IRC log for #asterisk on 20090103

00:05.00*** join/#asterisk dvsensey (n=rraz@
00:05.17dvsenseyhi all
00:13.09*** join/#asterisk hakr (i=hakr@pdpc/supporter/active/hakr)
00:17.58*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde05@unaffiliated/jaytee)
00:23.51*** join/#asterisk sosoriri (n=chatzill@
00:27.27*** join/#asterisk joesuffceren2 (
00:28.41joesuffceren2I need some help setting up asterisk to log to MSSQL via freetds. I've installed freetds and recompiled asterisk with freetds support. This pastebin has my freetds.conf file and cdr_tds.conf file pasted in:
00:30.03joesuffceren2When I start asterisk, I was getting an error saying "ERROR[6880] cdr_tds.c: Failed to connect to MSSQL server." but after correcting my server name, I am now getting "VERBOSE[7010] logger.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_tds.conf': [Jan  2 19:22:28] VERBOSE[7010] logger.c: Found" which seems like a success message, but I get no output logged to cdr when I place calls
00:30.19*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
00:31.50[TK]D-Fenderjoesuffceren2: Just because if can read your config file doesn't mean it can ACT on it
00:32.15*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:32.41joesuffceren2ok. I thought that the absence of an error message was significant, though?
00:33.15[TK]D-Fenderjoesuffceren2: Go dump all related configs including where you specifiy to use your DB for this
00:34.07joesuffceren2dump as in remove them from the asterisk box or dump as in put them in a pastebin for you?
00:35.20joesuffceren2sorry if that's a dense question, but I'm not quite following you
00:38.03[TK]D-Fenderjoesuffceren2: PB
00:49.02joesuffceren2sorry for the delay. The only configs that I know about are the freetds.conf and the cdr_tds.conf. both of those are in the pastebin I posted above. What other configs would you like?
00:49.45*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
00:51.07mchou[TK]D-Fender: 3 way calling in asterisk works even w/o meetme, coorect?
00:52.02[TK]D-Fendermchou: I'm uncertain for Zap FXS, but for all others its handled by the device, not *
00:52.34mchou[TK]D-Fender: ok, thanls
00:53.39*** join/#asterisk fashnek (n=andrewfo@
00:55.19fashnekcan anyone with more asterisk experience than me just quickly assess this scenario and tell me if it's possible with asterisk?
00:55.49fashnekI really don't want to chase something that can't be done here
00:56.30jbotrumour has it, ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
00:57.05[TK]D-Fenderjoesuffceren2: I do not see you specifying a table in your TDS config
00:57.06fashnekI want to be able to make multiple outbound that all "feed" to my extension -- i.e., I hear everything occurring on all calls, and all calls hear me -- but they do not hear each other
00:57.14fashnekoutbound calls, that is
00:58.36joesuffceren2[TK]D-Fender: I didn't specify one since I used the table name cdr and that's what asterisk assumes. Should I specify one anyway? When asterisk starts it says "no table name specified. Assuming cdr"
00:58.58[TK]D-Fenderjoesuffceren2: Beyond that I'm not sure what to advise...
00:59.14[TK]D-Fenderjoesuffceren2: Do you see any error messages on the DB side?
00:59.37mchoufashnek: how is that different than intercom?
01:00.10[TK]D-Fendermchou: bi-directional (limited)
01:00.20mchou#3 seems to apply
01:00.22[TK]D-Fenderfashnek: No... I don't see any way of doing this.
01:00.25fashnekI am completely unfamiliar with intercom; can is be bidirectional?
01:01.19[TK]D-Fenderfashnek: Non-applicable.
01:03.33joesuffceren2[TK]D-Fender: I don't see any errors in the SQL logs. Do you know of any working configs posted anywhere that I could take a look at? there are examples in the default .conf files, but those were what I followed to get where I am... FWIW, there wasn't a table name specified in the example .conf file either
01:04.09joesuffceren2scratch that, there is a table specified in the default (sorry) trying that now
01:04.42[TK]D-Fenderjoesuffceren2: My sample had "table=cdr", but ok... no I don't have any specific resources for this.... I'd suggest you Google for a while.
01:06.20fashnek[TK]D-Fender: Why would a duplex Page() not be appropriate?
01:08.04*** join/#asterisk Supergrilo (n=fabio@unaffiliated/lovezinho)
01:08.12*** part/#asterisk Supergrilo (n=fabio@unaffiliated/lovezinho)
01:08.13[TK]D-Fenderfashnek: Go try, because this uses Meetme and I doubt it'll isolate the ends
01:08.18[TK]D-Fenderfashnek: at BEST
01:08.47joesuffceren2the sample cdr.conf recommends that you use [global] in cdr_tds.conf. When I do that, I get "could not connect to MSSQL server." When I change [global] to [SQL-TEMP] (my db name as specified in freetds.conf) I don't get the error message, but maybe that's because it's not trying
01:08.53fashnekand by failing to isolate the ends you mean that they will hear each other?
01:09.40joesuffceren2specifying a table did not help. :-( I've already done googling, and the info is pretty sparse, but I'll do some more. Thanks for the help. I'll keep this window open. Feel free to throw a suggestion my way if you think of any
01:10.43fiXXXerMetOK, still having intermittent audio problems.  Ports are setup, and my sip_nat.conf and sip.conf seems to be setup correctly as well.  I have also noticed that sometimes when the other caller hangs up the phone, asterisk doesn't register the hang up at all and keeps my line open
01:12.06[TK]D-Fenderfashnek: Yes, I would call that "failing"
01:12.24[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: And you know there is no way I'd take this on faith, right?
01:12.30[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: PASTEBIN
01:12.33fiXXXerMetI am working on it
01:22.26[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: externip=public.ip <- thishas an actual IP in your real config?
01:23.15[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: then if the numbers are right [general] and that 1 peer seem OK.
01:23.22[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: what do you have forwarded to *?
01:24.05fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: forwarded to *?
01:24.20fiXXXerMetoh duh, sec
01:27.26*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
01:28.04fiXXXerMetProbably more than I need, as I have been adding things as I have read other articles, but
01:28.19*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
01:28.32fiXXXerMetThat is tcp/udp | from | port | to | n/a | status
01:31.19[TK]D-Fender10001 should be 10000
01:31.33[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: the rest loooks fine.
01:31.47fiXXXerMetrtpstart is set to 10001
01:31.52[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: make sure all of your phones are set to "canreinvite=no"
01:32.03[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: ok, that should cover that then.
01:32.20fiXXXerMetEach extension is set to canreinvite=no
01:32.22*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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01:32.48*** join/#asterisk tictac (
01:32.56*** part/#asterisk tictac (
01:33.29sah-workstrange question. i have an aastra 480i and cannot seem to turn off the backlight
01:33.51*** join/#asterisk brut- (
01:34.14sah-workanyone have any thoughts?
01:34.29[TK]D-Fendersah-work: What does its admin guide say?
01:36.39*** join/#asterisk neoark (i=na1du@unaffiliated/mukhbiir)
01:36.57*** part/#asterisk neoark (i=na1du@unaffiliated/mukhbiir)
01:38.25[TK]D-Fendersah-work: mine seems to say "nothing".  So unless its accessible on the phone's local interface the answer appears to be "impossible"
01:38.37*** join/#asterisk eppigy (
01:38.42eppigyi am dave
01:38.58justdaveso am I
01:40.26[TK]D-Fenderthese are both factual
01:40.32sah-workokay. that i want i wanted to know. seems strange. not used to dealing with these. i did check the docs. hopped i missed something
01:40.54fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: any other ideas?
01:41.07[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Get real SIP debug from a real call.
01:41.14[TK]D-Fender(that failed)
01:42.57*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:43.49fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: There is a lot of output -  In this call, neither of us could hear each other
01:45.44*** join/#asterisk andy-x_l (i=425c01d1@gateway/web/ajax/
01:46.48[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: do sip reload....
01:47.15[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Peer audio RTP is at port <- doesn't look right
01:47.48[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet:     -- Executing [s@macro-dialout-trunk:20] Dial("SIP/5003-095c0040", "SIP/Vitelity-Outbound/4103703252|300|") in new stack
01:47.58[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Please dump this peer masking only PW
01:48.35jayteeyeah, cuz we all trust "dave" implicitly
01:48.43eppigyas well you should
01:49.04eppigyi am like family
01:49.19fashnekI trust dave explicitly
01:50.46eppigyi like where this is going
01:51.13fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: Any easy way to see only debug output for that peer?
01:52.22[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: do a SIP reload and try your call again.  We see it not counting that peer as NAT'd
01:52.50fiXXXerMet[TK]D-Fender: ATM I am using a softphone from home (on a different lan)
01:52.52[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: So while the config looked OK, I'm thinking its not in effect
01:53.02fiXXXerMetwould that cause it?
01:53.08[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Unapplied changes
01:54.35[TK]D-FenderfiXXXerMet: Everything else checks out,  though for what I asked earlier just makesure your vitelity entries are "nat=no"
01:55.18fiXXXerMetthey didn't have that
01:55.32fiXXXerMetlet me try again
01:58.16*** join/#asterisk Shidan (
02:03.58*** part/#asterisk seb- (
02:08.24*** join/#asterisk [netman] ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
02:08.33*** join/#asterisk elguero (
02:08.49*** join/#asterisk Linuturk (n=linuturk@fluxbuntu/developer/Linuturk)
02:12.44*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
02:21.23*** join/#asterisk Corydon76-dig (i=seven@pdpc/supporter/bronze/Corydon76-home) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
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02:22.05*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
02:29.21*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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02:47.20*** join/#asterisk egypcio (n=egypcio@unaffiliated/egypcio)
02:49.07*** join/#asterisk luckyaba (
02:52.24*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
02:57.19*** join/#asterisk dug (
03:00.06dugI am trying to determine if asterisk can see my zaptel interface,  I have a digium card and I had the modules working but I screwed up my install files..  I have my interfaces in zapata.conf but when I run rasterisk -rvvv I dont see the interface ring
03:00.35dugwhen I run ztscan I see the interfaces
03:01.06dugsame with ztcfg -vvv
03:03.23[TK]D-Fenderdug: pastebin your zaptel & zapata.conf, "zap show channels" from * CLI
03:08.49*** join/#asterisk LeO_22 (
03:10.18LeO_22i need some help !!
