointments
05:19.13bmoracaNovceGuru:  putting them on a gigabit network will help quite a bit...the actual system requirements aren't that bad
05:19.28drmessanoGigabit is a MUST
05:19.29NovceGurubmoraca: I did, it helped about 15%-20% im guessing
05:19.37drmessanoCool, good
05:19.54NovceGururemoving the AV helped also, next step is disabling internet access
05:19.57drmessanoMost practice management software will belly up and die at 100 meg
05:20.11bmoracaeek...i would have disabled internet access first
05:20.26bmoracaNovceGuru:  are they on a server or in a workgroup?
05:20.35NovceGuruyeah, I did that in reverse
05:20.47drmessanoMake sure Dentrix is on a secondary partition on the server
05:20.48keeblertwo hours later, and Asterisk is still compiling. oy vey
05:20.49NovceGurusbs2003, problem is they need internet access for invisaling
05:21.03keeblerAt least with the distros it only took 30 minutes
05:21.05drmessanoDentix on the C drive is hell on earth
05:21.08NovceGurudrmessano: I had to move it to the D drive
05:22.15drmessanoWhat is SLOW?  Appointment book?
05:22.22NovceGurupatient chart
05:22.27drmessanoErr yeah
05:22.36bmoracaNovceGuru:  if they're on SBS2003 Premium, you can use ISA to restrict that.  alternatively, you can play around with local DNS zones
05:22.36NovceGuruappt book blazes
05:23.04NovceGurubmoraca: yeah I think i'll block at the firewall level (fuck ISA :) )
05:23.13drmessanoJust for shits and giggles, make sure .NET 1.1 isnt on one of the boxes and try it.. they told me it would use the lower .NET runtime it found
05:23.29NovceGurumakes note
05:23.34drmessanoand if 1.1 fucks it up on SOME boxes, it may SLOW others
05:23.49drmessano^^^^^ I wasnt thinking earlier... the patient chart WAS my issue
05:24.01drmessanoIt's .NET and some of the other EXEs are C++
05:24.21drmessanoDunno how they segement it like that.. I would imagine it would all be the same codebase
05:24.23drmessanosame platform
05:24.28NovceGuruyou would think!
05:24.30drmessanoBut apparently not, according tot hem
05:24.55drmessanoBut yeah.. Patient Chart.. and the start app I am drawing a total blank on.. would crash and burn
05:25.22drmessanoRemoved .NET 1.1, rebooted.. night and day
05:25.47drmessanoSo thats worth a try..
05:26.00NovceGuruthe dtx quicklauncher? Or the
05:26.10NovceGuruoh, websync utility
05:26.20drmessanoDentrix wont be of too much help.. they always want you to force NIC's to 1000/FULL, etc.. its never Dentrix at fault
05:26.20NovceGuruI'll give that a try, thanks for the tip
05:26.53NovceGuruThey want me to integrate dentrix's web services into their website
05:27.16NovceGuruI can't wait to expose dentrix to the www
05:27.45NovceGuruso yeah, suni doesn't use a db, it stores everything in a file hierarchy
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05:27.53NovceGurumakes managing backups totally awesome
05:27.59drmessanoHIPPA = Helping intertards pwn patient data?
05:28.12drmessanoHIPPA = Helping intertards pwn patient accounts
05:28.17NovceGuruthere you go, heh
05:28.18drmessanoIt was funnier when I thought it
05:28.57NovceGuruso I can't get a good answer about using amazon s3 for HIPPA compliant backups, but I figure with some high encrpytion it should be ok
05:29.00drmessanoSoftdent is a flat file DB too
05:29.08drmessanoBut its umm
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05:29.16drmessanoAbout as resilient as a text file
05:29.29drmessanoGo shut a workstation off..
05:29.36drmessanoJust hit the power button
05:29.37NovceGuruheh yeah, and suni can't track patient name changes in dentrix..ffs
05:29.41drmessanoBAM, DB issue!
05:30.05NovceGuruyeah I cringe when a workstation freezes and I have to hard shutdown
05:30.16drmessanoRebuild/Reindex, Repair, Recreate Appointment book.. over and over
05:30.28drmessanoNot that ive done that much.. oh, yeah, I have
05:30.33NovceGuruheh :D
05:30.58drmessanoI know the process so well, I walk SOFTDENT TECHS through it
05:31.13drmessano"Oh yeah, um, youre right"
05:31.15NovceGuru"don't you mean $this" haa
05:31.18drmessano"Yes, I know"
05:31.33drmessano"I KNOW I AM RIGHT.. OH OH OHHHHHHHH" - Sam Kinison
05:33.01NovceGurulets see whats another awesome proprietary program
05:33.30NovceGuruand it's requirements for a windows server
05:33.38drmessanoMaxwell Management Suite
05:33.38NovceGuruto run some btrieve db
05:34.07NovceGuruhaven't had to use it...but we can't forget about the 500000 access databases that exist
05:34.31drmessanoRunning a business of an Access Database = WIN
05:34.31NovceGuruthat scale SO WELL
05:35.16NovceGuruI wish peachtree would quit threatening to move to mysql and just fucking do it so I can move the db off a workstation
05:35.17drmessanoRunning a business off an Excel sheet = WIN
05:35.58Dwevi don't like access
05:36.03drmessanoJust because Excel CAN have Infinite columns, rows, and sheets, doesnt mean IT SHOULD
05:36.03NovceGuruI have seen excel do some shit I didn't know even access could do
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05:36.25bakermdWhat do the messages mean that state: Really destroying SIP dialog
05:36.30Dwevi hadn't had much exposure to it and i didn't like it
05:36.41Dwevand now i have had quite a bit of exposure to it, i like it less
05:36.57bakermdi.e. Really destroying SIP dialog '' Method: OPTIONS
05:37.17NovceGurubakermd: I *think* thats normal and you have debugging turned way up, I could be wrong
05:37.45NovceGuruI know of a business that runs terminal services for about 20 users and runs an access DB in each session
05:37.47drmessanoI will hand it it Intuit.. Quickbooks is closed and elitist as hell.. but works
05:37.48bakermdNovceGuru: Just a single level of debugging shows these
05:38.31drmessanoYou copy a Quickbooks CD for application backup and they want you to buy a license for the blank CD.. lol
05:39.41drmessanoBut you know, NovceGuru... I LOVE the proprietary software
05:39.51drmessanoLike ACS for churches
05:40.00drmessanoIts always a puzzle
05:40.10drmessanoand not one the developer can solve half the time
05:40.14drmessanoEven if its THEIR end
05:40.23NovceGuruhave to figure it out themselves
05:40.27NovceGuruer, yourself
05:41.04drmessanoBut I love it.. I am the "Shit that doesnt make sense" guy at the office because I love the really effed up problems with the proprietary apps
05:41.44drmessanoDentrix wont work with patients with the letter Q in their name.. give it to Danny
05:42.11Dwevpoor Quentin Quinn
05:42.19NovceGuruoh we use Q for a variable in the APPT book app but didn't esape it
05:42.24drmessano:(  Yeah
05:42.49NovceGuruACS firehouse software
05:43.11drmessanoQuincy Quincy is the Dentrix Demo user and any Q names other than his will crash _________
05:43.32NovceGuruis that still an outstanding issue/
05:43.52drmessano"Fixed in 12.not-the-revision-you-have"
05:44.41drmessanoWere you being fecetious?  I guess I should have made it clear I was joking.. since that sounded all too real
05:44.42NovceGuruacs firehouse has the stupidest method of syncing clients
05:45.08NovceGuruoh hell the way dentrix is I believed you :P
05:45.20drmessanoI would have too :D
05:45.52drmessanoWho makes ACS firehouse?
05:46.31NovceGuruapparently differnt from the acs church software
05:47.42drmessanoYeah, I was just checking that.. even to see if it was the same company and different branded website
05:48.04drmessanoYou do any POS?
