IRC log for #asterisk on 20090101

00:00.15LeddyHMit was on voip-info
00:00.22LeddyHMI can't seem to find it atm
00:00.45watchyoh well i'll look for it eventually
00:01.34watchyis 1.6 stable?
00:03.26[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Is any version really?
00:03.43[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: "relatively" seems to be the case so far.
00:03.58watchyi shouldnt use it in production though right?
00:04.09[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: "pretty good for being so new to release"
00:04.14LeddyHMthere's one with enought info
00:04.29LeddyHMI thought I saw somewhere it changed in 3+ though
00:04.35LeddyHMso ymmv
00:05.24[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Does 1.6 offer you something you particularly need or desire
00:05.59[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Then I wouldn't both just yet.  The dev cycle has also changed and I'm not sure 1.6.1 is due
00:06.19watchyheres a dumb question, why the change from zaptel to dahdi
00:07.45watchyi love you
00:08.38denonwatchy: for future reference:
00:08.42drmessanoBecause the name Zaptel means "Son of a motherless goat" in the language of a people we just conquered
00:10.01watchydenon: very helpful link that explained it greatly
00:10.10watchymy lazyness appreciates it
00:11.10denonnext time it'll cost you
00:11.31LeddyHMI'll be sending you a bill
00:11.54LeddyHMfor the bits of traffic my provider charged me to display your text on my screen wastefully
00:11.58watchyu take wow gold?
00:13.00[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: And for why they picked "DAHDI", its because Digium can't let Fonality get all the gayest names possible :p
00:13.42watchyi wonder how well these sip paging/intercom systems work
00:14.05drmessanoThey're like a series of tubes
00:14.07[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: As well as you can expect a speakerphone to.
00:14.20[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Its just a phone with no interface
00:14.23watchythey make a thing for legacy speakers
00:14.32[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Same deal really..
00:14.44watchythe school has a intercom system currently and we wanna replace the amp with a sip amp
00:15.12watchyi forgot who made the equipment but it looks fun
00:15.19[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: No reason to replace the amp so much as the audio feed unit.
00:15.30[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: agnostic is a good thing...
00:15.47watchyyou partying tonight tk?
00:16.12[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Not so much, I'm at the tail end of a nasty bug that left me in convulsions for 2 days
00:16.29watchywow, well enough alcohol should kill it
00:16.38[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: I'm pretty sure I'll go out, but the energy level is low
00:16.57watchyi'm sure enough redbull and pcp can accomidate you
00:17.09[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Yes, replacing your blood with alcohol WILL kill AIDS even.  Unfortunately it'll also kill YOU :p
00:18.27[TK]D-FenderSHIT, the only drug I DO take clashes with alcohol
00:18.40watchyr u depressed?
00:19.01LeddyHMhe's on irc 24/7
00:19.06LeddyHMif he wasn't he is now
00:19.10[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: No, it only looks that way
00:19.26watchyi started on irc when i was 13
00:19.28watchyi'm 29 now
00:19.38watchyi met my g/f of 8 years on irc
00:19.47LeddyHMI started before there was an efnet
00:19.48watchyof course we broke up like 7 years ago now
00:19.57LeddyHMwe used "icb" back in the day
00:20.02watchyi started on dalnet, aka pedonet
00:20.19watchygot my whole isp perm banned from dalnet, so i went to undernet
00:20.35drmessanoYour math is off
00:20.39watchyit couda been 15
00:21.02watchyit was right before i graduated at 16
00:21.11LeddyHM13 != 16
00:21.14drmessano17 next?
00:21.17drmessanoWe gonna keep adding one
00:21.23watchywhen was dalnet founded
00:21.32drmessanoThats too easy
00:21.45drmessanoYou gonna go back to the year and subtract one?
00:21.55watchyi'm just curious if i'm off
00:22.14drmessanosmells bovine feces
00:22.15watchydoes it even exist anymore?
00:22.26LeddyHMjuly 94
00:22.30watchyDALnet was founded in July 1994 by members of the EFnet #startrek channel. This new network was known as "dal's net", after the nickname
00:22.40LeddyHMright after slackware started
00:22.42watchyhmm i wonder how old i was in july of 94
00:23.01watchyi was 14 in 94
00:23.01drmessanoSo you were there from the beginning huh?
00:23.05watchynope i wasnt
00:23.19watchyi wasnt around for efnet/undernet founding or dalnet
00:23.36drmessanoUndernet started in 96
00:23.41watchyi was a admin on dalnet and undernet though
00:23.55watchyi ran a few years ag
00:24.20watchyadn i opered and help admin or whatever it was
00:24.28watchymaybe it was just
00:24.50LeddyHMdang efnet started in 90
00:24.50[TK]D-FenderNew on Digg : "Barbie Doll Turns 50".  %0?  WTF!  No way is she 50...
00:24.56[TK]D-Fendersuspects plastic surgery
00:25.14drmessanoLeddyHM: 90?  Ok, then thats when *I* started on IRC
00:25.23LeddyHMme too
00:25.26drmessanoYeah, thats it
00:25.30watchyi know i've been online before 97
00:25.32LeddyHMgo netcom
00:25.44watchyi imagine i started in 96
00:25.56LeddyHMI miss my netcom slip dialin connection
00:25.57watchyi bought my first domain in 97 though
00:25.58drmessanoWhen you were 17?
00:26.13drmessano13, 15, 16, 17..
00:26.16watchyi was probably 16
00:26.19watchyi was born in 79
00:26.21watchydec 5th
00:26.21drmessanoThrow a dart
00:26.29drmessanoPick one
00:26.32drmessanoBig dart
00:26.34watchyok i'm really 9
00:26.34drmessanoLAWN dart
00:27.09watchythats when my first domain i ever bought was
00:27.18LeddyHMoct 14th 96 was my domain
00:27.27watchyi bought
00:27.36watchyand the creators of iniquity bbs wanted to sue me for it
00:27.46LeddyHMI created it so I could hodt my own mail server via that slip/ppp connection
00:28.04LeddyHMotherwise I would have never got it
00:28.07watchyman i wish i could find out when i got my first dialup acct
00:28.14*** join/#asterisk g_n_o_s_i_s (
00:28.17drmessanoProbably 1966
00:28.33watchywell i do remember having access to the internet before it was "the internet"
00:28.35watchyback in the 40s
00:28.38LeddyHMwe had a lot of local bbs's that I dialed into
00:28.45LeddyHMprior to the big boom
00:28.52drmessanoI have been running Unix since August of 67
00:29.07watchyi had to dial Long distance
00:29.15LeddyHMtrying to remember that old "browser" that was the precursor to web surfing
00:29.37LeddyHMthat sucked
00:29.45*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
00:29.58LeddyHMlynx was a godsend
00:30.14LeddyHMthen slip/ppp dialups with your crappy browser
00:30.19*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
00:30.30watchyi never had internet till we had a pop in my town
00:30.31LeddyHMman I'm to old
00:30.40watchyi live in a very small arkansas town so none of the bbs's had inet
00:30.51watchyi ran one of the local bbs's but we only had 3
00:30.55drmessanoI remember Netscape 3 and Real Player 2.0
00:31.04watchyi remember trumpet winsock
00:31.07watchywhat a piece of shit
00:31.13LeddyHMyeah that's what I used
00:31.22LeddyHMon win 3.1
00:31.29drmessanoTrumpet was great
00:31.40watchydude i had to of had internet before 96
00:31.45watchycause win95 wasnt even out
00:31.57watchyi might not of been on irc but i was online
00:32.13watchyi remember the first thing i did the first time i got online
00:32.21watchyi yahoo searched acid ansi art
00:32.36watchywhats bs
00:32.40LeddyHMthere was no yahoo
00:32.42*** join/#asterisk codefreeze-lap (n=murf@
00:32.44[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: ACiD?  Classic... but thats a BBS thing...
00:32.51watchyyea but i liked bbses still
00:33.09watchyyahoo was founded in 94
00:33.33watchyso it was between 95 and 96 i first got online
00:33.55watchycause yahoo search existed when i first got online
00:34.17drmessanoYahoo didnt have search til later
00:34.19watchyi remember having to rename mirc.exe to another exe
00:34.36watchybecause you couldnt run 2 irc networks with 1
00:34.43watchyand it wouldnt run twice under the same exe
00:35.27watchyanyone remember freeagent?
00:35.27[TK]D-FenderI started with Altavista which was the shiznit back then....
00:35.38watchyi used altavista but i didnt like it much
00:36.24watchyi used to get warez using freeagent back in the day
00:37.18drmessanoI used Google back when it was called Lycos
00:37.59watchyi remember that search engine.