03:10.24drmessanoOF COURSE !!
03:10.41LeO_22do you know how to setup ldap in asterisk :P???
03:11.00LeO_22(I'm from chile.. my english is not so good :P)
03:11.35drmessanoI'm from the U.S., my ldap is not so good.  SORRY!!
03:12.06LeO_22thanks anyway
03:13.25LeO_22do you know how to make work ... asterisk and zimbra cs, like one unike system?
03:14.58[TK]D-FenderLeO_22: you are making no sense at all.  What wil LDAP have to do with *?
03:15.28LeO_22zimbra works with ldap..
03:15.38LeO_22i know asterisk do that too..
03:15.47drmessanoWhat do you want them to talk about?
03:15.53drmessanoWhat is the point of the exchange?
03:16.06LeO_22the thing is.. i want to use just one ldap directory to the two system..
03:16.47LeO_22then.. when i create an user in ldap directory... this user will exists in asterisk and zimbra...
03:16.55LeO_22it this possible?.
03:17.08[TK]D-FenderLeO_22: Asterisk is not some mailing list or e-mail server.  It has nothing in common with these
03:17.35[TK]D-FenderLeO_22: Perhaps if you created extra field they may have more in common.  go read THE BOOK
03:17.37jbotextra, extra, read all about it, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:17.46dug[TK]D-Fender:  looks like asterisk didnt build with zaptel... rebuilding
03:17.54[TK]D-Fenderdug: "zap show channels" <----------
03:17.54jayteeit's only a matter of time before TrixboxZ is released.
03:18.18[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: "wit a Z y0!"
03:18.19dug[TK]D-Fender: no zap command...
03:19.10jaytee"Now with TrixboxZ you can screwup your VoIP phone system and your email server all through one ugly GUI."
03:19.21jayteedug, what version?
03:19.24LeO_22but zimbra can work with a fone number.. i need waht that number to be an asterisk number...(i'm a newbie in asterisk :$)
03:19.40dugjaytee: 1.4.22
03:19.45jayteethought so
03:20.22jaytee[TK]D-Fender, I had the same problem. chan_zap no longer appears when you go into make menuselect. I think it forces you to use DAHDI.
03:20.45jayteeunless there's some poorly documented edit of the make file
03:21.08LeO_22trixbox come with ldap???
03:21.29jayteeLeO_22, I was making a joke
03:21.37[TK]D-Fenderdug: LeO_22 If you're an * newb, then your request is like asking how to FLY berfore learn how to CRAWL
03:21.55jayteeLeO, the only thing Trixbox comes with is.......PAIN!!!
03:22.05[TK]D-FenderLeO_22: go read the book.  Iyou are in way over your head
03:22.29[TK]D-FenderLeO_22: Its free, use it..
03:22.40jayteerussellb you awake?
03:22.54dug[TK]D-Fender: I am not an * newbie
03:23.12russellbdepends why you're asking :)
03:23.40[TK]D-Fenderdug: good, I'll rate you as a "casual strol" trying to "jog" :)
03:24.00LeO_22i'm a little desperate
03:24.31[TK]D-FenderLeO_22: Sorry, nobody is going to try to carry you though a complete setup of this....
03:24.35jayteerussellb, I'm asking about zaptel support with 1.4.22 It doesn't show up anymore when you run make menuselect. Is this by design? I thought 1.4.22 would support either zaptel or dahdi?
03:24.48dug[TK]D-Fender: lets go with casual stroll but I fixed my issue ... it was a build issue
03:25.00russellbjaytee: it's supposed to support both zaptel and dahdi, maybe it was a bug ...
03:25.06[TK]D-Fenderdug: See, only a small jump :)
03:25.11LeO_22ofcourse.. i just looking for a guide.. some help...
03:25.18jbotit has been said that book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
03:25.21[TK]D-FenderGUID ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
03:25.39russellbthe book says nothing about using the asterisk support for ldap
03:25.45russellbit's so new that I doubt any documentation exists for it
03:25.48[TK]D-FenderLeO_22: "some help" applies when you are "somewhere".  Right now you seem to be "nowhere"
03:25.52jayteerussellb, must be some kind of bug with CentOS 5.2 because several people have been in here this week with the exact same problem.
03:26.05[TK]D-Fender1 earlier today
03:26.07russellbjaytee: *shrugs*
03:26.13drmessanoCentOS 5.2 is NOT the problem.. nope
03:26.21drmessanokills jaytee and hides the body
03:26.26drmessanoYep, see.. not a problem
03:26.55jayteedrmessano, didn't think it was. I think it's something with the very latest zaptel and 1.4.22 Haven't tried with the next earlier release of Zaptel though
03:27.34drmessanoYeah, I dunno.. I jumped on 1.6 as fast as I could.  1.4 was getting too stable and I was hoping for something more to complain about
03:28.01drmessanoGuess I shudda jumped on the alphas
03:28.07drmessanoor even an early beta
03:28.18LeO_22i've got asterisk working..
03:28.30LeO_22i was looking for ldap support..
03:28.39drmessanoMy latest tin foil hat theory:  1.6 is 1.4 with the version numbers SED'ed out.
03:28.42LeO_22y got asterisk-ldap plugin
03:28.44drmessanoNot "really" 1.6
03:29.14jayteeI'm running 1.6.0 with DAHDI here at home but I don't have time to debug any issues that might crop up moving to 1.6 on my IVR server. Especially with Lumenvox.
03:30.01LeO_22zimbra works with ldap directory..
03:30.03drmessanoSad part is, I think some devs on 3rd party apps that are only "somewhat serious" about Asterisk are gonna be a while jumping on 1.6 due to some notion that the uptake will be slow
03:30.20*** part/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
03:30.32drmessanoI've noted a couple apps where the devs even claimed the apps worked with 1.6 and hadnt even TESTED
03:30.42drmessanokicks fly-by-nighters
03:30.55bkw_drmessano: how are you these days?
03:30.56LeO_22but i don't know how to make talk both ldap directories..
03:31.09drmessanobkw_: Fantastic.  You?
03:31.28bkw_loving my siren7 and siren14 codecs
03:32.51jayteedrmessano, I did an install today of CentOS 5.2 on a Dell PowerEdge 1750. I then installed the current tarball of zaptel and asterisk 1.4.22 chan_zap did not show up in make menuselect. I scrubbed and started over and used earlier builds of zaptel and * 1.4.21 and it all works like a champ.
03:33.20bkw_luves 32kHz voip
03:34.01jayteebkw_, what phones are you using with it? Polycom with HD?
03:34.06drmessanoI've looked at the G722 stuff.. Need to wait for the handsets to come down some
03:34.19bkw_G722.1C and G722.1 with my ip 6000's
03:34.29bkw_jaytee: I wrote the G722.1C and G722.1 module for FreeSWITCH
03:35.01jayteewish I could code like that
03:35.14jayteeI can barely get past "hello world!"
03:35.21bkw_I didn't write the lib for the codec... but Steve Underwood and I worked together on that one
03:35.24drmessanohad himself at "hello"
03:35.58bkw_jaytee: I also wrote the celt codec module in FreeSWITCH for 48kHz voip
03:36.22jayteebkw_, go forth and brag no more!!!
03:36.36drmessanoI had been looking at G722 for replacing older, expensive, BRI ISDN based remote broadcast setups
03:36.45bkw_G722 can run over the PSTN
03:37.10LeO_22any help???... <[TK]D-Fender> don't get furious :
03:37.13drmessanoG722 is a bit of a standard in that relm
03:37.22bkw_yah if both ends can support the capability
03:38.15[TK]D-FenderLeO_22: You aren't asking for help, you're asking for someone to do it for you and you've been pointed towards docs on this.
03:38.25LeO_22someone could explain me how works ldap?? :D
03:39.07drmessanoI know the Zephyr ISDN codecs use G722 extensively in many remote broadcast setups, and the quality over 128k ISDN is phenominal
03:39.25drmessanoActually sounds better than most of the studio gear used to record/mix it
03:39.29coppiceG.722 only uses 64k
03:39.56[TK]D-Fendercoppice: kbit?
03:40.02drmessanoFor stereo, in this case
03:40.22coppiceah. G.722 is about AM radio quality
03:40.42*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
03:40.44[TK]D-Fendercoppice: thats the same rate as G.711 though.
03:40.54jayteebkw_, how are you getting 32kHz with an IP 6000? it says on Polycom's page it handles up to 14kHz.
03:41.00[TK]D-Fendercoppice: How does that work?
03:41.27coppicekinda like G.729 is only 8k :-\
03:41.37drmessanoBetter codec
03:41.43drmessanoSize doesnt matter
03:41.52drmessanoDoes more in the same space
03:42.30coppiceG.722 is not that great a codec. it was designed to be reasonable cost in 1985 silicon, rather than super duper
03:42.33[TK]D-Fendercoppice: yes, G.729 is 8K because its a heck of a lot of lossy compression compared to say G.711.  How can G722 be so much better than G711 in the same BW?
03:42.58coppiceSo what? G.711 is also lossy compression.
03:43.26[TK]D-Fendercoppice: companded I get, but nothing extra funky...
03:43.48[TK]D-Fendercoppice: all very flat-rate isn't it?
