IRC log for #asterisk on 20090113

00:01.26[TK]D-FenderQsynth + JACK + MIDI = FTMFW!
00:01.39[TK]D-Fendercan officially dump Windows
00:01.52*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:01.57[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: !
00:02.00beek[TK]D-Fender: Congrats!
00:02.11[TK]D-FenderQsynth + JACK + MIDI = FTMFW![19:01]<[TK]D-Fender>\o/
00:02.13[TK]D-Fender[19:01]<[TK]D-Fender>Qsynth + JACK + MIDI = FTMFW!
00:02.21[TK]D-Fender[19:01]* [TK]D-Fendercan officially dump Windows
00:02.35[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Victory is mine!
00:02.54jayteehands [TK]D-Fender a Cohiba
00:02.55[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Camera & printer both work just fine, so I'm good to go...
00:03.37[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Just did some playing around in /dev and saw the name the drive gave it, did some choosing between OSS vs ALSA, etc, and bam works like a charm
00:04.04jaytee[TK]D-Fender, my whole day went to shit. my new ivr server is fubared, I couldn't get the lumenvox 8.6.8 engine working right and it started screwing up asterisk. zaptel won't load at boot anymore.
00:04.26[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: :/
00:04.47jayteeeverything was working fine until I installed Lumenvox. of course they claim they've never seen this problem.
00:05.10*** join/#asterisk saftsack (
00:05.35beekjaytee: Test box or production?
00:05.40jayteeso now I'm at home and VPN'd into work with an SSH connection to the box still trying to rework stuff.
00:05.51jayteebeek, this is slated to be the production box.
00:06.08beekjaytee: Many hours of lost time I assume...?
00:06.30jayteeabout 3/4 of my day so far
00:06.51Qwell[TK]D-Fender: rosegarden?
00:06.57beekShit.  Well, believe it or not my PRI problem has FINALLY been solved as of last Friday.  Not bad -- only six weeks to repair.
00:07.27beekwipes up the sarcasm his last comment dripped.
00:07.54Qwellbeek: is it from a big telco?
00:07.56[TK]D-FenderQwell: Qsynth.  Its a GTK front end to fluidsynth which is a SoundFont (creative sound bank format) soft-synth.  Basically lets me play my dumb MIDI controller "live" with sounds
00:08.03beekQwell: Level 3
00:08.21Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I know what qsynth is. :D  check out rosegarden
00:08.34[TK]D-FenderQwell: `Already installed ;)
00:08.41[TK]D-FenderQwell: Along with Timidity, Ardour, etc :D
00:08.50Qwell(last time I used it, it was rather buggy and would hang the system a lot)
00:09.07Qwellpretty cool though
00:09.13[TK]D-FenderQwell: Rosegarden saw my keyboard first, but its complex shit!  Couldn't find out how to go into live" mode with a sound bank
00:09.19[TK]D-FenderQwell: I just wanna f-ing PLAY!
00:09.47[TK]D-FenderQwell: Most of the time I jsut sit on my one good grand piano SF and play
00:11.09jayteewhat would prevent zaptel from starting as a service (it did before today) but typing service zaptel start starts it fine from the command line?
00:11.35*** join/#asterisk LND (
00:11.44beekjaytee: chkconfig --list zaptel
00:12.06*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-1839f9f224df9648)
00:12.35jayteebeek, it lists runlevels 0, 1 and 6 as off and 2 through 5 as on
00:13.16beekOf course you're not at the console... I'd be interested in seeing what puked during the startup.  This is CentOS 5, right?
00:13.55jayteebeek, yes. I'm not at the console, I'm running Putty over a VPN
00:14.28beekjaytee: For fun, type:  chkconfig zaptel off,   then chkconfig zaptel on
00:15.24jayteebeek, ok. did that and rebooted, waiting for it to come back online
00:15.52beekjaytee: Once it's back online look in /var/log/messages
00:16.07*** join/#asterisk marv0997 (n=marv@
00:16.21*** part/#asterisk marv0997 (n=marv@
00:16.31jayteebeek, will do.
00:20.34jayteebeek, this time in messages I saw the zaptel modules load ok and when I run an asterisk remote console and type help my zap commands are all there. looks like toggling the chkconfig bit did the trick.
00:20.46beekjaytee: Cool.
00:20.58ph8does anyone know if i can get my GXP2000 (Grandstream) to connect via SIP outside the university's anal firewall? I've got a dynamic SSH Tunnel setup as a SOCKS4 proxy - can i tell it to use that somehow?
00:22.06jayteenow if could only figure out how to change my repo config to download 8.5 instead of 8.6 of Lumenvox.
00:22.56jayteeno, i can either use yum or I can download the rpms and run rpm from the command line
00:23.12*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:23.43lowtekph8: afaik there's no way to use a socks proxy and SIP/RTP.
00:24.03ph8hi lowtek
00:24.04lowtekph8: SIP just sets up and manages the call, the audio goes via RTP.
00:24.19ph8should i not be able to just forward the right ports?
00:24.25ph8i've been thinking i'm just missing a couple?
00:24.34lowtek5060, 20000-40000
00:24.40ph8eep to the latter
00:25.01ph8can i not restrict ports to say, 10?
00:26.20lowtekph8: I know you can specify the port range with rtp.conf on the asterisk side.  Don't know how many RTP ports a single call needs though.  Sorry, I was wrong, it's 10000-20000 by default.
00:26.53lowteklowtek: Easier solution would be to just do an any-any rule to your asterisk IP and then set your peers to nat=yes in sip.conf
00:27.27ph8it's the any-any rule that's the issue?
00:27.30ph8the phone is connected to a router
00:27.34lowteklol, talking to myself, that was to you ph7
00:27.38ph8which is connected to the network
00:28.02ph8so i could perhaps tell the phone that my PC ( is its SIP server
00:28.02lowtekph8: couldn't tell you what your issue is without intimate details of all equipment involved.
00:28.15ph8and have my PC forward (via SSH tunnels) the appropriate ports
00:28.53ph8phone + pc into router -> uni network (anal firewall, not packet shaping just port blocking) -> publicly exposed server
00:28.58lowtekph8: Don't think that will work very well.  You can try a simple ipsec tunnel, they work pretty well with sip/rtp.
00:29.16ph8sounds interesting
00:29.31ph8i could generate a script that just generates rules for 5060 + about 500 rtp ports or something
00:29.38ph8is RTP likely to use more than one port per call?
00:29.52lowtekph8: lol, or just use a cell phone.  That seems like an awful lot of craziness for a single phone.  Oh,and grandstream sucks, throw that thing away.
00:30.10ph8well, calls in to the grandstream would be free
00:30.20ph8calls into the cell incur outbound trunk charges
00:30.44lowtekph8: I guess it depends on what your time is worth.
00:31.06ph8i don't get that many calls, i just don't like having hardware that doesn't work on my desk
00:32.58ph8grandstream is shit also, who should i buy from?
00:33.14ph8will they let me route everything through a socks proxy? :p
00:33.54lowtekYou're shit out of luck with the ssh tunnels and socks proxies.  You can try a IPSEC tunnel, it's encapsulating.
00:34.07*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
00:34.19ph8:o what doesn't the ssh tunnel encapsulate?
00:34.23ph8udp stuff?
00:34.29lowtekph8: everything
00:50.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:51.53beekjaytee: I'm heading out for the night.   As for your question about getting a specific version from the repo, do a 'man yum' and look under MISC/Specifying package names
00:51.56beekGN all
00:53.14*** part/#asterisk LND (
01:05.42*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
01:06.15*** join/#asterisk makman111 (
01:06.28makman111Anyone out there willing to help a newbie out?
01:07.12jbotsomebody said ask was Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
01:07.12makman111Need to set up a *now server.  Have DID from
01:10.10jayteeaaahhhhh, the sweet feeling of success!!!!
01:16.44*** join/#asterisk qdk (
01:20.02*** join/#asterisk Siya (
01:28.18*** join/#asterisk dmz (
01:34.03apturawhich asterisk version uses core in its cli? 1.6?
01:34.18lowtek1.4 +
01:34.43apturafor some reason its not reading my existing conf files
01:35.29Miccanyone know much about shoretel pbx systems?
01:35.56lowtekMicc: No, this is #asterisk
01:36.41Micclowtek, I know but my next question is, how do I get it to work with asterisk?
01:37.03lowteklowtek: What are you trying to do exactly with all the details?
01:37.36lowtekUgh, talking to myself again.  I really need to lay off the smack.  That was to you, Micc.
01:38.23*** join/#asterisk mog (
01:38.23*** mode/#asterisk [+o mog] by ChanServ
01:39.06MiccI have a customer that currently uses some shoretel equipment. I wand to switch them over to using SIP lines.
01:39.28lowtekAhh.  I'll help for $125/hr.
01:40.11Micclowtek, will it only take one hour?
01:40.18*** join/#asterisk M-33 (n=meow@
01:40.23lowtekNo, minimum 3 hours.
01:40.43M-33hello, by default installation, does the three way calling enabled?
01:40.49MiccMaybe, if you teach me how its done at the same time.
01:41.02*** join/#asterisk tobias (
01:41.03lowtekNot really, just messing with you.  I found it funny that you're in here trying to get free help for one of your paying customers on a phone system that's not asterisk.
01:41.34jayteeplayed like a Spinnet piano :-)
01:41.36lowtekBut, iirc, shortel will do sip natively.  You can use Polycom phones with their equipment and they are SIP.
01:42.47Miccyeah I saw that.
01:43.02MiccI just read an article that says it has SIP trunking.
01:43.15MiccSo I imagine its got to be pretty easy to setup.
01:44.12lowtekMaybe call shortel?
01:48.46apturasip history
01:49.55apturastop now
01:50.09apturahay i have a questions about some of the core commands
01:50.35*** join/#asterisk maddog01 (
01:50.36apturaseems thay are not responding
01:50.42apturaat least some of them
01:52.21apturacli responds to core but not sip history
01:54.33apturaguess its the way its layed out.
01:56.35apturadoes this look normal? This is why it is not reading my extentions.conf
01:56.39apturaextconfig            /etc/asterisk/extconfig.conf
01:57.34apturadid a config list and thats what cli came up with.It is not obvios why my cli is not responding to my old extentions.conf file
01:58.34Micchow did you do a config list?
01:59.01MiccI don't seem to have a "config list" command in 1.4
01:59.01apturajust typed in config list on CLI
01:59.25MiccI don't have that.
01:59.52apturathis is 1.4.22 but do not think the changes would make a difference.
02:02.04*** join/#asterisk rcy` (
02:03.14*** join/#asterisk Avelino (
02:06.10apturacall it a night
02:08.24MiccAnyone know a manufacturer of small low cost asterisk devices? someone told me about them once.
02:11.16*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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02:14.13voxterMicc: pika technologies, aastra telecom, are a couple
02:15.07*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
02:15.32*** join/#asterisk Aptura (
02:15.42[TK]D-FenderWhat is an "asterisk device"
02:15.46[TK]D-Fendera SIP phone?
02:15.50[TK]D-Fendera TDM card?
02:16.06[TK]D-FenderA hard drive?  * is softwar.e.... software sits on media...
02:16.11[TK]D-Fendermaybe a USB key?
02:16.20[TK]D-FenderI know..
02:16.31[TK]D-Fenderpulls out a 5 1/4" floppy!
02:16.39[TK]D-FenderMicc: Here you go!
02:18.14Miccgee, thanks, I think.
02:21.41[TK]D-FenderMicc: Maybe... just MAYBE you should be a bit more specific in your requests ;)
02:23.13MiccI think it was hardwire, who told me about his company working on a little box that could handle about 10 phones.
02:23.57[TK]D-FenderMicc: Plenty of embedded devices can handle that.
02:24.16[TK]D-FenderMicc: Soekris, PCEngines, Pika is a dedicated one, lost of pothers
02:25.42ApturaI think this is causing some issues of the phones extentions not being read properyly
02:25.59ApturaAny comments?
02:27.17*** join/#asterisk etfonhomey (
02:29.00[TK]D-FenderAptura: phones extensions?  huh?
02:29.06[TK]D-FenderAptura: Details would help
02:32.24*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
02:33.15Apturasorry my system is acting a tad flaky
02:38.25jayteelike a freshly baked croissant
02:38.41*** join/#asterisk rcy (
02:40.05Apturasorry TK, did not have the details. Put it in pastebin.
02:41.09[TK]D-FenderAptura: Nifty... now actually LOOK at the call.
02:42.03ApturaThis was a fully working system untill one day was playing with Dial command on cli then got some errors.
02:42.34Apturait would dial the extention and goto vm but got some errors and soon after no phone would respond dialingout.
02:42.55Apturathats not the entire dial plan
02:42.57[TK]D-FenderAptura: and none of that matters an ounce until you actually look at a failed call in DETAIL
02:44.32Apturachan_sip.c:14383 handle_request_invite: Call from '200' to extension '8500' rejected because extension not found.
02:44.36Apturayou mean that?
02:45.06[TK]D-FenderAptura: I mean that isn't SIP DEBUG and you're not looking at whats REALLY going on.
02:45.17ApturaI see
02:45.28*** join/#asterisk dandate2 (
02:45.36dandate2woohoo i got it
02:45.39dandate2it works!
02:45.55jayteeit does? what is "it"?
02:46.52dandate2my pbx server
02:47.16SlicerDicer[TK]D-Fender: I am getting a 57i :)
02:47.38[TK]D-FenderSlicerDicer: Bleh... Mine made me wish for my old bed-side Polycom IP301
02:47.51SlicerDicer[TK]D-Fender: its under 100$
02:47.53SlicerDicercant complain
02:49.18dandate2?? softphone
02:50.51SlicerDicer[TK]D-Fender: my 480i should be here tomorrow (yay)
02:50.57Aptura here is stip debug. Do not have to much experaince reading it
02:52.54[TK]D-FenderAptura: PB "dialplan show"
02:53.11[TK]D-FenderSlicerDicer: 480i is a more solid phone.