00:38.05watchydid they go bankrupt?
00:38.14Dovidthere was a whole documentry on the internet. had in it about the search engines
00:38.17Dovidlearnt a lot from t
00:38.18*** join/#asterisk obnauticus (n=lol@about/windows/regular/obnauticus)
00:38.27drmessanoLycos is still around
00:39.06watchyi wonder how lycos is still around with so many startups that are actually useful failing
00:39.48[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Because they have an established name
00:39.55drmessanoBecause a lot of startups suck <--- Who needs tampons delivered tomorrow for a 30% markup?
00:41.16*** join/#asterisk d00gster (
00:41.40watchyi'm heading home, its time to get drunk and beat my wife
00:42.11drmessanoLemme guess, your wife is Morgan Fairchild?
00:42.21watchyactually i don't have a wife
00:42.24watchyjust a cat
00:43.16watchybut i have been dating Scarlett Johanason
00:44.06watchyi need a sip client for an iphone
00:44.28watchyok i gotta go home before its to late to get drunk and harras chicks on myspace
00:44.33Dovidfind some one that requested it and team up with them
00:44.56[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Who are you kidding.... never too late for that!
00:45.21watchytk: i agree but i like harrasing them when they might reply
00:45.34watchyi mean it sucks if i'm trying to bother them and its 2am and they arent online
00:45.39watchyi get no replys :(
00:47.18drmessanoI've been on myspace since the late 80s
00:47.42watchydude i founded myspace
00:47.44watchyi'm tom
00:48.07drmessanoSo that explains the douchebaggedness
00:48.13[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Yeah... you just forgot to mention your first name.... Peeping ;)
00:48.15drmessanoI apologize then
00:48.30DovidTK: Is on the ball tonight
00:48.55watchyhaha, i'm going home i'll miss you guys untill the new year is here
00:49.04[TK]D-FenderI am feeling a good bit better than the last 2-3 days...
00:49.05watchyhave a good hold=iday dfolks
00:49.29[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: yuo=i t-oo
00:51.47*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
00:57.16*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=457c73f3@gateway/web/ajax/
01:26.00*** join/#asterisk tobias (
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01:48.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir (i=457c73f3@gateway/web/ajax/
01:51.07*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
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01:57.56*** join/#asterisk jeffgus (
02:06.52*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
02:17.22*** join/#asterisk steerpike (n=Unknown@unaffiliated/steerpike)
02:17.36steerpikehi, what's a cheap residential voip provider?
02:29.57steerpikenevermind, i fixed my magicjack :)
02:29.59*** join/#asterisk CunningPike_ (
02:30.01steerpikehappy new year
02:30.42*** part/#asterisk steerpike (n=Unknown@unaffiliated/steerpike)
02:36.59*** join/#asterisk troy- (
02:44.37*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=44c1d604@about/security/staff/dlewis)
02:46.33_ShrikEGO LSU!
02:48.16*** join/#asterisk Deeewayne (
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02:57.43*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (n=mattc@
03:10.58DovidPinging TK
03:17.39*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
03:22.27*** join/#asterisk [netman] (
03:26.13jayteeone of my friends was denied entry into Canada today attempting to visit friends for New Years Eve celebration. They found notes for his favorite role playing game and thought "it might be notes of a plot" God, both Canada and the US have become Facist police states run by the completely retarded
03:41.28*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
03:44.41*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
03:47.25*** join/#asterisk paulproteus (n=paulprot@2002:db69:2513:0:0:0:0:1)
03:53.29*** join/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
03:56.57*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
03:58.03*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
04:10.50*** join/#asterisk reneger (
04:30.26mchouhey anyone here have a motorola (vonage) vt-2442 ATA?  How fully featured is it compared to PAP2?
04:32.08*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
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04:39.53*** join/#asterisk coppice (
04:46.30*** join/#asterisk axisys (
04:52.40*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
05:17.28*** join/#asterisk andy-x_l (i=0cacbdfa@gateway/web/ajax/
05:24.11drmessanoHAPPY GNU YEAR!
05:24.47stencilhappy new year, drmessano
05:27.52*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
05:29.52orkidhappy new year est
05:31.24drmessanoHAPPY GUY LAFLEUR DAY!
05:33.07carrarthat would be: Le Jour de l'An
05:33.23coppicethe year of the LAN? :-\
05:33.38coppicethe day of the LAN :-\
05:33.54jayteeThe Year of the Linux Desktop?
05:33.58coppicesounds like some sci-fi computers take over the world thing
05:34.02jayteeThe Year of the Zune!!!!
05:34.16coppicethe year the zunes died
05:34.36coppicealthough that apparently happened a little early
05:35.05jayteeeveryone should send Microsoft an email saying, "There appears to be a bug in the spell checker for Microsoft Word. How do you spell EMBARRASSED?"
05:38.05*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
05:38.33jayteemy favorite computer takes over the world thing was Colossus: The Forbin Project. The idea of a supercomputer first being programmed by punch cards and then becoming self aware and taking over the world was so humorous.
05:39.35drmessanoIf it could make punch cards, and program itself, then correct its own mistakes.. hmmm
05:39.43drmessanoIt would be almost like a woman
05:40.02coppicethe day the earth stood still is funnier - the idea of Keanu Reaves as a highly evolved being is truly wacky
05:53.12kerxhappy new years everyone, wish y'all a happy and successful 2009
05:55.36JAMMAN2110Ive finished my phone controlling the wall mounted display thing :)
05:58.53jaytee"Phone controlling the wall mounted display thing"? is it a Model 20 or the Model 25?
06:04.27*** join/#asterisk beek (
06:19.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
06:21.09*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
06:40.49[TK]D-FenderHappy New Year all... signing off for the night
06:43.26Nugget19 days, 10 hours, 16 minutes, and 34 seconds to go.
07:03.24SkramXanyone have support contact information for asterlink? such as... how do I recover my password?
07:03.27C4thYit must be a sad life to sit around and prove people are wrong on irc
07:03.39C4thYor two do their math for them
07:04.16C4thYnot even prove people wrong actually, just call them out when they are probably telling the truth just adding flavor to stories
07:04.49JAMMAN2110C4thY - Agreed
07:05.23C4thYi just scrolled up
07:05.41C4thYand whats funny is ive known watchy on irc for 10 years and he did run undernet and efnet links
07:05.42JAMMAN2110It happens a lot
07:05.42*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
07:06.18C4thYim really a guy but i use a female nick so i dont have to get involved in the my epenis is bigger than your epenis contests
07:06.35C4thYanyway happy new year jamman
07:08.00coppicethat just means *everyone's* penis is at least as big as yours
07:08.25C4thYi dont get it
07:08.39JAMMAN2110You too C4thY
07:10.54C4thYi dont know about *everyone's* but ill bet money my eclitoris is bigger than your epenis
07:13.35*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (
07:21.10*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
07:27.04drmessanoOMG A FEMALE NICKNAME
07:28.56C4thYhere we go
07:29.55C4thYhurry up and vent your anger for whatever happened to you in the past
07:30.11C4thYunlike some people im not on irc 24/7 and if you expect me to read it it needs to be in the next 10-15 minutes
07:30.28drmessanoOh, you're one of "those"
07:30.40C4thYi just see you always trying to prove yourself and what not
07:30.45C4thYi figured you were going to do the same to me
07:31.04drmessano"I'm here on IRC, but I am too cool for IRC, so liek, whateva"
07:31.06C4thYsorta like a troll without the humor
07:31.36C4thYdont get me wrong im all about slamming folks
07:31.42C4thYbut again im not on irc 24/7 like you
07:31.49C4thYso its gotta be done in the next 10 minutes or so
07:31.49drmessanoI am?
07:31.56C4thYwell you were talking all day
07:32.03C4thYi say something about it
07:32.09C4thYand you respond in 12 minutes or less
07:32.16drmessanoNot sure how that's possible.. I was gone for most of it
07:32.18C4thYso either you were delivering a pizza or something
07:32.19drmessanoBut you're dead on
07:32.44C4thYso are you a real dr or do you just play one on irc?
07:33.22drmessanoWell, I got off work at Burger King at 10AM and had to be at work at McDonalds at 2PM, so I had maybe 3 hours on IRC today
07:33.37drmessanoBut hey, "all day" is like being on IRC for 27 years, eh?
07:33.46C4thYi guess
07:34.25C4thYyour keystroke to humor ratio on the fake workday line was very low
07:34.27C4thYtry harder
07:35.04*** join/#asterisk LancerNZ (
07:35.05C4thY10 minutes is up
07:35.09drmessanoAnyway.. Go back to your non-IRC life.  You can try me, but you'll lose.  I don't have time to destroy your belief system or make you suicidal right now, I am playing World Of Warcraft.