03:43.59coppiceits still lossy compression. lossy compression is not something bad. its something good, if you do it right
03:44.01bkw_jaytee:  go read up on audio a bit more then you'll know
03:44.11drmessanoIt would be fascinating to have an 2-port ATA supporting G722.  Could use simple POTS mixers to create the same quality as a $4000 ISDN box
03:44.20bkw_coppice: wrote the g722.1/c lib I used in FreeSWITCH
03:44.29*** join/#asterisk jpeeler (n=jpeeler@asterisk/digium-software-dev/jpeeler)
03:45.00[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: And what about the 2-port ATA that actually supports even G.729 on both channels? :)
03:45.14drmessanoSPA-2102 will
03:45.14[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Walk before you run!
03:45.23coppiceThink about it. Any bit rate reduction you do in a constant bit rate channel is lossy.
03:45.23[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: does it?
03:45.31[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: can it handel 4 calls with it?
03:45.39drmessano4 calls?
03:45.43drmessanoIts a 2 port ATA?
03:45.48[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: 2 ports, 3-way each
03:45.57drmessanoI dunno..
03:46.37drmessanoI just told you she puts out, now you wanna know what positions she likes.. Geez
03:46.41drmessanoCall her yourself!
03:46.42coppiceG.722.1 sounds better than G.722 most of the time, and that's at 32kbps
03:47.16*** join/#asterisk xuser (n=xuser@unaffiliated/xuser)
03:49.50drmessano <-- 4 Grand just for 2 channels of G722
03:49.54drmessanoand a mixer
03:50.00drmessanoover BRI.. bleck
03:50.23drmessanoAlthough it will do IP, I can't remember the hoops needed to jump through
03:51.18coppiceit does MP3 and AAC as well, but $4k sounds a "what the market will pay" price
03:51.26*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
03:51.36drmessanocoppice: No one uses the MP3 and AAC.. and yeah, thats about right
03:51.47drmessano95% of broadcasters use G722
03:52.04drmessanoIt saves time.. half the engineers can barely use the boxes to begin with
03:52.26coppicewell, if they use it over ISDN, that would make sense. nothing else is properly standardised for use over ISDN
03:54.03drmessanoBut in case, that's the "standard" to replace.. For anything above POTS, the Zephyr w/BRI is the "high quality" path for remote broadcast, especially between two markets that have never heard of each other that suddenly need to send a show back/forth
03:54.11coppice[Tk]D-Fender have you ever compared a 64kbps MP3 with ulaw at the same rate?
03:54.34drmessanoAnything less than $4000 that's easy to implement would rock
03:55.02drmessanoI dont even work in broadcast anymore, but I still have cold sweats over those things
03:55.14coppiceA cheap PC, a HFC BRI card, and a little software would do a great job
03:55.33drmessanoToo complicated
03:55.35[TK]D-Fendercoppice: So its what it is?  Straight slight loss of a high enough rate to fit in the same and expand out to "somewhat better"?
03:55.37*** join/#asterisk exsync (n=mjohnson@pdpc/supporter/active/exsync)
03:55.41drmessanoYou said "PC"
03:55.55drmessanoDisc Jockeys need to be able to operate it
03:56.25drmessanoI'm gonna start calling Linksys daily to find out when the G722 ATA is coming out
03:57.04coppice[Tk]D-Fender sorry, I can't decode that. MP3 at 64k does stereo at rather better than AM radio quality. ulaw sounds what it is - 100 year old telephone quality
03:58.27coppicebut MP3 sucks for anything interactive, because of its algorithmic latency. that's why we have things like G.722.1 and CELT
03:58.27drmessanoImprovements in codec quality are not so much magically making a bit stretch further, but moreso removing inefficiencies of past codecs
04:00.05drmessanoEventually you'll hit a point of dimishing returns, and by then, you won't have to worry about such low bandwidth paths..
04:00.18drmessanoBut I think you'll still see improvement
04:00.44coppicethere's no magic. for a general purpose codec you can strip out what the ear can't detect. for a specialist codec, like speech, you can strip out the ability to code what the source (voice) can't produce. we're still learning how to do that better, but we are reaching the limits. MP3 got impressively close for general purpose coding very early
04:00.44drmessanoA lot of the codecs we use today were banged out so long ago, the algorithms are absolute crap
04:00.46[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: And Hell will have frozen over.... but at least there'll be free skating ;)
04:01.22[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Is G.722 or derivatives patent encumbered?
04:01.53drmessano"we're still learning how to do that better"  <--- That being the most significant part
04:02.00coppiceyeah, but we're getting close to the limit in most areas
04:03.06[TK]D-FenderAnd IIRC, isn't G.723.1 supposed to have passed its patent epiry date?
04:03.14coppiceyou'll notice that for general purpose high latency coding, the last few years has produced only minor tweaks over MP3
04:03.29coppiceG.723.1 still has a while to go. 2014, I think
04:03.35drmessanoBy the time this generation of codecs is implemented in devices across the board, you'll have less people needing HD quality on low crap bandwidth links and attrition will bring more bandwidth and be more forgiving to higher bandwidth, higher quality codecs
04:03.49drmessanoI dunno what patent issues G722 has, if any
04:04.01coppiceG.722 is >20 years old
04:05.51[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Wow... surprised I haven't seen it everywhere then..
04:06.05[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Why has it been so buried?
04:06.28coppicebecause it was design to replace G.711 on the PSTN, but BRI failed to take off
04:06.32[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I only first heard of it 2-3 years ago
04:07.09coppiceif you look in the bearer info for ISDN one option is "7.1kHz audio". That is for G.722
04:07.12drmessanogrumbles about it not failing completely enough
04:07.46[TK]D-Fendercoppice: thats a lower sample rate than G.711 though...
04:08.05coppice7.1kHz bandwidth. 16kHz sampling
04:08.06drmessanoI haven't heard someone ask me about SPID's or DSN's in about a year.  Good times.  I could have another beer on that.
04:08.36[TK]D-Fendercoppice: fewer samples, wider tone range = greater perceived quality?
04:09.03coppicehuh? G.711 is 3.4kHz bandwidth. 8kHz sampling
04:10.46[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Ok, I'll stop now before I lose any of us further.  I am over my head on this and should simply go read up it.  Anyone got a decent link or two?
04:25.19*** join/#asterisk ajohnson (n=ajohnson@
04:25.40[TK]D-FenderG.722 patents have expired, so it is freely available.
04:26.12coppiceas I said, its >20 years old
04:26.54*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
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04:28.52[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Thanks for the quick heads up, I'm going to continue mashing through Wikipedia to start and see how much sink in, then try to stay quiet for a while :)
04:38.03*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
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04:49.37[TK]D-FenderAlright checkout time, here's hoping I wake up NOT in convulsions tomorrow morning...
04:49.39[TK]D-Fendernite all
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07:06.58syrusfrostI do a podcast, we take calls. Lots of wires, good stuff like that. I've googled a bit and cant find something that exactly matches my needs, but is there a scripting solution that would allow me to have call screeners take calls from an incoming queue and have them just hit a button to send them to the appropriate queue for answering on a live show? Keep in mind these call screeners would be working remotely...
07:17.35drmessanoWith the right handset, sure
07:18.05drmessanoYou have them answer a queue, then program a softkey to forward them to another queue
07:18.56*** join/#asterisk pif (
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07:35.49syrusfrostsimple enough
07:36.15syrusfrostcould you recommend a softphone that would handle that well?
07:37.00syrusfrostor rather, that is robust and easy to program
07:38.42drmessanoDunno about a softphone on that
07:38.58drmessanoWould be much better to use a real phone
07:42.21mchoudrmessano: you use tollfreegateway, right?
07:42.54mchoudrmessano: do you mind calling an 800 # thru there and see if it's working for you?
07:45.36drmessanoHang on
07:46.33mchouas in no worky?
07:46.43drmessanoIts not working, NO, NEWP, NADA, ZILCH, ZERO, NONYA, BORKY BORKEY BORKED
07:47.10mchoucool.  it's not just me then :)
07:47.12drmessanoIm gonna bounce one through IPKALL and see what happens
07:48.21drmessanoIPKALL is teh LOL
07:48.29drmessanoI sent it a tollfree call
07:48.32mchouwhat happened?
07:48.46drmessanoIt tells me it doesnt allow outbound calls except for tollfree numbers
07:48.53drmessanoI CAN HAZ?
07:49.27mchouI know tollfreegw is free but it's not the most reliable....
07:49.57mchoumaybe they are running asterisk on zune :)
07:50.46drmessanoWell, theres several that are available with ENUM
07:50.52drmessanoBut one of them doesnt work at all
07:50.57drmessanoand now this one is down
07:51.27mchoufor now I'm using
07:52.30drmessanoI know a few of the providers offer free tollfree.. doesnt charge for my tollfree
07:53.28mchouyeah, but you probably need to register with then to dial toll free #s, right?
07:54.28drmessanoIm not sure.. I would imagine so.. But I have noticed most providers terminate tollfree for free, even ones like Gizmo5
07:54.42drmessanoStill requires a signup though
07:55.14mchoudrmessano: also, how exactly do you call a tollfree # witth ipkall?  <-- APPARENTLY NOT A TOLLFREE CALL
07:55.47*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
07:55.50mchouhow about w/o 1?
07:56.10drmessanoI was wonderin'..