05:48.47NovceGuruhave steared clear of that so far, I do have a machine shop that uses WASP to barcode their products that pulls from an excel file...speak of the devil
05:49.37drmessanoBeen looking for some that uses FPOS.. we have a few customers on it in the restaurant business
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05:50.28NovceGuruI was looking at setting up a lumber yard with an intuit POS system but they didn't go through with it
05:50.32NovceGurugoogles fpos
05:51.09NovceGuruoh fpos in general, not a specific app?
05:51.13drmessanoFPOS is cool functionally, but the backend is high maint.. We actually learned more than we should ever have to as local support
05:51.21drmessanoFuture POS
05:51.28drmessanoor "FPOS"
05:51.34johnakabeanhey fender\messano what do you make of this?
05:52.00NovceGurujohnakabean: it practically tells you the problem
05:52.26drmessanounexpected '>'
05:52.33drmessanoSounds to me like
05:52.38drmessanoIt didnt expect
05:52.46NovceGurudrmessano: looks cool, I've thought about presenting a web-ordering system for some local pizza shops
05:53.08drmessanounexpected 'spanish inquisition"
05:53.41NovceGuruthough they are somewhat low volume and would probably want zendcart with a paypal gatway
05:53.42jaytee"no one expects the Spanish Inquisition"
05:54.07drmessanoFor more help see the "Surprise and Fear" section of the admin manual
05:54.38johnakabeanyeah, messano but this was generated by freepbx......i have only added a couple things,
05:54.41carrarMy name is Inigo Montoya
05:54.42jayteeNovceGuru, you could use Lumenvox Speech Recognition! they even include a pizza demo on their website for a speech enabled IVR with Asterisk.
05:54.53jayteeyou killed my father, prepare to die!
05:54.53johnakabeanmy dialplans aren't causing errors
05:55.28NovceGurujaytee: thats cool, a web based/ivr system would be cool
05:55.35NovceGuruI find most people _HATE_ IVRs though
05:55.57carrarI _HATE_ IVR's that you have to speak too
05:55.58jayteePress 9 to send a hitman over here to strangle me
05:56.14jayteePress 8 if you've totally lost interest and forgot why you called us.
05:56.28NovceGuruI _LOVE_ ivrs that utilize your callerID to provide the callee info
05:56.39johnakabeanGuru, lookup swift by cepstral
05:57.07NovceGuruand/or route your call
05:57.12jayteemy all time fave was a real 800 number back in 2000 that if you called and listened to the first 4 choices it would then say, "To hear a duck quack, press 5" and if you pressed 5 you heard a duck quack and then they disconnected.
05:57.18[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Oh.. I don't believe they exist...
05:57.23NovceGurujohnakabean: thx
06:03.26johnakabeantheir text to speech is the most realistic
06:03.32johnakabeanand its only 25 bucks for a license
06:05.04johnakabeanwhat is mgcp?
06:06.03johnakabeanguru, it says the problem but the problem is not evident
06:06.15johnakabeannot relating to mgcp
06:07.22[TK]D-Fenderproblem is clear
06:11.41keeblerHehe.. Going DDWRT crazy... flashing third WRT54G for the day.
06:12.33icebrew54you do any testing with that tomato firmware?
06:12.38icebrew54that shit looks like it's fast as heck
06:12.53icebrew54I read that wifi speeds are nearly double in some cases
06:12.55johnakabeanfender, i didn't create that dialplan so i have no idea where it is
06:12.58keeblerI've got a craptop of WRT54G v.6s
06:13.09keeblerthe v6s only have 2mb of ram
06:13.20icebrew54yep, google it up
06:13.21johnakabeanfreepbx is creating a lot of dialplans that have errors
06:13.34keeblerand they're finiky as they don't actually come pre installed with linux firmware
06:13.43icebrew54yeah vxworks or something?
06:14.23[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Up the verbose and watch your CLI...
06:14.53bmoracaPG&E has a very well done IVR for setting up gas's crazy
06:15.53[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: if that was pumped out CLI then you'd have seen the line that generated it...
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06:16.26johnakabeanno, its in the asterisk full log
06:16.46jayteewell, if the log is full maybe you'd better empty it
06:16.57johnakabeani hope he's joking
06:17.06johnakabeanhe's not
06:17.20johnakabeanthe full log is where asterisk logs everything......aka FULL logging
06:17.37jayteewhispers "I'm Batman!"
06:17.39johnakabeani have 75 percent disk space left jaytee
06:18.05johnakabeanthat's after about 30000 recorded phone calls
06:18.09[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: logs are worthless in debugging this.. you need to see the actual dialplan being executed
06:18.22johnakabeanok i will try to create it
06:18.30jayteeI have 66% of my cognitive abilities left and 74% of the vodka left so it's shaping up to be a good night!
06:19.08johnakabeani can't stand getting drunk on white liquor
06:19.26jayteeI drink it ice cold and straight
06:19.48jayteebut only Stoli or Absolut
06:21.17johnakabeani do like the new red peppermint absolut
06:21.21johnakabeanbut that's it
06:21.27johnakabeangrey goose is ok
06:21.44johnakabeananyway, fender, how do you search in the contents of all files?
06:21.52johnakabeancat? | grep ?
06:22.11johnakabeanjaytee, drink your vodka
06:23.14johnakabeanjaytee, cat opens each file the | says THEN grep or find within these files
06:23.25johnakabeani can't remember the parameters for each command though
06:23.26[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Never had a need to.
06:23.35jayteecat does not "search" files. it concatenates files to standard output. grep searches output or files for whatever string or strings  you pass it.
06:23.54johnakabeanyou just said what i typed
06:23.58jbotmethinks uuoc is Useless Use of Cat Award.  Given out for years by Randal Schwartz on the newsgroup  Basically, most constructions that look like "cat filename | grep pattern" can be more easily written as "grep pattern filename".  Works for grep and most other Unix utilities.  Easier to type and marginally more efficient.
06:23.59johnakabeancat | grep
06:24.02jayteenot exactly
06:24.25johnakabeanjaytee, cat opens the fuckin file then grep searches through that output that cat
06:24.31johnakabeancat | grep
06:24.50johnakabeanits called a double syntax
06:25.05jaytee"Don't make me come back there! I'll turn this car around if you keep it up!"
06:25.26*** part/#asterisk FlyboySR22 (
06:25.35johnakabeanccome back here? you're not driving
06:26.02*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
06:26.08jayteeprepares to ram a copy of O'Reilly's Learning Perl up johnakabean's ass.
06:26.14johnakabeandon't make me stop at every gas station, jaytee, pretend to fill up, and demand money from your drunk ass
06:27.08johnakabeani am not needing to write a perl script
06:27.15jayteelucky you!
06:27.40johnakabeani will stick to php to do everything i need asimiliar to pearl
06:28.04*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
06:28.17jayteeperl and php go together like peas and carrots. they're almost the Forrest and Jenny of scripting!
06:28.19johnakabeanleave the kids alone, jbot
06:28.34[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Any closer to actually watching the error happening?
06:28.57jayteejbot botsnack
06:28.57jbotjaytee: :)
06:29.05johnakabeani'm trying to search within the .conf files to find "> 5"
06:29.17jayteejbot I missed not having you around
06:29.18jbotYou missed not having you around?
06:29.29jayteejbot, no, I missed you!
06:29.32johnakabeani'm thinking cat "*.conf" | grep -i "> 5"
06:30.16jayteeCorydon76-dig, hahahaaaaa
06:30.17Corydon76-digjohnakabean: you don't need the cat
06:30.48Corydon76-diggrep -H "> 5" *.conf
06:31.13jayteesell the cat to a friggin chinese restaurant and just use grep fer chrissakes
06:31.37[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: that wasn't in the PB you provided, nor is it likely to occur as such
06:31.44Corydon76-digPeople only eat cat when they're desperate.  They do eat dog, though
06:32.14*** join/#asterisk ajmcello (n=ajmcello@
06:32.18jayteein many countries Fido is a delicacy.