07:35.10C4thYerr i mean "27 years" is up
07:35.11drmessanoSo, chow
07:35.15C4thYtry you?
07:35.23LancerNZSPACE INVADERS!!!        ä·½ä·‘ ䷽䷑!!! (lolz) 
07:35.24C4thYits ciao you dumbass
07:35.47drmessanoI before E, except after C
07:35.54*** join/#asterisk dandate (
07:35.54*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
07:35.58C4thYtheres no e in there
07:36.08dandateomg thank you i have arrived and there are live nerds here that i need to pay homage too
07:36.10C4thYso you do just play a dr on irc right?
07:36.19drmessanoAre you trying to be witty?
07:36.32dandateno i am in desperate need of your wisdom
07:36.32C4thYim trying to ask you a question you dont seem to answer
07:36.56drmessanoSorry, like I said, World of Warcraft goin' on here.  Got a big clan.
07:36.59C4thYno one likes ass kissers
07:38.33C4thYim not quite sure how this irc thing works since ive only been on here 27 years
07:38.34dandatehey guys, i need to set up a dedicated pbx system to run my inbound call center for , i need to have up to 5 sales reps on and the caller should listen to a recording, then press 1 to go to an operator, can anyone tell me if the asteriskNOW package can handle this for me or do I have to go with business?
07:38.41C4thYbut i think he joined the channel after you said something about world of warcraft
07:39.15C4thYwhat is asteriskNOW?
07:39.36dandateyou know the open source pbx and telephony platform
07:39.51dandatei'm a noob lemme see if 'm being dumb
07:39.52C4thYyou mean asterisk
07:40.38C4thYis asteriskNOW some sort of appliance distro?
07:40.52*** part/#asterisk LancerNZ (
07:40.59dandateyes asteriskNOW is like easy install for tarded noobs like me
07:41.11dandatei'm just afraid it won't have the call center capabilities i need for my business
07:41.12C4thYi dont know if it supports an ivr or not
07:41.18C4thYbut thats what youw ant to know
07:41.27C4thYdoes it support an IVR
07:41.40C4thYinteractive voice response
07:41.55C4thYthat sounds like a presales question for whomever distributes that software
07:41.58dandateimma look into that now i didn't know what that term meant yet
07:42.09dandateactually asteriskNOW is free open source
07:42.24dandateso i dno if i'd get much pre-sales help ya know
07:46.06C4thYi see on the screenshots a voicemenu
07:46.12C4thYi wonder if thats an ivr
07:47.02C4thYoh it says offer usability feedback to this channel
07:47.43dandatei saw that the asteriskNOW contains IVR so thats good
07:47.51dandatewould it beable to forward calls to my work from home employees?
07:47.51C4thYya thats what you want
07:48.10C4thYyou mean if they arent in the office?
07:48.23dandatewell its my home office, all of my sales reps take calls from their own homes
07:48.48C4thYyou setup a sip extension and then they would login to that box depending on their endpoint device
07:48.55dandateok now the big question, att told me voip was not available in my area of san francisco, does this mean i can't run my own server?
07:49.03C4thYmileage will vary depending on port forwarding with your router etc
07:49.15C4thYprobably means they dont offer voip as one of their services
07:49.22dandateok thats what i thought
07:49.35C4thYyou can run your own server but i think you should take care to do it right
07:49.42C4thYlike traffic shaping
07:49.45C4thYdo you do much file transfers
07:49.47C4thYp2p etc
07:49.58dandateso my reps used end point devices ranging from cell phones to landlines to skype phones, would all of these be compatable?
07:50.03dandateno file transfers
07:50.15C4thYthen depending on your bandwidth you shouldnt have any difficulties
07:50.19dandatei actually have 2 internet connections here, a DSL and a cable modem, i was going to dedicate the cable to  just run the phone lines
07:50.23C4thYi use qos or quality of service at my house
07:50.39dandateand the DSL to spam!!
07:50.39C4thYyou can forward an extension to a cell phone
07:50.50dandatei'm kidding...
07:50.52C4thYso if someone presses 2 for tom
07:50.57C4thYit will ring his cell phone
07:51.07C4thYsame with a land line with a real number
07:51.21dandatei see
07:51.34C4thYthat should be fairly easy to setup i saw follow mes in the screenshots
07:51.36dandatenow this has automatic call distribution so people can sit on hold for 10 minutes and get juiced up for the close right?
07:51.40C4thYill have to download the appliance and look at it
07:52.00C4thYya provided theres no call dropping going on
07:52.17dandatemeaning user hangs up or internet problems?
07:52.25C4thYwe run a type of smoke and mirrors operation like youre talking about where everyone works out of their house
07:52.41C4thYor the cell phone call drops
07:52.46C4thYi dont get hang ups
07:52.51C4thYill get jitter sometimes
07:53.13C4thYbut with people on cell phones its sorta hard for me to distinguish at the time if its a cell phone reception issue or the phone system
07:53.38dandatedo you get much issues from the phone system?
07:54.12C4thYi dial out on a pri with 8 phone lines
07:54.22C4thYhow are you going to dial out?
07:54.28dandatei got into this because my reps were pressuring me to get a virtual pbx but all these places had "as seen on tv" on them so i knew they were scams. i had to figure out how to do this myself
07:54.48dandatewe don't dial out its all inbound
07:54.51dandatebut if we were to dial out would that be an issue?
07:54.59C4thYhow are people going to be dialing in?
07:55.26dandatethey dial a phone line that we advertise which would forward to my dedicated server which would then route to my reps
07:55.43C4thYso att will have hte number and be forwarding it to you or what?
07:55.55dandateright i have comcast digital voice
07:56.03C4thYso its just 1 phone line?
07:56.07dandate2 phone lines
07:56.13C4thYsoc heck this
07:56.21C4thYif someone calls the pbx and it rings a rep on their cell
07:56.27C4thYits goign to tie up that line
07:56.45C4thYif its digital voice
07:56.53C4thYyou just plug in analog  phones though?
07:57.02dandateyes i'm using analog
07:57.04C4thYor do you have to use a digital phone?
07:57.17dandaten oits using standard phone connecitons
07:57.34dandatebut i can log into and have my phone lines forward to whatever for free unlimmited all time
07:57.47C4thYyou could just get some ata card or devices
07:57.57C4thYlet me show you
07:58.08dandateyou mean an ata linksys to rout my analog to the computer?
08:10.16*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
08:16.54JabessHappy New Year!!
08:17.29jqlyes, happy new year from GMT-8!
08:17.33*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
08:19.12Jabessevery body is sleeping
08:19.38Nasrahappy new year...but no yet have my system in place just reading that this year..will have my system up and running just doing lots of reading
08:19.48*** part/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
08:23.51x86happy new year
08:25.30EricounetBonne Année :)
08:26.37jqlfeliz ano nuevo and whatnot
08:33.25*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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09:08.41*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
09:08.50DelphiWorldhi asterisk users
09:08.57DelphiWorldhow are you and the asterisk project ?
09:09.38DelphiWorldany asterisk Developers conference to joint ?
09:17.43*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
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09:21.01tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, we're fine, thank you
09:21.30tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, what sort of developers conference? what are you interested in developing?
09:23.59DelphiWorldyes, sur
09:25.17DelphiWorldtzafrir: i'm sur that i'm your friend in ICQ!
09:27.05*** join/#asterisk neax (
09:28.33DelphiWorldany voice conference ?
09:31.44DelphiWorldany one here have a ready to use asterisk based PBX ?
09:31.50DelphiWorldi want to try the IAX Protocol
09:32.40tzafrir_laptopDelphiWorld, there are a number of those
09:33.18DelphiWorldtzafrir_laptop: please tel me
09:33.40*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
09:34.21tzafrir_laptopThere are a number of freepbx-based distributions. Though I think that FreePBX is a bit overly-complicated,
09:34.41tzafrir_laptopand would get in your way if you want to understand how to operate Asterisk
09:35.03DelphiWorldtzafrir i'm sur that you forgot me
09:35.18DelphiWorldi'm the blind user that asked about LINUX accessibility
09:36.44tzafrir_laptopHow have you managed eventually?
09:37.28DelphiWorldno realy accessible
09:37.38DelphiWorldno all PBX Distribution have GNOME installed
09:37.53DelphiWorldand no all GNOME based distribution accept the orca screen reader
09:41.44*** join/#asterisk rethus (
09:42.04rethushow can i run a agi command on cmd (CLI)?