02:56.45MiccWhat is the difference between an analog line and an analog trunk?
02:57.10MiccWhen it says supports analog trunking, what does that mean?
02:58.11[TK]D-FenderMicc: Means "I can't pick consistent standard terminology"
02:58.33[TK]D-FenderMicc: Doesn't imply HOW it supports "analog"
03:00.51Miccok. :)
03:01.37[TK]D-FenderAptura: Yup, I see NONE of what you showed earlier
03:01.38*** join/#asterisk joako (
03:01.55[TK]D-FenderAptura: Now CAT it from CLI and show me your entire /etc/asterisk/ folder
03:02.12[TK]D-Fender(ls -la /etc/asterisk)
03:02.18*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
03:03.14joakoI am trying to figure out why I can not transfer SIP calls. I am using Asterisk 1.4.22. It does not matter what phone I use, Linksys, Grandstream or Polycom... blind or attended transfer does not work
03:03.26joakoDoes anyone have an idea where to start checking?
03:05.09Apturajako, let me see your extention for one phone in extentions.conf you probebly did not inclute the t switch
03:06.28Apturaexample of this extention exten => 200,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,Tt)
03:06.28Apturaexten => 200,2,VoiceMail(u200@default)
03:06.28Apturaexten => 200,102,VoiceMail(b2009@default)
03:06.28Apturaexten => 200,103,Hangup()
03:07.02[TK]D-FenderAptura: that isn't SIP transfer..
03:07.02Apturanotice on the end Tt
03:07.22[TK]D-FenderAptura: thats * features.conf based transfer, not a SIP transfer
03:07.33Apturaokay well then some thing else
03:07.40[TK]D-FenderAptura: issue a reload and watch for the load.
03:08.08[TK]D-FenderAptura: If you don't see it loading your dialplan, pastebin your modules.conf
03:08.19joakoAptura: I am not (nor do I desire to) use that sort of transfer. I am using SIP tranfer which is handset dependent.... I see the phone sending a SIP REFER request and Asterisk answers back "SIP/2.0 603 Declined (policy)"
03:09.25[TK]D-Fenderjoako: PB full SIP debug of a call and your sip.conf
03:10.25*** join/#asterisk rickross (n=rickross@supporter/active/rickross)
03:11.05rickrosswhich one is actually less likely to segfault? or 1.6.1b4 ?
03:11.08ApturaTK, you did not mention what to look for in the reaload.
03:12.25[TK]D-FenderAptura: watching your dialplan get loaded
03:12.36ApturaI just reloaded it
03:12.50[TK]D-Fenderhands rickross a tourniquette
03:13.09rickrossTK - thanks for that :)
03:13.24rickrossis 1.6 just a disaster?
03:14.03rickrossWe had tried it a while back, but there were too many niggling issues, so we thought maybe by now it would have stabilized somewhat
03:14.16rickrossI guess I was being too optimistic?
03:14.40[TK]D-Fenderrickross: 1.6.1 is still beta...
03:15.00[TK]D-Fenderrickross: 1.6.0 is still somewhat new, but should statistically be more stable...
03:15.10rickross1.6.0.3 isn't, and it segfaulted within minutes of being started up on our machine
03:15.37jayteeor try
03:15.39rickrossthe beta notes claim to address some crashes, so I had fingers crossed
03:16.19rickrossanyone hererunning 1.6.x for production?
03:16.45joako[TK]D-Fender: I'm here... working on sanitizing what you are requesting
03:16.49[TK]D-FenderAptura: And?  If no go, PB modeules.conf as I asked
03:17.24Apturaokay is aleady loaded
03:19.15Apturakind of checked it to be sure
03:20.04[TK]D-FenderAptura: dahdi has nothing to do with this
03:20.18joako[TK]D-Fender: In the process of sanitizing my sip.conf i saw allowtransfer=no, setting allowtransfer=yes fixed my issue. Thanks!
03:20.24[TK]D-FenderAptura: try "module load
03:20.47[TK]D-Fenderjoako: That'll learn ya...
03:21.47MiccSo what is an ITSP trunk?
03:22.03[TK]D-FenderMicc: What do you keep finding these retard terms?
03:22.12jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
03:22.21Miccoh, ok.
03:22.27[TK]D-FenderMicc: Nice ot specify even a PROTOCOL
03:23.01MiccYeah, they don't mention a protocol, just itsp.
03:23.07Miccshoretel website.
03:23.09[TK]D-FenderMicc: "they"?
03:23.26[TK]D-FenderMicc: And the reason you're even looking at them?
03:23.55Apturaack, found the issue. some text some how was typed in perhaps by accident on extentions.conf
03:24.08Apturaso now that model is loaded and its up and running again.
03:24.24MiccBecause one of my customers has it and I need to see if we'll be able to give them some SIP lines.
03:24.55[TK]D-FenderMicc: Not understanding the terminology yourself makes me fear for your customers...
03:24.57Apturait was on the first line on extentions.conf. I deleted it so its running. There are some errors but unrelated to this one.
03:25.55[TK]D-FenderAptura: Something we might have seen if you didn't truncate things at the start....
03:26.19ApturaTK, do you think that is why perhaps alot of these mom and pop asterisk companies went out of business or just to much compitition?
03:28.08[TK]D-FenderAptura: What is why?
03:30.57ApturaWell since this business is so critical that perhaps admins do not know as much about the fine details of asterisk and they could have unresolved or delayed issues causing there customers to leave. I have heard the complaints from people who were the customers of other pbx sip based services and left. The state of the economy does not help either in this case.
03:31.22ApturaIt is just what I have observed.
03:32.28[TK]D-FenderAptura: Incompetent admins can sink any project.  Phones are just something that business owners don't want to have to worry about that much.
03:32.43*** join/#asterisk Blackthorn (
03:33.20BlackthornIs there a card perhaps by Digium that would support 12 channels of voice and 12 channel v.90 modem? (incoming?)
03:33.41*** join/#asterisk Sargun (
03:33.46[TK]D-FenderBlackthorn: * does voice, not data
03:34.25Aptura this list is perhaps dated so is probebly alot longer.
03:34.51*** join/#asterisk Gopher_77 (
03:35.01*** join/#asterisk mtutaj (
03:35.12*** part/#asterisk Sargun (
03:35.14*** join/#asterisk Sargun (
03:35.40Sargun~onjoin Sargun die
03:35.40jbotSargun: ok
03:36.03mtutajI am having an issue accepting incoming calls, I can make outgoing np, not sure where to look
03:36.18ApturaI should make a recover script so I dont make such a dumb mistake as that one. I was perhaps to fast at the keyboard and did not know I pasted something in the extentions.conf file that I would have otherwise known of ;)
03:36.56[TK]D-Fendermtutaj: * CLI <-
03:37.22[TK]D-FenderAptura: First thing you should fix is looking at little bits of things instead of the whoel picture
03:39.25Apturabtw, no one in asterisk forms never replyed with a result on this issue.
03:40.19Apturaanyway, do thank you very much saved me alot of headaches:)
03:40.19[TK]D-FenderAptura: Well WE never got to see the whole file or your attempts to manually load the module which would have tipped you off...
03:40.27[TK]D-FenderAptura: So do do yourself a favour and NEVER cut corners in debugging again
03:42.21Gopher_77I'm trying to install * on netbsd. I'm having trouble compiling the driver. Can I get some assistance?
03:43.18NovceGuruwhat driver
03:43.50Gopher_77there's something about atari/stand/edahdi in the kernel source though
03:44.01Gopher_77but the driver isn't loading for my hardware
03:47.29Gopher_77pcictl shows 000:11:0: unknown vendor 0xe159 product 0x0001 (miscellaneous network) for my 4-port card
03:53.09Kobazhow could i run arbitrary dialplan code on a particular channel
03:53.32*** join/#asterisk outtolunc (
03:58.38jayteeArbitrary Ar"bi*tra*ry, a. [L. arbitrarius, fr. arbiter: cf.
04:00.57[TK]D-FenderKobaz: load
04:02.11jayteeor you can arbitrarily insert some arbitrary value in ${EXTEN} and arbitrarily Dial($EXTEN}) from an arbitrary location
04:02.24*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
04:03.11[TK]D-FenderKobaz: X = Y maybe Z <-  ILLOGICAL operators.  Thats what you need to use...
04:03.12Kobazit wasn
04:03.22Kobazit wasn't that complex of a question
04:03.30Kobazhow about
04:03.38jayteeno, not complex, just vague as all hell
04:03.39Kobazcan i run specific code, on a specific channel
04:03.45*** join/#asterisk Jollyr01staup (
04:03.59jayteesure, but there's nothing arbitrary about that
04:04.00[TK]D-FenderKobaz: How do you run code on a channel?  What does that mean?
04:04.10Kobazlike.... i want Park() to run on channel SIP/23423847-2234sdfasdf34
04:04.18[TK]D-FenderKobaz: what does it do to the channel?  What is the channel doing while this OTHER stuff is happening?
04:04.22Kobazdialplay code
04:04.38NovceGurupresence is so cool!
04:04.41Kobazlike you can make a custom feature in features.conf *1234
04:04.50Kobazand you can run that on the callee, or the caller channel
04:04.55Jollyr01staupanyone familiar with TE1xx connected to legacy phone system?
04:04.56[TK]D-FenderKobaz: What syncs actions? Does it even matter?  Who shot J.R.?  Whats the Caramilk secret?  How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
04:05.32[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: vague as that is, sure... plenty of us.  Try asking something more specific now
04:05.44Kobazso, instead of triggering some code on dtmf
04:05.51Kobazcan i trigger some dialplan code through, say... the ami
04:06.09[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You can... its called ORIGINATE
04:06.18Kobazbut... on an existing call
04:06.31[TK]D-FenderKobaz: Who says it has to be acting upon an established channel?
04:06.39[TK]D-FenderKobaz: You are not specifying the ENDS you are trying to meet
04:06.52[TK]D-FenderKobaz: get SPECIFIC.  Solutions need to be
04:07.03Kobazokay, well i guess it's terms
04:07.11Kobazi want to launch some dialplan code on an established channel
04:07.15[TK]D-FenderKobaz: We can advise 100 ways that WON'T do what you need if you keep this in "theotretical-land"
04:07.17Kobazand then go back to the call
04:08.19Jollyr01staupOkay.. I have a TE122 Card that I am connecting to a Comdial phone system.  I am using the Dahdi drivers and when I do a pri status in Asterisk I get Status=Provisioned, Down, Active.  I am not sure what to set the switchtype too or the signalling too.
04:09.12[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: that would depend on what your PBX is expecting
04:10.23Jollyr01staupI tried several different options and pri_net and pri_cpe seem to give me some response.. but .. I don't even know what is valid for that card to try them all
04:13.07[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: its not "whats valid for the card" its what signalling is YOUR PBX expecting.  You don't even have that answer, do you?
04:13.15Jollyr01staupA couple things I do know... it is expecting a T1 24 channel it has many DID's so I know it must be a PRI  but thats about it..
04:13.33[TK]D-FenderPRI has *23* channels
04:13.40[TK]D-Fenderand 1 D-chan
04:14.07[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: And nothing implies that that port on your PBX is necessarily PRI.  You should know what its configured to
04:16.20Jollyr01staupOkay but for the sake of argument if it is not set to PRI and its a regular T1 card.. what settings would I look to place in the chan_dahdi?
04:16.23*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
04:16.36jbothmm... book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
04:16.59[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: depends if its acting as CPE or NET.  Depends on framing, who is providing timing, etc
04:17.50dan__tI wish my Polycom didn't take a day and a half to boot.
04:19.01[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: 2 minutes for the rest of us...
04:19.01dan__tMust be nice.
04:19.01[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: then again... do it right and you don't NEED to reboot them again
04:19.01dan__tI know it's trying to netboot, suppose I should look in to that.
04:19.01dan__tit reboots itself after a config change.
04:19.08wastrelthx for the help earlier
04:19.09*** part/#asterisk wastrel (n=wastrel@nylug/member/wastrel)
04:19.14dan__tLooks like this time, however, it may have froze...
04:19.17dan__tVery nice.
04:20.44Jollyr01staupI cannot tell the phone system has been here for a while and the only way to tell would be to hire someone to come in and link up to it.. thats why I was looking around for example configurations.  To see if possibly I could get something to work...
04:20.47[TK]D-FenderdanI've only had 2 phones ever freeze on me.  2nd time was today, last was a year ago
04:21.43[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: start as PRI_NET providing timing, then invert.  Then switch to FXS_LS then invert on the thought it might be CAS
04:21.52[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: invert timeing on each, etc
04:22.58Kobazi'm crashing asterisk
04:23.01Kobaz[Jan 12 23:22:11] WARNING[20730]: channel.c:3929 ast_channel_bridge: SIP/5506-08203a80 is already in a bridge with SIP/5501-082079f8
04:23.04Kobaz[Jan 12 23:22:11] WARNING[20730]: res_features.c:1570 ast_bridge_call: Bridge failed on channels SIP/5506-08203a80 and SIP/5506-081f4038
04:23.07KobazDisconnected from Asterisk server
04:23.13*** join/#asterisk L|NUX (n=linux@unaffiliated/lnux/x-10290)
04:25.19dan__tYeah its been a while since one of mine has frozen, too.
04:25.23Jollyr01staupwhen I try FXS or FXO anything... it won't even load the channels in asterisk.
04:26.00dan__tSo is there any way to do anything during a Record(), like... put a mark in the recording, or interact with the channel while it's being recorded?  What if I wanted to conf someone in while I was in a Record()?
04:27.02Jollyr01staup[TK]D-Fender: this is what asterisk says "Signalling requested on channel 1 is FXO Loopstart but line is in ISDN PRI signalling"
04:27.28[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: means "get consistant in your configs"
04:27.49[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: don't have your system.conf saying one things and your chan_dahdi.conf saying another
04:27.50jayteenite all
04:28.51[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: a 3-way call started while being recorded would get all 3
04:29.28dan__tHow would I start it in the middle of a Record()?  After Record() is called, and immediately after starting, does it automatically go to the next priority?