06:32.34[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: I used to live next to a Chinese buffet restaurant... the most remarkably cat-free neigbourhood around....
06:32.41jaytee"Man's Best Friend, it's what's for dinner!"
06:33.33Corydon76-digCat is notably rather stringy
06:33.35[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Corydon76-dig :
06:33.40Corydon76-digIt's not good eats
06:34.23*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (n=nate@
06:34.37jayteerattlesnake is kinda like a greasy chicken
06:34.42Corydon76-digOTOH, I'm told that Dog is rather delicious
06:35.16jayteeand frog legs really aren't bad at all if cooked properly
06:35.18Corydon76-digGiven that I gave up eating mammals in high school, though, I'll never find out
06:36.00Corydon76-digYou don't know how much fat has been bred out of turkey and chicken until you've had duck
06:38.41ajmcellowhen you transfer an inbound call to an outside number and the outside number picks up and you hang up, does the asterisk server still handle that connection or does it become a direct connection between the inbound call and the outside number?
06:38.48johnakabeantry this on for size jaytee
06:38.49johnakabeanfind . -name "*.conf" -exec grep -l "> 5" {} \;
06:39.18johnakabeanchange > 5 to whatever you would like to search outputs the filenames where your string is found
06:39.20jayteeaw c'mon on! I'm half in the bag man! don't hand me that crap!
06:39.36Corydon76-digjohnakabean: you want the "-H" option to grep.  Trust me.
06:39.46johnakabeanit works to do what i want
06:40.04Corydon76-digYou don't want to know the name of the file?
06:40.05[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: First what happens when you "hang up" depends on the phone doing the transferring.  Next, all 3 channels are going through *.  When a transfer is completed the channels are bridged
06:40.19johnakabeanit ouput the name of the file, cory
06:40.23johnakabeanthat's ALL it output
06:40.31johnakabeani didn't want to know the actual output
06:40.43johnakabeani just wanted to know what files it was found in
06:41.10johnakabeanexten => s,n(loop),GotoIf($[ ${RESCOUNT} > 5]?end)
06:41.13johnakabeanwhat's wrong with that?
06:41.14ajmcellotk: when they are bridged, is it the asterisk server that handles the bridge?
06:41.16johnakabeanit works
06:41.22johnakabeanbut asterisk is complaining about it
06:41.52Corydon76-digjohnakabean: Ask what happens when the variable is blank
06:41.56johnakabeanyeah, mcello, unless canreinvite is equal to yes on both trunks that the calls are bridged through
06:42.00[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: Just like every other call
06:42.12Corydon76-digexten => s,n(loop),GotoIf($[ 0${RESCOUNT} > 5]?end)
06:42.15johnakabeanso what?
06:42.20johnakabeani do not search for NOTHING
06:42.31johnakabeani am not using this in a script
06:42.35johnakabeani am using this manually
06:42.39Corydon76-digAdd the 0 and Asterisk won't complain
06:42.58ajmcellowhat i wanted to do was have an inbound number people call that transfers to several different numbers, but i didnt want to eat up extra channels on my PRI...maybe reinvite will work for me
06:43.11[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: No, it will not
06:43.14ajmcellobut would it have to be a SIP?
06:43.18johnakabeanok cello, you must set canreinvite=yes on all your trunks
06:43.22[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: reinvites are a VOIP function.
06:43.28johnakabeanyes the exchanges have to match
06:43.29ajmcellothats what i figured
06:43.32[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: What you would need is a 2BCT
06:43.47[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: 2 B-channel Transfer
06:44.00johnakabeani dont know about fender's proposal, maybe that way they don't have to match
06:44.15[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: For this you'd need to transfer the call toa  dialplan extension that would call "Transfer" and be on a link that supports it
06:44.16johnakabeanbut using just plain asterisk with canreinvite, the channels must match
06:44.54[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: "canreinvite" is a sip.conf exclusive parm name
06:45.22*** join/#asterisk ipguy (
06:45.24[TK]D-Fender(ok, maybe users.conf inherited a piece)
06:45.35johnakabean2bct allows iax2 to sip transfer?
06:45.48[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: No, 2 *B-CHANNEL* <- think on this
06:46.04johnakabeani didnt think so
06:46.07ajmcellois it possible to have my PRI provider reprovision the line for 2BCT?
06:46.38[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: IRC 2BCT is supported on DMS100 & 5ESS in * currently.
06:46.46[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: Not sure if any others were added
06:46.53[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: And you'd have to ask your provider
06:46.57johnakabean2BCT/TBCT) Trobule on DMS100 PRI
06:47.09[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: Oh, and don't think that you won;t get billed.. the most this does is free the channels to you
06:47.29ajmcellowhat if they are local calls?
06:47.37johnakabeanit is billed based on your plan
06:47.46[TK]D-Fenderajmcello: Billed as appropriate based ont he nature of each le
06:48.08johnakabeanok fender, how about sip
06:48.27johnakabeanfreeeing channels while having asterisk able to pick the call back up to originate a new one for the other party?
06:48.46johnakabeanusing the **
06:49.00*** join/#asterisk ipguy (
06:49.10johnakabeanusing a disa
06:49.29*** part/#asterisk ipguy (
06:49.31[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Please just completely rewrite that... its all jumbled
06:49.42johnakabeanmy main provider is unlimited free but 4 channels.......i have other pay per minute providers for backup that are unlimited channels
06:49.56johnakabeani charge 10 bucks for unlimited disa access
06:50.10johnakabeanto do i free up the channels on my main sip provider
06:50.36johnakabeanbut allow them, when finished with one call, to originate another without hanging up AND freeing the channels when they are in call with their other party
06:51.30[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Typically no provider will take channels off you hands like that
06:51.42johnakabeanok how about transferring off the system
06:51.55[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: As for doing a 2nd call, plenty of ways to stop the one you're in and continue dilaplan processing
06:51.57johnakabeani know the ** hangup won't work like that
06:51.59johnakabeanbut anyway
06:52.05Qwellman, security flaws in major provider websites are awesome..  let me tell you
06:52.21johnakabeanshare the wealth, qwell
06:52.31johnakabeani need more outbound FREE providers
06:52.37ajmcellolooks like my signalling is pri_cpe, so that isnt going to work wtih 2BCT is it
06:52.42Qwellnah, this is an ISP.  nothing like that
06:52.52[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: Transferring off the system?generally "not happening".  Transfer() requires auth and they won't count your channels as freed up
06:52.55johnakabeanman, say something like that in #isp then
06:53.19johnakabeanahh but my provider does when transfer is used
06:53.49johnakabeani have tested with a regular sip devic
06:53.58[TK]D-Fenderjohnakabean: On a single channel perhaps, but as a hand-off between 2 others?  Highly unlikely
06:54.07johnakabeantransferred 10 calls and ran out of phones to test with
06:54.14johnakabeanoutside phones
06:54.23johnakabeani would call into my system
06:54.51johnakabeanand transfer, it would show the channels is free
06:55.04johnakabeanthrough their web applet they provide they show in progress calls
06:55.12johnakabeanthey didn't show up but i was on the phone with the 10
06:55.23johnakabeanand it preserved the caller id
06:55.28johnakabeanfrom the inbound call
06:56.09johnakabeani can't set my outbound caller id with the unlimited, 4 channel provider but it preserves it when transferring
06:57.02johnakabeanjaytee, its broadvoice as the one i referring to
06:57.03[TK]D-Fenderok, well its late... checkout time]
06:57.07[TK]D-Fenderlater all...
06:57.39jayteeI remember when there wasn't any callerid. If you picked up the phone it was a total gamble whether it was your wife, friend, bill collector or someone else you didn't want to talk to.