09:42.06DelphiWorldotherwise, any asterisk for windows ?
09:42.15UQlevDelphiWorld: do you want to try iax-client or asterisk to peer?
09:42.36DelphiWorldrealy i want to try asterisk IAX Protocol
09:43.01UQlevDelphiWorld: for Windows you may try yate
09:43.12*** join/#asterisk [gquit]bombadil (
09:43.13UQlevit also supports iax2
09:45.38DelphiWorldi have yate now!
09:45.41DelphiWorldi setup it now
09:47.46*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
09:52.09rethushow can i set a agi command to cli (cmd)
09:54.51hi365rethus: what are you trying to do?
09:55.53rethusi have a php-programm and want to start monitoring with phpagi-asmanager.php ... for checking command i want to try it in asterisk-cli
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10:05.00hi365rethus: while you can send cli command from the manage, I dont think you can send manager command from the cli
10:05.10hi365but you can do it quite simple from telnet
10:05.10Nuggettelnet is eeeeeeevil!
10:06.22hi365anyone know of any way to check from the dialplan if the zap/dahdi channel is a pri or not?
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11:19.33Dovidmorning ev1
11:19.38Dovidanyone here from  germany /
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11:47.43*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (n=Miranda@
11:48.26DelphiWorldplease any one here have a IAX URI to call ?
11:48.37DelphiWorldi want to try out the IAX Protocol
12:09.22*** join/#asterisk rethus (
12:09.31rethuswhere can i change my agi-passwort?
12:09.43rethusi had cahnge it befor... but i dont remember
12:11.34rethusi have found it... /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
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12:51.04zeeeshhow can i check which zaptel version is running?
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13:16.49tzafrir_laptopzeeesh, cat /sys/module/zaptel/version
13:17.49tzafrir_laptoperr.... /me wonders why nobody answered DelphiWorld's question above ("RTFM 'demo' in sample config")
13:37.36*** join/#asterisk [gnubie] (n=[gnubie]@
13:38.49[gnubie]i wonder if snom's sip client embedded on their hardphones is open source?
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13:58.02kerxanyone have experience with astmanproxy ?
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14:29.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
14:30.49rethusif  i call into asterisk, the channel named like this.... SIP/anlage-12345
14:31.02rethuswhere can i set the name of a channel
14:35.04[TK]D-Fenderrethus: the channel name is formatted by the tech & peer that it matched plus a randomseries of chars at the end.
14:35.15[TK]D-FenderreYou do not set it, it just gets set
14:35.28[TK]D-Fenderrethus: What are you trying to accomplish?
14:37.41rethus[TK]D-Fender: i wan't to use agi (Monitor and stopMonitor
14:37.49*** join/#asterisk jasonwoot (
14:38.13[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Ok, I don't see where the channel name has any impact on this...
14:39.53rethuson phpagi-asmanager.php this is needed
14:39.58rethushave a look here:
14:41.15[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Ok, which channel do you want to record?
14:41.44rethusfollowing situation:
14:42.31rethusi have a sip-client (twinkle) on my pc ... this connection (named: anlage) i want to record
14:43.22[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Why can't you use Monitor in the dialplan like normal?
14:44.04kerxwups, sorry wrong chan
14:44.08rethuscause its an live-Conference... Anybody can call in to listen...
14:45.11[TK]D-Fenderrethus: rethus Monitor is for recording calls to a file, not "listening in"
14:45.20rethusnormaly i want to record all in conf-rom 1
14:45.42rethusso if the speaker starts, sip-client (anlage) is connecting...
14:45.52rethusall people can call into conference 1 to listen...
14:45.59rethussometimes a caller can anser...
14:46.07rethusi mean answer
14:46.22rethusand all what happend in conference 1 schoul be recorded
14:46.37rethushope u understand what i mean
14:47.22[TK]D-FenderYou want to record a Meetme?
14:50.06rethusi don't now... i want to record all what spoken in a conference-room
14:50.56[TK]D-FenderWhat "conference room"?
14:51.43rethusno. 1
14:52.13jasonwootrethus: monitoring meetme channels has never worked right for me... it spools correctly but when the call ends, it's deleted from the spool folder and not written to the monitor folder
14:52.15[TK]D-Fenderrethus: What is this "confrence room" and where does it come from?  Pastebin a sample because you are extremely unclear
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14:52.47jasonwootrethus: my only work around for this is to dial into the conf call from a trunk using an extension that is set to monitor, which creates another monitor file
14:54.38rethusu can show all clients in a conference-room if u type meetme list 1 (all clients in Room 1)
14:55.57rethusjasonwoot: jeah. monitor delete all files if user hang up.. so u have to use MixMonitor
14:57.07[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Show me the call you want monitored
14:57.27rethusi don't understand what u mean
14:57.58[TK]D-Fenderrethus: when your Twinkle soft-phone places a particular call you said you want it recorded. Show me the call.
14:59.10rethusthis comes up on callin into asterisk with twinkle
15:01.04[TK]D-Fenderrethus : Use Monitor Option "r"  'r' -- Record conference (records as ${MEETME_RECORDINGFILE}  using format ${MEETME_RECORDINGFORMAT}). Default filename is  meetme-conf-rec-${CONFNO}-${UNIQUEID} and the default format is wav.
15:01.31rethusthis is no option... i need to handle the recording via php-gui
15:01.47[TK]D-Fenderrethus: You don't even have to set anything if you can live with the default naming
15:01.54rethusi have this befor... its not usable for my needs
15:02.06[TK]D-Fenderrethus: rethus Why does it have to be via AMI?
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15:02.16rethusi use a php-gui
15:02.23[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Doesn't matter
15:02.31rethusand i have to handle this over php-gui
15:02.39[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Why doesn't just using the "r" option work?
15:03.35rethusr option start if connecting... but i have to make some breaks (means new files) in one connection
15:03.58rethusfirst 30 minutes speaker 1... second 30 minutes speaker 2
15:04.03[TK]D-Fenderrethus: what does "breaks in one connection" mean?  I don't see what you're getting at
15:04.06rethusbat all without disconnect twinkle
15:05.05[TK]D-Fenderrethus: What will trigger this AMI call?
15:05.07rethusi have a phone session of 1 hour
15:05.07rethusspeaker 1 (file 1)
15:05.07rethusspeaker2 (file2)
15:05.07rethusafter 1 hour d(disconnect twinkle)
15:05.28[TK]D-Fenderrethus: I think I understand your goal now, now we need to see where this takes place.
15:06.16rethusit's a little bit hard to tell what i mean :-)
15:06.28[TK]D-Fenderrethus: No, I understand this now.
15:06.45[TK]D-Fenderrethus: What will trigger the start & stop of the recording?
15:07.20rethusi have a gui... there is a record-button that calls monitor ()
15:10.04[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Ok, then you can do something like System(echo ${CHANNEL} > /etc/asterisk/channeltorecord) and then your PHP script can just read that in to know the last channel name is.
15:10.24[TK]D-Fenderrethus: And you can then pass it to monitor
15:11.00rethusok, ill try it
15:13.40rethusbut how do i get my channelname first time?
15:15.10[TK]D-Fenderrethus: ${CHANNEL} IS your channel's name
15:16.49[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Your Trinkle call should call that System() command right before entereing the MeetMe
15:17.24rethusahh u mean system() insert into extensions.conf?
15:18.58[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Yes
15:20.06rethusnot working
15:20.14[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Show me
15:20.38rethusohh... one moment... i have the wonk caller... i have [incomming]
15:22.46rethusin my sip.conf i have context=phone
15:23.23rethusin my extensions.conf i have:
15:23.23rethusexten => 100,1,Answer()
15:23.23rethusexten => callin,n,System(echo ${CHANNEL} > /etc/asterisk/channeltorecord);
15:23.23rethusexten => 100,n,MeetMe(1,1AMwq)
15:23.23rethusexten => 100,n,Hangup()
15:23.35rethusups callin
15:23.41[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Make sure the only your Twinkle  will call that exten
15:24.03[TK]D-Fenderrethus>exten => callin,n,System(echo ${CHANNEL} > /etc/asterisk/channeltorecord); <- what the hell is callin?
15:24.23rethusnow it works :-)
15:24.39rethusmy channel is in channeltorecord (y)
15:24.47[TK]D-Fenderrethus: many a SPEACIAL exten that your Twinkle will call that will do that system call and then enter the conference
15:25.13[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Thimake*
15:26.06rethusisn't it above... system() bevore meetme() ?! Or what u mean with SPECIAL exten?
