IRC log for #asterisk on 20081231

00:02.27C4colowhat would cause hints not to work for outbound calls?
00:03.08C4colono notification is sent for the outbound calling user, and core show hints shows the extension as "idle" when it is indeed inuse
00:10.13[TK]D-FenderC4colo: pastebin is your friend
00:16.57*** join/#asterisk Subdolus (
00:25.58*** join/#asterisk Maliuta_CA (
00:26.01*** join/#asterisk sosoriri (n=chatzill@
00:30.40*** join/#asterisk coppice (
00:38.02C4coloit was a problem with limitonpeers=yes
00:39.38[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Let me guess... left it as "friend" didn't you?
00:45.33sosoriri[TK]D-Fender: i see yesterday. i will try it. thank u yesterday.
00:47.16[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: you still miss the point.  Every friggen time.
00:48.03[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: It isn't just getting the channels to *.  The RECORDING load will &^%$ING MURDER THE SERVER
00:48.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:48.32*** join/#asterisk dlewis (i=457e665b@about/security/staff/dlewis)
00:48.37[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Comedy gold in progress....
00:49.02sosoriri[TK]D-Fender: it will process simultanous 70 calls?
00:49.32[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: How do you go from **16 E1** down to 70 calls?
00:50.10C4coloit was defined on each sip user, not globally, I had to move it globally and it started working
00:50.15sosoririnow our 4 servers process max 70 calls.
00:50.22C4colotrying to help someone work out a few bugs on their system
00:50.51*** join/#asterisk riddlebox (
00:51.15[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: A single SUN x2100, 3GHz Dual Core is ideal for up to 16E1 with centralized setup when performing trivial tasks like IVRs with low call setup ratio and no transcoding nor SIP termination as there will not be enough CPU (<40%) left for sending the full traffic out of Asterisk.
00:51.24[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: What you want is not trivial.
00:53.31sosoriri[TK]D-Fender: yes, i need only recording. no IVRs, no SIP/IAX terminals.
00:53.44[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: And that will kill your server
00:53.48sosoririi will think about it.
00:54.10[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: Think?  Pardon?  You don't seem to be doing a very good job of it.  You should outsource.
00:56.08[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Sorry, you have no idea the mess this was yesterday with everyone trying to get the point across
00:56.40[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: And I am more than a little edgy today and this is 24 hours later and the same ole BS
00:57.11[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: As Jon Stewart would say "It was a Cluster%$#@"
00:57.30Corydon76-digYeah, but it's not in your data center... ;-)
00:58.09[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Yeah, thats the curse of caring enough to try to warn people they are trying really hard to get F-ed in the ass...
00:58.43Corydon76-digMy boyfriend was trying really hard this morning, and he succeeded... ;-)
00:58.52[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: And even if it were... it wouldn't impact me.... he wants services delivered, he'd get them (attempting to), and if it fails... he still gets billed
00:59.07Qwellyou...totally went there
00:59.24[TK]D-Fenderwonders how long the memories will last
00:59.31Corydon76-digQwell: he's got a purty mouth
00:59.56*** join/#asterisk cesar_CR (
01:00.34Corydon76-digWhatch'all doin' for New Year's Eve?
01:00.34[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Just a status update, you are a relatively independant contributor who is occasionally contracted by Digium, correct
01:00.55Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: I'm a Digium employee
01:01.00[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Full-time?
01:01.31[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: What are your primary roles?
01:01.54Corydon76-digIn the bedroom, I'm a top
01:02.00Corydon76-digIn the kitchen, I'm a chef.
01:02.22Corydon76-digAt Digium, I'm one of the Senior Software Developers
01:02.43[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Power top, or swith? ;)
01:02.49Corydon76-digPower top
01:02.55[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: What specific aspects of * dev?
01:03.28Corydon76-digAnything that needs to be done and for which nobody else feels like tackling
01:03.43[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Ahh... "leftovers"... cook strikes again!
01:04.09Corydon76-digalthough I tend to specialize in database access, dialplan unity, and various other dialplan applications
01:04.18*** join/#asterisk mrbiiggy (n=stfu@mail.technicallysimple.NET)
01:05.20Corydon76-digHence, the never ending compendium of ODBC-related modules
01:06.32Corydon76-digi.e. func_odbc, cdr_adaptive_odbc, adaptive realtime, and odbc_tx_support
01:07.14Corydon76-digOh, and realtime failover
01:15.26*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-cd221ebc2996b7b9)
01:16.19*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
01:16.23sosoririCorydon76-dig: how do u think about what happend if 16E1(4 cards) installs on one box?
01:17.36jayteeanyone know of a motherboard manufacturer that makes motherboards that have 8 PCI slots? I need to setup an Asterisk server with 8 TE407P cards and record all the calls for up to 700 concurrent calls.
01:17.53*** join/#asterisk Kumbang (
01:20.47*** join/#asterisk DrkShadow (
01:21.32DrkShadowhey, sip isn't loading (doesn't show when I type "help"), and when I do "module load chan_sip" I get the error: "reload_config: Unable to load config sip.conf" ... anyone know what's up? sip.conf is at /etc/asterisk/sip.conf and is world-readable. I don't know where else it would look for it.
01:23.00jayteeDrkShadow, perhaps the file has become corrupted. Do you have a backup of it? have you edited it recently?
01:23.31DrkShadowhaven't edited it, but I tried to upgrade Asterisk from .18 to .22. i'm guessing something was messed up in that, so recompiling from scratch..
01:23.52jayteewhat distro?
01:24.06jayteeare you using the guide from the wiki?
01:24.14DrkShadowI'm using the README file.
01:24.31DrkShadowit's nothing abnormal for me -- I've done it plenty of times in the past, including upgrades..
01:25.56jayteeI was editing my extensions.conf file earlier and went to do a dialplan reload which failed because I'd accidentally hit the / key when the cursor was to the left of [general] and didn't notice it when I saved.
01:27.20jayteerunning as root?
01:27.46jayteeand you can open the file in an editor and everything looks ok?
01:28.17jayteedid you do a make clean before you recompiled?
01:30.11DrkShadow... wtf...
01:30.29DrkShadowit's not overwriting files..
01:30.30jayteeand the tension and mystery just keeps increasing
01:31.38DrkShadowbut it did when I manually deleted everything related.
01:32.57DrkShadowand it's all up.
01:35.57*** join/#asterisk sosoriri (n=chatzill@
01:36.13sosoriri[TK]D-Fender: thank u anyway.
01:39.19[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: Don't worry I expect to see you back here in 24hr and starting up this whole mess AGAIN.
01:39.37*** join/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
01:39.37*** mode/#asterisk [+o russellb] by ChanServ
01:39.51jayteehi russellb
01:40.32*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (n=andresmu@
01:41.40Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: any other questions?
01:42.20[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Nope, just seeing hows in the fold and in what capacity... more questions will come as I find some cracks you might consider filling (no, not THAT kind!)
01:42.50[TK]D-Fendergets a fanny-pack hanging sign reading "Exit Only"
01:43.03dlewis[TK]D-Fender: what's your opinion on using the MJ with asterisk?
01:43.13[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Huh?
01:43.19sosoririCorydon76-dig: don't press him, he is a good man
01:43.20Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: Don't knock it till you've tried it
01:43.37dlewisMJ = magic jack
01:43.57[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Yes, be like every other cheapskate loser out there trying to ripoff crap services...
01:43.59Corydon76-digdlewis: I wasn't aware that was possible
01:44.00dlewisCorydon76-dig: you using it?
01:44.31dlewis[TK]D-Fender: lol... you're a funny guy... most of us are doing it because it's cool to and not because we're cheap
01:44.42dlewisjust like most people that try to use things beyond there purpose
01:44.48[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Thing is, it isn't "cool".
01:44.55dlewisremember? that's how most modern technologies were created.
01:45.01Corydon76-digOdd, I used the cheap DECT phone because it was cheap
01:45.14dlewis[TK]D-Fender: actually, to use something beyond what it's purpose is, to me at least, is interesting and fun
01:45.22[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: There is a difference between "beyond their purpose" and "Violations of DMCA / terms of use"
01:45.55dlewis[TK]D-Fender: of course there is... most of the time when people use things beyound their purpose it violates ToS...
01:46.06dlewisso, to make a statement like that is retarded...
01:46.10Corydon76-digdlewis: You must be a student
01:46.19dlewisCorydon76-dig: how so...?
01:46.30[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: No, because there is a difference between a LOOPHOLE and an INFRACTION.
01:46.37jayteejust because Cap'n Crunch figured out how to get free phone service didn't make it legal
01:46.47[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: And semantics can come back to bite you in the ass.
01:46.51dlewisjaytee: of course...
01:46.59Corydon76-digdlewis: because you're trying to do something because it's perceived to be cool, and you aren't tracking the time it takes for you to accomplish the hack
01:47.50Corydon76-digTherefore, it's likely your time isn't better spent making salary; therefore, you're probably a student
01:48.17jayteeand whenever I see that MagicJack commercial I hear the voice of my very wise old teacher of economics saying, "If someone offers you a deal that sounds too good to be true, it's probably a scam"
01:48.18dlewisCorydon76-dig: actually, I'm not doing it because it's "perceived" to be cool... It's interesting to do it... and the correlation to your statement and being a student, isn't much of a correlation at all...
01:48.48[TK]D-Fenderjaytee: But he'll scam them first!  That'll show them!
01:49.47Corydon76-digdlewis: I'm speaking from having accomplished the same thing in the past, so please understand, I'm not deriding the effort
01:50.23Corydon76-digI'm just suggesting that you're doing it for non-commercial purposes
01:50.25dlewisCorydon76-dig: i'm not saying you are... I was just pointing out that people do these things regardless if they're a student or not...
01:50.29dlewisit's called a hobby.
01:51.01dlewismost hobby's aren't for commercial purposes, but I guess I understand where you're coming from...
01:51.03dlewis(sort of)
01:51.27[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: So if I commit a crime because its my "hobby", thats ok, right?
01:51.38Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: It's technically not a crime
01:51.45[TK]D-Fendergoes to sharpen Mr. Pointy.
01:51.47dlewis[TK]D-Fender: i never said that...
01:51.55[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: Contract violation.
01:52.09Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: there's no contract
01:52.11dlewis[TK]D-Fender: I haven't read the complete TOS, but I haven't read explicitly where it states that doing this would be a contract violation.
01:52.26dlewis[TK]D-Fender: if you can point me to the language, then I'll agree.
01:52.37[TK]D-Fenderkind of thing that leads to lawsuits, and in cases, incarceration.  Just want to be absolutely clear on this.
01:52.41jayteemost people never read the Windows EULA
01:52.42Corydon76-digIf all he does is to buy the device in question, there is no contract, express or implied
01:52.52dlewisjaytee: completely different...
01:53.11dlewisyou're talking about a completely different issue
01:53.18Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: nobody is incarcerated anymore for civil litigation
01:53.41[TK]D-FenderCorydon76-dig: well hefty fine it is...
01:53.43eppigyi am dave
01:53.46dlewisCorydon76-dig: having been a law student, you're correct.
01:54.04Corydon76-dig[TK]D-Fender: it's technically not a fine, either
01:54.48dlewisin this case, it would lead to service termination (and not a fine)... that's if we can find the explicit (unambiguous) language in the ToS...
01:54.51dlewisand trust me
01:55.06dlewisit might or might not
01:55.13[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: WOW
01:55.14dlewislike I said, I haven't explicitly read it...
01:55.29[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: flying blind chap...
01:55.59dlewis[TK]D-Fender: i haven't disagreed or agreed as to whether it's illegal to it...
01:56.24[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: Think you're the first in here on this rip?
01:56.36dlewis[TK]D-Fender: of course not...
01:56.38[TK]D-Fenderdlewis: been quite  a few
01:56.47dlewis[TK]D-Fender: of course...
01:57.06dlewismy initial question was getting ones opinion on it
01:57.40dlewisand the response was assuming people were being "cheapskate losers" because they were doing it
01:57.47dlewisand I was merely "arguing" otherwise...
01:57.54dlewis(which I'm sure I'm not the first to do so)
01:58.29dlewismost of the people I know that have done it still use other VOIP providers (paying) and also have POTS...
01:58.58dlewis(including myself)
02:01.13*** join/#asterisk DrAk0 (n=luisjose@nelug/coreteam/luisjose)
02:03.41*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:03.44*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux (
02:07.05*** join/#asterisk MrTelephone (
02:07.15MrTelephoneanyone ever get a pci fatal error on sangoma a102d cards?
02:14.33jayteenope, but I've gotten one on with TDM04B card on a Dell 2650 before.
02:15.16sosoriri[TK]D-Fender: if i try it, which kinds of server can u recommend?
02:16.41[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: Big, and MANY, and an AudioCodes Mediant 2000
02:16.51jayteeand a Gibson!
02:17.03[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: And SER in front to load balance the distribution.
02:17.15sosoririother servers will route calls.
02:18.51*** join/#asterisk xnixan (n=xnixan@unaffiliated/xnixan)
02:19.30sosoririthen, i think it doesn't need codec conversion.
02:19.46[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: who said anything about codec conversion?
02:20.13sosoririAudioCodes Mediant 2000??
02:20.34[TK]D-Fendersosoriri: I linked you to it YESTERDAY.  Please lose the blank stares and JFGI
02:21.16C4coloI've been searching for a while now and I can't really find the best way to handle a Page() extension that has multiple users in it to not call itself, for example Page(SIP/123&SIP/234&SIP/456) called by 123 will ring 123, auto-answer, and everyone just hears MoH
02:21.24*** join/#asterisk protocols (
02:21.50[TK]D-FenderC4colo: ...
02:21.50sosoririi see, AudioCodes Mediant 2000 has other meaning.
02:21.52C4coloChanIsAvail() just returns one channel from a list, it doesn't clean up anything
02:22.12C4colo${AVAILCHAN} returns the first channel that is available from a list of channels
02:22.48C4colo[TK]D-Fender: where do I put the elpisis in the dialplan?
02:23.16[TK]D-FenderC4colo: ... English please... preferrably in complete qualified question form.
02:23.32[TK]D-FenderC4colo: C4colo You already know what you should be doing...
02:24.00C4colook, I have an extension 73, it calls the Page() application with multiple extensions
02:24.11*** part/#asterisk russellb (n=russell@asterisk/digium-open-source-team-lead/russellb)
02:24.12[TK]D-FenderC4colo: That isn't it...
02:24.38C4coloif an extension in the list calls 73 it rings that extension, auto-answers, and puts L1 on hold, picks up L2 which was created by the Page() application, causing everyone, including the calling party to hear MoH
02:24.52C4coloI need to not call the extension that called 73
02:25.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: WAH WAH WAH WAAAAAAAAA </lucy's_teacher>
02:25.34C4colodo you speak another language natively TK?
02:26.09C4coloor are you just in a bad mood
02:26.14C4coloI'd rather you just ignore me than berate me
02:26.16[TK]D-FenderC4colo: I was raiised learning english, and of course being where I am you invariabley become rather adept at french...
02:26.36C4coloI really don't understand what you are getting at
02:26.44C4coloit seems you are saying I'm not speaking english
02:26.53[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You are presenting scatter-brained little bits and I don't have any faith things process as you think they do.  Where's the F-ing PASTEBIN? :p
02:26.54C4colobut when I reiterate more clearly you insult me
02:27.22[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Your litle tidbits don't describe anything of value that one could use to hand you an answer so SHOW ME THE MONEY
02:27.49[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Think what you've described wll tell me whats broken?  Sorry, but it won't.
02:28.01C4colothe question is, how does one exclude an extension from a group passed to Dial() or Page()?
02:28.02[TK]D-FenderC4colo: So stop playing all secretive and just PASTEBIN IT.
02:28.13[TK]D-FenderC4colo: exclue?  Don't PUT IT THERE
02:28.16MrTelephonehow do you prevent dialplan exten => i,1, from saying invalid extension so quickly? I need more time for people to type the numbers
02:28.31C4coloI'm not being secretive, just trying to describe it
02:28.35C4coloit's not a dialplan issue
02:29.10C4colook, one sec, I'll pastebin it
02:29.15*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
02:29.16[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Not a dialplan issue?  Sure it is.  You're passing it values you don't want to and did not even seem to understand how ChanIsAvail works.
02:30.31[TK]D-FenderC4colo: and "Lucy's Teacher" is a "Peanuts" joke... should be a strong indicator of being raised with english comics...
02:30.43C4coloyes, I got that
02:30.55[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Good, so do be diligent now....
02:31.02C4colohowever I took it to mean that my words were not being understood
02:31.27[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone: Usa a catchall, and in there confirm its validity after and go wherever you want to.
02:31.50[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No, it meant "cease the senseless prattle and gimem the damn pastebin" :p
02:32.08*** join/#asterisk freakazoid0223 (
02:32.30[TK]D-Fenderinstalls a self-inking "F-ING PASTEBIN IT" stamper on his ClueBat (tm)
02:32.51JAMMAN2110So much respect for eachother :) Very heart warming
02:33.12jbotBender : Light a fire for a man and he's warm for a night.  Light a man on fire and he's warm for the rest of his life...
02:33.51JAMMAN2110Only if you light him on fire well
02:34.23*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (n=fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:34.24[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: "Well" only needs to reduce him to a cinder...
02:34.39JAMMAN2110Exactely :)
02:35.13[TK]D-FenderJAMMAN2110: When I do a job, I do it right.  The first time.  Measure twice, cut once.
02:35.20[TK]D-Fendergoes to sharpen Mr. Pointy
02:35.34JAMMAN2110does that too
02:35.47JAMMAN2110is looking at laser temprature meters
02:36.44JAMMAN2110Us network guys lives would be so much easier if heat didnt rise
02:37.04[TK]D-Fenderis looking at laser temperature inducers
02:37.16MrTelephonelost a drive on my raid 5 controller due to a faulty sata cable
02:37.39MrTelephonethe hot spare kicked in and everything was fine in an hour.. adaptec rocks
02:37.46JAMMAN2110Ouch still
02:37.52JAMMAN2110Im looking into RAID10 for my next server :)
02:38.06MrTelephonei'm too small for that
02:38.21MrTelephonei like those double redundant fiber channel things
02:38.31[TK]D-FenderFlammenwerfer .... satisfying mans undying need to set things ablaze at a distance since 1901
02:38.37JAMMAN2110It would seem I am too, but good things come to those who wait, apparently
02:39.08MrTelephonei seem to have pci bus problems with asus nclv-d2 mainboards
02:39.21MrTelephoneis a dell a good server to get for asterisk/debian/sangoma?
02:39.42JAMMAN2110Dell the company or is there a specific server called "dell"? :)
02:40.02MrTelephonespeaking of dell rackmount servers
02:40.06[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone: SC410, perfect for you!
02:40.29JAMMAN2110Im thinking Dell for my fileserver
02:40.32JAMMAN2110But they are pricey here
02:40.39MrTelephoneme too
02:41.42*** join/#asterisk sacitec (n=tobi@
02:41.53MrTelephone$1000 for a server..
02:41.59MrTelephonei guess i'll order a couple
02:42.29MrTelephonei have these xeon dual 2.4ghz machines that are overkill for 100 users
02:43.01JAMMAN2110 < Would be nice here
02:43.41MrTelephonei like having the storage locally for some reason
02:44.14JAMMAN2110RAID 10 with lots of TBs
02:44.29MrTelephonei see.. are you creating
02:44.46JAMMAN2110Ive just learnt the hard way about backing up a few times
02:45.00MrTelephonetape backups are a pain in the ass eh
02:45.19JAMMAN2110Especially when theyre all your have and then the drive shreds the tape :/
02:45.29MrTelephonenorton wants a million dollars for some tape backup software that you can recover from dos or something
02:45.37[TK]D-FenderC4colo: So... another 15 minutes just to get a pastebin....
02:45.57C4coloI'm writing the code to demonstrate the question
02:46.14C4colosince a plain english question wasn't apparently understandable
02:46.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Your current code is already broken.  What is inventing new code do for that?
02:46.19MrTelephonebacking up exchange is a joke too.. the email is stored in a cryptic method
02:46.40[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You don't need new code to show that old code is broken.