06:58.00johnakabeani remember captain crunch but anyway
06:58.20orkidif u didn't pay your bills, you should've
06:58.29orkidor you should've taken company to court
06:58.37jayteeI remember Cap'n Crunch and the whistle which if you were an avid 2600 reader you could use to hack the phone system
06:58.48johnakabeanjaytee, that was my point
06:58.49*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
06:58.49Qwelljaytee: Cap'n who?
06:58.59johnakabeanqwell isn't old enough
06:59.04QwellOH!  Cap'n Paedo :p
06:59.19Qwelljaytee: He's a creepy dude.  AVOID.
06:59.33coppicemost of those old 2600Hz receivers really sucked. they responded to quite a wide frequency range
06:59.35Qwellwell, you're old - you'll probably be fine ;)
06:59.49johnakabeanthe captain crunch whislte used the same tone that AT&T used to exchange between their local and long distance switches; it would tell the phone that you have already paid for the call and to keep going
07:00.06jayteeQwell, back in the 70's Cap'n Crunch was a cereal (still is) and they included a whistle that would create the same tones that AT&T used for long distance indication. so you could hack the system and get free long distance.
07:00.10Qwellyes I know :p
07:00.23johnakabeanjaytee, lay off the liquor
07:00.25johnakabeanand read
07:00.36johnakabeani already explained and he already said he knew
07:00.38jayteeI met Qwell in November, he's not as tall as I imagined :-)
07:00.42coppicethe way those whistles were made I doubt their frequencies were very consistent, but apparently most of them worked
07:01.01Qwellcoppice: I doubt the trunks were very precise, heh
07:01.03johnakabeanthey were massed produced; so, the machines made them exactly the same most of the time
07:01.18johnakabeanthe molds
07:01.22Qwellwhats a couple hundred Hz between friends?
07:01.35johnakabeana kilofriend
07:01.57jayteedamn, I'm actually shitfaced!
07:02.00Qwelljaytee: anyways, yeah..  if you ever end up meeting Crunch, run away.
07:02.03coppiceQwell: in the late 80s when I implemented perhaps the first fully DSP processor for 2600Hz and 2280Hz (the EU equivalent) I would none of the existing analogue kit worked anything like to spec
07:02.11*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (n=biteme@
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07:03.36Qwellcoppice: the last part of that didn't parse too well
07:03.42jayteeQwell, I've never met Crunch in person. And that keebler guy that keeps coming in this channel is pissing me off because he doesn't give out free cookies. :-)
07:03.50Qwell"I would bet none of"?
07:03.54johnakabeanhow do you get a disa to transfer qwell/
07:03.58johnakabeaninstead of dialing
07:03.59Nuggetyeah, well I head that Qwell can whistle 300 baud.
07:04.02Nuggeter, heard.
07:04.04*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
07:04.10QwellNugget: mmhmm
07:04.15jayteecoppice, so basically you were around when they invented dirt, like I was?
07:04.34johnakabeanhow do you get a disa to transfer instead of dialing
07:05.04Qwellcoppice: yeah, that's hardly surprising..  even today it wouldn't surprise me
07:05.06jayteewtf? Nugget actually spoke up and said something other than "Telnet is eeeeevil"?
07:05.21Corydon76-digQwell: did he try to kiss you, or just give you a massage?
07:05.29QwellCorydon76-dig: none of the above
07:05.30icebrew54I remember the days before telnet
07:05.32coppiceQWell: I had to test against various existing kit, and its performance was all over the place. its amazing they didn't have far more trouble with people's voices imitating tone and altering calls mid way
07:05.36Qwellguess I'm not cute enough for Crunch.
07:05.48johnakabeanok enough reminescing
07:05.51johnakabeanhow do you get a disa to transfer instead of dialing
07:06.00jayteeyou don't
07:06.00QwellCorydon76-dig: but I did have the unfortunate experience of sitting next to him at dinner...
07:06.10QwellI got the hell out of there so freaking quick
07:06.21Corydon76-digQwell: or he likes 'em to at least appear of legal age
07:06.37QwellCorydon76-dig: I don't know about that
07:07.09Corydon76-digQwell: Looking young is a blessing... and a curse...
07:07.44jayteeand looking old is just a curse
07:07.56Corydon76-digjaytee: do you look old?
07:08.10Qwelljaytee: to be fair, he IS old.
07:08.17Qwellerm, Corydon76-dig
07:08.21coppicehis real name is Benjamin Button
07:08.22Corydon76-digjaytee: hand me my cane, willya?
07:08.24*** join/#asterisk mintos (n=mvaliyav@nat/redhat-in/x-22dd8fe6208b60fa)
07:09.18Corydon76-digI'm sure I'm nowhere near as old as either coppice or "Dude"
07:09.53coppiceI'm not old. Now you kids just GET OFF MY LAWN
07:10.01jayteeI think I'm gonna skip my simvastatin pill tonight since I've drank way too much vodka.
07:10.24Corydon76-digI could have lived another year without meeting Dude, though
07:10.39QwellDude isn't that old, is he?
07:11.03Corydon76-digI'd say mid 40s
07:11.25Corydon76-digor maybe his body is just wearing out
07:11.28jayteewhen I was a kid, cigarettes were 28 cents a pack, Eisenhower was President and we got 5 channels on the TV and only The Wonderful World of Disney broadcast in color, everything else was B/W. How's that?
07:12.00cryptnixdays of simplicity.
07:12.03Corydon76-digjaytee: so you're nearly at retirement age, just like my father
07:12.08jayteeand no remote
07:12.13Qwellkicks Comcast. Upgrade my friggen modem firmware already
07:12.28jayteeretirement? that's a fuckin fantasy!
07:12.43cryptnixhmm some people still have the luxury
07:13.42Corydon76-digjaytee: My father has retired for the 3rd time, and he's already got another job
07:14.07jayteewe should kill all the really rich people. all this shit is their fault :-)
07:15.37coppiceretirement being a fantasy may become less of a problem than being about to find any work
07:15.49jayteecoppice, very true
07:16.24jayteealthough someone in your line of work and skillset should be able to stay gainfully employed
07:16.34*** join/#asterisk unpaidbill (
07:16.37jayteefailing that there's always credit card hacking :-)
07:20.16jaytee20 orders of various bestsellers on purloined card # purchased on shipped to vacant apartment two doors down, sell books to Half Price Books chain at 50 cent on the dollar. Cha-ching!!! :-)
07:20.40Corydon76-digjaytee: the word of God, in bulk
07:21.04Corydon76-digjaytee: You know where that's from, right?
07:21.37Corydon76-digJohn Goodman's character, in O Brother, Where Art Thou
07:21.37jayteenot ringing a bell but then I'm kinda debilitated at the moment.
07:21.56jaytee"I'm a Dapper Dan man!"
07:22.03johnakabeanwhy am i getting this
07:22.04johnakabeanPacket2Packet bridging SIP/
07:22.24jayteejohnakabean, cuz you're very lucky
07:22.28johnakabeanwhen using a disa, i can't use ** to disconnect the call
07:22.44johnakabeanbecause its off the freakin system
07:23.03johnakabeani tried setting canreinvite to no and yess
07:23.18jayteeI think I'm going to go try and have erotic dreams of Salma Hayek. Nite everyone
07:23.23*** join/#asterisk t0rrieri (n=torrieri@nelug/crew/torrieri)
07:24.26Qwellwtf, my Comcast local office has a drive-thru
07:25.08coppiceskills are no guarantee of gainful employment. however, if things get really bad I'll probably teach English :-\
07:25.37johnakabeanwhy am i getting this
07:25.40johnakabeanPacket2Packet bridging SIP/
07:25.48johnakabeani have never seen it do that before
07:25.55johnakabeanand it messes up my features
07:26.44johnakabeanafter it packet2packet bridges, asterisk disconnects the call
07:27.01johnakabeanso i am not able to press ## to transfer or any features of asterisk
07:29.48*** join/#asterisk gerwinin (n=gerwinin@
07:30.17gerwininIs it possible to build a voip client with exosip2 which works with asterisk ?