07:56.42*** join/#asterisk JJ2110 (
07:56.56drmessanoYoure a fucking genius
07:57.08drmessanoYep.. They trap the 1
07:57.25drmessanoI had thought about it for a second like 5 mins ago and dismissed it
07:57.29drmessanoBut hey
07:58.36drmessanoNow I just need to make sure IPKALL doesnt go out of business
07:58.36mchouwho knows
07:58.59drmessanoTime to set up my "For a good time, call: "  number on Craiglist
07:59.03mchouI think FCC or the tier 1 telcos put the squeeze on "settlements"
07:59.25mchoumaybe ipkall is not long for this world
07:59.50drmessanoGoogle needs to unzip their fly and do something here soon
08:00.23mchoudrmessano: no joke.  I was trying to dial tellme and dialed 800555TALK by accident
08:00.42mchouthat turned out to be a sex chat line
08:01.04drmessanoGoogles damn "SIP coming soon" from 2004 is getting a bit stale
08:01.13drmessanoGrandcentral is rotting on the vine
08:01.26mchouGC works great for me
08:01.35drmessanoGo sign up for another number
08:01.38drmessanoIll wait
08:01.47mchouI have a vested interest in GC not going out of Beta :)
08:02.25mchoucause once they go production they'll probably start charging
08:02.25drmessanoGoogle bought it while it was in Beta.. It probably wont leave Beta or end up free
08:02.29drmessanoThey may charge for a tier
08:02.37drmessanoLike they do Google Apps
08:02.50drmessanoPersonal use free, business use xxx
08:03.19drmessanoGoogle will put ads on it somewhere
08:03.25mchoubut how mant #s you need from GC?
08:03.37mchou1 should be enough :)
08:03.47*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
08:04.12drmessanoI dont.. But its hardly anything to get friends or family using reliably when you have to wait 7 months for a week worth of signups
08:04.53drmessanoand right now, they've done ZERO with it in months.. which either means its being stripped down and integrated into GTalk, or they're just busy buying someone else
08:05.41mchouI dont know anyone who uses gtalk voice
08:06.16drmessanoI would be happy if they offered DIDs for Gtalk accounts like a few of these places I surfed last night offer
08:06.30drmessanoI would slap that on the * box and be done with it
08:06.33syrusfrostGtalk+GC... wow
08:08.52mchouyeah, gtalk+GC would kill skype
08:09.06syrusfrostno doubt
08:09.21drmessanoGC+Gizmo hasnt
08:09.22syrusfrostyou said you had some gc #'s?
08:09.43mchousyrusfrost: who said that?
08:09.49syrusfrostlol nobody?
08:10.12mchoudrmessano: gizmo is a bit brain dead
08:10.34drmessanomchou: I saw rigor mortis, optimist
08:11.15drmessanoIts great for being a replacment for whatever use USEDTOBE-FreeWorldDialup had
08:11.15mchouthat's cause you didnt beat it
08:11.19drmessanobut beyond, nah
08:12.26syrusfrost~[ mchou ]~ alright, so you might not have spare GC number, but any info on GC? I'm too lazy to plow through thousands of requests in the nntp for a little info...
08:12.53mchousyrusfrost: nope.  no inside scoop
08:13.07mchousyrusfrost: your guess is as good as mine
08:13.16syrusfrostpoopy. I missed out man.
08:14.04mchousyrusfrost: you arent the only one
08:15.22syrusfrostoh I know, I envy you
08:15.57mchouI got lucky is all
08:16.11mchouI was trying out voip at the time
08:16.26mchouhad a buddy send me an invite
08:16.33mchouthe rest is history
08:17.10mchoushortly after that GC closed the floodgates
08:17.30drmessanoAH HA
08:17.44drmessanoPredictions for Google's 2009
08:17.44drmessano4. GrandCentral will be publicly available in the US and the interface will integrate with Gmail.
08:17.53drmessanoOff the Googlesystem blog
08:18.00syrusfrostoh wow, I'm looking at the reserve request screen and at this point all of the atlanta area codes are GONE
08:18.00drmessanoTeaser or BS, dunno.. but a mention
08:18.23syrusfrostthey were there before
08:18.48drmessano11. Google Contacts will become a separate application, it will offer advanced search and an option to synchronize contacts data.
08:19.30syrusfrostIt seems like they have an inventory going, I think they are serious about opening it up again...
08:19.34syrusfrostthe question is when
08:20.10drmessanoThey are keeping up with the thousands of invites still floating around.. that is all
08:20.59syrusfrostI dont know man, all of the atlanta area codes gone? Those couldnt have all been invites could they?
08:21.33mchousyrusfrost: where do you find out all area codes gone?
08:22.08syrusfrostthey were there before, I remember picking when I reserved
08:22.43mchouon snap
08:22.51mchoumy area code is not there
08:23.03mchouhow the hell is that possible
08:23.19mchouI'm like 2 ft. away from google HQ
08:24.06syrusfrostGoogle HQ? Even if all the employees took a number it's not possible that they were all eaten up
08:24.19syrusfrostthey are collecting reservations and taking them out of inventory
08:24.20mchouthat's my point
08:24.33syrusfrostthat indicates intent to deliver imho
08:24.57syrusfrostit's not just a blind signup, some thought was put into this
08:25.26syrusfrostgood point
08:25.29mchoubut I know it's a level 3 exchange where I'm at
08:26.25mchouI wonder how many exchanges GC booked
08:26.36mchoucant be that many
08:27.38syrusfrostI'd love to see the numbers
08:28.00mchouyeah.  same here
08:29.55syrusfrostah man... speaking of level3 my employer just ditched their legacy broadwing network for at&t
08:31.24syrusfrostalready seeing some lower quality with our cisco voice solutions
08:34.09*** join/#asterisk jicksta (
08:42.15khronosHi guys.
08:42.42khronosWhat do you guys like for least cost dialing applications?
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09:40.39EmleyMoorFor a few days I hae been unable to enable/disable polling on my DVD writer drive - it is otherwise functional though. hal-disable-polling soays it cannot find the device. Why would that be?
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09:56.43Madkisshi all. i am trying to set up hylafax=>iaxmodem via chan_lcr. the iax-stuff seems to be set up correctly, but actually, hylafax reports a "no carrier"-error
10:04.39*** join/#asterisk magronez (n=eusei@unaffiliated/magrao/x-2903)
10:05.44Madkissokay, got it. strike.
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10:41.06verywisemani have linksys 3102 , how can i define its fxo fxs port to asterisk?
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11:15.08verywisemani have linksys 3102 , how can i define its fxo fxs port to asterisk?
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13:13.46Madkissis an overview over the various asterisk variables available? e.g. i would like to know whether there is some variable that tells me who accepted a call. i.e. it rings, somebody picks the call up and i would like to store that information somewhere.
13:14.18mmlj4the old handbook listed all of those
13:14.41Madkissoh I see
13:18.41*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
13:33.47PanGoatDoes the bot work for everyone? or is does it have a limited set of nicks it will allow commands from?
13:34.16jbotmethinks book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
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14:14.55micolsWARNING[20695]: app_dial.c:1111 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'ZAP' (cause 34 - Circuit/channel congestion) anyone know this error and possible fix for it?
14:15.09micolsrestart asterisk?
14:17.43micolsi keep getting it for all outgoing calls
14:18.36kannanmicols - is loaded ok?
14:18.50micolszap show channels shows up fine
14:20.04unixdawgbut does it show channels
14:20.45unixdawgare your ports showing up
14:23.20micolsi notice a few RED alarms, so i guess the congestion is due to that?
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14:31.48micolsyes it has RED alarms on 3 of 4 cards, so i will try to restart the PBX, it worked last time i think.
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15:53.19eppigyi am dave
15:54.41postelOMG Hi!!!111
16:00.28*** join/#asterisk thansen (
16:06.43drmessanoOm nom nom?
16:09.53*** join/#asterisk Daejeo (n=chatzill@
16:11.23Daejeocan anyone recommend  a machine for handling 100 calls simultaneously ?
16:12.11*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:13.48drmessanoDual Quad Core 3GHZ Xeons and 8GB Ram
16:14.39eppigyDaejeo: compression, no compression, dahdi channels?
16:14.45eppigyi mean lets get real here
16:16.49Daejeoeppigy: g729
16:17.06drmessanogoes back and repunts
16:17.08drmessanoDual Quad Core 3GHZ Xeons and 8GB Ram
16:17.31*** part/#asterisk Ericounet (
16:17.31Daejeodrmessano: thank you
16:18.39Daejeodoes DELL sell?
16:18.46drmessanoThey do sell
16:18.50drmessano24/7 I hear
16:18.53drmessanoGIVE IT TO THEM
16:19.34*** join/#asterisk esaym (
16:20.17Daejeoany model number?
16:21.12eppigypoweredge 1950 gen3
16:21.16jayteeewwww, these Commit Cappucino nicotine lozenges taste like ass
16:22.32drmessanoTrying to quit?
16:22.56jayteeyeah, thank god this was a fee sample
16:23.04drmessanoFEE SAMPLE
16:23.05eppigyhere is some advice
16:23.11eppigyget some advantix
16:23.13drmessanoLIKE FEEWORLDDIALUP?
16:23.23eppigyI quit 2 years ago
16:23.28jayteeadvantix? is that like Chantix?
16:23.29drmessanoFrom Jeff
16:23.45eppigywhere the hell did i get that from
16:23.48drmessanoI used the Feline Advantix
16:23.59jayteeI'm not taking any SSRI based meds ever again
16:24.02drmessanoNow I am Flea Free
16:24.14eppigybut nicotine supplements just prolong your withdrawal
16:24.20eppigyand you will never quit
16:24.43drmessanojaytee: Take some Wellbutrin, a shot of jim beam/coke, and pop a Mucinex
16:24.49drmessanoThats a weeks vacation
16:24.58eppigyjust get soem advantix
16:25.02jayteeprobably true, but if I have a craving and use gum or a lozenge at least I'm not giving myself the carbon monoxide and tar that goes with inhaling smoke.