04:30.01[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: actually, Record() does not record CALLS.  it is a fixed recording for a solitary UNBRIDGED channel.
04:31.43*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:31.57dan__tUnbridged... so in this example, you couldn't use it against a channel that had three parties as part of it?
04:32.07dan__tyou couldn't use it between two parties, either
04:32.23[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: "core show application monitor"
04:33.34*** join/#asterisk JimmyDee (
04:33.36dan__tOh bad-ass.
04:33.39dan__tThat's perfect.
04:35.07JimmyDeequestion: is there a way to have an incoming caller select an extension and hook-flash 3 way call a cell phone?
04:35.20JimmyDeeon pots w/3way
04:36.46[TK]D-FenderJimmyDee: What interface?
04:37.04JimmyDeewell this is where I get lost
04:37.26JimmyDeeI have done asterisk with sip, but the interested party has no interest in an internet bill
04:37.43[TK]D-FenderJimmyDee: You're talking hooks flash.  that implies HARDWARE
04:38.07JimmyDeeyes, and I honestly just need a point in a direction of what hardware that would be
04:38.12[TK]D-FenderJimmyDee: JimmyDee You seem to imply you're working with an analog LINE.  So what piece of EQUIPMENT are you plugging it into?
04:38.52JimmyDeeeasy easy, I dont know, thats why I am asking the stupid questions
04:39.11[TK]D-FenderJimmyDee: thought : Digium TDM410P + FXO module
04:39.13JimmyDeeyes analog line, 3way calling enabled
04:39.15Kobazwe need specifics!
04:39.20Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: :)
04:40.11Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i think that call park just isn't meant to be used like this
04:40.23[TK]D-FenderJimmyDee: now before you go calling this a 3-way call, describe the call flow PRECISELY
04:40.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i have a custom feature  *1 that i want to put the other party into a parking lot, in position 1
04:40.54Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: it runs a macro which only has two lines, one sets PARKINGEXTEN to 1, and the other does a Park()
04:41.32Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: the call gets parked, but then when the parking time expires, the phone calls itself
04:42.05Kobazhere's the log
04:42.28Kobazand i just crashed asterisk again
04:42.50JimmyDeeok that is exactly what I was looking for
04:42.56*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
04:42.59Kobazso i repeatidly crash asterisk doing what i just did (in the paste)
04:46.49flewidanyone know why when i hit # to go to the directory, but CHANNEL(language)=fr is set, i still get the english prompt? (only for dir-intro.gsm) the rest all play in french
04:47.00flewidpermissions are identical on all of them (asterisk:asterisk)
04:48.55Jollyr01staup[TK]D-Fender: Thank you very much for leading me in the right direction...
04:49.40[TK]D-Fenderflewid: Show us "all of them"
04:50.02[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: alrighty...
04:50.04Jollyr01staup[TK]D-Fender: My first mistake was assuming that genconf knows what it is doing...
04:50.31[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: So you found a setting that matches?
04:50.47[TK]D-FenderJollyr01staup: And no, I never trust conf geeeenerators like that.
04:51.06*** join/#asterisk shmaltz (
04:51.08Jollyr01staupyes.. it ended upt being fxols
04:51.16shmaltzhow do I block callerid using sip to an iax trunk?
04:51.48shmaltzi tried setcallerpres(prohib) and it doesn't work
04:51.49shmaltzNeither does setting cid(num) to 000
04:52.08[TK]D-Fendershmaltz: maybe they don't LET you
04:52.34shmaltzok then, I'm using teliax anyone know if they let?
04:53.35[TK]D-Fendershmaltz: Tried asked Teliax?  I'm sure they'd know...
04:53.51shmaltznoone home at the moment :(
04:55.01flewidnotice it's using the 'fr' but always 'en' for dir-intro for some reason
04:56.28Gopher_77I'm not having any success compiling the drivers necessary for my digium hardware for use with asterisk under netbsd. The hardware isn't being recognized. Can I get some help?
04:57.59*** part/#asterisk JimmyDee (
04:58.51[TK]D-Fenderflewid: what line do I see this?
04:59.14Gopher_77dmesg says "not configured" and pcictl says it's unrecognized
04:59.30flewid149, 151, 138, 139, 154, 158
05:03.18[TK]D-Fenderflewid: well you're in a 3rd party AGI... I already don't trust it
05:03.44flewidhehe yeah, i'm just setting up a test directly with the regular directory to hunt down if this is the issue or if it's something else
05:04.00flewidi see a few other people on google having the same issue, but it was permissions, afaik mine are fine from what i pasted
05:04.33[TK]D-Fenderflewid: Maybe it assumes a langue in its own config.  Line the laguage of a user, etc...
05:04.54[TK]D-Fenderflewid: I'm not going to debug this blind
05:05.04flewidwell, it's kinda weird that only the intro plays wonky and the press 1 to hit the user works in french
05:07.34[TK]D-Fenderflewid: untrusted AGI <-
05:23.08*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (n=unknown@
05:27.59*** join/#asterisk Wulfy814 (
05:36.45*** join/#asterisk MaliutaLap (
05:37.01*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
05:41.34*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-da0ee4b728f9915d)
05:47.22dan__t[TK]D-Fender, found a problem where I need to specify a sounds directory...
05:47.30dan__tTrying to use Record(), and its looking for a 'beep'.
05:49.11ricko73beep should be a standard sound
05:49.11*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
05:49.47dan__tYeah, but I'm having a problem with * finding sounds.
05:50.02dan__tI can play them if I specify an absolute path.
05:50.20dan__tI found 'astsounds', I'm going to play around with that a bit....
05:50.31ricko73usually, they are in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds where /var/lib/asterisk is defined in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf
05:50.36dan__tI know.
05:50.42dan__tEverything I've read says this, too.
05:50.48[TK]D-Fenderdannot that the file folder layou for multi-lingual support HAS changed....
05:51.11[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: there have been 2 distinct dir structures to support this
05:51.59dan__tThis I did not know.  Can I get some sort of debug output other than core 10?  Maybe something where it tells me the exact path its trying to look?
05:52.27*** join/#asterisk botox93 (n=botox93@
05:52.59[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: read the docs for changes between 1.4 & 1.6
05:54.21dan__tNice, it says to look at 1.4's implementation.
05:57.49*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
06:01.02dandate2so i finally got my * box working
06:01.10*** join/#asterisk denon (
06:01.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o denon] by ChanServ
06:01.20dandate2if anyone wnats to chec kit out just call  1-201-620-6323
06:03.41[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: We believe you...
06:03.50carrarI need a TOLLFREE
06:03.55carrarPlease set that up ASAP
06:04.07[TK]D-Fenders/believe/don't actually that that much about
06:05.00*** join/#asterisk voxter (
06:05.13dan__tI'm about to start stabbing stuff.
06:05.48dan__tI can't debug to the point where I can find out exactly which absolute path this sound is trying to be called at?
06:12.51ricko73wonders if dan__t has the 'astvarlibdir' variable set correctly in asterisk.conf
06:12.58dan__tThat I do.
06:13.07dan__tI see my astdb being written to properly.
06:13.39rdk5does anyone have any idea why I would get "SIP/2.0 404 Not Found" errors when trying to dial out?  I am connected to voicepulse, but can't seem to dial out because I keep getting these errors...
06:14.35[TK]D-Fenderrdkpastebin your failed call attemp with SIP debug enabled
06:14.38jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
06:15.40*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki_ (
06:16.42ricko73dan__t: is languageprefix = yes set in asterisk.conf?
06:17.07dan__tAccording to the docs, the default is yes in 1.6
06:17.37dan__tI've tried either way.
06:18.39ricko73is this something you compiled from source or an installed package?
06:20.06dan__tInstalled from a package.
06:21.28[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: WOW
06:22.16rdk5[TK]D-Fender, wow?  thats not what I like to hear :)
06:23.47[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: EMPTY
06:24.06rdk5oops, let me try again, i posted it on a diff computer
06:26.31rdk5that should work
06:26.54[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: Looking for 18885551212 in from-internal (domain <- fix your dialplan
06:27.28rdk5i am using freepbx, i used the voicepulse module to make the dialplan
06:27.42[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: FreePBX is NOT supported here
06:28.03[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: If you need help using their interface they have their own channel #freepbx
06:29.21rdk5[TK]D-Fender, hmm, ok, it is strange because I have an outgoing route headed to a trunk, voicepulse is registering the calls i believe... but i keep getting the 404 not found error
06:30.01[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: No, * is telling you to get lost.
06:30.20[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: Not VP
06:31.22carrarfeels the love
06:31.51carrarrdk5, You should install Asterisk Source
06:32.10rdk5carrar, I am working from asterisknow
06:32.29carrarok, once you get Asterisk from Source intalled COME ON BACK!!
06:32.47rdk5carrar, is something wrong with asterisknow?
06:33.23carrardepends what it's for
06:33.44[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: Only your expectation of support for FreePBX here.
06:33.44carrarworks for what it is
06:33.44[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: Either way, you've got your answer
06:34.16carrarrdk5, personally I like Asterisk from Source as it gives you the most control over everything
06:34.19rdk5carrar, it's for a very simple install. I've installed asterisk from source before, this was supposed to be a very simple server.
06:34.36rdk5[TK]D-Fender, understandable, thanks for taking a look
06:35.08carrarYou'll want to get your asterisknow support from #asterisknow
06:35.27[TK]D-Fendercarrar: #freepbx actually
06:35.33carrarthey renamed?
06:35.41[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Given the distro channel kinda implies *-GUI
06:35.54rdk5i will try, they just seem to be asleep
06:35.55[TK]D-Fendercarrar: don't forget that *NOW includes BOTH GUI's now
06:36.04carrarI installed asterisk now once, then over wrote it
06:36.11[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: that does not make this "level 2 support"
06:36.36carrarI'm just not a GUI person
06:37.07MaliutaLapI use a great GUI ... it's called vim
06:37.09rdk5carrar, I'm normally not either, this was supposed to simplify a very simple setup.... oooops
06:37.09carrarcept when it comes to porn
06:38.06carrarrdk5, if you want simple easy to use gui, use switchvox!
06:39.01[TK]D-Fendercarrar: If he can't handle FreePBX what makes any other GUI any easier?
06:39.12carrarthey have phone support
06:39.30carrarexcellent email support I might add too
06:39.37[TK]D-Fendercarrar: ... you have a point.
06:39.55[TK]D-Fendercarrar: A very sad point, but a point nonetheless
06:39.59rdk5you guys are jumping to conclusions :)
06:40.15carrarwell sometimes switchvox is just the answer
06:40.27[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: No, we're jumping on the BANDWAGON
06:41.10rdk5last time i set up asterisk was about three years ago, and it was all non-gui, with lovely vim.  It took awhile, but it worked.  I was hoping that in 3 yrs, things had progressed to the point where something like asterisknow was usable to setup a small install in a short time.  I think I was overoptimistic.
06:41.48carrarYou see, it would be this mat that you would put on the floor and it would have different conclusions written on it that you could jump to.
06:41.53dan__t[pid  5436] stat("/usr/share/asterisk/sounds/en/beep.h264", 0x4016f070) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
06:41.54dan__tVery nice.
06:43.07[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: FreePBX CAN be set up in a few odd minutes.  You just seem to have failed to grasp how to set up outbound routes in it
06:44.03[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: And there are dozens of sites out there that could show you hot to do this.
06:44.08rdk5[TK]D-Fender, perhaps, somewhere.  Although the VP module sets up outbound routes, and it did set them up.  They just don't work.
06:44.47carrarCome back once you get it working with the #freepbx guys and lets us know what it was
06:44.50[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: So not only using a GUI to set stuff up, but then a 3rd part module to set up the tool that was made so you don't have to set stuff up yourself...
06:45.03[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: and THEN you wonder "where did it go wrong".
06:45.16rdk5[TK]D-Fender, I was attempting to take my laziness to a new level :)
06:45.27[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: Go take a look at any of the dozen web sites showing how to set that all up
06:45.43[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: Putting the "suck" back into suckcess
06:45.54[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: Get hopping little rabbit
06:46.09carrarThis channel is a such a release
06:46.19dandate2can anyone tell me how do I configure x-lite to work with an inbound and outbound trunk?
06:46.45rdk5[TK]D-Fender, carrar, do you guys feel better now? :)
06:46.54carrardandate2, set it up just like you would a sip phone
06:47.08carrarrdk5, I'm smiling, so yeah
06:47.22carrarMy wife thinks I'm nuts always laughing at the computer
06:47.23dandate2but i have no option but to over write the existing host information for my DID provider with the outbound SIP provider
06:47.40rdk5carrar, great, I am glad that I could improve your evening.  Hopefully I was able to do the same for [TK]D-Fender.
06:47.45carrarxlite only allows 1 SIP Peer
06:47.49carrarunless you pay
06:47.53[TK]D-Fenderrdk5: No.  I have no particular sense of fulfillment from this.  Go read the dozens of guides.  You should already have your answer
06:48.00*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
06:48.06carrarupgrade to BRIA
06:48.12dandate2ok i'm going to look into paying
06:48.14carrarworth it
06:48.22[TK]D-Fendercarrar: Wrong question
06:48.27dandate2will i beable to get things like customer information, so if a customers calling i can know before hand
06:48.30dandate2or my rep
06:48.47carrarwhat was the question again
06:48.59[TK]D-Fendercarrar: You should be asking "Why the #&^$% are you setting up a softphone DIRECT to an ITSP.  You're in friggen ASTERISK... * should be doing that job for you"
06:49.07dandate2will the program transmit and store customer data so if someones a customer and calling the sales line the sales person knows before hand
06:49.09[TK]D-Fendercarrar: BIG PRINT
06:49.36carrardandate2, Why the #&^$% are you setting up a softphone DIRECT to an ITSP.  You're n friggen ASTERISK... * should be doing that job for you!!!!!!!!!!!