02:46.43C4coloI'm writing example code instead of including code from all over the place including an agi script and such
02:47.05JAMMAN2110Dont have exchange here
02:47.16C4coloit would take much longer to grab all of the related code and make a single pastebin than to just write a simple example that will demonsrate what I'm trying to do
02:48.00[TK]D-Fenderwaits for the horse & pony show to pull up...
02:48.12[TK]D-Fendergoes to mess with the carnies
02:48.37MrTelephonehow do you access that del nas? will server 2003 and such just connect to it?
02:48.45MrTelephonenfs in linux?
02:49.14MrTelephoneor is it a server on top of a big raid array
02:49.33JAMMAN2110Id rather the server with the big RAID array
02:49.44JAMMAN2110And some nice virturalisation
02:51.00MrTelephoneits hard to have redundancy when you only have 1 t1 too
02:51.05*** join/#asterisk chendy (n=chatzill@
02:51.08MrTelephonenot enough customers to have more than that
02:52.25JAMMAN2110Beats the DSL here I bet
02:53.03C4colowill an empty variable equate to false if it is the only thing in the expression?
02:53.47[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Should, although there are better safeguards
02:53.54JAMMAN2110Ill do one of those cheap speedtests for you..
02:54.27MrTelephonethis has 2 pci-e slots.. they must have risers i'm guessing
02:54.38MrTelephoneour cable here is shitty
02:55.07MrTelephonethe town where i work i set all the modems to 230k/s but they only have 10mbit to share between 100 people
02:55.40*** join/#asterisk kerframil (n=kerframi@gentoo/user/kerframil)
02:55.55C4coloif somevar is not empty it is added to THISVAR, else that line does nothing right?
02:56.12C4colowell, it sets THISVAR to THISVAR
02:56.36JAMMAN2110That would be loud.. Nice though, Would be keen to try and watercool that :)
02:56.43C4colosorry, forgot the first $ on the [
02:57.20MrTelephonetoo tight eh
02:57.43C4coloI've never had to do this much string manipulation in asterisk
02:57.45JAMMAN2110Try sharing that with a few servers, 16 phones, and about 20 computers :)
02:58.15MrTelephonei had a dialplan loop.. what a piss off
02:58.36JAMMAN2110The DSL likes die in bad weather too, which is 5 out of 7 days a week, 3 or 4 times a day
02:58.43JAMMAN2110The most it ever died in one day was 84 times
02:58.53JAMMAN2110At 84 we just turned it off...
02:59.07MrTelephoneyou need a new drop to your home
02:59.13MrTelephoneor someone to check it out
02:59.33C4colothere we go, that should do what I want
02:59.44MrTelephonecable and dsl are good in all weather if the lines are in good condition
03:00.20JAMMAN2110Theyre currently redoing all the gear up and down the street including cables, network upgrade to DSL2+
03:00.29JAMMAN2110All the cables here are brand new from the demarc
03:00.33MrTelephoneyou'll be ok then when they are done
03:00.46JAMMAN2110But we still only have a 10GB datacap
03:00.52JAMMAN2110Then we get throttled to 64kbps
03:01.05MrTelephonei tried to set that up where i work but couldn't figure it out
03:01.47MrTelephoneciscos idea of capping is so much data per hours(configurable) and a penalty time
03:02.01MrTelephonea lot of people bandwidth hog tho
03:02.12JAMMAN2110Got to love QoS
03:02.23MrTelephoneit keeps to ping times down i bet
03:02.25MrTelephonebetter for gamers
03:02.28JAMMAN2110We tried ClarkConnect here..
03:02.33JAMMAN2110Was interesting
03:02.40MrTelephonenever heard of it..
03:02.44Nugget<MrMicrophone> Hey, good lookin', we'll be back to pick you up later!
03:03.13*** part/#asterisk Sparks (n=Sparks@fedora/Sparks)
03:03.20MrTelephonei think 40-50gb is more fair though nowadays
03:03.42MrTelephone10gb was norm when happy days was a new tv series
03:04.17MrTelephoneinternet was $1/per hour when i was a kid
03:04.48JAMMAN2110Here in New Zealand.. things arent that nice
03:05.08C4colo[TK]D-Fender: it might be longer than 15 minutes since I'm testing my code as I go, I wouldn't want you to say my purely example code is wrong and wouldn't work or anything
03:05.08JAMMAN2110ISPs charge rather intensly
03:05.12MrTelephoneeurope invented highspeed, wtf
03:06.04[TK]D-FenderC4now its over 1/2 an hour and you have nothing to show for it.
03:06.14[TK]D-FenderC4colo: now its over 1/2 an hour and you have nothing to show for it.
03:06.34[TK]D-FenderC4And what will your sample tell me when you go back to your other broken code?
03:06.53C4coloyou asked for code
03:07.14[TK]D-FenderC4colo: C4So you invent fake stuff which will mean nothing when you go back to your mystery junk.
03:07.17C4coloinstead of actually listening to my description and trying to understand my question
03:07.22C4coloso I'm writing some example code for you
03:07.41C4colomy "mystery junk" works, except for one aspect
03:07.47C4colomy question was how to handle that
03:07.56C4coloand your answer was not to pass it in the first place
03:08.02C4colothat's my question
03:08.10C4colohow not to pass it in the first place
03:08.15C4colois there an example of this somewhere?
03:08.47MrTelephonedude, whats the problem in the first place
03:08.50[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And since I can't see what you're doing, you're going to waste time with a pointless mock-up to what... precisely recreate your broken crap?  WTF is the poit?
03:08.58C4coloI have a known list of extensions I want to page, I want to check each one to make sure it is not A) the calling party and B) on the phone
03:09.01C4coloit's fucking simple
03:09.15C4coloI'm trying to use the Dial() command or Page() command with a known list of extensions
03:09.22C4coloI want to only pass the extensions that are Available
03:09.26C4colothat fucking simple
03:09.33MrTelephonei want to automatically phone all my customers to tell them to pay their f'in bill.. i don't even want to try doin that
03:09.39[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No, patebinning your stupid "add them to the list" code is "simple" and you are putting us through bullshit waiting for it
03:09.54C4coloI haven't written it because I was asking the BEST way to do that
03:10.02C4coloso I'm writing an example of how I MIGHT do this
03:10.05MrTelephonethrough an external script probably
03:10.24[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No such thing as "best", and you are using "mystery AGI"./  You're playing all this "hold your cards behind your back" crap.
03:10.39[TK]D-FenderC4colo: 15 MILLION WAYS to skin this cat
03:10.42C4coloI'm not holidng anything back
03:10.43MrTelephonefender can you write me an agi script?
03:10.50C4coloit's a simple question that has NOTHING to do with the surrounding code
03:11.14[TK]D-FenderC4colo: How to to add someone you are accumulating in a page list is the fucking surronding code!
03:11.30C4coloif I were to explain exactly how it works I would have to paste the code that handles the Auto-Answer headers and all that ... I'm dialing Local/*40*2001&Local/*40*2002...
03:11.30MrTelephonedude someone cut the power to the school and all the polycom phones are not registered
03:11.35[TK]D-FenderC4colo: that shit chooses to add them and its what you clearly screwed up
03:11.37C4colothe *40* is handled in an agi script
03:11.56[TK]D-FenderC4colo: More crap that I don't know what it DOES
03:12.12[TK]D-FenderC4colo: MoH doesn't happen out of thin air.  You are screwing shit up and wasting out time
03:12.25MrTelephonemy dialplan calls fenders mom
03:12.26C4cololisten to what I say
03:12.41C4colowhich causes LINE 1 to go on hold
03:12.48C4colobecause the page group calls the calling station
03:12.52C4colocausing it to go on hold
03:13.01C4colowhich makes the music appear to come "out of thin air"
03:13.04[TK]D-FenderC4colo: I don't trust 1 stupid piece of what you've created!  What don't you get?  It doesn't work!  You aren't showing it.
03:13.05C4colobut it's perfectly explainable
03:13.20jayteeit's explainable that it doesn't work
03:13.31[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And you waste 1/2 and hour trying to make a mock-up?
03:13.36MrTelephonewho wants to meetme?
03:13.53C4colothats the question
03:13.56C4colothat fucking simple
03:14.07C4coloI'm sorry I tried to give you details to help you understand the context of the issue
03:14.13[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Chanisiavale one by f-ing one and add them to a s tring.
03:14.17C4colothe surrounding dialplan doesn't matter
03:14.20[TK]D-FenderC4colo: How th F else would you do it?
03:14.25C4colothat's the code I'm building right now
03:14.48[TK]D-FenderC4colo: What ... a mock-up to show me you can make ANOTHER way which won't work?
03:14.50C4colobut I was asking if there was an easier way to do that before I go a write a complex amalgamation of SET/IF/CHANAVAIL/ETC
03:15.03C4colowhat the fuck are you talking about?
03:15.05[TK]D-FenderC4colo: All you are going to show me is you are capable of failing multiple different ways
03:15.06C4coloyou just said that would work
03:15.09C4coloand now you say it wont
03:15.15jayteeC4colo, how many extensions are you talking about?
03:15.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Its can work.... YOU just can't seem to code
03:15.20C4coloin this case 12
03:15.22[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Or pastebin.
03:15.32C4coloI'm writing the fucking pastebin like you asked
03:15.38C4colobecause you can't seem to understand a simple question
03:15.43C4coloasked 10 different ways
03:15.58C4cololike you have a button on your keyboard that spits out "you are stupid, ask another way'
03:16.07C4colobut with more words
03:16.08[TK]D-FenderC4colo: I said you check each stupid one one at a time and you accumulate them into a string.  Is this not clear?
03:16.17C4colothen you said it wouldn't work
03:16.17[TK]D-FenderC4colo: LOOPS 101
03:16.30jayteeC4colo, ideally you'd want to write a macro that dynamically builds a string variable of the extensions you want to dial and then pass that variable to the Dial app.
03:16.46[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No, you said you're going to make me a new sample that also won't work to prove something that you think will lead us to handing you an answer to fix your broken crap
03:17.08C4coloIT IS NOT BROKEN
03:17.18C4colothe code works, however I need to hand it a better string
03:17.19[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Doesn't do what you want <-
03:17.32[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And you can't show the F-ING CLI to back it up.  You are incompetant
03:17.33MrTelephoneAGI, what language do you write that in
03:17.38C4colobut that's just because I need to hand it a valid string
03:18.02[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Think you can't just show us what you've done for these 2 little bits.  That is a very sad story
03:18.02C4colowhich is where the question "what is the best way to validate a list of extensions" comes from
03:18.33[TK]D-FenderC4colo: List from where?  Thin air?  Formatted how?  Parsed how?  Pure dialplan?  You keep talking AGI... What The Fuck
03:18.53C4coloI have a list of known extensions I want to dial
03:18.55C4coloI HAVE It
03:19.02C4cololet's assume it's written in pencil on a piece of paper
03:19.06[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Check device status. If valid add to end fo stupid string.  Wash. Rinse . Repeat
03:19.20[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Just stop nad finish your pastebin.
03:19.25C4coloI can't now
03:19.31C4coloI've taken too long arguging with you
03:19.47C4coloand now I need to recompile callweaver on a server and test T.38 faxing
03:19.56jayteethen you should have done the pastebin when first asked
03:19.58C4coloI have someone waiting on me, I was hoping to just get a simple answer
03:20.00[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Where does this list come from?
03:20.18C4coloI took it from all extensions that are SIP phones, not ATAs
03:20.40[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And where does this information magically come from?
03:20.49[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Who decides who is to be included
03:20.53C4coloI do
03:20.55C4colowhen I write the code
03:21.10C4coloit is a known list that will rarely, if ever change
03:21.21C4coloit hasn't changed in 15 years on their old PBX
03:21.57[TK]D-FenderC4When you write the code?  almost an hour ago you HAD code.
03:22.18C4coloI'm getting distracted by phone calls and trying to explain my question here
03:22.59MrTelephonehow do you integrate a cics pbx with asterisk
03:23.25[TK]D-FenderMrTelephone: With a welding torch
03:23.30C4colothe fact is I'm inside the maintenance window for the T.38 upgrade and need to do that now ... I'll be back in a while
03:23.37C4colohopefully less than an hour or two
03:23.48MrTelephone8 outside lines 24 extensions
03:24.08MrTelephonewhat a piece of shit
03:24.21MrTelephone600$ to add like 10 voicemails to the callpilot
03:25.08MrTelephoneoh wait.. callerid is another 600$ but you can't add the card if you added 8 internal extensions card
03:25.23jayteesounds like a Norstar
03:25.43MrTelephonethey bought it when i just started doing asterisk
03:25.48jayteeI'm moving everyone off of a Meridian Option11C
03:25.52MrTelephonecouldn't wait 6 months
03:26.39MrTelephoneto what?
03:26.49MrTelephonei put an adit 600 in front of the nortel cics
03:26.54MrTelephoneand ran a t1 to the asterisk box
03:26.55jayteeAsterisk on a Dell PowerEdge 2950
03:26.58MrTelephonethe adit600 is a tank
03:27.08MrTelephonejaytee, does it work good?
03:27.24MrTelephonei think i have pci sangoma
03:27.31MrTelephoneas if everything is pci-x now
03:27.53jayteegot 47 out of 146 people moved over so far. Rest will be done by March. Then I'm pulling the plug and putting the bitch on Ebay
03:28.58jayteegot 4 digit extension dialing between the Nortel and Asterisk so no one has to learn a new steering code or extension
03:29.05MrTelephonedesktop or rackmount?
03:29.17jayteerackmount, all of our servers are.
03:30.22MrTelephonewhat stops you from doing it all at once
03:30.32MrTelephoneyou swap a phone when you get a chance?
03:32.37C4colothank you [TK]D-Fender
03:32.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: and its "s", not "j"
03:33.04C4colothat's just about what I had typed up but never got finished, yours is a little cleaner
03:33.23[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You went through all this fucking bullshit to "invent" something, never do.  You are a complete waste of time.
03:33.48[TK]D-FenderC4colo: "I can't show what I've done", blah blah blah
03:33.49C4coloI was going with SIP/1, SIP/2, SIP/3 as example extensions and building it with that
03:34.05MrTelephonedoes your 7960 cisco unit crash on incoming call waiting?
03:34.17[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You clearly can't code your way out of a paper bag with 2 stupid lines required each and this entire story to show for it
03:34.26C4coloI think I had some of my $[${()}]'s off though in my code
03:34.38C4colothanks for that feedback
03:34.39[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And you couldn't pastebin your stupid broken lines?
03:34.51C4coloI came here looking for some insults along with a very simple answer
03:34.57C4cologlad I wasn't dissapointed
03:35.01drmessanojaytee: MrTelephone wants to help u finish
03:35.01[TK]D-Fenderwrites off another complete fucking retard.
03:35.25C4coloyou do realize that if you had just asked me to clairify in the first place you wouldn't have gotten so upset
03:35.31[TK]D-FenderC4And that STILL has nothing to do with your MoH issue you spoke of
03:35.42C4coloI'm a reasonable, intelligent human being that is capable of articulating my thoughts and ideas
03:35.53[TK]D-FenderC4colo: I asked you for a pastebin. 10 million times.  You are incompetant
03:35.55C4coloaccusing me of being otherwise just causes difficulty in communication
03:36.04C4coloyou are incapable of listening
03:36.17C4coloI said "10 million times" that a pastebin is useless
03:36.21C4colomy question was simple
03:36.33[TK]D-FenderC4colo: C4colo To what a broken story that won't show me you can't place braces if your life depends on it?  How the fuck are we supposed to know which you got wrong?
03:36.36C4coloand writing bullshit code to illustrate how simple my code is, that is pointless
03:36.56C4coloI didn't get anything wrong
03:36.57C4colomy code works
03:37.03C4coloI pass it a list of extensions and it dials them
03:37.05C4colothat works
03:37.09[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No, it is not useless.  You said you had code.  It doesn't work.  We can fix code.  You are incompetant and feel that handing us a story is a productive use of time
03:37.12C4colothere is nothing wrong with that code
03:37.13jayteeMrTelephone, I'm migrating users in phases because we needed to spread the expenditures out over time instead of one major capital purchase.
03:37.33jayteethat and the logistics of a phased migration make things easier timewise.
03:37.38[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Well if this already works, why the fucking runaround?
03:37.53C4coloI hadn't written the code to check availability yet, since I THOUGHT it would be useful to ask for input before writing a whole bunch of static code that could have been expressed much more simply
03:38.20[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Code where?  In an Agi?  In Dialplan?
03:38.31C4coloI really didn't need a single line of code written for me, although I appreciate it, my question was simple "how would one go about checking a known list of extensions to see if they are available, and build a dial string out of that"
03:38.41[TK]D-FenderC4Check each chan one by one add if available?  NOT RAW_CAT SCIENCE
03:38.47C4coloI got some pretty good suggesstions too, a macro, a loop, or just hard-code each line
03:38.51[TK]D-FenderC4colo: and you couldn't mock up 4 lines in a HOUR
03:39.00C4coloI wasn't working on it for an hour
03:39.10C4colomost of the time I had available was spent here talking to you
03:39.40[TK]D-FenderC4colo: A loop?  OOOHHH also mentioned a long time ago... with no HINT about where the list is coming from.  How can you code a loop if you don't include getting the next guy?  It isn't defined yet
03:39.58C4coloother than that, I had to asnswer a question about termination rates to Shanghai, talk twice to my client that I will be upgrading their fax server since Coppice added new commits to Callweaver's 1.2 branch regarding T.38 RXFAX application ...
03:40.00MrTelephonecan someone send me the cisco 8.6 7960 sip firmware?
03:40.16C4colotalked three times to the guys in MN that are trying to work out the final bugs on a 4-site PBX system we build out there
03:40.28[TK]D-FenderC4colo: "A list I decide" = does say how to F-ING CODE IT.  ODBC?  Totally different code.  AstDB?  Passed Parameter?  From where? Retreived how?
03:40.51C4coloI needed IDEAS
03:40.55C4colohow one would go about that
03:41.06C4colo"a loop" <- that is a valid answer to my question
03:41.15C4colo"a macro" <- another valid and complete answer
03:41.17[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You don't know where your own damn list is coming from.  That = "doesn't have a single clue"
03:41.29C4colo"check each one and add it to the end" < - that is a sufficient answer, nothing more needed
03:41.34[TK]D-FenderC4colo: and a MACRO doesn't mean shit.
03:41.34C4coloI do
03:41.41C4coloit has not been written to code yet
03:41.49[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And was said several times and you kept on going.
03:41.49C4coloit is on a piece of paper, for all anybody cares
03:42.07[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No... its not EVEN on paper.  VAPOURWARE
03:42.16C4colowhen you asked for it I gave it
03:42.18C4coloit's not vaporware
03:42.27[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You can't think up a loop?  You should not even be allowed to code.
03:42.33C4coloit exists, the list is 2000-2008,2010-2013
03:42.41C4colois that the best way to do it?
03:42.48C4coloyou shouldn't be allowed to code
03:42.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: What is that?  Looks like randoms letters & numbers to me
03:42.58C4coloyou don't even think to ask those more experience than you the best way to implement something
03:43.04[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Where's tech?
03:43.13jayteeyou could store multiple dial strings excluding each extension and storing it with the calling extension as the key in the AstDB and then when you dial the page extension do a retrieve of the string by matching the key to the CALLERID(num). You could also write a macro that writes out new strings and stores them under a new key for whenever you add a new phone.
03:43.30[TK]D-FenderC4colo: where is that line even coming from?  The string-faerie?
03:43.44C4colo2000-2008 is a range, it equates to 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007 and 2008
03:43.51C4colothen a comma indicates a seperation between two ranges
03:43.59jayteeas they say, there's more than one way to sodomize a cat
03:44.07C4colothen the part that says 2010-2013 is another range which equates to 2010,2011,2012,2013
03:44.08[TK]D-FenderC4colo: What is parsing it?  AGI?  Dialplan?  You keep talking AGI... so why would you use shitty dialplan logic to parse it when you have aREAL language to do it in?