15:26.19rethusi have change callin with 100 and it works
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15:27.07[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Ok, but that exten should only be called by your Twinkle soft-phone, not by anything else
15:27.56*** join/#asterisk Mahmoud (n=foo@unaffiliated/mahmoud)
15:28.03Mahmoudbest sip soft phone on windows?
15:28.12Mahmoudthat YOU like
15:28.21rethusyes, phones are only for my twinkle at this time... all other comes over [incomming]
15:28.40Mahmoud[TK]D-Fender, yeah, it's great, but not free. and lite version annoys me by limited functions
15:28.41[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Ok, then if only twinkle calls this code you should be fine
15:28.55[TK]D-FenderMahmoud: You should have specified then
15:29.27rethusthx a lot.
15:29.28[TK]D-FenderMahmoud: Zoiper isn't too bad, and there is Ekiga as well
15:29.42Mahmoud[TK]D-Fender, currently downloading ekiga :)
15:29.58Mahmoudzoiper sucks, it's slow and limited too
15:30.14rethusjasonwoot say someting abot removing recorded file if user hangup... is this in my case also?
15:30.47rethusor does the record stay as long as twinkle is online?
15:30.59[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Should
15:31.18[TK]D-Fenderrethus: There is no reason to erase on hangup.  Thats crazy
15:32.22rethus[TK]D-Fender: but happends nevertheless?? or u mean the files doesn't be erase?
15:32.49[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Just stop. Now. Go try this for a while and let us know.
15:33.18rethusok, i have a try
15:49.14eppigyi am dave
15:52.00rethushello i'm sam
15:53.17zeeeshis there any pastebin .. i want to show my some error ?
15:53.57jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
15:55.58rethus[TK]D-Fender: so it works now... but how can i erase the file "channelofrecord" by hangup?
15:56.14rethuscan i put a statement after [phone].... hangup()?
15:56.52[TK]D-Fenderrethus: you could use the "h" exten in the same context and do a system call....
15:58.38zeeeshwhile compling asterisk-1.4.22 on centos 5.2 getting this error at
15:59.31rethus[TK]D-Fender: i don't understand... do you have an example
15:59.50[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Go read the list of "Asterisk Standard Extensions"
16:01.31rethuswhere can i find it?
16:02.36dlewis[TK]D-Fender: any idea why I get this error:
16:02.58[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Wiki, the Book...
16:03.35[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: And this is...?
16:03.49dlewisi'm trying to connect to a VOIP provider and it's not connecting...
16:03.58dlewisworks well on my test PBX, but not on my other one.
16:04.14dlewishere is the traffice from my "working" pbx:
16:05.05[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Please show * SIP debug...
16:07.49dlewis[TK]D-Fender: that's the sip debug
16:08.41[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Contact: <sip:8457840250@> <- talk to yourself much?
16:09.29*** join/#asterisk arpu (
16:09.55[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: 'cause they sure can't answer back
16:11.56dlewisthat's the SIP debug from the working machine
16:12.43dlewislooks similiar
16:12.56[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Contact: <sip:8457840250@> <- and here you're telling them just a PRIVATE IP?  Go read :
16:12.58jbot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring * + SIP behind NAT : , otherwise check the WIKI at
16:13.30dlewisso, you're saying that the <sip:8457840250@> is wrong?
16:13.39dlewisit registers correctly
16:13.50[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: How ton earth is someone on the internet supposed to contact that IP?
16:14.09dlewisit registers.
16:14.16[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: I also don't trust your routing, firewalls etc at this point
16:16.26WilliamKdlewis, just because it registers doesn't make it correct
16:17.02[TK]D-FenderReliably Transmitting (NAT) to <- Not working
16:17.14[TK]D-FenderReliably Transmitting (no NAT) to <- working
16:17.23[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Not the same PORT.
16:17.30[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: And different NAT claims
16:18.03[TK]D-FenderWhich could be legit, but why start trusting stuff now....
16:26.21rethusone question to MixMonitor()
16:26.37rethushow can i tell mixmonitor... which channel to record?
16:26.54rethusby monitor, there is a channel-param... why don't by mixmonitor
16:27.09[TK]D-Fenderrethus: MixMonitor records your next DIAL
16:27.30[TK]D-Fenderrethus: You are being VERY vague between DIALPLAN APPS and AMI COMMANDS.
16:27.45[TK]D-Fenderrethus: rethus do no mix these up
16:29.26rethusbut monitor() -function description says: use mixmonitor for combinated recording (would be the better way)
16:29.59rethus (german language)
16:30.33[TK]D-Fenderrethus: that is talking about the Monitor DIAPLAN APP, not the Monitor AMI COMMAND
16:31.41rethusbut its the same command... ony different way to use it... isn't it?
16:32.04filethe end result is the same, Monitor is started on a channel
16:33.03[TK]D-Fenderrethus: No, it is not the same.  AMI targets a channel that is already in progress. the dialplan app is used in your DIALPLAN before you do a DIAL
16:33.13[TK]D-FenderretuTotally different rules.
16:33.33rethuson normal monito() the record is gentle... on mixmonitor is a parm to set the value up... not so on monitor !?
16:33.34[TK]D-Fenderrethus: they just share a similar name which means nothing
16:34.16[TK]D-Fenderrethus: ... huh?!
16:34.44file[TK]D-Fender: technically both Monitor and MixMonitor have no concept of what is happening to the channel, they just hook themselves into sending/receiving of the audio frames and write them out
16:35.13fileoh, misread
16:35.18fileI should have slept in.
16:35.33*** join/#asterisk Segnale007 (
16:35.36[TK]D-Fenderfile: Well it doesn't start monitoring until its bridged to something else, so you can't normally just monitor a caller go through an IVR and listen to him swearing...
16:35.45file[TK]D-Fender: you can.
16:36.13[TK]D-Fenderfile: Yes, there are ways to fake this... but that takes other trickery
16:36.15dlewis[TK]D-Fender: NAT seems to be set up correctly.
16:36.25[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Well the port is clearly different
16:36.29[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Go fix it it
16:36.45file[TK]D-Fender: I know for sure that if you call MixMonitor it will start recording from that point, it doesn't care if you are bridged or not... you can do a Playback right after and it will record both sides
16:36.49[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Just like when you phone people, get the number right <-
16:37.02[TK]D-Fenderfile: Really?  interesting
16:37.15[TK]D-Fenderfile: That is definitely news to me...
16:38.09rethus[TK]D-Fender: now in understand... agi ist simlar with manager - commands in asterisk CLI
16:38.40[TK]D-Fenderfile: Neither mention anything about being linked to Dial, but you can always see it getting triggered in there.... Something is wrong here...
16:38.59file[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean triggered?
16:39.06[TK]D-Fenderrethus: Correct.  AGI is for using an external script to process a call.
16:39.58rethusjes, but its a direct access to CLI "Manager"
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16:40.04dlewis[TK]D-Fender: meaning?
16:40.20rethusall "manager"-Commands are usable by agi
16:40.35[TK]D-Fenderfile: <- why do we see it start recording only after the dial?
16:40.37file[TK]D-Fender: there is an option to make it only happen when bridged to another channel for MixMonitor though, I forgot about that
16:41.03filebecause it creates another thread to do the recording
16:41.10fileand it takes a bit of time for that to happen
16:41.32[TK]D-Fenderfile: So if I were to do other stuff it would indeed really be recording it?
16:41.39filegive it a go
16:42.07[TK]D-Fenderfile: I will definitely have to try that some time... the results have always looked like it was not the case :)
16:42.33[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Fix the damn port, they can't hear you on 5060!
16:42.47[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: What part of this was not painfully clear?
16:43.19jayteecalm thyself, grasshopper! deep slow breaths.....Ommmmmmmm, ommmmmmm
16:43.23dlewis[TK]D-Fender: I've changed the port to 5070 in the trunk (via 'port=5070')
16:43.56drmessanooh man
16:43.57[TK]D-Fender[11:17]<[TK]D-Fender>Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to <- Not working
16:43.59[TK]D-Fender[11:17]<[TK]D-Fender>Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to <- working
16:44.01[TK]D-Fender[11:17]<[TK]D-Fender>dlewis: Not the same PORT.
16:44.09[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Feel free to show me a new matching set
16:44.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: No worries yet.
16:44.39jaytee[TK]D-Fender, Happy New Year!