16:25.02eppigyi mean chantix
16:25.09eppigyit works like a charm
16:25.14eppigyand its relatively cheap
16:25.21drmessanoGod damnit
16:25.26drmessanoI have some stupid cats
16:25.31eppigychoke them
16:25.33eppigyto death
16:25.34jayteeyou too! I have two of them
16:25.40drmessanoI now have THREE pencils with NO erasers
16:25.42jayteefur covered retards, both
16:25.46*** join/#asterisk voxter (n=voxter@
16:25.51eppigyi hate cats so much
16:25.53drmessanoSticking out of a coffee mug/pen holder
16:25.55eppigyi9m not gonna lie
16:26.00drmessanoand they chew them off
16:26.06drmessanoCARBON SIDE UP, BITCHES
16:26.20drmessanoCHEW THAT
16:26.36drmessanoThey are dumb
16:26.41drmessanoI put a WRT54G on the floor
16:26.49*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
16:26.50drmessano12 hours later, antennas chewed up
16:26.52drmessanoLIKE DOGS DO
16:26.55drmessanoNOT CATS
16:26.56jayteeother than using CDR which won't give me realtime stats is there anyway to monitor active channels for concurrent calls?
16:26.56eppigyand they installed linux on it?
16:27.05drmessanoeppigy: Damn right
16:27.15*** join/#asterisk esaym (
16:27.18jbotfrom memory, book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
16:27.28drmessano^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ READ AND STFU4EVA
16:27.37eppigyjaytee: there is a cool zenoss plugin
16:28.15eppigyalso nagios of course
16:28.20eppigyif you just want alerts
16:28.27eppigywhen you need to scale up
16:29.05*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
16:33.31jayteeeppigy, I just want to be able to see how many calls are in progress at any given time. sip show inuse gives me nothing, even when I know a call is in progress
16:34.34eppigythis may e a dumb question but what about sip show channels?
16:35.00jayteeduh!!! god, I'm an idiot!!!
16:37.22*** join/#asterisk slima (i=slima@unaffiliated/slima)
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16:53.39mmlj4sip show channels
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17:05.38*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
17:05.53DelphiWorldhi my friend
17:06.17DelphiWorldwhat is the best free linux PBX Distro ?
17:07.19jayteedo you mean what is the best linux distro to run a PBX application like Asterisk on? opinions are wide and varied.
17:08.00DelphiWorldjaytee: mor linux distro is a specific for asterisk
17:08.08DelphiWorldeach one ?
17:08.16jayteenone are specific to Asterisk
17:08.56UQlevDelphiWorld: best linux distro is Gentoo
17:08.59DelphiWorldthen what is trixbox ?
17:09.17*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
17:09.57jayteetrixbox is asterisk at the core with a forked version of the freepbx gui and a few other addons running on top of linux.
17:10.45DelphiWorldjaytee: then trixbox is a full linux dsitro specific to asterisk ?
17:11.36drmessanoTrixbox is not a linux distro
17:11.40jayteeno, trixbox is a VoIP pbx solution using asterisk code. It will run on lots of different linux distros. They just bundle the whole thing on one particular distro
17:12.01drmessanoIts CENTOS with some fancy ks config settings to install Trixbox RPMs out of the box
17:12.24DelphiWorldjaytee: i understand now
17:12.32drmessanoAt one point it was a giant tarball
17:12.49DelphiWorldand any asterisk win32 implementation (please except for "asterisk win32") ?
17:13.01drmessanoand it got too complex for them to manage on different systems, so now its distributed as a CentOS CD with the tarball and configs
17:13.02jayteeDelphiWorld, if you want more info about trixbox go ask in the #trixbox channel. If you're just starting to learn this stuff I recommend avoiding trixbox and using asterisk without a GUI and run it on CentOS or Debian.
17:14.20DelphiWorldjaytee: please any asterisk port to windows ?
17:14.39jayteeDelphiWorld, you don't even want to go there!!!
17:14.59drmessanoSymantec Antivirus for Asterisk PBX 1.0 <---
17:15.10drmessanoThats too 2002
17:15.37drmessanoSymantec Endpoint Protection for Asterisk PBX Systems 1.0
17:16.00DelphiWorldjaytee: please note that i'm a blind user
17:16.07drmessano"The SIP security you need to slow down the flow of malware, call quality, and business growth"
17:16.17jayteeDelphiWorld, I'll take that into consideration
17:16.59DelphiWorldi'm asking about graphical USER Interface bicose i'm using windows only (with a screen reader)
17:18.27riddleboxtheres always putty from a windows box
17:18.47*** join/#asterisk soa2ii (
17:18.54drmessanocues up Billy Mays
17:18.58drmessanoITS WONDER PUTTY
17:19.39drmessanoI am going to HANG this entire PBX from the wall with ONE PEA SIZED drop of WONDER PUTTY
17:20.05riddleboxi just saw a commercial for his wax
17:20.06*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
17:20.13drmessanoSee this bond?  Sure, its stuck to a thin sheet of paper on the outside of the sheetrock, but it will hold for YEARS
17:20.28soa2iiIf I want to connect my home pc to the telephone net what hardware do I need? Smth like a "FRITZ!Card PCI" should fit, doesn't it?
17:20.52ManxPowersoa2ii: Does your home PC run Linux?
17:21.01soa2iiManxPower: Yeah.
17:21.26ManxPowersoa2ii: You can use a PCI card or you can subscribe to an ITSP.  What kind of phone line do you currently have?
17:22.18soa2iiManxPower: ISDN with telephone flat. So I don't want to subscribe smth else... I just want to "tunnel" VoIP to the "real" telephone net :P
17:22.25ManxPowerIf you just want cheap phone calls I recommend a Linksys/SIPura box and an ITSP.
17:22.36Daejeocan anyone recommend  the best E1 pci card ?
17:22.45ManxPowerDaejeo: Digium or Sangoma
17:22.46*** join/#asterisk zr0 (i=br@unaffiliated/zr0)
17:23.03zr0does asterisk support T.38?
17:23.20soa2iiManxPower: Well... it should later work over VPN from everywhere in the world without carriing hardware and so...
17:23.23ManxPowersoa2ii: you are not going to connect to the "telephone net" (we call that the PSTN) unless you subscribe to some service.
17:23.31DaejeoManxPower: both are same?
17:23.39soa2iiSo I would like to connect my home server to the isdn box.
17:23.48ManxPowerDaejeo: No.  One is made by Digium and one is made by Sangoma?
17:24.00DaejeoI meant quality
17:24.02*** join/#asterisk unixdawg (
17:24.21soa2iiManxPower: So it is not possible to tell asterisk it should call some "normal" phone over my isdn?
17:24.42ManxPowersoa2ii: Sure it is, but you have to subscribe to the ISDN.
17:24.56zr0isdn is expensive
17:25.03ManxPowerI don't know much about ISDN BRI and Asterisk since it's not supported in the USA (where I live)
17:25.20ManxPowerzr0: ISDN is priced location to location.  It is expensive some places it is cheaper than analog in other places.
17:25.31soa2iiManxPower: Well I have of course a running internet/isdn flatrate here... I just want to make my computers possible to call "real" phones :P
17:25.36zr0ManxPower: you mean in europe its cheaper
17:25.59ManxPowerzr0: in europe an IDSN BRI is cheaper than 2 analog lines in many places.
17:26.18ManxPowerAlso in Tennessee, but most of the USA it is much more expensive.
17:26.25zr0right :)
17:26.28ManxPowersoa2ii: usually flat rate is only for voice calls.
17:26.47ManxPowersoa2ii: buy an ISDN BRI card, install Asterisk, be happy.
17:26.47*** join/#asterisk danalien (n=danalien@unaffiliated/danalien)
17:27.01zr0isdn lines have great call quality
17:27.05soa2iiManxPower: OK. What ISDN BRI do you recommend?
17:27.19zr0one that works with asterisk?
17:27.28soa2iizr0: Shure
17:27.34ManxPowersoa2ii: I assume what ISDN BRI card do I recommend and I just said I don't know much about the cards because I can't use them
17:27.54soa2iiAww... ok (:
17:28.00zr0soa2ii: just go with whatever digium recommends
17:28.15florzsoa2ii: any cologne chip (HFC-S PCI A) will do
17:28.15ManxPowersoa2ii: there is no official ISDN BRI card that is well known and supported.  Digium has one card that uses some form of mISDN (zaptel support coming)
17:28.38ManxPowerthe Digium card is pretty recent and not well tested by users in my opinion.
17:29.50jbot[~mailinglist] The Asterisk mailing lists can be found at , Search the archives by adding "" to your Google search.
17:29.50soa2iiWhat do I need furthermore? Do I need an own telephone number for my server then?
17:29.53ManxPowerI would suggest you search the mailing lists, but jbot seems to be asleep
17:30.06ManxPowersoa2ii: you are plugging your existing line into Asterisk.  What else do you expect to need?
17:30.25ManxPowersoa2ii: also read The Book
17:30.27jbotbook is probably probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
17:30.29soa2iiManxPower: Well... I say more about my setup.
17:30.55ManxPowerPSTN -> ISDN BRI -> BRI PCI card -> Asterisk.  Pretty simple.
17:31.25soa2iiI have the isdn splitter. then my internet router and one isdn phone with two numbers connected to the splitter. now I just want to add my server next to the existing phone (:
17:31.42zr0ManxPower: do you have any experience faxing in asterisk over voip?
17:32.32ManxPowerzr0: Yes.  It doesn't work.  That is my experience.
17:32.50ManxPowersoa2ii: you are not going to be able to do that with ISDN.
17:33.22soa2iiManxPower: Why?
17:33.40ManxPowerit sounds like what you have is an ISDN line connected into a router and a device to provide analog phone ports.
17:34.03ManxPowersoa2ii: because your internet will stop working when you unplug the ISDN line from your router and NT1 and plug it into Asterisk
17:34.37soa2iiManxPower: I want to plug my computer in like an ISDN telephone
17:34.47soa2iisimply next to the existing phone
17:34.53soa2iithis is impossible?
17:35.04zr0ManxPower: do you think it would work with a real rax machine connected through an ata?
17:35.07ManxPowersoa2ii: I doubt that is possible, but you should look at the mailing lists.