06:49.47rdk5[TK]D-Fender, do you really think I didn't do any googling before I asked a question in here?  I followed the installation guide to a T, twice.  Then spent some time googling my error messages...  But thanks for taking a look.
06:49.56dandate2i'm a little confused there, i'm using for my outbound SIP and for my inbound
06:50.15carrardandate2, upgrade to Bria
06:50.31carrarthen you can have more then 1 provider
06:50.36dandate2i see
06:50.47carrarbut yeah, setup your own asterisk box
06:50.56dandate2do you know if that will have other cool features like notifying my rep of customer data before they pick up?
06:50.57carrarthen just register to it and let it connect to all your providers
06:51.08carrarit's does a bunch of stuff
06:51.10dandate2now i am very confused by that carrar
06:51.12carrarread their page
06:51.27dandate2are you saying i can go without rapidvox for my outbound SIP and just let my * box handle it?
06:51.33dandate2fender was saying that but i am way confused
06:51.46*** join/#asterisk danielrm26 (n=daniel@
06:51.53carrarYou have how many SIP Providers dandate2?
06:52.03dandate2right one DID and out outbound
06:52.13danielrm26Can you guys help with AsteriskNOW, or just Asterisk proper?
06:52.20carrarone DID?
06:52.26carrarsame provider?
06:52.31dandate2no different providers
06:52.36[TK]D-Fenderdanielrm26: GUI's are not supported here
06:52.39carrarthats nutty
06:52.39dandate2rapidvox for outbound and didforsale for inbound
06:52.50[TK]D-Fendercarrar: far from
06:53.16carrarLNP/Port your number over to a SIP provider that can offer both in and out with your DID
06:53.17danielrm26[TK]D-Fender: Cool, thanks.
06:53.18dandate2fender are you saying i can do without rapid vox and somehow configure my PBX to do it?
06:53.39[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: You setup * to register to your 2 ITSP's, take calls in and process from either, and accept calls from your softphone and send them out whatever resource is approriate.
06:53.52[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Your softphone does NOT talk to your providers directly <-
06:54.02dandate2i see
06:54.27dandate2but to have x-lite work both inbound and outbound over my 2 SIP trunks i'll need to upgrade no
06:54.36[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: NO
06:54.48[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Your softphone doesn't know SHIT about your providers
06:55.06carrar(no if you use asterisk)
06:55.14dandate2well i'm using asterisk
06:55.18[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: when you dial a # * processes it and does what YOU tell it to
06:55.32[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: For inbound, ASTERISK answers the call and does what you tell it to.
06:55.34dandate2haha but i am such a noob at tellign it what to do, i mean i'm finally walking
06:55.54carrarYou can run
06:55.57[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Go set up your SIP peers & registrations, and start coding your dialplan.  Go read the book
06:56.00jbotfrom memory, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
06:56.06[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: No shortcuts here.
06:56.26[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Chapter 5.  master it
06:56.49[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: The dialplan is THE most important part of *.
06:57.27drmessanoHe's jumping back and forth between here and #freepbx
06:58.00[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: WHEE!
06:58.07jbotsomebody said wglwat was well, good luck with all that
07:01.46drmessanoIf he listened, he would know he cant follow whats in Chapter 5
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07:06.57dandate2err i had a hard timne understanding how chapter 5 can help me eliminate these issues..
07:07.09drmessanoOf course you did
07:07.10dandate2it just reminded me of the extensions option in the freepbx gui
07:09.03[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: Yes and what little you think you saw means nothing.  You cannot compare call control when you di it yourself VS that of a GUI
07:09.03dan__tchannel.c:3160 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to slin
07:09.12dan__tThat's it.  I had allowed=g729 in my sip.conf
07:09.20dan__tDon't want to be using that one anyway, huh.
07:09.58dandate2i'm setting my on hold music in *, is it possible to have it play multiple mp3 files or do they all have to be tied into one?
07:10.55[TK]D-FenderdanGuess what? X-lite doesn't SUPPORT G.729, and neither does * till you pay for the codec licenses for it
07:11.14dandate2yeah but thats no laymans manual, i need to have hands on examples of what they are good for, i cannot comprehend the value of something looking at the formula alone
07:11.23[TK]D-Fenderdandate2: And Yes * play froma  folder full of sound files
07:11.34dan__t[TK]D-Fender, guess what?  It shouldn't have been used as an example?
07:11.45dandate2what is g729?
07:11.53dandate2?? g729
07:11.57[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: bad autocomplete
07:12.19dan__tYes, again, it didn't play from where it was *expected* to.
07:12.26[TK]D-Fenderdan__t: But quite possibly applicable in full... for all I know
07:12.31dandate2geez how do i know if i'm using g729?
07:12.39dan__tYou don't specify it, then you won't miss it.
07:12.54[TK]D-FenderBedtime... enough with the crazies here....
07:12.55dan__tLearn from my 3 hour mistake.
07:12.59dan__tLater, thanks for the help.
07:13.10dan__twhatever, back to hacking.
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07:21.57dandate2whats the standard dial pattern ?
07:22.16carrar10 digit dialing?
07:22.32*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (
07:22.38carrarthere are LOTS of patterns
07:22.45SwKin regex
07:22.47dandate2right 1 area code
07:23.15carrarlike 011
07:23.32SwKor [2-9]\d{2}[2-9]\d{6} or  [2-9]\d{6}
07:23.47SwKor 011\d+
07:24.01carrar911 etc..
07:24.04carrarso many
07:24.11SwKnot really
07:24.14dandate2is 1NXXNXXXXXX
07:24.14dandate2NXXNXXXXXX appropriate?
07:24.26carrarmost common yes
07:25.02SwKdandate2, see for a definitive guide
07:27.13dandate2i'm getting a different error now when trying to clal out, its telling me all circuits are busy
07:27.26carrartry again later then :)
07:28.26carrarcould be your SIP peer is not setup correctly
07:29.19dandate2sweet i got it owrking
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07:32.16dandate2ok my last step, configuring ATA device and plugging in plantronics amplifier with analog phone
07:41.05dandate2could using massive wav files 15 minutes long cause sound problems?
07:42.55dandate2is it better to use mp3?
07:48.17Gopher_77dandate2: a 15 minute long .wav file could cause storage problems
07:48.48Gopher_77dandate2: well, I suppose that depends on how much space you have on your drive
07:49.39drmessanoHow is a wav file gonna cause storage problems?
07:50.26drmessanoIts one thing to say it's a larger file, but saying it like it's somehow going to set off a problematic reaction is just.. nonsensical
07:50.37drmessanoIts going to be a big file.  Period.
07:51.19carrar1,024,000,000 bitrate
07:51.30Gopher_77drmessano: Yes, running out of space would the the "storage problem", sorry
07:51.46drmessanoIts either going to fit on the drive or its not
07:52.05drmessanoand I am sure ONE WAV file isn't gonna bust a drive, unless this is 1991
07:52.28drmessano15min WAV at a sampling rate even usable by Asterisk will be under 100MB
07:53.14Gopher_77mp3 though is a patented format and would probably be decoded by a for-pay decoder
07:53.15drmessanoIf thats gonna create a storage problem, I would suggest "panic"
07:53.21Gopher_77better to find a free format
07:53.40drmessanoThat has nothing to do with it
07:53.41carraruse format from asterisk-addons for mp3
07:53.53drmessanoThe issue would be CPU usage
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07:54.30Gopher_77ogg is comparable to mp3
07:54.37drmessanoYou almost forgot "It a file format that has a W in it", since you've hit all the nonusable arguments
07:54.44Gopher_77drmessano: yes, you just wanted to ramble on about the same thing
07:54.49drmessanoYes, and still requires CPU overhead
07:54.58drmessanoNo, my comments actually make sense
07:54.58Gopher_77drmessano: yes
07:55.30Gopher_77drmessano: are you normally this ignorant?
07:55.44drmessanoDo you normally make such stupid arguments?
07:56.00drmessanoLike having "storage problems"
07:56.01Gopher_77drmessano: seems like you're the only one arguing here
07:56.01carrarGopher_77, your statement was clearly wrong about mp3 with regards to asterisk
07:56.18Gopher_77carrar: wrong how?
07:56.25drmessanoI think there's a new post on Digg, Gopher_77.. Your people are calling
07:56.28carrar<Gopher_77> mp3 though is a patented format and would probably be decoded by a for-pay decoder
07:56.40Gopher_77carrar: is it not?
07:56.53carrarno need for a comerical decode when using mp3's with asterisk
07:57.11drmessanonot ENcoder
07:57.22Gopher_77carrar: oh, asterisk decodes it itself then?
07:57.25carrarthe subject was playing a file
07:57.31drmessanoI would suggest googling for "Decoding MP3" and "ignorance"
07:57.53Gopher_77yeah, how about drmessano and ignorance
07:57.58Gopher_77I'm trying to learn here
07:58.03drmessanocarrar: I thought it was using a RAID for a WAV file
07:58.13carrarCheck out format in the asterisk-addons
08:00.12drmessanodrmessano and ignorance is up to 89 hits on Google
08:00.21drmessanoWhen I get to 100, I get my Blue Star
08:00.36Gopher_77at least 90 now
08:00.43carrarIf you have the choice use whatever format your call is in
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08:01.04carrarless overehad on *
08:01.19carraror just use WAV
08:01.23carrarsounds better
08:01.31drmessano"storage problems" dude
08:01.36carraroh yeah
08:01.46carrarfor those RLL 40 meg drives
08:01.53drmessanoCopy a WAV over.. RAID failure, I guess
08:02.18Gopher_77mostly a waste of space normally
08:02.29drmessanoNot for the tradeoff
08:02.41drmessanoWAV is a much better sounding format, and less CPU to play it
08:02.44drmessanoStorage is cheap
08:02.48Gopher_77unless you're really that concerned about CPU
08:02.50dandate2why is it files that i upload to music on hold will not show up?
08:03.23drmessanoGet 5 or 6 callers on hold in a queue and lets talk about CPU
08:03.24Gopher_77hey, maybe he has a 486 with a 40MB hard disk
08:03.27drmessanoMP3 is horrible
08:03.33drmessanoOGG isn't much better
08:03.40Gopher_77they're about the same
08:03.53drmessanoDepends on the decoder and application
08:03.54dandate2wait messano i am going to have 5-6 callers on hold in a queue, in that case should i just use mp3?
08:04.07Gopher_77of course what bitrate do you use, and do you hear it over a phone line?
08:04.09drmessanoWAV <-- CAN U SPEAK ENGLIS?
08:04.21drmessanoWAV = LESS CPU
08:04.25dandate2oh ok
08:04.26drmessanoMP3 = MORE CPU
08:04.32dandate2i see
08:04.37drmessanoFucking read when you ask questions and people answer them
08:04.49dandate2yes sir
08:04.55drmessanoDont patronize me
08:05.07Gopher_77I suppose if you have several people on, and you're constantly playing the music, yes, drmessano has a good point
08:05.43dandate2so in the on hold messaging tab i created a music category called beethoven, i tried to upload 3 wav files of his symphony but they won't show up. howevewr in the default category there shows 3 files that came with *
08:06.18drmessanoThats a FreePBX question and has nothing to do with Asterisk
08:06.35M-33hello, how can i enable three-way calling and how to activate it over the softphone?
08:06.42carrardandate2, wrong channel
08:07.05drmessanoand so he pastes in there
08:07.07carrarcome back when you install Asterisk from Source
08:07.31carrartime to put him on ignore
08:08.44carrarM-33, read the manual on the phone
08:09.20M-33carrar, so you mean its already enabled by default on asterisk?
08:09.29M-33cool thanks
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08:55.22DelphiWorldhi my friends
08:55.34DelphiWorldplease any asterisk developers conference to check it Out ?
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08:57.33DelphiWorldbrian: hi
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09:02.57DelphiWorldmy friends: i'm blind. please anyone here have the pocibility to start with me about asterisk ?
09:04.04khronosYou'll need acces to a linux machine.
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09:20.09HeManHi! I can't get Background to work in a macro
09:21.05HeManI've tried Background(demo-instruct|macro-mymacro)
09:21.33HeManand an exten => i,1,SayDigits(1)
09:22.08HeManand exten => 1,1,SayDigits(1)
09:23.50HeManI've also tried Background(demo-instruct|mymacro)
09:24.17HeManI get "Invalid extension '1', but no rule 'i' in context 'mycontext'"
09:25.27HeManAh, found it!
09:26.12HeManshould be Background(demo-instruct|||macro-mymacro)
09:26.39HeManthe context must be the 4:th argument
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10:10.34beniwtvHi all... Is it possible to change the SQL queries for the asterisk mysql realtime driver? (I don't want to write data to my MySQL slaves) If not, is there a way to tell Asterisk to use an internal DB to store IP addresses and ports?
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10:25.05dan__term, I haven't read anything on that.  Are you simply trying to get data to go to one or more MySQL servers?
10:25.07dan__ter, two or more.
10:28.07beniwtvdan_t: When a SIP user authenticates via realtime to *, it updates the DB with the IP address, port and regseconds. However, the DB I'm using is a slave server, so it can't use UPDATE queries.
10:28.45dan__tAh hah.  Sorry, still new to *, especially realtime.
10:29.42dan__tWith similar projects housing similar information in a similar situation, I've had success with using multi-master replication.  I don't know if that might help you in this particular situation, but hey, who knows...
10:29.56dan__tThat almost rhymes.  I'm ill, I need to go to sleep :(
10:31.25beniwtvdan__t: Yeah, however, this replication setup we hav is years old, so I don't want to touch it, if possible.
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10:33.00dandate2w00t i have configured MOH for free-pbx!! i am a real nerd now
10:33.12beniwtvdan__t: I found an option, rtupdate=yes ("Send registry updates to database using realtime? (yes|no) If set to yes, when a SIP UA registers successfully, the ip address, the origination port, the registration period, and the username of the UA will be set to database via realtime. ")
10:33.15beniwtvCould that be it?