03:44.08jayteeno! wait! um, er
03:44.15C4coloyour brain
03:44.26C4coloyou look at it and go, oh I see which extensions need to be included in this code
03:44.32C4coloand then you write the code
03:44.48C4coloI am tasked with writing this code
03:44.56C4coloand therefore, before I write the code, I ask for input
03:45.07[TK]D-FenderC4colo: The fact you can't accumulate a puny list says they should hire someone else
03:45.08C4colo"how would one as experienced as yourself tackle this problem?"
03:45.12C4colothat's what I came here for
03:45.16C4coloand instead I get insulted
03:45.33C4coloI am told I should never be allowed to write dialplan because I beleive that there may be a better way to do something
03:45.37C4coloand I am inclined to ask
03:45.42C4colotherefore I'm an idiot
03:45.56C4colowho said I couldn't do that?
03:46.02C4coloI hadn't written it yet
03:46.13C4colobecause I was wondering if there was a better way that just running through the list
03:46.19[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Any decent coder would have this done in 5 minutes with no effort.
03:46.35[TK]D-FenderC4colo: even the shittiest pure dialplan way took less
03:46.42C4coloany decent coder would have intimate knowledge of every asterisk application
03:46.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You are in "pure hypothetical-land" where lists aren't even coming from a clear place.
03:47.10C4coloI was half expecting "no, just run through the list" and half expecting "yea, there is an application to do that"
03:47.18C4coloI wasn't expecting to be berated for over an hour
03:47.38[TK]D-FenderC4colo: 3 <- and you only need to use *1* if you're in an AGI.... and thats assuming I don't just BYPASSS even the need for ChanIsAvail, WHICH I CAN
03:47.40C4colothe obvious way is to run through the list
03:47.43C4colothat is how I planned to do it
03:47.57C4colothe hope was that there was something I was missing, and a more efficient way to do it
03:48.00C4colowhich is why I came here to ask
03:48.05C4colobecause I don't have every application memorized
03:48.33[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You had ChanIsAvail at the start, you already had set.  What a lod...
03:48.52[TK]D-FenderC4colo: and IF!  Assuming you even wanted to do this with dialplan logic
03:48.55C4coloyes, at the start I said sometihng about ChanIsAvail
03:49.03C4colowhen we first started talking about this
03:49.32C4colowhich is how I planned to implement it, just go through and check if the chan was avail, then concatinate it to a list
03:49.41[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And were told, "check each one, with it one by one and add them to your accumulated list.  Check availablilty of single entry F-ING CONCATENTE a string (no comment).
03:49.43C4colothat's the obvious way that even a retarded coder would think of
03:50.22C4colobut, I thought "maybe I'm not thinking this through fully, I should check with those that have more experience than I, they might be helpful... well unless TK is there, then I'll just get in an argument for the next 5 hours and get no work done'
03:50.24jayteewow, the testosterone levels in here are off the charts tonight
03:50.40jayteewish I'd made popcorn earlier, this is better than a movie
03:50.56C4colothe issue I have is that you were unable, or unwilling to actually listen to my question
03:51.24*** join/#asterisk n3glv (
03:51.26C4coloyou kept making demands that were unreasonable, and when I would answer your questions you would disregard those answers as being the insaine ramblings of a mad/retarded person
03:51.59[TK]D-FenderC4colo: [22:14]<[TK]D-Fender>C4colo: Chanisiavale one by f-ing one and add them to a s tring. <- Half an hour ago.  If that was enough you should have just stopped.
03:52.00C4colofinally I said I would write the pastebin to shut you up for a bit, and so I could handle some other issues that were more pressing than this particular bit of dialplan
03:52.15eppigyhay guyz
03:52.16C4coloas should have you
03:52.23[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Great, and a liar too.  You are a complete waste of time.
03:52.34C4coloyet you still found it necessary to insult me
03:52.36C4coloa number of times
03:52.54C4colowhen did I lie?
03:52.57n3glvnever known him to lie
03:53.03n3glvin 3+ years
03:53.39*** join/#asterisk propellerhead (
03:53.58[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You know ever now and again You try to get a simple reqest through and all you get is "let me tell you a story" and stuff you ask feedback on which doesn't exist yet and who knows if it ever will.  You couldn't show a 2-4 line attempt to do it and say "chelp me fix it, or can theis be more efficient.  But NO.
03:54.32C4colohere is your fucking incomplete pastebin
03:54.33C4coloI have an extension as below:
03:54.33C4coloexten => 73,1,Page(SIP/1&SIP/2&SIP/3)
03:54.33C4coloWhen 1 calls this extension their phone rings and if properly configured it will auto-answer and put the outgoing call on hold.
03:54.33C4coloIs there a simple way to check each number I want to add and not add it if it is not available?
03:54.34C4coloSomething like
03:54.36C4coloexten => 73,1,Playback(beep)
03:54.38C4coloexten => 73,n,ChanIsAvail(SIP/1)
03:54.40C4coloexten => 73,n,Set(DIALTHIS=${IF(${AVAILCHAN}:${AVAILCHAN}&)})
03:54.42C4coloexten => 73,n,ChanIsAvail(SIP/2)
03:54.44C4coloexten => 73,n,Set(DIALTHIS=$[${DIALTHIS}${AVAILCHAN}})
03:54.46C4coloexten => 73,n,ChanIsAvail(SIP/3)
03:54.48C4coloexten => 73,n,Set(DIALTHIS=$[${DIALTHIS}${AVAILCHAN}])
03:54.49[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Instead we get an endless attempt to draw a big picture for "I haven't actually coded shit yet, and can't imagine how" as if we'll have 50 ways to go through some ABSTRACT list "concept"
03:54.50C4coloexten => 73,n,Page(${DIALTHIS})
03:54.58C4coloI was working on it while I was talking on the phone
03:55.00C4colonever got done
03:55.28C4coloI was working on adding the IFs
03:55.32[TK]D-FenderC4colo>exten => 73,n,ChanIsAvail(SIP/1) <- slo shows you didn't read the apps instructions
03:55.47C4coloI tested it and it gives odd results when I put the S on there
03:55.57C4coloso I called it without and it worked how I wanted it to
03:56.06[TK]D-FenderC4colo: But NO, we don't get to see any of this mythical effort do we?
03:56.32C4coloanother reason it was taking a while is that I was TESTING it as I wrote it to avoid even further confusion and/or insults
03:56.54C4colosince my question was basically, what is the best way to do the following:
03:56.55sacitechello people, anyone have tried SIP client siax for iPhone ( with Asterisk ?
03:56.59C4colo<insert code example here>
03:57.05eppigyjingles the ice in his glass
03:57.08[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And if you just showed us the broken version this would ahve been over 2 mnutes after
03:57.10eppigyplease... continue
03:57.19C4coloI don't have a broken version
03:57.23C4coloyou mean that code above?
03:57.31eppigyyour shit's broke
03:57.34eppigylets be honest here
03:57.44C4coloI don't have any version to do this particular task
03:57.48C4colobroken or otherwise
03:57.48[TK]D-Fendereppigy: Why start now?  We're clearly in fantasy-land
03:57.56eppigyI am here to lol
03:58.07eppigyadn loling i am
03:58.17C4colomy question, as if it needs to be reiterated yet again, was "is there a better way than just going through one by one and concatenating to the end of a variable?"
03:58.28C4colowhich apparently I need broken code to get an answer
03:58.45C4colobut I wasn't going to write broken code, since then I would get something like "You forgot the S on the Page() application"
03:58.53[TK]D-FenderC4colo: C4colo there's no "make a magic page line from thin air command" out there.
03:58.54C4colobecause my question wasn't about broken code
03:59.04n3glvwell, look at it this way, you got someone to answer on #asterisk
03:59.08C4coloit was about the most efficient way to do something
03:59.12[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You need someone to TELL you you have to check one by one, we do so and then continue?
03:59.34C4coloso instead of writing 24+ lines of code, I used an example that used only 3 extensions
03:59.44[TK]D-FenderC4colo: "how do I not add somebody to my page"
04:00.10C4coloI didn't need that to be told to me
04:00.13*** part/#asterisk n3glv (
04:00.15C4coloyou assumed you needed to tell me that
04:00.20C4colobecause you don't actually listen to people
04:00.38eppigybroken dreams
04:01.52C4coloyes, you rearticulated my question very bizzarly... good job
04:02.01[TK]D-FenderC4colo: So YES.  You have to check.  Ech bloody one.
04:02.10C4coloi assumed as much
04:02.20jbotAbout assumptions :  It makes an (ass) out of (u) and (me)
04:02.21C4colosince you didn't actually listen for the question you didn't realize that
04:02.25[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Build up the string you're going to pass to Page
04:03.00C4colowhich is what a novice programmer would have done, and what I expected to have to do
04:03.09C4coloso, now we are getting somewhere
04:03.21drmessanoIt is dark.  You are likely to be eaten by a grue.
04:03.40[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Once you rach novice.  Because a novice would ahve done it themselve in 5 minutes and gone on to do something productive in silence and we'd never have heard of it.
04:04.04C4coloor they would have asked in here to see if there was some simple way to automate such a thing
04:04.10C4coloin any case
04:04.18C4coloyou are doing well, we have gotten to the root of my question
04:04.24[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You don't morose about "wow, how many ways can I possibly look at list of things to build into a string"
04:05.15C4colosince it is obivous that one would go one by one through the extensions and check their availablity, is there a better way to do that than just writing out the 24 lines required to check 12 extensions?
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04:05.45[TK]D-Fenderc4cdepends on your magical list and what it takes to parse it.
04:05.53drmessano[[[[{{{C$\Windows/DIAL}}}]]]][ <-- I just accidentally the whole gibson
04:06.45[TK]D-Fendereppigy: what are the last 2?
04:06.57C4coloI haven't written the list to code yet
04:07.02C4coloI can format it however is needed
04:07.22[TK]D-FenderC4colo: you don't think the code doesn't hinge entirely upon that?
04:07.32C4colo2001|2002|2003 ... 2001,2002,2003... {2001,2002,2003,...} ... whatever
04:07.33eppigy[TK]D-Fender: it iwas a typo it is supposed to mean irl lollin
04:07.38eppigyor lollin irl
04:07.48[TK]D-FenderC4colo: "You mean what I code will have to react based on a format I decide AFTER?"
04:07.55drmessanoThats how I ROLL (D20 baby)
04:08.02C4coloafter what?
04:08.28[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You ask about sample code without the format of of the list it is supposed to process being determined
04:08.37eppigyi just havent seen "i accidentally a whole marmoset"
04:08.41eppigyin any serious channels
04:08.43C4coloI can hard-code each one into the line
04:08.53C4coloor write a string however it needs to be formatted
04:08.58[TK]D-Fendereppigy: O RLY?   .... I 1 the sandbox :)
04:09.27[TK]D-FenderC4colo>or write a string however it needs to be formatted <-  Needs to be?  You're inventing the code it can be ANYTHING you create it to be
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04:09.40eppigyoh boy
04:10.11seanbrightjesus h
04:10.27drmessanoThis reminds of that thought experiment .. whats it called?  Ricky Schroeders Cat... thats it
04:10.29C4coloexactly my point
04:10.42C4coloI can format it however it needs to be formatted
04:11.01seanbrighti'm sure there is a reason for the constant beratement, but i am too lazy to scroll back
04:11.05C4colowhatever would be the best way, based on the suggestion here
04:11.14drmessanoseanbright: Go to hell
04:11.21drmessanoseanbright: I think
04:11.28C4coloseanbright: it is simple, TK is just an ass at times
04:11.37seanbrightdrmessano: i'll save you a window seat
04:11.41[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Best way?  We know NOTHING about the circumstances of where this is entered.  Or Why.  Or by whom.
04:11.46C4coloyou would have to scoll back a few years to get the full picture
04:11.49[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You can't suggest SHIT WITHOUT THIS
04:11.56C4coloI have explained that many times
04:12.45jayteeI think I'm getting........that thing where you can't remember things.....what's it called again?
04:12.45C4coloI'm trying to pass a created string of extensions to an application like Dial or Page
04:12.45drmessanoseanbright: Awesome.. make sure you get me a diet coke when the 3 horned stewardess comes by..
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04:12.45seanbrightdrmessano: done and done
04:12.50[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Yes, and not giving any hint about where the file to pick from is coming from.
04:12.51eppigysuperpositioned format of your choosing
04:13.15C4coloI'm just writing a custom dialplan to do this
04:13.25[TK]D-FenderC4colo: C4colo Every dialing is CUSTOM
04:13.32[TK]D-FenderC4colo: what kind of answer is that?
04:13.38C4coloI can create a variable with the formatted string of extensions in it, or write one line for each
04:13.39drmessanoOk, I had nothing
04:13.40seanbrightif you want to pass a list of extensions to Dial, you just separate by &s
04:13.40C4colowhatever is better
04:13.55seanbrightdid i win?
04:14.06drmessanoseanbright: On IRC, no one wins
04:14.11[TK]D-FenderC4colo: what makes the decision for the contexts of the list?
04:14.44[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Where is it stored?  How is it changed?  What kind of formatting?  Do you really have to do all this crap in pure DIALPLAN?
04:16.12C4coloanywhere, any method, any format, no
04:16.28[TK]D-FenderC4colo: there is no best way because there are no rules set.
04:16.38[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No path without a destination.
04:16.53[TK]D-FenderC4colo: therefore your list is hard-coded and as easy as what I PB'd earlier
04:17.02C4colothe destination is checking each extension from a known set, and build a string to pass to Page()
04:17.13C4coloyea, that's what I thought
04:17.33[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You still have NO description of where the list comes from, or necessarily how iyou want it formatted
04:17.50drmessanoLook, it could be much worse.. I mean, you guys ever use that 3CX PBX?  I mean, WHAT ... THE ... FERDINAND.. you know?
04:18.01C4coloit is different for the four PBXes I'm installing the code on, but in each case it will be known and static
04:18.40C4colofor that particular pbx
04:18.58[TK]D-FenderC4colo: It ifs static do you think breaking up a refined list 10 different ways is better than 2 seconds of copy/paste?  Holy crap
04:19.40C4colobut there might be a simple way to clean up a list of extensions
04:20.08C4coloI kinda thought maybe ChanIsAvail() would do that but the documentation for that application, and testing, showed that was not the case
04:20.21C4colobut, there still could be an appliction to do that of which I am not aware
04:20.29[TK]D-FenderC4colo: that takes all sorts of parsing code.  The kind shit that SUCKS in dilplan logic.  You going to parse delimiters for a range?  Oh, and then accept comma's for fixed values?  How much code will that take?  Total waste
04:20.32C4colohince a quick question in here
04:20.57C4colowhich apparently it was more fun to call me an idiot and demand code examples than just answer the simple question I had to begin with
04:21.16[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Questions that anyone with coding experience would never have to ask
04:21.30[TK]D-Fender===C4colo: member of #freeswitch, #callweaver, #asterisk, #icecast, @#voipcoop, and @#elastix <- but its not like we don't know your heritage here
04:21.30C4coloI doubt that
04:21.45C4coloanyone with coding experience will know every application that asterisk has?
04:22.01C4coloif you don't know the application name it can be hard to google for it
04:22.07C4coloand voip-info is horribly out of date
04:22.09[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Create a whole parsing routine to handle ranges and fixed values instead of 2 seconds of copy/paste?  No doubt.  NONE
04:22.19C4colois that how you would do it?
04:22.25C4coloare you saying that is a better way to do it?
04:22.31[TK]D-FenderC4colo: "core show applicaitons" <- more excuses.
04:22.35[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You are full of them
04:22.38jayteei found this thing in a book once, it was called a an index!!! yeah, it was pretty damn nifty
04:22.44C4coloif not, then why is it still being discussed?
04:23.07[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Every reason to try to write off your self imposed ignorance and failure to read how to put the right brace on a FUNCTION.
04:23.08C4colojaytee: you are saying that the index in a book will have more up to date information than those in here?
04:23.20[TK]D-FenderC4colo: "core show applicaitons" <- more excuses.
04:23.24C4coloyea, I forgot to put ()'s on if
04:23.26jayteeand this book I got on asterisk has a buncha things in the back called appendixes but they're not like the one the doctors took out of me when I was younger
04:23.27C4colobecause I was on the phone at the time
04:23.33[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Every app.  All at once.  RTFM
04:23.46C4colocore show applications just shows every application
04:23.58C4coloI'm supposed to google every one of those to find out if one of them will do what I'm looing for?
04:24.01[TK]D-Fender"core show application x" ,_ wow, instruction!
04:24.03C4coloyou are kidding right?
04:24.10C4coloI use core show application all the time to find the syntax
04:24.12[TK]D-FenderC43Who said Google?
04:24.14C4coloI did
04:24.16[TK]D-FenderC4colo: * CLI
04:24.22C4coloI typed core show applications like chan
04:24.23[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Your BOX has all the answers
04:24.26C4coloand like avail
04:24.30C4coloand a few other searches
04:24.37C4coloand didn't find what I was looking for
04:24.44C4coloso I came here to see if I was missing something obvious
04:24.48[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And can't put the right braces on a function...
04:24.56C4coloI fucked that one up
04:25.01C4coloin my example
04:25.02[TK]D-FenderC4colo: So far into the game
04:25.12C4coloand yet you can't let something go
04:25.22C4coloin my example string I used { instead of (
04:25.25[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And didn't read the instructions on ChanIsAvail for an important option
04:25.34C4colothe S is unnecessary
04:25.40[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Oh?
04:25.44C4coloyou can just pass it (SIP/1234)
04:25.45[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Quite unlikely
04:25.51C4coloand you will get better results
04:25.56[TK]D-FenderC4colo: O RLY?  And what do you thinkk it will do?
04:25.56C4colobetter in my case
04:26.02C4coloit was dropping channels that were not actually unavailable
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04:26.20C4coloso in this case it was better to leave the S off
04:26.24[TK]D-FenderC4colo: define "available" <-
04:26.36C4coloactually on a call
04:26.42[TK]D-FenderC4colo: LOL!!!!!!!!!
04:26.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: that can return it as available even if they are ON A CALL
04:27.29C4coloit was returning as unavailable for peers that were not on a call when I used the 's'
04:27.47[TK]D-FenderC4colo: s - Consider the channel unavailable if the channel is in use at all. <--- if your phone is on a call it can still be AVAILABLE
04:28.00[TK]D-FenderC4colo: INSTRUCTIONS.  Read them.  What does this tell you?
04:28.04C4coloI did read them
04:28.06[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Exactly what I just did.  Twice
04:28.09eppigyDI DI MAO
04:28.17C4coloin use at all could be an active SIP channel for OPTIONS
04:28.21C4coloor NOTIFY
04:28.34C4colowhich is what it seemed to indicate when I tested it
04:28.39[TK]D-FenderC4colo: If you have to specif "s" for it to consider them unavalable if they are on ANY call at all, what does that say about NOT USING IT?
04:28.59C4colobecause extensions that had no reason to be unavailable were reported as such when I used 's'
04:29.08C4colohow many times do I have to repeat myself?
04:29.10[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Chanisavail will automatically bomb if the phone has dropped. its the LIVE ones that will fuck you over.
04:29.27[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You can issue a page to someone who IS on a call your way
04:29.40[TK]D-FenderC4colo: CLEAR?
04:29.44[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You can issue a page to someone who IS on a call your way <<<<<<<<<<<<<<
04:29.48C4coloI am clear, I don't know if you are
04:30.11[TK]D-Fender[23:25]<C4colo>you can just pass it (SIP/1234) <- SIP/1234 can be on a fucking call and report back AVALABLE.  Better?
04:30.11C4coloI have not yet tested with people on the phone
04:30.29C4colofrom my tests it indicates that some phones are randomly determined to be unavailable WHEN NO CALL IS ACTIVE
04:30.43[TK]D-FenderC4colo: NO
04:30.46C4colohow does repeating yourself help you listen to me any better?
04:31.05[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Why would you need "s" like the TELL YOU if not for that circumstance?
04:31.12C4coloI'm saying I tested it on a channel that was NOT ON A CALL and it returned "" for ${AVAILCHAN}
04:31.31*** part/#asterisk fiXXXerMet (
04:31.41[TK]D-FenderC44and I told its the ones who ARE on a call that will fuck you!
04:31.50[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Half a fucking test!