17:35.32ManxPowerzr0: the only reliable way to fax with Asterisk in my experience is to not fax thru asterisk and fax thru an analog line direct from your telco
17:36.02ManxPowersoa2ii: Asterisk is designed as a PBX.  PBXs don't share phone lines with external devices.
17:36.26zr0ManxPower: bummer
17:38.14*** join/#asterisk unixdawg (
17:38.53ManxPowerzr0: Other people's experiences may be different
17:39.37zr0ManxPower: when you tried it, where you using a real fax machine on your end?
17:41.34yangzr0: I had some good results in receiving faxes over SIP
17:41.50ManxPowerzr0: I have used faxing in three ways in Asterisk.  1) analog line -> Asterisk -> analog fax.  Didn't work well.  2) analog line -> analog fax  Never had a problem.  3) PRI -> Asterisk -> app_rx_fax Works most of the time, but we have analog fax when there are problems
17:43.19zr0hmm. i'm trying to do analog line -> voip gateway -> my pbx -> ata -> my fax machine, which sounds more complicated then what you were doing
17:43.50zr0i understand that the t.38 protocol can alleviate a lot of problems
17:44.02zr0yang: did you have a t.38 provider?
17:44.15soa2iiManxPower: So again... that you're shue what I want to do:
17:44.23yangzr0: no
17:45.03yangzr0: I have difficulties in sending from fax machine over ATA, but received faxes go in proper to asterisk/hylafax
17:45.30zr0yang: so this is straight over a sip trunk using ulaw?
17:45.51[TK]D-Fenderzr0: What is this "voip gateway" you're speaking of?
17:46.04yangzr0: yep
17:46.26zr0[TK]D-Fender: whomever transfers the pstn call over to my sip trunk
17:47.01[TK]D-Fenderzr0: never write those 2 words like that for your case then.  put (ITSP).
17:47.14[TK]D-Fenderzr0: Your way made it look like YOU had an analog line
17:47.20zr0ok. what does that stand for?
17:47.29[TK]D-Fenderzr0: and were converting it locally with your own equipment
17:47.34jbot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet telephony Service Provider or "VoIP Telephone company". The allow you to either PLACE calls to the PSTN (called Termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called Origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs
17:47.55coppicemost ATAs have settings for FAXing with Alaw/ulaw, but they are really bogus. their chance of working is small, even when packet loss is very low. faxing into an iaxmodem/hylafax setup generally gives good results, if the packet loss os very low
17:48.46zr0coppice: that's the impression i've got, but there are atas out there that claim to implement t.38 over ulaw
17:49.13[TK]D-Fendercoppice: I'd head that in RTP where 20ms packets are the norm even 1 lost packet risks the entire call.  How accurate is that?
17:49.24coppiceer, no. T.38 does not run over ulaw. you use T.38 instead of ulaw
17:49.31zr0right, sorry
17:49.57zr0coppice: do you know if asterisk supports t.38?
17:50.14*** part/#asterisk unixdawg (
17:50.46coppice[TK]D-Fender: well, in theory things should retry, but in practice they can get very flaky even with very few lost packets. the big problem with ulaw FAXing with ATAs is jitter, though. they fall apart with even modest amounts of jitter
17:51.33coppicezr0: my T.38 stuff is being integrated into *, but I don't know the current status
17:51.44[TK]D-Fendercoppice: Sonds like fun.  Diet-Fun... jsut like Real-Fun, only half as much....
17:51.49zr0which makes sense, you're adding so much latency in
17:52.27coppicelatency is not the big issue. jitter is
17:52.58zr0i mean, latency at the ip level
17:53.49coppicelatency is not the big issue. jitter is
17:53.53[TK]D-Fenderzr0: Yes, * 1.4 supports it in passthrough which is what you'll need for your ATA.
17:54.11zr0[TK]D-Fender: badass. thank you. i think i'm gonna try this out.
17:54.18[TK]D-Fenderzr0: That is if you get one that supports it.  Does your ITSP claim T.38 support?
17:54.43zr0[TK]D-Fender: that's the next thing to find out. i'm pretty sure they don't. :)
17:55.02zr0[TK]D-Fender: but it's not a big deal for me to switch providers
17:55.33coppicezr0: do you need a real FAX machine, or is computer FAXing appropriate for you?
17:56.09[TK]D-Fenderzr0: And pay extreme heed to coppice's warnings & advice
17:56.32zr0coppice: i want to use a real fax machine
17:56.52zr0coppice: to send faxes
17:57.05zr0coppice: more than to receive
17:58.52zr0[TK]D-Fender: by pass-thru, does that mean i need to have a seperate did dedicated to t.38?
18:04.31[TK]D-Fenderzr0: It means that if your ATA supports T.38 and your ATA does, then * will let them talk it though and do their thing.
18:04.50[TK]D-Fenderzr0: * does not have to translate or decode T.38 itself.
18:04.56[TK]D-Fendereppigy: You are dave!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18:06.55eppigyI AM HE WHO IS KNOWN AS DAVE
18:08.51eppigyYEAH SON
18:16.13*** join/#asterisk SpecialEd (
18:26.35*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
18:34.49*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
18:37.45drmessanoDave is such a stupid name
18:37.55justdaveI resent that
18:38.07drmessanoMainly because the 2 Dave's I have known in any real capacity were douches
18:38.07justdaveer, resemble that, or something
18:38.26drmessanoOne tried to get me kicked off a hockey team
18:38.32drmessanoThe other stole $50 from me
18:38.38drmessanoNot had a good "dave" experience
18:38.46drmessanoSo screw "Dave's"
18:38.54drmessanoSo screw "Dave"'s
18:38.58drmessanoor somehting
18:39.14eppigydont be dave jaded
18:39.20eppigybecause of two bad apples
18:39.41drmessanoI don't want to be Dave jaded.. But the statistics
18:40.04drmessanoDo you know guys named "Dave" are 3 times more likely to be killed as innocent bystanders in bar fights?
18:40.09drmessanoTHE DECK IS STACKED
18:40.23justdaveonly because there's three times as many Daves as other names :)
18:40.39eppigyyou have to calulate per capita
18:40.45drmessanoMy reference "God I miss Dave.  If only he had not gone to that bar.."
18:40.46eppigylets be real here
18:41.30drmessanoDave sounds like such an innocent name.. Like a Dave could do no wrong, but man, shame he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
18:41.51drmessano"If only Dave had waited 30 more seconds before going to work"
18:42.39drmessano"Why was Dave at the mall on a Sunday!!!!  He never goes... :("
18:43.02drmessanoNot only are Dave's more likely to be douchebags, but they apparently have really bad luck
18:43.50drmessano"Dave was such a nice guy.  All he was doing was mowing his elderly neighbors lawn.  You never would expect this to happen..."
18:44.03drmessanoI almost feel bad for "Dave"
18:44.10drmessanoBut then I look at my wallet
18:44.21drmessanoYep.. $50 less in there.. 15 years running
18:44.35drmessanoI WANT MY $50 BACK
18:45.42eppigyget it from his estate
18:45.48Dovidjaytee: where u here a fay days ago when i was speaking to the dev.'s ?
18:46.43[TK]D-FenderDovid: Careful.... the Grammar Rangers will get you in your sleep....
18:47.36jayteeDovid, I was never here on fay days. Fay days are a religious holiday for me and there are two things I never ever do. One is come into chat on fay days and two, "I never roll on Shabbos"
18:47.39eppigysyntax commandos
18:48.04DovidTK: been a long day......
18:48.25eppigyfull of fat rails?
18:48.47Dovidjaytee: Not here on Shabbat either ;)
18:48.54jayteebut to be serious (god I hate this) I don't recall when you were talking to the devs. What was it about?
18:49.21Dovidabout having a context that would be called for every other context with out usign include
18:49.51eppigylike a broadcast context
18:50.03jayteeor a "universal context"
18:50.11Dovidsort of
18:50.14[TK]D-FenderDovid: Stupidly dangerous, and a very wrong approach to the fact you can't code...
18:50.17jayteeor The God Context
18:50.23drmessanoWait Wait
18:50.29DovidTK: Which is y i pad a dev. to do it
18:50.30drmessano[general] <--
18:50.37drmessanoZOMG COMMIT
18:50.42eppigyDovid: how would you calculate the broadcast context given the subnet?
18:50.49Dovidsorry. nto broadcast
18:50.53[TK]D-Fenderhas problems with commitment...
18:50.56*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:50.57eppigydrmessano: ^5
18:51.08jayteeI'm gonna defer to [TK]D-Fender on this one, it opens way too many cans of worms and 1) I've never seen cans of worms sold anywhere, even in bait stores and 2) I don't feel like going fishing at the moment.
18:51.38drmessanoWhat is wrong with "Include"..?
18:52.02jayteewtf? that took me to a gay porn site!!!
18:52.06[TK]D-FenderWorms are tpically sold in lidless styrofoam containers full of earth
18:52.18Doviddrnessano: I was dealing with the gui (which I had no coice but needed to use). and it would over write what i put in there
18:52.46jaytee[TK]D-Fender, yes never in cans which begs the question where the expression came from in the first place. Obviously someone that never fished much.
18:52.46drmessanoDovid: If it was FreePBX, youre doing it wrong
18:52.55drmessanoDovid: Easy to work around
18:53.15Dovidthe asterisk gui. not freepbx
18:53.15[TK]D-FenderDovid: Trying to correct the fact a GUI is screwing you in the ass?  STOP USING IT
18:53.19Dovidi HATE gui's
18:53.37eppigyyou have never seen illustrations of a used soup tin full of worms?
18:53.41Dovid[TK]D-Fender: My dman boss !!! most of time times he listens to me
18:53.42[TK]D-FenderDovid: You don't rewrite * to work around some retard GUI.