10:33.43beniwtvHowever, I'm not sure if then * stores the IP in an internal DB or something
10:34.53dan__tThat I cannot answer, I'm sorry.
10:34.55dan__tGive me a week :)
10:35.05dan__tI need to get a little nap in here, good luck.
10:35.52beniwtvdan__t: Don't worry :)
10:37.16JerJerbeniwtv:   do a master-master replication
10:38.00*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
10:38.49beniwtvJerJer: As already said, that's sadly not an option.
10:40.20JerJergood luck then
10:40.38beniwtvNow, I've tried a call via a SIP phone with rtupdate=no, and it seemed to work fine. But I'd still like to know what implications turning off this function brings. Would * still be able to find the soft phone if called? What about NAT?
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10:45.03dec_Can anyone help diagnose why our licensed (from digium) g729 codec 'just stopped working' after a server reboot?
10:45.42beniwtvdec__: Anything in the logs?
10:46.33dec_the actual error we're getting is "channel.c: Unable to find a codec translation path from g729 to gsm", but I get a "codec_g729a.c: Failed to initialize G.729 copy protection!" when asterisk loads the codec module
10:47.38dec_absolutely nothing has changed on this system (yes, I'm sure)
10:47.53beniwtvdec_: Hmm... that seems to be a problem with your license. Did you change your Ethernet NIC's, MAC addresses or something?
10:47.55dec_the codec module is still there, the license is still in /var/lib/asterisk/licenses/
10:48.06dec_nope, same NICs with same MAC
10:48.51beniwtvDid you do any system update?
10:49.07decNone at all.
10:49.30dec(I checked the logs :))
10:50.09beniwtvMaybe you should contact Digium in that case, they may be able to help you
10:50.27decOK, that was my next hoep
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11:03.18decEmail sent to digium support, hopefully they are prompt...
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11:06.14ruben23hi have error compiling zaptel
11:08.00ruben23anyone have idea on this
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11:25.10Faustovhello, what would be the recommended way to restrict certain calls at given hours? Does it have to be scripted with conditionals?
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11:28.07Faustovi guess it can be easily done with cron and shell scripting swapping extensions.conf, however i have a feeling there must be a nicer way...
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11:31.50JerJerFaustov:   GotoIfTime  ?
11:33.55yang~GotoIfTime is at
11:33.56jbotokay, yang
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11:38.37Faustovseems exactly what i needed, i wonder why i couldn't google it out
11:38.44Faustovthanks JerJer
11:39.00JerJerno problemo
11:39.01Faustovfunny with the easter predictions :>
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12:16.05mandhHi , can i make  different ring tone on the IP phnes  for each group on incomming calls from external telphone lines
12:17.07JerJerdepends on the ip phone
12:17.36mandhwhat that fetures named ?
12:20.22anonymouz666distinctive ring?
12:21.29anonymouz666if your phone does not support it, you can play an announcement when someone pickup the phone, but I agree that distinctive ring is better.
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12:22.34mandhanonymouz666, so i must first see that the phone support the distinctive
12:22.47mandhit is Thomson st2030
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12:47.37ScriptFanixdid anone have a catchall (eg. for invalid numbers) working with a queue ?
12:49.15ScriptFanixI got a queue which rings 3 extensions, and if I use some kind of catchall extension (at the end of the dialplan), the queue sends me to the catchall extension
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12:54.41IsUpanyone knows how can i create .h263 files for vm prompts?
12:55.01ScriptFanix(dialplan looks like this:
12:57.13ScriptFanix(queue members are defined as Local/100@appel-sortant, Local/101@appel-sortant, Local/102@appel-sortant)
12:58.22ScriptFanixIsUp: using the Record() function in your dialplan ?
13:02.57IsUpScriptFanix: record already works, but i want to create custom prompts. i have video files and want to convert them to h263
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13:18.52tokozedghi all, everyone knows online player to play asterisk records(gsm ) files ?
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13:28.32eppigyi am dave
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13:44.08mark_csihi all, anyone know how to apply a digium patch to an existing asterisk server?
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13:53.12[TK]D-Fendermark_csi: like?
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14:08.28tzafrir_laptopPostgreSQL seems to have all the right connections in Australia: ;-)
14:10.35yangHeh, I discovered one VOIP uplink which produces an error - Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389)
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14:18.59Kobazman, i kepe breaking asterisk
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14:21.02mark_csi[TK]D-Fender: I've found a specific patch that sorts out a problem I have, I've downloaded the file but don't know what to do with it.
14:23.20[TK]D-Fendermark_csi: Some details would be nice...
14:24.04*** part/#asterisk Aurs (
14:25.15Kobazhow do i reopen as asterisk bug on the tracker
14:25.22Kobazi dont see any way to add a comment or reopen a bug
14:25.29Kobazor should i just submit a new one?
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14:29.14Kobazit's very similar (if not a regression) of this bug:
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14:31.45mark_csi[TK]D-Fender: sorry, this is the bug relating to my issue:
14:34.17[TK]D-Fendermark_csi: this was fixed a good while ago.  Just upgrade
14:34.40Kobazdo de do
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14:35.25tzafrir_laptopmark_csi, what version of Zaptel do you have?
14:35.37Kobazi guess i'll just submit a new bug?
14:36.14tzafrir_laptopKobaz, what issue?
14:36.16[TK]D-FenderKobaz: What version are you running?
14:36.23tzafrir_laptopah, ok
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14:39.48Kobazit's probably similar to the agi crash i discovered last night
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14:44.39Kobazit's actually two problems
14:44.57Kobaz== Parked SIP/5506-081de6f0 on 1@parkedcalls. Will timeout back to extension [basic] s, 1 in 10 seconds
14:45.23Kobazthe timeout extension is wrong
14:50.12mark_csi[TK]D-Fender: I'm running
14:51.02mark_csitzafrir_laptop: I'm running dahdi, just trying to get version now.
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14:51.20Kobazi have a feeling park just wasn't meant to be used this way
14:51.25Kobazbut it shouldn't crash nonetheless
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14:51.53tzafrir_laptopmark_csi, this has been fixed before dahdi got released
14:53.37mark_csitzafrir_laptop: pants, just can't get round this 'CALLERID timed out' error, just hangs the calls up
14:54.17Kobazack, found another crash
14:54.18mark_csitzafrir_laptop: I've spoken to digium about it but they've no idea, also replaced the analogue card.
14:54.27Kobazthis one looks like memory corruption
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14:55.05Kobazwell, you guys are busy, so i'll just submit new bug reports... i don't see any way at all to reopen an old bug
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14:56.20stintelmoin all
14:56.23stintelquick question
14:56.33stintel-- Channel 0/1, span 1 got hangup request, cause 50
14:56.45eppigyISDN CAUSE CODES
14:56.46stintelwhere would one find the explanation for that cause 50 ?
14:56.49ricko73moin moin to you too
14:56.51stinteleppigy: thx
14:56.58stinteleppigy: no need to shout :P
14:57.06eppigyi type in all caps all day
14:57.09eppigyCRUISE CONTROL
14:57.48ricko73eppigy that would be fine if you talked in acronyms
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15:00.13Kobazallrightey, new bug
15:01.51stintelso another question ... anybody any idea why I get isdn cause code 50 when dialing a number that actually is subscribed? dialing other numbers with same format works fine, and dialing that number that gives cause 50 on a "normal" phone works fine too
15:02.35stintelmixing up parts of sentences again it seems
15:04.03*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:06.50*** join/#asterisk jameswf (n=james@unaffiliated/jameswf-home)
15:07.51jameswf~weather KPHX
15:08.15jameswfjust wanted to brag a little :)
15:09.07jameswfhigh today of like 74 ...
15:11.06Kobazman that's way too hot
15:11.21Kobazit's supposed to be a scorcher today at 15F
15:11.32ricko73jameswf: stfu
15:11.48ricko73High of 11F and dropping
15:12.04jameswfMN suppose to be high -3 today
15:12.28Kobaz~weather KALB
15:12.53Kobaz27?.. hmm
15:12.56*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
15:13.04Kobazmy weather dockapp must have old data, it says 12F with a high of 15
15:13.09jameswf-2.8 + 30mph winds = -12?
15:14.04Kobaz~weather KSCH
15:14.30*** join/#asterisk moy (
15:14.34Kobazoh okay, that is right... wow it's 10 degrees warmer 30 min south
15:15.07ricko73~weather KSBM
15:15.39ricko73at least it's sunny ;)
15:15.56anonymouz666good luck for you guys it's more than +30 C here.
15:16.04stintel~weather EBBR
15:16.22Kobazthe coldest town in all of new york
15:16.31Kobaz~weather KSLK
15:16.45Kobazis warmer? that makes no sense
15:17.28Kobazoh well
15:17.32Kobazback to breaking asterisk
15:17.39NoxIn-~weather LFMN
15:22.03*** join/#asterisk lclimber (
15:23.05lclimberhello everyone, i have a question, is there a way to connect a movil device (cell phone) to an asterisk server?
15:25.05Kobazgsm gateway
15:28.24NovceGurujameswf: where you at in phx?
15:30.50*** join/#asterisk monstro (
15:30.55monstroHi folks,
15:31.07monstroIm don't can run asterisk!
15:31.21monstroit display the message: "Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)"
15:31.32[TK]D-Fendermonstro: How did you start it?
15:31.35NovceGuruI would like to spend more time in phoenix atm, esp with this weather
15:31.57monstro[TK]D-Fender, with command: asterisk -r -x reload
15:32.08monstroIm need reload it
15:32.24[TK]D-Fendermonstro: that doesn't START *.  That tries to connect to a RUNNING * daemon
15:32.40[TK]D-Fendermonstro: how did you START *, and what user are you logged in as trying to connect to it now?
15:32.56NovceGurujameswf: how close are you to 4th st and mcdowell :)
15:33.40*** join/#asterisk Caede (n=caede@
15:35.12*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-757a7d80f3298645)
15:35.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o Deeewayne] by ChanServ
15:35.17*** join/#asterisk Sargun_Screen (n=sargun@
15:35.28Sargun_ScreenAnyone know what's going on with:
15:37.26[TK]D-FenderSargun_Screen: Still in Beta
15:38.13Sargun_Screenhow long in beta
15:38.30ricko73Sargun_Screen: listen to the VUC call from a few weeks ago. Jtodd discussed as much as he could publically
15:38.38coppiceuntil the marketing dept says its ready
15:40.08ricko73I apologize, it was Steve Sokol who was on the call
15:41.00rickrossI installed last night, and curiously it seems to be working the host machine harder than 1.4.x did - is there any easy way yo discover why * is increasing the load average on the host system?
15:41.03*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chendy@
15:41.36CaedeProbably a stupid question... why does the accountcode field in the CDR module always get truncated to 20 chars?  Is there a way to adjust this?  I can find a constant anywhere.
15:43.28codefreeze-lapCaede: The field lengths are set in include/asterisk/cdr.h; I think that would be your bottleneck. The DB tables need also to be defined to hold longer strings.
15:44.04CaedeYeah, DB table was already updated.  I'll check there -- thanks.  Always the most obvious place.
15:45.19CaedeAwesome.  Lifesaving, thanks.
15:46.05*** join/#asterisk andy-x_l (i=425c01d1@gateway/web/ajax/
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15:47.37jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
15:51.06*** join/#asterisk sasargen (
15:53.10*** join/#asterisk rgsteele||work (n=rgsteele@
15:54.05rgsteele||workI'm migrating to a setup where I have a static endpoint, and have traditionally always had dynamic endpoints.  Do I still need a 'register => ...' line in my sip.conf?  Or is there another way to just specify the IP of the gatekeeper on the other end?
15:59.11*** join/#asterisk Avelino (
16:00.19*** join/#asterisk putnopvut (n=putnopvu@nat/digium/x-a970440124c1c189)
16:00.19*** mode/#asterisk [+o putnopvut] by ChanServ
16:00.37[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: You do not need to register if you can tell your provider a fixed IP / host.
16:01.26rgsteele||workYeah, but I need to specify the endpoint on the telco side somehow in sip.conf, right?
16:02.03rgsteele||workI guess I'm not sure what needs to change in the sip.conf, other than the register line being unnecessary.
16:05.04[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: huh?
16:05.27[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: Registering is to tell THEM where we are.  If they already know, then you don't need a register line
16:05.40[TK]D-Fenderrgsteele||work: You still need a peer entry to auth calls in & out like normal.
16:07.03rgsteele||workAh, okay.  That answers my question.  Nothing else is really needed then except a peer definition of the SIP peer.
16:07.32*** join/#asterisk Sargun (n=Sargun@
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16:11.41*** join/#asterisk bmoraca (n=bmoraca@
16:12.32putnopvutwhat prompted jbot to say that?
16:12.52bmoracawhen using a T1 PRI, is it possible to number the B channels from 0 to 22 instead of 1 to 23?
16:14.30stintelputnopvut: he's developing his own will probably ツ
16:14.34stintelAI ftw :P
16:15.47*** join/#asterisk SQLDarkly (n=dakendri@
16:15.55stencilhello guys, the jbot's ~itsplist-ca has been the same for at last twelve months are there any new good ITSPs in Canada?
16:17.06SQLDarklyHey. I noticed there is a stated issue for Dahdi 2.x not compiling and exitign with error code 2. I have found no work around for this. Has anyone successfully compiled dahdi-linux-complete- or .3?
16:17.13SQLDarklyIf so on what kernel?
16:17.41stencilputnopvut: I private messaged jbot that is what probably triggered that outburst
16:18.25[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Yes
16:18.36[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Sorry, I misread that.  No.
16:18.57[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Zaptel/DAHDI's numbering scheme starts at "1"
16:19.58SQLDarklyFYI my kernel is verions -
16:24.12tzafrir_laptopwhat distro is that?
16:24.22bmoracaso there's no possible way to start it at 0?  that's unfortunate.  Oh well.