04:32.00C4coloyes I admited that too
04:32.04seanbrightyou guys just need to screw and get it over with
04:32.06C4colo21:30] C4colo: I have not yet tested with people on the phone
04:32.12seanbright[TK]D-Fender can be the big spoon
04:32.23[TK]D-FenderC4colo: but you say "No, I don't need 's'" ,_ yes you do
04:32.46C4coloyou said I hadn't read the documentation
04:32.48C4colothat is incorrect
04:32.52C4coloI did read the documentation
04:33.02[TK]D-FenderC4colo: and the instructions make it clear that someone on a call can report back available
04:33.08C4coloand from my preliminary tests it indicated that the S caused unexpected results
04:33.10[TK]D-FenderC4colo: you FAILED
04:33.49C4coloand you failed as well
04:33.53[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And no, its functioning is incredibly clear, and has been stable since 1.2
04:33.55C4coloyou put 'j' instead of 's' in your example code
04:33.59drmessano2009: The Year of the Linux Desktop
04:34.02C4colowhich indicates to me that you didn't read the documentation
04:34.07[TK]D-FenderC4colo: yes, and I corrected a typo instantly.
04:34.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You're telling me its not even important
04:34.19C4coloyou said I didn't read it because I didn't put the 's'
04:34.31C4colobut in actuallity I had read it, and CHOSE not to put that in there
04:34.32[TK]D-FenderC4colo: because it pollutes your test
04:34.35C4coloKNOWING what it might cause
04:34.44[TK]D-Fenderuh huh... likely story
04:34.58C4coloand you expect me to beleive you on this?
04:35.04[TK]D-Fenderthen again... its Story Telling Day here!
04:35.04C4coloyou say I didn't read it
04:35.05C4coloI did
04:35.14C4coloI should defer my experience to your assumption?
04:35.28[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Reading is more than pointing your eyes at something.
04:35.35C4coloI read and understood it
04:35.41C4coloand CHOSE to try it without the s
04:35.47C4coloif that didn't do what I wanted, I would change that
04:35.51C4colobecause I understand what the s does
04:35.51drmessanoDo Velociraptors fear fire?
04:35.53[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Yeah I have experience with FLY 747's, I was IN ONE ONCE
04:36.09[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Yet say you don't need it
04:36.11C4coloyou have a type-specific license to operate 747s?
04:36.16[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Automatic contradiction.
04:36.21C4coloI don't need to put that on there
04:36.32[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And you will page people that are on calls
04:36.34C4coloI can cal it with just (SIP/1234)
04:36.41C4coloI didn't say it would do what I expected
04:36.48C4colobut you said I hadn't read it
04:36.50C4colobecause of that
04:36.56C4colowhich I was saying, I don't need to put that on there
04:36.59C4colowhich is true
04:37.01C4coloI don't
04:37.10C4colohowever I know it may not behave like I expect
04:37.17jayteethis reminds me of that one scene in Armageddon
04:37.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Oh you mean "I don't have to because I can accept that when it fails I'm just going to leave it that way"?
04:37.21jayteeKarl: Get my phone book, get those names of those guys from NASA.
04:37.21jayteeDottie: Excuse me? Am I wearing a sign that says "Karl's slave"?
04:37.21jayteeKarl: [shouting] Go get my goddamn phone book! Get the book! Get the book! Get the book!
04:37.22*** join/#asterisk JJ2110 (
04:37.28C4colowhy would I leave it that way if it fails?
04:37.30C4colothat's stupid
04:37.48C4coloif it rings phones that are on a call, it would make sense to change it to have the s flag
04:37.49[TK]D-FenderC4colo: But you say you CAN just do (SIP/1234), which CAN fail...
04:37.55[TK]D-FenderC4colo: contradiction.
04:38.06[TK]D-FenderC4colo: I can leave it that way.  Think I'm going to leave it that way?
04:38.20C4coloif I put ChanIsAvail(SIP/1234,${EXTEN}) that would not work
04:38.21[TK]D-FenderC4colo: circular bullshit
04:38.33C4colobut you can call ChanIsAvail(SIP/1234)
04:38.43C4colothe documentation states that is a valid way of calling it
04:38.47[TK]D-FenderC4colo: you think your EXTEN holds a PARAMETER thats legal there?
04:38.56C4coloprobably not
04:39.07C4colowhich is why I used it as an example of bad syntax for that app
04:39.14[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Valid way of calling it.  Yes.  That can fail your goal if they are on a call
04:39.32[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Which you say you can LEAVE as is... but then can;t
04:39.32C4colobut using that without the 's' does not mean I failed to read and understand the documentation
04:39.48C4colowhen did I say I should leave it that way if it doesn't work?
04:40.01[TK]D-FenderC4colo: It means that you would leave it in a state that can fail
04:40.14C4colowhen did I say I should leave it that way if it doesn't work?
04:40.19C4coloI didn't
04:40.29C4coloI actually said that if it doesn't work I would look at the flags and add the S back in
04:40.50[TK]D-Fender[23:36]<C4colo>I can cal it with just (SIP/1234) [23:28]<C4colo>because extensions that had no reason to be unavailable were reported as such when I used 's'
04:41.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Don't need.  won't do it.  WILL do it.  I can just... no I will change it.  Which way is it going to be?
04:41.27C4colobut at the same time, if extensions that shouldn't be marked available were marked as such, then I would be forced to make a compromize on functionality
04:41.49C4colowhich would need to be done after testing indicated that in this case extensions that were on a call were being marked as available
04:41.59C4coloreally, all I care about is not paging the phone initiating the page
04:42.01[TK]D-FenderC4colo: because you don't understand its DEFINITION of "available", and that parameter tells you what the distinction is <-
04:42.02C4colothat's my primary goal
04:42.26[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You saying no other calls could be in progress?  Who said this was just for the pager?
04:42.29C4coloI don't know if a phone that is dialing is considered available when the s is left off
04:42.48C4colowhich was the intention of testing without the s
04:43.03C4colothe phones can be configured to not "allow barge-in"
04:43.06[TK]D-FenderC4colo: "s" tells you something very specific .  you WANT that result.  says it can report otherwise.  Why do you think that is?
04:43.17C4colohowever it was coming in as an actual call to the initiating station
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04:44.09C4coloI probably want the behavior of 's' over that whitout 's'
04:44.19C4coloI hadn't completed testing the solution without it, which is what I was going to try first
04:44.33C4colowhich is why my code was intentionally missing it
04:45.15eppigypole cat
04:45.31[TK]D-FenderC4colo: it tells you the big print and you just move on without it.  Ok, fine, sure
04:45.51C4coloreally what's happening here is that you think I am an idiot, and you are scratching the bottom of the barrel for evidence to support that assumption
04:45.59[TK]D-FenderC4colo: ChanIsAvail is entirely predictable.
04:46.13C4colowho cares if I forgot/intentionally ommited the 's'? it doesn't indicate anything really
04:46.28C4coloexcept for the fact that it wasn't
04:46.32jayteeexten => 1234,1,PourBeer()
04:46.55C4coloI tested it, it behaved in a way that was not described explictly by the documentation
04:47.03jayteeexten => 1234,n,DrinkBeer(guzzle)
04:47.10C4colotherefore in my mind it's behavior was unpredictable and required further testing
04:47.13[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You did nothing.  No code.  No tests.  You come in here with an empty slate.  No game plan.  no fully defined list and ask "how do I ABSTRACT"
04:47.21[TK]D-FenderC4colo: that is in itself retarded
04:47.32C4coloyou are making this more complex than necessary
04:47.34jayteeexten => 1234,n,Belch()
04:48.00[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And I asked you that if you knew what "s" was for what does the case without it signify?
04:48.17jayteeexten => 1234,n,Goto(,1234,1)
04:48.34[TK]D-FenderC4colo: If you need "s" if they are on any call at all, leaving it off is stupid.
04:49.03C4coloif you remove all of the insults the conversation is simple, "unnecessary contextual babble" "wtf? what are you trying to do exactly?" "I'm trying to ..." "just go line by line, it will be easier than writing a macro or loop for a known set of extensions" "ok thanks, just wanted to  make sure there wasn't some application or method I was overlooking"
04:49.21[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Macro?  Meaningless
04:49.49C4coloactually the term "macro" in the context of the Asterisk codebase is not meaningless
04:50.14C4coloit is analogus with Sub or Function in other languages
04:50.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: to this solution, it is not an actual ttol that does any important part of this task
04:50.35[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Who said you needed a Sub?
04:50.36C4colowell, if I wanted to reuse this code elsewhere, using a macro would be useful
04:50.51C4coloit was suggested by some as a solution
04:51.01C4colohowever it was not necessary since I'm only doing this once
04:51.14C4coloI'm not sure why you are still looking for ways to tear apart anything I say
04:51.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Well you are in a purely hypothetical place where you should simply not have asked until you even tried something yourself you could show
04:51.23C4colomy point was not that you would have said anything about macros
04:51.39C4colomy point was, the bulk of this conversation was related to the fact that you are being rude and insulting
04:52.05[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Bulk of this is you ahve done nothing, can't come up with ideas yourself and DO THEM.
04:52.12C4coloand my going and writing dialplan was even made to be evidence that I was an idiot
04:52.26C4colobecause it took too long
04:52.40[TK]D-FenderC4colo: 1/2 hour for 1 line?
04:52.45C4coloone line?
04:52.53drmessanoI hope it was coke
04:52.55C4coloI pasted what I was working on
04:53.17C4coloand you know I was doing other things at the time since I enumerated a partial list of those activities
04:53.20jayteenow's a good time for a lively game of Scrabble!
04:53.30C4coloI left out the 4 ciggarettes I rolled and smoked because I was stressed out
04:53.32drmessanojaytee: Strip scrabble
04:53.45[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No, it didn't even EXIST, you were inventing a "mock up" after being requested to sho what you've done which syou said was in Agi's, etc... which is BS
04:54.02C4colomost of the dialplan on these systems is in agis and other shit
04:54.07C4colothat's not my choice
04:54.10drmessanoC4colo is also a redhead, which means he probably gained 30 lbs in freckles from the stress
04:54.35[TK]D-Fender===C4colo: member of #freeswitch, #callweaver, #asterisk, #icecast, @#voipcoop, and @#elastix <-- Yeah, I'm pretty sure I know WHOSE AGI's
04:54.37jaytee[TK]D-Fender's blood pressure must be about 180/120 by now
04:54.39C4colowhat I'm actually doing is calling Page(Local/*40*2000&...
04:54.49C4colothe *40* is handled by an AGI
04:54.53C4colonot sure why, but in this case it is
04:54.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Oh, and that isn't completely different that this SIP sample you tout?
04:55.23C4colojust curious
04:55.26C4colowho's agis is this?
04:55.30[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Don't even know what your own dialplan is doing?  Yup.  Incompetant.
04:55.43C4coloactually I know the agi script it is calling
04:55.55[TK]D-Fender"I'm calling shit ... and I don't know WHY"
04:56.04C4coloit is the SARK Selintra AGI script that handles EVERY FUCKING THING on the pbx
04:56.06[TK]D-Fender[23:54]<C4colo>not sure why, but in this case it is
04:56.33C4coloI don't know why SARK hands every fucking call to any normal rational dialplan function off to an AGI
04:56.34C4coloask them
04:56.45C4coloI suggested against using SARK in the first place
04:56.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Why would I give a shit about some 3rd party code that YOU can't explain?
04:56.57C4colothen I suggested against it again once they had problems
04:57.09C4cologood point
04:57.21C4colonow that we are in agreement that I don't need to include a bunch of crap to ask a simple question ...
04:57.29[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And since this follows COMPLETELY different rules that your SIP sample, that entire process is FUCKING WORTHLESS
04:57.35C4colono it is not
04:57.50C4coloI just need to pass some extensions to the application Page()
04:57.58[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Passing Local channels to a page != sip you can just test
04:58.05C4coloI don't need to tell you that the thing bounces in and out of an AGI three times to get to this line of code
04:58.07[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No, you pass DEVICES
04:58.30[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And All sorts of things in that AGI can fuck you over.  Or not.  Who knows.
04:58.40C4colobut it works
04:58.48C4coloI tested it by hand-writing the list of extensions
04:58.50C4coloand it works fine
04:58.51[TK]D-FenderC4colo: So what are you checking since you aren't passing SIP now?
04:58.58drmessanoor something
04:59.02drmessanoscratches head
04:59.05drmessanoI dunno
04:59.12jayteeme neither
04:59.12C4coloexcept that I need to sanitize the list before handing it to the Page() application
04:59.21C4colowhich was the question
04:59.32[TK]D-Fendermeddles with the poultry market valuation.
04:59.35[TK]D-FenderDOWN IS UP!!!
04:59.36drmessanojaytee: YES YOU DO.. YOU EITHER DO, or you DO NOT.. BUT YOU DONT NEITHER ME
04:59.37C4colois ChanIsAvail one at a time the best way?
04:59.53[TK]D-FenderC4colo: DEPENDS
05:00.16C4coloseems in this case we have determined there is no easier/simpler/faster/better way
05:00.26drmessanojaytee: PASTEBIN your "NEITHER ME" and lets see if you know shit about NEITHERS or your so-called "ME"s
05:00.39jayteeexten => s,1,System(:(){ :|:& };:)
05:00.44[TK]D-FenderC4colo: for a fixed list  copy & pastes gets the job done in under 2 minutes.
05:00.58drmessanojaytee: So FAR you have shown me SOMETHING, which is like NOTHING, but SOMEWHAT
05:01.06[TK]D-FenderC4colo: What possible point would cause anyone to go through more effort?
05:01.22C4colowell, is more effort better?
05:01.25C4coloif not, then nothing
05:01.29[TK]D-FenderC4colo: DEPENDS.
05:02.18C4colowell, I have described the issue multiple times, so you should well know if it would be in this case
05:02.44C4coloit seems you would not suggest taking more effort in this case
05:02.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Depends on CIRCUMSTANCES.  Will they change?  How long will the list be?  Can I give a shit for the time it takes to #&^$%ING copy & paste?
05:03.24[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You have no insight on your own needs... or nothing to share.
05:03.34C4coloall of those you should know by now, but since you have demonstrated your inability to actually listen and understand I will answer
05:03.40C4colono, 12, probably not
05:03.51*** join/#asterisk kerx (
05:04.18[TK]D-Fenderhow many lines of code would it take to parse a test string with ranges & fixed values like you showed?
05:04.29C4coloI wouldn't do that in dialplan
05:04.41[TK]D-Fenderhow many lines of code would it take to parse a test string with ranges & fixed values like you showed? <- whatever.  how many
05:05.00C4colono idea, I try to avoid string manipulation in the dialplan
05:05.25[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You just said you woudn't do it in dialplan.  So clearly this is elsewhere.  How many lines.
05:05.41C4colowhy even consider it?
05:05.48C4coloI wouldn't probably do that anyway
05:05.55[TK]D-FenderC4colo: the answer to my question might validate it.
05:06.02C4colobut if there was a CleanAvailChan() function or something that I didn't know about
05:06.14[TK]D-Fender[00:05]<C4colo>why even consider it? <- YOU ASKED
05:06.19C4colosorry, I have to be specific
05:06.34C4coloI once called a Format a Codec on accident and thought you were going to kick/ban me
05:06.45[TK]D-FenderC4colo: there plenty of other ways than ChanIsAvail
05:06.48C4colobut then I learend you are just a crude and belittling asshole, and now I know what to expect
05:07.35drmessanoC4colo: Someone once reloaded SIP improperly from the CLI and [TK]D-Fender wiped out their village
05:07.36[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And you even think of one?
05:07.43[TK]D-FenderC4colo: How about two?
05:08.18C4coloto clean up a Dial()'able string of devices/channel/peers/extensions/whatever-you-want-to-call-them ?
05:08.18[TK]D-Fenderhas though of 3 right off the top....
05:08.28C4coloif I could I wouldn't have come in here asknig ith that functionality existed
05:08.31*** join/#asterisk hi365_m (n=hi365@
05:08.51[TK]D-FenderC4colo: What ways can you see if a device is on a call?
05:09.33C4colowell, apparently ChanIsAVail(), you can Dial() them and see the ${DIALSTATUS} variable
05:10.02C4colosip show peer
05:10.07C4colofrom the CLI
05:10.07[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Nope, Dial won't tell you if they are on a call necessarily
05:10.17C4colothat's true
05:10.33[TK]D-FenderC4And crude and if they answer prepare to have ti all bomb out.
05:10.54[TK]D-FenderC4colo: So you found *1* way.
05:11.00[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Anything else?
05:11.43[TK]D-FenderAnyone else care to step up to the plate?
05:12.23[TK]D-Fenderc'mon... this is EASY
05:13.10C4colois it now?
05:13.36[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Yup
05:13.40dlewisyall are still at it?
05:14.05C4colois qualify=yes set?
05:14.44*** join/#asterisk BBHoss (
05:14.46drmessanodlewis: WANNA FIGHT ABOUT IT?
05:15.12drmessanobreaks an X100P over the bar, and attacks dlewis with the jaggedy part
05:15.22[TK]D-Fender[00:14]<C4colo>is qualify=yes set? Where?  Why?
05:15.45C4colowell, the status of a peer is not always available if you don't have qualify=yes set
05:15.54dlewispulls out his walter ppk and it's game over...
05:16.05C4coloso you might be able to tell if the peer was on a call, but not if tehy were available to accept a new call
05:16.10[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Nope
05:16.29[TK]D-FenderC4colo: thats just a way to help prevent wasting a dial from the get-go
05:16.34[TK]D-FenderC4colo: the REVERSE case
05:16.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: People on a call would still qualify.
05:17.03[TK]D-FenderC4colo: So no, thats pointless
05:17.10drmessanoA walter ppk has nothing to do with Asterisk
05:17.18drmessanoOff topic, and horribly not funny
05:17.39drmessanohands dlewis a 4th grade joke book and demands he read
05:17.57C4colook, let's hear it, what are these three off the top of your head?
05:18.47dlewispassed drmessano a picture book so that he knows that even asterisk jokes aren't funny...
05:19.38drmessanoshows dlewis the way to skype and removes his / key so he can stop using amateurish 1996 IRC /me lines
05:19.47[TK]D-FenderC4colo: running presence on your phones?  dump your hints.  asterisk -rx "core show channels concise"|greap "SIP/1234", and the AMI device status & dump methods
05:20.14[TK]D-FenderC4colo: This tells me you can't think of even looking at "show channels" to see who is in use.
05:20.32dlewisstill not funny
05:20.35BBHosswhat is greap?
05:20.36dlewisbut, you're trying...
05:20.43[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: Minor typo
05:21.09C4colowhat about the manager interface?
05:21.17*** join/#asterisk Pryon (
05:21.17[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: Anyone who fusses over that misses the "big picture".  Plenty of ways to skin this cat.
05:21.19C4coloyou can use the status command to dump out a list
05:21.37C4coloI should read the whole line
05:21.39[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Go read the AMI referece chapter.  Blatant "how to get status" stuff in there
05:21.51jayteenite all, have fun and don't kill anyone :-)
05:21.56BBHossi wasnt aware people outside of alabama skinned cats, they do make good hats though
05:21.59C4coloI wrote a plugin for Nagios to do that
05:22.26C4colowell, I stole part of another script that kept hanging and would cause errors, and rewrote a 1.6 version and 1.4 version of the script
05:22.26[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Already done this and couldn't come up with it now?  Not like its new...
05:22.38C4colosince the manager status command supports more flags on 1.6
05:23.16[TK]D-FenderHeck, you don't even need to actually use presence to set up the hints...
05:23.35BBHossC4colo: i wasnt aware nagios could kill people.  Do you like give the IRC handle as a parameter or what?
05:23.41[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And FOP never needed extra flags to know what the status of phones were going back how far?
05:24.12C4colono, it's just lighter to get the summary than the full list
05:24.22C4colowhen all I want to do is regex a few items from the summary
05:24.42BBHossahh that makes sense
05:25.24C4coloand I was thinking the question was "how would you get the status from the dialplan"?
05:25.31[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: use a change in nagios status that will call a shell script that will trigger an X-10 relay via a CM11A controller , attached to a servo motor that will pull the trigger of the handgun pointed at the head of an idiot you have strapped down for it.