18:53.42drmessanoStop pounding me in the ass.. File a bug report with the GUI
18:53.48drmessanoDont try to fix Asterisk
18:53.52drmessanoIts not broken
18:54.00drmessanoand globalcontexts would be an ENABLED
18:54.01drmessanoand globalcontexts would be an ENABLER
18:54.13drmessanoLike having more options than NAT=YES
18:54.17[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: think about.... CONTEXT CONTENTION!
18:54.20Doviddrmessano: The GUI is made to be simple (One of the asterik dev's told me that)
18:54.23drmessanoNAT=NAT <--- Would cover it all
18:54.42jayteeand the one time you find yourself needing a context that doesn't automatically inherit that context then whaddaya do? Punt?
18:54.42[TK]D-FenderDovid: Prepare for supreme F-ups because of include order prioritization.
18:55.05drmessanoNAT=yes doesnt mean yes, no doesnt mean no, never means no, and always means never, and no means maybe, and yes means sometimes and OMG WHAT THE FUCK WHO WROTE THIS?
18:55.09[TK]D-FenderDovid: there are other ways to solve your problem.
18:55.10Dovid[TK]D-Fender: 100%. i just use it for the h extension
18:55.47[TK]D-FenderDovid: I'm sorry, since when was * all about YOU?
18:56.01drmessanoASTERISK IS ABOUT YOU
18:56.02tzafrir_laptopDovid, generally 1.4 is not getting any new features. If you actually want that feature accepted, please provide a patch vs. trunk
18:56.03[TK]D-FenderdovoPut. Down. The. Crack. Pipe. (c) JerJer
18:56.04drmessanoITS YOUR PBX
18:56.09Dovid[TK]D-Fender: It isn't. which is why i paid some one to create it for me
18:56.16drmessanoASTERISK and YOU.... Probably
18:56.21tzafrir_laptopThat said, I'm not sure how useful it is, considering the alternatives
18:56.31drmessanoYou... paid... someone... for.... that.... patch?
18:56.46Dovidtzafrir_laptop: you may be right but didnt hurt to give it to others.
18:56.53drmessanoputs.... down..... the....... pointy.... must.... not..... gouge.... own....... eyes
18:57.08Doviddrmessano: When I have been yp for days and need a quick fix I throw money at my problems
18:57.26[TK]D-FenderDovid: Oh yes, someone might go code it... it'll just never get adopted into mainline. 1.4 is dead and it'll be a nice fight watching you try to keep up
18:57.26tzafrir_laptopdrmessano, actually the right thing to ask is: "what's the overhead from this"?
18:57.28[TK]D-FenderDovid: Wrong fix for your problem <------
18:57.31drmessanoDovid: try throwing common sense at them, it will go MUCH farther
18:58.24Dovid[TK]D-Fender: What do you sugest other than loosing the GUI ?
18:59.08[TK]D-FenderDovid: I suggest you look at how else you can add extensions to your system and when you need to do this.
18:59.28drmessanotzafrir_laptop: The right thing to ask is "Dovid, how may I help you fix a non-existant problem in Asterisk and how much will you pay me for it?"
18:59.34drmessanoI need to be on that gravy train
19:00.07drmessanoNAT=yes doesnt mean yes, no doesnt mean no, never means no, and always means never, and no means maybe, and yes means sometimes  <---- I will fix that for you, let me show you how
19:00.20tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, the bug has a patch attached
19:00.28Dovid[TK]D-Fender: I actuallt spoke to a few people about the issue here and for exaclty what i needed no one had a "quick fix"
19:00.59drmessanoWHy dont you patch the GUI
19:01.08drmessanoOr look at the fix there
19:01.31drmessanoIf the GUI is breaking things, or not allowing a necessity, why not fix *IT* for others?
19:01.41drmessanoRather than a patch that will be useful in one scenario
19:01.49[TK]D-FenderDovid: GUI is broken..... you don't break * just to make it MATCH.
19:01.52Doviddrmessano: cause as per the digium dev's it wasnt "breaking it"
19:02.03Dovidand it wasnt a bug.
19:02.21[TK]D-FenderDovid: Yes, technically not a bug, just "not what YOU wanted".
19:02.49Dovidcorrect. so its not a gui or asterisk issue and i paid some one to "fix" it
19:02.54drmessanoDovid: yes, and that *ASTERISK* patch is equally useless.. If you had money to piss on something that would be ignored by the devs anyway, why pick *ASTERISK* to patch and not the *GUI* where the issue really is?
19:02.58[TK]D-FenderDovid: scna for dialplan reloads and reinsert your extens with an external process.
19:03.11tzafrir_laptopDovid, also: is the global context added before other includes? After other includes?
19:03.12[TK]D-FenderDovid: No GUI or * code change required
19:03.30[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: NASTY sorting issues are bound to happen
19:03.40[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: this is a mistake
19:03.54drmessanoWhy not have picked the GUI to patch, and maybe the patch would be too useful to be ignored by the devs on the GUI side
19:04.06drmessanoInstead you created something VERY likely to be ignore in *asterisk*
19:04.29[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Because he's clueless and throwing money at a problem. Scrthed Earth
19:04.31Doviddrmessano: Cause i do a lot of playing around on the side and this helped me. in general i dont use the gui
19:04.34*** join/#asterisk dieguito84 (n=diego@
19:04.46drmessanoYour left toe is too big, so you had your left eye removed so you cant see it... Fix the TOE
19:05.23Dovidhides in a corner
19:05.24[TK]D-FenderDovid: WRONG SOLUTION
19:05.44Dovid[TK]D-Fender: Do you code for asterisk ?
19:06.06[TK]D-FenderDovid: No, I look through it occasionally.
19:06.17drmessanoYou created a workaround in ASTERISK that is likely to never be accepted rather than patch the real problem, which is in the GUI, because "I dont use the GUI that much"
19:06.20drmessanoGod I love open source
19:06.32Dovid[TK]D-Fender: Ok. for future "super smart ideas" I will ask you first what the best idea is ;)
19:07.07Doviddrmessano: didn't think of it at the time. I was thinking about wut would help me. ME !! ME !! ME !!
19:07.25drmessanoI guess I need to patch asterisk to listen on 5004-5082 for SIP rather than just 5060 due to users opening up a port RANGE for SIP signalling rather than config their firewall properly.
19:07.32[TK]D-FenderDovid: I can come up with tons of clever hacks.  I can even come up with pretty good coding ideas and where they should probably apply.  I also know what is flat out cataclysmically WRONG.
19:08.07drmessanoadds onlyworksonmybox=yes to sip.c
19:08.25[TK]D-FenderDovid: And if I had C and *NIX build experience, I would be coding actively
19:08.34drmessanoGod, I wouldnt
19:08.57drmessanoI bang my head enough hacking code together.. I dont know how these full time devs do it
19:09.01Dovidi would too. but i got no time to learn. time to go back to school....
19:09.26drmessanoI dont have the interest, so when I just need something to WORK, it pisses me off even having to screw with code
19:09.44drmessanoSomewhat fun when it works, and works fast.. but when I get hung up on something trivial, I get stabby
19:09.50drmessanoNO PATIENCE for coding
19:10.51drmessanoI would like to get somewhat comfortable with PHP... just because I do a lot of web work
19:15.57[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: PHP is the only modern-ish language I code in and even then, no OOP, etc
19:16.27DovidTK: How did you learn php ?
19:16.31[TK]D-Fendershould learn BASH & PERL
19:17.21[TK]D-FenderDovid: by reading
19:18.11seanbrightperl <3
19:18.15DovidTK: I use that, irc and lots of training vid's on line
19:18.21[TK]D-FenderDovid: I understand the basics of programming through minimal OOP and have been programming all my life, just never kept up
19:18.55[TK]D-FenderDovid: Syntax guide is all I need for most things.
19:19.51[TK]D-FenderDovid: Syntax is what is wrong with your patch.  The nature of extension sorting will screw people over.
19:20.35DovidTK: Gona speak to the person that wrote it. He used to work for Digium
19:20.37*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
19:20.42Dovidthought he would be good
19:21.24drmessano"Used to" = Fired for excessive drinking and incompetence
19:22.01Doviddrmessano: do u know who i am talking about ?
19:22.13[TK]D-FenderDovid: Did you NAME THEM?
19:22.29Dovidthought he was refrencing to some one
19:22.38Dovidsomething wrong with this:
19:22.38[TK]D-FenderDovid: Or are we going to play the "I know but you you don't!" game till the end of time?
19:22.41*** join/#asterisk freddyk (
19:23.23drmessanoDovid: If it is who I think it is, I am surprised he didn't spill beer and vomit on the code.  If it's not, then maybe you got some good code
19:24.24[TK]D-FenderDovid: Good coders can come up with bad ideas... just look at SLA!
19:24.29[TK]D-Fenderforgives russellb
19:24.39drmessanoor Flash Operator Panel
19:25.58[TK]D-Fender* SLA = Completely wrong solution and a 2-bit hack that frustrates the majority of those just trying to set it up before realizing they're doomed to failure
19:26.30[TK]D-Fender(due to their circumstances not fitting the hack's scale)
19:26.48drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I need my new Polycom phones and my new Asterisk PBX to behave like the two-line GE Wal Mart phones we were using before.  WHAT DO YOU HAVE FOR ME?
19:27.11[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: You act like I haven't been asked that for REAL :p
19:27.32[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I wanted to punch that guy...
19:27.51Qwelldrmessano: easy.  take 2 top end polycoms, connect the GE to the passthrough port on each of them
19:27.57drmessanoLine 1, Line 2, Line 1, Line 2..
19:27.58Qwellthen shove the polycoms in a drawer
19:28.35drmessanoYeah, have Asterisk grab the line on the 4th ring
19:28.43DovidTK: How much work you think it would be to have proper SLA for asterisk ?