16:24.38tzafrir_laptopbmoraca, why do you need it to?
16:25.21tzafrir_laptopSQLDarkly, can you please pastebin the complete error?
16:26.41bmoracamy provider numbers their channels from 0 to 22
16:26.52bmoracai lose a channel if zaptel can't do the same
16:27.21*** join/#asterisk rue_mohr (n=rue@
16:30.36tzafrir_laptopbmoraca, hmm.... those numbers are internal numbering. Why does your provider care if you call that chanel 0, 1, 314 or "first"?
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16:38.53bmoracawell, because it's looking for timing slots starting at a location that zaptel aparently cannot use
16:39.04bmoracaas a result, I only get access to channels 1-22 now
16:39.20bmoracafor all intents and purposes, channel 23 doesn't exist on the provider end.
16:40.19*** join/#asterisk Avelino (
16:40.40[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: PASTEBIN your configs and show us the issue
16:41.18[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Your provider has no clue how Zaptel/DAHDI numbers its channels for internal purposes, and this does not matter.
16:41.37*** join/#asterisk jmacz (n=jmacz@
16:43.10*** join/#asterisk caio1982 (i=caio1982@CAcert-br/caio1982)
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16:44.14bmoracaall's zaptel.conf and zapata.conf: .  The config works, except that I do not get channel 23.
16:45.54[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Show us your attempt to access channel 23
16:46.07[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: A failed call with PRI debug
16:47.37rue_mohrif I want the phone to boot at a descent speed I'll need to delete the sip.ld wont I? aka, remove after update
16:48.12[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: No, phones should not touch firmware its already updated to.
16:49.47rue_mohrmaybe its my imagination but it sure seems to take a while to boot, longer than before... hmm not sure
16:49.49[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Polycom take about 2 mins to boot
16:50.06[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: You have upgraded your firmware.  Bigger to load
16:50.24rue_mohr[TK]D-Fender, told me to. :)
16:50.41[TK]D-Fenderrue_mohr: Yes... and your point is? :p
16:50.44rue_mohrnext checklist, I'm almost through 2 documents
16:55.04*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
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16:56.50bmoracahere's pri debug with a failed call on channel 23: .  If I change it to channel 22, it works no problem.
17:00.34[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: PB "zap show status" "zap show channels"
17:02.28bmoracashow status and show channels:
17:02.45SQLDarklyOK FYI for those that have the same error. It is a semantic change in the kernel for skb_linearize(). Maybe the C can be modified by looking at old vs new. I will check and see whats up and let you all know.
17:03.29*** part/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
17:05.06Carlos_PHXAnyone know if it's possible to use bindaddr= in a specific SIP account instead of general?  I'm trying to differentiate calls coming from a single IP.
17:06.52QwellSQLDarkly: SUSE 10?
17:08.50russellbCarlos_PHX: you can't ... guess you'd have to do it with iptables
17:14.01*** join/#asterisk ttyS1 (
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17:15.16Kattyyou know that point where you've had too much caffeine, and no matter how much caffeine you drink you still have that headache
17:15.20Kattythat /caffeine/ headache
17:15.23shounen_yukihihi ^^ new to asterisk and I just purchased a TE122 B, i would like to ask if this configuration is possible, it is not a normal config
17:15.44ttyS1hello, I just installed freepbx. everything is working fine. I'm tryng to use this box to forward calls from ine carrier to another. this works but the incoming call's caleer id  is not being forwarded to the outgoing carrier. instead the extension number replaces the original caller id and is then sent out to the outgoing carrier. is there anything I should configure to enable forwarding of the original caller id ?
17:15.48Kattywhich, i guess, might be a dehydration headache ^_-
17:16.03*** join/#asterisk heison (
17:16.12jbot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
17:16.13ricko73see #freepbx
17:17.03shounen_yukiI want to connect a dialer diallogic t1 span card to the digium card and have the digium card emulate the telco, so that when the dailogic card dials out it is routed to a soft phone
17:17.56shounen_yukifor the heck of it I tired plugging in the one of the ports on the dialer to the digium card and the D channel showed active so I do have PHY
17:18.30shounen_yukiI did a lengthy almost 6 hour search on the forums on this and came up short
17:18.59[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Do the call again and include a channel dump
17:19.08Kattyhi fender
17:19.27[TK]D-Fendershounen_yuki: Sure, its can act as net or cpe
17:19.34[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
17:19.48bmoracachannel dump?
17:20.13shounen_yukiok so if i show it up as active with the d channel up is all i need to set is a pattern to ring to an extension
17:20.14[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Show us the SIP debug of the calls.
17:20.25[TK]D-Fendershounen_yuki: or do "whatever"
17:20.40[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: "core show channels concise"
17:20.51[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: This is interesting because it didn't even TRY the channel...
17:20.55shounen_yukiwhatever ?
17:21.49[TK]D-Fendershounen_yuki: * can process the call any way you set it up to
17:22.12[TK]D-Fendershounen_yuki: implying "ring an extension" is restrictive
17:22.21heisonanyone here using
17:22.33shounen_yukiring in extension is exactly what i need it to do
17:23.20shounen_yukiis the pattern just the 10 digit +1 number of what the dilaer is trying to dial out
17:25.12[TK]D-Fendershounen_yuki: Well you can do whatever you want with the call once it comes in.
17:25.20[TK]D-Fendershounen_yuki: To * every call is jsut another call.
17:25.28*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
17:25.59shounen_yukican i see a real time status on incoming calls under active channels or so forth ?
17:26.05CrashSysAnyone ran into an issue where when you have an agent log in with AgentCallBack it causes the queue to use all CPU when trying to ring that channel?
17:26.39CrashSysI actually have to go in and issue a hang-up on that channel to get it to free up
17:26.50CrashSysThis is in
17:27.29shounen_yukialso my 2nd issue is that when i plug the pri span into the telco and get a d channel and use the propper dialing rule to call out on I get no call rout, the ip phone can call other ip phones in the netowrk
17:28.57bmoraca[TK]D-Fender:  when I make a call on channel 23, I do not get anything in show channels concise...the channel doesn't exist long enough for me to be able to do anything
17:29.11[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: No, do it jsut prior
17:29.44bmoracastill comes up blank
17:30.02bmoracahere's what initially turned me on to the issue: .  channels resetting start at 1 and end at 22.
17:30.19[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Ok, makes no sense... * isn't even trying to touch the channel, and you say there is nothing possibly reserving it off...
17:30.37CrashSyssounds like a zapata/zaptel issue
17:30.38[TK]D-Fenderbmoraca: Checked with your telco on this?
17:30.53CrashSysis channel 23 defined as a B-channel?
17:31.06shounen_yukiok i am going to plug our pbx into it and see if i can call into the box ^^ thx then i will do the dialer after hours, have a good one and thx
17:31.07bmoracathe only thing from my telco that I have is that the B-channels are to be numbered from 0 to 22
17:31.18*** part/#asterisk Faustov (i=fst@gentoo/user/faustov)
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17:32.01bmoracait's weird.  channel 23 gives me congestion
17:32.08bmoracaand that's all
17:32.24*** part/#asterisk shounen_yuki (n=chatzill@
17:33.28*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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17:35.24CrashSysand you can place a dial through zap channel 0?
17:36.12[TK]D-FenderCrashSys: *'s numbering doesn't factor in like that
17:37.10bmoracayeah...if I modify zaptel.conf and zapata.conf to use 0-22, it does not fun things :P
17:37.35Deeewaynebmoraca: enable pri intense debug and see if you are getting a RESTART from the network
17:37.37CrashSysbmoraca: so you have b-chan => 1-23 in zap?
17:37.57CrashSysis this in mexico?
17:38.08CrashSysOhh, ok...
17:38.29*** join/#asterisk id10t_help_ (n=chatzill@
17:39.39CrashSyskind of weird for a PRI to start with channel 0
17:40.43bmoracamaybe i should check with digium...maybe they've got a patch for this or something
17:41.12bmoracain the meantime, i'll check with the telco and see if they can modify it to use channels 1-23 instead.  that should be within their ability
17:42.22Deeewaynebmoraca: second option is better
17:42.30*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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17:45.01bmoracanot if they're going to charge me a fee to do it
17:45.13carrarThis is Asterisk from source?
17:45.56id10t_help_HI, I have a ABE terminating with Digium TE122B card.  I am getting garbled voice/dropped packets when I try to talk over someone while on an external call.  My consultant isn't handling this fast enough so I am looking for suggestions on where to start looking for the problem?
17:46.51Deeewayneid10t_help_: if you have ABE you should contact Digium Support
17:47.30id10t_help_thought I would get a better/faster answer here.  :)
17:47.40*** part/#asterisk dandre (
17:49.13Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: I think I know where your thought is going...use SIP headers in the dialplan?
17:52.13*** join/#asterisk sivadnz (
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17:57.50Deeewaynebmoraca: AT&T TR 41459, section, note 9 states "For B-channels, the channel number equals the time slot number.  The range of channel numbers supported will be 1-24"
17:59.00carrarHOT TALK
17:59.12DeeewayneI know you are using national switchtype, but I would be surprised to see the supported range differ
18:00.51*** join/#asterisk Firass-z0r (
18:04.14jameswf looks interesting
18:05.49[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: If thats viable, yes.  Could be the exten it targets via To;, etc
18:06.16russellbjameswf: I usually refer to this:
18:11.29*** part/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
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18:15.49flujanping seanbright
18:16.59flujanseanbright: I solved that issue with my ruby agi script.
18:17.28flujanthe problem is that you cannot have STDIN being read inside a ruby module, you need to have it on the script asterisk calls.
18:17.40flujanthis solved the issue I were having. thanks for your time. :)
18:18.18*** part/#asterisk Ericounet (
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18:22.39[TK]D-Fenderkhronos: You don't say!
18:22.57*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (n=IceChat7@
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18:28.50The_Lightsidehi all, having an issue where the E1 spans are going up and down. "got a UA, but im in state 1" where do i look?
18:30.26flujanguys, i am trying to make asterisk dial-out using call files..
18:31.02flujanI read about the failed extension an so forth... I have a dialplan like this failed,1,CDR()
18:31.10flujanand it is not recording on the CDR.
18:31.13flujanany tips?
18:32.31The_Lightsideseems like majority of the irc population are away.... :)
18:33.48manxpowerflujan: where did you read about that failed extension?
18:36.44manxpowerI sort of thought it would be part of the official docs
18:39.20*** join/#asterisk ZX81 (i=ZX81@
18:39.31flujanmanxpower: when i dial-out using call files asterisk do not generate debug info in the cli. I can turn this on? Or even get the CDR result of unaswered calls? I did set the cdr.conf unaswered=yes but no luck
18:40.02*** join/#asterisk oej (
18:41.27manxpowerflujan: use chan_local so everything goes thru the dialplan
18:42.13flujani am using the SIP/11111/44489652 i must use Local/SIP/111111/44489652 to make it work?
18:42.28manxpowerflujan: looks like you need to read localchannel.txty
18:42.32manxpowerand localchannel.txt
18:42.49*** join/#asterisk ZX81_ (n=matt@
18:42.55flujanmanxpower: sorry, never read them will do it now ... thanks for the help manxpower
18:47.03*** join/#asterisk pecanha (n=e@
18:48.44codefreeze-lapflujan: Someone else had problems that way, call files not getting recorded right... look thru the bug 14167 and see if it matches your situation
18:49.12flujancodefreeze-lap: ok thanks for the tip.
18:50.03pecanhahello guys, can anyone recommend few sites with dialplans available?
18:50.54Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: If you have a sec, would you look at this code and see what you think?
18:53.32*** join/#asterisk vgster (
18:53.51flujancodefreeze-lap: yep. it matchs my bug here... i will give a try generating the calls using AMI originate.
18:54.28*** join/#asterisk `paul (n=kutimoy@
18:55.02[TK]D-FenderCarlos_PHX: Now show me a call going through it
18:55.07`paulif i set a variable in originate api funtion how can i access it inside a context?
18:55.40codefreeze-lapflujan: I investigated a similar problem with call files on a different tree, and have a patch, but it may not be the same prob.
18:57.03Carlos_PHX[TK]D-Fender: Can't do it yet, production system.
18:57.05The_Lightsidedoes anybody have any idea as to my problem posted a few mins ago?
18:57.13Carlos_PHXWill have to wait until after 9pm.
18:57.38Carlos_PHXOr until the provider points a number to my test server, whichever comes first.
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19:15.38bmoracaok, now that's just weird.  channel 23 just started working again.
19:17.10*** join/#asterisk Gary (i=gary@freenode/staff/colchester-lug.gary)
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19:29.43flujancodefreeze-lap: i will keep track of this bug...I will report further information.
19:30.01*** join/#asterisk thetrooper7 (
19:30.20codefreeze-lapflujan: good... let's see if we can close it soon.
19:30.37thetrooper7Hello ppl where can i ask about a problem with ASterisk? Am i in the right room?
19:30.54jbotit has been said that ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:30.57Qwellglares at jbot
19:31.19russellbthis is the right room.
19:31.58*** join/#asterisk dec (n=tom@unaffiliated/dec)
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19:32.40thetrooper7~help I setup Up AsteriskWin32, all users register OK but when then is initiated,there is no Voice transfered...
19:32.49thetrooper7i have open the ports...
19:34.02Qwellasteriskwin32 does not exist.
19:34.10QwellAlso, this is not #asteriskwin32
19:35.22thetrooper7i got ot go.. i'll come back tomorrow to ask what i want..
19:35.25thetrooper7thx anyway
19:35.47flujanthis is sick to use asterisk on windows lol
19:35.47thetrooper7i have a bus to catch :)
19:36.03thetrooper7yes but i have no other choice..
19:36.07Qwellthetrooper7: The software you installed does not exist.  You can't get help with it here.