07:32.13johnakabeanyeah, ger, they both use sip
07:32.45gerwininjohnakabean: I cannot get the registration in the good way
07:33.02gerwininjohnakabean: asterisks keeps on giving me 401 or 407
07:33.05johnakabeananyone know how to disable packet2packet bridging?
07:33.29johnakabeansip2 is an upgrade of asterisk sip, you have to limit the features on the exosip2
07:33.58johnakabeanlike the authenticating has to be insecure and i'm not referring to insecure=very
07:34.07johnakabeanit can't be encrypted
07:35.08gerwininjohnakabean : let me check if I can set that option
07:37.00johnakabeanahh exosip2 is the same as srtp for asterisk
07:37.02johnakabeani get it
07:37.07johnakabeandifferent  maker
07:37.15johnakabeanlookup srtp
07:37.25johnakabeanits an addon for asterisk
07:37.42gerwininjohnakabean: srtp is like a sip library ?
07:38.47johnakabeansrtp is encrypted sip
07:38.54johnakabeanits like what the pentagon would want to use
07:40.24*** join/#asterisk mike-ekim (n=sipit@
07:40.34mike-ekimhow can I enable color in the CLI?
07:43.54johnakabeancli where? using asterisk -r?
07:43.58johnakabeanit should already be there
07:46.38mike-ekimnope, all plain
07:48.20bakermdBoo Ya Ka Sha!!
07:48.38bakermd(Sorry - long night of coding finally paid off)
07:50.39bakermdAnd now for the alcohol and weed....
07:52.15*** join/#asterisk inam (n=inam@
07:53.04inamhow can i dail a no from asterisk command prompt
07:53.58inamin my asterisk command prompt no consol command is found
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08:39.11tzafrir_laptopinam, "dial" only works if you have a channel driver for a local sound card
08:39.20tzafrir_laptopchan_alsa or chan_oss
08:39.53tzafrir_laptopyou can also use "originate" to create a call between two phones
08:46.59*** join/#asterisk mcfloppy (
08:49.10mcfloppyi want to dial with my debian server. so i need tapi to control the ISDN Phone. do i need asterisk for tapi under linux? or can i do this with a driver only
08:49.36mcfloppyi have a hfc-s usb card
09:09.51Greek-Boywhat is a current solution to send sms's from asterisk to a smpp sms server?
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11:00.46[Jasper]hello people. I'm having some difficulties with context not being used
11:01.36[Jasper]how does a register know where it belongs too?
11:09.34orTixlees ~book
11:09.37jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
11:09.40orTixdaar heb ik het ook uit...
11:12.35[Jasper]nou, dat book is toch vrij onduidelijk
11:14.34[Jasper]er staat nergens uitgelegd waarom [default] standaard word aangeroepen bijvoorbedl
11:19.51orTixdan moet je door lezen en zoeken
11:20.01orTixje moet in sip.conf aangeven welke context die moet te komen staan
11:20.05orTixals je hem bij default laat
11:20.15orTixen je zet onder [default] in extensions.conf
11:20.19orTixdan pak die hem daar
11:20.41orTixje moet ff begrijpe hoe het met elkaar gelinkt word.. en dat staat in 't boek
11:20.46orTixsorry for the dutch ;)
11:34.26*** join/#asterisk oej (
11:39.23[Jasper]orTix dat snap ik ook wel, ik heb in mijn sip.conf een context ingeteld, en toch gaat ie nog naar default
11:39.25[Jasper]dat snap ik niet
11:40.03[Jasper]en dat was mijn vraag ook niet..ik vroeg hoe een register wist bij welke context in dat bestand hij hoort
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12:52.44riddleboxif you have two machines, 1 is your main machine and the other is a secondary, what is the best way to make sure that everything is the exact same on them at all times?
12:57.39Mark17copy the configuration files
12:58.04Mark17but only run 1 at a time (sometimes it can be an issue with the register option)
12:58.32riddleboxMark17, yeah heartbeat will start services when one takes over
12:59.07riddleboxMark17, the biggest thing is should I use rsync, or scp?
12:59.56riddleboxI was thinking of setting a cron job, to do this like once a day to make sure that the two are the same
13:02.06Mark17i would use scp for just 1 config directory
13:02.06Gido-Eriddlebox drdb
13:03.27riddleboxI will look into it, right now I have heartbeat running on two servers, sharing an IP from heartbeat, if one goes down the other will become active
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14:00.07riddleboxhey stevetotaro
14:03.16orTix-=:12:40:07:=- <[Jasper]> en dat was mijn vraag ook niet..ik vroeg hoe een register wist bij welke context in dat bestand hij hoort
14:03.25orTixals je dat andere snap, dan weet jij het antwoord al
14:03.34orTixdat gaat via context
14:03.45orTixals je bij context blaat zegt
14:03.51orTixdan moet je blaat includen bij extensions
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15:14.11joakoNovceGuru: LOL. My mother tried to order Comcast Digital Voice but they called her and told her 1) they ran out of modems 2) she needed to call and place a new order because of that. She just gave up
15:17.23NovceGurumaybe it was for the best :)
15:18.16joakoSpeaking of which, can someone suggest a DID provider with CNAM and E911?
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15:20.45NovceGuruI think vitelity has both
15:22.02*** join/#asterisk ThoMe (
15:22.12ThoMeis it posible to call a sip-group?
15:22.25ThoMenot sip/12&sip/13&sip/14
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15:23.54jbotobama is, like, "the better choice at this point."
15:24.29ThoMeis it posible call multipöle user
15:24.41ThoMewithout sip/12&sip/13&sip/14 ?
15:25.16stevetotarousing queues it is
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15:25.44ThoMestevetotaro: hm ok
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15:54.09ThoMeexten => _0.,n,Set(get-persoenliche-absender-rufnummer=${DB(absender-rufnummern/${CALLERID(num)})})
15:54.15ThoMeits old or?
15:54.38ThoMeor is it ok for 1.4 ?
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16:00.48jsmithThoMe: That's fine for 1.4
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16:35.14ThoMejsmith: ah ok. thank you :-)
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17:04.40jayteeI can't believe I don't have a hangover!
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17:10.33avbguys, any news to manage SIP hangup causes?
17:11.04avbHangup(34); but still it returns different error code
17:14.12pstew39can anyone help with using cisco 79xx sip phones with asterisk?
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17:15.14jsmithpstew39: Tell us what your problem is, or ask a question, and someone will help you if they know the answer.
17:15.21jsmithjaytee: I'm surprised you don't too :-p
17:16.37avbjsmith: probably there is an answer to mine question? :)
17:16.38pstew39I want to get idle-url working on a cisco 7940 Sip (firm 8.8), can it be done?
17:20.18jayteejsmith, I rarely ever drink. last nite I drank about half a pint of Absolut I'd had in the freezer for about 7 months. I never used to drink vodka straight but now I'm likin it!
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17:21.15jsmithavb: Not that I know of... it's been discussed at length in the mailing lists, but I haven't seen any code changes related to it
17:22.25[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: vodka has a much lower congener count than most other liquors, thats why...
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17:24.19jayteeyou mean it doesn't contain as many impurities such as fusile oils, etc?
17:27.02[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Toxic bits formed during fermentation
17:27.15jayteeyeah, like fusile oils
17:27.46jayteeI only drink Stolnichnaya or Absolut, not that Buck O' Gallon crap :-)
17:28.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Meh : Troika <-
17:28.33[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Serious drinkers go for Troika...
17:28.38jayteeTroika? never tried it
17:28.42[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Shmirnoff is way down the list
17:29.29[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Russia's 3 greatest exports : blondes, tragic poets, and vodka.
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17:30.14jayteeSmirnoff is just a tiny bit better than squeezing Sterno or drinking kerosene
17:30.44jayteeI'll have to try Troika. Some have recommended Grey Goose but I think that's just market hype and yuppiedom speak.