16:44.41[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Bug has taken a new turn and I have 0 apetite
16:45.09[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm becoming somewhat drained
16:45.44drmessanoHAPPY GNU YEAR
16:45.47jayteetry and get something into you. chicken broth or something. and ginger ale is good for an upset stomach when you've got the flu
16:45.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: the night before last I was starting the burn phase which yuo think would increase my need to eat
16:46.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Not an upset stomach... I have NO apetite.  made a bowl of soup and I simply can't eat
16:48.00jaytee[TK]D-Fender, so eat anyways. Your mind can override your body if you want it to
16:50.19[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I suspect my body might take violent offense at that however ;)
16:50.22drmessanoOverride your inner dialplan
16:51.05jayteewell, at least drink lots of fluids, non-alcohol based fluids. water works best
16:51.43[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: I'm on tea right now....
16:52.08jayteetea is good
16:52.22[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: their bull is hard to swallow ;)
16:53.24dlewis[TK]D-Fender: i must be completely confused then...
16:53.45dlewisthe bind port for asterisk (via sip.conf) is 5060
16:54.13[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: this isn't hte BIND PORT, its the port you are contacting at your OTHER END.  This is your REGISTER statement
16:54.40dlewisah, ok
16:54.42[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: THEIR port, not YOUR port
16:55.50dlewishere it is:  EXXXXX:XXXXX1@
16:55.52zeeeshwhile compling asterisk-1.4.22 on centos 5.2 getting this error at
16:56.03dlewisthats the register statement
16:56.47[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: "sip show registry"
16:59.17*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
16:59.58[TK]D-Fenderdleswell at least now its trying on the proper port.... so now I don't trust your routing & firewalls, and as I pointed out your NAT settings were shot to hell as well
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17:14.59jayteezeeesh, try installing libtermcap-devel, do a make clean, ./configure and then recompile
17:15.18jayteezeeesh, and you might want to run yum -y update first
17:24.11*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
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17:28.07*** part/#asterisk rethus (
17:31.24drmessanoI wonder if I can get a Radio Shark working for MOH
17:31.38jayteeRadio Shark?
17:32.21drmessanoI have several of them
17:33.00jasonwootdo you think there are legal issues involved with streaming my XMradio to MOH?
17:33.16drmessanoNot if you pay for XM for "Broadcast use"
17:33.16jaytee"Due to the decline in retail sales people knowledgeable in electronics, Tandy Corporation is changing it's Radio Shack slogan from "You've got questions, we've got answers!" to "Yeah, we got stuff!"
17:33.48drmessanoXM offers service for background music, MOH, but its a different rate code
17:33.59drmessanoOtherwise, yes, its not legal
17:34.39jayteeso wouldn't using a Radio Shark require a broadcast use license for MOH?
17:35.01jasonwootis MOH legally any different than music in the lobby?
17:35.09drmessanoI didnt say I was gonna use it for production use.. heh.. I just want to know if I can code it and Wiki it
17:35.27*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=44c1d604@about/security/staff/dlewis)
17:35.32drmessanojasonwoot: No, same licensing required.. Thats "Background music"
17:36.02[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot>is MOH legally any different than music in the lobby? <- W.T.F
17:36.16[TK]D-Fenderjasonwoot: er..
17:36.30[TK]D-Fenderthat is debateable...
17:36.33drmessanojaytee: I may be able to get away with NPR, however
17:36.46drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Not really.. Same licensing
17:36.52jasonwoothmmmm, listen to NPR, or shoot myself in the penis.... tough choice
17:37.08[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: funny though.  Receptionist in lobby has a radio on her deks. is that "broadcast" just because someone walks in?
17:37.13jasonwootbut hey, its Thursday, and on Thursday, what do we do?
17:37.23jasonwootwe read from your letters
17:38.13drmessano[TK]D-Fender: It would be argued and has been argued as such, even within the doors of stations I worked for.
17:38.38tzafrir_laptopanybody actually uses dahdi/zaptel with static device files?
17:38.42drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Receptionists radio was loud enough for others to hear, therefore is legally broadcasting background music to visitors
17:39.08dlewis[TK]D-Fender: trying to figure out where the issue lies...
17:39.15dlewisthat's my sip.conf
17:39.19[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I might argue a tiny bit different if some extra special amps, etc were involved, but its fades towards which when its a boring clock-radio
17:39.21dlewisI turned off the firewall
17:39.24dlewisstill get the same issue
17:40.20joatdrmessano: actually the visitors were thieves, there to stealing music by eavesdropping on the receptionist or any other audio source available (why else visit a radio station?)
17:40.27drmessano[TK]D-Fender: Well, this was actually brought before legal counsel.  If someone else can hear it, and it's a designated area for work or for visitors, its "broadcasting"..
17:40.58[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Do I see SIP debug in there?  do I see firewall dumps?  do I trust your router setup?
17:41.18[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: I know I don't see your NAT setup in there...
17:41.42drmessanoTechnically the loud ass radio strapped to the peg board at your mechanics place is broadcasting background music illegally if it can be heard across the entire business
17:41.53joatanyone who comes through the front door of the radio station should be arrested, no questions asked
17:42.01dlewis[TK]D-Fender: yea, the sip.conf references sip_nat.conf, which has the NAT setup
17:42.07joateven artists (we all know the music doesn't belong to _them_)
17:42.11[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: trust = 0
17:42.17dlewis[TK]D-Fender: ok
17:42.21dlewis[TK]D-Fender: firewall is turned off
17:42.29[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: DITTO
17:45.31*** join/#asterisk kamanashisroy (n=kamanash@
17:47.33[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Go get debug, go show your router configs, go show your linux firewall dump
17:50.13[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: OMG
17:50.28[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Where are these 2 servers?
17:50.49dlewisthe server i'm trying to reach is somewhere in newark...
17:50.55[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: no, YOUR 2
17:50.56dlewismy server is in New York State
17:51.05dlewisoh, my two servers are in NYS
17:51.10[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Where is the working one, and where is the NON working one?
17:51.19dlewisboth on the same subnet
17:51.25dlewisbehind the same firewall/router
17:51.33*** part/#asterisk stencil (n=stencil@unaffiliated/stencil)
17:51.42[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: You can't have * behind the same subnet work from behind NAT!
17:51.50[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: The other damn box is getting the ANSWERS!
17:52.00[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Stupid port forwarding
17:52.31jayteethis might be an interesting question for some. On my Nortel Option11C I have a universal trunk card with several ports configured as RAN routes and a MOH route. The MOH source is a digital tape device from Interalia. Is it possible to configure an FXO port to act as a route to play MOH from the device?
17:52.53dlewis[TK]D-Fender: it might be an issue with the actual asterisk install on the box that doesn't work.
17:53.03[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: And why it isn't working
17:53.05dlewisbecause the box that does is on the same subnet...
17:53.18dlewisi'm trying to figure it out
17:53.33[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: You are not listening.... only 1 box behind that NAT is going to get the INCOMING packets
17:54.40*** join/#asterisk unixdawg (
17:55.11[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: FUBAR'd
17:55.20dlewisso, to fix this, I shut off one box and then use the other..
17:55.26[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: What you want will not work like that
17:56.18[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Next time describe the entire setup so it doesn't become a collosal waste of time
17:58.37drmessano<joat> anyone who comes through the front door of the radio station should be arrested, no questions asked  <-- and shot
17:59.48drmessanoLOL yep
18:00.15drmessanoWorking in Radio is like a hobby gone wrong
18:00.29drmessanoNo doubt about it
18:03.04drmessanoDid I die?
18:03.27jayteeI'd really love to reuse this Interalia device with Asterisk. it has an 8ohm/1watt output and a 600ohm "nominal" output. currently the 8ohm output connects to my Nortel system. the music output has a sampling rate of 8khz 4bits/sample.
18:03.56drmessanoFXO with an isolation transformer
18:04.06drmessanoTwo things
18:04.26drmessanoYou need an isolation transformer and some way to make it go offhook
18:04.29jaytee600 to 600 iso xformer
18:04.47drmessanoActually an FXS would be somewhat better
18:04.47madsaraHey, can someone point me to an example config allowing outbound calls to be dumped into a MeetMe conference?
18:05.27drmessanoEasy autoanswer circuit
18:05.34[TK]D-FendermdasDescribe the process in full
18:05.50drmessano600 ohm <> 600ohm isolation Xformer, and a 70v DIAC
18:05.51[TK]D-Fendermadsara: Describe the process in full
18:05.59drmessanoWhich are about 2 bucks or so
18:06.24drmessanoDIAC basically closed a circuit when the specified voltage is reached
18:06.52drmessanoSo the 90V ringing voltage across the DIAC closes the circuit, answers the FXS port, passes audio
18:06.58madsara[TK]D-Fender: K, something like this: An extension is dialed via cronjob at 12:00, which calls person A and person B, when each person answers they're automatically dumped into a Meetme conference.