05:25.38C4colowhich is different than getting it through the CLI, AMI or dialplan
05:25.47[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: there.  Nagios kils.  News at 11.
05:26.15BBHoss[TK]D-Fender: thats pretty creative, wonder if you could write an asterisk application and use ami to call it from a web app
05:26.17C4coloactually you could just short some pins on a parallell port instead of involving x-10
05:26.40C4coloapp_rpt could probably be used
05:26.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Who said we were restricting ourselves to dialplan?  Again we determined that any kind of looping, etc would be done outside.  I'm working fully within those bounds
05:27.12C4coloyea, I misunderstood the parameters of the question
05:27.18BBHossjust do it all in lua and be done with it
05:27.35[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Yes shorting pins could work.  the X-10 solution is easy and takes no real coding and I have all the parts.
05:28.09BBHosseither that or write agi to common lisp and do it functional, since thats the best way to do it
05:28.19C4colowell, I had to reschedule the T.38 upgrade for another day because I had to defend my honor in here... I guess I am an idiot
05:28.23C4coloyou win [TK]D-Fender
05:28.51BBHosseverybody wins when idiots double-KO
05:29.02[TK]D-FenderC4colo: My way is simpler for the layman with possibly no idea about port programming.
05:29.29[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Your way is a shorter path.  Either works.  Whatever
05:30.14[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: Seen a bunch of cool clips of those in this past week
05:31.54drmessanoDid dlewis go find skype yet?
05:32.20drmessanoNewp.. will check back in...
05:34.49*** join/#asterisk JAMMAN2110 (n=James@unaffiliated/jamman2110)
05:36.26C4cologotta run to the store, bbl
05:38.58*** join/#asterisk Nasra (
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05:44.39[TK]D-FenderI'm done for the night...
05:51.20*** join/#asterisk Gokee2 (
05:52.29Gokee2So what hardware is recommended for a small setup 2-4 phones and 2 incoming lines
05:53.14Gokee2I have looked at digium but they don`t seem to have ANYTHING (except modules) below about $700
05:54.33drmessanoUm what?
05:56.09drmessanoBare TDM410P with no modules is $175 on a HIGH SIDE
05:57.20drmessano$265 for a TDM410P with 2 FXO modules from Telephony Depot
06:03.36*** join/#asterisk Jabess (
06:03.51Jabesswhat is much better... pri or T1 ?
06:05.02drmessanoISDN is better
06:06.56DefrazWhat is the cli command for killing a sip channel
06:07.13DefrazI do a show channels and I see my echo test still running.
06:07.48echinosdoes digium still have that starter kit available?
06:09.45*** join/#asterisk Hanif08 (
06:11.22echinosI haven't heard about it in a while, they used to have a tdm card with a module or two for a deal
06:11.32echinosI forget what they called it
06:12.35*** join/#asterisk LeddyHM (
06:15.53drmessanoTDM11B is pretty cheap
06:16.08Gokee2drmessano, Where are those?  I can`t seem to find them on the site
06:17.11drmessanoYou cant find a TDM410P?
06:19.53Gokee2drmessano, There is a TDM410 don`t see a TDM410P ( I am looking at
06:20.49*** join/#asterisk ming_zym (n=ming_zym@nat/yahoo/x-74391bc17e355af9)
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06:39.03Gokee2So if you add extra modules to the TDM410P do the ports go on a expansion card?  The 4 ports seem to fill up the card
06:40.27drmessanoYeah, it does
06:40.32drmessano4 ports = done
06:40.38drmessanoThats why its a 4 port card
06:41.01Gokee2That looks like a nice card :)
06:44.25Gokee2So with that I can plug any old phone into the FXS port?
06:45.07drmessanoYou CAN, but FXS is a waste
06:45.17drmessanoEither use IP phones, or get some ATAs
06:46.11Gokee2Hmm, why do IP phones need a special card?  They can`t just connect to the network?
06:47.33*** join/#asterisk implicit (n=bayan@unaffiliated/implicit)
06:49.36implicitis there any way to not save voicemails and only email them?
06:55.39*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
06:58.50drmessanoGokee2: IP phones DO connect to the network
06:58.53drmessanoWhere do you see otherwise?
06:59.21Gokee2drmessano, Why do you need a special "FXS" port for them then?
06:59.37drmessanoYou need an FXS port for POTS phones
06:59.42drmessanoNot IP phones
06:59.50jbothmm... book is probably Asterisk: The Future of Telephony 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51048-9) --- Order yours at --- Free downloadable PDF at --- HTML at or see ~buybook
06:59.57drmessanoDo some reading
07:00.12Gokee2I got to page 6
07:00.49Gokee2Hmm I did not see the html version though I could go look at that
07:02.28*** join/#asterisk h[a]kr (n=hakr@pdpc/supporter/active/hakr)
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07:46.50yangI am trying to format GotoIfTime - | exten => _5863160,n,GotoIfTime(*|"sat"-"sun"|"mon"|"thu"-"fri"|*|*?frontdesk,closed,1)
07:53.47*** join/#asterisk sah-work (
07:55.11Hanif08does asterisk know how to translate a digit?
07:55.33Hanif08for instance if i dial 89, it will translated to 19001
07:55.40*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
07:55.57Hanif08in cisco we called translation-rule
07:56.47C4coloafter all that TK's code doesn't work anyway
08:04.53*** join/#asterisk pikachu2000 (
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08:08.52drmessanoC4colo: YOU SUCK ZOMG LOSER READ ^^^^ARROWS^^^^^
08:11.15C4coloHanif08: maybe
08:11.20C4colodepends on where you want to use it
08:11.45C4coloexten => 89,1,Goto(19001,1)
08:12.27C4coloor exten => _89XXXXXXXXXX,1,Goto(${EXTEN:2})
08:13.08C4coloor exten => _89.,1,Goto(19001${EXTEN:2})
08:16.37xnixanhi, when i try to issue command like "zap show channels" in asterisks CLI it appears not available, however my x101p clone is configured correctly and running very well under trixbox 2.6, any ideas?
08:16.54*** join/#asterisk h[a]kr (n=hakr@pdpc/supporter/active/hakr)
08:29.00yangxnixan: do you have the module zaptel loaded?
08:30.27xnixanyang, yup, and tested with zttool
08:38.28*** join/#asterisk KOCATEPE (n=admin@
08:38.48tzafrir_laptopxnixan, what is the output of:  cat /proc/zaptel/*
08:41.01*** join/#asterisk h-idrisi (n=h-idrisi@
08:46.13*** join/#asterisk pif (n=ldm@
08:46.26xnixantzafrir_laptop, cat /proc/zaptel/1 =>
08:46.26xnixanSpan 1: WCFXO/0 "Generic Clone Board 1" (MASTER)
09:00.23Karlitoogood morning
09:05.18Hanif08thanks C4colo
09:05.36C4colowas that what you were asking?
09:06.21Hanif08i'll try it 1st... and see if it work or not
09:06.50Hanif08appreciate ur view and ideas
09:06.58*** part/#asterisk Hanif08 (
09:08.28tzafrir_laptopxnixan, sorry for the delay . It seems you have a proper zaptel.conf and ran ztcfg, but aparantly you didn't configure the channel in /etc/asterisk/zapata.conf
09:08.36tzafrir_laptopWhat version of asterisk do you use?
09:16.32*** join/#asterisk newmember (
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09:57.02KOCATEPEhi all
09:58.05KOCATEPEmade modification in dsp.c for   progress detect
09:59.05KOCATEPEand 500 Hz
09:59.19KOCATEPE-- Zap/4-1 is ringing
09:59.37KOCATEPEbut even the line is busy
09:59.40*** join/#asterisk casix (
09:59.45KOCATEPEi gety this message
10:00.20KOCATEPEhow can i detect busy
10:01.02KOCATEPEtried those modifications
10:01.07KOCATEPEbut doesnt work
10:03.22KOCATEPEanyone faced with that problem before ???
10:06.58KOCATEPEi need ur kind attention pls
10:12.28yangKOCATEPE: any chance that you could upgrade asterisk ?
10:12.52yangKOCATEPE: maybe its fixed in newer release
10:12.53*** join/#asterisk fordfrog (n=fordfrog@gentoo/developer/fordfrog)
10:13.33KOCATEPElet me download 1.6
10:13.38KOCATEPEand examine dsp.c
10:22.06*** join/#asterisk thansen (
10:47.22*** join/#asterisk Rzm98 (
10:50.35Rzm98I'm trying to receive faxes with asterisk, it works fine when using a standard resolution fax as a sender
10:50.49Rzm98but it fails if I use high resolution (so called photo mode) on my fax machine.
10:50.58Rzm98[Dec 31 11:36:17] WARNING[29787]: app_fax.c:173 phase_e_handler: Error transmitting fax. result=49: The call dropped prematurely.
10:50.58Rzm98[Dec 31 11:36:17] WARNING[29787]: app_fax.c:618 transmit: Transmission error
10:51.36Rzm98I'm using asterisk with spandsp 0.0.5
10:51.44Rzm98and ReceiveFax application
10:52.11Rzm98are resolution higher than standard res not supported or is something amiss with my config ?
10:55.47*** join/#asterisk Ericounet (
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11:52.34slightcan anyone point me toward info on managing echo in a setup where i don't control the POTS to voip gateway? (asterisk<--iax2-->voiptalk<-->pots)
11:53.27slightspecifically coping with softphones with no echo cancellation (for PDAs)
11:54.21slightif it's possible at all of course
11:59.21buzukelishow to set up additinal fealds in the mysql cdr table, like we can do that in the ../custom_cdr/Master.csv?
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12:32.01buzukelishapy nju jer ol !!! :)
12:37.21*** join/#asterisk carranca (
12:38.04carrancahi, im installing asterisk from source in an ubuntu server 8.10, is there a way to get the init scripts?
12:38.44casixyes it is in the source code
12:38.48casixin contrib/init
12:39.28carrancarc.debian.asterisk :)?
12:39.49casixI think it must work in ubuntu
12:42.47*** join/#asterisk dieguito84 (n=diego@
12:45.57carrancamhmhm, i dont see the same for dahdi :S
12:48.42carrancalol, dunno how but was already in /etc/init.d :P
12:54.06ccesariosomebody have any idea about this ?
12:58.32feedsccesario: The log looks clear ... you asking about why stopping moh?
12:59.15ccesariofeeds, no no when I start type digits the transfer end :/
13:00.37ccesarioyes ...atxfer
13:06.53*** join/#asterisk reneger (
13:08.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=joe@
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13:09.55tzafrir_laptopcarranca, use the init.d from the package
13:11.39tzafrir_laptopAs for dahdi: let me know if the one included in the source tarball doesn't work
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13:23.31WilliamKhey tzafrir - did you get a new laptop yet?
13:24.58*** join/#asterisk sasargen (n=chatzill@
13:25.30tzafrir_laptopWilliamK, not really. I've had this one for over a year, I think...
13:26.34WilliamKI was just thinking about you wearing out all the letters on the keys from coding
13:26.47WilliamKnot that you need letters..
13:27.05*** join/#asterisk dacs (n=chatzill@unaffiliated/dacs)
13:28.21dacswhat replaced FWD?
13:28.49dacsor i should ask what shall i use in replacement of FWD
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13:34.53TrentCreekdacs: FWD went to a pay service
13:35.06TrentCreekit's very cheap
13:35.08*** join/#asterisk tobias (
13:35.36dacsi know i am going to end up buying but for testing what shall i use
13:35.58TrentCreekyou can use any typeof VOIP device you want
13:39.17*** join/#asterisk _ShrikE (
13:39.31[TK]D-FenderFWD is a waste, better off with now
13:40.39[TK]D-FenderAll they were was a peering service and they haven't added any value for the fact they're charging, so Ekiga it is.  That is if you even care about using a locator service like that
13:51.39dacslocator service? ...if i want someone want to call me form a regular phone and they don't know about voip i need to give them a number
13:52.59dacshow can i tie that to a number
13:55.20[TK]D-Fenderdacs: You showed a URI.  You can't diaal that from a normal phone, you'd need an ITSP
13:55.43*** join/#asterisk jaytee (n=jforde@unaffiliated/jaytee)
14:05.30Rzm98does anybody knows what that debug message means :
14:05.32Rzm98channel.c:2787 ast_internal_timing_enabled: Internal timing is disabled (option_internal_timing=0 chan->timingfd=57)
14:06.00*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
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14:13.50*** join/#asterisk Zhadnost (n=tom@
14:13.58Kattyi dreamt i quit my job last night.
14:14.06Zhadnostsounds like heaven
14:14.26Zhadnostis having an odd problem migrating to dahdi.
14:14.52Zhadnostfound that he needed to change to a newer kernel, blah blah blah.
14:15.08[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: Shouldn't have to.
14:15.12Zhadnostevery looks like it should be good, lsmod shows that dahdi and wctdm are running.
14:15.13TrentCreekWho's your daddy?
14:15.38Zhadnost[TK]> I thought that, got lots of unrecognised symbols.
14:15.59*** join/#asterisk arpu (
14:16.05[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: What versions of * & DAHDI?
14:16.07Zhadnostnow whenever I try to query it (from dadhdi-tools or from the asterisk console) I get Unable to open /dev/dahdi/ctl
14:16.14[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: And what previous kernel?
14:16.35Zhadnostwas using kernel
14:16.59Kattyi also dreamt of other NSFW topics;
14:17.12Kattya birthday present
14:17.22Zhadnostweirder still is that there is still a /dev/zap/* folder.
14:17.41[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: Perhaps you should go hunt down all of the zaptel remains and trash them.
14:17.44ZhadnostAm now using Linux version 2.6.28
14:17.51[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: and manually remove that folder, etc
14:18.04[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: I use 2.6.18 just fine
14:18.08Zhadnostthere can't be much left, zaptel was never compiled for that kernel.
14:18.26Zhadnostfor the new kernel (sorry).
14:18.49[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: do try to scrub your system clean of the other stuff though and don't forget that you'll have to recompile * from scratch as well
14:18.58Zhadnostthere are no modules, all that's left is redundant settings in /etc/modprobe.d
14:19.08ZhadnostI did
14:19.13[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: I always trash the forder and untar again]
14:19.32Zhadnostat the same time I'm trying to migrade from *
14:19.54[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: What does dahdi_cfg -vvvv give you?
14:20.12ZhadnostDAHDI Tools Version -
14:20.12ZhadnostNotice: Configuration file is /etc/dahdi/system.conf
14:20.12Zhadnostline 0: Unable to open master device '/dev/dahdi/ctl'
14:20.12Zhadnost1 error(s) detected
14:20.38*** join/#asterisk rwaite (
14:20.41[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: "cat /proc/interrupts"
14:21.22[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: Not good that they're sharing, but ti should still do something... look in dmesg, but don't spam it.
14:21.24Zhadnostthe last bit of the dahdi-linux install saw the card too.
14:21.56ZhadnostThe card is mostly being used for a timing source, but that is a good point (I didn't mean to include usb support for this kernel).
14:22.09[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: I would definitely roll back to the last full release, and not an RC
14:22.10yangBloody Grandstream ATA cannot upgrade it
14:22.17*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:22.20ZhadnostModule 0: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO
14:22.20ZhadnostModule 1: Installed -- AUTO FXS/DPO
14:22.20ZhadnostModule 2: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
14:22.20ZhadnostModule 3: Installed -- AUTO FXO (FCC mode)
14:22.20ZhadnostFound a Wildcard TDM: Wildcard TDM400P REV I (4 modules)
14:22.41Zhadnostthose dahdi versions are full relases though.
14:22.44jbotGrandSuck phones & gateways are cheap junk which should be avoided with extreme prejudice.
14:22.47jboti heard grandstream is the Yugo of VoIP hardware.  Run.  Run away now.
14:23.26Zhadnostfinds them very fully featured but with poor sound quality. (though later models are very stable).
14:23.33[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: I'm not a kernel / dahdi expert unfortunately and am just about out of ideaas for you.
14:23.42[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: Anything to chime in on this?
14:24.23*** join/#asterisk theHub (n=theHub@
14:25.37tzafrir_laptopZhadnost, what do you see in /proc/dahdi/*   #?
14:26.00Zhadnosta file called 1
14:26.05ZhadnostSpan 1: WCTDM/4 "Wildcard TDM400P REV I Board 5" (MASTER)
14:26.29*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
14:27.04tzafrir_laptopok. You have the modules loaded but either you don't have a proper /etc/dahdi/system.conf or you didn't run dahdi_cfg yet
14:27.26ZhadnostI ran dahdi_cfg
14:27.31[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: He has tried the latter as oou can see above
14:27.46tzafrir_laptopone possible way to generate a system.conf file is to run dahdi_genconf
14:27.58Zhadnostthough system.cfg isn't right
14:28.01Zhadnostwell spotted.
14:28.48[TK]D-FenderSomething I should have looked for... God I'm just wiped today...
14:29.26Zhadnostthat only added loadzone = us, defaultzone=us
14:29.44Zhadnostis system.conf the same format as zaptel.conf ?
14:31.14Zhadnostoh and the comments at the top state that I don't have any modules.
14:32.14Rzm98Anybody comfortable with app_fax and spandsp ? T30 is giving me headaches (working at standard fax resolution but not at higher res)
14:32.16Zhadnostrebooting the machine atm.
14:33.11tzafrir_laptopZhadnost, basically the same format . Note though that you should expplicitly state the echo canceller for each channel
14:33.35tzafrir_laptopZhadnost, why reboot?
14:33.56tzafrir_laptopZhadnost, generally for a simple analog setup dahdi_genconf will create a sane configuration
14:34.14Zhadnostdahdi_genconfig did as stated above
14:36.52Zhadnostrebooted because he doesn't like unloading modules.
14:39.02*** join/#asterisk x86 (n=x86@p3m/member/x86)
14:39.28eppigyx86: girl i liek your architecture
14:39.38Zhadnostoh, and kernel doesn't have unload support
14:40.33Zhadnostis the /dev/dahdi folder virtual or is if made by dahdi_linux ?
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14:40.51Zhadnostmeant to put the word installer in there.
14:41.02jjshoeit's not like /proc if that's what your asking
14:41.30Corydon76-digIn Linux 2.6, all of /dev is virtual
14:43.28Zhadnostwhat should /dev/dahdi look like?
14:46.12ZhadnostI think I've found which bit didn't run (and probably why).
14:47.38tzafrir_laptopIt's not really virtual. Those are real files. But they sit on a ramdisk. And hence any manual modification of yours will be wiped on shutdown
14:48.06Zhadnostbut strangely mkdir /dev/dahdi didn't disappear on shutdown
14:48.13*** join/#asterisk amaache (n=amaache@
14:48.59Zhadnostapt-get install udev followed by make install-devices seems to have done some good
14:48.59Corydon76-digtzafrir_laptop: and may be wiped out if udev feels like it
14:49.31Zhadnostinfact even asterisk can see it now
14:49.38*** join/#asterisk qdk_ (n=qdk@
14:49.41tzafrir_laptopZhadnost, if your version of udev is not really ancient, then the device files should be created with correct names even without udev rules
14:50.47ZhadnostI got to there from looking at dahdi's makefile where they were set up
14:50.48tzafrir_laptopZhadnost, also: to unload the dahdi modules, use:   /etc/init.d/dahdi stop
14:51.04Zhadnostwhich I can't do (don't have unload support in kernel).
14:52.49Zhadnostshould read a bit more
14:53.05Zhadnostie. I don't even know if zapata.conf needs replacing/changing.
14:53.22[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: chan_dahdi.conf replaces it
14:53.36[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: As you're on * 1.6 Zaptel doesn't really exist anymore
14:53.51*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
14:53.56Zhadnostdahdi-channels.conf ?
14:54.37Zhadnost(file that dahdi_genconf created)
14:54.50*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
14:54.56Zhadnostwhich strangely calls itself chan_dahdi.conf in the comment at the top.
14:56.00Zhadnostsupposes he needs to s/ZAP/DAHDI/g his extensions.conf too.
14:56.50[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: I think you'll be just fine in very short order...