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17:37.50[TK]D-FenderLOL, Quicktime is offering me a choice for "Leapard" or "Tiger" :p
17:46.11jayteeat least they don't cram iTunes down your throat like they were doing when you went to install Quicktime player.
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17:50.08prouteHello, I just installed asterisk
17:50.51prouteWhen i hangup a call, it don't work. in sip debug I have "481  No session found"
17:51.08prouteI have don't change my config files...
17:51.15prouteWhy I have this error?
17:51.56proutemoreover if I hangup my call before that called answers, the phone (called) ring....
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17:56.00Mark17jaytee: they still do it when you update quicktime player and arent looking for it
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18:04.39lilkidfor some reason i can only connect to my * server from the local network (phones register fine locally) - sip, when i try to connect from another internet connection i just get connection timeouts.. can anyone shed any light?
18:05.24dlewis[TK]D-Fender: which voip provider would you suggest with unlimited minutes?
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18:28.51jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
18:28.54[TK]D-FenderNovceGuru: none
18:31.53icebrew54can anyone suggest troubleshooting technique on a monitor "sound clicking" problem?
18:32.10icebrew54my in and out wav's have clicking in the sound :(
18:33.43jayteeis silence suppression on the phones turned off?
18:34.14icebrew54hrm, using sipura....let me look
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18:34.48icebrew54silence supp enabled: no
18:34.51icebrew54^^ that correct?
18:35.41[TK]D-FendericebrDoes it only happen with wav's?  What were they made with?
18:36.02icebrew54well the in and out wav's are the file dumped from asterisk....
18:36.19icebrew54I'm running a wav2ogg script....however, I'm checking the files before conversion and they are showing this as a problem
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18:36.42icebrew54i.e. the source wav's dumped by asterisk are "clicking" at certain times
18:37.42[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: please clarify exacty what created them.
18:38.38rob0hmmm calls are not being logged, I have a simple cdr.conf with a [csv] section ...
18:38.50icebrew54[TK]D-Fender: using the Monitor app
18:39.07[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: What are you recording from?
18:39.08icebrew54[TK]D-Fender: I have a 4 port digium zaptel card, 410p
18:39.37[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: Is the clicking constant?  Is it continuous?
18:40.22[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: Is the clicking sound identical all the time or is it a more random "crackle"?
18:40.45rob0snap crackle pop
18:40.47icebrew54[TK]D-Fender: no crackle, it's more of a "interruption" of audio....would you like to me to forward sample via email?
18:40.58icebrew54and it is consistent
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18:42.10[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: Does it repeat in other formats?  Which have you tried?
18:42.25[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Great album...
18:42.38[TK]D-Fenderrob0: Probably my greatest musical inspiration...
18:42.40icebrew54[TK]D-Fender: I didn't try in other formats....I've only tried wav
18:42.44icebrew54what other formats are possible?
18:43.01[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: Go try now.  Every format * supports.  Gsm, ulaw, etc
18:43.23icebrew54[TK]D-Fender: recently a codec was changed to "SILN" I believe to enable faxing on this box
18:43.33icebrew54if that has any relevance...
18:43.57[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: Not relevant
18:44.05icebrew54ok, I'll try capturing in different formats....what is a good utility to convert gsm, ulaw etc. to wav?
18:44.09icebrew54using sox now
18:44.46crashintotheceilok so if i follow every NAT guide, and yet still I can't connect to my server from outside the NAT, what do i do!? is there some sort of software out there to verbosely debug SIP connections?
18:45.15[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: Do not convert.  Listen to EACH in raw form
18:45.43[TK]D-Fendercrashintotheceil: SHOW US what you've done.  PASTEBIN is your friend
18:45.45jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
18:46.06[TK]D-Fendercrashintotheceil: and "sip set debug" should enabled you to see the full SIP conversations as they happen
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18:51.10crashintotheceilok when clients try to register i get absolutely nothing on sip debug..
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18:51.29crashintotheceil            is sip.conf
18:52.16crashintotheceilthis makes me think it's a problem with router/port forwarding? it's like..asterisk just cant hear any connections from WAN
18:53.39[TK]D-Fendercrashintotheceil: What have you forwarded to you * server?
18:53.52*** join/#asterisk ZaVoid (
18:54.00[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Afternoon
18:54.06ZaVoidsup fender
18:54.19[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Same old...
18:54.25ZaVoidheh i hear ya
18:54.25[TK]D-FenderZaVoid: Slow weekend...
18:54.31ZaVoidwell i got some fun for ya ;)
18:55.53ZaVoidi'm running into a wierd situation where invites are coming into my asterisk... its send proxy auth back... the UA ack's..... seems to be ok.... then 100 seconds later the timer expiry timer on the UA kicks in.. goes to cancel it with asterisk and asterisk responds back the call doesn't exisit
18:56.03ZaVoidvery small amount of calls this is happening to
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18:57.51crashintotheceil[TK]D-Fender: I have an account with voiptalk for minutes/did. I'm just trying to register clients from outside the NAT- (WAN) on my *. server. Clients within LAN can register fine with no issue.
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18:59.37[TK]D-Fendercrashintotheceil: And you have completely NOT answered my question
19:01.34crashintotheceil[TK]D-Fender: sorry, please clarify..?
19:02.07rob0Logging cdr-csv format, according to the sample cdr.conf, only requires a "[csv]" section therein. Permissions on /var/log/asterisk are right, asterisk:asterisk 755, as is /var/log/asterisk/cdr-csv. The messages and queue_log are being written. I did "module reload cdr" after edits of cdr.conf ... but no call logging.
19:02.11[TK]D-Fendercrashintotheceil: I asked you what you had forwarded to your * server.
19:03.27crashintotheceiloh do you mean ports?
19:04.37crashintotheceilOkay! Just didn't connect in my brain! I've basically set the * server as DMZ
19:05.05dan__tPut some ice cream on it.
19:05.13crashintotheceilso there should be no issue with forwarding
19:05.55rob0Ice cream for logs?
19:06.41[TK]D-Fendercrashintotheceil: Is that your entire sip.conf masking ONLY passwords?
19:08.48crashintotheceilyes, and before you panic, it's just for testing..
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19:10.07[TK]D-Fendercrashintotheceil: Ok, everything else looks fine.  Check your firewall ont he server itself and verify the IP you DMZ'd
19:10.28[TK]D-Fendercrashintotheceil: And that your externip hasn't chaNGED
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19:11.59crashintotheceili can telnet into 5038 and it says manager
19:12.00Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
19:12.22crashintotheceilso dmz ip is fine
19:12.28rob0tenlet si live
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19:12.33[TK]D-Fendercrashintotheceil: Ok so far... last on the suspect list is that an ISP may be blcoking SIP traffic
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19:16.11bakermdI want to set up a 3-digit extension, and have it listen for 5 digits - then attempt to place a call to a local 5-digit extension. Any thoughts on this?
19:16.13crashintotheceil[TX]D-Fender: good point.. i'll contact them. thanks
19:16.55[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: "core show application read"
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19:17.23[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: and your definition of "place a call to a local 5-digit extension" is a little vague
19:17.45bakermd[TK]D-Fender:I actually have the read part - its the other side that is giving me issue
19:18.15[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: fix the "vague" part then
19:18.23bakermdI have an extension with entries such as exten => 22557,2,Playback(custom/PleaseRecordMessage)
19:18.41bakermdRight now my IVR setup is configured to read 3 digits
19:18.57bakermdSo - I need a 3 digit extension that then lets me enter the 5 digit ones.
19:19.02[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: doesn't help in the slightest...
19:19.09bakermdI can access the 5digit ones from any IP phone
19:19.20bakermdI am making apps that are accessible by 5 digit codes
19:19.38[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: exten => 123,1,NoOp(I'm a 3-digit extension, can you be LESS VAGUE now?)
19:19.39bakermdThey can all be reached from connected IP phones, but I need access from outside
19:20.24bakermdThe default inbound context plays a greeting and reads 3 digits - therefore it is impossible to access any exten that is greater than 3 digits when coming in from this context
19:20.49[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: PARDON?  What magical rule says this?