19:36.14thetrooper7night night
19:36.38*** join/#asterisk Ast001 (
19:36.59Qwellsets +r on other asterisk channels as well
19:38.54Ast001hi I have problem with Asterisk 1.4.21. When my operators listen music on hold sound is cut. (with breaks) .Its like moh is trembeling.
19:39.21Ast001and there is no lost packets,download/upload is ok
19:40.13Ast001there is 6 points for packages when they travel form server to operator for 102ms
19:40.37ZX81run mtr between sites
19:40.47ZX81ms is not as important as jitter
19:41.03ZX81and zttest -vvv
19:41.08ZX81aiming for 100%
19:41.28ZX81and is moh coming from files or stream
19:41.38Ast001moh is coming from files
19:42.00ZX81do you get the same on calls or only on moh
19:42.06Ast001only on moh
19:42.22ZX81where are the moh files from?
19:42.34Ast001from server's /var/lib/asterisk/moh
19:42.36ZX81supplied with *
19:43.07ZX81what do you get with zttest -vv?
19:43.13Ast001wait a sec
19:43.46ZX81yeah that's fine
19:43.56ZX81silence suppression disabled on phones?
19:44.02Ast001i use xlite
19:44.12ZX81xlite == phone then :)
19:44.35Ast001gsm codec
19:44.39ZX81think it's called conserve bandwidth
19:44.44ZX81loading eyebeam
19:44.59Ast001Use auto gain control ?
19:45.12Ast001noise reduction ? acustic echo cancellation ?
19:45.21ZX81options -> advanced -> Network -> Preserve bandwidth during silence periods
19:45.29ZX81should be disabled
19:45.45Ast001i Disabled it
19:45.53Ast001Preserve bandwith duriing silence periods
19:45.55ZX81was disabled before or you disabled it now?
19:45.56Ast001is disabled
19:46.05Ast001it was disabled
19:46.15Ast001I tried to enable it and got same problem
19:46.22ZX81and you can reproduce the problem with the soft phone you are using?
19:46.31*** join/#asterisk RoyK (
19:46.37Ast001problem is still here
19:46.46Ast001I think it might be conected with jiter bufer
19:46.46ZX81inside /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf there is an option internaltiming
19:47.11ZX81under [options]
19:47.15ZX81what is this set to?
19:47.34Ast001to yes
19:47.38Ast001but it is commented
19:48.05ZX81ok so, a couple of things, try disable jitterbuffer
19:48.05RoyKhi. I've heard some telco companies in the US are charging for non-answered calls, as in starting charging from the ring indicator. Is it true they are doing this? legally?
19:48.05Ast001should I uncoment it ?
19:48.15*** join/#asterisk MindTheGap (n=MindTheG@
19:48.23ZX81Ast001 yeah
19:48.33ZX81you'll probably need to restart asterisk
19:48.40ZX81make sure [options] is uncommented too
19:48.40Ast001and to disable jiterbuffer in sip.conf ?
19:48.46ZX81one thing at a time
19:48.56ZX81but if this doesn't work, change it back and then try jb
19:49.09Ast001ok I'll do it
19:49.44RoyKAst001: I know a little about the jb, but didn't get the problem - may you repeat it, please?
19:49.54ZX81call breakup in moh
19:50.06ZX81silence suppression disabled in soft phone
19:50.07RoyKhow can that be related to the jb?
19:50.16Ast001My operators working on xlite sip phone are experiancing bad moh quality
19:50.16ZX81100ms ping between sites
19:50.22Ast001cut voice trablming voice
19:50.24RoyKthe jb is rtp only, shouldn't matter
19:50.31Ast001only on moh
19:50.37Ast001when they talk it is ok
19:50.41RoyKwithout a jb, the audio will suck bug time
19:50.44*** join/#asterisk mchou (n=mchou@unaffiliated/mchou)
19:50.49ZX81:D bug time
19:50.52Ast001it looks better now
19:50.59ZX81type bug more than big :D
19:51.00Ast001when I enabled options
19:51.02RoyKAst001: try disabling rtptimeout if it's set
19:51.03pecanhaguys, how can I put an mp3 file to be played by asterisk? I mean, I know how can I play a file, I just want to use mp3.
19:51.29RoyKAst001: also, after how long is the call disconnected?
19:51.30Qwellpecanha: asterisk-addons has format_mp3, but I would suggest converting them to wav.
19:51.31Ast001it looks much better now
19:51.59Ast001it sounds great now
19:52.09mvanbaakif you want a compressed one use ogg
19:52.16ZX81no probs man
19:52.16RoyKthe original jb code submitted to 1.2 didn't have that problem :P
19:52.26Ast001is ZX81 from ZX81 processor ?
19:52.36ZX81:D yah
19:52.43RoyKAst001: he's still running that with asterisk :D
19:52.48ZX81heh yeah
19:52.51pecanhaQwell: wav works by default?
19:52.53RoyKZX81: long time
19:52.55ZX81.00025 channels
19:52.58Ast001I used ZX Spectrum long time ago :) Ser Clive Sinclair rules
19:53.16pecanhaI mean, just put the wav on folder sounds?
19:53.17ZX81RoyK: I know - I tend to only come online when I'm fixing bugs
19:53.44RoyKZX81: I tend to go into #asterisk if I need to ask some telecom questions - not so often these days
19:53.55mvanbaakpecanha: yeah, wav works by default
19:55.01RoyKAst001: what did you do? swich to wav or disable the jb?
19:55.13Ast001I just did what ZX81 told me
19:55.18Kattyhad a nap
19:55.21Ast001enable options if asterisk.conf
19:55.27Ast001in asterisk.conf
19:55.28RoyKAst001: which ones?
19:55.32Ast001and internal=yes
19:56.21RoyKdoes asterisk support posix timers these days?
19:56.52mvanbaakhang on
19:56.55Ast001well in my region villagers has wiseman say "Feed pigs and don't touch anything"
19:56.58mvanbaakwe do pthread and timerfd
19:57.03Ast001when it works
19:57.34pecanhaI need to use: exten => s,n,Playback(filp) or exten => s,n,Playback(filp.wav) ?
19:57.57Ast001now everything is fine thanks to ZX81 :) It is pleasure to hear moh now :)
19:58.06Ast001see you after friends
19:58.32RoyKpecanha: the extension is added automatically
19:58.36*** part/#asterisk Ast001 (
19:59.38pecanhaI'll try, to reload extensions.conf, will asterisk -rx reload work?
20:01.34*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
20:02.15ZX81pecanha: dialplan reload
20:02.16Daejeois it possible to use a722 with *1.4?
20:02.18Daejeois it possible to use g722 with *1.4?
20:02.37ZX81no translation
20:02.42pecanhaunfortunatelly, it didn't work :( can't hear any sound with my .wav
20:02.44pecanhaany idea?
20:02.47ZX81asterisk -rx 'show translation'
20:03.07Daejeo* 1.6 ok?
20:03.12ZX81pecanha: file filp.wav
20:03.39pecanhafilp.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz
20:04.09ZX81Daejeo: 1.6 = yes
20:04.27ZX81you can check yourself with "core show translation"
20:04.32pecanhaZX81: is that right, correct?
20:05.13ZX81pecanha: I'd do 16 bit, mono, 8000hz
20:05.52pecanhaZX81: that's why I can't hear? or is something else?
20:06.00ZX81dunno :)
20:06.06ZX81can you hear other files?
20:06.21pecanhadidn't try other wav files however
20:06.24ZX81I personally use Steinberg's Wavelab to convert all files to alaw
20:06.43ZX81or you could use sox to convert to sln
20:07.16ZX81I use
20:07.23DaejeoZX81: does it ship with *1.6?
20:07.32ZX81sox infile.wav -t raw -r 8000 -s -w -c 1 outfile.sln
20:07.37ZX81Daejeo: yeah
20:08.26ZX81I'm not personally running 1.6 except in the lab - so mine should be a pretty stock 1.6
20:08.45*** join/#asterisk lanning (n=lanning@
20:09.00pecanhahmm I don't have sox
20:09.09ZX81apt-get install sox
20:09.14ZX81yum install sox
20:09.32ZX81:) or yum install debian
20:09.39pecanhaok :p
20:11.00pecanhawow yum couldn't find libvorbis mirror :/
20:11.04pecanhaits a dependecy
20:11.22pecanhaI'll try to install from source
20:11.25ZX81yum update
20:12.47Qwellpecanha: don't do that
20:13.01*** part/#asterisk RoyK (
20:13.05DaejeoZX81: no audio with *1.4
20:14.03ZX81maybe you have a dial command which requires transcoding?
20:14.24pecanhaQwell: why?
20:14.30ZX81just do exten => 1234,1,Dial(SIP/otherone)
20:14.53Qwellpecanha: Installing dependencies from source like that on a package-based distro is never a good idea.
20:15.18QwellIf it's just a mirror issue, that can be easily worked around.  Either try again (possibly several times) or download the package from the vendor.
20:16.12ZX81in debian doing an apt-get update updates the urls as well
20:16.22DaejeoZX81: anyway to use g722 on *1.4?
20:16.26ZX81I don't remember if yum update does the same
20:16.37ZX81Daejeo: yeah only between devices though
20:16.41ZX81no message playback
20:16.46ZX81unless they are in g722
20:16.50QwellZX81: most distros use yum-fastestmirror, which will (usually) change URLs each time you try to install something
20:16.57Daejeoah ok
20:17.03Daejeoonly pass thru?
20:17.09Qwellif not, then it's probably pointing to a round-robin resolver or something
20:17.26*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
20:17.36ZX81:) or add a nonexistant hosts entry for the server that bombed :D
20:17.58ZX81tzafrir_laptop: hey that machine at the hotel restarted no problem - thanks for that fix
20:18.06Daejeodo you have any phone with g722 codec
20:18.19*** join/#asterisk ipso (
20:18.22ZX81probably the polycom in reception
20:18.28ZX81but I'm at home at the mo
20:18.43Daejeoi just got the codec
20:18.58Daejeoi have polycom 501
20:20.16ipsoI just discovered that my Asterisk server is apparently wide open to allow remote SIP connections to dial through it, and of course its being abused. What settings are required to insist that Asterisk only accepts calls/registrations with usernames/passwords?
20:20.16ZX81ipso: make a guest account with context=fckoff
20:20.16ZX81there's something like that in the sample config
20:20.17Qwellor both :D
20:20.45Daejeohow to : polycom -codec update?
20:20.58ipsoZX81: wtf, thats enabled by default?
20:20.58ZX81:) join #polycom ?
20:21.08ZX81ipso yeah think so
20:21.12ZX81with context of default
20:21.19ipsoZX81: uhg, thats nuts.
20:21.24ZX81normally [default] just contains demo etc
20:22.10ZX81read /usr/src/asterisk/doc/security.txt
20:22.50ZX81actually nothing in 1.4 about that :)
20:23.11ZX81configs/sip.conf.sample has:
20:23.14ZX81;allowguest=no                  ; Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes)
20:23.19bmoracaipso, in your sip.conf in the same place you would specify your local network, etc, you can specify a context for unregisteres sip connections
20:24.08ipsoAnyone know Chinese, I have a few hours of recorded calls from these people making expensive calls through my Asterisk server. :(
20:24.30bmoracayou're probably not going to get that back
20:25.24ZX81we had a period where people were paying for credit with stolen paypal accounts
20:25.31*** join/#asterisk jshriver (n=jshriver@
20:25.46jshriverwhat is the diff in geni586, net4801, etc, etc
20:25.55ZX81for astlinux
20:25.56jshriverthere's no readme, guessing geni586 is a generic
20:26.02ipsobmoraca: Yeah, its obviously my fault... Would just be curious to know what they are talking about.
20:26.06ZX81i586 works on normal pc
20:26.13ZX814801 is for soekris 4801
20:26.19ZX815501 is for soekris 5501
20:26.42ZX81the 4801 has been end of lifed
20:26.47jshriverok have a question, if I try the newest version 0.6, I rtc: lost some interrupts at 1024Hz, or a Kernel panic when trying to dd /cdrom/root.squafs..
20:26.47ZX81replaced by the 5501
20:26.48bmoracaipso, under the general context in sip.conf, specify the following:  "context=sip-unregistered".  then in extensions.conf, create a context sip-unregistered and do a _.,1,Hangup() or something like that
20:27.03jshriverif I try version 0.4.8 it has an old driver for r8168 and doesnt work
20:27.14ZX81jshriver: probably best join #astlinux and trying to find darrick
20:27.26jshriverhrm will try again noone there really been checking days now
20:27.29jshriverappreciate it though
20:27.30pecanhaZX81: do you recommend a good tutorial/book over dialplan? :)
20:27.42ZX81jshriver: there was a fix for rtc a couple of days ago
20:27.52ZX81pecanha: yeah lmadsen's book
20:27.55jbotAsterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF --- HTML at
20:28.04pecanhaZX81: already read it hehe
20:28.10*** join/#asterisk zamba (
20:28.15ZX81jshriver: there's also a pretty active mailing list
20:28.21zambais it possible to establish gsm calls through asterisk?
20:29.00zambaif you have a sim card and some radio/antenna device or a mobile phone attached?
20:29.11ZX81brb meeting
20:32.30bmoracaipso, what kind of trunking do you have if you don't mind me asking?
20:34.35*** join/#asterisk susinths (
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20:35.30jshriverty :) have a good day everyone
20:35.35*** join/#asterisk citywok (
20:37.07*** join/#asterisk wildzero-cw (n=chatzill@
20:38.06citywokI have a dialplan with quite a few lines for my outbuond dialing of 11digit numbers, i want to send only 800#'s to a different provider, but apply all the generic rules from the dialplan to the call, what is the easiest way to do this, without having to copy/paste a bunch of lines?
20:38.06ipsobmoraca: Nothing fancy at all, its just for personal/home use
20:38.07*** part/#asterisk wildzero-cw (n=chatzill@
20:41.00bmoracawell, in that case, you might consider not exposing the sip/rtp ports to the internet...then you don't have to worry
20:41.36*** join/#asterisk eliyahud (
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20:50.42*** join/#asterisk kisu (n=kisu@2001:5c0:1100:9900:e405:8332:ecdc:a26a)
20:51.03s34nanybody have a good experience with a voip intercom?