18:07.48madsaraShould be fairly basick
18:07.48[TK]D-Fendermadsara: Try again, and get specific, starting with what this 12:00 dial is coming from
18:08.29jayteethat gets the audio to the port but then I've got to have Asterisk use it as a MOH source. I know how to setup different file sources and I've played with streaming audio but to use an FXS port as a MOH source within the dialplan has me stumped at the moment.
18:09.44madsaraI can handle the 12:00 dial via a bash script that integrates w/ the asterisk console.... I just need an example dialplan that will allow 1 extension to be dialed, which thus places an outbound SIP call to a number, which when answered sends that caller into a meetme conference.
18:10.07[TK]D-Fendermadsara: I'm seeing 2 people talking in this picture... why MEETME?
18:10.32[TK]D-Fendermadsara: You're reinventing the wheel.. CLI / AMI Originate or Call-files <-
18:10.49madsaraYeah, I looked at call files... I'll look some more.
18:11.12madsaraI assume you mean the callfiles example stuff included.
18:11.52[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: reduce to line-level and take it in your sound card and set up a stream server and have * use that stream with any of the apps that can connect to it
18:13.02jaytee[TK]D-Fender, wouldn't I just be able to use the 600ohm output into the line-in for that?
18:13.20[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Don't ask me about the electrical part of that :)
18:13.30[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: drmessano I'm sure would know the proper rates, etc
18:13.50[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Or probably where to look...
18:14.15[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: this would let you use it across multiple servers even
18:14.46jaytee[TK]D-Fender, which would be awesome and I'd like to avoid using an FXS or FXO for this.
18:16.06[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: yup.  For the FXO I suppose you could use a local soft-phone that is bridged with it then pipe the audio out into the line-in and do the same... but FUGLY
18:16.23[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: And requires you to keep those channels alive.
18:17.19jayteeyeah, and I'd rather just setup a source in musiconhold.conf instead of having some fugly channel source I have to keep open.
18:18.10[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: Think about server restarts, etc
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19:36.14*** join/#asterisk ZenBSDi (n=bsdi@unaffiliated/ZenBSDi)
19:36.34ZenBSDiAnyone know how I can force a disconnect after 5 minutes with a dialplan?
19:39.13jayteeZenBSDi, exten="xxxx",1,Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=3000)
19:40.16jayteeZenBSDi, the "xxxx" is where your extension number or pattern match should go
19:41.05ZenBSDiexten => s,1,Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=3000)
19:41.07ZenBSDigot it
19:41.45ZenBSDiit's not in seconds huh :p
19:41.51ZenBSDigonna test it.. brb
19:44.51*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=yuriy@
19:47.34jayteeZenBSDi, you should probably add exten => T,1,Hangup() and make the first priority an Answer() with the Set(TIMEOUT(absolute)=3000) the very next priority for the called extension.
19:55.35*** join/#asterisk esaym (
19:56.27ZenBSDiJaytee, I'm setting up a party line .. haha
19:57.00ZenBSDigot 2000 minutes incoming for free.. I just setup some way to watch that and shut off once it reaches that 1999th minute
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20:14.08drmessanoA party line with 2000 minutes?
20:17.30jayteedrmessano, would I be able to take the 600ohm output from my Interalia and use it on a line-in jack? I'd probably need something to do impedance matching between the two?
20:20.26drmessanoLine-In is going to be high impedence
20:20.29drmessanoSo yes
20:20.53drmessanoYou will be matching anywhere from 15k-50k ohms depending on sound card
20:25.47mchoudrmessano: have you ever used the motorola router/ATA (VT-2442)?
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20:26.36drmessanoI heard they were a waste of time
20:27.10mchoudrmessano: ok, good enough for me.  Someone offered me one for $15
20:27.46mchoudrmessano: dont want to spend too much time on it if it's not going to be useful
20:28.20drmessanoIts not.. Its horribly difficult to configure
20:28.30ZenBSDidrmessano, I know.. 2000 minutes ain't alot
20:28.35drmessanoUsing spoofed XML files to configure even after unlocking
20:29.02drmessanoALA Feeding a cable modem a bogus TFTP config sort of "unreasonable"
20:29.13mchoudrmessano: yeah.  apparently no "phone config" page available either
20:31.45mchoudrmessano: are there any ATAs you'd recommend besides PAP2?
20:33.12mchoudrmessano: I mean as far as ATAs go, is PAP2 the yardstick?
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20:35.10drmessanoIm not aware of any ATAs that are considered better.. Linksys, Grandstream, Cisco are the obvious choices.. We can rule the last two out due to crap/cost. Beyond that you've got the Linksys PAP2T, the SPA-2102 and SPA-3102 in current production.  The 2102/3102 are routers as well as being ATAs.  The 2102 I believe is considered somewhat better as far as an ATA goes, but I think the difference
20:35.18ZenBSDiAnyone in the 954 area code wanna help me test this thing?
20:35.28drmessanois not enough to justify the extra router bits unless needed
20:35.44mchoudrmessano: ok.  thanks
20:35.53drmessanoand the 3102, of course,  is 1 FXS/ 1 FXO which makes it a loss if you need two FXSs
20:36.09mchoudrmessano: yeah
20:36.10drmessanoAt the expense of gaining the FXO which is really the desired option on that model
20:36.12drmessanoSo yeah
20:36.32*** join/#asterisk goatmilk (
20:37.10goatmilkfile: boo
20:37.31hi365_mis still trying to figure out how to prevent the body of the email from being sent as a fax when using faxmail (hylafax)
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20:39.11Jabess[ZenBSDi] you use freebsd?
20:39.32ZenBSDiI used to .. Now I'm a slack/ubuntu guy :p
20:39.55ZenBSDiI was a big user till all the delays in 5.0 killed my patience
20:40.04Jabess[ZenBSDi] but, you had installed asterisk on Freebsd system?
20:40.20ZenBSDiNope.. only Linux. Soz
20:44.28*** join/#asterisk Techie-Micheal (n=micheal@unaffiliated/techie-micheal)
20:45.38ZenBSDiJabess, you having problems getting it to work on FreeBSD?
20:47.21Jabesswhen I install the asterisk on freebsd, have noise the audio
20:50.27ZenBSDiWhat are you using? softphone? which one?
20:51.29ZenBSDiAre you using echo cancellation in the softphone?
20:51.46*** join/#asterisk farkus_ (
20:51.53JabessI guest
20:52.01Jabesslet me see
20:52.01ZenBSDidisable that
20:54.49JabessI having problem now.. look log
20:54.49Jabess[Jan 1 16:56:47] WARNING[4917]: chan_oss.c:493 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
20:56.18ZenBSDisounds like you have softphone/client issues not asterisk
20:57.02ZenBSDiI was testing zoiper against my ast box too and had sound problems.. disabled the echo cancellation in zoiper and it was fixed.
20:57.28ZenBSDirun zttest and see what it says for your accuracy
20:57.39Jabesslet me see/
20:58.06Jabesszttest in console of freebsd?
20:58.10Jabessor CLI?
20:58.17ZenBSDiyep.. cli of bsd
20:58.40Jabessnot CLI of Asterisk right?
20:58.49Jabesssay me, command not found in Freebsd
20:59.07ZenBSDidid you install libzaptel?
20:59.43JabessIs mandatory?
20:59.44ZenBSDiwell, it's not important unless you're running trunks anyway..
21:00.04ZenBSDiAre you using a SIP/IAX peer?
21:00.09ZenBSDigot a did yet?
21:00.39JabessI use X-phone
21:01.56ZenBSDiWhat are you using Asterisk for? whats your goal?
21:02.33Jabessmy goal is for use with a DID --> Asterisk --> Gateway -- Line PSTN
21:02.48Jabessvia SIP
21:03.02Jabesswich is more better to use? IAX or SIP?
21:03.49ZenBSDineither is better.. they're both good. I just use IAX since I'm behind a nasty firewall and IAX is nat friendly.
21:04.58Jabessabout NAT/Firewall is much better IAX?
21:05.20Jabesswell, I will use the gateway behind a NAT
21:05.22[TK]D-FenderJabess: What do you use?
21:05.58JabessRight now, with a SoftPhone, is directly to the Asterisk, without NAT
21:06.00ZenBSDiwell, yer having problems with /dev/dsp which is the sound card. google for how to restart the sound service in freebsd and then try again
21:06.21[TK]D-FenderJabess: Asterisk has a public IP?
21:06.22ZenBSDiTK .. Sup
21:06.31JabessI have
21:06.32[TK]D-FenderZenBSDi: Surviving.... kinda... ish
21:06.55ZenBSDiWith all yer mad Ast skills? how come you aint a millionaire by now?