19:21.22bakermdread... with maxdigits
19:22.14bakermdSo read grabs the digits, max 3
19:22.21[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: Why are you calling the use of "read" with maxdigits an "IVR?
19:22.33bakermdb/c all extensions are 3 digits in the IVR
19:22.46[TK]D-Fenderbakermd: pastebin this mess
19:23.00bakermdI appreciate your assistance!
19:23.20bakermdUnfortunately I have to run - but I will be back - didn't know if there was something painfully simple I was missing
19:23.53[TK]D-Fenderbakermd_afk: Yes... the ability to show enough so we can figure the rules of what you're talking about.
19:24.55[TK]D-Fender^%#$ing GUI users
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19:34.53rob0apparently a "module reload cdr" isn't enough to enable logging, I had to restart.
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20:41.17oneeyedelf1anyone have recommendations on where and what ata to buy on the cheap?
20:43.02icebrew54oneeyedelf1: I got some sipuras on ebay for like 30$-something shipped
20:43.12[TK]D-Fenderoneeyedelf1: Any Linksys model would do
20:43.27icebrew54linksys pap2
20:43.38icebrew54buggers showed up....mac addresses are not the same as sticker lol
20:43.47icebrew54so possibly why I was getting them cheap.....
20:43.55icebrew54but they work quite well
20:45.48*** join/#asterisk Khratos (n=Khratos@
20:45.59KhratosGood afternoon
20:48.17oneeyedelf1[TK]D-Fender: why does the spa2102 cost more than the pap2t, and is the advantage of the spa3102 that it does QOS?
20:48.39Mark17is it possible to give a goto command to start at a certain point at an dial plan (not at the beginning)?
20:48.46keeblerWhy should it matter if the ATA does QoS if you have a good QoS model implimented on the server?
20:48.47Mark17and do this from inside that dial plan?
20:49.29[TK]D-Fenderoneeyedelf1: 2102 i& 3102 both have routers built in, bigger CPU's for supported G.729 on both ports, and T.38 support.  3102 also supports an FXO port to allow you to use an analog line as a separate device as well.
20:49.48[TK]D-FenderMark17: Goto goes to the PRECISE priority you tell it to
20:52.20Mark17is it possible that while playing some text (using playback) that it continues to the next line at the dialplan? so the phones can all ready start running while there is something said like: we are trying to connect you to an employe
20:52.50[TK]D-FenderMark17: Please be specific about the actiios you expect to do whil that plays...
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20:54.22oneeyedelf1[TK]D-Fender: thanks I don't need those features so I can go about getting the cheaper one
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20:55.07Mark17it needs to dial some (specified) sip extencions and 1 phone number (like: Dial(SIP/1000&SIP/1001&SIP/0642408602@trunk-out,,t))
20:55.37[TK]D-FenderMark17: Your option is m().  "core show application dial"
20:56.11cheesegritsHopefully a simple question .... I'm runnig the latest SVN of 1.6, and suddenly I don't have 'originate' or 'reload' commands in my CLI
20:56.28russellbwhich 1.6?
20:56.34russellbcheck for "channel originate"
20:56.42cheesegritslatest SVN, trunk
20:56.53russellbyeahhh ... it's "channel originate"
20:57.09russellbif you want it to be just "originate", you can use ... add an alias to /etc/asterisk/cli_alises.conf
20:57.22cheesegritsam I imagining things, or did it used to be just 'originate'
20:57.27Mark17[TK]D-Fender: where can i find information about how to use the option m()?
20:57.29russellbit used to be, yeah ..
20:57.44Mark17i am using asterisk
20:57.51cheesegritswhat about 'reload'
20:57.56russellb"core reload"
20:57.57russellbi think
20:58.01russellbor maybe "module reload"
20:58.02[TK]D-FenderMark17: Your option is m().  "core show application dial" <------------------------------------------
20:58.08russellbi can't keep up
20:58.31cheesegritsit's 'module reload' ... THANKS!!!
20:59.47Mark17could you give me an example if i give my current dialplan? i cannot find how to set it in the config :S
21:00.23*** join/#asterisk lesouvage (n=lesouvag@
21:01.04[TK]D-FenderMark17:  "core show application dial" <----- read the friggen instructions :)
21:01.23[TK]D-FenderMark17: its 1 stupid parameter to your DIAL
21:01.37[TK]D-FenderMark17: This ain't Raw-Cat Science
21:03.11lesouvageI suddenly lost incoming audio during a phoecall. I ahven't changed anything and the telephone provider says he doens't change anything. The cable company is busy with its network but they say there changes can't case the problems. Where can I start testing to proof that the cable company is causing problems?
21:03.27lesouvageI lost the incoming audio on all phonecalls.
21:07.43lesouvageIt looks like the audio stream can't find its way to the Asterisk server while the signaling is working fine. The other side has proper audio.
21:09.47Khratosmaybe testing your asterisk box with another provider :/
21:10.18Mark17[TK]D-Fender: how could i specify what file is played for the music on hold to the calling party?
21:10.25[TK]D-Fendermaybe this description is hollow without any defining characteristics.
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21:11.04blitzrageneeds to remember to come in here and change the topic when a release goes out :)
21:11.06[TK]D-FenderMark17: m() <- read the instructions.
21:11.23KhratosI think that Mark17 is seriously compromised with not reading documentation
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21:12.49Mark17i am reading documentation, but i cannot find m() in the documentation i have here
21:13.02[TK]D-FenderMark17:  "core show application dial" <----
21:15.04KhratosMark17, my documentation says something like:
21:15.08Khratosm([class]) - Provide hold music to the calling party until a requested
21:15.26Khratosdoes yours says anything different?
21:18.53KhratosCheck musiconhold.conf for the class
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21:23.30Mark17Khratos: i did look in some old documentation, i did just get new documentation
21:24.13Khratosuuuu... get the new version of the "Asterisk The Future of Tel." book
21:24.24Khratosalso read all .conf files for more info
21:24.31[TK]D-FenderMark17: and I pointed you to CLI over 20 minutes ago.  Then repeated this TWICE MORE
21:24.53KhratosAnd in the asterisk source, theres a folder called 'docs' or doc
21:24.58KhratosThere's gold in there
21:25.12[TK]D-FenderMark17: Sorry, *5* times more, and it was actually more like 1/2 hour ago
21:25.18Khratosbtw, [TK]D-Fender is right, he pointed it out several times
21:25.40[TK]D-Fenderreaches for his ClueBat (tm)
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21:27.21KhratosAlso, Mark17 , some obscures factors (like how dows multiple set of parameters should correctly be placed in Asterisk AMI) can be found on the *-users mailing list
21:28.37icebrew54[TK]D-Fender: okay I have my source ulaw/gsm test files for the audio capture, how do I go about playing them back on my desktop?
21:29.00[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: VLS will probably play them.  Or Totem, etc
21:29.19Khratosor mplayer, that thing plays almost anything
21:30.34icebrew54vlc no go....
21:30.41icebrew54ok let's try mplayer
21:30.45Khratosgo ahead
21:32.40[Jasper]hej guys
21:32.45[Jasper]geting a error while making asterisk
21:32.46[Jasper]*** No rule to make target `anaFilter.o', needed by `libilbc.a'.  Stop.
21:33.05icebrew54it's the wav format that's doing it
21:33.18icebrew54when I capture/convert to wav it screws it up
21:33.40Khratosuuumm... I see,
21:33.52icebrew54both gsm/ulaw playback fine via asterisk playback cmd
21:34.29icebrew54my end goal is to have monitor files in ogg format
21:34.47icebrew54i was capturing to wav - then sox to merge, then conversion to ogg
21:34.47KhratosYou have them in wav format, right?