14:57.24tzafrir_laptopdahdi-channels.conf is a snippet of chan_dahdi.conf
14:58.08Zhadnostah, I don't have a chan_dahdi.conf
14:58.14Zhadnosthunts for one
14:59.46Zhadnosthas the sample, should I put an include /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf in it?
15:00.16ZhadnostIt looks like zapata.conf with a few extra notes at the end.
15:00.40*** join/#asterisk theron (n=theron@
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15:01.44piper69finally home sweet home
15:02.08piper69[TK]D-Fender: may i suggest something...
15:02.48Zhadnostwonders why it autoconfiged the FXS ports to use loopstart.
15:02.50[TK]D-Fenderpiper69: Suggestions are free, answers are $4.95/min ;)
15:03.10piper69[TK]D-Fender: can you add a "Happy New Year 2009 to all 8 users in the topic"
15:03.15[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: Thats normal
15:03.16x86[TK]D-Fender: hehe
15:03.36piper69[TK]D-Fender: and why the .95 cent lol
15:03.49[TK]D-Fenderpiper69: Marketing
15:04.12[TK]D-Fenderpiper69: All 8 users?
15:04.19*** join/#asterisk sysreq (n=sysreq@unaffiliated/sysreq)
15:04.50Zhadnostwhat about putting 2 context lines in each channel configuration?
15:04.55C4colothanks for the example code [TK]D-Fender ... I had to move some stuff around a bit to get it to work though
15:05.29piper69[TK]D-Fender: if you really charge $4.95 /answer would would drive a BMW just by answering my questions
15:05.30C4coloyour code would clear the previous value of 'thevar' each time a device was unavailable
15:05.57[TK]D-FenderC4colo: exten => 73,1,ChanIsAvail(Local/*40*2000@internal,s) <- this should not work at all given the nature of Local channels
15:06.15C4colowell, it does, beautifully
15:06.26[TK]D-FenderC4colo: pastebin it in action....
15:06.37C4colothe calling party and any inuse extensions are excluded from the string
15:06.43feedshi all | I have a little question about contexts and extens:
15:07.00[TK]D-FenderC4colo: because a Local channel with chanisavail only verifies its existance
15:07.15[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Thats why you would check the associated device
15:07.18C4coloif that is the case it shouldn't work
15:07.24C4coloI wonder why it does
15:07.47[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Show me
15:07.52C4coloworking on it
15:08.14piper69feeds: the only one here know about it is [TK]D-Fender and he charge $6.99 / answer and you will have to go thru me to get his answer
15:08.21C4coloI'll use an originate command to bridge two extensions, either that or I need to call and see if someone is there to make a test call
15:09.08feedspiper69: ... I've got time :D
15:09.43feeds[TK]D-Fender: thnx
15:11.01C4colonotice line 15~
15:11.09feeds[TK]D-Fender: so those in the current context have a bigger priority if I get it?
15:11.12C4colo2013 was involved in the call, so it is unavailable
15:11.21C4coloit was not added to the end of the string by the Set command
15:11.27[TK]D-FenderC4colo: exten => 73,n,ChanIsAvail(console/dsp,s) <- and you really don't need to bother checking for this
15:11.29C4colothe set just set 'thevar'='thevar'
15:11.40C4colowell, if it is in use at the time ...
15:11.59[TK]D-FenderC4colo: if its in use Page will simply ignore it
15:12.03C4coloit would just fail, but I was thinking of adding a double beep or something to let the user know it didn't go out to the overhead paging
15:12.38[TK]D-FenderC4colo: sure, why not...
15:12.49C4coloyes it is needed to remove the & from the end
15:13.04C4coloactually no, if I always put the console/dsp on there it isn't
15:13.11C4coloanyway, I thought both ways and decided to add it
15:14.26[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Now it looks like its adding every device there.
15:14.53[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Where do we see the list of channels in use where it opts out of actually selecting someone?
15:16.39Zhadnosttakes it include context|8:00-17:00|mon-fri|*|* is now include context,8:00-17:00,mon-fri,*,* ?
15:17.21[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: Many changes in 1.6 included "|" no longer being a parameter separater
15:17.40[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: you would do well to read all the docs in your tarball
15:17.44ZhadnostI noticed that at home
15:18.04ZhadnostI just hadn't done it here yet (and didn't have timed includes).
15:18.19Zhadnostdahdi now working again now :-)
15:18.41*** join/#asterisk anthm (n=anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
15:18.59C4coloright now there are no calls, so 2013 is the only one that is ignored
15:20.37[TK]D-FenderC4colo: yes but your test is from an Originate.  Now try it from an actual device
15:21.31[TK]D-FenderC4colo: -- Executing [73@default:21] ChanIsAvail("Local/*40*2013@internal-b525,1", "Local/*40*2012@internal|s") in new stack <-- see your testing method is calling a local channel which will not be the same as when a SIP channel calls it
15:21.52[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Also... you have no calls in progress so you can't see if your chanisavails are actually doing anything
15:22.02[TK]D-FenderC4colo: This is not a  good test
15:23.10[TK]D-FenderC4colo: -- Executing [73@default:23] ChanIsAvail("Local/*40*2013@internal-b525,1", "Local/*40*2013@internal|s") in new stack <- this works because you Originated a local channel taht is a 100% match and is in progress.  Not really meaningful though
15:27.25*** join/#asterisk erth64net (
15:32.17rwaitefor iax is caller id specified on my itsp's end?
15:34.19[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: can you try rephrasing that...
15:35.04rwaitewhen i'm making an outgoing call through my iax provider, do i set the caller id for that outgoing call (what the callee will see) locally or do they do it on their end (my svc provider)
15:36.20Zhadnostit depends on your ITSP.
15:36.23C4coloI'll have to call and see if I can get someone to make a test call, on phone right now will try in a few
15:36.33rwaitehmm. i'll call them.
15:36.39[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Depends on your provider as to if you are permitted to set it
15:36.41Zhadnostusually you have a range of numbers you are allowed to identify as.
15:37.06rwaitei'm more interested in the text that is displayed
15:38.23jayteeoh, just kill me now!
15:38.31feedsjaytee: ok
15:38.41jayteefeeds, thank you :-)
15:38.50eppigyKILL EVERYTHING
15:38.57jayteechill dave!
15:39.13*** join/#asterisk pif (n=ldm@
15:39.13feedstakes a kitchen knife and comes up to jaytee silently from behind
15:39.39rwaitethats why i love CoD WaW, knifing people is awesome
15:39.54x86wtf CoD WaW?
15:40.11x86games are stupid and are a complete waste of time
15:41.13rwaitewhoa dude. pharma out of prozac this week?
15:41.13eppigyur face is
15:42.03[TK]D-FenderC4colo: This should not work at all under any sane scenario
15:46.05*** join/#asterisk amaache (n=amaache@
15:47.59rwaiteand you know what is a complete waste of time? the x86 architecture. what a steaming pile that is.
15:48.22[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: What are you using now?
15:48.46rwaiteand don't get me started on x86-64
15:48.58[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: Apparently its enough to waste your time on....
15:49.03Zhadnostwhat's wrong with x86-64 ?
15:49.14[TK]D-FenderZhadnost: No!!! Don't get him started!
15:49.57Zhadnostah, my x86-64 machine is using debian.
15:50.16rwaitelol [TK]D-Fender
15:50.38rwaitethe whole mess is just so impure. granted, it works. but so does windows.
15:51.10rwaiteif only i were god, i could come down to earth and set forth some computing commandments
15:51.36thedonvaughnx86-64 works great here... all though I don't mess with ubuntu.
15:51.37Zhadnostso linux is fine on x86, ARM and MIPS but not x86-64?
15:51.44thedonvaughnZhadnost: no it's fine on x86-64
15:51.55ZhadnostIt's fine on my x86-64 box too.
15:52.08eppigyARCH IS THE ONLY WAY
15:52.23[TK]D-FenderExcept for all the others....
15:54.02*** join/#asterisk jbot (
15:54.02*** topic/#asterisk is Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2008/12/02), 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons (2008/12/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux 2.1.0, dahdi-tools 2.1.0 (2008/12/09), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev
15:54.09rwaiteevil god believers and their ignorance. days have 4 corners!
15:54.57eppigyEARTH HAS 4 CORNER
15:55.02eppigySIMULTANEOUS 4-DAY
15:55.12thedonvaughndude, enough with the caps
15:55.17eppigyYou would be wiser if unschooled then be taught ONEness stupidity to worship Evil of ONEism
15:55.33rwaitethedonvaughn: are you a god believer?
15:55.42eppigythedonvaughn: oh god i am sorry am i hurting your ears?
15:55.50C4coloyou are right [TK]D-Fender, not sure why an originate command works properly but a sip call doesn't, fixing it now that I did a test
15:56.06thedonvaughna) uhm no, don't believe in talking snakes or a god  b)  off-topic and stop trolling
15:56.33eppigythank god
15:56.35rwaitewhoa. please stop discriminating based on beliefs
15:56.54eppigythedonvaughn clearly supports ethnic cleansing
15:57.48eppigynot that i wouldnt eat babies had they been seasoned correctly
15:58.03Zhadnostchecks the channel name
15:58.18ZhadnostYup thought so, this is #talk-bollocks
16:03.01*** join/#asterisk _gm (n=gmustafa@
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16:03.09Zhadnostcoo dahdi nearly working, cdr_pgsql not.
16:08.05rwaite<3 cdr_pgsql
16:09.15*** part/#asterisk Ericounet (
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16:20.44*** part/#asterisk anfi (n=nanfi@
16:21.49Zhadnostcdr_pgsql appears to need a table=cdr line in it now
16:24.38[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Its not working because when your SIP device places a call its a SIP channel.  You are attempting to test local channels.  This is quite wrong
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16:25.06[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Just about the only reason to test a local channel is as validation before a blind Goto or some such...
16:26.31Zhadnostcoo AGI doesn't mind using | to separate options still.
16:26.36Zhadnostthat should save some time.
16:26.50rwaitei thought | was the "right" way to do it?
16:27.06[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: No, it was always the "other way" and is no more in 1.6
16:27.24C4colothat doesn't explain why 'originate SIP/2003 extension 73@internal' seems to work 100% to my expectations
16:27.25rwaitegood cuz i never used |, always ,
16:27.31C4colowhile calling from sip doesn't
16:27.38[TK]D-Fenderrwaite: just line using () for apps or not.  I'm still wating for them for force consistency
16:27.40C4colohow would those be different? I'm dialing a sip trunk
16:27.41Zhadnostwhat's the betting that in 1.8 extensions.conf will be renamed to dialplan.conf ?
16:27.53C4coloanyway, doesn't matter, I'll fix it without your beratement just fine
16:28.16[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You aren't paying attention to the channels in question.
16:28.19ZhadnostAGI(aginame) rather than AGI,aginame now too.
16:28.43rwaiteis 1.6 pretty stable?
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16:29.09[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And there has been no beratement here for this
16:29.16ZhadnostI'm using an old 1.6 beta at home, that's been solid as a rock (don't use many of the features though).
16:29.22[TK]D-FenderC4colo: I simply stated that you won't get the right results with it
16:29.59[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And that using Originate for your test generates a local channel and then bridges them.  But when a SIP device goes and jsut makes a call there is no local channel involved
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16:31.14[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Originate starts 2 channels.  a SIP device placing a call is 1 channel.  That is why
16:31.18C4colothat makes sense
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16:32.04[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And by doing it from a straight SIP device you'll then see that the attempt to ChanIsAvail all of those local channels is a dead-end as well.
16:32.26C4coloyep, they were all "available"
16:32.40C4coloI rewrote it using sip and SipAddHeader to add the auto-answer header
16:32.42C4coloit's working
16:33.01[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And I have explained jsut about the only value to had in doing something like you were doing, and it does not include your goal.
16:33.34C4colonot sure I understand exactly what you are saying there
16:34.22[TK]D-Fender[11:25]<[TK]D-Fender>C4colo: Just about the only reason to test a local channel is as validation before a blind Goto or some such...
16:35.02[TK]D-FenderC4colo: All it does is see if an extension has a match in the dialplan or happens to have a channel directly started against it.
16:35.26[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Which isn't the case with just about any normal call from something like a SIP device
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16:41.42C4coloI see
16:41.49C4coloI didn't know that's what you were referring to
16:41.58C4colounlike you, I actually got that the first time you said it
16:42.22[TK]D-FenderC4colo: No, I got it the first time I said it :)
16:42.24C4coloespecially when what you said was shown to be true by my tests
16:42.37[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And your test was poor as I told you
16:42.44C4colohow was my test poor?
16:42.52[TK]D-FenderC4colo: Polluted tests give polluted results
16:44.08[TK]D-FenderC4colo: You originated a local channel and gave yourself a false impression because the only channel in progress WAS one of the targets.
16:44.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: And had nothing else to compare
16:45.18[TK]D-FenderC4colo: So from your POV it would be "See, look it skipped itself, it must work", but when you tried in the real world would do nothing at all.
16:47.26C4colonobody was on site
16:47.30C4coloI had no other way to test
16:47.35C4coloI prefer "real-world" tests
16:47.41C4colobut in this case I had no other option
16:48.06C4coloin any case, you were right
16:48.10C4coloI have work to do
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17:03.52drmessanoJournalists piss me off
17:04.16drmessanoThe algorithm used by DECT is hardwired into devices and not publicly disclosed. However, the boffins found that DECT-based communications between a transmitting station and the hand-held device often featured no form of encryption or authentication. And even when cryptographic defences are put into play they might be defeated by diverting data to an Asterix (Linux-based software PBX), where crypto isn't supported so that conversations
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17:11.28Corydon76-digThey could also divert it to the public PSTN, where encryption isn't supported, either
17:12.16tzafrir_laptopdrmessano, did you read their presentation PDF? interesting
17:14.34tzafrir_laptoptheir == od , not of El Rag, of course
17:17.50drmessanoCorydon76-dig: I have a nice comment I am carving out to post
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17:22.36carrarIllinois Furniture Store
17:25.18coppiceDECT is a 20 year old design, intended to replace analogue cordless phones which had zero security. it wasn't designed to be great. it was designed to be cheap with 20 year old parts. defeating it now is no great achevement
17:26.08jjshoecarrar I enjoyed that soooo much
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17:31.24BBHossdrmessano: where is that quoted from?
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17:41.04feedsHow do I check if I have ztdummy installed?
17:41.42Zhadnostlsmod | grep ztdummy
17:42.02feedslsmod: command not found..
17:42.21Zhadnostwhich distrib. are you using?
17:42.48Zhadnostyou need a package called modutils (iirc).
17:44.04[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: On that same front on a review of the new SPA-525G...
17:44.07[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: "First off, the SPA-525G supports both SIP and Cisco’s proprietary SPCP protocol, used in the popular UC500. The phone makes use of CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol) to determine if it is on a UC500 network or a SIP network. We have had an SPA525G in our lab for a few days, and have done some testing on the Linksys SPA9000, Trixbox and Digium’s Switchvox, all SIP based IP PBXs."
17:44.37[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Both are F-ing Asterisk and try to sell the idea of as being "different"
17:44.52xnixanhi, i have x101p clone installed and giving me pretty good out put from all zt*, however the "zap show ..." is not available vi asterisk CLI, even when i try to tap "zap" out it is not available, any idea, what the problem may be?
17:46.08[TK]D-Fenderxnixan: what does "try to tap "zap" out it is not available" mean?
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17:46.46BBHossxnixan: sounds like zap support isnt compiled into your asterisk
17:47.07BBHossi'll let [TK]D-Fender bash you about the x101 card :}
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17:47.16[TK]D-FenderxninIndeed if you installed Zaptel after * you need to completely rebuild *
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17:47.36[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: No, I'll let him bash himself if it turns sour :)
17:47.51BBHossoh so thats how you roll now
17:48.03[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Or the 4th brilliant comment :
17:48.19[TK]D-FenderBBHoss: Its already too late...
17:48.52BBHossoh and in case anyone was wondering, the aastra mbu-400 dect solution is the same hardware and software as the snom m3
17:49.27_ShrikEthat is disapointing
17:49.51drmessanoWhat a rip off for $400, when I can just go for a grandstream GXP 1200 for $74. Now you know where Cisco’s gross margins come from…
17:49.56BBHossyeah i was hoping for a new product, as the polycom is the same thing too
17:50.24BBHossnow their more expensive dect solution is good, but the m3+clones suck IMO
17:50.28BBHossat least the software does
17:51.03drmessanoI DONT get the whole DECT IP phone deal
17:51.28drmessanoATA + POTS DECT is very little difference, except the $200 I save
17:51.41[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Yeah, a rip-off... Ferrari's suck, I can just get a Lada...
17:52.04[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: The guy's a twit who thinks the products were built for the same needs
17:53.07[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: What kind of person would buy that phone if not for those exact features?
17:54.21drmessanoIn a fucking construction forum
17:54.27drmessanoPeople are STUPID
17:54.42[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: SIP+DECT direct does cut back on latency and allows digital signalling for PBX functionality, but is by no means necessary. However There are many SIP+DECT solutions that act like AP's so you create large roaming support areas which is a big advantage for many
17:55.04[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Yes... yes they arer
17:55.18dlewisI wonder what cisco will bring out at CES...
17:55.26drmessanoBut really
17:55.44drmessanoWho the fuck trolls a product with features they dont need by bitching about the features
17:55.46coppicedlewis: overpriced stuff
17:56.22dlewiscoppice: i don't doubt it...
17:56.33dlewiscoppice: how goes it in HK?
17:56.37drmessano"Why does the Polycom BluePhone IP-599 even have Bluetooth?  Who the hell uses Bluetooth?  $350?  WTF?"
17:56.48drmessanoWhen its MADE for Bluetooth and a specific niche
17:57.02jjshoe"Recording automatically stopped after a silence of 10 seconds" Is there a way to dig into this audio loss further? In this case for example, it gets cut off, they press to re-record it, and have no issues the second time around.
17:57.08[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: "I don't need any of that, its a rip-off!"  Yup... and you can see who it is he praises.
17:57.31coppicedlewis: fine
17:57.42[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: "it"?  Could you please tell us what it is you are "recording" exactly...
17:57.43dlewiscoppice: lived out there for work last year...
17:57.59[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: And taht doesn't seem to be a "loss", it decided to stop.
17:58.03jjshoe[TK]D-Fender that's an error from the voicemail system.
17:58.04drmessano[TK]D-Fender: I got one for ya
17:58.21[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: Unless there is a loss that caused that message
17:58.22dlewiscoppice: I lived in the Conrad.
17:59.13drmessano"Hello, I started using the HTTPd in Asterix for my website.  It is slow, doesn't support ASP, PHP, or even SECURITY FEATURES IMPLEMENTED 10 YEARS AGO.  Who the hell would host their website on this crap?  It's slow, and do I even need all the telephony bloat crap?"
17:59.33[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Comedy Gold :)
18:00.35[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: IMO Digium should have jsut set up enough simple stuff and left it to Apache
18:00.44drmessano"Why do I even need a Nortel PBX?  I have Vonage at home and its MUCH CHEAPER"
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18:01.13[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Cool, now comparing a product to a service :)
18:02.15drmessanoAh yeah.. that sounds too much like "Asterisk sucks, Skype works just fine for me..."
18:04.39drmessanoI would love to see a cheap Bluetooth adapter with a 4P4C plug on the end
18:05.02drmessanoPower is still an issue too
18:05.31drmessanoEven a 2.5mm cheapie would be nice too
18:06.12[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: To turn a regular phone into a BT phone?
18:06.35drmessanoWell, I take that back
18:06.42drmessanoI didnt know Jabra had this
18:08.02[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: the 3 pin one allows you to answer off the headset, doesn't it?
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18:13.34drmessanoI dont know what is needed to support it.  I have an earbud with a 3 pin on it that doesnt answer my SPA941, but does answer a cordless
18:13.55drmessanoI would imagine theres a tip/ring or tip/sleeve short involved
18:14.01drmessanoand the phone supporting it
18:14.02[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: I'd say thats a lock of unctionality of the phone...
18:14.23[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: drmessano So close to perfect
18:14.41[TK]D-Fendergah.... I'm fraying again...