19:28.43drmessanoBam, $1000 answering machine
19:28.58drmessanoFuck SLA
19:29.01drmessanoPardon my french
19:29.03[TK]D-FenderDovid: I think I asked oej once... not sure I got an answer
19:29.10drmessanoFuck *** <--- Better?
19:29.44drmessanoPeople need to move past SLA.. it's 2006, people
19:29.45DovidTK: He would have to re-write the Asterisk SIP stack ?
19:29.52drmessanoDon't be all "Dave-like" about it
19:29.55[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: * has many interfaces.... none CURRENTly suitable for your... enthusiasm ;)
19:30.38[TK]D-FenderDovid: well DUH, its a major SIP SPEC!
19:30.56drmessanoThat would be a big seller.. The SIP SIPPER.. including a precompiled
19:31.00Dovidok. i remember he spoke about it. think it was called code pinaple
19:31.20[TK]D-FenderDovid: No, that was just a general re-werite years ago
19:31.30drmessanoFirst rule of Codename Pineapple.. DONT MENTION CODENAME PINEAPPLE IN IRC
19:31.33drmessanoCome on, people
19:31.40[TK]D-FenderDovid: and the 2 OTHER major re-writes have smoked out as well.
19:32.08Dovidso it seems
19:32.12*** join/#asterisk ManxPower (
19:32.13drmessanoYeah, rewrite, rewrite.. Easier to get the Staple gun and hot glue
19:32.25drmessanoThats pretty much where TCP is
19:33.04drmessanopicks up the phone and calls his Exchange UM.. "Hmm a fast busy".. and slams the phone down
19:33.07drmessanoAnyway.. moving on
19:36.33SpecialEdGE walmart phone?
19:37.50BadHALWell, I have a fairly simple question.
19:38.00BadHALI have a pretty fresh * box
19:38.05BadHALnew to this whole thing
19:38.28BadHALI am trying to find out where i set the call quality/codec
19:38.44[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: for sip = sip.conf
19:38.52[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: for iax = iax.conf
19:38.57BadHALsip is what I am looking for
19:39.10Dovidso then sip.conf
19:39.23BadHALI don't know what option(s) to set though
19:39.25BadHALIs the problem
19:39.40ManxPoweryour best bet is The Asterisk book.  That will help you avoid asking questions a total noob asks like you are doing now.
19:39.42jbotmethinks book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
19:39.44[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: go read the samples.  you don't set "quality", the codecs themselves vary in quality and is a tradeoff against bandwidth
19:40.20BadHALI have been reading the book, ill give it another look through to see if I can find the option
19:40.28[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: You should generally use 1 codec per peer. do "disallow=all" followed by "allow=ulaw" for example to allow only ulaw
19:41.00BadHALI see
19:41.08ManxPowerIt is seldom useful to allow more than one codec and even if you do need to enable more than one codec, the codec picked is always  NOT the one you wanted.  Asterisk is like that.
19:41.25[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: start with this tidbit and go read up on the list of codec supported by your devices and calculate any bandwidth considerations.
19:41.38BadHALbandwidth is not a large concern
19:41.45BadHALI only have one outside SIP trunk
19:41.59BadHALthe rest of the network is internal and I have QoS setup
19:42.05BadHALgigabit backbone
19:42.28ManxPowerBadHAL: All that bandwidth won't help you when some router between you and your ITSP goes down
19:43.12BadHALI don't forsee a router going down
19:43.24BadHALthis is a small network (15-20 users)
19:43.27ManxPowerhappens all the time.
19:43.40ManxPowerBadHAL: I was not referring to a router on your network.
19:43.50BadHALIn that case it would not matter which codec I picked?
19:43.57BadHALIf a router goes down outside my network
19:44.02BadHALIt is going to mess things up regardless
19:44.03ManxPowerI was referring to some random router some random provider has that your packets are going thru for some reason
19:44.05BadHALassuming I am dialing out
19:44.23BadHALI understand
19:44.25ManxPowerBadHAL: My point exactly with regards to your QoS'd GigE network
19:46.22ManxPowerI hate UPS
19:46.41BadHALEnjoying your package delays?
19:46.57BadHALi had 3 day shipping on an item, just recieved it yesterday
19:47.02BadHALI ordered it 2 weeks ago
19:47.06ManxPowerThey returned a package to me that I sent out, said the person moved (they didn't) then claimed it was delivered -- to me.
19:47.16*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
19:47.26ManxPowerand they see nothing wrong with that and closed my trouble ticket
19:50.36BadHALGSM is the most pleasing to me
19:51.57drmessanoNeil Diamond is the most pleasing to me
19:59.51*** join/#asterisk MRH2 (n=Mr_happy@
20:00.04[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: Internal devices should be ULAW only you
20:00.27[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Oh Caroline!
20:03.14MRH2trash can needs emptied
20:03.20BadHALthat's not quite trash
20:03.26BadHALthat's all shit that needs to be shredded
20:03.39jayteeAw, Cracklin' Rosie, get on board
20:03.39jayteeWe're gonna ride
20:03.39jayteeTill there ain't no more to go
20:03.39jayteeTaking it slow
20:03.39jayteeAnd Lord, don't you know
20:03.40jayteeWe'll have me a time with a poor man's lady
20:03.48BadHALyar emist_
20:03.54BadHALwtf emailer died
20:03.56drmessanoRed, Red, Wiiiiine....
20:04.04BadHALI did that paste in the wrong channel
20:04.06BadHALsorry folks
20:04.11ManxPowerOh look!  It's a Saturday afternoon in #asterisk
20:04.28drmessanoGo to my heaaad...
20:05.07jayteeaw, we drove ManxPower out
20:05.16drmessanoMake me fooooooorget that I.. still need her so...
20:05.26[TK]D-Fenderoff shopping, BBIAB
20:06.03drmessanoIt was so much quieter without him bitching endlessly about the topic of conversation for however long he was gone
20:06.05drmessanoNot that I noticed
20:06.29drmessano*Inside voice*
20:06.37*** join/#asterisk SwK (n=SwK@freeswitch/developer/swk)
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20:09.42drmessanoGirl, you'll be a womaaaan.. SOON
20:10.12drmessanoGoooogle... you'll be out of betaaaa, SOON
20:11.10drmessanoSearch you so much cant count all the ways, from sewing machines to friito lays..
20:11.14drmessanoOh, shower time.. brb
20:23.00*** join/#asterisk adminguru (
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21:35.25ziro_axishello all
21:35.35ziro_axisi have a question about *Now
21:35.45ziro_axiswho can help
21:35.51ziro_axishere is the problem
21:36.11ziro_axisafter installation of the *Now and making the configuration
21:36.35ziro_axisand setting the extensions
21:37.09ziro_axiswhen i want to modify or delete an extension i need to slect it. here is the point
21:37.28*** join/#asterisk hakr (i=hakr@pdpc/supporter/active/hakr)
21:37.34ziro_axisonce i click the desired extention to modify
21:37.55ziro_axisall the extentions are selected
21:38.21ziro_axisso how can i delete extentions by comand line ??
21:43.48*** part/#asterisk ziro_axis (n=ziro_axi@
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22:00.38BadHALDo I need to name my SIP peers a number to make phones properly detect their voicemail?
22:00.52BadHALI see errors in my console when using some softphones/hardphones
22:01.11BadHAL'Received SIp subscribe for peer without mailbox: blahblah.username.blah
22:01.41BadHALIn voicemail.conf I used the user's extension (numerical) for the mailbox
22:06.03[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: in sip.conf under your phones entry : mailobox=123@sectioninvoicemail.conftheyareunder
22:06.42[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: phones do you typically have to subscribe to voicemail, * sends out notify packets all by itself
22:07.03BadHALAhhh cool
22:07.05BadHALthat makes it easy
22:07.11BadHALHow am I missing these options?
22:07.21BadHALI keep thinking I am reading the documents enough but apparently not
22:07.24[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: in what way?
22:07.37[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: and what documents?
22:07.41BadHALthe book
22:07.56[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: give the sample configs a good read over...
22:08.03[TK]D-Fenderthe Book is FAR from "complete"
22:08.56[TK]D-FenderBadHAL: it is good to gain an understanding of several important concepts and has a few good reference s & appendixes, but the core stuff comes in your tarball for the nitty-grity
22:11.02BadHALoutstanding, worked perfectly
22:21.58*** join/#asterisk asterisk_user2 (
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23:04.44JabessSome body know if the feature betwen Asterisk and Skype all voip data Is send via UDP Protocol or TCP Protocol?
23:05.38[TK]D-FenderJabess: what "feature"  Asterisk does not yet natively support Skype
23:05.57Madkissdoes somebody of you know where I can configure the e-mail-adress that hylafax sends notifications to?
23:06.13JabessAsterisk and Skype is nos supported?
23:06.28eppigyi think they have a channel driver
23:06.53[TK]D-Fenderthere are THIRD PARTY options, but currently nothing officially supported
23:07.33eppigyso please direct your questions to #THIRDPARTY
23:09.09Jabessevery word have a channel? hahaha
23:09.49[TK]D-FenderJabess: yes... like "/part" for example.
23:12.41JabessOk, how much time could be official?
23:13.12[TK]D-FenderJabess: Ask Satan when his snow-blower arrives...
23:13.37*** join/#asterisk esaym (
23:19.39ricko73Jabess: this was discussed a few weeks ago on the Voip User's Conference. (Skype for Asterisk).  The person who discussed it was an official Digium representative so I'd start by listening to the archive of that podcast
23:22.05*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
23:23.12[TK]D-Fenderricko73: However his answer of "when" simply isn't happening....
23:23.51eppigyJabess: early second quarter
23:37.04*** join/#asterisk jetlagmk2 (
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23:45.39wwalkeranyone have experience using the different solutions for voice mail detection?
23:50.07*** join/#asterisk cheGGo (

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