21:35.04icebrew54[TK]D-Fender advised me to test with other formats (gsm, ulaw)
21:35.06icebrew54did that, success
21:35.35[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: Did you play back the WAV directly now?
21:35.38KhratosMaybe sox itself could convert them after mixing them, maybe
21:36.33icebrew54capturing a wav now, and going to playback via asterisk
21:36.47icebrew54not sure what formats sox supports
21:37.23[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: think "kitchen sink"
21:38.01Khratosmaybe if you make your own script (a simple shellscript could do it) using sox, first to mix, then to  convert, and you set MONITOR_EXEC variable to the name of the script
21:38.20icebrew54yep, doing that now
21:38.28icebrew54(via monitor exec)
21:38.31icebrew54was using wav as source
21:38.45[Jasper]what is libilbc used for?
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21:39.15KhratosI think (don't believe me, [Jasper] ) that it does something with ilbc support
21:39.43KhratosParticularly, I don't compile with ilbc support
21:40.09[Jasper]Khratos what part of menuselect would that be uner?
21:40.12[Jasper]under even
21:40.52Khratos'Codec Translators'
21:40.53oneeyedelf1whats the best sounding compression algo?
21:41.13oneeyedelf1I have lots of bandwidth and low packet loss
21:41.28Mark17now i did add a new class (if I am correct) in /etc/asterisk/musiconhold.conf ([sijn] \n mode=files \n directory=/var/lib/asterisk/moh/sijn, where \n is a return) and I use exten => 1015,7,Dial(SIP/3000,30,m([sijn])) and now are the default sound files played and not the music on hold files in /var/lib/asterisk/moh/sijn, how can i change it so they are played?
21:41.55Khratoswhat's 'algo' (that means 'thing' in my native language :P)
21:42.37KhratosMark17, sometimes pastebin d0t com would be a better solution than paste directly here :P
21:42.49Khratosat least for understanding purposes xD
21:42.57oneeyedelf1Khratos: algorithm
21:43.54oneeyedelf1another way to say, what codec should I use to sound the best if I have high bandwidth and practically no packet loss
21:44.18KhratosIn that case... ulaw , (I would say)
21:46.48KhratosDear Mark17 , a lot of times (I can not say that always) when '[]' is used in documentation (at least in the open source software I have seen), means 'optional'
21:47.13KhratosWhen you see a parameter inside '[]' it means that it is not required to specify it
21:48.42Mark17Khratos: lets try without it
21:48.51Mark17works thanks all!
21:49.17KhratosYou are welcome :) , Note: remember that, you will see a LOT of documentation using that format
21:50.19Mark17i know, but somethimes [ and ] are required at asterisk (read: when i want to specify an class)
21:51.01KhratosYes, but I mean when some documentation is talking about parameters
21:51.14Khratosoptional parameters are enclosed inside '[]'
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21:52.35icebrew54jesus shit bird christ...
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21:52.43icebrew54my problem ended up being: vlc
21:53.15dan__tHello again.
21:53.16Mark17i know, but i didnt see it before at asterisk documentation
21:53.25Khratosicebrew54, I'm Christian, could we have more respect about those topics?
21:53.36icebrew54Khratos: will do, sorry to vent
21:53.51icebrew54my apologies, no meant to offend
21:53.57Khratosno problem man :D
21:55.51oneeyedelf1thanks Khratos
21:56.37Khratosbrb bro, I'm going to see a movie now :P
21:56.45Khratosbrb in a while, take care
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22:00.54[TK]D-Fendericebrew54: Today's debugging tip : Thoroughness
22:01.30icebrew54[TK]D-Fender: yes, you are right....I failed today man :(
22:02.03icebrew54I can't believe it ended up being vlc
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22:09.40[TK]D-FendericebrBut just think... all your old recordings are OK!
22:11.11icebrew54ahh yes, that's the other nice part....checking back on them now
22:11.20icebrew54switched up using to soxmix to merge
22:11.36icebrew54so they were getting appended before
22:11.44icebrew54not a good time
22:17.30drmessanoI so fail at robocopy
22:17.37drmessanoLost some configs I needed
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22:32.34mikeaI've got a quick question about users.conf
22:32.53mikeaFor an email to be deleted once it's been emailed, is the parameter in users.conf still delete=yes?
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22:33.28[TK]D-Fendermikea: depends on the e-mail client
22:33.52mikea[TK]D-Fender, I'm talking about deleting the voicemail on the server once its been sent
22:34.17mikeaIn voicemail.conf the setting used to be delete=yes.. as soon as the VM system emailed the wav file to the user, the VM was deleted from the VM system.
22:34.18[TK]D-Fendermikea: that is another matte.... probably...
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22:34.39mikeaI'm looking for some docs on users.conf and there's not a lot out there.
22:34.43mikeaI read through the comments, too.
22:35.32[TK]D-Fendermikea: Yup.... it sucks
22:35.36jbotusers.conf is a flaming pile of sh1t that takes the fine control of several perfectly usable * config files and reduces them to the lowest common denominator and makes your system behave like a "toaster grade" PBX system.
22:35.59mikeajbot: that sounds about right
22:36.38mikeaThat being said
22:36.56mikeaCan I put delete=yes in users.conf and not have to delete emails on my phone? ;-)
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22:36.57[TK]D-Fendermikea: I don't see any of the VM optiosn in the samples, etc
22:37.06mikea[TK]D-Fender, yeah, all I see is vmsecret
22:37.22mikeaI'll try it and see what happens
22:37.51mikeaI read someplace that users.conf was actually parsed by all of the asterisk subsystems
22:37.53mikeaso it should just work
22:39.57[TK]D-Fendermikea: Indeed... I'm reading code now...
22:40.27icebrew54I can't wait till an SIP client for android drops
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22:43.06mikeait works
22:43.38[TK]D-Fendermikea: damn hard to trace
22:43.53mikeayeah, I'm not a big fan of users.conf
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22:48.52mikeaI am a pretty big fan of asterisk these days, though.
22:49.04mikeaI've been playing with VXI* and VoiceXML
22:50.15mikeaWhat is up with 1.6? Is it the production release?
22:51.33[TK]D-Fendermikea: "Production" is what YOU do.  1.6 is just newer than 1.4
22:51.51mikeayeah, but is it still considered a development release, or is it stable?
22:51.59mikeaWhat are the benefits/drawbacks if any?
22:52.05Dovidsondiderd stable.
22:52.11Dovidi am sticking to 1.4.x for now
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22:52.29mikeaI tried 1.6 first, but there was something I couldn't get working
22:52.40[TK]D-Fendermikea: namely?
22:52.59mikeaI was having problems with asterisk-gui, Asterisk 1.6, and dahdi
22:53.08[TK]D-Fendermikea: thats a GUI issue period...
22:53.22[TK]D-Fendermikea: Stupid thing wasn't built or adapted well to DAHDI it seems
22:53.27mikeaGUI-version : SVN-pari-dahdi_support-r4446
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22:53.58mikeaworks fairly good with asterisk 1.4
22:54.51mikeaa lot of the problems I was having was with permissions, too
22:55.01mikeaso 1.6 could've gotten a bum rap
22:55.48mikeaAnyone do anything with voicexml?
22:55.52[TK]D-Fendermikea: So far 1.6 seems stabler than 1.4 so early on
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23:00.53icebrew54[TK]D-Fender: any suggestions for reading on a "least call" routing configuration?
23:01.04icebrew54to call via the provider that's cheapest etc.?
23:07.45mikeaicebrew54, It's called Least Cost Routing, or LCR.
23:08.15icebrew54ok, will do
23:09.11DarksmurfFWIW: grandcentral with Gizmo5 = free inbound VOIP calls. Using Grandcentral's 'call this number' function from the website you get free outbound (but you have to dial from GC). Very cool..
23:09.39NovceGuruagi script = free phonez
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23:53.32joakoicebrew54: You might want to take a look at a2billing. There is a bit of a learning curve, the interface isn't too nice... but it seems to work well otherwise
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