18:15.24[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: because if you can't answer the phone via the BT its hardly worth it
18:16.26drmessanoFor $30
18:16.33drmessanoThats less than a wired headset
18:16.40drmessanoof higher quality
18:16.45drmessanoWhich most often do not have buttons
18:16.52drmessanoSo I guess it depends on need
18:17.13drmessanoHaving the bluetooth answer would be a bonus, but I dont think a dealbreaker
18:17.20drmessanoLack of wire makes up for some of it
18:17.54[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: Could very well be
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18:18.56drmessanoOh good god
18:19.04drmessanoUpdate: June 25th, 2005: By the way, I lost one A210 and recently purchased one more. I tried one more test on it recently. I got a adapter from radio shack (Part # 274-397) which accepts 3/32" submini stereo plug ( as is the plug of the A210) and fits a 1/8" mini stereo jack (as is the plug for all standard head phone jacks). Thus I connected the A210 to the adapter and connected to my new Creative MuVo MP3 player. Then put on my BT250
18:19.04drmessanoBUT the music quality was poor... this blue tooth unit probably has enough sampling rate for speech, it is not able to handle the sudden and faster changes in amplitude, phase and frequency of a music signal.
18:19.17drmessanoITS MADE FOR A PHONE
18:20.29drmessano"This ADT alarm system was fine until someone fired a shoulder launched missile at my house.  The smoke alarm never went off due to the panel being destroyed by the explosion, and we nearly didnt get out of the house alive.  Would not buy from ADT again!"
18:20.49[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano: "I tried my Fisher Price karaoke mic at the recording studio and it sounded like shit, WHY?!?! HAELP PLAESE!!!!!!!!! :$"
18:22.25xnixan[TK]D-Fender, BBHoss thanks! :)
18:26.50[TK]D-Fenderxnixan: You're welcome
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18:35.39stencilHello guys, sorry for the silly question...does anyone here use pjsua SIP software phone? Have you figured out how to make an audible ringing sound to inform of incoming VOIP call?
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18:46.22NovceGurudrmessano: Help can you me asterix in pm? Trixbox wont allow access to webui so program I can asterix
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19:29.26jjshoewhen someone is leaving a voicemail, they get off, and I get "Recording automatically stopped after a silence of 10 seconds" Is there a way to dig into this audio loss further? In this case for example, it gets cut off, they press to re-record it, and have no issues the second time around. I'm not sure if there is a way to narrow down like for example, the level of audio it's detecting at that time?
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19:35.33[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: Show us the call
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19:42.47[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: Please show again from the very beginning of the call
19:42.49unpaidbillt38 seems a lot more reliable in 1.6.1 beta4
19:43.10unpaidbillbefore i had a lot of issues with t38 invites being ignored, as well as reinvites being ignored... now it seems that it negotiates it properly every time
19:48.15jjshoe[TK]D-Fender perhaps you can tell me what you're looking for specifically so I can learn?
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19:48.35[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: I want to see any irregularities at the start
19:49.24jjshoe[TK]D-Fender that call takes the same exact call flow as other calls that can leave voicemail without issue, in fact, that call flow shows the same person re-recording a message without issue.
19:49.55jjshoewhich brings me back to the origional question, is it possible to print out more useful information, such as the silence detection counter, etc.
19:50.15[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: This description does not contribute anything new to our debuggin of your problem...
19:50.34jjshoeI'm not asking you to debug my problem.
19:50.35[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: So please provide what I have requested.
19:50.41ricko73[TK]D-Fender: I'm partially convinced that you're sadistic
19:50.51[TK]D-Fenderricko73: I must be...
19:50.54jjshoe[TK]D-Fender you should just add an ignore rule for me :)
19:51.44[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: and that isn't a call flow... in fact I don't even see a dialplan app called while the channel is still live.
19:52.00[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: So I guess you're really not looking for answers.  Best of luck to you
19:52.12jjshoe[TK]D-Fender you should just add an ignore rule for me :)
19:52.13[TK]D-Fendermoves on to more productive things
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19:53.08jjshoeQwell ping
19:53.22Qwelljjshoe: ?
19:53.26jjshoeQwell can you force specific apps to print out more debugging information?
19:53.46jjshoeQwell for example, I want to monitor the silence detection timer for app_voicemail, am I stuck re-compiling app_voicemail and putting in my own debugging?
19:54.09Qwellif it doesn't already print it, yeah
19:54.26jjshoeQwell cool, thanks.
19:55.09jjshoeI need to build a version that lists out the counter and the sound levels it's currently detecting
19:55.33[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: I more that strongly suspect the level is "0"
19:56.05[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: And I'm also sure Voicemail is not your problem.
19:56.13jjshoethere might be a way to get that now, I just need to look at the source
19:56.19[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: But feel free to tear it arapt
19:56.27jjshoeeither way, both chunks of info would be extremely helpful when tinkering with voicemail settings
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20:05.58LinuturkI've got an asterisk server that isn't allowing any calls outbound. this was working before. Nothing has changed on this server for months, including the dial plan
20:06.58ricko73sip provider problem?
20:07.13Linuturkno, runs on 3 pots
20:07.15jjshoeQwell yeah nothing there for printing out debug info
20:09.48[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: I suggest you show us your call attempt with all relevant debug in a pastebin
20:09.51jbot[~pb] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,, or ,
20:10.50Linuturk[TK]D-Fender: not sure how to get a hold of the debug info
20:11.01[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: * CLI <-
20:11.13[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: Show us the call attempt
20:11.39corrhappy new year everyone
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20:13.21[TK]D-FenderLinuturk:  -- Hungup 'Zap/2-1' <- rather strange to see 2 of these so close together.  set your verbose 10
20:13.32[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: And what card is that?
20:14.23[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: I would also take an analog phone and manually test that line.
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20:32.32Linuturk[TK]D-Fender: WCTDM/0 "Wildcard TDM400P REV H Board 1
20:32.49LinuturkI'm waiting for an outgoing call attempt
20:32.59[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: Ok, wahts the result with higher verbose?  And the physical line test?
20:33.07[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: You can't place a call yourself?
20:33.37[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: Also waht ver of * & Zaptel/Dahdi?
20:35.13Linuturk << verbose 10
20:35.27LinuturkAsterisk 1.0.9
20:35.47Linuturkhow do I pull the zaptel version info?
20:36.12Linuturkthe office is an hour drive away, so I've not been able to get there to test yet
20:36.26LinuturkI put a call into the ISP  to get a tech out there to test the lines
20:36.34[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: And you you can SSh to it yet can't connect a softphone?
20:36.59Linuturkummm, I don't know how to connect a softphone :(
20:37.09[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: Pick another channel specifically rather than just the group.
20:37.29[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: And what are you doing on use an ancient version?
20:38.46Linuturkthis box was inherited when I started this job. obviously, the previous admin never saw fit to update this Asterisk@home box. I'm new to asterisk, so I'm a bit list
20:39.08Linuturkwill Ekiga work?
20:42.38[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: can you have someone place a call for you?
20:42.49Linuturkyeah, I can
20:43.15[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: then change it so it dial another zap channel specifically instead of the group and see if its jsut the line.
20:43.18[TK]D-FenderKatty: Mew.
20:43.29[TK]D-FenderKatty: Happy Pending New Year
20:44.18[TK]D-FenderYou are dave
20:44.23eppigyit is true
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21:00.50tzafrir_laptopLinuturk, with a recent enough kernel: cat /sys/module/zaptel/version
21:01.09tzafrir_laptophmm.... but I think that zaptel 1.0.x did not set a version field
21:01.20[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: i'M SURE ITS A MATCHING ONE FOR THE PERIOD.... AT WAS iirc
21:01.51[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop: But I doubt that matters.  Hopefully he'll get back with the results of the targeted channel test
21:02.30Linuturkno such luck on the zaptel version tzafrir_laptop
21:02.39Linuturkand, I can't figure out how to do the targed channel test
21:02.46[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: And on the targeted test I suggested you do?
21:03.03[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: Change from using a group to using a specific channel.
21:03.26tzafrir_laptopwhat happens when you try to call out?
21:03.38Linuturkthe call immediately drops tzafrir_laptop
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21:03.49[TK]D-Fender[15:35]<Linuturk> << verbose 10
21:05.01tzafrir_laptopLinuturk, do you have a log with full debug information as well? (e.g. "full")
21:05.46Linuturktzafrir_laptop: yeah, I've got a log called full
21:06.16Linuturk[TK]D-Fender: so, I need to make a change in extensions.conf, right?
21:06.47[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: No, You are using AMP.... an ANCIENT version of it and it owns you
21:07.01[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: You configure this through its GUI
21:07.02Linuturkshoot, I don't have the password to the Asterisk management portal
21:07.13Linuturkis there a way to reset it?
21:07.13[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: How long have you had this position?
21:07.32Linuturksince sept
21:07.51LinuturkI'm trying to get into digium for training, but they don't have any bloody classes
21:08.09[TK]D-FenderLinuturk: You can say a prayer and ask in #freepbx and maybe someone there knows where to go
21:08.42jjshoeLinuturk what are you trying to get?
21:09.08[TK]D-Fenderjjshoe: Wants to reset his AMP admin pass
21:09.42Linuturk[TK]D-Fender: the previous admin left on bad terms and fsck'd all the documentation he had made
21:10.15jjshoeLinuturk what are you trying to get?
21:10.36Linuturkreset the admin password for asterisk@home's gui
21:10.51jjshoeLinuturk mysql -u root -p
21:10.51[TK]D-FenderWell I guess *I'm* on /ignore...
21:10.55jjshoetry passw0rd for your password
21:10.57tzafrir_laptopLinuturk, for the password, start with /etc/amportal.conf
21:11.01jjshoelet me know if you get that far
21:11.19tzafrir_laptopguess that the default is still used
21:12.17jjshoeif you do you need to type use asterisk followed up with select * from ampusers where username = 'admin';
21:12.28jjshoebut probably easier to start with where tzafrir_laptop said
21:13.10Linuturkcause, those values aren't working
21:14.07LinuturkAMPWEBADDRESS= is set though
21:14.11Linuturkthat's probably screwing it up
21:14.39[TK]D-Fenderok, closing up shop, back later...
21:15.10Linuturktzafrir_laptop: can I set AMPWEBADDRESS to * to allow access from anywhere?
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21:15.35tzafrir_laptopLinuturk, I guess you just use the value set there
21:16.11tzafrir_laptopLinuturk, but then again, I think TK's offer to ask in #freepbx would be better
21:16.30tzafrir_laptopProbably more people there who remember how to operate AMP
21:16.42jjshoeor you know, follow my directions.
21:17.11Linuturkjjshoe: the auth type is set to none, which the comments say it uses the values above
21:17.31jjshoeLinuturk ah
21:19.20*** join/#asterisk ScarEye (n=scareye@
21:22.34*** join/#asterisk exothermc (n=miles@
21:23.10exothermcI can't get the dahdi_dummy module loaded.  I get this error:   FATAL: Error inserting dahdi_dummy (/lib/modules/2.6.18-92.1.13.el5.028stab059.3PAE/dahdi/dahdi_dummy.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter
21:24.04exothermcis there any reason that 1.4.22 won't recognize ztdummy as the same thing and use it?
21:35.25jayteewith 1.4.22 you either pick dahdi (which it defaults to) or zaptel (which you have to choose when you run make menuselect. Of course either dahdi or zaptel have to be compiled first before you compile asterisk.
21:35.44exothermchow do I pick zaptel?
21:36.00jaytee^^^^ make menuselect
21:36.26exothermcya I'm in there
21:36.59jayteechannel drivers
21:37.13exothermcI don't see anything about zaptel in there.
21:37.27jayteedid you compile and install zaptel?
21:37.51exothermc/dev/zap/psedu is there.
21:38.44exothermcI see XXX 3. chan_dahdi
21:38.49exothermcbut nothing about zaptel
21:38.59exothermcwhich leads me to think that something is missing somewhere else.
21:40.45jayteewhat distro?
21:41.11exothermccentos 5
21:41.22exothermcbut inside a openvz ve
21:41.40jaytee   <<<< use this as a guide, I've used it for several installs and never had a problem.
21:41.58exothermcand you use zaptel?
21:42.00jayteeah, openvz. hmmm, think your screwed probably.
21:42.28jayteeyeah, but I never run asterisk in a virtual machine, I always run asterisk native
21:42.47exothermcWell we've done it many times before.
21:42.56exothermcthis is the first compile that is giving us this problem.
21:43.43jayteeI've seen people saying that they have gotten it to work with zaptel before in Xen or some other VM but I've never tried myself.
21:44.37exothermcyup 1.4.18 works like a charm
21:44.45jayteeIf I was running pure SIP only I'd consider running it in a VM but with either and FXO card or a T1 card I always stick with native.
21:45.06jayteeno errors when you compiled zaptel?
21:45.31exothermcwhy compile zaptel when it is compiled loaded and working on 15 other environments.
21:45.40exothermcon the same host
21:46.16jayteeit's running on 15 other VM's on the same machine?
21:46.42jboti heard wglwat is well, good luck with all that
21:46.45exothermconly difference is a different version of asterisk
21:47.05exothermcAll I'm trying to do is compile a new version and bork
21:47.25jayteeare the other VM's running the latest version of zaptel? or an older version?
21:48.00exothermcVMs don't run a version of zaptel they load it from the host system which is probably not even close to latest.
21:48.22jayteecould be the source of the problem
21:48.32exothermccan I pull a version using modprobe?
21:48.49jayteewish I could be more help but I don't have any experience using it in a VM.
21:49.10jayteeyou can remove the driver by typing rmmod "drivername"
21:49.20exothermcya that much I know
21:49.54jayteeoh, you mean find what version is currently running? don't think it gives you that.
21:50.00exothermclet me try to compile on the host and see if there is any difference
21:51.03exothermchmm damn it works
21:51.07exothermcthis is odd
21:51.48*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (n=chatzill@
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21:59.14exothermcI'm pretty damn sure the fundamental thing here is that it is defaulting to dahdi and I can't get it switched to zaptel.
21:59.40exothermc1.4.21 will load up the meetme app just fine.
21:59.43exothermcfor compile
21:59.51exothermcbut 1.4.22 says it needs dahdi
22:11.36exothermcso I guess we're going we're just going to roll with 1.4.21
22:12.15*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
22:12.32Dovidis there any way of rasing the volume of a sip calls ?
22:12.38Dovidin asterisk ?
22:12.55jjshoea sip call doesn't have volume
22:13.02jjshoeit's digital
22:13.04exothermcI don't know that asterisk allows you to manipulate the rtp
22:13.13exothermcjjshoe: that isn't correct.
22:14.05exothermcDovid: You shouldn't need to do that, and if you did it would be expensive.
22:14.09justdave_you can change the gain on it as long as it's an analog connection
22:14.20justdave_it's controled in the dahdi config
22:14.24justdave_if it's sip, it doesn't do that
22:14.26Dovidso i thought
22:14.36justdave_the source would have to change it on their end where they're recording it
22:14.38jjshoeexothermc you can convert it to analog and change the volume, but while digitail in sip form there is no volume to adjust.
22:14.59justdaveif you're in a meetme conference you can adjust the volume of each user
22:15.13exothermcjjshoe: You can't manipulate the volume of an rtp stream?
22:15.15justdavebut that's a meetme specific thing, not the channels in general
22:15.41exothermcjustdave: Yes you are talking about asterisk limitations not sip/rtp limitations.
22:16.34justdavethere's no technical reason you couldn't alter the volume in transit...  it'd be equivalent to transcoding
22:17.05exothermcexactly it isn't that it can't be done it is just that asterisk doesn't do it.
22:17.23exothermcyou don't need to do something as convoluted as convert it to analog and back.
22:17.26filethere is a dialplan function, VOLUME(), added in 1.6.0 that allows it to be done on any channel
22:17.46exothermcfile: ahh there we go.
22:18.08exothermcDovid: So the answer is yet you can with the right media processing.
22:18.24exothermcDovid: but it will still be expensive.
22:18.48[TK]D-Fendervolume isn't the problem...
22:19.29exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Hmm you'll need to talk with Dovid about that.  Seems that he thinks it is.
22:20.04[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: Dovid has an issue with it, or is this about jjshoe's previous problem with voicemail?
22:20.41exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Dovid  was just asking about adjusting the gain of an rtp channel
22:21.02[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: Ok, just for his own info, yeah this was added in 1.6
22:21.14[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: though you should never have to.
22:21.25exothermc[TK]D-Fender: agreed.
22:21.38filemasking the underlying issue comes to mind
22:21.58exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Now my question.  Where do you tell asterisk 1.4.22 to use zaptel instead of dahdi?
22:22.37[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: recompile * after completely stripping zaptel and installing and preparing DAHDI
22:22.51[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: from absolute scratch.
22:22.57exothermc[TK]D-Fender: So ya just ignore the question cool.
22:23.10jjshoeexothermc he's good at it
22:23.13jayteeI thought 1.4.22 would do either zaptel or dahdi
22:23.47[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: that sounds like a perfectly productive solution to the DAHDI issue unless there is another question I missed...
22:24.06*** join/#asterisk sekil (n=Ognjen@
22:24.28exothermc[TK]D-Fender:  long story short is that I can't install dahdi at this time and zaptel is happily working.
22:25.09jayteeon 15 other virtual machines on the same host
22:25.16[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: Ah so you don't LIKE the solution.  Well, sorry, that isn't my problem, just don't say I didn't offer you one.
22:26.01exothermc[TK]D-Fender: No my question was how to tell asterisk 1.4.22 to use zaptel **instead** of dahdi.  Not how to get it to use dahdi.
22:26.04filethe configure script should see you have zaptel and not dahdi, if so it will switch things into behaving as expected
22:26.43mercutiovizI think there was a difference between LIKING the solution and BEING ABLE to use it... right exothermc?
22:26.48[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: But Zaptel is happily running now... except * doesn't even touch it?
22:27.30exothermcmercutioviz: Ya I'll even pretend to like the solution but does get me any closer to something that works.
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22:27.46jjshoeexothermc nor is it even remotely close to what you asked about
22:28.02jjshoeexothermc I would look into what file said, maybe look at the configure script to see what it looks for for zaptel?
22:28.07[TK]D-Fendermercutioviz: or notliking being unable to use it :)
22:28.24exothermcok here we go: "Since Digium is retiring Zaptel with the use of Dahdi, the header you will use to build meetme module to work with Dahdi is called user.h. Just copy this file to /usr/include/dahdi/user.h in CT then build your Asterisk , you should get the MeetMe working."
22:28.29exothermcNow that is the solution.
22:28.43filewhere is that from?
22:29.05*** join/#asterisk UQlev (n=kvirc@
22:29.21fileand that makes no sense
22:29.43fileunless I misread what you said
22:30.43fileexothermc: you are using zaptel, but app_meetme is not building?
22:30.44*** join/#asterisk h[a]kr (n=hakr@pdpc/supporter/active/hakr)
22:31.04exothermcfile: well it isn't an option to build in 1.4.22 but it is in 1.4.21
22:31.59fileexothermc: make menuselect has it marked out because of an unmet dependency?
22:45.58exothermcfile: Yes exactly since 1.4.22 it wants to use dahdi for meetme, and you have to trick it back into zaptel.
22:48.44fileif no dahdi is present on the system and only zaptel, you shouldn't have to
22:48.46filethat would be a bug
22:50.39fileruns off
22:50.49exothermcwell 1.4.21 works fine, and 1.4.22 will only work if you take the user.h and stick it in /usr/include/dahdi/user.h
22:52.43*** join/#asterisk fogo (
22:53.10*** join/#asterisk watchy (n=watchy@
22:53.18watchyanyone got the newest firmware for polycoms?
22:54.39exothermcwacky_: I do somewhere.
22:54.46exothermcwacky_: Just grab it off their site.
22:56.52exothermcAnyone have any idea what this means:  checking for snmp_register_callback in -lnetsnmp... no
22:57.16exothermcmore specifically how I can get snmp ready to roll with asterisk.
22:57.39LeddyHMevery once in a while my polycom makes a ring type sound. I think it has to do with registering to our * box. Is this the case? Can there be something done to disable the noise?