20:52.02*** join/#asterisk marv0997 (n=marv@
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20:53.37*** join/#asterisk Charlie77 (
20:53.41Charlie77hi there :-)
20:53.45*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
20:53.54Charlie77anyone alive?
20:54.50jbotask is, like, Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:57.05carrarI'm Alive!!!
20:58.47drmessanoOMG CARRAR
20:58.51drmessanoYou're ok!!!
20:58.59*** join/#asterisk ElSonico (
20:59.08drmessanoI told them not to give up!
20:59.45Charlie77I'm using Asterisk 1.4.22, Freepbx with Eicon Diva PRI and chan_capi. I'd like to achieve the following functionality:
20:59.46drmessanoI know I never told you this before.. but the thought that I had lost you made me realize just how much I love you!!!
20:59.52drmessanoYES, I LOVE YOU!!!!!
21:00.03drmessanobreaks down in moviemonious glory
21:00.04Charlie77Customer calls - Message is played back: "Please dial your account code" - Customer dials his account code - Another message is played back: "Thank you. Now dial your meter readings (status)" - Customer dials his meter reading (status of the gas /water meter)
21:00.07carrarTry #freepbx
21:00.37drmessanoWait.. You're "carrar"
21:00.40drmessanoNot carar
21:00.42carrarI had to read that twice
21:00.45drmessanoOh shit.. I hate you
21:00.52drmessanoI miss carar :(
21:00.57Charlie77Dialed DTMF numbers should be fetched and saved to MySQL table in format "cid|account code|meter reading".
21:01.09Charlie77this is a question for #freepbx?
21:01.27carrarYou can create that dialplan yourself
21:01.38carrarmake sure you are running asterisk from source
21:01.44Charlie77I am.
21:02.05carrarYou mentioned freepbx
21:02.09carrarwhats that about
21:02.23Charlie77I am offering free beer and ethernal friendship for a hint on how to achieve that
21:02.38drmessanoIm not into ethernal friendships
21:02.41drmessanoI dont swing that way
21:02.45beekCharlie77: Look up func_odbc
21:02.46carrarYou need to learn how to create dialplans
21:02.56tzafrir_laptopethernet friendship?
21:02.58carrarI would write a AGI
21:03.01bmoracausing AGI would probably be the simplest...or the built-in ODBC functions.
21:03.07drmessanotzafrir_laptop for the WiN
21:03.22Charlie77gents, I have to tell you that I am not an expert
21:03.22drmessano"Ethernet friendship"
21:03.25drmessanothats funny
21:03.26bmoracayou cannot use freepbx to create the application, though.  that will have to be done in custom
21:03.34Charlie77but putting something together will save me 500$
21:03.34drmessano"I will be YOUR CDP neighbor"
21:03.35carrarCharlie77, no one is when they start
21:03.44carrarThink of all the fun stuff you get to learn
21:03.45drmessano"I will be your failover node"
21:04.08ricko73drmessano: is that akin to "I'll be you're Huckleberry"
21:04.15drmessanoI almost made a master slave replication joke, but this is a family channel
21:04.52tzafrir_laptopCharlie77, you haven't actually asked your question
21:04.55Charlie77drmessano: ethernal friendship was a joke of course. beer was not :-)
21:05.14edoceoIf I buy a DID from didx how do I plug it into my * system? Do I still need to work with a local carrier?
21:05.24drmessanoCharlie77: I am still trying to figure out what an "ethernal friendship" is.. It sounds.. kinky
21:05.43drmessanoor involves lots of CAT5e
21:05.46ricko73in the immortal words of H. Simpson "don't toy with me woman" (when Marge said "we're all out of beer")
21:05.46bmoracaedoceo, you'll still need a local carrier for origination, yes
21:05.56Charlie77tzafrir_laptop: is that possible to achieve? any hint or solution would be highly appreciated
21:06.07bmoracatermination will come through a SIP trunk to DIDX
21:06.27edoceobmoraca: so that means the side that's calling me right?
21:06.27carrarCharlie77, yes you can do that in asterisk
21:06.30drmessanoricko73: I loved when they were gonna order a pizza.. and it was programmed on the "fire" speeddial button on their phone
21:06.53bmoracayes.  when someone calls you, that gets to you through a SIP trunk established with DIDX.
21:06.58tzafrir_laptopCharlie77, surely can be done with a simple AGI script
21:07.08tzafrir_laptopNot sure if it can be sanely done with pure dialplan
21:07.10drmessanoMakes me want to program 911 to call Papa Johns on my PBX at home
21:07.28eppigyuntil on day you are at work
21:07.33eppigyand dial without thinking
21:07.39drmessanoHell, at leasy Papa Johns comes on time
21:07.55drmessanoI call for a deputy here and its like 2 hours
21:07.59bmoracahowever, when you call someone else, that will have to be done through your own local carrier or another SIP provider that allows for origination
21:08.15drmessanoBetter off calling the local news media/ambulance chasers
21:08.25drmessanoMaybe they can help and get an AP award
21:08.59drmessanoOk, need to go to the pharmacy and see if they got MAH DOPE
21:09.11drmessanoI dont wanna haf to slap a ho
21:09.14edoceobmoraca: thanks!
21:09.52bmoracaDIDX is a very intriguing service
21:10.12Charlie77tzafrir_laptop: is that AGI script simple enough to be posted here  -- I will try to make it work, I just need something to start with
21:11.30bmoracahe'd have to write it first.  some people make their livings writing custom asterisk scripts.
21:11.58*** join/#asterisk Micho123 (i=mcho123@
21:12.42Micho123hi all,trying to install add-ons on asterisk but getting the following error during make...
21:13.19QwellMicho123: Looks like you aren't installing the correct version.  What version of asterisk and what version of asterisk-addons?
21:13.28Charlie77bmoraca: I am aware of that. my question was humble and respectful. If that's complicated piece of code, I'll rent a coder. I am willing to pay a reasonable fee.
21:14.01QwellMicho123: well, there you go.
21:14.06Qwell1.4 != 1.2
21:14.20Micho123Qwell, thanks a lot
21:14.26pecanhaZX81: it worked after sox :)
21:15.45*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
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21:21.12bmoracaCharlie, depending on how much time you have until the project needs to be completed, it might be very beneficial to attempt the project yourself
21:21.22Charlie77I agree
21:21.31*** join/#asterisk kisu (n=kisu@2001:5c0:1100:9900:287a:d37a:e462:b170)
21:21.34bmoracaif you need it done very quickly, someone who has experience doing that type of thing would be the better option
21:21.45bmoracawho set your asterisk system up?
21:22.10Charlie77I did all that. I also did some simple custom dialplans.
21:22.41bmoracawell, then you've probably got a fair foundation
21:22.48bmoracado you have any other programming experience?
21:24.24Charlie77not at all, unfortunately.
21:24.56bmoracathat might make it a little difficult then
21:25.08bmoracayou're probably going to want to use PHP as your AGI language
21:25.21bmoracaalthough, you could look at using Asterisk's internal ODBC functions
21:26.09*** join/#asterisk linuxvoip (
21:26.54Micho123Hi all, After I install addons to asterisk and create asterisk database for savind CDRs inside where I can configure database connection?I need to save data in a mysql server located on another server...Other than asterisk
21:27.03*** part/#asterisk beek (n=klinebl@
21:29.10Charlie77Micho123: cdr_mysql.conf in your /etc/asterisk directory
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21:30.28CrashSysAnyone ever has Asterisk lock-up after an agent logs into a queue using agent call-back login?
21:30.29*** part/#asterisk dec (n=tom@unaffiliated/dec)
21:30.30Charlie77bmoraca: do you have a knowledge and will to do this against payment?
21:31.03Micho123Charlie77, cannot find this file inside my asterisk folder
21:33.06Charlie77did you install asterisk addons?
21:33.13Micho123Charlie77, yes
21:33.21Micho123Charlie77, version 1.2
21:33.23Charlie77with mysql option?
21:34.00Micho123Charlie77, ah no...Just tar-zxvf then make and make install
21:34.48Charlie77make menuconfig
21:35.01Charlie77and then select mysql option under second menu (cdr)
21:35.04Micho123Charlie77, ok
21:35.51Charlie77but i am not sure if this works for 1.2 --> it works for 1.4
21:36.36*** join/#asterisk korihor (n=korihor@
21:38.04bmoracaCharlie77 unfortunately, I don't really have the time to do that.
21:38.29bmoracaif you search on, you'll find examples of 90% of what you need to create your solution
21:39.13Charlie77bmoraca: thank you anyway for pointing me into correct direction.
21:42.29korihorhi :) how pause realtime agents?
21:43.16korihorPauseQueueMember don't work for realtime agents :(
21:43.30LinuturkI have a pri coming in with 24 channels, and had DID's for fax lines about the office. In zapata.conf, the fax lines are configured as channels 73-84. There is a analog channel bank connected to the asterisk server where all the fax machines plug in. Where would I find out what channels on the PRI actually carry the fax DID's so I can turn off echo cancellation in our echo canceller?
21:44.59Linuturkfor those specific channels*
21:45.10bmoracaLinuturk, depending on how your dialplan is set up, it's probably random
21:46.57Micho123Charlie77, XXX near mysqladd on on menuselect...this means there is a conflict...ehat should I make here?
21:48.15drmessanoLook down below
21:48.18drmessanoIt tells you
21:49.32*** join/#asterisk gambler1 (n=mene_sun@dragan.eunet.yu)
21:50.19Charlie77Micho123: do you have mysql mysql-server mysql-devel installeD?
21:50.51Micho123Charlie77, yes
21:53.19Charlie77okay, lets try this
21:53.22Charlie77make clean
21:53.34Charlie77make menuconfig
21:53.41Micho123Charlie77, OK
21:54.59*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
21:57.37Charlie77is it ok now?
21:58.48Micho123Charlie77, yes the XXX disappear...In order to select a menu I should scroll to an entry and press enter?
21:59.13*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
21:59.14Charlie77try space
21:59.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
21:59.49Micho123Charlie77, space remove the * from an entry
22:00.04Charlie77then press it again to have * there
22:00.13Charlie77escape and save
22:00.17Micho123Charlie77, Done...After that?
22:00.22Micho123Charlie77, Done
22:00.23Charlie77make && make install
22:00.26Micho123Charlie77, then make?
22:00.32Micho123Charlie77, OK
22:01.08*** join/#asterisk nicoAMG (i=asgalt@
22:02.18Charlie77is anyone willing to accept a job with custom AGI against a reasonable fee? I need to store fetched dtmf digits in a mysql database (meter readings)
22:03.23Micho123Charlie77, the cdr_mysql still don't appear in asteriks folder
22:04.43Charlie77did you install config files?
22:05.10*** join/#asterisk bbryant (
22:05.38Micho123Charlie77, Which ones?
22:06.12Charlie77you can install sample config files
22:06.33Charlie77command is "make config" if i remember correctly
22:06.52eppigymake config installs boot scripts
22:06.57eppigymake sample
22:07.03Charlie77right :)
22:07.04russellbmake samples
22:07.07eppigycopies sample configs to your /etasterisk dir
22:08.06Micho123so make, make samples and make install
22:08.18Charlie77you can make samples also later
22:08.18eppigymake install
22:08.22eppigythan make samples
22:08.36Charlie77if you did make install, there is no need to do it again
22:09.05Charlie77gentlemen, have a good time
22:09.19*** part/#asterisk Charlie77 (
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22:22.09*** join/#asterisk jks (i=jks@
22:25.23korihorhi :) how pause realtime agents? PauseQueueMember don't work for realtime agents :(
22:31.18hardwirewould it be too difficult to just remove reailtime agents and store them as "paused" in ASTDB?
22:31.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
22:40.08korihorhardwire: thanks, I don't know that. Let me try
22:43.18Micho123Hi all, I configured asterisk to save cdrs inside database...Everything looks fine except that asterisk server in not generating accounting code...this field still blank in the table cdr...How to configure asterisk to write a value per user inside this fileld?
22:44.31rue_mohrhah, for 3 days now I been setting autooffhook to 0 and wondering why it wasn't working
22:44.57*** part/#asterisk Deeewayne (n=Deeewayn@nat/digium/x-757a7d80f3298645)
22:45.23*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russellb@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
22:46.28Micho123I guess I found it
22:52.24*** join/#asterisk grEvenX (
22:59.39*** join/#asterisk xorl (
22:59.48xorlCannot find extension context 'SIP/858*******'
23:00.13xorlthe sip context works for the physical phone line
23:00.21xorlwhy will it not work for another number
23:00.38*** join/#asterisk telecos (
23:15.37*** join/#asterisk EI5GTB (
23:15.49EI5GTBcan someone telll me if 0.2 is the latest version od oslec?
23:16.10saftsackcvs/svn is the latest version
23:17.23EI5GTBi see..
23:17.41EI5GTBtheres only yht one svn source?>
23:18.29saftsackseems so
23:20.10*** join/#asterisk SlicerDicer (
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23:28.35tzafrir_laptopEI5GTB, yes
23:28.45Defrazdoes anyone have any experience with Cisco and dial-peers?
23:29.17EI5GTBtzafrir_laptop, thanks!
23:33.13*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
23:35.40EmleyMoorBT have a misprint in their tariff again!
23:36.01EmleyMoor(and I am trying to make a ratefile from it)
23:36.14*** part/#asterisk xorl (
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23:46.51rue_mohrthis is frustrating, these manuals for the ip601 seem to conflict like crazy
23:48.29rue_mohrwho can tell me what the keypad icon is before I can find it in the manual(s)
23:48.41CunningPikeIs voip-info kaput?
23:48.59EmleyMoorLooks like it
23:49.53rue_mohrlooks like  speed dial
23:52.26*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
23:58.14*** join/#asterisk maddog01 (

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