21:07.18[TK]D-FenderZenBSDi: Heath <-
21:07.20Jabess[ZenBSDi] but, you think that the problem is with the fisic sound card? And that's why have noise?
21:09.07ZenBSDiJabess, Like I said earlier.. I had sound problems too. But it was the echo cancellation in Zoiper. turned it off and now I got great quality. I just need to stress test my party line and see how many people I can have with only 512k up .. heh
21:10.46Jabesswell, no is problem with the echo cancellation/noise reduction, I already try that
21:11.39ZenBSDiTK, check out these accuracy numbers.. keep in mind.. this is a virtual machine with ztdummy for iax trunking.
21:11.43ZenBSDi--- Results after 10 passes ---
21:11.43ZenBSDiBest: 99.987793 -- Worst: 99.963379 -- Average: 99.982910
21:13.34[TK]D-FenderZenBSDi: awesome
21:14.11ZenBSDiyeah right.. everytime I read about ztdummy/iax trunk numbers it's more like 96/97 percent.. but I'm getting 99.9!
21:14.26ZenBSDigod bless AMD's opterons :D
21:14.59ZenBSDi954 369 1390 - Broward county partyline!
21:15.06*** join/#asterisk BipBip (n=BipBip@
21:18.44ZenBSDiTK, you setup Vicidial yet?
21:19.02[TK]D-FenderZenBSDi: Nope.  Telemarketing = evil
21:19.11*** join/#asterisk piper69 (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/piper69)
21:19.14ZenBSDitelemarketing = pay dude
21:19.27piper69Happy new year to all
21:19.34hi365_many way to tell from the dial plan of the dahdi channel is pots or a pri?
21:19.36ZenBSDiHNY piper69
21:20.23[TK]D-Fenderhi365Yes, set a bunch of global variable to what each is and GotoIf
21:20.49hi365_mi meant dynamicly... oh well
21:21.52JabessIf I have allowed 3 type of codecs, wich one of 3 codecs the asterisk will use?
21:21.52hi365_mtotaly off topic, but im looking for a simle way to modify a mime email. anyone have any ideas?
21:21.52[TK]D-Fenderhi365_m: grep, sed
21:22.45hi365_mis there no command line too that can spit it out ur way? (like -h for the headers -ha for headers and attachments)
21:28.15eppigyJabess: it will use the first one you have enabled in the list that the client supports
21:29.18Jabessif the client have a list of 3 codec, the first codec will be selected?
21:29.29eppigythe firsty one in your list
21:29.41eppigydisalow all
21:29.43eppigyallow ilbc
21:29.50eppigyallow g729
21:29.55eppigyilbc will be used first
21:30.01eppigyit is very logical
21:30.08eppigya simple test would show you the behavior
21:30.34jayteewell put, "dave"
21:30.39eppigythank you
21:32.06ZenBSDiI'm using GSM :p
21:32.12eppigyyou will die alone
21:33.55JabessIf i want to use /dev/pcm0 instead /dev/dsp ??
21:34.02*** join/#asterisk arpu (
21:34.03JabessI can configure it?
21:34.29*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
21:34.45ZenBSDiI should try g729 huh
21:35.27eppigyyou should do what makes you happy
21:35.33eppigywhat is happeniness to you?
21:36.00ZenBSDihappiness to me is great voice quality with very little bandwidth used
21:36.12ZenBSDiso smaller packets = happiness ;p
21:36.40eppigyI see
21:36.52eppigywell supposedly iLBC degrades more gracefully
21:36.54eppigywith latency
21:37.06eppigyit is slightly more cpu intessive though
21:37.23eppigyplus g729 is not free
21:40.55ZenBSDiI'll stick with GSM .. it's only eating 5 more kb :p
21:41.41eppigyyou gotta do you dog
21:42.15*** join/#asterisk neurosys (
21:43.49drmessanoilbc rox
21:44.02ZenBSDiyo dog, I heard you like to yo yo dog, so we put your dog in yo yo yo so you can yo yo yo dog.
21:44.47eppigywow bro
21:45.10eppigyyou have truly revealed yourself
21:45.36drmessanoGSM is a horrid codec, IMO
21:47.11eppigyi mean lets be honest here
21:47.46drmessano"I want to use the smallest packets possible" is the wrong way to go about this
21:48.05drmessanoUse whats efficient, but lets not be stupid about packet sizes and compromises
21:48.14eppigyi want the sexiest packets
21:48.29*** join/#asterisk Aces1up (
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21:48.45Aces1upanyone know where i can buy DId's for less that .50 cents?
21:48.57drmessanoIf switching from GSM to something "a little bigger" is going to break your bandwidth, you got problems
21:52.34mchouAces1up: lol.  If you find something like that let me know too
21:52.48eppigyZenBSDi: where is your mockery now you smug bastard?
21:53.20mchouAces1up: heck, if you find DID for less than $1.00/mo let me know :)
21:54.00Aces1upmchou they have a deal on DIDX
21:54.02ZenBSDiAll my did's cost 3,4,5 dollars :p
21:54.08Aces1upbut i'm not sure about didx
21:54.16Aces1upget 50 DID's for 25.00
21:54.26mchouAces1up: ok, in bulk
21:54.41Aces1upyeh, in bulk where is a good place to buy?
21:54.49drmessanoSo you found a deal somewhere
21:54.51mchouAces1up: some of us are stuck with "retail" :(
21:54.57drmessanoBut youre being picky
21:55.04drmessanoSo now you expect someone else to have that deal
21:55.10Aces1upi guess..
21:55.15Aces1updidn't know that was wholesale price..
21:55.22drmessanoPeople like you should be shot
21:55.24drmessanoand hung
21:55.28Aces1upnever priced em before.
21:55.32drmessanoand then run over with a wheelbarrow
21:55.58eppigyhamas is legalizing crucifixion
21:55.59drmessanoFull of overpriced sod
21:56.11drmessanoand maybe some.. GARDENIAS
21:56.19eppigylets not rule that out
21:56.40drmessanoMaybe they can be bought in BULK
21:57.27eppigywhere can i get tulip bulbs less than .50 cents?
21:57.57mchoueppigy: havent priced those things lately
21:58.00drmessanoDIDX apparently
21:58.08drmessanoBut I dont trust DIDX
21:58.14mchoueppigy: what's the going market rate?
21:58.15drmessanoGot some LIGHT bulbs last time
21:58.40mchoudrmessano: I got 4 CFLs for $0.25
21:59.07mchoudrmessano: that was subsidized by the local utility though :)
21:59.34mchouI bought then by the case :)
22:00.01mchoumaybe I'll die of mercury poisoning
22:00.25drmessanoI had something MUCH better planned for you
22:00.40mchoudrmessano: what's that?
22:00.41drmessanoBut apparently it's illegal to import echidnas right now
22:01.57drmessanoSo youre safe
22:02.13mchouI dont get it
22:02.19*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX (
22:02.20mchouthey only eat ants
22:03.17drmessano<mchou> they only eat ants  <-- only makes my plans much more devious
22:09.49drmessanomchou: <-- was this the cheesy green one you showed me?
22:10.57drmessanoIt wasnt
22:10.59drmessanoToo expensive
22:11.35drmessanoI noticed flowroute finally got some east coast DIDs
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22:28.35timholumhello, my server recently crashed, when i reloaded it i installed asterisk on but my zaptel does not pick up or dial out any more?
22:28.51timholumany ideas? oh i am running ubuntu 8.10
22:33.38tzafrir_laptoptimholum, what do you see in:  cat /proc/zaptel/*  #?
22:33.47tzafrir_laptopalso: what versions of asterisk and zaptel?
22:33.48timholumI had a backup of /etc/asterisk and /etc/zaptel.conf, and i installed the zaptel driver and asterisk on my system, and when i do a zap show status i get, Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 1           UNCONFIGUR 0          0          0
22:33.53tzafrir_laptopWhat device?
22:33.54timholumone sec
22:35.17timholumis /proc/zaptel/*
22:35.38*** join/#asterisk arpu (
22:35.42timholumand i have a tdm400 with one a red module in slot 4
22:37.22timholum is the output from cat /etc/zaptel.conf|grep -v ";"
22:38.24timholumone second I might have found my problem
22:39.59*** part/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
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22:42.40ZenBSDialright ya'll.. I've soaked up as much Asterisk knowledge as I can for the day. Got my predictive dialer working and got my party line going. Thanks again room. Peace
22:43.55timholumtzafrir_laptop: I figured it out, :) I copyed the /etc/asterisk and /etc/zaptel.conf over before i installed it and the installer overwrote my files :)
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