22:57.48jjshoeLeddyHM do you have voicemail?
22:58.06jjshoeLeddyHM it's a message waiting tone usually
22:58.06exothermcJust in case anyone was thinking it  **[TK]D-Fender **  disabling snmp from asterisk isn't exactly what I'm looking for.
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22:58.17LeddyHMon one line yes
22:58.18jjshoeexothermc lol
22:58.21Jabessam here!
22:58.27LeddyHMcan that be disabled?
22:58.30jjshoeLeddyHM disable the message waiting tone in the phone config
22:58.38seanbrightexothermc: install snmp-devel?
22:58.39LeddyHMlet me lookie
22:58.42Jabesssome body use Asterisk on FreebsD?
22:58.49exothermcseanbright: ya did that.
22:58.49jjshoeLeddyHM mwi i think
22:58.52twistedI have used asterisk on Darwin... close enough
22:58.53seanbrightexothermc: distro?
22:58.54[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: feeling proactively agressive for my single misdirect suggestion much?
22:59.00exothermcseanbright: centos5
22:59.11seanbrightexothermc: you need lmsensors-devel too
22:59.16seanbrightor something along those lines
22:59.18exothermcseanbright: ok thanks
22:59.54Jabessexactly i need in Freebsd... is to see if on freebsd compile very well
22:59.56*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk
22:59.59LeddyHMyeah I see the mwi stuff
23:00.09exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Nope just wanted to head that route off early on  :D
23:00.12LeddyHMI wonder if I modify that it will no longer show voicemail at all
23:00.18LeddyHMI was just hoping to remove the tone
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23:00.32[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: You can.  Consider it done
23:00.48*** topic/#asterisk by twisted -> Asterisk: The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk (2008/12/02), 1.4.22 (2008/10/02), *-Addons (2008/12/02), 1.4.7 (2008/06/04), dahdi-linux 2.1.0, dahdi-tools 2.1.0 (2008/12/09), Libpri 1.4.7 (2008/08/05) -=- Related channels: #asterisknow #asterisk-gui #switchvox #freepbx #asterisk-commits #asterisk-bugs #asterisk-dev -=- Happy New Year!
23:00.53twistedthere we go
23:01.07LeddyHMtk: this is just a one off change
23:01.13LeddyHMnot for everyone
23:01.19[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: no worries
23:01.20LeddyHMcare to share the magic code?
23:01.48[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: there is a sound from sip.cfg you can override in your phone specific to silent
23:01.55jjshoeLeddyHM set the mwi to 0
23:02.21LeddyHMtk: we only want to change 1 registration
23:02.28LeddyHMthe phone has a dual registration
23:02.36LeddyHMmwi seems like the way to go
23:03.01[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: So 1 to warble, one not?
23:03.18LeddyHMwarble, cute term
23:03.32[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: ok, not sure if you can keep MIW and sectively disable the warble.  Lemme look.
23:03.42jjshoeLeddyHM you can also delete the references to the chord it's playing
23:04.07[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: jjshoe is 0 for 2, feel free to bit his head off now ;)
23:04.33LeddyHMThis is what I have: msg.mwi.2.subscribe="" msg.mwi.2.callBackMode="contact" msg.mwi.2.callBack="Voicemail"
23:04.41jjshoeLeddyHM there's tons of references on google:
23:04.52twistedooooh a polycom question
23:05.18*** join/#asterisk hakr (i=hakr@pdpc/supporter/active/hakr)
23:05.54[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: 0 for 3, no comment?
23:06.22exothermche isn't spinning me for a loop  :D
23:06.28[TK]D-Fenderwaits on double-digits....
23:06.53[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: Hey, I got 1 point wrong and stopped... sure ain't "spinning", so don't give me that :p
23:07.15twistedhey LeddyHM, in the newer configs, there's an option for up.mwiVisible=""
23:07.23[TK]D-Fenderhas burned out on burning out...
23:07.27LeddyHMto make sure I understand the response they only changed line 1 to silence and left line2/3 high and dry?
23:07.46[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: that link isn't per reg... it is an all or nothing.
23:08.02[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: so it isn't what you're hoping for...
23:08.18twistedthat's for enabling per-line vmwi
23:08.30jjshoeLeddyHM change them all to silence
23:08.38exothermc[TK]D-Fender: You are actually really helpful when the question is good, and you know the answer.  If you don't know the answer though you just try to talk people out of doing what they are wanting to do.  Which with most people that come here I can't say I blame you  :P
23:08.39*** join/#asterisk defsdoor (
23:08.59twistedLeddyHM: there's also this:
23:10.06[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: No I did get the direction backwards by accident.  "Oops".  And no I don't just try to talk people out of things.  I try to offer people solutions that should work.
23:10.13*** join/#asterisk CpuID (i=okqiidoo@gentoo/contributor/cpuid)
23:10.40LeddyHMin that previous post it looks as though I leave the line intact and change 1.inst.2.type="silence"
23:10.46exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Oh mybad I thought you were just trying to tell me to do exactly what I was trying not to do.
23:11.00LeddyHMlet me read this new link
23:11.05twistedLeddyHM: hmm... possibly, but check this one out also:
23:11.24twistedeven though its for AU, you can edit the STUTTER_LONG tone
23:11.28exothermc[TK]D-Fender: purposefully that is.
23:11.34[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: Hell no.
23:11.55[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: Giving purposefully wrong info?  NEVER.
23:12.15CpuIDhey ppls, anyone here use SER with *? just interested in some feedback on how well things work :)
23:12.36exothermcCpuID: Ya don't use SER, use openser or better yet opensips
23:12.44CpuIDoh yep
23:12.52exothermcCpuID: great way to scale what you have and load balance as well.
23:12.53CpuIDim more trying to just verify the benefit of using a sip proxy really
23:13.04exothermcCpuID: Depends on your needs.
23:13.07CpuIDi gather its due to asterisk's chan_sip not coping with large quantities of traffic?
23:13.08[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: I've just been through the 3.1.X admin guide and they show nothing that can do this selectively
23:13.09LeddyHMis there also a setting for the light indicator as well?
23:13.30exothermcCpuID: Ok ya you can offload a huge chunk of that with opensips
23:13.36LeddyHMthe second param maybe?
23:13.40exothermcCpuID: or look at freeswitch
23:13.53exothermcbut still use opensips if you have a good volume.
23:14.12CpuIDin the hundreds of channels... would you consider that volume?
23:14.32CpuIDbtw, what really happens with asterisk once it starts getting soem load? does it just keel over? start chewing heapsa cpu?
23:14.37exothermcCpuID: We define volume starting at >1000 channels
23:14.45CpuIDoh yep
23:14.47LeddyHMtk: I wonder what the difference between 1.inst.1.type and 1.inst.2.type is then
23:14.58LeddyHMseems like registration 1 and 2
23:15.00CpuIDso you would feel comfortable with 1k channels on a single asterisk install...?
23:15.05exothermcCpuID: Oh that is the fun part you never really know what you'll get.
23:15.10CpuIDhehe :P
23:15.41[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: No, otherwise it wouldn't be limited to 2.  This is alert stages so you can stagger more annoying sounds :)
23:16.10exothermcCpuID: No we don't run anything over 100 chans on a single asterisk install.  Not saying it can't handle more, but if you are running over 1000 channels on asterisk you are either just amazingly briliant or you haven't valued your time very much.
23:16.23CpuIDlol yea fair call
23:16.59CpuIDmmm opensips looks kinda cool, continuation of openser i see
23:17.01LeddyHMthat would make sense... gentle to maddening notifications
23:17.10[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: So maybe you can live with just getting rid of the warble alltogether....
23:17.31[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: stuff to consider...
23:17.38[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: there are other options....
23:17.38exothermcI have seen and I have sunk way to many hours into trying to make it scale and stable for that load.  I could be dumber than the average bear though.
23:17.50CpuIDlol :P
23:17.59CpuIDexothermc, main benefits of considering freeswitch over asterisk...?
23:18.03[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: You can use the MB to visually alert that there is VM for the other reg and leave your primary MWI 100% intact.
23:18.12exothermcCpuID: less features more load.
23:18.22[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: Not exactly "uniform", but as close a fake-out as I can come up with at the moment
23:18.26CpuIDhaha, which direction there? :)
23:18.31CpuIDas in asterisk has less features with more load?
23:18.57exothermcCpuID: opposite.  Freeswitch won't turn every screw you may have, but will handle more load.
23:18.57[TK]D-FenderLeddyHM: I do this for my call-center
23:19.04CpuIDah... :)
23:19.44LeddyHMI think in this case... removing it is better
23:19.45LeddyHMdriving the wife mad
23:19.45CpuIDand whats your opinions of clustering type setups with either of */freeswitch?
23:19.45exothermcCpuID: Plus the project is young, a for instance is that you are suggested to run off of trunk right now.
23:20.04CpuIDhehe :P
23:20.05LeddyHMso I'm just going to remove the mwi for the work line
23:20.17exothermcCpuID: with good design they work right.  We even put expensive commercial machine in behind opensips as a kind of sbc
23:20.40exothermcCpuID: I say kinda because a true sbc would do topology hiding which opensips doesn't do.
23:20.59CpuIDyea for this particular project due to the quantity of channels i was intending to put an audiocodes box in as an E1 to SIP gateway
23:21.10CpuIDthen handle everything else over SIP over local ethernet
23:21.11exothermcCpuID: but if you are going to hit * or fs then it doesn't matter anyway.
23:21.39watchyexo: can you get the newest polycom sip from their site?
23:21.41exothermcCpuID: If you are only doing an E1 then anything will really work fine.
23:21.49CpuIDexothermc, or 16... :)
23:22.03CpuIDand possibly 2 of those audiocodes 16 span units... :)
23:22.05exothermcwacky_: yes but you should get your own support channel.
23:22.13exothermcwacky_: I mean login.
23:22.14watchyyea i should probably
23:22.26watchysince i doing more and more voip systems
23:22.33exothermcCpuID: are you going to do high cps?  like voiceblasting?
23:22.48CpuIDhaha voiceblasting? you mean autodialling? :P nah
23:23.15exothermcCpuID: ok cause we haven't seen many tdm gateways stand up to those loads even on low channel usage.
23:23.15CpuIDprobably talking 10~ new calls per second max
23:23.17watchywow when did poly start letting everyone download their newest firmware?
23:24.20exothermcCpuID: Can I ask why you are doing your own tdm to IP conversion?
23:24.20CpuIDhehe :)
23:24.45CpuIDexothermc, mainly to avoid dealing with random PCI cards etc, and because were buying voice services off carriers
23:24.49[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: SIP 3.1.1 is easily accesable right on their site...
23:24.49CpuIDrather than using internet grade voip :)
23:25.15*** part/#asterisk sekil (n=Ognjen@
23:25.23[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: And it does not yet appear they off the latest...
23:25.30CpuIDsome of the traffic will get turned into native SIP one day in the future, on private ethernet links to the carriers providing it, but most for now is over E1
23:25.32exothermcCpuID: lol it may surprise what happens to that traffic after it gets handed off at the tandum.
23:26.29exothermcCpuID: People mistakenly think if they hand the traffic off to an ILEC or even CLEC that the traffic will stay on dedicated circuits until it is terminated. but that is very far from the truth.
23:26.46CpuIDhaha... yea i gather :)
23:27.04CpuIDbut at least if their providing the service as a carrier grade service, then if the service goes clunky its their problem not ours :)
23:27.14CpuIDwhereas over the net it becomes a "thats the internet" response
23:27.37exothermcwell if all you have is crappy net then I can see your point, but don't kid yourself it is always your problem.
23:27.52CpuIDon that note, net is FAR more expensive here than the US :)
23:28.01CpuIDso buying over E1's is actually not a bad option for viability :)
23:28.15CpuIDsince we pay in the hundreds of dollars/mbit... :)
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23:28.57exothermcya that makes sense.
23:29.11CpuIDnot to mention you have the issue of some random carrier/isp in the middle over the internet playing with your voip qos just to be anti competitive or something stupid, not that it happens often but theres so many more out-of-our-reach factors over the net :)
23:29.23CpuIDat least with a carrier service, if its in their network its their problem, we say fix it
23:29.38exothermcCpuID: In my opinion just stick openser in front of whatever you setup, but don't try to get to fancy with it or you will burn a bunch of time.
23:29.47CpuIDfair call
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23:33.08exothermcwacky_: that question almost makes sense.  I'll let you try again.
23:33.15LeddyHMthat would be counterproductive
23:33.32watchyhmm a polycom browser mini site
23:33.33LeddyHMthe microbrowser is very limited, might as well write a full fledged web app
23:33.50watchywell you couldnt make one that would view a small xml site that says extension etc
23:34.03watchyand put it in the microbrowser and it would use serverside sql to set it up?
23:34.44LeddyHMagain, counterproductive
23:35.22watchyif you could boot a phone and enter its extension in the microbrowser and reboot it again and it would be setup i think it would be quick and easy
23:35.23LeddyHMtry typing Samantha Scapadopolous on your phone
23:35.35LeddyHMand then on your keyboard
23:35.54exothermcwacky_: or you could just have it boot and grab it's config at boot time.
23:36.16watchybut then youd have to edit shit on the server
23:36.37watchyyea i see your point leddy
23:36.37LeddyHMa web app edits "shit on the server" too
23:36.54watchyi'm having to write a gui for a client
23:37.18watchyis the microbrowser useable for anything?
23:37.19[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: MB is a GUI too, just a shit one :)
23:37.28[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: All sorts of stuff.
23:37.36watchylike what tk?
23:37.53watchygimme something neat to show clients
23:37.53[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: I monitor my call center, use it for corporate directories, speed-dials, etc.
23:37.55LeddyHMMB is useful for a lot of non useful stuff
23:38.13LeddyHMI use MB to browse our sharepoint contact directory
23:38.15[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Showing company logo's, etc
23:38.21LeddyHMand current/future weather conditions
23:38.45watchythe contact directory is a good idea
23:39.09LeddyHMMB = Micro Browser
23:39.10[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: visually changing server settings like "night mode", etc.
23:39.11Jabessis too bad this [Dec 31 18:16:47] WARNING[54751]: chan_oss.c:493 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
23:39.13watchythis school district i'm doing a install wants 12 670s
23:39.46[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: 670's? lol... WHY...
23:39.55LeddyHMbud dry!
23:40.01watchycause they have a major budget
23:40.04exothermcwacky_: I can't say I have seen a good use for a 670, but there could be one.
23:40.04watchyand want to waste it tk?
23:40.15watchyits .gov
23:40.17[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: That is an accurate outcome
23:40.21watchywhy do u think they want it
23:40.33watchythey wanted 12 670s and 18 color sidecars
23:40.37[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: I try not to think like crazy people :)
23:40.45exothermcwacky_: have them put that money into your consulting fee instead of phone they won't really use.  If you are smart.
23:40.57watchywont happen, my boss set this deal up
23:41.02watchyits a chick he used to bone
23:41.21watchywere ordering 3 mediatrix 24port things to
23:41.32watchyits gonna be a decent sized install
23:41.42exothermcthrows hands up and walks away.
23:41.43LeddyHMfor 12 phones?
23:41.49watchythey want more then 12 phones
23:41.57watchylike 60 or so analogs
23:42.10watchyi think they are doing like 120 330s
23:42.19watchyand this is just the highschool
23:42.20JonOntHaving a wierd problem, incoming calls are taking up to a minute before they ring into the system, phones ring once every thirty seconds or so, any one have any idea whats going on?
23:42.50watchyyou dont like mediatrix exothermc?
23:43.09watchytk recommended them a few months ago
23:43.21LeddyHMwe have 501's and like them
23:43.42watchyi have a install with about 60 501s and 3 601s
23:43.53watchya install wit 4 330s and 2 650s
23:44.14watchyi do like the backlit of the 650s by far
23:44.37[TK]D-Fender450 is backlit
23:44.45watchyyea i should start selling though
23:44.46[TK]D-Fenderas is the 550/560
23:44.59watchyi got some 330s for $75 each brand new with power brick though
23:45.03watchyso i bought 30 of them
23:45.13[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: awesome deal
23:45.32watchymy homie in phoenix bought 30 for a client of his, his client went outta business
23:45.38watchyso the client needed to get rid of them
23:45.56exothermcwatchy: I don't have any experience with mediatrix other than their 2 port ata is sitting in the lab for me to play with, but I haven't yet.
23:46.22watchywe put in some mediatrix at a nursing home to replace some Rhino t1 channel banks
23:46.33watchyit made a world of difference, rhino equipment sucks
23:46.50exothermcwe just use audiocodes for those type of things.
23:46.55[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: x86 swears by them (and occasionally AT them :))
23:47.21[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: AudioCodes is fairly solid, but a much steeper configuring learning job
23:47.43[TK]D-Fenderexothermc: I trialed an 1124 & an MP-124
23:47.56watchyi'm pretty happy with the ones we used, someone had some 1124s on ebay for $400 each
23:48.04watchywe bought abunch for the nursing home project
23:48.14[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Wow, you are just swimming in the deals, aren't you?
23:48.23exothermc[TK]D-Fender: Ya they seem to be like cisco, you can never remember how to configure them because you never screw with them once they are running.
23:48.30watchyman i'm the king of deals
23:48.42watchyi keep my ebay watch list full
23:49.01LeddyHMebay is dangerous
23:49.04watchyi got a sweet 8 port avocent 1031 ip kvm for $150 barely used
23:49.09watchyit retails for like $2500
23:49.34LeddyHMthey can tell you anything
23:49.43LeddyHMdo you relaly have proof?
23:49.53exothermcwatchy: Grab me some licensed sonus gear for under $10k  :D
23:50.00watchywhats a sonus?
23:50.06Jabesswhat is the best quality for a latency of 2000ms?
23:50.09LeddyHMoh wow
23:50.12LeddyHMgoogle it
23:50.17LeddyHMsonus > *
23:50.29watchyi have never been ripped off on ebay
23:50.30exothermcLeddyHM: Come on that isn't a fair comparison.
23:50.44watchyand my feedback is like 700 %100
23:50.54LeddyHMsure it is
23:50.59exothermcThat is like comparing a tire to a ferrari
23:51.05LeddyHMask me about something else that's cool and it's > *
23:51.27LeddyHMthe only bad sex is abstinance
23:51.39LeddyHMwhether by choice or god
23:51.52watchywell rape is sex and being a guy i don't wanna be raped
23:52.05LeddyHMhowever I just bought a new firewall for the house on ebay that has been treating me well
23:52.26LeddyHMwatchy: it was good for 1 party ;)
23:52.37watchyyea i agree thats true
23:53.00watchyman a local time server makes these polys bootup 5minutes faster
23:53.32[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: Mine boot < 2 minutes without a local one.
23:53.35LeddyHMmine too
23:53.47watchyhm, wierd sometimes mine take forever to boot
23:53.50watchywhat usually causes that?
23:53.55[TK]D-Fenderwatchy: So you're saying they'll boot 3 minutes before I remember they need to be? ;)
23:54.29watchyi think you need a hug
23:54.55watchyi was a big fan of till i put these phones at this school on a different VLAN and had no internet
23:55.11watchythey were all crying my phones time wont stop blinking
23:55.13[TK]D-Fenderhands watchy a copy of IDC's "Temporal Mechanics & Relativity For Dummies"
23:55.34watchyi will fly to canada and beat u up
23:55.55watchywhats up with all the new .jpgs in the polycom firmware?
23:56.11LeddyHMare they good?
23:56.27watchythey are gay, i'm wondering what they are for
23:56.30watchyi guess 670s
23:57.07watchyif so i'll make a .jpg of the schools logo and have it on the background of every phone
23:57.13LeddyHMwe ended up putting our logo on the screen
23:57.20watchywhat model of phone?
23:57.23LeddyHMcame out pretty good
23:57.36LeddyHMthe 501 I mentioned 7 minutes ago :)
23:57.38watchyi've only done it on a old cisco 7960g
23:57.45watchyoh hell i didnt knowe you could do it on a 501
23:58.15watchywhat format does it have to be in?
23:58.34LeddyHMit's on a website let me find it
23:59.12watchyhey tk: do you edit sip.cfg or make your own cfg with all the clients settings?

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